#comfort movie challenge
@thealmightyemprex​ @goodanswerfoxmonster​ @angelixgutz​ @moonbeamelf​ @world-of-puppets​ @princesssarisa​ @softlytowardthesun​ @the-blue-fairie​ @themousefromfantasyland​ @amalthea9​ 
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Released in 1996, his is the second Muppet feature film directed by Brian Henson, based on a classic work of literature and released in partnership with the Walt Disney Company (before the aquisition of the Muppet franchise by Disney was really officialized in the early 2000s), after 1992′s The Muppet Christmas Carol.
This time adapting the famous children’s pirate adventure novel by Robert Louis Stevenson, they cast the human actors Kevin Bishop as Jim Hopkins, Tim Curry as Long John Silver, Billy Connoly as Billy Bones, and Jennifer Saunders as tavern owner Mrs. Bluveridge, while the Muppet actors are Kermit the Frog as ship Captain Smollet, Miss Piggy as Smollet’s fiancee Benjamina Gunn, Sam the Eagle as Mr Arrow, Fozzie Bear as Squire Trelawney and the duo of Gonzo and Rizzo as eighteen century versions of themselves.
Meant as an energetic adventure and musical comedy movie for the whole family, the film is quick to extablish the characters of Jim Hopkins, Gonzo and Rizzo as three on their luck tavern workers.
Rizzo is sardonic and prefers a life of comfort, safety and plenty of food, while Jim (who here is portrayed as a young orphan of both parents) and Gonzo dream of excitement travelling trough the seas.
One of the clients of the tavern, former pirate Billy Bones, dies, leaving the map to find the treasure of Pirate Captain Flint to Jim, while pirates burn the tavern down.
So the trio goes to ask the rich Squire Trelawney a ship to search for the buried treasure. Squire Trelawney, a person of unconventional mind that confindes in an imaginary friend who lives in his finger, called Mr Bimbo, is excited with the idea, and presents to them the ship called Hispaniola, that shall be comanded by Captain Smollet and his right hand man Mr Arrow.
Among the crew that Squire Trelawney hires for the travel, Jim, Gonzo and Rizzo meet the ship cook Long John Silver, a charismatic man with a dark sense of humour, who becomes a close friend of Jim.
The young boy, naive and longing for a father figure, becomes trusty of Long John, while Gonzo and Rizzo, neglected by Jim, feel something is off with the cook, because before dying Billy Bones had warned them to beware of a one legged man, a description that fits Long John, who has only one leg and walks with a cane.
Jim is the normal every person who acts and is a surrogate for the audience, that gets emerged in the colorfull world of the port, the ship and the island.
You get a nice balance of chaotic meta humour of the 70s version of the Muppets with dramatic acting and character focus that would become strong in the 90s.
While the main cast of characters is firm in being their roles and invested in their emotional conflicts, you get little fourt wall breaking jokes like rat tourists visiting the location in modern atire right while the movie is being made, Statler and Waldorf as two wood ship figureheads who makes about the movie and a small cameo of the Swedish Chef dressed as a parody of an island native preparing to cook the imprisoned Rizzo, Gonzo and Smollet while the vegetables say to the audience “Well, how did you expected we would put him in the movie?”
And being a Muppet movie musical, you can expect well elaborated numbers presentings fun, beautifull, catchy songs the somber opening villain song“Shiver my Timbers”, the I Want song “Something There”, the epic “Sailing for Adventure”, the hilariously random “Cabin Fever”, the intimidating “Boom Shakalaka”, the romantic ballad “Love Led Us Here” and the dancing relaxing reggae “Lover Power”, courtesy of none other than Bob Marley’s son Ziggy Marley.
This colorfull, age of sail musical fantasy with Muppets gives a strong atmosphere that reminds of the joy of summer. 
There is an entertaining combination of character drama, action, a touch of a horror atmosphere, romance and the goold old comedy that only the Muppets can, and it now enters in the list of my favorite movies, that is probably the best pirate movie ever made.
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Comfort Movie Challenge: The Thief of Bagdad (1940)
Why didn't I watch this earlier?
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Thanks, @thealmightyemprex , I have a new favorite movie of all time and it's all because of you. This is the type of fantasy that I was missing on, the one that drinks from folklore and mythology, that isn't afraid to be surreal at times, the type that goes batcrap insane.
I think the best way to summarize this movie is that Prince Ahmed and the young thief Abu try to save a beautiful princess from the evil sorcerer Jaffar. But there's so much more going on, Genies trapped in bottles, flying mechanic horses, killing mechanic Hindu goddesses, etc. I'm not that big on Arabian Nights' stories, but I read enough of them to know that when you read one you can clearly feel Scheherazade making stuff up until sunrise, with plots that end with new plots, and stories within stories, so I'm glad this is the feeling I get from this movie.
I have three characters I want to talk about.
First, Abu. I still have trouble believing a POC character stole all the protagonism of the bland main white couple. Abu is the one that goes on adventures, Abu is the one who releases the genie, and Abu is the one who kills the bad guy in the climax. He is the thief of the movie's title. Even when he is hit with the now common "POC becomes an animal" and becomes a dog by the middle of the film, he still somehow quickly overcomes this, becoming a human again and ending the movie going on more adventures.
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The Genie is amazing. His over-the-top evil laugh, his deceitful language. Played by a black actor, he's another character that steals the spotlight of the white protagonists.
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Jaffar is an amazing and terrifying villain. In this movie, he's a super sorcerer. He can summon storms, turn people into animals, blind them, and build sophisticated animatronic machines. This "magical robotics" that he knows gives the movie just an edge of sci-fi at times and it is great.
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There is a lot of criticism to be had too, especially how this is basically "Orientalism: The Movie". It's painful to see so many black, Asian, and Indian people in the background, and the main leads are still interpreted by white people. Despite that, I love this surreal and magical universe and how it loves and cherishes its source material so much.
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viledictorian · 5 months
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It took a lot of editing and drawing, but here it is! I'll be using it for my own creations. Please do credit me if you use it.
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sequenceofmind · 2 months
mike is such an instigator, zendaya just follows him in his chaos and josh is being josh
and then there's me smiling like an idiot, watching the chaos unfold
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artichow · 5 months
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painaltar · 1 year
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I'm beat. Never been so beat.
Sharpe's Challenge (2007)- Cut Scene
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mooztoonz · 5 months
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HERE’S MY FIRST DRAWING OF 2024!! Here’s my art style of the Goofy Movie Meme in the car! But with my version of my favorite characters for a fanfiction, I'm working on it soon! I hope u like it.
Credit by @VileDictorian for the meme template
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chipistrate · 7 months
The artist struggle of not being home for long periods of time but still wanting to draw despite not having your set up
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wojtekaneko · 1 year
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Little something I did for @rinseveryday art challenge! It was so fun to draw Rin and his little adoptive brother!! 🥺
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cressida-jayoungr · 1 year
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One Dress a Day Challenge
June: Weddings
Cold Comfort Farm / Kate Beckinsale as Flora Poste and Sheila Burrell as Ada Doom
These are the outfits Flora and Ada wear to the wedding of Reuben Starkadder, Flora's cousin and Ada's ... grandson, I think, or maybe grandnephew? Both follow the pattern of a white dress with black hat, similar to the costume worn by Bette Davis as Mrs. Van Schuyler in the 1978 Death on the Nile.
Flora is very up-to-date 1930s, with an interesting sort of built-in scarf at the neckline of her dress. Ada Doom is more throwback-Edwardian in style, with some collar jewelry and a fur shoulder wrap.
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@the-blue-fairie @thealmightyemprex @themousefromfantasyland @angelixgutz @parxsisburning @faintingheroine @princesssarisa @tamisdava2 @goodanswerfoxmonster @amalthea9 @moonbeamelf
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Originally released as a television minisseries, director Ingmar Bergman recuted it to fit the format of a feature lenght film, and this version was the one that got nominated and won the Academy Award for best foreign language film, and that is how it ended known internationally.
In Fanny and Alexander, we are taken to 1907 Sweden to see the story of the Ekdahl theater family: the matriarch Helena, her three sons Oskar, Carl and Gustav Adolf, their wives Emilie, Lydia and Eva, Gustav Adolf's and Eva's daughter Petra, Oskar's and Emilie's children Alexander and Fanny, Maj, the young nanny of Alexander and Fanny, and Helena's old friend and lover Isak, who is of jewish origin.
Trough Alexander's eye, we see the Ekdahl house as a place that encourages joy, imagination and freedom: the family is constantly dancing and singing, the children enjoy Alexander's storytelling with use of the Magic Light (one of the oldest versions of the movie camera), Uncle Carl, while alcoholic, abusive in his marriage with the submissive Lydia and full of debts, indulges the children with some toilet humour, Gustav Adolf openly has nanny Maj as his lover with the blessings of his wife Eva, Oskar and Emilie are always bringing the children to the theater world, and Helena rekindles her old flames with Isak.
Sadly for Alexander and Fanny, this atmosphere of freedom and joy is taken from them when their father falls ill while rehearsing the role of the Ghost in Hamlet and dies.
During the funeral, the church bishop Edvard takes advantage of Emilie's emotional vulnerability and seduces her, promissing to be a protector of her and stern moral father figure to the children if she accepts to marry him.
Alexander, who, like his grandmother, is able to see and comunicate with the ghost of his father, sees since the beggining that something is not right with the bishop, but his mother naively dismisses his concerns as jealousy and rebeliousness.
And so, after accepting Edvard's conditions of stoping acting and cutting ties with her old friends, Emilie marries the bishop, taking the children to his grimm house by the coast where he lives with his mother, sister, aunt and housemaids.
Soon, Alexander's predictions about the bishop become true, as his control turns the lives of him, Fanny and his mother a living hell.
Edvard uses his position as a bishop to justify his physical and psychological abuse of the three as being needed to "set them in the right path", specially resenting Alexander's imagination, that he calls "sinful lies".
Meanwhile, the other members of the Ekdahl family, concerned for the well being of Emilie and the children, try to prepare a plan with Isak to rescue them and bring them back to the safety of their home once and for all.
Being a movie that focuses on how an imaginative child that comes from an artistic family sees the world, you can describe the film as a modern fairy tale, with the focus on the domestic family drama seen under big proportions, a clear cut conflict of good and evil represented by the Ekdahl family against the bishop stepfather, the desire of return to the old home and family unity being the main desires of the main characters, and the presence of the supernatural with Alexander and Helena's vision of Oskar's ghost treated by them as a natural thing, rather than being a subject of scientific debate.
Due to being a former minisseries, some scenes may feel that lack proper context and explanation due to the difference in cuts, but the artfull editing that makes even the scenery become a character and the fact that the story focuses on a child's dream rather than naturalist realism may very well compensate for the detriment of these extra explanation dialogues.
The movie is primarily a celebration of idealism and imagination that helps us move on with life after suffering harsh traumatic events, well represented by this speech sayed by the character of Gustav Adolf to celebrate his family's connection to the world of the theater:
"Therefore let us be happy while we are happy. Let us be kind, generous, affectionate and good. It is necessary and not at all shameful to take pleasure in the little world."
And I recomend watch this movie at least once in your life. Its an experience that asks for sensitivity and concentration, so when you are alone, open your mind to this child's little world.
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yusciff · 6 months
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This is so random, but anyway🌻���
Funny that i was just a kid when i first knew about them. And now i see their vibes as comforting ones
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bizarrescribblez · 7 months
I got hit with the Stan feelings today after going to the Halloween store and I had to stop going through my ship tag cuz I was FR about to 🥲 IM SUCH A SENSITIVE PERSON I SWEAR I just missed it sm but I like miss that era/time frame when it came out and just RAHHGH idk I’m just being emotional over it is all..
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fruitcoops · 2 years
Ugh ugh ugh so i have a roommate and we are really close friends which is a amazing. she’s been sick for about two weeks now and it sort of goes in and out: it’ll be ok for a few days and then get kind of sucky. The last two days she’s not been feeling well so I’ve been cooking for her and trying to get her to take naps and stuff but she has this really horrid sounding cough? And this is way to much information but here’s the kicker: I’m not sure if I’ve developed a crush? Either way I just really want her to feel better and I want to just cuddle her and rub her back and stuff but I don’t want it to be weird in case I do have a crush?? ANYWAY point is I was hoping that if you have a sec and the inspiration strikes that you’d write some o’knutzy or coops suck cuddles. It’s nothing life threatening just y’know feeling gross and the other(s) trying their best to help. Also if you don’t feel like writing that you can just revel in the silly silly story and the image of coops and o’knutzy cuddles, which are always happy :)))) -lilo
Fic O'Ween Day 10 & 11: Scary Movie & Costumes! Combining these two into one because Halloweekend is busy : ) Lilo, I don't know the whole context here, but it sounds like this is less of a crush and more that you want to take care of someone you care about. If the feelings keep Feeling after she's better, then that might be a crush (feel free to ignore if that's not true). Character credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW illness (cough, stuffy nose), mention of throwing up (not described)
“You c’n go without me,” came a mumble from the pile of soft things on the couch. A sniffle followed. “I don’t mind.”
Leo sighed, easing himself into the space left over with a rub to the nearest socked foot. One sad, glassy eye peeked out from the depths of his own hoodie. “Harz…”
“S’okay, really,” Finn continued. “The party’ll be fun. I’ll be okay here.”
“We’re not leaving you alone like this.”
“I’m a big kid, I can—” A squeaky yawn interrupted him. “—handle it.”
“You don’t have to, though,” Leo said gently. They had been at it all afternoon, neither he nor Logan able to talk sense into a groggy and unhappy Finn. It had taken them long enough to lovingly bully him into letting them help once he realized he couldn’t get out of bed without wobbling—a headache had followed, then sniffles and a nasty cough, and by noon he finally gave in. The couch had been designated the ‘Sick Zone’. Finn alternated between naps and looking pathetic for the next six hours.
He fumbled for a tissue and blew his nose; Leo didn’t miss the wince that twitched at his shoulders and made a mental note to herd him into a hot shower as soon as possible. “I’m not exactly exciting right now.”
“And so you should go to the—”
“No, Finn.”
“Go to the party!” he insisted, taking Leo’s hand in one of his clammy ones. “I promise I’ll be fine. You don’t have to sit here and worry over me when everyone else is having fun. They’ll miss you, Le.”
“And we would miss you.” Leo squeezed his hand. It felt warmer than before—too warm. He pushed down his worry and ran a thumb over the shadows beneath Finn’s eye. “I like you even when you’re not exciting, cher.”
The front door opened with a creak and they both looked up as Logan entered with an armful of grocery bags. His nose wrinkled. “Who closed the window? It’s—étouffant, you’ll stay sick if you don’t get air in here.”
“Finn was cold.” Leo leaned up for a kiss when Logan passed and saw him soften, looking between them on the couch. He made a small noise of agreement into Leo’s lips, then moved over to brush Finn’s hair off his forehead and leave a kiss in its wake.
“You’re hot, mon rouge.”
Finn cracked a smile. “Always am.”
Logan tsked at him, but the pass of his hand over the back of Finn’s head was gentle when he moved back to the kitchen. “I got your vegetables, Knutty, but I wasn’t sure what makes a medium onion different than regular ones.”
Leo blinked. “Are they…medium-sized?”
“That’s what I’m saying, I don’t know.” Several things clattered before Logan reappeared with two onions. “Is this medium? There were bigger ones and smaller ones.”
“How many onions did you buy?”
Leo laughed and started to get up, then paused and tucked Finn tighter under the blanket. “Don’t move.”
Finn gave him a rueful smile. “Can’t.”
“Shift change,” Leo teased, taking the onions from Logan.
A tug at his elbow stopped him just before he turned into the kitchen. “How long has he been that warm?” Logan asked, so quiet Leo could hardly hear him.
His heart sank. “Not sure. He wasn’t like that when you left, so I’d guess ten to fifteen minutes.”
Logan frowned. “Is he still talking bullshit about us going to the Halloween party?”
“Yeah. He’s pretty out of it, though.” Leo touched the fine bones of his wrist and smiled. “Thanks for going to the store, baby.”
Some of Logan’s worry lifted away into a pleased blush. “De rien, mon amour. Your food is always worth it.”
By 8 pm, Leo’s flu suspicions were confirmed in everything but a clinical diagnosis. Finn had given up on trying to convince them to have fun without him, laying his head in Logan’s lap or curling up tight against Leo’s ribs despite his feverish forehead. He dozed until dinner, managed to keep down a bowl of soup, and mustered just enough energy to argue with Logan as the evening’s entertainment.
I’m not going to throw up.
You look like you are.
Just do it, you’ll feel better.
I would rather die.
He slept for 45 minutes to recover from such a harrowing conversation and did not—much to Logan’s annoyance—do the one thing that would make him feel better faster. Finn’s stubbornness, while rare, was damn near impossible to overcome. Leo was just grateful he took a hot shower with little cajoling, even if it meant he looked like the world’s cutest boiled lobster on the other side of it. The sides of his nose were starting to chap from the tissues. Better to nip that in the bud than deal with it for the next week and a half.
Finally, they settled on the couch and let the sounds of the TV fill the apartment. Leo could hear Finn breathing softly through his mouth while Logan combed his fingers through mostly-dry hair and rubbed Finn’s back at the same time. He pulled the edge of the blanket down over Finn’s feet and relaxed into the couch, exhausted. “Dumo sends well-wishes, by the way. Celeste wants to bring over some soup tomorrow.”
Finn made a quiet sound of acknowledgement; Logan cast him a smile that made Leo’s heart warm, reaching over to squeeze his arm. “Merci.”
Leo’s sleepiness vanished in an instant and he sat up straighter, bending slightly to see Finn’s flushed face. “Hey, sweetheart, do you need something?”
He shook his head and shrugged the blanket up over his shoulder. “Can we—can we watch a scary movie?”
Leo looked over to Logan, whose face had fallen into something like distress. He raised a brow; Logan hesitated, then nodded reluctantly. “Yeah, ‘course we can,” Leo said. “Which one?”
“Don’t care.” One hand appeared to pat Logan’s knee. “You don’t have to stay for it. I know you don’t like them.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” Logan promised with a kiss to the shell of Finn’s ear. “What kind of boyfriend would I be, eh? Leaving you when you’re sick. It hasn’t happened before and it won’t happen now.”
The faint sound of chaste kisses filled the background while Leo scrolled through the ‘Horror’ section. If he guessed correctly, Finn would be out cold in less than twenty minutes, and then they could change the show to something that wouldn’t petrify Logan for the next month. He didn’t have much of an opinion on scary movies, but that was one of the trials nobody warned him about when he got two boyfriends: movie night was like a judicial negotiation.
“Thank you for staying.” Finn’s voice was nearly inaudible against the opening music. “Both of you. This isn’t how you planned on spending the night, and you worked really hard to put together our costumes, so. You know. Thanks. And sorry.”
“Finn,” they chorused with equal degrees of heartbreak.
Leo pulled on the hem of his pajama pants until Finn looked back at him, altogether too drowsy and adorable for his own good. “If we had gone to that party, we’d spend the whole night worried about you because we care that you’re safe and healthy. Getting you Gatorade and making soup is what I wanted to do. It’s what we get to do for you, now.”
Finn still didn’t look convinced, but Logan moved his hand around to tip his chin up. “It’s not because you can’t take care of yourself,” he said quietly. “It’s because you don’t have to.”
It was a good thing Logan had guided Finn’s gaze away; Leo wasn’t sure he could have handled seeing whatever expression came across his face at that. The caving of Finn’s chest and the full-body tremor that went through him was enough to make his breath catch. “I know,” Finn rasped after a few moments. “God, sorry, I—yeah, I know. I’m working on it.”
“We know.” Leo folded a hand over his ankle, just for a point of contact. “I mean, yeah, I wish we could’ve gone because you’d look hot as Ferris Bueller and I desperately want to see Lo in a fringed jacket someday. But I’m not sad about staying in and watching movies, either. This is fun. Spending time with you two is what I want.”
Finn took a tissue from Logan and blew his nose with a miserable honk. “You never have been good at picking one or the other, huh?”
“Not once,” he laughed.
“Worked pretty well, though,” Logan noted. “I’m not complaining.”
“Choices are for chumps,” Finn agreed. It was good to see him smile. The moment was only ruined a little by a sudden, violent axe-murder occurring on the television—Leo counted them lucky that Logan didn’t launch their sick boyfriend off his lap with the force of his flinch.
“Can we please just watch Halloweentown?” he begged, clutching Finn’s shoulder and arm while Finn cackled himself into a coughing fit. “Or Casper? I’ll put up with Beetlejuice, I don’t care.”
“How about The Exorcist?” Finn suggested.
“I was thinking The Conjuring,” Leo added.
A flush rose to Logan’s cheeks and he leaned over to whack Leo on the arm with a pillow. “See if I ever buy you onions again, you ungrateful, evil, horrible—”
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pekinaso · 2 months
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Ah, right, I did this funny Twitter challenge a couple months ago, where it was putting 3 of your comfort characters in this particular car. So I chose Yasha, Beelzemon, and Death lmao
I DID NOT draw the car, I used a template someone on Twitter was generous enough to make :)
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nitzeart · 1 year
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Sophie and Calcifer 🔥
Stubborn woman and sassy demon friend gotta be one of my favorite character dynamics ever!
Finally got the motivation to finish this piece with #planetghibli challenge on Instagram. Prompt: rolling hills. Hosted by: artbyjulia.png, tofupals, mandosbakrshop and teacarb.
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