#courage the cowardly dog reference
moonlessoul · 5 months
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Reference: Jesus and the lamb
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pixelsunshine · 10 months
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3 dogs down, 3 to go
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dinomite2 · 3 months
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how? 💀
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tricoufamily · 1 month
📩 Simblr question of the day: It's time to appreciate the small things! What's a small detail from one of your posts that you love? Could be a small tattoo on a sim, specific clutter in a sims' room, a little detail in a render or screenshot, whatever is applicable to you (p.s. I've been scouring simblr, and I've noticed people don't like how picky SQOTD feels, so please! Share around SQOTD asks, anon or not, I'm only one person and can't find and ask every person on simblr ~ 💛)
hmm let's see
well this "m" you see in the back of malcolm's room is a reference to this original villareal, if anyone remembers seeing it lol
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courage-doodles-blog · 2 months
Introducing Barry!
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Species: Cat
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Asexual
Family: Nathan(Father), Teresa(Mother), Marie(Grandmother), Brandon(Grandfather), Nathaniel(Ancestor), Miranda(Ancestor), Barrett(Ancestor) Lauren(Grandmother), Oliver(Uncle), Matt(Grandfather)
Likes: Roses, fantasy movies, action movies, his parents Nathan and Teresa, rabbits, cats, spending time with Courage, Bunitty(platonic love interest), becoming a detective, mystery shows
Dislikes: Courage in danger, Muriel in danger, danger, his friends in danger, spiders(except Tyrone and his spider crew), Toxin(worst enemy), spicy food, getting scared, violence, his family in danger, Eustace Bagge(enemies)
Friends: Courage, Muriel, Felix, Clive, Justin, Maxwell, Olive, Geo, Charlie, Bunny, Kitty, Bunitty(platonic love interest), Gabriel, Russell, Platinum, Milo(Uncle to him), Grayson, Shady(Childhood best friend/brotherly figure), Computer, Team Frostbite(Damien the Wolf, Malcolm the Mountain Hare, Snowflake the Arctic Fox, Chief Azrael etc), Absolute Six(Jasper, Cyan, Marina, Hurley, Jackson and Carmen), Aden, Eight Tribes of Honour(Lucifer, Claude, Nigel, Krimson, Iram, Blizzard, Twigs and Possum Mob), Fred, Lord Blade VI, Cannibals of Vintage City, Bon, Cyril, Hunchback of Nowhere, Bigfoot, Duck Brothers, Dr Vindaloo, Courage's parents, Animals of Fear Gang
Neutral: Shirley, General, Lieutenant, Banana Suit Dealer
Enemies: Eustace, Fred(formerly), Katz, Le Quack, Cajun Fox, Weremole, Black Puddle Queen, Clutching Foot, Mad Dog, King Ramses, Sirius, Toxin, Alan, Jacob, Raven, Cruel Veterinarian, Vore, Thursday, Tuesday, Saber, Slice, Dice, Amaris, Sin Clowns(Pride, Wrath, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Envy and Sloth), Fear King, Fear Slaves, Di Lung, Mecha Courage, Ma Bagge, Gem, Evangeline the Musical Mistress, Bone Antler
He has a fear of spiders because of the abuse he got from Toxin who is in fact a spider himself.
Barry knows how to hold a gun, however it's a toy gun that shoots corks instead of bullets. He learnt his technique of handling his toy gun by his ancestor Barrett.
He is neutral to Shirley the Medium. He shows respect to her but worries about the curses she puts onto others.
After rescuing Bunitty from Mad Dog, the two became really friends, until they both start to have platonic feelings for each other.
His interactions with the General and the Lieutenant left him in dismay, due to the them fighting with each other or their "antics" as Barry refers it all to.
Barry has become a victim hunted down by Thursday and Tuesday AKA Feline Hunters, since he is a cat.
In the crossover; Straight Outta Nowhere! Scooby Doo Meets Courage The Cowardly Dog. Barry becomes allies with the Mystery Inc. His favourite members of it are Shaggy and Scooby Doo.
Barry loves watching mystery shows, which got him dreaming of becoming an great detective.
Barry's relationship with Computer didn't go well at first, because Computer became (of course) a bit of a jerk to him, until Computer was aware that Barry has anxiety. By that, he now helps Barry how to cope with anxiety.
Barry is allies with Team Frostbite, Absolute Six and Eight Tribes of Honour, he sees Team Frostbite and Tribes of Honour as family figures.
He loves his grandparents Marie and Brandon. Marie loves him dearly and Brandon has a soft spot for him, he tends to nickname him "Scamp" if he forgets his grandson's name.
Whenever Courage isn't around with him, he takes the role as Courage himself. He does remember two of his catchphrases and says them whenever he is in a dangerous situation. The catchphrases being "The things i do for love!" and "I know something bad is gonna happen or if my name is [random name]! And I'm glad it's not."
Barry has the ability to sense any danger that is coming
Barry is the one who set Lucifer free by his order and he fully knows that he has gained freedom.
Barry had an ultimate regret by setting Fear King free. This is because the King was abusing him psychological and uses his anxiety for his goals, but only to make it more worse, but then Barry finally stands up to him, telling him that releasing him was the worse idea he had done and he now sends him back to his book for all eternity and throw it out.
Despite having a fear of spiders, Barry became allies with Tyrone and his spider crew. It was said by Barry that he doesn't fear spiders that show kindness to him
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if I’m going to be a little negative, while I am happy quackity is being held accountable it does bother me a little that the one time I’ve seen consistent pushback on cc racism is towards a poc. like i am not at all complaining the mobs were very fucked up but I just wish white ccs would have the same energy against their actions when they were bigoted too. Idk just something I’ve been thinking about. I wish people were always this respectful.
No, that's a very, very fair point. People in general need to be more consistent about criticizing these things regardless of who they come from
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angrybatart · 1 year
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If you've seen the Courage the Cowardly Dog episode, you know.
In case you don't, or don't remember.
Debating on whether to make a full short comic or not.
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thebalancedangel · 8 months
Brook: By the way, name’s Brooklyn, but call me Brook.
Brook: Just Brook, don't ever call me Brooklyn, just Brook.
Yorki: Where are you from?
Brook: Brooklyn, you can call that Brooklyn...but not me.
Brook: Me, you call Brook, just Brook.
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quirkedupsims3cc · 2 years
courage the cowardly dog house for sims 3
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oldmanlenz · 6 months
A pair of lips belonging to a rather sweaty but familiar face slowly inched close to the elderly man attempting to read a magazine whilst sitting on the sofa, riddled with cat hair. Little Claude Jr. Took this opportunity to use Billy as a ladder to easily access the cozy sitting place: clawing his way up his legs and back before falling off his shoulder with a 'pomf'.
"Ohhh, my pretty.. pretty piglet... would- mheheh... would you be Quite Interested-" he emphasized in a british accent, "in giving my- pfft." The old man snorted, simply unable to finish his sentence without laughing at it himself; Elouise was beginning to smirk as well but trying to keep his face straight.
"My..." again, he couldn't fully finish what he wanted to say without wheezing and breaking into a giggle fit, which was starting to contaminate the other.
"Ah-hass hair-" he snorted inbetween giggles, which intensified by the moment "g-giving my ass hair braids..." he finally managed to laugh out, now fully leaning into the sofa for support as he was beginning to crack, with his partner not too far off either as his grip on the magazine was becoming increasingly shakier as he had lost all focus the more the other spoke, he eventually just had to put it down to properly allow himself a laugh.
'You two degenerates.' Spoke Maxwell condescendingly from within the headspace,
'We are!' Barked back Elis in the headspace as he kept laughing while fronting.
"Yy...you stupid bitch-" Elis breathed in-between gasps of air, attempting to compose himself (and doing a not-so great job at it). He made the mistake of speaking out loud instead of the usual inner-talking, as he meant those words for his nosy headmate but, well.
Of course, Billy thought those words were meant to refer to him. Oh, he wanted to play tough? It was on.
"Ohhhh..." said he in an exaggerated 'shocked' tone. "Am I, now? Ya cunt." He chuckled, Elis tried to explain his mistake on the matter, but it was too late! Now the Moaner's face inched closer to the other's. The magazine had lost all the attention it previously basked on as it carelessly got dropped on the floor as the man welcomed the other crawling his way into the sofa from behind, into his embrace.
"You..." Billy growled, though his tone was playful, "you are a filthy cunt! Filthy! Cocksucker!" His wording was obscene, one could even say aggressive, but his tone was endearing and jolly.
It was no use arguing with him about his innocence now. He had initiated another swear-fight and Billy would not be satisfied until it was over.
"And you are a dickhead!! Pussy! Ass-licker!" Elis barked back, his tone ever so slightly raising. He didn't often yell or speak loudly at all in constrast to Billy, whom would scream, sing, make noises and overall loudly talk.
It was somewhat strange to see, yes. An elderly couple practically insulting eachother lovingly as they...? Aggressively cuddled? Wrestled? It tended to be complex. Both of them enjoyed physical and sensory overstimulation- and this went beyond any sexual aspects. It was funny in a way- neither could handle being overwhelmed while out in public, but the moment it was just the two of them causing that overwhelming feeling again by practically play-fighting, it felt nice. Tiring afterwards, but nice.
Meanwhile, Claude Jr. Made it his personal mission now to remain seated in his rightful spot. No matter how much these two geriatrics he called dads brawled on his cozy couch.
No sir. He was not getting out of this sofa.
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elodee · 19 days
Cubfan135 x Courage the Cowardly Dog
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For Cubfan I picked Courage the Cowardly Dog! Courage has an unusually high mad scientist per capita so I wanted to do either Cub, Doc or Zed in this style. I chose Cub because a scientist creating talking horns that mimic people and end up terrorizing a neighborhood sounds like something that would happen on the show.
To learn more about Courage the Cowardly Dog and see my style references, continue below the cut.
Courage the Cowardly Dog was one of my favourite cartoons as a kid, which probably explains more about me than I'd like to admit. It's a comedy-horror with a lot of genuinely disturbing and surreal moments.
The show is technically safe for everyone, but anyone who watches it will be altered forever by the Return the Slab guy. If you know you know.
The show centers around a little pink dog named Courage who lives with an elderly couple, Muriel and Eustace Bagge, in a farmhouse outside of the town of Nowhere. They are also figuratively in the middle of nowhere. Courage is scared of everything, but constantly thrown into life or death situations where he needs to save his family from often supernatural threats that just show up for some reason.
The visuals of the show are creepy and at times even upsetting, but the stories are nearly always about how Courage overcomes his fear out of love for his family (Muriel specifically). The show has a lot of different visual styles and even uses different kinds of animation, but for Cub I designed him in the style you would typically see in recurring characters. Style references:
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The characters in courage usually have large heads and spindly limbs. The settings often look aged and discolored.
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For Cubs shape and features I pulled a lot of influence from Freaky Fred, who is a barber with severe serial killer vibes that I think might be a Sweeney Todd reference. I didn't want Cub to be that scary, though, so I gave him a normal smile.
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One of the Courage the Cowardly Dog TV logos
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sepublic · 5 months
So I watched the drawing request livestream from today that I missed out on, and I must apologize! Near the end, Dana clarified that she preferred for the requests she drew to be Patron-exclusives, with her releasing them to the public as she saw fit; As such, I've deleted my previous post showcasing them. Sorry about that...
As for some fun facts I learned during the stream; Apparently Severine is named after Dana's middle name, Mary Severine! I thought Severine was a made-up name, in reference to the word 'Severing' as per Boiling Isles morbid aesthetic, but it's actually a real one! Dana Mary Severine Terrace...
Dana also mentioned how the red grass and purple trees of the Boiling Isles were meant to invoke a bruise that's healing; Symbolic of the Boiling Isles having issues it's dealing with, since even before Belos, and the colors of the isles were meant to convey the idea of Belos striking like a sledgehammer.
We very easily could've not had The Owl House, because of a coin flip! When deciding between Animation and Illustration as a career path, Dana literally flipped a coin to decide... Talk about a gift of fate! Though she did note throughout the stream that art direction isn't her thing, nor is illustration, as it focuses on fine-tuning specific details, whereas Dana prefers things like animation, writing, drawing, etc., getting her ideas out there. TOH might’ve still happened regardless.
And yes, Dana IS a fan of Fullmetal Alchemist, she watched both series when she was around 14 years old on Toonami! I freaking knew it, the similarities between TOH and FMA, the acknowledgement of Arakawa as someone Luz would've emulated in art... Dana prefers Brotherhood, since it's closer to the manga. The chimera episode messed her up like everyone else, and FMA was one of her favorite childhood cartoons alongside Powerpuff Girls, Samurai Champloo, Courage the Cowardly Dog, and Pokemon.
Dana also watched Dragonball Z, including the Buu and Cell arcs in real time, and was quite creeped out by Cell, as he was unlike anything she'd seen before; So the reference to DBZ in Eclipse Lake is probably from Dana's own experiences, as was the realization of how long it's been. Dana's first and favorite Ghibli film is Princess Mononoke, followed by Princess Kaguya, and she obsessed over the Gorillaz music videos.
Someone in chat suggested that for artists who want to get used to streaming themselves drawing, they can begin practicing by drawing in public! Dana liked the idea and encouraged people to also begin with friends to ease into it.
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mimiii-3 · 1 year
Hi! How are you doing? 😊
Can I please request Ace, Deuce, Jack and Epel reacting to hearing their girlfriend (reader) refer to them as her husband when she’s speaking to someone else?
Hi anon! Thanks for the request :) this one was super fun to write
Twst boys react to reader calling them her “husband”
Note/warning: female reader, funny, fluff
. . .
*The history lecture is wrapping up. You drag your boyfriend over to Professor Trein’s desk.*
You: Can I get an extra copy of the notes? It’s for my husband over here.
. . .
• baby boy is in love
• his cute girlfriend just called him her husband
• how is he supposed to handle that???
• attempts to call you a cute pet name but it just comes out like courage the cowardly dog rambling
• leaves the class embarrassed but feeling so giddy
• starts yelling out ‘honey, I’m home’ when he enters ramshackle dorm
“After some careful consideration, I have now decided you will be my wife. I know, I know. No need to thank me. Your kinda overqualified.”
• tail starts wagging immediately
• he’s so happy, he can’t help but show off his canines
• there’s a twinkle in his eyes when he looks over at you
• rushes the two of you out of class and into the hallway
• he finds a secluded spot so he can drop the tough guy act and pepper your face with kisses
• he ends up buying you a promise ring that same day
“So does this mean you’re going to call me your husband from now on out?”
• becomes almost as red in the face as riddle
• eyes are stretched so wide he looks like an owl
• sticks his hand out to shake Professor Trein’s hand
• you and Professor Trein are just ‘???’ b/c neither of you understand what he’s doing
• you mutter out an apology and drag deuce out of class and over to ramshackle dorm
• please get him some water
“Baby, I love you but I think you broke a part of my brain.”
• this smug, southern bastard
• makes this face: 🥴
• he’s internally patting himself on the back
• has interpreted you calling him your husband as the nrc equivalent of an Oscar
• drapes his arm across your shoulder and turns to face Professor Trein
“Two sets of notes, garçon. One for me and one for my lady.”
. . .
Professor Trein in all of these scenarios:
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salted-caramel-tea · 8 months
sorry i’m just so annoyed like . all of the dteam can apologise over and over and over for things but people will STILL drag it up whenever they’re mentioned but in the same breath say no wilbur isn’t transphobic he said the tslur when he was 18 and apologised. no tommy isnt misogynistic it’s just his humour and he was a child . no fit mc shouldn’t be kicked off the server didn’t you see his weirdly racist remarks were just courage the cowardly dog references . um actually i know this guy is a convicted domestic abuser but he has really changed and his ex supports him now . like . why is change and growth and reparations only valid for some people . why are we weaponising personal growth . can we grow up please .
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the-final-sif · 1 year
I'm seeing people in the notes saying that Fit apologized, but I cant' find a source on that. Do you know if he did or not?
The clip that I have seen is not an apology. It's an attempt at an excuse, and one that doesn't even make sense. Here's the clip I've seen,
"So, um, apparently, on one of the previous streams, so, um remember the trib- uh, the mobs with the masks? I guess some people were upset by that. And I said something in like the previous stream that I remember from courage the cowardly dog when I was kid. So I just want you to know that it was a cartoon reference. I didn't mean any ill intent by it. You know what I'm saying. I'm not that kind of person. It was just a courage the cowardly dog reference. So I hope nobody felt uncomfortable from that."
I haven't seen if there's something specific that's he's claiming he was referencing, but the best guess I've seen is that from the intro there's a character that yells "ooga boga boga" while trying to scare courage.
Now, first and foremost, let's be clear, what FitMC said isn't an apology regardless of whether or not he was referencing courage the cowardly dog. He never said that he was sorry, or even that what he did was wrong and that he wouldn't do it again. He didn't acknowledge that it was racist at all. He made an excuse for himself. Regardless of what he was referencing, what he said was racist, gross, and he needs to apologize for it.
Now, that being said, his excuse doesn't even make sense. In the intro above, the character is yelling "ooga boga boga" to try to scare Courage. Much like how someone would yell "boo!". That's not what FitMC did at all. I'll add the original clip again for context.
(If the video isn't working, then to sum it up, the mob is making babble sounds, and Fit starts replying to it saying "ounga bunga, (see/si), yes, onga bunga" in a calm tone, pretending to talk to them, and then "see, I'm speaking their language, they've accepted me as part of the tribe." followed again by "onga bonga" while Bad doesn't acknowledge what he's saying. Bad then asks about the mobs spawn limits and walks past the mob, the clip ends.)
Fit isn't trying to scare someone. He's explicitly using "onga bunga" as a stand in for the mob's language. He literally fucking said that was what he was doing. His excuse also manages to completely ignore that he literally used the term "they've accepted me as part of the tribe". He knew what he was doing, and he's trying to pretend now that he didn't do it rather than take accountability for his actions like an adult.
So no, unless there's another clip out there, FitMC has not apologized for his actions. He hasn't even acknowledged that it was racist and that he shouldn't have said it. He made the claim that he was just referencing a cartoon, and that he hoped nobody was uncomfortable with him being incredibly racist towards native folks. Which isn't acceptable, it's not an apology, and native folk deserve so much fucking better than this bullshit.
At this point, given his failure to take responsibility for his actions, I would encourage people to start putting pressure on the QSMP to do something about this.
Possible options include:
Sending messages to Fit directly, pointing out that the did not actually apologize and that his actions were very racist towards native folk. Don't send threats or harassment, but be clear that his actions were unacceptable, that he needs to actually apologize for them. Not just make an excuse.
If Fit refuses to apologize or there's no acknowledgement, then the escalation would be putting public pressure on Quackity to remove him from the server based on his actions. Filling up FitMC/QSMP fanart tags on twitter with blacked out or patterned images, with descriptions demanding acknowledgement/change is going to probably be the strongest method for forcing content creators to pay attention.
Do NOT post gore/animal abuse/untagged mature images/etc, send harassment, send threats or anything of the sort. This is not an excuse to be cruel to other people. The goal here is for the racism at hand to be acknowledged, apologized for, and not repeated in the future. That is the goal.
I'll update this post if I can find any evidence of an actual apology or change.
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courage-doodles-blog · 4 months
Lucifer the Puppeteer of Terrors (CTCD OC)
Design and ref
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Species: Demon
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Aromantic
Likes: Puppets, Barry(ally), torturing people, Smiler(accomplice, favours), performing shows, entertainment, smiling, Team Frostbite(allies), candy
Dislikes: Frowning, failure, anyone touching his mini puppets, rhubarb, sultanas, oatmeal raisin cookies
Allies: Team Frostbite, Chief Azrael, Barry, Twigs, Claude, Nigel, Blizzard, Smiler(accomplice), Bunitty, Damien, Malcolm, Snowflake, Freaky Fred, Katz, Le Quack, Cajun Fox, Weremole, Black Puddle Queen, Clutching Foot
Neutral: Courage, Muriel, Computer, Shirley
Enemies: Eustace, Toxin, Sirius, Raven, Mad Dog, Cruel Veterinarian
Facts about him
Lucifer is named after the Hell Lord of Pride - Lucifer
He is the leader of the Seven Tribes of Honour with Smiler accomplishing him
Lucifer has four mini puppets, two each on his shoulder, they appear to be sentient and change the same expressions as their master
His neutral relationship with Courage is that he does enjoy seeing him in fear and put pain into him, but he does show honour and respect for the dog
When he meets Courage's enemies, he is quite interesting with their skills against the dog. The six also agree with what he says and think of him as their true leader
His design is inspired by Lucifer Morningstar from Hazbin Hotel
He can release white and red strings out of his fingers and use his hands to control his puppets
His eyes are normally yellow, but they change black with yellow pupils when as a full demon
His headcanon voice would be Joker from DC (Mark Hamill voice)
He is shown to like candy
The names of his mini puppets are G, R, I and N
Lucifer is allergic to rhubarb and anything that has rhubarb in it
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