#cozy ask prompt
whimsithea · 11 months
♡ Comfy & Cozy Ask Prompts ♡
(CW ♡ food related questions #29-39)
Do you prefer Saturdays or Sundays, why?
Do you prefer to spend days off in your own company, or with a friend/lover?
Do you own squishmallows or stuffed animals?
Do you have a special item? What is it? [Post a pic if you are comfy!]
Do you collect anything? Why? [Post a pic if you are comfy!]
What’s your coziest spot? Your bed, a loveseat, a nook, etc. [Post a pic if you are comfy!]
When’s the last time you made a blanket fort?
What does your perfect day of rest look like?
Do you do any care tasks on your days off? What do you do?
What’s a chore you refuse to do on days off?
What’s your favorite way to end the day?
Do you have a bedtime routine? What does it look like?
What’s your comfiest outfit? [Post a pic, if you are comfy! Describe the clothes if not!]
Do you feel comfiest while barefoot or in socks?
Do you own any fluffy or thigh high socks?
Makeup wearers: do you stay bare faced on your cozy days, or do you still like to doll up?
What is your at home hairstyle? Loose, braided, etc. [Post a pic, if you are comfy! Describe the style if not!]
Do you own a onesie? Is it themed?
Do you own slippers? (Bonus points if theyre animal themed!)
What’s your skincare routine?
Do you have a favorite skin care product?
What’s your shower routine?
Do you take bubble baths or use bath bombs? Whats your favorite product for this?
Do you get your nails done, get pedicures, or do you maintain your natural nails?
Do you do any hair masks? Could you recommend your favorite?
What’s your favorite perfume, cologne or body spray?
What’s your favorite candle scent or room spray?
Do you burn incense? If yes, whats your favorite?
Do you have a comfort meal, if so what is it?
What’s a meal you still eat from your childhood?
Whats a food you never get tired of eating?
Whats your favorite kind of tea?
Whats a drink you never get tired of drinking?
How do you like your coffee?
Do you like to bake sweets or savories?
Do you prefer cake or bread?
Are you lactose intolerant, but eat dairy anyways? Whats the dairy food you cant give up?
Do you prefer soup or sandwiches? And whats your favorite kind?
Do you prefer to eat and watch something at the same time, or do you like to eat in the quiet?
Do you prefer movies, anime, or tv shows/series?
What’s your favorite film genre(s)?
What’s a film/series you could watch over and over again?
Do you have a favorite movie to watch while lounging? What is it?
Do you like to be creative? Whats your favorite way to create?
If you’re an artist, do you prefer traditional or digital art?
Do you like to journal or use a planner?
Have you ever tried trash journaling?
Do you like to read? Do you have a favorite book or series?
Do you enjoy audiobooks or podcasts? Do you have a favorite?
Do you have any reading goals?
Do you play video games? Whats your favorite game or series?
Do you play on PC, Xbox, Playstation, or Nintendo?
Do you play on any elder consoles?
What’s your favorite game genre? Ex: shooters, survival, cozy, puzzles, open world, etc.
What’s a game you liked so much that you’ve played through it more than once?
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maphel-n-doodles · 1 year
For the prompt: tobi in noise cancelling headphones wrapped in a weighted blanket comfy as hecc
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Calico cat and a cozy autumn sweater?
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Grandma and her cup of tea to warm her on this chilly autumn day... ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ
Thank you for the prompt; this was healing to my soul. 🎃😺🧶
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seasidepierre · 2 years
Oc/reader vs charles for the comfiest blanket? Adore you!
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Adore you too, Nonie 🥹🫶🏻
You're not gonna lie, you knew your fave past time on track was seriously a soresight in the garage. While everyone was listening attentively to the radios and watching the race with laser focused eyes, you were knitting behind a pile of boxes, managing your stress by keeping your mind and hands busy. You'd knitted a lot, already, while dating Charles. Each season spent next to him brought a set of matching jumpers for you and him, your first one having a couple of holes from missed stitches here and there. But Charles loved his forest green jumper with your initials on the sleeve to bits, so he never really minded the fact that he looked like he got into a first fight with a cat when he wore it. You promised a couple of times that you'd fix it, but he loved it, holes included.
So when, during the interseason, you decided to tackle a blanket, Charles' racing friends originally laughed at you. Charles joined on the fun, half heartedly. He knew better than to blatantly tease you on this, when he knew it was just a way for you to keep your nerves in check.
The blanket had turned out to be amazing.
Well.. amazing to a certain degree, because you couldn't fit two people underneath it and Charles had developed a certain affection for it.
Long story short: you often fought for the damn blanket.
"Charles, where's the blanket?" You called out to him.
You could hear the piano in the living room, there was no doubt he was playing right as you spoke out.
"No idea!" He replied.
You sighed, sitting on the bed. The days had turned cold, even in sunny Monaco. You were freezing your butt off and couldn’t wait to wrap yourself, burrito style, in that damn fluffy and soft blanket that you spent forever knitting with knitting needles so big they could have been murder weapons. 
You decided to go check the living room. Maybe Charles took it to the couch and forgot he had left it there. 
But the vision you got greeted by was of your boyfriend wrapped in the blanket, sitting at his piano, pouring his soul on the keys.
“So you haven’t seen the blanket, huh?” You smirked.
“Nope. I only see black and white keys, look,” He demonstrated, showing his field of vision by cupping his face with both hands on each side of it. 
“You’re annoying, Charlie, I’m cold.”
“Yeah, well so am I.”
“I knitted that thing. I should have the priority over it.”
“You should have knitted it bigger, then. At least we could cuddle underneath it.”
“You know, if we really put an effort into it, we’d both fit under it.”
“Huh?” Charles stopped playing. 
“Come lay on the couch, big boy. I’ll show you how you can fit two bodies under a blanket.”
Charles’ weight resting on your entire body as he piled onto yours ended up being the perfect addition to your already extra comfortable blanket. Just like Rose and Jack, there sure was enough space to fit two people, actually.. 
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artcake · 1 year
Hmm, what about Spencer with a stuffed animal?
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kitweewoos · 5 months
“I’m your husband. It’s my job.” + Cozy Trio pls
transitive property of marriage
One early morning in the Upton-Halstead-Gerwitz household, featuring crepes.
General Audiences
Archive Warning:
No Archive Warnings Apply
Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz & Hailey Upton
Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz/Jay Halstead
Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz/Jay Halstead/Hailey Upton
Jay Halstead/Hailey Upton
Additional Tags:
Established Relationship
Domestic Fluff
[read it on ao3]
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anarchy-and-piglins · 2 years
For your latest ask, Techno, Phil, and Steve just having a cozy day in? (Perhaps some hot chocolate? /nf /j)
Some days just beg to be experienced in the great outdoors. Some days, the sunlight reflects off the snow outside their cabin beautiful, a kaleidoscope of colors in ever flake. And the cold tundra air feels more like a gentle caress than the harsh cut to bone it should rightfully be. Some days, it fills their lungs with crisp renewal, of lives rebuilt out of ashes and the exploration of something new.
Today is not one of those days.
Phil is looking out the window as he stirs a pot of milk he’s heating on the stove, but he can’t see much more than two feet outside before his vision is obscured by a flurry of hail. The window shakes sometimes, when the gust turns and batters the cabin relentlessly. Techno used trapdoors, for some unfathomable reason. Phil’s inner builder was always a bit offended at that, but Techno is a grown ass adult so if he wants to live in a house with the structural integrity of a barn, who is Phil to judge?
With all the animals in here, it’s not entirely unfitting either.
An entire litter of puppies is yipping at Phil’s feet. Techno brought them inside because of the storm. While the older hounds would just huddle together for warmth, protected from the worst of the blizzard by their fur, Techno was worried the small ones wouldn’t fare as well. Phil know, of course, that this is utter bullshit. In the middle of the dog pile, these puppies would be just as save as they are here in front of the cozy fire. Techno is just too embarrassed to admit he likes having the little fucks inside.
Baba is inside too, where she usually wouldn’t be. But today she had followed Steve’s example and lumbered in when Techno urged them through the door. Steve is more than content to lie on the floor at Techno’s feet, allowing the piglin to use him as a glorified footstool. Phil snorts when he sees that upon turning around. Steve really allows Techno to get away with anything. Phil would be growled at for even looking at that bear wrong.
He still walks over, handing Techno one of the mugs he has filled with the heated milk and some pieces of chocolate. “Here you go, mate.”
Techno hums appreciatively, using the spoon to turn Phil’s concoction into chocolate milk. Phil sits down besides him, nudging Steve over with his leg. It doesn’t really do anything.
“Any plans for today,” Phil asks, despite himself.
With a soft chuckle, Technoblade picks up his book again. He’s about halfway through The Golden Bough for probably the hundred time. “This.”
“This?” Phil says. He takes a sip of the hot chocolate.
“Exactly this,” Techno repeats. “This is good.”
“It is...” Phil sighs, settling back. Then he frowns. “Have we gotten boring?”
“It’s a far cry from blowing up nations, I’ll say.”
“But it’s not half bad,” Techno nods.
Phil leans back. When he does that, their arms touch and his head can kinda lean on the couch but also against Techno’s shoulder. Outside, there’s nothing but snow. Ranboo will probably come by for dinner, he thinks.
Phil smiles. “It’s not half bad.”
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lovelyprincessn64 · 7 months
Thanksgiving Day request event
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Gobble gobble that's right this is the month of feast in the middle of the cozy autumn and this year is something special for the middle of November welcome to the Thanksgiving request event everything evolving around food and all kinds of crazy things that go bumping in the middle of fall.
Step right up and don't be shy but most importantly watch out for the Black Friday apocalypse and here is today's menu for a special month of the turkey.
1. Shopping for ingredients
2. Black Friday chaos
3. Cozy nights
4. Turkey day
5. Hunting for turkeys
6. Your ocs (Thanksgiving theme or your choice of picking)
7. Arts n crafts
8. Cooking for dinner
9. Cookbook
10. Thanksgiving Massacre
11. Leftovers
12. Thanksgiving specials
13. Clean up party
14. Animal Crossing
15. Horror themes
16. Decorations party
17. Room for dessert
18. Charlie Brown
19. A new day A New Hope
20. Day off from work
21. Food fight
22. Hungry night
23. Babysitting kids
24. A special toast
25. Raking up leaves
26. Wholesome love
27. Commercials (fan made or references as long if it's good)
28. Parodies of laughing
29. Mischievous Pranksters
30. Sweet as honey
31. To do list
32. Pumpkin harvesting
33. Getting ready for Christmas
34. Order up
35. A day with family
36. Freebirds
37. Break from school
38. Day of madness
39. Japan Thanksgiving theme
40. Delicious goodies
41. Crazy cinnamon day
42. Yuffie's birthday
43. Baking bread for days
44. Jammed up
45. Rosalina's birthday
46. Any type of Thanksgiving theme
47. Thanksgiving prompts
48. Bakery fun time
49. Brightful smile
50. Lovely picnic
51. Sandwich crazy
52. National Men's Day
53. Deep fried days
54. Redraws
55. Nostalgic November
56. Good old times along with old days
57. Delicious evening
58. DIYs
59. Pie of your choice
60. Chilling in cabins
61. Sleepy hibernation
62. Lazy days
63. Aesthetics of choice
64. Craving for tea
65. Dancing dinner table
66. Lame rainy days
67. Fairy tale story time
68. Doodle skits
69. Making scarecrows
70. Playing with board games
71. Biking in forest
72. Hiking through nature
73. Magical Library
74. Ready for vacation
75. Turkey chasing
76. Egg Fest
77. Feeling dozy
78. AUs
79. Parade or Festival
80. Overcooked burnt
81. Busy Chef's Kitchen
82. Love for autumn
83. Retro style of dinner
84. thickgiving
85. Going nuts
86. Writing a wish list
87. Don't beef with me
88. Disney themed of Wonder
89. Are we there yet
90. Sneaking in the kitchen
91. Nostalgic wave of feeling
92. Non-stop Marathon
93. Teamwork friendship
94. What can possibly go wrong
95. Chores of pain
96. Creative mind of Art
97. Starbucks yummy
98. Where's the turkey
99. Hungry appetite
100. Dinner is served
101. Early bird gets the worm
102. Some Creepypastas
103. Wishing for December
104. Wishing on a shooting star
105. Some errands to do
106. Hellish consumers
107. Butter up too exotic
108. Cranberry Harvest
109. Cheesy macaroni
110. Vegan options / alternatives
112. Satire / joke arts
113. Mustard or ketchup
114. Mashy potatoes
115. Too much stuffing
116. pumpkin pie crazy
117. Setting up the table
118. Stayed in bed
119. Too big of sweet
200. Eating up a feast
201. Crazy competition
202. Kawaii seasoning
203. Leafy collection
204. 1950s style
205. Thankful in grace
206. Lumberjack season
207. Jocks around
208. Spicy Danger
209. Exploring the abandon
210. Determination of heart
211. Bacon alive
212. Wildest imaginations
213. Horrific pilgrims
214. Hunting for shinies
215. Best of variety
216. Apple cider bar
217. Enjoying the sunrise
218. Creamy peaches
219. Dead plate
220. Juicy apples
221. Apple cider day
222. Marmalade sky
223. Food wars
224. Mai Valentine's birthday
225. Mai Valentine dressed in lingerie
226. Cake for my Minnie Mouse
227. Minnie Mouse’s Birthday
228. Gifts for my Mickey
229. Mickey Mouse day
230. American Thanksgiving 
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Disclaimer: unlike normal requests you have to request on November theme / Thanksgiving theme also if you prefer something Halloweenish feel free to go to the Halloween request event.
Note: I'll be adding and updating the list if I come up with something creative be on the lookout for that also be sure to read the rules before sending me requests please be understandable and thank you and have a great Thanksgiving one more thing have fun~🍗🍖🍳🍽
If you like feel free to send me a suggestion to add on the list of the prompts list I am now opening to suggestions to what to add on the list that is considered match to the theme leave them down in the comments below if you got a very good idea or possibly for a future adding to a different one.
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legolasghosty · 2 years
Hi Legolas! Can I have exploring a castle for Juke please?
Hiii! So so sorry for how long this took, life is a mess. And sorry for the little bit of angstiness at the beginning. A friend was complaining that I make them too happy all the time, lol! Anyways, enjoy!
Julie jolted upright in bed, her skin clammy and her heart racing. She glanced around the dark Ravenclaw dorm, the curtains around her bed creating long shadows across the stone floor in the pale moonlight. The room was still and quiet. She could hear Flynn’s even breathing from the bed next to her in the silence. Usually Julie liked the quiet tranquility of Ravenclaw tower, but sometimes it was just too much. Or not enough. She didn’t know. She couldn’t think over the pounding in her head, the screams that echoed in her ears, this bright flashes and falling figure she wished she could forget having ever seen.
During the day, she could usually push down the memories and the nightmares, but the dark, silent nights were another matter altogether. She couldn’t keep her guard up while she was asleep. And there wasn’t really much she could do to help herself on nights like this. Usually she would just go down to the common room with a book and read or study until her dormmates arose and she could get dressed in her usual black robes and go to breakfast. She had a feeling she wouldn’t be able to sit still enough for that tonight though.
Julie climbed out of her bed and slid her feet into the slippers beside her bed. She grabbed a loose, dark green jumper from the pile of clothes on her trunk. As she slipped it over her head, she breathed in the warm scent of coconut and basil. It was Willie’s then. She let the long sleeves fall down over her hands as she was partially swallowed by her friend’s jumper. Slipping out the door, she headed down to the common room.
She paused beside a comfy armchair, wishing that words on a page could be enough to calm her fraying nerves, but left it behind in favor of carefully exiting the Ravenclaw dorm altogether. She just had to keep moving, keep ahead of the memories of her mother. Of the shouting, the threats, the magical blast and evil laughter that stole Rose away from Julie and her family.
Heart racing, Julie sped up. Most of the ghosts and professors were sympathetic toward her, having known and loved Rose and respecting Julie as a good student, so she wasn’t too worried about being caught. She just had to keep walking, keep moving, create enough wind with her quick steps to blow away the nightmares. Her slippers slapped quietly against the stones as she hurried down a staircase, going nowhere.
Suddenly, just as she rounded a corner, there was something in front of her. Julie jumped backwards, biting her lip to keep from screaming as she fumbled for her wand. But it wasn’t there. Because she was still in her nightgown and Willie’s jumper. And the dark form before her was coming closer. Julie couldn’t breathe, couldn't think, couldn’t-
“Jules?” a familiar voice said as a little ball of light appeared between her and…
“Luke,” Julie breathed, relieved to discover that it was only her boyfriend there.
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Luke joked, his face splitting into that familiar smirk.
Julie couldn’t hold back her wince at his choice of words, even though the logical part of her brain knew he was just recalling the first day they’d met. She tried to force a laugh, but it sounded hollow and pained.
Luke’s smile melted at her reaction. “Hey, what’s going on?” he said softly, lowering his wand and taking her hand.
“Nothing,” Julie tried, though she didn’t attempt to pull away from him. She hadn’t told anyone about her nightmares outside of Flynn, not because she didn’t trust her little school family with her life, but because she didn’t want to dump it on them. “What are you doing out here so late?�� she asked, trying to shift the focus.
“Just needed some space,” Luke responded with a shrug. 
Julie noticed the dark orange and brown jacket around his shoulders and remembered the bright red envelope an owl had dropped on Luke’s plate at breakfast that morning. She didn’t push. Luke would talk if he needed to. “Me too I guess,” she admitted, squeezing his hand.
Luke gave her a little smile, then pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket. “I solemnly swear that I am up to no good,” he muttered, tapping it with his wand.
Even though Julie had seen the map fill itself in dozens of times, it was still pretty cool to watch. 
“So there’s this other level to it that I found the other day,” Luke said, tapping it again. Julie stared as the view shifted to show tiles and balconies instead of halls. 
“Is that the castle from the top?” she asked, noting the layout.
“I think so, yeah,” Luke said excitedly. “And over here,” he added, tapping one part of it with his finger, “I there there’s some other rooms. They aren’t on any other maps I’ve seen, but they shouldn’t be too hard to get to if this is right.”
Julie stared at the odd little domes near the northern corner of the building. Luke was right, she couldn’t think of any rooms in that part of the castle with ceilings like that. And Luke was giving her that hopeful look, and she was still hearing cruel laughter in her ears and seeing green light when she blinked.
“Well, I guess we gotta find out what it is,” she decided.
“Heck yeah,” Luke crowed, grinning. “Come on,” he said, adjusting his grip on her hand and starting to run down the corridor, his wand lighting the way.
“Slow down,” she laughed as they rounded a corner and hurried up a flight of stairs.
“Where’s the fun in going slow?” Luke retorted between breaths.
Suddenly, they heard a crash from the hallway ahead.
“Hide,” Julie yelped, pulling Luke into a closet.
She shut the door behind them as Luke extinguished the light on his wand tip and cleared the map. In the darkness, she could feel the shelves against her back. Luke’s breath brushed her cheek in the small space as they waited. After a minute of suspenseful silence, they heard something whoosh by outside, cackling.
“Peeves,” Luke muttered once it was quiet again. He cracked open the door and glanced both ways. “Okay, I think we’re clear.”
“Hang on,” Julie whispered, pulling him back toward her. He gave her a confused look, but it melted away when she pushed up onto her toes and pressed a quick kiss to his lips. “Come on, let’s go,” she smirked, leading the way out of the closet.
Luke chuckled, blushing, as they continued down the hall. A few minutes later, they arrived in the area that semed to be just below the rooms they’d spotted on the map. Luke pulled the map back out of his pocket and filled it in, glancing around them. Julie checked the doors around them as Luke tried to find a staircase or a door on the map.
“I think there should be another opening here,” Luke mused, wandering over to a bare patch of wall. “Maybe it got blocked up?”
Julie joined him and rolled up her sleeve to run a hand over the rough stone blocks. “I wonder why they would just close up a-”
She stopped talking as her fingers found an gap between the bricks. It felt like…
“Got it!” she exclaimed, pulling the little switch. The section of wall melted away to reveal a set of narrow steps.
Luke cheered, then turned to her with a huge grin. She returned it and grabbed his hand as they ran up the stairs. She would usually think a bit more before jumping into something like this, but she was sick of feeling lousy. Adventures with Luke were always fun. Fun was what she needed.
When they reached the top of the steps, they both froze, staring around the shadowy room in awe. Because the room was clearly made for music. A shiny black grand piano sits quietly against one wall of the round room. A bunch of shelves filled with music books and sheet music are scattered around the space. In the center of the room was a huge pillar with a bunch of compartments cut into it. Some of them were smaller than Julie’s history of magic book, but others were bigger than she was tall. The whole room was dimly lit by slivers of moonlight coming through narrow skylights in the domed ceiling.
“Whoa,” Luke breathed.
Julie could only nod in agreement as they moved further into the space. The piano seemed to be calling her name, and who was she to ignore such a summons. She sat on the wine colored cushion of the bench and lifted the cover on the keys. The octaves seemed clean(thank Merlin for ongoing cleaning charms), so she carefully touched the middle C. It rang out through the room, gentle and clear. Julie breathed in, letting the moonlight wash over her and chase away the last remnants of her dream.
“Play something with me?” Luke asked.
Julie glanced over to see him pulling an acoustic guitar from one of the compartments in the center pillar. She smiled and tilted her head, beckoning him over to her side. “Bright?” she suggested as he pulled over a stool and settled himself beside her.
“You’re the boss,” he joked, checking the tuning of the strings before positioning his hand on the frets.
She giggled and rested her fingers on the ivory keys for a moment before starting the song. 
“Sometimes I think I’m falling down, I wanna cry, I’m calling out…”
Julie wasn’t sure how long they stayed there, singing and playing together by the light of the moon and Luke’s wand. Sometimes they would play things they or their friends had written, sometimes it was things they heard on the radio or at concerts. When the room started to get lighter, the first rays of sunlight trickling through the skylights, they slipped back down the stairs and headed for Ravenclaw tower. 
“Thank you for this, Luke,” Julie murmured as they arrived outside her common room. “I… I needed that.”
“So did I,” Luke admitted. He stepped a bit closer, one hand reaching up to cup her jaw. “More than you know.”
Julie leaned into his palm, relishing the warmth. “Anytime,” she promised as she pressed her lips gently against his. 
The kiss was soft and slow, both of their motions made sluggish by the sleepless night. Luke’s other hand fell to rest on her waist, pulling her closer as she brushed her fingertips against the back of his neck. When they separated, Julie just rested her forehead against his instead of pulling away.
“Good morning,” she whispered.
“Yeah, it is,” Luke chuckled.
Julie pressed one more quick peck to his lips, then stepped back to enter her dorm. “See you at breakfast,” she called softly over her shoulder.
“See ya,” Luke echoed as he walked toward the stairs.
Julie answered an easy riddle and returned to her dorm. The night had started out pretty rocky. And it might have not been a planned date. But, as she climbs into bed and drifts off for the last couple of hours till she has to be up for class, she knows she doesn’t regret a single moment with Luke tonight.
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metagalacticx · 2 years
drive-in movie date, dinner at a fast-food place at one a.m.
fictober day ?+1✨
this isn’t relevant to the story but: i miss them ❣️
They’re barely two miles outside of Beacon Hills when Mason starts dozing off, head tipped against the glass and his scarf bunched up around his neck. 
He should be in bed.
If Corey were stronger, he thinks Mason would be. Curled up by his side and wrapped in his favourite blankets with a bowl of soup on the night table. But Corey’s developed incredible resistance to nearly every strain of Mason Hewitt’s persuasive techniques.
He knows Mason’s Mom would disapprove of him being out of the house with a cold, but Mason laid the facts bare and Corey couldn’t argue, especially with the sore throated raspiness he used to declare that he wasn’t really sick.
Fact number 1: this was the last weekend they’d be spending together for at least two months and they’d been planning this one for a while.
Fact number 2: Would you really want to leave without having a fancy dinner with me? I got all dressed up.
Fact number 3: you love me. 
There was something about the way he said ‘You love me’, like he was asking. Like he wasn’t sure the answer would still be yes.
Corey had scooped him in a hug and sighed. Because yes, he absolutely did. Does. Forever will.
So here they are on their way to a drive-in movie, Mason asleep in the passenger seat and rain clouds hovering above, fanning the flames of uncertainty and guilt roiling in Corey’s gut.
Mason shifts a few times, and Corey looks over with mounting concern, but his breathing remains stable.
Corey wants to wrap him in the blankets they brought, but he doesn’t want to pull over for that, so he toes the accelerator a little more firmly and tries to outrun the clouds.
They don’t make it. In that they do, but the clouds get there before them. Rain pelts the roof of the car, unceasing in its onslaught. The ground is punctured repeatedly and  left with widening puddles of silt. And just like that, the planned date is all but ruined. He’s a little anxious to wake Mason, so at first he just sits there with the car in park while his boyfriend snores lightly in the seat next to him. He bites his lip and stares straight ahead, hoping that the rain will ease enough for the event to be uncancelled. 
But they have no such luck.
When Mason finally stirs Corey smiles, loose and tender.
"What happened?"
"Sorry," he says, about everything. He figures no explanation he could give would matter anyway. He’s just sorry about it all.
Mason’s eyes go round and he straightens, looking around like he could find a spot to peek through the steady sheet of rain. Like he could see in the dark. "Oh... We can still do dinner, right?"
"We kinda missed the time…"
"How long was I asleep?"
Corey isn’t exactly sure but he thinks it’s pointless to fill in the rest of the story, because it doesn’t matter now. But he can tell Mason wants to, so he tells him about the rain and what time it started, how heavy it got. He tells him about the reservation and how long ago it was booked for. He checks the time on the dashboard and tries not to wince as he watches Mason’s face fall when he tells him how long he was asleep in the passenger seat.
"Sorry," he mumbles, and Corey doesn’t like it.
Corey wants to wrap him up, keep him warm. So he leans over the console and takes him in his arms. Mason sags against him and they both take deep breaths. On the exhale Mason coughs.
"You okay?"
He brings his hands to Mason’s back and rubs.
Mason hums and squeezes Corey closer. His forehead is warm against his neck, fingertips burning through his shirt.
"We should get you home."
Mason coughs again. "Can we get food first?"
Corey smiles, "Yeah. We passed a Wendy’s a little ways back. We could probably make it. But I think we should stop somewhere else and get you some soup."
"No soup," Mason groans. Corey chuckles because the protest devolves into a coughing fit.
"Your Mom wouldn’t like it if I didn’t at least buy you some."
"Fine," he drags out. "No chicken, though. That’s for sick people. I’m just having an off day."
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whimsithea · 5 months
₊˚。⋆❆⋆。˚₊ ♡ Get to Know Your Blogger: Winter Edition ♡ ₊˚。⋆❆⋆。˚₊
Do you like winter?
Do you love or hate the snow, why?
Do you prefer cold or hot weather?
What do you consider an activity perfect for the winter?
Do you bundle up in the winter or blast the heater?
Do you use electrical heat or a wood stove?
What’s your favorite hot drink?
What’s your favorite baked treat?
What’s your favorite soup?
If you celebrate, which winter holiday do you celebrate?
Do you prefer pop versions or traditional holiday music?
How early or late did you decorate for the holidays?
Are you seeing your family this year?
Are you traveling for the holidays?
Did you give gifts?
Did you receive gifts?
What’s your favorite part of the holidays?
Have you been naughty or nice this year?
What’s the best gift you’ve ever been given?
What’s the best present you have gifted someone?
What did you want as gifts this year?
Share a photo of one or more of your gifts this year!
Share a selfie in your holiday outfit!
Share a photo of something delicious you had this winter!
Share a song you’ve been loving this winter!
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lokislittlesigyn · 1 year
Re: fanfic tropes. ANXIOUS BEAN LOKI. Also friends to lovers, which I think goes well with ANXIOUS BEAN LOKI. Give that boy a friend and some anxiety :wow:
I should have known. 😂 /affectionate
I think I tend to write a more (outwardly, not inwardly lol) confident Loki usually so I will definitely keep this in mind! There’s a market for anxious Loki content c:
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clearlypositive · 3 months
1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 26, 34, 40 for the cozy ask prompt thingy
do you prefer saturdays or sundays, why?: omg saturdays!! no work that day, no work the next day. plus a lot of places around me just aren't open on sundays!
do you own squishmallows or stuffed animals?: no squishmallows. but my bf did buy me a baby yoda plushie!
do you have a special item? what is it? (post a pic if you are comfy!): no i don't!
do you collect anything? why? (post a pic if you are comfy!): nope!
what does your perfect day of rest look like?: waking up without an alarm to a warm and sunny day. spend time relaxing outside with my dog, soaking up the sun. spend time inside watching tv under a blanket. probably playing toontown & smoking weed too, realistically. and of course, eating any comfort foods! wearing cozy jammies and getting into bed and feeling instantly comfortable at the end of the day.
what's your favorite way to end the day?: watching a tv show i like before bed and then falling asleep to the sound of the rain.
what's your favorite perfume, cologne, or body spray?: i don't have a particular favorite scent, but my favorite place to shop for body spray is bath & body works :)
how do you like your coffee?: i don't drink coffee!
do you prefer movies, anime, or tv shows/series?: definitely tv shows!
comfy & cozy ask prompts // my inbox
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promptblr · 6 months
Silk pajamas ask game
😶‍🌫️ How many pillows do you sleep with?
🧦 Prefered outfit to sleep in?
🦉 Are you an early riser or a night owl?
💤 Do you fall to sleep easy or does it take hours?
🪽 Silk or cotton?
☁️ Do you remember your dreams?
🌫 Last dream you remember having?
🩵🪽 most vivid dream you've ever had?
🧸 do you sleep with a stuffed animal, if so what kind?
🐈 do you share your bed with anyone else, be it a pet or a s/o?
🎼 do you listen to anything while falling to sleep?
🐑 what helps you to fall asleep?
🐑☁️🩵🪽😴, sweet dreams...
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coffees-cup · 9 months
「 ✦ coffees-cup ✦ 」
ೃ⁀➷ Hi, I'm Coffee! Welcome to my blog.
☆〰➭ I'm a 19 year old neurodivergent nonbinary individual who uses writing and editing to express themself. I use they/them exclusively.
☆〰➭ ⌞coffees-cup⌝ is a fairly new cozy blog for me to post my writing, prompts, edits and more.
☆〰➭ ⌞coffees-cup⌝ is a safe space for people of color, people of any ethnicity, queer & trans people, neurodivergent people, mentally disabled people and physically disabled people.
╰┈➤ Please read my guidelines to ensure that this blog stays ╰ ╰╰╰╰╰ a safe and non-toxic environment for everyone!
┆This blog is 13+. Anyone under the age of 13 and ageless blogs will
┆be removed from this blog.
┆Racism, Antisemitism, Homophobia/Transphobia and Ableism in
┆any way, shape or form are prohibited. Any individual who comes
┆to my blog and breaks these rules will be removed from my blog
┆and blocked.
┆On that note, please also refrain from using slurs anywhere on this
┆blog. I don't care if you can reclaim that slur, I do not feel
┆comfortable having slurs in my asks, comments or private
┆Please refrain from sending me any form of NSFW in my asks or
┆submissions. I am not comfortable with NSFW and I am not an
┆NSFW blog.
┆Keep your political views off this blog. This blog is intended to be a
┆safe space for everyone, so please discuss your political views
┆somewhere else.
╰┈➤ These rules can and will be expanded eventually.
ೃ⁀➷ Thanks for taking the time and reading my rules! I will begin posting and reblogging shortly!!
╰┈➤ All of my content can be found under the tags listed ╰ ╰╰╰╰╰ below.
⤖ This posts format is designed to be viewed on the desktop version of Tumblr. Mobile users will probably have trouble puzzling this together. If you can and you're interested, reread this post on your desktop.
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urfriendlywriter · 2 months
20 "we are each other's safe place" romance prompts:
(feeling emo now that I'm officially back :') feel free to useee and tag me when yall write!!)
holding each other close in silence
yearning for just one hug after being separated for so so long... </3
"i can't seem to take neither my eyes, nor my mind off of you, [name]." :'')
noticing that bright smile of theirs after you compliment them. [my heart. omds]
them rushing into your embrace after a long day
"let me ask my partner." or,
"oh, my partner at home is waiting for me, i better get going :)"
being ur partner's mum's favorite, hehehe
^ "ma... how come they're getting head rubs from you often while i rarely do?"
sulking to get attention from them and they get cuteness aggression over you (> < my cuteness aggress. for mr. japan goes crazy guys!!)
being you comes easy with them ♡
being emotionally available to one another, and having each other and knowing you're not alone <3
when they're affirmative and expect affirmations from you <communication is the best trope>
cuddling and cozying up together, being all physical but not sexual ツ✰
them wrapping their hand around yours whenever walking together
when it's their smile, that's just enough to brighten your day :')
loving and living and actually looking forward to tomorrow with them,
^ "you make me want to be a better person."
"smile for me" or, "twirl for me" :))
searching for each other in a crowded rooms, finding each other everywhere (this is just love guys, top tier.)
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