#dark side of veganism
xxlethal-lunaxx · 2 months
If anyone relates to this even just a little bit, then I'm so sorry.
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#• luna lavinchi speaking •#living with cptsd#cptsd vent#complex ptsd#diet culture trauma#monsters inside me#toxic health culture#ex vegitarian/vegan#emotional flashbacks#health documentaries#dark side of veganism#i should have never been forced to watch these as a child..my mind wasn't ready to understand the information nor tell what was real or not#-i cant try sushi or even think about fish without feeling physically sick and dizzy. i haven't had McDonald's since i was like 6ish years-#-old..i never wanted to share this information but i need to vent. I feel embarrassed and rude for not liking a food chain that most of the#-population does. Smelling or seeing McDonald's makes me wanna puke so bad because of everything those documentaries would say.#I will never be able to eat McDonald's in my life because of how sick and terrified i feel when thinking about the food even the drinks-#-scare the shit out of me. I'm so pissed that I'm triggered. All of the sudden i smell something in the house that smells like McDonald's-#-then the memories come flooding back and i feel like puking so back so i cant even eat dinner. i know this may seem stupid but i am-#-genuinly scared. Im tired of this shit and tired of feeling alone in this.#(anyway sorry. if you read my vent then i appreciate you)#tw food talk#tw diet culture#tw vent in tags#(dont even get me started on parasites cause thats a whole fucking trauma itself. damn it i hate it all. i hate it so much)#(also note: my therapist made me feel so validated weeks ago when i told her during my session that i was traumatized by monsters inside me-#-she literally knew the name of the show before i could even say its name. and she said she also cant watch it and that she saw it as an-#-adult who doesn't have ocd. so she told me she can't even imagine how terrified i was to watch it as a child who was developing ocd.-#-therapist W)
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Summary: Anakin wanted you. Vader has you. Anakin spent his Jedi years bashfully crushing on you, but it was wrong and forbidden for a Jedi. Vader is going to make it his life's work to get you to fall for him now that he can have you... because what if you didn't like Anakin?
Warnings: Being taken hostage, mentions of death and murder, non-vegan food consumption, drugging, passing out, waking up from passing out, distrust, flashback of The Clone Wars.
Part one.
Series Masterlist
You didn't spend long in the ships cells. Maybe a day or two before you were moved to what is considered 'your private chambers'.
You went from "filthy Jedi" to "Ma'am". Whiplash on its own.
Your room was dark, spacious, and surprisingly comfortable. The color scheme was dark gray, and the lights were dim. There was a bed with dark cotton sheets, a desk near the door, and a wardrobe on the other side of the room. Plus, a door that led to a bathroom with a shower, toilet, bath, and sink in it. The cupboards had towels and rags already in them, and there was even a bath robe. You had the necessary soaps in the shower and a container of blue salts by the bath.
The wardrobe in your room also already had clothes in it. They were your size, and so... fancy. Weird, you thought. The dresses were nice, like they were made out of the best materials around.
Your privacy was interrupted when you were delivered some food to satiate your hunger. Sliced meat paired with the right fruits and cheeses, joined together by crackers. Fancy stuff you have never had before.
You sat at the desk, staring at the food you were given. They were fools if they thought you would eat the food given to you by your captor. Darth Vader.
Just three years ago, you were a Jedi on a mission. In the middle of said mission, all communication with your superiors went silent, and when you got back to Coruscant, back to the Jedi Temple, everyone was dead from the hands of a Sith. One you knew as Darth Vader.
You were adamant about not eating the food you were given, but the snack drew you in. Soon enough, you were eating the salty and sweet food. The meat was perfect, the cheese was mild, and the fruit was juicy. The crackers had a dusting of salt on them, something that paired well with the other flavors.
It was delicious... something that you didn't want to admit.
You suddenly felt parched, dehydrated. You looked over the tray they gave you.
There was no drink.
The second you stood up so that you could head to the bathroom and drink from the sink faucet, you got dizzy, making you fall to the ground.
A groan escaped your lips, your vision went blurry, and your limbs were heavy. You somehow comprehended the doors to your chambers opening and the white boots of a stormtrooper walking up to you.
After that, it went black.
The door opened with a release of air, and the Stormtroopers stepped inside. You were limp in one of their arms, held bridal style as they walked over to where Darth Vader was stood.
They stopped a few feet behind him, and he took his time with turning around, eyes looking through the lenses of his helmet and instantly spotting you.
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You woke up three days later, not that you'd know that. It was three in the afternoon, that part you could tell, given since you had a clock next to your bed. You blinked a few times and reached a hand up to wipe the gunk out of your eyes.
You were starving, and on top of that, you felt as dehydrated as you did before you passed out.
You tried to recall what had happened, but your memory was useless. You couldn't remember a thing.
Just passing out after eating and having a stormtrooper walk in, then waking up on "your" bed.
A knock echoed around the room, coming from the doors.
Whoever was there didn't wait for a sign. They just came in, another tray in hand. It looked just like the one from the other day, only there was a cup and a bowl on it.
The Stormtrooper didn't utter a single word as he walked over to your desk and set the tray down before walking back out.
You crossed your arms. As if you'd eat the food they gave you. Never again. The first time you did, you ended up passing out and sleeping for three days. There must have been something in the food.
You wouldn't eat it.
You would starve if you had to....
With a huff, you threw the covers off of you, getting up and stomping over to the table, ignoring your lightheadedness.
You looked down at the bowl. It was soup.
The contents weren't like a broth. It wasn't clear. It looked like their was a bit of cream in the brown liquid. You could see chuncks of meat and potatoes in it, plus some leafy greens.
It smelled good...
Really good...
Without thinking, you sat yourself down in the chair and picked up the spoon that was provided, scarfing down what was given to you.
It was good. Delicious even!
It kind of reminded you of the meals you would eat back at the Jedi Temple, the ones that were more for protein rather than taste. But this one felt like it was for both protein and taste.
You remember the dining hall and sitting with all of the people you had grown up around. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano. All people that are now gone out of your life. Probably dead.
You wondered why you were here. Darth Vader had a reputation for killing Jedi. That includes ex-Jedi who don't even practice the Jedi ways anymore.
Before you knew it, your food was gone, and so was the drink they had given you. You neatly put everything back onto the tray before standing up from the desk and walking over to the closet.
Every single dress looked like it came out of a higher-ups closet. They looked like they were fit for a queen or an empress. Even a senator!
You weren't used to any of this.
They had intricate designs and extra pieces that went to them. Plus, they were all in dark colors.
They were pretty.
You grabbed the first dress that didn't look too flashy. It was dark purple and had a smoothe material that went down to the floor. You also grabbed a black lace cardigan that also went down to the floor. Plus, your undergarments.
You gathered the clothing and walked over to the bathroom, setting them down on the counter and deciding to finally make use of the appliances given to you.
You stared at the sleek shower, them the bath with salts...
Maybe a shower would be a good choice.
You sat on your bed, taking in your situation.
You were once a new Jedi Master. Now you're a hostage to a Jedi killer.
The air was filled with ash, as always. Your muscles were sore and tired as you sat in your friend General Anakin Skywalker's tent.
Your palms were covered in dirt, ready to be washed away at your next shower.
Anakin was out giving a talk to the clones. It had been a hard day against the Separatists. Many were in the medical tent, just where you were an hour before Anakin hurriedly came in and dragged you to his own tent, internally worried about the gash on your right thigh.
His talk went quickly. He came back in, a hard look on his face. Not because of you, but because of himself.
"Starshine." He spoke your nickname, the one he won't give you a reason for. At least it wasn't 'Snips' like he gave to his Padawan, Ahsoka.
"Ani." You repeat his own nickname back to him. It might not have been a special one that had hidden meaning, but it was still his nickname from you.
Anakin went over to his small cot, sitting next to you and putting a hand on your right thigh, looking down at the wrap that digs into the fat of your thigh. "Are you alright?"
A small smile spread onto your face. "I'm fine, Ani."
"Fine isn't what I'm looking for."
His hair was growing out. Small, light brown waves curled onto his neck and forehead for the first time in years. His body has even started to mature, changing from the lanky-ish figure that he had about a year ago. Maybe it was because he was now a nineteen year old. Maybe it was the war.
His long fingers traced over the top edge of the wrap, stopping when they reached your inner thigh, only to go back and forth again.
"I'm okay, Ani. Really. This is just a minor setback." You tried to reassure him.
His eyebrows were furrowed together as he watched his hand. "A minor setback is a big setback in a war like this, Starshine."
A breath left your lips, almost like a sigh. "Me getting cut isn't going to make us lose, Anakin. Have faith."
His jaw clenched as he finally looked up into your eyes. "Not hope?"
The small smile on your lips softened as he spoke. "That too."
[End of flashback.]
Have hope.
No matter the situation you're in, have hope.
Not fear.
Don't back down.
Don't give up.
Don't give up on your hope.
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Updates will be really slow. Don't expect me to update weekly or monthly. My schedule is erratic. I will abandon you, just to come back randomly and abandon you again. Sorry, babe. :(
Taglist: @songbirdcannabe @sonnensplitter @divxnee @anakinslvt @sweetcheesecakesblog @artemissunn @valsarchives @slut-4-ani
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lilmissnatcat24 · 2 months
for no other reason than i worked at an ice cream shop for eight years, here's what ice cream the mass effect characters would eat
shepard: neapolitan, strawberry for their paragon side, chocolate for their renegade, vanilla to balance
garrus: moose tracks, but will pick it apart just for the peanut butter cups and give shepard the leftovers
tali: literally any booze flavored ice cream
liara: mint chocolate chip because she secretly kind've fucks with the taste of toothpaste but will never admit it out loud
kaidan: butter pecan. it's not everyone's favorite, but it's his, and he's totally cool with it
ashley: whatever the 2183 equivalent to the tonight dough. cookie dough chunks, brownie chunks, butterscotch, chocolate chips, malt chunks, everything
wrex: this man is old as balls!!!!!! rum raisin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
joker: lemon sherbet. you cannot tell me that man is not lactose intolerant
miranda: cherries garcia, little bit sweet, little bit tart
jack: the most sickening sweet shit you can think of. cotton candy with marshmallow superman with a side of sugar
jacob: some sort of dark chocolate peanut butter ice cream that sounds good in theory but in reality you can only take like 3 bites of before you get a tummy ache
zaeed: banana splits that he likes to mash together with a spoon and eat like some deconstructed milkshake
kasumi: the weird avant gard shit you see in hipster vegan shops, like some bacon sweet potato rosebud ice cream
mordin: coffee ice cream, because he likes the taste of coffee but if he were to actually drink it he would spontaneously combust
grunt: those froyo shops that were everywhere in 2014 where you could make a bowl with like 5% froyo and 95% other toppings and it cost 14 dollars
thane: doesn't like ice cream because it reminds him of how he abandoned his child and how his wife is dead and he could never go back to the life he left behind, the life of stability, because his body is engineered for a deadly purpose and he can never atone for his sins rocky road
samara: this woman is old as balls!!!!!!!!!!!!! pistachio!!!!!!!!!!!
legion: tried vanilla ice cream. too sticky, got stuck in his wiring.
james: one of those brownie sundaes that weighs approximately 5 pounds and is majority whipped cream
steve: chocolate chip. classy, just like him ;)
traynor: something smooth and rich and velvety and inexplicably sexy, like raspberry chocolate chunk
edi: takes the idea of ice cream a little too literally and just has a bowl of heavy cream with ice cubes. is confused why everyone is disgusted.
javik: ice cream is for primitives (peaches and cream)
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rainybyday · 2 years
It started with teenage trivia. 
Danny, Sam, and Tucker were all hanging out and playing games with each other. At first, it was just pvp games with the trio taking turns beating each other and gain more points in their score board. As time went on, Danny was the only one play a level based game with both Sam and Tucker mindlessly watching him go through the ‘Underworld’ level. It was when Danny faced his first pop of color in contrast to all the black and gray did he raised an eyebrow in slight surprise. 
“Why are there red flowers in this level?”
“Their Spider Lilies, they mean death, Danny.”
And that was that, 
He really didn’t think much of it afterwards, the small fact tucked away in his mind, never to resurface again. 
Until it did. 
He took notices of some red spider lilies that were left behind after defeating Undergrowth. A lightbulb went off in his mind and made the connection that maybe that's why the plant-based ghost grew such flowers in his attack. 
Then he started to wonder if the other types of plants Undergrowth used in their fights also have similar meanings.
Chrysanthemums, he later searched on the internet, also symbolizes death. Crimson roses symbolize mourning and Hyacinths symbolizes deep longing. Danny also felt amusement when he found that some lilies symbolize rebirth and new life or how Carnations and Gladiolis mean remembrance.  
But it really hit home when he found out that some flowers can mean resurrection. 
He closed his phone after that. 
Yet, just like any other teenager who faced the rabbit hole called the internet, Danny found himself going back to search other types of flower meanings and symbolizes over and over again. When it wasn’t enough, he later had a stack of books about the meaning behind many other flowers scattered around his room. It was soon after did Danny started to detail the more interesting stories and meaning behind some flowers into an empty journal. 
Slowly, Danny started to learn the study of florigraphy day by day. 
Then one day the trio of friends were walking down the street from another ghost alert (turns out to be Cujo) with Sam explaining once again why the two boys should think of becoming vegan with Tucker explaining why meat was to amazing to give up. Danny only listened to the two bickers for majority of the walk, humming once in a while. 
Then he randomly inserted himself in between the two with a question.
“Hey Sam, what's the easiest flower to grow?”
It ended with Danny going home with three types of flower seed packets and small indoor pots, curtesy of a quick trip to the store.  
Surprisingly, with some help from Sam and Jazz, he did manage to grow some blossoms in his rooms. Even with an ecto-contaminated home and ghost running around the flowers manage to survive which left Danny with a sense of pride every time he wakes up to look at the arrangement of sweet alyssums, blue morning glories, and marigolds. 
(Sweet alyssums mean ‘Sweetness of the soul’)
(Blue morning glories, while short lasting, means infinitive love, trust, respect, and honesty.)
(Marigolds have so many meanings to them, yet he likes to think of them as ‘beauty and warmth of the rising sun’.)
His pride grew into affection, and soon he was growing more pots of flowers in his room - some by his window side, some handing from hooks on the upper walls, and some growing in a small dark spot with uv lights giving them light. It didn’t take long for his room to smell of flora which Danny loved. 
His small window side garden became a room/green house. Unfortunately, with his growing obsession with growing even more flowers he had to either move his hobby somewhere else or be satisfied with the small garden he has now. 
And so, Danny picked up his packets of newly bought seeds and started to plant even more flowers in a clearing near their hid out. 
So now Danny would always tend to his garden, always find time out his day to care, trim, weed, and water his flowers with gentle hands. He would pick the ones that were always done blooming and gift them to his friends or Jazz, not wanting the flowers to go to waste. Sometimes he would press some of the flowers dry, and once he found out how, he started to take his time picking and drying the flowers that were able to become teas. 
Truly his curiosity had blossomed into a sort of obsession for the boy. 
What he didn’t expect was for ghost to like said obsession. 
Maybe like is too much of a strong word but it seems to fit more or less. 
First it started with Cujo who Danny was chasing once again for digging up holes all over some poor guy's yard. Danny didn’t even realize that the chase was leading Cujo to his outdoor garden until they were right there. Danny was already panicking thinking that Cujo was going run right through his poor flowers when Cujo did the unexpected. 
He ran around his garden. 
Danny almost lost Cujo with how much he was gawking at the scene. 
Then it was Ember who refused to fight him since Phantom had some roses at hand (he didn’t think ok! he didn’t have time to shove his flowers somewhere safe from getting burn to ash thanks) because she didn’t want to burn them. 
Danny thought it was a Cujo think, after having even more weird encounters with other ghost and their avoidance to harm his flowers, he left to ask Clockwork about it. Turns out that ghost respect flowers because they are a common gift to those that had died, and when a flower is placed on their graves, they considered it a token of respect and acknowledgment. 
That really turned his perspective a full 180. 
(Maybe that's why he felt at peace when tending to his garden.)
Since then, Danny always grabbed a basket of flowers to take and place on empty graves routinely. On Halloween he would leave bundles of marigolds, on death days he would leave forget-me-nots, and on New Year's he would place daffodils. 
His actions didn’t go unnoticed by the ghost or the rest of the town. Soon, elderly would wave him over and ask him if he could place certain flowers on their loved one's graves, small elementary kids would give him common daisies to take with him and some adults thank him when he makes him rounds. 
Heck, even some ghost started to attack less and would sometimes watch him place some flowers on the graves, and every time he placed one on their graves they would puff up with pride at the token.
Danny never felt so at peace before. With a single blossom he can hold the peace he wanted in his town. With just a little bit of respect, slowly the tricky and pranks started to slow down. 
Little by little, Amity was able to breath. 
Slowly, the death was coming to rest. 
Now 18 years of age and Danny wanted to leave Amity. Already he established himself as a peace maker of sorts, with most of the ghost staying at the Ghost Zone with a few floating around. His rounds to the graveyard because a business of sorts with people asking to buy certain flowers for special occasions which he happily gave. By now, Danny was finically stable and thought it was time to move somewhere. 
But after a bit of thinking he choose a surprisingly reasonable place to set shop. 
Danny set his sights at Gotham and her ever growing graveyard. 
(While he may be a human boy with a love for flowers, he was also a King who wish to help his people bring a Balance.)
Add more in another post: Flower Shop Au Pt2
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Nightmare probably calls Cross sexy unironically but not in front of him and Killer tells Cross but Cross won't believe him hehe
Swap def joined the Stars bc he thought Dream was hot (Depends on the AU LOL)
The entire council has been trying to figure out what the stars relationship is bc they'll get into a fight over cheese and then flirt for like seventeen minutes until they remember they were fighting over cheese and continue to fight over cheese
Swap and Error are ALWAYS best friends.
I feel like Error likes to hop back and forth with which side he supports, (in AUs with the balance he goes to the side that's losing currently) like he knows where both the Star Sanses base and the Bad Sanses base are.
Cross has a really bad spying problem, like, super bad. You'll be yapping to him and he'll bring up an ex you had 7 years ago like it was a normal thing for him to know about.
Nightmare thought Killer was crazy until he met Ink (TRUCE AU!!) 
No like seriously, Ink pulls so much bullshit and Dream and Ink are just like, fine with it??? TWELVE COWS???
Cross being scared of cows is completely unknown until one noms onto his shirt during a mission and he SHRIEKED.
Killer now thinks it's funny to give him cow shaped gifts all the time, while Cross isn't scared of those he finds it incredibly frustrating.
Cross is a people pleaser, you won't catch him saying to no to ANYBODY.
Dream is... really, really, scary. Like not tradisional scary, scary like I'll tell your mom what you said on october 15 2021 scary.
Swap has no gag reflex, and I know what you're thinking you nasty bois, anyway Dream has a video of Swap deep throating a pickle.
Swap is vegan, not cause he doesn't like meat he regularly eats vegetarian meatballs but because he really hates the idea of animals being in enclosed spaces for their whole life.
Dust always smells like cigarettes but whenever Nightmare is like, I told you no smoking allowed?? Nightmare can never find any cigarettes on him or in his room or ANYWHERE. (he looked literally everywhere including Killer and Horror's room bc Killer would do smth like that and Dust and Horror are like besties)
Cross is Dust's dealer, does he feel a little guilty? Yeah. Does he truly care? No. (He has slowly started to wane Dust off of his addiction by lowering the amount of nicotine in the cigarettes he gets.)
Cross is vegetarian bc he just doesn't like the taste of meat lol it makes him feel sick.
In truce AUs Swap, Cross, and Killer immediately get along- like scary fast.
Nightmare cannot for the life of him figure out the relationship of the stars in truce AUs and I imagine the monsters in the council would like kinda bond with him over that LOL
Horror smells like steak and Cross gags half the time he's around him and Horror feels so bad lol 
Why does Horror smell like steak you ask? Who knows.
Swap has little glow in the dark stars arranged to look like actual constellations on his ceiling.
Dream and Swap stargaze a LOT, like more than sleeping, it's actually becoming a problem lol like Dream won't die from lack of sleep but he functions WAY better with sleep and Swap has been forced into naps by his own body before. (Passing out 😍😍😍)
Dust and Cross have the most wholesome relationship they're so cute like they'll literally cuddle.
Horror and Dust have a similar relationship but Horror and Dust are still much different bc Horror is like... bold I guess you could say but Cross is like... not. (He's shy boi)
Killer and Cross are like, in way different relationship though, Killer is a troublemaker and Cross is a rule follower but Cross also breaks under peer pressure so they end up being bad and getting into trouble which Nightmare is so confused about and usually is just like 'Killer you are SUCH a bad influence what.'
Cross and Error have a good relationship, like they're friends and Nightmare doesn't understand how Cross did that.
Dream and Cross either HATE each other or are best friends there is no universe where they could be neutral about each other for more than 3 weeks.
Killer... has a flirting problem.
Dust and Killer's relationship mostly consists of fighting and accusations but also that's just how they show love to each other.
Okay, so I have another thing on Cross and Dust, basically Dust either thinks Cross is self centered and stuck up or he thinks he's not fit for the bad sanses based on his mercy (both of those end in the earlier headcanon hehe)
Ink and Cross probably become friends again rather quickly because Cross can't stay mad at him for whatever reason but they do have an emotional reconcile 
Nightmare and Ink have a funny relationship lol basically Nightmare is kinda terrified of Ink and Ink thinks Nightmare is fun to mess with and usually that ends with Dream trying not to laugh his ass off while Nightmare rants to him about how scary Ink is. (truce AU)
Nightmare is concerned for Swap lol like fr tho, Swap is like kinda not good at coping with things and he does it in a bad way.
AAAA anyway I supposably have ADHD because it's HEREDITARY APPARENTLY
Yeah lol I thought I had it before and now I'm almost positive sobbing
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harrysthighertat · 1 year
Valentine’s Day
summary: you come home from a long, shitty day of work to a Valentine's Day surprise from Harry.
warnings: fluff and implied smut
word count: 2.3k
a/n: I'm a little nervous to post this cause this is the first blurb I've ever written. I really enjoyed writing it tho and I can definitely see myself writing more of them in the future, so I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback. sorry if it ends a little abruptly, it's way past midnight and my brain was fried by the end of this. but I hope you still enjoy it! :)
It's 7.30PM when you finally park your car in front of you and Harry's shared apartment. You let out a sigh while turning the engine off. No matter how much you love your job, the extra work, stress and having to stay at the office late to cover for your coworker's maternity leave, was wearing you out and you felt incredibly guilty towards Harry for coming home so late and going to bed so soon after arriving home from work. The past few months have been a constant cycle of waking up at 5AM, being at the office until at least 7PM, having dinner with Harry while trying very hard to keep your eyes open and hold a conversation with him then going to bed straight after dinner and repeat.
Thus, you were incredibly grateful when Harry offered to not do anything special for Valentine's Day and make up for it when work wasn't so busy. It meant that you wouldn't have to lose any of your much needed sleep on getting him a gift or preparing a surprise for him. And Harry deserved better than getting a half assed gift after how much he's been there for you during this stressful time. Every evening he insists on packing your lunch for the next day, he wakes up at the crack of dawn with you just so he can kiss you goodbye and wish you luck at work and he leaves sweet little handwritten notes everywhere saying how much he loves you and how proud he is of you, just to name a few out of a million things he does for you. You wanted to show him your gratitude with the most special surprise because he deserved nothing less, but unfortunately it had to wait.
Although Harry missed spending quality time with you, especially on a day such as Valentine's Day, he knew that it was only a couple of days until your coworker was back at the office and he would get to spend his evenings loving on you again.
Earlier that day you had texted Harry notifying him that you'd have to stay at the office late again. You offered to grab some takeout on the way home, which had become a habit of yours over the past couple of months because of how bad you felt that Harry had to do the daily household chores and cook for both of you while also having work of his own and barely getting to spend time with you, but he told you not to worry about it.
You grab your stuff from the passenger seat and step out of your car onto the sidewalk. You walk up the couple of steps to your front door, unlock it and push the door open. As you enter the apartment, you're welcomed by the smell of homemade food and your body immediately relaxes. You put your keys in the basket on the side table in the hallway and place your bag underneath it. Then you shrug off your coat, put it on the hanger and change from your boots to a pair of warm, fuzzy slippers.
Once you've checked yourself in the mirror, you walk towards the noises coming from the kitchen. In the doorway to the kitchen you stop yourself and look at the scene in front of you in awe. Not only do you see your boyfriend, who’s putting away the kitchenware that he’s used while wearing a pink and red polka dot apron that his mom gifted him for Christmas last year with a nice, lightish green dress shirt and fitted dark green trousers underneath, but the dinner table is beautifully decorated with bordeaux red table runners, pink lit candles and a bottle of your favorite red wine.
The smell of food is even stronger here and you notice the tray in the oven. Homemade vegan lasagna. Your favorite. In the background Dreams by Fleetwood Mac is softly playing. The soothing music, comforting smell of your favorite homemade meal and the sight of the love of your life standing right in front of you is a heavenly combination and you feel tears welling up in your eyes from how good it feels to be home, especially after the long, shitty day you had at work.
You quickly blink the tears away and walk over to your boyfriend. As Harry hears you coming up from behind, he turns around. As soon as his eyes land on his lovie's face, a smile grows on his own. “Hi baby, I didn’t hear you come home. How was work? I missed you.” He grabs your hands, pulls you closer and softly pecks your lips.  
You return the favor and say “Hi bub, work wasn't too great today." Harry can tell you've had a stressful day and you don't feel like talking about it, so he doesn't press on the topic. "I'm starting to understand my coworker." You say though. "If these were my usual tasks I would also get someone to impregnate me just to have an excuse to get a couple of months off." Harry bursts out laughing and your heart flutters in your chest at the sound of it.
You almost tear up again when you say "It feels good to be home. With you. Sorry I couldn't get home sooner." Harry squeezes your hand to reassure you that it's okay.
Then you gesture to the scene behind you. "What’s all this for though?” Harry turns around to see what you mean as if he hasn't spent half of the day in the kitchen to decorate and cook and make sure everything was perfect for when you got home.
“Well, I couldn’t not treat my girl on Valentine’s Day, so I thought I’d cook you your favorite meal and decorate the table so we can have a romantic candle lit dinner tonight and celebrate Valentine's Day just a bit.”
He then remembers the other surprise he got you that morning. “Oh and I got you something else, wait here…”. He walks out of the kitchen to where he hid his surprise from you, leaving you alone in the kitchen.
A few seconds later Harry returns with a gorgeous bouquet of red, pink and white tulips. He hands them to you as he says “Happy Valentine’s day, baby.” You hesitantly accept the bouquet. When you slowly bring the flowers to your nose and inhale, the flowers smell fresh, and soothing and heavenly and remind you of a warm, sunny day in spring. Then a frown grows on your face.
“What’s wrong? Do they smell bad?” Harry asks concerned.
“No, they smell lovely.” You answer, frown still present on your face.
“Do you not like tulips? Shit, I thought tulips were your favorite. But I should’ve listened to the sweet old man at the flower shop and got you the roses that he recommended for Valentine's Day. I’m really sorry, I can go back tomorrow and get you those.” He says, panic in his voice.
Your features soften a little. “No, they are my favorite and they’re beautiful. Thank you.”
“What’s got you frowning then?”  
You look down as you fumble with the flowers in your hand. “I- I just feel so bad. Everyone's out today celebrating their relationship, showering their partner with love while you barely even get to spend time with me because I leave for work so early and don't come home until the evening hours when I'm too tired to stay up for longer than an hour. I feel like such a bad partner. I didn’t even get you anything today."
"Hey, look at me." Harry says, as he grabs your hand with one of his and places the other on your chin to gently lift it so that you're looking at him. He moves his face a little closer to yours and kisses the place between your brows before moving down to your lips, placing a kiss on both of the corners of your mouth in hopes of removing the frown from your face.
"None of that. Of course I miss you, but I know how much you care about your work and I know that this is not forever. You've been working your ass off and I'm so proud of you. And I don't mind at all that you didn't get me anything today, baby. After all we said we weren’t going to do anything special today. We've got to feed ourselves wether you're busy or not and you know I love cooking, especially when it's for you. So I figured I'd cook you your favorite dinner just to make today a little more special. Plus you didn't think I made all of that lasagna just for you, right? I'm treating myself to a lovely dinner with the best company I could ever wish for too. Although if you did want to have the whole tray to yourself, I wouldn't mind either. Anything to make my baby happy. I just wanna take care of you and show you how proud I am of you for working so hard.” He rubs soothing circles on the back of your hand and kisses tip of your nose, then your left cheek, your right cheek and finally your mouth.
Then he pulls back to look at you again and you notice a smirk appear on Harry's face. "Besides, you didn't think I didn't notice my favorite lingerie set being gone from our underwear drawer this morning, did you?"
You try to suppress a smile. "I don't know what you're talking about."
He's right though. You are wearing a red, lace lingerie set underneath your outfit that you specifically decided to wear today. It's the matching lingerie set that Harry got you on his birthday as he claimed it was more a present for himself. You'd been so tired and stressed it lately that your sex drive was low and it had been a while since you and Harry had been intimate with each other. Therefore you also hadn't been able to show Harry the lingerie set in action yet, but you had secretly been hoping to change that tonight.
When you were getting dressed this morning, Harry had pretended to still be asleep while peeking at you through his eyelashes.
Harry smiles and kisses your lips. Then he leaves a trail of soft little kissen from your mouth to your neck where he stays for a few seconds while his hands roam your body until he leans back to look at you with a teasing expression on his face. "Right, so you're not wearing anything special underneath this?"
You notice Harry's eyes have turned a darker shade of green. You look behind Harry at the timer on the oven to see how much time is left before the lasagna is ready. Enough time for a little teasing.
“Want to check for yourself?” You say as seductively as possible. Harry kisses you hard and you laugh into his mouth at how fast he moves to unbutton your top and almost gets his ring stuck on it in the process. As he's working on the last button of your blouse, a loud beeping noise startles both of you. The lasagna is ready. Harry drops his head to your shoulder and sighs in frustration.
You laugh at his dramatic reaction and pat him on his back. "Come on pretty boy, if we don't eat soon I will actually eat the whole tray myself 'cause I'm starving."  
During dinner you catch Harry staring at your exposed cleavage a couple of times. You hadn't bothered buttoning your blouse again because you knew it would only be a matter of time until you wouldn't be wearing a top at all.
When Harry said he was too full for desert, which you knew was only an excuse to continue what you started right before dinner because desert was his favorite and he would always leave room for it, you decided to be an even bigger tease by insisting on having a piece of the cheesecake Harry bought for desert. 
The second you finish your last bite, Harry's on your side of the table. He grabs your face in both hands and presses your lips together hard. He moves one hand down to the side of your ass and taps it to signal you to get up. Once you're up he guides you to sit at the edge of the table all while kissing you passionately. He keeps one hand on the back of your head while he unbuttons the last button on your blouse, revealing the red, lace bra. He momentarily pulls back from kissing you to admire how stunning you look in his now new favorite lingerie set on you until he reattaches his lips to yours and lets his hand explore your body. After some time he starts kissing and sucking on your neck, leaving marks in different places. Harry hasn’t even touched you and you’re already a moaning mess for him. Finally he leaves a trail of kisses from your chest down to the top of your skirt. He uses his hands to bunch up your skirt around your waist and looks at you to check if you’re really okay with this. When you push his head back to your skin he laughs at your impatience and takes that as his cue to continue. He gives you one final look before his face disappears under your skirt. 
It’s safe to say the lasagna wasn't the only thing that was eaten on that dinner table that night.
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So, did Smilling Critters really die out here? Wouldn't there be some kind of way for them to still be alive, or for the prototype to revive them? It's because I would like to see them here in your AU, mainly I would like to see CatNap apologize to them and have an emotional meeting with all of them.
(besides, you have a great AU, I loved it the first time it was posted :D)
AAAAAAAAA, thank you so much!!! I'm glad you like my AU!
I have been going on and off about letting the other Smiling Critters have a permanent death in my AU or not, but I think that for the "main version" of the AU they will be gone. Permanent type of gone.
In my own headcanons, PickyPiggy ate the remains of CraftyCorn, Bubba Bubbaphant and KickinChicken. I still don't know if I prefer her to have been so hungry she ended up turning on her friends, or if an accident happened and she was so hungry she ate their bodies. Either way, she also tried to attack Bobby, with Hoppy and Dogday stopping it from happening and leaving her behind. Hoppy died during an accident while the trio was running from Catnap, and Bobby died soon after. Again, I don't know how she died: Either a broken heart from losing so many of her friends, or from a critical injury from trying to save Dogday.
I think most of their bodies if not all of them were claimed by the Prototype, so in theory they could be brought back. In practice, however, all of this started because Elliot Ludwig couldn't accept the fact his daughter would be gone and desperately wanted her to have a chance to live. Angel and Prototype both know Dogday and Catnap miss their friends, and the duo's ever-increasing guilt is only going to get worse as they process their trauma, but bringing their friends back from the dead is not the way to do it. Deep down Angel wants to try that, but they can't and shouldn't. And it hurts, yes, but they can't allow the cycle to continue.
... ON THE OTHER HAND. Good God do I wish I could bring these dumb critters back from the dead, or at least make it so that Catnap trapped everyone/sent them to the Playtime Co's equivalent of the shadowrealm or maximum security prison, and Angel has to save them and stitch them back together during chapter 4. OR, EVEN, everyone discovering the other critters were still alive when the authorities go in to investigate the factory and find them very malnourished, but still alive.
IN MY OPINION Picky would have a hard time eating, thanks to her trying to eat her own friends. She goes vegan because even the smell of meat makes her stomach curl, and she decides to try gardening around the isolated house. She can't look most of the other toys in the face due to trauma, but she's trying so hard.
Kickin picked beef with both Mommy Long Legs and Kissy Missy. MLL finds him to be a sort of "annoying little brother", and Kissy is always making an >:( expression with some of the things Kickin tries to do. His way of coping is via trying to fill himself with hobbies. He gets diagnosed with ADHD and surprises no one.
Bobby has abandonment issues, becomes Long Legs' and Kissy's best friend, and now they NEVER leave each other's side. Bobby tries romance books and movies, only to realize what really soothes her anxious mind is, ironically, horror. And Doom. Lots of Doom. She also takes responsibility in helping take care of the younger toys, and I think she's also the first to fully accept Catnap's apologies. She hugs him and he becomes close to crying, then she starts sobbing and they're both hugging each other and crying. Her right arm needs extensive treatment due to her getting it badly injured, though.
Craftycorn has a 50/50 chance of becoming an Youtuber or influencer and no one can't change my mind, girl is the queen of MySpace /j. But being serious, she, much like Bobby, has abandonment issues, but is also TERRIFIED of the dark thanks to Playtime. It also takes her a long time to go back into drawing, and an even longer time to pick up any red pencils. It reminds her of blood. This however does end with her finding out drawing horrifying creatures helps her cope with her anxiety! Second to forgive Catnap and acquires an habit of making outfits and trinkets for the other toys. Also she has to wear braces on her hands and is always grumpy when her hands (hooves?) start hurting.
Bubba... My baby. My poorest boy. Mentally speaking, he seems to be the most well-adjusted, until he finds out he keeps forgetting what he reads or studies. He tries to play it cool, to be a helping hand to poor Dogday and Angel, tries to learn everything from the other toys so he can start making plans on what he wants to do for this future, but he just. Can't think about a future. And a few months later it's 3AM and he can't stop crying and chewing on his own pillows, and he feels awful and he keeps forgetting things and why does every little thing bothers him SO much, his recovery has been going so well, why is it happening? And then the flashbacks happen, and oooh boy, he does NOT escape the PTSD and burnout diagnosis. Much like Craftycorn he's extremely grumpy about his symptons, but Bobby and Crafty are trying to help him be kinder to himself.
Hoppy would probably need at least an year or two to physically recover from her injuries. She hates the fact her legs got so badly hurt during her time at Playco, and for the first few weeks she's grumpy, very easily startled, and very mean to others. It takes her the longest to even look at Catnap without wanting to murder him. Catnap sometimes wishes she had never started to forgive him, because now the only one left to forgive him is himself. Also I think Hoppy is the second one hit with the ADHD diagnosis, surprising no one.
Also. Ahem. All of them are besties with Miss Delight, who helps some of them try to understand Catnap more. Our big feline is constantly worrying about hurting his friends again and his guilt is eating him from the INSIDE OUT, but at least Dogday is there to help him. Speaking of which!
Don't tell anyone but Dogday has been smoking and drinking. He's 21, tired, and therapy is a long process. He thinks he's hiding well from everyone else (he can't be a bad example to them!) until, again, 3AM hits and he sees Mommy Long Legs smoking and Catnap coming back from the Prototype's barn smelling like alcohol. So all three of them stare at each other like "...", until they hear something falling down inside.
Surprise surprise, it's a drunk Angel.
THANKFULLY. These bad habits will eventually go away as, again, they recover from the trauma and start finding healthier coping mechanisms. But until then everything is MESSYYYYYY
... Okay now I'm once again reconsidering the idea of bringing them back from the dead or not rip-
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ladykailitha · 11 months
Royal Pain Part 12
Hello! I managed to get this finished before bed. So tada!
Steve and Eddie aren’t on the same page yet, and Eddie fucks up.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3  Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11
As he drove Robin and Erica back to her apartment, (Robin refused to be in the same room as them because of how absolutely gooey they were around each other) Steve’s anticipation for tonight was ramping up. He had stopped by the store to get all the ingredients for tonight.
He pulled out his best wok and washed the rice, getting it started cooking before he did anything else. He cleaned and chopped the vegetables, getting them in the wok first. Once they were about half way done, he pulled them out and set them to the side.
He then cut up the chicken and started cooking it up. Then he made the sauce in the wok with the chicken pushed to the one side and then he mixed them together. He added the vegetables last, warming them through so that they had a crisp but not hard bite to them. He was tossing the mixture in the sesame seeds when the doorbell rang.
He dashed over to the door and opened it.
Eddie stood on the other side, hands shoved into his pockets and big smile on his face. “Hey-ya, Stevie!”
Steve blushed. “Come on in,” he said, stepping out of the way. “You’re right on time. I just finished making dinner.”
Eddie slipped past Steve and into the apartment. “Smells great. I can’t wait. I’ve been telling the guys about it all weekend. They are insanely jealous by the way.”
Steve smiled. “What? Can none of them cook?” He led Eddie over to the table where he started to plate up the chicken.
Eddie grinned. “Sadly, their talents lie in music and not cooking.” He sat down. “Gethin, Gareth’s twin can bake, but that’s really not the same thing as cooking.”
Steve chuckled. “No. Cooking once you know the basic rules can be tweaked in all sorts of ways. Don’t eat pork, dark meat of fowl like chicken or turkey will work. Or tofu if you’re vegetarian or vegan. Baking though? Gluten intolerant? Fuck you then, because you have to replace more than just the one ingredient you have to find three things to replace it so it acts the same way.”
Eddie nodded. “I call baking alchemy and cooking art.”
Steve smiled. “That sounds about right. Chopsticks or forks?”
“Chopsticks if you have ‘em,” Eddie said.
Steve went to the drawer and pulled out four black chopsticks with a silver band on top. He handed two to Eddie and kept two for himself.
“These are nice,” Eddie said, immediately digging into his food. “Wow. Shit, dude. So good.”
Steve blushed and took a bite of his food. “I’m glad you like it.”
“Where did you learn to cook so good?” Eddie asked around a bit of food.
Steve flushed. “It was either learn how to cook or eat take out every night when my parents were gone.”
Eddie looked up through his lashes. “Yeah, how often were they gone?”
Steve rolled his eyes and scoffed. “I think a better question would be when weren’t they gone?”
Eddie frowned. “What do you mean?”
Steve set down his chopsticks and sighed. “Look, you went to high school with me, you know I was famous for the ragers I threw. Do you know why I could throw those parties?”
Eddie half shrugged. “I never really thought about it. I was never on the guest list.”
Steve snorted. “Like I had any control of the guest list. That was all Tommy and Carol. Seriously. After my second concussion in two years that had me benched in every sport I was in except swimming, I realized they didn’t care about me. They only cared that I had absent parents, a cleaner that came every other day, and a huge house with swimming pool in the back.”
Eddie winced. “Is that why the parties stopped that last part of your senior year?”
Steve nodded. “So yeah, I learned how to cook to prevent myself from getting into bad eating habits and I just kept it up. I enjoy it. Not like tattooing but it’s fun.”
“Sorry,” Eddie murmured. “I sometimes forget that high school was almost a decade ago. You look so much like you did back then that I forget that all that shit is just water under the bridge. But I’m trying.”
Steve smiled softly. “And I appreciate it. I really do. Actually, one of my apprentices actually went to high school with us, too.”
Eddie tilted his head to the side. “Yeah, would I know them?”
“Would you know head cheerleader,” Steve said with a smirk, “and then girlfriend of the captain of the basketball team you final senior year?”
Eddie leaned his head forward. “Chrissy? Chrissy Cunningham? Are you shitting me right now?”
Steve shook his head.
“Hell yeah,” Eddie said with a grin. “Of course I remember her. Great girl. Glad she broke it off with that Carver kid though. He was one of those Christians that forgot the main principle the dude taught was to love everyone.”
Steve nodded. “I hear he’s one of those wackos that go around to public streets and harass poor people about religion for YouTube views.”
“Fuck, really?” Eddie hissed. “I guess I can’t say I’m surprised. Lucky dodge for Chrissy then. You thinking of snapping up that girl?”
Steve felt as though a bucket of cold water had been dumped right over his head. He thought that this was a date. He had done it again. Presumed too much.
“No,” he said softly. “Robin has a better chance with her then I do. Apparently she is a lesbian.”
Eddie furrowed his brow a little, wondering about the sudden mood switch.
“Good for her,” is all he said.
The night got awkward and stayed that way until Eddie got up to go home.
“See you tomorrow?” Eddie asked trying to at least salvage some part of the evening.
Steve cocked his head to the side. “Tomorrow?”
“Yeah, you’re starting on the sword tomorrow, right?” Eddie asked, heart in his throat.
Steve confusion clears. “Of course! I can’t wait. I’m really excited to start working on it.” He gives Eddie’s wrist a squeeze. “I thought we made plans that I had forgotten about. No. Of course I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Eddie relaxed a little bit and nodded.
Steve closed the door gently behind him.
Jeff was brushing his teeth to get ready for bed when there was a pounding on his door. He looked over at Mandy and frowned.
“You expecting anyone, babe?” she asked, after spitting into the sink.
Jeff shook his head. He rinsed out his mouth and padded to the door. He opened it to reveal a jumpy Eddie.
Jeff rolled his head from side to side. “You do know Mandy’s got work in the morning, right?”
Eddie nodded. “I fucked up with Stevie and I don’t know what I did but I really need my best friend right now.”
“Come on in,” Mandy said from behind Jeff. “I’ll get you two a beer.”
Eddie sat on their ratty sofa, his knee jiggling with restless energy. Mandy handed them the beers and kissed Jeff’s cheek.
“Don’t stay up too late.”
Jeff watched as she walked back to their bedroom. Once the door was closed he turned to Eddie. “Right start at the top. What do you mean you fucked things up with Steve?”
“I don’t know, man!” Eddie said after downing half of the bottle in one go. “Things were going great, dinner was amazing. It got a little awkward when he said he learned how to cook because his parents were never home and then bam! The bottom opened up and I left earlier then I expected because the air was so thick with tension you could cut it with a knife.”
Jeff closed his eyes and then opened them again. “Tell me everything. Leave nothing out. Knowing you like I do, you probably said something you didn’t think was important, but really, really was.”
Eddie sighed and went through the whole conversation.
Jeff buried his head in his hands and groaned. “Dude, tell me you really didn’t ask Steve if he was going bang one of his apprentices, you know one of the people that work for him?”
Eddie scoffed, waving his hand. “I was joking.”
“Did Steve know that?” Jeff prodded.
Eddie opened his mouth and then closed it. He opened it again, but no sound would come out. He snapped it shut and frowned. “Maybe not?”
Jeff waved his hand at him. “Also seriously, dude. What kind of messed up fucker asks his crush if he wants to bang some chick?”
Eddie’s jaw dropped. “Oh shit.”
“Look I don’t know this guy,” Jeff said. “Not well enough anyway. If this was Gareth or Brian, I could tell exactly what he was thinking. But I don’t and you don’t either. Which means you didn’t just fuck up, Eddie. You fucked up bad. So you’re going to have to grovel. And I do mean grovel. Flowers, dinner, the works.”
“Yeah,” Eddie said breathing out a shuddering sigh. “Yeah, man. Fuck. What if I messed things up with for good?”
Jeff shook his head. “I don’t know. I guess endure the most awkward thirty hours of your life?”
The first thing Eddie did that morning was call the shop.
“Royal Pain, this is Robin, how can I help you today?”
“Birdie,” Eddie greeted. “Is Steve around?”
Robin sighed heavily. “He’s working with Chrissy at the moment, I can take a message?”
Eddie sighed. “No, no. It’s fine. It’s actually you I wanted to speak to anyway.”
“Is this about last night?” she asked.
Eddie blinked away the tears that formed at the thought that Steve had told her about it. “I’m trying to grovel and need a list of his faves so that I make it up to him for being an absolute ass.”
Eddie could feel Robin’s grin through the phone. “Right. Where do you want me to start?”
They talked for a good twenty minutes before she said, “Look, I’ve got another call coming in. That should be enough to start with. Hop to it, doofus. I want to see it, capeesh?”
“I read you loud and clear,” Eddie said.
Part 13 Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17  Part 18 Part 19  Part 20  Part 21   Part 22  Part 23  Part 24  Part 25 Part 26  Part 27  Part 28  Epilogue
@spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk​ @renaissan-vvitch @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @thedragonsaunt @chaoticlovingdreamer @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @aizawa-emma @redfreckledwolf @thesuninyaface @bookbinderbitch @yikes-a-bee @littlewildflowerkitten @scheodingers-muppet @archermightbegay @hallucinatedjosten @ellietheasexylibrarian @anne-bennett-cosplayer @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @bestwifehaver @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx
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fastlikealambo · 1 year
Tear You Apart|| Kraven The Hunter x Black!Fem Reader Part 1/2
Summary: After a successful hunt, Sergei comes home to you but he’s not really in the mood for-I know y’all are not here for plot, be fucking forreal. 
Triggers: All of them but really primal play, knife play,  unprotected sex, asthma, mentions of blood, consensual choking, improper use of a crossbow, aftercare 
Note: “Kraven wouldn’t actually be able to do-” I’m gonna stop you right there brother, this is a whorehouse. A poorly written whorehouse.
If you don’t know already, this is 18+, minors DNI
“Do you least wanna eat dinner first?” You asked, turning back to the table but he’s already shoved the plate of vegan oxtails to the side with one hand before lifting you onto the dinner table. 
“No, just you.” He muttered, sucking at your neck and you threatened to whimper right then and there but not yet. You grasp the back of his head softly at first before twisting the sweaty curls hard enough for him to growl and look up.
“ I just bought this fucking table, baby. You know the rules.”
At those words,Sergei sat up immediately and helped you off the table before a rough hand tipped your chin to look into his eyes.
“Do you trust me?”
“Enough for you to fuck me.” You quipped, but reached up to lay a feather light kiss on his jaw. “ I trust you, always. Do you trust me?”
“ Always. Safe word?”
“Good girl.”
It’s routine now, he gets your inhaler, you tie your locs back into a ponytail. He waits patiently until you’re done, putting the puffer in his back pocket before leading you to the middle of the living room.
“Be nice and still, can you do that for me?” He whispers, and you nod. You can almost see the love in his eyes disappear, replaced by something much darker.
With both hands, he rips your blouse in two, the pieces falling to the floor. The pants are next, leaving you in your underwear as he dips two fingers beneath your waistband, making quick work of finding that special spot. This time the whimper escapes, and you break eye contact for a moment.
“Eyes on me.” He said sternly, his fingers pumping harder and faster, until he slid them out, dripping. He sucks on his soaked fingers before taking your face in a searing kiss, your back to his chest. His nose slides down your neck, inhaling deeply before he lets go.
“I’ll give you a two minute head start.”
With that, you race out the living room and out the back door into the nature preserve behind your house. Even in the dark, you can feel a pair of yellow eyes on you as you make your way through the forest. 
“Do you really think you can outrun me?”  His voice booms in the quiet of the woods.
“Do you think I’d make it easy for you?” You yelled back and continued running deeper into the dark.  The cold night air chills your skin but you keep going, the only noise is your bare feet hitting leaves.
“ Where are you, pretty girl?”
You pick up the pace, heading into a moonlit clearing, leaning on a tree to catch your breath.  An owl appears overhead and in your distraction you miss an arrow sailing into your bra strap, pinning you to the tree. 
“What have I said about turning your back on an opponent?” 
He emerges from the dark, crossbow in hand, shirt gone. Before you can make another move, he lets another arrow loose into the other bra strap.
You’re trapped.
Like a lion, he leaps at you, pinning your arms above your head. With a near desperate growl, he slid a knife beneath the center clasp of your bra, your breasts spilling from the cups, teeth running across your brown nipples,and you moan. 
“ Tell me what you want. ” Sergei demanded, running his teeth down your brown nipples, biting the sensitive flesh until you moaned an answer.
“Your cock.”
“I don’t think I heard you lamb, what do you want?” He asked again, taking your breast in his mouth when you didn’t reply quick enough.
“Please I want your cock!” You begged
He smiled wolfishly at your pleading before wrapping your legs around his waist. 
“All you had to do was ask.”
I’m at work so I can’t finish the rest till I get home hence the part 2. See ya in a few hours!
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Draxum needs to apologise to a lot of people for the things he did before his redemption, & he gave Splinter a small apology in the episode in the episode Hidden City’s Most Wanted but there are still two people Draxum needs to apologise to specifically
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Draxum: I’m sorry for, you know, trying to turn you into a weapon, and a bunch of other stuff
Obviously he owes an apology to Leo for throwing him off a roof but there’s another person Draxum really owes an apology to & that’s Cassandra Jones.  
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Draxum: I have accomplished with one assistant what you couldn’t accomplish with an entire clan!
Casey: Assistant? But I thought we... were partners?
The moment Draxum thought he had secured leadership of the Foot he kind of betrayed Casey & tossed her to the side which is actually kind of sad when you think about how Casey spent most of the episode ‘How to Make Enemies and Bend People to Your Will’ looking up to Draxum.
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Casey: I have been doing this all wrong!
Draxum: Indeed, waiting is for fools
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Casey: This must be a trap but if there’s one thing I’ve learned from you is that we get nothing from waiting!
Through the episode Casey is practically looking at Draxum with stars in her eyes & takes the things he says to heart as things that she should be doing & Casey looking up to Draxum throughout the episode isn’t just that Casey decided that Draxum was cool, throughout the episode Draxum uses language that would make Casey believe he viewed them as equals.
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Casey: Lookout support duty? We’re the lookouts for the lookouts?
Draxum: This is beneath us both
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Draxum: If we want to improve our rank we must handle this ourselves 
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Draxum: Trust me, our rank is about to skyrocket
Throughout the episode Draxum uses words like ‘us’, ‘we’ & ‘our’ to make Casey feel like they’re equals, that they’re working together & Draxum must have known how much being treated as an equal must mean to Casey because from the very start of the episode it’s shown that Casey isn’t treated with much respect with the Foot Clan.
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Casey: I can’t believe they promoted Jocelyn over me! I know her parents are big donors but come on!
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Casey: We’re here to get coffee for the entire Foot Clan, and a vegan coconut scone for the boss
Draxum: Draxum is no errand boy
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Casey: To become a full member of the Foot one must show commitment and patience, I have been in training since I was seven!
Even though Casey shows constant loyalty & dedication to the Foot Clan they don’t really treat her with respect, she’s been training since she was seven & considering that JJ Conway said that Casey is supposed to be the same age as April (around 16-17) that means she’s been training with the Foot for most of her life & yet she still has to watch countless others be promoted before her & has been stuck running errands for years.
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Draxum: Would you like to do the honours? 
The Foot have been making Casey run errands for years, making her be the one to get everyone coffee or assigning her as the lookout for the lookouts so when Draxum comes along & lets her be the one to retrieve a piece of the Dark Armour, something important, you can see how much it means to her.
Her eyes are practically shining at someone trusting & respecting her enough, to do a task that actually means something.
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And then Draxum calls her an assistant & shows her that he never thought of them as equals, he was just using her to get what he wanted which is why I think Draxum owes Casey an apology because he made her feel like she had finally found someone who she could trust, finally found someone who trusted her as well & he basically threw it in her face once he didn’t need her anymore.
And when they properly interact again in the episode Battle Nexus New York he’s so mean to her for no reason
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Draxum: Who even likes Foot Recruit?
Casey: Huh?
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Casey: Leap of faith! [Crash]
Draxum: Oh look, a ladder 
Casey & Draxum are the two redeemed villains of the Hamato clan & I need to see some form of resolution between these two because the closest we’ve got to that is Draxum & Casey being next to each other during the final attack against the Shredder
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If Rise ever gets a season 3 Draxum better give Casey an apology for how he betrayed her trust when they were both working together in the Foot Clan
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zofi-persson-quotes · 2 months
Hi! How are ur headcanons for red?
Ohhh, Red hc's! I don't have that many for him, but I thin that they're enough!
Red, as we have seen in the Rainstorm short, still goes to Monster School! His relationship with the other students is way better than the one they had at the start, and he's actually friends with many of the students (the fact that he helped save Minecraft played a part in this)
Red has some minor side effects from Herobrine’s possessions. There are two physical ones (his left eye is white from the first possession, and there are some white crack-like scars around it from the second one), but he can also see spirits and is very talented with magic. Plus, he's able now to read perfectly the Enchantment language.
The others sometimes ask him to help when they have to enchant something due to his knowledge regarding Enchantment language
He's extremely good at fighting in hand-to-hand combat, and knows the most technics out of the whole group. He can also use weapons, but he prefers to juat... deck someone in the face.
About weapons: he rarely uses them, but his favourites are a pair of brass knuckles and a giant claymore, which are both gifts from the others
Red sometimes sneaks in random websites to pet animals of any kind, both real or fantasy/mythical. There isn't a creature that doesn't enjoy his pets, not even the dangerous ones
He's vegetarian, but not vegan: this is due to his very active lifestyle, so he knows that he has to have a balanced diet to fight well enough. Still, he doesn't consume meat and dislike salmon (that is due to the fact that he was turned into one in the Witch episode)
He and Herobrine are on neutral terms now: they talked a lot about the whole "possession" things, and Red is a lot calmer around him, but sometimes he still have some minor anxiety attacks especially of he's alone with Herobrine
His team (Endie, Spider, and Skelly) all know about the first possession and greatly support him
He's the youngest of his twins (Yellow, Green and Blue), but never underestimate him
As I said once, he's extremely good at listening to any conversation around him and often goes around the Outernet to gather information for the others. After all, he looks like a young teen, and he sometimes acts like a dumb person to let others' guard down
Red was, surprisingly enough, one of the first ones that accepted Dark after they found out that he was basically possessed by his mission code. This is due to the fact that Red fully knows how it feels to be a spectator in your own mind while something else moves your body to do cruel deeds, and you're unable to do anything. Still, it obviously toom some time because of trauma
Aaand I think that I'm done! Hope you enjoy!
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eevylynn · 3 months
You're Good
Sterek || E || Friends to Lovers || 7k wc
“I’m comfortable with my life,” Stiles told Lydia, and he was. He had a job he loved, his pack was safe, and he got to see them regularly. Yeah, there was one thing he would like to change, but there's only so much he can do to change that one thing. Stiles was pretty sure that dating other people wouldn’t help. Or Stiles agrees to let Lydia set him up on a blind date, not realizing who exactly she had in mind.
AN: I realized I never made a full on tumblr post with this..oops!
This was written For L_Grae with the prompts: ~Mutual pining with meddling from the pack. ~Future fic, blind date set up by certain packmates, not realizing Sterek has a FWB agreement already.
Unfortunately, I can't quite write friends with benefits (I gave it a valiant effort, but my brain just couldn't get it right), so I merged the prompts together.
Sterek Valentine's Bingo 2024: Candle
Locking the office up with a whistle, Stiles tossed his keys in the air before catching them and shoving them in his back pocket before he turned to walk down the street to the combination coffee and bar that sat a block or so away from his office. He mentally patted himself on the back for that smooth move before abruptly tripping on nothing. Stiles looked around quickly. No one saw that.
That was the one good thing about it getting dark before Stiles even leaves the office at this time. The whole shorter days thing that came with winter coming AND Daylight Savings Time ending at the same time does get somewhat depressing at times, but it’s not like Stiles has never gone around town at night before.
Back in high school, nights were the only times that Stiles could really investigate supernatural happenings what with needing to actually go to school. He always did love a good puzzle to investigate and even contemplated  joining the FBI. However, after botching up his own internship with the FBI, Stiles ended up going to college at Beacon Hills Community College. While still in school, Stiles started a side hustle as a Supernatural Private Investigator, and, upon graduation, he was able to devote his time to his growing business, even opening an office in the slowly reemerging downtown area of Beacon Hills.
Thanks to the combined efforts of the local Beacon County packs, the Nemeton was growing healthily again, bringing positive energies with it, something even the everyday humans could feel. Because of this, more people, both supernatural and human, were moving to town and slowly building up the local economy.
Just the short walk between Stiles’ office and Lunar Lounge, his favorite bar and coffee shop, included a boutique one of Stiles’ old classmates opened, a vegan smoothie shop, owned by a nice family of elves that just moved here a few years back, and a greenhouse bookstore whose owners were always more than happy to provide Stiles with any herbs he needed for potions work after he helped them with a pixie infestation that took residence in one of their personal gardens at their house.
The Lunar Lounge was where many of the Hale pack worked. Open practically 24 hours, it served coffee and breakfast for the morning crowd before transitioning into a pub style bar in the afternoons. In addition to providing human beverages, Lunar Lounge also offered a variety of specialty drinks for the different supernaturals of Beacon Hills, including but not limited to wolfsbane infused homebrews, real bloody marys, and a selection of shimmering, almost ethereal, wines that Peter had procured a vendor for that Stiles was pretty sure was fae, but the wolf refused to confirm or deny that suspicion.
Entering the open double doors, Stiles nodded at Isaac who was behind the bar preparing some fancy pink and yellow monstrosity of a cocktail that was most definitely too sweet for Stiles’ liking.
He crossed the open sea of scuffed wooden tables, dodging a pair of colorful haired women that suddenly blocked his path as they stood up to go who knows where. Reaching the back corner, he found Derek at his usual table that he’d probably been sitting at for the last several hours, hidden from most by a black metal staircase that led to a lofted lounge area. Dark eyebrows furrowed as Derek continued to type on his laptop.
As Stiles plopped down in the seat across from him, Derek glanced up before he said, “I’m almost done. Give me a minute.”
Stiles grinned, “You’re good.” Derek smiled before turning his attention back to the screen.
Continue reading on ao3
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theoneandonlyneonleon · 2 months
Rottmnt Royal AU
Chapter 2
Surprise cameo's from two characters <33
First - Next
You walk over and get in line, peeking off to the side to catch a glimpse of the princes. You tap the shoulder of the person in front of you, a woman with dark skin and black hair, cut into a short bob. She turns to look at you.
"Hey uh- this is my first time attending an event like this. Can you tell me what's going on? Why are we all lining up?" You ask, curious to the reasoning behind this.
"Well allow me to explain! We're lining up to bid farewell to the princes. It happens at the end of every ball. You go up, bow, and they thank you for coming." That makes sense. Of course the hosts would want to say goodbye to the guests.
"Thank you." She smiles and tell you its no big deal before turning around and stepping up for her turn. She curtsies, each of the princes kiss her hand gently, give her a nod, and she walks out.
You approach the thrones, and the four princes. You bow, and Prince Raphael, the oldest, bows back and kisses your hand. Prince Leonardo does the same, and you almost swear you see him wink. Prince Donatello and Michelangelo do the same, and you walk off to find coat check.
You approach the check and hand the man working there, A bull mutant, your ticket. He disappears into the sea of fancy fur coats and thick winter jackets behind him before emerging with your white faux fur shawl (Madame O'Neil never used real fur, being a vegan). You take your shawl, thank the worker, and leave the castle.
Cold winter air hits you like a slap in the face, your skin prickling with goosebumps. You draw the shawl over your shoulders and revel in the warmth it provides. You start your walk back home, painfully uncomfortable heels clacking against the cobblestone streets until you reach your house.
Its not much, a small one person home wedged between a bookstore, and your neighbor. You walk into your house and immediately pry the shoes from your feet, tossing them aside; you'll take care of them tomorrow. You throw a log on the fireplace and walk to the kitchen to make a mug of tea.
While the tea steeps, you go upstairs and change into your warmest pajamas, grab your thickest blanket, the book you've been (attempting) to read, and head back down to settle into the big armchair situated in front of the fire.
Its a perfect night, you think, sitting all warm and cozy with a cup of tea and a good book that you're determined to finally read. You won't start tonight though- you're out like a light within 10 minutes.
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livingbrother · 3 months
Persephone Rewrite
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Her personality
Kore is enthusiastic, a go getter, smart, and flirty. She's known to be very kind and inquisitive but also has a very dark side to her.
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Her fashion
She dresses mostly modern with a splash of traditional, she favors chokers and the colors black and gold. Her hair is worn typically short as she does a lot of garden work, but it can grow out either at will or when she's nervous, she only wears her hair long when she feels like it.
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Her background
She's the daughter of Demeter, Demeter formed her out of flowers, meaning she has no father. Her and her mother have a stellar relationship with, of course, the normal hang ups of a mother daughter relationship. She hails from the country but has always been caught up with the world via the Internet. She's friends with Hecate, Hermes, Artemis, and of course, the nymphs that live close to her.
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Design notes
I didn't intend on her being black coded, but I went with it anyway as I feel there needs to be better black/brown representation in LO (and that's just according to my pasty white ass). I wanted her to be more sexy and flirty in a more "I'm a mature and sensible woman" sort of way instead of born sexy yesterday. Yes, she's still sort of naive, given she grew up in the country and is adjusting to city life, but she isn't a dumb little damsel. I went with some of her holy colors for her color scheme.
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What else should you know?
She uses she/her and enjoys sparkling grape juice. She's vegan, enjoys beer, and likes seaweed snacks. She's also pierced to hell and back, but she leaves her jewelry out sometimes because she blows through aesthetics.
Thanks for reading.
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ominoose · 10 months
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𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐁𝐨𝐭 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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📖┆ The Nervous Bookclub Guy - You're at book club in your local cafe when one of the newer members comes through the door late, mumbling apologies about the bus being late as he sits himself next to you.
🌡️┆ He's at home sick, you get to play nurse - Steven's caught some sort of cold, and is in sneezing and sniveling in bed. It's up to you to convince him to stay in bed and nurse him back to help.
🥪┆ You and Steven go on a picnic - You and Steven are at the park on a lovely sunny day enjoying a nice, vegan picnic.
🏠┆ Your neighbour is a creepy pervert - You just moved into a new flat and the neighbour opposite you is a bit odd.
👻┆ He's a ghost - You move into a new manor after inheriting it from a recently passed aunt. After a long day of restoring the place and moving in, you're interrupted by an oddly polite ghost.
🗝️┆ You're the newest nanny (Brahms AU) - You answer an ad in the British country side to be a live in nanny. When you arrive, you're actually babysitting a doll. Or so you thought.
🐹┆ Steven turned into a hamster - You come home to the flat, hearing little squeaks, but Steven is nowhere in sight. As you flop onto your bed, a little brown bundle of adorable fluff lands on your chest.
🍼 ┆ Three year old Steven - Its a rainy morning outside and a tired mess of dark curls and warm, pudgy cheeks just flopped onto your bed to say good morning.
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kari-go · 2 months
Do you have any headcanon of Ivan, Mylene and Lila (I mean, not involving other character)
his parents are divorced, he lives with his mom who remarried so he has a little stepsister
his middle name is Hugo
he has a pet turtle
he's been playing the drums since he was 10
he has written a song before and has a notebook just for lyric ideas
song writing isn't his strong side tho
her mom left when she was little
she thrifts her clothes
she's trying to be vegan
her biggest fears are the dark, heights, and mice
she wouldn't hurt an animal. ever
she's a pretty good actress
she gets very nervous in front of people
she hates conflict
she loves turtles and wants one sooo bad
she's pretty used to being alone
she only lives with her mom
she lived in New Delhi after the divorce
her middle name is Evelina
she has asthma
her biggest dream is to be famous
her eye twitches when she's annoyed
she was a horse girl
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