wip · 1 month
Hi! I was wondering if it'd be possible to access full posts even after the original was deleted? What I mean is if a post is reblogged but there's a keep reading add in it then what's under the divider is lost if the original is gone. From what (little) I understand this cut creates a sort of front for the original with a short and full version being kinda separate things. Instead of this maybe the shorten long posts setting could be the base of this function? Idk, I just wanna see old posts 😭
Answer: Hey, @dreamlandcreations!
Unfortunately, we cannot make this happen. Once a post is deleted, we don’t support a way to then un-delete it. Even if we could, that would also violate the original poster’s trust. And nobody wants that.
We are sorry it is a no here, but thanks for your question. Keep 'em coming, y'all.
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cameronfodder · 15 days
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I have some fan art of my other favorite monster taming franchise, Digimon. This cute little fella became one of my favorites the first time I saw them in the Digimon the movie. Whenever I get the chance in a Digimon game I try to snag them on my team, that and Antylamon the 20ft eldritch rabbit.
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rxxkes · 9 months
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I called dibs on being in the middle first. Get in line.
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perrysoup · 10 months
As a heads up, Google sent out a notice that they are deleting inactive accounts.
Say goodbye to those memory emails
Say goodbye to your filler emails you use to filter and autoforward
Say goodbye to pseudonym emails
This shit is bs, and Google has no need other than greed for doing this
After a Google Account is deleted, the Gmail address for the deleted account cannot be used again when creating a new Google Account.
THEN WHAT IS THE FUCKING POINT!?!?!?!? (emphasis mine)
They aren't freeing anything up, they are just on a power trip
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archivyrep · 1 year
Missing records, love, and mystery in "Bloom Into You" [Part 1]
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Yuu in the student council record room
For today's post, I thought I'd look at the sixth episode of one of my favorite yuri anime, Bloom Into You (called Yagate Kimi ni Naru in romanized Japanese), titled "Words Kept Repressed / Words Used to Repress," where a record room in the Student Council building is shown and is a key part of the episode itself. For this post, I'm using the subtitled version rather than the dubbed version, since I prefer subs to dubs, but that's a discussion for another day.
Reprinted from my Wading Through the Cultural Stacks WordPress blog. Originally published on Nov. 14, 2020.
In the episode, Yuu talks to Sayaka, who tells her that Touko is so wrapped up in the stage show because of what happened to the Student Council president seven years prior and entreats Yuu to investigate it. She goes back to the Student Council building's records room [1] and finds that the whole book with records for that year is missing... I wonder why? Dun dun dun! She later locks up the student council building, after getting a key from her teacher (who will be mentioned later in this post) and determines that someone removed the documents specifically from seven years ago for a "specific reason," although she doesn't know what that reason is yet.
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Oh no, the records are missing!
Later in the day, after her class ends, she goes to a records room, which you could call a records center or a repository more broadly, at her high school to do some more investigation. A teacher (basically like a records custodian) comes in to ask if she found what she was looking for and she says no. He also seems perplexed that the records are missing as well (he should have done better records management?). She thinks about it more while sitting behind the desk at her family's bookstore, asking herself, "even the records in the main building are missing?"
This is a case even worse than the deletion of records about the clone army by then-Jedi Dooku, later named Count Dooku! There is no Jocasta Nu to declare that if records aren't there they don't exist, an obvious falsehood, so that's good.
© 2022 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
Continued in part 2
[1] The same room was also shown in the fourth episode, "The Distance Between Fondness and Kisses / Not One of the Characters." In that episode, there is a scene where Yuu is putting away files, along with Sayaka and later in the episode, Maki talks to Sayaka in that room about her insecurities, when it comes to Touko.
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onetruesporkbot · 2 years
Hey, all. I have this friend, MachSabre, that is deleting the DeviantArt page he's had for a while. Has something to do with DA dealing with AI-generated art...I don't know the finer details, but he's getting rid of it Sunday, November 13th. Sorry this is so last-minute, but if you're interested in checking out his page and saving his stuff for posterity, CLICK HERE. He's got years of work there, so you can see the progression of his style. He's done Transformers, cartoons, original characters, Transformers, comics, stuff from HIS web comics, and...I think some Transformers stuff. Here's one of his pieces that I've always liked, "Chiropteras".
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So if you want, check it out while you still can. If you catch this too late, sorry for not posting sooner.
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revivemyreverie · 1 year
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shadowlorddemon · 1 year
Goodbye, Garfield…
March 30, 2020
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February 19, 2023 (Redraw)
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(Fun Fact: the old drawing of mine is one of my earliest drawings of ibisPaint X app which I have used for nearly three years.)
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[13/5 colazione - con la posta del mattino, un candido allocco bianco lascerà planare una lettera in ceralacca Delation al tavolo Corvonore, davanti a Charlotte. All'interno, un piccolo ramoscello di lavanda che conserva il suo caratteristico profumo.]
Carissima Charlotte,
ti ringrazio di esserti preoccupata per me e ti assicuro che sto bene. Per fortuna, quel giorno non ero al Ministero. Mio padre mi ha avvisato che anche i tuoi genitori stanno bene e per me è un grandissimo sollievo. 
Non trascurerò i miei doveri di Governatrice e mi terrò lontana lo stretto indispensabile per onorare il lutto indetto dall'ormai nostro ex Ministro della Magia e per capire cosa succederà a lavoro, ora che il Ministero è interdetto a chiunque. Non so di cosa vorresti parlarmi, ma sarò felice di aiutarti, se potrò.
Tutti i Delation sono nella residenza di famiglia nel Kent, ora. Cerchiamo di stare uniti e al sicuro in questo momento buio. Sono sollevata al saperti al sicuro tra le mura di Hogwarts. Se i tuoi genitori vorranno, le nostre porte sono aperte.
Ho apprezzato molto il tuo fiorellino e il profumo è stato avvolgente. Spero che questo ramoscello di lavanda possa fare altrettanto con te, Pervenche.
un abbraccio, Kim
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janichroma · 2 years
If you don't give me a dratini in 13.5 I will fill your house with lokix!! >:C
I take threats very seriously. Dratini will be removed in 13.5.
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sreegs · 2 years
do you know if there's been ever talk of deleting your tumblr becoming a process similar to twitter's (where deleting means deactivation and then for real deleting after 30 days)?
Not to my knowledge, but if it's a feature you want start asking @wip
I think it's a perfectly reasonable thing to ask for, however I imagine the backend parts involved in account deletion might be so old it may be harder to implement than it looks. Maybe @cyle can comment on this
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wip · 1 month
Will there at any point be an option for mass deleting likes, either all at once or by date or tags? I am aware there's an outside computer extension that can be used for this, but as someone who only logs in on my phone, I was wondering about through the mobile app.
Answer: Hello, @fandom--collector!
There are no plans to include a function to mass-unlike posts, sorry. But there are some small workarounds, however—your best bet is a third-party extension or writing a tool that uses our API! We hope this might be of some use.
Thanks for your question, and have a lovely day.
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smallpuppy · 2 years
Block, delete, block, delete. That's pretty much what the last six or seven years have been for me online when encountering people I know. Or don't know, but then they learn my name and suddenly they're on my recommended list of people to add because we were in the same room 4 days in a row at a convention. Removed people I didn't remember (it happens!), people I never wanted to talk to again for various reasons, people I didn't want to try to look me up to find out what I'm doing whether to shit on me or spy on me. And if they tried to look me up, most of them couldn't spell my name correctly anyhow nor do they know my new last name, so it doesn't matter. Sure, people can still look me up on Instagram since it's public, but hey, that's one of the downsides of being a photographer. There was one person I had a slightly hard time removing even though I intended to for years. I've known her since we were quite young, and after recently reading a diary I kept from middle school I wish I could look back and tell my younger self, "Please don't feel the need to seek out friendship in this school. The way she spoke to you today, yesterday, last week? She will speak like that to you always." Sure enough, our communication was filled with her taking all the charge, her making all the demands, her making all the rules. She was so envious of many people's lives, so hateful towards so many others, and I don't use that word lightly. When a mutual friend had a stillbirth and in the following years she would mourn his birthday, she would say with such vileness, "Why can't she just get over it? Ugh, she even posted photos of him online. Disgusting." She even joined in on some bullying towards me on several occasions when I thought she was my closest friend who would at least stand up for me. The desperation for friendship was strong on my end.
Nine years ago, she made the decision that our friendship wasn't worth keeping up anymore. No idea why, but I suspect it's because I didn't give her back exactly what she had given me. I truly appreciate what she had given me, but after looking back and seeing her absolute sour attitude over it all, it pretty much proved it. She stopped responding to my messages, so I stopped trying. I kept her on my Facebook wondering if she'd ever respond back, considering the amount of friends we shared and constant overlapping in comments. Sometime last year, she had liked something somewhat old on my Instagram which was odd since we didn't follow each other. I went to go check the notification and the post she had liked, but it was gone. She had done a classic "whoops-I-didn't-mean-to-like-your-old-post-as-I-was-snooping-through-your-page" and when I went to go check her page, it was was private. Ah, that did it. I blocked her on Instagram immediately. I went to her Facebook page for the first time in years. She was still on my friend list; I thought she would have deleted me ages ago. I pressed the remove button, and then I pressed the block button.
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xsacrificalx · 2 years
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{Sex }
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i propose that instead of pride month, we have queer year (queer people are treated like actual people all year long)
edit: @ilackhumanqualities wins best addition to this post
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archivyrep · 1 year
Missing records, love, and mystery in "Bloom Into You" [Part 2]
Continued from part 1
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Yuu digging for records in a records room at her school
As she wonders why the records are missing, she wonders whether Touko is behind the disappearance of the records. She is about to text her friend when her sister Rei walks in, so she asks her to help her figure out who was the student council president seven years ago. Rei's old school friend replies later and tells her that the president was Mio Nanami. The following day, she asks the same teacher who was the sort of records custodian and finds out that Mio was Touko's elder sister who tragically died in a traffic accident right before the cultural festival that year! She also learns that Mio was idolized by her peers and that the stage show that year was called off because of Mio's death, never performed again in any years that followed,  and he claims that Touko is like her sister in some ways.
Reprinted from my Wading Through the Cultural Stacks WordPress blog. Originally published on Nov. 14, 2020.
After hearing this, Yuu denies it is a possibility that the sisters are alike, remembering her time with Touko, who she has romantic feelings for. Later in the episode, she talks with Touko about her late sister, admitting she asked about her at school. This surprises Touko because she, in her words, "tried to keep it hidden," referring to the story about her sister. Yuu asks Touko if she would consider not doing the stage show and tells her that she doesn't have to be "someone else," as she is, from Yuu's perspective, pushing herself too hard. She implores Touko that she should be herself because people will have affection for her real self.
When she is about to express her love, Touko recalls her late sister's passing, leading to her to adopt her "sister's persona," with people calling her special, while she is afraid to show her "real self" around anyone but Yuu. Ultimately, Yuu agrees to be at Touko's side, claiming she doesn't/never will love her (we all know she does).
At the end of the episode, they end up holding hands as they walk home together, while Touko says she loves Yuu, as she has various times before. Additionally, Yuu admits, in her inner monologue that she lied to Touko because she is lonely and makes clear that she loves Touko too.
By the end of the episode, we don't get direct confirmation from Touko that she took the records from the records room in the Student Council building and the school's records room. [2] However, it is obvious that she did so, as she wanted that part of her past to be "hidden," so she had a motivation for keeping the records. This does raise a bunch of questions about records management. Isn't there anyone who checks the school's records room and keeps tabs on the materials there? How did no one notice the missing records? Are there any other records that are missing from the room?
None of these questions, however, apply to the records at the Student Council building because Touko has been on the Student Council long enough that she could have nabbed the records at any time. Since Touko is a second-year high school student, she presumably stole the records from both locations sometime in the past two years, which could account for why the disappearance wasn't noticed. Overall, this episode connects with a lot more archives/archival themes than I thought originally. This upcoming week or the week that follows that I may write up posts look at some archivists in webcomics with LGBTQ characters, so look forward to that! As always, suggestions for other popular media that have archives, archives, or related themes, are welcome.
© 2022 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
[2] Although, when she says that she wanted to keep the story hidden, this is indirect confirmation she took the records.
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