#despite everything in your life that’s negative is a nice thing to go through
tomorrow is my nineteenth birthday. i can’t believe i’ve lived this long, i didn’t expect to live past sixteen yet alone get to nineteen. this is a crazy thing to process, i still can’t buy anything i want to, still can’t rent a car, still can’t buy a hotel room, still can’t do literally anything but to me it’s still a milestone of how strong i am for continuing to live despite everything.
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mcflymemes · 4 months
PROMPTS FOR THE GRUMPY VS SUNSHINE TROPE *  assorted dialogue for that great dynamic between a guarded character and a warmer character, adjust as necessary
do you ever stop smiling?
life sucks. get over it.
no one ever listens to me. at least, not until you showed up.
i didn't ask for your opinion.
there are more important things i should be dealing with.
i don't talk about my feelings with anyone.
that was a little uncalled for.
i didn't mean to talk your ear off.
i work better on my own.
what did you say to them to get them to listen?
i don't want to talk to you. in fact, i don't want to talk to anyone.
can you just leave me alone?
i never said i would help you.
you can't just talk your way out of problems.
everything was fine until you showed up.
now if you'll excuse me, i have better things to do.
what's so great about this place, anyway?
my opinion doesn't matter anyway.
i don't have time for "fun."
i just want to get this done and go home.
that's never been up to me to decide.
do you stick your head into everyone's business, or just mine?
if it's all the same to you, i'd prefer to be alone.
no one asked you to get involved.
i don't have a choice. it's my duty.
you're interrupting me again.
can we talk about this another time?
you've been listening to me talk for an hour now.
how do you stay so positive all the time?
i'm perfectly content just the way i am, thank you very much.
can't you see they're taking advantage of you?
i wish you would just listen to what i have to say.
i have to try and stay positive. it's the only way we get through this.
nothing good can come from constant negativity.
i believe in myself because no one else will.
i've seen what happens when the bad outweighs the good.
we just have to stay strong.
you never know what someone is going through.
i am capable of more than you give me credit for.
i don't think you're a bad person.
there's so much more to life than this.
you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.
have you tried being nice to them?
a compliment goes a long way.
i choose to be kind.
i just don't see the point in staying silent.
i'm just trying to look out for you.
there's no need to be rude.
we could work together as a team. did you ever think about that?
if you need my help, i'm here for you.
you should smile more often.
i wish you would just be yourself.
for what it's worth, i like who you are now.
we don't have to fight all the time.
being soft is not a weakness.
i want to make this work between us.
despite all that, i'm still here for you.
if you ever want to talk, i'm here to listen.
you're not as bad as you make yourself seem.
i've never seen you that way.
i've come to care about you.
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shadowynn · 1 year
| the paradigm complex | three |
Tumblr media
pairing: ot8 ateez x fem! reader
genre: yandere!vampire!cult!poly!ateez au
warnings: yandere behavior, some cursing, negative thoughts, cheating, toxic relationships, (like, um, things aren't really healthy here in anyone's relationship except for reader and felix. sorry.)
They'll do whatever you ask. Anything you need. Anything you want. It's yours. They'll fulfill your every desire and whim. Give you the life you had always dreamed about.
And in exchange, you wouldn't just give them your soul. Oh, no, They weren't demons. What good was your soul when your purpose was better served alive and well? Your soul was nice, sure, but it wasn't all they wanted. It wasn't all they needed. They needed your body, your mind. Your blood. You entirely. Every single fiber of your being would soon be theirs and theirs alone.
The moment you signed that contract, everything would change. For them and for you.
And there was nothing you could do about it.
word count: 8.3k
a/n: i'm sorry it took this long, but i think i finally got this where i want it to be. i'm also laughing at my past self for saying this wasn't going to be serious and not really a novel and more of a series of one-shots, and yet, here i am, writing a novel because apparently i can't write anything else. oops. but, seriously, i hope you all enjoy. and let me know if i missed anyone on the tags or if you want to be added/removed.
| two | three | four |
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You stared at the open trunk of your car, wondering just how the hell you were going to get either box up to your new apartment by yourself. When you had ordered the new mattress and bedframe for your new place, you had been counting on Felix to help you move things in, but then he had called earlier stating he was sick and leaving you by yourself for the day.
You couldn’t blame him. Not when you knew he had been looking forward to this day almost as much as you had, eager for an inside look at The Paradigm and a possible peek at your future coworkers. But the timing of it all couldn’t have been worse for you, having already picked up your new furniture from the store by the time he had called you to let you know. If your situation had been normal, you could have just left them in your car until the following weekend, but you knew that would only put you in a worse situation. One where you might be forced to kiss your new life goodbye before it had ever even started. 
Knowing there was an elevator did give you a slight boost in confidence, and you thought you could very possibly get the box that contained your bed frame up to your place. The mattress, however, was a different story. Perhaps you might have been able to do it if you dragged it, but even then, you risked making a commotion and you didn’t want to accidentally damage anything in the endeavor either. The last thing you needed was to make a worse impression than you already had; the fact you had been late to your lease signing still haunted your mind despite Seonghwa’s insistence it was fine.
The only other option you could think of was to ask one of your future coworkers for help. Since you had signed the lease last Monday, you had been added to a group chat with the eight of them, each who had been nothing short of sweet and welcoming to you. And though there had been multiple offers of help extended your way, you hadn’t actually expected to take any of them up on it. You didn’t want to bother them on a Saturday afternoon, especially with such a late notice, but your fear of keeping the boxes in your car for another week only to risk your boyfriend seeing them far outweighed your fear of asking for help.
Running a hand through your hair and doing your best to ignore the anxieties that popped up from the thought, you pulled your phone out of your back pocket and opened up the group chat. Your eyes briefly skimmed over the previous  messages, unable to keep your cheeks from tinting pink at their content, especially knowing the face behind each name.
They chatted often. Not enough to where your phone was always blowing up, but enough for you to see the clear bond between them, leading to many occasions of you feeling like you were an intruder, not quite familiar with many of their jokes or references. But just when you would begin to wonder if they had forgotten you were there, someone would direct the conversation your way, directly asking your opinion on the matter or apologizing on the behalf of someone else in the chat.
You scrolled past the messages that had come through on your drive over  as you hesitated - someone had borrowed one of Hongjoong’s jackets a few weeks ago and had yet to return it - fingers hovering over the screen for a few seconds as you wondered just how to word the message without sounding too needy. By the time you had come up with something and typed it out, you quickly deleted it before retyping something else before deleting and repeating the process all over a second time. This time however, you hit send before you could even think about talking yourself out of it and attempting to move in by yourself to avoid the anxiety asking for help always brought.
Your regret was immediate, and you quickly locked your phone up and slid it in your pocket to avoid seeing any responses the request might pull and wondering just what you were thinking. Your phone buzzed almost immediately, and you froze, wanting to pull it out, and yet, terrified all the same. When it buzzed once again a few seconds later, you slowly pulled it out, preparing yourself for the worst, but finding two acceptances instead. Jongho had been the first to respond with a short, but enthusiastic Me! while Mingi had followed a few seconds later, stating he was also free if an extra set of hands was needed.
There was relief in knowing you would be able to unpack your car this weekend, but the solution had come with its own set of problems. Not only did you still feel like an inconvenience for bothering them on the weekend, but you really didn’t know any of them at this point, and had yet to even meet either of the two who had offered to help you today face-to-face. From your previous experiences with each of them, you were confident you could get along well enough, but it would still be a while before you became comfortable enough around them that you didn’t always feel slightly on edge.
You sifted through a few of the other boxes and bags in your car as you waited for Jongho and Mingi to come, briefly checking your own appearance in your car’s rear view mirror. Now that you no longer needed your savings to rent a place of your own, you had been free to spend some of it on furnishing your new apartment and had spent the majority of the morning out shopping. Besides your clothing, books, and a few other belongings you couldn’t bear to part with, there was little you would be actually taking from your current place and you wanted this place to be as move-in ready as it could be by this time next week. And while you hadn’t gotten everything you needed, not quite having enough on hand to buy any other major furniture pieces besides a bed, you were able to snag some new towels, bedsheets, and enough dishware to get you started for the time being.
Your eyes glanced behind you every so often as you waited, looking out for the two who had stated they were on their way down once you had given them your location. You weren’t sure exactly what either boy looked like, but you did have a sneaking suspicion you would be able to spot them nonetheless. All you had to do was likely wait for the next two attractive strangers to leave the apartment building and you were sure to find them.
And though you did your best to not let your mind dwell there, you found yourself growing self-conscious of your own appearance, checking and straightening your hair up once more in the mirror. You had dressed simply for the occasion, putting your own comfort first, and merely pulling on a pair of joggers, cropped tee, and a jacket that you had since wrapped around your waist from the lingering summer heat. Before, you had at least tried to fit in with the higher class of the complex, but one brief look at the tenants who had just walked inside, and you were swiftly reminded of how much you stuck out here.
You didn’t have to wait too much longer. Just a few minutes later and you found you had been right in your earlier assessment. At the sound of the door opening behind you, you glanced back to find two men walking out, both equally as attractive as the others. The one on the left was tall, just as tall if not taller than Yunho had been, while the other was just a few inches taller than yourself. Something that had been said must have annoyed the shorter one, as he shoved the other as they made their way outside, but a smile was planted on each of their faces and the earlier action done playfully.
Upon seeing you standing by your car, both of their faces instantly lit up and the taller one was quick to wave. His smile was infectious, leaving you to follow suit with your own before returning his wave as well.
“You must be y/n.” It was the taller one who addressed you first as they drew close, holding out his hand for you to shake. “I’m Mingi.”
“It’s very nice to meet you, Mingi.” Now that you were close, you could see his hair was not black like you had originally thought, but a dark blue. that shone through in the fluorescent lights of the parking garage.
His smile nearly had you melting up close, instantly setting your nerves to rest as you took his hand. So, this was the other doctor who served at the complex, seemingly just as sweet and gentle as Yunho had been. And with his appearance just as young as the former, you wondered if the two had met in medical school. They definitely appeared around the same age as each other.
“I’m Jongho.” The other swiftly stole your attention, his smile just as endearing as the one before. All it took was one quick look and you were struck with the sudden urge to know just what it felt like to be hugged by him, all but craving to be wrapped up in his warm embrace.
“So, you needed some help moving things in?” Mingi asked, snapping the strange spell that had grabbed hold of you in that moment, a slight edge to his tone that surprised you. You turned your gaze back to him just in time to see the look he had given Jongho, not quite angry, nor was it quite frustrated either, but almost reprimanding. But a smile was quick to replace it when his gaze met yours once more, leaving you wondering if it hadn’t just been a trick of the light. 
“Yes,  sorry.” Your smile became bashful, once again embarrassed by having to ask for their help. “My friend was supposed to be here with me today to help, but then he came down with something and wasn’t able to make it, so thank you, truly, for your help. I really appreciate it.”
You ran your hand through your hair, wondering if you would ever feel completely at ease around any of them. You had no want for any sort of romantic relationship once you finally broke things off with your boyfriend the following week, but the strange attraction you felt towards each of them was enough to keep you on edge, leaving you flustered more often than not, all but craving to get in closer. 
“It shouldn’t take too long. I just needed some help with these two boxes,” you motioned to the two larger ones, inwardly cursing yourself. You had never had this problem before, not even with Haneul, who you had been silently crushing on since he had started working with you. “So, maybe just five or so minutes of your time and then you can return back to whatever it was you were doing beforehand.”
“Don’t worry about it. We’re both more than happy to help.” Jongho waved your concern away, moving past you to grab the heavier of the two boxes. “Neither of us were up to anything important. We were just hiding out at Wooyoung’s place while he started prepping for dinner tonight, which he said you are more than welcome to come to as well, by the way.”
“Careful, that’s-” You barely registered the invitation to dinner, more concerned about helping Jongho with the box he was pulling out, but he lifted it with ease, “...heavy.”
You found it impossible not to stare, watching it awe as he shifted the box onto his right shoulder to help support the weight, and unable to keep your eyes from wandering over the muscles on his arms. You had struggled to lift the box into your car earlier, and yet, he had made it look like it was nothing.
Just how much did this guy workout?
“Careful, Jongho,” Mingi’s voice held a similar tone from earlier, breaking you out from your thoughts once more. You were acutely aware you had been staring at Jongho in that moment, and shifted your gaze away, but not before Jongho had caught your wandering eyes out of the corner of his own.
“I’ve got it, I’ve got it.” He waved both of your concerns away, an innocent, yet almost smug smile on his face. 
Mingi didn’t seem nearly as amused, but his expression lightened when he turned to address you. “Don’t worry, I can get the other one if you don’t mind getting the doors.”
You nodded, watching in a similar awe as Mingi grabbed the box that contained your new bed frame with just as much ease as Jongho before. You knew you weren’t that strong, but you didn’t think you were that weak either. Sure, you didn’t go to the gym every day, or even every other day for that matter, but you liked to think you had some muscles from casually working out with Felix over the past few years when you had the time. 
It took you several seconds to comprehend Mingi’s request, body and mind not quite catching up to what was currently happening until Jongho called for you from further ahead. You shook your head, snapping yourself out of the daze and grabbing a few bags from your trunk before running up to grab the door for Jongho before he reached it.
You didn’t have to direct either of them to your unit. Upon reaching the elevator, Mingi had pressed the button for the sixth floor before you could even think to say something and guided you effortlessly down the hall to where the door to your apartment lay.
“Where would you like us to put them?” Mingi asked as he slid past the door you held open and into the main room. “Upstairs?”
“If it’s not too much trouble, that would be great.”
It felt strange coming back here, once again in complete awe of the space around you. It was more than you could ever dream of, and completely yours. A fact you didn’t think would ever settle completely in your head.
“Hey, y/n, this is your bed, right?” Jongho pulled you from your thoughts, leaning over the banister of the lofted area to address you. “You want us to put it together for you while we’re here?”
“Oh, no, that’s okay. I can get it myself later.” You shook your head, waving his offer away. “I’ve taken enough of your Saturday as it is.”
“Trust me, neither one of us minds. And if I’m being honest, you’re really doing us a favor. Hongjoong was trying to rope us into running a few errands for him since we were free and I did not feel like driving around town all afternoon.” Propping his elbows up against the edge, he rested his chin down into his hands. “So, we are now your humble servants for the rest of the afternoon, ready and willing to do whatever you need of us.”
He winked, and you hoped he couldn’t see the blush that tinted your cheeks as you turned your head away and used all your current brainpower to come up with a proper response.
“C’mon, while Jongho starts putting the bed frame together, why don’t you and I get the rest of the stuff from your car?” Mingi didn’t seem to have any reservations about Jongho’s former statement as he came back down the stairs, motioning with his head for the two of you to head back out. “And then we can help him finish when we’re done.”
He didn’t wait for you to agree, leaving you no choice but to follow after him and accept their offer of help.
“So, how long have you lived here?” You asked once the two of you had made it back down to your car, shuffling around some of the boxes to have a better grip.
“I’ve been here since The Paradigm opened,” Mingi replied, taking the heavier boxes from your hands and leaving you with just the new bedsheets and towels to carry. “Hongjoong and I have known each other for a long time, so when he introduced a new business venture he was interested in, I signed right up. The rent was free and it certainly beat the long shifts at the hospital.” He shrugged, closing your trunk for you now that it was empty. “What about you? Have you always lived in the city?”
You shook your head, readjusting the bags in your hands to open the door for the two of you. “I grew up in a pretty rural area up north, but moved down here for college, so I’ve only been in the city for about… three years now, I think.”
“And what do you think about it?”
“City life definitely has its pros and cons, and for the most part, I really do love living here, but I don’t know,” you shrugged, “sometimes it’s just a little overwhelming being in such a big place all on your own.”
“You’re by yourself?” Mingi’s head tilted, surprised by your words. “I’m sorry, I just assumed you had been living with someone else.”
“Well, you’d be right about that. I pretty much moved in with my boyfriend as soon as I arrived, but,” you paused, unsure how exactly to word your current situation, “I guess I've always felt like I was still all by myself.”
“Is that why you’re getting a new place?” 
You shook your head. “We’re actually breaking up, so I was in need of a new place to stay.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.”
“Thank you, but it’s really for the best.” It was hard to meet Mingi’s eyes as you waited for the elevator, fingers nervously fidgeting with the bags in your hands. “The two of us might have been fighting the inevitable for a while, but it’s really something that’s been coming for a long time now, and honestly, as terrified as it makes me being out on my own again, I’m also relieved to finally be able to get away.”
“And why’s that?” It was hard to place Mingi’s expression. He was empathetic towards your situation, that was obvious, but there was something else there. Something more than the vague curiosity he presented alongside it. 
You could feel your body freezing up on you, wondering if it was appropriate to dump all your past trauma on someone you had just met, but Mingi felt nothing but genuine next to you. His gentle nature all but encouraging you to tell him what was on your mind.
“Well, let’s just say the guy has never learned how to keep it in his pants.” The words rolled out with ease, prompting you to continue. “And I know, I’m an idiot for staying with him through it all this time, but each time I talked to him about it, he truly seemed sorry and willing to change, and it’s not like I had anywhere else to go.” 
Your words trailed off, feeling self-conscious over your past attempts. It was so easy to see how foolish you were now. To see how you should have left. To see how anyone in their right mind would have left, and yet, you hadn’t. You had allowed him to convince you to stay each and every time, fully believing everything would work out. 
You tugged the bags you were holding closer to your chest, suddenly feeling very small and insignificant in that moment. As much as you knew the problem lay with him and not yourself, you still fought against the lies that told you it was your fault, that if you had only been better, none of this would have ever happened. He would have never cheated on you; you would have never gotten yourself hurt.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to dump that all on you.”
“I don’t mind. After all, it’s not good to keep feelings all bottled up inside and if it makes you feel better, I can listen to you rant about him as long as you need.” Mingi’s shoulder bumped against your own as the elevator came to a stop, and you could see his smile reflecting in the doors as they opened, but it didn’t quite meet his eyes this time around. “But I can’t help but feel a little concerned over the fact you’re still living with him over this next week. Are you sure that’s safe?”
“It’s not ideal, sure, but it’s not like I have any other choice. I would have loved to move in as soon as I had signed the lease, but he knows where I work and he would have just come in one day and convinced me to change my mind. He can be very persuasive when he wants to be.” You could feel your body tensing, not quite comfortable with the direction the conversation had taken. It was uncomfortable to talk about this side of your past, embarrassing to see just how easily you had allowed him to manipulate you. “But it’s nothing to worry about. I’ve been with him for the past three  years, so I can do one more week as long as he doesn’t catch on that I’m leaving. And despite his cheating ways, he’s never done anything to hurt me. Well,” you frowned, instantly taking note of the lie you had just spoken, “not physically, at least.”
You drove the conversation to its end as you made it back to your apartment, motioning for Mingi to set his boxes on the kitchen counter for now. And while you made your way upstairs to check on Jongho and leave the conversation completely, Mingi excused himself out into the hallway to make a quick phone call once he remembered he had forgotten to list a few of the supplies he had needed Hongjoong to pick up during his time out.
“You want some help?” 
Jongho had made some progress in your absence, the majority of the pieces scattered around him in the relative shape of a bed, and you couldn’t help but feel partially guilty for leaving him to do the task for you when it was your bed frame. 
He nodded, motioning for you to come over. “If you could hold this together for me real quick, that would be great.”
“Of course.” 
You matched his smile as you settled down on the ground beside him to take hold of the pieces he was talking about, and it didn’t take long for you to become aware of how close the two of you were in that moment. Especially, when he leaned in closer to screw together the two pieces you were holding for him.
“Once again, thank you.” You spoke after a few minutes, hoping to alleviate some of the tension you felt from being so close to him, and hating how on edge he made you. It was the same way with the others, and yet, it was distinctly worse around some than others. Jongho’s presence fell towards the latter, and you had a much harder time keeping a grip on your thoughts and emotions around him than you had with Mingi, and yet, one look at both of them was enough for all your solid reasoning to leave your body. “I really appreciate your help.” 
“It’s no problem at all,” Jongho replied, arm brushing up against yours. “Like I said earlier, you’re really doing us a favor in return. We were looking for an excuse to be busy until dinner tonight.” 
“Oh, yeah, you mentioned Wooyoung was making dinner for you. That’s very sweet of him.” You thought Jongho might have mentioned Wooyoung had also extended an invitation towards you, but didn’t want to make any assumptions in case you had heard him wrong, distracted by the show of strength of the boy next to you.
“He’s just about the only one of us who’s actually any good at cooking. Well, Seonghwa’s pretty decent as well, but he doesn’t enjoy it the way Wooyoung does, nor is he as willing to share with the rest of us. Woo usually hosts a dinner once or twice a week, but you’ll definitely have to watch out for him,” Jongho continued. “Baking is pretty much that man’s love language and he’ll load you with more goods and sweets then you’ll know what to do with.”
“Oh, well, if that’s how he is, I guess it’s a good thing I have a sweet tooth.”
The words were out before you could stop them, and it took you a few seconds to realize just what you had said and how it might have sounded, especially the chuckle it had pulled out of Jongho. You hadn’t meant anything by it, but as you quickly ran through the words in your head once more, you began to question what exactly Jongho had meant by his statement and if it hadn’t been as innocent as you had first believed. Especially when he was quick to quip back, “You’re not the only one.” 
And was it your imagination, or had he shifted closer to you than necessary? Leaning forward into you as he reached around your body to tighten the piece he had you holding. 
Thankfully, you were saved from responding when Mingi came up the stairs behind you, though the way he cleared his voice to announce his presence didn’t make you feel any better from the position Jongho had taken around you.
“Fucking hell, Mingi.” Jongho’s string of curses was almost too low to hear, leaving you once again wondering what exactly was going on around you as Jongho straightened back up. His eyes rolled, agitation once again lining his features, or at least you thought it had. One blink and the look was gone, replaced with another innocent expression as he motioned to his left hand. “Sorry, cut myself.” His hand rose to his mouth, briefly sucking on the end of his middle finger to get rid of the blood that had begun pooling on the tip.
You averted your eyes, shaking your head in an attempt to clear it and wondering just what was up with you today. Perhaps you were simply coming down with whatever illness Felix had. You had seen him the day before, after all, so you very well could have caught it from him then; the beginning of a fever clouding your mind and judgment. And yet, your forehead felt cool to the touch when you brushed the back of your hand against it despite the heat that flooded you.
Things calmed down once Mingi joined the two of you, helping you finish putting the bed frame together. Once it was completed, you directed them to where you wanted it to lie before unboxing your mattress and allowing it time to air out before tugging on the set of sheets you had bought. 
By the time you were all done, it was nearly five and you were far more exhausted than you expected to be, especially knowing you had the opening shift tomorrow morning. You were supposed to be working it with Felix, but now you weren’t so sure since he had come down with something. You didn’t really have any qualms with the rest of your coworkers, nor with your managers, but working with Felix was always a lot less exhausting than working a shift with anyone else.
“Thank you again for helping me out,” you said as you made your way back downstairs, rolling out the kinks in your back. “I really appreciate all your help and I don’t mean to seem rude, but I should probably get ready to head back to my place soon.” 
“You’re not going to stay for dinner?” Jongho asked, seemingly disappointed as he reminded you of the offer he had extended towards you earlier in the day. 
“Oh, right.”
You had forgotten about the invitation until now, and quickly debated over what you should do. On one hand, you were exhausted and craved an evening to yourself, but on the other hand, you didn’t want to seem rude and turn down the offer either. It would be good to get to know them and the others a bit better, and if you wanted everything here to go smoothly as possible, it would be best to get on good terms with each of them.
“If you’re sure I wouldn’t be interrupting anything, I’d love to join you, but I probably can’t stay too long. I have work tomorrow morning and a fairly long drive back to my place.”
And with reassurances your presence was more than welcomed, you followed them out of your apartment and down to the floor beneath yours where Wooyoung’s own unit lay. The door was unlocked, and neither boy even bothered knocking and made their way inside as though it was their own apartment. You followed behind a bit more hesitantly, slipping off your shoes at the doorway and pushing them to the side. 
The layout to Wooyoung’s place was vastly different from yours, having actual bedrooms towards the back instead of a lofted studio like your own. A large kitchen was directly to your right, which then flowed directly into a small dining room with a view of the city behind it, while the living area was to your left. 
Wooyoung was busy in the kitchen upon your arrival, and you could faintly make out two figures sprawled out on the couch playing what looked to be Super Smash Bros. 
“Oh, y/n, you came!” 
Wooyoung was the first to notice your presence, but one mention of your name was all it took for the game on your left to pause and the two seated there to give you their attention as well. Now that their heads were turned towards you, you were able to see it was Yeosang and San seated there.
“Thanks for having me over, and for dinner too.” You returned his smile, shuffling awkwardly at everyone’s attention. “I’ve heard a lot about your cooking and can’t wait to try it.” And if it was anything like the cookies you had earlier in the week or the smell wafting from the kitchen, you knew it probably matched up to the hype.
“Well, unfortunately you’ll have to wait another hour or so before it’s ready and everyone else gets here,” Wooyoung turned as the timer on the oven went off, “but feel free to make yourself at home in the meantime and just let me know if you need anything.”
“Hey, y/n, we have plenty of controllers if you want to join.” Before you could thank Wooyoung, you were being waved over by San and Yeosang, the former waving a controller your way.
“Sure, I’d love to,” you politely excused yourself from Wooyoung as you were guided over to the living room by Mingi, “though I must warn you, I’m not very good. I never really got any of the combos down, so I’m usually just button mashing and hoping for the best.”
“Well, you wouldn’t be the only one,” San replied, motioning to the spot between him and Yeosang on the couch and handing you a controller when you had sat down. “Even the bots can beat Yeosang.”
“May I remind you that we only switched to this game because you got tired of me kicking your ass in Mario Kart.”
“Don’t feel too bad, I’m even worse at that game.” You giggled as Yeosang ended the game he and San had been playing, loading up a new preset for the rest of you to join. “Thankfully, though, I can always do pretty decent in Mario Party. Which is kind of sad, but I’ll take what I can get.” 
“Well, we have that too if you want to switch.” Yeosang replied, but you shook your head, not wanting to ruin their fun. 
“No, this is perfectly fine with me. I might be terrible at it, but I still enjoy playing.” You contemplated which character you were going to pick as you spoke. You had thought about starting with Link, but upon seeing Mingi get to him before you, you decided to just go with your other go-to for the first round.
“Sephiroth, huh?” Yeosang was the first to remark as you solidified your character.
“Mmhmm.” You shifted in your seat, pulling your legs up to your chest as you nodded. “Final Fantasy and Zelda were pretty much my childhood growing up, so I usually tend to orient towards those characters. Well, them and Joker. I never really got into the Persona games like my friend Felix, but I do love his aesthetic.”
It took you a few rounds to get back into the swing of things, having been several months since the last time you had played. You rotated between characters as you went, going from Shiek to Joker and then back to Sephiroth, but it was clear you were nowhere near the level of the others. Occasionally you would beat Yeosang, and even once managed to outlast Mingi, but on most occasions you would be the first one dead, proving your lack of skills for the game.
After a few more games, you decided to take a break, excusing yourself to go check on Wooyoung and feeling a little guilty from all the work he was doing by himself while you played. You weren’t much of a cook yourself, at least not on the level he was, but surely there was something you could do, even if it was just keeping him company for the time being.
He lounged against one of the counters, head buried into the phone he held. As his eyes scanned the small screen, a frown worked its way across his features and his fingers danced across the screen to form a reply to whatever had upset him.
“Can I help with anything?”
His head whipped up at your soft approach, and whatever had upset him was quickly replaced with a smile. With one last glance at his phone, he pocketed it and shook his head. “I don’t think so. Everything’s pretty much ready , so we’re really just waiting for the others to make it back. Hongjoong had some errands to run and it seems they had to make a few detours on their way back, so they’re running later than expected. Can I get you anything to drink in the meantime, though?”
“Water if you don’t mind.”
You took a seat at the island counter as Wooyoung fetched your drink, wondering if you would ever get used to living like this. If you would ever get used to living here at The Paradigm. Despite knowing you now had your very own place one level above, you couldn’t help but feel like it was all some hazy dream. That you would finally wake up and realize nothing had changed because you knew how crazy this whole situation was. It was just too good to be true, and yet, here you still were, seemingly still wide awake.
You chatted idly with Wooyoung as you waited, munching on a small snack he had given you when you had accidentally let it slip that you hadn’t eaten anything all day. You hadn’t meant to skip lunch, but it had just slipped your mind with everything else going on. Yeosang joined the two of you shortly after, giving video games a rest for the night after being severely beaten once more.
The others arrived shortly after, just as the sun was starting to set. You couldn’t help but grow slightly more on edge at their appearance, fully aware of Hongjoong’s and Seonghwa’s position above you in your new job, but it didn’t take long to ease back into a more relaxed state. Well, as relaxed as you could be around them.
Yeosang and Wooyoung kept their positions beside you, while Hongjoong took up the empty bar stool beside you. As you ate, you spoke of your childhood, your family, as well as your interests and how you had ended up in the city. You were aware of the way the attention seemed to be directed towards you, but any time you attempted to direct the conversation elsewhere and ask them about themselves, it didn’t take long for the conversation to drift its way back to you once more. You didn’t mind, not really, having nothing to hide about your past, but you couldn’t help but feel a little bad and hoped they didn’t think badly of the fact you were doing the majority of talking.
It didn’t take long for you to lose track of time, your phone laying forgotten beside you on the counter. It wasn’t until you looked outside and saw the sun had long set that you were suddenly reminded of the fact you still had a long drive back to your apartment. You grabbed your phone to check the time, barely recognizing it was much later than you had anticipated when you noticed several missed calls and a few texts from Felix alongside a message from your manager.
“Is everything alright?” Hongjoong was the first to take note of the confusion that crossed your features as you scanned over the text from your manager, the source of Felix’s concern.
“Yeah, yeah, everything’s good. It’s just…” Your words trailed off, trying to make sense of what she had sent you and understanding why Felix had now been trying to get a hold of you. “Do you mind if I go make a call real quick?” You excused yourself from the bar, making your way out of the apartment and out into the hallway for some privacy as you returned Felix’s call.
“Jesus, y/n, do you know how badly you just scared me?” Felix didn’t even bother with a greeting, leaving you cringing as you realized exactly what sort of state he was in. “Don’t tell me that fucking bastard found out you were moving.”
“No, no, nothing like that.” You frowned, understanding how it must have looked from his side, and yet just as lost as he was over the whole situation. “I’m sorry for scaring you, Lix, I really didn’t mean to, but to be honest, I’m just as confused as you are. For some reason Hana texted me an hour ago saying not to bother showing up to work for my last few shifts. I texted her back asking why or if I had done something, but all she’s said is that she just got someone else to cover me.” 
“Wait, so she just took you off the schedule and said not to bother finishing up?” 
“That’s what it looks like.” You took a screenshot of the conversation with your manager, sending it over to Felix to show him exactly what had been said. “I mean, I guess I don’t really mind. It’s not like I need the money now, but I just don’t understand why she did it without asking me first. You don’t think I did something do you? Something that might have made her mad?” 
You had never had any problems with Hana before. Sure, you had your shared frustrations towards the way she managed the store occasionally, but the two of you had always gotten along, at least you thought you had. She had always seemed to appreciate your work ethic and she had never expressed any concern towards you before. But what if something had happened? What if she had overheard one of your conversations with Felix about you wishing you could just finish up this job and move on with your life and had gotten upset over it?
“No way, you were Hana’s favorite, so maybe she just wanted to give you a break.” Felix replied, pushing back any anxieties that had popped up from it. “You’ve covered a lot of shifts for her in the past, so maybe she just wanted to repay the favor here in the end, especially knowing how excited you are.”
“I don’t know.” You leaned back against the wall behind you, still trying to run the situation over in your head. Because of the delicate position you were in, you had only simply told her and your other coworkers you were moving. The only one who knew exactly where was Felix. “Maybe.” 
“Well, regardless of what or how it happened, it looks like you now have the week off, so what are you going to do now?”
“I don’t know.” In all your confusion over what had happened with your schedule, you had yet to even think about what that meant for you or what you might be able to do with it. “I guess I could move in early now, but…” You paused, the weight of the situation hitting you. You had known all along what was happening, and yet, it had never quite hit you like it did now. 
“But, what? Don’t tell me you're getting second thoughts about it all again, because if you are, I will drive over to your place right now and drag your ass out of there whether you want me to or not.”
“No, no, it’s not that.” At least you didn’t think it was. You wanted to leave, you did, but why did it suddenly scare you so much? “And I’m not even there right now, so your drive would be wasted.”
“Don’t tell me you’re still unpacking, are you?” You could hear the pity in Felix’s voice, fully aware he still felt terrible for having to bail on you earlier in the day.
“Oh, no. I got some help from Mingi and Jongho and we finished up hours ago.” You quickly waved his concern away. “It’s just that I got invited to dinner and lost track of time.”
“Dinner?” You didn’t have to see Felix to know what expression had crossed his face, and you did your best to hide your blush  regardless of the fact you couldn’t see each other.
“No, it’s not like that at all. I guess Wooyoung hosts dinners occasionally, so I just got roped into going as well.” Your body shifted, growing uncomfortable by the inclination his voice had held and lowering your voice. “There’s absolutely nothing going on and they’re just being friendly, Lix. Just friends hanging out with friends, nothing more.” 
“Well, at least for now.”
“Oh, come on Felix, it’ll never come to that and you know it.” And despite the teasing tone his voice had taken, you could feel yourself beginning to sink into yourself, realizing how stupid it would be to ever think otherwise. “I don’t doubt that most of them are already in a relationship, and even if they’re not, they wouldn’t be interested in me. I mean, why the hell would they?” 
“Well, if you ask me, they’d be dumb not to be.” Felix’s voice softened. “I mean, if I swung that way, I’d snag you right up before anyone else could have a chance to steal you. You’re the ultimate package, n/n. You’re sweet, kind, smart-”
“You’re only saying that because you’re required to as my best friend.”
And he had to be, didn’t he? After all, how could you believe something like that when everything in life had told you otherwise? The only person to ever express an interest in you before had swiftly shown you weren’t worth it and continued to tell you so for years. He had proved  that there was something wrong with you, because otherwise, he would have cared enough about you to not break you completely.
“I know it might be hard to believe it at times, but you are worth it, y/n, truly. And one of these days you’ll finally meet someone who will help to teach you that, but for now, you’ll just have to take it from me. And I promise you, I’m not saying any of this because I’m required to, but rather because I believe it.”  
“Oh, Felix.” You wiped your eyes, brushing away the tears that had fallen and biting back the apology that fell at the tip of your tongue. You had had this conversation or similar ones enough in the past to know Felix would only immediately refute it, saying there was absolutely no need to apologize. “I don’t know what I would do without you.” You repeated the words you had said to him so often, truly wondering why he had ever decided to become your friend with all the baggage that came with you. In all the time you had known him, he had been a bright light in your life and a steady force that had gotten you through some of the roughest times in your life.
You talked for a minute longer to help lift your spirits back up, confirming with Felix that you were in a fit state to drive and would head back to your boyfriend’s place for the night and start packing up so that you were ready and gone before he came home tomorrow night. You strayed in the hallway for a bit longer once the call was over, attempting to get your emotions under control once more and prayed that your eyes weren’t red from crying. 
Taking one last breath and doing your best to compose yourself, you made your way back into Wooyoung’s apartment to thank him, Mingi, and Jongho one last time before heading back for the night. 
“Everything alright?” Hongjoong was the first to address you at your return, but you shook off his concern as best you could, fully hoping the smile you wore met your eyes.
“Yeah, it was just some stuff that came up with work.” Your hands fiddled with the end of your jacket’s sleeves, shuffling awkwardly at the eyes that watched you. “Apparently my manager found someone to take the rest of my shifts for the week and was just letting me know.”
“So, you’re now done?” Mingi asked, turning from his conversation at the table with Yunho to address you.
You nodded. “Yeah, I think so. I’ll still need to drop a few things off sometime this week, but I’ll probably do that sometime tomorrow after I’m done packing.” You paused for a moment before continuing, hoping you wouldn’t make things awkward by leaving directly after the phone call. “Which I have quite a bit to do now in a short amount of time, so I should probably go ahead and leave for the night-”
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Hongjoong asked, stopping you from heading back to the door when he took hold of your wrist. “You did have quite a bit of wine earlier, and I don’t think it would be safe for you to drive.” 
“What are you talking…?” Your head tilted, confused as to what he was talking about. You hadn’t drank anything tonight because you had known you would be driving back home. You had made sure of it.
And yet, now that you thought about it, you weren’t so sure. You didn’t think you had drank anything, but then why was there an empty wine glass next to your plate alongside the faintest memories beginning to pop up of you drinking it. Hadn’t Wooyoung offered you a glass before dinner had begun, and you had accepted thinking it would be fine if you drank it early enough?
God, how could you have forgotten you had been drinking? Were you really that drunk that you had completely forgotten what you had been doing? And how could you, when you could so clearly feel the effects of the alcohol in your system now, leaving you unsteady on your feet. What had you been thinking earlier? You were in no state to be driving. Not when you were now struggling to stand on your own two feet.
“Right, um…” You struggled  to get your thoughts together, suddenly aware of how hot it was in there. 
“Woah, you okay there, pretty?” It was Yeosang behind you who spoke, grabbing hold of your shoulder to help steady you when you attempted to take your jacket back off, the action leaving you stumbling forward.
He, alongside Hongjoong, who still had a hold on your wrist, used their grip on you to guide you back down to your seat, leaving your vision racing momentarily. When your eyes managed to focus once more, you saw Hongjoong leaning over you, his close presence doing little to calm your racing thoughts, and only serving to scramble them more than ever. And as you looked up into his eyes, all your mind could focus on was how breathtakingly beautiful he was alongside the deep yearning to feel his lips pressed against your own.
“Why don’t I take you back to your room?” His hand brushed the hair out of your eyes, expression painstakingly sweet. “And then maybe we can go over and help you pack the rest of your stuff in the morning when you’re in a better mindset, yeah?” 
You didn’t hear exactly what he had said, your brain too scrambled to comprehend what exactly was going on, but you nodded your head in agreement anyways, ready and more than willing to do whatever it was he asked of you.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
taglists in reblogs :)
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angelfleurry · 19 days
Can I request headcanons for Chihiro, Toko, Chiaki, and Teruteru with a clingy fem reader who loves cuddles?
I'm going on a requesting Rampage for some content of my blorbos lol. If you don't want to write this, that's fine.
♡Chihiro, Toko, Chiaki & TeruTeru with a clingy Fem! Reader who loves cuddles:♡
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH THIS REQUEST IS ADORAAAABLE!! I’m not even joking I giggled when I saw it. I love writing about wholesome cuddly sorts of things, and this request is just ahwhwh!! I really hope I’ve done alright. I think this will actually be my first time writing for Chihiro. It’s occurred to me that I’ve never written for him before!!
I’m so sorry that this took so long to do, and to any requests I have not yet published. I’ve had exams and general life stuff to tend to, but I promise I’m getting them done! <3
꒰ა Chihiro Fujisaki: ໒꒱
♡ He’s so gentle about it but he’s definitely flustered by it.
♡ If you go to cling to him, usually through hugs, he tends to freeze for a second.
♡ Then, depending on his level of confidence that day, he’ll either tumble into a fit of giggles or be super bashful about it.
♡ He still welcomes it though.
♡ I imagine he really appreciates it when you snuggle close to him.
♡ You like to sit and watch him as he works, offering food or drink every so often.
♡ This makes him feel super loved and even more enamoured by you.
♡ He likes to talk to you about latest thing he’s working on.
♡ It makes him feel so happy that you actively choose to spend time with him.
♡ He loves you so much and, while he’s awkward and still gathering confidence with you, he wants you to know just how much he appreciates all this love!
♡ Hand-holding is to be expected.
꒰ა Toko Fukawa: ໒꒱
♡ It flusters her.
♡ She’s definitely flinchy about it.
♡ She doesn’t react negatively to it, but it visibly startles her.
♡ Like, what are you doing?
♡ But also, don’t stop…
♡ She gets shivers whenever you cling onto her.
♡ They’re good shivers, rest assured.
♡ She gets all red-faced when you make it known you want to spend time with her.
♡ It tickles at her insides in a way that flusters her everytime.
♡ You’re just so adorable when you’re all attached to her.
♡ The way you cling to her, the way you smile when she enters the room, it does things to her soul everytime.
♡ It’s so nice to be loved by someone, to be cared for by someone, to have someone willingly want to touch her.
♡ To have someone as lovely as you be so eager to spend time with her, to even hold her, it startles her in a way she never quite could have imagined. It’s a good startle though.
♡ It makes her feel all sorts of emotions, but she can’t quite write it out.
♡ It’s nice to feel important to someone.
꒰ა Chiaki Nanami: ໒꒱
♡ It’s nice.
♡ It’s really, really nice.
♡ She loves it when you curl up beside or upon her, watching her game.
♡ A small smile will always fall upon her face whenever you get affectionate.
♡ She likes to pat your head and lean it upon her shoulder.
♡ Small doses of affection, but they mean everything.
♡ Chiaki is no stranger to the forehead kisses.
♡ Cuddles with Chiaki always make you sleepy, but a good kind of sleepy.
♡ You feel so protected in her embrace, even if you don’t need to feel that way.
♡ You’ve often fallen asleep in each other’s arms, music from Chiaki’s latest game softly playing in the background.
♡ Public hand-holding is to be expected.
꒰ა TeruTeru Hanamura: ໒꒱
♡ Oh, he’s fully welcoming of this trait of yours.
♡ He feels this weird sense of pride whenever you cling to him.
♡ Something about the fact you’re his, and you can’t get enough of his touch…
♡ Makes him feel all cool and stuff.
♡ But, at the same time, when you pull him close, wrapping your arms around him, he gets emotional.
♡ Something within him awakens, something timidly overwhelming.
♡ It’s such a contradicting feeling, such gentle aggression as tears spring to his eyes.
♡ The fact you love him, really love him; despite his flaws, despite his habits…
♡ He just holds you tighter, trying not to tear up.
♡ Teru adores how clingy you are to him. He loves how you constantly seek his attention and actively want to spend time with him!
♡ You don’t even have to do anything specific, you just like being around him, and he adores that!
♡ He likes to make little remarks about your clinginess, but it’s never out of spite; it’s all very loving.
♡ Hand-holding and hand-tracing is a CONSTANT scenario for you both.
♡ It’s very simple, but it lets the both of you know you’re loved and safe.
♡ He likes to have you watch him cook.
♡ You’ve helped out a few times, and he loves it every time.
♡ Just you being in the kitchen with him, either observing or partaking, fills him with so much joy it’s unreal.
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myths-tournaments · 7 months
Awful Characters Round 3 (1/8)
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Propaganda under the cut!
He’s the medical malpractice doctor from the medical malpractice show. Man has never had a healthy relationship in his life and isn’t about to start now and by god he will break any law. Loyal but super weird about it, and makes everyone around him worse but also more interesting. He’s insufferable and I love him.
The show is regularly called the medical malpractice show. Everything he does is either questionable, illegal, dangerous, or all of the above. He’s said countless racist/sexist/homophobic things at any given opportunity, even to his friends. He has exactly one friend who is a thrice-divorced loser oncologist who only really stays with House because he's afraid of who would get hurt if he didn't. House will do anything to solve a puzzle or — God forbid — prove a point. He regularly puts people in danger to prove points of figure things out. His only morally redeeming quality is that he’s turned this obsession onto medical cases, and so usually the patients live. The show acknowledges multiple times that the only reason anyone tolerates his constant abuse is that he's a good doctor.
Her number one hobby is ruining every person's that she knows life. Her second hobby is being soooo slutty about it despite looking like a literal wet rat. Her third hobby is having an extremely unhealthy relationship with her twin. Her other hobbies include cannibalism, wearing a maid outfit, being extremely convinced she is the main character, the badboy sexy love interest and the villain. 'Why', you may ask. Well, the answer is, for shits and giggles #justgirlythings i, aswell as literally everybody else in the fandom have gone through the pipeline from hating her to desperately wanting to fuck her. expect for i still fucking hope she dies and doesn't come back for good. (that would literally solve all of everybody's problems) as god intended (EXPECT FOR. one of her hobbies literally is gaslighting god) She is fucking horrible i will love her until i die and even after that
parks and recs jean ralphio voice she's the woooorst!! The moment she learns she has to kill someone to become a Lyctor (aka a more special necromancer), she doesn't hesitate to kill and cannibalize the guy who has been her cavalier since childhood… cavalier who she also totally bullied as kids, she was allowed to choose one guest for her and her twin sister's birthday party each year, and she would always pick whoever she thought her cavalier didn't want to see there! While other characters are shown to regret the process of becoming a Lyctor (which involves someone close to them dying)/were forced into it because of circumstances, Ianthe has absolutely no regrets, she believes she did what she had to do
The author once said of Ianthe: "I don't think she's been nice to anyone, if she has I'll go back and change it." She killed and ate the soul of someone she has known all her life so that she could become a necromantic saint and tormented him plenty before that. General negging, ganging up against him, always inviting people he didn't like to their birthday parties. She doesn't regret killing him. I think she is repulsed by the idea that his digested soul is affecting hers. She helped her crush lobotomise herself so she would be in Ianthe's debt, and later lied and said she didn't see the corpse of a woman her crush killed under her bed (why did she do that? I do not know). She has a bone arm because her original arm was cut off, she hated the replacement so her crush cut THAT off and grew her a new one out of just bones. She had it gilded and only after that did she decide to help her crush deal with the person who had been repeatedly trying to kill her. She wants so badly to be the main character but people keep interrupting her villain monologues.
she has her own content warning tag
She's such a bitch to everyone all the time, she causes nothing but problems, she tries to do a villain speech but fumbles it because her tummy hurt, she is the awfulgirl of all time
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sailorblossoms · 1 year
I was thinking about roles with the main four and it seems so intentional that Agatha and Baz are the ones who explicitly voice wanting to escape fate and they do it in the presence of the other, if not to each other. I think this is because, among the four, they have the worse fucking roles.
I mean, you have Simon. His role as a hero did bring him some happiness: he likes being useful, he likes feeling like he's "earning" his place in that word, like he's important. Like he matters. The heteronormative parts of being the male hero did make him miserable – he never truly wanted the girl, no matter how hard he tried, no matter how much he wanted the things that wanting the girl could give him, or the things the girl herself had: home, family, stability etc, etc. There's satisfaction with being a hero, and dissatisfaction with being a boyfriend. So that's 1/2
Penny enjoyed fighting by Simon's side. She loved it, even. The feeling of just the two of them against everything, able to do anything together. Her one grip was feeling like she's being dismissed or make to be as less-than – not a sidekick, but a dread companion. And they’re best friends. So that's like a 1.5/2
Agatha fucking hates being a damsel in distress, and with good reason. It sucks ass! Imagine your friends are always playing heroes while you’re always the bitch fearing for her life. Who always has to be rescued (whose safety depends entirely on others) who can't never help herself. Like Simon, she is also dissatisfied with being a girlfriend. So that's a solid 0/2. Just no fucking silver lining, nothing to turn to. No wonder she beats Simon in realizing there's no romantic love between them (and later, she even dispassionately tells us she's pretty sure the guy wasn't attracted to her) no relationship to save.
And then there’s the "villain." None of them are "nice," even if they're kind. Out of the four, Baz is the one with the softest heart, the most sensible, the one with a caretaker nature... and he's the one who has to play the bad guy. It plays such a big part in him being so depressed: to play a role that goes against his very nature. He doesn't even like being angry – it's so easy for him, to let go of his anger when he's no longer confined in this role. He can't even hold on to any sort of anger or negativity towards the numpties, despite the horrible ordeal they put him through. Baz is understanding toward them instead. Even from pretty early on, we see Baz would rather comfort Simon instead of taunting him. But he's "not allowed." It's not his role to play. It's no exaggeration to say this role would have killed him – and not coincidence either. We see him almost causing his own destruction. (Perhaps much to say about the “villain” knowing he's gay and the history of bad endings for queer-coded villains, and how they break out of those structures.) A fucking solid 0/2. No fucking silver lining whatsoever.
I also think it's no coincidence that the desire to be free is voiced out loud in a scene where "the love interest," who doesn't want to be Simon's love interest and who is not actually loved (romantically) by Simon, talks to the person who both loves and is loved by Simon (romantically). It's such an interesting choice (highlighted by Baz practically running from the idea of yet another comphet relationship while Agatha, freshly out of a comphet relationship, tries to catch up to him. Baz is not ready to stop believing in the lie of the golden fate yet, but he knows himself, and he can't actually force himself into a relationship he knows he doesn't want. Agatha no longer believes in the golden destiny, but she doesn't know herself yet, she's still pursuing things she doesn't truly want because she doesn't know what she wants. An important step in breaking out of roles is taken here)
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owladaptive · 7 months
If you’re still taking questions about the Addams AU:
1. What’s Goldie up to? (I would assume this Scrooge is a bit more on-board with the whole “abandoning him in deadly situations” thing than in canon…)
2. You’ve mentioned Doofus a few times, as the kid who terrifies Louie with his niceness and one of the people who fully accepts the McDuck weirdness, so… yeah, what’s his deal?
3. And to round out the kids, how about Boyd? Better relationship with Gyro from the beginning? (since I can’t imagine this Gyro would let a little thing like a city-levelling rampage get in the way of parental love)
Thanks for keeping up the asks! I've been taking a break to chill and think over some things, so I appreciate the patience in waiting.
1: I've got a whole separate, longform ask for Goldie incoming, hold onto your tushie.
2: Doofus is interesting in the Addams AU because he's still a bit of a crazy kid, I mean he either is oblivious to or completely disregards the McDucks' spooktacular lifestyle despite how unignorable it is. It's just that rather than be creepy and domineering and mad with power HIMSELF he's the complete opposite.
I feel that the foremost reason Doofus exists in canon is to be Louie's worst nightmare, and so I wanted to maintain that. In the addams AU he's everything the McDucks don't want to be. He's cheerful, optimistic, likes bright colous and sweets and pop music and he'll shove all of that in their faces in a most unusual display of unintended torment.
The interesting thing is UNLIKE the McDucks - and very MUCH like his canonical counterpart - Doofus is still toxic. He doesn't genuinely support his family and friends like the McDucks do. His sweet disposition and positivity is overbearing. And he'll push and push and push for someone to stop feeling sad, angry or upset in any way simply because HE wants to be the one to vanquish the negativity - not because he actually cares about what someone is going through.
He might not take it to the same magnitude he does in the show, with the kidnapping and such, but he's hardly a good friend if you just want to live your life, problems and all.
And yeah, Louie is his personal project. He'll make that duck happy one day, he's sure of it.
3: You're right!!! Gyro wouldn't dream of abandoning BOYD after one messy, destructive malfunction. In fact he'd call that a resounding success! Wanton destruction is..... kinda what he was going for.
(Akita of course tried to reprogram 2BO to be his puppet of domination, as he did in canon. He just didn't know that he was about to make a fearsome enemy of the man who had already programmed the boybot to love and obey Gyro's masterminded will for unrelated, even more nefarious purposes (there aren't any nefarious purposes, Gyro just wanted a deathbot buddy.) Anyway Gyro was like EUREKA I've always wanted a diabolical nemesis with which to wage a battle of evil science!!!! *thunder and lightning, maniacal laughter, the sound of whirring chainsaws* and Akita was like "I think I'm gonna just go actually--")
Anyway BOYD has been with Gyro for many, many years by now. And really the only reason Gyro hasn't unleashed him upon the world to cause unholy annihilation is because Scrooge said not to.
BOYD is helpful, polite and completely at peace with his sole calling to eviscerate (or capture for experimentation) ANYone who tries to enter the Money Bin without very special permission from the boss himself. He is great security - scares off anyone who even comes CLOSE to the Bin. His laser vision has sunk many a curious boat that sailed too close. The schoolchildren whisper in the yard of the superheated glare that stares at you across the bridge from the Bin's dark, iron-gated entrance if you're brave enough to walk across halfway.
BOYD also cooks Gyro's meals, he forgets to eat a lot. Have some char-grilled gull Gyro, you haven't eaten since yesterday's seaweed soup.
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domoz · 28 days
2, 21, 22 & 25 for tobirama? :]
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Okay easy mode is he's the trope of "cold-hearted bastard with a secret warm center." Has no problem saying rude things to people, killing people, trying to poke holes in their dreams, but he, too, wants a world where children don't have to die. He's such a downer (""realist"") and yet he throws his WHOLE pussy into building a village that he doesn't even really seem to believe will achieve his brothers goals. He's over here like "well it's not going to work if you're not willing to die for it" and then proves that he means it. Have you ever noticed that he will argue with Hashirama and then just do what he's told despite that??
He's got all this respect for Orders and Laws, except for like, the laws of physics and life/death. Like he just had to go and test them to make sure they work how everyone says they do. My guy????
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
Tobirama is capable of recognizing when he feels emotions and even shows them sometimes. He's dogshit bad at recognizing when they're affecting his decision making.
But no way does he have the emotional intelligence to ever talk about them without being forced in to it. If Tobirama is crying, he needs to have a very damn good reason to do so.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
When other characters slowly begin to discover that he, too, is a man with goodness in him, despite everything.
In the negative: I feel like its common to... I guess the term is woobify him? Like, I, too, love to put him through angst and stress, but I refuse to believe his internal monologue would be about how much of a pathetic failure he is, nor would he be Fixed by the clan that killed his brothers being Nice to him (my god, if its one of those AUs where the whole Senju clan rejects him that would fuck him up even MORE).
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
I'm sure I saw the chunin exam arc back in the day and I saw orochimaru summon him and probably thought 'whos this guy'. I don't think I figured it out (or cared) until years later when I was like "haha wouldn't it be funny if I read some naruto fic". I genuinely can't remember what I thought of him then, but he clearly grew on me. like so much fungus. that im looking under my microscope, because we understand so much about what he did and not what he thought.
Ask Meme
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angelkissiies · 2 years
Open hand or closed fist
(the joker x reader x bruce wayne)
part 3/?
CW/TW : paranoia, fear, mentions of trauma and injury, some fluff and bonding. other things I can’t remember so please read with caution because this series is not for the faint of heart or minors.
word count : 3136
a/n : my deepest and most sincere apologies for how long this took, im so sorry if it’s not what you expected. I hope you enjoy ! Also I did not proof read bc damn this is long.
part two here
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Sharp chills ran down your spine as you hesitated at the door of Bruce’s car. The weather had taken a plunge into the negatives as you’d been recuperating in the hospital, yet the chills weren’t from the harsh cold. It came from the realization that your life would be coming to an end, that you were walking directly into the hands of the man who wanted nothing more than the interface. One life to him meant nothing.
“(Y/n)?” Bruce spoke, hand coming to rest on your shoulder. He’d been with you through the entirety of your hospital stay, making sure you weren’t bothered by the GCPD during your recovery. He wished he could say that was his only angle, to be the support you needed- but if he did that would be a lie. He knew there was more to the story, more he needed to uncover to understand what The Joker could want with you. Was it just a random selection? Or was there something else locking you to the clown, something he couldn’t see. Despite everything, he was the perfect company. Card games and movies every night, lunch and dinner provided by some caterer that was much too expensive, and enough understanding of women to know when you needed some time alone.
His voice washed the intrusive thoughts away, like a bucket of cold water had been poured over your brain. “Yeah, sorry.” You apologized, ducking into the car. It was a nice contrast, seeing as you had begun to go mad at the endless off white of the hospital walls. His car was black, the interior a sleek gray- and it was made by some manufacturer you’d never even heard of. Typical though, he was, after all, a billionaire- it would make sense for him to have something expensive.
Bruce nodded gently, closing the car door with a soft click before coming around to the driver's side. The time with you had been fun, but not at all what he’d hoped. No new information could be expelled from you, nothing he didn’t already know so to speak. His only hope was the time you’d spend at the manor, somehow he needed to get you to confide in him. It made him feel guilty, he cared for you more than he’d be willing to admit and what he had planned felt like a massive betrayal. Some things required a filthy conscience. He slipped into the car, quickly closing the door to fight off the cold breeze. “All ready to go?” He asked, sending over a smile.
It took everything in you not to jump out of the car. “Yeah, we should hurry. We might be able to get there before the snow does.” Your body was ridgid, despite the warm air circulating through the car. You thought of the sleepless nights, jumping at every bump in the night. The persistent feeling of impending doom that had yet to subside in the weeks you’d been away, been safe. Something within you knew that you’d never really be safe, even within the fortress that was Wayne manor.. “I heard from the doctor before we left, they think it might turn into a blizzard.”
The car lurched forward, sending the two of you onto the main road. It was slick with patches of black ice, though that stopped nobody from speeding. The city was more alive than usual, the sound of sirens carrying through the streets as more and more people were bested by the elements. “Good thing Alfred stocked the pantries this weekend, or else, I fear we’d be reduced to cannibalism.” He joked, nudging you gently with his free hand. It was his best attempt, you had to give him some credit.
A light laugh fell from your lips as you threw him a smile, “I don’t suppose Alfred and I stand a chance against you.” It was true, the man was much taller, much faster, and much stronger than the butler and yourself.
“Oh definitely not.” The man boasted, taking a sharp turn onto the desolate road that led away from Gotham and towards the Arkham bridge that would take you directly to the main island. The road was barely ever used now, so much so that the Mayor considered closing off the road completely to avoid vandalism to the old asylum. It was pretty much immediately shot down, considering the other islands surrounding Arkham island would be almost completely inaccessible by car. Bruce was one of the voices opposing the shut down, more or less for the fact one of his family's homes sat on the land. “I don’t think I’d eat you though, you know too much about anatomy- you’d be too useful. I don’t think i’d be able to figure out which parts you can eat and-” He paused, letting out a slight laugh. “And I think I might be thinking about this too much. I promise I'm not a cannibal.”
You looked at him incredulously, letting out a deep belly laugh that sent a shooting pain into your ribs. “Bruce, I don’t think you could hurt a fly. Let alone eat someone.” It genuinely was one of the funniest things you’d ever heard, the man was probably the last person you could see yourself being scared of. The only hindrance in your joy was the aching that followed. Your ribs had taken to a steady throbbing pain, worsening with every deep breath- somehow, no matter what you did or even didn’t do, the constant reminder of the joker nipped the joy you felt.
Bruce had a content look on his face, biting back the urge to make a comment that might out him as the city's vigilante. It felt different after all this time, even though you were still the same person you were before the assault, he could feel something pulling you away from him. A nagging savior complex wanted to fly you away, somewhere far from this shithole of a city, though internally he knew The Joker had no limits to his insanity. He’d scoure the earth until he found his prize heffer. “So, have you been to Arkham Island before?” He asked, filling the silence that had settled thick between the two of you.
The trees passed by in a blur of white and green, the land around the cursed asylum finally beginning to heal. “Once, a long time ago. Wasn’t pleasant.” You responded, hugging your coat tighter as the frosty pane of the window came into contact with your hand. Even after all of this time, even after setting on the fact that Bruce could never know, you still had to resist the urge to confide in him. He’d stuck by you the past few weeks, sparing no expense to get you the best care, the best entertainment, the best company. He’d become a better friend than you’d imagined was possible, yet there was no way you could trust him enough to endanger his life.
Was anything really ever worth a life? Was your life worth this much effort? Why couldn’t you just end all of this? Whatever that might entail. Whether it be seeking The Joker out to live your life as he saw fit or taking matters into your own hands. Both were equally horrible outcomes, though they both seemed to be endgame. Which was the both of two evils, and would you ever be sure?
From the road you could make out the silhouette of a looming fence, the dark silver poking out of the snow like a sore thumb. It looked old, dated in style- which solidified your fears. This house wouldn’t be as protected as Wayne Manor would've been, sub par security from back before the Wayne’s were murdered and a lock and key gate made for a bad situation. Your eyes focused in on the tire tracks that laid ahead, the snow packed down where Alfred had arrived a day earlier. You had to admit, the idea of seeing the old man again lightened your heart. He had become a close friend during your stays at the manor, offering you tea whilst you worked on repairing the millionaire or steaming your coat without asking to make sure it would be warm for you before you left. His kindness was unmatched for the most part.
As Bruce parked outside the gate, he dug through his pockets- pulling out a key the size of an iphone before pushing his door open. “Just one second, the locks on the place haven’t been changed in awhile, so key it is.” He smiled, stepping out into the nippy winter air, the car door closing behind him. The man felt uneasy, though he played it off to his best ability, the creeping feeling of uncomfort being chalked down to your curious eyes that peered at him through the windshield. His hand shook slightly as he pushed the large metal key into the lock, turning it with a great deal of force before it gave way the the locking mechanisms yielded. The smell of copper filled his nostrils, making him cringe before pushing the gate inwards, as he mentally noted the fact that this place needed an upgrade. Truth was, he hadn;t been back here in years. The old place had been left to the elements, and with the sight of the manor, he definitely could tell the wear and tear was taking over the exterior.
The manor looked much larger than most would’ve imagined, built of stone and dark oak- it resembled that of a hunting lodge in the mountains. The rough stone had been left to the forest as moss began to creep up the sides of the building, creating a beautiful entanglement as if the history of the island had not tainted it yet. As you squinted towards the house to see more, a figure in the window caught your attention. The small lengthy frame belonged to Alfred, who stood waving the two of you in from the warmth of the manor. The sight brought a small giggle to you, imagining how long he had been there trying to catch the attention of the billionaire.
Bruce returned to the car only seconds later, causing a huff of freezing hair to rush in- violating the pleasant warmth that had settled on your skin. His hands were shaking slightly and his fingers had gained a bright pink hue from the harsh cold of the gate. “So, what do you think?” He asked, shifting the car into drive as he began creeping down the driveway.
You gave a small nod, letting your eyes explore the property. It was different, to say the least. After being stuffed inside of a dreary hospital room for so long, this was like being in a completely different country. The snow was pristine white, untouched. Unlike the melting, blackened snow you’d seen on your way out of Gotham. The air held silence, thick and looming in the absence of life. From the moment you;d crossed from the bridge onto the island, you’d heard nothing but the soft hum of the engine and Bruce’s voice. It was almost as if Arkham had become completely different in the weeks since your ‘visit.’ It was scary anymore, you could see every abandoned driveway and empty house. Hell, even the snow reflected that nobody else had been out this way, no tire tracks or footsteps as far as the eye could see. “It feels serene out here, It’s really lovely.”
A small smile tugged at his lips as he came to a stop at the front entrance, “I’m glad you like it,” He said, turning the car off with a slight twist of the ignition. “It’s you and me, roomie, till further notice.”
As if on cue, Alfred scurried out of the manor bundled in one of the largest coats you’ ever seen. Anything you might’ve thought had completely vanished at the sight, the poor man could barely bend his arms in the thing making it a rather funny sight as he attempted to open the car door. You let out a small chuckle before opening it yourself, allowing the man the chance to step out of the way.
He graciously took it as he held the door open, “Welcome! I’m glad you two made it safely.” He spoke, offering his hand as you stepped out onto the half frozen ground. The snow crunched under your feet, prompting a small smile from the man before you. “Isn’t it lovely? I’ve been trying to get Master Bruce here to visit for ages.” Alfred let his eyes move to Bruce, squinting as he poked fun at him.
Bruce groaned in annoyance, the hint of a smile evident on his rosy cheeks, “Yeah, yeah. Thanks for that, Al.” He moved around the car, ushering the two of you up the stairs like a cattle dog before the conversation went on any longer. He knew how carried away his butler could get, which would lead to the pair of you getting hypothermia. As the two of you disappeared into the home, he lingered at the front door for a moment, he could feel something. Though there was no reason to, he found himself looking over his shoulder, peering back to watch for a threat. Something didn’t feel right, though maybe it could all be summed up to the feelings that arose in connection with his family's manor, but he couldn’t be sure. After all, the whole reason any of you were here was to ensure your safety. The Joker could be around any corner, watching through thousands of hidden eyes, awaiting the perfect moment to strike- so if there was one thing he knew without a doubt, it’s that he couldn’t get comfortable here.
Upon entering the home, you were hit with the strong scent of apples. It wafted through the hallways from the kitchen, the smell alone was enough to make your stomach grumble.”Alfred, It smells incredible in here, what are you making?” You wondered, taking in the decor of the house. It was definitely fancy, but it looked as if someone had a strong affinity for artwork as more than half of the walls were filled with beautifully painted pieces accompanied with framed family photos.
Alfred chuckled, turning briefly to make eye contact with you. “Apple strudels, they’re one of Bruce’s favorite sweets.” With that, he turned back and led you through a confusing labyrinth of a corridor. After a couple minutes of following the leader, he stopped before the bottom of a staircase which led to the left wing suites on the second floor. “I would accompany you up to your room, but I don't want to risk burning our snack. Your room is the third door down the right hall.”
You could tell he felt guilty, so you gave him a smile, nodding complacently. “Thank you, Alfred. Are my things up there by chance, I was wanting to maybe grab a shower.” During your hospital stay, the doctor was very adamant about keeping your stitching dry- so you’d only been able to shower three times, which left you feeling incredibly gross. The idea of being clean again was enough to make your entire night.
“Of course, The bathroom is also stocked with some things you might need.” He confirmed as he began back towards a door adjacent to the one the two of you had come through. He seemed to know this place better than Bruce did, which didn’t seem as much of a surprise- as he’d been with the family for more years than you could count.
The silence began to set in as you began up the stairs. It was reminiscent of your trek up to your apartment in Gotham. You’d spent months making the most out of the six floor hike up to your place, as the elevator had just completely given out randomly, so this was a piece of cake. Before you knew it, the landing was a few feet away littered with boxes filled with what looked like more framed photos. It was peculiar because the boxes looked old and worn, as if the Waynes had begun to pack up the house long before their deaths had transpired. ‘Not your business.’ You had to remind yourself. The topic had always (and would always) be a tender spot with the duo downstairs. You wrapped your arms around yourself tightly, taking the right turn down the hallway you’d be staying in. It wasn’t hard to pick out the door that now belonged to you, as it was the only one not covered in a thick layer of dust.
Upon first glance inside, you took note of the two bags that sat in the middle of the king sized bed. Undoubtedly, they were filled with fresh clothes and the other miscellaneous things you’d asked to be picked up from your apartment. As you gazed around you noted that the room was warmed by a fireplace, which sat burning behind a grill to keep the debris from entering the room. It all was incredibly beautiful, as the room took a rich red hue. Linens and decor alike were painted in shades of red and black, giving the room a gothic feel. You moved inwards, allowing the door to close behind you with a thud.
You sat down on the edge of the bed, moving to grab one of the bags. As you pulled it to yourself, a small box fell to the floor by your feet- seemingly after being wedged somewhere between your belongings. “Now, what is this?” You asked aloud, to no-one in particular, as you used your foot to bring the thing closer. Once within reach, you took it from its resting place on the floor. It was a small red box that had been tied shut with a white ribbon. It held no markings or branding, which is why you spared no time pulling the ribbon loose and gently removing the lid.
You felt yourself choke, letting the box fall to your feet once more. There was no way, this place was safe. It was Bruce Wayne’s house for Christ's sake. It hadn’t been empty since Alfred arrived yesterday, which meant that whoever snuck this in- was here when Alfred was, how else would they be able to get the box into your things? Your heart was hammering in your chest, eyes jumping down to land on the contents of your supposed ‘gift.’
A small silver chain with a dainty ‘J’ charm attached lay almost hidden in the carpet, the red hue enveloping it like a pool of blood. Inside the lid, which remained on the bed, was a note. With shaking hands, you unfolded it.
God, how you wished you’d never read it.
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dashboardjuliet · 1 year
flesh and bone | chp 2: August 9
previous chapter: here
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Reader oc
After a messy divorce, you move into a rural house determined to continue on with your life. Until you discover your new home is less empty than you believed it to be
Warnings: none atm, but this will be a nsfw story so please, no under 18 readers
When you come to, the world is bright.
You squint, groaning uncontrollably as you roll onto your side and scrub at your eyes.
It takes you a full minute to realize you aren’t alone on the floor. Opening your eyes fully, boots come into your view. Tilting your gaze upward, you come face to face with the skeletal one from the night before. They’re squating next to you, sitting on their heels with their elbows resting on their knees, skull face tilted as they look at you.
“Are you going to kill me?” Surprisingly, you’re calm in the face of death. Or numb. Numb might be the better word.
“Negative. Couldn’t even if I wanted to.”  
You’re taken back by the voice that comes from the skull. It’s deep, gravel-y, a heavy British accent that makes your eyes widen. If it wasn’t a murderer in your house, you would probably find it attractive. Although he did just say he wouldn’t kill you, so maybe you can allow yourself to feel the bubble of attraction to him. It also dawns on you, as you take a moment to process, that the jaw didn’t move as he spoke.
“How are you talking?”
“How do you talk?” You scowl at his response.
“Alright smart guy. This has been fun, but I am going to need you to leave my house. Now. Please.” You try to ask nicely, better to not anger the man currently invading your house. At least you’ve retained some sense of self preservation.
“If I could, I would. ‘M stuck here Sweetheart.”
“What the hell does that mean?” You push yourself up off the floor into a sitting position, and it allows you to take him in better. He’s still huge, but at this height with him squatting, you can see him more clearly. It dawns on you that what you’d first believed was his skull is actually… not. Looking close, you can see the faint lines of blond eyelashes, the silhouette of a nose poking through the nose hole of the skull. “Are you wearing a mask?”
“I can’t leave, that’s what that means. Been stuck here for a while. And yes, it is.”
“Just walk out the door, it’s pretty easy. Also can you please take it off, it’s kind of creepy.”
“Same answer as before, I can’t. Been wearing the bloody thing for years straight now, I’d take it off if I could.”
“Okay. I’m done with this.” You’ve reached your pleasant limit. Standing up, you ignore the creaking in your joints from laying on the floor all night, and move toward your front door. Opening it, you motion for him to move. “Get out before I call the cops.”
“I cannot leave. What’s not sticking in your head?” You can feel your blood pressure rising as he speaks. He’s stood now too, and once again you’re reminded how huge he is. You swallow any trepidation and resolve yourself to be pissed off.
“Nope, no more talking.” You leave the door open and move behind him. His head follows your movement, and you can tell his body tenses as you come up behind him and put your hands out to push. Your hands come up to plant themselves on his back, but you stumble forward, hands phasing through him and your eyes widen. You keep them there, staring at your fingers inside his form, wiggling them experimentally. Despite his form still being seemingly solid, you can see them move in him.  He turns, and now your hands are in his chest, and you crane your face up to look at him, your eyes wide.
Everything from the night before returns to your mind in an instant. Perhaps you weren’t as good at suppressing everything like your ex spouse thought you were. You blink, slowly, digesting the evidence presented in front of you.
“You gettin’ the picture now?” He asks as you remove your hands, pulling them into your chest, almost mirroring the position they were in in his. You swallow, and nod.
“I need coffee.”
Ten minutes later finds you sitting on the floor, back leaning against your kitchen cabinets, a large mug of coffee tucked between your slightly shaking hands. The mug had been a gift from your mother, shaped like a cow udder and patterned black and white. It feels ridiculous and silly in this slightly serious moment. Your… guest stands with his hip cocked, ‘resting’ on the kitchen island with his arms crossed over his large chest. Is he a guest? What do you call a person that can’t leave your house? Unwanted roommate? These questions flitter through your brain in silence as you stare at the pale tan liquid in your cup and the waves that your slight tremor makes.
“You broke?”
“Hardly,” You scoff, and then pause. “Maybe. You have to admit it’s a lot to take in.”
“Never said it wasn’t. You’re doing better than the others.”
“You think you’re the only one that’s moved in here while my big ass has been stuck? Most of the poor sods run the minute they see the mask.”
“Yeah I don’t fucking blame them. Have you seen yourself? Terrifying.” He doesn’t respond to you, so you assume that vein of your budding conversation is dead. Dead. You cringe.
“So you’re… dead.” You stumble over the word but it makes it out eventually. Looking up at him, you can now make out eyes looking at you. Now that it’s properly daylight, it’s easier to see what his hood had hidden from you. You couldn’t make out a color, but knowing they were there made you feel marginally better, made him feel more…human. Watching him, he doesn’t move.
“Don’t think so.”
“You don’t think so?”
“I was never quite… human.” That seems to be all he’s willing to admit to you, and you nod, unbelieving.
This is out of your realm. You’re a school teacher. Not… someone capable of handling a… whatever he is. But briefly, the image of your old Italian grandmother flitters through your brain, back hunched from age and arms constantly curled from the combination of arthritis and cooking for decades, cornicello oversized and golden, hanging from her neck. Somewhere in a box is an evil eye she’d gotten from relatives in Greece and then gently given to you as a child. Maybe if it had been hanging in your doorway, this wouldn’t be happening.
“I wish my Nonna was here. She’d know what to do in this situation.” You speak more to yourself than to him, but your words must make him confused because when you raise your gaze back up, the skull mask is tilted in confusion like a dog. A rottweiler in human shape. The corner of your mouth ticks up at the thought.
“Your what?”
“Sorry, Grandma, it’s Italian. She was… oh, witch isn’t the right word but there’s not a good equivalent in english. Um, she would know what to do, with… this.” You make a swirl motion with your hand, trying to encapsulate all of what is currently in your kitchen. Even the thought of her makes the whole situation feel marginally easier to tackle. But she’s not here, long dead, and any wisdom she had she took with her to the grave. Maybe. There’s a possibility your father still has some of her books, but that’s not your top priority in the moment.
“That’s bollocks.” Now it’s your turn to be confused.
“It’s bullshit. You tellin’ me your nan was a witch?”
“Okay, one, that’s rude. Two, you just said you’re not human and you’re telling me it’s not possible for her to be a witch?”
You stare at one another, watching as his eyes widen slightly, only to return to their heavily guarded state almost immediately, half lidded and hiding whatever color his irises are. Quietly, you make it your mission to figure that out.
“... ‘Right. I’ll give you that one.”
“Thanks. I think.”
After that, you both fall silent. You go back to staring at your coffee, questions cycling through your head while his looming figure stands in your periphery.
“We probably should lay out some ground rules.” The topic that you settle on is one that will need to be addressed. You hadn’t been planning on a roommate, especially one that could phase through walls and appear on command. Or so you suppose. You’re not entirely sure what being whatever he is encompasses. He’s not been exactly forthcoming with information on himself, and it makes putting together a plan in your head somewhat difficult. And that gives you more anxiety than you can handle. You need a plan.
You look up at him, eyes coming into direct contact with his, and you can feel your cheeks burn just slightly from the heavy attention of his gaze. He says nothing, you take it as a sign to continue your speech. Not that you’ve thought any deeper than the original that you had blurted out.
“Since we’ll be living… together,” You wince at your default word choice as soon as it leaves your mouth, but it can’t be helped. If it’s possible, his form freezes and becomes more stiff than it already was. “Um, my bedroom and bathroom are gonna be off limits.”
“You gonna confine me to two rooms like a fuckin’ dog?” His voice is steady and flat, but you can sense the heat, the simmering anger under the words. Above you both, the kitchen light flickers. Both of your heads crane up to look at it, and then back at one another as it settles back to just being on. His eyes are wide, as if he’s never been angry like that before.
“Okay… let’s rework that. How about just when the door is closed? And it’ll just be closed when I’m sleeping or have someone over, but I doubt that will happen. How does that feel?” You grip your coffee tighter, hoping you gave enough to the bartering table.
“‘S fine. And I’ll… try not to intrude. It’ll be hard, though. Might be a bit of a learning curve. Been alone for a while.” There’s a certain softness to his words that you haven’t heard yet in your short interactions. You nod slowly at him, a nod you would give one of your kids, gentle and understanding. The feeling is one you can relate to.
“It’s okay. It’s been a while since I’ve had a roommate that wasn’t my parents. We’ll make this work.” You weren’t entirely sure of what you were saying at the beginning, but now that the full thought has left your mouth, you feel more certain in your words. You will make this work. It’ll be hard and awkward and an adjustment from what you’ve grown used to, but you know you’ll be able to do it. Him, though, he’s a wildcard. And you don’t even know his name. Your eyes widen at that.
“Who are you?” You blurt out, and then purse your lips. “I mean, what's your name?”
He takes a moment, you can almost see the cogs in his brain turning as he thinks, and then says “Ghost.”
You blink once, and then twice. And then laugh.
“You’ve gotta be shitting me.”
“Your name is Ghost? And you’re like a ghost? That’s fake.”
“You got a problem with my name?”
“No, not a problem! You just have to admit it’s kind of ironic… and funny.” You shrug, the lilting laughter finally leaving your voice with a gentle reminder of its joy in your tone. You stare at each other again (something, you have a feeling, you both will end up doing often) before quietly, he huffs. His shoulders move slightly with the noise and your eyes widen with glee as you quickly realize that’s as much of a laugh that you’ll get out of him. Your smile widens into a grin, teeth showing.
“Guess it’s never crossed my mind.”
“You’ve never thought about it since you…got stuck?” You avoid the word dead since he seems to think otherwise.
“Had a lot to think about, just not that.” He shrugs, and you can give him this. You admit to yourself that an ironic name wouldn’t be your first thought if you were stuck somewhere. Dead, the voice in your head whispers. But he won’t admit that, so you say nothing. You stretch your arm, reaching to put your coffee up on the counter before pushing yourself up off the ground to stand. The clock on the over blinks out that it’s noon, and the world suddenly comes back to you. You need to unpack, badly, and school starts in less than a month and you’ve barely done anything to get ready. And now you have an inhuman roommate.
“What do I call you?” His voice distracts you from your thoughts, and your eyes drift upward toward the holes in the skull mask where you know they hide. He’s so tall, you remember slowly, the creeping memories of last night serving as a reminder. You rest your back on the counter as you look up at him, trying to guess the height difference. A foot? Foot and a half? “Did you hear me?”
“Huh? Oh! My name!” You blink, and then scowl. You hate your name. Instead, you supply your nickname. “Jack. You can call me Jack.”
“Yeah, like Jackrabbit? When I was a toddler I had a habit of running from my parents as fast as I could. My dad started calling me Jackrabbit, but Jack stuck.” You shrug. You’ve always liked it more than your actual name, always felt more at home with the short syllables. He seems to ponder it for a moment, then nods.
“Jack. I’ll make sure to remember.” He speaks slowly, words rolling with his accent. It makes you shiver and then swallow, mouth suddenly dry. This, you decide, is not going to be an easy living situation. Especially if you keep reacting to his voice, and his height and just…him, the way that you have been. Hesitantly you add ‘Get Laid’ to the bottom of your mental list, hoping that might solve whatever you’ve got going on in your body.
“Well… I need to take care of… all of this.” You motion to the boxes everywhere, and he nods. “Um, if you need anything… just shout.”
He nods again, seemingly understanding that you’re trying to end your conversation. Slowly, still watching you, he goes back to stand at the sliding glass door, a perfect replica of how you found him last night. And then he just stands, and watches. You, the outside, you’re not quite sure, but you don’t have much more energy that you can give to him if you want to get your life sorted. So you nod, mostly to yourself, and get to work.
Unpacking takes the rest of the day, and even then, you still aren’t fully finished. You’re still waiting for a delivery from Ikea that your father had been kind enough to go pick up, shelves for books and a table for your living area, and you know it won’t feel fully complete until everything is in its place. But it’s getting close. You’ve hung all your art and concert posters in the living room, the hallway leading to your bedroom decorated with family wall hangings and photos, your family nazar hanging outside your bedroom, just in case.
And all throughout the day, as you moved from room to room, carrying misplaced items to where they belonged, Ghost watched from the sliding door. Gaze, you think, alternating betweening watching the empty cornstalks sway in the August heat, and you. You think you could feel it sometimes, the heaviness of his eyes following your movements. It made the hair on the back of your neck stand up, goosebumps traversing up and down your arms every time that you realized it.
As you lay in bed that night, you add two new tasks to the top of your mental list: Help your Ghost move on, and try not to get attached to him.
TAGLIST: @irnbru32
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ecargmura · 6 days
Whisper Me A Love Song Episode 7 Review - Meritocracy & Mediocracy
Meritocracy slaps. The animation, though? Mediocracy. Unfortunately, having an abrupt animation studio change is really harming this anime a lot. The band sequences are important for a show that has a band theme and having both bands lacking something in animation really hurts me. For example, for the SSGirls performance, Mari, the drummer, doesn’t appear in the panned-out group shot when it’s shown from other angles that the drums are right behind Yori. She also has her mic missing in some shots too. For Laureley, the performance was great. The song is addicting, but Shiho juggles through singing with and without a mic in some shots. Look, I don’t want to get too critical of the animation because it’s not terrible like how people on Twitter are exaggerating it to be. I consider it subpar. One of the animators for the show even replied to a poster saying that they had a lot of time constraint because each episode has to be out three days before airing so they’re on a time crunch to edit. Given the state of animators in Japan, I really do feel bad for the ones working on this show. It’s not their fault that they had to get everything handed to them all of a sudden.
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Animation ramblings aside, I did like this episode. I liked learning more about Shiho. All I can say is that she seems like a complicated person. She’s someone who has her own visions when it comes to music and often clashes with her band members to the point that she quits. Job hoppers exist in real life, so she’d be a band hopper—a red flag member, in all honesty. Despite Shiho’s rather complicated personality and behavior, I can’t really seem to hate her; rather than liking her, I feel a little neutral? I understand her creativity. She may seem entitled, but she has her opinions and visions. I guess as a creator myself, I understand why she’s like this. Though, what’s not nice is to insult other people who worked as hard as you did. Shiho’s major flaw is that her personality sucks. Her story with Aki does hint that her falling out with SSGirls does have to do something with Aki’s feelings for Yori as she’s aware of them. I’m theorizing that she has feelings for Aki, but since it’s unrequited, she takes out her frustrations on the band. Aki just can’t catch a break.
I guess the reason why I don’t really hate Shiho is the fact that she’s rather nice to Himari. Being nice to someone like her shows that she’s not all that bad as she’s made out to be. Though, given that she doesn’t know Himari’s girlfriend is Yori, who is Aki’s crush, I’m actually afraid of what’s to come when she does find out. If Shiho does something bad, my opinions of her will go into the negatives.
The YoriHima moments are so cute with the two getting closer than before. They progressed to hand-holding and Himari feeling jealous. It’s a nice progress. All I pray is for nothing bad to happen to these two. The last thing I need is for them to be collateral damage to the whirlwind that is Shiho.
I do wonder where the story will head now that it’s taken a rather dramatic turn with Shiho and Aki seemingly being the focus now. I just hope it doesn’t turn into a train wreck. Oh, speaking of which, the lyrics for Meritocracy is like Shiho’s feelings about her ideals and her feelings for Aki in a way? Will Momoka get a love interest too? What are your thoughts on this episode?
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Things Best Left in the Past - Switchblade / Emery
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As I feel like Jay is taking a back seat in the Dark Angel series, I felt like I needed to explain the distance between him and Emery, so... this came to be.
Directly follows one of the first in the series, Return of the Dark Angel
Word Count: 1092
tag list: @summertimefun1982 @katries
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As Emery walked along backstage, the sound of familiar music reached her ears, causing her to deviate on her path to catering. Finding a monitor that displayed the camera’s view of the ring, she watched as Jay White made his way down the ramp for his first official AEW match. Going against someone as talented as Komander would be a test, but Emery knew how talented Jay was, and thus knew that unless something weird happened, he would get the win.
The AEW crowd was excited and hyped up to see Jay live, chanting out all familiar Bullet Club ‘Too Sweet WOOP WOOP’ as he showboated for them, soaking up all the attention they gave him.
Seeing Jay in person over the past few weeks admittedly caused pings of sadness, as Emery wished that Riley—El Phantasmo—would get a contract as well. Despite that, however, she was happy for him, where he was in life and how things in New Japan were going. Riley was taking care of things, loose ends and betrayals, and was slowly becoming his own person again. It was nice to see, honestly. 
Standing there, her arms loosely crossed in front of her, Emery watched, a faint smile on her face. She was barely aware of someone coming to a stop next to her, until Britt gently spoke up.
“It’s weird, right? Seeing him here after everything that happened between Kenny and he in New Japan?”
Emery briefly turned her head towards her friend, before giving a half shrug and returning her attention to the screen as the two wrestlers began doing what they did best.
“Yes and no. Kenny was ready to move on, honestly, and Jay was the best option for Bullet Club. Just because there wasn’t a hostile takeover like the times before doesn’t mean there’s hard feelings. Jay did betray Kenny before—when he tried inviting him into Bullet Club the first time around. But… I still got to know him a bit before we left to come here. He’s a good guy, funny….”
“Emery, hunny, Jay is not a ‘good guy’,” Britt frowned, “I know we all have our moments, times we’re… on the dark side and heel… but from what I’ve witnessed, Jay is all heel.”
“Believe me, I know…” Emery sighed, watching as Jay trapped Komander in one of the ring corners, feet on the turnbuckles as he rained punches down, yelling out the letters as he spelled ‘switchblade’, “But he can be good, honestly. There were times I felt out of place, homesick even, and sometimes my anxiety would take over—and despite knowing I had Bullet Club there to talk to, I… I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Jay noticed, somehow, and he’d start talking to me… getting my mind of things, letting me freely talk about whatever… It was nice.”
“So he’s got a small, teensy sliver of a good side,” Britt said, “But that’s miniscule compared to all the bad. Honey—” She turned her body towards me, gently placing a hand on my arm and turning me to face her, “With everything that has gone on over the years, any… negative—you’ve managed to pull through effortlessly. Not once has there been any inclination that your Dark Angel side wanted to come out. Then, White shows up, uses his honeyed words on you, and suddenly your personality changes and Dark starts to slip out? That’s not a good thing, you realize that right?”
Swallowing the lump in her throat, Emery briefly glanced at the screen to her left, seeing Jay deliver a nasty spear to Komander, taking him out roughly before raining down more punches. Blinking, she turned her attention away, looking down at the floor.
“I…. Yeah, I know…”
“Good, that’s good to recognize. Look, I know it’s hard to do—he’s familiar to you, that bond you guys made in New Japan…. But as your friend?” Britt said, as Emery lifted her eyes up to meet Britt’s, “It’s probably best if you steer clear of Jay White. I’d hate to see you get hurt or in trouble for anything that happens because of him, in any way, shape, or form.”
Emery gave her a nod of acknowledgement, before waving a goodbye as Jamie Hayter came up and took her away to get ready for their match later. Turning back to the screen, she watched as Jay jabbed this thumb into Komander’s eye, wincing at the underhanded tactic. Usually, things like that didn’t bother her any—Emery was guilty of doing things just as bad in the past—but seeing Jay’s behavior and hearing Britt’s words caused her mind to start racing.
Her mind went back to recent interactions with Jay, with Kenny being more and more distant from her.
“My princess shouldn’t be treated that way by anyone. You deserve to be around people that respect you—that cherish you.”
“I couldn’t…”
“Shhh…. make any plans just yet. Give it some time, princess. When you figure out what you want to do… You know where to find me.”
Pairing that with the unfortunate choice of going to his apartment just a few weeks later… they had hung out like old times. Reminiscing, laughing—just having a grand time—but he had brought it up a few times.
“I’d love to have you at my side. Think about it—Switchblade and the Dark Angel. We’d be unstoppable!”
“Omega’s not treating you like he should, you deserve more respect than that, Princess.”
“If you ever need anything, you know you can always come to me.”
The familiar rasp of Juice Robinson’s voice as he yelled out “RICKKAYYYY!” brought her attention back to the screen, her sight focusing as she took in Jay and Ricky sitting on the ramp, Jay cradling Juice’s head as Ricky Starks and Shawn Spears stared at them from the ring.
Emery had been so lost in thought that she hadn’t even heard who had won the match, but she realized with a resigned sigh that it didn’t matter. She wasn’t Bullet Club anymore. She wasn’t the same person she was five years previous.
Taking a deep breath and slowly letting it out, Emery shook her head to clear all the thoughts, and with one last look at the monitor, she walked away. It might mean losing a friend, but it was better for her in the long run. She had enough things to deal with on the daily—maybe one less devil on her shoulder would be a good thing.
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katyspersonal · 11 months
People really have nothing better to do with their life? Unbelievable. They need to get a better hobby. Those last dm are really not necessary it’s so bad. They even dare to bring your friends in all of this mess. Take care, you deserve it.
I agree that the lengths they go through to try and kick someone out of the fandom are absurd, and yeah, I really do not understand what gets under their skin so hard that someone is still active in the fandom? I mean, Marble said "she tries to insert herself back into fandom by sending people nice asks :(((" which is honestly the most hilarious thing I've heard yet. Fandom is more than just their entitled toxic furry jerk-off circle! Who appointed HER to decide who "belongs" in the fandom and who doesn't? It is a free space!
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All in all, people like that don't care about what is "necessary". They have a lot of pent-up aggression and latch onto any justification to mistreat another human being. It is specific kind of western community leeches that can't care less about anyone's mental state, whether they're sorry or not, that will hold something you did year(s) ago against you for all eternity, that see resolving a problem with another person in "removing" them instead of offering any sort of healing, communication and patience. No one on this wretched Earth owes anyone anything, of course, but the worst part? They will treat those that DO try to help one they deemed worthy of mistreatment as a "traitor". Why are you helping the """bad""" guy to recover and reassume their place in the society? You are supposed to spend this time and energy on the """good""" guys who already have everything!
The best red flags for such people even before you ever got into a conflict with them is if they express unambiguous sadistic glee when they "pissed someone off" in a [insert a community], if the see making people angry as "accomplishment", and also if they go far just to spite someone who upset them. Normal human beings like me or you do not see any honour in causing negative emotions, and even if our enemies are seething deep down we think 'damn, we really had to be enemies?' instead of feeling """victorious""" somehow. You see 'sadistic glee' = you know this person will be unhinged if you become enemies, simple as that. Even fandomry activity can expose that sort of attitude!
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As for my friends... Again, I am as guilty about bringing them into the situation as my enemies are. I should not have mentioned the names in private convos ever. And in general, for the last part, you really should not feel all that bad for me... You see, I am an idiot. Despite my paranoid vibes never failing me, I still keep calming myself down and wrestling with my mind instead of trusting them, despite the fact that not even ONCE they failed me! Like... I just had a feeling that A. never forgave me despite her nice words, so why did not I fucking listen to my guts? I really want to act surprised that she saw an opportunity to get back at me when I already was staggered after lying about being "chill"?
Anyways, thank you for letting me talk about it (and other anon(s), too). If I continue getting this sort of attention, I might stop responding because if venting overstays its welcome it becomes COUNTER-productive, but just know that I appreciate the concern and common sense. And yeah, @ mutuals: again, if any of you feels unsafe publicly associating with me because of those people, you can inform me so I do not do asks/reblogs/comments and only talk in private. I am not a type of a guy that alters my behaviour because my enemies decide it for me, but when COOL people do not feel safe it WILL concern me.
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oathofpromises · 7 months
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starter for: @diademreigned
How many years had passed since Hiroto last laid eyes upon his younger sister? His recollection of her appearance was hazy at best, as he was promptly dispatched to Tural, his fathers homeland, shortly after her birth. In that moment, he found himself uncertain as to why they had chosen him as the one who must depart. Despite being the eldest and expected heir to lead the tribe, Hiroto was sent to reside with acquaintances of his father, who he had connections through his occupation as a Viper. It was only recently that the older Caelum sibling had met Stella face to face. Hiroto only wanted to talk to her, but there was that tiny bit of his heart that resented her.
With a sigh, the Miqo'te with white hair cast a glance towards the bustling crowd. His hand had recently been bandaged following a heated altercation between Stella and himself. As a Warrior of Light, she possessed remarkable abilities beyond ordinary comprehension. However, it was evident to him that engaging in combat with him was not a desire she harbored. Yet, the most agonizing aspect of their situation was her complete lack of memory that he even existed.
‘I…I don’t remember having a brother. It was always just Dad, mom and me.’
The impact of those words pierced his heart deep, even though he harbored a strong suspicion that she would not retain any recollection of him. After all, when he departed, she was just a newborn. How could anyone expect someone so young to recall those memories. Didn’t mean it didn’t hurt, it only made Hiroto feel like he was the outcast in the family. Shaking his head, the Viper jumped down from the balcony having spotted his target. A smaller Miqo’te with tanned skin and freckles.
Data Mochi…wasn't that his name? One of his sister's close friends. He craved the prospect of learning more about Stella from someone close to her. Since he has re-encountered Stella, it appears that many details of her life have escaped his notice. However, an incredible wave of rage coursed through his veins once more at that precise instant. He worked hard to quell those thoughts. The last thing Hiroto wanted was for people to think he was a heartless person. that he had no intention other than to inflict Stella harm, even though that was not the case at all.
Hiroto leaned against a nearby pillar, his red eyes fixed on Data as the brunet moved through the crowd. As he was dressed like a red mage, it seemed reasonable to conclude that the stories were accurate. The other person was, in fact, the Crimson Duelists' second-in-command.Hiroto only found out about this when he ran across X'rhun a few days before. The two had gotten into a discussion over what the Red mages were up to, which led to him discovering Data's relationship to his sister.
'I will say this…my sister surely knows how to pick them…' Hiroto murmured, his gaze lingering on the brunet shape for a little longer than usual. Just as Data was going to walk by, Hiroto teasedly let his tail twirl around his waist. It would be uncharacteristic of the elder Caelum to pass up the opportunity to try and rile someone else.Hiroto's mouth made a low purring sound as he leaned over to whisper in Data's ear. Keeping his hand on the back of the other to hold him close.
"Ah, Data Mochi, if I am not mistaken? Nice to meet you. My name is Hiroto Caelum…I'm Stella's brother, but I'm sure she's told you everything about me by this time."
It was difficult to determine if it was good or negative given how protective G'raha had been of her. Naturally, Data would initially also react defensively toward him. Hiroto lingered his lips near Data's ear, and the Viper inhaled deeply, taking in the woodsy aroma. It reminded him of home, but that was only diverting him from the reason he had sought out Data in the first place.
"Excuse me.I'm so accustomed to behaving like this around others.Regarding Stella, I have some questions for you. If you could spare a moment of your time.”
How many times had Hiroto used his body to lead unwary individuals to their demise? The isolation he had been subjected to for so long had seeped deep into his own being. The fact that Hiroto's tail refused to unwrap from around Data's waist baffled the taller man more than anything else. While they had only just met, the brunet gave off a warm vibe that seemed to follow him around.
A sense of comfort enveloped Hiroto, a rare emotion that had eluded him for countless years. With a shake of his head, the white-haired man finally let go of Data. Although it was wrong to approach someone in that manner, there was a part of the older Caelum that didn't regret it. Despite the fact that the movement had clearly taken Data by surprise. His excuse was that he was nurtured by a group of Vipers, who had instilled in him the use of these tactics at a young age. It had merely become second nature to approach those he deemed attractive in this manner. It was rare, but when Hiroto got that feeling in his chest, he tended to act on such emotions.
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"Unless…you despise me as well. After all, I couldn't really hold it against you.I went after Stella. One of the people that you seem to care about the most. G'raha was quite angry with me too. I can only imagine how you'll react. She got such an easy life compared to me. So many see her as some hero, but reality is she took my life away from me."
The weight of enduring such intense emotions for an extended period became insufferable, with Stella emerging as the sole person they would cling to. Each time Hiroto's gaze fell upon her, a pang of anguish coursed through his heart, for she served as an unwelcome mirror of their beloved mother. Their actions mirrored each other with an uncanny resemblance, too, which didn't help matters. In his absence, he was unable to protect Kuri from any potential harm. Perhaps, in the depths of his heart, he harbored a sliver of blame towards Stella for the tragic demise of their parents. However, one cannot help but wonder if he possessed a complete understanding of the intricate events that led to their untimely demise, or if his perception was merely a reflection of what the tribe desired him to believe.
"You are her best friend…tell me how you could care for someone like her? Stella caused the deaths of both of our parents."
Hiroto's brows widened as he noticed Stella heading down the trail with Marv. It didn't take him long to figure out she was heading in their direction. The older Caelum remained motionless as she came to a halt in front of the two of them.
"Data…why is Hiroto here." whispered Stella, as Hiroto noticed that her forehead was bandaged from their struggle. It appeared to be healing, yet she acted as if it were nothing. She bent down and picked up Marv before gently handing the Dodo to Data. As the pink-haired Au Ra turned and headed back up the stairs, they exchanged an unspoken glance. G'raha was waiting for her, and he sent Hiroto a scowl before grabbing Stella's hand.
"See. I told you she hates me, so you should too yet you haven't even tried to run away yet."
Distance yourself from me, before it's too late. I am but a harbinger of suffering…
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mochideleche · 5 months
can’t keep away from fate | CH10
Pairing : Percy jackson x demigod!reader
summary : The daughter of destiny- literally, along with inevitability, compulsion and necessity. Being the child of a primordial goddess doesn’t really assure you a quiet, calm life but when you return to new york after five years of being shipped off to boarding school, your once mundane life says goodbye.
A/N Here’s my christmas gift to you all, lets all pretend this didn’t take me 3 years to do 
contents page
This was it, Percy thought. They were really going into war. 
Never did he think he would be sending 40 troops to stand in positions around the border of Manhattan to defend it. Never did he want to think that those could be the last words he ever said to them.
He tried to rid the negative thoughts, focusing his mind on his battle plans and the success of them,
“if you think that’s going to happen then it’s going to happen”
He shook his head, not now Y/N.
He strained his thoughts back onto the present, right what’s left?
“You forgot the Lincoln Tunnel” Jake Mason spoke up and percy cursed inwardly.
Out of all times Clarisse chose to be selfish, this had to be one of them.
“We don’t mind taking it”
Percy turned around heart lightening at the voice, and standing there in all their glory was Thalia and the hunters of Artemis decked in white shirts a silver camouflage cargos. There were more of them now, since the last time he had seen them but despite that Thalia seemed to be the only one pleased to be there which was understandable since there were a lot of males present. 
A stampede of people rushed forward, greetings and hugs being passed around as Thalia moved forward towards the campers. 
At a moment like this, Percy couldn’t help but smile. It was a small positive to say the least but the feeling of reassurance and seeing an old friend again was a nice break from the constant feeling of impending doom. 
“Oh, did you get taller Jackson?” 
Percy’s heart stopped. 
It couldn’t be, could it? 
He snapped his head around to where he had heard the voice, genuinly convinced he had imagined it, and there standing in the middle of the on coming wave of the rest of the hunters was you.
You looked different, not in a bad way. But there was this new look about you, like you had seen so much more, you knew so much more- like you had been through a lot. 
You seemed thinner now as well, face more angled than before but still as pretty as ever in Percy’s eyes. 
“Y/N?” Percy question quietly, not believing it was real, months of dreams that felt too realistic made Percy think that this was just another one. 
A smile began to grow on your face but it started to break as the tears in your eyes began to fall.
You rushed forward. 
Percy reciprocated the act and within seconds the two of you collided, arms wrapping around each other. 
Your face implanted into Percy’s chest and Percy buried his face in your hair, holding on so tightly to you as if to never let you go ever again. He felt your arms wrapping around him, hands grabbing at his shirt and constantly trying to bring him closer. He felt his heart twinge. 
“Ive missed you so much” he whispered into your hair only to get a sniffle back in response. 
Percy felt like his world was crashing- but in a good way. Everything that had occupied his mind- things that gave him constant stress, intrusive thoughts that weighed him down with anxiety and the impact of dreadful events that took place only recently shattered in an instant, crumbling down only leaving a warm feeling of finally having you wrapped in his arms. Even if it was only momentarily before he had to rejoin his horrifying reality- Percy was in pure bliss. 
He pulled away slightly, arms still wrapped around you, and looked down at your face.
You were crying. 
“Hey it’s alright” Percy started but it only seemed to make you cry more and he panicked moving his hands to hold your face. 
You brought your head to look up at him- he’d bent down in order to see you better. 
“Don’t leave me again” you plead, “I don’t think I can take it anymore”
Percy’s heart swelled. 
He chuckled, “princess, you were the one who left me” giving you a small smile and using his thumb to wipe your tears away.
You let out frustrated cry, “you know what I mean” 
Percy chuckled once again pulling you into his chest, “I won’t leave, not ever” 
He felt you inhaling deeply against his chest, an effort to try a calm down your cries but Percy couldn’t help but smile.
You’re really here, in front of him.
Suddenly, Percy snapped back to reality, only now remembering that Kronos’ army were approaching the borders to Manhattan. 
You too seemed to come to this realisation as you pulled away and hastily wiped your eyes with the sleeves of your jacket. You look up and stiffened and Percy panicked.
Thinking that Kronos’ army was already behind them, he reached for his sword but turned around to only face the rest of camp half blood and the hunters of Artemis starring at the two of you with huge smiles on their faces. 
Percy hoped he wasn’t as red as he felt. 
“right uhh- good luck everyone” Percy awkwardly cheered and fortunately everyone was kind enough to give him an energetic cheer back. 
Amongst the flurry of campers leaving for their posts, he caught your quick reunion with annabeth- giving her a tight squeeze of a hug and an exchange of a few words which seemed to cover the whole year you had spent away. Then you made your way back to his side. 
At first percy was shocked- he was so used to having you go off solo to fight a portion of an army by yourself but the realisation slowly dawned on him that you were going to fight with him. 
A huge grin begun to grow on his face however it was strained when a look of shock grew on yours.
“Y/N..?” Percy questioned hesitantly.
“Percy-” you exclaimed softly, “don’t tell me you-”
Confused, Percy began to think of what he possibly could have done to cause such a reaction out of you- but it didn't take him long that you had of course sensed his recent dip in the river styx.
“Y/N I-”
“Do you have any clue how dangerous this is!” you began- at a loss of words and trying to find the right ones to explain how gobsmacked you were.
But before you could, Percy grabbed your waist, pulled you flush against his chest and pressed his lips to yours.
He could tell you were still very annoyed at him but despite that he could feel the slight smile on your lips and the sigh of content that escaped your mouth.
Percy wanted to hold you there forever as you melted into his touch but alas it seemed as if good things were not meant for him. 
“Percy-” you spoke through the kiss.
“mhmm” he hummed, ignoring all other responsibilities as it was much nicer to pretend that they didn't exist. 
“We have a city to save” you stated and percy reluctantly pulled away. 
A look of sadness and worry was still present on you face to which percy sighed, “I know Y/N, I know- just trust me okay?” 
you hesitated, unsure if you could even muster the strength to go along with it, but you nodded.
And like a golden retriever Percy grinned, grabbed your hand and began to jog down broadway, “right then- lets go kick some titan ass”
You held onto percy’s waist tightly, peering down from blackjack’s back at the scene below you. On one side, scattered around the Williamsburg bridge were the apollo campers, hiding behind seized cars, knocking back arrows and shooting at every chance they got and on the other about 200 of kronos’ army led by the half man half bull monstrosity, the minotaur. 
As soon as blackjack came within two feet of the ground, you and percy leapt of, meeting with michael yew who had been awaiting your arrival.
“Y/N thank the gods you’re here!” michael exclaimed, causing a look of offence to appear on percys face, you stifled a laugh. 
Michael momentarily turned away to shoot an arrow, it whistled through the air and landed amongst the phalanx of dracnae inching closer with their shield wall, a dust cloud appeared from where the arrow landed and a shield dropped to the floor but the gap was instantly replaced and the wall was remade. 
Percy faced you, “how you wanna do this?” 
You smiled, knowing that percy was slightly butt hurt from michael’s comment earlier, “oh please,” you rolled your eyes, “you know exactly how”.
Percy smirked, stepping aside and extending his arm out towards the approaching titan army, “after you princess”.
You smiled, war gives you such a rush. 
You began to stride, arms stretching out to reveal you two drakon bone swords as cheers from the apollo cabin erupted from behind you. 
From above, a car seemed to have appeared out of nowhere and was spiralling down towards you. You pushed it back with a gust of wind aiming it back at the army behind the dracnae line, the car was now sailing straight into the heart of the crowd. You could hear it had caused a surge of panic, as shouts and screaming erupted but you couldn’t stand and watch your handiwork as the dranae wall began to hiss at you in chorus. 
This should be easy enough, you thought. You pointed your two drakon bone swords at the centre of the line, hilt to hilt. You focused on feeling the air around you, the air that touched your sword, the air between you and the army. In one swift movement you cut your swords through the air, and instantaneously the drancnae began to disintegrate, centre out, each one of their shields dropping on after the other like it was choreographed. 
“damn,” you hear percy call, “what did you do?” 
You look at him at the corner of your eye, his staring at you in absolute awe.
“cut through them with air” you shrug, “it was easy since they were all standing in one orderly line” 
“You need to stop upstaging me” Percy stated, uncapping riptide.
“Well go on then” you said simply, “your turn” 
Percy laughed, uncapped riptide and stormed ahead.
You watched in awe as he tore his way through the crowd, annihilating anything within a 3 meter radius. He slashed, dodged and stabbed with ease, you didn’t know wether to be impressed or completely distraught. 
Nothing good ever came with the curse of achilles. Percy now had a new aura around him, more dark, more powerful, more intimidating. You had sensed it immediately, and still did not know what to think. 
You stood in shock as Percy defeated the minotaur with ease, you almost jumped in to help but it was evident no help was needed. 
But you couldn’t stay still for long, because in the distance, you could see the approaching cavalry. About 30 skeletal horses and a golden helmed demigod leading the way. 
You heart began to pound loudly, you had never set eyes on the titan god before. Yes he was in the body of Luke Castellan but there was no doubt that that was kronos. His presence was heavy int he air, like earths gravity had gotten ten times stronger. You gulped thinking this would be it.
“Michael,” You shout in panic, spinning around and trying your best to spot him in the sea of cars. You see him perched on the edge of the bridge, bow lowered in confusion. “fall back! make sure everyone gets off the bridge!” you call over your shoulder, hoping that he had heard you as you begin to rush forward.
“Percy!” you cry, trying you best to make it to his side.
Percy quickly caught your gaze and after seeing how panicked you look, spun to face the opposite end of the bridge, you saw his grip tighten around riptide. 
You slash two empousa who had decided to approach you instead of retreating like the rest, and you push straight through the yellow cloud of dust and reached out to grab percy.
“We need to retreat, now!” you said, ready to push you and Percy back on the winds. you didn’t hear him respond but you felt him wrap his hand around yours. 
But you faltered. 
In the distance you could see the apollo kids dragging out sleeping drivers from their cars, Jake Mason had two kids on either shoulder and kayla and will were dragging out who you assumed to be their father. 
You let go of percy’s hand. 
“Go, I’ll hold them off” 
Percy turned around with such an incredulous look you almost whimpered. You had never seen him so angered before. 
“There’s no way I’m leaving you” he said strongly, wrapping his hand around your arm, “not ever” 
Even in this moment you couldn’t help but let your heat skip a beat. 
The two of you stood side to side and faced the oncoming cavalry.
You immediately brought up a gust of wind parting the oncoming wave, the horses seized and reared, off put by the strong force, and you pushed each side unmercifully over the edge. About a dozen horses and demigods fell, screaming, tumbling down from the Williamsburg bridge.
But you weren’t done. 
Those who had dodged the attack were now surrounding you, choosing to go on foot rather than on cavalry. they circled you and percy but were clearly no match for the two of you combined. 
It was about 8 to 2, both your swords kept busy, slashing and blocking but you knew these demigods were not the main problem.
He was. 
Kronos was leisurely trotting along the bridge, seemingly in no rush to come fight. 
That pissed you off. 
Out of the corner of your eye you say a stray arrow, and an idea popped into you mind. 
Within a few seconds you went overload, whacking the heads of the two soldiers in front of your with the hilt of your swords, they halted dropped their swords and you retracted yours, letting their bodies fall. As they did, you brought wind to push them back giving you access to the next two demigods behind them. 
They looked at you, they were scared shitless. 
But you had no time for mercy. 
with one hand you pushed them straight to the edge and over the bridge.
With little to no time till others came to fight you, you reached your hand out to the arrow lying to the side and flew it straight across the bridge with such high speeds even you couldn’t see it.
And with luck, it landed straight in kronos’ throat. 
It was like the whole world stopped. 
Even the demigods fighting you paused and spun back to look at their leader. 
And to your dismay, the arrow bounced right off his skin and fell to the floor. 
“No-” you let out quietly, panic rising in you chest.
Percy straightened, his realisation hitting you the exact same time,
He’s got the curse of achilles. 
Kronos paused, his horse halting. He removed his helmet and stared right at you. “what a valiant attempt, daughter of ananke,” he mused slowly.
You couldn’t help it, you began to have a panic attack. Out of all the monsters you’ve dealt with, he is the most terrifying. You couldn’t move, you couldn’t speak. Percy protectively stood in front of you, arm out and riptide steady.
“I must say, you’ve been a constant nuisance” kronos hissed, bringing his scythe forwards, “i’ll be glad to have you gone”  Kronos then salmmed the hilt of his scythe in the ground causing the bdrige to shake.
Multiple demigods, even some working for kronos flew over the edge of the bridge, the concrete began to crack and suspension cords whipped around.
Within in midst of confusion, you saw one body move forwards, a knife reached out aiming for percy.
Without thinking you stepped forwards, flushing yourself against percy’s back.
The knife drove straight into you.
The pain it gave caused you to scream out, the weapon was buried in your arm and the holder was grinning widely at you, glad he had dealt you great agony. 
And that only made you angry. 
Like it was habit, you jutted out your hand against his chest, and flicked your wrist. 
In one swift movement your drakon bone swords materialised, impaling the man through his chest. 
“Y/N!” Percy cried, turning in time to see you stab Ethan Nakamura in the chest. 
You brought your foot up against Ethan’s body, simultaneously kicking it away and retracting your sword, puling out the knife in your arm soon after. As his body flew backwards yours began to crumple.
Percy caught you, arm out under the curve of your back as you lay limp. Your hand was pressed to the wound, blood flowing endlessly, staining your jacket, shirt and hair. 
Percy began to see red.
He swung his sword in large arches, demigods fell back, “get back!” he shouted, retreating the best he could to get you out of harms way.
Kronos laughed “give up Percy, you cannot save the girl”
Percy gritted his teeth, don’t tell me what to do.
His anger boiled, his rage could not be contained. With a shout Percy stabbed riptide through the concrete and as he did the ground began to shake and like geyser water errupted from the gaping cracks in the ground.
Percy pulled riptide from the ground, capped it, scooped you up in his arms, and ran.
The ground shook with incredible force, the fissure grew and parts of the bridge began crumbling, breaking off and falling into the river. Within seconds the bridge was split in half, a forty foot drop in between. 
Some of Kronos’ men inched forward, looking down at the distance. 
Percy stood ready, just in case the titan jumped the span. But all he did was nod curtly and rasied his scythe in mockery, “until tonight Jackson” and him and his army retreated. 
Percy would’ve chased after him, but he had you to worry about. 
He looked down, you were a mess.
You looked so pale, so weak and you had loss so much blood. Percy pressed his hand against you wound desperately trying to stop the bleeding. 
“no no no no no-” Percy whispered, feeling your breathing begin to slow.
your blood felt warm against his palm, yet your body felt so cold. He inspected the wound, it was about two inches wide, the skin around it green and purple. 
Percy stood still. 
Slowly, he removed his hand from your arm and looked down at his palm. 
Your blood wasn’t just deep red, it looked metallic, shiny, almost if it was mixed with gold. 
golden ichor. 
Percy srcunched his eyebrows, how was that possible?
Suddenly, every moment of your omniscience struck him, how powerful your aura was, how you left every battle practically unmarked and how your powers should’ve burned you from the inside by now. He looked down now at your  fragile body.
How could someone so god like be so mortal?
He looked up to try to scout for help, thankfully, Will was running towards the two of you, a look of the upmost concern painted on his face.
“we- we need to get her to base, quickly” will stuttered, hands shaking as he pointed to the nearest car, “Austin can drive-” 
“Go go go-” Percy ordered, picking you up and rushing to the car.
Will reached the car first, swinging the back door open before prompty jumping into the front as so did Austin.
Percy quickly, but gently got in, you still in his arms, laid across his lap and barely breathing. 
Austin looked in the rear view mirror as he put the car into drive, “Gods,” he said, eyes widened as he saw you, “what happened?”
“Poison most likely” Will muttered, digging around in his bag for something to help you. He tossed some things aside like a water bottle, plasters and a stray m and m before his fingers finally pulled a small vial of nectar. 
“Here!” he said, turning around in his chair and squeezing himself through the two front seats to reach you, “we’ve got to make her drink this, it’s the only way to keep her from-” 
Will paused, gulped and looked at Percy. 
Percy’s brow stiffened, “understood” and he took the vial from will and put the rim against your lips. 
“How much?” Percy asked, slowly beginning to retract the vial from your mouth.
“All of it” will said seriously and both Percy and Austin looked at him in shock.
“She’ll be incinerated!” Austin exclaimed, barely missing a sleeping pedestrian who had fallen on a crossing. 
“Knowing her it won’t” will stated, “trust me”
Hesitantly, Percy put the vial to your lips and let some nectar drip into your mouth. He looked at you, some colour began to return to your face but you still looked so sick, so unwell, so close to death. He then looked at you arm, the metallic red shining in the sunset, almost as if it was persuading him to let you drink more.
Austin turned his head back to look at you and the car swerved. “Holy Gods” He exclaimed, “is she bleeding ichor??” doing his best to regain control of the car. 
Percy opened his mouth to answer, “I think-”
“Yes” Will stated, “her blood is mixed with ichor” 
Percys heart began to beat faster, “What does that mean?”
“I-I don’t know” Will stuttered, “I’ve noticed it before, I thought I was crazy, but I think it makes sense-” 
“Oh yeah....” Austin agreed, flashing looks back every now and again, stunned with the sight of your godly blood, “explains how she’s so- you know, awesome” 
Will gave Austin a confused side eye, then returned his attention to Percy, “I guess, I was going for more powerful almost-”
“God like” Percy finished and Will cautiously nodded his head, 
The vial was almost half empty and you were breathing at a normal pace now, but the blood, and ichor was still pooling out of you at an alarming rate. 
“We’re here” Austin stated, bringing the car to a halt and even before he could pull the break Will launched himself from the car and swung the back door open. 
“Quick, Percy, we don’t have much time left before-” and he again stopped himself, after seeing Percy, who was hardly ever an emotional mess, scrunch his face in utter despair. 
He clambered out of the car and cradled your limp cold body close to his chest as the three boys ran into the building. 
Percy hardly ever prayed to the Gods, and if he ever did, he did it begrudgingly. But in this moment that was all he found himself doing, 
Please, whatever God is listening, please keep Y/N alive.
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na102 · 7 months
I've now watched both seasons of Wheel of Time and they're great!!! I haven't read the books and am curious- what do you like/not like about them, and would you recommend them? (Also are they gay)
Yay! I'm glad you like the show! I do recommend the books they obviously have their flaws but are worth it and while it's not direct I saw it as very gay.
The rest of this is a detailed rant going more in depth. With some (mild mild) spoilers
I really love the world building and detail it just sucks you in. The story arcs themselves are fantastic ive never felt such euphoria at climaxes than I do with this book series it's also the only one to ever make me cry same goes for the characterization. I could go on and on about what I love about this series. However I will sum it that for everything I disliked there is 10 more things I liked.
when it comes to female characters this is probably some of the best female centred fiction I have ever read pre Locked Tomb and Baru Cormorant. Just women who aren't completely men obsessed that are independent, brave, talented, heroic and just their own character. In addition many of them are ambitious.
When it comes to gayness that depends on how much you are okay with reading in between the lines. The earlier and middle books it is HEAVILY implied that many Aes Sedai are or have been at one point lesbian lovers "pillow friends". There is also some Polyamory (spelled incorrectly the one where it's people who share the same spouse but don't sleep with each other )
despite that distinction there are a LOT of women who are very *close* to each other including ones In The same polycule.
The books are very long that's both a pro and con.
One of the things I'm not a huge fan of is how the series does change genres. The 1st few books are more of coming of age and then you get court drama but the build up is worth and it's still a great read. It takes you through their whole lives. I recommend starting with the Prequel New Spring if u are going to read them it adds extra layers to the earlier parts.
The series also changes with the last few books( Robert Jordan passed away while still writing the series so Brandon Sanderson completed the books based on his notes). This is where a lot of issues come into play. With only notes he does wrap it up nicely however he does flub some characterization. The main issues center around the female characters.
Despite some of the great writing of women it is still written by a man a while back. There are some negative portrayals,stereotypes by Robert Jordan .They are also a little less free with sexual expression. There is way(way) less sex than the show but the characters are also a little younger and it fits the setting. everything else outweighs it. Believe me there are many scenes that are better and more intimate then sex ones.
It gets much worse when Sanderson takes over. A lot of the near canon lesbianism is removed and there are a lot of submissive portrayals of women in addition to just out of character behavior. However with the book wrapping up you are very much distracted by everything else going on and the ending is so well done and cathartic I didn't even really care.
But it was overall a groundbreaking work of fiction. To this day it is still my all time favorite series. I think it's the best epic fantasy series there is. There are so many different worlds and so many different stories within it. It changed my life.
Sorry about the rant hope this helps. I do 100% recommend the book series. I also recommend using your local library if possible cuz there are lot of books in the series and it can get pricy buying them.
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