#did you know gullible was written on the ceiling?
dollypopup · 2 months
the audacity of this fandom to call Colin an idiot and then immediately believe a Sun UK article smdh
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Even though I know it's April Fools I still get fooled, so fair warning if I try to rip you a new one for a fake opinion here later
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leveragehunters · 1 year
You know that thing where someone says 'hey, did you know gullible is written on the ceiling?'
And you look up, and then they laugh at you, all, 'man, you're so gullible?'
You're not gullible if you look up. Looking up is checking. It's not taking their word for it or being fooled. It's verifying whether what they said was true or false.
Gullible would just be accepting it.
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theoddcatlady · 6 months
We Killed Bobby Tanner
It was me, Jessie Bates, Hunter Gilch, and Gabrielle Edison. We are the reason that Bobby Tanner never returned home that Friday night ten years ago, why every year his parents send out a plea asking for their son to come home. It was us. The senior class rejects.
Jessie was a bit slow and would believe anything you told him. You could tell this boy over a dozen times that ‘gullible’ was written on the ceiling and he’d believe you each of those times.
Gabrielle was pretty popular until her sophomore year when she got gonorrhea after having sex with her cheating shitbag of a boyfriend who didn’t know how to put on a condom. He, of course, blamed her for giving it to him and it didn’t matter what the truth was after that- Gabrielle was labeled a dirty slut and became a social outcast.
Hunter was just… off. Jessie followed him around like a lost puppy, but Hunter was that kid everyone was sure was either going to one day shoot up the school or become a prolific serial killer. Casual conversations would quickly turn sadistic as he’d brag about catching squirrels and birds in traps before killing them and cutting them up. He was the leader of our lil group, probably because the rest of us didn’t have a backbone.
Me, you can pick a reason why I was picked on- I’m fat, I had a serious acne problem, I’m socially awkward and a crybaby. I was an easy target because I’d start to cry when the words got too much and that was exactly what the bullies wanted.
Bobby was one of those bullies. He was everything we weren’t- he had money, he was good looking, he thought he was pretty smart, and he was funny… at least, if you weren’t the butt end of his jokes. We usually were. The only one he didn’t really pick on was Hunter, at least, not if he didn’t have a pack of friends around him. Hunter scared him, and probably for a good reason.
It was Hunter’s idea to kill him, after all.
It was after school, we were all at Hunter’s house. His parents were never home and it was a safe place to chill. I’d just finished throwing the pizza rolls in the microwave when he came out with it.
“What’s your perfect plan to kill someone?” Hunter said, interrupting Gabrielle’s rant about our stupid English teacher Mr. Shea.
Jessie laughed while Gabrielle rolled her eyes. “Really? I don’t have one, Hunter. Because I’m not a sociopath.”
“Come on, it’s all hypothetical,” Hunter waved his hand, “Just go with it. What’s your go to plan?”
Jessie stroked his chin, which had a few scraggly hairs on it that he proudly called his ‘beard’. “Huh… I mean, I guess I’d kill them with my dad’s shotgun so he goes down for the murder? Fuck my dad,” He said.
Hunter snickered while I took a seat on the couch arm and pondered this hypothetical question. “I mean, I’d probably go for making it look like an accident. Like they fell off a cliff or a building, or the brakes in their car just gave out,” I answered.
Hunter looked genuinely impressed. “That’s actually not half bad! Come on, Gabrielle, what do you think?” He asked.
Gabrielle scoffed before she started twirling her hair- she always did that when she was thinking on something. “Oh my god, fine… I think I’d just poison the bastard? I’m not really strong, I mean, neither is Noelle, but here she is threatening to throw people off of buildings,” She elbowed my ribs teasingly.
“It’s a hypothetical question!” I threw my hands up in the air before looking down at Hunter. “Since you asked, I’m sure you already have an answer.”
“Lure them out to the woods before slicing open their throat so I can shower in their blood,” Hunter grinned menacingly and I had to suppress a shudder.
“That’s fucking gross… and would leave so much evidence, you idiot,” Gabrielle shook her head, “Actual sociopath, Hunter Gilch.”
We all laughed until Hunter brought up the next question. “Okay, who would you murder then? Say you could murder anyone and know you could get away with it. Name your picks,” He said as he crossed his arms.
I shifted uncomfortably while Gabrielle shook her head. “Too much, Hunter, too much,” She said.
“Who would you murder?” Jessie piped up with.
Hunter opened his mouth to respond when I heard the microwave beep. “Natural segue, it’s pizza rolls time!” I leaped up from the couch arm and ran into the kitchen. I did hear Hunter say he had a few possibles, but my return with the delicious snack had us completely forget about murder.
The next week the cruelest prank was played on me. I got to my locker to see a present from a secret admirer, a box of chocolates with a sweet love letter. I was so overjoyed and I ended up enjoying two or three chocolates before class.
Chocolates that Bobby had laced with laxatives.
Just as the teacher was about to hand out the assignments, my stomach made that oh so uncomfortable gurgling sound and I had to bolt for the bathroom. I… didn’t make it. And I'd been wearing a skirt that day.
Liquid shit dripped down my legs as I scrambled for the bathroom, only to hear the cruelest laughter behind me. I looked, I saw Bobby, I saw his friends taking pictures with their phones, and I realized what happened.
I considered killing myself that night. The whole school knew what had happened. One of Bobby’s friends had texted him to let him know it was going down and that’s how he knew, and the incriminating pictures of me waddling down the hallway with a brown trail behind me spread like wildfire. I’d never live this down.
I’d already decided that I’d take all my mother’s sleeping pills and wash it down with a bottle of vodka when I heard my doorbell frantically ringing.
My mom was out so I ended up dragging myself to the door. When I opened it, there he was- Hunter. It had been raining out and he was soaking wet, gasping for breath as he leaned against the doorframe.
“Bobby. That’s who I’d fucking murder. Bobby fucking Tanner.”
I burst into tears and collapsed in Hunter’s arms.
That’s when we seriously began to plan to murder Bobby.
Jessie took no effort to convince, although I’m not sure he knew we were serious until the night it happened. Gabrielle was on the fence, but after she heard people laughing about ‘Shitstain Noelle’, she agreed to help as long as she wasn’t doing the actual killing part.
We all had a part to play. Gabrielle was the bait. Hunter and Jessie were the muscle. And I was the clean up crew.
I remember going to Jessie’s father’s home improvement shop to pick out the weapons. Jessie might’ve been dumb as a box of rocks when it came to things like school and common sense, but he knew tools. He chattered my ear off about how this certain brand of hammer was known to have its head come flying off if you used it too roughly and how this other brand was hardy and good for long term use.
Hunter picked one of those hammers and tossed it in the air. I never saw him smile quite so genuinely as he added it to the basket.
It was much more fun to actually plan the murder than commit it, at least for me. Each of us did get our own hammer, Jessie jokingly called us the hammer bros and Hunter laughed until he cried.
Gabrielle was probably the best damn bait. She made sure to approach Bobby when he was alone and actually let the bastard feel her up before saying if he wanted more, he should come with her after school. I was her back up, watching from around the corner just in case he got too much. I saw how he ogled her, he was entranced. Sure she was a slut, but she was still hot, and Bobby was still a teenage boy.
She had him drive them to the woods near Jessie’s place. We were all in position. The car pulled up and Bobby was far too focused on making out with Gabrielle to notice Hunter storming up to the car. By the time Hunter ripped the door open, it was too late for Bobby to get away.
The plan didn’t feel real until Hunter cracked the hammer against Bobby’s mouth.
Bobby screamed as Hunter dragged him out, bringing the hammer down again and again on his head. Jessie joined in and began smashing him wherever he could, but Hunter did most of the work. Jessie was more timid, he didn’t have it in him to really kill someone else.
Hunter did though. Bobby screamed and begged for him to stop. I don’t think he ever threw a punch back, he didn’t have a chance.
When he finally ceased crying and struggling, his face was a swollen, bloody mess. You couldn’t tell who he used to be. I think Hunter would’ve continued beating him if Jessie didn’t tell him it was enough. Bobby was dead.
The next part of the plan was performed mechanically. Hunter and Jessie took Bobby’s car to a deeper part of the woods where it was dismantled. Gabrielle went home. And I took care of the body, throwing it in the nearby river, tied with rocks, where it’ll never be seen again.
They sent search parties. People were dragged in for questioning. Even Hunter was, but we each other’s alibi- we were at Hunter’s house all night and he didn’t go anywhere. Probably the best stroke of luck was that Bobby didn’t tell anyone he was going out with Gabrielle. He was probably going to save the bragging for later.
People completely forgot about ‘Shitstain Noelle’ now that Bobby just up and disappeared. People talked about how he was such a good kid with such a promising future. Some rumors sprouted up about how all the pressure from his parents just made him crack and he took off to live in Florida or some shit. Other people still continued to point the finger at Hunter, saying we were just covering for him. Never really thought we participated though.
But I lied.
Bobby Tanner wasn’t dead when I took him to the river.
It came as a shock to me when I went to lift his body out of the bed of Jessie’s truck and he groaned. I nearly screamed. Somehow after being pulverized, Bobby was still alive.
I had a choice. If I dumped him in the water, he’d drown. No question about it. It was up to me now to finish the job.
Or maybe I couldn’t. Maybe when faced with the choice at the end, I just couldn’t.
Bobby was stashed under my bed. Every day when I came home from school, I expected to find him dead, but somehow he’d kept clinging onto life. I took care of him best I could with what supplies I could pick up over the counter, I fed him food turned into paste, and I’d clean up after him.
He wasn’t really… Bobby anymore. Even when his face healed, it was all crooked and puffy. I think sometime during the beating Hunter knocked one of his eyes out, because it was just gone, I don’t know what happened to it. I had to teach him how to go to the bathroom, how to eat by himself. I asked him if he remembered who I was, if he remembered Noelle.
All I got was a blank stare.
Bobby went with me to my new place when I moved out of my mother’s house. I taught him how to be quiet and stay still in the trunk I’d keep him in. During the day he knew to hide under the bed, when I got home from work he’d always give me a hug before lying down on the couch. He knew not to be seen, he listened to whatever I said. It was like having a son.
I never told the others. After the murder we just… grew apart. Things weren’t the same. Hunter was more manic and morbid than ever, Jessie became quiet and threw himself into work at his father’s shop, and Gabrielle…
Gabrielle couldn’t live with what we did. She hung herself about three months after our group murder. It was too much for her. I wish I told her at least that we didn’t kill Bobby. It’s probably the only reason the guilt hasn’t consumed me either.
But maybe I shouldn’t have kept him alive, either.
Like I said, it’s been ten years. Bobby’s made leaps and strides in taking care of himself, he can even heat up leftovers in the microwave. For the longest time, he was a blank slate. I was his Noelle, the woman taking care of him. His only friend. The world outside was a bad place, was the reason he lost himself.
Last week I left out some old things while doing some spring cleaning. Most importantly, I left out a book of pictures. I came back home to see Bobby staring at a picture of my friends. I asked him what he was doing and he just shrugged and I thought that was that. He didn’t have his memories, after all.
Well that picture knocked something loose. I came home today to find Bobby was gone, with that picture torn up in little shreds. Sometime that afternoon someone broke into the home improvement store that Jessie still worked at and beat him to death with one of the hammers.
I’m trying to get in contact with Hunter now, I know he still lives in the state but we haven’t spoken in years.
I just hope I’m not too late.
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confuzing · 1 year
My Proudest Moment in High School was this one time in English class, I forget what we were discussing but the guy talking said "Right, and we all know gullible is written on the ceiling."
(Sidebar: Y'all know that bit right?
A: Did you notice someone wrote gullible on the ceiling in this class?
B: Really? * Looks up *
And then everyone laughs because B is in fact, gullible.)
So after he said that I casually looked up at the ceiling, cocked my head and said, "Huh, someone actually did it."
And bro looked.
The class loved it.
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voidvendetta · 2 years
slight spoilers for LN DLC! Im’ begging you please play it! Anyway HAPPY BDAY LN DLC!
k hi so I’m rlly tired but who cares it’s the Little nightmares Dlc secrets of the maw’s birthday! And bc I don’t have any art to post, this is me just dumping about how much I love RK. (pulls up a google doc)
I love this short man.so much. I would die for him and the only thing that prevented me from doing so is because tarsier wouldn’t allow that. I am currently working on a plan to raid bandai naaco so I can trade my soul for RK’s, but that can wait. I would protect him with my every fiber and cell and would’ve pat him on the head.
 The reasons we have hands is because of him. I need to draw him. I need to make gifs of him being pat on the head. I need to drop everything and make a plush of him.
 While yes he did kill the granny, I mean like. cmon. She’s really cool and all but like, drowning is not cool. Don’t drown people kids.
But anyway back to RK, I am willing to bet he is one of, if the not one of the most wholesome characters in LN. Mono is great and all but if you said gullible was written on the ceiling he would look up while saying,”no it isn’t!!!” and he kind of killed some stuff but yeah. RK is amazing.
Other reasons while the DLC is prob one of my favs? It basically just upgrades what made LN so good and adds all sort of new ideas and levels for the audience to enjoy. They bosses still have some similarities, like the shoe monster and granny, and bringing back the janitor and lady, but I feel as if the DLC brings some new content as well. I also enjoyed how it focused on world building, and while this didn’t let us get a huge insight to RK, little nightmares only gave portages more subtle personalities up to interpretation, until recently with LN2. It added so much to the story and lore of Ln, and it’s a shame that not a ton of people know it that well. I’ve played it a good 3 times, and I have enjoyed a lot each and every time.
Conclusion: The DLC is my favorite (VERY closely to the rest of the games, LN holds a very dear place in my heart being fan of it for about 4 and half years) of then LN series, as it brings a lot of world building and answers and questions, but it left us more satisfied than hungry with questions. I want more people to acknowledge this game, as it’s honestly really good. And RK is blurb I’m sorry mono but you could’ve never compete with nome father.
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frogsandfries · 7 months
I don't know why this keeps popping into my head, but I need it to be out of my head--preferably forever.
So, the relationship is Officially Over and I'm still sleeping in the bed, and indulging the ex, and they say to me something about, like, are they cheating, this is cheating, is this cheating--I don't remember. It was just so fucking preposterous, because they were planning to move to fucking Oregon and leave me with the apartment pretending like they were coming back. Now, apparently, that's not what was going to happen 🙄 sure, and 'gullible' is written on the ceiling, and the only reason the relationship went the way it did was that I was like, snooping even though we had an open book policy, and I didn't let the ex explain or propose whatever situation to me. Bullshit.
Anyway, I just keep appalling myself--like, were they fucking serious?? Cheating??? You're a fucking rat worse than a rat. You're a fucking parasite. I stopped letting you suck me dry and you fucking went on this bullshit "looking for a third" which you spent two out of three years not being interested in doing. Not till you fucking realized that if I'm making the money, I'm spending the excess and you get nothing but the basics--the same as if I'm not earning the money and you get to spend the excess.
But you wanna act all noble like you weren't fucking cheating on me. 🙄
Anyway, I just needed to get this out of my head.
No offense to anyone who practices polyam. Like, really no offense. The ex and I had discussed poly, and I was open to it, but as far as I'm concerned, if we talk about it but no moves are made for over the first six months, even under extenuating circumstances, yes such as a pandemic, then I'm considering the discussion had and that's not going to be an element of this relationship.
I'm still disgusted that the ex went for someone about, what was it, fifteen years younger than them??? Almost ten years younger than me, and they're about five years older than me. The replacement was nineteen fucking years old. Barely a fucking adult. Honestly, I consider anyone under mid-twenties too young. Like, they're barely an adult. It's not fair to bog them down with my bullshit. When I was in my twenties, I barely fucking knew what I wanted. My sister got married when she was barely twenty and now she's a few years shy of thirty and getting divorced because--surprise!--he's fucking abusive.
The replacement was abused by their parent/s too so.
We all know what the ex's type is.
Well that and the other topic that's been bothering me.
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jodragen · 2 years
Jimmy is a mess. Like slimy fish boy in the swamps level of messy and his lore really isn’t much clearer either. I can tell he likes to play up the underdog with his characters, it is a fun role to play I’ll admit but some times it’s still a bit off putting for the fish boy get the rug yanked out from under him so much. You’d think he’d learn.
Maybe he can’t?
I mean yeah small damaged egg and all, but this character is stacked with disadvantages... not the best builder, his land is in a swamp, he’s so gullible he’d look at the ceiling if you told him gullible is written there, and not that great at remembering things.
The ‘not remembering things’ is the part here to think on. I know this is also partly because Normal Jimmy has a bad memory, we’ve seen this enough time one stream, but this also funny enough works into Fish Boy’s character traits as well. What’s the few things we have learned about The CodFatherBoy’s origins?
he lost his memory when he left the ocean. We learn this tidbit in the lore with The Ocean Queen in the book about them forgetting who they are if they left their home in the ocean depths.
At this time we also learn that Ms Blue Lady left the seas because they where being over run with salmon and it was affecting her dear little brother. But how were they affecting him? What did they do?
Well the latest video of Jimmy's we learned that they apparently dragged him out of the seas... So like why? What is so important about this small cod boy from the small damaged egg that he was forcefully taken from the sea and some how ended up in the swamp?
I don't know really, looking at Coddy boy here we have this weird mishmash of character traits and lore that is well, like I said up top, very messy. He's actually kind of spoiled too, or at least on the surface he is. The biggest point on this was what he said in the dragon fight, but also his impatience in things not happening instantly or his way. When things aren't going his way he starting having a fit about it. He’s ornery, scrappy and always out to prove that he's right! If this means getting into a fight with some one way strong than him? So be it! He's not gonna back down, he has thing to prove!
Does this get him in trouble? Always.
Has he learned not to do it any more? Nope.
Fish boy can't seem to learn from his mistakes. This could be because he's impatient... or maybe he keeps forgetting he made the mistakes in the first place?
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denkamis · 3 years
into the fire. (dabi x reader)
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warnings: this oneshot contains spoilers for the manga & swearing. it also describes burns & wounds in detail.
summary: you tend to dabi’s wounds after a small altercation with some pro-heroes. (takes place sometime after ch 290).
notes: fluffy dabi content written for a friend per her request <3 if u couldn’t tell, i have no fucking clue how to write him so pls bear with me. i’ve written like headcanons for him a bit so— either way, hope u like my first oneshot posted here :,))
word count: 1.4k
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Information spread like wildfire. As soon as Dabi unveiled himself as the son of Endeavour, there was no turning back for him. The whole world knew, and that further skewed their once unshaken perspective of pro-heroes. Everything was crumbling before your very eyes. The society of heroes that was previously trusted was now brought to its knees by a simple revelation. They were not who they seemed to be.
You had known his secret for a little over six months now. When he had told you, he vowed he would make Endeavour suffer for the pain he had brought him all those years ago. No matter what it took. You had been no stranger to Dabi’s rants about his father at this point, and now that the date was finally here, he had been true to his word. It was time for karma to hit that poor son of a bitch back. And so it did.
Dabi had told you to wait at your usual rendezvous point: an abandoned apartment just on the outskirts of the city where the two of you would be hiding out until further notice. You were never a villain. You had never been interested in killing people, or bringing the hero civilization down to shambles. All you knew is that you loved the man that came home to you every few months. You knew it was wrong, you knew that there were probably other men you were better off with. Even so, you couldn’t shake the feeling that he cared about you more than he let on. There was something about him you couldn’t quite place. You supposed that’s what made life with him so exciting. The thrill of it all was exhilarating, maybe even addicting.
You were in the middle of plating dinner. You had made spicy udon, two bowls, with what little groceries you had in the rundown apartment. It wasn’t glamorous in the slightest. It was a temporary home that you two would stay at. You knew that you two would have to move in the morning to avoid detection anyways.
You sat down at the table, fingers tapping against the thin, cheap wood restlessly. The worry you felt was undeniable. Had the authorities tracked him? Would he even come back? Was he alive?
No. This was Dabi. He wouldn’t die so easily.
Putting your hands together, you said your grace before your shaky hands moved to pick up your chopsticks. Before you could touch them, there was a light thud that came from the singular bedroom that the apartment hosted. Cautiously, you stood from your seat. Your throat felt dry as your body seemed to move on its own, your legs guiding you to the door slowly as to not let the potential burglar know you were on to them. You braced yourself, your hand on the rusted knob of the door before you swung it open.
A gasp escaped you at the unsightly man before you. The smell of ash and burnt flesh made you keen, and the now white hair colour he dawned stood out against the darkness of his charred skin. Tears welled in your eyes. He faced away from you, shirt and coat discarded. Staples hung off the skin of his back, receding down further. He must have been in so much pain from the overuse of his quirk. He never seemed to listen to you when it came to protecting his body.
Dabi turned his head at the sound of the door, his eyes bored and emotionless. Your shock and horror must have been evident. You’ve seen him come home to you with scratches and bruises before, but nothing to this scale. He looked like he was falling apart at the seams.
“Dabi,” you began, your tone saddened and dripping with concern for the taller man. 
“Don’t pity me. Quit looking at me like a kicked puppy, Y/N. Doesn’t look good on that pretty face of yours.”
You swallowed, reaching into your travel bag on the bed and pulling out several bottles of ointment. They were specifically for burn care, mixed with aloe vera and pain reliever. It was your own personal concoction, one suited for Dabi’s needs that you could procure no matter where the two of you were if need be.
He clicked his tongue in annoyance, rolling his eyes. It seemed that every time you pulled out the bottle, he retaliated and complained. You shook your head. “No, you need it this time. Seriously, now show me where,” you demanded of him bluntly. You weren’t taking no for an answer. With a scoff, Dabi broke his gaze from you. “Don’t fight me on this,” you urged him, sliding onto the creaky mattress and already beginning to apply the lotion onto your hands. 
“Doll… You don’t have to do this shit for me,” Dabi said lowly, head turned so that he could watch you. You were gentle, always so painfully gentle, with him. Part of Dabi, actually all of himself, believed he didn’t deserve you. Him, and all of his broken parts, his disgusting past, his current, unforgivable actions. Yet here you were, patching him up without a second thought. His gaze, though unreadable to the onlooker, held a feeling deeper than what he let on.
Your hands massaged his skin and he let out a groan. His limbs ached and his bones felt like shattering, but he always made sure to come back home to you.
“You’re not leaving are you, doll?” he asked you suddenly.
Your eyes met his turquoise ones. His face was burned nearly as badly as the rest of him, his staples appeared to be drooping dangerously. He stared at you, examining your features and committing them to memory. Dabi knew that nothing was ever permanent in this world, certainly not you. He dragged you into this. He had let you follow him along when there was no clear way out of this shithole.
Dabi bowed his head, white tufts of hair falling over his eyes. A cocky smile played on his lips, “You’re not like them, huh? Not gonna leave me for some dickhead that wipes their asshole with money?”
You snickered at the thought as your palms continued to rub away into his back, tracing the burns and wounds that refused to heal. Fingertips grazing the toned muscles, you hummed in thought. There were a lot of reasons you stayed, some reasons less logical than others, but you digress. As you ran your hands up his back, retracing your steps and mapping out his scarred skin, you rested your hands upon his shoulders, feeling how unnaturally tense they were. The feeling of soft lips meeting rough skin made Dabi sigh once more. He relaxed ever so slightly, skin surging from a new warmth you had brought him. You gave him comfort unlike anything else he had ever felt. You were home to him. He never cared for anyone, until you came waltzing into his life.
He was cautious, of course. You were a capable woman who could kill him at any moment (not that you wanted to, but Dabi had precautions). You were unlike anyone he had ever met. You were absolutely captivating, unbelievably kind, and yes, incredibly gullible, but you trusted him to come back to you. He felt like he owed you that much for you giving so much of yourself to him. For giving up so much of your small, insignificant life that you couldn’t get back, to him.
A strong hand fell onto your waist, lifting you up from your position beside him to one where your knees were situated at either side of his hips. You now straddled his torso, his hands gripping at your sides possessively. He looked up at you, grinning wolfishly. Heat rushed to your cheeks, your body now feeling like it was on fire from where he touched you.
“Answer me, baby. Tell me how much you love me,” he teased you, face so close to you that your noses brushed against each other. Heart beating rapidly in your chest, your hands held his face as if he were made of some type of china.
A smile crept across your face timidly, thumb rubbing over past scars being covered with new ones. You leaned down, lips ghosting his as you spoke.
“I could only have eyes for you, Dabi. No matter how many weeks you leave, I’ll be here when you get back. Always.”
His chapped, broken lips met your plump ones, passion and some sort of feeling resembling love radiating from the affectionate act you shared.
“I love you.”
Dabi laughed at your words, smiling up at the ceiling before his gaze lazily met yours. You managed to breathe such life into him without meaning to. Fuck. He was in deeper than he realized.
“Good. You fucking should.”
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all works © denkamis 2021.
want to be on the taglist? see this post!
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petitprincess1 · 4 years
Alastor: Did you know that "gullible" is written on the ceiling?
Angel Dust: *looks up and sees the word "gullible" on the ceiling*
Angel Dust: Oh yeah, it really is up ther- *looks down to see a hole in chest and Alastor holding organs* Oooh, you stole my lungs...
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more-pokeimagines · 3 years
Stone Cold Body [09] - Chapter 8
A/N: Here's the next chapter. A good portion of it is written from Carlina's POV, so I apologize if that's not your cup of tea. Please let me know what you think of the chapter in general! <3
Warnings: mentions of violence & death
Taglist: @piershoesz @alovestruck-fool @shaak-ti-s @spair-m [If you want to be added to/removed from the taglist let me know.]
The days passed without anything special happening. Since their last conversation and his refusal to help her, Bede hadn’t seen Brigid again but he was actually quite thankful for her absence. It spared him from overthinking his decision once again, from wondering what would have happened if he had chosen to turn against his family.
Well. It wasn’t too hard to figure that out: she probably would’ve declared war to the king, trying to get the ordinary people who didn’t practice magic on her side by showing them that even their crown prince supported her cause. There weren’t many sorcerers left but still enough to tear the kingdom apart if they really wanted to – and if they could count on the other people to hide and protect them from the vigilant eyes of the royal guards.
Just the mere thought was enough to send a shiver down Bede’s spine. His father had oppressed and persecuted the sorcerers for so long, killing them without hesitation when he got ahold of one of them, and the thought of their uprising was more than scary, especially since they could probably take out a whole battalion with just a wave of their hand.
With that in mind, Bede managed to convince himself that it had been the right decision to keep faith with his family. Yes, he risked his own life by dismissing Brigid’s offer and it was likely that she would kill him sooner or later but at least, his family would be safe. Brigid was brave and courageous, yes, but she wasn’t stupid, and Bede doubted that she would dare to start a war without him as her ally, mostly because she needed someone like him to convince the people to support her. Someone the nation trusted enough to revisit their opinion about the sorcerers.
Except that Bede hadn’t agreed to help her. And judging from her reaction, she never expected him to refuse which meant that she needed time to reconsider the matter. Hoping that she would give up her plans to take revenge on his family would be foolish, and Bede wasn’t stupid. The fact that she had shut herself away didn’t mean that she surrendered; no, she was only trying to find another way to bring everything to an end.
From a tactical point of view, it would be wise to find more allies first. Maybe she would go around, telling the people the same story she had told him, attempting to weaken the nation’s trust in their monarch, just as she had tried with him. But the people had no reason to believe her; in fact, most of them wouldn’t even listen to her and report her to the guards instead. Surely, Brigid would be smarter than that.
Bede shook his head. It was a waste of time to wonder about her next steps, given the fact that he was still sitting in this dim cell. As long as he was in here, there was nothing he could do to stop her – and he doubted that he would ever get out alive, so it really was pointless to try to figure out her plans.
But, and he couldn’t help but shudder at the thought, it was better than thinking about the fact that she probably already gave out the order to eliminate him. Or would she prefer to do it herself? She didn’t seem like a person who enjoyed taking others’ lives but who knew? Maybe this was her way to take proper revenge for her younger sister, an eye for an eye, as his father always said when he tried to reason the things he did to the sorcerers.
And it wasn’t like Bede couldn’t understand her. If something would happen to Carlina, he would want revenge too, but all of this didn’t change the fact that he was afraid. It didn’t change the fact that he didn’t want to die.
The thought of death had always scared him but now that it seemed inevitable, it was even more frightening. He was still so young, and there was so much left he wanted to do; things and places he wanted to see in his life, and having these decisions taken away from him by someone who was only striving for revenge made him angry and sad at the same time.
Angry because it wasn’t his fault what his father did to Brigid’s sister and the other sorcerers. Angry because he could still understand why she thought that it was necessary to kill him. Why she thought that this was the only way to take vengeance on King Lewin.
Sad because he felt like every single dream he ever had was taken away from him in the blink of an eye. Sad because he knew how devastated his sister would be after she learned about his death.
Sad because there was nothing he could do to prevent the inevitable catastrophe.
When Brigid returned, night had already fallen. The full moon was hovering in the pitch-black sky, casting a cold, ominous light over everything. The expression in her eyes was just as cold, just as merciless, and Bede felt a shiver running down his spine as she stared at him through the bars of the cell door.
“Welcome back,” he greeted her, careful to hide every single emotion that was rushing through his body behind the arrogant mask he had worn for most of his life. Most of the time, no one was able to tell what he was actually feeling when he acted like that but Brigid wasn’t as gullible as other people. An amused smile tugged at the corners of her lips. “There’s no need to hide your fear,” she said, the soft tone of her voice a harsh contrast to her frosty gaze. “I can read your face like a book, little princeling, but I have to admit that it’s quite adorable how you try to act brave.”
Bede didn’t reply. There was nothing left to say, nothing left to do, and so he just stared at her and waited for her next move.
She let out a deep sigh. “You had the chance to help me and my people but you decided to stay loyal to your murderous father. You chose the wrong side, my dear, and you will pay for that. Your family will pay for that.”
“I know,” he stated simply. It was time to accept his fate; after all, there was nothing he could do to change Brigid’s mind. She would do what she deemed right, no matter what he said or did.
Her hands were shaking ever so slightly as she reached out to unlock the cell door but the expression in her eyes was still cold and calculating. When she raised her hand to touch his face, he flinched just the tiniest bit but the way her lips curled into a smile once again made it clear that she had noticed it nevertheless. “I promise it won’t hurt,” she said softly, almost as if she wanted to calm him down. “Well, not for long, at least.”
She took a step back, raising her hands in front of her face and pressing her fingertips together. With her eyes closed, she started to mumble something, words in a foreign language Bede didn’t understand, and then, a wisp of wind breezed through the cell. Brigid’s mumbling grew louder, the words now more audible, her hair flying in the wind as she folded her hands.
The next second, Bede felt a sharp pain in his chest, and he fell down on his knees. “What- what are you doing?” he managed to choke out. His heart was racing, every beat sending another wave of pain through his entire body, and he gasped for air. “I- I can’t breathe.”
He stretched out his right arm, trying to reach for Brigid to stop her from whatever she was doing. His hand felt numb, as well as his legs, and when he realized what was going on, his heart skipped a beat. His fingertips were covered in something that looked like stone; stone that began to creep up his arm, coating every inch of his skin and clothes. It felt like a hundred tiny needles stabbing his skin, and he blinked hastily to fight back the tears that were welling up in his eyes.
In front of him, Brigid sank to her knees, her breathing unsteady, her hands shaking. But she still continued the spell, even when she started to cough, barely able to get out the words.
Bede wasn’t sure if he started to imagine things but the ground beneath him felt as if it was shaking, and there was dust falling from the ceiling. A portentous rumble reached his ears, the wind grew stronger for a few seconds as the stone continued to creep up his body.
The pain was unbearable now; he felt like he couldn’t breathe, and by now, it was pointless to try not to cry. He couldn’t hold back the tears any longer. His heart skipped another beat when the stone reached his chest, then his neck and his face. The last thing he saw before he lost his consciousness was Brigid who collapsed on the floor, her eyes closed, her skin an sickly color.
And then, there was nothing.
“He should have returned days ago.” Carlina’s voice was filled with concern as she took a step back from the window and turned around to face her parents. Her mother looked up from the book in her lap, her brows furrowed. She didn’t like getting interrupted while she was reading but as soon as she noticed the sorrowful expression in her daughter’s eyes, her anger melted away and she reached out for Carlina’s hand to pull her towards the chaise longue she was sitting on.
“I understand that you’re worried about your brother,” she said, her voice unusually soft. With graceful movements, she brushed a strand of hair out of Carlina’s forehead. “But you need to stop bothering your head about him. He rarely abides by an agreement when it comes to his travels, as you know.”
Carlina let out a deep sigh. Her mother was probably right about that; Bede took every opportunity to get away from his duties as crown prince and enjoy the rare moments of freedom he could only experience while he was away from the castle. It wouldn’t be unlikely if he had decided to prolong his stay in Hammerlocke but on the other hand, she was sure that he would have sent a short letter back to the castle to inform his parents about his whereabouts, just like it was expected from someone in his position. Of course, he liked to break their parents’ rules but when it came to official travels and his reputation, Bede knew exactly that he couldn’t afford overstepping the mark. And since Carlina’s engagement party would happen in a few days, Bede’s presence was absolutely necessary.
He knew that, and he would never risk missing an event like that or make their parents furious with such actions, just for the sake of getting a few more hours of freedom. After all, he was a responsible young man, although he definitely liked to try their parents’ patience.
“But he surely would have informed us if he decided to travel for a little longer,” Carlina finally replied. “Maybe something happened to him. What if he is hurt?”
The queen raised her eyebrows. “You have quite a vivacious imagination, my dear. Who would dare to hurt their crown prince? Everyone knows that your father makes short work of everyone who doesn’t obey the law.”
Carlina bit her lower lip to stop herself from blurting out her thoughts. How could her mother be so blind? After everything that had happened over the past few weeks and months, after everything King Lewin had done to the sorcerers, it wasn’t farfetched to assume that they had something to do with Bede’s disappearance. They had nothing to lose, so they surely weren’t reluctant when it came to desperate measures – such as kidnapping the crown prince while he was alone and attackable.
If only her father were here… he surely would’ve listened to her concerns, contrary to Queen Alviva who was convinced that the sorcerers constituted a threat to the kingdom but refused to talk about political affairs with her daughter. Whenever Carlina had started to ask questions about it in the past, the queen always reminded her that topics like that weren’t suitable for a conversation among ladies before eloquently changing the subject. Most of the time, Carlina obeyed and didn’t mention anything like that for a while.
She knew that it would be wiser to keep quiet but that didn’t silence the voice in her head that tried to goad her into telling the queen about her suspicion. But maybe it would be a better idea to ask her father to grant her an audience. Surely, he’d listen to her concerns, maybe even consider to take action…
With that thought in mind, Carlina stood up and smoothed down the fabric of her skirt. “Please excuse me, mother,” she said, politely curtseying before the queen. “There is something I need to do.”
Three and a half weeks had passed since the kingdom had learned about the disappearance of their crown prince. Three and a half weeks in which the Royal Guard searched high and low, pursuing each lead as fierce as a dragon.
Every time the posse of searchers returned to the castle, Carlina anxiously waited for news, always on the verge of tears when she realized that they hadn’t found her brother yet. With every minute that passed it got more and more likely that he was already dead. Even her parents couldn’t deny it, although they still tried their best to pretend that everything was fine.
And then, five days later, two of the scouts finally returned with news. While they spoke to the royal couple, Carlina had been instructed to wait outside of the throne room where she nervously paced about, silently praying for good news. But as soon as her parents called her inside, as soon as she noticed the petrified expressions on their faces, she knew that something terrible had happened. There were tears in her mother’s eyes, something Carlina had never seen before, and even her father, the cold-hearted and composed king, seemed to be deeply upset.
“They have found him,” Queen Alviva said, her voice shaking ever so slightly as she reached out to place her hand on Carlina’s shoulder. “They have found your brother.”
Carlina felt a lump in her throat. “Where- where is he? What happened to him?”
“We don’t know for sure,” her father said. “But it seems that the sorcerers used some kind of spell on him to…” He cleared his throat and straightened himself before continuing, “They used some kind of spell to turn him into stone.”
There was a long silence, then. Carlina’s thoughts were racing; it almost felt like her brain was unable to comprehend the information she had just gotten. A spell… a spell that turned her brother, her beloved, loyal brother into – stone?
“I – I don’t understand,” she finally replied, her glance darting back and forth between her parents. “How is that even possible?”
“Magic,” her mother stated simply. “It seems we have made the mistake to underestimate the sorcerers’ true powers. No one knew they were capable of spells like this. If we had adopted more rigorous measures to stop them… maybe we could have prevented something like that happening.”
The king nodded, a saturnine look on his face. “They have sealed their fate now. I won’t accept this dastardly plot against our kingdom. They will pay for what they have did to my son. Carlina,” he added and pointed towards the door. “Please leave now. I need time to think about the way forward.”
In silence, Carlina turned around and left the throne room. Her hands were shaking, her palms sweaty, even after she tried to wipe them at her dress. With mechanical movements she made her way to the eastern wing of the castle and into her room. By the time she closed the door behind her, the tears were already streaming down her face, and she sank to the floor, her face buried in her hands. How could she live in a world where her brother couldn’t be with her? How was she supposed to accept the fact that she would never see him again? And – her breath hitched in her throat as soon as the thought appeared – did that mean that she would become Queen after her father’s death?
She wrapped her arms around herself in an almost desperate attempt to hold herself together but no matter how hard she tried to regain her composure, the tears kept on streaming down her face. All she could think about was that her brother was dead and gone.
– But was he really dead? What if… what if there was a way to save him?
A thought, a vague theory began to sprout in the back of her mind.
“They used some kind of spell to turn him into stone,” her father had said. A spell… Carlina gnawed on her lower lip as she tried to hold onto the thought before it could disappear again. She didn’t know much about magic but she knew that every spell could be undone. Maybe, and this was the straw she grasped at, this spell – this curse – could be reversed too.
She gasped for air, her heart racing in her chest as she jumped to her feet, not even bothering with wiping her tears away before she rushed out of her room and headed straight to the dungeons where the imprisoned sorcerers were held captive while they waited for their verdict. It was foolish to get her hopes up but she needed answers; she needed to know if there was a way to get her brother back. And the only people who could unravel that mystery for her were the sorcerers.
It wasn’t hard to convince the guards to let her pass, telling them that King Lewin had sent her to interrogate one of the prisoners about the crown prince’s whereabouts, although she knew very well that it wouldn’t be hard for them to convict her of lying. Her father would be incredibly mad when he found out that she interfered in his affairs but right now, she couldn’t care less. All that mattered was to figure out a way to save Bede.
She took a deep breath before she made her way along the hallway. The air was muggy, smelling like death and misery, and the few torches on the walls gave the whole place an ominous and menacing atmosphere. Carlina shuddered at the thought of being imprisoned here, just waiting for the king to hand down a sentence, knowing very well that every breath could be the last. This part of the dungeons had been exclusively built to lock up the sorcerers, although Carlina exactly sure how her father managed to suppress their magic. But maybe they were simply too weak, starved or sleep-deprived to use their abilities to attempt an escape. Hopefully, at least one of them would be willing to help her.
A thought that presented her with another problem. Her father had hunted them down for years now, mercilessly ripping apart families and killing them without hesitation. No one here had a reason to help her; if anything, they’d believe that Bede got what he deserved which meant that Carlina needed incredibly good arguments to convince them to give her some answers. Or she could try to bribe them. But what could she offer them? Money? No, they probably had no use for it, so it would only be a waste of time to even suggest it.
It was only then when it hit her. There was exactly one thing all of them desired: freedom. And with that in mind, Carlina approached one of the cells.
It took her two hours to find a prisoner that was willing to speak to her. His name was Emmeric, imprisoned for allegedly killing one of his neighbor’s children with a backfired spell, and although he held a deep grudge against the royal family, he agreed to at least listen to her request. He didn’t interrupt her once, even as she mentioned the spell and that she wanted to find a way to save the crown prince, although his dark brown eyes widened in surprise when she told him that she would convince her parents to bestow a pardon on him when he agreed to help her.
“No,” he finally said, shaking his head at her words. “A curse like that can’t be undone, at least not in the way you want it to. If what you say is true, I need you to understand that most of us aren’t even capable of spells like this one. It’s against the laws of nature to turn a living being into stone. No one I know would dare to even think about it.”
“So you say that it can’t be true?”
Emmeric chuckled hoarsely. “Just because I haven’t seen a spell like this with my own eyes, it doesn’t mean that it’s not true. You see, my dear princess, I consider myself being quite powerful but of course there are others who perform far more advanced magic. And the spell you told me about… well. There’s only one of us who would be capable to do something like this, and if this is really her spell I’m not sure if there’s anything I can do to help you.”
Carlina’s heart skipped a beat, a wave of disappointment washing over her. “I see,” she mumbled. “But thank you for considering it anyway.”
“Not so fast,” Emmeric said. “I’m not saying that it’s impossible. I might not be able to break the spell but perhaps I can mitigate against it. In exchange for my reprieve, of course.”
When Carlina nodded, he continued, “Tell the king’s guards to bring your brother back to the palace. I think there’s something I can do to help him.”
Quietly, he told her about his plans, not without mentioning that it was entirely possible that it wouldn’t work at all but Carlina didn’t want to hear any of that. “If there’s a chance,” she said, “we need to try it.”
“Alright. Then I’ll look forward to our next meeting. Now go and inform your parents. Meanwhile, I shall prepare myself for the spell.”
Even though there were tears welling up in her eyes again, Carlina didn’t feel as hopeless as before. A soft smile flashed over her face as she thanked Emmeric, knowing that someday, her brother would be freed from his prison by his soulmate.
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Clint: okay, I got the blood off the walls
Natasha: and I finished the floor
Clint: good, he'll be home any—
Clint: aww crap! We forgot to clean the ceiling!
Natasha: there's no time!
Clint: wait. I'll handle it.
Tony: *walks in*
Tony: hey guys!
Clint: hey Tony, did you know that "gullible" is written on the ceiling?
Tony: haha, yeah right. That's not gonna work, Clint.
Clint and Natasha: *subtly fist bump*
25 notes · View notes
chaos-in-the-making · 3 years
Did you know that the word 'Gullible' is written on the ceiling?
14 notes · View notes
fictionalfics · 4 years
Twenty Things
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(Not my Gifs)
Shoto Todoroki x Reader
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Classmates. Despite being relatively new to UA, you felt that your bond with the class was unbreakable. It was rare you kept a secret from them, and vice versa. You were closer to them than you were with your own family.
So when you received a note under your bedroom door, you were confused.
It wasn’t long since you’d finished up in Gym Gamma with Todoroki- you had vowed to brush up on your sparring skills, in case you couldn’t rely on your quirk, and he’d offered to help. You’d only just sat down on your bed when the note came.
You groaned as you stood up, your legs aching, but you ignored it. This was something you had to investigate. The paper was warm, as if someone had been holding it just moments ago. Not thinking anything of it, you opened the small page.
“You’re kind and thoughtful, and always make me happy.
(Kaminari has the next note.)”
The next note? What does that even mean? 
You didn’t recognise the handwriting - neat, curvy, almost printed. 
Ha, as if someone would put that much effort into a hoax. For some reason, a part of you didn’t want to throw the note away, so you placed it on your desk across from your bed, and went back to sitting down.
But as you scrolled through your phone, something was tugging at your interest. You turned your phone off and laid down, staring at the pristine ceiling above.
It had to be a hoax, right? A harmless prank to see how gullible you were. a test of strength set by Aizawa, maybe. It bugged you even so, and you turned your head to where the note was sat. Why was a piece of paper bothering you this much?
You stood up and grabbed the note again, turning it over and over, upside down and sideways, checking for any hidden meaning, anything at all that might tip you off.
Having had enough if being driven insane, you decided to shove your pride away and find Kaminari.
You heard muffled music as you approached his room, the bassline shaking your ribs. It paused as you hammered on the door.
“Open up Kaminari! I know you’re behind this!” You were’nt really 100% sure, but if you sounded confident, maybe you could get a confession out of him.
Muffled swearing and banging lead to the door being opened.
“Oh! I thought you’d never come! I was told to give you this!” Before any accusations could fall from your lips, the blond shoved a piece of paper, identical to the last in your hand. With a mumbled “Good luck!” he shut the door in your face again, no explanation given.
“Kaminari! Fucks sake man, at least tell me what this is about!”
No response. You huffed in frustration and looked at the paper. Same handwriting.
“Your quirk is powerful, and you use it with such grace and control.
(Yaoyorozu has the next note.)”
Another note?
Your face flushed at the words on the page, despite the confusion. You realised that, maybe, this wasn’t a prank, although it certainly was elaborate.
Shoving the note in your pocket with the first one, you hesitantly walked to Yaomomo’s room.
And so it continued. Note after note, compliment after compliment, face after face. Your heart was pounding, but whether it was from walking backwards and forwards through the dorms, or out of sheer nerves, you couldn’t quite tell. Perhaps it was a mixture of both?
Each note, written in the same neat handwriting, made you blush more than the last.
“You put a lot of effort into training, becoming a better version of yourself every day.”
“You’re strong willed, and always stand up for what you believe in.”
“My favourite sound is your laugh- you sound like an angel.”
You leant againt the wall, counting the notes. Nineteen. Who was missing?
The whole class had been in on it, a thoroughly planned scheme that you knew nothing about. It must have taken days to plan, and was so intricate and precise.
Someone had gone to all this effort for you. You thought back to who had given the notes to you. Kaminari, Yaoyorozu, Midoriya.
Kirishima, Mina, Sato, Jiro.
Bakugo, Tsuyu, Ochaco, Iida.
Sero, Shoji, Hagakure, Koda.
Aoyama,Tokoyami, Ojiro.
That left you, and Todoroki.
You scanned the last note for instructions.
“You’re intelligent and creative, and can always come up with an effective plan no matter the situation.”
That was it, no further instructions. Where would you find him?
No reply from his room, even after thudding on the door. Maybe he was waiting at your door?
Not bothering to take the elevator was a mistake, even more so when you realised he wasn’t there.
A huff of frustration echoed off the walls as you opened your door and placed the notes on your desk. You didn’t even get chance to sit down before something caught your eye.
Outside the window, you saw the back of a familiar, two-toned head. Bastard! It was dark out, so you didn’t think he’d be out there.
You ran down the stairs, your legs aching more and more with each step, curses echoing in time. You opened the door with a rather aggressive kick, startling your friend.
He had a bunch of flowers in his arms, a folded piece of paper resting amongst the delicate petals. You both walked towards one other, only stopping when the flowers brushed your arm. With a smile, Todoroki unfolded the piece of paper as he handed you the flowers.
“But Y/N, what i love about you most is that you’re true to yourself, and I never want you to change.”
“Todoroki...” You mumbled in shock. He really meant it, and had gone to all this trouble for you.
“Y/N, I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me? I know a place that serves the best Soba, but they serve other things too if that isn’t your taste.”
You could have cried then and there. “How can I say no?” A slight laugh came with that, and Todoroki smiled.
“Seven o’clock tomorrow night?”
“Sounds great, Todoroki.”
He really did mean it.
152 notes · View notes
msaluna · 3 years
The Moon Well
This story is a mini fic of Luna in a Corruption AU, giving hints on how she became corrupted by an event while overseas. All of Luna’s backstory is relatively the same with only this one event causing her sudden shift in corruption. Enjoy. -RayMun
The night of her return was not a pleasant one, the woman known by so few in the town as the local witch, and even fewer by actual name passes through the magical portkey door. The one that leads back to a mansion overseas owned by a man she no longer cares for. Her body still humming with magic from the events that only happened the night before. 
She closes the door behind her, waving a hand over the door, it vanishes in a shimmer of powerful magic. The house creaks with what could only be heard to Luna as a sound of concern. 
"I am okay dear friend," Luna said to what would be emptiness. "But I think we’ve outgrown this town."
Luna places a satchel of books she has been holding onto the table as she goes to prepare for her “Move” to another location. The books weren’t hers to keep but she felt every right to take it. The contents were a mix of rituals, spells, and Fay knowledge along with one black journal. It was written in cursive french, but she didn't have to translate it to know of its contents. Because she saw through the torching visions of the Moon Well what secrets it and its previous owners kept. 
Without much preparation time, Luna focused her magic to the condition of the house. Her eyes and body glow in pale gold light, a phantom image of moth wings expand from the woman’s back. The house around her binds and twists, creaking as the Relocation spell takes hold. Markings and symbols write themselves in light along the walls and ceiling of the rooms. And in a matter of minutes, the house once known as Sun & Moons Fortunes is now an empty shell in the small town. Making the new residence to the Witch of Secrets currently unknown.
VVV[Open Read More to see the Journal Entry]VVV
[Research of the Moon Well] 
[Owner: Viktor Frollo]
[Contact: XXX-XXXX-XXXX]
[Date: 21/12]
The Moon Well, I have only seen it in tales and vague mentions in old documents but now I have been convinced the place or more accurately this phenomenon truly exists. This year, during my visit to that drabby campus, invited to the Yule ball as per usual, I was expecting it to be the same as last year. Boring. Typical meet and greet while reconnecting and reassuring some of my former contacts that I was being a well-behaved gentleman. Seeing the most mature and basic of magical potential. Such cowards. They do not realize untapped magic is waiting to be discovered if they simply opened their eyes and looked. 
But no, they fail to even realize that one of their own students has talents that are far more than just a prodigy witch. This time, even I was allowed the opportunity to peek behind that curtain that hides the secrets of the moon. A student by the name of Luna Eirian allowed me to see past this veil during her performance for the winter moon. It was stunning in more ways than one, truly something to behold. But what was more shocking than the skills she possessed was the display of natural magic being displayed through her voice and music, it was the fact that no one realized what I had at that very moment. She was performing Fay magic! Specifically Moon Fay! At least, this is what I strongly believe just from the scene I experienced this evening. 
I can hardly steady my hand as I write my excitement of this discovery. The only thing now is to convince Ms. Eirian to allow me to be her patron or mentor. She will never be able to reach her true potential through the cowardly teachings of that establishment. This will be difficult, as she is already suspicious of me from her reaction to my presence at the Ball. Even when asking her if she would like a patron to fund any projects she wishes to undertake, she politely declined. Sadly, she isn't like any of the women, like the ones who pursue me in the hopes I would give them my time. It would have made this situation easier. 
[Date: 22/12]
I have sent a request to Ms. Eirian's counselor to have her study under my watch. Seeing as we are both viewed as porridge witches from the same university, it was fairly easy to convince the council. However, Ms. Eirian herself seems to be a paranoid sort of individual or at least highly instinctual when someone takes interest in her. I did not see any hint of shyness in her demeanor when asked, so her rejection of me doesn't stem from bashfulness. At least she isn't a gullible idiot, that much is a blessing and frankly, I believe it adds to her charm. 
[Date: 28/12]
It has been a week since the Yule Ball and I have managed to convince Ms. Eirian to stay at the estate while I help her with a project. A broom. Simple enough, but now that she is here, I can proceed with providing her with information about her talents. And I can finally push her to limits that will break that veil once again, without interference with those cowards at the university. Hopefully, the promise of more knowledge from my collection of books will entice her to stay longer than intended. She seems to be very fond of learning about magic. 
[Date: 10/01]
A new discovery, even if she didn't have her Fay heritage, Ms. Eirian has proven to be quite clever and knowledgeable. She has only relied on her Fay powers less than a handful of times while under my watch. It is truly impressive, we would have many quite the collaborative team if she lived on this side of the ocean. Or have come to the university when I was attending. I still intend to study her Fay capabilities, but even I have to admit that her presence here has significantly warmed the chilly atmosphere of this estate. 
I need to move the project forward if I am to hope to achieve my goal of studying Luna before I become distracted.
I will be moving the project forward a little faster than usual. Now that she is less suspicious of my movements, I will be able to gather samples to perform further studies.
[Date: 16/01]
Today, I took a gamble. I handed Ms. Eirian a book that normal human eyes are not typically allowed to read. It is one of the few Fay-written books I have managed to find without being tarnished or fake. It was worrisome, I had a story prepared to explain why I had the book and why I was handing it to her without explanation. However, a surprising thing happened...she didn't question the book or the contents. She didn't even ask how she could read it. Ms. Eirian...do you trust me this much with your secrets? Or in bittersweet irony, are you truly unaware of why I drew close to you?
The way she smiled at me with excitement about the contents of the book tells me she does not know. And for some reason, at that moment in time, I felt sad. I pitied her more than being pleased with the concept of her unknowingly being part Fay. She truly didn't know how special she was to me. And the idea of knowing a secret she didn't know she had, pained me.
[Date: 21/01]
Our relationship has grown closer over these past few weeks. She has opened up quite a bit, and it makes things easier. But there seems to be an issue that I wasn't expecting to have, I purely played with the idea of returning her affection to keep her close but now, I wish to keep her close regardless. However, the issue is that I still would like to pursue knowledge about the Moon Fay while she is still by my side.
 In a few days, the super moon will be rising and I need to be prepared. 
Forgive me Luna, but maybe you will if my studies help you control this Fay magic inside. Once I see and record my findings, I promise that I will tell you everything. No more secrets between us. 
I promise.
[Date: 31/01]
I am not sure what happened, all I could say is the display of magic and the veil tearing was unlike anything I have ever seen before. The power of the ritual could be viewed as a success to a typical scholar, I know my past self would have seen it as such but seeing Luna---Apologize for my notes at this moment. 
The ritual is supposed to be performed during a normal full moon but my eagerness to see a positive result has led to a miscalculation. The Moon Well does exist and it can be accessed by a half-Fay heritage of moon descent. However, due to the mythical powers of the supermoon, the results have left --the subject-- Luna in an almost comatose state. Possibly overwhelmed with the sudden flow of magic, knowledge, or both that came to her. She was screaming by the end of the ritual and I, admittedly in a panic, tried to cut her ties off to the connection of the well---
*the writing seems to be shaking more and more as the journal goes on*
She was babbling in Fay for hours nearly four hours, I can barely pick out a few words that I know, "too loud" and "stop the voices" were some of the few I could trasl translate as I got her to some care. Her body is strangely chilly to even myself. Body limp but strangely light as a feather now that I recall. Her body glo was glowing softly, still full of magic I presume. Apologies again for any miss-spelling or illegibility, my hands are still shaking from shock. I will be staying by her side for the remainder of the night to make sure that her condition didn't worsen. 
*the writing is a little more steady, assuming after a pause to calm themselves* 
Luna's condition had improved in the last few hours of the night, maybe due to the peak of the moon finally reaching its end. It is only a hypothesis. Luna is still restless in her sleep though, but the chill has gone away. Thank God. The glowing has also faded somewhat but her hair has clearly changed, adding more blond to her caramel hair. Upon further inspection, the freckles on her body have also burned into her skin, only now do I realize that her markings on her back fit perfectly as the constellations of the night sky. 
This experiment should not be replicated without further research and understanding of Fay magic. And also should not be proceeded without less secretive tactics to any 'subject' performing the ritual. I believe, if I wasn't a coward in that very moment, if Luna knew about her heritage before performing the ritual, the results would have been less catastrophic and dangerous to her livelihood. Hopefully, Luna will wake from her sleep soon, so I can apologize to her properly. For now, I will leave this journal here for a time while I rest and wait for her to awake.
Luna. I am so sorry. 
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octoshott · 3 years
Rufus 63, Luther 49 and 24 and 52, Taeral 11 and 15 lmao, Quill 56
houuugh boy thank you my love!! lets see here.
63: Which party member would they pull a prank on? Who would they plan a prank with?
Oh this is a good question for Rufus hough boy lets see here. I feel they'd avoid doing anything harmful even prank wise to Anu for the most part, so I honestly feel like their primary target would honestly be Wilke, sorry Wilke.
Rufus pranks aren't too bad, they like playing really REALLY harmless shit like you know that spongebob meme about the ice thats their kind of prank. Or "hey did you know gullible is written on the ceiling" type deal, nothing that would actively cause any serious harm. They've played pranks on the past on their mother and those dipped more into the "Hey Rufus what the fuck" kind of energy. Though thinking about this they might pull the gullible is written on the ceiling thing with Anu too.
Planning a prank with? It'd have to be Chantrell and or Wilke for sure, they feel Wilke could probably do a good enough prank but make sure its not steered in a too harsh direction. They don't really know Chantrells vibe to much but they can assume that maybe! she might be really good at pranks! who knows! Might be the best pranker Rufus has ever met!! Gotta get to know the party more to know that though ;3c
49: Do they talk to themselves?
Yes. Especially when they're working on something that's kind of frying their brain a bit. Luther tends to speak outloud if they're alone or under their breath if they're with someone. Things like "Hoookay Luther, okay, lets think for a second here bud."
If they're working out something like a math problem they'll mutter the numbers under their breath or if they're writing something out that they need to remember while doing so they'll mumble but you got to get them in a real muddled mindset to outright speak outloud.
24: What’s a controversial food opinion they would have?
Banana Peppers go with everything and that's just a fact of life. I don't know what their deal is with specifically peppers but Luther is the kind of person to snack on banana peppers like its nothing, he could eat a whole bag of the things; especially if they were dried and dipped in cinnamon (do not ask). Boy just likes his peppers and he feels they compliment most if not every meal; they not too hot, they have just the right amount of crunch, they're good.
I don't know how controversial this is but this is just from being raised by chefs himself but leaving food without seasoning is a fucking sin in his household, you have to have SOMETHING on that meal. You gotta! Even if its just a bit of salt! He understands some folks stomachs aren't built to deal with very intense spices but at least add a lil pinch of something in there while you're cooking!
52: If your character was under quarantine, what type of quarantine person would they be? (Productive? Hobbyist? Lazy?)
Hmnnn. Being under quarantine I feel would stress Luther out a good chunk and he'd start becoming heavily productive out of habit before burning himself out and becoming lazy and tired. Luther has a lot of issues with easily burning himself out on projects and things he wants to work on so in a space where he can't exactly go outside or do too much he'd feel like "oh this is the perfect time to do that!" and then. struggle. SO fucking bad after totally burning himself out. Walks would certainly help him though, he needs breaks in between his own little projects or else he'll struggle to return to them.
11: How does your character blow off steam?
Hough Boy. Writing to Idall would be a good one, he tries to avoid doing this because it feels like an invasion of privacy sometimes, its hard to tell; he doesn't quite know if his patron sleeps being inside a book and all but sometimes Idall responds and it has drawn him back; its very common for Taeral venting to turn to a quiet and more comfortable conversation between the two which Taeral appreciates. Idall often treats his strifes or things that are genuinely stressing him out with genuine care and interest which, even though Taeral doesn't come to him too often out of nerves and feeling bad about it, surprises him every single time.
But the main one would be honestly going for walks and skipping stones. It's a little hard to skip stones over the ocean due to these pesky things called waves so he likes to take a fairly long walk to a small lake that rests about 2-3 hours away from where he lives and skip stones there. If he doesn't really have time to do that walking by the coast, kicking his boots off and walking down the shore with his pant legs pulled up is always a good mood boost and helps him settle. It depends on how deep the problem is with the method thats used but just throwing it in there as a relation to the ask, if something really sets Taeral off to the point where his anger boils over he usually ends up crying because he struggles to handle how he's feeling a lot of the time. Only a few certain individuals have seen him in such a state and him getting to that point would be VERY rare.
15: Describe their ideal date.
oohhhHh no this is a HORRIBLE one. Taeral is a hopeless romantic, his ideal date would be going to a restaurant and being able to treat his partner to good food and afterwards go on a walk, somewhere where they can be alone and Taeral can genuinely appreciate and talk to this person... though if you really can get through to him, he'd take you to the beach and talk to you about how the waves are so in yet out of sync, he'd tell you to watch the way they lap at the shore so desperate to reach and drive the tide in further but theres always a respectable distance. It's a joint effort to make sure the beach isn't flooded on both ends.
He'd want to play around with you, dance with you and tell you how pretty you look. The stars keep trying to best you but they just burn out before they can even get close to how stunning and breathtaking you are. Real fucking hopeless romantic.
56: If your character had wings what would they look like?
It's a little silly but black swan wings! Ones that would curve around her arms consistently. She'd be able to tuck them against her back but the most comfortable position would be framing her, just ever so slightly curved! She'd fucking hate having wings though.
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