#do you like the new trick i did with the fire <3
byoldervine · 3 months
The Trick To Writing Filler
(TL;DR at the bottom)
Filler is when you spend a chapter padding the length of your story between plot-related events. Filler chapters have little to no impact on the overarching plot and can be self-contained, and thus in TV shows filler episodes are often reran the most as people unfamiliar with the show can casually watch without being confused without the knowledge of prior plot beats
So with the chapter being largely self-contained and acting outside of the plot, what do you use to make the filler chapter engaging? I’m going to use filler episodes from Avatar: The Last Airbender to provide examples
1. Worldbuilding. Zuko Alone depicts Zuko’s travels taking him through an Earth Kingdom village and becoming acquainted to the family that allows him to stay with them, especially their young son. He learns about what the Fire Nation’s impact on this village has been; destroyed houses, families torn apart, constant robbery and other abuses of power and injustices. And even after Zuko defends the villagers and his new friend, he’s venomously cast out from the village by even the little boy because he outed himself as a firebender. This episode explored the impact of the war on the people of the Earth Kingdom, the victims of war that have no involvement in it and no way of defending themselves from it
2. Character exploration. In The Beach, we learn more about Mai, Ty Lee, Azula and Zuko and how their own traumas and personal upbringings have impacted their personalities. For Zuko this is part of a turning point for him, but for the girls it’s more to understand why they are the people we’ve gotten to know over the seasons, especially Ty Lee and Mai. The episode also serves to showcase how Azula and Zuko are so out of place being just normal teenagers; Azula has no idea how to talk to her peers and no identity outside being Princess Azula of the Fire Nation, while Zuko’s hotheadedness and jealousy issues lead him to lash out and be far too confrontational and controlling for his own good. This episode isn’t really used to develop these characters, or at least not the girls, but instead explains and showcases their behaviours and the reasons behind them
3. Character development. Going back to The Beach, Zuko does indeed receive development rather than just character exploration like the girls do; he comes to understand that he’s not just angry at the world or angry in general, but angry with himself. This is a notable turning point for Zuko’s redemption arc, because he now understands fully that he truly regrets betraying Iroh and sacrificing his new start in life in favour of returning to the Fire Nation. He might not yet be fully decided on turning his back on Ozai, but without this moment I don’t know if he’d have gotten there, or at least not as quickly as he did
4. Relationship development. Sokka’s Master has a C plot of Aang, Katara and Toph all being rather bored and lost without Sokka’s presence. The A plot exploring Sokka’s feelings of inadequacy and uselessness in comparison to such powerful and formidable bending masters being contrasted with the Gaang unable to function without him already speaks volumes about their dynamics, but looking deeper into the C plot also shows how much value Sokka really does bring to the team; structure, planning, humour, a quick wit, strategic moves. The Gaang always supported Sokka and never seemed to view him as expendable outside of the occasional teasing, but having it acknowledged so clearly and plainly that they can feel a little aimless and flat without Sokka and being so delighted when he returns really shows us the kind of value Sokka brings to this team and brings us and the characters to further appreciate it
5. Downtime. The Ember Island Players depicts the characters taking a break to watch a comedic play based on their wacky adventures, only to be largely underwhelmed and displeased by how they’re portrayed. There are no stakes to this episode and barely any plot, just the Gaang taking a breather as they react to a bad play. This chance to relax and watch something inconsequential is just as important to the viewers as we’ve got the show’s finale in the next four episodes, which will be very plot-driven and intense. The Ember Island Players also has the additional viewer bonus of recapping the events of the show right before it all ends, giving the viewers time to reflect on the journey they’ve gone on with these characters. In order for the stakes to feel high and the tension to rise, there has to be downtime where there are low stakes and low tension; if things are intense all the time, the moments that are supposed to feel super intense will just feel average in comparison. Resetting that intensity right before such a big event while still acknowledging the looming threat coming soon will feel like the calm before the storm and allow your audience to soak it all up like the characters are
Wow, did I just go through all that without talking about Tales of Ba Sing Se? I’ll save that for another post if people are interested in more
TL;DR - filler provides a moment to breathe, reset the intensity levels the audience are experiencing and take a chance to step away from the external conflict (the overarching plot) in favour of worldbuilding and the characters within your setting. Small moments can amount to something big, and can help make large scale decisions or plot twists feel more build-up and in-character
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onlyswan · 2 years
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summary: in which jungkook doesn’t mind you waking him up— he just wishes it’s not when he’s in the middle of a good dream.
> fluff, suggestive / wc: 3.1k
> warnings: spider in the bathroom, mentions of alcohol, blood, and punches (nothing bad i promise <3) ; allusions to sex and a wet dream
note: welcome to another product of my insomnia, imagination, and real life experiences <3
“maybe we should have couple’s new year’s resolutions. it sounds more motivating if i have someone to do it with.” you utter absentmindedly before taking another sip of hot chocolate from your mug, legs crossed on the small couch, staring across the clear sky and the sunday morning life of the city.
the strumming of jungkook’s guitar ceases briefly before his fingers fiddle with the strings again. he looks up at you from his spot on the floor, a peach fluffy floor rug beside a potted bamboo palm.
“something like?”
“hmmm, sleeping early and waking up early?” you shift to look at him innocently, hugging your knees to your chest. “isn’t this nice? we don’t get to hang out in our balcony often.”
his curious expression turns sour, doe eyes squinting to glare at you as if to say you have got to be kidding me. you pout in response, feeling dejected because turns out he’s still not completely over your . . . unconscious mistake from earlier.
the annoying vehicle sounds that his instrument drowned out a while ago blare in your ears again. “how about we promise to stop disrupting each other’s dreams?”
“i don’t like it,” the frown remains painted on your face. “i only wake you up for emergencies!”
he tuts, straightening his crossed legs and leaning his back against the glass sliding door. “baby, an emergency would be a fire or a thief breaking in.”
you were kneeling on the floor, outstretched hands occupying your side of the bed. torn between waking jungkook up at 3am or getting the challenge accomplished on your own, you let your face fall on the bed as you pondered your options.
you did have a few round of drinks earlier that night, so it’s no wonder your bladder bothered your usual sleeping patterns. navigating the bedroom using blurry vision and wobbly feet, you hoped that your eyes were just playing tricks when you caught sight of a black creature crawling on the white bathroom wall. maybe it was one of those shapeless floating spots that dim your vision when you stand up too quickly.
however, the instinctive scream that left your mouth after you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes begged to differ. it was short, almost sounded like it got cut off. nevertheless, it was still loud. the door was left swung open, and you were only a step away from the floor mat. and yet, your boyfriend remained ignorant of his surroundings, absorbed in a dream where in he was a friendly and humble meat vendor in a kingdom among the clouds.
unfortunately, you really needed to go to the fucking toilet and there was only one person in this house fearless enough to face the evil barrier surrounding it.
and so, your hand curled around his bicep, and you allowed yourself another second of contemplation, before you gently shook his body awake.
“babe, wake up. please.”
he hummed in question tiredly, slowly stretching out his limbs and rolling over on his back. his eyes remained closed as he scratched at his cheek, sleep lines visible on his skin because his face got squished against the very corner of your pillow when he was sleeping.
“what’s wrong?” his voice came out rough and slurred, yet it was still laced with sweet concern.
“emergency! there’s a spider as big as my hand. in the bathroom. it’s by the trash, beside the toilet.” you explained swiftly in panic as you climbed on the bed, pulling at his arm in desperation. “if i don’t pee in the next three minutes, i’m gonna start crying.”
somehow, it’s easier to ask jungkook for something when he’s tired or sleepy. or both. he didn’t utter a single word as he dragged himself out of the bed. only, his lips formed a wince when his naked feet touched the cold ground.
“jungkook, put the prada boots down!”
he looked down at his hands holding the left foot of the boots he wore yesterday, before looking back at you. “why?” he was like a lost puppy, with his beady eyes and messy hair pointing at different directions.
“who kills a spider using expensive boots? use a slipper!”
“ah!” he exclaimed in realization, neatly placing it back next to its pair. “forgot i’m supposed to kill it.” he muttered to himself with a lazy smile.
“then what were you going to do with that?” you asked in bewilderment, but the question hung suspended in the air. he picked up one of your slippers beside the bathroom door before slipping inside.
and then you heard it, the sound of your thick slipper slapping the cold, tiled wall. you almost sighed in relief, until another thought entered your mind. you still feel uncomfortable with it inside your home, alive or not. when he came out empty-handed, you immediately stopped him from coming back to bed.
“throw it outside instead. please?”
and again, without a word, he did as you asked. he picked it up using tissue paper, and discarded it in the trash bin near the elevator of your apartment floor. on the other hand, you dashed to the bathroom the second they were gone.
“liar. it was only as big as half of my pinky.” jungkook grumbled as he made himself comfortable on the bed again, burying his face on your chest instead of your pillow this time around. your boyfriend— he tends to treat your body as if it’s softer than cotton.
“it shrank in fear when it saw you approaching.”
your hushed giggles harmonized in the dead of the night, warm bodies tangled underneath the comforter. “i love you. thank you for making it go away.”
the tender kiss of gratitude you granted to his temple made him keen. he stole a second goodnight kiss from your lips before dozing back to sleep, silently praying his dream would have a continuation— he was about to cater a feast in the palace.
“a spider in the bathroom is an emergency. it’s an unwelcome visitor! technically, if you think about it, it broke into our house.”
“it’s still not bad enough to be a code red.” jungkook attempts to reason, abandoning his guitar on the ground to crawl to you on his knees. you’re unable to protest as his hands cover yours, guiding the mug to his mouth. the soles of your feet automatically plant themselves on the floor to eliminate the possibility of hitting his face with your knees. “more like a code orange.”
“so we’re going by a coding system now?”
he swallows, and takes another sip of your hot chocolate. “should we? i just came up with it.”
“it sounds cute. and it’s very virgo of you.” you share a grin, as if you weren’t whining to each other about minute ago.
“then i think . . . we should say code blue when we can’t sleep.”
“why blue?”
“mhmm,” he hums, folding his arms over your lap before resting his chin on them, looking up at you with his starry eyes. “usually the reason why we can’t sleep is because we’re feeling blue.”
a breeze blows, causing strands of hair to escape from the black little claw holding back his long black hair. he closes his eyes instinctively, and you tuck them behind his ears so they won’t obstruct his vision again. when he cracks his eyes open, he’s greeted by your smile. kind. warm. golden. contrasting the blue sky behind you, making you the sun in his eyes.
“then what qualifies for a code red?”
the unsurprisingly vivid memories come rushing back to him. “code red is for emergencies like i said. and remember when you woke me up the other night? that also counts.”
jungkook sat up on the bed, retreating against the headboard while cautiously eyeing the perilous item held by your right hand. you could’ve sworn that you’ve never seen his round eyes look this big. he looked absolutely adorable. okay, maybe a little terrified, but adorable. with his pretty face bare and puffy from sleep. but for what it’s worth, your fuzzy memories could be betraying you. the culprits of your predicament: hunger and dehydration.
“why is there a butcher’s knife in our bedroom?”
you jutted out your bottom lip sadly, shrugging your left shoulder to focus his attention on the watermelon cradled by your arm. “i’m sorry for waking you up, but i can’t slice it open. i’m still too weak from working out.”
he opened his mouth as he was about to speak, but he closed it again. he carefully pried the knife away from you, climbing off the bed and hiding it behind his back. he started walking to the kitchen and you followed him idly, tightly embracing the heavy watermelon. with alertness, he felt your presence behind him, and he transferred the knife infront.
you refused dinner because you still felt full from the late lunch you had in the afternoon. however, the hunger striked at 2am, leaving you unable to sleep until you satisfy the monster in your tummy. you weren’t in the mood for anything that required to be cooked, you just wanted something easy to eat. the challenge with this fruit, though . . . it’s too damn hard to open.
you arrived at the kitchen, and you left the watermelon over the chopping board to allow jungkook to do his magic. he placed the butcher’s knife back in the wooden knife holder, grabbing the chef’s knife with his tattoed hand.
oh? you can get the job done with a knife that small?
“you looked scary holding that giant knife. this knife is fine, as long as it’s sharp.” you winced at his comment as you watched him flawlessly cut the watermelon in the middle, and then cut each of those halves into halves again.
“baby, did you try cutting it yourself?” he asked when he noticed the scratches on the green skin.
you smiled sheepishly. “maybe. but i gave up after two tries.”
he shook his head with a chuckle, handing you the first slice of watermelon he made. “just let me do it next time, okay?”
“okay. thank you, my love.” you took your first bite, observing him with sheer adoration as he sliced the rest of the watermelon for you.
after finishing your first slice in only five bites, you and jungkook covered the remaining three quarters with plastic wrap and put them inside the fridge.
“want me to cook?”
you shook your head without a word. you were too busy devouring another slice of watermelon, seated on the countertop.
“kimchi fried rice?”
“i’m fine. just go back to sleep, babe.” you hummed softly, wrapping an arm around him when he came in for a hug.
“okay,” he nosed at your neck, getting a whiff of your night-time moisturizer. “i was having a fun dream. we were on a vacation and we found out our hotel bathroom could travel us through time and space.”
“that sounds cool. i ruined it though, didn’t i?” needless to say, you felt guilty. you wanted to stroke his hair and lull him back to the sleep that you interrupted, but your hands were sticky from the juice dripping from your fruit.
“oh, you did.” he replied with a chuckle, lightly slapping your thigh before squeezing it. “but that’s better than waking up to find you bleeding all over the kitchen.”
“red because watermelon?”
“the blood, baby. the blood!”
you grimace, feeling offended. you’d argue that you aren’t as dangerous as he thinks, but unfortunately, today is not the day for that. you will not win.
“alright. so, code blue for when we’re feeling blue. code orange for fearsome threats. code red for life-threatening situations.”
he nods along as you list them down, his lips naturally pouting in concentration. “that sums it up. we can add more when we think of other scenarios.”
and it’s still silence for a while. you finish the rest of your hot chocolate, and jungkook is fixed on a weird position, randomly deciding to take a nap on your lap. it reminds you of bam, when he rests his chin on your knee while you pet him, and he just stays there until he almost falls asleep.
“don’t your knees hurt down there, love? sleep here instead.” you try to coax him into moving to the couch, concerned about his knees. also, the air from his nostrils is tickling your sensitive skin.
“it feels comfortable.” he answers with his eyes still closed, embracing your thighs tighter. “just don’t slap me again because that hurt.”
jungkook wasn’t quite sure what woke him up exactly. was it your loud gasp or the stinging pain that was blossoming on his cheek? when he cracked his eyes half-open, he saw you covering your mouth with your hand. your eyes were painted with horror, forehead creased in apparent distress.
“baby, what happened?” he croaked out, completely innocent and it killed you. out of curiosity, he touched his warm cheek.
before you, he only grew up living with brothers. adding this to the fact that he’s been training in boxing for years, the pain of a punch is very much dull to him at this point. oh, that slap? it felt more painful than any punch he’s ever received.
“i slapped you.” you squeaked out, mind disoriented and body numb from the shock of jolting awake to find out that you- “i didn’t mean to! it wasn’t on purpose! i’m sorry!”
jungkook stayed frozen, still unable to fully process the series of events that transpired, even after you just bolted out of the room screaming out an apology. too tired to go to the mirror, he used his phone camera to take a look at his cheek. to no surprise, his delicate skin has turned red. no wonder it fucking stings.
it was already 7:12 in the morning, and the sun is shining bright. he didn’t feel like going back to sleep anymore. he sat up when you came back with an ice pack, which you gingerly held to the affected area.
“you slapped me? did i do something bad in your dream?” he quizzed, eerily nonchalant, hand curling around your wrist to guide the ice pack to where he was hurting.
“i’m really sorry.” you sniffled, tearing up with guilt, and at the thought of how fucking ridiculous this was. “it wasn’t you . . . there was a thief who tried to snatch my bag and i- uhm, you know- i got angry and scared and i slapped his hand away. then i suddenly woke up and for a split second i thought i was still . . . dreaming.”
“so you slapped the thief again?”
you bowed your head in shame. “yes.”
“and you thought i was the thief?”
you nodded, slowly curling up into a ball to hide yourself from him. “it was so blurry. and he was wearing all black, too . . . does it hurt a lot?”
“not a lot.” he pressed a kiss on the top of your head to ease the tension, and his hand slid up to hold yours. “i’m not really mad about that but- i was having a really good dream, you know?”
“i ruined it again, didn’t i? i’m sorry.” you cried out, throwing your arms around him, face buried on his neck because you didn’t have it in yourself to meet his eyes yet. but still, you wanted him close.
one arm securely held the ice pack to his cheek, the other covered his eyes as soft laughter racked his body, still heavy from sleep. “don’t cry, baby. want to make breakfast together?”
that is how you and jungkook ended up at the balcony this morning, too tired to function and too awake to sleep. fortunately for him, the sugar worked well as a sedative. it didn’t for you, but you’re content with just sitting here. apparently, you’re more harmful in your sleep.
you sigh deeply, stroking his soft and smooth cheek with the back of your fingers. the redness is almost gone, thanks to the ice pack. “i’m sorry. i’ll try my best to never do it again.” you regretfully apologize for the nth time.
“you know, it’s not like i would ever steal from you, but that really taught me a lesson.”
“you don’t have to steal. i’ll give you whatever you want.”
and with that, jungkook’s spirit awakens. for a person who loves getting spoiled, those are some of the most dangerous words you can say. but he already got everything he could ever want or need, and he couldn’t care less about the tangible.
“no need to steal kisses?”
kisses. of course. his mind is always somewhere near the thought of kisses, almost as if it’s the house across the street.
“mhmm, no need. you can just come get one yourself whenever you want to.”
you should’ve thought of this form of persuasion earlier. he started feeling a little grumpy while cooking the eggs because he realized this was the second time you ruined a good dream of his in the past three days.
“give me one then. you haven’t kissed the pain away yet.” he cracks one eye open, waiting for it expectantly. you give him his well-deserved kiss on the cheek, lips curving into a small yet happy smile because what kind of superhero shit did you do in your past life to deserve the best boyfriend on earth in this one?
and then he’s climbing over you while holding your face between his hands, peppering you with an endless amount of kisses dipped in love and chocolate.
“jungkook!” you squeal with a laugh as you fall on your back. the empty mug slips away from your hand. it rolls on the floor, and you hear it bump into jungkook’s guitar before making a full stop.
“people can see us here. you know that, right? they might get the wrong idea.” you stifle a gasp when his lips reach the expanse of your neck. your restless hands grasp at the sleeves of his oversized shirt, supposedly to push him away, but why are you holding on so tightly?
“want to make that idea come to life in the bedroom?”
and in spite of your system getting clouded by his intimate affection, your suspicion begins to arise. “what was that good dream about again?”
damn, you’re smart.
he pushes up his weight against the cushion, and his dimpled naughty grin comes into view. the strands of hair you tucked behind his ears stubbornly escape to frame his handsome face.
“i’ll tell you about it in the bedroom too.”
taglist! @alanniys @jjkeverlast @queenofdragonsandcats @yvesismywife @enhypenslay @cramseys @witchfqllen @virgogentlejk @rkie @jeonwiixard @monilyv @bermudaisy @ameliejeannelaurent @takochelle @the1921-monsters @investedreader @seagulljk @yeow6n @yoonqkiss @hopeworldjimin @lllucere @unnatae @zqynmlk @bxbyyyjocelyn @zkdlllin @koostarcandy @tswisal1 @fragmentof-indifference @laylasbunbunny @jjk-jeongirl @cherishoshi @taexidriver @luaspersona @yn-lifeu + send an ask / dm if you want to be added (or removed) :D
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i would like to request a yandere scenario but oh no it's really really sad. if you can, i would want to see yandere kazuha, childe, tighnari like regretting breaking reader. like reader keeps getting hurt by the yanderes until they feel nothing and at first the yanderes didn't mind it thinking they were obeying them but then they start feeling guilty for breaking you because now you aren't expressing any emotions, no matter what they do.
all in all, very very angst at the end
OMG I LOVE THIS ANSGDYNRDRINWONGHer. You going make me cause drama for no reason and go in my emo phase and it will be all MY FAULT. And yours too, but mostly mine. Trigger Warning: Vomiting, force feeding, Privacy violation, Not eating, and etc of that nature.
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Kazuha ╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅──── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅─ ⋅ ⋅──╮
You were once a free spirited person, wild, and challenged the world. Nothing could shake you. You were fierce and rebellious. You had fire in your eyes Now Kazuha was staring at your lifeless body, as you sat on the bed staring at nothing, with a chain collar and leash on your neck attached to the wall. Kazuha had a fear of losing you, ever since he lost his precious friend to Raiden Shogun. He saw how wild you were, as his anxieties got the best of him. Kazuha restricted you, to where you went, how you got there, he would lose his temper on you if you did anything rash or reckless.
Everyday, he would fight with you. Everyday, he would take a piece of you one by one, in front of your face, with his own hands. Your childhood friend who was a man, that you were *way* too close with? Gone. Doesn’t matter how, or why. Gone. Your family who is taking way too much of your time? Gone. Your pets that you admit that you would drop anything for...indirectly including him? Gone. However Kazuha fell in love with the rebellious free spirited person you were, you fought alongside him, taught him new tricks in battle, you were incredibly agile and intelligent. Well..not anymore. Kazuha stared at your lifeless body, as you were alive, but you weren’t responding. Your eyes were greyed out, you refused to even digest food, as when Kazuha tried to feed you, it just fell out of your mouth. Kazuha wiped your mouth, and coo'd you. "Come on my love, you desperately need to eat. I can’t stand you losing so much weight this fast. Don’t make me shove this down now..." Kazuha, frustrated with himself, with you with the idea that everything will be the same after everything he had done, he cried on your lap. However, you felt nothing but a warm lump of weight.
Childe ╔══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ════ ❀•°❀°•❀ ════ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══════╗
Childe had you locked up in a small cage, all of it decorated in pink and cute attire. However...that dead face of yours didn’t go along with the theme. You were dressed in pink and purples. The cage was beautifully decorated, as you were a little princess in her little cage. However, you used to be a tomboy who hated girly clothing. You loved fighting, you loved challenges, you loved eating. You were incredibly independent, and the part that bothered Childe the most, is that you had a generous amount of male friends. You liked male friends as company, as it served better than female. They understood you, and your style.
Childe was someone with quite a temper when it was triggered. And it was triggered a lot when he sees your hand on their shoulder, back, and even hand. No matter how many times, he had threatened your friends with his glare, balde, his "devoted loving" eyes, nothing seemed to work. He had to do it. It was either he murdered all of them, however of course you didn’t want that. So, he was left with no choice but to betray your trust and carrying you into a cage while you sleep. He placed heating pads in there for course. Along with pillows. Of course, he would feed you three meals a day, He would always feed you your favorite meals. He would bathe you, dress you and of course he refused to let you use the bathroom so...there were other alternatives to that. However, everyday, your privacy was violated, no matter how much you scream to ask him to stop, respect your boundaries, let you go, However, he just continues to take care of you, way past your comfort. You begged him to let you go, let you have your friends back, your life. You hated all the pretty things he forced you to wear because he wanted you to be his one and only princess. However, all of that is too late, as he stared at you, pale, lifeless, leaning against the cage bars. You no longer complained or screamed. You no longer cared. You became a shell of yourself. The cage is all you knew. You didn’t even look at anything anymore. The world around you were hollow and disconnected. "Don't look at me like that...you asked for this! You wanted this! I had no..I had no choice..." Childe spoke in a stern and angry voice, however, the tears streaming down his face couldn’t mask the regret in his voice.
Tighnari └── •✧• ──── •✧• ──── •✧• ────•✧• ──┘
Tighnari was angrily force feeding you hypericum perforatum with frustration, as you lay there. None of his medicines and herbs were working. This herb was specifically meant to treat your mental state, more so, assumingly your depression. However, you were beyond depression. You were b̷̢̐ṟ̷̹͂̇o̵͍̤͆͆̉̎k̴̗̝̆̑͊̚è̶̟͖̺̓̅̈́n̵͎̣͌̀̇͜. So no form of treatment can really help you, can they? Despite Tighnari knowing this, he was still trying to force feed you this herb, hoping you can be as cheerful and happy as you used to be. However, there was nothing. There was nothing but vomit around him, as when force feeding you, your body would only make you vomit the contents out on him. Tighnari screamed in frustrated, as he cupped your face as tried to coo'd you. "Why...Why are you like this? I just did what was best for us! You can’t keep doing this forever! You are supposed to by my happy little flower forever!" He complained and looked into your dead eyes. You were just a wonderful gardener, who loved plants, who loved trees. You loved the green nature, and you grew them as you please. You were such a gentle women. You were kind, funny, and you always were laughing and smiling. You had a proficiency in making medicine, and poison. However, you created medicines to help travelers and townspeople. Despite Sumeru having free health care, you wanted to help those who were unfortunate. Tighnari fell in love with that. He wanted you very badly. And just when he got you in his arms, you went limp. He got too greedy. He was constantly scolding you. He wanted to grow your gardens only for him, and make medicines only for him. He wanted all this to himself. He wanted you, his precious flower, to himself. He got too greedy, and locked you in his house. He wanted you to satisfy his needs and his only. Funny how that worked out for him, huh?
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Let’s keep that Mac love going can I request “he asks you out” from the master list? Gotta love The Emo Monkie manss😂💜🖤
Gladly. :3 Hope you enjoy! First Date.
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“Hey, Macaque,” your voice startled him. 
“(Y/n), hey, you're here early,” he managed his charming smile at the sight of you. He wore casually appropriate clothes for movies, his hoodie was up, hiding his ears and the majority of his head.
“MK said it was important, but seeing that we’re in front of a movie theatre, I was obviously tricked into having friend time,” you rolled your eyes. “What are you doing here?” you smiled at him, his world felt like it had frozen solid even though his face felt like it was on fire. 
“Oh, well…” He lost his voice. He couldn't remember why he was there for a second, but collected himself and cleared his throat. “MK invited me too,”
“Oh, cool,” you smiled at him then turned your attention to your phone as it went off. 
It was MK texting you to let you know he was on his way, but running late. Luckily for him, you didn't have a busy day, so you didn't mind waiting a bit for him. Especially now that it meant having Macaque as your company for an extended period of time. You stole a glance at him to find he was already studying you with a somewhat content expression. 
“What?” you smiled awkwardly at him, to which made him clear his throat and look away. 
“Nothing,” he tried to play it off as nothing even though his heart was skipping beats in his chest. “You just, um… look nice,” was his lame excuse, even though he did think you looked pretty.
“Thanks,” you glanced away to hide your blush. “MK said he's a bit delayed, so there's that,”
“Hm,” he nodded as he took in this new information. Not really something he didn't already know, he was the reason they were delayed in the first place, after all.
“I know we should wait for the others, but we can get something light to munch on while we wait.”
“That's fine,” he gave a nod. 
You and Macaque walked into the theatre and got in the short line at the cafeteria section. You both had looked over the menu in the hope to get a light appetizer while you waited for MK and the others. It was silent between you both, but not an awkward silence. You both unnoticeably stole glances at each other till you caught each other’s gaze, to which you both looked away with blushes.
Once your appetizers were ordered and collected, you found an empty seat in the waiting area and sat down. Silence took over the two of you once more. You spent a good five minutes looking towards the entrance in hopes to see the group, but had no such luck.
“So, (Y/n),” Macaque’s voice snapped you out of whatever trance you were previously in.
“Yeah?” you looked up at him with a curious smile. 
“I was wondering if maybe…” his hesitance caught your interest. 
“Yeah…?” you encouraged him to continue, which he did.
“I was wondering if you'd wanna do this again sometime…?” he asked. “With me… alone.”
“Like a date,” he nodded slightly and looked away to hide his embarrassment, which you thought was cute. 
“Like… a date date?”
“Yeah, a date date,” he nodded sheepishly. 
He’s too cute! You internally squealed before collecting yourself. 
“As long as you promise it's gonna be a shadow play,” you teased. He looked at you with a dorky smile. “I'd like that a lot.”
“Of course,” you couldn't stop smiling at him. “I really liked the one with the Warrior, the one with the Goddess was nice too,”
“I bet,” he chuckled deeply and shook his head at your antics. It was no question about it, he was so smitten with you. “Tomorrow then?”
“I'm free,” you smiled at him. You were now, anyway. “You have my number, let me know when to get ready,” you added, then glanced around as people started crowding. “This place is starting to wake up, where are those idiots?”
“No clue,” he shrugged, but he smirked to himself at the thought of how ticked Monkey King must be at that moment. 
“I'm hungry, let's get something to eat before the lines start to get long. Then we should catch a movie,”
“I could eat,” Macaque said as he lazily followed behind you. “Wait, a movie?”
“Yeah, who knows how long till they get here, I'm not gonna just wait around,” you stated and looked at him with a mischievous smile. “We can call it a practice date.”
That made him laugh.
“You get the food, I'll get the tickets,”
“Sounds good!” you grinned and once you decided on what to watch, and he told you what he wanted to eat, you divided to conquer.
Let’s just say… the unexpected practice date was a lot better than you'd thought it would be.
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babydollmarauders · 8 months
notes: still kinda short but the quality is better, i think?
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liked by jesperbratt, john.marino97, and 215,825 others
you read that right! the boys in red (and white and black) are 5-0 in this preseason, with 2 exhibition games left!
tonight’s post is a little different because it’s focused on 3 specific people!
first of all, we have a 🚨🚨 PRESEASON BRATT-TRICK ALERT 🚨🚨
second, maraschino cherry, my best friend number 2, my favorite sauce: marinara; got 2 GOALS TONIGHT!! YOU GO GLEN COCO!!! SECOND STAR OF THE NIGHT, FIRST STAR IN MY HEART!!!
and the last main focused person, my personal cuddle giver, my babygirl, the man who tries to act annoyed with me but then sends me cute pictures of animals cuddling and says “us”, JACK ROWDEN HUGHES got a goal! THIRD STAR OF THE GAME, FIRST STAR IN MY HEART!!!!
p.s. look at my smush!
p.p.s. Mat Barzal, i will be under your bed.
tagged jesperbratt, john.marino97, jackhughes, and lhughes_06
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dawson1417 why does jack look so annoyed with you in the 5th slide?
y/ndevils00 because i yelled at him from across the rink “SMILE BABYGIRL! YOU ARE NOT QUINNY!”
dawson1417 from what i’ve seen, i think even quinn is smiling more than him lately
_quinnhughes i expected this from her, but Dawson???
user82 @/barzal97
user27 @/barzal97
user03 @/barzal97
jackhughes we can’t all be the first star in your heart
y/ndevils00 uh, yeah you can! you’re all first in different ways!
jackhughes what way am i first in?
y/ndevils00 romantic! duh!
john.marino97 what about me?
y/ndevils00 @/john.marino97 friendship!
jesperbratt me?!
y/ndevils00 @/jesperbratt the “i would break jack’s ankles for you, please never leave or else i’ll have to be institutionalized.” way!
jackhughes i’m scared
barzal97 @/jackhughes uh, is your girlfriend hitting on me?
jackhughes oh dude, you’re gonna wish
y/ndevils00 think again, baldy. guard your ankles
user64 this was the best game EVER
john.marino97 my favorite part was when you jumped on my back during second intermission and almost deafened me by yelling “OUCH! OUCH! I’M GETTING BURNED BECAUSE YOU ARE ON FIRE!”
y/ndevils00 so glad you loved it 🫶 that was the funnest part
john.marino97 i was being sarcastic, i didn’t love you screaming in my ear
y/ndevils00 uh, yeah you did? you literally said “wow y/n, i appreciate the hearing test.”
john.marino97 that was also sarcasm. i’m getting worried about if you understand what sarcasm is
jesperbratt 😁❤️
jackhughes in 3…
nicohischier 2…
dawson1417 1…
y/ndevils00 let me psychologically hurt anyone who dares lay a finger on you. please oh please!
lhughes_06 whoop, there it is!
user19 aww jack sending her cuddling animal pics 🥹
user28 MY TURN WHEN?!
nicohischier what did Barzal do?
y/ndevils00 exist. and score two goals.
nicohischier y/n, we’ve talked about this…
y/ndevils00 no, YOU talked about this. i pretended to listen and then offered you cookies and walked away
lhughes_06 am i gonna have to make your hangover smoothie again?
y/ndevils00 well, it’s either you or Jack
lhughes_06 so yes
jackhughes hey, i can make a smoothie!
y/ndevils00 @/jackhughes no you can’t
lhughes_06 @/jackhughes no you can’t
trevorzegras @/jackhughes no you can’t
y/ndevils00 @/trevorzegras get out of here! i’m mad at you!
trevorzegras what did i do now?!
jackhughes @/trevorzegras you didn’t become a tiktok dancer
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babyxbluexmoon · 1 year
☁︎ dirty secret ☁︎
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REQUESTED! i lost the fricken request T-T but here it is anyway, so hopefully they see it! <3
The request was something like.. : Can you please write a yandere/possessive Neteyam, but he acts sweet and kind infront of Y/N, and hides alll the dirty secrets. I absolutely fell in love with the idea!
Yandere Neteyam! x Oblivious! Fem! Na'vi! Reader!
Warnings: Yandere behaviour, Murder, Manipulation, Possessive/protective behaviour. Not proof read.
Synopsis : Neteyam was so in love with his mate for life, the love of his heart and the constantly thought in his mind. He would do anything for her, to keep her as his. 𝑨𝒏𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈..
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Neteyam smiled as he watched his blue skinned girl weave a basket, teaching the younger na'vi kids how to do so, and chuckling when a young male accidently weaved his finger to the current basket he was making. It made her giggle too, and hearing tha made his obsessed heart flutter with happiness. He liked her happy, though he did wish only he could make her show any emotion at all.
He approched the girl and patted her hwir gently, loving how braided yet soft it was, and she looked up at him, giving a warm and kind smile. "Hello ma'Neteyam." The girl greeted, her na'vi accent send shivers down his spine, loving, addictive shivers. "Hello, sylang(flower)." He sat down, and the children admired the warrior before getting back to weaving, Y/n leaning over and helping a young female who got confused.
Once the weaving lesson was over, Neteyam helped Y/n gather her lesson things, carrying them for her as they walked to their shared hut, going inside and setting the stuff in the corner where they belonged. "How was training?" Y/n asked him and he looked to her with those ember orbs that almost matched her own like the rest of the clan. "Alright, my father showed Lo'ak and I a few new tricks he learnt."
She smiled at him sweetly and walked over, wrapping her arms around his neck and nuzzling him close, making the males tail lift and sway happily, hugging her back and kissing her temple. "Oh, I have promised to help Fulang'iti with something. So I will head off now. Would you mind starting dinner on the fire, I won't be long." She promised and his heart clenched. 'Him..' Neteyam thought. No matter how many times he secretly threatened him to stay away from his mate, he kept coming back like the sky people.
"Alright, I can do that for you." With that, the girl left and Neteyam couldn't help but snarl to himself, why would she care about what he wants? He thought to himself and ran a hand through his black braided hair, then he stared at the ceiling of his hut before sighing and going over to the fire pit, getting out a piece of meat he hunted and smiled. Sure, they could go to the clan eating area, but sometimes it was nice to eat alone with the one he adored to the core.
"Fulang'iti... your really pushing bonderies.. talking to what is rightfully mine and mine alone.." he spoke, and stared at the knife in his hand made of tree wood and a rock, sharpened, perfect for slicing. "Fulang...'iti.." he suddenly smirked slightly, "maybe words aren't enough alone... is that what your indicating, Eywa..?" He asked softly, a smirk forming on his blue face.
Y/n stood with Fulang'iti, helping him with hunting. "So, what does a warrior like you need help with hunting?" She asked, holding an arrow in one hand and a bow in the other, made by her father specially for her. "Well my mother has given birth to twins as you know, so now my family has eight children, including me, the second oldest. So, I just wanted help to collect everything we need." Y/n nodded, she had two older brothers and a single father, and he always needed help hunting when they were little.
"Alright. I don't mind." She smiled at him and they stayed close as sound of thanator's could be heard from near by, kneeling more closely to the ground. Neteyam watched them closely from up a tree, how dare he ask her to do this with him. She was a fragile weaver, not a hunter. Sure, she was good with a bow, but her precious self should not be thus far away from the safety of the clan.. without her mate. With Neteyam to protect her. Only he could protect her.
They made it to a ledge and knelt down beside each other, watching a lot of prey animals doing their own things. "OK.. try to get something big, please." He spoke to her quietly and she nodded, then advanced forward, but not too closely, she had a bow for a reason, she just wanted a better look, see what looked slightly weaker, incase she strikes wrong and it went for her.
Neteyam took this as his chance, and advanced towards the other male who was approaching something that caught his eye, when Neteyam suddenly pounced on him. He covered Fulang'iti's mouth with his hand as they fell to the grassy floor with a soft thud and Neteyam flipped the other over to look at him. "What have I told you.. about talking or even being near Y/n...?" He asked through a soul, slowly removing his hand. "She's my friend." Fulang'iti huffed out, winded by the impact.
"And she's 𝙢𝙮 mate.. I decide who comes near her." He growled, "that'd not how it works Net-", "It is in my world. She's my probity. My love. My mate. She belongs to me. Her mind, her heart, her body and soul. It all belongs to me." He pulled out the knife he was using to make dinner with, and lifted it up in the air, making Fulang'iti gasped. He was about to yell but Neteyam covered his mouth with his free hand, grinning like a half moon.
"May you walk along Eywa.. prick." With that the knife came down into the males chest and to his heart, the life fading from him with a few last groans. His body fell limb and heavy, and Neteyam moved away, before seeing his darling holding a beast of prey over her shoulder, struggling to carry it. "Wow.. so pretty.." he mumbled, seeing how her small muscles tensed as she carried the heavy, pretty big beast, dragging it along the floor with it upper body on her shoulders.
"Fu-Fulang'iti..! Wh-where did you go..?" She looked around confused, and Neteyam decided to play it cool so he ran around some tree until coming infant of her. "My Eywa, Y/n!" He ran over, acting like his usual soft self. He took the beast from her and laid it on the ground. "Why are you here, my love? Where's Fulang'iti?" She asked, looked up at him and panting softly. "He came back to the clan, said you were both finished and I wondered where you were?" He questioned.
Her face fell, "bu-but we were supposed to be hunting.. why would he leave me here..?" She wondered, looking at all the dangerous beasts that could have come and crushed her at any given moment. "Oh my darling.. it's OK.. I'm here to protect you now ma'sylang(my flower). He held her in his arms, then kissed her nose before moving away and lifting the beast onto his own shoulders. "Come on, we'll keep this for ourselves. May I say, great job honey, I'm so proud of you." He praised, and she giggled, blushing.
Once they arrived back at their shared hut, a elder woman came over, holding two babies in her arms, Fulang'iti's mother. Neteyam bought the beast into the hut before standing beside his mate, his hand on her back. "Can we help you?" He asked her kindly and she smiled. "I was just wondering if you knew where Fulang'iti is. He said he was out hunting with Ms. Y/n.." She spoke and Y/n tilted her head. "But he came back here, he abandoned me where all the prey were.." She said and the woman looked almost shocked, "Oh right.. Well I'll have a word once I find him. Thank you, Y/n."
With that she left, and Y/n swallowed, "wonder where he is..." She said softly and Neteyam cupped her shoulders, towering over her from behind. "He's not our problem darling. Forget him, let's enjoy dinner, and I'll cook your greatest catch." He leant and nibbled her ear gently. "And afterwards, I'll reward you for it.." he spoke and her tail rose up slightly, then began swaying, making him smirk and walked inside, and she followed like a lost puppy.
Neteyam smirked as he got on with dinner, slicing up the beast with a new knife, as Y/n prepared the small wooden table for them. "Hey sylang(flower)." He spoke, not looking back at the woman. "Yes, Ma'Teyam." She replied, looking to the back of his head. "You wouldn't.. ever leave me, right..?" He asked, and she gave a wide eyed look before he heard her approached him, then two small arms slythered around his waist from behind and hugged him, a head against his back. "Never. You are mine, as I am yours. We are mates for life, Ma'Neteyam."
"Good. I want to keep this forever.. Ma'Y/n." He replied, grinning at the slowly cooking beast, knowing just ways from the clan was Fulang'iti body, slowly being eaten away by some creature, or just laying there, bleeding and awaiting for something to find it. Perfectly away from Neteyam's mate, oblivious to her love's 𝙙𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙨𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩.
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hauntedwitch04 · 9 months
Hi and welcome for the second edition of my halloween party. The first one was very liked, so I thought of making a new one this year. Hope you enjoy it.
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DAY 1: “Take my sweater, I love you and i don’t want you to transform into a popsicle” with Remus Lupin 
DAY 2: “You really did this for me?” "I made one for every single person I love, but your is the one I did first because you were the first I thought about." with Steve Harrington 
DAY 3: “Please kill that fucking spider” “Love, you know it’s fake right?” with Cassian 
DAY 4: “Eat some more soup, it will make you feel better. This is my James mother’s recipe.” “Fuck, love this is delicious.” with Sirius Black 
DAY 5: “I don’t need paradise, mine is right here with you, cooking a pie while you dance and sing an old rock song, dreaming about our future” with Dean Winchester 
DAY 6: “I got some leaves on my way here for you, they are really pretty” with Andrew Garfield 
DAY 7: “Love I swear if you light another candle our house may go on fire.” with Nyx Acheron 
DAY 8: “I have a skeleton in my closet.” “Everyone have them, love.” “No I mean literally” with James Potter 
DAY 9: “Did you really gift me an owl?” “You love the little one from Harry Potter, so i thought it would be a good gift.” with modern!Rhys 
DAY 10:  “Sweety, we are too old to play trick-or-treating.” “That’s a lie, you are never too old for it.” with Regulus Black 
DAY 11: “Look what I got from the shop down the street” “Another coat, seriously?” with Sam Winchester 
DAY 12:  “Your pumpkin is making heart eyes to mine.” with Eris Vanserra 
DAY 13:  “Oh my God, please save me from this ghost” “Love your Ghostbuster is coming” with Ben Barnes 
DAY 14: “Some friendships are like candles: they burn bright for a while and then they die because of a little wind.” with Azriel 
DAY 15: “There is someone there, you think we have to help him” “It’s a scarecrow” “I think I just had a heartache.” with Sirius Black 
DAY 16: “I love this oil lamp. How did you know it?” “I love you, and I know you, so I know you are into witchy things.” with Dean Winchester 
DAY 17: “Look mommy, a fox. Why are you crying mommy?” “Because it reminds me of your daddy.” with Eris Vanserra 
DAY 18: “You know we are not in a crime book right.” “Don’t ruin my moment. My time to be Sherlock Holmes has arrived.” with Sam Winchester 
DAY 19: “I’m not gonna watch another fucking horror movie with you” “Don’t worry darling, you have your hero by your side.” “Love, I don’t have to remind you that you are the one screaming the most right?” with Remus Lupin
DAY 20: “We are not gonna bring that black cat home.And don’t even try to make me the puppy eyes, this time won’t work. I’m over your spell witch.” with Nyx Acheron 
DAY 21: “What are these rocks?” “They are runes stones.” “Babe, since when you are a witch.” with Timothee Chamalet 
DAY 22: “We are not gonna watch Bride Corpse another time.” “You love that movie too, dont’ lie to me moose.” “Love, we already watched it like five times in two days!” with Sam Winchester 
DAY 23: “I never saw someone loving the moon like you do.” “You know what I love most about the moon? It reminds me of you, of your eyes.” with Rhys 
DAY 24: “Why are there three pumpkins? We always make pumpkin, one for you and one for me.” “Well I want to practice since, from next year we are gonna be three.” with Steve Harrington 
DAY 25: “Wow, what is that on your neck? Oh my god, it’s a bite! Did a vampire bite you? Are you going to be like Dracula? Oh my god, oh my God! That’s so cool!” “No man, another animal bit me: my girlfriend.” with Regulus Black 
DAY 26: “You are never gonna touch another drop of alcohol in front of me, you look possessed.” with James Potter
DAY 27: “Tell me a spooky story” “Love, if you don’t sleep another night because I scared you, your mum is gonna kill me.” with Cassian 
DAY 28: “Oh my god, you are bleeding!” “Love calms down, it's fake.” “You are a horrible person.” with Azriel 
DAY 29: “Boo!” “Fuck you” with Dean Winchester 
DAY 30: "Love, why are you crying?” “Neil didn’t deserve it.” “We already talked about this: you can’t watch that movie alone.” “But it’s one of my favorites.” with Remus Lupin
DAY 31: Halloween Party with College AU!Every fandom
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beansricejc · 1 year
JOHN WICK x READER - The Courier
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part 3!
[part 1] [part 2]
summary: John’s being a little slut and finds out you’re more dangerous than you let on. More background details of Y/N. You invite him to your base for a few drinks, and John seems to be asking too many questions. In response, you use an unconventional method to make sure he’s not a snitch. John desperately needs to relieve some tension after you finish, so he takes matters into his own hands. Female reader, John x Crime Boss Reader, slow burn, 5500 words.
author’s note: thx for the love! i love writing these, and i really like making the reader (you!) an anti hero. (you’ll see). i would highly recommend reading the first and second part if you’re new here! linked above! lmk what you think! tysm! 💕
warnings: nsfw, organized crime, implied death, violence, alcohol, cursing, sex work, significant age gap, male mast3rbatįön.
A few days have passed since your encounter with John in the Continental, ending with that steamy and tense kiss in the hallway. You had even given him your number. John hadn’t actually texted you yet. His mind was racing with the possibilities between the two of you.
Well, there was you. A young, powerful, self-made crime boss. Or as your employees would say ironically, a girly-pop criminal.
Of course, there was John, a middle-aged hitman with a dark reputation, even for the criminal underworld. Retroactively feared throughout the industry, there was a general unspoken rule to not fuck with John Wick. That was just common sense at this point.
And here he was, fidgeting with this metal-engraved business card you gave him during that makeout session, so he could keep in touch.
He’s anxious about the feelings he was developing for you. John had kept up with his playboy culture ever since his wife passed, and in his mind, he wasn’t sure if he was ready to give that up.
“Mm, mister Wick, you look awfully distracted.” the escort he had called over to his hotel room to help him relieve some tension he had after his encounter with you.
Her name was Bethany, or Brandi, or something. He didn’t really pay attention. What he did know was that she had excellent hand and blow job skills.
This Brandi chick was right. He was distracted. She’d been trying to get John hard for 15 minutes, and he couldn’t manage. How fucking embarrassing.
John took a peek at your name that's engraved onto the thin piece of metal. Ah, that seemed to do the trick. Blood swam to his shaft, growing his erection, and Brandi smirked a bit.
John’s pride wouldn’t allow him to admit that the sight of your printed name could do such a thing to him.
If anyone were to find out, he would simply die.
It didn’t take long for Brandi to take John into her mouth, stroking what she couldn’t fit with her hands. John closed his eyes, not wanting to establish any emotional connection with the woman to give her the wrong idea. He would simply sit back, and enjoy the pleasure he paid for. Even if the passion wasn’t there, it would have to do.
Meanwhile, you and three other women had a man wrapped in tarp and duct tape in their grasp, shuffling down a long pier towards the body’s destination. The Hudson River. The sheer pollution would eventually eat away at its flesh. A sure fire solution to you and your little problem at the moment.
The four of you grunt, count to 4, and swing the corpse out of your grasp, a splash following the collision to the water.
You sighed, snapping off your latex gloves, feeling your phone vibrate a few times in your pocket. God dammit, what now? You attempted to get rid of the fresh corpse body stench from your nose when you pulled your device out, and seeing a text from an unknown number. It was directed for your personal line, and not your business line. Interesting. That’s when it hit you, in your drunken stupor, you shared a personal business card with the one and only, John Wick.
Of course you did, you moron.
You huff out and click on the bright notification on your screen, opening the app up.
Unknown #: Hey, hope you still remember me. It’s that smoking hot guy from the bar a few days ago. You doin' okay?
You rolled your eyes at what John called himself. The smell of swamp water and bird shit entered your sinuses. Thank god that it successfully replaced the cold, damp, dead body smell. You can hear seagulls caw above your small group of women, heading back to your SUV as if nothing had happened.
Now, you're typing away at your screen to reply to this middle-aged man who had taken two days to even utilize your number.
You pause, raise your eyebrows, and slowly read the message over again. Interesting.
The feeling of his hands around you, squeezing your hips and biting your lower lip. The sensation is teasing your mind, so much so that you block everything else out.
You’ve touched yourself about 5 times since then, and you can’t seem to get this stupid man off of your mind. You craved him. Everything from the glares he shot at you with those dark eyes of his, to the sting of his scruff on your soft cheeks.
“Hey,” one of your employees interrupts your midday fantasy. You jolt slightly, blinking at the taller and muscular woman, she’s been working for you for about a year, her name is Jenny. “You ready, boss?”
You take in another deep breath, more lake smell entering your nose, and you can feel the moisture in the air. Somehow you managed to find a time when no one was even outside. Even if they were, no one asked questions. Mind your own business in this city, and you’ll go a long way.
You nod and climb into the back seat of the truck, get situated, and let your employees handle the rest. The truck starts driving, and here you are again, focused on that damn phone screen.
You grunt.
God dammit.
Y/N: yeah, I remember you, old man.
As if you haven’t been thinking about him since you escaped to your hotel room the other day.
Look at you. Crime lord. Criminal mastermind (sort of). You're a big-time player.
All of that, just to act like a schoolgirl when any guy you’re remotely attracted to gives you some sort of romantic interest.
Of course you still knew how to talk to them, charm them, get them wrapped around your finger. That was a piece of cake. But what if one wanted a kiss?
Well, time to skedaddle.
John had just finished onto Brandi’s face, handing her one of the hotel room towels so she can clean herself off. It was a lot, thick and stringy ropes of cum had landed on her cheeks and lips. He was still recovering and catching his breath.
Then he hears his phone vibrate. It’s you.
He smiled. You texted back quicker than he anticipated.
Great, she’s calling me old again. John sighed to himself.
Sometimes he forgets he’s damn near old enough to be her father. Was that.. weird? Maybe he just shouldn’t think about it.
John: alright, girl boss, whatever you say.
John set down his phone and waited patiently for Brandi to finally leave for the night. He slipped her a wad of cash, and she was gone faster than she came.
John can’t get his fucking mind off of you. The number of times he has had his way with you in his head was too many to count on two hands. Does he feel bad about it?
Did he want to stop? No.
He oh so desperately wanted to see what was lurking underneath your clothing. He hasn’t felt this way in a long time.
John was a total slut, don’t get me wrong. A few times a week he’d have different women over. Some were regular hookups, and some were random girls he picked up at the bar or club. If he wasn’t doing a contract, he was definitely balls-deep in some random chick on his couch.
That was just life though. At least for John.
He used to be a romantic, date nights, flowers, gentleman type acts. But now, well, you know already.
John sighed and decided to double-text.
Of course a man his age wouldn’t understand the almost taboo nature of the double text. A rookie mistake some would call it, others would think it’s stupid to look into it that much.
John: u wanna have some drinks with me tonight?
You’re still shocked that John called you a girl boss over text. You’re still staring at your screen, bewildered at the thought.
A girl boss?
No way. Absolutely not, those chicks were always pyramid scheme fanatics that would reach out to you over Facebook to convince you to join their cult company.
That wasn’t you! You were a hard ass. You ran your crew well and knew what you were doing at all times.
But you were a woman.
And a boss.
Oh fuck.
You and the few employees in the truck hop on out. You had driven from that pier back to your warehouse headquarters. This is where the magic happened.
Right on the outskirts of Brooklyn, your enterprise came out of this warehouse. Filled with fast and reliable motorcycles and other expensive toys. There were a few women who were scurrying around to get some deliveries finished before the end of the night. You notice that one of your assistants decided to change the music on the stereo system.
The same assistant, Marissa, hurried over to you, took your bag, and handed you a coconut Redbull. You mumbled the lyrics to an Ice Spice song that was blaring in the warehouse.
The realization hits.
You look up, looking Marissa dead in the face.
“Please. Be real with me.” you speak to her, and she awaits your question. You take a deep breath. It’s the moment of truth. “Am I a girl boss?”
Silence breaks out in the warehouse. Everyone dropped what they were doing to wait to see what your personal assistant would have to say to that. The only thing being heard now is that Ice Spice song.
Oh god. That wasn’t a good sign.
Marissa pressed her lips together, her green eyes shifting around the warehouse.
“I mean, technically speaking, I suppose someone could call you that, you’re not cringe though!” Marissa assured you. Your breath hitched, and your heart felt like it stopped.
How embarrassing.
You swallow your pride in, nod, and shove your hands into your big overall pockets.
“Alright. Alright. Cool.” You nod, pulling your phone out and walking away from the main action, everyone went back to work as if they didn't just eavesdrop on that conversation.
What a fucking question that was.
You look at the last text John sent you and are surprised to see that he asked to have drinks.
You pause, staring at the text message. You know John doesn’t understand the concept of double texting, he was like, 45, or something. Poor guy didn't know any better. You sigh.
“Is Wickathan bothering you again?” your assistant Marissa asked, chuckling over the nickname you made for John.
“He wants to have drinks tonight, but look at me. I would rather smash my head into some bricks than go out tonight, I’m exhausted.” You groan, the feeling of disappointing John hits you right in the chest.
Why are you so worked up about him, bitch?! You ask yourself. You’re too hot to stress yourself out about this.
Marissa gives you a grin.
“Well then invite him here.” Marissa provides an idea for you. You raise your eyebrows, and nod affirmatively.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you.” You tell her, flashing her a grin and quickly texting John back.
Y/N: you wanna just have drinks at HQ?
You liked calling your work headquarters, or HQ to shorten it up. Really made you sound like a secret spy with a base.
Well, you weren’t a spy but it was a base.
Sometimes you forget that you’re running an entire criminal enterprise, the Ice Spice blasting at your self proclaimed headquarters wasn’t helping.
John can only imagine what this headquarters looks like, and is quite intrigued by the idea of having drinks with you there. Now that he’s planning on seeing you tonight, there’s a bad feeling in his stomach.
Does he feel bad about seeing an escort right before meeting up with you? That can’t be it. Can it?
Dammit, John. You’re a bachelor, you can’t be falling for some girl because she’s pretty and powerful. He cursed at himself internally.
His eyes glaze over his reflection in the mirror as he ices his shoulder, which was hit pretty bad by some asshole with a golf club during a job yesterday. It left a very purple bruise and was sore as hell.
He wondered if there was an appeal to his battle scars all over his body. There probably was, right? Whenever he was shirtless in front of a lady, her attention would immediately focus on all of his tattoos and marks on his flesh. Of course, they were stories from a younger and less experienced John.
Sometimes it would even scare them off entirely. But if they got past the tatted-up back and several scars, you could get a glimpse at his toned body. John's not a bodybuilder material by any means, he was lean and in shape, the ideal size for a professional killer.
He was perfect for the job.
John’s mind is racing, he knows you’re dangerous. You built an entire empire in a mere three years, people would kill for your skill and position on the food chain.
It kind of turned him on.
Especially ever since he found your business page, where all of the information for clients was readily available.
John noticed an "As Seen on Tv!" tab on the professional-looking website, he clicked on it out of pure curiosity. He didn’t know what to expect.
It was a YouTube video of a compilation of CCTV footage, showing various car and motorcycle chases. They were cut and spliced into a well edited video that had Industry Baby by Lil Nas X playing in the background.
That couldn’t be you, could it?
Oh, it was. You and various people in your crew who also did deliveries for your company.
John could tell from your figure whenever it was you on screen, and he was particularly shocked from seeing GoPro footage of you.
He sees you jumping out of the window from one moving car to the hood of another, shooting at the driver through the windshield, killing him instantly. Of course, as soon as the bullet was fired from the barrel of your gun, whoever edited the video censored it. John could still see the blurred-out figure slump to the side but was obvious that he was dead. You had even climbed through the shattered glass and took over the driving, shoving the corpse off of the seat as if it were a regular work day.
You and your crew obviously knew what you were doing, that was a fact. Ruthless, violent, and skilled, a dangerous combination for anyone. John noticed that you seemed to be more precise, the difference between you and your other employees was noticeably significant. They were still very impressive nonetheless.
As skilled as you were, you were still an amateur compared to John. He figured you most likely excelled at combat on the road but in a regular circumstance? You probably weren’t as efficient or deadly.
He was right.
“Fucking hell,” John mumbled to himself, it wasn’t anything new to him, but seeing this as an advertisement for their business of a website was… something. That’s for sure.
It was like watching a bunch of kids goofing around and getting it all on tape. Well, that was exactly what it was. A bunch of young women on the screen, and swap out the word goofing with maybe, rampaging?
His eyes were glued to his screen as he watched the video boasting their skill set, even showing a worker and you drifting your expensive bikes down the highway.
And now John's in his car watching the video once again in the parking lot of the warehouse that Y/N had invited him to.
John was pleasantly surprised that this young crime lord had invited him to her home base after only meeting him once.
Well, technically twice.
John hadn’t bothered with his work attire, he had thrown on a pair of nice jeans and a long sleeve black shirt. He even went the extra mile to put on cologne and touched up his beard.
John sighed and exited his car, locking up and sauntering towards the large industrial looking warehouse.
He could hear a plethora of noises from the building, the big garage door was open, and he raised his eyebrows at the image of dozens of women doing advanced mechanical work on modified bikes, or even riding off on said bikes.
John wasn’t sure what to expect but it sure as hell wasn’t this.
Especially with the Latin girl pop that was blaring from the very impressive stereo set up.
Your chop shop was clean, organized, and busy. Extremely busy. John had been squeezed past by about 7 women already who were hard at work.
It was clear that John was a fish out of water, he was quite literally the only man in this warehouse. He wasn’t sure if he liked that or not.
What’s the opposite of a sausage fest? John asked himself.
But where were you? John narrowed his eyes and did his best to find you, which happened to be squatting near a motorcycle that was suffering from some serious curb rash, which you were attempting to fix.
It was a sight that was a complete 180 from the other day at the cocktail party. Compared to the long and elegant black dress, you were now in a crop top and some denim overalls, that looked like it had seen better days.
John had to admit, it was pretty cute. He was used to only flirting and going out with women who were refined, and classy. That's what you displayed the other night.
But after seeing those clips of you online, and seeing you here, he knew that was all a front.
You were feminine for sure, however, you obviously had a masculine energy to your personality. John wasn’t used to that, it was really refreshing.
Before John could, one of your workers had hurried over to you.
“You think I should go hybrid or classic?” One of your modification technicians asked, her name was Marie, and she had worked for you for the past 2 years. You looked up, checking out the pictures on her phone she showed you.
This was a difficult decision. Lashes make or break a woman. The choice of a lifetime really.
“Hybrid, you’ll serve cunt with hybrid for sure.” You answer, and the two of you laugh at the ridiculous statement you just said.
Your attention turned to John, who was about 20 feet behind Marie, who was also trying not to laugh.
“Serving cunt? Do I even want to know?”
That was the first thing John had said to you today. You bursted out laughing, trying your best to contain it. It didn’t work. Marie turned around, and her blue eyes widened at the mere sight of John.
He was intimidating by nature, tall, dark, and mysterious. Now add in his deadly reputation, he could make anyone’s skin crawl with just a glance.
“Holy fuck, you didn’t tell me that Wickathan was coming.” Marie blurted, immediately covering her mouth afterward. Your eyes bulged at her, that name was meant to be an inside joke between everyone in your crew.
Dammit, Marie.
“Oh my god, bitch!” You stage whispered, smacking Marie on her shoulder in disappointment.
Did John hear that right?
“Wickathan?” John repeated, stepping up towards you and your current project. The man was a force to be reckoned with, he towered over you, especially now that you weren’t wearing heels. “Did you come up with that yourself?” He asked. It suddenly became hot in the room, caused by his husky voice that was directed towards you.
You forgot that you had just been staring at him for the past ten seconds, with awkward silence swirling between the two of you. Oof.
“Oh, uh, yeah. I thought it was funny,” you admitted. “I bet the Boogeyman gets fucking old, huh?” you asked, using a mocking tone on the nickname.
John respected your bold attitude.
You could see the way John was looking at you, despite you being a mess from working on bikes all day. His brown eyes trailed up your body and he smiled at seeing you without anything fancy on. He could get used to this.
A woman of many talents? Sign him up.
I might not be a bachelor for long, I better be careful. John thought to himself, smiling down at you.
“Come on, squirt. Let’s have that drink.” John teased, and your face starts to pinken.
Squirt?! What the fuck? You think, stepping from behind the bike, arms crossed while glaring at the menace of a hitman.
“Hey hey, I’m no squirt. What the-"
John interjects by grabbing you by the waist, physically picking you up, and holding you up in the air. You shout at him, and he’s chuckling devilishly at the sight.
Jesus Christ, in front of everyone? I’m their boss! This looks terrible! You’re internally panicking.
“Hey!” You exclaim, attempting to wiggle out of his death grip.
“Oh yeah, you’re a total squirt.” John teased, setting you back down and ruffling your already disheveled head of hair. Your cheeks are beet red, and you grab his forearm and tug him behind you to your private office.
You were a crime boss for fucks sake, is John out of his mind?
John’s laughing at the sight of your much smaller frame guiding him by hand to your office, in fact, he was getting a little excited over it.
Excited would be the understatement of a lifetime.
The sight of your smaller feminine frame compared to his towering large body made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. John shut the door to her office behind him, listening to you sigh and grab two beers out of her fridge.
Interesting. Beer fridge in the office. Respect. John notes.
You handed him a beer but your eyes went straight to his face, on further inspection you noticed a healing black eye and a few new scrapes. Those weren’t there a few days ago. You furrow your eyebrows at him.
There was no way he finished a contract that quickly between seeing you then and now, right?
“Hey, what the hell happened to you?” You ask him, walking closer to him and grazing your dainty fingers over his new wounds. John felt a lump form in his throat.
Oh sweet baby Jesus, she’s so close to me again. Shit! Shit! He’s thinking to himself. John chuckled in an attempt to cover his flustered nature.
“Oh you know, just work. Typical Wednesday for me,” he tells you, he can barely think straight since you’re standing so close to him. You’re wearing that same perfume that you wore when you saw him last, however, it’s overcast by the smell of exhaust and rubber, probably from working in this warehouse all day. “Nothing crazy.”
You rolled your eyes at him and went to go sit on your couch.
“Uh-huh. Who was it this time?” you asked John as he sits fairly close to you on the sofa. Just close enough for his leg to graze your thigh.
John knew exactly what he was doing. A classic playboy tactic, but why did he get this feeling he didn’t want to just hit it and quit it?
John cracked the beer open and read the label. PBR? Unexpected, alright. He couldn’t be mad at that. He took a long sip. Fantastic.
“Ah, some guy that pissed some Cartel member off. The usual.” John sighed, playing back into the couch, stretching his left arm out and laying it on the sofa, coincidentally right behind where you were sitting.
This is when John noticed that your couch was purple and velvet. That was some taste you had there. He scanned the room, it was obvious that whoever had this office was a woman in her 20s.
So, you, clearly.
John was shocked that this incredibly feminine office belonged to a crime boss, but he has seen weirder things. But he did have to admit, the office was quite eclectic. Bohemian? What was the word for it? Well, it was something.
“So, how’s work for you? You guys seem awfully busy out there.” John commented as you opened your own beer, his eyes trailing down your body again.
Oh boy. You notice his chest puffing out ever so slightly, god, he was the real deal.
Don’t show weakness, he’s expecting you to fold! Absolutely fucking not! you reaffirm to yourself.
“Pretty good actually. We’re gonna have to do a plate swap on all of the bikes soon though.” You explained, your eyes never leaving his chiseled face.
He’s fine as hell.
You stop yourself, you were talking about work. Details about work. Well, not the nitty gritty but, wait a minute.
“Oh? How do you go about that?” John asked, flashing one of those mischievous smirks that he was giving you the other night.
The worst part about it? It fucking worked. His stupid attractive face, those dumb strong hands, his fucking hair that was perfectly styled backward.
He knew it too.
The question he gave you threw you off though. He wants more details on how work is. You raise your eyebrows as your brain goes into panic mode, almost like it’s wired to sense danger or threats.
John can sense that your whole demeanor has changed, long gone was the spunky girl from a minute ago. You were a whole other creature now as you analyzed him, what did he want? Why was he asking questions about your work?
You set your beer down on a side table and sigh.
God dammit.
Whatever, hopefully this would work. Your legs stretch over him until suddenly you’re straddling his lap. John has to cover his mouth to prevent beer from spitting out of his lips, just from pure shock.
“H-hey!” John exclaimed, the feeling of your bottom on his lap and thighs was almost heavenly. Was this seriously happening right now?
You take your hands and wiggle them up his black long-sleeve shirt, in a frantic search for any sort of wires, recording devices, anything really.
But to John, he’s only seeing the attractive young woman feeling him up, her small hands grazing over his lean and muscular torso. They travel to his sides, and then up and down his back, unknowingly tracing over skin that’s covered in tattoos.
Your fingers are making John melt, plus, here you were, only inches from his face. He can’t stop looking at your lips as you’re determined to find anything that would be used to record a conversation.
You’ve lasted this long and built your empire because you were clever, ruthless, but more importantly, cautious.
And here you were, feeling up John fucking Wick to see if he was bugged or not. The most lethal man in the world is centimeters away from you, his hot exhales sticking to your face and neck like sweat.
John can feel his cock grow to the sensation of you straddling him and searching around his body.
John’s heart is pounding, you sigh and take your hands out from underneath his shirt.
Alright, hair it is.
So now, like the little shithead you are, you sit up slightly to dig your fingers through his head of long black locks. Of course, your chest is at eye level with his face, even almost touching it.
“Y/N, w-what are you doing?” John laughed nervously, he wasn’t sure why he was nervous, and his hands were already advancing to your thighs and hips.
What if I just fucked her right here and now on this couch? What I would do to make her scream my name, shit, I want her to ride my cock so bad that she aches for me the next day. John’s mind is screaming with this and other absolutely filthy images.
“Looking for a bug! You keep asking me questions about my job! That is such a federal ass thing to do…” you explain hastily. John’s heart drops. You don’t even notice his hands gripping hard on your hips until he slams you down onto his lap again, snapping you out of your persistent state.
All you can feel pressing up against you is his rock-hard dick.
Oh shit. I’m an idiot.
“You sure do know how to get a man worked up, you know that?” John hisses out. His hand latched onto your small neck, giving it a stern squeeze, you’re too in the moment to even try to move it. He flips you off of his lap, and stands up from the couch, readjusting his clothing and his long hair.
“I’m, uh, going to use the bathroom. Alright?” John asked, you nod, not even putting two and two together since you were so stunned by that move.
Fuck, he sure knows how to manhandle a girl, huh? You silently ask yourself as he quickly leaves the office.
John had to take a few deep breaths once he left the room and shut the door.
“Fuck,” he whispered, all of his instincts are going wild right now. John finds the nearest bathroom in this large warehouse, and locks the door behind him.
If he stayed in that room for another second, he would have absolutely ruined you. John knows damn well you’re no innocent angel, that doesn’t stop him from viewing you as one. As ruthless and dangerous of a woman as you are, he has made up this false sense of purity surrounding your very aura.
John wastes no time in unbuckling his belt and pants, grabbing his thick shaft out of his boxer briefs, and begins to tug. One of the hands that has brought wrath upon so many, now gripping his cock and attempting to relieve himself in a timely manner so he doesn’t raise Y/N's suspicions.
God, she’s way too young for you dude. You shouldn’t be doing this. I bet she’s so tight and wet, oh fuck. John’s mind is racing to the possibilities of what could happen in this bathroom if Y/N was in here with him.
He’s imagining grabbing you by your tiny throat and slamming you against this wall, ripping those overalls off, and throwing them on the floor. He’s so strong that he could lift her up by her thighs against the wall, spread her legs, and thrust right into her tight little cunt.
John’s breath is staggering as he tries to make his grunts and moans as subtle as possible while he pictures himself plowing into you. He’d be torn between being a generous lover or a selfish one.
On one hand, he’s starting to develop feelings for you, his heart flutters when he thinks of your laugh. The way your nose crunches whenever you smile, or the weird slang you use whenever you talk to him.
With all of his hookups after his wife, he never cared too much about making the other women feel good, but he would always succeed.
John was just that good in bed.
You were the exception.
In the very short time he’s had to get to know you, he was starting to catch feelings, and he’s scared of it.
So instead, he's thinking of devouring your pussy and making you cum over, and over again before using you as a hole.
The mere thought of it is enough for John’s knees to tremble as he climaxes, gripping the sink for dear life. He ejaculates into his own hand, his chest rising and falling at a rapid rate, and he met his own reflection in the bathroom mirror.
The mirror shows a half nude John, breathing rapidly, cock in hand, with beads of salty sweat trickling down his damp skin.
Post-nut clarity is hitting in 3, 2, ah. There it is.
John’s mortified at who he sees in front of him, and he cleans up as fast as he possibly can.
What the actual fuck is wrong with me? Am I this much of a perv? Holy shit! John’s internally screaming, zipping up his pants and clearing his throat.
The thought of doing any of those acts with a woman as young as you is, tempting, to say the least.
John closed his eyes and took a deep breath and opened the bathroom door.
He had a drink to finish with you, and he’s praying you didn’t notice how long he was gone.
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pumpkinrootbeer · 2 months
Not enough Avatar fans recognize how good of a bender Bolin is bcuz he's mostly busy being played as comic relief. But even just at the end of TLOK he's praised by his personal hero Toph Beifong and is one of 3 known lavabenders, has gone toe to toe and bended alongside Toph's talented daughters and displays similar feats.
And he's shown to practice bending seriously and improve between time jump, b/c have you noticed that he observed and mastered the Red Lotus lavabender's lava glaive trick and uses it to cut through platinum in Book 4? That and Toph said that she'd be willing to teach Bolin metalbending b/c she brags about being able to teach anyone metalbending (Toph's metalbending school comics reference yay) & in the TLOK comics Toph is shown to go out of her way to leave the swamp & head to Rep. City to hang out with her granddaughter and her future grandson-in-law, so I'm betting Bolin's been getting some tutoring in and officially become one of Toph's students.
TLDR I hope Bolin shows up in the new Avatar series and shows up how strong he is at old age, b/c half his canon appearances so far are him at 16 and he's underratedly really good.
no because Bolin is genuinely an unparalleled bender. he has sheer power on the level of avatars, see how catches an entire building dropped on a room full of earth benders before anyone else and then was the only one holding it up despite TOPH BEING IN THE ROOM? for one.
he also has the drive to be good at his bending that we don't really see with mako or even really korra in the show. sure, we see korra learn air bending but then she's just frustrated it's not coming naturally. with Bolin we see him struggle with his bending and still become the best. see how quickly he mastered an element with No One to teach him or him throwing himself at metal bending over and over. Which I'm honestly torn if I want him to learn it? On one hand, literally op earthbender which is amazing yes please. On the other, I kinda like that metal bending, something that is traditional earthbending techniques taken to the extreme, is what Bolin struggles with.
It's pretty heavily implied Bolin and Mako had no formal bending teacher and are completely self taught. In fact, the times we see Bolin do the most traditional earthbending moves are in season 4, which takes place after the 3 year jump. This is also when he's working for Kuvira and is probably the only time he did get formal training in earthbending, so it would make sense he would incorporate that more.
and ive talked about this before but, Bolin is the quickest earthbender in the entire show. he is incredibly talented in his craft and no one else in the entire show bends like he does. like, okay. This?
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that move? that spin kick he's doing? That's a fire bending move.
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he's doing a fire bending move with earth. kinda like iroh's move for redirecting lighting, bolin's entire bending style is this quote "when you take (wisdom) from only one place it becomes rigid and stale. understanding others, other nations, will help you become whole" Bolin is an earth bender who grew up learning to bend by watching fire bending. and that is a huge part of why Bolin is such a unique and talented fighter.
tbh I hope he never learns metal bending because the contrast between him and toph is nice. Toph is someone who excels at traditional earthbending, to the point of inventing a new type of sub-bending. whereas Bolin is so skilled at adapting and integrating different bending styles that he's able to master a volatile element that is eath that behaves like water with properties of fire at 17 with no teacher.
so yeah I agree 100% I would fucking love to see Bolin older because he would be a fucking powerhouse.
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thecreaturecodex · 5 months
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"Slaadi" © Wizards of the Coast, by Sam Wood
[New Year, New Monsters! I am feeling much less burnt out than I was for the back half of 2023, and have built up a small backlog of new writing. I'm going to keep monsters I post to 2/week for now, to give myself time to go through said backlog in case the burnout rears up again when I'm back to work.
So for my first trick, is a monster NPC I actually wrote back in like September, but didn't post. Consider her an epilogue to the whole "Monster Girl Summer" thing. Ranna is @strawberry-crocodile's character, and fits with some of my other monstrous NPCs. She's Doctor Shiny's main minion, and their relationship serves as sort of a nasty counterpart to Gigi and Priscilla's. Of course, if you just want to use the stat block as a particularly burly slaad enforcer type, that works just as well as Ranna's baroque and macabre backstory.]
Ranna CR 18 CE Aberration This blue, frog-like humanoid has a triangular fanged snout, warty skin and enormous claws growing from the backs of their hands. A red gemstone is embedded in their skull, right between the eyes.
Marina Rhynne was an alchemy student at Endirion School in Absalom, prone to anxiety and to thinking with her stomach. She caught the eye of Doctor Agatha Shiny, who used the pretext of a dinner invitation and offer of a graduate program to abduct her and implant her with an alchemically treated red slaad egg. Doctor Shiny succeeded in one of her goals, which was to cause memories to be passed from the host to the parasite, but failed in that the resultant blue slaad did not maintain the intelligence of her progenitor. The resultant slaad, named Ranna, could recall her previous life in a hazy, dream-like way, but the predominant personality trait that was carried over was hunger.
Ranna is now Doctor Shiny’s Number One Minion, her assassin, procurer and lover. If Doctor Shiny needs someone eliminated or an unusual creature captured and brought to her, Ranna is the one to do it. She usually tracks her targets as an unassuming humanoid until she can set up an ambush and remove her greater hat of disguise. Ranna fights with her natural weapons almost exclusively, although she does occasionally toy with targets by battering them with heavy objects hurled by telekinesis. Although she is lapdog-loyal to Doctor Shiny and always follows her instructions for her specified victims, Ranna enjoys collateral damage, which usually involves biting bystanders. She views any red slaadi that are created through chaos phagethe way a proud parent views their children, and is happy to hear of any death and destruction they create.
Ranna’s personality is playful in a cruel way. She sees her progenitor, Marina Rhinne, as a pathetic figure, and has an air of contempt towards academic pursuits in general. She still appears as Rhynne when abroad in Absalom, and is the terror of Endirion School’s faculty, staff and students as Doctor Shiny’s personal assistant. Ranna is happy to play the bad guy so that Doctor Shiny can maintain her impeccable public reputation, and takes matters into her own claws if anyone gets too close to the truth about Doctor Shiny’s goals and activities. Ranna tends to dispose of the evidence of her murders by eating the corpses of her victims. She is also an excellent chef. Doctor Shiny does not eat food that Ranna prepares unless she is very sure of where the meat came from.
Ranna  CR 18 XP 153,600 Blue slaad slayer 9 (cutthroat) CE Large aberration (chaotic, slaadi) Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +19
Defense AC 33, touch 20, flat-footed 24 (-1 size, +8 Dex, +1 dodge, +9 natural, +4 armor, +2 deflection) hp 303 (11d8+9d10+200); fast healing 6 Fort +22, Ref +20, Will +15 Immune mind reading, sonic; Resist acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10; SR 19
Offense Speed 30 ft. Melee +3 bite +32 (2d6+16 plus disease), 2 +3 claws +32 (2d6+16/19-20x3) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks augmented critical, opportune target, rend (2 claws, 2d6+22), sneak attack +3d6, stab and grab, studied target (swift or move action, +2) Spell-like Abilities CL 8th, concentration +11 3/day—hold person (DC 15), passwall, telekinesis (DC 18) 1/day—chaos hammer (DC 17)
Statistics Str 36, Dex 26, Con 30, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 16 Base Atk +17; CMB +31 (+33 bull rush); CMD 52 Feats Alertness,Awesome Blow, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (claw), Improved Natural Attack (bite), Intimidating Prowess, Killing Flourish, Power Attack Skills Acrobatics +20 (+24 in urban environments), Bluff +16, Climb +20, Disable Device +25, Disguise +16, Intimidate +34, Linguistics +4, Perception +19 (+23 vs. traps), Profession (chef) +14, Sense Motive +19, Stealth +21, Survival +15 Languages Common, Slaadi SQ legendary, slayer talents (surprise attack, trapfinding [trap sense +3], stalker, street stalker (Acrobatics) Gear manual of gainful exercise +4 (expended), manual of quickness of action +2 (expended), manual of bodily health +4 (expended), belt of physical perfection +4, bloodstained gloves, greater hat of disguise, soulbound eye, amulet of mighty fists +3, bracers of armor +4, boots of teleportation, cloak of resistance +3, ring of mind shielding, ring of protection +2, potion of fly (x2), potion of displacement, potion of haste, potion of lesser restoration (x2), potion of cure light wounds (x4), masterwork cooking tools, 150 gp
Special Abilities Augmented Critical (Ex) A blue slaad’s claws deal x3 damage on a successful critical hit. Disease (Su) Chaos phage; bite—injury; save Fort DC 25; onset 1 minute; frequency 1/day; effect 1d6 Con damage and 1d6 Cha damage; cure 2 consecutive saves. A creature that is reduced to 0 Con or Cha by chaos phage is immediately transformed into a red slaad. This transformation can only be reversed by a miracle or wish. A Small or Medium humanoid with levels in an arcane spellcasting class instead transforms into a green slaad. The save DC is Constitution based. Legendary (Ex) Ranna’s statistics are built with 25 point buy, and she has the equipment of an 18th level PC. These advantages increase her CR by +1. Opportune Target (Ex) If Ranna can act in the surprise round, she can study a foe as a free action and select them as her studied target. Stab and Grab (Ex) As a swift action, Ranna can attempt a steal combat maneuver against a dead or unconscious foe, or against a studied target that she has successfully confirmed a critical hit against. A dead or unconscious opponent takes a -10 penalty against this maneuver. Street Stalker (Ex) Ranna adds ½ her slayer level to Acrobatics checks made in urban environments.
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the-meta-tron · 10 months
Good Omens Theory: Matchbox Foreshadowing
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Did anyone wonder why there was so much emphasis on this matchbox?
We know that it was later connected to Gabriel's disappearance since it's from The Resurrectionist in Edinburgh, and it's where he stored his fly from Beelzebub. The Resurrectionist, of course, was a double entendre to the body snatchers that were an essential part of Victorian medical research as well as Jesus himself. Knowing at the end of the season that Heaven is planning the Second Coming, all the references to the Resurrectionist seemed like some pretty basic foreshadowing. But I think it goes deeper than that.
Why is there a quote from the Book of Job on a matchbox from a place named after Jesus? Surely, there would have been other scripture that was more relevant to JC. No, instead we get this from the book of Job.
Job 41:19 Out of his mouth go burning lamps, and sparks of fire leap out
Upon the first watch, the first thing that immediately sprung to mind when that quote floated on screen was the last time fiery sparks leaped out of someone's mouth in Heaven. Who did that again?
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Oh yeah!
Crowley, wearing Aziraphale's face.
I've always wondered exactly what the relevance of this particular quote from the Book of Job meant. After all, references to The Book Of Job were everywhere in season 2. There are some excellent metas out there as to why Job is so important to season 2, but I want to actually analyze what the scripture that's been referenced is describing.
The whole point of the Book of Job is most of it is about God's conversation with Job. Chapter 41 is titled: The Lord's Power Shown in the Leviathan. And I really don't think that is a coincidence.
The Leviathan, as described in Chapter 41 of the Book of Job... is a giant snake that breathes fire. Literally.
Basically, God is talking to Job about all of their creations, and they bring up The Leviathan as one of the most fearsome things they ever created. It's basically God saying to Job: look at my big scary sea snake that breathes fire. Do you think you can fight this big scary sea snake that breathes fire? You can't. He's so powerful. No weapons can harm him. He's stronger than anything. Everyone's terrified of him. But he's not more powerful than ME because I'm God.
So where else does the Leviathan appear in theology?
In the Book of Enoch, The Leviathan is a female giant chaos serpent that lives deep in the ocean, while her mate, Behemoth, is a male giant chaos beast (based off of a hippopotamus or water-ox) who lives in the mythical desert of Duidain, East of Eden.
In the Book of Revelations, The Leviathan is associated with The Devil (a lot of things get associated with the Devil in Christianity. Read my Crowley isn't Lucifer, But... theory for more context). It is also strongly associated with being The Serpent of Eden ("this is the dragon that was cast out of Paradise, that beguiled Eve and is permitted in this world to make sport of us" - Jerome of Stridon), aka our good friend Crowley. In the prophecy of Revelations, the Leviathan, also known as The Seven-Headed Dragon, is kind of important in the final battle between Heaven and Hell.
So, I think Crowley is The Leviathan, and he's going to have a much more important role in the Second Coming than he thinks he does.
The Resurrectionist(s).
I think Season 3 is going to be a biblical zombie apocalypse.
Let me explain.
In the Episode 2 Minisode, we see Aziraphale find out that God is going to let Satan destroy everything Job owns, including his children. Aziraphale thinks killing children is wrong, so he tries to stop Crowley from killing Job's children, only to find out, surprise! Crowley never planned to kill the children and was always scheming behind Hell's back to find a way to protect them. Aziraphle helps Crowley by working together to trick Heaven into thinking Job's old children are dead and they have new ones now, saving the children's lives.
In the Episode 3 Minisode, we see Aziraphale and Crowley get involved with a body snatcher named Elpseth. Aziraphale thinks digging up corpses for money is wrong, so he stops Elpseth from selling the body to a resurrectionist, only to find out, surprise! The medical community actually really needs these human corpses to study anatomy and potentially reduce human suffering. He tries to help Elpseth dig up another body, but Wee Morag gets shot and killed, and Crowley stops Elpseth from killing herself with Laudanum by drinking it instead and makes her agree to live a better life.
In the Episode 4 Minisode, we see Aziraphale and Crowley flirt do a little magic show together so Aziraphale can repay Crowley for saving his books by doing a West End show to cover Crowley's alcohol smuggling debts. Meanwhile, there are literal zombie nazis who have been hired by hell to try to find evidence that the two of them are working together. Aziraphale and Crowley trust each other when their miracles aren't working, and they pull off the magic trick. Backstage, when Furfur rubs the proof in their faces, Aziraphale tricks him by doing sleight-of-hand so Furfur returns to hell without proof.
In the minisodes, we see several consistent themes popping up. We see Aziraphale struggling with morality. We see Aziraphale and Crowley working together to help humanity or each other. We see them saving human lives at great personal risk. We see deception and sleight-of-hand against Heaven, Hell, and Humanity. Lastly and most importantly, we see a lot of death and resurrection. We see the not-death and not-resurrection of Job's children, the deaths of resurrectionists of Victorian Scotland, and the literal death and resurrection of the Nazi Zombies.
Outside of the minisodes, we see Crowley and Aziraphale's combined miracle be worth 25 Lazarii, aka bringing 25 people back from the dead. We see Gabriel, in his purple-eyed prophetic trance, warn of a great storm that will raise the dead. And we see Crowley bring a man who was ripped apart by demons back to life(?).
Not to mention we know Jesus, The Resurrectionist, is going to be around for season 3. And the Second Coming, aka Judgement Day, is going to happen. And the Last Judgement in Abrahamic Theology is the Day of Resurrection; it is "The Resurrection of the Dead, both Just and Unjust" (Acts 24:25); it is Life to the Dead so they may live eternally in the Kingdom to Come. (That's why, in Abrahamic Theology, the Book of Life is so important. You can see my Book of Lies theory for more on that).
The dead are going to rise. It is established that it's possible for the dead to become zombies with the nazi zombie episode. Why devote an entire minisode to the concept of zombies if it isn't important? It's foreshadowed time and time again throughout season 2.
I also anticipate that we're going to see the other themes that were present in the minisodes. I don't think anyone will be surprised if next season Aziraphael will struggle with morality. Aziraphale and Crowley are going to have to learn to communicate properly so they can work together and trust each other again (being able to do miracles of immense power together is a huge Chekov's Gun). We're going to see them do some kind of deception again to trick Heaven and Hell into thinking they're getting their way with the apocalypse when they actually aren't.
In Summary
So, in conclusion, based on that little matchbox and the wider plot of Season 2, we're going to see Crowley be the giant fire-breathing chaos serpent, aka Leviathan (literally or metaphorically), with some kind of essential role at the end of the world. And I think we're going to see a zombie apocalypse or mass resurrection of some sort. I also think we're going to see Aziraphale and Crowley have to learn to trust each other again so they can do A Big Miracle and also trick Heaven and Hell with some really clever deception.
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bilyashvili · 1 month
Pairing: Phoebe Spengler/Spider-Woman!reader
Word count: 2410
Summary: After the events in Summerville, Phoebe, and others moved to New York, where they continued to catch ghosts and stuff, but in addition, a superhero appeared in the city and Phoebe got to meet her in person...
After the events in Summerville Phoebe, her family and friends moved to New York to continue the Ghostbusters' legacy there. Everything was going pretty well, at least for Ghostbusters, while New York City's Mayor Walter Peck, the Ghostbusters' bitter enemy to put it mildly, was not happy about it. Time passed and Peck, fortunately, could do nothing, but wait, until they made a mistake. And they did. It's been 3 years since. They had a fierce chase through the streets of New York after another ghost and the damage caused during it finally gave Peck the opportunity to cause them real troubles.
“Are you seriously going to listen to this old man?!” Phoebe said angrily, as she and her family just left the building. “Phoebe, we're not gonna talk about it. You're benched, the matter's closed” her mother sighed and opened the car's door. “No, listen, I-” before she could finish, Phoebe was cut short.
“Wow, wow, guys, let's talk about something else, alright? Maybe we could buy some ice-cream, unwind a bit...” They both looked at Gary, but suddenly heard Trevor shouting “Look! Spider-Woman!” Others tracked, where his finger was pointing, as they watched her quickly swaying on the web in an unknown direction.
Y/N Y/L, also known as Spider-Woman. She was a quite ordinary Brooklyn teenager, until two years ago she got bitten by a radioactive spider. After that, she received superpowers and promised herself to protect this city and its' citizens.
It's been a few hours since Phoebe got benched and she decided to clear her mind by playing some chess alone in the park.
After a while, she rearranged figures to start a game again. As soon as she made her first move, the opposite team's pawn made its' own. Phoebe watched it moving, then raised her hand slowly, waving silently and made another move. Minutes later, an anthropoid figure appeared in front of her. "Boo" they said quietly. “Oh...” Phoebe seemed to be rather confused, than scared. Spider-Woman was now sitting across from her. She lowered her gaze and thought for a second. “Was that scary?” Y/N spoke up first and raised an eyebrow under her mask. “No, I was just totally sure you're a ghost.” Phoebe shrugged her shoulders and nonchalantly made the move again, glancing at Spider-Woman now.
“Well, I'm not, but... I hope you still don't mind my company?” she asked with some hope in her voice. “No no, I don't” Y/N nodded and they continued to play in silence for a while.
“You know, some people actually call me Ghost-Spider, cause I like... Inspire fear in bad guys just by looking at me” Y/N said, gesturing at the same time like she was telling a scary story by the fire. Phoebe chuckled. “Says who? That big green goblin guy?” Y/N remembered about that day. “Hm... Can't really tell. I was busy being smacked onto the floor a few times.” They chuckled a bit. “I'd rather say a few dozens. It was all over the news” Y/N then replied “Well, I hope they got a good side of my face” They both slightly giggled. “I'm Phoebe, by the way” She reached out her hand. Y/N seemed to hesitate, but soon took Phoebe's hand and shook it a bit “I'm Y/N” They continued to play then.
After some time Phoebe spoke up “So... That invisible trick... Is this one of your superpowers or a modification of your suit?” Phoebe was glancing at Y/N curiously, then startled a bit. “If... That's okay to ask, you don't really have to answer...” Y/N looked at her now after making another move. She didn't expect this type of question, but soon enough gladly answered.
They were chatting for a while, still playing chess, right until the voice from the walkie-talkie rang out from the backpack nearby. They both didn't expect it, as a male voice announced, that an armed robbery was taking place. Y/N took the walkie-talkie out of the backpack and turned it off. “Oh, I gotta go... Thanks for playing and it was nice to meet you” Y/N said a bit awkwardly and waited for Phoebe's response. “Yeah, me too...” she then hesitated a bit, but added “Maybe, we could repeat? Tomorrow, for example?” she said, while fidgeting with her fingers. “Yeah, sure! Around the same time, deal?” Phoebe just nodded and soon enough watched Spider-Woman swaying away again, thinking through the whole situation.
P.S: Well, that's it so far, tell me what do you think! Love y'all😛
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*coughs* Pants in kakegurui au with reader as a (personal) housepet
Let's say the only reason Pantalone is holding back himself is because you were his benefactor when he first arrived to the academy, losing to him on purpose so that he could pick some cash up for himself everytime it's fund collection time. Everyone knows this isn't some special treatment for him since you do it for everyone who's lacking in funds (for the student council's fund collection) but Pantalone on the other hand is like, *lol*(classic template, I'm sure yk what he does alr)
And pants being the sly bastard he is, uses the cash he won from you to gamble with others, slowly *leveling up* till he becomes the student council treasurer now.
Oh how he wishes he can just talk with you like the other students do but he's just so shy *lol more to insecure but it's ur call here* so when he heard the news you lost in a big game because you've been tricked by one of the students you tried to save, it's show time for Pants *lol*
He acts hella fast too, he won't give you the time to recover from your debts so boom, fund collection time, you are screwed big time.
now you are inevitably a housepet and Pants didn't waste time in trying to be your saviour *lol*, oh you should have noticed how he's the one who has been pulling strings behind your back. You are in fact, not a bad gambler so he ensures that no one will play with you. (The rest is your call)
But one scene I'd love to see (if possible) is probably Pantalone taking you in as his personal housepet (maybe reader lost their sanity by pants' sweet words and the fake security he gives reader) , while your status remains a housepet, the collar and leash on you definitely warns people to not toy with you unless they want to *lol* become one.
Classic and simple but hey, maybe you know a way to add spices :3 (tia *rolls*)
Silent Night
Original title: “Lord of the Night”, " Mine, Mine, Mine! “
Kakeguri Au
Yandere! Shy(?), soft (?) Gambler!Pantalone x house pet! Reader
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(Songs listened to while writting: Stalker’s tango by autohearts, Something no everything is wrong by Madoka, whims of fate persona5, Elite four pokemon gen 5)
“Assuming both of them are teens, and mentions of alcohol and abuse of substance is present. But either way, Yandere isn’t a first choice for a healthy romance, not that I am judging by the way. Even if this reached 6,600 words, this work somehow feels so cheap in a way.”
- P of Li’mu
" Even if you have stayed true, the path one will take is ever treacherous and more despicable. Everyone has their own shadow to deal. And every Wiseman is a fool. “ - Scribe, The overseer of Li’mu.
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“Where is she? It has been at least an hour!" Walking over to the young student who was supposed to be the overseer of the appointed match, they had just received the notification from their cell phone.
Your seventeenth attempt to grasp upon the reigns that taunted you so by the coined cruelty of your own carelessness.
“Where, is, she?" Repeating your statement like a revenant hungry for flesh, wanting the answer in your mind to be vanquished.
The word irked you further once you heard the nickname they associate with you. “Bonny, she backed–” the reasoning is more than enough to be furious, clenched fists pushed the ill-fortunate student away.
You then proceed to storm out of the common room, seeing Pantalone chatting with a student who had a yellow armband.
Hearing a hint of their conversation, “tell that jester, the appointment—” Hushing themselves once they noticed you.
" Ah, senpai, how was it?" His veracious ghost of a smile made present upon facing you. Waving a dismissive gesture at the schoolmate away, in which did so.
“ Fie. " Words came out more like a roaring sizzle of a fire, indication of another failed attempt.
“ Let’s get you home Senpai, I have some new clothes for you to try on. “ Without fear, he showed the paper bags that have the high end named brands.
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At home, walking out of the curtains of the walk-in closet is you, grumbling. Even though it is your own abode, you are not sure how to feel about it now that the Regrator is a frequenter in your comfort zone.
" Are you comfortable with that? " Pantalone asks, shuffling the deck of cards in his hands seamlessly wedging the cards between the others. Eyes closed as he faced you, you who wears the gaudy pink punk-like aesthetic ensemble. All you need is bubble gum to complete the look of a rebellious teen.
“ I would not say uncomfortable but, " You sighed, putting on the fingerless leather gloves and flexing your hand. “ Still, wearing something like this, is borderline of the school’s dress code. ” You raised your concerns, the choice of style is seemingly at random. He knew you prefer a more lovely coloured hue hence he got the one you might ‘endure’ the most.
It's fishnet like hosiery, black leather boots. Dreamy coloured lower article, matching sleeveless top, loose jacket. You look far from being who you were before this whole mess. Especially that black lacy necklace you wear, adding a tiny cute bell to it. The purpose of it? He says it is the latest trend, not that you care about it.
Pantalone frowned a bit, and put away the deck of cards, " Sorry, but I have to atleast make you wear something like this. You know how they act if they know you aren't being treated like a 'housepet'." True, with all the false information circulating, you were sure Pantalone wouldn’t come out of his room for a while. Much like when news spread when your ownership fell to him.
You then sat down on the plush bed of yours, crossing your legs and arms facing him. Is there anything in this room that is not ‘gifted’ by him? The decor, the bedding, clothing—
Pantalone called out, suddenly, "You look so," The bespeckled young teen smiled shyly. “ Stunning in that." He continued his words, especially with how ‘tall and intimidating’ you were compared to him in those high boots.
“Pantalone, please," Another sigh escaped your lips as you looked at the pile of gifts you received from him. It doesn’t feel like a gift for some odd reason. But all of these were the things you found interesting and loved, like that latest game you wanted, or that stuff toy you were eying, even clothes for you to wear whenever he brings you to meetings or indulgent parties he was invited to. Perhaps he doesn’t want you to miss out on things he has?
Pushing up his eyeglasses that reflected a fragment of yourself on it. "You don't have to worry about that, you can repay me back, once you found an opponent that could spell out freedom." His signature thinly veiled smile that seems relaxed in your presence.
Adding to that he replied with, "You'll find them, because I trust that brain of yours to think up a plan." Him being the treasurer does give him some perks of possibly scraping a few zeroes into his name. But you knew he wouldn’t stoop to such a low blow, especially that he prefers a more ‘sophisticated’ approach.
You were about to ask him of that strange person earlier, though. Quickly silencing that trivial thought. It was not your place to question what a person entails, no matter how strange and unfamiliar they are.
“It is not easy to scout out opponents,” Given how much you were willing to bet. A meagre brooch that passed down to you as an heirloom is considered a mere child’s decoration to them. But to pawn it, and pay the compounded interest is not ideal.
“I would have thought others would think I would be easy prey to battle considering my connection to you. ” Another concerning thing is that he was recently promoted into the newly established circle called; ‘The Court’ as the ‘King of Coins’. With that kind of title, it would have garnered much attention to you as a chance of mooching off of him. But the juxtaposition of your initial plan, it might as well crumble to dust.
Eyes closed, as you tapped your finger against our arm, "Don't worry, you can just depend on me for now.” Pantalone gestures over to the basket woven object next to the bags of designer clothing,
" Come on now, I got some sandwiches and snacks. I even got a reserve space for us at Jovino’s.” It was almost like you could imagine him wagging his tail, if he has one that is. Opening your eyes just to face away from him with an aspirated expression.
“Pantalone, I appreciate that you would at least take this a tad seriously.” Voicing another concern of yours to him, it is not like a housepet to have a say against their owner. That is at least one thing that sets you apart from them, you are merely ill-stricken with fortune.
That seemed to make him frown, "What's so wrong in having a break once in a while, senpai?" He pouted, it is just so frustrating to see the cul-de-sac of your labour. “You do not have to push yourself," the Rex of earthly desires huffed, crossing his arms. Though, seemingly to understand your point.
Your last opponent, Miss Patisilinia, one of the somewhat richer students yet within your reach of having a higher chance for freedom, had stood you up at the last moment. Like the others who you challenged fell and failed to obtain the winds' breath. Choices thawing thinner and inconceivable each time you try. Treasured assets on hand were resorted to liquefying, thus transferring to the Regrator whenever you lost and he won it back for you. Sitting down on the bed, its plush memory foam sank from the weight.
You can't keep this up, especially the dripping pile of hallowed promises being shouldered by him. ‘Are you even productive enough that another person will have to sweep you off your feet?!’
"How long will this string of mishaps continue?" Pulling on your hair and throwing yourself back on the bed, you’re at wits end. This never ending cess pool game ping-pong of unpaid debt and loans are the heaviest burden of any gambler.
The investor of the hundreds if not dozens of assets under his keen watch tried to comfort you, “ Senpai, please–" Face softened, coming closer and leaning down on the bed next to you to place his gloved hand on your shoulder.
How vexing! To think he claimed himself as your Kohai…
Brushing him off, gently. Turning your back on him while still laying on the bed, mumbling in a low voice you said: "I, this is insufferable." Even though he hasn’t done anything to harm nor force you to do stuff for him, it is kind of him, compared to what others could force such repulsive commands they’ll give you. He does bring you along to his trips, meals, and seemingly keen on listening to your financial advice.
"You could find someone, you just haven't met them yet," Pantalone leaned his head on your side. “Wait a little longer okay, they’re just provoking you to lose your temper.” While that is true, you don’t have anything worthwhile anymore by that time comes.
Much like the previous school vice-president; Oscar, once a wealthy man now turned into a tumbling jester upon loss to one of the Court.
Your throat feels like someone is suffocating you.“How much do I owe you?” one-hundred and eighty-five school days since you were in liability. Those insulting names they called you; ‘Bonny this, Bonny that.’ You were not some sycophant to Pantalone.
Pantalone hesitates as he dictates the amount you lost and he gained. “Do you want me to put it in the journal for you?” You were never fond of putting things on paper. Though certainly grateful that he did not place a compounded interest rate on it nor ask anything much more.
Not even facing him and letting him lay on your side still, “No, no need.” Before you were turned into a house pet, he was a considerably casual gambler, in your eyes at least. Always hanging from the sidelines after you had taught him the ways of the school. Despite his accumulated ranks, he had much rather spend his time with you.
Always so aware of this growing affections, politely declining of his yearning grandiose amore so he would find another that would suit him.
“What am I going to do with you?” The bespeckled, inky haired lad sighed, sitting up from the bed knowing he might not be able to convince you to go on a picnic with him. Not in this state at least. “We really need to loosen you up a bit…” Adding that statement.
With a clenched fist that scrunched up the bedding, “I do not need rest, what I need are answers to solutions. I cannot just be idle,” Dismissive of his idea of being so still, being on standby only feasts upon the Damocles that hangs over you.
Muttering as well as honoring you, “Senpai.” Lazy eyes that stared back at him, realising the singed contemplation of his words.
“ My apologies, I was just–” you say, trying to retract your sentence.
His gloves hand gave pause. " It is understandable considering your position, but please, as for who I am now, I am responsible for your well being. So, please, just this once: humour me. " He pleaded, with softened stillness. Even with his plea, you know your answer to him out of contrite.
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Lights erratically move, distasteful music thrums through the speakers of the dance room floor. Laughter of haughty, grim socialites made clear. This is not your forte; Abuse of substance, intimate comfort and loose tongue of conflict, it all reign supreme in the Jester’s playground.
Thanks to Pantalone for the early reservations, still wearing a similar attire from last week now lay resting behind the trinket curtains that poorly give privacy, one cascade down on one side. Sitting on the semi-circle couch with a table in the middle, across from you is a briefcase of his.
Then entered the beast that swaggered “ Are you having fun, Senpai? " Smiled Pantalone, holding a bottle of champagne in his hand and pouring himself a glass that uncomfortably sits at the edge of the rim.
Holding in your tongue that you clearly do not want it to spill over. Hesitant hands held the thin stem of the glass before your resenting gaze peered at the sparkling money that flowed into the clear oubliette, a reflection returned even the most boldest gaze.
Only the booming silence between you in this false box of seclusion remained evident, it is concerning to know that the annual after finals party that promises darkness for depraved emotions. Blaring lights of multi-colored dangers and intangible noises that pass in and out to the other ear. The bottle of champagne was then placed at the table in front of you.
“ Senpai, you do not need to be so, uptight." His posture mimics one of yours, before carefully taking your own glass by the rim from you to grab your attention to him.
“ I have no words, but reserved for any actual opponent. “ And stayed silent you did. Stewing with self-made rejection and tears to brood about your own misery.
The ever artful smile on his face is still, strobing light of pristine dread hit his face. He then hums and gives the gold coloured champagne back to you.
“Since the night is still so young, how about we entertain your idea of freedom?" Standing over you as he raised his glass.
There it is, that uneasiness that settles in your gut. Switching from alert thoughts to another.
Staring at the flute wine that he proposed the prospect of your world cage to be open.
“Look around you, Senpai. Everyone is having fun except you. “ his own cup that greedily has his ooze rest almost readily to the top, only taking careless, shy sips of it. Controlled hands that move so freely, making gestures to the people of the dance floor, not caring for the singular drop of extravagant affluence on to the ground from his prize.
“ I will allow you to let loose, just this once." Pushing up the lenses to properly rest on the bridge of his nose.
“Have some fun,” he pulled out from the suitcase of what seemed to be a stack of 1000 yen similar to a smooth brick and tossed it onto the low table in front of you.
“A gift from me, to help you get started." He hesitated for a brief moment, trying to find the right word to not put a blow on what little dignity you have left.
“Why?” What you gave is an incomplete and incorrect phrase, my dear, it should be—.
“Because: as your Kohai, companion, and fellow schoolmate. It is not wrong to find a supporting pillar of strength for a time.” He replied with confidence, swirling the almost overflowing champagne in his hand that it was held so absent-minded-ly that’s been tainted.
But before you could muster up the strength to phrase your concerns, he raised his free hand. “I am well aware that you do not take charity lightly, which is why I propose we play a game; once that you have found yourself in a predicament,” He then raised his transparent glass to you, your face seemed to blend with the ever bubbly liquid.
" I shall step in, now knowing this gambling world has too many variations for one such as yourself.” He spoke as if he already knew the outcome and already decided your fate in a mere glance—.
‘But this could be our only chance.’ Muttered Es, a lone quiet voice of your own mind that rivaled your own Ego Rex. Yet the darkness that slither up to your eyes of a shadow that mirrored you.
‘Take it and be permanent in a state, or never take it and be forever mournful?’ You and I knew what must be done.
Without a word, you hastily took the dough that was presented to you. Its grainy texture of bills felt like it was meant to be savored, every sliver of it.
“ Very good, now, if you excuse me.” He then makes a toast before swiftly and voraciously gulping it in one go of the liquid gold in his hand followed by a server in muted colors collecting the empty container from him.
“ I shall leave you to your hunt; enjoy the night, Senpai.” The ravenous bespeckled young man bid you farewell for now with a shy look on his closed eyed smile before waving and leaving with the briefcase in hand.
Instead of just waiting for some sod to take the initiative, to think you’d be your own worst enemy; the worst kind of parasite, an opportunist.
“Three of a kind!"
How quickly the tables have turned. Earlier you were so desperate for a breath of relief. Underhand tactics are below you, even if it does give leverage. The Ego Rex does not approve of it.
Gasping, you are running out of time, four hundred quib and it still isn’t enough to ensure your freedom that drown out by the singer from the speaker; ‘Keep your focus’
Cheating hands that tried to play you into their game, it was clear you were not here to entertain the folly they wanted.
“Pay up!" Yelling out against the voices of the masses that cooped in this dreary game edifice, Simply esurient!
‘Win it’
Coughing out the smoke that the people rolled in lavished mold, the scent is ever nauseous enough to choke on it. The giggles from the gaggle of salacious ladies cooed and comforted the loser from his loss.
‘Maybe lose it all.’
Another hour has passed as you look down at the total winnings you have. It was not enough to satiate the looming debt that chained you. Any slip ups are not allowed, once you do– well, let us hope we do not need to think of it much.
‘So we roll the die, see where it may fall’
From there you spotted a game of sic bo. Your mind tells you it is a simple game, but you knew better than to blindly leave it all to chance.
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Nearby are the whispers of wealth; ‘—Oh, to have dreams that are of grandeur!’ ‘ One such as thine should we the (?) feast upon the nines.’ ‘A little wait is all you need—’
Just as you were about to leave, taking a single step, a certain person caught your eye.
‘ — spin the wheel, see whom it may call.’
It was Patisilinia..!
“You!" Stomping towards her, pushing aside the other loitering faceless. She was playing a card game with three other students who wore a similar outfit as hers. Your hand placed on her shoulder and forced her to look at you.
You could see her clearly. Ruffled long black hair that covered one side of her face, and that unnerving eye that stared back at you. Even after the school day, she still wears the school uniform so boldly, the only difference is that she has a gold earring hanging on her earlobe.
No words came out from Patisilinia, instead a young man with long red hair stepped forward.
“ If it isn’t Little Bonny, savant of the Elite King of pentacles. Enjoying the night of ” A young flirtatious, slick red haired man winked. The wild right eye seemed to be glittering with lucre trained on you.
You recognized him in an instant, they were the former Elite C. A. R. D.s that was dissolved, Oscar: Ci-devant vice-president, The Duke of Diamonds. But why, out of all the people you could have run into.
“Leave her alone, brother. We have no ill qualms with her." The person on the other seat said, they look similar to Oscar but with shorter and fluffier hair. His eyes are obscured by a metal masque, with only a hint of gold piercing through the eye slit. His apparel mimics those of impeccable discipline and emotion numbing obligation, the Regent of Cups, Justin.
What are the two C. A. R. D.s doing here? Especially playing with Patisilinia, To mock you even more? Or was this a trap laid by—
The Trampled stud raised his hand, “Funny you should say that brother, but we have every right to pick a fight with her. “ Deft finger dragged on the wooden border of the table as he walked over to you. Aggressively swipe off the dust using his finger off the table before pinching it off his skin. Not breaking eye contact with you for even a moment.
“How about a game, Miss Secretary?” He replied with a shy sly smile aimed toward you, " a little tit for tat, if you know what I mean.” The same finger he used to drag on the table is now slowly caressing your cheek on the backside.
Now is not the time for theatrics, pushing the red head away from you and giving him a stern look.
“You are overstepping the boundaries, warlock." Crossing my arms over my chest, the hint of chime from my choker sounded.
“No need to be so abrasive, dear. You’re just in time for a little, reunion.” It was clear that he was not appreciative of you appearing but, that inane grin he has indicated his intentions.
The dealer then walked in with a brand new deck of cards, it was way more than the standard bicycle was used. No, this was way taller and foreboding.
“ Let’s play a game, just like old times, Sweet-ums.” Taunted the one who used to be your closest companion. Grabbing the deck of new cards that seem to be a perfect fit in his hand.
With a huff, brushing past him. “ I don’t have time for this, Oscar.” You then grabbed Patisilinia’s wrist to drag her, but was stopped when Oscar grabbed the girl’s other hand.
" Up-up-up! She stays, the contract states; she has to complete her obligations.” He wagged his free finger with such smugness.
“Bullshit" replied you, who knew you couldn’t do anything for her now. Just as helpless as you were to the whims of stringed strangers.
“ Read the terms and conditions, funny Bonny! " Oscar laughed. " Now, let go, former equerry. The boss has more than one query." A single tug on your fellow teen made you let go, you could see her staring back so longingly as he dragged her back to the gambling table.
‘Another one lured into the sweet promises of untold glimmer of joy, little servant.
They never change, neither did you.
“Release her, now, Duke." His steps were stopped once you made your move, humming in mild curiosity.
“Come back to your senses, did ya?"
Justin took a step forward, a small frown made present, " Savant, you do not have to humor my brother’s antics, it is all just a mere jest to him. Turn away and continue your hunt.” Yet despite that, perhaps that is why you decided to step up against them.
“Save it, Jush. Perhaps we could make a deal with the one who raised their sword.” The smile upon Oscar’s visage rises this familiar trepidation. Once fearful now the every fiber in you, yearns to gnaw at him using primal discomfort.
Just as you were about to pounce at the short red haired ‘Duke’. “ What is it that you desire, little Scintillating friend? '' Oscar suddenly asked, as if the world went dim, spotlights aimed, leading all eyes upon the sou of a soul!
Dry lips parted to speak,“ My freedom. ” You wanted to graduate from this hell hole, though you didn’t expect his next words.
“ You’ll have it then. “ He said nonchalantly, of course, you aren’t stupid. It reeks with foul intentions.
" What’s your plan, Oscar? " Your eyes then darted around from him to various spots around the room, even upon the dealer and on the poor student.
“ Can’t an old friend help another? “ Scoffing at his words, knowing he wouldn’t do it for no real reason, and friends are no exemption.
He then suddenly added, " Well, if you are that negative about me, how about this? ” Oscar then walked back toward the table and made a hand gesture. " Round one is on me, and round two: I’ll unshackle little itty bitty missy if you win. ” Pointing at the student who wears a bucket hat, she had not spoken since you entered the room.
The sickly looking girl in school attire, you always knew everyone in the school. And yet that student with the yellow arm band eludes your watchful eye.
Even though you have no obligation, and you were about to gamble with her earlier. Still you stood up for her, somehow. Perhaps, it was by fate that you wanted her to be bound to you, as you were to Pantalone? What maddening sadism came over to you?
Oscar gave the deck to the dealer with gentle ease." You do know how to play our favorite, right? " The red haired and vocal socialite asked, and you responded with a nod.
" Excellent! Let the stage, begin. ” Both players then drew a card from the darken dealer. Tired eyes beheld, three people holding their cups up in the air in celebration. I threw the card down on the table so they could see it as well.
From his side the Devil card of the major arcana was thrown, facing upside down. The chains that connected from its fist to the two sinful beings.
“ Lowest, go first. '' Oscar chuckled as the dealer collected the two cards quietly to begin the shuffle. Giving five cards to both of us.
The Lovers; A trump card! Queen of Swords, that could be of use as well later on a bid. Three of coins, ace of coins, and ten of coins. All three are useful to sacrifice until a good card comes up.
It was silent in the game room, the muffled sounds of the songstress could be heard ,
‘Give into temptation.’ As if!
The silent dealer spread a set of cards, revealing one of them.
“Call” You announced before pushing some chips and organized. Face turned unrelenting, tuning out most of the sounds and focused on the game and Oscar. But not before you have felt the eyes of a coyote staring down, watching your every move.
Fingers tapped against the table, as his own brother took his side beside Oscar just as always. “ How long will you last against me, or better yet, why didn’t you ask us for help? ” The ‘Duke’ asked.
The cards felt like they were moving too fast, the ticking of the clock sounded so loud even with all the chatter and debauched music playing. Skin touching the grooves of the linen card, as a set after the other were exchanged.
“ Was pride too much for you? ” he childishly tilted his head but then broke into a sly smile. “ Or was it— ” But you stopped him, if you weren't in a situation like this; a good wring of his neck would surely che—.
“ If you want to continue to gamble against me, I advise: you should keep that mouth of yours shut, Oscar. ” Silencing him, as you gave a side eye. Gripping the cards ever close to you.
“Pft, of course, of course,” He waved your words off.
It was a decent, fair, dead-honest trade. By the time you made your bid on the card the ‘first’ round had ended.
“Round two~” Oscar sighed, taking a sip of the sweating beverage next to him.
As the dealer gathered the cards once more, the short haired colleague spoke “ You were always the brave one. "
“ Perhaps that’s why so many leave mountains of love letters or do anything to be close to you.” He continues his words as he glances up at the card dealer who had their own austere expression, staring at the shuffling cards.
“Stop beating around the bush, you flaming-boy-band-cabaret.” You knew what he was going to do. All he speaks of is mere trickery.
“ You’re the center of everyone’s attention, why leave? “ You could see the green tint of his eyes scanning you up and down. Not a word was spoken as the line of fibery cards hit each other loudly.
Another five sets of cards unto the table in front of us.
‘You will win this…’
Empowering yourself with such flimsy words. As you recall your past victories, this gambling peer seems to be indulging your serious face.
Another somewhat alright hand that showed themselves, Justice, by the dealer. “ This feeling, I almost forgot these emotions… " Chuckled Oscar, twisted ecstasy displayed upon his face.
" Was it your heart, or is it just mine? “ What is he blubbering about? Is he trying to stall again?
Glancing back at your hand, reveals: Eight, nine, ten of swords, while the last two revealed to be seven of cups and king of swords…
No trump cards to play, seems like the king of swords is your only hope, if you played your cards right and bluff Oscar into folding, you could have a chance. ‘You could do this.’
‘Success so clearly in view, but is it merely a trick of the light?’
Someone with a soft voice spoke. Looking beside you is Patisilinia, her hand is placed upon your shoulder. “ You do not have to do this, it’s alright. There is no need to prove anything to anyone. “ ‘The end waits, for the slightest lapse of concentration, afterall.’
Instead of being grateful for her words, the walls seem to whisper conspiracy in your ears. ‘ prove what? Is she one of them? She was suspiciously quiet earlier, she must be. ’ Keyed eyes glance up and down on her appearance, she is equally fretful and wrung out like a drenched shirt.
“ Do not talk like that as if you knew me for a long time, Patisilinia.” Such coldness of your response made the one eyed girl back off.
“Sorry, you just look really stressed and… “ Leaning closer to whisper; " That card guy, can you tell me about him? “
Looking at the plain looking man that wears a golden bow tie, eyes shadowed by their ruffled black hair. Even the smile is so lovingly, yet so evidently sinister.
Thoughts of what this could mean have entered. ‘Who is he?’, ‘do those two have a connection with him?’, ‘is this a ploy?’
This stirring agitation raises more alarms. Gripping onto the luxurious playing card granted more signs of edged awareness.
" Why don’t we switch it up a little? “ With a sly lazy grin, he tossed a cheque on the gambling table, a cashout that weighs more than your debt.
" All, or nothing. “ He added.
You had no money to pay back should you lose. “Bastard, spill it, this is your attempt to save face, isn’t it?! “ Pointing an accusation at him, to which he calmly and teasingly replied; “I have no idea what you’re talking about darling."
‘Self-Preservation is paramount at all costs!’
Refusing to show even a hint of woe, you have failed to realize that there are more than the people in the room who are staring at you.
“ I won’t let the battle end your way, coward! “ You have no idea what is up his sleeves, though for sure it isn’t pleasant.
Hasty gaze placed upon the cards you’ve held. There is no point in integrity if the opponent has no respect!
‘in this decrepit tomb of refined fashion.’
With grit teeth, and rekindled blade. Despite of Ego Rex had said, securing the win is more important than being sorry and ended up with even more trouble.
‘Come on, let's just enjoy the spice// (Of) Life and feel so free//’
Vision slightly blurry for a moment as you heard the songstress’ words. Fueling you to push onward to a better possibility. Though, it is most probably why they prefer this kind of masquerade.
“ This Someone has not rusted yet. " The Dealer mused, as he began to shuffle the cards with ease.
With using every trick you have accumulated over your days as a normal student. It was going relatively well, until you noticed your points are slowly building up compared to Oscar.
“Hoho, surely this will be our very best bet.” Chuckled Oscar, though him speaking like that makes you feel on edge.
In a fit of illusioned madness, everything seems to blend and melt once Oscar prompts his arm on the table, revealing his conniving smile.
You should have known that being so wily and clever, deceiving and swindling never ever makes a person so clever. Was this, who you truly are? The scummiest of all gamblers.
“Save your dignity, little Bonny." Hearing the chair being scraped against the floor caused you to stand up and look at the hulking figure of the Captain that followed the wealthy student Regrator.
You tried to follow suit in an attempt at pulling the ‘bodyguard’ of Pantalone. “Capitano— wait!” you cried out, disregarding tugging on to his arm and silky clothes, " Don’t tell Pantalone! Please!" Tears escaping your eyes as it all happened so fast that you couldn’t process what just happened.
“My apologies, but he is already here." Eyes widen as you see Pantalone, opening his briefcase from the entrance of the room. In one swing, an unfathomable amount of paper bills began to shower everyone in raining crisp geld.
" I’m disappointed, Senpai. I told you if you were in a bind, I wouldn’t mind that I have to help you out. “ No, that’s not the look of a stymied person.
" Let us fully relax, and relish all of these! " His voice seems so primal yet refined, as if his inner demons were being satiated by the act he had committed. Followed up with a wave of his other hand to catch a wad of bills to fan himself.
“Capitano, please help me!" Backing away from the affluent stud and begging at the bodyguard to help.
He stayed silent, making the alarm in your mind blaring. Facing the three you were just with.
“Oscar! Justin! Pastilinia, Please! “ The more you tried to scream out the three would answer you the same. Attempts to move closer failed.
" What isn’t real, could never fade. I truly enjoyed your performances, Regrator, Captain, and of course you as well dear little Servant." The dealer smiled and waved so cheekily.
" Pastilinia! “ Screeching out, anxiety from the realistic danger turned aggressive. Dilated eyes focused on the one eyed girl before you heard a soft click.
" Huh… ? " Moving your gead slightly to see the ever twinkling face of the Regrator just over your shoulder. Not realizing he had let go of the fan money and briefcase to attach a leather leash that’s wrapped around his other fist.
“Dearest Senpai. You haven’t forgotten our promise do you?" Breaking away from his space.
" I can still win! I just need a little bit more time. “ he tugged on the leather to pull you back, making you gag and move closer to him. “Right, Pastilinia!?"
When you realized that your bargains no longer reach his ears, “ How could you?! “ Your aggressive tendencies became apparent as hands reaching out for the sickly girl and the rest that basically sold you out to lash out on.
“ I’m sorry but the Jester promises us happiness as well.” Pastilinia replied softly.
Justine scoffed, " a fistful of happiness more like."
“ SCREW YOU! " You roared as you tried to go over to the three but somehow Pantalone managed to get a good grip on the string to drag you away
“Now, now, we don’t threaten a stranger with a good time, Senpai." No matter how many times you hear him say that, it is always so unnerving.
On your knees and clawing at the carpeted floor, you would have held tightly onto if it weren’t for the money he spilled earlier to make it even more difficult. “ Please, have mercy Sire, Pantalone, Regrator.” Never in your life would you think of being seen this pathetic, infront of your old friends at least.
As a last ditch to hold on to, " MASTER!!!" You screamed that held so much vile emotions into the night. In hopes of making out of this treacherous cage alive.
He once dreamed in the dark for the most part, and now, it is your turn little pet.
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Bonus cutscene:
Pantalone truly did wanted to be the one to save the day, yet you did not have a say in what he trade away. He waited for this moment ever since his first day in this academy.
“That’s not how you do that." He chuckled as he moved over to you so he could aid you in putting the clothes on, well more like a jewelry thats running across your body like a sash it doesn’t even conceal anything. It felt cold to the touch, making you shiver.
Pantalone steps back to admire the model that wore nothing but gold jewelry on the bed.
Of course, you felt shame that you tried to cover your chest and hid your lower parts using the blanket. No matter what you did, all it does is add more tease for him to unwrap.
After a glance at the name wheel, he smiled before picking up wrapped candy and putting it in his mouth.
This bewilders you until he pressed his lips against yours, passing the hard peice of candy to you. It tasted chokingly sweet yet sour at the same time.
Tongues twirled and swirled around the hard candy, making loud wet squelches.
He moaned as he lean closer to enjoy it further until you were almost going to fall backwards on the bed if you haven’t clung to his clothes.
With one last push, he successfully laid you on the bed, making the gold on your body made satisfying clinks.
“Be a good girl, for master~" he tugged on the leash, rolling up into his fist.
Confused on what he wanted you to do, you only gave a whine. Though afraid if you pissed him off again.
" Down here, Sweet.”
He purred as he pull down his trousers revealing his shaft.
" It’s alright, take it slow.. be careful.” He guided you closer that his free hand is gripping your hair.
“Be… mindful.” He thrusted into your mouth, letting out soft grunts and moans.
The jingle of the gold pieces on your body sound whenever you and him made skin-on-skin contact.
“Af… after this… you.. you got .. puzzle… solve.. “ Bated breath, Pantalone reminded you of the tast he given you. Though it was an excuse to get behind you and do unspeakable things.
Hints of tears began to appear on your eyes as you felt his tip poking down your throat. You wanted to speak, but all you could do is suck on this one-eyed snake.
The night is only half eaten afterall.
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jksprincess10 · 6 months
Are we out of the woods 3. Camping
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Summary : Your father is a dangerous man who has a lot of enemies. One day, you’re taken from your home by force to go to a safe cabin in the woods to be protected from an unknown danger by three of his men: Ironhead, Pope and Catfish. You’re not really a nature enjoyer, but in your boredom, you discover a new love for nature. You also get to know the men working for your dad and interest sparks between you and the mysterious and silent Francisco.
CW: canon-like violence, explicit smut, reader is kind of a princess at first, talks of divorce, drugs & alcohol, talks of addiction, slight age gap (reader in her mid 20s, frankie in his late 30s), jealousy, tension, frankie is a mess.
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The cabin slowly gets suffocating. The lack of news from your dad just tells you that you’ll be here for a while. You can’t believe you have to ask to go outside, but you bite the bullet, and you do.
The air is fresh on your face and you already feel better. Except that there’s Frankie, Santi and Will. Always there. Always following.
“You know, dad wouldn’t have put me somewhere where I risk anything. Do you guys really have to follow me everywhere? Especially the three of you. Feels a bit overkill.” You say as you keep walking, appreciating the cracking sounds of the leaves under your boots-clad feet.
“Can’t we appreciate the nature too?” Santiago asks with a teasing smirk.
You shrug.
“And we wanted to show you a few tips and tricks to survive in the wild.” Will justifies.
“Why not.”
And they spend the next hour doing just that; showing you how to start a fire with little, how to filter water, how to hunt. Granted, you’re very bad at it - especially the latter ; you can’t even catch a squirrel. And the boys are having a field trip laughing at you.
“Bet you wouldn’t even survive a night out in a tent.” Frankie laughs with the boys, his body folded in half.
“Yeah, you think so, Fish?” You respond abruptly, cheeks heating up with shame and anger. “Then, I’m sleeping in a tent tonight.”
“Oh yeah?” He’s serious now, his dark brown irises fixated on you with a challenge. “Then I’m staying in a tent with you to make sure you don’t cheat.” He extends his hand to you, and you take it, feeling his rough palm in yours. You try to grip it as hard as you can.
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So, there you are, after that stupid idea, trying to make yourself useful as Frankie builds the tent. The moon is already high in the sky and your chosen plot of land is lit with oil lamps. The last mosquitoes of the season were attracted to the light, and you were thankful it distracted them from eating you through your thick clothes.
You try to get a fire started and it takes about 100 tries until you see sparks coming out. You do your best to keep the fire going, and your face is lit by flames when Frankie is done putting the tent together.
“See? I’m not so terrible.” You say proudly.
“Yeah, if we forget that it took forever.”
Frankie sits beside you, and you look at him from the side, admiring the glimmer of the flame through his beautiful dark eyes.
“So, you’ve never been camping?”
“Nope. I like my comfort.”
“I could have guessed.” Frankie smirks.
You close your fist and hit his shoulder, but your punch is mostly absorbed by his thick black coat. The man simply laughs, and it’s so luminous that you don’t ever want to see him frown.
“What did you do before working for my dad?”  You ask, your eyes stuck to the flames.
“Military. Served for a few years. That’s where I met the boys. I was a pilot.”
“The rest isn’t really fun.” He sighs. “What would you do for work if you didn’t have your dad around?”
“I always wanted to write. I write, yeah… But my dad doesn’t really want me to put my name out there. Guessing it has to do with his business.” You make quotation marks with your fingers to accentuate the last word.
“Your father is a good man. He cares about you.” Frankie gets lost in his thoughts for a few seconds, wondering if he was a good man himself. “What kind of stories do you write?”
Your cheeks heat up. You’d rather not talk about your silly smutty romance novels. “You probably can’t read. So, why would you want to know?”
“You’re right, I’m not the greatest reader.” Frankie chuckles.
“You said you were a dad.” You affirm to change the subject. “How old are you?”
“Closer to 40 than 30.” He responds mysteriously.
So, you were maybe… 10 years younger than him.
“Thought you were 50 because of your musical taste.”
He rolls his eyes. “C’mon, let’s snuff the fire and go to sleep. I’m tired.” He extinguishes the fire and crawls into the tent first. You look away from the shape of his ass accentuated by skinny jeans that belonged to the 2010s. You follow suit and zip the tent behind you. The space is small and two sleeping bags barely fit. At least you won’t be cold… You unzip your coat and set it aside before you lay in the sleeping bag. Frankie does the same. His eyes are fixated on the tent’s roof, like he can see the shape of the moon beyond the canvas.
“Do you have a daughter or a son?”
Frankie sighs, like the question physically pains him. “A little girl. Isabella. I can’t see her though.” The only proof of her existence is a small photo in his wallet.
“Do you always ask so many goddamn questions?” He sighs again, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“I’m sorry.” Your voice is extinguished like the fire. You close your eyes and try to go to sleep. You have to mentally block all the outside noise and remind yourself that you’re safe.  Your body is warm in the cocoon of your sleeping bag, and you snore lightly.
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Frankie can’t sleep. Of course, you asked about his daughter. He had to remind himself that he didn’t owe you an explanation or a glimpse of his life. But fuck, did he want to let you in. He turns to the side and look at your blissful face, he even laughs quietly at the small snores coming out of your mouth. Part of him wants to hold you; the part of him that still longed for human warmth and some kind of affection. Instead, he crosses his arms over his chest and closes his eyes.
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You wake up to the first rays of the sun poking through the fabric of the tent, eager to go back to your comfortable bed after winning that bet. When you try to move to wake Frankie up, you realize you’re stuck. Strong arms were circling your waist, and you could feel the man’s warm breath on the back of your neck. You move slightly, even though you want to stay there. But Frankie kept pushing you away every time you tried to get closer to him, so surely, he didn’t really want to cuddle.
You escape his strong grasp and turn around to shake him.
“Frankie, come on, I won. Let’s go back inside.”
His eyes flutter open, and he groans at the sudden light of the day. He pulls the sleeping bag over his face.
“Great. Let me sleep.” He grumbles.
“Fine, let’s agree on a prize later.”
You crawl out of the tent, even though you want to stay in the cozy warmth of the tent.
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
notes: inspired by bestie Kaylin’s ( @starsandhughes ) penalty box series, i’m starting a new insta edit series!
summary: y/n is the NJ Devils social media manager but she also loves posting on her personal account after every game!
notes: this was supposed to be posted last night but tumblr hates me and wasn’t letting me post. so for the sake of the timeline, we’re pretending it was posted last night.
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liked by njdevils, nicohischier, and 12,624 others
y/ndevils00 🚨🚨 BRATT TRICK ALERT 🚨🚨
tonight my very best friend on this team (sorry nico), the man, the myth, the brattman got his very first career hat trick and i couldn’t be prouder!! i mean, look at that smiley face! so very well deserved!
on the other hand, maraschino cherry got a penalty tonight for high sticking. never fret, i reprimanded him and he’s assured me that he will never ever ever do it again because that’s bad boy behavior!
see also: hershey kiss looking very smug after his goal; rowdy looking dashing during warmups (he definitely didn’t pay me to say this); and nolan getting his well deserved praise from the other ones™️
tagged jesperbratt, nicohischier, john.marino97, jackhughes, nolanfoote and njdevils
jesperbratt thank you y/n 😆
y/ndevils00 of course, my munchkin!
user3 the random jack picture in with the game pics💀 she’s feeding the rumors
nicohischier HE’S your best friend? i’ll remember that next time i stop at chipotle before going to the arena
y/ndevils00 hey now! don’t bring the chipotle into this! if it’s any consolation you’re my favorite captain 🫶
nicohischier i’m the only captain?
y/ndevils00 and you do it so well
john.marino97 did you just call me a cherry?
john.marino97 also i want everyone to know that y/n’s version of reprimanding me was spraying me in the face with water
y/ndevils00 and it worked didn’t it? you went back out there and didn’t get any more penalties in the third period. i’ll make a great mother one day
john.marino97 dear god please don’t ever reproduce
jackhughes did you just imply that i paid you to compliment me? that’s such a lie!
y/ndevils00 the $5 burning a hole in my pocket says otherwise! thank you for contributing to y/n’s rent fund!
dougieham @/y/ndevils00 he makes you pay rent?
user73 who’s he?!
dawson1417 hughesy got a slide but i didn’t?!
y/ndevils00 i like him more than you <3
dawson1417 what if i paid you $20?
y/ndevils00 …so i was thinking of giving you your own post
njdevils our boys were FIRE tonight! 🔥
y/ndevils00 well- they were kinda sloppy in the first half
nicohischier did you just use the devils page to comment on your own post just so you could attack us?
y/ndevils00 @/nicohischier i would never do such a thing! where are these accusations coming from?!
919 notes · View notes
sorcerous-caress · 5 months
You've sucked me into the human kink, I have been bewitched <3 tmi but my new go to spank material is that I'm an adventuring party's precious lil cleric, especially in a group of butch warrior women. I offer full body ;) care and they reward me for my services with orgasms and protection.
With a stoic stone butch Half-Orc ranger serving as our leader, an older playful dwarven woman as our fighter, the party rogue is a surprisingly bashful tiefling, there's a mean hard dom drow lady who is our magical expert wizard, and a dragonborn Paladin of the same deity who can be especially protective.
After a very successful job we all rent a big room in a tavern and they all run a train on me..... okay I'll see myself out
Each time I try to write about cleric reader, i get flashbacks to playing squishy supports in moba games where the enemy runs a train on me under the turrent with my useless adc spamming "sup dif"
Maybe if our jungler wasn't busy sucking the mid off, then they'd have had a bit of time to disway the enemy jungler from blowing my guts. Idk what the top is doing honestly, they're in their own world half of the game. Who are they even fighting? The enemy top is right here under the turrent cucking my adc by wave stallling.
But anyway, cleric human let's go.
Imagine it was originally just you and one of them at the start. A new adventuring team, a half-orc ranger, and her precious human healer who tends to her every need and fawns over her every cut and scar.
The second you walked into that adventuring guild, you didn't even get to have a look around before this intimidation half-orc woman approched you. Her tusks were so big and sharp, het gaze sends chills down your spines and her biceps were easily the size of your head.
It was obvious you were a cleric from the way you dressed. The holy clothes, the innocent attire and the cute necklace with a symbol of your god on it. The spellbook you clutched to so adorably as if it will protect you from the dangers of the world outside.
The second she saw you enter, she knew the others here would be swarming you like flies. Everyone wants a healer but nobody wants to be the healer, everyone wants to be the hero of the story.
Not her tho, she never did this for the fame, glory, or gold. She truly was it in for the betterment of the world, no matter how much her own kind is viewed as evil and self serving, she did not care for what others think of her, she'll gladly crush their skulls with her bare hands.
So she tested you as she stood in front of you, not saying a word and watching your reaction closely. Will you run away from this scary half-orc with tears on your pretty cheeks and go hide behind the first human fighter you could spot?
But no. You didn't. Instead, you've only extended your hand to her with a friendly smile. Introducing yourself and asking for her own name. You also spoke normally, unlike how others, especially elves, tend to talk to her own kind with slow condcending words as if she was a brute who didn't understand basic language.
With her by your side, no one else dared to approach you in the guild hall. She walked you through the process of registering as an adventurer, making sure to explain everything you didn't understand and answer all of your questions. Clearly taking pride in showing off her intelligence as a high level ranger.
That's how the two of you met, and since that day she has been by your side. She was clever and knew how to win fights before they even started, a true warrior of the mind that could trick her enemies into walking straight into traps.
But even then, some fights she had to face head on and take the hits meant for you. She always made you her top priority to protect, even sometimes forsaking the mission for your own safety and carrying you away.
At night, the two of you sit around the fire. Her familiar companion cuddling into her side, with you in her arms as you doze off in the safety of her lap.
Then, eventually, someone else approaches the two of you in the guild after turning in a certain mission. A drow wizard with her expensive looking dress walking towards you with confidence.
Staring the two of you down, her confidence didn't falter even after meeting the half-orc eyes. But she did give a small smile towards you, reaching out and holding your chin in her fingers. Turning your face from side to side as she took in your features in great details.
Your half-orc companion got agitated at this strange woman thinking she had the right to just walk up to and touch you. Almost slapping her hand away, wasn't it for the drow pulling back her hand first.
Her next words, are her announcing the fact she is joining your party, human.
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