#done log
ghostofasecretary · 2 years
weird day. Monday. 12.5.22. yes.
stuff i did today!
- wore an outfit from the List Of Outfits That Would Be Cool i made yesterday
- lost phone. went on a stupid quest to get phone again and got rewarded with an outfit compliment and my phone. am v glad i have phone
- [work bs static noises]
- made list of possible gifts to get work gift exchange person
- got news of my grandma's dx. not great!
- cooked dinner and my dad and i enjoyed it
- on Saturday i told my stylist my part was in a different place than it actually is (fatal error) so to fix it a little i cut some of my hair with kitchen shears (a centimeter too short) but also did not cut enough of it (fix later)
- called friends and played cards and vibed, that was great
- bought new glasses because apparently i need new glasses every like 4-6 months now
- was too Exhausted to call other people or send the texts i was meaning to send (sorry frondos) (maybe i can fix one of these problems later)
- watched the new episode of Bleach! really enjoying TYBW so far even though i do not remember enjoying reading the manga that much
- hugged my parents
- watered my plants
that's a nice list of things. or, y'know, there are at least two terrible things on it but i mostly did stuff!
i'm in that, like, "everything is horrible because One Big Thing is horrible but also there are other awful things in the background too" spot where any small thing is devastating? like i almost cried about losing my phone this morning and i was SO mad about it and then about all the other bullshit. and then the news was just--haha ok. ok. well. gonna uhhh kneel with my head on my bed like a Victorian protagonist, i guess! feeling overwhelmed and lifeless!
i want the things in my life to stop being in my life. and to welcome other better things into my life. and to have a fucking break.
the current level of anxiety and bad shit is horrid but it's not going to immediately kill me or fuck up my work life. i want better things for myself than this, but my current goal is to make it to February, see if sticking around was worth it and if not screech a lot, and then either way jump shit to a hopefully better situation. and also i'll keep an eye out for nicer ships that i might be able to jump to for, like, January. i can make it till the holidays. i can make it through December.
oh jesus fuck i'm getting hives on my feet now??? rude
anyways. um. i can also quit at any time and take a holiday because of the lifestyle choices i'm making and the privileges i have, so that's an option to remember. it would not be easy or long-term smart but it is a real option if i need to snap. and maybe the more pressing of the two bullshit issues will resolve soon and i will be less stressed and have a little more time for living and soul-nourishing study and stuff like that. we'll see. did i mention today was weird? today was weird. but hey, i did it! go me
there isn't really a nice conclusion to this ramble i just need to get my thoughts down somewhere and public felt better than private for whatever reason, so, here you go
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2fort-neverends · 1 year
So I may have fucked up the raft building puzzle, but it's nothing that can't be solved by the ULTRA LOG!!!!!!
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Never doubt the ULTRA LOG
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theminecraftbee · 2 months
joe hills, just now: "It's a bit of a chaotic environment here. You know how in meetings there will be fifteen of us all talking over each other? It's that, except everyone has red bull and nerf guns."
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moonlightphos · 10 months
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Re-uploading some stuff from my old twitter. ✨
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horrorlesbion · 10 months
i know we're excited about the core 4 polycule but i still haven't digested archies homophobic uncle and kevins homophobic cop dad being an evil gay couple who pick up young, precariously living male sex workers together and get murdered by bettys gay fake brother for it
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yangjeongin · 6 months
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doradotcom · 2 years
people who say dantes inferno is fanfiction = people who blaze posts = people who pay for ao3 and have never donated to a gofundme = people who bend over backwards not to say the word lesbian = sarah z fans = twitter users = "fandom moms" = people that buy 700 million ugly books per month instead of just going to a library = people that say shit like "you dumb walnut" as an insult = people who have a hundred streaming service subscriptions instead of just pirating
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royalarchivist · 7 months
After completing the Nether minigame, a short video plays showing some of the last things the Eggs did before they disappeared.
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[Muted the irrelevant cross-talk because it was loud and distracting.]
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gentlespriting · 1 month
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consolidated all the upcoming assignments this morning...there's so much to do :')
submitted 1/4 of my assignments !! 🙌 🙌
hot pot for one (hdl soup packet that my mum bought) 🍲
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phantomrose96 · 10 months
Hello I've now played Pikmin 3 and I'm beside myself with how Nintendo keeps doing Olimar like this.
After Olimar pays off President's whole debt (and then some) in Pikmin 2 he is... back on PNF-404 in Pikmin 3. Immediately. Like immediately. Because the President lost all their money again and he's sent Olimar and Louie back to PNF-404 again exactly the same as happens to Olimar in Pikmin 2 and this time there is absolutely an undercurrent of violence in Olimar's vlogs and logs. He WANTS bad things to happen to his boss.
But he's too polite and too composed so he's just keeping his cortisol levels down with elaborate fantasies of class revolution, and the mental countdown of how many days until he can get the FUCK off this planet and get home to his family for real. He was ship-wrecked and left for dead for 30 days in Pikmin 1 and fought and bled and killed for his own survival to make it back to his planet only to then IMMEDIATELY be sent back by his shitty awful boss to the planet for another ~30 days in Pikmin 2 (he hasn't seen his family yet) and then IMMEDIATELY is sent back in Pikmin 3 and he wants to go home. He wants to go home. His daughter sends him a message asking if he even lives with them anymore. I'm fucking beside myself.
THIS would all be... okay, at least, if Olimar actually got to go home. But No The Fuck He Doesn't. Because at the end of his mission he's kidnapped by concentrated pikmin nightmare fuel in the form of the game's final boss. Some non-corporeal omnipresent monstrosity which has kidnapped Olimar as a keepsake. A pet. A toy? Which allows Olimar just the chance to attempt an escape day after day before snatching him back and dragging him back to his eternal jail cell. The man who was just about to go home and finally see his family after 3 games.
You find his logs and he's just losing his mind, slowly. He knows he's never escaping. He's losing his will to try. He has nightmares of the pikmin turning on him. Louie's not coming back for him and the President isn't coming back for him.
Pikmin 1 is horror as Olimar is stranded alone with no one but himself to save him. His life support is damaged and he has only 30 days to repair his ship to get home, lest he die in the poisonous atmosphere of this planet. And it's horrifying but at least. At least. He had his own power to save himself. He makes progress steadily over the month. He has reason to keep his hope alive.
Pikmin 3 robs him of that. There is nothing under his own power he can do to escape the Plasm Wraith. His pikmin have all been killed. He's in an unwinnable Saw trap. And this time his life support system isn't damaged. It's the only thing worse than damaged - it's completely functional.
Given that, playing as the Koppaite trio, there is no time limit to save Olimar, I can only conclude Olimar's suit is fully functional this time. He has no food, no water, no chance to ever change out of his suit, but it keeps him alive. He's the Plasm Wraith's prisoner for as long as that suit will keep him alive. Indefinitely, maybe. Unless he could work up the nerve to remove his helmet himself and just end it...
But he doesn't. Day after day he tries to escape until he doesn't have the strength anymore. His suit forces him to sleep more and more, against his will, as a life preservation method. So he's forced to fade in and out of consciousness as this thing's prisoner. And this is forever. Until he dies.
The Koppaite trio rescuing him is pure coincidence. They were on PNF-404 for reasons completely divorced from Olimar. They should never have cared who he was or where he was. Olimar just happened to come across their warp drive key when they crashed, and he picked it up, right before the Plasm Wraith took him. They find him for the warp drive key. The Koppaite trio weren't supposed to save Olimar. No one was supposed to save Olimar.
And how. Awful. Because this time people KNOW Olimar is on PNF-404. President is back home on Hocotate and knows he's lost contact with Louie and Olimar. He could send help but he doesn't. He could COME to help but he doesn't. Olimar isn't waywardly alone this time. He's abandoned. And abandoned by the man who forced him into this danger.
And depending how well you play, and how many fruits you get as the Koppaite trio, a normal run is probably 20-30 days for them BEFORE you rescue Olimar. He was taken soon after they landed. So a month. Another month. Of Olimar stranded on this planet. Worse than ever before, as he's nothing but the mouse being played with by this world's cruelest cat. He hasn't been allowed to take off his space suit for a month... After ~30 days of Pikmin 1 and ~30 of Pikmin 2 and now ~30 of Pikmin 3. His daugher thinks he doesn't live with them anymore...
And then... okay and then... the Koppaite trio rescue him... They offer to bring him home. And Olimar's beside himself because he never thought he was getting off this planet. Someone's shown kindness to him for the first time in 3 games and it takes him by absolute surprise.
He and Louie get home.
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aiflvr · 4 months
pov the fic is so off character and cringe I have to take a moment
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switchcase · 6 months
We really need to stop this increase in people making assumptions about disabled peoples' access to care and their finances. Yes, especially if you are also disabled and saying this.
You don't know them. You cannot Decide that they must be wealthy or privileged or have never had poor medical experiences for having mobility aids or having had certain medical procedures or currently being treated or having diagnoses.
You just sound ignorant when you say stuff like "you clearly don't know what not having access to medical care is like" and prattling off a bunch of first world medical experiences to someone that not only has experienced every single one of those things already but grew up in the global south. Sorry you had those experiences but it doesn't mean you can tell other people what their experiences are or must be.
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fazedlight · 7 months
💗 7 years of supercorp fics 💗
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It's been a little over 7 years since Lena came into Kara's life. This immediately prompted the first supercorp fic and has led to tens of thousands more. Despite the show ending two years ago, supercorp has had some massive staying power (look at that trendline!) and become the biggest F/F ship on AO3.
Something tells me we're going to be creating for a good long time 💪(Including me. If you'd like, read my supercorptober ficlet-turned-oneshot, Echoes of the Forest!)
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aesthetic-gem · 6 months
i still feel bad for richarlyson bc that kid was trying to keep any semblance of control over the situation regarding his dad forever. desperately telling his tios and tias to stay away, to let him deal with it and just keep themselves safe. he only wanted them to stay out of harms way. especially with his tio bad. he knew how much q!bad would be willing to put himself in the way if it meant helping q!forever. so when he saw q!bad locked away in that jail cell, it was so sad watching him beg his tio for an answer as to what he did to end up like this. insisting on knowing if he did something for his “dad” to have hurt his brother and locked up his tio. but that’s the thing. q!bad had done nothing that day. he was simply farming and waiting for dapper when he saw his kid get downed. he was simply looking for his kid when @v@ called him to talk. he simply walked himself into that jail cell if it meant it kept dapper alive. he never went to search for forever or try pull a plan on him or even try to talk to him. richas was convinced his tio had done something to end up in this position he’s in bc otherwise he’d have to acknowledge that his dad really is gone and whatever is replacing him is willing to hurt him and his siblings. “I TOLD YOU NOT TO TRY TO HELP” “Tio did you truly not try anything? Did you try to pry?” only to be met with the answer being basically ‘no. nothing. at least not yet. he just took dapper’. that must’ve hurt :(
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A Thank-You Letter to All Travelers
Dear Travelers,
During our adventures, we have created countless beautiful memories together. Thanks to everyone's support, Genshin Impact has been awarded the "PlayStation® PARTNER AWARDS 2023 GRAND AWARD."
As a token of our gratitude, we will be giving away a total of Primogems ×800 from December 2 – December 5! Thank you for accompanying us on this journey.
*How to Claim Rewards:
Primogems ×200 shall be given out to Travelers via in-game mail at 00:00 (Server Time) each day from December 2 – December 5.
These Primogems can be claimed at any time before the end of Version 4.2. All Travelers who have reached Adventure Rank 7 or above can claim a total of Primogems ×800 via in-game mail. The mail will expire after 30 days, so don't forget to claim the rewards in time.
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dumplingsjinson · 1 year
List of “so… this is how a situationship feels like, and it sucks” prompts 
“See… The thing is, if we ever “break up”, I’d be devastated. Not because we were ever together, but because I’d be wondering about the what ifs and could haves and the potential we could have had. I think that’s what would hurt the most: wondering if we could have been the best thing out there, and not being able to see that come into fruition.” 
“I mean, I’d rather be as we are than lose you entirely.” 
“You’re confusing the shit out of me! Like, do you like me, or do you not? Do you want me or what the fuck? What are we?” 
“You broke my heart, but we weren’t even fucking together in the first place, which makes this all the shittier. You played me, then moved on like you didn’t leave a mark turned scar on me.” 
“So like… Are we just going to dance around our feelings and act like we don’t want something more? Or is it just me who feels this way?”
“I feel like if you truly wanted to be with me then it wouldn’t be so hard for me to have you around me for even just a minute, you know?”
“Maybe you should end things with them? Before you get hurt.“ “Well, I know I’m probably going to get my heart broken at the end of this but I also like to suffer. Actually, to be honest, I’m already hurt, but thanks for worrying about me!”
“I get this rush when I talk to you. It’s a high I chase, and I know it’s unhealthy, but I can’t stop.”
“So apparently I don’t know how to respect myself, because I’m wanting someone who doesn’t want me back as much, if at all.” 
“Some stupid part of me believes one day this could become something more, so then I end up hurting myself because it’s apparently what I do best, because I know this isn’t going to become something more. I’m deluding myself.”
“I say I’m going to get over them when they stop responding for a while, but I damn well know I’d run back to them the moment they hit me up again.”
“I’ve long accepted the fact that we won’t ever move past this stage, but then you do shit like that and it gives me hope, and that fucking hurts.” 
“You want the security a relationship gives you, and everything else it has to offer, but you don’t want a relationship. Well, at least with me. What the hell? You don’t get to string me along like this, you fucking asshole.” 
“Well, I’m sick and tired of this shit. Either we become official or you lose me.” 
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