#doragon fly
nippongoto · 7 months
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crepes-suzette-373 · 9 days
Hey hey!!
So, previously I wrote up this theory about how there might be "actual dragon people" on the Red Line before the WG took over. My entire premise of the theory was how this 竜 and this 龍 refers to different types of dragons.
The One Piece official website actually have an article about 竜 and 龍:
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[Website link]
The TL;DR is that it's exactly as I said: 竜 is Western dragons, 龍 is Eastern dragons.
The caveat here is that in their explanation, 竜 is given the reading of "doragon", and the examples provided are the Punk Hazard dragons and Ryuuma's dragon from Monsters. Not the One Piece timeline version.
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(shown in the above panel, the Punk Hazard dragon is labelled as 竜 with the reading ドラゴン doragon)
My theory partly stems from the fact that I am highly suspicious about the instances where 竜 is given the reading "ryuu", such as Tenryuubito/Celestial Dragons and Ryuuma's "flying dragon" that he defeated in Wano.
This article doesn't really prove anything yet, really. It just kind of supports my point about there being a difference between the two "dragon" kanji, and there might be really something worth looking into about the Tenryuubito/Celestial Dragons' name.
I'm also starting to suspect Ryuuma has something to do with them specifically. Another analysis that I wrote details how weird it is that the Tenryuubito crest on Hancock is called a "hoof" and not a claw. This seems like an allusion to a Chinese mythological being called "Long Ma", dragon horse. In Japanese, "Long Ma" is read as Ryuuma.
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mhslovers2002 · 5 days
Ampoo (アンプー, Anpū)
Voiced by: Chiyako Shibahara (Japanese)
Borocca (ボロッカ, Borokka)
Voiced by: Junji Majima (Japanese)
Chaps (チャップス, Chappusu)
Voiced by: Hisayo Mochizuki (Japanese)
Docky (ドッキー, Dokkī)
Voiced by: Takeshi Kusao (Japanese)
Enton (エントン, Enton)
Voiced by: Tarusuke Shingaki (Japanese)
Fonton (フォントン, Fonton)
Voiced by: N/A
Genie (ジーニー, Jīnī)
Voiced by: Ryuuzou Ishino (Japanese)
Hikky (ヒッキー, Hikkī)
Voiced by: Hiromi Ohtsuda (Japanese)
Inky (インキー, Inkī)
Voiced by: Tomoe Hanba (Japanese)
Juno (ジュノ, Juno)
Voiced by: Ayumi Kida (Japanese)
Kabo (カボ, Kabo)
Voiced by: Tomoko Kawakami (Japanese)
Liddy (リディー, Ridī)
Voiced by: Tomoko Kawakami (Japanese)
Magnero (マグネロ, Magunero)
Voiced by: Setsuji Satoh (Japanese)
Noisy (ノイジー, Noijī)
Voiced by: Tomoe Hanba (Japanese)
Onpoo (オンプー, Onpū)
Voiced by: Sakiko Tamagawa (Japanese)
Piranin (ピラニン, Piranin)
Voiced by: Eriko Nakayama (Japanese)
Quicky (クイッキー, Kuikkī)
Voiced by: Takeshi Kusao (Japanese)
Rosso (ロッソ, Rosso)
Voiced by: Eriko Nakayama (Japanese)
Spimon (スピモン, Supimon)
Voiced by: Etsuko Kozakura (Japanese)
Tubee (チュービー, Chūbī)
Voiced by: Chiyako Shibahara (Japanese)
Usop (ウソップ, Usoppu)
Voiced by: Kōsuke Okano (Japanese)
Vincent (ビンセント, Binsento)
Voiced by: Kōsuke Okano (Japanese)
Watt (ワット, Watto)
Voiced by: Sakiko Tamagawa (Japanese)
Mr. X (ミスター X, Misutā X)
Voiced by: Ayumi Kida (Japanese)
Yumyum (ヤムヤム, Yamuyamu)
Voiced by: Ryusei Nakao (Japanese)
Zobie (ゾビー, Zobī)
Voiced by: Yūsuke Numata (Japanese)
Voiced by: N/A
Mr. Salaman (サラマン先生, Saraman-sensei)
Voiced by: Sukekiyo Kameyama (Japanese)
Mr. Tigerl (ティゲール先生, Tigēru-sensei)
Voiced by: Kenji Nomura (Japanese)
Ms. Peginand (ペギナンド先生, Peginando-sensei)
Voiced by: Hiroko Oohashi (Japanese)
Principal (校長先生, Kōchō sensei)
Voiced by: Tomomichi Nishimura (Japanese)
Eddy the Skeleton Dragon (ドラゴンの骨エディ, Doragon no hone edi)
Voiced by: Kenji Nomura (Japanese)
Johnny Crow (ジョニークロウ, Jonīkurou)
Voiced by: Kōsuke Okano (Japanese)
Lure the Fisherman (ルーア, Rūa)
Voiced by: Yūichi Nagashima (Japanese)
Book Deposit (返却機, Henkyaku-ki)
Voiced by: Kenji Nomura (Japanese)
Mr. Showtime (ミスターショータイム, Misutā shōtaimu)
Voiced by: Kenji Nomura (Japanese)
Old Owl Sage (フクロウじいさん, Fukurō jīsan)
Voiced by: Hiroshi Iwasaki (Japanese)
Screwsnail (ネジマキツムリ, Nejimakitsumuri)
Voiced by: N/A
Fountain of Sorrow (悲しみの泉, Kanashimi no izumi)
Voiced by: Yutaka Aoyama (Japanese)
Vending Machines
Voiced by: Cho, Sukekiyo Kameyama
Yurumaki (ユルマキ草, Yurumaki kusa)
Voiced by: N/A
Spy Fly/Leader Fly (リーダーバエ, Rīdābae)
Voiced by: Yūsuke Numata (Japanese)
Keshi (ケッシー, Kesshī)
Voiced by: Kōsuke Okano (Japanese)
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dm-zorc · 2 years
Tri-horned Dragon for 5e
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Tri-Horned Dragon
Huge Dragon, Unaligned
Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor) Hit Points 117 (18d12+0) Speed 50 ft., burrow 25 ft., climb 50 ft STR 28 (+9) / DEX 23 (+6) / CON 10 (+0) / INT 6 (-2) / CHA 9 (-1)
Saving Throws Strength +12, Dexterity +9 Damage Resistances lightning, thunder, poison, acid, fire Senses passive Perception 11, Darkvision 120 ft. Languages — (may understand Draconic, Undercommon but most cannot speak) Challenge Rating 8 (3900 XP) / Proficiency Bonus +3
Additional Creature Type. In addition to being a dragon this creature could also be classified as a monstrosity, or fiend depending on its origin.
Multiattack. The creature may make up to three attacks, two with its claws and one with its bite. Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (1d8 + 9) slashing damage. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (1d12 + 9) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8) lightning damage. If the target is a Large or smaller creature, it is grappled (escape DC 20). Until this grapple ends, this creature can bite only the grappled creature and has advantage on attack rolls to do so. Thunder Armor. The creature grants itself 42 (12d6) temporary hit points in the form of a thunderous aura. Thunder Burst. If this creature currently has temporary hit points it can use its action to choose a point with in 120ft. Each creature in a 20 ft cube in the center of that point must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes thunder damage equal to this creatures temporary hit points, or half as much damage on a successful one. This creature then loses all temporary hit points.
Environment. Grassland, Mountain, Underdark.
An unworthy dragon with three sharp horns sprouting from its head.
What does it mean to be an unworthy dragon? Perhaps it means to be one that is unable to fly, or perhaps it gotten its draconic heritage through ill-gotten gains.  Its believed that the Tri-horned Dragon has evolved from dinosaurs.
Most of the time in the wild, the Tri-Horned Dragon will have its Thunder Armor surrounding its body acting as an extra layer of defense against large predators. This creature can also use its armor offensively as a blast attack.
It is a stealth predator that toys with its victims before killing them.
Other Names
Trihorn Doragon, The Demonic Dragon with Three Horns
Magic Item
A DM may want to reward their players for slaying this monster with the ability to summon it.  A player proficient with Arcana and proficient with a set of tools such as Carpenter’s Tools, Cobbler’s Tools, Smith’s Tools, Tinker’s Tools, or Woodcarver’s Tools may be able to craft a few magic items from this demonic dragon. Uncommon. (DC 20)
Curse of the Tri-Horned Dragon Wonderous Item, uncommon This item takes the form of a horn (musical instrument) and it contains a mote of the deceased draconic energy. You use your action to blow into the horn and call forth the Tri-Horned Dragon. Choose an area within 90ft of you that can fit a huge creature (a 15 ft cube). The Tri-Horned Dragon appears in that location with 42 temporary hit points. The dragon disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or after one hour (you cannot dismiss the dragon early). The dragon takes its turn immediately after yours in initiative. On each of your turns you can use your either your action or bonus action to blow into horn to command the creature through loud song (if you do, you control the creature on its turn). If you do not blow on the horn during your turn, the dragon can become hostile against you if it chooses until you blow the horn again. Rare. (DC 25) Ring of Thunder Resistance, Armor of Thunder Resistance Very Rare: (DC 30) Staff of Thunder and Lightning
Author’s note: In Duelists of the Roses this monster can fire off a megawatts lightning beam of energy, it is very dinosaur like in appearance with many spikes along its body indicating that it is more of a defensive creature than an offensive one.  I decided to go with a more thunder theme with this creature than lightning, however if you wished to, you could give this creature an armor of agathys like ability that deals lightning damage instead of cold, and a 42 (12d6) lightning breath weapon that recharges (5-6) instead of using temp hp to fire. 
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doragonrayenart · 6 years
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Charizard :D
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perpetual-stories · 3 years
Different Types Of Dragons: Part One
hello, hello! welcome back to my page! so this post will be about dragons.
I was working on a fantasy short story and I recently finished it and I had different types of dragons included, so I figured I’d make a post about it.
1. Western Dragon:
are Dragons with four legs and a pair of wings for a total of six limbs.
The term Western Dragon comes from the Dragonology-series of books.
also a generic term for describing any and all European dragons in legends and folklore.
In Japan, all dragons from western myths are called doragon, while in eastern myths they are called ryū
most western dragons in fantasy look somewhat dinosaur-like.
were created as the embodiment of ancestral fears humans had for big cats, snakes, birds of prey and bats as they generally resemble some amalgam of these real animals.
western dragons often called True Dragons.
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2. Oriental Dragon:
Oriental dragons have serpentine bodies, four legs and no wings, and can fly.
They are said to be a composite of various other animals-the body of a snake, the antlers of a deer, the talons of an eagle, the soles of a tiger, the scales of a carp, and the eyes of a demon
They are found in folklore, mythology, and religion all throughout East Asia.
Oriental dragons were known to not terrorize people unlike the western dragon.
These dragons were said to been guardians.
They were also said to have been the protectors and controllers of both the Earth's elements and its weather.
they can have different amount of toes depending on their depiction.
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3. Dragonnet:
The Dragonnet is a small dragon.
They are just as vicious as their western counter parts.
They are quite rare.
Dragonnets have the same look as a classical western dragon.
It has the same scales, claws, and horns. It can fly and breathe fire.
The only difference between the two are the size.
Dragonnets are human-size or smaller.
Dragonnets live and hunt in packs.
A group of dragonnets can easily bring down a human victim, and have poisonous blood.
Most dragnets stay away from settled areas.
They live on high, cold mountaintops, where they survive by eating the babies of larger dragons.
Sometimes they sneak into a dragon's nest after killing one of its offspring. They act like babies to get free food and protection from the unsepecting parent.
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4. Wyvern:
is a dragon that most recognizably has two legs as opposed to four
are distinguished as smaller, more animalistic variants of the modern dragon that may or may not have a poisonous stinger at the end of their tail
they are typically weaker, smaller, and less intelligent in comparison to the modern dragon, overall having animalistic tendencies and serving as apex predators
They may or may not have a breath weapon
Additionally, a new classification of Wyvern, the pseudowyvern, which are wyverns that use their wings as forelegs
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5. Quetzalcoatl:
is a Mesoamerican deity whose name comes from the Nahuatl language and has the meaning of "feathered-serpent"
has no limbs only wings and feathers
in the Maya area he was known as Kukulcan or Ququmatz, names that also translate as "feathered serpent"
the worship of Quetzalcoatl sometimes included animal sacrifices, and in colonial traditions Quetzalcoatl was said to oppose human sacrifice
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There you have it folks! I couldn’t find all the different types of dragons in one post, so I’ll make a part two soon!
Feel free to like, comment and reblog if you find it interesting!
Reshare on Instagram and tag me perpetualstories
Follow me on tumblr and Instagram for more writing and grammar tips and more!
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legend-collection · 2 years
Japanese Dragon
Japanese dragons are diverse legendary creatures in Japanese mythology and folklore. Japanese dragon myths amalgamate native legends with imported stories about dragons from China, Korea and the Indian subcontinent. The style of the dragon was heavily influenced by the Chinese dragon. Like these other East Asian dragons, most Japanese ones are water deities associated with rainfall and bodies of water, and are typically depicted as large, wingless, serpentine creatures with clawed feet. The modern Japanese language has numerous "dragon" words, including indigenous Tatsu from Old Japanese ta-tu, Sino-Japanese ryū or ryō from Chinese lóng, nāga from Sanskrit, and doragon from English "dragon" (the latter being used almost exclusively to refer to the European dragon and derived fictional creatures).
The c. 680 AD Kojiki and the c. 720 AD Nihongi mytho-histories have the first Japanese textual references to dragons. "In the oldest annals the dragons are mentioned in various ways," explains de Visser, "but mostly as water-gods, serpent- or dragon-shaped."  The Kojiki and Nihongi mention several ancient dragons:
Yamata no Orochi "8-branched giant snake" was an 8-headed and 8-tailed dragon slain by the god of wind and sea Susanoo, who discovered the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi (legendary sword of the Imperial Regalia of Japan) in one of its tails.
Watatsumi "sea god" or Ryūjin "dragon god" was the ruler of seas and oceans, and described as a dragon capable of changing into human form. He lived in the undersea Ryūgū-jō "dragon palace castle", where he kept the magical tide jewels.
Toyotama-hime "Luminous Pearl Princess" was Ryūjin's daughter. She purportedly was an ancestress of Emperor Jimmu, Japan's legendary first emperor.
Wani was a sea monster that is translated as both "shark" and "crocodile". Kuma-wani "bear (i.e., giant or strong) shark/crocodile" are mentioned in two ancient legends. One says the sea god Kotoshiro-nushi-no-kami transformed into an "8-fathom kuma-wani" and fathered Toyotama-hime, the other says a kuma-wani piloted the ships of Emperor Chūai and his Empress Jingū.
Mizuchi or was a river dragon and water deity. The Nihongi records legendary Emperor Nintoku offering human sacrifices to mizuchi angered by his river engineering projects.
Raiju is Raijin's animal companion and messenger that commonly take form of a dragon.
Kiyohime "Purity Princess" was a teahouse waitress who fell in love with a young Buddhist priest. After he spurned her, she studied magic, transformed into a dragon, and killed him.
Nure-onna "Wet Woman" was a dragon with a woman's head and a snake's body. She was typically seen while washing her hair on a riverbank and would sometimes kill humans when angered.
Zennyo Ryūō "goodness-like dragon king" was a rain-god depicted either as a dragon with a snake on its head or as a human with a snake's tail.
In the fairy tale "My Lord Bag of Rice", the Ryūō "dragon king" of Lake Biwa asks the hero Tawara Tōda to kill a giant centipede.
Urashima Tarō rescued a turtle which took him to Ryūgū-jō and turned into the attractive daughter of the ocean god Ryūjin.
Known for its great longevity, this reptile mainly lives in aquatic environments, which explains why it is often portrayed in water through Japanese artworks.
According to the Japanese mythology, this creature has the supreme power to metamorphose, to lengthen its body or even to become invisible. It may also take on human appearance.
Although this creature can fly, this is not its main power as it is more of a snake than a bird. We are thus quite far from the stereotype of the European dragon, hovering in the air, with its gigantic wings, and spitting fire.
The Japanese dragon takes its origin in the legends of the genesis of universe. Shortly after the creation of heaven and earth, 7 generations of kami (Japanese gods) were born. The dragons would have appeared together with other creatures in order to protect them as the guardians of the celestial gods.
In Japanese mythology, it is said that they reign over the oceans and fight to defend the gods.
There are 5 types of dragons:
The celestial dragon, guardian of the kamis
The spiritual dragon, god of wind and rain
The land dragon, guardian of rivers and oceans
The treasure-defending dragon that guards over precious stones
The imperial dragon, symbol of the Chinese dynasty
Just like nature, of which it embodies the strength, power and unpredictability, this reptile may prove to be dangerous to the common man.
However, the dragon is, above all, a sign of good fortune and generally shows itself to be benevolent. In addition, it brings happiness, wealth  and success and symbolizes wisdom, perseverance and immortality in the Japanese people's mind.
In Japan, the dragon is implored to attract rain, which nourishes the land.
Ancient Legend of Yamata no Orochi:
Yamata no Orochi also nicknamed Orochi was an evil creature of eight tails and eight heads which roamed near the Hi River in the Izumo City. Each one of his heads represented natural elements such as water, earth, wind, fire, lightning, light, darkness and venom. This creature and its red eyes the color of blood, its long body that stretched over 8 hills and 8 mountains.  Cypresses and moss grew upon its back and rivers of blood flowed on its belly. According to the legend, this dragon used to devour a young girl once a year.
"One day, when the king of Izumo was about to offer his eighth and last daughter as a sacrifice, to calm the beast, Susanoo, god of storms, proposed a covenant: fight the dragon in exchange for the girl's hand.
In order to vanquish Orochi, Susanoo had to offer 8 barrels of sake. Yamata no Orochi drank until the very last drop before falling asleep.
At that moment, Susanoo threw himself on the monster to kill it by cutting one by one its 8 heads. While slaughtering his rival, Susanoo found a sacred sword called Kusanagi no Tsurugi inside the monster, a sword he later offered to his sister Amaterasu, goddess of the sun.”
The story of Watatsumi, Dragon king and God of the sea:
Watatsumi, also called Ryujin, is the dragon king and great god of the sea and oceans. This dragon is recognizable by his gigantic size and long moustache. As the master of the tides, Watatsumi governs all aquatic species. The generous king welcomes shipwrecked people in his magnificent underwater palace.
"One day, one of his beautiful daughters named Otohime met Hoori, a human being who was roaming the sea looking for his brother’s fishhook. After falling in love with each other, they decided to live together in Watatsumi Palace.
After several years, Hoori, who suffered from boredom, wanted to return to the land, but was afraid of his brother's reaction once he discovered that he hadn't found his fishhook. Caring, the king decided to summon the servants of his kingdom and ask them if they had seen the object he was looking for. By chance, a fish had just swallowed it.
Hoori then returned to his beloved land accompanied by his wife the dragon goddess."
According to the legend, their grandson became the first emperor of Japan. For this reason it is said that emperors are descendants of kamis.
The myth of Ryujin and the jellyfish:
There is another legend involving Ryujin, the god of the sea.
"While his daughter was suffering from an incurable disease, Ryujin asked the jellyfish to bring him a monkey liver. At that time the jellyfish still had bones and legs.
The jellyfish complied and went in search of the mammal. Once found the monkey, the monkey told the jellyfish that its liver had been stolen. The jellyfish returned empty-handed to its king.
Ryujin promptly realized that the monkey had been making fun of them and, in a state of anger, he flattened the jellyfish with his full weight."
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Pic by Ogata Gekko
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potatotrash0 · 3 years
Kwami Swap
Rating: Teen for like single swear from Hinata
Word Count: ~1600
Genre: Humor?? Like 10% vague fluff??
Hokori chuckled, “I admit it’s a stretch. With the Cat Miraculous, I have bad luck most of the time, but ladybugs are good luck, aren’t they?”
Tentō narrowed his eyes, but they didn’t have much to go on as of now...clicking his tongue, he relented. “Fine,” he sighed, “try it. But I’m telling you, the Lucky Charm doesn’t just give you whatever you want. You have to actually figure out what to do with it.”
Idk man I saw a Miraculous and Danganronpa crossover au and went completely feral and spat this out. Also yes inspired by @/moochisun
Also on AO3 under the same username!
I am. unoriginal. so I basically named Komaeda, dust in Japanese (hokori) and Hinata, ladybug (technically tentōchū but i went with tentō). shhh don’t question it
Tentō stumbled as he landed, catching himself against the alleyway’s wall with a small grunt. Beside him, Hokori swung in just as haphazardly, though he seemed to be having more fun with his temporary Miraculous.
“Okay,” Tentō breathed, slumping down and running a hand through his hair as his breathing slowed. “New idea, we actually make a plan before attacking.” Hokori nodded, “Yes, that would be wise.” He laughed as Tentō kicked a rock his way.
“Well, how about we use your—ah, my Lucky Charm?” Hokori slipped into a more serious tone, one of his hands reaching for his yo-yo. “Yeah, no,” Tentō said, shaking his head and kicking off the wall. “Normally, I would agree, but we’re lagging behind because of our Miraculous swap. We don’t have enough information to come up with a solid plan or bullshit one like we’ve done before.”
“I suppose that’s true for you, but...” Hokori trailed off and paused for a moment, seemingly contemplating something, before his expression steeled itself. “Before you arrived to help, I got close enough to see that one of the jewels on Doragon’s choker was purple. I think the akuma is in there, so if we can distract them long enough for one of us to smash the crown, I might be able to purify it.”
Tentō nodded, his brows furrowing as he thought it over. “Alright. But what do we use as a distraction?” “Maybe the Lucky Charm will give us something the akuma might want? We know it chases after shiny or expensive things,” Hokori suggested.
Tentō blinked before snorting. “Hokori, you know how random my Lucky Charm is. Even though that plan would work theoretically, there’s no telling what the Lucky Charm might give us.”
Hokori cocked his head, pursing his lips slightly. “I have pretty good luck, though, so it might work.” Tentō rolled his eyes, “Yeah, because leaving things up to chance has definitely helped us save Tokyo before!” He felt the ears on the top of his head twitch, his tail whipping at his ankles.
Hokori chuckled, “I admit it’s a stretch. With the Cat Miraculous, I have bad luck most of the time, but ladybugs are good luck, aren’t they?” Tentō narrowed his eyes, but they didn’t have much to go on as of now...clicking his tongue, he relented. “Fine,” he sighed, “try it. But I’m telling you, the Lucky Charm doesn’t just give you whatever you want. You have to actually figure out what to do with it.”
‘This is ridiculous,’ he thought to himself, staring at the alleyway wall ahead. /I’ve tried this kind of stuff before, there’s no way that the rules of the Miraculous will bend just for him.’
His gaze flickered to Hokori when his ears picked up a quiet gasp. His partner had a giddy grin on his face, grey eyes sparkling. Tentō raised a brow and took a step closer, leaning over the boy’s shoulder.
He then let out some weird, strangled noise he couldn’t name. “...what the fuck?” In Hokori’s hands was an ornate box, made of wood and lined with velvet. Inside was probably the biggest necklace he had ever seen, along with a set of equally obnoxious earrings and several bangle bracelets. “Is—is that diamond?!” Tentō snatched the box from his partner’s hands, suddenly feeling like he needed to have a discussion about favoritism with Tikki.
Hokori, the damn bastard, burst out laughing before he slapped a hand over his mouth, doubling over.
“I still can’t believe that worked,” Tentō huffed, leaning on his staff. Hokori giggled, eyes trained on the now-purified akuma lingering on his finger. “I didn’t expect it to work so well either, but I guess my luck pulled through again!”
A beeping came from the ring on his finger, one of the green paw prints flickering and fading to black. The akuma jumped up onto Hokori’s nose, its wings fluttering rapidly. “We should leave before we transform back,” Tentō said, waiting for his partner to bid goodbye to the butterfly. (He did his best not to smile too fondly when Hokori turned around after looking so sad to see it go.)
They parted ways near some bakery, Tentō opting to leap another block away before landing. He ducked around the corner, glancing around before deeming the coast clear. “Plagg, claws in.” The black kwami flew out from the ring with a little flourish, groaning dramatically and flopping into Hinata’s hands like some maiden fainting onto her lounge chair.
“Next time,” Plagg huffed, glaring up at him, “I better not have to do so much work just so you guys can transform.” Hinata scoffed, “You barely did anything.” “Excuse me? Going around Tokyo searching for my owner in a huge crowd is stressful! At this rate, my fur will start turning white.” “Yeah, right. You don’t even have fur! Besides, you can whine to Hokori about it, /I’m/ not your Miraculous holder.”
Hinata slipped off the ring and put it into the black box he had stored in his pocket. He handed it to Plagg, pointedly ignoring the cat’s complaints. “And tell him that his kwami is a pain in the ass for me,” Hinata called as Plagg flew off, snickering when yelled back indignantly, “Have some respect for your elders!”
Shortly after, Tikki flew into view, a wide smile on her face. “Hajime!” Hinata laughed as his kwami nuzzled against his cheek, holding her close for a moment. “Good to have you back, Tikki.” She settled into his shirt pocket like usual, handing him the earrings and taking the piece of chocolate he offered to her eagerly.
“By the way, the Miraculous’s powers are fixed, right?” He asked, putting on the earrings with only a little struggle. He made a mental note to ask Tsumiki or Mioda about his ears healing over. He felt Tikki nod, “Yes. Even if the Miraculous, transformations, and weapons change to fit the holder’s preferences, the fundamental abilities don’t change.” Hinata hummed, tongue flicking over his retainer idly before he replied. “So what’s up with Hokori getting exactly what he wanted from the Lucky Charm earlier?” “Hmm...” Tikki seemed to falter, nibbling at the chocolate as she thought. “According to Plagg, his holder tends to attract good and bad luck even without a Miraculous, so that might play into it.”
“So I was right to think it was pure bullshit.” “That’s...a crude way to put it, but you’re not entirely wrong. It is very abstract!”
Hinata sighed, a smile crossing his face. Well, chalking it up to luck wouldn’t be his first choice, but he supposed having a cryptic and roundabout cat-boy for a partner ruled out all of his “ideal circumstances” in general. Something told him it wouldn’t be quite as fun without Hokori and his chaotic ways, though.
Hokori landed just behind the local bakery, being careful to ensure he was hidden from view. “Tikki, spots off,” he whispered, catching the spotted kwami in his hands. He was tempted to let Tikki take a nap, seeing how sleepy she looked in his palms. She deserved it, after all, but she also had to return to Tentō, so he gently nudged at her with his thumb. She took the hint after a moment, flying up and seemingly making Komaeda’s hair her temporary bed.
He took his time taking out the earrings and placing them back into their container, speaking up once he was done. “Come on, I’m sure Tentō would like to be reunited with his kwami.” Tikki brightened up at that, taking the black and red box with a renewed vigor. “It was nice meeting you,” Komaeda said softly, laughing when Tikki returned the sentiment by bumping against his nose with a smile.
Not too long after she left, Plagg flew in, announcing his presence by crashing into Komaeda’s chest with clearly exaggerated groaning. “You’re crushing on a guy with no idea what manners are, you know that, right?” Plagg said into his shirt, tail whipping around. Komaeda raised a brow but wasn’t too surprised to hear his kwami being so dramatic. He grabbed his Miraculous back with his left hand, the other one digging in his coat pocket for the container he kept Plagg’s beloved cheese in. “I’m well aware of how blunt Tentō can be, but I’ll keep your concerns in mind.” He tossed a piece of Camembert Plagg’s way, watching his kwami rush to catch it in his mouth with a grin.
Admittedly, he had been worried when Tikki approached him at first, knowing first hand how much Plagg tended to get himself into trouble. But at the very least, he was here now, unharmed and safe. Komaeda slipped the Cat Miraculous back onto his ring finger, feeling more at ease now that he had it back. For something he had only owned for a year, he found himself pretty attached to it.
Though, it was the same for most of the things he had gained in the past year. It was weird, allowing himself to enjoy his life after years of avoiding forming attachments in fear of losing them. It was so ingrained into him, trying to live without fearing the worst was almost harder than just accepting it. Komaeda shook his head, catching himself regressing back into his old habits. ‘Hinata-kun would probably be angry if he knew I was still entertaining the thought of my luck sabotaging me,’ he mused. It was a viable possibility in his eyes, but Hinata always seemed to be firmly against Komaeda’s “self-destructive tendencies,” to quote the brunet. Why, Komaeda still couldn’t grasp, but there was little that he understood about Hinata in general. ‘It’s not really necessary to understand someone to appreciate them though, is it?’
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box-tvdragonquest · 4 years
Dragon Quest : La Quête de Daï <[[Saison 1 Épisode 1]]> Streaming Vostfr
Dragon Quest : La Quête de Daï Saison 1 Épisode 1 Streaming VF | VOSTFR 2020 (HD) Dragon Quest : La Quête de Daï <Saison 1 Épisode 1> Streaming Vostfr REGARDER-Séries| Dragon Quest : La Quête de Daï Saison 1 Épisode 1 Streaming VF en VOSTFR #REGARDER™ | Dragon Quest : La Quête de Daï | Saison 1 Épisode 1 Streaming VF HD Vostfr Dragon Quest : La Quête de Daï Saison 1 épisode 16 en streaming VF et Vostfr (Série) Dragon Quest : La Quête de Daï Saison 1 Épisode 16 Streaming “Vostfr” 2020 (HD)
Regardez Dragon Quest : La Quête de Daï [1x1] Saison 1 Épisode 1 Épisode complet || Stream ou téléchargez l’intégralité de l’épisode en ligne gratuitement ici: VOIR LES ÉPISODES COMPLETS ❙ Dragon Quest : La Quête de Daï Saison 1 Épisode 1: La dernière guerre
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Depuis 2020 / 20min / Aventure, Fantastique, Animation Titre original : Doragon Kuesuto: Dai no Daibōken De Riku Sanjo Avec Toshiko Fujita, Keiichi Nanba, Hideyuki Hori Nationalité Japon Chaîne d'origine TV Tokyo
Fly, un jeune garçon élevé sur une île peuplée de gentils monstres, reçoit un jour la visite d'un grand guerrier qui lui apprend les rudiments du combat à l'épée. Mais l'arrivée inopinée du Roi du Mal, fraîchement revenu du royaume des morts, va bouleverser la vie du jeune homme et entrouvrir pour lui une quête faite d'aventures et de combats face à de redoutables adversaires...
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caitlinsnow-yayyy · 5 years
Why Him? (a kwami swap story)
Very overdue story for my friend @nerdasaurus1200 - a King Monkey and Ryuko kwami swap story! You can probably imagine chaos will ensue from these two swapping... and maybe, a new friendship? 
We shall see! I hope anyone reading this enjoys it :) And Nerd, my friend, I hope this was worth the wait! :D Sorry this took so long lol.
(story under the cut)
Oh, of all the people, why Kim?
Today, Adrien and Marinette had decided that the team wasn't working well enough together, and they decided to have a set apart Saturday for a mandatory team bonding exercise - kwami swapping. Chloe got Alix, Max got Nathaniel, Marc switched with Juleka, Ivan swapped with Rose, who then swapped with Mylene; Alya swapped with Nino, and her own boyfriend, Luka, got to swap with Sabrina. Marinette and Adrien swapped (of course).
Their only instructions were to not leave their partner for the day; they didn't even need to seek out an akuma. They could literally go shopping if they wanted to, so long as they stood together.
And she... had gotten Kim.
"You promise to bring that back in one piece, right?" Kim asked, pointing to his circlet.
Kagami gave him a dead stare. "I should ask you the same for my choker."
"Oh, it'll be fine!" Kim smirked. "This is Le Chien Kim ya got here! Not a klutz."
Kagami, again, deadpanned him. Were these words seriously coming out of his mouth right now? Honestly, of all the people she could've gotten, why KIM?! Kim with the Dragon Miraculous just sounded like an accident waiting to happen.
She just didn't feel like throwing a rubber banana today either.
As if examples of how the others days were going couldn't get shoved in her face any more than what her mind was already doing, Nathaniel, equipped with Voyage, Naruto-ran through two portals about two rooftops away from them. Max, equipped with the Fire Flame power, was chasing him with a crossbow that had a flaming arrow. Somehow they were laughing.
"Let's just get this over with," Kagami sighed. "You go first."
"Sweet!" Kim said. "Alright, LONGG - BRING THE STORM!"
She would be lying if she said the Dragon costume didn't fit well on Kim - his suit was a darker red than hers, and his hair that normally stuck up was now covered with a horn-like design for a mask. Honestly, it kinda looked like Dark Cupid. He had wings imprinted into the spandex on his back, and his sword fell into his hands.
Why was she so scared of this?
"Oh, this is so cool!" he exclaimed. "I shall be known as... Doragon Kaosu!"
"Chaos Dragon - fitting," Kagami nodded. "Alright... guess its my turn. XUPPU, SHOWTIME!"
Kagami had already decided her name was going to be Queen Monkey; she saw no need to be original with her name. After all, it wasn't like she was gonna be the Monkey wielder for long. She was just eager for 6 o'clock to roll around so this could be over with.
"Holy crap," Doragon said once her transformation was up, "you look badass!"
Kagami had to smile at that one - despite the fact that Kim was an idiot, he still had his moments, and was really just a fun-loving soul at heart. No one could deny that. "Thank you, Doragon. Now, wanna take your Miraculous for a test run?"
Suddenly, an akuma flew past - he was some sort of hang-gliding akuma, yelling at the top of his lungs about how hang-gliding school was real and not a joke.
"Oh, oh this is perfect!" Doragon laughed. "I've always wanted to do this..."
"Wait, what are you-"
Doragon suddenly turned into a lightning bolt, and struck the hang-gliding akuma man out of the sky. Queen Monkey screamed out bloody murder in horror, fearing for her sake and for her life that Kim hadn't even been Doragon Kaosu for two minutes and he had already killed someone!
"KIM!" yelled Queen Monkey. "WHAT THE HELL?!"
"Chill, he's fine!" said Doragon, manifesting back in front of her. "I made sure to check his pulse before I got back. He'll live."
"YEAH, FOR LIKE ANOTHER MINUTE!" Queen Monkey screamed. "OH MY GOD!"
"Chill out, Queenie!" Doragon said, genuinely becoming concerned for her. "Its gonna be fine!"
"Woah, what's going on here?"
Kagami and Kim looked up, and there was another kwami swap duo: Luka, now Blue Heeler, and Sabrina, now Hydra. "Gami? Kim? You two okay?" asked Heeler.
"I just struck somebody with lightning, and Queenie over here thinks it'll kill him," Doragon said, somehow completely nonchalant that he had just struck down someone with lightning.
"O..Oh... y-yeah, that'll do it," Heeler muttered, taking a deep breath.
"Should I use Second Chance?" asked Hydra.
"N-No... I think its probably best we leave you two to work this out," Heeler said.
"Wait!" Queen Monkey whispered to him. "P-Please... I-I don't know if I can handle this..."
"Hey, you're gonna do just fine," Heeler reassured her. "It'll probably take some getting used to, but-"
"I-Its not that," Queen Monkey said softly. "I-Its...w-well... he's an idiot."
"You don't know that," Heeler said gently. "Reckless? Probably. Chaotic? You bet! But give him a chance, okay? Please?"
Kagami looked up at Luka... damn those soft eyes. It always made her crack and she hated it! Well, okay, no, she didn't hate it. But she just wished... oh, never mind.
"Fine," she crumbled.
"Thank you so much, Gami," smiled Heeler. "Seriously. Thank you."
"M-hmm," Queen Monkey nodded, trying to appear as sincere as possible. Truth be told, she was still dreading the rest of the day. Hydra and Doragon then wrapped up whatever they were chatting about, and then Sabrina ran off with Luka to go continue their own kwami-swap adventure.
And thank the Lord, the paramedics arrived to take the hang-glider akuma guy away for proper treatment...
Oh, just one more hour... one more!
And then, she would have Longg back, and Kim would be back with Xuppu. Like it should be. She was excited to finally get back to normal...
"Hey, Kagami?"
The two were currently resting on a rooftop, having just caught another akuma in the trusty akuma-catching portable butterfly nets that they had been supplied with. How they worked was beyond them, but hey, they worked; hopefully Mister Bug didn't mind a surplus of akumas to purify.
"Do you... do you hate me?" Doragon asked.
"What? No no, no!" Queen Monkey said, sitting upright. "Of course not!"
"Are you sure?" he asked, seeming... genuinely troubled. "You sure do act like it."
"No no, God no! I don't hate you, Kim!" Queen Monkey said. "Its just... its..."
"Hmm?" Doragon asked, looking down.
"I'M JEALOUS! I'm jealous, okay?! That's it!" she blurted out. "Its just... you're able to be so reckless and chaotic all the time! And yet, somehow, you can... I don't know, control the chaos? I wish I could do that, for crying out loud! I've always had to be perfect, nothing could be off! Being Queen Monkey has given me a sweet release, and I've really enjoyed it, and you make an excellent Dragon wielder but my pride wouldn't let me admit it! There! Are you happy?"
Queen Monkey then took in deep breaths of air, never having vented like that before... it was new.
And honestly, it felt good to get that off of her chest.
Suddenly, Doragon put a hand on her shoulder, and smiled sadly.
"Wanna know something?" Doragon said. "I'm... I'm kinda jealous of you too."
"Huh?" Queen Monkey said in shock.
"You're able to create a plan on the fly, and you never have to just wing it," Doragon said. "Not only that, but you can be picture perfect when needed. I'm always this big mess of chaos, never really able to control anything but. Though I do wish, at times, that I could be a straight shooter; like you! So yeah, I'm kinda jealous of you too..."
Queen Monkey chuckled. "Well then... uhm..."
"Don't know what to say?" asked Doragon.
"Read my mind," nodded Queen Monkey. "Uh... so... I guess, uh, we're even? Of sorts?"
Doragon shrugged. "Guess so... but really, I'm glad you don't hate me."
"God, how could I hate you?" asked Queen Monkey. "Honestly, though at times, you are a moron - its hilarious. You're hilarious. I'm not only jealous of your ability to control chaos, but your sense of humor is so natural flowing and witty - I could never do that! That's a gift!"
"You kidding me? Of course you could!" Doragon laughed. "And your stoicism... the ability to keep a stone cold glare going for more than five seconds. I'm envious of that, because I know I couldn't do that for shite!"
"Oh come on, you could!" Queen Monkey exclaimed. "See, the trick is to..."
The two wouldn't count on it, but they'd spend the next hour chatting and talking like they were best friends. They'd talk similarities, their differences, what was going on in their romantic lives, how they thought of their powers on the norm, etc.
After the conversation, honestly, the two honestly weren't even ready to swap back when Mister Bug sent out the signal for them to come back.
"So, how was that day, guys?" asked Mister Bug to the currently present heroes. Lady Noire still had her arm hooked around his; those two were madly in love. It was almost sickeningly cute.
"SO MUCH FUN!" Tourterelle (turtle!Alya) exclaimed.
"Yeah, this was a sick day!" Red Vix (fox!Nino) added.
"AWESOME!" Sun Screamer (rooster!Max) yelled.
"I had so much fun!" Trotter (horse!Nath) exclaimed. "This may actually be the best team bonding exercise idea ever! Thanks you two!"
"Honestly, we didn't get much action," Mr. Stripes (tiger!Marc) chuckled.
"I mean, I guess I learned how to tap dance," Madame Hoofer (goat!Juleka) shrugged with a smile (she failed to notice Rose's sudden blush). "Just what happens when ya get bored, y'know?"
"Its difficult to be intimidating like this," Pink Boar (pig!Ivan) said sadly.
"Oh, you're always a sweetheart to me!" Bluebell (ox!Mylene) smiled up at her boyfriend.
"So cute!" Mouselia (mouse!Rose) said, holding her hands together.
"We had a lot of fun," Blue Heeler (dog!Luka) smiled.
"Yeah, it was actually pretty fun using Repetition as a power!" Hydra (snake!Sabrina) said, equally as happy.
"Psh... It was okay, I guess," Madame Cottontail (bunny!Chloe) shrugged.
"Oh come on, you loved it!" Hornet (bee!Alix) said, smirking smugly.
"Well, we're glad you all had fun!" Lady Noire smiled. "Uh... Kim? Kagami? How'd you all fare?"
There was tension - everyone could feel it. A commonly shared feeling of dread was shared at the start of the day when it was announced that Kim and Kagami would be swapping Miraculouses... but everyone was caught off guard by the two nodding and smirking at one another.
"When can we do it again?" the two asked.
"O-Oh!" Lady Noire gasped, not expecting that answer. "W-Well... uhm, we hadn't thought of doing this again!"
"But, m'lady, you do have to agree - this has been a very successful day," Mister Bug said.
"You're very right, my bug," smiled Lady Noire, nodding. "Well... how about not next Saturday, but the Saturday after? Same swaps? Everyone cool with that?"
A simultaneous nod went around the group, and Lady Noire and Mister Bug settled it - every other Saturday would henceforth be known as "Kwami Swap Day".
"Pound it?" asked Doragon, sticking out his fist.
Queen Monkey nodded, returning the bump. "Pound it."
It hadn't been expected, no, but it wasn't any less welcome because of that.
This friendship would be one for the ages, for sure...
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crepes-suzette-373 · 3 months
Dragon 龍, dragon 竜, and Celestial Dragons 天竜人
I've kind of already mentioned this theory, but previously I wrote about it in relation to the sapphire scales (which seems to be debunked now by Saturn). So, this is kind of a redo/remake of that theory post, strictly speculating on the dragon race, with more manga references.
In Japan, Asian Dragons is written like this, the more complex form: 龍
While sometimes used interchangeably with the above kanji, this dragon kanji technically refer to the Western style dragons: 竜
In One Piece "Asian dragons" and "Western dragons" were respectively referred to with those differing kanji. We haven't actually seen a "Western style dragon" yet, but the kanji for Celestial Dragon world nobles made me wonder if there used to be an ancient race resembling Western dragons living with Lunarians in the Red Line before the World Government took over.
The kanji for "Celestial Dragons" is the "Western dragon" 竜 one:
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This kanji wording is consistent in the series. In Thriller Bark, Moria mentions that there were legends of Ryuuma slaying a dragon. Again, it's the "Western" kind:
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If we assume the Monsters manga's version Ryuuma to be "canon" to One Piece (even if maybe in a slightly different setting), we see that the dragon he killed really was the "Western" kind:
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Meanwhile, the Asian dragon is indeed the 龍 one, like Kaidou's fruit being the "Seiryuu" model:
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It's not just because it's a name. Zoro also said "dragon", which is alluding to Kaidou, with 龍:
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Since Kaidou's fruit is in the mythical category, it implies that Asian dragons in the world of One Piece do not naturally exist.
However, the Western dragons might. Sure, Ryuuma's heroic deeds may be only legendary for now, but nothing in the series has declared "this is totally false".
And the question here is, why do the world nobles call themselves "dragons"? For a lot of Asians, Japanese people included, due to long inherited tradition of calling great men or rulers "dragons" 龍 it would make sense if they had used the word 龍. It would have been fine as well if in One Piece 竜 was simply a synonym for 龍.
The problem here is that it's not. Western dragons tend to conjure a completely different impression for the average Japanese person. It differs by context, so it's hard to say what this means until we actually determine what a "竜 dragon" is like in One Piece.
We haven't seen an actual confirmed 竜 ryuu yet, and the closest thing we've ever seen to naturally occurring "Western dragons" in One Piece so far are "dinosaurs" (kyouryuu 恐竜). Even then, they're "prehistoric", similar to our world, and largely extinct:
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Still, them having different vocabulary to distinguish "dinosaurs" from "dragons", seems to mean that they know dragons are not dinosaurs.
The dragon that Vegapunk made in Punk Hazard was indeed written as 竜 in the kanji but the given reading is "doragon" and not "ryuu". Since there is a difference here, I cannot cite this as a definite proof. However, this could be a hint that sensei playing word games, and that this "created dragon" is a clone of the real "竜 ryuu" that used to exist. The kind of which Ryuuma had faced before.
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Another thing was how the dinosaur ancient Zoan fruits are called the "Ryuu Ryuu" fruit, whereas Kaidou's fruit was the "Uo uo" (fish) type:
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Sensei really went out of his way to differentiate 龍 dragon from 竜 dragon, and given that the "ryuu ryuu" fruits produces dinosaurian forms, this again seems to be a further emphasis that a 竜 ryuu is Western dragon. Once again, why are the "Celestial Dragon" world nobles written with 竜?
[End edit]
My theory is that maybe in the past there are some kind of super powerful flying dragons (perhaps referred to as "tenryuu" 天竜 by the ancient people) who have since gone extinct, and the world nobles named themselves after these powerful beasts as a show of power.
Alternately, there once were the "original" Tenryuubito 天竜人, "dragon-people" who lived in the Red Line. When Saint Roswald here says that the world noble Celestial Dragons were descended from "creators of the world", on the surface it might sound like "the nobles who created the present world environment", the World Government.
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However, the word used is souzoushu 創造主. This is usually used to refer to "creator" with the underlying implication of literal creation from nothing, i.e literally God.
Of course, that could be that these nobles were just arrogant, but Lunarians in the past were also referred to as "gods".
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And there was also how there was a "land of gods" on top of the Red Line. We don't yet know how many other races lived alongside Lunarians in the past. Perhaps, one of those races look dragon-like?
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draconesmundi · 4 years
What are the Tatsu and Wani?
Both of these are Japanese dragons! So, firstly, may books will say “a Japanese dragon is called a ryu”, which is the tip of the iceberg. If you run ‘dragon’ through google translate it will translate it into ‘doragon’ or ドラゴン, which is the current Japanese word for ‘dragon’ and will mostly refer to the big-lizard-with-wings archetype. Ryu are the long-noodle-eastern-dragon archetypes, and tatsu is from an older version of the Japanese language, and just means ‘dragon’, in the same way that old English calls dragons ‘wyrms’, Old Japanese calls ryu ‘tatsu’.
So in the real world, ‘tatsu’ would just mean ‘dragon’, and probably the long noodly variety of dragon you get in traditional Japanese art. HOWEVER! A ‘tobi tatsu’ is a ‘flying dragon’, and is sometimes correlated with pictures of dragon-birds, which are birdlike creatures with the heads of dragons.
In my book I have taken ‘tobi tatsu’ to mean ‘small winged dragons’, so my version of the tobi tatsu is essentially a Japanese wyvern, whose design is loosely based on the dragons painted on Satsuma plates (plates made from 1868 to 1912, a certain type of decorative style was used for these tea sets, involving lots and lots of dragons!).
The ‘wani’ is a sea monster from Japanese mythology with many classic dragon traits. Sitting somewhere between a shark and a crocodile, the wani is a fearsome sea monster. Like dragons, there is sometimes a king among the wani who lives in a beautiful underwater palace. There is a story of a dragon princess called Toyotama Hime which is similar to the French story of Melusine, in that she falls in love with a human man, the man is forbidden to look at her when she gives birth (in the French story is when she has a Sunday bath) but the man will inevitably break this promise and see the dragon in its true form, forcing them to return back to the sea or to a magical land (this is a very abridged version of both tales).
Wani appear in mythology a lot more than tobi tatsu (I won’t go into the business with the hare here...), but both are interesting creatures in Japanese folklore, and hopefully my book Dracones Mundi can bring these both to light!
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haro-hawayu · 5 years
CCS: Clear Card Arc Ch. 38
Just gonna get this chapter reaction/review/whatever-you-call-it out before the next chapter drops... also, this is based on me (50% attempting) reading the RAW chapter--thank goodness for Google translate app that lets me hand write kanji that I don’t recognize LOL :3 
Previous posts for this arc: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5| Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 | Chapter 23 | Chapter 24 | Chapter 25 | Chapter 26 | Chapter 27 | Chapter 28 | Chapter 29 | Chapter 30 | Chapter 31 | Chapter 32 | Chapter 33 | Chapter 34 | Chapter 35 | Chapter 36 | Chapter 37 | Chapter 38 | Chapter 39 | Chapter 40 | Chapter 41 | Chapter 42 | Chapter 43 | Chapter 44 | Chapter 45 | Chapter 46 | Chapter 47 | Chapter 48 | Chapter 49
Sakura & Akiho as “Alice” holding their own books!
Poor Mirror-chan~~ ^^;;
That Momo-pouch IS cute, omgsh. 
Ahaha, once again, poor Mirror. She’s so endearingly cute :3
Tomoyo-chan to the rescue~~BTW that was a LOT of text to read just to ask for altering clothes... Tomoyo-chan, ever so proper~~! T__T
On second thought: it’s kinda fun reading Tomoyo going on and on when she’s like this.
There’s a part where “desu wa” repeats, and there’s a caption pointing at the repeated text saying “self-echo” LOL.
Onii-chan~~!! It’s Akiho’s first time meeting him!
I love Akiho’s reaction: ONIISAMA!
LOL Touya definitely knew from first glance probably, haha. Poor Mirror can’t even look at him properly!
I’m melting!!! Touya~~
It’s a DORAGON! Apparently it’s Sakura’s creation thanks to Kaito’s explanation (he made her shrink though)~
Syaoran and his smart use of the Cards--using Shadow to track Sakura’s shadow!!
Nitoryu-aka-Dual-wielding Sakura in action!!!
Even Kaito’s wondering how this “Shadow” came about XD he says the inspiration probably came from Alice (Jabberwocky) after she had shrunk (like Alice did in the story).
Anyways, this ain’t the card for him either!
Eheheh, Sakura’s like: Wait! I should’ve just used Repair to fix my school uniform!
Oh man, Mirror is like at her wit’s end here.
Tomoyo-chan to the rescue! OR NOT (ararararaa~)
I’m having too much fun seeing Mirror’s internal reactions next to (copy) Sakura’s. And Tomoyo’s dramatic dialogues. 
Poor Sakura off to another adventure again thanks to Kaito. 
Theory Time: not much btw
Anyways for Kaito being this active (shrinking Sakura--also, it’s probably him causing her to fly away again at the end too) is probably showing his sense of urgency in getting THAT card to appear--whatever it may be. I wonder if he’s purposely getting her to shrink like Alice did in the stories because he WANTS to get Sakura to think of Alice’s story. I mean, in the end she (while possibly thinking along the lines of Alice) created the new Shadow Card. Perhaps whatever card he wants Sakura to make is (or can be) related to Alice...? Like... what kind of card can we even anticipate Sakura attempting to create upon being made smaller? I can only think that she wants to create a version of the “Big Card” so that she can grow, lol.
Anyways, I had too much fun watching Mirror trying to pretend to be Sakura. Tomoyo will probably live out more of her fantasies of dressing/filming more Sakura through Mirror probably :3
Overall, it wasn’t THAT hard of a read. I think the parts that took me longer were Tomoyo and Kaito’s lines, haha. Until next time~
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miss-unny · 5 years
One Piece OC: Unny
Name: Unny Tarragon Age: 23 Specie: Human Height: 170 cm / 6'6 inch Weight: 70 kg / 154 Ibs Sex: Female Blood type: S Relatives: Big brother- Adam / Mother - Volta / Father - Lucio Birth Place:  Paradise - Sabaody Archipelago Sexuality: Bisexual Status: Ex Slave - Running away from Masters/Mistresses. Wanted: Alive. Bounty: 200 000 000  Faction: Pirate Weapons: Body Items: a golden locket around her neck. Personality: She laughs A LOT, smiled all the time even if hurt she want to smile to reassure she is fine, she can be overprotective over those she holds dear and close to her. she worship friendship over all. if she is sad she often hides or just want to be alone or just hold things inside of her. in battle she is very serious and want to help her crew mates as much as she can. you can say she would be a support. Since she is newly freed from slavery she is does not know much about the world, so she is curious. If she finds someone she really likes in a romantic way she will give this person all of her attention. but at the same time she would be worried to be not liked back and very anxious.  Likes: food and sweets, hugs, chocolate and  Dislikes: bullies, marines, slave trading, Masters/Mistresses, Nobles. Strengths: people likes her, will power & don't judge people that easily. Weaknesses: forgets to take care of herself sometimes, cant swim, trust people to easy. Appearance: got a slave mark on her back, white long hair, right eye is blue and the left is green. always walks around with something red on her cloths. She usually walk around with a turtleneck sweater, a skirt and knee socks and boots. A few scars on her legs and arm from whips or knifes.  Short backstory: Unny got sold into slavery when she was 4 years old, her parents did not want her since she made her mother sick when she was born. she have lived in slavery all her life until she escaped when she was 20 years old. From there she wanders the world in search of a way of life, she want to explore and find friends that she can trust.
Devil Fruit and ability:
Dora Dora Doragon Fruit. Model:
European (western) Dragon.
The user can turn into a modern western dragon at will, either you turn into a fully dragon or a hybrid between human and dragon. when in hybrid form you will have horn, a tail and wings pop out from your back. You are able to fly with both forms but in hybrid form you can only fly for 1 hour, in full dragon form you may fly as much as you can. Their scales will harden and get get strong as iron but few places there is no scales, on the stomach.In fully dragon form you can breath fire, in hybrid you can only lit a small flame from your mouth nothing more. she can not use her forms or anything near sea stone, just like any fruits else where.While in hybrid form the user gets stronger than a normal human being. Can fight in any weather but cant breath fire if the body is wet from water (rain), need to either let it dry or reheat the body if she want to breath fire.
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dragoneando-blog · 5 years
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🐕 . . . #dog #dogstagram #dogphotography #dogdays #dibujo #dibujosasombrosos #dibujosalapiz #sylvapen #blackandwhite #black #white #dibujoo #dibujodigital #dragon #fly #dragonfly #dragonforce #doragon #silvapen #perro #perroloco #crazy #amazing #amazing_pictures #amazing_dog https://www.instagram.com/dragon.eando/p/BlvTf5bB_53/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=63z3tt1jp2vj
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michiinaba-blog · 2 years
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Flying dragon飛竜... By MICHI INABA.#calligraphyart #doragon #watercolorpainting #art#painting #imaginepeace #prayforpeace https://www.instagram.com/p/CbGbrO1voX7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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