#drstone fanfic
sweetashori · 10 months
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Hands Rating: G Pairing: Senku x Kohaku (KohaSen/SenHaku) AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25376149
Originally written and posted in July 2020. Inspired by a very lovely piece by 1chi_rei on Twitter/X. You can find the piece here!
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falling-flower-rin · 10 months
i A-E
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Act Addict Actors!
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Alice in Borderland
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Bungou Stray Dogs
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Demon Slayer
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Ensemble Stars
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ramc95 · 11 months
It isn't true ||XenoxBiakuya||
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apawtheosis · 2 years
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"Century Plant"- A Stanley/Xeno fic.
When a once in a lifetime event happens to a once in a lifetime man, there are only so many ways forward.
Please mind the tags.
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simps-and-scribbles · 3 years
Senku x Reader - The Promise (Part 2)
✨spoiler warnings for the next chapter in the manga past end of season 2 ✨
Genre: Fluff, Romance
Rating: T
Fandom: Dr. Stone
FYI: unedited, wanted to get it out but it’s 3am and my eyes are getting squinty lol, apologies for any errors I missed!
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Senku and the crew followed Minami to a small island close to shore, they must have scouted out Ryusui’s statue previously with Tsukasa if she had known he was there.
Senku’s thoughts wandered to the development of the ship and its progress. Soon they would be able to reach their destination and he could begin figuring out where the petrification beam had originated from. A flash of your stone statue in the small clearing amongst the brightly lit green ferns flashed in his mind. His hand clutched the revival fluid at his side, he couldn’t think of you, this is what needed to be done.
Kohaku observed Senku closely as his hand clutched around the revival fluid. Although he still seemed like his animated self outwardly, his mask quickly dropped becoming more somber when he thought no one was looking.
Kohaku had followed him several times to the clearing after stumbling upon him one day while patrolling the village. She had planned to approach him that first time before she realized he was staring at one of the stone statues. This was odd for Senku, he often talked about reviving all the stone statues and had recently devised a method to restore the ones broken by Tsukasa, but he never stopped to observe them individually.
Over the next couple of months Kohaku would find him frequently visiting this one statue. It was obvious this was someone he had known in his past and the way he looked at her with sadness and longing, it was evident that this was someone important to him.
The group arrived at the small island and quickly found Ryusui. The others we discussing the possibility of finding an equally skilled sailor, as it seemed this Ryusui may turn out to be somewhat difficult to deal with, but Senku couldn’t take it anymore. He could feel his resolve slipping, like a thread pulled so tightly it would snap at any moment. If he didn’t use the revival fluid now, he was bound to turn around and go right back to you.
Uncorking the flask he went to dump it on Ryusui. “Senku,” Kohaku stern voice called out. The others were still arguing but Kohaku stared straight at him from a distance. In that moment she had grounded him, bringing him back to his senses and he knew exactly what she was saying.
He had known that Kohaku had been near the clearing on a few of the occasions. And in this moment he knew she was telling him not to waste it. Senku quickly churned the bottle estimating the volume of fluid within the flask while simultaneously considering all the times he had used the fluid on other statues. Between his estimates he believed he might need just over half of the fluid to revive Ryusui. Maybe, just maybe there would be enough left to revive you.
Pouring the revival fluid over Ryusui, he watched as the stones began to crack. The others rushed over in astonishment at his supposedly quick decision making process.
Ryusui turned out to be just as much of a pain as Minami had said he might be, but Senku didn’t mind, he would figure out a way to make him cooperate later. All Senku could think about now was returning to the clearing in hopes that what was left in the flask would be enough.
Ryusui had seemed unperturbed by waking up 3700 years later and after leaving the rest of the crew to get him acquainted, Senku pulled Yuzuhira aside and asked her for one of her dresses.
She nodded in understanding and quickly grabbed the dress that she had made for you. Senku had told her and Taiju one evening after the fight with Tsukasa had ended that he had found you. They were surprised and excited for him, as at that time her revival had seemed so close at hand. Until the miracle cave had been destroyed by Hyoga. “Good luck,” Yuzuhira whispered handing him the dress. Senku nodded in response.
Senku held the dress tightly in one arm and kept his remaining hand on the flask at his hip, protecting it. The sun had fallen behind the horizon and only the last traces of the day remained. The crescent moon had begun to rise casting light upon the forest floor. Senku slowed to a stop before saying “Kohaku, I’d like to be alone for this.”
“Are you sure?” Kohaku said stepping out from behind a tree.
“Alright,” she said heading back in the direction of the village.
Reaching the clearing, he marveled at you. Even in the night, the moon and stars shone down brightly on you. The moonlight casting an ethereal glow on your stone form. Senku gently placed the dress on your body, tying the straps at the side of your waist and hips.
Taking a deep breath he uncorked the flask and reached out to pour it over you. His hand hesitated as the thoughts began to flood his head. What if she didn’t want to come back? What if she didn’t want to live in this Stone Age? He wouldn’t be able to bring back the modern world for decades. Would she be okay? What if he couldn’t protect her? Was she better left in this form until he could get more revival fluid?
He lowered his hand letting his eyes fall to the forest floor. Memories of their time spent together in the lab and their endless conversations began to replace his worries. He pictured her sweet smile, the way she twiddled her fingers when she asked him to walk home with her, and the way her eyes lit up when she talked about physics and Einstein’s theory of special relatively. He could hear her tiny giggle every time he made a stupid science pun.
Lifting the flask again he began pouring the liquid over her head and down to her shoulders. Taking a step back he waited and watched.
1 minute passed.....
2 minutes passed......it was taking too long.
Another minute passed, he knew the chances had been slim due to the less than ideal volume of liquid.
Another minute passed.
But he didn’t realize his hopes had been so high.
He let out a shaky breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. He looked to the sky and saw that the moon and stars had become blurry. Silent tears ran down his face as he stared at the sky unable to look at you.
....crick! Crack!
Senku’s eyes widened at the familiar sound, slowly lowering his eyes he watched as deep lines began developing along your stone form, slowly spreading from your shoulders and down your frame. And then all at once the stone shattered into a million pieces.
“—KU!” The last of his name frozen in time fell from your lips. Senku raced forward to catch you as your body fell forward from it’s frozen stance.
You felt your body begin to fall forward and gasped as you realized you wouldn’t be able to catch yourself. What was happening?!
You felt yourself collide into a sturdy frame and looked up into the unmistakable face of Senku Ishigami, “Senku!” You exclaimed breaking into a huge smile. You didn’t know what was happening or where you were but as long as Senku was here, you felt the anxiety in your body ease considerably.
His hand was still gently grasping your arm as you pulled yourself away to stand up properly and greet him. His teal streaked bangs hung in front of his face and it was then you noticed the silent tears escaping the corner of his eye.
Your eyes widened in concern, “Senku! What’s wro—“
Tugging on your arm, Senku pulled you into him in a desperate hug. Wrapping his arms around your waist and shoulder, “y/n....” he whispered into your hair.
Your hands wrapped around his back returning the hug. Feeling his warmth so close to yours helped you relax and clear your mind. You didn’t know how long you had been in stone, but the nostalgic feeling of missing him for a lifetime settled in your stomach. Your eyes filled with tears as you clutched him tighter, he was here now.
Releasing you from his tight hold he placed his forehead against yours, “I’ve missed you,” he said quietly.
“I’ve missed you too,” you said slightly breathless.
“y/n, things aren’t what they once were, but.......if you want to.....will you help me bring the modern age back to this stone world?” Senku said.
Without hesitation you nodded, “Yes, of course I will!”
Intertwining his hand with yours Senku gave them a gentle squeeze and focused his intense gaze on you, “......and....will you stay with me?” he said his red eyes searching yours for an answer.
You felt your eyes prick with tears and leaned up to place a tender kiss on his lips. You felt him softly respond to your kiss. Releasing the kiss and focusing on his eyes you said, “I will, I promise.”
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nayrusg · 3 years
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¡Día 7 Al fín!
Gracias a los que me siguieron por Wattpad y Ao3, sus mensajes de felicitaciones en serio fueron uno de los principales impulsores para finalizar.
Espero regresar pronto con nuevas historias.
Hasta pronto :D
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notmaekankouya · 4 years
Here’s another piece based from @piamio #sengen comic Nightmare! It really tore my heart having to see Senku witness such a dream - but luckily Gen was there to comfort him <3 
Make sure to check out Piamio for the artwork!
Link Here
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giveit1thought-blog · 4 years
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Other worlds!!why dont you read it and tell me what you thing i would love to hear yur thoughts and i want to know how to make it better :D
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sweetashori · 10 months
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Fever Rating: G Pairing: Senku x Kohaku (SenHaku/KohaSen) AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24685162
One of my first DCST fics (written in June 2020), but I decided to give it a small rewrite. Namely to correct grammar and things I got wrong at the time of writing. I hope it'll still be enjoyed!
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syrenbattou · 3 years
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Jan 4th is Ishigami Senkuu's bday. The main character of Dr. STONE. I'm looking forward to the second season coming out this month. As a small tribute, I posted a short story I wrote for fictober 2020 to try my hand at the fandom. I hope that it's to your liking 😊 https://archiveofourown.org/works/28558473 #anime #animecharacters #bdays #animedays #drstone #ishigamisenkuu #fanfiction #fanfic #ao3 #shortstory #writing https://www.instagram.com/p/CJpdLBEj7TJ/?igshid=1nhle8qbyfrqb
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kariwolf · 4 years
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apawtheosis · 2 years
Chapter 4 of On That Pale Blue Dot is up!
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Stan and Xeno both start to grapple with their feelings as they try to do things as usual.
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piamio · 4 years
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Here´s the PV of my piece for the Dr.Stone Zine, Good Morning World! 
It was a pleasure to be part of this project and it has the most gorgeous fanart and fanfic I´ve ever seen. 
I also participated as a merch artist and made some neat icons that scream sengen rights!
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So go grab your digital copy before July 13th!
Click HERE to go to the shop!
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simps-and-scribbles · 3 years
About Me:
Hi all, I’m 28 and I go by Sira (she/her).
I’m an avid reader and have recently started writing again. I write fanfictions for animes, usually getting inspirations from whichever anime i’m watching at the time. I love Kakashi and bokuto ☺️
I write 18+ content so please consider this your warning. Minors please do not interact with my blog. Ageless blogs will be blocked.
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Other Fandoms
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nayrusg · 3 years
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¡¡Día 4 publicado!! (también día 3 pero se me olvido publicarlo por aquí).
¡Que lo disfruten! También publicado en Ao3
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sweetashori · 10 months
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Without Words Rating: T Pairing: Gen x Kohaku (KohaGen/GenHaku) AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47430661
An experiment in using the "little or no dialogue" sort of writing style, which I hadn't used much before. While this did take me a bit of time to write, I was ultimately in love with the final product.
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