#dumb kids
lycrabustier · 7 months
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One of my favorite issues. The article about little pants-pissing fuckwads in ghost costumes is riveting.
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nanowatzophina · 2 years
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My boys.
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the--firevenus · 1 year
I've never realize the fuckin irony that Kyle superhero name is "human kite", Human... Despite the fact his superhero Canon backstory is he's an alien...
I love this nerd, now I can’t get it out my head, a TFBW au where everything they wrote is real so imagine Kite first time shows up was like: "uhh yeah I'm totally human dude"
"okay? What's your name?"
"Human kite!"
"Yeah, thats right, just a human with a kite"
Bonus point someone asked toolshed his superhero name and stan make shit up on the spot:
“Really dude? Your name is a pun??”
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Cannot BELIEVE I never posted these. ♥♥♥
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somerandomhuman080 · 11 months
did anyone else make friends on the coding app “scratch” when you were younger. i know i did.
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ajwritessometimes · 11 months
Currently listening to two kids at the park argue about how you pronounce penis
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nexussights · 1 year
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When I was a kid, probably around the age 6-8 my mom showed me the thesaurus that she had just gotten us. (Pictured above or at least something similar. Yellow cover, bright colors and animals.)
I thought it was about dinosaurs because I thought it was a thesasaurus. I couldn’t read that well.
So I got all excited seeing the pictures on the cover and when I opened it, I happened to open a page with a dinosaur on it. I started reading it and was severely disappointed to realize it was just about words.
I haven’t touched one since.
T. L. D. R. small illiterate child is disappointed when thesaurus isn’t about dinosaurs.
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tattoorue · 2 years
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chaoticallycrazy53 · 1 year
My mom's favourite Disney movie is Mulan. She loved it so much that she had the blue-ray dvd's for the original and the sequel a little while after.
When I was a kid she would play that movie so much that by the time I was six I knew every line pretty accurately. I loved the songs so much I'd sing them out of nowhere.
I still do it sometimes.
I remember one song always confused me as a kid and I now realize i was just a idiot. So it's the song where the guys are talking about there idea of the perfect "girl worth fighting for", but when heard the song I thought they were singing, "A GIRL IN FIGHTING FORM" and I would always got confused cuz the women they would describe didn't sound anything like that. It would piss little me off cuz to me their (and my) perfect woman is Mulan but she can't show off her feminine fighting form or she'll die.
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randomspider · 2 years
when I was 6 I had an idea that I could dance in Walmart as entertainment for shoppers and in exchange walmart would give us food
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robininthewindow · 2 years
Bro I see so much gifted kid shut but where are my fellow dumb kids? Like come on who else got singled out by their teachers because they couldn’t read as fast as everyone else? Who else failed tests so bad that their teacher wanted the tests to get signed by the parents? Who else spent their free time crying over home work cause you just didn’t fucking get it? Who else had un diagnosed neurodivergencies that didn’t help them succeed in school but in fact made schoo infinitely more difficult? Who else made being dumb their whole personality cause people found it funny how dumb you were? I am do I need to go on? Where are my “dumb” kids at?
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cherrytry · 2 years
sometimes I randomly remember stories of my childhood, like, for example, how much of a demon gremlin child nightmare I was. My kindergarten teacher literally had to make me my own time out area because I was such a nuance.
Anyway, here is a story about my kindergarten
There was these little block things, like those gymnastics stuff with the beam and all that jazz. Anyway, we all had an obstacle course planned and made and we were all, in an orderly line, just walking along.
A girl infront of me (let’s say Emma, not her real name) suddenly lightly pushes the girl infront of her on. Once we get off the obstacle course, before me and her are able to get on again, we encounter *Lisa*
Lisa is standing tall as fuck on a big gymnastics box, looking down upon us mortals. I cannot explain how absolutely superior to us she was in this moment.
She points at Emma, smiles (oh so graciously) and she yells (elegantly) “YOURE INVITED TO MY BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!”
Emma grins and walks away to go to the course, but I, wanting to also go to this grand party, inquire, “Can I come?”
“Push someone off and I’ll let you come to my party”
And so, a goal was set in my mind;
I run up to the obstacle course, passion burning in my eyes.
Emma stands infront of me on the gymnastics beam. How the tables have turned for her, I think to myself, as I violently push her off with a thud.
I did it. I am worthy.
Emma starts crying loudly, breaking the moment. I panic realising I actually hurt her and I keep screaming,” IM SORRY!!! “
The teacher ran over and we exchanged apologies; me saying sorry for pushing her and her sayings sorry for….not hearing me say sorry. I demanded she do that.
Lisa never had a party. She was lying.
Fucking bitch.
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gremthewildfae · 2 years
Thinking about that time I stood under my Middle school’s roof letting the gutter water just absolutely pour into my mouth as my Cottagecore crush stared at me, horrified.
I was trying to impress her.
Gang gang ✊✊
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mytasteinmemes · 2 years
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yummygender · 2 years
Some kid pulled the fire alarm at my work seconds before I ended my shift. If that's not working with kids in a nutshell, I don't know what is...
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lavendervirgos · 19 days
Breeding as a concept? Amazing
Mentions of breeding/getting pregnant during dirty talk? Outstanding
Real life pregnancy? No. Horrifying. Never. Hard pass. Worst thing imaginable.
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