#either way I wish they would stop putting them with random ass women who have been on the show for less than 10 minutes
buddiesmutslut · 3 months
LISTEN. If we get a bisexual!Buck arc, I will ACTUALLY LITERALLY CRY, I’m already emotional just thinking about it, it will literally bring me so much joy
I don’t want it at the expense of an Eddie coming out arc…
Bc listen, I read a post talking abt how the writers probably won’t give both of them a really flushed out Queer Realization Arc bc it would be redundant, which like, okay sure, yes, I can see why you wouldn’t want to have two main, male characters going through the exact same thing, so sure, whatever, BUT -
I feel like, out of Buddie, Eddie is going to be the one that really struggles with coming to terms with his sexuality.
Eddie, who had to be The Man Of The House at 10 years old. Eddie, who grew up in the Deep South. Eddie, whose family is Catholic. Eddie, who already had a strained relationship with his judgmental parents. Eddie, who had a WIFE. Eddie, who says that what he had with Shannon was magic & compares every relationship he had to her. Eddie, who was in the military, which is infamous for DADT. Eddie, whose aunt constantly pushes him at random women because he needs to not be alone. Eddie, who canonically suffers from comp-het, saying that dating women feels like putting on a performance, not that he understands why. Eddie, who dated Ana & was planning on staying with her, even though he was unhappy, for his son.
I think Buck would be way chiller with realizing he’s queer - if he doesn’t already know, which is my fav head-cannon - & I feel like he wouldn’t struggle as much bc it’s Eddie, & Eddie is his best friend, and gender wouldn’t play as big a part for him as I think it would for Eddie.
I would love for them both to have an arc where they worked through their expectations when it comes to relationships & realize that they’re queer, but idk man, I feel like Eddie is going to be the one to really struggle & he deserves to really have that flushed out.
Idk, I’ve been thinking about this ever since I saw that post & nobody I know watches 9-1-1 😭
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genderisareligion · 2 years
Now is the chance for TERFs to prove you care more about protecting women than you do about hating trans people.
Please, step up. This is government sanctioned child sexual abuse, if allowed to go into effect it will either end girls' sports at best, or traumatize both cis and trans children alike, and that can't be allowed to happen.
If ANY fucking thing should be cause to put aside all differences and work together, I think this is it:
First of all, I don't hate trans people. My want to protect women has nothing to fucking do with y'all. The way you're going about this you're trying to make it seem like y'all are the only one who attempts to bridge the gap. I spent years being a nicefem and a factfem and my url only has the word "terf" in it as a joke. You're making this about our pointless rift instead of about the issue at hand.
Regardless, I'm still going to look into this, because this isn't about you.
For some reason the link to the actual law in the Twitter thread isn't working for me so I'm going off the tweets of this random person, assuming they're not misrepresenting it.
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AFAIK in and of themselves these are medically valid ways of determining sex and determining intersex conditions, but the fact that they want this to be done to only female children for this reason specifically is sus and I can imagine how badly this will go given how many male doctors are closet perverts. Y'all usually pull the "not everyone is XX or XY" thing out of your asses when you're trying to make it seem like sex is a spectrum and that intersex people are anything other than male or female, something @/not-your-intersex-pawn on Tumblr has spent years trying to combat. So I figure some of the point of this thread is to drive up sensationalism about that, but I can see where OP is coming from and why people are concerned
Like I said before though, think about the way you went about this. If this is really about protecting women and girls, no need to approach me with "I know you hate trans people but." Just get to the point
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Not in love with how they ended the thread and I figured I wouldn't be. "Congrats to everyone trying to save women's sports" I wish you people would understand that a fascist and Marxist can both agree that the sky is blue. Males have advantages in sport. That's just facts. Sports are segregated for a reason. Fallon Fox beat the shit out of black women in "equally matched competition" and gleefully bragged about it. Sports still need to be sex segregated.
Radfems aren't the reason conservatives write laws like this. I hope you know that. People love to blame TERFs for things that regular degular ass straight men are responsible for. Most trans people are what I'd consider GNC and so despite us disagreeing on some things we're in the same boat as far as the right hating us both for the same reason (reason why I hate the word "queer," it's still used derogatorily by them and our reclamation of it hasn't changed their minds).
"Is winning the most important part of high school sports?" Stop shaming women and girls for wanting to succeed and for wanting a fair playing field.
Thanks for stopping by, stoffansmol, but don't come back. My ask clearly says TRAs DNI
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takaraphoenix · 3 years
Ship game!! What about Nico and Will?? It’s pretty popular, but I don’t think I’ve seen you write much of it…
That's an interesting one in that I have vocalized my reasons for disliking it way back when it first became popular but instead of just linking that, it has been years so I think it's time for an updated version.
Firstly: This post is gonna be properly tagged and not crosstagged so if any shipper comes across it and feels the need to bitch about it, just don't; your lack of curating your own tumblr experience is not my problem! ;D
Now, there are three key factors that play into my dislike of this ship: How it was written, what it represents, how the fandom around it acts.
1. It’s rushed and uncomfortable
In BoO, it was incredibly rushed. They had literally five sentences of interactions before they walked into the literal sunset together. Five. It was just entirely born from Riordan's Noah's Ark Complex, where he just can't let people be single. The series was ending and he needed Nico to have an endgame so he rushed into some random romance with zero build-up.
The way their interactions went down was also severely uncomfortable for me. Will was acting so offended by Nico not wanting to go to camp and be friends in an entitled way that he had no right to be, he downright guilt-tripped Nico about how he had wanted to be friends. Nico has been just so severely traumatized at such a young age and his coping mechanism, as unhealthy as it was, was to run away and hide. Will acted like Nico not wanting to form attachments to people who could potentially leave him again was somehow just an Edgy Emo Decision and not a direct reaction to his trauma. His entire approach to Nico was basically all these hippie posts of "Don't have depression!! Just go out into the sun and stop being depressed!", which is already a bad take with non-medical people but he's supposed to be a doctor (and let's not get into the shadiness of him technically being Nico's doctor).
There is also an inherent "I can fix him" angle to this ship and to me, only few ship dynamics are more uncomfortable than that. If you want to fundamentally change a person's behavior and personality, you... don't actually want to be with this person.
Now, here's where my points overlap, because the following parts of their writing that bothers me also stand for what this ship fundamentally represents.
2. Solangelo is a queer ship written by and for straights
I'm a queer woman and as a queer woman, I want queer wish-fulfillment, not what straights want out of queerness. I'm kind of tired of that, I've been sitting through it for enough decades now. That's, of course, not to say that no straight writer can give proper queer representation, but far too often do straight writers - even the most well-meaning ones - project straight desires of queerness into their queer representation.
Let me explain that closer through this ship.
Nico's been in love with Percy for years and I'm going to do my best to not hijack this post with some Percico agenda; that's not what this his about, this isn't some "my ship is better than your ship" ship-war nonsense. It's simply a canonical fact that Nico has had romantic feelings for another character for years.
A character who, in this medium, is heterosexual. And if you're queer, you've been there. In love with your straight best friend. It's a cliche, but it's a cliche for a reason.
We have also all been well-meaningly rejected by said straight friend.
And here's the straight desires for you: The queer person who was in love with a straight person just immediately stops having those feelings and will then as quickly as possible fall in love with the next queer person they meet to be happy and no longer uncomfortably in love with a straight person, because that thought makes the straights uncomfortable.
Queer wish-fulfillment would be for Percy to return those feelings, for the queer character to get his first love, to not be rejected. That thing queer teens always dreamed about for themselves.
Aside from the wish-fulfillment angle, the pacing is another problem. Let me repeat, Nico was in love for years. But a five sentence conversation with Will once causes a crush on Will and we see him physically turn away from Percy and toward Will just immediately to rebound and actually fall out of love with Percy and in love with Will. Anyone who's ever been unlucky in love will attest to just how unrealistic and ridiculous the pacing here is.
It's also straight queerness in another respect; Nico has been the first ever queer character we meet in that world. He loves a straight guy - and to get over that, we introduce the second queer character. Because heaven forbid there are multiple queers to pick from. No, in straight-written queer romances, there is always that one main queer and then they introduce a second one and the two just immediately hit it off and develop a romance like all a queer person needs to form attraction to someone is the confirmation that the other person shares your sexuality.
Also the notable gay guy on gay guy ship here, whereas the more queer-wish-fulfillment option would have also included more nuance to the queer experience, because Percy doesn't have to be heterosexual just because he has only been with girls so far. It's a very old-fashioned - think 90s and early 2000s - kind of straight-written queerness that there are only exactly two homosexuals and that those two homosexuals then pair up.
And, listen, I'm not immune to these outdated straight-written queers entirely, I have many such ships that I grew up with that I am still fond of because they were groundbreaking at that time and they weren't outdated yet back when they happened in said 90s and early 2000s. I am however a grown woman now and just like I have grown, so has queer rep so I am not as easily baited into falling onto my knees in gratitude for canon rep. You have to go with the times. And this ship, by all that is given to us, is just entirely outdated straight-written rep.
Which, I mention earlier that even straight-written rep can be good. If the author tries. Riordan doesn't really try though; he does the bare minimum when he writes any of his rep - and there have been many, many more qualified voices being very vocal about his depiction of people of color and, as a woman, I've been vocal about his depiction of women. I don't want to derail this post with all of that, but I do think that it bears mentioning that Riordan doing rep but only doing a bare minimum and not putting in the necessary work to deepen the representation he wants to give is a repeating pattern that has been pointed out many times by now.
(I’d also like to point out that no, it is not just the ship and not just the listed instances that make it straight-written rep for straights. It’s Nico’s entire queer arc, starting with his forced coming out. A severely traumatizing event that is completely brushed over because the straight author doesn’t understand the impact this has on queer people. Not to mention the framework; Nico’s coming out isn’t Nico’s story, it happens in Jason’s POV, it is given to us through the POV of the straight bystander who gets to be Best Ally by assuring Nico that being gay is okay. This kind of coming out is not a queer wish-fulfillment, it’s a straight wish-fulfillment of getting to be the straight savior, the ally to show the gay the light of acceptance. And, additional to the ridiculous pacing of how fast Nico gets over his love for Percy, Nico also gets over years of internalized homophobia just because of, I don’t know, Jason’s few encouraging words and the fact that Will paid attention to him? For a gay kid who was in the closet all his life, the nonchalant way in which he publicly confessed his crush to Percy at the end made absolutely no sense and was written as basically a joke, finished off with Nico literally high-fiving Percy’s girlfriend despite those two never having seen eye to eye before but this is straight wish-fulfillment so all straights are Super Allies, because that’s the way straights want to see themselves, even though Annabeth has shown before just how jealous she can be and she most definitely wouldn’t go around high-fiving people who confess to her boyfriend. Nothing about Nico’s queer arc in HoO felt natural or queer or satisfying.)
Sure, Solangelo on a surface level is big because it's a canon queer couple in a YA book-series and kudos for that and yay for the kids who get to grow up seeing queers in YA books, but I actually do think that kids growing up with books written in the 2010s shouldn't grow up with 1990s levels of representation, because the 2010s overall are actually at a far more nuanced and better level of representation when it comes to queerness. And I do reserve the right to quit on too straight-written and too outdated queer rep in a landscape where I can get more satisfying representation elsewhere; we don’t live in times anymore where you necessarily have to love every bit of rep because it’s the only one you get.
Now that we've gone through my first two gripes, let's wrap this up with the final point, because it also directly ties into this.
3. The new wave of antis hiding behind this ship
A huge part of the fandom is so busy kissing Riordan's ass solely for giving them queer rep at all they think that both the author and the ship are beyond flawless and that kind of attitude is not good. Just because an author includes rep doesn't make either perfect. Absolutely no one is beyond critique - especially not when said critique comes from the very people the author is representing. And even beyond any "valid" critique on the ship, quite frankly, someone should also be allowed to just not like it, without any reasons given at all.
But there is a certain... protective obsessiveness about this ship that doesn't allow a not liking. Very similar to how PJO bore this mindset around Perc/abeth already. It's okay to have OTPs, even OTPs that you have a blindspot for and just don't want to see any flaws in. It is however not okay to then go around attacking people who don't like the thing and mind their own business.
Solangelo's bred a new generation of antis in this fandom. And, particularly with the fact that this post too receives an "anti" tag, I feel like there needs to be a clarification (because tumblr likes to forget what actually makes an anti). Not liking something doesn't make you an anti, venting in properly tagged posts doesn't either; it's the people who harass others, who seek out the content they dislike to then complain that it even exists and who actively try to make others stop creating for it - those are antis.
And with Solangelo's popularity, there was a high rise in Percico antis, who sought it out, were unnecessarily nasty about it, harrassed creators and tried to enforce some kind of "Solangelo supremacy" that won't allow other ships for the characters.
I've been in fandom long enough to be perfectly aware that not all Solangelo shippers count into this category and that there are completely normal and nice Solangelo shippers, but this is a Venn diagram where the overlap between Solangelo shippers and antis is too large to not widely associate the nasty people with the ship itself. (I've been there myself, shipping the very ship behind which a fandom's antis all hid. The second-hand embarrassment of having these people give the ship a bad name is horrendous and I do feel bad for all the normal Solangelo shippers.)
The more often I encountered these people, who made Percico bad (sometimes in wildly ridiculous manners that bent and deliberately misinterpreted canon) and who in the same breath praised Solangelo high, the more tired I grew of that ship. It's a simple game of association, really. You see that linked to the gross and nasty behavior and you start associating the ship itself with that gross and nasty behavior - and with all the things I said before that already weighed into my dislike of the ship, this just was the final tipping point, really.
And that's it. That sums up why I dislike Solangelo. It was hastily rushed, uncomfortable in its execution, it is outdated rep that very much feels as straight-written as it factually is and it does not feel aimed at me as a queer person but rather at the straight audience and it has gathered a cult following of quite uncomfortable people who on their own would be reason enough to avoid it so you can avoid them.
Send me a ship and I will explain why I do or don't ship it
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watched s11ep1
i will provide you with a quick review before i disappear back into the ether of twd avoidance
lots of spoilers under the cut. also i wrote way too much and i worked all night and haven’t slept so i didn’t bother to reread literally any of it, so it might be completely nonsensical, tho if you don’t expect that from me by this point idk whose blog you’ve been reading
hokay, first off, i’ll start by saying that i enjoyed it more than i expected to. i’ve been avoiding any sort of discussion about stuff, but my google algorithm is so fucked at this point that i still get recommended articles and stuff every now and then, so i was already pretty aware of what i was walking into, and was expecting it to be eh, but actually i prob enjoyed it more than i enjoyed the finale
(don’t get too excited tho, the finale was rly boring lmfao)
episode starts off with a tense scouting mission
it takes .005 seconds into the episode for caryl to exchange a look of longing, establishing that they are still having weird conflict and are both too fucking stubborn to do anything about it even tho they hate it desperately
i imagine that will continue for a while
rosita, kelly, carol, maggie, what’s her face with the bad hair, and lydia (i think that’s everyone?) lower down to some army bunker or something, where a bunch of walkers are taking a snooze, and the girls are very respectful of walker naptime, and do their best not to wake them up
obviously they eventually wake up, but i’ll get to that in a sec
as they’re tiptoeing through the walker tulips, there’s this split second where carol spots a machine gun, and looks at maggie with a face like, “can i plzzzz, i am mad horny for that machine gun,” but maggie tells her no. (i 110% expected her to defy orders and accidentally wake up all the walkers, but she actually behaved herself for once. well. mostly)
never fear, tho, after the girl gang collects a bunch of MREs they go back to wait for the dudes waiting up top to pull them up, and bc men ruin everything, one of the ropes break, and daryl catches it before it falls, but then a slow motion drop of blood falls on a walker’s face, and just like that, walker naptime is over, and carol uses her bow and arrow for two seconds before she is like “fuck this” and whips out the machine gun
yes, she is super hot using it
yes, daryl watches her do it
anyway, all the other girls get rescued, and carol is about to be pulled up, but bc she is a #girlboss, she first makes a beeline for one more crate full of MREs. daryl covers her while she gets the loot, and when she gets back up top they have another charged moment as carol hands him back his knife
just fuck already, jfc
cut to alexandria where everything is still not smilestimes
BUT, we do get to see uncle daryl run and hug rj and judith (and dog), and FUCKING HERSHEL JR, LIGHT OF MY LIFE is also there
istg, they could not have casted a better child, i a d o r e him
oh, and some friends of maggie’s show up too, idk
cut to a staff meeting where everyone is like, whomp whomp, we’re all gonna starve to death unless we figure out something quick
cue maggie going, “oh, i know where food is, but it requires me to tell you my tragic backstory, in case anyone didn’t watch my bottle episode”
she tells her dramatic backstory about all her friends getting slaughtered by the reapers for no apparent reason, and then she’s like “anyway, let’s go back there!”
no one thinks it’s a great idea, but a group of people decide to go anyway, including daryl and gabriel. rosita is super pissed that gabriel is going, and carol doesn’t go, probably partly bc it’s a shitty fucking idea, and also bc they have to keep caryl apart bc otherwise they’ll fix their problems ahead of schedule and they won’t be able to drag out the needless angst
daryl looks kind of annoyed that carol doesn’t volunteer to go 
bitch, i thought you wanted her to stop putting herself in the line of fire! make up your damn mind!
moving on
cut to a thunderstorm, where, if you look closely, you’ll notice daryl is wearing the STUPIDEST hat i’ve ever seen. just get an umbrella, jfc
for some reason negan is with them, bc ig he knows his way around washington dc, and no one in six years has bothered to figure out how to get around the city and/or get a map, and he is like “hey guys, maybe we shouldn’t try to walk in this fucking hurricane,” and everyone is like “FUCK YOU NEGAN, YOU’RE NOT THE BOSS OF US!!!” 
this will be a common occurrence 
but eventually daryl is even like “actually, it’s rly unpleasant out here, and my hat is mad stupid, can we go inside plz?”
so they go inside an old metro station, which is actually a rly cool cinematic choice. i rly like the idea, and they executed it rly well
speaking of executions
there are some fucking RULL CREEPY walkers. idk why they bothered me so badly, but they were what they at first assumed were corpses wrapped up in tarps, but turns out none of them had been properly put down, so they go through killing these rotted bodies that had supposedly been there since The Fall, and it’s very gross and cool
this entire time, btw, negan is like “hey, i know i’m a shitty person, but i have some rational arguments about why we shouldn’t be doing this right now,” and everyone is like, “FUCK YOU NEGAN, YOU’RE NOT THE BOSS OF US!!!” and he’s just like “god fucking damnit”
(i forgot to mention that at one point, when they’re headed into the metro station, negan is trying to warn ppl of the potential danger, and everyone is ignoring him, and he tries to talk to daryl, and daryl is like “fuck you, you think we’re BUDDIES?” and negan is like “oh, ok, so you’re gonna be like that too? fanfreakingtastic” and it’s very funny)
anyway. a fat monster zombie escapes its tarp at one point, and tries to eat some npc, and negan saves him, again is like “hey, anyone else realize that this is a FUCKING BAD PLAN?”, and everyone is like “we don’t care, you’re still shitty and we’re not listening to you, and you don’t actually care about random npc i would literally not be able to pick out in a lineup bc his face is so generic, you’re not the boss of us!!!”
it’s at this point that negan finally is like, “why am i even here? bc i know how to get around washington dc? do none of you have a map?” and i was like, “right?! that’s what i said!” 
it’s then revealed that maggie only brought negan along to murder him under the guise of “oops, he got hurt in the line of duty, it wasn’t my fault,” and daryl has this look on his face that says, “i seriously need to stop hanging out with lethal women bent on revenge bc it’s gonna give me high blood pressure,” and maggie has a badass moment where she points a gun she has for some reason at negan and is like “i have like, one shred of human compassion left inside of me, and if you keep pushing me i will fucking kill you without a second thought, so shut the hell up”
(in her defense, negan had just dropped glenn’s name to purposely antagonize her, which was rude as hell)
(for the record, i’m completely on maggie’s side here, but negan still is right that trapping themselves in a metro station is a bad call)
anyway, moving away from that briefly
i think this jump cut happens sooner, i don’t actually remember, but whatever who cares, point is, we get to the part of the show that actually matters, and that’s anything involving my love, juanita “princess” sanchez
and also eugene, yumiko, and ezekiel
they are being asked increasingly invasive questions by commonwealth ppl, some of which i wish they actually would of answered (what do they use to wipe their asses with?? surely toilet paper has long since become extinct)
zeke, who is so much more tolerable as a character now that he’s not larping as a king, has this incredibly weird and sort of sexually charged moment with a dude in an orange stormtrooper costume, where he’s like, “i bet you were an asshole cop back before The Fall, you stupid fascist, #fuckthepolice, mb literally? idk, this moment has a lot of pent up aggression that could easily translate to hate sex, it might just be the intense eye contact, but w/e, let’s just move along,” and then he has a coughing fit to remind the audience that he’s currently dying of cancer, and orange stormtrooper is like “lolz, loser, drink some water you dumb piece of shit”
cut to the wholesome foursome sitting at a picnic table in a guarded courtyard eating gruel, and yumkio, who finally has a personality, and princess are like “hey, this place fucking sucks, can we leave?” and zeke is like, “yeah, i met this orange stormtrooper who i think might be dtf and/or murder, so we should probably bounce”
but eugene is like, “but i want some hot stephanie ass, and also some bullshit excuse about how mb commonewealth will save alexandria” which, they left before things went super downhill, right? idr. it was after hilltop fell, but they don’t know alexandria got fucked either, if i recall? w/e, not important
two seconds after he says this, they talk to some people who are like “we’ve been here for four months, or maybe it’s been nine, i don’t actually remember, i’ve stopped processing the passage of time,” and the wholesome foursome takes this as a bad sign, tho that’s just the life i’ve lived as a night worker during a pandemic, so i was like #mood
but then they watch some guy get dragged away screaming to get “reprocessed” and eugene is like “ok, nvm, let’s bounce”
(my theory on what “reprocessing” is, is that they’re stuck in a room and have to watch hours and hours of customer service training videos on vhs from the 90s)
i definitely got my jump cut scenes mixed up bc i think the negan accusing maggie of a murder plot thing happened in between this scene and then the next commonwealth scene, but w/e, i’ll just finish what happens in the commonwealth arch
the wholesome foursome are trying to hatch a plan to escape, except princess, my love, is distracted watching some stormtroopers flirt, and the other three are like “wtf, dude, how can you even tell any of them apart?” and princess then tells them every stormtroopers backstory bc she is brilliant and pays rly close attention to shit, and the other three are like, “this is useful information, thank you for being an insane person”
their plan involves yumiko and eugene dressing up as stormtroopers and leading princess and zeke out of the place, which works fine actually, except on their way out they come across the Depressing Wall of Probably Mostly Dead Missing Loved Ones
they’re about to leave, when princess is like, “wait, yumiko, you’re on here, that’s weird huh?”
sure enough, yumiko  is on the wall, with a note from ig her sister 
the scene ends with yumiko going, “guys...i can’t leave...i have tragic backstory to unveil”
tragic backstory to be continued ig
back in murder metro town, npc and some other npc have stolen all the supplies, there’s a train blocking the track, and a horde of walkers are coming towards them, so things are not going fantastic
they horde is too big to take down, so they start to climb on top of the train car to get away
but dog runs away!
and daryl, being every pet owner ever, is like “gotta go get my dog, guys, try not to get killed while i’m gone, c u soon!” and he ducks under the train and disappears
the episode ends with maggie climbing up the train car but getting grabbed by a walker and dangling off the edge, and negan is there and they have a lion king moment where maggie is like, “scar! help me!” and negan is like “long live the king, bitch” and walks away into the shadows, leaving maggie to a potential death
which, while i know isn’t actually going to happen, would be a really fucking funny move on the writers’ part
like, “look, lauren’s back! and now she’s dead, bet you didn’t expect that!”
my assumption is negan will actually end up helping her up or something, continuing his ambiguous morality bullshit that actually isn’t ambiguous bc he BEAT GLENN TO DEATH WITH A FUCKING BAT WRAPPED IN BARBED WIRE IN FRONT OF HIS PREGNANT WIFE
the maggie/negan arch is kind of dumb, but whatevs, i’ll tolerate it, as long as my boy glenn gets justice in the end
anyway, cue credits!
final assessment: good episode. i’m much more interested in commonwealth than the reapers, tho i am hoping that daryl’s personality-less ex turns out to be a monster killing machine with no conscience, that’ll be fun. princess is a gift from god. hershel jr needs his own tv show. needs more carol (and caryl)
the end! going back into my walking dead free chamber! see you next episode!
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lilxberry · 3 years
Preference: How You Met (Girls)
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You met through Lexi
You had a project for school to work on with Lexi and she had suggested to go over to hers.
So, one afternoon after school, you headed over to her house with your textbooks in your bag ready. You stepped towards their front door and knocked. 
The door soon opened and there she stood, looking at you quizzically as you gaped at her, suddenly losing your voice.
“Can I help you?”
“I-I uhm, yeah. Hi, I’m here to do a-uh-a project with Lexi.”
“Okaaaayyyyyy...” She drawled out her response as she side-stepped to allow you in. “She’s upstairs.”
You flashed her a goofy smile, eliciting a soft giggle from her. “T-thanks. I’ll uh-I’ll see you around?” It came out as more of a question, causing the girl to release another giggle.
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You met through your parents
Both your dads’, David and Y/D/N, work together. David Vaughn was the new employee at your dads work place. They hit it off fairly quickly, becoming really good friends. Once they found out that their kids were the same age AND attend the same school, they agreed to having dinner one night.
There was a knock at the door, your mother shouted for your father to go answer. You quickly glance down at your outfit, ensuring nothing looks odd or out of place, then soon exited your room to head downstairs.
“Y/N! This is Mr. Vaughn and his daughter...I’m sorry sweetie, what was your name again?” Your mother spoke in a sweet tone.
“Jules.” She answered your mother, giving her a tight lipped smile, clearly uncomfortable in this situation.
“Jules,” your mother repeats softly, offering the girl a comforting smile, which seemed to have worked a little.
“Uh-hey, I’m Y/N.” You smile as you offer your hand to David, trying to be polite towards the guests within your home, although, all you’ve done is keep your eyes laid upon his daughter.
Jules seemed to return your lingering stare with multiple glance at you of her own.
Throughout dinner with the Vaughns, you and Jules let your gaze fall on to each other often through out the night, ignoring the adults' conversations. But alas, the night ended and Jules and her father had to head home.
“Hey, I’ll see you in school, yeah?” Jules asked hopefully, a smile playing at her lips, as you two stood by your front door.
“Uh-ye-yeah, definitely.” Y/N replied all to eagerly. Jules sent you a beaming smile and started walking backwards towards her dads car, giving you a small wave as she walked.
You sent her a smile of your own before closing the door and leaning your forehead against the wooden material.
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You met in the cafeteria
You were enjoying your lunch in the cafeteria, midway into your sandwich, sat next to Ethan and Kat when music started to play. You looked at Kat with a confused expression as cheering erupted around you.
Then you noticed the cheerleaders gather at the bottom of the stairs, starting their routine. You placed your sandwich back down and turned your body, focusing your attention on solely on the girls in the blue and white cheer uniform.
She caught your eye almost instantly as you raked your eyes over the group of girls. The way her body moved as she preformed their choreography perfectly. 
Her eyes shifted through the crowd, basking in their reaction to the show they were putting on when her eyes met yours. Those E/C irises.
She pursed her lips and pushed out her chest more. She wanted you to notice her and she knew she was doing a good job at keeping your attention at your eyes burnt holes into her figure.
As soon as their routine showcase finished, she headed straight towards you, inwardly smirking when she seen your reaction to her doing so.
Once she reached your table, she leant over into you, purposely brushing her chest up against your arm. She grabs your phone that was previously layed face down on the table and held it out for you.
You looks at her quizzically and she rolled her eyes. “Unlock it.”
You hesitantly retrieved your phone from her grasp and did as you were told. She quickly swiped the phone back into her possession, adding her number to your contacts then handing it back to you, its rightful owner. “Here. Call me.”
And with that, she walked away, leaving you dumb founded next to a snickering Kat and Ethan.
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You met online
You were scrolling through Facebook on your phone when suddenly, a familiar face showed up under your ‘suggested friends’.
You recognised her from around school. She usually hung around people like Perez, Howard and BB whilst you prefered to stick to yourself, occasionally opting to chat with Rue, Jules or the Mckay twins, Roy and Troy.
After a small debate with yourself, you decided to tap the ‘Add Friend’ button. Without any further thought on the matter, you locked your phone and continued watching the movie playing on your laptop in bed.
Not even 5 minutes later, you had a 2 notifications shine light up your phone screen. 
‘Kat Hernandez has accepted your friend request’.
‘Message from Kat Hernandez’.
You unlocked your phone and click on her message.
Almost too quickly, you typed out a reply.
‘You go to East Highland, right?’
‘I thought I recognised you lmao’
Throughout the night, you talked to each other. You got to know each other with each question asked and learnt about each others humour as you shared memes between you. By 7am, you were both drifting into sleep as you talked.
‘It’s a good thing we don’t have school today x’
‘Too right. I wouldn’t know where tf I’m going lmao x’
‘lol. Ain’t you tired?? x’
‘A little, yeah but I don’t want to stop talking to you x’
‘I don’t wanna stop either but we can talk later after we’ve gotten some sleep?? If that’s ok with you?? x’
‘More than ok :) x’
‘Cool, talk later x’
‘Byeeeee x’
After that, you and Kat started to talk more during school and the rest is history. 
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You met in class
You walked into your communications class expecting to sit in your regular seat like usual. But upon further inspection, you realised some random asshat jacked your place. 
Internally groaning, your eyes scanned the room for free seats. Then you noticed her.
You walked over to her and simply motioned towards the chair whilst gripping your back packs strap tighter. “You mind?”
She shook her head and smiled at you in response. You flung your bag off of your shoulder and placed in on to the floor near your feet as you sat down and leant back in the chair.
“I’m Lexi.”
“Hey. I’m Y/N.”
She giggled. “I know, you usually sit in the back.”
You nodded in acknowledgement, sending her a small smile. Before you could continue the conversation further, the teacher entered and class began.
“So, what if there were five birds in a row and I decided to shoot one. How many is there left?” The teacher asked. She said that using peoples answers to certain questions can help understand how ones’ mind works, hence the dumb-ass question.
“None, they would have all flown away.” You replied, casually leant back in your chair, arms folded over your chest, Lexi beside you watching, as is everyone else.
“The answer would be 4 if you look at it from a mathematical stand point, but I like the way you think none the less.”
Your eyes narrow slightly as a hint of mischief flashes across your face. You reapply a serious expression before stating “Miss, I have a question for you?”
The teacher smiled sweetly at her, leaning back on to her desk at the front of the class, hands clasped together in front of her. “Sure.”
“There’s three women sat at a bus stop eating ice cream. One’s licking, one’s biting and one’s sucking. Which is married?” Your mouth twists into a smirk as her face falls slightly and the other students in the class snicker.
Lexi seemed to find this amusing. Exactly what you wanted.
The teacher shifted slightly, fumbling with her fingers as she hesitantly answers. “The one sucking.”
“The answer would be the one wearing the wedding ring if you look at it from a logical stand point, but I like the way you think none the less, Miss.”
Laughter erupts from the students. “Alright, settle down. Another “question” from you, Y/LN/, and you can take yourself to Principal Hayes office.
You raise your hands in front of you, feigning surrender. From the corner of you eye, you see Lexi trying to contain her giggles and it makes you smile triumphantly.
Suddenly, something bumps your left knee, enticing you to look at Lexi. She slides over a bit of scrap paper she scrawled on towards you.
‘Wanna sit together at lunch?’
You nod in reply then turn your focus back to the teacher. In your peripheral vision, you see Lexi sporting a small smile and a light pink tinge on her cheeks.
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You met in rehab
“Marissa! Baby! What’s up with you today, beautiful.” The young rehab worker rolled her eyes at your routine flirtations.
You had just woken up to another day in the centre and your favourite pass time was to annoy any and all staff ‘cause, let’s face it, you’re an asshole.
“Good morning to you too, Y/N.”
“So, what’s on the agenda today?”
Before Marissa got the chance to dignify you with a response, the doors at the end of the hall swung open, drawing your attention to them, as they revealed the new girl in a maroon jacket walking beside Dr. Jowett.
“Who is that?” You asked slowly, not removing your eyes from the girl.
Marissa, yet again, rolled her eyes at your antics. “That’s Rue, she’s a new resident. And before you even try anything, you know any form of relationship past friends is against the rules.”
“Hey! Who said I was gonna try get in her pants? Is this the result of jealousy? Did I make you jealous, Mari?” You smirked as the young girl snorted whilst shaking her head.
“You wish, Y/L/N.”
“Oh, I definitely do.” You waggled your eyebrows towards her before leaving to sit in the communal room.
As you sat at the table, you noticed the doctor and, who you now know is called Rue, stop at the entrance of the room. You watched closely as she hesitantly walked into and across the room, opting to sit alone at one of the many tables.
After no debate needed, you got up from where you sat and walked confidently over and perched yourself into the chair beside her, resting your one foot on the table and an arm over the back of the chair.
“So, newbie, how you finding the mainland of sobriety?”
She shrugged in response whilst keeping her gaze trained on you.
“Don’t worry, you can say it sucks if you want, I won’t tell.” You winked at Rue and she allowed a small smile to appear on her face. “I’m Y/N, obviously the coolest person in this place.”
“I’m Rue.”
“Oh, I know.” You smirked as you drank in her expression. “I think we’re gonna get along just dandy, Rue.”
Her face flushes a light pink as her smile conveys a soft of sweetness, very different to Marissa. There may be rules against relationships in this place but...
When have you ever listened to what people tell you?
First preference AND piece of work on Euphoria
Two in one baby!!
I honestly had a bit too much fun with these, even if the end result is kinda shitty
Although, I like some of the scenarios so much, I’m thinking of doing longer fics like imagines or one shots extending from them like the rehab one for Rue
Anyways, I hope you enjoy. Like if ya do as it will help it reach more reader
As always, constructive criticism and requests are welcomes and greatly appreciated :D
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ficforce · 3 years
Asakusa Crush Part 1
Shinmon Benimaru x Reader SFW / NSFW No set timeline New relationship
Hikage and Hinata had been munching on their sweets, following close behind Benimaru who was buying them whatever he could to keep them quiet - they were particularly hyper that day and he was beginning to wish he hadn’t let them tag along. It was a routine walk through the town, making sure nothing was going to wrong and that none of the smaller gangs had any ideas about who Asakusa belonged to. The girls both walked straight into him as the man stopped suddenly and a head popped out either side of him to see what the fuss was up ahead.
A big man was mouthing off at the front of a store, demanding the owner come out and settle things like a man and accusing them of robbing him.
“Another fight, huh…” Benimaru crossed his arms and watched as the twins stood in front of him to watch. The guy must have been about six foot four and he had a big build, Benimaru figured he’d pack a punch but not be too fast on his feet, the scars and bruised knuckles identified him as a guy who brawled a lot. The curtain was moved aside from the store and out stepped a young lady, she was wearing a flowery yukata and he was a little surprised to see she was only wearing bandaged binding beneath it, had she just woken up? She was rubbing her eyes and then pushed her hair out of the way a little.
“Where’s the old bastard who owns this shit hole?!” The man stalked over to the woman and put his hand on her shoulder to move her out of the way. Benimaru barely caught the move so he was damned sure that the big guy never saw it coming. Her hand had shot up onto his wrist and with an elegant twist and using his own momentum against him, she had the man on his back on the dusty ground.
She stepped back from him and covered a slight yawn, she had definitely been taking a nap, “What’s your problem? You were loud last night too. If you can’t handle your drink then don’t come here anymore.”
“Y/N is hilarious!” Hinata cheered,
Hikage nodded, “She’s always best when she’s sleepy!”
Benimaru looked down at the two, they knew her? He couldn’t recall ever seeing her and he thought he had met most people in the town, “Y/N? Who the hell is she?”
“She came here a month ago, Waka, the bar owner is her grandpa or something.”
“Sooner he kicks the bucket the sooner she can make it fun for us!” The two giggled and then hung onto Benimaru, “She has a cool fire trick too!”
By this point the man had gotten up off the ground, spitting onto it and getting himself up, he swung at Y/N twice, both times she stepped out of the way and on his third swing she punched him between the eyes and he fell down flat. Unconscious before he hit the dirt. “Yeah! Kick his ass Y/N!”
Benimaru met Y/N’s eyes as she looked in his direction, it was for a second and then she glanced down at the twins, her annoyed expression brightened and she grinned at the girls with a small thumbs up. The Captain’s heart was pounding in his chest and he felt an odd heat spike inside his gut, why the hell was that?
A tug on his clothing pulled the left sleeve down and he yanked it back up, Hikage sticking her tongue out at him and the bouncing on her feet as she saw Y/N approach them, “You two weren’t even gonna help, were you?”
They shook their heads and then grinned at one another before pointing up at Benimaru, “We were waiting for the man to do the decent thing!”
“Waka didn’t do a thing!
“Shame on you!”
He clicked his tongue at them, grumbling for them to shut up and then he was looking at the woman close up. She didn’t seem special, her appearance was a little rough, the yukata was too big for her and obviously just thrown on - did she even know that it was so open? She didn’t even have anything on her feet. She was plain and he was oddly speechless.
“Waka?” She asked and then she seemed to have a moment of realisation, “You’re Be- uh, Shinmon Benimaru, right?”
She was from the Empire then? She’d barely caught herself in saying his name in the correct order, that should have put him off her but it really didn’t, she looked like she belonged in Asakusa and Benimaru was still struggling to speak so he just nodded.
“Hika and Hina gave me the heads up on who’s who in Asakusa, you’re pretty high on their list of people. I’m Y/N, sorry for the ruckus just now…” She figured that fighting in the street wasn’t the best way to meet the town’s Demolishing King.
“What fighting style were you using?” That was the only thing he could get to come out of his mouth.
“A little Aikido, some Kobudo and generally the skill of avoiding getting hit. I lived on the outskirts of the Empire barely inside of Tokyo, it got a little rough from time to time.” She watched him give another nod and took a step back, “Well, I guess I’m up now, I better get the bar ready for tonight - Later, girls!” The twins chimed in their goodbyes and then gave a pull on Benimaru as they complained he was too slow.
He had been fixated on watching Y/N walk away, he wanted to follow her and talk a little more now that the beating in his chest had calmed down. “What the hell was that…?”
Konro couldn’t help but watch in fascination as his young Captain stared after the new girl, the mismatched red eyes glued to her as she chatted away with Hinata and Hikage after bringing snacks to the guardhouse. The Company had been busy rebuilding most of the morning and people were bringing them food and drink to keep them going, there was nothing like watching a loved one combust and getting put to rest to bring everyone together. But since she had arrived, Benimaru hadn’t moved and his face had a little more colour to it, he decided to try something out and made a random comment, “She’s pretty.” He was being honest, she was wearing a cute yukata with a flowery belt, she wasn’t too made up and her hair was kept simple - she looked like a sweet girl.
“She’s amazing.”
Konro nearly choked on his surprise, “What?”
“…W-what?” Benimaru tore his eyes away and looked up at Konro, his face heating up as he realised what had just happened and he turned his head to glare at the opposite wall, “Shut up! Get that dumb look off your face or I’ll -“
“You’ll what?” Konro smirked, “Blush some more?” This was great, Benimaru didn’t get crushes, Benimaru wasn’t a virgin either but he never really showed too much interest in women. For him to actually get embarrassed like this was better than any hazing he had put Benimaru through as a young teen. “I wish I had the camera right now.”
Benimaru clicked his tongue angrily and stepped out of the doorway without looking, straight into Y/N like some dumb cliche. “Watch it!”
“You stepped into me, dumbass!” Y/N shot back at him with a glare to match his own, a slight orange glow to her eyes.
Benimaru wanted to know what she could do, was she a second or a third-generation? Would she have a real sting in her tail or was she just flashy? “Tch!” He went to sidestep her but she blocked him, “The hell you want?”
“An apology.”
“Not happening, move” He reached a hand to her shoulder to move her aside and grunted as she used the heel of her palm to knock it away. Was she challenging him? She didn’t look anything like the woman fighting in the street a few days ago, this well-groomed, pretty face had no place in giving him trouble. “I said move.”
He moved quicker this time and she countered, their palms and forearms collided several times as they attacked and countered, “And I said apologise.”
There was a small crowd around them now, excited murmurs buzzing along them as they watched the standoff. Konro grabbed Hinata and Hikage before they could run over and join in, he approached them both and put a hand on each of them. “If you’re gonna fight, do it away from the new building work.” Benimaru shrugged him off and walked away in the opposite direction, Konro watched after him with a barely concealed smile - he had it bad for this girl. “You shouldn’t play with fire.”
“I’m fireproof,” Y/N smiled up at the man benignly, “Besides…I’m just pulling on his pigtails.”
The twins giggled at her side and teased her about her own crush on Benimaru.
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juseki-taisen · 3 years
How about how the 12 warriors celebrate V-Day? (Bonus challenge being Doudecuple and Navi)
Thank you for the request @gale-dragon-writer
This was a long one! I hope you guys like!
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Without S/O
This wouldn’t happen, let’s be real. If it did she planned this by choice, so she’s probably busy kicking ass and taking names...and numbers
Probably prowls bars for lonely men/women/they’s ect to buy her drinks.
Never pays for any food or drink of Valentines. She’s hot af and knows it
It’s 50/50 if she’s going to go home with someone
With S/O
Expects to be spoiled. Please spoil her
Despite her immense wealth, she doesn’t expect you to buy her expensive things. She can do that herself. What she’d really like is for a gift that’s full of thought.
If you make her a gift, she’ll play it off but she secretly loves it. It doesn’t matter how shitty it is. If you make her a cute boar figure out of clay and it’s lopsided, but you tried hard and painted it her favorite color, it’s going on her mantel in the living room.
Spoils you too. You will drown in gifts and kisses. Don’t worry, she uses amazing lipstick and it doesn’t stick to your face.
Without S/O
Spends the day giving candy to the children.
Secretly gives his daughter a secret admirer letter, her confidence SKY ROCKETS
Decorates his classroom
This man is great at help kids learn about consent. No pulling pigtails, and if a boy likes a girl and she tells him no, he makes sure he knows not to keep bugging her. Same thing with the girls. If a boy doesn’t like them they’re not allowed to keep bugging them either.
Watches cute love movies with his daughter. He’s her prince charming.
With S/O
You better believe he has you help decorate his classroom
You make cute paper hearts and pick out candy
The kids leave you valentines
He takes you to dinner. His daughter comes too. You guys have a lot of fun. He buys you and his daughter a dessert. Somehow she eats here and half of yours
Snuggles on the couch and a cute movie.
Without an S/O
Doesn’t celebrate
She doesn’t understand why it’s a big deal
Indulges the day after on discount candy
With an S/O
Help her
She wants to celebrate but she’s in Ushii level awkward when it comes to doing anything
Picks the most popular movie out, watches it, and THAT is the basis for her whole idea
Gets you candy. Wears a cute dress. Picks a place to eat. Buys you roses, or do you get her roses? She’ll get them for you...just in case
Candy? Candy. Lots of candy.
Any small thing you get her she’s going to love. She never has really gotten gifts, and one out of love is a gift she’ll treasure forever
If you do get her flowers, she’s going to press them or dry them and keep them forever
Without an S/O
She had a fiancé for what seemed like forever, so a day without one is kind of difficult for her
She’s happy she’s alone, because she’s happy with who she is and now doesn’t have anyone to try and fit her into a mold that she didn’t belong
Kind of mopes though. She wants romance and someone who loves her for who she is and everything she does
Drinks hot coco and eats an ungodly amount of chocolate
With an S/O
So. Excited.
She cooks all day and makes cake, dinner, and everything else from scratch
You get her gifts and feel like it’s still not enough
Honestly? It doesn’t matter what you get her. She just love shaving you around and knowing how much you care for her for who she is
PLEASE slow dance with her in the kitchen while you’re doing the dishes. She’ll remember it forever
Without an S/O
Hangs out at home
Waiting for the candy to go on sale
Babysits for his child so they can have a romantic evening
Watches random shows on TV, but avoids romance stuff
With an S/O
Still wants to hang out at home, but will go out if you want
Uses this as an excuse to DESTROY the candy aisle
Gets you flowers, they’re not red roses because that’s pretty expensive, but he gets cute ones...and a bear
Snuggles and falling asleep to bad rom coms on TV
Without an S/O
Spends it alone
He wishes he had someone, but he’s alright for the most part
Okay he’s not
He’s a big softie inside and somewhat romanticizes the holiday more than he should
Eats cake...and chocolate 
With an S/O
The man goes WILD
Roses everywhere
A romantic dinner he made meticulously after practicing for weeks
Remakes the titanic ship in a bottle, with you two as the figures on the front of the ship
He loves any gift you get him. He cries. He tries not to, but he does. 
He writes you a poem he gets to embarrassed to read. You get it in a card. 
Without an S/O
Steals everything with his brother
Necklaces, candy, and even flowers just so he can light them on fire
Doesn’t think much of the holiday, never has. It’s stupid. 
With an S/O
He’s awkward. He doesn’t know how to celebrate the holiday
He gets you the basics, candy, a bear, and flowers. That’s it right? 
Oh wait, you wanna do something? Uh, can a theme park be romantic?
You have a lot of fun actually, and when inevitably he lights part of it on fire, he has stuff for smores. 
You save the picture from the tunnel of love. You managed to snap it before he lit it on fire. The tunnel was the point of origin. 
Later on down the road he plans more stuff. He may also use fireworks to do your name in the air or something
Steals you a car. 
Without an S/O
Steals stuff with his brother
Gets entirely to many snacks
Does anything but Holiday stuff
With an S/O
Doesn’t want to do anything, but will because you ask him
Takes you for dinner, and he enjoys spending time with you, but because social convention is making him he’s grumpy about it 
If you’re the kind of person who is easily embarrassed, he may send you cheesy emails with stupid valentines cards
Chocolate and all KINDS of snacks
Later on down the line he’ll plan more romantic stuff, and buy you nice things with real money so you know he cares
Without an S/O
He likes the Holiday and wants someone to do it with SOOOO BAD
Watches all those cute movies and cheesy rom coms
Has a “Friend” he takes out on a date
It doesn’t go well
With an S/O
Oh boy. He’s SO HAPPY
He gets you everything. Flower, roses (ignore the blood it’s fine), and he lets you know he’s arrived to pick you up by having his friends hold him high while he has a boom box playing your favorite song. Even if it’s metal. Even if he thinks the holiday begins at midnight. Your neighbors wont care, right?
You will go to ALL the cheesy stuff. Cute rides at a theme park, which somehow gets burned down later on thanks to someone (Takeyasu)
 A dinner and flowers, chocolate. SO MUCH CANDY. He even likes the terrible heart ones. He made you a box filled with ones that have saying that remind him of you
Cuddles, kisses, and smooches that just...don’t stop. Even in public. You gotta tell him to tone it down. 
Without an S/O
Drinks, and mopes
She doesn’t really want to date, but seeing other people happy kinda rubs it in when you’re single
Partakes in day after candy sales
She actually avoids the bars, to many couples being happy and cute
Angrily eats snacks
With an S/O
She doesn’t expect much, other than maybe being one of those annoying couples who steals Every. Booth. In. The. Restaurant. 
Please get her presents. Please. She’ll get really happy and flustered
This girl will actually try and make you chocolate from scratch. Sharyu helps. She even wraps them in a cute wrapping paper she draws herself
It’s pretty casual and after bar hopping you spend it at home. You’re with her so she cuts back so she’s not sloshed. She wants to remember being with you. 
So many cute kisses. 
Hand holding. It still gets her flustered. 
Please get your picture taken at some point. She’ll put it by her bed and fall asleep smiling
Without an S/O
There’s a Holiday? 
He guess he noticed it was harder than normal to get a table for his favorite restaurant
Doesn’t really like sweets so the holiday just annoys him
So many people confess to him and he’s just like “Okay. Cool. Thanks” 
With an S/O
He’s not great with the holiday. He’s smart though, so he tries  to research what to do
Googles top ten most romantic gesture, luckily has the sense not to propose
Gets you candy, roses, and all the stereotypical stuff
You have to tell him to relax, because all the stuff he’s saying is regurgitated rom com lines
When he does relax, he’s actually really sweet. Stupidly sweet actually. 
“I don’t need a holiday to tell me you’re important, you’re already always on my mind, but the candy is nice I guess”
Will watch whatever you want. Is always confused by romance movies, but oh BOY does he love going out to eat with you. Hell. Yes. The desserts are amazing and now he gets to share them with you
Care you a card. It’s ugly, but he tries
Gets you a really cute necklace. It has a small ox on it, so he can always be with you. 
Without an S/O
Eats candy and sleeps. It’s no different than any other day, other than people piss him off more.
He doesn’t like how weird people get 
They also made out on his locker...and he needed his textbook. Please....Let him get his books
With an S/O
Uses his paths so much that he passes out and HARD CORE NAPS before you go out
Has the perfect gift.
Plays co op video games with you
He doesn’t like people, so you get take out and stay home
You watch movies, but they’re movies like Princess Bride, Warm Bodies, and love stories that aren’t so normal and are more fun
If you’re LGBT he goes out of his way to find a good movie ahead of time, because he loves and supports you and this day is about you two damn it! (The other’s would try to do this for their S/O, but would have a harder time. since most of them are not great with technology like Nezumi is)
So much candy and snacks
Selfies and filters
You fall asleep together and nap
get him a gift. He’ll know it’s coming but it still makes him happy
Without an S/O
Doesn’t do a whole lot. Has wine and watches the mortals below
Maybe messes with people just a bit to amuse himself
Does his own thing. He really doesn’t care for the holiday
With an S/O
Wine and a dessert charcuterie board
Gets you an expensive gift, but practical. A coat, a scarf. Something to keep you warm and cozy you can use everyday and think of him.
Makes the impossible possible. A romantic setting with only a few people
Getting the tickets for some play or show the last minute
Please do something cheesy, it’ll amuse him, and he’ll secretly keep it
He may get a gift from you, then anyone who goes in his office will see it. 
“Look what my Love got me. Have you beheld it?”
It doesn’t matter if it’s stupid. He’s keeping it forever 
Without and S/O
Stays home and has snacks and chocolates
Maybe organizes his hat collection
Watches fun game shows or anything without romance
With S/O
Has a special hat he wears for the occasion
Gets you one too
Gets you candy and a single rose, as well as a teddy bear
Uses his tablet to find the best places to go with the best rating. Uses his ability to multiply to hold your place in line so you can actually do other stuff
Ferris wheel. He has to hold his hat on but you guys get an AMAZING picture together. It’s his screensaver. He texts it to Nezumi. Nezumi and him start having a couple picture off. Next year, double date. 
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alleycat97 · 3 years
Snow Queen
Part 1? Just some random Hella Soft Blaine and Mc story. I don’t know what I was shooting for but here you go. Maybe a part 2? Idk yet.
F!Blaine x Mc(Kennedy Monroe)
Tag list: @blaine-hayes @samanthadalton @fundamentalromantic @kwaj05 @danna-min-sinclair @mintchocolate-chip @dopeyouth @shows-simp-card @clowneryme @scarlet-letter-a0114 @avanimous @choicesilona @somewillwin @iamsimpforpoppy @robintora @alexlabhont
Some vacation, who would have guessed a private ski lodge for diplomats with body guards and maximum security would have an issue with paparazzi?
Usually they don’t bother or even get near the place unless there is a story, and Kennedy Monroe was the story of the year, that was, if they could catch her.
She spent most of her vacation avoiding the paparazzi by a series of gut wrenching maneuvers on the slopes along with Blaine. It was actually becoming quite fun trying to evade them. It kept the adrenaline pumping for the girls as they tried to outdo one another in their big escapes.
For as much as they skied together and spent time together laughing and hanging out on the slopes, no one had put the two together, something that might unravel itself sooner rather than later.
Blaine and Kennedy started their morning’s off sitting next to each other at breakfast. Blaine always made sure Kennedy finished all her food before hitting the slopes. Besides evading the paparazzi, Blaine helped Kennedy with new moves and tricks on some jumps. Kennedy wasn’t the worlds worst skier, she just wasn’t as polished as Blaine.
But it wasn’t always skiing. The two girls would sneak off the runs and build snowmen and snow angels. One afternoon was so bad with the paparazzi, Blaine pulled Kennedy off the run and built them an igloo to hide in. One of many hidden talents the Ardonian possessed.
Of course the igloo wasn’t the largest of structures, especially the inside. Kennedy nearly had to straddle Blaine’s lap just to fit inside, something neither girl was complaining about.
“I see what you did here Blaine.” Kennedy smirked.
“What? I didn’t do anything.” Blaine replied with her trademark grin. “Just big enough for two.”
The two were quite fond of the igloo, it was their private oasis away from their friends and press on the slopes but would always end up back in Blaine’s room soaking away the aches of the days adventures.
The two started opposite of each other, just barely allowing their feet to rub one another. Then they started sitting side by side so they could hold hands. Then they always ended up with Kennedy sitting with her back to Blaine’s front, with the brunettes legs wrapped around the blonde’s waist.
Kennedy would just relax back into Blaine as she felt the girls grip tighten and the soft brush of her lips caressing the skin behind her ear. Not much was said, but the delicate actions spoke louder than any word either could muster.
One of the last morning’s, Blaine wasn’t at breakfast. Kennedy shot her a quick text before taking her own seat.
Blaine immediately responded with a message telling Kennedy to meet her at the igloo around noon for a surprise. Kennedy couldn’t stop bouncing in anticipation at the possibilities.
A surprise? From Blaine? Kennedy didn’t know whether to be excited or afraid.
Kennedy made it to the top of the ski lift and solo skied down the run and over to the secret igloo that Blaine had made. Finding Blaine tucked away inside with a blanket strung out with a picnic basket.
“Surprise!” Blaine greeted awkwardly, this feeling was all new to her.
“Oh a picnic? How romantic.”
“Yeah yeah I’m a saint. Now dig in, I’ve slaved over this all morning.” Blaine admitted timidly.
“You!? You made all this food? Thanks for the warning.” Kennedy teased pushing the basket away.
“Hey! It’s not that bad! I worked hard on it!”
Kennedy took the basket back and dug in, moaning in surprise on how tasteful the food was. “This is amazing Blaine thank you.”
Blaine smiled due to her small victory. Never in a million years did she ever consider baking anything for anyone, including a special someone. But here she was smiling, watching Kennedy enjoy her handy work.
After the tasteful lunch Kennedy tossed the basket aside, capturing Blaine’s lips with intensity and passion.
“Thank you so much for lunch Blaine, it was perfect.”
“A perfect lunch, for a perfect girl.” Blaine happily replied returning the kiss.
“When did you become so soft!?” Kennedy grinned.
“First day of school when I slammed that limo door shut, I caught a beautiful blonde staring from the sidewalk. I knew then I was toast.”
Kennedy squeezed Blaine’s hand thinking back to that day and how far the two have come, even if it was on the down low.
“But don’t you dare tell anyone Rutherland, my reputation would be destroyed.”
“We will keep it our little secret. And speaking of secrets? Do you think we will ever spill this one?” Kennedy said gesturing between them.
“I hope so, and soon.” Blaine admitted. “I value our time together as us, but I want the world to know you’re mine.”
“I agree. But do you think we are ready to take that on? We have countries to think about, our own people, our families.”
“Hell with them. We are grown women Kennedy, we can make our own decisions for our own reasons.”
“So...you do wish to keep this going?” Kennedy questioned.
“Kennedy we can do anything if we try. It’s just you and me. Our future is what we make it, not what our parents or countries make it.”
“Ok who are you and what did you do with Blaine.” Kennedy teased, lightly nudging Blaine.
“I mean it Rutherland. You mean the world to me. On a night when bad dreams become a screamer, When they're messing with the dreamer, I can laugh it in the face. I can twist and shout my way out, And wrap yourself around me. Because I ain’t the way you found me, And I'll never be the same.”
“D...Did you just quote a Hall & Oates song?” Kennedy thought, mulling over Blaine’s words.
“That’s not important, but what is, is that you changed me for the better Rutherland. You got me bad and I don’t want it to stop. I mean hell, I even cooked you lunch!” Blaine pointed out.
“Yes you did my little chef.” Kennedy said giving Blaine another appreciative Kiss. “Soon the world will know. Soon.”
The two were interrupted by an intense wind gust that started to blow snow into the igloo. Blaine stuck her head out to examine the outside world.
“It’s snowing again. These are big flakes Kennedy, and with this wind, it won’t be long until it’s blizzard conditions.”
“It’s getting colder too.” Kennedy added watching her breath intensify into the air.
“We better get back now before it’s too late.” Blaine spoke hurriedly packing the gear up and slapping her skis on.
The two abandoned their igloo and set off for the lodge. It was a decent run, and the near whiteout conditions had set in quicker than either thought.
“Kennedy!” Blaine yelled over her shoulder. “Stay close! We will cut through the woods up ahead, snow should be lighter.”
The two approached a small thicket, telling them the woods were close. An odd movement in the thicket caught Blaine’s attention.
“Kennedy! To the left!” She pointed out.
“Paparazzi!” Kennedy yelled back. “Do these guys ever take a day off!”
“I don’t think he see’s us!” Blaine added looking for the guy again. “Where did he go?”
“He was just right out front?” Kennedy said speeding past Blaine unaware of how close she was to the woods. “I don’t see him!?”
“Kennedy! Look out!” Blaine screamed as the man appeared in front of Kennedy with his camera snapping shots of the first daughter.
The close proximity in the blinding snow startled Kennedy and she swerved around the man, hitting a tree head on.
“Kennedy!” Blaine whined out in fear, stopping next to the blonde, checking her over. “You fucking asshole!” Blaine snapped towards the cameraman.
“Oh this is good footage!” The man said recording the entire interaction. “You care to comment why you are so worried about your rival countries first daughter?”
Blaine reared back and slugged the creep. Taking his camera and tossing it against a tree, making sure it was good and broke. “Put that in your article asshole.”
The man staggered over and snagged his sim card before Blaine could and made his escape before Blaine had a chance to kill him.
“Kennedy!? Are you ok?” She asked rushing over when she heard the girl moaning in pain.
Kennedy tried to roll over, crying in immense pain. “Where does it hurt?” Blaine asked.
“My shoulder and neck.” Kennedy weakly got out. “My nose. I...I can’t breathe Blaine!” Kennedy started to freak but Blaine tried to calm her. Blaine noticed the blood surrounding the girls face.
“Broken nose, try and breathe through your mouth. Relax... breathe in, and out. Stay calm and I’ll call for help.” Blaine assured.
Soon the ski patrol made it with a evac snowmobile to find Blaine using her body to cover and warm Kennedy.
“Miss? We need to get her to the lodge.” The rescuer spoke removing Blaine.
The brunette watched as they speed off down the mountain with Kennedy and she hopped on the other machine to quickly get out of this snow storm.
As soon as she made it the lodge her classmates and Tatum had swarmed her.
“What happened to Kennedy?” Dionne asked.
“Yeah! They rushed her in on a stretcher and everything!” Peter added.
“I’ll need to ask you some questions Miss Hayes.” Tatum asked professionally.
“What the fuck is this!? 20 questions? Where is she?” Blaine snapped.
“I’m afraid you’ll have to answer the questions first. I’m not letting you see her without answering my questions. You are a witness and depending on your answers, a suspect.”
“Take your questions and shove them up your ass pretty boy. You’re not stopping me from seeing my girlfriend.”
The room went silent. Blaine could hear the many gasp’s from her friends but didn’t dare hide her relationship anymore.
“Girlfriend!?” Alexei asked. “I thought Evelyn was her girlfriend?”
“Pretend.” Evelyn noted.
“Finally!” Dionne squealed.
Tatum drug Blaine away and wrote down a room number. “That’s her room number at the hospital. Helicopter just took off.
“Then why are you still here?” Blaine questioned.
“I was supposed to interrogate you, but I see no need. I will need to ask you two what happened for my report when this settles down.” Tatum spoke.
Blaine, as restless as ever, called in her helicopter, and within an hour was taking off from the ski lodge in route to the hospital.
It was another 30 minute flight as she rushed into the hospital finding the correct level and the lucky door she was searching for. Demarco guarded the door but nodded for Blaine to go in.
“Kennedy?” Blaine asked easing into the room, finding the girl asleep on the bed. Her nose was severely bruised but had all the blood washed from her face. The cuts had been taken care of, and she was placed in a neck brace.
“Miss?” A nurse spoke entering the room. “We need to get Ms. Monroe to surgery. We are ready for her.”
“Surgery?” Blaine asked worriedly.
“On her shoulder and clavicle. It took a beating on that impact.” The nurse spoke taking the bed out the door.
Blaine wondered the halls alone waiting for Kennedy to finish surgery. It was literally the longest 5 hours of her life and the longest she’s gone without Kennedy aside from sleeping.
She didn’t know exactly how she fell so hard for Kennedy but she knew she didn’t want to go back. Life was so much better and worth living with her by her side.
“Ms. Hayes?” A nurse timidly approached, not wanting to interfere with a somber looking Blaine.
“Ms. Monroe’s surgery was successful and she has returned to her room. She won’t stop asking for you.”
Blaine smiled as she took off running down the corridors, nearly bulldozing the room door down trying to get in so quickly.
“Blaine!” Kennedy squealed.
Blaine delicately took the girl in a hug, careful not to hurt her too much. “I missed you Rutherland.”
“Not as much as I missed you. You like my new look? Vogue says if your atleast 33% in castings, your trendy.” Kennedy teased.
“I guess given the circumstances, you look ravishing.” Blaine agreed.
“Ms. Hayes, if I didn’t know any better? I’d say your blushing.” Kennedy teased.
“Am not!” Blaine protested, blushing even harder. “Ok maybe alittle, so sue me.”
“I’ll do one better, come here.”
Blaine did as told and leaned down, meeting Kennedy in a much relieved and much needed kiss.
“I love you Blaine.”
“I love you Rutherland. So much.”
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lotusss-flowerbomb · 4 years
We Have A Situation (1)
Bucky x reader
Warnings: implied smut
A/N: I haven’t really been feeling inspired to start anything new, so I’m hoping this will inspire me to finish something I started last year. Let me know how y’all feel about this and if I should continue. 😁
Word Count: 2,051
You feel yourself stirring awake. The headache hits you immediately as you roll over with your eyes still closed to climb out of bed. You crash into a hard body on your way out. Lifting your hand, you felt around and suddenly stopped when you felt something cool. Your eyes shot open and so did his.
"Oh my God!" You yelped and struggled to get up. Realizing you were both naked, you grabbed at the sheets and covered yourself leaving Bucky completely naked and exposed. "What are you doing in here?!"
"This is my room," he raised an eyebrow. You finally looked around. Shit, what were you doing in there?
"Oh no, did we — no, we didn't... did we??" You paced back and forth. 
Bucky just watched you trying to hold in his laugh. You felt the faint ache between your thighs confirming what you didn't want to believe. How did you get so drunk? You stopped as the memory came flooding back. You looked up at Bucky with wide eyes.
"Thor!" The two of you spoke in unison. 
Thor had made the last few rounds of drinks last night. He’d added the strong Asgardian liquor to the drinks since he knows it's the only thing that will give both Steve and Bucky a buzz and you drank from his glass to prove you could handle it. You must have gotten off the elevator on the wrong floor. Bucky's room is right above yours, so it makes sense that you'd think you were at the right door.
You looked around frantically for your clothes. Your head was killing you and Bucky was just sitting there looking all smug. God, you wanted to slap that look right off of his stupid face. He still had not bothered to cover himself and it was getting harder and harder not to stare at him.
"Can I keep these?" He held up your underwear. 
You grabbed a pillow and hit him in the face with it snatching the underwear from his hands. He laughed.
"Ugh! I can't believe, of all the people I could have drunk fucked, it had to be you."
"This isn't exactly my proudest moment either, baby doll. But let's not pretend that you didn't enjoy every second of it," he smiled.
Bucky Barnes was the one person on this team that you just couldn't get along with. The two of you fought about everything. He didn't trust you to be on his team for missions and you didn't want to be. You even argued about things you agreed on just for the sake of yelling at each other.
Bucky moved from the bed finally and handed you your bra. You hurried to dress and ran out of the room. Not wanting to risk running into anyone else on the elevator and having to answer questions, you took the stairs down to your room. Once inside, you immediately showered and took medicine for your headache wishing you could go back in time.
That's it! You'd call Stephen and have him turn back time. It's just a few hours, what could it hurt?
"Please?!" You spoke into your phone.
"I absolutely will not," Stephen Strange scoffed from the other end of the receiver.
"But I did something really stupid and I need it to have never existed." You whined.
"You know that I cannot and will not turn back time, because you regret a decision that you made."
"Come on, Doc, I thought I was your favorite? Just do me this one favor and I'll never ask for anything ever again."
"You said that last time I opened a portal for you at the pizza shop, so you wouldn't have to drive yourself." You rolled your eyes and opened your mouth to say something, but he cut you off, "I'm very busy. I'm sorry, but you're going to have to figure it out." He hung up. 
You flopped down in a kitchen chair. You heard a throat clear and you looked up. You hadn't even noticed Wanda and Natasha sitting there. Your eyes became as big as saucers.
"Would you like to tell us what that was about or do I need to torture you?" Natasha asked.
"Why is torture always your go to, Nat?" Wanda questions.
"What? It's my favorite thing," she shrugged.
You dropped your head to the table and groaned. "I got drunk last night and hadadgkvuikfsexyghujggj," you grumbled out.
"What?" Wanda twisted her face.
"I had sex with Bucky," you said again without looking up.
Dead silence.
You finally peeked up at the two women who sat across from you doing their best not to laugh. You groaned and dropped your head again and they were unable to contain their laughter.
"I'm sorry," Wanda was first to apologize, but continued laughing. You pushed back in the chair ready to make your exit. "No, no, no, please we're sorry!" She bit her lip to force herself to stop. She nudged Natasha with her elbow.
"You have to tell us how it was."
"Nat, no," you said.
"Oh, come on! He has women here all the time. I can't ask them, but I can ask you." she leaned forward. Wanda was tuned in waiting for you to answer. You glanced at the kitchen door. "Don't worry, all of the guys are in the gym."
"Well," you started, "from what I think I remember it was... incredible." You put your hand in your hair and twisted a braid. "I was still sore this morning," you looked down.
"And why are you ashamed? You're both adults." Wanda asked.
"Because it's him. I could accept anybody else," you exaggerated.
"I don't know, good sex is good sex," Nat shrugged. 
You glared in her direction and dropped your head once more. This could not be happening.
It had been a little over a month since you had slept with Bucky. You both ignored what happened and went on with your lives. Still arguing and still fighting about nothing. Once again, everyone was sitting around drinking after a long mission. The thought of alcohol made you nauseous, but it had been a while since your last drink. You knew to stay away from Thor's stash this time.
Nat handed you a shot of tequila, knowing it's your favorite. When you brought it to your nose you could've vomited on the spot. You sat the glass down. 
"You're not taking a shot?" She eyed you curiously.
"Nope, immediate flashback. I'm good on the liquor." you pushed it towards her. 
She shrugged and threw it back. Bucky rolled his eyes knowing what you were referring to. 
You excused yourself to bed trying to figure out what your deal was. Of course you were scarred for life knowing you'd gotten drunk and slept with Bucky, but it was just sex. You were also able to hold any other liquor just fine, so why did tequila sound like the worst thing in the world right now? You shrugged off your thoughts and went to bed. Your stomach was still rolling from the smell of the tequila.
The next day, you stayed in bed all day. You weren't feeling too well and decided to just lie around and do nothing. Nat brought you some soup hoping it would help settle your stomach a bit. You threw it up shortly after. You stuck with crackers and ginger ale deciding the sickness had to be one of those 24 hour bugs. 
You rubbed your belly and froze.
"No," you whispered. 
Jumping out of bed you hurried to get dressed, grabbed your purse and ran to the elevator. Smashing the button rapidly as if that would make the car come faster. The doors finally opened, thank goodness no one else was on it. You made your way down to the main floor and rushed outside. A small convenience store wasn't too far away.
You snuck back into the tower undetected and headed to your room. Dumping the contents of the bag, you stared down at the pregnancy tests and bottles of water. You took a deep breath and tried to remember when your last period was and how you hadn't noticed it was extremely late. 
After gulping down the water and waiting a few minutes, you went to the bathroom. A three minute wait. This was going to be the longest three minutes of your life.
The timer went off. Snatching up the stick, you stared down at it. Two lines indicated pregnancy. You snatched open another one and headed to the bathroom. Same results. Another, hoping this one would read differently. It didn't.
"What the FUCK?!" You screamed at no one. You sat down and calmed yourself before deciding to go up to Bucky's room. Might as well tell him now.
Heading to his room, you could hear voices the closer you got to his door. A giggle from some random woman. You smiled. At least you'd get to ruin his night.
*Bang! Bang! Bang!*
"Go away!" he yelled from the other side.
"James Buchanan Barnes, you open this door right now!" You yelled back banging again. You heard him stomp over and he snatched the door open.
"Somebody had better be dying," he said. You pushed past him into the room. The woman sitting on his bed jumped to her feet.
You smiled over at her and stuck your hand out for a shake, "Hi, how are you? I'm —"
"I know who you are," she shook your hand, "I'm Kayla."
"Hi, Kayla," you turned to Bucky. "I don't mean to be rude, but she’s gotta go. We need to talk."
"What? Can't this wait?" He scrunched his face up.
"If it could wait I wouldn't be here," you rolled your eyes.
"I drove her here."
"FRIDAY," you called out, "please get an Uber here for Kayla right away." Bucky let out an exasperated sigh, he apologized and walked Kayla to the elevator. 
When he got back he slammed the door behind him.
"You know, there's no reason for you to be jealous. You could've just joined the party," he teased.
"Get your head out of your ass, Barnes, this is serious," you pulled a test out of your pocket and tossed it to him. He stared down at it for a few seconds before it registered. He looked at you in horror.
"You're pregnant? By who?"
"Really?" You stared back at him.
"Are you sure? I mean, take another test." You pulled the other two out of your pocket and showed him they all had the same results. He sat down on the bed and ran his hands through his hair. The room was quiet before he finally asked, "What are you gonna do?"
"What do you want me to do?"
"I don't know, I mean, it's really up to you, right? Back in my day, this wasn't a question that needed to be asked, because there really was no other option."
You thought about your answer before speaking out loud. "Although it means that I'll be stuck with you until I die, I want to keep it..."
Bucky released a breath he didn't realize he was holding. You couldn't tell if it was a happy release or a sad release. He smiled over at you and nodded. He supported your decision.
After visiting Dr. Cho and getting confirmation from a blood test, you asked FRIDAY to have everyone come to the conference room. As you and Bucky walked in, you could hear Sam grumbling.
"What's this about?" Sam asked, seeing you in the doorway. Bucky stuck his hands in his pockets.
"To keep it short," you started, "this idiot knocked me up," you pointed at Bucky.
"Hey! Why do I have to take the blame for all of this?"
"Because it's your fault! Ever heard of pulling out, pretty boy?"
"If I remember correctly, you were in my bed completely naked when I got there. You seduced me." He squinted his eyes and waited for you to back down.
"Sam, you know those cookies you love? I'll make you some if you shoot Bucky right now."
"Say less," he said, standing and reaching for his waist. 
"Sam, no!” Nat yelled. “This is gonna be a long 9 months," she sighed.
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goldenmaybank · 4 years
no strings ~ scout’s writing challenge
Tumblr media
pairing: jj maybank x reader
summary: jj and y/n have had a no strings attached agreement for years, but that statement couldn’t be farther from the truth.
warnings: swearing, cheating, implied sex, and slight fluff 
word count: 2.2k
this is my entry for @ptersparkers​ writing challenge! hope you all enjoy :)
no strings attached. that was the agreement we made back in freshman year. it's now junior year and that agreement still stands. no feelings involved, just pure fun, but how do you not fall for his big blue eyes and bright smile. it was only meant to be for one night, but one night soon turned into two then three and now i've lost count how many nights we've spent together. almost every night for this past year he’s slept in my bed under my silk sheets with our bodies intertwined with one another. i constantly convince myself it's nothing more than having fun but every time i hear his name i get butterflies and whenever he's near me my heart starts to beat a million times faster. i try to convince myself it's not love, but after being with someone in that way for three years it's impossible for it not to turn into that. but clearly it's possible for him at least. that's why i don't say anything and continue to hide my true feelings because i know he doesn't feel the same way as me and probably never will. i stay up every night with him on my mind and thoughts of what we could be consumes my every thought.
freshman year was the hardest of them all mainly because jj had a girlfriend at the time. i know what i did was wrong but the taste of his lips and the way he touched me that first night was so captivating. i knew from that moment i would never be able to let him go. i tried not to get sucked into him and his player ways, but soon the second night happened and from then it was history. we would meet every thursday night at my place at midnight. he was never late and it made me wonder if he craved my touch as bad as i craved his. we would walk past each other in the streets like we barely knew each other when in reality he knew��every curve and mark on my body.
sophomore year was easier than the last since he no longer was with his girlfriend, but also harder because that's when i started catching feelings for him. now since he was single, we could actually be seen together, but still had to be cautious since i was a kook. i never understood the rivalry between the kooks and pogues, but i knew if any of the kooks found out i was with jj all hell would break loose. me and sarah were known as the kook princesses, and since she was dating topper, everyone expected me to date a kook too. before i met jj, i went on a few dates with rafe since thats who my parents wanted me to be with, but after realizing all kook guys are self absorbed assholes, i knew i could never be with any of them. the only kook i can tolerate is sarah, and at times she can even be blinded by the things topper tells her. a couple months into freshman year, i already started to get suffocated at the kook academy and went to the beach to escape, which is where i met kie. the moment i met her we instantly clicked and she invited me to the kegger that they were having that night. thats when i met the rest of the pogues, including jj. we spent the whole night attached at the hip drinking and laughing together. soon enough the guest room at the cheateu was filled with nothing but the sound of our moans. that was the first of many nights we spent there together. 
almost every single day i would meet jj by the beach to spend time with him. whether we were surfing, hanging out on the hms pogue with the others, or eating at the wreck, i just loved being around him. although we weren't together people acted like we were. kie would always say we were unofficially official. soon enough our every thursday night meet-ups became every thursday and friday meet-ups and eventually every night meet-ups. we spent every night together at my place until my parents found out and we needed a new place, so we started hanging out at the chateau.
junior year has been the best one so far. jj and i hung out more in public not caring what anyone else would think and gone on what he calls "non-dates" even though it's exactly what dates are. he's met my younger sister and she absolutely adores him, which now makes me wish we never got our families involved in this since i know he doesn't reciprocate my feelings. i've spent so much time with him that i feel almost empty not being in his arms at night. he knows everything about me and i know everything about him. we've shared all of our secrets and deepest thoughts with each other. i've seen his vulnerable side so much that it's almost impossible for me not to fall in love with him. he's opened up to me and let me in more than anyone else in his life even his best friends. every night is something new with him and i never want it to stop even though i know inevitably it will.
"you remember the second night you stayed at my place and you got scared of my dog" i said laughing as we laid next to each other on my bed talking about our favorite memories together.
"look in my defense, your dog is huge and she woke me up out of my sleep." jj said chuckling slightly.
"she was just being friendly and you wouldn't stop screaming. almost woke up my damn parents."
"don't act like you haven't almost woken up john b before with your clumsy ass. you almost knocked over his whole desk trying to get into the room."
"i'm sorry i'm not an expert at climbing through windows like you."
"well when you've had a lot of practice you know how to." he said cockily.
"oh shut up." he laughed as i tiredly punched his arm, "you know damn well i was the first window you came through." i said sassily.
"you're right. you were."
"wait really? so jj maybank has never snuck into another girl's house before? i'm surprised."
"why?" he asked as he turns his body towards me and moves me so i face him.
"i don't know i guess with your reputation i thought you would've been with a bunch of girls before me."
"you wanna know the truth? you're the first girl i've ever slept with."
"wait what?" i sat up against the headboard looking at him confusingly, "what about your ex or all those tourons you would flirt with?"
"all we would do is flirt and make out a little, but it never went any further. either i was always drunk or they were and i never wanted that to be my first time, you know? and with my ex we were only fourteen and dated for a few months. i told you before i never really felt anything for her. it was all just so i could know what it felt like to be a boyfriend.”
“but we were only fourteen, when we..”
“i know, but it was different with you. you are different.”
"so, that means you were a virgin when we first-"
"yup." he said admittedly.
"wow. well i couldn't tell." i joked.
jj looked at me and chuckled slightly, but i could tell something was off with him. his eyes didn't have the same brightness as usual.
"what's wrong?"
"what do you mean? nothings wrong."
"jj, you can't lie to me. i've known you for way too long and i know when somethings wrong, so what's up."
"i don't know. i-" he sighs deeply as he looks at up at me, "it's just- is that what you think of me? that i'm just some player who fucks any girl that throws herself at me."
"what? no. of course not. i just assumed-"
"because that's not who i ever wanted to be." he said cutting me off, "i never wanted to be like- like my dad, you know?” he says as he looks down at his hands, fiddling with them, “as much as he claims he loved her, he treated my mom like shit. he would get drunk and mess around with a bunch of women because he could never commit. i never wanted to be like that. i never wanted to make a girl feel the way my mom felt. she was so heartbroken when he would come back home smelling of perfume and lie to her face. eventually, she had enough of it and just got up and left. kinda wish she took me with her. but i told myself i would never be like that and then i realized i was. back in freshman year when i cheated on my ex-"
"with me" i looked at him sympathetically understanding why what i said bothered him so much, "look, j you're nothing like your dad. i know i've never met him but from what you told me about him you two are completely different people. you’re nothing like that cheating, abusive asshole, okay? you're such a sweet, kindhearted person who always puts others before yourself, especially when it comes to your friends. i've never seen someone care so much about others than you. you have such a pure, kind soul and nothing will ever change that. i know you cheated on her with me and it probably wasn't the right choice, but it sure as hell wasn't a mistake and i won't call it that. being with you was never a mistake for me and i hope you feel the same about it but this" i say as i motion between us, "will never be something that i regret. i know i've said this before but i believe that this was meant to be and we were meant to find each other. the circumstance might not have been the best, but i found you and that's all that matters. you're nothing like him and never will be."
we both laid in silence looking up at the ceiling while raindrops hit the window softly. i started to wonder if maybe i said something wrong or said too much. i feel so deeply for him and whenever he tries to put himself down it breaks my heart. in my eyes he's the perfect guy despite all his faults. sometimes i think one day i'll tell him how i feel and scare him off which is the last thing i want to do. i want to be able to have these moments with him for as long as i can.
"you know, i want to get married before i have kids." jj said breaking the silence.
"that's random, but alright." i said giggling.
"i was just thinking about my parents and they had me before they even thought of marriage. i think that's where they could've went wrong. maybe if they would've taken the time to actually bound their love together before having a kid, they could've lasted longer. after they had me he could never commit fully because of all the responsibility, so maybe if they already took that step to "finalize" their love he would've stayed." he said shrugging.
"well i always wanted to have kids before i get married because i want my kids to be apart of my wedding."
"i guess we could just have two weddings then."
"huh?" i said confusingly finally looking at him.
he looks back at me and sighs, "yeah, i mean since you want one before and i want one after, we can just have two. we have the real one before and then we can renew our vows and have a second wedding with our kids so they can experience it with us."
"so, we're gonna get married and have kids?" i said smirking at him.
"i-i mean i guess. obviously only if you want to." jj said blushing as he started to look anywhere but at me.
i grab his face so he's looking at me, "i would love to, jj."
we both smile at each other as he pulls me closer to him connecting our lips. when we pull apart, i cuddle up into his chest as we continue to lie in silence. i feel my heart flutter as i feel his hands rub my back soothing me. being in his arms felt like home and i only hope he feels the same. as i start to think about how it would be if we were actually dating, the same words he would always say when we started this repeat in my mind "this is only for fun. no strings attached. no feelings. just pure fun." maybe that's all this will truly ever be, just fun, and that's the thought i have before falling asleep in his arms.
when i know she's asleep, i just stay awake and admire how she looks in the moment. even sleeping she has a slight smile on her face, which makes me wonder what she's dreaming about. sometimes i wish it was me she's dreaming about even though i know it's not. "just for fun" i remind myself of the words i said but that couldn't have been more of a lie, especially now more than ever. of course what we had was fun, but it was way more than that.
"i love you" i say as i kiss her forehead and wrap my arms tighter around her soon falling asleep as well.
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contrabandhothead · 4 years
Hi! I saw your post about requests! :) could I get some BOB head cannons of what it’s like to date them while also being is easy company? :)
I’m so so SO sorry this took so long, and I hope you like it 🤞🏻also, I couldn’t do all of them because school has been keeping me very busy. If you want to send another request, and i’ll do more for you when I have time 💕 Enjoy!
Dick Winters
generally very private about his relationship
mom and dad™ of easy co. 
 i want to say that he puts you on his team during missions, but i feel like he thinks it’s unprofessional 
so he probably puts you on a team with someone he trusts and that he knows won’t take unnecessary risks *cough cough* Speirs *cough cough* 
doesn’t mean he doesn’t get worried though 
give this man a massage please, he’s stressed af  
you’d never want to jeopardize his position though, so you’re generally okay with it 
however, sometimes you get a little lonely 
Dick notices this and tries to clear out a slot in his schedule in order to spend some quality time with you 
treats you like any of the other men, except when you’re alone
king of stolen kisses behind crumbling walls before a battle
very healthy relationship overall 12/10 would be an amazing father 
secretly wants to get married when the war is over 
i’m not saying he definitely proposed on V-E Day but he definitely did it 
cries at the wedding, especially since it’s been so long since he’s seen you all dolled up because of the war 
also cries because he’s finally getting to marry the love of his life 
drunkenly told Nix at his bachelor party about how amazing you would look at your wedding and then went on and on about the specific shade of your eyes
S I M P 
Nix never lets him forget it 
Lewis Nixon
this man 
let’s be for real here 
he has NO idea how to display affection at all, especially because of his past 
so he does what any rich boy would do 
showers you in gifts that you don’t need 
it’s not that you’re ungrateful for them, you just wish he would understand that you don’t love him for his money 
i feel like everyone forgets that he’s lowkey rich 
can’t relate Nix
he will buy you anything he sees you look at for more than a second
always has them delivered by some random Private 
the men tease you RELENTLESSLY for it 
“hey Y/N, what did that overflowing wallet buy you this week?”
“Shut up Tab”
is always worried about you 
especially since he usually isn’t on the battlefield since he moved to staff
you’re fine 
you can definitely handle yourself after Sobel’s training what a fucking dick
takes you out on small simple dates when you guys actually have weekend passes 
the guys always help you get ready for your dates (they see you as a little sister it’s really cute) 
Ron Speirs 
this man 
oh wow 
the flavor 
never really got to see you until Dog Co. was basically absorbed by Easy Co. 
definitely thinks he’s not good enough for you 
when you first introduced the Easy Co. men to him, they thought the exact same thing (they changed their minds after a while though) 
P L E A S E 
secretly is a cuddle monster
will 100% sneak into your foxhole to cuddle and will slit anyone’s throat that mentions it 
this man has arms and legs like an octopus when it comes to cuddling 
will pull you back into his arms even if you need to use the bathroom and will not be letting go 
steals you pretty things for absolutely no reason (Ron, no) 
the man is like a freakin magpie
the men of Easy Co. grow to like him more when they realize how happy he makes you and how he doesn’t hurt you 
he actually values their opinion on your relationship a lot
he knows Easy is like family and you’re like the younger sister 
doesn’t show it though 
pushes you away when he feels insecure 
surprisingly domestic 
Carwood Lipton 
wholesome but to the max™
you’re both so in love i feel like i’m going to throw up rainbows
signed up for the paratroopers together
i feel like Carwood is the type of person to marry his high school sweetheart 
so yeah, you guys are that™ couple
best aunt and uncle of easy co. 
Lip worries about you just a littleee more than the other men 
he’s just a worry wart in general 
almost threw hands with Sobel once when Sobel insulted you 
he will not stand for anyone insulting his gal 
isn’t as private as Dick is with his relationship, but is known to hide it from superior officers other than Nix and Winters
aka Sobel
was 100% willing to get kicked out of the infantry to defend you from Sobel 
thinks a lot about how good of a mom you’d be, especially when he sees you caring for the men
is also a cuddler, though not nearly as clingy as Ron
just a loose arm to tuck you into his side, especially during Bastogne 
prefers having you on his team, not only because he cares about you, but also because he admires your skill and accuracy 
you’re a damn good shot, and he’d scream it from a mountain for all to hear 
so proud of his gal 
George Luz
you’re either the jokester and the stoic couple, the shy kid and the jokester couple, or the jokester and the jokester couple 
there’s no in between 
cracks terrible jokes just to see you smile 
still tries pick up lines even AFTER you two are dating (even the guys shake their heads)
you two are the entertainment for easy co. let me tell you 
you’re also the only person that can get George to shut up 
you must thank him in kisses he takes no other currency 
clingy baby™
it’s like dating a 12 year old boy sometimes 
he can be so immature but it’s kind of endearing at times
everyone is immediately accepting of your relationship because it just makes sense and you’re both good for each other
wants a hug and a kiss even if you’re just leaving the dining hall to go to the bathroom 
just give the man what he wants or he’ll pout all day until you kiss his cheek 
you guys once had a match of how long you could ignore each other once 
he was surprisingly dedicated 
but he broke 
he snapped like a twig after everyone went to sleep
he dived into your foxhole and begged you to talk to him
he kept snuggling closer to you until you talked to him again
Joe Toye 
rough on the outside, soft on the inside  
brings you flowers when he asks you out (surprisingly very traditional and respectful when he asks you out)
everyone has a good time when Toye is with you, he loosens up a lot more 
loves when you pet his hair and he can just stare up at the stars while laying in your lap 
he’s just as bad as Speirs when it comes to cuddling 
a cuddle bug but won’t admit it 
actually might be worse than Speirs when it comes to cuddling because he can actually sneak into your bunk while you’re sleeping 
also wants to fight Sobel when Sobel insults you and actually almost threw hands 
he almost got court martialed and was 2 steps away from getting up in Sobel’s face before Guarnere and Luz stopped him
hands down the dumbest thing he has ever done 
you were so mad at him for it 
you didn’t talk to him for a week 
you felt bad because he was always giving you those puppy dog eyes from across the dining hall 
Joe gets teased by the guys for being sweet on you  
“at least I got a broad! the rest of ya’ can’t really say that much.”
will not hesitate to let you win during arm wrestling 
he’s not allowed to arm wrestle with you anymore because the guys know he’s just letting you win 
you’re his #1 fan during arm wrestling 
look at those arms tho
Joe  Liebgott   
y’all thought Toye was soft 
the way Joe acts around you is definitely bullying material for the other guys 
Lieb drinks respect women juice 
thinks you’re so cool 
would probably walk up to random people and be like “that’s her. she’s my girlfriend. can you believe how lucky i am?” 
thinks it’s so cute when you show off your brand new jump wings to him
you just looked so excited 
he wasn’t even staring at the wings when you started rambling about how happy you were, he was just making this stupid in love face
definitely grabbed your face and kissed you hard after that 
he wants SO many kids???? 
ya know those lists that lots of girls have on their phones and it’s just a bunch of future baby names??? that’s Joe 
this man has 8 names
4 girls names and 4 boy names 
he plans to use every name 
just wants to live the domestic life with you after the war 
will freeze his ass off and take your watch just so you can get some extra sleep 
another cuddle monster (they’re multiplying)
whispers really cute things in german to you until you fall asleep
has also almost fought Sobel for shit he said to you 
David Webster 
you help him fit in more with the other guys 
please teach him the art of socializing  
yes, the men have stolen his journal to read all his terrible poetry about you
still gets shit for it to this day 
shares his chocolate bar with you 
longing stares but from across the room 
doesn’t actually take you out until the war is over because he wants to do it right dammit 
has little to absolutely no relationship experience
please teach him 
or better yet, struggle with him and get made fun of by all the guys 
they actually accept Web more now that he’s with you 
cuz Easy Co. loves you 
sends letters all the time when he’s sent to the hospital 
everyone teases him that he acts like he’s more likely married to Liebgott than to you
you’re the only reason the men will stop teasing him 
definitely more badass then him 
you radiate boss energy and that’s what easy co. likes about you 
especially Web
everyone’s like “that’s my girl!”  
and he just smiles in the corner with the rest of them 
Bill Guarnere 
S O F T 
weak for his girl 
arm wrestles just to get your attention (flexes all the time for pete’s sake) 
also wants like a gazillion children and talks about it constantly with Liebgott
this man wants an army of little Italian kids 
no one makes fun of you or Guarnere for his actions to get your attention because they don’t want his fist in their face 
people who have almost punched Sobel for making fun of their girl: let’s add Guarnere to the list 
you didn’t ignore him, you just told him off for being an idiot 
if i could describe it, he sulked like a puppy that got told no more treats
so proud of you when you get your jump wings 
probably makes a toast about it at the celebration 
he was so drunk but it was so cute
literally will do anything for your attention 
chugging three bottles of whiskey so Y/N will pay attention to me??? pass the bottle bitch
not a massive cuddle monster but enjoys PDA and the occassional ass slap
probably has slapped your ass in front of company before
this boy has no morals smh 
don’t worry, you get him back though 
Frank Perconte 
worry wart but multiply it by 1000x 
is always bothering you to brush your teeth 
not because he’s scared your breath stinks, but because he cares about you and your oral hygiene 
now gets bullied about oral hygiene and his relationship with you 
ft Skip. “oh Y/N, take me away my princess. did you brush your little pearly teeth??? i would never want your perfect smile to be ruined.” 
Skip has been chased multiple times around Toccoa for this behavior 
will fight anyone that thinks you’re not a good shot 
is amazed how good you are at darts (knows you’re better than Buck) 
does share a foxhole with you 
is NOT part of the monster cuddler club because he knows when to stop 
has not arm wrestled for your attention but will if so needed 
always needs attention
whiny 12 year old boy P.2
sometimes it’s like you’re dating Luz as well 
Luz has purposefully third wheeled before 
yes, you heard me 
likes spontaneous dates 
would fight Sobel for you but isn’t stupid enough to almost do it 
Buck Compton  
realized he had heart eyes for you before his old girl broke it off with him
the other Easy men were like “dude, what the hell are you waiting for. GO GET YOUR GIRL!” 
let’s you win at darts 
is also stupid and needy enough to arm wrestle for your attention
actually wins though 
wants you to kiss his guns (absolutely not sir) 
jealous and protective 
jealous af around Winters 
gets teased a lot about it by the other men
but they can see why he’s insecure about it, Winter’s could sweep any girl he wanted to off her feet
indeed a cuddle monster 
will only share a foxhole with you in Bastogne 
no one else
radiator of heat and thus a good cuddler though 
will only let you make fun of him without repercussions 
wants you to move in as soon as the war is over
always demands to be in your unit during an attack
will keep you safe at all costs (and one of the reasons why he got shot in the ass again) 
Floyd Talbert 
 people use to bully Tab for his condom shipments
now they bully him for the way he acts around you 
tough guy??? no. absolute stick of melted butter when around you 
thinks you’re a saint 
so does the rest of Easy though, so I guess it doesn’t matter
they had everyone from Easy give him a pep talk just to ask you out (Trigger even barked at him) 
he was actually worried you would reject him 
no one will ever reject that man lol it doesn’t make sense
not necessarily a cuddle monster
likes when you sit on his lap 
can’t explain it, it just makes sense
will also arm wrestle for your attention 
will honestly do anything for you 
you need me to bring you Jupiter in a jar??? 
sure babe I’ll be right back 
has specific pet names for you 
his favorites are buttercup, angel, and beautiful
Babe Heffron 
P U R E 
does not get bullied for being in a relationship with you because everyone loves him
not a single person in this company, including you, would hesitate to sacrifice their life for that replacement 
whines a lot to you when you don’t give him attention
will arm wrestle for your attention and loses
has not had the chance to fight Sobel before but I feel like he could if he wanted to 
will tear Dike to shreads if he even mutter one hateful word against you 
cuddle monster #2323293
enjoys being the little spoon and the big spoon while in the foxhole 
shares his food with you during meals 
will not hesitate to get shot in the ass for you 
also will not hesitate to get shot for you in general 
is like an angry 6 year old baby when you don’t pay attention to him
is known to give the silent treatment when you’re too busy to talk to him for days
wants you to meet his Ma in Philly after the war 
has many hopeful dreams that include you after the war 
will only share chocolate with you and Gene
give him a hug, even when he says he doesn’t need it
Eugene Roe 
this man has so many pet names 
he is not afraid to use them on the battlefield, especially if you’re bleeding out because he’ll know you’ll answer to them
“darlin’, mon amour, ma mie, ma belle, ma chérie” 
 please stop Gene, it’s embarassing but also like don’t stop
get us a defibrillator his heart stopped while he was looking at you and we need to do CPR NOW-
thinks you’re the most beautiful girl ever
is not dumb enough to arm wrestle for your attention
he just makes this grumpy or upset face and you catch on quickly 
he’s also not dumb enough to fight Sobel
is always worrying about you
especially in Bastogne 
always jumping into your foxhole to check for any wounds
probably lost his sizzuhs that way
always has extra bandages just for you 
treats you with tender care
Donald Malarkey 
is not dumb enough to fight Sobel for you 
doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to punch him though 
is dumb enough to arm wrestle for your attention 
it lowkey depends on the day though 
i mean 
he doesn’t need to arm wrestle for you to admire his arms 
like, have you seen that gif of him taking of his shirt???
loves cuddles in your foxhole but is not a cuddle monster
he’s a big baby when he gets tired
loves it when you take care of him 
has definitely fallen asleep once on your shoulder during watch 
would run up Currahee with full gear 3 times just to see you smile
he needs a hug. give him one now. 
likes to rest his chin on your head 
also wants you to move in (and maybe get married) after the war
treats you kindly, but he’s still a sarcastic little shit 
kiss his muscles
that was literally so long i can’t believe i finished
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
God I'm so glad to talk about the game lmao. I also finished it! It was fine Ig I think the start of the game was so fantastic so my expectations were a bit much but it was fun! I loved playing as Ciri and just zapping all over the place, wish we could do that more.
But yeah I completely agree with you on basically everything that you said lmaooo, Yen is just unbareable the more I learn about her and the things shes done/the way she treats ppl, I just don't see what I'm meant to like, even if Geralt wasn't the Best person, he deserves so so much better, Idk how I'm gonna read the books if this romance is canon there too, hopefully it won't bother me too much. She so far doesn't really have any redeeming qualities, even her small moments of humour and wit are sort of "yeah okay but it's not fun when you do it cause you just spent the past few moments berating someone for daring to try and help you so like" I actually ended up sort of liking triss the more I talked with her and Yen, she at least apologises for her wrongs (which are still massive holy shit) and doesn't rly treat geralt like shit (same with Kiera, I think thats how her name is spelt, shes cool), they both kinda fuck over geralt but they own up to it which I can at least respect, still not a fan but they're okay, at times. God the women in this game are either really fucking cool or just a bitch, usually in a not fun way The game came with both dlcs! havent really touched them cause the ending was a bitttt of a let down, I thought I wasn't near finishing cause I put it off for so long lol so my bad, probably will get into them tho! And im on ps4 so no mods :( the exp shit would be so good, the last boss fights were really easy though? I think I was level 34 (I wanted to wear my good armour lol) and the quests are level 28 so maybe I was a bit over leveled but some random mobs in world beat my ass just before the main quests so idk lol. Do you get to hang with Ciri at all post game? They're so damn cute together
Out of curiosity which ending did you get? I was pretty satisfied overall (witcher!Ciri ending for me) but I remember thinking that the last couple of plot points were pretty rushed. Though tbh, looking back I’m not sure if that’s actually the case, or if things just felt fast to me because I missed so much buildup trying to keep track of the basics. Now that I know the characters, world, conflicts, etc. I keep coming across lines and details that make me go, “Oh, THAT’S what we were referring to!” for plot points that previously felt like they came out of nowhere.
Playing Ciri is so much fun though. I enjoy zapping around as well...even when I accidentally zap myself into some guy's sword XD
I’m constantly told Yen gets better in the books (something, something major character development) and I’d be lying if I said that “The Last Wish” didn’t turn me off, but I personally stopped reading due to more than just Yen. The epic just didn’t grab me. The short stories absolutely, but I didn’t like the writing as much in novel form, heard a lot about future plot points I had no interest in/made me very uncomfortable, didn’t want to read a bunch of Yen being Yen prior just to getting a development I may or may not like… there was a lot that made me drop the books, so I’m not exactly in the best position to be recommending them, or even warning against them from an unbiased perspective lol. I might give them another shot sometime, but for now I’m happy with the games and fandom content.
I’m liking Triss a lot more on my second playthrough too (especially how selfless she is regarding the other mages) and I always liked Keira. I think the game did a good job of making her kinda selfish and manipulative (as sorceresses are wont to be in this world), but not to such an extent that you’re utterly repulsed by her actions. Her conflict is “I want to not live in squalor the rest of my days and am willing to mislead a friend to achieve that. Also foolishly trust a mad king that, if I go through with it, ends in my horrific death.” With the resolution being like, “Oh, someone else will give me a place of safety with something as basic as clean bedding? Sweet! Yeah, now that I have some security, company, and comfort I’ll use this research to cure a plague, nbd.” Keira is a great example of TW3’s argument that if you choose to help and nurture people, good things will happen for everyone, and it doesn’t ask you to ignore anything really awful to get there. I can very much stomach “You kept some info from me and put me to sleep for the night” in a way that’s far harder to do with, “You actively misled me for months while I had amnesia, cultivating this fantasy relationship” or “You callously disregard another’s culture and torture our daughter’s friend through necromancy.”
Depending on the choices you’ve already made, you can hang out with Ciri for like, one cut scene in the DLCs lol. But it’s indeed a cute one! Basically, if you didn’t romance either Triss or Yen and Ciri is still alive, you should see her again. I’m absolutely that fan that if CDPR decided, after this many years, to randomly add more TW3 content, I would in no way be opposed. I want more time with Ciri, with Regis, there’s a character from the second game named Iorveth who was supposed to reappear in TW3 but had to be cut and that tragedy will forever haunt me. Forget the mess that is Cyberpunk, just keep making more Witcher content!
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polar-stars · 3 years
☕️ + megumi and hojo?
(Give me a ☕️ + a character/ship and I’ll ramble off whatever thoughts and opinion I have about it)
Oho, interesting! Thanks for the ask!
Megumi Tadokoro
Megumi is a character I love and adore. She has given me no choice in that matter, lol. I cannot possibly dislike a character who portrays such a huge amount of real, genuine kindness. Adding to that, she's incredibly easy to relate to (I know that I am not the only one who does).
In my opinion Megumi has had some of the very best moments in all of Shokugeki, especially in it's earlier parts. The Shokugeki against Shinomiya in Trainings Camp is still my favorite battle in the whole manga after all. Her performance in the Autumn Election Premlins was also really satisfying and sweet to see. (Monkfish Preperation Scene Supremacy)
Tsukuda really did great on making Megumi a character that I really want to see succeed.....But that is where the problem comes in.
The problem is that Tsukuda struggles with the Show, Don't Tell-Rule from Central Arc onwards.
Pre-Central, Megumi's character development was solid in my opinion. It was believable and not too fast-paced. But once focus was shifted to Azami-Drama, Megumi and other characters had to take a little step back from the action. And Megumi's character arc started to stagnate.
Through Training Arc. Autumn Elections and Stagiares, Megumi had visibly gained some more confidence in herself and her stage fright problem from the beginning of the series was ceasing. However there was something missing: pay-off. Her character arc lacks proper pay-off.
You see, throughout all of Central Arc Megumi has not won any single fight on-screen. She was given one victory against Shigemichi Kumai but not even second of that fight was actually shown to the reader. But when it's time for a more detailed fight against Momo, she looses.
In her fight against Momo, the judges do find the time to point out tho that Megumi might hasn't been able to beat Momo however there is quote unquote ✨potential✨.
Thing is that the "potential"-thing has been getting old at that point. It felt very reminiscent to Megumi's fight against Ryo back in the Autumn Elections. Ryo was able to win, however it was made clear through multiple dialogue-lines that Megumi did give him a good fight, defying the expectations the audience had from her. So basically that fight was like: Yes, she lost now. But she is on the right path. There is a lot of potential.
The issue is that time has progressed ever since the AE and it was about time for us, the readers, to see that potential unfold.
But we never got that.
We get a lot, a lot of talking about Megumi's potential throughout Central Arc but never an actual showcase of it. And it does not get much better with BLUE Arc either (I mean, what do you expect from that trainwreck of an arc anyway?)
First off, despite all of her potential and her participation in the Regiment de Cuisine & the retaking of Totsuki as a whole Megumi somehow ends up with the lowest seat in the Neo-Elite 10??? And I'm just: Why??? Why is she the only explicitly ranked below Eizan & Nene (who got a massive downgrade) with everyone else far ahead? (Tho the Neo-Elite 10 Ranking as a whole is one confusing mess and I should probably stop trying to bring sense into it if I do not want to go insane, lol.)
The infamous Hot Spring Fight against a Noir is where we finally see Megumi shine a little on-screen (at least in the manga). And well....I enjoyed seeing that but...
It is still not the proper pay-off she deserves, I'm sorry. Because ultimately that Noir-Guy is some random One-Off we never saw again. And that's a problem.
This character had no time establishing himself to us. We barely know him.
To put it into perspective: Satoshi Isshiki beating Julio Shiratsu in the RdC did not feel like a very impressive thing. Because we have only come to know Julio in that one fight and had absolutely no judgement on how powerful he may be (not to mention, that he was mostly placed in a very ridiculous light). It would have been a lot more impressive to the reader had Satoshi won his later fight against Eishi Tsukasa, because Eishi is a character who we have spent a lot more time with and who has repeatedly been portrayed as absurdly skillful and an actual threat.
See what I mean? As much as I loved seeing Megumi being an absolute badass in that Hot Spring Saga...It was not the satisfying pay-off I want for her.
The few victories she gets are always against random One-Offs while her fights against the more important characters are always a loss for her. Case in point: BLUE. She gets anOTHER off-screened match against some Noir in Chinese clothes, whose name I won't bother looking up if he even has one, where all characters talk about how talented she is but once it's time for her to go up against big bad bitch Asahi she looses. And that sucks.
Not to forget the fact that Megumi always gets strung along to every big event but we never get much justification for her participation (other than the obvious Meta-Reason that she's a main character).
Think about it, her and Takumi got extremely lucky in Train Arc by having Rindou giving them a free pass just for the lulz, while everyone else got expelled. Then a good number of messy chapters later, Megumi and Takumi get invited into BLUE without even a shred of reasoning behind it. Why them? How random is it to invite the 1st, 7th and 10th seat but no one else? Meanwhile when BLUE Arc was first mentioned in the manga they told Jouichiro that it's actually extremely rare for a student in that age to get into this tournament. And Jouichiro was a 3rd year back then, what are those three 2nd Years doing there??
The anime at least addressed that by having Totsuki's students fight for the participation (I appreciated that, if only the episode that covers it wasn't so lazily done)
I'd have much less of an issue with that if they actually gave Megumi something to work with in that arc. But really in RDC and even more so in BLUE, she's mostly just there I feel. She barely really impacts the story meaningfully in both of these arcs, I feel.
And it's one big shame.
As I said, I love Megumi and Tsukuda set her up as someone who I wanted to see succeed and defy expectations. Her journey up till Central Arc was a lot of fun and very compelling but then it just...came to a halt. And her arc never got any real, proper closure I feel. She was instead pushed more and more into the background and she just did not deserve that, man.
Never forget that she is one of the mains after all and she should have been treated as one.
damn I did not think this would get this long ahhdhdf
Miyoko Hojo
When realising that Miyoko's speciality is Chinese cooking, I was super excited for her! I really love Chinese food and I've been waiting for it to be covered in Shokugeki up till that point.
I like Miyoko quite a lot, she's definitely one of my faves from the...well, I don't think "secondary" cuts it...the tertiary cast. Unfortunately we've got to see so painfully little of her.
I like that Megumi, in the most Megumi-ways, made her learn a lesson like "Feminism =/= You can not possibly get along with a man. Ever.", but it was also interesting to see acknowledgement of the inequality of men and women within the culinary business through Miyoko.
Miyoko's friendship with Megumi is something I adore and I would have very much liked more of it please. I enjoy the thought of Miyoko, this tough, unapproachable woman, having her face soften whenever this pure, little angel approaches her. Also 100% sure Miyoko would drop-kick whoever gives Megumi a funny look.
I also would have liked to see Miyoko interact more with Kuga, because I imagine it could have been a lot of fun. From the one, tiny interaction they've had I feel that Terunori actually respects Miyoko quite a bit. Which I think is interesting, because Terunori otherwise seems to enjoy bitching at people.
Honestly? If you ask me??? Miyoko should have been in the Regiment de Cuisine.
I'll never get over how she's shown in the audience, alongside Nao, smiling when the rebels are about to snatch victory. Like ahdhFJG, excuse me Ma'am what business do you have just watching??? You can not tell me that from what we've seen about Miyoko that she would not be up to kick Azami's ass out of Totsuki. I generally think it's stupid for the Rebels to go up against the Elites in a number even to them.
Azami. Explicitly told you guys. That you can bring more than that.
You were up against the Elite 10 Council.
(and Nao as well tbh)
(The Regiment de Cusine could have been a lot better to buy for me if the Rebels had shown up with more participants tbh but that's a different subject)
Anyways, as I said I wish we could have seen a lot more of Miyoko. But it just wasn't meant ot be :( I mean, when characters like Alice and Akira get pushed to the side, what chances does the tertiary cast have?
I'm at least glad that she is sort-off shown being the new president of the Chinese RS in Les Dessert 1? I like that for her.
But yes, ultimately...another criminally underused character. I look forward to write her being a cool mom in my fanfic tho.
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powerbottomeminem · 3 years
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"What?", answered Kim snippy.
"You got your will again."
"Marshall?", she asked.
He snorted in agreement. Who else would he be? He wished, he could be somebody else for a change. "Happy now? You won, like always."
"What're you talking about?"
"Nicolas, he broke up with me. Go ahead, dance with glee or whatever."
She was silent for a moment, likely to collect her composure to not break out laughing. "It's for the best, you know that. Maybe you can find a nice girl now?"
"You don't really believe that." Nice girls didn't end up with guys like him.
"I sincerely hope so. And if the therapy really works well, maybe there's a way for things to work out eventually for you." That almost was a nice thing to say. Didn't sound like her at all.
Marshall frowned. "Did something happen?"
"I don't take joy in your misery, Marsh." Her voice was soft. He knew this tone, she was happy. Why was she happy, but he was still miserable? This wasn't fair. "Just, I know you take things to heart, sometimes too much. Don't do anything rash, alright? Go home, crawl into bed and cry your eyes out. In a few days, it'll get better."
Marshall snorted abrasive. "Pass. Strip club sounds like more fun, don't you think?"
"Not really", she answered, "Sounds like you getting into trouble again."
"It's a club, there ain't no trouble there." Just music and attractive women and his friends. Friends weren't trouble.
She sighed impatiently. "Why did he break up with you?"
Marshall bit his lips, but he admitted: "I cheated on him." She should know without asking.
"See. Do you really think, going to a strip club is a solution? You're just doing more of the same."
"What does it matter? He broke up already." Wasn't like he got Nicolas back by becoming celibate now. As if you could, homo. What was your longest dry spell? A month, maybe half a year if we're generous and mostly 'cause you was too depressed to get out of bed. Since you sucked your first dick, you've gotten around pretty good. Not that he wanted the bastard back!
"Either you change, or you need to stop wailing", she explained growing annoyed. A hint of exhaustion as well. "Honestly, I never really understood that. I mean, it's not much fun like this, with a stranger. They don't know what they're doing. If anything, it's degrading and nasty and cheap."
That was precisely were the fun was. "It's 'cause you ain't much fun, of course you don't understand."
"I ain't much fun? Fuck you, Marshall, fuck you", predictably that made her angry. He still knew how to push her buttons. "At least I got a standard for who I go out with, you take everybody. I'm surprised you ain't dead yet."
Probably, your bad luck ran out dealing with the rest of your life. Or, fate has humor and wants to see where your stupid ass ends up. That's what I'm here for. "Runs in the family. Besides, what good is a standard anyway? Look what yours got you: two divorces and two baby daddies. Whatever standard that is, ain't one to praise."
Her voice strained with fake calmness. "You was different, when I met you, you know. A little peculiar but a nice guy. All this money and fame shot to your head."
"Oh, fuck that", he replied dismissive. "That got nothing to do with it."
"No?", she asked back disbelieving. "The drugs and groupies didn't come from that? Of course it did."
He couldn't help but burst out laughing for a moment. "If I had any money when we met, I would've been high most of the time. That shit's expensive. And groupies or no groupies, I cheated on you anyway. Did you know, I went out of my way so you wouldn't be my first time? No groupies involved yet, just me thinking I rather fuck somebody else."
"You're proud of that?"
Yes. "Just sayin', you made a bad choice from the get-go. Live with it." He shrugged, invisible to her.
"Like you are?", she asked disapproving. "You hook up with strippers and hookers and groupies and just random people all the fucking time, but act all surprised when you get dumped. Take your own advice, live with the choices you make."
"I am!", he snapped back.
"Then why're you calling me?" … Actually, good question. "I tell you: 'cause you don't. You want your cake and eat it, too, but it doesn't work that way. Get a fucking standard, find a nice enough girl and stay with her, for heaven's sake. It's not that hard. Like, you have a standard for every stupid thing under the sun, but not for this. That isn't normal, Marshall. Get help."
Confused, he asked: "What're you talking about? I don't have a standard for everything, that's idiotic." He was very nitpicky about his music, of course, but the rest wasn't really that important. Sure, he found it aggravating when things didn't go as planned, but what kind of weirdo found that pleasing?
"Yes, you do. Remember, how we got thrown out from the movies 'cause of you? 'Cause you couldn't sit just anywhere like a normal person, no, you had to make a scene and berate the guy who sat in your place first." He wanted to interject that a good view was essential at the movies, but she went on: "Or how about my wedding dress? You had to fuss about every little detail, every frill and shit needed your fucking inspection every five fucking minutes. That should've been my job, you know that, right? But you had a vision, that's what you said, a vision. You changed my necklace like six times. Who does that?" He wanted to interject that a wedding was a big fucking deal, but she went on: "Or how about the fact, that I couldn't rearrange the pillows on the couch without you throwing a tantrum? How's that normal behavior? It isn't."
"It's just pillows", he huffed, finally getting a word in, "You can put them where you want."
"Oh no", she disagreed sternly, "I couldn't and believe me, I tried, but Mr. I-had-it-perfect-just-now couldn't handle me changing up the pillows. But you changing who you sleep with on a daily basis, that works fine? That's just weird, Marshall, that's more than weird. You're sick and you need to talk with your therapist about this. Seriously." Sounded like she had a minor epiphany just now.
"About what? I don't know what you're talking about." Couldn't she make sense for a change? Was that really too much to ask? "So what if I like a good view at the movies or wanted our wedding to be perfect. That ain't a crime."
"I'm not saying it is, just … Shouldn't you be at least as picky about who you sleep with as you are about on which side of the plate your potatoes go?"
"How's that the same thing?", he asked back confused. This was a stupid conversation. Potatoes went on the right side, everyone knew that.
"It's not, that's my point", she explained.
"Know what, this is stupid. Bye." Marshall hung up.
Snippet from my story "Love Is Ǝvil".
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sinkix · 4 years
《What your fav Haikyuu!! Character says about you│Nekoma Edition》
Yo-hoo! Here’s another part to this potential(?) series! I hope you enjoy the possible call-outs in some of these lmao. Writers block been kicking my ass recently but I had a lot of fun writing these. Enjoy <3
You can find the Karasuno ver. here 
✧✧✧✧✧ ✧✧✧✧✧ ✧✧✧✧✧ ✧✧✧✧✧
Have a hand fetish and will not say no to choking.
Daddy kink™
Will not accept anything below 6 inches.
More of a dog person but would love to own a black cat.
You drool over tattoos.
Your grades are mostly B’s but you know in your heart you deserve that A, and tbh you probably do. Chase ur goals bby.
Halloween is likely your favourite holiday.
You have to resist not to carve a dick into the pumpkin EvEry GodDAmN YeAr.
You either study for 6 hours consecutively or cannot study at all and you get very frustrated at this.
Have the potential to be a good leader and command the room but probably don’t put it to use as much as you should.
Your playlist parkours from sad 3am crying into your pillow songs to aggressive punk music you could rob a store to.
You like bad boys who hang around bars and look like they would put out a cigarette on your forearm and call you a slut. Just stating facts sweaty xoxo.
Either dress very feminine and girly with a ‘smol girl uwu’ aesthetic or a hardass punk who would kick your ass for a can of beer no in between and tbh both are equally hot.
You’re a big softie at heart either way and just want to be held and told everything will be okay.
Ur a hoe for when people stroke your hair or caress your chin it’s your ultimate weakness.
Watched Rick & Morty.
Sleeves rolled up veiny forearms and donning a silver watch are your muse and something you fantasise about frequently.
Most of your memes are shitty top text bottom texts that are somehow funny and I don’t understand why lmao.
You call someone ‘bro’ even if it’s someone you’re immensely attracted to.
Did someone say ties? No it’s just ur dirty ass thoughts thinking about that hot business dudes attire from across the street and how you wish they were tied around ur wrists.
Probably had a crush on Jeff the Killer as a tween and are relentlessly haunted by your old Wattpad library. 
Tbh any dark-haired dude with bedhead that screams rugged and probably not good for you is something that draws you like a moth to a flame.
You often question why every person you’ve fallen for has been a Scorpio and curse that tendency of yours.
Dw man they’re hot so I feel u.
Went through a ‘I’m not like other __’ phase and it’s something that you think about a lot and wish you didn’t.
Watched dan & phil as a kid.
Any mention of Pokemon has you turning into a rabid beast you get way too excited.
It’s cute though dw bby.
Pretty antisocial but interesting to talk to.
Your family often question how you’re able to sleep in till 3pm and judge you heavily for it.
Nocturnal night owl gang rise up.
Frequently have bags under your eyes but somehow manage to pull it off.
Listen to ASMR on the down-low and will never admit it to a single soul.
Frequently go on BL binges and have many related book marks.
You pray that someone will never find your laptop bc holy fuck the amount of smut on that.
You wear scarves & beanies even when it isn’t that cold outside.
100% went through a scene hair phase/attempted to.
You dye your hair a lot or REALLY want to.
You have a voice kink low-key so anyone with a pleasant/soothing sounding voice just gets u goin’.
Cats are your favourite animal and you either do or want to own several.
Would name them after video game/anime characters u fuckin nerd lol.
Speaking of cats ,you fantasise heavily about cat-boys and have a folder dedicated to them.
Oversized hoodies are your vibe and always ball the sleeve hems in your fist as a comfort mechanism.
Shopping centres are your worst nightmare and trigger your claustrophobia or social anxiety and honestly I feel that spiritually.
Have a cute sticky note collection.
You like a lot of music consisting of guitar and slow/soothing beats.
You also fw EDM/ techno on occasions.
Honestly wouldn’t wanna anger you since you have a seething temper when pushed far enough.
It’s the kinda temper that’s eerily quiet but no less terrifying, like the other person can tell you are graphically plotting their demise.
You love sleeping to the sound of rainfall and often play those nature ambience videos while you sleep.
Never tidy your sheets and it’s just a big scrunched up heap of fabric in the centre of your mattress most of the time.
Make your fucking bed.
Your ships are chaotic and shamelessly controversial.
Would do something just for the sake of creating mayhem lmao.
You were the fucker who stuck their chewing gum under the desk, I see you.
Your brain never stops whirring it’s a constant hurricane of crackhead energy and you have no idea how to turn it off. 
Would eat a stick of pencil lead for $2
You don’t help your situation with the amount of coffee/energy drinks you consume.
The class clown who cries themselves to sleep.
Such a wholesome dumbass but somehow kinda intimidating??? 
Even if you’re not confident you can do something you’ll try anyway and honestly I respect that about you.
You !! use!!! a lot??!! of!! random punctuation!!! so you always??!?!? seem!!111!! excited!!!!!11!?
Every time you’ve ever tried to make a sandcastle it has failed.
You tried to eat the sand once but we don’t talk bout that.
You would  also pick up slugs and snails and chase your friends around with them.
Can never tell whether people are laughing with you or at you and while you don’t let it show it high-key bothers you when you’re laying alone in your room at night.
Not one to hold grudges, you carry a ‘shit happens’ mentality which is v good but it sometimes leads to people taking advantage of it or walking all over you.
Your meme collection is both questionable and horrifying.
Like how many cursed images and heavily distorted pictures does one person need.
Never organise the files on your PC/laptop so it looks like a complete dumpster fire.
The one at sleepovers who persistently woke everyone else up with their snickering and refusal to sleep till dawn.
For the love of Asahi charge your damn phone.
I see that red bar and ‘12%’
Charge it now.
Bought a plant one time, gave it a name and talked to it frequently.
It died not long after bc u forgot to fucking water it.
No one better ever make you responsible for a pet.
Type of person that when someone asks you to tag along on an endeavour no matter how stupid it is you will agree.
2am skydiving in france? hell yeah.
Midnight shopping spree and spending over half your pay check? count you in.
Exploring an abandoned hospital and performing an Ouija board to summon the demons of hell? you’re damn right you’ll be there.
I hope you have a mum friend by your side bc if not how are you still alive.
You sometimes put the milk in before the cereal and it’s something I’ll never forgive you for.
Very responsible and usually make the right decisions.
You do have moments where you act like a complete dumbass though.
Like u go from 50 year old to 5 year old in the blink of an eye.
A hopeless romantic but it’s a side you don’t often reveal.
Prefer strawberry milk over any other flavour.
You’re the type of person to shower twice a day w/o fail.
Where that stank smell coming from? Not you clearly bc your skin is basically 90% The Body Shop’s rose scented soap at this point.
You get stomach aches a lot and you can’t figure out why.
Probably an allergy to everyone’s bs.
Really good at dirty talk even though you don’t seem the type so people are always taken aback.
You have to be really in the mood though otherwise it falls flatter than Oikawa’s ass, use your skill wisely.
You often call people clowns when you know you’re secretly the biggest one going.
Honk honk, hoe.
You send messages in one paragraph rather than multiple texts unless you are REALLY excited.
People underestimate you at times then are shocked when they realise you are capable of being a fire-breathing dragon from the flaming pits of hell.
You like spicy chicken wings.
Such a petty little shit at times lmao.
Enjoy the view from the top of mountains so you either hike a lot or really want to.
Way more of a cat person since it’s just much more convenient for you.
Usually pretty cheerful or calm and people are drawn to your stable/friendly aura.
Went through a phase of drinking mountain dew and your body still feels the awful effects
Fav element is probably air.
You’re 5′6″ or shorter.
Box dyed your hair brunette several times and can never get the pigment out to this day.
Whenever you smell something weird in the room you always internally freak out and think it’s you.
Head-butting walls is your hobby.
You fell off your bike as a kid and still have the scar on your knee.
Probably have tons of ear piercings.
Would tame a pigeon and call it Larry.
You get frequent nosebleeds and can never tell if it’s a medical issue or your extreme simping for fictional men/women.
Hopefully the latter.
You constantly chew your pen/pencil in class so you never lend them to anyone out of embarrassment.
I really hope no one ever lends you stationery bc 30 minutes later it’ll look like it was mauled by a rabid rottweiler.
You really want to own a dog and would call it something intimidating like Banshee or Diablo.
You bleached your hair that one time and it almost fell out so now you’re forced to stay at least 10 metres away from all at-home hair dye products.
You tried your best though bby so A for effort, even if it did look like dehydrated ramen afterwards.
Your grades are mostly C’s and you’re barely passing bc you just don’t care about your classes lol.
Still though you’re actually pretty smart so put it to good use you lazy oaf, channel that crackhead energy into something good.
Your phone screen has several cracks in it from when you dropped it on the bathroom floor while shitting and you’ll always be angry at yourself for that.
You have some really weird quirks but you make it work.
Actually a v chill person but you just kinda attract chaos/trouble wherever you go.
Carry a lighter with you even when you don’t need one.
Shy texter but once people see you irl you are the complete opposite, you just dk how to text without coming across as awkward.
One of those people that’s unintentionally funny and always get confused when you make someone laugh but it makes you feel good regardless.
Have a cool necklace collection and own at least one dog-tag/army style pendant.
Should really consider buying a rabbit you would look so cute w/ one.
You have really nice legs and people should compliment them more.
Either severely dehydrated or overly hydrated to the point you are peeing pure tap water so for the love of god please learn moderation, your kidneys and bladder will thank you for it.
Your favourite character would be Hinata but you like people taller than you so your love for Inuoka spawned.
You really enjoy using the double spiderman meme.
Cannot correctly verbalise your feelings without creating a minimum of 10 misunderstandings but once people are used to it it’s kinda endearing.
You usually wake up in a good mood and people can never fathom how or why.
You either stay up till 5am or you wake up at that time no in between.
A morning person bc you love the sunrise.
Change your lock-screen very regularly bc you get bored.
Your humour consists solely of poop jokes.
When you don’t understand a joke you laugh anyway and hope they don’t ask you if you actually get it.
Happened once and you’re still traumatised from the cricket silence that fell upon the room.
Really like the taste of lemonade and drink it more often than you should.
Often think about what you would look like with a shaved head.
More of an extrovert but def have occasional introvert tendencies where you wanna be left tf alone.
Never allowed to pick up anything in stores bc the last time you did you sniffed a scented candle and it shattered to the floor.
Constantly have spontaneous ideas of what to change about your appearance.
You use a lot of hand gestures like thumbs up and peace signs.
‘Dude’ and ‘lmao’ is 90% of your vernacular.
Your nails are a disaster, some are down to the nub while others are pretty grown out bc you only bite a select few please sort it out.
Look really good in red.
Your laptop has way too many tabs open from random google searches of words you didn’t know the meaning to.
You read a lot of books but for like 10 minutes at a time bc you have the attention span of a walnut.
You are the type of person to nuke your AO3 tags with things that aren’t even relevant purely bc you found them funny.
Your Tumblr drafts are a nightmare, you have like 100+ in the works yet keep starting new projects why do you do this.
Happy sunshine but you have a LOT of mood swings like that shit comes out of nowhere.
Cry pretty often but no one ever sees and it’s usually because of said mood swings.
You always smile and pick yourself up again though which I commend you for.
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peachy-inserts · 4 years
HCs for Todoroki, Deku, and Bakugou on their reactions when their (s/o) is ill, but trudges through their ailment to support these guys (despite the boys’ protests not to) in the Sports Festival and passes out in the audience due to the illness and fatigue, resulting in quarantine, please?
Sorry for the wait! God… you can really tell I don’t write for Bakugou enough by how off topic I am. I just have so much to say about this lovable dick that I don’t typically have the opportunity to 
Warnings: Cursing
When you first began to show symptoms of sickness, Deku became a worrying mess and found himself slacking off on training despite the sports festival being so soon
Not that he really needed it, but it’s Deku
Like I said before, he’s a total worrywart. We know this about him! No matter what it is, he is an absolute anxious mess. You’d better not tell him that you came out to watch him anyways!
He knows how much it means to you, and while you got good seats as a result of being in general studies, you could always watch it from home! It was broadcasted nationally, and it’s not like you would miss anything; they did a pretty good job covering all of the details!
We’re gonna go with the scenario where you don’t tell him you came out to support him, because if you did he simply wouldn’t participate until you caved in. Deku is a chaotic force of good and more importantly, incredibly fucking stubborn. I know he’s a sweet boy, but good God he does NOT take no for an answer. Kid doesn’t listen for absolute shit!
In the middle of the festival, he notices a little bit of a commotion in the crowd but shrugs it off; he’s gotta make sure he impresses you, since you’re supposedly watching him on the television!
It’s not until afterwards that he hears about it, being informed that you’ve been put on quarantine as well
Let’s just say he is heartbroken. More than anything, he was looking forward to coming back to the dorms to pay you a visit and relax after a long, tiring day. With the sports festival off of his chest, he can take care of you without being so stressed about it… Except, that’s not the case
Since you’re contagious, you’ve been sent to your own house. That way the sickness doesn’t spread, and you can be properly taken care of
As soon as he gets permission to, he is on his way! ...Only to be greeted at the door by a family member who shoos him away, since you are quarantined after all
Deku would (impatiently) wait it out with you, trying to make it as easy as possible. He’ll run to all of your teachers collecting work, and even try to do some of it for you. He does spend a lot of time studying, after all, so you don’t have much to worry about
He had the next two days off after the tournament to recuperate and rest, which was spent almost entirely on FaceTime with you, showing you his new injuries (we all know it happened, the boy has no rationality), trying to help you with your makeup work by the tutoring the best way he can, and fawning over your tired but loving expression. Actually, mostly just that last part
Delivery man Deku! He’d pick up all of your favorite snacks, candies, and bottled drinks, then deliver them personally to your house. Being shooed away the last time though, he opts to leave them in a woven basket with a poorly tied bow and a note in the bottom, which is just for you
While he would be worried about you, he ultimately believes that it’s your decision on what you do. If you wanna come to the sports festival and watch him he won’t stop you, but he can at least try and persuade you by telling you just how he feels about it
That’s not to say he isn’t disappointed, though. Like Deku, he wouldn’t know that you had passed out until after the festival; either because he’s so focused or even because he’s just too dense. It could even be a combination of both, knowing him
Shouto would be quick to chastise you, almost akin to Bakugou in the way he wastes no time in telling you just how you fucked up. However, he’s still timid and suffers from commitment issues stemming from insecurity and his upbringing. He’s just as quick to apologize, sighing and wishing you get wells from the bottom of his heart
The sports festival is long off of his mind by now; to be honest, he didn’t really care about it in the first place. Whether or not you saw it is beyond him, although he appreciates the thought
He knows better than to try and come see you while you’re quarantined, but he doesn’t really give two shits. If he gets sick that’s his own problem, so he won’t stand for being denied time with you; he’ll at least take precautions and wear a mask, though. 
Besides, you’re in this situation because of him. Even though he stands by his stance on this being your choice, he still feels deep down like it’s his fault
Shouto is sort of the awkward type in this stage of your relationship, so he won’t necessarily go out of his way for you. He’d gather your work for you since he’s still at the school, but if he’s unwelcome in your home due to the sickness he won’t fight it or show up again. 
Still yet though, he misses you and is worried more than he would like to admit. Lots of random calls and texts from him
He would spend all day looking for those cutesy heart edits and sending them to you, or finding shitty memes and teasing you over them, saying it reminded him of you
ONE MORE THING: He’s sappy as shit, and being inexperienced and sort of isolated from society in a way (he didn’t even know what a concert was) he’d try and stick to cheesy romantic ideals. This man would write you a whole ass poem to give to you with some chocolates whenever you returned to the dorms, waiting on your bed
The most assertive in telling you to stay home. He’s hyper aware of your sickness and how it spread, but most importantly aware of how badly it’s going to affect you. Let him catch you coming anyways and he’ll kill you
Because he’s so knowledgeable on the topic, he’s easily the most worried by far. It’s not that he’s scared for your safety so much, but more so your general wellbeing. Katsuki is miserable whenever he’s sick, so the thought of you going through the same thing is almost agonizing for him
He acts like a total mom and you can’t change my mind on this. Also, I don’t agree with fanon Bakugou being arrogant and hateful towards his s/o. This man is putty in your hands, and although he acts annoyed at times he prioritizes making sure that you’re comfortable and know how he truly feels. He’s always had trouble communicating his feelings because of his relationship with his mother (we all love her but I will die on this hill) and as a result of it, is honestly terrified of fucking up and losing you by being too closed off
Anyways though, back to the point: he would be a total mom when you’re sick! Bossing you around, don’t do this, eat this, breathe some of this in, here, have some tea- It’s honestly exhausting having to listen to whatever miracle cure he’s concocted for you next, but you know he at least means well. He really does go above and beyond for his s/o, especially when they’re unwell. The most important part in a relationship to him is being able to lean on each other when you can’t stand up on your own, and by God he’ll carry you for as long as you need him to. Literally and figuratively 
I know I’m going off on a tangent but I just have so much to say about my interpretation of Bakugou: he’s the boyfriend who insists on trying to fix all of your problems instead of just listening to them, and it’s one of the most frustrating things
Katsuki is very intuitive; even though you most likely lied about staying home to get him off your ass, it doesn’t take long for him to know that you’ve come anyways, and HOOOO BOY is he pissed (not that he’d ever take that aggression out on you, though. He’ll save that for the finals)
His head is swirling throughout nearly the entire tournament, and he’s thrown completely off of his game. On a typical day, he’d be trying to show off for you and flexing whenever he can while flawlessly demolishing his opponents, but this time he only makes it into the top ten
He can’t stop stealing glances into the stands, his mind wandering into the empty seat beside you and dying to know whether or not you’re okay, all while absolutely fuming. More than anything, he’s mad at himself. It’s been proven to us time and time again that he tends to blame himself for things, and takes it way too personally, to the point of being self destructive as a result of a sweltering, nasty inferiority complex
Immediately after the tournament, when he’s released and free to head back to the dorms and rest, he sits down in the locker room and calls your cell. Two times, three times, and finally four times with no response. Ok, now his heart rate is shot
By the time he finally comes into contact with you he’s in a cold sweat, brow furrowed in aggravation and concern; a strange mixture. Calm him down, let him know you’re alright, and assure him that you’re perfectly safe and comfortable at home, well taken care if
Once that’s over with, expect a lengthy lecture about the dangers of exposing yourself while you know you’re sick, thoroughly chastising you and expressing just how worried about you he truly is (Seriously guys, if you’re sick even in the slightest STAY HOME)
Like Deku, he would want to spend as much time with you as possible, even if it’s over FaceTime. He tends to be a little paranoid over germs, though, so since it’s not like you live together he won’t pay any visits to your house. Quarantine means business! 
However, though, he will prepare a nice little surprise in your dorm room for when you come back. A carefully decorated array of dried flowers, candies, and small snacks. Katsuki prides himself in all that he does and strives for perfection in every aspect of life; this is no exception. He lives to impress you!
Once you’ve beaten the worst of the sickness, he cracks down on you and will begin to act like he’s a professor on Zoom; man schedules FaceTime meetings between the two of you for him to catch you up on everything that you’ve missed. Let’s not forget, he’s at the head of his class and devotes a large portion of time and dedication into his academic studies
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