#ellie harrington
resident-gay-bitch · 1 year
steve knelt down, hands reaching out for the messed up collar around els neck. straightening it out with a soft smile, he smoothed her hair down too.
“prettiest girl at school.”
she giggled, “thanks dad! see you tonight.”
“remember you have soccer after-“
“i know.” she drawled like it was obvious, and to her, it was, “bye!” she called before running off.
steve shook his head with a little laugh. he watched her scramble off into class in her new pinafore dress that he spoiled her with because she finally made herself a friend. he waved to her as she stuck her hand up and flailed it around behind her, knowing he would still be watching, and scurried off to her class.
steve loved his girl.
he couldn’t not love his girl.
she was the only thing worth living for.
he looked over to his left, after hearing a giggle, and met the eye of one of the mothers who had developed far too much of an interest in him for a married woman. he shot her a forced smile.
he finally stood back up, brushed off his knees and hopped back in the car, heading off to another tedious day at work.
eddie turned the music down… significantly, and quickly hopped out the car.
“dad! come on!” max groaned, hauling herself out of the car seat.
“yeah yeah.” eddie nodded, slamming his door shut, “you were the one who slept in, bug.”
“you were meant to wake me up!”
eddie leant forward on his knees and looked at her, “i thought you were a big girl, hmm? what did i buy that alarm clock for if you’re not gonna use it?”
max glared at him, “but you’re my dad.”
“and you’re my daughter, and my daughter knew i had a very important call to make thismorning so…”
max sunk her shoulders, “so you couldn’t wake me up.”
“there we go.” eddie smiled and let her on the back, “now c’mon, before you miss music.”
the little girl lit up and hurried towards the front office.
“hey!” eddie shouted, grabbing her bag from the backseat and shut the door, “school bag!”
“you can carry it!” she called back, waving him over to her.
“little rat.” he grinned, jogging over and scuffing up her hair.
she giggled and hurried inside.
“ah, maxine.” the receptionist leant over her desk, “late again?” she was a bitch.
max nodded.
“got a bit tangled up in sorts thismorning.”
the receptionist glared at him over her glasses and pulled out a late form for him to sign.
eddie filled it out, handed it back with a bitchy smile, and knelt down in front of max. he smiled and tugged on her braids, fixed up her fringe which was askew from her morning frantic.
“you have a good day, yeah, kiddo?”
“got it, dad.” she huffed.
the kid had an attitude, and eddie fucking adored it.
“got it, dad.” eddie mimicked, his tongue poking out at her with a little eye roll.
she giggled and snatched her backpack from him, “i got soccer after school, remember?”
“shi-uger honey iced tea, thanks for reminding me, bug.” he pet her on the head, “see you after soccer.”
max reached her hand out for their secret handshake - the shortened for running late emergency’s version - and hurried off for class.
eddie placed his hand on his knee to help himself stand and pet the desk, thanking the bitchy office lady again, because darned if he wasn’t a gentleman.
“oh, mr munson? hi.” a voice called from the other side of the office.
eddie froze in place, closing his eyes for a moment because he knew it was maxs old home room teacher who kinda definitely had a crush on him.
he forced himself to turn around, “ms summers.”
“late again?” she said with a smile, making her way over to him.
he shrugged with a guilty smile, “busy morning.”
“i bet.” she pouted, “it’s gotta be hard without mum around.”
eddie nodded his head, “yup… so hard.” it wasn’t really.
she reached her hand out for his bicep, “let me know if you ever need anything.”
“thanks… again.” he nodded and backed away, “ah… duty calls.”
“okay! bye now.” she waggled her fingers at him.
“bye.” eddie pumped his eyebrows and made a runner.
eddie hopped out of his van, slamming the door shut behind him, as per usual. he pulled his pants up a little, re-tying the arms of his coveralls around his waist to sit a little better. he rounded his van and walked over to the edge of the oval, where the kids were running a muck and balls were flying everywhere.
it was like a warzone and eddie was terrified.
not only was he scared that max was gonna get hurt - they’d already dealt with two broken arms, a fractured shin, and a concussion before the ripe age of ten - he was scared that max was going to inflict some serious damage on some other por kid.
his girl was a menace.
he caught sight of her fiery red hair running down the pitch, chasing some other little girl in a purple vest for the ball. max swooped in and kicked it away, over to a brunette girl that eddie recognised as her friend.
he met her once, ellie he was pretty sure, sweet girl.
a girl too sweet for his criminal in the making, but hey, who was he to interrupt this adorable little friendship.
at least max actually had a friend now. she’d been struggling with that for a while. eddie was just so proud that his girl was able to not scare yet another sweet little kid off.
when she told him she had a new friend, he took her for ice cream, and then they had fancy pizza for dinner, and he let her stay up an hour past her bedtime to watch her favourite movie. wayne got her a dirt bike.
he tucked his keys into his pocket and folded his arms over his chest, settled in to watch the madness that went about the soccer field. he had no idea what was happening.
someone kicked a goal because now the small cluster of parents observing were clapping and cheering, and one parent in particular was going haywire. clapping, cheering, calling out “that’s my girl!”
he was getting plenty of looks from the soccer mums that eddie couldn’t fucking stand. he hated every last one of those bitches and their mean, far too privileged kids.
eddie figured this guy probably wasn’t any better. his kid was probably a prick too, right?
he looked out at the field and saw little ellie giggling and waving out at the crowd, she looked ecstatic. max had rushed up behind her for a tight hug, congratulating her best friend on her goal. eddie looked over to who she was waving at, and it was the ballistic dad dressed in a fitted button down shirt and slacks that- okay, so this guy was kinda hot.
definitely asshole material.
eddie walked over to him.
“ellie’s your girl?” he asked.
it caught the dad off guard a little, but he smiled fondly, looked back out at the game which had started again, and nodded, “yeah, she’s mine.”
“max is mine.” eddie pointed out to his girl, “just wanna say thanks… max didn’t really have any friends before el came along. really cheered her up.”
“yeah?” he asked, and he seemed genuinely proud.
eddie nodded.
“same here.” he smiled, “el was pretty quiet, kept to herself. lots of kids bullied her. when she came home raving about some max with cool red hair and a skateboard i kinda went crazy and spoiled the shit out of her.”
eddie laughed, “no way. when she told me about ellie i spoiled her to dessert before dinner and grandpa bought her the dirt bike she’d been begging me for.”
the guy smiled fondly and stuck out his hand, “steve.”
“eddie.” eddie shook his hand, reciprocating his smile, “now, i gotta be honest with you…” eddie said, eyes back on the game as he leant into steve’s space, “i have no idea how soccer works, so, tell me if i need to cheer, yeah?”
steve laughed and slapped him on the back in that jockey way dudes used to do in highschool, “i got ya, man.”
“daddy! daddy! we won!” ellie came running from the pitch, hair messy and face sweaty.
“whoooo, yeah!” steve called back, squatting down to embrace his girl as she ran for him.
max flung herself at eddie too, wrapping her arms around his legs and catching him off guard. she usually hated hugging him in public. said it was embarrassing to hug your dad, that’s why they came up with the secret handshake.
eddie kinda melted. this was definitely ellie’s doing and now he kinda wanted to spoil steve’s kid too.
he leant over to smooth his hands over maxs back and kissed the top of her head, “how you goin kiddo?”
“ellie kicked a goal, did you see it dad?” max asked, looking up at him.
“yeah i did!” eddie gasped and looked over to the little girl, “it was spectacular.”
“super spectacular.” steve echoed.
the girls giggled.
“daddy, can we have a sleepover?” el asked, pointing at max.
“yeah, can we have a sleepover?” max asked too, stepping back enough to grab ellie’s hand.
both men looked at eachother then back at their daughters, “it’s a school night.”
the girls both pouted and whined.
steve looked over to eddie, swallowing down for a moment. this dad was kinda hot with his long hair and bandanna tied around his head, grease all over his body in that stupid tight white tank top. he was clearly a mechanic, which was hot on its own, but a thought steve had never had before.
“how about on the weekend?” he said, before he could catch himself.
eddie looked down at him, “the weekend?”
steve nodded and looked at eddie as he seemed to think about it.
“ah, i dunno yet.”
max made a whining noise, “why?” she huffed, “you wanted me to have a friend!”
“i know, bug.” eddie placed his hand on top of her head, “i love that you’ve got a friend but our weekend is kinda packed at the moment.”
it was the weekend maxs mum was supposed to have her, but she kinda had a tendency not to show.
max looked at the ground and pouted again.
“that’s all good.” steve said and forced a smile, “another time.”
eddie bit the bullet, “how about i grab your number, steve?” he said, thought for a moment and then continued, “you know… in case maxs weekend clears up.”
steve smiled, “y-yeah, sounds good.”
“cool.” eddie nodded, “hey girls…” eddie said, struggling to tear his eyes away from steve’s pretty smile, “go get your stuff.”
the girls rushed off to do as they were told, and steve stood again.
“uh… you got paper and a pen or something?” eddie asked, kinda forgetting about that part.
“erm…” steve patted his pockets, feeling for something, he was unsuccessful in his search until he reached his breast pocket, “i got a pen.”
“that works.” eddie grinned.
“uh,” steve looked at him for a moment, “what-“
eddie stuck out his arm, “just write it on my arm.” he shrugged.
steve did, “feel like i’m back in highschool, jesus.”
he laughed, “shit, yeah.”
“haven’t done this in a long time.” steve shook his head and finished off his number with a little smiley face.
“neither.” eddie smiled and looked at his arm to find ‘ellie’s dad’ written above the number.
just then, the girls came rushing back over with all their things.
“well, ellie’s dad,” eddie grinned, “i shall give you a call.”
“cool.” steve nodded.
eddie saluted him, grabbing max by the hand at the same time, “see ya el.”
“bye ellie!” max waved at her.
steve and el waved back their goodbyes and left for their car too.
“gross dad.” max muttered.
“what?” eddie scoffed, “what’d i do now?”
“ahh…” max said, as if the point she was about to make was obvious, “you like like ellie’s dad.”
eddie went a little pink, he opened the van door for her, “ah, no i don’t.”
“yes you do.” she huffed, climbing into her seat, “you were looking at him weird, like the way you looked at the old pizza delivery guy i wasn’t supposed to know about.”
“damn it.” eddie muttered to himself and closed her door, rounding the van to hop in himself, “and for your information, kiddo… i don’t like like him. he’s just… easy on the eyes, okay? he’s probably happily married anyway.”
“mhm.” she sassed, “if you say so old man.”
“old man? old man?” he squinted his eyes looking back at her, “that’s it, you get a can of sardines for dinner!”
“no!” max screached with a laugh.
“yes!” eddie called back, looking at her though the review mirror, and backing out of the carpark, “sardines for the rest of the week.”
“ewwww no!” max giggled, “so gross.”
“that’s what you get for calling me old, ya little rat.” he laughed and winked at her through the mirror.
as bad as it was, eddie kinda really hoped that maxs mum was a no show again this weekend.
if you enjoyed this, you can find the the next part and more here on ao3 :)
there's also a playlist for it, if you'd like :))
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deaths-inverted · 1 year
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The classic version of Jack will always be a frat boy to me.
artistic rendition of me below
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just posted the seventh chapter of Soccer Dads if you'd like to read :)
Sometimes as a single parent, you gotta look out for other single parents. But sometimes Steve and Eddie look out just a little more than usual.
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l0velysmut · 3 months
family: “why are you just sitting in ur room smiling at ur phone?”
me who’s been reading smut about fictional characters for the past 6 hours:
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l0caltiredgirl · 5 months
when i want fluff/angst fics and all i’m getting is smut
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the struggle is real
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sleepyangelkami · 2 months
smut's fun. have you ever read soul crushing, heart aching, head throbbing comfort that makes your eyes burn out of your head to the point where you just have to crawl into a ball because your inner child feels so safe? haha... yeah smuts fun.
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kissingchoso · 6 months
clearing my drafts and i decided to actually add the characters lmao
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tall characters leaning down to hear what you’re saying. i’m sorry but i’m 5’2 and i already have a soft voice, so no one really can’t hear my ass when i speak.
but imagine, them noticing your lips are moving and you’re in an extremely noisy and crowded environment. they’ll do everything in their power to figure out what you’re saying so they’ll lean down so that your lips are next to their ear and same with you.
“repeat that for me, sweet thing,” they’ll request.
little do they know how you’re internally freaking the fuck out from how close they are, but all you can do is try to restart what you were saying without fucking up too bad. of course they’re listening but they’re also smirking simply because you’re lesning forward a little bit more to ensure they can hear you.
it’ll be even sicker if they ask you to just say the final few words, but this time they use it as an excuse to wrap an arm around your waist and tug you to them so that you have to take a step forward. you can feel their shit eating grin and have no other choice but to comply until they’re lifting their head up and answering with a fucking sexy grin.
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oikawa, kuroo, iwazumi, daichi (he’s taller than me so shush), sugawara, ARAN, aki, gojo, geto, TODO, ino, jean, reiner (walk with me for a bit), ony, steve harrington, eddie munson, ellie williams and ofc your other favs <3
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jasons-little-princess · 10 months
Why is everything smut!! Where’s my fluff or my angst to fluff or just anything but smut???
I want my fluff back please
If anyone has any fluff writers please let me know 🙏🏻
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wh0reforbucknasty · 2 months
hey is anybody else not being able to open links for series or masterlist for the last couple days i thought i was a bug but it’s the 3rd day this has been happening i updated deleted and redownloaded tumblr idk IF YOURE SEEING THIS I EMAILED TUMBLR SUPPORT AND THEY GAVE ME A LINK TO UPDATE TUMBLR AND IT FIXED IT
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hairmetal666 · 1 year
cw// cancer mentioned, no character death
Eddie's moving to Chicago with his boyfriend and their best friend.
Eddie's moving to Chicago and it feels like everything is finally coming together.
Eddie's moving to Chicago, Steve Harrington is his boyfriend, and his life is starting.
Eddie's moving to Chicago, but then Wayne gets sick.
He tells Steve that he can't leave, not yet, needs to take care of his uncle.
And Steve, his Steve, perfect Steve, says with no hesitation, "I'll stay. Eddie, I'll stay with you. We'll go in six months. Together, that's the plan."
But Eddie can't let Steve do that; Steve who is everything bright and good and right in the world. Steve needs to get out, even if Eddie can't.
He insists Steve go, insists so hard that Steve can only agree, though Eddie can tell it's killing him.
Before they leave, Steve and Eddie cling to each other.
"Six months, baby. Just six months and then I'll be with you."
"I'll stay, Eds. Let me stay for you?"
"Not in a million years. What's six months in a lifetime together?"
"You mean that?" Steve whispers, the words tickling against Eddie's neck.
"Of course, sweetheart. Never meant anything more in my life."
They cling harder, crying against each other, despite it being goodbye for now and not forever.
They haven't said "I love you" yet, and the words hang on his tongue as the embrace ends, but he can't say it now; not when six months of time and 200-plus miles will separate them.
Except Wayne isn't better in six months. He's not worse, but the cancer's still there, he's still sick. And Eddie can't leave.
Eddie figured something like this would happen. Knew in the back of his mind that Steve and Robin and Chicago were never anything but a pipe dream.
When he calls Steve, he thinks he's ready.
"Okay, so Hopper's letting us borrow his truck, but he needs to know our timeline. You think next Saturday--"
"Steve." He says. His stomach clenches.
"What's wrong?" Because Steve knows, like he always does.
"Wayne's not better."
Steve is silent for a beat. "Okay...that's okay. I'll come back. Right now. Tonight. We'll do this tog--"
"You know I can't let you do that."
"No, Steve, don't. Okay? Let's just. It's time, you know?"
"It's not. Eddie, it isn't. Don't do this. Please, please," Steve cries.
"It's for the best. I know you can't see it now, but it is. You need to live your life, Stevie. Get that degree. Be someone."
"Eddie," Steve sobs. "Please. You have to know that I lo--"
"Don't," Eddie snarls. Doesn't mean to but can't hear those words, the three that will break him in two. "This is for the best, Steve. A clean break, yeah?"
"No." And Eddie hears Steve shuffling on the other end, like he's getting up. "I'm not letting you do this. I'm coming back, and we're doing this together. A lifetime, remember?"
Eddie's crying now, can't help it. "Please, don't. Steve, just--it's over, okay? I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I can't do this anymore."
He hangs up the phone before Steve can argue, cries himself to sleep.
5 Years Later
Eddie never gets over Steve Harrington. His golden boy, the brave, perfect, kind, bratty man who has his whole heart.
Wayne is okay. Will never not have cancer, but he's doing good. And Eddie runs a record store in the town over. Visits some bars in Indy when he feels a certain kind of lonely. He's settled, finally, is the thing. He's settled and happy enough, so of course, that's when it happens.
He's at the grocery store, stopped in produce. There's a little girl, maybe 3 or 4--bright pink shirt, chestnut hair, little overalls--sitting in a cart by the tomatoes.
The sight of her sparks something in Eddie's chest, but he doesn't understand what or why, and then she's pointing at him, smiling and wiggling. "Daddy!" She shrieks.
That's when Steve Harrington swoops around the corner, reaching for the girl, his daughter, and Eddie takes a step away, ready to run from this.
The girls says, "That's the boy in all your pictures." She giggles and points at Eddie more. Steve blushes, and Eddie's assaulted by so many things all at once he thinks he may pass out.
"Stevie," he hears himself saying.
Steve freezes, looks at Eddie, so much knowing in those hazel eyes it makes him a little sick. But it still surprises him when Steve pulls him into a hug. Being in those arms again, It's like everything keeping him together falls apart. He sinks into the hold, breathes in deep, feels like home.
It shouldn't, though. Steve's got a kid. Probably a wife. Can't have his ex-boyfriend falling apart in his arms in the grocery store. Eddie disengages, steps back a little. Steve blinks, eyelashes fluttering, and Eddie is still so in love with him it hurts.
"I should--I should go," he mumbles, gripping at the back of his neck like it's a lifeline. The little girl giggles more, bouncing in her seat, and he's overcome with fondness. Can't help but give her an exaggerated bow as he goes.
He makes himself walk to the end of the aisle, but once he's left Steve behind, he runs.
That night, when a knock comes at his door, nothing prepares him for a sheepish Steve Harrington standing on the other side.
"Sorry to drop by unannounced," Steve says, manners still impeccable. "Wayne gave me your address. I'm glad--I'm glad he's doing okay, Eddie."
Eddie's too astonished to respond, nods for a few seconds before, "Th-thanks. Uhh, you wanna come in?"
Steve does and then they're in Eddie's little living room together and what the fuck is he supposed to do?
"Where's the kid?" he asks. He gestures Steve to the couch.
Steve smiles, a soft thing that's a knife to Eddie's heart. "Oh, I left her with Robin. They'll be fine for a few hours. Her name's Ellie, by the way. Ellie Jane Harrington."
"She knows who I am?" Eddie asks.
"Course. I told her about everyone. Showed her pictures. I hoped she could meet you one day."
"Yeah?" Eddie can't stand the thing that unfurls in his chest, blooming with love, so much care it aches in his teeth. "I swear next time I won't run away."
Steve laughs, hazel eyes fond in a way that Eddie can't look at for too long. "You didn't run away, Eds. It was a weird--reunion."
Eddie chuckles, pulls hair over his face. "A little bit. Not every day you run into your ex and his daughter scoping out tomatoes."
"I was hoping to give you a call, ask you out to dinner, or something. Not my kid recognizing you at Bradley's Big Buy."
"You wanna take me out to dinner, Stevie?" He asks before he can think better of it. Steve blushes red, and god Eddie missed him.
"Thought it might be nice, yeah. Get to know each other again."
It's Eddie turn to blush. "Why are you here?" He asks, good of a segue as any.
"Here, like, in your apartment, or here in Hawkins?"
"I'm--uh--the new counselor at Hawkins High. Might coach the basketball team."
"But--Chicago," is all Eddie can say.
Steve laughs. "It was fun for a while, but--I don't know, man, it got hard with a kid. Joyce told me about the job opening and I decided to try."
"And Ellie's mom?" Eddie doesn't want to ask, can't stand not knowing.
Steve's eyes fall. "Ah," his hands squeeze into fists. "She's not in the picture. Never really was. After--" he takes a deep breath. "After we broke up, I sort of. Lost myself for awhile. Slept around. One night, I got this call saying that a baby had been surrendered at a fire station, my name listed as the father."
"Oh, sweetheart. I bet you didn't hesitate."
Steve stares at his hands, smiles. "Not for a second. I cried when I saw her, Eds. Just fucking sobbed. She was so beautiful. Then I had to figure out how to raise a kid and finish school."
"But you did it." Eddie can't hide that he's crying anymore.
Steve nods, is crying too.
"I'm really proud of you, sweetheart," Eddie whispers.
They look at each other, tear stained and sad but somehow so happy, and Steve leans forward, presses his mouth to Eddie's. He freezes, shocked to stillness, overwhelmed with the thing he never thought he'd have again.
Steve pulls back, face red and eyes wide. "I'm so sorry. I got it in my head--" he stands, fumbling for his keys. "I should have never--you told me we were done and I know you meant it. But I saw you in the grocery store and I thought, you know, I'm never getting over him. I'm so stup--"
"Steve, wait" Eddie snaps out of it all at once, hurrying to where the man he's never stopped loving is shoving his feet inexpertly into his shoes.
"Don't leave," he says, almost whispering. "Please don't leave. Steve, I'm so, so sorry for how I ended things. I was so young and stupid, and--I didn't want you to lose your dreams for me."
Steve turns then, tears trickling down his cheeks. "You were my dream, Eds. You still are. I should have come back, made you let me stay. But I thought--maybe your feelings had changed. That you didn't--that you weren't--"
Eddie can't help it, pulls Steve into his arms. "I was. I am. You're all I've ever wanted." He presses his face to Steve's hair, breathes in deep. "I loved you then. I love you now. I've loved you every day in between."
"I love you," Steve sobs. "I love you so much."
They kiss, lips slotting together like they never stopped. It's salty with tears, but it's perfect. It's them.
Their mouths part, but they stay in each other's orbit; need the proximity after years apart.
"I have a kid now, Eddie," Steve says into the silence between them.
"Yeah," Eddie nods. "She's beautiful. Looks like her dad."
Steve smiles, flushes again. "She needs stability in her life, you know? She's my priority. Always will be. And if I--if this--"
Eddie knows. Understands his boy just as well now as he did back then. "We'll take it as slow as you need, baby. I want to be there for both of you. When you're ready. And until then, I'll be wherever you need me."
More tears escape Steve's eyes, but Eddie brushes them away. "We have a lifetime to figure it out."
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resident-gay-bitch · 7 months
“Damn it.” Eddie muttered to himself and closed her door, rounding the van to hop in himself, “And for your information, kiddo… I don’t like like him. He's just… easy on the eyes, okay? He’s probably happily married anyway.”
- Soccer Dads - by me, jay :)
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deaths-inverted · 10 months
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Sorry I've been kinda dead lately but have some wips and doodles I've done in the last month or so.
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 3 months
Did you know that you can reblog fics with tags in order to bookmark them?
Okay the replies on this post are kind of sending me to space, so I figured I needed to make a new post.
I know a lot of people are new to tumblr and might not know how to use tumblr properly, and it does just make me go ??? whenever I look on someone's account and they have 0 reblogs and just have a giant wall of fanfiction in their likes. Because I cannot imagine scrolling through endless fanfiction posts in my likes looking for one fic when organizing things with tags is so much better.
First of all, for new people - reposting and reblogging are two very different things. If a writer has "do not repost" as a disclaimer, they are not talking about reblogging.
Reposting is when you copy and paste someone's entire work, make a brand new post, and then post their work under the implication that it is your own.
Reblogging is a function that is built into the website (and app) that comes up in a creator's notifications, showing that you appreciate their work because you interacted with it. Reblogs always have links back to the original poster so people can find them and follow them.
So - when you hit the reblog button (the one next to the like button that is shaped like a recycling symbol) - you are giving the author credit and encouraging them.
Also, you can use tags on your reblog to organize fanfiction for your own use later!
You can tag by genre -> #smut #angst #hurt and comfort
You can tag by a character's name -> #Spencer Reid #Emily Prentiss #Jennifer Jareau
You can tag by a pairing -> #Spencer Reid x Reader #Emily Prentiss x Reader
If you read fanfic from a lot of different fandoms, you can even structure your tags to include multiple elements -> #Spencer Reid x Reader Smut
A lot of people even reblog fanfics and tag them as #TBR or #to be read - in order to bookmark a fic that they are interested in and want to come back to later.
And you can edit the tags on posts you have reblogged at any time, so if you want to edit something that you have already read and update the tags, you can do that.
I think it's a shame that people aren't taking advantage of this websites very useful features (while supporting fanfic writers at the same time). You don't need to keep links to Tumblr fanfiction somewhere else in order to organize them - if you use Tumblr right, you can keep everything organized within Tumblr and it works perfectly.
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beansnsoup · 3 months
Jaelyn's fic recs!
Fluff- 🧡
Smut - 💛
Part One! -> Part Two!
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☆ Deer Dolly - Series by @ohproserpine 🧡
☆ for valentines day, i thought i'd buy a gun. By @ohproserpine
synopsis: you make your husband mad on purpose. 🧡💛?
☆ Alastor x Wife!Reader by @altruisticalastor
Summary: Lucifer gets a little too brazen with Alastor's darling wife. Guess the Ruler of Hell would just have to learn a lesson about who you belong to 💛
☆ my wife, my wife, my wife, my wife by @iicarused
synopsis:reader is vox’s ex and he’s not too keen of the separation — you were supposed to come back to him! not run around with his rival and get rid of his only access of looking after you (removing any/all electronics from your life) 🧡?
☆ come back to me by @iicarused
synopsis: you’re getting tired of the radio demon (part ii) 🧡?
☆ alastor + cunnilingus by @vmpyria 💛
☆ heaven knows your name by @iicarused
synopsis: heartaches after yearning for each other after decades of being apart 🧡
☆ alastor x married!reader by @bigfatbimbo 🧡
☆ DANCE WITH THE DEVIL by @popamolly
summary. Amidst the vibrant 1920s in New Orleans, a forbidden love unfolds in the lively jazz-filled atmosphere, evolving from an intoxicating romance to a twisted tale of heartbreak and murder, serving as a reminder to never dance with the devil. 🧡💛?
Johnnie Guilbert-
☆ New Set by @corrodedcoffins-blog
summary: Giving boyfriend!Johnnie head scratches after getting new acrylics 🧡
☆ Collab by @teapartyprincess4two
summary: You and Johnnie pretend to date, faking it for so long that it became real. 🧡
☆ Run Your Mouth by @samandcolby-ownme
Prompt: Johnnie and reader get into an argument which leads to make up sex. 💛
☆ vampire!Johnnie x reader by @caeunot
summary- you find out your bf is a vampire 🧡💛?
☆ johnnie guilbert x reader by @caeunot
summary- johnnie writing zombie about you 🧡
☆ You by @sturnsreader 💛
☆ you know i’ll keep you in my locket by @stardustloserdoll 🧡
☆ "sit on my face." by @ghostkidabs 💛
☆ Jack & Coke part one by @d444zed 🧡💛?
☆ Jack & Coke part two by @d444zed 💛
☆ Mutual breakup headcanon/oneshot by @ohbabydollie 🧡
☆ Mutual breakup oneshot by @ohbabydollie 💛
Ellie Williams-
☆ no room for the holy spirit by @moncherellie 💛
☆ Roommate Trouble by @justkindalivin
summary: Your roommate Jesse and his girlfriend Dina fuck..a lot. loudly. When you finally get fed up after being woken up by their nightly “activities”, you go to Dina’s dorm for some peace and quiet only to run into her roommate, Ellie. 🧡💛
☆ hands to herself by @elliesbarbie
summary: ellie thinks you look a little too good in that bikini you chose to wear for the annual best friend vacay and can’t keep her hands off you 💛
☆ Getting caught with ellie by @me-and-your-husband 💛
☆ Body Ink by @me-and-your-husband
summary: you tattoo ellie's thigh. it's a bit of a compromising position, and it leads you down an unexpected road. female reader. 🧡💛
Alex Turner-
☆ Pillow Talk by @ohladymoon-blog
summary: what the title says, just pillow talk and soft cuddles after sex. ends in cockwarming. 🧡💛
☆ strawberry lace by @lilmisssweetdreams 🧡💛
☆ Test Drive by @savorypink 💛
☆ Wingman (Hobie Brown) by @love-bitesx 🧡
☆ Crybaby (Hobie Brown) by @merowkittie 🧡
☆ "Thank You, Mrs. Parker." (Spider Noir) by @sabcandoit
Summary: After your wedding, you and Peter go home and have sex for the first time. 🧡💛
☆ Miss Your Face (TASM! Peter Parker) by @dontsaypetertingle
Summary: When you have to go out of town for work Peter gets lonely and a bit needy. An innocent call home to check on him becomes a lot more intense than originally planned. (Has a pt 2) 💛
☆ Break It In (Tom! Peter Parker) by @simplyparker
Summary: Peter gets his first car, and you want to have some fun 💛
☆ Please, Don't Stop Now by @echos-newlegs
Summary: you are in an established relationship with Peter, and he very much wants baby. 🧡💛
Fred Weasley-
☆ Facetime by @albertdabuttler
summary: !!MODERN AU!! Fred calls you in the middle of the night because he can’t sleep, but you look so pretty and he starts getting a little heated up. (Has 3 parts) 🧡💛
☆ Sweet Sugar Candyman by @keykeep 💛
☆ Sleeping In by @screamingoverfiction 💛
☆ Slipping Through My Fingers by @midnightmoonytales
Summary: Watching his little girl grow up had to one of his favorite things to see, but also one of the saddest. Every pivotal moment of her life flashing through his mind, even to this one now. (Wolfstar!daughter reader) 🧡
☆ Electric Pull by @apparentlytheproblem 🧡
Steve Harrington-
☆ I'll Be The Judge (Ft. Robin x Reader) by @luvfae
summary: steve and robin get into an argument about which one of them can give a girl a better orgasm, you come up with an idea to settle the argument once and for all. 💛
☆ Cowboy Hat Rule by @taintedcigs
summary: helping out mr. harrington in his ranch was supposed to be fun, but steve harrington was an asshole. an absolute pain in your ass that teased you, and you gave him the same energy back, always. so when you unknowingly wear his cowboy hat, he decides to teach you what exactly the cowboy hat rule is. 💛
☆ Marriage Pact by @fantasylandloser
summary: besties that plan to get married 🧡💛
Eddie Roundtree-
☆ Blind Date by @luvfae
Summary: The reader and Eddie get setup on a blind date 🧡💛
☆ Lead Singers Are Overrated by @luvfae
summary: working at the whiskey has it perks and that includes getting railed backstage by a certain bassist in a band. 💛
☆ Not In On The Joke (Brian Quinn) by @joe--bro
Summary: The Jokers have to do certain tasks to win in the park, and a certain task given by the rest of the Jokers leads Q to talk to you. 🧡
☆ Flavored Kisses (Xavier Thorpe) by @cosmicpearlz
summary: in which you wear a different flavored chapstick everyday and your boyfriend xavier loves it. 🧡
☆ Babysitting (Judd Birch) by @just-another-author-i-guess
Summary: you and Judd are the designated babysitters for the night. 🧡💛
☆ Don't Fake It (Peter Quill) by @professorrw
Request/Summary: peter starts getting frisky with the reader but shes tired and isn’t really in the mood. He would never pressure her or anything but she wants to make him happy and feels bad saying no, so she does it and fakes her orgasm just to get it over with. Later, he somehow finds out (or knew all along, you decide) that she faked it and of course his ego is bruised and he’s kinda annoyed, but also feels guilty she didn’t tell him how she felt. So the next night, she starts coming onto him and he makes damn sure she never fakes it again. 💛
☆ So Beautiful (Loki Laufeyson) by @lokiisdaddyblog
Summary: Reader is feeling insecure and Loki proves to her that she's perfect. 🧡💛
179 notes · View notes
softlysunrays · 4 months
”But writing fics is my way to cope / I worked hard on this”
I never said that YOU should stop writing but please dont be an ignorant who turning a blind eye about everything that is happening right now.
“But I’ve been wanting to post my next fic”
okay sure but did you add IMPORTANT LINKS to your fics? that is the LEAST YOU CAN DO!
please put any links about palestine so that people be more aware about it, especially about the global strike that will be going on FEB 18 until FEB 25
also, please READ and UNDERSTAND it
FOR THE AUTHOR IN THIS APP especially to all tlou authors !!
more links to educate yourself :
322 notes · View notes
love-toxin · 1 year
Okay but miscommunication trope is only super yummy when there’s a happy ending. Liiiike reader thinking they’re getting kicked out of their relationship in the fruity four, they’re not wanted anymore, maybe even bring replaced (ie with someone like Chrissy), and so every little sarcastic quip or ignoring is seen by them as the others not loving them anymore 🥺. Until one day it all comes crumbling down and I can’t decide with is more angsty, you breaking down telling the others they don’t love you anymore, or you trying to be brave by announcing you’re leaving and the fours hearts just dropping as they try to scramble to convince you to stay and why?! Why are you leaving!?!?! Please! But of course, happy ending when everything’s properly explained and angel is reassured they could never all fall out of love with them ❤️
oh.......miscommunication trope, you say? >:)
(cws: fruity four, gn!angelface, jealousy, post-s4, PTSD, huge miscommunication trope, domestic arguing, you have a tattoo + kinda shitty parents + bad home life, chrissy's a jealousy target, breakups, jopper appearance, you're childhood friends with jonathan, mentions of grief, an almost car crash, very mild head trauma, crying, angst with a happy ending--stick with me angels!)
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Sometimes you wish Chrissy would just disappear. Just--poof--and she'd be gone.
It's awful of you to think, but you can't help it. She's just always around, ever since her breakup with Jason she's been by the house much more frequently. You were happy for her at first, because you liked her up until then, and she's always been nice to you. Plus, your partners saved her life back when all that crazy stuff with the Upside Down happened, an event you weren't privy to until after the fact, when you started dating them.
But she's always on Eddie, always chatting him up, always giggling at his attempts to cheer her up, and now she's attracted the attention of your other partners too. They're good friends, and that's good, but....why can you not shake this feeling that there's something more going on? That the arm touches over his jacket and the inside jokes aren't as friendly and harmless as they want you to think?
It's worse than that, though. The honeymoon phase is clearly over--cause all four of them just brush off your concerns, insisting that you're overreacting or just not addressing them at all. So you haven't been piping up when a joke hurts your feelings, and you've bitten your tongue when one of them has to reschedule something you've planned, and it's gotten to the point that they've wondered why you're so quiet all of a sudden. Why would they care? You think with a sour feeling in the back of your throat, rubbing the tattoo on your arm that Eddie gave you and wondering if that was just practice for someone else. You're not oblivious to the way Chrissy is slowly being invited into gatherings and dinners with everyone.....just like you were in the beginning. And after an especially heated fight with both Eddie and Robin, the worst one you've ever gotten into in your entire relationship, he got so pissed off that he just told you not to come to the dinner they had planned, and they'd take someone who actually wanted to go.
That was a couple days ago, and the air in the house has been strained for nobody else but you. You're equally as hurt by Eddie yelling at you as Robin silently going along with it, even though you slammed your bedroom door in her face when she tried to follow you, and waited until Eddie tugged her along to leave before you allowed yourself to cry. You're sick of the feeling that none of them really care for you, that you've been demoted to a piece of furniture in the house, because they've clearly lost interest. And they don't care when your things start disappearing from the house, when the clothes in your closet start dwindling, leaving behind nothing but the ones they've bought for you--no, they'd rather moon over Chrissy fucking Cunningham, and you've just taken all you think your heart can handle.
"I'm going out!" You call into the house from the front door, without any of their four voices responding. When you sigh, turn, and step out to turn the corner of the house, though, you bump right into one of them.
"Oh! Hey, baby." Steve steps back and readjusts the paper bag full of groceries he's got his arm around, keys halfway tucked into his pocket. "Where you off to?"
"Um....just, uh, gonna go visit my parents." You weren't really expecting him to pry, with how in your head you've been lately. But you're not gonna relent just cause one of the people who promised he'd love you forever, yet somehow can't be fucked enough to find the time to even watch a movie with you, asked you a question that remotely shows an ounce of concern.
"Your parents?" He blinks, shifting again to rest the bag on his hip. "You sure?"
That tone is so irritating. You used to love that almost parental sense of duty, the desire of his to know every detail of every problem so he can solve it. But now, you just feel suffocated, even though you're more distant from all of them now than you've ever been. "What, I'm not allowed to see my family?"
"Hey, that's not what I said! hold on," He moves to put the groceries inside, but you wave him off and start walking past him, your tone clearly frustrated as you encourage him to just forget it. But, in a tizzy, Steve hurriedly sets the bag down on the ground and runs to catch up with you, his hand descending on your arm only to be swatted away--but not for long, when he grabs it again and grips it tighter as he turns you to face him. "Jesus, wait! What's the big fuss? Did I do something?"
"Let me go, Steve." You refuse to look him in the eyes, but you can't break his grip. Why can't he just let it go, so it's less painful? "I don't wanna drag this out."
"Drag what out?" Finally, it dawns on him as his eyes dart from the keys clenched in your hand to the windows of your car parked in the driveway, boxes clearly piled up in the trunk and in the backseat that none of them seemed to notice you moving.
".....So that's it? You're breaking up with us?" Steve says it with disbelief, like he's expecting you to say something or anything different. It's almost a little satisfying when you respond in the way he never could have expected, even though he should've by now. Even though it feels bitter on your tongue as soon as it comes up.
"You know what? Yes. That's exactly it." You finally wrench your arm out of his grip, and each of those words sting as they come out, but you won't cry, you refuse to cry in front of Steve today. "I'm leaving tonight, and I'm never coming back to Hawkins again."
"Ask your new girlfriend."
"Who? Wait--Chrissy?" He shakes his head, and what comes out next is more cruel than you wanted to be--but he just won't get it, it won't happen unless you make them realize why they don't want you anymore.
"Wow, the jock has a brain! Well done, Stevie." He grimaces at once, and god, you wish it would all stuff itself back into your throat.
"What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you being such a-"
"I know you're in love with her, Steve! For fuck's sakes, I'm not as stupid as you think I am!" You shout into the broken silence of the front lawn, wishing from the deepest reaches of your heart that this could all just be a horrible nightmare. Not reality. You don't want to be facing those big, soft eyes of Steve staring back at you in shock and pain, so you just turn your head and hope he doesn't see how much you're shaking.
"I get it, okay?! She's prettier than me, and nicer, and she doesn't have my fucking issues--and you guys clearly like her. It's like I don't even exist when she's around." You move aside to gesture towards your car, keys clutched in your hand so they won't fall or get taken from you, because you know Steve is reckless when he's upset. "None of you even noticed I was packing. Nancy fucking helped me put a box in yesterday."
Just then, both your heads turn at the sound of a car approaching--and just in time, you realize it's Eddie, his van's tires crunching the gravel of the long driveway as he pulls up to a stop beside your car. And lo and behold, sitting in the front seat with a smile on her face is her. Chrissy waves to you through the window, and as if your heart isn't in the process of shattering into shards that dig into your lungs, you raise your hand to acknowledge her back. You turn back to look at Steve one last time. Memorizing his face, because you know you won't ever see him again, as you take a few steps backward and hand him your parting words.
"Don't break her heart, Steve. It sucks."
With that, and with nothing but confliction reflecting back at you on his face, you turn on your heels and make your way around your car, bidding Eddie and Chrissy a stiff goodbye as they get out of the van and you get into your car. You reverse, roll back out of the driveway, and shift gears to start puttering down the road. And as soon as the house is out of your rearview mirror, that's when you feel those tears spilling out that won't stop until well after you pass the Leaving Hawkins sign on the side of the road.
A week into your new start in the city, you haven't gotten any more closure than when you left.
Living with your aunt isn't great, but it's something. The apartment is small, and you still haven't found a new job--you did call the Palace to inform them that you were quitting, though, to which you were greeted with nothing but indifference as you left a message on the answering machine. Figures that nobody in that town would miss me, you think, but you can't dwell on it for too long, because then you'll start thinking of them and it'll have you sobbing into your pillow again. Even worse is that you can't even fully express your pain to your family, your aunt, anybody--because they'll all think you're a freak, and it won't be surprising that your "relationship" ended so badly. You don't even really speak to your parents or your family in the first place, so you can't expect them to show you any sympathy. In fact, if they said anything to you, it would probably be that you should be glad it's over so you can live a normal life.
You don't want normal. You want your Robin talking your ear off about something gross for hours, you want Eddie burping into your ear and laughing, you want Nancy falling asleep on top of you and drooling on your chest, and Steve--you want Steve to come over while you're both on your breaks, talking with his mouth full and stealing bits of your lunch while kissing you in between each bite. You want that love back, you want it so badly it hurts, it hurts your heart every time something reminds you of them.
Maybe that's the worst part. That they don't want that anymore, they want someone that can share those memories with of that terrible tragedy, who knows how they feel and relates to those nightmares that wake them up in a cold sweat, who they can compare scars with and laugh with now that it's all over. They want someone scarred but beautiful, someone perfect, and you can never be that way no matter how hard you try. It explains why you haven't gotten a single phone call, or a letter, or anything since you left, and that treatment extends into your second week in Indy and right into the third. But it doesn't get any less painful, even when you get a job at a convenience store around the corner to busy yourself and help with the rent. Nor when you try going on a date or two, just to spend the whole dinner staring off into space as they talk and wondering what the people you loved are doing right now.
While you're behind the counter at work, your thoughts often drift back to that house by Maple Drive. The path around the back that leads into the woods, where Eddie would take you out for a smoke and to watch the stars for awhile--always with a walkie on hand, just in case, as Steve used to say. The pool that often sits empty, and sometimes you'd look out the window to see Nancy lifting up the cover on it to peek underneath, before breathing a visible sigh of relief and briskly walking away. Sometimes even in the middle of the night, creeping out the sliding glass door in her pajamas. And you remember that bed you often shared with Robin, who gets so clingy when she sleeps....and you wonder if she's sharing it with Chrissy now, if the cheerleader you always thought was such a nice girl is occupying the spot you thought would be yours forever.
Your brow furrows as you stock Camels on the shelf behind the counter, sliding each one into the perfect spot but feeling an itch of irritation when they don't line up. Is Eddie holding her right now? Is he coming up behind her every morning, and nuzzling his nose into her cheek as she stirs milk into her coffee? Is Nancy cuddling her and chatting her up about whatever project she has going on right now? Is Steve picking up her bag, and insisting she let her boyfriend hold the heavy stuff while she sits and looks pretty? They probably are. And they're probably much happier doing it with her, than they ever were with you.
Something thuds on the counter behind you, and you sigh without a sound as the gruff voice at your back asks for a pack while you're at it. Your fist squeezes around the box you've got in hand, and when you turn on your heels to toss it on to the tabletop and reach for the scanner, your eyes widen, and so do the ones on the moustached man that's towering in front of you with a petite woman at his side.
You breathe out the name, trying to regain yourself as quick as you can--you're pretty used to keeping your tears back now, adjusted to having a straight face so nobody will pry or prod for your feelings. The former sheriff of your hometown that you used to duck out of sight from, laughing and hiding your goods with Eddie right behind you, is standing at your counter with a shocked expression, along with Joyce Byers who seems just as surprised to see you here. And with little else you can think of, you clear your throat and try to crack that tense silence.
"Uh...so, you two on vacation, or someth-"
"Are you fucking with me?"
Hopper cuts you off, hands bracing the edge of the counter as he looks you up and down, the two glass bottles of Coke getting shoved aside by him to fall over and roll across the counter as he reaches across the barrier to grab your arm. Without much struggle, because you have no clue what's going on, you allow the older man to yank your wrist up and turn it over, Joyce hurriedly pushing up your sleeve with her gaze pinned to your skin, like she's desperately searching for something that has nothing to do with your confused questions spilling out on top of each other.
When they've finally uncovered that patch of skin they were looking for, the two of them share a look between themselves, before finally looking back up to acknowledge how baffled and worried you are. It isn't until you scan down to see what they found that the pieces start coming together, the black ink of the tattoo Eddie gave you when you first started dating peeking out at you. It's just a thin, mid-sized black circle on your inner forearm, with five points reaching outward like a sun. But the detail of it has always enchanted you, Eddie's diligent stare as he inked it into your skin burned into your mind. You've considered getting it covered since then, but....you can't bring yourself to do it yet.
"I'll call it in," Hopper says cryptically, stepping back and turning away to bring out the walkie from his belt and start mumbling into it. In the meanwhile, you're left with his partner, and the lady you've practically grown up with since she babysat you a long time ago. You often forget that time, when you and Jonathan would run around her backyard with sticks and rocks to try and build your own castle, while his baby brother watched from the stairs and giggled at your antics. You were so young, and so carefree, it seemed....but it was a happy time, one of few before you met those four.
"Honey, you're alright?" Joyce's voice quivers, anxious for the answer, but you nod as soon as her question registers because you hate to see her like this.
"Ye...Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" She circles round the counter, coming right in for a hug that you return without question. The squeeze is tight, like a mother's embrace upon returning home from a long time away, and you instantly feel a pinch of guilt for neglecting to include her in your plan to leave Hawkins. Now that you think about it, you really didn't tell anyone, except....
"-Kid, relax, we're coming there. No, do not get in your car, sit your ass down so you're there when we get back! Jesus," Hop gets more animated as he talks over the channel, and your hug splits as your head swivels towards the sound of a familiar voice through the static. Steve.
"Are they there? Let me talk to them! Please, Hopper, let me hear their voice-"
It's so frantic, desperate. The first time you've heard one of their voices in what feels like your whole life, and you have to struggle not to cave, bringing a shaky hand up over your mouth as you whisper a "What's going on?" to Joyce. And with your ears perked up, you can distinguish the background noise in the transmission--there are three other distinct voices, talking just as fearfully amongst themselves as they also try to get through to Hop. Nancy, Eddie, and Robin, each with as much indignation as Steve, who must be holding the other walkie.
"We're coming down right now, kid. Just try to calm down in the meantime." With that, Hopper shuts the antenna and gestures for you to follow him, the sweet woman at your side holding your arm as you obey him, like she's afraid you'll vanish if she lets go. You're led out of the light of the fluorescent bulbs overhead to Hop's truck parked by the curb--you at least have the sense to fumble with your keys and lock the front door before you leave--you let him open the door and sit yourself in the backseat, and shakily buckle yourself in as they get in front with promises to explain everything. Still struck dumb with shock to the point that it hasn't really registered that you just left work in the middle of your shift.
But you get an idea of what's happening when you turn your head, and catch a glimpse of a scattered stack of papers on the seat beside you out of your peripheral. Tentatively, as Hop starts up the ignition, your fingers brush over one of the nearest pages--and when you lift it up to survey it closer, the two of them notice you and share another sobering look between them. What's staring back at you is undeniably, unmistakably, a missing person's ad. And the picture is one you recognize immediately, because it's yours. Your photo, details of your last sighting, a description of your tattoo, a list of things for people to look out for....
"You really worried everyone back home, kid."
Suddenly, a bitterness rises up inside you, and the paper crumples slightly as you realize what's really happening. "I'm fine. I just...decided to get out of Hawkins."
"Yeah, well, maybe tell your roommates that, first."
"They didn't care! I told Steve anyways, so what's the big fucking deal?" Even though Joyce flinches at you raising your voice, you can't be quiet right now. Anger is something you've been almost too numb to endure these last few weeks, but now you could just put your fist straight through Hopper's window--they put up such a fuss for what? To drag you back to that shitty inbred town in the sticks, just to make sure they didn't want you in the first place? It's bullshit.
"They sure as shit care!" Hop shouts right back, casting his signature scowl over his shoulder as he drives through semi-empty streets. It's so late, and so dark, it's unlikely there'll even be many pedestrians. "Do you realize how many times Nancy Wheeler has shown up on my doorstep, begging me to go on another search and rescue for you?! They're worried sick!"
There's silence for awhile, very tense silence, before you repeat your question that says much more than just that one word.
"....Because they thought you were gone. They thought you were there."
There. That's what he means--the other world, the Upside Down. The place you've never seen, only heard horror stories about and snatches of descriptions of when you comforted one of them during a night terror. The missing people, the murders, the experiments....they're all so hard to believe, but then again, you can't deny Will's remarkable return from the dead or Barbara Holland's coverup death, both of which you've been close enough to to know that there's no way they're just elaborate lies.
So they were worried you had died. That your disappearance wasn't of your own volition. They're going to be in for an unfortunate surprise, but by the tightly shut locks on Hopper's truck doors, you know there's no getting out of this until he brings you right back to drop you in their laps.
"We came here to look for you. Your mom finally told us you had an aunt in the city." Joyce offers you another piece to the puzzle, but your mind is still stuck on the fact that your ex-partners seemed so desperate over the walkie. They....they wouldn't want you to die, but that doesn't mean they want you. Figures that your parents would make it more difficult for two of the only people that even remotely have any concern for you too, they're probably profiting off all that glorious attention of having a missing child.
"I have a life here, now. I don't want to go back." Lies. You know it's all lies.
"Listen, kid, whatever happened with your friends, I promise it's not worth throwing in the towel. You've gotta see things through." Clearly it's not worth an argument, you'd rather save your energy at this point. You're gonna need plenty to face that hard conversation you know is coming, when you're gonna have to confirm to them directly that you're moving on. No more running away, or hiding from the problem. You have to face it.
"You don't know anything about me, or them."
The already long drive drags on even longer in the silence that follows, and you make a mental note to call your aunt when they get you back to Hawkins, so she doesn't freak out when she comes home to an empty apartment. You can imagine your manager's gonna call and cuss you out before firing you for leaving the store unattended, too, and you groan and let your head hit the seat behind you. Now you're gonna have to find another job, gonna have to explain to your aunt what you did....or maybe she won't even notice your absence, not until someone makes a fuss about it.
Your mind is left racing with so many thoughts and worries that the scenery passes by without note, the moon barely shining any light on the landscape, like it's all one huge plain with little dots for buildings and trees. Like one big hellscape, but it's numb and frozen over with nothing left but a mocking echo of the world that's no longer here. You don't even really recognize your surroundings until a couple hours have passed, and the Welcome To Hawkins sign zips by and has you sitting up in your seat. Just as you pass it, though, you think you see the glimmer of another set of headlights, a rarity on these quiet streets--and then your whole world shifts violently.
"Shit!" Hop curses as he swerves suddenly, and Joyce shrieks as you all nearly careen off the road and into the ditch, your head cracking against the window and bouncing off for you to clutch at it in pain. A groan is all you can get out when he calls back to you, the dizzy feeling making you a little sick, but as you lift your head and the truck rolls to a stop, you spot the culprit of that downright suicidal speed driving that nearly caused a head-on collision.
Your heart is pierced with a deep chill immediately. You'd recognize that van anywhere, and that curly mane of hair as the driver stumbles out his door even moreso. He's not hurt, just dazed--and for the moment, your brain doesn't immediately go to the question of why you should even care. As he stands there in the road, in the dark, Eddie's form is lit up by the headlights still shining without a flicker, but he doesn't flinch even when it must be glaring directly into his eyes, just holds a hand up to block it out. And when they meet yours as you lean over the console to see him, he doesn't wait a second, hurrying around the passenger's side of the truck to fumble for the handle of your door. With a click, and the light above you switching on as a beeping starts to emit from the vehicle, Eddie's suddenly cramming himself into the backseat with you--and there's tears already wetting his cheeks as he grabs you in a hug, gasping in a shaky lungful of breath like he's shocked he's really touching you. Crying and mumbling into your hair, Eddie buckles when you squeeze him back, falling victim to that desire in the deepest part of your soul that just wanted to hold him again.
"I didn't mean it, I didn't mean it baby, I didn't--everything I said, I swear, I was being such a fucking moron-" He starts babbling from nowhere, and his voice itself is a comfort, having not heard it next to your ear for so long that it aches now.
"You're mine, okay?! You're my everything!" He cries, burying his face even deeper into your neck and inhaling whatever scent he can get. You're stunned into staying limp, letting his hands grab and squeeze at you wherever they land--his curly hair tickles your cheek and sticks to it, and that sensation alone drags tears up to the surface, only allowing them to spill when you hear him whispering those croaked pleas of "I love you, I love you, I love you" until you're crying right along with him. It's been so long since you heard it, you'd started believing it was never really true.
It takes minutes that feel like hours for you to both calm down enough to look at each other, your face cradled in Eddie's rough hands as he sniffles and murmurs a "You're so beautiful" so innocently sincere, that it instantly makes you wish you had never left. He smiles, and the world that seems so dark grows a little brighter around you. You're not even privy to the looks Joyce and Hopper are giving each other in the front seat, clearly a little surprised at the passion you two share that nobody else has ever seen. But they know. And when Eddie starts pulling you out of your seat with the promise to take you back, Hop only reminds him to drive safely before he allows you two to shut the truck's door and circle round the vehicle with Eddie's arm clinging to your waist. The air hits you, cool and dry, just like it always is in Hawkins. And when he opens your door for you and waits for you to clamber in, before getting in on the other side and fumbling contently with his keys, you're not sure you really know what to expect. He briefly elaborates that he'd gotten worried, and that he's just glad he spotted Hop's truck before he'd sped all the way out of Hawkins and missed you--but it doesn't last, because soon he's grabbing your thigh and sighing out a breath of relief.
"We'll talk about everything when we get home. For now, I just want to hold you." Eddie offers his hand to you, giving it a grateful squeeze when you slip yours into it and interlace your fingers together.
They'll all hate me for real, this time.
That's exactly how the drive goes, Eddie's shoulders relaxed even as he steers with one hand, and navigates while stealing glances over at you with relief written all over his face, and brings your hands up to kiss your knuckles every so often. But he's just one. The other three....your heart sinks as you run over that last conversation you had with Steve, the way you'd ignored Robin completely, and how you pretended everything was absolutely fine with Nancy up until the moment you left. And it somehow dawns on you only then--they thought you were gone, that you had been taken to the Upside Down, and your heart sinks as you watch the trees pass by in clusters while that dread creeps closer down the road that's so familiar.
Not even the comforting warmth of Eddie's hand could drive that thought out of your mind, even less so when he turns and you hit that patch of gravel that leads up the driveway. He'll stop soon, and you'll be facing the music....and when Eddie shifts into park, you sort of float from your seat to the walkway where you threw your feelings back into Steve's face, and up towards the front door that Eddie opens for you before you cross the threshold into the house. It does feel like home, and you don't want to lose it right on the welcome mat, so you blink away any tears that threaten to spill before you quietly follow him into the living room.
Three heads turn to look your way, too inundated in conversation around the coffee table to hear the door opening, but that stops the second their eyes land on you. Steve and Robin are the ones sitting closest to where you stand, but Nancy's the one that makes her way to you first, her lower lip already quivering enough to break into a sob as she crosses the patch of carpet to throw her arms around you. She's strong enough to grip you tight enough to hurt, but too weak to keep herself on her feet, and you end up sinking to the floor with her as your name floods out of her lungs on repeat, getting louder and louder and louder until she's wailing. You could swear the walls rattle with the volume she cries at, completely coming apart in your arms like you've never seen her do before.
"Don't you ever do that to me again!" She shouts, yet her voice is like a child's, wobbling and whiny and so miserably pitiful that it pains you even to listen to it, especially when she's clutching you so close to her body--so afraid that you won't be there when she pulls away, so she refuses to. You don't have any right to cry when she's so distraught, but with your head over her shoulder, the other two watch your lips curve downwards and your eyes screw shut into a flood of tears that won't stop easily.
"I'm sorry, Nancy. I'm okay." You whimper, burying your face into her curls until your lips brush her jawline, and she shudders into each gentle, praiseworthy kiss that you press there. Up until her sobs subside, and she breaths a sigh of relief that you can feel from her chest against yours, each one sinking and rising into each other as you breathe along with her. "I thought you didn't want me anymore."
She shakes her head, and finally pulls herself back to look at you, a fresh wave of tears streaming down her cheeks when she gets a good look at you. Nancy touches your face, thumbs away your own tears--and you know she's not just looking at you, but the girl she lost so long ago, whose smile she sees in yours on those days she misses her the most dearly. "I never wanted you more when I thought you weren't coming back," She whispers back. "How could I not want you? I love you."
The kiss she lays upon your lips is breathtaking, shaking and sweet and just....everything. Everything you missed and craved like air and water and life.
You're already halfway into her embrace when she laughs out that half-hearted joke, walking back with you a couple steps when you throw yourself into it. And she squeezes you so tight, so hard, the kisses a flurry of needy, fluttering touches all over your face until she somehow finds your lips--and when she does, she makes that last one a kiss you won't shake off for days, the feeling tingling your lips even when she pulls away. Still rubbing that spot on your back that she knows is sensitive, Robin grips you in an even harder hug that nearly cracks your spine, and whispers into your ear: "I'm so happy you're here with me." before she kisses you one last time, last one, she swears, fingers crossed behind your back. But then, she takes notice to the man standing just a foot away--and she lets you go to turn you around, her fingertips grazing your arms as you finally face him.
"Yeah, she, uh....she cried, like, every night," Even as Robin says it and breaks the quiet, she herself is rubbing tears from her cheeks, trying to keep that smile going as you stand and Nancy loosens her hold. She moves aside for Eddie to lay his hands on her shoulders from behind, and keep her steady on her feet. "So did Steve. I told you he cries when we watch Princess Bride!"
"I-I....I didn't mean it, Steve. I never...I've never thought you were dumb." Your voice comes out as a whimper, fingers fiddling with each other as you endure that big, brown, wide-eyed stare.
"I know." He breathes, hands clenching and unclenching at his sides. He wants to move, he's antsy, but he won't take another step. "I know, baby."
"Can I hug you?" Steve just nods, but his lip quivers and his features gain that pathetic, sad puppy look, because he was hoping and praying you would say those very words. Your heart soars as he meets your step forward and flings his strong arms tight around your body, crushing you with his huge stature but never loosening up. He instantly brings his hand up to cradle your head against his chest, kissing the crown of it with so much firmness that you know he's reaffirming you're really standing in front of him again.
"I shouldn't have let you leave. I should've slashed your damn tires." He chuckles along with you at the lighthearted crack at breaking the tension, until he chokes up again into a sob. "Nobody could ever replace you. And I swear, I'll never break your heart again."
Steve holds you for a long time, squeezing you and kissing you and brushing strands of hair from your eyes to just look at you, surveying the face of the love he feared he'd never get to cherish again. It's a long time coming, and when he's done, there are three other warm bodies in the room that need attention from the sweet thing they've been killing themselves over these last few weeks.
From there, they catch you up with what had happened in your absence. Steve had walked off to clear his head after you left, and hadn't returned until late in the day--burst through the front door during an unusually quiet dinner and sent them all into a panic, when he realized you really had left and you weren't coming back. The four of them had jumped into action to split up and look for you, Nancy contacted your parents and other family while Steve and Robin tried to find some hint of your whereabouts in the house, cracking open your drawers and notes and realizing how much of your stuff was missing. Meanwhile, Eddie had driven in circles round Hawkins and the outer city limits, trying to find any trace of your car in the dark with the help of passing streetlights.
When those attempts had failed after stretching out into the next day to mid-afternoon, and with your very unhelpful parents insisting they had no idea where you could've gone, that's when your partners had started printing out missing person's flyers and put in an official report with the sheriff's office. And, seemingly having forgotten that you were really the only one who ever checked the voicemail at work, your message tendering your resignation had been errantly erased by your manager--worrying them even further when they questioned him, because if you were really planning on moving away like you said, how could you not tell your employer? It wasn't like you. Their fears had only gotten stronger from there.
The worst had yet to come, though. Because when your car had been found on the side of the road way out in the middle of nowhere, miles and miles away from Hawkins and completely destroyed, the four of them had reached the point of no return. The plates had been torn off, but it was your exact make and model of car, and what were they supposed to believe? That it was just coincidence? That's what Hopper had tried to reassure them with, tried to insist that plenty of cars get found gutted out in the bush, but they couldn't be convinced that it was just some freak happenstance and delude themselves to think that you were fine and dandy somewhere else. The same thing had happened to Max's stepbrother, and they all knew how that had ended.
So started the search parties, the nights spent staying up and studying maps by lamplight, the microwave meals in place of home cooking and sleeping in shifts by the phone, waiting and hoping for some kind of clue to your whereabouts to appear. Finding you had become more important than eating, proper sleep, showering, or attention paid to anything aside from looking towards the horizon to see if you would magically walk back into their lives.
And all that time, you had believed nothing but that they couldn't care less where you were, or what you were doing. When in reality, they could think of nothing but you. That was what had led Eddie to nearly crash into you as you re-entered Hawkins, having been pacing the living room for those long hours after Hop's call until he just couldn't take it anymore--despite the other three trying to stop him, he had dashed out to his van and peeled out of the driveway like a lunatic, just for the slightest chance that he might be there when you needed help. It was so stupid, so reckless, and you'll remember that moment he came rushing around the side of the truck to get to you forever.
Despite them reassuring you about Chrissy, too, when the tears have dried--promising you she's nothing but a friend, and they would have no problems limiting her interaction with all of you from now on--you wave it away, smiling off your stupidity and letting them know that it's fine. You were just being dumb, acting crazy, but you're fine now. And Eddie's eyes narrow at that.
"You're not crazy." He murmurs absentmindedly, and says nothing more until he can slip away from your reunion, and reach the phone in the kitchen. While you're busy dealing with your other partner's crippling absence of affection, he taps his blunt nails into each button, numbly dialing the number he's memorized until the ringing starts and stops.
"Hey, Chris. Angel's back home."
"Oh, that's great! Oh...Eddie, I'm so happy for you. You must be relieved-"
"Yeah. Yeah, I am. Listen, no hard feelings, but....you're my friend, so I'm just gonna be straight. Don't come by the house anymore."
"I--what? Really? I....Eddie, I'm sorry, if I did something to upset you-"
"No, no, nothing you did. Well, not really. But I know how you feel, Chris, and I can't really ignore it anymore." He swallows deeply, and sucks on his teeth as he tries to think of some better way to say it. "I don't want to hurt your feelings, but I don't feel the same. I never have, and I'm sorry if I made you feel like that might change."
"......So that's it?"
"That's it. We can still be friends, but we need space for awhile first, and I'm not gonna ignore you flirting with me anymore. I'm in love and it's not gonna change. Sorry."
"Can we at least talk about it, Eddie? Please? I'd rather talk this out in person."
"No. Bye, Chrissy."
He thuds the phone back on the receiver just a little too hard, and brings his hand up to rub at his neck and try and get the ache out. That didn't feel good, having to confront one of his very few friends with a truth he just wanted to ignore--but the sick feeling he has now can't even compare to how he felt when you were away, and it's an easy decision to make in that regard. He'd take you over her any day. It's a bit of a guilty feeling, but he knows it's the truth even if it hurts Chrissy's feelings, and he's happy even so.
"....Yeah, I missed you real bad, sweetheart. Don't you ever think I wouldn't....or else you are crazy."
"Eddie?" You call out from the living room, and following that sweet voice to its source, he feels himself light up at the sight of you settled back into the couch. Legs tucked up in Robin's lap, halfway into Steve and Nancy's, looking so comfortable and cute as you look up at him. You're where you belong. He's so distracted by the glee and relief of having you home, he didn't even realize how quiet it had been between you all until he came right back from his task. You say nothing more, just hold your arms out to him--and when he gets close enough, you capture him with those pretty eyes of yours, and melt away any ill feeling as you pull him into your chest.
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