#energy drinks and apples and tea and that is it. not really but you take my point
afieldinengland · 9 months
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stefkaryan · 7 months
Here’s the thing: You are ALLOWED to make your life easier.
You are under no obligation to do everything on hard mode. You absolutely are permitted to be kind to yourself.
I’ve seen so many people – and I include myself, here – say things like “I don’t really NEED (*insert thing here). I can manage without it.” It could be an extra wastebasket in a different room. Something to sit down on when you’re going to be out and about for a while. One of those grabber devices so you don’t have to bend over to pick up dropped items. A mini-fridge in your bedroom or home office. A cane for when you feel wobbly. Extra reading glasses salted around the house in your favorite spots. A scheduled-in half hour every afternoon to decompress. A comfy footrest for your favorite chair, vitamins that give you a boost, kneepads for gardening, that book you reeeaaallly want to read, nicer tools for whatever craft or hobby lights up your soul. The GOOD tea. A frickin’ NAP.
Yes, you probably can manage without it; you have, so far. But the threshold for having the thing, or doing the thing, does not have to be, “do I absolutely need this in order to survive?” It can be, “would having this, or doing this (or even NOT doing this) make my life easier, or happier?”
If the answer to that second question is “yes,” then by all means, go ahead. Get that object. Do that thing.
Being A Responsible Human is hard. It’s plenty hard enough to navigate the day-to-day world as it is, especially (but not exclusively) if you are in less than perfect health or youth.
There is absolutely NO shame in taking steps to make your life less difficult. If having that grabber saves you energy you can then spend visiting with a friend, terrific. If that fridge lets you grab a quick drink between video calls, great. If better tools make your chosen art sing? Awesome!
Please, for the love of little green apples, give yourself permission to do the things that make your life easier, or happier. You owe nobody an explanation. You owe nobody an apology. The person living your life is YOU. You deserve good things. You have the right.
Give yourself grace.
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esamastation · 7 months
Part forty-six of Shizuroth, aka, the SOLDIER General's Self Saving Shizun.
Ao3 link.
Previous parts: thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two, thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty-five, thirty-six, thirty-seven, thirty-eight, thirty-nine, forty, forty-one, forty-two, forty-three, forty-four, forty-five
Observation log, 11th of October, 12:00
07:05 Sephiroth wakes up.
07:34 Sephiroth eats a breakfast of porridge, canned apples and orange juice. Meal detailed in attachment E.
07:57 Sephiroth begins preparing for Energy Alignment with warmups and stretches, detailed in full in attachment D.
08:15 Sephiroth begins sword practice.
08:42 Sephiroth begins Energy Alignment. Energy output matches previous sessions visually. Movements and forms same as ones detailed in attachment C.
20:15 Sephiroth finishes sword forms and moves onto meditation. Visual concentration of light and energy in his cupped palms, no indication as to its nature or purpose, but likely a progression of Energy Alignment.
22:32 Sephiroth finishes Energy Alignment and begins preparations for bed.
Observation notes: Sephiroth only ate one meal today, with nowhere near enough kilojoules to support the level of physical activity he is practising - nor is he drinking enough water. Sephiroth shows no visual sign of exhaustion, starvation, or dehydration. Will continue to observe.
Addendum to observation log for the 11th of October: checking perimeter showed no sign of local activity. Angeal Hewley ventured out at 11:27 to hunt monsters and returned at 15:56. Reno is getting agitated.
End log for the 11th of October.
Observation log, 12th of October, 12:00
07:20 Sephiroth wakes up.
07:51 Sephiroth eats breakfast of rice, eggs, canned apples and tea. Meal detailed in attachment E.
08:20 Sephiroth begins previously mentioned warmups and stretches. He is joined by Hewley. They move on to a session of Buster Sword Lessons, detailed in attachment F.
09:34 Sephiroth begins going through his usual sword forms. Angeal Hewley moves to train by himself in the inner yard.
10:12 Sephiroth enters the Energy Alignment phase of training. No visual change in forms or energy output. In fact, forms are starting to look like they come in an established pattern.
15:23 Sephiroth finishes sword forms (notably early) and moves onto meditation. No visual concentration of energy observed this time.
15:54 Sephiroth finishes meditation and goes looking for Angeal Hewley, who is, at the time, examining the Charcoal Burner's House's old vegetable garden.
16:00, est. Dialogue:
Sephiroth: "Hey, what are you up to?"
Angeal Hewley: "Just checking to see if there's anything edible here - canned food is going to get really tiresome in the long run. What's up, it's everything alright?"
Sephiroth: "No, no. I'm just - getting a bit lost in my own head."
Hewley: "Do you want to talk about it?"
Sephiroth: "No, I want a bit of - I need a distraction, for a bit."
Hewley: "... Okay? Do you want to go hunt monsters, do you want to spar, or…?"
Sephiroth: "I think if I spent another moment thinking about physical cultivation I might lose it. So. No. Something else."
Hewley: "Uh?"
Sephiroth: "You know when you work on something for so long that it starts losing all meaning? Like, a report, maybe? Stare at it long enough, and it turns into nonsense. I need, you know. A break."
Hewley: "Ah, yeah, okay, I get what you mean. Yeah, I can take a break with you. What do you want to do?"
Sephiroth: "I have no idea. Just something else."
Hewley: "I'm sure we can figure something out."
16:00-18:00 est. Sephiroth and Angeal Hewley proceed to explore the Charcoal Burner's House's abandoned stores and discover an old, broken set of something called Weiqi. Sephiroth proceeds to teach Angeal Hewley how it was played.
18:15 Dialogue
Hewley: "Now, I don't want to sound impatient, but, this energy alignment stuff. How long is it going to take?"
Sephiroth: "Normally decades."
Hewley: "Decades?!"
Sephiroth: "Most of it is just energy gathering, that usually takes most of the time. I don't exactly have that issue. If anything, I have too much."
Hewley: "Oh. Right. Um, then, how long do you think it will take for you to sort it out?"
Sephiroth: "I've gotten things moving. If my veins can take it… maybe another week?"
Hewley: "That's not too bad, though… what do you mean if your veins can take it?"
Sephiroth: "... Have you figured out whether MP resides in your body yet?"
Hewley: "Um, no? I mean, I know it's there and I can sort of feel it there, but it's not really in any specific location."
Sephiroth: "Hm. Keep trying."
Hewley: "Sure, I'll try. I'm not sure what you're after, though."
Sephiroth: "You'll know it when you feel it."
19:12 Sephiroth fills the tub in the back room and has a full bath. 
20:07 Sephiroth eats a dinner of pasta, canned pickles, canned peas, crackers and apple juice. Meal detailed in attachment E.
20:24 Sephiroth turns in early.
Observation notes: Sephiroth ate two full meals and seems to have taken in enough nutrients for his daily requirements. It should be noted, however, that his level of physical activity was greatly diminished today. It should also be noted that between the training session and the later board games he seemed rather distracted. He might be procrastinating on his progress, perhaps having some sort of block? If faster results are desired, it might be advisable to remove Hewley from the situation.
Addendum to observation log for the 12th of October: Reno reports signs of activity in the forest - a smoke trail approximately 15 kilometres away. It is possible that our occupation has been noticed by Wutai troops. We are increasing our level of alert and redoing our traps. Though with two SOLDIER First Class present we have little to fear from any kind of Wutai assault, a surprise attack at an inopportune moment might be disastrous. Reno will be heading out to investigate at first light tomorrow.
End log for the 12th of October.
Observation log, 13th of October, 12:00
07:11 Sephiroth wakes up.
07:36 Sephiroth eats breakfast.
08:02 Sephiroth and Angeal Hewley proceed to meditate together in the main room of the house. Sephiroth is talking through the entire process, guiding Hewley every step of the way. No visual energy fluctuations to observe.
09:12 Sephiroth and Angeal Hewley proceed with sword practice, with Sephiroth instructing. 
10:35 Sephiroth and Hewley separate and Sephiroth proceeds with his sword forms in the usual manner.
10:54 Sephiroth enters the Energy Alignment phase. The forms seem to have settled into an established pattern. No other changes to the overall practice to be observed.
11:30 Reno returns and confirms there's Wutai troops making their way towards our location. With Sephiroth in the Energy Alignment phase, it's deemed unsafe to disturb him with the news. Hewley offers to take care of the enemy troops.
11:43 Hewley sets out to meet the Wutai troops. I will check the perimeter while Reno keeps watch on Sephiroth.
12:11 Perimeter secure, traps primed. Should the worst come to pass and Sephiroth goes into misalignment, we will proceed according to plan.
12:15 Sending the WIP log to Tseng, just in case.
Rude's logs are very factual I feel while Reno adds the nuance.
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incorrect-fnaf-quotes · 2 months
Alright, AU questions
(thesere the goofy ones that I like to ask everyone)
What's each main characters favorite drink? (Coffee, tea, soda, etc)
Hottest take on a characters personality? (Do you portray anyone really outside of fandom norms, how?)
What's one weird quirk your favorite character has got that you gave them?
OKAY, so, I wasn’t very sure if I should just talk about one of the AU’s for the questions—so I figured I’d just try to do all of them if I could—though, for the main characters, like you said.
For the Reluctant Follower Jeremy & Animatronic Vanny AU, I’d consider the MC’s to be:
Vanny, Jeremy, Glamrock Freddy, & Gregory.
For the reunion & memory AU with Glam Fred & Bon, I’d consider the MC’s to be... them. The others are also decently involved, but it’s an AU focusing around them both.
The Swap AU? Cassie, Glitchtrap, & Vanny.
The Dr. Scraptrap AU? Scraptrap, Elizabeth, Plushtrap, and Spring Bonnie.
Anyways, onto the questions, starting from the favorite drink one, and then I’ll just go from there. I don’t wanna waste too much time.
Dr. Scraptrap: This man constantly drinks coffee, it’s his favorite.
Elizabeth: Apple Juice.
Plushtrap: Absolutely just... really likes drinking any sort of energy drink. Also Apple Juice.
Spring Bonnie: Tea.
Vanny (both Swap & Animatronic): Chocolate Milk.
Glitchtrap: Tea.
Cassie: Orange Juice.
Glamrock Freddy (both): Water.
Glamrock Bonnie: He doesn’t have much of a favorite, but does enjoy soda and tea.
Gregory: Soda.
Jeremy: Coffee.
As for the question about the character’s personalities... I’m not too certain. Like, with the Swap Au, there’s obviously changes here and there—mainly with Glitchtrap and Vanny.
I’ve never really focused on the ‘fandom norms’ or whatever the fandom would typically depict someone, but, one of the main ones would be... Gregory?
I’m not sure if I would count it as a norm, but I do see a lot of things where they just portray him as... pretty bad. Like, there’s more to it, but, y’know.
He’s just a kid, though. He’s pretty good.
Another would probably have to be (Dr) Scraptrap? Like, for a bunch of things, but whenever it comes to Afton, I see a lot of things between the kids.
Like, some are like, ‘Oh, he was a horrible dad’, and others are like, ‘Oh, he was a good dad’, etc. I’m not really sure if these are norms... I’m saying whatever is coming to mind, it’s late.
In the Dr. Scraptrap AU, he is at least a pretty good parent to Plushtrap and Elizabeth, and cares about them a lot. Good bunny father. 👍
Although... being honest? I think nearly all of the characters would have a bit of different personalities/be out of fandom norms, because I wouldn’t be able to write everyone perfectly.
But I’m sure trying my best. 👍 Though I’m still adding my own bits here and there.
As for the third/last question, with the ‘weird quirk(s)’, I’m... not very sure, honestly.
Because, sure, I’ve given/added certain things to some characters (Plushtrap, Spring Bonnie, etc), when planning them and everything else out. And maybe some of the things are interesting.
But I’m just not sure what would count as a ‘weird’ one, whatever you’re really looking for with the answer.
That’s about it, I think. Sorry if any of this wasn’t very good—I wanted to answer this right away, but it’s honestly pretty late. I just tried to say things as best I could.
Anyway, thank you for the questions :) Feel free to send in more, if you want. This was fun.
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ghosts-bandwagon · 1 year
Hey there!!
Im being hella self indulgent with this ask but could you do some Task Force 141 + König headcanons for a reader dealing with stomach issues? (like the nausea, being cold and having headaches all the time, stomach pain, etc). If you could I would really appreciate it!! If this makes you uncomfortable feel free not to do it :))
Oof ouchie ouch
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley:
He’s unsure what to do with himself at first so he kinda does everything he can? He’s cleaning up the house while you’re resting in bed, he’s got peppermint tea going, he’s running out to the pharmacy for meds to help your nausea and headaches
He’s setting up the heating pad to gently rest it on your stomach, he’s making lemon water and sitting on the bed, gently tilting your head and instructing you to take small sips
If you ask him to, he’ll rub your stomach with the softest touch
If your nausea reaches the point where you’re throwing up, he’s holding your hair or rubbing soothing patterns in your back with moderate pressure
He makes sure to take some meds with him just in case your headaches or your stomach pain flares up, he watches you intently to be able to catch it before it gets bad
John ‘Soap’ MacTavish:
He’s so comforting, if it’s a chronic issue he’s got everything you need when you get a flare up
If it’s something that happens on occasion, he’s still ready for you, he’s got pretzels, applesauce in the fridge, Dramamine for your nausea and headaches
He’s got a heated water bottle ready for your stomach aches
If nothing else, he is prepared and doting. He’s insisting you rest, he’s happy to do everything around the house for however long you need, he refuses to let you do anything
He’s at your beck and call and he makes it known, if you don’t have the energy to shout you can shoot him a text but you probably won’t have to because he’ll be right there at your side
John Price:
King of home remedies lmao
He’s got tips and tricks he’s picked up when he was younger and when he was in his academy days
Ginger tea with honey, large glass of water with lemon juice, peppermint tea or peppermint candies, bitters and club soda, tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
If your nausea reaches a point where you’re throwing up, he’s standing behind you, holding your hair back and pressing a hand against your forehead (trust me it helps)
Once you’ve cleaned up, he’s giving you some ginger tea with a little honey in it, and gently rubbing your back as you take a few slow sips
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Gerrick:
He’s not quite sure what to do outside of things his parents might’ve done for him when he was younger, so he looks it up on his phone when he’s sitting on the bed at your side, gently rubbing your tummy
He’s listing off the different things he’s finding to see which of them seems most appealing to you
As soon as you pick something, he goes with it, he heads out to the grocery store to grab the things he needs to help you feel better
He’s grabbing the chicken soup, applesauce, jello, pretzels, ginger ale, popsicles? (In his mind cold = soothing)
When he comes back, he’s giving you a little bit of everything, sitting beside you on the couch with you all bundled up and wrapped in blankets, and he’s got himself a small bowl of the pretzels he got for you, your favorite show playing on the tv
I feel like he’d call his mom for advice or home remedies, but when some things aren’t available for purchase where you live, he asks you what you’ve normally done and what you’d like him to do
He’s following what you say to the letter, he’s quick about getting what you need from the super market, and he’s quick about coming back
He makes you some homemade chicken noodle soup and gives you a glass of ginger ale and some ice to chew on when you’re done with the drink
He’s rubbing soothing circles on your tummy, his hand warm and calming as you lean against him
He’s got the lights dimmed so it doesn’t make your headache any worse, he’s given you some medicine already to help it go away quicker, he’s softly humming, gently rubbing your arms and your back
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samiwife · 8 months
I will always say that I love the way you write because it's really beautiful (I've read them about 10 times) Could you write some headcanons with Robert Plant or Jimmy Page? Because you're really cool at writing headcanons (I admire you😓😓)
Oh my god thank you so much!!!!! I love writing headcanons! Thanks 4 the support <3 Hope you enjoy <3
Headcanons and Preferences 𓆩⟡𓆪 (Ft: Robert Plant)
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𓆩♡𓆪= Smut
ੈ✩‧₊˚= Fluff
⋆ ★= Angst
𓆩⟡𓆪 = Headcanons
Would always sleep in and you'd bring breakfast in bed for him
Collects records of his favorite bands
Walks around the house with a half-opened shirt exposing his chest
Great with kids
Always asks for kids
Cares a lot about his hair
Has a lot of hair products
Dances a lot in the living room
Constantly moving around otherwise he goes insane
Loves nature
Loves going on walks
Wears a lot of jewelry
For some reason he loves goats
Tries to work out but just gives up
Loves traveling
Would sing for you when you're sad
Would take care of you when you're sick
Sometimes he plays soccer in the backyard
Reads late at night
Loves fruit, especially oranges or apples
Always smells like tea, especially Earl Gray Tea
You always play with his hair
You also always mess with his hair
You tie up his hair in different ways
When he's sick he always drinks tea and listens to records
Sometimes he makes his own bracelets and necklaces
Rides his bike down the street to go to a nearby cafe
Tries to play guitar for you but gets mocked by Jimmy for not being good
Smokes cigarettes outside so he doesn't bother you
Gets jealous easily
Craves attention from you
Would stare down the person he's jealous of
Would make it known he's mad or jealous
When he's horny, he pulls you in closer and whimpers in your ear
Very slutty in bed
Moans so LOUD
VERY good during sex
He always loves it when you pull his hair during sex
Loves swimming
Eats scones a lot and drinks a lot of tea
Loves clothes shopping for you and himself
Holds your hand a lot
Has SUPER warm hands
SIngs anytime and anywhere
Would stare you up and down when taking off your clothes
Sometimes you cut his hair
He always talks in big words
Has the softest lips
Also, he has the prettiest eyes
Loves buying paintings and making some
Sleeps like a sick Victorian child (HAHA I'LL STOP)
Wears tight pants to show off his "size"
When you're injured, he'll carry you on his back and take you to safety
Always makes tea for you
Loves lying in the grass with you
Stealing his shirts is a must
Makes funny faces while singing
Winks at you constantly
Kisses on the neck and cheek are constant
Would say "baby" 20 times a day
Sometimes he calls you "mama"
You think he has a mommy kink (HAHAH I'M SORRY)
You sometimes think that he and Jimmy have a thing with each other
Sometimes he wears big fur hats to cover up his bad hair days
Lastly, he always cares about you. Even if you're mad at him. He'll try his best to make you happy again. He'll buy gifts, he'll hug you and kiss you to make you feel better. He will do everything in his power to make you love and notice him
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I have new Boba and Matcha Art!!! With bonus “canon” comic :000!!!
I’m obssesed with them!!! Here’s them laying in the grass:
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I’m going to try to explain this in a less ramble-y way with new details I’ve thought of! (Because the first post of this AU was written in a sleep deprived haze. First post linked here if you want to see them in color but shittily. Note: I’m leaving out the jackets from here on out because they were a pain in the ass to draw and I don’t always have the energy for that)
So this is from my recently made MxB Bittersweet Memories AU (which is kind of like 2 aus in one). In this AU there is the “canon” universe and the “drink” universe.
The “canon” universe has the main Sonic cast we all know and love with a focus on Sonic and Shadow. The reason it’s “canon” and not just canon is because there is sonadow (and I’m so funny to make that reference <3 /sarcastic) More on that later.
The Drink universe has variations of the main cast (both in personality and appearance) based on different drinks/drink flavors, also with a focus on the Sonic and Shadow variants. In this universe, there is Boba! Sonic (who is extra peppy and sweet like boba) and Matcha! Shadow (who is very calm, since Matcha tea can decrease anxiety and stress). They call each other by their drink names instead of their “canon” names because I might write a fic and the plot I’m about to explain requires them to be distinct from the “canon” cast.
The silly thing that connects these two AUs into one is the weird connection the sonadow variants have. “Canon” Sonic feels all the emotions Boba has toward Matcha, and they sort of reflect into his own feelings for “Canon” Shadow, as seen in the comic above. Matcha experiences all of Shadow’s memories through dreams and general emotions, including Shadow’s memories of Maria and her death. These memories don’t have to be distant and Matcha can experience them as recent as they happen.
For the “canon” universe, this connection leads to Sonic chasing after Shadow and in the end, they get together. Although, it does take some time since they still have their rivalry.
In the Drink universe, Matcha and Boba have already gotten together in the beginning (and they don’t have a rivalry since their story went a lot different). Instead of going on adventures and saving the world, the people of their universe sell drinks corresponding to themselves (Matcha specializes in Matcha Tea, Boba makes boba, etc). Matcha’s sister (Apple Cider! Maria) never died, so he doesn’t have the same or as much trauma as Shadow (Grenadine! Gerald is dead tho but from old age rather than assassination; he adopted Matcha in this universe and they had a good relationship before he passed). This makes dreams and memories of Maria dying distressing (even though he doesn’t know who Maria is). As a result, the connection leads to a Hurt/Comfort scenario that strengthens Matcha and Boba’s bond.
Throughout this whole thing, both pairs don’t even know the other universe exists!!! It makes it funnier on Sonic’s end tbh XD
I know this is. A lot. But I’m not really sorry!!! I love Matcha and Boba so much!!!
TDLR: Drink Universe with drink inspired STH designs (and established sonadow) and “Canon”Universe with regular STH designs with almost but not yet established sonadow have a weird connection that leads to scenarios ✨ (and lots of sonadow moments!!)
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anasagun · 1 year
The Four D's:
Distance yourself from food.
Distract vourself.
Delay eating.
Decide what your goals really are.
50. Green tea raises metabolism and is very good for the skin and overall health. Drink it in the morning to increase metabolism for the day. Add lemon to make it more effective and to add a detoxifying aspect
51. Hot water with lemon is another good morning drink.
52. Spicy foods raise metabolism, if you don't like them you can take cayenne pepper capsules available in supplement section of drugstores or health food stores.
53. Drinking apple cider vinegar is said to raise metabolism, have a few tablespoons, can also be mixed in water (with lemon would be best)or used as salad dressing.
54. Start the morning with stretching to wake up your muscles, the morning is also the best time to exercise because your body will use stored food (fat) as fuel instead of food you ate. It also processes food better throughout the day and gives you more energy if you exercise in the morning
55. Get at least 6 hours of sleep each night, less than this can decrease metabolism by 10% and increase appetite by 15%. You look better and feel better when you have more sleep also it you're sleeping then you're not eating!
56. Keep good posture, it burns 10% more calories throughout the day. You also look better.
57. Vitamin B6 and B12 raise metabolism and give you energy.
58. Eating protein increases your metabolic rate by 14%
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lunaritychuwolf · 3 months
Dennysverse headcanons:
-An average night at Denny's:
Clem is gossiping with Bradey in the kitchen
Denise is listening in and gossiping as well as she's waiting for the food so she can serve
Sarah is taking an order, trying not to kill another bothersome customer
-At the end of the night:
They all go to the nearest 7 Eleven to buy some snacks and drinks and head back to the house (and they were roommates👀)
Either for a movie marathon night, stargazing and just chatting, spa night at home or just talking about their night
These three like to relax after work
I feel Sarah sleeps late but is an early waker, meaning she doesn't get a lot of sleep in total. Her max is like 6 to 6 and a half hrs and God damn the energy drinks consumed is unfathomable
Denise is an early sleeper and wakes up at a decent time. Loves her rest, minimum 8 hours and likes coffee but like, black coffee with a shit ton of sugar
I know Clementine is a late sleeper and late riser, maximum 5 hrs. Tea, tea, tea and an apple is what she runs on
Clem hates doing the dishes so she usually tries to swap with Denise who I feel wouldn't mind swapping sweeping with her
Sarah looks like the one who does the clothes and will meticulously wash in colour coordination as to not stain anything. Also organised all their cupboards in summer/spring and winter/autumn
As stated before, Denise doesn't mind dishes but she'd much rather tend to their garden. Yes, the Denny's grow their own veggies😌 we independent like that
Clem cannot cook to save her life, Denise and Sarah to the rescue... Take aways✨
But I think Sarah can cook really well and on occasion Denise will join her to cook up a feast
Denise is a baker through and through, she's got the best! And I mean the best cupcake recipe. It's a secret though so you can only enjoy when she does bake
-How they spend their days:
Walks in the park is an absolute, maybe even visiting the playground where the three met. They still do their forest adventures like when they were younger
Visiting art stores is a must when one of them runs out of art supplies. It's time to restock and buy new stuff
Library browsing and enjoying books. Each has their own favourite genres and likes to buy, read and trade with each other. Best believe there's a reading nook somewhere in that house
@rustycopper4use @piffany666
Add anything or tell me to change something you feel it doesn't suit
This was on made a whim😌
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lunerians · 1 month
would YOU like to hear some fun kieran and florian facts from my apple of my eye series? here you go.
regarding sweet foods and sweets, kieran has a preference for fruit-flavored stuff, but not the artificial ones! I feel like he'd also like tanghulu as well as other candied fruits.
kieran used to drink energy drinks almost daily pre-indigo disk, but he doesn't drink them as much anymore.
florian's choice of caffiene is tea! mainly because it's a common staple from galar. they like to put sugar and creamer in their teas, and have a preference for black teas. early grey is probably his favorite tea, though he loves trying out all sorts of teas.
since moving to paldea, though, florian's more open to drinking coffee; kieran, on the other hand, despises coffee because it tastes bitter.
florian also usually carries a big thermos of hot tea since it can get really cold in the early mornings and at night.
even though they both run a little hot, they actually love wearing each other's outerwear (jackets, sweatshirts, sweaters, etc.) are they both dying in the heat? yes. are they going to take off their jacket? no. after all, it's their favorite person's clothes :)
florian probably smells really clean, like laundry detergent or the outdoors, whereas kieran always smells like candied apples. his hydrapple loves getting pets and playing around with him, so its supersweet syrup ability kinda just. rubbed off on him. permanently.
so florian's obviously from galar, right? but did you know that he's actually cousins with elio (protag from pkmn sun in alola)? both of his alolan regional forms (ninetails and raichu) were caught there when their family went to visit a few years back
also their raichu is shiny. because I have a shiny raichu named hersey.
florian is also very well known as like. That Guy that shows up whenever and usually in the weirdest places. they spend most of their time in the wild shiny hunting for pokemon (and he has a tendency to just. not check his phone at all for hours) so ppl just cannot get a hold of him unless he’s like. in the same physical space as them.
kieran's the sole exception (plus his mother) of ppl florian actually responds to on time. they’re also probably the only ppl in his favorite contacts, just so that he still gets their notifs when he’s on dnd (which is. all the time. shiny hunting requires a lot of focus!!)
on the topic of phones. kieran gets one. its a plot reason but he gets one eventually. he really wanted to wait until he saw florian again so he could have them as the first person in his contacts but carmine wouldnt let him (he has to contact his family somehow! kieran was kinda miffed about it)
kieran’s sooo a default texter. like normal caps and autocorrect. he still spells a few things wrong but he fixed it in another msg if he can. he also doesn't msg as often since he’s not used to having a phone and generally uses it to keep in touch with his friends and family.
if kieran has any social media its def to just research the trends in the competitive scene (and most of his posts are reddit style where he does intense theorycrafting with other competitve nerds)
florian's also like. ghost level texter. they will leave you on read (not actually, they turned that off so penny would stop getting mad at him for not replying for days.) he’s definitely very casual regarding tone and doesn’t talk much via text. he is, however, a big fan of calls! especially calling kieran (to no one’s surprise)
kieran's also the only one that florian actually texts to in a somewhat expressive manner. when kieran shows his texts with florian to the others theyre all like. are we talking about the same person. are you sure that’s florian and not an imposter.
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slocumjoe · 1 year
could i get your take on what the companions (or just my favorite boy X6's) top 10 fave candies/foods would be in a modern AU?
anon you are in luck, because I am constantly thinking about the diets and eating habits of my blorbos
The numbered list isn't in any particular order, it's just so I don't have to manually count each point
What the companions would eat if not in a post apocalypse
Cait; Wouldn't have a taste for fancier cuisine. Eats more...hick-ish. I can say that because I was a hick with this kind of diet, growing up. Has a taste for filling, cheap, low-effort food...think lots of fast food, but "healthier" fast food. Like Chipotle, Panera, etc. Can cook, doesn't often, but will if she has a craving. Savory or tart tastes. She tends to eat lighter than you'd expect.
Blueberry brownie anything, favors dark chocolate in general
Submarine sandwiches, anything with pickles
Key lime pie
Salt and vinegar chips and thinks critics of such chips are cowards
Peach Redbull, any energy drinks though
Storebought hummus and Doritos, has been seen eating hummus with just a spoon though
Blueberry bread pudding. Simple to make, fun to eat, very comforting. Buys her bread already stale from a local bakery, has a guy to hook her up with the old shit
Seafood chowder
Sausages in any capacity. Jerky sticks, breakfast sausage, etc. Loves chorizo.
Honey buns from the gas station
Curie; Health nut, she eats like every influencer claims they eat like. Only, Curie actually eats like that. Lots of fresh foods and whole grains, little red meat. However, Curie makes a point to have foods that other health nuts would condemn, thinks its really important to not label any food as "bad." So, she balances between health nut and normal person. Her taste leans toward bright and/or sweet. Dislikes red meat.
Salmon breakfast wraps
Tropical fruit smoothies, eats so much pineapple
Iced tea, favors raspberry. Never seen without an iced tea of some kind
Halibut tacos, likes red cabbage and a fuck ton of lemon on it. Soft shells all the way
Bananas foster
Whipped brie dip, eats it with anything but loves it on apples, basically dessert
Lemon pepper grilled chicken and rice
So many salads, loves that you can just throw shit in a bowl and call it a recipe. Likes strawberries and almonds
Lemon poppyseed muffins
Shrimp and bitter melon stir fry
Danse; mixed bag. One on hand, small town diner tastes. Simple, cheap, good ol' American food. On the other, he's doomed to be a soldier in every universe he's in, so...maybe he picks up some tastes and dishes from places he's toured. Gets a weird pallate that shoots in all directions and makes you wonder what it's like in that thick skull. One day he's a good American boy with pancakes and steak, the next he's eating cake mix dry and drinking tahini from a flask.
Anything BBQ, but a pulled pork devotee
Hot coffee so heavily creamed and sugars it looks like milk. He likes the twix combo of chocolate, shortbread, and caramel flavors
Prepackaged baked goods a la Hostess, fucks up little Debbie oatmeal cookies
Apple and pecan pie
Menemen—Turkish dish, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, bell peppers, spices to taste, and (controversially) onions. Adds sausage and cheese, eats it with a fork or spoon (its meant to be eaten with bread)
Khachapuri—Georgian cheesy bread with egg. Eats with a knife and fork. (its meant to be eaten with the bread crust)
Smores pop tarts
Beef and potato stew
Rice bowl with fried egg and avocado, bonus points if it has bacon
Straight cookie dough/brownie/cake batter, usually when he's black out drunk and cannot shame himself out of eating raw egg products.
Deacon; Very childhood comfort food. Y'know, things you had as a kid, but probably grew out of a bit? Eats out of gas stations/takeout frequently. Very open flavor pallete, has tried everything he's had the chance to. Likes one-handed food, stuff you can have the other hand free for. Doesn’t really have a 'theme', has broad horizons for his diet. Likes lighter, mild flavors, though. He eats lightly and on the go a lot.
Hot/corn dogs, taste in hot dog toppings varies
Egg salad sandwiches
French fries and vanilla ice cream, classic combo
Mango sticky rice
Cornbread with any accompaniments. Likes honey or chili, thinks if you have a drink with cornbread, you ain't a real cornhead
Penne alla vodka
Cucumber salad. This could mean a salad with cucumbers, that trending Asian recipe where you cut the cumber so its springy, or eating a cucumber like a hotdog.
Fried mushrooms
Usually just drinks water but will have gator/powerade when he's working. Likes purple flavor
Captain crunch cereal, loves all cereal though. Prefers the kibble stuff to the berries. Starts philosophical debates about the morality of Trix commercials vs Lucky Charms commercials
Gage; His favorite foods reflect his upbringing. Coastal swamp cuisine, cheap and made in bulk. Take Danse's pallate and hyperlocalize it, and then lower the budget by a good amount. Things he grew up eating. Would gradually replace his favorites with pricier, 'less embarrassing' dishes, distances himself from his origins. However, takes care to not looked too loaded. Smokey and savory flavors are his thing, likes more spice than people expect.
Doberge cake, which is layered with pudding, often half-chocolate and half-lemon
Red beans and rice, with stewed pork if they could afford it
Blackened fish of any kind, liked it with cilantro-lime rice
Steak with potatoes and/or eggs
Chronic iced tea drinker like Curie, though he prefers the bitter kinds
Brussels sprouts defender and will fight for their honor
Was introduced to curry during a business meeting/outing. Could drink that shit from a glass, has it with potatoes and porkchops.
Lobster anything. This is one of those 'less embarresing' things, but he genuinely enjoys a good lobster roll. Even if he prefers a freshly-caught lobster bisque. Again, something he had growing up, something he pushes away.
Hancock; Similar to Deacon, but favors fatty, greasy food. No, it's not the drugs, that's just his metabolism. He's a skinny twink, always starving, can never put on weight. Eats as much as Danse, who is a big guy and needs more calories than most. He's really into street food and foreign dishes, won't eat at a restaurant if they speak fluent English or have good customer service. IYKYK. Very comfort food heavy, lots of "this would slap with Netflix at 2 am"
A classic oxtail, mac and cheese, and collard green take out combo
Any and all American-chinese take out, usually gets eggplant tofu with chow mein and cream cheese rangoons
"Walking tacos", those things where you open a small bag of chips and dump White People taco makings in. Probably just tips the whole thing into his mouth
Yakitori, Japanese chicken skewers, popular bar food
Bloody Mary cocktails
Pizza, will fight for the honor of pineapple. Would really be into how Brazil does pizza
Frozen yogurt and ice cream, piles with toppings
Breakfast sandwiches or wraps. Egg, meat, cheese, doesn't matter the time nor specifics.
Jam donuts, loves cherry fillings
Puppy chow/muddy buddies, chex cereal covered in chocolate and powdered sugar. Eats his weight in them if not careful
MacCready; forces himself to learn how to cook for Duncan's sake, but for himself...good God. It's horrible. Eats like garbage. Would never drink water if not to set an example. Take out, frozen food, so much candy and soda. After Duncan, broadens his horizons. Finds he really likes soups. Just throw shit in a pot and it works. Eats on a budget, so that's a life-saver. Doesn't have a preferred flavor pallete, aside from his love of candy.
Meat lover's pizza. Thinks pineapple has no place on pizza
Used to drink Mountain Dew and diet coke, replaced it with iced teas and more organic fruit juices for the sake of his teeth
Chicken soup, either from a can, or homemade. Either way, slaps. If homemade, blends veggies for a hidden veggie stock. For him, Duncan is a lot better at eating veggies, MacCready needs to trick himself.
Sour rainbow ropes
Cookie crisp cereal, thinks whoever came up with it deserved the sloppiest head. Incredible design, no notes
Cheese and sour cream chips
Famous Amos cookies
Eggo waffles
Gnocchi is God to him. Its superior to all noodles and makes your Shit In The Fridge soup 1000 times better.
Rice pudding is cheap, easy, and a surprisingly efficient sweet-tooth satisfier. Makes it with pumpkin spice mix or chocolate.
Nick; Home-cooked meals all the way. Could kill himself with cheese and die happy. Lots of easy meals and snacking so he can keep working, but will treat himself to a nice, hard-earned dinner when he has the time and energy. Likes himself the smokey, the fresh, or the sour. Probably knows all the best sub shops in the city, probably in a turf war with regulars of rival shops. Jewish delicatessens are like church to him.
Lasanga. Most of his freezer space is lasagna. Eats so much of it. He's lactose intolerant. It hurts but it hurts so good
Latkes. Fried potato things, kind of like hashbrowns, except the potato is mashed/ground instead of grated. And yes. Also pastrami. But those little potato bitches...mmmph.
Red velvet muffins with cream cheese frosting.
Fried cheese in any capacity
A prosciutto, arugula, brie, and fig sandwich
Pickled pearl onions
Cobb salad
Black coffee. Temp doesn't matter, because he's going to forget it until its room temp.
Has been known to enter fugue states and consume an absurd amount of Chicago style hot dogs
Scones or just plain bread with butter and jams
Piper; Broke college student trying to make it as a reporter. Her tastebuds are fucked, they salivate not for flavor, or texture, but for those good, good low prices. Piper's diet is almost entirely snackfood or takeout. If she ever cooks, it's for Nat. But when taking care of just herself, Piper eats from a box or bag. When she does cook, it's very simple meals. Loves her carbs and her fruit flavors
Chicken Ramen with canned chicken and frozen broccoli chucked in. Also makes this for Nat
Hot cheetos, eats with chopsticks
Spaghetti and meatballs
Fruit smoothies/smoothie bowls, blends in veggies as well for the nutrition
Coka cola and anything from Fanta, loves fruit sodas
Anything carbs and I mean that. Eats a lot of bread, pasta, cakes, potatoes...they're the sweetheart of anyone on a budget.
Buffalo cauliflower, likes it more than Buffalo chicken
Chewing gum. Fruit flavors only, hates mint gum. Likes mint elsewhere, just not in gum.
Nickle-nips and other "jelly/juice in a wax package" candies. Likes the charm of it, also, free chewing wax
Suckers/lollipops, big on hard candy in general but the stick satisfies her smoking habit.
Preston; A mix of easy depression/bulk meals and dishes from his childhood. Lots of spices, cooks with a lot of straight peppers. Tends to eat his food 'raw', not made into a dish. Again, easy and quick to eat. Also tends to buy pre-prepared stuff for the same reason, buys more fruits and veggies and just eats them straight. Doesn't care about eating healthy, he just lacks energy to cook most days.
I have no choice to explain this as it has no name. Casserole dish, layer of mashed potatoes, layer of shredded or chunked chicken, layer of white breakfast gravy or brown poultry gravy, top with drop biscuits. It's buttery, its savory, it is white as snow. Easy, cheap, one ladlefull is dinner. You'll get a few meals out of it, and it's so filling you have like, five minutes before you're stuffed. I call it gut-glue.
Dirty rice
Eggs scrambled with spinach
Veggies and hummus or ranch
Various fruits and berries such as grapes, cherries, blackberries, and oranges
Shakshouka, eggs poached in spicy tomato sauce and eaten with bread
Chicken biscuits, crackers dusted with, like, chicken bouillon? They taste like a chicken Ramen packet sneezed on a ritz
Slurpees/Icees/those syruped gas station ice drinks
Straight peppers, eats bell peppers like apples. Eats pickled jalapeños and scotch bonnets to feel something. Drinks the liquid in pickle jars instead of alcohol, or mixes it with gelatin and makes pickle jello.
X6-88; Pretensious rich asshole who eats like it. He rarely cooks for himself, probably has a personal chef or something. Maybe his work has their own restaurants, like Google. Eats mostly vegetables, but his favorite foods skew from "Dubai Influencer" to "12 year old who earned too much lawn mowing money and was let loose in a convenience store." So much sugar. Willy Wonka's factory is his idea of heaven and until it exists, he's an atheist.
Raw meats. Steak and tuna tartar, sashimi, and sushi
Braised duck with cherries
Nduja, a spicy pork sausage spread, has it with flatbreads
Oysters. Eats them all fancy in public, eats them from a tin with doritos at home
Anything from Hostess, Little Debbie, those brands. Fucking anything. However, would kill a man for any kind of Swiss roll
Chocolate milk
Gummies, very picky with brands, hates the harder kinds like Haribo. Wants his gummies soft as a marshmellow
Cadbury eggs
Milano dark chocolate cookies
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So for once, nothing angsty, but something more fluffy! ANd its based on food!
So I think, if I remember right anyway, canon Alastor does not like fast food or like food similar to it, and that kind of implies to Radio Guard Alastor too. To a degree tho. He very much would rather cook than have take-out, but also he is not complaining if you wanna give him the egg and spring rolls from the Chinese takeout. It is mainly when he super tired though or had an exhausting day and just has no energy to cook for the gang, since I imagine he may have took over the cooking duties of the hotel.
And now for everyone's favorite types of foods and or flavors of stuff! Alastor-Def prefers more homecooked meals, doesn't matter what, if its homecooked, he will probably enjoy. Does however lean more towards spicy stuff. Man loves spicy dishes, be it a painful spice or a comforting one. Def knows all types of Louisiana cooking and is so happy to share them to others.
Charlie-More on the sweeter side of things. Probably has a love of homecooked food too, mainly like breakfast foods I imagine. But probably also likes fruity stuff too (haha get it because she's the daughter of the Morningstar aka the Devil, the one responsible for Adam and Eve eating the Forbidden Fruit //bonked). Probably loves more baked good spices too? So like cinnamon apple stuff would be her favs
Vaggie-Spice and bitter girlie I imagine personally. She will take her coffee black with a spot of cream or milk while chomping on ghost pepper dusted chips like it was nothing. Can also, for some reason, see Vaggie was a soup girlie. Idk, she gives soup girl vibes. Probably loves spicy veggie soups that just warm you up. Ignoring the fact they are in hell and hell is probably already super hot.
Angel Dust-Def ate like junkie munchie foods. Like cheap, really gross and greasy food. Didn't like it, but it hit the spot. If not that, then super healthier, lean foods, since lets be honest, Valentino would his workers on extreme health diets so they would stay "pretty", so the whiplash of foods probs wrecked Angel's stomach. Now, while trying to go sober and in a safer and healthier environment, Angel def enjoys trying to cook Italian food he remembers his pa or ma making. Would like baking more me thinks
Husk-Bar food. Husk is like Angel, he is eating junkie bar food to use the grease to curve his later hangover. Maybe not as much anymore, but its still there. Alastor does get on him, now more so in a place of concern for Husk's well being. Honestly probs better just making drinks but I can see Husk knowing how to work the kitchen too. Def the type to go to if you have the late night munchies since he knows how to make the most killer late night meals
Nifty-Sugar. Just. Pure. Sugar. She is the type to dump marshmallow fluff on a pizza its that insane. She knows how to cook, sure! And she can cook well with others, yes! Alone in the kitchen? Haha no. Your food is gonna somehow end up in lime jello and taste like you liked the bottom of Willy Wonka's boot. Just dont.
Sir Pentious-Probably doesnt really mind anything. As a snack he def has a more meat based diet which took some time to get used too. Probably likes more mild to bitter foods than anything else. Like the Brit he is, he is def drinking tea with everything. Probs also likes egg based dishes since some snakes do eat eggs. Probably mainly bird eggs, like quill or chicken. So egg bois are safe!
Lucifer-Dont think Luci has a pref. For a good long while it was just whatever he could find in the kitchen after staying locked up in his workshop for days on end. So bowls of dry cereal or pb&js to name a few. It took being forced out of his workshop by Alastor (and seeking therapy by Alastor and Charlie's request yeas later) that Lucifer started to eat more. Like his daughter he loves fruity sweets, and as a given likes pancakes. Probs makes killer cinnamon apple pancakes.
Vox-Probs cheating to say Alastor's cooking, but it is Alastor's cooking. Def has more of a spice tolerance than other Voxs hfdsjkf. Outside of that, probably any more homey foods. Or cheaper stuff like ramen since he never wanted to leave his room at V Towers. Def survived on energy drinks that tasted horribly sweet but kept him going at the tower too. You can imagine his utter joy when at the hotel when he just got to eat proper cooked food again, especially Alastor's
-⚔️ anon
Cinnamon apple for Charlie makes so much sense, she'd probably have begged to get that one cereal that claimed to be cinnamon apple but was kinda mid
All of this feels so incredibly canon and accurate, your MIND
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chuuyrr · 2 years
chu what do you think of a scenario where baby fushiguiro meets the ghost of oda who has not yet passed to the other side because he wants to tell dazai how proud he is of him, so baby fushiguiro comes up with the idea of ​​using his chaos magic to do that dazai can see and hear oda so that they have their reunion and their final farewell (if you like the stage you can make a request, I hope you have a nice day ♥♥♥)
scarlet witch! baby fushiguro! reader meets oda sakunosuke
jujutsu kaisen x reader x bungou stray dogs
masterlist of the series
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╰➤ CW(s): major spoilers for bungou stray dogs, themes of angst and fluff, mentions of scarlet witch's powers
╰➤ PAIRING(s): platonic! bungou stray dogs x reader, dazai osamu x oda sakunosuke (not romantically)
hello dear! thank you so much for requesting and for being patient. oh, to have had something like this for dazai and oda :( it's a good thing i have the power to make requests into a reality like the scarlet witch :) enjoy reading ♡
(p.s. i wasn't really planning to update today or tonight?? idk it's like 1am as of the moment. whatever was in that hazelnut caramel mocha iced coffee earlier, it gave me to motivation to finish this draft ><)
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it was unexpected when you first met oda sakunosuke. when you arrived at dazai's location in ginza, you found him there by himself in a bar. it was smaller than the bar where you first met chuuya. it had an interior resembling a quiet, unassuming badger's nest, filled with a counter, stools, empty bottles stacked against the wall, and a bartender with a crimson vest.
you can still remember running up to him and being a little taken aback by how weirdly quiet and solemn he was in comparison to how you usually see him. dazai was perched on one of the stools, appearing to be lost in thought, when he heard your voice and turned to face you. at that moment, his expression changed and whatever thoughts you had overheard vanished.
dazai was initially astonished, too, but he was delighted to see you as always. why would he not? you were a ray of sunshine. he grinned softly and reached out to stroke your hair as you clung to his leg, saying, "god, we really need to stop running into each other in bars, little belladonna."
"this isn't a really good place. remember? a bar isn't really a place for children like yo—dazai said, but before he could finish, you sprinted past him and over to his side.
"iced tea!" you cried out enthusiastically, standing on the tip of your toes to reach for the glass with burgundy liquid when a ghostly hand took hold of it, prompting you to halt.
"NO! NO! NO!"
as he swiftly snatched you back into his arms and held you tenderly but firmly in his hug, dazai let out a loud, almost panicked gasp. "your chuuya-nii is going to get mad at me if you drink it! that's not iced tea [name]-chan! it's alcohol!"
you then turned to face the tall man who was now occupying the ostensibly vacant stool next to dazai. he had dark-brown eyes and reddish-colored hair. your eyes widened as you noticed that, in terms of the energy you could feel and the faint glow that can be seen surrounding him, he sort of resembles the ghost with a man-bun that you'd see around gojo and your house, which could only mean one thing.
this man, whoever he was, was a ghost.
dazai, however, had already started taking you away from the bar before you had a chance to react. "come on, [name]-chan! let's go to the agency instead, yeah? i'll buy you some apple juice on the way too."
as the two of you made your way upstairs, you blinked profusely as you peered over dazai's shoulder and waved your hand goodbye. dazai softly laughed at you. "[name]-chan, are you saying goodbye to mister bartender?"
if only dazai knew that you were actually saying farewell to the tall man sitting next to the dazai that day instead of the bartender behind the bar table.
apart from cursed spirits, seeing the dead had always been a part of your life; you were so sensitive to energies and such that ghosts were also not an exception to your powers and abilities as a witch. fortunately, when you came upon one, you weren't as alarmed. in fact, you enjoyed chatting to them for some reason, or at least tried to, but every time you did, gojo or whoever else you were with would become frightened because there was essentially no one else around.
you're constantly drawn to ghosts out of curiosity, so being terrified of one was basically the last thing on your list. thus, after learning more about the tall man you kept seeing around your dazai-nii, you decided to follow him.
"[name]-chan! guess what atsushi-kun and i got you? it's your favorite ice crea—[name]?" along with atsushi, dazai specifically left you at the agency to buy some sweets. when he returned, he was shocked to see the other detectives panicked, including the tanizaki siblings and kirako, and god why did ranpo had to be away along with the president?
"[name]-chan's missing!" in a panic, junichiro cried while grabbing the sides of his head.
"what?!" atsushi and dazai screamed in unison.
"we already checked the café downstairs, she wasn't there either." kirako nibbled on her bottom lip nervously as she held a worrisome look along with naomi.
"tch, this is bad. [name] probably teleported to who knows where. this isn't her world. what if she runs into the mafia? or worse?!" kunikida stressed out.
you managed to reach the man from the bar where you almost drank the glass of alcohol on the bar table while the armed detective agency frantically searched for you, dropping their reports and other duties. you were in a spot with rows of gravestones close to the water when you saw one in particular: a gravestone nestled beneath a tree.
someone was there. he was there.
you sprinted up the stairs and dashed.
"it's you." his voice was husky and somewhat reminiscent of sukuna's, but he seemed to be a lot softer; calm and collected, as opposed to sukuna. (if you get it, you get it ♡)
he had one leg raised to support his arm, which was resting on top of his knee, and was seated on the ground with his back against the gravestone. you approached him and softly grinned. "hello."
"how did you find me?" he gave you a surprised look as he stared at you.
"i.. i'm not sure." you admitted, fiddling the ends of your shirt. "i just.. had a feeling i'd find you here mister ghost." you exclaimed.
"is this your ability, kid? you can see ghosts, huh?" despite the solemn expression on his face, a chuckle sprung from his throat as his eyes turned to look at you with fondness.
"it's one of the things i can do with my wiggly-woos magic. i can see curses too, but this world doesn't have curses." you said in addition, now taking a sit next to him on the floor.
"this world? you must have really come from another universe then." he commented, shrugging his shoulders. "i had a feeling you're not really related to dazai. you don't look like him, even if you call him your brother."
"i just like calling him my dazai-nii." you giggled in response, "my name's actually fushiguro [name]."
"fushiguro [name]." oda repeated, which you nodded your head at in response.
"what about you, mister? how do you know dazai-nii?" you asked with big, curious, round eyes looking up at him. "what's your name?"
"my name's oda, oda sakunosuke, but your dazai-nii calls me odasaku for short. " he answered in response, blinking, "i used to drink with dazai and a friend at the bar where you saw me."
"odasaku sounds cute." you giggled once again, very fond of the nickname before asking him another question. "was dazai-nii your friend?"
oda's lips glistened with a smile at your question. "he was. we were good friends," he said, but the expression on his face made you frown. despite being a child, you were quite perceptive. oda was clearly thinking about something, and you couldn't help but quietly gasp as you peered inside his head.
it was a memory. to be precise, oda's last. when you first saw dazai, he was wearing a black coat and had bandages covering his right eye as well as his neck and arms. the way he was dressed reminded you of chuuya. however, he appeared to be much younger, roughly the same age as megumi and yuuji.
"dazai-nii used to be at the mafia?"
upon seeing the reveal, your eyes widened as you took in the scene that was taking place inside of oda's thoughts. oda was already on the brink of death when dazai arrived, and it was too late.
"listen. you told me if you put yourself in a world of violence and bloodshed, you might be able to reason to live. you won't find it. you should know that. whether you're on the side that takes lives or the side that saves them, nothing beyond your expectations will happen. nothing in this world can fill the hole that is your loneliness. you will wander in the darkness for eternity."
oda was encouraging dazai to leave the mafia and do good rather than cause harm in his final minutes before he passed away.
"be on the side that saves people. if both sides are the same, then choose to become a good person. save the weak, protect the orphaned. you might not see a great difference between right and wrong, but... saving others is something just a bit wonderful."
using your chaos magic, you were able to perceive the prior scene as if you had been there at that very moment, heightening the emotional impact for you. your heart clenched at the eerie calm and the amount of red and visible dust from the enormous ray of light filling the space.
you bit your bottom lip, trying not to cry as you stopped reading into his thoughts because you didn't want to watch the light leave his eyes. it was too painful for you to see.
oda let out a long sigh, a frown deepening on his face as he hung his head, "i hope he knows how proud i am of him. that boy has come a long way, you know. he's a person who has grown tired of the world, but he tries.."
"stop that." oda looked at you with a baffled and concerned expression as you sniffled and shook your head at him, wiping away the tears that were streaming down your cheeks. "don't say those words to me."
"s-sorry, kid. i didn't mean to make you cry—oda started, feeling bad about watching you cry, but you interrupted him right away. you shook your head, replacing the look of grief and sympathy on your face with one of determination and a bright smile as you faced him.
"i want you to say that to him yourself!"
right on cue, dazai was now running to where you were at a breakneck speed after finally figuring out where you went. before you could react further, the brunet stooped down to your level and quickly snatched you up in his arms. dazai tightly hugged you while burying his face in your hair, clearly terrified of losing you like that and heaving a sigh of relief.
"[name]-chan! there you are! thank goodness you're okay. you had us worried sick." dazai breathed out in between his gasps of air from running, managing a laugh, as you wrapped your tiny arms around his neck in return.
he then gently cupped your face in his larger hand as he drew you away from him. you saw dazai's eyes drift to the gravestone where oda had been reclining before and ask, "what are you doing here? how did you even get here? this place is not a playground; this is a cemetery, [name]."
"i can see ghosts." you exclaimed, causing dazai's eyes to widen. "and odasaku wants to tell you something."
as he said the name of his old acquaintance, dazai's eyes grew even wider. "he's here?" in addition to the grief that goes along with it, you could also sense the longing and desperation in his tone.
you turned around to look at oda, who shared dazai's expression of surprise. after that, you hung your head, took a deep breath, and then locked and interlocked your fingers while closing your eyes. the environment around you, including them, had been entirely enveloped by your chaos magic.
dazai was rendered completely speechless as soon as the dazzling red light of your power vanished. oda sakunosuke was standing next to you at this very instant. dazai was finally catching a glimpse of the ghost you had been describing and hearing about. so this is what you meant when you said that you could see ghosts because of your chaos magic.
oda's dark-brown eyes glancing at you briefly, evidently confused and astounded. "he can... see me?"
"and hear you too, but only in this space i made with my wiggly-woos." you explained before giving oda a closed-eye smile. "i mean it when i told you to tell him what you told me yourself."
oda nodded at you, peering at you with a smile before turning his head towards him.
he began, "dazai."
"odasaku." dazai's lips trembled as he appeared to be at a loss for words.
but since everything happened so suddenly, neither of you could blame him. even with his keen intellect, dazai failed to predict this one. he only deduced that you had fled to the cemetery. he didn't quite anticipate you to pull off this stunt with your chaos magic, as well as for you to know or find out about oda.
"it's been a while, huh?" oda shook his head, shoving his hands into his pockets. "i'm as surprised as you are. i didn't think this would be possible either."
"[name]-chan's full of surprises, isn't she?" when dazai reached out to gently ruffle your hair and you smiled happily at him, he stifled a fit of laughter. "speaking of which, she said that you wanted to tell me something earlier. what is it?"
"i'm proud of you, dazai."
oda wasted no time in saying, "you've changed and you've certainly come so far. i'm more than glad to see you grow into a fine young man and carve yourself a brighter path, something i've always wanted to achieve."
"odasaku.. thank you.." those words along with oda's voice were things dazai needed right now. "you were right about everything. saving others is truly something just a bit wonderful."
"you're doing a great job, and i know you'll do even more better." oda said reassurance, smiling. "i just know it, after all, i'm your friend, and i will always be, dazai. i'm glad to be able to talk with you like this before i go."
together with the mini-hex you encased you and them within, your chaos magic was losing its hold on oda. you raised your head to face him. time was running out. oda's wish to talk with dazai has been granted, thus he can depart this world now without anything holding him back.
"odasaku-san.." you tried to grab his wrist, a frown deepening on your face. sure, you've only recently started getting to know him, but..
you couldn't help but feel tears prick and glaze your red-glowing eyes once more as you felt his ghost of a hand pat your head, it was cold, but comforting. "[name], thank you for making my wish come true. if it weren't for you, i wouldn't be able to tell dazai himself. you're a blessing, kid, but could you, at the very least, do me another favor?
"what's that?" your tears trickled into sniffles.
"watch over your dazai-nii for me." oda proceeded to ruffle your hair. "okay?"
you nodded your head, "yes! i'll do my best, odasaku-san. i promise i will!"
"i'm supposed to be the one watching over [name]-chan, you know." dazai shook his head, chuckling softly.
"right, right." oda shook his shoulders and grinned at dazai as he sauntered forward to embrace him with his ghostly arms. "it's time for me to go, now. don't come following me sooner, okay? you still have a lot to live for, dazai."
"i won't." dazai nodded his head, basking in the comforting cold embrace of his friend.
the mini hex you had up begun to fall down right then. you saw as oda's ghostly form gradually changed into tiny red glow specks that resembled stardust created by your chaos magic. after so many years, oda finally passed, leaving you and dazai behind, with the coolness of his ghostly touch still clinging to you both and eventually, the sanguine red that had been engulfing the grave beneath the tree entirely disappeared.
after that, you found yourself collapsing, knees first, causing dazai to rush to your aid before your face impacted the ground. he picked you up, held you in his arms, and asked, "[name]-chan! are you okay? hey, what's wrong?" while gently shaking you.
"sorry, dazai-nii. i feel a bit tired." you admitted, taking in a deep breath as you felt your now heavy eyes begin to droop. "i haven't really done that before, but i really wanted you to see and hear oda-san."
dazai held you in his arms as he stood up on his feet and said, "no, i'm sorry. i should be the one apologizing. it's okay now. it's going to be okay. we're going back to the agency." he pressed you up against his chest.
you pulled away from him just enough to face dazai and laid a hand on his cheek with the last of your remaining strength as you voiced out tiredly, "you looked so sad back at that bar-place, and your thoughts were sad too. i wanted to make you smile, so when odasaku-san said you were good friends, i just knew he meant a lot to you—just as much how my daddy means to me."
you closed your eyes as dazai's eyes widened, feeling a wave of tiredness sweep over your body as you said those words. fresh, hot tears started to well up in dazai's eyes. how could you, of all people, care so much for him? he was moved to tears by the warmth and empathy he felt. he had never before felt this much love.
dazai has always felt hollow and has never seen the point in continuing to live in this world. he therefore tried looking for a purpose to live in death, but as he glanced down you as you were snuggled in his arms and sleeping away, he realized he had found another reason to live.
it was no surprise that oda adopted those children following the events of the dragon's head conflict. he found it strange when he was younger, when he was still in the mafia, but not until you came into his life. you weren't his biological little sister or daughter, but just seeing you and having you around made him happy. even though he only knew you for a short time, it felt like an eternity to him. he had learned what it was like to unconditionally care and love. it was the same feeling you gave gojo satoru when he first saw you and took custody of you, and now dazai osamu has it as well.
as tears streamed down his cheeks, dazai drew you back into his embrace, allowing your peacefully snoring figure to slump over his shoulder and sink deeper into his arms.
"thank you, [name]-chan. thank you. just thank you." he voiced out in between his sniffles.
odasaku was right about you being a blessing.
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vthetease · 8 months
my favorite things
it's me birthday
so just incase anyone wanted to know some stuff about V
heres some random info about my life as well as some of my favorite things
i am a libra sun, aquarius moon, capricorn rising
i like dark chocolate more than any other; i have since i first got my period. i like gummy candy and starbursts but my favorite are the little cola bottle candies. i like tea and coffee sweet, but flavorful. i like energy drinks and slushees and wanted my first tattoo to be a cola-mtn dew slushee but it wasnt. i like waffles more than pancakes but would prefer a toaster strudel or muffin. i like apples and lemons and cinnamon and garlic and truffle and black cherries but not maraschino. i dont like onions or cilantro or swiss cheese. i dont like chili because something about the consistency of wet, tomato-ee hamburger makes me ill. i also can't drink hard liquor.
i like smells like thick cologne that lingers and juniper and spearmint and old houses and honeysuckle and the smells of the earth when it stops raining in the summer. i like the smell of other peoples laundry soap and coffee more than my own. i like eucalyptus and aloe and teakwood and dragons blood incense.
i like classic rock from my dad and 80s pop ballads from my mom and afi and lincoln park from my older sibling and 4*TOWN for my younger sibling. one of my earliest loves in music was Paramore, and hayley is an inspiration of mine. i like pop punk and the band ive seen the most is sleeping with sirens, 4 times now. i like hip hop and rnb and acapella and piano. i like music that makes me feel alive. anything from violin to screaming, i just like passion. i'm a very passionate person and always have been despite myself.
i sing and like singing in the car, while i shower, and cook. i am very loud but sometimes can do cool things. i like how singing makes me happy and helps me relate to other people and also my predecessors. i like how i feel connected to those before me through my voice. my first time singing in public was my 4th grade talent show. I sang The Only Exception by Paramore because my parents thought Almost Lover was too dramatic and adult for a 12 year old
i like old movies and i used to fall asleep to them at my grandparents and wake up to them at weekends at my dads apartment. i like musicals like ride the cyclone and drama like the fault in our stars and action like john wick and will always be down for a horror movie. i like get out and candyman and hereditary and black swan and blair witch and creep. i like the twilight zone and rod serling has a special place in my heart. i also like alex trebek from jeopardy, matthew grey gubler, penn badgely, andrew scott, evan peters, and my biggest current celeb crush is matt rife.
i like being alone in busy places. i like to talk to people but i also like to disappear to the other room during the party. im the girl you find sitting outside sometimes smoking, or on the balcony. i enjoy walking back into a concert midsong and seeing all the happy little people being happy. i like stepping away from chaos to appreciate it. i like driving on highways at night when its empty and im high. i like watching airplanes land. i like sleep and i sleep in a tank top and underwear but never socks. my dreams always take me back to this very similiar place every single night doing different tasks with different people. i might start calling it the twilight zone. i like to paint my emotions in my makeup and artwork. i have always felt very deeply and openly.
i like the moon and the stars and it is so fascinating to learn about the same beautiful big rock my ancestors saw. i feel drawn to white butterflies and birds and bumblebees and skinks ( they r tiny lizards). i like history and culture, but im really bad at math.
thats all i can come up with for now. if you have any questions let me know
thanks for reading about me, lmk if youre in love yet
valentine, 22 today <3
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wsbhonni · 2 months
Authors Note: I had a quarter life crisis last night and wrote this instead of dealing with my feelings 💖💖💖
Collectkin Fluff in which Asa has a staring problem! Just two gay men watching their dogs frolic in their backyard and just chilling really. (Alot of this was based on DMs between me and the oomfies tbh;;)
"You're starin' again," Arkin teased, smirking playfully at Asa.
"Oh," Asa blinked, turning away.
Arkin simply chuckled, taking the silent apology as he puffed on his cigarette. He looked out into the yard where the dogs were playing, letting them wear each other out. Asa seemed to have moved his attention to the tumbling pups as well, a half amused smile on his face.
Arkin exhaled blue smoke through his nose, leaning his head onto Asa's shoulder.
Emory turned his head back, smiling softly, planting a sweet kiss to the top of Arkin's hair. He wrapped a thick arm around the leaner man's shoulders, urging him to further relax against him.
"Rough day," Asa asked, resting his head atop Arkin's.
"Nah," O'Brien sighed, taking another drag, "Just the usual, rich people not knowing how to take care of their own house."
Asa hummed, eyes naturally falling on Arkin's form.
Arkin went on talking about his day, and Asa happily listened to every detail. He didn't mind that Arkin was dominating the conversation, Asa prefered to listen than to talk.
Slowly, Asa pushed the porch swing with his legs, letting it gently rock the both of them.
Arkin just finished talking about his client's weird teenaged son, his hand resting on Asa's. They fell into a comfortable silence, content to watch their dogs slowly lose energy. They also took time to admire their manicured lawn, the patches of once dead grass now a vivid emerald green.
They worked hard on landscaping the property together, it was their first project as an official couple. They didn't stop at the grass and shrubbery either, Arkin had the wonderful idea to plant an apple tree in the backyard, and Asa happily obliged. The tree was juvenile, for now, but it would soon grow to it's full size, and when it did, they wanted to build a bench around it- maybe tie a swing to it for Cindy.
But Asa was most excited for the apples themselves, specifically, he couldn't wait for Arkin to peel them for him. It was Arkin's way of saying "I love you", and it melted Asa's heart.
Emory's gaze fell back onto Arkin, drinking in his form, breathing in his smell, admiring his natural beauty.
Arkin could feel the gentle gaze on himself again. He smirked and was about to make a comment, when Asa spoke before him.
"You're so beautiful," He said softly.
Arkin smiled, visibly brightening- he reminded Asa of a firefly.
"You mean handsome," Arkin jokingly corrected, giving Asa's hand a squeeze as he took the last drag of his cigarette.
"Men can be beautiful too," Asa responded confidently.
O'Brien hummed, silently agreeing as he leaned forward to snuff the cherry of his spent cigarette onto the ashtray. The backyard table had a couple glasses on it from when Asa made iced tea. The summer was rolling in, and it was already drying up the spring air. Even so, despite the heat, Arkin returned to Asa's side.
He let the larger man wrap his large arm around his shoulders, and pull his securely to his side. He planted a soft kiss to the top of Arkin's auburn hair, the two looking up to see the dogs finally laying down in the grass.
Cupcake was getting a drink of water while Odin panted and rolled lazily into the grass. Just as the sun was nearly down.
The comfortable chill of night was filling the air, serene and dipped in golden shadows.
They had no reason to stay outside any longer. They should call the dogs into the house, take their dishes in, finish their chores for the night.
But, there was no reason to rush the afternoon, either.
The two were fine just where they were.
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darkestprompts · 1 year
What kind of beverages (they don't need to fit within the DD universe) would the heroes drink? I feel like PD would be fascinated with the pearls in milk tea to a concerning extent. I want to give Abom a caprisun. Love your takes btw!!!
Alhazred: loves a good coffee, likes to try different types, but is very particular about the quality of the beans and torrefaction.
Josephine: gave Alhazred the hint of where to get his perfect 100% arabica, but is more of a tea girl. Her favorites are traditional indian chai and hibiscus kombucha.
Paracelsus: you are correct, she loves a good taro with tapioca pearls. She justifies it by listing the many benefits of mixing tea and milk, but really, she just likes the consistency and the funny balls.
Boudica: mead, of course, but also sports drinks like Gatorade. She needs to replenish her strength!
Barristan: milk and yogurt drinks, abides by the wisdom that you NEED to drink your milk to keep strong and healthy. Only one that thinks Yakult isn't gross.
Missandei: don't ask me why, but she strikes me as a milkshake girl. Like she treats herself with a big burst of sugar at the end of the day because, damn it, she works hard and she earned it!
Audrey: yeah, it's absinthe, big shock. She's also fond of cocktails, especially Death in the Afternoon.
Amani: citric juices. They give her energy and make her think of sunlight when she misses home.
Bonnie: mulled apple cider, hot enough to burn your tongue off. She finds it comforting.
Baldwin: enjoys all sorts of fragant herbal teas, especially flower-based ones.
Bigby: needs to discover hot chocolate IMMEDIATELY.
Damian: is a silly man that dislikes nice things. Only drinks fresh water and communion wine.
Junia: she'd love guaraná (guarana-plant based soft drink). It's fresh and sweet and bubbly and has no sinful/decadent implications. A guiltless pleasure.
Highwayman: distilled drinks like brandy, gin and whiskey. Likes coffee but unlike Alhazred is completely happy with the cheap stuff.
Reynauld: swears he actually likes those super healthy grain and nut based drinks. Nobody believes him.
Margaret: I'm thinking eggnog for some reason. Maybe because it's something you'd drink at a family party and she had a stable home.
William: makes the kind of vitamin that mixes everything under the sun. It's surprisingly good, though.
Sarmenti: gets obsessed with one drink for like three weeks then spends two years unable to look at it.
Edit: Fuck, I forgot Tardif
Tardif: loves sangria. It's alcoholic enough to get him buzzed but the sugar and vitamins in it are good to keep you from getting completely hammered or the dreaded wine hangover.
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