#fic: decided by fate
artemiseamoon · 8 months
Preview: Decided by Fate 3
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Tyler Rake x Destiny
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Distant cracks of thunder moved closer and closer by the minute. The wind picked up, rustling the trees and creating a howl in the air.
A late Spring storm wasn’t uncommon. Destiny actually enjoyed the sound of rain, it put her right to sleep, storms could be calming. But not right now. As the heavy downfall plummeted the city streets and rooftops, the electricity it created added to the sense of unease.
Five minutes ago, they last checked in with Dominic. He guessed 4 hitmen were in the car, but it was hard to tell with the tinted windows. There was no second car in sight, for now at least.
Dominic set up his post outside, his clean team on speed dial. Destiny and Tyler were in the basement now, just below the shop. It was a waiting game, with the assassins circling like vultures, under the cover of the vehicle, waiting for their perfect moment.
Destiny pulled her phone out of her pocket as it buzzed, it was a text from Dominic.
Two headed your way. Second car coming. Handle car one, I'll handle the others.
She quickly texted him back, then gathered the headsets, keeping one for herself, and giving the other to Tyler. Dominic already had one and they agreed on a channel previously.
With the tablet on the table before them, they watched as a figure in black broke in through the back door, entering from the alleyway. The ski mask hiding their face.
"Shit, really?" she groaned.
She just had the locks replaced because she didn't like the ones the shop came with. Whatever the person used was the real deal, they weren't easy locks to pick.
Tyler held his arm out, "those can be replaced. You can't. Wait."
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kyuyua · 9 months
I still love the fact that the entire Ironstrange community decided that Stephen fell in love with Tony after viewing 14000605 possible timelines bc he watched him die for everyone on Titan, watched him sacrifice himself for people he just met and essentially for the entire universe, watched him fall over and over and over again just to stand up and keep fighting because he had to. He’s seen every decision Tony could ever make, has seen every sacrifice-play he’s made, every victory and defeat, and decided ‘this one.’
Like, Stephen’s seen this man at his worst and at his best, probably knows him better than anyone else ever could, and he fell so in love with him. I will go down with this ship.
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m4gp13 · 10 months
Thinking about Luke's thread being cut before Percy even got to camp, thinking about Al's siblings being dead already by his first on-page appearance, thinking about Ethan having made the trade that sealed his fate before we even met him, thinking about The Oresteia "This was always going to happen. She's been dead since the beginning." thinking about John Darnielle "Their fate has already staked its claim on them from the moment they appear on-screen." thinking about Matthew Stover "This story happened a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. It is already over. Nothing can be done to change it."
Thinking about Richard Siken "You're going to die in your best friend's arms. And you play along because it's funny, because it's written down, you've memorised it, it's all you know. I say the phrases that keep it all going, and everybody plays along."
Thinking about how fate is a tangible and unavoidable thing in the pjo world and every single time, it stakes its claim no matter what the characters do to avoid it. The three Fates know when your string will be cut and have full control over it. The oracle always knows who will die, where and when, while the people in question can only cross their fingers and hope the prophecy isn't referring to them. Because if it is, then it is.
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teecupangel · 5 months
Thinking about kitsune!Desmond post self-napping, like he's been around many babies and small children by this point but this is his first time being the sole caretaker for one. Just single dad Des with his son (whom I'm calling Jr. from now on) once Jr. starts gettingolder everyone tells him he looks just like his dad. Also maybe because of Des and Jr. being the same person some weird calculations thing means Jr. gets a kitsune form.
The Kitsune Desmond ask from before.
You know what would be funny, nonny?
If Desmond’s child just splits off from him… via his tail.
Desmond was just minding his business, brushing his 4 tails when…
One of his tail just… pops off.
Of course, Desmond screams bloody murder because “what the fuck, what the fuck, what the actual fuck???”
When Edward gets there, sword and pistol at the ready because Desmond did just scream really loudly and panicky, he finds Desmond holding his detached tail with wide eyes.
They both stared at the tail and their confusion only grows when the tail burns the same color as Desmond’s foxfire.
Then poof!
The fire erupts into smoke.
And a baby with fluffy fox tail has replaced the tail in Desmond’s arms.
Desmond becomes a father unexpectedly.
Edward has no idea what is happening.
And the child?
The child grows like a normal human child.
But when he was one year old.
He starts transforming to a kitsune.
And during that time, Desmond’s missing tail also grows back. Desmond has no idea what was happening.
But this child seemed to be able to summon foxfire of his own.
His golden eyes and the fact that he is starting to look more and more like Desmond the older he gets…
Makes Desmond call him ‘Altaïr’.
The child is a bundle of smiles so Desmond is pretty sure the child isn’t a reincarnation of Altaïr although it is a strange coincidence that the child came from the tail that he had gotten after Altaïr’s death and he can only create foxfire, the same ability Desmond got after receiving his second tail.
Who cares.
Desmond’s son was adorable and happy.
That was all that matters.
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analligatorr · 8 months
Sorry if this has been asked before, but what are some of your favorite tfgraves fics?
I have a somewhat heightened critical sense when it comes to tfgrave fics (lying it's just a personal taste).
Please pay attention to the tags!
Meet me again on the river by vaguely-concerned [one-shot, 2,4k words, T]
No Need For Thought by vaguely-concerned [one-shot, hurt/comfort, 1,2k words, T]
You Keep Me Alive by SparkyLulu [one-shot, 4k words, T]
Stop the Sunrise by FuriousLatte [one-shot, 1,7k words, T]
Bang Bang (he shot me) by ciredefa [one-shot, 1,9k words, G]
Unfortunate Clown Encounters by SlimeBoss01 (the first 4 chapters are about tfgraves) [ongoing, 32,6k words, M]
the series You know I'm gonna be here a while by turnkeyAssurance [complete, works: 4, 15,6 words, E]
Knowing me knowing you by dires [one-shot, 6,3k words, T]
This town is only eat you by turnkeyAssurance [one-shot, 9,2k words, E]
You've been in the wind, you've been on my mind by vaguely-concerned [one-shot, 33k words, E]
Spice and Everything Nice by RExCat [one-shot, 1,2k words, G]
Serpents by RExCat [ongoing, 9k words, T]
There's danger in the air (but you got my love and affection) by turnkeyAssurance [one-shot, 2,6k words, M]
the series Villains can't date normally by turnkeyAssurance [ongoing, works: 2, 12k words, E]
Now I'm lost on the midway, I'm reckless in your eyes by vaguely-concerned [complete, 58,8k words, E]
A winning hand by shxme [one-shot 3,3k words, E]
It's About Time by moosiemoose [ongoing, 36,4k words, M]
(this post was made on October 14, 2023, just in case another fic appears and shakes my structures in the future)
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kemendin · 7 months
what about 44 for cas and scourge?
44. “If you die, I’m gonna kill you.”
"I'm starting to rethink this," mutters Caspian, peering gingerly over the edge of the rocky precipice where he's huddled, almost on his stomach.
"This was your idea, Jedi," Scourge tells him pointedly. He too is as flattened as much as his bulk and armour will allow, his sharp eyes scanning the canyon below.
"That was before I realised how many of them there'd be." Cas jerks his chin in emphasis, as though his partner can't see the slaver camp before them, where between tents and crates and cages more than a dozen scum of the galaxy can be seen, going about their vile business. Just the sight of it makes his gut burn with anger.
"Would you like to turn around?" asks Scourge lightly, and Cas angles his head to give him a very flat look. The Sith is only goading him; they both know that Cas isn't about to leave anyone in the hands of slavers.
The Jedi huffs. "Very funny," he mutters, returning his attention to their target. He nibbles a little on his lower lip as he considers the narrow pathways of the camp, interrupted by rocky spurs and overhangs.
"Alright," he starts, "if you go from this point, and I circle around to -"
But he's interrupted by abrupt movement beside him, as Scourge levers himself to his knees, already proceeding with his own plan.
"I will clear a path for you, drive the enemy deeper into the canyon, while you free the captives and take them along the beach."
"Wh -" Cas scrabbles onto his knees as well, shuffling back a bit so that he's not such an obvious silhouette for anyone who might happen to glance upward. "Are you crazy? You're not taking on the whole lot of them by yourself -"
"Do you doubt me, Jedi?"
Cas sputters indignantly. "Of course not, I just don't want you to get -"
Further protests are lost in the gritty scrape of armour against rock, as Scourge swings himself over the edge of the precipice, landing catlike on the next ledge several metres below. Face scrunched, Cas crawls forward to cast a half-feigned glare down at his partner.
"If you die in there, I'm going to kill you," he hisses stubbornly, though the effect is spoiled by the worry furrowed between his brows.
Scourge glances up across his shoulder at the Jedi, and grins. It's a terrible, ominous curve of his mouth, teeth bared, heralding doom for anyone within his sights, and for a moment Cas almost pities them, the slavers who have no idea what's about to be unleashed.
"Not today, Caspian," Scourge assures him, his voice already thick with the anticipation of battle. "The only ones dying today - are them."
With that the Sith pivots and leaps ahead, landing just at the edge of the camp, and Cas' sigh of resignation is quickly overrun by shouts of alarm from the slavers, and then frantic blaster fire; but above it all he can hear the distinct sound of Scourge's lightsaber burning through the air, and so he just shakes his head and follows his partner's path down the rocks, hastening towards the nearest cage of slaves waiting to be freed.
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declawedwildcat · 5 months
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Flirting with Fate - Chapter 1
Chapters: 1/7 - A Bet with a Stranger Rating: Mature Warnings: ❗ Major Character Death Word Count: 2,752 Tags: Alternate Universe - Supernatural Elements, Chatfic, Matsuoka Rin Swears, First Meeting, Implied/Referenced Stalking ( see more on a03 )
Summary: When an Olympic hopeful finds a mysterious app demanding attention on his computer, he’s sure it’s just a hacker trying to scam him. Instead, the next week of his life descends into a shadow of shifting perspectives.
Only one of them can win this competition, and Rin has never been much for losing.
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q-starhalo · 7 months
-`. ★
Bad would always stay up, even back on the island. So when he couldn't sleep, he would hangout with Dapper late at night - which Richarlyson and Pomme would later join in, leading to them being called the "The Late Night Trio" - or talk to his ghosties or do other types of shenanigans. But here? He couldn't do that. All he could do is sit there alone, listening to the snores of the other members of his team and the sound of the soulfire cackling. Just alone.
Unless Bagi or Etoiles messaged him. Bagi, despite being new to the island, was a nice person to be around with. And her theories were interesting as well so he's always glad when she messages him to talk about them even if they were on opposing teams. They would drink tea and lean on one another while they talked about any logical thoughts (sometimes leading Bad to make a visual representation) and just chill out.
As for Etoiles, he was just a gem to be around with. His jokes and sassy yet sweet personality would always make Bad be glad to have him as his friend. And not only that, but he is incredibly smart so it was nice to talk to him about strategies (though they laid a bit down on that during their time here to not sabotage their teams). At some point they made a camp underground and marked the area with random flowers they found. It was a cozy place to be at and they were able tend to the others wounds and drink tea near the fire in peace without worrying about mobs.
However, tonight, he had a different reason for staying up. A reason he hopes won't happen. For this reason could be one of the fates of his friends.
His friends....his dear friends.....
Every one of his friends that were on that team. They could all be gone. He could have to walk them down that hall, leading them to the afterlife. And it would've been his fault.
If he just didn't turn in those missions. If he just waited. If he just didn't listen to his paranoia. If he just didn't look at the creature he named Coco who reminded him so much like Dapper. If he just didn't ask Coco that question. If he just didn't take the nod and remember his son's words. Then maybe, JUST maybe, they wouldn't have been eliminated. Maybe they would've been able to tie.
Bad stood up and decided to go on a walk. He just needed to relax his mind from these thoughts. He packed some extra tea and went up the elevator. He looked around just in case and got on a boat.
He eventually got off once he hit land and started wandering around, heading in a random direction. But no matter how calming the silence was with the water and the wind dancing, his mind would not rest. The words Dapper told him in that message were now on repeat. His sorrow was now being replaced with a new motivation.
Nothing is off the table. Run over whoever you need to win.
He had to win.
Nothing is off the table. Run over whoever you need to win.
No matter who he killed, it's for the eggs.
Nothing if off the table. Run over whoever you need to win
If anything, that eye guy will split the teams. All he had to do is win.
Nothing is off the table. Run over whoever you need to win.
He had to do it for all the eggs. For Dapper. For his porcupine. His sunshine.
Nothing is off the table. Run over whoever you need to win-
He stopped. Some flowers were suddenly tickling his legs. The violent thoughts were now quiet. Oh? he thought as he looked around. And to his surprise, it was a familiar area. He was just above their base. Their safe camp away from danger. Oh how funny it is that he carried himself here. He did need somewhere to rest.
He looked around and went down the elevator and appeared in the little house under the ground. He was greeted with the feeling of warmth from the torches and campfire that were in the room and the smell tea from the previous day was still in the air. He took a second to let it overtake him and tried to relax his body.
Startled, Bad's hand immediately grabbed his sword and looked to his side to see who was there. Etoiles, who turned out to be the voice, was sitting in one of the chairs near the campfire and laughing at Bad's sudden action.
"Were you going to kill me, Badboy? I thought we were friends!" said Etoiles while smiling at Bad who put away his sword away and sat down next to him.
"Oh hush, I just got scared. Besides, it wouldn't have mattered. Nothing is affective to players at this hour besides mobs" Bad took some tea out of his bag and poured some of it in a cup, giving it to Etoiles.
"You were still going to stab me!" said Etoiles while he took a sip of the tea. Bad let out a giggle and poured his own cup. He really hopes he's right about the splitting of teams.
They talked for a bit before they quieted down. Their tea cups were put a side and they were looking at the fire. Etoiles laid his head down on Bad's shoulder and Bad's tail started to wrap itself around Etoiles' leg and they sat like that, in silence. The fire cackled in the silence and the smell of their teas filled the air. Everything was so still. So calming.
They didn't say anything about what could happen. It didn't matter. As long as they were able to have a good fight with each other and be able to be together on this lovely night, talking and laughing, then nothing really mattered. They would be together on this lonely night. A demon with his star. Together before disaster.
-`. ★
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Please! If I may! Let the fates decide? 🔮
(Tysm for doing this fun game! No pressure to answer ofc 😝🧡)
Of course! 💚 🔮Let The Fates Decided Info🔮
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artemiseamoon · 9 months
Preview: Decided by Fate 2
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Fic info
Tyler Rake x Destiny
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Warnings: mercenaries
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Tyler crashed hard soon after she left. It was five past midnight when he woke up, and found a note, plus neatly folded clothes on the coffee table.
This is the best I could do on short notice.
With some new clothes to wear, at least until he retrieves his belongings, he decided to take a shower and wash up.
After getting dressed, Tyler found himself intrigued by the bookshelf again. His eyes traveled to the astrology section. Tyler didn’t give this kind of thing much thought, and his knowledge of astrology started and ended with his birthday. His ex-wife had a book on star signs once, told him all about his and the meaning of his birthday, but that stuff never stuck a landing for him.
Curious, he selected a book, slid it out, then brought it over to the couch. Tyler wasn’t sure if any of this stuff was real, astrology, tarot cards, fortunes. Tyler did believe in some things though. He was spiritual, in some ways. He liked to meditate. But candles magic, lines in a hand, any of the stuff he’s surrounded by right now - he didn’t know about that…
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capobegone · 9 months
For my readers!
I need your opinion!! I’m working on the next part of my fic, and debating where I want to spend the next mini arc. The content is going to be roughly the same either way, but it depends on how we’re feeling about the setting and if we wanna switch it up at all. So I’m asking you:
Let me know what you think!! There will be no fighting in this mini arc, only training and fluff :D
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magumachan · 1 year
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Okay, so hear me out xD!! Since I’ve started sketching some Sylvaina fate-warcraft crossovers weeks ago. I decided to keep going and go through with drawing a doujin about it (and will probs regret all of the thinking I have to do for this). So right now, even at a slow pace (and hoping I don’t lose my current motivation) I’m sketching the cast, and will probably keep drawing and rewriting them at the moment since I am torn between who the heck would be masters and servants in this fic.
I won’t follow the lore much in WoW and the fate series, so… yeah. Also I decided to add some Overwatch characters and my characters from Black Desert in the mix, cause why not?(I’m lazy filling in character slots by making new OCs from scratch)
So here’s Imp Mercy(lancer alter) with Jack as her Master, and Valeera(assassin) with my BD Nova, Gislaine.
Oh and I made Jaina Ruler instead of Caster in this fic now. All she needs to do now is find her waifu.
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rjavenuru · 5 months
Tears began streaming down as he reached out and touched his beloved. His hands shook as he grasped him, pulled him close and their lips touched for the very last time. As feverish their kisses had been in the past this one was gentle, a final goodbye to love, perhaps forever. The navigator locked his arms around his captain, begging with every fibre of his being that he could hold on but as the captains arms enclosed him he felt like he melted away, unable to speak but his mind screaming desperately into the void.
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alchemist-shizun · 1 year
I've come to the realization that I've known about mdzs for about 4 months and so far I've been juggling in my head 3 different songxuexiao fic ideas (ones actually not ship fic only about post canon song lan and inner turmoil which we love) and SOMEHOW all of them involve little kids to a certain degree, either raising them or having a group of little ducklings following u everywhere u go.
This is a first and a pattern I wasn't expecting but I guess I'm welcoming it!
#mdzs#songxuexiao#theres like. modern swtting au where songxiao adopt a kid out of specific circumstances and xue yang shows up after a while#hes late with starbucks /j but their kid parent traps him as well#then the second one a canon divergence from the novel where an issue sees xxc bringing both zichen and a captured xy to baoshan sanren#xy is there mostly bc xingchen wouldnt know what the hell to do with him and theyre on a time limit#HE DOESNT GET TO TAKE HIM TO ANY BIG SECT. when they get there xxc brings sl to his master for treatment for stuff i havent figured out yet#but its BAD#and while xingchen waits he comes back to find xue yang is cornered SURROUNDED BY a myriad of younger disciples#theyre listening intently to the stories he tells and theyre so engaged by the plot and frequently ask questions#and ngl its kind of a cute vision#AS FOR THE LAST more canon compliant fic we have post yi city song lan doing his wandering cultivator life#stumbles upon a street where some older men are picking a fight with a child#the child is definitely a street child. orphan and homeless. he seems too softhearted to defend himself so sl helps!#ofc it doesnt end there Because this is a whole ass child who needs help so he decides to do what he can#little kid is gripping so HARD at his robes too hes terrified. thats also how he finds out in some twisted sick fate that fhe child is..#missinf a fucking finger. and now he has to resign himself to the idea of being constantly reminded of a certain someone as he raises him#because he WILL raise him its the right thing to do cant trust anyone these days#okay thats all if u read up until here hi im idya come chat with me about yi city arc im friendless /hj#but seriously im so insane about this arc and the characters i need someone to yell with
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beesinspades · 7 months
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felixschokehold · 1 year
Chapter 56 of Facing Your Fate is up, everyone.
Caius admits he's been doing a lot more behind the scenes than Elise thought and Felix has had enough.
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