#founder ymir
sailorspica · 28 days
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you're the new god we're worshiping promise to be dazzling
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melishade · 18 days
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Was the part with the flowers reference to this?
now I’m imagining Primus singing Akuma no ko to Ymir either the original or a English cover
Actually the flowers are in reference to IDW. Specifically:
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My knowledge of IDW is spotty, but I do remember when chapters were being dropped that this was fuel for the transformers fandom. Very angsty fanart kept popping up, specifically around IDW Megatron.
Because these flowers are called Remembrance Flowers, and in IDW, the flowers and the statue represent the amount of people that were killed by that one particular person. Each flower, represents a soul, so when the comic ends up cutting to this panel about Megatron's flowers, it basically showed the weight of Megatron's actions and all the lives that he's taken. Because his field of flowers is extremely massive. I think he drove through his flowers with a scooter and he was out there for a few hours.
So instead of the Eldians being connected through a tree in the Paths, Primus has altered everything so that the souls of each Eldian are present and visible, no longer bound by the rules of the Paths and allowed to just be individuals.
And in regards to the scene with Primus and Ymir, Akuma no ko doesn't fit simply because it's a love song meant for Eren and Mikasa. The song that I think fits, and I've put it on the playlist, is this:
A Million Miles Away from the Belle movie back in 2021. The Belle movie is supposed to be a modern retelling of Beauty and the Beast, and while the story is extremely imperfect, but the songs are really great, especially in the dub.
But instead of Belle being a love story between Belle and the Beast, it's about a girl named Suzu who resents her late mother for sacrificing her life to save a random girl during a storm, essentially leaving her behind. This trauma prevents her from going back to singing, and she's only able to sing again in a virtual reality setting as Belle. And the Beast that she interacts with, causing a lot of problems in the internet, turns out to be a boy who's being abused by his father, along with his little brother. When Suzu finds this out and says she's Belle, he obviously doesn't believe her and her willingness to help. So she ends up shedding her avatar and sings this song to prove to the boy she is who she says she is and she wants to help.
Why do I bring this up? Because I think this song fits how Primus feels about Ymir. He heard Ymir's cry for help from across the universe, her cry transcending time and space, as she's locked away in the Paths. He traveled through the memories of the titan shifters in the Paths, trying to find the answers he needs and trying to find her so he could save her. He says he's been in the Paths for 2,000 years, but if he's searching through the memories of all the titan shifters, it would no doubt be longer, as he has to account for different perspectives and lives.
Ending the power of the titans was the second goal Primus had. His first goal was to save Ymir, simply because he heard her crying out for help and he didn't want to leave her alone. The chorus fits this perfectly:
Come back to me, and stay by my side I feel my heart shake Come, ease this ache I'm standing over here, reaching for you A million miles away, come back and stay No matter how far the memories may be When I close my eyes, you're all that I see Come back to me A million miles away, come back and stay
And now try to read this while listening to the song:
Primus pulled back and looked at her blank face. He cradled Ymir’s face in his hands, and felt tears brimming in his eyes. “Little One, you suffered so much. You gave up so much, but what he did to you was not right. That wasn’t love. He hurt you and used you. He took everything from you and you did nothing to deserve that.”
Primus felt Ymir flinch and continued. “You are not a slave. What the king told you...that was wrong and cruel and unjustified. You’re not a slave, you’re not a devil, and you’re not a god. You are just a little girl with the weight of the world on her shoulders. A heavy burden, that causes nothing but misery.”
Primus saw her expression change. There was light flickering in her blank eyes, and he could’ve sworn he saw the color of her eyes.
“You do not deserve this,” Primus declared, “And I wish to take you far away from here…but…I cannot.”
Eren was shocked. What did he mean by he can’t? He stated earlier that he had the ability to do so! Why was he saying that he couldn’t now?!
“Little One, you were never given a chance to choose what you wanted,” Primus explained, “All your life, you were told by others what to do, but that is not what you want. I want so badly to take you far away from here and give you the peace and love you deserve. But I do not wish to force you to come with me. I wish for that to be your choice.”
Primus took her hands into his own. “If you wish to stay here forever, then…I will not stop you. I will leave you here, and you will not see me again. If you wish to come with me, I would be more than happy to take you as far away from here as possible. If you are not certain, then I will wait here as long as possible until you come to the decision.”
Ymir’s flickering gaze went to Primus’ hands holding her own. Ymir opened her mouth, and she could feel the strain in her voice. She struggled to form the words and felt like her throat was burning from trying to form it. But Primus patiently waited for her to speak. He waited and waited until…
Primus felt it: her confusion, her intrigue, her denial. She wanted desperately to understand the reason why a stranger came all this way to find her. Why was he willing to give a slave the whole world? Why did such a powerful being travel for 2,000 years to find a pitiful girl? There had to be a good reason.
“…Because I heard your cry, and I wanted nothing more than to save you.” Primus answered.
Ymir’s eyes brightened as she sharply turned her head to look at Primus. The life missing reappearing, revealing her eyes to be a pale gray infected by the blue of the energon. That…that was it? That was the only reason? He came all this way…for her? He came all this way…for a pathetic and worthless girl. Tears poured from her eyes once again as her lips trembled. He didn’t even know her, but…he came all this way. Someone had listened to her cry, her desperate plea for help, and it was him.
Primus gave her a warm smile, happy to see the life come back into her eyes. “Do you wish to come with me?”
Ymir gripped his hands deathly tight. She was still trying to comprehend those words, but she didn’t want to let go. This warmth, this kindness, this comfort, this boundless freedom: she had never felt it before. It was so different from what she had before. She…wanted to go with him. She wanted to go. She wanted the love and freedom he offered her. Ymir, despite her own fear, nodded her head, answering his question.
 “Then come with me, Little One,” Primus offered, “Let us go home, together.”
Ymir began shaking, shocked by the god’s words and offer, the tears pouring down her cheeks. Primus lifted his hands to touch her cheeks and wipe the tears that were falling. She slowly lifted her hands to touch the ones there, actually registering the physical contact, surprised by the soft touch and warmth he continued to give. She let out a cry of sorrow and relief, the first real and raw emotion she let out in years. She cried and cried and cried. She tightened her grip, not wanting this being to let go of her. Primus wrapped his arms around her and Ymir hugged him tightly. He rubbed her back as she cried in his chest.
“Little One, I promise you,” he began as he looked down at her and wiped her tears, “As long as I still function, no one will ever hurt you again. I promise.”
Primus saw the smallest ghost of a smile on her lips before nodding his head in reassurance. Primus smiled brightly towards her, tears coming down his face. He quietly laughed and hugged her close once more. Ymir continued crying into his chest, feeling all of her tension and stress leave her body in an instant. Her grief and sorrow were mute. All she felt was the warm and kindness this gentle being was willing to give to her. This…this is what love was. It had to be.
Primus raised his head and spoke ancient words. Both titan shifters watched the blue stream of energy surround Primus as he spoke this unfamiliar language. They grew fearful when they saw that his eyes were beginning to glow once more and his tears began to fade. When he finished speaking, the tree began to fall apart. It crumbled and turned to dust, and the dust flew up towards the stars. Eren then noticed a flower sprouting and blooming at Ymir’s feet. It looked other worldly, glowing a bright blue in a rather desolate place. Then, three more flowers bloomed next to the first one, and then nine formed. Before Eren realized it, multiple flowers began to spring up and bloom. This garden continued to expand for miles; the flowers blooming under Eren and Zeke. Eren watched as it went on for miles, a never ending field of flowers. He turned his head upward, and saw the starry night change into a mix of day and night. A sun began to shine while the stars glistened in the sky. Eren gasped when he saw the shining mountain lights that Armin had once told him about when they were kids, while three moons appeared in his line of sight. It was…it was indescribable.
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hangesglassessweat · 5 months
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natsuki208 · 4 months
(Warning! Spoilers for AOT Season 4 for my friend)
This is going to be a very underrated opinion about season 4 but… I really think Eren shouldn’t have been the main villain threat of the story.
It just doesn’t feel right to me that Eren would betray everyone he cares about all for the sake of having them defeat him, right? If you would ask me who I thought would be the final villain, I will say the original founder Ymir Fritz.
She’s been stuck inside Paths and used as a slave to the Eldian king for 2000 years, so I figured she would had enough of it and wanna destroy the entire world as revenge for her millennium suffering. She’s still the founder, so what if she uses that power to bring Eren Jaeger all the way to the point where he and Zeke are in Paths and somehow finds a way to use him to finally escape.
Her titan is reborn and releasss all the Colossals inside the walls to form the rumbling. Everyone else would probably still believe Eren had something to do with it… until the founder Ymir gives her speech of wanting the destroy the world who cursed her and start anew.
What do you think? Am I crazy? 😐 Better than the whole Stockholm syndrome thing, right?
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hotstreak2k3 · 5 months
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I’ll see you later… Eren.
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Ymir fritz needed eremika to see how she could break away from her love for king Fritz? Yumihisu and eruri were right there. Founder Ymir is a homophobe confirmed.
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ymishin · 9 months
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She deserved this 🥺
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blee-bleep · 1 year
tw: rape, pedophillia, canniballism; the regular aot shebang
"hi, welcome back to me screaming nonsense"
so i've been trying to gauge what age ymir and her daughters were when they got their titan powers, and theorists pointed out that with ymir standing with eren when he was ten yo (and when he recieved the titan power from grisha), it can also be assumed ymir was also ten years old when she fell down into the tree and had hallu-chan stuck to her spine. she's (possibly) 23 when the spear hit her and got transferred to paths
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and we know that after gaining those powers, king fritz used her to expand the eldian empire and defeat the marleyans for a few years before giving her his "seed", basically fucking using her as a breeding cattle because he wanted his slave's power to continue. (oops, sorry i didnt mean to make a parallel with historia's story in uprising arc, she doesn't matter aheh, right yams </3)
so she gives birth to maria, rose, and sina in the 13 years she lived after encountering hallu-chan. by determining maria's age, we can also determine how old ymir was when king fritz r@ped her (im not using any other term aside from this regarding their relationship, i still stand that her "loving" fritz was a retcon and even if it wasn't, it SUCKS).
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rose and maria are seen walking along with ymir in this page so its to assume that they are already toddlers, so it's been 2-3 years since they were born, and sina being possibly 6-12 months old. their age gap are just one year apart. so really he didnt waste any time using ymir as cattle.
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on the day of ymir's death at 23 yo, it seemed that they only had three living children together so its been a few years since sina was born. the king couldn't produce more was possibly due to the fact that he is old as dick and his sperm count was probably approaching zero.
they're conscious at this point, and the whole event of ymir (their MOM) dying and having been forced to eat her by the king (who they considered as a father, seeing as he does acknowledge they're his daughters cuz he addresses them as such, tho by no means was it probably affectionate) was probably TRAUMATIC AS FUCK, as we can see from their devastated expression
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and we all know how much that would probably affect their development (and i think this will fuck up anyone regardless of age and maturity). but seeing as they *did* consume ymir after her death, they only lived 13 years at most, and they *did* have children during that time, same as their mother; we could only form the idea that they forced themselves to enter the role of slave, the same as their mother; being heavily affected by the king's will without any regard of their own.
from sina's height and consciousness, we can infer that she was possibly no more than 4 to 5 years old when ymir died. rose was possibly 6 yo, and maria 7 yo. at 23 with 3 children, the king had taken advantage of ymir when was 15-16 yo. while he died of old age, he was probably DECADES older than her when he did which just makes me 🤢
from that point of ymir's body being consumed, maria rose and sina only had 13 years left to live, with maria dying at 20, rose at 19, and sina at 18.
if maria was only 7 when she got the 13-year curse of ymir, and seeing as the female reproductive could only have been fully developed when she's 13-14 yo, she would only have enough time to have 8-9 offsprings by the time 13 years passed. and that's if she starts YOUNG. rose and sina even less, so they wouldn't have had as many offsprings. possibly only three at best, just like ymir.
that means all three daughters used half of the 13 years as titan superpowers to expand the eldian empire, and the other half to create offsprings for the king's will
which is just... plain fucking tragic.
and realization of this just makes me SICK TO MY STOMACH GAHHHHSDHGJKSDJKGH
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mikawritings · 1 year
In My Hands, You Are Gold (aot short)
pls comment :>
Above the clouds, in a place where no one alive had ever been, Eren opened his eyes. The first thought that flooded his mind was that everything was blue; so blue. Not the dull, throbbing colour that lit up the paths- it was the bright and clear blue of the ocean and the sky that filled his sight.
Below him, everyone else was gathered. The last of the giant titans from his rumbling had fallen to the ground and were evaporating into nothing, yet he could still see his head, cradled in Mikasa’s arms. She held it like it was the most precious thing in the world. Eren took a step forwards and leaned down, straining to see how her arms were wrapped around him. He wanted to visualise every finger, to make himself remember how it felt to be held by her. When he really tried, he could almost feel her warmth.
Armin yelled out at the Marleyan soldiers that approached them and pleaded surrender. Eren clasped his fists and shuddered, then let go. Biting nail marks into the palms of his hands would do nothing and help no one.
He turned his attention back to Mikasa as the soldiers caved to Armin’s demands and the wind blew Ymir Fritz’ smiling smoke-shadow into nothingness. It was over, then. Mikasa clutched his head. Eren’s throat tightened. Freedom?
The rumbling was over. His last effort had brought him death, it had slaughtered millions- a billion- people like animals, but he couldn’t say for certain if Eldia was free. Eren lunged forwards and tried to push his hand through the clouds he stood on. Submitting and going along with Marley wasn’t good enough. Losing the power wasn’t good enough. Mikasa and Armin and Jean and Levi and every Eldian left alive needed to fight, fight fight, fight until nothing would ever challenge them again.
He thumped his fist against the transparent cloud cover until his fingers broke and his blood painted its surface. Every thump sent jabs of pain shooting up his arm straight to his heart, where it condensed into something angry and energetic enough to power him to punch the wall again. If he could get past the wall, then he could go back down to his friends and finally make everything right-
“I told you to stop! Do you ever listen?!” Two rough, familiar hands grabbed him from underneath his arms and dragged him to his feet. Eren turned around and pushed his assailant off him, then paused as his throat tightened even more. Every breath became a struggle, and his shattered hand didn’t hurt at all.
Carla Yeager gripped his shoulders tight and glared at him. “Trying to go back down there is almost as stupid as trying to join the scouts.”
“I need to,” Eren panted as his hand bled relentlessly. Normally, it would have healed by now, but he had a sinking feeling that Ymir was no longer with him. “I have to get back down there and finish what I started, I need to stay with them-”
“You want to stay with them?” His mother asked. Though her words were gentle, they pricked his eyes with salty tears.
He gazed back down at the group as they left with Marley. Mikasa still held his head. Would she bury it, or has his method to find freedom led her to hate him?
No, that was impossible. His heart clenched and refused to beat at the vague mention of it. Mikasa still loved him. She held her love for him as tightly as she did his head.
“She can live without you.” Carla brushed her hands over his shoulders and took his hands in her own. At her touch, his shattered bones knitted themselves back together and became whole. “I’ve come to take you back.”
“No.” Eren tried to pull away, but she was stronger than he remembered. Or he was weaker. She was holding him like she was about to take him up to bed, instead of leading him to nothing.
“She can.”
Eren swung his head back around and searched for Mikasa with eyes full of panic. However, the door to the carriage that was taking everyone home had already swung shut, and he couldn’t catch a glimpse. “I don’t want her to.” He thought back to the paths. She had come running when she saw him, had she not? She had to still need him. The alternative was too much to bear.
His mother clasped his head by the chin and forced him to face her. Everything about her was too much like his memories: her stare, the way her hair fell over her shoulder, even the painful way her hands clutched him. She was his mother, though she felt a lot smaller than she had when he was a child. Eren felt his lip begin to tremble.
“Do you know what I did to you?” He couldn’t speak much above a whisper.
“I do.” Carla softened her grip on his chin. “I know all of what you’ve done.” Then, she bowed her head and squished his arm. “And I know why.”
“What do you think?” Despite all the years, deaths and hurt, a mother’s opinion still meant the most to her son.
“I think you need to let go.”
Carla released his arm and chin then held her arms open. Eren fell right into the embrace and allowed his gathering tears to finally fall down his cheeks, landing damply on his mother’s blouse.
“Shh, shh.” She hushed him, patting his hair as his body rattled with sobs. “It’s okay.”
“I can’t,” he spluttered, “I want to go back. I don’t want to leave them.”
Eren could feel his mother’s clothes becoming drenched in tears, his throat was completely raw and painful and his head was beginning to ache. He knew his face was probably swollen and that he was holding onto Carla too tightly, but he couldn’t bring himself to stop as sob after gut-wrenching, screaming sob clawed out of his mouth.
It wasn’t fair. Now he was dead, and Mikasa was going to find someone else to be happy with. Armin would find someone else to talk to about the sea, someone new would bicker with Jean and maybe that same person could be the one to joke around with Connie and comfort Historia. Nothing about his rumbling killing Hange or his brother maiming Levi was okay. Eren cried, Carla stroked through his long brown hair and everything around them shone with brilliant blue.
“It’s okay,” Carla repeated to him. She pushed their heads together and kissed his forehead. She couldn’t allow him to turn his head up to look at her, because then he would see her tears too.
“I’ve broken everything, haven’t I?” Eren bit down on his bottom lip so hard that it split and he began to bleed. “I knew what was going to happen…” He shoved his trembling face into the crook of her neck as she continued to hush him. “Can I go back?”
Carla quickly wiped her eyes with her sleeve as he looked up at her. He was sitting on her lap now, and his eyes were bright again- though if they were shining with hope or tears, she couldn’t tell. “Can you take me back? All the way back. To the beginning.”
Eren felt her stroke his hair back away from his forehead to kiss it again. “I can’t take you back. But I can take you somewhere new.”
His bleeding lip felt almost as numb as his lungs. “I don’t want to go somewhere new. I need to see them all again.”
“I can take you somewhere where you’ll be free.” His mother rubbed his back in circles as she spoke. Her voice was quiet like she was trying to get a feral cat to follow her. “Mikasa killed you. No one down there needs you anymore.”
“I killed you.” He mumbled into her neck. “And I still need you.”
“Come with me, Eren.” The way she spoke his name- so familiar yet so old, like a rusty toy being put back to use- made his tears resurface. “I promise there’s no walls, no death, and no one will leave you ever again.” Carla tucked her legs up so that her son was hugged on all sides. “Your war is over. You’ve fought the fight you needed to. Now rest.”
Eren’s skin was numb and his eyes were lined with tears that were beginning to dry into crusty salt trails down his face. He nodded, blinked out the rest of his tears and sniffed heavily.
Carla took his hand. Her skin was warm. As he followed his mother to wherever she planned to lead him, he took one last glance at the mortal world, at a small bird flying past. If an afterlife in the blue with no war and no walls was true freedom, then true freedom he finally had.
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ly0nstea · 2 years
Eren was Ymir's Puppet
I talked about this in a much longer post but I wanted to devote a whole post to it so, here goes.
What I'm positting is that everything Eren did, at the very least in the broadstrokes, was predetermined by Ymir herself in the paths.
Here's the timeline, 1x01, To you, 2,000 years in the future. The first scene after the opening credits is Eren's dream. Now, Eren didn't have a titan at this point, so this wasn't the Attack Titan's abilities. In Eren's dreams he sees Dina Fritz's titan and his mother being picked up, these are scenes from the same and the next episode that Eren directly sees, this isn't déjà vu, its predictive. So, if it wasn't from his titan ability, then what was it?
Let me explain, the flashes of Eren's dream we see are, what seems to be a man screaming(maybe a titan, maybe not), then a shot of a man falling dead, from his collar he seems to be wearing a survey corps uniform, a windmill in an open field surrounded by forest which titans then appear on suddenly in a flash (Not a yellow lightning flash, more of a static flash). The side profile of a man who looks older, only the middle have of his face is shown (from the top of his nose to his upper lip), a regal looking statue with the head and hand destroyed lying by a lit fire, six childrens toys on a bed, next to closed curtains, the curtains are vertically striped red and green, on the red ones there's a symbol appearing to be a white flower, on the green is a symbol with a crown on top of it. Several scout bodies in a raining forest. A (presumably) dead man with a wasp by his eye, Dina Fritz's titan mouth, and then Carla Jaegar being grabbed by Dina's titan.
But why would Ymir show these images to Eren? Well, what Ymir needs to do is set Eren down a path where he will A) meet her, and B) free her from the eternity of the paths. How does she do that? She sets Eren down a path of freedom.
Firstly, she showed him the survey corps being massacred, a continuation of what we saw in the pre-OP. We know Eren loves the Survey Corps, seeing them massacred would devastate him and notably, Eren wakes up from the dream crying. Ymir is trying to leave an impression on Eren, and showing him his aspiration, his heroes being massacred would certainly leave an impression and motivate him to move forward.
Then with the windmill, the appearance of titans, this could be a warning to Eren over how in only a few hours titans are going to suddenly appear, or it could be a foreshadow to the ability to turn humans into titans spontaineuosly that we see in season 2/3/4.
The man's side profile could be anyone, King Fritz, Pyxis, the false king, any old man really. The combination of the sudden appearance of titans, and an old man could allude to Ymir's origin story, how the titans appeared after she fell in the tree and soon after was brought in by King Fritz, a way of showing Eren her life, getting him to sympathise with her years before he would meet her.
The next image I believe backs up that claim, because after the titans appear, and Ymir meets Fritz what happens next? He impregnates her, and the next image is childrens toys against royal looking curtains.
After Eren is showed Ymir's life story, we flash back to dead Survey Corps members, the flashes back and forth from Ymir and the survey corps would make eren want to sympathise with Ymir, having her put against things he knows he feels bad about.
We then see a wasp on the eye of a dead man which again could mean anything. It could signal Ymir's death? Eren's? There's no way to tell.
And the final two images are a close up of Dina Fritz's titan mouth, and Dina's titan lifting Carla Jaegar. These are things that Eren sees through his own eyes hours later. Which confirms that this dream is preminiscient, or sent back from the future. We've already established that Eren can't be preminiscient as he doesn't have any titan powers, and the dolls and statue aren't things Eren ever sees himself (to our knowledge) so he can't be sending himself the memories.
So, if it was Ymir, how and when did Ymir send it? Well, none other than episode 80, From you, 2,000 years ago, which is the episode we find Ymir's backstory. At the start of that episode, Eren grabs Ymir, and its that moment where she sends the child Eren the dream.
Attack on Titan is no stranger to paradoxes and time loops, Eren shouldn't have a titan because him acquiring a titan relies on him already having the titan in the future, and the paths is a place that exists outside of time. So it's more than reasonable to assume that Ymir could've, using Eren's abilities (Like Zeke was going to) altered Eren's own memories to send back to episode one, hence the episode titles, to you, and from you, its Ymir sending Eren her memories from 2,000 in the past.
If there's anything that Ymir's life is going to make a person feel it's a need for personal freedom. Ymir spent her whole life as a slave, and experiencing that, possibly through her own eyes, would break anyones heart.
Eren's desire, his want for freedom is what set the events of the show in motion, its what pushed him to graduate top 10 in the cadets, join the survey corps, and eventually commit the rumbling but Ymir doesn't care about the rumbling, she's been dead far too long.
Now, we never get strict confirmation on what happens after the story, and this dream is anime exclusive so, it's only canon to the anime and im extrapolating from the manga ending but, at the very least, we know that Ymir doesn't have to make any more titans. We don't know if she's still in the paths, if the paths even still exist, but we know she's been freed of the burden of making new titans like she did or 2,000 years. Ymir is free, atleast somewhat, Eren got what he wanted,
If this is true, that would mean that everything Eren did was dictated and preplanned out by Ymir to some degree, and Eren was her slave for most of his life. There's a lot of ironies to be found there but, this post is long enough and its 2:30 am.
tl;dr: the dream had to be sent from somewhere, the episode titles and dream itself heavily imply it was from Ymir, and by the end of the story the only person who's universally better off is Ymir.
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mizukitsunesblog · 7 months
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Aot is over, I had my Founder Ymir sketches
Do not steal/trace/claim as ur own
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sailorspica · 1 month
oooh now i’m curious: do you prefer krista spelt as krista or christa? i’ve seen both ways and i’m not sure which is the more common one
i am so glad you ask because i can expand on all of these for paragraphs, short answer: krista. it's the spelling used in the kodansha USA manga, and i like the regional diversity of hopping up to northern europe among mostly german and anglo names. since ymir is in the norse edda, they get to be strange (gay) together
but i think my preference is more strongly anti-christa, because any additional degree of separation from its origin helps AoT obfuscate its intentions with the royal family for a bit longer. now i don't think iseyama is versed in abrahamic religions at all, but using the references he does for eldia brings with it way more connotations than he probably imagined, which i think ultimately work out in his and historia's favor. christian theology under the cut
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"christ" comes from the greek translation of the hebrew bible that predates jesus by like, two centuries: messiah (hebrew) -> khristos (greek) -> christus (latin) -> christ (anglicized). so if not a semitic word itself, it is a semantic stand-in for the jewish concept of an anointed one whose earliest mention is in exodus. pair that with historia's uncle Uri, the most hebraic name in all of AoT from the archangel Uriel, and we're courting christian antisemitism as old as the church itself, specifically replacement theology that claims christians are god's new + better chosen people
this reading casts jesus and mary as the new adam and eve (yes, disgusting), which condemns eve to elevate mary, but in the most rational, atheistic reading of christ's conception? mary was, like founder ymir, a teenage rape victim, and the claim that she was descended from david made this traumatic birth everybody's business since the anointed one was supposed to be ben david. personally i see no fucking way for mary's circumstances to be an improvement on eve's, and many a happy satanist will say eve saved rather than damned humanity
consider the last fritz king's will, and the whole premise of "eldian atonement" echoes this eve-mary binary where eve = ymir fritz and mary = a succession of royal founder shifters, but particularly the reisses. this gets extra gross in the manga because we hear the purest, bloodiest version of the fritz king's intentions from frieda's mouth (mostly to grisha but briefly in historia's memories), wholly condemning her ancestor as sinful and evil when she, too, is a young woman subordinated to a man's will
historia is a bit of the anti-mary (anti-christ) because the whole scene in the chapel caverns where rod reiss is the only person in all of AoT to use extremely theistic language is a kind of twist on the annunciation to mary, where historia says "fuck no," and that's beautiful. the implication is if mary of nazareth had a girlfriend who told her to live her life with pride we would not have christianity/most of the world's evils
so anyway: krista. as fun and ironic and obvious CHRISTa is with this interpretation, i like krista for being slightly off the mark
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melishade · 29 days
Im SHOOKETH to the core
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natsuki208 · 2 months
Warning! AOT S4 spoilers for my friend.
“To all of the subjects of Eldia. My name is Ymir Fritz, the founder of the titans, and I’m using my ungodly powers to address all of my subjects.
For centuries I’ve been locked away in another world, relentlessly working myself to the bone to keep alive the wishes of a long dead fool. But now I no longer hold the will to continue his selfish desire; for I claim the embodiment of the founder’s power - Eren Jaeger.
The hardening of all walls which laid on Paradis have come undone, and all of the titans entrapped within them have began to march. My objective is simple, to erase every last one of the human race who brought my curse to where it is now.
The hatred that has been swelling up for so long and will certainly not end until not just the Paradisians, but all of my subjects have been eliminated. I will grant that wish, but the rest of the world will suffer along with them. My titans shall trample the whole Earth until nothing is left, and it will start anew from the beginning.
I will keep moving forward until the millennium curse has been completely exterminated from this world.”
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A surprise for @sonofthesaiyans since they really like my villain!Ymir AU.
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ocean-eyed-lovers · 4 months
All in all, I wouldn't change anything about the main plot points in snk after the time skip. What I would change, is how those plot points were executed.
For example, I think Eren activating the rumbling is thematically consistent with the story, it's just his motivations that were complete dogshit and made him a ghost of the character he used to be.
I don't know if people are gonna hate me for what I'm about to say next. Last time I was actively in the fandom years ago, people used to get REAL mad for even suggesting what I'm about to say next, but...
I think that it would have been a lot better if it turned out that Eren did the rumbling because he was being manipulated by Ymir.
It would have been poetic irony, the boy who sought freedom, the boy who loved freedom more than anything else, in the end being nothing but a puppet. It would have been so tragically good not to mention actually coherent, and it wouldn't have ruined Eren's character.
Plus, I would have loved to get an actual, solid backstory for Ymir the founder, instead of whatever that rushed shit we got was. I swear the biggest disappointment I got with the series was how much of a letdown Ymir was. This character was spoken about for chapters and chapters, building up expectations that literally led nowhere.
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liuhko · 1 year
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ᘡ ⭑ SYNOPSIS・ ymir fritz, deceased wife of the king stands still inside the paths. she’s known to the one who controls all eldian life, with the ability to even change their entire genetic code but there is another, not a shifter or the beginning of the titans; a being who rests so far in the clouds that you will never be able to reach them. they watch over all, finding entertainment in everything that happens in this sick world, allowing life to continue because they’re only human.
THIS WORK INCLUDES: idk girl…just read.
NOTE: this isn’t an xreader, just fun writing. this is based off of the song “they’re only human” from death note <3
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“Look at how they crawl around upon the ground like little ants.” you couldn’t help but sigh at your view, staring at the large mirror that held the image of the residents inside the walls, or in this case; outside the walls. Commander Erwin and his scouts had gone outside the walls once more and they were returning with their heads hung low, bodies covered in blood, and wagons overflowing with the corpses of their former comrades.
“Yes, but how they fascinate.” As pathetic as they were, humans were fascinating creatures. They always saw a reason to continue and to keep pushing, in this case, it was Eren Jaeger who held this mindset. Even though he had just seen his comrades and friends slaughtered he looked encouraged, as if there was something worth fighting for. That same green-eyed boy ran to the dormitory and locked himself inside, shivering and shaking on the floor as tears ran down his face. His desperate cries were suppressed by the pillow he dug his face into. “It was fate…there was nothing I could do. It would’ve happened anyway.”
What a common thought, confusing fate with what is merely chance. “Your friends weren’t destined to die there, they were just too weak and happened to be around some Titans.” You scoffed at him and rolled your eyes, resisting the urge to reach through the mirror and grab the boy. You wanted nothing more than to tell him to stop spewing nonsense and go live a safe life, but the last time you reached through the mirror and interacted with humanity, a strand of your hair had fallen and morphed into Hallucigenia, which turned the wife of some king into a several-meter-high mutated monster called a titan, you were just having a bad hair day; it shouldn’t have been that serious.
Speaking of that unfortunate woman, she was currently busy building, as usual. Ymir Fritz was a woman you found particularly interesting for two reasons.
1. She was the first to be turned into a titan and was the catalyst for all the disaster humanity had been facing for a millennia.
2. She had been stuck for a bit over 2,000 years.
Stuck in a seemingly eternal prison where she rebuilt titans every hour of the day, forever. Not once had you ever seen her do anything but create those disgusting-looking creatures; she could’ve done anything else, but she didn’t. She just stayed there. Never had you ever seen anything this pitiful. She’s only human, standing still and doomed to live, pushing buckets of sand uphill. Only human after all, so she gives while they take, hoping someone will help break her fall. You found it sad, to say the least. You gave her the ability to see the future as an apology for essentially causing her demise, but she was just stuck, waiting for someone to free her.
“She’s too depressing…I’ll look at someone else.” You muttered, frowning as you watched the woman reconstruct yet another titan.
You walked to another mirror, one that showed the scouts inside Shiganshina. They were attempting to take the district back. They charged forward toward the Beast Titan, not once backing down. It was a shame that large rocks were being hurled at them. You watched intently as their bodies flew off their horses; heads were crushed, blood was splattered everywhere, and an odd little blonde man sat inside a mutated monkey costume. Laughing as he watched the massacre he caused, treating it as a friendly game of baseball. This whole thing seemed to be a bit unnecessary, these people didn’t need to die, but they did.
“Poor things, they will pray, curse, live, die.” And pray they did. Those who were still charging but were unlucky enough to witness the deaths around them began to realize that there was no escape. Some others cursed Erwin for leading them here. They stayed breathing for a few more moments, but soon they died. You shivered at the thought of a flying rock being the cause of your death. “It’s quite sad though,” you said to yourself. “They all died, never knowing their truth was another man’s lie.” The walls of Paradis Island were a lie, as was every history book within those walls. There were lively civilizations beyond the walls, but alas, the scouts were long gone and they’d never be able to know this fact.
Perhaps the future would be more interesting to watch? You turned around and faced the mirror which formerly stood behind you. In it, a very bleak image of Eren was shown. He had somehow ended up locked in a cell. Amused, you observed as he muttered to himself. You could read his mind clearly: “What have I become?” he thought. The moment you read this, you burst out laughing, the soil and mountains of the planet shaking in sync with your laughter. “He’s only human; he doesn’t see that who he is, is who he’ll always be; he’s only human, after all!” How silly of him to think humans are capable of change.
Ah, Eren and Ymir. The only reason you have yet to smite these two out of their misery is because of how dedicated they are. Eren to saving his loved ones, and Ymir to saving herself. They gave and they took 'til their silly hearts broke. Humanity was so interesting to you, especially these two. You stared into the mirror once more and saw Ymir looking down at the two sand buildings she had made. It wasn’t titans this time; it was Mikasa and Eren. You were intrigued by their love, and for as long as you had observed humanity you never understood why they did so many crazy things for love. It seemed as if Ymir was interested too.
You shook your head and began to walk away from the mirrors toward the exit but stopped momentarily; one of the mirrors had caught your eye. This one also showed the future; in it, Mikasa and Eren shared a kiss… “Humans never fail to amuse me.” You sighed and walked out of the mirror room. Not a thing you did could change these creatures. They’re only human, after all.
TAGS @vampurities @rinmine
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