#gay vanity
twinkrespecter · 2 months
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coming along!
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shirecorn · 1 year
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Gay horse man looks like a princess
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Gay horse man learns to respect trans butch lesbians and various other people who won't date him
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canidaria · 16 days
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ditchghost · 2 months
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kilovanity · 6 months
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Husbands <3
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guywrestlingaddiction · 2 months
That Wresting Moment: Manhandling the Golden Boy - Mars v Vance Vanity (wrestler4hire.com)
How long does it take to break a golden body?  If you didn't know the answer by now, you'll have to keep looking because our golden boy Mars simply cannot be broken.  
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Mars v Vance Vanity (wrestler4hire.com)
SPOILER ALERT: I highly recommend viewing this match in its entirety before reading this post.
The Backstory
Some matches need very little context, this is one of those matches where we are quickly introduced to Mars and Vance Vanity. Within seconds we realize by virtue of his incredible looks that Mars will be trashed like nobody's business and Vance, as the arrogant heel, will set the universe right by manhandling our golden boy.  
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The Action
In our opening moment, we are treated to our golden boy fighting his hardest ... only to be repeatedly put away by the pro Vance Vanity.  Not only is the guy a seasoned wrestler, he's also got that swagger and something to prove that we all know means Mars will be annihilated.
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Shiny and stunning, Mars is literally Golden throughout the match.
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Mars: I don't bend that way. I don't bend that way!
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The Moment 
There really isn't a time when Mars isn't manhandled.  The guy whines, cries out in pain, and tries his best to stay conscious while he takes all of his beatings.  So this wrestling moment is really when a sweaty Mars shines even brighter - you see no matter what his heel throws at him, he keeps on getting up. 
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He's golden for a reason. He's beautiful, he glistens with sweat, and he never breaks from jobber mode. The guy has been beaten beyond the point of humiliation and certainly deserves this wrestling moment.
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natalee4everrr · 4 days
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PLEASE give me some popular/trending fandoms, I have no engagement and nothing to post!!!
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oh-piledriver · 3 months
just finished my reread of crimson rivers and was wondering about vanity's name...i absolutely ADORE her and vanity is a word that typically holds an ugly meaning so i was thinking "hm, odd choice"...but doing something in vain is a futile effort. vanity tried so hard to survive and everyone else worked to help her too, but it was in VAIN. maybe im late to this realization but i wanted to post
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vellicore · 2 months
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Proof that the universe has favorites.
Oh, to be this beautiful.
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itboytrends · 4 months
Matheus Almeida photographed by Bruno Barreto for Vanity Magazine.
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stxr-bxy · 9 months
random hcs thst may or may not be related to my band au
- pandora loves jazmin bean (her favorite song is super slaughter), melanie martinez (her favorite song is detention), and a lot of alt pop but also loves rock and ethereal wave music
- marlene loves riot grrrl and femme punk music (she likes the movement too but not as much bc it wasn’t very intersectional) and got dorcas really into it when they first started dating
- dorcas thinks that the guys from pure hell (idk their names) are really gender envy
- emmeline loves mommy long legs (they’re a band) and destroy boys
- james loves fleetwood mac and jaco pastorious
- emma loves lana del rey and taylor swift she’s one of the only people who loves pop music but she also likes other stuff
- lily loves indie/indie rock like radiohead, neutral milk hotel, arctic monkeys, the strokes, and phoebe bridgers
- peter’s favorite genres are grunge and rock and he loves nirvana and soundgarden
- james and lily also know how to play drums but they suck bc they taught themselves on Fleamont’s old set
- Remus loves The doors and David Bowie (obviously)
- pandora has trouble reading guitar charts so reg prints out the basslines of songs for her
- lily collects guitar picks
- marlene loves the runaways
- barty taught himself how to play drums
- evan learned keyboard/piano because his strict ass parents made him learn an instrument
- pandora played a standing/double bass before the electric bass
- pandora has her own artist profile on spotify where she posts songs she’s written they’re very ethereal and kind of gothic
- regulus learned guitar from sirius and they gave reggie their old crusty acoustic guitar to use
- james plays bass with a pick because he loves the sound
- sirius loves ayesha erotica and definitely went feral when he heard she was making a comeback
- regulus can’t stand recordings of his voice while singing he thinks it sounds really bad
that’s it :)
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100gayicons · 1 month
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William Lygon, 7th Earl Beauchamp
William Lygon’s story is fascinating example of the homophobia and treatment gay people have had endure.
Lygon was the 7th Earl Beauchamp and a British politician who held various important posts, including Governor of New South Wales (1899 and 1901), and leader of the Liberal Party in the House of Lords (1924 and 1931).
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He married Lady Lettice Grosvenor in 1876 and had 7 children (3 sons and 4 daughters). He was also a homosexual (or more probably bisexual) which was a crime under Britain’s Gross Indecency act. This was the same law that doomed Oscar Wilde and Alan Turing.
While attending Oxford, Lygon met Evelyn Waugh. He would become Waugh’s inspiration for the ill-fated Sebastian Flyte in Waugh’s novel ‘Brideshead Revisited’
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In the 1920s Lygon would throw “racy” parties at Walmer, a castle he had been given. Lady Christabel Aberconway wrote in her diary of open party she attended:
“We arrived and were shown into a garden… There was the actor Ernest Thesiger, a friend of mine, nude to the waist and covered with pearls.”
Thesinger is best known for his campy performance as Dr Pretorius in “The Bride of Frankenstein” (1935).
Apparently Lygon’s sexual activity was an open secret within Britain’s upper crust. He had sexual affairs with servants, common men and other socialites (often at Madresfield Court, the Lygon family home; and at Walmer Castle when he resided).
Lygon toured Australia in 1930 with a young valet, who lived with him. The Australian Star newspaper reported:
“The most striking feature of the vice-regal ménage is the youthfulness of its members … Rosy cheeked footmen. (Each wearing) many lanyards… festoons from their broad shoulders. Lord Beauchamp deserves great credit for his taste in footmen.”
This came to the attention of Hugh Grosvenor (Duke of Westminster). He was Lygon’s brother-in-law and political rival. He hired detectives to get evidence about Lygon’s trysts.
Grosvenor was a Tory, an opposing party, and he wanted to ruin both Lygon and the Liberals. Grosvenor provided his evidence to King George V that Lygon was a homosexual. The King reportedly said,
“I thought men like that shot themselves.”
In 1931, Lygon was given an ultimatum - he must divorce his wife, resign from all offices and leave the country. Otherwise he would face public humiliation, arrest and potentially time in prison. Lygon left England immediately, first heading to Germany where he contemplated suicide. But he was talked out of it by his eldest son.
Grosvenor also showed the evidence to Lettice, Lygon wife, and Grosvenor sister. When told her husband was a bugger, Lettice misunderstood and thought he was being accused of being a bugler.
The divorce petition described Lygon as:
“A man of perverted sexual practices, [who] has committed acts of gross indecency with male servants and other male persons and has been guilty of sodomy … throughout the married life …”
Ironically Lygon’s children sided with the father and visited him often when he was out of the country. They shunned they’d mother.
Afterwards Lygon traveled, making his way to Paris, Venice, Sydney and San Francisco. But he returned to England after King George V died in 1936. His successor King George IV lifted the arrest warrant.
Lygon returned to Madresfield, his family estate in 1937. Unfortunately he was diagnosed with cancer and died in 1938.
Before his death, Grosvenor wrote Lygon saying,
"Dear Bugger-in-law, you got what you deserved. Yours, Westminster."
(Grosvenor, by the way, was a Nazi sympathizer and hated Jews, he was known for His anti-Semitic rants.)
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igotboredthinking · 9 months
I choose believe Lucius is just off camera. So.
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littlemixer01 · 8 months
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Maneskin in LGBTQ magazine issues <3
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ditchghost · 2 months
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mokkkki · 4 months
SWTE A1 C10: 5 Winners, 5 Losers 
"Put that in the cauldron on low heat. And kill yourself after. Thanks."
Set in Eurus, a tech and media conference/winter camp for billionaires, Chapter 10 of Sleeping With The Enemy was probably my favorite one to write so far- either for the Princess Mononoke reference or the moving pieces that are kicked into motion. With that, here are the 5 winners and 5 losers from "I Am Landed", as chosen by the very biased person that wrote it! There will be spoilers below the cut.
Winner: James Potter
I hesitated to put James in as a winner because he almost got stabbed, didn't get to brew anything, and his coworker (Remus) had a meltdown, but he proved his innocence to Regulus, and was believed! Granted, he did use unconventional methods to do so, but who can fault him when he got such good results?
Winner: Emma Vanity & Evan Rosier
While Vanity experiences professional victory, complimented by Regulus several times and even high-fived by him, Rosier, who wastes no time flirting with the Eurus attendant, experiences a recreational one. Additionally, we find out that they've made an Unbreakable Vow to never betray Regulus, which has essentially secured them for life.
Winner: Lucius Malfoy's Hair
It's difficult for Regulus to compliment anything without feeling immediately vindictive after, so it was terribly surprising to get a paragraph in which he waxed poetic about Malfoy's hair. I swear I had NO IDEA why I started writing that, only that I was literally shaking with laughter afterward - convinced I was possessed by the "symphony of luminous strands".
Winner (thinks he's a loser): Regulus Black
From an objective standpoint, Regulus is doing pretty well, so far: his father has trusted him to find a spy, destroy Potter, and speak to Riddle's opposition candidate. It's becoming rapidly clear that out of all of the Black spawn, it's Regulus whom Orion trusts the most to deliver corporate duties. Additionally, Vanity secures a dinner with the potential Miss President, Pettigrew snitches on Lucius, and he exchanges the most heartwarming texts with his daughter, reminding us that he does actually have a heart. If that wasn't enough, James also calls him beautiful, even at the receiving end of getting stabbed in the throat, and proves to Regulus that he's trustworthy. He's fucking killing it. But none of that seems to matter to Regulus, who is torn between conflicting emotions regarding sex, attraction, and his father, ending the chapter by sitting and staring dramaturgically on the shower floor.
Loser: Lucius Malfoy
Regulus Black knows he's a spy, and next chapter he plans on exposing it. Do I need to elaborate?
Loser: Narcissa Black & Sirius Black
We didn't get much of the Black kids other than Regulus, this chapter, with Bellatrix being entirely absent, but things aren't looking so hot for either of them; not only are they both hosting the conference their father/uncle eloquently deems "bullshit", Narcissa is the one who brought Lucius along to Eurus, and Remus' poaching isn't making Sirius look too good, either. Not only that, Sirius is imposed under a strict set of rules, and Regulus is starting to question which side his brother is on.
Loser: Orion Black
We're not sure what it is exactly that's being leaked or threatened to leak - only that it has to do with Cygnus, Orion's brother, who he started Greyscar with. Still, he doesn't appear happy about it, which means that we can kind of assume the worst. Also, my heart is still a little bit broken over Regulus putting on his headphones for him :(
Loser: Remus Lupin
Last time we saw Remus, he was just screamed at by Sirius, James, and Regulus - I think it's safe to say he patched things up with Sirius, but it wouldn't be a stretch to say that James is starting to grow uneasy about his motives, and his rather Slytherin philosophy of "the ends justify the means".
read chapter 10 here!
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