#glass children
ed-recoverry · 1 year
Glass Children Info & Masterpost
Only recently being recognized as a huge trauma itself, I’ve seen nothing on Tumblr being posted about glass children. And as a glass child myself, which is a part of the reason I’ve struggled severely with mental illness, especially in my early teen years, it can be very upsetting. However, it’s still incredibly popular to view what we experience as invalid and that we should “appreciate we aren’t like them” (which is incredibly insulting to both parties and I hate hearing it). Idk if this will get any notes, but I wish someone told me what I went through is valid and a real thing and I hope maybe this will show one person the same:
Glass Child: siblings of a person with a disability. The word glass means people tend to see right through them and focus only on the person with the disability. 'Glass' is also used because the children appear strong, but in reality are not. These children have needs that are not being met.
The term was popularized and recognized in Alicia Maples’s “Recognizing Glass Children” TedTalk posted in December, 2010 in which she talks about her experience growing up with a severely Autistic brother.
It is important to acknowledge that the disabled sibling plays no role in the conditions and problems a glass child endures as they did not choose to have a disability. The conditions and problems are a product of bad parental management and being a victim of circumstances. As a child, not understanding this bigger pictures may sometimes cause a glass child to see their sibling as the problem, but it is important to stress the sibling has no part in it.
Examples of challenges glass children experience during childhood:
Severe emotional and or physical neglect from guardians
Severe pressure to be the “perfect” kid
Feeling as if you must help others before yourself
Strong anger of not having a “normal” family, but feeling shame for feeling anger.
Putting in extra effort to appear okay even when they aren’t
Taking on the tasks (both physical and or mental) that are reserved for parents
Feelings of hopelessness
Hyper-vigilance and anxiety
Feeling of being taken for granted
These experiences during childhood follow you into teenage years and adulthood.
Symptoms a glass child can show later in life:
Trauma-related mental illnesses (ex: anxiety, depression, PTSD, personality disorders, eating disorders, etc.)
Self-sabotaging or self-injurious behavior(s)
Low self esteem
Putting other’s needs before one’s own, even at their own expense
Lack of self identity or never developing their own personality
Hyper-vigilance to an inappropriate degree
Extreme sensitivity
Struggles with trust and or vocalizing feelings and needs
Difficulty in adjusting to new, unexpected situations
Avoidance of any form of conflict to the point where it has negative impacts on day to day life
Learn More:
Glass Child Syndrome And Symptoms
Glass children: The overlooked siblings of the people we treat.
What is a glass child?
How We Can All Help Glass Children
Growing Up a Glass Child
Glass Child Syndrome And Symptoms
Glass children: The lived experiences of siblings of people with a disability or chronic illness
Glass Children
At least from my experience, one of the biggest problems that follows me till this day is being extremely sensitive as to when I feel my feelings or presence is being invalidated. This is not completely my imagination however as the term “glass child” as of now has no place in the DSM-5, any dictionaries, and not even a Wikipedia page despite the years and years of studies and proof showing that the existence and damage of being a glass child is very real and a problem. I myself didn’t know about this term until a few months ago. And that was from TikTok of all places. I hope this makes at least one more person aware that we exist, we are valid, and we are not “the lucky one.” Both the disabled sibling and the glass child(s) deserve the recognition for enduring the hardships life threw at them. We both deserve it.
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rjalker · 13 days
"But I'm not blaming my disabled sibling for our parents being abusive, I promise!!" then stop *literally defining* your abuse by the fact that your disabled sibling exists.
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bonefall · 1 year
Yo are you actually gonna portray Blossom and Bumble as Glass Children? Cause that's actually pretty dang cool.
[Definition for those who don't know; Glass Children are children overlooked in a home because of one high-needs sibling. They often feel like their parents see right past them, hence the term.]
Y'know, you're the second anon who mentioned Glass Children. I didn't actually know there was a term for it until a day or so ago.
So I have to admit it wasn't intentional; it was just me trying to follow what I think the books SHOULD have done with Graystripe and the frayed relationship he has with his second litter. I had several inspirations for it!
For Bumble and Blossom with Millie, the term fits super well, and I'll be doing more research into it for how they feel about their mother.
For Graystripe I'm not sure if the term fits; I'll describe it and you can tell me if it still sounds like Glass Children;
They're acutely aware that they have two older siblings; one distant and one dead. They have never known them, but they do know that Graystripe is always thinking of them.
"Feathertail never did that; StarClan chose her to find the lake, you know."
"Stormfur wouldn't say something like that."
"Feathertail did the same thing when she was your age!"
"Aww, Stormfur's mane looks just like yours! I wish I could show you..."
This applies to Briarlight equally. Blossomfall and Briarlight are both intelligent enough to piece together that Graystripe never moved on from his loss. He doesn't mention Silverstream nearly as often as Feather and Storm, but they were able to realize he prioritizes Millie over them for that reason.
I don't know if Bumblestripe really gets it, his response is to just keep trying endlessly.
So what do you think? Does that also sound like Glass Children or is there another term for that?
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Can someone genuinely explain why being a glass child/ talking about glass children is ableist? I genuinely do not understand this argument.
/nm /gen
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shewhotellsstories · 12 days
I'm doing a casual Reba re-watch and looking back, it's no surprise that Kyra the sarcastic, emo, often ignored middle child was my favorite.
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fabcreature · 8 months
you know what, since we've been talking about how annoying it is when people react like "what drugs were they on when they wrote this 🤪" when someone is creative, i just wanna say
everyone who says "HOW IS THIS A KIDS' MOVIE 😱😱", when a kids' movie is a little bit out of the box and features dark or deep imagery and meanings, owes me one thousand euros
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laurenillustrated · 5 months
A Mad Tea Party 🫖🎩
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owlmylove · 11 months
YOOOOOOOO the fact that nimona’s voice as a demon baby is the same voice actress as gloreth’s in the flashback. yes the logistical explanation is it’s cheaper to have one young voice, but the sexier in-narrative explanation is that anytime nimona ever portrays a young child (other than themselves) it’s in the voice of the first and only friend they ever had. until Bal.
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myuminji · 1 year
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the bride walked down the aisle to where the groom stood, and there they exchanged their vows in front of the altar...
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andy-clutterbuck · 3 months
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Rick Grimes in The Ones Who Live | 1x04 - What We
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rjalker · 4 months
self-identified "glass children" who are fully grown adults: We're not ableist for blaming our disabled siblings for our parent's abuse.
also self identified "glass children" who are fully grown adults: *describe their disabled siblings as "disgusting schizophrenic psychotic junkies" while dehumanizing them*
Just say you hate disabled people and shut the fuck up!
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ruestheday · 1 month
being a dc fan is crazy because half these fuckers have black hair and blue eyes
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niinnyu · 2 months
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Why're they kinda cool tho?
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 175
Talon -William Cobb, that was his name once, he remembers that much at least- stares down blankly at the small child who is clinging to its -his His HIS- pant leg, tiny claws digging into the cloth and gripping onto the armor. It he freezes, unsure as to how to react. With Hunts or Orders, the talon knew exactly what to do. Entertain. Kill. Simple. 
Talons were supposed to kill witnesses, he- IT knows this, especially as one of the oldest talons that belonged to the Court. Yet the talon hesitates, something stopping it from doing so. The child looks up at it, something oh so familiar about the motion, with blue-green eyes before burying their face against its- his?- leg. 
“'̵m̸ ̵c̴o̷l̵d̸…” the child-chick… spoke? Not-spoke. Something else, familiar-yet-not. But cold, he knew that. Cold was bad, it meant sleep, not rest but a deep frozen sleep that took time to awaken from. A dangerous thing. A thing not-talons didn’t wake up from. 
The chick -Hadn’t he had a child once, all that time ago- whined, bringing its-his attention back to them. Talon could wait to return to the Court for a few hours more- the task it had been given was already complete-and keep the Cold away from the tiny chick. Just for a little bit. 
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laurenillustrated · 10 months
Little Alice in Wonderland 🫖
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My little sister created the character design and I illustrated it! Trying to replicate a vintage story book feeling! 🫶
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tagedeszorns · 3 months
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All of them.
They are available as stickers/shirts/on mugs/whatever in my Redbubble-shop.
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