#gonna bust some of them out for appreciation month
bebe-writes-stuff · 8 months
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You stared at the multiple letters you had stuffed in your drawer, not sure how long it's been since this all started, a couple months probably. It all started that one afternoon, you found something jammed in your locker. After Struggling to open your locker, you found a neat light pink envelope. Your heart skipped a beat at the heart-filled letter inside the envelope, it was a love confession. You were surprised to say the least, but what you hadn't expected is that the next day, at the same time, you found a different letter but the same light pink envelope. This time, there was a snack with the letter. A smile tugged on your lips as you finished the last sentence of the letter,
"P.S. I know you missed lunch because of your mathematics exam, I got you a snack. I hope you enjoy them! <3"
You somehow felt safe, instead of creeped out or nervous. It felt as if someone was looking after you, making sure you've eaten and stayed hydrated. That snack turned into more and then into straight up gifts, whether it was a new pair of headphones because yours broke, a new book you've been wanting to read, or a cute stuffed animal with a small note as,
"This reminded me of you! <3"
It was the highlight of your day. Time after time, you hadn't realized that you'd fallen in love with a totally mysterious person. Suddenly, it was Baji's turn to be surprised when he was placing the-who-knows-what-number pink enveloped letter in your locker, when he noticed you had left it open this time instead of him having to bust it open like all the other times. He was going to place his letter, when he found a light blue envelope. In neatly written letters,
To whoever continues to give me those pink enveloped letters <3
Baji snatched the letter, he glared at it hard. Were you gonna tell him to leave you alone and not bother you any longer. He swallowed the lump in his through before gently opening the light blue envelope. He hated how you flustered him when you wrote how you appreciated and loved everything he has done for you and wanted to meet him more than anything. That caught him off guard...you wanted to meet him. Did you know it was him? No way, he made sure he was the sneakiest he could be. But even if you did meet him, would you love a dangerous and wild delinquent like him, also no way. He stuffed the letter in his pocket before remembering his reason for being here. He put the letter in your locker before the school bell rang, conveying the end of the school day. He left before anyone could catch him standing at your locker. That's how it was for the next few weeks that turned into months. You left your locker open in the morning after placing your light blue enveloped letter and waited for the pink enveloped letter in the afternoon. That's how you would say "communicated". It was late at night, you were running back and forth in your room looking for more blue envelopes. You had run out and forgot to get some, little did you know someone was also dealing with a similar problem.
Dammit, I ran out of envelopes. I gotta go to the store.
Dammit, I ran out of envelopes. I gotta go to the store.
You were surprised the store was still open at this hour. You didn't waste time, heading straight to the envelope, letters, and gift cards section in the store. You weren't alone. Your eyes scanned over the shelf until you found it.
"Ah, there they are."
You reached out for the blue envelopes only to bump into someone else's hand reaching for a similar envelope as well. You gasped and took a few steps back before lowering your head a little.
"O-oh sorry about that."
He froze once he realized what truly happened. He couldn't utter a single word. You looked up at him, before tilting your head to the side,
"Uh, are...you ok-"
You also froze once you saw the similar envelope in his hands. You glanced at the envelope in your own and before looking at his again.
Oh, he came for envelopes too...pink ones.
"um, sorry again."
You felt a little nervous under his gaze but you turned around and tried to ignore how he eyed you down. You head to the cashier to pay for the new set of envelopes,
"Is that all for tonight?"
"Yeah, thank you."
You sunk into your bed unable to sleep though. The interaction with the boy at the store never once leaves your mind. That was Baji Keisuke. He acted like a nerd at school...well, he never really got good grades, he just looked like that part. But outside of school, he was a known delinquent. He was violent and wild. This was your first time seeing him outside of school. The pink envelopes he was holding, could it be? No, no, someone like Baji couldn't have a soft spot. It was simply just a coincidence that he was there, at the same store, at the same hour, at the same aisle, wanting the same thing. You could lie to everyone else, just not yourself. You rolled out of your bed and headed to your drawer.
Now, back to where we were. You were staring at the piles of letters in your drawer. The letters were from none other than Baji Keisuke. Now that you knew, you couldn't help but think about all the little details he shared about himself. His best friend, now that you know, he must've meant Chifuyu. The cat that sneaks onto his balcony, Peke J. Were you going to go to school and face him! After all the embarrassing facts you told him, your secrets, your everything! You'd rather die.
"Fucking hell Chifuyu, she found out AND in the dumbest way ever. She hasn't come to school for like a week also."
"It's okay Baji, Just try and focus on this meeting and get your mind off things for a little bit."
He couldn't focus on the meeting or anything for the past week. It had gotten so bad, even his mother was worried. He wanted to tell you in a proper way that it was him writing to you all the time, he wanted a proper way for you to know his fat crush on you. Baji snapped out of trance when he heard Draken's loud shout,
It's over this quick, damn I didn't pay attention to shit.
"Oh, also Baji, there was this girl asking about you before you came tonight. I think she's actually waiting for you down in the parking lot.
"Wait what?"
Draken was confused to say the least.
It was a shouting match between the both while everyone stared confused, but they both failed to realize that you heard them from the parking lot and had made your way to the shrine and facing the both of them. Well, Chifuyu noticed first and when he did, all the color drained from his face and he look like he was going to pass away, his last thoughts were
Baji's gonna kill me, Rest in peace me...
"Huh, why'd you look like that? Who's behind m-"
He turned around only to be met with the same fate as Chifuyu. He let him go and stared at you with a nervous expression only to shock everyone watching. Baji, The first division captain of Toman, is nervous because of this girl. A heavy cloud of awkwardness fogged the air between the both of you. You approached first before pulling out a neat stack of pink enveloped letters tied with also a pink ribbon.
"T-these...they're yours aren't they?"
You were flustered and your voice barely audible, you were standing in front of your all-time-crush. He looked away and scoffed,
"Yeah! So what if they're mine, I'll leave you alone if you want...I know you don't wanna mess with any delinquents and that type of shit. Why'd you come here anyway? If this is some prank from you corny ass friends I swear I am gonna-"
"Ohmygosh you talk a lot, just shut up."
You pulled him with both your hands cupping his face into a deep unpredicted kiss, It was almost his instinct to pull you closer. One hand pulled you in with a hug while his other hand found its way to its neck pulling you gently by your throat, wanting more of your lips, that tasted oh so good with your strawberry flavored Chapstick. You pulled away when you both needed a breath of oxygen. Your eyes locked, it was an unexplainable attraction that you both had for each other, it was a spark that you felt, all the way from the night you saw him at the store until now. It was a spark that flickered more and more the closer each step you took towards him until it fully flared when you pulled him into such a sensual kiss.
"Regarding your last letter. Yeah, I'd love to go out with you. <3"
-I'll write a part 2 w/ smut if you guys want, let me know please!
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kairiscorner · 10 months
bc i have no life, i made (and will expand):
dialogue prompts list or something
REMINDERS! imma use these on fics if y'all want, though you guys can use these too for your own fics, just make sure to give me credit and tag me, attaching a link to this post is also appreciated if you use this ^^
(btw, i can also repeat some prompts, though please be patient, i might not be able to post so much this month ^^'')
1.) "you're a bad influence on me, y'know that?" (miles 1610)
2.) "yeah, i risked my skin saving you. i don't care if you wouldn't do the same for me, i'm not you."
3.) "mind using your eyes AND brain next time?"
4.) "my heart beats all the time, shouldn't be a big deal, but i can't help but notice how loud the beating is when you're around." (teen!gojo)
5.) "never really understood poetry, but when i read a few lines from this... you were the image that came out of the words." (noir)
6.) "if you really wanted to drive me insane... you'd hold my hand for more than 5 seconds, then you'll see me insane with love." (noir)
7.) "please, for the love of GOD, never shut up."
8.) "my hands are cold... wait, what are you doing, i thought you brought mitt--never mind, this is nice."
9.) "something tells me you aren't happy about it. and something tells me you'll be angrier if i keep asking. it's okay, take your time. just know i'll be right here for you."
10.) "if you can't believe me, then i'll have to show you that i'm serious about you."
11.) "sometimes, you don't have to worry about loving me enough--you do that too much already. what you should worry about... is giving me too much love that you forget who you're supposed to be loving first: you."
12.) "man, after 5 shots of whiskey and a good laugh, i think i've made up my mind--you're gonna be the one i'll marry." "we just met." "and i just fell for you."
13.) "they came to get their shit back without even getting their shit together, how nice."
14.) "i would've thrown a brick in your window if you didn't answer, and y'know, i was going to, but then i remembered you hated getting stuff on your carpet so i left and did it in my mind."
15.) "i want a platypus. and yes, i want you, too."
16.) "your place is filthy." "it's gonna be yours too, one day." "you mean ours."
17.) "why are my eyes gross right now?" "it's... you're crying." "nu-uh." "y'need a tissue?" "yes please"
18.) "you're so stupid, and reckless, and a literal danger to my very way of life--and yet i love you to bits!"
19.) "if i could just go back in time and see you again, maybe then i'd tell myself to love you for a long, long time. even if i never knew it at the time, i regret all the years we've lost together, i regret living my life without you in it."
20.) "now before you ask why i beat the shit out of him in the locker rooms, it was because he was gonna ask you out before i could, okay?" (soccer captain!miguel)
21.) "i am a fully grown adult. i am capable, i am independent, i am strong-willed." "and you lose your shit when you see me come home with a mcdonalds' kiddie meal."
22.) "nobody loves me..." "..." "ahem, i said, NOBODY LOVES ME" "and i'm nobody?" "yay"
23.) "i just wanna bash their head in, but... it's so distracting. their eyes get me lost and i'm, i'm out of it."
24.) "man, they're a lost cause. and yet i keep busting my ass trying to save them. i love being your spouse and curse being your spouse, dammit."
25.) "i wanna kiss... right now... but my spouse'll... hate me." "i am your spouse." "oh damn, then you'll... hate me if i... if i kiss your pretty face, love..."
26.) "go to bed right now." "no." "i guess i'll give your plushie all my kisses." "ok on my way."
27.) "again, would it be me or them? me who's been with you this whole time, me who's took you in when you're so used to being refused, me who's... who's loved you, all this time?"
28.) "where are my--" "keys? here, scatterbrain." "damn, i'm so glad i married you."
29.) "kids, go to your room." "as your co-parent, i say protect me from the dragon about to breathe fire on me."
30.) "i may be his wife, but i'm not his lover."
31.) "i think you have me confused for someone else."
32.) "it's because i care about you that i push myself away, don't you get that?"
33.) "we'll never be okay again, will we...?"
34.) "the noises in my head keep getting louder and louder and louder, but only you... only you help calm them down."
35.) "oh, i get it, fine. i'll fuck off."
36.) "i want that though." "it's a waste of money." "you got it for me anyway."
37.) "how could you say i don't love you when all my life, you're all i come home to and kiss a good morning and good night?"
38.) "what a stupid man i married."
39.) "don't... fucking move... not unless you want me to do it..."
40.) "you went in my ROOM?"
41.) "i accidentally broke the bed."
42.) "i love you." "what?" "ah fuck, i mean, i'll see you."
43.) "GOD, I HATE THEM SO FUCKING MUCH." "is that why you draw you and them kissing together all the time?"
44.) "i can make a mean burned down house and scorched lawn."
45.) "i'll admit it, fine, i can't win your heart. because your heart isn't any prize to be won, you're not an object. you're... you're you. and i LOVE you."
46.) "what, why're you staring? can't handle how hot i am?" "no, it's just that you've got a shit-eating grin on your face i'd love to punch off you."
47.) "i actually hate summer vacation... i won't be able to see you everyday for 3 whole months."
48.) "ooh, you drank from my cup, you know what this means, we had an indirect kiss."
49.) "just tell your crush you like them already and stop being a big baby about this." "okay, fine. i like you." "wait--"
50.) "i know it looks stupid, but... i tried."
51.) "it's funny, because i had you in mind while making it."
52.) "you think infinity is real, or... are we just living every day hoping tomorrow will come, despite all odds?"
53.) "you're so fucking stupid...! stupid, stupid, stupid... why did you... dammit, why?"
54.) "i don't even know who i share my bed with anymore."
55.) "bite me and get what you want, what we both want."
56.) "we'll never have to see each other again after this."
57.) "quit making promises you can't keep."
58.) "tell me to shut up one more time. go, i'm waiting."
59.) "ah, sorry, i... oh, your hand's really soft."
60.) "what are you doing?" "just capturing the moment in my mind when i'm with the most perfect person in the whole multiverse."
61.) "and you know what your problem is? you can't stand seeing me happy, that's your fucking problem."
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b1as1an-souya · 2 years
Before I start I just want to say I like reading your work and if It’s alright, can I request the founders with a skater reader who is chill, is always getting injured cause they do a bunch of skating tricks without checking their surroundings, is always skating whenever they have the chances and is sometimes a jokester and would pretend that their like falling off their board only to go back into boarding stances to catch the toman members off guard (If that makes senses if it doesn’t im sorry). And you know that scene where mikey and Draken have some beaten up students lay on their stomachs I can imagine the doing something like reader pulling an ollie and jumping over a group of beaten up students. I can just imagine the founders hyping up reader when he’s skating. Also I do apologize if this is long
Hi! It’s nice to know that people appreciate and like to read my works<3 thanks for requesting me!
And i am super sorry for taking over a month to write this!
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Skating & Gangs
Toman x male reader
Warnings: cursing, mentions of beating people up.
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[Name] was a reckless idiot. If any of the Toman members were around that boy they would honestly fear for their lives.
But [Name] wasn’t aware of that. Because he’s a fucking dumbass.
But other than that [Name] was a pretty chill dude.
Currently [Name] was skipping school with Mikey, Draken, And Baji. Well more like he was dragged out of school, but who really cares?
“Shouldn’t you lay off the skating for a while? You almost fractured your leg.” Draken asked looking at [Name]. “Nah, I’ll be fine! Anyways wanna see a new trick i learned?” [Name] smiled, getting the attention of Mikey and Baji.
They really liked watching you learn new tricks. They also liked watching you fall and bust your ass failing to show off the trick.
“Why not?” Mikey grinned. “Okay! But for this we’re gonna need to pay Takemichi a little visit!” [Name] said as he circled around his friends on his skateboard. “What the hell does Takemichi have to do with you doing a new skating trick?” Baji questioned, making you stop circling around your friends. “You’ll see! Anyways last one to Takemichi’s school has to attempt to ride my skateboard!” [Name] yelled leaving his friends confused.
“You’re cheating! You’re using a skateboard!” Mikey and yelled before running towards [Name], the other two following him.
Now the four were at Takemichi’s school waiting for [Name] to tell them what was going on. “Okay, Mikey, Baji, Draken, go and do your thing, I’ll be back!” [Name] said hoping off his skateboard and walking to Takemichi’s classroom.
“What the fuck does he mean by do our thing?” Baji muttered. “I don’t kn-” Draken said only to be cut off by some 3rd years who probably went to Takemichi’s school. “Shouldn’t you know that the Tokyo Manji Gang doesn’t belong here?” One of the third year’s asked, giving the three a death glare. “Oh! So that’s what he meant by doing our thing!” Baji said finally realizing what [Name] meant. “It took ya that long?” Mikey joked, before the three started to fight with the third years.
“Takemichi, come and play with me.” [Name] said before dragging Takemichi outside with him. “We’re in the middle of a class though!” His teacher yelled. “Don’t worry Sir, I’ll bring him back.” [Name] smiled as he walked out the classroom with a worried and confused Takemichi. “[Name]! You can’t just drag me out from a class like that!” Takemichi scolded. “Don’t worry about school! That’s not what I came to talk to ya about. I want you to check out this new trick I learned!” [Name] smiled.
“Wait huh?” Takemichi said, as he stopped walking making [Name] stop to. “You heard me! You get to see a [Name] exclusive, best seats in the house!” [Name] replied making Takemichi even more confused, but it was to late because him and [Name] were already walking out the building.
“What happened here!” Takemichi yelled out in confusion, looking at the third years from his school that were currently on the ground. “This is a school so we schooled em.” Draken said giving Takemichi a small smile. “Alright we’re almost ready the new trick I wanna show y’all!” [Name] said. “Please tell me you’re not gonna try and jump over these people [Name].” Baji asked giving [Name] the most tiredest look ever, but [Name] did not care.
“Yeah, no shit Baji!” [Name] said. “If you fall im not gonna help you!” Mikey laughed, only for [Name] to say, “Shut it I’m trying to focus, but I can’t do that if you’re talking!” [Name] seriously said.
After [Name] made sure that his skating gear was on properly, he got on his skateboard and started to skate. “Holy shit he’s actually doing it!” Takemichi said starring at [Name] in awe.
“There is no fucking way he just did that without falling.” Draken muttered. “You really underestimate me and my super awesome skating skills.” [Name] joked.
“Can I go back to class now?” Takemichi muttered. “Sure! Tell Hina I said hi!” [Name] smiled before walking off.
“I still can’t believe you did that shit and didn’t fall!” Baji laughed. “Shut up!” [Name] yelled punching Baji’s shoulder softly. “That was pretty cool though! You gotta teach me how you did that!” Cheered Mikey.
“No fucking way Mikey, that’s a [Name] exclusive, a one time thing!” [Name] said quickly shutting Mikey down.
“Danm it!” Mikey cried
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rodentgoth · 2 months
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◄ Prev Chapter \Fic Playlist\Ship Playlist\ Next Chapter ►
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WHAT'S THIS AN UPDATE AFTER SEVERAL MONTHS!? Sorry this is taking so long, but me and @candy12110 are gonna try and get this done! The next few chapters will be from Marvus's POV, and the last one will go back to Chixie's.
Rating:: 13+ // Teen
Fandom:: Homestuck
Themes/Kinks:: None
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*1 month earlier*
Marvus was so tired. 
He'd been on his feet all day preparing for his set, and he finally got a chance to just breathe without some lovestruck groupie up his ass asking for an autograph, a hug, or trying to fill his quadrants.
 It was exhausting being loved. 
He was sitting in his dressing room alone for once, trying to relax while scrolling on Chittr. After scrolling past various adverts and stalkerish fan messages, he came across a video of some bronzeblood performing. They were in a seedy little bar, with a small crowd, and terrible lighting. He didn't have high expectations for them but he could always appreciate a fellow performer.
He watched the video to the very end and was mildly surprised by how much he enjoyed it. He went to the comments, and there were only a few. He wanted to comment but his publicist, and his fanbase, would kill him if he did. He could tell the few trolls that did comment were lower on the hemospectrum, they were pretty supportive. However, he did notice one from a familiar account that caused him to internally cringe.
THECODAKKEFFECT::  Great job, Bronzie boo! Sorry, I couldn't make it. I couldn't miss Marvus’s concert but you looked gorgeous on stage.
He stared at the screen curiously, there was no way in hell that indingdong was her matesprit. And if he was, there was no way he had any good intentions behind it, he was known for having his quadrants forever empty.
 Marvus rewatched the Bronzie’s performance, the shot was way too shitty to tell what they looked like. Morbid curiosity led him down the rabbit hole, he got the bronzeblood’s name from the video caption and started looking for anything he could find on them. 
Chixie? Chixie. Chixie!
He found a video with far better quality that finally showed what they looked like. Chixie was…shy? Nervous? He wouldn't necessarily say gorgeous, but she wasn't ugly either. She was…cute. She didn't have much presence or hype but she was talented. 
After watching at least ten videos of her performing and pouring out her soul he could reasonably say he was a fan. Her lyrics, composition, and the way she put her all into her performance even if he could tell she was scared for her life half the time. Honestly, her nervousness weirdly added to her cuteness. Like a hopbeast shivering in fear but still thumping along in an attempt to scare off predators. She was definitely brave, not fierce or powerful, but she held her own on stage and he liked that. 
He broke out of his thoughts to a knock at the door.
"Marvus, I'm coming in. I'm tired of all the noise out here," Chahut announced, busting through the door and entering the room with the rest of the purplebloods following her like quackbeasts.
"Honk!" The smallest clown, Karako, ran up to Marvus and hugged as tight as he could. As annoyed as he was with them barging in, he couldn’t stay mad at the little clown. 
"Hey to you too, little wriggler. Been causing trouble?" He patted the little clown’s messy fluff of hair, before actually holding onto him.
"Good. Never let 'em keep you in a box." 
"Honk?" Karako pointed at Marvus's palmhusk.
"What? Her? Nothing. I just liked her songs so I was giving ‘em a listen," He waved the runt off, quickly locking his palmhusk.
Chahut narrowed her eyes at him.
 “This another one of ya desperate lil’ groupies?”
“Nah, and mind ya business!”
"Mighty defensive are we?" Chahut stalked closer to Marvus. He instinctively moved the hand holding the device away from her, only for it to get snatched by one of the twins from behind.
They quickly opened the phone to see a video of the bronzie girl playing on a loop.
“Aww your love-sick for a lil’ Bronze girl,” Chahut said mockingly.
“How cute!” She quickly busted out laughing with the twins, before Marvus snatched it back!
“Didn’t I tell ya’ll to mind ya business!” Marvus responded with a clenched jaw. He didn't know why he was being so defensive, but he did find the invasion of his space and privacy annoying.
"Why should we? Mr. Unaffected is over here creeping on some bronzeblood. What happened? Embarrassed?" She said smirking and cocking her head.
The twins both shook their heads before speaking.
"You should be!"
"How embarrassing." 
Karako just looked up at the bigger clown confused.
Marvus’s face grew angrier by the second.
"I'm not feeling flushed for her little man. Why do y'all even care?"
“Cause we love to torture you!” 
Chahut commented as she gave the device back to him.
He immediately snatched it out of her hands, causing Chahut to jump back a bit.
“Jeez, we were just playin’!”
He glared up at her annoyed, before sitting back down. The room fell silent for a bit before the twins began to speak.
"You're not seriously developing feelings for the bronzie are you?" 
"You're not seriously developing feelings, right Marvus?!" They both repeated in unison.
His face became more annoyed.
“No, I ain’t!” 
"Good,” Chahut cut in sitting down on the couch.
”A troll of your status ain’t got no business foolin’ around with some lowblood girl. You remember what happened last time?”
"That ain't gon happen. A, I'm not foolin’ around with her. B, I don't even know her. C, she's not even a fan. D, most important of all, I ain't never even met her before. There is no business happening here. I saw a cool performance and I wanted to see if she had talent. You motherfuckers are the ones making it weird!"
"Fair enough. Just tryna make sure you ain't repeating that bullshit,"
"Time is money. Do you think I can afford to pay attention to every lowblood out there? Is my name Nova?" 
"Right little man! I'm nothing like that fame chaser,"
“Honk! Honk!” Karako aggressively commented, while the other three just rolled their eyes.
“Whatever.” Chahut stretched her arms behind her head.
“I just can’t wait for you to finally be on vacation. You’re takin’ us with you, right?” 
Baizli asked.
“Yeah, we got everything packed up.” 
Barzum followed up.
"You wanna go with me?" Marvus walked over to the smallest clown and picked him up, booped him on the nose.
"I don't know, they been kinda annoying lately," Marvus teased the smaller troll.
Karako turned to the other purple bloods and shook his head side to side. 
"Oh, you not a part of they group? I guess you could come with me. We'll leave these losers behind,"
"Hear that, it's me and little man's duo trip. But, maybe if ya’ll apologize, I’ll consider bringing yas along.” He and Karako gave a small chuckle
"We're so sorry," The twins enthusiastically responded.
"That's two more invited! Chahut you're next."
"As If I'm apologizin’ to your lame ass," Chahut crossed her arms. She barely moved to sit up before having three pleading faces staring at her. 
"Ooooh looks like the wrigglers are gonna miss you. How sad. But I guess you're too lame to hang with guys." 
"Fuck you."
"That's not an apology. Wanna try again?"
"I'm sorry, Marvus,” She said grumbling under her breath.
“That’s three!” He said, high-fiving Karako. 
"Vacation! Vacation! Vacation! Vacation," the twins chanted, flipping around the room.
"Honk! Honk!" Karako cheered along.
Marvus was sitting on his bed in the hivetel. He was wearing one of his old merch t-shirts, no point in wearing that clunky tux and scrolling through Chittr. Since the point Chahut made about that clingy lowblood from before he'd been trying to keep his mind off Chixie. Unfortunately, nothing like forbidden fruit makes you want to take a bite. As soon as he arrived and locked himself in his room he’d started watching more videos of the girl. In his scrolling, he came across a post on her actual account. 
Chixie:: I'll be performing at BloodBrawl bar tonight. Come out and show support!
Below the text was a picture of the lineup, there in big brown text was her name. She’d be the middle act and the bar was close to the hivetel. It was at that moment that Marvus got an amazing, and kinda stupid, idea. He did have a few toned-down outfits and his favorite black hoodie. It wouldn't hurt to just pop out for a drink real quick. 
He just saw a recommendation to come out to a local place that had good music. As an accomplished artist, how could he resist hearing fresh talent? If he just so happened to see the bronzeblood that he's been listening to for the past two days then so be it. It's their fault for choosing this hivetel, not his.
With his plan in mind, he memorized the time she’d be performing and went to gather everything he’d need, searching vigorously through his bags. He found his most raggedy hoodie, an old patched-up pair of sweats, and some platformed boots he wore for a concert messiah knows how long ago. To make things more convincing he decided to give himself a fake caste symbol. But there was only one person in their entire Hivetel with paint…Chahut.
He sighed walking down that hall towards her and Karako’s room. 
“Chachki!” He yelled knocking at the door.
He heard several large stomps before the door flew open.
“I thought I told ya to never call me that,” she looked down at him agitated.
“Whatcha want?”
“I need to borrow ya paint sis’.”
She cocked her eyebrow.
“What for?”
“I…Need to repaint some of my shoes.”
He all but mumbled out. It wasn’t a lie, after sweeps of performing a lot of his shoes and outfits were worn out. The bigger clown stared at him for a moment before sighing and going back into her room. She pulled a bag of spray paints out of her suitcase. She tossed them out to him, and he wandered off back to his room. He picked up the burgundy and quickly sprayed a fake caste symbol on his hoodie. 
He wanted to make sure  no one  recognized him, went into the washroom, tied his hair back, and did something he never thought he’d do. He washed his makeup off. It was weird seeing his gray skin after only seeing white on it for so long. For the piece de resistance, fake glasses and a face mask. 
He threw his newly painted hoodie on and slunk out of the hivetel room. He took the stairs to avoid any fans or press and snuck out the back of the building. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and hunched forward changing his overall image and hiding as much of his shape as possible. He didn't remember ever being able to leave a building without being watched or swarmed before but it was an exciting feeling.
Before he knew it he was on the streets, heading towards the bar. He did get a few looks on the way, he guessed they’d never seen a burgundy this big. Still, it didn’t stop some of the higher bloods from pushing and shoving him out of their way. To be honest he didn’t even notice most of them, they just bounced off of him. Plus he was too focused on seeing this gig to worry about any of them.
After a few minutes, he finally made it, and there wasn’t too long a line!
When he got in he noticed the place was fairly crowded, he thought back to the lineup, he did remember seeing some popular names. He looked around a bit to see if he could recognize Chixie before giving up and going to get a drink. He had a few songs to get through before he would get to hear hers anyway.
The act currently setting up was a purpleblood band. They were pretty good if he was being honest, but he wasn’t coming for them. He was here for one performance, and one performance only.
After them was a solo indigo.
And after that was another act and another…and another. If he was being honest, a lot of the acts were starting to meld into one another. 
Something else he noticed was how many of the acts were blatantly copying him. Not just his lyrics and beat, but his entire persona and style.
 Normally he wouldn’t mind this he loved it when people took inspiration from his work. But all of these acts felt the same, there was no flare or pizzazz. Just the same thing over and over expecting to get more applause than the last act, absolutely boring. But, it would all be worth it, soon, cause next up was Chixie!
Only the little bronzie didn’t come out, instead, it was another group of purples who, apparently came late. Marvus sat there confused, as to why Chixie wasn’t on stage.
Maybe they just rearranged her spot, so they could perform?
He didn't care for the abrupt change but it's fine he could sit through one more performance.
After them was another group, indigobloods. Then there was a teal solo act. Then two jade acts back to back.
It seemed like everyone but Chixie was performing tonight, as the show went on more and more trolls started to leave. Soon there was nothing but a handful of lowbloods and one indigo, standing in the front, left. Marvus was considering leaving himself, but he noticed a fairly short troll nervously walking on stage.
The last act came up, and there she was, Chixie. Despite his annoyance, Marvus felt a smile grow across his face when he saw her. He noticed her outfit, it was a long black button-down dress, a pair of white leggings, and a pair of black flats with baggy leg warmers. It wasn’t at all flashy, and it didn’t look expensive, but it was still cute!
His focus on her was broken by the sound of very out-of-place cheering; he looked forward to seeing the indigo loudly praising her and clapping. His eyes migrated back to the bronze girl, who was now awkwardly smiling and waving at him as she pulled down the mic off the stand.
A burgundy with a guitar wrapped around him stumbled out and started playing. 
She visibly sighed, before she started to sing.
The song she sang was a somber one. She didn’t do much, she wasn’t loud or flashy like the other acts. She didn’t have dance moves unless you counted hand gestures and hip sways.
She was just being herself, calm, but kind of nervous. Many would probably call her “Plain” or “simple” but that’s what made it all stand out. She wasn’t trying to be this big personality, she knew who she was, and that made her all the more unique to Marvus.
Soon the guitarist stopped and Chixie’s voice disappeared with the last few chords.
He was stunned. She was far better in person than the shitty video quality from Chittr. However, he did appreciate whoever was uploading videos of her performances. He sat for a while watching her interact with the few lowbloods left in the bar before visibly cringing as she turned to the indigoblood that was feeling a little too excited to see her.
"Hey Zebruh! I'm so…glad you could make it. I thought you were going to a concert for that purpleblood you liked."
"Marvus. His name is Marvus.”
The indigo corrected.
 “And I did wanna go to his show but I heard he went on vacation, so I decided to come support you in the meantime!"
"That's so sweet of you but you didn't have to-"
"What kind of manager would I be if I wasn't here to support my favorite bronzie!”
He interrupted getting in the bronze girl’s face.
"Oh. Well…You really didn't have to." 
"Nonsense! They already bullied you once. If you had let me, I would ' ve made sure they never changed your spot, but of course, you're just too kind," Zebruh smirked. Marvus eavesdropped for a bit and could feel the anger she was hiding from his backhanded compliment.
"I'm glad you think so," She smiled weirdly at the indigo, as he tried to put his hand on her but she turned away like she heard someone call her, barely missing his hand. 
"They called Trixie not Chixie," he said, dropping his arm to his side.
"Oh! Well, that's fine. Sorry, but I have to go, I gotta- feed my lusus! I'll see you later."
Without a second she turned and walked away.
"I love that about you. You're so responsible. Bye~"
He yelled at her from across the room.
The mousy girl quickly ran out of the bar, brushing past Marvus. His eyes focused on her face quickly taking in her features as she skittered past him. He wasn't expecting to get such a close-up- up but at least he was right and the trip wasn't a waste, she really was cute. 
Marvus made his way back to the hivetel. He figured using the stairs would be better but by the fifth floor, he started regretting his choice. He decided to just take off his sweater and take the elevator the rest of the way up. He managed to make it through the hall without being spotted or recognized. Soon enough he made it back to his room and he sighed loudly when he got in. 
His tiredness was soon replaced with panic when he noticed Karako sitting on the couch, legs and arms crossed.
"Woah! Hey little man, what you doing here?"
"Honk?" Karako glared at him, waiting for an answer.
"Where I been? What you mean, where I been? I just stepped out for a bit. I ain’t been gone long."
 Karako made an annoyed face at the obvious lie.
"Three hours ain't that long. Why were you in my room for three hours?" He tried to change the subject but the little clown steamrolled past it.
"Honk. Honk."
"Thanks for thinkin' of me but you really ain't have to and as you can see I'm fine."
"Honk?" Karako asked again.
"I just got a drink and forgot to check my palmhusk. Sorry little dude."
The little clowned glared him down, giving an exaggerated pout.
"Just down the block! Look, it's not that serious."
"…Honk," Karako glared at him suspiciously.
"No, I didn't go see that girl. What girl are you even talkin' about?"
Karako quickly showed the evidence on his palmhusk.
" I didn't go to see her! I just got a drink at a bar she just so happened to be performin' in."
“My makeup? It needed to be redone, so I took it off!”
“...Honk,” The small clown pointed at the jacket, and glasses he still had in his hand. It was at this point Marvus knew the little clown wouldn’t give up, he sat next to him and began to explain.
“Okay, I ain’t confirmin’ or denyin’ nothing. But maybe,  maybe , I went to see her perform,” His panic was replaced with a small grin as he explained further.
“You should’a seen her! She was so sweet and so talented. I thought seeing her in person would, you know, scratch the itch. Sate my curiosity.”
Karako cocked his head at the older clown.
"Yeah, I probably should've left it alone but I couldn't not go after being told not to watch her." 
“Honk!” Karako began to chuckle as he stated the obvious.
“No! I ain’t got red feelings for her! I remember what happened last time!” He picked Karko up into his arms “Besides, you too young to be talkin’ bout that!”
“Yeah…I did say this was different…”
“No! I ain’t goin’ back to see her.”
Karako grabbed Marvus’s palmhusk again, going onto Chixie’s Profile.
He pointed at the red quadrant status, which was marked as empty.
"Karako, I can't do that again. Chahut would kill me if I brought another groupie around!"
"I know she's not a groupie but still it's not gonna end well either way." Marvus slightly raised his voice, causing Karako to tear up a bit.
The little clown began to cry and fuss, Marvus sighed and brought him in for a hug.
“I’m sorry little man, it’s just I can’t be out here catching red feelings for a girl I don’t even know,” He pulled Karako back wiping his tears, smudging his makeup a bit.
“Besides, if I went chasing after her, you and me wouldn’t have time to hang out!” He booped the runt’s nose.
“And ya wouldn’t want that now would ya?”
Karako nodded his head “no”.
“Then let’s not focus on all that quadrant mess, okay?”
“...Honk!” Karako squeezed his arms around Marvus’s waist, pulling him in for one last hug.
"Yeah! Let's get some faygo and grubcorn. We can watch a movie. Let me just get my paint back on."
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nightmare-niko · 7 months
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The Untold Tales of Echo Valley
Chapter one
Warnings: mentions of death, cursing, minors drinking alcohol/ smoking, vampire themes(blood violence etc), potential gruesome imagery
Copying or translating my writing is not allowed. If you see my work on another site it is stolen. Reblogs are appreciated and encouraged.
The large moss covered castle looms in the distance as Valentina Morgan drives through the fog covered streets of Echo Valley. The engine of her 1969 Mustang hums, drowning out the sound of her neatly manicured fingernails anxiously tapping on her steering wheel. She doesn't want to go back to school, not after the incident, and not after last night's dream. But she would rather spend her days in the busy Echo Valley Preparatory school than in her cold and empty castle back home in Romania.
The road was fairly empty, like it always was. Valentina wished the roads were full of traffic and life, she’d feel safer that way. As she approaches the castle, the once thick fog thins. To the outside view, Echo Valley Prep looked like a bland and boring school.
To the rest of the world, the town of Echo Valley was a small backroad town full of hillbillies and rednecks. But to the residents of Echo Valley, it was a beautiful town full of life and energy. The land around the school was green and beautiful, it was full of grass plots and cobblestone roads. There wasn't a parking lot or convenient store in sight, only small family owned businesses. Just like towns used to be before capitalism.
A chill runs down her neck as she pulls her car to the side of the winding road by the girls' dorms. Is it too late to turn back?
“Val!” The familiar husky voice of her best friend snaps Valentina out of her panicked state. Emerson Chatam was a reserved girl, many people knew her as one of the quiet loner girls. Her peers thought she was strange, everyone but Valentina. “You're back! No one thought you were gonna be here today!” She pokes her head into Valentinas rolled down window. “Everyone but me of course, I knew you couldn’t resist, princess.”
Princess was the nickname given to Valentina by Emerson the first time they met. When she let it slip that over one thousand years ago she was royalty, the teasing was relentless. But know, three years later, princess was a name only for Emerson. Val was Ems princess, no one else’s.
“Yeah well, i didn't want to come back but,” Valentina shrugs. “This old castle is way better than my old castle.” She gets out of the car and leans up against the door.
“Still shaken up from that night?”
“I don't wish to talk about it. Not yet.” Her once thick Romanian accent know dull with time. Spending all of her time in Echo Valley made her feel normal. As normal as a centuries old vampire in a seventeen year old girl's body could feel.
Valentina takes a moment to take in Emerson’s new look. When she last saw her best friend, she had short blonde hair and dressed just as plain as every other regular student in Echo Valley Prep. But these days, many months later, her hair was back to its natural light brown, and it was longer. She wore black thick squared glasses and her once basic style now screamed ‘mysterious loner girl’. With the same busted up converse and tattered jeans, Emerson was cool now.
“New look, huh?” She fixes the tangled necklaces hanging from Emersons neck.
“Yeah, my moms sent this box of a bunch of their old things, there's some things you might like you can look through.”
The Chatam sisters were like a second family to Valentina. She only had brothers, and she was the youngest of her family. But with Emerson and her younger sister Wayland, she felt like their older sister and she loved them just as much. The two witches were seen as the weird girls. Valentina and her brother were popular, Val was the captain of the school's cheer team, and Caius was the jock type. Valentina and Emerson were an odd pair, but they worked.
“I'm glad you're back. Really.” Emerson takes Vals hand gently into hers. “And I'm sure the others would be too, especially Jonah.”
The name makes her blood run cold, colder than normal. Jonah was a young warlock who Valentina cared for greatly. When she left nearly four months ago without notice, she knew that Jonah was going to be the most affected.
Valentina clears her throat, “we should go inside, where’s your truck? I can help you with your things.” She dodges the subject.
“Uh, I actually stayed here for the semester break. No point in going home when I can have the witch's floor all to myself?”
The dorms were located in the towers of the castle. The boys had the front two towers, overlooking the south woods. The girls had the back two, facing the west woods and the creak. Each dorm tower was separated by floor, the most dangerous vampires and werewolves were on the top two floors. Witches and warlocks on the bottom floors and the vampires and werewolves that were not deemed a threat occupied the middle floors.
“You just wanted a place to smoke without getting caught.” Valentina kicks off her car and walked to the trunk to get her bag.
“Damn straight, princess” Emersons lips curve up into a mischievous smile. The two girls make their way towards the castle.
“So uh, what are the odds you've got something strong enough for this old lady?” The question was out of character for Valentina, but she didnt care. Her cheer team friends would freak if they found out, and she would get kicked off the team. But Valentina also knew that her cheer friends probably didn't even realize she had gone home because it wasn't cheer season.
“Something strong enough for my princess? Of course I do.” Emerson links her arm with Valentina as they make their way into the tower.
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jdetan · 8 months
An Overwhelmingly Important Mission
Link finds himself on his most daunting mission ever... finding a hearty durian for his pregnant wife's cravings.
Link looked out over Hyrule Field– the land that was bright, beautiful… and utterly doomed.
The Calamity couldn’t kill me… permanently. The Demon King couldn’t stop me. But this? He sighed deeply. This is a task I don’t think I’ll be able to accomplish. Hearty Durians have been all but extinct since… Well, since I blew up the trees rather than climb them, ate every known durian in Hyrule, and then lit the ground on fire in an ill-conceived plan to boost up a mountain with the updraft. WHY did you do that to me, past Link?
Link shook his head. Regretting his foolish actions would have to wait. He had a mission, and this mission he could not fail.
*** One day ago
“Anything I can get for you, Zelda? Footrub? Heated blanket? Something for your back?” Link ran around like a cucco in a frenzy, tending to his extremely pregnant wife. “Well, I’ve been having a weird craving for the last month…” Zelda said, slowly sitting up. “But I don’t think it’s going to be possible, so… don't worry, forget it!” “Zelda, you know I’ll do anything for you. Just name it, and I’ll scour all of Hyrule for it!” Link snapped to attention. Zelda was seven months pregnant, and to Link’s mind, this meant two things– One: she was not to strain herself under any circumstances and was, instead, to be waited on hand and foot. Two: Only one craving was too extreme– Link refused to let her eat any Secret Stones. Everything else was fair game. Zelda put a finger to her chin. “Alright, fine. I’ve been craving Hearty Durian… but well, they seem to have mysteriously vanished at some point during the Calamity, so…” She sighed lightly. “If you can find one, I’d really appreciate it, but I don’t think any exist anymore.” “Zelda.” Link said, already pulling on his traveling gear. “I will find you a Hearty Durian. Please, wait for me, my sweet! I shall return soon.” He grabbed his Purah Pad and dashed outside, mounting Epona and riding away with a “HYAH!”. Zelda waved from the door as she watched Link ride off, then let out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding in. “FINALLY, some time to myself! I love Link, but my WORD… I’m not an INVALID!” She walked over to her study, happy to finally have a chance to run some experiments on residual Light Dragon parts. “Alright, let’s see what I can find out about my old form’s secrets…” She chuckled as she pulled out her favorite microscope.
*** Today
Link rode Epona from the Faron Jungle, glum and unsuccessful. “Hmm… so, as I expected, Faron’s a bust. The old places are all empty plains, except for that one that’s an empty plain with ‘Link Wuz Here’ written in bare soil that I made sure to salt so nothing would ever grow again… Goddesses DAMN me, I was stupid and feral back then! Not like now. Isn’t that right, little forest creature only I can see?” “Ya-ha-ha! You should start more fires!” The Korok replied, appearing in a poof of colorful smoke. “Sometimes I wonder if I took too many blows to the head…” Link muttered. “But that gives me an idea!” “Is it to start more fires, mister hero?” The Korok asked, climbing on his shoulder. “I like watching fires! I want to watch the world burn…” “Makar, did you eat malice during the Calamity?” Link asked, raising an eyebrow. “You seem slightly more… wicked than other Koroks.” “It tasted like licorice and hate!” Makar responded cheerfully. “So… it tasted like licorice.” Link muttered, poking at the Purah Pad. “Come along, I’m gonna visit your dad.” “Nooo! Not the Great Deku Tree! He sounds like Teba and that scares me!” Makar screamed as he and Link vanished in a series of blue lights.
*** The Lost Woods
“Thank you for bringing Makar back, Link. And thank you for not listening to his whispers… this time.” The Great Deku Tree said, as several Koroks put Makar in ‘naughty baby jail’ (a small pit with sticks planted in the ground making up a cage). “How can I help you today?” Y’know, Makar’s right. He kinda does sound like Teba. And Revali. And the ancient Rito Sage. Weird. Link cleared his throat, focusing his mind. “I’m looking for Hearty Durians. Zelda wants one, and I’d really like to undo the harm I caused when I… kinda obliterated the entirety of the species during my first adventure.” He blushed slightly. “Do you happen to know where any may be?” “Hmmm…” The Great Deku Tree paused, thinking. “As luck might have it, I have a collection of seeds from all species in Hyrule. I’ll happily provide you some seeds, but as for the fruit itself…” The face of the tree tightened, seemingly searching all of Hyrule. “Ah. I’ve found them. There is but one man in all of Hyrule that maintains a collection of Hearty Durians. His name is…”
*** Kakariko Village
“DORIAN!” Link shouted, kicking the door open. “You said that I could call upon you at ANY TIME to repay that ‘favor’ you owe me, right?” Dorian nodded, trying to comfort his terrified children. “Today is that day!” “Of course, Link… but what has you so agitated?” Dorian asked. “Is there any danger?” He gave Link a quick once-over. “You look like you’ve been beaten up a little.” “What? No, I just killed a few Lynels on my way here– I was bored.” Link shrugged. “I was looking for Hearty Durians– Zelda’s got a craving for them, and the Great Deku Tree said you have some.” “That’s all? Don’t they grow in Faron Jungle?” Dorian asked as he went out to harvest a durian. “You should be able to find them there in high quantities.” “It was… um… the… uh… the Upheaval! Yeah, the Upheaval! They started dying off and now they’re extinct in the wild! Anyway, one durian, please!” Link cheerfully accepted the fruit. “Thanks, man!” Link grinned, tossing Dorian a silver rupee. “See you later!” Dorian looked over at his Hearty Durian grove. “Kids… we’re about to be very rich.” He said, quietly. “Yaaaaay!” The children yelled, happily.
*** Just outside Tarrey Town
“Oh, wow… the scales and shards serve as natural batteries AND amplifiers for light energy…” Zelda jotted down some notes. “I wonder if it would be possible to replicate these artificially…” She jumped as the door swung open. “Zelda! I’m back, and I found a Hearty Durian!” Link yelled, plopping the gigantic, odoriferous fruit down on the table. “Are you doing ok? Do you need a backrub? A heated blanket? Some juice?” Damn it! There goes my thought process… shouldn’t this have taken him more than a day? I thought they were extinct in the wild after I found the last seedlings and sent them to Dorian for safekeeping! Could he have… no, that guy loves them– he eats them for every meal. He’d NEVER give one to Link unless… oh, of COURSE he’d owe Link a favor! Well, I really have been craving them… Zelda smiled and walked over to Link. “Thank you so much, Link! It’s just a shame they’re so rare…” “Not anymore! I recalled the soil outside back five years and planted some seeds! We’ve got a grove of our own now!” Link grinned. “Wait, you still have the power of recall? I thought that was tied to Rauru’s arm!” Zelda blinked in surprise. “Turns out that was one Sage’s vow I kept!” Link grinned. “Probably due to the power of love– it’s a mysterious thing.” “You heard the Stable Trotter’s new song too, huh?” Zelda laughed. “Well, as luck would have it, I’ve just made food, and the durian should go great with it!” Zelda produced a pizza and happily set about slicing the durian open. “Mmm… it’s not pineapple, but it’s so good!” Link stared in horror. Pregnancy led to strange cravings– she’d wanted pickles and fruitcake, honey-glazed curry, and worst of all, LICORICE, but durian on pizza? He shook his head. Our kid’s gonna have an even more impenetrable digestive system than I do… he thought, loading his pizza slice with a sensible topping of bacon, fish, crushed diamonds, fire fruit, and a scale from Farosh. I’ll never understand how Zelda can stand to eat that weird stuff…
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theradicalkanji · 9 months
My party pulled off some absolutely buck wild stuff this last session, and I wanted to share. Some quick background. A side plot that has become apparent a while ago and we have been slowly picking at the threads was that the Cleric's dad was in a spot of trouble. We didn't know what trouble at first. We just knew that he had taken up a new job in one of the major cities that our party was now based out of. Throughout the last couple of story arcs, we have been using this city as our base of operations which meant several scenes where Dad would join the party for dinners/celebrations/etc. When it became clear that the Dad was in Some Shit but wouldn't tell us what kind of shit, the cleric asked my psychic storm fairy to start doing some digging. Throughout the next few months of play, whenever there was a lull in the action and Dad seemed distraction, I would stealthily throw up a detect thoughts and try to deep dive for info. (Subtle spell metamagic is a sorely under appreciated skill)
Over the story arcs, my guy slowly pieced together the story. Dad owed A Lot of money to Cleric's "Uncle". Uncle is not related to the family by blood. He had just been a constant fixture in the family life for Cleric's whole life and so Cleric has started to refer to him as Uncle.
Dad took out a loan from Uncle BEFORE Cleric was even born. The juice has been running on that loan for decades, and it's reached a point where the interest has skyrocketed into the GDP of a moderately wealthy nation. Uncle has really been putting the screws to Dad lately to get Dad to pay up resulting in Dad giving away everything he owns as quickly as he can earn it even though he has taken on multiple jobs.
Of course, we weren't gonna let that slide so we start hatching a plan to get Dad out of debt. However, a few more stealthy deep dives later, we realized not just the terms and conditions of the contract, but the enforcement as well. The loan itself is enforced by a group called The Brokers who are a team of demonic lawyers who deal in legally binding contracts. If someone is found in breach of contract, their soul is forfeited in the process. The Brokers are not just like imps in suits doing deals. These are top tier demons working directly under a Lord of Hell so we knew we had to be careful.
Upon learning that Uncle has been extorting money from Dad, we started looking into Uncle's activity. However, Uncle is always wearing a necklace that protects him from any and all mental manipulation. No charm. No detect thoughts. Not even Suggestions. We realized that if we wanted to pull this off, we would need to somehow get more info. The best way to do this would be to get Uncle away from his necklace, but we couldn't let him know that we were acting against him. If he found out we were working to undermine the contract, he could claim we were in breach. In order to pull this off, we had to do it without Uncle OR Dad finding out because if Dad was a knowing accomplice in this and we got busted, he would also get busted. To summarize, we needed to get the necklace off of him, without him knowing we got the necklace off of him.
Thus begins operation Strip Club.
After tracking Uncle a bit, we realized he likes his shows and frequented one of the clubs in town. Our Paladin, who is the team's resident slut (cus all teams need at least one) was more than willing to keep Uncle distracted. Meanwhile, Cleric went with Dad to have a father son bonding moment and keep both of them plausibly deniable if Uncle or Brokers started to ask questions. This left my boi, a Psychic Storm Fairy, and our Fae Patron Warlock to do the actual heist.
A few successful persuasion checks later, Paladin leads Uncle back to the VIP rooms to do the do. When they reach the door, Warlock pulls a spell out that I had never even heard of before. Warlock walks by Uncle and shoulder checks the guy. Uncle turns and starts trying to start shit with the lock. During the altercation, Warlock casts Mislead, leaving an illusory double of himself to continue walking away as if ignoring Uncle while Uncle screams himself hoarse at the asshole who just bumped into him. During this time, Warlock slips through the now unlocked door and waits for the action to start.
A few successful "performance" checks from Paladin give Warlock an opportunity to act. While Uncle is reclining in a seat in a sexual stupor, Warlock sneaks up behind him and undoes the clasp of the necklace. He then holds the chains but leaves the pendant portion still resting on Uncle's chest while Uncle is getting The Sloppy. Since Warlock is now "holding" the necklace, it is no longer equipped by Uncle leaving him open to mental fuckery.
During this scene, my guy was set up in the next room over, keeping a steady pulse of Detect Thoughts active. I was using this spell in Sonar mode. I wasn't listening for thoughts per se. I was just keeping a mental tab on the locations of individuals in the 30 foot radius. The second the clasp is undone, Uncle appears on my minimap, prompting a series of deep dives.
During these dives we were able to discover the location of the contract and the safe codes as well as more of the fine print of the contract itself. Having reviewed the memories of Dad signing the contract, I knew what he had agreed to and compared it to what Uncle had stipulated which gave us an idea of how to annul the contract.
Uncle had been using Dad as a cash cow for decades, but he only recently started bleeding Dad for everything he owns. Turns out, Uncle set it up that he could amend the contract at any time he wanted. All that needed to happen was the physical contract itself had to be changed. Uncle's other investments started to tank and so he changed to loan to Dad to put the squeeze on and recoup his losses.
Warlock reattaches the necklace to Uncle and Misty Steps out without Uncle ever even knowing we were there. While Paladin continued to accrue points of exhaustion and Cleric continued to distract Dad, Warlock and I went to Uncle's place. A very easy lockpicking check later, we were in, and since my fairy already knew the code to the safe, it was just one Tom and Jerry style treadmill on the safe dial to open the safe and get the contract.
Once we amended the contract to void it, a man in a dark suit appeared in the apartment. Warlock, having passive true sight, immediately clocked this "man" as a puppet being controlled by a demon lord. Warlock was super ready to throw down with the demon lord, but we were missing our tank and healer. It was gonna be a messy fight if it came to it, and my boy has no CON stat.
I managed to talk down the Warlock. We had done everything right. Nothing we had done went against the letter of the law, and the demon was not being overtly hostile. Even if the demon was an intensely evil being, that did not mean it was an enemy.
We delivered the contract to the demon who read over it. Nodded. Signed and notarized it, and handed it back and then left with a bow. We then returned the now voided contract to the safe, locked the sade and the apartment, and teleported out without Uncle ever even knowing we were there.
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memestockpile · 1 year
marvin & tige (1983) feel free to change as needed.
you crazy little boy.
don’t give me any back talk.
would you wipe that frown off your face and get back over here?
i didn’t appreciate my mama while she was alive.
poor child.
come on out of there, baby.
if you feel that you could at least live one more night, i’d invite you home for a bowl of chili. 
you could get some rest. sleep on it.
that’s the way you should do things!
would you like to come home with me? you don’t have to if you don’t want to.
i really don’t think that you should be out here all by yourself. the boogeyman could get you.
i wouldn’t know. 
make yourself at home.
you know what makes you cry, don’t you? these sad thoughts, they trigger a reaction, and when these depressing, aggravating, and sad thoughts collect, crying is like decongesting a head cold.
so much for dinner!
sure you don’t want half?
put some music on.
you can stay here tonight. i could use the company. 
i think it’s good to be cautious, but i do give people the benefit of the doubt, sometimes. 
i have a deck of cards. wanna play?
i might not even make it to [age].
maybe i’m your guardian angel.
don’t see what the hell you’re complaining about, neither.
don’t talk that way. 
i can say whatever the hell i want.
this is my home. let’s get it straight. what i say goes. if you don’t like that idea, there’s the door.
i ain’t gotta do nothing you tell me. 
i’ll leave in the morning.
you don’t need a lot of money to live. you know what you need? a terrific sense of humor.
you can’t look at the sun without smiling.
you need a heavier coat.
get over here before you freeze your rump off.
i need a bedtime story.
you scared me, man. 
go on, take your bath. i’ll cook us something to eat.
you are unbelievable. 
i don’t know how many times i’ve started this puzzle, then i lose interest and put it away.
that, my friend, is the greatest mystery of them all.
go on in the kitchen and get yourself a glass of milk.
rarely does one drink for mere taste.
see, it pays to be honest.
i never said i was no genius.
i wanna at least be able to write my name and read a little bit. so i can be like other people.
still have that knife of yours?
how do you tell somebody you got one month to live?
you remember too much, man. 
do you believe in god? when he gonna come down and help us out?
you’re young, you’ll make it.
you respect others, and they respect you.
i asked you repeatedly not to swear.
don’t tempt me, son.
go to hell, bastard!
i don’t wanna go to them hospital people.
you take me for some kind of fool or something?
i’m not afraid of anything.
for all i know, you may be some kind of a nut who goes around digging things up on people and tries to blackmail them.
you had me so scared there for a while. 
i was wondering what would happen to you if sudden something happened to me.
you need clothing, and you need education, and you need regular meals. that’s what you need.
you sure you ain’t dying?
you’re going in there with me. otherwise, i’m gonna take you over my shoulder and carry you in.
don’t you know how to say hello to a person?
you ain’t never cared two cents about me. 
you must think this gonna make everything okay, don’t you? well, it ain’t.
i bet you wish i was dead.
we got some chocolate cake.
i hate to eat and run.
you are home. this is where you belong, and this is where i want you to stay.
you look like you’ve seen a ghost or something.
i didn’t know what you was, come busting through the door like that.
this place just don’t seen the same no more.
that’s cute.
don’t you get lonely?
just want you to be happy, that’s all.
right now, the only thing that’s gonna make me happy is to see that mug of yours smile.
you need to shave. getting fuzzy.
will you laugh if i tell you something?
i love you. i had to tell you.
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number5theboy · 2 years
1, 7, 34 💛
What are your top 3 favorite sets you’ve made?
Answered that here!
Who are your top 3 gif makers?
Raven this is so mean, how could you make me choose!!! I can't pick a top three, that would feel mean. Instead I'm just gonna hand out some compliments to tua gifmakers off the top of my head. If I forget anyone, don't take it personally, it's just my brain failing me.
Starting off with you, Raven, I genuinely don't know what magic you put into your colouring, but you can make this show look so bright and so well-lit, you have such good grasp on colour in your gifsets, they are stunning.
@capinejghafa is like. A comfort gifmaker. She makes so many sets and they are usually like these little moments that I might have missed and then get to appreciate, but sometimes she busts out some incredible blending skills, it's great.
@seance an uncomfort gifmaker? literally every time she posts a set it makes me lose my mind a little and i have to yell at her in the tags. an absolute artist in combining imagery and poetry in increasingly mindblowing templates.
@viktorhargreeves has made it her mission to chronicle every single thing luther and/or viktor have done across three seasons. she colours this goddamn uncolourable show in the most fun colour combinations and has a knack to make these great dynamics gifsets that I love to bits.
@i-seeaspaceshipinthe-sky makes such good gifsets that dive into Klaus, little moments, little parallels, theirs is the first blog I go to if I am looking for specific Klaus moments because chances are they giffed them somewhere. And they have this incredibly distinct colouring that's so easily recognisable and makes the greens in this show look good (somehow. miraculously.).
@yenvengerberg is just an incredibly gifted giffer with colours, she can make this show look so good it boggles the mind. I'm still thinking about that gifset where she condensed the entire S3 trailer into one gifset with an incredible layout and really cool typography, I'm still in awe of that gifset.
@sohoseance has been doing some incredible work with these really big, colourful, almost psychedelic gifs and really bold, fun typography that I love, with colour combinations I rarely see used, she makes pink and neon green work somehow for this swamp-coloured show.
@hargreevcs makes these very cool, bold gifsets with very bright, saturated blocks of colour and fun typography that are always great tributes to the characters they are about
Shout-out to the lovely Artemis @fiveviktorklaus, I hope you're doing well and I miss your wonderful gifs.
And of course, someone I keep tagging in my gifsets in an old habit or a mournful plea, I'm not really sure, but tumblr user Tess @ogaferoga brought such a gust of fresh wind into the fandom when they crashed into it after S2, and I miss their mind-blowing creations, they really pushed gifmaking to a whole new territory (Tess, if you ever read this, I miss you).
@lilapittss who literally suffers to colour scenes I've given up on and can make these really big, beautiful gifs, and is always there to appreciate the TUA ladies in gifmaking form.
@fivehargreve my fellow Five and S1 appreciator whose gifs are just lovely and who has a knack for big formats that are somehow incredibly sharp.
@anthonysharma away on hiatus but always in my heart, makes the most wonderful sibling appreciation posts with her really soft, warm-toned colouring
A set that took you a long time/was really hard but you’re really proud of how it came out?
I called it the mammoth project because it genuinely took me a month or so to complete. It was just a love letter to Five and the range the kiddo gives him, and it really was a chore to figure out, but I'm still very happy with it.
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nananarc · 1 year
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Alright so I know I'm a month late to this Art Summary thing, but I'm Vietnamese, and we don't consider the year to end until Lunar New Year (which in here we call Tết holiday). And today, is in fact, the true last day of 2022.
The pic in January feels like years ago actually. I felt like I'm a completely different person compared to back then, both in art and in life. As in, a more skilled and mature person (i hope?), but also beaten up and without all the high hopes and energy that I used to have. I guess it's a funny coincidence that I ended the year with that artwork depicting that particular scene in Truyện Kiều (The Tales of Kieu). She's beautiful, singing songs and citing poems, but in a whorehouse, trapped and melancholic. Well, I can't compare my life to hers. But I'm at that stage of life where it might seem like everything is doing ok but the ground under my feet is rumbling and cracking but no one else can see it.
I feel like "I have been getting it wrong, Father", quote Fleabag, and that probably reflected in my art a bit. At this point I'm just living for that momentary trance / manic / whatever you wanna call it that art is capable of sometimes putting you in.
I might sound all sad and shit and, well yes I am crying and basically a pink fur ball of anxiety as I write this, but I will be relatively fine. So, in order to remind myself of all the good shits that happened despite it all, I'll put a list of them under the cut. Mindful and all that shit, yeah?
No expectation or wish for the next year for me.
But Happy Lunar New Year, everyone! :)
Go by exclusively they/them now and even though I'm still navigating through this identity, I felt gender euphoria when, in eng speaking space, people start to refer to me with the right pronoun.
I still don't make much money, with only 1-2 commissions/month, and most months without any order. But all of my clients were such good people (well except for one, bitch turns out to be crazy as shit but not to me lmao, she was still fulfilling her end of the bargain), they are also good friends, and I love them dearly. They all gave me so much support and care through everything.
I tried edibles, ate a bit too much, was tripping balls so hard I had a disco dance game in my head but with 90s graphics and the characters are all of my worst anxieties. Also had that glitchy, time skipping, reality bending experience. It was all very fucking awesome. Not gonna do that again tho lmao.
Visited the MOCA in Bangkok and reignites the love I have for art.
Realized I am asexual and it was extremely freeing. I thought lewd thoughts more than I have ever been because of that ahahaha XD
Start to embrace the fact that I'm probably neurodivergent.
Got really good at making mods of the Cyberpunk 2077 game and I'm really proud of my works.
Finally got to treat one of the health problems that have been plaguing me for years.
Had some really fun hangout with my dear friend over a drink at small, low-key pubs. She used to refuse to even touch a drop of alcohol because all her experiences with it left too at an impression. Now she drinks for me if I can't finish my cocktail.
I bought 2 traditional dresses and I love them dearly.
Busted a bitch's fake ass for stealing art. That was fun because no one even realized the extend to how shameless that shithead was. But even then, I still have no hate ask, that is kinda a bummer tho lol.
I talked more to my classmates and even though I still don't really vibe with them that much, I appreciate them more now.
Starred in an indie movie. Wasn't a particularly fun thing the whole time, but it was an experience nevertheless.
Got more daring about my makeups.
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20 - ZZ Top - Eliminator (1983)
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Ah, ZZ Top. The Houston blues-rock band known for spinning fuzzy guitars and big ass beards, except for the one guy who's last name was actually "Beard".
Having existed in America during the 80s and 90s (and having lived in Houston itself for a year and half) of course i know their hits (and i can see a few here) but I'm kinda excited to hear the deeper cuts.
Speaking of ZZ Top's deeper cuts: i got to see these guys live at Bonnaroo, but i don't think they quite got the point of Bonnaroo. Typically, if you're there, you're playing the hits. The Big Numbers. The ones you know everybody there is gonna be able to sing along to.
Over the course of 45 minutes, they didn't play a single song i could recognize.
I don't have an ounce of shame in saying that yeah, I left that set early and went to a different stage to watch The XX right as they started playing Intro.
Easily one of the better calls i made at that festival.
•Gimme All Your Lovin'-
Such a simple but effective drum beat. No frills but it doesn't need 'em.
Aggressively horny lyrics, but it feels almost campy with how straight they're delivered.
"If i blow my top, will you let it go to your head?" At the risk of sounding like John Waters for a moment, i think the world needs more barely-disguised lyrics about getting a blowjob, especially these days where it really seems like everybody's horny but nobody fucks.
"You got to pack it up, work it like a new boy should." Happy pride month, y'all.
•Got Me Under Pressure-
This girl sounds FUN AS HELL. I'm reminded of Sheryl Crow here: "are you strong enough to be my man?" (Yeah i know that's not what that song is about but play with me in the space here.)
•Sharp Dressed Man-
1000% the first song that comes to my mind when i hear "ZZ Top".
Also 1000 is likely the number of times I've heard this song in my 38ish years on this rock.
That riff still kicks all kinds of ass though.
Audience participation section: which movie's "main guy wearing a bunch of different suits for 5 seconds each" changing-room montage do YOU think of when you hear this?
(Correct answer: it's literally the background song for every. single. one. since this album came out.)
Also white gloves and looking for love...that's... certainly a look.
•I Need You Tonight-
I fucking love this song!
Oh wait, shit, no I'm thinking of INXS.
Jokes aside, i really like the echoing guitar tone.
Pretty solid bluesy "i miss my woman" song. If this album wasn't already stacked, I'd say this could have been a single.
And that solo, though!
•I Got The Six-
Before this one started, i was wondering what the six was referencing. A six pack of beer? I got your back? HAHAHAHA NOPE.
"I got the six, gimme your nine!"
Again, more songs about blowjobs! Sixty-nining, even!
And also, if you're attracted to women and you don't/won't eat pussy, know that i have lost some respect for you.
Horny as hell song, but it gets a nod of overall approval especially since the end is kinda hilarious.
ATTENTION META: 40 years ago, the bearded ones taught us all about the importance of having Legs and knowing how to use them. Y'all had no fuckin excuse for your floating torso mananangal-wannabe bullshit.
This song goes so fucking hard. At least 35% harder than a song about legs should go. I hate that it fades out during the solo, though. Let that man cook!
I know, I KNOW this album came out at least a decade before the show did, but that slap bass just feels Seinfeld-y. Funky, but Seinfeld-y.
Also, calendar check: June 21 is Thug Day, i guess. Remember to keep your machine guns and money secure, and bust your friends out of jail!
•TV Dinners-
Know what? I can appreciate that Billy and/or Dusty sings about processed microwaved slop with the same exact amount of gusto and dedication that he does about the most beautiful woman he's ever seen.
Otherwise it's basically a novelty song, imo. I can't believe it was a single.
•Dirty Dog-
Ah, the flip side of aggressively horny: the creepy/gross/misogynist angle. God forbid a woman does anything.
Also this really sounds like a ZZ Top b-side. It literally sounds like 4 of their other songs put in a blender for a while.
•If I Could Only Flag Her Down-
The misogyny continues and deepens.
In lieu of a review for this song, here's a lyric:
"I just want to crash her/
I just want to trash her."
And here's the vomiting emoji 20 times:
•Bad Girl-
"Praise kinks DNI": the song. I feel like i need a shower after hearing this.
Well, the second half of the album sucks some real shit, but Legs is still a banger. It's pretty easy to see why the deep cuts stay deep, though.
And, like many, many albums I've heard before: after the first 5 or so songs, it's just time to put on a new album.
Favorite Track: Gimme All Your Lovin'. 100%.
Least Favorite Track: If I Could Only Flag Her Down. I'll spare you another 20 vomit emojis.
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(I just want to start this with, YOU DON'T HAVE TO ANSWER THIS. I just want to write something to you and you don't need to release this.)
...Hey I'm just checking in and uh...
You REALLY seem to be in a downward spiral. You're wishing people dead and, uh, that's a bit harsh, y'know?
Like people can do some REALLY horrible things, but can't everyone change and be a bit better of a person everyday?
And for artists, I don't know the whole story, and I'm going to admit, I think you're exaggerating, but artists need you to reblog their stuff within an hour or how Tumblr works is that it's dead and likes don't change things. (Of course this paragraph is null if you're not and that's valid and annoying.)
And I'm not sure this makes sense but, check how you're treating others. I'm saying this out of experience, and maybe projecting a bit, but PLEASE... When I was in a server full of my bestest friends, when I wasn't there I was surrounded by negativity and treated everyone else harshly.
Don't stoop to the level of those who cause you trouble. Be the change that you want to see.
I’ve addressed this in a previous post, but I indeed am in a bit of a downward spiral. A lot of things have been going kinda South recently, and “Garbage in, garbage out” and all that
But I realize this is an issue and am trying to tone down on it
That being said though, while that sucks for them, I’m literally not obligated to reblog anything from anybody. The #1 thing Tumblr hammers into your head the most is that your blog is like a second home, or bedroom more specifically, and as such, you decide who comes in and what you decorate it with. “Curate your online experience” and so forth. But then suddenly you’re the bad guy because what you’re doing with your space isn’t beneficial to other people anymore
It’s like if some Karen from across the street came to your door fuming because you refused to put a custom sign of hers in your backyard. I’m an internet stranger who talks about Sanrio lore and pixelated class clowns, not your corporate slave /lh
People also often act as if people who say that stuff don’t know how it feels for your hard work to go unnoticed. Such people haven’t seen all the Headcannoned Timeline lore posts and Deltarune OneShots I’ve written who’s only reblogs are one I made myself as an announcement. Heck, I even tell people to ask me about the Headcannoned Timeline in my pinned post and bio and I’ve yet to receive a single ask related to anything Sanrio. I mean, hell, I’ve been busting my ass all month making a demo for a story that I know fullwell is only gonna be appreciated by like 6 people. And, wanna know why I’m not complaining the same way everyone else is?
Because unlike them, I know how it feels to be put on blast, having people wish death on me and claim that I “Don’t deserve anything” for just not feeling like reblogging something. Sometimes people just don’t feel the way you’d like them to about your shit. That’s life. And yelling at and guilt tripping them isn’t gonna make them any more interested. So I just accept that the people who reblog it will reblog it and the people who don’t don’t. It’s my responsibility as the artist to make myself more visible to those who want to see me, not everyone else’s responsibility as a hypothetical audience to pretend they like me because it will make me feel better. And if your post will die on Tumblr if it doesn’t get reblogs in a certain amount of time, then just. Don’t post it exclusively on Tumblr? There’s probably one social media platform out there where stuff doesn’t just die like that. Or you could just draw what the audience would be more likely to reblog, but that’s boring
I never really got what people expected to get out of that, anyway. Isn’t it better if people interact with your art out of genuine appreciation rather than felt obligation? Like. Being underrated sucks, but I think it would suck so much more to be reblogged because someone was guilt tripped or harassed into doing it. A lot of artists on this site seem to be setting themselves up to be “It don’t matter if they hate you if they all say your name!” people
Yeah, again, things haven’t been as great as usual and, as a result, I also haven’t been as great as usual. But that’s hopefully gonna be turning around going forward
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number1jeonginstan · 4 months
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A/N: Based on the request asked here! This was absolutely adorable, I hope y'all like it!
WC: 2.2k
Pairing: Chan x afab!reader
Warnings: oral (fem! recieving), protected sex (for the first time ever...), daddy kink (is it really Chan without one?), the reader is called baby girl, good girl, and baby; idk what else tbh!
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You didn’t expect to shatter your entire leg just trying to get a dish from the top cabinet of your kitchen, but here you were, having to wear a cast for 4 months, just to make sure that your leg is healing properly even after getting surgery. 
It wasn’t really your fault or rather your cat Boots. If she hadn’t come underneath you, you wouldn’t been terrified to step on her and wouldn’t have slipped. Explaining to 911 how you broke your leg was one of the most embarrassing things you had ever gone through. 
Thankfully, your leg wasn’t as bad as you thought it was, but you were still going to need physical therapy to get it moving again. At first, you were opposed to it, saying that you could “do it yourself” after getting your cast off, but you were so wrong. 
You were wobbling and waddling like a baby giraffe, and you knew that if you didn’t get help you would never get better, and you didn’t want to live with a busted leg for the rest of your life. That was when Chan came into play. 
He was a new physical trainer, but a kind one nonetheless. He knew what he was doing and was so gentle with you, making sure that he wasn’t exerting you too much, but still enough to help you recover. 
“Hi Boots” he giggled, rubbing the underside of his chin as he entered your apartment. You were walking around a lot better since your last session, wanting to make sure you were completing the training exercises he gave you, you had to get back to work as soon as possible. 
It wasn’t hard leaving your bakery to your co-baker to take care of your shop, you trusted them, but it was hard sitting on your ass all day leaving them to morning and brunch traffic. 
The only upside to staying home all day was that you could try new recipes for the shop, which always ended up going to Chan when he came over. 
He took a sniff of the air, noticing the smell of cinnamon wafting throughout your kitchen. 
“Good, you are here!” you giggled, running (more like limping) towards him. “Woah, let’s calm down, shall we? You are getting better, but not that fast” he chuckled.
You simply nodded, going back to a normal pace, a tray of brownies in your hands. “I need you to try these” You held out a brownie for him to try. 
“I’m gonna gain so much weight from being here, it’s unhealthy” he sighed taking a bite, moaning at the taste. “Snickerdoodle brownies? What are you doing to me woman!” he chuckled taking another bite. 
“Don’t worry, they are good for bulking or whatever your gym bros call it. Now tell me, are they good or not?” He looked down at you, you were so adorable, your doe eyes pleading for a response while your lips pouted a bit.
Damn, he wanted to kiss that pout right off your lips, but you were his client and this was strictly professional. You would never feel the same way, would you?
“These are damn good, my friend would love these” he thought to Felix and his huge sweet tooth. “Then take some for him! I’ll pack them, I made too many anyways” you giggled, walking back to your kitchen, putting them in a container for him. 
“Thank you, I really appreciate it. But on to the more serious business, have you been doing your stretches?” 
“Yes sir!” you giggled, not seeing the slight blush on his cheeks. “I feel like I could be more flexible than a ballerina”
The two of you talked as he helped you with your exercise, helping you complete each and every one. 
“Bye Channie!” you waved him goodbye as he walked out your door, reminding you to do your daily exercises, which you just simply nodded at. You needed to get better because fuck you could feel yourself get hornier by the day, the tension inside you was building up and your vibrator wasn’t doing the job anymore. 
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Two more weeks had passed by and it was your final session with Chan. Your leg had started to feel better, you could jog on it and there was no longer a limp. You were talking to him as he helped stretch your leg. 
Looking up at him, you could only look at his lips as he talked, the thought of him running his lips all over your body. You could feel yourself get hot, and your panties getting a bit damper.
“Hey baby, are you okay?” he asked. It was his designated pet name for you, trying to help you giggle through pt. 
“Hmm, what? Yeah, I’m doing fine!” you squeaked and you just heard him giggle from above you. 
“Well that wraps this up, you can now do whatever you want with that leg, as long as it’s not running for a couple more weeks.” 
“Anything?” you asked, trying to get a better feeling of what you could do, trying to make sure sex was on the table. 
“Yup, anything but running, and other physical activities that would take too much out of you,” he said, bopping your nose like you were a kid. 
“So sex is off the table?” you sighed, you couldn’t believe that you had said it out loud, but you couldn’t help yourself. It had been months that you had been pent up, and you just needed something, anything. 
“I don’t think it should be, as long as the person knows that you can’t do too much”
He rubbed the back of his neck, too embarrassed to look directly at you. “So, someone like you?” you asked, feeling a bit more confident in the way you spoke. 
“What?” He looked at you in a state of shock, unsure if he heard you correctly. “Please, it hurts so bad, I need you” you whimpered, feeling your wetness begin to seep through your underwear. 
“Baby, you aren’t lying to me right now, are you?” 
You simply shake your head no, causing him to walk up to you, picking you up in his arms. “Where’s the bedroom?” 
You simply pointed to the door to your room, and he walked you there bridal style, laying you on the bed. “Fuck, wanted this for so long. Let’s see if you taste as sweet as your desserts”
He slowly pulled down your leggings, throwing them somewhere in your room, but you didn’t mind. He began to kiss up your thighs, hearing your sighs of contentment. You looked beautiful beneath him, and he couldn’t wait to ravish you. 
“Baby, you look so good. If you asked me before, I would have done it in a heartbeat.” 
Before you could even reply, he licked a stripe against your underwear, causing you to moan. “So wet, just for me?” 
“Just for you Channie, please need you” 
“You are just such a needy little girl, so pent up” 
You nodded along, needing him to do anything to your body. You just needed some sort of stimulation. He kissed your wet cunt through your underwear before he bit the band of it, dragging it down your thighs with his teeth. 
“What a pretty cunt” he whispered into it before dragging his tongue through your folds. You moaned at the contact of his warm tongue licking you. “I was right, you taste just as sweet” 
You whimpered at the feeling of his tongue rubbing against your clit, practically slurping you like a man starved. “Do you want me to add my fingers, stretch you out like the good girl you are?”
“Please” you pleaded, the back of your knees resting on his shoulders as he slowly added a finger into your pussy, causing you to moan. His fingers were thick and long, you could only imagine what his cock felt like deep inside of you.
“Baby you are so tight, bet you haven’t been fucked well in months. Not to mention how wet you are for me, you are fucking soaked baby girl”
“So wet, just for you daddy” 
“Fuck, so wet just for Daddy, aren’t you a good girl for me?” You nodded as he slowly added a second finger, causing you to clamp your hand around your mouth, tightening your thighs around his head. “Baby, be good for Daddy and take that hand off your mouth, want to hear you while I eat you out” 
You whined, but moved your hand, not wanting to be a brat while he was making you feel so good. He continued to thrust his fingers inside of you as he absolutely ravished your cunt. He had never tasted something as good as you, he was addicted and he never wanted to stop. 
He began to hit that spot inside of you that caused your pants to get heavier. Your mouth was hung open as your eyes rolled into the back of your head. “Come on baby, tell Daddy how it feels,” He said, straight into your cunt causing you to feel the vibrations of his mouth as he spoke directly into it. 
His nose slightly rubbed against your clit as he went back, slurping at your hole as his fingers thrust inside of you faster. 
“Fuck Daddy feels so good. You feel so good Channie, can’t hold it in anymore” you screamed. 
“Then be a good girl and cum for Daddy, cum all over my fingers and mouth” 
And you did, you felt your body shake as you held his head in between your thighs, borderline crushing it as your hands ran against his hair. He didn’t stop, overstimulating your body as he continued to eat you. 
He slowly removed his head from your cunt, your juices covering his face as he licked his fingers clean. “Fuck you taste so good, might have to come back for more after I fuck you”
You simply nodded, sitting up a bit to paw at his shorts, trying to indicate that he should take them off. “Please, need your cock, Daddy, need you inside of me” you whispered. 
“How could I say no to such a good girl?” He slowly removed his shorts and boxers, allowing you to see the sheer size of his cock. He was huge, and you were thankful he fingered you beforehand to stretch you out or else you would have struggled to take his cock. 
“Where do you keep your condoms baby?” 
“Top drawer” 
He pulled out a condom, tearing the foil with his teeth before rolling it onto his already leaking cock. He slowly dragged the tip of his against your wet cunt causing the both of you to moan. “Daddy, it’s so big” you moaned as he slowly inserted the tip of his cock into you. 
“You can take it, can’t you? Such a good girl for me” He bent down, kissing your lips as he slowly pushed the entirety of his cock inside of you, causing you both to moan into each other’s mouths. 
“Fuck baby, if you keep clenching me like that, I’m gonna cum in seconds” 
“Sorry,” you whimpered. “Baby, don’t be sorry, you are just too good” 
He slowly began to thrust into you, making sure to not put too much pressure on your leg. You felt so good around him, so tight. If it wasn’t for the condom he was wearing, he was sure he was going cum as soon as he entered you. 
Your moans were so cute as he thrust particularly deep into you, lifting your legs slightly higher in an attempt to hit that spot he had hit with his fingers only minutes prior. 
“So good, Daddy, hitting so deep inside of me” you babbled on underneath him, forgetting how to speak. He thought it was fucking adorable how you lost your mind from him just fucking you in missionary. Imagine how well he could fuck you in other positions once your leg healed fully. 
“Yeah baby, hitting you so deep? I can feel you clench around me. This pussy is heaven, and I need to be in here all the time. You ever going to let me go baby girl?” 
You shook your head, stuttering out a “never” as he thrust into you at a faster pace, causing you to scream. It was too much, him fucking you so hard while he brought his thumb down to your clit, rubbing it in tandem with his thrusts. 
“Gonna cum Daddy, gonna cum for you” you whined. It took another rough thrust for you to cum, him cumming into you mere seconds after, filling the condom with his hot seed. He slowly pulled his cock out of you, causing the two of you to whine. 
“That was”
“Amazing?” you responded before kissing his lips. 
“Yeah,” he sighed, basking in the heat of your body. 
“I think I’m glad I broke my leg” you chuckled from beside him, hugging his sweaty body. 
“I am too” he whispered, kissing the top of your head before the two of you fell asleep. 
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lonespektr · 8 months
Nanny (2022)
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I have been trying to watch this for a week
Me and this internet tusslin chile
N e way
Senegalese immigrant to US nanny to white family
Anna diop Goddess
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FIWINE ASS sinqa walls adonis
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It's a horror movie because you cannot get to them through the screen
Okay so mami wata story
So far there's just weird vibes in the ytpipo house?
Sinqa (malik) is the doorman at the fancy building they start seeing each other
Annas character ( aisha) is having visual hallucinations
She has a kid back home from some guy who was messing with a bunch of school girls and now there's drama with that family
She's in the city alone but making friends with other immigrants from other African countries
And nannies
She's teaching that child french, feeding her jollof and reading her anansi the spider
Malik grandma is a wisdom, a seeer, a sensative
She has a mami wata painting and i WANT IT it's beautiful chaotic colorful
I don't have any art on my walls
Malik revealed his moms was schizophrenic and in a bad way- she passed a while ago
Failure of system for black mentally ill ppl
They not paying her what she do
The white husband just kissed her after saying he was gonna get her money shes owed
She BIT HIM!!! HA!!!
But also there was like a hallucination of herr??? Being a seducer???
Woah time jump WTF
She drowning her oh she woke up back at the right time
Oh no big fight with mom
Mom mad she eating real food
Then aisha come with receipts saying it's no food in the damn house and she buys her own and subsidizes the kid lunch
Mom said you lost my kid one time (she ran off in the park for idk few mins got out into the street)
She said my bad but you still owe me a hundred dollars
Mom doesn't push really cause it was obviously an oversight kids run out of parks unlike never buying groceries for a month
She said pay me Ave ill be back
It's clear they are in a fancy house but underwater
But also choosing to stiff the nanny when they could cut another bill
Child tantrum
No what is going AWWN SIS the girl keeps disappearing
Bleeding knife bathtub she having a breakdown
Girl said she not gon tell because anansi made her flip out because
Bump bump bumm
Jealousy about the girl when her kid is not with her
Oh shit yea did the nanny cam catch it
She sent the money to get her kid the flight is there no kid
Bruh the friend watching her kid came on the plane
Her kid drowned and she never said anything
Just got on the flight to America
She seemed like was just going to dip when she got to America and never say anything
Just take the money
She jumped in the water
But malik fished her out
A haunting in venice (2023)
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"Scary stories make life less scary."
Still wtf does this guy do???
Delightful puppet show
I love old timey puppet shows
Venician masks
Games are foolish check on father pobreceito
Not her enabling the kids canoodling 🤣🤣
The costumes and set are legit
The sceance is for a dead daughter
Lol she said nemisis and not in a very sarcastic way
Medium neither big nor small
Dropped that lovely chandelier
Rats in the walls
No credit for theaterical timing
Suicide driven via the kids
Ex bf??
Literally don't understand why ppl just i would have kicked him out
No crystal ball
A type writer
Boy said I talked to ghosts and they say you are full of shit
Busted lol confederate in the chimney magic typewriter
And now the theatrics increases
I appreciate the silence during the theatrics to highlight how silly it is
They are not even addressing her subterfuge
Lol bobbing for apples
An attempted MURDER
Bruh they fucking already
Dude 🙄🙄🙄🙄 the only reason I'm watching this is for her now she dead
Lol yea she was a nurse
That woman like i hate this place bad vibes
The kid with the books insists she was a fake Ave he hears the voices
Standard who done it
It was obviously the writer from jump but once everyone is in league it's boring
The guy just not interesting enough his character is too silly to be a Sherlock type guy and the voice is silly
They tilted their hand too early for the mom
And it amounts to misogynistic tropes
A desperate mother
A charlatan woman
Yuck zero stars
Let's try again
No Exit
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The self absorption of addiction
Rehab or jail
Mom sick
She busted out/ stole a car
Storm hit
Local community center opens up
She found the girl in the truck
Already promised to get her out
Dennis haysbert has been outside twice and woke be the prime suspect
What's wrong with BS?
Lol you never played BS ?
Bruh what that's not how you play
It's an allowable variation though
The problem with this variation of the game is if you flop back and forth it's easier to spot a liar and easier to keep track whereas if you go in order you would have to remember what was played 52 cards ago
She's trying to get intel on everyone via the card game
The weirdo stereotype has an explosion loosing at cards
She decides it's him and tries to dial 911
No one has had service the whole time obvs snow storm
So so busts into the car
The girl has a medical band but i didn't catch it
The guy busts in but she is very small and hides under junk in the big ass creeper truck
He's talking violent
Until he leaves
He has a gun
This guy seems borderline
He finally notices the footprints from the van
The issue is
Dennis haysbert character is ex military and now that she knows it's not him why didn't she just tell him as soon as she found out???
Fake kiss to throw him off the scent
Okay she told the young man
He still thinks it's her though
Why wouldn't they tell the ex military man
Knew it was him from jump obvs the attractive one 🙄🙄
Upset the stereotypical mentally disturbed guy is involved though
They did play it that they didn't know each other the whole time though
Why would her silly butt not just go back into the main room with them??
There's something to be said about addiction and being alone and not asking for help
Okay second time silence being afraid to reach out for help has resulted in someone not being rescued
Yea this is literally just an inability to reach out
The girl dips and they use our protag as bait to smoke her out but it's a literal snow storm they can't find her
Mr and ms common sense go outside and find the girl
So now the protag the nurse the ex military have the girl
But the girl is half frozen and needs her meds now it's a stand off
The kidnappers threatening to burn the center down they got a gas can
Completely plausible i have a gas can in my lil car they got a old van goin over a mountain
These boys are being put up to by their uncle (not actual foster dad)
OMG she's in on it
Apparently the girl is a little shit
And the wife is a maid for the rich family
The marine gambled all their money away
Like the house and everything
Another everyone's in on it
But in a better way
They are trafficking the kid
Boom he shot everybody quick
Knew he would get popped, too useful
The ex nurse current maid
Nailed gunned her to the wall ooof
Like in the wrist though major artery
I'm 100% for the attractive guy being the villain but also two murders is hot like you gotta be a real sociopath for that or very disregulated he wasn't either they should have like advertised that a bit
Just got a text her mom died
I think he thought that would break her but this dumbass doesn't realize that just freed her up to be wreckless
Nothing to live for
Her pending texts obvs went out when the mom text came in
About the kidnappers to her sis
Lol not snorting the coke she found in the car as a pain numbing agent
Shes free
He really does care about his brother
She's holding him hostage
WHOA the lil girl swiped at him holding the nail gun it went off hit the brother in the head
Woah now it's getting silly he tripped on the blood of the other two bodies face planted and the nail went in the rest of the way
Cop arrived
Her dumbass (or coked up ass) shot him while the cop was there so obviously he shot her
Shes a bad shot the brother shoots the cop
He goes back to finish protag but she knofes him
(after some more implied sexual assault via gun)
Protag should be dead but she is on coke so maybe not feeling too much
She radioed for help i would say they would have found them anyway the cop would be missing but possibly not before they all bled out/ froze to death
48 days rehab now
Her sister finally visits after a month under her belt
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battlecreek09 · 2 years
Online Business Information Everyone Ought To Make The Most Of
A smart way for folks to earn money is always to start a home based business. A property business allows individuals to acquire cash flow by undertaking anything they like. House companies enable adaptable hrs and agendas. If you wish to figure out how to setup a residence enterprise, then continue reading this informative article. Don't acquire one half-actions in relation to pleasing your customers. You might like to feature a handwritten thank-you notice once you ship items. You might think about including a free of charge object with their purchase. People enjoy small gift items that make them truly feel unique. Let them know that you are currently grateful for their patronage. Business cards are a fantastic way to advertise your home based business and obtain your company name out to the community. Look for free business cards on the internet and then spread them anywhere you go, which includes food markets, dental office office buildings plus your children's schools. You ought to by no means try to work for an organization that has ethics and beliefs that do not looking glass your personal. It is actually tough to persuade an individual to buy an enterprise strategy or item that you are offering when they can inform that you are currently not a fan of it oneself. It is best to have vouchers readily available for your business to enable you to keep several wherever you go. Dependant upon the goods and services you might be offering, there ought to be lots of people about who would love to purchase something. The key is allowing them to know that it must be offered. Get your enterprise email with a post workplace box. In no way enable your property tackle to be positioned on business cards or online. For the website's domain name, make sure that the registrar will keep the property deal with individual, or instead, supply the article office package tackle. This is for the family's safety. Keep track of your respective business connected mileage. This can be used information and facts to receive a taxes bust. They credit rating you every distance which you generate, which adds up to a nice amount following the season. Produce a spreadsheet to help you using this approach whilst keeping a copy within your vehicle to help remind you to definitely make a note of your details following a visit. You might be probably gonna have to get a domain name for your home business then you will be necessary to acquire a web hosting accounts that will be dependable for you. Shop around to understand as far as possible regarding the distinct hosts available to get the one particular that is going to work efficiently. When you decide to get started on a property organization, you should establish reasonable requirements. There are a lot of advertising that express you are able to "get rich quick," this basically isn't correct. It always takes about a season, even perhaps 36 months, until you visit a considerable benefit from your organization. Your home-based business needs to have advertising materials galore. Some web sites have extraordinary deals on business card printing, so look out for discounts. In any event, a professional, sleek business greeting card will make your small business seem efficient and prepared. Your potential customers can also get a handy reference to hold readily available for potential purchases. Improve site visitors by offering a no cost item on your home-based business website. The cost-free merchandise could be anything from a delivered cost-free sample into a relevant wealth of info certain in your organization industry. Your clients will appreciate a free stuff and become more inclined to look into the all your site, way too. Extra oneself significant legal and accounting severe headaches by opening and looking after a different checking out and savings account to your enterprise. Retaining your business funds aside from your own can make it significantly more successful to record company profits and costs and is particularly more convenient close to taxation time every year. Should you be operating and living in the same location, it could be simple to get caught up in job. You must individual work and private lifestyle by developing a particular job sector, and also establishing obvious working hours to go out of time to your private lifestyle. A lot of home based companies are moving on footwear string finances. Because you don't get the expenses as an office rent, or stock for a storefront, you are able to usually begin these fairly merely. 네이버 비실명 아이디 구매 of home based companies are of your contacting mother nature, but browse around for other people you could try out. As mentioned well before inside the release for this article, a house organization is a wonderful way to earn money. Residence companies let folks obtain revenue by undertaking things they adore while developing a flexible function plan. While using recommendations found in this article, you can put in place your home business.
0 notes
bluefirewrites · 3 years
‘A Flowery Back-And-Forth’- Juke Florist!AU
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Juke AU where Julie’s mom had owned the Petal Pushers Floral Company, now run by her Tía Victoria and she helps by delivering orders on her bike. 
Another riff from the Triad Chat Vault. Happy JATP Appreciation Month!
"Alright, I'm on it, Willie!" Julie calls out, slipping the arrangement in her basket, foot primed to pedal-
"Wait!" Willie sidles up to her with a conspiratorial smirk, "Can you do me a teensy weensy favor?"
Her eyes shut, already groaning, "No, no. Willie, no-"
The skater sticks out his bottom lip, pouting, "Please? I'm willing to pay for the 'Julie Molina Special'"
Julie points to the sign hanging in the Petal Pushers shop, "Do you see a 'Julie Molina Special’ or arrangement up there?"
Willie presents her a wad of cash.
She eyes it warily, "You're shelling out so much for this, aren't you?"
"It's Alex," he says, eyes twinkling, "He deserves the best," he elbows her playfully, "Right?"
Shit. Romance isn't dead after all.
And Julie does need the money.
"Okay, fine," she pockets the cash and mounts her bike "One 'Julie Molina' delivery special coming up."
"Yes!" he hugs her from behind, careful not to squash the flowers, "Thank you. He'll appreciate it for sure."
"I'm doing this for you," she rings the bell and starts rolling down the street, "And you better properly introduce me to your boyfriend next time!"
"Here you go, courtesy of your boyfriend,"
"Will do!"
Julie bikes over to the address, not too far from her house. 
“He’s in band practice right now, so take the flowers there,” Willie had told her. 
She could already hear the music flowing from the garage as she pulls up and parks her bike. Carefully scooping up the bouquet, she knocks on the double doors. 
It takes a moment for anyone inside to notice the knocking due to the loud music (which is pretty good from what Julie has heard so far. And she doesn’t really listen to much music anymore). 
The guitars and drums are put to a halt. Then a voice calls out. 
“Who is it?” 
“It’s Petal Pushers Floral Company. I have a delivery for an ‘Alex Mercer’?” 
“Cool. Come on in.” 
Heeding instruction, she pushes the doors open and walks inside. She spots Alex immediately, by the drums. The blonde raises his hand and Julie comes forward with the large bouquet Willie ordered for him.
"Um..." Julie e starts, rubbing her hands together nervously, "There's more."
"Thanks!" Alex blushes, admiring the rainbow of flowers collected.
“And the card,” 
Alex quickly swipes the card, eyeing his bandmates in case either of them would dare to steal it and read it outloud. He reads the note to himself and he blushes even more. 
“Happy One Month, Hot Dog,” he recites an excerpt for everyone, to which they all go ‘aww’. Then Alex nods at her, “And you’re Julie, right? Willie tells me all about you. Thanks for coming by.” 
“Really no problem. Just doing my job. As a delivery girl and his friend.” 
Speaking of friend duties...
Then she looks around the room and shrinks in on herself seeing that she does have an audience, one that she recognizes. 
There’s Reggie from her Home Ec class and the other boy, Luke, she thinks, the one she always spots with a guitar case in his hands.
"Um..." she starts, rubbing her hands together nervously, "There's more."
"Oh," Alex says, surprised, "Really?"
"I don't know what it is that makes me love you so...I only know I never want to let you go...'" she sings, snapping to the beat, trying hard not to look at anyone else but Alex.
I'm so gonna kill Willie for this...
She clears her throat. And goes for it. 
"'Cause you started something, can't you see...That ever since we met you've had a hold on me...”" she starts moving around the space, spinning and dancing like an old-timey singing-gram.
Coming back around, she catches eyes with Luke, and she immediately averts her eyes, turning red.
No, Julie... just keep singing. This would all be over soon. So you won't have to keep embarrassing yourself in front of cute boys...
“It happens to be true.... I only want to be with you!" she finishes on own knee, with jazz hands.
She's met with a round of applause as she stands up, feeling awkward.
"Wow!" Reggie claps, "Your boyfriend got you flowers and a pretty girl to sing you a song."
"That was great," Alex beams at her, "You're really good!"
She blushes, waving off the compliments, "Not really a thing we do at the shop, but Willie insisted."
"What a shame," Luke finally pipes up, his eyes never having left her ever since she walked in, "I bet a lot of people will buy flowers... if they're being delivered like that."
Julie swears she's glowing red like Rudolph at this point, with the way he stares. 
Julie walks her bike up to the garage, finding only Luke there playing away on his guitar.
"Thanks..." she mutters shyly, rushing out the door and towards her bike, “Have a good one guys. And you sounded great by the way.” 
“We’re Sunset Curve,” Luke shouts after her. 
“Tell your friends!” Reggie follows up. 
Julie politely waves at them and bikes away, all too keen to continue on with her route and try to put this whole embarrassing moment behind her. 
If only Luke Patterson was planning to do the same. 
Ever since she made the delivery, the guy would try to flag her attention at school. With a ‘Hey Flower Girl’ and striking up conversation, which throws her off balance. 
She tries not to associate with people in the music program as often, not since she left due to... personal reasons. (Flynn is a notable exception)
Julie would be friendly, to Alex and Reggie to an extent as well, (to Alex especially since he is Willie’s boyfriend), but she’s just trying to get by with her busy schedule of school and her job at the flower shop. 
She goes to work after school two weeks later and makes her rounds with the deliveries Tía sends her on. Tía only gives her the remaining orders that the trucks couldn’t take, last minute ones that are within riding distance.
(Julie can’t wait until she’s able to get her license and really make a contribution to her family’s business). 
She’s just about to call it a night when Tía surprises her with one last minute arrangement. A call made while she was out. 
It’s about 6 at this point, getting darker and so she packages the bundle of peonies quickly, puts it in her basket and looks at the address. She rolls her eyes when she reads where it’s going and who it’s for. 
She knocks against the door, bearing the small bouquet of peonies, "Ahem?"
It startles the boy and he fumbles with his instrument. He looks up to find her standing there and grins. Soon, the guitar is off his person and he's meeting her at the door.
"Hey," he greets.
"Hi," she smiles, although confused, "Delivery for 'Luke Patterson'?"
The boy glances around the empty space before feigning realization, "Oh! That must be me!"
"Looks like," Julie couldn't help but giggle. She gives him the flowers, their hands making brief contact during the exchange. 
"You like peonies?" Luke sniffs the flowers, playing with the paper wrap.
She pulls back, clearing her throat. She wants to ask that question at the forefront of her mind, but she really shouldn’t assume anything about their customers. But she couldn’t help but wonder who the flowers are for. 
So she just settles for: "Nice arrangement.”
"They're pretty, yeah,"
He tilts his head, "But are they your favorite?"
Julie purses her lips, "Nope. Not really."
"I swear you give me a peonies kinda vibes,"
"That's a thing?"
Setting down the flowers onto the table, Luke nods, "Oh yeah. Don't you try and guess what kind of flowers people would buy when they come in?"
"But still," he pinches a peony from the bunch and offers it to her and Julie's breath hitches.
"For you,"
She crosses her arms, despite the butterflies. Instead of accepting it, she raises an eyebrow at him.
"I'm not one to take a customer's flowers,"
He shrugs, "Consider it a tip?"
"Why? ‘Cuz you don't have any money?" she jests, making her way down the driveway.
"C'mon, Julie," he calls from the open garage, "Here." he holds out the flower again.
Rolling her eyes, she mounts her bike, "I'm not a peony-kind of girl, remember!"
"I'll figure out what kind of girl you are," he says, almost like a promise.
"Good luck with that!" she shouts back, racing down the driveway and onto the street.
The last thing she sees is him grinning like an idiot in the doorway, tossing aside the peony, and watching her ride off into the evening.
Little does she know that this is only the start of their little flowery back-and-forth...
Tagging: @blush-and-books​​ @lydias--stiles​​  @thedeathdeelers​​ @ruzek-halstead​​, @pink-flame​​, @ourstarscollided​​, @nottheleastbrave​​, @echocharm17618​​ @smolfangirl​​ 
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