#gymclass sports
jetsrewind · 2 months
Sports activities for kids are important! Keeping the drill short will b...
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noitakuvia · 1 year
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onlinesikhstore · 2 years
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New addition to our sports category - handmade skipping ropes for fitness and home workouts. These are now available @OnlineSikhStore @OnlineKaraStore @SikhArtefacts @SmartFashionsUK www.onlinesikhstore.com Pleaae Whatsapp 0044-7883024604 or email [email protected] for more information #sports #skippingropes #skipping #workout #weightloss #dieting #summer #jumping #garden #homeworkout #gym #affordablegym #OnlineSikhStore #onlinekarastore #sikhartefacts #diet #dietppans #sweating #gymclass #rope #workouts #running https://www.instagram.com/p/CgpS7l1soiA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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theclipartproject · 4 years
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Artist: Celine Díaz
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ne0cra · 4 years
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Idiots being idiots during gym class…
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larkspur0 · 2 years
Ok whoever made badminton can literally suck my big toe because I am a beast at that game..
Also my shoulder is in decommission now so sos
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tfdsupplies · 4 years
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Have you ever wondered when dodgeball was first played?
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istillhaveanxiety · 7 years
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9 years ago in middle school, I was in gym class playing dodgeball against a guy I disliked. He called me some insulting name right as the teacher blew the whistle and said to stop throwing balls. I threw mine as hard as I could at him to retaliate, and ended up hitting the teacher in the chest instead.
I still have anxiety about this.
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xpersonality · 4 years
How do INFPs handle popularity?
Imagine yourself being a 10 year old again….
It’s Thursday morning, 08:00 AM. Your day starts with a gymclass.
You don’t like school, except gym. It has always been your favorite school class. You love to play sports!
Today is basketbal on the schedule, you are extremely content to play your favorite sport.
You enter the gymnastics class.
So the moment arrived, the first thing that has to be done in order to play basketbal is that teams have to be formed.
Your teacher asks Tom and Charlie to pick their own basketbal team. Everyone could see that Tom and Charlie, the most popular boys of the class were feeling honored to pick their favorite team.
Tom picks his best friend Tim. Charlie picks Cathy, which he always plays with at school. Tom picks Bob. Carlie picks Hans. Tom picks Caroline, Charlie picks Robbie.
There are only two people remaining, Jan and You.
You start to get anxious, and afraid. Your hands start to shake and you start to feel dizzy. Terrifying thoughts are filling your mind like: am I being picked last?
The thing that followed was a long awkward silence ……………
The teacher encourages Tom to pick the last team member for his basketbal team.
Tom doesn’t hesitate and picks Jan.
And there you are, staring into darkness, nobody picked you, you are the leftover. You feel like you aren’t good enough, aren’t sporty enough and last: aren’t popular enough.
Sadly they picked the most popular kids, status is important early on. You see, at a very young age, children are influenced by the effect of popularity. It even starts at school as you saw in the example.
So, how do INFPs handle popularity?
We don’t.
We believe that popularity crushes humanity - The INFPs ideal is to achieve equality between humans. Status hierarchies shouldn’t be part of our society. Those hierachies prevent high status from interacting with low status people. So much friendships are never started because we thought that we were ‘’higher’’ on the ladder of social hierarchie. Treat everyone with the same respect.
We dislike attention - Since we are introverts our battery is limited, charging is necessary. It doesn’t take a lot of effort for us to be totally drained. Being watched and feeling constant pressure are the worst energy drainers. We LOVE to be in the background, let us be influential behind the scenes.
We keep our circle SMALL - Imagine the terrifying situation of giving a birthday party in which you have to invite all your 100 FRIENDS because of your immense popularity. This is my worst nightmare. I can count my important people on two hands and I want to keep it that way.
Message to my fellow INFPs:
Don’t be ashamed of yourself for not being popular enough, when you stay the way you are you will find the right, humble, like-minded humans you are looking for. Don’t be pressured to act popular, we are popular in our own unique way. Not admired by 1000 people, constantly followed and looked up to. But being important to the select, small group of people who are worth it to be part of our lives.
Thanks for reading!
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idiotphobic-archive · 5 years
i am SO incredibly happy tht he isnt in my gymclass tho bc if he was id b trying 2 show off n constantly look @ him even tho im SHIT @ sports
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amnachil · 7 years
The High School Game Part 1
Okay, here we are ! Hope you’ll like it.
Sam DAY 1 Wednesday
"Hey big boy, how are you doing today ?"
With a smirk, Sam touched Finn's belly. All around, students were laughing, amused by the situation.
"How much food did you put on this paunch this morning ? You really are a big boy."
"Please, let me go." begged Finn. "I have to join the class."
Sam nodded when the bell rang. He took his own bag and joined his sports teammates while grinning. The big boy just ran in the classroom, with his huge potbelly jiggling at every stepp. He was 179 cm (5'8") height and they called him the fatty high school teen, because everyone was laughing at him. Sam, under the pressure of social mass and because he loved teasing, was one of the most agressive. But after all, that was legit. Following Raphaël, Sam entered in the classroom and sat behind his desk, ready for one long hour of mathematics. Boring, this is boring. He glanced at Finn, who was next to Shirley. The boy, with his 87 kg (191 lb), carried a big, round belly. Sat here, Sam could see the rolls of fat hanging over his trousers, pushing against his too tight tee-shirt. So patethic. On the other hand, Shirley was a beautiful girl, standing at 163 cm (5'4"), for approximatively 53 kg (116 lb) of pure muscle. Her thin body, enlightened by her solid breast and strongs arms and legs, was perfect for Sam. Since two years, he just wanted to ask her out, but he had not found the courage yet.
"Stop looking at her like this buddy." whispered Raphaël. "You look weird."
"Hell, true. Thanks."
The class went, one after one, more and more annoying for the young lad. The only things he loved in high school were sports and the canteen. Indeed, with lunchtime came usually a lot of fun for Sam and his mates of the soccer team. Following Raphaël, he chose his menu : one burger, fries and soda. Digging hungrily, he barely watched Raphaël sigh. In no time, he finished his lunch, happy, and decided to play the rest of his free break. Play with Finn. The big boy, sat next to Shirley (Sam did not understand why both were friends) was eating with passion two burgers and one large box of fries.
"Hey, big boy !" shouted Sam.
Raphaël, who finished his own lunch very fast, because he followed a strict diet to keep his built body, laughed.
"Don't call him big boy Sam. He is more like a Big Pig."
"True buddy, and a really big one. Do you mind if I call you Big Pig ?"
Finn, too scared of the two handsomes boys, just stay quite. In the high school, rules were clear : sports guys were at the top, and the other just have to shut up. Sam was glad to know he was one of the most popular teenagers. Many lads wanted his body, with defined six pack, hard pecs and strong arms. But that was an hard work, like 30 minutes of workout every morning plus gymclass every afternoon. Raphaël was doing 1 hour every morning, but only because he was over addicted to sport. And both were playing soccer every saturday with the team, obviously.
"I think we understood." interrupted Shirley. "You two are the funniest guys in the world, but now, get out."
Sam loved to tease Finn, but he wanted the girl's admiration too. He just obeyed to her order, followed by his buddy.
Rest of day passed without any interesting events until gym time. A lot of 11th grade students, boys and girls, joined the lesson of Mr. Litman in order to exercise. Today, planning was running. As soon as the professor gave the signal, Sam started the run of his life. He loved to smell the sweat after a rought time. And furthermore, he loved to win. Which was hard against Raphaël and Tobias, an other teammate. By the way, he ran until overtake the last runner, Finn. Obviously he is.
"Hold on Big Pig ! Try to make an effort !"
His belly was jiggling like hell with every step, just like his fat ass. It was like three meat ball. How pathethic. Sam, too busy laughing at Finn, lost the run. Raphaël was first, far ahead Tobias, and then went Shirley, and then Sam. But that was not rude, because the beautiful girl, too happy to be better than one of the guy, smiled to him. I won my day.
Shirley DAY 1 Wednesday – DAY 2 Thursday
This night, after a family dinner with her twins sisters, her brother and her parents, the young lady went upstair to make some push-up. One, two, three... Since the beginning of the years, almost two month ago, she discovered a whole new world. Last year, she was in a different class, with awesome peoples, kind and funny. Seven, eight, nine... But right now, for his 11th grade year, she just fell in the worst class of the school. Girls were... well, they were awful, judging student by their physiques and feelings, without knowing them. And the majority of the boys was even worst. Twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two... Sam, a wicked boy obsessed by his physique, was the monster. He just made fun of Finn like, well, every fucking time he saw the growing boy. Shirley tried to make him understand that her friend was not only an overweight guy, but... He is too dumb too understand...
"What the hell are you doing in the bathroom ? Oh my god !"
Dan, her older brother was like... well, the perfect man according to Shirley. Get it right, she loved exercise, abs and strong chest, but she had other... tastes concerning boys. Freshman in College (he was in the same high school than her last year) her brother still lived with their parents for cheaper consumption. Standing at 181 cm (5'9"), he weighted something like 72 kg (158 lb), with a little (hardly noticeable) tummy. Sweet, good looking and comprehensive, Dan was definitly the perfect brother.
"Are you seriously doing push-up ?"
Since her 14, she was nearly addict to sport : plus gym in high school, she did 3 hours weekly (on Sunday) of athletics and 30min of workout every morning. In comparison, Dan, working maybe 1 hour every two week, was astonished by her performance.
"Yeah, in order to keep my body healthy." she said.
"You know, you can be heathly whitout that." replied Dan. "Shall I consider I'm unheathly ?"
He patted his tummy with a grin. She blinked, and left the bathroom to let him go. She would not admit it, but seing her brother with a little roll of fat, even if it was invisible under his clothes, made her shiver with excitation.
Morning came after a long and relaxing night. Shirley woke up, reach the kitchen and take her breakfast. She abtsenly watched over her window. Every morning, at 6:45, Raphaël passed in front of her house for his morning workout routine. They say I'm addict, but he is insane. Since she lived here, she saw him daily, even on sunday. According to Dan, he worked 1 hour before class, then joined gym lesson, and obviously, he played soccer saturday afternoon with his teammates. Insane, told you. She went to the bathroom and get ready. In mid-october, the weather was still good for her to wear a skirt and a tee-shirt. She watched her six pack, as hard as a rock, and smiled. Today will be a better day... In primary school, she has a lack in confidence, but nowadays... Her only regret concerned Sam, who bullied Finn too much. But she was thinking about a solution.
Like every morning, after her traditionnal workout, she found Finn buying a box of mini-donuts at Ms. Luliano's Bakery. She got the best groceries over the town, but well... Shirley was not a gourmet. The young teenager joined her friend, the only one she had in this class of nasty student.
"Hi Finn, how are ya ?"
The boy gulped his donut before answering :
"Hi Shirley ! Well i'm stressed, like every day."
No need to tell, Finn suffered from the teasing of their schoolmates. They joked about him every fucking second of the day. And, just to prove she was right, Sam show up at the enter of the high school.
"Big Pig hey ! I saw you ate your donuts ! Are you sure it was enough for that big gut of yours ?"
All above, the others laughed. This is not funny, but Sam he too popular... They just follow like sheeps...
"Enough." take part Shirley. "We heard you enough for today Sam. Leave us alone."
"Calm down lovely girl." teased Sam. "I just joking with my buddies. That's not a girl concern."
Seriously ? She wanted to kick his ass, but that was not a good idea. Firstly, because even with her toned muscles, she only was 163 cm (5'4") and 53 kg (116 lb), while he stood at 182 cm (6'0") and 74 kg (163 lb) perfectly distributed on his muscled body. I'm glad the infirmary release those data, by the way... It was a creepy tradition of the high school. Anyway, secondly, she could not hit Sam in the face, because Tobias was here... and Tobias always told everything to Raphaël... And Raphaël is a real pain in the ass. So, she just smiled to Sam and answered :
"Okay honey. See you later..."
She left the place, followed by Finn... She saw the bully blushing, which was awkward. And then, she realised she called him "honey", which was even more awkward.
Sam DAY 2 Thursday
The whole day, the young lad just thought about Shirley. She called him "honey"... Okay, with an ironic tone, but this probably meant something, isn't it ? Until gymclass, he was not able to think about something else.
"Man, you are absent-minded since the beginning of the day." proclaimed Raphaël. "What the hell is happening ?"
They were the last two one in the locker room, before the activity of the day (workout). Shirtless, his friend glanced at him. He is... handsome. Just, Sam was not gay. But Raphaël, despite his short 177 cm (5'8"), got a perfect body for magazine. His six pack was perfectly chiselled, under two strong pecs, and his arms and legs were athletics, strongs, with toned muscles. Plus, blond with blue eyes, his gentle traits gave the impression to speak with the Prince charming.
"I just thought about Shirley, the new girl. I really, really want her buddy."
Raphaël smiled, revealing his perfect, white teeths.
"Ask her out on saturday... I heard from Dan she would come with Finn."
"Big Pig is coming ? Who the fuck invited this loser ?"
"I do buddy, but no big deal. I thought it would be fun to have our... fatty friend with us. And well, Shirley need some new friends, so, I'm sure you will convince her to let Finn alone and get out with you..."
"How am I supposed to do that ? I'm not sure she likes me."
Raphaël put his sport T-shirt and smiled again.
"Man, we are the most awesome and handsome student in 11th grade. Every fucking girl, even the chubbies and uglies are only dreaming about us. Just ask her out, she will blush, say yes and you will have her. Simply like that."
This evening, Sam just cogitated about Raphaël piece of advice. That was easy for the blond lad, but Sam have not the same confidence. Brown hair, brown eyes, 182 cm (6'0"), he was a normal guy, except his awesome body. Maybe Shirley was more into blond or ginger guys... Leaving his bedroom, the lad joined her mother for dinner. They were living on their own, without an adult male. Dad left when I was 4 she said... Sam and her mother were not exactly in good terms. Since he decided to take care of his body and his alimentation – not as much as Raphaël, but enough to keep in shape – her mother, Nadia, was sad. Former professionel cook, she always loved make awesome meals for her son. But now, with the influence of social media, high school teammates and workout routine, he only ate basics meals, without any skills requirement. Today, Nadia made some broccoli, with a steak and water. Sam ate the wole thing without a word for her, before going to his bedroom.
"Son, wait." ordered her mother. "I have something to tell you."
He grumbled and sat down on his chair. What the hell she want now ? Slowly, she sat in front of him and smiled. Being 171 cm (5'6"), she was thin, with small breast and a flat stomach. She got brown hair, just like him, and the same eyes enlighten by a gleam of anger.
"I got your professor, Mister Pitts, on the phone today." she started. "He informed me of your grades which are decreasing, and he fears your average will be low in the end of the semester."
So what ? Sam was not able to exercise, study and hang out with his friends. He has to make a choice, and he did one : less revisions, more fun. High school was not that important for him. With a body like his, he could do whatever he want...
"Honestly." he stated. "I'm not worried. It's just one or two exams which were more difficult than I expected, but I'm fine. And that's not your business anyway... My work, my grades, that's all."
He did not wait for an answer. He stood up and left the room, letting her alone. I have priorities... First of all, he has to prepare his declaration for Saturday...
Shirley DAY 4 Saturday
The party started right after the soccer pratice, but she decided to come around 20:00. It take place at Tobias home, because his parents were in a business travel and the boy their only son. The town counted a lot of villas like this one, with a pool, a huge garden and three cars. Finn was waiting for her, hidden behind a big tree, probably afraid to go in alone. I can understand... Nevertheless, she did not get why Raphaël invited them yet but... She knew he was like... well like the devil himself.
"Finn, how are ya ?"
He saw her and smiled.
"Better now. I'm stressed because of this party... I think Sam will be here."
Obviously he will be. Wherever Raphaël and Tobias were, Sam was too. And this was a huge party, for the class and all the 11th grade student who wanted to come. For real, even Dan was already in, probably having fun.
"Don't worry, I will take care of you."
That was funny. His friend was taller than her, and really, really more impressive. According to the data of the infirmarie, which were updated every month, Finn weighted 87 kg (191 lb). And well... even 10 kg of fat were enough to make him impressive. Today, he worn a loose blue shirt around his big gut, and a black jeans waist 40 with a belt. Anyway, she bring him with her, and went in the manor.
Noisy, woolly, the living room was full of youngs peoples having fun. Everywhere, students were dancing in rythm or drinking. Ah, yeah... Despite the interdiction of alcohol for teen, high school students loved being drunk. On a corner, a buffet attracted Finn's eyes. To be honest, he was often eating, and Shirley already understood that, despite his overweight, he got a wonderful metabolism to fight against all this junk food. Whatever, she followed him, but did not touch anything. There were donuts, sweets, pie, and, of course, pizza. The young lady watched the surrounding area, rather bored. I don't like party, I came only for Finn. Okay, there was another reason. Dan, her brother, was here, with a group of buddies. For a college student, he loved high school party (probably because Raphaël invited him). And Shirley loved to watch her brother. Okay, this is weird. But, under his tight shirt, she could distinguish his bloated stomach (and it was only 21:00...). With passion, she gazed at him while he drank beer after beer, unconscious of her fascnation. Shirley would probably watch him overstuffed his face the whole night, but Sam came to her 2 hour later, and asked to speak in the garden, far away eavesdropper.
For the party, he evidently chose to wear a tight white shirt, half open to let everyone see his strong chest and a tighter jean, squeezing his ass. It look like he already drank a lot, because his belly was pretty bloated (she could see that because the shirt was nearly transparent) and his cheek were red.
"I needed to talk to you... burp... oh sorry. That's the beer."
Nice, for an introduction. She nodded prudently and waited.
"I'm, burp, stressed, but I think I have to give it a try. Okay, well. You're beautiful. The most wonderful girl in this high school."
Is he that drunk ? By the look of it, Sam was sincere. He had not enough beer to be drunk... But what the fuck is he thinking ?
"Can we go out together ?"
She opened her eyes wide. Seriously ? Why Shirley would date this asshole ? He just had teased her and Finn the whole week, saying every fucking time how fat her friend was, and right now, he asked her out ? This overconfidence was insane. There was no way she would accept.
"I know." mumbled Sam. "I'm not your bestfriend... but... I really like you. I'm ready to take time for you, and to listen to your wishs in order to make you happy. I'm even ready to be nicer with Finn to please you, but hey, say yes."
Shirley realized something. Behind this honesty, she had no choice. If she said no, Sam would tell it to Raphaël and Tobias. The three of them will probably have a revenge by insulting Finn even more. I must agree, or Finn will pay the consequences... Crap, fuck you Sam Boiley, fuck you and your crew. Sadly and quite depressed, she said yes, and promised herself she would find a plan to make Sam regret this decision. He took her hand, happy like a kid, and brought her inside, in order to announce the good new to his friends. And she just smiled, captive of the bully.
To be continued
Note : Height and weight are fairly europeans standards. (That’s why boys are short :p)
Note 2 : Being a non-native English speaker, I may have made some mistakes. Please be nice :D
Note 3 : Do not hesitate to make a comment. Thanks guys !
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onlinesikhstore · 2 years
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New addition to our sports category - handmade skipping ropes for fitness and home workouts. These are now available @OnlineSikhStore @OnlineKaraStore @SikhArtefacts @SmartFashionsUK www.onlinesikhstore.com Pleaae Whatsapp 0044-7883024604 or email [email protected] for more information #sports #skippingropes #skipping #workout #weightloss #dieting #summer #jumping #garden #homeworkout #gym #affordablegym #OnlineSikhStore #onlinekarastore #sikhartefacts #diet #dietppans #sweating #gymclass #rope #workouts #running (at Online Sikh Store) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgpStAzscL8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dreammatter · 5 years
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decided to get myself some baseball tees 🐰⚾💖 i know enough about the sport to know i am no good at it but i felt kinda cute in this blue one! ⚾😘💖🐰 who else was always picked last?? #random #feelingcute #baseballtee #scruffy #gay #princess #dude #selfie #pickedlast #gymclass #throwback #hello https://www.instagram.com/p/BvxDSeAgUEn/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1i5j1fx589kna
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I've been in this gym life for a minute....can you find me? First love....coaching my babies. 15yrs + Active kids = Active adults. Put your kids in a sport, a physical activity as soon as you can. They'll thank you later.🤸🏽‍♀️🤸🏽‍♂️🤸🏽‍♀️🤸🏽‍♂️🤸🏽‍♀️🤸🏽‍♂️🤸🏽‍♀️🤸🏽‍♂️🤸🏽‍♀️🤸🏽‍♂️🤸🏽‍♀️🤸🏽‍♂️🤸🏽‍♀️🤸🏽‍♂️ #dedicated #spreadingstrengthtochicago #spreadinghealthtochicago #strongerlastslonger #gymclass #activekids #gymlife #coach #strength #functionalstrength #functionalmovement #foundations #muscles #buildingmuscles #healthyliving #healthandhappiness #janellelise #strengthandwellnesscoach #chicagotrainer #gymowner #womenenterpreneurs #supportsmallbusinesses #chirican #justakidfromchicago #chicagotrueborn https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt52IgPgpSL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vdnvc8yuoal1
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angelica55ink · 7 years
Metch: I'm Metch!! That's my name! -sigh- anyways, can you let me outt'a here??? Six: sure! But we don't have a key- Mr.Canshi(the schools gym teacher): *is dressed like a king* well, well. Look who we have here, it's Mrs.fail-at-every-sport-and-gymclass--sneaky! Why have you come into my donain? And why are you with that delinquent? *points to Six*
Young Night: 1, Why are you dressed like a king when your more like the Joker to me! And 2, she's not a delinquent!
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sidewaysgravity · 7 years
Remember back in high school when you got picked last for some kind of sport at gymclass and how shitty that felt because it reassured you that you’re just not good enough. Now imagine not being chosen at all, ever... 
How would that affect your mental state if you’re not dealing with sports but with people you like and get romantically attached to... 
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