#haha fart
lunyrbug · 2 years
rewatching attorney woo
bang gu-ppong <3 somebody kidnap me and free me from school and let me run around for crying out loud
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froog-water · 6 months
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i like to think this is how their first interaction went down. they have hated each other since day one :P
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meromessy · 2 months
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takas sa prom mga b0ang
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ganondoodle · 8 months
me: finally im able to cope with how much i hate totk and can fuel that energy into other things :)
nintendy: the shiekah tech just dissappeared and no one knows why or cares enough to investigate it lol. lmao. its gone bc the calamity is gone or something even tho it literally isnt bc ganondorf is right there haha lol, stop asking, why do you care. just forget it existed and look at that sexy goatman and glue instead!! glue! isnt that wild?? also its totally a direct, 100% same universe and exact same characters, despite them act totally out of character, sequel to botw-
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marsbotz · 1 year
can you even call urself a real ninjago fan if you dont have at least one side character ur weirdly obsessed abt…
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glumby · 1 year
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noticed that my next post (this one) will be my 1000th post on this blog 💀 so I decided to redraw my very first post to commemorate it!
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raineandsky · 5 months
could we get a flirty villain X oblivious cinnamon roll hero please ? I'll give you a cookie 🍪
oooooooo one of my favourite tropes!! i love dumbasses who are just blind to the most obvious things, hope you enjoy :D
“Beautiful evening for it, isn’t it?”
The hero whirls to meet their new foe, fists raised, but the villain only throws them a sweet smile. Almost a smirk, like they know something the hero doesn’t.
“There’s no need for that, is there?” they purr. “I’m only commenting on the view.”
The villain isn’t even looking at the view, as beautiful as it apparently is. The hero slowly lowers their fists. They haven’t seen too much trouble from this villain before, they suppose.
The villain’s heels click against the concrete as they saunter closer. The hero pins their gaze to the sunset. The way their nemesis is watching them is a little too intense for their liking. “It’s nice at night, too, from up here,” the hero says, because the silence is stretching a little too long and they’re getting awkward about it. “The city looks crazy from here when it’s all lit up.”
The villain hums idly, pausing next to them to actually take in the scenery beyond. The hero glances at them and– oh. No, they’re not admiring the view. They’re still staring.
The hero shuffles on their feet and averts their gaze. More silence. The hero opens their mouth to make another painful attempt at conversation.
"You know,” the villain thankfully says instead, “there’s a really cute little restaurant downtown. Italian. It’s on that corner opposite the convenience store.”
The hero’s brow knits slightly. “The Pizza House?”
The villain’s face brightens. “That’s it! I forgot the name.” They finally, finally, turn their gaze out to the city. “I’ve been watching you from the sidelines for a while, [Hero]. You impress me. I thought you might like to join me down there tomorrow night.”
A challenge. Or a trap. The villain’s inviting them to one of their crimes. There’s something going on here—what’s the catch?
“I’ve heard the food is to die for,” the villain’s saying. “The cocktails are supposedly explosive.”
Explosive? God, the villain’s going to blow the place to smithereens. Then again, the hero is being handed the perfect chance to put a stop to this inane plan. Best to go along with it.
“Oh, yeah.” That doesn’t sound believable even to their own ears. “When were you thinking?”
The villain hums shortly, tilting their head in thought. “About seven? I’d like my food to go down before we continue with the rest of our evening.”
They grace the hero with a wink and a confident smirk. Oh god, are they planning to blow up two buildings?
“Where, uh, where were you thinking of taking the rest of the evening?” It’s too obvious a question, but the villain doesn’t seem to mind. They’re amused by it, if anything.
“I don’t know,” the villain says with a dramatic sigh. “Your place?”
The villain must’ve seen the way the hero’s eyes widened at that. They only just hold down the incensed “WHAT” threatening to announce itself.
Did the villain just tell the hero that they intend to blow up their house?
The hero clears their throat for a moment. The villain grins like this is exactly the reaction they wanted. “Sure,” they manage eventually. “Sounds… exciting.”
The villain’s gaze is on them again, striking as ever, and the hero has to once again look away. It’s a little nerve wracking, being studied so closely. They can see the villain’s light smile out of the corner of their eye.
“It will be.” The villain’s fingers brush against the hero’s arm, and the hero shivers. A promise—of mass destruction, by the sounds of it. “I’ll make sure of that, darling.”
The villain throws one last arrogant smirk at the hero before they’re off, strolling back across the rooftop and leaving the hero alone once again.
The hero’s phone is out as soon as the villain is out of sight. No point in wasting time.
“Yeah,” they say quickly. “I’m going to need every hero available honed in on the Pizza House at seven tomorrow evening. I think something big is coming.”
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cottagefork · 1 year
Rebecca responding to Rupert’s mention of the first Richmond match he saw with “When they used to play by candlelight” is one of the BEST lines in this episode and it is being slept on, and I can just not allow that!
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ladyofthelake · 3 months
Im super fucked up about that Gwaine post I just reblogged because
Merlin would have had zero tears left to shed, he was utterly spent and broken yet would be told he had lost Gwaine too and he died without ever fully knowing him? I mean at least Arthur and Lancelot knew his secret at the end and that is <3 but fuck me how the fuck why the fuck on the same day WHAT THE FUCK would he bury him in the lake too OH GOD did Percival carry him to the lake so they could say goodbye??? THE LIST OF PEOPLE GROWS LONGER THAT MERLIN LETS GO ON THE LAKE
and wow one day it would be Gaius...and Hunith...and Gwen...until Camelot crumbles and Merlin wanders and waits...alone...1500 years later I
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classiccvnt · 10 months
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willy---wanka · 9 months
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iwillwringyourneck · 28 days
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guys its fine to fart now you have a *good* reason
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leawesomesloth · 6 months
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no thoughts just little red riding hood but it's fengqing
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frownyalfred · 21 hours
i gotta ask because I keep doing this to myself [and i am not procrastinating i swear] but how often do you write yourself into a corner?
I don't mean like into a plot hole but like you write and write and then like you realize what you wrote doesn't fit the tone of the scene or its irrelevant or its a plot point that came up too soon or the characters are taking the story in a direction that doesn't serve the plot?
Do you just delete it? do you save it as a snippet idea somewhere?
I am deep in the delete it and occasionally save a snippet if its not trash era myself
Oof, yeah it definitely happens sometimes. I absolutely hate it. It ruins my mood for several days and I have to go walk it off when I realize what's happened.
I think the sooner you realize you're veering off course, the easier it is to salvage. I usually delete and start over, but I've started doing a mini post-mortem on why it isn't working -- that's essential so you don't do the same thing all over again.
Usually big parts of that chunk are salvageable, especially dialogue! Or they're useful elsewhere and just not in that spot in particular. Sometimes I save stuff for a future chapter or I add it into a little elseworld fic (see my ASOH spin offs) so it's not wasted.
A good example of this for me was the ending to borderline. I wrote a whole sideplot about Gotham, Bruce, and Damian that didn't really end up serving the main plot and actually negated the conclusion of the fic. But I really liked what I'd written, so that was a tough moment. However, a lot of those lines ended up being repurposed in the dialogue for Gotham later on in that same chapter, so I didn't feel totally foolish.
But yeah, big take away is -- it happens, I've done it, and usually your brain is trying to help you! Don't throw it all away unless you really have to. Utilize those pieces or lines or ideas elsewhere. Use them as unreleased backstory in your notes. Chuck them into a sequel once the plot is wrapped up. Etc.
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zekreet · 3 months
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siggh. whateverrrrr
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nalpurex · 2 months
i got souyo brainworms again and i gotta share some thoughts i have
this ones a long one so ill put a 'keep reading' thing here just in case yall dont wanna scroll past a wall of text
basically some headcanons about a healthy mix of chad narukami and normal yu, injecting loads of gap moe into this guy
(and it eventually devolves into some weird semi-story because my brains really spiralling here)
okok so, hear me out, chad narukami isnt that bad as an idea...? maybe as a more calm iteration, just another layer to yu
in the p4 manga, we get to see some of yu's backstory. (its been a while since ive read it so i might get some details wrong but) his parents are very busy people, always working and moving around, so yu's always moving around with them
because of this, hes a very independent but also lonely kid. poor guy doesnt talk much with his own mom and dad, and he never really have a good enough chance to form lasting friendships
so when he moves to inaba and starts making friends there, hes like 'oh i really want to keep these guys around...' so he starts putting up a bit of a persona (hah), some cool, unfazed guy that everyone can rely on thinking thats what people might like more. to his credit, it works pretty well, but its a bit stifling for yu himself. hes never had this many friends though, so he'll keep it up
we all know yosuke admires him quite a fair bit as is, just as a dependable friend and a strong leader. he looks up to yu in these aspects, thinking hes basically the perfect guy. (and lets never unpack that thought.) talented, charming, 'gets all the ladies', that kind of stuff
at some point its just the two of them, maybe walking home from school or something, yu gets pretty comfortable and his facade slips a little. maybe he says something completely silly, or heavens forbid theres a stray cat along the road! ("awww look at the little guy, cmeree, pspsps- oh- ahem- uh, its pretty cute...") it surprises yosuke quite a bit. he's thinking about it a lot as they part ways, it was... definitely a new side to his partner, but its also not a bad thing...
after that, yosuke starts noticing more small things about yu. whenever he invites anyone to share his lunch, its always something they like. whenever the IT are talking, he makes sure no one feels left out. he likes cats, a lot more than hes willing to show, and he loves nanako a whole lot too. his partner's... a bit of a softie under that calm and collected vibe, isnt he?
(alternatively, it'd be really funny if the entire IT knew? like "yeah, hes got a straight face all the time and sparkles fly around him whenever he strikes a pose, but hes got a dedicated schedule for hanging out with us and hes always asking when we're free. hes a big puppy, really.")
anyways, yosuke tries to encourage him to show more of this other side of him. stuff like "c'mon, we'll think you're cool either way!" and yu at first is a little hesitant, so yosuke suggests he just try it out with him
he feels some pride about it, because hes the first to learn about this side of yu! his partner trusts him the most, hes the most comfortable around him! (whats this strange other feeling? hm. dont like that.)
yu takes a little more time with the others, but theyre very welcoming about it nonetheless. specifically, they find it very charming! (making cute shapes in your bento? sewing cute stuffed toys with kanji? playing with literally every single stray cat you lay your eyes on? hell yeag.)
of course the facade doesnt completely shatter, because some parts of it are still true to yu. its just that he'll now crack the dumbest joke youve heard in your life with the same old straight face
(aaand now to derail for the sappy stuff huhuhu)
because yosuke's usually the first to be exposed to whatever new shenanigans yu's up to, eventually he starts getting some... weirder things. he brings some of it up to the other IT members and he looks insane, like:
"what? he hasnt been giving you guys origami?"
"why would he? i mean itd be cool, but thats just his part-time job isnt it? hes probably sick of paper cranes!"
"cranes... haha, yeah..." (as he thinks about the row of stupid paper animals sitting on his windowsill)
yu over time starts getting real sweet with yosuke, and he kind of gets the feeling he should just... keep this to himself...? especially when he doesnt see him acting this way with anyone else, and a small part of him wants to keep it to himself. all of this, just for him.
but that would be kind of gay, wouldnt it? hes not gay, is he...? he gets pretty happy whenever yu smiles at him, whenever he does something for him, but its just because he appreciates him as his partner... right?
eventually it all comes to a head when yu invites him to that... that spot high up in inaba. (ykno the one, its got the railing and shit.)
yosuke's climbing the hill, wondering whats yu gonna tell him, and at the top he sees him already waiting there as the sun's about to set on a nice breezy day
he kinda jokes a bit about it, like "damn did you ask me to come here now for the atmosphere?" but yu's strangely quiet
so they kinda just stand in a bit of an awkward silence before yu clears his throat... and confesses to yosuke.
they just. stare at each other for a bit. yosuke's at a loss, heat slowly rising in his cheeks, because what the hell?
and then yu explodes into a flustered mess, bumbling about "hey yeah man you dont have to accept if you dont wanna, i was just saying things yknow? you dont really have to-"
yosuke cuts him off, sighing a little. he tells him its okay, hes kinda had a feeling he felt the same way but he wasnt ready yet... and now his partner's confessing to his face, he cant really put it off anymore, can he?
("by the way, did you plan this? like, the timing and everything?"
"i... had a hard enough time saying 'i like you' with a straight face as it was, i kind of had to..."
"... ah.")
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