#haha oopsie
spitzyyyy · 1 year
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mysterymessmachine · 22 days
me, having a breakdown in my room, alone, and not telling anyone: wow. clearly this is attention seeking behavior. why are you putting on such a big show right now???
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kandidandi · 1 year
I actually thought you were a tiel at first, but pink ( @rruhsussapuffahs )
oh actually not that far off, my sona does look more like a cockateil than an actual galah lol oops
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lailuhhh · 1 year
WIP (Work In Progress) It Good game asks:
❔Choose a random WIP and talk about it.
💗Is there a scene you can’t wait to write for a WIP?
📝Share a snippet of an unposted WIP, with or without context.
❔Okay so this is still an idea because I haven’t actually written anything out but I’m so excited to start a Return to the Sandbox fic. I have like a general idea of where it’s going but like— can you imagine the emotions that are gonna go through them when they have to return to the place where they literally almost died every day and the place where they first met?? Bro I am so pumped for it
💗 Going along with the above, Mac and Jack heading to the same base and seeing some familiar faces and like their bunks and having a little
This is where I almost threw ya
Threw your back out you mean
📝 Not massive, barely a twenty foot drop, but the blood had been rushing to his head for the past six minutes and left him a little disoriented. He knew how to get himself down, and could theoretically, but he was more than a bit certain that the tree he was suspended from was deader than it looked, and he didn’t want to risk the branch snapping at this struggling. He only risked moving to do a sort of air crunch so there wouldn’t be any permanent effect on his brain.
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sisyphus-prime · 10 months
Boy I love my characters and not changing fundamental details <- changing time character was dead from 8 hours to several lifetimes, where he thinks his family is still out there, but they lived full lives without him.
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Another chapter of my "The Waynes on Twitter" work on AO3
Masterlist of Tweets
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28 - Human Disaster Bruce Wayne
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madamegoodparty · 10 months
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This season is about depression. But WHY is The Big Guy depressed?
Let's take a look at the clues Mr. Brennan "Anti-Capitalist" Mulligan has laid out for us 🔍
The Big Guy aka Elias Hodge, works for a "retro-futurist conglomerate" as a "mento-technological" researcher
There's a Prohibition on oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin -- citizens are only allowed cortisol & adrenaline (hormones that're released when someone is under a lot of stress)
This Prohibition will (allegedly) be lifted once Elias receives recognition from his bosses
All Elias's pleasures and non-work related urges have been driven underground to the red light district -- so he's not allowing himself to focus on anything that isn't work
The Fix is basically a hitman working for the District Attorney, Mark Bition (Ambition) to eliminate any urge that has the potential to distract Elias from his work
More on the above point: District Attorneys are prosecuters, ie, are the ones responsible for punishing those who go against the state. So this further emphasizes that Elias is very strictly policing himself in order to succeed at work
Conrad Schintz (Conscience) is a tiny kid who has trouble making himself heard and doesn't have a lot of power
Speaking of kids -- all of Elias's childhood interests have also been driven underground, this time being kept under the care of Ms. Loathing. This, plus the line about "not deserving pleasure", hints that Elias is potentially struggling with self-loathing as well (also Loathing's line about "focusing on me is not going to do anything but make me stronger")
All this paints a picture of someone who is driven by logic and ambition, to the detriment of his emotional well-being. Elias seems to feel that his only value comes from what he is able to produce for his superiors, and this causes him to suppress any part of himself that doesn't make him a more productive worker. This has led to him becoming extremely isolated and lonely as a result
We can also guess that the work Elias is doing doesn't align with his values, and that he needs to keep his conscience as quiet as possible in order to do it. Even worse, we now see that he's thinking about killing his conscience outright
This season is about the psychological toll being a cog in the machine takes on a person, and I cannot WAIT to see where we go next
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catmanbowser · 5 months
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Some cassie dododles and one (1) cissie…tumblr pls b nice and let me post this im so sad
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askchuuyanakahara · 18 days
Chuuya, if you hate Dazai so much, why did you share your curry with him? Why do you take care of him?
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Chuuya: "He becomes more unsufferable when hungry. And I knew for certain that he hadn't eaten yet."
Dazai: "Oh~! I know!"
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Chuuya: "More like you're like some freeloading cat who only comes around to be fed!"
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Chuuya: "Seriously, with you guys, I do anything with anyone and suddenly it labelled as a 'date'.."
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Chuuya: "Only if they don't mind-"
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Chuuya: "O-oi! Dude, no one's taking your food! Calm down! You're gonna choke!"
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Chuuya: "You're a new level of idiot. It honestly still surprises me sometimes."
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Chuuya: "Does that coat of yours have like a hole or something?"
Chuuya: "What even is this?"
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Dazai: "Don't read that. Please."
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kairennart · 2 months
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tizeline · 2 months
Did lil Donnie ever ask Splinter if he could go to school with April? If he did, i think Splints would punt by saying Donnie was too smart/advanced to go to school.
Oh absolutely. Donnie being a massive nerd wants nothing more than to get a proper education, after he meets April that want just increases. April brings her homework and schoolbooks with her when she visits Donnie so he can at least take a small part in school stuff, but it's not exactly the same
Splinter would definitely try that tactic lol, but it's kinda semi-effective. The ego boost would distract Donnie for a short while, but the thing is that he doesn't just want to go to school to learn more, he wants to go to school for the social aspect of it
Again, Donnie is Lonely. April kinda helps with that, but she spends most of her days either in school or at home, they usually can't hang out for more than a couple of hours per day. So after having befriended April, it arguably makes Donnie's loneliness worse because it makes his isolation from the outside world all the more noticable. So a big reason school is so appealing to Donnie is because he'd get to hang out with other kids his age.
Here's the thing, Donnie isn't naive, even at such a young age. Splinter has made it very clear for his entire life that the two of them will never be able to properly participate in human society. Donnie knows that he can't just enroll in April's school.... but maybe he can sneak in. >:)
I mean, Donnie sneaks into April's school pretty regularly in the show, in the AU I just imagine he'd just start doing that at a much younger age. He's a ninja after all! He can like, I dunno, crawl around in the ceiling and spy on the lectures and stuff? Or, like in the show, he can just disguise himself with a hoodie and people will just ignore his green-ness or something I dunno
Anway hopefully no one discovers him! Lol!
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volatilevalentine · 6 months
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Definitely both
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yoooki71 · 29 days
Body peek?
A peek??
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sentientstump · 11 months
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he's going through it
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fly-the-pattern · 2 months
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yellowmanula · 2 months
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ooops :O
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