#he hates my sister because she started a rumor that he fucks his dog . he most likely does
Have i talked to you about my philosophy teacher ? Youre hearing about it now
I have this teacher who literally socrates. He literally is socrates it is uncanny how much of his personality is straight up copying socrates. I never really got socrates character , especially when writing about him , its was always hard for me to understand his speach patterns and how the methods he used work . Well this teacher is the perfect example , he exclusivelyasks questions to a point its annoying , even when the awnser is obvious he will ask the question , he will ask questions like " and is basketball a team sport? But it is very competitive also " and its just to drive the point home and to better explain stuff . Very good teacher . He coincidentally happens to be a massive bitch . He is very gay in a cunty little bitchy way and he is so full of himself and arrogant. He so very very arrogant and he is convinced he is the smartest person in the world . Does he say that ? Of course not , that goes against his morals but you can tell by the way he talks and acts . He is socrates little copy cat .
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maybank612 · 1 year
Pogue Princess
Keggers were a normal event for a Friday night in the Outer Banks. Typically just a ton of teens gathered around with drinks in hand, dancing to the music blasting. These events were generally low key, as not to draw attention to the many underage drinkers. However, tonight was different.
Y/n Routledge was known for being the Pouge Princess, and these events were her kingdom. She was always the center of attention, whether it was her dancing in the middle of the party, chugging a beer or starting a fight with whoever pissed her off that night.
Tonight it was the ladder. She was pissed, for the past week a couple of kooks have been spreading rumors about her. Typically she would just tell them to fuck off, but they wouldn't stop. She had enough.
Tonight her mission was to find out who had been talking shit about her. And when she did find them, well they were not going to like the outcome.
It was a couple hours into the party and y/n had been quietly chatting up pogues and kooks alike to find out the source of these rumors. Until finally she got a name.
Taylor Thornton.
Taylor was Topper's twin sister. She used to be really good friends with Sarah, that was until Sarah fell in love with John B. And broke Topper's heart.
Y/n had always hated Taylor. She was a two-faced lying bitch, who only cared about what designer dress she was wearing. She was worse than her brother, and she was dating Rafe. That speaks for itself. But despite that Taylor always made it a point to flirt with any boy she could at these parties, especially JJ Maybank, who happened to be Y/n's boyfriend.
Y/n knew that she was going to have a tough time getting Taylor alone to kick her ass, but that didn't stop her from trying.
Y/n made her way over to the girl, who was sitting on a log making out with Rafe. Topper wasn't too far away talking to Kelce. These four were always close together, especially on the cut.
Y/n stood there in front of the couple, waiting for them to pull apart so she could rip them a new one.
They finally noticed and turned to the girl. Her arms were crossed and you could tell she was pissed.
"Aww, Babe look what the cat dragged in" Taylor laughed putting her arm around Rafe's shoulder.
"Looks like trash" Rafe scoffed. Causing Y/n to roll her eyes.
"We need to talk" Y/n said, if her tone didn't say she was pissed her face certainly did.
"What could we possibly have to talk about?" Taylor questioned.
"How about we start with the fact that you are a shit talking bitch." Y/n said sternly
"What did you just call me?" Taylor said as she stood up, getting on the same level as Y/n
"You heard me" Y/n replied, this girl was probably the most confident on the island, she was not going to be intimidated by this rich girl.
Taylor stood there, shocked at the confidence y/n had, no one really stood up to her.
"Look I could give two shits what you do and what you say. But when you spread shit rumors about my friends and my boyfriend, then we are going to have problems. Got it" Y/n spat
Y/n had slowly gotten up in Taylors face, gaining the attention of Rafe, who had motioned for Topper and Kelce to come over. Suddenly Y/n was met by Taylor and her guard dogs.
Taylor noticed her back up and looked a y/n with a smirk on her face.
"Come on y/n. You don't wanna do this. I mean look around, I run this island." Taylor said cockily.
Little did Taylor know, JJ had been looking for his girlfriend for a while. He finally spotted her, surrounded by the people that he hated the most. JJ made sure to grab John B and Pope, before they all made their way over to their girl.
Y/n was about to say something when she heard footsteps behind her. Two hands appeared on her shoulders.
"Babe, you good?" JJ questioned. Y/n felt a wave of relief, not that she was scared or wouldn't have tried to take on the four by herself. But because JJ always had that effect on her.
"She's fine Jay, just being put in her place." Taylor smirked, she knew what she was doing.
"I was talking to.. " Before JJ could finish Y/n cut him off.
"Put me in my place? Really last time I checked you were on the cut, Bitch" Y/n said getting up in Taylors face.
With that Taylor swung her hand and slapped y/n straight across the face. All the boys stood there, they knew where this was going.
Y/n turned her face to meet Taylors once more, she was laughing
"You really shouldn't have done that" Y/n laughed.
Soon enough there was a full fledged fight going on. Both girls landed solid hits, until y/n got the upper hand. She had Taylor pinned on the ground, slapping the shit out of her. She would have kept going if someone had ripped her off Taylor. She landed on her side on the sand.
Rafe had pulled her off so he could get to his girlfriend, but that was not going to still well with JJ.
JJ started punching the shit out of Rafe, leading the rest of the boys to start fighting too. Pope vs. Kelce and John B vs. Topper.
With all the fighting going on, the party had turned into a cage match.
Kooks vs. Pogues.
Kiara and Sarah had made their way over to watch their boyfriends and friends going at it.
They tried to stop them, but it was no use.
Taylor and Y/n had started to fight again, y/n still winning.
By the end of the fight all four Kooks were laying in the sand.
Y/n stood up and wiped a bit of blood from her mouth. "Guys. I think they have had enough" She said, leading her boyfriend, brother, and best friend to stop their punching and make their was back over her.
She stood there hovering over Taylor. "I suggest you keep your pretty little mouth shut, and stay off the cut. Cause honey, this is my kingdom."
With that she turned around and walked off, her friend following behind her. She was right this was her kingdom, and she was going to be damned if she let anyone question that.
The group had made their way back to the chateau, the car ride home was filled with "damn y/n" , " that was so badass", "way to go sis", "you boys did pretty good yourselves"
Finally they arrived and all started to head inside. Y/n was the last out of the car, she was walking inside when she felt a hand grab hers and pull her back.
JJ had pulled her into his chest. His hand found its way to her cheek and he rubbed his thumb over the new bruise that was forming.
"Damn," He said, staring at his girl.
"What?" y/n asked with a slight giggle.
"I just have the most badass girlfriend in the world" JJ said, slowing bringing his lips to y/n's
What was going to be a short peck on the lips turned into a full on makeout sesh. Things started to get a little heated, causing y/n to pull JJ into the chateau straight to her room.
They heard their friends yelling, mostly likely complaining but they tuned them out.
Y/n locked her door, and turned around only for JJ to push her up against it hard. Their makeout continued as he trailed kisses down her neck.
"I guess I should start shit more often then" Y/n whispered into JJ's ear. He looked up and met her gaze, lust in his eyes. He picked y/n up by her thighs and threw her onto the bed, she giggled at his actions.
Let's just say they had some good ass sex that night.
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svndrenched · 4 months
@infernalpursuit sent:
a weird headcanon for ALL of them!!!!!!!! or at least the ones you have most muse for
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all of 'em?
Adisse, Ellera, and Hadren - When they were all little, Hadren would scare her younger sisters with stories of dragons and werewolves and draugr and brigands. Adisse grew out of that fear on her own. Ellera took a bit of encouragement.
Alia - Phantom limb pain. And itches. And leg being asleep. It's all still weird, even though the leg has been gone for years. Sometimes she still goes to paint the toenails on that side and is thankful no one else is there to see her do it but her cat.
Anaïs - When she first left the Vault, the first ghoul she encountered, she treated like a friendly face. It was not. Not anymore. Her trauma convinced her that used to be her neighbor, Mr. Sumner. It wasn't.
Arlo - He tried to convince his sisters that the family pet Growlithe was going to evolve and eat them when they were kids. He was grounded for this and doesn't care for Growlithes now.
Asa - They've made countless pipes in their glass blowing class and the professor is too much of a chicken shit pushover to say anything. Their favorite one is a clear blue one.
Baz - Honestly, he's not great at arm wrestling. Something about the angle, he says, but it's bullshit. He's just plain bad at it.
Beam - Once ate someone's pet Saluki. It was an accident and he was stuck picking dog hair from his teeth for days.
Brier - Ask her about the time she got arrested for trespassing. And the other time she got arrested for trespassing. And the other time. She has boundless curiosity and bolt cutters.
Chira - In her Pokémon verse, she's a massive fan of Grusha. When he announced he planned on retiring from snowboarding, she cried.
Dar'jhan - Regularly gets told he's going to get scurvy because citrus fruits give him heartburn. He is terrified of this.
Deacon and Glory - They have a chess tournament at the Railroad HQ when things are quiet. Glory cleans house during this and wipes the crypt floor with those scrubs. Deacon does not.
Empyrean, Thara, and Un-kyong - When Empyrean first got to the Church, Un-kyong definitely started a rumor that she and Thara hated each other. It wasn't true at the time, but it had been brought up enough, it was like she manifested this beef into being. She isn't sorry. Empyrean and Thara can respect the other's grind, but they don't like each other.
Fumiyuki and Hanami - The first time Fumiyuki met Hanami, he scared him beyond his fucking wits. Hanami knows this to be true and terrorizes this poor curse user, just because he can. Something about the voice is scary as fuck.
Gakuganji - He cannot drive. It sends his anxiety through the roof. So while on paper, he is able to do this, in practice, old man's a mess.
Gardenia - She hates sand. Hates it. She has to wash off outside, change out of sandy clothes, and shower immediately. Probably even vacuum afterwards, too. She hates sand.
Hornjolf - Bazulmorz was his gay awakening and now they're in love.
Iruka and Nezumi - Nezumi broke Iruka's nose when they were kids. It was on purpose because he made an ill-timed joke about her.
Itzli and Timofei - These two cardinals are so, so wretched, they schedule a weekly bitchfest just to talk shit about everyone else at the church. When Timofei doesn't forget. And when Itzli decides she wants to go. There are always snacks and a bag of blood for them to split.
Joni - She restored her van herself. Ask her about it! She's proud as hell, okay?! It ran decently before, but with the help of her uncle and Sebastian (despite being an unfriendly shit the whole time) she got it done!
Jupiter - When things went tits up with Team Galactic, she went looking for Cyrus for a while. But it seemed he wasn't entirely interested in being found. Eventually she gave up, and he spent her time learning how to cook. She's not a professionally trained chef by any means, but she can outcook most of my other muses.
Jyspolwynni and Remni - Some fish elves are fishier than others. Remni's gills are more developed than Wynni's, but Wynni has a more otherworldly look that Remni does. Fish elves are weird, man.
Loree - She tutors for chemistry and math, but cannot get the grasp of English and Literature her ap class requires. She's trying so hard and is stressed so bad over this.
Maggie and Zecharias - Based on accuracy alone, Maggie is a better shot with a rifle, and Zecharias is better with a bow. Though he doesn't use it often and prefers his shotgun or revolver.
Mayumi - She had a crush on Yu while they were in school, but she was never his type. Which was a fucking shame.
Mica, Veta, and Onnicka - They all might act like big ol' bitches, but Glücksfall and Snapdragon love playing together. There's enough overlap in the fan bases that really draw the best crowds and the bands all get along decently well.
Mike - He tried to teach Walker how to fight when she was 11, He ended up having to find someone else to do it because he forgot she was left-handed and a child and accidentally broke her nose. He cried over this. She didn't. What he did successfully teach her was to be down to fight anyone at any time. He's so proud.
Mountain - He befriends all animals. Even the ones set to be slaughtered, which there are several throughout the church grounds. The chickens like to follow him, much to Errett's dismay. He doesn't do this on purpose.
Mr. Torgue - He can fuck it up with a set of knitting needles. His Grandma Flexington taught him, obviously. So far, his favorite projects are a TORGUE afghan he made for his grandma and a dice bag he uses when he plays Bunkers and Badasses.
Murphy and Sioned - If there was a competition for worst person in the Commonwealth, it wouldn't be between these two. They really aren't all that bad if you're willing to overlook the murdering amd weird cult-y shit. Murphy sends caps back to their brothers, and Sioned gives settlers food after they talk to them about the Glory of Atom and his Division.
Noah - He speaks Belarusian while he's out in the Commonwealth to avoid people talking to him. It's kind of a manipulation thing because people will overlook him as a threat if they think he can't understand them, but he almost always uses this to his advantage to avoid problems.
Ocvist - He does not care for the golden dragon, Villentretenmerth. He finds his to be brash and impulsive and too proud. Changing into a human form? Outrageous.
Prue - I've talked about this a bit before, but she is colorblind. She has tritanopia. It usually doesn't cause any issues for her, apart from the occasional weird outfit, but she has painted a wing of her ship the wrong color in the past. It's annoying, but rarely dangerous.
Rochelle - She has a big fat crush on Oz. She hates it. They're so nervous all the time and she has shit to do. Not be pining over the embodiment of fear. Ugh.
Ryuko - Despite rarely being home, their house in Kumogakure is lined with trinkets from her travels, well-loved paperback books, and rose-scented candles. They're a romantic.
Salomé - She always starts her day with a cold brew. This is a habit she picked up while getting her bachelor's degree. Her whole day feels off if this is skipped.
Shane - His hangover remedy is eggs, vintage SNES games, and two advil. He lies to himself and says it works every time.
Tempest - She has been reprimanded more than once for luring new fire ghouls to their deaths. She's not sorry and she will do it again. If they'd stop bringing in those weird, overly aggressive, territorial fire ghouls, she wouldn't have to kill them and pick their bones clean. But they don't listen.
Verastian - While conjugation magic is his forte, his ability with alchemy is nothing to shake a stick at. He offers a fine array of healing potions, fortification elixirs, and if you're willing to wait until his shop closes for the day, he'll sell you the best poisons from the back door.
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violeswaifu · 3 years
Okay time for my wonderful Masamune Spam and my conclusion of his route. I didn’t originally plan to do his right away but I decided to take a break from the shadow routes and wanted to finish Kojuro’s/Masamune’s pair since I could skip the starter route.
(I did like three shadow routes back to back, with one tearing my heart in half)
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Masamune’s route was really cute and I think I got caveties during some of the stories.
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I swear his Family is so fucked up like my dislike for his mom and uncle are on par with my dislike for Saizo and Hotaru’s sister Yuki. She’s crazy asf. EXCEPT HIS LITTLE BROTHER, HES SO CUTE LIKE I CANT
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I’m doing Genya’s route right now so seeing the Date clan from a different light is really interesting especially Masamune. How shy and cold he is, basically like the start of his route
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I love Shigezane too tho. I haven’t heard many people talking about his route but I’ll do it to completely finish the Date triplets.
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Okay I’m not sure if I should describe his route besides the fact that I swear I got my virginity back. Nothing compared to his event stories tbh 😂
Okay so in my honest opinion I did like his a bit better than Kojuro’s as far as how cute/funny it could be. I guess since Kojuro is an older love interest it would be the opposite. (I wonder how old Masamune is tho tbh. Same with MC. Is she around the same age as Ninja Mc? Because Mitsunari is like 18/19 so he’s younger than her ofc(Early 20s)
His route summary kinda spoilers: You get sent to Oshu in disguise as your brother to be a poison tester for Date Masamune. Also known as The One Eyed Dragon because of the rumor of him having a demon in right eye. After wandering around you come across Masamune making his own food at night, it ends up salty asf so you make him new food. From this you become Masamune’s personal page and chef.
While spending time with him you learn to understand his hesitance towards women (his evil ass mom who hates him because of his eye. Basically one eye is a different color than the other. Green and blue) you also witness the disdain the clan has for him because of his eye and the rumor. They’re scared of him, ( unlike other routes where the love interest finds out you’re a women kinda fast), Masamune remains oblivious and the only people who find out are Kojuro+Shigezane. Anyways eventually you are able to get the clan to see the real Masamune and how amazing he actually is. Whole time this going on his uncle and mom plotting his death smh. (Is that a spoiler? Idk)
Spoiler in bold words skip if you don’t want to see it:
•Spoiler: His dad dies and it completely tore him apart like he stopped eating and sleeping. What made it worse is his mom blamed him until the end of the route smh
End of Spoiler
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Anyways I liked it, it was cute, kinda wish there were some moments like “😳dayum” but it’s understandable from a guy who has been traumatized by women/a woman since birth. Him also finding out the MC was a girl was kinda weird but also expected, like I knew he was going to find out then, but was also curious as to how he never noticed this. Like as far as periods, how did no one catch on, the maids didn’t even know from what I remember. Did she ask Kojuro for help or what? Idk so those were plot holes
Spoiler: They went to visit her family in the city, MC turned back into a girl so Masamune was all awkward again but got cut by Yukimura on accident and when he tried to fight Masamune. Masamune wrapped her cut. When they were leaving (dressed as a boy again) MC started to get sick (Period) and passed out when Masamune gave her a piggyback ride. He saw the cut and was like oh shit.)
Kinda spoiler?: MC admitted her love after he found out about her gender and Masamune didn’t admit his until she was almost killed by his mom smh.
I recommend it if you like cute and wholesome things. Him admitting his love to her was also a bit rushed but i guess it’s because of the circumstances that were going on?
I guess you could say Kyo also had a route where it was wholesome but it did have a bit more action and moments.
Funny thing is, Genya actually disguises himself as Masamune sometimes for like safety things (he goes to meetings disguised because people yk might be out to kill him) so I love it. I also love Masamune’s reaction to Genya’s dog 🥰so cute
Anyways I like Genya’s and might do a mid route review but I get anxiety every chapter thinking Sakuya’s gonna pop out and kill MC. He did it in Kyoichiro’s! Like good lord. I doubt this all made sense but my ADHD said it did
Edited this for grammar mistakes, sorry I was like “I think this is good.
I think until I finish Genya’s I’ll do a light love interest spam, with their pictures from the events and story ones I have. Gotta keep in touch
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The Love Yet Known Part 2
Summary: Tommy Shelby needs to make sacrifices to ensure the safety of his family. So he concocts a plan to marry off his sister to the one and only Alfie Solomons.
Thanks for the love for the first part! Heres for you, @97freaknik. Sorry the tagging system isn’t working. 
And thank you to my permanent tag who have yet to block me despite my spamming of works. 
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          The drive to London was almost absolutely silent. Neither Alfie nor Eliza really knew what to say to one another. It was as if they were just acting out something for the sake of Tommy. Neither of them exactly knew how they’d ended up in such a predicament.
            Alfie’s mind was racing, wondering how stupid he was to agree to something like marrying a Shelby. He thought about the ramifications, was there even a rabbi who would consider converting her and allowing them to marry? What sort of effect would this have on his life in the long run?
            He glanced to his left where Eliza had been sitting quietly since they’d left Warwickshire. Her eyes were locked on the window, never turning her head. He wondered if she was wishing she was on the outside, not in the car with him. Maybe she figured if she didn’t look at him, she wouldn’t have to think of the arrangement.  
            Alfie cleared his throat, the silence too uncomfortable for his liking. “Erm, you like dogs?” He asked.
            She looked away from the window to show she had heard him. “Pardon?”
            “Dogs? Do you like dogs? I have a dog.” He clarified. “He ain’t mean or anything. I bought him to be a guard dog but he had other plans. Too nice for his own good.”
            A hint of a smile formed on her lips. The sense of humor didn’t exactly fit his image. But it did help her relax a little. “Yes, I like dogs.”
            “Good. That’s good. I sorta have a nasty habit of picking up strays.” He admitted. “I don’t keep all of ‘em. There’s a charity that a dear friend of mine runs. They train dogs to help blind people. So, they take in most of the strays.” He rubbed the back of his neck. It was strange. It was almost as if he was trying to list off his good traits so Eliza wouldn’t look at him like he was a monster. Maybe he could put her mind at ease. “But, Cyril I kept. Cyril’s me dog. I kept him, couldn’t give him away.” The silence on Eliza’s end was killing him. He wanted her to say exactly what she thought about him. Most people who worked for him kept their opinions to themselves. Most of his business partners/enemies were vocal about what they thought. But neither of those opinions mattered. Because none of those people were intending to marry him. If they were to marry, Alfie wanted to know Eliza’s opinion of him. Even if she said she hated him and wished him dead, at least he would know.
            “He sounds lovely.” She said politely.
            “Yeah…he is.” Alfie fiddled with one of his rings. He wasn’t sure how he was going to make this work. It gave him a headache thinking about it.
            Much to Alfie’s relief, Eliza took immediately to Cyril. The bullmastiff seemed to enjoy a female presence in the flat. At least she didn’t feel completely alone in Camden Town. Alfie just felt a little guilty that her only companion was a slobbery, goofy dog.
            Still, he capitalized on her affection for the mutt. He allowed her to take Cyril out for walks whenever she pleased and didn’t say anything when Cyril started to sleep in her bedroom.
            Meanwhile, Alfie was trying to figure out the complicated matters of converting Eliza so they could get married. Tommy continued to call to push the matter. It was clear over the phone that he was desperate to make the union complete. The Italians would be closing in at any time and Tommy didn’t need another threat from Camden Town to weigh on him.
            “Y’know, I know you’re godless, Tommy. I understand that, but us godly men have rules and those rules simply cannot be tampered with. Centuries of laws, mate, can’t be overturned ‘cause you find it inconvenient.” Alfie said over the phone.
            “I gave you money to ensure it.”
            “Right, well some rabbis take bribes as an insult, mate.”
            “Alfie, if you’re holding out on me…” Tommy warned.
            “She’s been living with me for nearly a month, Thomas, if I really wanted to back out, I would’ve sent her home to you.” He cut the man off.
            Tommy muttered something over the line but Alfie couldn’t hear what it was.
            “There’s a rabbi that Ollie found that might go through with the conversion and marriage,” Alfie said. “When I hear from him, I’ll let you know.”
            The Blinder seemed to have his worries put to rest at least for the time being. “And how is she doing there?”
            “Well, her best friend is me dog,” Alfie replied honestly. “She hardly speaks to me, not that I blame her much.”
            “She’s always been quiet,” Tommy assured him.
            “Well, circumstances ‘n such.” Alfie sighed and cracked his knuckles. “Anyways, I’ll let you know, Tom. I’ll let you know.”
            One night a couple of days later, Alfie and Eliza were sat down together for dinner. “I just wanted you to know that I’ve found rabbis who are willing to convert you.” He brought up the topic.
            “Oh. Okay.” She nodded.
            Alfie had learned over the few weeks together that she was a difficult person to read. She was a lot like Tommy, and less like her other brothers who were prone to showing their emotions on the outside. She always spoke to him in a calm, steady, and polite manner. Almost as if she were afraid of setting him off, or it was simply just her demeanor. Alfie would’ve preferred if she were a bit more like Arthur, as terrible as that would be. At least he would know what she was thinking instead of having to guess.
            “Didya…well…have ya put any thought into it? I mean, ain’t a small decision.”
            Eliza shrugged as she pushed her food around the plate with her fork. “I haven’t put much thought into religion.” She admitted. “Polly was the only one who took Christianity seriously in our family.”
            “Right.” He nodded. “Still, being Jewish is more a way of life, innit?”
            “That’s what I’ve been told.” Alfie had arranged for Ollie’s wife to give some insight to Eliza into what it meant to be a Jewish wife. He assumed they’d bonded, but Eliza didn’t say much about it. Though, she did frequently visit Ruth and her and Ollie’s pack of kids. She never said what they spoke about.
            “Right. Well, just wanted to know what your thoughts about it were.” He posed the question again, hoping to get a little further into her mindset.
            “Ruth said if we were going to have children, they needed to be brought up fully Jewish. Or at least, that’s what she thought your intentions were.”
            Alfie cleared his throat. How could they discuss children? Of course, it was a factor but a child wouldn’t just magically appear once they were married. And they hadn’t even touched each other aside from the mistaken brush of an arm. “Well, right.” He tilted his head to the side, hoping suddenly for an interruption so he could leave the conversation.
            The hairs on the back of his neck stood up. It was the first time she had addressed him by name. The way she spoke his name was so soft. Like nothing, he’d heard before. “Hm?” He couldn’t exactly speak properly.
            “Do you think I’m afraid of you?”
            He raised an eyebrow. “Afraid? Well, I’d hope not. I told your brothers that I ain’t here to hurt you.”
            “Then why do you walk on eggshells around me?”
            Alfie opened his mouth but only let out a small, confused grumble. It must’ve been that Shelby wit that had gotten them there. She was so good at concealing her feelings that Alfie looked like a fool. Dancing around the topic, trying to please her, giving her everything she wanted. God, he must’ve looked like a sap.
            She smiled slightly. “I didn’t expect you to try to impress me so much. The way my brothers spoke of you, I was expecting something else entirely.”
            He drummed his fingers on the table. “There’s a difference, yeah, ‘tween business and me personal life. What your brothers see ain’t what you’ll see.” He tried to explain.
            It was different from her family’s mentality, or Tommy’s to be more specific. In the Shelby family, everyone dealt with family business. There were no exceptions unless you absconded. Even then, it was tricky to escape business. But it appeared Alfie was keener to keep his two lives separate. Eliza considered how this difference might benefit her.
            “All the day’s shit, yeah, it gets left at the fucking door.” He pointed down the hall toward the front door. “This is sorta a sanctuary, innit?”
            Eliza nodded. “That sounds nice.”
            “Nice, yeah it is nice.” He agreed.
            They were quiet for a moment, neither of them really wanted to return to the conversation topic of children. It seemed too fresh.
            “Ruth is trying to teach me how to cook kosher.” She spoke up after a bit. It was the first time she offered any information without Alfie prompting her. Maybe because now she felt the flat was a safe place for her. “Just, I dunno if you were wondering why I’m there for so long.”
            Alfie shrugged. “I’m glad you two have gotten along. Didn’t want you to feel lonely here.” He admitted and went back to eating before his dinner went cold.  
            Eliza watched him for a split second. So, he cared about how she felt? Imagine that.
            It took quite a bit of convincing to get the rabbis to convert Eliza. Wrestling with tradition, Alfie knew he was asking for a lot. But the conversion went through and under Jewish law, he was allowed to marry her. Not that he was looking for some massive wedding. It would be best to call the least amount of attention to himself as possible. The Camden community might not take kindly to his bride-to-be if they found out she was a convert. And if they found out she was a Shelby? Well, granted, Alfie was scary enough to thwart off criticism. But he didn’t want the rumors to get around to Eliza. He didn’t want her to feel unwelcome.
            In reality, Alfie felt as though he was going mad. Since when had he given two shits about someone’s comfort? His job was basically to make people feel uncomfortable so they’d be more willing to listen. But apparently, Eliza had made quite an impact on him.
            She fit in very nicely in his flat. Never made a fuss or anything. That wasn’t to say she was like a little dormouse. She wasn’t very tidy. Alfie chalked this up to her growing up with five siblings. He didn’t particularly mind, though. It was nice to see the flat actually lived in. For so long it had been just a place to sleep. But Alfie realized he had grown fond of coming home late from work and finding traces of Eliza throughout the house.
            A dirty pan in the sink, her book on the sofa, a couple of hairpins on the coffee table, and the stray teacup with cold tea that had been forgotten about.
            For a brief moment, as he cleaned up, he wondered if their children would be just as messy. Alfie could imagine coming home to the floor littered with toys. It brought a smile to his face.
            Of course, children was still a conversation they had to have. Alfie loathed the fact that they had to get over that little mountain of a decision. He wouldn’t dare force anything onto her. Purely by his own standards and morals. Plus, the added benefit of getting a bullet in his head courtesy of the Shelby boys.
            So, he waited and hoped that was something they could get to. Because, despite their relationship still being merely two people who lived together, he did like her. More so, even.
            The wedding, although very traditional in the ritual sense, was very small. Only a few people very close to Alfie attended if only to witness the union. There wasn’t a reception or party to follow. No grand affair.
            They simply walked out of the building as man and wife.
            “Alfie, can I ask you something?”
            “’Course.” It was a bit strange. Eliza was standing in the foyer as he went to go feed Cyril. Standing in her wedding dress, she looked a bit out of place.
            “I know what is…expected of us tonight.” She wrung her hands together. “But I don’t think I’m quite ready. I’m sorry I just…”
            Alfie felt oddly relieved. He was hoping she would say something, otherwise, he’d feel like a monster if she went through with consummating the marriage and she wasn’t ready. “No reason to apologize, love.” He walked back out of the kitchen, shrugging off his jacket. “Ain’t any rush.”
            “I appreciate that.” She said softly. “Thank you.”
            “So…I’ll see you tomorrow then? I’ve got to work early.”
            “I’ll make breakfast.” She offered.
            “Nah, that’s alright. You don’t need to get up so early.”
            “I don’t mind…”
            “S’alright, love.” He gave her a warm smile and held out an arm, allowing her to go upstairs first.
            Eliza smiled back, feeling her cheeks warm a bit. She went upstairs, allowing Cyril to trot by her.
            “I had a few things shipped in from Paris. Sorta wedding gift, if you will. I hope you don’t mind, I asked Ruth if she could help me.” Alfie said as he climbed the stairs behind her. “I left it on your bed.”
            “Oh, Alfie, you didn’t need to-”
            “S’alright.” He assured her, meeting her at the top of the stairs. “You Shelbys like nice things, aye?”
            She shrugged. “I’m a Solomons now.” She pointed out.
            He let out a brief chuckle. “Yeah, that’s true. F’ya want, we can get a nice box for your dress. Maybe to store it? I dunno, me mum did the same thing. I still have her dress, fuck if I know what I’m gonna do with it. But she-well it were the only thing she brought from Russia.”
            “I understand, it’s important to you.” Eliza agreed.
            Alfie rubbed a hand over his beard. “Yeah. Yeah, it is. Well, I won’t keep you up.”
            “Goodnight, Alfie.” She smiled at him before going down the hall to her room. Like he said, there was a large box on her bed. After shutting the door, Eliza opened the top and found an array of beautiful pieces of clothing that must’ve cost a fortune. Beaded gowns, satin gloves, a fur-lined coat, and much more. Eliza carefully unpacked everything, folding the items or hanging them up in the closet. Then she landed on a pair of silk pajamas that looked like what picture stars wore. A gorgeous burgundy color with embroidered designs on the cuffs of the shirt and pants.
            She smiled and felt her heart skip a beat. It had been a little unnerving knowing that she would become a Jewish wife. There were a lot of changes she had to make, moving to Camden, marrying Alfie, and trying to keep her end of the bargain by converting. But in the end, she was still married to a gangster. One who, although he looked simply, did like luxury items. And maybe it was how he was trying to show his affection for her.
            Married life wasn’t all that different for Alfie. He continued to work the same tireless hours and continued to keep up his agenda of legal and illegal operations. Mostly illegal.
            What changed was coming home to a gentle person who had a good skill of keeping the flat calm. Alfie assumed that like the other Shelbys, Eliza would manage to only raise his blood pressure. But she had the opposite effect.
            She had become more of an open book with him, which led Alfie to believe they were moving in the right direction. She told him more about what she did during the day. Mainly, she spent her time with Ruth and some of the other women in the neighborhood.
            It was nice to hear things that weren’t related to business. Alfie’s entire life was business. Now he had someone else to occupy his thoughts.
            As the weeks wore on, both Eliza and Alfie began talking on a more intimate level. Soon she found she was telling him things not even her siblings knew. Things that were very personal to her.       
            She also began to notice Alfie stealing a few looks her way. Meanwhile, she found herself looking forward to seeing him every day and often was disappointed if he worked late and she fell asleep before he came home. Her heart skipped a beat when he smiled at her or called her pet names. She figured it was just instinct, something he did to everyone. But it felt special to her.
            Eliza realized, when winter came, that there was no reason for her sheepishness. They were married, after all. If she wanted to further their relationship, all she had to do was ask.
            So, she did. One night, Alfie came home late from work. He picked at some leftovers waiting for him, before heading upstairs. His hip was bothering him as the days got colder, so he wasn’t in a grand mood. When he reached the second floor, the door to Eliza’s room opened.           
            “Sorry, love, didn’t mean to wake you.”
            “You didn’t, I was waiting for you to get home.” She lingered in the doorway for a moment. “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you come in, I would’ve kept you company while you ate.”
            “S’alright, didn’t eat much.” He shrugged. “There something you needed?”
            “Well, yes.” She walked into the hallway. It felt a little silly asking her husband what she was going to ask. So, Eliza gained some of that Shelby confidence and looked him in the eye. “Will you kiss me?”
            It certainly wasn’t what Alfie expected. He thought maybe she wanted to use the car or needed some spending cash. So, he felt a little bad that he was silent for so long, but he didn’t know what to say. “Erm, I didn’t-well-”
            Eliza began to clam up, fearing she had overstepped a line. Maybe it was all in her head and Alfie didn’t really like her all that much. “Sorry, I shouldn’t’ve asked…”
            Alfie caught her hand before she could scurry back to her room. He drew her closer and his other hand cupped her cheek. His eyes searched her face before he kissed her, trying to get a mental image of her locked in his head. The tiny bit of freckles on her face, the wintery blue eyes looking up, yearning, and the way her lips parted slightly. He would catalog the little bits of information away because he couldn’t imagine how this would last long. Nothing good in life ever lasted long and Eliza was one of the best damn things that ever happened to him.
            That night, Eliza slept in Alfie’s room for the first time. It was how she came to the realization that her husband was just a big bear. Grumpy, stubborn, yet he cared for his own. Eliza liked that. She had grown up around bristly love. Polly marched them to mass every Sunday no matter how much they complained because she wanted to ‘save their souls’. Arthur would gladly murder any boy who gave her even the slightest of looks. Tommy was stern but she found out later it was because they had no father figure so he had to take on the role. And John? Well, John pretended to hate his twin sister. He wanted to appear tough in front of his friends and teased her at school. But every night, when there was no available light to read, he conjured up a story for her.
            Other people may not have understood, but Eliza knew that real relationships couldn’t be found in the pages of her books. She liked Alfie because he was real. The most real thing she’d ever known.
            After that night, their relationship bloomed much faster. They found married life soothing when others found it stressful. They enjoyed each other’s company so much that Alfie started to cut back on late nights at the bakery. It meant more to Eliza than he might have realized.
            As the situation with the Italians got more intense, Alfie started to realize how much their relationship had grown. He found himself contacting Tommy more often, demanding information about what Luca Changretta was doing. He wanted to ensure there would be no threat to his London empire and there would be no threat to his wife.
            His anxiety about everything reached a boiling point when Eliza disappeared one morning. Had he looked in his study, he would’ve seen the note she left for him saying that she was taking the car to visit her family in Small Heath.
            But he didn’t. So, he naturally assumed something bad happened and rallied a search team. He was at his wit's end, practically tearing his hair out.
            When Eliza arrived home, unharmed and acting normally, he lost his cool.
            “Where the fuck have you been?” He demanded when she walked through the door as if nothing had happened.
            Eliza looked taken aback. He’d never taken such a harsh tone with her. “Pardon?”
            “I’ve half me men out looking for you, you think it’s alright to just disappear like that?”
            “Alfie, I left you a fucking note on your desk.” She snapped, not happy he was talking to her in such a way. He usually was very respectful.
            He looked a bit hesitant, maybe he had neglected to see the note. But he was still too upset to admit he was in the wrong. “You could’ve told me, aye? Where were you?”
            “What does it matter?” She asked defensively, trying to pass by him in the hallway.
            “Because there’s a man out there who wants to wipe out your entire family, Liz!” He snapped, standing in her way so she couldn’t shrug off his concern.
            “You don’t think I know that?”
            “You have no idea where he could be or what he could’ve done to you!”
            “I was in Small Heath, I was perfectly okay.” She retorted. “I have the right to go where I please.”
            “Small Heath?” Alfie looked at her in disbelief. To think she could go that far and think she would be fine on her own. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
            “Do not take that tone with me!” She held strong against him. “If I want to see my family, I can. You can’t keep me locked up in Camden.”
            “That ain’t…” He let out a frustrated noise. The last thing he wanted to do was make her feel trapped. “I don’t understand why you just up and left. What did you need to do there?”
            “That’s my business.”
            “You don’t control me, Alfie.”
            “I know!” He shouted. “You don’t think I know that? But I care too much about you to let you be killed because of what your fucking brother has gotten your family into!”
            Eliza’s lower lip wobbled and she crossed her arms over her chest. “I went because I was late. My aunt confirmed it, I’m pregnant.”
            Alfie was knocked right in the gut by the news. What he thought would never happen was now a reality. “Liz…”
            “Just fuck off.” She spat and turned to head upstairs. But she paused halfway. “I was so excited to tell you and this is how I’m treated? You can sleep on the couch.” She stomped upstairs and slammed the door shut before locking it.
            Alfie felt like an absolute imbecile. He was notorious for letting his temper get the better of him. But he was proud of himself for never letting Eliza see that side of him. Now he had mucked up what they’d been building for months.
            Eliza didn’t come down for dinner or breakfast the next day. Alfie decided to try and speak with her before he went to the bakery for the day.
            His first knock was met with silence.
            “Eliza, please, just let me apologize.” He said as he knocked again.
            “Go to hell, Alfie.” She finally replied.
            He scrubbed a hand over his face. “Love, I’m tryna apologize, here!” He exclaimed. “What else do you want me to do?”
            There was another bout of silence before the door swung open. “You think an apology is some grandiose gesture?” She demanded. “Alfie, I’ve walked across hot coals for you and you don’t even realize.”
            “M’tryna…I don’t know what you want me to say.” He grimaced, realizing how shit he was at relationships sometimes.
            “I went to Small Heath and you know what Ada said to me? She asked me about my headscarf. She said it was oppressive and I never should’ve converted for you. She said you would never be able to do anything that comes close to what I’ve done for you. Do you want to know what I said?”
            Alfie nodded.
            “I said she was wrong. I told her that you treated me right. You respected me. You were there for me and appreciated the person I was. I converted for you, I married you, and now I’m going to give you a child. So, don’t act like you have this authority over me when I’ve done so much for you.”
            He sighed. “You’re right, love. It were wrong for me to treat you like that.” He acknowledged in a rare event of humility. “But me worst fear is losing you. ‘Cause you’re the only thing on this Earth that means a damn to me. If I lost you if that fucker killed you? I’d never forgive myself. I would spend the rest of me days mourning.”
            Eliza’s tense stance relaxed a bit when she heard the genuine concern in his voice. His anger was out of fear. She knew men like Alfie had a hard time addressing their fears because they weren’t meant to be scared of anything. Her voice softened. “I’m not going anywhere.” She promised. “You have me until the end of time.”
            “And you have me.”
            She smiled and stepped into his arms so he could hold her close. “That’s good to know.”
              Permanent Tag: @papa-geralt-of-cirilla @giftofdreams @biba3434 @kimmietea @karmezii @enrapturedbythemoon @vampgirl1997 @tarafaithe
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write-r-die · 3 years
Prisoner - Part 2
Medieval AU
- Norman Invasion of England:
Henry Cavill is a respected Norman baron who has been tasked with finding Thomasin, an ill-tempered Saxon noblewoman, and returning her to London so the king can marry her off to a cruel Norman invader. The two grow close during the long journey, and Henry puts his own life in danger (more than once) to protect the woman he loves.
Warnings: mention of rape, a bit of smut
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“If you can’t stay quiet, I’ll have to stop you,” Henry said with a wicked grin. “We don’t want the whole camp to hear you whimpering for me, do we?”
“I’ll be quiet!” Thomasin whined. “Please don’t make me stop.”
Henry leaned back. “Go on, then.”
Thomasin sighed with relief and bucked her hips forward, grinding her center against the knight’s firm, thick thigh.  
She couldn’t remember how she’d gotten into the Norman’s tent, let alone how she wound up straddling him, skirts hiked up over her hips to allow for freer movement. 
She hastened her movements, desperately seeking more friction as warmth coiled in her lower belly.
“There’s a good girl,” Henry cooed. His smile was still teasing, but there was tenderness in it too. “My good girl. Thomasin.” She couldn’t keep her eyes open any longer. She concentrated on her movements, on Henry saying her name over and over, his voice growing louder with each iteration. “Thomasin. Thomasin.”
She woke with a start, gasping for air after her climax was ripped away mere moments before it happened. She was so shocked that she might’ve fallen from the horse if Henry wasn’t holding onto her. He was far too close for comfort, especially after that dream. The dream! Thomasin was convinced he knew about it. Why else would he wake her? 
“I’m sorry to wake you,” Henry said. He kept his pale sapphire eyes straight ahead rather than glancing down at the young lady in his lap. “Did you have a nightmare?”
“No,” Thomasin snapped defensively. She took a deep breath to calm herself. It was far too early to quarrel by her reckoning, even though it was the middle of the afternoon. “Why do you ask?”
Henry shrugged one shoulder. “You were restless, to say the least.”
Oh, God. “How so?”
He narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips in thought. “You were making an awful lot of noise.”
What on earth did that mean? Was she whimpering or moaning like a whore? Did she call out Henry’s name? Or was she snoring and snorting like an old man as her sisters had often accused her? That would be embarrassing, too, but she’d much rather be caught snoring than crying for a man to touch her.
“You should get used to it,” she said. “I quite enjoy the sound of my own voice, and I intend to make rather a lot of noise with it.” The end of her threat was lost in a yawn.
Henry chuckled quietly; Thomasin felt his chest bounce with laughter. She flushed with anger, grinding her teeth. She usually had such an easy time driving people off. She meant to infuriate the Norman, not amuse him. He knew this of course, and it only pleased him more.
He was pleased, too, that she seemed to have recovered from whatever dream was plaguing her. He could swear that she was weeping in her sleep, twitching and thrashing to fight off her imaginary attacker. He’d tried to soothe her as best as he could without acting inappropriately. He’d tightened his hold on her waist and tucked her up against him. At one point, he even hushed her and told her there was nothing to fear. He spoke quietly so the other soldiers wouldn’t hear him – perhaps too low for her to hear. She’d fallen asleep just before dawn and snored awfully until she started thrashing a few minutes ago. 
The snoring was loud enough for most of the men to hear. Henry had a hell of a time trying to bite back his laughter so he wouldn’t wake her. 
He woke her when it was clear that she couldn’t be soothed because he couldn’t stand to hear her cry. Henry hated weeping women, partly because they were a bloody nuisance, but also because he simply didn’t like it to see women cry, especially beautiful ones. 
It never occurred to Henry that Thomasin might dream of lovemaking. She was too pure for it. He could tell she was far more innocent than she let on. Thomasin presented herself as confident and worldly, but she had never spent a night outside of her castle’s walls, nor had she ever touched a man save for a kiss on the hand. That was all in the past now. She’d never see her home again, and the Cavill brothers, it seemed, had no qualms lifting or embracing her like a puppy. 
“It is only you and your two brothers, or do you have sisters as well?” Thomasin asked.
“I’m the fourth of five brothers. We have no sisters.”
“Five?!” She managed to turn enough in her seat to look him in the eye. “Your parents had five boys?!”
She frowned and turned back around. “You’re jesting with me.”
“I’m not,” Henry promised. She could hear the smile in his voice. “Charlie!” he called over his shoulder. His brother urged his mount forward so he could ride beside Henry.  “Lady Thomasin doesn’t trust my word.”
“She doesn’t believe me that we’ve two more brothers back in Normandy.”
“It’s true,” Charlie said. “Piers and Nik.”
“Good Lord.” 
Every nobleman in Normandy near Lady Cavill’s age must be kicking himself for not marrying her when he had the chance. What woman could be so beloved to God that He blessed her and her husband with so many boys, and didn’t burden them with any daughters?
“I can hardly tolerate one brother,” Thomasin said. “I can’t think of a worse hell than growing up with four Hammonds.” Not that she liked her two sisters much better.
The eldest, Stephanie, was Thomasin’s favorite. She had long since left the house to get married, but she was widowed after only a few months and chose to take the veil rather than letting her father marry her off again.
Perhaps Thomasin should’ve become a nun. It certainly sounded better than being handed off to the eldest son of her father’s cousin, a grand idiot with a sword who’d probably fall asleep on top of her. But living in a convent meant a great amount of being quiet and sitting still, and that was simply out of the question.
“Why did your king send you?”  Thomasin asked after a moment.
Henry smirked. “Am I not a good enough captor for you?”
She ignored his jab. “Why you, though? We were sure King William was sending his great terror for us.” It’s why all the women and children had fled the Latymer keep.
Henry wasn’t surprised that Thomasin had heard of Baron Lawrence. He was a fearsome enemy in battle and a devoted subject of his king – and about as kind as Lucifer himself. He gained infamy throughout England soon after the initial Norman invasion by making an example of a Saxon baron who refused to yield. He killed the baron, of course, and executed the baron’s sons when they refused to submit to the new king. That’s not what he was known for, though; that was simply the way of things when a noble family resisted.
He gained his reputation by beheading the baron’s wife and daughters, along with the servants who attempted to protect them. It was rumored that he allowed some of his soldiers to have their way with peasant and servant girls, and that some soldiers made the women’s husbands or fathers watch. 
Such a thing would be considered a war crime punishable by death if King William hadn’t pardoned him for it.
“The king didn’t think you would appreciate that,” Henry said slowly. “He thought you might be more inclined to cooperate with us.” The Cavills were gentlemanly, pleasant, and even-tempered, which made them ideal candidates to deal with the Saxon shrew.
“My lord!” one of the scouts riding at the front of the convoy pulled up just in front of Henry. “One of the lads found a place to camp for the night.”
“How far is it?” asked Henry.
“Quarter of an hour, I’d say. Maybe a half,” the scout replied.
Henry looked up at the sky. It was only the middle of the afternoon, but they’d been riding since before dawn without a single break. “Fine.”
“Thank God,” Charlie said. “It’s damn cold and I’m bloody fucking tired from all this riding.”
“Charlie!” Henry snapped. How dare he use such foul language in front of a lady!
Thomasin wasn’t bothered in the least. “I’m afraid England is always cold. If you wanted good weather, perhaps your Duke William should’ve invaded a different country.”
“It’s King William now,” Henry corrected. Thomasin made a noise of discontent. 
The spent the next twenty minutes in silence until they reached a clearing deep among the trees. Thomasin found a large rock to sit on while she waited for the men to set up camp. 
There were about a hundred men in Henry’s infantry. They split into groups of seven or eight to work building fires or tending the horses. A handful were erecting a tent with branches and fur pelts. Henry stood nearby, frowning fiercely with his arms crossed over his chest again. His tunic was loose, but holding his arms like that, flexing his muscles, made them fill out the sleeves so they were pulled tight across his muscles. 
Charlie stood next to his brother, talking quickly and animatedly about something Henry clearly wasn’t happy about. Good. Let him be miserable.
The bear-dog sat at his master’s feet, wagging his heavy tail and looking back and forth between the brothers as they spoke. He had the size and strength of a hunting or fighting dog but the demeanor of a lapdog.  He soon grew tired with the Cavills’ conversation and padded over to Thomasin. He sat down and looked at her expectantly. 
“I haven’t got anything for you to eat,” Thomasin said. The dog was unaffected. He opened his mouth, let his enormous pink tongue hang out between his teeth, and started breathing very heavily. “Go away, bear. I haven’t got anything for you,” she said again. The bear chose to lay down. “For heaven’s sake. “You must behave far more ferociously for people to respect you.”
The dog followed Thomasin around for the rest of the day, which she didn’t mind at all. She rather liked the thing. It seemed to please Henry, too; he could concentrate on his work without worrying about the girl. Kal would look after her. He could even do things that Henry and his men could not, most notably accompanying Thomasin into the woods so she could attend to personal matters.
Thomasin didn’t know this part of the country – she didn’t know anything beyond her father’s lands – but it seemed hospitable enough. She found a brook with cool, clear water and took the time to splash water on her face.
“Do you have a name, I wonder?” she asked Kal. “Or does your master simply call you Bear?” The dog wagged his tail in reply. Thomasin frowned at him. “Where does this brook go, do you suppose?” she asked after a moment. “I suppose it doesn’t matter, though. As long as it’s away from here.” She spent the walk back to camp plotting the route she would take through the trees when she made her escape, which she should probably do sooner rather than later.
Supper was ready when Thomasin finally returned: The men ate loaves of thick, unpleasant bread and dried strips of beef as they sat in small groups around the six fires they’d set up. Henry had something roasting over his fire.
“Do you like hare?” he asked Thomasin as she came over.
“Yes.” She sat down across from him. “Why did you go to all the trouble of catching it? I’m sure the food you brought with you would be plenty enough for me.”
Henry sighed. “In truth, dear lady, I worried you would complain over the quality of it. The bread has the consistency of tree bark, anyway.”
Henry cut up the rabbit when it was finished cooking. He gave one portion to himself, one to Thomasin, one to Charlie, and offered another to his dog in exchanged for performing a series of tricks. 
“Your bear has the temperament of a housecat,” Thomasin remarked. “I’ve never seen a fighting dog that acted like he does.”
“He’s not a fighting dog,” Henry said. “He’s a companion.” He was looking at her braid rather than her eyes. It seemed a small miracle that it could be so long and yet untangled. But he was more interested in the color of it. Thomasin’s hair was a pale strawberry shade in the sun, but it became a deep, rich copper as the sky grew dark. Henry couldn’t decide which shade he liked better. Either way, she had the trademark passionate nature redheads were known for; unfortunately, her passion exerted itself in the form of aggression.
He wondered if her siblings had the same hair. 
“I believe I’ll go to bed now,” Thomasin announced, rising to her feet. “Sleep well, gentlemen.” 
The tent was short but fairly wide. That surprised Thomasin. Why wouldn’t they make several small ones rather than one large one? Didn’t Henry and Charlie expect shelter?
 She got her answer a few moments later. 
Thomasin was just settling in for bed when the tent flap opened. Kal came through first. Henry had to crouch to get inside. He didn’t speak. He simply laid down on the other side of the tent and shut his eyes. 
Thomasin lay in silence for a few moments, waiting for him to explain himself. He didn’t. “What on earth are you doing?”
“Trying to sleep,” Henry replied without opening his eyes.
“In my tent?”
“This tent is in fact mine. I’m allowing you to share it as a courtesy.” He was tempted to open his eyes to see the expression on Thomasin’s face. He smirked at the very thought.
Thomasin wasn’t a killer, but she was quite sure she could cut off one of Henry’s fingers and feel no remorse. The man was a savage – an immature one at that. She may be his prisoner but she was not his whore or pet or plaything. But the only dagger in the tent was attached to Henry’s belt. Fine. She could wait until tomorrow to teach him his lesson. Most likely by shoving him off of his horse.
“You are positively indecent. I don’t know what you expect from me, but I assure you it will not happen. I’ll break your nose before I let you touch me. Aye, I will.”
“I have no doubt,” Henry said through a yawn. “Now go to sleep.”
“Do you know what?” Thomasin’s voice was deceptively mild.
Henry sighed. “No, what?”
“I believe your foul-mouthed little brother is more of a gentleman than you, and he is hardly a gentleman at all. Does your poor wife back in Normandy know she’s married a whore of a man with the courtesy of a donkey?”
“I have no wife.”
“Your intended, then.”
There was a pause. Henry opened his eyes and looked up at the roof of the tent. “I have no intended.” He did once, a beautiful young woman he showered with gifts and affection until she quite abruptly broke the agreement by marrying another. 
Thomasin bit down on the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling. She was pleased that he was unattached, but she couldn’t say why. What did it matter? “I’m not surprised,” she said. “Perhaps I shall ask my intended to castrate you once we’ve reached London”
Henry did smile at that. “Which intended? The unknown Norman baron William plans to saddle you with, or the Saxon coward that fled the moment our ships came ashore?”
“You know about Cerdic?” Her voice was more curious than accusatory. 
“Simon insisted we learn everything about you in case your brother or intended or some distant relation came to fetch you before we got to you.” Henry shut his eyes again. “It seems we had nothing to be worried about.”
There wasn’t much to say to that. Thomasin thought Cerdic was a horse’s ass and had once told him so. They didn’t like one another in the slightest, and it was no great loss for their engagement to be broken.
“Tell your bear to come to me,” Thomasin said.
“Because I’m cold and he’ll help keep me warm.”
“I’m afraid you’ll have to come to him. He stays by my side at all times. Or I suppose the two of us could come to you.”
The two of us! Well at least if he came close enough, she could grab the dagger at his hip more easily. Maybe she could stab him with it. Bastard.
“I’ll allow it.”
She lay on her side, facing away from them. The bear-dog fell to the floor with a great thump rather than taking the time to lie down gently. Thomasin scooched until her back was right against his. Henry lay down on the dog’s other side, his side pressed against the dog’s as closely as Thomasin was pressed to its back. 
“You shouldn’t be sleeping so close to me,” Thomasin chided.
“I was in your room with you when you changed your clothes and you’ve been sitting in my lap all day. I think we’re past the point of worrying about closeness, don’t you?”
“If you toss about in your sleep and get too close to me, I promise I’ll smack you.”
“Luckily for you, I’m a very deep sleeper. You’re the one that snores and kicks.”
“Goodnight, Henry,” she said pointedly.
“Goodnight, Thomasin.”
“Do be quiet, Henry. I’m trying to sleep.”
Henry chuckled; the sound warmed Thomasin’s heart. But it didn’t change anything. She wasn’t going to throw him off of the horse tomorrow; she wouldn’t be able to because she wouldn’t be there. She was going to escape. Tonight.
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fatesdeepdive · 3 years
Entry 9: NO
Before doing anything else, I built a lottery house in the castle. The logistics of there being stores and gambling houses within my personal castle, that my soldiers work at, that don’t just give me whatever I want is kinda weird. The lottery gave me a radish I fed to Lilith.
Support: Hana/Subaki
C: Hana confronts Subaki about his tendency to refer to himself as perfect. He brushes it off, because he thinks that he genuinely is completely without fault. This angers Hana, who brings up a time Subaki fell off his horse and challenges him to a duel.
B: The duo begin their competition. Subaki, despite not actually having any sword skills, manages to defeat Hana by studying her fighting style over several months and messing with her head.
A: Hana takes the second round, beating Subaki in a horse race. Hana reveals that she doesn’t actually care about beating Subaki, just about serving Sakura, and the two decide to suspend their competition.
S: Subaki states that he hates when Hana brings up the time he fell off his horse because he embarrassed himself in front of Hana. Also the duo apparently love each other now.
Review: Decent set up, lackluster execution. I do like Hana’s feelings of inferiority in comparison to Subaki, and Subaki is wonderfully arrogant during this line, but the resolution comes from a revelation Hana had off screen and feels anti-climactic. I felt nothing during the marriage conversation.
Support: Hana/Sakura
C: Hana and Sakura discuss their childhood friendship and the fact that Hana has been protecting Sakura since even before she was a retainer. Sakura states that Hana’s stubbornness pairs nicely with her own introversion.
B: Hana reveals that Sakura’s kindness gave her a reason to dedicate herself to becoming a master samurai. Sakura reveals that she chose Hana as her retainer, in spite of her age and objections from others, because of...a reason explained in the next conversation. Gotta love cliffhangers.
A: Sakura chose Hana as her retainer because of all the times she protected her as a kid, so many times that Hana is covered in scars. Sakura feels guilty over Hana’s scars, but Hana brushes it off, stating that her scars are a badge of honor because they were earned protecting Sakura. Small character design note: Hana does not have any visible scars in this game. She does consistently have a scar in her arm in Heroes, and inconsistently has a scar on her left thigh, but neither of those scars are visible in game. Maybe the scars are hidden below her headband?
Review: First off, these two deserve an S-Rank conversation. They have more chemistry than most of the couples in this game. Setting that aside, I enjoy Hana and Sakura inspiring each other to be better. I love the idea of Hana protecting Sakura from feral dogs and Sakura repaying her by making her a retainer, going against royal officials to do so.
Support: Sakura/Subaki
C: Subaki yawns in front of Sakura then pretends it didn’t happen, because he is too perfect to get fatigued.
B: Subaki makes a tiny slip-up when filling out a form and has a complete meltdown, launching into a self-depreciating rant. Hana brings up that she’s seen him make mistakes before, which only makes things worse.
A: Sakura comforts Subaki and he reveals that his obsession with perfection stems from his childhood; his parents hammered in the idea that he must be perfect at all times as to not embarrass himself in front of royalty. He brings up the time he fell off his horse in front of Sakura right before she chose him as a retainer and reveals that he’s thought for years she chose him out of pity. Sakura comforts him, saying that he’s amazing and his slip-ups only make him more charming.
S: Subaki renews his vows as a retainer, promising to always fight for Sakura even if he cannot achieve total perfection. Sakura accepts, on the condition that Subaki marries her.
Review: I actually really enjoyed this one. The main gag with Subaki is that he’s arrogant and thinks of himself as perfect. This line deconstructs that, showing him fall apart at the idea that he isn’t good enough. It didn’t go fully into it, but this line suggests that Subaki may have some real mental health issues, possibly stemming from an abusive childhood. The romance isn’t perfect, but I do like the idea of Subaki ending up with Sakura because she helps him learn to accept himself. Also for all of Sakura’s supports I’m going to pretend that she isn’t like fourteen, because otherwise they’re all super creepy.
Support: Corrin/Sakura
C: Corrin asks if Sakura dislikes her and Sakura, who has never once visited any Fire Emblem or Smash Brothers forum, states that no one could ever dislike Corrin. Apparently, Sakura is awkward and shy around Corrin because she sucks at talking to people. Corrin offers to help her practice talking.
B: Corrin asks Sakura some basic questions and Sakura freezes up from anxiety and can’t answer anyone. Corrin theorizes that Sakura is easily intimidated by other people.
A: Sakura reveals that she’s always so anxious because she heard a rumor that Nohr actually wanted to kidnap her, not Nohr. This rumor was evidently false, because it makes absolutely no sense from a lore perspective. Also, I question the idea that this is the source of all of Sakura’s anxiety. Her anxiety around Corrin, maybe, but it’s odd that guilt over her sister’s kidnapping that she’s known for years wasn’t her fault would make her anxious around other people. I mean, it’s more pronounced around Corrin, but only in this support line. Whatever. Corrin swears to protect Sakura and I guess that means her anxiety is cured.
Review: This conversation is mediocre. Sakura getting anxiety because of something a maid said once is stupid, but Corrin trying to help her get over it is okay.
You’ll notice that I stopped this at the A rank. Well, you see, Corrin and Sakura only have three, conversations instead of four because, despite Corrin having a variable gender, Corrin and Sakura are siblings and Intelligent Systems would never include incest in a Fire Emblem game. They’d never do that because that would be terrible.
Wait. What’s that? Why does it say on the wiki that they have an S-Conversation? Surely this isn’t real.
Oh god it’s real.
No no no.
What the fuck, Intelligent Systems? Why did you include incestuous pedophilic marriage in your role-playing game? Seriously, what the actual fuck?
And, looking at Corrin’s support list, it’s not just Sakura. Every single Nohr and Hoshidan royal can date Corrin. I don’t know what’s worse, Corrin having sex with her stranger blood siblings or having sex with the people she thought were her blood siblings for years. Fine. Let’s just do the stupid conversation.
S: Sakura reveals that she’s been dreaming about the sibling she never knew for years, imagining what Corrin would grow up to be like. It’s actually a decent idea, albeit one hidden in the evil cursed S-Support that I hate. Corrin asks if they live up to expectations and Sakura states that they exceed them. Then Sakura says that she loves Corrin. Romantically. Corrin, being the sane person, objects, pointing out that they’re half-siblings. I don’t know where this half-sibling thing came from, as far as Corrin knows both of them are the children of Mikoto and Sumeragi. I mean, it is stated in Revelations that Mikoto isn’t actually the mother of anyone but Corrin, but Corrin doesn’t know that yet. Whatever. Sakura pulls out a letter from Mikoto that she only read a few minutes ago that says, psych! Corrin and Sakura aren’t actually related. At all. So it’s cool to bang. Corrin instantly gets over the whole “Don’t fuck your little sister” thing immediately and proposes to Sakura. What the actual fuck.
Review Continued: If ninety percent of the S-Rank conversation is convincing the audience that, no, this isn’t incest, you know it’s bad. And sure, it isn’t technically incest anymore, but who cares? Corrin and Sakura didn’t know that until ten seconds before they screwed each other. This is an incestuous marriage and it’s fucking gross. The writers clearly know it was gross, but they included it anyway.
And here’s the big problem with the Hoshidan sibling marriages: Birthright is built on the premise that this is Corrin’s real family, that Hoshido is her real home. It’s literally called Birthright. But if Corrin isn’t actually related to the Hoshidan Royals, all of that falls apart. They’re just strangers. The whole concept of the game doesn’t apply anymore. Because Intelligent Systems couldn’t release a game where the player insert doesn’t fuck literally every character. And, until we get to the point in Revelations where that is properly revealed, I’m going to pretend I don’t know it.
We got some new characters at the end of the last chapter, so let’s talk about them.
Silas is a cavalier who went turncloak for Corrin at the end of the last chapter because of a childhood friendship Corrin doesn’t remember. His personal skill makes him fight better when Corrin is injured. I’m starting to notice just how many of these skills specifically relate to Corrin, which makes sense but is still kinda weird. His design is fine, nothing objectionable there. I do think Silas’s forgotten childhood friend backstory is a bit odd, though. And I’m getting sick of characters who are obsessed with Corrin.
Saizo is Kaze’s twin brother who looks like twenty years older than him. He’s the slower but tougher of the duo, judging from their stats. His personal skill Pyrotechnics is basically just him blowing shit up, which as far as I’m concerned is his solution to all problems. His mask is really weird looking, but at least he’s visually interesting. Personality wise, he seems like a dick, but in a good way. Our army needs some common sense and he brings it.
Real talk: I forgot this character existed until she joined us. Orochi is a mage...er, diviner who has the personal skill Capture, which I’ll talk about later. Her design is decent; I like the sultry hair pulling in her portrait, it gives off a lot of personality. I don’t have much to say, I forgot she existed before the end of last chapter and have no clue what her personality will be.
Birthright Chapter 8: Fierce Winds
Team Corrin travels up the Eternal Staircase, a massive subterranean tunnel that leads to the Wind Tribe Village. Kaze notices that the group is being followed and a group of faceless pop out. Kaze and Corrin slaughter them with ease. Unfortunately, after the battle, the faceless turn into Wind Tribe civilians. Iago appears and explains that he disguised civilians as monsters using magic. He learned it from his favorite movie villain, the Joker from the Dark Knight, who Iago thinks is actually the good guy.
The gang reaches the Wind Tribe village. Corrin decides to just waltz in because sneaking past would be suspicious. Wind Tribe members attack. Not sure how they know about the whole slaughter thing. Maybe one of the fake faceless got away? Whatever.
Our three princesses apologize to the tribe members and they lead us to their chief, Fuga. Then the battle immediately begins. Guess negotiations didn’t go well.
Also here for some reason is Hinoka and her two retainers, Setsuna and Azama, both of whom are absolute morons. But, like, in a good way. Setsuna falls in quicksand, doesn’t care, and Azama immediately declares her dead. The fact that Hinoka has to basically babysit her two idiot bodyguards is amusing.
An Archer that works as Hinoka’s bodyguard. Her personal skill, Optimistic, makes her recover more when healed by a staff. A thing they do a lot in recent Fire Emblem games is to have characters that are based around specific gags or tropes. These are hit or miss, but Setsuna’s gag of constantly endangering herself and just not giving a shit sounds funny. The faced half-covered by hair initially makes her seem cool, but when paired with the dopey face and her personality it makes her look completely distracted. I like Setsuna, from what I’ve seen.
A monk who seems to be ridiculously optimistic and laid back. His personal skill, Divine Retribution, hurts opponents who attack him when he’s unarmed, which is a really cool idea. Azama doesn’t seem to be quite as funny as Setsuna, but still seems entertaining. I have mixed feelings on his design. I can’t tell if I like the closed eyes or not. The puffballs and wild hair are dumb though.
It’s worth noting that, because we move first, Corrin’s army attacks without provocation. Remember, they can’t see the red labels on enemies.
This map takes place in a desert. We can use the Dragon Veins to make it not a desert, which is good, because Fire Emblem deserts suck. Halfway through the battle, we finally talk to Fuga. He explains that we must earn the right to explain by killing all of his men. Bit of a dick move, chief.
We beat Fuga fairly easily. This chapter was fine, but just fine. Not bad, just unremarkable. Fuga explains that he was friends with Sumeragi and knows a lot about Yato. Apparently, us killing all of his men was a test to make us stronger so we can unlock Yato’s true power. Apparently, Yato can link something called the Sealed Flames and destroy the world. Neat.
Fuga accepts our explanation of the civilian murders. Which makes sense, it was kinda dumb. Actually, wait. Why did that have to be a plot point? Couldn’t this chapter just have been Fuga testing us?
Before we leave, Corrin and Azura discuss that there may be more blades like Yato out there. They don’t ask Fuga, because reasons. Also Fuga gives us his son. Neat.
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chika-the-terrible · 4 years
Sugar Pills
Based on IDKHow’s song, Sugar Pills
It’s sick, how easy it is to find himself latched onto Harrington. Especially in the wake of Wheeler’s break-up with him and all the rumors surrounding the former King. Billy thought he’d have to actually fight and prove himself, but no, Harrington just rolls over and lets him have what he wants. Billy hates that. He wanted to get his crown the right way, but nope! What kind of King was he if he just let others step all over him? Billy tried to get a rise out of Harrington during basketball, one of the few things they shared, but all he got was nothing.
It wasn’t until the confrontation at the Byers that he saw that old ‘spark’ Tommy described. Harrington was...tough for Billy. If he hadn’t reached for the plate, it was likely Harrington could’ve overpowered him. And that fascinated Billy. Harrington looked more of the lean type than muscular, which Billy himself had, but his blows had been strong. Even after he’d been drugged Billy could feel the bruise on his jaw sting from one of Harrington’s railing punches. And then after that Billy tried harder to bring out King Steve again. Nothing Billy did, however, worked. Billy would get too close and press on the bruises, causing Harrington pain, but the other teen never rose to the bait. It was less frustrating now and more fascinating this time around.
“Hey, Harrington.” Billy said as they stood in the showers, “How’re your bruises?”
“Fuck off, Hargrove.” Harrington would respond. Nothing else he said worked, either. His jabs did nothing, his touches did nothing, and Billy became even more determined to see King Steve again. So Billy cornered him after school one day, waiting until he was alone before they talked.
“Harrington.” Billy greeted, leaning against the other’s BMW, lighting up a cigarette. It was the only surefire way Billy was certain would keep Harrington from fleeing. And Billy had made sure to catch him on a day where he didn’t have to ferry around the gaggle of brats that seemed to surround him everywhere.
“What do you want?” snapped Harrington, hands on his hips.
“King Steve.” Billy met his eyes, “Where’s that nasty little boy who used to rule the school?”
“Long gone.” Harrington growled, “Now let me get to my car.”
“Not until you show me King Steve again.” Billy grinned, “Know he’s in there somewhere. Saw him at the Byers, so where is he now?”
“Billy.” Harrington’s voice had dropped, “What the fuck are you after?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” Billy moved the cig around in his mouth, “Everyone says you were cool and awesome. You were the top of the food chain, then you fell after becoming Wheeler’s bitch. I wanted to earn my place as King, but what’s the point when you fucking roll over for everything? You’re like a dog, Harrington, not a king. You follow orders and you bite back only when you feel threatened. So,” Billy pushed himself off the car, taking his hands out of his pockets, “Do you feel threatened now?”
Harrington had squared his shoulders and grit his teeth. There was definitely an aggressive tone to his posture now. Billy grinned. He remembered the blood on his knuckles after knocking Harrington around in their previous fight.
“I’ll only say this once.” Harrington began, “Step away from the car.”
“No chance, Pretty Boy.” Billy said. Harrington’s strike came out of nowhere. Billy’s teeth clicked against one another as the fist hit his jaw. He hadn’t expected such speed from Harrington. He tasted blood on his split lip as he looked up at Harrington. He grinned.
“There he is!” Billy got back to his feet, “Show me what you got!”
They continued this routine for a while. At least one day a week Billy would wait by Harrington’s car and force him into a fight. It made Billy’s blood pump and his anger would fizzle out for a little while. Harrington’s bruises refused to heal as Billy kept hitting him, but Billy’s also couldn’t heal from Harrington’s relentless punches. Once he got started, it was hard for King Steve to stop, Billy found. And King Steve’s punches were definitely different from his father’s. Both were made to hurt, but Billy got pleasure instead of fear out of Harrington’s fights.
“Why do you keep fighting Steve?” Max asked one day, glaring as he held a sack of peas to his latest black eye.
“That’s not babysitter I’m fighting, if that’s what you’re thinking.” Billy said, “And why do you care, shitbird?”
“Because he’s my friend.” she said and Billy was reminded of the night where he found her with her so-called ‘friends‘ at the Byers with Steve and Billy could feel his anger burn again. They might not have gotten along well but she was still his sister and it was his job to protect her. Finding her out there, with Harrington, Billy’s thoughts had flown to the worst possibilities, and that was before he got to see King Steve for the first time.
“Yeah, well, maybe he deserves this shit.” Billy said, adjusting the sack, “Ever thought about how it looked to me when I found you out there that night?” Max flushed.
“Steve was protecting us!”
“And what if he hadn’t? What if his intentions were different?” Billy growled, “If he wanted to stop fighting, he’d just avoid me, wouldn’t he?”
“Just stop hurting him!” Max snapped. She left the room and Billy grunted.
The next time they fought, when Billy felt blood blossom under his knuckles, Billy didn’t feel the same rush of euphoria that came after. No, this time it was a twinge of regret and Billy grit his teeth. He didn’t know why he was feeling regret and punched Steve again. But all he felt was regret again. This made him fight harder. And every fight after that got the same reaction from his body, along with some sadness and renewed anger. Why was he starting to care about these fights? Why did he start disliking them?
I’m not supposed to care. I wanted King Steve and I got him. Billy closed his eyes as Steve walk away with a new smattering of bruises bound to appear on his torso, So why does it feel like my heart breaks every time I hurt him? And when did I start thinking of him as ‘Steve’ instead of ‘Harrington?’
Billy took a different approach as graduation came closer around the corner. Billy was still a junior but Steve was a senior and would be leaving soon. He only had a few more weeks before he’d have to find a new punching bag, one that actually made him feel good for once. He felt good around Steve, sure, but it was different. He didn’t feel like punching Steve any more. In fact, he felt more joy when he saw Steve complete on the court and in the shower than under his fists, much like he had when he first encountered King Steve.
“Hey.” Billy said, when they were dressed and had the locker room all to themselves. Steve stared at him, face barely having healed after their last fight. He bore his teeth.
“You wanna go here? Really?” he asked but didn’t shy away from Billy.
“Not this time.” Billy side-eyed Steve, “Just wanted to talk, if that’s alright.”
“...Was getting tired of being King again, anyway.” Steve murmured, but he leaned against the lockers with Billy regardless, “And when do you ever ask for something nicely?”
“I can ask, I just choose not to.” Billy said.
“Then what’s up?”
“I-” Billy stopped himself. Did he really wanna talk this out with Steve? He growled to himself, “Nevermind, it’s not important.”
“Hold on.” Steve grabbed his shoulder, “You wanted to talk with me and we’ve got twenty minutes before school’s out. Nobody’s coming in here. But if it’s shit about me,” Steve’s grin was wicked and dark, “I dare you to say it.” Billy mulled it over. He sighed.
“Well, fighting you hasn’t been the same.” he admitted, “Used to get a huge kick out of punching your teeth in, but now I don’t.”
“Gotten tired of me?” Steve asked.
“Like hell I have.” Billy glared at him, “Told you it’s not important.”
“I think it is.” Steve moved to pin Billy against the lockers and suddenly the blond felt the edges of panic creeping in from their position. He could remember his father doing the same thing and Billy struggled to keep his breathing calm. Steve went on, “What’s changed?”
“Get off me.” Billy snapped. He was trying not to let his breathing get out of control. Steve tapped his fingers, looking down at their position, then shook his head.
“Tell me.” he insisted. Billy snarled and let his panic out in the form of anger, grabbing Steve by his jacket and switching positions, slamming the brunette against the lockers.
“I don’t know anymore, okay?! I don’t know what you mean now! I don’t wanna fight you any more because it doesn’t feel right! Are you some sick fascination, or is this more than the shit in my head?!” Billy’s eyes were wide as he stared at Steve, “Tell me, Harrington!” Steve’s eyes were just as wide. Neither of them had expected this. Billy took deep breaths and made to move away, “Fuck, Steve, I-” Steve didn’t let him finish. Billy’s eyes went wide when he felt Steve’s lips on his. They tasted like blood and sweat, as if Steve was unable to wash off their last encounter. Billy couldn’t bring himself to push the brunette away and the kiss actually felt kinda good. He licked Steve’s lips before kissing back. The euphoria he’d first gained from fighting Steve was back but stronger, more intense. Billy was fascinated with the feeling. When had a hate for Steve Harrington turned into love? Steve then broke the kiss for air and they stared at one another.
“I’ll be more than a sick fascination if you want me to.” he murmured.
“That’d be nice.” Billy agreed, and they kissed again.
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sloven5905115 · 3 years
Summer Time Chp. 2  Here Cums the Girls
Well as I was checking out the bank lines and waiting for Mark to return I reflected on just what had happened.I would have never imagined the feelings I had at that moment.I didnt know if I was gay or what but I couldnt deny that what me and Mark had done was probably the greatest thing I have ever done in my short life.As I sat there nursing my beer I relived the feeling of Marks cock in my mouth, hard yet velvety at the same time.And then the way Mark took me in the ass for the first time of my life.What ever happened next I knew that this would always be a time that I would remember for the rest of my life.Just as I was about to drift off to sleep I heard the unmistakable sound of Marks pickup, I got up to climb up the side of the river bank to help him carry the stuff down to the camp site.When I realized that Mark wasnt alone.He had brought his sister, Becky and her friend Karen.Now a little bit about the girls, both were 15 at this time and were basically glued at the hip, there was a lot of rumors going around about if the girls were lesbians.While both were about 52 , 53 with Karen being the taller by just the slightest amount.And since they were on the school track team they were about 115 lbs and rock solid physiques.Becky had a set of abs that most guys would love to have.Karen was black shoulder length hair with about large B cups with legs to die for, and Becky had strawberry hair that she kept fairly short and her breast were just a little bit larger than Karens.
Becky bounced out of the pickup and waved her arms at me shouting hi Jimmy,hows the fishing.I dont know why but I just hated being called Jimmy and Becky knew it but would say it all the time just to rub it in.So I gave her a hurt scowl look and she came up to me with that puppy dog look and kissed me on the cheek.Usually this is as far as it goes, it was becoming a private game between the two of us, but this time instead of saying there, there Jim it will be alrightshe surprised me by reaching around and grabbing my ass and whispering in my ear Mark told me everything.
I must have looked like I had be hit by a cattle prod at that news.I couldnt believe that Mark would have told anyone at all about what had happened earlier.For a minute I felt betrayed and hurt but, Becky leaned to my ear and said ‘not to worry stud Mark and I share every thing.At this she stepped back with a serious shit eating grin and I stood there looking like a dork, I was completely confused.She had never acted that way toward me, I used to be the neighbor hood geek now she was calling me stud.And what the hell was this share every thing shit.But before I could say anything Mark and Karen came up to us carrying some ice and more beer.
Well Jim did you catch any fish. asked Mark
I dont know about fish but if Jim doesnt close that mouth of his, hell sure as hell catch some flies. laughed Karen as they walked by.
Oh, by the way there is some food in the truck Jim why dont you get it for us. Mark said over his shoulder.
So, after I got the food and came down to the camp site I say Mark sitting next to Karen and Becky was on the other side of the fire and patted the ground next to her.Not being one to disappoint a lady I sat down next to Becky and she leaned on my shoulders.Now I know what most of you will think that the first thing I noticed was her tits or something like that, but, I just couldnt get passed how good this girl smelled.It wasnt overly perfumed or anything like that just a good clean smell.Well after a minute Becky looked up to me and said that this was the point when I was supposed to put my arm around her and hold her.I smiled down at her and held her.Even though me and Mark had just fucked holding Becky was just something that I knew I could get used to.Where Mark was hard teenage muscle Becky was firm but not too hard and her skin was so much softer.Well we sat there talking about school, summer and about anything else we could think of, and of course drinking beer.After a while Karen got up and grabbed Mark by the hand and led him off.
Now I wonder where those two are off to.I asked Becky.
She grabbed hold of my face and said to give us some privacy silly.At which she leaned forward and kissed me.I was a little shocked at first but, that lasted about a second and then I figured after what I had already done that to just go with the flow.So I reached around and held her and started to kiss her back.I guess in my eagerness I was to hard because the next thing I knew she pushed me back.whoa stud, when your kissing a girl you need to take your time.Just remember that ladies like to make love, guys like to fuck.So stud just take your time because we have all night.
I do have a question for you though.I said as I laid down next to her.
Whats that Jim
What did you mean when you said that you and Mark shared everything.
Well, lets just say that I havent been a very good girl.She said looking off into the distance.Im not sure why but all of a sudden Im kind of embarrassed by this.As she said that I sat up and looked at her with a confused look on my face and she reached up and grabbed my arm and said.Oh now Jim I dont mean you or this, its not you, its just , , , you see, , , well.Oh hell there isnt any easy way to say this so here it goes.Me and Mark have had sex together, it started one night we were kidding each other and he dared me to show him my pussy and I dared him to show me his cock.Well the next thing I know Im on my knees sucking him off and then he eats my pussy.Dont get me wrong he didnt rape me or anything it just kind of happened, but we have been doing it off and on since then.I even let him fuck me in the ass, good thing I was drunk that night or there is no way I would have done that, and I havent let him do it since.But there is one place he hasnt fucked me.
You mean your pussy is still cherry.I looked at her with disbelief, especially with everything that she had told me.
Yes it is, I know that this is going to sound silly but Ive had a crush on you for a long time.And I just knew that I wanted you to take my virginity.And when Mark fucked my ass that time I cried for a whole week knowing that I hadnt given you the chance.But you would hardly talk to me, so I thought that you didnt like me.After saying this she looked down and I knew she was about to start crying.
I lifted up her chin and gave her a pick on her forehead and told her Dont cry its partly my fault too.She looked at me with doubt and tears starting to form in the corner of her eyes.I thought that you didnt care for me and I was scared to ask you out. For fear that you would turn me down and make fun of me.
OH GOD, no Jim I wouldnt do that.I know that I have teased you in the past but that was child stuff and it will never happen again, I promise.Saying that she wrapped her arms around me and held on tight.After a moment I could hear her starting to quietly sob.I was so stupid to treat you that way, its all my fault.
As I was holding her close to me I said softly to her ear No its nobodies fault were just two young kids that didnt know what we were doing, but that is changed and now that we know how we feel toward each other things will be different.
Just hold me for now ok.
Sure anything that you want.So there we were two kids just holding each other after opening our hearts to each other.Now I know what your thinking what about what I had said to Mark, loving him and all that.At that time I wasnt really thinking of that, I figured that I would just have to sort that out later.After all Mark was probably fucking Karen right then at that moment.Then I felt Becky start to stir and rubbing her hand up and down my chest, I just laid back and enjoy the feeling then I felt her hand go for my waist band of my shorts.Reaching down I grabbed her hand and told her you dont have to do this to prove your feelings toward me.I dont want you to ever regret this moment.
She looked at me and it looked like she was about to cry again and I thought oh shit what did I say this time.Becky just looked at me and said that was the most beautiful thing you could say to me.I want to fuck you so much now you just dont know.She reached in my shorts and started to stroke my cock and said you know for being the cutest dork around you can say the smartest things.Smiling down at me she started to pull on my shorts so I help her out and took them off.Damn, not bad size and your young, I think with some care on my part it will grow some more.with that comment she leaned down and took my cock in her mouth.While Mark was able to take my cock completely in his mouth Becky was only able to take half before she started to gag and back off.But, what her mouth couldnt handle she stroked with her hand.So this is what making love feels like, I realized that what I thought was love with Mark was in reality just great sex between two guys.I looked down and watched her bob her head up and down on my cock and for a moment I could see a small tear running down her cheek but she wouldnt stop.I started to feel the sensation that told me I was about to cum so I put my hand on her head and told her, but she backed off and said no Jim I want this, I want all of it I never let Mark cum in my mouth but I want you everywhere.With that she returned to my cock and started to suck with more vigor.Then it hit me and I couldnt hold back anymore I arched my back and dug into the ground with my hands as I started to cum in Beckys mouth it must have been six or seven squirts and she tried to swallow it all but some came out of the corners of her mouth.I must have blacked out because the next thing I knew Becky was next to me with a look of contentment on her face.Welcome back to the living stud, you know Ive heard the other girls say how they like their boyfriends cum and now I know what they were talking about.
I gave her a big hug and told her well I guess its time for this gentleman to do his duty.with that I started to kiss my way down her neck and kissed her left nipple while I messaged her right breast.I kept nursing, for want of a better word, while stroking her body making a special effort to avoid her pussy area.I had read a story from Penthouse how that was supposed to drive a girl crazy and now I was going to find out if the guy knew what he was talking about. And so far it seemed like he did, because the more I suckled her breast and rubbed her body the more Becky started to squirm and beg me to touch her pussy.So finally I gave in and started to rub her pussy, at first I thought that she peed herself she was so wet.I kept working my way down kissing her everywhere, when I got to her belly button I put my tongue in and sucked.She jerked hard screaming how that wasnt fair to be making her feel like cumming and tickling her at the same time.But, I just smiled and kept on going, finally I got to her pussy.There was a muskiness to the smell but not bad I could get used to this, I thought.I ran my tongue up and down her slit and every once in awhile I would give her clit a suck.Then with outwarning my sweet petite Becky grabbed my hair on my head with the strength of a bull rider and clamped her legs around my head.For a minute I was wondering if she was going to let go but, then what a way to die LOL.Then all of a sudden she started to squirt her own juices in my mouth I tried to swallow but there was just too damn much fluid.
Finally she relaxed and I moved up and kissed her on her lips.Damn Jim where did you learn to do that, you been practicing on other girls.
NoI chuckled just a healthy dose of Penthouse Letters.
She cradled my head and stroked my hair and jokingly said Well thank God for pornography and maybe well have to write out own letter someday.But, first are you ready for the main event.
Are you sure.I mean I would love to but…..
Jimmy stop talking and get ready to make me your girlfriend, lover and best of all your woman.
You keep calling me that and Im going to have to spank you.
Promises, promises.she said laughing now lets get this done before I start thinking about it
Yes maam. with that I got between her legs and looked at her laying there.I moved up and placed my cock at her opening and started to move in when all of a sudden I hit something and she arched her back and put her hands on my chest.She was actually panting, I asked her if she was alright and if she wanted me stop.But she shock her head and said wait so I stayed in the same position and she said now.So I leaned into her.I could tell by her face that it was hurting her and was about to stop when all of a sudden I broke through.
Becky arched her back and screamed, OOOOOHHH GOD THAT HURTS.I was scared that I had done something wrong and started to pull out when she grabbed me and shouted for me to stop moving and just let her get used to it.So that is what we did and after a while I started to move in and out of her and she said that it was ok, and that it was actually starting to feel better by the minute.So I started to work myself in and out of her, her pussy felt so good around my cock that I never wanted out.I was thinking then that what I did with was Mark was nice but this was even better.So I kept up and I even started to pick up speed.Becky started to grind her pussy on my cock and telling me how good my cock felt in her pussy.Then all to soon that feeling came over me and I knew I was about to cum when I said I should pull out and not cum inside her, Becky wrapped her legs around me and said No you dont I want your cum inside me, dont you dare pull out Jim, if you do Ill never forgive you.So stop thinking and just fuck the shit out of me. Ooh God that feels better and better.Dont stop fucking me Im going to cu……with that she stiffened and I felt her juices on my cock and that sent me over the edge and I shot my load in her pussy.There we were two teenagers whose bodies were locked in a missionary position our bodies spasmingwith the pleasure of youth.Finally the feelings subsided and we parted and laid side be side and just sat there enjoying the afterglow of great sex.
It was only a couple of minutes when I heard noises and looked up and I saw Mark and Karen walking toward us.The first thing I noticed was that they were both naked and I could see cum running down Karens leg look Mark I think theyre finally doneKaren said with a smile on her face.
Yea they sure did take their time, for a minute I thought I was going to have to fuck you again.Mark joked while he had a finger in Karens ass.
Now stud that wouldnt be so bad would it.Besides the way she was screaming I wont be surprised if the sheriff doesnt show up.Hey Becky how about you let me have a go at Jim and see how he is. Karen asked Becky.
I dont think so Karen, at least not for awhile but right now I want to keep him all to myself and that means you big brother.You keep your hands off of him.Becky said while we were still laying on the ground with me on my back and her with her right arm and right leg draped over me.I do know one thing and that is I need to cool off.So Jim get your but up and lets jump into the river and cool off for awhile.
With that she stood up and grabbed my hand and led me off to the river.While heading to the water I heard Mark tell Karen What did I tell you
Youre right Mark they do look like a cute couple.But, you know what Im going to miss most.
Whats that Karen.
That sweet pussy of your sisters.
I looked at Becky and she just gave me that impish smile of hers and said Ill tell you laterI cant wait for that story
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kyria-nico · 4 years
Fair Game Valentine’s Fluff
Everyone at Beacon High thinks that Qrow despises Valentine’s Day due to a misunderstanding from his freshman year. Every year, the student council hosts a Valentine’s Day event where students can buy Valentine’s cards and flowers for other students. Every year, Qrow gets none.
Until one year, he does.
Qrow hated Valentine’s Day.
Or, at least, everyone thought he did. Every year, the school council ran a Valentine’s Day event where students could send their friends and partners Valentine’s cards with a candy and a rose attached. In his freshman year, Qrow had received one. He had been happy at first, as he didn’t really have any friends beyond his sister, until he opened it and found that it only read “cheer up emo kid”.
He had ripped it up and thrown it out, and forgotten about it. Until the next year, when the morning announcements mentioned that orders for the valentines would be opening up soon.
“Don’t send one to Qrow! He’ll just rip it up and throw it out!” Tyrian had called from the back of the room, prompting giggles from the rest of the class. Qrow had just rolled his eyes, but the rest of the day he had people asking him why he had ripped up the valentine from last year. Too embarrassed to admit the real reason, he had just shrugged it off. Until Tai and Summer had started badgering him about it.
When they wouldn’t drop it, Qrow had turned on them, practically shouting, “I just hate Valentine’s Day, okay!?”
Unfortunately for him, that had happened in the middle of a crowded hallway. The din from the other students had stopped for one terrifying moment, before exploding in laughter and gossip. Qrow had just turned on his heel and walked out of school, completely skipping last period and resolving to forget about it. He had figured no one would remember it.
He had figured wrong.
It was his senior year now, and his “hatred” of Valentine’s Day was legendary. The story of him ripping up a single Valentine had morphed into him burning a massive pile of Valentines while ranting about how Valentine’s Day was just a bullshit corporate holiday designed to sell chocolate and greeting cards.
Now, anyone who looked at Qrow would have no reason to assume that he would feel differently. He dressed mostly in black, with ripped jeans and heavy boots that wouldn’t look out of place at a punk concert, and he had a sarcastic sense of humor that led most to think he was apathetic or cynical. Nothing about his style or demeanor really screamed “romantic at heart”.
The problem, though, was that Qrow actually liked Valentine’s Day.
Sure, he wouldn’t deny that there were plenty of companies trying to make money off it, but that was the case with most things. He had always thought it was sweet that humans had decided it was important to have an entire day just to tell other humans that they were important to them. He had always enjoyed watching people get Valentine’s cards, liked watching the way their eyes would soften or light up as they read the messages their friends or partners wrote for them.
Not that he could really admit to it at this point. The only one who knew was Raven. And she, unfortunately, was not sentimental enough about Valentine’s Day to try and correct people’s misconceptions.
“At least you’re graduating this year,” Raven said when he complained about the story circulating again. “It’s not like this’ll follow you after high school.”
It was the day before Valentine’s Day, and the torture had already started. Qrow stood at his locker, watching from afar as a flustered Tai shoved a gift into Raven’s hands. Raven was staring at it with her customary disdain, but Qrow could tell she was secretly pleased by it.
“It’s sweet, isn’t it?” A voice came from the locker next to him, and Qrow turned in surprise. Qrow recognized the guy as Clover, a junior that was quite popular among students from every grade. Everyone called him the good luck charm of the school, and credited him for leading their famously bad baseball team to the state finals. Qrow had long admired him from afar, not just because he was good looking (although he was), but because he seemed to be the opposite of everything Qrow was. A “lucky clover”, indeed.
He realized he was staring. “Uh, yeah. Sweet,” he said, trying to sound noncommittal, wondering if Clover was gearing up to ask him about ‘the incident’.
“Do you like Valentine’s Day?” Clover asked, and Qrow raised an eyebrow. Didn’t he know the story?
He was so surprised by the question, which sounded genuine, that he answered honestly. “Yeah. It’s not bad, as far as holidays go,” Qrow said, inwardly bracing himself for the inevitable follow-up about him using a flamethrower on a thousand roses in the parking lot, or whatever the current rumor was.
“Do you have one?” Clover asked.
Qrow found himself off balance again from the unexpected question. “Have what?”
Clover grinned, a hint of pink blooming in his cheeks. “A Valentine.”
It was Qrow’s turn to flush at that. He shook his head. “No. I — uh, well, no one’s ever asked me. Guess maybe the universe is trying to tell me I’m better off alone,” Qrow said, letting out a little self-deprecating laugh to try and play the uncharacteristically honest words off as a joke.
“That’s a shame.” Clover had clearly finished with his locker, and yet he was still standing there, his bag slung over one shoulder, a slightly crooked grin on his face. “I don’t think there’s anyone that’s better off alone. Well, I’ll see you around.”
Qrow watched his kelly green backpack disappear into the crowd of students with wide eyes, wondering what the hell had just happened. Had he really just admitted his existential crisis about loneliness to a complete stranger? He rubbed a hand over his face, as if he could wipe the whole interaction from his mind, and threw his books back into his locker. He knew he would catch hell from Summer for skipping bio, but he didn’t really care.
After that, there was no fucking way he would be able to focus anyway.
“Come on, Summer, I promise this is the last time!” Qrow was reduced to begging, clasping his hands together and trying to move into Summer’s line of sight. She kept stubbornly turning her nose up at him. She was trying to look stern, but she really only managed something close to haughty.
“That’s what you said last time,” she said, turning away from him again. “And I told you then that if you skipped bio again, I wouldn’t give you my notes!”
Qrow deflated, grumbling and shoving his hands in his pockets. Tai clapped a hand on his shoulder so hard that he almost fell over. “I suppose you can borrow my notes,” Tai said, as if he were a magnanimous King granting a prisoner his clemency.
Qrow glared at him, brushing his hand off. “Your notes are unreadable.”
“If he even bothers to take them,” Summer added, and she and Qrow grinned at each other while Tai pretended to be hurt.
“So, you’ll let me copy your notes?” Qrow gave her his very best puppy dog eyes (which were pretty damn good, despite his sometimes edgy appearance), and Summer let out a long sigh.
“Fine,” she said, reaching into her bag and pulling out her notebook, handing it to him with a stern look (although it was somewhat diminished by her fond smile). “But this is definitely the last time!”
Qrow was so absorbed in copying Summer’s immaculately organized biology notes, that he missed the entrance of the student council completely, not realizing what was happening until he heard the first squeals of happiness from the other side of the room. He looked up, surprised to see that Clover was there, standing next to Robyn and James. He had forgotten that Clover was on the student council, although he couldn’t remember what he was. Robyn was the President, James was the Vice President, and Clover was…walking towards him?
Qrow flicked his eyes to either side, trying to figure out why Clover could be approaching him. He intentionally sat in the very back corner of the room, and he always had a couple seat buffer around him in the classes he didn’t share with Tai or Summer. There was a pretty blonde sitting a couple seats in front of him. Surely Clover meant to approach her, not him.
But Clover wasn’t looking at her. He was looking directly at Qrow. Qrow swallowed nervously. What could the school’s lucky clover want with its resident bad luck charm?
“I have a Valentine here for Qrow Branwen.” Clover had stopped right in front of his desk, and was smiling down at Qrow with a gentle smile on his face. He reached into his basket, and the classroom had gone so quiet that Qrow could hear the sounds of Clover’s fingers brushing against the cards. He could feel the stares of the rest of the class on him, but he couldn’t tear his eyes away from Clover as he placed the envelope on his desk, followed by a bag of chocolates and a single red rose.
Qrow thought he might actually prove the rumors true and set the Valentine on fire, but only because he was pretty sure he was so flushed that his skin was becoming a fire hazard. Even the tips of his ears burned, and his throat dried up, leaving him completely speechless.
Clover winked at him, and then he was gone, sweeping out of the room with James and Robyn following close behind. The room was still silent as Qrow picked up the envelope, sliding his fingers under the little heart shaped sticker and pulling out the card inside. It was decorated with a little cartoon crow sitting on a branch, with a speech bubble that read “Won’t you be mine? BeCAWS I think we’d go together like velCROW!”
Qrow could do nothing but smile like an idiot and bury his flaming face in his hands as the entire class erupted in shock.
The story of Qrow’s sentimental reaction to Clover’s valentine spread through the school like wildfire, and it was the end of the day before Qrow could get away from the crowd of students clamoring to know why he had pretended to hate Valentine’s Day all these years. It had been a hard day. People he knew, even people he didn’t know, kept pressing chocolates and flowers into his hands all day, apologizing for never giving him anything.
Summer practically cried, clinging to his neck and wailing promises to make him a mountain of chocolate and let him copy her notes whenever he wanted to make up for all the years they’d missed. Raven had to step in and physically disengage Summer’s grip on Qrow. She gave him nothing more than a long look, but he understood exactly what it was she wanted to say anyway.
Go get him.
Qrow’s chest felt like it was filled with feathers and his knees felt unsteady and weak as he walked among the hallways, looking everywhere for a glimpse of Clover. He wasn’t even sure why he was looking. One valentine didn’t really mean anything. It could be Clover didn’t know the story, and just felt bad that Qrow never seemed to get any cards or flowers. He was a popular guy, and it would only make him look better to take pity on the weird goth kid. By the time Qrow had circled back to his classroom, he had convinced himself that the whole thing was nothing more than a nice gesture.
He pushed open the door to the classroom, and the leaden disappointment that had started building in his stomach evaporated instantly.
Clover was there. He was sitting in Qrow’s seat, and he stood up so fast he nearly knocked the desk over. Qrow felt frozen for a moment, suddenly completely unsure of how to proceed. “You know, you completely ruined my reputation,” he said, and inwardly berated himself for falling so quickly back to sarcasm.
Clover just grinned. “So you liked it?”
Qrow grinned back. “It was a little cheesy.” Clover’s smile fell a bit. “But, yeah. I liked it.”
“Everyone was so convinced that you’d hate it, I almost chickened out,” Clover said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.
Qrow tilted his head. “Why did you give it to me? I thought everyone believed those stupid rumors.”
Clover laughed, “I saw you. Last year. That Summer girl you always hang out with was giving everyone else but you a Valentine. You just looked…sad, I guess. I thought maybe you didn’t hate Valentine’s Day as much as everyone said.”
Qrow’s face got hot at the idea that Clover had been watching him closely enough to get a read on his emotions, his throat suddenly feeling dry again.
“So…what’s your answer?” Clover asked, and Qrow blinked in confusion at him.
“To what?”
Clover laughed again, and Qrow caught himself thinking that he really liked the way it sounded. Qrow swallowed as Clover walked across the classroom, coming to stand directly in front of him. His face was flushed too, and he looked nervous. “Will you be my Valentine?”
After what had happened freshman year, it was the last question Qrow had ever expected someone would ask him, and his stomach flipped at the words. He reached out, taking Clover’s hands in his own, and he smiled with a lot more confidence than he felt. “Only if you’ll be mine.”
Clover dropped his hands, moving forward and pulling Qrow into a hug so tight that Qrow almost felt his feet leave the ground. Clover was practically giggling, and Qrow found he was too, his whole body buzzing with frantic energy that made his chest feel like it was going to explode.
When they finally pulled apart, Clover rested his hands on Qrow’s waist, meeting his gaze with a fondness that made Qrow’s chest feel tight.
“Why me?” Qrow whispered, and Clover looked confused.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, you have everything. You’re popular, you’re handsome, you’re—you’re like a good luck charm.” Qrow couldn’t keep the bitterness from seeping into his voice, the rest of his feeling clear even if he didn’t say it out loud. Everything that I don’t have. Everything I’m not.
Clover shrugged. “I saw you on my first day,” he said, his fingers tightening a little on Qrow’s waist. “You were sitting up on the roof, feeding birds. You had this look on your face, like you were just completely at peace. I think—well, I just knew I wanted to get to know you better.”
Qrow laughed. “And you decided to wait until I was about to graduate to do it?”
“It took me a while to work up the courage,” he admitted, smiling wryly. “But I’m glad I finally did.”
Qrow wrapped his arms around Clover’s neck, pulling him in close and pressing a kiss to his cheek, enjoying the way Clover’s fair skin flushed as he did. “Lucky me,” he whispered in Clover’s ear, feeling his answering laugh as it vibrated in his chest.
“Lucky us.”
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noneatnonedotcom · 4 years
Magical girl au Chapter 4
Yang: *bursts out laughing in the quiet of the room* “how long were you sitting on that one?”
jaune : *grinning ear to ear* “all my life i’ve been waiting to use that” *nods his head* “nailed it”
Yang: *laughing harder now* “you certainly did loverboy, you certainly did”
Jaune: *raises an eyebrow* “loverboy?”
Yang: *looking away* “er right what I meant was…”
Jaune: *shakes his head* “it’s fine, just don’t go spreading that around the school. I’ve got enough problems without thirsty thots trying to get in my pants”
Yang: *goes quiet* “where’d you get those scars from?”
Jaune: *looks yang dead in the eye, the quiet of the room becoming oppressive* “I fight a lot, but that makes me wonder”
Yang: *Tries to look away but can’t*
Jaune: *leans forward* “how exactly did you fight like that? I saw no skill. Just pure power and don’t get me wrong I’ve got enough sense to know when I’m in over my head. I’ve fought… things, way stronger than me”
Yang: *takes a step back*
Jaune: *eye’s almost glowing with intensity* “how exactly are you that strong yang?”
Yang: *stays quiet and sweats under the intensity, opens her mouth to answer, Not sure if it would be the truth or a lie*
Nora: *dramatically opens door downing the last of her drink* “jaune-jaune we’ve come to save you!”
The atmosphere of the room suddenly lifts
Jaune: *starts laughing* “I’m saved! Oh, how can I repay you oh valiant queen Nora?”
Nora: *wiggles her eyebrows* “Well, Rennies here too, you wanna fool around?”
Ren: *sighs, but smiles* “it is good to see you well jaune, can you leave?”
Jaune: *forces himself to stand not letting the pain show on his face* “yeah I’m fine, might try skipping school tomorrow though” *leans in and whispers conspiratorially* “there’s this crazy blonde chick who beat me up there”
Nora: *whispers back* “I think she might be in this room jaune!”
Ren: *smiles* “perhaps Nora and I might do the same then, I have been in need of a personal day”
Nora: “Even Renny's in on it! He never lets me get away with this jaune. I told you he had a crush on you!”
Ren: *sighs*
Jaune: *wiggles his eyebrows suggestively*
Nora: *wiggles eyebrows*
Ren: “both of you stop that”
Jaune/Nora: *wiggle aggressively*
Ren: *sighs with a smile on his face* “might I inquire as to why you took our dear friend?”
Yang: *coughs awkwardly* “I uh… kinda hurt him accidentally and felt bad”
Ren: *looks at jaune, who is still aggressively wiggling his eyebrows with Nora* “then we shall leave it at that *turns to walk away smiling ruefully* “come along children”
Jaune: “can we stop for Wc Ronalds on the way back”
Ren: “there’s food at home”
Nora: *fake cries* “I hate this family” 
Jaune: “yeah you never let us do nothing”
Ren: *opening the front door giving a brief nod to summer on the way out who was on the phone* “that’s because when I do, I find you passed out bleeding in front of a burning warehouse”
Jaune: “one time!”
Nora: “he’s got a point jaune-jaune, today it’s an extra milkshake, tomorrow you’re selling crack and taking over the criminal underground” 
Jaune: *looks at Nora incredulously* “that’s a pretty slippery slope there Nora”
Nora: *nods sagely* “that’s why we listen to daddy!”
Ren: *sighs* “please don’t call me that”
Summer tensely waited to qrow to pick up the phone, she wasn’t blind. She saw those scars on that boy like he’d been ripped apart and stitched back together several times. She knew only one man who was like that.
Qrow: *over the phone* “eightball's pool hall eightball speaking”
Summer: *shakes her head with a smile* “I know it’s you qrow, I need your help.  I think I found a kid going through the same things you did,”
Qrow: *worried* “that bad? I mean, my dad was a real piece of work. You saw what it did to raven”
Summer: “he honestly looks more beat up than you do”
Qrow: “I fight grim and criminals for a living”
Summer: “he’s more scars than skin qrow”
Qrow: *is quiet on the line*  “… alright, I'll… I’ll look into the kid, but if he’s mixed up in the criminal world like I was he’s gotta be willing to leave it, raven’s a good example of what happens when you try to force people to be good”
Summer: *smiles* “thank you qrow, thank you so much”
Qrow: “don’t get too attached summer, you can’t save everyone”
Summer: “you don’t get it qrow, this kid… he’s special. We need to save him. If his parents are like yours…”
Qrow: “I’ll try summer that’s all I can do”
Summer: “I know, thank you qrow”
Summer hung up after qrow, part of her wondered if she was trying so hard to save jaune because he reminded her of Tai.
Tai, and qrow both. 
Idly she thought of how she and Tai were but that led to thoughts of what she raven and Tai got up to.
It was only when she placed jaune in one of her fantasies that she forced herself to stop. 
She clearly needed an outlet if she was thinking about a boy half her age just because he was blonde with blue eyes. She hadn’t been with anyone since Tai, nor had she really felt the urge. Depression then several years of constant struggle against the forces of Grimm solo had really put the kibosh on her sex drive. 
She was glad ruby wouldn’t have to face the Grimm alone like she had but… she wasn’t sure those girls were ready for the responsibility that they had. Even with all their power, the idea of maiden’s was a new one and Oz gave up most of his power to make them. On top of qrow’s enhancements. The old wizard was stretching himself too thin. 
And now her baby girl had brought home a young blonde so much like she had (though her meeting with Tai had been much like ruby’s rather than yangs) was she really that pent up that any young blonde would do?
She shook her head that could all wait for later, for now, she would start on dinner, and yang would start on her baked apology. The fastest way to get a boy to forgive you was to bake him some sweets.
Jaune sat at his table head down, hood up as Nora and Ren spoke around him, their voices calmed him, let him know things were safe. And all in all, gave him a peaceful nap.
The day since Yang's beat down of him had been quiet. Even the Grimm had been quiet which really helped as he was trying to recover from his last fight. He’d made great progress though. Probably because he wasn’t having to push himself anymore
Yes all in all things would calm down now
Yang: “hey loverboy, I made you this”
A plate of cookies was slammed down in front of him as either side the other maidens of beacon sitting. Ruby took the seat just next to him as Yang sat across.
Ruby: *puppy dog eyes* “can you share?”
Yang: “rubes you had your own plate earlier, these are Jaune’s”
Jaune heard the whispers of loverboy all around him
By the end of lunch, the school would have heard of it.
By the end of the day, he was gonna have idiots thinking with the wrong head coming after him to try and claim yang for themselves
And he was going to have to fight all of them
Jaune: *takes a cookie, eating it* “fuck my life”
Yang: *looks around, then back to jaune sheepishly* “well at least they’re not talking about the thing with you molesting ruby anymore”
And now he had to deal with rumors that he was sleeping with both sisters goodwitch already had it out for him this would be just the excuse she needed to make his life harder
Jaune: *deadpan face* “thanks sunshine, ya really made my day brighter”
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Supernatural- Hell House (1.17)
Tumblr media
ʰᵉ ʷᵃˢ... ᴮᵃᴮʸ ,,, i’m SOFT
Pairing: N/A, Olive Winchester (OC)
Summary: John’s gone, and the siblings are itching for a hunt. They call on the Richmonds for an extra hand. Sam and Dean start their own war, and Olive is left in the middle once more. Things are not what they seem.
Warnings: cursing, blood, bloody mouth, mentions of suicide, murder, gross old man flirting, etc
Word Count: 10,100
“What are you doing?” I asked Dean through a yawn.
I had fallen asleep on his arm the minute we hit the road, but now he was reaching for something, and it had woken me up. Jinx shuffled around in the backseat.
“Shh. Go back to sleep.” He kept his eyes on the road as he dug around in the backseat.
I let my eyes fall shut as I leaned back into his side. The Daeva had left a nasty gash on my thigh, one that we wouldn’t be able to explain to a doctor. Dean stitched me up, which was fine because I trusted him with my life, but it hurt like a bitch the whole time. Sam had to take Jinx out for a walk because she wouldn’t stop crying.
“Do you reach my phone?” Dean whispered.
I huffed as I dug through his jacket pocket and flipped his phone open. He took it, aimed it at Sam, and snapped a picture. I groaned at the noise and looked up to see Sam asleep with a plastic spoon hanging out of his mouth. Dean tossed his phone in my lap before blaring the music and singing along. Jinx let out a bark.
“De!” I whined, covering my ears.
I had been feeling weak and cranky for the last week. Sam shot up at my voice, or the thump of the bass, and spit the spoon out of his mouth. It landed on my knee and I swatted at it, letting it fall to the floor. Dean grinned as Sam leaned forward and turned the music down.
“Sorry, bug. Didn’t mean to spit it out on your knee.” He cooed as he put his arm up, inviting me to curl up against him.
I only grunted as I leaned over and pulled my feet up onto the seat, making a deliberate effort to hit Dean’s knee with my toes.
“Haha, very funny.” Sam glared at him.
He chuckled, ignoring my prodding. “Sorry. Not a lot of scenery here in East Texas, kinda gotta make your own.”
“Man, we’re not kids anymore, Dean. We’re not gonna start this shit again.”
“What shit?” Dean asked.
“The prank stuff. It’s stupid, and it always escalates.”
“Aww, what’s the matter, Sammy? Scared you’re gonna get a little Nair in your shampoo again?” Dean teased.
“Alright.” Sam shrugged. “Just remember, you started it.”
Dean snorted. “Bring it on, baldy.”
“Please, no.” I fussed. “I always get caught in the middle of your stupid prank wars.”
“Swear we’ll leave Olive out of it.” Sam put a pinky up, and Dean side-eyed him.
“Do I look like I’m gonna pinky promise you anything?”
I shoved my pinky into his face, coming dangerously close to his eye.
“Fucking pinky promise to leave me out of it, you prick.”
Dean scoffed as he hooked his pinky around mine. “Fine, fine.”
“Where are we anyways?” Sam asked with a yawn.
“A few hours outside Richardson. We’ll stop in a bit to let Jinx use the bathroom. Gimme the lowdown again?” Dean glanced between us and the road.
“Uh, hold on.” Sam took his arm back and sat up straight, digging through his bag. “Alright, about a month ago this group of kids goes poking around in this local haunted house.”
“Haunted by what?”
“Apparently, a pretty misogynistic spirit. Legend says it takes girls and strings them up in the rafters.” Sam explained.
“Right, which is why we called on the Richmonds. Hunter will be our temporary Olive.” Dean spoke, then faked a gag. “God, I hate the sound of that.”
I rolled my eyes and leaned back into my seat. “Why can’t we just do this like any other job? Why’d we have to bring the Richmonds along?”
Dean eyed me. “Relax, short-stuff.”
“We’re not letting you walk into a death-trap, Ol.”
I snorted. “Oh, please, Sam. We’re hunters. You do realize we walk into death-traps for a living, right?”
Sam and Dean shared a look over my head. Dean said nothing, and Sam huffed.
“Anyways, this group of kids sees this dead girl hanging in the cellar.”
“Anybody ID the corpse?”
“Well, that’s the thing. By the time the cops got there the body was gone. So cops are saying the kids were just yanking chains.”
I yawned. “Maybe the cops are right. High school kids are fucking idiots.”
“Ollie, you are a high school kid.”
“No, I’m a hunter who happens to be high school kid aged. There’s a difference.”
“Either way, I read a couple of the kids first hand accounts. They seemed pretty sincere.”
“Where’d you read these accounts?” Dean asked, skeptical.
Sam cleared his throat and looked out the window, his tell of embarrassment. I giggled. He must’ve gone onto some pretty stupid websites.
“Well, I knew we were gonna be passing through Texas, so um… last night, I might’ve surged some local… paranormal websites.” He pushed out quickly before clearing his throat again. “And I found one.”
“Uh huh.” Dean looked over with a face that read ‘that’s ridiculous!!’.
I snorted. “And what’s it called?”
“Hellhounds lair dot com.”
“Oh, lemme guess, streaming live out of Mom’s basement.”
Sam cracked a grin. “Yeah, probably.”
“Yeah.” Dean sighed. “Most of those websites wouldn’t know a ghost if it bit them in the persqueeter.���
I giggled, and Sam groaned.
“Ah, grow up, Ol.”
“Oh, come on, Sams, it’s a funny word.”
Sam shook his head with a sigh. “Look. We let Dad take off, which was a mistake by the way, and know we don’t know where the hell he is. So, meantime, we’ve gotta find ourselves something to hunt. There’s no harm in checking this out.”
“Right, right, except that if Olive steps foot in the house she’ll probably die.”
I rolled my eyes again before turning to Sam. “Where do we find these kids?”
“Same place you always find kids in a town like this.”
“If she blocks me in, I swear to god.” Dean grumbled as Everett pulled in next to us.
She parked so close that Dean couldn’t open his door. He cursed under his breath, and Sam rolled his eyes as he opened the passenger door. I turned around and smiled at Jinx.
“We’ll be right back, girly.”
“Make sure you leave the windows down for her.” Sam reminded us.
“Alright, come on, De.” I tugged on his sleeve.
“Total bullshit.” He mumbled under his breath.
“I know, I know.” I climbed out through Sam’s side. “You coming?”
He let out a sigh as he climbed out, fixing his jacket.
“You really need to learn how to park, Winchester.”
“Bite me.” Dean spat.
“Alright, alright. Come on.” Sutton pulled her sister along.
Hunter stifled a yawn as he climbed out of their car, pulling a hoodie on. 
“Nice dog.”
“Name’s Jinx.” I latched onto Sam’s hand and yawned, too.
“So how are we handling this?” Sutton asked.
“Reporters.” Dean called over his shoulder. “Come on.”
“It was the scariest thing I ever saw in my life, I swear to God.” The boy sitting outside tells Sam and Dean.
Dean tries hard not to roll his eyes. He focuses on Jinx instead, who had barked so loud they had to take her out of the car. The little dog is on her side, head on Dean’s shoe. He smiles as she looks up at him and wags her tail.
“From the moment we walked in, the walls were painted black.” The second boy speaks to Everett and Sutton through the serving window.
“Red.” The first boy says.
“I think it was blood!” The girl hisses at Hunter and Olive, who are sitting inside with her.
“All these freaky symbols.” The first boy shudders.
“Crosses and stars.” The boy at the serving window shakes his head.
“Pentecostals.” The boy outside says, and Sam and Dean share a look. Even Jinx tilts her head.
“Whatever, I had my eyes closed the whole time.” The girl smacks her gum.
“But I can damn sure tell you this much. No matter what anybody else says…”
“That poor girl.”
“With the black-”
“Red hair, just hanging there.”
“Without even moving!”
“She was real.” The girl reassures. Hunter and Olive sigh at each other.
“One hundred percent.” The boy nods at Dean vigorously.
“And kinda hot. Well, you know, in a dead sorta way.” The second boy smirks. Everett and Sutton look at each other, eyebrows shot up high.
“And… how’d you find out about this place anyway?” Sam, Sutton, and Olive ask.
“Just stay separate.” Dean snapped at Everett.
“Relax, jackass.” I hissed as we stepped into the shop.
“Fellas.” The guy at the counter looked up. “Can I help you with anything?”
“Yeah, are you Craig Thursten?” Sam asked.
“I am.” He looked hesitant.
“We’re reporters with the Dallas Morning News. I’m Olive, this is Sam and Dean.” I smiled.
“No way.” He looked me up and down, and I cringed.
He was definitely Dean’s age, if not older. I could physically feel Dean struggling not to take a step forward and shove me behind him.
“Well, I’m a writer too. I write for my school’s lit magazine.”
“Well, good for you, Morrissey.” Dean hissed.
The bell rang, and I turned to see the Richmonds walking in.
“Oh, excuse me.” Craig sauntered to the edge of the counter, eyes honing in on Sutton.
Dean pulled me to stand between him and Sam.
“Can I help you with anything?”
“Oh, no, we’re just looking. Thanks.” Hunter forced a smile as Everett glared, moving to stand in front of Sutton.
I smiled. She and Dean were more alike than they realized.
“So, what can I do for you folks?” Craig came back to us, again staring at me.
“Um.” Sam cleared his throat as Dean stepped ever-so-slightly in front of me. “We’re doing an article on local hauntings and rumor has it you might know of one.”
“You mean the Hell House?”
Dean sighed. “That’s the one.”
“I didn’t think there was anything to the story.” Craig chuckled.
“Why don’t you tell us the story?” I tilted my head.
“Well, supposedly back in the thirties, this farmer, Mordechai Murdoch, used to live in this house with his six daughters. It was during the Depression, his crops were failing, he didn’t have enough money to feed his own children. So I guess that’s when he went off the deep end.”
Sam and I glanced at each other, and he turned back to Craig. “How so?”
“Well, he figured it was best if his girls died quickly, rather than starve to death. So he attacked them. They screamed, begged for him to stop, but he just strung them up, one after the other. And when he was all done he just turned around and hung himself. Now they say that his spirit is trapped in the house forever, stringing up any other girl that goes inside.” He eyed me again. “I’d steer clear if I were you, Ol.”
Dean’s nostrils flared and I shook my head. “Don’t call me that.”
“Where’d you hear all this?” Dean all but growled.
“My cousin Dana told me. I don’t know where she heard it from. Ya gotta realize, I… I didn’t believe it for a second.”
“But now you do.”
“I don’t know what the hell to think, man. I, I’ll tell you exactly what I told the police, okay? That girl was real. And she was dead. This was not a prank. I swear to God, I don’t wanna go anywhere near that house ever again, okay?”
Dean nodded, grabbing me by the shoulders and pulling me away from Craig. “Thanks.”
Hunter immediately went for me, taking me from Dean and throwing an arm around my shoulders. “What’d he tell you?”
I shivered. “Enough to know that it’s probably just a spirit. Simple salt and burn should work. Just have to find where he’s buried.”
Hunter looked over our shoulders at Craig and sighed. “He better not be caught up in this. And he better never look at you like that again.”
I snorted. “I can take care of myself, ya know.”
“I know.” He looked back at me. “And so does Dean. But just in case.”
“Can’t blame him.” Sam scoffed as we walked up the muddy road to the house.
“Yeah, so much for curb appeal.” Dean snorted as Jinx tugged at her leash.
“Got an-”
“Yeah.” Sutton cut Everett off and pulled out an EMF reader.
“Come on, let’s circle the house.” Dean reached out a hand for me.
I giggled and took it, swinging our hands back and forth like a little kid. He rolled his eyes, but couldn’t suppress the smile growing on his face. Jinx yapped, pulling us around the house.
“Don’t laugh at me, kid.”
I giggled again. “Sorry. You’re just… so protective.”
He snorted. “You’re not allowed to turn this into a chick-flick moment.”
I smiled. “I love you too, De.”
He rolled his eyes again, this time with a huge grin on his face. “I love you too, sweetie.”
“Hey, De?” I swung our hands again.
“Yeah, pumpkin?”
“Would you ever do that?”
“Do what?” He furrowed his eyebrows.
I looked up at him with puppy eyes. “Mercy kill me.”
He blinked, shocked. He stopped walking, and I had to stop with him. Jinx practically choked on her leash, confused as to why we weren’t still moving.
“Baby girl, I would never.”
A small smile grew onto my face. “Make me fight it out to the end?”
He grinned. “Yeah. Side by side, wouldn’t give you a choice.”
I squeezed his hand and started walking again. “Thanks, De. I wouldn’t mercy kill you either. Couldn’t stomach it.”
“Anything?” I asked Sam as he held the EMF out.
“Yeah. A little bit.” Sam squatted to scratch Jinx behind the ears.
“They won’t be any good.” Dean sighed.
“Why?” Sam and I looked up at him.
Dean nodded up at the powerlines. “I think that thing’s still got a little juice in it. It’s screwing all the readings.”
“Yeah, that’d do it.” I sighed.
“Yeah. Come on.” Dean tugged me back to the front of the house.
“So what’s the deal here?” Everett asked, arms crossed over her chest.
Sam sighed, and Sutton shrugged at him. Did middle children have a way of communicating with each other or something?
“You guys stay out here, make sure Olive sticks with you. Keep Jinx with you, too. We take Hunter in there and make sure we know what we’re dealing with.” Dean instructed as he walked me over to them, placing me between Everett and Sutton.
I sighed. “I still think this is stupid.” I took Jinx’s leash from Dean’s hand.
Dean smiled at me. “I still don’t care.”
“Alright, you ready?” Sam asked Hunter, hand on his shoulder.
I smiled. Sam was a big teddy bear.
“Yeah, I think so.” Hunter nodded as Dean gave him a rough pat on the back.
“Guys.” I called as they began to trudge up the steps.
All three boys turned back, Dean in attack stance and Sam with big puppy eyes. I ran up the steps and threw my arms around each brother’s waist. Jinx jumped around, pawing at the boys’ legs.
“I love you guys.” I whispered into Dean’s jacket.
They both sighed and hugged back.
“We love you too.”
“Be careful.”
“Always.” Sam kissed the top of my head before I backed away, stepping back down the steps.
“Hey, Winchester.” Everett growled.
Dean rolled his eyes. “What?”
“If my kid brother comes out of there with a single scratch-”
“Yeah, same goes for you. I want my baby back in mint condition.” Dean snarled at her.
Everett snorted. “Can’t give her back in mint condition if she’s already a disaster.” She mumbled.
I rolled my eyes. “Just go.”
The boys headed inside the house, flashlights up. I sat down on the curb with a sigh. Jinx snuggled onto my lap as Sutton sat down next to me.
“You alright?”
I shrugged a shoulder. “Don’t like the idea of my boys going in there without me.”
She nodded. “I know. I wasn’t too sold on Hunter going alone, but I know he’s in good hands with Sam and Dean.”
I snorted. “Look, I love Hunter, but I don’t trust him to keep my brothers safe.”
She nodded again. “I get that, too.
I closed my eyes with a huff. Jinx let out a small bark. A floorboard creaked, and I shot to my feet, confused.
“Olive? What is it?”
Another floorboard, and then a giggle. It wasn’t Sam’s, it wasn’t Hunter’s, and it most definitely was not Dean’s. Something that sounded like an EMF meter went off, and I turned to the house. Jinx started to go crazy, barking like there was no tomorrow. A bark turned into a growl.
“Olive?” Everett waved her hand in front of my face.
“There’s someone else in there.” I tore past the siblings and up the steps.
“Dean?” I hissed, blinking to adjust to the dark.
They didn’t answer, but the same floorboards creaked. I cursed under my breath and went down the hallway. I heard Jinx howl from outside.
“Olive.” Dean hissed, and it came out like a strangled bark.
“What the-”
“Shh.” I cut them off, holding a hand up.
Something in the next room thumped, and the boys looked at each other wide eyes. Hunter went for my wrist, and I pulled away from him, standing in front of the door with my shoulders squared. Sam and Dean looked at each other, and Dean sighed. He looked at me. I nodded, and so did Hunter. Dean busted through the door, and a bright light hit our eyes.
Blood began to drip from my mouth, a drop landing on my shoe. I bared my teeth.
“Oh, cut! It’s just a couple of humans.”
My eyes rolled into the back of my head and I threw my head back with a growling scoff. Dean snorted, looking at me over his shoulder. Two guys were standing in front of us, one holding a camera, and the other holding… an EMF meter?
“What are you guys going here?” The one with the EMF meter asked.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Dean hissed.
“Uh, we belong here. We’re professionals.” EMF meter laughed.
“Professional what?” I asked through gritted teeth, swallowing blood.
“Paranormal investigators.” EMF shoved business cards into Sam and Hunter’s hands.
He tried to give one to Dean, but my older brother only stared with arched eyebrows. He turned to me, and I shook my head, trying to ignore the blood that had made its way down my chin.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me.” Dean groaned.
“Ed Zeddmore and Harry Spengler?” Sam read off the card.
“Hellhounds Lair dot come.” Hunter sighed. “You guys run that website.”
“Yeah.” EMF grinned.
“Oh, yeah, yeah.” Dean nodded. “We’re big fans.”
I closed my eyes, trying to hold back an annoyed laugh.
“And uh, we know who you guys are too.”
My blood ran cold and St. Louis ran through my head.
My mouth began to bleed again, and my eyes began to water.
“Amateurs.” EMF scoffed, and I suddenly felt lightheaded. 
Dean watched me go pale and came to my side, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I leaned into him with a sigh, and a second stream of blood went down my skin. Dean sighed and wiped at it with the sleeve of his flannel.
“You alright?”
I nodded. He gave my arm a squeeze and gestured to Hunter.
“Keep her standing.” He whispered as he handed me off and turned back to EMF and camera boy.
“Gonna be okay?” Hunter asked in a hushed tone.
I nodded again. “I think so. Just a lot of back and forth.”
“St. Louis?” He asked.
I took a breath, closing my eyes. “Yeah.”
“So if you guys don’t mind, we’re trying to conduct a serious scientific investigation here.”
“Yeah, and whatcha got?”
“Harry, why don’t ya tell them about EMF?” Idiot One grinned.
I leaned my head back into Hunter’s shoulder and groaned.
I smiled, knowing Sam was playing dumb and knowing he was biting back a grin.
“Electromagnetic field? Spectral entities can cause energy fluctuations that can be read with an EMF detector. Like this bad boy right here.” Ed flicked the EMF meter on.
Dean turned to me with a shit-eating grin, and I turned my face into Hunter’s neck, struggling not to snort.
“Whoa, whoa! It’s 2.8 mg!”
“2.8. It’s hot in here.”
Dean let out a low whistle, and Sam mumbled something.
“Huh.” Dean huffed. “So you guys ever really seen a ghost before, or…”
“Once. We were, uh, we were investigating this old house and we saw a vase fall right off the table.”
“By itself.”
“Well, w-w-w-we didn’t actually see it, we heard it. And something like that, it uh… it changes you.”
“Yeah.” Dean nodded, a serious look on his freckled face. “We should go, let them get back to work.” He looked over his shoulder at me.
I nodded, feeling sick.
“Yeah. You should.” Ed snipped.
“Sam. Hunter, Olive.” Dean ushered us out the door.
“Yeah, work!” Ed called after us as we made our way down the hallway.
“Why did you run in?”
“Why didn’t you bring a shotgun?”
“Are you gonna stop bleeding any time soon?”
I giggled at Hunter, but Dean cut me short, grabbing me by the waist and throwing me over his shoulder.
“De!” I squealed, hitting his back.
He dropped me in front of the steps of the house and glared at me.
“Why the hell did you come inside?”
I sighed, shoulders dropping. “I heard something.”
Sutton and Everett ran up, Jinx on their heels. She yapped, jumping at the boys.
“I’m so sorry! We tried to stop her!”
“I told you-”
“Stop.” I cut Dean off as he went for Everett’s throat. “Stop, I ran out.”
“Why?” Dean barked at me.
I shrunk back with a flinch, and Sam pulled him back. Hunter grabbed his sisters and dragged them away. Jinx sat at our feet with a whine.
“I could hear them moving inside the house.” I whispered.
“What?” Sam tilted my head.
“I could hear them. The floorboards, EMF’s giggle. The EMF meter itself. I could hear them from the curb, De.”
He sighed. “Okay.”
Sam sighed too. “Don’t ever do that again.”
“I know. I’m sorry. I was just worried. I wasn’t sure what it was.” I pouted, my head feeling tingly.
They sighed, and Dean brought me into a hug. “I know. It’s okay. Just try to take care of yourself too, baby.”
I nodded, letting my head drop against his chest. “Okay.”
“Go to sleep, Sammy’s got ya.” He gave me a squeeze.
I nodded again. Sam picked me up by the waist and set me on his hip. I yawned and wrapped my arms around his neck.
“Love you.”
Sam chuckled. “Love you too, bug.”
“Hey.” Sam sauntered down the steps.
“Hey!” I called Dean as he met us halfway.
“Whatcha got?” He asked.
“Well, we couldn’t find a Mordechai but we did find a Martin Murdoch who lived in that house in the thirties.” Dean let go of Jinx’s leash, and she came running.
“He did have kids, but it was two boys. And there’s no evidence he ever killed anyone.” Sutton finished as Sam picked Jinx up.
“Huh.” Dean huffed.
“What about you?” Hunter asked.
Everett turned back to the cars, and we followed her.
“Well, the kids didn’t really give us a clear description of that dead girl but I did hit up the police station.” Dean sighed.
“No matching missing persons. It’s like she never existed.” Everett shook her head.
“Look guys. We did our digging. This whole thing’s a bust. For all we know, those website freaks made this whole thing up.”
“Yeah, he’s got a point.” Sutton put her hands on her hips.
“Alright. We can split then, I guess.” I shrugged.
Everett grinned. “I’m fine with that. Let’s go!”
“I say we find ourselves a bar and some beers and leave the legend to the locals.” Dean winked.
Sam wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me away from Dean as he made his way to the car. He held Jinx to his chest with the other arm, tucking her under his jacket.
“Shh.” Sam whispered.
I waved to Hunter and Sutton as Everett started their car. Dean got into the car, and Sam pulled me toward the window with a smile. Dean turned the key, and latino music began to blast. Dean hit the radio, but the wipers began to go off instead. He tore the key out with a jump. Jinx barked, scared.
“What the fuck?”
Sam giggled as he held the door open. I stared with wide eyes as I climbed into the car. Sam licked his finger and marked a ‘one’ in the air before pointing to himself. He got into the car and I inched closer to Dean, still a bit startled. Jinx circled between me and Sam before laying down, and I stared at him. I thought for sure that Sam knew better than to mess with Dean’s car.
“That’s all you’ve got?” Dean gave him a dirty look. “Weak. That is bush league.”
I curled my arms around one of Dean’s.
“Can we go home now?”
He smiled down at me. “Of course we can, sweetpea.”
“Hello?” I asked as I flicked my phone open.
Sam and Dean had left me sleeping in the motel room while they went to a diner to pick up dinner. Jinx was asleep at the feet of Sam’s bed. She loved him the most.
“Olive, have the Richmonds left town yet?”
“No. I just got off the phone with Hunter. Everett is asleep and Sutton went out to get them dinner. I thought maybe you guys would run into her.”
“Well, we haven’t. Look, call him back. We missed something. We’ll call Sutton, tell her to meet us back at the Hell House.”
“Okay… De, what happened?”
He sighed. “A girl’s dead.”
“For real?”
“Yeah. We saw her. It was real.”
I sighed again. “Does this mean I’ll have to hold onto your belt loop the whole time?”
He snorted. “You bet your ass it does.”
I scoffed. “Okay. Love you guys. Be careful.”
“Always. You too. Love you.”
“Bye.” Dean made an obnoxious kissing noise before hanging up.
I sighed as I dialed Hunter’s number again. I put the phone between my ear and shoulder as I got off the bed.
“Hey, Hunt.” I sighed and dug through our communal bag.
I had already changed into my pj’s and shoved my clothing into the duffel.
“What’s up?”
“Look, Sam and Dean said we must’ve missed something. Dean wants you guys to meet us at the Hell House.”
Hunter sighed. “What happened?”
“A girl’s dead, and he sounded agitated.” I put him on speaker and tossed the phone aside.
“Alright. Everett is still out, she’s probably hungover. But I’ll wake her up and make sure she gets ready.”
“Make sure she doesn’t cut your head off.” I tugged off Dad’s old sweater and yanked on a black shirt.
“Haha, very funny. Are those website guys still suspects?”
I pulled on leggings and snorted. “I kinda hope so. I’d love nothing more than to cut EMF freak in two.”
“I still can’t believe you barged right in there without a gun. I’m surprised Dean didn’t shoot you on the spot.”
“Oh, shove it.” I laced my boots up. “Dean loves me. Would never shoot me.”
He snorted this time. “Yeah. Right, sure. Alright, I’ll let you go. I’ve gotta wake Everett up.”
I giggled. “Good luck. See ya.”
“Bye, Ol.”
I shushed Hunter as we crouched in the bushes.
“I guess the cops don’t want anyone else screwing around in there.” Sam whispered.
There was a cop car parked on the curb, and they were standing around the porch.
“Yeah, but we still gotta get in there.” Dean sighed.
Somebody else whispered, and I turned to glare at Everett. She wasn’t talking. I looked around, slowly edging out of our hiding spot. Jinx would’ve barked, so we left her at the motel. Lucky for us, she was still sleeping when Sam and Dean picked me up.
“I don’t fucking believe it.” Hunter growled.
“What?” I looked at him, and he helped me move forward without being seen.
The two idiots from earlier. Hunched over, wearing stupid gadgets, whispering and shushing each other. I inhaled to let out a snort, and a hand clapped over my mouth. I looked down to see that it was Dean’s hand, and I licked him. He flinched, pulling me back to sit.
“Ohh, De.” I turned to him with a huge smile. “I got an idea.”
He smiled. “Go ahead.”
I shuffled to rest on my knees. I cleared my throat before cupping my hands to my mouth.
“Who ya gonna call!”
Idiot One and Idiot Two stumbled, confused. The cops spotted them, and began shouting orders. The idiots ran back the way they came, and the cops followed.
Everett chuckled. “Nice move, Winchester.”
I grinned as Sam pulled me onto my feet. We followed Dean up the sidewalk and into the house. We were laughing, and I let out a snort.
“Alright, alright.” Sam tried to quiet us down.
“Everyone settle.” Sutton smiled.
“Okay.” Sam swung the duffel bag off his shoulder and onto the floor. “Olive.” He handed out rifles as he did a head count.
Dean was next to get a rifle, then Sutton. Hunter, and Everett last.
“Where have I seen this before?” Dean shone his flashlight at the walls. “It’s killing me.”
“Alright, come on. We don’t have much time.” Sam called.
He led the way down to the basement. Him first, then Dean, and me, of course, stuck behind Dean. Hunter, then Sutton, and then Everett.
“Oh, look at that. That’s funky.” Hunter pointed at a shelf full of jars.
“Oh, nice.” I strayed from the group and went straight for them.
Dean followed, picking up a red one. He sloshed it around and turned with a grin.
“Hey, Sam. I dare you to take a swig of this.”
“What the hell would I do that for?” Sam furrowed his eyebrows.
I grinned up at Dean, and he mirrored it.
“I double dare you.”
Sam shook his head with a snort. I looked through the jars, seeing one that looked like it had an eyeball in it. I pushed it away with a groan of disgust. Hunter laughed from beside me, and something thumped in the cabinet in the corner. Hunter stood in front of me and clutched his rifle. Sutton positioned herself behind Sam, and Everett behind Dean. Dean and Sutton’s rifles went up as Everett’s flashlight turned on. Hunter squared his shoulders and glanced at me. I stood on my toes, resting my head against his shoulder. Dean nodded, and Sam yanked the door open.
A few rats squeaked and ran away from the light. Dean groaned and lifted his feet.
“I hate rats.”
“What, you’d rather it was a ghost?” I giggled.
“Yes, actually.” Dean squinted at me.
I dug my fingers into Hunter’s arm as a figure appeared behind Sam.
The four older hunters turned around. I shoved Hunter out of the way and cocked my rifle. Mordechai rose an axe above his head, aiming at Sam.
“Duck.” I ordered before taking my shot.
Nothing happened, and I shot him again. Someone else shot at him, and he finally misted away.
“What the fucking hell?” I hissed, running to Dean.
He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and looked around.
“What kind of spirit is immune to rock salt?” Sam asked as we moved.
Dean and I ducked behind the shelves of jars, confused. I looked around, trying to figure out what was going on.
“I dunno, but we should get outta here right now.” Everett grabbed Hunter by the wrist and yanked him toward the door.
Mordechai came back, and his axe came down on the shelves. The jars shattered at our feet, and one hit my head.
I crawled out from under the metal as the Richmonds pulled the shelf up.
“Fuck.” I hissed, hand going to the back of my head.
“Go!” Sam shouted as he took on Mordechai. “Get out of here!”
“Hey, cunt!” I screamed, waving my arms and aiming my rifle.
Mordechai turned to me, and I felt my chest clench. He swung at me, and I ducked and rolled. Sam plucked me off the ground as the axe slammed an electrical box. Sparks flew everywhere, and Sam tossed me over his shoulder.
Everett led the way up the stairs, and Sam and I brought up the rear. I yelped as we ran through the hall and out onto the porch. Sutton fell first, and it was a domino effect. I ended up on top of Sam, legs caught under Hunter.
“Ow!” I howled.
My arm cracked as I shifted, and I felt my bones throb.
“Go, go, go!” Sam shouted, trying to untangle himself from the mess.
Hunter rolled off of us and helped me to my feet. I yanked at Sam, then at Dean. Dean grabbed my arm, and I yanked away with a yelp. Idiot One and Idiot Two were standing there, camera on us.
“Get that fucking thing outta my face.” Dean smacked them away.
“Go, go, go!” Sam shouted.
“Sweet Lord!”
“Of the rings! Run! Go!”
“Come on.” Hunter grabbed my hand and yanked me along with him.
“Hey, baby girl.” Dean shot up from the bed as I opened the door.
“Hi, Deano.”  I smiled.
“How you feeling?” Sam looked up from his laptop.
I shrugged a shoulder. “Fine. Hurting, but fine.”
Sutton sat down next to Sam as Everett shut the door. “She’s gotta take these for the pain, and the cast has to be changed in a month, maybe two. You’re gonna have to be on top of her doctor’s appointments, because Dean’ll forget.”
“Hey!” Dean scoffed. “I would never forget about my baby’s health.” He turned to me. “C’mere.”
I sat down next to him with a huff. Jinx padded over to my side and gave me sad eyes.
“My arm is itchy.”
He laughed. “Sorry, Babes.”
“Can you sign it?” I looked up at him with puppy eyes.
He smiled and nodded. I pulled out a sharpie and handed it to him. He threaded his fingers through mine and signed his name onto the plaster.
Dean Michael Winchester, written in ugly, scratchy handwriting. Below that, Olive, my baby. I love you so much. Sorry your arm broke 🖤🖤
“So, what’ve we got?” Hunter asked, sitting on the couch.
“Not much.” Sam scratched the back of his neck. “Haven’t really started.”
Everett scoffed, and Sutton shot her a look.
“We were worried about Olive!” Sam defended himself.
“What the hell is this symbol?” Dean groaned, picking up a pad of paper from his side. “It’s buggin’ the hell out of me. This whole damn job’s buggin’ me. I thought the legend said Mordechai only goes after chicks.”
“It does.” Sam snorted.
I pulled out my laptop and started it up. I stood and stretched, groaning at the dull pain in my arm.
“Alright. Well, I mean that explains why he went after Olive, and you. But why me?” Dean leaned back.
“Hilarious.” Sam rolled his eyes. “The legend also says he hung himself but did you see those wrists?”
“What about them?” I asked as I got onto the Idiot2 website.
“They were slit.” Sam threw his head back with a groan.
“That doesn’t make sense.” I scrunched my nose up and settled next to Hunter.
“The axe doesn’t either, actually.” He noted, throwing an arm over my shoulders.
“I mean, ghosts are usually pretty strict, right? Following the same patterns over and over again.” Sam sighed.
I made a grabby hand at him, and he moved to sit on my other side.
“But this mook keeps changing.” Dean scoffed.
I got onto the and refreshed the page on Mordechai Murdoch. “Okay, the story definitely said… wait a minute.” I blinked. “What the fuck?” I asked, turning my laptop to Sam.
“Read.” I pointed.
Dean looked up at me with an eyebrow raised.
“Someone added a new post to their site. Read it out loud, Sams.
“They say Mordechai Murdoch was really a Satanist who chopped up his victims with an axe before slitting his own wrists. Now he’s imprisoned in the house for eternity.” Sam squinted.
“What the hell?” Everett tilted her head.
“I don’t know. But I think I might’ve just figured out where it all started.” Dean tossed aside the pad of paper.
“Hey, Craig. Remember us?” Dean asked as we sauntered into the shop.
He looked up with a sigh. He looked depressed. The Richmonds followed us in.
“Guys, look. I’m not really in the mood to answer any of your questions, okay?”
“Oh, don’t worry.” Dean waved him off. “We’re just here to buy an album, that’s all.”
He flicked through a stack and picked one out. I eyed it and looked up at him with a smile.
He was a genius.
He slung an arm around my shoulders and walked us toward the counter. “You know, I couldn’t quite figure out what the symbol was, and then I realized that it didn’t mean anything. It’s the Blue Öyster Cult logo.” He turned to Craig. “Tell me, Craig. You uh, you into BOC? Or just scaring the hell outta people?”
“Why don’t you tell us about the house again?” I narrowed my eyes.
“Without lying through your ass this time.” Dean pulled a bitchface.
Craig sighed. “Alright, uh… my cousin Dana was on break from TCU. We were just bored, looking for something to do…” He sighed. “So I showed her this abandoned dump I found. We thought it would be cool to make it look like it was haunted.”
Hunter snorted from behind me.
“So we painted symbols on the walls, some from albums, from Dana’s theology textbooks. Then we found out this guy Murdoch used to live there, so we… we made up some story to go along with that. So we told people, who told other people. And then these two guys put it on their stupid website. Everything just took on a life of its own.”
Sutton squinted, and Everett mumbled something to her.
“I mean, I thought it was fun at first, but… now that girl is dead, and… it was just a joke! Ya know, I mean… none of it was real. We made this whole thing up. I swear!”
“Alright.” Sam spoke softly.
“Okay.” Everett pulled Sutton and Hunter along.
I sighed and looked up at Sam. “If none of it was real, how the hell do you explain Mordechai?”
Sam looked at me and shook his head. “I dunno.”
“Wake up, pumpkin.” Dean’s voice broke me out of my sleep as he rested a hand on my hip.
I groaned as I rolled over onto my back. “What?”
“Hey, I’m back.” He called out to Sam, who was in the shower.
“Hey, where were you?” Sam asked as the water turned off.
“Picking up orange juice for Ollie.” Dean winked at me as he sat down next to me.
I yawned as I sat up. I smiled at him and threw my arm around his neck. He laughed and hugged me back, pressing a kiss to my head.
“Thanks, De. I fucking love orange juice.”
He chuckled. “I know.”
“So Ollie might have a theory about what’s going on.” Sam called out.
“She still asleep?”
“Just woke her up.” Dean brushed my hair back.
“Yeah, what is Mordechai is a Tulpa?” I asked.
“Tulpa?” Dean repeated.
The door opened and Sam came out, hair dripping wet and a towel around his waist. I closed my eyes with a scowl on my face. Dean turned too, a bit grossed out. Jinx tilted her head at us, and I giggled. She was like a little human, only confused all the time.
“Put on some clothes.”
Sam picked up a pillow and threw it at me. It hit my juice and I pouted as it spilled over. 
“Dean!” I whined, throwing my head back against the wall.
He took the cup and grabbed a few tissues, wiping the juice off my hand. “Sorry, Babes. Sam, don’t be a dick.”
“Just… Tulpa.” I hissed at Sam.
“Yeah, a Tibetan thought form.”
“Ah, yeah, I know what a Tulpa is. Hey Sam, why don’t you get dressed. I wanna grab something to eat. I gotta take a leak.”
I laid back down and pulled the blanket over my head. “Wake me up when we’re ready to go.”
“There you go.” The server put six coffees on the counter.
“Thank you.” Dean and I smiled as we took the cups and walked back to Sam and the Richmonds.
Sam was grimacing and trying to fix his pants. I cringed, and Dean eyed him.
“Dude, what’s your problem?”
“Nothing, I’m fine.” Sam brushed him off.
“You sure?” I asked as I sat down next to him.
“Alright, keep going.” Dean took a seat. “So, these Tulpas?”
Sutton looked up and sighed. She took her coffee and yawned. Hunter leaned forward on his elbows and yawned. Everett put her head in her hands.
“Okay, so there was this incident in Tibet in 1915. Group of monks visualized a golem in their head. They meditated on it so hard they brought the thing to life. Outta thin air.” Sam glanced at his computer.
“So?” Everett raised an eyebrow.
“That was twenty monks. Imagine what ten thousand web surfers could do.” Sutton scowled at her sister.
“She’s right. Craig starts the story about Mordechai, then it spreads, goes online. Now there are countless people all believing in the bastard.”
“Okay, wait a second. Are you trying to tell me that just because people believe in Mordechai, he’s real?” Dean’s nose scrunched up.
“I dunno, maybe.” Sam shuffled again.
“People believe in Santa Claus… how come we aren’t getting hooked up every Christmas?”
“Because, Dean, you’re a horrible person. And because of this.” Sutton turned Sam’s laptop toward us.
One of the symbols from the Hell House was on his screen.
“Lemme guess, that’s the Tibetan spirit sigil?” Hunter asked.
“On the wall of the house?” I added.
“Craig said they were painting symbols from a theology textbook. I bet they painted this, not even knowing what it was. Now that sigil has been used for centuries, concentrating meditative thoughts like a magnifying glass.”
“So people are on the Hellhounds website, staring at the symbol, thinking about Mordechai… might be enough to bring a Tulpa to life.” I shrugged.
“Would explain why he keeps changing.” Dean sighed.
Sam shuffled again. “Right, as the legend changes, people think different things. So Mordechai changes.”
“Like a game of telephone.”
“That would also explain why the rock salt didn’t work.” I sighed.
“Because he’s not a traditional spirit.” Dean frowned.
“Yeah.” Sam fidgeted again.
“Okay. So why can’t we just, uh…” Everett pinched the bridge of her nose. “Get this spirit sigil thing off the wall and off the website?”
“Well, it’s not that simple.” Sutton shook her head. “You see, once Tulpas are created they take on a life of their own.”
“Great. So if he really is a thought form…” Dean scowled. “How the hell are we supposed to kill an idea?”
Sam began to move again.. “Well it’s not gonna be easy with these guys helping us. Check out their homepage.” He nodded toward Sutton.
Sutton hit something on his laptop and a video started to play. I groaned. It was the footage from last night. The Richmonds crashed down the stairs, followed by a crumbling Dean, and Sam. Me, crashing to the ground, Hunter over my feet, me shouting as my arm snapped.
“Since they’ve posted the video, their number of hits have quadrupled in the last day alone.”
I tensed. “De, if anyone recognizes you…” I sighed. “We’re screwed.”
“Hmph.” Dean’s lip curled up. “I got an idea. Come on.”
“Where are we going?” Sutton asked as Dean stood.
“We gotta find a CopyJack.”
I got off my stool with a yawn. Hunter followed, and Sam wiggled as he got to his feet. He grumbled something to Dean, and Dean only laughed. Sutton and Everett looked over their shoulders, confused.
“You did this?” Sam asked.
Dean only laughed harder.
“You’re a fucking jerk.” Sam hissed at him.
“Oh, yeah.” Dean grinned.
I rolled my eyes. Sam and Dean went for me at the same time, and I ducked away, pacing myself with Hunter. Sam blinked sadly, and Dean stuck his tongue out at me. I stuck mine out back.
Dean pounded his fist on the door of the trailer.
“Who is it?” Idiot Two asked.
“Come on out, guys. We can hear you in there.”
Jinx let out a little growl, and I bit back a smile.
“It’s them!”
The door opened and they stuck their heads out.
“Ah, would you look at that. Action figures in their original packaging. What a shock.” Dean snorted.
“Guys, we need to talk.” Sam sighed.
“Yeah, um… sorry guys. We’re ahh, a little busy right now.” Idiot One shuffled.
I slammed my hand against the door as he tried to shut it. “Okay, well we’ll make it quick. You need to shut down the website.”
“Man, you know, these guys got us busted last night, spent the night in a holding cell…” He laughed.
“I had to pee in that cell urinal. In front of people! And I get stage fright.”
“Why should we trust you guys?”
“Look, guys. We all know what we saw last night, what’s in the house.” Everett crossed her arms over her chest.
“But now thanks to your website there are thousands of people hearing about Mordechai.” Sutton rested all her weight on one hip.
“That’s right, which means people are gonna keep showing up at the Hell House, running into him in person.” Hunter dead-panned.
“Somebody could get hurt.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“Ed, maybe he’s got a point. Maybe…”
“Nope.” Idiot One shook his head. “We have an obligation to our fans, to the truth.”
“Well I have an obligation to kick both your little asses right now-”
“Ev, Ev, hey, hey, hey, just forget it, alright.” Sutton pulled her back. “These guys…” She sighed dramatically. “Probably bitch slap them both, we could even tell them that thing about Mordechai, but they’re still not gonna help us.”
“Sutton’s right. Let’s just go.” I sighed, readjusting my grip on Jinx’s leash.
“Yeah, he’s right.” Dean sighed as we began to walk away.
“What’d you say about…”
“Hang on a second here.”
“What thing about Mordechai?”
“Don’t tell em, Sutton.” Hunter begged.
“But if they agree to shut down the website, guys…” Sutton trailed off.
“They’re not gonna do it, you said so yourself.” Dean sighed.
“No, wait. Wait. Don’t listen to him, okay? We’ll do it. We’ll do it.” Idiot One stepped out of the trailer.
“Look, it’s a really big deal, alright? And it wasn't easy to dig up. So only if we have your word that you’ll shut it all down.” Sutton leaned in.
“Alright.” Sutton nodded at Dean.
He pulled a few papers from his jacket.
“It’s a death certificate. From the thirties. We got it at the library. Now, according to the coroner, the actual cause of death was a self-inflicted gunshot wound.”
“That’s right. He didn’t hang or cut himself.” Dean added.
“He shot himself?”
“Yep.” Sam nodded. “With a .45 pistol. To this day they say he’s terrified of them.”
“Matter of fact, they say if you shoot him with a .45, loaded with these special wrought-iron rounds-”
“It’ll kill the son of a bitch.” Dean cut me off.
Idiot One snatched the paper, and Idiot Two smiled.
“Alright, we should head out.” Hunter grabbed me by the wrist and tugged me away.
Sam and Dean followed. Everett spat on the step of the trailer, and Sutton smacked the back of her head before walking away.
Hunter: be safe. sorry we had to abandon you guys
I smiled as I typed back a response.
Olive: we always do great without you guys anyways. just don’t get yourself killed
Hunter: will do
The Richmonds had left town. A case that seemed like werewolves had popped up in Oklahoma, and we were the closest hunters around. Dean was determined to take Mordechai down, so Everett decided they’d peel out. I yawned as I leaned against Dean. He wrapped an arm around me as he reached up. I watched as he pulled the cord on a mechanical fisherman holding a large fish. The fisherman’s mouth moved and an obnoxious laugh played. Sam yanked on the cord, and the laugh stopped.
“If you pull that string one more time I’m gonna kill you.” Sam promised.
We had been sitting in the cafe for the last two hours, and Dean had pulled the cord so many times that I would have nightmares about the laugh. Dean blinked, deadpan. He maintained eye contact with Sam as he pulled the cord again. Sam’s hand immediately went back up and he stopped it. He glared at Dean. I yawned again, this time snuggling further into Dean’s side. I wanted to go back to the motel, take Jinx for her nightly walk, and go to bed.
Dean snickered. “Come on, man. You need some more laughter in your life. You know, you’re way too tense.”
Sam only gave Dean another dirty look. Dean sighed, and I huffed.
“They post it yet?”
Sam spun his laptop around to us and began to stab at his salad, angry.
“We’ve learned from reputable sources that Mordechai Murdoch has a fatal fear of firearms.” Dean read off the scream.
“Alright, so how long do we wait?” I asked.
“Long enough for the story to spread and the legend to change.” Sam spoke with a hand over his mouth. “I figure by nightfall iron rounds will work on the sucker.” Sam swallowed and reached for his beer.
I grinned and grabbed my glass of juice. Dean lifted his own and the three of us tapped our drinks together.
“Sweet.” Dean grinned before taking a long chug.
A smirk grew on Sam’s face and I shrunk into Dean’s side. He was up to something. Dean put his bottle down, but it stuck to his palm. My eyes widened as Sam broke into a cackle and Dean stared at his bottle, confused.
He looked up at Sam. “You didn’t.”
Sam laughed harder and held up a bottle of super glue. “Oh, I did!”
Dean’s eyes narrowed. “Bitch.”
“Jerk.” Sam wheezed.
“Oh my god, you’re both fucking pricks!” I hissed, pulling away from Dean. “Why do you always have to go so far?”
“Why are you mad at me?”
“Because now I’ll have to rip that bottle off of his hand!” I groaned.
“Ollie, it’s okay.” Dean held his other hand out.
I scowled, smacking it away. “Get up. There’s some acetone in the car.”
Dean sighed. “Okay.”
“Okay, come on.” Dean shut the trunk and led us up the porch steps.
He cleared his throat, and I put my back to his. I was left without a flashlight. A gun with one hand was risky, but I was a good shot, and Dean wanted me to be able to protect myself. We started with the hallway. Dean readjusted his gun with a hiss.
“I barely have any skin left on my palm.” He groaned.
“I’m not touching that line with a ten foot pole.” Sam snipped back.
Dean stopped us in our tracks and shone his light in Sam’s face. Sam winced and turned away. Dean, satisfied, moved into another room.
“So. You think old Mordechai’s home?” He whispered.
“I dunno.”
“Me either.”
The three of us jumped, guns pointing at the noise. I scowled. Idiot One and Idiot Two.
“You fuckers.” I growled.
“What are you trying to do, get yourself killed?” Sam hissed.
“We’re just trying to get a book and movie deal, okay?” Idiot One whined.
A sound like knives being sharpened came from the basement, and I cringed as I readjusted my grip on my gun.
“Oh, crap.”
Sam and Dean shot them identical looks as they crowded us, camera on.
“Ah… you guys, you wanna… you wanna open that door for us?” Idiot One asked.
“Why don’t you?” Dean spat over his shoulder.
Mordechai burst through the door with the same axe from before. He let out an other-wordly shout, and I shot first. Sam and Dean shot over my shoulders, shooting until they were out of rounds. Mordechai stared at us, and then disappeared again. My chest clenched as we waited. He was gone. Dean stood in front of me and nodded for us to follow him into the next room
There was a thud in the next room, and my phone began to buzz in my pocket. I flicked it open, seeing that it was Hunter.
“What?” I hissed as Sam put his back to mine and Dean ran back to the idiots.
“Their server crashed.”
“What?” I repeated.
“Their server crashed! Nobody got the story. Guns won’t do shit! You guys gotta get outta there!”
I blinked, then grabbed Sam.
“Dean!” I shouted. “Guns won’t work!”
“Great.” He growled as we ran back into the room.
“Any ideas?” I asked Sam.
“We are getting outta here.” One of the idiots grabbed the other as they broke into a run.
They pushed past Dean into the other room. We paused as they screamed. They ran back to the front, trying to get the door open.
“Jesus Mary and Joseph!”
Mordechai came after them, and Idiot One began to scream.
“Hey!” Sam called. “Come and get it, you ugly son of a bitch!”
Mordechai attacked Sam, pinning his axe against his neck.
“Get out of here, now!” He ordered.
“Come on!” Dean grabbed me by the hand and yanked me along. “We gotta burn the place down!”
“But Sam!”
“Sammy.” I whined.
“Ollie.” Dean grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me. “Sam’s in danger, you’re scared.”
I nodded. “Sam.”
“Use that. Get that door open, get to the car, get kerosene.”
I shut my eyes and heard Sam yelp. My teeth began to ache, and I spit blood out. Dean turned me by the shoulders and gave me a squeeze. I let out a grunt as I kicked the door. It didn’t move. Sam yelled again, and I let out a scream as I went at it with my shoulder. It splintered off its hinges.
Jinx was going mad in the backseat of the car, circling and barking and growling. She saw me coming and stuck her head out the window, letting out a howl.
I went for the car, was careful to flip open the trunk, and yanked out the gallon of kerosene. I ran back into the house, and Dean took the container away from me, pouring it on every possible surface. My mouth was throbbing, and I heard Sam from the next room.
“Dean! Olive!”
I turned to see the Richmonds running up the steps, spray cans in hand. Hunter tossed me one. I grunted as I tore off my sling and went through my pockets. I flicked on my lighter, letting the flame catch. I threw the can onto the floor and went for Sam. A growl ripped through my throat, and Mordechai disappeared. Sam fell.
“Come on!” I pulled him off the floor.
Dean helped me get him to his feet. Sam grabbed his throat and coughed.
“What are we doing?”
“Improvising.” Sutton grabbed Sam’s arm and tugged it over her shoulders.
Everett flicked her lighter on and threw it into the other room. Flames went up, and Sutton helped Dean yank Sam out of the house. I hissed as someone bumped into my arm. Hunter dragged me out of the house, and Everett was the last to follow us out.
“This is your solution? Burn the whole damn place to the ground?” She scowled at Dean.
“Well nobody will go in anymore. I mean, look. Mordechai can’t haunt a house if there’s no house to haunt.” He huffed. “It’s fast and dirty but it works.”
I sat down on the front lawn and groaned, holding my arm. Hunter took his flannel off and fashioned a sling out of it. I was too tired to try and stop him.
“What if the legend changes again and Mordechai is allowed to leave the house?”
“Well…” Dean sighed.
“Then we’ll just have to come back.” I spoke through a mouthful of blood.
Sam plucked me off the ground and set me on his hip with a sigh. I hissed, spitting over his shoulder.
“Kinda makes you wonder. Of all the things we hunted, how many existed just ‘cause people believed in them. Right, bug?” Sam asked.
I nodded. Dean helped me control it inside. Pushing me in the right direction, telling me what to do. It helped. Sam would keep me awake afterwards. It was draining, and I was so tired, but I needed to be ready for the day my brothers wouldn’t be there to carry me to the car right afterwards.
“You guys came back.” I whispered, staring at Hunter.
He smiled, and Sutton sighed. Everett only rolled her eyes.
“You guys would’ve done the same for us.”
Dean snorted as he pulled out the car keys. “Like hell we would’ve.”
I sniffled. “Can we go now? My arm hurts.”
Sam grinned as he gave me a squeeze. “Yeah. Let’s go.”
“Why are we here?” I asked with a yawn.
Jinx circled at Sam’s feet before finally laying down in the shade of the picnic table. Dean grinned as Idiot One and Idiot Two came along with arms full of grocery bags.
“Gentlemen. Lady.” Idiot One nodded his head at us.
“Hey, guys.” Sam smiled.
I couldn’t help but grin. He was so polite. Such a sweetheart. A big teddy bear. I blinked. My pain meds were making me loopy.
“Should we tell them?”
“Hey, might as well. You know, they’re gonna read about it in the trades.” Idiot One scoffed.
“So this morning, we got a phone call from a very important Hollywood producer.”
I smiled, leaning into Dean’s side. “Oh yeah, wrong number?”
“No, smart-ass. He read all about the Hell House on our website and wants to option the motion picture rights. Maybe even have us write it.” Idiot One spoke as they loaded the groceries into their car.
“And create the RPG.”
Dean blinked. “The what?”
“Role playing game.”
“Right.” Dean nodded, lips pursed.
“A little lingo for you.”
“Anyhoo, excuse us. We’re off to lala land.”
“Well, congratulations guys. That sounds really great.” Sam smiled.
“Yeah. That’s awesome, best of luck to you.”
“Oh, yeah. Luck. That has nothing to do with it. It’s about talent. Sheer, unabashed talent.”
We looked around at each other and nodded. Idiot One threw up a peace sign.
They got into their car and drove off.
“I have a confession to make.” Sam turned to me with a huge grin.
“What’s that?” Dean turned with a smile.
“I uh… I was the one that called them and told them I was a producer.” He scratched the back of his neck.
I giggled, and Dean threw an arm around my shoulder. “Yeah.” He laughed. “Well, I’m the one who put the dead fish in their backseat.”
I giggled again, and the boys broke into laughter.
“Hey, boys?” I looked up.
“Yeah, bug?”
“What is it, baby?”
I gave them puppy eyes. “Truce? Please?”
They sighed and looked at each other. Sam shrugged, and Dean nodded.
“Yeah, truce.”
“Truce.” Sam smiled.
“At least for the next hundred miles.” Dean winked as he got up.
“Let’s go home.”
Previous Ep: Shadow (1.16)
Next Ep: Something Wicked (1.18)
28 notes · View notes
They Call Her Alpha - Pt 1
Fem!Stiles/Peter Hale
“They call her Mother, Destroyer… they call her Alpha.” she was supposed to instill fear into all who opposed her, hope in all that worshiped or called for her. She was supposed to be powerful, not this twig of a teenager giving him the most pitiful glare he’d ever received in his life. “They swear by her like she is a Goddess. She leaves no enemies alive, no records of her face or what she looks like, and all her people are unfalteringly loyal. The only vague description we’ve received of her looks is from the Oracle.” what, exactly, was so inspiring about the little sparkling in front of him? 
She wasn’t too attractive - her hair had multiple hues of red, honey brown, black, and chestnut but was much too oily - though he did find himself sort of enthralled with mapping out the moles and freckles dotting the expanses of fair skin he could see. 
“It’s not rare for scents to be shared.” he reasoned while turning to face his sister, completely dismissing the almost human in front of them. “She doesn’t exactly strike fear into me, sister dearest.” when she seemed unable to stop staring at the girl he let out a small, irritated growl that was quickly answered by a flash of her ruby red eyes. 
“I would remember my place, brother.” she snapped dismissively then turned her attention back to the young woman in front of her. “Isaac,” a young man with cherubic features and curly blonde hair to match stepped forward, hands shaking ever so slightly as the only indication that he was nervous - much to Peter’s pride. “Take the tape off her mouth.” 
Peter had severe doubts that this strange wannabe witchling was the dreaded spark they were looking for, those doubts all flew out the fucking window when Isaac moved into her personal space. Whiskey eyes turned almost beta gold, her anger simmered into something calming and comforting that had his inner wolf prowling from underneath his skin. When Isaac pulled the duct tape off of her lips he did so with steady hands and in a fluid motion that he quickly bowed his head in apology for. He blamed biology for paying close attention to the pink tongue that came out and wetted peach lips. 
“Pretty sure Kidnapping is still illegal, declared or otherwise.” if his wolf was prowling before it was now right underneath his skin, ready to pounce so it could get closer to her. “Heard rumors that the new queen was a ‘were, guess this war has been beneficial to you and yours.” the few Enforcers of the Hale Pack stepped forward with claws extended the moment their Alpha Queen snarled, Isaac - still relatively new to the pack - and Scott - another new addition who was the same age as Isaac - both shrunk back. Peter did not miss the way the supposed ‘Mother, Destroyer’ glanced once towards them before settling back on his sister with a tight anger that he, strangely enough, understood. 
“No war has been formally declared,” Talia reasoned after recollecting herself. 
“Oh? Might want to tell the victims that then. Humans and traitors to both sides are the casualties of your ‘peace’ war with the Unseelie Queen and her geriatric psycho fuck Pappy.” a snort of amusement escaped him before he could even think to control it. “Oh?” her eyes centered directly on him, unnerving and pleasing at the same time. “Think the death of traitors and humans is funny, do you?” she tsk’ed and eyed him up and down, “Bad dog.” 
“Then you are the ‘Alpha’?” Talia snarled while drawing her Enforcers back. 
“Alpha? I’m no wolf,” she snorted and leaned back against the chair, “You mean The Mother, though, don’t you?” she sighed heavily and rolled her shoulders. “Might as well just kill me now then, won’t get anything useful out of me.” Peter sauntered forward, grinning wide when her attention focused back on him. 
“Why’s that sweetling?” he actually laughed when she recoiled away from him in disgust. 
“Ugh, okay Uncle Bad touch, let’s just keep you over that way.” she actually did a ‘shoo’ motion with her foot, “You could totally make Creeperwolf over here a torture method,” she remarked casually to his sister but centered her gaze directly on him when he took another step towards her. “No, go away, shoo.” 
“You’re really not attracted to me,” he murmured, amazed, even as he leaned into her personal space to get a good whiff of her scent. 
“Yeah, no dip Sherlock. Yo, Queeny, what the fuck? Can you tighten the leash or something on him, this is totally borderline sexual harassment.” She was amusing, no one - aside from powerful Dark Fae - ever spoke to his sister like that. For that alone it was almost worth keeping her alive. 
“You will watch your tongue when you speak to the Seelie Queen, ant.” ah yes, cousin Andrew. How Peter adored the fanatic cousin that believed devotedly in his sister. 
“Hmm, Ant, new one. Well, your ‘Oh, most powerful light fae, Seelie Queen, unmatched in lighty goodness’-” He had to turn away from her lest she see his grin. Little tart was a mouthy one wasn’t she? Damn, he was already half smitten. “What can this humble Spark in training do for you?” 
“You’re the Alpha, the Mother.” she actually laughed for a spell before she realized that no one else was laughing with her. 
“Oh my - okay, open your lil wolfy ears and hear me when I say; I am not the Mother, Alpha, or whatever the hell else you’re searching for.” that fact that her hummingbird heartbeat remained steady and that her scent remained clear of deceit had Talia deflating just a little. “There, okay, can I go? I know it may seem hard to believe but I’m not exactly overflowing in the friend department. I’ve only got one and we kinda got a codependency goin’ on, so if you don’t mind?” she wriggled so the chains keeping her confined to the chair would jingle. Peter liked her, mouthy brat she was. 
“You were fighting a Strigoi from taking two Pup’s, why?” the girl sagged back into her chair and eyed Talia with a fatigue that dulled her vigor. 
“Because they were full shift wolves and the bastard wanted to enslave them and sell them back to Psycho Bitch Barbie and her cult of meanies.” Peter couldn’t help his laughter even if he wanted to - which he definitely did not - when he registered that she was calling Kate Argent, current Queen of the Unseelie Court, a Psycho Bitch Barbie. That took balls, it took either a tremendous amount of stupidity or courage and this little sparkling didn’t seem all that stupid. Evidence to the contrary. “Is that why you thought I was the Alpha? ‘Cause I did a little whoop ass on the Dark side Jackasses?” 
“You fit the description we’ve received, vague though it may be.” Peter’s warning growl for her at giving too much away was cut off by intrigue when she leaned forward, smelling of vanilla joy and curiosity. 
“I did? Itty bitty badass me?” Talia’s eyebrows pinched in frustration. Either because of her or because of the case of mistaken identity, Peter couldn’t tell. 
“We were clearly mistaken,” she shook her head slightly to clear her thoughts and murmured something to Scott. Nearly all watched as he left the room before they centered wearily on her. “Were you declared before?”
“Before I sided with the humans and those abandoned by both sides? No.” she settled back with a huff and kicked a single leg out to test the strength of the chains. He adored the way her grin was just a tad blood thirsty when Andrew growled warningly at her, Beta blues flashing as a warning. 
“What is your name then, Spark?” 
“Polish, you can’t say it.” She sighed and looked around, clearly bored with the current conversation. “Also an Orphan, so no known surname. Life’s a bitch, innit? You can call me Stiles, if you want to try niceties, but I’m not declaring Seelie.” 
“It is an honor-” Andrew started vehemently, drawing twin eyerolls from both Peter and ‘Stiles’. 
“And now I know that I will be avoiding you at the next siore.” he didn’t know what enticed him more, the fact that she said soire so perfectly or the fact that she could clearly speak multiple languages. 
“So, French and English. What about Polish?” he crouched in front of her, knowing that his jeans hugged his thighs and ass just right when he did so. Little tart didn’t even glance. 
“Well well, Uncle Bad Touch, you ain’t so bad at sleuthin’. So I got three languages under my belt, care to guess at which one is my native one?” he grinned and leaned in closer, ignoring his sister’s warning call of his name. 
“I’d rather get under your belt myself,” she tsked again and sighed as if disappointed with him. 
“As much as I like trading barbs with you, Uncle Bad Touch, I will have to gracefully decline. Her head tilted to the side, exposing her pretty neck and the trailing of moles that he wanted to trace.
With his tongue. 
“You wound me,” he joked, hand clasped dramatically over his heart as he rocked back on his heels. 
“I’d like to,” she glibly returned, eyes gleaming her joy and flooding the room with her vanilla pleasure. 
“Enough!” Talia snapped, drawing him back to her side by his wolf. He hated when she did that, when she took his control and snapped it to achieve her own goals. “Enough. As an undeclared you are not bound by our laws. We will let you go,” she rose her hand to quell the disagreements that rose from her decision, “but we will be keeping an eye on you. If we so much as suspect that you play a bigger part than what you seem to then we will collect you again. Make no mistake, Spark, if you so much as move a foot in a direction I deem suspicious I will make you declare a side to either be punished or governed as seen fit.”
“You know,” the Spark mused as Scott began unlocking her confines. “You’re not so bad, Queeny, but you’re hopelessly misinformed about the actual state of things. I’m sure your Seelie losses have been big,” dainty fingers rubbed at the red indentations on her wrist, “If you were aware of the actual losses your ‘not-war’ has caused-” she trailed off as she got lost in her own thoughts. “Well, whatever. Can I get dropped off where you’re people kidnapped me from?” A better man wouldn’t have taken the time she was walking away to check out her ass, a better man would’ve probably felt sympathy for the sparkling. Peter was not a ‘good’ man, but he wasn’t a bad one either, so when she looked back at him from over her shoulder he tore his gaze from her tempestuous ass to wink at her. Of one thing he was certain, she was either on the cusp of her twentieth year or she soon would be. She was much too interesting to kill or enslave, he hoped she stayed that way. 
“Peter, I want you to keep an eye on her.” sweet, sweet victory. “She’s hiding something but I feel we’ll have a better chance at finding out what when she thinks she’s not under scrutiny.” 
“With pleasure, sister.” 
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queenkeeleyhawes · 4 years
REPOST: queenkeeleyhawes’s official ranking of keeley’s male character counterparts
**reposting because i added theo (i forgot him the first time), added martin (mutual friends) because i recently watched it. removed david from top tier after i revisited some things. moved sven to top tier because it’s what he deserves. and moved gene hunt lower because let’s be honest, he’s the worst.**
this list includes: husbands, boyfriends, bosses, and other male coworkers. there is some of her work that i left off because her part was too small. i started this list originally at 5 am a couple of weeks ago. these are my personal opinions. please don’t come for me. most are pretty self-explanatory too but i did list reasons anyway. if you happen to disagree with me, that’s fine, but i’m pretty set in my ways so even if we have a nice conversation, you’re unlikely to change my mind. ** SEMI(?) SPOILERS AHEAD**
Top Tier 
Spiros - hello he literally did everything for her and her family. took such good care of them from day one. literally found them a house when they got on the island. and furniture. and a maid. he got her ring back when she sold it to bribe those thugs in series 1. attempted to tutor gerry when she couldn’t find anyone else. held her when she needed a good cry after hugh nearly died and after florence could have died delivering her baby. watched her children while she went back home briefly. built gerry his zoo. the list goes on and on.
Caspar -  saw her for who she was. was impressed by her mind. “you’re beautiful as well as good. one of those things i can't change. the other i never will.” that is all. 
Fabian - *crying emojis* he literally cared so much for her. always wanted to be with her. literally put her aunt into a home and paid for it when it was not cheap. pretty much disowned his eldest daughter for her. after everything still adored her.
Samuel P. - hoo boy it’s a lot. clearly they made a connection. but he respected her and her marriage to not pursue it further when she put an end to it. was so happy for her when she found her son.
Jarvis - he just loved her so much. the lil hotel kissing scene. the way they looked at each other. ugh. we’re not even going to talk about them singing together in rehearsal. i don’t have it in me.
Dick Dewey - i mean hello. good on the eyes. sweetheart. loved her so much. the hand washing scene. the lake scene. saved her father from the bear trap and let some other dude take the credit.  made all the boys apologize to her via song after they humiliated her in church. 
Danny - let her move in with him when he saw how terrible her living arrangements were. so much more. i really wanted them to end up together.
Theo  - obviously, he belongs in Top Tier because he was always just absolutely wonderful to louisa and to gerry (duh) and he always gave her the best advice. like I truly believe they were best friends and though he didn’t include himself, he was definitely part of the “men she loved the most on the island.” also he’s an “honorary woman.” the end.
Sven - literally saved her son from dying. brought her nets for her olives. let gerry borrow a goat. eventually i liked them together and i think they could have worked...but...you know.
Good Tier
Harry - cool dad. loved their relationship. he took care of her.
Tom - they were very good friends and he treated her so well. he genuinely cared for her as an employee. obviously the real chemistry was there but i'm honestly glad they didn’t go in that direction.
Ray - listen i know he’s an ass but he’s the ass that you actually love. and she changed him for the better. i loved the dynamic between him and alex and as they grew as friends. plus dean and keeley just played off each other so nicely.
Daniel - she just wanted him to call about that damn flat but he finally had his little break through by the end so he can stay and obviously matthew and keeley working together is *heart eyes.*
Richard Shaw - he had his issues but he really did love kathleen and even though he was basically in denial about their son and did some things she didn’t like...he was a good man who took care of her.
David - i mean it was literally his job to save her and he did try (we’re not gonna talk about the end of episode 3). i believe he really put her at ease and was making her change her opinions and views on so many things. but there were issues...we can’t deny that.
Mr Morley - we didn’t see them interact much...but he’s fine.
Chris - he’s fine as co-workers go. i think he definitely respected alex eventually but he wasn’t my favorite.
Will (MI-5) - he was fine. a little boring but fine and he literally was not even cute. really zoe??? he did love her. and she did end up having a good life with him.
Bad Tier
Martin Grantham - almost cheated on his wife for revenge. told her potential boss she had mental health problems just to keep her from getting the job. believed a rumor that she had hired a solicitor so he hired one out of spite. umm the bar scene with their son. everything he did with peter. enough said.
Rob Graham - he almost cheated on his wife. he was in slight denial about their son. didn’t want to get a dog. loved her and he clearly fought to stay with her. a few points for that.
Joe M*cb*th - was just kinda there? not horrible but not great.
Steve A - do i really even need to explain? he’s just so infuriating. you’re probably wondering why he’s not lower on this list...but...well just wait until you see the rest.
Mr Royal - he just generally sucks and also he ruined her dessert in that one lil scene and was just horrible. and he fucking slapped her, knocking her to the ground???? no sir.
Peter - the jealousy i mean come on and he terrorized her. nearly killed her best friend. not to mention i’m about 99.8% sure he stole her cat.
Hugh - ugh he was with her to make vasillia jealous. i don’t care what he tried to say. and i hate that he called her angel when that’s what her husband called her. also i think she just liked the idea of them and then realized how quickly it wasn’t going to work out, especially when he wanted her to go back to england when they hadn’t even been there that long and clearly corfu made her happy?!?!? purposefully hurt spiros.
Miles Mollison - it literally took him hearing his mother calling his wife a failure for him to grow a spine?!?!? and dude your wife looked like that *long sigh*
Trash Tier 
Billy - how many times did she have to ask him about getting a job. the jealousy. he didn’t do anything???? he took care of jake so he gets points for that. but he made her feel like crap for it so….bye. and he told tina even though angela didn’t want to tell anyone.
Michael - literally tried to murder her.
Othello - actually murdered her.
Dennis Hamilton  - crazy, jealous. possessive. made her get an abortion. spent all of her money. just gross.
Alec Wilson - hello he literally had another wife and two other children that she knew of. and he only gave her 5 measly fucking pounds….rude. 
Terry Leather - had an affair with another woman. kinda redeemed himself in the end but not really. 
Hallam - literally had an affair with her sister. forced her to take in lotte when she was terrified she’d lose their baby. was trash to his little sister after making a big deal about getting her out of the asylum. was horrible to blanche. was fine (?) with the staff but not really?? 
Sam Webster - had an affair. got another woman pregnant when that’s something his wife wanted again. literally never believed her about anything. blamed her for alice’s death and then later tried to tell her not to blame herself when she was depressed. horrible to their son. just an all around shitty person.
Roger - jealous of j’s power. racist remark about david. tells her something she specifically said she doesn’t care to hear. and let’s be honest he was probably bopping some blonde 20 year old.
Dryden - wouldn’t leave his wife. forced her to get an abortion. literally picked up a 15 year old at some gathering for a bj. gross gross gross.
Gene - grade A asshole. i literally do not understand why people love them together??? he was the one who saved her as a child??? but then almost hooked up with her in the afterlife??? creepy. no matter how many times i re-watch, i cannot find any redeeming qualities in him or any reason why they should be together. also he was a sexist, homophobic, RACIST pig. i don't care it was the 80s...gross. this one you definitely will not be able to fight me on.
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That is Just the Saddest F**king Thing I Have Ever Heard.
TW obviously DEH is about a kid’s suicide, so it has those themes
other parts :)
Part One.
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Cynthia said I had to go to school today. “It’s your senior year Connor,” she said, “you can’t miss the first day,” which was just complete bullshit. I tried to compromise, “I’ll go tomorrow,” I told her. No, I had to go. Mom just wanted to get me out of the house after watching me sleep and sit in my room all summer. “Today’s a chance to go make some friends” she told me.
Look it’s not my fault that I don’t have any fucking friends, and it’s not my fault that I can’t make friends because everyone thinks of me as big, bad Connor Murphy, the freak. I’m not a freak. People just have this false idea of me in their head and have never taken the time to actually get to know me. I’ve always been a hot topic of rumors, even though I’ve never done anything really worth talking about. Except the incident in second grade. Someone explain to me why something so stupid that happened when I was 8 years old is something people still use to talk shit about me. It is still a story that gets told from time to time, “oh stay away from Connor Murphy, he’s batshit crazy. He once threw a printer at Mrs. G. because he didn’t get to be line leader” That’s not the whole story. No one knows what really happened because they weren’t even there. I mean, yes I was upset that I didn’t get to be line leader, even though it was my turn, and yes I did shove the table that the printer was on, which caused it to fall. So, I mean, I guess I threw the printer in a sense, but what does it matter? I was a child. Do you know how much embarrassing shit people did in elementary school that doesn’t get talked about because, well geez, they were children, and they’ve grown since then. Fucking Alana Beck peed her pants probably seven times that year, but we don’t talk about that. Whatever.
Most likely, no one is going to be telling that story this year. There’s some new hot gossip about me. See, I spent my junior year at a private school. It was awesome, I actually had a friend, and I was doing well, but I got kicked out. They did random locker searches, and I had weed in my locker, barley half a gram. The best part is, the weed wasn’t even mine. Not that anyone cares, not that anyone is going to ask, or listen to my side of the story. Ironically, they found so much Adderall, in probably 50 lockers, and they got away without so much as a warning. So, pills are okay, I guess, but marijuana isn’t.
Look, unlike what my parents might think, it isn’t dangerous or addicting or bad. Newsflash weed doesn’t hurt anyone. You can’t die from being too high, but pills, you can die from taking too many pills. I told them that too, I showed them statistics and research to convince them marijuana isn’t bad, they sent me to rehab to help with my ‘addiction,’ but all it did was teach me new, worse habits and prescriptions for mood stabilizers.
I’ve always been on medications to try to help me with the depression and paranoia, but I don’t like how they make me feel. Usually, I keep the pills hidden so Mom and Dad don’t catch on that I’m not taking them. I just prefer weed anyways; weed just calms me down, while the other crap I’ve been prescribed puts in a zombie like daze. I just smoke a little weed every now and then to help me get through the day.
People are going to say whatever they want, but I guess that it doesn’t help that I smell like pot anyways. That smell, no matter how many times you wash your clothes or spray your belongings with ferbreeze, never goes away. Regardless, I know I’m not the only stoner, not that I’m a stoner, but most people act like it’s a fucking personality trait to smoke. They’ll go online and post pictures of their bowls and blunts, thinking that they’re cool, but I’m a burnout freak because I smoke.
Despite my protests, I found myself in the passenger seat of Zoe’s car as she drove me to school. Some people might think it’s lame to be driven around by their little sister, but I fucking hate driving. I get too distracted, plus, other people drive like absolute nimrods. I got enough stress in my life, why add the stress of driving.
The first day of school is always a waste; you never do anything meaningful or important. People just spend the day catching up with friends, talking obnoxiously loud about their trip to Italy, or how they built houses for the homeless, and you just do ridiculous ice breakers and make nametags. It’s not like I’m going to learn anything, I’m just going to sit through hours of “two truths and a lie.” Plus, I’ll have to sit through the embarrassment of no one volunteering to guess which of my statements is the lie. No one wants to waste their time with that. Though, I will admit, I came up with some good ones this year, “My birthday is 420, I like to draw, and I have a dog.” The lie, obviously, is that I have a dog. I’ve always wanted one, but Larry has always said no, “they’re too messy.”
I try not to let other people bother me. I just focus my gaze straight ahead, walking as quick as I can to my first class, avoiding obstacles the best I can. In my opinion, people that stand in the middle of the hallway to have their conversation do not deserve rights. Hi, you, and your conversation is not more important than me trying to get to class. Have some fucking decency and at least move over to the side, Jesus Christ. On the bright side, people do tend to move out of my way. It might be out of fear, but it’s convenient. I put my head down as I cut through the middle of two people. “Hey Connor”  a boy calls, “Nice hair length,” he continues, “very ‘school-shooter’ chic.” Wow, was that really necessary; did they really have to stop me to tell me that? That’s what I need too: Connor Murphy, not only a freak, but also looks like a school shooter.
I stop in my tracks with a heavy thud as my boots hit the ground. I whip around to face the voice. I look up with a narrow gaze and see Jared Kleinman and Evan Hansen. They are two nobodies like me, but I guess they think they’re better than me.
“I was just kidding” Jared stutters, “It was a joke.”
“Oh, I know.” I say, with no emotion, “I thought it was funny, I’m laughing can’t you tell?” I close the space between us until I’m in his face, towering over him. I’m not a scary person, but I am 6’3”, so my height tends to intimidate people, plus I really like wearing all black. My physical appearance is really a shell of armor, no one knows how sensitive I really am. At least, people can’t walk all over me if they are scared of me. I stare him down, “Or am I not laughing hard enough for you” I say.
I found, that if you stare at someone long enough, they will leave you alone. Mostly, because they are creeped out. It must be working, because Jared takes a step back, “you’re such a freak,” he says as he turns to make a run for it.
Evan’s still standing there, laughing quietly to himself. “What the fuck are you laughing at” I snap at him.
“N-nothing” he stutters.
I turn to him, “do you think I’m a freak.” He’s still laughing to himself. “You’re the fucking freak,” I yell as shove him.
I pause for a moment, looking down at Evan, who is now on the ground. He looks scared, like really, scared. Does he think I’m going to beat him up? Has he been beaten up before? Who hurt him? I scan his body quickly; this kid is already in a cast. Great, I just pushed an injured kid. Maybe I really am a freak. What the fuck is wrong with me? I collect myself and quickly walk away. I don’t have time to deal with this. It’ll probably be a few hours before this goes around the school.
I make it to my locker, my eyes are still on Evan, who is still on the ground. He’s been on the ground for a while, surly he should’ve stood up by now. Fuck, did I break his legs? Zoe walks up to him and helps him up. He’s fine. I watch as Zoe talks to him for a few minutes. Even my own sister isn’t on my side. Thanks Zoe, I’ll remember that the next time you want me to cover for you when you sneak out. Mom and Dad might think I’m the fucked-up child, but they have no idea what kind of shit you get into.
Each class is a blur as I sit through hours of introductions. Finally, its time for lunch. I don’t have friends to sit with, and I don’t like to give people the satisfaction of watching me sit by myself, so usually I spend the period in the library. I’m safe among the stacks. Books can’t judge you, but they can be an escape from your fucked reality. I can’t find a place to sit in the main library, so I go in the back by the computers. There’s a kid talking on his phone, but I don’t think he’ll mind my presence. I find a seat in the corner and lose myself in a book.
Suddenly, I’m snapped back into reality when the printer goes off. It scared the shit out of me. I look at the paper the printer is spitting out, “Dear Evan Hansen” the top reads. I look over to see Evan hunched over a laptop, talking to himself. I don’t think this kid has any friends either, besides Jared, but Jared’s a dick. Evan isn’t a freak like me, but he’s just someone always in the background. Everyone knows who he is, but no one cares.
I should probably apologize to him about earlier.
I grab the paper and walk over to him, “Hey.” He looks up at me, startled. “So, what did you do to your arm anyways?” I ask him.
He looks down at is arm as if he’s confused as to what I’m talking about. “Oh”, he stammers “I fell out of a tree.”
I look at him, expecting him to say more, he doesn’t. “Well, that’s just the saddest fucking thing I’ve ever heard” I tell him.
“I know,” he says.
I look at his cast, its blank. I guess it makes sense, since he doesn’t have any friends. “Hey, no one’s signed your cast yet; I will,” I say.
“No, no you don’t have to” Evan whines.
“Do you have a sharpie?” I ask. He stares at me for a moment before he starts digging in his backpack and pulls out a marker, handing it to me. I grab his arm, and he winces. I ignore that and write my name as large as I can along the side of his cast. I figure, no one else is probably going to sign it, so I might as well take up as much real-estate  as I can. “There,” I say, “now we can both pretend that we have friends.” Evan stares at his cast.
I remember that I still have his paper, “is this yours?” I ask, holding it out to him, “I found it on the printer, it says ‘Dear Evan Hansen,’ that’s you right?”
“Oh, that’s nothing, um, it’s stupid.” He tries to grab the paper from me, “It’s just an assignment”
I pull it out of his reach and look at it, my eyes land on Zoe’s name, “because there’s Zoe” I read aloud, “Did you write some freaky shit about my sister?”
“No, no” He stutters, trying to rip the paper out of my hand, “Why would I do that?”
“You wrote it because you knew I would find it” I snap, “So I would freak out and you can tell everyone that Connor Murphy is a fucking freak.”
“No” Evan cries.
I shove the paper into my pocket, “Fuck you” I say as I storm away.
I walk out of the library, and right out of the front door of the school. There’s still two periods left, but I don’t care, I’ve had enough of today. I keep walking, I don’t even know where I’m going. Eventually, when I’ve put enough distance between me and the school, I pause to pull out my headphones and put on some music. I don’t even care what I’m listening to, it just has to be loud enough to block out my thoughts.
I don’t feel bad about pushing Evan anymore; honestly that kid deserves way worse. He had to know I was in the room with him. No one is that oblivious to the world to not even notice that they’re not alone. Why would he write about my sister? Like does he have a weird fantasy about her that he just had to get down, and print out? Look buddy, most people keep their private thoughts in their head, where they belong.
I eventually reach a park, its oddly empty, but I guess all the children are still at school. I sit on a bench and throw my bag onto the ground, it rattles with impact. I pick it up to investigate the sound; I dig around until I find the source: a prescription bottle. I forgot that I had put my meds in here. I hold  the bottle and read the label, it’s good old Prozac. I have refused to take it ever since it was prescribed to me. If you look it up, it has so many warnings and side effects listed, it doesn’t even seem worth it. Like there’s a small chance this will make you feel better, but there’s an even bigger chance that it might kill you, or make you want to kill yourself. The irony! They give you the medicine because you think about killing yourself, but the medicine makes you want to actually kill yourself. Do doctors even care about you, or do they just write you a prescription, so you go away?
I’ve never taken a single dose of this medication, outside of the hospital where they basically force it down your throat, but now seems like a good time to. I feel so numb, what does it even matter, it’s supposed to help me right? I swallow a pill, dry, and then another, and another. I keep swallowing them until I run out of pills. I throw the empty bottle on to the ground. Suddenly, I have a killer headache; I can feel my heart pounding, thoughts are racing in my mind. I lay down on the bench and take a deep breath.
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monicalorandavis · 4 years
Teresa Giudice: surprisingly insecure.
Oh you don’t think this deserves an entire blog post? Well fuck right the fuck off because I’m going in bitch...
Mrs. Giudice. You know, the table-flipping, forehead-challenged, bikini clad, ex-con, mother of four - her. She’s not doing great. This season has offered an insight into the woman who made The Real Housewives of New Jersey the best of all Housewives franchises. And, I hate to say it, especially since she’s acting like a total asshole, she deserves our sympathy.
Let’s, for a moment, remember the early days of the Real Housewives. The women in Orange County were rather polite in retrospect. No violence anywhere. It was all name-calling and mean tweets. Every one in a while, the passive-aggressive forgotten invitation to a birthday party. You know the sort of social kamikaze’s that women launch on their most hated enemies. “Oh, I didn’t know you’d like to come. There weren’t anyone’s husbands around for you to steal”...You get the picture.
But then Teresa came along with her huge wads of cash and ditzy/tough girl Jersey thing and the American public gobbled it up. She was unlike the others on the cast. There was Caroline Manzo, the maternal, good-natured lioness. Then Dina, Caroline’s younger, hotter sister with a cool demeanor and distant husband who was always traveling. (Didn’t work out *spoiler alert*). Then, there was Jacqueline who was all fake smiles and puppy dogs and rainbows and...someone should check on Jacqueline because she always seemed one glass of Sauvignon Blanc shy from losing her mind in the middle of a Cheesecake Factory. But Teresa was the surprise hit. She had all those daughters with their bright blue eyes and sassy, ready-for-camera one-liners. It was too insane to be written. And then, fast forward and Teresa’s husband, Joe Giudice aka “Juicy” (I hate myself for knowing this) gets indicted on several felony counts of fraud. Then to make matters worse, he takes Teresa down with him. Her signature is on everything. It looks like Teresa was a co-conspirator in the fraud. Could she have been a sinister mastermind? Was all the flashiness a big ‘fuck you’ to Uncle Sam?
She certainly didn’t seem like she had the brains to pull it off. No shade. But, she was more concerned with Gia’s dance recitals and keeping Milania off the banisters and alive. She didn’t have time to scam people with phony contracts. Nor, did it seem, that she’d ever risk anything that would tear her away from her kids. No, this was the work of her husband and for whatever reason he hadn’t taken the necessary precautions to legally protect his wife. It was a sad day for RHONJ fans. Teresa and Joe were charged with 39 counts of fraud. She would serve her time first and then Joe would do his. The judge seemed to grant them some leniency by allowing them to serve their terms back to back as opposed to stripping their daughters of both parents simultaneously. A small victory in light of the sad events.
But it wouldn’t be a typical Hollywood sentencing for Tre. She had to do 15 hard months at a Federal Corrections Facility in Danbury, Connecticut. But, and this is the best part, she came out looking like a million bucks. She was shredded out, buff, and in fabulous spirits. Truly, it was inspiring. She came out ready to work and make up for lost time. Despite some pushback from the girls, she was back in the swing of things. All looked promising for Joe too. He had watched over all four of the girls with aplomb. Doing hair, packing lunches, getting everyone to practices, study groups, games and play dates and seeming to really dig it. They seemed to be doing just fine.
And yet, this season of RHONJ has been devastating for the Giudice family. Joe went in to serve his 41 month sentence. Then, right on cue, Teresa started acting like a raving bitch to everyone on the cast. She was picking fights with Melissa, Jackie, then Margaret, then Jennifer, then her brother and back again. It’s horrible to watch. She uses her anger to diffuse any of her wrongdoing. It’s an old trick of hers but this season it’s more vicious. It’s cruel. She seems to be liking making everyone sad and scared. Then, all of a sudden, word on the street is, Joe is being held in an I.C.E. facility because he’s not a U.S. citizen. But how???
Wouldn’t he have filed for that when he got married? They’ve been married for over 20 years. Surely, he would’ve taken care of that by now. Surely!
Except, not. Turns out, when pushed on the issue, Joe had no valid reason as to why he hadn’t taken care of his citizenship. He simply never got around to getting his US passport. He hadn’t filled out the necessary paperwork just because...he didn’t.
And that, my friends, is Joe Giudice in a nutshell. A scrub. The kind of man who doesn’t do the things he’s supposed to. Not for any good reason but because...he just didn’t. The worst kind of man. Shiftless, arrogant, “things couldn’t possibly go wrong for me”-ass man. Sure he can flip a few houses and use the profits to invest in another shady business deal but are all the contracts legal? No. Are his papers in order? Nope! Does he have a new Range Rover? A duhhhh.
Now, here is the larger issue. Teresa is a slamming piece of ass (to quote Marge Jr.) and she’s the star of the family. A human being could not be in better shape. She could (and, rumor has it, has) snag any old thing she wanted to. Joe sure couldn’t. I remember a few seasons back when it seemed painfully obvious he was sneaking phone calls to a little girlfriend that the show was kind enough to hide (sort of). Nobody cares about him. I think even Joe’s family would admit, he’s been riding Teresa’s coattails through this whole thing. Luckily, Gia seems down to help her mother (though she’s understandably very loyal to her father). So, it’s most likely only a matter of time until mother and daughter start their own fitness brand and, ladies and gentlemen, I’ll sign the fuck up.
Now, how is it that Teresa is still stuck with this man? (I just got word that they are separated but still...)
I was under the impression that if no one else knew how much of a scrub her husband was, Teresa sure as shit knew. But in the most recent episode of RHONJ, Teresa, who’s had her fair share of red wine, is almost in tears lamenting that no one is going to want her now following a fight with Joe in which he told her that she was basically a washed up dirty dish rag. She, like anyone with common sense, should’ve shut that shit down immediately. She should’ve driven her ass to the ICE facility and broke her husband out for the sole purpose of sending him on a one-way flight to Italy to never return. Arrivederci! 
I almost don’t want to watch the show any longer if I have to watch Joe Giudice’s miserable toxis ass! I watch Real Housewives for the fun, positive messages of female independence and friendship. Yes, there’s fights every one in a while that I selfishly enjoy. But I don’t like seeing men try and destroy their wives’ self-esteem. It’s a remnant of a bygone era. And I should be compassionate to Joe’s circumstance. Yes, he’s in an ICE facility and that’s very traumatizing. But I hate this narrative that his experience in ICE is somehow a vendetta against him by the federal government. I also hate that his experience in ICE is just as horrible as everyone else’s. Sir, you are not in the same boat as these Honduran children you are being housed with. These are people running for their lives and you, you are someone who didn’t do the paperwork you were supposed to do 20 years ago when your wife brought it up to you the first time. You are a man who was convicted of 39 counts of fraud serving a felony sentence. You ain’t innocent.
The saddest part, besides the horrible wreckage it has done to their daughters, is the toll it’s taken on Teresa’s self-esteem. It’s corroding her. It’s as if her self-esteem is so blown to shit that she’s punishing herself with this terrible friendship to Danielle. She is almost unrecognizable. The very same woman who Teresa very famously flipped a table over, is now the friend she refuses to part with. And while Danielle is very good at picking out vulnerable prey, there seems to be a larger issue at hand. Teresa seems not quite right. The decisions are not adding up. Obviously, Teresa has demonstrated shitty taste in men (Joe) and the occasional screw-up with friends (never-ending Jacqueline drama!). But this business with Danielle is disconcerting. Danielle is just another toxic leech trying to suck you dry, Tre! Break the cycle! Your girls need you!
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