#he was like hell nooo hell fucking no it's one thing for you to ditch me gutted but to take another bitch ??? fuck you you gon pay
suchawrathfullamb · 2 months
they did us dirty for not showing Will's reaction when he found out Hannibal took Bedelia with him after he ran to Europe. that's why he tried to stab him lmao
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gardenofshadcws · 8 months
Dracula Daily Day 86
Dr. Seward’s Diary
Renfield nooooo I’m so upset
Dracula how dare you beat my boy like this I’m in PAIN
Dr. Abe this is so not an accident what are you talking about
Arthur and Quincey heard the plot needed them and who are they to refuse?
Can we save his life because he’s a human and a good bean and not just because he has information?  Like please?
“What’s wrong with my face?” I’m DISTRAUGHT
“I must go back to death - or worse” DRACULA HOW COULD YOU
The way Renfield capitalizes He like Dracula is a god, or on a level with God is so telling without saying much at all
Ugh this poor thing has been a victim this entire time.  And Jack just looks at him like a science experiment.
“I don’t care for the pale people” AAAHH MINA
Everything hurts and I’m dying
Oh cool we’ve gotten what we wanted so we’re just ditching im I guess.
Quincey I love you but I think saving her from becoming a vampire is more important than silly Victorian propriety
It’s truly disgusting how many adaptations saw this scene with Dracula drinking from Mina and decided “romantic?  Sexy?  Soulmates???”
Noooo Mina ;~;
This part is destroying me
Jonathan seeing his wife distress and immediately going “I’m going to kill the fucker” is glorious
Mina and Jonathan are relationship goals
“I much touch him or kiss him no more”  “aww hell no” Jonathan is the most ride or die ever.  Given the choice between Mina or God and he chooses Mina I LOVE this sweet boy
NOOO THE RECORDS.  But it’s okay, Mina’s the best and saved everything
Quincey and his bats, man.
I’m so upset
The story of Dracula slipping in to attack Mina is just as horrifying the second time around
“A little refreshment” ewww
And there goes Jonathan’s hair
Jonathan Harker’s Journal
Jonathan stressing makes me stressed
God’s not helping you, your friends are helping you
He tried to save Mina and this is what he gets 
This attendant sucks at his job and now my SWEET BOY IS DEAD.
Nothing should have been kept from Mina in the first place dammit
“I shall die!” MINAAAA.
Van Helsing’s right for once, that’s not actually going to help anything. 
Yes, lockpicking, much better than breaking in.
At least Mina doesn’t have fangs yet, that’s a good sign
Way to go Van Helsing, you made Mina cry again.
And then you burned her head.  You’re handling this extremely poorly, man.
Poor Mina :(  Girl just wants to live her life
“She shall not go into that unknown and terrible land alone” AWWWW.  JONATHAN YOU ARE THE SWEETEST.
This is so romantic it’s melting my black dead heart
“I have written this in the train” Just like the beginning of the book, that’s a beautiful callback.
“The place smells so vilely” perhaps that’s because you just lit a cigar, Art (yes, I know it’s Vamp Stink)
Dr. Seward’s Diary
It always seems like a long wait when we’re waiting for Arthur and Quincey.
Jonathan babyyyy
Yeah, Jack, you’ve got nothing on Jonathan I’m sorry
So, if Dracula was a scholar, are we… condemning the seeking of knowledge over faith?  Is that what’s happening here?
The zoophagous patient had a NAME, dammit
Jonathan is out for BLOOD.  And not in the vampire way
There’s Dracula, it’s battle time!
Jonathan where the HELL did you get a kukri
Damn.  SO close.
All this and Mina’s still trying to put on a brave face
Can we stop talking about Mina’s purity because that’s giving off some really icky Madonna-whore stuff
These two love each other so freaking much
Stoker’s letting his boys cry again you love to see it
I am also in tears by the way if you even care
Jonathan Harker’s Journal
I too thought today would never end
“My poor wronged darling” awww
It’s okay, guys, Quincey’s here to protect you :’) 
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
My day has not been good so I need this right now
Max was going to find the piece of shit and cut off their hands.
David not telling Max...this hurts me. the PAIN OH MY GOD I WANT THEM TO BE HAPPY
Wasn’t Max David’s first choice?
I need tea
david :((
Omg I have an Alivia au like this ahahhshhsd Olivia figuring out the person after the murders (looooong story) is someone close to Alice. It is not a pleasant conversation, Alice does not believe it, a bunch of shit goes down ohhh I fucking love it so much it's my precious brain baby
David looked at his hands. His long, pale fingers were sweaty. “Max. She is trying to kill me.”
really? whoever could've guessed
Jackson killing Max was much more believable than Mallory killing David.
oh baby-
I wanna hug David :((
She may not be a warlock but you know wat she has? a shit ton of money to hire a warlock
I will cry I do not like this
oh wow pain
“Well, I’m not gonna be there forever, Max,” David replied. “So, you might as well get used to it now.”
Oh...Oh my god
why you gotta do this to me
Me? relating to max? yes very much, what about it?
oooo I did not remember that
oh to be able to breathe underwater
I love them so much omg I will cry
Sometimes people wanting to help felt better than them actually helping you.
I just know that everyone will find out eventually
omg he's going to make her something...
Marcus, I will punch you so hard ACKNOWLEDGE ANJALI YOU BITCH
so I was RIGHT about the warlock magic thing being important
Marcus and Mallory need THERAPY SO BAD OH MY GOD
dude chill the fuck out
great jace knows too
oh my god RAFAEL 😭😭
jace my dude-
I am worried about the warlock issues...
“Or she,” Jace winked as they reached the Gard. Magnus had a permanent portal opened there for Rafael. “Or they.”
hell yeah!!
bitch-ass bitch? come on max we gotta get creative!
lbaf malec just HITS DIFFERENT
“Because my biggest fear that is that I won’t get to see them grow up,” Alec said in response. “You know shadowhunters live short lives. So, to see them grow up, it’s a blessing.”
“You will never stop being bapak,” Alec promised. “Just as I will never stop being dad.” “Or bitch-ass bitch?”
Max needed to be dragged to study math. To attend nephilim events that were ‘too boring’. To go play with children whose name wasn’t David.
such a mood on the 1st and last one like YES
oh, there's a doctor at our house. the one we usually go to doesn't open for like 2 more days but my brother is very sick. He had to get out of school early today because of it too. I'm suspecting dengue since it's very widespread rn. Well my aunt's a doctor and she has contacts so...there's a doctor taking his blood now. alright then.
“Because you’re growing up,” Magnus whispered. “And one day, I’ll stop being bapak.”
dude don't be crazy you'll always be bapak
“You’re assuming we’d still be hanging out in 500 years,” Max grinned.
bold assumption y'all would still be alive in 500 years 😶
“Like sure, imma grow up and do my own shit,” Max said, eloquent as always. “But I’ll still need you. I always do.”
“And destiny,” Selena added. “That’s why Magnus’ magic is the same colour as Uncle Alec’s eyes.”
Selena so right
what the fuck do you mean it's not a fucking warlock
it's Marcus with the seashell, isn't it?
oh my god...
I have a theory. The seashell uses the magic of the other warlocks or maybe Marcus is stealing it on purpose with the seashell. And he uses that to attack the institute. But Marcus would have to be inside the institute to be portalling them there. Do the attack date sync up with the dates of the warlocks losing their magic?
“The Clave is made up of hot, respectable people,” Gabriel told her, kissing her finger. 
oh honey
david stfu and let her help you
She had almost thought something was wrong with her powers. But no. She was probably just tired.
I am very worried and very excited
I didn't have the best of days and still feel weird and I am sorry if that came across in this. The chapter significantly made my night better and I absolutely loved it so much <3
Sending you good vibes <333
Actual footage of me reading your theories
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I'm sorry about the shitty days. Let's hope the rest of this week is kinder to us. And I really hope your brother recovers soon and well because dengue is the worst. Sending you love x
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flashyfucker · 2 years
okay but WHAT IF cale was just a little mean and annoyed with consistently seeing tyson fuck over his best friend even though the feelings between them are obviously there so when tyson tries to set cale and his friend up cale isn’t gonna turn down a date with a pretty girl and he sure as hell isn’t gonna turn down her offer for him to come up to her apartment after the first date either
and he knows it’s wrong considering he’s the only one smart enough to see the underlying tension between tyson and his best friend but as long as tyson keeps fucking other randos on drunken benders, you’re gonna keep coming back to cale and who is he to say no to that? ultimately it was tyson who set you up with cale sooooooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
and then in the locker room when tyson is talking loudly to jt about his latest conquest that occurred after ditching you at a bar and ultimately leaving you calling cale to come pick you up, cale slyly and VERY out of character brings you up to erik, maybe about the way you can take all of him down your throat or how pretty you lol with tears glistening in your eyes after you take him down your throat
BASICALLY i can see cale sick of picking up the pieces when tyson keeps fucking ditching his gorgeous best friend and taking advantage of their friendship so cale takes the opportunity to treat you right when set up by tyson , eventually leading to fwb because you and cale both know who you actually have feelings for even if it’s unsaid … all leading up to the eventual blowup in the locker room when cale finally snaps and brings you up when all the other guys are talking about their nightly activities and tyson loses his shit cuz who does cale think he is ! anyways this was all brought to you by fiesty cale having beef with ratty tkachuk lmao
NOOO u figured out this vibe completely cause (and cale’s perspective won't really go into the fic so let's talk abt it) cale also being kinda bitter abt tyson setting him up to fail, too?? tyson completely brushing off cale's legitimacy as an option for you, setting you and cale up with an attitude of "lmao sure that'll work,".
maybe it started with tyson literally just noticing cale blush around you, kinda, so the next time tyson gets you alone he doesn't hesitate to tell you: "cales kinda into you, d'you wanna humour him?" and being the asshole tyson is, he assumes that's exactly what you're doing when you take cale's number.
so cale fucks like he has something to prove from the jump. he's well aware it's not gonna last, so he might as well impress you while he has you, even if you aren't really interested in the romantic shit he'd maybe like to give you. he's not gonna turn down pussy from u, yk? 
and he's polite about it for a while, wears hickeys and scratches openly but lets the whistles and chirps wash over him without sparing details. he’s polite, till tyson shows up talking about the girl he’d been with after bailing on you the night before, and cale’s not thinking before cutting in with “your best friend’s great at it, y’know. took the whole thing down her throat the first night.” and maybe tyson’s dumbfounded, scoffing “shut up,” like he doesn’t believe it at all, but then cale’s angry, sick of tyson not taking him seriously in these contexts as much as he’s sick of tyson stringing you along, and the boys are well and truly listening, an entire room holding their breaths, so cale continues: “no, tys, listen, she loves it. busted on her face last night and she fuckin’ begged for more. came all over my fingers ‘till i was hard again—” and that’s when punches are thrown? aaaa
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thefanficmonster · 4 years
Power Couple
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing 
Genre: Fluff, Humor
Summary: Sean, Felix, Dave, and Joel welcome Corpse’s girlfriend to a game of Party Animals. It’s her first time playing and she has to deal with a lot more than just the controls and objectives - her boyfriend being a cute, cuddly sweetheart with ulterior motives to his clinginess.
Requested by @susceptible-but-siriusexual. Thank you so much for your request! Hope I captured what you wanted and how you wanted. Feel free to send any other requests you may have XOXO
It’s been one hell of a day. Had to correct twice as many documents as I was originally supposed to at work; found my car with a flat tire in the parking lot as I was about to go home; argued with my boss over the phone while stuck in a traffic jam. It’s been a rough twelve hours, but it has led me here and that’s what I’d rather think about.
By ‘here’ I mean I’m sitting on the couch in Corpse’s recording room, my computer in my lap, my screen displaying the screen to the game Party Animals. The suggestion was Corpse’s. He immediately picked up on my below par mood and wasted no time finding a solution to bright up the remainder of the day, shadowing the shitty portion of it. I am not what you would call a gamer. Sure I’ve played Among Us with Corpse and his friends a few times. Even that I struggle to do because I’m internally fangirling over all the people in the lobby. Yeah, dating a youtuber doesn’t mean you automatically stop gushing over the many content creators on the platform you’ve been watching for quite some time now. Corpse knows how nervous I get so he’s always near me when we play with Sean, Felix and the other. All he has to do is give me that encouraging smile and wink of his and I’m good to go. Side note: massive props to him for going easy on me in Among Us, getting teasingly called ‘simp’ by his friends in the process.
“You’ll love it.“ He promised me over and over again as the game was downloading on my computer.
“I don’t doubt that, Corpse. But I am going in completely blind and I seriously don’t wanna embarrass myself.“ I mumble a quick ‘nor you‘ under my breath, hoping he doesn’t catch it because I’m in for a pep talk if he does. 
To my dismay, he does, “Listen here, you couldn’t embarrass me even if you actively tried to do something outrageous. Most likely scenario, I’d join you in the act.” He ducks in front of the couch so we’re at eye level, his hand coming up to cup my cheek in the sweetest, most comforting gesture ever. “We’ll show em who’s the boss at stealing candy.”
I can’t help but laugh, feeling unable to express just how much this man means to me. Words can’t do the feeling justice.
“Corpse Wife has arrived!“
Hearing all the greetings lights a flame in my chest, the warmth spreading all the way to my neck and cheeks. “Hi guys! Missed playing with you!”
“We missed you too!“ Dave, the only one of the gaming gang I’ve actually met in person, replies to me, his words along with all the others’ wrapping around me like a comfort blanket. Despite them knowing I’m a fan of theirs, they’ve always made me feel welcomed, comfortable, nothing less than them.
“You know anything about this game?“ Felix asks me.
I shake my head, almost forgetting he can’t see me, “Corpse told me it’s funny and cute. It sounds like the perfect game for me.” 
“Oh no, this is a game of survival. Survival of the fittest!“ Sean shouts excitedly, a bang following his shout I can only assume was him hitting his desk.
“I’d like to think I’m pretty fit.“ I shrug my shoulders, laughing along with the guys.
“This is the only way to find out if you actually are.“ Joel’s voice comes through my headphones in the form of a tease.
Sean mumbles quietly to himself as he’s deciding how to separate us in two teams. “Guys, a little help here. We all suck at this game, it doesn’t really matter who’s in which team.”
“Actually...“ Felix trails off, “Corpse and Y/N are the ultimate power couple in Among Us. Chances are they will be in this as well. So, the only logical move would be to...“
“I’m taking Y/N, you take Corpse.“ Sean declares. “Joel, Dave, who do you guys wanna be with?“
And the game starts. Sean, Joel and I are the Meowfia while Corpse, Felix and Dave are yet to choose a team name. We throw around snarky, cocky comments at each other, taunting the opposite team as we struggle to take the candy to our respective sides of the map.
“Don’t you dare pull that lever, Dave!“ I launch at Dave, knocking his cute avatar away from the lever, buying Joel and Sean some time to steal back the gummy bear Corpse and Felix took from us.
“Y/N! Joel is out! Help me!“ Sean is freaking out now. I ditch Dave’s unconscious body and run to Sean’s aid. 
As I’m helping him push it towards out area a member from the opposite team latches onto my avatar, weighing me down and hindering me from doing anything.
“Hug!“ Corpse laughs as he has literally turned into a koala, holding onto my avatar.
“Corpse, you know you are actually supposed to hinder Y/N, not hug her. It’s cute though, don’t get me wrong.“ Felix laughs as him and Sean continue to struggle over the gummy bear.
“Nah, his tactic’s great. I can’t do shit.“ I desperately try and shake him off, “Babe, this is unfair. I can’t even be mad at you!“ I whine, staring to panic now that Dave is back to life and Joel is nowhere to be seen.
The round is won by Felix, Dave and Corpse who, if I might add, didn’t let go of me for the rest of the game.
We switch maps, now every man for himself. We’re on the submarine, recreating the Hunger Games with cute fuzzy animals. The thought passes through my mind, causing me to giggle.
“Y/N, you sound exactly like I’d imagine your avatar to sound. You’re so cute.“ Sean’s avatar circles mine a few times as he laughs.
He’s not wrong, my pale blue puppy is indeed cute. Apparently immortal as well.
“How is Y/N still alive?! Holy shit, her and Corpse really are a power couple.“ Dave shrieks when he sees me pick up the freeze gun. “NOOO!“ He shouts, devastated by the fact I shot him, sending him straight to his death.
“Chill, Dave. It’s all cool. Nothing personal.“ I struggle to hide my laughter, “No hard feelings, right?“
“Of course not, love.“ I can tell he grits the sentence through clenched teeth.
“Aw Dave, you are such an ice guy.“ I giggle, now shooting Joel with the gun.
“Someone take that gun from her!“ Sean cries as him and Felix race up the submarine.
Suddenly, the avatar of my boyfriend again wraps itself around mine. I hadn’t seen him in a while, considering Sean knocked him into the ocean earlier in the round. 
“How are you still alive?!“ I try to spin my puppy to get him to let go but he holds on tightly. “Babe, I swear, you are cute and I love you, but this is ridiculous. How and why are you alive?”
“That’s his superpower! He never fucking dies.“ Felix laughs, letting out a yelp when he briefly slips while climbing.
“Immortals!!! Immortals!!!“ Sean breaks out into a song, a song I really like, breaking the restraints I had on my laughter.
“Drop the gun or we’re dying together.“ He says almost seriously. Even though I can only see the back of his head I know he’s grinning.
“A Titanic/Romeo and Juliet mashup? Why not? I can live with dying a double historical death.“ Even though I appear accepting of his offer, I’m still trying to set myself free.
In the end, Sean claims his first win of the game and the rest of us are dead at the bottom of the ocean. Corpse and I did indeed die a Romeo and Juliet/Titanic death, getting everyone in their feels. We make a deal to get together and play again as soon as possible and we all go our separate ways, exiting the Discord call.
*Later that night* 
After a dinner consisting of takeout and two thirds of a shitty romantic comedies, Corpse shifts from next to me, starting to get up from the couch. I am surprised to feel jolted out of a half sleep as the room is now completely silent, the TV being turned off.
“Hey where’re you going?“ I ask groggily, rubbing my sleepy eyes.
“I have some editing to do. Don’t worry, I won’t stay up too late.“ He kisses my forehead before grabbing his phone from the coffee table.
Just as he’s about to walk away, I wrap my arms around his legs. He laughs, catching onto what I’m insinuating. His chuckle brings a smile to my face and butterflies in my belly. No matter how long we date for or how much time we spend together, some things never change. 
“Payback, huh?“ He asks, the smile audible in the question. I keep my eyes shut but nod, my arms still around his legs. “Alright, you koala. You’re coming with me.”
In his recording room, he settles in his chair placing me in his lap in a way that my legs dangling off to the side, my side leaning against his chest, my face hidden in the crook of his neck. We’re both comfortable, content and relaxed.
I don’t know when exactly it happens, but all my mind has registered is a quiet ‘I love you’ and the soft touch of Corpse’s lips on my temple. I manage to reply with an ‘I love you too’ before my sleepiness consumes me, my body completely relaxing against his, the warmth of his body, his scent, the sound of his breathing making me feel safe and loved: the two feelings I want him to feel with the same intensity when I’m in his arms.
Something tells me he does.
@simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @hacker-ghost  @itsminniekat  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17 @chrysanthykios  @annshit @i-cant-choose-a-username-help
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celestialholz · 2 years
Celestial Live-Reacts: STP 2.4, 'Watcher'
Two-week no spoiler streak! What the fuck! Could not be me usually 😂
Shall we begin, darlings?
You really should keep your vineyard watered Picard dear, look at the state of it 🙃
Where you at broooo
Poor Rios, bless him ❤
Concerned!Picard is my whole jam 😍
Naughty, naughty cloaking device, Riker would be very cross
Jean-Luc 'History' Picard
... Did they just give him a canon reason to sound English? 😂
Baby!card 😍😍
'Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien' was his childhood song? And it played during the Ock-toborg Queen invading? ... And she said "look up"????? Excuse me ma'am 🤔🤔
"Lost in the past, in more ways than one." He just has such a poetic way of speaking, I love him so much ❤
"Thinking is my rest" - oh, mood
"Milk, chocolate, hot" 😂
Dixon Hill reference! ❤
... They've got three days? And Rios has gotten himself shoved in a detention cell, jesus christ my guy 🙄
... Aaaand titles!
Best Star Trek theme ever, no I am not accepting criticism at this time 😊😊 It took the lovely, quiet nostalgia of the first and stuck an epic orchestra in it, shit is glorious 😍😍
IT'S THE GUY. ON THE BUS. WITH HIS TERRIBLE MUSIC. Oh my god 😂😂 Major plus points for the reference, minor minus for the fact that Raffi didn't shove him through the bus wall
"Losing him was not your fault." Most supportive not-quite-girlfriend ever 😍
What is it with Picard ditching women this season 🤣
... Anyone else getting invested in Borg Queen/Jurati? New ship????? ❤🤔
"Have a good night plotting, or whatever Borg Queens do" 😆
Ten Forward Avenue, oh my god 😆
Young Guinan! With a dog! I love them 😍😍
"You're a lot older than my usual thieves. Not settled into retirement yet?" "Believe me, I'm trying" 😂 You absolute liar Picard, you would hate it and you know it 😉
Guinan. With a gun. Not to be gay on main but jesus fuck oh my god ❤😍👁👄👁
"I hate everything." "But you hide it so well" 😂
Oh Rios darling, nooo 🤣
Wasted for the second week in a row, rest in power king ✊
These two are adorable together, I could ship it ❤
This whole chat's wholesome as fuck ❤
Guinan is the Watcher, then?
Nuuuu Lunar, stay 😭
His face, bless his mechanical heart 😍
Niiiice bit of script flip ❤
Time sickness... not a thing in TNG, though?
Raffi stealing a cop car. The wlws are winning this episode 👏
"I have no idea how this got here" 😂
GTA VI: Grand Theft Lesbians 😍
This is worse than me attempting to drive and that's saying something
This entire scene is fucking incredible. "Truck. Truck. TRUCK!" 😂😂
Oh Agnes sweetheart, no
Guinan this whole episode be like ???????? 'fuck you future man', an icon 😍
Jean-Luc 'Sanctity of Time' Picard
"History's darkest moments can be a tipping point for change", beautiful ❤
Rios and the doc is top tier, hope they do something meaningful with it
"The hell's a Ferengi?" 😆
... I'm just going to say it, Rios is the best non-Qcard person in this show 😂 This speech to the ICE guy's fucking brilliant.
"I can't be sure because nobody can explain it to me" - me thinking about whatever the fuck Q's doing this series
"If I kill somebody, it's on you." "You could try not aiming for them" 😂😂
... It's not just me, is it? The Queen wants to fuck Agnes, right? 😆
"To be in plain view yet unafraid - there's great strength in that" - Queenie taking speech lessons from our resident legend 😍
"Betrayal is an anagram of 'believe me'" ... you sure though 😂
This banter is wondrous
"Help now, and what do I get?" "Me." My god ladies, get a room
GTA chase, ayyyyy ❤
Great plan ladies, truly inspirational 😆
... Hold on, she's not the Watcher?
"Oldest and dearest friend" - my heart. ❤😍
The Watcher is a woman, though...
"You aren't the real deal, she'll probably bite your eyelids off." "... That's nice" 😂
Creepy child? Possession?
Human Laris? Weird smoke box thing? ... What the fuck?
Oh hello space husband, took your goddamn time getting here 😍😍
Niiiice little Europa jacket, and the white drip though??? I'm getting 'ageing homosexual on a Florida golf course' vibes, I'm not mad ❤😍😏
"You can't do it, and ya know it. Oh sure, you played the game for a while, when nothing was at stake, when the only challenge was fooling everybody into thinking you had the nerve. But now it's real, and the fear's choking you. Well, here's the truth - you can't do it. People are gonna die, and now your fear, your doubt, is the loudest voice in your head." Excuse me sir whaaaaat
... Who is he talking to? Because Prime tells me that's Picard's ancestor, but she clearly can't see him... is this about himself? Jean-Luc? Are we fucking mirroring again? Is the idea of Q going to a random cafe to speak through an ancestor of his about the man he loves clouding my judgement??? ... Probably, yes. Is that what Q-uick Qcard's going to be about this week anyway? Almost fucking certainly 😂
... Hold on, IS he talking to her? Is that the idea, that he clicks and reverses her decision to go to space, so this whole bullshit doesn't go down at all? 🤔 Seems extreme...
HE CAN'T CLICK IT?! Oh fuck, what have you done my dude 😭 What kind of shit has to be going down for the omnipotent guy to be unable to magic his way out? Mark me down as scared... and horny, because silver fox de Lancie in casual wear 👁👄👁
"That's unexpected... and most unfortunate..." Picard, please come and save your lovestruck idiot of a husband from himself, jesus christ 😭
... Daaaaaamn. I am fucking fascinated. 👀
Celestial Rating: 8/10.
Once again, we have some beautiful and dynamic relationships, interspersed with some welcome humour, although on a slower pace this week - but Q raises this from a seven all on his own. What the fucking fuck is going on???
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saturnwritings · 4 years
one drink too many
—after getting a bit too rowdy on a girls night out, it’s up to bakugou to take care of you when things go south and the night dwindles to a close.
pairing(s): bakugou x reader (established)
word count: 2735
warnings: bad decisions made by consumption of alcohol
a/n: special thanks to my irl friend kim for suggesting this!! and uhh,, if y’all wanna give me sum nice juicy requests i would be happy to 😎 also my first bnha fic!! kinda weird since bakugou isnt really in my list of best boys (hes like b or a tier ngl 😔 but my friend really likes him also this was v fun i starting writing at 2 and ended at like 11 but im really proud of it)
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“Hey y/n! You almost ready to go? The Uber’s almost here!” 
As you held your phone up to your ear, your eyes widened. You had almost completely forgotten about the girls night out you planned, despite already being dressed. 
You promised your boyfriend you’d hang out with him before you left, so there you were: all dressed up in your fancy, going-out clothes watching Bakugou train in the on-campus gym, that is, until you got a call from Mina, which completely snapped you out of your daze.
To be honest, you could watch Bakugou train for hours, days even. The way his body moved with such determination, wow, your eyes were glued to him. Even from where you sat against the wall of the empty room, you could see his muscles flexing with every move - but you had planned this outing weeks ago and the girls would kill you if you ditched them to watch you boyfriend work out of all things. 
“Oh, yeah! I’m… on my way! I’ll see you at the entrance.” You quickly responded as you hung up. stood up and grabbed your small bag. You called out to Bakugou, who was so engrossed in fighting a punching-bag that he didn’t notice you walk over to him. 
“Hey, Katsuki, Mina just called, I gotta now,” you placed your hand on his shoulder as you tip-toed to give him a small kiss, “Don’t stay up too late training, okay?” You paused for a second, “And try not to get into too much trouble while I’m gone.” You teased with a small laugh. Bakugou rolled his eyes.
“Tch, whatever, loser.” He said, breaking eye contact, though there was no trace of malice in his voice.
The bar was never really your favorite place to be. It was sticky and smokey and loud and there was always a person who stood a little too close to you on the dance floor. Thankfully, you always managed to have a good and fun time and loosen up with a drink or two. And if all else fails, the bar you went to wasn’t so far from the dorms, around 15 minutes by car, so you knew if you really wanted to leave, it was no problem.
After a couple sessions of dancing with Mina and Hagakure, and probably too many rounds of shots with Jirou and, surprisingly, Yaomomo, you found yourself stumbling towards a nearby pool table, despite being surrounded by guys already engaging in a match.
“Hey! Can we, uhm, use this after you?” You slurred, probably sounding like roadlike. The guys took a second to exchange glances, then started laughing hysterically. You grew puzzled. 
“Oh,” One guy looked you up and down, “You know how to play?” You frowned. Even in your drunken state you could tell he was being condescending. You huffed.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Well, I mean, you’re a girl?” He said, as if it was the most obvious answer in the world. “Girls don’t know how to play pool.”
“Oh yeah? Well then… I challenge you to a game!” You said as you crossed your arms over your chest and lifted your chin. You didn’t exactly think this plan through, seeing as though you weren’t really in any shape to play competitively and seriously, but drunk you was not about to take shit for a sexist stranger. The man quirked his eyebrow, an amused smirk dancing on his lips.
“Okay then,” He said with a chuckle as he handed you a pool cue, “Game on,” He paused and mocked looking pensive, “and good luck.” Something about his smile didn’t sit right with you. You scoffed. By then, all your friends were gathered around to watch. 
They knew how competitive you got, and while they should probably stop the showdown to prevent bad things from happening in the near future, it was good entertainment.
After a while of playing, only the 8-ball was left; it was your turn. Feeling very buzzed, you lined up your cue and tried focusing on one of the pockets, however it seemed as though your vision just dropped to -5 and you were looking at the Eiffel Tower from Spain. In simpler terms: you were fucked. 
As much as you knew you wouldn’t be able to win, your stubbornness didn’t allow you to back out or admit defeat. As you were about to hit the ball, you felt someone behind you slightly nudge your cue, causing the ball to roll off course and instead it hit one of the walls. You gasped and looked behind you and sure enough, there was your opponent, looking extremely satisfied with a smirk on his face. 
“Hey! You cheated, what the hell?!” 
“Hm… did I? Or was I just right about little girls not being able to play pool?” Anger bubbled within you.
“No!” You shouted, “Absolutely not, you so clearly cheated! You knocked my stick and… made the ball go… somewhere else!” The mix of alcohol and anger made it a bit hard for you to think straight, and trying to think honestly gave you a headache.
“Woah! Getting pretty feisty, huh. Try to manage your emotions more, then maybe people might start taking you seriously.” He and his friends laughed. You were so taken aback that all you could do was scoff as you looked at him with disgust.
Now, sober you would definitely not approve of what you were about to do. No, normally you were composed and knew how to handle yourself; drunk you had a different plan. You growled (you had apparently picked it up from being around Bakugou so much) as you stomped over and shoved him. 
Everyone around you oohed, Uraraka and Mina exchanged nervous glances. Uraraka was close enough to you to know when you were being reckless, and Mina, usually forced into being the mediator for your and Bakugou’s arguments, knew you wouldn’t back down from a fight.
As you were about to beat this guy up, you felt Mina grab your arm and pull you back to the rest of the girls. 
“Hey! What’re you doing?” You struggled to rip your arm away from Mina’s grip, but she was steady and, admittedly, more sober. All the girls collectively sighed, and it was Mina who spoke up at the end.
“y/n, you’re out of control. You can’t just beat a random guy up at a bar just because he cheated at pool! No matter how sexist that piece of trash is…” She seemed to mumble the last part, “Let’s just try to have a fun rest of the night, okay?” She gave you a small smile as she rested her hand on your shoulder. You huffed.
“No, he deserves it! Piece of… poop,” You crossed your arms childishly “You can’t stop me!” You stormed off back to the guy, intending to give him a piece of your mind while Uraraka followed with a worried look on her face as she attempted to diffuse the situation.
“Ugh, it’s no use. She won’t listen to us!” Jirou groaned. Deep down, the girls knew that the guy deserved it, but beating him up wouldn’t solve anything and it was definitely not the mature or right thing to do, they were training to be heroes, after all. The girls were all deep in thought when Hagakure spoke up.
“Let’s call Bakugou, y/n always listens to him! Or maybe he can just carry her home if she won’t!” The girls pondered this for a second. Momo sighed.
“Unfortunately, that might be our best option,” She glanced at Uraraka standing between you and the guy, “It’s not like we could manage to get her into an Uber or on the train, let alone carry her all the way home.” All the girls seemed to have come to an agreement. They decided Mina should call Bakugou, they hung out the most and she was the person who Bakugou would most likely pick up on. 
Mina pulled out her phone and looked for the contact, holding her phone up to her ear as it rang.
“Hey Bakugou… Uhm, so there’s been a situation.”
After what seemed like hours, but was actually 10 minutes of trying to calm you down and hold you off long enough for Bakugou to arrive, he finally did.
The girls were in the middle of holding you back, when, out of nowhere, a hand gripped your arm strongly and pulled you away. You heard the girls sigh in relief as you were about to chew out this guy as well, when you looked up and saw none other than your boyfriend starting at you with an intense look. You became nervous before growing confused: What was Katsuki doing here? It’s girls night… he’s not a girl is he? Your drunken mind was very frazzled.
“Wait a second… what’re you doing here?” You slurred. Bakugou rolled his eyes.
“Tch, dumbass. Come with me, we’re leaving.” You gasped with betrayal.
“Nooo, ‘Suki I don’t wanna go! I gotta… beat his ass.” you hiccuped, followed by a very intoxicated giggle. Bakugou scoffed.
“No. You’re too drunk right now, you’re gonna do something stupid,” He said as he pulled you out of the bar by your arm, “We’re leaving.” You whined, on the verge of a tantrum, but you knew Bakugou’s word was final. You let your shoulders slump as he guided you outside, Mina followed. 
“Thanks for getting here so quickly, Bakubro, it’s hard to handle y/n when she’s like this…” Mina said, rubbing her neck awkwardly. You shifted as Bakugou held up by the waist, your arm slung around his shoulders.
“Whatever, she makes stupid decisions when she’s drunk, it’s a pain in the ass to take care of her,” He was lying, of course, he loved taking care of you, drunk of not, this was mostly for appearances’ sake. 
Mina didn’t buy it though, she knew that even though it was always you taking care of Bakugou and calming him down everyday, Bakugou cared deeply for you and did the same. Internally, she found the switching of dynamics very endearing. 
“We’re leaving, I’m taking her home.” Bakugou said, suddenly. 
“Oh, okay. Let me just get the girls and we can go-”
“No, it’s fine, just… stay there, I guess.” Mina was baffled as Bakugou looked away, “Just, ugh! Whatever, I’ll take her home, you can stay here.” He blurted out. Mina was very taken aback.
“Oh… okay then! Thanks Bakubro!” She said as she pushed the door of the bar open and headed inside. Bakugou sighed, he was too soft when it came to you. He looked back at you, practically hanging off him, and fought the urge to sigh again.
Your hair was a mess and your outfit was rumpled, you would also groan occasionally, most definitely from a headache. Being able to be outside and get some fresh air really made you realize how out of it you were, Bakugou noticed as well as you swayed slightly. You looked up and caught Bakugou staring at you, you tilted your head in confusion.
“Wait… ‘Suki? Wha-” Bakugou narrowed his eyes in confusion, waiting for you to say something, “When did you get here? I was inside, and you were… not inside” You stared off into space for a second before coming to, “Woah…”
“You were being stupid, I had to come save your ass from being beat.” Bakugou replied, rolling his eyes, “C’mon, we’re going to the station.”
“Train station.” 
“Ohhh… okay.” You guys stayed quiet until you arrived at the steps of the train station, only minutes away from the bar; Bakugou thought it was better than waiting for an Uber.
“Give me your bag.” Bakugou held his hand out expectantly.
“What? No! You could… steal something!” You said, shaking your head childishly.
“y/n come on! We need to get your IC card to go on the train, then we can go home.” Bakugou said, as if explaining something to a child. You thought for a second.
“Fine, here!” You took your bag off your shoulder and almost shoved it into his hands. He rummaged around before pulling out your wallet. He sighed in relief when he saw your IC card, thankfully, you had it on you at all times. Bakugou pulled out his own and guided you to the gates. 
“Ugh, why wont this stupid thing work?!” You said, scanning your card in the completely wrong place and shoving at the turnstiles. 
“You put it here.” Bakugou guided your hand to the scanner and gave a nudge as an indicator to walk through. He gave an affectionate eye roll when he heard your little ‘woah’. As much as a dumbass you were when you were drunk, he loved being able to take care of you in return for all the time you took care of him.
The carriage was near-empty and, thankfully, silent. Bakugou knew what loudness did to your headaches, and he really didn’t want to experience it right then. Due to the carriage not being busy, you were able to get seats next to each other. 
After the train started, your head naturally fell onto Bakugou’s shoulder. It seemed as though the train ride was too short and too long all at once; the moonlight was illuminating your face and your eyes were closed. He could feel the soft rise and fall when you breathed. Things like this had happened many times before, but Bakugou could never really get over how peaceful and ethereal you looked, despite being very drunk. He felt as though he could stay in that moment forever. 
He looked in the opposite direction so you couldn’t see his blush.
A short walk later and you guys were at the dorms. You stumbled into your room with Bakugou supporting you. 
“Ugh!” You groaned as you collapsed face-down on your bed. Bakugou pinched the bridge of his nose. 
“No, y/n, you have to get ready for bed first before you sleep,” You responded with a groan as Bakugou lifted you up to sit upright, “Wait here.” 
A while later, Bakugou re entered the room with supplies in hand and was pleased to see you hadn’t moved, you were probably too tired to cause any more mayhem. He set the things down on the bed next to you and started to work. “Stay still, okay?” He said, you hummed and nodded slightly as a reply, already half asleep. 
Meanwhile, Bakugou took a cotton pad soaked in make-up remover and wiped it all over your face, then applied the several skincare products you had in what he hoped was the correct order and area. He had watched you enough times to have a basic understanding of your night routine, but still wasn’t quite sure of himself.
After doing your skincare, he walked over to your closet to pick out some comfy pyjamas for you. As he was filing through, he took note of the several hoodies he had previously dubbed missing, however he took one out anyway. He handed you the hoodie, expecting you to know to change. Instead, you made grabby hands at him and whined.
“‘Sukiii, I’m tired.” Bakugou sighed.
“I know, dummy, but you gotta change first, okay?” You grumbled but started to undress, before getting stuck in your clothes and Bakugou needing to help with what seemed like the 100th sigh of the evening.
Finally, you were dressed and Bakugou tucked you into bed, sitting on the covers next to you. He recounted the night, starting with getting a call from Mina saying you got into trouble and were able to fight someone, then running to the bar to save your ass and taking you home. He shook his head slightly.
“And you told me not to get in trouble,” He said, mostly to himself, he thought you were asleep, or just couldn’t understand him at this point.
“It’s not my fault! It was that guy, he was… doing stuff.” You puffed out your cheeks and furrowed your brows. Bakugou gave a small laugh and smile. 
“I know, dumbass.” When he looked back at you, he was met with your closed eyes. He leaned down and kissed your forehead, and before leaving the room, you had woken up just enough to hear him say goodnight.
“I love you, loser.”
bonus - the next day
mina: yo how’d u get to the bar so fast
bakugou: i ran wdym
mina: coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool
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Fucks not Found
Summary: You hack, that's what you do. Dying to do so freely, wasn't what you had expected. Meeting the weirdest fucking squad; losing the best part of you; falling for a thief : was not planned.
Pairing : Four/Billy (Ben Hardy) - You
A/N: The story goes through the all movie, so I suggest you watch it before reading.
I don't own any characters other than Eight.
English is not my native language, I'm trying to get better at it, please be indulgent.
Tried my best to match Ryan Reynold's level of sass aha
Ch1 Ghosts | Ch2 Florence | Ch3 A Matter of Seconds | Ch4 I need a Backdoor | Ch5 Die Hard | Ch6 White Flag | Ch7 Haunt the Living | Ch8 One, but not done [end]
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This is how you die.
"So you're the one who hacked the wrong guy" You swiftly turn around gasping at the sudden voice in your apartment
"Depends, you’re his hitman?" You were ready to run even if it means jumping by the window.
"Nooo, I'm an angel.” You snort at his sarcasm, unknown to you at this moment that he was full of it.
"Wanna disappear?" he asked taking a seat at the kitchen table eyeing your bags at the door.
"In a body bag? Slowly you make your way to the knives, just in case.
"You are a funny one, aren't you? I know the man you stole from, you won't get far until he got you. But, he emphasized, if you’re willing to do what's right.."
"I've already done my part for the flag." Assuming he was American by the way he talked.
"I'm not talking about shitty drug dealers. But evil war-lovers, genocide perpetrators, that kind of shitty so-called human. Those ones that are above the laws with governments' balls in their hands, ready to squish them.”
"That's gross" your brother appeared from the adjacent room. You let your mind consider the stranger’s offer as soon as you look at your confused brother, knowing he was in danger because of you.
“You two look at lot alike.” The guy leaned in, screwing his eyes at you both.
“We’re twin dumbass” your brother answered glancing at you wondering.
“What’s the deal?” you asked considering the offer
The guy smirked, “Well, to be short you die, and then you take down evil motherfuckers without governments’ backlash on you.” He tapped his fingers against the Formica table.
It took 5 minutes.
"One condition, my brother comes to!"
"What's he good at?" he crossed his arms.
"I can drive…Hold on what? Die? Who the fuck are you!?”
"Already too many questions” he rolled his eyes
"He's a hell of a driver, it got him under surveillance when he got chased by 6 police cars after an illegal race back in the States."
"So they caught up Muttley” the guy clucked his tongue
"No, you interfered almost ashamed, I told him to stop the car...I got motion sickness."
The guy erupted in laughter, you two watching him unamused.
“I’m more like Peter Perfect.”  Your brother mumbled as the guy left.
You look by the window discreetly, catching a glimpse of the guy mingling in the crowd. “You’re Muttley bro.”
A week later you got a text. The guy who called himself One had planned your fake death. A random trek in Italy’s mountains, an assumed fatal fall, no bodies recovered.
It was never supposed to be your life. But we all know nothing happens as it should.
Papà went to fight a war and disappeared, you were forced to move in America when you were 6.
Mammà never cope the loss of her motherland and husband. She died of a belated broken heart syndrome when you were 16. 
Both you and your brother were placed in a host family. It wasn’t a crappy family like it’s always the case in some tv show, they were nice and wealthy. The father was a tech engineer, somehow you took interest in his work and start learning to code, soon reading about hackers: white hats; black hats; “We are Legion”, you were hooked and skilled in a matter of time.
When you turned major though, things turned difficult, the host family had to let you go and Internal Affairs of your state caught you looking in their network. Which led to you working as a C.I for them, it was that or prison. Not thrilled by the idea but obliged to cooperate was your new motto.
Your brother had some job here and there but nothing steady, so money from the IA was welcome.
After a year and a half, I.A ditched you, it was rather good news in a way, they’ve erased your past mistakes but said they’d keep a distant eye on you.
So you moved on from your shithole that was the 1 bedroom apartment you and your brother shared and went to your parents’ hometown in Italy. Your brother was reluctant at first as he couldn’t even say hello in Italian, you taught him as your mamma had done it with you but he wasn’t that interested.
Working with people was not your forte, you were too bossy, so you got fired ... plenty of times: from a coffee shop, a rental bike shop and a tourist city tour bus thingy. So you started doing what you were good at, hacking for money, it went well for a few years, never being too greedy - until you hacked the wrong person and got in trouble.
That's how you became a Ghost and ended up in the middle of the California Desert.
One had built a squad. No names, only numbers to identify each other. Not calling your brother by his name was a challenge, same for him.
There were 7 of you.
One, the “boss”, a mysterious sassy billionaire who decided to fund his own strike team.
Two, a French blonde woman, pretty cold, a spy apparently
Three, a crazy hitman who couldn’t shut up
Four, a young parkour master and reformed thief
Five, a Doctor, but you heard she was actually working at a Dentist
Six, your brother, the annoying driver.
And then Eight, you, the Black Hat somehow becoming a hacktivist.
Why not Seven? Long story short, it was one more condition you’d submitted to One.
"Your focus determines your reality.”
“Oh for fuck's sake One, quit your Jedi bullshit!” you loosed your temper typing on your keyboard angrily. An entire week, an ENTIRE WEEK quoting Star Wars!
Four and Five laughed in the comm. One braced himself on the other end of the line. Three cut the heavy silence.
“Eight, Chiquita please stop yelling”
“I’m not a Chiquita stop saying that!”
“Ok ok chi…Eight, damn you’re stressful” 
“God, why do I have to team you up!!” One facepalm
“Now what?” Five asked
Radio silence
“Oh so now no one’s talking! What are you, 4?” One angrily called out to you 2.
“Yeah, uh high, literally.” Four answered One, you snorted.
“No ..  damn not you!”
“You called me Mate!” Four said offended
“No, shush – Eight are you done with the system?” he was about to lose it.
“I’ve been done with it the second Three called me Chiquita!” you crossed your arms in front of your laptop.
“Hey ..” ���We’re not talking about that again!” One cut Three
“Can we get going now?” Two interfered, you heard her bike roaring.
“Finally, some sensed words.” One said wrapping it up.
Four entered the place you’d hacked the system of. Six and Two were not far in case of trouble.
“Four, the hard drive is in the main office. Second floor.” One enunciated, you followed Fours progression with the security cameras.
It was enlivening, stressful, but oh so exciting. When you worked with I.A you were never there when they’d go down in action, it was nothing but boring data researched and dealer’s MacBook.
“Freeze Four, guards coming east.” Switching cams you gave him a safe path.
“Ok, you’re clear. Now to your left, third door then turn right.”
Four got his hands on the hard drive containing all you needed to know about the next target.
“Well done.” One congratulated the team
“Thanks, thanks, It helps to have a sexy voice guiding you” Four chuckled, you blushed, sexy voice? is that even possible?
“Great, kid. Don’t get cocky.”
You rolled your eyes at the endless use of Star Wars' quotes.
“Hum that’s my sister, remember?” Six growled tightening the wheel
“Luke grab Solo, meet up in 15minutes at the hotel. Everyone move!” One instructed you smiled at the thought of being Leïa. Gosh, you were as much of a nerd as One.
Climbing down the jeep Three had rented, you laughed seeing your brother holding Four in an arm lock for a few seconds anyway, Four reversed the lock, pining your brother’s arms behind himself.
You passed by them “Easy with my twin please.” Four wasn’t releasing his hold so you stopped, turning back you lift an eyebrow at Four insisting he let him go.
“Oh!” he lifted his hands in defence taking a step back.
Grabbing your brother by the sleeves as he was about to jump on Four “Come on piccino” you made your way in the hotel laughing.
Your first big mission started a few weeks after, everyone gathered in The Haunted House as One called it, an old bunker, cheesy name for an HQ.
“You don’t get it, I need a CAR!”
“That’s a car, Six.” Three argued back.
“No that’s a heap, that thing won’t get us through the paved road of Italy, believe me.”
Four and Five were amused by the situation, Three had rent a truck and an old Volvo for this mission.
“Alright, shut up, we’ll get another car!” One declared, Six flicked to Three.
One resumed the mission’s details. Giving everyone their own missions. A simple mission, retrieve a lawyer’s smartphone.
In the midst of it, your hand flew to your brother’s head next to you. The smacked resonating between the walls of the unfinished bunker.
“Why ..why’d you hit him?” One asked confused, your brother was rubbing the back of his head frowning at you.
“Cain’s instinct.” You replied wriggling your fingers for him to continue. Four snorted, Six nudged him in the ribs.
In a few months, you had learned a lot from this weird squad. Learning to shoot was an obligation, Three was insane but a good teacher.
You’d asked Four to teach you some parkour in case of a chase. Six and Four became close friends in a matter of time. Five was nice, but you were never one to be good at making friends. Two was not a big talker and frankly, she scared you a little.
So you spend your free time hacking and reading, on the hammock installed between a dismantle plane and a dead tree. Not far from there you could hear Four skating in the empty pool and three at the makeshift shooting range.
Groaning you closed your book “WHAT!?
Your voice boomed against the caravan and lost itself in the desert, but you still hoped Four had heard. It was his thing, screaming your name instead of coming to you directly. At his silence, you wriggle out the hammock and strode to the pool.
“What’d you want skater boy?”
He was lying in the pool his board by his side. “Four?” you made your way to the ladder, “hey” you gently nudge him with your foot but he didn’t move.
“Four? you called out worried, “shit” knees hitting the vinyl liner checking if he was breathing, he wasn’t.
“Hey wake up, seriously dude don’t make me do CPR on you, I suck at it!” suddenly laughter erupted in your ears. Six appearing on the edge, Four chucked on the floor.
“Pranking you..he tried to breathe in, is always the best sis!” Six laughed even harder at your confused face. Still kneeling at Four’s side, he was looking at you laughing, until he wasn’t, catching a glimpse of worry melting with anger in your eyes.
Punching his left shoulder, you hurried out the pool. He stayed on the floor watching you go.
“Don’t make me do CPR I suck at it!” your brother was still laughing his brain's out.
“What was that?”
Four leaned on the dead tree near your head, his shadow offering some shade.
“A real bad joke?”
“No I mean, why’d you hit me?”
Sighing you clasped your book closed for the second time today “you really got me worried, happy?”
“No, you propped up on your elbow at his answer craning your head to him, I didn’t mean to scare you.” His warm hand slide in your hair at the base of your neck, he leaned in, letting you enough time to push him away if you wanted.
"Sorry" he whispered, his lips pressing in your temple gently, warmly for a few seconds. Catching yourself leaning in you almost fell off the swinging' hammock as he released his hold, he grinned and left not saying anything more.
"What the hell Four!!" you yelled at him, an ounce of laughter in your voice, a blush creeping into your cheeks, his own laughter filling the desert's silence.
A/N: don't forget to double tap if you liked it. 🙏
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teawithkpop · 5 years
[M] - PhysCom - Pt 4
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pt 1 - pt 2 - pt 3 - bc 1 - pt 4 - pt 5 - pt 6
Pairing: BTS - OT7 x Reader
Rating: Mature [18+]
Length: 8.5k words
Genre: PhysCom AU - smut with dashes of angst, and a shitload of romance and complicated feelings,, uhuhu (porn with plot??)
Warnings: swearing, ehhh lots of angst and fighting oh nooo, and mentions of sexual acts
the plot thickens and there’s no actual smut in this part i’m sorrryyyyyy but more smut is coming!! i pinky pwomise uwu
"Morning, jagiya. Do you have a minute?"
You're practically vibrating with the effort of acting normal as you process Taehyung's question. What can you even say to that? Oh, sorry. Actually, can you guys come back later? I'm kind of in the middle of discovering a secret fucking society of PhysComs who are dating their clients, and I'm trying to see if there's a way I can get in on that sweet, sweet deal. Fuck no. That's not going to work. Anything other than agreeing will sound too suspicious, and you can’t let them know what you’ve discovered. At least, not yet.
"Of course." You paste on a smile as you reply, your mind still reeling as you pull the door open all the way. You’re still wearing only your robe, but it’s silly of you to shield your body when it’s theirs to ogle during work hours anyway.
“What can I do for you, masters?” You ask sweetly, slipping on your persona like a second skin to keep your thoughts safely hidden from view. Your clients should always be your first priority. Not rule breaking, and certainly not any unlikely fantasies of romance.
Something seems off about their body language. They look uncomfortable. You’re suddenly reminded of the weird tension in the air when you last saw them, and just how fragile your position is after everything that happened last night. You need to rid their minds of what they saw at dinner. They need to view you as their eager little toy again, not someone who broke or someone to be pitied.
You instantly thicken the illusion of obscenity, eager to convince them, and maybe yourself, that things are just the same as they’ve always been.
“So… what would you like from me? A blow job? Hand job?” You stretch your arm up and lean sensually against the door, your eyes half-lidded. “Do you both want to fuck my little holes and stretch me open?” You giggle cutely and start to untie the silky belt of your robe, forcing all thoughts of your ComGear out of your head so you can focus on your job, which is pleasuring your clients. 
Jimin steps forward before you can pull the robe open, and stops your hand. He carefully ties your garment back together, though he avoids your eyes, his expression grim. “No… actually, we want to talk with you.”
Damn. You thought for sure that little ploy would at least fluster them a little, and maybe get them in the mood for something, but they both remain strangely sober.
“It’s about last night,” Taehyung supplies quietly, looking down to the floor.
Well, shit. What is there to talk about? You used your safe word and ruined everyone’s fun. Are they holding it against you or something? That's not really fair when the two of them are partially to blame for distracting you by playing mind games and messing with each other. 
Then it dawns on you. Namjoon probably sent them up to apologize for their fighting. That must be why they’re acting so stiff. After all, he did say that the three of you should work things out together.
You feel a bit relieved and give them a fleeting smile of reassurance. “Masters, it’s okay. Let’s just move on from what happened last night, hm?” You want to take their hands, but you resist the urge. You really shouldn’t initiate contact unless it’s related to their pleasure. You settle for lacing your hands coyly behind your back, making your chest stand out rather provocatively. “I’ve forgotten all about it, really.”
They both still look dreadful. Worried. You finally notice that there's a hint of pity in their eyes and it makes your skin crawl with foreboding. You get the terrible sense that this is about something bigger than safe words, squabbles, and kisses.
“No, we all want to talk to you,” Taehyung explains with a slight clearing of his throat. “In the kitchen. Namjoon-hyung sent us to… come and get you.”
You can feel your heart start to race as your adrenaline spikes from a sudden shot of fear. What could they possibly want? What's changed between last night and today? Sure, logically, they could be calling a meeting for a variety of reasons, but only one scenario is circling through your mind, over and over… and it ends with you packing your bags.
“Do you want to, like... go now, or...?” Jimin mumbles, clearly uncomfortable about the situation.
You blink, feeling dizzy. Your playful aura has disintegrated in an instant and made way for something much more frigid and fearful. “Yeah… um, let me just get dressed first,” you murmur distractedly. “I’ll be down in a minute, masters.”
They nod and thankfully take the hint that you need a moment to collect yourself. The two of them head back downstairs and you shut the door behind them, your whole body numb. You hurry to your closet, trying to retain some semblance of routine despite the storm you feel approaching.
In the daily rotation of things, Friday - last night - was Seokjin’s day for him to do as he pleases with you, and that includes deciding what you wear. The apron you’d had on yesterday was one he had picked out for you beforehand. Your closet is sectioned off into clothes and costumes chosen by each boy for you to don beneath (or in some cases on top of) your utility belt on their chosen days. Some days they request a specific outfit, but most of the time it’s up to you to select from their options. Your favorite clothes to wear are probably either the oversized hoodies with cute panties and no bottoms that Jungkook chose for you, or the crop top and leggings variations that Hoseok loves to see you wear.
But Saturday is for Yoongi, and today’s outfits are what could be considered party clothes, full of strappy leather harnesses, deep jewel-toned mini dresses, and lots of high heels. Not exactly comfort clothing. You love it when they choose what you wear and dress you up like a little doll, it’s hot and everything, but sometimes you just want to wear sweatpants. Or a t-shirt and jeans.
Fuck. You grab a pair of black booty shorts and a busty sequined halter top, the closest thing to daywear out of Yoongi’s choices, and you also elect to go barefoot. If this meeting is as bad as you fear it’ll be, then you don’t know if you’ll be able to stand upright in six inch heels for very long. Sorry, Yoongi.
You blow a lock of hair out of your eyes after squeezing yourself into the tight attire. Credit to Min Yoongi where it’s due, the top does make your tits look amazing, but honestly that should be the least of your concerns right now. You almost laugh at such a trivial thought.
Once you reach your bed, you hastily grab your ComGear, hoping you have at least a few minutes to figure out something before you’re pulled away again. There’s a backlog of messages, but thankfully not too many, as you log back into the chat room.
[ PCsv02_svt ]: oh where did she go [ PCsv01_svt ]: probably got called away [ PCsv01_gt7 ]: probably havin.. sexy times B) [ PCsv01_gt7 ]: wink wink [ PCsv01_svt ]: … [ PCsv03_mtx ]: guys you shouldn’t encourage her about dating :/ [ PCsv03_mtx ]: bad things can happen too [ PCsv06_ast ]: yea sanha is always nice to me, but I know some clients can be... not so nice [ PCsv09_$px ]: yeah, thanks [ PCsv06_ast ]: oh... sorry :( [ PCsv02_svt ]: aww aashi didn’t mean it like that G [ PCsv02_svt ]: we’re all here for you, u know that right? [ PCsv09_$px ]: mm. thanks guys [ PCsv01_svt ]: speaking of which, how are things with you? [ PCsv09_$px ]: uh.. same as always. [ PCsv01_svt ]: has anything happened since last time? [ PCsv09_$px ]: no, but they’ve been out of the house a lot [ PCsv09_$px ]: they have a lot of schedules right now [ PCsv01_svt ]: I see… [ PCsv02_svt ]: oh she’s back!
You stare at the log in dismay. Well, crap. “Bad things” can happen...? What kind of bad things? Is dating clients a thing or not? You have too many questions and not enough answers, and you don’t have time to investigate any of it. The boys are waiting for you downstairs.
[ PCsv01_bts ]: so… my clients just called a meeting with me. I can’t really talk right now. [ PCsv01_svt ]: a meeting? [ PCsv02_svt ]: that’s okay hon! we’ll still be here when u get back ^^ [ PCsv01_bts ]: this is all…fuck sorry, it’s a lot to deal with right now
You rake a hand through your hair, your body and mind are just completely spent from everything that’s happened recently.
[ PCsv01_svt ]: it’s alright, we’re not going anywhere [ PCsv03_twc ]: take your time to understand everything ♡ [ PCsv03_twc ]: it took me a while haha [ PCsv06_ast ]: we’ve got your back! 150% hehe >u< [ PCsv02_svt ]: yeah! don’t sweat it hon~ be kind to yourself, especially when you need to figure things out ^^
All of their assurance pouring in nearly brings a smile to your face. You don’t know most of these people, and you can’t be sure that they aren’t all just really smart bots or spies sent by your network, but… they do seem like a supportive bunch.
[ PCsv01_bts ]: thanks [ PCsv01_bts ]: but what exactly did micha mean by “bad things can happen”? [ PCsv01_bts ]: is dating even safe? [ PCsv03_mtx ]: oh haha… [ PCsv04_blp ]: safe? Oh honey... [ PCsv01_gt7 ]: lolol [ PCsv03_mtx ]: well I just meant that some PhysComs have been… taken advantage of [ PCsv03_mtx ]: so you can’t just jump into it ^^; [ PCsv01_svt ]: i wouldn’t call anything in this line of work “safe” per se [ PCsv01_svt ]: it’s hard to advise anything when we don’t know what your clients are really like [ PCsv01_svt ]: but if you do manage to enter a relationship it can either make or break your employment [ PCsv01_gt7 ]: hell yeahhhhh B)) [ PCsv01_svt ]: for some people it’s a last ditch effort, offering intimacy to idols who are touch starved to begin with… oftentimes breaking those boundaries will changes the client’s perspective, and soon they see you as essential, regardless of any minor misconducts [ PCsv01_svt ]: while for others, the attachment forms naturally and appears to be a genuine connection, such as with sascha and joshua [ PCsv01_svt ]: but of course there’s no way to tell for sure if the client’s feelings are genuine or if they have ulterior motives, so it’s definitely a risk [ PCsv01_svt ]: if things were to turn sour in the relationship, it could lead to termination or worse… you know, hell hath no fury like a lover scorned and all that [ PCsv01_svt ]: people can be duplicitous [ PCsv01_gt7 ]: durr durrr antione smart smart [ PCsv01_gt7 ]: i’m taking notes on ur lecture sir uwu [ PCsv01_svt ]: blake [ PCsv01_gt7 ]: ^-^? [ PCsv01_svt ]: shut the hell your mouth [ PCsv01_gt7 ]: >:D
You sigh. Reading all these names and trying to keep everyone’s identities straight is making your head spin in your already addled state.
[ PCsv01_bts ]: is there a way to change the contact names in this chat? [ PCsv01_svt ]: nope [ PCsv02_svt ]: sorry boo, it’s for protection ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You groan in frustration. Nothing is making sense, you’ve found no answers, and you still aren’t sure you can even trust this chat room. On a whim, you tap on Sascha’s username, and a contact page pulls up for her within the chat app. It doesn’t give any information besides her username and a blank profile photo, but there is a call button.
Shit, what do you have to lose? If this is real and not some elaborate hoax, then Sascha should pick up… right? You could grill her, ask her questions only she would know to prove it’s really her.
A sudden buzz from your ComGear nearly scares you shitless, and you check to see that it’s just a message from Namjoon.
Sweetheart? Could you come down to the kitchen?
You take a deep breath to steel your nerves. Fuck. You can’t put this meeting off any longer. You slip your ComGear into your belt and head downstairs towards what you’re sure will be your inevitable doom.
On your way down the long staircase, you take deep cleansing breaths to combat the growing knot in your stomach. You’re hoping half-heartedly, albeit rather foolishly, that maybe the boys just need your help with something harmless, like making breakfast. They do love your omelettes.
You slow down as you approach the kitchen door, and you can hear many muffled voices arguing on the other side. It sounds like they’re trying to stay quiet, but failing. You stop to listen, your curiosity getting the better of you.
“Just because you got to-” “-not fair-” “I don’t like this-” “-so why should she be punished for-” “I swear it wasn’t-”
Punished? You don’t like the sound of that at all, not one bit. Just as panic starts to swarm your mind, Namjoon’s voice rises above the clamor. You lean against the door to hear his calm cadence, much more gentle than the previous raucous of the others.
"Look! Guys, I know it'll be hard. Okay? I know we've all grown very attached to her, but I think... I think this will be for the best. For all of us."
Fuck his calm cadence.
They must be talking about you, they have to be. You’re the only “her” in this house. You feel like you’re drowning in regret and fear, spiraling as your worries returning tenfold, despite your best effort to keep them at bay.
You’re going to walk through that door and they’re going to fire you, you can feel it. Namjoon’s going to look you in the eyes, and where such tenderness had been last night, now there will only be a steely gaze. It’s just business. You slump against the polished wood and bite back a dry sob, burying your face in your hands. You don’t think you can do this.
“God, you make it sound like she’s dying.” There’s Yoongi’s voice, lilted and matter of fact. “She’s not going anywhere.”
You lift your head. Not going anywhere? As in, not being fired?
Oh, bless Min Yoongi and his slutty sequin tops. But then… if you’re not going anywhere, ergo not getting fired, then what the hell are they talking about?
“Yeah, but what if this thing doesn’t work? What if she doesn’t... want this from us?” Jungkook’s timid question draws silence from the room.
“Then things will go back to normal, right? We just… forget it ever happened.” Jin. He sounds bitter and forlorn, not at all like his usual self.
“How can things be normal after what happened last night?” Hoseok sounds even worse than Jin, his voice choked with emotion. “I don’t think I can even have her as a PhysCom anymore! Something has to change.”
This declaration is met with another bout of overlapping arguments, only to be silenced once again by Namjoon.
“No, Hobi-hyung is right.” Namjoon says, his voice decisive and final. “This is a fork in the road for all of us. At the end of the week, we’ll take another vote. If things don’t improve with her, then… we’ll do what has to be done. There are always other PhysComs who can fill the position.”
What... the fuck…?
Ice crawls up your back, as if someone just dumped you into a freezing pool of water. Numbness seeps through your limbs, into your heart.
Are you really that replaceable in their eyes?
You’ve invested all your time into building bonds with these boys specifically so this wouldn’t happen. How can they be so heartless? It hurts. There’s a wrenching pain in your chest at hearing them talk about you so… so pragmatically.
It hurts because it’s exactly the way that you would handle the situation. With pragmatism.
But you know what? Fuck this. Fuck them. They took a fucking vote on the fate of your livelihood? You owe them nothing.
You’re overwhelmed, and angry, and confused, and you just can’t take it anymore. You want this guessing game to end. If they’re going to fire you, or punish you, or whatever, then you should just go in there and get it over with already. It has to hurt less than hearing them talk about you so callously.
You wait for a break in the conversation, and then ease open the kitchen door, stepping inside and doing your best to keep your expression neutral.
“Oh, there she is! Just the woman we wanted to see.” Namjoon looks up at you with a practiced smile, even though he’d just been rubbing his forehead the way he does when he’s stressed.
“Not for long,” Yoongi mutters, clutching his coffee mug a little too tightly as he takes a sip.
Your gaze flickers to him as quiet, seething anger settles in the pit of your stomach, a burning ache that doesn’t go away. He has the balls to joke about this, when your career is on the line? You’d have thought Mr. Underground Rapper would understand how hard you’ve fought to get here. Does he really feel nothing, sipping his coffee while you face the guillotine?
Namjoon shoots Yoongi a weary look, then comes over to greet you. “Good morning, sweetheart. How are you feeling? Better?” He cups your cheek, his eyes full of gentle concern.
You nearly flinch away from his touch. How dare he act so kind to you when they were just conspiring about whether you’ll keep your job?
You take a step back, out of range to be touched by any of them.
“What’s going on?” You ask them firmly, deciding not to hide your misgivings. Their eyes all seem to wander elsewhere in the room, Jungkook is staring at the counter in front of him like it’s suddenly become very interesting. Taehyung is looking up at the ceiling as if counting the tiles. Seokjin’s gaze is trained straight ahead into nothing, seemingly lost in his own thoughts. Cowards, all of them.
Namjoon takes the initiative and clears his throat. It’s hard to take him seriously when he’s wearing Ryan the Bear pajamas, but you give him your rapt attention. “So, we’ve been discussing things, and after what happened last night… well, it really cemented this for us. It made the decision that much easier.”
Did it? Did it really make it easier for them to fire you after seeing you break down and cry from using your safe word? You half debate throwing a punch at that handsome jaw of his. Might as well go out swinging.
He seems uncomfortable from the severity of your glare. Good, let him be uncomfortable. God knows you’ve put yourself in some uncomfortable positions for them.
“You’ve worked very hard for us since you were hired, and since today marks your official six month anniversary, we think it’s only fitting to end these six months on a good note.”
Oh, how poetic. Come on, just get on with it. Flowery words, especially insincere ones, won’t help you find another job. They won’t help keep you off the street while you struggle to make a living for yourself.
You stare up at him determinedly, your lips pursed as you steel yourself for the blow. You will not cry.
“We want to extend your time off.”
Wait, what?
“Starting tomorrow. It would have been your second day off for this month, but we’d like to extend that to a week off instead.”
They’re not firing you? They’re… rewarding you with vacation time? Doesn’t make sense. Your mind is reeling, trying to figure out the catch.
“You can wear whatever you want, do whatever you’d like.” Namjoon rubs the back of his neck, seemingly thrown off by your wide eyed lack of response. “You’re not obligated to have sex with us…”
Oh. There it is. A sex ban.
Sure, they’ll give you a nice little vacation, free of worries and obligations. What, so they can all play with Secondaries, like Jin did?
Fuck, that’s what this is about, isn’t it? Jin probably told them how good it felt to fuck another cunt and now this is their way of telling you that they want to ‘see other people’, isn’t it?
This is worse than firing you outright. They’re killing you slowly, stabbing you in the gut to watch you bleed out, like a wounded animal in the desert.
Your vision is red, rage stemming from fear and insecurity building up inside of you faster than you can comprehend.
“So you’re suspending me?” Your voice is surprisingly calm, even to your own ears.
“I… I guess you could put it like that.” Namjoon says hesitantly.
“We just want to give you a break, jagiya,” Taehyung interjects, and he does look genuinely torn up about the change. But feelings are of no use, not now that things have come to this. The only protection you have left is your own pragmatism to rival theirs.
You cross your arms in front of your chest, feeling much too exposed in your skimpy outfit. Damn Min Yoongi and his slutty sequin tops. You level your gaze at each of them in turn. “Don’t I get a say in this? I’m an independent contractor.”
Namjoon seems befuddled by your scorching glare, but he nods after a moment, seeming to come to his senses. He’s the one person here that’s best equipped to acquiesce to your sudden formalities. “Yes, of course. Uh… do you want to step into my office? We can work something out. Draw up a formal agreement, if you’d like.”
You see a flash in your mind of the last time you were in Namjoon’s office, not even a week ago, where you had him bent over his desk, cumming all over your fingers and dripping onto the ornate carpet.
You shake your head. They don’t want you to play with them for a week? Fine. You won’t give Namjoon the satisfaction of a home court advantage. “I’ll call my handler. We can discuss this in the lounge in an hour.” You don’t have a lawyer, but Yeji is the next best thing.
Namjoon seems a little surprised at your sudden switch to a cold and business-like demeanor, but he nods in agreement.
“Wonderful,” you look between the other boys, though most of them avoid your gaze. “I hope you all enjoy your breakfast.” You can’t resist hissing the words, and you hasten out of the room before your stone cold facade can crack.
You close the door behind you and lean heavily against it, trying to find your balance again after being thrown so off-kilter. What the fuck just happened?
“Well… that could have gone better.” You hear Yoongi sigh, and the others all break out into loud bickering again from behind the door. Honestly, they’re like children sometimes.
You scoff miserably at their immaturity and inability to see how seriously they just toyed with your life, and you wipe your eyes before the tears can fall, hurrying back to your room.
That could’ve fucking gone better indeed.
You press your face into your hands, trying to stifle the fury and despair bubbling up inside your chest, threatening to suffocate you. Your hard work and years of dedication, all of your training, everything you’ve worked towards, becoming valuable and necessary so you’d never be cast away again, it’s all for nothing. You’ve still ended up in this position.
What the hell are you supposed to do now? Wait around for a week as they slowly lose interest in you? The very thought is agonizing. It tugs at all your buried fears and insecurities, watching them as they each slowly forget about you. Watching yourself become useless.
No. Stop it, you don’t have time to feel sorry for yourself when there’s work to be done. Time is ticking.
When you get overwhelmed in life, you’re supposed to ask for help. But you have very limited choices for who you can ask. You’re isolated and subjective in this case, so what you need right now are some outside opinions. Objective viewpoints and thoughts about the situation that aren’t stuck in the mire of emotional complications, and tainted by your own hellish visions of the worst possible outcome.
Yeji, your handler, would be your first person to consult. She’s probably the most professional woman you know, after yourself, and most importantly, she always has a plan for any situation. You pull out your ComGear and see that it’s still on Sachsa’s mysterious contact page. She could be a second opinion. That is, if it’s really Sachsa and not some network spy.
You shake away the thought. One thing at a time.
You send a brief message to Yeji, letting her know to come and see you as soon as possible.  You tack on that it’s kind of an emergency, and could she pick up some ice cream for you on the way, double fudge ripple.
She replies that she’ll be over in fifteen minutes, which gives you just enough time to change clothes and rehearse how to explain what happened.
You shed Min Yoongi's sequined strip of fabric without an ounce of remorse and stare at your closet in dismay. None of their outfits are comfortable, let alone respectable for a meeting. Frankly, your pajamas would offer more coverage.
You feel close to tears at the simple matter of choosing an outfit. This is ridiculous.
No. They may have control over what you do, but you can still rebel, at least in this small aspect of your life. You grab one of Jungkook's hoodies and a pair of leggings from Hobi, combining the outfits into what could be considered loungewear.
Once changed, you feel a bit more like yourself, and wait anxiously for your handler to arrive.
Choi Yeji is an intimidating woman. She possesses the subtlety and sting of a viper, and isn’t afraid to say what she means. She’s never shown you any great lengths of emotion, even under stressful circumstances. So it doesn’t surprise you to see her calm and collected as she walks into your room.
“What happened?” She asks while you shut the door behind her, and she sets down the shopping bag of ice cream.
Her composure helps ease your frazzled brain, and you quickly explain the events of the past twenty four hours. Well, the events she needs to know, anyway. You were stressed at dinner, used your safeword, and now they seemingly think you’re broken and need to rest, but you suspect it’s an excuse for them to distance themselves from you.
“You think you’ve fallen out of their favor?” Yeji inquires, resting the tip of her spoon in her mouth. She claims desserts are her only vice, and had joined you in the ice cream, but still kept a professional distance and had eaten hers seated on your desk chair while you remained flopped on your bed. “Why? They’ve never sent in a single complaint about your service.”
You sigh in frustration. You know, or you at least suspect, that it has something to do with the… feelings that have come to your attention recently.
But the thought of sharing your romantic dalliances with Yeji is just plain awkward. Your relationship with her has always been business focused, monitoring your diet and exercise, your needs and leisure requests. You've never called her over to talk about your love life, or anything too personal for that matter. It’s not really in her job description.
She’s your handler, not your therapist.
But you know that you can't get around telling her the reason why things have been so tense in the house, it's inevitably going to come up. If she's representing you and backing you up during this meeting with Namjoon, it's in your best interest for her to know all the facts.
That still doesn't make it any easier to talk about. “I... think I might know why.” You admit, laying on your back, covering your face with your arm as you prepare to talk about your affairs.
Yeji levels you with a knowing look. “Did the chat room help you figure it out?”
You sit bolt upright. How the hell did she find out? 
Your brain struggles to provide an explanation in a vain attempt to cover your tracks, but Yeji eases you down from your silent panic with a wave of her hand.
“It’s alright,” she chuckles, a kind smile gracing her lips. “I was the only person alerted that you’d disconnected from the network and linked to a new one. I know all about the hidden network."
"You do?" You manage to utter, too astounded to say much else.
"Of course." Yeji inclines her head. "I used to work closely with Madame Guillaume, you know."
The tension dissipates from your body to make room for the curiosity that now overwhelms you. Guillaume? That was her last name? You only ever knew her as Madame.
Yeji seems amused at your dumbfounded expression. "Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me."
You don’t know what to say. Honestly at this point, so many shocking things have happened to you that a part of you isn’t even surprised anymore to hear that Yeji knows about the PhysCom dark web. Sure. Why not?
“So is it… real?” You ask, scooting closer towards the edge of the bed.
Yeji sets down her spoon along with the empty pint of ice cream. "Yes. It's most certainly real." She folds her hands in her lap, unaware of the chocolate that's gotten around her upper lip. "But that isn't to say it's not dangerous."
You can't help the snort of a laugh that comes out of you as she talks so seriously with chocolate on her face. She looks at you askance and you wordlessly hand a tissue to her, pointing at your own mouth. "You have something…"
She blinks rapidly. "Ah, apologies." She looks over to your vanity mirror and wipes off the smudges. There's a slight lilt to her voice when she speaks, a result of the fact that Yeji always uses English around you, despite Korean being her native tongue.
You’d mentioned once that it sometimes felt weird to see others’ lips move differently to what you were hearing them say, thanks to your auto-translation chip, and she’d apparently made a note of that. Yeji has used English with you ever since, despite your assurances. It amazes you that she always goes above and beyond to make sure you're comfortable, even when it comes to speaking
Your handler clears her throat to continue. "Anyway, as I was saying. The network does have security, but no measures are foolproof. Anything you send to them has a risk of being seen by other people."
You twist your lips to the side. “Like who?”
“Well, for one, their clients could easily catch a glimpse of the chat,” she notes. “Or the information could be leaked in a security breach. You know all the leading PhysCom networks have heard whispers about this dark web you’ve discovered, and many of them would be all too eager to dismantle it.”
You automatically shake your head. You don’t know why, but the idea of the people in that chat room getting discovered, or being punished for their little spark of camaraderie… it feels wrong. Totalitarian. “But they’re not harming anyone. It’s just a group chat.”
Yeji sighs. Her lips twitch as she considers her next words. “It may seem harmless, or indeed it may even be harmless,” she states calmly. “But the higher up that one is placed, the more scared one becomes of falling. People in the higher ranks of the industry may view the chat room as a threat. Like a… PhysCom mutiny.”
“What? But that’s ridiculous!” You huff out a laugh. “They can’t possibly think we could organize a union against them. We’re illegal workers. We have no rights in society, we can’t even physically see each other.”
Sure, the risk of rebellion would be understandable in companies that employ people in respectable positions. But sex workers? That’s like being worried that drug dealers will rebel against the crooked pharmacies that supply them.
PhysComs are nothing without networks to market them and provide for their basic needs. Your career is forever tied to your network, so each network only wants the best of the best. Your reputation reflects on them as a business. So, if you get fired by your clients… your network might let you go, too.
You sigh, trying to push away such troubling thoughts. “Besides, it’s not like the people in that chat room are the only people who can fill their positions.” Your face falls a little as you continue. “We’re replaceable.”
Yeji picks up on your change in tone. “You were telling me why you think things have changed?” She waits patiently for you to explain.
You hug your knees to your chest, your gaze falling to your comforter. “I think… some of my clients might have developed feelings for me.”
You wait in silence for a beat, not daring to look up.
“Is that all?” Yeji asks, as if you’d just informed her that the toilet paper had run out.
You scoff in bewilderment. “What do you mean ‘is that all’?” You demand, a little underwhelmed by her reaction. Does she just know everything?  “That’s a huge deal! Feelings are not a part of my job.”
Yeji tilts her head to the side, her eyes cast upward as though looking for the right words. “Perhaps. You might consider it an… occupational hazard,” she says with a kind look towards you. “You may not be selling your heart to those boys, but you are selling your body, which protects your heart fiercely. After enough time, letting them touch your body… it’s inevitable they might slip through and touch your heart.” She shrugs, taking a sip of the coffee to-go cup she always seems to have on hand.
You feel exasperated, like you’ve been building up all this hot air only to have it slowly leak out of your proverbial balloon. “You don’t have to get all… philosophical about it,” you grouse half-heartedly. Yeji merely chortles.
“The insecure always cast stones at those who speak the truth,” she hums into another sip of coffee, looking over the references she’d brought with her on her phone. “Now that I’m aware of this huge deal of yours, you may want to fill in any details you, ah… forgot to mention?” She gives you a look, and you groan inwardly.
But you comply, spilling all the information of your romantic dalliances since the moment Taehyung kissed you. Yeji doesn’t hold any judgement in her face, she merely nods, taking a few notes for herself, and asking an occasional clarifying question. You also feel compelled to add in what you overheard the boys talking about before you came into the kitchen.
“They said something about a vote… and that they would hold another one at the end of the week ‘if things don’t improve’ with me. Can you believe that?” You inhale, trying to quell the anger in you before it can bubble up again.
Yeji clicks her tongue, a cold clarity in her eyes as she adjusts her glasses. “So you believe Kim Namjoon is the instigator in all of this? He would try to dismiss you, even after you confided in him?”
“He’s their leader,” you say quietly, unable to conceal the hurt in your voice. “His loyalties are to them.”
Yeji doesn’t look at you with pity, but with sympathy. You’re grateful for the distinction. Pity makes you feel worthless, but sympathy makes you feel… heard. Understood. Not something you’re used to experiencing, but it’s still a nice feeling to have.
“Well,” Yeji checks her phone, standing up to leave. “It looks like we’re just about out of time. We’d best be getting downstairs.” 
You get up as well, tugging your clothes back into place. “So, you’ll help me change his mind?”
“I must remain impartial, in order to reach a satisfactory conclusion for both parties.” She gives you a look while organizing her papers and clipping them into her briefcase. “But I’ll do what I can to negotiate you out of this so-called vacation,” she says, her voice fueled with that same resolve that she’d shown you whenever she’d been fixated on getting you something that you requested.
“Yeji.” You hesitate, then walk over and take a hold of her arm. “Just please… don’t go easy on him.” You ask, giving her a meaningful look.
She pauses and looks at you for a moment, then finally lets out a sigh with a brief flutter of her eyes. Her job isn’t easy, but then again, neither is yours.
“Alright,” Her voice is reluctant, but resolute. She gives you a brief smile with a touch of fondness, and opens the door for you. “I’ll give him hell.”
You wind and unwind the drawstring of your hoodie around your finger as Yeji organizes her paperwork. The tension in the air is palpable. Namjoon sits across from you both, now dressed for the day in business casual, a white t-shirt under a blazer and slacks. He must have an interview or a photoshoot today.
Your mind wanders briefly to what he usually does when he has a schedule, asks you for a quick blowjob before he leaves. You think of that warm smile he gives you after you swallow his cum, and the tenderness of his lips as he kisses your cheek before he heads out the door.
Lewd domesticity is how he phrased the kink during his interview.
“So, Mr. Kim Namjoon,” Yeji begins, snapping you out of your memories, her voice crisp in the otherwise silent room. She’s speaking in Korean again, to more clearly communicate with him. “You and my client are in a disagreement with regards to her services, is that correct?”
Namjoon frowns. “Not exactly. We just had a… simple misunderstanding this morning.”
Yeji gives him a thin smile. “Well, she called me here, which must mean that she feels the need for professional support concerning this issue,” she continues swiftly. “There are no laws governing Physical Companions, Mr. Kim, because they are not technically legal. A black market business. Therefore, I am the closest thing my client has to legal representation, and I wouldn’t call my lawyer about a ‘simple misunderstanding’, would you?”
Namjoon’s eyes flash with something almost like regret as he glances to you. His mouth opens and closes for a moment, then he briefly shakes his head, his gaze returning to Yeji. “No, I-I wouldn’t.”
“Right.” Yeji raps her collection of papers on the oak tabletop to align them, barely giving Namjoon a glance as she begins flicking through the stack. “Now, then. My client has told me that you wish to put her on suspension, is that correct?”
Namjoon winces. “I wouldn’t say that, uh, Ms. Choi,” he says, wringing his hands together. He looks nervous, his eyes flickering from you to Yeji, and back again. “Does our PhysCom need to be present for this meeting?” He asks her, flashing a smile that would be charming and amiable, if he didn’t look so tense.
Yeji meets his gaze unflinchingly. “Yes.”
“I… um, alright.” He purses his lips with a nod.
It’s weird. In all the time you’ve known him, Namjoon has always been unfazed and collected when it comes to business. You’ve never seen him look so flustered before. Since he’s putting you in this position, it’s satisfying, in a twisted sort of way, to see him uncomfortable.
He clears his throat. “In any case, myself and my members just wanted to give her a break. Simply extend her vacation time.”
Yeji looks to you, her expression almost bored. “Do you want a vacation?”
You shake your head. “No, I don’t.” You throw a glare at Namjoon before returning your gaze to the houseplant on your left, inspecting each leaf as you try to stay calm. You know if you look for too long at him, you’ll start getting worked up again. Your anger and resentment is still there, bubbling just below the surface. You hope he knows how much he hurt you.
Yeji turns back to him, inclining her head, her tone that of explaining something simple to someone who should know better. “It is against her will, so it’s considered a suspension, Mr. Kim.” She slips her glasses on, reading over the fine print on the paperwork. “My client is given two days off each month, is that correct?”
“Yes, ma’am.” Namjoon says. “One day off, every two weeks.”
Yeji raises an eyebrow. “Yet, you wish to suspend her for an entire week. That’s over three months worth of her regular vacation time. I must say, this appears to be much more than a simple extension, as you put it. I wonder why that would be?” She flips a page, skimming the words casually. “It says here that she’s received nothing but glowing reviews from all of you since she was hired six months ago.”
Namjoon shifts uncomfortably. You can tell that he’s trying to keep up his shields, but Yeji is a formidable foe with which to spar, able to find the smallest opening in an opponent’s armor and pierce through with the speed of a rapier.
“No particular reason.” Namjoon seems to settle on the answer after calculating his words.
“No reason?” Yeji’s eyes widen in mock surprise. “Mr. Kim,” She sets her papers on the table, looking at him expectantly. “I’m afraid I can’t allow this discussion to go any further unless you have a good reason for putting my client, your Primary PhysCom I might add, on suspension for an entire week.” She shakes her head with a mild shrug of indifference.
Namjoon tugs at the cuffs of his jacket. "Well, I think we can-"
Yeji interrupts him, her words slow and purposeful. “I think… it would reflect very poorly on you as a leader to make such drastic decisions,” Here, she gives a very brief smile that could be mistaken for politeness, if there was any warmth left in her eyes. “... for ‘no particular reason’. Don’t you agree, Mr. Kim?”
Damn. Hit him where it hurts, Yeji.
Namjoon’s mouth grows slack, his expression dumbfounded. You bite back a smile, eternally grateful for being assigned such a kickass handler. You make a note to request a bonus for her next paycheck.
But now Namjoon’s face has grown dark. His fingers are tented together, and he seems lost in a silent debate within his own mind. “I didn’t want to do this…” he mutters so quietly, you almost can’t make out the words.
He inhales sharply and sits up a little straighter, his composure regained. “Ms. Choi,” he begins. “I must admit, we do have some concerns about her performance.”
Your heart drops like a stone.
“Oh?” Yeji doesn’t look up at him, but starts scribbling on one of her papers. “What might those be?”
“We believe that she’s overworked, since, as you pointed out, she is our only Primary,” he explains in almost a monotone. “Her behavior has been emotional and unpredictable lately.”
At this, your gaze snaps to him, shocked. Why the fuck would he say that?
He looks down to the floor, as though ashamed, as he continues. “She’s kissed two of our members since yesterday, which is not on her list of services. She broke down crying last night during dinner. When we went to use another PhysCom, she had a meltdown. Started screaming at us.”
Your body feels numb and on fire all at once.
"We're concerned about her professionalism."
That motherfucker.
You leap to your feet, your body moving before you can think. Yeji pulls you back from physically assaulting him, but you strain against her grip like a wild animal. “You bastard!” You spit out the insult, hair falling in your face and venom in your voice, still huffing out ragged breaths as Yeji patiently calms you back into your seat.
Your hands clench so hard you dig marks into your palms. You’re shaking with unbridled rage at his betrayal. You didn't think it was possible to be so angry. Of all people, Namjoon knows exactly how dedicated you are to your work, even when you’re exhausted, how closely you stick to your professional boundaries, even when it hurts, how tirelessly you work to please all seven of them, even if it means being used over and over again without a moment to breathe. You’ve always given everything to your job.
Now he wants to turn around and say that you’ve been fucking slacking?
“You see what I mean,” Namjoon states calmly, though there’s something wavering in his eyes that doesn’t quite match the rest of his confident demeanor. He tries to meet your gaze, tries to get you to look at him, but you refuse, twisting your head away from him before you get yourself charged with murder on top of everything else.
Maybe it would be best for you to get fired. You’d rather live on the streets than be treated like this. Tears prick at your eyes but you blink them away. You refuse to cry in front of him. You won’t give him any more ammunition to use against you.
Yeji looks between you and Namjoon, her lips forming a thin line. “Kim Namjoon,” she addresses him, her voice cold. “Do you wish for my client to remain in this house?”
Namjoon seems surprised at the question, his eyebrows lifting. “Yes, of course.”
“Then, I think a recess is in order.” She stands up and brushes off some invisible lint from her skirt.
You stand up to join her, but she holds out a hand. “No. You two need to talk this out,” she says to you, then looks to Namjoon, staring him down. “I suggest you remember why we’re here, Mr. Kim.” After a moment of silence, she walks to the door. “I’ll be back in ten.”
With that, Yeji exits, and the two of you are left alone.
You cross your arms protectively around yourself, adamantly refusing to look at him. The silence stretches between you.
“Sweetheart-” he starts, but you interrupt him.
“Don’t you fucking dare,” you seethe. Proprieties be damned, you’ve had enough. “Don’t ‘sweetheart’ me, you fucking asshole. I have given everything for you and your members, okay? Don’t you fucking dare sit there and tell lies about me, to my face!” You shout, trying to keep your voice from shaking. You know if you keep talking your rage will melt into tears, and you cannot afford to cry in front of him. You simply won’t allow it.
“I know, I know,” Namjoon’s assurance overlaps the end of your sentence. He sighs. Waits a beat.
“I’m sorry.”
“Yeah! You’d better be.” You still don’t meet his eyes, the betrayal and confusion is just too much. On top of all that, you’ve never lashed out in anger at any of them like this. You still don’t regret shouting at him, but your heart is threatening to beat out of your chest in fear of repercussions. Did you make the situation worse? Is that even possible at this point?
“Look.” His voice is tentative, a little afraid. “I really am sorry, I didn’t mean any of that.”
“Then why the fuck did you say it?” You counter sharply.
“Because!” Now it’s his turn to shout, though he seems to regain himself much more quickly than you. “Because... I don’t know if that woman can be trusted,” he reiterates quietly, as if afraid she might hear him through the door.
Wait, what?
“Yeji?” You squint in utter disbelief. “Of course she can be trusted, what the fuck are you-”
“Not with this.” He sighs again, rakes a hand through his hair. “Listen, you have to trust me.”
You bark a laugh. “Trust you?”
He shakes his head, stopping your objections before you can list them. “This is serious. This is… bigger than either of us.”
His voice is the only thing that gives you pause. Just for a moment. He sounds… desperate. Scared.
You slowly look over to him, and his expression confirms your suspicions. Namjoon is fearful about something, his eyes wide with worry, his hair mussed from being tugged between his fingers. He looks completely different from before, and it has you reluctantly curious.
“What do you mean?” You let him keep talking, though you’re still taking his words with a grain of salt.
“I was… working on something. A better arrangement,” He begins, his eyes reaching out to you, then darting nervously around the room, as if he’s letting you in on his greatest secrets. “But I stumbled onto something bigger. I just… I need you to take some time off for right now, and I need you to trust me that it’s for the best.”
You level your gaze at him, silently weighing your options. He’s being awfully vague.
“What does my time off have to do with anything?” You ask, your suspicion coloring your tone.
“It’s necessary to test my theory properly. If I’m right, then...” He trails off, and you garner that his success would bring about something monumental.
You stare at him. You want to take his words as truth, but he completely undermined you in front of your handler. You can’t let him off the hook so easily. “How can I believe anything you say anymore? You just blew any trust I had in you.”
“I know,” he says, hanging his head. He chews on his lip, then takes a deep breath. “That’s why I’m willing to offer some… collateral.”
He reaches into his pocket and withdraws something small and shiny. “This.” He holds out the object to you, dangling from a short metal chain. “It’s the key to my studio.” His gaze bores into yours as you tentatively reach forward to take it. “The only key,” he adds gravely.
You examine the silver peace offering, and your eyes widen at the implications of such a gesture. His whole life is in that studio. All of his art, his collections, not to mention his computer. His music. His career.
It’s all sitting in the palm of your hand.
He reaches across the table and closes your hand around the key. “You can keep it until I’ve earned your trust again. Okay?” He gives you a brief, dimpled smile, as if to assure you, though sadness and worry still swim behind his eyes.
“Now, sweetheart. Please. I beg of you.” He takes your hand in both of his own, his worried eyes imploring you to trust him. “Please, will you take this vacation?”
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hwangdol · 5 years
l.jn: just shoot your shot
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summary: can jeno just be confident in himself? pls? pretty pls? 
pairing: student-athlete!jeno x tutor! (fem) reader
warning: PROCEED WITH CAUTION! GRAMMAR MISTAKES! AND CRACKHEADS! ALSO CURSING! i’m back and i’m not dead so here’s some athlete!jeno that everyone was looking forward too. just a reminder, this is apart of my collab with @huangsren so check out her art-hoe! renjun and childhood-friend! chenle in our dreamies highschool au. i’m not really satisfied with this piece compared to my other two. hopefully, this still slaps. also, there will be for sure a second part to this so yuh. enjoy. 
okay so let’s get this straight lee jeno is THAT guy whose in like all of the sports teams on campus 
basketball, baseball, football, soccer, track and field, cross country, pickleball, etc he’s on them all 
he was deadass about to join the cheerleading team just so he could have the clout of being on all of the teams 
ngl imagine a cheerleader!jeno,,,hell yeah that’s my shit
but he didn’t bc he isn’t as big of a crackhead as one like to think
jeno has the reputation of the silent cold guy, but in actuality is a big FLOOF ball especially with his close friends (aka jaemin) 
he’s well-liked by everyone bc he’s hecka nice once they look pass that cold exterior and he’s realllly hot.
just picture sweaty!jeno after practice using his shirt to wipe off his sweat allowing everyone to have a glimpse of his abs. 
sign me the fuck up
he’s just extremely shy and socially awkward so he doesn’t really know how to interact w people when he meets them for the first time so a lot of people just think he’s that distant, angsty type 
it still shocks a shit ton of people when they find out he’s best friends with the social butterfly/ fboi! jaemin but don’t get him wrong bc he doesn’t go around town breaking hearts left and right like his best buddy does
as much as jeno likes to deny it, he is a ROMANTICIST
way back in freshmen year, jeno was captivated by a teenage romance which he blames ara (from fucq-boi! jaemin au) for roping him into all those barbies and chick-flick movies. 
like his heart flutters at the idea of his significant other wearing his jersey to his games or sharing a milkshake at the local ice cream parlor,,,he wants to give them his hoodie and cuddle on the couch (hopefully watching barbie princess charm school) 
but he doesn’t want it to be superficial like what jaemin does 
he highly disapproves of jaemin’s casanova ways
jaemin is probably really glad about the bros before hoes rule bc he would have lost jeno a long time ago with all of the girls he goes through 
jeno knows that love is a delicate thing and should be treated seriously which is why he’s so against jaemin’s date and ditch 
and jeno wants to be in a relationship! but he can’t bc he has like NO time for the lovey-dovey highschool bs (also bc he’s highkey scared that he might ruin any relationship he gets himself into)  
the boy has back to back practice from all the sports he decided to take on
on multiple occasions, different practice times interfere with each other and instead of just missing one like he SHOULD, jeno decided to take em both on at the same time
catch him sprinting from the soccer field to the football field back and forth in between break times
one time, basketball and swimming practice collided w each other so jeno thought it was smart to go back and forth from the school’s pool to the gym after he’d finish a 1000M IM set and shot at least 15 3-pointers 
let’s just say he flashed a lot of people, running half-naked with only his drag suit on when he forgot to put on his sweatpants in one of his runs back and forth
art-hoe! renjun never lets him live it down much to his embarrassment 
“remember that one-time jeno displayed his junk to the whole student body? good times, good times” 
cue jeno throwing a pencil at renjun or chasing him down the halls 
jeno’s abs were the talk of the school for at least a whole month and our boi had red cheeks every time he heard someone talk about it 
because of that jeno double-checks, quadruple-checks to make sure that his pants are on before booking it to the gym to shoot hoops 
another reason why a lot of people find jeno so intimidating and hard to approach was bc of the fight that happened between his ex-friend! stoner-boi!haechan sophomore year
no one expected that the calm, seemingly unbothered jeno could throw punches that hard. it was like he transformed into the hulk or something 
except jeno didn’t like the new reputation he gained over a stupid fight with his once close friend. 
there’s one nasty habit that jeno can’t seem to let go of no matter how much jaemin and renjun tell him to fix
the boy holds onto grudges like there’s no tomorrow
there was one time where jaemin had to borrow jeno’s phone for something and he accidentally dropped it
“hey can i borrow your phone to call someone? mine’s dead.” jaemin asked him.
“no, last time i gave it to you, you cracked it” 
“dude! it was one time” 
“say that to my cracked screen” 
“for goodness sake, jeno, i only cracked your screen protector!” 
“still you broke it”
yeah, jaemin never got to use jeno’s phone ever again. 
someone didn’t give back the pencil he lent them? he doesn’t even look in their direction until jaemin nags him enough to just let it go 
which is probably why he and haechan still vehemently hate each other even though renjun and jaemin are ready to go talk things out with haechan 
some part deep down insides knows he should just let it go and actually talk things out with haechan on why he initiated the fight bc haechan was once someone jeno considered as a bro 
and jeno doesn’t give out bro passes as easily 
he just doesn’t know how to approach haechan or if haechan would even be willing to talk it through 
it’s kinda sad how the two of them don’t even look each other in the eye or acknowledged each other existence anymore 
other than that jeno is practically flawless, jk 
as much as he is very enthusiastic in physical education, when it comes to math, science, etc, jeno is basically flunking. like borderline passing in all of his classes 
he was for sure failing math though which is a HUGE problem…bc to stay on any team sport, he CAN’T be failing a class 
which is why jeno was currently spending his free period, in the library, furiously erasing his wrong answer for the problem he tried multiple times to solve. it was the first math problem on the remedial work packet that his math teacher gave him for extra practice. 
even his friend, smartass renjun gave up on helping him and went to go toy around with his telescope, going on a tangent about renjun’s alien conspiracies theories.
if only jeno could have renjun’s genius brain, life would be so much easier
slamming his head on the table, jeno let out a low groan of frustration at whoever decided that it was a good idea to mix number and letters together.  
“dude, can you not?” he heard someone say from next to him. 
he lifted his head to take a peek…and this is where you come in, glaring at him with murder on your mind 
jeno’s just staring at you and the fool does not recognize you at all 
NCT High isn’t a big place either so he would have come across you once or twice, but you were simply a new face to him. 
you, at this point, grew annoyed at the boy who was just shameless staring at you. 
“is there something on my face?” you asked with a raised eyebrow 
slowly he shakes his head ‘no’ 
“keep it down, i’m trying to sleep” you warned him before laying your arms now with your head resting on it, faced away from jeno. 
jeno, who was awe-struck for second at your frank personality, decided that it was time to have another go at the problem and looked at it again
yeah there was no way in hell he was going to be able to solve it, he was too fucking lost 
atm jeno is like .000000001 seconds away from having a mental breakdown because if he doesn’t pass his test this friday he’s going to be benched and if he fails the class then he loses his status of team captain and his spot on the soccer team which he cannot afford to bc it was SENIOR year and he should be living in all of his sports glory right now 
and what if he can’t graduate? he can’t be a super senior like lucas wong like nooo that can definitely not happen
literally, jeno, stop freaking out - sincerely admin minnie
suddenly while he was having an overthinking session, his paper and pencil were taken away from him. he watches as the culprit (you) quickly solve the problems on the piece of paper in record time with wide eyes
letting out a small huff, you gave him back the paper wordlessly before going back to your previous sleeping positions hoping to get back to your precious nap time. your actions leaving jeno’s mouth opened in awe as his eyes glances back and forth between the answer sheets and the ones you provided him, both matching up perfectly with no mistake 
he looks back at your sleeping form and wonders if you’re an actual prodigy like renjun 
but jeno also feels really bad for disturbing your nap so he lets you be and tries to quietly work on the other problems and review how you solved the ones he had trouble on earlier 
except he’s even more confused bc there was more numbers and letters;; no comprendo 
jeno’s brain: ajadkf;dskjhg;ajdsvf;
he contemplates ask you for help or a basic explanation since there was no way that jeno learned how to solve that in class (he did, he just slept through the lecture because he was dead-beat tired after a heavy soccer practice from the night before) 
jeno’s fear of flunking overweighed his social awkwardness so he pokes you gently with his pencil eliciting a grumpy “what do you want, now?” from you
gulping, jeno mumbles a small “can you help me, i don’t understand how you solved this” 
you looked intently at jeno not answering his questions causing the boy to instantly regret asking, but surprisingly you replied 
“what don’t you get?” you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and shifted towards the male 
“i don’t even know what i don’t know”
i felt that jeno. i felt that. 
he pulls the piece of paper between the two of you and points to a problem that you did with ease 
“oh, so you’re so supposed to…” you launched off into an explanation filled with math terms that adds more to jeno’s confusion 
sensing that jeno still wasn’t understanding, you let out a big sigh 
“sorry, it just doesn’t make sense in my head” jeno admitted shyly
at first, you were gonna say something snappy about how even an eighth-grader could do this problem easily, you held it back because you actually felt bad since jeno was trying so hard
you also weren’t going to deny that lw jeno looked quite cute with that adorable slight pout on his face 
“let’s just take it slow, i’ll explain step by step” 
so you did just that, patiently teaching the methods and theorems to jeno who constantly made that confused noise every time you introduced something new to the table
the two of you worked through five of the worksheets and jeno was actually understanding it! horray! 
you were explaining the last problem to jeno when he stops you with a question that was completely off-topic 
“why are you helping me?” 
it was simple question so you answered it simply. 
“because you looked like you need it.” you shrugged “i was trying to take a nap earlier but it was too loud for me with your constant erasing” 
“sorry” jeno said looking down at his lap, embarrassed that he was a nuisance to you  
you kind felt bad ngl so you quickly reassured him 
“don’t worry about it. you remind me of my idiotic friends, not that you’re an idiot though. actually, no comment.” 
we love a blunt y/n. 
you clicked the pen you were holding and placed it down, “i moved here a couple months ago so i barely know anyone. now that it’s senior year, everyone already has their own friend group so why bother trying to join them?” 
jeno makes another confused noised at your blunt statement. 
you wondered if that particular noise has some type of effect on you due to the fact that you have a sudden urge to explain your situation to the boy you hardly knew for more than the hour
“i used to go to miroh high, but my dad got a transfer here so he decided to enroll me at this school without my say. i left all my friends back there sadly” 
“that sucks,” was all that jeno could say.
damn his inability to socialize like a normal human being. 
you nodded, “yeah, it does, but it’s not that bad. my friends make an effort to come down here most weekend and sometimes i drive up there too.” you turn to look at him and jeno freezes at the sudden eye contact “actually, you remind me of my friend hyunjin. he was kind of a ditz in anything that wasn’t sports” 
“wait, how do you know that i play sports?” jeno asked confused 
“dude, everyone knows that you’re the school’s mvp.” you said as if it’s obvious “you’re not as intimidating as they say you are though.” 
damn it 
he was hoping you had no idea who he was so that could relieve his guilt of not knowing who you were despite being in the same graduating class.
at the same time, he was glad that he seemed to have made a good impression on you  
“don’t worry, i won’t spill your little secret” you gestured to the worksheets which had red pen markings all over it, signs of jeno’s failures. you figured that the school’s star jock didn’t want the school knowing his inability to solve basic 12th-grade math problem 
you reached under the table to grab your backpack, causing jeno to reach a hand out to grasp your wrist 
“wait, where are you going?”
 a part of him was afraid that he was going to forget everything you taught him once you left, but the other part was extremely curious about you and wanted to know more
“i have somewhere to go?” you looked down at his hand and back up at him “you have something else you want to say?” 
sensing that his grip was making you feel uncomfortable, he quickly pulled his hand away. rubbing the back of his neck. he avoids your eyes, opting to stare at your feet instead. 
“this might be a little weird, but can you please tutor me? at least until next week when i have to take my make-or-break test.” jeno plead, embarrassment rushed to his cheeks in the form of a red blush when he realized how desperate he sounded. 
you let out a tiny giggle, totally different from your persona earlier. 
you took his pencil that was laying on the table to scribble something on the corner of his worksheet. patting his shoulder, you quickly left the boy staring at the piece of paper. 
don’t get confused (127) 312-0325 :)
a stupid smile made it’s way onto jeno’s lips as he quickly packed up his things in haste. he practically skips to soccer practice. maybe he even heel-clicked.  
lee jeno is not failing math! 
cute tutor acquired! 
but also, there’s this weird tingly feeling that jeno has inside. 
he doesn’t know what exactly it was but most likely it’s probably the reason why he was a goofy-ass smile on his face 
“dude, are you okay?” one of his teammates ask after he gets hits in the head with a soccer ball 
jeno, not even fazed by it one bit, just smiles and gives his teammates a big thumbs up 
“coach, i think there’s something wrong with jeno!” 
anyways, that night he’s extremely excited to text you. 
imagine jeno on his bed, laying on his stomach feet up in the air, taking at least an hour to construct a response that doesn’t make him seem lame or a fifty-year-old man like all of his friends say he texts like 
jeno is probably the type of person that texts, with all the correct capitalization and actual punction plus awkward spacing and usage of emojis 
this time he tried to be chill about it
jeno: hey, it’s me, jeno. sorry for bothering you this late at night, but i don’t understand this problem. can you help me pls? 
now jeno was currently awaiting your response….however, you don’t reply right away like jeno for some reason expects
he takes the waiting time to scroll through his social media and it’s the usual things he sees every day 
he sees the juniors’ chenle and his weird little friend talking about some sort of prank they’re going to pull, jaemin’s spam post on how he was stuck making prom decorations to fulfill his community service requirements, etc 
however, a sudden post from @/luccasss caught his attention
especially the girl sitting on top of an old blue car with the senior, middle fingers up  
his eyes glance at the caption quickly 
me and my main bitch fucking it up (pc to our little kiddo) 
wait a minute. 
jeno could remember you saying how you didn’t bother making friends w anyone, so what are you doing with the lucas wong? 
now lucas wong doesn’t have that great of a reputation around campus, especially since he was a held back his senior year. he blows off class and jeno has heard that he’s in cahoots with the stoners on campus too 
your account is tagged in the picture and luckily it’s on public, so jeno could secretly and shamefully stalk your page
while looking through your photos, jeno realizes that he really doesn’t know anything about…. you 
tbh he didn’t even know your name until he saw your bio and username. (facepalm @ jeno)
scrolling through your photos, he saw you posing with other boys and girls that he didn’t recognize making him assume that they were your friends from your old school 
his fingers land on a picture where you’re kissing a cheek of ridiculously good looking guy. checking the tag, he sees that it’s a guy whose username was something along the lines of cb_97
imma miss my ddy chan <3!! owo 
as he scrolling through the chan guy’s instagram, jeno becomes more dejected bc maybe he was too deep in his imagination that he got from watching too many dramas with ara 
letting out a sad sigh, jeno clicks his phone off and settles into bed. the more he thinks about it the more he feels insignificant to you which he was. 
for all he knows, he’s just a random kid in the library that you helped with a few math problems 
the next day, jeno walks into school with no pep in his step :( 
and as his certified besties, jaemin and renjun drag him into an empty classroom during lunch prying him to confess what’s got him down in the dumps 
and jeno knows he can’t hide anything from his besties so he just lets it all out 
jaemin, taking a long blink after his bff’s rant to process the newly acquired tea  “wow, bro. you got the feels” 
“exactly,” jeno groans “i only talked to her once! she doesn’t even know me!” 
“she knows you suck at math,” renjun points out 
and jeno threatens to throw a chair at his friend, but jaemin quickly stops him 
“okay, how about you just take it slow? like get to know her and let her get to know you. it could be that you’re just overthinking her kindness for helping you when you were desperate. appreciation is different from admiration” ngl jaemin was kinda-sorta right 
“btw, who is this chick anyway? you haven’t told us who it was” renjun asked, sitting on one of the empty desks  
“y/n, she transferred a couple months ago from miroh” 
renjun abruptly jumps to his feet, “the y/n l/n? the new math teacher’ daughter?” 
“you know her?” jeno quirks an eyebrow 
“dude she’s in my ap calculus class and she has the highest grade, but she never shows up to class,” renjun tells him. “she’s a straight, badass genius” 
jeno feels stupider as renjun continues to list all of your achievements and the art boy makes it seem like all of them were done effortlessly. 
how stupid was he in your eyes when he couldn’t solve regular senior math problems while you were out here solving college-based ones?
now you seem like a person farther and father away from him.
jaemin, his good-ol-buddy knows that jeno is over-analyzing the new information renjun was telling him, and he tries his best to hype is buddy up
“c’mon, you might not be a genius at math but you certainly are on any field, pool, and court. have some confidence!” 
deep down jeno knows that he should listen to his friend and that he should just be more confident in himself, but he can’t shake his feeling of insecurity and doubt 
so the next time he sees you laying on the empty table in the non-fiction section sleeping, he’s a bit more reluctant to approach you. instead, he quietly sits in the seat next to you as he pulls out his practice sheets to work and miserably fail on
except you don’t wake up for a looong time until jeno accidentally sneezes too loud, causing you to awaken
opening your eyes, you see the boy look at you with wide eyes as if he’s done something terribly wrong by waking you up 
“why do you look like i’m about to kill you or something?” you giggled watching as the boy in front of you became very flustered “why didn’t you wake me up when you came here?”
“oh, you look like you were in deep sleep, so i didn’t want to wake you up” 
you stretched your arms out, one hand over your mouth as you let out an inaudible yawn, “don’t worry about it. i’m always sleeping” 
you blamed all of your fatigue on lucas as it was his fault that you were tired out of your mind from the little night adventure he roped both you and a junior named eun (y/n from childhood-friend!chenle’s au) into. 
honestly, if it weren’t for lucas’s annoying ass laugh waking you up from your nap that one day, you probably wouldn’t have befriended the big bumbling bafoon. 
“yeah, but apparently i’m failing the twelfth-grade again bc i’m not allowed to just go to homeroom and p.e. i mean, who wants to learn about FUNCTIONS when you could just be looking up memes in the library?!?” - lucas wong, 2019
despite lucas’s overwhelming personality, you were quite thankful to have him as he reminded you of your old friends back at miroh, it was nice. 
eun was a soft-spoken child that often had to turn to you or lucas (which wasn’t always a good idea) for advice that you both were happy to give to the underclassmen. 
personally, you didn’t care that you only had like two friends, quality over quantity right? 
“earth to jeno?” you waved your hand in front of his face as he stayed unresponsive 
he mumbles something inaudible and points at a problem 
your eyes gloss over it taking in the problem, before quickly grabbing a pen and solving it. you spoke slowly as you explained the step-by-step solution that jeno had to do. 
when you look back at jeno to make sure that he was understanding the content, you noticed how the jock is off in his own universe and not paying attention to you. 
“please don’t make me repeat that again,” you sigh, catching jeno’s attention. you capped the pen and lightly tossed it on the table, proceeding to stretch out your hands above your head. 
“what’s up with you?” you asked, wondering why the boy who seemed desperate for your help yesterday, was now acting like he could care less. “and don’t give me that stupid, generic “nothing” bullshit.” 
“sorry, football was tough last night,” jeno said quietly, focusing on the problem. 
despite not being involved in the school festivities, you knew that it was well past football season. and that meant that jeno was lying to you. 
there was a slight pang of disappointment, but you pushed it aside. what were you expecting anyway? he probably only saw you as a tutor. 
you weren’t even his friend for fuck’s sake 
“let’s move onto the next problem” you say, quickly changing the subject. 
honestly, the two of you were fucking idiots. smh 
despite there being awkward tension between the two of you, you’re tutoring was actually very very helpful for jeno. he could actually understand what was going on in math class now. 
remember that test he had to take to ensure that he could play for his soccer match? jeno passed that with flying colors thanks to your careful explanations 
even after that test, the two of you kept your tutoring arrangement;;;and maybe jeno was falling even harder for you. 
he couldn’t help it though! the way you run your fingers through your hair or the way you puff out your cheeks when you’re trying to think of a way to explain something to jeno just makes leaves him star-struck. and every time he gets a problem right without your help, the proud smile that you give him makes his heart leap
it wasn’t like you were safe from the love bug either!! 
lee jeno was hard not to like and he was even harder to not fall for. 
the little cute noises that he makes when he’s lost, the way his eyes go wide when he finally understands the problem, and the eye-smile he gives you when he gets a problem right. 
your heart literally went uwu when jeno offered you his hoodie bc the two of you were sitting underneath the ac vent and you were shivering.
when you tried to give it back to him, he just shook his head and said “keep it, just in case you get cold” 
lee jeno was not healthy for your heart. uwu hours 24/7 
but the two of you were stuck in this weird relationship bc the two of you weren’t exactly friends, but also not strictly tutoring. you would share laughs here and there, but then quickly it would dial down and returned back to the math problems
some times when he was texting you, he would send a cute gif to show you that he understood and sometimes you would tell him about something funny/stupid lucas+eun or your other friends did. 
“just ask him out,” lucas tells you bluntly as the both of you chilled on the bleachers during lunch. 
“hard pass” 
“fine, then i’ll do it.” lucas shrugs, eliciting a hard smack from you 
“don’t embarrass me, you asstwat” 
“who said i was asking him out for you? that boy is a fine piece of meat” 
“istg, lucas, i’ll actually gouge your eyes out” you deadpanned. 
but big ol’ oaf lucas doesn't see you as an actual threat. and he reaches out to grab your cheeks causing your face to form into a fish pout 
“can you even reach me?” he teases, shaking around your face
and this the part where you’re pulling lucas into a headlock, oblivious to the fact that jeno was watching your toughy actions from afar
he kicked the soccer ball angrily into the goal causing jaemin to duck with a small shriek to avoid getting his head decapitated by jeno’s fastball 
“dude wtf!” jaemin shouts 
“sorry,” jeno mutters. 
jaemin looks over to where jeno was staring at and saw you and lucas being really handsy with each other. from that distance that the two boys were looking it, it didn’t look like the roughhousing the two of you were actually doing
you pulling his hair to them looked like you were playing around with it  
jaemin’s buddy jeno be looking like a kicked puppy rn, muttering under his breath about his shortcommings
jaemin is bout ready to slap him upside down the head for having no confidence or whateves
“can you stop talking shit about my bestfriend now?” jaemin @ jeno but the boy is on a whole ass rant on why he sucks in comparison to lucas
“of course she doesn’t like me. she has a whole lucas wong and he’s 6′0 ft of handsomeness. he’s fun and exciting, i’m staler than a moldy piece of bread!” 
can jeno just love himself??????? is that to much to ask? 
“i’ll just never be good enough for her. i’m not her type, she can do better than me.” 
cue jaemin intense internal screaming 
one day, jeno was going to your usual sitting spot in the library when he sees lucas chilling with eun—a girl that he’s seen around with his friend chenle. they were both laughing at something on lucas’s phone. 
jeno looks at the sight confused. cause like aren’t you and lucas a thing? like why was this boy looking really chummy with this underclassmen? 
so jeno clears his throat to catch their attention and both of them look at him like “who tf are you?”
“where’s y/n? she’s suppose to be tutoring me” jeno says 
a look of recognition flashes across lucas’s and eun’s at the sound of y/ns name. the younger female whispers something to the senior causing him to clap his hands. 
“oh so you’re, jeno??” lucas says in this voice
and jeno awkwardly nods
“yeah, y/n is skipping school today so she told me to tell you to look over the notes she wrote out for you” lucas pulled out a notebook and handed it to jeno
jeno flips through it carefully, examining the words you wrote in your familiar handwriting; there was also a highlight code system and little side comments to help him
“thanks” jeno about to leave but lucas’s next comments stop him
“you’re lucky that y/n likes you enough to do that for you. she wouldn’t even tell me whats 4x4 when i asked her” lucas slumped into his seat
“that because she thinks you have chronic stupidity” the underclassmen said, giggling
“aren’t you suppose to be on my side you little pipsqueak” lucas says jokily, rubbing her head. 
and jeno is watching the exchange, getting more and more confused
did y/n know that lucas was hanging out w another girl without you?
“did you need something else, jeno?”  eun asked him
jeno is about to say no, but different words left his mouth
“aren’t you dating y/n, lucas?”
there was a silence that lasted for a good minute, both lucas and the underclassmen giving jeno a blank stare….
until lucas bust out into ugly laughter, bent over his seat delirious and eun was also laughing along but not to the same degree.
was it really that funny? jeno be staying confused
it wasn’t until the librarian came to shush the two did they stop laughing
lucas wiped away tears of laughter from his eyes “that was a good one!”
“what do you mean?” jeno asked
“pffft eun would rather date a rabid animal than me,” lucas said “she’s only friends w me bc i forced her to be”
oh! that was news to jeno
“besides, lucas isn't y/n’s type” eun revealed, shocking jeno
oh really now? 
“yeah, you fit her type really well,” lucas stated nonchalantly. 
eun is like BRUH WHY WOULD YOU REVEAL THAT but doesn’t say anything and kicks lucas underneath the table. she could already picture the pure anger once her friend found out that lucas spilled her secret crush that easily. 
robot jeno is just standing there holding the notebook and deep in thought. 
“is he okay?” lucas whispers, looking up and down at jeno. eun shrugs in response 
bOOM jeno zoom zooms away and the two high schoolers shrug at the jocks before returning to looking at dank memes 
jeno basically charges down to the only female he’s friends with for advice, ara. (go read my fucqboi! jaemin for the backstory!) 
conveniently, he finds both his jaemin and ara standing at her locker talking. tbh it looked more like jaemin trying to flirt with ara and her ignoring him. 
but right now his friend’s girl problems were the least of jeno’s concerns! 
so jeno basically hulk yanks jaemin away from ara and has the most serious expression on his face “i need your help, ara” 
and he drags ara off to a more secluded place to explain his current situation to, ignoring jaemin’s whines
“to be honest with you, i think you need to have more confidence. now that you know that she isn't interested in lucas, why don’t you just take the initiative to confess?” ara says once jeno explained to her every juicy detail of his hopeless love story. 
“because i don’t think that she likes me. there’s nothing special about me. the only things i’m good at are sports and that’s not very interesting!” jeno exclaims “she probably thinks i’m an actual idiot!” 
“jeno, listen, i’m only going to say this once, but please please understand that you’re a very special person, okay? you’re extremely hard-working, nice, and honestly very fun to be around. it would take a fool to not like you, lee jeno.” ara sighed, patting her friend’s shoulder “just shoot your shot. if it doesn’t make it in, it’s okay.” 
but jeno doesn’t like leaving things to chance. he wants to be sure and he hates uncertainty. 
“when you’re competing or playing against someone, you have no idea how the whole game is going to pan out. all you know to do is to try your best and go all out to ensure the very best result so that you can win. liking someone is like that, you just have to go forward and hopefully, you’ll be able to score a home run or a touchdown.”  
that was sum deep shit 
after listening carefully to ara’s words, jeno came to a conclusion
just maybe
jeno will take a chance.  
reaching into his pocket, he pulls out his phone and sends a text. 
jeno: can you meet me at neo ice cream later? i have something important to tell you. 
y/n: yeah ofc. i’ll see you at 4 
he had soccer practice today and for the very first time, jeno was skipping practice, his favorite time. the only time where he’s ever fully confident in his abilities, where his stupid insecurities can’t get to him. 
this was more important the temporary self-gratification that jeno gets when he’s able to fly through practice with ease
lee jeno was taking a leap, unsure of where he’ll fall. 
today, he’ll shoot his shot. and hopefully, you’ll catch. 
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brelbyyy · 3 years
I’m re-watching supernatural and oh BOY IS IT FUCKING LONG AS HELL.
Here’s season one with most of the important story stuff if yer too lazy to re watch season 1 or just don’t have the time.
notes~ Sam and dean are bro’s they mom died and their dad is like ehh let’s kill monsters until we kill whatever killed Sara or what’s her name. Sam had friends and a gf but dean dropped by with the news of dad being missing when on a hunt, Sam left the hunting life but goes bc it’d be a dick move to not, bla bla they find dad’s journal idk it probably says something bla bla bla sams gf died the same way mama died and Sam ditches his life to hunt with dean. That’s the end of episode one :)
So bla bla they still can’t find dad but uh apparently dad left a note in his journal about some number stuff, uuuhhhh a few episodes later Sam gets over his daddy issues and oh uh he also dreams of the future like in the Bloody Mary ep it’s revealed he dreamt of his gf’s death DAYS before it ever happened and like he still gets dreams of the future or something. Some poltergeist is copycating the mama killer with another family living in the old Winchester home and like Sam is freaking out about “it’s there bro we need to do some monster fighting ggihfwd-“ deans a bit traumatized about his childhood home cuz uuhhh mommy dearest death, he goes anyway. They meet a psychic their dad meat after a few days ater the fire n’ uh she’s real cool. (ALSO THE BOI MEET MOMMY BC THE POLTERGEIST WAS HURTING SAM, SHE SACRIFICED HER SPIRIT FOR HER CHILDREN, oh uh also dad was at the cool ladies home but Sammy didn’t sense him)
(Also somewhere between here a changing or whatever the fuck stole deans identity n’ caused a lot of crimes, like murder n’ torture. Maybe Sam too? As an accomplice for helping the REAL dean)
Huh huh Sam’s daddy issues returned when dad called to tell them to stop looking for him and uh the mommy killer is a demon >:D bla bla sam n’ dean have a brothers Quarrel cuz dean wants to be a good son bla ba Sam runs away only to find this hitchhiker chick n’ she’s edgy in oh woe is me my family is terrible bla bla dean calls to apologize and say goodbye but like later on Sam tries to call dean back but uuuhh he’s too busy getting sacrificed to some scarecrow god. Sams like “oh no my brother NEVER turns off his phone :’(“ and girly is like u wot u crawling back to yer family???? Come with me,,, bla bla sam saves dean and some other girl and BAM! Hitchhiker girl is eevviiillllll making blood bowl calls to her big boss/dad complaining about not being allowed to kill the Winchester bro’s and uuhhh idk.
So Sammy boi gets visions of the not so distant *FUTURE* about some guy getting murdered in way that looks like a suicide dadadq the bro’s think DEMON SPIRIT CURSE! BUT WHOOPTIE DOO IT WAS THE ABUSED SON WHOyKILLED THE FUCK-TERDS and now its time for step mommy to DIE. Turns out lil mommy killer killed this guys mom too and in the exact same way as dean and sams mom, Sam tries to talk it out but he gets closeted and telekinesis his way out when he visions deans death bla bla the other dude kills himself. Apparently hitch bicker girl is named Meg (god I really have to remember come name.) oh murder muerder trap set up for the boyos set up by Meg and her boss/dad to get to Sam and deans daddy also Meg is a fucking nasty thot. Sammy breaks free and set those shadow puppies free to make Meg swan dive n’ DADDIES HOME! Family reunion or something BUUUTTT Meg is still thoting around She pretended to be dead to give everyone a false sense of security. Ba ba ba shadow boom boom light stick aaannnd dad has to leave cuz he’s vulnerable near his bois (he fights reckless, do or die type of deal and he can’t do that when he’s near his sons cuz he’s worried about them).
More episodes later daddy dearest sends the boys to some place with very sick kiddos, like hospital sick. Turns out dad was trying to hunt this with thing but it escaped n’ now our Winchester gang is here to finish the job! Bla bla flashbacks on how dean had to sacrifice everything to make Sammy happy (the lucky charms) dean had to grow up quick for Sam to be a somewhat normal kid.
HHUUUGGHHHHH- AN OLD HUNTING PAL OF DAD’S DIED FROM MONSTERS AND THOSE COWBOYS FUCKS STOLE THIS SUPER RAD OP GUN CALLED THE COLT! Dad wants this gun cuz it’s apart of his big plan to kill the demon, bla bla dad learns to trust his boys and he finally lets them come along on the revenge train >:D they got the super op gun n’ it rocks.
Paster Jim is dead cuz Meg slit his throat, bla bla she wants the colt n’ starts threatening the lives of everyone that EVER helped em uuhhhh the gang buys a old gun n’ dad gonna pretend it’s the colt dad goes away again to trick the demons that HE has the gun something something they find out idk I forgot the rest.
( He’s kidnapped)
OH OH THEY MEET UH JIMMY? THE OLD UNCKE GUY WHO LIVES IN A GARBAGE PLACE? IDK WHAT ITS CALLED- no wait his name is Bobby, I can’t believe I forgot Bobby’s name oh and uncle bob teaches the boys the demon trap thingy and how more demons are walking among humans like something big bad is happening. Meg visits bla bla she’s stuck in the demon trap, intaragation time about dad and they threaten exorcism bla bla meg reveals what she knows. Ba ba ba dean wants to continue with the exorcism but Sam is like we promised n’ Bobby’s says that the possessed girl would DIE cuz Meg broke the body bla bla the body would fall apart without Meg but like? The girls still in there and I think she needs to be put out of her misery cuz wtf???? That’s not fun but Bobby’s like nooo she’d die but Sam listens to reason and continues the exorcism.girl is super dying. Do de de girl was possessed for a whole year la la la girl tells the stuff Meg left out bo bo ba girl dies.
EEHh still episode twenty something, they go to a river near a place called sunset something, Sam and dean have a fight over something dean’s like “we can kill these fuckers Sam” but sam’s like “dad wouldn’t want us to waste the bullets cuz like ravenge, we got a job to do.” Dean argues “but this is dad! You all are self sacrificing or something”. bla bla separate the humans from the demons by pulling he fire alarm! They steal some fire fighter swag to sneak into the building, they trap those demon fucks in a closet w/ salt and they get dad but the demons come.
Dean uses a colt bullet to save Sam from getting beaten to death by demon w/ making swoosh throwing powers now their back at Bobby’s and SALT THE SHIT out of the house. Dad praises dean for using a bullet to save Sammy, the demons come n’ Sam goes to check the salt: dad asks for the gun but dean goes “your not my dad, he would never praise me for using a bullet” Sam comes back bla bla bla DAD REALLY WAS POSSESSED! A DEMON WHOSE IMMUNE TO HOLY WATER (they checked him before when they saved him) IT’S THE DEMON WHO KILLED MOM, the mom killer reveals says that this is justified cuz they exorcist Meg (his daughter) and the guy dean shot was his son but like bitch get off your high horse all you & yer kids have been doing was trying to kill or fuck things up for the Winchesters. Uwawa mommy killer monologues about killing mom and sam’s gf cuz they got in the way for his plans for Sammy and AALLL THE SPECIAL PHYCIC KIDS LIKE SAMMY! yellow eyed bastard goes off on dean for interrupting him by saying “eehh waahh you give EVERYTHING to this family but they don’t need you not like you need them, Sammy is the favourite kid.” So deans like ooh getting too personal huh? I’m gonna mention your super dead or in hell kids BITCH! so yellow guy just straight up tries to kill dean with magic demon mind powers, deans calls out for dad to not let the mom killer kill him AANNND IT WORKKSSS for a bit: sam’s free to shoot the yellow guy but he’s like “you kill me, you kill dad” but Sam doesn’t give a FUCK and just shoots him.
Sam aimed in a non vital place but that didn’t work, THE FUCK IS STILL ALIVE IN DAD! Luckily san couldn’t pull the trigger to put pops down n’ the demon goes back into the ground after getting shot by ☆SUPER EPIC COLT GUN☆.
Wait where the fuck was Bobby??? Oh wait maybe they weren’t at Bobby’s....
They go on the road to take dad to the hospital, they chat about “why didn’t you kill the demon, I thought we saw eye to eye” but like Sam loves you too much John, he doesn’t need the trauma of killing you- THE BOYS GET IN A CAR CRASH, THAT DEMON ISN’T FUCKING AROUND and then the episode 22 ends.
ALRIGHT THATS THE END OF SEASON ONEE, I wish I write down more about the episodic ones, I liked those ....like the lake one! Dean would’ve made a great father to that kid.
Tldr thing??? So Sammy n’ dean’s mom gets murdered by a super demon when they were kids,dad goes on a rampage against all monsters and the boys get sucked into that lifestyle too forever, Sammy is a phycic special boy and there’s other special kids the demon made. They get special gun to kill the demon but it didn’t work so now they got in a car crash the end. Also demons among humans haha yeaah forget that
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2lim3rz · 3 years
House of Wax Rambles
Instead of just making multiple posts of the same thing, I’ma just put all my comments here.
1. Wade, puppies. Stop and pet at least one. Also ambrose is sketchy as HELL
3. F to Wade the accidental asshole. Also Bo? I think it’s Bo, he cute. I’d trust him
4. No idea who this muscle man is carving at a statue, but I am SO IMPRESSED at the like, tbh, anyone who can carve realistic bodies like that deserves respect
6. Nevermind, Wade is a fucking asshole. You deserve to have that dog growl at you, asshole. STOP MELTING THINGS!
8. Not saying I forgive Trudy and Doc from the beginning, but I do like, feel bad for them. Also Bo is somehow more sus than roadkill hauler? I don’t trust him. At all. Sure roadkill dude was a perv, but he’s more...marginally trustworthy than Bo is
9. Victor Sinclair? Victor.. wait cadavers- WA IT BO? IS BO THEIR SON? OH. OH NO. WADE GET THE HELL OUT OF TH ER E!!! Unless he’s some weirdo that collected their stuff-
13. Mr. Scary Handsome his indeed, handsome. Confirmed. Does not forgive him for being terrifying
14. Omg he has a doggo
15. OH MY G OD WAT TORTURE DEVICE IS TH IS ?! I’m loving this movie but not gonna lie, I genuinely can ‘t look holy shit- AND CARLY GO AWAY FROM THE CHURCH! GET OUT! GET OUT YOU STUPID IDIOT!
22. That’s not wade.... That is NOT- THAT IS WADE OH NO.. AHHHHHH
24. Obligatory OwU scene. Paige. Paige talk to him- OH NO THE MUSIC-
25. Is paige final girl? I hope so
Sidenote: Honestly the worst part of the glued lips was the blood because I chew on my lips a lot so it was kinda just ASDFAWE:FWELGW
21. OH....OH poor Vincent- I mean he’s still the villain but- Poor kid, man- OH THAT’S WHAT THE MOM WAS MAKING IN THE BEGINNING-
32, Any wound any of these characters make, makes me feel super itchy there I ah te it  so mu chh. ALSO OH NO, VINCENT’S DOGGO IS GONNA BUST YOU-
33. Bo’s a fucking asshole to his brother. You two are bad guys but one of y’all sucks a lot more than the other, let Vincent help you you crazy man
34. This part with the generator gives me massive American Terror vibes and I hate it- OH NO, VINCENT DON’T FLIP SWITCHES!
35. Dalton was his bro.. his dude bro...
36. Aw h el l - Bo’s a better  fight er o h no
37. Vincent, don’t care about the man.. he didn’t care about you, buddy
38. I don’t know about Vincent, but he got done dirty by Bo
39. “You guys ok?” “-silence-”
Final thoughts:
Soundtrack? Love it. Though the scene in the theatre could’ve been without music but that’s my opinion
Bo, Vincent, and roadkill dude? I love them. Bo’s on thin fucking ice because he’s an asshole, in fact he broke that ice.
Overall, LOVE the movie! I see why everyone loves it!
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monsterfuneral · 4 years
monster live reacts to interview with the vampire
Alright I'm about to watch Interview With the Vampire for the first time and I'm gonna live react to it (in one post so I don't blog people's dashboards).
I don't know anything about this movie so :)
A new - Indicates when something new has happened. 
- Let me see that fucking scientologist!!!
- I like this *very* dramatic music playing
- ...I don't think I've ever seen Christian in anything other than Heathers so.
- (When Louis turn on the lights) WHY IS HE SO VEINY LMAO.
Okay edward cullen
Ah yes vampire backstory
- Poor guy 😔
- Oh shit he's about to get a little sucky sucky... Shit nvm she's dead
He's just taking a little swim. Literally how did he survive.
- Oh shit hes back
Just kiss already, fuck dude
- OH. He's a quick little guy, just a little cuddle with my pal
Bleed on his ass. Oh shit he's into it
Oh shit he's turning into a werewolf.
HIS VAMPIRE WHAT. He's got new ass eyes. 
- "Coffins are unfortunately a necessity" am I the only one who's like... Totally okay with the idea of sleeping in a coffin or
- Lestat is really pretty 😳
- Oh he's god a nifty little thumb thing, that's very epic of him.
He shook that damn rat out like it was a bottle
- Doggies
- Oh shit they taking the dogs for walkies
Sir you have lipstick on your nose
- Oh shit he's mad
- He is fucking hungry. All those chickens gone to waste.
Oh shit
- He's such an asshole omg
- Oh shit he's giving him the hand. Louis is NOT having Lestat's dramatics right now
Oh shit she's dead. Poor girl :(
- Yes love arson
Lestat is SO DRAMATIC "PERFECT! PERFECT! JUST BURN THE WHOLE PLACE DOWN!" I think that's what he's doing sir.
LMAO "OH SHUT UP LOUIS, COME HERE!" yeah get his ass Lestat
- Oh a cemetery:) this is nice
- Lestat's only moods are: overly dramatic, horny.
Also I absolutely refuse to believe this man is straight
- Just me and my big happy vampire family :)
Aww wait okay that's actually kinda cute. Just two dad's spoiling their daughter :) I'm sure nothing bad at all will happen.
LMAOOOOOO "Claudia! Now who will get to finish your dress? A little practicalities, remember, never in your home" AND THE LITTLE HAND SLAPS LMAO. I fucking love him.
- Anyway, I'm at the part where Claudia is upset over Lestat treating her like a doll. Which I can't blame her, I wouldn't be too pleased about it either if this was how I was treated for the past 30 years.
Oh shit she's throwing the dolls away.
Oh shit there's a body on the bed. Lestat is not happy, oh shit he's shaking her around.
- Oh shit she's cutting her hair off. You know what you fucking go, stand up for yourself.
It (short hair) actually looks pretty good, we love that for her. 
- I do not blame her at all. Even though she was sick her whole life was still robbed from her, I compl understand the rage, this is an amazing performance.
- He just pulled a David line "you will never grow old, and you will never die"
- Louis is such a sweetheart. I love him so much. (I love lestat too he's just a bitch)
- Poor Claudia. She deserved to be happy.
"my love..." 🤢 What.
- Lestat's fucking dramatic piano playing JSWJRKEK
- Lestat is really just Klaus Mikaelson with less rage (maybe)
I feel like she's got a devious little plan.
"we forgive each other then?" He just wants someone to love him man...
OH SHIT!! SHE JUST FUCKING SLIT HIS THROAT! You know even though I love Lestat. I'm proud of Claudia.
"good night, sweet prince" get his ass
- I'm glad she's doing research though, she deserves to know what she is.
- Uh oh he god ding dong ditched. 
I'm making a prediction right now: Lestat isn't dead.
choking his ass out fuck. That corpse was dirty as hell but I assume I was right and it was Lestat.
I knew it. He is a little leather bastard now.
Louis you fucking go, king shit.
- Claudia is quite the artist. Shit dude.
They're in paris now :) I have a tiktok for this, will post afterwards.
- I'm so glad they're both happy. I'm sure it totally won't be ruined or anything :)
- Oh shit new Vampire?? Just me and my new pal syncing up
nvm I don't like him he gives me bad vibes.
- Vampire party?
Just a play nvm.
Oh shit this is fucked up. Hey guys I don't think she's apart of his. 
Nvm she might be idk. (she wasn’t)
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- The dress Claudia is wearing is very pretty though
- I don't trust this guy.
Oh shit old ass. 400
Oh shit they have what we do in the shadows rules.
- Poor Claudia.
- Oh shit she's going to the doll store 😔
Me listening to this guy talk: wait that Antonio Banderas?...
Me: there's no way *starts looking it up*
Me when I look at the cast list, now covering my mouth: ....it's Antonio Banderas....
Louis better not fall for this shit. Claudia needs you dude.
Tbh I wish my nails looked as good as Louis'
- That sidewalk is so fucking skinny man.
- Who's the lady...
Oh shit Claudia 😔 poor thing. She doesn't deserve all this pain.
Oh shit he's gonna do it. 
Oh shit he's doing it. 
- Poor Louis 😔 this story is just a "I feel bad for everyone" kinda story huh.
This is very not epic of them.
Oh shit are they in like a sun trap or something, like in what we do in the shadows 
DNWKSLSK I WAS RIGHT. I'm a fucking genius.
Oh no 😔 poor Claudia man.
- Oh Armand is actually helping. That's very epic of him. Scared it's 100% too late for Claudia though.
Poor Claudia 😔 you'll be missed AND POOR LOUIS THAT WAS HIS ONLY FAMILY >:( angry.
I would say at least Claudia's freed but literally to where... :( I hope she's somewhere happier.
- His eyes are so red omg.
Ooo it was very pleasing to watch that liquid pour down those fancy steps
This vest on him? Iconic.
- Oh Louis 😔
- Now he's all alone this is so sad :(
- He’s a movie nerd, understandable.
- He's so pretty
- WAIT OLD DEATH???👀👀👀👀 L-lestat?....
Body in the vines. 
Bats :). 
You look a little decrepit my man
"still beautiful Louis" *cries*
"the more I wanted you" just admit you were in love with him, loser.
"become the old Lestat" well I don't think we need that. Love you though :)
- Mans really just said "but louis I wanna be traumatized too :("
- Oh he's got a nice car though :)
I really liked it :) a little weird how they made Claudia and Louis’ relationship seem romantic, I didn’t like that, and well some other things too but, you know. 
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professor-maka · 5 years
#14 pls! :D “I come to the library every day to ‘study’ but really I’m just watching Netflix over your shoulder and I’m really invested in this series and the day we’re supposed to be watching the season finale you’re not there and I??? Feel personally betrayed??”
Ask and you shall receive. ❤️ I hope you like!
Thanks to @sahdah and @macabremermaid for the eyes.
“HBO and Chill”
She can’t afford HBO, not making her own way through school, so Maka had never really worried what shows it airs. Why pine for what you can’t afford?
But then, he’d changed all that, the white haired kid who goes to the library to study every Sunday night, like clockwork. Sometimes he comes at 6, and sometimes he rolls in at 8,but he’s always there, just like her. But unlike her, he always takes a break to stream on his laptop.
The first night, Maka had been pissed—sure it isn’t a quiet study floor, but who streams in thelibrary without headphones? She’d been fuming but also curious. Game of Thrones? She’d read the books—had wished she could watch the series—but alas!
Fuming gave way to interest, and instead of confronting him like she thought about during the first 15 minutes, Maka had found herself watching over his shoulder as hequeued up two more episodes that night, and, reading abandoned for the evening, she found herself wondering when the hell she was going to get to watch more.
Maka had been damn near lowering herself to ask her shithead papa for the gift of HBO, sulking in the library as she did her reading and itched for more in the saga of Starks andLannisters, when her thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of someone moving in to occupy the table in front of hers, the same table she claims every Sunday. She nearly gasped when she realized it was him again, the white hairedboy from the previous Sunday, the one with HBO, the same one she’d seen around campus and in the back of a few of her classes, silent as as stone.
Maybe he’d watch again, she thought. She hoped. Although, Maka reminded herself, he’d surely be ahead by now and she has always hated skipping episodes. Disappointment hadflooded her as she poked her nose back into her book and there was nothing but yawning quiet, the scratch of her pen, the click of his keys. And then, she heard it. The theme song! And it was… the next episode!
She barely pretended to read that time as he watched three more episodes straight.
That had been months ago, early in the semester, and now, the semester is nearly at an end and so is the series and she can’t wait! Because by some miracle, he clearly only watches at the library on Sunday nights, right when she’s there to see it, and Maka has become invested.
The finale is tonightand she isn’t even pretending to study, she’s so wound. She needs to know what happens. The show has far outpaced the books and waiting is torture,but Maka knows he’ll be here by 9 to livestream like he has been for weeks.Well, maybe she should at least make a stab at studying. Sure she’s got As sofar in her classes, but finals still matter.
Nine o’clock hits and he’s not there. He’s never not there, not all semester, so where is he?
Ten PM hits and she’s inthe first stage of grief, mourning the loss of her livestream. But surely he’llshow and stream, even if it’s a little late. Eleven hits and with it comes the anger. Why now? Why tonight? How dare he string her along through 8 seasons only to deny her the finale!
Fists clenched, Maka makes a decision. Maybe not the most rational decision, but she’s more than a little desperate. Apparently, laptop boy is friends with Blake—she knows because she’d seen them playing one on one together as she passed the courts afew times—so she can find out where he lives or his number or something and—and—
Well, she doesn’t know, but desperate times, desperate, desperate times.
Clicking Blake’s speed dial on her cell, Maka rolls her eyes at his answers of, “Yo, this is your godspeaking, whatcha want?” That being a god brother makes him her actual god ishis personal joke; only he finds it funny.
“I need—a favor.” She sounds more sheepish than she means to, feels silly, almost hangs up, but—
“Sure, shoot, anything for my favorite minion.”
“Uh, so, eh—“ she stammers through his guffaw at her inability to spit it the fuck outalready. But she’s Maka Albarn and if she’s anything, she’s brave, so she pushes on. “That, uh, weird kid with the white hair you play basketball with—“
“Who, Eater? What, you got a thing for him or—“
“Nooo, he just—wait, his name is Eater?”
The guffaw is louder this time. “Nah, not his name name, it’s just what I like to call my newest minion, keep up.”
“And I thought BlackStar was bad,” she mutters, face flaming. Eater. Knowing Blake, she tells herself she doesn’t want to know.  
“Yeah, whatever, anyway, Maks, what do you want with my boy Soul? Never pegged you for being into the emo type but, like, no judgement.”
Well, Soul isn’t so bad a name. She finds she likes it. Much better than Eater, anyway.
“I’m not into anyone.” She manages not to snap even if she’s seething in mortification. “He—uh—forgot something at the library and I wanted to try to get ahold of him to—“
“Yeah, yeah, alright,I’ll text you his contact, gotta go, they set up the beer pong table, laterloser.”
Black Star will be BlackStar. At least he texts her the contact, and of course it’s under Eater. Figures, but whatever, she just needs to find out why the hell he ditched her.
She’s already pressed to call and let it ring several times when she realizes all at once she has absolutely zero business bothering him. Because, sure, he’d strung her along like a kitten with a string, laying out all 8 seasons before her like a buffet of medieval shenanigans, but it’s not like he’d done it on purpose.
The end call button gets pushed so fast it might have been the key to stopping the apocalypse. Really, it sort of is. Maka drops her phone on the table like a hot potato and lets the shame wash over her—how could she let sensationalized, bawdy medieval television get such a grip on her?
Her phone vibrates and she scoops it up, craving a distraction from her own silliness.
uh do i no u —the text reads.
No, he certainly doesn’t. Maka has no idea what to do but she can’t not answer, it would be rude, so she types back:
Not really. Blake gaveme your number.
ummm okay why — he responds after a pause.
Why? She can’t exactly tell the truth but she doesn’t like lying, either.
I was worried when you didn’t show up at the library. You’re always there on Sundays at the table infront of mine. Sorry.
It’s the truth, just not all of it. Because she does feel like they’ve bonded over Game ofThrones watching it together every week, and she’s overheard phone calls with his parents and his brother and she’s gotten to know quite a lot about him. Gods, she feels like a stalker, but— but—! He’d invaded her library time, not the other way around! And he’s the one who breaks rules to talk on his cell—he’s lucky she hasn’t reported him! And—
The vibration startles her out of her spiral.
maka shit im sorry im sick running 104 was gonna go set my alarm but slept thru its the finale im sorry gimme a sec ill b there
What. The hell.
He knows her name? And that she’s been watching? And—he’s sick—and—
Don’t you move! 104 is dangerous where do you live? I’ll be right there.
Even as she thoughtlessly hits send she regrets it because what is she doing? He’s going to block her or ignore her or tell her to fuck off, or what if he’s theone who’s actually a stalker—
Vibration. It’s an address, for an apartment complex next to campus.
Be right there. Her fingers send it out before she can even think—he knows her name, he sent her his address, maybe he’s a stalker serial killer?
But she’d called him. Also like a stalker. So it makes no sense and what even is she doing with her life?
For about half a second, Maka considers blocking his number and going home, never to enter the library on a Sunday night again. But he’s running a 104 fever; he might need help!And—she’s not a coward and she’s fully capable of kicking ass if she must. AND—the Game of Thrones finale is at his beck and call.
That’s the clincher, so she packs her things and makes her way across campus. It’s nearly midnight, so Maka keeps to well lit walks, and it isn’t long before she’s at his door. She knocks and hears coughing and shuffling and then he’s opening the door, looking bedraggled in plaid pajama pants and a ratty band tee, dark smudges under his eyes, his pale hair sticking up every which way. Well, the last part isn’t sofar off from his normal, anyway, but he looks sort of pathetic with his fuzzy blue blanket over his shoulders. Endearingly so.
“Uh, so,” she says, fidgeting with the strap of her bag on her shoulder and looking at his mouth to avoid his eyes.
“You can—uh—come in.” He sounds nervous even past the unusual scratchiness of his voice, but steps back, so she steps in. He closes the door behind her and she notices he’s got a nest of blankets on his big leather couch. She’s pretty sure she can hear an episode of Chopped somewhere in the background.
“Lay down.” Maka finally takes charge, tired of them both standing so awkwardly. “You have tea?”.
He just blinks at her for a minute, shakes his head, then looks between the couch and the kitchen. “Uh, sure, I can make—“
“Nooo!” she cuts himoff. “For you. I’ll make it.”
“Maka, you don’t have to—“ it’s the first time she’s ever heard him say her name and it startles her, especially because she sort of likes it.
“I know, but I want to.Help, I mean. So lay down.” She doesn’t give him the chance to protest, just walks into his kitchen and begins opening cabinets.
“Furthest cabinet on the left,” she hears his voice call out from the living room. “Cups in the dishwasher.”
She finds the tea (loose leaf! She doesn’t expect that!) and cups and sets the electric kettle on the counter below the tea cabinet to boil.
Several minutes later,she’s got two steaming cups of green tea with an herbal blend, and she walks them out to the living room. Soul has neatened the couch and is sitting up, leaving room on the other side. His eyes are closed and he’s snoring softly. Poor boy looks pathetic, flushed and droopy. Maka sets down a tea cup on the coffee table in front of him, sets the second on the other side, and sits across from him on the couch. She means to let him rest but it’s so awkwardsitting with a sleeping not quite stranger that she clears her throat nervously.
Startling awake, he looks at her, blinks, then seems to recall the situation,
“Uh. So. Wanna watch the finale?”
It’s at least half of why she’s here, so she nods, still feeling awkward and out of place, yet absolutely determined.
They end up commenting to each other through the episode and it’s nice. Why haven’t they ever watched it together like this? Not just Maka spying and pretending not to, but actually just—together? She could have asked and sat with him but she’s been silly.
It’s a regret, but as the episode ends, they’re both too full of feelings and ideas for it to last, and they talk about the finale and the series for a good hour before she stifles a yawn and he lets out a huge sneeze and she remembers who he is and where they are.
“So um—thanks for letting me come watch.”  She’s fidgeting again, this time with the hem of her hoodie.
“‘’Course. Thanks for giving a shit and taking care of me.” His smile is wide and genuine and she could maybe melt which is—silly for a lot of reasons, really—but she also remembers—
“How do you know my name?” she blurts.
“Uh.” A nervous hand musses his hair further. “We’ve had like four classes together and you—sort of stand out.”
He’s already pink with fever but his skin goes red and—is he blushing? She blushes back at the thought.
“Oh, yeah, okay, I just—uh—didn’t realize you noticed me or anything, especially at the library.”
Gods this is embarrassing.
“You weren’t exactly subtle,” his voice is gruff as he looks at his hands.
“But—“ she stammers. “Then why didn’t you just ask me to watch with you if you knew?”
“Thought you’d say no.” His eyes are still down though they flick her way for an instant.
Would she have?
Maybe. In the wrong mood. She can be stubborn, she knows. But still.
“Well, since I’m here, you were wrong.”
“Yeah, I caught that. Guess it’s too late now, anyway. Show’s done.”
It is, isn’t it.
The thought of giving up her Sunday study tv night makes her inexplicably sad. Especially since she’s here during summer and knows he is, too, from one of his calls with his brother.
“You have Hulu?” Inspiration strikes.
“Er—Uh—yeah?” He looks confused.
“Because I don’t, and I’ve been dying to watch Hamdmaid’s Tale.”
“Oh! Yeah, that’d be—cool. We could start tonight—I mean—“
“Yeah, sounds good. You clearly shouldn’t be alone with that fever and I don’t have a final until Tuesday!”
“Cool,” he repeats, calling up the Hulu menu on the television.
For her part, Maka can’thelp a slight satisfaction at having made a new friend who can afford to stream.
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wellntruly · 5 years
Hannibal Rewatch: 1x13
Originally posted January 2016, reposted March 2019 after an algorithm looked at this post and thought “oh, no that’s far too explicit” and ate it whole without giving me a chance to appeal. Enjoy guessing which of these one thousand screenshot honked them off! I have my favorites.
Season 1, Episode 13: “Savoureux” or, OH, THE SCALES / TUMBLING FROM MY EYES
**Warning: rewatch blogging, written with knowledge of the full series
Ok moment to talk about the “Previously On Hannibal”, if you can believe it, because they used the clip where Abigail asked Will if Hannibal had told him about her involvement with her dad’s murders and Will responding that he hadn’t, which, u may recall, I was fantastically floored to discover was a conversation that took place all in Will’s head. So the Previously On has ALSO gotten so wrapped up in Will that his imaginings are presented as part of the factual objective recap, and that’s marvelous to me. Because god, we’re in “Savoureux.” It’s the finale of Season 1, things fall apart, the center cannot hold, and from here on out, the relationship this show had with Will is fracturing. What tilting ice sheet are YOU gonna jump on as the glacier breaks apart?
LET’S FEEL IT OUT, as is our way.
Live Feed:
NOPE NOPE NOPE, T minus nope seconds into this and it’s THE BULLROARER. And that thing travels RIGHT down my spine to the tune of nOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOOOPE. Curse these nice headphones, fucking MONSTER TUNERS.
It sounds like hunting and the Gods and being encircled. All of that. I mean it’s, pun-intended, pitch perfect for where Brian Reitzell is using it, don’t get me wrong, that’s WHY I’m so upset. Because here’s Will, oh Will Graham, finally trying to hunt down the monster always in the corner of his eye. And he chases the Ravenstag, until at last he finds —
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the Wendigo, hunched by a tree in the enchanted forest like Voldemort feeding on a unicorn. Angular and so hungry, crimson wet pools in the leaves. Will, run.
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But how do you run when it’s just in your heeeeeaaaaaaddd.
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I’m losing my mind all over again, sweet HELL the shuddering focus effect, the music, this:
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And of course the ear. I won’t screencap that one, because you’ve seen it, and you won’t ever forget that. Neither will Will.
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Hugging himself like a straightjacket, staring at the battered proof of his feet. I’m so miserable.
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Hello, Satan.
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He has to reach into the darkness to take his haaannnd! God I’ll stop capping every frame someday, I promise, I just, I gotta right now. [Ed. note: I don’t, I don’t stop. There are over 50 images in this. Fuck me.]
Pfffft, Dr. Lecter’s “oh gosh oh noes” act involves spinning in a complete circle in Will’s kitchen while making a shocked face. Stuff it, Mikkelsen, your layers of acting.
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Nooo bby don’t look at him like that he doesn’t deserve it. At all, like utterly completely AT ALL.
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Man I love this blatant manipulation. Remember that precious pupper he rescued in the pilot? He’s not evil he’s our sweet Will! Bastards.
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Beverly: “I can’t do the silent treatment. I can’t pretend that I don’t know you, and I can’t pretend that we both don’t know what I’m finding under your nails.”
I love that Beverly just ditches script, bless you Bev. She’s one of the few people on this show who has figured out that sometimes it’s easier for Will if you just Get Real. I think this is mostly because that’s what’s easiest for her, but it turns out that he actually responds well to her bluntness.
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I am so so so so sorry, but if I have to look at this face of woe, then so do all of you.
Trying to comprehend how much physical damage Hannibal wrought on Will to make this look the way it looks is staggering. And upsetting. It’s not just the ear business that we will talk about later not now I don’t wanna do it, it’s also all the deep scratches on his arms, his torn and muddy feet, his general exhausted raw wrung out everything over this whole dang season.
Alana just whispers at Jack to stop talking as her eyes fill with tears, oh my god no one is gonna let me BE in this episode. *quiet screaming*
Alana: “You could see he was breaking.”
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Jack: “Yes I could. And I kept pushing him.” NOT A PARAPHRASE, this line with this exact face oh my god what.
Alana: “Hannibal had to have known, he had to have seen that something was wrong.” YES GOOD, STAY ON THAT ALANA. Oh why do I bother, I know what happens. Oh but you can stay on this!! Stay on the disease thing, my girl! Oh yes it’s Alana that figures out the encephalitis oh my god how could I have forgotten. Of course it was. Bloom to the rescue.
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Alana: “Abigail’s blood is on all of us. And so’s Will’s.”
I mean speaking of people on this show who are like little gorgeous scary angels meting out judgements: Alana Bloom.
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Caroline Dhavernas, you are obliterating me.
Their little hi’s, oh my word.
Will: “You’re flushed, you been yelling?” Alana: “More like screaming.” True. I loved it. Will: “I could use a good a scream. I can feel one, perched under my chin.” Yiiiii.
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I knew an actor once who would do something very like what Hugh Dancy is doing here, the angle he’s holding his head & jaw at and letting his eyes move. Or wait, no maybe he just also owned an orange jumpsuit. This has been a very relevant aside for you all I am sure.
The ridiculous thing is that there’s a way to view this scene in which Will IS a psychotic killer, and it’s called “Will just saying all the weird shit he always says in the weird manner he always says it, only now you think ‘hey maybe’.” My exhibit A for that case would actually be this “romantic overtures” comment.
Will, whispered so quiet: “Guess you dodged a bullet with me.” Alana: “I don’t feel like I dodged a bullet. I feel wounded.”
I’m never gonna make it through this episode and you will never make it through this recap, because I just keep pausing after everything to let my hands creep around to grip something while sighing painfully.
THE CLOCK. THE CLOCK. It hinges on the clock, so good, such a good use of the show’s iconography as part of the plot! Also even Dancy’s vocal delivery is reminding me of this friend now with “Would I be here if it wasn’t?” and it’s getting weird.
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Aaaaaahhhh the flicker of “holy what?—” on Alana’s face as Will draws his Dali timepiece.
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She’s got it. Go, Alana. Be our hope, our champion. Someone’s gotta figure this out and I want it to be you, and then I want you to blaze furiously at all the wrongdoers. Guardian Alana, protector of scruffy little men together with their scruffy little dogs. Alana will take care of all of them, my lady knight.
Ok break for a second. Something’s gathering together for me about the way all the Hannibal finales work, and it’s that I just said “Ok break for a second.” They are relentless. High-key emotionality and this thrilling slide-y feeling, like you’re on something now and you’re just gonna tumble ahead to the inevitable. And that too, that they always manage to feel so inevitable! And yet the whole time watching it unfold you’re just like “whaaaaaaat!”
Anyhow, commercial break over, no rest for the wicked let’s jump back in.
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Me out loud: “Oh frickin hell.”
Remember that time Hannibal went and WEPT to Bedelia over what he was doing?? THE MOST CONFLICTED CANNIBAL. THE MOST SELF-DEFEATING CANNIBAL. HUNGRY HUNGRY HYPOCRITE.
I love that Bedelia just rolls out what is clearly her stock Grief Speech.
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Bedelia: “are these crocodile tears, or is the crocodile actually teary”
Oh MOTHER OF pearl, I can’t cap this because it’s a micro-flicker movement, but Hannibal’s face when Bedelia segues from the loss of Abigail to mention that Will Graham is a loss too, oh he flinches, it’s like a tiny version of his nose crinkle snarl from 3x13. I’m ruined.
Hannibal, firmly: “I haven’t given up on Will.” Oh I believe you, I believe this more than anything you have said in this whole conversation.
Bedelia: “hey, maybe now that Will is gonna be in jail, you could leave him the heck alone?” Hannibal: “lol”
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I’ll always cap a fly.
It is SUPER CREEPY that Will would have made fly fishing lures out of all his victims. It’s also SUPER PREPOSTEROUS and thank god, because this is what keeps Will from believing the whole kit & caboodle.
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Team, maybe the fact that your dismay & confusion is this comical is a sign that something’s awry.
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I love the way Will glows in this room.
The  b u l l r o a r e r, wrapping around him like the thread of his luurres.
This is good Will, this is how you react when you’re innocent and someone suggests you killed a passel of people. With a sad desperate horrified disbelieving “Noo.” Take note, every bit actor ever on C.S.I.
God, it’s such irony, that the four additional victims doom him just as they prove to Will he couldn’t have done it. If it were just Abigail he could have sent himself down for the count, but four others too? This cannot be right. There’s someone else.
Jack: “My biggest fear is that we’ll learn you knew what you were doing the whole time.” Will: “You don’t have to be afraid of that, Jack.” Jack:
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“why is even ur reassurance unsettling”
Will: “There is something you should be afraid of though.” Jack: “yeah this is just more of what I was just talking about it.” Will: “Whoever’s doing this to me.”
Will’s emotional logic that maybe Jack is the one setting him up is pretty much the same kind of logic that keeps people believing it’s not Hannibal. This is aggravating. You all are in the evidence business.
I wonder how much of the audience was still with Will when he snapped his thumb in and went scrabbling over cops to freedom. I suspect most of us were, at this stage in the game. I at least was operating under the reasoning (“reasoning”) I believe Will was, which was that his best shot is just to find the person who is actually responsible, whatever the cost. And he can’t trust the rest of the team to do it, so Will’s gotta save himself. Nobody can help Will Graham but him. And he’ll use eeeverything he’s got, everything he’s been forced to learn. Fuck it.
Jack: “so Will’s fucking shit up like mad rn in Dumfries.” Hannibal: “Jack thank you for bringing me THE BEST NEWS OF MY LIFE.”
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“dang, Alana, why do I always go for the smart ones”
It’s hilarious to me that Jack thinks the practical solution to problems is always an “intelligent psychopath.” Like “intelligent psychopaths,” who are simultaneously dumb enough to endanger themselves by ostentatiously killing people, just litter the streets of Baltimore like so many chip bags.
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God, the way he just flips up all sharply aware, my bespoke beastie.
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I was about to ask if Will had been sitting there for a long time without Hannibal sniffing him, and then I was about to ask if he just managed to get in super quickly, but hey look there’s a door right there! So he just slipped in and sat down, ok got it.
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“Can you keep a secret?” I shout at the edge of the canyon.
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“Step closer,” it echos back. [x]
Oh this is nice:
Will, strained/curious/suspicious: “Are you confused about who I am?” Hannibal: “I’m skeptical. Meaning I’m willing to change my mind should the evidence change.”
I feel like it’s beginning to become more and more clear how much Will has repressed, which is now seeping up though the cracks. And Hannibal is speaking more and more double-sided truths in response. The games are beginning. GUYS. Those dangerous honest manipulative games, I think they’re starting here. It feels like the inky tendril roots of S2 oh my gooddd.
Will: “I didn’t kill any of ‘em. And somebody is making sure that no one believes me.”
Hannibal: “If you are this killer, that identity runs through these events like a thread through pearls.” I just love the similes, hot damn this is my jam.
Fuck wait the position swap aaaauuuggghhh!! And the spinning and spinning, round and round with the bullroarer buzzing up again.
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Ha ha ha ha, Will needing to go to Abigail’s house in Minnesota before he suggest Hannibal killed her, like he’s playing a game of Clue and has to get into the right room before he can be like “I accuse Dr. Lecter, with the knife, in the kitchen!”
Anyhow, there is nothing I don’t want to know about this 12-hour road trip through Minneginia.
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LOL, Bedelia: “(sigh) Is something wrong [[that you really need to bother me about.]]”
Bedelia: “If anyone could have helped Mr. Graham it would have been Hannibal. In fact, [suppressing annoyance] he may still be trying.” I love it, I love this, oh my god. Bedelia knows exactly what the shit Hannibal is doing and cannot believe he’s Still Doing It. If he keeps tangling everyone further into this mess where does that leave Dr. Du Maurier? Having to fucking move, that’s where. “Goddamnit Hannibal, you fascinating sonofabitch.” - Bedelia, constantly
Will Graham, all “my heart is telling me no, but my dreams, they’re telling me YES IT’S FUCKING HANNIBAL.”
“Are we going to reenact the crime? You be my dad, you be my mom, and you be the man on the phone.” Never Forget. Abigail Hobbs as the Best & Ballsiest. Also, as Will would read it, giving him clues even after she has been taken out of the picture. God no wonder she’s his nigh-literal Manic Pixie Dream Victim in S3, just floating around dispensing insights: her memory has been droppin’ knowledge on him since all the way back here! Starting with the episode before, actually. Wow. This whole Will-Abigail story feels like it’s becoming clearer to me by the day.
Will: “Are we gonna reenact the crime?” Hannibal:
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“*vibrating* it would be my pleasure”
Will uses the word “gouts” a lot when he’s talkin about blood. I usually try not to do that, myself.
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Will: “I stared at Hobbs, and the space opposite me assumed the shape of a man filled with dark and swarming flies. And then I scattered them.”
W O W. He genuinely sounds like an archangel vanquishing Beelzebub or something.
The sound design makes it feel like Hannibal might suddenly grab Will at any moment and it’s fucking terrifying.
Whole Dialogue Time!
Hannibal: “You are alone, because you are unique.” Will: “I’m as alone as you are.” Hannibal: “If you follow the urges you kept down for so long, cultivated them as the inspirations they are, you would have become someone other than yourself.” Will: “I know who I am. I’m not so sure that I know who you are anymore.”
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Oh hey, Hannibal reminds/affirms that whoever killed Abigail also killed all the others. He didn’t need to do that, he probably could’ve still sent Will wading down that particular stream, but he saved Will that, actually, given that it’s very clear Will’s not going in for the I’ve Been A Criminal Mastermind All Along explanation. Maybe Hannibal wants him to truly ~own~ his future crimes, so he decides he’ll go ahead and take all these. Keep Will’s pure. Idk, I’m kinda reaching for an explanation that’s not actually Hannibal taking these off Will’s conscious due to NICENESS or something.
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I like that Will stands against the moonlight. That feels right.
It’s so like Hannibal to try convince Will that to want to specifically kill him in this moment means he just Wants To Kill en general. But Will Graham, ridiculous difficult Will, is always all “I think you underestimate just how divided in themselves one person can be.” Hey why I have I never seen a graphic for Will with “Do I contradict myself? Very well, I contradict myself. I contain multitudes.”
Hannibal keeps trying to change the subject away from himself. Like everything right now, it is not going well! Hannibal I’m sorry but even knowing how messed up you’re getting over this boy, even right now, I cannot feel bad for you at present. I can’t feel bad for you until you feel bad for you, and here in this kitchen you’re just high on ~possibilities~ and survival instincts and the scent of Will’s fear-sweat.
Ok I can’t handle shaky panicky Will realizing Hannibal’s ONLY trackable motive is “Me, comma, to fuck with.” OOOOF. The weight of Hannibal’s obsessive interest in him just dragging him down to hell, and the only thing he can grip is the gun in his hands.
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I’m not gonna belabour the “See? See?” thing because we all get that, let’s instead talk about how Jack WILL NOT SEE. Way to make someone feel crazy. Ok to be fair what he thinks Jack should see is an onyx antler skeleton where Hannibal used to be, but. I mean overall. For instance, HEY JACK, do you know what I would find a tad teeny bit suspicious? If a ~mild-mannered psychiatrist~ was nearly shot by his patient/best friend, literally now has his patient/best friend’s blood splattered across his cheek, and appears largely NON-REACTIVE TO THE SITUATION. I mean, a touch of trauma would not be out of the ordinary here? Maybe??
Jack: “Would you have gone to Minnesota with him if he didn’t have a gun on you?” Hannibal:
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“(I would have gone with him to the ends of the earth)”
Jack: “You know, in my time I’ve seen people broken by the world. I’ve seen them broken in all kinds of hideous and offhanded ways, but never like this. Never like this.”
Fuck this hurts. I was gonna strangle-scream about Jack assuring Hannibal that Will is not his victim, but now I’ll just bask in the agony of this sentence pls. “hideous and offhanded ways,” christ almighty.
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What a taste of S3 in this shot.
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Hannibal: “Thank you for indulging me.” PAGING @CONFUSEDKAYT
Bedeliaaaaa, you’ve always avoided his table but now he brought a meal to you. What a power play, how you gonna handle it? Maybe with….
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~~Insouciantly Performative Submission~~ ™genufa
It Always Works.
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The lighting in this prison tho.
Hey hey wait hold on —
[[Guys I am so sorry I have absolutely no idea what image went here?? Let’s just trust it was Hilarious. - 2019 Tarra]]
Oh come onnn, they’ve done it so that as Hannibal tilts his head and smells for Will amongst the mad, sad men in Chilton’s hospital, and as opposed to catching his scent too, which we cannot do, we instead get to hear VIDE COR MEUM, like a synaesthetic gesture of what Will smells like to Hannibal. Y’know, just an opera about Dante & death, and here specifically: “I am your master / Behold your heart / And of this burning heart / (She is trembling) / Obediently eats.” Because why not go for it. The motto of The Hannibal Show, lbr.
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What a jacket.
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A masterwork. Like all the finales. Upends everything but in a way that feels like it was written by the gods long ago, when they were feeling both vicious and indulgent on a little too much wine. Whenever Bryan Fuller talks about how S4 would have been a paradigm shift, nearly a reboot, nothing is the same, etc., I just laugh, because that’s every single one of his seasons of Hannibal.
ALRIGHT SEASON TWO NOW, let’s do it, let’s fall in love get fucked up fall in love.
(Get fucked up.)
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How To Properly Scream: the Hannibal Rewatch hindsight-riddled Season 1 & 2 rewatch blogging/screaming suggestions
Super Concise & Sensible Hannibal Recaps real-time Season 3 recaps, neither concise nor sensible
38 notes · View notes
significantfoliage · 2 years
911, S2 E10, it's fucking Christmas y'all:
- I refuse to believe Buck is this messy, he kept his ex's apartment nice the whole time!!
- oh wait, this is going to end with Buck taking Bobby's apartment and Bobby moving in with Athena isn't it
- ewwww Eddie ditch her!!!
- THEY LITERALLY HAVEN'T TALKED TO EACH OTHER OR THEIR FAMILY, INCLUDING THEIR SON??? RIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS???? Bruh like. They may be okay individuals but they're a wreck of a couple
- everyone involved in this relationship deserves better
- oh nooooooo not an assembly line!!!
- oof he looks bad.... Tbh I kinda expected him to die, good job Maddie!!!! And team obv
- Eddie got to be put together for 9 episodes but now it's his turn to deal with this show being a drama
- who the fuck just walked up to Chim, he is So Tall
- Jason Bailey wtf, are we continuing the ghosts thing, are ghosts just canon here
- oh noooo does Maddie have Christmas trauma
- wait sorry just had a moment of imagining by brother running in with a bunch of supplies to try and comfort me and felt a real emotion 🥺😭
- I'm like begging Maddie to talk to someone. Her and Eddie bro
- are you shitting me the drone was that Powerful???
- Bobby I know that the point of this show is the emergencies mirroring your personal drama but we're not supposed to say it At the scene!!
- Jason Bailey has on blue plaid.....👀👀👀
- Eddie word vomiting everything to Buck is So Good
- oh okay so she has reason to say Eddie being in Afghanistan was selfish. I was kinda confused by that cause like
- I'm gonna be So Sad if this soldier misses this event
- hmm yeah of course there's an accident. I do know what show I'm watching.
- lol what did the LA Chronicle do to the show writers for that to be the truck
- if they don't give this man a ride I swear
- glad he had a change of clothes lol that was. A lot of blood.
- okay okay yes it's a show but her singing I'll be home for Christmas is getting Me, I'm also crying Bobby, oops.
- damn this episode has gotten me TWICE, I hate this 😭
- this is of course cute but I kinda feel bad for the rest of the choir
- damn I did NOT expect her to say yes, good for him lol
- bruh they've got ham AND turkey??? Fair tbh cause this family does grow exponentially, at least in recent history
- Athena saying "you are always welcome" to Buck feeds my theory that he's her favorite of the fire fighters that aren't Athena
- genuinely where the FUCK is up with the rest of Buck and Maddie's family?? Parents? Anything?
- HOLY FUCK BUCK'S CHRISTMAS CARD IS PART OF WHAT HELPED HER GET AWAY FROM DOUG??? I love that they pulled that little line back into this, damn
Well I. Didn't expect THAT to be the end of the Xmas episode??? Damn holy shit
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