#he’s still a teen who is too cocky for his own good at times but that does not negate his stellar other moments
turtleblogatlast · 23 days
I think a lot about Leo standing up for his brothers in the things that really matter to them.
Like- Leo is the one who immediately pushes Mikey and Donnie into finding Raph the second it’s clear that their oldest brother is missing because he knows Raph can’t handle being separated like that.
Leo is the one who stands up for Mikey when Mikey wants to go on a solo mission, actively vouching for him and being the one to convince Raph into letting Mikey go, because being independent and proving himself just as capable of standing on his own two feet as everyone else means so much to Mikey.
And Leo defends Donnie’s honor in particular when his brothers’ intelligence is insulted because Leo is well aware of how important Donnie’s smarts are to him - and how important having those smarts valued and acknowledged is as well.
All this goes right into just how well Leo knows his brothers. For as much as he’ll tease or fight with them, he knows them, and he loves them.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt leo#rottmnt headcanons#rise leo#listen Leo loves his family SO MUCH#and like it’s no accident that Leo is consistently the one to give pep talks that#very notably#are less ‘everyone as a group’ and more ‘all of you individually’#it’s heartening to see honestly and like#it works with how he is as both a person and as a fighter#he knows people he knows them so well he knows how they work what they’re like#which is SO USEFUL for subterfuge AND portal/teleportation strategy#my guy is charming his charisma comes from his understanding of people at an individual level#when he wants to be he is very very good at that#he’s still a teen who is too cocky for his own good at times but that does not negate his stellar other moments#he can be selfish he can be mean he can be rude but when push comes to shove he is so quick to stand up for his family#Mikey’s statement at the end of the movie about how Leo NEVER gave up on THEM is so important because it’s not JUST about the movie!!#that’s Leo as a whole he will never give up on his bros#portal jacked is telling of this too because although it has a lot of comedic moments#never once does Leo stop looking for a way to get his bros back#they’re everything to him#he’s the face man he’s a people person and he’s the number 1 pet turtle which I will discuss the implications of in this essay-#Will also say that when Leo does these moments of standing up for his bros he’s never expecting praise for it#he’s just glad they find Raph he just smiles when Mikey tells him he loves him he never mentions defending Donnie#leo has a tendency to show off fancy glittery moves but his real actions and feelings are sooo much more lowkey#that you have to be actively looking for them to catch them all#and I really really like that about him it’s so interesting HE is so interesting
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xetswan · 3 months
Unknowing- Intruder
(Alice x Reader x Jasper)
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[two] [three] [four]
"Hey [Name], Sam's been calling the line." Charlie tells me as I scarf down a buttered toast.
Ever since I found out that I can eat food again it's been my favorite thing to pass time.
Even if I don't need it. I've missed the taste of everything. "Mm," I finished the food in my mouth.
"What'd he say?" I ask before taking another bite of food.
Every single time I eat too I know I look like I haven't eaten in days. Like a starved child.
"Just that he needs to talk to you about something important." My dad simply shrugs his shoulders, taking a berry off my plate and popping it in his mouth.
"Think he's pregnant?" I jokingly ask only to get hit in my shoulder. "You're stupid." He shakes his head.
"What? I can't be a teen mom, dad. I'm telling you. He'd be on his own." I say with a mouthful of food.
"Yeah because we need another [Name] in the universe." Charlie sarcastically speaks aloud. I let out a gasp. "Rude." I finish off my plate, standing up to put it in the sink. "You should seriously speak with him soon, he's blowing up the line. I'm about ready to throw it away." He half-heartedly jokes, even though he was a little serious.
"I'll get to it soon." I sigh, I stretch out my limbs, twisting my sides.
"You've been gaining some muscle." Charlie suddenly says out loud. "You think?" I lift both my arms, flexing off the muscles I obviously knew were there. Just feeling a little cocky lately.
"Okay, show off." He nudges me.
I smile, grabbing my leather jacket from the hook, throwing it on. Bella comes downstairs and then I hear a car pull up.
"You wanna eat something, Bella?" Charlie asks, she only shakes her head, putting her sweater on as well. "Alright, you two have a good day." He tells us, we both wave on our way out the door.
At the school, I sit on my bike, waiting for Jasper and Alice. In my jacket I'm beginning to feel a little uncomfortable. It's tight against my arms, almost close to not zipping up anymore.
"Hey lovebug." I feel a hand land on my thigh, squeezing it tightly. "Hey." I smile back. I go to say something to Jasper as well but a roar of another motorcycle erupts into the parking lot.
Bella and Edward get out of the Volvo. Jacob climbed off his own bike, striding towards them. "Jake!" I furrow my eyebrows, watching my sister get excited to see her once best friend. I grip onto Alice's hand that was still on my thigh.
"Hey, Charlie said you left town." He states. "Yeah. To visit my mom, why?" Bella questions him back. "Just checking to see if you're still human." I lean back listening to their conversation. My arms crossed. "I'm coming here to warn you. If your kind come on our land again..."
"Wait, what?" Bella cuts him off, confused. I glance at my partners. They already told me what happened.
"You didn't tell her?" Jacob glares at Edward, this is where I stand up and join them. Alice and Jasper stay in proximity just in case.
"Just leave it alone, Jacob." I tell the wolf who seems shocked by my words. "Tell me what?" Bella asks.
"Emmett and Paul had a misunderstanding, there's nothing to worry about." Edward shortly explains.
'Listen to you. Did you lie to get her out of town too? I can't believe you got [Name] in on it too." Jacob scoffs in disbelief, I roll my eyes. "You should leave. Now." Edward warns him. I stand straighter, hands on my hips as I stand beside Edward.
"She has a right to know. She is the one the red-head wants." Jacob spits it out knowing that's exactly what we want hidden. "Victoria? Alice's vision." My sister realizes.
"We were trying to protect you." Edward tells her sincerely. "By lying to me. [Name] you too? You two are like- we're gonna talk about this." She points between Edward and I. "But, you. Why haven't you called me back?" Bella questions Jacob. "I had nothing to say." He answers.
"Well, I have tons." Bella walks closer to Jacob. "Hold on. Hey. Bella." Her boyfriend attempts to stop her.
"Edward, you have to trust me." She pleads with him. "I do trust you, it's him I don't trust." Edward exclaims. He lets her go and she jogs to Jacob, climbing on his bike.
"Hey, [Name]. Before I leave. You should really talk with Sam." He then smirks to himself as Bella wraps her arms around his waist. "Lose the grin, Jacob. We're just going for a ride." I hear my sister tell the boy.
"Hold on tight." He kick starts the bike, driving off.
As they drive past, Edward just watches. "Want me to go?" I look at him. He glances over at me, bowing his head slightly down.
"Your sister is stubborn." He then nods his head, motioning for me to go.
I headed over to my bike, Alice and Jasper were still standing there. "You can't go, [Name]." Is the first thing to leave Alice's mouth.
"Babe, it's alright. Would you rather Bella be on the rez alone? I'm the only one that can go and not get threatened." I remind her to which she glances up at Jasper but knows I'm right. Her eyes flickering back down to the ground.
"She's right," Jasper starts off at Alice then at me. "Just be careful please, darling." He brings me into a small kiss.
"Of course, I'm a fucking hybrid. Who's going to threaten me beside the Volturi?" I whisper, knowing only they could hear. Alice slaps my arm, even though she knows it's a joke she doesn't find it funny. Jasper does though which helps my ego a little bit.
"Alright, don't worry, my love. I'll call you right away when we leave the reservation." I promise her, kissing her cheek but before I can let go she pulls me in for another kiss. "Good." She mumbles under her breath, letting me go.
I get on my bike, kicking up the stand as I start it. "I love you both." I mouth, both of them smiling in return as I drive off.
Pulling into the rez, the energy was different than it had been before. People aren't glaring me down as I drive past. Instead I got smiles. Even if they were small. Billy was also already on his porch as if he had been expecting me even though Sam was the one who requested to speak with me through Jacob.
Speaking of, the large man is right behind the older one. To which I rolled my eyes at. "Hi, Billy." I smile, not acknowledging Sam.
"Well, you've gotten some muscle on you." Billy grins in return. I park my bike then flex my arms through the jacket I was wearing, just like I did with my dad.
"How's being a hybrid?" He rolls his wheelchair down to get closer to me as I was walking toward him.
"It's alright. Love being able to eat food again without it tasting like sand." I half-joked. There was definitely some truth to that sentence.
"I bet. I'm gonna have to set up a feast for you someday." He looks up at me.
"I would love that." I grinned. Then as quick as he was cheerful, it went quiet. Billy became solemn.
"You're always welcome here, [Name]. The pack agreed to stay neutral. More than that, they are very welcoming. You should learn both sides of yourself." He tells me, grabbing onto my hand I could tell he wanted to feel my warmth.
So I let him. I think back to the agreement I had made with my partners. Swearing that I would never turn into a wolf unless absolutely necessary.
"Thank you." I bow my head momentarily. "You don't plan to do that though, do you?" Billy quietly asks me, not in an angry or upset way. But knowingly. My silence of course answers for me.
Sam scoffs, "of course you don't." He shakes his head, finally putting himself into the conversation. "Excuse me?" I cross my arms, glaring right at him.
"Those bloodsuckers, they told you not to and since you're their little bitch you do exactly as they say." He gets in my face, I step back so Billy doesn't get hurt.
Knowing that I can barely control myself after my emotions I close my eyes for a split second. Taking in deep breaths. Slowly, in and out... 
"Sam, she's stronger, back off before something stupid happens." Billy warns him, placing a hand on his arm to stop him but Sam shoves it off.
"I want an answer. They convinced you to not use it, didn't they?" His shoulder presses against mine and that's when I shove him away from me. His body flailing backwards to the dirt.
"I didn't come for this, I barely even came here to talk to you. I'm here to make sure Jacob isn't reckless with my sister. I angrily spat at the man who's getting up off the ground.
"Why I don't turn into a wolf is my business. Not yours. Never will it be yours." I got in his face this time. "I don't know how many times I have to repeat myself but I do not want you near me. So stop trying." I push off of him, this time a lot softer but it does cause him to lose his balance just a little bit.
"I'm sorry for the show, Billy. I'll see you some other time." I looked him in the eye, ignoring Sam who was just standing there now. "It's alright, your sisters in the garage." He points, I thank him as I walk away from them.
Before I enter the garage I hear Jacob getting upset. "You knew this was gonna happen." I hear Bella say. "Not in a month." He argues, he;s pacing. I stand outside quietly knowing that they can't sense me. Something that is a part of being a hybrid. No one can catch my scent or presence.
"I mean, not before you've even lived! Or before I could... for a second." He pauses to think about his next choice of words.
"For a second I thought... But he's got his hooks in you so deep." He growls out "I decided this, not him." Bella argues with the werewolf.
"Bella, they're not even alive. It makes me sick. Better you really be dead than one of them." He says out of anger and as much as I want to go in there and back my sister up I know she wouldn't want that right now.
"I can't believe you said that Edward was right. I shouldn't have come. She mutters and I frown from hearing the pain in her voice. I hear Bella step forward to leave. "Bella, come on. Please, I'm sorry." He says but I'm starting to question if he's even sincere anymore.
I hear her step further into the garage and uncover something. "We should stick to safer subjects like motorcycles." She speaks up to cut the tension in the air.
"Only thing safe about you on a motorcycle is when you turn it off." Jacob teases and I use this as a cue to join in. "Ain't that the truth." I walk in with a smirk. "Hey, no need to gang up on me." My older sister frowns as Jake and I laugh.
Bella and I get home late and when we walked in our father was right there in the kitchen. "You know the Cullens could at least respect meal times." Charlie tells us. "We were with Jake." Bella says and I hum too.
"Oh... Good, did you speak with Sam while you were over there?" he asks as I was smelling something unfamiliar in the house, it was mainly in Bella and my room.
"Uhm, yeah yeah." I was a little distracted but the conversation was quickly cut off by a knock on the door.
"I'll give you guys some privacy then." Charlie walks out into the living room. Edward walks in after Bella lets him in but I'm trying to smell the scent more, not being able to put my finger on where it's from.
I quickly went up the stairs to my sister's room first.
"What's going on?" Bella asks. "[Name] smells something. It's strong, I smell it as well. Something's wrong." He follows behind me. They watch as I'm checking things out. Touching the things this person touched.
"Edward, [Name], what's wrong?" My sister worriedly questions us. "Someone's been in here." Edward says for me.
Alice comes to my side as we all gather in the Cullen's living room. "Who was it? Someone we know?" She quizzes us.
"Just a stranger. I didn't recognize his scent, neither did [Name]." Edward tells everyone. "A nomad passing through?" Esme asks.
"A passer-by wouldn't have left Bella and [Name]s father alive." Rosalie argues. I suck on the inside of my cheeks at the thought of Charlie getting hurt. Alice hugs my arm tighter for support. Jasper then bursts through the door.
"His scent disappeared about five miles south of their house." He tells everyone before waking up to me. Taking my hand into his, planting a kiss on Alice's head as well.
"Someone's orchestrating this." Edward states the obvious. "Victoria?" Carlisle says. "I would've seen her deciding." Alice shakes her head ruling the redhead out.
"It has to be the Volturi." Edward butts in. "I don't think it's the Volturi either. I've been watching Aro's decisions too." Alice again disagrees. "So we keep looking." Emmett speaks.
"We also take shifts, guarding Bella at her house. I think [Name] can handle herself along with helping us." Carlisle gives me a small smile.
"Another protection call?" Rosalie interjects. "Rosalie." Esme warns.
"No, she's right. You can't protect me, watch our dad and search for the intruder and for Victoria and keep yourselves fed." Bella agrees with the beaut.
"I'm not leaving you here defenseless." Edward explains.
"Well, I'm not gonna let you starve. And I wouldn't be unprotected. I have [Name], and I have..." She stops herself then glances up.
"What?" Edward questions but I already know what it is.
I apologize for how long this took lol. I was very busy with a bunch of stuff I had to deal with moving lol. I also have a new cat and he has so much energy lol
A&J M.L.
Taglist: if you want to be added lmk!
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milkywaydrabbles · 9 months
anything nsfw (or sfw idm) with mikey and a taller reader? or any other tr boys? no sub!reader please
A/N: I hope this is what you were looking for! I did both SFW and NSFW it was v fun. However if you'd like a m!reader or gn!/reader please let me know! I'll also do it for any other requested TR boy ty mwuah
Mikey x Tall!Reader
Lord the way Mikey would have had her head if they didn’t grow up together. She was always a cocky little shit on being taller than him--and seeing eye to eye with Draken. She’d been friends with him, Shinichiro and Emma your whole life. She used to be so small and shy and cute--what happened?
It felt like from one day to the next she grew in her own skin, having an awkward growth spurt as a teen and looking like a newborn giraffe learning how to walk for the first time. Always nervous to talk to boys and girls--the boys would look at her like some kind of freak, and the girls would simply make fun of her for her height. ‘How will you ever get a boyfriend if you’re so tall?’
Mikey was always there for her afterwards, make sure she knew that he still liked her a lot even if she was taller than him.
And then the years passed, and Mikey changed, and she changed too. Except now, Mikey was the leader of Bonten, one of the most dangerous gangs in the country and she was, well, a new executive climbing the ranks. No longer the shy, scared little girl, she was just as ruthless as the rest of them.
And all the while, by Mikey’s side no matter what. She was cocky, but respectful in front of the rest of them. Honestly the rest of the execs just thought you were a childhood friend and nothing more--much like Sanzu.
But what they didn’t know was that she’d joke and prod at Mikey behind closed doors. He was a ruthless leader, but with her he’d turn back into a kid, scowling at the way she’d hold things over his head (literally!). 
“I can fire you.” He’d start. “I can fucking kill you. You know that right?” throwing daggers her way when he scowls, arms crossed. She’d simply snort and say “You could. But then you’d be bored when you’re alone wouldn’t you?” She’s right.
Imagine the shock of the rest of the execs when Mikey ‘accidentally’ drops the ball during an interrogation mission. Rats were found smuggling drugs out from underneath them to make a quick buck and Mikey was personally there, front and center to get info. Of course, he wasn’t the one doing the torture, he’s too good for that. She stood behind him with a stone cold face, that could bring most of the men in the room to their knees. But the assholes who were caught kept egging her on like she couldn’t hold her own. Like a woman shouldn’t be in the ranks at all.
“You’ll do well to not insult my girl like that.” It didn’t go unnoticed, Sanzu and Rindou glancing at each other for a moment but thinking nothing of it--you were an executive, he could just be talking like you were his in the same way the rest of the execs were under his command. 
They kept sneering, until they realized she was the one doing the torture and not the usual suspect of Sanzu. It was gruesome and honestly one of the worst cases of torture they’d seen, but all the information was extracted. Which means she turned into their executioner, pulling a glock out from its holster underneath your shirt and putting a bullet between their eyes. The silence was deafening, only Mikey laughing to himself and raising her hand to his lips with a quiet ‘that’s my girl’ and a kiss to the back of her hand.
The next meeting the execs had (that Mikey wasn’t a part of) turned into a madhouse.
Mikey was always one to want to stay in control, but he had his work cut out with her. She was so good at keeping him underneath her, practically whimpering at the way she would tease his cock with her fingers, with her mouth, with her pussy. 
“You’re such a good boy, Mikey.” She’d coo, fingers slowly wrapping around his erection and pumping at a snail’s pace; teasing. “Coming home to me after such a busy day.” She leaned down and gave the head of his dick a kiss, holding his hips down so he can’t buck them up into her face. “Are you going to let me take care of you, baby boy?” He nodded, breath shaky as he exhaled, “Y-yes, please.”
She used her height to her advantage, push up bras and plunging necklines her best friend to tease him even in the office. She just had to lean only a little bit, pretending to lean down and read whatever it was he had in his hands before Mikey was panting like a dog begging her to let him fuck.
She’d sit down on his desk, short skirt and pumps that made her legs look even longer, spreading her legs ever so slightly so he could see the pretty lacy panties she’d been wearing. Mikey would get on his knees ready to eat that pretty pussy, only for her heel pressed against his chest to stop him (and he was still so far away, fucking long legs). You know that one scene of Wolf of Wall Street? Very much that.
Whenever  they fuck she’s very much on top, bouncing on his lap for her pleasure only. And if he cums before she’s ready to stop? Well Mikey better get used to overstimulation quickly, she’s not done yet.
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cottoncandy-cult · 9 months
Kakashi Hatake x Chubby! Reader
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Kakashi gave a tired sigh as he walked down the all too familiar path, he had finished training his squad for the day and was making his way home. A tired smile slipped on his face when he noticed a large and old cherry blossom tree starting to bloom, though it was pretty he was smiling more at the memory attached to it. He had been a cocky punk as a kid and even as a teen he had a bit of a streak in him, but there was one person able to wash away that aggression. (Y/n) was just a couple years younger than him and he had first met her when some new chunin had been bullying the (E/c) eyed girl, she was a bit heavier than most girls her age but she also wasn't exactly interested in being a kunoichi so she had no real reason to go out of her way to exorcise as a ninja would. Kakashi had recognized her from a small restaurant he occasionally visited which he later learned was owned by her parents, so he decided to step in and run them off since he did out rank them, and their behavior only shined a stained light on the village. But that had just been the start, before long they had become friends and eventually things had fallen into place and they had become lovers as young adults, one of his more recent memories had been proposing to the beautiful girl beneath that very tree.
He had fallen hard and by the time he noticed he was already love struck, she was a sweet and gentle soul who he felt was far more beautiful than the vein and rude jonin who loved to boast about how they're "peak attractiveness." Something he thought was a bunch of BS since for quite a few It was obvious they had only just barely had the skills to reach their ranks, most of them couldn't hold a conversation unless it was about them or someone else and he just couldn't get passed how ugly they were on the inside. His angel may have been different from most, but she was still beautiful to him in her own perfect way. He closed his eye as he continued his walk, though he began walking faster as his stomach growled. It was Wednesday, meaning his wife was making eggplant and miso soup with salt-broiled saury, one of his favorites. He loved her cooking; he was exhilarated to learn that out of her siblings she'd be the one to inherit the family restaurant. Her brother had become a ninja and her sister wanted to be a fashion designer and seamstress, Kakashi liked making jokes that talent runs through her family as it made her flustered.
Upon walking through the door his stomach announced his arrival, making the male blush while lowering his mask when hearing his wife's laugh from the kitchen. She stood in front of the sink, the front door opened into the kitchen and to the left had been the living room. "Welcome home love." The (H/c) haired girl turned from the boiling pot on the stove to look at where he stood near the front door, the house smelled of soup and grilled fish and teased him with the fact that he'd have to get cleaned up before he got to eat. "Thanks, beautiful, I'm glad to see you're in a good mood." The silver haired male chuckled and made his approach to the blushing girl, curling his arms around her waist as she turned to face him and rested her hands on his chest when gazing up at him. "Things went rather smoothly at the restaurant today, the new waitress has really made things a lot easier. How was your day? Did the kids tire you out as usual?" Her question had a grin quirking his gorgeous lips, making him chuckle as he leaned his forehead to hers. Feeling her gentle hands rub his temples and brush through his hair his body relaxed into her, his single black eye gazed into hers. "A bit, I'll save the stories for dinner though. Thankfully they weren't as much of a handful as they usually were." He leaned back, letting her sway them from side to side and listening to her beautiful laugh. "Well why don't you go get cleaned up, it should be finished by the time you get done." This statement made the male nod before he leaned down to kiss her forehead, reluctantly slipping away from her to go shower as she continued cooking. Neither noticing the preteens dangling from the window, the 3 kids who made up squad 7 had peaked up just in time to see him hug the girl. Though unfortunately for them they had been so startled at the fact he was in a relationship that they hadn't paid any attention to trying to see his face, and upon noticing Kakashi about to turn around they panicked and slipped off the ledge left to dangle and missing their second chance.
The next day Kakashi had met the team at the training grounds, but he was both surprised and mildly concerned when he got there and they all three stood with their arms crossed like parents who just found their child's porn stash. "Uh.... Good afternoon..." He raised a hand in an awkward wave and feeling oddly threatened. It was then that the 3 rushed him, Kakashi had to fight every instinct that insisted he run away as he could almost feel this situation was gonna get weird. "Don't good afternoon us Kakashi sensei! Why didn't you tell us you were married!? Why don't you wear your ring!?" This had been Sakura speaking up first, the girl clearly thinking about the worst. So, with a sigh Kakashi decided to just rip off this band aid, so he removed one of his fingerless gloves to show his wedding band protected within. "It just never occurred to me, it's not like it changes anything." That was when Naruto popped up in front of him, startling him far more than he ever thought it would. "You should have told us it was to Miss (Y/n), we could have been eating lunch at the Konoha Lotus!"
That had Kakashi quirking an eyebrow, he forgot that Naruto did eat things aside from ramen from time to time. But he still didn't see what had the three riled up, that was when Sasuke spoke up next. "It's nice to know you aren't an ass like Kaiba." Kakashi cringed at the mention of being compared to such a male, Kaiba having been a petty little man whose thoughts and opinions were only skin deep. "Just how vain did you all think I was!?" Kakashi gave an exasperated sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Well, I mean a lot of girls do have a thing for you, we always thought you were oblivious or just playing hard to get. At least we know you're just loyal though." Kakashi felt his head drop as a weight dropped onto him, he never realized how his attempts at ignoring the fawning of his fangirls made him look. Buuuuut at least they knew he was a devoted husband now, maybe they'd listen just a little bit better from now on. Though he doubted that, then it would just be too easy.
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skinnywalker · 1 year
Professional protector (Aaron Hotchner x nanny! male reader)
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It's become a slight problem. Most nights it Hotch was late. Some he wasn't home at all and babysitters were only so reliable.
"You're really using Garica to get a other new babysitter?"
"I'm not trust random teens with my boy."
Emily rolls her eyes and pulls away the file of potential names.
"Can't you just hire a full time?"
Hotch groans.
"Same problem."
"Well it's either a once time issue or a till-jack-is-grown issue so make up you mind."
She's right of course, he needs to just bite the bullet.
After nearly an hour of barely scrapable options Hotch's attention was caught by a face.
Young, clean cut, handsome and with a bakround in child care. He gives Hocth a strange stomach twist, the kind he felt in high-school when he meet Harley. That same at once connection.
"Is he free?"
"Looks like it. Says on his employee web page he is open for full weekdays."
"Send that to me would you?"
Garcia can't help the small grin that crosses her lips.
"At once my lord."
From his nightstand the buzz of that familiar notification sounds him awake.
He checks the profile his boss Diane always sends but this one is different than normal. He is used to business men who don't have time for their children but the man is an FBI agent and high in ranks too.
Doesn't look half bad either.
"How much is the pay?
"60 an hour."
He stops dead in his track.
"60? For one child and house sitting?"
"Ahuh. He asked me if that was too low."
"Too low?!"
She smiled at him with a gleam I her eyes.
"He really wanted you specifically."
Hotch keep glancing at his watch. He wasn't late but Hotch was nervous he might be.
"Excuse are you Mr. Hotchner?"
He's pretty in person Hotch thinks. More real. More warm. He's bright-looking but not cocky. Fair featured but no vain. He could reach out his hand and Hotch would near before him to kiss it without even thinking.
"Yes, you must be the nanny."
"Ahuh. Would you like to go over the details of what you need me to do while your away?"
Hotch smiles. He has no clue why but it feels natural.
"Of course."
Hotch leads him through the house explain everything he needs from the house care side of things.
"-and if you can't try to fold the blankets to fit in properly I'd be really thankful."
"Of course. What about your son?"
"Jack spends most of the day at school. He still in k-8 and does sometimes need homework help. He can make his own food but often prefers it made. He has 2-3 hours of screen time weekdays and 4 on weekends. He'll want to call me when I'm out of town which you can also do if you need anything."
He nods. Simple kid.
"He always wants to come along on grocery trips and basically anytime you leave the house."
Hotch hands him the house keys.
"And most importantly he'll ask for want he wants and his bedtime is 8:30."
"Got it. I call you at night if I have questions."
The two turn to see a sleepy toddler standing in door way. His spider-man pj's frumbled from napping.
"Hey Jack buddy, this is your new babysitter. He'll be here all day till I come back in the evenings so you don't have to be alone at home."
Jack looks up. Hotch feels the two smiling at eachother. His heart is aching know Jack is already bonding with the nanny. This have been a good idea.
"I have to go home today Jack but I'll see you again tomorrow ok?"
"Ok! Can we play with my Lego pirates."
"We can play whatever you want to Jack."
Hotch loves that smile on Jack. The innocent love. His boy is safe.
"Hotch? We have an emergency."
"What is it J.J.?"
"Ten victims all male in their 20s and the unsub is moving."
"I'll be there in ten mintues."
Hotch's body knows the routine of his morning work runs so well it work on autopilot.
Lastly he kisses Jack's sleeping head and text his new nanny 8 words.
"Flying for work for at least a week."
He'll get what I mean Hotch thinks before he stops himself. Why is he so sure? He doesn't even know the guy and he is trusting him like an old friend already. That's not good but Hotch can't seem to stop himself. He doesn't trust easily but something about him is so safe. So at home at ease. Hotch hates how his walls are just gone the moment he met a pretty man who takes care of his son. Hotch hopes he'll stay.
"He's targeting men who seem successful in love. Men with kids and partners and well paying jobs. Young man living how he wants to live. And he does it through robbery and hold ups. He is choosing targets on the fly."
"Where do we thinking he is making his way to?"
"Maybe his home or his get away car. I don't think he can keep this up for too long and I know he thinks that too."
At the hotel Hotch picks up his nightly call.
"How's your nanny been buddy?"
"I love daddy! He is super smart and he knew all about the history for my test on Tuesday and he makes such good pasta and he read me all the books I have trouble with!"
Hotch feel his stomach twist again. Just like a dad.
"That's great buddy. I'm glad you like him so much."
"He is gonna be my new best friend."
"I'm sure he will sweets now you need to good to bed."
"Ok, Goodnight daddy."
"Sleepwell Buddy. I love you."
"Love you too!"
He's safe. He's for the first time Hotch feels confident in thinking that Jack is really safe and happy. He sleeps better that night then he has in a while.
"Unsub is now in Virginia and he's getting risky. Going straight for our home now. He might even be there at this moment."
"So we came out here just to go home?"
"No, we came out here to know for certain he is home. Let's go."
Jack had asked to come along to the Cafe. He had followed his nanny to the counter and was rewarded with a small pink lemonade.
"Have you ever tried limeade or just lemon?"
He shakes his head no.
"Never liked lime. Too sour."
He chuckles.
"I like a lot of sour things especially ones that have some sweet in them."
"Everyone get on the floor! This is a hold up and if everyone behaves no one will get hurt."
Jack looks up confused and then frighten.
"Comere Jack. Everything will be alright."
"We've tracked him to a Cafe he's holding up. Swat is on their way but we don't time on our side."
"How fast can we get there?"
"20 is not fast enough."
"You, with the blonde kid. Move up here."
His arms wrap around Jack and gently lead them both to the front.
"Give him to me."
His breathing hitches.
"I'm not letting you near him. You'll have to take me first."
The click of the handriffle echoed in his ears before he felt the the world go black.
When the room came back into focus he realized he was in the ER. His chest was burning. He could feel the dizziness bringing him in and out of blurry awareness.
"Hey, just rest, you're really injured."
"Jack.. what about Jack?"
"He's safe with his father."
A knock at the door interrupts them.
"Hello Doctor is it OK for me to see him?"
"Mr. Hotch? Is that you?"
Hotch leans over the hospital bed brush some hair.
"How are you feeling?"
"I've been worse."
"Worse than shot?"
He giggled even though it hurt.
"Yeah. I'm better knowing Jack is safe."
"He was really scared for you, so was I. You don't know how much it means to me that you put yourself in such danger for my boy."
"I'd do it again."
Hotch felt strange. On one hand he was deeply relieved that he was safe but such a close call had his nerves in a twist. It was like a weight had been added to his psyche. Hotch couldn't let anything happen to him. He felt protective.
"How is he?"
"Exhausted but ok."
"Hotch I know he is just your nanny but you seem pretty worried."
"I can't help but be. He nearly died keeping Jack safe. I don't know what could've happened if I hired someone less bare. This whole time I've felt so.... connected with him. Like he is someone who I can trust."
"Does Agent Aaron Hotchner have a slight crush."
Oh no.
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pedroschka · 1 year
not my type
Joseph Quinn x reader
words: 1.9k fluff
Summary: one sided feelings can destroy friendships, so you and Joe make it very clear that you both are not each other's type, pinky promise clear
A/n: @ghostinthebackofyourhead grab your favorite bread and (hopefully) enjoy because I'm your secret Santa!! thanks to @quinnyfairy for organising this <3
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Mid laugh, brown eyes crinkling and his head thrown back, that's the blurry image of your best friend in front of you for the last two minutes.
"Joe as much I love to see your little potato head but your screen is frozen."
" ugh, shit! The bloody wifi connection at my parents' is the worst. Wait a second!" his voice on the other end is a bit muffled as he seems to be moving around, trying to fix it.
It was one day after Christmas and you and Joe are trying to have your own little celebration via video call while you both are at your family's and didn't want to wait till you eventually see each other in person again, unpredictable with Joe's busy schedule nowadays anyway. So you both had sent each other's presents via post and now wanted to unpack them together.
So now you sit on your bed in your old bedroom, presents scattered around you and your tablet in front of you with the frozen image of your laughing friend.
" OK, what about now?" Joe's face finally in time again and him waving at the camera
" yes, now get started I already tried peaking but you really are serious about your sticky tape"
" and see how it came in handy" his cocky little smile makes you roll your eyes while grabbing the first present on your left which already has a bit of wrapping paper ripped out, but sticky tape all around it preventing you from making out what it could be.
At the end, you both sit in a colorful mass out of wrapping paper, presents sorted in a little pile beside you, and now updating each other on the newest family tea.
" no! I swear my aunt was full-on gushing about how Eddie looked like her ex-boyfriend's when she was a teen and started showing pictures of you as Eddie all around the dining table, it was soo uncomfortable!" you comically shuddered and Joe's snickering like a little kid at your theatrics.
As comfortable and at ease you were now around him was the complete opposite when you first met each other a year ago.
You sat on your friend's couch, phone in hand, and playing some stupid game, that only seems to come to use in social situations out of ultimate boredom, but trying to look very busy for the people around you. Questioning why your friend even thought it was a good idea to invite you to one of her parties, celebrating whatever with a bunch of her actor friends, when you were the epitome of socially awkward and just overall really bad at meeting new people.
You tried, you really tried to be a part of some conversations, standing in a group full of, on first sight, cliché book extroverts, all of them with interesting lives and using big words talking about different plays, with you just standing there and fake laughing at their jokes you didn't understand and attempting to stop comparing yourself with them. Which didn't work so after a few exhausting hours in which you've been ignored or got an awkward "was nice meeting you" after you ranted too much about a topic you finally could understand you gave up. Your social battery drained and you loathing in self-pity.
Loud cheers and greetings make you look up from your phone, great even more people. The new guest is a very ordinary-looking guy, plain light washed baggy jeans hanging low on his hips, a plain white shirt, sneakers. Not bad on the eye with tousled brown curls as well as brown eyes but not really your type.
Still he held an aura around him that forced you to keep your attention on him, apparently the people around him felt the same effect as they were hanging on every word that was coming out of his mouth. Or is he... Famous around here?! And you are just the only one who has absolutely no idea who he is?
But you're already admiring him for a different reason, Looking so awkward but at the same time so charmingly charismatic and being able to find the right words and topic for each person. You couldn't help to be slightly jealous.
Forced to look down again as he looked across the room and dangerously close in your direction you continued your game, only looking up again as you felt the couch dip as someone sat themselves beside you, and you hastily tried to turn your phone away to not get caught.
"well, that looks fun" shit.
Unknown ordinary looking /maybe famous guy is smiling at you and nodding at your phone
"uggh, kinda" and your brain is letting you down again.
But he doesn't seem bothered by your brain-dead state and tried again to engage you in a conversation, ending up with him having your phone and you, hanging half over his shoulder, explaining to him how to play the game.
"oh, I'm Joe by the way!"
You met Joe a few times after that again and eventually exchanged numbers which resulted in a weird and chaotic friendship. With his ability to make you feel so comfortable around him and just being yourself, he has to endure your ranting over the most ridiculous topics or oversharing the most private things, but it doesn't seem to bother him, on the contrary, he seems to even encourage your weirdness and just adapt to it.
Because of this connection between you both, you lost count of how many times people thought you both were dating or how many times your friends and family tried to play matchmaker, so a pinky promise between you and joe was made that you both are on the same page, that you are not each other's type, both of you already familiar with how one-sided feelings can destroy a friendship, so better making sure at the beginning right?
It was now new years eve and like you planned with Joe in your last call you both were gonna drive over to a friend's house who's throwing a party to celebrate it together, in person this time.
Joe's gonna be at your place to pick you up in nearly 20 minutes and you're still sitting in front of your wardrobe in only your bathrobe and still wet hair, nibbling nervously on your fingernails and looking over all your clothes, eyes wide with panic debating what you should wear to look presentable for him.
Which is absolutely ridiculous because Joe has already seen you in your absolute worst states, coming over to you with pimple cream all over your face, greasy hair, and sloppy oversized shirts with holes and stains you couldn't even explain.
But you haven't seen each other for nearly a month now, well except for the few video calls but that's just different, and now you are a nervous mess, suddenly worried about your appearance and you hate it.
The buzzing of your doorbell makes you jump slightly, spraying the last bit of hairspray on your head and turning the music off, which you needed to hype yourself up, and speedwalking to the door, taking a deep breath before opening it.
Joe's standing in front of you in black slacks and a slightly striped white shirt, the last button undone and a necklace peeking out of it, and you feel your heartbeat throbbing in your ears.
With a happy call of your name, he went straight into a hug and you suddenly felt distracted by the smell of his perfume, still the same one you smelt a thousand times but different regardless, Like his arms around you, squeezing you firmly into him, it's like your sensory perception is on high alert and suddenly everything feels more intense.
The car ride to the party is awkward to say at least, your nerves preventing you from coming up with anything other than occasionally humming or nodding as an answer, and after a few more tries from Joe he gave up, thinking maybe you're just nervous again because of all the people that are gonna be there and needed a few more minutes for yourself, so the car becomes silent and you hate it because that was your least concern right now, you felt like a bad friend, not seeing each other for a month and you can't even talk to him because this bloody nervous feeling just won't go away. So you both just stare at the road in front of you.
It's loud and full and lights flickering everywhere and you're so overwhelmed and tense that the weird feeling is forgotten for a moment and you're clinging to Joe, following him around like a lost puppy. Him ordering drinks for you both and chatting with people, trying to include you, taking you with him for smoke breaks, the only time when you both are separated is when one of you has to go to the toilet.
A few minutes before midnight a group of people had gathered on the balcony, with them you and Joe, shouting the countdown to the new year and watching fireworks exploding and illuminating the night sky.
" happy new year!" you screamed in each other's faces and laughed as you tackle each other in a big hug. People around you doing the same or walking around and giving the traditional New Year kiss.
Observing this you both looked at each other and shrugged while giggling, both slightly tipsy, and pecked each other on the lips. Physical contact wasn't unfamiliar to you, both being touchy when around people you feel comfortable enough, small kisses when saying goodbye, or cuddling together on your small sofa when watching some movies weren't new either. What was new was the feeling you felt as your lips met his.
As you separated you looked into each other's eyes, you always thought that his eyes were beautiful, even told him so, but you never felt such strong emotions when looking into them, unable to hold eye contact your gaze trailed to his lips, so full and soft looking and you never felt such a strong urge either to be near them. Subconscious you both lean in again and your lips met again but this time for a real kiss.
Warm flooded your body and you can't think of anything else other than the feeling of his lips against yours. His hands found the back of your neck to bring you even closer and you copied him, trailing your fingers through his curls, both of you starving for each other's presence and hungry for more, captivated and lost in your own little world.
Until a person stumbles into you and you remember again where you are.
Both of you catching your breath as you separated again, waking up from the trance-like state, emotional chaos whirling up in you again because you just made out with your best friend, with which you made a silly pinky promise and made very clear to not be each other's type to save this friendship but now you experienced the best kiss you ever had and when you look at his face now he is so beautiful and you can't help to want to kiss those lips again but you were also so overwhelmed because what the fuck does this all mean now.
Luckily Joe answers your questions as he leans in again for a third kiss, shorter but still as breathtaking.
" I know we promised to be not each other's type but do you wanna go on a date with me?" he asked against your lips and you both giggled as you nodded 'yes' before going into another kiss.
(reblogs and comments are very appreciated additional to your likes)
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wintersbitterfly · 1 year
in her eyes | episode three
genre: fluff and angst
pairing: sana x female reader
scenario: highschool!au
content warnings: reader is a teen mom, slight harassment, gaslighting
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the table was silent as you and dae-jong continue to look at each other, except yours were just filled with anger at this point than fear from what you had felt earlier.
“do you mind if I talk to you,” he pauses as he looks at sana, mina, dahyun, and momo then back at you, “alone?”
“I have nothing to talk to you about.” you sternly say.
“oh, but I think you do.” he says with a chuckle. you roll your eyes with a frustrated sigh before feeling a hand on top of yours.
you look up seeing it’s sana with worried eyes. you give her a reassuring smile before turning back to dae-jong.
“fine,” you get up walking with him outside of the cafeteria so you can both have some privacy.
“what do you want?” you ask.
“when we’re you going to tell me you had our child?”
you nearly cut him off, “my child. she’s my child.”
“doesn’t work like that. I got you pregnant.” he says with a smirk that you really want to punch off his face.
“she doesn’t even know who you are. and I intend to keep it that way until she’s older, but I’m still sure as hell she’ll want nothing to do with you.” you explain with gritted teeth.
his expression changes from cocky to angry in the matter of a second.
“you can’t keep me from her, y/n. I have rights as her father.”
you scoff, then chuckle at how stupid he was.
“last time I checked, my name is the only one on the birth certificate, yours is not. so no, you have no rights to her whatsoever except for me. so, as my right to my daughter, you will not see her until I think it’s appropriate.” you explain making him even more angry.
“you think she won’t be asking about who her father is?”
“Oh wow! now you want to start using that title towards her after four fucking years! how fucking ridiculous. you’re ridiculous. you’re not fit to be a father, much less a good boyfriend. which is why I left in the first place.”
your anger was taking over at the thought of this man wanting to see your daughter. you would never let him step foot towards her. you didn’t care if he promised anything and everything to you, you didn’t feel safe with him anywhere near her.
“like you’re so fit to be a mother? 14 and pregnant?”
“and? I’ve taken the responsibility of being a mother all on my own! and I did it all. you were fourteen and an immature asshole, and still are, so you can guarantee I wasn’t going to let someone like you help raise my daughter.”
you saw his fists balled up at his sides. but you weren’t scared of him, not right now at least. you were in a public school, and as one of the star athletes of the school, he could jeopardize his entire career.
without another word, you walked away from him back into the cafeteria where sana was rushing to the door where she saw you.
“are you okay? I was getting worried.” her eyes scan you.
“yes, I’m okay. I promise.”
sana nods slowly trying to convince herself before she leads you back over to the table you were sitting at before.
the three girls look at you with worried faces.
“are you alright? you seemed like you didn’t want to talk to him.” mina asks.
you nod, “yes, guys, don’t worry about me. I can handle myself.”
the girls nod as they continue on with conversations from before, but you didn’t notice how sana was glaring at dae-jong as he was walking back through the cafeteria, and he as well was glaring back at the girl.
“y/n? I hope it’s not too much of a bother, and you can most definitely say no but, could we possibly see pictures?” dahyun asks with curiosity written all over her face.
you were surprised to hear this, immediately knowing what she meant.
you’ve always kept your daughter private, besides people knowing she exists, you don’t allow much people to see her face unless it’s her daycare teachers, and family.
but you trust sana, so you feel you can trust these girls.
“yes, but not here, too many people.” you say in a slight whisper.
“off to the cherry tree it is!”
once you all made it to the infamous cherry blossom tree where it has history of many many years ago, you all sat down on the grass where you were shuffling around in your bag and pulling out a plethora of photos that were all held together by a rubber band.
you swear you’ll find a case for all these later.
once you took the rubber band off, you look up seeing three girls who are were sitting so eager to see.
you let the girls go through each photo excitedly.
“oh my god! she’s so cute and tiny!” mina squeals.
“her two front teeth!” dahyun smiles.
“she looks just like you,” momo compliments as she flips through photos.
“thank you,” you chuckle.
sana’s silence didn’t go unnoticed by you, in fact, it surprised you when you looked over at her beside you.
she was so infatuated with these older photos of you.
ones where you were holding your baby, even when you were pregnant with her, beside your aunt jihyo.
sana was taken back at how all these photos could practically tell your whole life story.
one photo that nearly brought her to tears was when you first held your daughter in the hospital bed. you held her so close, lips to her forehead, a heart warming smile on your face.
“are you okay, sana?” you ask the girl who snapped out from her gaze, looking at your with a chuckle, watery eyes.
“i’m okay. i just got caught up looking at this photo of you,” she confesses while she holds her head back to catch any tears that may fall.
you give her a small smile before looking at the other girls who were so caught up in laughter and adoring your pictures of your little girl.
it made you think about memories.
some that weren’t all too good, either.
one photo in particular you saw, and you just went into a daze.
“i’m not staying here anymore.” you state as you walk down the stairs of dae-jong’s house.
a furious dae-jong follows behind you, “oh really? you’re just gonna run away again? you always do this!”
“i’m not dealing with it anymore! all you and your parents ever do is gaslight and belittle me about how i would be as a parent when you aren’t showing the responsibility to even be one! and i’m sure as hell not letting my baby live here with you!”
“you are so dramatic. my parents and i know what’s best for you. considering that we took you in after your parents kicked you out, you should be fucking grateful we even did! but you’re just an ungrateful bitch!” he screams as you exit through the front door of his house.
you stop at the last step before turning around to him, “i get that you’re not ecstatic about this baby. hell, i’m not even with the fucking time being. but babies happen when you have sex, alright? you and i took part of that. so if you want to continue being like this, i will gladly raise this baby by myself, because that’s what a decent parent does.”
“y/n-ah? are you alright?” you hear dahyun softly ask.
you shake your head snapping from your thoughts before turning your head to dahyun.
“i’m okay,” you pause before grabbing the photo of you and daejong and ripping it apart in front of them.
“i should’ve gotten rid of this photo a long time ago.” you sigh staring at the ripped pieces of paper.
“so, what was it like?” sana asks you as you both walk your way down the street to your daughter’s daycare.
“what was what like?” you ask in confusion.
“being pregnant? and having her.” she asks once more.
you let out a soft chuckle remembering it all like it was yesterday.
“well, dae-jong was out of the question to begin with. so, i went to go stay with my aunt and she willingly took me in. i will just say, pregnancy is not all sunshine and rainbows. it’s an obvious for all women, but being a teenager and going through it is so terrible. even the epidural didn’t help much.” you ramble.
sana giggles listening to your life story, being very attentive. ever since she’s met you and your little girl, she’s been intrigued and interested in you since then.
“but, i’ll just say i’m thankful i had my aunt by my side. otherwise i don’t know where i would’ve gone.” you finish.
“that sounds like a lot to bare, y/n. it’s really strong of you. it’s what make you so interesting and intriguing.” she says making your eyebrows shoot up in surprise.
“o-oh.” you shyly smile.
sana smiles before looking up seeing you’re close to the daycare.
“am i allowed to see her again?” she asks with a grin.
you found your heart pounding before giving a nod, “sure.”
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moonyssmommyy · 9 months
My Marauders Headcanons Pt. 3 ~ Remus John Lupin
(Daniel Sharman as Remus Lupin makes sooo much sense, in my head. I mean he is soggy, wet dog of a man like Remus. He plays a werewolf on Teen Wolf. He has the hair, and if cocky, cool Remus is your thing he can pull that off too. Also there's a pic of him in a cowboy hat for all the Cowboy!Remus going on rn)
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Hes an old man at heart and he always has been
He's very awkward, like if it weren't for the marauders he'd probably have like no friends
He actually gets along with everybody despite the facts he's awkward as hell
Became friends with The Pantheons/Slytherin Skittles/The Emeralds (whatever your preferred term is) after the prank
Light Academia aesthetic
He looks so funny sitting there wearing his light clothes next to them in all their dark ones
Still as cute as ever
He is not the smartest marauder
I mean in book sense yes but absolutely nothing else
He's awkward as fuck, and he's about as creative as a piece of cardboard
He's not emotionally intelligent either he gets even more awkward when people start crying
He has some psychological/ mental intelligence but not much
He's become best friends with Evan and Regulus
Barty reminds him a lot of James and he's thankful for that because he really missed James
He didn't talk to Sirius for months after the prank
Didn't talk to James either as he was on Sirius' side
Remus had expected it but it still hurt
Peter was there though and he'll forever be grateful for that
When he finally did start talking to James again it was like nothing had ever happened, but when he started talking to Sirius again everything was different
Remus' words were calloused, and cold he hadn't called Sirius padfoot or pads since the prank
Sirius hated that
Hated Snape even more after the prank too
His favorite color is actually brown, he says it's green to seem less boring but that's actually his second favorite color
Smokes Marlboro Light 100s
Fav class is Astronomy but best class is DADA
He's thoughtful and very, very observant
His fav muggle candy is Mr. Goodbar's
Tried on Sirius' leather jacket once and wants to get one of his own now
Really enjoys being the little spoon but he's so tall (that's why Barty is a good snuggle buddy)
Love Languages are Quality Time and physical touch
He prefers to receive physical touch and just spend time with you bc he doesn't really know how else to express himself
Mama's boy just like James
But he really loves his dad too
He fucking loves dinosaurs
So does Peter, they can talk about them for hours
Remus and Peter are variants of each other
Remus is a nerd from hell 😭
It's ok he's cute tho
Remus is naturally left handed but he learned to write with his right hand bc writing of the superstition that surrounds it
James and McGonagall are the only ones who know
So everyone thinks Remus has super shitty handwriting, when it's actually really good
He writes very small and neat
Didn't actually make up with Sirius until there were only a couple months left in their last year
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primeofprimes115 · 1 year
You Saved Me From Myself ♥️ - Supergirl x Male Reader
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Warnings: Fluffy/Wholesome and Angst (Also a cheeky smut 💕)
Being someone who is practically and almost immortal with a gift of power comes with many advantages... But what it doesn't prepare you for... Is the heartbreaks.
Watching all of your loved ones die and pass away while you stand there like like you haven't aged at all.
This does as such for an Ancient Warrior named Elementor aka Y/N L/N... Well just Y/N now as it is.
Gifted a power from an Ancient God, a Gardener of sorts, resurrecting him from the dead with little memory of his last death or how he even died.
He's fought many battles, lived through Humanity's greatest wars and over the years, he's changed.
But... Like all times, heartbreak is destined to change someone completely, scarring them for life.
Y/N went through so many heartbreaks, scarring him, changing him into the person he is now, who has no time to muck around, and gets the job done without question or ease.
But deep inside? He hated himself, he hated his purpose, he doubted himself and pushed so many potential friends and many who liked him away, to save himself of that heartbreak.
He wasn't as chatty as he was centuries ago, he barely talked and when he would, everyone would shut up and just listen to what he had to say.
For a time... He was angry at himself, angry at whoever gave him this godlike power, angry at the curse that was brought upon him to watch his loved ones wither away while he couldn't.
He still is angry, angry at the curse brought on him, only to just protect Earth and the Universe for that matter, a purpose which was slowly turning him insane.
The world he lives in now? Is a world filled with Heroes, Heroes that are Human, Meta-Human and Aliens.
Many teams of heroes had these protectors, such as the Justice Society of America (JSA), the Justice League of America (JLA), the Outsiders, The Teen Titans and last but not least... The Doom Patrol.
He's met many of the heroes, the only one he respects the most is of course Batman, someone as serious as him, gets the job done without question and plans ahead accordingly.
But even everyone has their least favourites, and it's mostly a lot of the Heroes, the chattier but not too serious types, he would often butt-heads with many... But there was one particular Hero who he butted heads with more than he could count, one who he didn't really get along with on good terms who recently joined the newly re-formed Outsiders, led by Nightwing aka Dick Grayson and Artemis the Amazonian Warrior.
The cousin of Superman, the Maiden of Might, the Girl of Steel, Supergirl.
"At least show some respect!" The Kryptonian got annoyed with his attitude toward her, though it was for a reason.
"Respect isn't given, it's earned! You could've jeopardized the whole mission, you got cocky, reckless and you could've gotten a member of your squad killed!" Y/N scolded her, his voice was heard by everyone within the HQ.
"I was only trying to help as much as I could, isn't that what we're supposed to do?" she argued back, getting a little more angrier as everyone watched.
"By putting others in danger? Causing collateral damage let alone distracting others in the process? You got cocky, you tried showing off, you tried to impress others, let alone tried impressing me? You didn't impress me girl, you only disappointed me" he said with outmost disappointment once more, turning his back to end the conversation with him walking away.
"Ha, it's not like you tried protecting your own friends and people before right? Oh yeah I forgot, you don't have any!" Kara smirked with her insult, prompting the Ancient Warrior to stop in his tracks, his eyes widening as his blood began to boil.
"What. Did you just say?" his voice turned cold, his head moving to the side, giving her the side eye.
"You heard what I said" she crossed her arms as everyone within the room looked shocked, flabbergasted.
"Damn... That's just... Cold" Impulse aka Bart Allen broke the awkward silence between his fellow allies standing beside him, ready to witness what was about to be said next
"And what would your birth parents think!? ~" he violently turns round to face her as her smirk disappeared from her face - "What would they think of the woman you've become? A cocky, disobedient, snob who disobeys orders most of the time! ~" he shouted at her, Kara began clenching her fists as he dared talking to her about her parents - "You think you deserve to wear that glyph? When you wear that symbol, you don't bring hope, the only thing they'll see you as... is a disappointment... Someone who's not worthy to wear that!" he growled at her, Kara's facial expression went completely from all of that went from snarky to downright angry, she grinded her teeth, clutching her fists as they both stared each other down with hatred for one another.
"DON'T YOU DARE SPEAK OF THEM LIKE THAT!!" she suddenly lashes out at him, right hooking him across the jaw with super-human speed and power, the force of her punch echoed through the entire room, shaking everyone in their boots as Y/N was turned round due to the force of Kara's punch, his back now turned to her.
A moment later, he spat out blood along with a few teeth, this pumped something in Y/N, giving him adrenaline, no one has ever managed to make him lose a few teeth in years, let alone make him spit out blood.
Shocked gasps were heard, some whispers between one another, debating if they should stop this now or there won't be a HQ to reside in.
Y/N could only wipe at his mouth and then...
He laughed, he let out a laugh like none other - "No one has ever managed to make me spit out teeth and blood in years" he continued to laugh, no one has heard him laugh before which was... Pretty scary to others.
But to Kara? She showed no fear, her blood was still boiling, her face said it all.
His laugh then turned into a sinister growl after spitting out some more blood one more time, he turned round with the crazy eye - "you want a fight? ~" he summoned a scorching hammer in his hand - "THEN LET'S FIGHT!!" he shouted, making his way over to her as she began to also approach, before being stopped by the other Outsiders.
"Hey hey, chill out! There's no need to fight" Blue Beetle got in Y/N way along with Impulse, Metamorpho and Thunder while Wonder-Girl (Cassandra Sandsmark), Halo and Jade hold Supergirl back from fighting Elementor
"Let go of me!!" Y/N growled, attempting to push them all away.
"What's wrong? Knocked a few teeth out! I'll knock out the rest!!" Kara shouted across as her friends tried holding her back, almost getting overpowered by her.
"You two! KNOCK IT OFF! ~" Nightwing finally arrived at the commotion with Artemis, The Amazonian Warrior, trying to break up the commotion they heard from outside the debriefing room - "Y/N. calm down! And you too Kara! Knock it off, both of you!" he told the two off like telling off bad behaving toddlers, already having enough of their crap.
Y/N growled one last time before overpowering the heroes holding him back as Kara did the same, knocking them away as they both rushed each other, only for both Nightwing and Artemis to get in the way - "When I say knock it off, you knock it off! ~" his hands both reached out in front of Y/N and Kara, as they both stared each other down with hatred, Kara was so tempted to use her heat vision, super-breath, anything just to land another hit on him as he thought of using his elemental shield to throw it at her, but with both Nightwing and Artemis standing in the way, he knew he couldn't - "I don't know what's gotten into both of you to fight but it ends now!" he ordered.
"He started it!" Kara argued, staring down Y/N as he kept his eyes on her also, giving her a glare.
"I don't care who started what, you both need to calm down and stop fighting like a married couple" Nightwing folds his arms in disappointment, the Kryptonian and Warrior look at with shock and utter confusion.
"Wait what ~" Kara cocked an eyebrow before cackling - "Me, him? Married couple? Uh uh, nope, nope! Never happening, never!" The Kryptonian scoffed.
"That's not what I meant Supergirl ~" Nightwing retorts - "my point is that there's no need for violence, and Kara, you know well not to attack someone who's trying to school you from what you did, I was told what happened and Y/N is right on one thing, you were being reckless, and you also disobeyed orders" Nightwing turned his gaze to Kara, being held back by Artemis.
Kara shakes Artemis' grip off not long after, thinking why is he siding with such an asshole? - "Excuse me? I was helping people, isn't that what we're supposed to do? Plus, he's not even in the Outsiders so why is he here in the first place?!" Kara pointed towards him, who just stared angrily at her, letting out cold breaths in between.
"I made him team leader for the mission till I was back from Bludhaven, and he's here to help us for the time being, he's an ally, not an enemy" Nightwing scolded her as she pouted.
"Yeah right, at least he can show respect, a team leader doesn't scold their own, and plus, you think I'm just gonna let him make me think that I'm a disappointment to this? To my parents!! ~" she pouts, angrily tapping the House of El glyph - "I bet he does the same with others, If he even had a team to lead or friends for the matter"
Nightwing just sighs and looks at Y/N, still wielding his scorching weapon as it burned brightly as he stomped closer - "Stand down Y/N, calm down ~" he reached his hands out to him - "I'll deal with this, I'll talk with her about it but you don't need to start a fight with her either, she's one of my teammates and I won't let her get hurt, and that'll make me responsible for it" he tried calming down the flame inside the Warrior, keeping his eyes on the Kryptonian as she gave him a hateful glare.
"Nightwing... With all due respect... I'm going to say this once, and once only... Keep. Your own allies in line ~" he coldly spoke, towering over the crime fighter before getting into his face, leaning down a little - "Or I will" his words came out cold with a threatening aura, his hammer disappeared before walking out the room.
"Well... That was awkward ~" Impulse says out loud before being punched in the arm by Wonder-Girl - "Ow! What was that for?" he yelped.
The former sidekick of Batman sighs as Y/N disappeared out of view, turning back to Kara as she kept her eyes focused on the wall, using her x-ray vision to see where Elementor was heading.
"Kara ~" Dick snapped his fingers, snapping Kara out of her x-ray vision - "Debriefing room, now"
Y/N stood outside, sighing to himself as the calming winds hit his face, he looks out to the city ahead of him, closing his eyes as echoes of voices ring in his head, echoes from his past... Of his loved ones, family and friends.
All he could hear was "Don't push people back, let their kind soul help you"
He wished he could, but he couldn't, he didn't want to feel that pain of losing the people he'll care about, they'll become attached to him.
Batman was right about one thing, don't let anyone become too attached to you and... Y/N respected that... But deep down... He knew it felt wrong but he was doing it for a reason.
He sighed to himself once more, before he felt Nightwing's presence behind him - "What is it?" he asked brashly, not in a mood to have any company.
"Just coming to check on you big guy, I spoke with her -"
-And?" he moved his head to the left a little, giving him a side eye.
"And? Y/N, you were a little harsh on her don't you think? She's not long-"
-"That doesn't give her the right to disobey orders, DIRECT. Orders. The world isn't sunshine and rainbows Grayson, she needs to learn responsibility, she was cocky, reckless, put her own team at risk and I had to save them and herself!" Y/N snapped.
"She's trying, like the young generation are, I heard what happened with you and the younger generation of Heroes, you're not really liked by most of them, yes I understand that she was a little reckless during the mission but that doesn't give you the right to lay into my own, not with her, she's just new to the team so cut her some slack!" Nightwing raised his voice at him, Y/N turns round immediately turns round, staring him down with annoyance before the realisation hits him.
His facial expression turns somber as the former sidekick realises it, the Warrior sighs and turns his back to him, one foot up on the platform of the roof - "I know... I just..."
"I know you're trying to look out for them, trying to show them that the world isn't as colourful as they think ~" he stood beside him taking in the view also - "But Kara? She understands, she doesn't need to be schooled like that. She's gone through a lot for the past year, she's still new to Earth... Sorta, but she's lost her planet, twice, Krypton and New Krypton, she's lost her people, her parents, friends... She's still... grieving as it is, I know you were there when the Kryptonians issued an assault on Earth ~" Nightwing finished as the both looked at the city's lights, lighting up everywhere - "My point is... Just cut her some slack, I know she can be... Rebellious but let me deal with her if she does anything like that again, she's got great value to the team, the world and she's one of the Outsiders now, or at least part time but... I would probably keep your distance from her, I've told her the same also, and... I know what she said to you, I was told about it" he added.
Y/N looks at him before sighing with somber, thinking back to what Kara said that got them to fight in the first place - "She's right about that Grayson... I don't have any friends left... All my people are gone" he gave in to Kara's harsh words from earlier.
"C'mon don't say that, she was just saying that to get a reaction out of you, I mean... You scolded her a bit too much and she retaliated" he tried cheering him up.
"I wish you were right Dick Grayson, I wish you were" he refused to believe him, making him realise that Y/N was still grieving too.
For how he knows this? By reading his face.
"Look, I know you've lived for a very long time and still looking young as ever ~" he jabs at the curse a little, making Y/N grumble - "But I also know you're pushing people away, refusing to have anyone help you or... Become friends with you, I know that because you didn't want to be my friend, just acquaintances, I know that because... You don't want to go through that pain again, I can tell by the look in your face that I'm correct right?" he asked as Y/N looked at him.
He sighs once more, looking back at the city - "Yes... You're correct, it's not the fact I feel... That pain, but the fact that if I have someone close to me, wither away and die while I can defy death, over and over and over again, it's a curse Grayson, and it's..." he stopped speaking to grumble again.
"It's driven you insane?" he asked kindly.
"I guess you can put it like that" he agrees with him.
"I can't imagine what you're going through Elementor, but don't let it drag you down, just gotta push forward, all you need - is a little push and you're all set to sail" he patted his back which surprised Y/N, and for the first time... He smiled, without showing it of course.
"You're smiling, aren't you?" he smirked.
"Don't make this awkward Grayson" he warned him as a laugh escaped Nightwing's throat.
"Whatever you say big guy... Just remember to... Keep your distance from her, to prevent arguments and that but knowing her? She might not listen" Grayson sighed to himself, patting Y/N on the back before walking off.
"A push? A little push and you're all set to sail?" he repeated Grayson's words from earlier as he kept his gaze on the city, making him realise that maybe he wasn't wrong, maybe he was harsh on Kara, too harsh to say at least.
Sure she can be pretty immature, impulsive, bratty, rebellious and too quick to anger, but from what he has heard about her... She's done some good, despite many people not liking her mostly everywhere, especially Metropolis.
In a way... He felt pity for her, but she doesn't fully understand him, why he acts the way he is, mostly strict and commanding, the guy who always ruins parties and stuff, she didn't like him for it, nor has she ever.
That's where the dislike comes in, he doesn't like when she acts out of order, she's disobeying orders and getting cocky which almost got her and a few others severely hurt, killed almost, including civilians, she doesn't like when he's so strict and commanding, the one who isn't much fun at parties or anything fun, he just gets stuff done his way, in and out, quick and clean.
She even relates him to Batman in a way "He's like Batman but more... Nastier, grumpier and... Just a downright dickhead" she once told her friends.
Even some of Kara's friends dislike him for what he is, Ancient Warrior or not.
But they fail to see the pain behind the armour, the mask. The pain he's suffered throughout his time of living for that long, he's watched many of his allies, friends and family wither away and die, and that scarred him for life.
They can't imagine what it's like to live for thousands of years and die over, and over, and over again, coming back each time just to repeat the cycle again and again.
He felt... Lost, he didn't feel himself anymore... He doesn't feel...
Human anymore...
He only felt... Isolated... In a world he doesn't understand anymore.
As he looked toward the stars... He began to think...
"What happens next?"
A month had flown by, quite say that the Outsiders were getting along... A little.
Supergirl and Elementor always kept eyes on each other when one weren't looking at one another, Kara pulling off faces at him when he wouldn't look but she was caught doing it one time which made him roll his eyes.
"Maybe she is more immature than I thought" he mumbled to himself which she heard him, almost erupting into another pointless argument which would be broken up.
Though things were still heated between the two, she began to show a little... Pity for Y/N after she briefly heard him talk with Nightwing one night, talking about the situation they're currently dealing with before the next part caught her attention fully... Where Y/N would tell him about his life, and barely scratches the surface about his last friends the other night.
She knew he had no friends but... To hear him say "The only friends I ever had... Are gone, and they've been gone for a long time ~" made her realise that there is more to Y/N than she originally thought - "I'm just... Afraid of losing people close to me again"
Maybe the way he acts commanding and strict is because he doesn't want whatever fate happen to her and the others that happened to his friends? His allies?
She revealed this to her friend Cassandra Sandsmark/Wonder-Girl.
"I caught onto Nightwing's conversation with Y/N believe it or not" Kara said, sitting down lazily on her couch within her apartment, still in costume.
"Really? What'd you hear?" she replied with curiosity.
"They were just talking about... The situation and the plans but then... Nightwing asked him something about 'letting people in?' or something like that but... There was one thing that really caught my ear is that... Y/N replied with 'The only friends I had are gone, and they've been gone for a long time' which made me think there's more to him than I thought? Maybe I was right when I said he had no friends and I didn't even realise why it hit him the way it did a month ago" Kara answered, feeling pretty guilty about her harsh words to him last month.
"Oh really? Wow ~" Cassie didn't know what to say, this was the first time she's heard this piece of information - "I know he's lived for a long time but... Ouch, I can't imagine that" she felt bad for him too.
"He told Nightwing that he's still grieving about it, but it doesn't give him the excuse to... Loath into me and a few others, or treat us like toddlers when he looks like a a young person too ~" Kara complained - "And he hasn't even apologised to me yet about what he said about my parents, my birth parents, about... Thinking I'm not worthy of wearing this" she pouted sadly, sighing to herself as Cassie went to comfort her best friend.
"Maybe he's just working on it, after all, I think you should apologise to him for what you said to him last month" she told her as Kara looked at her friend.
"What's the point? He's not gonna listen, he's just gonna ignore me, like he usually does with others" she pouted.
"Maybe, but give it time, give him time to come round, it will happen, just like how you and I forgave each other" Cassie comforted her.
"But that was different, this however? This is something else, how can I make him forgive me?" she wondered.
"Like I said, with time Kara. Or you can just approach him and apologise there but... I don't think that's a good idea considering your in hot, boiling water with him right now" Cassie replied to Kara's thought, making sure she doesn't think too far ahead.
"Thanks Cass" she hugged her friend with a smile.
"Anytime Sis" she replied, smiling back with her.
The next few weeks were quite eventful for the Outsiders, especially for Kara.
It indeed was a busy few weeks for the Outsiders, with villains on the run, causing some commotion as usual and with the current situation, it was no surprise that one of them, being Lex Luthor, was looking for a source of ancient power, a power Y/N once sealed away that came from an ancient being
This is where he was fully involved in this, despite Kara not willing to enjoy it...
However... Things weren't as they seemed for both Kara and Y/N, even after stopping Lex and his quest for power.
(Kara/Supergirl's pov)
Had to stop by Metropolis to do what I do best, saving the day, kicking criminal butt and taking names!
There's one thing I really enjoy about being Supergirl? It's not just saving lives and kicking butt! It's the flying part that's my favourite. Being able to fly out of Earth and sunbathe is definitely an experience, a very relaxing experience.
But from what I've noticed? I've noticed that Elementor hasn't shown up to the Outsiders for the last week or two after the situation was dealt with about Lex and his quest for power.
Why does he even bother? I don't know? It's Lex Luthor, once he sees something, he wants to claim its power.
But... Last week... Y/N... He saved me from getting hurt badly, using his elemental shield or something to save me and... I never got to thank him for it.
"I've got you Supergirl, we'll fight him together" I remember him reaching out to me with his hand to pull me up, I still haven't forgotten that, it was pretty magical in a way too, him saving me in that way, I think that's the moment maybe I was wrong about him.
I still need to apologise to him... I should've done it as soon as I could but... I was too stubborn, doubtful he'd even take the time to listen to me.
But for some reason... He was... Very nice to me, he barely even talked but... What made me happy was that he praised me for my heroic deeds for saving the Earth while my cousin was immobilised.
It made me happy but... I should've apologised there and I regret not doing so... Though he hasn't apologised to me yet so... I guess we're not there just yet.
Nothing more than just flying around the city, enjoying the breeze and wind hitting my face as I continue patrolling Metropolis.
That was until I flew over near the Cemetery, where I caught a familiar face near it.
It's... Y/N? What's got him in Metropolis? And is he carrying... Flowers?
He was walking to the entrance of the Cemetery and this really got me curious, is he visiting someone's grave? Because it sure seems like it.
Doesn't matter, I need to see why he is here, it's been a hot minute since I last seen him.
I stayed a-float so he couldn't see or hear me, I didn't want to draw his attention, whatever has him in the Cemetery must be something very important to him.
As I flew a little closer, he stopped at a gravestone before kneeling down to it, using my microscopic vision, I could see it read; 'Here lies Elliot Richards 1865 -1901, loving husband, father, friend and sibling'
Wait... Was this? Is this one of Y/N's friends? from the 18th century?
"Hey old friend... It's been a while ~" he sighed to himself as put down the flowers, I stayed stationary not too far from him but a little closer than before - "I know I haven't been able to... Visit since well... Been busy... Keeping all of this safe" he sounded... Sorrowed, hurting, like he was in pain.
I blocked every noise that I could hear with my super-hearing to listen to what Y/N was saying, I flew a little closer than before - "I don't even know where to begin, the world has... Changed since the last time I ever visited you, and the others too" my heart wrenched at this, a sick turning of my stomach was enough to make me realise what was really happening.
He was grieving... Like I would... I'd talk to a picture or... Something that reminds me of my parents... And this was his way.
"The world isn't even the same as it was ages ago, there was no advanced technology, no skyscrapers in cities, not many extra-terrestrials... Nothing like that, there was only... Us... Guardian Warriors and Humans, they call me an Ancient Warrior now but... Humanity has changed, many things have changed, whole cities were built, more aliens and extra-terrestrials than before... And I thought in the next cycle, there would be more like me... I was wrong ~" he scoffed, I really wanted to swoop on down there but I know I can't, not right now - "If I could give you my one life, If could do the same for everyone I cared for... I would... But I can't, I have to live with the fact that no matter what happens... I don't think I'll ever have that one, final death... It's a curse! A lie! The fact I've died so many times only to come back has been driving me to insanity and I... *sigh* I don't even know anymore, I don't even know who I am at this point" he looked at his hands, self-loathing himself... Just like I did? Survivor's Guilt?? I'm not the only one who suffers from it???
I hear him sigh once more, after all this time? He's been suffering from the same thing I've went through? This realisation hit me pretty hard, those harsh words I said to him not long ago, the way his facial expression got when those words left my mouth, the fact he bad mouthed me over me not being worthy of wearing this glyph? How he made me think I disappointed Mom and Dad, Alura and Zor-El.
"I may have... Done some... Things I'm not proud of to people who didn't deserve it, especially to... One particular girl I scolded, around 18 years old, her name is Kara... Kara Zor-El, people call her Supergirl, she's also an alien called a Kryptonian much like her cousin, but... *sigh* she didn't deserve to be scolded by me, she's been through a lot as of it is and I... I said some... Horrible things to her, even though she did the same but not as bad as I did... I don't think I'll ever -"
He's talking about me? I have to agree that he wasn't wrong about me... I felt like I wasn't worthy, I still feel responsible for New Krypton's destruction that I just I wanted to give up being Supergirl, just to live as Linda Lang full time, not everyone likes Supergirl, but I knew what Kal would say, what Conner, John Irons and the rest would say, including my Earth Aunt, Lana Lang.
But overall... Y/N was right about one thing... I got reckless during that mission, I got cocky, I tried showing off, tried impressing him and all I did was screw up,
That's when I heard him... Chuckle? He chuckled softly? - "I know you're listening... Supergirl, you can come down now" he looked up to where I stayed a-float.
I don't know how he does it but... He sure does have a very good sense of surroundings, almost like a super-sense of some kind.
I flew down slowly, gracefully landing gently on the grass a few feet away from him as I slowly approach him, feeling remorse for him.
"Hey" he greeted me, I practically had to swallow the lump at the back of my throat to speak.
"Hi" I say with a lowered voice.
"So... You heard it all?" he asked me as I nodded my head, he sighed afterwards and looked back at the gravestone.
There was awkward silence between us, all could be heard was the flapping of my cape behind me, I stood closer to him, standing beside him, my left hand crossed to my right arm as we both looked at the gravestone together.
"How'd you meet him?" I asked him as he took a deep breath.
"I met him when he was getting himself into trouble at a saloon, saved him last minute before he his fate could be sealed by some Outlaws" he replied, chuckling near the end.
He was hurting, I can tell by his tone and his pain, I've felt and still feel it.
"He was... A kindred spirit, like many others before him, like... My brethren" he broke the minute long silence between us before I could, I just wanted to say sorry to him but... He had more to say as I questioned his... Brethren?
Did he mention his 'brethren?' Was there more like him? - "Brethren?" I asked him.
"Yes... Believe it or not but there was more like me years ago, we were called Guardian Warriors, a group of warriors that would defend the planet for centuries. We. Were. Legends... Until our history was scrapped from the history books, keeping our kind hidden from Humanity today ~" he looked at me, I can see the pain in his eyes, grieving, hurting - "I am the last of the Guardian Warriors"
I blankly stared at him as he revealed this, I had no idea he'd been living for this long, to hear that... It must've been... Hard for him.
"I know what you lost Kara, you lost your planet twice, Krypton, New Krypton... Lost friends, family even... And... I'm... I'm so sorry for what you lost ~" he trailed off, looking away as I began to remember my parents, my friends... Thara... - "I was there when the Kryptonians invaded, after many years of hiding after General Lane issued that I'd be hunted down, I went out of hiding to protect Earth once more... I killed those invading Kryptonians Kara, they began hurting innocents and I... I killed those who harmed the innocents, the amount of their blood on my hands, justified who I was... I became... A monster again... And I'm so sorry, I'm especially sorry for what I said about... What I said not long ago, when you... Knocked my teeth out" he... He actually apologised? I felt a little relieved about it but... Knowing he killed those invading Kryptonians attacking Earth... My adopted home, stung my heart a little knowing he did that but do I blame him? Should I get angry at him?? For killing those invading Kryptonians???
No... That was justified, he had no choice... And I don't blame him, knowing he's lived for this long, seeing his home... Our home, get attacked over New Krypton's destruction, calling to run Humanity to extinction.
"I still remember their faces, their last words before they were gone, when... New Krypton was destroyed, I wanted to give up being... This ~" I point to the family glyph on my chest, gaining his attention to look at me - "After Zod issued a full assault on Earth, I... I just wanted to give so badly that I blame m-myself for its destruction, I brought Reactron there to justice, only to find my mother torturing him before..." I stopped myself as I choked up, I still felt emotional talking about it, knowing my mother is gone, my father is gone, all of those people... Gone.
In an unexpected manner, he pulled me in to hug me, which took me by surprise, my face saying it all - "Don't blame yourself, that only adds to the pain of loss ~" he cooed, managing to keep me calm a little, I just wanted to cry, I really did, to just cry in his chest as he held me but... I couldn't, I let my tears fall down without sobbing - "Trust me... I know how it feels, it adds to the guilt, making you self-loath yourself further, Survivor's Guilt? We both share it" he talked me down, in a comforting matter, I felt... Safe when he held me I have to admit, it was...
A nice, warm feeling.
I sniffled as he pulled back, looking at me in the eyes with... A smile?
He was smiling... He's. Smiling!? I've never seen him smile before, he used to be this... Grumpy, I kill the mood for everyone person but... To see him smiling? It made me flutter a little.
I wipe away any remaining tears on my face still, to point out his... Unusual behaviour - "You're, you're smiling" I grew a little smile too as his disappeared, you just had to say something Kara, now he's gonna be annoyed with you.
"Perhaps I was" he agreed, admitting he did smile... Phew, thought he'd get mad at me
But I wanted to apologise to him, I need to, he deserves one from me.
"Oh, also... I wanted to apologise for... Saying... What I said to you when you and I had that... 'Fight'" I began to play with my cape in nervousness, afraid of what he's going to say next.
"No need to apologise, you're forgiven either way" he nodded his head, smiling once more, I swear his smile is making me blush now.
"Eh ~" I didn't know how to say my next words afterwards, my hands were behind my back, my cape flapped behind me also as I blushed a little, I wanted to bury the hatchet between us, Rao I love that saying, to perhaps... Become friends? - "So... Do you want to start fresh? To bury the hatchet between us and... Start from there? Re-introduce ourselves and... Maybe become friends??" I spoke a little low with awkwardness, grinning like a fool before he sighed, which killed the stupid grin I had.
"I've pushed so many people away in my lifetime after... Elliot passed ~" he looked at the gravestone of his friend before making his way back to me - "For years I've walked among the Earth alone, with no one by my side, no friends to call on, only minimal allies I met along the way, but I never saw them as a friend... But there is one person that's ever been close to be called a friend... Is Dick Richard Grayson, Nightwing ~" he continued, the fact Dick was very close to making Y/N call him friend, made me smile as it melted my heart, it really shows why he's so generous and he's like a big brother to me - "Though I've never admitted it... I do see him... As a friend... And maybe having another friend... Wouldn't hurt much" he gives me a sweet smile which made my heart flutter, I smiled like an idiot and chuckled happily, knowing he's willing to give it a go.
"Great! ~" I hugged him without warning him until I realised what I did, my face went red as I pulled back, scratching the back of my neck awkwardly as I giggled - "Sorry, *nervous chuckle* I uh.. Got carried away there ~" I couldn't look at him in the face as I felt totally embarrassed, but I pulled myself together by clearing my throat and staying calm to re-introduce myself once more to him - "Hi, my name is Kara Zor-El, like Superman or Kal-El or his secret identity; Clark Kent, I'm from Krypton, I go by Linda Lang as my secret identity since I was adopted by my Aunt: Lana Lang but... Everyone here knows me as Supergirl" I reached my hand out for him to shake as I waited for his response.
"Y/N... Y/N L/N, Elementor, Guardian Warrior, Earth, it's a pleasure to meet you, Supergirl" he shook my hand with a cheerful smile, calling me by my Superhero name as I smile brightly, standing in front of him with my superhero outfit on
"It's good to meet you too... Y/N"
(3rd person pov)
For the next few weeks, their fresh start started pretty well, he began opening himself up a bit more to Kara, who invited him over a few times.
He revealed he lived within an abandoned alien ship that crashed centuries ago, the outside area was outgrown, covered in green and flowers but the inside was pretty clean for an old abandoned ship.
The biggest twist was that when Kara saw it... She immediately realised it wasn't just any ordinary ship, it was a Kryptonian Shuttle, a modified scout ship that went missing centuries ago in Kryptonian History.
This discovery was big for Kara, she thought the Fortress of Solitude was the last Kryptonian structure on Earth and the Universe? She was wrong.
Her cousin was called up to this immediately after this discovery and the fact Y/N had been living in it for years says many things, even most of the tech inside the ship still worked but the engines were completely busted beyond repair which was upsetting but Kara didn't care, she was happy either way.
This grew Kara's bond with Y/N further, he began entrusting others into his circle, opening himself up more to others but to Kara? He trusted more the weeks would go by where nicknames were given.
His: Y/N/N.
Hers: Angel (There's a deeper meaning behind it, you haven't revealed it yet)
"I've never been more proud... To call you... A friend, Angel" he smiled sweetly, melting Kara's heart as she hugged him on the couch.
"What about best friend? Best Super Friend??" she asked him, pulling back from the hug.
"Let's not go there yet, I'm still trying to get used to... This" he replied, looking at his surroundings, it only has been a few weeks since then after all.
He looks back at her and smiles, though she put on a sad face, trying to win him over by calling her best friend.
He slightly chuckles at her facial expression, he couldn't lie, she looked pretty cute when she did that, putting on a puppy dog eyes expression.
"What's with the lost puppy expression?" he asked her as she fiddled with her hair.
"I just thought we could be... Best friends?" she looked at him with a naïve expression, he had to admit that she was naïve and adorable when she was, it was almost like he was falling in love with her in a way.
He shook that thought right out of his hand and snickered at her - "You want to be best friends?"
She smiled brightly while nodding her head.
"Okay... I'm only allowing it because you're an exception" he cooed, Kara erupted in exhilaration, filled with joy upon him allowing it, hugging him tightly, giggling uncontrollably.
He chuckled at her cute nature, accepting the big hug by wrapping his arms around her, his heart fluttered when he thought about her, like he had something else to say, a feeling from earlier on.
He wanted to say that she saved him from himself, saved him from hating himself.
He's never felt this happier before, though it was hard for him to admit it.
Their hug however was cut short as Kara heard sirens in the distance, and shouting... Curse Super-Hearing!!
"Ugh, great" she sighed and groaned.
"What?" he asked her, wondering why she groaned.
"Sirens, probably crime... Again ~" she got up and changed with super-speed, transforming into Supergirl as she placed her glasses down on the table in front of Y/N - "you coming?" she sweetly asked him with a hand on her hip.
He exhales and begins to get up, his armour re-forming all around him - "Let's make this quick" he sighed.
"Agreed" she acknowledged, picking him up and flying out the opened window towards the scene...
* A week had gone by and... It was a pretty stressful week...
Lex was back at it.... AGAIN, with his schemes and also had backup with him...
But on the other hand... A Darkness had risen back up, long thought dead after years of not showing back up, this Darkness was a figment of Y/N's past, better known... His sworn enemy, the one responsible for the death of the Guardian Warriors, labelling him the last Guardian Warrior on Earth.
Nightwing issued a debriefing for the two main issues, one issue was that Lex was now looking for another source of power while the other, was that the Justice League had encountered a mysterious entity and a team of heroes had not reported back since they first encountered it, once of those heroes included the Man of Steel, Kara's cousin.
Upon this new threat, Y/N suffered flashbacks to a very powerful god who feeds on Nightmares, Terrors, Pain and Fear.
This god was named Sevarec, a god Y/N once took down but who kept coming back to haunt many others, including himself.
"I am Pain. I am Fear itself. I am-"
"Sevarec" he hissed out loud, gaining all their attention.
"What? What was that Y/N?" Nightwing asked him as the man of elements shook his head, out of hearing Sevarec speaking and laughing.
"I know who the entity is, I heard his voice, his name is Sevarec, a God of Pain and Fear, he feeds on Nightmares, Terrors, he's someone I've faced many times and should not be taken lightly ~" he explained his rather word vomit - "I'll go after him, while you take the others to the other issue I'm sure you'll manage" he issued.
"I'll go with Y/N" a femme voice spoke out, belonging to Kara Zor-El, taking everyone by surprise, even him.
"No Kara, this will be too dangerous, even for -"
"Listen Y/N/N, I don't care what you have to say, my cousin's trapped in there and I'm going to find him whether you like it or not" she interrupted the man with the elements as she had her hands on her hips, striking a superhero pose, he thought it was cute when she performed a superhero pose to get her point across.
"Kara this is a very stu..." Nightwing was cut-off by Y/N, preventing him from scolding Kara into thinking she could go against some powerful God, let alone, someone that feasts on fears and nightmares along with pain... And she still has those nightmares and fears about New Krypton's destruction along with everything afterwards.
"If she wants to go with, she can go ~" he told him, which took him by surprise and her also - "Your love for your cousin, I can sense it's strong, like your heart and we'll find him and the others... Together" he told her, which seemed to uplift her a little.
"Are you sure about this?" Nightwing asked him.
"Yes... I am" he nodded his head before looking at Kara who had a smile on her face... And he smiled back at her.
Supergirl begins to groan as she wakes back up from unconsciousness, clutching at her head as she sat back up, her outfit slightly torn along with her cape, she looked down at herself and groaned, getting on one knee.
Fire was everywhere, the ground was ruined by the amount of debris.
Kara looked to her left and saw her cousin, unconscious, along with Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) trying to get up but struggling to even step on one foot.
She then heard noises, Wonder Woman came flying out of nowhere and landing a few feet in front of Kara, falling to unconsciousness.
She then then heard the clashing of weapons and a roar of sinister laughter.
"I will enjoy this moment while it lasts!! As I did with your people!" Sevarec roars out in satisfaction, his scythe clashing with Y/N's Glaive, two of them clashing back and fourth.
Supergirl gets back on her feet and immediately gets up, flying right toward where she heard Y/N and Sevarec fighting to the death... Only to run into...
Something unexpected.
"But as much as I enjoy our fights, it all must come to an end someday" he says with cold meaning, his scythe impaled right through Y/N, he was all battered up, his wounds weren't even healing like they should.
And it hit her...
"Y/N!!!" She screams for Y/N as his body falls limp on the blade and is thrown to the side, right as Kara caught him.
She set him down, as he clutched his wound with little effort, she tries cauterizing the wound with her heat vision but nothing seemed to work, his wound wouldn't close up.
"Why isn't it closing?!!" she panicked, she kept looking back at him and his wound - "Y/N please answer me! Please!! Don't..." tears began forming in her eyes as his breaths were shallow.
"K-K-Kara... It's... Magic... Can't heal ~" he struggles to say as he holds her hand - "I'm proud of you Kara... I see it, they're calling... For me" he smiles at the sky above, seeing a Light and hears many voices call out to him to join"
"Y/N, stay with me! Don't go! Not now! I need you!" Kara cried, tears falling down rapidly as his thumb wiped them away off her face, he smiled
"Thank you... Kara, for being *laboured breathing* for being... M-My best friend... Don't give up Angel... I... Love you" he said through a choked breath, gasping for air as his vision began to turn white. closing on Kara's angelic face
"What? You what? ~" she spoke through tears, looking at him in panicked confusion as Sevarec began to drew near, slowly making his way to her - "Y/N? Y/N?! No... Don't go! Please don't..." she begged as his eyes began to shut, his body goes limp.
She couldn't hear his heartbeat anymore, the hand he held went limp, touching the ground beneath them as Kara cried... She begged for him to come back.
First Krypton, and Kandor, Argo, her parents and friends, losing them twice, TWICE and now? This... Y/N's sudden death at the hands of Sevarec.
She whimpers and sobs, tears continued falling down from her eyes, holding his lifeless body close to her as Sevarec laughs with no remorse, which began to stir something within the Girl of Steel.
"That pain and... Fear within you? Oh it's so satisfying! Watching you painfully watch him wither away and die... And... Your pain? You blame yourself for a Planetoid's destruction, you doubt yourself, you fear that you bring pain and destruction to everyone around you, you think... You're a failure... Not worthy, you fear that you... Are alone... that... Pain? Let. Me. Devour it!" he snarls as he enables painful memories to swirl inside Kara, putting her through tons of pain.
Flashbacks run through her head, all of her bad moments first from Krypton to landing on Earth, through her struggles and coping with living on another planet... To finding Zor-El killed by Reactron and then... Watching the uprooted Krypton fall to chaos and destruction, killing thousands of Kryptonians, watching her own home fall twice... And now... This.
She groaned, cried, and hissed through the pain, putting down Y/N's lifeless body as she tried fighting back.
She got up on one foot, trying her best to move as Sevarec's torment was pulling her back down, slowly feeding on Kara's nightmares, pain and fears.
"You... took him from me ~" she managed to step on her other foot, standing up - "I was... Happy, and you... Took. Him... Away from me" she stepped forward, fighting the pain of torment"
She took another step, refusing to stay still, fighting the pain and turning it... Into harnessing anger.
"What? N-No, that's impossible ~" Sevarec realised that Supergirl was fighting his torment, beginning to inflict more pain and suffering on her which made the Maiden of Might stumble to one knee - "I won't let some Kryptonian girl overcome my power! My power is limitless!" he snarled, grasping his clawed hand to inflict more pain on the Kryptonian than before.
"Everything is possible! ~" Kara shouted, putting aside her grief, fear and pain by turning it into strength, allowing the memory of her parents, her friends, New Krypton and... Y/N, to fuel her resolve, pushing through the pain, breaking through it all, getting close enough to punch Sevarec with all her strength which sent him flying backwards, his torment over her broken - "You may not know me Sevarec, but Y/N told me everything about you! I am Kara Zor-El of Kandor, of New Krypton, Daughter of Alura and Zor-El, I am a Superhero of Earth... And I don't scare easily" she stood tall and resilient, ready to fight Sevarec as he growled at this.
"Then. You will die screaming for mercy" he growled, using his scythe to balance himself.
"No ~" Kara retorted - "You will" she snarled, her eyes lighting up red with heat vision and within a blur... She flew at him with inhuman speed, practically teleporting toward him before connecting a killer left hook, delivering a flurry of punches before going for an uppercut, sending him up into the air as she gave chase.
Back on the ground where Y/N's body was, his finger... Began to twitch as voices spoke to him.
"It's not your time yet son" a man's voice spoke to him as he puts his hand on his shoulder... His son's shoulder.
"But Dad, I'm here, I'm with you all, I've always wanted to be here to see you all again to stay with -"
"Son ~" a woman's voice spoke, belonging to his mother, she approached Y/N as he grasped his hands - "Your father is right, it's not your time to join us yet, not now" she cooed.
"Mum... I..." he stopped himself as he looked down, getting a little emotional, he hasn't spoken with his parents for what it felt centuries in his lifetime as he swallows the lump in his throat.
"Son, look at me ~" she placed her finger under his chin to make him look back up, a tear falling down his face as the woman smiles - "My boy, my sweet, handsome boy, we know how much you've missed us all, how long it's been... But don't fret, we will always be with you in here ~" she points to where his heart was, he sighs afterwards upon hearing this - "Son, there are people out there that need you, they need their Guardian... Their Warrior... Their Protector, don't just go back for us... Go back for them and... That girl... What was her name?" she cooed with a question for her son.
He slightly chuckled, smiling at the thought of his friend, a friend he hasn't had in so long - "Her name is Kara... Kara Zor-El but the people know her as Supergirl, and she goes by Linda Lang to blend in with society" he kept his smile, thinking about her as he would on a daily basis as feelings fluster inside him.
"Go back for Kara, you love her, don't let go of that ~" she told him, smiling before she along with her husband see the door to the real world begin to close - "The door's closing, you need to go back now"
Y/N looked back also, it was now or never, he knew his parents were right, it wasn't the right time for him to join them within the afterlife, not now when people need him, not when Kara needs him.
Before he would run back... He turned round and hugged both his parents - "Thank you, for raising me" he choked a little as son and mother and father hugged one another for the last time.
He pulled back and began running for the door, he stopped as he reached the door, to look back at his parents as they were joined up by the many people that Y/N saw as friends and family, he had a huge smile on his face upon seeing them all.
He then takes a long, deep breath, praying he gets back in time as he stepped through the door...
All it took was one... Deep... Breath.
*Gasping for air* he awoke, gasping for breath, immediately shooting up as he breathed heavily, his eyes wide open like he saw headlights coming at speed to hit him.
"I'm... I'm back?" he asked himself, looking at his surroundings, seeing what appeared to have been the aftermath of a battle around him.
There was a few cracks on the walls and craters on the ground, a hole leading to the outside area - he began to get up as he checked himself, the wound he suffered from Sevarec healed up, though his armour was still banged up pretty badly.
"Wait... Kara? Shit! Supergirl!!" he remembered she was left alone to fight Sevarec after he supposedly killed Y/N himself, he began to panic a little before hearing noises coming from outside, prompted to check what it was.
It was... Whimpering, sobbing, crying... Coming from Kara as she hugged her cousin tightly, the body of Sevarec was surrounded by Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Steel and Flash (Barry Allen).
Kara sobbed to her cousin, they all knew what had happened, upset by the death of Y/N caused her to snap and... Put an end to Sevarec.
Kal wasn't angry nor disappointed with her, he couldn't... His cousin was upset, very upset, distraught, up until...
A Heartbeat was heard.
A familiar, slow heartbeat, very calm and soothing to Kara's ears, a heartbeat she always listened too whenever he would draw near.
She broke the hug with her cousin as the heartbeat drew near, upon looking where it come from, the figure drew closer.
His armour was broken but the hole in his chest had healed up like nothing happened.
They all looked shocked, for sure he was dead, it was confirmed later on when Superman woke up from unconsciousness, before he and the others would find Kara destroying Sevarec in a harnessing, unrelenting rage.
Kara's eyes brimmed with more tears as his face appeared from beyond the fiery smoke.
"Y/N!!! ~" she shouted with jubilation, crying tears of joy as she rushed toward him with super-speed into the arms of her friend, digging her face into his chest - "You idiot, you stupid idiot! I thought you died!! I thought I... Lost you!" she cried, sobbing into his chest.
He didn't know what to say at this, she was crying but was it happiness or sadness? He couldn't tell.
"It's alright, I'm here now" he wrapped his arms around her, feeling the softness of her singed cape as he looked on at the shocked faces of the League and the dead body of Sevarec.
"Is he?" he asked.
"I-I lost controlIcouldn'tstopmyselfandI-"
"Hey hey hey, calm down Angel ~" he broke the hug to look at her as more tears streamed down her face - "It's alright, I say good riddance, though he might come back, we'll be prepared for him next time" he cooed, de-stressing Kara a little as she began wiping her tears away which blurred her vision.
"Wait, did you just say this thing can come back from the dead like you can?" Flash asked from afar, looking back at the dead creature.
"Yes, he's been doing it for years, it takes him years to come back, so in 20-30 years at most, but he can still torment people, even if he's dead... He needs to have his remains locked away safely out of harms reach" Y/N replied as Barry looked back and fourth at him and the creature.
"I don't think I'll be sleeping tonight, don't want Oneirophobia" he mumbled to himself.
"You do realise what Oneirophobia is right Barry? It's the fear of dreams, not sleeping is literally that!" Hal told him.
"Eh fair point" Barry shrugged...
A few hours has gone by after the entire Sevarec threat had been neutralised, his remains would be locked away, safely within the Fortress of Solitude, Y/N agreeing with Kal on taking the remains there for safe keeping.
Overall... Y/N's supposed death almost left a toll on Kara, she was... A little shaken up about it but afterwards... She was all cheery again, put on a spare backup outfit she had just in case if her other one was ripped and torn like it was near the end of her fight with Sevarec.
His death and revival reached the Outsiders and they were somewhat relieved that Y/N would walk out with Kara, especially with finding the lost team that first encountered Sevarec, though problems still arose with Lex and his schemes, along with some other issues too.
What surprised most was that... Kara defeated a literal God, it surprised her too but she was the one who lost control, not holding back in any form, the supposed death of Y/N fuelling her anger for Sevarec.
Currently... She was on patrol, recently saved a few construction workers who were repairing a damaged structure that was destroyed during the Kryptonian Invasion of Earth months back
Soaring around Metropolis once more to enjoy the summer breeze, the sun was beginning to settle down for the night to kick in.
She was smiling with closed eyes, thinking back to good memories, letting the wind hit her face as her cape gently flapped behind her.
That was until... She heard him, his voice.
"Hey Streaks! Didn't mean to scare you pal but have you seen Kara?"
The Kryptonian smiled at this as she immediately began flying back, doing a barrel roll in the air as she giggled to herself, singing a tune to herself. her cousin's theme tune.
"🎵 da da da da da, da da da, da da da da da, da da da!! 🎵" she sung to herself, mouth opening widely to strike a radiant smile as she continued singing to herself.
She for sure was enjoying herself on the flight back to her apartment, giggling away as she did more tricks, her arms extending out to each side almost like she had wings.
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(A/N: Definitely one of my favourite comic drawings of Kara I've ever witnessed upon reading this comic, it's from Supergirl Issue 50... She honestly looks like one of em Disney Princesses in a way too... Fun fact: did you know that Helen Slater herself took part to write this comic too? Also, credit goes to rosewilsonworth for this edited image)
Her smile was bright as a star, enjoying the wind hitting her face as the apartment drew nearer the more she got close.
"Eh, she's obviously out on patrol and..." he stopped his words as Kara swooped on in through her window, landing gracefully as she stroke a superhero pose as she shook her hair back behind her.
"I heard someone wanted to see me?!" she grinned.
Y/N smiled as he approached her, taking in her presence - "Yeah, just wanted to pop in to say hi and if you're alright with me staying here for a bit, just to y'know? Take you up on that offer" he referred to Kara's offer from last week, dinner at her place for a change.
"Oh yeah, the offer still stands but... How did you get in here?" she asked him with an eyebrow
"...I climbed... ~" he blankly stared at her as she put on a confused smile - "Okay... I didn't, I teleported in here with a experimental device I've been trying out and it works! Though I may have scared Streaky on accident doing so" he rubbed the back of his neck as Kara called for Streaky.
"Come here Streaks! Come to mama! ~" she knelt down as the orange tabby cat came meowing toward her, happy to see his owner back - "Hi Streaks! Hi! How's my baby boy?" Kara asked after picking him up, booping him on the nose gently before planting a kiss on his head as he began purring.
"What is it with you and cats?" he rolled his eyes with a smile, referring to the many pictures of her and cats, especially with Lions and their cubs.
"Cats are adorable! Even big cats! Dogs are too like Krypto but Streaks here? He's my baby boy" she melted, hugging him gently as he continued to purr happily.
"I agree... I guess" he kept his smile as Kara put Streaky back down on the ground
"So... Are you cooking dinner or am I cooking?" Kara asked him, hands on her hips again.
"Yeah, I'll cook this time... I've got something special to cook up, and I want to share it with you"
"Aww, how touching ~" Kara giggles before hugging him - "Is that what the bags are for? Those the ingredients?" she then asked him, quickly scanning through the bags with her x-ray vision.
"Yeah, quickly went down to grab the things I need, got some extra's just in case" he looked back at the bags.
"With what money?" she asked, looking at him.
"Uh... Bruce Wayne? He gave me some cash after I sold an artefact to him, I didn't need it so... I sold it to him, I told you this remember?" he revealed the answer to her question.
"Oh right, sorry, It's been a hot minute" Kara looked away awkwardly.
"No worries Angel, but I should get to making dinner"
* The night went on by while Y/N made dinner for both himself and Kara, a pasta dish, pesto sauce, ham, beef with a little kick to it, a dish once made by his mother a very long time ago and surprisingly... He remembers the ingredients and the steps all to well thanks to an un-rather memory he regained.
Ever since you came from the Afterlife, you've been having memories flood through you, memories of your parents, friends, everyone you knew and met throughout the years you walked among the Earth, travelling to different country.
Kara talked about her patrol, keeping the city safe, snapping you back to reality from a daydream of memories, and all the while she was still in costume, not bothering to change out of it at the moment.
She revealed few subtle details about her upcoming promotion of her other job, not her job as a superhero, the one she previously landed with Lana Lang's assistance along with Kal's and Lois' help.
He was proud of her then she asked him if he'd ever get an Earth job...
"So... Do you think of getting an Earth job?" Kara asked while playing with her hair.
"My Earth job... Is protecting Earth, it's my purpose after all" he replied.
"No like... A secret identity type of job" Kara re-worded what she said.
"It is... My job" he cocked an eyebrow.
"You really stink at this, y'know that?" Kara chuckled.
"I know I do" he smiled at her before the water within the pot began to sizzle, disrupting anything else he had to say.
When the time came to dish out the food, it really had a good smell which got Kara's attention away from her little story she was telling him.
She... scoffed the whole lot on her plate. Her plate was completely empty, no ham, no beef, and no pesto pasta left.
"That... That was amazing, really good, best pasta dish I've ever had" Kara praised and boasted, licking her lips afterwards.
"Yeah, happy you enjoyed it... Haven't had it since mother made it" he picked up his and Kara's plate, taking it over to the sink.
"Wait... That was your mom's dish?" she asked curiously, but surprised also.
"Yeah... Ever since I 'allegedly' died and got out of the Afterlife, when I could interact with my parents again, when I came back to life, I began to experience... Memories of my past, of all my friends and family, happy memories, and one of them was... This" he began cleaning the plates with the hot boiling soapy water, letting the heat hit his hands as he sighed with satisfaction.
"Oh, like the good memories you've spent with loved ones? Yeah... I have them too, I always try to remember them when they last" she trailed off, fiddling with her cape.
"We can't always cling to the past, but we should always cherish the good memories from our past also, only leaving them alone as the bad ones remind us that we have come a long way... As they fade away" he monologued, moving onto the next plate to clean.
The question Kara wanted to ask was beginning to bother her again, thinking back to what Y/N said to her when Sevarec firstly killed him - "I... Love you" she wondered if he meant it and was surprised he hasn't even brought it up yet.
"Uhm... Y/N"
"Yes Angel?" he answered sweetly, making Kara blush a little but she pulled herself together.
"Back when I... Held you after Sevarec impaled you. You said something to me before you... Died" Kara began to twiddle with her fingers, feeling nervous about asking the question.
"Hmm?" he hummed, finishing cleaning the plate as he went to clean the forks next.
"You... said something that's been stuck with me since then... You said... 'I love you' ~" Kara looked at him as he stopped cleaning upon hearing what she said, he looked at her wide eyed as she chuckled softly - "All I want to know is... If you... Really meant what you said?" she finally asked the question, THE question that's been bothering her for the last few hours.
He looked at her, still wide eyed as he tried to think of something to say... Before he sighed, his facial expression falling - "Kara... The last time I ever loved someone was... A very long time ago ~" he looked away from her as she got off the chair, to go all the way round to face him, her facial expression showed concern, written all over, eyebrows knitted - "there were many times where I could've fell in love again... But I pushed all of that away after... Losing the one person I fought along side, she was one of us, like me... Sevarec killed her and it... Changed me, I could never find that one person again... Until... You knocked some of my teeth out" he began to smile as Kara's mouth carved into a huge smile, giggling at the memory.
"You have to admit that I have a hell of a killer right hook" she said with sparkle and enthusiasm, her smile shining brightly as he looked away with a chuckle, not being able to keep a straight face at her piercing smile that stroke his eyes.
"Yeah, you do... Every time you smile it... It distracts me since I can't think straight every time I see you smile like that and... Since then when you knocked my teeth out with that 'killer right hook', I think I... I began to find you... irresistible, naïve and sympathetic, i-in a good way of course" he kept his smile as he looked back at her as she kept that curvy smile on her smile, flustered by his words... She began to move.
"Go on" she said with a coy smile next.
"And the fact that... Since I saved you that one time properly and... Congratulated you for saving the Earth... That day when you and I finally apologised to each other, knowing that we both share similar pain... The fact you... Wanted to be my friend, though I was tempted to push it away but... You brought something I never felt in a long time" he began to chuckle nervously, he's never chuckled nervously in a long time which fuelled Kara's thoughts.
"And that is?" she smirked, now closer to him than before, their bodies were close as their eyes locked on to one another.
"A heart... You brought a heart to me and I... I couldn't let it go ~" he smiled brightly as her eyes sparkled at this, unable to keep her eyes off of him - "I never said this to you before and I should have but... You saved me from myself, Angel... And I can't thank you enough for that, you changed me for the better ~" he also couldn't keep his eyes off of her, he was falling deep for her, the way she smiled, her eyes on his, her angelic face, her laugh, it always made him feel... Himself around her.
"I saved you from yourself?" she asked with a growing smirk as her forehead puckered, trying her best not to levitate off the ground and kiss him right now.
"Yes... You did... And... I hated myself, I really did, but you... You changed that and I call you *a blush appears across your face* my Angel for that... Practically that's why I call you by nickname, Angel.. But to answer your question ~" he made sure to look at her in her eyes - "As I look into your beautiful comets that make your eyes shine bright... I. Meant what I said... Kara Zor-El, I. Love you, and I have since we started fresh" he smiled ear to ear as Kara's eyes sparkled once more, her eyes falling to his lips as she let her intrusive thoughts win.
"Well, if that's the case" she giggled, levitating off the ground a little as she drew her face closer, placing her hands on his chest to support herself before... Her soft, tender lips touched his, connecting gently and pressing against him.
He placed his hands around her hips as he melted into the kiss, closing his eyes with hers, feeling the softness of her precious lips on his.
"Y/N, I love you too" she said back, breaking the kiss as she giggled afterwards.
"Can I stay with you tonight? To wake up beside you?" he asked her sweetly, his smile growing on his face as she kept her gaze on him lovingly.
"Yes, I'd love that" she pulled herself back in to continue kissing as she landed on her two feet gently, kicking a leg up before things began to...
Heat up...
(Smut time! 💕)
Their lips began to dance with each other slowly but as time progressed, Kara began moaning into the kiss, deepening the kiss further, their lips dancing as they begin to make out.
She backs him up to the wall not far behind him, breaking the kiss as they both looked at each other with lust.
This was the first time Kara ever tried getting emissive, let alone make out with someone.
And she felt she was pretty damn good at it, feeling all flustered and lustful, feeling in the 'mood' of lust, a feeling of sensation.
They both smile seductively, as they continue to make out, using their tongues next as they dance in each other's mouths, her soft moans as his hands reach down behind her back, beyond her cape as it moved around with her motions.
She had him pinned to the wall, floating up a little to his level as their tongues and mouths danced together fluently, in sync.
Her hands reach for his shirt, unbuttoning it slowly, making sure she doesn't accidently rip his shirt as she pulled back, her lustful smile growing bigger as his chest was beginning to show, his soft and hardened body striking her eyes as she blushes red at the sight.
Her lavish smile grew into a deepened smirk, licking her lips before biting her tongue at the sight before going in to kiss his bare chest, pecking it little by little, slowly turning him on along with herself.
She's been waiting for this moment a long time now, her feelings for him showed out, her lustful desires becoming reality as she continued to kiss his athletic chest as he watched on with a smile.
"I've been waiting a long time for that ~" she smirked, speaking with a lowered but seductive tone - "Y/N/N, this is my first time doing anything like this... I want this, I 'need' this ~" she said, exaggerating the 'need' with enthusiastic lust - "I want you to be my first and only... Allow me to show you how much... I love you" her smirk deepened further, biting her lip hard as she pulled herself in for another seductive kiss.
Her hands began to reach for her crop top with the cape attached, ready to take it off but she felt his hands stop her, as they opened their eyes to look at each other - "No, keep it on, Angel" he smiled ear to ear, not breaking eye contact as she kept her smirk going, immediately going back in to continue their make out session.
It was at this point where you were now in control, taking her over to the dining table and planting her on top of it, her cape draping across it behind her as you both continued kissing.
She began to get more hornier by the minute, her hands slipping into his pants as his hands reached for her breasts, fondling the House of El glyph on her crop top.
She began rubbing the bump in his area, stroking the hard on he was beginning to get as her moans filled his ears, squeezing her soft breasts through her top.
Her two hands began pulling down to his pants, revealing his boxers as she then pulled them down also, revealing his hardened member, her hand began stroking it after looking down at it, him continuing to play with her boobs, fondling them even further as he kicked off his trousers.
Her moans soon turned into lavish, demanding more from him as she continued stroking his member, making him groan with satisfaction as she then vibrated her hand fast enough to stroke it with more speed, bringing him to orgasm no long after.
Your juices hit her skirt, landing all over it as she giggled, allowing you to shoot the rest of your juices all over her lower half, most of it hitting her skirt.
"Well, won't need this on anymore ~" she took off her skirt and panties, revealing her cherry for him to witness, his eyes bulging out at the sight as his blush deepened, stirring him even further, she caught this and instantly giggled with a brightened smirk of lust as she drew closer to his face - "Let's take this to the bedroom" she suggested, smirking and giggling cutely as she got off the table, taking his hand to lead him to the bedroom.
Her ass swayed side to side as she walked, her cape got in the way a few times but she took notice and held it out, allowing him to "enjoy the view".
Reaching the bedroom was where things kicked off further, they began making out once more, Kara was on the bottom as he laid on top, allowing him to take the wheel for now.
She really wanted to feel him inside her so bad, but first things first, he wanted her to feel good.
Upon looking at her cherry pop, you smirked as you began to draw closer to it, wanting to pop her cherry, after all... Supergirl was a virgin, you wanted to make her think she's all yours and make her feel good.
"Go ahead, make me feel good" she spoke slow and submissive, licking her lips as she would bite her tongue afterwards.
Before long... she moaned as his tongue licked the entrance of her cherry, teasing her as his tongue licked her labia more frequently as time went by, making her excited and warming her up with his technique.
He's had sex before, many times with his former love years and years ago, but now? At this very moment? He was enjoying it again.
His tongue entered through her cherry, beginning to eat her out as she moaned for him to continue, fondling her breasts as she felt his tongue inside her, moaning with passion, using his finger to tease and rub her lips as his tongue danced inside her vaginal walls, working his way to make her orgasm.
"Yes! Oh Rao, that feels so... Fucking, good!" she moaned out loud, lifting up her crop top to reveal her tits and nipples, hardening as she continued to play with them.
She watched as he continued working on her vagina, moving his tongue in and out of her all the while he rubbed his fingers on her clitoris.
"Keep going! Keep going! It's coming! I'm gonna cum soon!!" she felt her vaginal walls closing up, her orgasm coming closer as he continued eating her out.
HIs fingers began to rub on her faster, making her moan out in pleasure loudly, she tried biting her lip to stop her moans but even that wouldn't stop her from moaning as loud as she was, her eyes rolled back in pleasure, her hands clawing the bed
"Ohhh fuck!!" she moaned loudly, squeezing her breasts as she let loose, letting her juices fly at him.
A moment passes as things calm down, her slight whimpers as he cleans her up with his tongue, licking the juices that were still leaking out of her.
"Wow, pretty powerful orgasm you had there" he complimented her, making her giggle with a satisfied smile, but clearly...
She was hungry for his dick inside her.
She wants her virginity took away by him and only him, she practically begged him to stick his member inside her, seducing him to do it with a deepened kiss, stroking his cock to entice him.
He teased her, which was driving her crazy, craving for it more than she was before, her lustful eyes staring into his, a sparkle of light brimming in them.
She positioned herself, spreading her legs as she pulled down her crop top again, showing off the House of El glyph to him to remind him who he's fucking.
He had to double check if she had protection anywhere but she had it covered already.
She smirks as he positions himself, aiming his tip right for her entrance as she begins rubbing her clitoris, he thought of teasing her as she caught wind of this - "C'mon, I know what you're thinking, slip it in already!" she groaned, eyebrows frowned, wanting his member inside her as he smirked at her facial expression.
"You read me like a book huh? ~" he teased - "But hey... You wanted this" he got closer to her face, looking right into her eyes, their lips not far from each other as he thrusted his hips into her, his tip entering her cherry as the walls constructed around it, causing her to let out a huge, softened moan, breathing onto his face.
She re-opened her eyes after she briefly closed them due to the pleasure of him entering her, her eyes widening as he went deeper the first thrust before going slowly, this was her first time and he didn't want to rush things but he hissed, groaned...
"Oh damn... Your tight already" he hissed, she began to show concern as his face scrunched up.
"Are you alright? We can -"
"Shhh ~" you placed your finger on her mouth - "It's a good thing, your vagina's not crushing my cock so. we're. Good" you reassured her, which seemed to calm her worried thoughts down, you were groaning in pleasure.
It's been so long since you felt like this, that you ever slipped inside someone.
He never thought he'd be fucking a Super, let alone Kara Zor-El, Supergirl, you admitted you loved her geeky, nerdy side when it came to her identity Linda Lang but... It was Supergirl you fell for, the heroic, hot headed, cute Superhero.
"Oh fuck! Fuuuuck" Kara clawed the bed sheets around her, as he kept thrusting in and out of her.
Her continuous moans, filling his ears as they both embraced in a deep kiss, using their tongues to dance in each other's mouths, his hands once again reached for her breasts, fondling the glyph once more, massaging her breasts through her crop top as she moaned during the deep kiss, laughing softly as he began to pick up a little speed.
"Oh. Fuck. YES!!" Kara breathes out heavily, her moans getting louder as his cock popped her cherry, going even deeper as it slipped in and out with more ease, her pussy lubricating his cock as it penetrated her, he moved his hips like a jackhammer, picking up speed and slowing down again.
"You enjoying yourself huh?" he teased, pulling out his cock and teasing her entrance again.
"Hey! I was until you did that!" she pouted.
He began to chuckle - "Relax Angel, step two coming up" he smirked as his cock aimed back down into her hole.
Before the Kryptonian knew it, he slammed right down inside her, going in deep as this made her gasp, eyes widened as the pleasure was sudden, his cock drew deeper as he thrusted with speed, knowing he popped her cherry not long ago.
His thighs collided with her pelvis, slapping noises were heard as he was going deep, his cock slipping in and out, in and out as she continued to moan loud, her pussy got wetter as that began to make noises too.
Her moans were silenced briefly by Y/N's lips crashing into hers as he kept the paste up, her muffled moans colliding with his own soft groans, both breathing hard after the long deep kiss they both shared, his hips going much faster than before.
His hands massaged her breasts again as her eyes brimmed with tears, the pleasure becoming too much for her to bear she began to giggle uncontrollably, laughing at the pleasure of his cock going deep inside her, touching the G-spot.
She craved for this, looking into his eyes as she used her elbows to reach up to him, wanting to kiss him deep by pulling him down to her, her legs wrapped around him as she wanted him to finish inside
And she knew it was coming, she knew he was getting close to orgasm, she could feel his cock twitching.
Not only that... She was close too, her walls began to tighten further as her soft moans got louder again.
"Oh Rao yes!! Fuck, fuck, fuck! Keep going!! I'm gonna cum again!!" she shouts with pleasure, his cock did a few more thrusts before - "YESSSSSS!! OH FUCK!!!" she shouted with an orgasm, cursing and talking dirty in Kryptonese not long after.
You didn't understand what she meant but she said it with heart and lust as you came to orgasm after she did, groaning as your cock twitched inside her, filling her womb up before crashing into her body as the two of you laid there, panting heavily as both of your hearts calmed down.
Kara laid there was satisfaction, looking at Y/N as he sighed with her, both feeling satisfied as they embraced in a kiss.
Not long after... The two got up and cleaned themselves, Kara changed out of her outfit by putting on a suitable pair of pyjamas, donning her glyph.
Y/N however stayed within his boxers, both were laying on the couch, watching a movie they agreed to watch.
His arm outstretched over her shoulder, cuddling into him as they watched the movie together.
It was at this point... Y/N was the happiest he's ever been.
He found that one person who somehow managed to break open his shell, his layer of walls that isolated him forever.
It was like what Dick Grayson once told him - "A little push and you're all set to sail" he thought back as he laid his head against Kara's.
And upon that...
He would never want to leave her side.
"I love you"
"I love you too"
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averysmolbear · 11 months
Just a Little Spark
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CW: Nothing, really. There's so mutual pining vaguely happening. Reader is a witch, if that matters. It's mostly vaguely fluffy. It's also self ship coded as hell. It kind of flows as a part of a series of little one shots that tie together. Reader and Isaac are presumably in their early twenties in this. Oh! And it's a female reader, although I don't think there's much mentioned that would make it blatantly a female reader.
Word count: ~2.1k
Pairing: F!reader x Isaac Lahey
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Just a little note that this would take place (at least in my mind) some time after Isaac obviously left but before the (atrocious) Teen Wolf movie (where they still don't even bother to mention Isaac at all and I'm still salty about it) but since we don't know what ever happened to Isaac, I ran with the idea of him coming back to Beacon Hills for something and him meeting up with the reader who is on the road for her own reasons and there are more little parts to this whole thing that make it a friends to lovers kind of situation.
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You rolled your eyes and let out a sigh as you felt Isaac Lahey hovering over your shoulder, your attention being drawn away from the book you were skimming through because of his near constant need for attention. This was becoming a regular occurrence and while you were used to it, it didn’t mean that it made it any less of an annoyance. It was hard to get much done with Isaac hanging around so close that you could almost feel his warm breath on your skin.
You could tell without looking that he was leaning closer and soon he would be close enough to rest his head on your shoulder. You knew how much he hated the research part of things so him getting this close was Isaac’s way of trying to get your attention. As you slowly turned your head to look at him, the young man backed away, a sheepish look on his face when you both locked eyes.
“Sorry. I’m sorry.” Isaac raised his hands in apology and flashed a charming smile your way, knowing that it would be a good way to get out of trouble. His smile seemed to always get him out of trouble with you and he wasn’t above using that to his advantage. “Don’t yell. Please?”
You sighed louder this time, shaking your head as you rolled your eyes. You rarely yelled at him and Isaac knew it. You turned back to the book you had been thumbing through, looking for information that would help you both out of the mess you currently found yourselves in. In reality, the two of you had been entangled in mess after mess from the moment you met. Isaac had found his way to Seattle after leaving Paris, not sure he was ready to go back to Beacon Hills. He had pissed off the wrong wolf pack in the area not long after arriving in Seattle. You, a young witch, had taken it upon yourself to take Isaac in to keep him safe.
That hadn’t gone as well as you would have liked but now Isaac had someone watching his back, which was something he had needed. You both made it away from the pack Isaac had upset, although that wasn’t the end of your troubles. He was going to continue to need someone to watch his back because while he said he had a pack, they were in Beacon Hills and he wasn’t. Most packs who saw Isaac would assume he was an omega and they never lasted long on their own. With the two of you traveling together, neither of you had to worry about being on your own.
You needed Isaac as much as he needed you. You wouldn’t tell him, because you knew he would get cocky, but you felt safer with him around. It wasn’t as if you couldn’t protect yourself but there were still parts of your magic that you didn’t have control over, as well as things you weren't aware that you was capable of. There were times when you didn’t mean to expend large amounts of your energy but if you got scared or angry, you did it without thinking. When it was all said and done, you were usually alone and vulnerable. You needed Isaac there to make sure that nothing bad happened to you too.
You had left your coven, the only family you had ever known, when it was clear that some of the members of the group wanted to use you for their own means as you came into your own power. You refused to be someone else’s pawn but the decision to leave hadn’t been an easy one for you. You had to slip out in the wee hours of the morning, taking only as much as you knew she could carry. Luckily for you, you had an RV that you had been living out of since you turned 18 and while a lot of your books and other various tools of your craft were inside of it, there were things you had to leave behind. More than that, there were people that mattered to you that you had been forced to leave behind and that had been the hardest part.
But now you had Isaac and Isaac had you. Neither of you had to be alone anymore. You were a coven of two, a pack of two — as much as either of you could claim that. It wasn’t much but it was better than both of you fumbling about alone in the world.
“Are you going to seriously leave me hanging here?”
You looked over your shoulder at him again, your eyes narrowing and your full lips pursed. You didn’t want to be angry with him but he had a way of pushing your buttons at the worst times. If you hadn’t been trying so hard to concentrate, you wouldn’t have minded but Isaac needed attention at the exact moment that you needed to focus. You weren't sure you could split focus in a way that would satisfy him and allow you to do the research that you needed to work on. 
“What do you want me to do, Isaac? Do you need me to entertain you? I’m sorry if this isn’t your idea of a good time,” you angrily said with a shake of your head, raising your voice more than you had intended. “Go for a walk if it bothers you that much.”
Isaac rolled his eyes this time, huffing as he flopped down onto the couch that sat behind the table where you was seated. His forearm was draped across his eyes as he laid there, acting like he was ignoring you. You hesitated but when Isaac remained quiet for longer than a couple of minutes, you let your attention drift back to the book you had been reading. You looked back once to see what he was up to when Isaac hadn’t bothered you again.
When you saw he was still laying there, you turned your full attention back to the book. If Isaac had fallen asleep, you didn’t want to wake him. More than that you appreciated the moment of silence. You tried to use it to your advantage, reading while you had a moment of stillness and calm.
It wasn’t long before you felt your concentration slip away. Maybe it was because you were worried that Isaac thought you were angry or maybe it was because you weren't learning anything that might help but you started to feel fidgety. It seemed that the book could wait since you were now having difficulty making sense of the words on the pages. The quiet was almost too much for you to bear. However, you didn’t hear Isaac as he rose and resumed hovering around behind you.
He had gotten up while you had been focused on your reading, silently pacing behind you as he hoped you wouldn’t notice him. It seemed as though sitting still wasn’t in the cards for him today either. When you called his name, Isaac perked up almost immediately, turning his head toward you. He had almost broken out in a grin but he suppressed the smile as best as he could, not wanting to upset you again. “Yeah?”
“Come here.”
There was something about the tone of your voice that Isaac wasn’t sure he should trust, especially after you had gotten snappy with him earlier. His eyebrows furrowed as he watched you, not sure what you wanted. “Why?”
You closed your eyes for a moment and sighed, hearing the skepticism in his voice. This time you waved him over as you spoke. “Just come here.”
“No, you’re going to hit me.”
You turned around to face Isaac, frowning as you realized that he still thought you were upset. “Look, you’re annoying me but I’m not going to hit you. Okay?”
His shoulders were slumped as he inched closer to you, closing the distance between you. He saw that the book you had been looking through was closed, noting that there was a slip of paper stuck in it to mark the page. His brows furrowed again as he stood over you. He towered over you even when you were standing but right now Isaac was like a giant standing over you and he could feel it. His back hunched as if he were trying to make himself smaller.
“What is it?” he asked, still a bit uncertain.
You reached for Isaac’s hand, your fingers gently stroking the back of his hand before you laced her fingers with his. An electric buzz raced through your body, starting at the point of contact between the two of you. It was an odd phenomenon that had begun happening recently whenever one of you touched the other. You saw that Isaac felt it too, seeing his breath catch, but neither of you mentioned it, as usual. For now it was just a thing that happened that neither of you could or wanted to explain and for now, you were happy to leave it that way.
You used your free hand to push back from the table, still holding his hand. Isaac looked down at your hands with a lopsided smile though. Sometimes you both wondered where this mutually beneficial arrangement was leading but most of the time you both let things happen. It didn’t stop Isaac from grinning like an idiot whenever you showed some semblance of wanting him around for any reason that wasn’t your protection or his safety and this was definitely one of those times. Maybe you both weren’t ready to talk about what was going on but you both certainly felt it.
His smile was infectious and soon you were smiling too, your thumb brushing the back of his hand. You weren't stupid; you knew the two of you were blurring the lines between this being something for your mutual protection and this being something more than a friendship. It was something you were going to have to confront eventually but today didn’t seem like it was the right time. Not when all you wanted was to keep Isaac from getting too fidgety, not when you knew you could use a break.
“How about we go into town and get something to eat? I think it should be safe.”
Isaac leaned forward and tugged on the curtain that covered one of the windows. It wasn’t far past noon and so far nothing had come for you both in the middle of the day. Even he had to admit that it should be safe. He nodded as he let the curtain fall from his fingertips, his eyes settling on you again. He gave your hand a gentle squeeze before nearly dragging you toward the seats up in the front of the RV.
You laughed softly as you followed him. You realized in that moment you were both too far past this being a friendship but you didn’t feel brave enough to bring it up. You thought Isaac felt it too but instead of bringing it up, you let him lead you forward, sitting in the passenger’s seat without an argument. Whatever you felt for each other was going to continue to be an unspoken thing for a while longer.
Isaac’s face broke out in a wide grin as he let go of your hand so he could start up the RV. You were renting a space at an RV park outside of a moderately sized town. If you were going to get something to eat, you would have to drive into town and Isaac was always so happy whenever you let him drive. You were so protective of the RV since it was the only home the two of you had at the moment. Giving up control of it to let Isaac drive seemed like you were trusting him with something even more important than your means of travel and the roof over your heads.
He turned on the radio, glancing over when he heard you humming along with the music. He almost reached out to brush some of your hair from your eyes but he stopped himself. Both of you hesitated when it came to gestures of affection, no matter how small they were. Soon Isaac was humming along with the music as it played as well. At least for a little while you both would get to be normal and that was so much more than he thought he could ask for. It was more than he thought he deserved but for the moment he was happy and he was going to live in this moment for as long as he could manage.
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samuel-is-an-idiot · 1 year
I love seeing realistic kids like Atreus who gets cocky when he learns he isnt sick or cursed like he's believed his whole life but he's a god, because it's REALISTIC, a 12 year old kid learning he has powers would get cocky, he got knocked some sense into in the end and that's what matters.
I like seeing the violent shifts between his character arcs; this is how 12 year old kids are they're all or nothing!
I LOVE RAGNAROK ATREUS! He's awkward, he's a dumbass, he makes mistakes, he talks back, has outbursts- he's a teen! He thinks he's invincible and untouchable and we get to see him be beaten, wounded and corrupted. We see the whole process of growing up! We see a character, a person growing in and out of toxic phases and learning from their mistakes!
Atreus is a work in progress he's not finished yet, not ready to go on his own he still needs and seeks guidance, which is why he gets corrupted, why he gets trapped and controlled by Odin but once he's ready he goes, he leaves. He leaves to live on his own and to finish his work in progress on his own, with purpose and his father's voice in his head. And that's growing up for you.
I recognize myself easily in Atreus, a kid who had to grow up too fast due to some event regarding his mother, who sees the best in people no matter what has been done or has happened to him, who has had to evolved and skip important steps of his evolution to get to where his father needed him to be at the moment. A kid who does his best and still manages to fuck up and disappoint a father who was absent during his childhood but is now very real and present in his life though not yet emotionally available but he's getting there, you can do it dad/Kratos. But at the same time the father is very proud of the kid because he's his kid still but he's kind of a dumbass sometimes, but he doesnt know how to communicate his feelings correctly and thinks the kid already know it but he doesnt actually but the kid doesnt dare ask for it just in case this might be a mistake as well.
I see myself in Atreus because I too have lost a mother and gained a father and I too am struggling with what is my purpose in this world. So i make mistakes. Because that's what happens when you grow up. You fuck up. Atreus is a great character I'm really proud of his evolution.
All that to say: If you do mistakes; good. Grow, learn from them, take from them what you can. And even if they suck, if they're scary as fuck you cant avoid them so embrace them. Like a fucking tornado in the face. Just avoid freeing giant dogs from Helheim. Also; be as awkward and as much of a dumbass as you can while you can; do stupid shit. Have fun. Be a kid, be a teen while you can cause some people couldnt.
TLDR: Atreus is a realistic character that I love dearly and we may have the same backstory somehow. Also: be dumb, make mistakes and break the elderly with your awkward references and social skills!
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antifa-rainbowdash · 5 months
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i've done more than enough fuh naff redesigns it's time for charles entertainment cheese and his gang to receive a makeover
what i had in mind while doing this was a (personal dream job) HYPOTHETICAL!!! scenario where somehow i've gone back in time and convinced the execs of showbiz pizza time inc to not only keep both cec and showbiz open, but begin a gimmick wherein we lean into the whole "pizza wars" thing and actively pit the characters against each other in a friendly rivalry sort of deal.
firstly youll probably notice that i replaced munch and pasqually with two ptt characters i like much better- pleasemunchandpasquallylikersdonthurtme- that being crusty and harmony. due to my own personal tastes but also because i think adding a second female member of the animatronic lineup evens things out pretty well.
second, is that they all are brand new incarnations of each character, and have their own blurbs i've decided to write down below under the readmore to explain. because this caption is insanely long already. happy reading!!! the rockafire counterpart to this post is coming shortly. so keep an eye out ;)
FIRST AND FOREMOST is the big man himself!!!! chuck e cheese!!! this chuck is an archetypal rebellious teen and cool kid whose primary hobbies include skateboarding and video games. he's got a sort of arrogant i'm-the-shit attitude about him and he definitely can come off as cocky. but he's not necessarily mean spirited either, he really does care for his friends, he's just full of himself.
now, for his rockafire rival (which you will find all the bots have their direct counterpart on the showbiz side of things) you may expect billy bob because mascots of the restaurant and all. but billy bob actually acts more as a mediator in all this, being the only one who has no rival, instead chuck's is beach bear. which will explain why beach has such an aversion to skateboarding - he associates it with the rat boi! chuck doesnt necessarily have anything personal against beach (because this is all in good fun and not anything malicious at all) but beach does feel like chuck's a bit too stuck up for his liking. and also, he can't stand sore losers, or folks who brag about their accomplishments. chuck in turn thinks beach is a bit of a stick in the mud and goody two shoes who doesnt know how to have REAL fun. again these are all FRIENDLY rivalries so nobody's truly mad at anyone just some reasoning.
secondly my gal helen henny. is the direct opposite of mitzi mozzarella of course, who is the popular girl in their high school and head of the cheerleading squad. helen meanwhile is the nerdy type who gets straight a's and sucks up to the teachers a lot. she doesnt get out much besides doing gigs singing in the pizzeria and otherwise is a bit of a shut in. mitzi thinks helen should loosen up, but helen thinks mitzi should be more focused on her future and realize that after high school "popularity" means nothing. theyll still eventually end up being gay married, but thats not until way after they both have graduated from college in which they will reconnect after a chance meeting in the local in universe starbucks, sparking a slow burn romance that eventually leads to the two being wed. but for now, they simply pass each other in the hallway with a friendly nod and perhaps a light chat about the weather.
crusty is in a sports college on a scholarship playing baseball and is one of the strongest team members on campus. he's more reserved and shy most of the time, but really comes out of his shell and shines on stage singing with the others. his dilemma mirrors high school musical in that he's embarrassed to admit that he loves to perform on stage to his fellow baseball players, who are currently unaware of crusty's thespian side. for his rival, fatz geronimo is actually a professor at crusty's college and crusty thinks it's a bit weird how theyre both performers in rival pizzerias. fatz wishes crusty would own up to his love of both baseball and theatre, sometimes giving him dad lectures about being yourself and you only got one life to live so you better make the most of it, while crusty just wishes the old man would mind his own business and butt out of his personal matters. deep down though he appreciates that at least someone cares about what HE wants though.
jasper t jowls in this era is a he/him lesbian because i say so and i make the rules here. he and harmony are open about them being a pair and are often uber affectionate with each other, in front of guests and their friends and all. they really dont care who sees lol. jasper is a farm dog that puts off his chores to go hang with his girlfriend and their friend group. he'd rather spend his hours practicing the banjo and wooing his lady than doing any sort of work, he's real lazy like that. his family thinks his dreams of being a rockstar are ridiculous and so jasper internalizes this way of thinking when it comes to dook larue, who dreams of being an astro physicist and has the support of all his folks. in reality jasper is jealous of dook not having to deal with criticism from his family and being able to freely follow his passions without outside pressure. dook sees jasper as weak willed and thinks he should grow a backbone, but the space doggo most of all just feels bad for the farm doggo and resents his family for not being supportive of his dreams. still, dook's idea of a pep talk is telling jasper to let his folks know what he REALLY thinks and jasper isnt too fond of the idea.
and finally harmony howlette is the resident ranch coyote!!!! shes an expert at wrangling wild mustangs and taming them and preparing them to be farm horses. shes sassy and blunt and takes no shit. sometimes having a hard time keeping her comments to herself. but shes also sweet and genuine, real down to earth type of gal. its what jasper likes best about her. shes rolfe dewolfe's rival, she thinks hes almost as stuck up as chuck can be but to her at least chuck has redeeming qualities about him. in her mind rolfe is just some washed up comedian that lets his assistant earle pick on him to get a cheap laugh out of the audience. which, rolfe doesnt necessarily deny the part about letting earle pick on him, but he thinks harmony needs to learn to take a joke and worry about herself a little more. he says that having a southern accent and country charm isnt a personality trait and wonders what jasper sees in her.
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I feel like no one talks about the whole mumbattan sequence can you do a deep dive on that one
Oh Mumbattan, there is so much to unpack.
What I mean like that is that we have a lot of stuff going on not just on screen, but Miles and Gwen as well, which a lot of changes thanks to the circumstances and characters of screen. If it took me two posts to talk just about a portion of the Clock Tower scene, I am sure Mumbattan is going to be multiple.
They will probably be short since I think there are a lot of moments not necessarily connected to the ones before, that I think that deserve their own post, etc.
So let's start Mumbattan with the actual beginning, or at least the beginning of Gwen's and Miles interactions in Mumbattan.
As per custom, we start a little earlier since set up is important.
(Side note, I just lost half of the original post because Tumblr is a nightmare to use for post and I will probably fist fight whoever coded this if given the chance. So the writing and the screenshots may be a bit rough because I am pissed.)
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Something that caught my attention while rewinding this scene, was Gwen's exchange and behaviour towards the spot here.
I think is good time to remember that Gwen is probably an internal mess right now.
She knew she blew up with The Spot, she got cocky, thought the guy was going to be easy, and focused on Miles more than in her mission.
Gwen is in a tough position right now, she is basically homeless, she needed to abandon her old life, her home and the people in her life; none of those things are easy, let alone when you are forced to and being a teen.
The Spidersociety seems kind of a like a dream come true at first, and she is happy to be in it; but we can see how she is still missing certain things the society just cannot give her. A company is not a replacement for family and friends. I honestly believe part of the reason she is hyped about it is because she wants to focus on the positives to avoid the negatives.
Seeing Miles was a gamble, one where she risked too much by refusing to leave his side, and she may pay the price for this; she earlier was looking extremely shaken at the idea of being sent home.
While she is having all of this, it didn't escape me the longing and the defeat in her face when she say goodbye to Miles without knowing he was there. That is also weighting on her.
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Not gonna lie, is funny that a character that feels so entitled to people react the way he wants (like he asking the guy he was robbing to not make this a bad experience for him,) accidentally say something that for him is just a comment, but DAMN I can imagine how much it had to sting for Gwen.
The reason I brought up the other screenshots and this close up of Gwen, is to pay attention to her masks.
I had mentioned in other post, the masks are extremely expressive for what they are, which is a handy way to show expressions when you are character's face is hidden.
In multiple shots, Gwen looks angry; this isn't like the battle with Vulture when even after almost getting her face sliced she was just back to cracking jokes and not taking stuff too seriously, just the regular amount of a spidey.
This isn't a joke to her, this is important, and she isn't in a good mood already. So her doing a joke that feels tired isn't shocking.
But while The Spot was just talking about the joke, after letting down her mentor, underestimating what Lila determined as a canon killer for MULTIPLE universes, and having trouble getting a hold of the guy; hearing "That's the best you can do?" Had to suck.
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(While going for Miles's frame, I realized Gwen just looks angrier before she hears him; which is to say. DAMN Miles you really picked a bad time.)
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You know? Something I like to do in my writing, is bring scenarios that are different in context but the basics of it repeat as to carry a meaning behind it, reinforcing an idea either for the characters who are seeing the pattern (or think to see a pattern,) or the audience.
Some of it can be wishful thinking but this movie has much going on that I bet a lot of what I am picking up was meant to be that way.
This particular moment is interesting because Gwen is just dealing with a mess that happened because she was prioritizing Miles over her mission, and what happens shortly after?
Miles distracts her from the villain, which also gets him an opening to kick her and escape.
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You may be wondering why bring those frames of Gwen falling and Miles finally getting her, this is important for two things.
One, this will go to show something later about the importance of team and the tragedy of the spider people (that would be their own post because I had a lot to say, and a scene in particular during this sequence scared the living shit out of me, 3 times.)
But another factor is this is all quietly reinforcing in Gwen's mind, how she shouldn't had gotten to see Miles.
Not only did she lost her shot to capturing The Spot as his most vulnerable (because let's face it, if Gwen went to him without his ability to make holes it would had been done in less than 2 minutes,) she also lost track of him again thanks to Miles. And now she is having trouble with her footing.
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Miles is lucky the circumstances kind of support his stance, and that he is cute.
In most movies I will see a guy following the girl he likes I say that's a red flag of the size of a house. But considering everything I can't really blame him.
He doesn't know how much is at stake, or how much can get worse; but he knows that The Spot is doing this partially thanks to him, and he may be filling guilty for assuming he was already done for when he wasn't. And now the girl he likes is in deep shit because of this, and he has more information than the rest.
(Or he should, Miguel seems to have eyes everywhere, no idea how much he knows about the Spot.)
It was still stupid? For sure, he really has no way home, has never done dimension hoping, and certainly didn't think about glitching before this.
But his heart is in a good place.
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Yeah Gwen is still pissed regardless.
I think even if Miles has the best intentions she doesn't appreciate being followed, doesn't appreciate having him as is another thing she needs to be juggling in this situation, which is a lot already.
We will talk about the falling scene better, because that deserves it's own post, and also that scene made me suffer in theatres so I will get my compensation by rambling later about it.
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This is something I will come back later, probably more than once. Not gonna lie the first time I saw this movie this hurt (And that was before getting as obsessed with this ship as I am now, mind you,) and it only got worse seeing it a second time when you know what will happen.
Regardless, is ties nicely to the rest of this post. Gwen is stress out, conflicted about her role as a spiderwoman and just being a teen, and in the heat of the moment, she does think that seeing him and trying to get that connection with the circumstances at hand is a bad idea.
Once again, heat of the moment, I think she would had probably continue being mad if the things that happened didn't happen; but I think this will come back later on by her realizing that she wasn't getting blindsided by Miles, but the organization.
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gabessquishytum · 11 months
dream fucking dilfy hob and realizing he’ll never be able to go back to people his own age is killing me!!! dream & corinthian are uni classmates & started dating some time ago. they’re young and naive and all that and are each others’ firsts for most things. their sex isn’t bad, but it’s very obviously sex being had by a couple of teenagers who could count the amount of people they’ve been with on one hand. they’re awkward and cum too quickly and are just on the wrong side of messy, but they’re young and don’t know any better. how are they supposed to improve if they don’t have experience?
the answer is hob. the two of them aren’t doing well enough in his class, so hob comes over to chaperone their studying…which turns into hob watching the corinthian try to fuck dream, and he’s technically gotten point A to point B, but again, inexperience. dream doesn’t know what he’s missing and cori is too cocky to admit he’s a little mediocre, so hob punished him by forcing cori to watch him fuck dream and turn him onto older men permanently….dream can’t get satisfied with his boyfriends cock anymore, he might just have to go asking professor gadling for another favor……
Asdfgjklhfs poor Cori <333
Dream and Cori are still in the late teens and they're still finding their feet, growing into their bodies... Cori likes to brag about his big dick but he doesn't really know how to use it... and Dream meanwhile is still struggling to give a decent blowjob. They obviously need a liiiittle bit of tutoring from an expert.
Cori is relieved when Hob drops his underwear and his dick is only average, maybe smaller than Cori's but thicker. He's thinking that Dream can't possibly be about to enjoy this but... he's wrong. Very wrong.
Hob puts 4 fingers into Dream’s hole before he even thinks about getting his cock in. Cori usually only gets as far as 2 before he's got to hurry it up. Dream is melting into the mattress, whimpering and arching his back so prettily as Hob stretches him. His noises only get louder when Hob pulls Dream into his lap.
Cori and Dream almost always do it doggy style, for ease of access. But Hob gets Dream riding on his cock. He lifts Dream up and down like a toy, bending him forwards and backwards to hit different angles. And it goes on for ages, even after Dream has cum from having his prostate pounded. Hob coaxes Dream through a second orgasm and Cori's jaw drops. He didn't know that was possible.
Dream even lets Hob come inside him, which he almost never does for Cori. Hob does look a little bit smug as he cleans Dream up and meets Cori's eyes across the room.
Little does he know that both Dream and Cori are about to start visiting him on the sly, both of them thinking that they're betraying the other but unable to keep away from the hot older man. Hob gives Cori his first really good blowjob, and shows Dream that he can get a whole fist inside his cute little hole... he should probably tell the boys that they can be honest with each other, but... he kind of likes being both of their dirty little secrets.
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gaybananabread · 8 months
13. Sneak Attack Amity attempts to get her siblings back for their tickling cheer ups to her but in the end gets easily overpowered.
TickleTober Day 13 - Sneak Attack
Is it just me, or have I written pretty much the same scenario three times now? Hopefully there’s been improvement between them (>m<). Busted this thing out the night before I left town, so I’m sorry for any grammatical errors. I’m kinda straying away from TOH, so I might be taking it off my list. Still, thank you for requesting, and I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Amity
Lers: Emira, Edric
Summary: Amity tries once again to get her siblings back for their tickly attacks. The twins catch on, quickly putting a stop to her plan with one of their own.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!!
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Amity was sitting at her work desk, tapping a pencil against her blank homework. She really didn’t feel like writing the essay, her mind wandering elsewhere. She had a good week to work on it, plenty of time to do it.
The purple-haired witchling’s thoughts drifted, various topics coming and going. It was fun to just zone out and think for a bit. Fun…a distant memory resurfaced, one from a good few months ago. Her siblings were messing with her and, once again, reduced her to a giggly puddle. Come to think of it, she never did get them back…
The distant look on her face slowly became a smirk, a plan formulating in her mind. The twins were sneaky, but they couldn’t win every time. It was her turn to finally get some well-deserved vengeance.
Amity set the abomination trap, checking to make sure that everything was in place. Her plan was foolproof. She would lure Emira in, call the abomination on her, and finally get her revenge. Edric would have to wait, he was doing his own homework anyways. 
“Em! I need some help here!” As planned, her sister ran into the room to see what was wrong. When Emira saw the small yet shit-eating grin on her sibling’s face, she knew something was up. Best to play along with it, see if she can turn the tables. 
Emira walked closer to her sister, stopping just a few feet away. “What’s up, mittens?” Amity sighed, biting the inside of her cheek. Just a bit closer…
“Just…wanted your opinion on something. Can you come over here?” If she hadn’t already known, that would have told her something was up. Taking a look around, she saw a bit of abomination goo on the carpet. So that’s what her plan was… Em could work with that. 
She walked up to her sister, shoving her back at the last second. Emira wasn’t as good with abominations as her sister, but catching Amity off guard helped her get the jump on the younger witch. She activated the abomination trap, using it on the one who planted it. “Sneak attack!”
Amity yelped, feeling her trap being used against her. She was so close! Before she had a chance to protest, she felt fingers dancing across her belly. “E-EHEMIRAHA! COHOME ON, NOHOHOT AHAGAIN!” 
Oh, it was too perfect. Amity had yet to figure out that there was no besting the twins. Even if it was just one of them. Speaking of which…
“Who’s wrecking Amity, and why wasn’t I invited?” Edric came down the stairs from his room, a smug grin on his face. He knew exactly what was going on, and planned to get his turn. 
Emira waved him over, drilling into Amity’s belly button and making her squeal. “You’re a little late, doofus. Here, help me with her pits. She’s too wild to get all by my lonesome.” Ugh, that stupid voice… Every time they teased her, each twin would use this cocky, smug tone to drive her nuts. “DOHON’T YOUHU *DAHAHARE*!”
That got a snort out of the older teen. Her threat was more adorable than anything, with all the laughter. “Sorry mittens. Twin Law, gotta help if she asks.”
Those evil little- “GYAAA! NOHOHOHO!” Amity thrashed in the goopy restraints, any and all thoughts of insults being drowned out by ticklish agony. Both her worst spots being attacked at the same time was awful enough; then the teasing started.
“Aww, poor mittens. You’d think she would’ve learned by now~ There’s no getting payback on us.” Emira’s nails paired with Edric’s gentle squeezes and pokes were sending her into a tickly tizzy. She regretted making her plan so “foolproof” now that she was stuck in it. Not only was it proof that her plan was not as solid as she would’ve liked; it also kept her firmly in place and at the mercy of her evil siblings. 
A snort interrupted her laughter, Ed’s fingers nailing the center of her underarms as Em drilled her nails into her belly button. It was an extremely unfair combo. “NYAHOHOHO! GUHUHUYS!” 
Edric actually felt a bit bad. They had wrecked her a good few times, constantly denying her any retribution. “Do we have to be so mean, Em? She kinda does deserve to get us back, even if it’ll never happen.” He turned his eyes back to Amity, chuckling. “ A+ idea on your plan, by the way. Execution…needs some work.”
She was too lost in laughter to care. Ed finally gave into his less-cruel thoughts, moving his fingers up to her neck. Amity’s laughter eased up a bit, though squeaks and occasional snorts were added to the mix. “Pl- snort pleHEHEASE! IHIT’S- thihis isn’t fahahahahair!”
Emira wanted to continue the evil attack, but Edric gave her the “c’mon” look. Sighing, she switched to rib-pokes. “You’re lucky Ed’s gone soft. I would’ve been fine making you squeal, little sis~”
“Youhuhuhu *squeak* you bohoth suhuck!” Amity’s battery was already pretty drained from their initial attack. Em had no reason to be so cruel, other than her own entertainment. Maybe it was the big sister instinct to torture their little siblings. She honestly couldn’t tell you; all she knew is that it sucked to be on the receiving end. 
The rib pokes and neck tickles weren’t half as bad as their previous tickle-hell-combo, but it was still sending those annoying butterflies into her stomach. Being tickled by her siblings was fun, to an extent. They had reached that extent. “Cohohome ohon! snort Plehehease?” 
Okay, time to be the merciful brother… Edric pulled his hands away from her neck, backing up to admire their work. Once again, they’d reduced their sister to a blushy, giggling mess. He knew Em would take some convincing to quit, though. Her and her ler moods…
“Em, c’mon, don’t kill her. She’s had more than enough.” When she rolled her eyes and ignored him, he grabbed her by the sides, squeezing as he dragged his twin away from their exhausted sibling. Emira, not expecting the sudden jolts to her sides, practically squawked, whipping around and batting his hands. Her focus on the abomination restrains wavered, the purple sludge melting back into the trap box and releasing their youngest sibling. “Uhuhugh…th-thahanks Ed…”
Emira’s cheeks were red, though not nearly as much as her sister’s. The older teen scoffed, jabbing her brother in the ribs before turning back to Amity. “Okay, fine. Maybe I did take things a smidge too far. BUT- I’m all done now. Soooo… Blight siblings cuddle pile?”
One though simultaneously crossed both Edric and Amity’s minds in that moment: seriously? She had just gotten done wrecking Amity’s shit, and she immediately wanted a cuddle pile? Still, some cuddly aftercare would be nice… Screw it.
“F-fihine. I get to pihick the movie, thohough.” Em could live with that. Sure, Amity only ever picked cheesy RomComs, but it wasn’t horrible. At least it wasn’t one of Ed’s gruesome slashers… Even she had her limits. “Okay, that’s cool. Ed, burrito-ify mittens and meet me on the couch.”
And turn her to a burrito he did. Edric grabbed one of the fluffier blankets from the nearby chair, wrapping his younger sister up and carrying her to the couch. Amity huffed, but didn’t protest the movement. She loved the attention, as silly as it was. 
Tossing her on the couch, Ed sat down and tugged Emira over to them. Pretty soon, all three Blight siblings were curled into each other, the TV ready for some cheesy-movie action. Amity had, predictably, chosen a romantic comedy about two witches in love, each a coven head. The plot was okay, but some of the corny scenarios made Edric cringe and Emira fake-gag. Amity was eating it up, though, so it was kinda worth it.
The trio continued to relax together, winding down from their chaotic day. Eventually, they passed out, cheesy RomCom number three still playing in the background. Their father entered the home about an hour later, a soft smile forming at the sight. He definitely didn’t take a picture for his private Penstagram account. These kids…
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Arlong x OC
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I don’t have a working title for this story yet but here is the first part of chapter one. I’ll eventually post the full one to Ao3. Arlong has been my hyper fixation for a bit now 😅 and I decided to create a character that I think would compliment him nicely. Feedback and suggestions welcome! I don’t have the entirely of this story planned out yet but I have a good foundation. I’m still debating making his love interest a nurse shark or an oceanic white tip shark ( both are sharks that I find really neat). I’m also thinking about giving her a last name.
I typed this all up on my phone so there might be some mistakes.
Storm had a pretty normal life on Fishman Island until a horrible tragedy involving humans took the life of her parents as a teen. Ever since the incident Storm disliked humans and never wished to coexist happily with them. She had everything she could ever want on the island but she felt trapped and yearned to see what life was like on the surface. Storm was aware that fishmen were much stronger than the average human but still put in long hours in her training before heading to the surface. On the surface she faced the discrimination the merfolk talked about first hand making her heart grow cold.
I only own the OCs mentioned in the story
Warnings: none (so far)
Ch 1
It was a bright day on Fishman Island when Storm and her friend Kiki decided to go out for coffee and a stroll. Storm had just returned from her trip on the surface and wanted to spend more time at home before eventually going on another excursion.
She was a swordsman and had gained some attention for her skills and was fairly known on the island.
She caught Arlong’s attention right before she left the island two years ago and they've had a few interactions and flirty exchanges. Arlong even wanted her to join his crew but the timing was off and Storm wasn’t ready for that kind of commitment yet.
Storm and Kiki noticed a crowd forming and walked towards it only by to see Arlong holding a few papers above a small mermaid’s head. “Hey, is that that the sawfish guy you’re been seeing” Kiki whispered looking over at Storm. “There’s nothing between us it’s not like that!” Storm quickly responded. Storm saw the poor mermaid struggle to get her papers back and Storm felt like she needed to intervene.
“These papers aren’t going to change a damn thing!” Arlong laughed. Before Storm could say anything a guard started to run towards Arlong calling him a Fishman district reject. Without a second thought Arlong picks him by the neck. “Arlong! Let him go!” Storm yelled out. Arlong glances over and his eyes widen to see…her.
He hasn’t seen the shark woman in a while and as much as he would deny it he was glad to see her again.
Arlong has been with fishwomen and mermaids in the past and has always had a cocky attitude with them but with Storm he felt like he needed a different approach.
At first Arlong thought she was just a snobby privileged girl. She had the luxury of growing up with two parents in a better part of the island, but the more he got to know her he realized that she was not like what he imagined.
He was drawn to the shark woman and even admired her swordsmanship. Arlong had to have her on his crew. Besides he could never have too many fishmen who were skilled in combat.
“What are you doing picking on a rookie guard? Let him go it’s not worth it” Storm stepped out of crowd towards Arlong. Arlong smirked and threw the guard on the floor. Arlong lost complete interest in him and would much rather give Storm his attention.
Storm stood out amongst the crowd. Her long hair was neatly held back in a seashell clip and wore last nights eye makeup with a bare face. She was tall with a lean build and always carried around one of her swords at her hip.
Both Arlong and Storm didn’t realize that Jinbe was watching the whole scene. While Jinbe scolded Arlong Kiki ran up to Storm and grabbed her arm “ I promised Nora that I’d help her with something, I’ll see you tonight okay?” She said giving her a hug before heading home.
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