#himiko toga x you
shxtodxroki · 1 year
Himiko Toga Masterlist
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Here is where you will find all of my writing for Togai! I hope you enjoy, and if you like these feel free to drop a request in my inbox at any time! <3
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♡ Fake Texts ♡
- MHA Villains When You Send Them An Accidental Confession Text (Pt. 3)
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nuppu-nuppu · 1 year
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Togachako redraw
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chiquilines · 2 months
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Ochako my relatable academically exhausted queen
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flamingtouya · 9 months
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some hori sketches from volume 38
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frickingnerd · 11 months
himiko with a s/o who likes her smile
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pairing: himiko toga x gn!reader
tags: himiko/her smile being called 'creepy' and 'disturbing' (not by reader), hurt/comfort, mostly fluff
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"wow, your smile…"
those had been the first words himiko had ever heard from you
and when she did, she expected you to add something along the lines of "it's so creepy" or "it's disturbing"
but that wasn't the case
himiko had been so used to people finding her smile creepy, but you were different
"…it's so pretty!"
himiko's eyes lit up as she heard those words and it seemed like her smile got even wider
you were the first person who genuinely complimented her smile
while her friends from the league of villains never called her smile creepy, they never complimented it or commented on it either
but you had! you were special to himiko! 
it didn't take long for you and himiko to get together after that – you had already shown interest in her and himiko fell in love with you at first sight
around you, she was smiling even more than usual and her smile always managed to put a smile on your lips as well
whenever anyone made a mean comment about himiko's smile, you were always quick to defend her
himiko always felt comfortable around you, knowing she wouldn't have to hide her smile
she was happy to have found someone who was so accepting of her and who loved the parts of her that nobody else did…
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love-me-satoru · 4 months
wanna be faced fucked by literally anyone at this point 😭
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nighttimeebony · 10 months
I'm sorry, but WHAT THE FUCK WAS THIS?!!?!!!?
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draxua · 4 months
Toga sucking on your tits, her sharp teeth grazing your nipples sending shivers down your spine, holding her by the head to keep going, Toga making cute little whines of satisfaction at the taste of you.
Toga who goes ahead and leaves hot red bite marks all over your breasts, little droplets of blood spilling out of the marks.
Toga with a free access kink, you can be doing absolutely anything and she'd be sneaking up behind you to sink her teeth into your neck whilst humping your thigh.
Toga who loves to ride your thigh whilst sucking on your neck, fangs deep in as scarlet red blood trickles down your neck. Toga who will see the blood dropping down your neck and onto to your chest so you make her lick it up, your blood is precious its a treat you give to her, none of it should go to waste. Toga who happily obliges.
Toga who accidentally shape shifts into you when you fuck her with your strap, she's so filled with admiration and love for you her heart swells everytime you give her so much attention.
Toga who shape shifts into you as she fingers herself infront of the mirror, making all the faces she wishes she could get you to make. Toga who records herself as you doing so many lewed things to revist.
Toga who gets fucked hard with a strap the first time you caught her sneaking around your room for any of your belongings to steal. Taking her knife from her and putting it against her throat, fucking her rough on your bedroom floor for everyone to hear.
Sharply spitting words mixed of praise and degradation, she's was so pretty you couldn't see how much of a cute slot she was. You loved how she went above and beyond for you, she's so desperate look at her taking everything, its such a sight for sore eyes.Your thigh over hers as your pussies rub together, your slick mixing with hers.
Toga with an oral fixation who can't cum without a taste of your blood, she needs your fingers in her mouth for her to bite and suck on. Toga who gags on your fingers, her teeth sharp against your skins as a small pin of pain floods it.
Toga who takes a small bite of your fingers coming as soon as she tastes it <3
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doumadono · 10 months
i’d like to request a blurb with the sfw prompt “one leaning their head onto the other's shoulder suddenly and they just freeze” with dabi x fem!reader ^_^
"I don't hate it" - Dabi x Reader
Synopsis: both you and Dabi harbored feelings for each other, yet neither of you had summoned the courage to confess. Until now A/N: thank you so much for the congratulations, dear! I hope you'll enjoy this little blurb ♥
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In the dimly lit hideout of the League of Villains, the air was thick with tension as Tomura Shigaraki laid out his latest plan against hero society.
You, a devoted member of the organization, were seated next to Dabi, trying to focus on the meeting, but your thoughts kept drifting to him.
Dabi, with his stoic demeanor and sarcastic remarks, had always been an enigma. You admired his boldness and feared his unpredictability, but there was something about him that intrigued you. Little did you know, he felt the same way about you, but neither of you had ever spoken about it.
As Shigaraki continued speaking, a sudden wave of exhaustion washed over you. You sighed softly, feeling overwhelmed by the weight of planned actions. Without thinking, you leaned your head onto Dabi's shoulder, seeking comfort from the turmoil inside you.
For a moment, the room seemed to freeze. You could feel Dabi's tense body beside you, his stoic facade faltering as he processed the unexpected gesture. He didn't react negatively, but he didn't reciprocate either. Instead, he sat there frozen, trying to understand the strange warmth that spread through him.
You immediately regretted your impulsive action, fearing you had crossed a boundary. But to your surprise, Dabi didn't push you away. His silence spoke volumes, and you dared to steal a glance at him. His usual hard gaze softened just a fraction, revealing a vulnerability you had never seen before.
"What's this about?" Dabi finally grumbled, his voice tinged with a hint of discomfort.
You bit your lip nervously, searching for the right words. "I… I'm just tired. It's been a long day, and now this meeting… We're sitting here for past two hours," you mumbled, hoping he wouldn't see through your flimsy excuse.
Dabi's gaze lingered on you for a moment longer. "Fine, just don't make a habit out of it," he muttered, his stoicism returning as he turned his attention back to the meeting.
Your heart sank, convinced that you had made a mistake. You cursed yourself for being so foolish and vowed to keep your distance from now on. But as the meeting dragged on, you found it increasingly difficult to ignore the warmth radiating from Dabi's shoulder, due to the quirk he possessed.
As Shigaraki continued with the meeting, you couldn't help but notice Twice and Toga exchanging glances. Their eyes darted between you and Dabi.
Toga's eyes widened, her lips curving into a sly smile as she blinked a few times. She had always been perceptive, and seeing you resting your head on Dabi's shoulder seemed to trigger her suspicions. With a mischievous grin, she leaned closer to Twice, whispering something in his ear. He chuckled softly, his eyes still lingering on you and Dabi, but with an added glint of amusement.
As the League members continued to disperse, Tomura glanced over at Toga, who was still teasingly grinning at you and Dabi. He let out an exasperated sigh, trying to redirect the group's attention back to the matter at hand. "Toga, enough with the distractions. Focus on the meeting," Tomura said sternly.
Toga pouted, but she obeyed.
As the meeting concluded, the League members dispersed, leaving you and Dabi alone in the room. The silence felt heavy, and you were about to make a hasty exit when Dabi's voice broke through.
"Hey, wait," he called out, his tone uncharacteristically hesitant.
You turned to face him, your heart pounding in your chest. "Yeah?"
Dabi's usual stoic expression wavered, and he seemed to be grappling with his emotions. "Look, about earlier…" he trailed off, his gaze flickering away for a moment before returning to meet yours. "I don't hate it," he admitted, his voice softer than you had ever heard it.
Confused, you tilted your head slightly, unsure of what he meant. "You don't hate what?"
He hesitated again before finally confessing, "Having you close like that. It wasn't bad."
Your breath caught in your throat, realizing that Dabi hadn't rejected your touch earlier. In fact, he had felt something too. A warm blush crept onto your cheeks, and you found yourself leaning closer to him once again, your head resting on his shoulder.
Dabi tensed for a moment, but this time, he didn't freeze. Instead, he relaxed into the contact, his arm hesitantly wrapping around your shoulder.
"I guess… I don't hate it either," you whispered, feeling a newfound connection between you.
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divider by: @cafekitsune
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naddiesflower · 1 year
hi there, may i request hcs w dabi, aizawa & toga w a gn s/o whos very flirty and talkstive but when someone flirts back their brain just shuts down and they instantly become a flustered mess?🤭
*rises from the dead and drops this very very late*
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I feel like Dabi wouldn’t flirt back immediately 
But he wouldn’t outright ignore you
if anything he would entertain your flirting
You would flirt with him any chance you had
“Hey, aside from being good looking, what do you do for a living?”
This makes Dabi huff out a small laugh
“Oh you know, just some rookie villain stuff.”
There was one time you had decided to flirt with him while running away from some heroes
“Don’t you ever get tired from running through my mind all day?”
“What i’m tired of is these losers chasing us.”
One day Dabi decides to flirt back just because
You had said something (he wasn’t sure what cuz he would tune you out sometimes)
“You sure are chatty, im sure i can think of a better way we can put that mouth to use.”
Immediate brain short circuit
You suddenly don’t know how to function
Your stuttering is intelligible
And you can feel heat rising to your face
Dabi’s lazy smile stretches into a sinister one
“No way.”
“Uh…well see you later Dabi-”
Oh wow and now there’s a hand planted to wall next to you
“Now hold up, where did all that bravado go?”
His face seems just a tad bit too close to yours
“My uh- the um you see, i ah-”
Dabi just busts out laughing after this
Which thankfully gives you the time to flee
You are no longer safe around this man anymore tho
It is now Dabi who is initiating the flirting
You shall now deal with the actions of your consequences
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This guy i just know would not flirt back
It was you mostly flirting with the dumbest pick up lines
Aizawa mostly rolls his eyes
But you mostly flirt during hero work 
Cuz that’s when you bump into each other more often than not
And that’s when Aizawa doesn’t roll his eyes
But responds with variation of
“We have no time for this.”
Or “must i be the one to face this type of torture?”
This goes on for the longest time
But you never tire from teasing Aizawa
Aizawa also doesn’t make any big fuss about trying to stop you
He kinda secretly looks forward to you bothering him
One day after taking down a villain he compliments you
“You did a great job taking down that villain, your form was especially great.”
Now mind you this was a small compliment
A very tame compliment 
You stop on the spot
You suddenly don’t know how to work your legs
Aizawa is confused
After a concerned Aizawa makes sure you’re okay
The rest of the day goes on normally
Though Aizawa does come to a conclusion that he tests out the next time you bump into each other
“Good job, you looked great out there.”
Oh man do your knees go weak and you’re a babbling fool at this point
“Oh uh, y-yeah, i mean- thanks…”
From now on when you try flirting with him, Aizawa fires back with actually pretty sweet compliments
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You are in trouble with her from the start
Would immediately flirt back
But she doesn’t notice this cuz that’s just the way she is
If anything she’s the one who approaches you first and just starts complimenting you left and right
“Your eyes are so pretty!”
“Can I have some of your blood?”
Most people would be like wtf
But in your mind like 
“You want my blood?” 🥺👉👈
Obviously you don’t voice that out loud cuz you quite literally can’t
You kinda look like a fish out of water with the way ur trying to utter a single word out
You can almost never get a word out around her cuz she’s bubbly and just as talkative as you if not more
Which somehow leads to you making it a goal to at least not be a blabbering fool around her
It’s an ongoing challange that you can never seem to accomplish
The most you were able to get out around her was one (1) small compliment
Which didn’t phase you at first because you had genuinely meant it
“Ah, Himiko you have a really cute smile.”
She gets all starry eyes and blushy
But you don’t notice cuz you're mentally celebrating not acting a fool around her
However, that’s short-lived as soon as she wraps herself around your arms and drags you somewhere around the hideout while you’re mentally short circuiting
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koishiro · 2 months
Your boards are the best, they really fit the characters so I had to ask, do you do girls? Possibly like toga, or like jiro if possible, maybe even Mirko if possible. I understand it not^^
Dating Himiko Toga <3
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=͟͟͞͞ ⌧ : I do moodboards for both genders! Like nobara and maki!! mirko and jiro can be found here too!
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xkaidaxxxx · 1 month
Villain's love
Dabi x reader
Mentions: scolding, torture, pain, betrayal, heartache.
no proof read. Will be a part 2!
“You’re a disgrace to us heroes. How could you stoop so low and fall in love with a villain, and who is the right hand man of the leader of the LOV!” Midnight yelled. Mr.Aizawa, a.k.a your father called you to the principal's office. At first you thought it was about the fact you skipped school for 3 days while he was gone for hero duties. The big 3 are your best friends and they would beg you to attend class and you refused.  “ What have you told him?” Principal Nezu asked sternly. All you could do is cry and grip your father’s shirt. “ I haven’t said anything and I don’t plan to.” you replied. “ How did you meet him? How do you even talk to him? These past couple days have you been with him?” Midnight asked so many questions it was overwhelming you. Aizawa gave a dirty look at her signaling to leave his daughter alone. “ I was walking out at night in the city because I needed to clear my mind and I wanted to be alone… There was a group of men… They tried raping me..they tore my clothes off…then Dabi beat them and burned them alive… He tossed his jacket to me due to my torn clothing… I knew he’s a villain..that he’s in the League of Villain. I was terrified and he saved me. I thanked him. He walked me back to campus..he stayed across the street hidden just in case. After about a week later we bumped into each other and we just talked..we set up a day and time to meet up. I needed to give his jacket back… we spent the whole saturday hanging out..No villain shit to be clear. From there we just met up multiple times…We’ve been together for 6 months.” You replied crying. The teachers stayed silent. They felt bad about what could’ve happened to you. “ We can’t trust her..I’m sorry Aizawa but we have to report her to the authorities.” Principal Nezu said. “Are you kidding me? This is my daughter! She’d never do such a thing! She’d never betray UA. If she did, the LOV would’ve made a move long ago.” your dad defended you keeping you close to him if he had to fight. 
“ We can’t automatically accuse her of being a traitor without any proof. We can bring in a doctor to give her a lie detector test. His tests are a bit more painful.” All might, said. “I’ll do it. I’d never do anything to hurt people.” you replied. Little did you know it would be painful on the next level. 
You were taken to a room and a man started strapping you down to a table. Cables were being attached around your body. You were scared and confused. You looked at the large glass mirror knowing everyone was on the other side listening and watching. You whimpered as a doctor injected a large amount of a clear liquid in your neck. “ What the hell did he inject?” Aizawa asked. “He’s not only checking her heart rate and her brain but also forcing the truth out of her. The serum is the very painful part. If she lies it will torture the truth out of her and if that doesnt work they have other ways apparently.” a nurse replied to him starting the recording.
 “I’m going to ask you simple questions and If you don’t want to feel like you're being stabbed or shot continuously you will answer.” the doctor said looking over at your vital signs. “ Are you Y/n Aizawa?” He asked, “ Yes, I am Y/n Aizawa.” “ How old are you?” he asked. “ I’m 18 turning 19.” you replied scared of what crazy he will eventually ask. “ Your heart rate is up a bit. Are you hiding something?” He asked, writing something down on his tablet. “ No.” You lied and suddenly felt pain through your body. “Tell me the truth,” he ordered. Your body twitched. “ Yes! I am hiding something. I’m scared about all of this.” you said as sighed in relief. “Mhm see how easy that is. “ Who is the villain you fell in love with?” he continued with his questions. You started crying. “ I’m in love with Dabi.” you replied. “ You’re crying? Are you sure? Is he forcing you  to say that?” he asked, looking at the high tech monitors. “ I am sure. I’m in love with him. He isn’t forcing me to say anything.” you replied knowing this will lead to you being tortured. “ How did you meet him? In detail.” the doctor said. “ I walked alone in the city at night. There was a group of men who grabbed me and took me into a dark alleyway… I tried my best to get them off me… They called me dirty things..like I’m a slut..and whore..that I would be a good treat to them.. They tore my clothes off and their hands roamed my body. Dabi showed up throwing them off me..he took his coat off and covered me..then proceeded to beat them up..he burned them alive. He walked me back to campus making sure we were unseen by anyone. He stayed across the street from campus hidden, making sure I got inside safely. I thanked him for saving me and said goodnight. ” you replied crying. Hating to remember how the men tried raping you. Take your innocence away. “ Did you meet him again after that encounter?” he asked. You nodded yes. “ We bumped into each other a week later after the incident.” you replied. You saw two nurses walk inside with a weird machine. “ Where did you see him again and what was done?” He asked, signaling the nurses to start setting up something. “I saw him by the park…it was around 6am. I was out to do basic errands for myself. We ended up spending the entire day together. No villain activities were done.” you replied. “ What were your errands for that day? Were you planning to do more that day? How did no one recognize him? What activities were done?” he asked. “I needed to get to the store to buy snacks, a heating pad and some pads. I got my monthly period. I was planning to do more. Just watch movies, play video games and eat junk food. No one recognized him. He was wearing a hoodie and he had a face mask to hide his burned face. I saw Tamaki and asked him to take my things to the dorms. After that Dabi and I talked for hours and played some stupid games.It was fun” you replied smiling. 
The questions went on and on. Then the difficult ones came up. 
“ Have you met any of the other villains?” he asked. You refused to answer because you didn’t want your father to hate you. Your body shook and twitched. Your body moved so much, the straps held you down. “ They’re hurting her! Give her a break!” Aizawa yelled, grabbing a nurse's collar. “ Stop, she agreed to this.” All might, said. He did feel bad. “ Give her another one.” the doctor said. You felt a prick. Another dosage of the truth serum. You screamed in pain. “Yes! I have!! Shigaraki, Toga, Twice and Kai!” you yelled. You cried and cried. “Has any of them asked you for information or threatened you?” you couldn’t handle it. You needed a break. You were overstimulated. “ Y-Yes!!! Toga. She asked for Ua intel on what we have planned. She threatened me.” you replied. “What did she say she’d do?” the doctor said. You couldn’t say what she said to you. “ She’d kill me.” you lied. You cried out in excruciating pain. “If you don’t answer our questions we won’t inject more serum. We’ll just use the old way. Electricity doesn’t seem nicer.” he said. “She said she’d kill my papa! She’d give him a slow and painful death !I don’t want him to hate me if he gets hurt! I can’t let him get hurt! I don’t want him to hate me! My dad is everything I have!”you cried loudly,trying to relax. Failing at it. “ Did you give them any information?” he asked. “No. After that Dabi told Shigaraki to not let anyone lay a finger on me. To keep me out of it. Since then I’ve been safe. He takes great care of me.” you replied breathing heavily. “Why do you think he takes care of you?” you looked at the doctor in rage. “He saved me from two horrible situations and maybe more after this! You and other heroes only care about the greater good!” you yelled trying to get out of the grip of the straps. “You’re talking like a villain alright. What makes you think that? Are you planning to betray the heroes? You’re father?” he asked, taunting you. You fell into it. “ Heroes would sacrifice someone for the greater good. It could be a loved one..a friend..or a civilian. It sucks to know that you don’t matter as much as you think you do to them. At the end of the day they will more than likely sacrifice you…a villain would burn the world to save someone..a loved one and random person who needs help. Dabi knew I was eraserheads daughter. A hero in training and even then he stepped in. He saved me. He’s done so much for me in 6 months. I know every one who knows about him and I highly disagree but it's the truth. I know my dad would never give me up. He’d protect me in the end regardless if he’s a hero or not. He’s the best dad ever. Better together. I’m lucky to still have him even after I caused all this mess. ” you replied. “Him doing so much is the truth and you have a strong bond with your father, you're not in any pain. You are very lucky and privileged” the doctor agreed. You were asked more questions and they let you go 2 hours later. Your dad and All might make sure to take you to the hospital. You stayed there for about 2 weeks. Missing Dabi like crazy.
Your quirk is an amazing one. Very strong. You hold multiple quirks and can create new ones. You were scared. Having to control multiple quirks was difficult as a child. Most parents would keep their children away from society. Your dad didn’t. He sent you to daycare, elementary school, middle school and now High school. To him you grew up fast. He loves and cares for you, his daughter. He’s so proud of the woman you’ve become regardless of who you are in love with. Yes it’s crazy but you found kindness and love within Dabi and the other Villains they just were treated horribly in their past and had no one to help them. They had to fend for themselves. They lost it along the way.
You communicating with Dabi was not through anything cellular. It was through handwritten letters. You managed to buy a bird through the black market. He gets the job done in delivery and fast.
As soon as you were discharged from the hospital and back to your dorm you fed the little fella and started writing.
Dear Dabi,
The heroes found out about us and I don’t know who and how someone saw us together. Don’t worry since I don’t have any info on you guys besides Toga threatening me, you’re all fine.They tortured me badly. They asked how I met you and it was hard to tell them what had happened. It was terribly excruciating pain. All I thought about was trying to relax, being honest and needing you.
I was at the hospital for 2 weeks. I miss you a lot. We should meet up soon. Actually they’re probably going to escort me when I need to go into the city so after awhile.
How are you? Has anything come up? Are you safe? No cough or cold? No fever? Are your friends being nice, if not let them know even if you need to scare them.
I love you very much. Please stay safe. Keep the the love of fire within you ( you’re telling him to get a new hide out or move to a different one.) Keep in touch if you can.
Love you very much. I’ll respond every 3 days after I receive your letter okay so no need to worry if I’m okay.
Much love, Haru
(both agreed on your code name being Haru after all you met in clear weather and since then you felt love and joy.)
pt.2 will come.
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obsessive-dumpling · 10 months
Of course as a bakudeku I support togachako. What do you mean? This one is for the gays! We are dismantling the "shonen equation". Everyone knows that requires a solid pair of lesbians who are willing to die for each other.
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the-dawn-star · 5 months
HEAR ME OUT! ….dabi and teen reader where they both get turned into cats 😈😈😈😈😈
A/N: Hey! I don't know how happy I'm of this (it's hard to write the characters being cats) but I hope you like it! (I tried to find a good real cat gif for this but tumblr is really lacking on that, so anime gif it is again!!)
+200ish words.
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So, the two of you were going to the closest store.  
But your plans were ruined when a person’s quirk activated accidently hitting both of you.  
For a moment you both froze, not knowing what had just happened and how to go from there.  
Somehow you found a way home. I mean you had to climb through a window. 
Dabi was surprisingly calm through all of this, only losing his patience when he realized that he couldn’t burn the person to crisp.  
Quickly both of you realized that you couldn’t do much as you were now. So, as the only option you jumped to the couch and made a tiny little cat pile surrounded by the blankets that always stayed on the couch.  
Toga was more than confused when she came out to check on the two of you because she hadn’t heard of you in a while.  
She didn’t expect to find the cat pile on the couch but decided to take a million photos of you.  
After you turn back to humans again Toga will be the first person to find the person who caused this problem in the first place (she will bed them to use their quirk on you again, just so see the cute cats again).  
TLDR: It’s adorable and I love cats so much!!
Feel like you want to support me via Kofi? No preasure tho!
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blauespikmin · 10 months
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tender kisses
full version under the cut ( Content warning: mild nudity )
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90s-belladonna · 1 year
I just found your blog through the fake villain chats and I love them. The way Geten highkey thirsts after y/n only to be shut down by y/n is hilarious. If you don’t mind me asking, what would a chat look like if Geten found out y/n was dating Dabi (or I guess anyone would work since no matter who it is Geten would still be pissed.) Anyways, I love all of your works that I’ve read so far and I’m about to start In The Limelight and I’m super excited. ❤️
thank you so much 🥺 i hope you ended up enjoying in the limelight! here’s my take on jealous geten… mainly just him being an asshole bc he doesn’t know how to process his feelings and making it everyone else’s problem. for timeline reasons this would be when they first joined up together! hope you enjoy😭
fake texts w/ geten (ft. bad bitches)
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update: someone asked what geten would say if he found out dabi was his cousin so here 💀
☆ Master List
☆ Fake Chats
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