#i already run into this problem enough with mens pants and underwear why am i supposed to deal with it w a product literally made for us
skeletonmaster69 · 1 year
im still really pissed that everyone said gc2b sucks like literally scared me into going with underworks instead and guess what their binders sucked and my years old gc2b one is infinitely more comfortable than them
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sdwolfpup · 10 months
Rules: Pick any ten of your fics, scroll roughly to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag ten people.
Tagged by @mattatouile. I sorted by longest to shortest because I thought that would be most fun, and only picked from completed fics so lets see what we've got.
Heart Full of Gasoline (Jaime/Brienne, Game of Thrones/ASOIAF) - He saluted her with his prosthetic hand and she saw his face go soft and yearning even as he turned away. She was certain it was a mirror of her own as she watched him walk onto the ferry back to King's Landing, carrying her dreams and her heart with him.
Baby I Will (Jaime/Brienne, Game of Thrones/ASOIAF) - In the reflection of the mirror behind the bar, their faces are visible over the unevenly arranged bottles. Brienne's hair is a mess, her eyes hazy with lust. Her lips are so kiss-swollen it’s obscene. Jaime is wild and unfettered behind her, already losing control with every driving movement. One hand is clenched at her shoulder, the other gripping her hip hard enough to bruise. She hopes it does; she wants to press her fingers to her body later and feel the memory of him.
2 Hot 2 Horny (Jaime/Brienne, Game of Thrones/ASOIAF) - “You wanted a real answer,” he said, and he hesitantly met her eyes, not sure what he'd find there. He should've known she'd simply look concerned, an empathy that made him weak, and at the same time gave him the strength to say, “That's mine, I suppose: my biggest fear is being myself.”
There Will Come A Time (Thom Rainier/female Adaar, Dragon Age: Inquisition) - “What did he say to you?” she asked him quietly. The fire popped and crackled, casting light over the dark shadows on his face. Smoke wafted past them. After a long minute, hands curled tightly around his carving, Thom said: “that I was who I knew myself to be.”
I miss it when your heart's not around (please slow down) (Warren/Murphy, Z Nation) - She needed all her focus on the talkers and the anti-talkers this week. And after that there would be some other crisis, some other special apocalypse problem that she would have to focus on next. There would be no time for the confusing turmoil Murphy's desire – or her own – caused her. No time to figure out why the emptiness inside always disappeared when she was with him.
Working 9 to 5 (for service and devotion) (Jaime/Brienne, GoT/ASOIAF) - “Let's take a look at manufacturing numbers,” Kevan says. Jaime dips his hand below the waistband of her pants and she gasps when his fingers brush the top of her underwear. “This isn't very relaxing,” she says, checking - again - that they're muted. Jaime leans into her, until his lips are brushing her cheek as he whispers, “You'll be relaxed at the end of it.”
I need your sway (Jaime/Brienne, Jaime/Brienne/Cersei, GoT) - “It's good to see you,” he said in that same gentle voice that knocked at her heart, trying to find its way in.
Go On (Jaime/Brienne, GoT/ASOIAF) - My cell: My brother has a fish question. Do you have a minute? Brienne WTF: You run into a surprising amount of fish questions. My cell: Good thing I know a fish expert now. That's what my life was missing. Jaime winced when he re-read it. Why did everything look so much more dramatic in text?
I need your heart (Cersei/Margaery Tyrell, Jaime/Brienne, GoT) - Olenna tsked. “Still such a dreamy child. You think Cersei Lannister cares about romance? That woman knows what it takes to make a life. You work hard, you marry a decent enough oaf if you can, you bring up your children to carry on the name and money, and you taste the sweet success of outliving your husband.” Olenna cackled gleefully and Margaery sighed.
To be in your arms again (Jaime/Brienne, GoT) - Jaime heard the door open and close. “What's wrong with him?” Tyrion asked. “He's a fucking coward,” Bronn said blandly. “I am not,” Jaime protested, lifting his head to glare at the other men. But he was, he knew he was. How could he face her? What would he do if he couldn't convince her not to hate him? “Oh gods I am,” he muttered, covering his face with his hand.
I have no idea who to tag here so please do this, I'm enjoying reading these.
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mha-princess · 3 years
Canon Dabi x insecure reader where she’s insecure about her body since she’s not thin. She voices it to him after seeing a pretty and smaller girl flirt with him, and he shows her how much he cares for her? NSFW pls! Thank u!
stop your whining [dabi x fem!reader]
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A/N: I didn’t proof this so bc I really wanted to post today also I’ll be posting my 1k event soon! - Anako ✿
Genre: canon-verse, smut, drabble
Word Count: 1.5k+
Warning: unprotected sex, breeding, degradation
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You continue to twirl on the bar stool, your attention long adverted from the chatter dispersed around you. It wasn’t an uncommon for you to tune out of the league’s conversations, especially when the topic was new recruits. New female recruits. To be honest you didn’t think new recruits within the group was necessary, but then again it wasn’t your call. You rolled your eyes at the thought and let yourself tune into the girl riding Shigaraki’s dick, desperate to receive a compliment.
“I really admire your ideologies. I’m willing to follow through with any task given. Any task given.” She enunciates, taking a step closer towards both Dabi and Shigaraki. Her small stature made her seem sweet, cute even, but her eyes had mischievous intent. The two men glance at eachother exchanging an understanding look before, looking back to the girl.
“Thank you for your interest. We look forward to your loyalty. Kurogiri be a gent and show her out.” Shigaraki, responds.
The girl grins as if she just had an interview and was sure she got the job. As Kurogiri shows her out you watch her sway her hips, the skirt she’s wearing a little less than admiring. After Kurogiri is out of sight you sigh in relief.
“Thank god that’s over. Fucking groupies, this is getting old.” You sigh raising from the bar stool.
“Her quirk will be of use to us.” Dabi shrugs.
“Shapeshifting? Tch, isn’t that what we have Toga for?”
“You think I’d drink animal blood?! Gross Y/N!” The blonde exclaims, partially offended.
“Wouldn’t put it past you babe.” You shrug, “I’d rather you be able to do both that way we don’t have some groupie in the league.”
“Why so judegmental now Y/N? Aren’t you all about giving people chances and bullshit like that?” Dabi snarks, shoving his handing into his pockets.
“Not skanks,” you reply, “Well, maybe she didn’t come off as a skank to you seeing as you were pretty friendly.”
“Jealousy is fucking ugly on you.” Shigaraki rasps, opting to leave the room with the others rather than hear you bicker with the black haired male.
“Jealous? The hell is there to be jealous about?!” You shout, the leader sending you the finger before leaving.
“Shigaraki’s right.” Dabi agrees, beginning to stroll away to his room, “It’s also a huge turn off.”
“Turn off ? It’s not like I ever turned you on. You’d rather the skimpy skinny bitch, right? She seems more your type.” Dabi stops to turn around to face you.
The expression on his face was unreadable but the aura he was emitting was deadly. He then inches toward you causing you to take little steps back.
“Y/N.” Is all he says and you stop right where you are. As he closes the space between you he grabs your arm, the force of his fingertips crushing into your muscle.
“The room. Now.” He grits, shoving you in front of him.
“Don’t fucking shove me. Better yet keep your hands off of me. ” You mumbled, making your way down the hall.
When you enter the room Dabi slams the door behind you.
“So fucking unnecessary,” you voice, back turned to him.
“No, your fucking unnecessary. And fucking look at me when I’m talking to you.” He demands gripping your shoulder and flipping you around.
“Didn’t I say to keep you damn hands off of me?!” You hiss, pushing his hands off of you. Dabi, refutes by taking a death hold on your waist, pushing you into the foot of the bed. His hands grip tighter and eventually your sides begin to run hot, the smell of singed clothing flooding the air.
He draws closer to your face, he gets so close you can feel his breath ghost over your lips, “Now listen you fucking brat, I don’t know what your problem is but you better fix that shit real fast. I don’t like to play with bratty bitches.”
“Your the bratty bitch,” you bark. Dabi’s lips draw together before he pushes you over the footboard and onto the bed. He then climbs inbetween your legs and loops his fingers around what’s left of your belt loops.
“You can either tell me what your problem is now or you can wait until my cock is rupturing your fucking cervix. ” he offers, pulling your pants off along with your underwear.
“Do your worst, bitch.” You spit.
Now I know it seems like that was a badass move, but it was a bad decision to say the least. Dabi was never a gentle lover and now that you’ve pissed him off, he definitely wasn’t going to take and precautions. You were being a bitch and if the only way to fix that is fucking you, then so be it.
Without any care he yanks you up and takes off the remainder of your clothing. Your lips purse into a thin line, the feisty part in you wanting to say something, but with the mood you had put him in you knew better. In one motion your back hits the mattress once more.
The male on top of you doesn’t even bother stripping from his clothing. You watch as he undoes his zipper and shimmies his pants below his hips. He sucks air into his mouth before pushing it out causing spit to fly onto your slit as well as his cock.
He then grabs the back of your knees, his fingertips still hot from the incident earlier, and throws them onto his shoulders.
“Don’t open your mouth until your ready to tell me what the hell is wrong with you,” and with that remark he plunges the whole of his cock into your pussy. You let out a shaky gasp which is quickly met by a hand around your throat.
“Not a fucking peep.” The male urges, drawing out of your folds before thrusting back in. He slams his hips into yours hard enough to send you moving forward on the mattress. The sheets beneath you losing there stability. Your pussy clenches around his length in an attempt to lessen the impact of his thrusts.
“Stop clenching. Your gonna rip my dick off,” he growls, and it sends chills through out your body. Dabi had such a disgusting mouth, vial even, but in the end it’s only added to your pleasure. The pleasure which you couldn’t admit you were indulging in. The thought of Dabi fucking you with no mercy only made you want to piss him off more.
Your voice ached to be heard as he continued to fuck your greedy pussy. The sounds of slapping and low distasteful grunts echoed off the hollow walls as he continued to reek havoc on your slit. The closer he got to cumming the closer he neared your cervix.
“You know what? Your fucking cute like this. Being a stubborn fucking brat. Making me fuck you just to get you to act right.”
Cute? Through the rough pleasure that you were feeling that word made something burn inside you.
“Cute? You don’t think I’m fucking cute.” You wither through labored breaths. He takes the pressure off of your neck, interested in trying to hear you explain yourself as he pounds your cunt.
“And why wouldn’t I think your cute, mm?”
“Because you were into that thin bitch. Talking to her, grinning at her. Bet you couldn’t wait until I left so you could fuck her.”
“If I wanted to fuck her I would’ve fucked her. But here I am balls fucking deep in my cunt. In the pussy that belongs to me.” His vulgar words, spark a heat in your tummy, leaving your insides twitching.
“So that’s what the attitude was for? Because you thought I wanted to fuck some rando?” He chuckles before taking the back of your thighs into his hands. He then pushes them back as far as they can go before pulling the length of his cock out, leaving only the tip. Your hand scrambles to meet his stomach but by the time your fingers meet his skin he’s already eight inches deep in your pussy. The head of his cock kissing your cervix.
“Dabi!” You cry out, your toes curling as he slams the weight of himself into you. The boy leans down and places a tart kiss on the shell of your ear.
“So pretty when you cry out like that.” You whimper at his words and weakly shove at his chest.
“Take some out. I told you what was wrong.” A feeble whine lacing your tone.
“I know that’s what we agreed on but your sucking me in. I couldn’t pull some out if I tried.” He whispers, dragging his tongue up your ear. You groaned, squirming under him it was as if he just kept adding inches. Nevertheless the pain you felt was something you were use to, something that you only used to add to your pleasure.
“Gonna cum.” You cry out as he rhythmically fills you up, his cock crashing against your womb again and again. You feel you thighs tremble as your body locks up around him. Your hands slam down gripping the sheets as your orgasm courses through your body. Dabi moves his mouth to kiss you as he lets his own orgasm spill into you. Once you regain your breath you lazily push him off of you.
“Heavy.” You mumble, grabbing the sheets to cover yours self, but before you can pull them over your chest they’re ripped from your hands.
“Don’t.” He demands, letting his hand trail up and down your lower abdomen as he lays he head on your chest, “Let me rub here. It’s cute.”
“Stop calling me cute.” You say rolling your eyes.
“But that’s what you are. Your a damn brat as well but your beautiful, perfect body, perfect smile. It warms my shallow ass heart.” You fluster at his words as he continues his actions.
“Dabi don’t say-.”
“Will you be quiet?” he sighs, “I love you. Your perfect. I wouldn’t dare think of another girl so stop your whining.” You obey and entangle your hand in his hair .
Nothing else needed to be said on your part or his. You were aware of you over exaggeration of the situation and you were glad you had a boyfriend who cared enough to hear you out, even if it was after destroying your cervix.
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Masterlist | Request Rules | Request Box
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luxekook · 4 years
make you scream » ksj
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» pairing: sully!seokjin x reader » genre: monsters inc. au, crack, smut » summary: there’s a monster in your closet, but you want him in your bed. » word count: 2.1k » warnings: 18+, cursing, bad jokes, teasing, TMG references, reader ties jin up, generally clueless seokjin, smut [oral (m receiving), mentions of sex and impregnation]
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» request: @j-sope​ said: jin + mystery drink!
as part of the bangtanhq drinks and drabbles challenge
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Ever since you moved into your new apartment, you’ve had a slight monster problem. And you aren’t talking the energy drink. You’re talking a living, breathing monster who creeps out of your closet in the wee hours of the morning in an attempt to scare you shitless.
At least, that’s your current theory of his intentions - mainly compiled from dark web searches and reddit threads. You aren’t sure what exactly his motive is with you, but you do know one thing - you don't want to scare him away. Whatever monster lab created him had royally fucked up, because your monster is really fucking hot.
You aren’t even sure if you can actually call him a monster given that he looks like a fucking god amongst men.
He’s been visiting you for three weeks now, and you have stopped acting frightened since week two. Your silence seems to be both baffling and vexing to your nightly visitor. Neither of you have spoken to the other. Hell, you aren’t even sure if he can speak. He’s only yelled and jumped out at you so far in an attempt to draw your screams.
But, tonight you plan to change things up and finally get some answers.
As the clock grows closer to 3am, you pretend to sleep, nervously awaiting your monster.
Finally, you hear the telltale creak of your closet door and the soft footfalls that always follow. Your heart thumps in your chest.
Before he can scare you, you hop out of bed, catching him off guard. Using his shock against him, you push him into your desk chair and quickly grab the jump rope you had set aside for this very purpose.
“Yah!” Your monster struggles as you tie him up, “Stop that! Get your hands off me!”
Ah, so he can speak. You secure the knots that tie him to the chair and step back to assess your work. Flicking on your bedside lamp, you check out your monster in all his glory.
He’s glaring up at you with a vicious pout that would be menacing if he wasn’t so fucking adorable. His hair is a mix of blue and purple with two small horns twisting up amidst the strands. His body is long and lean with shoulders that give you way too many dirty thoughts.
Finally, your eyes meet his. His brown eyes linger on yours for a moment before wandering up and down your own body, reminding you of your current outfit of just a long shirt and underwear.
“Well?” You place your hands on your hips, “What do you have to say for yourself?”
Your monster scoffs and pulls at his restraints, “Untie me, human!”
“Puh-lease,” You roll your eyes, “You’ve been barging into my house in the dead of night for weeks, and you think you can order me around? No, sir. Not today.”
“Well, I wouldn't have to keep coming back if you would just scream for me,” He mumbles, hands clenched into fists, “I have a quota to meet, you know!”
“That sounds like a you problem,” You shrug, edging closer to him. He tenses at your approach. “Why don’t you like humans touching you, my little monster?”
“Little?!” He exclaims, “How dare you! I am Kim Seokjin, top Scarer at Monsters, Incorporated!”
You reach out to cup his cheek, “Aw, did I hit a nerve, Mr. Kim ‘I’m so scary’ Seokjin?” He glowers, refusing to answer.
“Going to have to shred your door now,” He mutters, looking defeated, “And get sanitized.”
You snap back, “Sanitized? Well, that’s just rude. And if you even think about destroying my closet door, just know that I will be sending you the bill.”
“I don’t know who this Bill is, but don’t send him to me,” Seokjin scrunches his nose, looking thoroughly displeased.
You laugh, shoulders shaking at his dead serious remark.
Your monster’s eyes widen as he stares up at your laughing form.
“What?” You ask, wiping away a stray tear that had fallen and still chuckling slightly.
“Can you do that again?” Seokjin asks again, looking at you with a peculiar yet hopeful gleam in his eye.
“What?” You furrow your eyebrows, “Laugh?”
He nods, and you immediately get suspicious. “Why?”
“Because it apparently works the same way as screaming,” He shrugs, “I don’t make the rules.”
“So you do need my screams,” You smirk, “Interesting… Do these screams that you gather only come from fear?”
“Duh,” He rolls his eyes, “What other kind of screaming is there?”
You laugh again, ignoring how happy he looks that you did so. “There is one that comes to mind, monster boy.”
“Tell me!” He practically bounces in his seat, despite being tied up.
“Nah,” You shake your head, undoing his restraints, “I think that’s enough for one night. Out you go.”
You pull him up from the seat and shove him towards your closet. He argues with you the whole way. Peering into your closet first, you pout when you don’t see anything out of the ordinary - that is, until Seokjin slips past you.
The back of your closet disappears before your eyes, and you see what looks like a warehouse with almost-human-but-not-quite individuals milling about.
Seokjin turns to leave, and you panic, your hand darts out to grab his wrist. You want to see him again.
“What is it, human?” Seokjin looks at you hesitantly.
“(Y/n). My name’s (y/n). And the other kind of screaming? It's not from fear; it’s from pleasure.”
His eyes practically pop out of his skull as your words sink in, “Pleasure—! But-but how?”
You push him out of your dimension.
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The next evening, you don’t even feign sleep. This time, you wait up wearing nothing but a satin robe.
It seems that Seokjin also doesn’t follow his usual pattern as he storms into your room right on schedule. “(Y/n)! I demand you scream in pleasure for me!”
You choke on air, “That’s not how it works, Seokjin!”
“Well,” He crosses his arms, staring down at you from the foot of your bed, “Then tell me how it works.”
“Oh, I don’t know,” You sigh, shifting your legs so that your upper thigh peeks through the slit in your robe. Predictably, his eyes follow. “You’ll have to touch me, and I know you wouldn’t want to.”
You watch as he swallows hard, his eyes glued to your body, “I-I never said that.”
“Really?” You shift again. The tie of your robe loosens slightly. “I could have sworn you said ‘get your hands off me’ last night.”
He shakes his head emphatically, “No, that wasn’t me! That was, uh, Jim Seok-im!”
“Any relation?” You cock your head, entertaining his terrible effort to convince you.
“Nope, never met him,” Seokjin inches closer to you.
“Right,” You deadpan. “Well, don’t you all have sex over there in monster land?”
Seokjin gapes at you, “Yah! I am not making a child with you!”
“Good god, Jinnie,” You laugh, “Not all sex ends with pregnancy.”
“Ours does,” He scowls, looking thoroughly put out.
“So, let me get this straight,” You stand, walking the short distance over to him, “You monsters have monster sex with your monster cocks, and you don’t monster scream in monster pleasure?”
“Motion to ban you from saying the word ‘monster’ again,” He mumbles, still looking miffed.
“Motion denied, you monster.”
Seokjin pinches his nose in frustration, “Sex is purely for reproductive purposes. It’s a transaction. I don’t see how it can feel good.”
“What the monsterfucking fuck!” You just about blew a fuse. “What have you been doing? Just staring at your dick? Don’t you touch yourself? Have you never gone down on a girl monster? A boy monster? A gender-nonconforming monster?”
Seokjin slams a hand over your mouth, “Shut up, my human. Now, show me how to make you feel good so that I can collect your pleasure screams.”
Swatting his hand from your face, you shake your head, “I think I want to hear yours first.”
“I would like to see you try,” He laughs in an endearing squeaky way that makes you want to give him the suck of his life.
“Bet.” You sink to your knees, making quick work of his pants.
“Oh my sweet monster cock,” You breathe as you take in the sight before you. His cock is the biggest you’ve ever seen - thick and long with veins running down its smooth skin.
He’s hard already, and you shoot him a skeptical look. “What?” Seokjin shrugs, “It’s just my body acknowledging you as a potential mate. It’s happened before.”
Fury bubbles up inside you at the thought of him getting hard for anyone other than you. God, are you actually developing feelings for your monster? Pushing that thought aside, you vow to make him come so hard that all his (hypothetical) future orgasms will belong to the mere thought of you.
Without pause, you suck the head of his cock into your mouth, swirling your tongue around the tip.
“M-my human, what are you doing?” Seokjin yelps, his hand digging into your hair. He’s a natural, you think, choosing to ignore his question.
Your hands run up and down his thighs before winding their way around to squeeze his ass. The gasp that results is delicious and urges you to move faster.
You take more of him into your mouth, sucking harder, your cheeks hollow. His breath hitches, “O-oh, (y/n), keep doing that. Feels so good. How does it feel so good?”
Oh, your poor little monster boy has no idea how good it will get…
You take him all the way, your nose nudging his firm pelvis. Seokjin moans, and when you swallow around him, he lets out a series of what you can only assume are expletives in the monster world.
One hand still gripping his ass, you bring your other one forward to tease his balls in your palm. He shouts your name, and you feel him twitch inside your mouth.
You release him with a pop. “Will you come for me, Seokjin?” Your voice is raspy from the deep-throating, “Will you come in my mouth for me?”
“Y-yes,” He pants, “I need to release. Your mouth is the best thing I’ve ever felt, my human.”
Laughing softly, you grab his monster cock once more, “Oh, my little monster, you are sure in for a good time.”
Without further explanation, you suck him harder than you’ve ever done to anyone before. You want and need to have Seokjin unravel before you, to come down your throat. And it isn’t long before his moans grow louder and louder until he comes with a yowl that honestly rivals what yours had been like when your monster had scared you at first.
“My human,” Seokjin finally mumbles, as you pull your mouth away from him, “What was that?”
“A blowjob,” You shrug, getting to your feet, “Sometimes referred to as ‘giving that sloppy toppy’ or ‘putting that dick through a carwash’ or ‘showing them that 360 degree spin cycle’.”
He looks baffled, “I understood none of that, but can I give you one of these ‘blowjobs’ now?”
You laugh, “My greedy little monster, come back tomorrow, and we’ll talk.”
He pouts adorably, and you can’t help yourself from pressing your lips to his. A blush overtakes his cheeks and the tips of his ears, “My human, why did you do that?”
“You’re so cute, Jinnie,” You shrug, “I wanted to kiss you to show that I like you.”
He blinks, “You-you—?”
You shove him once again towards your closet, “Tomorrow, my handsome monster. Get ready, there are so many things I still have to show you.”
His eyes widen, “There’s even more!?”
“Oh, yes,” You flash him a wicked grin as you kick him out of your room, “I’m going to fucking rock your monster world, baby.”
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Four Months Later...
“Hey, my pretty human,” Your monster whispers, his breath ghosting over your ear. Goosebumps rise across your skin.
“Hey, handsome,” You answer, your eyes shooting open to meet his.
“Yah!” Your monster stumbles back, “Would you quit doing that?” His pout only draws your attention to his plush lips.
“No,” You grin, sitting up in your bed. “Are you ever going to quit creeping around my room at night?”
“Never,” He continues to pout. “Besides, you love it.”
And you really do.
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© luxekook. please do not repost, modify, edit or translate.
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fandominvolved · 3 years
Falling head first | SamBucky
Sumary: What happened that caused Buky to ignore Sam's text?
Warnings: smut (it's fade to black), swears, angst, and internalized homophobia (Bucky refers to himself liking Sam as not normal so if you're triggered by such please refrain from reading this fic)
Bucky knew this was going to happen. He knew Steve was going to leave and stay with Peggy. Still, that doesn’t make it hurt any less. Somehow it makes it more painful knowing that Steve went to him, hopeful that Bucky would agree with his plan. That he would be happy for Steve.
And maybe he is a little bit disappointed that Steve didn’t change his mind. That Steve didn't return at the last second. 
After all, It has always been Steve and Bucky until it wasn’t.
Bucky popped off the beer cap with his vibranium arm. He couldn’t even get drunk, but it was better than letting himself pretend everything was okay. Bucky brought up the bottle towards his lips, swallowing down the bitter liquid.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Sam walking closer to him. He turned around, raising an eyebrow, keeping his gaze settled on Sam.  
He looked anxious, worried, uncertain. Sam’s hands kept fidgeting around, picking at an old scar on his thumb. And Bucky couldn’t blame him for it. After everything that has happened, he would be more worried about Sam acting fine.
“Did you know?” Sam asked, his voice held a rough edge to it as his fingers fiddled around the counter picking at an invisible piece of flint.
Bucky took another swig of the beer, “Yeah, he told me the day before,” Bucky answered. “I tried to get him to stay, but you know how he is-” Bucky chuckled humorlessly “-once he sees something he wants, he gets it no matter the cost,”
Sam glanced at Bucky, his eyebrows knit together. “What about the shield?”
Bucky offered his beer to Sam, watching as he took it out of his hands and took a big gulp. Bucky kept an eye on Sam, watching his face scrunch slightly at the bitter taste.
“What about it?”
“Did you know he was going to give it to me?” Sam asked, scanning Bucky’s face.
“I did,” Bucky nodded, “He told me that there wasn’t a better person to give it to, that you represent what Captain America should be,”
Sam shook his head “I’m no Steve Rogers,”
“You aren’t,” Bucky said, craning his neck upwards fixing his gaze onto the corner of the roof, “But you are Sam Wilson, and that’s enough,” 
Bucky walked around the counter, bending down to grab another beer from the mini-fridge, “There’s a reason he chose you,” Bucky stood up, popping off the cap from the beer as he walked over next to Sam.
“Let me rephrase that, I’m no Captain America. I don’t do the stripes and stars bullshit, that was Steve’s job and now he’s gone.” Sam leaned against the counter.
“You aren’t, but you could be,” Bucky mumbled, “you can’t just let Steve’s legacy die, rotting away in some museum where the only things that are spoken are lies and half-truths,” He took another swig of the beer. The sour taste grounded him. Reminded him he was here and not there.
“That’s the problem I can’t live up to him, I can’t ruin his legacy,”
“If Steve thought you were going to ruin it all he would have never given it to you,” Bucky glanced at Sam, “Why are you so worried?”
“It isn’t just about his legacy, how do you think people would react to a new Captain America,” Sam mumbled, finally breaking eye contact with Bucky.
“They’ll get used to it,”
Sam huffed out, “Of course you don’t get it, just forget it,” Sam shook his head.
Bucky grabbed Sam’s shoulder, and he doesn’t know why he did that. Maybe he craved the familiar sense of warmth Steve used to bring him. “What don’t I get?”
Sam glared at Bucky-but he didn’t shrug Bucky’s handoff on the contrary he seemed to have melted at the slight contact. “Just forget it,”
“Forget what?” Bucky kept on pushing. He wanted, no, needed to know why Sam couldn’t just accept the mantle. 
Sam rolled his eyes “Man, why am I even talking about this with you?” Sam shook his head, “You probably couldn’t even care less about what I do, all you care is about that stupid shield,” 
Bucky tensed up, he glared at Sam, “It isn’t a stupid shield, it’s more than that,”
“You’re right, it’s a piece of metal that you have an unhealthy attachment to, Steve’s gone and the shield won’t bring him back,” Sam exclaimed, glaring back at Bucky as he angled his body so that it was directly in front of Bucky. Barely any space left between them.
"You don't think I know that? But that shield is the only thing Steve left behind and if you even think of throwing everything he worked for away, then I'm not going to let you,"
And if Bucky was smarter he should have put a stop to the rapidly escalating fight. He should have ignored Sam and just drank his day away, hoping that the beer would fill the hole in his heart. He should have just told Sam to calm down, and try to understand him.
But he didn’t.
Bucky was falling, he was falling headfirst with nothing to hang onto. And it’s terrifying how in a mix of fury, frustration, and anxiety Sam’s mouth is suddenly on his. It’s even more terrifying how much Bucky enjoys it.
Sam’s teeth bite into his lip drawing out a low moan from him. And he might be falling, but he has Sam to hold on to. 
Sam’s kisses are bruising. He sucks, bites, and licks every inch of Bucky’s mouth. His hands are gripping Bucky’s hips, it would have been painful had it not been for the super-soldier serum running through Bucky’s veins like fire.
And as much as he wants to act surprised that he and Sam are making out, grinding against each other as their hands grab at every part of their body. He isn’t. Maybe he isn’t surprised because they both lost someone they loved today. Maybe they both crave that sense of security, happiness. That Steve only could give them. But he isn’t here anymore, and all they have is each other. So, they might as well hold on to each other. 
Sam guided Bucky’s vibranium hand under his shirt, letting him explore every single inch of his vast chest. And this was happening. Bucky wasn’t strong enough to put a stop to this. Because as much as he knows they can’t do this, that this is wrong, he is enjoying every single drag of Sam’s tongue against his neck and can’t bring himself to put it to a stop.
He let his hands trail up Sam’s chest, pinching one of his nipples enjoying the way it drew a shaky breath from Sam. Bucky let out a low moan as Sam’s thigh brushed against his hard-on. And wasn’t that embarrassing, he was painfully hard by just making out. But, he couldn’t bring himself to care as Sam’s hand cupped his balls through his too-tight jeans. 
Bucky didn't want Sam to one-up him, so he clumsily unzipped Sam's pants. Pulling them down enough that they rested just right under his ass, exposing Sam’s light grey boxer briefs. 
Bucky smirked as his thumb grazed over the dark patch on Sam's underwear. "You seem eager," Bucky whispered out, his voice rough and a few octaves deeper, against the shell of Sam’s ear, darting his tongue out to lick at it.
Sam shuddered against Bucky as he glared at him, "Shut the fuck up," Sam grabbed onto Bucky's hair and slammed their lips together. Sucking onto his tongue, swallowing down the moan that ripped its way out from Bucky’s throat.
Bucky started palming Sam through his underwear, gripping the long length tightly. 
And this was happening. He was about to have sex with Sam, it’s a bad idea. A horrible one. But, he really can’t bring himself to care. Can’t bring himself to think about the consequences. After all, right now it wasn’t his problem.
He couldn’t sleep. Not that he normally even slept, but this time it wasn’t the nightmares keeping him up. No. It was Sam’s naked body pressed against his back, the slow rise and fall of his chest that was keeping him up.
This wasn’t Bucky’s first time sleeping with a guy. He used to get around before he got drafted, even during the war he used to hook up with soldiers. But, they didn’t do this. They never stayed with each other. 
They didn’t even talk after the deed was done. It was dangerous to even hook up with them back then. Bucky knows times have changed. Knows that he doesn’t need to hide this part of him. That it’s not immoral to feel these things. To act upon them. 
But that is new. It's a change. Another different thing he needs to get used to.
He isn’t used to whatever the hell this is. He never hooked up with a friend- unless you count Howard, but it was a one-time thing- it was always with strangers. Men he would never see or speak to again. And he was fine with that. He was fine with not having a relationship with a man, after all, it was the 40s.
And he knows he should probably wait for Sam to wake up and figure out where they both stand. After all, this could have always been a one-time thing. They could always go back to being, sort of friends, sort of enemies. 
He doesn't need to ignore Sam's entire existence with the fear of someone finding out what they did. 
But old habits die hard.
He sat up, being careful not to wake Sam up. Bucky rubbed his flesh arm on his face and stood up. He walked towards the bathroom door and locked it behind him.
He stared at himself in the small mirror on the wall on top of the sink. Dark red hickeys covered his neck downwards until it reached his pectorals. He brought up a hand towards the biggest of them all, located on his collarbone different hues of reds and purples mixed, and ran a light finger over it. Wincing slightly at the contact.
He drifted his eyes over his dark locks of hair, threading his metal finger through them detangling the knots that had formed. His mind drifted back to Sam gripping his hair tightly, pulling on it as Bucky’s lips stretched out around his cock.
Bucky took a step back, letting his arms fall limp. He should stop thinking about Sam, and what happened between them. He should leave, he already has a place in Brooklyn, he just needs to leave. But something is keeping him there.
“Fuck,” Bucky whispered out shakily, finally looking away from the mirror. He was a mess. Bucky doesn’t even know if he will be able to face Sam after this. 
He should have stopped it before it escalated. Before they ended up naked writhing against each other. But he didn’t. And now he had to face the consequences of his actions.
Bucky didn’t want to lose whatever fragile thing he had with Sam. Sam was the only person he even remotely knew in this world. But right now he doesn’t know where he stands with him. Doesn’t know if Sam even tolerates him, at the very least.
Bucky was quickly spiraling down a rabbit hole of thoughts he’d rather never get into.
Bucky jumped as a  knock on the door echoed around the bathroom, breaking him out of his thoughts.
“Bucky? You alright in there?” Sam asked, raising his voice making sure that Bucky would hear him in the bathroom. 
Bucky swallowed down the bile that was threatening to come up, his throat feeling way too dry. “Yeah-” Bucky cleared his throat, “-I’ll be out in a minute.”
Bucky kept his ears peeled, waiting to hear the sounds of Sam’s footsteps leaving, walking back towards the bed. But he didn’t hear that. All that he heard was the soft pound of his own beating heart in sync with Sam’s.
“What’re you doing in there?” Sam asked, a yawn making his way out as he talked.
Bucky looked around the bathroom spotting a pair of red scissors, “Cutting my hair,” Bucky answered after a minute of silence. It wasn’t a lie, he had thought about cutting his hair just not now.
Bucky heard Sam hum, “Need any help?”
“Yeah,” Fuck, why did he say yes. He could have avoided Sam a while longer if he said no. He couldn’t face Sam, not now. But the longer he hesitated, waited, the more impatient, worried Sam would get. So against his better judgment, he unlocked the door, and not even a second later Sam opened it. Entering the bathroom in just his boxer briefs.
“Hey,” Bucky whispered, and he was a mess. He didn’t know what to do in a situation like this. But Sam, Sam just smiled and nodded towards the toilet.
“Sit there,” Sam pointed towards the toiled, “Do you have any hair ties for that rat nest you call hair?”Sam asked, grabbing a towel from the rack. 
Bucky wordlessly opened the sink cabinet and took out an unopened packet of hair ties. He placed it on top of the sink, next to the soap. As his feet moved on their own accord, or at least it felt like it. He straddled the toilet, leaving his back vulnerable. And even though he knew Sam would never hurt him, he still felt on edge. Tense. Anxious. 
He flinched slightly as he felt the rough towel be carefully placed onto his shoulders. Goosebumps rose in his skin as he felt Sam’s breath against his neck.
“Relax, I know what I’m doing,” Sam whispered, Bucky nodded, keeping his lips shut, not trusting himself enough to speak. 
Bucky watched Sam. Watched as he walked over to the hair ties and placed a couple of them onto his wrist. 
The silence that was stretching out over them bothered Bucky. 
He hated silence. It made him think. Remember. And he only ever allowed himself to remember at night. Where he was safely hidden from peering eyes, able to let the nightmares haunt him. Destroy him. Eat him up little by little destroying every single good memory he might still have. Because he is James Buchanan Barnes. He is the Winter Soldier. And he deserves it. He deserves to feel the pain he made so many other people feel.
“How do you know how to..” Bucky gestured vaguely to his head. He needed to break the silence and if the awkward small talk was the way, he would do it. 
Sam shrugged, dividing Bucky’s hair into two sections. “I have a sister, Sarah, when we were teenagers she went through this phase-” Bucky winced as Sam pulled on a strand of hair, “-sorry, but she went through a phase of wanting to have her hair really short,” Sam smiled, tying one of the ties onto one section of Bucky’s hair.
Bucky hummed, keeping his gaze on his vibranium arm. Sam’s voice was nice. It was comforting. 
“She knew if she asked ma' and dad they would say no. So, she forced me every month for a whole year to cut her hair. I'm sure I still have pictures of the first haircut I gave her, it was horrible,” Sam chuckled, leaning over to grab the scissors.
“Any way you want it cut?” Sam whispered, threading his fingers through Bucky’s hair. 
Bucky shivered slightly at the contact. It was strangely domestic, and as much as he hated this. Hated whatever was happening between them because he was scared. Scared of what it could mean for them. Scared of what it could mean for Bucky, and his relationship with his sexuality.
“I just want it short,” Bucky whispered, “I want- need a change,”
Sam hummed, “I think I can do that, just don’t get your hopes up,”
And maybe Bucky doesn’t feel comfortable in his skin anymore. And maybe he still feels the anxiety deep within him of the consequences that this might have, but right now he wants to enjoy it. He wants to enjoy this moment before it’s gone.
The haircut wasn’t that bad. It reminded him a lot of a long time ago. It reminded him of days when he was still hopeful that the world wasn’t as bad as it seemed. Bucky licked his lips as he stared at himself in the mirror,  Sam did a better job than he was expecting.
“You’ve been staring at yourself for a while, do you like it?” Sam asked, meeting Bucky’s gaze through the mirror. Bucky could tell he was nervous, what for, he doesn’t know.
“Yeah, it came out better than I expected.” Bucky forced a smile onto his face. (It was a grimace, but he is still getting used to this again)
Sam rolled his eyes, the smile breaking out on his face betraying the fake glare he sent at Bucky, “I’m guessing that as much as a compliment I’m going to get from you,”
Bucky nodded, still on edge. Tense. 
“Alright,” Sam nodded, clapping Bucky on his bare shoulder, “I’m heading back to bed, are you..” Sam trailed off as he stared at Bucky, a hopeful glint in his eyes.
And it was too much for Bucky. The blatant hope that this could be something more was so unfamiliar. That this wasn’t just a fuck and leave situation. That he could have this. 
But he didn’t deserve it. He didn’t deserve Sam, he has so many problems and so many issues. He can’t burden Sam with it. And maybe a part of him still believes what he feels for Sam isn’t right. Isn’t normal.
“Some other time-” There was no other time, this was a one time thing only, “-I have to go to Brooklyn, I have, uh, mandated therapy,” Bucky whispered, watching as Sam’s face fell slightly. Bucky could somehow feel the hole in his heart get impossibly bigger. And it hurts.
Sam nodded, “Yeah, of course, guess I’ll see you some other time,” (There wouldn’t be another time to see Sam, Bucky would make sure of it,) 
Bucky nodded, “Yeah,” He agreed, ignoring the way the pit in his stomach got impossibly deeper.
Sam walked closer to Bucky, he placed a hand onto Bucky’s waist, his thumb rubbing comforting circles over the skin. 
And that just made Bucky leaving Sam even more painful, but it was for the best. 
But he can be selfish, for a little bit he can be selfish. So, Bucky dove down, capturing Sam’s lips with his in a kiss. And Sam kissed him back just as passionate. And this isn’t right, this was a lovers kiss, a promise. Something Bucky can’t give Sam.
“Don’t be a stranger,” Sam whispered against his lips.
Days later he would be in his apartment in Brooklyn, sitting on the floor. Ignoring all of Sam’s missed calls and texts. Because Sam deserves better, he doesn’t deserve a mess. And as much as he wants to be selfish, he can’t. 
Because whatever he is feeling? He doesn't deserve to feel it. He caused so much pain, he isn't allowed to feel this blossoming love that is slowly spreading.
He is falling. He is falling with nothing to hold on to. Except this time he just hopes it kills him.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
(found at xxbieberburnham)
“The rest of your life”
Are you independent or dependent? Dependent as all hell. I’ll put my foot down on very certain things, but most of the time I prefer hearing input or suggestions from people I trust. I definitely think it’s something I still have to work on because I know I’ll have to be mostly independent at some point.
If you could put your life into a category, where would it go? I feel like this would be easier to answer if you gave a list of categories. I don’t know what kind of insight you’re looking for.
How many animals do you have? I have two, but I call them pets.
Are you popular? Idk and I don’t care. All I know is I don’t actively seek to be so.
What time were you born? 9:11 in the evening.
Have you had any candy this week? Yeah, I had a gummy worm this morning. Mom bought a box of Halloween-themed sweets and there were cupcakes had gummy worms on them alongside marshmallows designed to look like a tombstone.
Are you more afraid of tornadoes or hurricanes? Hurricanes are terrifying, but I’m used to them. We don’t get tornadoes at all so I’ll not only be unprepared for those, but would definitely be more afraid of them too.
Do you like those nerd glasses? Sure, I still think they’re cute and look good on people but I never called them nerd glasses lol. Mine are kinda shaped like one.
Have you ever been in a fist fight? Nah, I’d be wiped out pretty fast.
What color is your house? A light shade of beige.
When was the last time you saw a rainbow? More than a year ago, I’m sure. It was during our ride back home from a journalism workshop, which if I remember correctly was all the way in Cavite. Goddamn we traveled a lot for those workshops.
Have you ever ate a crayon? I’ve never bitten off a piece but I’m not ruling out at least licking.
Ever rode in a helicopter? Nope. Would love to.
Do you like rabbits? Sure.
Do you like mushrooms? For the most part I don’t even think they taste like anything, so I never really had a problem with mushrooms.
“It’s like you step into the room and just press play”
What was the last movie you cried at? That Thing Called Tadhana. I had watched it five years ago after my first breakup; I got to go to Sagada shortly after that breakup, so that movie was actually very therapeutic for me at the time because it allowed me to release my feelings the way Mace did, also in Sagada. Now I’m stuck at home and can’t travel and that movie just hurt too much to finish.
What ice cream flavor best describes your personality? I don’t really...pair ice cream flavors with types of personalities.
Would you rather work for a small or large company? Large, because I feel like I’d be challenged more in those and thus learn more. Also it just looks nicer on resumés, if I’m being honest. Smaller companies are ok too but I prefer those that already have a rep for churning excellent results and having a good track record for workplace culture, like the company I’m currently working with.
Where's your favorite place to buy clothes? Ukays. I used to not like them, but my mom and sister did a great job reeling me in and making me see the appeal.
How many languages do you speak? Two.
What was the worst movie you've ever seen? Me Before You was such a waste of my time. Predictable, cheesy, and typical asshole-guy-softens-up-over-time-oh-and-just-as-you-start-to-root-for-him-we’re-gonna-kill-him-off. But idk, I was with friends who were into movies like those and I wanted to support them, so I went along to watch.
What video game have you played the most? Cumulatively, pretty sure it’s Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
What was your favorite TV show as a child? I was a Nickelodeon girl and Spongebob, Fairly OddParents, and My Life as a Teenage Robot were my top 3, with Jimmy Neutron closely trailing at #4. I loved Disney shows too but wasn’t really able to appreciate them as much until I got a little older and could understand their humor better.
What's your favorite sport? My answer won’t change - if it counts, pro wrestling. If it doesn’t, my next favorite is table tennis.
If you were given a brand new yacht, what would you name it? Nothing creative is coming to me at the moment.
Do you believe there’s life on other planets? Yes. Maybe not the ones in our solar system, but those out in the distant universe for sure.
What was the worst place you ever traveled to? Can’t say I’ve truly disliked a particular place we’ve been to. I will say that Chinese people have a...culture that I’m not used to, and I did not enjoy touring with a bunch of them during my cruise. They had buffet habits that I would consider unhygienic, they would sit at the same table my mom and I were eating at if there were available seats(??????? imagine if I just sat beside you at a diner while you’re having lunch?), and apparently it’s acceptable for them to actually look you in the eyes and point directly at you if they’re talking about you with other people. It was honestly a lot to put up with for six days, and the only reason I didn’t lose my temper was because my dad works in the ship and I didn’t want to cause him any trouble.
What is one thing you’re really bad at? Making art.
Do you believe in angels? No. I like referring to my grandpa as my guardian angel, but I don’t actually believe in angels.
Would you rather be a famous actor or musician? I know I’m awful at either, but I’d much rather act.
“where have you been all my life?”
If you could have invented one thing, what would it have been? It’d be cool to come up with something that ends up being widely popular and/or beneficial to society, but do it accidentally; like how popsicles came to be. Imagine building a legacy from your own oopsie lmao sounds like a pretty good deal to me.
What's your favorite exercise workout? I don’t do workouts.
What's your favorite thing to do? Wow, very straightforward. Hmm these days I’m slowly inching back to wrestling, so I’ve been watching compilations and documentaries and doing some catching-up here and there. Lately I’d say that’s my favorite thing to do, but that can always change.
What did you do for your 17th birthday? Gab and I went to Pinto and she brought me to Filio after. Then I got back home to see what Athenna had done to my room while I was out, which was to cover the floor with balloons and the walls with printed photos of Zayn Malik.
Does your local Wal Mart have benches in them to rest? First, we’ll need to have local Wal-Mart stores here.
Was your favorite stuffed animal really a teddy bear growing up? I never liked stuffed animals, so I didn’t even have a teddy bear.
If your house was haunted, what would you do? Not fuck with the ghosts/spirits.
Are you crazy in love currently? Not crazily, but in love.
Are you good at swimming? I can tread and do several strokes, but I also tend to panic so I think that eliminates the concept of me being a good swimmer.
What's worse: Slow internet or slow walkers? Slow internet. I can get around slow walkers; but unless I have mobile data, slow internet is out of my control for the most part.
What is the rudest thing a guy has ever done to you? I can’t pick between whistling at me, catcalling me, lunging at me, or flirtatiously harass me in front of his friends while I was minding my goddamn business carrying a goddamn box of cake at the mall. Yeah, not a very big fan of men.
Do you sleep with the sheets tucked in or out? Out.
What do you do to fall asleep faster? Put on a YouTube video and let autoplay take over.
Do you carry a bottle of water wherever you go? Yeah I used to, until I lost it.
Ae you afraid that one day you might get cancer? The fear of the possibility is there, but it’s not predominantly in our family history and so I’m more afraid of other issues I have a higher chance of getting, like high blood pressure.
“Letters to Juliet”
Are you a fast or slow walker? Fast if I’m running errands, slow-ish if I’m out for leisure.
Do you usually have to wear a belt with your pants? No.
Does it bother you when people's underwear hangs out? Kinda. Even more when their crack decides to show up too.
Are you usually the person to try new things with your hair? No, I am one of the last people in line when it comes to that.
When's your birthday? April 21st.
Do you own a bobble-head toy? Nopes.
What color was the towel you used to dry off with today after a shower? Turquoise.
Has anyone ever walked you home? I’ve had someone drive me home. Walking isn’t really applicable here.
Have you ever liked someone and they were taken? That’s never happened to me.
When was the last time you went fishing? In my past life, maybe.
True or false: You've read the book Lord of the Flies? False.
Have you heard of the band Yellowcard? Yes.
Have you ever seen the show Teen Wolf? I’ve seen an episode and oh my god it was so boring.
Do you have any quotes, lyrics etc on your walls? I used to until my mom took it down while I was in school. I made it myself, so it stung.
Are you a fan of Star Wars? No.
“Our parents never let us cross the street, but we did it anyway”
Has anyone ever told you that you have nice hair? Whenever it was actually nice, yeah. It was never my best feature though.
What brand of camera do you own? I have...an iPhone, if it counts, ha. My old DSLR was a Nikon.
Is there something you're not looking forward to? The next day. Having to go through rounds of anxiety is not enjoyable.
Have you ever read the book Thirteen Reasons Why? Have not read the book nor seen the show, but have read enough of the premise to know I am not a fan.
Do you wear white pants? Sure, I have a pair of white jeans that I absolutely love.
When was the last time you were really angry? Yesterday. My sister and I were ordering KFC from a food delivery app and no driver was taking it because drivers in that company are notoriously picky bitches about their destinations. They kept canceling our orders and at some point I had enough and proposed that we just get Pizza Hut, this time straight from the Pizza Hut website, which has always worked out for us before. So Pizza Hut confirms the order, calls me up and says the ETA, so far so good. Around 15 minutes later the doorbell rings and it’s...KFC? With our original orders? Apparently that stupid ass app took our order anyway after repeatedly canceling it, and I never got one fucking notification that our order was received. Tried to cancel Pizza Hut but they said they had already started making the pizzas, so in the end we had to pay for both meals. I had never been so angry.
Have you ever made a 3 pointer in a basketball game? Hah, of course not. I’ve barely made one of those free throws that are worth one point.
Do you think you look better with your hair up or down? I’ve gotten more compliments whenever it’s up, so that must look better on me even if I personally don’t necessarily agree.
Do you warm up before you hardcore exercise? I don’t exercise, but isn’t warming up recommended anyway?
Do you want a pair of Converse shoes? Not really; I suppose they’re alright. It’s not my favorite brand in the world, but I wouldn’t turn down a free pair either.
Are you more of a studs or hoops type of person when it comes to earrings? Hoooooooooops for days.
How many shirts do you have of your favorite band? Just one. I’m not a band shirt person.
Turn on the TV. What channel are you on? There’s no TV in this room.
Have you ever wore a tie before? Yeah, as a kid my mom sometimes made me wear neckties. They made me SO uncomfortable I was having internal breakdowns about being seen in public. I was 7 years old. Neckties to me were a boy thing and I felt 0% boy; and so it gave me such serious dysphoria. It’s like making a boy wear a pink tutu even if he’s already visibly distressed. Whenever I told my mom I felt uncomfortable, she would just tell me it “looks good.” Jesus Christ. Why did no one ever drag my mom to a parenting seminar? Did no one seriously see the signs???
What did you have for breakfast this morning? Garlic rice, bacon strips, and glazed ham.
“For the Krusty Krab”
Are you good at art? Of course not.
How many times have you read your favorite book? I don’t have one.
Name one thing that you really hate. Raisins, on their own and incorporated in a dish.
Have you ever tried walking on stilts? I haven’t.
Is there a war that you find interesting? Eh, not really. So many of historical accounts are bombarded with war narratives as it is, and I’ve just never really found disputes or tensions among countries to be the most interesting part about history. Plus women were mostly absent, and that makes it even more boring.
Would you rather live in the city or country? City.
Do you think $7 is too much for a movie ticket? Not always. $7 or ₱350 is actually pretty reasonable if you wanna see a movie at an upscale mall; people who watch movies in places like that shouldn’t be complaining about movie tickets that cost that much. But all movie theaters are the same anyway - pitch black, freezing, comfy chairs - so I just go to midscale malls where tickets would be like a hundred bucks cheaper since it’s gonna give me the same experience anyway.
Would you like to be a newscast person? For a long time I thought I wanted to be one because that’s what my entire family was rooting me to become. Eventually I realized reading from a teleprompter, interviewing guests, and asking questions to reporters is not a career I want.
Do you like word searches, coloring or crosswords better? Word searches, then coloring, then crosswords.
Close your eyes and press a random key on the keyboard. U.
How many William’s do you know? I don’t think I know anyone. It’s too foreign-sounding a name.
What time did you wake up this morning? I woke up at around 6 AM, but I fell back asleep immediately and woke up again around 30 minutes later.
Do you enjoy crutches? ...No? That seems a little insensitive for people who actually need them.
What's better: Snapple or Arizona tea? Arizona. It’s because I’ve never had the Snapple one, but tbh Arizona is already pretty delicious anyway.
Make a word out of the word: Dinosaur. Round.
“she said I love this song, I’ve heard it before”
When you were younger, did you play with legos? Yes. I was never a creative kid, but I liked playing with them anyway.
Do you like Trix cereal? It was only my absolute favorite cereal as a kid, no biggie.
Do you get nervous easily? Ugh, yes. My parents asked me to get water containers from our local water station last Saturday and I literally had to allot like two hours to brace myself and make a script in my head. I constantly rehearse shit nearly every time I have to go out of the house.
How long is your Facebook password? I’m not sharing that.
Do you like the movie Mean Girls? No, I didn’t find it funny the first time and that made me uninterested in giving it a second chance.
How do you want your wedding to be? Big, grand. Lots of friends, lots of food. Not Catholic/Christian.
Have you seen the movie or show Catfish? Nope.
Do you hate it when you arrive to something early? Not usually. Being early is my goal in most situations, unless I’m headed to like a party.
Have you ever been on Omegle? A few times as a teenager.
Are you still in love with one of your exes? Yes. It’s not going away for a while.
Do you think it's attractive when guys wear beanies? I don’t necessarily seek out men with beanies lol but I don’t think it looks bad on them either.
What's something that makes you feel shy in public? Unfamiliar situations.
Do you like the shows on MTV? No.
If you could go back and relive one day, what day? That last Friday I was in school before the lockdown happened. If I knew what the next eight months were going to look like, I would’ve stayed much longer in school, dragged my friends out to drink, blew my money on food, had more fun basically.
What's one word you hate to be called? Exhausting. Like being told I’m exhausting to be with. How does that not hurt?
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iwillhaveamoonbase · 4 years
We Could Be Heroes Ch. 4
Rayla made her way as quickly and quietly as possible back to her dorm. Claudia had texted back that she would wait in her car up the road.  It was already after 8, so everyone was either in their dorms or studying in the library. ‘No clue what I’m going to tell the girls.  I’m moving in with my boyfriend is the truth, but they’ll start asking questions.  Maybe I’ll say nothing.  I don’t tend to sleep there as much anymore.  Too much risk running into Bandlr.’
By the time Rayla had put her building key in the lock she was no closer to an answer.  Rayla went up to her floor and poked her head in her room.  ‘Good; no one’s here.  I’ll just grab my clothes and my books and I should be good to go. Anything else I need, Callum either has or will get.’  She grabbed a bag and began shoveling her textbooks and notebooks into it.
“Where you been, Rayla?”  Rayla gulped as she turned to her roommate, Zaras, a Skywing elf, standing in the door way.   Her wings looked as soft as ever while her pale blue skin looked a tad darker from the all sun she must have gotten since it became March.  With long black hair and a sweet face, Zaras looked just as soft as her wings.  No one ever saw her sharp tongue or heeled boots coming.  Zaras had her dark eyebrow raised as she lightly brushed dust off her right wing.
“I’m just getting my stuff.”  Was her voice shaking?  ‘Confidence, Rayla.  Runaan always said to act confident.’
“I see that,” Zaras gave a small smirk.  “Where you going?”
“I’m going to stay with my boyfriend for a bit.”
“Why are you staying with Prince Callum?”  Rayla felt her heart stop.  “I haven’t told anyone.”  Rayla’s heart started beating again as she relaxed just a bit.  “If anyone asks where you are, I always say you must be in the library or at the 24-hour gym in town.”
“How long have you known?”
Zaras shrugged before sitting on Rayla’s bed.  “The whole time, if it’s been more than a year.  You spend a lot of time with him and you always look so happy after you spend the night at his place.  Why do you think I insisted we be roommates again this year?”
“Because I’m the only person that tolerates your granola habit at three o’clock in the morning?”
“That and I like him, too.  He has been nothing but respectful to every elf on campus.  I have never seen him so much as raise his voice unless he was being provoked.  He’s more aggressive with the humans who push him to try dark magic than he is with us.  He also asked my honest opinion on the Sky arcanum and if I knew any good books of spells.  You got yourself a good man, Rayla, and I don’t want you to lose him just because someone didn’t like him.”
“Thank you, Zaras.  Bandlr is going to go public with this tomorrow.  He found out and he’s acting like it’ll just ‘slip out.’”  Zaras hissed as she shook her head.  “I know.  He’s an asshole and I would kill him if I could.  I might, anyways.  I think I would be doing everyone a favor.”
“Bandlr is going to be the least of your worries.  You know that a lot of the humans on campus don’t like you, right?  Just purely based on the fact that you freely admitted that you are, technically, an assassin.  Even if you haven’t made a kill, you’re still trained and still able.”
Rayla put her head in her hands as she groaned.  “I know.  I also know that I don’t want to walk away from him.  Even though it would be easier and would save the both of us a lot of pressure and harassment.”
“But you love him.”  Rayla turned to see Zaras looking at her with a genuinely happy smile.
“That I do.”
“How are you going to get your stuff to his place?”
“His friend, Claudia, is going to help me.  Her car’s already parked and she’s waiting for me.”
A quick clap of her hands and Zaras was up and already rifling through Rayla’s drawers.  “Well, let’s get packing.  Do you want anything out of the bathroom or can I have it?  I really like the smell of your moonberry shampoo.”
“You can have all of it.  Except the bubbles.  Those are mine.”
“Noted.  Where’s your other bag?”  Zaras quickly helped pack while keeping an eye on the door.  It was better to know who was and who wasn’t in the suite so that they could leave with as few questions as possible.  “Do you seriously not have any sexy underwear?  I have several pairs just to make me feel good on a bad day.”
“Callum might have a heart attack if I did.  You know my bra with the front clasp?  I wore it one time and he almost fainted.  In about five years, I’ll try the front clasp again.”  It had been a complete accident that he had even seen the stupid thing.  She was changing at his place and he had happened to walk into the room.  Callum had blushed bright red and stammered when he saw her take it off before leaving the room, stumbling the whole way.
“Pfft.  That is just too adorable.  I don’t know how anyone can think that dork is dangerous.”
“I don’t either.  The most threatening thing he’s ever done was tell Bandlr to back off after he busted into Callum’s apartment.”
“You might need extra security, then.  My dad knows people who work in the security industry.  I’ll give him a call if you need it.”
“We’ll let you know.  I can’t tell you how much it means to me, to us, that you’re helping me.  That you’ve been helping me.”
Zaras shrugged, a thoughtful expression taking over her features.  “I told you, he’s a good man.  He’s also a talented mage with zero percent of the overconfidence that I see in a lot of the mages here on campus; human and elf.  I have no idea how he got the Sky arcanum to work for him, though.  From what he told me, he understood that the wind was a part of him, of everything.  He also admitted that it was after he broke a primal stone, so take that as you will.”
“He’s explained it to me a bunch of ways and he loses me halfway through.  He understands how he did it but he can’t explain it in a way that makes sense.  And now that he’s planning to try with the other arcana, he has to make it make sense.  He’ll always be dangerous if he can’t make people understand why he was able to access primal magic as a human.  There will be people who accuse him of using dark magic to succeed or that he made a deal with someone like Aaravos.”
“I wish him all the luck in the world.  I also wish you luck.  You’re gonna need it.”
“Thanks.  I’ll need every last bit of luck you have.  Where’s your lucky coin again?”
“You’ll take my lucky coin over my dead body.”
“I can arrange that.”  They chuckled as Rayla did a quick sweep of the apartment.  “I think that’s everything.”
“Let’s go, then.”  Zaras made sure to walk out the door first, after grabbing Rayla’s bubbles, and kept the conversation on classes and the latest movie.  “I’m telling you, Rayla, you need to go see this one.  I’m normally am not a fan of human cinema, but this guy just cried as he rode off into the sunset.  Wonderful.  I need eight more.”
“You just have a thing for men crying.”
“Who doesn’t?  I also really like girls in tight pants.  Really tight pants.”
“Are we going to discuss your kinks all night?  I’ll need a drink if we are.”
“Buy me some hard liquor and I’ll be sure to tell you every last one of them.”
“Name the time and place.  There’s the car.”  Zaras nodded and let Rayla lead the way from there.  Claudia waved them over and quickly popped the trunk. “Thank you, again, Zaras.”
“You’re welcome.  You owe me that drink.  And I want you to tell me what’s going on.  I’m here if you need me.”  Rayla was normally not really a huggy person, but she quickly wrapped her arms around Zaras in thanks.  It took a moment for Zaras to return the hug, squeezing Rayla with all her strength.  When they separated, Zaras smiled at Rayla again before nodding her head to the car.
“Right.  Good night.”  Rayla hopped in and Claudia hurried down the road.  Zaras waved before quickly turning back to the dorm.  “Do you think anyone saw you?”
“Doubt it.  Soren got a message from King Harrow today.”  Brow raised; Claudia looked at Rayla out of the corner of her eye.  “Apparently, he’s going to be officially stationed here?”
“I asked for him.  I needed more people in our corner.”
“That sky elf looks pretty in your corner.”
“She is.  I’ll introduce you sometime.  Make sure you wear super tight pants.”
“Ooh.  My kind of girl.”  It didn’t take long to reach the apartment complex. Claudia drove to the back and grabbed a bag after parking.  “Callum texted that he’s still at the store.  I’m going to take his key when he gets back and get a copy made for you.  You two can’t leave the apartment until I get back and that might not be until tomorrow night, okay?”
“As long as I get it before classes start Monday, I’m good to go.”  They went in and up the elevator.  Claudia suddenly got a big smile on her face as she laughed.  “What’s so funny?”
“I’m helping my ex-boyfriend’s girlfriend move into his apartment.  And we have to keep everything a complete secret until tomorrow.  I feel like some sort of secret agent.”
“How do you feel about that?”  For all of Claudia’s prodding, Rayla had never known if Claudia was actually alright with watching her ex-boyfriend move on or was putting on a front because they were still friends.
Claudia shrugged and turned to Rayla.  “Honestly?  Not nearly as bad as I thought I would.  Neither one of us was mature enough or in a good place for a real relationship.  I’m a little jealous, but I think that has more to do with the fact that he’s moved on and in a steady relationship while I’m still going on speed dates.  He was everything I was supposed to want; we just didn’t fit together.  He has drawn such a thick line in the sand concerning dark magic and, well, dark magic is the only thing that’s allowing my brother to stand anymore.  Callum has really pushed for me to learn healing from the other elves here.  The only problem is that my father is Lord Viren and he hates elves.  No one wants to teach me or help Soren because they’re scared that I’ll take their life force to heal Soren or we’ll take the secrets back to our dad.”
“You wouldn’t, though.  Callum told me that you two are Team Soren and Claudia.  You’re your own side and you wouldn’t jeopardize Soren’s health to get back in your father’s good graces.”
A chuckle and a shake of her head was all Rayla got for a moment.  “He’s right. Viren’s our dad and we want nothing to do with him.  He told Soren to kill Ezran while he and Callum were at the Banther Lodge a few years ago, before anyone knew just how treacherous he had become.  He also told me to leave Soren to die if it was between him and an artifact that was supposed to amplify magical abilities.  The things he’s called Callum and Queen Sarai…. I understand why my mom left him.  Soren and I wish we had picked her all those years ago.  He’s not going to be nice about this.  All the hatred he’s felt towards Callum and Queen Sarai is also going to fall on you.”  The elevator opened and the two got out, sitting on the floor with Rayla’s stuff to the side.
“Why did he hate her?  She saved his life and died doing it.”  Claudia looked conflicted for a few moments.  Rayla could see the wheels turning in her head. She genuinely didn’t know what had made Viren turn on Sarai and Callum didn’t seem to have an answer either.  If she knew, maybe she could be better prepared for anything Viren launched against them.
Finally, Claudia nodded her head, looking back at Rayla.  “Don’t tell Callum this. Or Ezran.  You have to promise you will never tell them.”
“Is it that bad?”
Claudia held Rayla’s stare and lightly shook her head.  “You have no idea what he has called her.  If Callum found out, he might kill my dad.  I think King Harrow finding out about it is what ultimately led to he and my dad falling out.”
Rayla didn’t want to keep secrets from Callum and keeping one from Ezran would be more difficult than her training with Runaan.  But this was also a chance to get another perspective on Callum’s history.  She didn’t trust the news and she didn’t trust what most other people said because they didn’t know Callum; Claudia did.  “I don’t like it, but I promise I won’t say anything.”
“OK.  I’ll hold you to it.”  Claudia sighed as she leaned against the door.  “You know that Queen Sarai wasn’t a noble, right?”  Rayla nodded as she adjusted herself.  She had a feeling Claudia was going to be giving her a lot of information and that this was a lot more complicated than she thought.  “Well, when Queen Sarai and King Harrow were kids, they met when his father took him to visit his best general.  That was Queen Sarai and General Amaya’s mother.  Harrow was instantly smitten with her.  They spent a lot of time together during that visit and Harrow was convinced he would marry her.  He was right, eventually.
“Queen Sarai didn’t have those same thoughts.  She viewed herself as a warrior first and that her job would be to protect the future king.  And then she met Marco, Callum’s father.  From what I heard; he had no prospects beyond his artwork.  He didn’t come from a family with any kind of wealth or status, couldn’t use a bow and arrow or a sword and always questioned why the world couldn’t talk about peace instead of continuing to fight whenever the war was brought up.  He was also opposed to dark magic; calling it the reason why the peace had been shattered in the first place.  He was probably the last person who should marry a future military leader, but he came to their home one day to paint a portrait of Sarai and Amaya and that was that.  They got married a year and a half later and Callum was born about two years after that.
“Marco died when Callum was only a year old from a bad fall.  He was painting a client’s ceiling and someone on the ground wasn’t paying close enough attention.  Queen Sarai was devastated and she buried herself in her work and raising Callum.  Her work brought her to the capital and to Harrow.  By this point, he and my father were close and my dad was pushing for Harrow to get married and have an heir before he was crowned king.”  Claudia chuckled as a sad smile took over.  “Harrow instantly fell back in love with her and he loved Callum immediately after meeting him.  It didn’t matter to him that Callum was from his love’s first marriage.  He was part of Sarai and that was enough.
“Dad didn’t think it was…appropriate for a future king to marry a woman who already had a child.  It didn’t matter that she was a widow.  She had a kid and she wasn’t noble; that should have taken her out of the running.  He brought women from all over the Pentarchy and Harrow still chose Sarai.  And it got really, really ugly between Sarai and my dad.  She asked him what his problem was and he called Callum…well, he called Callum a mongrel son of a street urchin.  He then said Callum wasn’t fit to lick Soren’s boots, let alone be the son of a king.  That was before he proceeded to call Sarai a two-bit gold-digger who was only interested in Harrow because she wanted another man in her life and Harrow happened to be there.  He told her she was nothing more than a whore who would lead Harrow to his own destruction.  None of that was true, but my dad was so blinded by his devotion to Harrow that he didn’t see the truth anymore.
“Sarai said her piece by calling Dad a self-serving, egotistical asshole.  She made him a deal; she wouldn’t tell Harrow what he said if he backed off.  Dad knew a good deal when he saw one and agreed.  Harrow would have believed Sarai in a heartbeat.  Sarai and Harrow got married and then had Ezran.  In between, Sarai began to let it be known to the rest of the world about her distaste for dark magic.  She thought it was a shortcut and resisted every time it was brought up as a solution.  This university was all her idea.  She had taken what her first husband had said to heart and she wanted peace between the Pentarchy and Xadia.  She instilled that in Callum and Harrow and they’ve instilled it in Ezran and General Amaya.  And the four of them have started to instill it in the rest of the Pentarchy.
“They tried to get along for Harrow’s sake but my dad would just rail into her when he thought it was safe.  Called her power hungry and manipulative.  Soren and I heard things that no one should ever utter about anyone.  Sarai died protecting my father because she knew how important he was to Harrow.  She thought they would both make it out alive and they had just saved her sister.  Dad had a high opinion of her for a little bit, until Harrow started implementing her ideas.  The university and this town started to be built less than a year after her death.  He pushed for more peace talks and gradually started to reject any of Dad’s ideas if they involved dark magic.  Eventually, Harrow started to call for Dad for council less and less.
“Dad blamed Sarai for losing his best friend.  The truth is, Sarai was right.  Dark magic is a shortcut.  It’s the only one we have, besides primal stones, for humans to learn magic.  And it’s impossible to get primal stones.  There are days when I listen to Callum and agree with everything he says.  I wonder if dark magic has twisted my dad beyond repair and if that’s why he’s like this now.  He used to be kinder and more understanding.  What if dark magic does that to me one day?”  She twisted the white lock in her hair and bit her lip.  “But I also love magic and don’t want to give it up.  I’ve always been a mage, and I’m really freaking good at it.  I taught Callum how to use the primal stone and his first couple of spells.  Callum can’t explain how he unlocked the arcanum in a way that anyone understands and I refuse to stop using dark magic to help my brother until I have another answer.”
Rayla had heard a lot of this from Callum, but to hear just how this animosity between Sarai and Viren and how that led to Harrow and Viren’s own relationship to deteriorate put new light on everything he had told her.  “Callum really doesn’t know?”
Claudia shrugged, a thoughtful expression crossing her face.  “He knows about Dad’s feelings towards him and he knows Dad didn’t like Sarai.  To my knowledge, he has no clue just how deep that hatred runs and for how long it has.  Neither does Ezran.  In their minds, Sarai was a saint; why would anyone hate her with all of their being?  Harrow doesn’t want them to know what my dad called their mother.  Callum also doesn’t know about the deal they made or the argument that it came from.  As far as Callum and Ezran know, Dad just gave up and told Harrow to be happy.  If they find out, it needs to be from Harrow.  The only reason I know is because Dad got drunk one night and told me and Soren everything.  When we told Harrow that we knew, he asked us to keep it quiet and never, ever tell Callum or Ezran.  That was the same day that we told Harrow about his plot to kill Ezran.  We picked Harrow’s side that day and Dad wanted nothing more to do with us and we wanted nothing more to do with him.”
“Why can’t they know?”
“Would you want your sons to know that someone you believed was your best friend and your biggest supporter thought their mother was anything less than honorable, even after she saved his life?”
Rayla thought about it for a moment.  If she and Callum had children and were put in a similar situation, would she want their children to know something like that?  “No, I don't think I would.”
“See?” Claudia asked not unkindly.  “It's one thing to say that Viren didn't like Sarai, it's another to say the words he actually used.  I don’t want to tell Callum or Ezran and neither does Soren.  It’s not something you feel good about knowing.  The only reason I told you is because you need to know what you’re going up against.  Dad may say all of those things and worse to anyone who will listen and you have to be prepared.  Don’t focus on what they call you.  Don’t let anyone get the best of you with name-calling.  Only state your and Callum’s truth.  If you spend any time saying anything besides that and that you and Callum love each other for who you are, then they would have won and they will keep coming back.  I’ll step in if I have to on your behalf.  I like you, Rayla, and I like how happy you make Callum.  No matter what, he is one of my best friends in this world and I don’t want him to lose you over something neither one of you can control.”
“He’s not gonna lose me.  I’ll have to be dragged kicking and screaming out of this relationship at this point.”
“Good.”  Claudia hugged her knees to her chest and rested her head on them.  “When Callum and I dated, it was before Dad was disgraced.  To a degree, it was always assumed we would get married for political reasons.  It wasn’t really a big deal to anyone until we broke-up.  That’s when the gossip came around.  I can’t imagine what the two of you must be feeling right now.”
Rayla stretched her legs out and folded her arms over her chest.  “Nervous.  A bit relieved.  Like we’ve done both the smartest and stupidest thing we ever could.  He wanted to give up when Amaya told us I didn’t have an out the second the public knew.  He told me to go back to my uncles and I told him that if I did that there would be no second chances.  We either stand together now or he will lose me forever.”
“Good for you.”  Claudia had a big grin on her face at Rayla’s statement.
“I wasn’t going to let him give up.  I think Bandlr’s threat to tell the world and then hearing his aunt tell him I had to stay at the border got to him.  He finally came back to his senses when he saw I wasn’t going to run away and was going to take this media nonsense head-on.”
“I understand if he’s concerned about the media.  It’s not easy to live the way he does.  This is the most freedom he’s had since his mom married Harrow.  Every move he makes, every outfit he wears, every person he meets is dissected to death.  There are articles and videos out there about whether or not Harrow actually loves Callum and that has hit Callum so hard.  They talk about body language this and Callum didn’t go to such-and-such event that and they don’t know anything that goes on behind closed doors.  I have never seen someone love their kids as much as Harrow does Callum and Ezran.  Harrow’s distance was because he didn’t want Callum to feel like he was replacing his father not because he loved Callum any less.  It took a long, long time for Callum to call him ‘Dad’ and being constantly reminded that he is the ‘step-prince’ didn’t help.”
Before Rayla could respond, the elevator opened to reveal Callum, laden with groceries.  “Hey, guys.  I’ve got enough food to last a month.  Or a week since you’ll be here, Rayla.”
Rayla did a quick eyeroll.  “Ha ha, Mr. Skinny.  It’s all muscle unlike your noodle arms.”  Raylan and Claudia stood, each grabbing one of Raylas bags.
“You like my noodle arms.”  A quick smirk at Rayla and Callum unlocked the door so they could head inside.  Claudia and Rayla quickly put Rayla’s stuff down so Rayla could help Callum put their groceries away.  “You’ll be so proud of me.  I only got one more piece of fruit for the fruit bowl.”
“You’re eating that, too.”
“I’m drawing it tomorrow and then I’ll be done and we’ll spend the rest of the day eating fruit and Earthblood honey.  And the day after that.  And maybe the day after that.”
Rayla picked up said piece of fruit and glared at it.  “I swear, if your plan is to slowly replace the rest of our diet with your fruit bowl, I will make you eat the actual bowl.”
“Do you hear what I put up with, Claudia?”
Claudia shook her head as she walked over to the two.  She looked at the fruit bowl and then back at Callum.  “Do you really need all that fruit for art?”
“It’s called still life and I haven’t done it in a while and drawing helps me relax in stressful situations.  Also, please lay off my fruit.”  Callum handed her the key to the apartment.  “Let us know when you get the copy.”
“Got it.  I’ll give you the bill then, too.”
“I can give you cash now.”
“Nah, I know you’re good for it.  I also know where you live.  Night.”
“Night, Clauds.”
“Thanks for the help.”  Rayla followed Claudia to the door and locked it behind her.  “Alright.  We need to talk about something.”  Callum gulped as he suddenly found his shirt very interesting.  “I’m not still mad at the whole ‘run away while you can’ thing if that’s what you’re thinking.”
“Oh, thank god.  I was going to have a heart attack.”
“It’s about how…. calmly we bring up marriage.  We teased each other about you marrying me because of honey and how strong I am.  When Ezran talked about me being his big sister, I almost said ‘yes.’  And then, you called Runaan and Ethari your ‘future-in-laws.’  We’ve been bringing it up for months without ever really talking about it.”  Rayla went back to the kitchen, lightly drumming her fingers against the counter.  “Do you want to marry me?”
“I’m not opposed to it,” he hedged.
“Callum.”  Rayla needed him to be as honest and serious as possible about this. She didn’t want to start planning a forever with him in her mind if it hadn’t even crossed his.
“Fine,” Callum grabbed her hand and looked in her eyes with those suddenly far too green ones of his.  “I know we haven’t been together that long, but I know I want to marry you someday.  I wouldn’t have asked to meet Ethari and Runaan if I didn’t.  I also don’t want to do it for a few years.  We’re still young and there are so many things to see and do first.”
“Do you already have a ring?”
“No.  I actually have one planned, but I’m going to have it specially made.  I’m thinking,” he raised her hand and separated her middle finger out, “a band of platinum that has been twisted.  I’m also thinking a moonstone sunken into the band.  Nothing jutting out, so you won’t be able to cut someone when you backhand them.”
“But that’s the best part.”  Rayla looked down at her hand as Callum stroked the base of her finger.  “You’ve really thought about this.”
“More than thought about it.  I've drawn it a hundred times.”
“Have you now?”  It was supposed to come out cocky and self-assured, but instead, Rayla felt anticipation and curiosity step in.
Callum looked at her finger again, biting his lip.  He went over to the bookcase, going to his shelf of sketchbooks.  He quickly pulled out the one he was looking for and flipped through the pages.  “This is the one I settled on.”
Callum came back to rest the book on the counter, open to a page with a single ring design.  The top of the band was braided platinum with the moonstone embedded in the center.  Not only that, but one side had a red stone and yellow stone while the other had purple and green ones.  Each stone was also embedded.  Callum had also drawn what he wanted the inside of the band to look like.  So far, it was just the moon and sky runes, but plenty of room to add more.  The uneven towers of Katolis were right next to the moon rune.  “It’s very detailed,” she breathed.
“I just thought about it one day and I couldn't stop.  I actually spent weeks of my summer vacation creating the perfect design.”
Rayla looked up at him.  “You were thinking about this when we couldn't even see each other?”
“Well, yeah,” he sheepishly replied.
It was mindboggling to her.  He had had this in his head for that long?  “We hadn't been together for very long.  Officially at least.”
“I'm not ready to get married now.  I just know, even back then, that I want to marry you.”
“Is that a proposal?”  Rayla let a grin come over her features.  Teasing Callum was her default for whenever she became overwhelmed.   And she was insanely overwhelmed.
“No, it's a plan.”
“Sounds like a proposal to me.  You got a sketch for the ring; told me you want to be with me until you die.”
Callum put a mock affronted look on his face, hand going to his chest.  “I did not use those words.”
“Maybe not.  But that's what you meant.”
Callum flushed.  “It’s not a proposal.”  He paused as a small bit doubt entered his voice.  “What do you think about the ring?”
“It’s beautiful.  And if you had already had it made, I might have said ‘yes’ just now.”  Callum glared at her teasing for a moment before her entire statement caught up with him, eyes going wide and mouth slightly ajar.  Rayla blushed, quickly turning her attention back to the sketch.  “I thought diamonds were traditional among humans, though.”
Callum let her change the subject, probably still processing her acceptance of his ‘not proposal.’  “We,” a quick point of his fingers between the two of them, “are not a traditional couple.  I thinks something a bit more symbolic and unique to us would make far more sense.  My mom didn't have one on her rings, either.  My father could barely afford the plain silver one he gave her and Dad knew that Mom valued simplicity and creativity over showy.  That ring was also braided, but it was gold and had my birthstone.  Dad said it wasn't so much an engagement ring as it was a promise to love both Mom and me for the rest of his life.”
“You always talk so highly of her.”  Rayla hadn’t noticed it before, but Claudia was right; Callum viewed Sarai as a saint.  There was always a reverent tone in his voice whenever he talked about her and it seemed like she could have done no wrong in his eyes.
Callum shrugged.  "She was my mom.  She stood by my father and Dad through the tough times and believed in putting in the hard work for peace, love, and justice instead of taking the easy way out.  I never doubted that she loved me and Ezran equally.  I remember her being full of love and warmth, with a serious sweet tooth.  Only a fool got between her and jelly tarts.”  He chuckled.  “There’s actually this great story Aunt Amaya tells.  When they were kids, someone tried to take a bite of Mom’s cake and she stabbed their hand with her fork.  Everyone knew to stay away from her dessert after that.  I really miss her sometimes.   I think about what life would be like if she were still here.  I actually have this pair of socks she tried to knit when she was pregnant with Ezran.  They were for me, but the sizing was so off and it looks like she tried to add a thumb at some point.  I can never wear them, but I also can't bring myself to throw them away.”
“Do you think about what life would have been like with your father?”
A guilty look crossed his features.  “I don't really remember him.  It feels like Harrow has always been my dad.  Everyone says I take after my father.  I'm terrible with weapons, talented in art, and have his eyes.  Even my smile is supposed to look just like his did.  And it's nice to know that, but, it's hard for me to think ‘that's my father’ when I see a picture or someone mentions his name.”  Callum started to absently flip through the pages of his sketchbook.  “His grandparents died shortly after I turned six, so I don’t even have anyone to go to for stories about his childhood.  My mom left me everything she had, but it was just a stack of documents that didn’t say much beyond medical history and the family trees with a handful of photographs.  I have all of his art pieces that aren’t in a museum or were for clients, though.  You know that portrait of my mom?”
Rayla turned to the picture in question.  It was a replica of a very soft, gentle-looking Sarai.  Rayla had often wondered if that portrait had been done while she was pregnant with Callum or was holding him.  Sarai had always had a reputation in Xadia for being strong and excelling in combat, even with her talk about peace and understanding.  To see her look so sweet had been a little jarring at first.  “Yeah.”
“My father painted the original shortly before he died.  The actual painting is hanging in an art museum in the capital, right next to the one he painted of Mom and Aunt Amaya.  Me, Dad, Ezran, and Aunt Amaya all have painted copies.   Trust me, the original is much better and I can’t wait to take you to see it someday.  You can tell with each stroke just how much he loved her, and how he carefully chose each color to bring out the softness he saw in her that a lot of people didn’t because she was so good at being a warrior.  That's the one thing that makes me go ‘yeah, that’s who my father was.’  Do you think about what your life would be like if your parents raised you?”
Rayla shook her head.  “Not really.  I couldn't have asked for better than Runaan and Ethari.  My parents are members of the Dragon Guard and it’s a big honor, I just don't get to see them.  As far as I'm concerned, Runaan and Ethari are my parents.  If my mum and dad came here and told me they didn't approve of us, I can't imagine I'd really care.  I'm not even sure when I can tell them.”
“You can't call them?”
Rayla shrugged.  “That's only really used in emergencies.   You have to hope that they call you.  Letters are better.  It’s getting late.  Do you wanna go to bed?”
Callum looked like he wanted to continue the conversation, but looked at the clock before nodding.  “Yeah, let’s go to bed.  We’re gonna need to be well rested for tomorrow.”
“Is it wrong to hope tomorrow never comes?”
“Well, we’re not leaving this apartment until Monday, so we’ll just pretend it didn’t.”
“Like you’re pretending you didn’t propose?”  Callum groaned as Rayla chuckled.
Up to chapter 12 is actually already up on AO3, I just keep forgetting to post this here.  Sorry!
We don't know that much about Sarai in canon, sadly, and we know nothing about Callum's father or that side of his family, and both of them, plus Viren's relationship with Sarai, are going to play a big part at some point. It's a bit of an info dump, but I needed some background laid out and Claudia was happy to help.
I don't think canon Viren thought of Sarai quite like this, but I saw some resentment brewing when Harrow didn't want to leave Amaya, and Sarai, behind when they went to go help Duren.
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missbrightsky · 4 years
I didn’t know where else to go
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Previous Chapter
Chapter 3: Feyre
The first thing that came back to me was pain. Dull, throbbing pain everywhere. Deep in my muscles and throughout my head. I couldn’t tell if it was the possible mild concussion or the hangover that made opening my eyes so hard.
A hangover.
I forced my eyes all the way open, wincing back from the bright light that forced its way through the curtains. My movement had me pressing into something warm and large that tightened its grip on me.
That thing was Rhysand fucking Noc.
I slept with Rhysand fucking Noc. The crime boss I was currently trying to put behind bars for life.
And it was the best sex of my life.
He mumbled something in his sleepy state, somehow pulling me even closer when there was already no space between us. His breath fanned over my neck, sending shivers that traveled down my body into my core. Shivers that woke him up just barely.
“Good morning, darling, did you sleep well?” he managed to get out, voice rough from last night activities.
I froze, my brain unable to make me move or think or breathe.
He felt me go still and shifted so that he was leaning over me, balancing on his forearms. The pressure he exerted on me finally went away, my bruises sang and protested at the lack of contact. I finally returned to my body, air whooshing out of my lungs.
If I had morning breath, he showed no sign of noticing it, and that was enough to set me off.
How dare he look so damn good in the morning?
How dare he take care of me in my injured state?
How dare he.
Even though you were the one to show up on his doorstep last night.
To shove that thought away, I took it out on him. My self-defense training took over, wrapping one leg to hook behind his knee.
His eyes sparked with violet fire, leaning down in response to what he thought was me trying to pull him closer.
In actuality, I was about to flip him on his ass.
Just before his lips met mine, I placed my hands on his shoulders and bucked my hips up, throwing his balance to the left so that I was able to land him flat on his back with me holding him down. He might have had several inches on me, but I had years of training against guys twice my size. It was almost too easy to keep him pinned down; bewildered eyes boring into mine.
The words “I’m leaving” were on the tip of my tongue and promptly died there when I realized that we were both completely naked. A flush burned its way across my face and down my neck when I felt him twitch under me. At least he had the decency to look mildly embarrassed at their compromised conditions.
Not trusting myself to stay on task, I climbed off of him and turned my back, searching the room for my clothes. When I felt a hand graze my neck, I launched myself on the edge and practically sprinted to the bathroom, grabbing clothes as I went.
The door slammed shut behind me, I twisted the lock for a good measure and held my breath. There was no sound of movement from the other side, I slowly released it and dropped my clothes on the counter, assessing what I had managed to grab.
It was not a pretty or comforting sight; my underwear and bloodied shirt was all that was in the room. Which means that I had been drunk enough last night to strip elsewhere until we made it to the bed.
Lucien was going to have this carved onto my gravestone when I died of my captain skinning me over this. I’ve had my fair share of awkward morning afters but this one really took the cake.
“Feyre? Can we just talk?” came his voice. It sounded distressed but I tried not to read into it too much.
“I left some clean clothes on the bed that I think will fit, I’ll be downstairs.”
I waited until I heard his footsteps retreat and thump down the stairs. I released the breath I had been holding. I needed to stop before I passed out and bring on a whole other mess.
Forcing myself to breathe evenly through my nose, I cracked the door open and peeked out the make sure he had truly gone.
He had laid a soft old t-shirt and sweats, both being too big for me but it was better than walking around half-naked while collecting the rest of my clothing.
I tied the sweats as tightly as possible to stop them from slipping and began to creep down the hallway and stairs. If he was distracted and if I was careful enough, I could get past him and from there I would be home free.
He was in the kitchen facing away from me, messing with something by the stove, the smell of coffee, bacon, and toast made my stomach growl, my own body giving my position away.
My mind ran through every curse word I knew, none of them strong enough for the situation.
Rhys had at least thrown on pants but neglected to put on a shirt. Tattoos that I had somehow forgotten about flowed up and over his shoulders. Delicate red lines crisscrossed his back, the spacing exactly matching my fingers.
I fucking scratched him. 
What the fuck is wrong with me.
 I need to get out of here now.
I started to turn towards the living room, hoping there was still a chance to make a clean getaway when his voice washed over me.
“I’m not who you think I am, Feyre.”
It sounded tired, exhausted, world-weary. Like he had seen too much and never got the rest he deserved.
I turned back to him, analyzing his posture. He stayed facing away from me, hands braced on the counter, head bowed as if a great weight rested on his shoulders. Like a fallen angel that you saw painted on church ceilings.
“What do you know about me?” he continued.
I hesitated, caught between wanting to know what he meant and getting out of there. Curiosity took over, driving my feet forward to the kitchen.
“Rhysand Noc. Thirty-two. Head of the Veritas Crime Syndicate. Street name: Lord of the Night.” I had repeated this information every time at countless briefings, his profile was burned into my memory. His frustratingly blank profile.
“Your second in command is Amren Monsea, followed by Morrigan Solis. Cassian Noc and Azriel Noc are your adopted brothers, they train your men and generally do your dirty work.” And that was the end of what I knew, it was impossible to get information out of anyone, what they had came to them by common knowledge and pure luck. His men were ridiculously tight-lipped and loyal, making us ask what the fuck they were so loyal to.
“And why do you think I’m a criminal? Why do you think I do what I do?”
The words were hard to admit, “I don’t know.”
He released a sigh of his own, finally turning towards me. I forced my eyes to stay on his face, trying to read the emotions in it and not get distracted by how the tattoos continued down his chest. I knew I would never be able to get them out of my head until I painted or at least sketched them. Another piece of cannon fodder for Lucien.
“All of that is right, except that Amren and Mor are family too, Cas and Az are the only on paper ones.”
“Oh,” was all I could say. He handed me a cup of coffee and gestured to the cream and sugar that was on the counter next to me. Once I had fixed it to my liking, I took a seat at one of the barstools by the sink, putting a counter between us. It was easier to distance myself from him so that I wouldn’t get too caught up in his story.
“I’m not from Velaris, if my accent wasn’t any indication. Me and my family come from a small country across the world,” then quietly, “it doesn’t exist anymore.
“My parents were very private people, wealthy enough that my brothers and I never had to worry about anything. Mor is my cousin on my fathers’ side, Amren is some distant aunt but she’s always been around. Every childhood has its problems, but for the most part, I was happy. We were all… happy.” The sadness in his voice twisted my heart, making me dread what was coming next.
“It all started out very small, random attacks in towns on the border. We knew we were surrounded by warring countries, but they rarely bothered us. But then people started getting sick, a disease that none of our doctors had ever heard of. It killed so many so fast, our government worked to keep it from the outside world, afraid that the other countries would take advantage of our weakness but also afraid of it spreading across the globe. Through harsh military force, we sealed our borders and tried to let the disease run its course.
“Our researchers did their best to find a cure or vaccine, but it was just too devastating of a disease.”
A deep breath racked his chest.
“One night, my parents rushed into my room, demanding me to pack only the necessities. My mother went to my brothers’ rooms, asking the same of them. My father stayed behind, and as he helped me pack, he explained what was really going on in the country.
“Even though he was not involved in politics, he had several friends that were. They were all saying that the attacks were not random and that the disease was a bioweapon. A high ranking official named Amarantha from a warring country had set her sights on ours.
“She was determined to bring us to our knees and then annex our country into hers. It was some bullshit vendetta passed down in her family. She was cutthroat, bloodthirsty, driven almost to madness by her mission. She staged a coup within our government so that she could easily swoop in to take over.
“It was that night that the coup was happening, there was bloodshed in the streets and fires breaking out, it was chaos. My father said that Amren was taking me, my brothers and Mor out of the country, to somewhere safe. I didn’t understand why he and my mother weren’t coming with us, I still don’t to this day.
“The last time I saw them was through a darkened car window as we drove toward the border, away from my collapsing country. I was 15.”
Tears burned in the back of my eyes, but I was determined to not let them fall. His tragic backstory did not absolve him of the crimes that he committed in my city.
The story wasn’t over yet. “Somehow, Amarantha managed to keep the whole ordeal quiet to the world news, only a few statements saying that they had peacefully absorbed my country into hers due to unstable economic conditions. Everyone forgot about it and moved onto the next piece of gossip.
“Me and my surviving family never forgot. Mor’s parents and mine managed to transfer the majority of their wealth to outside shell companies so that we would be able to continue to live in ease. Amren had all of our names legally changed so that no one would come hunting us from escaping Amarantha’s wrath. That’s why you can’t find any official records on us, they’re either all buried back in my home country or you don’t know the name that you’re looking for.”
A twinge of frustration plucked at my nerves, of course a crime boss wouldn’t use their real name.
“This still doesn’t explain why you’ve been kidnapping people and raiding warehouses,” I accused, trying to stay in my detective mindset.
“A year ago, I got word that she was in Velaris, that she had set her sights on taking this city and then the country. That’s when my family and I decided that we would come here and fight back. We knew that the police and government wouldn’t believe a small group of rich people, especially when they came out of nowhere from a country that no longer exists. History had forgotten us, but we haven’t forgotten what she did.
“Our money made it easy to establish a foothold in the underworld and gain supply lines there. We want to try and avoid all-out bloodshed but we’re preparing for the worst. The people that we have taken are researchers in immunology, disease control, and drug development, all top in their field. They are being cared for in a safe facility, they aren’t too happy about it but some of them were quite excited by the challenge of a new disease.” A small chuckle broke through his serious demeanor. “We have them trying to find a cure and/or a vaccine but it’s slow going right now.”
“The warehouses we were raiding was us looking for any supplies we thought she was shipping in for preparation. We did manage to find some crates of weapons but nothing that indicated she was preparing for a bioattack, and that’s somehow more troubling.
“The past few months you’ve been after us have made it hard to move around, so I’ll give you that. You’re a good detective by the way.”
“Thanks, but it seems I’ve somehow been doing a shitty job of it.”
“Don’t get yourself too down, you were good enough to get the whole story in the past few minutes, I’d say that’s pretty impressive.”
“Yeah by showing up bloody and then sleeping with you,” I blurted. Whoops.
He flushed at the reminder, looking away. “Well I hope it wasn’t completely insufferable for you to do your civic duty then,” he muttered, almost sounding upset at the thought that he got used for information.
Fuck, “It was far from the worst night of my life, I’ll give you that,” I admitted. His earnest retelling somehow made me too honest for my own liking. I needed to get out of his radius before I did something stupid again.
He gave a faint smile at my statement, looking slightly redeemed.
“Anytime, darling,” he teased, trying to shake off the awkward silence that was settling around us like a heavy blanket.
I let out a small, exasperated sigh at the nickname, looks like it wasn’t going away anytime soon. I stayed silent, absorbing the new information while he turned back to the stove, putting on more bacon to fry.
I wasn’t about to stick around to have morning after breakfast with my enemy who was maybe no longer my enemy, I’ll have to figure that out soon before it drove me insane.
Spotting my pants draped over the coffee table (ugh), I padded over to pick them up in which revealed my bra (shit) and then, in turn, revealed my phone (fuck). It thankfully still had some battery in it, the screen flashing with 12 text messages and 3 missed calls from Lucien.
Running late today, huh?
Captain’s not here yet so you might get away with it.
Never mind he just showed up.
Hey if you’re getting coffee, grab me a white mocha?
Feyre? You ok?
Missed call.
Are you sick today? I know you stayed late at the office.
The desk sergeant said you only an hour after me, where did you go?
Missed call.
Oooooo captain is getting angry, hurry your ass up, I don’t want to deal with him.
Seriously tho, where did you go last night?
Oh some hot date you want to surprise me with?
Missed call.
If you don’t call me back in the next 10 minutes, I’m putting an APB out on you.
That last one was from 9 minutes ago. I pressed the call button, he answered on the second ring.
“There you are! Where the fuck are you?”
“Hey Luc, it’s been a rough night. I’ll explain to you when I get to the precinct.”
“Uh-huh, ok, well you don’t have to tell me.”
“I’m serious, I’ll be there in less than an hour, I need to go home, shower and change.”
“So you DID have a hot date last night, knew it.”
I cringed, looking over to where Rhys was trying very hard to look like he was not listening.
“Something like that, look I gotta go, I’ll deal with the captain when I get back.”
“Whatever you say, see you soon.”
He ended the call and the screen went black, there went the rest of the battery.
“I need to leave.”
“Ok, you can borrow the shirt, unless you want to take the subway in the bloody one,” he teased.
I narrowed my eyes at him, not really in the mood to be poked at when I was already in so much trouble.
“Sure, thank you.”
I gathered up my belongings to go change. When I came back down, he had wrapped some bacon and toast in foil so I can eat it along the way. Considerate motherfucker.
“So, are you going to help me?”
I paused, shocked at his question.
“What,” I whispered.
“Are you going to help me stop Amarantha?”
I took him in, looking for any hint of anything other the sincerity, and found none. Every logical part of my brain said no, to not believe what he had told me and to haul him in over the confession. He had given me enough to hold him on until I had a warrant to search his place. I know that some of those guns on the wall weren’t legal in Prythian.
But I couldn’t say no. The threat of her was too great, even if he was making it all up. If I stayed close to him, I could gather evidence to arrest him if he was lying. I was smart enough to stay safe, as long as I didn’t get drunk and sleep with him again.
“Yes. I’ll help you take down Amarantha.”
Next Chapter
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redhoodieone · 5 years
It’s Cold in Here Part 2
A/N: And here is part 2! Wow, this chapter is pretty angsty because I believe everyone would react differently to their significant other’s private sexual orientation. It’s pretty clear that Dick Grayson is finally letting himself be free (he’s clearly bisexual, if that wasn’t clear) even if it’s cheating on Y/N. But Jason Todd is straight in this story, despite the running gay jokes in this story. The reason why is Y/N (you lol) is clearly upset when she finds out her perfect boyfriend is bisexual, and she wants to take out her anger on Jason, when he’s clearly in her league. But of course, during this story, some people in this story are not going to be okay with Dick’s secret sexual orientation, so I’ll post more warnings as this goes along. Let me know if you want to be tagged for this series. Otherwise, enjoy the story!
@melaninkpops @randomdcfangirl
 Warnings: Language and talks of sex.
  It’s like a nightmare I can’t wake up from. I’ve become almost like a zombie; I’m holding my knees to my chest while I sit up against the wall in my living room because I’ve lost the ability to move or say anything. Tonight’s truth just keeps replaying in my head.
My boyfriend Dick Grayson…having sex with another guy…even though he’s supposed to be my boyfriend.
My boyfriend is supposed to be attracted to me.
My boyfriend is supposed to be in love with me.
Just the thought of Dick bending over for another guy for anal sex just makes me feel so disgusted. Because what if he has had anal sex with Wally or some other guy?
What if Dick has sucked cock before and let another guy suck his cock?
The images of Dick topping Wally only makes me wonder what else they have done. Would I even want to know? Should I have to know?
The questions become poison to my mind. I can feel my stomach hurt more with every passing doubt and fear. I tremble from just thinking of my boyfriend and what he’s doing now.
Cuddling? Kissing? Is he telling Wally West he loves him again?
Dick is supposed to be my prince charming. I’ve always (and secretly) imagined him riding a white horse to my apartment. As cheesy as that sounds, Dick has been the only guy who can pull off being so alluring and kind. He’s the guy who can make me smile during a thunderstorm. The way he pushes his dark hair back and grins like an underwear supermodel and the way he holds me all the time because he’s just a big cuddly guy at heart.
But then Dick changed…or maybe this is who he really is even though our relationship was just a...
But wasn’t I enough?
Was I just not beautiful enough for Dick?
Was I…just a girl who he realized he doesn’t want right now?
Oh shit…
What if he’s…gay?
No, no he can’t be totally gay. I mean, Dick has had several of girlfriends throughout his entire life.
Barbara Gordon.
He even flirted with Raven!
Bruce always joked around with us that Dick was a mini-me to him. Bruce and Dick were ladies’ men for fucks sake.
Which could explain why Tim would follow after Bruce and Dick’s every move and has had his fair share of relationships with Stephanie Brown and Cassie Sandsmark. Hell, even Damian has admitted he and Raven had a fling last summer.
If anyone is gay or bisexual, it must be Jason fucking Todd. The man who looks like he’d fuck any living thing. Which could explain why everyone jokes that Jason, Roy, and Kori had a threesome relationship.
It’s a fucking running gag that no one has seemed to stop, despite Roy and Kori becoming more serious and committed to one another over the years.
Why couldn’t Jason be gay or bisexual?
Why does my Dick Grayson have to be?
My fucking tears piss me off when I realize I’m crying like a fucking baby. I bite my bottom lip, and I pull my hair as tight as I could.
I haven’t been cheated on before but for some reason, I feel like being cheated on isn’t the problem.
The problem is clearly Dick, who felt the need to hide his true self. He obviously didn’t trust me enough, even though we knew each other for such a long fucking time. If he had told me he was bisexual, then maybe I would have been okay with it. Maybe I could have trusted him and be with him.
A knock on the door startles me. I wipe away my tears and stand up to get it. Slowly answering the door, I see Jason standing there. Wearing his dark pants and red hoodie, I set aside to allow him to come in.
“Are you okay, Y/N? What the fuck happened?” Jason asks worriedly. He follows me to the couch where I throw myself down.
Should I tell Jason? Should I tell him everything? What if he already knows? But what if he doesn’t know?
Jason’s ocean blue eyes stare down at me; filled with concern and worry. I’ve actually never seen him look so…serious about me. The way he gazes at me and how his strong jawline really is shows me I’ve never really looked at him before.
He’s attractive, and he clearly knows that. It’s as if one of Jason’s powers is self-confidence. He proudly shows off his handsome features, the ‘J’ scar, and his body that’s built like a sex God. I force myself to shake my head and ignore my inner thoughts because whether I like it or not, I still have a boyfriend.
Who has a secret boyfriend of his own.
“My life…is ruined,” I start off. I sigh, because even I don’t believe myself. “Everything I thought I knew…ended up being…a lie, I guess.”
“Which is…what?” Jason motions me to continue.
I begin to crack under pressure. It’s not like I have my parents or any siblings alive to tell, or my good friend Artemis Crock (who is supposedly on a vacation with Zatanna and M’gann in the Bahamas but should be back this weekend), so who the hell am I supposed to tell?
The more I keep it in is when I’ll blow up. I have a feeling I’ll take Jason’s guns and go shoot Dick and Wally’s kneecaps.
I turn to face Jason, and I realize he’s scooted closer to me. He slowly moves a hand to my knee and rubs it reassuringly. The tears fall again, but this time Jason wipes them with his thumb.
“He’s...Dick’s…sleeping with Wally,” I whisper. Just saying it out loud feels strange and as if it’s not real at all. “I-I went to his apartment and I saw them.”
Jason’s eyes widen. He quickly removes his hand off my knee and stands up. Within seconds, he’s pacing around my living room. Jason’s hands clench into fists and he scoffs. “So, he’s fucking gay, and he’s dating you? What a fucking idiot?! If he wanted to go around and fuck guys’ assholes, then why not tell you the truth and break up with you? Who the fuck does he think he is? The second any of us has a secret, Bruce fucking loses his shit and makes us tell him! But what, Dick’s the golden child and can keep a fucking secret about his gayness? That’s not fucking cool. I fucking despise that. I despise how he’s been stringing you along and isn’t even attracted to a fucking beautiful girl like you,” Jason growls under his breath.
“I-I think he’s still attracted to me. I mean, we’ve done things before…just not lately,” I defend Dick. I suppose Jason didn’t know about Dick either.
“Dick’s eaten you out before?”
“You mean to tell me he’s eaten that beautiful, delicious pussy of yours?” Jason asks seriously.
“I-how would you know about my pussy, Jason? We’ve never slept together and you sure as hell have never seen me naked!” I cry out in pure anger.
Jason smirks. He sits back down and makes me face him. “So, Dick has pleasured you before and you really feel like he is still attracted to you? Okay, then he’s clearly bisexual. The question is: he’s barely acting on his sexual feelings or whatever fucking shit he’s doing. The thing is Y/N, he cheated on you. I don’t care that he’s bi, but he shouldn’t have fucking cheated on you. That’s low…even for the golden boy. Now, what are you going to do about it?” Jason asks me.
“I don’t know. I just…don’t want to think about it right now. What can I do? I can’t change him. I can’t make him straight and want…me. It just fucking hurts so much,” I confess. Jason sits back and pulls me over so he’s holding me tightly. “Jay…what are you doing?”
“Holding you…duh.”
“Y-you never hold me. You’ve never held me,” I point out.
“I’m comforting you, doll. Is that such a crime?” Jason asks curiously.
“Well, honestly I didn’t think you liked me. I always thought that you thought I was annoying and didn’t want me around the manor or even in the Batfamily,” I admit softly. I turn my face, so my face is in his sweater. He smells like Old Spice and some kind of expensive cologne.
“Well, I didn’t think you liked me either so…that’s why I’ve been nothing but an asshole to you,” Jason reveals before chuckling. “I like you. You…don’t piss me off as much as other people.”
“You don’t piss me off that much either. So, I obviously like you too,” I say, even when my voice is muffled.
Jason gently pulls me away so he can look at me. “You know, if you ever need someone…I’m around,” he tells me.
“I’m around too.”
My cell phone dings with new notifications. I quickly jump up from the couch and get it off the kitchen counter where I left it. Dick texted me.
Hey sweetheart! I just got back from patrol with my brothers. I’m soooo tired so I think I’ll sleep over here, and I’ll see you in the morning. Is that okay?
I scoff softly. He claims to be tired from patrolling, but I know it’s from fucking his secret boyfriend all night long. But obviously, he doesn’t know that I know so I have to play along.
Hi babe. That’s good! I’m glad you got home safely. Yeah, I’m already falling asleep, so I’ll see you in the morning too.
Okay, I’ll see you in the morning for breakfast. Oh, and don’t forget! The Wayne Family Barbecue is tomorrow, and everyone is coming back from their vacations and missions to go! It’s going to be so much fun! I can’t wait to see you tomorrow, sweetheart.  I love you Y/N.
See you in the morning. I love you too. Goodnight. I text back. I fight the urge to out him on the phone just so he knows that I know.
I could just imagine Dick panicking and flipping the fuck out if I threaten to tell his family. But a voice inside me tells me not to.
It’s my fucking heart. I hate it so much right now.
I slam my phone down. Who the fuck does Dick think he is? Does he honestly sleep well at night knowing that he’s cheating on me with his best friend? Does he honestly not give a fuck about me?
“Why am I not enough? What...is wrong with me? Why can’t I be with Dick wants?” I barely whisper. My throat tightens from crying.
“No, Y/N. You’re more than enough. Nothing is wrong with you. You just...you need someone who sees you as their world and beyond. You’ll find him, I know it.”
Jason sneaks up behind me and rubs my back. I feel the sickness returning to my stomach, and I turn around into Jason’s arms, where he holds me and doesn’t judge me.
“I’m really sorry, Y/N. If I-I had known, I would have told you. You don’t deserve this,” Jason whispers in my ear. He keeps rubbing my back. “I would never hurt you.”
“Are you telling me you wouldn’t hurt me in general, or that if you were gay or bi that you wouldn’t hurt me?” I ask.
“Well, I sure as hell am not gay or bi. I love women, doll. But I guess if I had a secret like that, I would tell you. I just…thought Dick would have been different, I guess.”
I pull away and look up at him. Jason’s taller than Dick, so I feel like a little ant compared to Jason, who is clearly a fucking tree. “Wait, Dick said the Wayne Family Barbecue is tomorrow? Everyone’s going?”
“Oh shit, really? I must have forgotten about that. Well, I guess everyone is going, yeah,” Jason answers, before his eyes widen. “Wally’s going to be there, too.”
I cover my face. “What the fuck am I going to do, Jason?” I scream.
“Look doll, I’ll be there too, and I’ll do whatever I can to help you get through it, okay? We just can’t tell anyone else about this, all right? Because honestly, I don’t know what Bruce would do if he found out about Dick and Wally. He might fucking kill him or something,” Jason says.
“Bruce is against gays? B-but there are gay, lesbians, and other LGBTQ people in the league. He can’t be homophobic!” I panic.
“I’m not saying he is, but Bruce is…a little more old-fashioned than what some people might think. Dick is like his first son, and Dick has always been the perfect fucking Robin, and Bruce might think Dick’s sexual orientation would change his public image and superhero image. I just think it would be best if no one found out about it right now, okay? Let’s just keep this between us, until we figure something out. Dick is my brother, and as much as I love fucking ruining his and my other brothers’ lives, this is pretty serious,” Jason advises seriously.
I nod my head in agreement. If Jason thinks this is the right thing to do, then it must be; since I have no other plans to handle this.
“Okay, I won’t tell anyone. But Jason? Just between us, I can’t be with Dick anymore. Not after he…cheated on me,” I confess.
It hurt a lot. Just confessing how I can’t be with Dick anymore fills me with nothing but endless pain.
“I know,” Jason says softly. He takes my hands in his until I look up into his eyes. “But just know this: I know for a fact that…Dick loved you. He really cared about you, Y/N. But whatever he’s going through, maybe it’s been eating at him for a long fucking time, not that doesn’t excuse cheating on you.”
I bite my bottom lip. I know Jason means well, but I honestly don’t know if I could believe any men ever again. All they seem to do is break hearts, lie, keep secrets, and use you just because they’re ashamed or hiding their own sexuality.
But deep down inside, I know Dick loved me before; just like deep down, I’ll always love him.
But I can’t deal with love anymore.
Fuck love.
“Yeah, but you know what, Jason? I don’t want to do this anymore. I don’t want to date. I don’t want to be close to anyone. I don’t want to fall in love ever again. Love fucking hurts, and if this is how it’s going to be every time I fall for a guy, then…it’s just not worth it. It’s not worth the troubles. It’s not worth the happiness. It’s not worth the excruciating pain. Once Dick decides to stop using me and our relationship to hide his love for Wally,” I say, before I sob at the end. “I want nothing to do with the Batfamily ever again. I want out of it. I honestly never want to see him or any of you again. Because…being a part of the Batfamily was the best thing in my life…”
Jason’s crystal blue eyes tear up. “Y/N…you don’t mean that. Y-you can’t mean that…” he chokes out.
“I do. I mean every word of it,” I stand my ground.
“Doll, please…let me help you fix this. I-I don’t want you to leave our family. I mean, you can’t just abandon me,” Jason’s voice breaks down. He looks as if he’s in pain as well, except I don’t know why. “Give me one chance. Give me just one chance to show you no every fucking guy is going to hurt you. Please Y/N…”
I can’t hear it anymore. If I have to surrender for the night, then so be it. “Fine, but I’m tired and I need to go to sleep. I need to…try to forget about tonight.”
Jason nods his head and heads to the door with me behind him. He steps out and glances back at me.
“If you need me…” Jason whispers.
“You’re around,” I finish for him.
Jason opens his mouth to speak but closes it. He ends up leaving without another word. I shut the door and lock up for the night. My body is weak. My mind is fried. I find myself stumbling to the couch and I end up falling to sleep there for the night. The second my eyes close to fall into the darkness of the night, my cell phone dings again.
I reach over to the coffee table and get it; only to see the notification is from that same Unknown number. I slowly open to see the new text message.
It’s killing you, isn’t it? I can just imagine you lying down, feeling sorry for yourself, despising everyone else who may or may not have known, and how you feel as if your world is over. You must have decided to protect Dick Grayson, isn’t that right?
I feel as if I’m stepping into a pit of fire. This is becoming dangerous territory right now.
Whatever I do now doesn’t concern you. Thanks for telling me the truth, but I don’t need anymore help from you. Good-bye.
If you stop fucking responding to me, I’ll make sure Bruce Wayne finds out first, you little bitch!
I gasp at the screen. What the hell is going on?
Now that I got your depressive attention, maybe now you’ll see I’m not just going to disappear when you say so. Now listen to me, Y/N. I’m not someone who you can just delete from your phone. I’m not someone who you can block from other electronic devices. I’m not someone you can just wish away on a bright star, because I know you more than you know yourself. Now are you ready to listen to me?
What do you want from me? I text back anxiously.
What I want isn’t something you can just tell me over a text message, Y/N. Now, I need you to be prepared to go along as if nothing happened. You need to pretend you didn’t discover about Dick’s sexuality and infidelity. I need you to continue to be the loving and caring girlfriend, especially at the Wayne Family Barbecue. No one can know about tonight, and if you perform like a convincing Oscar award winning actress, then I’ll spare your life.
Why? Why are you doing this? What are you even planning?
That is not important information at this moment because it’s going to take a while before your knowledge of this plan is requested. I just need you to prove to Dick and his family that you love him with all your heart. Kiss him. Embrace him. Tell him you love him every three minutes. Why don’t you show everyone how you originally believed your relationship was in the beginning, Y/N?
I frown. My chest tightens. It’s as if this person knew everything that was going on in my head.
You clearly have a choice, Y/N: you either do as I say and nobody dies, or I’ll out him in my own way that will surely destroy Dick and the Batfamily’s lives. And let’s just say that the latter would be very public, and Dick would surely never be the same since he’s a…well you know…a perfectionist. He has a reputation he must keep up, and just imagine how everyone would react if any recorded evidence got out, including the one man who he calls Dad.
Okay, I’ll do it your way. I quickly text back. I hate myself even more now.
Even after you discovered he’s not who he says he is, how he rather be with a man than with you, and how he cheated on you, you’re honestly going to continue to stand by his side and protect him. That’s almost romantic, but he doesn’t love you anymore, Y/N.
I don’t care about me. Just please…don’t hurt him. Don’t hurt anyone. I respond desperately.
Oh, believe me, Y/N. My fun had just begun. Now, you need to put on a convincing show, because I’ll be watching.  
Whoever this person is, they’re clearly obsessed with putting an end to Dick’s life and reputation. I try to think of another way out of this, but I’m in too deep.
Just remember Y/N, if you plan on getting out of this, your new family will be gone before you know it. You’ll be all alone just like you fear, only when you are all alone, you’ll be dying on all their corpses. And I’ll personally make sure Dick’s skull is right beside your head.
And just like that, I’m thrown back into the Batfamily again.
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nctrenjunie · 5 years
Bad habits~ Jaehyun(M)
Author: Sera
Genre: Smut
Comment: So it´s already over 1 am in my timezone so I didn´t upload it on his birthday but yeah fuck it.
It became a bad habit.
You had a lot of bad habits; biting your nails, staying up late, not getting enough sleep, provoking another bad habit of yours, replacing water with coffee so you could stay awake. But your worst bad habit was him. Jaehyun.
It started as a mistake. The first time you met him you weren't sure if he was real. You sat with your best friend at your favourite cafe, your third coffee that day, warming up your hands from the cold weather outside the cosy shop. Your friend was rambling again about her co-workers fight last week when you noticed him walking in the cafe. Your eyes met, he looked like a total prince mixed with boyfriend material. His reddening ears didn't get unnoticed while you stared at each other. Feeling shy, he was the first one to look away. Your eyes still on him, paralized by his beauty you noticed him looking for something, more likely for someone, until your eyes met again looking to the person seated in front of you. 
He started to make his way in your direction, looking between you and your best friend. Also noticing his presence now, she stood up, falling in his arms kissing his lips. Both of them taking a seat in front of you. Your eyes met again, your friends voice bringing both of you out of the trance she didn't notice.
“ Jaehyun this is Y/N, my best friend and Y/N this is Jeahyun my boyfriend.”
She was way to excited introducing both of you, hoping that you could get along with him.
“Nice to meet you Jaehyun.”
It has already been month. At first you thought the feeling you had around Jaehyun were just yours and his uncomfortableness around each other from not knowing the other one that well. But the more you got to see him, the more you felt into him. Your best friends request to meet every weekend with both of you didn't really help. 
It scared you so much. You knew you were falling for him and you knew you are gonna get hurt from the fall but it just felt so good, the adrenaline kick you had from falling deeper and deeper. The winter ended and spring started, the meetings with your best friend and Jaehyun became more irregular. Everytime you met her she started to complain more. You couldn't quite set why but their relationship had hit the hard rock floor. They just fought every time they met bringing you too think why both of them stayed in such a toxic relationship.
You remembered it clearly. The day you saw him again. Some of your old college friends wanted to meet up again, bringing you all into a nightclub. You sat at the bar, ignoring the other mens hitting on you while you looked around the crowd. You couldn't quite strike if it was the alcohol in your blood that made you feel so confident but you were already on your way to the dance floor.
He looked a little drunk, as same as you. You wondered why he was at a club seeming to be alone here. You stopped in the middle of the dance floor, rethinking your decisions. It was his appearance that made you continue walking to him. The red lights falling on his skin while a drop sweat was running down his jawline from the heat of the club. You tapped his shoulder. His smile plastered over his face from the alcohol faded as he turned around looking into your eyes, shocked to see you. You started.
“Hey, its been a while.”
He looked at you perplexed. The feelings he suppressed every time he saw you coming back. He knew it was a mistake but it felt so right. He took your hands, putting them around his neck, his hands falling down again pulling you closer to him. His eyes were looking right into yours. You felt it again. You were falling deep into it, as same as him.
“Please. Let me feel you, its okay if it's just for today Y/N. I've missed you and it feels so empty without you.”
“Ive missed you to Jaehyun.”
You already fell. His lips crashing onto yours, pulling you even closer to his heated body. He wanted to feel every bit of you, the surroundings totally forgotten. His tongue licked against your lower lip, asking for permission that you gradually gave him. You were the first one to pull away from the kiss, taking a deep breath, looking back into his eyes.
“Let's go somewhere else.”
The drive to his apartment didn't take long, both of you still feeling impatient to feel each others warmth. Entering his apartment, you start to remember. It's been a while since the last time all three of you watched a movie in his apartment, remembering your best friend. You were about to back out until you felt two muscular arms wrap around your waist from behind, bringing you back to the desire you felt. You needed him and he needed you. Both of you having the same thoughts. Even if it's just for this one night, you hoped it could fill the empty gape of affection you needed from him.
The next moment you were pressed against the wall. The kisses he pressed against your lips, rougher than the kisses you exchanged in the club. Jaehyun pressed your hands against the wall, kissing down your neck. His lips landed on your collarbone making you moan. You started to whine, wanting to put your hands in his hair. But Jaehyun held the grasp around your hands tight with a smirk, sucking hickeys on your sensitive skin. Kissing him back you started to feel his boner in his jeans. Your hands started to resist against his grasp, letting your hands go, he stopped kissing you. You looked him in the eyes, kneeling down in front of him. You unbuttoned his pants making them fall down on the floor with his underwear. You were surprised by his size, making him smirk while his ears got red again. Your thumb started to touch his tip, precum leaking out. You started to rub your hand up and down his shaft, your eyes still on him. Jaehyun started to moan as you kept on going. You put your mouth around the tip of his cock and started to bob your head down a little. Looking up at him, Jaehyun threw his head in his neck, the feeling overwhelming him wanting to feel you even more. Your movements were slow until his hand took you hair, pulling you away from his dick. You looked up at him, meeting his gaze. You looked even more mesmerizing like this. Pushing you down on his dick again he started to control the tempo. His moans started to grow louder while you started to gag around his dick as he pushed his dick deep down your throat. He wanted to feel more. Bobbing you faster on his dick he came in your mouth, pulling out of it. You swallowed his cum while his eyes met yours, looking satisfied by your actions.
Jaehyun pulled you up, flipping you over his shoulder he carried you to his bedroom, throwing you on his king size bed. After taking off his shirt, he got down on the bed. Climbing above of you, Jaehyun positioned himself between your legs. Your eye contact didn´t break, as he started to undress you, taking of your clothes and your undergarments. His right hand caressed your cheek as his lips met yours again. His left hand kneaded your breast while his right hand started to wander down your torso, stopping at your hip.
“Touch me Jaehyun.”
With your words, Jaehyuns hand wandered down to your pussy, sliding his fingers up and down your clit, while his thumb put pressure on your clit. You started to moan loud, bringing him to slip one finger into you. Your hands went into his hair, pulling on it because of the pleasure he made you feel. Jaehyun added a second finger bringing you close to your high. He stopped abruptly. You looked up, your tired eyes meeting his, as he started to talk.
“I want you to cum around me baby.”
The nickname made you blush, still feeling a little dirty because you shouldn't be the person to be called that by him. Looking up, Jaehyun already put the condom on, getting closer to you. His lips crashed onto yours as he started to push into you, your moans getting muted through the kiss. Both of you pulling away to breath, moans coming out of your mouths. You pulled him closer to you as he started to fuck you faster. The warmth of your bodies making it even more heated. Screaming his name you felt your high approaching again from the pleasure he gave you earlier. Jaehyun pulled you closer to him, hitting your sweet spot. Moaning his name you eyes rolled back, cumming around him.
 Coming down from your high, Jaehyun started to ram into you, chasing his own orgasm. Your hands went down to his neck, pulling it to your lips. Your tongue started to slide up his neck and you started to suck hickeys  onto him. Jaehyuns thrust began to become sloppy as he came. Falling onto you, Jaehyun pulled out, standing up to throw away the condom. Laying down next to you, both of you started to breath in the same rhythmus.
“I think I love you Jaehyun.”
“Me too, Y/N... I love you too.”
Both of you fell asleep. You were the first one to wake up the next morning. You wanted to feel regret but you couldn't. Still, you got up, grabbed your things and went out, going back to your daily routine. Jaehyun felt the same. He wanted to regret cheating on his girlfriend, even worse with her best friend but he couldn't, it felt to good, to right to see it as a mistake.
It has already been a week, both of you got back to your daily lives, when both of you agreed to meet, to talk about it. And that's how it started. Your secret meetings. Yes, at the beginning it was only sex. But both of you started to show the other one the feelings they had for each other. It just became a bad habit, meeting him. Worser than your coffee addiction or your sleep problems. You don't wanted to see it as a habit but you were addicted, as same as him. Addicted to the affection both of you gave each other.
It felt so good being with him, just his presence. But it felt so dirty and wrong,thoughts about your best friend coming up while riding her boyfriend. You wanted to tell her. She also had bad habits. Pretending like her relationship with Jaehyun was ok, trying to fix something that was already broken. She knew something was off, asking both of you separately if you had time, both of you declining, with an excuse. 
You already had a bad feeling in the morning, as you walked to the coffee shop you first met Jaehyun. Looking for your friend ,she sat at the same table you always sat. Walking to her you notice another person sitting in front of her. Jaehyuns eyes meet yours. Your friends eyes follow Jaehyuns gaze, landing on you. You looked at her, a faint smile greeting you. Sitting down, she started.
“I think we should talk about it.”
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Clothes Minded
Amelia in Owen’s clothes, takes place near the end of season 11. Written from Owen’s POV. Enjoy! 
Ever since we first started dating or getting to know each other or whatever you want to call it, I adored seeing her in my clothes. The best way to wake up in the morning was to her in a shirt of mine while she made us breakfast. I also loved when she would cuddle up to me after a long day at work with my oversized hoodie on. I never asked her why she didn’t just use her own clothes or why she seemed to prefer mine because I liked it. I liked the way my shirts engulfed her small frame, I liked the way she secretly stole my shirts, I liked how when they stopped smelling like me, she would swap it out for a different one. I just loved her in my clothes and out of my clothes.
We have been dating for about 6 months now, we had snuggled into a great rhythm of her spending almost every night together whenever we were both off, even if it was just in my small mess of a trailer.
I woke up to find her side of the bed empty. It was early, my alarm had not even gone off yet. I hear the door shut and look up from my place in bed and can’t help but smile at the view in front of me. I get out of bed and approach her, she doesn’t hear me as she has headphones in and was currently bent over, facing away from me, doing post run stretches. I wrap my arms around her waist, “Hey.” My voice greets her low and rough from sleep.
She spins in my arms, so she is facing me, I am captivated by her beautiful smile that spreads across her features, “Hey, you are up early.” She greets me leaning into me and pulling me in for a quick, good morning kiss.
I let my hands slip under the hoodie she is currently wearing, “I could say the same thing to you.” She recently took up jogging again, well running from what I had seen she was never going slow enough to actually consider what she was doing as jogging.
“Did you just get up?” She asks as she removes herself from my arms and moves towards the fridge probably to start breakfast. I watch her as she walks to my little kitchen, the hoodie that she is wearing is mine, one she stole recently, it had been up higher when she was stretching but as she walked to the kitchen it fell down, so that it was barely covering her ass. I hadn’t realized till right now exactly how short her running shorts were, because with the oversized hoodie on I could no longer see them. Her voice interrupts my thoughts, “Owen?”
I bring my eyes up and see she had caught me starring, “Ah… yeah I did just get up.” I mumble trying not to blush at being caught admiring her in my hoodie. 
“What were you looking at?” She asks me, turning her attention away from making food, she hops up on the counter as she holds eye contact with me.
I gulp and try to keep eye contact but out the corner of my eye all I can see is her bar legs, from her spot on the counter her shorts look more like underwear then shorts. I see her smirk, “You know exactly what I was looking at.” I tell her closing the distance between us and pushing her legs apart to allow space for me in between them. I kiss her hard, which only adds fuel to her fire as she wraps her legs around my hips pulling me closer. “Amelia…” I warn because I know we don’t have time for this, but she ignores me and begins to attack my neck gently and roughly all at the same time.
The alarm on my phone goes off meaning it is time to get ready for work, Amelia is quicker to respond then I am, “I am going to shower and get dressed.” With that she hops off the counter. She looks back at me before disappearing into the bathroom, “Don’t you have an early meeting?”
I curse under my breath, because now I need to calm down and get ready for work when all I want to do is finish what Amelia started. After a minute, I realize I have to get ready too which means I need to get in that bathroom too.
I slip in hoping Amelia is already in the shower, so she won’t be able to start anymore games. However, she is currently just stripping off my hoodie as I walk in, she still has her shorts on. She smirks as she sees me enter the room, and tosses my hoodie at me, “Want to join me in shower?”
I groan internally, because there is nothing I would rather do, however, I really don’t have time because I forgot about this stupid meeting, which means I am actually running late. I throw the hoodie on the floor and take a step towards Amelia pulling her in close to me. “Yes.” I answer honestly as I look deep into her beautiful eyes. “But, I can’t, and you know that.”
She agrees sadly, “I know.” No sooner are the words out of her mouth, and then she is running her hands down and stripping off her shorts and tossing them at me again.  
I shake my head at her, “Would you stop stripping in front of me. I am trying to be responsible and get ready for work.”
Amelia laughs, “I am not stopping you. It’s not my fault you have sex on your brain.”
I loosely hold her waist and exclaim, “Not your fault! You are the one tormenting me in those ‘shorts’ if you can even call them that.” I add air quotes to the word shorts for emphasis.
“They aren’t that short.” She argues.
I shake my head at her oblivious denial. “Are you crazy? They are more like underwear then shorts.”
She sultrily smiles and leans into me and purrs into my ear, “You didn’t seem to mind a couple minutes ago in the kitchen.”
I let my hands glide from her hips down to cup her ass, “I am not saying that I don’t like them. Just that they are very short and that you shouldn’t wear them when you are out running.”
She pushes herself away from me, “Wait what? I CAN’T wear them when I run? What do you think I am? Your property?”
I try and focus and carefully choice my next words as I know this could end badly for me, “No. no. It’s just that other people… men particularly… might see you when you are out running and think…”
She doesn’t let me finish, I can see the anger in her eyes, and I know I am in for it. “Oh, so now I can’t wear what I want, on my body because ‘a man’ can’t control himself. That’s bullshit, Owen.”
“Amelia… that’s not what I was trying to say.” I try and defend even though it really was.
“Right. Okay. I have to shower and have to get to work. We can talk about this later tonight.” She angerly slides the shower curtain without saying another word. I quietly let out the breath I was holding and get ready myself, knowing she needs time to cool down and that I really need to get to work.
I had not heard from Amelia since I left this morning, it was nearly 5 now. She had not had surgery all day, I knew because I kept checking the OR board. And anytime I was in the ER and she got paged she sent Edwards. I was getting frustrated, I didn’t want to fight with her, I didn’t even mean to start this fight.
When a couple interns with Edwards started talking, they caught my attention, “Did you see what Shepherd was wearing this morning?” I overheard the blonde intern asking his friend.
“Yeah, man. The whole hospital is talking about it.” The taller of the two male interns responded. I tried to think, nobody had said anything to me, and I was the chief of surgery, what on earth were they talking about.
“Can you two stop fawning over Shepherd and focus.” Edward snaps at them, clearly annoyed.
“Does she always dress like that? Cause DAMN! I didn’t know we could wear stuff like that to work.” The taller intern asks Edward.
Edward ignores them and focuses own checking the patient’s pupil response. The blonde intern speaks again, “Well, if you look like her who would stop you. I mean, I can’t even look directly at her without my pants tightening.”
I’ve heard enough, I stomp over to them and bark at them, “If you two would rather discuss the work dress code then actually work, maybe we should go have a chat in my office?” I see them cower down, clearly intimated so I nod and continue, “Good. Now get to work. Oh, and if I ever hear either of you talking that way in my hospital again you are going to need to find a new place of employment. Do I make myself clear?”
They both nod vigorously, they wait till they think I am out of ear shot before grumbling, “Geez, what’s his problem.”
Edward shakes her head again at them, “His problem? You two idiots were just sexualizing his girlfriend in the work place. You’re lucky he didn’t kill you.”
I smile at Edward’s words, as I head off in search of Amelia to solve our fight and to figure out what the hell those two idiots were just talking about.
As I was head towards her office, I think how normally Amelia, changes into scrubs as soon as she gets to the hospital unless she had meetings all day, which I knew she didn’t. I open the door to her office and stop dead in my tracks and stare at her, it wasn’t that I didn’t like her outfit I very much did, however, it definitely did not meet the work dress code.
She quirks an eyebrow at me as she swivels in the chair, “Are you going to say something or just keep starring?” I can’t help it she is wearing a short black tight skirt and one of my favorite dress shirts that I wear regularly.
I close my mouth which I guess must have dropped when I saw her, and spin around to close the door leaving just the two of us alone in the room. “You’re… um…” I start, still at a loss for words and not sure how mad she still is from this morning. “…You look…” I want to tell her she looks hot, albeit slightly slutty for the work place. “That’s my shirt.” I finally say.
She doesn’t say anything, not right away, she stands up which shockingly makes her skirt even shorter, almost as short as those shorts this morning, I think. I bring my eyes away from her exposed legs to her eyes only to see the challenge in them. She wants to fight, this was her plan. “So, what? I can’t wear your shirt?” She teases, knowing that isn’t my point.
“No. I mean you can, but not like that. Not here.” I say in a low voice moving closer to her trying to protect her with my own body from anybody who might see her if they walked by.
“Like what?” She challenges, not breaking eye contact.
I sigh, if she wanted to fight there wasn’t much I could do about it, “Never mind.” I turn around and head for the door, if Amelia needed to dress like this to prove a point to me, fighting her wouldn’t change anything. Plus, I figured the day is almost over, and it wasn’t like anyone actually brought this problem to my attention, so what harm could not having this fight cause.
She doesn’t let me off the hook that easy though, I guess she really wants to have this fight, “No. Like what? What is so wrong with what I am wearing? Please enlighten me.” She moves so she is now blocking the door, leaving me no choice but to answer her.
She is poking my buttons, she knows why I am having a problem with this outfit, but she wants me to say it, so I do. “Fine. For starters I can see your bra. I can see it through the shirt because you purposely wore a black lace bra under my thin white dress shirt, I can see that it is lace because you purposely have the top, what, 4 buttons undone. And then there is the fact that your skirt is not only way too tight for the workplace but also way too short.
The look on her face is far from the face of someone being reprimanded by the boss, she actually looks quite smug and proud of herself. “So, is the shirt or the bra the biggest problem for you, Chief?”
“It’s the whole outfit. It isn’t appropriate for work.” I say, trying to figure where she is going with this. She nods her head and moves away from the door, I feel like she is accepting what I am saying and am relieved that we are done fighting. “Thank you for understanding, it is just as chief I have certain responsibilities…” I trail off as I turn around and see what she is doing. “Amelia! What are you doing?” I ask very alarmed how we got here.
As I turned around, I see her black lace bra slip down her arm, as she takes it off. “I am doing what you asked, Chief.” She punctuates my title in a way that is far from professional and I realize our fight isn’t over.
“Amelia, you can’t just…” I stop again as her hands go up to the buttons on her shirt and begins to undo them.
She doesn’t even look at the buttons she holds her eyes to mine, like she is daring me to tell her to stop. “Isn’t this what you wanted. To tell me what I can and can’t wear? So, if this outfit isn’t appropriate, I will just not wear it.” As she undoes the last button, she lets the shirt fall off her shoulders to the ground. Leaving her top completely naked.
I hate that my body is responding to the sight of her being naked in front of me, but I can’t help it. However, I’m also aware we are at work, currently in her office which has a window in the door meaning anyone who walks by could see her… us. “Amelia, you made your point. Even if I am the chief doesn’t mean I can control what you wear.” I try to let her have the win, even though I don’t believe in what I am saying.
“No chief, you were right.” She says, in her low sexy voice. “My clothing wasn’t work place appropriate. You have ever right to… reprimand me.” She shimmies out of her skirt as she says this, all I can do is watch her. As she finishes her sentence, she is standing in front of me completely naked, completely unashamed and unfazed.
Before I fully understand what is happening her lips are on mine, hot and wet. Her hands pushing my clothing trying to rid me off them. While my hands begin to run across her body. We fall onto the couch with only my boxers separating us. I pull away from our heated kiss, “I thought we were fighting?”
She pulls me back down to her, “Oh, we are.” Is all she says before she attacks my lips again.
An hour later, her phone buzzes from a page. We were currently lying in post sex bliss on her office couch. I groan as she gets up to leave. “Are we done fighting?”
“No.” She replies as she goes in search of her bra.
“No?” I repeat, thrown because I was sure what we had just done on this couch was dirty, filthy, make up sex.
“Yeah, no we aren’t done fighting.” She replies, moving behind her desk to where I assume, she must be putting on her clothes.
“Amelia… then don’t go, lets talk about this.” I say, as I roll over in search of my own clothes.
She tosses my clothes on top of my lying form on the couch. “Owen, I have a consult. I said we could talk about this tonight.”
I sit up and start getting dressed, “Then what the hell was all of that?” I ask referring to her outfit, her attitude, and the sex in her office that we had just had. I look at her as she finishes getting dressed and tidies her hair. She really is beautiful, even when we are fighting. “Wait. Those aren’t the clothes you were wearing when I came in.” I state taking in her far more normal work appropriate clothing.
“You really thought I would go see patients dressed like that?” she asks, nearly offended. “We can talk tonight.” She tells me again as she heads out the door of her office, leaving me sitting on the couch, half dressed and completely confused.
I am outside on the trailer’s porch waiting for Amelia. I know she is coming because she texted me about 5 minutes ago. I am still very confused about what went down at work today. I hear her car pull up, and moments later I hear the click of her heels as she stops in front of me. “So, are you ready to talk?” I ask.
“Are you ready to admit you were wrong?” She fires back, hands on her hips.
“What are we even fighting about?” I ask in exasperation. “Because you said I was right at work, but you are clearly still pissed, so did I miss something or…”
Still standing she responds like it is obvious, “You were right AT WORK. You were not right this morning.”  
I shake my head confused, “But… they were the same fight, so how can I be right once and wrong another time.” She stares at me, a cold stare that I really don’t like, “Amelia, please just explain this to me. I don’t want to fight. I don’t even care who is right. But I don’t want to fight with you over some silly disagreement.”
Her laugh is hollow and cold, which concerns me, “Silly disagreement?” She repeats, “Wow, you really don’t get it do you.”
She turns to walk off the deck, but I quickly stand up and move to block her path. “No, I don’t. But I want to. So, please just explain it to me.”
“You can’t tell me what I can and can’t wear!” Her voice echo’s, luckily my trailer is in the middle of nowhere, so its not like anyone will hear our fight.
I tilt my head at her confused, “But at work…”
“AT WORK, you have every right to tell me I am not meeting the workplace dress code. AT WORK, you can tell me that what I am wearing is not appropriate. AT WORK, you are my boss. But, not here. Not when it is just the two of us.”
I nod, beginning to understand. “I didn’t mean to.” I say moving closer to her trying to hold her and show her how sorry I am.
But she steps back, “Yes, you did. You meant what you said.”
“Amelia, I am so sorry…” I try again.
She rakes a hand through her wavy hair as she paces across the deck, “I mean, it isn’t completely your fault.” I give her another confused look as she continues, “You are a man. And you are right about other men who might see me out running, but that doesn’t give you the right to tell me what I can and can’t wear. I shouldn’t have to change what I wear, just so a man doesn’t think or treat me a certain way.” I nod my head, my eyes searching to meet hers, I understand what she is saying now. “Owen, I know you didn’t mean it that way, but you can’t tell me what to wear or how to act. Not if this is going to work. I need you to trust me, okay?”
“I do. I do trust you. And I am sorry. I was out of line. Are we okay?” I ask.
She smiles and pulls me into a hug, “Yeah we are okay. Besides if you really want to protect me from all the pervez out there, you could just come jogging with me.”
I laugh, glad we can joke about it. Amelia makes everything so easy. “I could, if I could keep up with you.” I tease back.
“Hey, look on the bright side, if your military-trained-fine-ass can’t keep up with me, what are the chances those perves can.” I let her lean into me and pull me into a quick kiss. As she deepens it, I take the opportunity to sweep her off her feet and pick her up in my arms. She squeals in shock of my sudden action, “Owen, what are you doing?”
I smirk as I begin to carry her into my trailer and say, “This fine assed, military trained doctor is going to show you that I can more then keep up with you.” Before she can quip back at me, I kiss her hard and demanding as I set her down on my bed, allowing my own weight to fall on top of her.
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logans-chestnuts · 5 years
As You Are, Part 6
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L: Hey, I need to talk to you.
Y: Sounds bad.
L: I have to go to Japan.
Y: How long?
L: I don’t know yet. My beloved father wasn’t too forthcoming with whatever the problem is.
Y: Miss you already. Wish I could kiss you goodbye, at least. :(
L: I wish I could take you along.
Y: When do you leave?
L: 2 hours
Y: Damn. At least he gave you plenty of notice.
L: I’m gonna call and text you all the time. This is not a bullshit trick to get away from you
Y: Ha how sad am I that it never occurred to me that you might be trying to kick me to the curb?
L: That actually makes me so happy, babe. You are be the first person to believe in me for a long time. It means a lot.
Y: You’re a good man. You also have a fantastic ass, btw.
L: Back atcha babe
Y: That ass gotta enter into any negotiations?
L: You still wondering if I’m gonna fuck someone else?
Y: You still gorgeous, funny, sexy and inappropriate as hell? What woman wouldn’t want to try to get into your pants?
L: Not you so far.
Y: And a lot of men probably.
L: Yup
Y: That’s hot.
L: Ha! Nice to know.
Y: Reminds me of some inappropriate comedy I need to share with you. Come home soon, Logan. I don’t know how but you’re in my heart.
L: You too, Y/N. I’ll text you as soon as I can and we can video chat.
Y: I’m not showing you my boobs over the computer.
L: I mean you could consider it…;)
Y: Maybe when you get home I’ll be so happy to see you that I’ll flash you my boobs. ;)
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A while later you heard the office door open and leaned back to check the receptionist chair as usual, found it to be occupied and went back to your computer. You were so not focusing well and were ridiculously sad that Logan was going to be gone for who knew how long.
Suddenly you felt your chair being pulled back and you were lifted from sitting to crushed against Logan’s chest, his mouth devouring yours. You wrapped your arms around him as tightly as possible and kissed him with all the passion and longing you felt for him.
When he pulled away you were both panting. “Gonna miss you,” he whispered.
“You, too,” you said, caressing his cheek. “I just found you, I’m not ready for you to leave me.”
“I’m not leaving you. I’m not. When I come back the first thing I’m doing is coming to you.”
You smiled shakily and hugged him again, smelling the various scents that made up Logan. “Have a safe trip, boo,” you said with a laugh.
“Boo? Nice,” he laughed with you. “Walk me to the car?”
“Is someone driving you?”
“Janine, I’m taking my lunch,” you said as you grabbed your purse. “How about I keep you company to the airport?”
“That’d be great,” he said softly, taking your hand and leading you to the car.
Logan opened the door to the limo and you slid in, taking note of the elegance of the vehicle. Logan told the driver to bring you back here after he dropped him and then closed the partition and started kissing you like a man going to his death rather than a business trip.
And you were right there with him. You were one step away from undressing him, you were so frantically kissing him. Logan pulled you into his lap and you moved to straddle him.
“Angel, if you were wearing a skirt I think I’d owe you an apology soon.”
You laughed and looked down at his trousers. “If I don’t get off of you I might owe you one.”
“Don’t worry, as soon as the seat belt light goes off I’m heading to the bathroom,” he said with a grin. “You’ll be joining the mile-high club in my imagination.”
You closed your eyes and shivered at the picture of Logan with his hand sliding…”I definitely want to see that sometime.”
“Why you dirty girl,” Logan said happily.
“I actually don’t know where you got the idea I wasn’t one,” you whispered in his ear and then bit his earlobe gently, causing Logan’s hips to snap up into yours, his erection rubbing against your core. You both moaned at the contact.
“I wanna join the mile-high club with you for real,” you moaned into his ear.
“You’re gonna make me cum in my pants like a 12 year old boy, Y/N,” Logan groaned.
You licked your lips unconsciously, causing Logan to grab the back of your head and kiss you hard, biting the lip you just licked.
After a moment you both became aware of the driver knocking on the partition. The car had come to a stop some time ago.
“I’m gonna make you miss your flight,” you said, guilt and sadness in your voice.
“Company jet. They won’t leave without me. I wish you were coming, babe.”
“Another couple minutes and I would have,” you said, wiggling your eyebrows and hopping off his lap.
“Goddamn, Y/N,” he said, leaning his head on the back of the seat. He actually looked pretty overwhelmed with lust. In all this whirlwind he had gotten a lot of teasing but no big finish. You knew how upset his father made him, you didn’t want to add to his frustration with blue ball syndrome. Plus, he was driving you crazy with lust. Why not give him a taste of what you want?
You put your hand on his knee and felt his muscles stiffen and heard the sharp intake of his breath. You slid your hand up his thigh and over the bulge in his pants to undo his belt and zipper.
His head popped up and his eyes were blazing. “God yes,” he moaned as you knelt between his knees and pulled his cock out of his pants, gasping at the size and the precum leaking.
“You don’t have to call me God, Logan. Darling, honey, baby, love of your life… any of those will do,” you said with a wink as you leaned in and gathered up the precum with your tongue, and then started licking and sucking his cock.
“So good, baby, so good,” he chanted as his hips started to gently thrust into your mouth as you took as much of his length into your mouth as you could. “Not gonna take much and I’m gonna come so hard.”
You hollowed your cheeks and rubbed your tongue on the sensitive underside while you sucked, then gently caressed his sack through his pants and he lost it. Moaning your name loudly, he started shooting so much cum into your mouth you could barely swallow fast enough, a tiny bit leaking out of the corner of your mouth.
“Darlin, that is the prettiest thing I have ever seen. Thank you so much,” he said, pulling you up and kissing you.
“Don’t mind the taste?” you said.
“No, but I’d rather have a mouth full of your pussy right now,” he said with a relaxed smile.
“No time for love, Dr. Jones,” you said with a wink.
“I’m Indiana Jones now? Cool, we can try role-playing when I get home.”
“You gonna put your dick away, lover boy?” you asked with a laugh.
“Thought you might wanna kiss it goodbye, too.”
“So you were just being considerate?”
“Yeah,” he said. “Just thinking of you.”
You looked him in the eye and leaned over and kissed the head of his still semi-hard and sensitive cock, causing him to shudder and gasp a breath, then tucked it back in his underwear, zipped his trousers and buckled his belt.
“I want to fuck you so much,” he growled.
“Then wrap up your business as fast as you can. I’ll be waiting.”
“Really?” he asked happily.
“You look like a kid on Christmas morning,” you laughed.
There was another knock on the partition and Logan looked at his watch. “Shit, I really gotta go.”
“I know,” you said, smile running away from your face.
“As soon as I get home I will come to you.”
“Ok,” you said, getting ready to exit the car and surreptitiously wiping the tear that had come out of nowhere.
“Y/N? Are you crying?” he asked with quiet amazement.
“No. I have something in my eye.”
Logan pulled you close and kissed you like a promise. “Nobody has ever cried because they’d miss me. You are…amazing.”
“Hurry home,” you whispered as the driver handed Logan his bag.
With one last kiss and tight hug, Logan walked away, pulling his suitcase behind him. As he turned around he saw you hugging your arms to yourself with your lower lip pouting a little and felt something just grind in his chest. He blew you a last kiss as he disappeared from sight.
You actually sobbed a little. Who were you? You got back in the car and started blushing furiously as the car pulled away to return you to your office. You had just given Logan head. In a chauffeured limousine. When it was parked. Logan must think you were horrible!
Your phone buzzed in your purse.
L: Stop it
Y: Stop what?
L: Worrying about what I think of you. I think you’re amazing and beautiful and I want you even more than before.
Y: How did you even know that?
L: No idea. Scary shit, huh?
Y: Everything about us is.
L: I fucking love it.
Y: Yeah. Me too. I’m gonna miss you.
L: Are you kidding? I’m still going to jerk off thinking about that mouth of yours as soon as the seat belt light goes off. ;)
Y: So I guess you approved ;)
L: Did the mouth full of cum not give you a hint?
Y: A girl likes compliments, babe. :P
L: It was heaven. If I died right now I would know that I have experienced the best that Earth has to offer and could go happily.
Y: Don’t make fun, Logan.
L: I’m totally serious, babe. The only thing better would be hearing you scream my name while you come in my mouth or on my cock.
Y: *Really* wish I was on that plane with you right now.
L: Me too.
Y: Hurry home.
L: Believe it.
The driver dropped you back at your office. You thanked him without quite meeting his eyes. Probably not the first time it had happened with Logan in the back of the vehicle, but it was the first time it had happened to you and you were embarrassed.
You had also repaired your makeup, combed your hair and chewed gum on the way back. You hoped your aura of guilt didn’t give you away.
What you had done was pretty out of character for you. Maybe this trip was a good thing. A few days apart might serve to cool things down enough to focus and see if it was real. So many relationships that start out burning so hot consume themselves.
But Jesus, at this point you didn’t even know if you qualified as a relationship.
You went back to your desk and got to work, distracting yourself from second guessing your feelings for Logan. As you went to charge your phone, you saw a few missed messages from Logan.
L: Y/N?
L: Babe?
Y: Are you already done or are you gonna ask for a pic of my boobs?
L: Yeah actually I already did, but this is serious. In all the excitement I forgot to tell you something.
Y: OK…
L: Promise me you won’t flip out, OK?
Y: Tell me already, I’m flipping out from suspense.
L: So when I saw my father earlier, he said he was going to investigate you if I thought you’d be around longer than a fling. And I said yes.
Y: Oh Jesusfuck babe you scared me. He can dig all he wants. All he’ll find are liberal politics and student loans.
There was a pause.
L: Really?
Y: Sweetie, what did you expect me to say? :*
L: I dunno.
Y: Wait, you told your father who you don’t like about me? And we’re more than a fling?
L: There it is
Y: Shut up :P
L: Must be so crazy about you coz of how sweet you are to me. :P
Y: You’d eat a sweet girl alive. You need a sour girl like me.
L: You are sweet. And I want to eat you alive. ;)
Y: Pervert
L: Yup
Y: BTW when you say things like that it drives me crazy.
L: Yeah? Crazy like an axe murderer or crazy horny?
Y: Show you when you get home. ;)
L: I am aroused and terrified. I like it.
Y: I gotta get back to work. Talk to you later. :*
L: Bye babe :*
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nightfury2098 · 5 years
Category: Lesbian Sex Stories
A Friendly Curiosity
by LaNiqueS©
Author's Note: All Characters are 18+. This is a personal story, and took place during my sophomore year in college. 
This story isn't about perfect grammar and proper comma placement. If that's what you're looking for, don't read any further! True fans - thank you and I hope you enjoy!
Sitting in my best friend's dorm, on her bed, I avoided eye contact as she stripped out of her work uniform. After I came out as a bisexual all of my female friends became nervous around me. 
Nicole was no different. 
She suddenly turned to me and said, "You're not about to turn on me, are you? Can I trust you to keep it in your pants?"
"Yes." I watched her throw her work clothes in the laundry basket. "I don't see you that way."
"What do you mean?" She seemed offended.
I pulled my math textbook out my book bag. College courses were weighing heavy on me, so I wanted to get a head start. "I don't find you attractive."
"Did I hurt your feelings or something?" She crawled onto the bed, dressed only in her bra and panties.
I opened the book to my homework assignment. "No. Why?"
"Cause you're being really rude."
"How?" Now, I was getting offended. Every lesbian isn't attracted to every women out there in the world. We do have standards.
"What do you mean, you don't find me attractive?"
"I don't find you attractive. I don't know how else to say that."
"How can you say that?" She stood on the bed just hovering over me for several seconds. Almost completely naked, she spun around on top of the bed. I didn't touch her, nor did I bat an eyelash. 
Nicole let her hair down from the clip before sitting down on the heels of her feet in front of me.
"Because I'm not a guys, and I don't think every girl I meet is fuck worthy. Sorry."
"You're a bitch."
"Okay." I grabbed a pencil and started to solve the problems on the page.
"You're really going to ignore me?"
"What do you want me to do?"
"You fucked Brianna." She said, referring to the college Professor I told her I had an affair with the summer before.
"I didn't fuck her. She fucked me. It's a difference."
"But you said she taught you stuff."
"Teach me. Or better yet," she said forcing my book closed. "Show me."
"I'm not a coach. I doubt I can teach you anything." 
"I learn fast. Just tell me what to do and I'll do it."
"Why are you so curious anyway? Are you a lesbian?"
"Maybe I am; maybe I'm not. I just want to try something different."
"Why with me?"
"Who better than a friend? Stop stalling." She leaned in and kissed me. 
Her lips were soft and a little moist from constantly licking at them. Her hand touched my cheek as she pushed her tongue into my mouth. I still wasn't used to kissing, but I was getting tired of it already. Everyone was shutting me up with kisses. 
It gave me a slight rush even though the act was too slow and passionate. Something like that should be reserved for a committed couple. Once the juices started flowing, I didn't want to spend time slowly kissing someone. How boring?! This would - supposedly - be Nicole's first time with a girl, so I let her kiss me for as long as she wanted. But my hands were going to have their own fun.
With our lips still connected, I pushed my textbook onto the floor. I leaned back against the headboard of bed, pulling her close enough that her breast smashed into mine. She broke the kiss - gasping for air - when I pushed my hand into her panties. She was already wet, and I slide a finger inside of her without a fight. I added a second finger, and she kissed me again - a lot harder this time. 
Her eyes shut, her hands tugged at my hair, and her hips rocked against my hand. Nicole began to tremble as I twisted my fingers inside her. She was wetter than I could imagine for someone I was basically arguing with a second ago. Nicole's juices were flooding my hand. 
"Stand up." I said, pulling my hand from between her legs.
Using my shoulders for leverage, Nicole stood up on the bed with her legs wobbling beneath her. Pushing her legs apart, I could see the moist running down her inner thighs and her legs. I shifted to sit on my knees, letting my hands work their way from the curve of her hips around to her ass. I pulled her colorful underwear down her legs. 
Not giving her a chance to step out of the panties, my mouth covered her pussy as soon as they were free from the fabric. I kissed her pussy as if it were her actual mouth; the peck was slow and wet. Nicole's body tensed up, her nails dug into my shoulders, and her head fell back.
Her lips were swollen and the bush cover her mound tickled my nose. Sliding my tongue between her wet pussy lips, I could taste her tangy yet bitter juices. Her clit was hiding in the pink folds of her flesh, but I quickly found it with my probing tongue. 
One of her legs broke free from the panties around her ankles. Lifting her right leg, Nicole placed it on my shoulder and pulled me closer. Nicole squirmed against me as I sucked on her clit and flicked it with my tongue. 
"That feels so good." She moaned. 
"You like that?" I pulled away for air before sliding my tongue back in between her swollen lips.
"Yes, yes!" she panted, pushing her hips forward, demanding more from me. "Please don't stop! Please!"
Nicole grabbed one of my hands - pulling it off her ass - and put it over her breast. She kept her hand over mine, guiding all of my actions. Nicole was a mere A cup, but she demanded they receive a lot of attention. When she squeezed my hand, my fingers twisted her nipple. 
She gasped again with her other hand keeping a tight grip on my hair. My other hand reached up to cup her other breast; both her nipples were being squeezed by my fingers.
"Dear God," she whispered, her legs shaking around my head. "Fuck me!"
The tip of my tongue continued to flutter back and forth, teasing her clit and dabbing at her dripping hole. 
"God!" And all her yelling? I'm not sure why that's a turn on for men.
I thought my neck was going to break from all of her jerking. I was practically cramping from having it tilted up for so long. It was too late to tap out. She was too horny and my ego was now involved. It wouldn't be over until we were both satisfied with the outcome. 
I had only had sex once - kinda - so my stamina hadn't fully built up yet. I really was not prepared to have my head assaulted this much. I wanted Nicole to have her orgasm, but my neck couldn't last much longer in this position. 
It was a bit of a fight, but I broke free from Nicole's grip. 
She whimpered when I pushed her leg off my shoulder. "That's it?"
"Shut up." I flexed my tightened jaw and massaged my neck. 
"Lesbian are like guys, huh? You need a five minute break in between to get yourself together?" She stood over me - playing with her clit - upset I deprived her of a release.
"Shut the fuck up!" Pulling her down on the bed, I watched her eyes widen in surprise. "Stop talking."
I push her flat on her back prior to taking my shirt off. There were already a few drops stained on it from her cunt dripping over me. I threw the shirt onto the floor; it can't get any dirtier. Turning my attention back to Nicole, I spread her legs open wide. 
I stare down at the thick layer of moisture covering everything between her thighs. I ran my hand over the small patch of dark hair covering her pussy. I lean forward, moving face first between her legs. My nose touches the hair while my tongue searches for her clit through the wet, pink folds of her pussy. 
"God yes," she moaned, thrusting her hips towards my face. "Just like that...Don't stop!"
I used my fingers for assistant, feeling her walls clinch once I slid one into her wet dept. Sliding another one inside of her - down past my knuckles - I buried two whole fingers. Her upper half jumped off the bed every time I twist them inside her. Nicole held my head in place, not wanting me to free her clit from my mouth. Muscles all over her body were tightening; her breathing became frantic; and her grip on my head was lethal. 
"More please!" Nicole begged, and I slid another finger into her. 
I sawed my three fingers in and out of her wet slit, feeling her shudder against me. Her hips jumped forward as she fucked back even harder. Her small breasts rapidly rose and fall as she heavily breathed. Nicole released my head and gripped the sheets beneath her. She planted her feet flat on the mattress, lifting her hips up closer to my face. 
Another finger made its way into her pussy. Her walls squeezed my fingers so tight they felt knotted together in her juices. I couldn't open my fingers - or part them even a light. All Nicole's clinching walls allowed me to do was slide them in and out of her. With all of her squirming, I had to use a hand to hold her waist. I almost took a knee to the eye because of all her moving.
"Dear God! Fuck me, baby! Harder! Harder!" Nicole was so loud. She even soaked my face more, and Nicole hadn't reached orgasm yet. 
My tongue took a break from lapping at her clit. I pressed my cheek against her moist inner thigh and just watched my fingers enter her over and over again. Her pussy gushed and tightened whenever I pushed my fingers into her. Nicole's juices kept oozing out each time I pulled back my hand. There was a large, wet stain underneath her butt on the bed, continuing to grow the more I fingered her cunt. 
"Dear God!" She prayed for the hundredth time, but this time she was finally getting off.
I pulled out my fingers and cover her dripping hole with my lips. She was worse than a guy the way she flooded my mouth. I sucked up as much of her juice as I could; most of it rolling onto the bed. I pushed my tongue inside of her, cleaning up the last little bit she had. 
Nicole kept panting, her hands yanking my hair, and her legs shaking around my head. My lips were covered in her wetness as I untangled myself from her. Nicole's hips bucked forward into the air a few times before she laid on the bed motionless. 
It was quiet for several seconds. When I sat up, some of the juice rolled from my mouth down my chin and onto my exposed cleavage. Nicole's hands covered her eyes. I didn't know if she was tired or just trying to avoid looking at me. I grabbed my shirt and used it to clean my face and chest off. I reached for my fallen textbook to push it back into my bag. 
"I was wrong." Nicole finally spoke. Her hands were still covering her face.
"You said that already." I went to her closet to grab a shirt.
She dropped her hands to look at me. "You are a lesbian. And I think I am too now."
"You're not a lesbian after one time."
"But I really liked what you did."
I pick a shirt I can wear home to my dorm. "And you have a boyfriend."
"That's a minor detail."
"If you say you love me, I will slap you."
Nicole bite her bottom lip.
"I'm leaving now." I grabbed my bag off the floor. 
"Are you coming over tomorrow?"
"Maybe." With my bag over my shoulder and gray shirt in my hand, I left out Nicole's bedroom and house.
Written by: LaNiqueS
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chungha-supremacist · 5 years
No borders - Chapter 2
word count: 5003
“It’s just us 5 right?”
“No men allowed… ever. Let’s promise to eachother that we will never let any man come in between us!”
Naive promises told at a young age, just between 5 best friends. They promised their world to eachother, “best friends ‘till death breaks us apart”. 10 Years passed. The same 5 girls, but no longer blinded by those “stupid promises”. It will be broken. The promise of a lifetime. The lust of love is what makes us all see unclear. We lose our friends, or soulmates, we fall for the unknown, we fall for lies and for the feeling of being important to someone who will drag us far away from who truly matters.
“Forget about the world… forget about them… right now, it’s only me and you. They don’t need to know that I love you.”
Fandom: RED VELVET (Band), NCT (Band)
Relationships: Park Sooyoung / Kim Yerim; Bae Joohyun / Kang Seulgi; Son Seungwan / Nakamoto Yuta
Characters: Park Sooyoung; Kim Yerim, Bae Joohyun, Kang Seulgi, Son Seungwan, Seo Youngho, Jung Jaehyun, Nakamoto Yuta, Dong Si Cheng, Wong Yuk Hei, Lee Taeyong, Chung Ha
Additional Tags: friendship,angst, mistrust, lies, cheating, lesbian interactions, smut, fluff, fashion, models, rich life, etc
Sooyoung found herself in the most awkward encounter with her alleged “boss” at the dinner, in a pub where all you could see were horny couples grinding on eachother on the dance floor and drunk dudes whistleing and winking at her. She felt out of context, especially because all Yuk Hei was doing was drool over every chick who would pass his sight.
“Could you be any more obvious…” sighs Sooyoung.
“Jealous?” says Yuk Hei now smirking at her.
“You’re drunk. Maybe it’s better if I will drive your car to your home, so that I make sure WE get there safe and I can take the subway to my home-“
“I’m not drunk, Sooyoung. I just wanna have some fun tonight, whether if it’s gona be with you or with some random chi-“
Sooyoung was so full of it that her punch met the table in the loundest way possible which made Yuk Hei forget his words.
“Hey.. I was joking, ok..”
“I am not joking here, Yuk Hei. If you just wanted me to come here for you to get me drunk and get laid with me, you should’ve said so. Goddamnit, boys are all the same!” screams Sooyoung, now being angrier than ever before, while grabbing her purse and running out of the pub.
She felt like tearing up. She can’t stand this feeling anymore. Every guy she tries to even be friends with, they all end up wanting “something” back… She is sick of these “species” called males.
Sooyoung doesn’t bother to turn around and she wipes the small tears from her eyes hearing Yuk Hei running after her. Soon, he catches up to her and grabs her hand firmly, turning her to face him, centimeters away from eachother.
“I’m sorry.”
“For what. Nothing happened there, I’m just tired. Take me home. Or I’ll take the subway.”
“I’ll take you home Sooyoung.”
They were now standing in the even more awkward silence than the atmosphere at the pub. Yuk Hei was pretending to be focused on driving and Sooyoung was desperately refreshing her messages waiting for a message from Yeri who seemed to have been offline the entire day. She sighs.
“What’s wrong..?” says Yuk Hei while putting one hand on her leg.
“Don’t touch me.” And she throws his hand away.
Yuk Hei suddenly stops the car at an empty gas station.
“Sooyoung, I know you don’t have a good impression of me-“
“Damn right.”
“But tonight I invited you to change that.”
“Does it seem like it worked?”
“No.. but I want to make it work.”
“What do you even want Yuk Hei…”
Sooyoung swears she gaged at this word.
“Excuse me?”
“Sooyoung… give me a chance.”
“You are my boss!!” quietly screams Sooyoung.
“So? I’m technically not. I am just the chief of your department Sooyoung, and nobody would care anyway. One chance. Let me prove you that you are the only woman I’ve been thinking about lately.”
The strong smell of liquoir was now filling Sooyoung’s nostrils and she knew what she had to do.
“You are drunk and saying nonsense. Grow out of it. Tomorrow you wont even know what you just said now and you will get back to sleeping with 10 different girls per night.”
“That is not true!!” protests Yuk Hei.
“Oh yeah? Tell me more of how you fucked almost all the models from our company until now except me and Chung Ha. Hmm, I wonder WHY you chose exactly me and her to go out with you tonight. Luckly Chung Ha is not a stupid, sensitive person like me.”
Now Sooyoung feels more uncomfortable than ever. She just wants to run out of this stinky car.
“You- How do you know that??!! You got proof, honey??!!” screams Yuk Hei, now seeming like a monster in comparison to the innocent Sooyoung.
“I- BECAUSE I HAVE EARS YOU DUMB SLUT! DON’T YOU THINK I TALK WITH THE GIRLS YOU USE?? Don’t you think they cry to me after you ruin their lives with sweet lies, promising them the moonlight and in the end, leaving them on the edge of killing themselves??!! They feel like worthless whores after you use them!” Sooyoung can’t believe she just had the guts to say this.
“Sooyoung.” Says Yuk Hei while locking the doors of the car.
“W-what. W-what are you doing??” Sooyoung is now on the verge of crying and screaming.
“I will teach you a lesson, Sooyoung. Right here, right now.”
Yuk Hei unzips his pants and Sooyoung swears that she’s going to start crying.
“Yuk Hei please… Let me go, I don’t want you.” Cries Sooyoung while hitting on the door to open.
“After this, you will want me, baby girl.”
He takes his pants off revealing his expensive underwear and his very erected member.
Sooyoung is a smart girl. She wipes off her tears and crawls on top of him.
“See, you already know what you have to do baby girl. Now please your boss and maybe we’ll see about a promotion or something-“ but Sooyoung turns around and presses the button to unlock the doors. She falls on the stone-cold ground of the empty gas station and starts screaming for help. Right when she gets up, Yuk Hei grabs her hand animalistically and covers her mouth. Sooyoung bites with all her power on his finger and Yuk Hei screams in pain. She left her purse in his car, but she couldn’t care less. She is now running, screaming for help, but there was hardly anyone on the street. She runs for the subway station where she finds a tall man, dressed in a suit, lazily scrolling on his phone while waiting for the subway. She runs to him and grabs his hand desperately like her life depended on it. The male stands up in fear.
“Please help me. I am being chased.”
“By who?”
“There is a guy! Tall, black hair, wearing a black shirt and blue jeans. H-he is trying t-o-“
“Don’t worry, stay by my side and if you see him, I will make sure nothing will happen to you, alright? Calm down please.”
Sooyoung takes a seat next to the man who looked so neat and who smelled like vanilla. She is trying to catch her breath when she realized her shirt was half unbuttoned and she lets out a small cry.
“I’m sorry…” she sobs.
“It’s alright. Don’t worry.” Says the man trying to reassure the insanely scared girl.
The subway arrives in the station and they both go in, no sign of Yuk Hei still following her.
“Do you think he is still looking for you?”
“That guy… He is my boss… I will have to face him at work… Or at least when I will apply my resignation.”
“Aha… Do you live far from the subway station where you get down? I can take you to your place if you’re still scared.”
After what happened, Sooyoung couldn’t trust anyone. Especially a stranger. She had no phone or money whatsoever at her so she had no one to call.
“May I use your phone..?” she quietly asks.
“Of course.” Says the man while taking out his huge, expensive phone.
Now the problem was: the only phone numbers she knew were her mom’s, her aunt’s and… Yeri’s. But Yeri hasn’t answered all day to her messages and calls, why would she answer now… She’s probably asleep. But she still tries her luck. She calls.
Sooyoung swears she will start crying hearing the reassuring words of her best-friend.
“Y-yeri-ah… It’s me, Sooyoung. Joy.”
“JOY??!! Is this a new phone?”
“What is wrong?” and now Yeri’s voice turned darker and more serious than ever.
Sooyoung starts crying.
“Y-yeri.. can you come pick me up from the subway station please.”
“SOOYOUNG WHAT IS WRONG??!! Yes!! I’m coming right now!” there is a pause and then Sooyoung hears the voice of a male on the other end, talking to Yeri and telling her ‘See you some other time?’. Sooyoung’s stomach ached.
“What was that-?”
“What was what? WHERE ARE YOU JOY??!!”
“In the subway, im getting down in 2 minutes. I’ll explain when we meet. Bye.”
The man smiles at her.
“Is everything ok? Is someone picking you up?”
“Yes yes! Thank you so much, Mister! This is where I get down… Thank you again…”
Sooyoung must’ve bowed to the man 50 times because she couldn’t thank the him enough.
When she exits the subway, there she is, Yeri, in the most gorgeous dress in the world, a silky black dress complimenting her body like a crown compliments a princess’ head. She worriedly runs to hug Sooyoung tightly and puts her jacket around her.
“Sooyoung… oh my godness… what happened??!!”
Sooyoung wipes her tear of happiness after seeing Yeri.
“Yuk Hei. I went out with him.”
“What??!! Your boss you mean??”
“Ex-boss. I aint walking in that office ever again.” Sobs Sooyoung while being guided by Yeri.
“Oh no… What did he do…”
“He tried to rape me Yeri.”
Yeri could swear she is going to punch a wall. She feels as anger grows inside of her and she feels like both crying and go look for the guy who did this to her other half.
“Soo…young.” Yeri finds her words terribly hard. “I cant believe this..” and she falls into Sooyoung arms, hugging around her small waistline. Sooyoung pats her head and they both start crying under the dark sky filled with stars.
It is the next day and Irene shows no sign of being calm, standing in front of all the girls, after Sooyoung told them what happened.
“Where does he live???”
“What?? HE needs to pay!”
“And what? You will go and fight him with your pilates movements??” replies Seulgi, making Wendy burst a small laugh.
“Hey.. I think the best way to deal with this is calling the police, right?” says Yeri. “This was almost harassment!”
“ALMOST, Yeri. The police cant do anything if it DIDN’T ACTUALLY HAPPEN and if Sooyoung has no sign of harassment on her body like bruises, hickeys, blood, cum.”
“I do have some bruises from when I fell on my knees…” says Sooyoung looking to the ground like being embarrassed to talk about what happened.
“Doesn’t prove anything!” screams Irene, being on the verge of giving up. She cant take stressful situations for shit.
“Ok ok ok. I see all of us are stressed here so what about: Sooyoung, you give your resignation throught email to the main CEO of your company so that you don’t have to go there and give it yourself and encounter the bastard. Next step, buy you a new phone.” Says Wendy.
“With what money…” replies Sooyoung demolished by the thought that she is now jobless.
“We will help you sweetie!” says Seulgi while kneeling in front of Sooyoung and massaging on her knee like a mother reassuring her daughter.
“I cant girls- I cant let you do this for me… I need a new job.”
“I think I can solve this…” says Yeri.
“Wait? What? How? I thought your company doesn’t accept any new models?” says Irene.
“Not me… I got a.. well… friend who can help you.”
“Friend??” gasps Wendy.
“The guy.. The guy I went out with last night.”
Wendy swears she choked while hearing about him.
“The photographer huh?” she says.
“Yes! Him.”
“Wait what- What guy?” says Sooyoung more confused then ever, until she realizes the male voice she heard last night through Yeri’s phone.
“He is a photographer for my company and for another company aswell. He also said  his other company are looking for more models since they are at the beginning and she asked me if I know any girls willing to do this and guess what-“
“No.” says Sooyoung all of the sudden.
“What??!!” screams Irene. “ Are you crazy Sooyoung??!! This is the best opportunity ever given to you!”
“No… I don’t want the mercy of your boyfriend, Yeri.” And with this, she leaves the room leaving only silence between the girls.
“H-he is n-not my boyfriend.” Stutters Yeri, trying to catch Sooyoung not to leave the house.
“You said y’all went out huh? Wasn’t it like a “date”?”
“I mean… It was but Sooyoung… He’s not my boyfriend, actually, I don’t think we have much in common, I don’t know.” Says Yeri trying to find her right words with her clearly jealous “friend”.
“Problems in paradise…” whispers Irene.
“Irene!!!” screams Seulgi.
Irene is now smirking while leaning on the wall. Seulgi swears sometimes she wants to rip that cocky smile off Irene’s face. She thinks too much. Her mind always “overthinks”. Irene thinks Sooyoung likes Yeri, but Seulgi denies this.
Sooyoung is now back in the room with the girls, sitting next to Yeri who is hugging her, to soften down the panicked friend and try to convince her.
“Sooyoung.” Says Wendy while biting her lip, not knowing if what she s about to say will affect her future… “I think you should accept working for Yeri’s… um.. friend.”
“Yees! See, all of us encourage you, Sooyoungie! Come oon! He is soo nice, you have nothing to worry about! I also heard one of his models is the Instagram Model Seo Soojin!” reassures Yeri excitedly.
“WAIT FOR REAL?” gasps Seulgi.
“Oh my god Seulgi, your crush is showing off…” sighs Irene.
“SHUT UP! You know I love Soojin, I follow her since she started her career!”
“Why don’t u marry her then…” says Irene sassily while looking at her nails.
“Irene… fine, I will shut up…” pouts sadly Seulgi and looks to the ground.
Irene smirks again. Knowing that Seulgi wouldn’t do anything over the power of her word. She basically has Seulgi at her little finger… and she loves it.
It’s been a day. The girls spent it all together, watching 2 romantic movies at which Irene wanted to puke 5 times and Wendy didn’t pay any attention. They cooked together, played video games and had silly conversations. Nothing unusual.
Yeri is now alone, on the hallway, calling her photographer friend.
“Hello. Hi Yuta, it’s me, Yerimmie.”
“Of course, you don’t need to say who you are you know? It says when you call” says Yuta sarcastically, while letting out a small laugh.
Yeri seemed unphased but she left out a small laugh for the situation to not be awkward.
“So, you told me about your other company and that you are looking for new models?”
The conversation goes on, Yeri basically begging for him to take her bestie, Sooyoung, as a model at that company. They both come to the agreement that Sooyoung needs to come to an interview with him and his friends, the ones that basically run the entire company. He reassures Yeri that they are a trustable company, after Yeri summed up to him what happened to Sooyoung last night with her alleged “boss”.
Wendy listened to the entire conversation. ‘Yuta.. this sure is an unusual name… just as beautiful as the man who owns it…’. Wendy caught herself thinking about him again. This is bad Wendy. BAD BAD BAD.
The following day, Sooyoung is more nervous than ever. She just sent her resignation through email to her CEO and she is waiting for an answer while she is getting ready for the job interview Yeri arranged for her. Sadly, Yeri wasn’t available today to come with her, since she had work to do, a runway most exactly, very important and couldn’t miss it. Irene refused to come because she “had better stuff to do”, Seulgi cried about how she has too many photos to edit and the only one left was… Wendy.
“I-I don’t think it’s a good idea…” stutters Wendy knowing that if she goes there, she will see Yuta.
“Comee onn!! Why not! You re the only friend I have left who doesn’t have work to do today. Please!”
“H-how do you know I aint got work t-to do..?”
“YOU DON’T WENDY!! You just said yesterday ‘Oh man, I cant wait for tomorrow to come since I have nothing to do but to laze around’.”
“Oh my god…” Wendy facepalms herself. “You really pay a lot of attention to what I say don’t you…”
“Yes. Now get ready. Dress up formally since not only me, but my bestie has to make a good impression too.”
“Whatever.. all im gona do was cheer cringely for you anyway….”
Still, she knew she will meet him. She had to look good, at least decent.
Wendy decides to go for a green, college-like sweater with a pair of skinny black jeans that complimented her legs like no other, some black knee-high boots and a leather jacket.
Sooyoung was wearing her hair in a ponytail, dressed in a flowy dress, Balenciaga Triple S shoes and a Balenciaga jacket.
They soon leave Sooyoung’ s apartment and they get In her car where she starts blabbering about how nervous she is. Wendy couldn’t help but not focus on what she was saying. She was nervous. She was just as nervous as her best-friend. Maybe even more. ‘No wrong move, Wendy.’ ‘Don’t look at him, Wendy’ ‘Don’t faint, Wendy’. It is BAD BAD BAD.
There they are. In a huge, 45 storey building, all glass everywhere and the most futuristic furniture. Dinamic walls that imitate a waterfall are welcoming the girls at the entrance desk, where an inasanely gorgeous woman in a suit waits for them with a big smile.
“Hello, ladies.”
“Uhm, hello m’am.” Says Sooyoung. “My name is Sooyoung”
Wendy hits her with her shoulder.
“Park Sooyoung” she adds.
“Oh, yes, that’s right! You ve got an interview in 5 minutes, right?”
“Yes! She,, she is my friend, Wendy. She came to support me, is it ok is she comes with me.. please?” pleads Sooyoung with her puppy eyes.
“Yes, of course. All of us need a back-up friend, an interview can be very stressful! Floor 35, Room 102. You have a changing room right next to it. You have the outfit you need to wear waiting for you there. Here is the key to the locker. Good luck!”
She sounded like a little machine at this point, together with her robotic smile. This made Sooyoung even more nervous. In the elevator, Wendy is adjusting her hair.
“Why are you even prepping yourself so much? Its not like you are the one being interviewed…”
“You said it yourself. In order to make a good impression, you need your friend to look just as good as you.” Says Wendy cockily.
“Ugh…” sighs Sooyoung as they get out of the elevator.
Everything is set and done. Sooyoung has changed into the interview outfit which was way less revealing than the one she had to wear for the previous interview for the other company. She felt relieved. This meant they are not some creeps like Yuk Hei. Wendy reassures Sooyoung by telling her she is gorgeous and that she will do well. She combed Sooyoung’s stunning slightly curled hair and now she looks like a princess. She is ready. But, is Wendy ready for what’s about to come?
 “Hello.” Bows Sooyoung politely as she shyly enters Room 102.
She is greeted by 3 of the most beautiful males in the world. Sooyoung is feeling it again. She will stand in front of 3 males. 3 insanely gorgeous males. They looked like models for the biggest modelling company. She couldn’t believe her eyes that they were just some CEOs.
She is followed by Wendy who refuses to look at the table where the 3 men where standing. She greets them with a small bow and stands next to Sooyoung as she is introducing her as her friend and asks for permission if she can stay during the interview.
“Of course.”
She heard this voice, this so familiar voice. She finally gains courage and looks up at the table. There he was, the man she has been dreaming for 3 days now. The “forbidden” temptation. He had his hair pushed back now. His blonde hair was now sleeked back, leaving sight to his forehead. He was wearing a white shirt with rolled up sleeves, showing off his expensive Rollex. His accompanied friends weren’t any lower than him.
“You can take a seat next to us” kindly but intimidatingly  says one of the others. “ My name is Dong Sicheng and I am the CEO of this company. I want to welcome you here first, and wish you luck. I wont be talking during this interview, I will let my mates do this.”
The CEO was definitely something else. A slender man, but very good-looking. All dressed in a black suit and a red tie. His auburn hair looked insanely sharp, as it was styled with care like it was the creation of God. He sure was intimidating. Standing there, not saying a word but analyzing every move with the attention of a tiger aiming for it’s prey.
“My name is Kim Doyoung. You may introduce yourself” said the last man of the 3.
She recognized him. Sooyoung. Sooyoung knew him. It was him. The man that saved her in the subway. The insanely kind and amazing guy that offered his phone to her. The tall and handsome male was looking at Sooyoung like he knew her. He recognized the girl and gave her a reassuring smile. She could read a warm “everything will be alright!” on his face, just like two nights ago. He looked just as sleek as that night. Suit, pushed back hair with a sense of gel in it.
Wendy quietly sat on the other side of their table, next to Doyoung, so that she wont have to sit next to Yuta. She felt followed. She didn’t know why but she had the impression he was looking at her. Even if she knew, its all in her panicked head. The males smelled absolutely heavenly. She felt like she was sitting among the angels.
Sooyoung was doing so well, she was showing off her amazing body in the most sensual ways and the males seemed to show now sign of “perversion” at her presentation. They seemed formal and professional. This boosted Sooyoung’s confidence even more, knowing she is not showing herself off to some “preditors”. Wendy smiled to Sooyoung the entire time, but she couldn’t help not stare at Yuta while he was focused on studying Sooyoung. Wendy analysed Yuta like the most surreal painting you find in a museum, trying to uncover his secrets. She wanted to know more. She wanted to know him. She needed to approach Yuta. But no. This is BAD BAD BAD.
Sooyoung was now done and the males sent her to the changing room to put back her casual clothes. Wendy was left alone with them. She felt like the minutes became hours. She was sweating so bad and the silence was a killer. Until one of them broke it and said “What do you think?”.
“Isnt it weird for us to talk about this next to her friend?” said the CEO, Sicheng, nonchalantly, like Wendy couldn’t hear them just perfectly.
“Don’t mind me… I can leav-“
“No, theres no problem.” Stopped Yuta.
She swore her heart fell to the ground and came back to her chest. It meant nothing to him, he was just being nice and a professional man, but yet, in her hopeful mind, she hoped that maybe he found the slightest interest in her.
The males were filling the room with their deep, rough voices as they were talking about Sooyoung. In the end, they decided to accept her. Wendy jumped off her seat unconscioudly and screamed a small “YES!”.
The males were staring at her blankly. Except for Yuta, who started smiling and broke the silence with a small laugh.
“You must be really happy for your best friend. Especially after what I heard happened to her. I am so sorry.” He said.
That was it. She felt like there was only him and her right now.
“Y-yes. She suffered a lot. You guys gave her a chance to be happy again and gain her own money, she is a very hard-working person, don’t worry about it!” added Wendy, trying to be as serious as she could.
Sooyoung entered the room and Wendy could read on her face that she was extremely anxious and nervous. She ran to hug her. This made Doyoung and Yuta smile a little. Sicheng looked at them and rolled his eyes. The man for sure was the most professional here and he was very stiff. He announced Sooyoung that she was accepted, gave her a timetable, a key to her new private locker and changing room and a list with all the phone numbers and the names of them and the models of their company. Wendy’s eyes widened when she saw Yuta’s number on that paper. But, she would never have the courage to ever use it… Would she?
Right after saying goodbye to them and before leaving, Yuta calls for Wendy.
“Hey, I just wanted to know, are you by any chance the girl that was at Yerim’s apartment when I came to take her? You seem familiar, that’s why.” Said Yuta while gathering the scattered papers from the desk.
“Yes. Its me. I also recognized you.” Says Wendy slightly awkwardly.
“Ah, that’s nice. So if im friends with Yeri, I guess we can be too… or?”
Wendy swore she felt like she was just asked to prom in the 7th grade by the cutest guy in the class. But they were two grown up adults. Yet he made her feel so comfortable, so childish around him.
She rushes a “Yes, yes! Of course!”.
“That is great” he shows a sweet smile. So sweet she feels her feet melt. His whole face took another meaning when he smiled. “Ask Yeri or Sooyoung for my number, if you ever need anything or just want to… you know, see eachtoher at a coffee or something.”
“Ah. Yes, sure!” she couldn’t think of anything smart to say. She was brainwashed.
They were now in Sooyoung’s car, on their way to Seulgi’s place where they all were planning to see eachother and celebrate Sooyoung’s new job. Wendy was looking on the window the whole way home. She was smiling. She was happy. She was feeling for this man something she hasn’t ever felt before for a man, and she had many meaningful relationships throughout her life. But never has she dreamt at a man the way she keeps thinking at this one. Next step: she had to know what Yerim truly feels for this man! She had to know if she has to erase him forever from her memory or if maybe she has a chance.
They got to Seulgi’s place where they were greeted with arms opened by all the girls. Even Irene seemed truly happy, she had a wide smile that the girls haven’t seen in so long.
“Soooo… HOW DO WE PARTY TONIGHTT??!!” jumps Yeri excitedly.
“Why don’t we go to the club?” proposes Seulgi. “I don’t really want to clean up over a party that we would hold at my place”.
“I would help you…” mumbles Irene.
“Shuut up! I want in a club!” protests Seulgi who seemed like a child who wants candies.
“I am alright with this!” says Wendy while staying on her phone, looking for clubs.
They all agreed in the end, more or less they had to drag Irene there. They were all getting ready and Yerim was in the bathroom doing her make-up since the whole bedroom was packed with the other girls. Wendy saw the perfect oprtunity. Now it’s the time. Now or never.
“Yerimie…” says Wendy shyly cracking the bathroom door open to make sure she wasn’t gona walk on to Yeri being naked or something.
“Yes, Wendy?”
“Hey…” she scratched the back of her neck. “You know… just a question…”
“Sure, what is it” says Yeri nonchalantly while applying lip gloss.
“I just wanted to ask you, you know, just from pure curiosity. How was that date with… what was his name..” she pretended to forget the name she has been having in mind all the time.
“Yuta. It was… nice I guess.”
“You guess?” she felt her heart skipping.
“Yeah. The guy is ok, very charming, handsome, well mannered, a real gentleman. But I don’t really wanna mess into a relationship with my photographer. It would be slightly weird and if we ever get to break up, I could never pose for him again, it would be awkward.”
“I see…”
“So yeah. But I am interested in keeping to see him. You know, as friends I guess. I don’t really know what else to say about him.”
“Aha… Alright then, I was thinking to take a shower before leaving, are you done with your make-up?”
“Yes, just now. You can have fun in the shower.” Says Yeri while smirking and patting Wendy on the shoulder.
This is exactly what she needed to do. Relax herself, make her lose her mind for a moment. She could lose her mind but he would still not leave it. Wendy enters the shower and pleases herself thinking about him, hoping that he does the same.
 The girls are now all prepped and ready to go hit the biggest club in Seoul, Octagon. Any male that would see them now, would feel their boner kicking in. Five insanely hot girls, all dressed in leather skirts, dressed or pants, crop tops and high heels being the main star of their outfits. They looked like they were heading out for Seoul Fashion Week, not for a club night. 
Little did they know was that tonight was about to be a night to remember, forever…
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sarahboseman · 6 years
Word Count: 3900
Prompt: Your relationship with Chadwick has lost some balance due to your jealousy. Will there be a way to put everything right? 
Warnings: Angs and Smut 
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"Just fuck off Chad!"
"Just Fuck you! I always have to support these bullshit from you!!! every time you and I go out together?!!! Jesus!!!!”
"if only you behaved well Chadwick, you shouldn’t bear with anything!" "But what have I done? I've done nothing! Nothing at all ... FUCK, She did it all!" "Of course, naturally, she put her hand on your ... on your DICK ... and you let her do it !!!!" "No, you turned just at the wrong time, too early to see my reaction! But do you really think I would let myself be touched by the first woman I see around me??? during an evening together??? "Apparently ...."
Your evening at the club ended like this, in the usual discussion between you and him ... perhaps because of your too much jealousy. Lately everything seemed to go wrong ... After the release of Black Panther, Chadwick's popularity had increased considerably and he was always surrounded by millions of people, especially women. There were those kind, who asked for autographs and pictures, and others much more shameless having no problems touching him and making absurd, dirty proposals ... despite being in company, despite being with you.
You knew well what was the “popularity”, you worked closely with V.I.P, you know how these things work, these evenings, events ... what sometimes happens ...
And it was through your work that you met Chadwick, through your colleagues. You met him at an after party for an important Award Ceremony, you did’t accompany anyone on that occasion, you were not (just saying) in service. You were invited by your agency and you went there. You two chatted a little bit and you immediately fell in love with him, perhaps, from the moment he handed you a drink and he looked at you, mischievously, from the edge of his glass.
After a few more random meetings, he asked you for a date, for a drink ... and the magic happened.
You immediately fell in love with his soul, untouched by fame … despite when you met him at that after party, Chadwick was already famous. After “Get on Up” everybody knew who Chadwick Boseman was ... But he was the usual and simple boy of next door ...
You fell in love with each other, so deeply, and after a very short time you went to live together. Staying away from each other became something immediately unbearable, it was impossible and inconceivable not to sleep in the same bed. So you took home together and ... until recently, everything was extraordinarily good. Then, you don’t know what happened …
Your jealousy took over ... you knew it was an ugly beast. Seeing all those women around him, it was a thing that made you crazy. Not all of them, naturally, because you loved his sweet fans!
Chadwick was so extremely handsome, captivating, charming, down to earth but he also loved to be courted. 
Well, he never did something bad in front of you ... he always said sweetly: "It's my job honey, I have to be kind and gentle with everyone” ... you know that  ... of course you know, you always repeat the same thing to your clients. “Be nice to everyone, even with those you'd like to kill” At the end it was just a work attitude, you know, … let yourself be flattered and be kind to everyone ... men and women. But it was already the third time that they touched him, and it was the third time you tried to explain him how you felt, but tonight the limit has been reached. You were chatting with a former client and friends of yours, not far from him by the way. Chad was sitting at the bar with some of his old friends. He was sat with his back turned to the bar, his elbows leaning against the marble and his legs wide open. As if it were the most normal thing in the world, a beautiful girl came and placed her hand between his legs, so shamelessly, whispering something close to his ear. You turned around at that precise moment, and saw the scene. Without worrying about Chad's reaction, you took your belongings and went home by a taxi. You didn’t want to make a dramatic scene or even in front of all those people who knew you both. "You know the background, you know the business, you know what happens at these parties. You know EVEN better than me!! What the fuck can I do?”
"Nothing!! But maybe not let touch your dick by the first bitch you meet”
"But it was unexpected! I didn’t ask her! “
“I KNOW! But fuck!!!! but you didn’t even come looking for me!!!! You’ve been there with your friends!!!!”
“I know ... I'm sorry ... but they held me back”
“who held you back? your friends or one of those usual bitches? Were you so busy that you couldn’t run after your girlfriend and apologize??? maybe reassure her? No,right,… you get two hours after!!!”
"FUCK, YES! I came after two hours because I didn’t want this scene!!! I'm sick of arguing! I'm sick and tired! " “I'm also sick and tired Chad! What the hell do you think? that I like feeling this way? You think I like being sick and thinking of you with someone else?"
"But why do you think I have to be with another woman!? FUCK! You are paranoid, you're a crazy! That’s what you are ... FUCK!!!!”
His eyes were deep … he touched his hair and beard while he talked and argued with you, while you were screaming against each other at 3.am like two crazy people. And it wasn’t the first time that happened and you knew he didn’t fuck anybody else, you knew perfectly that he came back home to you after those parties, events, or whatever else. You were the fool one who thought badly and always started a fight. You were disgusted by yourself for this. He put his hands on his hips holding tight the fabric of his white T-shirt, he had pulled off his sweater as soon as this argument had begun and he had begun to stir. He was sooo damn and fucking hot even when he was angry.
The first times there were discussions between you, you remember you started laughing after few bad words, because you suddenly looked at him and told him how much sexy he was when he got angry. He approached, you burst out laughing, you kissed and apologized. But those were simple discussions, for futile reasons.
This was actually a futile reason … Jealousy darkens thought and mind. How did you become like that? How did you BOTH  become like that? Because even Chadwick wasn’t joking about being jealous. He became quite possessive as soon as some of his friend or colleague approached you, making some appreciation. You remembered what happened at the world premiere of Black Panther, during which he introduced you to some old and new colleagues. You remembered Chadwick behind you, whispering in your ear: "I do not want you to approach him again during the night ... he's a jerk, haven’t you seen how you looked inside your beautiful cleavage all the time? He has looked at your ass for hours … and this is something that is up to me and me alone. Clear? you're mine”
Nothing to say, you didn’t complain about this, it was very exciting hearing these things from your man. But often you went beyond everything, from the excitement to the discussions for uselessness … for your pride, for his ... for your ingenuity. Because you loved each other to the point of slaughtering each other. If only you could shut up your mouths and just tell you that you love each other ... and that's it. But this was not enough for the human and animal soul. Maybe that would be enough for that animal, but not for the human one. After he told you you’re crazy, you ran upstairs and slammed the bedroom door behind you starting undressing in a hurry and got into the shower. You just let the hot water flow over your body, until the pain on your skin hurts no more than the words Chad had told you… You stood under the water for a long time, crying and your tears mingled with the drops of water coming down from above. Between your sobs you didn’t even realize that Chad had entered the bathroom and had opened the door of the big shower. You turned suddenly and saw him still dressed, closing the glass door behind him coming in. He was still wearing his jeans and his white t-shirt. He was getting wet, from head to toe.
You looked at him, your eyes were too red and swollen because of the crying, they hurt. You sniffed and he moved closer to you with his eyes closed he shook his head and let the water slide on his face, on his shoulders, on his chest . Under the white shirt turned transparent thanks to the water, you could see his perfect chocolate skin and the shape of his perfect body. You rested your hands gently on his chest, closed your eyes and holding your tears back ... but your lips trembled. He said nothing, he put his hands on your shoulders looking into your eyes, slowly getting down, caressing all your body. Then he rest his strong hands on your hips and pushed you away just enough to take a look of your whole bare body. He tightened his grip and then he kissed you urgently. You let yourself be kissed in that way in which only he could kiss you. He kissed you as if to apologize. You massaged your lips with his and then his tongue with yours. He always tasted so damn good.
He knew how to make you forget everything just with a kiss ... every time. He knew how to seduce you. But this was not a kiss of seduction …It was a kiss of so many words. You stroked his face and he held you against him, his clothes were completely soaked, and while you were still kissing him you took his shirt off. He cuddled you, kissed you under the water, as if nothing had happened ...His hands on your back, on your bottom, on your breasts ... he was clutching, touching, stroking, teasing and panting ... he turned on. The kiss intensified a lot and you quickly undid his pants while his tongue licked your mouth and his lips biting yours. He moaned and gasped as you stroke his boxers on his most sensitive point. He took off his pants and his underwear tossing them into a corner of the large masonry shower to stand naked in front of you until he suddently picked you up by placing his big hands under your tights. You liked those hands, they fit perfectly on your body, they were perhaps one of the most beautiful things about him. Cured, soft, big, long fingers…. there was nothing he couldn’t do with those fingers…
"Chad … sorry, I'm so sorry" you whispered against his lips "I'm sorry too baby ... I'm sorry"  "Chadwick ...." "Forgive me baby, please ... " and with slow pace, he pushed himself inside of you, while you tied your legs to his waist for support. Your back against the wall and your hands on his toned shoulders. His hands held you close to him so as not to fall.
Yes ... you could have forgiven him everything ... always. But not for the amazing sex you did, but because you loved him so much to kill for him. you loved him so much to eclipse yourself, you loved him so much ... you loved him infinitely. You made love in the shower, under the water ... against that wall tied on him, as you usually do kind every morning ... You liked getting fucked in the shower, especially in the morning, you liked to feel his wet body against yours, while he held you up keeping your legs open while he was doing his performance. He liked it, he liked it so much. Yes ... making love with Chad was beautiful, it was beautiful in every way possible. Sweet and romantic, but also furious and wild. But your evening didn’t end there ... You dried up for good without saying a word, almost as if "it was not over there" ... as if your healing sex hadn’t healed anything. It was beautiful, magnificent as ever, but it hadn’t paid off. In silence, you dressed to go sleeping … or at least ... you got dressed to go to sleep, he didn’t come, because Chadwick sat at his desk to read his e-mails. It was very late at night and you didn’t want to start another fight when you said that fucking joke ... it was just malice ...
You started again to fight, he went furious and he scared you a lot. You said a lot of bad words to each other, crying out loudly. You told him to go away, to leave you giving him a strong slap on his cheek. You pushed him away telling him that he didn’t love you for real, and it was at that point that he stopped, shushing. He widened his eyes and took you by your wrists "never say anything like that ... never again " You looked him straight in the eyes, I was afraid to hear his words hissed like that a few inches from my face. His taken on mine wrists hurt. “Don’t you dare anymore … don’t you dare to say it. I give you my world to you, I gave you all of me " It was true ... like you to him ... and at that moment you couldn’t say anything else looking at him. You were mortified “Sorry ... sorry Chad"
He tightened his jaw and took a deep breath "Do you love me? Do you still love me Y/N? "he suddenly asked you almost shouting, still staring at you "I have always loved you, I’ve never stopped and I won’t stop." You whispered almost crying. "So why are you doing this? Why do you think I fuck all the women I meet? ... you know you’re the only one for me!!!! God! I love you so deeply, can’t you see it????” You shook your head and he shook you, yelling at you: “Stop it! Stop considering me a fucking asshole! I'm not one of those bastards you were used to date !! It's not me! You want to understand!? " He doesn’t give you time to react or to answer, he kissed you furiously and desperately ... He kissed you and talked, whispering words that you couldn’t even understand. It was an absurd situation. You really looked like two crazy to tie up. "I " kiss "LOVE " kiss on your neck "YOU" kiss on your lips "Understand???” Licked on you lips And you gasped. you nodded as he put his hands on your face, gently this time, and you stroked his cheek where you first had hit him strong. "You didn’t hurt me ... don’t be worried" You kiss again and again "But you're a fucking bitch ... woe to you, woe to you, if you still dare to pull such a slap to me" this time he laughed and kissed you again.
Your kisses were kisses of love, fervid and eager. You jumped at him and he caught you. You rubbed your hips against his when you hug him finding him excited as you had never felt him. And you were wet, soaking wet, but not for the shower
He went towards the bed, putting you on it and started to undress you, quickly. He took off your top and the pair of his boxers you used for sleeping. In a slow motion he stroked your legs and your tighs, kissing the very top of your skin becoming warmer under his touch.
You lifted you back, leaning on your elbows looking at him while he was undressing. You took the chance to get up and took him in your hand, stroking slowly all his lenght, then putting him in your mouth and licking him.
" OH ... OOOh fucking hell YES! " he cursed and moaned loudly, probably not expecting it. Finally Chad threw his t-shirt behind him and interlaced his fingers in his hair, closing his eyes and enjoying this moment of pure lust. You never get tired of seeing him naked in all his glorious beauty. He stood in front of you as you adjusted your position for sucking him better. With your mouth you sucked while one of your hand went up and down. A hand on his length and the other hand on his testicles. You licked his tip first taking away a drop of his obvious excitement. You licked it all, putting pressure on the vein that protruded behind.
"Yes … HOLY SHIT ... .you're ... you’re so good in that ... keep going ... fuck me with your mouth baby”
He was panting hard and moving his hips, coordinating the movements you was doing with your head. He was good ... so good at these things.
”Shit I’m coming baby ... fuck, fuck, fuck yes..” He slipped out of your mouth with a dirty pop, before coming and he made a mess on top of you, dripping all over your chest and breasts. He usually didn’t make any problem and you didn’t complain …"Yessss ... yes …. oh GOOOOD ..." He enjoyed and panted while you continued to massage, waiting for him to come back from Fantasy Land  . "... sorry Y/N, but If I came into that sweet and delicious mouth of you, I would faint … What the hell has gotten into you baby???!!!””And he laughed, smiled ... he liked it, a lot. You went to the bathroom to clean a little bit, then went back to him, the lights of the bedroom were off, It was all dark and you couldn’t see anything ,but you heard his voice guiding you "Here love ... I’m on the bed " You couldn’t see him, but he could see you through the light of the bathroom. You could hear him smiling as you climbed into the bed and crawled up to his side. His hands took you and pulled you towards him and then underneath him.
“can we end up fighting?” you heard him whispering on your lips . Now that your eyes had used to the darkness and to that dim light, you could see him. You could feel him, that was the important thing.
You closed your eyes and nodded putting your hands on his back and stroked down ‘till his ass ... nice, round and toned … and went up to his shoulders. He stroked your nose with yours, then came down to rub it against your lips. You kissed the tip of his nose. “Stop it love, please let's stop” he begged you, but he was right “let’s stop Chad … forgive me please” He nodded and kissed your lips "And you forgive me ... “
You returned the kiss stroking gently your face and Chad began to make love with you, slow and sensual, rocking his hips in tempting movements.  You lifted a leg, widening your entry and he pushed himself inside, over and over in a very slow pace, taking your leg on his shoulder to push himself completely deeper, as he liked the most.
You arched your back, feeling him to the core, almost touching your soul. And you were panting his name begging him to stay with you, not to leave. "Stay with me Chad ... I can’t live without you " It was true, you knew very well you couldn’t live without him. It was a thought you could not bear. "Oh babe ... say it again ... say that you love me” he asked in your ear, causing you shivers. And he pushed ... pushed ... pushed again … staying attached against you, he pushed. You spread your legs and felt his hand caressing it, going down to your ass and then to the inside of your thigh. You liked it when he touched you at that point while he was inside of you. "Yes ... yes Chad .. don’t stop” "Say you love me Y/N“ "I love you ... I love you sooo much, ooh yes … ” “Oh God, fuck ... I’m melting inside you, you so perfect for me, you fit me so good” he said all between the thrusts, every thrust a word. His voice was sensual and hoarse. Almost a whisper. He didn’t stop, you didn’t want him to stop, it was so good feeling him inside of you, after a long time you were loving each other ... not fucking. "Turn around ..." he told you ... and you did it. You laid down on your stomach and he raised your hips as he used to do to find the right angle. You felt his lips on your ass, kissing and biting a little bit while with his fingers he teased your soaking lips. He touched you in the middle then putting his perfect fingers inside. Oh God his fingers ... Then with his tongue, he traced the trail from your back to your neck, kiss after kiss until arriving to your ear. He placed one hand next to yours and with the other one he guided himself inside you again, all in one thrust, he slipped in with a hoarse groan ... straight inside your ear. He made you scream of pleasure, he filled you so damn fine. He got on all fours on you, in such a way to be able to speak to you sensually in your ear. He moved your hair behind your shoulder and kissed your lobe and just below ... pulling you mad and hungry for love . He was sending you out of mind ... as always ... he was so alcoholic ... he had the same effect on you as alcohol ... he drenched your mind and made your head spin. Clouding your sight. Your were panting and groaning with pleasure as you felt him come in and out. It was his favorite, but you were not sorry either. "Touch yourself … “ he whispered to you" touch yourself ... you know I like it baby” He didn’t need to pray, and you did as he said. while he was pushing, you touched. Then he stretched his hand over yours and he did it with you. His fingers on yours in the same rhythm. He was panting in your ear and talking to you about love. Sweet words mixed with very dirty ones. He kissed your neck and then your back ... You couldn’t take it anymore, you was about to collapse. All those feelings were unbearable. "Chad ... faster ..." He heard him chuckle, but he satisfied you. He increased his pace and you could feel his muscels stiffen. He let go your hand, you clung to the pillow as he kept pushing faster and harder. ” Love ... I can’t" he pushed hard "Live" pushed again "Without you ... TOO "and he accelerated so strong that you screamed in pleasure, you couldn’t take it anymore, you collapsed, your legs trembled, as well as your whole body underneath him. "Yes ... yes ... oh Fuck YES ... mmmm yes ... " you heard him coming a second time, this time inside you. You liked feeling his hot filling. You called his name into the pillow as he rubbed his face on your shoulder and breathed breathlessly.
Chadwick collapsed on top of you and then moved to a side, holding you close to him. You were both sweaty and still panting. You kept kissing and caressing each other as if you didn’t have enough yet.
"What should I do with you? ... tell me Y/N " he told you laughing on your lips keeping talking “You make me pissed off as few people do, indeed, like no one has ever done. And then you make me have the most amazing and divine beautiful sex in the world ... you're a such a bitch” he smiled tenderly and held you tighter. "I don’t want to piss you off anymore Chad ... sorry" "Enough to say sorry ... kiss me"
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#1yrago Touring, complete: what gear survived four months of hard-wearing book-tour?
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I had the last official stop of my book tour for my novel Walkaway on Saturday, when I gave a talk and signing at Defcon in Las Vegas. It was the conclusion of four months of near-continuous touring, starting with three weeks of pre-release events; then six weeks of one-city-per-day travel through the US, Canada and the UK, then two months of weekly or twice-weekly events at book fairs, festivals and conferences around the USA.
Now I'm touring complete. There's one more event on Aug 10 -- a kind of victory lap presentation at my local library here in Burbank -- and then a trickle of events over the next six months, but that's more like my normal baseline of public appearances, a very different experience to the kind of thing I did from April until last weekend.
It's been nine years since my first book tour -- the Little Brother tour -- and as always, there were new facts on the ground to adapt to, as well as hard-won wisdom that saw me through.
Here's some new stuff: indie bookstores are doing better than they have in years, and they're expanding into lots of live events, which are better-planned and better organized than ever. In many cities, there is one thriving indie and three or four suburban Barnes & Nobles, and these have changed, too: seeing as they are the only game in town, these B&Ns attract some stellar booksellers who intimately understand marketing and also really, really care about books. Also: all the indie bookstores have devoted substantial floorspace to embroidered socks. I'm calling it: we are at peak funny-sock.
Here's some stuff that's still the same: "Never pass up a chance to take water or make water." That is hard-won, important touring advice, passed from serious traveler to serious traveler as gospel. Airports are worse than they've ever been...and it's easier to buy your way out of the hardship, between TSA Precheck and Clear, which require that you give up a ton of personal information (which I'd already given up when I applied for my Green Card, so I went ahead, and it was so, so worth it -- so much so that I presume that anyone who has the wherewithal will buy their way into these programs and cease to do anything to mitigate the traveling woes of the general public -- watch for travel to get waaaay worse for normals who only fly a couple times per year).
I've been changing out my travel gear for years, trying to find the optimal combination of flexibility and comfort. I check a bag, and my suitcase was not lost once on this tour (it's happened before, though, and had to catch up with me a city or two down the road). The suitcase was severely damaged, and more than once (more on that below).
Here's the gear that survived this trip, stuff that will stay with me on upcoming trips.
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This goes first. Life it too short for shitty coffee.
I use an Aeropress (but you knew that). I've stopped carrying around a hand-grinder. I have only so many duty-cycles left in my wrist tendons and then I will cease to be a writer. I'm not wasting them on a hand-grinder. Now I grind my coffee before I leave and put the coffee in a Ziploc Easy Open Tab quart-sized freezer bag (I keep a stash of these in my suitcase and resupply at coffee shops when I run out, having them grind for me; this means I can't buy Blue Bottle coffee since they, alone among coffee shops, will not grind their retail beans, boo) (I also bring along a handful of gallon-sized bags for various purposes). I've tried a lot of sealing bags, and Ziploc's easy opens are the only ones I can reliably seal well.
I heat water in the remarkably great Useful UH-TP147 Electric Collapsible Travel Kettle, a silicone collapsing kettle that has a thermostat that keeps water at near-boil so long as it's plugged in and on. It's multi-voltage and worked great in the UK, and it collapses down really small. The only downside: it looks weird enough on an X-ray that it is a very reliable predictor of having your bags searched by the TSA after you check them.
I am utterly dependent on the Orikaso folding cup to use with my Aeropress on the road. The majority of hotels supply paper cups, or glasses that are too narrow for the Aeropress. Carrying a rigid cup that decomposes into a thin sheet of plastic the size of a sheet of printer-paper spares me the awkwardness of holding the body of the Aeropress with one hand while pushing down on the plunger with the other to keep from squashing the paper cup.
For emergencies, I carried a stash of GO CUBES Energy Chews, a "neutraceutical" whose manufacturer makes a lot of extravagant claims for them. I think those claims are silly, but these are basically gummy-chews made from cold brew coffee (and stuff) and they work very fast and well, but did give me jitters (which were preferable to caffeine withdrawal).
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I carried my favorite shampoo, conditioner, soap and a supply of generic woolite in a set of four Innerneed silicone tubes (which I kept in a ziploc). I've used a  lot of different silicone tubes and these are my current favorites -- they have a locking mechanism that keeps the hard plastic lid more firmly in place on the silicone body of the tube, even when it's lubricated with slippery soaps, preventing the kinds of catastrophic breaches you get when the whole lid assembly just pops off the tube and everything comes pouring out.
I swapped out my old generic pharmacy rotary electric toothbrush for the Violife Slim Sonic Toothbrush, which is a AAA-battery-powered equivalent to one of those unwieldy, induction-charged Braun ultrasonic toothbrushes that my dentist wants me to use. It performs just as well as the Braun on my sink at home.
I suffer from really terrible, untreatable chronic pain and can't sleep or sit for any length of time without serious pain. I am absolutely reliant on my hot water bottle, with a knit sleeve. For my money, these are the best comfort items you can travel with -- I get them filled with boiling water by the flight attendants before take off and refill them hourly. At bedtime, I fill them from my collapsible kettle. The only downside: it's really easy to leave these behind in the bedclothes when you depart at 4AM.
I carried all my toiletries in Eagle Creek's Pack-It Wallaby Toiletry Organizer. It came highly recommended and after hard use, I see why: it has the best zippers I've ever had on a toilet bag, stores an incredible amount of stuff and still rolls up tight, and did a great job of containing one tube-of-goo breach that could have wrecked everything else.
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Before the tour, I did a bunch of reading on the best travel underwear and decided to try Uniqlo's Airism Low Rise Boxer Briefs -- they were so comfortable and so easy to wash out in the sink (and so quick drying!) that I threw away all my other underwear when I got home and ordered a half-dozen more pairs. I traveled with three pairs of these, which crumpled small enough that I could fit them all in a pants pocket (should I have a need to do so?) and I rinsed the day's underwear in the sink every night and hung them to dry, chucking them in the bag in the morning, dry and clean.
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You might already know that I love the look of Volante's jackets and coats, so it won't surprise you to learn that I lived in an Augment hoodie for the first half of the tour (when the weather was cool), switching to a lighter-weight Peregrine for the second half, when things warmed up.
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I started the tour with three different pairs of pants in my suitcase, but left two behind on a resupply stop at home, because I was only ever wearing my Betabrand Off-the-Grid pants, which have enough stretchiness in them to do some basic yoga in, have huge pockets that somehow don't bulge much even when overfilled, and a neat little discreet mid-thigh side pocket good for keeping boarding passes in. My complaint: these were not colorfast at all: they were basically gray by the time I got home, even though I only ever hand-washed them in hotel sinks with generic woolite.
I always travel with pajamas: when you're on long flights, you can change into them for comfort; they give you a way to interact with hotel staff from your room early in the morning or late at night without having to get dressed or put a towel around your waist. I've been buying deadstock vintage men's pajamas from Etsy all year, because they look awesome and are more comfortable than anything you'll get in stores today.
I've been using REI's Sea to Summit compression sacks as laundry bags for ages: there's no problem with wrinkling your dirty laundry, right? Compression sacks are sorcerous reminders of just how much space there is between molecules.
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I lived in Native Jeffersons: basically a kid's croc shoe, but molded to look like a low-rise Converse All-Star. Super comfortable, and I could rinse them in the hotel sink every night and leave them upside-down against the wall and slip into them in the morning.
Comfort items
I traveled with a Stanley Adventure Flask that I filled with Jefferson's Reserve Pritchard Hill Cabernet Cask Finished, 15-year-old bourbon that's finished with a couple years of rest in old cabernet casks. Yum.
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I always keep a couple dozen catering-sized sachets of Tabasco in my suitcase and handful in my carry-on. They don't seem to show up as liquids on TSA X-rays so you can keep them in your bag, and I've never had one burst in a bag. They make everything super-delicious (or at least bearable) and they are way more space-efficient than those cute, tiny, single-use Tabasco bottles.
Swimming is the only way I can stay sane on tour. It keeps my chronic pain under control and burns some of the empty airplane-peanut and minibar calories.
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I swim with an underwater MP3 player. After trying a lot of models, I settled on the Exeze players, which are only available for sale in the UK. However, I've since discovered that virtually the same players are sold under other brand names in the USA: one model I've tried and liked is the Aerb.
The reason I swim with an MP3 player is so that I can listen to audiobooks. I get through a couple novels per month this way. Audible's proprietary DRM format isn't compatible with MP3 players, so forget about getting your swimming audiobooks that way. Instead, try Downpour and Libro.fm, both of whom sell thousands of DRM-free audiobooks. Audiobooks and swimming are a magic combination. I couldn't make it through the tour without them.
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I got my Calyx hotspot just over a year ago. It offers anonymous, unfiltered, unshaped, unlimited 4G/LTE wifi through Sprint's network, and supports the nonprofit good works of Calyx, who provide anonymity and privacy services to whistleblowers, journalists and many others. They are the good guys and this is a great product at a stellar price: $100 for the hotspot and $400/year for unlimited mobile broadband.
I continue to use X-series Thinkpads. I'm currently on the X270 and it runs Ubuntu very well. I didn't need any service on this tour, but I have on other tours, and I'm serene in the knowledge that the extended on-site next-day hardware replacement warranty (about $75/year!) guarantees that no matter what, I won't be without my computer for more than a day. My X270 took a lot of hard knocks on this tour and survived unscathed. My sole complaint: they screwed up the keyboards with the X230 (or so) and still haven't made a new chiclet keyboard that's half as good as the original Thinkpad keyboard. Please, Lenovo, bring my beloved keyboard back!
I use a Google Pixel phone and it's...not terrible. Everything about it works fine, but it has unbelievably shitty battery life. That is a killer on tour. The Alclap case solved that problem...for two weeks, and then it stopped working. I ordered two more, both of which were duds out of the box. The Scosche Magic Mount was more awkward to use, but also longer-lasting (it died last weekend, thanks to fraying in the wire that connected it to the phone).
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You know all those suitcases that come with ten-year warranties? They're all designed to have a ten-year duty-cycle...assuming that you travel once or twice a year. In decades of hard travel, I've yet to buy a suitcase that can live up to the punishment of daily flying.
So now I buy suitcases based on how easy they are to get warranty service on. I had heard great things about Rimowa, and I loved the look of their cases, so I bit the bullet and sprang for one (they're extremely pricey). I quickly discovered that their much-vaunted service was terrible -- in London, anyway. My options were mailing the case to Germany, or taking it to a service center on Euston Road where they were rude, deceptive, and all-around awful. I was ready to swap the case for another manufacturer when I moved from London to LA two years ago.
But in LA, the whole story is different. Rimowa's service here is handled by a place out in Beverley Hills called Coco's Leather and they're pretty good at fixing stuff (there's sometimes a week turnaround, but I've found that if I call them after messengering the busted case out to them, they can often turn it around in a day).
I needed it. My Rimowa case was seriously damaged three times on tour: twice it had wheels ripped off (the whole wheel assembly, including the riveted-on bracket, torn right out of the aluminum!) by Southwest's baggage handlers in San Diego. Another time, AA baggage handlers destroyed the latches.
I'm sticking with Riwoma for now. Every luggage expert I've spoken to says that there's just not anything that will survive the kind of punishment I put my bags through, so I'm buying based on warranties, and between Coco's Leather and Rimowa's long-lasting warranties, I can live with this situation.
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I've gone through a lot of luggage tags over the years and have yet to have one last more than a few flights before it's torn off in the hold, caught in some grinding system. Now I use the TUFFTAAG Travel ID Bag Tag, made of hard-wearing aluminum with braided steel cables. Dozens of flights later, the tags are bent and battered, but still intact and still attached to my case -- that's a first.
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