#i also hate being in a different classroom every day SO much it gives me sooo much anxiety
figuerockfaeth · 2 years
i hate my job i hate my job i hate my job i hate my job i hate my job i hate my job i hate my job i hate my job i hate my job i hate my job i hate my job i hate my job
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florwons · 10 months
‧₊˚ ⋅ hurt — nishimura riki ‧ ˚₊‧
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synopsis you hated niki. he hated you. despite your ongoing rivalry, your recent arm injury seems to have had an unexpected effect on your so-called enemy. rather than making fun of your injury, he's shown a surprising twist of kindness by wanting to draw on your cast instead.
pairing rival!niki x fem!reader genre fluff, e2ls, hs au !
warnings profanity, injury, just niki and reader being a bickering mess !! typical rival things
featuring danielle newjeans jungwon enhypen wc 2303 !
note first enha work !! first time on blr and i think i’m getting a hang of it.. took too much time figuring out everything though 😵‍💫. i guess this happens when you’re bored (⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝) anyhow, i just think niki fits e2ls !! also i think he fits this cute idea i was thinking about so why not combine the two ?? might also create a part 2 to this !!
— wanna read part 2 ? coming soon!
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"Wow, two whole months for it to heal? I’m sure it hurt, didn’t it?" Danielle exclaimed, her expression filled with shock as she glanced from your cast to your face. The two of you were seated next to each other during your first period, giving her a chance to closely examine your injury.
"Yeah," you replied with a touch of sarcasm, a sigh escaping your lips as you gazed at the plain, white cast encasing your arm. "Just the sort of thing that can happen when you take up a part-time job at a convenience store. But, my doctor assured me it's not too serious, so this arm should be back to its usual self soon!" You lightly tapped your arm with your free hand, showing her that you’re completely fine.
"Well, it's still frustrating to have to let it heal for that long," she pouted, receiving a light chuckle from you. Extending your uninjured arm, you gently held her hand, offering her a soft smile. "Don't worry, Danielle. Two months will fly by."
You were truly grateful for a friend like Danielle, who consistently showed concern for your well-being. It made you wonder why your life couldn't be filled with people like her instead of people like him. But no, the universe had different plans and had given you Niki, your classmate, or rather your enemy.
This rivalry with Niki had its roots all the way back to elementary school, and due to both of your stubbornness, it had been brought into your high school years. Poor Danielle found herself caught in this mess, being friends with both of you. You did feel bad for involving her, but the blame fell largely on Niki, who seemed to exist solely to get under your skin.
"Does... you-know-who... know about your injury? You guys walk to and from here together," Danielle hesitated, bringing up him in the conversation cautiously. You shook your head and replied, "No, not as far as I know. I actually left a bit early today—oh no."
Your hand instinctively moved to your forehead, the beginnings of a headache forming from the thought. Danielle let out a small gasp, concern evident in her expression. "What's wrong, YN? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, I'm fine—wait, no, I'm not!"
"Why? What's the matter?"
"It's Niki! I just remembered that he's probably going to make fun of my injury for the entire two months." You slumped in your chair, already envisioning the scenarios in your mind. "That asshole."
“You actually got me worried!”
"Sorry, but this is something you should be worried about! Niki's constant teasing might be the end of me!"
"YN, you'll handle it. You both argue every day, anyway," Danielle said with a dismissive tone, not fully grasping how serious the issue felt to you. After all, Niki having another reason to mock you during class was far from trivial.
You sighed, realizing that you really wished for your arm to heal as quickly as possible.
In what seemed like no time at all, the second period arrived—a bit faster than usual. You hurried into the classroom, aiming to get into your seat promptly. But there was no use of that if he’s your seatmate! Just why couldn’t it be Danielle? You silently cursed your teacher for arranging the seating this way. More people started filling the classroom, and Niki’s unmistakable blonde hair caught your attention — he was walking your way.
His gaze fixed strangely on your arm as you withdrew it from the desk, letting it hang at your side. You deliberately avoided meeting his eyes, unwilling to deal with his presence at the moment. The scrape of his chair against the floor caught your ear, prompting you to take a deep breath. "Already pissed?" His voice carried a teasing tone, and you could practically feel the smirk in his words, causing you to roll your eyes.
“Aw, you got my routine down already?” You scoffed, placing your notebook on your desk. You were determined to shut out his annoying voice, but of course, life had other plans. "Seems like it. Just call it the Niki effect, I guess."
"Yeah, a real heartwarming effect," you replied monotonously, your attention shifting to the front of the classroom. In the corner of your eye, you could see him take out a notebook as well. You silently hoped he'd simply focus on his work and not pay attention to you, though it seemed he had different intentions.
“What’s up with your arm?” he points at your injured arm with his pencil. Now that made you wish you could snap that pencil in half. Nonetheless, you managed to maintain your composure, or at least tried to, as you responded calmly. "Oh, you know, just your typical arm-breaking experience. Nothing major—just a cozy two-month wait for it to return to normal."
"I didn't need a breakdown of your recovery process, but I suppose thank you for letting me know,” Niki remarked, adjusting his seat position. "Wouldn't expect any less from someone like you."
Holding onto your pencil, the pressure of it snapped its lead, and you clenched your teeth in frustration. "Do you ever know when to just keep your mouth shut?" you retorted, your tone edged with irritation.
"It's one of my finer qualities—maybe you should catch up," he shot back, a hint of amusement evident in his voice.
"Sure thing. Just do me a favor and stay quiet for two months, will you?"
He raised an eyebrow. "And what's in it for me?"
"Me sparing you from my rude remarks—just not like what you're doing right now."
“Can’t make any promises,” He dragged the last word, making you sigh. He smiled slightly, knowing he knew exactly how to piss you off.
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The bell rang, and relief washed over you like a wave. Hastily gathering your belongings, you were so focused on getting out of the classroom that you failed to notice Niki's gaze on you. Slinging your bag over your shoulder, you headed toward Danielle. Unknown to you, Niki's attention lingered, a subconscious concern for your well-being flickering in his mind.
"Niki? Niki!" Jungwon tapped him on the shoulder, causing Niki to start slightly. Wait, what was he doing just now? Before he could analyze his actions, Jungwon pulled him from his thoughts. "You seemed out of it for a bit. Are you okay?"
"Huh? Oh yeah, I spaced out for a second. Let's not miss our third period, alright?" Niki hurriedly packed his things, walking alongside Jungwon, his earlier behavior still puzzling him.
Niki's earlier slip-up had him lost in thought, and it continued especially during P.E. class. His eyes were drawn to you, sitting on the bleachers with a bored expression, casually observing the movement of the others. Then, unexpectedly, you excused yourself and headed toward the nurse's office. Niki found himself continuing to watch you, his focus on you more than anything else around.
"Hey, Niki!" A familiar voice brought his attention away from you, just in time to see a ball hurtling his way. He attempted to react, but the ball had already hit his arm. Wincing, he gripped his arm, a small crowd forming around him. Mr. Kim scolded him, and Niki nodded in acknowledgment—it was his fault for not paying attention.
“Take this pass and go get an ice pack,” Mr. Kim said, already finishing up the pass for him. At first, he contemplated declining, but then he remembered that you were in the nurse's office.
This was the fastest he ever grabbed a pass. His movements were swift as he exited the gym and quickly navigated the route to the nurse's office, hoping he could arrive before you left.
He knocked on the door, and a soft voice invited him in. Stepping inside, he found you seated in one of the chairs. Your surprise was evident as you looked at him, his hand resting on his left arm—the same one you had injured. He observed as he grabbed an ice pack before making his way over to where you were sitting.
In the row of chairs, he left a space between you, taking a seat. Your voice broke the silence, teasingly suggesting, "Starting to think you're obsessed with me." Niki couldn't help but scoff lightly as he settled in.
While you weren't exactly off the mark with your comment, admitting such a thing to you was out of the question. He waved off your words with a dismissive tone, "Me? Obsessed with you? Sure, as if."
A quiet pause settled between you both, and subtle glances were exchanged. Breaking the silence, you remarked, "Seems like you're about to join me, huh?"
He looked at you with confusion etched on his face, only to glance down at his arm and yours—both injured in the same spot. Niki couldn't help but chuckle softly, acknowledging that you were right. "Well, not quite as bad as your situation."
"Shut up." Niki's laughter filled the air, and for the first time, you found his laugh endearing—a thought you quickly brushed off. You simply smiled at his boxy grin. Has his smile always been this charming?
Niki realized he had let his guard down, his throat clearing as he subtly corrected himself. He needed to maintain the distance he had always kept between you two—at least for now.
"What are you doing here?" you started to answer, but he interrupted himself, realizing his mistake. "I shouldn't have asked, I mean, look at your arm."
There was the Niki you still had so much hate for. "If I had both arms, I'd strangle you right here."
"But you can't."
"Yeah, thanks for the reminder, idiot—as if I wasn't already aware," you retorted, rising from your seat. He wouldn't be entirely honest if he didn't admit part of him wanted you to leave. It was strange, but he always felt a certain oddness when you weren't nearby. "Can't wait for you to make jokes about my injured arm at every given opportunity."
Your words sparked an idea in him, and as you turned to leave, he was already formulating a plan — his way of getting closer to you than before.
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That's exactly what he did. Every chance he got to be near you, he seized it. His motives remained a mystery – was his plan to push you further away? If so, it was definitely working, as he managed to piss you off with every passing moment. Niki couldn't forget the way you clenched your teeth and let out exasperated sighs whenever he was around. He acknowledged he was being a nuisance, but was there really any other choice?
Could he just flip a switch and suddenly be friendly? That would be too suspicious, wouldn't it? Still, there was an inner push for him to say something decent for once.
And now, here he was, sitting beside you, gazing at your plain cast. Two weeks had already gone by – why hadn't anyone doodled on it yet? He hesitated before gently tapping your arm, causing you to look at him, your expression vacant. You were ready for him to bring up your arm again, almost as if you expected him to repeat his hurtful comments again.
“What? I swear if you make fun of my arm–”
"Can I draw on your cast?" He uttered the words, seemingly without a second thought, catching you completely off guard. Why this sudden change? Could he possibly be planning to write something embarrassing? Then again, your cast did look rather dull, almost too depressing to glance at. But, you still had your doubts.
“What? What if you draw something weird–”
“Come on, I’m not that terrible of a person.”
“Literally who do you think you are–”
“I’m your classmate, loser. Think I can’t be nice for once?” His words left you stunned, and you watched him retrieve a sharpie from his bag. He uncapped it, motioning for your arm to move closer to him. However, you found yourself hesitating, which prompted him to raise an eyebrow ever so slightly. "May I?" he asked.
You didn’t know what went through his head, and yours too! Before you knew it, you were extending your arm to him, watching as he concentrated on writing and drawing on your cast. He held it gently, clearly being cautious not to cause you any discomfort. You were undeniably intrigued by his actions, even though his presence was obstructing your view – not that you cared anyways.
Soon, he finished, closing the lid to his marker. The bell rang, almost as if on cue, causing him to hurry out of the classroom. It was as if the roles swapped, he was now the one rushing out quickly. His abrupt exit left you wondering – why was he so nervous? He didn’t know either, maybe he was suddenly being nice with his rival.
As you finally glanced at your cast, your eyes fell on the words he had written: "Hope you heal quickly, loser." Right beside the message was a small drawing of Shin-chan sticking his tongue out. This time you found yourself breaking into a smile, rather than being irritated.
"So you're telling me I could have been writing about your cast this whole time?" Danielle exclaims, her eyes fixed on the doodles now on your cast. She stops, examining the drawings more closely. "Hold on, isn't that Niki's handwriting?" Without giving you a chance to explain, Danielle is already teasing you mercilessly.
You knew you couldn’t argue back with her. After all, how could you explain the decision to let your rival draw on your cast? You gazed at the doodles once more, finding yourself involuntarily breaking into a small smile. Maybe, just maybe, you'd allow him to draw on your cast again.
Yeah, you were totally out of it.
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talesofesther · 2 years
all that love ever taught me
Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Eddie has loved you for a long while, he just doesn't have what it takes to tell you, and that might just be his downfall.
Requested by @stiegasaw: Could you do something with Eddie as a secret admirer?
A/N: This one is written in a bit of a different style than what I normally do, but I think it turned out okay, do let me know. Also, exclusively from Eddie's pov (a very lovesick Eddie, might I add) <3.
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Eddie Munson despised cliches.
He hated when movies threw in that overly done love story, where against all odds, the guy gets the girl in the end. It was overused and too far away from reality, more often than not making him roll his eyes at his TV to a movie he was enjoying before all the mushy stuff started.
He couldn't stand it because they always made it look like the real world was a sea of roses, which was so so far from the truth.
Eddie hated cliches, because ultimately, he was living the biggest of them all. Except in his scenario, a happy ending was nowhere to be seen.
The tragedy started after the first time Eddie failed to graduate, Jason was giving him shit about it right on the first day back, making a show with his peers about how much of a failure Eddie was. And that's when you came crashing into his life — his personal angel, he liked to think — strutting up beside Eddie with your doc martens and a faded Bon Jovi shirt, talking all sweet about how Jason alone managed to lose the last game of basketball for the school's team. It shut the jock up and sent a cupid's arrow right through Eddie's chest; who acted like a massive weirdo and was too flustered to say anything to you. Safe to say he was kinda glad for being held back after discovering you'd be sharing his classes.
And now, six months later and a lot of wishful glances combined with leaping hearts, Eddie found himself head over heels in love with the girl who defended him once. But he couldn't be blamed, no one stands up for Eddie Munson, and when you also smile at him from the other side of the classroom and take an extra set of notes whenever he misses a class, he was bound to become every single cliche he said to hate.
Monday morning started out with shy rays of sun peeking over grey clouds, making the steadily falling droplets of rain shine. It was precisely the kind of morning that got Eddie wanting to turn around in his bed and continue sleeping. But he couldn't, an annoying chemistry assignment said so.
Hawkins High's parking lot was more packed than usual, leaving Eddie to park his van a little further than he'd like. He huffed in disdain when he plucked the key from the ignition, putting on his hoodie in a cheap attempt to not get soaked.
Water splashed around his sneakers as Eddie ran towards the school's doors, backpack bouncing on his back.
He stopped just short of reaching the roof, his feet coming to a halt when his gaze landed on you, who stood beside the glass doors he was trying to reach, shaking the rain from your umbrella.
Eddie felt a single drop of water running down his forehead, and then another, and one more; his hair shining as more and more raindrops clung to it. It happened most of the time, a small part of him froze whenever he was presented with the possibility of having a moment with you. Something inside him kept saying; 'what do you want with someone like her? Someone so astronomically out of your league? You'll just weird her out eventually'. Even if you were nothing but kind, always making an effort to talk with him, he still hesitated.
"Eddie, man," Gareth's voice snapped Eddie's mind back to reality, "what the hell are you doing? You're getting soaked." The boy stood on the sidewalk, under the small roof of the brick wall, frowning and shaking his head at Eddie.
"Just zoned out." Eddie waved a dismissive hand at him, walking under the roof and out of the rain. He pushed back his hoodie, shaking his head as a dog would to get rid of the raindrops.
Gareth scoffed, "yeah right, and I'm looking at the reason why," he pointedly shot a glance in your direction with a smirk, earning himself a shove in the shoulder from Eddie that only made him laugh harder.
There were rare times in which Eddie would consider himself lucky. Having your locker just three doors away from his, was one of those times.
Eddie took his time separating his books, gently swinging the metal door back and forth and creating a melody with the rusty hinges and the click of his rings.
Your laughter made his ears perk up. Not so subtly, he peeked from behind the locker's door. His fingers fumbled with the little notebook he had in his hands, anticipation building in his stomach.
A soft chuckle escaped you, resonating through the school's hallway and making Eddie smile. He watched as you carefully picked up the note, as your eyes crinkled with a smile of your own once you read it.
With messy handwriting — messier than normal, considering his nerves — Eddie had slipped the first anonymous note inside your locker just barely a month ago. For the sole purpose of him hearing a conversation between you and one of your friends, where you were saying how you felt a little weird in your new jacket, like everyone was looking at you. And Eddie simply couldn't let it pass, because it was a light blue leather jacket that had rendered him breathless for a moment, and he needed you to know. So he wrote;
For what's worth, I think your look is pretty metal. Which in my humble opinion, is the most beautiful there is.
It got you biting your lip to contain the smile, holding onto the small note as if it was a diamond ring.
Eddie got pretty addicted to the sight, so every once in a while, he'd pour little bits of his affection in a note and slip it into your locker.
Too late, he realized you had closed said locker and were now making your way to him.
He subconsciously straightened his posture, hastily shoving his black little notebook into his back pocket.
"Hey, Eddie." You held onto his locker door, fingers dangerously close to his own.
Eddie cleared his throat, his thumb barely grazed the skin of your hand before he pulled away. "Y/N, to what do I owe the honor?"
You chuckled and swatted at his arm. For a moment, your lips parted, and it looked like you wanted to say something else, before the words faded and you settled for; "I took some extra notes in our last class, Mr. Anderson usually gives us a few minutes to catch up before his tests, you can take them if you'd like." You extended the paper to him, with the neat handwriting Eddie was all too familiar with.
"Shit, you're an angel, sweetheart," the pet name slipped past his lips like butter, as if it was routine, as if you were his to call. His locker door shut with a loud bump of metal against metal, eyes fixed on yours to see how much damage his loose tongue had caused.
There was a reason for the way he felt so drawn to you, Eddie figured, maybe if he was bold enough, he'd test fate.
You smirked, eyelashes kissing the corner of your eyes, touch as sweet as honey and as warm as the sun when your fingers closed around the cuff of his hoodie. "Come on, don't wanna be late, he's not exactly kind in that matter," you fell into step beside Eddie, hooking your pinkie with his, "you'd know, right?"
He would know, Eddie was once ten minutes late for that class and had the door slammed in his face. That was the last thing he could think about though, with the way his heart was threatening to beat out of his chest. Your skin was soft against his guitar-scarred fingertips. He loved the feeling, it numbed any and all other senses.
When the last bell of the day rang, sending eager students home, the rain was even worse than it was in the morning. Eddie was glad the classes were over, he'd happily stay in his room for the whole rest of the day; lights out, cigarette hanging from his lips as he mindlessly strummed his guitar with the sounds of rain hitting the roof.
Just as he walked out of the school doors, Eddie found you, your back was pressed to the brick wall as droplets of rain collected on your boots — courtesy of the ridiculously small roof from outside — you held your backpack straps with one hand and your umbrella with the other, wisps of loose hair following the same path the cold wind set. Eddie could see the goosebumps on the naked skin of your arms, he wanted to pull you close, or at least give you his hoodie.
"I thought it would get better, but I think it just got worse," Eddie chuckled, looking up at the dark clouds with a grimace.
"Oh yeah," you glanced at him and then up as well, "perfect weather to stay at home though, isn't it?"
Selfishly, Eddie thought of hot chocolate; of his comfy worn couch, and a cheesy movie on his TV. He thought of sweaters and fluffy blankets; of pouring the sweet hot drink in two mugs, and bringing one of them to you.
"Sure is," Eddie stuffed his hands in the pockets of his jeans, averting his eyes, a ghost of a smile on his lips for the dream that could never be.
He didn't see your smile, or how you looked at him like he held the moon and stars at his fingertips. He did feel your shoulder bumping into his. You had moved closer, now pressed to him under the small roof.
"Are you waiting for someone?" Eddie asked, blinking down at you when tiny raindrops flew on his cheeks.
"Not really," you huffed, raising your umbrella, "I'm kind of on my own."
"What? In this?" He raised his eyebrows, jutting a thumb towards the pouring rain as if you hadn't noticed it.
You just shrugged, "I was gonna wait it out a bit."
"You're gonna wait forever." He pursed his lips, not thinking much about his next words, "let me give you a ride."
"No, Eddie, it's okay, I don't wanna bother-"
"You could never."
Eddie blamed it on the heavy rain when he clasped your hand in his, running with you to the school's parking lot and to his van. The end of his jeans got soaked as he stepped in the puddles and strands of hair started clinging to his wet cheeks and forehead, but he didn't care, you were laughing and holding tight onto his hand and it was the prettiest thing he had ever seen.
A few drops of water were running down the bridge of your nose and to your chin when you threw yourself on the passenger's seat, Eddie following close behind and slamming shut the driver's door.
Eddie gripped tight the steering wheel, the last bits of laughter dying on his lips. He was a little breathless, from the running or from having you in his van, he didn't know. "Where to, angel?"
The sound of raindrops hitting the metal roof was muffled because of the closed windows, making the rain seem much more tender than it was. You let go of your backpack, letting it rest on your feet as you wiped away the raindrops stuck to your eyelashes.
You leaned closer before answering, one hand coming up to brush away strands of hair caught in Eddie's lips.
Any coherent thoughts slipped from his mind when your fingertips touched his cheek, as you slowly tamed his curls behind his ear so you could see his eyes clearly. As simple as it was, it felt intimate in a way Eddie had never been with anyone else, making his body fill with goosebumps from head to toe. The naive side of him wanted it to mean something.
Only once you pulled away, that Eddie could look at you, pupils blown wide and hoping you couldn't see the pink on his cheeks.
"I'll guide you." Was all you said.
Eddie drove out of the school's parking lot with ease, making sure to keep well under the speed limit as he followed your directions.
Somewhere along the way, the silence started to become a bit too loud. Eddie fumbled with his radio a bit, until you startled him by saying, quite animatedly, that you loved this song.
"This one?" He asked, gaze moving between you and the radio. It was a Judas Priest song, one Eddie knows all too well, but didn't expect you to like.
"Yeah, I usually blast it on my player whenever I have to clean the house, until my mom tells me to turn it down," you mumbled the last part.
Eddie chuckled, chancing another glance your way before turning up the volume just a smidge. "I like it too. I uh- I've even played it once, with my band."
You turned to him, eyes twinkling with excitement, "you have a band?"
Eddie had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep focused, knuckles turning white around the steering because oh how you drive him mad in the best possible way. "I do, yeah, we usually play at The Hideout for a few drunks who are there to watch. It's not much but, it's something already."
"Oh, this is me," you quickly pointed at your house, causing Eddie to slam the breaks abruptly.
The house was pretty, he didn't even realize he had entered one of the nicest neighborhoods in town. It was easy to be around you, to get wrapped up in the warmth of your presence; it was easy to forget why he kept you at arm's length in the first place.
You had good grades and popular friends, a nice house, parents with well-paid jobs, and a promising future. You'd no doubt be leaving for college as soon as you graduate, leaving Hawkins behind, leaving Eddie. Because that's exactly what fits in with you, something better than this town, better than him. At least that's the excuse Eddie chose to tell himself to avoid another loss.
"Eddie this is so awesome," you finally continued, "when I was younger I sometimes wanted to have a band too. You know, travel the world, play for different people."
"Yeah well, I'm about as close to doing that as you are," Eddie smirked, turning off his van and slumping back in his seat, feeling rather drunk in the way your perfume got trapped in the stuffy van.
"Bullshit, you can play. Me and instruments definitely don't see eye to eye." You picked up your backpack, hugging it to your chest and making no effort to leave, even though you were right in front of your house.
I can teach you, if you'd like. Is what Eddie wanted to say, he could feel the words pushing against his throat and forming a lump there. Or maybe; you should come see us play sometime.
He couldn't bring himself to say it.
You waited for just a second longer before thanking him and saying goodbye, as if you were asking him to do something, anything that would tell you what this dance between you two was.
Eddie watched you run from his van and to your porch, waiting until you were safely inside your home and he was left alone with just the low tune of the radio.
As he drove to his trailer, something felt missing. Every time he turned to look at the passenger's seat the hollowness in his chest deepened. He felt like a coward for losing his chance, one he would probably not have again.
The rain was falling heavily, making the radio stutter in its play. Eddie fiddled with the buttons until all he heard was static, he punched the steering wheel, almost knocking the old thing out of place, before heaving out a frustrated sigh and slumping back in his seat.
"What's wrong with you, man?" He asked himself and didn't know the answer. But he cursed his parents, for leaving him with a scarred heart. He cursed Hawkins and that damn school for putting a target on his back. He cursed you, too, for making him fall so easily. Mainly though, he cursed himself.
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are very much appreciated. <3
Read Part 2 here
Eddie’s taglist: @milkiane @bookfrog242 @alicefallsintotherabbithole @boooil @science--hoes @cherrypieyourface @tssf-imagines @daph-505 @astream-ofconsciousness @fentyreligion @fantasylovestoryme @justabeautiful-letdown @crazyrapunzel @yessica41 @dancing-hillary @bakugouswh0r3 @hehehehannahthings @jakebasement @zervopoulouu @forverdaydreamer-blog @fromthedt
@oeuryale @mcueveryday @witchbinchstories @call-me-magpie @loveshineslikethesky @luvmybbies @tvserie-s-world @agirlsguidetolove @hallothankmas @ribyourtoplip @sweetpeapod @forsaken-letters @hazydespair @fangirling-4-ever @electric-cabaret @ollyoxenfrees @linkpk88 @twinkofmydreams @paola-carter @masterlistmanic @xceafh @andraimeide @esoltis280
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Middle School Classroom Management Tips
We all know that classroom management courses in teacher prep programs are worthless 99% of the time. These are some things I've learned in 7 years of teaching 8th grade that work for me.
The Teacher Look. My middle schoolers HATE it when you just hold direct eye contact silently. You don't need to look mean or angry, just slightly stern and hold eye contact. You don't say, "I'll wait" or anything, just look at them. You can change the look around as well, ranging from definitely more stern and strict to one of, "yeah you're being hilarious and amusing, but we have to stop now", to a "look at your choices please". One of my personal favorites is a slight rising of a single eyebrow, a tilt of the head, and resting my face on folded hands.
Seats. This is probably going to be unpopular, but I let my students pick their seats on the first day. I then tell them that they can keep these seats as long as they work, however if I need to make a seating chart, I will. I also make it a competition between my classes about which class will go the longest without making a seating chart. It also allows you to see the natural dynamics of the class and who does and doesn't work well together.
Non-verbal communication. From facial expressions to gestures to even the way you stand or sit or WHERE you position yourself in the classroom. The kids hear teachers scold and yell at them all the time so they don't really care about that (a lot of kids find the yelling funny), so if you can use non-verbal communication or a very low and slow voice, they actually will listen because it's not what they're used to. This works especially well on a rowdy class that is not used to quiet because it's so different from anything else.
Consistency and fairness. Middle schoolers have a very strong sense of right and wrong/fair and unfair and will notice if you treat students differently. If I have a classroom expectation that if a kid is messing around on their laptop when they should do work and the consequence of that is doing a paper assignment and losing laptop privileges for the rest class, you have to follow that for EVERY kid. I don't care if that kid is normally a perfect angel, they still broke the expectation and deserves the consequence.
Explaining. I always give a reason why. "No, you can't go to the bathroom because Becky is out." "This assignment needs to be done without your notes so you can practice on your own and I can see what you know and don't know." "No eating in my class because the wrappers and crumbs end up on the floor and attract bugs." Most of the time if kids understand the reason for something, they're much more likely to follow it.
Clear and specific directions. Make your directions very clear and exactly what you want. If you're tired of getting, "Can I go to the bathroom?" when you ask if there's any questions, say, "What questions might you have about the assignment?" If a student who likes to get off topic raises their hand to ask a question, I like to ask, "Is this question directly related to what we're talking about?" A lot of the time that causes them to pause, think about their question, and most of the time we avoid getting off topic.
Allow talking and jokes and movement. The vast majority of the time, my students can talk and move around my classroom. As long as they aren't disrupting other students and getting their work done, go ahead and chit chat. There are specific times when they aren't allowed to talk, but other than that it's pretty chill.
Listening. A lot of the time kids will talk to you about their other teachers. Listen to what they say, as long as it doesn't turn into teacher bashing. I've learned a lot about what works with my students by hearing about how they react to their other teachers. I shut down teacher bashing, but if a kid has a valid concern/frustration OR they really like something another teacher does, why not take that into consideration? You don't tell the kid you're changing it because they brought it up, but file it away.
Apologize/recognize you make mistakes. Not only does it show you're human, it shows the kids you respect them AND it models appropriate behavior. I've noticed that kids in my classes are a lot more likely to apologize to both me and the other kids because they see me do it. Also, if you mess up with an adult you'd apologize, so why wouldn't you apologize to a kid??
Genuine and sincere. Don't try to bullshit kids, don't try to be someone you're not, and show the students you really care about them. For example, by the time the "bad" kids get to middle school, they know they're labeled that and they know the drill about teachers falsely praising them for even raising their hands. They know it's fake, they don't care, and it's insulting. A lot of the time those kids want to be treated like every other kid, so if they're behaving as they should, I treat them the same way I treat the other kids doing the same thing. I might tell them quietly, "Good job working hard today" as they leave, but I'm not going to fawn over them and turn it into an over the top project.
So yeah, those are my top 10 classroom management tips. Hopefully they can help someone!
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generalluxun · 2 months
Based on their season 1 (Primarily) and season 2/3 (if you desire it) characterization. How do you think the characters and story of ML would develop had Marinette developed a crush on Chat & Adrien a crush on Marinette?
My thinking, taking out any given issues with the shows handling of the characters and just what I think makes sense for them based on extrapolation feels:
Ladybug is definitely a bit more overtly "Adorkable" in the publics eye, but the danger of the situation does stop her from stumbling over herself as much as Marinette did with Adrien. She is far more likely to be pushing for secret ID reveals, but probably through hints over overt action.
Adrien is not as forward with Marinette as he is as Chat with Ladybug. Even ignoring the Chat persona being an exaggeration, he also has his reputation and ingrained habits to think of. But Nino did ask him for date advice so I think he'd make more overt attempts at wooing her & probably push harder on Chloe to be nicer.
Gabriel probably hates this and may be stumping harder to yang Adrien out of school, which could force Adrien to be more quiet about his interest as well.
Chloe is... Not having a good time. Regardless of whether her feelings for Adrien are romantic, platonic, confused cos of sexuality or the like. He matters to her a lot but right after arriving at school is not only putting a lot of distance between them but seemingly holding their friendship for ransom to earn the approval of a girl Chloe has issue with.
Okay so thought about this:
Ladybug falls for Chat in Origins when he rushes in to defend her during one of her initial panic/what is happening moments. She's reminded of being protected by Socqueline (Derision is not canon, ever, but we can repurpose bits of it) She had resigned herself to being 'on her own' after her friend graduated (not expelled) now, here is someone else making her feel *safe* even in mortal peril.
She's still Ladybug, she's still the leader. She is very focused on 'protecting her protector' though. He's *her* kitty. If only he could be in more ways than are allowed...
She'll push Fu to include him more, she'll pay more attention and push to be her best self. Her plans will be a little less effective, like in Kuro Neko she's focusing too much on her partner. It won't be crippling though, but it hints at what she needs to work on.
Now on the second day when Adrien shows up, things go differently. Let's give the Limo a flat so he shows up without Chloé. The world is a bit spookier, are monsters common? He's nervous. He drops his books, and someone stoops to help him pick them up and their heads bump.
'oh ouch sorry. Here let me...' sure hands ruffle through hos hair, checking for an injury. Adrien looks up and *cue music* Marinette.
She's already set on being her 'best self' to live up to her Perfect Pawtner. So helping the new kid around? That's just what she should do!
On Adrien's end though he can't help but marvel at how much she reminds him of his mother(hear me out) He's been adrift since her disappearance. His father is distant, Nathalie is cold, and even though Chloé cares she's a hurricane in a ponytail. Marinette;leading him to the classroom, showing him his seat, and giving him tips, makes him feel *safe*. (Woo parallels!) He falls hard and fast.
He becomes a Marinette stan, furst to support her. First to go the extra mile. Talking her up and excited to see what she will do next. Every step she takes to be the 'everyday Ladybug' only males him fall harder. The 'weakspot' he has to work on is how completely uncritical he is, after all his mother could do no wrong! He doesn't make the conscious connection, but he treats Marinette the same. She's not a memory of a mother though, she's a living breathing 14yr old. She will and should make mistakes. Adrien discounts them too much, excusing/rationalizing/redirecting her shortcomings which actually inhibits her growth. 'I was wrong' is something everyone needs as a part of their life.
Chloé is in fact having a bad time(maybe?) she can't bully or daddy her way out of this. Adrien gushes about Marinette and Chloé's initial 'ewww' turns him instantly cold (only briefly though) but it is a warning. If she wants to win she has to *beat* Marinette. She needs to be better, smarter, stronger, she can't fake it. She has to compete and win! Hijinks/rivalry ensues (Marinette isn't competing for Adrien, but the chance to show up Chloé is cathartic as heck!)
What's fascinating is how various other things will shake out. Chloé's 'daddy' goes unused, most people get ignored. She can't push and shove her way out of this. Alya has to listen to Marinette gushing about Cat Noir (she knitted herself a pawprint sweater that she sleeps in, but she has to keep fangirling on the down low in public so she doesn't clue in whoever CN really is!) Nino's crush on Marinette is DoA. Do he and Alya still get together? Adrien's in Nino's ear about Mari every day.
Does Alya pull Chloé aside and say 'wtf are you even doing?' emboldened by the blonde's shift from dominance to competition. Foes Sabrina branch out, being Chloé's 'trainer' for a myriad competitions. She(they) could come into contact with a lot more people.
It's a whole AU in the making.
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Penn Zerothon Day Ø
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My Ramblings: Starting with the lost and then found pilot! A nice little treat for us this year, huh?
We start off in World 0072, aka Galaxy World. I wonder if we would've had that little numbering system and have it announced every time?
We get a scene that appears later in Number One Number Two; Rippen delivering a banger line and about to blast Penn to smithereens until Larry accidentally messes it all up, the inciting incident for that episode.
How the Trio are zapped back is different from how we're used to seeing it, starting off as like an actual screen with them being pulled through. Maybe this is how it normally it and I just miss that. It looks different here for sure. A "mission failed" is played when the Duo are zapped... I would hate hearing that everyday.
The pilot's iteration of the intro is cute at the start with his parents. It explains the concept pretty well and what happened to his parents. Little goblin mode Rippen with his witchy laugh in during sequence is interesting. In the show, we didn't exactly know how he did until Mr. Rippen, I believe. In this, it shows him messing with some wire in the Odyssey. Which I'm glad wasn't the case in the show. It seems way too easy here. But again, I'm happy with what we got, I mean, I don't know if this was gonna be the intro for every episode or a special one just for the first (pilot).
The character title cards are neat! Seeing them zapped in and see how they operate. But Boone's is the worst, like just showing him eat... classy. Also, just hearing Rippen being called Mr. Reap is so funny to me. It's like, "Hey guys, this is the bad guy! He's evil!"
I adore Sashi and Penn's dynamic here, it's so sweet. She's so supportive of this untrained noodle. They feel like good friends... unlike Boone. I'm sure that during this iteration, maybe he would have lightened up more towards Penn, but I don't know.
I love the classroom scene so much. Mr. Reap acting like he's top dog and that he doesn't still lose every day to children. He's full of confidence for a losing man. I like the way he walks over to him, his little leggies, I'm sorry! His face drop is good. Also Penn? He's already got lady eyes, beautiful puppy eyes. Reap is so needlessly much in this situation, I adore everything that comes out of his mouth. Then Larry popping in, playing the xylophone is great. Why is he? Because he can and again, such smooth animation! I'm sure Reap is annoyed to no need that he isn't the principal. We see what he would've been like as principal later on. Anyways, Larry pulling Reap away from class by his shmock always gets me, I wish Larry drove his little vespa with Reap all the time.
The Knight world, also known as dimension 0073. I like that Penn is so happy that he knows the sword and the stone. I like the rock bit. It's funny how Boone is like "this guy is always gonna be one step ahead of us" and gives up, did you not beat this man multiple times at this point? Boone... go die. I'm sorry but please... go die. How does Reap seem more nicer than you?
Hmmm, this catapult scene looks familiar.
"It was you?" So either Phyllis didn't feel the need to tell Penn or maybe she didn't know it was Reap, which I doubt.
"It's more me, wouldn't you say?" Stop good evil sir.
Every time Penn arf arf's during his little unprompted beat boxing solo I think of beat boxing puppy! And Reap getting beaten and burned by the dragon was a lot. Like damn, kinda feel bad. He cries out for Larry!
Boone possibly being a cannibal is interesting to say the least. Any who, Sashi and Penn playing around with magic is fun, they deserve it.
Boone getting smashed by the door by Reap is just the cherry on top, I still like the idea that Sashi saw Reap heafing towards the Odyssey and just kept going. Not her circus, not her monkeys. She off the clock.
Mr. Reap does talk a big game for a guy who just got his butt baked. I agree, Penn. But also, yeah, he got burned alive. I like Penn standing up to him and then just skateboarding off, very cool. Reap looks so lost in the background.
I think this is a pretty good pilot. But there is one massive issue I have... Boone. I'm happy with what we got and I think Zap One is better.
~The Characters~
Penn Zero: I can't say much for Penn at the start that isn't his design... I don't mind it, but I'm happy with what we ended up with, our dear cotton candy-head noodle boy! I will never understand why Boone had the zero on his shirt instead of Penn... Zero...
Penn has so many pictures of his parents by his bed... my heart.
Boone Wiseman: I hate him... he's not funny or helpful. Like get out of here! You're so mean! You're not our Boone!
Sashi Kobayashi: Our first time with is Sashi, her absolutely annihilating all the robots and then saving Penn, establishing her as a badass.
Training with Penn is fun, I bet half the time this happens it's out of nowhere and she just appears to attacks him. Maybe while doing homework, gaming or at more inopportune times. Although something that's always confused me in the show is, Sashi basically trained her whole life to be a sidekick. How? Her parents don't know about any of this! I wonder if this iteration they did, like in the flashback of her being a baby, they had to... right? Anyways, what an exit, huh?
Sashi kicking and punching Boone was therapeutic.
Rippen Mr. Reap: His performance is so over the top and delightful! In the Galaxy World, the classroom and the Knight World, everywhere! He's just gotta be extra
Larry: Let's blow up Mondays with him everybody, come on! Larry is as Larry as all ways starting the running joke of "if I had blank, you know what I'd do?"
I like him just landing directly on to Reap's head without a care in the world while Reap looks like a flatten cat man. His animation is delightful. Why is he given such smooth animation? Because he deserves it is why.
I can listen to him go and on and on about whatever the hell he's currently rambling about. Although realistically? I might not. Sorry, Larry.
Phyllis: Is Phyllis.
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b14augrana · 3 days
Hola , love reading the asks and the fics so much
Will you like to give us any hc of our scrubber that you want to share ? Would love to hear your thoughts and your writing is so wonderful... chef's kiss 😘🤩
I would love to omg strap in guys this is gonna be a big one. Here are some headcanons, let me know if you want to see more x
– Known as something different to every single person. Her nicknames are Pequeñita (Aitana), Bebita (Mapi), Buenaza (also Mapi), Chiquita (Alexia), Nenita (Irene), Kärlek (Fridolina), Herlig (Ingrid) and of course, Scrubber
– Actually pretty tall for her age. The only thing that makes it easy to tell she’s 16 is the fact she looks notably younger than everyone else. She’s very strong though, and everyone underestimates her because of her age
– Shy around most people she meets in football. She’s nervous around them due to her age, but she settles into environments quickly
– Not very confrontational with her words. If someone badly tackled her on the pitch, she won’t really say anything (that’s Mapi’s job), but instead she’ll respond by crunching whoever it was 10x harder than they did to her. Works every time + bonus points for Irene's approval
– She can't speak an inkling of French despite living there for years. Lucy can speak more French than her and she uses that against her all the time. Lucy is horrid at speaking Spanish though, so Bebita has that on her
– Very deep sleeper, it takes an army to wake her up when she's slept for 10 hours or more. She's also a bed hog and needs a whole king sized mattress to herself which is why most of the girls have a sleeping space reserved just for her. They've all experienced sharing the bed with Bebita and they can hardly call it sharing
– It's Alexia's biggest fear that Chiquita will leave Barcelona but Chiquita has no intentions to do that. She'll never go anywhere without her big sisters, so she doesn't understand why Alexia is so worried
– Hates maths in all its shapes and forms. Whenever she sees that maths is on the agenda after training, she does everything in her power to get out of doing it. She has made a break from it down the road just to avoid being dragged into the classroom, Irene had to run after her and looked like a lunatic running down the street
– Obviously a big Hay Day fan. She takes Bagheera Land very seriously. She has actually missed a day of her streak before, and that was almost the end of her as we know it. It was a very bad day for everyone around her when she found out her streak was lost, but she'll never make the same mistake again
– Sucker for some good food. She agrees to go to most functions when one of the girls brings up a good assortment of food, and that really sells it to her. Her and Irene take turns smuggling food out of the venue to have for dinner the next night
– Extremely terrified of any small thing that flies or crawls. Absolutely hates butterflies, moths, and wasps. Bumblebees are okay, houseflies are hated by all. She hates all insects, but spiders are her worst enemy. She always wishes she could Brexit tackle spiders without kicking massive holes in the walls
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maleyanderecafe · 1 year
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BORDER LINE ~My Fiendish Chinese Classmate's Psychotic Infatuation~ (Manga)
Created by: Horita ahan
Genre: Smut/Psychological
Phew, this one was kind of a trip. It's made by the same person who made The Man Who Saved Me on my Isekai Trip is a Killer and is much MUCH better (though, I'll be honest, it's not a really high bar or anything) since it plays more with manipulation on the yandere's part. A lot of this creator's smut tends to lean more on the darker side anyways, so it's not that much of a surprise, though this one isn't straight up noncon like a lot of others and more of dubcon.
The story starts out with previous class president Kaho being greeted by the Chinese transfer student Wei Wang. She ends up encountering him bullying another classmate and tries to tell him off for bullying him. However, Wang twists her words, stating that there's no proof that he bullied him for no reason, and that for all she knows his classmate could have bullied him until he couldn't take it anymore. Because she doesn't want to be hated, she decides to take the place of her classmates as a bully victim. He accepts, and she becomes determined that she'll be able to survive being bullied as everyone in the classroom will take her side. She's proven immediately wrong and bullied, so decides to meet up with Wang in the Red Light District. The two end up having sex, with Wang asking if she wants to give up, and her refusing. She keeps getting bullied and having sex with Wang in different places but refuses to give up. One day at her locker, she hears a conversation about how Wang used to be bullied and how the classmate being bullied was actually Kaho's fault in the first place. She confronts Wang, stating the reason she was bullied in the first place wasn't that she was hated but because everyone feared him. Wang confesses that Kaho enjoys helping the weak and the reason he did all of this was to make Kaho happy- by creating scenarios where she could help people. Broken by his words, he accepts being Wang's and has sex with him in the classroom. The classmate that was bullied before thanks Kaho about what she did, though it seems obvious that Kaho is no longer enamored by the praise she had before. The last scene is Wang and Kaho hugging, with Wang promising to be with her and to learn every side to her.
So as you can see, this smut gets dark pretty fast, but again, that's not a big surprised for this author. Comparatively to some of their other works that have been translated, this one definitely goes more into the psychological aspects of more or less gaslighting and manipulation and I think it does make it more interesting. In every case, Kaho could have stopped being bullied as Wang does mention multiple times that she could stop it if she wants to, but she is too prideful to ask for help and simply just believes that people will save her, even if it never happens. Wang on the other hand is simply calculating and cruel- he knows how to get what he wants and he does so very well by intimidating the other students and manipulating Kaho so that she feels dependent on him. I do think the idea of "just wanting praise" is sort of... weak. Even if Wang did make a bunch of opportunities for Kaho to be helpful, there's really no reason to "pay him back" and you could argue that what he did to her was already payment enough to making her feel good in terms of being praised by others, but maybe after all that he did to her, she doesn't really have the capacity to make rational decisions for her.
In terms of being a yandere, Wang is a pretty cruel one. Not only is he callous in the way he treats Kaho, through manipulation, dubcon sex and manipulation, he's also not afraid to use these skills to intimidate the other students into bullying the person he likes, to the point of breaking her resolve. To be fair compared to the isekai killer protagonist, he always does give a way out for Kaho, even if it's used more as a manipulation tactic, sort of taunting her into admitting that she was wrong. It's kind of interesting to see what lengths a yandere will go to break their love interest into being with them. The smut is actually used to make the story darker and show what lengths Wang will go to get Kaho.
Overall, I didn't mind it in terms of what kind of psychological horror it brings. It's a bit too dark for my tastes (then again, when have I really liked dark dub/noncon), but it does have an interesting story, so if any of this interests you, try it out.
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ticklishraspberries · 2 years
My Youth Is Yours (J.D/Veronica)
Summary: Veronica thinks that her and J.D. would benefit from acting like kids more often. (A commission for the lovely @moose-muffin, thank you so much for the opportunity!)
As their high school years crept closer and closer to the end, Veronica couldn’t help but long for the innocence of youth, the days where the kids who had grown up to be bullies shared snacks with the kids who grew up to be the victims of said bullies.
She wished that things were still simple, when all you had to do to be liked was let a classmate borrow a pen or bring something cool to show-and-tell. High school had the most impossible rules of what was cool and what was not. She wasn’t sure where along the way she had ended up in the “not cool” group.
She also knew that J.D. hadn’t grown up like the average child. His elementary school days were not filled with fingers sticky from glue and story times. Instead, he had been forced to grow up too fast, in a different classroom every month, and learning to live without his mother while being berated for grieving her.
If things couldn’t go back to the way they used to be, when Veronica Sawyer and Jason Dean were still bright-faced children who believed that people were good at heart, then Veronica could at least try to bring some of that carefree innocence back into her boyfriend’s life, as well as her own.
And so, she slipped little suggestions of fun things they could do into conversation, like visiting the local thrift store, pitching a makeshift tent in the yard, and playing board games.
And J.D. seemed to enjoy it, even if he didn’t verbally admit it. He begrudgingly tried on some of the ridiculous clothes Veronica had found at the shop, and he listened as she pointed out the stars in the night sky, snuggled by her side.
Board games, however, lead to something more eventful. Apparently, J.D. had never played Monopoly before, and that simply wouldn’t do. So, after digging through her garage to find the old game that she and her family hadn’t touched in years, Veronica explained the rules and they dove in.
However, J.D. seemed to be taking the whole “acting childish” thing too seriously, as he was essentially disregarding the rules she had so carefully explained to him.
“You can’t just move wherever you want on the board!” Veronica huffed. “Move it back.”
“Or what?” J.D. asked. “Gonna arrest me for trespassing?”
If it were anyone else, Veronica would be furious at their attitude, but she had come to expect this sarcasm and sass from him, and while she hated to admit it, she found it incredibly charming.
“No, but I’ll have to retract your board game privileges.”
J.D. gave a mock gasp of horror. “Oh no! What a tragedy,” he teased, but moved his piece back to where it originally was.
“If you’re bored we don’t have to play,” Veronica said.
“No, I’m not bored. Just messin’ with you,” he replied, giving her a fond, sincere smile that let her know he was actually enjoying himself.
After a few minutes, J.D. decided to joke around once again, not even trying to hide the money he was snatching from the piles.
“Trespassing, now bank robbery?” Veronica asked, raising an accusing eyebrow.
He grinned. “What can I say, babe? I’m an outlaw. You gonna stop me?”
Veronica hummed, considering this. Then, without giving him a verbal answer, she launched herself at him. Luckily, they were sitting on the carpeted floor, so their tumble backwards ended with a gentle landing. And, the game’s board somehow remained unscathed.
Honestly, she hadn’t quite come up with a plan. All she knew was that the smug smirk on J.D.’s face made her want to be closer to him, to make him smile…
Wait. There was an option that she liked.
J.D. gave her a puzzled yet amused smile. “And what do I owe the pleasure of—Hey!”
She had wiggled her fingers against his sides, making him twitch like a livewire.
“You know, if we’re gonna embrace our youth, I think a good old-fashioned tickle fight is perfect,” Veronica said, mischief dancing in her brown eyes.
J.D’s own eyes widened, but he was still smiling, which seemed to mean he was still having fun.
She quickly adjusted her position so she was sort of straddling his legs, her fingers quickly darting underneath his t-shirt to scribble at his stomach.
The laughter that spilled from her boyfriend was exactly the kind she had been longing to hear: child-like, boisterous, and so incredibly genuine. It wasn’t like J.D. was some silent, stoic type, but he rarely let loose and allowed himself to laugh in such a way.
It was the sweetest sound Veronica had ever heard.
She wondered how long it had been since he’d laughed like that, or had someone touch him in such a playful manner. She wondered if he had even remembered being ticklish, if it had been a part of his childhood, with his mother.
Mostly, she wondered which spots she could target to draw more of that sweet laughter from his lips.
J.D. shook his head back and forth, but he hadn’t let out a single verbal protest, only allowing the giggles to spill out. His skin quivered, his muscles jumped beneath her fingers, and his hands grasped at the carpet for some kind of salvation.
Veronica couldn’t help but giggle along with him. “This is what happens to cheaters,” she teased, before switching tactics and squeezing at his sides.
He jumped as the new spot was targeted, elbows coming to his sides to try and block her hands, but it didn’t do much good. “It was just a johoke!” he protested.
“Too bad, you still broke the rules,” she said. “And rule breakers get tickled.”
J.D’s face was blushed pink, something Veronica had never really seen before. He might get flushed after some kind of physical exertion, or in cold weather, but she had never seen him blush in embarrassment. She was just seeing so many new sides of him that day!
In fact, she was so mesmerized by the color in his cheeks, that he managed to sneak his hands towards her thighs and started squeezing them, making her squeal in surprise.
“No fair!” she cried. “This is supposed to be your punishment!”
J.D. grinned, using her surprise as the perfect opportunity to flip their positions, gently guiding her onto her back so that he could hover over her, looking like the cat who had caught the mouse. “I think it’s plenty fair,” he said simply, but there was a sickly sweet, almost sing-song quality to his tone that gave Veronica goosebumps.
She was already giggling nervously, anticipation of his revenge making her skin tingle.
He started to squeeze her thighs again, then switched to scratching behind her knees, making her kick and giggle helplessly. She never thought her legs were especially sensitive, but J.D. was proving her wrong with every touch.
Although she was clearly ticklish there, J.D. figured she had to be hiding some more sensitive spots, and decided to go after her belly next, fingers dancing along the fabric of her sweater and making her head tip back with a newfound bout of laughter.
“Oh, you’re more ticklish here than I am,” he said. “Good to know.”
Veronica wished she could scowl at him, but her face was trapped in a Cheshire cat smile, so she resorted to letting out a loud groan between giggles. “Shut up!”
“That’s not very nice,” J.D. said. “You’re really not in the position to be rude to me.”
Well, perhaps that was true. She would just have to switch their position again.
With a newfound strength, Veronica pulled herself into a sitting position, her arms wrapping around J.D’s middle and tickling his ribs.
He let out a surprised shout before dissolving into laughter once again.
It was so silly, so ridiculous, so freeing. Had it not been for their long, flailing limbs, and the litany of swears muttered between giggles, the scene looked like two roughhousing kids. It would be a truly precious sight, but luckily they were alone, no one to interrupt such a pure moment.
“Cut it out!” J.D. all but whined, trying to curl up and guard his middle from her grasp.
“Oh, c’mon, you love this!” Veronica replied. “That’s the first time you’ve asked me to stop since this started, babe.”
J.D. groaned, burying his face in his arms, but he didn’t deny it, just kept giggling as Veronica prodded at his sides.
Huh. Well, maybe her assumption had been spot on! She hadn’t meant to embarrass him, though. And so, she pushed him back to the carpet, prying his hands away from his face and leaned close to his face, grinning. “You know it’s cute if you do, right? Like, really cute.”
J.D. was blushing like mad, and he refused to meet her eye. “Whatever. You didn’t ask me to stop either, though, so…”
Veronica paused. “Oh. I guess I didn’t…”
J.D. brought his hands up to squeeze her hips, making her squeal. “Since you like it so much, I clearly have to do it all the time now!”
Veronica doubled over, burying her face in his chest as she laughed. Alright, so maybe she did like it. She was actually having a lot of fun. Laughing with her boyfriend, rolling around on the carpet like a pair of playful kittens, the constant back and forth as they fought for the upper hand.
“Okay, okay, I do like it!” Veronica giggled out. “But I need a breather!”
J.D. stopped immediately, his hands moving to instead stroke her hair as she caught her breath. “I guess it’s kind of fun, from either end…” he said softly.
Veronica smiled. “Well, then I guess we’ll have to make this a common occurrence then, hm?”
“I guess we will,” he replied.
Veronica poked her head up from where it had been resting on his chest, and grinned. “You’re so beautiful,” she said, reaching to stroke his blushing cheek.
J.D. huffed, turning his face away. “Knock it off, you sap.”
“Never,” Veronica said, pulling him close by the collar of his shirt and bringing their lips together.
After all that wrestling, the two of them were exhausted, leaving the Monopoly game unfinished in exchange for taking a nap together, curled up on the couch and cuddled close.
Well, Veronica would call that a success. All she had wanted was to bring some of that childlike happiness back into her boyfriend’s life, and she felt as though she was one step closer to helping J.D. realize it was okay to act like a kid. It was okay to have fun, and to have feelings, and to express those feelings freely.
Silly things like board games and tickle fights couldn’t fix or heal their problems, but it was a fun way to unwind and let go for just a little bit. And didn’t everyone need that, every once in a while?
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redspringthorn · 8 months
My Manifesto for why I desire the Dissolution of American Compulsory Schooling and Psychiatry Systems
Possible triggers: Suicide, violence, involuntary confinement, self harm. Nothing is spoken of in graphic detail.
I've been subjected to therapists and Psychiatrists for about 12 years now, I am 26. I was first coerced into therapy around the age of 14 when school and other aspects of my life became so painful for me that it became unreasonable to others how badly I was doing.
My desperate desire was to leave school permanently as it was causing me such intense stress that my body and mind is still affected to this day, but I was not allowed to leave school as continuing was deemed ultimately 'beneficial' to me by the adults who had control over my life. The damage to my body and mind that followed is almost entirely a result of my complete lack of Autonomy and choice in the situations I was in. For this reason and many more I am an advocate of liberation and autonomy of all children and minors as well as passionate about psychiatric liberation and in my life the two have often been entwined.
The psychiatric system has repeatedly been leveraged against me to foster compliance in a system that I have desperately wanted to escape but had no choice in participating in. I have been forced into therapy as an 'alternative' to what I actually needed at the time, which was to not be regularly attending a high school environment. This first therapist I was given repeatedly tried to get me to date her son who had a crush on me and insisted that dating him would help with my depression. Middle school was also very painful and isolating experience for me, and I look back on the many days I spent trapped in those class rooms, looking out the windows and longing to be free with so much sorrow and anger.
My childhood felt so short and even the days I was still happy I was trapped wasting away emotionally, in pain from lower back problems, in classrooms that taught me nothing, and ignored by shitty teachers or punished for fucking stupid reasons( for example, I got yelled at by certain teachers a lot for shifting around and stretching in my seat, because I was in constant pain), at the most vibrant I was in my life and it ruined me. I hate compulsory school with every fiber of my being and I grieve for the children experiencing what I experienced, now.
Having psychiatry leveraged against me in a last ditch effort to keep me functioning in school led to my eventual suicide attempt, which resulted in five days of involuntary confinement full of punishment and terror, and cruelty upon me and the other people imprisoned there with me. After finally being released after five days of hell and zero helpful aspects whatsoever, my primary motivator of achieving mental Normality and Balance became fear of ever giving someone a reason to confine me like that again. I still fear it every day and I hope that one day we can be liberated enough that none of us will have to feel this fear. If I had just been given a choice, none of this pain that torments me every day would even exist.
Astoundingly enough, through all this time of forced psychiatric treatment inflicting trauma upon me, psychiatry has repeatedly failed to address some of my most basic and life ruining problems that I've begged to be addressed. My whole life I've been tormented by insomnia and often stayed awake all night crying and wishing for sleep, and it was only this year, at age 26, a psychiatrist finally prescribed me something for sleep. It is such a relief. The rage I feel that my younger self was not offered that relief.
However, I've been prescribed many different medicines for depression, bipolar etc, all of which have had some sort of horrible affect on my mind or body, some just made my body feel horrible and tormented me, made me vomit, made me have Tourette's-like symptoms, and one even caused me to nearly stab someone (over almost nothing) in the most upsetting, otherworldly and rage powered episode I have ever had in my life. I have never taken another psychiatric medication after that experience and I never will.
I was also cut off of a high antidepressant dosage cold turkey because of missing too many appointments. This caused me permanent neurological damage, I still feel "the zaps" usually caused by that antidepressant withdrawal very regularly, they never went away after the withdrawal. Therapists and psychiatrists have repeatedly denied to my face that this is possible, despite the fact that I literally experience it regularly.
Despite my repeated insistence that I never want to take these drugs again every psychiatrist is hell bent on Finding the Right Drug To Finally Make Me Normal. The most recent psychiatrist I've seen even tried to prescribe me antipsychotics "because I haven't tried them yet." While refusing to medicate me for ADHD, which I have been diagnosed with, and was the original issue I came to her with.
Overall, I think the Psychiatric and schooling system of the USA is a big fail and I hope to sow some seeds of it being dismantled and building something that doesn't chew away at the soul of humanity until there is nothing left.
I was convinced for a long time that therapy was helping me, but I no longer believe that. I don't believe I need therapy. What I need is a better world.
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Can I request yandere dipper x fem!s/o hc who gives off wedsenday addam's vibes? (and has a thing) from the 2022 show? thanks
anon 🖤💀
Of course! Thank you so much for your request!
Art not mine!
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You caught his attention quickly, well, to be fair you catch everyone’s attention quickly
You stood out a lot in California, for your clothes but also because of your personality
Maybe if you had moved to Gravity falls you would’ve been stuck with Robbie instead
Your family had built a house on a hill, similar to the Northwest family, the only difference being your family’s house looked… old, and very out of date, but that’s why your family loved it
Dipper had seen you sitting on the sidewalk looking in a book and that was it for him
He didn’t approach you, not like he needed too you already knew he was staring at you
However, when you both had gotten to school and Dipper saw you in his class he knew it was for sure over for him
The teacher had been asking everyone ice breakers, trying to get to know them
“ Y/n would you like to tell us a little bit about yourself?” Your teacher had asked, and suddenly all eyes were on you.
“ No, I think I’m quite fine.” You replied, tone dry and filled with a uninterested look back down to your book.
“ Y/n I think it would be nice for us all to get to know you. There’s no need to be shy.” The teacher said smiling, trying her hardest to get you to talk. To no avail.
“ If you insist. My name is Y/n, I hate everything and a fun fact for you all is bother me again the only thing you’ll be asking yourself is where your bones went while I dip you in acid limb by limb.”
Dipper blushed, partially out of fear and partially out of infatuation
After class you had been sitting in the library all alone for lunch. You had a book in front of you and a sandwich next to you.
“ This is it Dipper. Time to talk to her.” He thought, before walking over. As he reached for the chair in front of you, you stood up putting your hand out to stop him.
“ No I am not interested being your friend. No I do not want to do any extracurricular activities with you. I will not be in your presence longer than I need to be. I’ve seen you before and I wish I would’ve gouged my eyes out that very movement. Do not try to talk or approach me again or it will be your immortal soul that pays the price. Laisse-moi tranquille. Have a horrible day.”
With that you took your things and left, leaving a confused and heart-broken Dipper in your wake. But this doesn’t stop him, not one bit.
It makes him want you even more.
He stares at you a lot, and you know this, and every time your eyes meet you’re sure to give him a death stare, to which he looks away.
Unfortunately for you, your teacher had paired you both up for a project. You wanted to die, per usual. Dipper was over the moon.
“ So when do you want to get started on the project?” Dipper asked as you both sat in silence. While the rest of the groups were chatting.
“ As soon as possible. I fear being around you too long will infect me with the one disease I am not immune too.” You stated, never blinking once. Dipper raised his brow, nervous as he began o sweat a bit.
“ Um, can I ask what disease?” Dipper asked, not sure if he really wanted to know.
“ Socializing.”
It takes you a long time to even have a conversation that lasts more than two minutes with Dipper
He caught your interest by mentioning an abandoned house he was going to check out with Mabel
it caught your attention
and dipper noticed
he was so happy to finally be able to do something with you, to bond
“ Do you want to come with us?” Dipper asked, as you both were cleaning up from your project
“ Hm. I suppose. It’s either that or I rein-act the time I first went to summer camp.” You replied, earning a confused look from Dipper.
“ What happened?” Dipper asked
“ I burned the pilgrim set to the ground and escaped.” You replied, before walking away from him and out of the classroom with your things
You know he likes you
You also know that gets extremely nervous whenever you both are close to one another
“ I assume it’s because he’s close to death whenever we’re together.” You tell your mother, as you pack your bag to get ready to go to the abandoned house
“ Have fun sweetheart. Bring back a corpse if you can. I need new decore for my dining room.” You say as your mother kisses your cheek.
When you met with Dipper and his sister, Mabel
“ Hi! I’m Mabel, Dipper’s twin.” She said excitedly, before going to hug you. You stopped, holding your hand out with a scared look.
“ I don’t hug.” You said, before she giggled.
“ Aww don’t be shy, everyone hugs.” She said smiling before coming closer to try and hug you.
“ Mabel really,” Dipper said, grabbing her by the shoulders and turning her to face him
“ She said she doesn’t hug leave her alone.”
You were secretly grateful Dipper interrupted his sister, as you all made your way into the abandoned house
“ I’m going to the basement.” You said, earning a surprised look from Mabel
“ Isn’t that the worst part of the house?” You asked.
“ Yes. I will rejoice in despair as I become one with the spirits left behind.” You said, descending down the stair case.
“ I’ll go with you.” Dipper said not leaving room to retaliate
“ Is it dead?” Dipper asked as you both came across an unmoving mouse
“ Does it matter?” You asked, walking past it. As you got to a dark corner you took your bag and placed it in front of you,
“ Thing. Grab that mouse and put it in this jar, don’t let Dipper see. Something is off about this house, that mouse might help us know why.” You say, letting thing sit on the ground.
“ Oh also,” You said, thing standing still
“ Something is weird with Dipper. He’s overly clingy. follow him for a while and report back.”
Thing waved his hand around, saying he wasn’t going to stalk a child
“ What if he’s a shape shifter? We would never know if you don’t find out. stop whining and go.” Begrudgingly thing left, and you emerged from the shadows, watching Dipper look at the walls of the basement.
‘I know there’s something off about you Dipper pines.’ You thought.
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Am I doing a review tonight? Heck yeah I am (i would die of too much feelings if i didn't).
Am I publishing last night's review that I wrote in a fit of depression and impulsiveness? What do you think?
I feel a little bad that I couldn't write one for every episode, but i did manage to come so far and since yesterday's episode could be considered an extension of today's, think of this as a review for both.
Moving on.
I loved today's episode. I really really did. It was beautiful, gorgeous and very heartfelt. It was also hilarious and horny but let's not talk about that (or maybe we will?).
I like making lists, so here's one more (a couple of scenes are from yesterday's):
At the Bull Camp: when Pran and Pat start a fight to stop Tian and Phupha from fighting. And morning come, when they're getting up from the tent for breakfast, and Pat asks Pran to rate him: these two really are horny little minxes (affectionate) that use fighting as foreplay.
The confession scene. You know the one. It simultaneously broke my heart and wrapped it in a fluffy blanket. I would have been able to enjoy it more were I in a better mood, but it's okay.
Most of yesterday's episode was them getting lost in the forest. I think this is because in some way or other, all of them felt lost. And it was about finding themselves (and each other) again. It also highlighted, in phases, how their relationships and they themselves are similar and/or different.
Yesterday's episode is beautifully explained in this post, definitely give it a read if you have time.
In episode 16, what I really liked was that while PatPran did things that were references to the original ATOTS, PhuphaTian also did things that were references to BBS. Case in point: Phupha asking Tian to rate him on his 'performance' and Tian first showing one finger to tease him. The eleven was a nice twist though :D And the eye mask- I'm crying T~T
Also, I had an idea as to what were Hona's "conditions" going by Pran's and then Pat's reaction (no this has no connection whatsoever to me wanting them to do a play together shh). So happy i was right.
The waterfall and the classroom scenes- honest question P'Aof, are you trying to kill us with fluff? If so, I'm completely on board, but I have stuff to do, you know.
"We need to talk." Yes you do. You have a lot of talking to do.
We all knew Hona was going to surprise him right (I got flashbacks of The Eclipse OS episode 2)? I did not expect that big of a surprise, though (we'll come back to this later). Happy for Tian.
The play. I loved it so much. I have no words for how much I loved it. Especially the seating arrangements (not InkPa gossiping about PhuphaTian when they are sitting right there). Initially, I'd expected Pat to be Hona and Pran to be Khru Tian, but this dynamic does make more sense. The "No one should use their whole life to repay someone else's." hit me right in the feels because that's what they have been doing their whole lives. They had to hate each other because Pat's dad had wronged Pran's mom. Pran had to "break up" with Pat simply because Pat was his father's son and thus, in Dissaya's eyes, couldn't be trusted. This is also very true for Pa; she had to pretend to hate Pran even after he saved her life. So this scene was only part acting for them. It was also the reality they have to live through every day of their lives.
My favourite scene is the curtain scene; I could write a whole post just on that. Partly because of the kiss, yes, but mostly because of the connotations. Twice, they have been outed with the curtain falling. The first time had a mostly good outcome, however temporary (I'm not counting the Wai Mess™). The second time, they managed to avoid any suspicions. These two times, the curtain falling signified their (not so) secret relationship being exposed. This time, they kiss in front of a whole auditorium full of audience and the curtain closes on them, signifying that they are successful in hiding their relationship from prying eyes. This has both sad (that they have to hide in the first place) and happy connotations (that they are in their own world where they can love each other to the fullest). Also Wai and Korn being the bestest friends 😂😂. "We have no choice." As if Pat isn't screaming and jumping inside to kiss Pran in front of everyone. Yes, of course, Pat, that's the reason. Also, Pa saying "I didn't know Hia could act." –Didn't Pat act in the Architecture play in his sophomore year? 👀
[Unmute :D Do NOT repost; I'll do more than find you]
12. Poor Pa- I wanted to hug her then (the second hand embarassment almost made me curl into the corner of my bed and never come out).
13. Aaaaand Nong Nao is back. Also, in this scene the casual "will your dad be okay with this?" and "what about your mother?" tells us just how much they've come forward together, and how much they are willing to sacrifice for their love. Previously, there was always trepidation, anger, sadness or all three when talking about their parents, now it's just another topic. Like, it's good if they're okay with it, but we'll not stop loving each other if they're not. It's beautiful. Also, this:
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YES!!!!!! I've been waiting for this singular scene since the Our Skyy 2 trailer dropped and I finally get it. My BBS part of the brain is so satisfied right now. Not Pa and her timing again-
14. The ring, oh my gods. I kid you not when I say I literally gasped and teared up a little when Tian (and we the viewers) saw the ring. "Chief finally put the 1000th ring on my finger." Ahhh I'm screaming. It means so much for them both.
15. That post credit scene? I don't have words left for it. TianPhupha is a go! My switch stan (always) brain: happy :D
That's all for today! See you tomorrow when I sum up Be My Favourite.
If you want more clips, feel free to send a request! :D
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chaotic-on-main · 1 year
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HighschoolAU - nerd!Levi/loner!Levi headcanons
☾ Pairings ➼ Levi Ackerman x gn!Reader
☾ Content/Warnings ➼ fluff
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He walks around with ttrpg books that he knows front and back
People ignore him because they think he’s rude and weird
You’re the new kid and are automatically drawn to Hange’s loud nature and become fast best friends with them
You both share a homeroom with Levi
Levi sits in the back of the classroom with his head in a book at all times, mostly different modules, manuals, and guides
You find it odd that no one ever hangs around him
You ask Hange why and they just shrug their shoulders telling you he was callous
He’s only ever kept to himself but he was never mean to you
One day you peak over to see him working on a character sheet for D&D specifically
“Whatcha working on?” you ask as you lean over into his space
He’s visibly uncomfortable obviously
Levi’s eyes narrow at you before mumbling something about d&d
You’ve never heard about it before, so you ask him
He turns away and doesn’t say anything to you and the bell rings
The next day you see him doing the same thing so you ask him again
It takes a few days of asking but finally he eyes you suspiciously and when you don’t say anything or leave he slowly starts opening up about it
He talks about it until the bell rings, by then his face and eyes are lit up like Christmas lights
The day after that you ask him about it again and the same thing happens, he talks about it in depth about his favorite classes and monsters and what kind of weapons he finds are the best
This continues for a week or so
Even Hange has joined in the conversation much to his disdain but you can tell he secretly enjoys it
“Really, four eyes?”
You both start eating lunch with him and you find out he has a thing for videogames and weirdly enough, cleaning
One Friday afternoon after classes about a month later, the three of you are about to part ways but he is visibly distressed and fidgeting with the strap of his messenger bag
“Levi what’s wrong?”
“I wondered if you’d be interested in starting a campaign with me?”
His cheeks are flushed and he’s so not enjoying this moment right now
You say yes so fast that it doesn’t register to him right away
He doesn’t give it away but he’s extremely happy
He attempts to DM once and finds out he hates it
Hange ends up being the DM and loves it (they get pretty sadistic with the monsters they choose)(also their tactical brain? It’s perfect)
Hange and Levi become closer because they borrow his books so they can read up so they know what they're doing
Levi plays a fighter with a samurai subclass
Eventually Hange’s other friends (Erwin, Miche, Nanaba, Moblit, Onyankopon, etc) get wind of this and want to join too because of Hange’s antics makes the game so much more fun
You sit next to Levi every other week when you meet up at Hange’s house
Levi won’t say it but he’s amazed at how full his life has become because of you taking time to talk to him
“Are you okay Levi?” You whisper to him while Hange’s setting up a battlemap with a dragon (literally what the fuck Hange)
“Yeah, I think I am.” He whispers back as he stares at you with a small smile.
☾ AN: Okay listen I'm going to finish March soon I promise but I was going feral at the prospect of Levi playing a ttrpg and I wanted to actually write a fic for it but I settled for an HC instead DON'T @ ME. I love nerd Levi and I WILL be revisiting this at a later date k thanks love y'all bye
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lutawolf · 2 years
My Beautiful Man and the BDSM Element Episode One
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Seventeen-year-old Hira, who is at the bottom of the class, tries to remain invisible at school, never wanting to open his mouth and expose his stuttering speech to his classmates. He views the world through his camera lens, detached, until one day Kiyoi walks through the classroom door. The impact is instantaneous. Hira finds himself pulled into Kiyoi's gravity, following him everywhere and attending to his every need. Popularity comes easily to beautiful Kiyoi, always surrounded by his classmates. He uses his status to get what he wants, ordering around the boy who stares at him with his big eyes, and seems to worship him like a god. Hira contents himself to merely exist within Kiyoi's orbit, asking for nothing in return.
I am specifically doing this for a particular mutual @tabbygray I remember our first conversation about this show. About how she hated it because she mistook it for a bully to love story. I of course absolutely had to say something, because it's honestly a favorite for me. My Beautiful Man speaks to me and who I am in a way that few shows do. Since then there have been more questions, so I wanted to break this down and hopefully expose the beauty of this show. I really hope you guys enjoy this 💜💜💜 Special thanks to @akitbeast for a lot of help on photography knowledge and verbiage.
An important thing to note is usually in kink elements such as this, there is a large amount of communication beforehand. However, these are kids who just fell into these roles. That's an important thing to realize because it's part of the miscommunication. It also explains the evolution of the different types of submission and Dominant they partake in. Honestly this is kind of how mine and my husband's relationship evolved so perhaps that's another reason for why it touches me.
Episode 1
I want you to notice that Hira is capable of making his own decisions and caring for himself. He decided to stay at the house by himself, care for himself, and do his own thing. It's important to notice that Hira is a very mature Seventeen-year-old who might have struggles but is pretty well adjusted. He knows who he is, which is pretty rare at his age.
From the minute Hira lays eyes on Kiyoi, he is entranced. We see this through Hira's eyes as though Cherry Blossoms are falling around Kiyoi. See Kiyoi came and saved Hira during his embarrassing stuttering issue and for that he sees him as a savior, it matters not if it was intentional or not. We could naturally put this down to teenager mind set but we already established that Hira isn't the normal teenager.
Right off you see a typical play of Dom and sub. Sub sees the the sun and is drawn to that unique warmth, while the Dom pretends to not notice. We've yet to be given a reason to pay attention but we notice when a sub circles around us. The way hira is acting is very much a submissive mindset, one that clocks somewhere between a slave and perfect sub.
Notice that hira is completely aware that he is a nobody to his classmates and he doesn't care. It gives him the best advantage to watch Kiyoi, his King. Again not typical teenager thought process but very much a thought process of a deep level submissive (one who lacks rebellious tendencies).
When hira walks into the room. We view his King through his eyes. Like the perfect composition through a lens. The super white light, wind blowing, and the sound of a breeze. Everything is crisp and looks perfect, as though Kiyoi is something not of this realm.
He views this being as something beautiful to be worshiped. It's important to note that he has decided this, it's not a view that Kiyoi has shaped. However, it is exactly the type of adoration that Kiyoi wants and therefore he accepts it.
We have the first moment of degrading. "You're a creep" notice there is no malice from Kiyoi, just a statement of fact from him. Hira acknowledges and is unbothered. This is when you have to recognize that things are not going to fit in a vanilla mold. They are already acting in a far different play than other people and to understand it, we have to stop making it fit. Instead we need to step into their world to understand. We can't call it bullying if the supposed victim isn't effected.
Hira compares himself to a peasant and once again to Kiyoi as a King. This very much speaks to a deep D/s relationship. A non-sexual one and one that Kiyoi isn't completely aware of yet.
Then the circle comes around. Kiyoi demands that hira stand in line for a table for them. No hesitant, hira says absolutely. Note that Kiyoi gives his personal number. With this move, Kiyoi takes on the Dominant role.
Though he is the Dominant, we can see that his circle has some Dominant allowances. Some of this could be age as Kiyoi very much acts more his age. The other part is though Kiyoi is naturally drawn to the Dominant role yet he is unaware really of the relationship and the responsibilities attached. Again this is a D/s relationship that they gravitated towards rather than finding, acknowledging, and establishing.
Hira may do for the others but it's only for the orders of his King. If Kiyoi wasn't around Hira would probably still be submissive and do what's necessary to not rock the boat but he wouldn't be actively submissive. He would not wait in line for anyone but his King. Kiyoi is special.
The pack sends hira to get ice cream and drinks. Hira pauses until Kiyoi shows his approval. Kiyoi for all his immaturity does pay attention to hira. He does realize that hira seeks only his approval and attention. He asks for ginger ale.
When some other classmates spill water. One bully and this is a clear example of bullying. The bully notices that Hira is busy but still calls out to him asking him to clean up the mess. When he sees Hira hesitant he comes to force him and degrades him as he does it. You can already see Hira putting up a fight. This is not his King nor one of his pack. However, Kiyoi acts immediately as a protective Dom. He and his pack are one thing, but not intruders are allowed. He also provides money to hira, he is showing he will protect and provide. All important features of a Dom. Again, though he is degrading by saying annoying it's completely different then the actual bully.
When hira doesn't react fast enough, Kiyoi hits the chair and commands. Hira immediately reacts then. It's not surprising that hira misinterpretes why Kiyoi's actions. Again, they are falling naturally into roles they still don't understand. He calls Kiyoi selfish and strong but he doesn't say it negatively but with admiration.
The coins become a token proof of his Dom's care. Though he doesn't recognize it for what it is. The way he sees the world begins to change. We start to see the benefits of the D/s relationship on hira.
We finally see hira's age in combination with his submissive nature, when he follows Kiyoi. A more mature, secure wouldn't do this. I also love that he has the maturity to recognize what he is doing is creepy. This one part perfectly highlights how hira is caught between boy and man. Hira watching Kiyoi dance is the first time we ever see hira smile.
Then Kiyoi is aggressive with hira. Throwing a scarf at him in his anger but let's not forget that hira was acting as a creep. Not respecting Kiyoi's privacy. Also keep in mind that Kiyoi is normally aggressive when showing disapproval, yet even though he is aggressive he isn't abusive. Hira is unperturbed and rushes to fix the issue.
Even though Kiyoi is unhappy he still showing good Dom elements here. He degrades about the stuttering but with no malice. Then tells hira to take his time, he'll wait. Though he is angry, he is prioritizing the care of his submissive. He sits down and let's hira talk but then his correction is with degrading. Not the best choice but we have mentioned he's Seventeen-year-old.
Kiyoi asks for a drink and snatches it from hira's hand but hira is once again smiling. Why? Because his King has not turned his back on him. Kiyoi gives a clear command to hira and hira states he would rather die than break it. If you miss the submission there I'm confused, is that normal behavior in a vanilla relationship? Kiyoi calls hira weird but he is saying it with pleasure rather than degrading.
Hira takes a picture without permission. Kiyoi is annoyed and punishes hira. No more pictures and degrades him, but this time there is no fondness. In true submissive fashion, hira covets the item that got him in trouble. It's also in this moment that hira recognizes his actual feelings for Kiyoi.
And so that concludes Episode one. I honestly didn't expect it to be so long. I hope you guys enjoy it!
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pinkipeachiikeen · 2 years
Galaxy Boy (Yamaguchi x Fem!Reader)
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Hurt/comfort oneshot
Word count: 6230
Summary: Yamaguchi overhears Y/n talking about how much she hates her *‘freckles’ so Yamaguchi wants her to give him a makeover- but gets a whole lot more than he bargained for
childhood friends to lovers, mutual pining, anxious yams, lots of fluff
Authors Note: I really went all out in this fic- a lot more than expected. I just relate to Yamaguchi a lot anxiety wise which took this fic from a cute little scenerio type thing to a whole 6000+ story and honestly? I’m not ashamed. I hope this can provide some comfort to others that suffer with anxiety as well 
Also even though it says reader has freckles- reader is not of specific race and their was no skin tone set in mind and does not have to have freckles 
Content warnings: VERY anxious Yams. and VERY brief mentions of self harm? (Yams mentions picking freckles off)
Likes, reblogs and comments are much apprecited! Tell me what you liked in the story! How it made you feel! Every comment and such is motivation for me to write more
“I look DISEASED!”
“Girl, you look fine.”
“Do you not see them! I’m hideous! 
“Y/n, it’s not even that bad! Stop being so dramatic.”
“I’m not being dramatic!” she claims as she slams her locker, causing a metallic ring through the deserted hallway, making both her and the boy peeking around the corner flinch. “Okay, Maybe I was being the slightest bit dramatic.” The girl admits, fidgeting with her fingers as she looks away sheepishly. God she’s so cute. Yamaguchi sighs. And so out of my league. The said object of the boy's affection turns her head around to almost catch his eye, but he dives behind the corner at lightning speed, holding his breath. “What are you looking at?” Her friend asks. “Nothing, I just thought I heard something.”
Yamaguchi can feel his heart almost beating out of his chest. What am I even doing here? He was just walking back from the bathroom and he heard his friend's voice and wanted to say hi, but didn’t wanna interrupt the conversation she was having. So naturally, he ends up hiding because talking to the other sex is scary, even if it’s just Y/N, someone he’s known for ages.
And someone who had a crush on them for almost as long.
Yamaguchi never meant to fall for her, it just kind of happened, like most cases of young love. Y/n is just so- How can Yamaguchi even explain it? She’s just so ethereal to him. Like a fairy, brightening up everyone's world, and pulling them out of their dark, dim shell.  She speaks her mind and stands her ground, something that is so foriegn to him, theat he tends to forget she struggles with her own troubles from time to time as well. Yamaguchi finds himself feeling lucky he got to see her become much more outgoing and comfortable in her skin over the years, but almost gets whiplash from seeing her stumble on her words and hide behind her hair with him, then biting back with playful- but harsh- jabs with Tsukishima. 
He remembers the day he met her almost like it was yesterday. Back then he had no idea that she’d change his life forever, he just liked her drawing of her pet dog. She’d always been an artist, and he remembers watching her trying out different mediums every week. She’d show up to school with her bag stuffed to the brim with different pencils, markers and even paints. She had to learn to carry all her supplies in a separate bag after one tube burst open all over the contents of her bag. After that she had bags on bags on bags filled with all the materials she planned to use throughout the day and they only got more complex over the years. Yamaguchi recalls the day she ran into their shared classroom and announced that your new canvas of choice would be skin, as she wanted to experiment with makeup. Soon after the bags of art supplies dwindled down to her makeup case and bag of moisturizer she used and tried to convince him and Tsuhishima to invest in, which had little avail. Much like the times where she’d ask him and Tsukishima to pose as models in her pieces, she would ask them to be the models or ‘test subjects'  for her makeup looks. Well not exactly. She never asks Yamaguchi to model. 
He has to pretend that doesn’t hurt each time. 
Yamaguchi shakes his head, banishing those thoughts away from his mind, once again. He doesn’t need that right now. “I’m serious though!” Her voice draws him back to reality, and back to the conversation. How does she look diseased? He asks himself. He thinks she’s the most gorgeous being alive, but he’s just a bit biased. 
 “Anyway, I stay in the sun too long ONCE and get all these freaking blemishes on my face. Once!” She complains, pointing to her face. Wait- is she pointing at- Her friend shakes her head. “It’s not even that bad! Can’t you use a cream or something to get rid of them?” Y/n shakes her head. “I tried everything! At this point i’m considering picking them off.” What?! Her friend sighs. “You really are dumber than I thought. How would you get to practice makeup with big old gashes on your skin? And you know they would probably just come back.” her friend reasons. Y/n flutters her lips as she adjusts her bag. “Yeah, I know. I'm just tired of looking at them And using so much makeup to cover them up all the damn time. I’m almost out of concealer. Again.” Y/n said something else as her and her friend walked back to their classroom, but they were too far out of earshot at that point and Yamaguchi couldn’t seem to care. His heart was plagued with her words. 
Yamaguchi felt sick. The only thing on her face that was even relatively new that she could be talking about was her freckles. Like the ones completely decorating his face. Y/N never had freckles growing up, but she did always complain about having sensitive skin and could’ve easily gotten them from the sun like she mentioned earlier. Her words keep running through his head with no end in sight. She’d rather harm herself than have freckles? Harm herself in stead of looking like me? He’s aware that she was probably being dramatic, but logic has no place in the mind of an anxious teen.  If she thinks that way about herself and her few freckles, what does she think of me? Yamaguchi takes a deep breath in and adjusts his clothing that was wrinkled against the lockers. He knows what he has to do. 
“What are you even talking about?” Tsukkisima asks, while adjusting his headphones. “Whatever, it’s nothing,” Yamaguchi sighs and fiddles with the pencil in his hand. “What’s the answer to number six?” Tsukishima grasps Yamaguchi’s twiddling pencil. “Stop that shit. What’s up?” Yamaguchi bites his lip and mutters something incomprehensible. “Huh? Speak up.” “Why doesn’t Y/n ask me to model for her!?” Yamaguchi shouts, bursting out of his seat and  slamming his hands down on the table garnering stares from everyone else in the library. Tsukishima’s eyes widen at his friend's outburst as Yamaguchi’s flushed face only gets redder. “Sorry.” he apologizes, settling back down in his chair.. “You really wanna be Y/ns test subject?” Tsukishima side eyes Yamaguchi. “Well I- uh- I mean.” he bites his lip. “I don’t necessarily not want to…y’know.” Yamaguchi tries to avoid Tsukishima's annoyed gaze. “It would be nice to be thought of?” Yamaguchi states trying to convince Tsukishima that any normal friend would want to be a makeup ‘test subject’, regardless of any romantic feelings involved.
“You’re freaking whipped. It’s pathetic.”
Damn, so much for that attempt. “I’m not…” Yamaguchi meets Tsukishima's gaze, already calling his bluff. “Okay maybe a little bit. But is that so bad?” Yamaguchi signs and clunks his head to the table. “ This shit has been going on for way too long. I’m starting to believe it’s a fucking kink or something since no one would actively draw this awkward pining shit out.” Yamaguchi rolls his eyes. It’s not like he would understand. He likes to bat off any and  all feelings with a 5 foot pole. “I didn’t consent to observe this over the past.. .” He numbers off his fingers. “How long has it been? Four years?” Yamaguchi mutters something into the table. “Were you talking to the table or?” Tsukishima questions. “I said,'' Yamaguchi picks his head up so his chin rests on his folded arms “five years.” A moment of silence passes. “Five fucking years? Do you not realize that means you spent a whole third of your life simping over this girl. A third! Can you imagine what you could’ve done with all that emotional turmoil instead?” “Do you not think I ask myself that question everyday?” Yamaguchi snaps, as Tsukishima's eyes widen. Yamaguchi exhales. Calm down, Tadashi. He’s just trying to help. Yamguchi rubs his eyes trying to cast away the exhaustion creepy in. Whether it be physical or emotional, he couldn’t tell.   “Look, i’m trying to work on it, ok?”
“Work on what?”
Yamaguchi swears he jumped at least a foot in his seat and his heart stopped beating, every ounce of fatigue is zapped out of him with Y/n’s subtle and friendly shoulder touch. Yamaguchi didn’t necessarily hate her touch, not in the slightest, even though her hand recoiled after his full body reaction to it, assuming he did. He loves the subtle touches she gives to her friends, even if they make him panic internally- whether he and Tsukishima were talking about her before then or not.
“I’m sorry!” She apologized. “ I didn’t mean to startle you!”
“It’s fine!” He breathed, clutching his chest and heaving. “I’m fine!” 
He was not fine but he quickly gathered his senses anyway to come up with a cover story because ‘Oh we were talking about my everlasting and undeniable love and attraction for you and how it’s crippling me inside! Nothing important! Just boy things.’ isn’t something Yamaguchi just felt fine confessing; that was the root of the problem after all. 
“Tsukki here,” Yamaguchi starts, pointing a friendly thumb to the visibly annoyed Tsukishima “won’t stop teasing me about my English homework, and I was telling him to buzz off about it.” he gives a little chuckle and wonders if he’s visibly sweating. Y/n furrows her eyebrows, finding it hard to believe that he told anyone to buzz off at all, and even more hard to believe that he said that to Tsukishima, the salt king himself. She recalled a time where he offered to tutor her in the same subject he’s now struggling in when she fell behind after a few sick days, but she doesn’t press the matter and moves on with an awkward ‘Okaaaay?'' She turns to Tsukishima. “So Tsukishima!”- “No, I'm not gonna be your test subject. You could never pay me enough.” Tsukishima interrupts. “Damn.” she sighs. “Worth a shot!”  Then Tsukishima does something so traitorous it may startle the very foundation of their extensive, and once unbreakable friendship.
“Ask Yamaguchi, he’d love to be your dress-up dolly for the night.”
Yamaguchi pales Tsukishima Kei what the hell are you doing?!?! He casts the traitor a wide eyed look and attemps to kick him in the shin, but misses and kicks the table leg.  Y/n takes note of poor Yamaguchi’s immense panic (and now, pain) and quickly retorts in what she believes to be his defense. “Tsuki, don’t sign him up for things like that, it’s mean!” 
Does she not think I'm good enough?
Is it because of my freckles?
Say something, you freak!
So in a moment of immense self-pressure, he states,  albeit a bit too loud (once again),
“I- I can do it!”
All three of their eyes widen in disbelief. Tsukishimas in astonishment and a bit of pride for Yamaguchi finally doing something, anything to advance his relationship and end the horrid pining, Yamaguchi in fear and surprise of his own actions and the repercussions of them and Y/n in something Yamaguchi can’t yet decipher.
“What?” Y/n asks. “Um- I- Uh..” Yamaguchi gathers himself, clears his throat and sits up straight, almost regretting when he meets Y/n’s eyes. “I can help you with your makeup-  as a m-model of course.” He specifies. Y/n’s eyes widen and he mouth hangs agape. “You really don’t have to!” she blurts. Yamaguchi’s heart sinks. Of course. Why would she me to model of all people. Theres as reason she hasn’t asked you, idiot. “Not because I wouldn’t want you to!” she corrects after seeing him deflate in his seat. “I- I just don’t want you to feel pressured into doing something you don’t want to! Thats- uh- that’s why I haven’t asked you before because you are always so nice and helpful! And I- I didn’t want you to feel pressured to do anything you didn’t want to for my sake!” she clarifies with her hand fiddling with the bottom of her uniform. “Then why do you ask me all the time?” Tsukishima chimes in. Y/n’s head and personality does a 180 as she whips her head to face him. “Beacause, you are an asshole and it’s fun to annoy you, duh.” She states like it’s obvious before she turns back to Yamaguchi. “I would love to have you as my model, if you would have me of course.” Yamaguchi gulps and nods his head, trying to ignore what other meanings ‘if you would have me’  could have out of context. Damn, Tsukki was right. I am whipped. “Yay!” she says with a little hand clap. “I’m so excited! Text me when you can come over! I’m free  most days!” Wait. Shit. Shit, shit shit! Yamaguchi, in all his newfound confidence (and pressure from his best friend) forgot that he most likely would be modeling at a house. Probably hers and most likely alone. What the hell did I get myself into?
Yamaguchi never thought a door would be so intimidating. Just knock! He tells himself. It’s not hard! He gulps. Welp. Here goes everything, I guess.  He slowly raises his shaking fist to the door, just for it to swing open and make Yamaguchi jump in the air like a scared cat from a cartoon. “Hey Yams! Come on in!” She ushers, not noticing, or caring about his skittish reaction as she grabs his hand and takes him to her room.
Before he has time to really panic that ‘y/n is holding my hand, oh my freaking god! What if it’s gross?  What if im sweaty? Whatifwhatifwhatif-’ He’s already in her room- which bring in a whole new set of worries. Holy shit I'm in a girls room. Holt shit. I’m in Y/N’s room. I”M IN Y/N’s ROOM. It’s not like he hasn’t been in her room before. As kids, the trio of Tsukishima, Y/n and Yamaguchi,  would fight over the correct names of dinosaurs and who got to be the pterodactyl when playing with Tsukishima’s toy dinos between these four walls. The four walls, which now were painted and decorated with anime posters and pictures of her favorite idols along with some of her most treasured art works you made over the years instead of the many, many, many scribbles from half baked drawings in crayon and marker that she hid from her parents with the pictures she drew in class. He remembers you bursting into class one day a few years ago, excited to tell them that even though her parents knew of the childish scribbles you made on the wall in bouts of ‘artistic genius’ they offered to help you redecorate and paint over it . 
It makes him realize how long it has been since you really spent time together.
Has it really been that long?
How far has he really drifted from you?
“Earth to Yamaguchi?” Yamaguchi snaps his head to Y/n’s voice. Shit. How long has she been talking? “There you are!” she giggles. “Oh, i’m sorry!” he apologizes as he rubs the back of his neck. “ I just got distracted by…yknow,” he gestures to the ‘new’ redecortaed room. “All of this. It’s kind of hard to recognize without the big lion drawing on that wall.” he points. “It was a superhero!” she corrects as he chuckles. “I can’t tell you which one it was supposed to be though.” she admits meekly. “Now come on!’ she encourages as she plops down on her rug. “Sit right here.” she points to the spot right in front of her. “O-Okay.” he gulps and obeys, trying not to relish in the fact that he’s barely a foot away from his crush, in a house that’s empty but the two of them. “So, I was wondering if you had any restrictions before we start?” Y/n aks as she begins to lay out her products. “Restrictions?” he asks. “Y’know, things you really don’t feel comfortable with. Like I won’t give you clown makeup or anything!” she promises. “But I do have a more extravagant out-of-this-world idea when it comes to you.” Out of this world? Yamguchi questions. “Oh! And I want it to be a surprise! Not because of anything bad I just really wanna see you reaction to your final look! I understand if you aren’t comfortable with that of course!” her voice starts to speed up, much like his when he feels like his is rambling on and on. “I am really grateful for you being here and letting me do this and i certainly don’t-” “Hey.” Yamaguchi places his hand on hers, out of pure instinct, but draws it back after both pairs of eyes drifted down to them. “I- I really don’t mind either way!  To be honest!” Yamaguchi reveals with a large, friendly grin as Y/n’s shoulders relax and a soft smile reaches her face. “Okay, got it!” She says cheerfully as she pulls out a few more products from her makeup bag. 
“And Yamaguchi?” She turns to face him.
Her eyes meet his as she softly speaks.
“Thank you for being here. It really means a lot to me.” She tucks her hair behind her ear. “I..really miss you, y’know?” 
Yamaguchi swears he’s never seen something as ethereal as she is right now, her figure doused by the sunset peeking through the window on her left, a sheepish, shy smile complimenting her relaxed and welcoming body. 
His lips move on their own as he  opens them to say “Y/n, i-”
“Oh this is just your shade!” she announces. “Don’t you think?” she asks as she puts a dollop of what Yamaguchi believes to be foundation on his wrist and rubs it in. “It fits perfectly!” She exclaims. oh. “Yeah, it does.” He agrees, with a pitch of sadness in his voice that he hopes isn’t recognizable. 
As Y/n starts working on his face Yamaguchi can’t help but to slip into those deprecating thoughts that follow him around like a shadow and take him by force into the darkness. Especially in times like this.
She doesn’t like you like that! It’s very obvious, even an idiot like you should be able to see that!
She doesn’t even want you here!  She’s just being polite!
She thinks you are HIDEOUS, remember? DISEASED!
Yamaguchi does what he can to combat the demons in his head and the subtle stinging in his eyes. 
“And just a few drops of concealer!” she states as she blends the creamy liquid under his eyes. “But-” Yamaguchi starts. Y/n lets out a slight “hmm?” as she looks through her makeup for a specific item. “I-I don’t think that would be enough.” He stammers as her eyes meet his figure once again. “To y’know,” he gulps. “cover all of this” he motions to his cheeks. “What do you mean?” she asks. He bites his lip as a woeful look crept over her face. “Yamaguchi..” she utters in a sorrowful tone, like she’s comforting a child. He can’t stand to look at her when she uses this voice, he already feels on the verge of tears
. “Is that why you wanted me to do your makeup? To cover your freckles?” He nods into his shoulders. “I-” she sighs. “I’m sorry, Yams. I can’t do that. It’s not right.” Yamaguchi quickly meets her eyes. “W-what? Why?” she shakes her head. “Your freckles are a part of you Yamaguchi. You’ve had them all your life and they are what makes you you. I’m not gonna hide them. I thought you told me you stopped worrying about your freckles in middle school.”
I did, for the most part. But it’s different when the love of your life basically calls you ugly.
He opens his mouth to say something, but bites his lip in shame.
 She starts to put her makeup into her bag. “You can ask someone else, but I can’t do that. I just can’t.” Yamaguchi is being pulled every which way by his emotions .Confusion, anger, hurt, guilt. So much so he blurts out half baked words;
“Do you think I'm hideous and disgusting?”
Y/n whips her head around from the makeup she was placing away.  “What?! No! Of course not! Where did you get that id-” 
“I heard you!”
 “I-in the hallway near the lockers. I wasn’t- I really wasn’t trying to eavesdrop, I just wanted to say hi!” he looks away, at the floor, at the ceiling- at the abundance of plushies on her bed, anywhere but the disappointed face he expects to see “But you were talking to your friend about your freckles and how you try so hard to cover them and get rid of them and how they are disgusting, and shitty!” He’s facing her now  but he can only focus on how much it  hurts.The words piling and piling out, red hot from years and years of painful silence- stabbing him, branding him with the fear and self hatred he already harbored since he was young. “And you- you only have a handful of them while- while i have a freaking constellation on my face! And I-” he wipes his face, now aware of the outgoing tears.  “I can’t get rid of them! No matter how many times I try to hide them, no matter how many times I try to pick them off they- they always return! And I can’t change that! No matter how many times I try! And I do try, so so fucking hard So if you- the most beautiful person thinks that they are ugly in any way shape or form, then what does that make me?!” The tears are blurring his vision now, blinding him from the horrified look on Y/n’s face, eyes wide with her own tears starting to simmer- but Yamaguchi can’t find himself to care. “I- just want to be-” he chokes as he gasps for air. “I just want to be enough for you!” he wails. “That’s all I ever wanted to be! And- and you are just so perfect in every way! How can i?” he sniffles and hiccups, calming down where he can only see her tear stricken face.
“How can I ever be enough for you?”
And suddenly, it was never about his freckles.
No, it was about a boy, a boy locked away in the tower of his own head, beaten black and blue by his demons wanting love- wanting to just be enough for someone. For anyone.
For her
For himself. 
And he just opened the floodgates
What have I done? 
Yamaguchi barely recognizes her touch embracing him at first, as reality settles in fast and hard, grounding him and shattering him. Shattering all the resolve he’s built up for years and years leaving him defenseless in her arms. What have I done? Oh my god.
What have I done?
“I’m so- so sorry!” She cries into his arms, but he sits still paralyzed by fear, regret and everything he doesn’t know. About her. About him. About the two of them. What have I done? “Tadashi!” she calls “Tadashi, please.” He shakes his head, trying to self medicate and take himself out of his trance. “I’m so sorry.” he whispers into the air, avoiding her eyes. She shakes her head. “Tadashi please.” she sobs. “Look at me.” she begs as he lifts his head a little bit. She holds his chin lightly and looks into his eyes. “Tadashi please, listen to me.” His eyes finally meet hers and she can see him coming through. “Tadashi, you have always been enough. Always have been and always will be.” she sniffles. “God, I'm so fucking in love with you.”
“I- I know, I know it’s crazy but I loved you since the day we met, Tadashi. I remember feeling so alone- and i was so freaking awkward- sitting under that tree, drawing. I was watching all the other kids play and I felt so alone, but then like a ray of sunshine, you walked over and told me you liked the picture I was drawing of my dog. I just was so enamored of the little boy with big eyes and the cutest freckles. I might not have known it then, but I've known for a little while that I'm head over heels for you. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.” she reveals as she wipes her eyes on her shirt. Her eyes locked on his, he could barely register anything she said past “I’m so fucking in love with you.” 
“I’m so fucking in love with you.” 
“I’m so fucking in love with you.” 
“With me?”
She giggles as she lightly punches his arm. “Yes, you! Who else?” she confirms as he gulps. He didn’t mean to say that out loud. “But why? I’m not-” She makes a buzzer noise and shakes her head. “Yamaguchi, you are the nicest, most hardworking, most outgoing, amazing person I know. I’m lucky to have you in my life.” Yamaguchi feels his face heating up by the second. “You were the one always encouaging me to do my best with my art and supporting me even when I never though I could do it. You are the first one I want to come to when I have good or bad news and the first one I share my art pieces with. It’s you Yamaguchi.”Once again Yamaguchi feels the prickiling of tears in his eyes, but for a different reason this time.  she chuckles and leans into an awkward laugh. “Wow, it feels so strange finally saying that out loud after all those years. I thought it was obvious after all the times I was caught staring at you in class, and all the times I suddenly became super clumsy around you. Hell, I was terrified of even being alone with you like this that’s why I never asked you to- Eh? No, please don’t cry!” she begs as Yamaguchi lets out a soft laugh. “I’m just so happy. I loved you for so long, Y/n.” he reveals as he wipes his eyes. Y/n gulps. “Shit.” she utters. “What?” he says alarmed. “This means Tsukishima’s right. We are two pining idiots.” she reveals as Yamaguchi throws back a laugh. “He gave you the talk too?” She groans. “Only like every other day! I’m surprised he never spilled to either of us. No wonder why he was always so annoyed.” she giggled. Y/n clears her throat, sits straight and pushes up her imaginary glasses. “I’ve watched you simp for way too long, any longer i’m going to demand compensation. 500 yen every time I see you staring at him, 1000 for every dreamy sigh and fluttering of the eyelashes and 1500 for every time you complain about ‘how it’s illegal to be that cute.” she mimic in her best Tsukishima voice. Yamaguchi cackles “No, no no,” he corrects between breaths of laughter. “It’s like..” he clears his throat as he preforms a slightly better Tsukishima impersonation. “All this endless pining has to be a kink or some shit- and I didn’t fucking consent.” Y/n clutches her sides in laughter as Yamaguchi makes sure he processes every second of this moment, one he’s deemed to replay time and time again. Just the two of them acting like fools again, just like they did before- but now without the fear of rejection and being vulnerable. Yamaguchi could never dream of something more beautiful. 
She waves her hand in his face as he snaps back to reality. “Huh?” he questions as she laughs. “Yamaguchi, I swear you have the attention span of a goldfish.” she teases as she nudges him. “Yamaguchi.” he repeats slowly as she cocks her head. “Yes? That’s your name?” she states as he shakes his head. “That’s not what you called me earlier.” Her face tints red as a goofy grin takes over her face. “Okay, Tah-da-shi!” she gives his nose a little boop per syllable as the same red tint and goofy grin transfers to him. “What I was trying to ask before you went all space cadet on me was if Tsukishima actually said that.” she asks. “Hmm,” he hums as he taps his pointer finger on his chin. “Depends if the part about you staring at me and sighing dreamily was true.” he questions with a raised eyebrow and a smirk, suddenly confident. Her jaw drops as she stammers.
 “Who- who allowed you to smirk like that?”
“Who allowed you to be all cute and flustered?”
“Stoppp!” she whines as she hides her face as he chuckles. “You know what!” she announces. “I did stare at you in class.” she admits as she pokes his chest. “You and all your cute freckles. I always tried counting them but always lost count or felt like a creep for staring. But-” she inches closer to his face. “I couldn’t help it, I've always been a sucker for pretty boys like you.” he gulps. “Y-you think i’m pretty?” he whispers as she hums in agreement. “Well you- you can count them now if- if you’d like.” he offers, hoping to all gods his voice didn’t crack like he thought it just did. “I’d love to.” she mumps and closes the distance and places a kiss on his cheek, and on one of his freckles.
Another freckle
Another freckle
Another freckle
Yamaguchi couldn’t take it anymore and leaned in and kissed her on the lips. Time felt like it slowed for him as he savored every moment of her sweet, soft lips on his. It was short and sweet, but left them breathless all the same and left them smiling into each other as they caught their breath.
“Hey Tadashi?”
“What did you mean earlier? About the hallway?”
Shit. He forgot about that.
“Uh…” he bites his lip. “It doesn’t really matter, how about we just keep kissing, yeah?” he diverts as she stops him, placing her hand on his chest with a giggle. “Ah-ah-ah. None of that.” he pouts. “So.. what you are saying is you don’t wanna kiss me?” he retorts, biting his lip, holding in a giggle of his own. “I definitely did not say that, Yamaguchi.”
“Tadashi.” he corrects
“Tadashi.” she repeats, playfully rolling her eyes. “I’m serious. I wanna clear it all up right now so there's no more misunderstandings with us, okay?” 
Yamaguchi sighs. “Fineeee. But please don’t make a big deal or laugh at me or anything, okay?” She frowns. “Why would I ever laugh at you?” He shrugs and takes a deep breath in.”I might have heard you in the hallway a few days ago talking about how much you hate your freckles and how you think they are shitty, and gross. You said you just use makeup to cover them so I thought you could do that for me? And when you said you wouldn’t it made me feel-” he stops as he sees her covering her mouth in what he only assumes could be an attempt to hold back her laughter. “You said you wouldn’t laugh!” he whines. “I'm not-” she starts, and attempts to act composed, but with little avail as laughter seeps through the cracks and she begins to howl in laughter as Yamaguchi crosses his arms. “I’m sorry- I really am!” she says between gasps of laughter. “But- but you think- you think these are freckles?” she questions, pointing to what Yamaguchi believes is a freckle on her face. He nods dumbly. “Yeah…what else would they be?” “Acne!” she exclaims. “Blackheads, to be exact! Dirt, grease, grime and sweat that crept into my pores and clogged them!”
Y/n throws her head back in laughter. “So you were so worried over nothing! This,” she takes a deep breath in to regain composure. “This is why we don’t eavesdrop.” “I wasn’t trying to! I- I just wanted to say hi! I-It’s really not my fault you talk so loud!’ He pouts as he crosses his arms and looks away. “Tadashi, you are so cute. Worrying over what lil ole’ me thinks.” she pinches his cheeks. “I’m not-” he nudges her grabby hand off of him with his shoulder and sits up straight, trying to maintain the smidge of dignity he has left. “I’m not cute, first of all. Second, your ‘lil ole opinions’ mean a lot to me, if you didn’t get that earlier.” he reveals, blushing. “I wasn’t lying when I said that my freckles stopped bothering me in middle school. It's not easy to just forget and get over something I struggled with all my life.” he references to earlier. Hearing you say- or at least thinking I heard you say how much you hate them really hurt me, as much as I hate to admit. I know it’s pathetic-”
 “It’s not.” she interrupts. 
“It’s really not. We all have our insecurities, we all have our demons, we all have our limits. One thing that those things all have in common is the tendency people have to ignore them or pretend they don't exist.” She explains. “It’s so much easier to do then accept them, because when you finally do,” she looks into  his eyes. “You learn to overcome them. It may take ages, and you may never fully get over them. But it’s a sure lot more than what most people are able to do. And you,” she pokes his chest. “Are so much stronger than you believe. Admitting your insecurities, looking them in the eye and accepting that although they may bother you some now, they don’t have half as much of a hold on you than before. It’s amazing, Tadashi. You are amazing.” 
In that moment he knew that he may never feel enough for anyone or anything 24/7 and may feel the ups and downs that life will inevitably bring- but he has her and she’ll be around to remind him that he is, and that is all he needs. 
“Now that that’s settled, time to finish your look!” she cheers as she claps her hands.
“Wait, what?” he questions. “I thought you didn’t wanna do my makeup anymore after I told you I wanted my freckles covered?” she shakes her head. “Nope.” she says, popping the ‘p’ at the  end. “I think it’s more important to do it now than ever!” she exclaims with a smile engulfing her face. How was Yamaguchi supposed to say no to that?
Tsukishima couldn’t sleep. If you’d ask him why, he’d probably say it’s because a headache (even though the he’s bouncing a volleyball against his wall causing loud thumps guaranteed to make any headache immensely worse.) and under no circumstance him worrying for his best friend who, earlier acted like he had a date with death, instead of a date with his crush. 
‘it’s not a date! Just two people hanging out and doing makeup! Just friendly activities!” Yaaguchi whined as he closed his locker. Tsukishima rolled his eyes and sighed. “I don’t give a fuck. But if you two don’tt walk into class together holding hands i’m having Shrimpy serve a spike on your fat, dumb head.” he promises and walks away as he hears Yamaguchi complain about not having a fat head and Hinata (who came out of nowhere- as per usual)  get all mad about being called Shrimpy even though he was never directly mentioned. 
Hmm. Maybe Tsukishima does have a headache. A Yamaguchi sized one. 
The volleyball he was tossing bounced back past his hands- and onto his face. God damn it. He tosses the ball off of his bed and grabs his phone, in need of a mindless distraction that won’t bruise his face and break his glasses. 
Oh? A mention from Yamaguchi? Isn’t he supposed to be with Y/n right now?
He clicks on it and it's the absolute last thing he’d ever expect to see. 
A picture of Yamaguchi, shyly looing into the camera with the most bashful smile he’s ever seen on the boy, and a mirage of of  pinks, blues and purples decorating his face, with spreckels of silver littering his face with lines connecting them, almost mirroring his freckles-no;
They were stars.
A galaxy
A Constellation. 
But the most surprising feat in the photo was Y/n with he arms around his neck, looking into his eyes with nothing but clear admiration and content, with sloppy dots- freckles- across her face that she most likely had Yamaguchi do for her with makeup, ones that almost matched his everyday look. Below the picture was a caption reading;
My Galaxy Boy
With sparkles following and preceding the words. He scoffs and shakes his head playfully. That's so y/n. The he scrolls down to see where Yamaguchi tagged him;
@Tskeishima Is my fat head safe?
He smirks as he types;
@sweetyamagashi For now.
Took yall long enough.
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totallylesbians · 10 months
What did you do in high school that almost got you arrested for helping a friend?!
It’s a long story… to summarize it, I essentially started a fight club and almost got arrested for assault.
Longer, full story, if interested…
A friend of mine (more like acquaintance, really, but whatever) asked me to teach her how to fight, at least enough for basic self defense. I was known for being pretty violent in school so it made sense. I think she also wanted to prove she was tougher than she looked. She had/has a lot of medical issues so she almost always looked really sick and relatively frail. I said yes and we started after school at least once a week, but usually was 3 days a week.
Due to her medical issues, she bruised SUPER easily. Like a baby could grab her hard and she’d bruise from it. I went easy on her. Mostly instructed her how to properly throw punches and block. She told some of her other friends. They wanted to learn too. But they got bored with just going through the movements and wanted to actually practice it, which is fair, I get it. So we sparred.
Keep in mind this was all after school shit with no official instructor or equipment. Just a bunch of teens, the concrete around us, and our bare hands. We all walked away some degree of sore and bruised feeling after every session. I put in place some basic rules to keep us as safe as possible, like no rings, no face shots, etc. I hated it. I would’ve preferred a full on fight spar, but none of them were very strong or used to pain, so it’s whatever.
Well the girl who originally asked me has a very strict/paranoid mother. The mom saw the bruises and shit eventually and freaked the fuck out, called the school, yelled at the principal, etc. I’m guessing the girl told her mom my name and that we were fighting or something. The mom went to the school, called the cops, had them arrive at the school, talked to the principal, demanded to speak to me, and a bunch of other things. I owned up to it all. Essentially, she wanted me arrested for assault. I admitted to roughing her kid up a bit, but because of how easily she bruises, it looked more like I beat the shit out of her on a daily basis. She was black and blue all over. But she told her mom that if she tried to press charges against me or anything else like that, she wouldn’t testify and/or lie about it. Something to that effect. There was no official evidence or anything. Her mom got all pissy and asked the cops to do something. They basically shrugged saying they weren’t going to do anything because the kid just said she didn’t want to press charges and shit. The mom was pissed.
The principal, mother, and the cops all talked for a bit. The mom was losing her shit the entire time. But they all came to an agreement that as long as I stopped and my friend could change out of any classes she had with me, they wouldn’t press charges, but if it happened again, they would.
By the time all this went down, we were like 3 months in and there was maybe 10 of us in this after school fight club lead by me. So there you have it.
Bonus story…
I got away with so much more that in school. Like I started a full on brawl in the middle of the classroom one time. It was towards the end of the period so most of us were done with our work and whatever and a different acquaintance/friend took my rubber band and wouldn’t give it back. So I started roughing her up a little. Just shoves and whatever. We had a substitute this day. He called me over so I stopped. He says “didn’t I tell you to stop beating up other kids?” (He was a frequent substitute and familiar with most of us. He was also a good friend of my grandma’s so he knew I had anger problems.) I say, “no, you just told me not to chase them down the hallway to do it.” He says, “oh okay. Carry on.” So I go back, they still wouldn’t give it back and was finding it amusing/funny how irritated I was getting, which pissed me off even more so I beat the shit out of them until they gave it back. By the end, I got my rubber band back and they walked to the nurse’s office with a bloody nose and busted up lip.
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