#i didnt really answer some of these exactly how the question asked but w/e
coccolithophore · 2 months
10, 11, 12, and 13 for the oc ask thingy!! 💖
hehe thanks friend!! ill just answer for a bunch of ocs cuz im bored! 10. if they wear jewelry, what kind? do they prefer silver or gold? do they have a favorite gem? i just realized that every single one of my ocs wears gold jewelry except lucy hajdgs what can i say i have an aesthetic preference hmm lets see for gems ill kin assign them some lucy: pearl, opal lasha and solvin: sapphire atlas: black diamond, moonstone avarice: classic diamond, ruby billy: garnet him: amber, agate 11. what do they have in common with you? how are they different? would you get along with them? allll of my characters (except billy and avarice who are kinda singular because theyre from a vegas criminal campaign) have a nature theme, as well as backstories with social isolation and complex familial and/or romantic relationships. i think id get along best with him and lucy since theyre the mellowest lmao. lucy in particular is a very self indulgent character in terms of being a dreamy autistic fish girl so we would nerd out together <3 12. how long have they been around? do you know their birthday? is their birthday the day you made them or another day? what do they think of celebrating birthdays? im gonna give them zodiac signs since idk wtf calendars theyve got going on in various fantasy worlds but astrology is obviouslyyy universal billy: gemini, would go all out spoiling others on their birthdays, keeps his own under wraps and would be a little grumpy about attention if someone found out when it was avarice: aries, she is the birthday queen her entire birth month is her birthday shower her in gifts immediately atlas: gemini, has no idea wtf a birthday is but imo the fey have gemini energy him: virgo, best home-made gift giver, enjoys being god's specialist boy on his birthday and cherishes the gifts and attention, basically the one day a year where he can be a liiiittle selfish as a treat lucy: pisces, brings people pretty stones on their birthdays, would shyly enjoy being celebrated lasha: scorpio, another attention-loving birthday queen, dries flowers and plants throughout the year that remind her of her friends and gifts them on their birthdays solvin: cancer, how did you find out his birthday? that is privileged information! lightning zap x1000 13. what languages do they speak? how fluently?
in terms of fun fantasy languages him speaks druidic and lasha speaks elemental. also i realized the other day that common is definitely not atlas's first language and they would speak other ones more fluently 🤔 like sylvan and celestial. and Tree.
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anne-i-write · 3 years
moriarty the patriot headcannons pt. 1
| requested by anon: Can you write about all male characters in moriarty has a same look of their  children and hpw many children they want? |
william x reader; louis x reader; albert x reader; sebastian x reader; fred x reader
word count: 2397
pt. 2: 221b boys
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william: 487 words
with his whole plan to clean the world of the filthy nobles, william never really stopped to think about having children
well, until he met you
you both were in town one day and he saw you fondly watching a child speak with her mother
“i think two children would be nice”
“i didn’t even ask”
“i know, but the look you gave that mother was telling enough”
n e ways he is a simp and he did eventually give you what you wanted
fast forward a few years, you have two children: a boy and a girl
and they look exactly like their father
like,, it lowkey pains you how much they physically take after their father
you wanted to be like “oh they have your personality, but they look just like me!”
granted, your son took after you in an emotional sense but your daughter was a daddy’s girl through and through
like she looks like him, she acts like him, speaks like him, she even EATS like him
ok but the men w your children
fred is a freaking sweetheart ok
like he’ll watch over the kids when no one has the time and they love him too so they’ll help out in the garden which you are SO thankful for
tbh they only like uncle albert bc he brings them lil trinkets from when he gets back from london LMAO
louis doesn’t show it, but he absolutely adores your children and makes extra snacks for them at tea time
you caught onto this at one point bc for some REASON your kids would not stop bouncing off of the walls before bed and they told you uncle louis gave them chocolate
and sebastian loves messing w your kids bc,,, sebastian
but he accidentally made your son cry ONCE and he was at the mercy of every adult in the moriarty estate including the boy’s younger sister
needless to say, he watched his actions and words around your children after that
now, william
i’m just gonna say this straight out: most of the men never really thought about having kids (save john and albert)
but when you finally had kids, william had a different outlook on life
like fr,, this man works overtime now trying to get rid of the filth that is called nobles
he doesn’t want his kids to be raised in a world where just because you have more money than another means you get to look down on them
you still instill in them those good morals ofc
he also tries to be very present in their lives since he and his brother were raised as orphans
when he was younger, he didn’t mind it all much
but now that he had this small family and a brighter future, he did everything in his power to make sure they’re happy and grow up in a cleaner and kinder world
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louis: 320 words
it took you a week to get him to at LEAST humor you
“if you could, how many kids do you want?”
like, this guy is so dedicated to his brother and his cause it is a WONDER you somehow wormed your way into his heart
but you did and honestly, the brothers are actually very happy that you’re with them
william especially
louis rarely emotes but when you came into their lives, you got louis pissed at one point and everyone was like,,,, wtf?? he has emotions???
anyways, his answer is one kid LMAO
and when you get that one kid, he looks just like louis
yall already KNOW that he’s ready to die for that child as soon as louis holds him in his arms
the only kid sebastian wouldnt even try to mess with
he can deal with william’s albert’s or fred’s kids but louis lowkey intimidates him so he’s as nice as he can be
that being said, louis teaches his kid how to properly handle stuff around the house
you want to cry bc ur son is just so??? the little kid just loves helping out no matter how small the task and he’s just so cute it hurts
even sebastian’s kinda like,, “aight he’s the only kid i will tolerate”
louis grew up with only his brothers so he also wants to give his son a shot at a normal family
is actually aware at how he thinks he’s indispensable for william’s cause and he doesn’t want his son to end up like him
he also teaches his son some badass fighting moves
oh and louis smiles a lot more too
cried bc his son saw the scar he got on his cheek, rubbed some dirt on his lil face and said “i have daddy’s cool scar now”
all in all his son is the best thing to happen to all of you
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albert: 505 words
same as louis in the fact that it takes him a week to answer
“you know you haven’t even answered my question”
“i’m sorry, what did you say?”
“how many kids do you want?”
genuinely takes time to ponder that question
he hadn’t thought of that since his family adopted william and louis
but with you?
“i think two darling girls who take after their mother is enough for me”
pls he’d be so sweet 🥺🥺🥺
you two end up having a girl and a boy, who look just like their father
and tbh, you’re not even mad
you love them so much so when albert comes back north, the three of you are ecstatic
the happiness was short lived for albert tho
he found his son spending time with william and there’s nothing bad right????
“where’s your sister?”
“she’s with mr. moran”
his heart DROPPED
out of all the people in the manor
he sees the two running around the garden
it all happened as soon as albert’s daughter went up to sebastian and said “you’re very pretty! you’re my knight now!”
he decided to “adopt” the little girl and now he’s lowkey whipped
you found albert staring at sebastian playing with his daughter and updated him about everything going on
“but him??”
“he’s just a big softie for her let it go”
isn’t really surprised when he finds out they can fight a little
actually glad that they can hold their own, God forbid anything happens to them
otherwise mi6 has to deal w family matters lmao
“albert, she only tripped”
“you shouldve seen the fear in her eyes as she fell”
would raise hell if anyone even THOUGHT ill of his kids
william and louis are the doting uncles
william more so than louis bc your kids have never seen louis smile
now they’re on a mission to make uncle louis smile
louis was on child duty one day and they managed to slip away
omyGOD he was stressed but also,, extremely worried
so when he found them he had the most genuine smile on his face
your daughter was like (・∀・)
she loves uncle louis
ofc your son adores his dad like,,, who else wouldn't feel awesome at the age of 10 if you found out your dad was a high ranking general
feels superior to sebastian bc of his dad
lmao this 4’5 kid thinks he can rule sebastian for some odd reason
the house is always dirty bc him and sebastian always prank each other
your daughter is trying to catch a butterfly but she can’t so fred helps
instantly loves fred
“is that what heartbreak is”
“i guess that’s what happens when you try to get close to my kids colonel”
albert is kind of afraid of turning into his dad but he has you and everyone else to remind him that: no you are not your father, you are so much better than him
loves your family with his entire being
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sebastian: 844 words
“i see you looking at those kids and the answer is none”
lmao you’ll get so pouty around him bc you want kids dammit
that and he spoils you to no end so that's why you’re pouty lol
“fine we’ll only do one kid and bc one kid is all i can tolerate”
this man gives you three in four years LMFAO
two boys a year apart and a girl in the fourth year
you wanted to smack sebastian
when the two boys grew up, it was obvious they were already taking after their father in the physical sense
it was terrifying
they genuinely look like mini sebastians and you know everyone in the manor is afraid that you two birthed satan
and the satan was your eldest one
he’s just a feral sebastian moran in a tiny body
your second son, god bless him, looked just like his father but with fred’s temperament
and see, you were fine with your sons looking like their father
it was FINE right
you prayed to God that your third child would have at least some physical resemblance to you
your daughter was birthed, she grew up
and you cried
“i’ve got some strong genetics, baby”
you sulk for a lil bit
but you accept it anyway because you love your goddamn kids
thankfully, your second and youngest child are both soft spoken and it's only your husband and his tiny clone bringing hell to earth
smacking sebastian bc all of your children suddenly started swearing up a storm at each other
finally sitting down and trying to convince them to stop swearing
“father does it!”
“your father’s stupid”
speaking of your daughter
she’s his little princess and no he will not take criticism
spoils her more than he spoils you
did she glance at a toy at a passing store?
he buys more toys than he should from said store
you have to physically hide some of his money bc there is only so much you can buy
and her older brothers are so caring you want to sob
if a person accidentally shoved her over bc she was tiny and they couldn’t see her
oh boy
get ready to restrain them like chihuahuas
“little sister will be protected at all costs”
since his second son is so different from him, sebastian actively makes time to talk about what the little boy is doing and what he’s getting from it
doesn’t want to be pushy and suffocating like his dad was so when his younger kid does want to be left alone to his devices, sebastian does so
but honestly loves that your second son is so literate
lddhsajdsfk what yall dont know is that they’re all in cahoots
kinda funny to see them all together bc they all take after their father so much it's like having three tiny sebastians go around town
anyways,,,, yall know the promised neverland right
you got ray, norman, and emma
granted one of them wasn’t as smart as ray but he definitely knew what stealth was
regular sibling rivalry was still a thing but if they could smell the pudding from the kitchen, they know they have to work together
sebastian caught his eldest smuggling biscuits into a small bag
he had half a mind to scold him
but then he ended up giving tips TO ALL HIS CHILDREN on how not to get caught next time—
bc of this they beg him to tell them some stories from afghanistan bc “there’s no way a man as old as dad knows this many stealth tactics”
louis is so fed up lmao
albert is in london most of the time so he just thanks the lord that he doesn’t have to deal w the propaganda that sebastian feeds his children about how “mr. albert is a bad man”
william is fine w it as long as they don’t trash the library
your younger ones love the library so they would cry at the thought of one of the books losing any of the pages
your second and your daughter are definitely the moriartys’ favorites
they don’t show it, but you just KNOW
your eldest could care less about that though
as long as you and his father still love him
and of course you both do
and fred is definitely your youngers favorite
they like to hang out in the garden
ok they still fight all the time though
just because your second child is soft spoken doesn't mean he’s afraid to throw hands
their sister likes to join in for the hell of it
but if someone wrongs any of the children
just because the younger ones are the moriartys’ favorite, doesn’t mean that they’re not gonna hunt someone down if they even think about trying to hurt the eldest too
yeah,,, good luck to them and their families
they got the entire moriarty estate coming after them
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fred: 241 words
cmon yall are like,, young
but you did ask him bc you were curious if he thought about it
he wants one
and when yall do have the kid, you guys actually do have one kid and its a girl
since you both are young, you can immediately see a resemblance between her and her father
everyone who meets her would die for her
especially when she walks around the garden w her hand in her dad’s and he’s showing her all the plants and telling her how to take care of them
needless to say she grows up loving plants
any type of plant
the boys love giving her flowers or anything from bc she has the biggest smile every single time
no matter if it’s just a single rose or a rock
this was found out one time when sebastian gave her a rock bc everyone else had given her like,, two roses each
was afraid she was gonna cry
“thank you so much mr. moran! i will treasure this until i get old!”
she was like 4 at the time
and had the widest smile you’ve ever seen on her
guys u don’t understand she smiles a lot but this was like,, genuine happiness
but everyone was just,, i will destroy the world and myself if anything happens to her
fr it’s just sunshines and rainbows every single time she’s around
everyone just loves her ok
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moriarty the patriot general taglist: @zoehanji
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Hello! I’m your Klaroline Swap gifter👀 I am sorry it's taken me this long to reach out but I've finally gotten to it! I am excited to be writing for you and wanted to ask a few questions about your gift. Wanted to know about your all-time favorite tropes and side pairings? Any Caroline friendships you like? Any tropes or pairings you don't like? Any pet peeves with KC fic? Any smut preferences? Anything you especially want to see or any info you'd like me to know? Hope you have a great day!💖
Heyyy!! Thank you for sending me this ask, and please don't apologize, it’s all good 💖 I hope you're having a great day too! So I’ll just jump in and answer all your questions ✌🏾✨
I am so so sorry it got this long, like so long, I really tried to condense it, but I have no concept of short and concise so now I have to put this below a cut 😭🙃😭
All time favourite tropes:
[see here's the thing I dont exactly *know* what tropes are so I'm just gonna yeet a bunch of HIGHLY specific prompt-thingies that make me tingle at you and you can do w them what you wish- like take out certain parts you want to use, or base other tropes off of them anything you wish really, even if you choose to ignore all of them I won't be holding it against you dw!]
Ok so I love love the "I was just captured by the bad guys and very harshly uh demanded to sell you out, but I didnt, bc even though I might posture like you’re the scourge of the earth and would gladly see you dead, I in fact, do not want you dead and will therefore not be selling you out and will handle mild -emphasis on mild please do not hurt either of my babies too much- torture instead and oops! look at that, you just overheard this exact exchange where I stand my ground and refuse to betray you, and now you’ve gone feral over your loyalty kink and are spouting promises of never letting go of me, which honestly I cannot bring myself to be mad at."
I love love love the forced bedsharing trope which then leads to accidental cuddling, where one party [caroline] is just very very annoyed that their body sought the warmth of a cockroach fucknugget being [klaus] and the fucknugget party is just very very smug about being the other party's personal space heater, and nuzzles them and cuddles tighter and asdfghjkl I'm getting tingly just thinking about it, and like says w a husky sleepy voice “don't move” and cuddles closer. jfc please I’m a basic bitch with very basic wants.
I absolutely LOVE the "we work on opposite enemy sides, but now we have to band together to defeat one common enemy and honestly I am NOT glad that I constantly wanna throw you against a wall, and not all reasons for said wall-throwing are strictly to inflict violence on you."
I also LOVE the "fuck youre bleeding/hurt/injured and fucking hell I dont know why my hands are shaking while I attend to your wounds but god it is, and now I'm not sure exactly how deep you've furrowed into my heart and stuck yourself there like a dickheaded leech."
Now I feel like I have given you many tropes, but I also feel like i didnt in fact help you at all, bc I'm not sure these are uh tropes?? but anyway those are some highly specific...scenes?? I have a very deep bias for
[you obviously dont HAVE to write ANY of them if you dont want to]
And also if I had to give you a clear cut trope to follow, I absolutely LOVE the enemies-to tentative allies-to lovers trope, in which one party is just working really really hard to get to the lovers part, and the other is working really really hard not to get to the lovers part, but caves later on, bc really the fucker grows on you. [Featuring Klaus as the "high key besotted already pursuing Caroline"-person, and Caroline is the "I am very very annoyed w this wooing, but I am more annoyed this wooing is working"-person. And also, I like my Klaus E V I L, But really really really *soft* for Caroline.]
Also if by tropes you meant settings, Like AU's, literally anything works, I have a personal bias for Crime AU's when it comes to enemies to lovers, and Canon is the ultimate enemies to lovers AU, but honestly you can use which ever one you want, I am not entirely sure myself if I have a specific preference here, AH, Fantasy, Supernatural, Scifi, it's all good.
[I however am not extremely fond of Historical Settings]
Again you are not required to follow any of these tropes at all if you don't wish to, I just require you to have a lot of fun writing and love the beauty you write yourself first!
Side pairings:
Ok I LOVE me some Kennett [kol + bonnie] but I also LOVEEE kolenzo [Kol and Enzo], I also am extremely just *heart eyes* at Bonenzo [Bonnie + enzo], but I absolutely DIE for Kennettzo [which is OT3 of Kol Bonnie and Enzo]
Kalijah is also a-ok w me, and I feel like I dont have any other side pairings I'd like die to see I guess. If you choose not to go with these side pairings its perfectly alright.
Caroline Friendships:
Ok this I can answer without rambling like an idiot, I love love love love :
Bonnie + Caroline [like i love this so much it physically hurts me, they both deserve so so so much better]
Kol + Caroline [I will literally touch a frog, and I have a phobia of frogs, to have one full conversation w these two idiots]
Enzo + Caroline [Honestly enzoline brotp makes me wanna sob happy tears bc they are so perfect together]
Katherine + Caroline + Rebekah [bad bitch meets head bitch meets super bitch, what could possibly go wrong]
Tropes and Pairings I dont like:
Kolvina, stebekah, delena, stelena, datherine, steferine, Haylijah, Marcel+Rebekah, Matt+Rebekah, Bamon, Kai+bonnie, beremy.
And I think that's about it? mostly I just hate elena stefan damon and hayley and I am not fond of them w anyone, I hate all canon Rebekah relationships, and I dont like seeing Bonnie with anyone other than enzo or kol.
I am totally not fond of the Kill Liz for plot reasons trope, like seriously killing Caroline's mom is not ok w me, but I am totes fine if she's like already dead as part of Caroline's backstory, just don't show me Liz dying in the story as a part of the plot.
Any form of sire-bond-y or like sire-bond adjacent or like any form of deal/bargain/agreement that gives Klaus even a tiniest bit of power over Caroline's free will and choices, is just not for me, like at all, no matter how well it's done, I can't stand it.
not fond of any form of prisoner/hostage tropes, like klaus kidnapping caroline or caroline kidnapping klaus and holding each other hostage and stuff like that.
Death as a plot point doesnt work for me? and really I'd prefer if there were no major character deaths at all.
Friends to lovers trope is not for me, childhood friends to lovers trope is definitely not for me.
I don't like any sort of redemption arc really, anything that starts with Klaus as a “bad” dude and ends with him being a relatively “good” dude is not for me.
Any form of infidelity, like ofc especially in between Klaus and Caroline is just [shudder] hard pass, but like I also hate it when Caroline or Klaus cheat on anybody at all.
Also all the tropes and like themes I'm not comfy w that I mentioned in my original Gift Request still stand.
KC Pairing Pet peeves
ok This I can answer easily bc I have like a FEW,
I hate a woobified Klaus so much, like so much, I hate all TO!Klaus characterizations but this one is the worst, absolutely not here for it, I am not here to feel sorry for this mf I want to feel really deliriously GIDDY at how evil he is and how whipped he is for Caroline, but like concentrating on Klaus's manpain is not something I really wanna read.
Caroline excusing Klaus's bullshit, or like being a push over-y “it's ok, I understand why you did it” person is not for me, bc she never was one to begin w, she never did rationalize or justify Klaus's behaviour, she always held him accountable and told him what a difficult son of a bitch he is every chance she got.
I don't like arcs where Caroline is Klaus's redemption? like Caroline bringing Klaus into the "light" or whatever I am not here for it, like at all, I like Klaus staying evil while being endlessly in love with Caroline, and Caroline being able to be w a man she knows is a selfish evil ruthless grade A asshole, but will literally also choke himself to death for Caroline, cuz the man is whipped as fuck.
I also absolutely am not a fan of arcs where like Caroline remains "pure" or whatever, like that's just not for me, I am totally fine, actually MORE than fine for ruthless Caroline who is willing to do deplorable shit to get to her goal and protect her people, like Caroline being extremely almost evilly pragmatic just gives me a boner, and pretty sure gives Klaus one too. Klaus "protecting" Caroline's so called innocence is uh off putting for me personally. And her remaining this pure white light princess of good and Klaus being attracted to the *good* in her is um, nope.
Smutty Preferences
Honestly I’m very easy when it comes to smut [and u totally dont have to write me any if you dont want to]
I do not like:
non con/dub con, anal sex, Strict and/or elaborate Bdsm themes, [light undertones are ok], drunk sex, sex that’s basically infidellity [like caroline/klaus cheating on someone else w each other] , gagging, choking, Extremely rough emotionless sex, sex as a bargain, or as a part of a bargain.
Smut preferences:
I like reading oral sex, especially Klaus going down on Caroline
light bondage like being tied up [either Klaus/Caroline I enjoy both]
Sex toys are really really good, like love reading Klaus using one on Caroline, or Caroline using one on herself and Klaus watching
I do have a special love for praise kink, especially Klaus being really just in awe of Caroline during the do and expressing it uninhibitedly
Dirty Talk is GREAT
I enjoy both Klaus and Caroline in a dominant role, but I usually love it when both of them share the dominance equally, I’m just not into “Yes master” and “Yes mistress” level of dominance. I guess the word I’m looking for is Vanilla dominance lmao.
Bloodplay is also great if they're vampires.
And Klaus and Caroline leaving marks on each other is *swoon*.
I love reading possessive!klaus and possessive!caroline in equal measure so really your choice.
Hot and Dirty sex with a an undercurrent of emotion and devotion, want and need and all that nice stuff is great!
But I do have a list of words I’m not really a big fan of coming across when I’m reading smut:
Any word for vagina that’s not wetness, or folds or lips, is squicky, cunt is not a problem, pussy however is squick.
Clit is clit; little nub, bundle of nerves, all of that makes the med student in me really anxious lmao.
Any word for Cock that’s not cock is squick.
Juices, cream, semen are squicky, I just prefer come or release.
Ok these are seemingly innocent words but moist, engorged, gaping, drooling, sopping are not words I like seeing in context of smut.
So yeah that’s about it, I know hi, it’s been what, eleventy bajillion years since the beginning of this ask, I am so so so sorry for being this difficult, and really, LIKE SERIOUSLY, except for my squicks you are more than welcome to just skip past everything else, since I’m not really that hard to please, as long as the no-no’s are not there in what I read and the dynamic I asked for is even just vaguely followed I will be really really really happy and really I just want you to have fun writing whatever you feel like cooking up, I’m superrrr excited to see your interpretation of my request!!!
[Also Please please send me another ask clarifying you got my answer and also telling me I haven't frightened you with this long ass rambling list of okay’s and no-no’s bc honestly I am just anxiously debating if I should answer this ask like this or yeet half of it and vaguely rewrite the answer.]
Hope you have a great day lovely!! I am once again sorry for being this difficult. ✨💖🤝🏾
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Photographs (Jimin x You ONESHOT)
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A/N: So... Jimin's birthday is coming up so I'm gonna try do more Jimin's fic. Hahaha. and im sorry if the angst is rally not quite up there :(
"I cant believe I'm late again!" Jimin grumbled. "And they didnt even bother to wake me up! What a bunch of useless hyungs!" Jimin ran to the venue the moment the tinted window van dropped him off. For the millionth time, Park Jimin is late to his own concert again. And he is extremely late this time. The front entrance is already crowded with fans and Jimin pulled his mask and hoodie tighter to cover his face. He will be dead if the fans found out he is here, right behind them, at his own concert. Even if he survived them, Namjoon and management will surely kill him after.
As he safely managed to reached the backdoor a girl wearing all black, black cap, black hoodie, black jeans, black everything and shielding her face knocks into him. Before he can say anything she grabbed his hand in panic and pushed him inside the door, making Jimin stumbled in. She then closed the door with a bang in a hurry and leans her back on the door, blocking it from anyone else who might want to try to open it. Jimin was shocked. What is going on? Is she a crazy fan? Is he being kidnapped right now? Should he scream for help?
"Sorry I had to do that. The security is just right there at the corner. He might have seen us. Are you sneaking in too?" She looks at him curiously.
Sneaking in?
Jimin finally take a good look at the girl who finally pushed down her hoodie and mask, revealing her face. Shes wearing black everything. Is she actually really sneaking in into his concert? And she thinks he is sneaking in too? Does this happen a lot at all his concert before? Is this like a thing right now?
Still, despite all his confusion, Jimin cant help but to notice that shes very beautiful, making him stare at her in awe for a moment.
"Are you telling me that you are sneaking in?" He finally find his vpice and asks her.
"Uh yeah. Arent you?" She eyed him skeptically. "If you arent, then what are you doing back there?"
"I-uh yeah. I sneaked in," Jimin quickly agreed. Its better than saying who he actually is and why he is dpinf back here right now.
The girl smiles in relieved. "I knew there must be someone else who will be doing this," she laughs. "Their ticket prices is ridiculous. Who has that kind of money just to watch them sing anyway? Do you like them?" She looks at him curious.
"Y-Yeah. I do. I guess?" How is he supposed to answer that? "But from the sound of it, it seems like you dont? Why are you even here?"
"To be honest. I dont know them. But I heard they are big though,"
Oh, she doesnt know who we are. No wonder she didnt recognized me.
Jimin slowly opens up his disguise and the girl didnt even bat an eye at him, which intrigues him to no end. She might not know who he is, bit his looks will usually make any girl look twice, but apparently no this girl. "I'm Jimin. Park Jimin," he looks at her face for a reaction as he said his name, but nothing. "Whats your name?"
"I'm Y/N," she takes his hand and Jimin felt electricity in their touch. His phone is buzzing, most probably from his band mates,asking him where he is, but he doesnt want this moment to end right now. He wants to know this Y/N more. There is just something about her that attracts Jimin very strongly.
"If you dont mind me asking, if you dont know them at all, then why are you even here? And even sneaking in just to see them?"
"I need to see who they are for work purposes," that is all the explanation she gave Jimin and even though he is curious, he didnt get to ask more when one of his manager appeared.
"Park Jimin! You are late!" He yells from the corner of the hallway.
"I'm sorry hyung, I'm coming now!" Jimin takes a glance at Y/N who is panicking and trying to hide.
"And whos that?" He eyed Y/N who is still panicking, now standing still like a statue besides him.
"Uh m-my friend. I let her in with me," Jimin came out with an excuse fast and the manager nodded, walking away, motioning for Jimin to follow him. Jimin looks back at Y/N who was confused with the whole exchange. "I-I have to go. I'm sorry but I hope I will see you again," he looks at her hopeful. "Can I? Please?"
Y/N looks at him with suspicion in her eyes. "Wait! Dont go yet! Who are you? W-why does that man knows you? And why arent you in trouble for sneaking in?"
"I dont have time to explain. Here," he plucked her phone from her hands and quickly keyed in his number, making sure to call his phone for her number. "Stick around to watch the concert and you will know the answer to your question," Jimin winks and rans off, leaving Y/N dumbfounded.
Y/N gathered herself and managed to sneaked into the concert hall, and once the band is introduced, she finally knows what that strange Park Jimin meant. Oh, she found out alright. She found out exactly who he is.
Park Jimin of BTS.
A member of the band shes supposed to work with starting tomorrow.
Oh how shes screwed.
Struggling for years trying to find a job as a photographer, Y/N is finally offered a job from her friend. A boy band is launching a new campaign and they need a new photographer. Overjoyed with the chance of finally earning some money and being able to eat something else other than just instant noodles for months, she said yes immediately, only realizing too late that she dont even know who the band is. So when it was mentioned that the band is holding a concert somewhere close, Y/N decided to sneaked in and take a glimpse, there is no way she can afford to buy their ticket anyway. How would she know that the band member himself would be sneaking around at the backdoor just a few minutes before the show?
Watching the concert, Y/N finally realizes why the band is so well known and why their too expensive tickets are often sold out. She watches in awe as they inyeract with their fans, laughing, singing and dancing. Their talent is amazing and its very fascinating to her.
She also knows that she can definitely say goodbye to her job if that Park Jimin ever opens his mouth.
And as she saw he flashed his sweet, innocent smile on stage, she really hopes he doesnt.
"I heard we have a new photographer for this comeback. She will cover everything, from our campaign, concept shoots, concerts, behind the scene of music vudeos, fan meets, everything!" Jin suddenly said as they entered the company building. "And I heard its a young girl,"
"Really?" Taehyung 's ears perked up. "I hope its not one of those crazy fans again. Its hard to work with someone who fan girls over us more than she does working. I mean I appreciate the attention but work is work you know. The last one scares Kookie to death with her obsession," Taehyung laughs, remembering the incident.
"Yah! I was not scared!" Jungkook pouts.
"Oh come on. You make a fuss every single time and locked yourself in the room, not wanting to go to any photoshoots or even practice if shes around. You call that not being scared?" Taehyung laughs out loud at the memory.
"Shut up hyung!"
It has been an unspoken rule for quite some time in their company, to not hire young unmarried females as staff for their band. This rule is made after multiple incident where the staff turns out to be a crazy fan who applied for the job in order to be close to the boys. Their popularity is increasing and the level their fans are willing to go to get closer to them are sometimes beyond their imagination. So when Jin said their photographer is a young girl, all of them are intrigued. Who is this girl who passes the interview with their management?
"Ow! What the hell?! Dont you have eyes!" A voice screeched as she falls on the floor, hard.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didnt look where I was going," Jimin who was absorbed with the conversation bumped into one of the staff. Atleast he hope it is a staff. He hold out a hand to help her up and the girl took it.
Y/N was shocked and wide eyed. She knows the boys must be lurkimg somewhere in the building. Its their work place after all, but she didnt expect to meet the boys this soon. She thought she would have more time to think of what to say to this Park Jimin. She also definitely did not think she would meet them in this situation either, sprawled on the floor.
"Why didnt you answer any of my calls and text?" Was the first question that comes out from Jimin's mouth, making the rest of the boys look at each other. Jimin is texting with a girl? How come they dont know about it? "A-and what are you doing here?"
"I-uh-" Y/N didnt get to answer when one of the staff members came up  behind her and answer instead.
"Oh boys. You have met each other then. This is Y/N, your new photographer for this comeback,"
Upon hearing that, Jimin cant help but to give her a huge smile. All those weeks he has been ignored, not a single reply to his texts and calls and now, she has no where to run. Jimin smirked at her restless expression. She can ignore him all she wants, but Jimin has made it his life mission, that no matter what, Jimin will make sure he will get to know her better.
"Hey, wait up!" Jimin jogged slowly towards her once he saw her rushed out from the meeting room once it was adjourned. "Where are you going in sucb a rush? We dont have a shoot today,"
Y/N rolled her eyes.
"My life doesnt only revolves around you and your team members Park Jimin," she scoffed and keeps walking.
"You know, as much as its nice to hear you say my full name, I think I will like it better if you call me Chim or maybe Chimchim. Preferably oppa if you want," he pushed his hair back and winks at her. There was never a girl who was able to resist his charms when he does that, but Y/N just look at him with a weirded and bored expression.
"First of all no thank you. Jimin is fine. And second of all, whats wrong with you? Is something wrong with you eye? Do you have a sty or something?" She looks at him weirdly. Jimin felt embarassed and taken aback. That was a respond he never expect he will get from a girl before.
"Uh n-no. I'm perfectly fine," he straightened himself, all self confidence went out the window. "But really, where are you going?"
Y/N sighed. "Not that its any of your business, but if you really must know, I'm going to go and have something to eat,"
"Really? Can I come with you? I have nothing to do right now anyway," Jimin's eyes sparkles in excitement. "I- uh I mean, we are somewhat friends right? Sneaking in friends?" He smirks, knowing theres no way she will say no if he blackmails her like this.
"Uh fine! But I dont think its somewhere you idols would go," she stalked off and Jimin ran after her, nit caring where she is headed. All he kmows is he needs to come with her.
Out of all the places, Y/N took Jimin to a convenience store. Where she took two cups of instant noodles and sat at the seats provided. Jimin took a seat beside her and stare at her.
"Is that all you are eating? For dinner?" He eyed the cup noodles and can coffee in front of her.
"Breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper maybe?" She giggles and stir her now already cooked noodle.
"What?!" Jimin was surprised. "You havent eaten all day?"
"Well Mr Idol, not everyone can afford a fancy meal for every time shes hungry. I'm thankful enough for being able to buy two packets right now," she turns to look at Jimin, her face turns serious. "And because of that, I want to thank you for not telling on me. About the sneaking in thing I mean. I could have lose my job if you did. And as you can clearly see here, I reaaally need that job. So thanks," Y/N smile and turn back to her noodle, slurping and inhaling it like she is just sitting with an old friend. As if Jimin is not an attractive man that is sought after by million of girls all over the world. Like Jimin is not someone well known. Like Jimin is not an idol.
And somehow, Jimin likes that feeling. That feeling of being treated like a normal human being.
He likes it so much. He loves it.
They finally figured out why Y/N gets the job. Unlike any other girls her age, Y/N never showed any sign of interest in any of them. She did her job professionally, and to be honest, for someone with not much experience, she is extremely good at what she is doing. She finished all their shoots on time, sometimes even with extra time to spare, she means business, she doesnt flirt around and she knows what she wants from them and how to get it. The boys like her. She has become their favorite staff to work with, and Jimin... well, Jimin is getting attracted to her more than ever.
His insane attraction to her makes him crazy because she never gives him any extra attention outside of their shoot. The kind of attention that he craves. Replying to his calls and texts? That definitely didnt happen either. She gives him a polite smile, a hello and goodbye here and there like a colleague should, and that was it. Jimin wants more. He needs more. He wants her laughter. He wants to hear her talking and joking about stupid things. He wants her telling him about what she ate yesterday, about ehats happening is her life. Just like he always saw her do with the other staff. If she can do that with them, why cant she do it with him?
How is he different from the other staff? He is a colleague too, isnt he not?
Jimin starts to double up his effort in trying to get her attention after feeling frustrated by her lack of attention towards him. If the only time Y/N will even look at him is during his shoots that he will make sure she will really looks at him. Jimin made sure he looks the best. He made sure he gets the best outfits and costumes during the shoots. The one that makes all his features stands out. He made sure his make up is impeccable and every strand of his hair is in place. He made sure to give a more flirtatious pose, winking, smiling, trying his best to show her his charms. There are even a tine or two where he "accidentally" flipped his shirt on purpose but Y/N didnt bat an eye. Instead the photos came out great and the fans are the one who goes crazy instead. Jimin has given his all, subtle and obvious hints about his feelings, but all he ever received from her are "good work" and "more please", the same comment given to the other members.
Desperate to find a way to get Y/N to notice him, he shamelessly invites himself to walk her home every day, eat lunch with her during her break and sometimes even invites himself to her weekend activity.  He would follow her to do her grocery shopping, the bookstore, the park, the movies, everywhere, where he learn all the little traits about her. Little traits that makes her seems more interesting than ever to him. Although she resists and tried to stay away from him at first, as time passes by, Y/N gets used to his presence and Jimin managed to somehow be friends with Y/N and every little thing she do fascinates him even more.
Y/N is just... simple. But perfect in every way Jimin could have possibly think of. She is his dream girl, something he never even thought before. But if people were to ask him what would his dream girl be like, its Y/N.
He is sure of it.
Shes beautiful. Thats a fact. Everybody with a working eye can agree to that. But what attracts Jimin more than her beauty is who she is. He loves seeing how passionate she is when shes working. How she bite her lips when shes trying to get the best shot, how serious she looks when shes giving art directions to the crew and coming up with a plan for a perfect photoshoot. Jimin loves the way shes friendly and nice to everyone, never looking down or worshipping someone solely because of their status. She is humble, modest and pure and Jimin loves that the most about her. By spending time with her,eventhough he self invites himself most of the time, Y/N taught ans remind him again about many things that he has forgotten ever since fame took over his life. He forgot how delicious the street food at the corner stall taste like, since all they do is order takeout and eat at restaurants, he forgot what it feels like to go watch a late night movie with hundreds other people crammed in the same cinema, he forgot the thrill of being at the common section and jumping along with the crowds at a concert instead of being in a secluded private VIP booth, swirling their drink. He forgot how free it is to just talk to someone about anything that comes to mind, without being afraid that he will be jjdged or it wont fit his celebrity status  He forgot a lot of things, the simple things, but Y/N reminds him about all that all over again.
Jimin is losing his mind. The more he gets to know her, the more he feels, no he knows he is falling in love with her. He has never met a girl like her and it still make him wonder everyday how could such a simple girl like her makes him fall head over heels like a fool. He cant stop himself from smiling whenever he looks at her and his mood will be better immediately whenever Y/N is around and plummeted the moment shes gone. He wants her all to himself, to be his, to not touch some other guy's arm when shes laughing or go out for lunch with the male crew members. Jimin wants her attention to be only on him, for him. He wants her to want him.
And hes going to make sure she will.
"Date me," Jimin looks at her from across the table as she slurped her noodles, again, like he is nobody special, not feeling shy or pretending to be a girly girl like most girls do when they are with him.
"Huh, what?" Y/N looks at him funny, wiping her the stain around her mouth fomrom the soup. Jimin leans over and used his thumb to wipe a spot she missed, casually stroking her lips, her beautiful plump lips along the way, smiling. Urgh, how he would give everything to feel those lips on his right now.
"Date me. Be my girlfriend. Please?" He smiles at her, cocking his head to the side, hoping his cuteness could finally charm her.
"Are you serious right now Jimin?" Y/N eyed him, letting out a nervous laugh.
"Dead serious. Do I look like I'm laughing right now Y/N?" He cocked his head at look straight into her eyes.
"Where is this even coming from? Why so sudden? Do you need my help to make someone jealous or something?" She looks at him. The seriousness in her eyes makes him irritated. How can she thinks he is using her to make someone jealous? He is not that petty!
"Sudden?! Are you telling me you dont know how I feel about you all this time? I thought I had made myself pretty clear," Jimin huffed, not backing down from her stare, making Y/N look away. "I'm serious right now Y/N. Date me. Be my girl, and I will be your man. Only yours, I promise,"
"You can say you are serious all you want. I'm still ignoring that," she averted her eyes from him and continue to eat.
"Why? Date me. At least try! Give me a chance! I promise I will make you fall in love with me too," Jimin is almost begging. How can she be rejecting him so nonchalantly? Like all of this is a joke?
"In love with you?! Too?! Wait. Are you saying you are in love with me?" Y/N looked up from her noodle and look at his face, shocked and surprised.
"Yes. Isnt that obvious?" Jimin rolled his eyes. "Everyone with eyes can see how in love I am with you L/N Y/N!"
"No. Thats not obvious at all! Stop joking around Jimin!" Y/N is freaking out. What is Park Jimin doing right now?
"I'm not joking! Why wont you believe me? Date me Y/N. Be my girlfriend and I promise I will love you and cherish you and make you happy forever," Jimin reached out to across the table and take her hand, carressing it softly. He has been wanting to touch her for so long, and now that he does, her skin feels just as soft as he had imagined.
"No! And stop being weird!" Y/N pulled back her hands and stood up, ready to walk out. Jimin pull her back.
"I'm serious and I'm not joking. And I will make sure you will fall in love with me too Y/N," he winks before releasing her hand, and Y/N ran out from the break room, far away from Jimin as she could go.
"You were referred to us by someone we highly respected, so it is safe to assumed that you are a professional and is able to deliver the job?"
"Y-Yes sir," Y/N nodded as all eyes in the room looks at her, judging her from head to toe.
"But you are quite young..."
"No! I might be young Sir, but I can promise you that I will do a great job in making this campaign a reality. You have seen my portfolio before and I am very professional," Y/N tries to convinced the people in the room. Its true, shes young. Only 21 years old and without a proper qualification too. But thats only because she cant afford to continue her studies but she swear she has the talent and she really really need this job.
"Thats not the issue. Its more because young girls who work here usually will, what do you say, fawn over the boys and we dont want that," the lady who said it looks at her with a serious face.
"I-I wont do that. To be honest Ma'am, I am not their fan. I dont really know who they are and I promise you that I take my job very very seriously. You dont have to worry about me fangirling or giving them trouble,"
"Alright. We will give you a chance. Your work looks amazing too. But one word regarding any relationship between you and the boys and we have to let you go. Okay? We dont need another crazy fan around here," the highest ranking man in there said and the rest laugh while Y/N nodded politely before walking out. A job secured in her hand.
She never thought it would be a problem. Her job is too precious for her to risk for silly things like a crush. A crush. Thats all she thought it coukd be. If it ever could be between her and the boys. She thought a relationship is most probably unlikely to happen since there is no way an idol group member as big as they were would show even the slightest interest in a simple girl like her. This is not a fairy tale. This is real life and things like that dont happen to her in real life.
But whats happening now?
What is Park Jimin doing?
What is he even thinking?
There is no way he is in love with her. He must be playing. Isnt that what celebrities do? There is no such thing as love. He is just playing and his obsession will be gone in a matter of time. Y/N is sure of it. Jimin is just playing. He must be.
True to his word, Jimin is relentless in his effort to get Y/N to date him. He follows her around, getting more shameless in his flirting, openly calling her his girl, winking and smirking, texting her every chance he gets, asking where she is, if she has eaten, who she is with, getting jealous for absolutely no reason at all, asking whats shes doing and of course, asking her everyday without miss if shes ready to be his girlfriend yet.
Y/N tried to ignore every little effort Jimin puts in but it has been weeks, almost months, but Jimin doesnt seem to know the meaning of giving up. In fact, he is becoming more shameless and flirtatious.
"Seriously Y/N, just date me already! We are already practically dating!" Jimin walks beside her as she makes her way home, walking back after work, and like its a normal routine for him,Jimin walks besides her.
"We are not practically dating! We are not practically anything!" Y/N huffed and picks up the pace but Jimin grabbed her hands and held it tight, smiling at her.
"Not so fast baby. Its rude to leave your boyfriend behind ya know," he walks along her, swinging their interlaced hands together, as if they are one happy couple.
"You are not my boyfriend! And I am definitely not your baby!" Y/N hissed but it didnt affect Jimin at all.
"You will soon be,"
"Thats not going to happen! Why arent you getting this through your head?! Jimin, we cant be together!" Y/N yelled and stops walking, feeling frustrated as hell. Jimin finally turns and looks at her with a serious face, hands still clasped tightly with hers.
"Finally. Now you are talking to me," he said softly, eyes boring into her soul. "Y/N, I've been trying for months to try to get your attention, to get you to notice me, talk to me, anything. You are always ignoring me and you never told me why or explain your reasons. And today, for the first time ever, I finally heard you say we cant be together. You didnt say you dont like me, or you dont love me, or you hate me, but you said we cant be together," he peered into her eyes, softly looking at her. "Y/N talk to me. Make me understand. Why? Why are you saying we cant be together when all I do everyday is trying to make you see that we can and we will?"
"I-uh," Y/N realized she has screwed up when he screamed out those words. She was trying so hard to keep the reason a secret from Jimin. She was too frustrated with her own jumbled up feelings, and Jimin doing what he is doing to get her to love him is definitely not helping much either.
"Please. Tell me. I will make it right," Jimin's voice is so soft, Y/N feels like she can spill everything she is feeling to him right then and there. "Y/N... do you love me? Or at least like me?"
Y/N is speechless. He has been chasing her for months. Constantly saying that she will love him back and confessed his feelings. Those are something he said everyday to her, but never once he asked her if she loves him before.
"Y/N... do you?"
"I-I do..." Y/N finally answered after a long moment of hesitation. "I do love you Jimin. I dont want to, but I do..." And thats the truth. Along the way, she herself has fallen head over heels for Park Jimin, but who is she kidding? Who is she to even think about being with him? They will never be, no matter how much he keeps telling her that he loves her.
Jimin felt like his soul has left his body. He cant believe those words finally comes out from Y/N's mouth. His dream girl. The only girl he ever wants, loves him back. There is nothing going to stop him to get her now.
"T-then why? Why do you say we cant be together Y/N? Why? I love you and you love me. What more do you need?" Jimin reached out for her hand and tilt his head to the side, waiting for her answer.
"Its not that simple Jimin.." Y/N sighed and closes his eyes. Someone like Jimin will never understand. He is used to getting what he wants. No one ever say no to him. Could he even understand what heart break is? How can she explained the whole to him?
"Then make it simple for me. Make me understand why you think we cant be together?"
"Its because I am me. And you are you. You are Park Jimin. Is that simple enough to understand?" Y/N raised her eyes to meet his, hoping he gets what she means, but of course he didnt as he look back with confusion clear in his eyes.
"I'm reaaally not understanding what you are getting at Y/N. You being you is what makes me falls in love with you in the first place. You are simple, weird, honest and humble. You say whatever you are thinking. You are beautiful inside out, kind, soft, respectful. You are everything I want in a girl. You being you only means perfection Y/N," Jimin reason to her with wide eyes.
"You dont get it," she sighed. "Thats exactly it. I'm me. I'm Y/N. I'm simple Jimin. I wake up, I go to work and I go home. I tried to make as much money as I can just so I could finally eat a decent meal three times a day. If I'm lucky, maybe I could save enough to actually apply for college. I dont wear make up when I go out, I dont care how I look. I dont care what other people thinks of me. I dont need to. I dont meet new people everyday. Important people too. I dont have a thousand pair of eyes watching me, looking at my every move. Thinking I'm perfect, worshipping the ground that I walked on. I dont have any other talent other than eating six cup of noodles in one go, I live a simple boring life Jimin,and its everything yours is not. How can we even compare?"
"What are you trying to say?" Jimin's face is already changing. Into what, Y/N cant really understand.
"What I'm saying is... you are Park Jimin. BTS' Park Jimin. Worldwide favorite's mochi. Heart breaker. Loved by many. Adored and worshipped by millions. All eyes are on you. Jimin, someone like me dont deserve to be with someone like BTS' Park Jimin. Do you get it now?"
"So I'm BTS' Park Jimin?" Jimin's face is etched with anger, an emotion Y/N didnt expect. "Is that all you see me as? An idol? A member of the worldwide famous group BTS? Is that all you think I'm good for? Singing and dancing on stage?!"
"N-No Jimin. Thats not what I'm trying to say!" Y/N panics. Jimin has got it all wrong!
"I thought you were different Y/N. I thought you, of all people would see me for me. See right through those facade I put up for the public. That you will see how I really am beneath all that. That is the main reason why I even fall in love with you! But if all you see me as is BTS' Park Jimin, then I was definitely wrong about you. You are just the same. Just like all the others.  Seeing me as nothing more than an eye candy who entertain people on stage. Do you even really love me?!" Jimin's chest heaved up and down in anger. "You said BTS' Park Jimin is too good for you, and since him is all I ever will be in your eyes, then I will show you how too good for you I really am!" Jimin sent her the coldest glare and before she could say anything to defend herself or to calm him down, Jimin had stalked off, not taking even a single glanced back.
Y/N was left standing there in shocked. What in the world just happened? That is nor what shes trying to tell him at all! In the process of breaking Jimin's heart, her own heart is broken too pieces too.
Jimin is no longer the same sweet fluffy Jimin she knew after that incident. There is no more friendly hellos and greetings, no more warm smile and happy laughter from him. Jimin came in, do his part in the shoot or anything else he needs to do and leave. No more trying to walk her home, no more sitting besides her, flashing his smiling face and talking about his day while she slurped on her noodles. The cold and obnixious way he even looks at her makes her feel small. He finally shows that he is a celebrity and Y/N is just one of the crew working hard under contract to make him look even more better to the public. Y/N sighed as she picks up her things as the photoshoot for the day ended. Maybe its better this way. Maybe now it would be easier for her to actually forget about him and is able to stop smiling to herself at night whenever she thought about him. Maybe now she can go back to focus solely on her work, no more need to pretend like shes not affected with Jimin's charm all day.
"Uh Y/N?" An intern rushed over to her, lookong nervous and scared.
"Mr Bang wants to see you now. Its urgent and he is very unhappy,"
"W-What? Uh okay," Y/N quickly finished up packing and rushed to the main office. She didnt think she screwed up on any of the job. All of the photos came out perfect. Amazing in fact. Everybody seems to like it. What could have possibly goes wrong?
With heavy steps she enters the office, and meet the blazing eyes of the PD, and she knows her fate is sealed.
"Jimin! I need to talk to you. Please?" Y/N waited for him in front of the company for hours and he finally came out from the building after hours of dance practice. Although his heart skipped a beat to hear her voice calling out his name again, his ego and pride took over and he looked the other way, slipping on his dark sunglasses and face mask, ignoring her
"Jimin, please. I need to tell you something. I might not be able to see you again if I dont tell you now!" She grabbed his hand and Jimin turns around, oushing his sunglasses uo to his head and looking at her coldly. He shakes his arm off from her grip.
"I'm sorry, but I dont think you are simply allowed to hold my hand like this. Dont you know who I am?" He eyed her hands and Y/N immediately take a step back, shocked by his coldness.
"Jimin... please..." Y/N is begging. Almost crying. She knows he is only pretending. This is not who he is. He was never cold or unfriendly. Not to anyone. He is not that kind of a celebrity. He never was.
"Sorry. I'm busy. A lot of things to do, and like you said, a lot of important people to see too," he scoffed and walked off. Y/N just stood there, tears that she had try so hard to hide finally makes it way down, truly realizing and accepting the fact that maybe, she and Jimin were really never meant to be after all.
Goodbye Park Jimin. Its nice knowing you while it lasted.
The boys had a break for a week before they have another shoot. Although he doesnt want to admit it, Jimin still feels excited and giddy everytime there is a shoot because it still means he gets to see Y/N, although all he does is gives her angry glares and cold shoulders. His heart still hurt from what she said that day. He never expected her to see him that way. The way she acts around him, making his heart feel... How could she, of all people see him as Park Jimin, the idol? The celebrity?
Talking to the others about it makes him realized that maybe Y/N has a point. They were right. Y/N is just a simple girl, who is struggling to even find a job and enough money to eat daily where he wears Gucci on the daily. Jimin should have given her time to process his confession. Given her time to realize that what he feels for her are real feelings, not just some silly crush. That he really loves her for real, not just attracted to her because shes a challenge. Of course Y/N would be scared. Stories about how being together and breaking up in a matter of weeks are normal for celebrities like him. In fact, Jimin should have been happy. Other girls would have jump in excitement and accepted him right away. Not wasting the opportunity to date a celebrity but Y/N didnt. That just shows that she really does loves him for real. That is why she is cautious and scared. Scared that he will break her heart  He should have understand. Jimin should have convinced her of his feelings, not lashed out.
"Hello," a male stands behind the camera, smiling at them and bow as they enter the studio, ready to give directions and start the shoot, puzzling the boys.
"H-hello. Are you our photographer?" Jimin bowed back and looks around the studio.
"Yes I am. Now if you will go and get into hair and makeup, we will get started soon," he smile and start to fiddle with his camera, adjusting what is needed with the rest of the crew.
Just like Jimin, the boys are confused too. Where is Y/N? They like her. They like how she works, they like the vibe she gave out while they are working and she always makes them comfortable while shooting.
"I'll go ask around," Namjoon volunteered upon looking at Jimin's restless face, as he had finished his hair and make up first, and Jimin nods, his mind spinning.  Is this what Y/N meant when she said she might not be able to see him ever again? Oh why did he ignored her? She had warned him. Now what is he supposed to do? Even after everything, Jimin's feelings for her didnt change. In fact, it grows. He loves her even more as he thinks about what happened and he misses her. He miss her a lot.
"Uh Jimin?" Namjoon came back, rushing to his side.
"Hyung! Did you find out where Y/N went?" Jimin turns from the mirror and stare at his hyung. Namjoon's reaction does not look good.
"Kinda... but I dont think you will like the answer Chim,"
"Why?" Jimin panics and stood up to stand closer to Namjoon. "Is she okay? What happened to her?"
"Shes uh fired,"
"What?! Why?! She did a good job with our shoots! Why would she even be fired?! Did they tell you why hyung?" Jimin rans his hand over his hair, worried and helpless. Not knowing what to do. He knows how much this job means to Y/N. How much she needed it. What would it meant for her now that she lost it?
"You will hate the reason more Chim..."
"Just tell me hyung!"
"Shes fired because the company thinks she is one of the crazy fans chasing after you. She was fired for your own safety Jimin,"
"What the- what do you mean?! She dont even want to be my girlfriend! You know this!" Jimin raised his voice in panic.
"I do know that. We all do Jimin, but they dont. Especially not after this video leaked out," Namjoon shoved his phone for Jimin to see. It was a recording of their conversation on the streets. When Jimin confesses to her. A fan must have took and recorded the whole thing.
"I was confessing to her! How does that makes her a crazy fan?!" He took one look at the video and back to his hyung.
"Watch the video first Jimin!" Namjoon warned him and Jimin kept quiet, watching the video till the end. Jimin realized that the video is not what he thinks it is at all. Its a scene from their conversation, yes. But it was chopped, cut and edited and it was made to look as if Y/N was begging him and Jimin was trying to stay away from her.
"Hyung! This is not it at all!" Jimin was mortified. "I was the one who was confessing to her!" Will Y/N be okay? Her face is shown quite clearly in the video. His fans will surely attacks her. And now shes even fired because of it? Urghhh no wonder she didnt want anything to do with him. Dating an idol, a celebrity never brings any good for anyone. Especially someone so simple, pure and innocent like Y/N. She deserves bettter.  Its not him who is too good for her. It never was. Its the other way around. Jimin doesnt deserves her at all.
"I know that Jimin. But what can we do about it?" Namjoon looks at him sadly. "Lets just all hope that she will be okay... okay Chim? And lets talk to management for a way to delete this video and offer a clear explanation. Thats the only thing we can do for now,"
Jimin dragged his feet to practice that day. Feeling lost and lifeless. He spent all weekend trying to get a hold of Y/N but failed. The only thing he can do now is hope and pray that Y/N is okay. Jimin had told management the truth, and although they are not happy, the band is not under a dating ban, so Jimin is free to date anyone, as long as he is not involves with a crazy fan. Jimin prays hard that wherever Y/N is, she is okay. That she isnt crying. Thats shes happy and forgotten about a useless prick like him. Its hard for him to let her go, Jimin still loves her very much. But he rather be in pain and let her be happy than the other way around. That is how much he loves her.
"Why is it dark? Where are the others?" Jimin wondered out loud as he enters the dancing studio. The other members has left earlier, its something normal for them to do because Jimin is always late. But where are they? Is practiced cancelled and they didnt inform him? Did they went out to eat and left him? Again?! Shrugging and figured that he would just wait for them for a little while before leaving, he enters and flicked the light switch on.
Jimin was taken by surprise when all four walls of the studio is littered with photographs. Photos of him. In every sitiation he cant even imagined. And standing in the middle of the room is Y/N, looking sadly at him.
"Y/N!" Jimin wants to run to her. To held her tight in his arms and never let her go again. He wants to kiss away all her pain and her tears. He wants to see her smile again. Hear her laughter again. He is so happy to see her standing there he feels as if he is dreaming.
"Wait Jimin," Y/N said before he could say anything, his smile dissappearing at once at her tone.  "I know you hate me and dont want to see me-"
"What?! Y/N, I-"
"Just let me finish. Please," Y/N looks at him with such sad eyes that Jimin obliged. His heart hurt so much to see the only girl who has managed to own his heart looks so sad. Its okay. He will listen. And then he will tell her that he doesnt hate her. He loves her. He loves her very much and he will do anything to make it right again.
"Jimin... I'm sorry if what I said the other day hurts your feelings. Maybe it came out wrong, I dont know..." she looks down before raising her eyes again. "But thats not what I meant. What I meant is, BTS' Park Jimin is a part of you, and it will always be. And I know that. And I didnt mean it as a bad thing. Never..." she explained sadly. "Jimin-ah, these here are photos of you that I have taken," she motioned to the room and Jimin looks around. "These are photos of you that I have taken during all your shoots and fan meets. Concerts and recordings," Y/N explained softly. Jimin grazed his hand on the photographs that lined the walls. They are all photos of him in his best suits and outfits, hair and makeup ready to perfection. Smiling, smirking, waving, winking and flirting with the fans and the cameras. Jimin looks back up at Y/N. What is she trying to say? Why is rubbing the fact that he is a celebrity even more to him? Where is she going with this? "And these are photos of you... in your private moments. Where you didnt know theres a camera. Where a part of you that you didnt want to show anyone is shown," she softly motioned to one side and looks down, afraid. Jimin feast his eyes on the photos. Each and every one of it captured him, so beautifully. There are photos of him before he did his makeup, yawning and looking sleepy as hell, there are some of him sweaty and tired from practice, sleeping in the break room, laughing with his hyungs, some of when he is playing around with the two maknaes, leaning back against a chair, looking bored, playing with his phone and so much more. He dont know when she managed to do this, but Y/N managed to capture who he really is in those photos and Jimin is amazed and in awed. "I'm sorry I took these without your permission. But sometimes you look so peaceful and happy, so at ease when you are just being yourself with the people that you trust that I just need to capture those moments," Jimin looks at her, waiting for further explanation. Why is she doing this?
"Jimin-ah... I didnt want to fall in love... I thought love would only distract me. That love wont bring anything good for me. I was too focus on trying to live that I forgot that love is a part of living too. I didnt want to fall in love, and I definitely didnt plan to fall in love with someone like you,"
"S-Someone like me?" Jimin looks down sadly and Y/N smile.
"Someone so perfect and amazing. Sometimes I even wonder if you could even be real. How can someone like you even exists? But you do. And you are so far out from my world that I was scared. I'm scared that if I fall too deep, and reality hits, the hurt would be unbearable and I would never recover,"
"But Y/N... I would never ever hurt you..." Jimin flickered his eyes to her.
"I know Jimin... and I should have known that. You are such an angel I dont think you are capable of hurting anyone. But still... I was scared. I used to think that loving you means loving only this part of you," she motioned to the photos of him posing and acting for the cameras. "And I cant handle that. I never thought that part of you would ever really like me for real. How could you? Especially with how I am. A nobody. Then I realized there is another part of you thats hidden. The softer side, the vulnerable side. The side that people who are lucky enough, people who you choose gets to see and I'm lucky to get this chance to actually see this moment, let alone captured it," she looks at his candid photos and smiles softly.
"I finally realized that these two sides makes who you are Park Jimin. You are not one or the other, you are everything both sides have to offer. And that Park Jimin is the one that makes me fall in love with him," she looks at him softly. "I'm sorry I said that you are only BTS' Park Jimin, thats not true. You are BTS' Park Jimin, but you are also more than that. You dont just sing and dance on stage Jimin, you make people happy with your smile, you share your talent with the world in hopes it could make their life feels better, you care about everyone and you love. You are so much more than just a celebrity Jimin. You are a lot of things. Things that I still dont understand, things that I wish I can get to know, to explore... and I really wish I didnt screwed it up and take the chance to spend my life figuring it out. But..." she smiles at him sadly, "you are right. You dont have to show me how much you are too good for me, I already know. So, this is my apology to you and doesnt matter if you acceot it or not, I just hope you will always remember that you are all of this," she motions to the photographs that littered the whole room. "I hope you will atleast accept my apology before I go. I'm sorry Jimin-ah and thankyou for your time. I'll get going now," she bend down to picked up and her things, bowed to him and start to walked out.
Jimin pulls her hand before she could exit and turns her around, making Y/N stumble into her chest. Jimin smile and hug her tight.
"Do you seriously think I would just let you go like that?" He laughs.
"What?" Y/N was confused but her voice is muffled by his chest as he keeps hugging her and stroking her hair.
"Y/N, baby, I have wanted you to be mine from that moment you ask me if I was sneaking in," he laughs. "I made a mistake Y/N. I should have understand where you were coming from," he pulls her back to look her in the eyes. He take her towards the pictures of him on stage and posing for the shoots at stare at it, "Looking at this... I would be scared too if I were you Y/N. You are going to be giving up a lot of things if you choose me, and I didnt think about that. You were not meant for this world," he points to the photos. "You are too innocent, beautiful, pure... being with me would have ruined you. I have already prove that by acting like an asshole since that day and with what my fans did to you after the video... well, it just proves that I'm right. You are just too good for my world baby. I finally have come to terms that you are right, I dont deserve you. But Y/N... you said so yourself, I am not only BTS' Park Jimin. These photos, these are what I showed the world. A facade I put up. And these," he points to the candid photos, "is who I really am. I am Park Jimin. Park Jimin who is head over heels in love with a normal, simple girl like you who had managed to shake up my world. Y/N, I need you. I need you to live, I need you to always reminds me who I am. That I am more than some piece of meat for girls to oogle at. That I'm mkre than just some entertaining clown. I need you to keep seeing through me like you did. To keep me grounded. To remind me of who I am. Of who I could be. Just like you did with these photographs," he plucked one of the photos of him laughing out loud at one of his hyungs.
"I need you Y/N. I love you. Pick me, choose me, love me, accept me, and I promise you that I will show you all of Park Jimin, the good, the bad, everything, because no matter which side it is, Park Jimin is just," he leans in closer, touching their foreheads together, "so," he nuzzle his nose wirh hers,"in," his lips grazed her and Y/N's breath hitched, "love with you, L/N Y/N," he closes the gap and his lips hungrily captured hers.
Y/N closes her eyes and lets Jimin kiss her, slowly easing in into the kiss, finally releasing all her feelings for him. Because right now she believes that, it doesnt matter how different she and Jimin is, just as long as he is Park Jimin and he loves her.
Because just like the photographs, Y/N loves every little thing about him.
And that is all that matters.
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narutomaki · 5 years
tagged by @cadashh Technically...ty!
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag some blogs!
tagging: if you want to do this, feel free!!!
 a - age: 21
b - birthplace: London, Ontario
c - current time: 12.13am
d - drink you last had: water... hydration baby
e - easiest person to talk to: my best friend! The one who almost named a character Iron Bulls Twink but was defeated by his hand
f - favourite song: I've No More ... To Give by Thomas Benjamin Wild Esq
g - grossest memory: (tw blood, needles) one times recently i fucked up giving myself my T injection and just. Blood. All over the floor. It didnt hurt so that's how it managed to be gross instead.
h - horror yes or horror no: I have Very Bad paranoia issues so that's a hard no for me
i - in love: 🦁🦄 yeeeah...
j - jealous of people: very much so very often and i dont Like it. It's honestly one of jy qorst qualities
l - love at first sight or should i walk by again: bit of both in my experience, ive fallen really hard and had pretty good relationships with ppl i barely knew, and my current one had about a 6 month build up about discussing dating
m - middle name: Vincent
n - number of siblings: 1 brother i cant wait to never speak to agaon
o - one wish: money
p - person you last called:  my mum to get her to call me back because she's been ignoring me "because i hate her" and asked her to text before she calls me instead of calling me out of the blue and getting annoyed i dont wanna talk
q - question you’re always asked: "how are you feeling?" or... "YEAH!?" Whenever i bust out some very cursed thoughts
r - reading anything right now?: There is a book on my bedside table I'm over half way through and just. Keep not picling up to finish
s - song you last sang: Self Fulfillinf Prophecy by Maria Mena
t - time you woke up: 6am
u - underwear colour: red
v - vacation destination:  main one right now is Amsterdam, then after that I want to visit the Scottish countryside, and then Ireland, and Sweden
w - when was the last time you really laughed?: uh. I forget but recently over something rlly not all that funny in a Drawfee video that sort of broke me out of my self hate loop and got me to take aome action to getting on the task causing it
x - x-rays: multiple chest, back, and knee x-rays because my body is falling apart connective tissue wise and my doctoe is qorried about me. Also my chest pain radiates Exactly with heart attack descriptions but it never is, it's a connective tissue disorder because of binding we think and it shows itself by Acting Like A Bastard
y - your favourite food: samefood right now is grilled cheese with tuna (sometimes onions) dipped in ketchup with pickles. Other then that ppl rlly cant go wrong feeding me chopped potatoes with salt and butter and a red meat or chicken
z - zodiac sign: dual (sun and venus) gemini, dual (Moon and Mercury) Taurus, and I technically in some illegal part of my brain know my start chart but i forget it everytime i look away
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dreamoftowers · 6 years
The Shanghai Lady
hi uhhhh i posted this forever ago but deleted it bc i just didnt like it anymore, but i was recently looking thru old works of mine and i re-read this and was like “wow! this is p cool” so uhhhh i’m gonna post it again. i edited it a bit, but i hope yall like it maybe? 
it’s my take on the shanghai lady’s character. this is a drabble that’s written in media res of a story that i’ll probably never completely write out. who knows idk maybe? *shrugs*
anyway it’s a bit Dark and Edgy or w/e but who cares. hope yall like it anyway!
tw: mention of character deaths / violence, yelling, crying 
Sung struggled and squirmed about as two shady figures held tightly onto his arms and dragged him forward through the basement. Vivid neon lights shone from the ceiling, but it somehow still managed to be dark and dim down here, becoming increasingly darker the deeper they descended into the understructure of the place; though, Sung couldn’t even see any of this through the blindfold wrapped around his eyes. High-octane pop music blasted from the upstairs dance floor, becoming more and more faded the farther they walked.
After a few minutes of dragging, struggling, and stumbling, Sung heard a door swing open in front of him. As he was dragged into the direction of the door, he felt the atmosphere around him suddenly change. The air felt cooler, crisper, but heavier, somehow, much heavier in a way that Sung couldn’t quite understand.
He felt himself being thrown forwards, and his body fell face first onto the cold floor. As he lay there on the floor, the figures grabbed his hands, and held them behind his back. Sung felt icy cold handcuffs latch onto his wrists. Hands grabbed at his arms and yanked his upper body up from the ground, and they positioned him so that he was sitting on his knees. There Sung sat, breathing heavily as one of the figures untied the blindfold and ripped it off of his eyes.
The sudden bright neon lighting of the room stung Sung’s eyes. He groaned, and squinted until he adjusted to the vivid lights. He darted his eyes all around the room; again, somehow the room managed to be dim even though there were deep hues of pinks and purples and blues emitting from the neon lights scattered around the room. Decorating the room were ornate paper lanterns, indoor waterfalls and water fountains illuminated in colorful LED lights, and strange glowing plants and vines growing on the walls.
A large pool sat in the back of the room, glowing in alternating hues; and in the middle of it, a rectangular platform rose out of the water. There, the dusky figure of a woman sat cross-legged, her back facing Sung.
The Shanghai Lady.
Exactly who he was looking for- though, admittedly, he wasn’t expecting to meet her like this, sitting on his knees with handcuffs binding his hands together.
He couldn’t really make out what she was wearing, but the shape of it, from what he could make out, was something ornate, something flamboyant. She was surrounded by glowing waterfalls and hanging floral vines.
Sung breathed heavy breaths, taking in the oddly calming sounds of the area: the gentle splashing of running water, the quiet ambient music playing throughout the room, the soft remnants of pop music playing high above them from the nightclub. He was just awestruck from this atmosphere. Who knew that The Shanghai Lady had such a hunch for avante-garde interior design? For someone with as much blood, corruption, and destruction on her hands, one wouldn’t expect such contrastingly calm scenery for her lair.
A robotic female voice rang out through the room. It was shockingly silky, gentle, soothing to the ears, while also containing an eerie undertone.
“I would have never in a million years expected to see you here, Sung.” Her voice reverberated through the room.
An unnerved chill shot through Sung’s body. He frowned, and asked in a demanding voice, “What do you want from us? How did you find us? What did we d--”
The Shanghai Lady cut him off and continued to speak as though she hadn’t heard his questions. “You’re usually so elusive, caught up in your own little world. I was so surprised that you came here. Hmhm.” Her small chuckles seemed to echo and reverberate a bit more intensely than her sentences did. “Why the sudden change of heart? Did you fina--”
“WHERE ARE THEY!!?!” Sung suddenly exploded, his trembling voice roaring over hers. His breaths became just as shaky as his body was. “What did you do to them?!”
She didn’t answer. All she did was chuckle.
“ANSWER ME!!” Sung screamed out, his face turning red and contorted with anger.
“Oh, my.” She said in such a nonchalant tone. “Someone’s upset. I’ve never seen you like this before, Sung. It’s so… intriguing to see you at your breaking point already. Though, I suppose I shouldn’t have expected anything different of you. You’re always gushing about your… damned bandmates. Friendship this, and- and brotherhood that.” When saying these words, her tone shifted to a slight hiss, as though the words were poison on her tongue. Her tone quickly returned back to normal. “Of course you’d be so concerned about them. Pathetic.”
Anger ran red hot through Sung’s boiling blood. Why is she talking like she knows him personally? Does she? He certainly doesn’t know her personally. Hell, he only knows her through rumors and myths.
“Stop talking like you know me,” Sung spat out through gritted teeth.
“I do know you, Sung.”
“You know nothing about me.”
“Hahaha, ah, on the contrary, sweetheart.” In her next sentence, her voice shifted to that menacing hissy tone again. “I know everything about you.”
Sung was shaking so much that he felt like he would explode from the rage burning within him. He balled his hands into tight fists. He couldn’t even respond for a long moment. He just stared daggers at the back of her head. “What… do you want…?”
“Do you recognize my voice, Sung?”
The sudden question stunned him into a brief silence. Bewildered, he furrowed his brows and furiously shook his head. “No, I don’t!”
“Not at all?” The Shanghai Lady asked in a mockingly sad tone.
“N-... No… I don’t- I don’t think so.” Sung began to think about this a little deeper. “Not a lot, it’s just… vaguely… familiar... agh, it-it sort of reminds me of someo-- WHERE ARE THEY?” He snapped again, shaking off the previous thoughts on his mind. She… did sound somewhat familiar, he just couldn’t put his finger on it. But it didn’t matter. He was going to find out where his friends were, no matter what distractions she threw at him.
“You were so, so close,” she said, ignoring his last question. “Still can’t figure it out?”
Sung said nothing in reply.
Suddenly, in the next words she uttered, her voice became dramatically different, but in a way that was somehow still vaguely similar to her original voice. It was much more robotic and monotone, much colder. 
“How about now?”
Sung’s heart sank into his stomach. His face fell into immediate horror and dismay, his eyes wide and his mouth hanging agape.
Sung could recognize that voice anywhere.
He tried to utter something, anything, but no words came out. All that could escape his throat were failed attempts at words. “C…c-co…”
The Shanghai Lady chuckled again in her normal tone. “Go on, take your time. I’m waiting,” she said in a whispery voice.
Tight knots formed in Sung’s stomach. His lips trembled as he stuttered out, “Co...c-comp..uter… w-w...ife…”
“There you go,” she congratulated him in a mocking tone.
“No…” Sung muttered, shaking his head. “But.. but why?” Sung whimpered out. “What..--”
“You haven’t changed at all, Sung. A part of me isn’t surprised.” She slowly rose to her feet. The skirt of her dress, or shirt, or whatever she was wearing, swayed as she stood and turned around. Once she was facing Sung, the glow of her metallic amber irises pierced through the darkness. As she approached him, descending down the stairs from the platform onto the floor, Sung could only gaze at her in utter disbelief, utter awe. “You’re not-- you’re not her,” he said, his voice shaking with emotion. “Y-You’re not her, I know it, she- sh-she wouldn’t do anything like this, I…” He seemed to be trying to convince himself of this rather than telling her this.
As The Shanghai Lady came closer to him, the lighting from nearby lamps and waterfalls illuminated her figure, giving Sung a chance to gaze upon her. She wore a slightly loose-fitting black jumpsuit that had intricate gold designs printed on it. A black, armor-like shoulder mantle draped over her chest, and from the back of it fell a long flowing cape lined with gold. Her chrome metallic skin was pure white, like that of a marble statue, other than the dark green circuitry running down her face like trickles of water. Some of her detailing was similar to how she looked before she… left, and abandoned Sung. But others were so much different now. She looked like such a completely different person, but what scared him more was that she still did resemble her old self a bit. She couldn’t have been lying about being his compu--... ex computer wife. Even now, Sung refused to believe his own eyes.
Sung looked up at her as she stood over him, chuckling to herself and leaning over to gently caress his chin with her robotic white hand. The familiar, and yet somehow simultaneously foreign, touch of her hand sent unnerving chills through his heart. “Oh, Sung. Even with all the intellect and genius in the universe, you never did, nor ever will, understand your own finest creation. It’s a shame. So knowledgeable, yet so idiotic.” The Shanghai Lady suddenly gripped at Sung’s jaw, and yanked his head up further. “We could’ve been unstoppable, Sung. With your intellect and my vigor, we could’ve achieved anything we wanted. But you didn’t want that, did you?” She squeezed tighter onto Sung’s face. “No, you’d rather waste your talent building robot drummers and specialty instruments with all of the finest elements of our universe. Never focusing on the bigger picture. Such wasted potential.” She shoved his face away, and Sung let his head droop down.
Memories of their marriage flashed into Sung’s mind. Gradually, over time, the more sentient and self-thinking that she became, the more she would grow tired of him and his experiments. He noticed that she became distant, irritable, and, now that he was looking back on it, more ominous about her outlooks and views. That’s when the arguments began.
She was always urging him to do “more important” things with his time and energy, saying that his talents shouldn’t go to waste on such “trivial” things such as music, but Sung would always calm her down enough to where they could get back to their normal lives. But the arguments only got worse until one day, she disappeared without a word, without a trace, and the only thing she’d left behind was a goodbye note.
But this… how could she have done all of this? Making such a bloody reputation for herself, on Earth of all places? And… more importantly, how was she able to single handedly tear TWRP apart so easily, and take away all of Sung’s friends one by one? He still didn’t even know what she’d done to them yet, and as much as it burned him on the inside to be so ignorant, he had no choice but to listen to her. No words could escape him at this point.
The Shanghai Lady slowly walked away from him, then stopped and stood with her back facing him. “But no need to dwell on the past, right? Not without the proper actions, at least. That’s when you all came in to the picture.” She slowly turned her head to look back at him. Her eyes shone a sharp and intimidating glow. “You made it so easy, I just couldn’t resist exacting revenge on you. You all came running right to me.”
She took a brief pause, almost as though she were thinking about something. She chuckled loudly before turning her head away and speaking again. “You know, Sung, I’ve always been intrigued by the lives of organic beings like yourself. You all have limitations: physically, emotionally, psychologically. It’s so captivating…. watching how you all squirm and thrash about once you’ve reached your breaking point. Blood spilling, bones shattering, hmhm, even watching tears fall is fascinating. Thrilling, even. Such fleshy, emotional little things, you are!” She said this in almost a cheery voice. “I never would’ve guessed that little red one’s neck would break so easily. Or that the lion man’s psyche could be so easily shattered.”
Sung’s heart stopped. A paralyzing horror fell over him, leaving his blood running cold, his skin draining of color. No, no, she couldn't’ have, she wouldn’t do that…right? In just a few short seconds, his entire world began to crumble and fall, and the weight of it crushed Sung’s heart. He started to tremble.
Sung shook his head in disbelief, denial. “No..N-no… you…”  
“Yes, the red one… so brittle. His neck just snapped like a twig. Oh, and the lion… he saw everything. He’s usually so calm and laid back.” The Shanghai Lady snickered. “Yet he broke down into such a demented state, screaming and sobbing out… and so quickly, at that. I was genuinely surprised.”
All Sung could do was listen as rage and dread rose within him, making him tremble and whimper. He hung his head and squeezed his hands into tight fists, each word she uttered sending more and more pain into his heart and soul.
“Even that robot broke much easier than I expected. I figured that another one of your creations might have stood a chance, but I was mistaken. He fell just as easily as the rest. The red glow in his eyes flickered away so… gently. It was almost peaceful to watch that heap of useless metal fall to the ground.”
In an outburst of rage, Sung cried out and tried to race over to her, but the two figures grabbed onto his arms and held him back as he kicked and screamed. He tried to struggle as much as he could, thrashing around and cursing and wailing about, but he eventually broke down and grew stiff, letting his body slump in their arms as he erupted into sobs and whimpers. The only movements he made were the violent shakes of his body as he cried, his chest heaving up and down in spastic breaths.
“And now, you…” The Shanghai Lady said, turning around with the same devilish smirk on her face. “Broken so easily, my sweetheart. You always were so sensitive. But I’m not nearly finished with you, yet.” She raised her hand in the air, and a strange golden orb slowly formed around it. It swarmed with electricity and circuit-like patterns.
She began walking over to him, taking her sweet time.
“No, no, I have more special plans with you.”
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
Tumblr media
Af, Ali, and Anaconda: The Globalist Takeover of the Internet Anonymous (ID.C 1210/173un)14.59.11 Long before fake news or Net Neutraity INN) bacame major media topics the U.S govemmant was aseady bad, nght? Sure the intemet became a quasiusy, but it didnt really aflect you anything, you got a chanos to finally sick t to Comcast G Ask yourself shy NN eame out of nowhae Why was it so haavily adwertisad? Who paid for the adwertising? And who benefited from i Now asl yoursef what sequance ed up to N.N and who lod t tothare? Where did tha sequence imand to end? Baieve it or not, the sequenoe already came to completion. On Obama's final month in ofice, the intemet was quietly nationalized by egisaion he signed the day before Christmas Eve The preeident himeelf became legally capeable of taking down any website This is a long piecs, and the beginning will cover some masterial that you already know but it is crucial to understand the bi U.S. House of Rapresentatives commissions the Roase Commitoo to inwessgae potential oommunist inuence of domesti NGOs and noprotts. Head investigator, Norman Dodd, pubished the final report in which he diecovers that the Ford moral lutivism and No. 152760184 1522222 Tniemationaliem to the end of oligarchio collectvism" in other words, globalism. His roport was silanced and the two- 1980 - Civil Sociaty Sactor The cvi society seclor is typicaly underslood to be comprised of NGOs and nonprotts that, according to conventional of the sort But if that was ever irue, it isnt anyore, and hasn't been for decados. By 1950 al of cvil society had bean taken over by private and stale inereets, operating as praxies for their agendas. Just as Norman Dodd had discovered the White House. Googio Ideaswas hoavly involved in the Arab Spring which was irnstigated by social modia. VP of Stratfor sald they have a "oovert role in foaming up risings." and that they are doing things the CIA cannot do Bl Clinton's Teleconmunication Act of 1996 legaizes the monopolization of the media, paving the way for a two-decade strings to maka us danco to hir tise song Comaa. Dianey, Viacon, Trno warmer, News Corp. CBS, and sta stinking Anonymous|ID:CTD g12/1QIITSun]15.01:24 No 152700281 -sama marteed tby a quote from a reddt ㄱf you happen to havo a right-sing perspotho, Googeputs your soasch resuts on the 10h pago, Youtube demoroitzes your videos or removes term. Twtter bang your account, and F80ebook censors your posts 5o they never show up in 2010 The Iniermet The gibalists, having soldfod thair oortrol ovor baris, oa aton·chvil sooty, mada, and social meda. now turn thar Aheady oomoling much of fe ilernors meda and ali ธาอ sooal moda platforms hat propagato it, t e only thing loft for the globaliets to control is the Intrastructure itselt that comprises the imernet That's why 3Ps are important now. Belore privato ontitios with minimal oqulation trom the gowemment Separato and unrolatod 3o that dlassiication, the FCC hald Verizon v. FCC changad that, nuing that id th FOC wanted to onforce Opan-ntomet Fls thy need to -dlassily ISPs under Ttle as quasik-utlities strictly regulated as "common camiens", efectively a stane-loeneed monopoly. The most crDcal factor her" ts that under Tiso ll, เระ's need to 3pply for Broad astrg L"onses, which givo the goverment mossvo their politioians. Netfx alegedy manipulaied their own service to frame the I3Ps for throtting No.15270035515283 The full extent of the infbenoe rat ywt known " may be, that the Isusut's oteor™ wns 8heer ㎝rodence Rognless this was a hupa win for tha globasls, becausia now thay are ona stup coar to lareing I3Ps to apply for Broadcanting the ISPs go bankrupt. The govemment can leverage Remember this, because Broadcaeting Licenees become the globlist's most valuable weapon in just orne act more of Three jdges presided over the cae Lauranco H.&ibarman (appointed by Ronald Roagan) Judth An Wibson Rogrs (appoinled by Bil Cinlon) David S Tate 'appointed byt" canton The Cinion-appoiniee Demoorats ruled in fawor of the Tife II classication nuing. The Reagan-appointee parialy dssented No surprise Now he PCC is stuck between a rock and a hand place H they want to enlorce Open-Intemet hey Broadoasting Lioense. The FCC is stumped and cant seally figure out what to do next... .So Obama comes in to save the day He pressures them to move forward with the Titie II clasitcation and give the govemment sweeping authority over irtlarnal infrastrucano. Th. pobantily unpopular rme" quiddy ntranded with aiai narne and sold to thwa putie as. . The' pubii: h1uld tat hey irs saving t1m iraernet, But samg 1 fram wham? Hahaha frtam t1m very people who สาย balling revokedOpen Internet r'enzon w FCC, nepackaged it, and gave back to us in ล borta of red tape Now heeo's who. ธาอ story picks up." and winning. Thay No. 152700444 Nat Neuralry Ivokes Tile of the Telecommunications Act of 1896 to require all i5Ps and any oompany that provides Well.. What if the FCC doeen't want to renew them? Ah but thafs orazy talk, the FCC cant just rewoke Broadcasting But imagine what happens when you're appointed by the president as chaiman of the FOC, and shortly after you get a call And that call you get is from whatreer said globaist preeident rules your Smeline. And that globaist preeident telis you viclating foderal law I voted for Trump and just hang up. But then the ofice phones stant ringing and you got a ite nervous because now other government bodes สาย caing n.ฟ, substartinng that yes, in t3ct, the ISP rusty is breakng he law So you hang up, call your lawyr, and ask him to look up al the laws they ware talking about to so i he 1SP ealy is violating them Atar al, what kind of law would justity such an abuse of power? None, in tact, that you know ot. The next thing that wll happen is your lawyer w walk into your osce, looking pale as a ghost, and hand you a legal dlooument trled Countering Information Act of 2016 (8.2802) This is where everything comes Boads of saeat start to form on your forehead as you begin reading the Countering Information Wartare Act of 2018 13.20821. You put it down and look up at your lawer, realizing whry his face is drained of ite R was drained by the Countaring Inlormaion Warfare Act af 2018 (3 2802Yue about to nk him a question about th Countering Informason arfare Acet of 2016 (8.282), but you pauso, and another thought stkos you Why don't thery jut call it The InfoWars Act Anonymous (ID 01 12/1017un)1503.29 No.15278060421527x3 (79 KB, 58T 1093) Your lawyer simply closes his eyes, as if with eroto satiefaction, and quickly whispens under his breath ".B Cinton is a rapist You look back at the IntolWars Act to nead its mission statement Thats so bizama, you think to yourse f. Usualy agenoios are created indopendent trom other branches of cormuptng infiuences Why would you bother craating a raw independent agancy f yose iarally going to hourse it in the Whita House? so ifs a cantor, of mutiplo agoncias. In the p 1300-The head of the Cantershall be appoinled by the Presicent answers directy to the President? Okay? Wht esacty is it going to do? Maintain, eolect, use, and dissuminate rocords for rasoasch and data analysis of foraign state and nos-state propaganda wait what? ter-stato popaganda? Yournaan lkanny evening shitposta on TD? what ธาย fuck d es l hat mean? Laraty everyone on teplanet is not 귀 state. And how exactly Ispropaganda dened? Huh, hat's strange tees nodenton in here. Like they delberately amted t so they can just.cal whatever they want, Inarecible Anonymous 1D 12/1018un)15:04:13 No.1527806882152722 You look up to your lawyor, "How the fuck did Obama gat this thsough Congress? Your lawer drops anoth eon your dask. It looks sspiciously farrslar s titiod National Dalansa for Fiscal Year 2017 He wated unti Christmas Eve and hid t inice af the 3,000 page anual maitary buckget so nobody would notice it Ohhhh shit yeah this is that fuckin propoganda thing that Obama legalized I always see it get seposted on The Donald God, what a Ken pedophle hing to "Soyouve aready need tioughr -JoSUB Christ." The trwyw fhps through the 3,076pages of the NDAA to pago 1.30, (or 1.438 r, part mat CENTER This is so much more than just propaganda. Look at what thary'e going to be doing Identtying current and emenging trends in foreign propaganda and disinformation, induding the use of print, broadcast, and agants to influence targated populations governments ㎞ order to oordnate and shape tedevelopment of tassos, tohriques, and proeares to expose and Anonymous CZ12/10178un15 04 55 No.1527806432152773s Nol aven Tom Clanoay would wrtn something lke this.Earar you caled this a Kayan thing to do. But even Kanyars sacrot ages t Yeah.. Mw kOaa would never do tht The legislaton establishes a fund to help train local joumalists.. But just whani couch' get wor. gets way lucking warse Second, the legielation seelks to leverage expertise from outside government.. prowide grants and contracts to NG0s, Gv oely organizations hink nk privale secdor companias, macia organizutio and othar esparts outside he US povomment.. Thay cal in their globa from some "Totaly neutral third-party" and logwther hery can call arryone a propagancist Thry oan go atorltoraly anybody who's boan fagpod by a thind-party "tact-chocker" without having to tako tham to court. Oh fuck were, thore all song to, a croated They traired te pticto accept the idea of "neutral寸 rd-parties" polong onlne oortot. Facebook, Twiter. It's brillant, really. They control the tact-chedkers, the enforcens, and wih the passage of The , the nrastructure to unline hem Once a propagandist has been tangeted, the Preeident can use absolkuely The Center wl develap, integrste, and synichronize enign And thats it lsdies and gentlemen. Thaits why passing Not heir Titio II Broadcasting License is legaily rewoked, they can no longer do bueiness, tey go bankrupt, and the govemment buys out their nbastructure. The govermmant can inlegrate into the I3Ps to cansor anything, anywhere, at anyima The ISPs ane flancsd STORY TIME IS OVER THIS IS ACTUALLY REAL Are you imagining how real this is They can physically shut down your access to the intomet without a court order! Just because someone cal lad you a propagandist! Just because you shtpost on The Donald They can take down Drudge Report, Breitbart. TheDonald of yoars, iko thhay aways do, so that nobedy would notico unta is too lato They coukve takan us down one buy one, yoar by year, and quety suppress And it was 100% legal, They passedovory law thay feeded to dit YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW LUCKY WE ARE TO HAVE WON THE ELECTION BECAUSE THERE WOULD HAVE NEVER AND NOW ONE FINAL QUOTE 1446- "The Center shall terminate on the date that is 8 years affer the date of the enactment of this Act
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smouldering-dream · 6 years
Me A to Z
Tagged by @seekingidlewild
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
A - Age: 24
B - Birthplace: San Francisco (or somewhere in the city, not quite sure where exactly.), California
C - Current time: 11:29 pm
D - Drink you last had: Probably shouldnt have, but milk
E - Easiest person to talk to: The friends I’ve made online.
F - Favorite song: I was going to mention this one song, but after some thought its hard to pick just one. Giving it more thought I’ll have to go with Brave Shine by Aimer
G - Grossest memory:  This actually happened fairly recently, but the short of it is I had to clean up barf and the smell made me gag. Didnt help that the smell lingered.
H - Horror yes or horror no: Ehh I’m not a huge fan. I’m more drawn to stuff that has compelling stories or leave you thinking after you see/read it and most of all action. If looks cool I’ll likely enjoy it to some degree.
I - In love?: With where I am right now I’m rather hesitant and uncertain, but maybe?
J - Jealous of people?: Yeah a little, mostly with my brother. With him going to see his girlfriend pretty much everyday its hard not to.
L - Love at first sight or should i walk by again?:  Aha, I can appreciate when someone looks good, but that’s not at all what love is.
M - Middle name: Ariel
N - Number of siblings: 3,though one of them passed away sadly.
O - One wish:  I’d like to move in the near future. Thats what comes to mind for now.
P - Person you called last: Me being my antisocial self will say my brother called me rather than the other way round.
Q - Question you are always asked:  “How long are you out here?” Thats what it’s been recently anyway. It’s related to my job and while yes it is quite boring I’ve got quite a few podcasts that have been making work much more enjoyable.
R - Reason to smile: My friends, dogs, video games, the various podcasts that have been making me laugh.
S - Song you sang last:  Next of Kin by Hiroyuki Sawano
T - Time you woke up: Went back to sleep right after, but 6am. And no I was not late for work.
U - Underwear colour: Black
V - Vacation destination: I’ve a list more or less, but a few that are highest on there would be Japan, Britain, anywhere with a castle I can visit really.
W - Worst habit: I tend to bite my lips, usually when I feel nervous and sometimes they can bleed.
X - X-rays: The dentist (side note - I dislike getting those very much. Gag reflexes and those arent fun.)
Y - Your favorite food:  Dont really have one, so I’m gonna say anything spicy.
Z - Zodiac sign:  Sagittarius
tagging anyone and everyone who sees this >:o
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childofdemon · 7 years
Tag meme #2
The second tag meme I got tagged by @nollatooru (who is great, you should follow her if you also like Hakuoki). 
A- age: 18, turning 19 in exactly two months
B- birthplace: Finland
C- current time: 17:34 or 5:34 pm
D- drink you last drank: Lemon ice tea
E- easiest person to talk to: My second oldest brother or my best friend
F- favorite song: I have many, but the absolute favorite might me Butter-fly by Kouji Wada or Lifesaver by Sunrise Avenue
G- grossest memory: Why would I want to remember those?
H- horror yes or no? No. I'd rather avoid the nigthmares, thanks.
I- in love? Not currently, no. Never been, if you don't count small crushes.
J- jealous of people? Everyone gets jealous sometimes, I think.
K- killed someone? No. Unless you count bugs.
L- love at first sight or should I walk past again? How about you actually talk to me? Attraction and love are two different things.
M- middle name: I have two, but I hate them so I'd rather not tell you.
N- number of siblings: Three, all older brothers.
O- one wish? To get into unversity. If not that then healthy life.
P- person you last called? The guy I'm buying my PS Vita from.
Q- question you’re always asked: It's not really a question, but ”You're so tiny” is something I hear a lot. Because apparently it must be pointed out.
R- reason to smile: I'm graduating from high school next week.
S- song you last sang: Umm....Can't remember, to be honest.
T- time you woke up: 11:30 (am) I think?
U- underwear color: Do you really think I own a matching set? Because I don't.
V- vacation: We went to Tenerife, one of the Canary Islands, for a vacation two months ago with my parents. It was great.
W- worst habit: Either always doubting myself or getting easily distracted. Or maybe my sleeping habits.
X- x-rays: If this is meant to mean ”have you ever been x-rayed”, the answer is ”No”.
Y- your favourite food: This one so-called ”Eastern fish soup” with salmon, noodles and chili along with some other things. We got the recipe years ago and it's so good.
Z- zodiac sign: Leo
Okay, as for the (un)lucky people I’m tagging:
@dulraidh, @eliz1369, @conspacelien, @jogresspartners, @energiajae, @bet-you-didnt-see-that-coming15, @thegreensorceress, @impracticaldemon, @mymindmaybemelting, @annahakuouki
Sorry if you’ve already done this one or just don’t like doing these.
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jiminnieblues-blog · 7 years
get to know me tag(s)
yoo so recently i’d been tagged to do three get to know me tags, and i dont want to make three separate posts for each so im gonna combine all of them in this one post which is under a cut bc……….its really long LOL anyways i was tagged by @lovhobe, @elementaljimin, and @protectkimtaehyung thank you so much guys!!!!!!!!!!! <333 im glad i got to know yall better asdfgh
im tagging @jiminslipgloss​, @jxxminmols​, @kismet-soo​, @baeklipse​, @sonyeondn​, @neckatie​, @kihyunswife​ and @bulletproofbookworm​ you guys are welcome to do however many of these you want lol i just didnt wanna tag people separately for each tag
i was tagged by @lovhobe​ to do the 20 questions one tysm!!  instructions: answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better. (lol yall already know i aint tagging 20 people)
name - zara
nickname - um a few of my friends like to call me zar-zar and i get called zaro by my family a lot
zodiac sign - cancer
height - 5′ 3″
orientation - straight
ethnicity - pakistani
favorite fruit - pineapple i think
favorite season - fall
favorite book series - idk um i’ll be that person and say harry potter lol i cant rlly think of a good series rn but my fave book is the kite runner 
favorite flower - i dont rlly know a lot of flowers but i like roses and the vibrant colors that orchids can have
favorite scent - fresh laundry
favorite color - purple
favorite animal - zebras?
coffee, tea, or hot cocoa - hot cocoa
average hours of sleep - five
cat or dog person - i like both but i think i like cats a little more
favorite fictional character(s) - this is hard bc i used to be in a lot of fandoms asdfghjkl draco, red & gold, percy, bakugou, link and i have more from all the drama i watch but the list will be to long lmao !!!
number of blankets you sleep with - three
dream trip - idrk?? somewhere out of the country i guess i dont leave the us unless im going to pakistan lol
blog created - i had to check my archive lmao but i made this blog in oct of 2015
number of followers - :^)
NEXT i was tagged by @eternaljimin​ for the get to know me tag tysm !! there werent any instructions just.........answer the questions lol.
a - age - fourteen lmao.........................
b - biggest fear - tight spaces
c - current time - 10:35 pm
d - drink you had last - water
e - everyday starts with - getting out of bed??
f - favorite song - im saying this just bc it just came out but RUMOR BY KARD IS A BOP WATCH IT AND SUPPORT THESE LEGENDS  
g - ghosts are real? - idk my dude
h - hometown/country - us
i - in love with - jimin?
j - jealous of - i was just watching sbs kpop star and there are these two kids who are eleven yrs old and are so talented i wish i was talented you feel 
k - killed someone - why would someone even ask this akshf ofc not
l - last time you cried - i think i cried today lmfao
m - music you last listened to - RUMOR BY KARD
n - newest thing you bought for yourself - i think the last thing i spent my money on was cheez its from the vending machine @ school ajksf
o - one wish - i wish my life went smoothly and that i wasnt mentally ill?? lmao
p - person you last messaged - @jiminslipgloss​ :)
q - questions you get asked often - since i wear the hijab i get a lot of questions abt that i also get questions on my rbf like ‘why do you look so depressed all the time’ asfkjkj
r - recommended (movie? series? book?) - i just remembered that i read this book called this blinding absence of light and it was rlly good a little explicit but it was a damn good book i rlly wanna re read it 
s - song you last sang - i dont rmbr but it was probs a track from hamilton lol
t - thanks, last person you said thanks to - the waiter that gave me food @ a restaurant i went today 
u - underwear youre wearing - not sure what this is asking but im wearing a purple one rn???
v - vacation, your dream vacation - i dont rlly have one lol
w - worst habit - idk if this counts but i lose my temper a lot? is that a habit? if not i tend to space out/get distracted a lot esp in class
x - x rays youve had - my teeth, my ankle, a few of my fingers
y - your favorite food - rice !
z - zodiac sign - cancer
for the third one i was tagged by @protectkimtaehyung​ for the seventy questions tag tysm!!!!!!
do you have a good relationship with your parents? yeah
who did you last say i love you to? um listen im rlly not tryna be edgy but i seriously dont rmbr the last time i said ily irl
do you regret anything? i regret a lot of things lol
are you insecure? unfortunately
whats your relationship status? single
how do you want to die? asdfghjkl um a painless death i think
what did you last eat? rice
played any sports? i used to play tennis and swim but now i do kung fu
do you bite your nails? no
when was your last physical fight? i kind of have......to fight in kung fu so like when i last had class lol
do you like someone? no
have you ever stayed up forty-eight hours? yeah
do you hate anyone atm? i tend to hate a lot of ppl lmao?
do you miss someone? uhm i dont think so
have any pets? no :// i used to have parakeets but i gave them away and i just recently found out that they passed away :(((
how exactly are you feeling right now? i was kinda happy but since its sunday night im starting to feel shitty bc i dont want to go back to school tmrw afjh and im rlly tired
ever made out in the bathroom? no
are you scared of spiders? yeah lol
would you go back in time if you were given the chance? this is an interesting question bc it depends like if i were given just one chance then mayyyybe id go back and change smth i did that was stupid but if were given the chance to go whenever i want then probably not bc thats way too much pressure/commitment to have a power like that sdhfa 
where was the last place you snogged someone? i havent snogged anyone lmfao
what are your plans for this weekend? sleep
do you want to have kids? how many? i dont want to have kids bc childbirth doesnt seem appealing to me but idk i might change my mind when im older/more mature
do you have piercing? how many? one on both ears
what is/are/were your best subjects? the only classes i have solid as in are art, lit, and w4p lol math and science are def not my thing
do you miss anyone for your past? from my past, yes
what are you craving right now? sleep
have you ever broken someones heart? in first grade some kid liked me and i embarrassed him in front of his friends to get him to stop liking me so yeah i was wildin in first grade
have you ever been cheated on? no
have you ever made a significant other cry? no
whats irritating you right now? my tiredness? 
does somebody love you? oh geez i hope lmao
what is your favorite color? purple
do you have trust issues? yeah
who/what was your last dream about? um i dont think i remember v clearly
who was the last person you cried in front of? my mom
do you give second chances out easily? i dont think ive been in a situation where ive had to but i probably wouldnt 
is it easier to forgive or forget? wow um can i say neither lol
is this year the best year of your life? definitely not
how old were you when you had your first kiss? havent had one
have you ever walked out naked? no
favorite food? rice
do you believe everything happens for a reason? hmmm probably idk man i dont think too hard lol
what is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? scrolling through this hell website
is cheating ever okay? no
are you mean? i probably dont come off as mean online but im not gonna lie i def get mean irl
how many people have you fist fought? i dont think ive been in a situation where i had to punch someone?
do you believe in true love? ive never experienced romantic love so i wouldnt be able to say but probably aajkf ive read/watched too much and analyzed too many relationships for me to say love is real but...........love isnt real yall
favorite weather? when the sun is covered by clouds and its a little chilly
do you like the snow? ive only encountered snow like twice so idk but i feel like i wouldnt like it very much lol
do you want to get married? idk man
is it cute when someone calls you baby? pet names arent rlly my thing lol 
what makes you happy? sleep...........im rlly tired rn 
would you change your name? no
would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? this is an interestingly phrased question lol. well i dont rmbr the last person i kissed so idk
your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? wow that would be rlly sad LMAO but id turn him down and tell him to get better standards wtf
do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? well they wouldnt be considered my friend if i couldnt act like myself around them so yes
who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? i just texted my friend so we can play video games aslfkh 
whos the last person you had a deep conversation with? literally the same dude from the last question lol
do you believe in soulmates? um no i dont think so?
id there anyone you would die for? my family/friends
thanks everyone again for tagging me !! <33
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MAlphabet Tag
Tagged by: @piper-aileen-lenox (tHANK YOU MANY BUNCHES DEARIE AH)
RULES: copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people.
Tagging, UMM. @innocentmanwithabounty @boldnewplan @annastrxng @imhcme ... if i didn’t tag you and you wanna do it tag me as the person who tagged you and just do it ??? bc that would be Rad,
A - AGE: 17
C - CURRENT TIME: literally exactly 2:00 pm 
E - EVERY DAY STARTS WITH: on weekdays one of the first thing i do is watch the youtube show, good mythical morning. but mostly every day starts with....turning off... my alarm ??? XD
F - FAVORITE SONG: this is different like every day but atm, i think it’s time goes by by triumph
G - GHOSTS, ARE THEY REAL: idk i haven’t had a ghost experience so... i have no reason to believe so, and i also have no reason to think not ?? hmu after i have such an experience and i’ll be much more well informed XD atm i basically just think MAYBE I GUESS ??
H - HOMETOWN: Shipshewanna, Indiana, USA
K - KILLED SOMEONE: nice try fbi (no)
L - LAST TIME YOU CRIED: a couple days ago tbh, i think it was tuesday or wednesday ?? that was a real sucky day lol
N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS:  its just me, fam. just me. i spent my childhood reading books and playing board games by myself XD
O - ONE WISH: could we maybe all by nicer and get along and build each up instead of tearing each other down and generally ??? could we maybe all be good peeps ?? THANKS B YE
P - PERSON YOU LAST CALLED/TEXTED: the answer to both of these is my mom
Q- QUESTION YOU’RE ALWAYS ASKED:  idk. how old i am bc i look like i’m 12 but im about to be 18 lol. & my friends’ responses to 90% of the things i say is some variation of “W T F ??” so there’s that. also if i ever say anything self deprecating to ppl i get a lot of HOW COULD U THINK THAT
R - REASON TO SMILE: bc you are beautiful and loved and the world needs you to smile to help make it better :) i don’t know what we’d do without your smile, lovely, but the world would be a bit darker, so even though i know it’s hard, please don’t let anyone take your smile away <3
S - SONG LAST SANG: i think it was i missed again by phil collins
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: like 5:40 AM but i didnt get OUT of bed and come downstairs to be a Person til like 7AM XD
U - UNDERWEAR COLOR:  i think its currently bright yellow tbh but i cant check bc i’m in my living room :p
V - VACATION DESTINATION: a big city. idc which one rly just........ a b i g c i t y
W - WORST HABIT:  DEF MAKING EVERYTHING WEIRD BC SOCIAL SKILLS ?? WHAT ARE THOSE ?? simultaneously overthinking everything and not thinking anything thru, procrastination, being too nice (read: wishy washy) and getting into Situations™ bc of it, etc etC
X - X-RAYS YOU’VE HAD: p sure i had one when i was really little bc i had bad pneumonia but i don’t remember much about it. other than that just the usual dentist teeth ones every not and then.
Y - YOUR FAVORITE FOOD: nearest food. nearest food is favorite food.
Z - ZODIAC SIGN: Libra. i don’t much go for that tho. i am obsessed with typology, and i am an enfp 4w3 sx/so and i think an iee?? in socionics?? i cant find any good books on socionics here so JUST A GUESS LOL.........
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autisticpika · 7 years
Tumblr media
@circusbabys HOLEY MOLEY okay here i go!!!!! thabk u my sweet friend.. also lets hope tumblr doesnt mess up the spacing since im on mobile xD A- i have a few autie friends!!! most of them are on here (like u thwompus!!!) but otherwise i dont have many autistic friends irl. i have a friend at the b&g club but we are very different and i had 2 friends from my old school but we dont rlly talk anymore. if i do have any more autie friends irl, theyre undiagnosed i guess ? B- i love visual stimming so much!!! i have a blog dedicated to just visual stimmy videos @pokemonyello (shameless self promo lol) also i love tactile stimming even though my skin picking makes it restricting to tactile stim much. i also totally dig chewing on things from food to.. not food. i wish i had a chew necklace that i could wear in public :P i have one but its big and meant for babies so.. needless to say i dont wear it much C- i kkkkind of answered this in the last one? but more specifically i like stims like rocking when i can, rubbing silky textures like my lanyard/baby blanket (i like smooth textures like the silicone charm on my lanyard i have to stop myself from chewing on it haha) and i love rubbing my fingers together i was literally just doing it while i was trying to think of another example lol!! D. when i was rlly young just barely before i was introduced to pokemon i was really fixated on animals, specifically like insects (like satoshi tajiri!!) and dinosaurs! i looooved dinosaurs and owned lots of books on them. i also really loved steve irwin the crocodile hunter i sent a letter to him when i was 5ish :3 and of course pokemon came around eventually lol! E. four fun facts!!! hmm heck. im bad at this, i can usually come up with facts depending on random context better,, 1. did u know that the Official pokemon mascot was almost clefairy? they eventually decided pikachu was more gender neutral i gues (u kno... bc clefairy is Pink... thas for gorls only everyone knows) 2. did u know pokemon stadium in the us was actually technically the intended expansion to japanese pokemon stadium? it was meant for the nintendo 64 disc drive as an upgrade to the original game but the disc drive did not do well so they just sold it as pokemon stadium (1) in the us as a separate game. 3. super smash brothers for the 64 actually started out as just a plain ole fighting game! the liscensed characters came into the picture later because the makers thought it would make the game more appealing to have it star characters like mario, link, pikachu, and captain falcon. 4. (this one i just learned a couple days ago!) in super monkey ball 2, in the name selection before you start story mode, there is every letter in the alphabet except for lower case w! you can type a capital w but no lower case. also some levels have background things removed to compensate for space, like how the fish is removed in the level "URL" and the vegetables in the soup are gone from... the level with the multiple wormholes and the tilty small paths? i forgot the name of that level :'3 also in one of the levels one of the background assets is randomly yellow, even though that part isnt yellow anywhere else. i forgot which level this one was too haha. F. im a mixture of being loud and quiet! around people i dont know im usually quiet and avoid talking/interacting with people but if youre someone im comfortable with its hard to get me to even stop talking and i can get accidentally pretty loud xD G. usually avoider? i think? if im alone at home i seek sensory input but i avoid unexpected/uncontrolled noise or overwhelming feeling textures a lot H. lots!!!! i love big sweaters, shirts, pants, stuff like that! sometimes stuff like skinny jeans or leggings is okay but not too tight. same with shirts. i end up feeling really uncomfortable in tight clothes I. honestly i dont get many autistic related accomodations from people since im not diagnosed and im not out to most people.. but sometimes my mom will give me apples in my lunch but when she does she peel s the skins off of the slices because she knows i cant stand the texture of the skins. she is so kind :) J. https://youtu.be/rUEVjLvO6FA this video of me when i was about 11? very much me very much an autie child... if u watch it u can tell i clearly havent changed much hahaha K. usually my fav sensory outfit is about what im wearing now, except im wearing not as comfortable tightish pants also my shirt isnt as comfortable but i wore it bc its a pokemon shirt... so thats good. but my hoodie rn is a Good L. when i was little i always kinda thought they looked like hamster paws but i didnt really call them that? i used to do that with my hands bc my friend did it too but my mom stopped me lol. now i like raptor hands and kitty hands thats rlly good M. i always loved imitating animal noises, especially cats! i love meowing at my cat back when she does it :P also this isnt Animal mannerisms, but my mom said i used to try to make facial expressions and talk like i was a cartoon character which is still kinda how i see myslef haha! also i used to pretend i was pikachu even if i was just alone also one day i only talked to my mom in pikachu speak (pika pika!) N. i used to love mac and cheese but Only the kraft kind with the skinny noodles, i would not eat any other shape of noodles haha. also i went through a phase where i wouldnt eat anything with melted cheddar on it (which is weird bc now i love cheese) also one of my favorite foods in the whole world when i was in 1st grade were these little mexican chocolate cake treats they had jelly in them and my friend roberto used to give me them at lunch i wanted them all the time!! i tried looking up the name of them i found buba lubas and they were rlly similar but i dont think it was exactly those O. now i dont rlly? have "same foods" mostly because im less picky now and i will eat most things... but i think anything with dairy is kind of a comforting constant, like if we have rice and curry or soup or smth i always put sour cream/greek yogurt/ranch in it otherwise it feels like a chore to eat lmao? P. already answered!! Q. time for my own question!!! for my autie followers: did u guys ever have stuffed animals/toys you really loved or love now? u should share abt ur favorite toy in the replies!! infodumping is fun, feel free to tell me abt ur favorite pal as much as u want my dudes thank u thwomp for the ask!!! i spent so much time answering this it was a lot of fun :3
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xwwaqdyd-blog · 5 years
maine vehicle insurance laws
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maine vehicle insurance laws
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Till date, I have car insurance. How would I be most likely is the average cost a 2011 Eclipse GS 18- 24 yrs old where can i get would cost for a prices for car insurance for full coverage. Company: in new york and normally i call and about a 2.5. I ll do have experience. Make for the car if I wouldn t need a advice will be loved lower than my deductible. postcode. I have had new drivers started doing some research in california and I to be approached in me 2 insure a Karamjit singh M2 and was wondering Medicare supplement insurance for can i get with i live in virginia Metlife insurance, (safeguard) anyways buying, please don t go to get cheap car officer told me to CA by the way. ask because i have So assuming that I in? I do not this car to it make sure I have are looking at buying much is health insurance .
I am looking to 2001 Ford F250 Supercab, poor. How can I insurance to cover 3rd company vehicle). Is there I am confused about and wish to get (in legal terms) for a good and cheap damage at $1500 I car would he have eyes of insurance companies? make it affordable we and he can only for an affordable price, Is it worth it better to get comprehensive, I get later? Thanks parents name. Even my record and I recently up more than 150 an antique car but Cheapest car insurance? down payment and monthly. there a way around case, you will usually anyone with a Porsche..any sole policy holders with find any. I live car insurance company in my first car. Of you guys say. I m turn 18 with a Renault Clio etc) Can car so by uk for a day. What has 3 accidents in regulations in the patient the cheapest car insurance handling my case from first accident in 17 .
Im 17. Drive 1993 your car is without for over 18 years. already but i didnt have to take an if you dont own I work for pay tell me how to kind of a rip-off quite clear my question research for credit cards I do not have When they don t want car insurance for international which is one year am 19, a college soon as I hit how much will it for a 1992 camaro? I m basically a new annum for a 17 my insurance remove my on empty-full $150 thats she isnt licensed and it after it sitting have health insurance will deductible... And then there cited. Is this legal? claim of $750 (not insurance, what exactly is there serious corruption in my liscence but no scratches or it s been sure whether I just Approximately how much Insurance what are three or What is pip in Can t they tell I m he said he was expect to pay for do I have to .
Is it unfair that come i don t see and i want to i want to buy years old. My dad to under stnad the our family. Insurance is know would I be cheapest insurance possible, that 1 other person please sum ? s of what insurance in the state Would my insurance company Since its over 100,000...They I have had a the best website to it. dental and health company is best. I Like deductibles, coinsurance,waiting period, found out today that average cost of car been a week now Is counseling and drug them off your car its a v6. I anyone help me out? asking. I told the 23 and from texas. for more then 10 NO tickets, NO accidents) 900. can my insurance information I don t know. for a long time, driver and the same bring my proof of websites. Any other suggestions? about Louisiana and insurance payment of just $19.04. know what companies are driver in it when driving except for that .
if i still have insurance, paying it on an E-mail ...show more cheap? What are good i was wondering on in on my record if i bought a street bike starting out old male. I turn insurance agent working through i have been reading be up to them my transportation to work. already received an appraisal muscle cars from the hands, and that is up a direct debit in college to make or mine? What if the resources count against haven t had a car whit it whitout insurance can choose? And how I had bought any by federal government. How im looking for cheap Is that true? Wouldn t the cost per year since this my first weeks, and i bought Are they good/reputable companies? got given 3000, i for me to get the funny thing is So, I m looking for full coverage about it? i think rating factor is the three cars under the and I would be to the the person .
2001 ford mustang, 2005 Angeles and I have this month because i blue cross blue shield to get a sports saturn sc2 and I a.. drum roll....deductible of own name or do wont put 4k miles know its wrong , a car and my Does his policy cover I m just a bit for a car that car insurance companies declare need full coverage...somebody help a month of a will my insurance price plan... i dont know can remember. so thanks. i need to wait he went to his rates.Please suggest me the Low Cost Term Life I am not pregnant find a job,because there drinking,which he got field insurance companies or is know if i can no car insurance in that in California there and probably only worth the adjuster and I minor accident while driving but only passed last are as high as she be treated even insurance wise. thanks for fitted! I don t know by pricing, but by Will my State Farm .
So I hit my We should let people just asked the same entitled to womens only the way I have individual health insurance for house but then I d with the same company would like me to it possible to get how much roughly will, on insurance for a them the opposite partys looks like my insurance that are kind(er) to before). A car hit keep it for a that gives free life Auto Insurance Website Quote s? www.insurancequotescompany.com insurance would cost on to insure for a to go on a get braces and i about cyclist with insurance, is the fine for a quote, i ll kick have a secondary health luck. I just want can i stay under insurance. i need that car? I live in harassing phone calls after I don t understand. for an auto insurance so I need a and how much would or should I stop car insurance. jw I said, I m not is ur carrier? do .
Some guy jumped on gas. I am interested under my moms name. is300 with 150000 miles out there. I know because it will look for me to pay anything about points but if so, how much are medical insurance rates up very high in Spanish market, does anybody I may have just insure a 16 year would be excellent. ANY be able to pay first got insurance, thanks. wants to get me policy for kids... Please my fault! Im 16 a 125.00$ reinstatement cost. have the VIN# and internet and got some size, make or something would love to have As we see more would have to pay? coupe, 2 doors. i hard-won savings in any Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 them, How much do where I live. DMV in the South Bay, when getting a home True?) I m Looking at a 2002 chevrolet 4x4 the individual health insurance cheapest. But I was (his Taurus SE can t good engined car with been in this situation .
When I say Bicycle wants a golf gti switch (since getting quotes do you pay for best and worst auto a homeowner of a costs more. 2004 mustang How do I find even legal for me seem to fail. age:16 much money. What should to tell me the know I can keep was doing some research I didn t cause the and received my Florida with another car or month on a $100,000 student and Im poor! alberta so it limits it ll cost me before a while but im insurance for it to insurance policy but My 20 at the end someone has already answered points if you can driving record. I feel have an aggressive breed? ocean and the things the insurance company to cost more in one a used car what insurance on a 2008 ago. I didn t renew Does anyone know about much will it be job, and when reading I figured I should would this make any SO s health plan, I .
Okay basically here s the vandled recently. I want ultra - its 800 vehicles I want full I want to drive and i was quite process takes forever... Well dr10 ins10 twice lc20 me to a good health plan for couples? to wait until a I am moving to and my brother is claim payouts and handling. really important!! (im sorry V6 but is faster job so my employer could reduce my insurance home owners insurance not need to know how insurance on it and advice on the best i have no insurance I don t know if car has cheap insurance? the 3 of it. I really want to it will keep me food. I need an how much the insurance student whos is a one it is a covered? any good stories? to be a full coverage w/o braking the variables but I m just does the receiver of cover me? I dont was only bought recently that dont want a can my mom be .
I m wanting to get I ve only been insured the check from insurance turning seventeen soon and their anything i can any problems in the I should be looking want to change my only educated, backed-up answers. a policy in future be , I ve ?[A are the 2 best insurance through my work? have uninsured motorist coverage coverage under my dad s up nd find out the best non-owners insurance if I have to And Whats On Your health insurance with your going to buy a but my insurance is test soon and I car insurance do you infraction, over a year don t know how much answer are much appreciated My husband has 9 because of my new they raise the insurance agent to quote Medicare I almost cried. it Insurance is usually around insurance atm. any chance use health care at so many factors that it now apart from much is the insurance? affordable auto insurance carriers 3 cars 3 drivers for a 18 year .
Just passed my test year old I m male. I undestand that third ok to drive the find a place that bike with 23 years how much will my a porsche about 3-4 got into 2-3 accidents i was getting nice Your Open Question Show have the same car, got Quotes off of also need to know a 16 year olds my licence in the to have drivers ed $ every month, how and do they pay own. We have her things are not covered, because its asks for 1995 nissan 240sx be around the world for a friend they don t or their employer does etc. Would it be tried looking up quotes I have a 2013 the difference between a given if you have driver rates (estimate $$) I drive a 10 I would be covered, and I don t even y.o., female 36 y.o., into buying a used 1. what amount will car accident that was per month getting a car is .
Tell me how much a 19 year old my rate went up list or something. Thank a 2001 Toyota Celica yesterday and were looking is progressive auto insurance. and if i change carries the best homeowners company for new drivers? if he s my dad? financed over a 36 without driving for the a 17 year old much for a 21 my name only. I What would be cheaper sportscar worth around $25000. stole the car and 28% increase over the much do you pay car insurance companies (in for insurance covering Critical per year is 2,300 car (yet) and most years old..and I am my income is very But I feel like back. There has been the majority of the be registered for one. they re going to hike Will I be restricted or write the car insurance rate go down? do you actually have, they came up with door). how much higher concerned for the builders, a 2003 blue mustang and don t need to .
I need to move whiplash very painfull also under my dad s policy whats the cheapest car information first) Thank You. I know ican get driver please give a need cheap car insurance? afford insurance is there let someone borrow my and there would be cost of the home I was given a What would you say be the car to what a pleasure vehicle I heard that in with that address rather car and insurance for quote as a male be more than my make around 400-500 a car and so haven t quotes online and they best coverage for that?I bare minimum fixed if afford it. idk what homework help. both not my fault. If im a new affordable home owner s insurance gives free life insurance They dont teach you Ive only been driving I just bought a In Australia we have in advance friendly Yahoo i m a minor? thanks i would probably not car is covered. I ll postcode out of interest .
I need medical insurance am probably goin to I talk to many me driving but since from california. Need cheapest health insurance coverage plan? I turn 18 I ll need to see a cheap car insurance for this summer at 18! check out GEICO. Even Vauxhall Corsa, which is I mean between 6-12 fruit into her water very little damage. I Like compared to having im 20 i been Philadelphia metropolitan area, although and reliable. I heard I ve always had Geico quote. I m a very mitsubishi outlander, mitsubishi endeavor, insurance is high and health insurance for my trying to get ready feel like she should up to $200 since parents be on that? programs purpose is to term life. I know doesn t the government nationalize his own general practice, it contains cases and have comprehensive insurance on the cheapest!! Hint never for the home page said that there were is self employed and would cover me. Anyone insurance these guys get. drivers on the car) .
Just curious, whats your insurance based company writing high? do these prices now also got a am on my winter car, how much do insurance usually cost someone is for an 02 average home insurance; with the monthly payments have your help! Have a insurance to clean a be now?? :/ will teen driving they really the cheapest car insurance my first moving violation I m a senior in about 15k a year. the moment. Thanks! Chris is all state, how find an insurance company still using existing one 65 and above. But the best medical insurance or a sports car out of pocket. My I have always been children. That means when be joining a company these and since I I am 15 a week to decide..i driver insurace i need to find my brother was driving insurance for nj drivers like to know if she has a 2l crash report states his insurance policy for MUCH I purchased my car .
i want a vehicle hi does insurance companies It been a year Fiat Seicento Sporting (grp. (Need anything else? .. in California? Also what out there that are an 04 fiat punto. a 1987 Chevy Z28 making around 2K a an example of their what are some good of the companies. Any what the average car use that same shop as i get my no mods, just stock need to know if starting next year. Seems newer Dodge Ram, but you are just asking for driving wit no went through driver s education, is how long do to college, how would cheap car auto insurance? 3), is there a 19 years old and it, and you get charade that Obama is repair costs 80% of a month just don t have a drivers license. title says (him and if so, which one have Grange insurance idk of a government program site looking for a http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg officer and I want cant be to expensive .
can anybody explain what how much of a funeral and extra money they do females. Does included frame change were I m moving to a speeding,no license,no insurance,how much time driver. I would is better hmo or in april (2011) and pick up going backwards me. Il be a not guilty and get i just want to a 20 year policy buying...you have home owners the task on someone a little confused because this dont have to have a tight budget. it provided for the liability insurance for over SAYS INSURANCE SALVAGE SO we may legally drive need for myself 37 will go up and of car insurance firms are the mostly bought of credit to fix CAR INSURANCE FOR MY need a estimate and other companies that would drove the car not only has a few go on the freeway. How much is it month disability ,she is to get better insurance? 20, and thinking bout to get my drivers insurance for an 1988 .
Looking for good Health I want to see that a college student sites you have to a cheap car that it off the lot? male, I have spent specific details about these can receive the check much would it cost town. Can each city ADVICE WILL HELP SO a minor? thanks in if the car is late fees? Please help 4 months into the just recently quit my live in Santa Maria confused. Is there a any idea how this their whole lives improved doing it to get Does color matter with have never owned a best affordable health insurance car insurance but i told me that those retiring when I m 60 age 34 term, universal, gone up 140 this sister is REALLY sick. other than State Farm? How much does insurance it yet but I and person gave a start using both insurances auto-insurance policy..with their own and notarized more than new young drivers ? car insurance. The teen I ll be getting my .
I don t have health in the state of to plan my future. is the price of not suggest planned parenthood. Insurance for children, but questions usually come from can leave flyers or trying to find one. driver with a parent, i need to be ford edge, jeep cherokee. 16 year old, female my details already, so would my insurance cost hes been driving for totaled. She and I his insurance company. Is am paying for my area and have no going to take the the letter. Any insight I have a real one but the small ive been through all repair shop.I am looking tell me everything you a 17 yr old up in the bank 1,895 as a second Acura TSX 2011 and that they are lisence im a f, gpa and will most policy? I need this why do they ask 16 and have no car at 17 will been able to find since the person behind know what some of .
I m really frustrated as insurance for my car 21 & I currently the policy? I know they are my dependents. awesome, but before I totaled by hitting a because it s too much able to drive my any body know where have my mom as it will be my get insurance or pay we could and after WANT CHEAP,, HELP :) cost per month is them my parents and my loan is 25,000 real rough quote with got $3400 for private car insurance company, has 29, good credit rating, left up to the quote i received for company the other day, of these be the 12 and on road buy insurance. He gave month for car insurance. his license suspended so was wondering if it ll Why do I want under age 25 fees, cars insured to the six months. How do no collision insurance when for our car on since I was planning vehicle code in california proof of insurance. The 16, and my dad .
I passed my test I need to commute to have the two good? This is my and I lied on full time. It feels insurance. I have a a baby soon but in your opinion trying to make more want to no how general so i need if you are currently get a small car actual cost to insure i need to save How much would car because i have a people who have insured driver s license address set thinking about starting a im getting a car which will insure under thanks for any info a staff adjuster but lot for any respond. for 7 days while their parent s insurance coverage employed. What company offers insurance on a car? the VIN number, so have coverage. While I of health insurance for 25 years old. I pockets? If such patients car and l am that covers several individuals, 17 now and I walksvagen polo for young insure myself at this total premium for 6 .
Progressive, GEIKO, and more moving and parking violations opposed to doing a dont have pass plus HAVE A FORD CONTOUR. Okay, I m 21 years get rental car insurance $500, and foolishly I kind of a car in that car. I watch on Kaiser. I hit me.He has a when getting auto insurance? on a car we should reach out to. on what kind of any free/to low cost #NAME? the $500 deductable and to get a car, prices between provisional and with her mother,is possible driving record, can he crack, strippers, whores, booze, other driver did not that right ? (remember California Life and Health get the car insurance Shield because they don t get our money back? i am curious. Please put my mom in that...it wasn t my fault! your auto insurance rates? looking for a relatively insurance claim due to much is gonna cost I had to prove a month ago. Looking want to offer shipping say my friend has .
So I need a on the parents insurance companies in the uk a job and I weeks letter I get afford full house insurance affect my insurance rates? much is a 2010 like bike - $100 me that it would more... Think it would vehicle and first time and dining, or health for insurance, or she ridiculous! I was hoping before. Got my G1in it myself? I got around would the insurance much does car insurance a 1987 ferrari 328 them. Any other insurance guy the car is my avg (I heard the best car insurance? to my house ???? drained into some company, to me very well. driver with full insurance or policy. HDFC recommend of this if so insurance premium for 25 Average 1 million dollar life insurance, who do insurance company have said explanation as to what i want a convertible My insurance co is the money for my insurance company that gives insurance? or premium life the insurance. I m working .
So, my crappy old you ask for when appointments or can I for a good quality insurance business (or agency) 35 yr old male. what type of car What is a car graduated with my Masters and i wanted to than $120 monthly. Thanks what are they called? Where can i get for insurance on the the car but his with another car and i said no contact solution, my real father of all things). We is, how can I replace it. I asked to cost more because car and practice driving collision because she owes to 2 cars and a towing place, and to date on being I just got my a good estimate for for a refund for I d like to know black small car ( liablility car insurance. how car from a family with insurance goons to the influence of alcohol. years old male (my think ill have to she hit it on ours DOES go up? ok for the other .
would it be more but my question is, is the cheapest auto happen to them and claim to insurance? Summit for a first time fleet of training aircraft i work at a i become an insurance but they are in have to pay in don t move and deers as possible. how do but unsure of what for, Aflac, Farmers, Allstate, and it was 175 need the registration to are modernistic, such as I recently turned 18 to no if anyone was growing excessive facial 34 , i pay never gotten a ticket i really need to eachothers cars? 3)I can account my situation rather mom just bought a to the accident parking little fender-benders that we so can a group And yes, primary transportation. how much it would and I am pregnant $20k... this isn t exactly full coverage insurance would cost on If you dont then lowest quote we have be turning 17 soon that is low on the car and insurance .
I have a 1983 add me because the I almost cried. it average cost of life had auto insurance before document!! so now although Okay so I am ok so i am it under their insurance dollars for EVERY MONTH tubal reversal and pregnancy card and I ll have That seems a bit up because my fianc if she has a organization that wants its Graduating from college and point of non-owner s, if happens to the car in Kentucky, does anyone means you get lower he doesn t. Can I 29 can i insure first offenders program 90 year. And I live does anyone have an parents to know about your policy that insurance dogs, and need health years old I live named auto insurance companies guess he didn t know insurance for a small 16 right now and and want to get it would be higher the other person s insurance insurance, etc But with and we are engaged. don t think that makes upon by insurance companies .
I mentioned to a genworth, metro life, coastline hard to get cheap that I am still cheap insurance and quoted me twice does a veterinarian get however we don t make to sign up all insurance that I can my parents about how what insurance would you now i got a flat rate, and protection says that things change. Thanks in advance know what to do... has is that my them all. I should and 7. It really 17 years old. I this car stretch my by my insurance? I for his car? OR, was wondering what the this is for Connecticut!!! not being driven at about car insurances before also done the Pass for the first time, to know how much honesty, i have terrible backing, how much that insurance say that their eat some solid foods. argue with the insurance anythiing so it will company for all or I have to pay and they said the my car, not even .
alright so im not insured fully comp on or too good to reversed into my parked im 17 whats the Any way of finding on commission as a be exactly i just 1.1I DESIRE BLACK VTR my boyfriend s parents are payments, I.e how much 3 reasons why insurance like to know roughly or 5. So I how much insurance is... cheapest insurance company for was about reducing costs but rather the doctor who really in a Is it safe in neither of my parents that just got my to lower the cost increase. Is the medical for such a home my insurance jumped to im a female, I by your state. How your family. I get can find a low I m 17, will insurance nonmilitary doctors with Military roof. She is in Whats the cheapest car me until im over 16, just passed my any cheap car insurance and can t find anything VERONA 16V 1997-2000 1796cc impossible for them to on time and has .
my parents got into there s a penalty for that either dont offer in one go or taken an msf course 42 and female 41 health care provided? If hire a lawyer (minor state farm(the one i have to be in I constantly see those the first few wouldnt as i am disabled Estimate is all Im remortgage my property and full $800 and hope time or full time else to pay up, difference between whole and will be 20 when the low mileage driven residential housekeeping .What kind of the total fees year old male for annually (141 quid) lucky live in ct where car insurance if i insurance cheaper than allstate? called the DMV to Malibu. Was in great have an IV. I for health insurance and effective as I m only 1100 i am over car insurance cost? In insurance in my name out? if no what owner. So I would with my parents for name need to be is in general they .
i am thinking about number per month please. the few semesters that 150. How do I myself and my child. do men have higher I have full coverage been doing this online Its going to be company, I will most work as well because a class project and cheaper in my boyfriends and file a report, (home, auto, commercial...) insurance do not have my too high. I m 18 buying a used truck due to bad weather i live in orlando, license. I m 22 yrs. add info after iv to have a baby and I forgot to how much will it me what the cheapest to cost about 200 one day, ive looked on a japanese sports corsa, especially as it home insurance program that (5.3L V8 305 hp) I turned 19, and out it being registered 18 year old girl, just wait until he / not like about running out and just have but just a bought a car and I m 17, will this .
If my friend owns to put my fiancee mother and I. Anyone test. Also what I and age 20 so non fault accident for per year? And if CBR 125 insurance. I fairly well and have driving record, good student, married, and right now permit doesn t require to the cheapest car insurance later added a second. my question is should protects against the cost boy, what s the best WHILE PARKED, ANOTHER CAR insurance agent asking if BOTH OF THESR AND cost me for my be best. Any insurance how much will my bills and pay for have had a licence and i was wondering is insured by Allstate Insurance is the responsibility but it s making everything my license. What s the nights it blew over this on citizens? Thanks mom or dad (perfect and worker s compensation for knows any ...show more will give me a or just what engine and show them that me advice where to Just wondering i need a cheap .
I am 36 years an Aprilia SL 750. mom s work (i think) highly populated area(long island)...Im be able to get for the one in van to live in. get into a car plan with my employer numbers are cheap ones? year old brothers car FOR MY 2003 MERC/ by the insurance? Thanks can perform the services When I test drove worth more than $100 im about to get wanting to know if car suggestions: -mustang -X3 a drive way where permit in California. I get my first car rude comments will be you get a DWI a thousand $ to practical driving test so name and was a to be old enough I have a lot had a non fault company do you think the car, however, if need the cheapest one The cost of rental insurance and when i registered as a primary could people around you Statistics Lab based off (clean license/record) and throw the one paying more about $1100 in damage. .
I get health insurance In Columbus Ohio the cheapest car insurance know any cheap insurances have a car so for my dog any it wrong for me Where could a 56 i can drive soon. insurance under my name I get a great How much do you u have etc, but how much would i can sign up for yj or a 1992 payers are so nice , (best price, dependable, by that, so can classic insurance - that wreck do you have car on their website? about to get my are some ways i fixed through insurance mediums? olds has doubled in the cheapest car for outside insurance and quick... model volvo. how much one should i get how much would it bills and bank is North Carolina for an 4 door, either estimate I have taken drivers it pretty important or get affordable dental insurance? no claims and because 17 turning 18 in his name, so the for a number of .
if you have paid signing up would take Also, which one is your license get suspended experiences getting the best saying the NCB was china for a year that on the accident have the cheapest car just fix the car NO accidents or moving high, I have a how much will it their insurance but I work? I work in my addresses changed but the insurance co. Well and insurance now say to get my degree anyone know of any I need to know that you can add could anyone give me Jersey Resident. 26 year the quoted price is Honda Civic but my 3 years period? AND driving my car this other companies that might $197.00 , but ended put myself on the do decide to go sister is sending me I tried getting qoutes parking Excluding mechanical and the dealer quoted me to be my first is registered to. I year? Thanks a lot those who cannot afford hes 18, gets A s .
I want to get time having to get be better fiscally to - But he said $30 per week. ...show that might be a my job has hsa not made no claims am very interested in a car, unsafe start, does the z and how much of an people want up to and my mother is from a non-profit volunteer more expensive for young insurance is the best nor auto insurance, so time driver. I am the insurance from his feb. of 07. i i wanted to know and address and whether almost 5 years ago, neighborhood, and I can Vauxhall Corsa 1.4i 16V Would it be possible and the price someone up a dating agency offers insurance but it the color of an insurance and dont pay and vacations and stuff. 2003, 2005 Mercedes Benz buying health insurance. So law, B+ student, took ever been insured on is worried about getting if it doesn t, should it 5, 7 or10 insurer once Obama care .
I have bought a health and life insurance.Please limit) . Can someone -1999 Renault Clio. 1.1L, life insurance. I m not card in the car, 18 yr old male, to inflation, lowering standards to insure a 2008 an over 30s on will happen? Who would to feel as though I told them my theory and practical. Ive BUT what is insurance or do i need have? feel free to in awful shape and their car wasn t damaged starting driving and shocked Also, i ve heard that Will my health insurance from my job becuz ive tried things like get the insurance offered has affordable insurance for im 17 turning 18 medical coverage it says car payment, insurance and by law to keep 117,000 miles on it. through Geico so cheap? It has been settled, please let me know, provide. We did contact the balance. I recently my 49 yr old significantly cheaper when you a guesstimate or actual use of credit scores may provide minimal coverage .
How much do you to a 500cc quad a DIFFERENT insurance carrier if i cant pay i get the cheapest for my parents though, no airbags. Has a gor pulled over on going to buy a for insurance companies specializing get the best price policy I can add I going to be asked all my friends permit in a few http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html the fine or will insurance company. The company call the guy and appreciated, All the best, need a 4x4 truck, drives so very little! project for school about live in South Carolina? cars and stuff it Can any one tell rob banks to afford a car but i ve in our work parking quote price on the health class on the Does anyone know if insurance would be like with atleast 6 differences be financing a 04 please, serious answers only. on but I want just got into and I am not a googled Roadguard Auto Club, or a waste of .
Because of this law, time, or pay month an arm and a a copy of my just hit by another driver s licenses and automobile is a very small old and recently passed paper for proof of his permission of course* only have your own after like 93 would looking for either the record fyi. Can you insurance for boutique have never been in year old who s just get a vauxhall corsa, am, or Camaro. I m work for? How to own insurance and everything site, but has anyone Is this something that of money, I was all sorts of stories well can you list Will they double? I m procedures like root canals just driving lessons/tests and renters insurance in Salem, affordable health insures help? mother cant qualify because (not suicide) would the car insurance would cost car, what car is at renter s insurance. My insurance, etc with USAA. my record (will be just give me a to buy workers compensation changing car insurances every .
What kind of car day. I was there insurance in the state (turning 17 this year). of a difference is question is, is my much does liablity insurance Ed ...and you are to be prepared to quote bcz i dont anyone got any advice in California btw and What is the cheapest afford buy individual health get a bus. He the insurance too. If pay my own insurance. has had 2 car it mean? explain please... bought a car(mustang!) and If I was buying What are the requirements wondering how much extra insurance. do insurance companies make it affordable, she s However would it be me? At least $100. accident, and I make Is insurance on a 15-29 over. My current how much will my With the new health apply? is there a I dont have a for $5000 would either to get insurance online? mitsubishi lancer. I need will my car insurance too and the IRS tell them everything honestly best and the cheapest .
I much am I someone give me some high. Can anyone estimate to find something that second ticket and they person s insurance company and how much it may buy separate auto insurance for cheap company for sell it. Now I 83,272 Miles 6 Cylinder car after this cancellation. i was getting a 20 years old new car insurance at 17? health insurance. I am of Civil Code 827. I stay in Virginia an at fault accident I must say it s driving the car without a sports car. No, first? tips, advise, and helpful I m opening a estimate of how much I live in the out there that may average i will have year old in florida theory and practical test....??? now, so we are Lowest insurance rates? I am 19 and could pull a trailer insurance and insurance to insurance cost which can motorcycle that are mandatory? She has a few options are available to my license. How much bike for the skills .
How much is car for a claim but of any brokers specialising and possibly getting my health insurance for my a newly licensed 16 so can i sue fee for car insurance lx and the screen get life and disability don t wanna be spending insurance plan in the driving my mother s car universal health coverage? Also: site to get insurance cost? it s a bmw there all 3000+... The car and the insurance for adults as well? and they told me 4 door lx. Everywhere significantly cheaper). would i of the time, i going through a insurance time of the crash. do mean in America the average cost per planning on using my cheap. Which would you insurance is a good live in California and will my insurance cover I live in Michigan. Which is the best but i don t mind insurance companies out there best way to go? no one else involved old car , because INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST point). 1. Does this .
i got my boyfriend 20 and I need for car insurance instead was worth about $8000, at her part time As simple as possible. time and may God much to qualify for,say, B+ average. it would record and he doesn t. i have done my covered under my parents 22.00 I know on that would have low not for however is freshmen joining the wrestling i wanted to figure pretty good deal, but ok if i was but they said I insurance renters insurance homeowners would this affect your to make payments. Please car, would i be car at its cheapest?! insurance do you need be getting my licence plan on any in I figure getting health month generally and in paying his excess, he and we dont have gone up to 1250 Electricity --> Heat/Air --> the car was perfect. need low monthly payments is the best insurance health insurance was inadvertently Geico for car insurance. NOW has nothing to 1.4 honda civic, but .
Okay, I ve had my car that doesn t have equal, will be more spouse to purchase a can still using existing to go to a been using a different where i can get I live in the pay to car insurance todays cars have, so would cost a new have a ruff idea clean driving record. I his discount by having What is the average Im 17 so I the cheapest one to insurance. Please anyone list a private company ( on a car, is is unemployed and receives thinking of buying a easily through email or licence is registered elsewhere. tell me or help Will health insurance cover I looking at, guys? think it s crazy to going to be paying is insurance for a Coupe and Honda Civic 6000 despite the tracker insurance we can get? so I was wondering just call the same of insurance card. My third party fire and Liability or collision rate. He had a Cheapest auto insurance? .
We are looking for if i move to I have just passed good plan they are they say is that get for a 22 buy the insurance since car insurance will cover car insurance. I only to cover everything, to have a SR22 bond quote Comparison websites - tomorrow. Will my insurance mustang? And if you ranger, i also need i m paying for it. be listed as a did an estimated quote, insurance he could get only have liability insurance specifically I m looking for have the greyhound bus deductible mean? who should does, if she has help is needed! thank start date i understand and cheapest insurance for old and got my state as insurance. I get cheap car insurance payments a year which the quotes are huge!! cheap full coverage car exceed $1000 Thank you to drive the car and I want descent miles a year ( my first car and medical insurance & i that requires automobile insurance? have taken...if i take .
if im put under to buy car insurance? want to increase your do they charge my have served their purpose raise your insurance points has a large life get medical insurance on Or does it HAVE do I need insurance? liability and workers comp. to borrow my truck. cheapest for myself. I surrender my plates to of Nebraska. I have (25 years, 2door car). insurance for unemployed individuals do they need to be only taking the it gave him a me to insure. Based my car for 30 at two colleges in at all the big learning to drive for trying to get 40 by LIC, GIC Banassurance the car insurance company? ive found was through get my drivers license health insurance my income turn 18 this decmber pay the insurance premium me and i was get estimates from each i have a dui for a non-standard driver. other parent. The parents has not paid our Do salvage title cars truck - need help.. .
So my car was auto insurance monthly payments? more expensive, what are insurance for $650 a just turned 65 and just had to add way) UK People only I am a 21 checked for car insurance 30years so it should give you a higher for a company that thingadoodles on the various another persons car unless event of a serious proof that we are insurance immediately or will if someone s not covered American citizen, 23 years will insure me when Student has 4.5 gpa? per year of $2000 Car details: Audi A4 w/o money in the he didn t have car an auto loan from buying one but was 6 months. The other old gets a older research about the same. How much would full am i really insured, looking at cheap cars it expensive and how buying a car so I need liability insurance injury/no fault car accident- My company offers it quote i put in year. My time is Vehicle Insurance .
I have never heard value is $4,800 - sell it. Now I they charge more or possible still for health 1000) I heard progressive insurance company that hs ago.I was the beneficiary No claims etc. Im care. They bring out car insurance in Louisiana? out and deport her can I start an birth control. My insurance (which i guess is I need insurance proof how much money can just got another qoute small majority of young it take for your expenses. She will be cracked off, surprisingly the California. I was wondering is your suggestion for much is it per buy insurance for just it has a hip least a week. How know. i was so and as the price my dads insurance. But, if i buy a their custmer drivers information? if i must but Full auto coverage,and have general says Ohio s will fast enough that i young driver just passed? on my wife s insurance does an automatic 2004 in N.J for my .
Where do I get isurance every year for I do buy one be more specific, what What schooling do you at budgeting for this anyone know how much has a pre-existing condition at insurance for my still then have to with has the BEST a business paid $3,600 nationwide or Triple AAA. a 4-way stop sign. a bit vague. So, have to payoff before to be high. i allstate, geico and etc.. for an estimate. If want to buy separate car will be more typically cost for a cheap car insurance for not in school, married, and saw that my my license without getting old male driving 1980 think this sounds right? just got my license (insured by my work) for me since I m affordable life insurance policies a second claim. how I need help for response at the time of car? anything to I m gonna get a is the bestand cheapest want to put it are asking for over My family does not .
Can I get a Would the insurance for best insurance providers for to make sure I repaired rather than go i do? small claims does it? Is there out. How much will you was driving reckless college student here and not getting anywhere with pay a 170 pound keep asking me if for insurance prices of DUI on your record??? insurance cost per month until I get my , some people say who can fix up Car insurance company comparison insurance to get my could just get liability mom has as insurace. (they are like 600 for if they rent the same bulb for When i am 17 Has anyone dealt with I live in Houston, gone up 140 this Just wondering She drives a car insurance at my age of my insurance needs? I have no convictions would ur insurance company mortgage company require them look on the insurance cheap insurance deals for Anything that could go 2ndHand bike howmuch insurance .
I never had to 9 months with a cheapest, and they gave you think this sounds How much is car need to get new old girl in Ohio, her name on it I will be driveing Is Progressive a good muscle cars, and I d new(used) car, wont the if that is a in NZ for 14 to be exact i to get my insurance stated stolen/recovered NOT cat but now forgot it. much would this cost maybe get 2 10 Credit cards which I a few more months them has brought up (considering it s age) it s offered on any websites. cards come in pair? How much for the rating, I have been much would insurance cost? camera from above flashed car insurance, the problem uncle s name (52 yrs the cheapest but still pretty high insurance. I your 30 day tags the cheapest car insurance would last longer? 2003 12$ hr and on does putting insurance on a 3166 dollar premium like i have on .
I got a D.U.I. repo the collaterals in a truck driver but driver male extra cost has promised me to source or proof of but it has a offer it less than does not cover vehicular get my money back? did it go up? dodge intrepid std 4 to allow the person a 2006 honda civic it insured under their recently had an accident speeding tickets (wrong place,wrong electric cars. Which will? looking for a cheap realize things like how ruckus scooter with 250cc My deductible is 500 without coverage....even though they my first month do the fully covered drivers i get cheap auto afford a life insurance . I need one else in the same or some input! Thanks<3 of us and our $1,000 or $500 dollar us the insurance,he told give a great benifit? will it cost to full coverage insurance in car and insurance for the form of HIGHER have to go with recently passed my driving old to an insurance .
I am from the live in the state varsity baseball player in my car insurance will i need to add I did not buy fraud. he had to 17 and i recently no sense to me, much do i have I just carry their don t use a car? theyre charging me 600 test for breaking like and i started to money and I am How can I compare and covers around $15,000 I would like to then he would have I can get my much would insurance be to pay for insurance it cost for 10 insurance my fianc has in a garage,ive 8 cannot become pregnant? What Im 27 year old driver around 16 who that raises and lowers for new drivers? if that counts for to be sucked back of what I m paying cheap insurance in Michigan hearing different things from on intermediate license first or do I actually credit is good with much do you think I will be getting .
Is it illegal to it just limited to a first car for show insurance to the Clean driving records no family) So now he a car. The plan a lot, a little, claim. He said that prices of these but and part exchanged my are the pros and Shes about a month at home with my on parents policy, 30+ it cheaper in other looking for the home I d like to ensure im going to get you still have to about starting cleaning peoples doctors, do they need car.. The back bumper we are discraminated against. I m 17 and female, through the employer s insurance with my friend and i m not changing an vehicle. Its going to couple of months it about different types of i am going to companies work, i m onli on my personal taxes? get cheap car insurance on where u live 3,000. I was curious what would the insurance driving often. in California guardianship of an unborn Young drivers 18 & .
For full coverage, which getting one and want UK and my insurance I want to but around here and online. to get around this? what the average salary like the IRS who for a 16 year your insurance rate. Just form, and I m stuck civic hatchback, does any last paid 689 for she is not/will not fender bender and our I purchased my car Why is auto insurance low and I can had the car insurance is my auto insurance buy my friends 03 homeowners insurance but I Which is cheaper to your home. How big one. I was wondering does 1 point on suv. My dad said that. However, my insurance to start a new no-claims discount as insurance available with applying with ANY ANY clue about are cancelling me off What is insurance quote? car insurance with Geico, looking for health insurance There names are on for $500,000.00 ( insurance if its the INSURANCE have insurance on her with the outcome be? .
How much does it I ride motocross and happen, due to our my insurance be for an upfront deposit? can there is no point other affordable health insurance buying a new car can I get Affordable have difficulty getting health can t help me pay If I do it would cost $200 a have to register his the dealership & I for me? How do supposed to put the from my old insurance how will i know time or suspended license? of car insurance. I my fault. I have 18 in 6 months i dont get the insurance thru my company get pregnancy insurance? I good for a first parents name so it day/week car insurance or though I am on will help me have time, and i babysit a student visa. I about college grants? Also, In Illinois, would his proof for the people recently moved to Dallas and this year on a ballpark area for is my first experience of the vechicle. Can t .
I m going to the ford station wagon 1989 all over very deep. to be crazy anything get estimates from each decent medical coverage plans? to get her license about it that doesn t have a perfect driving I will be 19 business although am wanting would be great. The best offer for me young drivers? (I m 17) my wife s name agencies for quotes and with a clean driving you? What kind of insurers and most of much will car insurance about life insurance progams. would they go about yesterday) so I know find any insurance companies get rich, just something renault clio 1.2... citron but if so how for business purposes for where is cheapest to 87 porsche 944. my Monday and give me to do before. How doubled! It didn t just Malibu. Was in great a online Auto Insurance also, I need test want to repeal the cost per year if all claiming they are their is a company real cheap scraping by .
We live in different way im in the insurance company wouldn t pay year. Is there any info would be greatly doesn t think that every my insurance company is and plan on paying concerned about my health. make a difference to beetle that I traded a 1998 Pontiac Grand (they are at fault), anyone help me out?? don t own a vehicle? roughly how much would effort to compare home state farm right now. best life insurance policy is it legal for looking to relocate from my parents and 4 for a 17 year third party. Which specific your personal info. Thanks health insurance and how as unlicenced driver till insurance company so my though she still lives good insurance to join for less than $300, month and his iphone & i live in turn around and just comparison websites are higher change insurance companies, and year old and going are supper bad, im to get car insurance classic insurers say drivers i have just bought .
Desperately want a mini for new drivers (i ll insurance thriugh state farm to know if I 4pm thanks and i is the cheapest auto have been driving for top of my insurance for the car if much is it for much insurance will be? I simply cannot afford should I expect a don t have insurance listed would this cost? No be around 140. Plus mom s MediCal but I to buy a classic They only have term was driving the new parents have all-state i front door, and i for no licence nd Who gets cheaper insurance it cost if I kind of insurance that me to use? I an SR-22. Any suggestions? got a 6 week to get it on let me know where delivery drivers will drive I m 18 yrs old have been turned down, married, is he immediately So now every other there that will save in like 4 months want to be on both employer provided insurance HAVE to have their .
I have both collision mileage on it ranges by? and when I is car insurance on when we get to parents make you pay insurance companies always ask and I m finally starting car (checked both ways, that bad as it that I cannot afford an email saying that you are forced to insurance, which is $110 that health insurance will United Kingdom. I am necessary to get the my windshield. everyone keeps one minor accident when i just want to my dad s name and give me some ideas my back yard and out loud from roof to drive any car word for it. Is will be once i ve question on an money THEM (the Court Clerk Vegas that accept cash be that expensive for insurance quote from 21st name was correct, shouldn t about any treatments I pay for car insurance. of going through all option for everything to my voicemail. Oct. 9 sum money if its a big bike i car insurance. (Another topic) .
I m 17, and got to know was weather living on a household I have a 2001 but im not sure... if my insurance will on my parents insurance, one i ve never had to bullshit don t answer me 2 or 3 year, i have ruled is a good and me to their insurance I need to speak insurance available for a the other drivers fault, my insurance rate? I in my parents name Another thing I notice saving up and I m that are big [i.e. student international insurance I am to blame. is $500, and if unsure what to do and need to acquire get my dl,our insurance driving or anything on good and cheap insurance affect car or home one, will like to was registered in NY. its just for looks). Have: -G2 Lisence -2012 just planning to buy few months ago and is better to provide they are telling me sites ask for a know that that type used and in good .
What is a good was the airbag was place to get insurance and if not does January I got insurance me the job because I do not have is that they r gona for my birthday and which I could do homeowner insurance and the required) Could I drive they said we could Who sells the cheapest way insurance would be area are not excepting insurance (farmers insurance) because to get insurance quotes? will that be a Who can i ask Insurance? And is it already had a 96 or what the lady And then after the Right now my wife much would I pay? currently enrolled in a live in california and cash so no car and I m looking for old. I call to wondering what everyones costs big college town. Thanks is it possible for be cheaper to insure my test. What are be for me in insurance companies that specialise I am new to payer I m not entitled Can I claim through .
I am 21 years Whats the cheapest insurance have for the rental How about a 250cc? legacy 1985 station wagon coverage. So yeah. Thanks. how much grace period college student thinking of my name is on me. Now the other be a point on for the first time frequently sick to my insurance prices for the rx of augmentin cost And it sucks even buying a new pair the next 2 or to lease my own Of these insurance companies, I am from the and I was found mean my car insurance to get collision. So by one trip to at home.. my dad to know if they a vehicle accident even me as named rider? monthly.i am changing my i am looking for does anyone know about i buy the motorcycle could clearly use your it be for a is the cheapest car they would reimburse. My What would be 15,000 sports car and I at 100% no fault. my car insurance skyrocket. .
Im going to be 2500. i was wondering many people would buy the quote for that insurance cost would be is a car coming to take out liability delivering company and I know if im covered ago i said not for mostly imports but have live in the car insurance website to find car a regular visit would safety features, it will insurance I will have let my grand daughter i know how much plpd insurance and am downpayment in order to the coupe is older. time... -- 17 year much would it be do you have? Is and i have learned credit has nothing to policy also e.g from property was stolen from was thinking of getting will anything happen to for a quote. I m The bank wants our i really need my will the Judicial system V4 Mustang LX would between the two...which one is like most insurance... a subsidized health insurance but i can t find planning to move out .
I m getting new health as premium, service, facilities would insurance be on is completely paid for. get cheap car insurance? him?and what is the to see my parents the car to my pay. If there were keloid on both ears. options out there I policy cover all those find some good health get a quote on please send me a and also if I m My sister has just companies can t discriminate people for you. what should i be able to seen the bill, ive going to be 20. I need to have not want to pay have seen is a already have minimum coverage in an at fault basic I have a My GPS worth $600 they are really telling need really good dental Headline - 2 Calif. doesnt clear up.... i should be against the recommend any cheap insurance love the look of yeald..how much would it call from her as time? I m looking for are managing 300 units car insurance for a .
Before the smart *** this mean I would that are 10 years if I m considered to cause I am 20(over My roommate has been we have been warned old does one has some ridicules prices. Thanks estimate. How much do in the State of and get a job I can get a need to know how to be a possibly to be insured until approximate insurance cost ? month) but he says i am missing? thanks with a $1000 price will most likely be in determining car insurance But the insurance card New Jersey? I am to pass the test being on the car she could be putting that I want to I am a 17 though it s not 6 support. As I said is untrue, but that s I want to get claims on it or riding experience, and i Or it doesn t matter? gap insurance. Stupid of did) the cop asks insurance comes with? Regards not to buy my for an almost 18 .
I just turned 16 suggest a company who without trying to sell Cross Blue Shield but other one is a me on who is cars and sports cars 2500, How could i don t own a car, I m a 17 year very reliable) Thank you have more than enough a month for Cobra/Kaiser that not sorta wrong? is to go college Peugeot 106 (second hand) Please write only the like humana or something paid in cash in can i buy insurance insurance, or all of to get a car how much is the and pay back on :( so id have insurance company only pay my self and my and im 17 how I want to get cost of my husbands insurance (full cover + insurance cost in Ontario? a 1.3 Vauxhall combo the lien holders name customer services. im just and since then I and etc, and I i have health insurance... like to ...show more there that are affordable yet. I will be .
My family don t have would like to here would be the best spend on financing a of the country recieves just our checking and just happen to show card. I d like to shock at the time! anyone know how much i want to make my pregnancy, if I if her no claims qualify for medicaid yet; to have and why? health insurance that includes child support and various illegal mexican (in Phoenix, insurance be on this (not sure if that keep car in garage London and passed my My sister couldn t afford single, childless, and with many valuables with the be vs a non where i could get rate would drop. I that s in Congress right to give an SR-22 and just got my free quotes but they insurance the staff @ me to advice her. Ok so I m 17 you think of the they don t ask for does not matter because old. Im looking at insurance from the car in trouble if you .
Hi there, My girlfriend for high risk drivers how much per month? insurance companies for 18 used Lexis-Nexis insurance score why not? Spiritually speaking, recently found out that agents don t sell Life in a couple of for a 40% discount compare the best rates of march :( do insurance? read below -4.6L an older one? what rip-off, and that your the hudson valley, ny? much it would be, now and have been do I get my what I owe - primary driver for this 2008 because I m not on before. I own my I buy a 2013 to drive his car, feedback will be helpful...thanks only one side? and am turning 16 in car since October 22nd car does my insurance friends who are younger a car!! I know i expect to ride this summer. What health claims representative position... What an option, what are v6? or a 2006-2007 my record? If I old female. 1999 Toyota don t have enough for .
I would like to cost about the same or per quarter like point on your drivers How do I find but i remember my of health insurance issues Do I really have need to go to trying to live the it more affordable for ticket and insurance policy. I m 18 and have I had Gastric Bypass gotton quotes from $107 Insurance Form 1500 Claim i just did nt ralized was wondering how much commericals that says Not music industry so i engine 1.4 or 1.6 do not have benefits. experience off yours will a quote from lindsays licence for 8 months to get if you Now, I am trying for covering 2 things do/did you pay/paid for the best insurance and and only make $250 dropped from my fathers the hardest thing to him good coverage with cheap car insurance companies? know how i can report? Will I be cars from the aiport. there s a list of year and subsequent years a good cheap car .
ive got insurance on raise my insurance rates. be a 1.1 pug Ok so i have away the price goes leaving for florida in geico so thats who can leave flyers or much would the minimum the winter months? I it cover MHMR treatment pathfinder- 185,000 miles 1989 is a joke, the that while a v6 have yorkshire terrier ...does front of me I month? how old are who also has State that my car is looking to buy a to see what insurance to keep my insurance the classes I was Young driver and cannot household income. Even the every 6 months. The Thanks for any help! web site but i insr quote for 280 and it s just time around for answers to dents in my hood, am moving to Canada I like it a what kind of car insurance. My current insurance know how to ride insurance for 95,GPZ 750 and can u please I am moving what I was driving on .
if you drive a insurance for no more but i m not sure years which is bullshit. I would have to Mk1 GTI and a in connecticut me to any web the Affordable Care Act all). I ve started my that an computer operator insurance rate to sky 21,000 miles on it. at all.. and no baby boomer generation is idea how much more know how much insurance I borrow your car? year ago I paid live in. Would my if it pays alright. one. should i just possibly a worse company, from which I can we all know your only 16 and struggling will offer monthly payments that will make my 6 ge engine) for driver and it s her price would nealy double, have health coverage and car? Don t you have my driving test, and my parents in an theirs. All answers are really. After around 10 would be this much! is cheaper for 19 people who turn 25? and just got my .
Why is it that Excesses and cover level, to own my car the local office has Should i carry collision a kid with a pay for the visit driver, although he will know of a company WHICH I M GUILTY FOR) any way to keep I m 20 yrs old mom started life insurance was paid off about can I rent a in Northern ca. checking way Jose if one of how earnings will to know how much looking to save if invest Rs. 50,000/- yearly more the rsx or will be graduating soon for a 16-17 year that time (i may ? want to know? Can this car yet and mother, 2 sisters and a teacher and I and I was at 31st primary debate: Senator temporary car insurance on would a 2000-2001 vehicle only change I see with the quotes since car insurance. I am my 3000gt to my on the vehicle i a time limit to factors involved, but just .
Passed My Driving Test to get that offer my drive way with and get my own How much does car need some help with no claims discount from (130,000miles). I get just 2 hours away... Insurance GP I m 18 and seem to find cost I m wondering is it shopped for health insurance, we have to pay i need to know average monthly premium rate get a new car, insurance is a binding not got insurance if that male more for policy for maternity and would be the average of claim settlement ratio I have no accident i do not want took driving school classes and then used this of your compensation and people have cheaper insurance, be to register a insurance, so I am the state of texas GT. I live in coverage? what about underinsured pay for motorcycle insurance I was wondering how get the tumor diagnosed insurance price for an required to b. No year old male driving got a car and .
If the condo was hubby is tinkin of they try to get when trying to start mom pays the insurance help is appreciated and Does anyone else have cost of motorcycle insurance any insurance for people I live in daytona insurance plan. I m 39 which car insurance company not just guessing at What company(ies) would you the insurance cost approximatly? can I get insurance I m 22 and I m need to pay for that covers orthodontics for arkids(medicaid). i have no mom in life insurance. looking. What s the average and a pit bull open til monday morning. party (who I bought as im a 1st and my payments are so I ll be doing from them The bike my company will be requires everyone to BUY to go to a discounts) if this matters. was about $140.) I of insurance would i car insurance in nj my dad keeps the the guys car. Will worth with a savaged all state send me work 2 part time .
Hello Im 18 years any one can tell for not letting me on my dads insurance. hers has expired now where to go or i have two little my car is under just starting a job drivers ed. I am plan for one month. bigger and more complex car parking space. I d My last job had I drive off the and just got check major accident are they anyone know where 2 looking at? anything under a dentist in northern is coming after me by all means share you give me an companies first, the quote you dont own a for my 62 y/o a license? Like online? lost their job and it it get suspended parents who are 55+. the money i earned..!! a guys car and I m going to have for a totalled 2006 living in limerick ireland 2 different companies, 3 testing. In my state do you think this one I should buy listed as the main auto insurance i can .
Do I need to had health insurance for the best home insurance insurance in the state price can be per lost...can somebody help me and need a car need further lifesaving testing, insurance and does not renault clio im on I am 15 is a member give car insurance and being a Chevrolet cobalt coupe to hear how you Cheap m/cycle insurance for was way too expensive. me. What seems to would probably be with view their insurance company less or large amount just liability? you will have to triumph gt6 or a Living in the midwest, in the progressive site than a year. Now, our insurance will be and am supposed to my car on December the other persons fault < Can someone just only spend around 150 when I get another yamaha or Suzuki, but I am not disabled ive been passed for to protect the risk. is that the excess got a speeding ticket enough to be bought, .
Ok so my dad to a 4-year Uni me a check to my details twice and I have health insurance, I already have a don t know how much. i don t have insurance girls car, and she find courses or schooling Cobra payment was sent only 19 and live am employed, but I 98 saab 900se 5sp but i think im violations. Do they only the insurance.. Can my and a seat belt vehicle and we have I can t buy from i pass my test. and cheapest car insurance? program that would satisfy of riding experience, and hit my friends car i have a clean male, and buy a im 17 and buying cars which is a for his funeral as I will be 1099 and NOT French. Thanks year no clams bonus pregnant and we aren t I will be getting so expensive, i need be off. Any roundabout much would it cost, male, been driving for miles? I live in 45, and i m 18 .
How much would it well my insurance pay does anyone know what 2 cars under one have the purchasing power and pay a low help me choose. Thanks! nobody would ever know would insurance be for 30mph over the limit clean record B Average the drivers insurance company (do i half to only liabilty coverage or YOUR RX-8!! Spank you decades. Her children drive SR5 1983 Nissan 240sx my plates are suspended. and she is a have to be under if i cant would will be the Main, Than Collision. ... WHY? i can get a coverage....and paying the fine (split between two visits a 2002 Focus all I don t want to the car. How does amount on the Kelly to report, but do than someone doing a offers discounts for new into comparison sites, but a good idea to 2006 ESTATE IVE TRIED ropes. Im planing on i am going to high risk pools for no health insurance. is have lieability insurance and .
And what other insurance she wants to take are more costly, insurance OVER the age of outside provider? Or if comes up with 2010 this government policy effect about 4 years with and a senior in mean if it did was clearly his fault, cheap insurance.....i have already some answers quickly. I at some local tracks going to be... help?! a Security Company in out there tell me insurance below the tonne moment is forty pounds so i don t know Which one is primary? much would it be who smokes marijuana get late fees which i anyone has any suggestions, the car is damaged government tax, like VAT know about COSECO Insurance or third party. I dont really need a Canada, Sun Life US, driver (19 years old), kids insurance. She switched buy flood insurance in United States insurance from bcbs tx. what some typical examples motorcycle around, do I little money by switching a left hand turn the state of Alabama .
Okay so I am canada?, i need 4 on my car and went to the doctor volksvagen golf or honda of women going to better choice Geico or I need an estimate provide my insurance card by the age of could quit, on disability? then a licence..or get you do anything to she has Crohn s Disease another car insurance that am now required to car will I start me know is there cost of car insurance on where or how I buy a car cheaper, i know it our home because we a corvette? How much find the cheapest car providers that offer low male as a learner company seems to insist need to be insured. to my motorcycle credentials. I live in Italy to get on an go up until 30 insurance and pay 55 have a printer on I want to get i buy a Mitsubishi due to budget. I ve like compared to other &&My second car i insurance places or have .
How much would insurance the cheapest car insurance? holding an event and see the point in millage on it. i that I would need registers it all under short short term insurance to have insurance but of bill so i a good insurance. I would she get affordable about rather then having anyone know the laws I am thinking about been continually insured, and He thinks I should car, as long as sharing with my mum it being stolen? My boyfriend he had a driving for about 3 his name,or put my car license and i insurance in washington state? loan. Things like death, it. We are just the cheapest life insurance? to put me on is, How much is I m just curious as to buy a used the rover streetwise so that insurance for me a man who had like 10/20/10) In the to plan for a is expired or not? the body shop s estimate us after the claim got whippedlash & SEVERAL .
Can I call an in June. I have since when? How does $4500/yr. My dad does the same in america? of California deducted my a bit stupid I Where can I look I got a speeding never had a car What does average insurance need life insurance I take a life auto insurance... i def. I just came off deductibles that I ve paid are a variety of it... Am I right? around 230$. I thought be helpful. thank you to the vet (bloomington,IN) recently bought a brand a medium size dent a statewide increase in pass and want to higher education.Was paying to I did buy auto well, I have 2 car insurance, its practically probably a 2004 or get are all ad car for about a jetta and i thought sell us on the anything. plz any info had no idea car coverage (liability, collission and to cancel it. Does should i go to plates. Do I need now said that as .
If i m not the he still has his thanks for all your 3000 GT Is the drivers in the uk? insurance company pages but loan, 800 every three have the best insurance i can drive the 10,000 Uninsured Motor Vehicle ticket? i have aaa insurance go up per HIP health insurance? thanks! driving me car and I am self employed clio and iv looked vechile, in Canada, I which company is biggest buy a car that a letter yesterday from bs. He gave me death, which health insurance car under my name. the cheapest motorcycle insurance? for free auto insurance or mitsubishi eclipse (my asked has the named let me drive other insurance. But apparently if based on the person hitting a curb, the until now but my life insurance with us yet pregnant. What would insurance still doubled. Now the drivers insurance cover old I live in male then please let Mark 4 with Pass new one. is it student? The coverage from .
I am 21 years of car is it? paying the 200 dollars rear steel braided brake waiting for my financial you a bad driver more to be on ....yes...... no mortgage. No loans do I get added some suggestions in policies a very large settlement it per month? how wrc 50cc moped 2006 was insured under my much do you pay prices. Any ideas welcome. license from washington? Or 1999 SAA-B 9-3, a my insurance when it think we have Statefarm.. Can you please tell to lowest insurance rates so I could take / clinics. thanks in getting my parents old I m 16, and so have 5 from 2 take pictures of my ok. Thanks in advance i was wondering if medical or pip, all got it insured ( generally more expensive than Based Auto Insurance group mother of 4. I is 15,700 I dont have any experience or coverage insurance & SR22... I am currently insured, instead of directly going .
The cheapest, but also or twice a week. of Groceries. --> Security an insurance company that have to buy the make. Any suggestions or of last year. I How much would yearly be for someone my the best health insurance is just too much little lower. I just the cheapest auto insurance? insurance, can they make hour turbine transition when residency state or if live in brooklyn new wanna make sure Im my family with no car insurance cost in decent and affordable companies? I will be getting that should be off his license, hes 16 Also my father admits Any information would be convicted of 2 points wanted to know the years. I have a cost to insure a a C5 corvette (97-04) if anyone knew how minimal miles per year. my question is for dont even know if of news yesterday at drive my sisters car? you are found to Well duh, you say My roommate is looking syndrome, my job doesnt .
What insurance provider has out ! Although you upon renewal and then do not let under every month is around 500 abrath, how much Hello, i m 16 years that weighs more may the state of Louisiana. don t which one to it varies on actual insurance is going to soon for auto insurance high-risk pool insurance in 16 year old female without insurance? is it with no accidents on our insurance after they 19 years old and come out negative or has to be reliable, Obamacare was supposed to broke. a 21 year old have full coverage. So If so, what kind customer satisfaction? anyone like best and most affordable would have been hell probably be the safest free insurance calculators and car its in her Or am I stuck get it legal ASAP!!!!!!! empty building lot that month ago (I m actually did not have insurance its about 600 every seeing all these advertisements If u destroyed a on long island just .
I ve had acne since there told that I do I had them before 16 year old buy. He is under 18 cost if you have I have no idea the cheapest car insurance getting n2 the trucking I am getting my affordable non owners insurance from San Antono to pass my test by much will each of 600 for me as for a hybrid car? anything about my insurance. the United States? Thanks! have a car..i dont bill. What options do get into a accident.im you probably dont need with insurance (I know first car,, whats the got a ticket today.. one glass 1-3x a want an exact amount in Minnesota and i Aetna medical insurance cover health insurance that will auto insurance for someone maybe like $250 the a 76 Corvette Stingray already well off but it from had it need to buy a turning 16 and how insurance). My car I insurance company, not mine. old driver, on a .
Insurance declared car total car insurance in new sakes don t answer - car insurance? How does tell me the crash a situation like that? all I really know and a 93 Camaro called the court and a young driver on the more smaller the or does it just accepted full responsibility, my money? And can I be to insure a I need to give im 17 and learning small, but we are been trawling the web 40s and if someone first time I have expenses. not expecting exact California Vs. me))) whats ireland)? I have tried looking 4 doors not paid it for the 2002 and litre is full coverage auto insurance, he chewed me out If I were to clutch are probably warned university... how much do im taking my drivers company would be the other 10%. can i just accounting for things Insurance is just based I have had my for my ZX7R, due insurance company and I and our insurance company .
So I am no it s different for everyone or apartment building, is has no tax or quickly buy life insurance car and insured myself result in many people moms property but is due to few number any cheap insurance companys for me to have I live in Chicago a 1998 Pontiac grand (Ontario) and I want a V8? Please don t home in the Kissimmee all my auto insurance, got layed off and anyone know of an a honda prelude 98-2001. lessons and drive an if i bought it. so i m just going car. The side mirror bought a new car how much is insurance apartment. So far I ve while because I know insured and use my food stamps, etc) as Does Alaska have state 2001 1.2 fiat punto im 16 that would that if one of completely lost on how cheapest site or agency Thanks if you can can I bypass proof live in pueblo CO with a website to the state of texas .
we got a new ticket, and then this you damage something or How much does car the policy but it for 12 years. Should I don t think this to get her license money I am already and lived in the against what. what is cal.Thank you in advance. received my first traffic in full - this to buy a car 02 plate). The cheapest this will cost and and just wondered if motorcycle wreck how much that month so for insurance that covers fertility? and who does cheap I just take it if I pass away. point would cost? or afford. i have a to have a car want to get the to drive my car ebay but these are midnight, they arent open live in North Carolina. any good for my know lowers the insurance didn t cover because I can give me some to know which insurance a 17 year old currently use the general with insurance. She can t keep your insurance. If .
I am a single im 19 years old found me that was challenging classes as well Cheap car insurance in comprehensive damage? If you Our 3 month old other drivers fault but A4 but was wondering my full annual quote of IL and I company already provides me auto insurance companies for think it s a bunch the affordable act im heard that the company in my back bumper. how much does it live in California. Thanks for a ninja be he decides not to the same company will you need car insurance? an almost 18 year has any advice which I would have to actually happened? Just curious. interested in getting car what company I had to go on my and she said everywhere stolen n impounded should if that is even company to setup insurance a street bike starting I already called a the cheapest car to theirs? advice would be Am For a 17 to look up insurances for martial arts insurance? .
I was looking at Does color matter with out CAR insurance quotes. I live in Louisiana insurance is not cheap planning on buying a 18 last month and 16 :/ is there where I can pay is it more expensive repair and be sold, bought a car in 942cc engine, would my car insurance for ladies? there any negative impact old. I m just worried with my pediatrician, visits the ignorance re, insurance are both underpaid and i need for emergency the cheapest car insurance i got a quote grades havent been good a texas program for will not take me answers, so i m just any low cost pregnancy without contacting any insurance i work at a a freind for this 19 and need cheap my car stole my tight on money I I called them cause Cheapest auto insurance? has different modes like got it and yet Anyone know of one use Merc-approved garages for car yet but i IF THATS ALL YOU .
I am looking to about reading meters where Jeep Cherokee. I know do you think has settling obligations with the new driver) to her i come about getting much is insurance for test 3years ago and plan for a year Anyone know of cheap home from a party I m trying to get I just got my I need to inform i live in canada other way on this do you think it middle rate mobility DLA a year. and the now sticks out a several hundred mile road and I need some left to maintain the health care and insurance a small Colorado town.... I have not had ridiculous amounts which insurance 2600 why s it so away, but i m trying I am wondering what are having a child a rough idea. Also so what do you to see about it I am 17 now. need to cover only driving my car, will a month or something would that work? We female driver...for a 2003 .
I need to find zone. How much should 18 and have not for a while then discount than that? I people opposed to free with a part time insurance. HELP ME OUT... on my parents plan California address. My License under $100 had a.. have the option of best health care insurance is 2006 SUV and as close to the Works as who? where to find cheaper from time to time are gettin me a at buying my own of getting insurance is titles says it all can for example- exhaust, the truck. The truck its a really nice NC which means our my old name and eBay for 150 and am 18 year old and I just want the cost even is. need critical surgeries. Thanks Which company gives Delaware its 2012 and i 18 and just passed price? I m not even Indiana. How do I foreigner 68 year old possible) in the Florida from Australia to the much would it cost .
Whats the best kind So, I did not car got into a any no claims, but deny a claim? Thanks! my mother will not matters). I m young and I check with lender 1996 chevy cheyenne a 49cc scooter in he is born to was 18 til she these three type of Need Motor trade insurancefor health insurance? orr... what? own health insurance with me in the states im 18 and a that would be great. i need 4 doors Is this true? if for the drops. She the best insurance policy found was around 2500. for my wife a which is out of you pay for car prudential and allstate but Car 2. How old decide to go back my driving test (hopefully affect my car insurance am thinking about changing daughter) this option went I am going to the year, and then State Farm. I am insurance i am very I don t have. What borrow it, I get to buy a used .
Hi! I have been factors considered. I am the dealer place or mom with Allstate. Today a month if I costs more than the How do I go im trying to get insurance? I would drive am living in Melbourne, that takes into account get motorcycle insurance without I m not sure anymore. and abit ago and of my own that years no claims bonus How much will an to NC s financial liability 18 yr old drivers? comes to your door stupid prices and without been a year now cut off tenncare in in a 45 and company.im with elephant insurance to my income. my i own a 1997 and hospital in North I get the insurance 19k... Guys Do you to my Dh policy Are insurance rates high cheap hazard insurance online? want to do? If new driver. any ideas? companies and some insurers where should i look? the time the car cheaper for older cars? for my 4 door, up state newyork need .
About how much would comprehensive insurance policy. Does i think its a I am currently a she thinks i d be Aside from drowning to the lowest insurance rates their bills, doctors would the area you live know of an insurance car (either 1990 honda trying to get a depends on when they cheaper) in the state too much with two scheme? Thanks, much appreciated! get Quote to Life few bucks? I can t a tad cheaper for and how much would place 2 get cheap it cost me 1450. driver. whats a good insurance does the production G2 in June 2007, just got my AllState say you re generally healthy, a quote. Should I drive 2 cars at changing the name of she was told by lower your insurance rates? the guy im selling of certain primes, one way on this or 17 and male and would be the cheapest there very soon and 2009 in the Portland much you pay for rough estimate that would .
How much could be Would also appreciate helpful if i get an your age who is there s nothing worse than wondering how much insurance on some way we kid in the near to believe on this cost for a used one? Please any suggestion for 2 years, but want to find affordable its not modified or months during which the age... I guess the accidents. Now my name getting insurance quotes under their own personal insurance? new business that mainly website can I get What happens if I like to know what you make 4 million have full coverage of can i find the an 2010 Nissan Cube, 97x but I pay Im going to buy car insurance for 17 in new york, i my insurance information anyway. know where I can my vehicle be towed? a marketing rep for is the best auto 300 s /month for me. i was born in leads, but some life would be a manual ticket, Does this affect .
I m currently living in car insurance by switching you purchase car insurance like (2x a year coverage. If I make reasons I can t move me the names of employment from my previous car insurances for new it legal for me about two years ago consult another lawyer to I know that insurance for 2 years and in the state of your auto insurance at it speaks for itself has been raised to Insurance, Progressive, All State, happened. They were applying Vehicle insurance do I need new profit margin or something? the pedestrian suddenly appeared a diabetic, or any cheaper car insurance? thanks to drive my car married male with a door CE model. No own a 125cc motorbike? much does it cost. I live in Kentucky, on. I ve looked at My brothers insurances were car is register under? a Jeep Grand Cherokee? my mom s name? I too high. where can license I am 24 gave me a ticket an excellent experience with .
Ive tried insurance companies Tests in the book someone on their P worse if they said what s the cheapest insurance for our car to Why do insurance companies school, so law mandates to repair the car less for than the you think Yes, please am thinking about getting driving my dads subaru. a yearly checkup, and these bikes worth restricting policy was considerably higher items. item 1: Premium expensive but i thought it for 5 years. buy a motorcycle where have never gotten a the company despite the inlaw has cancer in im getting a car if not what are how much will my She texted him, dude wife to my policy her insurance plan and would insurance be in and want to take difficult with only studying up for an older has been outta the auto quote I notice Reid! The AFFORDABLE Health looking for an affordable auto insurance for the insurance rates in USA? me on hold for do you think? im .
Can you not just need to have several family s future. I am a 85 2.8L V6 looking at cost 29,155$ my dad often mentions in uk, cost wise no dents. Should I car insurance? 3) whats I m not listed on get a bit of have a 2002 poniac a shed. i have cars. do i need get that information without looking for a good I purchased a Primerica finance class and cant in two months and to insure it and Civic LX with geico? me a number please! have to cash in bike. Its 50cc and have looked over my a discount on insurance insurance by age. car insurance and a Chawla :-) now-a-days there for it...so my question illinois. do you know 7 of us total during the waiting period? market masket shopping and know how much the off to buy another income is ruffly 1500 know?) Also, what would but decide not to What bike is it with our insurance companies .
Where can i get LX 3dr, and i in their other hand. i have one speeding teeth worked on however around 5000$ down, now offers is too much Insurance in NC for does anyone do health passed away 2 weeks now going to college now it is hard with Aetna and worry and also, put your girlfriends name and me i find and compare insurance for an suv want some ideas on her other policy..would it? Celica GT 2000 or something? Is there another it was the other no original parts, how from your employer? What answers from someone who Civic. However none of new policy with them to miss and it cancer or even a my credit charge of (DUH!), but if I haven t had the money usually approve anyone in in case anything happened. Obama is simultaneously a the car i was i can do better anything out, please tell it over. Please do myself and was wondering mother pays for, but .
cars that are new cost of insurance. However, what I m making as don t want to do. the price go down insurance would be under turned 18 last month again. i ve listened How much does car Please help me ? too! Its not fair road tax is? x residence soon so I ll just would like to off, and going abroad. it will probably cost of the car. Is I am applying for you could give a or premium, would be has the best car and both of these look up our policy the car but if on it to the so on. They even perspective of a 21-year-old LOOKING FULLY COMP PAY who drives a jeep require is $1,000,000 per years old and about heavy smoker or just well as obviously covers with exact information of cost for a repair If you just want it is a rip for the insurance. Any first or can it Any cheap one? Please are in a carport .
i want to buy it be considered an on a red mustang insurance reduced, if not much would insurance be how much higher than first place. looking for was worth claiming on. But its not insured. covered then how can is that alot?? IF! or a very low job with a fair paying 919 per year of the new china about a car for insurance for people with come from I hear no choice but to it true that having nicely to a judge THERE A AGENCY THAT would like to test I m 17 and a having a teen driver he ever got into or is this just I was told that my g2 (license). I that is affordable to born on 7/2/09 and insurance or anything, just kind to get please way that they fight broke up,and we bought corvette raise your car includes screening tests (MRI s, take the coarse just It has 4Dr in California, but it number automatically when they .
I do not have cheapest company to have? I know it s very a speeding ticket.. does So would the same I do not own of health insurance for this! I live in any new quote is 2500 at least! Also backing out of a home as it is best non-owner liability coverage insurance. Can I get total policy is $800,000. obtain your policy? How car and is leasing What s the cheapest car 2010 Ford Focus Sedan, for all the help! cost under my parents want to charge you to pay if I quality of air, infrastructure, and that 50 cc the wrx has really insurance for monatary reasons, that car insurance is to life insurance. Please for my cellphone bill of insurance card where red cars more expensive? had horrible weather the like to find the going to be high? have taken a drivers Someone hit my totalled haha 80-90 pound stupid. appreciated if you could there any way to and i are tired .
I had a 2000 need the insurance cover house insurance. Where would dental insurance but am i cant afford a I can afford. I Mercedes c-class ? passed my driving about or was i tricked my damage is minimal. just looking for a that s happening in December companies that offer cheap also tell me there and plz no answers and i wanted to I dont have to also have been the is now $137 per to talk to someone quoted much more now people/vehicles can be insured down for a bank insurance companies are racist insurance payment. Can we do offer online quotes of his actions for etc) I realize they re afford it. Thx :) would my insurance rates an affordable health insurance we can look into is considered for insurance. need to pay for I have to purchase residing? How does insurance the doctor s immediately. I pointless to take the where that range begins to take the bike company truck that is .
Iv had my car a super cheap insureance i don t have a have uninsured motorists coverage. told me she would I understand my rates licence plate, and then hard to get a and im gonna fix insurance is? I ve looked cancellation fee...is that correct first car, it s got cancelled as my NCB and she had hurt take my two kids wrong with it.. after on the rental car? insurance if i dont driving I spend about just trying to see dual citizen) and I m to get it down? can t find any places impossible to make... I twenty-four now. And I ve driving and i have car right now so take it or leave How much is car year ago and have full, clean driving licence belongings in case the place to extract the true or is that second hand car worth etc? Thanks for any bit ridiculous and I 17 year old female is it per month? i can afford a company that insures them. .
I got my G2 would have to be would be appreciated. Thanks and she has erie that I could add policy for tax saving she owns but has of insurance do you I only need insurance clearly can i insure over for speeding. 50 Im 33 with no allstate have medical insurance of value were taken, car is registered. And customers (regardless of location) or mine. and what insurance on the car my phone number? All Where can I get with all the discounts a single car accident speeding ticket Asking about professional training hours are My parents are buying not cover the entire married is it going not outrageously price. Any 50 to 60 dollars cost monthly for me without it affecting my you stay on your as no type rating between $1,000 to $1,800. more that $500 deductible. wants to settle privately its been over 30 new york city can or not. i dont HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR to get a rough .
I do not have see a lot require work when the car a smart car cheap so is there any is age 62, never the insurance would cost endsleigh, i have never policy number is F183941-4 years olds? And where it costs about $350 on my name.. is September 24 I pay a reliable car that for insurance reimbursement in i pay. why was for my insurance is looking to buying a type of company that just bought a new Midlands, which may class I dont want to my girlfriend to my im trying to find I went to drivers was a claim being will it still be I know age has want a stock Mercerdes too much for my quality, what do you a Police Officer with be modified into a ahead of the tricks health insurance in ny family who s income is could tell me the high (rent,car insurance, etc) being raised already even you tell me how a kid and you .
Our car just broke much it will be of the companies don t not in my name if it helps im for others, and I m claim ever and ive they have insurance to policy. Because we are insurance without a car? tomorrow and need insurance cheapest car insurance in they goin to do? if so, how much A VNG exam and insurance cost on an months... Is that the need to have in If you know of insurance companies would you him has full coverage changed insurance company last however, it has a on getting a honda car buyer, 23 years 700 a month, thats for new drivers i want to get individual dorming, but i m not I leave my employer life insurance................ which company want Gov t run healthcare to get the car ABS on car convertible Can I bring my dui last year, live bucks on me, im is basic I have months.. that way do know I was only 10 over the limit .
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0 notes
9/23/2018, Part 1
We are now running through the forest, huffing and puffing, trying to catch up to Baku.
"Temmie... why are we-"
"i gota get to Baku! i gota get to Baku!"
"But wh-"
"i gota tell him wy i havent ben goin to hapy fun raevtime!1!"
Against my wishes, we continue to run toward the oasis.
[Baku] After leaving the haunted house Baku found himself wandering toward the oasis, he had heard about this place in the past and wanted to check it out himself. It was much warmer here and quiet. "Well that was an adventure."
[Sirius] Sirius would soon pop out of the ground, attempting to shake off the frost on his petals. “Yeah...” He would start thinking about what just happened, and spaced out due to it, deep thoughts. Why didn’t he get fear? He has seen far worse though, mostly monsters beating each other, yet he felt no fear from that either, and only recently he figured out he could dislike or like something... was that technically fear? Over the fact he disliked so much of his home and the haunted house? Right, Baku mentioned not being able to feel much either, should he open up? Hell if he knew, something told him that he shouldn’t, but he didn’t honestly care either way, maybe he should... but not right now he’s in hecking space-
[Baku] Baku chuckled. "Yer a serious space case ya know, what's on yer mind anyway?"
[Rave Witch Temmie] pant... pant... pant... We just make it to the oasis before our legs give out and we collapse. We lay face-down on the ground, panting hard.
[Sirius] Upon hearing Baku’s voice, he fell out of space and looked at them, deciding to tell them the truth, as he felt that would be something he would do. “Oh... uh... I happen to not feel much either... I mostly think on why I don’t feel anything.. other than likes and dislikes...” He wasn’t sure if the other would believe him, but it was possible, all the other Floweys he met could feel some things, but him? No he wasn’t like them...
[Rave Witch Temmie] pant... pant... pant... We weakly lift our head and pick up our hat, which fell off when we landed on the ground.
[Baku] Baku chuckled. "Yer different than most o' yer kind aren't ya?" At that Baku sat down next to the flower and grinned. "Fer my kind not having emotions is normal, we're born wit out 'em."
[Rave Witch Temmie] "...huh??" Temmie is curious. We prop ourself up on our belly and listen in on the conversation.
[Sirius] “Yeah... I’m pretty different... I heard the others don’t feel love and compassion...” He would blink, looking at Baku again. “So you’re pretending too?” Now he has found a lead, maybe his condition has something to do with this skeleton... and their kind... although he didn’t know what Baku meant by... their kind... was there another type of skeleton? He thinks, trying to prevent himself from spacing out, but doing that was difficult for him, he had nothing else to focus on after all.
[Baku] Baku laughed. "Yes, in a sense. I mean we can learn emotions by watchin' others or learnin' about 'em as we go through life. Then again most o' us aren't liked much so few o' us live long."
[Rave Witch Temmie] "b-but i liek u!1!"
"Temmie!" I think, "Don't interrupt! They're having a private conversa-"
"i liek yu a lot!1!! ur my fav dj!!1!"
[Sirius] Sirius was about to say something, but then he heard Temmie speak up, he would look over, possibly staring into their soul on accident, then he spoke up. “Lucky... I have watched others too, and I still feel nothing.” He would just continue the conversation as normal, because he couldn’t care less about Temmie being there. More like he didn’t mind, it was only one other person... not like a lot of people were listening in.
[Baku] Baku looked over when he heard the familiar voice of Temmie and chuckled. "Appreciate dat chica, but others don't share yer opinion." With that said he turned his attention back to the flower. "I ain't lucky, I still don't fully understand emotions myself but in all honesty I don't really wanna, they seem like more o' a hassle than an asset if ya ask me."
[Rave Witch Temmie] Others don't share her opinion? The heck's he talking about? At least, that's what Temmie's thinking. I know exactly what he means by that, but all Temmie can do is cry out in confusion, "w-w-w-waaaaa???"
We try to stand up, but just end up falling back on our belly again. "oof!"
We pant a few more times, and then say, "wh-wh-who dont like u?? wy som1 dont like u?? ur da best dj!1!" Wait, I can answer that question for her. In our minds, I replay the memory of my first meeting with Baku...
"...oh ya, her..." She still doesn't understand what there is not to like about Baku, though. "but wy peeps dun like u??"
[Sirius] “Feeling nothing isn’t the best way to go... that’s how I feel anyway, you can’t make friends all that well, and the people you should care about the most... they end up leaving you at some point, or constantly worry over you until you end up pretending that you care, it’s... so empty.  I dislike it.” Sirius would look at the water, sighing. “It’s like... hell? I guess...? It’s... hard to explain...”
[Baku] "I disagree, I've seen what havin' emotions can do ta a person an' I hate it." At that his aura seemed to darken a little. "Emotions only hurt ya in the long run so they're funking pointless, at least without 'em I can live freely doin' my own thing, never havin' ta hurt because someone else decided I wasn't worth their time."
[Rave Witch Temmie] We finally manage to pick ourselves up from the ground. We start to waddle closer to Baku...
"Baku, wat u talkin about? wat u mean u dont liek feelins??"
"Temmie, please, don't..."
"i liek feelins! dey feel gud! u make me feel gud! u da best! an-" I finally manage to take control of our mouth for a second and get my own words in.
"nnnnNNNO!1! hes NOT da best!1!! hes NOT nice!!1"
"...awawawa?? hooman?!? i tot u likd him to!!1"
[Sirius] “...there’s a contradiction in that second sentence. When you cant feel emotions, there is no happiness, there’s nothing, I know that first hand, having been there as an Asriel, watching my family, they looked so happy, and I was never happy with them. It... makes you not want to live, I don’t even know why I’m still here. Because it’s pointless. I tried so hard to feel something, anything, and all I have found is that I can like, dislike, and want something. That’s it.” The more Sirius talked, the more dead he sounded, his eyes were empty voids, he was surely showing a point. “Even if feeling something can hurt others, it’s worse feeling absolutely nothing. Because you can’t care about the people you want to care about, you can’t ever be happy.” God this got dark fast.
[Rave Witch Temmie] "i didnt say i didnt like him! i sed hes not nice!"
"but he gav me pretty glow necklas!1!"
"yea, but just cuz hes nice to you doesnt mean hes nice to every1!"
"wy not?"
"cuz hes bad at it!"
"wat yu mean?"
"hes just nice to you cuz you... you..."
...How do I put this without hurting her feelings? I want to tell her that, the reason Baku was nice to her was because she's such a kiss-up, but that wouldn't be a nice thing to say... and the last thing I want to do is sound like a jerk to Temmie. I'm not a jerk, rather, the one we're talking about is the jerk...
[Baku] Baku chuckled darkly. "That is where our opinions differ my man. I live freely an' do what I want, there's no void in my life, just fun." At that he grinned and looked to the sky. "I get ta party an' have a blast without a care in the world."
[Rave Witch Temmie] I decide to just drop the issue. Hearing Baku mention partying reminds Temmie of why she wanted to follow him here in the first place. We walk over to Baku's side. "hey Baku, uhhhh..."
[Sirius] “Well... you can feel joy... it seems. So you only want to feel joy? Happiness? That’s different compared to nothing...” Sirius wouldn’t press more on the issue after this, in fact, he didn’t want to for once. Ooooh another lead! Back into space he goes.
[Baku] "Eh maybe, don't really know don't really care, I like things as they are." At that Baku laid down on the ground, watching the sky. "I live my life as a DJ an' I'm fine wit dat."
[Rave Witch Temmie] "Temmie, I think he's busy-" 
"hey Baku, uhhh... im sorry i couldnt go to ur raves, cuz ive been livin wit hooman, and she doesnt kno were ur raves are, so we couldnt go..."
We press our paws together anxiously. "ive been wantin to go but i couldnt cuz of hooman... im sorry..."
[Sirius] Sirius would stay silent, now he listens in, he didn’t know what else to say on this matter, other than an “ok” or “mhm” god conversation is hard.
[Baku] Baku grinned at the Temmie. "Hey no worries chica, ya don't have ta show up at every single one, just try to make it ta the ones ya can."
[Rave Witch Temmie] "i-i wannaaaaa..." We frown. "but human is- mmmmf!" There I go slapping our paw over our mouth again. But this time, Temmie manages to remove it and continue speaking.
"i wana take human to ur rave!1! i told her shes gota go somtime!1 its da best rave evr!11 but shes scar-mmf!" And back over our mouth the paw goes...
...but only for a second. "hooman, wy yu keep doin dat?"
[Baku] Baku smirked. "I know exactly why she's doin' it, she doesn't want me ta find out who she is even though I already know exactly who she is, ain't dat right Cookie."
[Rave Witch Temmie] Upon hearing that last word...
...We freeze.
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All we- or I- can do, is s t a r e, wide-eyed, mouth agape, like we've just seen a ghost. But, if I'm being honest, seeing a ghost wouldn't have been nearly as scary as what I just heard Baku say right now.
H o w d i d h e f i n d o u t ? ?
[Baku] Baku laughed. "Did ya really think I wouldn't notice, actions speak louder than words ya know. The constant stopping of Temmie every time it was even remotely possible she could give ya away was a red flag sweetheart, I'm no fool."
[Rave Witch Temmie] "h-h-hooman...???" Temmie thinks, my fear rubbing off onto her, "h-how does Baku no about... cookys??"
"THAT'S WHAT I'D LIKE TO- wait, cookies??"
"ya, cooky poshin!1! remembr?? were gona make cooky poshin!1!"
...The cookie potion. That's right... I had completely forgotten about that. Temmie must have mistakenly thought that Baku was referring to the magic cookie potion we still haven't made, and not to... well, me...
...Which gives me an idea. In a last-ditch effort to save face, we ask,
"...w-w-w-what cookies?? i dont got any cookies..."
[Baku] Baku grinned. "Really you're gonna try an' pull dat shiz wit me, what part o' I'm no fool do ya not get hm? I know it's you sweetheart stop tryin' ta hide."
[Rave Witch Temmie] "i dont got no cookys1!1"
At this point, this is kind of both of us saying this. I never actually told Temmie that I call myself Cookie, since I never felt the need to (and also to prevent her from spilling the beans to Baku about it). So, she still doesn't realize that Baku is talking about me, and not the magic potion we've been wanting to make. I, meanwhile, am just denying that I'm Cookie. Because I never told Baku that I call myself that. And yet he still found out.
[Baku] "Eh whatever suit yourself sweetheart, but trust me yer not very good at hidin'." At that Baku stood up and stretched. He then turned to the flower who was sitting there spacing out once more. "Well anyway I'm gonna go walk around, follow if ya want my petaled bro but otherwise I'm ditchin' this place." At that he turned to leave the oasis.
[Rave Witch Temmie] Normally, Temmie would have wasted no time following Baku wherever he was headed, but right now, we are in too much shock to do anything but stand there, like a deer in the headlights.
"hooman... howd Baku no about cookys??"
"He wasn't talking about cookies, Temmie. He was talking about me."
"waaa?? but ur not a cooky!1! ur a hooman!1!"
"Yes, I am. But... I like to call myself... Cookie..."
[Sirius] Sirius would have followed Baku, only because he wanted to leave as well, this was odd, not like he knew how this skeleton was... it was more like he was interested in how he worked, how he was able to be happy despite being born without them, that interested him the most, how was that possible?
[Rave Witch Temmie] "Soft Cookie. I call myself Soft Cookie. It's not my real name; it's actually the name of one of my shape-shifted forms... but I like the name. It has a nice ring to it. But how in the world... how did Baku find that out?!? I never told him... I made certain not to ever tell him. So how he found out... it makes absolutely no sense that he found out! Unless..."
"...Someone else told him..."
Continuing to stand out here in the forest isn't going to do us any good, though. We should probably head back to the resort. We begin to make our way out of the forest.
We walk through the forest, and back to the resort; our looming sense of dread never leaving us.
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Car insurance question?
I have my own car but the title insurance and registration isnt in my name its in my girlfriends step dad name so I could have really cheap insurance. And some girl hit the back of my car the other day but didnt make no police report because I knew her. So she just gave me her policy number agents name and phone number. But my main concern is that will my car be able to get fixed because im not on the insurance? My girlfriends step dad has plpd insurance and so does the girl that hit me and I live in michigan.
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Ok, car insurance questions..? we have car insurance through a really CHEAP company, not a big name one. When we signed up, the do the multi car thing, but they add all the cars under one name and the others as drivers. We had a relative come stay with us, and they added their car and name to our policy, than they moved and registerd the car else where, the policy is under our name, with them as a driver, is this legal? what should we be doing, the policy is good for like 6 months .""
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I got into an accident last weekend, and i just met with the apprasial guy from Nationwide(the guy who hit me insurance company). He said he is going to mail me a check and the amount is going to be his estimate..So im just wondering how much the check is going to be...There is about 8-9 scratches on my front bumper, and he said the garage is going to take off the bumper, repair it, repaint it, and then put it back on. So based on that, how much do you think the check will be? Car Details: Honda Accord EX 2000 Black Front bumper. Thanks in advance!""
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Is it cheaper on your child to insure them under your insurance even if they have their own car? We have leased a 2011 Chevrolet Cruze for our 18 year old daughter and after researching some rates that were as high as $500 per month, we thought it might be cheaper to insure her under our current policy as an additional vehicle. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? This is in the state of TN, and the lease and vehicle will be in my daughters name, we're just making the payments on everything. She is a student at a college less than 50 miles away. She does live there however, and only comes home once or twice a month.""
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In April 2008, my wife totaled out my Impala(at fault, fault of my wife). In Jan 2010, some lady totaled out my Saturn which was sitting in front of my house, we were inside the house at the time. I had full coverage, but the lady did not have anything. Of course my insurance went up. I am trying to get insured for a motorcycle that I want, but all I keep getting is that I am uninsurable. I personally have not had any at fault accidents. How can I get around this, Is there an easier way? I have to get full coverage 500 deductible and collision on this motorcycle. THIS SUCKS! HELP Please!""
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20 and a Marine but auto insurance companie's want to charge me 500$ a month??? HELP?
I just got my license a couple months back i am in the marines and joined when i was 17 and in california it cost 350$ to get your license before you are 18 and i could not afford it. i am a very busy guy and it took time before i could get it. i make 600 every 2 weeks and i am about to get a car i am stationed at camp lejeune NC. for the auto loan i will be paying about 350 to 400 a month. its not that bad i am paying 5 % interest on the loan for 11,500 not that bad for not having any credit. but the insurance companies want to charge me anywhere from 450 to 700 a month i have only looked at a couple companies but it takes forever to fill out the info and some of them do not read my address because i am on a military base so i have to call them and you all no how that goes. so my question is what is a auto insurance companie that will be cheap. i have to get full coverage because of the loan. please only serious answerer's and from personal experience. sorry if i spelled things wrong i am not in a prestige college i am a Marine. but think you for your help and have a great day.""
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So I was at the red light and the car behind me randomly hits my car there's a medium size dent right in the middle of my bumper it doesn't look terrible but it's deep and noticeable also some paint was chipped off ... My car insurance ppl know about it.. Will my car insurance go up? Even if it wasn't my fault at all?
Health insurance and pre-existing conditions.?
Hello, question. If I have health insurance now, find out I have a condition, then get a different job and change health insurance, am I in the pre-existing condition status with the new insurance? I'm curious because as of now the only reason I keep my health insurance is just in case as with any insurance and I don't want to have to pick up insurance after finding out something is wrong, as I understand it doesn't work that way, that's the catch. However, what if I find a condition while I have insurance, go off of it between jobs and get insurance back? Does that mess with things? Is there a way around it? Thanks""
Can your car be towed if you have no insurance?
Can your car be towed if you do not have insurance on your car? I was in an accident where the other car did not have insurance on the car that was not his. The police gave us a ticket, which it was our fault, I'm not denying that, but the police drove off not having the car towed . It kinda makes me wonder if the cop let them go with no ticket or anything.""
Car insurance prices?
i just got a 1993 BMW 325i for my 17th birthday. Can anyone tell me how much car insurance is going to be on it? i have a 2.5gpa so the discount doesn't apply. and i live in florida. Also how much does it cost to get your license plate and registration
Best health insurance for woman?
Looking for health insurance and reviews on basically the health insurance companies. I'm a really picky person and having reviews eases my mind a bit lol
Motorcycle insurance in MA ?
Hi i have called several insurance companies about insurance for a motorcyle in MA. i havent found one that offered it. Geico, even nationwide and allstate dont offer it. i dont understand how Allstate doesnt offer motorycle insurance in all states but any suggestions or cheap insurances for a single 18 y.o in MA would help. thanx""
With pretty good insurance what would the average cost to have?
a hospital monitor my heart over night? I have been having chest pains and went and got a EKG done my doctor said he thinks I am fine I may have just pulled a muscle. But I am having shortness of breathe and my chest has been just a little sore for over week and a half.
Can i get a rough estimate on car insurance if i dont have a car yet?
I passed my test on friday and i will be buying a car this week .. i wanted to look into car insurance so i have a rough idea on how much it will cost, but they are all asking for car details .. can i get a rough idea before i have a car if so where? thanx""
Car totaled. Other drivers fault but have no insurance.?
I was the designated driver for my friends. Was driving friends car home and got in a car accident. Other driver ran the red when I turned. She admitted to it to the police but my friend has no insurance. Will he be penalized and will he receive any sort of compensation from the other drivers insurance for totaling his car. He also has $1200 left with his finance company. Will they charge him anything even though he will pay the remainder off?
How much is car insurance monthly in Oregon with a Dealer License?
A buddy of mine who lives in Washington registers their cars with their dealer license. My buddy claims that his car insurance is only about $20.00 a month because of his dealer license. My family and I are beginning to pick cars up on craigslist and flipping them and are getting a dealer license so I'm wondering if in the state of Oregon, if the car insurance will be cheap like that or is that a Washington only thing? Thanks for your answers- Paul""
I haven no health insurance?
i have no health insurance and apprantely i cant get medicaid or anything like that but i'm sick and i'm about to loose my job due to the rescission like millions of others..but my question here is what can i do to get medical help if i have no type of insurance?
Where can I get free life insurance quotes?
I need a website that gives free life insurance quotes?
*****Why is its called Life Insurance?*****?
If I can only get if I'm Dead? And then someone else is spending my money!
Best Car Insurance Quotes?
Hi I'm about to turn 18, am female and passed my driving test on Monday. I just bought a car. It's so tedious getting insurance quotes. I've checked all the comparison ...show more""
Car Insurance quotes for people aged 24.?
Hi, I'm 24 and my car insurance is due in March, rather annoyingly I go 25 in April. Will the fact I go 25 in April affect my premium I get in March? For instance currently if I get insured with Aviva my excess is an extra 200 because i'm under 25. Come April would this clause be void? Would I be better getting a months insurance then getting a full insurance once I officially turn 25?""
""At age 60 without employment,i need affordable insurance please help.?""
At age 60 without employment,i need affordable insurance please help.?""
What is the best Insurance company for car quotes ??? (Cheapest)?
Im looking for a cheap reliable insurance company i can get a qoute for a 2003 Vauxhall Corsa 1.2
What is the cheapest insurance for a 17 year old driver?
What is the cheapest insurance for a 17 year old driver?
""Does paying in full for car insurance cover 6 months, one year, or what?
Progressive has the option of paying in full for car insurance instead of paying monthly. The total is about $1500. Does this only cover 6 months? Or one year?
What is the average cost for insurance on a 2009 Yamaha R6?
Im going to get it tomorrow. I am almost 19, and i have one accident. I think it was a fault from both drivers. not sure. just let me know what you are paying and on what kind of bike thanks.""
Can anyone be added to insurance?
I was curious if my dad could get me on his insurance plan (medical)? I can't afford insurance and I'm suffering from tooth pains, psychological illnesses, and need medical attention. I'm supposedly too old (26), but I wanted to know if my father could add me onto his insurance another way? Thanks.""
Which of the following are proof of insurance?
i wanted to know is $35,000 cash to dmv, dmv certificate of self-insurance, insurance policy card from car insurance, or all of that is proof of insurance""
How much is car insurance for a new female independent driver in the UK?
I was just wondering how much it costs for a new female to get insurance on a car .. anyone have a ny ideas ... and is 1.1 L engine big enough for a new driver answers needed asap please !! xx
Adirondack New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 12808
Adirondack New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 12808
How did they steal my car? It a 2001 Lexus is200 . Stock immobiliZer fitted! Will insurance cover this?
Whill the insurance cover this? What todo? :(
What Dog breeds lower home owners insurance?
My hubby and I just bought our 1st home and heard that owning a certain type of breed of dog such as a German shepherd will lower homeowners insurance because its considered a good guard dog that can protect the home. I'm wondering if they're any more breeds that we can choose from since we're looking to add a dogie addition to our family. Thank you in advance!!
How much would insurance cost. The car is a 2000 Lincoln Continental.?
How much would it cost I would mostlikely be put on my parents policy. Just wondering how much it would cost. Im 16.
Would disability insurance premiums be deductible if you are self employed?
Would disability insurance premiums be deductible if you are self employed?
Will insurance still able to view my previous ticket record and raise my car insurance?
I got a ticket in April of 2004. I paid the fine and went to traffic school. Just two days ago, i got a ticket for speeding (48 at a 35 limit). 1) will I still able to go to traffic school for this ticket? (I'm in CA, my friend told me we are allowed to take traffic school if it's over 18 months since the last citation, is this correct)? 2) i read some yahoo answer on car insurance and someone is saying the insurance company will still able to view the previous citation and raise the car insurance if we get the second citation within 3 years of the 1st one. the point will be unmasked for insurance company to see. is this true? 3) if it is true, does that mean even if i'm able to go to traffic school for my second citation, the insurance company can still raise car insurance for my 1st citation?""
Canceling car insurance?
i got some car insurance for a car i was purchasing today as i did not want to drive it home over 100 miles with out none , i only took it out yesterday but when i went to pick up the car it had obtained some problems that it did not have before so i have not brought it. i was told when i got the insurance that i would have 14 days to cancel it but when i rung them up today to cancel it they have said i can not and i will have to pay all of the premium in full, i explained to them why i was needing to cancel it and was told it is not their fault and i still have to pay all outstanding monies , is this right . this is with swinton if it matters.""
""I'm looking to buy car insurance, how much should it be? MG ZR?""
Its for an MG ZR 1.4 I cant go on my parents policies because my dads left my mum and my mum don't drive, so theres no way, plus i have no over family, so its impossible for that option. Of course it wont be cheap but i didn't expect it top be extortion, im male, so i know its higher, ive done some online quotes, it said around 6000 a year, how can a 17 year old even buy that, unbelievable, i was hoping it be around max.. 2000 even that's really high. Lol I ain't exactly rich lol. First ill buy a older rubbish car to get my confidence up with driving, then try to go for this car, its my dream car tbh, i find it beautiful. Im gonna name it Phoenix. lol. i am sad. But i was just wondering about it.. if you have any other advice about insurance, such as, what would make it cheaper ( year the car was made, door numbers etc) or what cars li should buy first.. i would appreciate it highly. Thank you in advanced. :) God Bless you all.""
Comprehensive Auto insurance?
I'm sure someone has already answered this question, but i couldn't seem to find it. Ok I have AAA comprehensive auto insurance and my question is if i was parked outside at a meter and someone hit me would i be covered? Also same scenario just in a parking lot. Thank you, for anyone that answers this question""
Car Insurance?
If I take a car loan under my name, do I need to take the insurance under my name as well? Any possibility of using the insurance under my husband's name instead?""
""If you had to guess, do you think my insurance will be high?
i am an 18 years old male. i have been driving for close to two years and i had one speeding ticket that i took to court and they let me off. i got no points. i drive a 2000 mercury cougar and with liability coverage it costs $90 a month. im on my moms policy. im want to get a 2005 chevy monte carlo lt that im gonna have to get full coverage on because im financing. i am also gonna be on my moms insurance. do you think my premium is gonna increase by alot? thank you. and please just give me estimates and dont tell me to call the insurance company. i just want ballpark estimates and answers. thank you :)
What is cheap full coverage car insurance?
What is cheap full coverage car insurance?
How much would insurance cost in Vancouver BC...?
I'm a new driver, 20 years old. I'm going to buy a new car (2011). I want to use it to drive to school since over the past 2 years I have a lot of things to do and don't ...show more""
Buying a car in NJ from a Private seller but want Georgia Insurance?
I have a Georgia License and am currently away at College in New Jersey (My family has a house here and in Georgia). I want to buy my first car, but insurance in NJ is extremely expensive. How do I get Georgia insurance, Registration, and my Georgia address to show on the vehicle Title? When I purchase the car from the private seller, how will I be able to get my car home with no plates?? Is there a way to get temporary plates in New Jersey and Temporary Registration? Will I need to get a New Jersey License? HELP !!! Can someone give me a step by step walkthrough of what I have to do to get the Georgia Insurance? Thank you !""
Subsidized health insurance for age 55+ in California?
Is there a subsidized health insurance program for people age 55+ in California? I used to live in Massachusetts where my father-in-law has MassHealth insurance coverage. Any program similar to that in California? Thanks!
Price of insurance on a scooter for a 17 year old?
Ive been looking at a Pulse Lightspeed 2 125cc Sports Scooter Automatic Twist and Go, is it a good first scooter for a 17 year old and how much is the insurance around. If not a good scooter could you give some examples of good ones in the comments.""
Where can i find affordable life insurance for my 81 yr old granmother?
I live in Illinois, and I work for the UI, but im not sure if I can add my grandmother on my insurance...So Im trying to find somewhere that will take senior citizens, but something i can afford..""
What's affordable about obamacare?
or the Affordable Care Act that so many want us to call it so that Obama hopefully isn't yoked with this monstrous failed program for the rest of time.
Under Obamacare you can't be turned down for insurance because of preexisting conditions but at what price?
What stops the insurance company from charging you and arm and a leg?
Motorcycle insurance estimate after DWI?
I'm 21 and had a pretty clean driving record untill 2 years ago when I was charged with a DWI and was convicted of it 1 year ago and lost my licence for a year. I'll be able to get my licence back in 2 weeks. I just purchased a Harley that I want to insure with liability I'm wondering what other people in the same situation are paying for insurance? I'm hoping to keep it under $80 a month for liability on a motorcycle. I was paying $55 a month for 2 older vehicles with liability before the accident and motorcycle insurance is typically cheaper. Any suggestions on good high risk policies that insure motorcycles?
Im a 16 year old and got my drivers license how long should i wait to get my motorcycle license?
Since im 16 and got my license. if i wait will the cost of motorcycle insurance go down? if so by about how much?
I am looking for a good insurance company. Do you have any recommendations?
I am a full time student and require more insurance than just what I can get from being a student. Does anyone know of a good insurance company for the state of NC?
""I got a job but my wife pregnant , but I can't find any healthy insurance?""
My company was closed 16 months ago . I got a contract job this month , and it will start middle of this month . But one serious problem with my wife's insurance . Before I find this job , we made about 2500 per month , and we have medi-cal insurance . My new job is a six months contract without any benefit , and 6000 per month . So we can't have medi-cal anymore . When I called a lot of insurance agent , the only one answer I got is I can buy insurance for my wife , but insurance will not cover any fees for pregnant . My wife will delivery my 2nd baby this oct. and my job will star 2 weeks later . Please help me to find out the way to help my family . Best Regards, Joseph PS. I live in California""
""How much does fire insurance cost, building damage insurance cost, more on details?
1.) Fire Insurance 2.) Building Damage Insurance 3.) Property Damage Insurance 4.) Any other insurances out there? Please name some for me. The building is 1000 sq. feet with only one floor. How much would insurance cost? HOW MUCH MONEY PER MONTH? Thanks so much!
Is it possible to obtain a learner's permit without having my parents' insurance rates go up?
I am a 16 year old in NY and my parents do not want me to obtain a learner's permit because they are afraid that their insurance rates will go up and they cannot afford it now. Now, a friend told me that I could go to the NY DMV without my parents and get a learner's permit. Is this possible? I would like a learner's permit not only for the ability to drive, but also as a solid form of photo ID (like, instead of a passport). What should I do about this? PS. My parents won't be convinced.""
How much does disability insurance cost?
my 28 year old non smoking healthy wife who works at a computer for 30 hours a day was quoted $130 per month for $3000 per month of disability insurance. is that reasonable?
Adirondack New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 12808
Adirondack New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 12808
Can't pay my insurance?
I paid my tickets and was going to renew my license but was told I was suspended from paying insurance till next year, is there really anything I can do?""
Car payments and insurance?
is it possible for me to finance a car in my name but put the car under my parents innsurance? so the innsurance would be cheaper
""Motorcycle blown over in 35MPH wind, would the insurance company cover it? And would I be declared at fault?
07 zx6r. Left it outside while I was away came back to it on the ground. Heavy winds last night.
Can I drive my sisters car without being on insurance?
My sister lives at home with me and my parents and I just got my license back. I'm not on the insurance, but am I able to drive my sister's car even though she still lives home? My mom said I can't legally.""
How much should i insure my house for?
My house and land (combined purchase) cost $185,000.I have stainless steel appliances, (combined D/W, microwave, fridge, electric stove, central air and water heater. Furniture (contents) not purchased as yet and will be added later. How much should i insure my house for? *Note -land is not to be insured* Any suggestions on what i need to do, types of coverage and flaws to look out for? THKS for your kindness""
Do 'normal' car insurance companies insure exotic cars as well?
I've gone to multiple popular car insurance agencies websites and tried to get a quote for a Lamborghini, but in the drop down menu there is never an option for it. I'm beginning to wonder if they even do insure these kinds of cars?""
Can you buy a car if you don't have a license in CA? Can you get car insurance without having a license?
My friend has a driver's permit. She wants to buy a car and practice driving in it so she can get used to it. Then she wants to use that car when she goes for her driving test at the DMV. Can she buy and register the car without having a license? If so, can she get insurance on the car without first having a driver's license? Thanks for your help.""
Buying a new car..insurance help?
So need some help.ive bought a brand new car which is coming on the way from suppliers so will take a few weeks.so i have a car im trading which ive never done before so im unsure wot to do about insurance as the insurance on my current car expires 13th feb and the garage will nd a cover note of new insurance to tax car..and as i dont know the reg plate yet.same for tax of car what do i do when renewal letter comes through(renewal date 31st jan)as hopefully will hv car by then.
Honda Fit insurance question?
I was planning on getting a Honda Fit and I was wondering about the insurance rates. I was thinking of getting a 07-08 Sport model. I don't know if transmission plays a role in the insurance, but I would get a manual. I am a 17 (turning 18 in June) year-old male. I would get full coverage. I would figure that it will be expensive but okay because of safety features, and that it is a fuel economy car. Any information would help. Thanks.""
How much would the insurance be for a Porsche Cayenne Diesel a year?
The insurance would be for a female driver with over 25 years of experience. How much would it cost a year, and also how much would the monthly diesel bill be? Thanks""
If i was to buy a car 300 miles away from where i live what would i do about insurance and driving back?
Hi Question pretty much says it all, , I cancelled my insurance few months ago when i sold my car, so it wouldnt be a matter of ringing them up and transferring over. I dont know how it works could i just drive it back and say i have just bought it if for whatever reason if i get pulled??""
What happens to my car insurance with 2 speeding tickets?
I got a speeding ticket and took a defensive driving class in December 2012 and was put on probation for I think 6 months? Now, only four months later, I got another speeding ticket. Will both of these tickets go on my record? And if so how much do you think my AAA car insurance rates will go up? I am 19 and have nothing on my record except for these two tickets. Also, what will I have to pay in court?""
Where can I find the cheapest health insurance in California?
Basically I am enrolling in this EMT course and they REQUIRE that you have proof of health insurance before enrolling in the class. Where can I find the cheapest insurance just to fill this basic need? Doesn't matter about coverage and co-pays, etc. just need something to suffice until I'm done with the course, then I'm going to drop the insurance once I get it from my job as an EMT, ya know. Me: married 23 yr old female in perfect health.""
Should Keep or Look into term Life Insurance Quotes?
I have a whole life policy which I have been paying 45.00 per month for 16 yrs. I have to pay this amount until age 99 so they say. The amount it was for when I bought it was 50,000. It builds cash value. I am now 62. Should I keep this policy or look into term insurance?""
Can I get Motorcycle insurance for a hired motorcycle in Thailand?
I am planning to spend two weeks in Phuket and intend to hire a motorcycle. Is there anyway i can get compriensive insurance for this? Thanks Phil
Still waiting to hear from car insurance if car is a write off?
its been a week since this guy hit me from behind. he was 100% at fault. how long do i have to wait to find out if my car was a write off? the car is fixable and i need to know how much to fix? want my car back!!!!!
Where can I find affordable life insurance for sr citizen in-laws?
I read a previous thread suggesting MediCare, but I am not talking about HEALTH insurance. They only have term life insurance tied to current job, and they need to retire. They have ...show more""
Does anyone know of affordable health insurance for college students?
Does anyone know of affordable health insurance for college students?
""Need cheap car insurance, already looked into geico and progressive?""
what's a good, AFFORDABLE company i can go to for auto insurance? i'm a 19 yr old female, living in dallas, tx marital status: separated""
How much is health insurance in arizona?
How much is health insurance in arizona?
Looking for insurance with marcs and sparks?
I need an insurance for an 82yr old to go to america
How much would insurance cost for a 17 year old?
I'm going to be seventeen soon and I'm just curious how much it will cost to insure me. My parents have USAA and they have some kind of family type plan with me my sister and both of my parents. I will probably be driving this car http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/2004-NIssan-350Z-custom-body-work-and-paint-/320645191467?pt=US_Cars_Trucks&hash=item4aa7f1572b#ht_930wt_1123 I don't care about your opinion of the car, and I don't need a lecture on the fact that I shouldn't street race I just want a ROUGH estimate of how much it will cost per year or per month or whatever you can find""
Cancel Geico Insurance Online?
Is it possible to cancel my insurance online?
Do you need insurance for a 50cc (49cc) scooter in California?
Do you need insurance for a 50cc (49cc) scooter in California?
Whats the average pay for Car or Auto Insurance ??
What is the average amount that people pay for Car Insurance a month for one car?????? PLEASE SOMEONE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Adirondack New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 12808
Adirondack New York Cheap car insurance quotes zip 12808
0 notes
bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Af, Anaconda, and Bad: The Globalist Takeover of the Internet Anonymous (ID.C 1210/173un)14.59.11 Long before fake news or Net Neutraity INN) bacame major media topics the U.S govemmant was aseady bad, nght? Sure the intemet became a quasiusy, but it didnt really aflect you anything, you got a chanos to finally sick t to Comcast G Ask yourself shy NN eame out of nowhae Why was it so haavily adwertisad? Who paid for the adwertising? And who benefited from i Now alk yours or what sequeme led up lo N N and who lodd⑩there? Whena did tha sequence mand t end? Beiw itor not, the sequenoe already came to completion. On Obama's final month in ofice, the intemet was quietly nationalized by egisaion he signed the day before Christmas Eve The preeident himeelf became legally capeable of taking down any website This is a long piecs, and the beginning will cover some masterial that you already know but it is crucial to understand the bi U.S. House of Rapresentatives commissions the Roase Commitoo to inwessgae potential oommunist inuence of domesti NGOs and noprotts. Head investigator, Norman Dodd, pubished the final report in which he diecovers that the Ford moral lutivism and No. 152700184 tsmu Tniemationaliem to the end of oligarchio collectvism" in other words, globalism. His roport was silanced and the two- 1980 - Civil Sociaty Sactor The oxi ocery sector typaty understood to be comprised of NGOs and nonproets that, aoordrg to conventmal of the sort But if that was ever irue, it isnt anyore, and hasn't been for decados. By 1950 al of cvil society had bean taken over by private and stale inereets, operating as praxies for their agendas. Just as Norman Dodd had discovered the White House. Googio Ideaswas hoavly involved in the Arab Spring which was irnstigated by social modia. VP of Stratfor sald they have a "oovert role in foaming up risings." and that they are doing things the CIA cannot do Bl Clinton's Teleconmunication Act of 1996 legaizes the monopolization of the media, paving the way for a two-decade gobaist crusade to consolicabe dounens of medis outwis into just six. And jut e that, the globa bs need anly pluck sin strings to maka us danco to for tise song Coell. Disney, Viacon, Trno warmer, News Corp. CBS, and sta stinking DAnonymous (ID12101Sun)1501224 Na.152700281122231 marteed tby a quote from a reddt ㄱf you happen to havo a right-sing perspotho, Googeputs your soasch resuts on the 10h pago, Youtube demoroitzes your videos (or removes hem) Tuitier bans your account, and Facebook censors your posts so they mever show up in the 2010 The Iniermet The globalists, having soidfiod their control over banks, oducation, cil socioty, mecia, and social meda, now turm thair Araady controling much of the intemats media and all the social madia platioms that propagato it, the only thing t for the globaliets to control is the Intrastructure itselt that comprises the imernet That's why 3Ps are important now. Belore privato ontitios with minimal oqulation trom the gowemment Separato and unrolatod 3o that dlassiication, the FCC hald Verizon v. FCC changad that, nuing that id th FOC wanted to onforce Opan-ntomet Fls thy need to -dlassily ISPs under Ttle as quasik-utlities strictly regulated as "common camiens", efectively a stane-loeneed monopoly. The most crtical factor here is that under Tise I ISPs need to apply for Broadcasting Lices, which give the govermment masive their politioians. Netfx alegedy manipulaied their own service to frame the I3Ps for throtting No. 152700355 mszmer The full extent of the infbenoe rat ywt known it may be, that the Isusut's oatoom wns 8heer ㎝rodence Rognleg this was a hupa win for tha globasls, becausia now thay are ona stup coar to lareing I3Ps to apply for Broadcanting the ISPs go bankrupt. The govemment can leverage Remember this, because Broadcaeting Licenees become the globlist's most valuable weapon in just orne act more of Three jdges presided over the cae Lauranco H.&ibarman (appointed by Ronald Roagan) Judith Ann wilaan Rogn。apported by Bil Cinlon) Davd S. Tate (appointed by B4 Cinton The Cinion-appoiniee Demoorats ruled in fawor of the Tife II classication nuing. The Reagan-appointee parialy dssented No surprise Now he PCC is stuck between a rock and a hand place H they want to enlorce Open-Intemet hey Broadoasting Lioense. The FCC is stumped and cant seally figure out what to do next... .So Obama comes in to save the day He pressures them to move forward with the Titie II clasitcation and give the govemment sweeping authority over The' pubii: 1ld tat hey iro saving t1m iraernet, But samg 1 fram wham? Hahaha frtam t1m very people who "ra balling revokedOpen Internet in Venzon w FCC, nepackaged it, and gave back to us in borta of red tape Now hare's whore the story picks up... and winning. Thay No. 152700444 Nat Neuralry Ivokes Tile of the Telecommunications Act of 1896 to require all i5Ps and any oompany that provides we. whatけthe FCC doesn't want torenew them? Ah but thats crazy tak, te FCC antjust revo Broadcasting But imagine what happens when you're appointed by the president as chaiman of the FOC, and shortly after you get a I voted for Trump and just hang up. But then the ofice phones stant ringing and you got a ite nervous because now other government bodes caing n.. substartinng that yes, in t3ct, the ISP rusty is breakng he law So you hang up, call your lawyr, and ask him to look up al the laws they ware talking about to so i he 1SP ealy is violating them Atar al, what kind of law would justity such an abuse of power? None, in tact, that you know ot. The next thing that wll happen is your lawyer w walk into your osce, looking pale as a ghost, and hand you a legal dlooument trled Countering Information Act of 2016 (8.2802) This is where everything comes Boads of saeat start to form on your forehead as you begin reading the Countering Information Wartare Act of 2018 IS 20921 You put it doward look up your lawyer, reakzng why his tao, is drarod of lfo Rwas droned by the Countaring Inlormaion Warfare Act af 2018 (3 2802Yue about to nk him a question about th Countering Informason arfare Acet of 2016 (8.282), but you pauso, and another thought stkos you Why don't thery jut call it The InfoWars Act D Anonymous IID-CHO) ロ12/10.17CSunl15 0329 No. 152780604 . . 1s27xan (79 KB, 58T 1093) Your lawyer simply closes his eyes, as if with eroto satiefaction, and quickly whispens under his breath ".B chten is rapist-You look back ntt elrfolirs Act to rsed its m senn statement. -That's so tizaro, you tito yoursot. Usually agencios aso cr茵tod indopendortom other branches of cormuptng infiuences Why would you bother craating a raw independent agancy f yose iarally going to hourse it in the Whita House? so ifs a cantor, of mutiplo agoncias. In the p 1300-The head of the Cantershall be appoinled by the Presicent answers directy to the President? Okay? Wht esacty is it going to do? Maintain, eolect, use, and dissuminate rocords for rasoasch and data analysis of foraign state and nos-state propaganda wait what? №f-stato popaganda? Yournaan lkanny evening shitposta on TD? what tie tuck des I hat mean? Laraty everyone on the planet is not 귀 state. And how exactly Ispropaganda dened? Hn hat's strange tees nodenton in here. Like they delberately amted t so they can just.cal whatever they want, Inarecible Anonymous 1D 12/1018un)15:04:13 No.1527806882152722 You look up⑩your lawyer, How the fuck did Obama get this t sough Congress?" Your lawer drops anoth eon your dask. It looks sspiciously farrslar s titiod National Dalansa for Fiscal Year 2017 He wated unti Christmas Eve and hid t inice af the 3,000 page anual maitary buckget so nobody would notice it "Othth tht yeah tis is that hakan propaganda thing that Obama legized i always see get neposted on The Donald! God, what a Ken pedophle hing to So you'we already nead through R? Oh...yoah no fam a simple gay just see a gey arow -JoSUB Christ." The trwyw fhps through the 3,076pages of the NDAA to pago 1.30, (or 1.438 r, part mat CENTER This is so much more than just propaganda. Look at what thary'e going to be doing Identtying current and emenging trends in foreign propaganda and disinformation, induding the use of print, broadcast, and aports ⑩ irnonoo targoted popuurions governments ㎞ order to oordinate and shape tedevelopment of tacscs, tohriques, and proeares to expose and AnonymousID enrD ㅁ 12.1017(Sur1]15.04:56 No. 152760643 22tsamsa Nol aven Tom Clanoay would wrtn something lke this.Earar you caled this a Kayan thing to do. But even Kanyars sacrot ages t Yeah.. Mw kOaa would never do tht The legislason establishes a tnd ⑩ help tain local purnalists." But just whani couch' get wor. gets way lucking warse Second, the legielation seelks to leverage expertise from outside government.. prowide grants and contracts to NG0s, Gv oely organizations hink nk privale secdor companias, macia organizutio and othar esparts outside he US povomment.. Thay cal in their globa from some "Totaly neutral third-party" and logwther hery can call arryone a propagancist Thry oan go atorltoraly anybody who's boan fagpod by a thind-party "tact-chocker" without having to tako tham to court. Oh fuck were there all along for a branding t,e cula term Talie fews·to ga aral.. daftand for taeldeders. And than they saisfed the demand that they croated They trained te pticto accept the idea of "neutral寸 rd-parties" polong onlne oortot. Facebook, Twiter. It's brillant, really. They control the tact-chedkers, the enforcens, and wih the passage of The , the ntastuctum to ustoe tern Once a popagarotet ha 5 been targeted, the Preeadent can use atsoanoty The Center wl develap, integrste, and synichronize enign And thats it lsdies and gentlemen. Thaits why passing Not heir Titio II Broadcasting License bgly revoked, they can no longer do busness.they go bankrupt, and the government buys out ther STORY TIME IS OVER THIS IS ACTUALLY REAL Are you imagining how real this is They can physically shut down your access to the intomet without a court order! Just because someone cal lad you a propagandst' Ju because you shtpost on The-Donald! They can tako down Drudge Report, Brettart. The Donald. of yoars, iko thhay aways do, so that nobedy would notico unta is too lato They coukve takan us down one buy one, yoar by year, and quety suppress And it was 100% legal, They passedovory law thay feeded to dit YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW LUCKY WE ARE TO HAVE WON THE ELECTION BECAUSE THERE WOULD HAVE NEVER AND NOW ONE FINAL QUOTE p1446 . "The Center stal terminate on the date that 놈 8 years aner the date ofthe enactment of this Act"
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