#i hope next arc focuses more on the adults
im not gonna lie, i’m disappointed in the new chapter. it was cute, don’t get me wrong. i love seeing anya and her cute, funny antics. i also enjoyed seeing the progress in damian’s character (like him apologizing) and how his friendship with anya is growing (though i did want to put him on timeout for calling yor a gorilla. not okay. never disrespect yor like that again 😒) BUT i was expecting so much more.
first of all, i’m glad to see loid caring and worrying about anya and her well-being (to the point that he bought a car so she didn’t have to get on a bus again) but the whole “it’s for the mission” shtick is getting old. “my daughter is very traumatized and i need to help her overcome that… for my mission of course!” like sir??? do you hear yourself??? it’s okay to admit you care about her. she’s a toddler who has gone through more than a lot of adults will ever go through in their lifetime. it’s okay, at the very least, to admit you feel compassion for her. i know he’s a very emotionally stunted man who has a lot to work through before he can freely admit he deserves to love and be loved. but i feel like his character development has been on halt for a while now and it’s getting frustrating.
also, while i love the kids and i love their little moments, i wish this episode wouldn’t have focused so much on them. anya just went through such a traumatic and terrifying experience. i wish this chapter would’ve focused more on the forgers and on the parents navigating how to make her feel better after the events of the red circus arc or something. even if the entire chapter was just them going on a family ooting to cheer her up, i would’ve been fine with that. but, instead, we had to wait a month just to see the kids at eden… again.
like i said before, i enjoyed the chapter. but i think i would’ve enjoyed it more if we’d had gotten some forger family moments before the events of this chapter. i just want the focus to be back on the family. that’s all. and i wish loid would’ve shown a little more affection. especially considering the fact that his child could’ve died.
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Your idea of all soul contracts being voided is very interesting and something I've also played around with/considered. It's a major systemic issue that makes life in Hell extremely difficult for those without power (which is most). If Charlie truly wanted to improve life for all sinners, including those who don't want to be redeemed, targeting that system of ownership would be key and I think it'd be a great progression for her character/mission. If Heaven won't play by their own rules, then give Hell the overhaul it needs that improves life for everyone and remove the possibility of soul ownership completely.
I do want to say, with regards to Valentino's behavior, I personally see him showing restraint in some circumstances. Yes, he SAID he wanted to go and shoot up the hotel but after his initial tantrum with the model, he just sat in his room patiently waiting for Vox. I think there is potential to reason with him, but it'd have to be through someone he trusted (Vox and/or maybe Velvette) AND he'd have to be calmed down first to help him move past the pull to impulsivity. He was also able to rein it in pretty well with Charlie even when she was bafooning it up in his studio, on his turf... I just think it would be fascinating to explore the Vees as potential forces/influences of change and how Charlie could incorporate them into her plan. You'd likely have to get them battered down enough to even be willing to negotiate, but end of the day they are business people and I think they can be reasoned with. Even just within exploration of the adult content industry... turnover is extremely high. Maybe Vox/Velvette could be shown the numbers dipping on Angel Dust's popularity and it would then be their job to convince Valentino to drop him. For them, it's money but maybe for Valentino it's power and then that can be explored in their respective character arcs (ie. WHY does Valentino want that power/what is he gaining from it)? There are so many interesting ways you can play with these themes/characters that isn't a boring "Valentino gets stabbed to death" plot point.
So, I really hope the show chooses the more complex exploration of these characters (and gives consideration to their respective backgrounds that may be influencing their decision-making) rather than reducing them to boring cartoon villains (I also hope to GOD they don't betray each other, I love that they have their own little family among the three of them).
Let us see Charlie trying to win them over to her cause. Let us see Charlie challenged with the idea that some people like the life they've made in Hell/don't want Heaven as endgame BUT that doesn't mean they can't improve their practices or help make life in Hell better for all. There's a lot of potential. I think it also really reinforces the main theme that everyone is capable of change.
This is all personal preference/morality, but for me I truly believe that everyone has the capacity to grow. Yes this includes Valentino. If there is "no hope" for some people and no one bothers to reach out because they're deemed irredeemable, then what incentive is there for them to ever get better? Why shouldn't they just become a worse and worse version of themself then, potentially victimizing and harming more people along the way? Approaching Charlie's school of thought where everyone can be redeemed with a plan that focuses on rehabilitating individuals (and breaking down what that means/how that varies person-to-person) is a natural next step. Understanding why someone like Valentino is the way he is, how the system of Hell has contributed to the problem on a societal level, and what tools he should be given to cope/make better decisions in the future WHILE also protecting his victims from additional harm are all critical steps that I think Charlie (and the show) need to start taking more seriously... if their plan is to really explore this idea of redemption, anyway. This would also apply to characters like Sir Pentious and Angel Dust. Everyone is in Hell for a reason, everyone has a past and a laundry list of wrong that needs to be addressed and given care. How many lives did Angel Dust ruin as a mobster? What had Sir Pentious even done prior to his stay in the hotel that landed him in Hell in the first place?
So much potential in all these characters. I really hope the writers really flesh them out. Sorry for going on too long at the end there, your comments just got me thinking.
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Your idea of all soul contracts being voided is very interesting and something I've also played around with/considered. It's a major systemic issue that makes life in Hell extremely difficult for those without power (which is most). If Charlie truly wanted to improve life for all sinners, including those who don't want to be redeemed, targeting that system of ownership would be key and I think it'd be a great progression for her character/mission. If Heaven won't play by their own rules, then give Hell the overhaul it needs that improves life for everyone and remove the possibility of soul ownership completely.
Exactly. It is a huge systemic issue and if the show been greenlighted multiple season ahead of time, I'm sure there be an a subplot about it. As it something Charlie see how the contracts affect her people greatly and it would be a project she take on to change it. It's a huge undertaking as is basically restructuring the government that been running on the principle for multiple thousands of years. It's just how things are and she wants to change that.
The contracts originally was about a weaker demon seeking out the protection of a stronger demon to keep them safe from the rest of Hell in exchange of servitude. After several thousand years it evolves and got a bit more corrupted but the bases of it still exist. But the protection became more the overlord defending their territory/property.
Obviously the overlords are the ones that will suffer for it, despite it making things harder to the owned souls to exist in Hell and possibly unfair how they obtain it, (But also keep in mind, the deal was consented by both parties, both agreed.) it is unfair to the overlords when it just the the way things are and no warning of a sudden structural change. They are being punished/losing for playing the long game well while playing by the rules of Hell at the time. They were winning at a game and then the host decided it time to change the rules.
The overlords will:
1) lose their compensation after they held up their end of the deal.
2) lose a large if not all chuck of their power and status.
3) most importantly they will become targets after they were forced to give up their power and their numbers that would have defended them. Lets face it, once contracts get voided and overlords losing their power and status, a bulk of sinner will want to retaliate. Attack the overlord that held them or attack another overlord that they felt wrong them and now have the opportunity to do so when they are not overpowered.
This doesn't only effect the big honcho overlords we seen, there be smaller ones...mobs and gangs and what not. But considering the majority of characters we meet are overlords it would be interesting to see how they deal with this as an audience. Probably an overlord meeting about it if they got intel what was being plan and trying to derail it from happening, or a civil war among the overlords on the approach how to deal with it.
If there is a civil war about it, the overlords who still be upset but willing to work with Charlie/Lucifer would be Carmilla, Zestial, Rosie. They just generally to care about Hell and probably treat their souls fairly well. Rosie probably be least affected by it all. She owns souls, but I think her souls will still follow and look upon as a leader even after they been freed, and cannibal town will more or less run the same as it was before. Carmilla and Zestial would probably have a similar situation.
Unname overlord may be included in this.
The Vees will obvious be against it, and Zeezi might be on the undecided side but more on keeping things the way things are. She doesn't seem like she be an overlord to give up her wants and needs in favor for a better society if it can be avoided it.
Alastor will play double agent im sure. He always have like 3 hidden agendas he working at the same time that are his own her other peoples he force to follow. He be annoyed he lose his souls but then again, he would have his own freedom again.
The best possible solution I can think to fixing the infractractor to what Charlie wants, is to wean out the contracts. Creating a clean slate immediately would be problematic. Have the contracts expired in a decade. AND/OR if new contracts can still be made, have there be term limits. A soul can only be bind to a contract for X amount of years then it can be renegotiated or let it null and void. It be a hassle for the overlords for sure as the constantly, and make extra effort on treating souls better for the soul to want to remain under contract/protected while the other try to earn that spot. Possibly a guideline has to be drawn up to have a basic math for length of servitude. If the overlord provide x to the demon, the demon would serve x amount of years.
One thing I wonder is do overlords provide housing and such as part of their protection? Most sinners don't really seem to have jobs to afford housing and food. Most of the sinners we see are working in the guidelines of their contract. So how are they getting money for things? Is being provided with the necessities part of the protection?
But we have to keep in mind, we see how much the people regret their decision on selling their souls. It seem, like most if not all the people who sold their soul regret it. Its nearly common knowledge that its a bad deal to do it...yet...people still do it. They choose to go along and do it regardless thinking they were the special exception. So yes, they are a victim...but at the same time...are they?
I don't think the regret would not be an all time if its limited to a certain amount of years. That if it something they did regret, at least it there's a light at the end of the tunnel and not just a bleak all of eternity experience. Terms limits would at least have both parties put effort into the relationship if they are satisfied with the deal. Both parties have to put effort to want the other to stay in.
Not saying this can be the endgame solution but it can be a start down that path.
I do want to say, with regards to Valentino's behavior, I personally see him showing restraint in some circumstances. Yes, he SAID he wanted to go and shoot up the hotel but after his initial tantrum with the model, he just sat in his room patiently waiting for Vox. I think there is potential to reason with him, but it'd have to be through someone he trusted (Vox and/or maybe Velvette) AND he'd have to be calmed down first to help him move past the pull to impulsivity. He was also able to rein it in pretty well with Charlie even when she was bafooning it up in his studio, on his turf...
You have a point there. Valentino is a violently impulsive but your right, there was some points he did not act out immediately the way he wanted. He had his hissy fit and tore up a model before he sulked waiting for Vox advice. But I did forgot about Val calming down slightly and waiting for Vox. I also forgot about episode 4 completely. Honestly, it makes his character better that he able to reign in some of that impulsive violent nature. It would make the lost of Angel dust contract better. Im sure Val would trash the room the moment he lost is but after thrashing about to calm down he just be seething without acting out on it. Which...I sort of want to see now. I'm sure there still need to put precautions about Val retaliating. Val would want revenge even if he lost the contract fairly. Val would want to send a message hes not someone to fuck with but perhaps he won't actually act upon it like he would want to. At least wouldn't be a blind tantrum rampaging retaliation if he did act out a little.
I just think it would be fascinating to explore the Vees as potential forces/influences of change and how Charlie could incorporate them into her plan. You'd likely have to get them battered down enough to even be willing to negotiate, but end of the day they are business people and I think they can be reasoned with.
True, very true. Vox and Velvette are fairly level headed people. Well, except about Vox isn't when it comes to Alastor.
Which makes me wonder...
If Vox losing his shit about Alastor
Val losing it about Angel
Who makes Velvette lose her shit about? Can't wait for that character to be introduced.
Even just within exploration of the adult content industry... turnover is extremely high. Maybe Vox/Velvette could be shown the numbers dipping on Angel Dust's popularity and it would then be their job to convince Valentino to drop him. For them, it's money but maybe for Valentino it's power and then that can be explored in their respective character arcs (ie. WHY does Valentino want that power/what is he gaining from it)? There are so many interesting ways you can play with these themes/characters that isn't a boring "Valentino gets stabbed to death" plot point.
That would be actually pretty interesting to see. Angel losing popularity. Probably caused by his stay at the hotel. Having the other Vees try to talk Val on not using Angel so much with them going by the numbers and trending.
Actually, Angel being in the hotel might making him almost an embarrassing cringe meme at some point and Velvette and Vox trying to talk Val not using Angel so tarnish their brand. Because they want to be trending in a good way. I don't think Val wouldn't give up the contract because I think Val really likes having Angel around for himself even if Angel not a big income anymore. Maybe Angel becoming a joke and not a money maker Val would hesitantly accept an offer for Angel soul if the payout was big enough.
Even if it not dramatic, I kind of want this play out now. It like the safest and agreeable way to end the terms without much fear of retaliation.
I think it be really sweet way to play out. The hotel residence, and Cherri if she hasn't joined, chip in with everything they have to buy Angel freedom. Lucifer, Charlie and Alastor able to contribute more and possible offer something with more weight like a restricted favor at a given time. Angel would be so grateful and feel so love that everyone did it, that if they felt like a family to him before it only furthered it. It also open up to some Angel angst if favors were offered and the Val request wasn't agreeable to the one giving the favor but has to serve out anyways. Angel would feel so much guilt over it.
So, I really hope the show chooses the more complex exploration of these characters (and gives consideration to their respective backgrounds that may be influencing their decision-making) rather than reducing them to boring cartoon villains
I am a huuuuuge sucker for backstory and character growth. I love character growth. Even if they don't grow, I like how we eventually learn of their back stories to understand why they are the way they are. Make you sympathise with them even if you don't agree with their methods.
I hate black and white/ right and wrong anything..I love how everything grey and having that explored. I mean, the vast majority of people are not evil or good for the sheer sake of it. It usually stems from something that propels people in that direction.
My favorite trope is a villian is sort of in the right in their own way but they went about it wrong. Basically the ends justify the means.
(I also hope to GOD they don't betray each other, I love that they have their own little family among the three of them).
That....never crossed my mind. I would feel so betrayed myself if that would happen. I love their little family. But if one would betray, its Velvette. But it better not happen. They need to stick together! Even if I suspect Velvette be the one out of the three to betray, I doubt she will. Phone Case as evidence. Vox and Val phone case is their own personal brand symbols while Valvette is about all three of them. She probably the biggest heart of all of them and makes them stick together.
Let us see Charlie trying to win them over to her cause. Let us see Charlie challenged with the idea that some people like the life they've made in Hell/don't want Heaven as endgame BUT that doesn't mean they can't improve their practices or help make life in Hell better for all. There's a lot of potential. I think it also really reinforces the main theme that everyone is capable of change.
I been thinking about this exact thing SO MUCH lately. I wanted to make a post about it but didn't end up doing it.
Like, Alastor is a prime example of this. He doesn't want redemption. Giving the life he had, he probably never felt so freeing until he landed in Hell. In life people scampered away or looked away in disgust and hatred because of his heritage, he was taken advantage because of heritage and social standing. He had to hide his identity behind radio to be able to converse freely without judgement and treated equal. The activities he enjoy he had to keep secret. But in Hell? people scamper away out of fear of his power, he can indulge in all his deplorable actives he enjoy. He can force people to listen to him. Hell was freeing for him. It's everything he needs and wants aside not being with his mother. He doesn't want redemption. He doesn't want to give up his fun and entertainment. He doesn't want to give up his power and status. It's Hell, hes going to have his bad days especially with his shackles but overall how he going to enjoy heaven for eternity if he bloodthirsty and enjoys annoying people without receive retaliation?
Even if he makes it to heaven...it be similar to his life on Earth. His power would be equal or lower of the residence of Heaven. They will learn how heinous he once was. They will be disgusted by him and move to the other side of the street to avoid him. He be happy to see his mother...but can he really bring himself to her after...everything? Her having the knowledge of everything because word would get around. She may work past it, but Alastor would feel that her eyes won't look at him the same way as it once before. It pains him greatly. It pains his mother having that knowledge. Heaven not suppose to hurt. He can't have the both of them suffer like that. It's best that she remains in the dark of his deeds because whatever worst case scenario she can dream up about her sweet little boy it wrist slap compared what he actually committed.
He doesn't want redemption...
...but it doesn't mean he can be rehabilitated which I think has already starting to happen. He curb his activities for the image of for the hotel. He hides his particular diet from their eyes to not disgust them. He still gets to indulge and commit murders but now its more reserved for the defence of the hotel and its residents. He always had his own moral code when it came to his murders. But it seem like he hasn't "hunted" since he been at the hotel because he didn't want it getting back to Charlie and disappoint her or ruin the hotel image IMO. So, I think we already seeing Alastor being slowly rehabilitated without him or anyone realizing it. The longer he there the more he going to feel fond with the other residence and continue to change some of his habits for their benefit.
This is all personal preference/morality, but for me I truly believe that everyone has the capacity to grow. Yes this includes Valentino. If there is "no hope" for some people and no one bothers to reach out because they're deemed irredeemable, then what incentive is there for them to ever get better? Why shouldn't they just become a worse and worse version of themself then, potentially victimizing and harming more people along the way? Approaching Charlie's school of thought where everyone can be redeemed with a plan that focuses on rehabilitating individuals (and breaking down what that means/how that varies person-to-person) is a natural next step. Understanding why someone like Valentino is the way he is, how the system of Hell has contributed to the problem on a societal level, and what tools he should be given to cope/make better decisions in the future WHILE also protecting his victims from additional harm are all critical steps that I think Charlie (and the show) need to start taking more seriously... if their plan is to really explore this idea of redemption,
I agree. For Charlie to really move forward with her redemption she needs to start trying to get to the root of the problems. Trust falls isn't going to be the answer. I think she been hesitate because she doesn't want to push boundaries which is a good thing and to extent is working. They feel safe and relatively there's trust and strong bonds....but at the same time...its not solving much either. But progress is progress I suppose no matter what speed.
What had Sir Pentious even done prior to his stay in the hotel that landed him in Hell in the first place?\
Seriously, What did he do?! He such a cinnamon roll.
So much potential in all these characters. I really hope the writers really flesh them out.
There is a lot of potential and I think that what make this show fun! We only know so much about them so it really fun trying to fill in the blanks and figure out their motives. I don't think any of them are meant to be 2 dimensional or plot devices but have several layers. That even the seemingly simplistic character will have complexity. I just hope the show keeps getting renewed so we can be offered everything the creator wanted to give.
Sorry for going on too long at the end there, your comments just got me thinking.
It's okay. It's a delight to know that my rambling can do that. That they might inspire or help someone get creative about the fandom. I only made this blog to just get ideas out of my head of what I'm hyper fixated on which is currently, Hazbin. I didn't really expected anyone would actually read it much less, like or interact with it. I just find it surprising when it happens but brings me joy that my words and thoughts seem to have some meaning to someone.
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ape-apocalypse · 1 month
Road To The Kingdom - Fall of Man Comics
The Fall of Man comic arc is the most recent comic series focused on the reboot trilogy. It is unique in that it doesn't feature Caesar and his troop of escaped apes at all. Some might find that a bit dull but I like to see the world building away from Caesar. It is set 4-5 years after the Simian Flu outbreak and follows a human soldier named Julia who is tasked with protecting and moving apes to Washington DC in the hopes of finding a cure. Along the way, Julia reflects on how the world has descended into chaos while fighting against a human militia, the Army of Man, who are killing apes and "monkey loving" humans alike.
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The comic is a typical apocalyptic tale, though I feel like the large cast of apes and humans don't get much personality. Julia falls in love with a fellow soldier/scientist she's traveling with and I don't even remember his name, despite reading this a few days ago. Buster and the other apes get some good fight scenes but only Buster gets a name and I have a hard time figuring out what they want. When we first see the apes, Buster seems to ignore Julia's reassurance that she'll protect them and he signs to the others that "Ape protect ape". I thought it was setting up that the apes would leave the humans the first chance they got to take care of their own. But then they're willingly fighting alongside the human soldiers in DC, even when the apes could easily run off. I don't expect there to be a bond between Buster and Julia like Caesar and Will had in Rise, but I never understood how Buster felt about his human counterpart. Even in the very last panel, I can't tell if Buster is happy or having doubts about how the journey ends. If the story was meant to show humans and apes working together and forming a united front, I don't think the comic succeeded. It doesn’t feel like the apes care about Julia or the mission and I would have preferred Buster and his crew to just leave the humans behind.
Also featured is a French gorilla named Pug who is raising an ape army against the Army of Man, and killing anyone who gets in their way. This story is secondary to the main tale, with neither of them intertwining at all. I wish Pug's story had been the primary focus; though seeing the last bits of governments and civilization is interesting, I much preferred Pug. We get little of his background but see that he spares and feeds human children who were held captive by the militia. It seems he can even rally human adults to his cause. His tale is brief compared to Julia and her team but I really enjoyed Pug more. Plus it's great to see what's happening in another country that isn't the USA, where Caesar and his apes live. I think both stories suffered from feeling rushed by having to share the comic, rather than each getting their own arc but Pug's story was much more intriguing than Julia's in the long run.
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The world building of humanity crumbling is always a good read to fans of apocalyptic stories and it makes sense to look at how the governments and health organizations fell apart. But my favorite parts were the small bits of hope seen amongst the chaos. I loved the glimpse of orangutans in Malaysia willingly working with human survivors. Pug was instantly fascinating when he took care of the human children his group freed. While a civilian army growing around the world to kill apes makes sense, it was nice to see pockets of people and apes getting along. All in all, not my favorite of the POTA comics but still a fun apocalyptic story for the apes series.
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spaceorphan18 · 2 months
X-Men 97 Ep 4-5 Review
Fun fact - I skipped Ep 4 and watched 5 on Wednesday and ooof, that was a choice. I just went back to watch 4 and it's been a little hard to go back...
Episode 4 feels like such a simpler time, oh man...
The story is split in two, on half focusing on Jubilee, her birthday, and hijinx in the Mojoverse while the second half deals with Storm spending time with Forge as she copes with her loss of powers.
Jubilee's portion was cute and light and fun. Mojoverse is always a little silly, but it was retro in a nostalgic way, and probably the most like the original show this show has gone.
There wasn't that much to it, though, save one thing that hit harder having seen ep 5 first -- and that being the Older Jubilee's monologue about life sucking but you have to keep on keeping on anyway. Life is hard but it's worth it. There's some foreshadowing there.
Meanwhile, the Storm stuff was the better part -- and it's so interesting to get an adaptation of one of Storm's greatest mini arcs in Life/Death. I enjoyed the quiet sadness of it. (Also, is the Shadow King the one who is haunting her? Hmmm?)
I liked it - but I didn't love it. I wasn't as moved as I thought I'd be with it. But this is just the set up and I'm waiting for something a bit more impactful to come next.
I'm curious to see where they go from here with Storm. I do think this is the weakest episode of the show so far -- but it does slow it down and it does give the show a minute to breathe before plunging into Ep 5....
Speaking of which....
God damn, Episode 5....
It's like an entirely different show. It's much more adult and mature and has incredibly strong and captivating writing throughout. I don't know the last time I've been so impacted by a single episode of television. It's just on another level.
And knowing the comics adds a fascinating level to everything. I kind of want to just do a break down about it and meta it because there's just so much going on. And so much to reflect on.
It absolutely broke my heart, but at the same time, I appreciate the story that they're telling (which is only half over, btw).
I have a lot to say about it all. A lot. But I think what I comment on here is that -- Gambit's always been one of those characters (that while I've always loved him) has been divisive in fandom spaces (and disliked often times in the Marvel Offices). And I'm so, so, so glad that they let him have a moment, let him shine, an show him off as the fantastic character that I know he is. This story hurts, but I'm hoping that it effects Gambit's legacy in the most positive of ways.
Looking forward to more...
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I still enjoyed the recent SxF chapter since Anya interacting with her classmates are one of the best and funniest parts for me. However, I have to admit that I'm quite disappointed that the focus had shifted without acknowledging a lot of what happened in the bus arc. I felt like the emotional payoff is lacking. I think most readers are expecting that the end of the arc would focus more on the family and the parent's reaction. I personally wished we got more of Loid and Yor's introspection regarding the incident, especially since they seemed to be deliberately left out of the arc. I wish we got something more serious and emotional instead of the arc ending in a more comedic way. I know this is a comedy series first and foremost, but the potential is there to deliver something more raw and impactful but it didn't. It felt unsatisfying to me. It is still a good chapter and an overall good arc, especially the worldbuilding we got of Ostania and the Melinda thought revelation, but I felt like Endo was holding back in these past few chapters (perhaps since this is more Anya-focused and involved children, who knows). Of course, I may also just be impatient (the 1 month wait didn't help curb expectations). I only hope that Endo will still be exploring some of the parts this arc seemed to have missed or had introduced -- Loid reaction after hearing Anya is kidnapped, Yor and Garden ties to the Red Circus, what happend to Billy Squire afterwads, etc. Hopefully, this chapter is just a way to calm things for a bit, and we can get more of the adult perspective in the next chapter or so.
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bluedalahorse · 6 months
Hi! Could you recommend some sapphic romance novels (preferably not fantasy or science fiction, because I'm not really into these genres)? I saw you mention that you read a lot of them!
Hope you have a great day/night 💜
Hi @impossibleknots! Thank you for the ask. Happy to do some sapphic book recs, and if you stay tuned for a post in response to my next ask there will be additional book recs as well.
So this is a list made to my personal taste—it may not be to anyone else’s taste. I’m aroace-spectrum with some slight sapphic tendencies, and a lot more aro than ace, so my taste for adult romance books tends to be on the explicit side rather than the sweet and chaste side. Like, I don’t wanna read books that are afraid of the part where the sapphic characters are attracted to one another and wanna act on it, you know? And sometimes I come across books that seem to be very afraid of bodies.
For YA, obviously my tastes are a bit different, and I prefer things not be explicit. (While also not like, hiding that teenagers have sexualities.) I’m including some YA sapphic recs because I’m fairly well-read in YA stuff and it never hurts to have more books.
Historical Recs
Pretty much any sapphic novel by Olivia Waite. You cannot go wrong with Olivia Waite! She usually writes in early to mid 19th century England. Her books hit a good blend of cozy and spicy, and the heroines are always doing something like, running a con to bring down exploitative industrialists or similar.
I just finished An Island Princess Starts a Scandal by Adriana Herrera and while it’s certainly got its over-the-top at moments (the butch duchess and the femme heiress do absolutely hook up in the butch duchess’s private box at the opera) it’s over-the-top in ways that I personally found fun. It’s set in 1880s Paris and both of the heroines are Latin American, and it’s interesting seeing the way the book shows the ex-pat communities and the artsy sapphic communities in Paris at the time.
Contemporary Recs
Cleat Cute by Meryl Wilsner is about soccer lesbians and as someone who imprinted on Bend it Like Beckham I recommend it very much. It had a surprise neurodivergence storyline I wasn’t expecting that took delight in all the same.
Honey Girl by Morgan Rogers is EXCELLENT. It’s more on the line between sapphic romance and coming-of-age novel, so some of it feels more character arc focused than romance focused, but it’s a great “young adult figuring things out” story.
Delilah Green Doesn’t Care by Ashley Herring Blake and For Her Consideration by Amy Spalding are not my top top tier recs but they do have charming ensembles of characters surrounding the story.
Young Adult
Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo: I mentioned this on my longer recs list, but it’s getting a mention a second time because I cannot fathom why more people I know haven’t read it. Forbidden love in 1950s San Fransisco! Self-discovery! Family history! Chinese-American history! The Cold War! And I feel like it hits so many of the same emotional beats and complex approaches to characters that Young Royals does, so I’m determined that every Young Royals fan should at least try it.
The Love Curse of Melody McIntire by Robin Talley: Robin Talley’s written some not so good books over the years but I think she’s finally finding her niche with this one and with Pulp and Music from Another World. This book is set over the rehearsal of a high school theatre group putting on Les Miserables, and it’s told from the point of view of the stage manager who is NOT supposed to fall in love with one of the female leads but she does. Part of the book is told through stage manager emails and it’s truly hilarious if you’ve ever been involved with theatre in any capacity.
Imogen, Obviously by Becky Albertalli: Becky Albertalli gets a bad rep for being like, the vanilla-vanilla cupcake with no sprinkles of LGBTQIA+ writing? Which is just not fair and it’s such a mischaracterization of her as a human being and a writer, and a lot of it also comes down to how her books have been adapted and marketed. I could go on about that but ANYWAY I like this book and how it grapples seriously with things like bi erasure (Becky’s drawing from her own life here) while also having silly college kids engaging in Antics and jokes about a giant sculpture of scissors.
…and that’s my rec list for now! I hope this list helps and that you are having a great day!
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shazzeaslightnovels · 4 months
Stellar Step 1
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Author: Shogo Hayashi
Illustrator: Ancotaku
Label: MF Bunko J
Release Date: 25 January 2023
My Score: 4/5
The story takes place on an earth devastated by a meteorite crash event. After the event, new nations were formed and they went to war over their territories. Instead of fighting with soldiers and armies, however, the wars are fought with idol battles. The story follows Rain, a top class idol who has never lost. But then she meets Hana, a girl who wants to become an idol that everyone loves, and loses to her in a rehearsal match. Rain finds herself wanting to meet Hana again and a special bond forms between the two of them.
This ended up being a very nice surprise. The story felt generic at first with it hitting predictable plot beats and taking itself a bit too seriously, despite the silly premise. I also found it hard to get invested in the plot at first as it was unclear why these nations were at war in the first place. But there were so many twists that I did not see coming that caught me off guard to the end of the volume. Reading this after the first volume of Shibou Yuugi de Meshi wo Kuu, I was happy to see Rain forming relationships with others and growing as a character. It made her a lot easier to get invested in, even as her character arc felt predictable. Her relationships with the others were sweet and I like that her forming a connection with Hana leads to her forming deeper relationships with other characters. And some of my complaints about the beginning were addressed in the narrative later on in a way that made the issue feel intentional. As an example, it's unclear why the nations are at war and what they get from the War Stage where the idols compete, because Rain doesn't know and she doesn't care. She only cares about winning. So it makes sense why the reader wouldn't understand the stakes of the War Stage because the narrative is told through Rain's eyes. I ended up really enjoying this volume and I want to read more and find out what happens next.
Given that I got this at the same time as Shibou Yuugi de Meshi wo Kuu, for the same reason (they both ranked highly in KonoRano 2024), and the two have protagonists that start off in a similar state, I find myself wanting to compare the two. When I compare them, Stellar Step comes out on top. Shibou Yuugi was slightly more entertaining, but I didn't become invested in the story or the characters, the way that I did with Stellar Step. I do think that Shibou Yuugi has more long-lasting appeal though. I can see Shibou Yuugi going on for a long while yet, while Stellar Step doesn't feel like it has enough plot to go on for longer than 2 or 3 more volumes without becoming stale. There is one big difference between the series though: despite feeling like it might be heading towards being tragedy porn in the beginning, Stellar Step is ultimately about tearing down oppressive systems and keeping hope. Whereas Shibou Yuugi, based on the first volume, has no interest in tearing down the oppressive system at the core of it's premise. At the end of the day, I prefer stories about changing unfair things rather than accepting them, which is why I ultimately prefer Stellar Step.
There are a couple of other things I want to quickly address. The series does have a slight yuri element, but I would be shocked if it ended up having an explicit romance between Rain and Hana. The two don't come off as romantic and it doesn't feel like it's heading in that direction. Also, boy idols and adult idols are not mentioned as being a thing in this universe. All the idols we see are young girls. This is pretty typical of idol series, but it makes me want to see an idol series that focuses on both boy and girl idols at the same time (bonus points for non-binary idols as well).
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firespirited · 4 months
Silo is great TV. Well written, well acted, well designed, decent pacing and stakes, a few clichés and odd accent choices here and there but a solid thrilling story.
I'm just a little burnt out on sci-fi noir, especially with a cliffhanger. Noir and the dystopia are the main sci fi types that get adapted or even get big and I've been reading or watching it for thirty years now. I just don't enjoy the catharsis of finding the truth at great cost unless there's a significant arc of character growth involved at this point and that's not something the descriptions or reviews mention.
That's the nugget of gold I'm looking for: it was present in the final episodes of Station Eleven, it was in Altered Carbon s2 Takeshi encountering his clone at a different stage in life, to cite recent examples. Sometimes the premise is the compelling factor which is why I'll probably watch Foundation and hope it isn't another noir but in the future =p.
I just don't care about the world building or sets anymore. Last year I watched a show set in some garage with styrofoam and hardware store props made to look like a futuristic prison cell and and it was compelling anyway. The noir is built on grief then some satisfaction at finding out why, how and maybe fixing it for the future. Ok, well I've done that a hundred times at least so it needs to end properly and have serious character growth. Hopefully the next season or more will complete the arc and story. I reserve my judgement for now, it's a solid story but it's just a noir like too many others.
I feel like we need a descriptor for sci fi stories stories so people like me, with dystopia 'survival' or dystopia 'noir' fatigue, can tell from a word that this one is different.
I actively avoid the survival genre but made an exception for Station Eleven because of the deliberate subversion (almost gave up on it too), I would like to know when to make exceptions or just strap in for a noir story because I don't hate them, I just need to be in the right head space.
I'm thinking the larger problem is might be a problem of reviewers: long term viewers of genre TV that are less focused on the mechanics/aesthetics of the worlds and quality of the acting/writing and a big picture view: is this character study satisfying? Is this a novel way of exploring social dynamics or are we rehashing class struggle but with different terms.
The Expanse did all that great but lost me once we moved away from character growth and other forms of sentience and the mess of season 3 which was ye olde lord of the flies with adults, army surplus props and probably in Vancouver. Do you have any idea how many times that's been done since the late 90s? You have any idea what kind of intense character study it would take to get me to watch Yellowjackets? It would have to be all bottle episodes, no mystery, no strategic withholding to keep you hooked, just full truth then psychological deep dives.
Anyway good TV, probably fantastic books.
I enjoyed Childhoods End so much more despite stupid pacing, surface level farm dude,a 'bad' end, and Charles Dance in a ridiculous modern-Satan-lore rubber costume because it made me wonder and ponder ethics at mass scale. (here's hoping Foundation tackles that) That felt fresh.
8/10 - gripping, really enjoyed the engine repair, the glimpses into smaller character's lives. There's a brief shot of a wheelchair user being carried up stairs so I'm guessing folks like me just live on their level and don't travel. Obviously I knew it was noir from the first episode and it was good enough for me to stick with it and probably get the books from the library (I really hope season 2 gives us more growth for Juliette and her people and I'd like more sci fi that expands the mind with wild concepts and brave hopes. ) .
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herwrittenuniverse · 2 years
My Honest (and long AF) Review of The Dragon Prince: Season 4
So - after coming hot off the press (literally just watched the last episode no less than 5 minutes ago), I have some thoughts on this season.
This is a long recap, just FYI.
First...I didn't think this season was as good as Seasons 2 and 3. I understand the objective was different, and it didn't have the same 'feel.' That's fine - I actually felt like it was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows all over again...going around, finding clues about Aaravos...are horcruxes next? (IYKYK) In any event, the promo for this season was excellent, but I don't think it lived up to the hype.
But here's the thing.
They are going up to Season 7. I feel like this season was a filler for what's to come...the show is definitely in a transition phase right now and it needs to develop the plot. The creators have only 9 episodes a season to work with. Up until this season, I felt like everything was spaced out fairly, and the pacing felt right. The arc of Seasons 1-3 was about the war, and it was linear. This season has a lot more to develop and resolve.
On that note...this season seemed a little rushed, but I understand why it seemed so. None of us (including the creators) were sure that it would get renewed, and when it did, the nine episode timeline per season was the standard. I can forgive that - the show has already proven that it is amazing and I have no doubt that I will enjoy the 2nd half of the series.
Having said this, there were moments where I truly held my breath. I felt like the first two episodes were S L O W, but it picked up with the duel between Ibis and Claudia. Someone DID predict that Ibis would die (I saw in the comments section on Instagram and I can't remember who, sorry) because Callum was seen with his staff in some promo images. Keen eye and good call...I just didn't think it would actually happen, and a bit graphically for a straight-up kids show, too. The cinematography with Ezan's speech and the duel, along with Corvus' piece...'twas very beautiful and poignant. And the tension created when Ibis uses Claudia's own fang against her...only to have Terry kill him...really, an epic moment for TDP.
From there on, I felt the material turned a bit twisted and dark, and I am here for it. While this season was slower, action-wise, it really focused on the dialogue and character development. Seeing Callum be controlled by Aaravos was really gut-wrenching, and then having him request that Rayla kill him if anything goes wrong...'tis a very mature request for a character to make for a child's show. (Also...it was cool that they featured Callum as the statue for the opening of that episode, but was confused when he was featured in only one. I hope they switch it up from time to time.)
I feel like Claudia is truly following in her dad's footsteps and will probably meet a terrible demise eventually...but maybe there's hope for her in Terry. Holy shit, I STAN Terry. He is like Claudia's conscience. He's so good and goofy...the discussion with Viren about what he did to protect Claudia was a standout moment for me. Another one was in the last few minutes of episode 9, when Terry tells Claudia how terrible it was to deceive Rayla - again, another great moment for TDP writers. The fact that they are so clearly discussing hard feelings (or 'big feelings,' and the brothers affectionately call them) really makes me applaud this show. This is the kind of stuff kids (and adults, tbh) need to see. (Also, do we think someone bad is going to happen to Terry, which will ultimately turn Claudia either completely good or completely evil?) [Edit: I seemed to have completely missed the dialogue and parts where Terry comes out as trans, and it just makes me love this character and TDP writers even more.]
Along that note, I'm SO GLAD the Moonshadow Elf coins showed up in this season, even if it was for a few minutes. I'm hoping that we see some resolution with them in Season 5. (I'm sure this was an easy prediction, but I did figure out that Runaan and Rayla's parents were inside the coins back in Season 2.)
Another comment about the writing...I always felt like the writing was strong for this show, but at moments, it felt a bit disjointed. I understand this is a kids show and all, but when I think of ATLA (my favorite show of all time) and Steven Universe, the humor and story were always interwoven seamlessly. The juvenile humor (especially in the first three episodes or so) kind of missed the mark for me. Like, why are you talking about Terry's farts when Viren is straight up having a panic attack and about to fall off a cliff? Just...no.
In addition...I DO want Viren to have a redemption arc, but I'm not sure if it's possible. It can go either way, and I'm curious about what the writers will decide. Viren stated in Episode 1 of season 4 that perhaps he should enjoy his thirty days and live the rest of his life in peace. So there's a bit of hope in that. But...will evil shine through? (Also, did you notice in the animations at the end, that Viren visibly fainted and needed assistance upon using his magic? Interesting...)
Some positive notes...
I absolutely loved seeing Amaya and Janai full on experience their love. The conversation with Kareem about their symbolism of marriage was so prevalent, especially in the light of a LGBTQ+ conversation. While I don't identify as being part of the community, I identify as an ally, and I know what the importance of marriage is to my LGBTQ+ friends. (Also, "just have two cakes" was such excellent advice.)
Seeing more of Zubia was excellent too, and although her humor was a bit juvenile as well, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the personality of the archdragons. Rex Igneous was an WONDERFUL addition to the family. So much more complex and likeable then Sol Regem. And the gift being a chocolate tart? Go Ezran! I hope we see more of Rex in following seasons.
AND! Soren and his little dragon friend! Calling on "YIP YIP" to have her go! I actually screamed. I hope we see our angry she-dragon again. I just want Soren to have a dragon friend, ok??? (Also, no bonus sketch of Appa in the credits??? Missed opportunity!)
One last important note before I wrap up...the tension between Rayla and Callum upon her return...while it drove me crazy to no end, I absolutely dig and respect the choices that the writers made. And it's true...when someone abandons your for two years, you can't just expect to pick right up when they come back. It's going to take time to heal. In the last episode, when Callum thought Rayla was gone, and he began openly sobbing...ugh, my heart. I'm glad they ended the season with them embracing. You know they still love each other. And really, I just want them to make out. Let's go, Season 5!
Last thought - do we think Ezran will be related to the human girl who discovered Aaravos' secret? I think so. Rex even said, "You remind me so much of her." Or something like that.
Also, a bonus thought...could Aaravos somehow be working through Kareem? It would explain why he turned so quickly on his sister. Or...he could just be at odds with her.
Well, it better not be three years until we see Season 5. Internet rumors tell me the season will come out in July 2023, and I hope that's true.
Feel free to sound off in the comments. If you made it this far through my ramblings, I applaud you.
And yet another bonus thought - the creators said we would see more LBGTQ+ characters. I have my bets on who they are. I'm curious if we have the same thoughts.
Thanks for reading!
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antisociallilbrat · 1 year
I agree, Eddie's death was such a 'Steve death' moment when he died in Dustin's arms after saying he loves Dustin. Also, all of those convos between Eddie and Dustin would normally have been applicable for Dustin and Steve instead, and as you said, it is obvious the writers killed Eddie to give Dustin a more personal grief arc for S4 and S5, else why make Eddie as Dustin's brother figure specifically and have him die in Dustin's arms? They didn't even let Dustin be there at the hospital scene with the other Party members. He was spending time grieving Eddie and talking to Wayne instead, like... there is a reason why they showed Dustin's grief over Eddie. He was practically the only one grieving over him with Wayne and he was the one whose grief we had to focus on as the audience. And I love Steve, but if the Duffers actually were open to killing their main cast, they would have killed Steve instead. That's why it's kinda 'of obvious' to me that Steve is pretty much the safest character out of all the other characters, he not only is a main character but also a fan favorite. But I think since Eddie became such a popular character, the Duffers will focus on his character more via Dustin's grief in the next season. I doubt they'd bring him back though, but they'd most likely give Dustin a more focused arc regarding Eddie, possibly similar to Nancy's grief regarding Barb.
Yeah we're definitely going to be seeing Dustin grieving over Eddie in some capacity in season five. Although with the supposed time jump, I wonder how much we'll see of it.
What I would like to see would be a scene with Dustin and Mike talking about Eddie. Dustin filling Mike in what had happened with Eddie and them grieving Eddie together because Mike also had a link with Eddie. Also I just want more Dustin and Mike scenes in general, let other characters interact with each other Suffer Brothers!
I'm also hoping that since it's the final seasons, characters lives will actually be at stake because what the Suffer Brothers are doing right now, giving the main cast plot armor, is a disservice to the audience, or at least ones that like good storytelling.
Yes no one wants their favorite character to die but the story is more meaningful? (I don't think thats the word I'm looking for) when there's real threats to them. You should be sitting on the edge of your seat as your fav is up against a threat, you shouldn't be able to just assume they're safe just because they're apart of the main cast.
Characters dying can add more depth to them or complete their arc, make them more well rounded. And I'm not saying the Suffer Brother should go all walking dead with the main characters, but it would be nice to actually have to hold my breath and hope that my fav makes it out alive. The threat to their life should feel real. You want to feel emotion as you watch a show. The Suffer brothers have done this already, the Max scene killed me but that's still not permanent death. We know she's coming back and I hate that we know she's coming back, ya know? Just like with Hopper in season three.
Also none of main cast dying makes the villains look so lame. If Henry Creel can't kill one of the main characters, he's a poorly written villain. This is entirely my opinion though. And no he didn't even kill Eddie technically so it doesn't count.
I'll say my last point on this. The Suffer Brothers took a lot of inspiration from Stephen King's It. If you follow my blog you've seen me talk about this. And that is so ironic because King kills main characters in It. We don't even get to see much of adult Stan because he dies before the adult characters reunion. Then there's Eddie who died in the final battle, showing the threat against them was very real. King only had to one character during that battle to show that.
ALSO there's like SEVEN main character's in It and he killed TWO of them. I'm just saying
Thank you anon for your thoughts, I always love talking about stuff like this!
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waywardsunlight · 1 year
3x02 Thoughts
Spoilers below
- Things I was spoiled for before the episode: saw that ghost!caleb was going to haunt Belos in writing, saw a screencap of possessed Raine. - Amity wants to be a writer!!! :D I was kind of wondering about what she was interested in doing bc we’ve talked about Gus wanting to be a representative to the human realm and Willow has flyer derby and Hunter has palismen carving and Luz, of course, wants to be a witch (and maybe an artist too). So it feels nice to get what amity wants to do. Also nice to see them together. - MURDER CAVE!!! It’s back and bigger than ever!!! I was kinda hoping that Caleb had moved on, and while I can see the spin on this that Belos is just seeing things because of “guilt” (hmm...) I kinda doubt it. Caleb is giving me death omen energy. The scene when Belos tried to possess that grimwalker was super cool though. - I’m unhappy about the whole puppet thing. I get it, but it actually dampers my enjoyment a little to see that happen to these characters because I really can’t imagine two months of being like that, especially for Darius and Raine (and Eber), and even like... Perry and Willow’s dads.) It’s p bad and I know they can turn back but I hope we get to really see them again before the end of the show, like I hope it gets reversed before halfway through next episode because I’m gonna cry and scream if we don’t get the adults fighting alongside the kids. Also it just really sucks that Belos didn’t possess Odalia fr.  - King. That’s the whole point here. -Aside from the puppet stuff, the Collector is growing on me a little. I like that he let Eda and Lilith out because he saw how much King loved Eda. I love his vibe, he’s very special to me. I like the outfit he put Odalia in, she looks nice lmao. I hope he realizes that he needs to make his own friends and put the effort in and goes off somewhere else to grow because that would make me happy. - I don’t like the Raine possession, it makes me sad and I’m worried we won’t get to see them enough before the end of the series because we already missed out on them in this episode. Same with Darius but oh well. It also flags some bad tropes about poc being possessed for white people narrative (like... Raine is Eda’s love interest and it feels that this choice was only made for Raeda which I’m sure is correct and even though I love that couple I think there were better ways to deal with it but I hope they surprise me. -I don’t like Boscha’s redemption (She’s giving Belos codependant energy a little and it’s funny that she focuses on Amity when Skara is right there although Skara knows Skara deserves better) but I liked the Hexside stuff still and Matt. I like him more now that we had more time with him and bc looking glass ruins. -And the topic of the hour, apparently... Huntlow. I think it’s cool that Willow kind of starts as someone who ignores the bad things around her and learns to accept them and be okay with crying, that’s cool. Willow really needed that. I don’t like that Hunter has magic but I didn’t mind the Huntlow, it didn’t bother me that much because I liked what they did with her arc and how they got there, even if I’m still not happy about magic Hunter (that better be the only magic he got istg). 
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eternalpassions · 1 year
Do you personally like Yuki's character apart from her relationship with the two male leads , she doesn't even feel like a good mother to me , she leaves Ai alone to go threaten vampires bothering zero , for me she is one of the most selfish characters i have come across who are said to be protagonist .
I was kinda hoping for this kind of question lol
It’s complicated honestly. When I was like 13 when I got into this story I didn’t like hate her or anything but I also thought she was kinda dumb lmao
Now when I read the manga I think she had some likable qualities in arc 1. She tried her best, she was pretty cute and you could tell she was a lot more genuine than she is now. Yes, she was still stupid and annoying lmao but she had potential. She was a human girl. She had her own beliefs like wanting humans and vampires to get along. Yes, she was weak but she was actually working towards her big ideals in her own ways by being a guardian and she was only 16 at the time. I really wish Hino had given her more of an individualist arc besides revolving around the love triangle 😒
Then she became beautiful physically which I liked in arc 2. She chilled out a bit but her personality basically became almost a an apathetic zombie. She was kinda lost and just aimlessly trying to make a difference.
VKM was a big opportunity to actually give her development as a heroine. But it didn’t happen. Basically yes she loves Ai but even then she still screws her over with her selfishness. Not caring about how Ai had to make an adult decision at 8 years old that caused her heartbreak. Like damn it at least talk to her about it 😂She raised Ai for her childhood but yea at times neglects her to defend zero to a group a boujee vampires which I don’t know how that did anything lol… But I mean parents make mistakes so yea and she was a young mother. I loved seeing her and Ai moments tbh. I think it’s cool how she made herself react from depression and focused on Ai especially given how young she was when she went through all that. Given she was raising Ai while working and still dealing with depression. Which brings me to my next point…
She says she’s focusing on work but what did she really accomplish? Vampire society never stopped looking at her with disdain until it got to the point where he own daughter had to do her job for her. And she runs off with zero to play with sand dunes for the next decade or so. Like damn it even Ren did more lol. VKM said she grew to be a capable adult young woman and I was like ???? I think the only useful thing she did was running away and leaving Ai to take over lmao
So to answer your question besides the love triangle she had some potential in the beginning. But she never grew out of being immature selfish and just incompetent. Hino never really bothered to focus on her character much as an indivdual and it was mostly always tied to the male leads. Maybe the most she did was being a loving mom to Ai in the best way she could. She’s just very badly written heroine imo lol which really disappoints me cuz I wanted to root for her lol
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the-nysh · 2 years
Tank you for reading all those asks ><, you make a good point on the Deku imitation, it harkens back to a old theory (back around the 120 chapter mark) regarding how their extremes are flaws and they couldt o too far into the other before they find balance-and as the story has panned out, they still have a lot to talk about before they get to balance, I do have issue in that Deku is generally successful enough whereas Bakugou's failures are more absolute, when it comes to imitation. 1/3
Deku has OFA , others to bail him out while still progressing and being healthy. That aside, focusing on Bakugou, the story is showing him that his original mindset led to All Might being gone, while imitating Deku leads to someone else being gone (and in 285, barely able to help after the sacrificial play so getting Deku's lessons early in the story in the end half.) So for his character, maybe that is what Horikoshi wants to show, but framing it with SnS and the commentary of the older 2/3
heroes sacrificing themselves as heroic in such a overstated way, the subtler consistency of certain kinds of imitation leading to failure doesn't come through strongly and feels muddled with other possible interpretations. So I still feel uncomfortable on the glorification of sacrifice in the story when it is presented (and the selective consequences) which is just personal preferences, rather than writing critique. I am hoping what you wrote will come to pass, 3/3.
Exactly - it’s that more healthy, learned balance I’m waiting for. (Rather than them completely flipping or role-reversing to the opposite extremes to their self-detriment.) And we’ll see if the Toga battle highlights more of these themes. But also the things you mention account for why I prefer Kacchan as a more interesting/compelling character in general.
Also ShiggyAfO made a point criticizing the heroes, stressed on waning numbers already, for bringing in kids to fight their war - basically setting them up to die. :’) So there’s the message that kids with bright futures really shouldn’t be forced to sacrifice themselves like this - because it’s the job of the adults to properly nurture and guide their futures. So you can also read it as the adult heroes taking responsibility for their mistakes by doing everything in their power to save a kid (Kacchan) and ensure the future, than to ever allow him (and the future - that AfO wants to impede) to die.
Whether it’s ‘right’ or glorified for the adults to sacrifice themselves for the next generation is one thing, but I’ve been getting the message it isn’t right for the kids to sacrifice themselves to the extremes either (including for Deku during his lone self-destructive arc) as it will be up to them to set the new course for a better/improved society - hopefully one where it doesn’t require such tragic/unhealthy sacrifices & consequences anymore either. But yee, we’ll have to see what ‘solution’ Hori comes up with.
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wisdomssdaughterr · 2 years
Me too! Like I was soo ready for Steve to have something major happen to him since everything was pointing it in the first volume!! He had all of these injuries which lol I’m still pissed that nothing even came out of that!! Literally no one even patched him up like they give him tons of injuries and I know it’s a TV show but at the same time show the lasting effects of that!! And what’s even worse is that this time it’s two days instead of a few months like how it normally is!! Steve and the others shouldn’t have even be fully okay or anything! They still should have been struggling to stand and they fully put emphasis on Steve’s injuries. Lol I know I keep saying this but I’m still pissed. YOURE SO RIGHT!!! They are really good at platonic relationships!! And then somehow force them to be romantic like jancy and mileven can be amazing as friendships but the romance ruins them both for me!!
Honestly yeah he really needs to gun for everyone!!! Like it just makes sense that he’s soo pissed that theyve helped defeat him! Also they’re everything that he’s pissed At but everything that he stands for. Ughhh I really hope they do something with it next season but like I’m way too worried that it won’t mean anything sooo. I want the same ending!! Like yeah I want the angst but as much as I love that I need a bittersweet ending. These characters have gone through sooo much!! And I need them to be happy! They have a unique bond and it would be sooo interesting to finally use/show that!! Like I know they’re bond as been used to defeat the evil but imagine how much more impactful it would be if it’s the final battle!! It’s their fight and they’re going to win because of their fight!!
Omg they really did reduce him to the stupider one in season 3!! YES!!! I really wish they would focus more on different types of intelligence!! But they only focus on one type and like I really think it shows how they view intelligence!! Which sucks cuz it also has bad vibes! Like idk sometimes I really think st has amazing messages and then I think about the other messages they’re unintentionally trying to say and I’m like :/ 😬
sometimes I think the writers or just the duffers of st forget half of the things they do in this show lol like stop beating the shit out of steve if you’re literally never going to bring it up again. it’s so unnecessary at this point and doesn’t add anything to the story. I just wish there were more consequences, you know? and yes! st has a lot of good platonic relationship, and if they focused on them more rather than trying to force certain relationships those friendships would be even more meaningful !
I really hope next season is everyone stuck together in hawkins, and by the sound of it that’s what we’re getting. but I want the groups more tight knit. I really want to see all the kids together, with no adults to really bring it back to season 1 and the core of what this show is.
so much and so little happens with steve character. l like he had a good arc and amazing direction when they paired him with dustin, but then they dumbed him down in season 3, and really didn’t do much or continue his arc in season 4. there’s just so much potential to heighten the stakes and make us love steve even more (is that’s possible) but they’re too focused on his love life. and I understand that that is a core part of his character. he has a big heart and wants to share it with someone, but I think it’d be so much more meaningful if he finds that in his lesbian best friend and the party members. romantic love isn’t the only kind of love that can make you feel whole, obviously. so I wished they really took that idea and ran with it for steve
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Warning. Contains spoilers for stranger things season 4
Finally watched the 4th season of stranger things after dodging the internet and any major spoilers. However from time to time I’d see vague(luckily) reactions to Will and ppl being upset with Mike. I went into the season expecting Mike to be a jerk at some point but I get to the scene in the car and even though I’m super straight I could see Will was practically confessing to Mike and was just sad bc he knows Mike is super in love with El and won’t return those feelings.
This doesn’t make Mike the bad guy. He can’t help who he loves any more than Will can apparently. So I’m lost at how Mike is the worst person. This season a lot of characters were going through their own things inside their own heads but everyone had came around by the end including Mike who definitely apologizes to Will from the standoffish behavior when he 1st came to visit. So idk if the reactions I seen were being malicious or was just reacting bc they were hurt and felt bad for Mike. I just don’t see how Mike is the worst person in the world bc he won’t return those feelings. And it’s not like Will outwardly confessed to get an actual ‘sorry I see us as just friends’ or even a not so kind rejection.
Speaking of romance I am not sure I appreciated this whole redirect of Nancy still having some chemistry with Steve. Even though he did have a big character arc over the seasons and has completely become one of the most lovable characters in the show I can’t see him and Nancy back together. Like just bc they kept Jonathan away to create tension with college issue and have other characters point out how much Nancy cared about him or him about her doesn’t make it okay. Idk. I mean shit happens over time people can naturally drift a part. It’s quite possible Nancy will drift apart from Johnathan and back to Steve.
But overall I enjoyed this reason a lot. The group being split into 3 (counting the adults) and each part was interesting none one of the changing scenes were clearly the least exciting one. Everyone had a relevant role to play.
My other other thoughts after finishing it late last night is that by the end Max was brought back to life. This is the 1st time someone confirmed dead was brought back. Correct me if I’m wrong but everyone who’s died on screen has stayed dead so far. And you can reasonably hold on to hope for Hopper bc we never actually saw a body. But in spite of Lucas fighting his little scrawny butt off and El trying her very best Henry still got to Max and killed her, setting off the chain of events at the end. Idk what El did but I was surprised to see her alive(but unconscious) in the hospital rather than a gravestone. And no one seems to know what she had done as everyone is like ‘it’s a miracle’ and the cam kinda focuses on El’s face. What are going to be the repercussions of bringing someone to life for her? She’s never used her powers like that before. And what’s going to happen to Max. Her eyes were damaged so she probably won’t be able to see. But I’m sure they’ll have an explanation in the next season but this was something that’s been on my mind.
Final thing on my mind is Will is about to play a vital role for the next/last(?) season since it got ominous with Will saying he could feel Henry. If this the last season it feels right since (finding/saving)Will was the focus in season 1. So with it ending with Will makes it all come full circle. I can’t wait for the next season to drop
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Week in Review
05/19/2024 – 05/25/2024
Week 15 of missing Cipher Academy
Had to head out on a day trip, but before I did I quickly read the new Undead Unluck chapter. This was mainly a set-up chapter, disseminating the information we’ve learned from the Language fight and preparing for the next arc, but wow I never expected that we’d see Fuuko’s parents… I have a feeling that the next arc is going to be pretty emotional…
Oshi no Ko 149: I think Kana and Akane should just get together instead. Seeing Akane pull her Machiavellian schemes is funny, though.
Dandadan 152 and 153: Dammit the mangaka has got me again with the tragic backstory. I think they’ve really perfected their craft in this regard – they don’t get too long-winded about it, instead focusing on presenting specific images and moments that tell a much bigger story. Seeing the myriad of stickers in the apartment on the doors and counters at kid-height was so…the place just felt really lived in and realistic, making the tragedy hit even more as Zuma’s mom begs to stay. Zuma covering his little brother’s ears was also a nice touch, and we understand right away what their brotherly relationship must’ve been like. But then the silence as his little brother loses his umbrella…and we just see Zuma’s desperation and the aftermath… His mom’s cold grip around his wrist and then those last few panels are just so so horrible, especially the one where you can see Zuma trying his best to hold his mom back… I also appreciated this thematic thread of “people placing the blame on individuals rather than the lack of support infrastructure and the ways modern society crushes the less fortunate under its heel”, it makes sense why Zuma would feel angry towards the entire world and how it’s failed his family.
Magilumiere fine. Feels like textbook final fight stuff.
Chainsaw Man fine. The narrative just feels so…aimless and vague.
Rewatched some Succession episodes just to feel something. Season 3 episode 5 will always be a favourite for the absolute chaos it brings, but this time I really enjoyed Tom likening him and Shiv to sorority sisters whose cycles have synced up…he’s so girlcoded it’s insane. And then I watched season 4 episode 7 for the satisfaction of watching Tom and Shiv’s marriage blow up – I have their argument almost memorized by now.
Against my better judgement, I stayed up and read The Unusual Suspects by Michael Buckley in pretty much one sitting, and was fairly underwhelmed. As with the first book in this Sisters Grimm series, I love the premise and setting of this story, but the actual writing leaves a lot to be desired. Finding out that Buckley’s writing career started in TV makes so much sense, because his book writing is so bland and uninspired. The characters are fun and have decently enjoyable dialogue, but the descriptions lack any real finesse or artistry. Things just happen one after another like a TV writer marking out a beatsheet, and the comedic bits are the kind of wacky hijinks you’d find in the platonic ideal of a 2000’s Saturday morning cartoon. At least Sabrina had a semblance of an interesting arc, I guess…? In that she has to grapple with racism LMAO? And I guess Prince Charming’s gesture and her realization that her anger/racism was literally powering up the bad guy was a decent resolution, but I do hope the narrative stresses the importance of seeing “the other” as people in future instalments (and maybe throw in a human culprit for one of the mysteries). Also, I remembered the Puck/Sabrina romance as being more of a slowburn, but here they basically fall in love with each other on the flimsiest of basis and are doing the whole bickering/flirting thing right away…I think kid me was really excited at each crumb of ship content, but adult me wishes their romance had a subtler hand.
Went outside and had a life event, heh
Read a lot today, mostly just bits and pieces of various books in my search of a good one, but the only one I started in earnest was Between Two Fires by Christopher Buehlman. The hook was immediately gripping – a horror story set during the Black Plague – and I’m happy to find that the writing is evocative enough to match. The prose sets me in the time period and atmosphere immediately, and there are so many striking visuals that have stuck in my mind thus far. Unfortunately, in an inverse of Buckley, the dialogue writing is so bad it nears comical at points. Some of the passages literally read like bad sitcom banter, and it completely takes me out of the moment with its anachronistic tone. The only saving grace is that the conversations are usually short, I suppose.
DunMesh with leftover stir-fried lamb from a restaurant I went to on Wednesday. Episode good! Food good! Fun to see the Canaries make their anime debut at last.
I got fully invested and finished Part I of Between Two Fires. The dialogue still grates on me at times, but the wonderful prose keeps me going, as does the dreaminess of the plot – it really feels like an early canon work in how it moves between different locations and their self-contained stories, and while I saw some people say that they didn’t like the episodic nature, I think it really fits the tone. I was pleasantly surprised to see the priest join the party, I was really expecting the story to just revolve around Thomas and the girl, but the priest’s presence is welcome for how it adds another dimension to the group dynamic beyond the girl annoying Thomas with her innocent and inscrutable actions. I also didn’t expect so much gayness? I can’t tell if it’s just being used as a way to cast the priest as a sinful man (like with his drinking), but I’m going to enjoy the fujo crumbs regardless. Thomas’ fight against the river creature and the men’s stint in the illusory castle felt truly hellish, and you really get the sense that their world is pulling apart at the seams.
I started reading She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan today because I like to have a few books going at once, and I’m becoming cautiously optimistic that some actually good adult fiction books exist in the world. After some deliberation, I think I’ve come to the realization that what I really want in a book is for things to happen. As in, I’m sick and fucking tired of the 340523rd treatise on the fucking “human condition” – I’ve been through enough human condition and I don’t need to read 400 pages of melodramatic waffling as characters talk and talk and talk but actually do very little of consequence. But if I want to find a book where an actual journey occurs, my best chances are in the fantasy or sci-fi genres…which I also kind of hate reading lol. I hate being bombarded with impenetrable names and countries and factions before I even get the chance to care about them, so I usually avoid high fantasy/high sci-fi like the plague. But She Who Became the Sun is set in historical China, which I’m already familiar with and interested in, and the fantasy elements have been fairly light so far, so I’ve been greatly enjoying it. I especially like Parker-Chan’s prose, and how they build Zhu’s inner turmoil in Part One and her struggle between identity vs body and the central thesis of greatness vs nothingness. But once again, I’m floored by just how good the writing is when compared to some of the other books I’ve tried reading this week. I used to think that maybe adult fiction as a whole just wasn’t for me, but now I’m regaining hope that there are good books out there, I just have to find them…it’s a process, to be sure, when literally no other critics or BookTubers I can find share my tastes, but I’ll keep trying…
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