#i keep wanting to 'prev' things and realizing it's more of a pain now
exdeputysonso · 1 year
i have to assume tumblr staff fall on the side of being anti “prev” tagging since they made blog links not go to the posts anymore </3
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yeosbbm · 8 months
Since Way Back…
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Smut | MDNI
starring: toxic! wooyoung x moving forward! reader
genre: smut, reconnecting, exes to lovers, pinch of angst
summary: Wooyoung had a lot on his plate and due to feeling overwhelmed broke up with you, soon after seeing you out with someone else… he realizes he never really was over you..one of his attempts to win you back leads to you and him together in a hotel bed.
warnings/prevs: wooyoung toxic more so toxic in a sense he won’t let go, mirror sex, mentions of drinking, mention of masturbation, praise, dirty talk, exhibitionism, cunnilingus, protected piv
A/N: hey guys this week I haven’t been feeling well so the push it series has been paused, but a yunho fic will be out tmr LOVE YALL ! ciao 🫶🏾
“I feel like this is just what’s best for us you know?.”
Like a scene out of a terrible romance movie, he invited you over and you both drank coffee. The conversation started with a bland “how are you” “where’ve you been” exchange..you knew something was up within the past 3 months. Then he says it..crushing you. You had to keep yourself from dropping your cup and crying.
“I think we should break up..I just can’t pull you into everything that’s going on with me…I feel like this is just what’s best for us you know ?.” You sat wordlessly, biting your lip as if it’d burst. You both got through it, talking it out and sharing a last final embrace before you left the dorms.
He was able to date you through company policy but unable to be seen with you. Having to make you sign an NDA as if you were a painful secret. That with schedules, exhaustion, his mental, and life in general. He didn’t want you to get caught up in it. He didn’t want to press his stress and burdens onto you..and he felt that it was unfair. Unfair that he has to secretly refer to you..unfair you two can only go out if it’s dark out..unfair he can’t post and gloat about you, unfair he can’t love you how you deserve..so he thought it was best to let you go.
It’s been 6 months. You’ve had to piece yourself together. You got a new job as a brand ambassador, you have a workout routine, you go on walks/jogs now, you journal, you’ve been going on dates..though your feelings for them are short lived and still don’t compare to him yet.
“Healing” phase as most call it. Tonight you have another date that you met through a mutual friend.
You have on a black slip dress, light makeup and some cute wedges. You walked into the restaurant and search around for your date. You find him and you both talk and eat. However, it just wasn’t clicking. The conversation felt so one sided and it was as if he cared more about taking you home with him than getting to know you.
And of course, as if the universe wanted to play a funny but horrid joke on you two, Wooyoung walks into the same restaurant. He’s with San and Yeosang..they’re dressed somewhat smart but not anything too loud or else they’d be recognizable.
Wooyoung, looks around the restaurant with its low white light helping with the dim and minimalist design. Luxury but somewhat, bleak. However, something was pulling at him..his intuition made him seek something out. His eyes scan across the space, eyes darting across the many tables and people. Finally as if a blackhole controlled his vision… sucked all of his attention and gaze onto you.
His heart caved in. Seeing you there, your presence and beauty putting him in a state of pain and adoration. A peaceful harmony that gets squashed once he sees your plus one. You’re touching that guys arm..you’re smiling at him ? Wooyoung sees this guy’s gaze drinking you in, the same way he used to. He doubts that this guy sees the things he saw in you though.
Yeosang notices Wooyoung’s stare and his pause at the dining room entrance, “Everything ok ?” Yeosang whispers to Woo.
“Yea yea let’s find the table.” Wooyoung says with a shake of his head beginning to walk off.
San nudges Yeosang and lightly points over to your table. “Fuck..did you know she’d be here.” San shakes his head with his eyebrows raised in mutual surprise.
Later that night, you went home alone luckily after coming up with an excuse good enough to not go home with your date. Then you get a notif from “Kpop News” about an ateez member sighting and realize Wooyoung was just at the same restaurant…
Wooyoung couldn’t sleep that night. He tossed and turned; memories of you kept invading his head.
Your laugh, your love and care, the inside jokes and how your presence calmed him. A painful twinge hits his chest. Your curves, legs, lips..the way you cried out his name and how he’d have you shaking. He looks down and sees the tent in his pants. He had to relieve himself in the shower.
-The Next Morning-
“….Roses..?” You stare at the bouquet that was at your front door and inspect it. It was a beautiful combination of red roses, baby’s breath and black lace bows. You see a notecard stamped to the wrapping reading, “You looked lovely last night, hope you’re well.” You quirk a brow and assume your date was the one who sent it.
“Last night was nice and the roses are beautiful.” You texted and got a quick reply back.
“Roses ?”
You think he’s probably doing a little joke about not knowing about the roses but then you get a text, assuming it’s him admitting to his ruse but no, it’s from an unlabeled number.
“Did you get the flowers ?”
“Yess but who is this ?” Your mind ponders on who could send them anonymously, and which date would go out of their way to surprise you like this. Then it clicks, and your heart stops and you stare at your phone incredulously.
“Wooyoung ? …”
“Can we talk or can I see you sometime.” Sent . Wooyoung put his phone down without the screen facing up. He’s in the middle of a meeting with the members. Yeosang can sense what’s up. “A flower bouquet is bold…don’t you think” Wooyoung quits biting his nails and looks up at Yeosang annoyed. “I’m not getting back with her we just need closure.”
Translating to, he needs to see you again because watching you give yourself to someone else is eating at him. “Closure ? Sending roses is not what closure is,,” Wooyoung shrugs his shoulders, “So ?” Yeo rolls his eyes and begins to rub his forehead. “It’s ok to want her back Wooyo but be honest with yourself.” San reassures while patting his back.
“ You guys don’t understand...that guy she was with….absolute sleaze.” Wooyoung tried his best to hide his frustration.
“That doesn’t mean interfere with her love life now after 6 whole months..”
“Plus you’ve had your share of sleazy girls since then.” San carefully reminds Woo.
“ First of all there’s been one girl and it lasted 4 days max she was rude and showy and full of herself and…ANYWAYS.” How stressed he is has fully became transparent. “I just think she needs someone better and not as lame or boring..(like me).”
“What.” Yeosang clocked the last part immediately, his bestfriend was down bad.
Ding. You replied to Woo’s message. Wooyoung and Yeosang looked up at each other. “Well…answer her.” “Shit. What if she said no.” Woo covers his face with his hands “Then you’ll have to leave her alone.” Woo checks it, and makes a face of confusion. “She said ‘Meet and talk about what.”
You sat there staring at your phone and sigh. It’s not the first time Woo has interacted since the break up. He’d check on you every now and again. It is sweet but would sometimes make your chest hurt all over again.
You’re torn on meeting with him because the chances of you bringing your hopes up and it being a disaster, as well as it being better than you thought but the possibility of getting lost in old emotions and ruining your progress.
Fuck it.
“You have to respond to get a solid answer.” San chimes in.
“Well should I tell her just to talk and something to drink or-”
“She- she texted again” Wooyoung stares at the notification appalled.
“…well…..LOOK AT IT ?” San says while whacking Woo on the shoulder. All Wooyoung did was stutter and fumble his phone.
“Jesus Christ Woo.” Yeosang whispers sliding his hand down his face, exhausted from the ridiculousness. Yeosang picks up the phone and raises his brows.
“She said you could meet her, you need to choose the time and place.”
Hongjoong begins scolding the trio of guys for having a sidebar convo during the meeting. Whilst Hongjoong is lecturing them, Woo mentally starts planning for the date.
-The Date-
Wooyoung chose for you to meet him at this newer restaurant. He actually put a lot of thought into the meet. He sent you a dress a few days before once again leaving a note. “Can’t wait to see you in it.”
You were surprisingly excited about the date. You initially dreaded it because you couldn’t tell if when you saw Wooyoung if you’d cry or want to punch him in the chest. Plus the day before the you and your previous date got into a heated hurtful argument that had you emotional. So maybe seeing Wooyoung will help you feel better.
You walk into the restaurant early, needing time to prepare for seeing him face to face again. You talk to the hostess, “Hello I’m here for a reservation under the name Jung Wooyoung.” She types it out on her server, “Oh ! Yes, your plus one is already at the table.” God. You walk to your table and see Wooyoung sitting there.
He looks terribly handsome. You’re hoping you don’t look like a hopeless dope staring at him. You both chirped quick hellos to each other, Wooyoung is smiling which of course, is so contagious you smile as well. You take a seat and can smell his cologne. “You look gorgeous,,I’m glad you came to see me.” You fix your hair a bit and adjust yourself in your seat, all you can do is utter a “Thanks.” Your nerves were killing you and Wooyoung could tell. “Are you nervous..I know it’s been a while but it’s just me.”
You shrug and cross your legs. Wooyoung uses your lack of attention on him to stare at your body. He knew this dress would be the best fit. “Idk I guess I’m not sure how to feel about seeing you again.” You look up to see Wooyoung staring he’s observing you. He quickly grabs his glass and gestures the waiter over to pour you both a drink. “I understand what you mean…I’m nervous too…when I saw you a few days ago my heart dropped to my feet.” You remember the headlines about him being at the same restaurant.
He passes you your drink and takes a firm hold of his. He lifts it up. “But, anyway,, cheers to us getting over our fears.” Your heart isn’t speeding due to you finally relaxing. Wooyoung still looks handsome, flashing his prince like grin towards you. “Cheers.”
- Time skip -
It has been hours and you and Woo were still at the restaurant. Drinks upon drinks have been poured for you both but luckily, neither of you were drunk. Even little phases of being tipsy has passed. You guys talked about everything and reminisced about the past. The physical distance between you closed while you sat directly by him. This is the best conversation you had at a date in months.
Wooyoung was finishing a joke up before you both broke out in laughter you leaning into him and hiding your face in his shoulder. This made his heartthrob and he’s back to staring at you with heart eyes, you’re too caught up in your laughter to notice of course. You two’s laughter finally settles while you both returned to sipping your drinks.
“So..what about that guy…that you’re with.” You look up from your now half empty drink and squint. “Guy I’m with ?…I’m not seeing anyone ?” Wooyoung bites his lip and taps his hand on the table. “The guy at the restaurant.”
The argument you had with him the other day replays in your mind “..yea I don’t think I want to talk about him.” Wooyoung’s hand that’s next to your’s fully slides over on top and lightly squeezes. “If he did anything to you know I’ll ask the guys if-” You take your other hand from your drink and place it on his shoulder. “Wooyoung no, no we just got into an argument..we just didn’t mix well.” Woo relaxes a bit.
“What was the argument about..if I can be nosy…” You want to call his question nosy but you know you REALLY had to vent. “He thought we were taking things too slow, so stupid, we argued at a drive in and I cried. Ugh.” Wooyoung has to keep himself from clenching his jaw and balling his fist, the mere thought of someone talking to you sideways still angers him. “You don’t deserve that at all that guys a damn idiot.” However, through his anger he realizes this is a great opportunity plus when you two were together he’d always use humor + flirting to cheer you up.
“I remember when we argued I never made you cry..except you know every now and again.” Wooyoung smirks a bit. “You never made me cry when fighting what do you mean.” You laugh while trying to remember when he made you have anything but happy tears. Wooyoung leans back, manspreading his hand on your knee. “I mean in bed….”
A flash of heat runs across your face, you can’t tell if it’s from the margarita or flashbacks. Flashbacks of you falling apart on his dick and becoming a pliant mess for him. Tears welling in your eyes from pleasure while being praised by him.
Wooyoung’s eyes are on you and he licks his lips. You attempt to ignore his stare. “Of course that’s what you meant.” You turn your head away and wave the waiter over to bring another drink. Wooyoung is tracing light shapes into your knee and upper thigh, something you haven’t noticed till now and once again..must ignore.
Wooyoung sees the look on your face..it’s a face he knows all too well. When you’re starting to get needy.
“Is he as good.” Woo’s head is tilted and a sly smile plastered on his face. “At what..as a person..no he’s super shallow and lowkey is a fuckboy but..” You pause because of Woo’s chuckle.
“What’s so funny.” You’re smiling but heavily curious. “I mean is he as good as me…does he please you.” You feel another flash of heat, you adjust yourself on your seat and now realize how close you and Wooyoung are in this booth seat. You’re a leg movement away from being propped on his lap. “Mm we never really got to…you know.”
Wooyoung looks overjoyed to know you didn’t let him hit. A grin is now plastered on his face. “It’s not like he could handle you anyway..pussy would’ve destroyed him.”
You both laugh and lean into each other. “No but seriously, it’s not like anyone can do it like me.” You roll your eyes and sip your new drink. “Oh really.” Wooyoung’s hand on your knees gradually gets higher up. “Yes really I mean..I’d have you shaking from my hands alone.” Wooyoung experimentally brush his hand on your inner thigh, you know that this is wrong. Letting your ex get you all hot in public and letting them play with you under the table but. Fuck it.
You opened your legs up a bit more, giving Wooyoung the green light to do as he pleases. He lightly brushes his hand up and down your cunt through the thin lingerie. After some teasing touches he finally brings his hand down your panties.
You gasp and go to reach for his hand but he swats your hand away. “Shhh don’t want everyone to see how needy you are do you.” He rolls and rubs deep circles into your bud and lightly prods your hole, but never fully bringing it in. Your breath is shaky and he starts rubbing your clit faster making a small moan tumble from your mouth. “So wet…did you miss me that bad.”
“Let’s get outta here…..please.” Wooyoung smiles and takes his hands from your panties. He then takes his phone out to reserve a room at a hotel.
-At the Hotel-
You and Wooyoung finally walk into the room, it’s on the hotels highest floor, a penthouse. Wooyoung and you are pawing at each other and kissing fervently. He removes his shoes and jacket and unbuttons his dress shirt. You slide down the straps of your dress causing it to slide down a bit further showing your cleavage.
You and him finally get into the main bedroom. It has a large king bed with blunt but warm golden lighting and a grande body mirror in front of the bed.
“You’re not drunk right ? You actually want to do this..if not I’ll take you home right now..” you shush him with a quick kiss on the cheek. “I do…I’m sober.” Wooyoung nods assured and after looking at you once over ensuring you weren’t intoxicated, he goes in for a kiss.
The kiss is deep, it felt like no time passed between you both at all. The kiss made your knees knock and consumed you with heat, the sexual tension between you two finally being broken. He takes his hands and rubs up and down the back of your thighs and slides the bottom of your dress up to your waist and grips your ass. “Go to the mirror.”
You both step over to it, your dress still pulled up exposing your lower half. You can feel Wooyoung’s bulge straining his pants behind you. Without any hesitation Wooyoung pulls your panties to the side and begins playing with your folds, taking note of the amount of arousal already pooling there.
He wordlessly pumps a single finger in a while maneuvering to play with your clit. You let out small sighs and whines. “Only I’ve seen you like this right, nobody can even get you this wet can they?” He brings another finger in, you can hear your wetness and feel the vibrations of his fingers hitting the right spot flow through you. He alternates between slowly curling and scissoring them into you to finger fucking you without mercy.
Your eyes are closed, too lost in all the feelings. They flutter back open when he suddenly removes his fingers and goes in front of you. He pops the two fingers in his mouth and sighs of satisfaction. Then he gets on his knees.
“Hold this for me baby or I’ll ruin it.” You grab the front of your dress and hold it up for him. He pulls your panties fully down before licking along your slit, stopping at your clit to playfully flick it. Your knees buckle again but Wooyoung places a hand on your calf. “No. Stand and watch us.” You look back into the mirror, your eyes are in a daze and lips are plump and swole from the constant biting out of pleasure.
“None of them make you look like that.” Wooyoung heads back into your cunt and buries his face. Lapping and messily eating you out with no neatness. You struggle holding yourself up and having to see your own eyes sinful look in the mirror. He begins to raise his hands on your hips making you grind yourself on his face.
You look down momentarily and see Wooyoung looking up at you, his eyes giving nothing but a low intent stare. You’re riding his face and he sucks and tongues down your cunt, occasionally bringing a single hand down to use his fingers on your hole.
Soon it all starts straining and you can feel yourself on the brink of cumming. Wooyoung already knew that tho, and stops. Popping his mouth off your clit before pulling away. Before you can protest from the edging he backs you into the bed and takes his cock out. He reaches in his pocket and takes out a condom to put it on.
He opens your legs and begins to rub the tip across your folds and tapping it on your clit making you cry out from the stimulation. “Tell me if it’s too much.” It never was too much. However, Woo was cautious and you nodded. “What’s the color if you want to stop ?” You remember it automatically, “Red.” Wooyoung let out a soft grin and coo’s “Good girl.” then Wooyoung slides his cock in and begins deep stroking. You start to moan uncontrollably, feeling that one spot inside being constantly hit and prodded by his cock. Your moans spur Wooyoung on making him fuck into you harder.
Wooyoung bends your legs to your chest and starts making deeper thrust. He leans down and brings a breast into his mouth, nipping at teasing the bud while crashing his hips into yours.
“None of them can fuck you like I can, can they ?” You struggle to say an answer from the haze of pleasure you’re in. Wooyoung grabs your neck causing you to focus. “Did they ever make you cum baby?” He says in a fake empathetic tone. Finally you control your moans and utter your truthful answer. “ Barely, none of them,,they- they weren’t you.” A string of moans fell from you as Wooyoung’s dick kissed your cervix.
“That’s right, stand up for me baby.” He pulls out which makes you let out a quiet gasp by the sudden emptiness. He brings you back to the mirror and has you lean forward, hands on the wall from each side of the mirror. Your back naturally arches from the position and Wooyoung runs his hands down your back. He makes you look into the mirror. “Look at you, so so pretty I missed seeing you like this…I think about it every night.”
The face you saw wasn’t new..before you and Wooyoung went your separate ways he managed to pull this fucked out face out of you frequently. One hand is caressing your jaw while the other is sensually running it down your back. This bent over position has you anxious for more. “Wooyoung please..I need you.” Wooyoung places light kisses on your back. “What do you need.” You’re clenching around nothing, “Show me how much you missed me.” He aligns his cock at your entrance again and plunges right back in.
He fucks into you once more this time with a consistent rhythm that makes you see stars. You can’t help but get louder practically crying on his cock. He fucks you at a pace all too familiar, your body knew it like clockwork. Then you feel the build up inside crashing down. “Go ahead baby..cum I know you can’t take it.” The orgasm washes over you, making your muscles stiffen and eyes rolled back.
He continues to fuck into you, causing you to be overstimulated and tearing up. Skin slapping and both of your moans and pants fill the room for what feels like hours. You came all over his cock again and then after a few more moments of him chasing his own high, his cum spills into the condom.
He ruts into you a couple more times to ease himself through the orgasm. He hasn’t felt a release like that in so long, his vision is blurred in a sense and he shudders. With the small bit of strength he had left he pulled you close to him and backed you both onto the bed.
After disposing the condom and a shared shower you’re both in the hotel bed nude. Wooyoung laid on his back while your head rests on his chest, legs entangled with each others. His presence causing you internal chaos and bliss simultaneously.
But then, it dawns on you..what if this was a quick needed fuck. What if it’s all the same again tomorrow and you’re back to being strangers. You decide to get your hopes down and not allow them to rise.
“So when do you plan on leaving.” You whisper. Your expectations are tomorrow in the morning he’ll be gone and fade back into the wind as someone you once knew.
Wooyoung gives a puzzled look before shaking his head. “Not until whenever you want to leave..I’m staying y/n.”
“You’re crazy..” you run a hand over your face, avoiding his gaze. He holds you tighter, “I mean it y/n, I’m back for a reason, I can’t let you go…I’ll find a way for the both of us.”
You don’t answer knowing that you’ll short circuit and become another crying mess; tears from frustration from the past few months releasing and how he’s back after months of moving forward. As well as tears of relief and being glad he’s there.
He snuggles you closer onto him and begins whispering sweet nothings and a repetitive “I’ve missed yous”. In contrast of the sweetness he also has a firm hold of your body that screams possessiveness whilst also mumbling about how no man understands you or your body like he does.
Through the silence, Wooyoung can sense you’re still awake, and begins tracing shapes on your skin again. “Before all this what have you been up to.” You laugh from the sudden calm casual question.
“Mm what’s with the sudden interview.” You joke to him with a half smile, already falling asleep. He kisses your forehead and rubs your side.
“I can’t help but wonder how you’ve been babe.”
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barefoothighlander · 1 year
mary on a cross - hero of the day
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-simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader
-warnings: violence, death, smut (mdni), unprotected p-in-v, oral (fem rec), creampie, simon has a dirty mouth, mentions of alcohol, mentions of domestic violence (nothing graphic)
-word count: 6k
-summary: as you and simons relationship grows, outside forces conspire to reveal his secret, leading to him having to protect you by any means necessary. mercenary au
prev chapter fic masterlist next chapter
a/n: ok so I finally got around to playing mw 2019 and I fear a Price phase is coming on so... we'll see what happens. Not proofread, sorry for any grammatical errors
The mornings you and Simon woke up to were very different, yours was filled with a warm breeze from the window and a sense of comfort, not only from your bed but from your current life. You were happy, finally, it took years for you to gain the strength to leave but now that you’ve created the life you wanted, you felt content, secure. Simon’s morning was filled with dread, he barely slept that night, deciding to rather spend his time pacing his bedroom after he hung up the phone with Johnny, the two of them had worked together a few years prior, before Simon’s retirement and they had grown rather close, even using the term friends sometimes (though Johnny used it far more liberally than Simon). But it had been years since the two talked, not for any specific reason, just that Johnny had remained in the force and Simon grew used to living a life of solitude, not bothering to call Johnny over the years. He didn’t have Johnny’s number saved in his phone, but he wouldn’t mistake that voice anywhere, that obnoxious Scottish accent that he swears pierces his skull. It was a shock for Simon, being so cautious with his past time having everyone including the local police confused, but Johnny knew him, they had been through war together, he knew all of his moves, his favourite weapons, the only thing he didn’t know was the why.
“What are you doing going about killing civvies?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about MacTavish” Simon responds, trying to keep his breathing regular as to know alert Johnny
“Bullshit LT, it’s you, I've seen you kill enough men to know what it looks like” He takes a beat, “I’m not gonna turn you in”
Simon almost sighs in relief.
“I just want to know why, you left the force years ago, I’d thought your violent years were behind you, hell if you wanted to kill you should’ve stayed”
“They’re bad people Johnny”
“They always are”
“They’re not innocent, I just wanted people- innocent people to be safe”
The two men sit on the phone in silence for a few minutes, neither one daring to speak.
“I’ll see you in the morning LT,” Johnny says before hanging up.
Simon sat in his bed, his heartbeat in his ears, fuck he’ll ask more questions, he gets up and begins pacing slowly back and forth, you’ll ask questions. He never wanted to tell you about his past, he didn’t want to scare you, he knew you’d look at him differently if you knew what his military file had in it, he knew you’d run far away if you knew what his current past-time was, he couldn’t have Johnny talking to you it would ruin everything, he needed a way to get rid of Johnny without him giving away his secret, and without raising your suspicions.
Rather than sit anxiously in bed all morning Simon had gone to the gym beside the pub, it wasn't a large commercial gym by any means, but it had punching bags, and that was more than he could ask for, reposting to work out some of his stress on the large bags he threw punch after punch till his already sore knuckles were swollen and red. Deciding that he had inflicted enough pain on himself for the day he grabbed his bag and made his way back to the pub, going to turn the key in the lock before realizing it was already open. Immediately Simon went into fight mode, prepared to attack whoever decided to trespass onto the property, his trance only broken by the sound of laughter, your laughter, his shoulders untensed as he pushed the door open to find you, head thrown back in laughter, smile wide and bright, and him, next to you. 
You turn your attention from Johnny towards the door, eyes locking on the large looming figure advancing towards you.
“Good morning,” you say, smiling as wide as ever. Simon's gaze shifts between you and Johnny.
“Sleep well?” Johnny asks, a smirk on his face as he sips his coffee, Simon ignores his questions.
“Johnny said he knew you from the force, figured I’d let him in before we open so he could say hi” 
Simon spares a tight-lipped smile in your direction, “Yea we um, worked together for a bit”
Johnny fakes insult, “Just wanted to check in LT, finally got leave so I’m back for a bit”
Simon gives a curt nod as he busies himself cleaning glasses, you sense the tension in the air.
“I’m gonna go get some coffee, did either of you want anything”
“No” “I’ll take a tea lass” both of the men respond, you smile and make your way out the door.
“You shouldn’t be here Johnny”
“She’s sweet”
Simon turns his gaze to stare daggers at Johnny as a smirk creeps up on his face
“You like her” Johny asks, though it’s not a question
“She’s not a part of this”
“So she doesn’t know?”
“No one does”
Johnny nods his head looking around the room before continuing.
“Are you going it for money?”
“Then what?”
Simon sighs, “When I got back, I spent a week just sitting in my flat, watching the news, trying to catch up on whatever I’d missed. The people, the children that were being harmed, I couldn’t just watch it happen.”
“So it’s about your family”
Before Simon can respond you walk back in, tray of drinks in your hand.
“I know you said you didn’t want anything but I figured I’d get you some anyway”
Johnny watches as Simon's body untenses at the mere sight of you, glancing at his eyes that are practically heart-shaped. You place the drinks atop the bar and both men reach to grab theirs, Simon mumbling a soft thank you in your direction.
“Oi doll, could you grab some extra glasses from the back,” Simon asks, you nod at him and turn to walk towards the backroom.
“Let me help you,” Johnny says, Simon furrows his brows.
“I don’t need your help, Johnny”
“Right, what happens if you get caught?”
“I won’t”
“You don’t even exist technically, you get caught an the whole team gets investigated”
“I won’t get caught” Simon stands stern as Johnny shakes his head in disbelief. “You should go”
“Right” Johnny gives him a sad look, “I’m off lass!” he shouts to you. You poke your head around the corner.
“Already? Well alright, don’t be a stranger” you say with a smile as Johnny gives you a wave turning away to exit.
“I’ll be in town,” he says to Simon, it’s more of a warning.
Simon feels his mind flush with a million thoughts at once as soon as Johnny leaves.
“So, the weirdest thing happened last night,” you say, moving back into your seat at the bar, Simon gives a hmm in acknowledgement, keeping his attention on cleaning the bar.
“News said they found two bodies on a street close to here, just freaked me out cause I take that street home”
“Right, and remember how I was telling you about those guys following me” You wait for his nod, “It was the same street, can’t be a coincidence”
Simon feels his pulse start to race, there’s no way she thinks it’s me. You shake your head
“I don’t know, just weird. Guess I have to find a new route home”
“I can take you home,” Simon says a little too quickly
“No I don’t want to be a burden, I don’t live far anyway”
“You could never be a burden”
You feel your cheeks flush a little, looking toward your feet.
The two of you enter a comfortable silence, going about your tasks individually, but always within reach of each other. The day was slow, with a handful of people coming in once and a while to get a few drinks, by midnight it was dead quiet, you and Simon occupying yourselves with quiet conversation that was mostly one-sided.
“Top five books,” you say
“What?” Simon responds with a raised brow
“What are your top five books, I’ve noticed you reading in the mornings”
He gives a small nod, “Not sure, maybe dorian gray, hell’s angels, jekyll and hyde, moby dick, and jane eyre.
“You’ve read jane eyre”
“A few times yeah”
“Cute, no books about war?”
“Feels strange to read about it when you’ve lived through them”
“Them? Like multiple”
“What are yours” He changes the topic quickly
“Doesn’t matter” you say and he smirks.
He looks outside to the dark street, “We should probably get you home”
You nod and gather your bag, Simon walks beside you, locking the pub before the two of you make your way to the street, he places a soft hand on your waist to guide you in a different direction, and you feel heat flush your body from the contact. The two of you turn a corner and walk to a small alley beside the pub where a motorcycle is sitting.
“You ride a motorcycle,” you ask almost amused. He huffs a laugh at the question urging you closer as he turns the key in the ignition, you hear the bike roar to life as Simon turns to place a helmet on your head, securing it before sitting on the bike, he waits for you to get on the back. You nervously place your hands on his shoulders, unaware of how to sit, he reaches back for your arms, pulling them tight over his stomach and forcing your chest to press against his back. You try to stop yourself from feeling over the strong muscles of his stomach, he turns the bike to make his way down the alley onto the street, speeding up as he enters onto the road. You cling to him and he can’t fight the smile that creeps up on his lips, he revels in your touch no matter the circumstances, he liked that you were holding on to him so tightly seeking safety. The ride to your flat was short but exciting, Simon driving more cautiously than he normally would. He parks the bike outside your building as you remove the helmet passing it to him, you smooth your hair from your face before thanking him and making your way to your door.
You close the door behind you and fall against the wall trying to come to terms with what you were feeling, you didn’t want to take your hands off him, you wanted to press further into his flesh and let your hands roam all over him. You think about exploring his body, feeling his muscles under your palms, his fingers digging into your hips and heat pools in your lower stomach, you bite your lip and in a surge of confidence you open your door again to see him leaning against the bike, smoking a cigarette. You lock eyes and he quirks his head.
“Did you want to come in?” you ask sheepishly and without a second thought he throws his cigarette to the pavement and closes the space between you. It happened so quickly, the door was pushed open and he grabbed your face with both hands, not wasting a minute in attaching his lips to yours, his kisses are feverish, and tongue and teeth and he closes the door with a kick of his leg and moves you back against the wall, he leaves your lips to plant wet kisses down your neck and collarbone as your hands roam over his shoulders, chest, back, any part of him you could reach. You feel his weight press against you as he lifts you up against the wall, lips returning to yours as his tongue begs entry and you oblige. The two of you are a mess of gasps and moans, trying to catch any breath between the kisses, he begins walking you down the small hallway as you direct him to the bedroom in between kisses.
He drops you onto the mattress, lips never leaving yours as you arch your back to lift your shirt and he does the same giving your hands full access to paw at his skin, you feel your fingers over his littered scars you’ll ask later. He reaches down the hem of your pants, looking to you for permission, you nod and attach your lips to his neck as he undresses you, your arms reaching behind your back to remove your bra. You’re left in just your panties, laying on the bed, lips swollen and eyes blown wide in lust while Simon takes a step back to admire you muttering curses under his breath that bring a rosy tint to your cheeks. He kneels down and places a trail of kisses across your bare stomach as your fingers find their way to his scalp, raking through his hair, his fingers come to curl around your underwear before peeling them down your legs as he looks over your dripping pussy.
“Christ, so wet already”
You blush and he smirks before diving in, licking thick stripes up your slit, lapping up every drip he can, teasing it with his fingers before pushing them into you, he’d take his time later, he wanted you, needed to feel you come apart on him. Your head is thrown back, slurs of moans leaving your lips as your fingers grip his hair in an attempt to ground yourself. The combination of his fingers and expert tongue bring you to your peak quickly, your chest tightening as your high builds.
“That’s right pretty girl, cum for me, cum on my fingers”
You let out a loud gasp of his name as you reach your climax, he licks you through it, replacing his fingers with his tongue in order to swallow every last bit of your high. He places a few more kitten licks to your swollen pussy before moving up to entrap you between his arms, reaching down to kiss you.
“Taste so sweet,” he says reaching down to unbutton his pants before taking them off. You glance at his throbbing cock through his boxers, it’s big, bigger than you’ve taken before. He reads your eyes,
“S’alright doll, I’ll be gentle”
“No,” you say but it comes out as a whimper, “want you to fuck me, hard”
A smirk creeps onto his face as he grips your waist, flipping you onto all fours, you’ve barely caught your breath, limbs weak as you try to hold yourself up. He grabs a handful of your ass, placing kisses down your spine before bending to bit lightly at the meat of your ass, you let out a small yelp and he kisses over the skin, teasing the head of his cock through your puffy lips. He plants a firm grip at your hip before pushing into you, letting out a moan. You let out a curt fuck as he pushes in, leaning down to encase you, planting a palm next to your shoulder before he begins slowly pumping into you inch by inch.
“Doing so well love, just a little more”
You can’t help the breathless moans that escape your lips. He bottoms out with a large breath that you feel fanning over your cheek, your arms give out as your face falls in contact with the bed. He pulls himself back up to trace his palm between your shoulder blades as he continues pumping into you. As your pussy adjusts to the size of him you begin moving your body back against him in time with his thrusts, feeling the tip of his cock prodding at your cervix. He brings both hands to knead at the flesh of your ass, spreading the cheeks apart to get a clear view of him fucking you.
“Fucking hell, feel so good love”
He picks up his pace and you hear your headboard colliding with the wall behind it, drool pooling on the sheets under your mouth as you cry out his name.
“That’s right baby, say my name”
“Si- Simon fuck”
He reaches a hand around to toy with your clit and you feel your muscles constrict around his length.
“Fuck squeezin' me so tight”
He reaches a hand around your throat and pulls you upright, your back arched and flush with his chest as he holds you against him, your hands coming to grab at his thick forearm in an attempt to keep yourself upright. You can’t think, your mind clouded with only him, his scent is intoxicating, all you can feel is him. He brings you to your peak, sucking at your neck hard enough that it was sure to leave a mark as you moan into his ear.
“Yes fuck, right there, please Simon”
“Yea, that feel good love”
You nod.
“Words baby”
“Yes God please”
He continues thrusting into you, fingers circling your clit faster as that familiar coil burns in your lower abdomen.
“Shit I’m gonna cum”
“Yea? Fuck cum on me, wanna feel you squeeze my cock”
And you do, you come undone in his arms, your pussy soaking his cock and he fucks you through your second high, never slowing his pace. When you finally come down you’ve lost all control of your body, your thoughts are fuzzy as he flips you onto your back and pushes back into you, bringing your knees to your chest and holding them there. You can’t form words, body overstimulated from your orgasms.
“Not gonna last, where do you want me”
“Inside please, need to feel you,” you say but it comes out as a whisper.
He can’t deny you, not when he has you under him, completely lost in him, begging for his cum, his muscles tense as he slows his thrusts, spilling his hot seed deep into you with a deep grunt. He releases your legs but keeps himself inside, leaning down to kiss your glistening neck, he stays there for a while, both of you catching your breath, basking in the warmth of him.
He removes his softening cock from you and watches as the mixture of both your orgasms spills out before leaving to grab you a warm towel. He runs it over your body, careful to not hit your overstimulated clit before tossing it to the laundry bin and settling down next to you, you reach for him nuzzling into his broad chest as his arm moves to hold you close to him, lips pressed to the crown of your head.
“Can’t tell you how long I’ve wanted to do that” he says and you giggle into his chest, hands roaming to feel over his scars.
“They’re old, wounds from when I served,” he says as you glance up at him, “knew you were gonna ask at some point”
You smile, reaching up to kiss him, head falling back against the pillow as he brings his hands the push your hair out of your face, you stare into his eyes, his face gives nothing away but his eyes, they’re full of emotion, he looks at you like you hold the world. You feel yourself growing tired as you cuddle back into him,
“Stay here,” you say
“Okay”, you feel the deep rumble of his voice through his chest as you close your eyes letting the warmth of him comfort you into sleep.
The two of you are woken to the loud noise of banging at your door, you open your eyes slowly, your limbs are tangled between Simon’s as his arms hold you close, cursing to yourself that you’d have to leave him. You move from his chest and throw on some pants and his shirt, making your way to the door, opening it your heart falls to the floor.
“Alex” your chest feels empty, why was he here, how did he find you?
“Hey babe”
You shake your head trying to close the door but he places his foot in the way.
“Can we just talk”
“No - I left for a reason” You glance back at Simon in your bed, still asleep. “You need to leave”
He follows your eyes, “Is someone here” The tone in his voice grows angrier as he pushes the door to let himself in, you stumble back.
“Alex please, go home I don’t want you here” you beg as tears prick your eyes, it had taken everything in you to leave him and here he was in your apartment.
“Who the fuck is that” he yells turning back to you, invading your space and forcing your body to move back against the wall as your arms come up to plead defence.
“You leave me and move here to fuck some other guy, you fucking slut”
“Alex please”
His hand makes firm contact with the wall beside your head, making you flinch as your tears start to flow down your cheeks.
“What is wrong with you, I gave you everything”
Before you can object a deep voice calls from the other side of the room.
“I’d back off if I were you”
You look up, eyes locking on Simon’s and you can see the anger that's burning it’s way to the surface
“Seriously, hey just fuck off man this doesn’t concern you,” your ex says, turning his attention towards the large man.
“It concerns me plenty,” Simon says crossing the room to tower over Alex
“Simon please” you beg, he can see in your eyes that you don’t want him to hurt Alex, but every fibre of his being wants to kill him, slit his throat and throw his body into some alley for the rats to feed on. Alex puffs his chest and pushes at Simon with his hands, he doesn’t move an inch, tilting his head down to glare at your ex's face.
“You need to leave”
“You fucking leave, she’s my girlfriend”
Simon feels his anger come to a tipping point as he grabs Alex’s neck and shoves him against a wall, your quiet pleas lost in his fit of rage. Alex brushes him off, sparing you a final glance.
“This isn’t over, I’ll be back,” he says before leaving, slamming the door behind him hard enough that you jump. You sink backwards against the wall.
“Are you alright?” Simon asks scanning your body for any evidence that you were hurt.
You shake your head, “You shouldn’t have done that”
“He was hurting you-”
“No Simon, you don’t understand, he’s not going to stop, he followed me here” Your cheeks are stained with tears, your breath heavy.
“Then I’ll deal with him,” he says slowly bringing his hands to hold your face as you stare up at him. God help any man who tried to hurt you in his presence, “I promise, he’s never going to touch you again”
You sniffle, trying to catch your breath as he wraps his arms to hold you, this was just another person he’d have to take care of, he’d kill everyone if it meant keeping you safe. The two of you stand in the living room, not a word shared between you as he just continues to hold you, shushing your quiet sobs, placing tender kisses on the crown of your head. You felt safe in his arms, your anxiety settling as his palms caress over your spine.
“I’ll kill ‘em if I have to”
You release a giggle, as Simon smiles but he’s being serious. After a few minutes, the two of you continue your morning, Simon making tea as he doesn’t trust you to do it properly while you stand in the shower, letting the warm water ease your tense muscles.
You jump as the curtain pulls back, Simon’s head popping in, eyes lingering on your naked form.
“Take a picture why don’t you”
“Don’t tempt me”
You laugh at his remark.
“I’ve gotta head over to the pub” his eyes full of lust, every bit of him trying hard to not jump in the shower with you, “I’ll see you over there in a bit yea?” 
You nod leaning over to kiss him, biting lightly at his lower lip.
“Minx,” he says and splashes some of the water at you.
Simon leaves and you continue with your morning, drying off from the shower and getting dressed for work. You weren’t sure how the new dynamic would work, you had always found Simon attractive but this was new, you’d never slept with someone you had to see every day. You didn’t know if this was a one-time thing, you hoped it wasn’t but Simon wasn’t the best about vocalizing his emotions, you didn’t want to just come out and ask, so you’d have to wait, test the waters, see how he felt about you.
By noon you had made your way to the pub, the cool air inside a welcome sensation after your walk in the warm air outside, you settle your things, peeking around the corner to try and find him.
No response, maybe he was upstairs, you’d never been to his flat and it felt strange to just invite yourself in so you stayed in the pub, finding tasks to complete while you waited for him. A few minutes pass and you hear a loud crash from upstairs.
“Si?” you yell, hoping it’s him upstairs and not some robber, silence fills the next minute before you see him emerge from the back door looking a little dishevelled.
“Hey love, make it here okay?” he asks placing a kiss on your lips. You’re a little taken aback at his quick pace.
“Yeah fine, what was that noise”
He looks over to you taking a beat, “Knocked a chair over, was rushing around too quick I guess”
You nod, not fully believing him but trusting him enough that you didn’t pry further. The two of you fell into routine, pouring drinks for regulars, restocking liquor, cleaning glasses, having small conversations between customers.
“I’ve gotta check something in the flat, I’ll be back quick,” he says rushing up the back stairs.
You occupy yourself cleaning as you hear more noise from upstairs, deciding you needed to check it out for yourself. You make your way up the back stairs, slowly opening the door to the flat peering inside. It wasn’t anything spectacular, essentially just one large room, a bed at the far wall in front of a window, there was a small kitchen tucked against another wall, everything was very clean, it looked like he never used the furniture. You look around for him as you step into the room, following the sound of his heavy breaths around a corner, he’s standing at a large window looking out, a creak in the floor alerts him to your presence.
“Hey, sorry not as quick as I thought”
You look around, nothing is out of place so what was all the noise?
“It’s alright, just heard banging, didn’t know if you needed help with something”
“Huh? Oh- no was just looking for something, forgot where I’d placed it”
“Placed what”
He looks at you, jaw slack as he tries to think of a response.
“My tags, dog tags, wanted to throw them in with the rest of my stuff just couldn’t remember where they were”
You glance over, eyes locking on his bedside table, you flick your head in their direction.
“Found ‘em”
He huffs a laugh, crossing the room to pick them up, toying with them in his hands before moving over to you. He glances down at you, raising his arms to place the chain around your neck, you stare up at him, quirking your brow.
“Look better on you” he says, leaning to kiss your forehead. 
Your fingers come up to fiddle with the tags, eyeing them over, Lt. Simon Riley, well at least you knew his last name now.
“Did you close up”
You shake your head.
“Right well, meet you outside in 5. I’ll drive you home”
He begins walking away,
“Why don’t we stay here tonight,” you ask and he stops in his tracks, “Easier that way, don’t have to wake up any earlier to get to work”
He thinks it through in his head, he’s never had anyone in his flat, let alone stay the night, but it’s you.
“Yea alright, just give me a minute to close downstairs”
You nod, taking the time to further explore the space. Lots of books, a guitar sat in the corner, no pictures, he had barely anything on the shelves, it looked like he only used the space to sleep if that, the bed was perfectly made, not a single wrinkle in the sheets. You strip your body of your clothes, rummaging through his drawers to find a shirt, throwing it over your form as you settle into the bed, senses overtaken by his scent that lingers on the pillows. Simon steps back into the room, eyes landing on your half-naked form,
“Very,” you say, stretching your limbs over the mattress as you feel it dip from his weight. He lays back and you crawl over him, legs caging his hips as his arms secure themselves around your back, chin nuzzled into your neck.
You revel in his warmth as he places light kisses over the skin not covered by his shirt, making his way to nip at your neck eliciting a small moan from you. You crane your neck to bring your lips to his, kissing him softly as his hands move down to grab at your ass. Your kisses become feverish as you feel yourself grow needier, light pushing your lips against him, Simon moves to kiss along your jaw, lips settling under your ear.
“What do you want pretty girl”
“You, need you,” you say through gasps, grinding yourself down onto his hardening cock
“Need me to what”
“Need to feel you, need to feel your cock inside me”
“Atta girl” He grips your hips with bruising strength as he grinds you back and forth against him, your hands moving to plant on his chest as your clit catches on the fabric of his boxers.
He moves you at a brutal pace and you can feel the arousal pooling in your lower stomach.
“Soakin’ me already baby, you gonna cum just from grinding on me”
You bite your lip, nodding as the sensation takes over your body, your legs tensing as you dig your nails into his flesh, your slick leaking from your orgasm, soaking through your panties onto his hard length.
He lifts you off him, pulling his boxers down, his throbbing length slapping at the skin of his lower abdomen.
“Wanna ride you” you say breathlessly as Simon smirks.
You push yourself up, lining his cock up with your weeping cunt before settling down on him, taking him slowly, gasping at the stretch. His hands grab at your shirt, lifting it over your head before his lips move to kiss at your breasts, tongue teasing over your hard nipple as your fingers rest on his shoulders stabilizing you. Once you settled you begin bouncing slowly up and down his cock, your juices leaking down pooling at the base, and coating his pubic hair. He leans back, hands on your hips encouraging you to continue, he thrusts up abruptly, forcing your body forward, hands planting on his firm chest and you continue to ride him, the friction from his pubes hitting just the right spot that you’re able to grind your clit against him
“That’s right pretty girl, use me, make yourself cum on my cock”
You lean down to kiss him and his arms wrap around your back, holding you to him as he plants his feet against the mattress and begins thrusting up into you at a brutal pace, your head falls to his neck as choked sobs escape your lips. You bite down on the meat of his shoulder, hands grasping at the sheets as he continues to fuck you.
“Fuck - look at me, wanna see you when you make a mess all over my cock”
You arch your back, head coming to rest against his forehead as you stare down at him, your jaw’s fallen open, strings of moans escaping as he reaches to kiss you, forcing his tongue into your mouth as he continues his assault on your pussy.
“Fuck, m’gonna cum”
“That’s right, good girl, wanna feel you squeeze me”
He latches his lips to yours, swallowing the moans that come from your orgasm, fucking you through it at a brutal pace as he chases his own high.
“Fuck you feel so good, so tight” He groans eyes locking onto where your bodies meet, mesmerized at the sight of your pussy swallowing his large cock. You dig your nails into his shoulders as he grips tightly around you, thrusting a few more times until he lets out a loud moan and you feel your pussy being filled by his warm seed, pumping a few more times, letting you milk him dry as your foreheads come into contact again, the two of you rest against each other trying to catch your breath, he places a kiss to your lips before slowly rolling you over onto your side, holding you tight to his chest where you plant kisses over his scars.
You fall asleep quickly, your body tired and mind quiet at the sensation of Simon's breaths against your cheek, he listens to your breathing, his own mind racing with thoughts. He had followed your ex from your flat, conveniently walking down the street near the pub as Simon invited him in for a drink and a chat, Alex had obliged entering the doors before Simon locked them and wrapped his arms around his neck effectively incapacitating Alex, he wasn’t thinking, all he could feel was his anger, he hated him for hurting you, hating the fact that he had even been able to touch you even more, you were his, no one would touch you except him. He had dragged Alex’s body up the short flight of stairs into his flat, positioning him near the bathroom, giving him time to wake up before continuing his assault, he wanted him to feel every hit, every bruise and ache that would remind him not to go near you, Simon landed blow after blow to his body, blood spitting from his mouth pooling under his head. He didn’t mean to kill him, but somewhere along the way, his sight turned black, his fists moving on their own accord coming into contact with Alex’s head.
Simon stood back, catching his breath now fully aware of what he had done, ignorant to your presence downstairs he grabbed the body leaving it in the bathtub, he would come back later when his head was clear to clean up.
When he finally returned upstairs later he knew he had to be quick, wrapping the body and tossing it out the window into the alley behind, he knew the routine of the sanitation workers, he had enough time to take you home and come back to responsibly dispose of your ex so that no one would know it was him. What he didn’t account for was you, standing in his flat as his hands were wet with soapy water from cleaning the blood off the floor, he panicked, he couldn’t lie to you, he wanted you to trust him, but his instinct to protect you from who he really was took over.
He never planned on giving you his tags, but seeing the smile on your face after he put them on you he can’t picture you without them, a chain around your neck with his name, a visible marker to let him know that you wanted him just as much as he wanted you.
He couldn’t sleep, even with the comfort of your body next to his, he had to clean up before you noticed anything. Carefully he removed himself from your arms, watching the way you tucked into yourself at the loss of warmth, he made his way over to the window to look upon the corpse, devising a plan that would allow him to get rid of it only for his eyes to focus on an empty alley.
The body was gone?
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writingforsimps · 7 months
Midnight Fang - Poly BTS x Reader (Chapter 0.5)
Summary: The werewolves thought they found all their mates. They never imaged they’d met another, let alone that she’d be a vampire.
Warning: Blood, Alcohol, Mate Au Supernatural AU, Poly Au, Unrequited Love, Rejection, angst (Specific Warnings not mentioned will be made in each chapter this is just a small none specific overview)
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You liked the forest. Trees make only 28% of the oxygen you breathed when you were alive, but the plants and flowers gave a certain life the ocean just couldn’t. The bunny nibbling on bitter lettuce was proof of just how much life these plants brought with them.
The food chain, without those plants a bunny couldn’t eat, and without the bunny a fox couldn’t and so on till the biggest predator dies.
You’ve liked the forest since you were human. Your friend use to call you a forest hippy, going on hikes with you once in a while. The two of you didn’t have the slightest clue anything about nature. All you knew was you loved it, and she tagged along because of that reason. It just felt right. The sun in your face and the dirt in your nails.
Now the sun of your face burns hot even in cold weather and the dirt in your nails feels too odd, to new. The feeling lost to the habit and need to keep your hands clean. So you sit, with muddy white cloth gloves on, a white lacy sun dress that was covered in mud and tears, and torn shoes tied by their laces together on your wrist in a mock, heavy bracelet.
White, light, flow-y, breathable.
Stained, dirtied, cold, exposed.
You were cold, dirtied and your legs were exposed to the elements. The pristine angelic color assigned to you long ruined by the brown mud and dirt. Your dignity falling low, but never low enough to hide behind a trash can. What if a human found you? No, instead you’d die in the woods.
When was the last time you’ve eaten? Three weeks… A person can bleed to death in just five minutes. You knew that. Vampires feed on people’s blood because they cannot supply their own. So while the blood running through your veins and in your cheeks aren’t your own, you try and preserve it. Try not to run out of it.
A person can bleed out in just five minutes, but it took two months to die without food. For you, it’s like a small mixture of the two. Blood leaving your body, you were burning it like it was the energy food was to humans.
You sweat, panting heavily and leaning against a tree. The confusion and anxiety getting to you as you felt your more important organs finally start to shut down.
You knew you wouldn’t survive without a Nest… but that didn’t make it less painful to die.
You couldn’t die. Not with your life like this. Not when you gave up so much to live in the first place. So, in a finally last ditch effort to live.
You screamed.
Jimin heard the screech before any of the his mate did. His ears just worked better then there’s, it was a curse. A curse he thanked every full moon for because that’s how he met his mates. The scream was primal, life or death. Jimin’s head immediately flung in the direction and it was like his body moved on its own when he started running.
Namjoon ran after him, tripping over his own paws at the suddenness of the boys new behavior. He just… took off! It was seconds later he heard the scream as well. A second wave before the quiet. But… why did the quiet make his heart squeeze more then the screams did?
They both raced to the voice. It was odd, usually when you hear screaming you run away but it was like their instincts took over.
Hi! So I made this chapter as chapter 1! Then I realized I didn’t want it to be chapter one (reasons). And I also couldn’ add it to the prologue! So I’m making it chapter 0.5! Or a teased kind of thing. It’s cannon to the storyline placed in the middle of chapter 1 and the prologue…. Do with that what you will!
It’s really short because it’s half a chapter, real chapters will be longer. dw
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distortionbobble · 8 months
Royal Flowers Chapter 9
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summary: y’all know the drill now
series warnings: eventual smut, mentions of death, palpy
a/n: oops
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Anakin forgot how beautiful Coruscant is. He can’t recall the exact number of months he’s been away; he stopped keeping track of time around you, but it’s enough to make his skin buzz at the feeling of Coruscant’s humidity. He’s not staying in the Jedi Temple, which is unusual enough to him, but is instead staying with you in the diplomatic lodgings provided by the Senate. It’s strange; he spent every night since he left Coruscant by your side, sleeping next to you, but now that he’s here, it feels so much more intimate. It could be the size of the bed, it could be the reminder of his responsibility and role of a Jedi here on Coruscant, but whatever it is, his heart skips a beat at the thought of sleeping by your side.
The two of you had reached quietly and checked into your lodgings, with him playing the role of the affectionate husband. You seem to be okay, at least as far as he can tell, but you’re certainly quieter. He’s glad for it, but there’s still some part of him that wants to sweep you into his embrace, pull you tight and shield you from the awful parts of the universe. He doesn’t want to dwell on it for too long, but the desire is inescapable. He still doesn’t know what it is that you, Padme, and Obi-Wan had discussed. All you’d said was that Padme had heard something that meant there wasn’t much time left. He’s watching you now from the corner of the room, scanning the room constantly for any threats.
“It feels like it has been too long since I was in Coruscant,” Anakin says finally. It doesn’t feel like his home anymore, and that scares him. No, home in his mind is now back in the Royal Chambers of Naboo, spending every waking moment with you.
“I’m sure. I apologize for the nature of my mission, it must be hard to be away from home for so long,” You say, turning to smile at him. “But hopefully it’ll be over soon, yes?” You say with a hopeful smile. The thought of leaving you twists a knife in Anakin’s gut, but it’s one that he’s learned to accept. It’s always there, always looming, and the only thing left for Anakin to do now is get used to the dagger in his stomach. He’ll have to leave you, sooner or later. But that doesn’t make the thought of it any less painful.
“Anakin… about your friendship with Chancellor Palpatine,” you speak to him from the seat of the vanity as you get your hair ready for bed. “We—“
“He’s a good man,” Anakin snaps at you before you can say anything negative about his friend. Chancellor Palpatine has guided him through so much, and he can’t imagine where he’d be without him.
“I didn’t say he wasn’t,” you respond coolly. “What makes you think I’d say otherwise?”
Anakin hesitates before he sits down on the bed, mesmerized by your elegant movements. “In the past, both Padme and Obi-Wan have cast their doubts about him. But I can’t imagine the idea of their suspicions panning out to be anything. He’s an honorable man, even if they don’t like it.” You nod quietly, and he can’t gauge a thought in your head before you rise and flip the covers to get into the bed.
“I believe you, Anakin. If that’s the case, I think your friend deserves to know you’re still alive, right?” You ask him quietly, laying down sideways. Your statement makes him pause. He should tell Sheev, shouldn’t he? But that would make it all so real, the ending of this. And you look like an angel born of the earth, like the muse of all things beautiful, and he almost wants to say he doesn’t want to tell him, just so he can keep the farce of being yours up for just a little longer. But the feelings spark such shame within him that he just nods, his throat dry, and lays down next to you.
As he sits there in the darkness, listening keenly to the slowing of your breathing, steady and quiet, he realizes something. Nothing in this universe is guaranteed. He is promised nothing by the universe, and he’s seen it countless times; his mother, ripped away from him, the other younglings at the Order rejecting him. But the universe has guaranteed one certainty; when he’s next to you, he can sleep peacefully.
“Chancellor,” your voice floats above the din of the Senators as you address the man. “If I might borrow your attention?”
“For the Queen of Naboo, my attention is yours to own,” Chancellor Palpatine jests, coming to stand by your side. “Milady, I must ask… what brings you to Coruscant, and to the Senate, no less?”
You allow your painted lips to form just a hint of a smile. You have a thin line to walk now—if he’s a Separatist, of which there is only a slim chance, he can’t think that you truly want to help your people. But if he’s not, you still hold a responsibility to your people. “My people feel as though the urgency of the Separatist threat is not being handled with urgency. I come as a representative for Naboo in order to request the Republic have a stronger role in protecting Naboo… however, I know that our forces get so busy. It’s a shame, isn’t it?” You say, echoing the words that Darth Sidioius had spoken to you before.
Chancellor Palpatine’s face remains a smooth, unmoving mask in response to your words. A little too smooth. Either he’s a horrible chancellor, or you were right to have your suspicions. But you can’t act on inaction. You cough, deciding to move on. “I suppose I shouldn’t delay it much longer. But… Chancellor, keep it a secret, will you?”
“Keep what a secret, Milady?” He asks, tailing you as you stride into one of the nearby conference rooms.
“My husband wished to see you,” You smile, stepping to the side as the door eases shut. Anakin is standing before the glass, soft light catching his hair. At the sound of the door, Anakin turns around with a smile.
“My old friend,” He says, striding over to embrace Chancellor Palpatine.
“I thought— Oh, Anakin, I thought you were dead!” He sputters, embracing Anakin back. “Why the farce? Please, you must tell me everything.” He lets go of Anakin and takes a seat at the long table. Whatever suspicions you may have of him, his excitement and relief of seeing Anakin, alive, does feel authentic. Perhaps he is innocent, and your suspicions are entirely misdirected. But that’s not something you can take a chance on. Nonetheless, you’ll give the two their space.
“I’ll leave the two of you to reconnect,” You say with a smile, tenderly stroking the side of Anakin’s face before you leave the room.
“I know,” Anakin says before the Chancellor can speak. “It must seem so confusing to you. But it’s better this way. I couldn’t bear the thought of going through the process of leaving, announcing my intent to leave and bringing such shame upon my former Masters. And because of my importance, I don’t imagine they’d let me go so easily. My skill in the Force is unmatched by any other Jedi I’ve seen. But…”
“You’re in love with her,” Chancellor Palpatine finishes. Anakin smiles wistfully, swallowing the guilt of lying to his friend. But he needs to sell this. Palpatine also cannot know that you were stationed there to protect you, but he deserves to know you’re alive. Plus, you have some sort of idea that he can help you in uncovering the truth. And Anakin trusts you.
“I don’t think I’ve ever felt like this before,” Anakin responds, tilting his head back and closing his eyes as the image of you fills his head. The faint smell of jasmine in your hair, the shape of your nose, your lips, the softness of your cheek in his hand and the way you look at him. You look at him like you see him for him, and still trust him. It puts all the rage in his body to rest. He may need to sell this to Sheev, but Anakin’s not sure it’s entirely an act. You do make him feel safe. At the same time, you make his heart race with each little quip you make. You challenge him, frustrate him, and he needs you with him, always. You’ve taught him to love without attachment, the true Jedi way, because he knows he can never truly have you. You’re not his to love.
Sheev smiles. “Young love. It is such a beautiful thing, to be free of the restraints that others have placed upon you and to be able to accept that without guilt.” A bitterness sits in Anakin’s throat as he smiles. If only his friend knew how much he longs for that.
“Well, it would be a shame for your powers to go to waste,” the Chancellor says. “I do hope you find something worthy of it being used. The Force has blessed you, and I believe that you’ll be able to achieve even greater things without the Jedi Order shackling you with all their rules.” His lined face lights up in a smile before he places a hand gently on Anakin’s shoulder, catching Anakin’s eyes as he heads back to the Senate. “But perhaps that’s a conversation for another day. Until then, Anakin.”
“Until then,” Anakin echoes.
Anakin can hear you screaming. He doesn’t realize it’s you at first; he’s too busy looking at Padme. She’s sobbing, tears rolling down her face as she tries to say something to him. He can’t make out the words, can’t hear them coming out of her mouth. All he feels, all he sees is pain. He’s surrounded by it. Always has been, always will be. And the sound of your screaming, shrieking, drowns out any sound that Padme makes. He tries to turn to you, tries to see where you are but Padme grabs his jaw and turns him back to her. Her nails are digging into his skin and it hurts, it hurts but he just wants you to stop screaming. You’re in pain, he’s in pain, and none of it will stop. Padme’s touch grows hotter and hotter on his skin until he’s sobbing, the heat of it scorching as fire begins to light upon her skin. It engulfs her dress, spreading to her hair, until she lets go. He doesn’t hesitate to run to your voice, the sound of your screaming where you lay there, your body limp as you struggle against something he can’t see.
“Help me,” You beg him, reaching towards him. “Please, Anakin, help me,” You plead. Your fingertips begin to unravel into little tendrils of smoke, reaching towards him as more and more of your body is taken by the smoke.
“No,” He whispers, trying to grab the smoke, holding your body as it disintegrates in his very hands. “No!”
“Anakin,” Your voice cuts through his visions. He wakes up with a start, sweat making strands of hair stick to his forehead. He looks at you with bleary eyes, sitting straight in the bed as you look at him in concern. “Hey. Are you okay? You were talking in your sleep,” You say, sitting up as well. He doesn’t answer, just grabs your wrist and shuts his eyes at the feel of your pulse.
“Hey, it’s okay,” You say. “It was just a bad dream,” You say gently. Anakin feels sick. He’s supposed to feel safe next to you. It’s been months since he had a vision like this, months of blissfully quiet sleep. He was so sure it was because of you. Maybe you’re not close enough. Or maybe it’s this damned place. Anakin leans into you, circling his arms around you and pulling you tightly to his chest. “Do you want to talk about it?” You ask him, allowing him to hold you as he breathes slowly, working his way out of the darkness of his dream.
“I dreamt I lost you,” He murmurs into the crown of your head, squeezing you tightly as he remembers the feel of your lifeless body. “The worst part of it is I know I’m gonna lose you anyways. You’re going to be gone, soon enough, and I’ll have to go through all of this alone, all again.”
“I’m always gonna be your friend,” You reassure him. Your breath meets his bare chest and he’s reassured by the fact that you’re alive.You feel warm, warm and full of life a
“I dreamt that you died,” He says simply. “And I can’t have that happen.” Not again. Not like what happened to his mother.
“Anakin,” You say, pulling yourself off of his chest. “I’m okay. You’re protecting me.”
“But what if there’s something I can’t keep you safe from?” He asks, meeting your eyes. His fear is plain as day, and he knows you could piece together what that means in an instant. Why he’s so fearful of losing you. You matter to him, even if he hasn’t said it.
“If there’s something you can’t keep me safe from, then it’s not your fault. Know that. People die sometimes, even if we do our best to keep them safe from it,” You respond. Your voice is surprisingly even despite the gravity of Anakin’s emotions. He doesn’t understand how he hasn’t dragged you down into the depths of his misery but he’s grateful for the anchor that you provide him. “Anakin, the most important thing is the safety and security of the galaxy. To do the most good for the most people, that is what we are born into this universe to ensure. And if—” your voice breaks, and you lean your head back into his chest. “If I do die under your protection, I will know that you’ll have done your best to keep me safe. But more importantly, I’ll know that you will carry out my work and see to it that those who come after us will see a better place. With me, without me, the universe will move on.”
“I don’t accept that answer,” Anakin frowns, but you just laugh.
“It’s the truth. My life will never be more important than the fate of the universe. But you’re stressing about nothing. I’m here, I’m okay, you’re okay. Just… try and go back to sleep, will you?” You ask, shivering before he draws the blanket above the both of you. He’s never really held you like this before. He isn’t holding you to make your pain stop, he’s holding you to make his pain stop. And he doesn’t want to let you go. But that’s what makes him let go, allowing you to go lay down while he sits up, watching as you fall asleep.
You’re not his to keep, anyways.
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sanjisboyfie · 6 months
๑ keep safe : robin and [name] make a good team! (22)
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one piece x male reader
the frost, 
it looks like dust
settled on the world.
after everyone's been long gone.
『 prev 』
when they reached jaya island, it was a shock to all of the crew at the state of the island. it seemed as if there were pirates freely roaming the entire town. [name] decided to stay back on the ship. he usually loved going on adventures with luffy on new islands, but he still wanted to talk more with robin.
the captain didn’t seem pleased with this answer, though, huffing and puffing in annoyance.
“what?! come on, [naame]! just come with us! let’s go! let’s go!!!”
[name] sighed at the incessant yelling, but shook his head, “just go ahead, luffy, i’ll maybe go walking around later? just go ahead, find more information,”
“luffy, let’s go already! i need to drill it into your head that you can’t go around fighting people,” nami chided in, dragging luffy by his ear and off of the ship. the captain grunted at the pain, but [name] ignored it and instead went to find robin.
as zoro, nami, and luffy got off of the ship, [name] went to find robin. she was already awaiting him, though, a pleasant smile on her face.
“are you ready? where are we going?” he asked eagerly, holding his arm out to her for her to take. she seemed taken aback for a moment at the gesture, but she hooked her arm with his. the two hopped off of the ship (before sanji could realize and stop them) and walked through the main center.
”well, i need to buy clothes because i can’t keep taking nami’s clothes,” robin chuckled behind her hand, looking at the boutiques. then she turned slightly more serious, “i think some more information is also needed, just in case.”
[name] hummed in agreement, having a feeling that even though nami was with them — luffy and zoro were going to get side tracked and not find any information.
so they walked through the town, [name] dutifully taking ahold of robin’s shopping bags. he was used to carrying all the belongings on shopping trips anyway thanks to nami, so he didn’t complain at all.
“wow! robin, purple is your color!” [name] said stars in his eyes, “you look really pretty,”
she chuckled at his compliment, thanking him quietly as she looked in the mirror. the only thing missing was an accessory. as if reading her mind, [name] took a hat off of the rack nearby and plopped it onto her head. with a proud grin, he announced that her look was complete.
“you look cool!” he said, a thumbs up being thrown right in front of robin’s face.
“thanks, i’ll wear this one now and buy extra clothes for our journeys,” she said, going back to change into her previously worn clothes so she could properly pay for the outfit she was wearing. when they finally did pay, though, she changed right away and now wore the purple two piece.
“wait! they have a food stand! robin, robin, let’s go! let’s go!” he excitedly said, dragging her by the wrist to the small place. they had a counter and stools set up so that patrons could just eat outside. inside the small shack, there was a chef who was preparing noodles. “do you want anything, robin?”
“i would like an order of gyoza,” she said simply, looking at the man behind the counter. he gave her a polite smile and then turned to the man for his order.
“an order of spicy tonkatsu ramen please! and then three more orders of gyoza! oh! and pork buns, please and thank you!”
the chef looked taken aback by the mass amounts of food they were ordering and got to work right away.
“do you have enough beri to pay for this meal, [name]?” robin gently asked, making the man frantically turn to his wallet. he used his figure to hide him shuffling through his belongings, as if he were embarassed. but then he turned to her with a wide grin and a thumbs up.
“don’t worry about it, robin! i’ve got just enough!” he said, beckoning her to take a seat, “let’s sit back and relax and then we can get more information! did you know there’s a saying that, before any big adventure you need to eat to your heart’s content!”
robin decided to take his word for it and took a seat next to him, resting her cheek on her hand as she observed him eagerly waiting for food.
“so, how did you meet luffy?” she asked after looking at him for a few seconds.
“i’ve been stuck with him since we were kids,” [name] grinned, “grew up on the same island, along with two others,”
robin hummed in interest, “and one of those was portgas d. ace?”
“you know, i was surprised to see you on board their ship at whiskey peak. all of our intel pointed to you simply residing in whiskey peak, not being apart of the straw hat crew. that was certainly a shock when you were on board,” [name] grinned sheepishly at robin, scratching the back of his head in embarassment.
then he bowed his head ever so slightly, “i’m sorry for threatening you that day!”
this only incited laughter from her, “no, it’s alright. what’s in the past is in the past,” then there was a pause before she continued, “speaking of, what do you plan on doing when the past catches up to you, [name]?”
“i intend on fighting,” [name] easily answered, as if he knew she would ask that question, “i’m not letting myself get seperated from luffy, and now the others, ever again.”
she looked at him, a complex expression on her face. she was amused with how confident [name] was in declaring his battle with whoever chased him. but deep down, she also felt doubt in his abilities. the enemies [name] has, it was a wonder if he would really be able to fight them all off.
“this includes you, too.” he said, breaking her out of her train of thought, “i’m not stupid, i know that we both have our enemies — who are looking for us, wanting to kill us.”
he turned his body to her, shocking her slightly with how serious and heartfelt he seemed to be. his eyes were dead set on staring right into her soul and his shoulders were squared, as if he were trying to impose on her by seeming intimidating — another thing he was doing to show how serious he was.
“i’ll kill anyone that tries ruining luffy’s crew,” [name] said with an unimpressed look on his face, “since you’re now apart of the crew — no matter who comes for you, i’ll fight them,”
she got over her shock in a couple of seconds, smiling softly, “there will be no need for that,” was her only response, making [name] deflate in confusion. just as he was about to question her, though, four orders of gyoza were placed on the counter in front of them.
[name] got knocked out of his confused stupor and instead jumped at the sight of the food. robin slid over the one plate for herself and began eating in a very reserved manner whilst [name] seemed to be scarfing down as much food as possible, acting as if it would run away.
an interesting thing [name] did, though, was whenever robin would finish eating one gyoza, the man would place another on her plate without questions. as if he was replenishing her food after each consumption.
“[name], i think you’ve given away more food than eaten,” she said, looking at him as he continued shoving food into his mouth. “please, i’m already full enough, you don’t have-”
“but it’s too good not to share! it’s crispy, i like when my gyoza is crispy!” he said, stars in his eyes as he swallowed down his food. his eyes sparkled as he showed her a gyoza dumpling on the end of his chopsticks, “take one more!”
she was going to refuse, but seeing him smile so innocently in his offering made her take the gyoza into her mouth, nodding to him in thanks. she covered her mouth with her hand, chewing slowly as she watched [name] devour the rest of his food.
the pork buns came out next and [name] tried to get her to eat one of them, but she adamantly refused — especially since she could see how eager he was to eat them. and when he finished eating the beginning dishes, they continued in small conversation.
“i’m still confused, though,” [name] hummed, wiping the crumbs off of his face with a napkin, “why did you want to join luffy’s crew?”
“there was nowhere else for me to go,” robin simply answered, “as i said when i first came on board, i had no more reason to be in alabasta and you guys were the perfect way to get out.”
“so what do you want to achieve now that you’re on the crew?” [name] inquired, “hm, actually, i don’t care.”
she blinked several times before tilting her head in interest, just as she was going to ask what he meant by that, he cut her off, “what you do now doesn’t really matter because the crew is all here to support you. whatever your dream is — go for it!! i’m here to make sure everyone is able to achieve their dreams!”
[name] was truly remarkable, was robin’s takeaway. just as that thought passed through her mind, she watched him slurp noodles down at inhuman speeds and drink the broth from the bowl as if he hadn’t just eaten a big enough meal for a family of four.
“oh! while we are here, old man! do you know anything about a sky island?” [name] brashly asked the chef, whose expression turned into one of shock the moment the question left his lips. “so? do you?”
robin carefully watched the reaction, already predicting what he might have said in response.
“i don’t know anything about sky islands!” the old man shouted, seemingly scared of the question. “if you really want answers to those questions, go bother someone in the bar! but only if you want to seek some sort of trouble! things like sky islands aren’t real, they don’t exist! and it’d be best to watch what you say about them next time!”
[name] blinked owlishly at the sudden hostility, swallowing the broth in one big gulp and standing up from his seat, “well, thanks, old man! here! this should be enough!” a couple of beri were thrown onto the desk, as well as some gold coins and then robin and [name] left the restaurant.
“he was so angry for no reason,” [name] said in a childish tone, “couldn’t have been more rude!”
robin chuckled, shrugging her shoulders, “we were able to get something out of him though — including a good meal. can’t really complain,”
“hm, i guess. thanks to him, now we can properly get some information, since i’m all full!” [name] turned into the nearest pub, which seemed to be one of many on the street, and robin followed in after him. without waiting another second, he shouted, “give us information on sky island!”
everyone in the bar stilled, looking at [name] and robin with wide eyes. and then, as if they were on a cue of some sort, they all started howlishly laughing. [name] frowned, not enjoying the feeling of being laughed at and looked at robin, as if non-verbally asking if it was alright to beat them up.
she didn’t acknowledge his gaze, simply walking up to a table and looking down at the patron, “you look like you would know something. is there any information you can give us on sky island?”
the man gulped, feeling intimidated by her piercing blue eyes. however, he answered in a rude tone, “no! that crap isn’t even real! it’s all just dreams odd people like yourselves like to make up!”
another chorus of laughter and then the man continued on to talk directly to robin, “how about you quit wasting your time with that kid back there and join us instead? we won’t make you chase dead dreams,” he grinned devilishly, bringing a hand up to touch robin’s waist.
[name], who was standing right over robin’s shoulder, eyed the limb in disinterest and then looked to robin. as he assumed, she easily took care of it. a hand had sprouted from the table, right in front of the man, and grabbed him by the collar to slam his face into the wood.
with an unimpressed gaze, she beckoned him to answer the question once more. he was now obviously scared, his voice shaking. everyone around them was put into an alarmed state, standing up with their weapons drawn as they threatened the two of them.
“unhand him now! or else there will be blood shed!!”
“don’t mess with us, woman! we don’t care if you’re a woman, we’ll beat you up!!”
[name] groaned at the threats, waving his hand and making their bodies still, “don’t be so quick to violence! guys, you just need to answer our simple question.”
seeing as the scene was now getting more tense, the bartender stepped in with a piece of paper in his hand, “i don’t want you two causing my business anymore trouble! take this with you and make do with it whatever you want! don’t make me force you guys out of here!”
a piece of paper fluttered in front of [name]’s vision and he grabbed it quickly to examine it, “what’s this supposed to be?”
“a map of this island! there’s a guy that might be able to tell you what you want to hear. montblanc cricket! he’s a freak and outcast! raving on about the same thing you guys are, unattainable dreams! now get the hell out of here!”
robin gently guided [name] to walk out of the bar with her, finally releasing the poor man she was holding hostage. but as she was dragging [name] off, he was still steadily glaring at all the patrons that were looking at them as if they were crazy.
“assholes,” he said under his breath, looking at the map with squinted eyes.
“at least we have a lead, it sounds like the people in this town are used to questions about the sky islands. and because of that, they’ve begun hating the idea of it ever being real — so they ridicule those that are coming in and asking for more information,” robin analyzed, making [name] roll his eyes. not at her words, but at the point she was making.
“how childish,” he groaned, finding the entire town they were in less facisnating now and more annoying, “well, whatever, let’s just get back to merry. hopefully, luffy, nami, and zoro are alright,”
and opposite to what he had hoped, the three of them were rather shaken up. or, it’d be more appropriate to say: luffy and zoro were beaten up to a pulp while nami was simmering in anger that was enough to scare chopper into his “guard point.”
“how could you just let those guys beat you up?” [name] sighed, sitting in front of luffy and examining his injuries. the captain pouted, not liking the tone [name] was taking with him.
“you wouldn’t get it,” luffy retorted, a carefree smile on his face, “they don’t matter anyway,”
“still, you and zoro took a beating for, what looks like, no reason.”
“quit babying us, it wasn’t even that bad — the guys were weak.”
[name] rolled his eyes, looking to nami for answers, but instead the woman was looking at him in fury, “this is all your guys’ fault!” she pointed two fingers at him and robin, “this all happened because you started talking about that sky island — especially you [name]! i can’t forgive you!”
feeling the heat of nami’s anger literally radiating off of her, [name] took a step back with a placid smile, “i don’t know what you mean by that…but i’m sorry, i think!!”
“if it doesn’t exist, i’m sending both of you to the graves!”
behind nami’s screaming figure was chopper jumping into the ocean out of fear. zoro quickly followed after him.
usopp butted in, looking in between [name] and robin, “ahh, leave her alone for now! or, better yet, just don’t get close to her!”
“well, let’s turn the frown right upside down, nami!” [name] exclaimed, jumping onto the upper deck and pressing his pointer fingers into the corners of her mouth, “because me and robin have some great news! it’s gonna make your entire day!”
nami’s eye twitched as she allowed [name] to force her mouth into an uncomfortable smile. and she spoke through gritted teeth, “what could you possibly do to make this situation better?”
“ooh! a treasure map!” luffy shouted in excitement, making [name] turn his head to see robin used her powers in showing off what they had found.
and since [name]’s e/c eyes were no longer watching nami, she used that to her advantage and placed a heavy slap on his cheek. but he just smiled as he rubbed the now sore cheek, giving her a thumbs up, “see? do you feel better?!”
“shut up, moron!” she growled in annoyance, stomping off and going to look at the map herself.
no matter how helpful or reliable [name] has proved himself to be, he will always be such a reckless, hardheaded, acting before thinking dumbass! nami thought to herself.
robin explained the significance of the map and what it would lead the crew to. due to how effective she was in getting information, sanji twirled over to her and proposed making her coffee as a reward. [name] heard him and ran over, latching onto him.
“make me some too! make me some too!!!” he shouted in the chef’s ear, who only looked at him in grand annoyance.
“fine! fine, get off me already so i can make it,” sanji said, throwing [name] off of his shoulder and stomping into the kitchen. as he was walking in, rolling up his sleeves, he was audibly complaining about [name]’s request and how demanding he was.
and as [name] waited, he decided to hang out on the deck with usopp, chopper, and luffy. it was all relatively calm as their course was now off of the rambunctious part of the island, but they still managed to run into some trouble.
it looked like a monkey, again, but [name] wasn’t really listening to all he was saying. he only really began paying attention when the creature started screaming into some sort of mic.
the sonar waves it produced were harming merry, a lot. he grit his teeth, jumping into action and running to the repaired portion of the ship and holding onto the wood so it wouldn’t fly away.
the rest of the crew worked on how to get away from the sonar waves while he was desperately holding merry together.
“this poor ship! holy shit, when will she catch a break?” [name] cursed under his breath, stomping his foot down on a wooden plank to stop it from flying out from right under him.
when they were finally a safe distance away, the crew all joined in repairing the damage. sanji sauntered out of the kitchen, telling [name] the excuse he had for not repairing the ship, “a chef’s hands should not be sullied by disgusting work like this, there’s fault for injury everywhere you look,”
“just say you don’t know how to do these tasks and be on your way,” [name] teased, taking a loud sip of the coffee.
”be more mannerly when drinking! i don’t wanna hear your disgusting slurping!” sanji shouted, stomping away from [name] and going to deliver the coffee to robin.
with the cup resting by [name]’s side, he continued hammering on new wooden planks onto merry. he was working on the mast with zoro, who was using iron plates to reinforce the ship.
“merry has taken a lot of damage. isn’t it about time we replace her?” zoro asked gruffly, working hard in getting the iron to form to the shape of the mast.
this comment made usopp turn around in anger and shout about how ungrateful zoro was, “don’t you know where we got this ship?! you were there, you know how important this ship is!!”
[name] peaked around the cylindrical mast and tilted his head, “where’d you guys get merry?”
usopp puffed out his chest in pride, “a dear friend of mine gave it to us as a gift after i, the great captain usopp, saved my home village from a terrible crew of pirates. i was the one that singlehandedly defeated all of them and so she gave us going merry as a thank you, and parting gift!”
“wow! so luffy defeated all of them?” [name] asked, knocking his hand against his open palm.
“do you not listen when people are talking?! i just said i am the one that did all the fighting and winning!!” usopp cried out in great offense.
“oh! right, so what i said — luffy defeated all of them?” [name] repeated, this time a smirk on his lips as he saw usopp about to charge at him with his hammer.
his assumptions were corrected and now he was running in circles around the mast, laughing as he saw usopp violently swinging around the hammer. suddenly, he skidded to a stop and tackled usopp to the ground by his waist.
“prepare for death, liar!!” he shouted, a mischevious smile on his face. usopp, who accepted his fate, rested still on the ground as if he were already dead. and just as [name] was going to slam down the hammer onto usopp’s face (he wasn’t really going to, but it would have been hilarious), zoro stepped in and kicked [name] in the face.
“can you just focus for once and not fool around?!” the greenhead shouted in annoyance, teeth and eyes sharpened in anger.
“now you, stupid marimo, prepare for death!” [name] said, jumping off of usopp and onto zoro. the two fell to the ground in a wrestling match, the h/c haired man laughing in joy whilst zoro was cursing him out.
and as the two continued on fighting, luffy reassured usopp that they wouldn’t be replacing merry — she was a crew member as well! but just as he finished saying that, he completely wrecked one of her repaired walls and sent the bits and pieces of wood falling into the ocean.
the only thing that broke up zoro and [name]’s fighting was nami, who announced to the rest of the crew that their journey was finished and they were arriving at their destination.
“and you two — stop trying to kill each other already!”
zoro’s hair was all messed up and his face was sweating, the clothes on his torso ripped and torn. [name]’s face was sporting a couple of bruises and he too was having trouble gaining his breath back. at nami’s comment, they backed off of one another, but were still glaring daggers at each other.
“wow!! so cool!!” luffy, usopp, and chopper cried out at the same time.
in front of them was an enormous castle, but [name] squinted his eyes at it in suspicion.
”guys, that’s not a real castle, it’s just a painted wooden cutout to look like one,” his sentence single handedly crushed their dreams, causing luffy to shout in disappointment and chopper to drop his jaw at how easily he was fooled.
“this guy seems like a cheapskate,” sanji said while blowing out a puff of smoke. [name] came bounding over with a mischevious grin and sanji sighed before he placed the stick to rest inside [name]’s lips. and he gently pulled it away when the man blew out his own smoke.
“did you see that, sanji? i did a ring!”
“why are you doing childish tricks with this, idiot?” sanji scolded, looking at [name] in disapproval, “hold on — is that why my packs are running out faster than usual? you’re stealing some to practice stupid shapes?!”
“what- no! i would never do that!!” [name] said, so obviously lying with the way guilt was painted right across his face.
“at least be less obvious about it!” sanji shouted, shoving the cigarette into [name]’s mouth by a means of choking him.
and just like that, as [name] and zoro’s fight ended, sanji and [name]’s started. the two were now colorfully cursing each other out, taking drags of the cigarette in between each insult.
after the crew all jumped off of the ship and onto land, they all decided to investigate the terrain. [name] made a taunting face at sanji before rushing off with chopper.
[name] watched in amusement as chopper turned into his bigger form and started digging, in search of nami’s gold. he was sitting on a cut up trunk of a tree, cheering on chopper’s activity as a means of encouraging him.
“oh, this is a picture book!” nami said, a sort of childlike glee in her voice as she picked it up, “it’s called “noland the liar!””
“ha! that’s a good title! what a cool story idea,” usopp praised, a look of pride on his face — as if he were the one who wrote the book.
“noland the liar?” sanji said, his interest piqued at the familiar title.
“you know it, sanji-kun? but it says it was published in the north blue,” nami commented, eyebrows furrowed.
“yeah, i was born in the north blue! haven’t i told you guys?” sanji grinned, looking at the book with a glint in his eyes.
“that’s a cute expression, sanji,” [name] commented before turning to the book in interest as well. the said blonde began cursing [name] out for even saying such a thing to him, but the words were drowned out anyway. “wait, i’ve seen this book too,”
“what? are you from the north blue too? i thought you guys were from the east blue, this is news to me,” usopp asked in confusion, hands on his hips as he tilted his head in thought.
“no, i’m not from the north blue,” a fond smile graced [name]’s features as he took the book from nami and flipped through the pages, “but i had a dear friend that was from there — he even had a copy of this book! that’s why i recognize it,”
“wow! you have friends all the way in the north blue!” usopp said in astonishment.
“well, i don’t know if i met him in the north blue, but he’s definitely not there anymore. he’s a pirate himself, he had the copy on his ship,” [name] shrugged, looking at the child book and smiling at the memories.
“wait?! you sailed with another pirate crew before us?!” nami shouted in disbelief, eyes wide as she invaded [name]’s personal space.
”only for a couple of months! it wasn’t the biggest deal!” [name] laughed, patting her cheek, “nami, i’m all yours now so you don’t have to worry about my past,” he playfully winked at her, making her face of curiosity turn into that of flusterment.
”why are you talking as if i care about that?!”
“because you did! i could tell!” he teased her, enjoying the way her face was turning red.
“i was just curious, you asshole! you should have stayed with that pirate crew maybe, then i wouldn’t have to be dealing with your dumbass!”
[name] feigned being hurt, clutching his chest and slamming his hand down on the table, “oh, dearest nami, don’t say such rude things! you wound my heart!”
“i hope those wounds kill you then!”
“how painful it is to hear these words leave your mouth!”
“keel over and die already!”
nami glared at him through her eyelashes before turning her head away to ignore him and his carefree laughter. as she began reading the storybook, [name] walked over to join luffy. he had already read most of the book, anyway, so he wasn’t super interested.
he pressed down on the strawhat on luffy’s head, gaining a smile from his captain who welcomingly invited him to crouch beside him. so he did without complaint, throwing an arm around luffy’s shoulders.
“are you excited, luffy?” [name] asked, pinching the rubber boy’s side.
“yeah! what do you think they have on the sky island?! oh, do you think they have very yummy food!” stars were now in luffy’s eyes.
but [name] could only pout, “i don’t know, but what if they don’t have seafood! that’s gonna be a pain,”
“just eat meat then!”
“but seafood is the best!”
“no, meat is!”
“seafood is!”
the both of them were too distracted in arguing with one another that they didn’t realize that a pair of hands had sprouted from underneath the water. and that same pair of hands pulled them down into the ocean, drowning them in seawater.
[name] made sure to grab onto luffy before they were submerged completely, cursing himself for letting his guard down and glared at the figure that was now walking onto land whilst they were sinking in the water.
he made sure his grip on luffy didn’t loosen one bit as he kicked his feet underneath him, internally cursing the mystery figure out in his head.
[ .ᐟ ] mc smokes more of sanji’s cigarettes so that the blonde doesnt get to smoke as much, mc is concerned for sanji’s health. + also thinking about sanji watching [name] smoke and waiting till hes done before pulling the cigarette away … cuz he was still holding it … idk there might b smth wrong w me but guys wow thats so romantic!!!!!!! (nicotine addiction is real do not smoke guys)
[ .ᐟ ] this was so fun to write, little moments sprinkled in with almost everyone ugh my heart <33
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taglist (lmk if u want to be tagged ! <3 :
@skullr0se, @strawberrii-tea, @triangulartriangles, @anotherlovefool, @haratatsu, @sinmp, @3v37773, @taru-nami, @disc0dild0s, @boredwithlifeatthispoint, @kaulitzer, @cheetosins @notplutos, @whotdefak
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chaoticspeedrun · 1 year
Donnie x fem! Reader The little merturtle 5 FINAL
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Summary: Prince Donatello was the third of four brothers, the prince of an underwater yokai city, but he has always been searching for something else far more interesting than the mystic arts he is used to, he wants to know everything about the human world, their traditions, their creations... But when he finds himself entranced by a human princess it might just be the last push he needs to make his dream of exploring the land a reality.
"Donnie’s chest physically hurt and his hand was grabbing onto his shirt tightly, he felt like clawing at his chest for the pain to stop."
Warnings: Angst with a happy ending, tooth-rotting fluff
Shipwrecked wedding
“Good work” Draxum said in a low voice from down under the sea, while he and Big Mama looked at how things were turning out from Huginn and Muninn’s perspective.
“Oh, that boy is much better than I thought” Big Mama groaned before stopping to ponder “Though maybe he wouldn’t have gotten that far if that slimy one of his brothers hadn’t managed to turn them all so they could follow him, then again in the end it’s better that they did.”
“It was a little too close for us to keep laying about like this” Draxum grunted “The purple one is crafty, at this rate he’ll be getting what he needs before the time is due”
“Well, it is time Big Mama took matters into her own tentacles” At this, her form changed from her unassuming mermaid appearance to that of a gigantic half-spider, half-cecaelia yokai, the creatures at the entrance of the cave seemed to wither away, but Draxum remained stoic while she hummed and reached for a necklace on her chest, the very same that now held the powers of the turtles and Donnie’s voice.
“With the purpley one belonging to us the others will have no choice but to follow for their dear brother and Lou will fall alongside them, I’ll make him writhe” The sinister smirk on Big Mama’s face grew “And I know just the yokai for this job…”
You were looking far away into the horizon from the terrace of your room, thinking deeply about what had happened today.
You knew there was more to the relationship you had developed with Donnie in a month than the instant of strong infatuation you experienced with your savior; words Casey had said after one of your outings with Donnie, when she’d caught sight of the grin that hadn’t left your cheeks all day, reverberated in your mind.
“Far better than any dream man is one of flesh and blood” She’d said in a strangely wisdom-filled voice you rarely heard her use, it left rapidly though “He’s exhausting and picky though, I don’t know why you enjoy spending time with him so much” She huffed before leaving the room.
You chuckled slightly at that, remembering how in denial you had been about your growing feelings for the caramel-skinned man, that wasn’t fair to him of course, not when you thought back on your interactions and realized, his feelings for you were so evident they were almost tangible.
Donnie went out of his way to tease or laugh at your misfortunes, but the easy manner in which he did was playful and you could hold no grudge like you didn’t do the same to him; plus the soft smile on his face whenever he thought you weren’t looking when you know he barely did any more than grimace at everyone else or deadpan when he thought something was dumb made it hard for you to ignore how you knew he felt around you.
You looked up from your spot out there at the terrace and towards the balcony window of the tower that you had made his residence, his room for as long as he’d want it to be so; and there he was, you caught a glimpse of him, still learning how to do his voluminous hair all by himself, an arduous task but one he seemed to feel very accomplished about.
It made you smile, why were you wasting your time thinking about a man you might never see again when Donnie was right there?
So, you had to let go of that fairytale, once and for all.
Your face turned back to the sea for a moment before you turned around in the direction of Donnie’s room, determined to talk to him about it all, feeling you had made him wait long enough.
The moment you started walking away though, you heard a deep humming in the distance that sent shivers down your spine, your eyes widened immediately and your breath hitched under the recognition of the voice.
You hadn’t been able to get that voice out of your head yet.
Your mind scrambled and you hurried back to where you had been looking over the sea, leaning down as far as you could to find the sight you had been yearning for since the shipwreck.
Walking down the beach and in your direction was a figure dressed in purple, if you hadn’t just seen Donnie a moment ago at his window you would have believed from what you could make out of that silhouette that it was him.
You squinted your eyes, trying to make out the appearance of the person you were looking at, even though you could tell immediately from the voice that it was precisely the person you had been waiting for before today.
You managed to make out a small light on their chest, it seemed to grow stronger the louder the voice of this person became and through the fog you blinked as you seemed to have imagined that the light traveled through the fog and towards you.
You opened your eyes again, but your thoughts seemed to be dispersed, you could only think about the beautiful voice of the man who’d saved you.
Donnie woke up that morning unlike any other morning, he wasn’t grumbling and trying to hide himself further into the blankets, nor was he sleepily trying to prepare himself mentally before getting out of his cocoon, or pushing Leonardo’s insistent feet out of his face, no.
The sun streamed from the windows; the curtains wide open from his forgetting to close them the night before and Donnie awoke slowly with a smile on his face, he rubbed his eyes with a yawn before raising slowly, stretching his arms with a dumb grin still adorning his features.
Trying to avoid hitting Leo on the pillow beside him he got up from the bed lazily, wandering over to the window to rest himself against it and look out into the glittering sea with a deep sigh.
His mind kept replaying the events of last night and the more awake he felt the more his grin grew, he hadn’t noticed his legs wiggling underneath him in excitement at the thought of you or Leo finally waking up and laying close to him at the window.
You liked him, you definitely liked him, he couldn’t be reading that wrong, because he knew that last night you had been just about to kiss him and recapping the whole month he could now look back and think of little things you’d done that he had been, in Leo’s words, too dense to notice as proof of your growing attraction to him.
He was in the clouds.
And because he was, he hadn’t noticed Raph yelling at him from far below the tower.
Finally, having been called to attention by Leo almost biting his finger off, Donnie glared and woke up from his daydreams now in his usual mood when he noticed Raph had managed to reach your terrace and was talking to him from way over there.
“Donnie! Congratulations! You did it” Raph seemed to be tearing up and Donnie couldn’t understand why “Raph’s so proud of you little guy!”
“What are YOU TALKING ABOUT?” Leo yelled, trying to make his voice louder so Raph would hear, the eldest just chuckled at him.
“Oh, shut up Leo, you just want to show off that you knew first,” Raph said
“He didn’t do anything except go on and on about her highness last night!” Leo yelled with Raph looking weird at him.
“He can’t talk!”
“Well, he would have if he could!” Leo huffed; Raph just shook his head.
“Mikey and I heard close to town, everyone’s all excited about the princess finding her one true love, they’re saying something about her finally getting married soon!”
Donnie’s eyes were the biggest they had ever been in his life and his heart was hammering against his chest, if he had thought last night was a dream then he had entered a coma now, his expression went back to giddy, and then utterly elated while his hands were flapping right beside him, any doubt he may have had left was evaporated at the implications of Raph’s words.
You loved him, you really did love him, so much so your subjects were already thinking of wedding bells, he wondered who you had talked to that the rumor had reached town so soon but it didn’t matter, you loved him and he had to see you right this moment.
Donnie couldn’t even hear Leo calling out to him, he rushed to the closest mirror and fixed his bedhead slightly before hurrying out the door with his pajamas still on, he barely managed to process Leo hanging onto his clothes for dear life as his feet made their way down the hall and stairs as fast as he could go.
The moment he reached the first flight of stairs and looked down at the reception hall his feet faltered, making him stumble, but Donnie managed to catch himself, the sight in front of him though had his elated smile falling off his face faster than when his dad had found his secret cove.
You were right there in front of Casey, but what made his mind reel with a mountain of questions was the man you were holding so tightly onto.
Donnie quickly hid behind a wall, his eyes running through the scene once, twice, every detail of the picture getting burned into his mind.
You looked beautiful, he had never seen you wearing such formal clothing, you preferred to dress casually most of the time, which made the importance of the situation even clearer, and you had that look on your face, that fierce determination he had fallen for at the very beginning and that was suddenly making his stomach churn with anxiousness.
The man at your side was familiar to him, but Donnie couldn’t pinpoint how or if he had ever seen him around the castle, he was dressed in an attire resembling yours in formality, almost princely in fact, his locks of hair like his own but much shorter and obviously stylized by a professional. He looked calm, confident, almost smug even, and looked down at you who held so dearly onto his arm with a charming smile.
Donnie barely processed the fact that his breathing had quickened, he almost missed Casey’s voice as she started talking.
“Well Y/N, it appears I was mistaken,” Casey said, her voice as firm as always but seeming to hold onto a sort of confusion while the woman bowed to the other two “The mystery man of yours does, in fact, exist, I must thank you for rescuing our dear princess”
The other man chuckled, and Donnie instinctively reached out towards his own throat at the familiar timbre “Not at all, such a stunning vision as she is I believe it is I who was rescued by her deep eyes.” He said looking at you and placing one of his hands over your own still holding dearly onto him.
Holding so dearly, why were you holding onto him like that?
“Well, I must still say, congratulations to the both of you for finding each other” Donnie barely noticed but Leo saw Casey’s eyes stray momentarily in the direction of where Donnie and he were hiding.
Finally, you spoke “Danny and I wish to be married as soon as possible,” You said with that confident tone of yours.
And then the shattered pieces of Donnie’s heart were laying there on the floor, scattered everywhere almost to dust, he shook his head disbelievingly, but Casey continued.
“Yes of course your highness, I shall start the preparations” Before Casey could continue you interrupted, stepping into some of the pieces of Donnie’s heart.
“By Saturday Casey” You stated in a tone of no negotiation, that was in three days, right before the end of the spell “The ship will depart at sunset.”
Donnie wasn’t looking anymore, his back to the wall as he hyperventilated, barely hearing Casey’s response about getting everything done in time, Donnie’s chest physically hurt and his hand was grabbing onto his shirt tightly, he felt like clawing at his chest for the pain to stop.
Between Leo trying to grab his attention and the insistent ringing in his ears, Donnie ran away back towards his room, barely conscious of what he was doing as his body looked for a safe place.
It was hard to see where he was going with his eyes scrunched up like that and full of tears and even though he still managed to get out of there without being seen by you Danny caught sight of his figure, his smirk growing as he pulled you closer to his side, the necklace hanging from his neck glowing gently under the sunlight.
“Donnie, listen to me” Leo called out as Donnie slammed the door to his room closed, still breathing harshly “Donnie, think of your surroundings, what do you feel under your feet?”
He could feel the rug at the entrance of the room, he usually liked the sensation, unlike the other rugs around this one was soft, and he rubbed his toes on it.
Leo gave a couple of instructions to Donnie and slowly, he calmed down before laying his back against the closed door and sliding down to the floor, Leo quietened down.
Donnie rubbed his hand against his face, rubbing his eyes, wanting the feeling of the tears left to go away, his expression was angry and his eyes blotched and although for a moment he had just wanted to hit something and tear his chest open right now he felt empty, very empty.
If you loved him, you wouldn’t be rushing to get married to another man, he thought still glaring at the ground, the burning at the corner of his eyes returned, but he made no move to stop the incoming tears, just letting them fall down as he processed the whole situation.
Leo wanted to comfort his brother, tell him how suspicious this man was, tell him his voice was too much like Donnie’s for it to be a coincidence, that he looked too much like him, there were so many things on Leo’s mind about Big Mama and Draxum but he couldn’t bring any of those things up, not when his brother looked so devastated.
So, he sat there quietly, accompanying Donnie.
Three days was a much shorter amount of time than he’d ever thought it was.
After Donnie had gotten better Leo managed to convince him to talk to you, and though Donnie first refused strongly a part of him too hoped for an answer.
An answer he didn’t get because even though Donnie had managed to get all his courage to talk to you, he never managed to catch you, he wondered if you were avoiding him, and though it discouraged him to think so, seeing him with that man constantly only made his fury grow especially because Donnie knew he never got to tell you who he was, what he was, where he came from.
And that also left a bitter feeling in his chest that he tried to ignore because the man you were with wasn’t some idiot who you had to teach horse riding to or what a streetlamp was, he wasn’t constantly asking you about the most simple things.
Danny could speak to you without having to sign or write what he was thinking, he could be more useful to you in your royal tasks than Donnie could, barely even knowing the basics of human customs.
Worse yet, Danny was human, and Donnie was a mix of a turtle and a fish with three big fingers that wouldn’t comfortably rest with your five delicate ones and a tail that would never allow him to dance with you again.
Through discussions with Leo and a few talks he had at the beach with the rest of his brothers Donnie had managed to mostly keep on going, but he would be lying if he said his hopes weren’t already crushed; at night, his insomnia got worse than ever and he wished at times that he had remained under the sea like everyone had asked him to his whole life, maybe they were right, maybe his dad was right.
He thought all of this with a wrath that blocked the rest of his thoughts, if he’d never gone to the surface or learned so much about the human world, he wouldn’t be like this now.
He wanted to regret learning to dance with a pair of feet, or learning about blacksmithing and the various ways metal could be manipulated.
He wanted to regret learning about the different variations of flora in the human world and about all the engineering books that he poured hours in the library into.
He wanted to regret getting to know you and loving you.
He couldn’t regret it, and he couldn’t stop loving you.
So once again, with puffy eyes he wished he could hide, Donnie stood near the ship where you would be wed, arms crossed just staring at the boat and since he refused to get in the ship, he was now condemned to watch it slowly leave the harbor.
The further away the ship got the more it cemented in that this was it, it was over, you were marrying someone else and any moment now he would go back to being a merturtle, unable to even see you again.
He didn’t cry, he’d wasted enough tears, so he waited, just wanting to go home.
Donnie was lost in thought enough he didn’t see Leo get in the ship before it left nor did he see Raph and Mikey following in the water.
“Psst, Leo” Leo perked up at the sound of April’s voice calling him, he looked up to his friend with a smile before the smile fell at seeing her covering her mouth to stop from laughing.
“Yeah, yeah, just get it over with” Leo grumbled while April tried to calm herself down.
“Wooh, sorry, sorry, when Raph and Mikey found me and told me the whole situation, I didn’t actually expect you to be so small!” She said carefully picking him up in her hands and straying away from the eyes of the people invited to the party.
“Look, you can laugh all you want later, but we need to find this guy Danny, something is wrong about this whole situation,” Leo said looking around, April hummed.
“Um, Leo, are you sure about this? I don’t know, the princess seems to really love this guy” She said in a quiet voice, though she wanted Donnie to be happy and her heart had broken once she learned everything that had been happening to her friend she didn’t want to give them any false hopes, April had always been realistic with her expectations.
Leo sighed “That’s what’s weird, April, this guy pops out of nowhere one day and that same day she decides to marry him? She was about to kiss Donnie the day before that and call me a romantic but I don’t think she’s the type to jump directly into the next guy’s arms” He shook his head “No, April, something is wrong, this guy is extremely suspicious and his voice tells me it has something to do with Big Mama and Draxum.”
April looked at him curiously “His voice?”
The moment she asked that they heard laughter coming from one of the cabins, Leo shushed her and told her to go there, that was it, that was the cabin where the groom was getting married.
The both of them reached a window and peeked inside, there stood Danny and immediately April could understand Leo’s reasoning, red flags popping in her mind at the voice that was exactly the same as her best friend’s.
“Things are working out perfectly, mom” He called snickering while fixing one of his eyebrows in the mirror, his reflection though, was different from his physical appearance, Leo saw through the mirror a big rat yokai instead “The sun is setting, and that little stupid prince is so heartbroken he didn’t even get in to see the show!” Danny laughed while a shadow got closer to April and Leo’s view.
Leo looked pissed off as he realized whom that shadow belonged to, now wearing a new pair of legs right in front of him was Big Mama.
“Oh the poor turtley-boo, I can’t believe he’s missing it, but oh well, the show must go on, mustn’t it deary?” She said in faux sympathy before grinning “and while we accomplish this menial task, Draxum is down there getting me my crown, oh this is turning out even better than we thought, imagine, already having the sea, once you marry the princess the yokai can keep the land for themselves.”
“Just as you always wished Big Mama” Danny said bowing slightly.
“We have to get out of here, now!” Leo yelled and April ran away “We gotta tell Donnie! This is all a lie fabricated by Big Mama, he needs to get that kiss, or who knows what’ll happen! You stay and stall the wedding!” April nodded immediately, they got close to the border and April peeked out, finding Mikey in the water she threw Leo in, his brother carrying him back up to the surface.
The three brothers hurriedly made their way toward Donnie as Leo explained what was happening.
Thankfully the ship hadn’t gotten far yet “Donnie!” Leo called out once he was close enough, Donnie lifted his gaze and gave him a blank glare “Donnie, we went on the ship, Danny is not a human! He is a yokai sent by Big Mama, it’s all a trap! He has your voice!”
Leo’s hurried explanation finally made it into Donnie’s thought process and he looked at his other two brothers for confirmation, watching them both nod quickly was everything Donnie needed to look around in search of anything that could get him there in time.
There was a rowboat close, and Donnie immediately jumped on it, untying the rope and keeping it in place as Leo got inside and Raph went behind the boat on the water.
“Mikey!” Raph called the youngest “You need to go to dad, tell him what’s going on, now! Before Baron Draxum gets to him” Mikey nodded rapidly before submerging and swimming as fast as he could toward the castle.
Donnie took the rows and started going as fast as he could while Raph helped push the boat, Big Mama’s voice telling him he had a month to get the kiss kept playing in his mind while he saw the sun getting closer to the line of the sea.
Back in the boat, Danny was already waiting for his bride at the altar ignoring Mayhem who seemed to be glaring and barking at him from where the public stood; meanwhile, April was whispering into Sunita’s ears, the woman nodded and took one of the trays into her hands, starting to walk close to the man with the various pastries swaying precariously in it.
At that same moment, the bride was walking down the aisle in her white and long flowing wedding dress, finally reaching the groom who took her hand in his, they both stood before the master of ceremonies who started his speech.
Before much else could happen, Sunita screamed, her feet stumbling suspiciously on something and the tray with pastries flying from her hands over to Danny, falling directly on him and covering his wedding suit completely in sugar and cream.
Danny’s expression was absolutely furious and he glared at Sunita who made a show of gasping in panic “Oh dear! I am so sorry, how clumsy of me! I should have been more careful, and your suit is ruined, how can this be?” While Sunita kept rambling April reached down to help her.
“Oh, this is terrible!” April said “You can’t get married in this! Quick! We need to fix your suit, we must clean it, but it may not be salvageable…” Danny wanted to yell at the girls, but you didn’t react much, your expression dull.
Donnie was finally close enough and with agility, he reached the stairs at the side of the ship, a determined glare set on his features while he started going up as fast as he could.
The ship succumbed to chaos, Danny finally yelling at the girls and telling the master to continue the ceremony, but April was determined and she pulled on his suit “You can’t! Not like this! And your necklace is so out of place!” She pulled on the necklace and Danny pulled back with a vengeance.
“Let it go you trashy little-!” The necklace snapped from the chain and flew through the air just as Donnie jumped inside the ship, it crashed on the floor and broke into pieces, the glow leaving and rushing directly onto him.
Donnie gasped, loudly this time, like he had finally recovered his breath, realizing what had happened after a burst of shock he let out a relieved laugh, his eyebrows scrunched up together with a small smile forming on his face.
The breaking of the necklace and the sound of a desperate laugh seemed to wake you up from the trance you had been in for almost four days, your head was throbbing with a horrible headache, and you reached up to hold it reflexively, but once you processed your surroundings your eyes went directly to Donnie, your Donnie who’s laughter you could hear.
You called out to him confused “Donnie?”
“Y/N,” he said making you startled at how your name sounded with his voice, filled with so much relief, you started walking your way and though he looked nervous his smile was still in place, eyes never straying from you.
“You can talk?” You asked with wonder while he nodded, you walked faster to the end of the aisle and sighed after taking his hands on yours, one part of you screamed that you had been right, it had been him all along that you were looking for, it was his voice, of course it was his voice, who else could it ever be for you other than Donnie?
And yet another part of you remembered bits and pieces only of what had happened the last couple of days, one of these things you couldn’t get out of your mind was Donnie’s heartbroken expression, and through the confusion of whatever was going on right now you felt the need to reassure him somehow, so you squeezed his hands with yours, he seemed like he was breathing better.
“Y/N, get away from him!” Danny called out, but his nasal voice replaced the one he had been using before and he immediately covered his mouth after that, no longer having any control over you.
With a triumphant grin sent the way of his doppelganger Donnie turned back to you, holding your hands up with his as he looked directly into your eyes “I wanted to tell you, but I didn’t know how to explain it so—”
In wanting to explain what happened, Donnie had forgotten about the time crunch he was in, and the other reason why he hadn’t just told you sooner, a sharp pain ran through his chest, and he grunted, falling to his knees and making you panic, wild with worry you leaned close to him, calling his name.
The sun was set and there was a collective gasp from the public as Donnie breathed rapidly, not failing to realize with horror that his skin was changing in texture, scales forming back and slowly turning from brown to a deep green hue.
“You are too late,” Big Mama said appearing from one of the cabins with a scary grin on her face while Donnie tried to cover his from your sight, his bandana which had disappeared hanging loosely from his face and with his now three-fingered hands he tried to hide behind it.
The screams from the crowd were loud as Big Mama turned to her big spidery form, even bigger than she normally was “You really should read the things you sign with more patience, nobody leaves the important bits at the beginning of the contract” She said with a sinister tone.
“Donnie?” You leaned down reaching for his arm but Donnie pulled away from you in panic, you managed to catch his eye, wide open under his fingers and bandana, trying to get away from you, you could barely breathe “Donnie please” you begged hoping he’d talk to you, explain what was happening, how could you help him if you didn’t understand what was going on?
Your mind kept telling you about the tail you saw back at the beach after being saved, it had been magenta with undertones of violet, you thought yourself crazy, that you must have imagined it, but it was right there in front of you, part of the man you knew had been there that day.
The same man who was trying to hide his tail behind himself.
“I’m sorry” He blabbered,  trying to get closer to the edge of the ship “I lied, I lied I lied and I should have told you but I wasn’t, you don’t, you don’t deserve this and if I had just stayed human you wouldn’t have had to, I—”
Donnie was on the verge of a panic attack, everything was ruined, even if he had avoided your wedding everything was already crashing down around him and though you were still confused you couldn’t let him spiral like that, your hands lingered in the air close to him but you made no move to touch him when you didn’t know if he’d be okay with it.
“Donnie, darling, listen to me please, focus on my voice,” You said stopping his rambling “Donnie, love, it’s okay, you’re okay, tell me what to do,” you said and he finally managed to see your expression.
You weren’t disgusted or horrified like he had feared so many times when he pondered this scenario, you were worried for him, asking him to let you help him, being mindful of his limits and in his mind, he managed to connect the words you’d said.
Despite everything that had just happened, you’d called him love.
He was letting go of his face, about to say something when Big Mama’s loud laughter and the screaming of everyone else finally reached his ears again, he turned around only to see the big yokai pulling him with her claws, he yelled, reaching up to try and pull the yokai’s claws away from him.
“Donnie!” You yelled and Big Mama smiled.
“I am so very sorry for your wedding dear, but we have very important business to attend, wouldn’t want to leave your family waiting, would you turtley-boo?” She laughed throwing herself and Donnie out of the ship and into the sea.
“Oh you have a lot of guts, purpley, but don’t worry, that was just a side gig, it would have been nice, but this is more important” Big Mama spoke while she pulled Donnie with her.
“Donatello!” His dad’s familiar voice called out and Donnie felt relief, it suddenly left though as he looked up.
There, in formation swam his father and brothers back to their original form, but the three of them had gold glowing chains holding their wrists together, and right beside them was Baron Draxum.
“Why Lou, haven’t seen you in such a long time, how are you?” Big mama chanted while Splinter growled.
“Let my son go” Splinter said and Big Mama laughed.
“Not a chance Lou, I’m sure my partner already filled you in but just so you are sure,” a contract, the very same Donnie had signed before was pulled in front of him “He is mine now as are the other three.”
“No!” Donnie growled “They didn’t sign anything, only I did.”
“Oh dear, really, the very last part of the contract is very important, in fact, I would have skipped the beginning that you did read and gone down immediately, what you signed gives me ownership of anyone who drank the potion, and your brothers drank it!” Donnie paled after hearing so.
“That makes no sense, my signature can’t count for them.”
“Oh but there’s a contract you didn’t consider at all, a contract of blood a pact of brotherhood” Big Mama grinned towards a deflating Splinter and the brothers glared at her.
Donnie looked devastated and his gaze went towards his dad the moment a pair of Draxum’s vines held onto his wrists “Papa, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to, I should have—”
Donnie’s voice was interrupted by Splinter attempting to destroy the contract with a beam of his trident, however, the contract stayed untouched.
“Let’s make a deal, shall we?” Draxum asked Splinter while the turtles complained and told him not to, their father looked down.
“What do the two of you want?” He growled.
“I for one want my warriors back” Draxum hummed pointing towards the brothers.
“Warriors?” Raph asked and Leo rolled his eyes.
“Hello? He called us that when we met, no? Not ringing any bells? Only me? Okay.” Leo sighed.
“Absolutely not, why would I even do that?” Splinter answered.
“Well, of course, I could settle for something else, I am reasonable” Draxum hummed “You will give us yourself in exchange for the turtles, but there are four of them, and only one of you, even your crown seems an unjust exchange.”
“You will give me back my crown Lou” Big Mama stated “And Draxy here will have control of all your powers and theirs, do we have a deal?”
“So you’ll create more warriors and champions to terrorize the humans and yokai alike?” Splinter laughed bitterly, but the contract still stared straight at him.
Back on the surface, you were now in one of the row boats, Casey calling out for you “Your highness what are you doing?!”
“I already lost him once! I am not about to lose him again!” You yelled going further into the sea and hoping to catch a glimpse of anything that could tell you where Donnie was.
At that moment, Donnie was going through sensory hell as he remembered the things that had grabbed onto him when he had entered Big Mama’s and Draxum’s cave, it hadn’t been a thing, it had been someone, and whatever had happened to them was happening to him.
His brothers yelled for him and Splinter had given in, pointing his trident at the contract, he signed, replacing Donnie’s name for his.
In an instant, Donnie was back to normal, and Splinter was turned into one of those things, Donnie cried out for him as did the others whose chains had broken at the signing.
“PAPA!” They all called swimming over to the king in his withered form.
Above, you were able to see a bright light coming from the water “gotcha” you said before throwing yourself into the water, your wedding dress had been torn to pieces for mobility and a harpoon was held tight in your hand.
“At last,” Big Mama said taking the crown in her hands, Draxum reached out for the trident, but she stopped him “up up up, Draxy, you know how much I love our partnership, don’t you? I just don’t think this is right for you” She said, taking the trident in her hands and laughing maniacally.
“We had a deal, witch” He yelled angrily while she chuckled.
“Oh, you really should all start reading the bottom lines of the contracts,” She said.
“You must be forgetting I still own all their powers, so help me, witch, this alliance may be over, but I assure you my goal will be completed,” Draxum said, his form appearing larger with the use of Raph’s ninpo.
While they were both distracted a strong sharp pain hit Big Mama’s side and she yelled turning back to see you swimming there and the harpoon having hit her.
Leo took advantage of the situation to take his swords and attack Draxum directly.
“Foolish! You cannot defeat me when I have every ounce of your mystic energy” The baron gloated as the other brothers reached out to try anyway.
Donnie yelled out your name, being held back by one of Big Mama’s claws “Look out!”
You swam back to the surface as fast as you could but were pulled down by Huginn and Muninn without being able to get much air, thankfully, Mikey noticed this and rushed to your aid “Let her go!” He yelled, pulling out his nunchaku to get rid of the gargoyles.
You were let go, but Big Mama still had you in her sight “Say goodbye to your sweetheart” She sang, pointing at you with the trident, Donnie desperately managed to claw his way to Big Mama’s arms and pull the trident into another direction before it hit you, Huginn and Muninn barely able to avoid being hit instead, they rushed away of the battlefield.
Big Mama was pissed, and Donnie followed you as you went up to the surface, trying to make sure you were okay while his brothers fought against Draxum.
Big Mama wanted power and if she needed to kill Draxum for it, so be it, a lightning bolt coming from the trident hit the yokai and he breathed harshly realizing what had happened, the turtles all gasped as he exploded into tiny little pieces, they looked out in horror and realized their mystic abilities where now the possession of the second person in the contract.
Big Mama grew and grew and suddenly she was a titan of an aquatic monster with the powers of a god.
“We need to go to Donnie, now!” Raph yelled and the three brothers rushed towards the surface.
You were gasping for air when Donnie’s head came out to the surface, looking at you for any wounds “Y/N, you have to get out of here!” He said reaching for you and trying to drag you towards the abandoned rowboat.
“I won’t leave you, Donnie!” You yelled looking straight at him “There has to be something I can do, even if it is from the ship.” Before you could finish your train of thought you were being pushed up by something.
It was big mama having achieved a monumental size, you quickly threw yourselves back into the water, Donnie holding you close to his plastron, but that didn’t last long, as the strength of the big waves Big Mama sent your way separated you, you falling far away from Donnie while he tried to reach you to no avail, screaming your name in worry.
“The sea and all its spoils bow to my power!” As she said this, the very ship where Donnie had first seen you was pulled out from the water and into the surface as Big mama made a miniature tsunami around herself.
The ship almost hit you, to Donnie’s horror from where he could see you, but you managed to grab onto a rope from under the water and pull yourself up into the old ship, thankfully reaching the deck and hoping the wheel still worked.
Big Mama looked at Donnie and shot the rock he had been holding onto, throwing him into her merciless waves.
“I got you!” Raph yelled taking grasp of Donnie’s hand before he fell further down, but it wasn’t over, Big Mama was trying to kill all of the brothers and shooting at them who barely managed to avoid the strikes.
When you finally reached the wheel of the boat you turned it rapidly Big Mama’s way, thankful that she was so distracted she would have never even considered you a threat.
You almost cried when you realized the wheel worked, and thanks to her majesty the ship remained afloat and the mast that once held the wooden figure of a mermaid was now sharp and broken, perfect for you.
“So much for true love!” Big Mama exclaimed about to hit the four turtles who held tightly onto each other when her side was impaled by your ship.
Big Mama let out the most horrendous scream of pain you had ever heard and it looked like the lightning she’d tried to inflict had hit her instead, she started crumbling into the ocean, clawing desperately for relief and managing to take hold of the ship, dragging it back down into the water with her.
You jumped out of it fast to not be dragged and swam on your way back to shore, not without looking back to make sure Big Mama was long gone.
You were exhausted, absolutely exhausted, and had too much water inside you, so you crumbled on the beach sand once you reached it, passing out again while the brothers looked at the end of the sea witch and Baron left behind, the feeling of power returning to their bodies, they swam down, hoping with her end, their father was back to normal.
The spell was broken, on anyone who had ever made a deal with Big Mama, thus including the king who with a beam of light returned to his form, finding his trident falling close to him.
“DADDY!” The chorus of his sons caught his attention before he was embraced tightly into a hug by four almost crying merturtles.
Splinter could hear the rapid-fire apologies of his purple-coded son and made sure to hold him much closer, a small smile forming on her face and tears in the corner of the old king’s eyes.
Donnie looked at you from a rock close to shore, you were only now starting to wake up from how you’d passed out earlier and he wanted nothing more than to go to you.
But how could he ever hope to hold you in his arms again? After everything he had done to his family and you for being so selfish.
He couldn’t do that to his father again, no matter how much his heart ached at the thought of leaving you forever.
Not far away the king and his sons stared at the merturtle who worriedly waited for you to wake up, knowing with his tail, Donnie would never be able to follow you again.
After a moment of contemplation, the king turned to Leo who had a bitter expression on his face “He really does love her, doesn’t he Blue?”
Leo chuckled slightly “Oh pops, you have no idea” Finally the turtle turned to his dad “And he wasn’t doing half bad there, it was like nerd paradise, you know?” Leo’s smile fell “Humans really don’t seem all that bad.”
The king sighed, looking back at Donnie “It is true that after this humans will go back to believing in yokai, someone has to be responsible for keeping relations between sea and land as peaceful as possible” Leo perked up at this and looked at his father with absolute shock, the king smiled softly “That’s one problem solved then since Donatello would be more than competent even if I am unsure of his people skills, surely you’ll help him with that from here Blue, so there’s only one problem left.”
Leo still couldn’t believe what he was hearing, and his other two brothers were close behind gaping at the words of the king, finally, Leo asked “And what’s that?”
“How much I’m going to miss him” Splinter smiled before pointing up with his trident to the second of his middle children, the trident glowing brightly before touching the surface of the water softly, the glowing light followed the water slowly and reached the magenta tail it had been directed towards.
The tail started glowing, sparkling under the light and grabbing Donnie’s attention.
The merturtle looked down to see his tail turning back into a pair of legs and with great shock, he looked towards his family who smiled at him happily, including his father, he couldn’t believe it, the nod of approval his father sent almost making him drop right there, realizing, despite everything they all wanted him to go back to you.
He almost jumped out of the rock and towards you but a lingering thought stopped him as he realized his legs weren’t like the ones he had before, they weren’t human, he wasn’t human, he was a turtle yokai able to walk on land.
Was that truly, okay? He’d lied to you, you hadn’t expected him to be like this, and he faltered, but the thoughts of those murals and your exciting tales of yokai and humans co-existing thankfully gave him a push.
He stood up, walking toward you slowly and remembering that despite everything you’d remained by his side, in fact, you had saved his life.
So maybe his hopes weren’t so foolish after all, and he did owe you an explanation.
With a soft smile returning to his face he watched you hold your head in your hands while you started to sit back up, the moment you looked up you saw Donnie, walking your way from the water in a pair of legs instead of his tail, you let out a sigh of relief knowing he was okay and rushed his way, he beamed as he felt you run into his arms, you collided against him with a huff making him laugh and you smile wide.
“You’re okay” You mumbled into his plastron, pulling him closer to you and making Donnie’s heart flutter, he hummed softly in response, his arms going around you before lifting you and spinning you along with him easily, making you realize how strong he was.
You wouldn’t let yourself think you had all the time in the world again, you were enjoying every second.
You laughed looking back at him, your forehead bumping against his softly before you pulled him close, finally getting that kiss that had been interrupted; he made a sound of surprise against you before melting into the kiss.
Months of dating and learning about each other’s culture led to teaching the world about yokai, and while not everyone was open to this you were grateful to those who tried and Leo who always seemed to know how to manage your situation, even when Donnie grumbled about his methods.
And eventually, that led to a wedding Casey could actually approve of and that you forced your people to approve of with pretty words about it being good for yokai and human relationships.
You were marrying the love of your life on a beautiful ship with guests from both worlds, especially Donnie’s family who had been practicing walking only for this event.
The music started and as the sunlight hit your wedding attire you held an appreciation for how much better you looked in this than the last time.
But more than anything, your heart was hitting your chest harshly once your eyes connected with his own pair at the altar, his whiskey-colored pair seemed to glow at the sight of you and a goofy smile you didn’t know if he was aware of made its way to his face, now a darker shade of green than normal. From the corner of your eye, you saw Leo smiling beside his twin and Mikey and Raph seemingly startled by someone they saw in the crowd, Casey, Sunita, and April stood close to your side of the altar and then the music quietened down, a green hand with three fingers reaching for your own as your groom smiled at you with more confidence and all the love in the world in his eyes, you took his hand, thinking about how perfectly it fit in yours before standing beside him, body towards the master of ceremonies, your eyes though never straying from him.
Though this is not the end, I will be making the sequel like you guys asked! Designing the OC child of Donnie and the reader might be something I will ask your help with through polls before that, also I will first be working on the Leo x reader Anastasia AU so stay tuned!
It is done! Thanks to everyone for reading this and your comments that always make my day! (Los que están en Español también, gracias <3) I am so happy!
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quest-for-pluto · 1 year
Human!Neteyam x Human!Female!Original Character.
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Summary: He stared at his hands as they hovered in front of his face, tremors running up and down his fingers. His five fingers, not four. And deep, warm brown skin. Not blue.
When Neteyam dies, instead of ending up in Eywa’s promised paradise, he wakes up on an apocalyptic earth, with a strange human girl as his only hope for survival.
Interlude 1: She Has Spoken
Neytiri sat alone in the Sully marui, holding her son's handmade necklace between her fingers. He had crafted it himself at ten years old, after he'd seen his father wearing one.
Only warriors wear necklaces, Jake had smiled at their son, ruffling his braids. You may make one after your first hunt.
Neytiri's lip wobbled as she clutched it close to her chest, exhaling deeply and feeling warm tears blur her vision. She barely noticed his approaching footsteps until her husband laid a gentle hand on her shoulder.
"It's time," he said softly.
Her chest squeezed painfully at the realization that this was the last time she was going to see her son without visiting Eywa, to touch his face and stroke his hair. "I don't want to go," she choked out. There was not enough air on this planet to soothe the ache in her lungs as they tightened.
Jake sighed deeply through his nose. As he maneuvered around to face her, she observed the small cracks in his normally stoic expression. Glimpses of the true pain and exhaustion he was feeling that he would never let anyone else see.
"Neteyam needs you," he said quietly, reaching up a hand to brush away the tears that had fallen down her cheeks. "He needs his mother."
Neytiri closed her eyes, gathering all of her hurt and suffering and stuffing it into a tiny bottle at the back of her mind. She felt a false calmness wash over her, a strength reserved only for her children. She opened her eyes. "He does," she whispered, reaching up to rest her own hand on top of his.
Jake helped her to her feet, leading her to where the body of her eldest son floated on a woven stretcher, his limbs tied together in the traditional fetal position.
The rest of her children plus Spider were already there waiting, keeping the stretcher afloat. She felt a usual spike of resentment and bitterness towards the later, but it was tamped down by the overwhelming sadness of the occasion, and the satisfaction that his father was most likely dead for good now. There were more important things to focus on.
Everyone from the Metkayina clan had gathered in the bioluminescent water, holding flickering torches as they respectfully waited for the funeral proceedings to start. The Olo'eyktan's family stood at the forefront.
Ronal's eyes flickered up as they approached. Her chin dipped in respect. "With your permission," she said. "We will start now."
Neytiri fought the urge to close her eyes and run far, far away. Instead she looked at her husband, both of them nodding in consent.
They wadded carefully into the water, the crowd parting respectfully for them as they came to stand before their son's body. Neytiri took a deep breath.
"Pamtseol ngop ayrenut," she sang. "Mì ronsemä tìfnu, mì hifkey."
(Music creates patterns, in the silence of the mind, as weavers do.)
"Awnga rol fte kivame. Kame fte rivol. Rerol tengkr kerä ìlä fya'o avol ne kxamtseng."
(We see to sing. We sing to see. We sing our way down the eight paths to the center.)
"Aywayl yìm kifkeyä ìheyut avomrr sìn tireafya'o avol, na waytelemä hìng."
(The songs bind the thirteen spirals of the solid world to the eight spirit paths, like the threads of a Songcord.)
Neytiri unclapsed her son's necklace, fastening it around her own neck with a pained heart.
Jake took her hand as they approached Neteyam. Her son's eyes were closed, a peaceful expression smoothing out his features.
"It's okay," Jake said softly, not to one person in particular, but to everyone in the family. As one, they mounted their ilus and began to pull the stretcher with their brother and son further into the vast, glowing waters. Once they got far enough out, they dismounted, treading closer to the stretcher to slide Neteyam's body out of it.
Neytiri choked on a sob as she held her son close for the last time. His hair drifted softly around his head like a halo, his lips slightly parted. Lo'ak rested a hand on his brother's forehead, as if reluctant to let him go.
With deep, shuddering breaths, Neytiri and Jake plunged into the water, each holding either side of their son as they lowered him gently to the glowing coral ground. As soon as the glowing plants tenderly enveloped his body, his parents let go, treading upwards.
That was when something strange happened.
The coral glowed even brighter around their son's form, but instead of disappearing into the plants, his body started to convulse. Small twitches that Neytiri denied at first, and then undeniable, full body convulsions that shifted the coral around him. Neytiri yelped in shock, a few air bubbles escaping her mouth.
The Sully family watched in fascination and disbelief as his chest began to glow from his bullet wound, the hole seemingly starting to close on its own.
With a cry, Neytiri swam back down to her son, narrowly escaping the grab Jake made for her arm. She cradled his body gently in her arms, shaking him urgently. "Neteyam!" She screamed underwater, uncaring of the air escaping her lungs. "Neteyam!"
Just as she felt herself begin to choke, two strong hands grabbed her by the arms, yanking her and her son up to the surface.
"Neteyam!" She coughed, bringing him back to the stretcher and cupping his face. The rest of her family quickly crowded around the stretcher, peering over him with bated breath.
"It's gone..." Jake whispered in wonder from beside her.
Looking down, she gasped in amazement. He was right, the bullet wound that had pierced her son's chest, leaving a small gaping hole, had healed almost completely. The only evidence left behind was a circular, slightly raised scar.
"By Eywa," Neytiri whispered, frantically pressing her ear down over his chest. Sure enough, the steady thump-thump, thump-thump of her son's heartbeat rang clearly in her ear, moved steadily against the skin of her cheek. Her eyes watered as she whimpered from joy, slowly raising herself to stare directly at her wide-eyed husband.
"He's alive," she breathed, voice thick with emotion.
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frozenjokes · 9 months
Signing Back In, Apparently - 9
Through the fizzling spurts of his slowly fading anxieties, Mumbo was beginning to feel.. light? A good feeling! Very good! Impulse had sat them all down to, in his words, ‘Get it all out on the table.’ Get on the same page. Talk.
And they did.
It took awhile for the ice to be broken, but the longer they went, the more horrified Mumbo was about just how much the four of them had left unsaid. Pearl was afraid. Afraid of being hurt, afraid of the crew being hurt, and being too late to save them. She always used the word save. Scar couldn’t do any more harm if he was dead, and god , she wanted him dead. Scar needed to suffer for the way he had played with them. Grian locked her in a tight hug when she admitted to blaming herself for his death. Mumbo hadn’t even known what had happened between the two of them and Scar before now.
Grian was.. angry? He was angry so he didn’t have to be sad, confused, betrayed, and every other range of emotions someone might feel when one of their best friends murders them. It shocked Mumbo to learn Grian still wanted desperately to know why. “I thought if I just crushed it down hard enough, I would eventually stop caring. I thought if Scar was dead, then it would go away. Now, I’m not so sure.” Mumbo took Grian’s hand in his and promised he’d find out. Mumbo didn’t recognize the pain in Grian’s eyes when he begged Mumbo not to.
“I don’t understand,” he had said. No one explained.
Mumbo probably had the most to say. Maybe it was because his own emotions were so confused? Unraveling every piece of the story felt like he was fraying the strands, leaping back and forth as he tried hopelessly to keep things simple and understandable. He was grateful when Impulse would step in and help. Usually, his insight was right. Pearl and Grian looked.. mostly distressed to be honest. Mumbo was deeply relieved when the explanation of his own attachment to Scar seemed to click for Grian. He hadn’t realized before seeing Grian’s shoulders relax, that Mumbo wanted him to understand the most. Pearl struggled with the idea, but she promised she wasn’t angry. Given Mumbo felt similarly with her desire to hurt Scar, he was more than happy to leave it at that.
Impulse insisted he had already said everything he wanted to with each of them separately, but with more than a little friendly bullying, he eventually caved. Mumbo didn’t remember the last time they had all laughed together like this. When they were alive, maybe?
“How did we ever lose sight of this?” Mumbo leaned back on his hands. He.. felt warm.
“Well I have a guess!” Grian rolled his eyes in mock-exaggeration, pushing against Mumbo’s arm.
“Ugh, Scar. Well, he did one good thing at least, bringing us all together. I can’t imagine living without you guys. Or, dying? Being dead? Gosh, imagine being dead with three other people you hate! I’d go crazy!” Pearl threw her arms in the arm, carrying the top half of her body ever so slightly away from the bottom. Grian snickered.
“Well, now that we’ve all agreed we are happier without Scar in our lives, I am declaring a Scar vacation! A Scarcation if you will,” Impulse grinned, making circles with his hand as he bowed. Mumbo clapped when no one else made a noise. “We all need some time away, I think. Even though we’re bound to him, we still have quite the range we can spend elsewhere, so I think we should take the opportunity to.. I don’t know! Hang out? It’s exciting, isn’t it?”
“Yes please, ” Grian let himself float on his back, crossing his legs. Mumbo caught Pearl’s eye, relieved to see her also looking a bit unsure.
This didn’t escape Impulse’s notice. “I know we’re all very focused on our individual goals, but Scar isn’t going anywhere. We need to take care of ourselves, first. And honestly, I’m tired! This is a mandatory vacation, so I don’t want to hear any complaints.”
“Okay, dad ,” Grian giggled, flicking at Impulse’s hair.
“Hey! You were on board!”
“You can’t force me to do anything! I’m a free spirit! A free spirit that doesn’t want to so much as look at Scar for a while! Let’s go Scarcation!”
“Just.. how long?” Pearl asked, unable to cover the apprehension in her voice.
“A week. Just a week.”
Pearl blinked, quickly sinking into a more relaxed posture, “I can swing that. Mumbo?”
“What? Yes, of course that’s fine. Sorry- do you guys feel like Scar is getting farther away? Like that pull?”
The three other ghosts paused, silent in their focus. “Oh come on!” Impulse broke it first, “Scar hasn’t gone sailing in- in weeks, right? Yesterday was probably one of the worst days of his life! Why would he go now?”
“Are we just going to let ourselves get dragged through the water then, or do we get to sit on the boat?” Pearl gave Impulse a bemused smile, patting him on the shoulder.
“Maybe we just don’t interact? Scar’s never out long,” Mumbo suggested. Impulse put his head in his hands.
“We could always just start tomorrow,” Grian suggested, shrugging.
“But we just had a moment! It was the perfect time!” Impulse wailed, throwing his hands up.
“Come on, let’s just go,” Pearl laughed, pulling Impulse to his feet, “Scarcation has already started, we’ll just separate once the boat docks.” The pull was starting to get uncomfortable now as Scar presumably picked up speed, and Mumbo wasn’t sure how much longer he’d be able to stay. He caught Grian’s eye, waving before he disappeared.
“Why would I tell them I’m leaving? They’ll figure it out, and they can teleport to my location anyway. God, when I first got here they wouldn’t stop because it spooked me so bad each time one just appeared in front of me! Eventually, I just got really good at not flinching so- AAUGH!” Scar’s scream was magnificent as he turned around to see Mumbo standing there, making a flying leap directly into Cleo’s arms. Grian popped into existence beside Mumbo, cackling as Cleo unceremoniously dropped Scar to the ground. Mumbo doubled over next to Grian, tears forming at the edges of his vision.
“I take it they’ve arrived?” Cleo smirked.
“Oh! Did you scare him?” Pearl said, delight evident in her tone as she pushed forward to examine Scar, still laying on the ground
“I didn’t mean to!” Mumbo jumped back, unable to keep the smile off his lips. He sat down, joined quickly by Impulse. “Sorry, I think I’ve already jumbled your Scarcation.”
“Well on a ship this small, I think that was inevitable. Alright everyone, pack in! Just pretend like he’s not there!” It took a little more convincing to get Pearl and Grian away from Scar, but eventually, they all sat, trying their best to ignore whatever Scar and Cleo were speaking about. But why was Cleo here? Mumbo hadn’t seen her in ages, along with most other pirates from the other factions. The same question was plastered on the faces of the other ghosts, and it wasn’t long before the whole group was silent, listening.
“Scar, aren’t you going to introduce me to your ghosts?” Cleo put her hands on her hips and jokingly tapped her foot. When Scar only gave a noncommittal grunt, she plucked him off the boat’s wheel and turned him around.
“No? Why do you even care? They’re my ghosts,” he scowled, shaking her off.
“Relax! I’m not going to take them from you. I just want to be friendly if we’re going to be seeing each other more often, and plus, ghosts are far more interesting than people.”
“I refuse to do this regularly. I already think it’s stupid, and honestly, you’ve made it seem like I’m not going to survive the trip in the first place.”
“Oh, you’ll be fine, you’re charming enough. Cub loves that kinda thing, which is why he’s so obsessed with me right now. It’s definitely not because I’ve started a competing business and anyone who tells you so is a damned liar.”
“Okay, this is like the fifth time you’ve brought Cub up, care to tell me who that is?”
“Trust me, it will be better as a surprise.”
“You keep implying he’s going to kill me!” Scar said, pointing an accusatory finger. Pearl perked up, but curled back in when Mumbo laughed, a sheepish smile crossing her face. She pushed him, and he pushed back without missing a beat, the two of them dissolving into a complete cat fight in seconds. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Impulse looking pleased. Pearl caught his moment of distraction, shoving her hand over his face with a short bark of laughter. Mumbo fell back on Impulse with a yelp, only for Grian to lunge past him onto Pearl, sending the both of them tumbling over the edge.
Grian didn’t miss a beat before teleporting back to Scar’s side, striding forward with great bravado, “I saved you, Mumbo! Be grateful!”
Mumbo rolled his eyes, “My knight in shining armor are you?”
“If you want to call me that, sure!” Grian happily took Pearl’s place beside him, looking quite pleased with himself.
“Ugh! Grian! You know I can’t see you in the water, how was I supposed to know you’d left?” Pearl said, appearing at Scar’s side. She laughed, eyes softening, “And you stole my seat.”
“You weren’t appreciating it enough.” Grian only caught Mumbo’s eye for a moment before both of them were distracted by Cleo’s call.
“Look, it’s right over there. Try not to crash on the spiky rocks, they’re hard to see through all the ominous, ever-present fog.”
“This ‘The Haunted Island’ is quite on brand, isn’t it?” Scar huffed, adjusting his grip on the wheel.
“Oh, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. They’ve also got haunting wails, cold breezes that send shivers down your spine, all of the good stuff! These guys have a reputation to uphold after all.”
All four ghosts stared, frozen in place. And then, almost all at once, they stood up to get a better look, clambering over each other. Mumbo felt Grian crawl onto his shoulders, and then felt Pearl scramble up Grian. Impulse floated beside them with an amused, but exasperated look.
“Where the hell are we going?” Pearl leaned forward, causing Grian to squeak and Scar to scream. Cleo was the first to turn around, delight coloring her face.
“Oh, look at that, you guys are adorable! It’s a pleasure to finally meet you!”
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magnusbae · 2 months
hi, i just read your latest piece, and i was wondering:
who gave you the right?!?!?! that shit hurtEd. ouch.
now, i took longer than i wanted to reply to this one, because i knew i wished to write back, and there was simply not a good moment for it--- with less words... here are...amends, dear anon. edit: it was not amends, i am so sorry. prev ♥️
There's a certain kind of relief, Obi-Wan muses. In death, that is.
Afterlife, part of the living force, heaven or hell— however you would call it, it matters little. This is where Obi-Wan exists now, lingering in the twilight of the force, between the the living and the else.
He should move on.
He's done enough, he's given enough.
Obi-Wan tells himself that the reason for his protracted stay is his promise to watch the boy. He did not train him as he should have. At the very least he will not break his promise to keep him safe.
Some days, it was the only thing that kept him going.
The promise to himself, to the force, to...Anakin.
Obi-Wan tells himself that he owes that much to the memory of the man he once loved. (Still does, if he's honest enough.)(He is not.).
Owes that and more— for how completely he had failed him.
If he spends more time on watching the ashen remains of what used to be a breathtaking, beautiful supernova in the force— than on actually guiding the boy, well, he tells himself that this is for the best, as well. There's little good Obi-Wan's guidance does, after all.
There's no fixing it. Obi-Wan realizes as he watches the one who used to be his Padawan meditate, shields lowered, thinking himself alone.
He said so himself, many times over. He knew that, many times over. Yet he still finds new ways to feel heartsick over it, still manages to be somehow surprised at the notion that this is the truth, that his—
Despair sinks deep within Obi-Wan's core as Darth opens up wider to the force, exposing his turmoiled self to the living force. The layers of anger and hatred are blinding, crimson red and pitch black, all coiled tightly together, protecting what's inside. Claws and venom, and—
Oh, Obi-Wan shudders as Anakin lowers one more shield, for it is Anakin he senses beneath it all— his fear, his agony, his pain.
Oh, Anakin. Obi-Wan thinks, his own force signature twisting into knots. What he would have done to amend for this, to fix this to save him— but there's no bringing that rueful smile back, nor changing the past. Obi-Wan recoils from the thought. It is ruthless, pragmatic, and familliar. One he is used to, one he had been repeating to himself each day and each night. There is nothing he can do. Nothing.
Not anymore, not now, not then.
He can feel himself fading away, shifting deeper into the Force.
Away, away, away— again.
Turning his back as he once did, decades ago, the words 'Help me, Master' scourging through his soul and beyond.
He is a coward.
An old, foolish coward, who can never follow through.
Not that way, or another. Not in any way that matters.
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nazukisser · 2 years
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➺✧ ┅ CHAPTER 02 | MAY I?
SYNOPSIS | “Duke, will you marry me?” You never thought you’d be saying these words until now, when you’ve realized you’ve been reincarnated as the first side character to be killed in a series of tragedies in a novel series called “Trails of Misfortune & Misery”. As a lady forced into an arranged marriage with the greedy son of Duke Drakos who aims to use your power as a sorceress to gain the Emperor’s favor and is eventually is killed as a sacrifice for his schemes, it seems the only one who can truly assist you is the Duke of Suou, Tsukasa Suou.
CHAPTER WARNINGS | mentions of/implications of: arranged marriage, abusive relationship, double standards for genders
PAIRING | Suou Tsukasa x fem!reader
LINKS | series masterlist | taglist form | prev chapter
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You looked at him, and he looked at you. “Duke, will you marry me?” you’d just said. He blinked, again and again, clearly confused. Well, perhaps it wasn’t so straightforward; after all, you were known as the fiancee of Erebus, and being proposed to by someone who was already engaged was something that was not common at all, even with how crazy the nobles could be. Even so, your reputation detailed of someone who wouldn’t leave Erebus’s side without a reason everyone could see, and even Tsukasa couldn’t come up with any reason that this could happen.
“Uhm…” he looked away, conflicted. You looked at him; perhaps he needed more time to answer? It was better that you got the answer sooner, but as long as it happened before Erebus forcibly announced your marriage to the public, there shouldn’t be many issues- though, you didn’t know when it would ever be.
You needed something to convince him that it was worth it to go through the pain of making Erebus an enemy. It was known that Tsukasa wished nothing more than to bring honor to his house and continue the traditions of Suou through being the Duke. He’d never pursued the title of Crown Prince, but since he was of royal lineage, he had no choice but to be considered for the role. Enemies were nothing but a hindrance, something that couldn’t be helped, but it was easy to guess that he wanted to minimize the amount of enemies he had. Although House Drakos and House Suou were considered rivals, House Drakos had no reason to attack House Suou in any way; if they did, they’d be branded as “evil” for interfering with the “competition” for the throne. However, if you were “taken” from them by Duke Suou, it would give them ample reason to attack- their businesses, honor and integrity, anything- under the guise of “protecting your image” and “taking you back to where you belong”.
Even then, if you’d told him about what your situation really was, would he necessarily believe you? To anyone, it’d be an outlandish fantasy, but as the fiance of one of the only two Dukes in the entire empire, it would be strange to go to such lengths simply to defile the Drakos name in such a manner. There were other, more sensible and less ridiculous ways to go about it. It would certainly be of intrigue, but in the case he didn’t believe you, it was a big liability. It does add up, from your perspective, but from other perspectives- as of how you were reincarnated, why you in particular were reincarnated, instead of anyone else into this body, instead of any other body- they were all up in the air. 
You were betting on your sorcerer abilities and information of the future- the future tragedies that were about to occur. It was all told from the novel’s original main character’s point of view- Mairi’s point of view- which had holes in perspective and view of the big picture. After all, the main focus was always her emotions and thoughts, detailing how every little thing affected poor Mairi. You didn’t really have to tell him where you got your information, although that would affect his trust in you, but he didn’t have to fully trust you yet. All he needed was to feel that he had to keep you around to be useful later. 
“If I’m not mistaken, you are Lord Erebus’s fiancee, correct?” he asked. It seemed he was confused, as to why you were asking this of him. You replied with a confirmation of yes, you were indeed Lord Erebus’s fiancee. However, what you came for was a marriage at the surface, but in the heart of it, it was simply a deal between you and him. What was in it for him was that he gained your sorcerer abilities, and what was in it for you was that you gained his protection. Seeing as it was a good deal for him, it wouldn’t be too far-fetched if he at least heavily considered it. 
You phrased it like this: it was a deal, which simply involved engagement. In fact, as long as you were engaged, it was almost the same thing as being married, without the extra expense and effort of holding a wedding (although holding such an event wouldn’t be an issue for a Duchy such as Suou). He would offer protection against the Drakos Duchy and others who wished to use you as such, and you would assist in great endeavors to bring honor to House Suou. Even when you said it like that, he was hesitant. He seemed to greatly consider it, but by the look in his eyes, it was almost like a look of longing to something so great, so near, yet so untouchable. What could make you so untouchable? 
There was only one answer: he felt that it wasn’t right to take someone who wasn’t “his person”. You were “House Drakos’ person”, not “House Suou’s person”. You weren’t within his domain, and he’d have to spend that effort, that risk of making such an enemy of Drakos. You’d thought your offer was highly attractive, but perhaps that wasn’t the case. Perhaps peace with Drakos was a high priority, after all- or perhaps, he just needed a reason to convince the public that he was doing the right thing. After all, it was about perception. It was about perception- if only you could reveal Erebus’s unsightly behavior to the public, their perception about him would change. It would flip everything. Then, you would propose this-
“Duke Suou, the Emperor has invited you to have an audience with him,” one of the staff, presumably one of the Emperor’s people, came behind you. You hadn’t heard his footsteps as he approached, but Tsukasa was hardly surprised. Either he’d expected him or had seen him make his way there to meet the Duke, or perhaps it was both.  
He turned, on his way to meet the Emperor, you presumed, but hardly a couple of seconds had passed before he had turned around and offered his hand, “Well, it wouldn’t sit right with me if I simply left you here. Would you allow me to escort you back to the ballroom?” 
His offer was surprising; even though he was summoned by the Emperor, he still cared to escort you back there. It wasn’t as if you could escort yourself back to the ballroom, but it was still nice that he offered. You took it; after all, how could you refuse him? It was so sweet that he offered, plus if others saw him escorting you inside, the nobles who saw would certainly start forming theories of relations with Duke Suou. It was beneficial to you, and perhaps you could get a reaction out of Erebus. Now, that would be wonderful.
The walk back was quiet, but it was strangely comfortable. You were left to your thoughts, as well as him. You would’ve loved to keep talking to him, and hopefully he as well, but there was one factor keeping the conversation from happening: the staff sent by the Emperor was escorting the two of you, perhaps- or really, keeping you company before bringing Tsukasa over to the Emperor for an audience. Once you realized this, you gave him a look- what if he had heard your conversation? He would surely tell the Emperor about it if asked- but to your surprise, he was relaxed, with a reassuring smile on his lips that told you “No, it’s alright. He’s trustworthy.” without a single word. It was relieving, though perhaps a little exciting that you could understand his signals like that. You didn’t know how, but you simply did. There were no words for the rest of it, the clicks of shoes and the sounds of the crowd and the music in the ballroom filled the air instead. 
As the three of you arrived into the ballroom, you caught sight of Erebus, a face of disdain upon his expression. He looked straight at you, and it was easy to tell what he was thinking: he was angry, frustrated, upset- he’d most likely been looking for you. After all, you were officially his partner to this party, and when everyone knew that and didn’t see you with him, they must’ve looked at him and asked “Where’s your fiancée? Is she alright?” It was a question to answer, when he simply didn’t know. You were supposed to meet him as soon as you had arrived, but that had never happened, as you met with Tsukasa instead. It was something to wonder about, how he had responded to them. It would’ve been interesting to see, and Callie would’ve even paid to see it- that said something about it. Most of the guests were talking in their own circles at the time, but those who did see Erebus’s expression would’ve been worried for you. He couldn’t control his emotions well, and a good look made it incredibly clear that he saw you as an inconvenience, rather than being worried about your safety.  
When you looked back at Tsukasa, there was a look on his face that you hadn’t seen before. In fact, it was almost out of character, as far as society knew. He looked almost appalled, perhaps for such a righteous man, Erebus’s behavior was simply unacceptable. It was a wonder that Erebus hadn’t been caught before then, or maybe perhaps Tsukasa simply hadn’t paid attention to him- perhaps it was both. You looked at him, not with the same request for help or answers as before, but with a look of “I can take care of this.” He trusted this with a sigh and resigned his worries to his trust in you, or rather your abilities. 
“It was a pleasure to spend this evening with you. May our fates cross paths again in the near future,” he gave you a look that said “Is this alright?”, and with a small nod from you, hopefully unnoticeable, he gently took your hand and brought it up to his lips. It was something even Erebus had never done for the original owner of your body, even though it was common for a nobleman who was looking to court a woman to do so for her. Perhaps this interaction was the seal to your deal- unofficially, of course.
As soon as Tsukasa had left to head to his meeting with the Emperor, a “tch” from Erebus took your attention. His hand had gripped your arm. It hurt; he gripped it as tightly as he would his sword in a duel. It wasn’t any way to treat anyone, grabbing someone so hard that it would likely leave a bruise. He was losing it, ever since the time he had visited unannounced that time. Who knew it was so easy to break him? Perhaps it was easier to break him than expected- and soon enough, the nobility would know- and it was wonderful that they didn’t stand something like this, out of all the odd things they couldn’t stand.
He led you out of sight of as many people as he could, a short distance to the balcony. He released you as soon as the two of you were alone, forcibly retracting his hand as if he didn’t even want to touch you. 
“What were you even thinking? I knew you’d gone crazy, looking for that guy-” he tried not to yell. If he did, he’d gain too much attention for the wrong things- and he knew that. But it wasn’t you who had gone crazy. What you’d done was bold, for sure, but nothing crazy, nothing out of the ballpark, nothing immoral. At least you didn’t see him as a tool to be used and rather as a villain, an enemy- and that was infinitely better than being objectified. Though you at least treated him like a human, he was a despicable one at that.
He was done, he was done, he was done. You wanted to punch him, but you knew that it wouldn’t go well for you if you did. He was the crazy one, you told him. You didn’t want to raise your voice, as that would attract attention- but even so, it was hard not to get angry. Although, when the whispers started to circle and some began to stare, it was much easier to keep it quiet- a whisper was better, even.
He went on and on about Tsukasa, and the audacity of this guy was astonishing. If you’d been watching on a TV screen, it would be easy to think, “Wow! That guy’s logic is amazing! It makes absolutely no sense!” and clap and laugh about it. But with him right in front of you, it was a different story. It was your arm that he tightly clenched- it was you that he had the full power to punch, to throw off the balcony, even. If only you could get out. 
Meetings with the Emperor at parties like this didn’t last long, and after talking with Tsukasa, the Emperor often appeared at the ball for the festivities to actually commence. The minutes went by slowly, as you waited for the ballroom to quiet down and for the Emperor to enter, and then, all eyes will be on Erebus- you as well, especially because of how closely he tied you to him. 
One of the Emperor’s people came to get Erebus, greeting the two of you with a slight bow and a short apology for the interruption. You showed him a clear sign of relief of his presence, which Erebus noticed (and you could tell that he was getting increasingly pissed.) You waved him goodbye and wished him luck in the same exact words the original owner would say to him, as if to say “you are the only one who had changed, right? I am exactly the same. You are the one being insensibly angry.”  
You released a short breath as he left, one of relief- and only then did you realize that you could feel a bruise. Though it hurt, it was at least there. It was a shame that it wouldn’t be visible until the next day, but as soon as you showed it to those who worked at home, the rumors spread fast. It was incredibly easy to spread them. It was a dangerous thing, but if you used it right, it would be extremely useful. 
The trumpets blared, as the Emperor, along with Tsukasa and Erebus, arrived, and you brought yourself out to the ballroom, wearing a tired expression. You were drained, having talked to one of the highest ranking people in the Empire and having dealt with another of Erebus’s outbursts. Not to mention the uncomfortably heavy dress and accessories you had to wear to attend the party and not be preyed on by the noble ladies attending tonight, on top of everything else. At least it helped; you could blame it all on Erebus then, and no one could really know. 
Erebus once again wore the smile that deceived everyone, one full of confidence he clearly did not have. Perhaps he did have one skill, and that was sucking up to the Emperor. Every time he had an audience with him, he seemed to gain more confidence and lose some brain cells. 
“I offer my sincere thanks to everyone who attended the Founding Ball tonight…” It was the Emperor’s long speech once again, one he repeated year after year. Honestly, at this point, there was no point in saying it. The original owner of this body had heard it so many times that she could even recite most of it by memory, without much effort. That was how long he had reused the same speech over and over again. Well, it didn’t matter. At least you knew what he was going to say, if that was any use to you at all. 
“And let the festivities begin!” he concluded, voice brimming with his usual cheer. You clapped along with everyone else, expecting him to take his usual place in his fancy chair like the years before. 
“Ahem, your Majesty, may I make an announcement?” Erebus asked the Emperor, in a loud and clear voice. The question earned the attention of the nobles attending, heads turned and all eyes on him. The Emperor took a moment to think, before giving him approval. Erebus took no hesitation in walking up to you and taking your hand, and even in your slight protest of his tight grip, he simply led you to the front of the room, all eyes glued on you too. 
“My fiancee and I are no longer engaged; we will be getting married very soon!” he announced sharply, so that everyone in the room, regardless of whether they were listening or not, would hear. If there was something he was good at, it was grabbing attention- whether it be good or bad. 
“Your father has already agreed to the marriage,” he whispered into your ear. Your eyes widened. It wasn’t supposed to be this way- he hadn't done this in the novel. Once there was an announcement like this, it was difficult to reverse it. There had to be some kind of outside interruptance to stop it. Couples quarrels weren’t regarded as much of an issue- you would only be scored if you had tried to resist him yourself without any incident or outside force. 
You turned to Tsukasa in fear, signaling that you needed his help now. There was no one on your side but him in this room. Once he caught your gaze, he understood the message right away. Erebus was forcing you into this. You didn’t want it- and he had a problem with that. 
“Your Majesty, may I ask for something?” he got down on one knee, bowing down to one of the only figures higher than him in this society. The Emperor blinked; this was completely unexpected, and the crowd could not even control the whispers.
“Yes. You hardly ask for anything; what may I grant you?” the Emperor inquired in return. 
Tsukasa stood up and took one of your hands and brought it up to his lips, then gently held it up as he turned to face the Emperor. 
“If you would allow, I would like to request a marriage with her.” 
It was you. He was talking about you.
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WORD COUNT | 3090 words
NOTES FROM QIAN | hi this series is extremely self indulgent. if you would like to join the taglist, please fill out this form, thank you! [ tags in the reblogs ]
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ramzawrites · 1 year
Dream World - A Sibling!Mutant!Reader Story - Part 8
Part 1| Prev Next
Pairings: None
Characters included: Raphael
Warnings: n/a
Series: Part 8
Summary: A small moment with Raph
Word count: 2938
Authors Note: I really had trouble with this chapter plus me being close to graduating and having to write my finals also got in the way, but I hope this means I can slolwy get back into this as well.
I really wanna finish this story, and don't worry things really will take on speed next chapter. Enough family fluff, it is time for some actual story beats, I am so sorry for being so slow with that haha
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Y/N groaned as they let themself fall down on the soft bed. Their muscles were still screaming at them, even after the warm shower and all Y/N could do was try to roll themselves further into the mattress and blanket. It took a good moment for them to settle down more comfortably between the pillows, not only due to their aching muscles, but also because of the shell on their back.
Once they were somewhat comfortable, they felt like they were sinking into the bed. Their eyes were fighting to stay open and honestly sleeping to avoid the pain sounded really nice about now.
When Leo realized that Y/N wasn’t putting on a brave face but was actually feeling up to train and work out, he really put them through the paces. He made them do all kinds of things to apparently test their reflexes, strength and so on. Hell, he even tested their grip strength.
At some point Mikey tried to intervene with the reasoning that they could test Y/N’s abilities over the course of the next days but no. No, Y/N had to interrupt him and assure him that it was fine. Well, it was fine at that moment.
Now, Y/N really wanted to strangle Past Y/N for this.
Their urge to prove themself seemed to be a constant. It made sense, they wanted to not waste time and get to the bottom of this weird mix up of a situation, but they still realized that this was probably not the best attitude to have.
A problem for future Y/N then.
Present Y/N’s job right now was to lay in their comfy bed and just rest. They had a warm shower, Mikey made some pasta that really hit the spot after the torture that was training, so, prime condition to just fall asleep and ignore all their worries for at least a few hours.
Yet, they couldn’t fall asleep.
It was inevitable, they supposed. After all they were currently laying in the bed of Y/N Hamato. This wasn’t their own room. It somehow felt like they were doing something forbidden.
Mikey must have some sort of sixth sense for these kinds of things when they hesitated to just walk into the subway car. He basically pushed them inside and while it wasn’t that late yet, he still wished them a good night.
And sure while they didn’t want to fight sleep in this instance, they still were a bit exasperated with how often they were currently sleeping. Leo said that this was something common for people when they were out for a while, especially considering that they were still not sure what exactly happened to them.
With a new huff of annoyance Y/N turned around so they weren’t staring at the metal wall anymore. Instead their eyes landed on the keyboard that was standing at the opposite side of the room. They were able to spot a few signs of wear on the buttons. Clearly the instrument was well loved.
If some of Hamato’s instincts for fighting got transferred to them, would they be able to play some of these instruments? That’s probably not how that worked.
Okay then, if sleep decided to elude them they might as well satisfy their own curiosity. This was their room after all, right? If they decided to take a closer look at the notebooks on the desk it shouldn’t be a problem, right?
Actually, they were sure the others in lair would support them doing this in hopes of probably triggering some sort of memories.
The word memories was slowly becoming the bane of their existence.
Either they apparently are loosing memories, or others keep telling their current memories were wrong or some foreign memories keep inserting themselves into their mind.
Stop. This was not the time to keep thinking in circles about things they wouldn’t be able to figure out anyhow. No, right now was snooping time.
Even as their poor muscles protested, Y/N kept their brave face on and slowly untangled themself from the green and supremely fluffy blanket. They were so brave to fight against the urge to just vegetate away on the bed until unconsciousness found them after all.
Once their feet hit the ground and they stood upright, they made sure to stretch themself. It was a fruitless motion to try to relief some of the soreness. Well it wasn’t entirely fruitless, stretching helps the blood and oxygen flow in the muscles which in return can help with the sores. But it wasn’t a cure that would solve the problem immediately.
Y/N walked over to the desk. The medical books, the notebooks and the laptop were still strewn about on the surface. A pen and one notebook were still laying on the desk next to the laptop as if someone just recently wrote in it. Y/N Hamato probably did.
They took in a deep breath and sat down on the office chair . Tentatively they pulled the notebook closer. It was the same they took a look in once before.
The writing on the first page displayed the name of the owner of this notebook and what it was for.
Y/N Hamato.
Research notes on biology and medicine.
Volume 35 … I think, most definitely not.
It was so weird to see these foreign words in your own handwriting. The next pages were a wild collection of all sorts of notes. The words mutagen, mysticism, ninpo and empyrean stood out to them. They were basically found on every page. Apparently these things were intrinsic to their own biology.
They would have loved to actually dive deeper into everything but their tired mind fought against it. Still, their eyes flew across a page to skim it.
And to their utter surprise; it made sense.
Sure, there were words they struggled to understand but they understood that this was particularly about the effect of a mystic overload on the body and how it can tear apart the body and theories on how exactly this happened. They were definitely more loose theories since there was a note right beneath, highlighted with green that said “Need to talk to Draxum! Important! Establish concrete connection of mysticism to biology!”
Right, Draxum created them. Made sense he would know a lot about their whole biological situation.
Y/N’s eyes wandered away from the page to land on the laptop in front of them.
Would it be rude to also snoop through the laptop? Wait, no, according to the others this was their laptop to begin with. No moral problems here.
When Y/N opened it up and clicked on the on button, they were pleasantly surprised with how fast it started it up. They just saw a purple logo for a small moment before the login screen appeared.
And their breath hitched.
The background picture of this screen was a selfie that Y/N Hamato took. There they were being held up by Raph who smushed his face against their cheek. Both Leo and Mikey pushed themselves into the frame from below, while they were smiling there was some strain visible. Probably due to the awkward angle and height of the phone camera. Donnie looked into the lens from above, he was sitting on Raph’s shell, a smile of his own decorated his face.
It was rare to see him show off a genuine smile instead of his smug one.
The picture radiated joy. A kind of weightless joy, shared by all five of them. And Y/N just stared. A sudden pang shot through their heart. They couldn’t explain what they were feeling. If it was jealousy or grief.
What were they doing? Snooping through this stuff was not okay. It really felt like they were invading Hamato’s privacy. All they did was just satisfy their own curiosity. This wouldn’t give them their answer.
And yet…
They should stop. Get their mind off this.
Y/N closed the laptop slowly. The room suddenly felt way too small. Too empty.
They pushed themselves up. Ignoring how once again their muscles screamed at them. The lair might still be a bit confusing to them but they knew where the kitchen was. Surely they would be able to grab a glass of water.
Exiting the subway car, Y/N slowly made their way towards the kitchen. From one corner of the lair they could hear a TV, they were sure they heard Leo giggle and some metal banging on metal, that was Donnie working probably.
When they entered the kitchen, they were surprised to spot Raph hunched over a huge plate of pasta. Y/N couldn’t help but stop in their tracks and stare at him. Him being a trained ninja and all, he immediately noticed Y/N as well and stopped chewing. His eyes going wide. With a loud gulp he swallowed the food down and pointed at Y/N with his fork “Don’t tell the others I’m the reason the leftovers are already gone.”
Y/N snorted “Alright, Raph. My lips are sealed. Promise.”
They will definitely hold up the promise but something told them the others will figure out the truth of the situation anyhow.
“Anyways, what’s up, Spots?”
Oh, yeah. They had a reason to be here.
“Just wanted to get a glass of water.”
Raph immediately got up from his chair.
“No! Raph! It’s fine I’m sure I can fill a glass with water myself.” They chuckled awkwardly at the end. It was nice that he wanted to help but they really didn’t want to interrupt his forbidden meal.
“Sit down. It’s just a glass of water. Let your big bro do this for you. We’ve really missed you in these two week, ya know.” His voice was gentle and the smile accompanied showed off his snaggle tooth.
He really was a gentle giant, huh?
“Sure.” Y/N slowly sat down on the chair opposite from where Raph sat before.
Raph grabbed a glass from the cupboard and filled it up with water from the sink. He walked back over and gently placed it in front of Y/N before sitting back down in front of his meal with a big smile.
Y/N grabbed the cool glass and took a slow sip from it. And here they thought they had drunk enough water after training for today.
Raph poked his pasta with his fork “So, what’s botherin’ you?”
Were they that easy to read? They looked up to be met by a knowing grin from Raph. It was almost like he was telling them that there was no room to wriggle out of this. He knew that something wasn’t right and he wouldn’t let this go.
Then again obviously Y/N was going through something at all times at the moment.
They sighed “I don’t know?”
At this, Raph only raised one side of his brow ridge. He really won��t let this slide, huh? But explaining exactly what was going on meant that they had to admit to snooping.
Embarrassed Y/N looked to the side, their right hand massaging their left “Well, uh, I couldn’t sleep. So, I thought I could maybe look at the, you know, my things? Like the notebooks or the laptop.”
Raph nodded encouragingly, egging them on to continue. Though Y/N had to suppress a small chuckle when they saw Raph immediately shoveling more food into his mouth. He seemed so encouraging and trusting only to sheepishly eat more of the off limits food.
“I really don’t know what I expected but when I saw the lock screen on the laptop I just kind of felt alone. It was a selfie of you a- of us all and I don’t know. It’s so weird. I don’t know what I am feeling besides that it’s not a nice feeling.”
“Actually,” Raph begun after once again swallowing the food “I can kind of relate? Not in the same sense obviously but kinda. You know how I- wait no you don’t, right. Uh, I get angry real easy and while I can identify the emotion I can’t always tell why I get angry. So I guess we are on the opposite end of the spectrum. But usually when I struggle with this I talk with you all about it to help try to figure out what exactly is going. Not all the time but when it feels distressing enough, it helps to talk it out. Wanna try it? I can get Mikey for this as well, he is really good at it.”
Y/N shook their head after taking another sip from their water. While it definitely wasn’t the same problem as they had, it did feel nice to speak to someone who could relate somewhat.
“It’s fine. I wasn’t sure what I was trying to accomplish by going through it all anyhow. Just gave in to my curiosity.”
“Don’t worry about it. I mean if we believe Donnie’s theory then there is a chance your actual memories are buried beneath the memories you have at the moment. Maybe looking through your things would have triggered for some to surface more.”
Man, they really hit the nail on the head before, huh. Seems like they were slowly getting a real read on these people. Not that it helped their guilty conscience.
“Besides,” he continued “we kind of keep telling you what you are supposed to know, so I can understand wanting to look into it all more. Don’t feel guilty about it.”
Y/N’s eyes widened “Guilty?”
Raph let out an amused huff “It’s written all over your face.”
“Those are literally your things but if it helps you, the Y/N I know would be more than okay with this.” He dropped the fork in favor of getting up from the chair once again only to step over towards Y/N this time.
“It still feels weird. The Y/N you know just seems like a completely different person to me.” Because they are but Y/N didn’t have the energy to debate that with Raph or any of the others.
“Can I give you a hug?”
Y/N just nodded. They just felt so emotionally drained.
He immediately enveloped them with his arms and Y/N couldn’t help but nuzzle more against his plastron. He was just so warm and comfy and safe. It was like nothing could get to them or hurt them. The weird pang in their heart seemed to dull as Raph squeezed them softly.
“Things are confusing and probably will stay confusing. You can talk to us though and we can try to decipher what is happening but if you don’t want to do that right now, we can do something else. Do you wanna try sleeping again?”
They shook their head “No, I’m not sure what I wanna do.”
While they couldn’t see Raph at the moment they could feel him nodding while slowly beginning to rock them. A quiet churring noise seemed to emanate from his chest that lulled them even deeper into this sense of safety. It was as if he was assuring them that they were safe and okay with just this noise alone. His hugs have to be magic. They can’t explain this sudden calmness inside them. It was as if he just squeezed the anxiety right out of them even if they didn’t even know where it came from in the first place. Magic. That had to be the reason.
Was this what it felt like to have an older sibling? If so they really could get used to this.
“Hey Raph.”
“ ‘m got a question. Do you know my password for my laptop?”
Somehow this made Raph chuckle “Even after this you wanna try again? Want to learn more about yourself after all?”
Y/N didn’t even get to answer before Raph spoke again. It was more of a rhetorical question after all.
“But no I don’t. Donnie can help you probably. Want to ask him and when you get access to your laptop, do you wanna go through it together? I can maybe give context to some things, I know you saved a lot of medical information on there and Raph is definitely not smart enough for that but if we look at pictures or so I can tell you when we took it and so on.”
That actually sounded inviting. Ignoring that they were simply just trying to understand Hamato more and satisfy their own curiosity, it would give them something to do. A small, quiet part of their mind also supplied, that this way they could maybe try to calm some of the families worries as well. There were probably plenty of things Y/N and Hamato had in common, maybe that could settle some of the anxieties and fears of the others. But then again that felt very much like lying and just generally amoral.
Agh. Emotions. They suck.
Still, maybe something would come out of all of this. Raph’s idea really sounded like… a solid thing to do, yes. Though, they couldn’t help but wonder.
“Can- Can you hug me like this when we do look at it together?”
They were so happy their face was currently pressed against Raph’s plastron because they could feel the heat of embarrassment spread across their face and neck. They didn’t mean to blurt that out like that. Sure, they liked the hug but asking for another like that just felt embarrassing. It made them feel like a little child.
He squeezed them for a moment “Always. What else are big brothers for? If I can help, I will. No matter what, when or how.”
“That so?”
“Yep. That’s a promise.”
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squishablesunbeam · 1 year
Defiance Pt. 5: Measuring Distance
Note: Look, they love each other okay. I'm going to struggle with this but it's the direction we are headed. I apparently have two ocs on my hands that are very much in love and they will be very messy and cute about it 🙄 please forgive any obvious relationship blunders. I don't usually go here! This is new territory and I tried to talk them out of it but they wouldn't listen!
TW: mentions of past noncon, recovering whumpee, ptsd symptoms, startle response, panic attack
Cameron was learning.
He knew that Levi needed more space than most people. He'd always known that, but he also used to resent the hell out of it.
He realized that now.
Before, he'd taught himself to draw back from Levi and let Levi come to him when he was ready. But never without making Levi earn his attention back again. Cameron didn't fully realize what he was doing but he sees now that he'd been punishing Levi for needing to take time away from Cameron's company. He'd always taken it so personally, as if Levi was saying that Cameron was too much for him. It hurt, but he's coming to understand that it wasn't exactly the truth. So many assumptions were made back then, and zero communication. At some point, Cameron had stopped reaching back when Levi was ready to take his hand again and he'd let the only man he'd ever loved slip right through his fingers.
Things had to be different this time. They were getting a second chance.
Cameron swallowed down bile that rose up into this throat at the thought. Their second chance came with too heavy a price and Cameron was having a hard time separating them being able to reconnect with why Levi showed up on his doorstep in the first place.
He swallowed down a painful gulp of too cold water, thinking back on the long lists of therapists he'd looked up for Levi to try out whenever he was ready. Maybe he should give one a call for himself. Couldn't hurt.
He stole a glace across the table and couldn't help the grimace that marred his face.
Levi looked miserable, sitting across from him in the middle of a crowded restaurant. It was too much.
It's not that Levi hadn't gone out at all since the...incident? The rape? Since the attack? Fuck.
No, he'd gone out a handful of times but always alone. He'd insisted on that. Cameron knew that Levi was just testing himself, seeing what he could handle before allowing Cameron to see him so vulnerable.
He'd gone out for coffee a few times, or a walk around the block. He even went to get a few ingredients they needed to complete a pasta dish Levi had been wanting to make. Anything to try to get back to living again.
He still wasn't ready though.
Cameron knew that.
He knew it in the frazzled, clumsy way he'd always come back home, bumping into the corner of the wall or the kitchen counter or half missing the bowl that he usually put his keys in. He knew it in the way he lost the words he meant to say and had to just close his eyes and give himself a minute before trying again.
It shattered Cameron's heart every single time and he was desperate to just go with him. To hold his hand and tell him that he was safe and that he didn't have to always do it on his own, not anymore.
But Cameron was learning, and Levi did things in his own time.
Today though, Levi surprised him. He actually asked Cameron if he wanted to go out to lunch with him and Cameron couldn't breathe. His entire world exhaling into that singular moment.
Yes. Of course. Please. Anything you could ever want, it's yours.
At least, that's what he'd wanted to say.
He knew how big of a step this was for Levi, for them both, and he tried his best to keep his reaction as casual and nonchalant as possible in an effort to put Levi at ease.
Looking at him now though, Levi was anything but at ease.
Cameron flinched when Levi did, both of them reaching for the water glass Levi almost knocked over in his surprise. It didn't spill. Levi steadied the glass and then breathed out a huge breath, steadying himself as well.
“Sorry," Levi pushed the word out from his chest, shifting awkwardly in his chair.
“No, nothing to apologize for. I'm sorry I startled you.”
This was too much. They should leave.
Levi's eyes wouldn't meet his, focused on his now wet fingertips from the dew that had collected on the glass. Brushing the wet pads back and forth, frowning at the sensation as if it had personally offended him.
He finally shook himself, wiping his fingers off on his pants and looking up at Cameron's painfully open face.
“I'm okay,” he attempted to reassure him.
Cameron felt the corners of his lips twitch into some semblance of a sympathetic smile. He wasn't okay. He knew that much, but he would be. Cameron had faith in this man more than anything else in the world. He was strong and resilient and fiercely independent. He would be okay. Cameron just prayed that the gnawing ache in his gut that told him he'd never get to see it, that Levi would leave, again, he prayed that feeling was wrong. Cameron didn't know how to get them to that space where they both felt safe. But he was sure as hell going to try.
He would try to listen, and learn, and adjust to what Levi wasn't saying. Or better yet, just ask him.
“So, do you want to maybe talk about it? Or do you want me to just pretend like this isn't hard? Honest question,” he lifted up his hands in placation, “Whatever you need.”
Levi's lips twitched up into a small smile before falling again and Cameron felt a small stitch in his chest release. Ok, that sort of worked. Levi ducked his head so Cameron couldn't see his eyes under the brim of the old baseball hat he'd grabbed from Cameron's closet before heading out the door.
Always hiding.
“I just- I feel like everyone's staring at me.”
Levi lifted his hand, brushing his fingers lightly over the fading bruises on his face; yellow now and almost nothing at all. The cuts would take longer of course.
Two in particular. A thick purple line from the corner of his left eye, cutting over his cheekbone. The other hadn't healed much better. It was smaller and a bit lighter but, jagged, as if it wasn't cut so much as torn. He knew that's exactly what had happened. That one told a horrific story. Set at the edge of his mouth, split about a half inch down past his lip. That one had reopened many times in the first few days. Even now, it looked painful.
Cameron absently bit at his own lip as it itched in sympathy.
Levi brushed his fingers over the healing cut under his eye, for the hundredth time.
“No one is staring. I promise.”
Cameron caught a flash of Levi's eyes, the deep lines set between them softening just a little.
“You are,” he said with just a hint of a teasing smile. Cameron loved to watch Levi, and Levi knew it and loved to point it out.
Cameron beamed, teeth flashing in a wide grin at the familiar banter.
“Well, you are very handsome. Can you blame me?”
Levi ducked his head again, his hat almost shadowing the blush that was seeping red into his cheeks, almost. The spray of freckles across the bridge of his nose that Levi hated so much darkening against the soft bronze of his skin.
Goddamn, he loved this man so fucking much.
Cameron's hands itched with longing. Finally, achingly, he gave in and reached across the table. His eyes were on Levi. Watching him track Cameron's own fingers as he brushed one under Levi's palm, just under his pinky. He was asking, as gently as he could, and waited patiently for an answer.
His heart burst into rolling flames when Levi shifted, easing his hand into Cameron's and curling his fingers around his own.
“You ready to order?”
Levi jumped at the perky waiter's overly chipper voice, his knee smacking into the bottom of the table, his hand clutching desperately to Cameron's before he abruptly let go. Leaving him feeling empty, that burning fire in Cameron's heart rushing through his body with fear instead of hope.
“Oops. Sorry, man,” the waiter smiling brightly, seemingly amused by the show, “I snuck up on you two didn't I?”
Levi wiped his now sweaty palms off on his jeans, never looking up at the man.
“It's fine,” he said, the words catching in his throat.
“Did you have a chance to look over the menu?”
Cameron watched Levi trying desperately to calm down his body for just half a second before smiling warmly up at the waiter, “Could you give us a few more minutes?”
“Sure thing,” the man grinned brightly and whipped around with a bit of a flourish as he set off to help another table.
The silence that settled around them felt thick. Cameron could feel it cloying heavily in his ears. It wasn't the silence between them that was the problem. He wanted to freely give Levi whatever space he needed but without the overwhelming shame that he could tangibly feel rolling in waves off Levi's body. Levi deserved to take all the time he needed, and he shouldn't have to feel like he has to run away and hide in order to get it.
“Hey, babe, I have an idea,” Cameron offered, gently but with a small measure of hope threaded into his tone.
Levi looked up, swallowing thickly, his hands never stopping the nervous drag up and down his jeans. He was desperately trying not to spiral in this very public space.
“Listen," he said, firm but calm, holding Levi's panicked gaze, "There's a food cart a couple blocks away. It's pretty nice out. How about we grab something easy, kebabs maybe? We could find a quiet spot in the park instead? What do you think?”
Levi breathed, maybe for the first time in the span of a minute, the color that had drained out of his face slowly coming back again.
Cameron watched the muscles in his jaw jump as he fought with his own thoughts.
“You want to leave?”
Cameron made face as if he was considering his options, looking around the restaurant, “I mean, yeah, but only if you do. It's too crowded in here anyway. But if you'd rather just go home, we can do that too?”
“No. No, I, um, kebabs sound good. We can do that.”
Cameron pulled out his wallet and left $10 for his coffee and for the waiter's trouble, watching Levi take two full, measured breaths out of the corner of his eye. Once he looked a little more steady, Cameron reached out and flopped his arm down across the table, palm up.
“Shall we, my love?”
Levi huffed out a breath and actually managed a smile, dramatically dropping his hand into Cameron's, “You're such a dork.”
Cameron smiled triumphantly as they stood up, leaning against each other's shoulders, and sneaking out of the busy restaurant and into the sunlight.
Levi sat overlooking the quiet pond with his back pressed against a huge oak tree, Cameron's back pressed firmly against his chest.
He felt solid, for the first time in weeks, months even.
He took another slow, deep breath of what seemed like the clearest, cleanest air in the world and let it out even slower. Just like he'd watched on the youtube videos he'd found after Cameron fell asleep one night.
He'd panicked, at the restaurant. It wasn't the first time. Six out of the eight times he'd managed to leave the apartment the last two weeks had ended in a panic attack.
Cameron didn't know.
At least he didn't think he did. He knew Levi wasn't exactly fine, especially since the day he'd come back without the onions and garlic bread that he'd specifically gone to the store for. He just hoped he didn't know exactly how bad it really was.
It was so embarrassing.
That might be the worst part.
After suddenly finding himself unable to breathe in the middle of a crowded coffee shop and damn near blacking out on the floor, he found himself wondering if you could actually die of nothing but sheer mortification. He could still feel the way the floor seemed to dip and stick to his hands when he tried to push himself back up, only to end up on is ass again, a frail, old lady having to help him to his feet as everyone else just gasped and watched.
He felt his heart thump greedily in his chest and took another slow breath, scratching his fingers through the silky blonde curls of Cameron's hair. Levi kissed the side of his head and felt the man in his arms hum quietly as he held him just a little tighter, pressing his bare feet into the cool, green grass.
This was good.
Cameron hadn't said a word once they arrived at the park. He just sat Levi down, pulled his shoes and socks off, and snuggled up against his chest. He was surprised at first, half expecting Cameron to just step away and leave him to spiral until he got control over himself.
Levi had sat stiffy, arms not even touching him as Cameron leaned all his weight against him, until he realized that Cameron was giving him a different kind of space. Cameron was here, grounding him, but he couldn't see him. Not really. Just his legs, his feet, but not his face. He couldn't watch the tears that fell down his face, or see the redness that blotched over his nose whenever he cried. He couldn't see the panic and fear that took hold when the thoughts got the better of him or when he lost control of his breath.
He could feel him though.
Levi knew he could.
He could feel when his breath hitched or when he moved to wipe at his face. He could feel when his heart raced out of control, his lungs dragging in ragged, incomplete breaths, over and over again. He could feel his tears fall into his hair.
But this was different somehow.
Cameron just laid quietly against him, breathing evenly, his heart beating a steady pace under Levi's palm.
It was a kind of vulnerability that Levi had never felt before.
He felt safe.
Cameron twitched in his arms and Levi smiled. He must have dozed off. He took the opportunity to nuzzle his nose into Cameron's hair, breathing him in. The scent of his shampoo filling his senses. God, he used to get made fun of so badly for that when they were teenagers. Always buying the prettiest smelling shampoos and never giving a shit what the assholes said about it.
Levi had never told him, but he had always loved it. He loved trying to guess the scent when Cameron showed up smelling like a different kind of fruit or flower.
Cameron jerked himself awake this time, sighing heavily when he realized where he was, his hand coming up to squeeze at Levi's arm across his chest.
Levi kissed his head again, smiling into his hair.
"You smell like lilacs."
He took Levi's hand and hummed sleepily, kissing his fingertips.
"It's your favorite."
Something warm and fond spread through Levi's chest. He'd never told Cameron that, but he was right.
Lilacs were his favorite.
Taglist: @starlit-darkness, @the-soup-is-burned-too, @pigeonwhumps, @honeycollectswhump
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perpetualexistence · 4 months
Sea Monster AU: Poor Unfortunate Soul (1/2)
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'What's with the 1/2 in the title, that's new' you might be asking yourself. You see, this part right here was actually originally supposed to be just one Then, I realized I'd need to split it into two, 'Poor Unfortunate Soul', and the next part I'm not spoiling the title of yet.
Then I started going into this, looked at the time, looked at the word count, and realized it's for the best if I just split this up once more. Future Perp might end up renaming this chapter as the title definitely fits more for the second part than it does this one. Time will tell.
Either way, before we get to the post proper: Warnings! Oh boy have we got them for this part and the next!
Content warnings: Non-suicidal self harm, Body horror
Since the content warnings happen as part of a scene like rather than a brief mention, I've separated the more gruesome bits with asterisks. You can look all the way down at the bottom for a safer summary.
<- Prev | First | Next ->
Now that Noah has a book on magic, he has to deal with the problem that Chris could never get past: actually reading it. It's not in any language that Noah can recognize. Still, he's smart and can recognize patterns in text thanks to his poetry phase. He manages to work out the basic alphabet. Now that he's got that, his next step is simple. Create a program that will translate the text as he scans it. He'll get to save so much time, and might even be able to get what he wants faster as he can just search for whatever seems most promising.
The book snaps shut the first time. Noah can't excuse it as the wind when it happens again. After a few attempts, he finally manages to get a good scan of one of the pages.
One waterlogged phone later he realizes why there weren't any references for how to actually use magic on the sea monster database.
Magic really doesn't like cheaters.
So instead he has to translate everything himself using the alphabet he figured out. It gets easier as he keeps doing it, and eventually he no longer needs to look at his reference sheet in order to read it.
Before that can happen, he needs a new phone. Both because he's a young adult addicted to having a screen with him at all times, and because without one he won't be able to talk to Owen, who is currently one of the few things reminding him that there's some good in humanity, and that all of this pain is going to be worth it.
He doesn't have any disposable income. Yes, he has some of the treasures that Alejandro gave him from the ships they hunted. But the problem is actually selling those. Now that people are noticing the disappearances (thanks Alejandro), he can't exactly sell anything identifiable from those very ships that have 'gone missing'. His lazy ass had just sat on them assuming that he could sell them whenever he pleased.
Present Noah would slap Past Noah if he could.
So he goes to his mother to ask for a new phone. Which is a task in itself given her multiple jobs. He'd text her, but that's part of the problem. He'd also prefer not to get his older siblings involved because they'd just ask questions. The one good thing about having an overworked mother is that she rarely questions why you want things, and as the baby you can exploit this to its maximum potential!
Noah's a terrible son.
He'll make it up to her when he actually does manage to sell off his stolen goods. Like a criminal. Which he is. As an accessory to murder. Multiple counts.
He can either think about this too hard or he can have a new phone.
So he manages to track her down and asks her for a new phone. He doesn't ask for anything fancy, just something that works. She looked at him, gave him an all too familiar rueful smile, and told him they don't have the money right now, though he can try using one of his siblings' older phones.
Noah's not too surprised by this answer. Living as they are, it's always a gamble for when they do have spare cash. What does concern him is the look in her eyes of someone who doesn't want to burden others. Not just the burden of saying no.
The burden of hiding something. And there's only one things he's ever tried to hide from him. The loan shark's back.
He does this every once in a while. Usually when they're getting too close to fully paying him off. He'll hike up the interest rate or make up some bullshit fee. He'll expect a big immediate payment, and then lay off for a while until he's ready to wring them by the neck again.
He'd have pushed the bastard directly into Alejandro's mouth himself if he wasn't so good at covering where he was. The fact that he's in town means he's going to stay a while. There's no telling when he'll move out, or if he'll even do it by boat.
That's a problem for another time, as much as he loathes to leave it hanging. He's got to get more money from somewhere else. Not just for the phone now, but to get the loan shark off his family's back again.
Noah remembers Duncan. The guy made his reputation as a delinquent known just from the five seconds he got to know him, and spoke about going to juvie. It'd be a risk, but Noah's running low on options. He's not about to watch his mom work herself ragged again.
He gets in touch with him Duncan via Owen. After assuring Owen that no, he's not dead because it's been two full days since he texted, no he's not mad at him either, he just dropped his phone in some water. Luckily for him, Owen's willing to help the two meet without asking too many questions.
Duncan, meanwhile, has plenty of questions. First of all, who Noah thinks he is just asking for Duncan to fence stolen goods for him. Second of all where someone like Noah would even GET stolen goods. Noah lets him know that he can either have answers to those questions, or he can get a profitable cut. Duncan begrudgingly agrees (which has nothing to do with the fact that Noah accidentally lets slip why he needs the money, and Duncan's still got a bleeding heart).
Noah starts with just enough money for a new phone. He can't just dump everything onto Duncan, because then his curiosity/suspicion would definitely outweigh his willingness to help Noah.
Now that all of that is settled, he can finally get back to translating and studying magic.
He learns that in order to use magic, he needs proper tools to do so. And he can't simply buy these tools. No, for the magic to work properly, Noah needs to make these tools. The making imbues them with his essence and makes it so the tools will only ever work for him. Since he's working with sea magic, he's got to use it from materials he finds underwater.
The only place underwater he can safely look without Alejandro catching on is an underground cove he found connected to Chef and Chris's place. Which limits his options severely. So he decides to keep on reading for the actual spells to see what he'd actually need before figuring out how much of a migraine he's going to have.
One thing he notices rather quickly is that all of these spells must be prepared and performed underwater. This part wouldn't be a problem if not for the fact that unlike merfolk, Noah does need oxygen. So solving that problem takes priority.
He finds that solution in a ritual that will give him gills. However, it presents him with a choice. For there's two different branches of magic: the slower, safer process and the faster, more painful process. In this case, Noah can either take the time and effort needed to gather ingredients for a potion that will give him gills that he can open and close at will...or he can make himself a permanent set of gills.
Noah would love to pick the first one. But the longer he takes, the more Alejandro will eat, and the longer he stays a threat. So the second option it is. He starts wearing a scarf and uses the perpetually cold lie. Mostly for Alejandro's sake. Which is good because Alejandro does 'playfully' remove the scarf to see what's underneath the first time he sees it, and once satisfied that there's nothing, doesn't mess with it like that again.
Now Noah needs a knife of coral. Noah's lucky that the new cove he's in has agatized coral. With it being fossilized, it's old and has more of a connection with nature, making it a perfect magic implement. Noah's able to get pieces out, but now he has to make a knife out of it.
Who better to ask but the resident knife expert?
Noah does need a more reasonable excuse for this one, so he pretends that he only needs to learn how to make a knife due to self defense because he's getting paranoid with all the disappearances. Duncan points out that that's bullshit because Noah could just buy a knife then. Why the hell does he need to learn how to make one?
Duncan's asking too many questions, so Noah throws his hail mary. If Duncan can stop asking questions about pretty much any of Noah reasons and helps him out with learning how to make a knife and maybe a few other things, he'll use his hacking abilities to get rid of Duncan's criminal record. That's an offer Duncan simply can't refuse. So Duncan agrees to teach him, and over time, Noah crafts his knife of coral. He adds the runes that he needs to enchant it by himself. Both because that's meant to be a private affair, and so Duncan doesn't say anything despite his bought silence.
Now to actually do this.
Noah gets all the underwater runes and preparations done one dive at a time. He also makes sure to get makeshift medical supplies for himself. He's doing this as close to the surface as he can in case everything goes to shit. He'd prefer not to bleed out.
He stares at the knife in his hands. He's actually going through with this, isn't he? No going back. There will be permanent evidence that he's taking a stand against Alejandro if he finds it. The whole 'sea monster vs. sea witch' conflict he'd read about doesn't promise anything good when Alejandro realizes he's using magic.
He could seriously screw himself up. He's a genius, but he's no medical expert. One wrong cut and it's lights out forever. One wrong move and he's fish food either way. He's come so far, he can't afford to let himself get choked up now.
He slices the right side of his neck before he can let himself doubt any more. He's unable to stifle a yell of pain. He loses precious oxygen when he's just started. He has to finish or else this won't work.
He slices the left side of his neck to keep it balanced. More oxygen lost. Now that he's cut both sides of his neck, he can feel the cuts throbbing. It feels like the cuts are burrowing themselves deeper than he made them. They are creating new passageways into his lungs and they burn.
His instincts kick in and he begins to swim for the surface. The runes he set forth earlier start to glow and he finds himself unable to move far from the spot he started in. He's holding his breath in for as long as he can. There are more cuts to be made but he wants to pass out now. But he can't. He has to keep going.
It's when he starts making the second cut on the right side of his neck that he feels his first set of gills go from a burrowing sensation to a throbbing one. He's about to pass out, but it should be safe now. He just needs to breathe.
It's a battle of sheer will over his instincts to force himself to breathe in while underwater. He feels water go in through his gills yet not through his throat like an injection. It is shoddy and feels like when Noah is so congested he can only breathe through one nostril. That would likely be why he needs three pairs of gills total.
With at least enough air not to die, he forces himself to finish the ritual. By the end, he's underwater, breathing in and out. It's no longer panicked as he forces himself to take nice deep breaths. He has to pinch his nose shut to stop himself from instinctively breathing through it when underwater. He'll either stay here or keep coming down until breathing underwater comes more nautrally.
He still can't believe he's even thinking that. He's actually breathing underwater. He did magic. It can be done. This crazy, stupid plan of his might actually be doable.
It's a start.
[Safe for work summary: Through a lot of pain, Noah manages to make himself a working set of gills.]
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error-dream-was-found · 9 months
I would love to see more from Enderchest torture ngl
Don't worry, I've got you covered!
I'm not really sure what to talk about so lets talk about the inside of the enderchest and how it might affect blob!
To cover this quickly ... the inside of the chest is nothing. Like, nothing. Empty. Void. No light, no sound, nothing but you and eternal nothingness. Sensory deprivation box 10 000. You do not wanna get stuck in this. On the bright side, the chest's magic prevents Dream from dying of thirst or starvation, in fact time passes differently there, slower than in the world outside. I'm not decided on what exactly the ratio is but the 5 years that passed weren't 5 years for Dream (I have no idea what 5 years of complete sensory deprivation would do to him so I'm backing off from that) still it was damn long (I'd say between a few months and a year cuz I really have no idea)
I struggle to decide how this will affect Dream. Currently I'm kinda working with stuff like sensitivity to light and noise, dissociation, memory loss (he already struggled with this in prison, mostly he doesn't remember stuff from before prison) and of course serious lasting damage from torture.
When he's finally released from the chest, he has no recognition of Sapnap or Karl. He only vaguely recognizes Quackity. Even then he only associates him with rules, pain and the box (as he calls the enderchest). He also developed a pretty serious self-harming habit.
In the chest he couldn't see or hear anything (not even himself when he spoke, after being out he struggles differing between his thoughts (not that there were many, most of the time he just kinda dissociates) and what he said out loud). The pain soon became a comfort, it proved that he still exists, that somewhere in that dark is a body. That he is in fact still alive.
For the longest time he is overly sensitive to any sound or light. It's overwhelming for him no matter how soft it is (even the sound of his own voice sometimes bothers him, he's not used to hearing it). This makes taking care of him quite difficult for the fiancees (now husbands as you might've noticed)
Sapnap entered the room slowly, trying his hardest to make as little noise as possible. He thought he was doing a decent job, the sob from the bed told him he didn't.
Dream sat curled on the sheets, keeping his head hidden in his knees. A first sign that today is a very bad day. Still the blaze tried, approaching carefully, keeping his voice barely audible.
The blonde shook his head, as if he was trying to deny the whole situation. His hands clapped over his ears firmly, making the ravenette sigh. He wanted to help his friend but how could he when even talking seem to make things worse? On most days he'd just leave and give Dream time to calm down, or dissociate, but today he couldn't. It's been 2 days since Dream last drunk and even longer since his last meal. That might've been the most frustrating part, Dream completely ignored his body's needs. They didn't know much about what the inside of the chest was like but given that Dream was still alive and not a starved corpse it was very likely that he didn't need to eat or drink in there. That probably explained why he always forgot to do it now. The first few tries that got him to throw up immediately didn't help either.
But he had to eat! He- he had to ... if he won't ... Sapnap wasn't ready to lose him again. He had to make sure Dream lives, if not for his own sake than for Quackity's. The duck hybrid was devastated after he realized what he's done. He was just coming to peace with what happened in the prison, what he did in search of power. This- this hit him hard. If Dream died now Q would forever blame himself.
"Dream, please, you need to eat."
The blonde only shook his head again. Whenever it was a response to Sapnap's words or just an attempt to block out his voice was unclear. The blaze felt tears weight in his eyes but he ignored them in favour of looking around the room to ensure the blinds were closed properly. On good days Dream could handle dim light the curtain let in without trouble but direct sunlight was something he could take just yet, not even with blindfold on. Speaking of ... Sapnap's eyes caught on the strip of fabric discarded on the bed next to Dream. He must've became overwhelmed by it again.
At this point tears fell freely of blaze's amber eyes. For 5 years he thought that his best friend is death. And despite everything he missed him. Even after more than 6 years he'd sometimes looked over his shoulder, Dream's name on his lips with some lewd joke, only to meet an empty space where his friend should be. There was a hole in his heart no amount of laughing with his husbands could fill. He never stopped regretting the last words he told Dream. The goddamn promise! His best friend died thinking that he hates him. He'd do anything to be able to speak to Dream one more time, to apologize and-
Now after all those years his wish came true. Dream was alive ... and Sapnap almost wished he wasn't.
@bleue-flora you might like to check this out?
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aquanova99 · 2 years
Remember your Roots
Felix x Reader
Part 4
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A/N: I’m back bitches. Bet you never thought I would finally update this series jesus it’s taken me forever. I am still struggling with those lovely messages but after getting a few more I realized they are just fans of other creators so whatever.
A/N: anyways how are you guys? I hope I can get back into a rhythm. School is finally letting up and I miss writing but inspiration is hard to come by. Also I worry about repeating things so if this is familiar idk I tried lol thank you guys for the patience 🤍
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In the following weeks you began to feel more and more like yourself. Or what you remembered as yourself. It frustrated you that nothing in your past life came to mind. You had appreciated the extra help from Felix. Both with training and with trying to help you remember anything past you waking up with instructions from Riley. You hadn’t gotten much farther than knowing it was some kind of vacation or break. You knew you had gone with friends but you couldn’t even remember their names much less their faces. Felix offered to take you back to the location someday when everything had calmed down with the Cullens. You had been so against helping Victoria’s coven but now, I mean how many enemies can one family have? You had lessons from Heidi and Demetri about what rules the volturi had and why they had to track certain covens just to check in. You would think following what, maybe two actual rules wouldnt be too hard to follow.
            You had begun to get curious. You asked Aro and Caius about officially performing any guard duties, apparently they thought it was best to keep you hidden unless necessary. A surprise for any possible battle. That was alright. You enjoyed being around Heidi and Sulpicia and Corin had showed you several old plants long gone that you had practiced growing when you had a chance. But you wanted to be out with Demetri…and Felix. You felt like you owed him. And you had begun craving his company. It was getting harder when he went on missions. Not that it was that often, but it freaked you out. There was a pain when he was gone for long periods of time. You had come to know he had never lost a fight, learned about the scars he bore, the little memories of his life before the volturi. His stories were in a word, sad. He was forced into a life of fighting to survive, anything he made was sent to his family from what he remembers, but he couldn’t remember faces either. They’re memory fading even in his human life, sending any kind of winnings was more out of obligation. Aro recruited him and he pretty much continued servitude in a different magnitude. He had left for a few years as a newborn, he smiled remembering how his strength now paled in comparison to that first year. Ironically, he said that was the most peaceful time of his life. You weren’t surprised, even now, there were few people who challenged him, besides Demetri and Santiago.
The scars. The scars were so much worse than you had imagined. He had explained about the children of the moon. You were almost 100% sure the person he saved was Demetri, but you didn’t ask. It wasn’t your business. What he hadn’t told you is that unlike most vampires his scars refused to fade. Any scratch from the children of the moon, vampire or otherwise had left some sort of mark on Felix. The trials he’d faced when he had come back to the volturi were harsh. Caius testing exactly how much he could handle had ended up with too many vampires on him at once. He had told you that test had left him plenty of scars all over, you had stayed silent watching his face. It remained unchanging. You worried asking anything more would cause him to stop confiding in you so you chose to stay silent whenever he would recount a story in his life, as if he was telling it about someone else. As if someone else had lived it. You chose only to ask if he was okay and he had only shrugged saying it no longer bothered him. That was the first time you’d seen him lie. You’d think hed be better at it.
It had been a long process. After the night he convinced you to come back to the volturi, he was only slightly more social. Nodding, maybe offering small casual conversation. He had found you in the library once after he had come back late from a mission. It had been the first time you found yourself wondering if he was doing alright. You were grateful he opened up at all. But his stories… you wondered if he would ever process them.
You began integrating yourself more into the large coven. Becoming closer to the guard members. You found a protectiveness growing inside you, it was becoming more glaringly obvious that you would be willing to protect anyone in your new family. No matter the cost. I mean, it’s not like you had anyone else. Nor did you care too much about your own life either, considering you knew so little about yourself. You began to leave the room to your quarters open, so if anyone needed anything it was clear you were available. It seemed to work well for the most part. It was a sort of unspoken agreement that went on in the castle, if your door was open you were available to talk or to help with any trials. Not that you were ever able to go. The queens had helped hone your gift and you enjoyed learning the things they had mastered over the centuries they had been alive. If you weren’t with them or Heidi you had enjoyed spending your time reading many of the books the volturi had accumulated over time. The only one who would still knock to ask how you were doing was Felix. Still, you enjoyed that he would try and make time to visit you when he wasn’t busy.
You were deeply invested into an old horticulture book, Sulpicia told you it was a book known for plants with healing properties. Sulpicia had once gained a piqued interest into the women being persecuted long ago, she discovered their knowledge went beyond what people were ready for and continued to study it over the millennia to see if anything had changed or improved. When Aro had told her about your gift she was quick to want to experiment to see if there was anything that you could do to help their kind, the two of you mainly focused on different plants and herbs known for healing pain and testing whether crossbreeding would prove to someday help any vampires with lasting pain from wars fought long before your time. You knew she meant Caius, but you also secretly hoped you could possibly help Felix. You had noticed he greatly under exaggerated the pain in his arm. You found him putting pressure on it often or would massage it as if it was sore. You knew he had more scars he didn’t feel comfortable talking about, but those scars ran deep inside him. You might as well do something useful if you were going to be stuck in hiding.
You could feel a gust of air pass you as someone rushed past your room. You heard a door slam before Felix’s scent hit you. You knew if he really wanted to that door would have been obliterated, which meant he was trying to restrain himself. That in itself was terrifying. You poked your head out of the room to see if anyone else seemed to know what was happening. Demetri came up soon after.
“Is everything okay?” you felt the need to whisper as quietly as you could
Demetri lips were a tight line, hesitant before he nodded towards your room. You let him in and closed the door to offer him some privacy, “I didn’t mean to worry you Y/n but you should know today’s trial was a bit unexpected. We haven’t dealt with an immortal child in ages.”
You felt the wind get knocked out of you, the transformation process was no walk in the park. To subject any child through that…leave them endlessly unable to grow. It seemed cruel. And the rules. Being caught guaranteed a swift but presumably painful death to both the creator and child. Your mouth felt dry, what was there to say?
“I’m sorry.” Was the best you could do.
Demetri half chuckled, “It isn’t your fault cara. But it certainly doesn’t seem to get easier. We weren’t able to bring them in before the transformation process was complete for the child. Its creator was trying to calm it on their way, as if they could appeal what he did.” You could see Demetris body stiffen, his teeth gritted together. If it was up to him he would let the vampire rebuild itself just to kill him again. You pulled him into an embrace. It couldn’t be easy, feeling guilty at cutting a child’s life so short, even if had been doomed from the moment they were taken from its family’s arms. Demetri was slow but receptive to your sympathy. His arms wrapped around you as he gathered himself together. When he pulled away he made sure to face you,
“Y/n you should know Felix had the unfortunate task of taking care of the child…”
“Is that why he was so upset?”
Demetri sighed, “As long as I’ve known him… he has always been quite good at masking what he’s thinking. When immortal children first became a problem it was made clear no one person would be the ones handling them. Still, the guard assumes Felix is fine with handling it because he is known as our executioner….Though I doubt his pride will ever let him admit it, there are some things that weigh on him more than other.”
You’d only begun to realize the tone he spoke at was so low you could barely make it out. Demetri was still working, still protecting his friend, “What happened?”
“…some of the guard tend to not have much of a filter. They simply see this as a job. Which normally is fine but regardless, the child calmed down the second Felix held them. He hesitated. Someone mentioned that he needed to get on with it, questioning when he began caring about things like this.”
You didn’t want to hear anything else, you felt a pressing need to see him. Demetri held your arm back. Your voice rose to barely a whisper, “Let. go.”
He shook his head, “Believe me I saw Caius handle said member. It isn’t—its not safe for you to see him right now. He needs some time to relax.”
You shook him off of you, “I’m not scared of Felix.” You left before he could protest anymore. You weren’t sure how much he heard. Demetri had centuries to improve how quiet he needed to be in certain situations. You did not have that luxury.  You expected to hear no response at your knocking against his door. When you realized you were and were met with silence you opened the door ever so slightly.
“Hi, are you okay?”
He seemed surprised at your presence, his head lifting up from the small couch he was sitting on. Other than that he didn’t move a muscle, his head had turned back to glare at the fire roaring through the silence and you debated how much you could actually do to help.
“I’m fairly confident you’ve been warned by my friend that today wasn’t a great day.” He looked so…tired. The centuries of not sleeping seemed etched across his face. You stepped into his chambers and as gently as you could closed the door behind you. The soft click of the door, causing him to look at your direction. Clearly, no one has ever tried to push for an answer after his immediate and probably, automatic refusal to talk. For indestructible beings you found the lot of them to be cowards.
“I guess I’m a bit worried.”
“I didn’t mean to sca—”
“You don’t. That wasn’t what I meant.” Felix seemed taken aback by your irritation. You walked towards him slowly, until you stood give feet from where he sat. Ahi’s eyes never left you, he seemed worried as if he doubted whether his anger would get the best of him. You hadn’t had a moment to think Felix was ever someone to be afraid of. You suppose that he probably should have frightened you at least a bit, but thus far, he gave you no reason to worry, “you promise you’re okay?”
He opened his mouth to say yes, you surprised him when you reached your hand out extending your pinky. It was a simple act but you both seemed to understand exactly what you were asking him. Daring him actually. Daring him to lie to you again. He sighed and scooted over to one side of the couch he was sitting on. You were sat next to him in an instant. You waited for him to continue, refusing to say anything else before he changed his mind.
“A pinky promise? Really?”
“Strangely effective though, don’t you think?”
He chuckled, but even that seemed to pain him. Both of you remained silent for a while, “You can ask, I promise to answer.”
It was as if he was already separating two parts of himself. A process in which he would remove any emotion from the events that unfolded today. It was heartbreaking to see him like this. You supposed the coldness was what the people in the throne room saw. An effective mask, to say the least, “What do you need?”
“I- I’m sorry?”
“I would never force you to talk about something, it sounds like today was really intense. If you do want to talk I’m here. But I can just keep you company. Or we could go do something to get your mind off things. Like back to the sanctuary place I found and play with the dogs. Or if you really want to be alone that’s fine. But I need to know what would help. And I mean actually help, not just telling me you need space because that’s what you’re used to.”
“Help.” He quietly echoed, he seemed to be in a kind of daze. You reached out and grabbed his hand. There was in reality, nothing you could say. If and when you had to deal with an immortal child… it would have you tatters for weeks, if not months or years. The touch seemed to somewhat snap him out of it, “can I ask you to do something for me?”
There was a desperate tone in his voice that made you hesitate, “I can try…”
“Would you use your gift on me?”
“What do you mean?” You asked but really, you both knew that you understood exactly what he wanted
“I need to not think about it.”
“Felix. Falling asleep does not mean you will be able to rest.”
“Y/n please,” he begged, “I feel like I’m losing my mind, I need a break.”
“Felix I can’t control how long you’ll be out for. You could have over two days of terrible, horrifying nightmares which would be infinitely worse. What about the leaders, they need you. They would be furious. What if they punish you? What if—”
“Y/n please. They owe me a break at this point. I trust you.”
“Felix. I can’t control anything besides knocking you out.”
“Y/n I don’t think I’ve had a break in centuries. I could care less about what happens. Regardless all I am going to think about is that crying. I can’t… separate this one. She was so tiny, so…helpless? I’ve never had that moment where I’ve had to question what kind of life I could have had. Even as a human that wasn’t in the cards. That was never going to be my life. I feel like I can’t breathe and i need a—”
“Break. I know.” His pleas had worked. He had his limit. You doubted you would be able to say no to him regardless, “okay.”
“Yeah. I’ll figure out how to explain it to the others. I’ll find Aro after.”
You saw panic in Felix’s face, “I-I’m sorry. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you—”
“Felix relax. The more stressed you are the worse sleep you’ll have. I’ll be fine. Besides I’m faster than you so eventually I’ll win anyway.” You managed to get a small laugh out of him, before you gestured for him to go towards his bed. Before he laid down he brought you in an embrace you didn’t hesitate to return. It was sad really, seeing someone so strong look so weak. So tired. You only hoped sleep would bring him some kind of respite. You couldn’t bring yourself to let go first. Finding that somehow you were feeling comforted by his touch instead of the other way around. You both seemed to realize that you were holding on much too long for a friend helping another friend out. Still, you both seemed slow to pull away.
“Remind me when I wake up that I owe you.”
“Let’s call us even for the time at that wildlife place.”
“I didn’t do anything.”
“You did a lot more than you think. But if you really want to pay me back you can take me back there when you have time.”
“Sounds like a date little one.” You felt yourself smile like an idiot. It took everything inside of you to not scream. Reminding yourself the way he spoke may mean something entirely different.
“Sweet dreams.”
It was a strange experience. Sleep. You wondered how long you had been out. Your senses being overwhelmed for the first time since your transformation. Your eyes were slow to open, your brain still scrambling to get a bearing on your surroundings. Most of your thoughts consumed by wondering if y/n was alright.
“Welcome back to the land of the living, my friend.” Demetri closed the book he was reading
“How long?”
“A few days.” He shrugged, “How are you feeling?”
“Rested.” You grumbled, “Is y/n..?”
“She’s alright. Taking a rest in the garden. She has been working pretty hard to keep a variety of plants alive around you.”
You took in the sight of various plants forming an arch of sorts around your bed. You had a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach, “What happened?”
“Your mate is a bit weary herself. The second you fell into your slumber she rushed to inform the kings. The whole castle could hear Caius screaming. I had given them a heads up but he was still less than pleased. She was pretty silent, just held her hand out to Aro. After that she was excused as Aro wanted to talk to Caius. The queens also were not very excited about how Caius showed his concern. After about six hours Y/n began worrying about how restless you seemed. Sulpicia and her were talking the second she left the meeting with the leaders. Afterwards she began bringing in various vases.” He gestured to the various things in your room, “She has been growing a variety of them. Supposedly calming. But she has been trying different combinations, it’s been pretty draining on her so Caius told her to try and relax so she took a walk.”
You tried to remember anything at all from the past few days. You had a vague memory of wanting to wake up early on. But it didn’t last. You weren’t exactly fond of that short time but Y/n had warned you it could be a miserable time. And afterwards you remembered nothing. Well, you certainly felt calm upon waking so whatever she did must have worked to an extent. You wished you could remember. Either way, while the feeling over that trial still lingered it didn’t seem so overpowering.
“I should probably find her.”
Demetri sighed, “Oh? You think so? And are you planning on telling her about the high chance of the mate bond yet?”
His question stopped you dead in your tracks, “Dem. I can’t.”
“Oh, come on Felix. You spend every second you can with her. You don’t think everyone has noticed you trying not to rush into her room just to talk to her. The only one clueless to how bad it is, is … well her. It’s starting to affect her too Felix. You honestly think she would be that worried about anyone else in the castle?”
Yes. “Actually—”
“It was a rhetorical question. Would she care of course, would she spend over forty hours continuously growing things to make sure you slept as soundly as you had, likely not. You’re hurting her more by not saying anything. And I am starting to grow quite fond of her so if you could, just move on with it.”
“It’s only been a few months. Its too soon. She is still adjusting.”
“Who is?” Jane interrupted, followed by Alec. “What? we heard you wake up.” She said in response to your clear confusion.
“Y/n apparently. Felix doesn’t want to tell her about the mate pull.”
“That’s dumb.” Alec stated, “If she finds out about it won’t she think you just dislike her?”
“A very good point, thank you Alec.”
You were absolutely not awake enough for this conversation, “Is she still in the garden?”
Demetri just nodded and you left to find her. Demetri or the twins could inform the leaders if they wanted to. You were in no way quiet but Y/n seemed completely unaware of your presence. She seemed to be taking in the sun as if she were a plant herself. The guilt that racked your body was immediate. You should have been more cautious in your plan. Had Aro not been there…you worried what Caius would do in his fits of anger, you’d seen it. And no matter how much the queens seemed to favor y/n…. The fact that she gotten herself to a point of exhaustion herself…
“Felix, you’re awake!” The sun was barely out. Autumn brought more clouds to the small town. Yet the light reflected off of the diamonds on her skin, you’d never been so enchanted by the prisms glittering her body. You spent the first week avoiding her like a fool, and the last month trying to spend any excuse to see her. You found yourself telling her things you’d never spoken aloud. It was as if your mind was waiting to meet her so it could unload everything you had ever wanted to talk about. She never pushed for more than what you were ready to share, and it made it easier to want to keep talking. Had she done so well, you worried about how deep you’d bring her into your world. You worried she would see you for the monster everyone else saw you as. You worried you were putting too much on her plate. And still it felt so easy to not worry about upkeeping a certain persona.
“How are you feeling?”
“Better than I have in years if I am being honest. Though I don’t remember much.”
“That’s probably my fault. I was trying to work with some plants that have been known to cause amnesia. I probably overstepped, I’m sorry.”
“Y/n believe me you have no reason to be sorry. I was not in the right headspace and it was a lot to ask of you.”
“I mean its kind of understandable. If you ever do want to talk about it, you know where I live.” She seemed to dance around saying anything on the actual subject. You wonder how scared you must have made her when you all but forced her to use her gift on you. You remember the warning Demetri had given her on that day. He of all people knew not to mess with you on those kinds of days. You would use any excuse to pick a fight. Y/ns voice still rang clear in your head. You wondered if she had changed her mind.”
“Y/n, would you still like to go see that place you found?”
She tilted her head as if debating on what kind of excuse could get her out of your question. Or perhaps regarding you for what you were, the executioner of the volturi. Dangerous by all accounts. The silence was making you crazy, it was taking everything to not retract your initial question.
“Are you asking me as a friend or as a date?”
“Would my answer change yours?”
“No.” Her certainty out measured your unease.
“Then I do believe we had made plans for a date.”
Taglist: @adaydreamaway08 @artaxerxesthegreat @aunt-pipie @heartrise @imtoanonymousforyou @lacychick @quarthly @venusdelaroix @volturiwolf @xcastawayherosx @jelly-fishy-babie
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