#i love them both and their unique history so much. i wish more people talked about the 'aftermath“ era and the lmanburg era
psychotrenny · 6 hours
There's a real unearned confidence to the way that Social Democrats talk about their ideology, like they've cracked the code and found the perfect way forward and the only reason people disagree is because they're misguided or evil. Like they'll correctly point out problems within Neoliberal Capitalism before spouting some absolute nonsense about how uniquely evil and dysfunctional Communism was (nearly always in the past tense too; they take it for granted that the end of the USSR was the end of all Communism) and then going "Don't worry though, there's a third way; a mixed regulated economy. We can have a free market in consumer goods while making sure that corporations pay their fair share in wages and taxes that can fund the welfare that looks after everyone". And like putting aside the fact that such a model relies on the super-profits of imperialist exploitation to actually function, and the inherent instability of an arrangement where the Bourgeoisie make concessions even while maintaining ultimate control of the economy, there's the simple fact that much of the Imperial Core did indeed had Social Democracy but does not anymore.
Like these Social Democrats never think about why that might be, why their ideology failed and what they can learn from it going forward. They just act as though some dumb individuals (i.e. Ronald Reagan, Milton Friedman etc.) managed to slip into power and make bad decisions and like the best way to fix this is to vote good people in who'll change it back. Like hell a lot of these people take the previous existence of these policies as like a good point, the whole "We had them before so we aren't being radical by wanting them back. We don't want anything crazy we just wanna bring back The New Deal or Keynesian Economic policy or whatever". There's never any thought about why those policies (how often do you hear these people even talk about "stagflation" or "the oil crisis" let alone the impact of the fall of the soviet union) and what implications this might have on the viability of bringing it back. They also love talking about how Social Democratic institutions are still largely intact in the Scandinavian countries, but rather than even consider what specific factors in their political-economic situation led to this these people just go "Damn isn't Sweden great. Why aren't we doing exactly what they do?"
And sure some people might compare this to Marxism-Leninism, the whole "trying to bring back a defeated ideology", but for one it's stupid to treat the dissolution of the USSR as the end of Communism as a global political force. It may have been a major blow, but even if you write off like Cuba and Vietnam as too small and insignificant to matter you can't just fucking ignore that over 1/6 of the world's population continues live under a Marxist Leninist party. Whatever concessions these countries may have made to global Capitalism, it's just plain ignorant to act as though Communism suffered anywhere near the humiliating loss of global power and credibility that Social Democracy has. Sure the latter may be more politically acceptable to toy with in "The West", but "The Western World" ≠ The Entire World. Also, nearly every ML on the planet is painfully aware that Soviet Communism collapsed and that it collapsed for a reason. There might be plenty of contention about why exactly it died and what exactly we can learn from this, but nearly everyone agrees that we need to learn and ideologically grow. No serious Communist wants to "bring back the USSR" in the same way that many Social Democrats want to "bring back The Welfare State". Far from being a form of "best of both worlds" mixed economy, Social Democracy is nothing more than a flimsy tool to stabilise Imperialist Capitalism at its moments of greatest strain. And if people are still gonna promote it wholeheartedly as the best possible solution, I wish they'd be a little less arrogant about it. It's not as though they history on their side
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quacktities · 4 months
I feel like the appeal of C! Quackbur (to me at least) is just how versatile it is as a ship and the range it has.
You want a subtle rivals to lovers, mutual pinning and longing but one of them is repressing his own feelings because he hates himself too much to let someone get attached to him ship dynamic with a political backdrop? You want longing gazes, knowing looks and the unspoken truth that, maybe, just maybe this relationship and understanding between them goes deeper than either of them let on or want to admit? BOOM. Lmanburg election arc Quackbur!
You want all of that but with more tension, high stakes, mental illness, a very "forbidden romance" vibe with an enemies that have been in love with eachother for a long time but can now finally be on the same side and possibly act on their feelings dynamic (but theyre doomed by the narrative so it was never going to work out. Or maybe it will, who knows. Maybe this time they find solace in eachother. Maybe this time Quackity stops him before its too late. Maybe this time it doesnt end in flames. Who knows. Its up to you really, if you keep telling the story over and over again, maybe this time they get their happy ending here and it doesnt have to be a tragedy. Your choice really). Pogtopia era C! Quackbur!
You want fucked up grief and angst and reminiscing on the past and being haunted by what could have been? You want seeing the spectre of your dead friend (if he was truly your old enemy, why does he feel like a past lover to you) and wondering if maybe he remembers everything you both went through the same way you do and if maybe his heart aches when he sees you the same way yours aches when you see him but you know he isn't the same and you'll never see the old verison of him ever again... but hes here... as a ghost.. and that has to be worth something right. (Is it a miracle you can still see him or are you forever being tormented by what you can never have?). BOOM, Butcher arc C! Quackity and Ghostbur (or Aftermath C! Quackbur as I call them)
You want all of that, but hey. What if we brought back the guy. What if it didn't have to end in death? What if they could reunite and speak again after everything? Would they even get along? You want the culmination of years of pinning, grief, hurt, and mutual obsession? Do they truly love each other, or have they fallen in love with the idealised verisons of each other they have in their own heads? Maybe this time, they'll actually get their shit together and talk. There really isn't anything stopping them now, other than themselves and each other. Maybe C! Quackity finally finds someone who respects him, is dedicated to him, and can engage with him on the same intellectual level in C! Wilbur. Maybe C! Wilbur finally finds someone who makes him feel human and can challenge him and his more self-destructive behaviours while still loving him in C! Quackity. Maybe this time, they get to understand each other, and they get to heal. Maybe this time, it's not too late, and sure, they dont have the healthiest relationship, but they're working on it, and they're okay for once. Just this once. Maybe. Or maybe you don't want that. Maybe it is too late for them. Maybe they'll never have what they once had, and they're both left with bitter hatred and longing for the past that grows weaker by the day as the rose tinted filter starts to fade. Maybe they make each other worse. Maybe the closest they ever get to being close to each other is by hurting each other. Maybe the only times they hold hands are when they're catching each other's bloody fists. Maybe they're both too far gone now. Maybe they've hurt each other too much to ever be vulnerable with each other. Maybe it's just too late for them. Maybe it was never meant to be. You want a joker card ship dynamic that can either end in healing and a happy ending or in an even more fucked up tragedy? Or both! Why not. BOOM. Post revival C! Quackbur
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bibibbon · 4 months
Thanks for answering my ask....If you don't mind me asking (again), can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....
My top 7 favourite media in general actually ends up fluctuating a lot considering that I tend to hyperfixate on one thing and then kinda get a bit lazy and go and try and find something else to hyperfixate on. 
It will be really hard to rank this so Iam just gonna tell you my top 10 in no particular order (again) sorry about that. 
Currently Iam hyperfixating on Jujutsu kaisen I really love the premise of the story and how it's built in this way where the story just repeats itself in different ways. It kinda sends the message of history always repeats itself and if it doesn't it will rhyme in a twisted way. I also love the way gege handles the themes of the story. However, I do think the story has a lot of wasted potential especially centering around themes of misogyny and just female characters in general. 
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There is also MHA. I think it has a whole lot of wasted potential as seen when I talk about in my blog I have kinda became a hater on what the manga contains because I feel like it could of been better and we could of had so much more in general but we just don't it's a big let down for me but I love seeing peoples view on the manga and how people would rewrite the series or different aspects in general. 
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I also like attack on titan. Yes I do like the ending of attack on titan (controversial but yeah 🤷‍♀️) I think isayama made a great choice in ending the series the way he did. I think the seires follows the idea of history repeats itself especially if people forget history and I love the way he depicted erens character how Eren is both a selfish and selfless fool at the same time. The interactions between the younger and older generation of characters for example Armin and Erwin parallels/contrasts are really interesting. I also love how both Keith and magath were just two sides of the same coin fighting something bigger then them both and both dying together back in the ship felt like a decent conclusion to both their characters. 
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Violet evergarden is a great series where the main protagonist has to learn love, the different types of love and how to love. I loved how each episode had its own story that made it very unique and the animation style is flawless. I do have my own problems with the ending especially with violet and Gilbert's relationship (the way they met and the 9year age gap isn't doing it for me) I think the series should of simply ended with violet learning self love and acceptance. 
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Avatar the last airbender is a masterpiece of a kids show. The themes it tackles like survivors guilt, imperialism and genocide I think it handles them very well. However, I do have a problem with the way they handled aangs character in book 3 and how they tried and failed to handle the theme of sexaul assault. Katara's character was also done very dirty I wish she accepted bloodbending but understood how it can be helpful and dangerous at the same time. Considering I watched with my sister it does have a special place in my heart and I love the content the fandom creates. 
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Percy Jackson was like one of the first books that got me into reading and greek mythology. I love the series from what I remember reading I absolutely love the parallels the series has, how it actually battled certain issues, how it has a perfect balance with humour and seriousness in the books and so much more. I also love the irony that rick puts latter in the hero of Olympus books how every child of the big 3 ends up being scared of their own element is a great touch or the focus on fatal flaws is very interesting how one thing can be your downfall even if it's something good like loyalty. To be honest I always found annabeth and Luke's relationship in the books to be very weird especially with how Luke is 21 and annabeth was like 12 so Iam glad that rick chose to change it when it came to writing the live action. 
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Purple hyacinth. Oh if I had to recommend anyone to read a webtoon this is the one that I would recommend. I absolutely love all of the characters and the character development there is. The series concept is amazing ( I don't wanna spoil it so I won't say much) and I love how there is music that goes with the chapters you read, it's just amazing. I hope we get a new chapter soon considering that the author is still on hiatus due to some health issues. 
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dr-lizortecho · 3 months
Hi! Can you talk about why you ship Bonenzo? I love them so much and not just because they weren't a couple long enough for the writers to destroy them :) There's this cerebral component to their relationship that makes them unique among TVD ships for me---they're both extremely smart, like to learn new things, make references to ancient myths and history etc. that just sort of sets them apart from the other TVD ships - they're secretly nerdy lol, and I adore that. I also love how they're both guarded and somewhat jaded yet love SO passionately and fiercely. On another note...I also saw an ask about how Bonnie is different from Elena, and imo Bonnie is more comfortable as a learner/observer/thinker (I see her as becoming a professor/researcher!) while Elena is an instinctive feeler (and obviously smart too, but I'm saying she leads with her heart!) And so Bonnie is more guarded while Elena is more open and trusting/forgiving but also more impulsive and prone to doing something unexpected and then wishing she hadn't. This makes Bonnie...steadier, sort of? More loyal and consistent and fair. But she's also less trusting, less forgiving, less open etc. So I think they're both a great mix of strengths and flaws and not the same ones! One last thought - Elena is more used to being the center of attention, and I don't mean that to say she's as selfish as antis say she is---I just mean that she's just always been adored, a natural leader who ends up at the center of things, etc. Elena was the star and therefore Bonnie fell naturally into the supporting role, thinking more about helping Elena and others than herself. And to circle back to the beginning of this long ask, one reason I love Bonenzo is that he's the first person to be like 'but YOU'RE powerful and strong and can travel and shine and you're the center of my world and now it's time to play the lead role in your own show!" you know?! I totally understand why people ship Bamon, but he made it clear that Elena comes first to him---BONNIE is the first and generally only priority for Enzo during the admittedly short time we see them as a couple, and she deserves that! Meanwhile, he's been betrayed, abandoned etc so Bonnie's loyalty, consistency, and love are exactly what HE needs too :) All just my random thoughts and obviously I'd love to hear yours!
Hi! Can you talk about why you ship Bonenzo?
You hit it pretty much on the nose! They’re such a good match because they offer each other the things they both want/crave, and they balance each other and make each other better. Like all my favorite tvd pairings they push each other to grow and become more balanced and more mature through learning from each other and giving/getting love.
Not only that but they make each other bend their rigidities and become more open and welcoming and loving. Truly they show what live/support can offer someone who’s been traumatized and repeatedly hurt by the world around them (and the people in their lives).
I love them so much and not just because they weren't a couple long enough for the writers to destroy them :)
Yes! I see a lot of people who enjoy them tag in this little notion, as if the drama in a teen drama somehow breaks the dynamics that are well written. Because the writing might have went absolutely horrendous post s6- but Bonenzo was the gem amongst the ashes.
There's this cerebral component to their relationship that makes them unique among TVD ships for me---they're both extremely smart, like to learn new things, make references to ancient myths and history etc.
This! They’re both so smart and so inclined to furthering their minds and educations. We see Bonnie’s inclination towards learning from the start and watch it shift from just magic to an interest/excitement about the world at large. This is a big component in her relationship with Professor Shane and Silas- they draw in her thirst for knowledge and even on her desire for an intellectually challenged relationship. While Enzo is depicted as someone whose always used learning to further himself in the world (however little access he had growing up) and he searches for this in older women or more educated women, because he wants a relationship that includes learning and stretching and growing- while offering him security (all jokes aside about milf’s).
So they find not only similar passions and desires in each other- but a stability in their moving forward together. Which makes them both feel safe to fully explore and start to desire these things. Which is what sees Bonnie’s desires to travel solidify into more concrete plans, fully moving her from the ghost who pretended to travel the world to the woman fully alive and happy who is going to see the world.
BONNIE is the first and generally only priority for Enzo during the admittedly short time we see them as a couple, and she deserves that!
Exactly!!! Like one of the biggest reasons they work so well is for this reason. Because this is the type of live Enzo has been trying to give his whole life and the kind of love Bonnie has been seeking.
Meanwhile, he's been betrayed, abandoned etc so Bonnie's loyalty, consistency, and love are exactly what HE needs too
*nods along* yeah, exactly. They really just feel like they were written for each other. But not in the way that means they both aren’t fully fleshed out characters, because it took their coming together to make it fully obvious how much they made each other feel more balanced.
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Hello! I was wondering what your thoughts on what the Hellfire club member's last and/or middle names would be :D idk it's just something going across my mind recently
(Also ack I meant to request this yesterday for my birthday but unfortunately I'm sick rn and I didn't because I was sleeping all day lol)
hello my love!! happy late birthday 🫶 i’m sorry i’m getting to this so late but i’m glad you asked!!!
I know that we already know Eddie’s full name from the show, and Emerson is a fanon last name for Gareth but i never see people talking about the other boys names!
I’m someone who often likes the idea of characters middle names being the same as the first names of the actors that portray them, i’ve found that most of the time it usually fits them quite well.
Edward Joseph Munson definitely fits him, especially with how both names sound more ‘proper’ given his personality. I assume his parents wanted to give him names that made Eddie seem like he was going to be a sweet boy when he was young but unfortunately they knew that probably wasn’t going to happen given his family history.
Gareth Gwydion Emerson 100% works in his case, especially given how i’ve headcanoned his family. His parents were hippies and they wanted their children to have fun names while still being able to be addressed formally by people. They knew they were naming adults, not babies, so they made all of their children have ‘normal’ first names and unique middle names to still give them a sense of their own personal style. (And while i’m getting into it, Claire’s middle name is Opal and Macys is Tigerlily)
I’ve never thought too much about last names for Jeff and Grant, especially because they don’t really have their own sections of the fandom, but i feel like their actors names work fairly well for them as well. Though i wished that we were given an actual name for Grants character inward as of just ‘freak’, from the few minutes of screen time they had you could tell they had very interesting personalities that all work so well together.
Jeff Trey Fisher i feel would suit him for how i’ve headcanoned his family. They’re upper middle class, never really struggled much, his family are very well put together and his older sister was actually quite popular when she was in high school but since she’s left she can’t do much to stop the other popular kids from being mean to her brother and the rest of Hellfire. It’s nothing super extravagant, but when you hear the name it sounds very casual, very normal. Which is exactly what his parents were going for. They didn’t care what their children’s personalities would be, which is why they have them both fairly neutral names. (And since i did it for Gareth i’ll also mention that his older sisters name is Patricia Michelle)
I’ve never really thought much about a middle name for Grant but i do know he would have a hyphenated last name.
Grant Baker-Peterson. Him, his younger brother, and his dad all agreed to also take his stepmoms last name when they got married. His dad and his brother are all fairly similar to him, bigger guys who stick mainly to themselves and never really have much to say. His stepmom is quite the opposite. She’s a sweet little thing who is always very bubbly and happy about anything and everything. (And because i can, his little brothers name is Thomas, and his stepmom was his elementary school teacher which is how her and his dad met each other.)
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dark-nekofear · 4 months
tagged by @kukiyuuri ur so sweet ty for the tag <3
ONE. Are you named after anyone?
*Office stare* whatever gave u that impression? :3c
yea my queer ass swiped Roxas' name as my own. I had a major identity crisis after leaving a cult a decade ago so it kinda felt fitting to pick the name with his own history with cults & identity issues hehe
2. When was the last time you cried?
couple days ago, tho I have a very hard time crying anymore. thaaaat's probs not good ^^;; I used to be a huge crybaby.
3. Do you have kids?
thankfully not. I'm enough work as is tyvm
4. What sports do you play? have you played?
I played street hockey with my neighbors quite a bit growing up, tho it was rather short-lived when they suddenly had a problem with playing with a girl (boy do I have news for them). in high school I joined the tennis team. I wasn't stellar at it but I had a blast. wish there were more opportunities to play but that requires other ppl wanting to play.
these days I've been reconnecting with my childhood love of rollerblading. I'm close to being as good as I used to be which is so exciting cuz there's so much I never mastered! so I'm about to cross over into new territory!
5. Do you use sarcasm?
what's sarcasm? ovo
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
looking at the world thru an artist's lens, I notice things like posture, expression, body language first. which can tell u a lot about a person in the moment without a word being spoken.
7. What's your eye color?
blue! I think they're turning gray as I get older which is kinda cool but also a little sad.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
depends on my mood; both are good. so long as the story is told well anything goes really.
9. Any talents?
I suffer from the good at the arts but bad at everything modern society deems useful disease. my main talent is probs drawing, writing coming second (if I ever get the spoons to do it again). I'm also decent at singing with my long history with choir & leading worship services.
10. Where were u born?
the most boring place on earth -- the US Midwest. Siri, play "Sidewalks" by Story of the Year.
11. What are your hobbies?
a lot of my free time lately has been getting back into studying languages. I'm mostly focused on Japanese atm but I'm also at an intermediate level in German & conversational in ASL.
I game quite a bit too, primarily retro games. *screaming crying throwing up that PS2-era is now considered retro* seldom do I play things upon release except of KH.
oh, I'm also a casual fashion doll collector (mostly Barbie & Monster High). old media as well (vhs, retro games, music, etc). lost media & preservation of the arts in general really interests me.
I play guitar a bit too but lol I suck at it.
other hobbies previously touched on in earlier q's include drawing, skating, singing & writing. :3c
12. Do you have any pets?
I have a kitty! she's a dilute calico & a huge diva cuz she knows she's gorgeous. she's loud af just like me & loves talking to her fave humans in the sassiest tone possible.
13. How tall are u?
not tall enough. 165cm
14. Favorite subjects in school?
German (easily my best subject), art & English.
15. Dream job?
I've been thinking a lot about circling back to an old dream job. something utilizing my knack for picking up languages. maybe interpreting or teaching? I'd really like to go back to school so I can maybe have a decent shot at something overseas. where? I'm still deciding. being trans kinda complicates it a bit. with that in mind & having several instances of homelessness this past decade I've concluded the US isn't a viable place for me to continue living. I have a unique opportunity to rebuild rn & I intend to utilize it. even if that means allowing my art to return to being just a hobby.
ahh! sorry I'm totally ending this on a bummer note huh? uhh uhh... puppies! think of puppies!! & kitties!!!
anyway, I'll tag uhh... whoever wants to do this? >w<; u can obvi say I tagged ya.
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vintage-bentley · 1 year
ik they arent even in the trailer and their story is done but im kinda bummed out thatin the good omens tag basically nobody is ever talking about the them or the human characters anymore like they make up most of the book and half the show but always get the side lines in fandom content :/ like ive never seen an anathema focused piece of anything shes always like crowleys bestie or something nobody cares to explore a female character deeper than is shown in canon like raphael doesnt exist in canon and yet had more people explore his intricacies
I’m guilty of this too, and I think aside from regular fandom tendency to focus on a ship and let that be all that matters, A/C’s story is so interesting and unique that it outshines the others.
But I love Anathema! I really like her storyline of following something for her whole life because she was told she has to, and having to navigate not having that guide anymore—after choosing not to have it. I wish we got to see how she deals with going about life without knowing what comes next, I can see it being a great source of stress for her. And it would’ve been neat to see it paralleled with Aziraphale going through something very similar, now that he’s abandoned his trust in Heaven. I saw a post a while ago talking about how both human couples were mirrors of A/C—Newt asks questions of Anathema’s unwavering faith and helps her to leave it behind, just like Crowley does for Aziraphale. Shadwell ends up with somebody he’s supposed to believe is an embodiment of evil and sees he was wrong about her, just like Aziraphale does with Crowley. That was really interesting to see and I have a feeling that season 2 will do the same thing with Maggie and Nina (of course I hope they’re more than just mirrors of the male characters).
But as far as fandom goes, I have to admit that I understand wanting to focus on A/C since they’re the most interesting. It does annoy me though, that Anathema often falls victim to the typical fandom treatment of female characters, where they only exist to mother the male characters. In fan fiction she tends to be the voice of reason and the “smartest one in the room”, which seems great because yay a woman is smarter than the men…until you realise she’s only “the smartest one in the room” because people can’t imagine a woman being silly and fun, only responsible and maternal. I think so much more could be done to explore her whole conspiracy theory thing.
As far as the trend of her being Crowley’s bestie, I think it’s cute, but it feels like people reduce her to being a “goth bestie” and don’t really pay attention to her interests. I feel like she’d really get along with Aziraphale and they’d bond over interest in/knowledge of books of prophecy. I’m sure Aziraphale would be absolutely fascinated to hear from an actual descendant of Agnes Nutter, and despite having left the descendant lifestyle behind I’m sure Anathema would be eager to share her history with somebody who’s knowledgeable and interested. Like imagine you dedicate your whole life to following in the footsteps of a historical figure that not many people know about except prophecy enthusiasts. And then you meet the enthusiast of all time. That would be exciting!
And, y’know, I’m sure she’d be more fond of Aziraphale over Crowley, considering A’s the one who healed her and treated her kindly while C didn’t care that he’d hit her with his car and instead focused on un-denting said car…
That being said, I’ve found that a lot of content with her being friends with the husbands, especially Crowley, ends up treating her like set dressing. I’d make a feminist analysis of this, but tbh I notice it with all the human characters, so I don’t think it’s specific to Anathema because she’s female. It’s possible it happens to her more though because of it.
Anyways. I agree it’s sad that the other characters don’t get much attention! They’re great, especially Anathema and Pepper who are my favourites. But like I said, I get it, when they’re up against the competition that is ineffable husbands.
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stephenjaymorrisblog · 7 months
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When I Was Your Age
Stephen Jay Morris
©Scientific Morality
I don’t mean to be sesquipedalian. However, I do relish the use of vulgar, four-letter words. That's my writing style. Don’t like it? Go somewhere else. Don’t let me waste your time. Okay? No! I aint no keyboard warrior, I am a pen and paper iconoclast. Okay? Okay! Now let’s go to the subject at hand.
We have tepid biases, then we have severe biases. Both are an anathema to the traditional liberals, or so-called “Woke.” You know? Racism, sexism, ablism, agism and many others. Then you have acceptable biases like “Generation gap.” Also, there are geographical biases, astrological biases, and other silly ones, like music criticism, sports bias, etc. Does this sound familiar: “People born under the sign of Pisces are assholes! Most of them live in Florida! What a shitty state that is! Not only do they have criminals, but they have lousy sports teams!” It all sounds hateful and hypercritical, but it is acceptable in society. Just like political bias: “It’s alright to call someone a communist, but you can’t call them a nigger!”
The paleo-conservatives are much too cowardly to use racial epithets, so they use innocuous, acceptable biases like “geographical bias” to cover up their racial hatred and disdain for their political adversaries. Instead of saying, “A city full of niggers that is run by a Democratic city council,” they say, “Chicago.”  Now that the conservative movement is being taken over by the White Nationalist movement, they’re even more at ease using racist terminology.
Today, I want to tackle the subject of the Generation Gap. Every race, creed, or color has had this problem. It is an innocuous bias that has been around since 399 B.C., the days of the ancient Greek philosophers. Quote: “The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.”― Socrates 399 B.C. End Quote. This didn’t just start with the Baby Boomers and their parents in the 60’s.
Every generation has its critics. Why do older people do this? Before I answer that question, let me point out that every individual has their own unique personality. Talking about generational issues, you tend to generalize. People who generalize are too stupid and indolent to elaborate. That is why most racists are stupid. So, why do most older people look down on the younger generation? Because they wish they were young enough to repair their misspent youth. Plus, they resent the better life their children have. Tag it “jealousy!”
Now, what I just said is a gross generalization. That may be true for some, but not all. There are parents who love their children, and those children reciprocate that love.  So, who is “anti-youth?” Mostly, this sentiment comes from the political Right in America! They want all males to be masculine warriors who will protect the ruling class, and all women to be birthing wives to increase the White population. Don’t believe me? Tough shit! Just read the history of any Fascist nation; it’s all the same.
The U.S. political Right wants every male in this country to be a self-reliant, rugged individual. Conservative news website and media company, “The Daily Wire,” makes lots of money from attacking the so-called Left. One of its commentators, Matt Walsh, wears a Fidel Castro beard and is a Millennial who attacks Generation Z. He cited a psychological study that found Gen Z-ers are suffering from anxiety and panic attacks. Matt, being the dumbass he is, did not sympathize with them, stating “they are just spoiled kids.” I get the feeling he never reads any pamphlets published by the Roman Catholic Church. He also stated that he has never experienced a panic attack, so therefore, there is no such thing. Any individual who has this mind set might suffer from psychopathological Narcissism. He has no ability to empathize. I pity his children and his wife.
I am a 69 year-old, Jewish male. Beginning at 11, I grew up having panic attacks. It was embarrassing and frequently occurred in public. These attacks came out of nowhere, not unlike an Epileptic seizure. I got them not because I had Liberal, hippie parents who were lenient with me; As I learned through psychotherapy many years later, it was because my neurons weren’t firing correctly and I had a bio-chemical imbalance in my brain. Matt Walsh thinks with his balls, not his brain.
A major upshot of this modern world is that religion is dying, and science is advancing. So, we must endure schmucks like Walsh until natural causes take hold.
Just remember, the world is getting better and better!
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ming-gukk · 2 years
Jikook: The Twin Flames
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I am passionate about mythology and everything involving the moon and the gods, I was reading about the moon goddess after Jimin's photo-folio and ended up on a definition that caught my attention which is: Twin flames.
I was curious to know more about what it was and immediately came to mind, Jimin and Jungkook and their relationship.
This is not an analysis, it's just a little bit of the story and how I saw them and how Jikook unique they are and their relationship is special.
To begin A "twin flame" isn't necessarily a romantic soul mate or what someone might call "the one" - but they will always change your life, often from the very first time you cross paths.
Contrary to popular belief, the concept of twin flames is not the same as soul mates. Your twin flame doesn't even have to be someone you fall in love with (although it often is). "This kind of high-level, soul-based connection isn't about romance. It's about spiritual growth," says Vallejos. "You meet them and your life just completely changes. You start seeing the world differently."
In the midst of this research I saw that the origin of soul mates came from Plato's myth of the androgynous, which is interesting because it is one of the first discussions of gender in human history.
In a quick summary, the sun and the earth had a son and he was named Moon. The moon tried to reach the gods of Olympus and Zeus decided to teach them a lesson and broke them in half. And as he cut them in half, Apollo turned their heads so that they could eternally contemplate the amputated part. A lesson in humility. Apollo also healed their wounds, shaped their trunks, and molded their bellies, gathering the skin that was left in the center, so that they would remember what they had once been.
And that's when the creatures began to die. They died of hunger and despair. They would hug each other and let each other stay like that. And when one party died, the other would drift away, searching, searching.
As I read this I realized that love and the concept of souls and connection is much bigger than we believe and talk about.
And speaking of this connection we have Jimin and Jungkook, who were born in the same city two years apart and met years later in a completely different city, in an unlikely situation where they ended up debuting in the same group.
Their whole relationship is more intense and magnetic than people believe.
A friend (thanks @kmg4y​) showed me some signs that we identify when we meet our Twin Flame and I put them in a list with Jimin and Jungkook moments.
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Between them there is a chemistry of intuition. No matter what happens, they can predict how the other will respond with an impressive accuracy.
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Music, series, Hobbies, movies, food - they are on the same page when it comes to enjoyment. The interest in similar things can also extend to career, politics, and friends.
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Speaking emotionally, you are very similar. You are sensitive to the same things, and you intuitively know where each other's limits are.
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This attraction is constant, subtle, and physical. Even if there is a small distance between them, it begs to be reduced.
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One of the most obvious signs of a twin flame relationship is when they have the same dreams. Sharing dreams happens through the harmony of the energy of both, allowing them to be close in the astral plane during sleep.
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Communication is fluid between them, and often, it is not necessary to speak. They can say things to each other without a word, and without anyone noticing.
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When you are with your flame, you are able to be totally yourself. You are not afraid that he will judge or belittle you. This brings a sense of security, which you wouldn't normally find in other relationships.
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Even at the beginning of the relationship, you feel that you have known him forever. It is common to have a feeling of youth when you are with your twin flame. It takes you back to a simpler phase of life, of which you only have vague memories. It brings security and comfort, as if you are finally coming home after a long journey.
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doom-nerdo-666 · 1 year
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When thinking of writing a post about why people tend to dislike Midnight, i had a bit of a thought: Just like SgtMarkIV/Brutal Doom, the hate can come from people that are usually uninformed.
A way to see Midnight is that he's more of a "side effect" and represents things that aren't unique to him (Specially if you look at other Doom related channels and see similarities).
I've seen him compared to MrBossFTW as if Midnight is the Doom equivalent to that.
He seems like a clickbait channel trying to exploit people that know less about Doom than he already does.
A recent example being him doing a video about Lilith PK3 and how his observation (If it's legit) can be comparable to that of how game journos (The group that Doom fans supposedly hate) talk about Doom mods.
(Because i don't think he even knows about the weird drama about that mod at all)
It's why DoomKid making a video correcting Midnight was a bit of a shocker: Both could be seen as representing opposite sides related to "Doom fandom".
But in general, a way to better understand this is by looking at 3 big points:
The Doom community and its history
I already made certain points in different posts, like differences between older and newer fans or aspects of certain activities etc.
You can read some of it here:
Random observations about the Doom community.
A specific Brutal Doom post.
Things that may've not exist if not for the fans.
Nerd/geek/fandom/whatever-you-call-it culture
I'm sure people are aware of nerd stereotypes in pop culture: The smart but socially awkward skinny guy with glasses with weird speech patterns and interests in pop culture, that gets bullied.
While they are exaggerated, they do have some truth in them (To the point some even say this outcast nerd aspect is what inspired Peter Parker, Spiderman).
So the "Funko Pop crowd" image seems different from nerds that get picky over how their favorite media is handled.
Might come from a place of what if means to love something so much: 100% blind love that you like anything associated with it or wanting "the best" for it that you tend to have standards like a parent wishing their kids get a better future and don't throw it all away.
Of course, some nerds will still have silly complaints over stuff but it also seems like some people find it easier to be nerdy in the "blind loyalty" way than making interesting stuff out of their passion.
Some also argue whether or not "nerd culture" is that obscure because something like Star Wars was always massive.
But it's still interesting to learn how subcultures change because it's not just a matter of newcomers but even the old guard can change too.
Internet content
When people discuss why "content creator" is a bad term, they usually include the angle from the corporations: How they treat artists and their art.
Be it corporations labelling different art forms as "content" or treating it badly even if the art itself is good and gave them some revenue.
But there's at least 2 angles we shouldn't forget:
The "creators" themselves because for all the talented people that deserve better, there's always those with crappy stuff or zero talent that somehow get to win at times.
And the audiences because some people tend to have really bad taste and in massive scales.
Youtube is a good example when you look at its popular videos and "personalities": A bunch of people with no actual talent or charisma "gamefying"/taking advantage of a system and the clueless audiences that watch them because they don't know better.
It reminds me of why a medium like animation got less popular:
First, there's specific rules from Youtube such as the 10 minute mark and how it relates to income, which was something animators barely could handle.
Then there's the fact that people like to play videos while they do something else as if they're background noise (This doesn't apply to just podcasts or commentaries).
It's probably not a surprise that some people who worked on more creative mediums end up doing podcasts or LP channels.
And then you have smaller channels doing the "don't forget to like, subscribe and hit the bell" etc part because YT essentially became a race of success and less about passion or effort into quality content.
Some say YT became more about personalities than content but even then, you can tell that James Rolfe still has a more interesting personality than Logan Paul.
One can argue that some people do rely on YT for the sake of money so "clickbait is needed" but i also assume that anyone who's super into Doom could just discover content on their own.
Another thing about modern internet is chasing trends or when everyone has to talk about what's currently popular, leaving little room for novel topics or creativity.
Each of these 3 sections could've been better but i brought up some points that serve as food for thought, so any more interesting observations/opinions/even trivia could be reached from reading this, hopefully.
I doubt Midnight would ever find this blog and read this post... but at least he'd have more interesting material to use for his videos i guess.
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cellphonehippie · 11 months
In defense of MCR - who I think have been uniquely protective of their female fans - the "we kill the girls to get paid" line references the fact that multiple album storylines involve dead women (demolition lovers, the whole 3 cheers plotline, drowning lessons). While this isn't a particularly progressive trope - and is often misogynistic - (afaik) none of the women die as a result of gendered violence or ipv. Contrast that w the multiple Fall Out Boy songs that explicitly wish a former lover dead - simply for the fault of being a former lover. I can't recall anything else that could be considered misogynistic - definitely nothing on the level of FOB's old break up songs or the way Panic has talked about women & hook-ups - but this isn't a blanket defense! I just think this particular line is more of an example of tounge in cheek commentary about their own career rather than misogyny (at least in a comparable sense to slut-shaming and wishing physical violence).
Also - not addressing the degree to which Hayley and Taylor's choices seem to be borne from internal motivation as the result of becoming adult women who have been affected by misogyny and come to regret how their words may be used in service of that vs. dudes who have largely failed to acknowledge any harm done because they've never seen the need to reevaluate their past work. One step further, is depiction endorsement? Representing the cultural values or their emotional state at the time is an important part of art! Even the shitty ones. But how do you preserve the art while mitigating the harm that it can/does cause? I don't think history needs to be revised but addressing the fact that harm was in fact done would be nice lol
Anyway, rarely a conversation fans have with nuance - though you'll be hard pressed to find any fandom conversation considering nuances - but agreed that women are allowed far less room to have depicted (or even felt) misogyny regardless of who they are/have become as evidenced through their actions. Probably bc it's characterized as betrayal rather than the way men get written off as "never do well, never going to learn to do well" - which is also unfair (to both women and men! Accountability and the ability to grow transcends gender!)
Sorry if I keep going I'll never stop
that does make sense! whenever i heard that line it made me ??? but you explained it so well. and you are so right with fall out boy, i love them but you cannot deny the misogyny in their lyrics especially when they have two songs wishing harm against an ex (i assume tell that mick is about an ex but i’m not sure)
i don’t think people allow women to grow and acknowledge their past mistakes like they do for men. esp with misogyny women are held at a higher standard for it, while hayley williams was continually called out for the lyrics in miz biz, brendon urie was yelling out variations of “whore” (for example “super slut”) on stage every night. it just sucks so much.
you’ve made so many good points in this, i really do agree with you and it’s an important conversation to have!!!! i’m sorry i’m not the best to articulate my thoughts in a better response to you, i’m not the best with words (hence why i’m a visual artist and not a writer lol) but please do share if you have anymore thoughts on this, loved reading and learning from your response!!!!
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ironstrangle · 1 year
Ficlet: Top Secret
Pairing: Sam Wilson x  Joaquín Torres
Word Count: 950
Summary: Sam and Joaquin keep their relationship secret - until they can’t. 
@allcapsbingo​ - prompt secret relationship
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It was supposed to be a secret. 
Not for long, Sam said, just until the world calms down a little.
Joaquín had been okay with that. Sure, he would have loved to scream to the rooftops that he was the man who shared a bed with Sam Wilson, but he was a patient man. He could wait. Sam had enough stress to deal with in his day-to-day life. Joaquín didn’t want to add a single burden to the already heavy load that his love coped with.
Unfortunately, being out was going to be a burden. It shouldn’t, but society sucked and Sam had already dealt with so much criticism for not fitting the narrow mold of what Captain America should be. Joaquín wished, more than anything, that he could protect Sam from that. He was going to take the brunt of the criticism, the nasty words. 
They couldn’t keep it secret forever, but he supposed that keeping it secret for a little while would help. It would at least delay the bad until they were better prepared to cope. 
So, they kept it a secret. 
It was a little weird not being able to hold Sam’s hand when he wanted and stuff like that, but it was all good. The best parts of their relationship were those they shared in private anyway, from intimate talks about deep subjects to… other intimate things. It didn’t bother Joaquín much at all. It was better for them, and he always got to keep Sam to himself.
Being the Falcon was interesting. Sam had him working a lot of lower-level crime while they waited for the next enormous threat. Those were the cases that he actually loved. They felt more real, like they were making a difference in people’s lives directly. He had stopped a robbery in town when a young girl, witness to the crime, looked at him awkwardly. 
“Is it true…” she started.
“What?” he asked, confused.
“Is it true that you and Sam Wilson are dating?”
Joaquín had been so surprised that he nearly stumbled back. He looked her in the eyes.
“Where did you hear a rumor like that?” he’d asked, trying to brush it off. He and Sam had always said that they would not deny it if someone asked, but he felt defensive. That was their secret. 
“It’s all over the internet,” she said matter-of-factly. “I was just reading it on Instagram before those robbers came in. They caught you and Sam Wilson coming out of a storage closet all…you know, disheveled and stuff…”
Joaquín’s face turned bright red as he remembered that day.
It had been an awful mission for both of them. Nobody had been hurt, thankfully, but Joaquín was exhausted. He had been in a bad mood after hours of waiting in a small space for the extraction. When they got back to the base and he couldn’t even kiss Sam because of their secrecy, he growled under his breath and pulled Sam into a supply closet. 
“Sam, please.” 
He had shut the door behind him, and the rest was history. It was the most unique place they had hooked up, for sure. It wasn’t that they weren’t adventurous, it was just that their lives had taken on a sort of routine. Sex in a supply closet was uncomfortable, frantic and exhausting, but it had helped wash off the stink of the mission. Joaquín had been amazed that Sam was so ready and willing, but he’d known that it had just as rough of an effect on him.
He remembered just whispering, “Wow.”
They had carefully redressed themselves before they exited the closet. Apparently not careful enough. Fuck. This was not how he wanted people to find out about him and Sam. 
“Well, don’t believe everything you read on the internet.” 
Joaquín cut her off by taking to the air. The PR team, who were always working with Sam, would reprimand him for that later, but he wasn’t Captain America. Sometimes he could be rude, sure, but no one would take notice of Captain America’s sidekick - right?
He flew until he neared the city, then he descended and made his way back to the apartment. 
Before Sam found out, he needed to talk to him.
Too late for that. As soon as he stepped into the room, he saw Sam with the news on his laptop, shaking his head at the video. 
“So, it’s out there everywhere?” Joaquín asked, as Sam didn’t even turn to look at him when he entered. “The rumor about us…”
Sam nodded, but his eyes seemed pretty locked on the screen.
“I knew we would come out about it eventually,” he said, shaking his head in dismay. “It seems so crazy that the supply closet did us in.”
Joaquin sat down on the sofa next to him and then Sam was finally able to tear his eyes away.
“You okay, J?”
Joaquín nodded and then leaned over, taking both of Sam’s hands in his. 
“I’m great,” he said. “I know you were hesitant about this, though. You okay?” 
“I’m okay,” he muttered, bending down and kissing Joaquin’s hand in what had to be the cutest gesture ever. “I’m a bit surprised it went down this way, but I’m ready.”
“Good. Me too.” 
“Love you J.”
“Love you Cap.”
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luciferain · 17 days
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Rules and Muse (for mobile users!)
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Hello hello! I am Rain (they/them), 26, have been writing on tumblr for 10 years :D Thank you so much checking out my blog and my silly angel :D *art by me, the icons I use are by rpicons . Main blog to @slothdoctor ,Belphegor/ Semi-canon Helluva Boss blog.
Rules and Muse pages are under read more!
IC =/= OOC. Lucifer’s opinions are not my own. Sometimes evil characters and actions will be portrayed and tagged accordingly, and sometimes I might write some characters as evil when they are more nuanced in canon–it’s all to the have fun. 
I do not condone harassment over someone writing fiction. Real people come first. I will block if it the sensitive subject is too much for me, that’s that.
Don’t reblog threads or headcanons you are not a part of, please. Unless I tag it “ok to reblog”.
Please tag real-life images with nudity, blood, gore and such in general.
Do not force sexual acts on my muse.
To be on the same page with our headcanons / world-building, feel free to plot with me :D Duplicates/self-inserts/OCs etc are all welcome!
Headcanons and muses mentioned in backstory can be changed to match my rp partner’s headcanons and worldbuilding. This is just the default state we can build up on.
Name: Lucifer Morningstar
(Samael was the true name before he was bestowed the gift of a unique name. This name is now forbidden to be used.)
Title: King of Hell, The Deadly Sin of Pride. The Devil. (Formerly a high archangel, now fallen.)
Age: OLD.
Gender: None, but likes presenting masculine and uses he/him pronouns.
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual, Panromantic.
Relationship status: COMPLICATED. ( :C Is he divorced? Will Lilith come home?)
Height: 5'4. Smol… compared to all the hell residents towering over him.
Lilith - Ex-Wife
Charlie Morningstar - Daughter
Michael - Twin Brother
Seven Heavenly Virtues - Estranged Siblings…
History: Brought into existence with his twin brother Michael, the favorite son of Mother. He had been a cheerful and friendly angel who made great friends. Mammon, his first love (unrequited but never stopped being best friends), Satan (his first partner, friends with benefits), and his other friends who would stand by him no matter what.
The curious archangel who had broke the rules by spending most of his time with the humans of Eden. He had loved both Adam and Lilith, but once he fell for Lilith and heard her complaints of Adam, he put distance between himself and the first man. Once a new wife was made for Adam, he took Lilith’s hand and never looked back–
Well, he tried. Lilith and Lucifer would end up offering the forbidden fruit, the gift of Free Will, to Adam. Rejected by the first man, they set their eyes on Eve, who accepted their gift. This act would allow the evil to take root in the world, and get Eve cast out from Eden, followed by the first man who did not wish to leave her on her own.
As for the archangel and the first woman, they were cast out of Heaven after the Trial. Lucifer demanded that this was an mistake, that if he could talk to Almighty, everything could be solved. His insistence ended with a battle, against Michael and angels who had to banish him. His dear friends would took stand and fight by his side. There was no winning that battle, and all seven angels and the first woman were send into the depts of despair Lucifer had created.
With his dream unleashing the evil upon the world and all his loved ones damned, Lucifer lost his will to dream. The Root of Evil would end up changing and warping the other angels and fuel their deadly sins, and while Lucifer was affected with his Pride growing stronger, his appearance had mostly stayed the same.
Over the years, he isolated himself and made a few attempts to bring order and happiness into the Pride and to sinners, opening theme parks, selling toys and knickknacks, only for his efforts to be met with ridicule, and for everything he built to be destroyed. He hated sinners and humanity for what they had done with Free Will, but most of all, he hated himself.
With his daughter Charlie’s efforts, he know believes in second chances and redemption for sinners. He still believes Heaven will never listen, but he will do his best for his daughter regardless.
Lucifer has a twin brother, Michael, who had tried to stop him from his impulsive decisions. The twins were forced to fight each other, and Michael was the one to banish Lucifer and Lilith. Lucifer used to hate him, but nowadays misses him more than he would like to admit.
He was the oldest brother of the angels who would become Seven Heavenly Virtues. Alongside his twin.
Seven Deadly Sins are all fallen angels, who had changed once they fell, with the Root of All Evil’s influence.
Lucifer had abandoned all his friends and family to be with Lilith in Eden. It wasn’t Lilith’s fault, but their relationship was toxic… with Lucifer cutting all contact with everyone else to focus solely on Lilith. He wanted to make her happy.
He adores the Deadly Sins, but did not talk with them much, isolating himself instead. Believing that he was a corrupting influence who shouldn’t hurt more people. He broke Mammon’s heart by abandoning him in Heaven, and now hates what Mammon has become, a selfish, greedy bastard. He will be very cold to him.
Soul contracts, satanic rituals… Lucifer has no power over the laws of Hell, so he cannot release sinners of their contracts, or stop the mortals from summoning him to Earth. He doesn’t have much say in either.
He did not spend time with Charlie, scared that he would hurt her too, poison her with his stupid dreams. He made Lilith believe this too, and she would keep Charlie away from him, according to his wishes. He regretted and wanted to turn back on this decision, but was never strong enough to admit it.
He is a mess. He still blames himself for what happened in Eden, for causing all the suffering to the human race. He never moved on, and still punishes himself for giving the apple to Eve. (He will also seek people who will hurt him… Or attempt to make his dreams come true that are too big and idealistic to ever have a chance.)
Overall, this fallen angel is a sweetheart. His Pride manifest as crushing shame, and he thinks he knows the best for everyone, that he was created as a perfect angel and had to be perfect. He judges his mistakes, big or small, as harshly as possible.
For interactions, he expect to be spoken to formally, “your Majesty” or “your Highness”. He hates nicknames but the Deadly Seven calls him via so many nicknames anyway.
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lunarcovehq · 8 months
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Irirangi Hira is a banshee that currently resides in Celestial Hills and has been a Lunar Cove resident for 5 years seeking independence— only to find herself living with her parents again.
GENDER/PRONOUNS: Cis Female, She/Her
DATE OF BIRTH: December 23, 1995
PLACE OF BIRTH: Waitangi, Chatham Islands, New Zealand
FACECLAIM: Courtney Eaton
Trigger Warnings: Sibling death
Irirangi -- or Rangi, as she’d introduce herself-- was born on a small island in a small city part of a small country. She didn’t really mind the first decade or so growing up. It was nice, actually. She learned a lot about her Maori heritage and how to farm land or build boats to sail or sing and dance and pass on knowledge and history of her culture. Her mother taught her about her Chinese ancestry, too, and how both parts of her were important. And she loved it. She loved growing up among her people, in a small town, while still having a connection to the rest of the world.
On the other side of her childhood was the fact that she was born to two fae parents, which they tried to impress upon her was just as important as her Maori ancestry. Being a fae meant that Rangi was special. Fae were rare, unique-- and almost extinct, a small fact her parents often skirted around. But with how hunted their species was, it felt likely to Rangi that her family might be the only fae on the island, maybe even in the entire country. She didn’t know. That was where things first started feeling strange-- as much as her parents tried to press upon her how important it was that she was fae and that she grew up proud of this, they told her little about them. She didn’t know much outside of her little circle, save that she had siblings scattered throughout the world and that her parents had lived long enough to travel from Polynesia to where they lived today. Rangi couldn’t help but wonder, though, that maybe they’d lived as long as they had because they hid themselves away from the world.
Either way, the eagerness her parents expressed at Rangi being like them wasn’t lost on her. They expected another siren or pixie child, just like they were, or like the rest of her siblings were. Her most recent sibling, who preceded her by almost a century, had been a siren like her father, who now used his alluring voice to grab himself a job as a talk show host on the local broadcast network. He also used his ability to control the weather to help out his fisher wife, a pixie who often tapped into her good luck to make sure the catches she brought back each day were plentiful. The family never really longed for anything.
Except Rangi longed to see the world, just as most of her siblings before her had. She longed even more to leave her small, safe island when it turned out that the family’s good luck had run out-- Rangi was neither a pixie like her outgoing mother, nor was she a siren, like her charismatic father. Rangi was a banshee. The disappointment she saw in her parents’ eyes even through their smiles was palpable. It wasn’t that they were mad at her or upset-- it wasn’t her fault she was a banshee-- they were just…surprised, was all! That they had a banshee for a child, when they’d been expecting a pixie, if past patterns had meant anything.
But, in the end, it wasn’t really their disappointment that drove Rangi to leave the safety of their island-- no, it was the want, the need, to discover who she really was and what being a banshee really meant to her. And, while at first, she was grateful her parents didn’t fight her much on the decision to leave, she sometimes wished they’d fought just a little harder for her. Still, freedom was freedom, and Rangi was ready to discover the world.
If anything good came from her parents’ hesitation to speak openly about being fae, it was that Rangi was really good at blending in with human society. She traveled for a few years, trying to figure out what she really wanted to do with her life, before she found a calling in helping the deceased pass on, in more ways than one. Not only was she a harbinger of death, she could be a ferry for the souls she saw in her visions, through the practice of being a mortician. She liked it, being able to give a soul’s body proper care and treatment after their death, in order to lay them to rest. Whether she saw their death or not, each person who came upon her table was treated with the same grace and respect, and it was through this practice that Rangi found her purpose in life.
It was on a phone call with her parents one evening after she’d graduated university that she would find her place in the world. They mentioned a place, a sort of sanctuary for supernaturals that they’d heard about and knew of through stories from her other siblings-- Lunar Cove. They hadn’t meant to name drop the town, they had actually been trying to convince Rangi to return home with them, but the allure of a place where she could not only learn more about fae, but banshee as well, was too much. And so she set off for the town the next day, and before she knew it, five years had passed.
And what wonderful years they were! Despite some incidents, Rangi found her place in Lunar Cove. She learned about being a banshee and the fae court and what it truly meant to be a fae in the world currently. She got a job at the mortuary and worked her way up from assistant to the Mortician of the practice and made sure she carried each soul with her, as well as her own ancestry and what being a banshee, a Maori and an Asian descendent meant to her.
That was, until Valentine’s day of 2023. The hunter attacks. Rangi couldn’t keep her panic at bay that day, despite locking herself in her morgue. She knew she needed to call her parents, to reach out to them, see if they were okay-- but she just couldn’t. She was afraid. Everything had been going so great for her for the past few years, she didn’t want to ruin it all. If she reached out, the hunters might find her or her parents and ruin everything. She was afraid.
And then one day, a week later, there was a knock at her door. Not expecting guests, a confused Rangi shooed her two cats off her lap and answered the door in her pajamas and slippers, only to find herself face to face with her parents-- and their stack of suitcases. According to them, after the attacks, they, too, had become scared. They’d just barely escaped, according to her father and his fanciful habit of exaggerating the truth, before hopping on a plane and heading straight for Lunar Cove, the last bastion for the supernatural community of the world. It was with a hesitant and tentative smile, forced upon her face, that Rangi stepped aside and let her parents back into her life. It seemed that, even without lifting a finger, her life was being upturned whether she wanted it to or not.
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vintageswitcheroo · 2 years
Even with little engagement and no clue what tags to use at this point, yesterday’s post felt SO good. It felt like in the process of writing it I articulated some things about myself I’ve had a hard time putting into words for a while. I created a kind of proto-manifesto of what I want to focus on here, a part of my life I want to nurture.
So where to now?
As I write this, darlings, I have just finished a cup of tea and am listening to the British Home Front Radio broadcast on TuneIn, a broadcast provided by a UK radio station. I like to expand my musical horizons beyond what I usually hear on my Spotify playlists. The only thing is they don’t tell you the names and artists…
But I digress. I dithered for a while about what topic to choose for this post. It actually took me a good day to come up with something. I’ve kind of been drawing a blank about subjects, so I guess I thought I’d talk about hobbies I have and how they relate to my vintage obsession.
Right now my two most engaged-in hobbies are knitting and baking. I love them both, and each have their challenges and ways they relate to my love of the past.
I love, love, love to bake for my wife and others, and I love to make a nice, timeless, old-fashioned treat. I recently made malt loaf, which I originally saw as a technical challenge on the Great British Bake-Off and thought sounded interesting. It turns out, it’s absolutely delicious, at least to us. Full of the dark sugar flavors of muscovado sugar and black treacle, with malt extract and dried fruit added, it’s a beautifully unique piece of quick bread that tastes even better after a couple of days wrapped in parchment.
It’s also very much an “old people” recipe, with only the upper-middle-aged bakers on the episode having the slightest clue what it was in the first place. It dates back to the late 1889s as a Scottish packaged food, but recipes eventually popped up.
I also love classic shortbread, especially in jam thumbprint form, and my wife also loves those complicated marshmallow teacakes, but I’ll bake just about anything. I’m really interested in doing more WWII baking, using recipes developed to make the most of what was available during rationing. I also have a strong urge to bake a classic battenburg cake. I just love them. So colorful!
I just ordered a Canadian ration recipe book, and I’m excited to see what’s in it, both for baking and cooking. I’ve discovered that many rationing recipes are delicious in their simplicity! They often leave room for experimenting with whatever herbs and seasonings you can get your hands on; thyme is a favorite around here. I wish I cooked more, and I’m trying to get in the habit by making sure I have lots of cool recipes to try out, at least one new and exciting one a week seems to be a good bet.
I’ve also been knitting! I’ve been doing double knit colorwork on a fandom-related scarf. It’s challenging, but it’s really fun, and the yarn and the double-fabric nature of the finished part makes it nice and squishy and cozy. I plan to make a stuffed pigeon as a sort of mascot for our living history group soon, make him a little garrison cap and mail bag, and name him Fred after Fred Astaire, who always played the mailman in those Rankin-Bass holiday specials.
I can sew. When I put my mind to it, I’m actually quite good at it. The trouble is I find all the little marking and pressing to be SO tedious. But I really need to sew. I’m just outside the size range of a lot of vintage reproduction brands, especially brands that make authentic 1940s wear, so I simply must get into the habit of sewing so I can have an everyday, and event-focused, wardrobe.
I’m also just a plain ole researcher. Not by trade or even by training, though I did study humanities. I just enjoy research. I love learning about things I’m interested in. I have a gift for finding obscure answers with verifiable sources. I’m one of those tropey girls who will spend hours in the library. I want to know everything about domestic life during WWII and the postwar period, frankly, and nothing can stand in my way when I’m in a researching mood.
The last hobby I’ll talk about here is writing. Ever since third grade, when our teacher had us keep a journal she would give us prompts for, I have loved to tell stories via writing. My first ever novel attempt was the story of two resistance fighters in wartime Germany escaping to Sweden, way back in 4th grade! I never finished it, which has always bugged my grandmother. She really liked the plot!
I always have too many ideas to finish them all, and ADHD brain frequently gets distracted during the planning phase and jumps ship to another one. I have a Dieselpunk book I wrote that takes place on a planet inspired by the world during WWI and WWII, one in a series that needs finishing. Right now I’m working on planning the first book of a cozy mystery series about a couple who goes to vintage events in the present day, because cozy mysteries are a nice, simple, fun brain break between more serious writing.
So those are my main hobbies, the ones I go back and forth between most often, and how I engage in them in a vintage context.
Next time I post, I plan to be a little…saucier…as it were. ;)
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syiano · 3 years
Hey man, good to know you're back to the game, I'm proud of your mental progress and everything else. Could you do a headcanon about the avengers with a boyfriend that is REALLY sarcastic towards authorities, makes dark remarks all the times or when people hit on their BFs like: oh I am a prince! I'll treat you like monarchy! And he answers like: oh, like, Ann Boleyn or Marie Antoinette? He dresses up into the alternative/gothic side but deep down is very caring and shit, also LOVES literature and history.
AYEE WADDUP SETH??? AND TYSM FOR CHECKING UP ON ME I'VE BEEN DOING BETTER💕💕- and bruh I'm actually alternative and goth in real life LOL.
Also sorry if I missed anything this was alot-
Avengers x Male!Reader
Marvel Preferences: Sarcastic Boyfriend
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(Lmao Steve IS the authority) Steve has to deal with your snarky remarks everytime he tells you to so something or when he's scolding you on your safety. Everyone's surprised on how much patience he has with you, and how he makes excuses for you but not without scolding you later on.
He's not very amused when you would flirt back with anyone who's hitting on you, giving you that serious that 'Captain' look.
He grows a little worried about your dark sense of humor, and he doesn't really find any of it funny...
At first, Steve doesn't understand the whole alternative or goth fashion thing, but he grows more open to it when you would explain more to him. He still has trouble understanding it, but he does love how you can be carefree about your fashion style.
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Bucky is a little worried when you would talk back to authorities, and tries to tell you not to overdo it because he doesn't want you to have to deal with any punishments. But if you're defending him, he feels more flattered and vulnerable.
He chuckles a little at your dark humor, only for the team to sit in shock when he does.
But he's not very amused when you would make such comments when people are flirting with you. Out of jealousy, he grabs your hand and drags you away, only to be grumpy when you would joke about it (you gotta make it up to him with hugs and kisses later).
He really likes your style and he admires how you can just be yourself (rip anyone who makes any mean comments about it).
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You are Tony's ideal match and worst nightmare (Rhodey just says this is everyone's worst nightmare though). You two always give authories (Steve cough) a difficult time, and they have to deal with the both of you. But that comes back to you later since the both if you are sarcastic and snarky, you would end up having a comeback match with each other, which would last all day.
He gets your sense of humor which can match with how sarcastic he is (on how he uses humor at the wrong times).
When you would make a bunch those comments, Tony agrees with you and then playfully says he's much more of a prince than you are, just to make you a little jealous on purpose.
Yes, Tony says you look like you came out of a rock band (I get this alot) and comes up with a bunch of nicknames for you based off of your appearance.
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Sam thinks it's usually funny and entertaining when you would talk back to authorities (Steve) sometimes, but if it's more of a serious situation, he warns you to take it more seriously.
He teases you about where you got your sense of humor, and always expects you to have some dark joke in a casual conversation (even at the wrong times). Sam doesn't really mind it, and would laugh at how shocked people are that he's not bothered by it.
Sam admires your fashion style and jokes about you getting into any trouble, only to laugh when you would come up with a snarky comeback.
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Scott...is either shocked or confused everytime you talk back to the authorities. But then, he thinks it's cool and tries to copy you, only to get yelled at or look pretty stupid later on.
He has a blank stare whenever you would make dark jokes or remarks, only to say something like, "uh...what just happened and where did that come from?" As a whole, he doesn't really understand dark humor.
When you flirt back with people, he jumps in and gets defensive, trying to shoo away the person who was hitting on you, not caring if he looks ridiculous or not.
Scott thinks your fashion style is so cool, and wants to dress like you, only to probably backfire when Cassie says she wants to dress like you as he would get all defensive about it.
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Peter gets worried when you would talk back to authorities, and gives you a small warning such as a light bump on your back or shoulder to get you to stop. He's trying to get used to your dark humor, but he's glad that you're able to get along with MJ so well due to your humor and fashion style.
When people flirt with you, he can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not when you would say such comments. He starts getting all pouty and gives you puppy eyes, to get more of your attention.
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At first, Bruce would be really silent and feel awkward about you being rebellious. Now, he does tell you to back down, to everyone's surprise.
Your humor on the other hand? To everyone's shock, he actually laughs at a few if your dark jokes (only if he can relate to them).
He's not really bothered by your fashion style. He actually finds it ironic how sweet you can be sometimes.
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Thor is not very fond of how rebellious you can be - this actually worries him, especially since it reminds him of how he used to be, and he doesn't want anything to happen to you, and he tries to get through to you.
He actually finds himself laughing at your dark humor, which surprises everyone (well, he does hang around Loki).
He finds how you dress is unique and praises you on how beautiful you are. Thor does wish people shouldn't judge you for how you dress and how suspicious they are of you, only to want to show them just how loving and caring you really are.
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You're an ideal match for Loki. He just finds it's entertaining when you would always talk back to the authorities, and sits back and watches. When it comes to your dark humor, he completely understands and finds it hilarious.
But if you flirt back with people? Loki gets jealous easily so he went hestitate to steal you away and remind you who you belong to while having his way with you.
You have lots of common with Loki when it comes to your fashion style, and does think it's fasinicating how someone can have so much in common with him. He also surprises you with accessories to match with your outfits.
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You and Pietro can also be everyone's worst nightmare. He can be really stubborn especially when it comes to any authorities, and what makes it more of a handful is when you would tag along with him.
He understands a little of your dark humor and finds some of your jokes funny, but it goes to an extent. Some jokes may end up triggering him ('cause of HYDRA) and he takes that very seriously.
Pietro gets jealous easily, so flirting with the person who's hitting on you will cause him to drag you away, making you have to deal with him being all grumpy.
He doesn't really care about your fashion style since he's more fixated on your personailty than anything else.
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