#i might add these to the shop 🤔
ahhrenata · 4 months
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‘how quickly power can change hands’ | X |
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bunny-hoodlum · 4 months
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My brain is dead. My hand is dead. I finished Hinata but still have to do Naruto, ahahhahahaha 🤪 maybe tmw. ughhhh I need a more efficient style. 😫 And I'm stuck with these washed out colors because it's supposed to look like a dim kitchen during a house party. Maybe the final piece will look better. There's also always gradient maps and color balancing too. Editing in post type stuff.
Ah yes, so my Witchcraft AU is going to be Los Angeles-coded. Everyone is Japanese-American-coded, LA Asian Community proxy, etc. Not gonna take place in RL. Not gonna reference actual nations/races, etc. But LA food culture will be there. Other aspects of LA culture will be there, or so I'll try.
I automatically headcanoned this Naruto to be into Mexican Punk/Skacore, so it's just gonna be Skacore in writing, but maybe I'll create his personal playlist or something and share it here later.
He's a jock but he's also really punk at heart, gets hotheaded, gets into trouble but not in a delinquent way. So we got a jock that grew up next to 'Cholos', puts elote in his cup ramen or something like that. Maybe has a weird personal recipe for ramen tamales, idk, I'm throwing spaghetti at the wall here. 😂 Cultural fusion, go!
Hinata is a bi witch, soft goft girl. Big tiddy goth girlfriend. Nuff said.
I'm thinking Ino and Sakura could be witches too. Ino is a herbalist and Sakura is too focused on studying theory to actually practice or something. Ino and Sakura are together, but sometimes the witches have lesbian orgies because... occultic reasons. Just kidding. Actually, I did have a concept in mind, of course the reason is semi-ritualistic, or like, it's just normal for the girls to need to comfort each other. 🤔
I'll drop the official summary for the whole story sometime this week, just been obsessing over this art. Which I really should have just flat colored or something. Maybe I'll scrap all the coloring on Hinata that I already did and focus on a simpler coloring style. It'll be more cohesive looking anyways. 😫
I might add a drabble to the final piece, too. That'll be fun. 🥰
Hmmm... maybe Naruto's traps don't look big enough. 🤔 Maybe Hinata's boobs don't look big enough either. 😂 Oh, I still dunno what type of athlete he is. I wanna shop around before settling for football player. 😂
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melloween-candie · 9 months
I said NO! [P.P & F]
Storybrooke/ Childish Peter & Responsible Felix x Reader
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Requested // Request Rules
"Not in Neverland, but if you lived with Pan and Felix in Storybrooke or something, I feel like Pan would let you buy whatever you wanted and Felix would have to like, stop you. And it makes me laugh"
A/n - Omg yesss. Lol, I can totally see that! Like if they were modern or in storybrooke, Peter would be like-
"Y/n can have EVERYTHING they want!"
And Felix would be the more reasonable and down to earth one saying stuff like.
"But Peter!! That's so expansive!" Or like "Okay, well, how are we going to pay for that?!"
It would be such a cute situation 😍😂 I might even end up making a cute little drabble about it... 🤔 I don't know; it's up to y'all if y'all want to see it.
Asked by @emmaloo21
A/n - Welp, I guess you guys are seeing it! Hope it's okay that I made this into a polyfic. I wasn't really sure who you wanted me to ship on this one. But yeah, it's just a drabble~ hope you enjoy it!
Warning! Mentions of tantrums? Literally there's barely anything bad on here lol
Word Count: 764
[Drabble Fic]
Once Upon A Time Masterlist
Fandom Masterlists
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***Y/n's Pov***
Life has been a little chaotic ever since Peter and Felix arrived here in Storybrooke. Long story short, we managed to find a happy ever after for all of us.
Lucky for Peter, Regina and Emma allowed him to come with the help of Henry, convincing them, of course.
Now you might be wondering... Why in the world would Peter Pan want to leave Neverland? Well, he didn't. But I wanted to know he's here with me and Felix.
Oh, and by the way, we're all dating... Or at least I'm dating Peter and Felix. They aren't really dating each other since, well, they say they don't swing that way, but anything is better as long as I can love them both equally~!
Time skip!~
A good amount of time has passed since that incident, and people around here are starting to trust us. Which is a good thing since now we won't get a lot of death glares, and we can actually talk to Henry without anyone staring at us.
It felt great being able to just be a part of something, and the lost boys seemed to like their new environment, too. Some of them even have jobs!
Which reminds me of our struggles... Since Peter was the one behind all that havoc, it's kind of hard for him to get one... And besides that, he hasn't even put in a lot of effort into trying.
He'd always say stuff like, "Jobs are for old people. It sucks the life out of everyone!"
Meanwhile, Felix got a job super-fast. Which isn't much of a surprise since he's the responsible one in this relationship... Though, don't tell Peter I said that, or he'll throw a fit.
Anyway, I got a job, too, but it barely pays. I work here at Grannies as a busser. All I do is clean tables and dishes. It isn't hard since we don't get a lot of customers at once, but it's decent.
However, the pay isn't the greatest. It's fine for one person, but I'm with two others... So, we mainly have to rely on Felix's income.
He works as a construction worker, and he barely gets any time off... Especially the giant incident. Tiny literally destroyed half the town. It was a great pay, though.
Anyways, enough of that! Me, Felix, and Peter are currently heading to the grocery store to buy some food for the week.
Felix always hated shopping for food. But I know that's not true. He only hated it when me and Peter tagged along because we'd always add more than what was planned in the cart.
Felix would end up telling us no and to put it back, and Peter would say no to his demand every time, and those two would end up fighting about it all the way home.
It's honestly annoying. If I had enough money, I'd just buy groceries myself...
Anyways, it isn't all that bad. There'll be times when Peter and I would agree into getting something, and we'd pled Felix into buying it for us... That usually works surprisingly well.
Or times when Peter and Felix would agree into buying something, and they'd take it home to show me. Usually, it would turn out to be a gift they think I'd like or food they know I like. I love it when they do it for no reason. It always warms my heart knowing they both agreed to get it just for me~
Overall, life was great. Peter gets along with children surprisingly well. And they end up loving him too; meanwhile, they'd always avoid Felix at all costs. It was pretty funny.
Felix would always have to be the bad guy and pull Peter away from his fun. But that's how it always was. If Peter gets too ahead of himself or starts to think like he owns the place- Felix would always be there to slap some sense into him. And my part- well, my role is to help calm Peter down after he gets slaps.
His 'tantrums' are no joke people. Especially when he's trying his hardest to behave for me. After all, he didn't want this, but I'm sure deep down he actually enjoys it, and I know Felix does too.
He'd always smile for the strangest things... Like every time he finds a word for his crossword puzzle or when he finishes organizing something...
Overall, these two balance each other well, and I'm the glue to this whole ordeal! I wouldn't want it any other way, either~!
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valkeakuulas · 5 months
14, post-o66 echo/rex 👁👄👁
Y'know, I don't recall writing about this ship before. Especially when it comes to the Bad Batch timeline. 🤔 So here goes nothing! This also grew legs and skittered out of my hands, turning into a lot longer before I managed to pin it down and finish it. Whoops?
Mistletoe: Mutual Pining
Echo stood in the shadows of the repair shop's massive doors, watching the traffic going up and down the underworld portal. Behind him, he could hear the music flowing from the floating speakers as well as the low conversation between the freed troopers and the Martez sisters.
Sighing, Echo closed his eyes and listened.
Just like their mutations, the Batch sounded different compared to the rest of the troopers, and while Echo had grown used to them, hearing more than one vod speak with that same, familiar voice soothed something deep inside him. It reminded Echo of his life in the not-so-distant (depending on how one looked at it) past when he'd been wearing white and blue.
"I was wondering where you'd go," one of those voices spoke behind Echo, making him shiver involuntarily as it had so many times before, ever since that cold, desolate moon.
Maybe not that same after all, Echo corrected himself as he turned slightly. Natborns might mix them up but vod could always recognize another one vod from voice alone.
He saw the smile first, small but sincere, before meeting Rex's eyes.
"Just needed a moment, it's been a while since was surrounded by this many people," Echo replied with a small smile of his own.
Rex hummed, thoughtful as he came to stand next to Echo, their shoulders almost touching. He looked at the never-ending traffic as well and it took Echo everything not to lean against Rex as he waited for his Captain Rex to speak again.
"It's been a while for me too," Rex said eventually, "I was on my own quite a while before Rafa and Trace helped me to free more clones." His brows drew together, the smile turning into a mild frown. "Never crossed my mind that I'd end up in a situation where I wouldn't be surrounded by vode. We clones aren't really meant to be alone."
He glanced at Echo. "I'm glad you had the Batch, Echo" Rex said, serious.
"And Omega," Echo had to add, witnessing how Rex's lips twisted, fighting a smile.
"And Omega," Rex amended, "she's different, that's for sure, but very brave as well as smart."
They both couldn't stop their grins as they recalled how the tiny girl had clocked Rex's age with one glance, effectively calling him an old man.
They fell silent again and another piece dedicated to the Life Day started in the background, the velvet-like voice of the singer crooning about curling together with their loved one under the Life Tree.
Echo felt his face warm up a little as he recalled another memory or, more accurately, a dream from the past. One that he hadn't dared to speak to anyone besides Fives and even that had been when he'd been drunk off his ass. Both of them had been drunk offf their asses.
Just like the singer, Echo had once dreamed of closing the distance between him and the man standing next to him, to hold Rex close and whisper words of love into his ear.
But that had been before Lola Sayu, before Echo had been blown to bits. Before the galaxy Echo had known and trained to fight for had turned upside down.
"So what do you think of this whole Life Day thing?" Echo heard Rex ask, the question effectively stopping Echo's thoughts before they spiraled further.
Echo shrugged. "I faintly recall Commander Tano telling something about it but not much. At least nothing like this."
He used his thumb to point back inside the repair shop and the colored lights, the fake tree, and the sparkly decorations the sisters had pulled out from some crates. The repair shop was too large to decorate completely but one corner of it had turned into a glittering, colorful nook like Echo had never seen before.
Omega and Wrecker would love it, Echo mused with a grin.
He turned to Rex to say that, only to freeze when he found the other staring right at him. Those gold-brown eyes were intense, scanning Echo's face almost as if it was a map that Rex needed to memorize.
"You miss them? The Batch?" Rex asked suddenly, jarring Echo once again.
"I do? Kind of hard not to after what we've been through," he replied, slow, uncertain what Rex was aiming at.
Whatever it had been, Echo's answer made him turn away again, and Echo got the sense that Rex wasn't all that pleased with it.
"I miss you, too," Echo blurted, eyes widening when he realised his mistake. "The 501st, I mean," he hurried to add when Rex turned towards him again, "the General and Commander, Jesse and Kix, Axe and Denal. Fives. I miss all of you."
The look Rex gave him wasn't as intense as it had been before but it still had Echo holding back a shiver.
"I miss them, too, Echo," Rex admitted quietly, "and I miss you as well."
Something twinged in Echo's chest and it had nothing to do with the tech embedded in his body. He opened his mouth to say, well, Echo didn't know what he was going to say but before he could, a light movement in the corner of their eyes caught Echo and Rex's attention.
Both of them turned sharply towards the repair shop, only stopping when they saw a branch of something green floating in the air before them.
Except that it wasn't floating; a closer look revealed a cord wrapped around the plant that was slowly moving closer.
Confused, Echo followed the cord and blinked in surprise when he spotted Gregor standing on the stack of crates next to the repair shop doors and, as it happened, next to Echo and Rex as well.
"What the - ?" Echo started just as Rex groaned, suffering.
"Nuh-uh, you know the rules, Rex," Gregor informed with a grin as he angled the plant right above them, "if you find yourself under a mistletoe, you need to kiss, otherwise you'll be hit with bad luck."
Echo felt his face heat up at that, his heart twinging again at the idea of Rex kissing him. He didn't know what kind of expression he was wearing but Echo feared it looked too close to a hopeful one.
Trying his best to push it away, Echo glanced at Rex, finding him once again staring at him. And, as Echo watched Rex, his gaze flickered down to Echo's mouth and oh, the flash of teeth as Rex bit his bottom lip nearly had Echo losing control of his knees.
The mistletoe swayed as Gregor shook it. "C'mon, you two have been mooning over each other long enough."
"There's been no such thing," Rex informed Gregor sharply but he didn't look away from Echo, who felt his jaw drop when a light blush dusted Rex's face.
Clearing his throat, Echo gave another look at the mistletoe. "Bad luck, you say? Think it'll hit me double hard since I'm already part of the Bad Batch?" he drawled.
The surprised snort Rex let out eased some of the tension in the air. "Don't think it would be a good idea to find out," he said, aiming for nonchalance but, just like Fives once upon a time, Rex had no sabacc face and he failed rather miserably.
That, and the look Rex was giving at him felt very similar to the one Echo was giving to him.
"Echo...," Rex started, hesitant.
For a second Echo thought about all the times he had wanted to confess his feelings to his Captain, to tell Rex just how much he meant to him.
Echo had survived against all the odds that had been stacked against him since Kamino. Maybe it was time to test if this was just another odd he was meant to win.
Swallowing, Echo stepped forward, closing the distance between him and Rex. He saw Rex's eyes widen in surprise when their chests touched. But instead of moving away, Rex's hands came to rest on Echo's hips, warm and gentle.
"I don't know about you, Rex, but I'd rather kiss you than tempt fate," Echo murmured as he wrapped his arm around Rex's shoulders. "If that's alright with you?"
Breathing shakily, Rex closed his eyes for a second, visibly gathering himself, before opening them again. "I'm more than alright with that, Echo. More than you can ever imagine."
Echo didn't know which one of them moved first but it didn't matter because they were kissing. After so many years, Echo finally got to kiss his Captain.
Above them, Gregor let out a loud hoot, one was nothing but pure glee:
"I told you that it would work, Nemec! You owe me ten credits!"
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iobartach · 6 months
have a quick(?) rambling / shallow(?) dive on the verses i got for this blog, bc boi i got some thinkings ;
soo i've got three 'core' canon..ish... verses so to say, which are;
comhrá an bhaile mhóir seo
pre-atsv miguel, covering young!miguel, alchemax!miguel, vigilante!miguel, etc. all earth-928 based. basically covers everything before he goes messing with multi-verse tech. probs will be slightly more quippy & approachable here? i just can't write quips to save my life. 🥴bourbon's human!lyla also plays a big role in this, they're quite close!! as for the inclusions of dana.... hah :') xina though, yes. he still despises both george & tyler with a passion, and relations with... conchata... and also even gabriel are, for this verse... rockyyy... to say the least.
trasnaigh an rubaicón
the main boi. and the default verse for crossovers especially. atsv based, with miguel being a leader and an absolutely changed and grieving man. i'm really enjoying putting him all over the place, especially in the present. take heed around him. main objective is stopping anomalies, and making sure more dimensions don't, uh,,, get destroyed,,, also gabriel's still alive... r-right, movie? you wouldn't kill him off too,,, would you, movie? :')))
fear as am
kind of one aimed mostly at 616 / comics things. might occasionally use this at random, but it's more for interactions with chars who are 616 based and not mcu / movie affiliated. my spin on this is it follows the premise of necessary evil , where stone basically fucks him over and strands him in the past, but with atsv!mig instead of comics!mig. still ironing out the details how this happened. (maybe the portal functionality of his dimensional gizmo got blocked or something?) idk, still needs work!
now for the au's!!!
an chéad chéim eile
prototype au. absolutely hit the ground running with this! tysm, sen! premise is miguel becomes an evolved -- replete with all the body horror such a transformation could possibly entail ( read - he gets spidery limbs 👀 ) i gotta yell at u, sen & abraxas (heyo 👋) more about this, but if more folks are also interested... hmu 👀
is fearr a fhios ag athair
a venture crafted w/ gabriella-trn1042's spider!gabri. alt take on atsv verse, whilst also amping up the 'miguel goes fucking around with genetics again' vibes. as close to villain!miguel as i might dare get, with the core premise of miguel turning a variant gabriella into a spider creature , with mig himself doing a good ol' heel-monster turn himself. loaded with angst and body horror. heavy on 'the fly' vibes, if you've seen that movie. been thinking of opening this up to other plots, if i can keep the core of this au intact... any takers? 🤔 gonna add a caveat tho that anything for this verse will likely need to be plotted.
laoch imithe dul ar strae
overwatch au. i... had a kernel of an idea for this verse... but i forgot to write it down. 🥴 may need to work shop this -- think i had the vague idea of saying it's scientist!miguel w/ gene implanting work existing in this au, but makes him a target of talon and the like?
lúb bheag i slabhra mór
kinddd of a corpo!miguel / cyberpunk 2077 au? might just split this out into separate verses eventually, but this is one that i'm currently trying to cook up ( inspiration is... mmm :') ) basic premise for this , if leaning into cyberpunk 2077 side, is miguel's an arasaka stooge, with links to the relic biochip. ik, ik.. i... need to work on it. 🥴
ocras buile
bleach au. basically zombie!miguel, turned by contact with sternritter gigi's / giselle's blood, when alive. that's... about the extent of what i have for now,,,, needa plot / use it more!
ag troid ar nós an
kengan ashura au. made simply bc i could and i just,,, loved the thought of having miguel brawl for alchemax ,,, sue me ,,, 👀 i could also go the whole nine yards and say that, pssst, maybe miguel's a corporate raider in this au, enhanced by his one gene imprinting tech ... trust me, give me an inch, i'll take a damn mile 😂so if anyone's interested...? 👀
anddd that's it for now!!! will there be more au's in future? probably! i just can't think of anything extra, aside from a wrestler au?
i'm always open to ideas and suggestions for aus tho? 👀 even if i don't know the fandom, i might still give it a try! you never know!!
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stillresolved · 26 days
💕!!??! almost missed this 🥺 mx ferre, what if we... put (more of) our goons in (more) situations 🥺
@mythvoiced / send 💕 and I will tell you some muses…
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ahhhh lenlen, the other person on here who enables me with 283948230 plots and dynamics...time for us to add like 8293048293 more 💕💕💕
okay so this was at the top of my list since you said?? That you were planning on bringing EUNJAE into our wonderful thg verse 🥺🥺🥺…and so the first person I actually though of throwing at them was ANNIE….I dunno?? I guess I just have a feeling that Annie would like eunjae for their personality- like they’re rough in mannerisms and a tad messy, both of which Annie doesn’t mind bc she’s used to being around ppl like that ( ie. Ga-ram & ara ) and also…I think she actually prefers…I think being treated completely like a piece of glass will begin to drive her up the wall :’D also my interpretation of annie is suspicious of most men/male-aligning individuals….so eunjae already checks all her boxes there <3
another dynamic I had been thinking about when you changed their fc :’D granted I’m not too sure how well these two would work out since SABRIEL isn’t the best at reading between the lines and ANNIE often operates in shades of grey but it would!! Be fun to see how they interact with one another especially at least for me throwing Annie at someone who is peppy and yet still for most part?? has good intentions?? even if sabriel can’t completely empathize with what Annie is going thru, I do think Annie would appreciate their good intentions at the very least :’D
DOE is a revolutionist (and a hacker, I could have sworn I read that somewhere but if not ignore me jfksljfsl :’D) and so is NELL, do I need to say anything more? granted they are on the same side when it comes to #revolution…but that doesn’t mean they agree to the degree which they should go for it. Doe is all for changing the system, where as team checkmate is more focused on….taking out one and only one enemy and looking out for their community. Perhaps interacting with someone like doe could radicalize her? also if doe is a hacker, nell can always have…a rival :)
okay HEAR ME OUT, I know that we do have EUNJAE and Patrick in verse one but WHAT ABOUT?? Eunjae and MYUNGDAE in verse two bc if Patrick is the competent if not a tad distant parent ( aka he had to adjust to fatherhood ngl ), then myungdae is…well think of say, jeo*ng jin*man from a shop of ki*llers, :’D aka parent that’s there, he just looks ( okay always looks ) a tad exhausted?? Out of it even? But he’s doing his best for four year old Yuri (Elise) even if he doesn’t quite feel his emotions fjskldfjs this is all to say since I’m seeing that lynnie is throwing Dante at them we might as well…bring the rest of the crime world to eunjae’s doorstep JFKLSDJFLD <3
If AERI knows of hyun, then she’s also gotta know…hyun’s sister, MIYOUNG 🤩🤩🤩 granted, Aeri might be a tad testy with miyoung since well, it’s not like miyoung could exactly be there for hyun when they were younger and is that really any different from the way bel and sera treated Aeri as condescendingly inferior :’DD ….but I also do like the idea of LGBTQ+ icons being friends with one another / media pals with one another….that and if hyun is hanging out with bel behind Aeri’s back, Aeri might as well…do the same 😂😂😂
you know who MARÍA reminds me of? Yeah that’s right, our favorite pink hair menace Nimona 🤩🤩🤩 they’re both little gremlins ( but very lovable) who wanna start shit. The revolutionary kind of shit…so this being said….WHAT IF?? Instead of Nimona being the cause of BALLISTER’S shift in mind, it could be maría instead?? We could even do it in their modern verse since I believe María does have one and is a werewolf there 🤔🤔🤔
so I know we already have a lot for them, PATRICK and MARÍA and I am a sucker for hurt/comfort with these two, but perhaps?? Later when the revolution is in full swing and should hyuk be kidnapped by the Capitol, a thread there? Aka Patrick cycles between being 💯 focused on the revolution efforts and being two steps away from a mental breakdown bc literally hyuk is his rock and his peace so take away that and uh….not good things happen. This is all to say, it could be interesting to see a scenario where perhaps maría for once is the stabler one ( however much Patrick will try to still be a pillar of stability for her tho 🥲 )
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
✍️ What’s your ideal writing setup?
i just want my laptop and a comfortable sofa WHICH I BOUGHT BY THE WAY it'll be here in a month, and i need liquids and some snacky snacks and either complete silence or instrumental music, fast stuff works, like the cuphead sountrack, because it makes me type faster and i work better to deadlines because i hate myself kjhhasdi don't thrive under pressure but it is the best way to get me to do something lmao
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
lemme go see if i have anything worth sharing *doot doot doot* ok i have a little bit of a jervis thing in the works that i thought of while writing another request, i'll add it to a read more below!! 💚
💡How many WIPs do you currently have?
ok so... if we take into account requests that are waiting, as well as chapters for nemesis, and also my list of ideas it's over 600 things BUT if you're asking things that i have actively started writing... like more than a base idea and a few sentences...? probably about 50
🤔 Would you ever want to write something canon if you got the opportunity?
i answered this for ri but in the time between then and now i changed my mind, i want to be in charge of writing a spin off series for young justice eddie and i want to give him 30 episodes of just him being cute and successful >:c
Jervis WIP
On the upper floor of the building, what appeared to be an apartment above the Hat Shop, you sat patiently, and unfazed, on the chair you were tied to. Two men stood either side of the door, faces obscured by the masks they wore, white rabbits. Piles of books, spare stock of hats, papers and debris scattered all over the floor. And on a table in front of you, a tea pot and two china cups.
“The tea will get cold.”
You weren’t sure why you cared, but the silence was uncomfortable and needed to be filled, by anything.
“Shut up.”
“We’re waiting for the boss to get here.”
At the mention of a further threat, you could feel the stress rising, but you tried to remain calm. As footsteps approached the guarded door, though, there wasn’t much you could do about the rising thump of your heart in your chest and in your throat. You watched the handle turn in slow motion, the two hulking figures stepping to the side as the door opened between them.
The figure, short in stature, cocked his head to the side.
You pressed your lips together, trying to conceal your surprise at the man who seemed to have control over the two goons that towered over him.
He looked unamused, ignoring you as he set about his business.
“Jervis Tetch, by the way.”
Your reply was dry, and you felt that you should perhaps be slightly less brazen, but it was difficult to care too much when you had been kidnapped and tied up already this evening.
“Uh… sure. I mean…”
You looked down at the costume you wore, chosen last minute before your friend’s party, which you were very unpleased was a dress-up affair. Looking up at him, there was a faint glimmer in his eyes, recognition or… hope. You nodded, deciding it might be easier to play along than to argue too much.
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artykyn · 4 months
hiiiii sorry to bother you again but uh... homemade vegan dark chocolate?? Would you mind ruining me on that please?
HA okay recipe time
*Disclaimer: I've done this so much that I might have skipped over random stuff, or said something that makes sense to ME but to no one else. Feel free to reach out for clarification on anything.
Super long post!
Cacao butter, cocoa/cacao powder, sweetener of choice, little pinch of salt, little bit of vanilla, little bit of instant coffee
Cacao butter -- note that people use this as both a food ingredient and a beauty ingredient and you want the stuff that's food-grade and safe to eat.
Cocoa/cacao powder- "cacao" means it's raw and "cocoa" means it's processed, if you were curious. Pick whichever you like, but the source you choose affects the flavor of your chocolate. Cacao tends to be slightly more bitter and cocoa tends to be slightly sweeter. If you have a local chocolate shop in town, I highly recommend buying your powder from them! A store that specializes in chocolate products tends to have great cocoa/cacao powder.
Try different kinds of products and learn what you like! I often use Dutch-processed cocoa powder.
Sweetener- Lots of options.
Brown sugar, white sugar, whatever you pick. It all affects the flavor and you can experiment and discover what you like! I will say that powdered sugar usually makes my chocolate come out smoother than granulated sugar. Some brands of powdered sugar are processed with bone char though so take care to check for vegan brands.
Honey is also a great option that makes chocolate even smoother than with sugar, but I'm sure agave would be a good substitute for vegans. I haven't used agave personally since it can cause health problems so I usually go for powdered sugar for my vegan chocolates.
Vanilla- I usually use a dribble of vanilla extract. I want to try vanilla sugar sometime though 🤔
Instant coffee/espresso powder- Coffee naturally intensifies the chocolate flavor! 😃 Try putting a teaspoon of it in the batter next time you make brownies or chocolate cake.
Special: Add in whatever else you want for flavor. Mint extract. Cinnamon. Anything. This is YOUR CUSTOM HOMEMADE CHOCOLATE!
Tools: stove, table/work area, a saucepan and a glass or metal bowl (for a makeshift double boiler), digital thermometer, rubber spatula/spoon (DO NOT use metal or wood), measuring utensils of choice depending on how much you're making, tea towel, whatever you'll be pouring your chocolate in or on
A good ratio to start with is 1 part cacao butter : 1 part cacao/cocoa powder : 1/4 part sweetener. The more experience you get and the more you taste-test and figure out your preferred bitterness/sweetness/flavor, you will form your own ratios. Salt and coffee are a couple pinches, measure with your heart depending on how big your batch is. About a teaspoon of vanilla extract is appropriate but you will learn to measure that with your heart as well.
Raw cacao butter is usually sold in big chunks. I like to put those chunks in a bag and get a hammer to SMASH them into smaller chunks, for better measuring and melting.
Note that chocolate is SUPER FINICKY about moisture! It does NOT LIKE WATER. Make sure that your tools are all clean and completely dry. Wash your hands before working with food, of course, and then make sure your hands are VERY DRY.
Put your cacao butter, sweetener, salt, vanilla, and coffee in your bowl. Put a little bit of water in your saucepan, maybe an inch deep, and put it on a low simmer. Put the bowl over the saucepan like a double boiler (don't let bottom of bowl touch the water).
If you're using any extra ingredients for flavor, add them in at this step, too. Whatever you do, do NOT add liquid ingredients (like mint extract) after the cacao butter is already melted. This beginning part is the only time you can add liquid ingredients. But you could add solid ingredients, like spices, later on.
Monitor your chocolate. If you're not noticing any melting of your cacao butter, start ticking up the heat a bit at a time until you start to notice some slow, gradual melting of your cacao butter. Do not start high and then turn it down, you don't want it to melt too fast.
Stir regularly to avoid getting any "hot spots" and trying to get the cacao butter to melt evenly.
Once all your cacao butter chunks are melted and the mixture looks smooth, check your temperature. Your goal: between 120 and 130F (50 to 55C). Keep stirring until you get there, might take a little bit. Might need to tick up your stove temp slightly.
Wipe your thermometer immediately after each time you check the temp because otherwise the chocolate will solidify on it.
When your temperature is in range, take it off the stove. Wrap the bowl in the tea towel and place on table. Gradually stir in your cocoa/cacao powder.
This is the point when I'll start taste testing. Is it chocolatey enough? More powder, maybe a little more salt. Is it sweet enough? More sweetener. Is it too bitter? I might add more cacao butter and put it back on the stove.
Your goal at THIS point is now to let it cool to about 82-84F (28-29C). Sometimes I have a bigger bowl of cold water that I will dip my chocolate bowl into, to chill the bottom, like an inverse double-boiler (double-chiller?). Or you can just be patient. Just be sure to keep stirring it. Doesn't have to be perpetual, tbh. Make some tea for yourself, give it a stir every couple minutes, but be very careful that you don't take too long between stirring that the chocolate at the edges of the bowl starts to solidify.
Once you've hit your cooling temp, put it BACK ON THE BOILER! Yup. Now you heat it up again! Not too long this time. Just to about 90F (32C) and then take it off again.
The final step, easy mode: let the chocolate cool a little in the bowl. You don't want it to be super runny, but you do still want it to be pourable. Lay out a big sheet of parchment paper on your table and slowly pour the chocolate all over it. Now you've got a big chocolate puddle on your table. It'll cool and harden and then you can break it apart into pieces. I usually make my chocolate in the evening so it takes all night to get fully set.
The final step, fancy/hard mode: have some molds to pour your chocolate into. Depending on how careful you're being/how long that takes, you might need to put your bowl back on the saucepan a couple of times to try maintaining the chocolate in the upper 80sF (low 30sC) while you're still working with it. Transferring a little chocolate at a time into a smaller container so it's easier to pour into the even smaller molds might be a good tactic, but whatever you choose for your intermediate container, pre-warm it. Let it all cool and harden for a few hours, ideally overnight.
Pouring tricks: if at any point you think you screwed something up and the chocolate seems a little chunky, run it through a strainer.
Storage: DO NOT put chocolate in the fridge. Cacao butter tends to absorb the scents and smells around it, which will come out as part of the flavor. You got onions in your fridge? Now you have onion-flavored chocolate. Just keep it in a bag or nice little container on your counter.
Congrats! You made some homemade chocolate!
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hacked-by-jake · 2 years
I don't know why but I have been thinking about how old they might be recently. (My apologies if this make you uncomfortable And you can completely ignore it of course. I have seen some people can feel unesy talking about ages(May be their own?)).
So..... Let's start with Hannah, Doctor Ularic said thay were children when "the incident" happen but then again they can drive? They also get Richy first so I guess may be they are capable of driving but might not had license (Richy said he was pretty drunk so I guess by the legal age of drinking and driving , He may be around 18) Hannah and Amy get him first and the doctor said they were children back then so I assumed they might be younger , let's just say around 16...
Add 10 years to get to the current Time line So Hannah and Amy would be around 26 when we got involved. We don't know exactly the age gap between Hannah and Lilly but Lilly mentioned Jake as "Big brother" and seeing the way Everbyte mentioned their father in last episode(By name,Having Gun and said will get rid of it after Hannah was born but still keep it ...that might means something in next game (I think)) So I assumed he might have started a family after completely not having connection with Jake or so we thought ....Jake might be older than both may be around 28 or even around 30....?🤷
I just wanted to say my thoughts and wanted to know how you think.
Your blog is really amazing and please keep up the good work ✨💖
Hey Anon. First if all, don’t worry, you don’t make me uncomfortable with it. It's absolutely okay and I like to talk about their possible ages.
Okay, so first of all, Hannah and Amy didn’t have a driver’s license, as I understood it. Richy said that Hannah had already driven a few times with them on the driveway of the workshop and therefore probably had some of the basic knowledge.
It’s hard to associate Richy being drunk with it, because as we know the game is from Germany and it’s hard to say if Everbyte has turned a little to 'German culture'. Okay, culture may not be the word. But what I want to say is, especially in villages like Duskwood, it is not uncommon in Germany that teenagers already start to consume alcohol at the age of 13. Even earlier.
Especially in villages this is actually not unusual here in Germany and therefore I find it difficult to assess. The Richy, however, said that he was too drunk, actually sounds as if he already had a driver’s license at that time. In Germany you can only do this at the age of 18, if I am properly informed it is in America already at 16. This could mean that it is perhaps only partly oriented towards Germany, and also towards other countries. In addition, you can buy alcohol such as beer, wine and sparkling wine in Germany already at the age of 16. And I mean, of course, you can get drunk with it very quickly.
So I would guess that Hannah and Amy were about 14 - 15 years old at that time, and Richy was maybe about 15-17 years old? Maybe he was already 18 and a little older than Hannah and Amy, that can be of course.
But, it may also be that Richy could easily drive a car without a driver’s license. If I am properly informed, it is allowed to drive/ practice or learn on private grounds, even if you do not have a driver’s license. It may just be done on your own property. And since Richy grew up with a car repair shop, I think maybe he just learned it very early. Maybe his father taught him and he was so good, just not old enough to make the driver’s license legal. 🤔
And I checked again, Richy says in the call in episode 10 that he already had a drink. So he seems not to have been completely drunk, but he did not want to drive anymore, which is actually quite reasonable. But to pass on the car was of course wrong...
So yes, I would guess that Hannah and Amy were 14-15 years old at that time, so Jennifer was 25 - 26 at that time. And I still estimate Richy’s age at 15-18 years.
So 10 years on all of them would mean that Hannah and Amy are 24-25 years old. Since we do not know when they have birthday I would like to count 26 in.
And so I estimate Richy to be 25-28 years.
Lilly’s age is quite confusing to me, as we learned in episode 10 that Lilly was so young at the time that she needed a chaperone when Hannah and Amy wanted to leave. So Hannah asked Dan if he could take care of Lilly, so Dan was already old enough, and we know that Lilly was riding a carousel there. Don’t get me wrong, I think you can do this with any age, but it sounded to me like Lilly was really very young at that time. Maybe 10 years old? Maybe 9? I don’t know. And in addition, it was already dark so it makes even more sense that someone had to take care of Lilly, even if she was a little older. But especially on such a party it is important that children still have someone.
So suppose that Lilly was maybe 9-11 years old, then she should be 19-21 years old now. That seems a bit too young to me but we have to keep in mind that Everbyte did not hire extra actors but people who wanted it from their own circle. So the age can be a little different.
So, we come to the age of our hacker Man, Jake, we know 100% that Lilly is the youngest of the three. She calls Jake 'her big brother'. So, Lilly read the emails between Hannah and Jake from back then, where Hannah and Jake shared a lot of personal data, so I think So Lilly probably knows exactly how old Jake is, which means we know that Jake is definitely older than Lilly, and she didn’t just say it as a feeling. And I’m also guessing that Jake is older than Hannah, maybe not much, 2-4 years, I think because Jake was the person who was looking for contact with Hannah that he was already older at that time.
What’s more, we don’t know if Mr Donfort cheated on Jake’s mother at all. If that were the case, and Hannah would have already been born, Hannah would have been older than Jake. However, it may be that Hannah was not yet born there and also her mother was not even pregnant. So maybe Mr Donfort didn’t cheat anyone at all, but was in some relationship with Jake’s mother before. Maybe they were just having an affair or something, and then Jake’s mother got pregnant. And then Mr Donfort met Hannah and Lilly’s mother.
So I definitely think that Jake is older than Hannah, and it kind of fits into the cliché, I think.
So, I’d estimate Jake to be 28-30, maybe 31 years old.
And I think we really don’t have any more information that we can observe. If I have forgotten something, you may of course note it and are welcome to share your opinion. :D
So, Anon, as you can see, I see it pretty much the same as you. However, this is only my personal headcanon because of course we lack all the information. I would estimate the age of the people as you do it simply because it would fit. 🤔
And I’m curious if there are still people here who see age differently than we do, I would be happy to hear about it. :)
I really hope I could help you somehow, Anon, and thank you for your beautiful compliment. It means a lot to me that you like my blog and I hope it will continue to be so in the future.🥺 I wish you a wonderful day/evening/night. Oh, and of course a big excuse that I only now manage to answer you. ❤️❤️
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creesims · 2 years
hey! i adore your smaller apocalypse hide out buildings and wanted some advice - my apocalypse is running off a current eternal winter rather than desert, so outdoor living doesn't work for me. on that note... what do you suggest for housing? getting a little sick of traditional houses
also, what about when families get bigger? feels bizarre having to give my main household a mansion just because they have too many kids >< I started ignoring the rules for that and move spares out as they reach adulthood, but when they have... 5 kids per generation and elders are still around - it gets crowded fast. help! 🤔
I don't play by the traditional Apocalypse rules so I'm not sure what the requirements are, but an enteral winter hood sounds like an interesting challenge for Sims in non-traditional homes
I recommend getting @sunmoon-starfactory All Fired Up mod that adds a warming feature to fires. I once had a Sim living on an empty lot and used that to keep them from freezing in the winter
Tents are handy when I need space for extra Sims, or if the lot only has a small building that I want to use for other things. Hafiseazale converted the ts3 Seasons igloos to work as tents. Building a trailer, bus, or shipping container is another good way to add a shelter for an expanding family. Or throw down some train tracks in the backyard and build a traincar
Business type buildings are really fun to use as housing because it makes you rethink how you'd set up the household. Since there isn't a traditional kitchen/living room/bedrooms setup you get to find ways to convert rooms for those functions. Some buildings that might be good alternatives to mansions: office building, city hall, museum, airplane hanger. You might want to look up tourist spots in midwest cities, the winters are really cold so they're set up for people to stay inside all day. I remember Navy Pier having a food court and shops around an indoor garden, a setup like that would be good for Sims who want a greenhouse area for farming. And Minneapolis has a Skyway system that uses elevated walkways to connect buildings so people don't have to go outside. You could make a few 2 or 3 story buildings on a lot and connect them with walkways so that different generations have their own space
And making bigger buildings into apartments is always an option for keeping multi-generational families together while playing them as separate households. I get overwhelmed when there are too many Sims to keep an eye on so I like to move out offspring once they're adults
Thanks for the ask, that was fun!
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
Pike x Reader Asks Emoji Prompts!
Pike x Reader stories found on This Masterpost
These prompts are to communicate what you’d like and/or get inspired! You don’t have to use them if you don’t want to. If you do, I would still like a couple sentences on what scenario you’d like just to get me started!
Fanfiction Genre
🤔-Deep Conversation/Advice/Comfort
❤️‍🩹-Hurt/Comfort/Angst (emotional, specify Pike or Reader victim)
🤕-Hurt/Comfort/Whump (physical, specify Pike or Reader victim)
A LOT more options for Setting, Pike characterizations, Reader specifications, Romance, Whump and NSFW prompts (and rules) under the cut!!
🏫-Academy/Pre-Captain Era
🥃-“The Cage” Era
🪩-Discovery Era/USS Discovery
💫-SNW Era/USS Enterprise
🚫-(Add to era) No Spoilers for (please specify episode or season!)
🌎-Earth (specify where if you’d like!)
🚀-On the Enterprise/Discovery or a Space Station (please specify, Enterprise is default!)
🪐-Alien World (specify which if you’d like!)
🪞-Mirror Universe
👾-Balance of Timeline AU
🦄-Fantasy AU
☕️-Coffee Shop AU
💐-Flower Shop AU
🤠-Cowboy AU
☣️-Zombie Apocalypse AU (or other apocalyptic scenario, please specify!)
Captain Christopher Pike
Note: The two things I will not write prime universe Pike as are abusive (or getting abused), or willing to cheat with/on a partner. Not my style and I don’t think it’s his either. I primarily headcanon him as panromantic/pansexual for the sake of simplicity.
🛡☮️-Protective!Pike (non-violent)
💛-Dad Mode!Pike (affectionate)
💛😜-Dad Mode!Pike (derogatory)
🐴-Horse Girl!Pike
🍽-Chef Mode!Pike
😈-Mirror!Pike or possessed by malevolent entity/virus (please specify!)
👑-Sir Rauth!Pike or trapped in Elysian Kingdom w/memories (please specify!)
Reader (that’s you!)
Note: My x Readers are always in 2nd Person POV where I avoid using pronouns in reference to Reader because I want them to be as accessible as possible to everyone no matter their pronouns. But I’m comfortable implying genders and orientations to a degree (see details below).
🐣-Cadet/Ensign!Reader (NO NSFW unless Pre-Captain Era)
⚖️-Captain/Senior Staff!Reader (Lieutenant and up)
🌟-Reader outranks Pike (Fleet Captain and up)
♾-Autistic/ND!Reader (please specify!)
🛸-Alien!Reader (please specify!)
🏳️‍🌈-Queer!Reader (implied, please specify!)
🏳️‍⚧️-Trans!Reader (implied, please specify!)
💘-Falling In Love
😘-First Kiss
🧑‍🤝‍🧑-First Date
💝-First I Love You’s
😳-First Time (see NSFW prompts for more detail)
🙏🏻-Hand holding
💖-Established Relationship
💜-Friends with Benefits
❤️‍🔥-Old Flame
😤-Lover’s Spat
💔-Exes (but for how long? *eyebrow wiggle*)
Note: I’m very picky about when to apply character death but not totally averse to it. So if you have something in mind where Reader dies permanently please keep in mind I might not do it. Unless!! I can think of a way that doesn’t make me super uncomfortable. I love pushing fictional characters to the brink but not over the edge. The best part of angst is the recovery if you ask me (which if you're asking me to write, you are).
🦴-Broken Bones
🧠-Concussion/Head Injury
😱-Fear Virus
☀️-Hostile Planet/Environment
🐺-Monstrous Transformation
💀-Near Death
😓-Neglect (food/water/sleep)
🏜-Pon Farr (or anything adjacent)
🧛🏻‍♂️-Vampiric Virus
Here is a Link to the NSFW emoji prompt list as a courtesy to the bashful, the sex-repulsed, and people who just don’t want that shit on their dash. 😉
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sharky857 · 1 year
"uve got questions and ive got answers" for all the questions of ur farmer u havent answered yet.
Well... *awkwardly glances at the utterly empty ask box* This is gonna take a while. :°D
Better add a break too.
Not really, but Melly low-key wishes she could have time to learn some sewing, so that she wouldn't need to constantly rely on Emily.
Living on a farm, Melly prefers a simple deodorant.
She's never really cooked (nor baked) before moving to Pelican Town, but after that Melly's been gradually getting the hang of it. And also digging it.
See above. :3c
No tattoos.
Considering that the only way to get this badly injured in Stardew Valley is by being nearly rekt by monsters in the wild, if Harvey were not an option, she could probably turn to Linus, Marlon + Gil, and/or possibly Gunther.
Not unusual, but Melly's afraid of storms.
Books. She feckin' loves reading.
Follow medical advices very diligently and take all the due rest until feeling well again.
Probably not moving to the valley sooner.
Can "books" be considered as "addiction"? 😆
She might have an accidental sense of style, and regardless of the former answer, the latter is gonna be a "no"; Melly feels like the "wear whatever you dig our of the dresser" kind of stylen't.
Not as much as novels, but it's a close second place.
Do they have a hard time opening up to people? Oh, totally. :°D
Regular sense of humour, probably. 🤔
She doesn't have nor want kids. At least for now.
Depends on what the "something" could be, exactly.
Not so easy, unless the other part tried and started to drill in her head "1001 reasons why aroace-ness don't exist and you're just a broken thing who hasn't experienced the things enough to have an actual opinion over them". In which case, that's a sure ticket to "GTFO-land", one-way only. 💀
Might not feel that easy due to Melly's extreme shyness and introversion, although things can get better once she warms up to the other.
Guess she does, although you'd barely catch her at the Yoba Church Sunday Mass™.
Melly considers both equally important.
"OH FUCK NO!" (Twas Melly)
As later as possible, preferably in her sleep. :°D
Not really, although she has a mild, underground beef with Pierre.
She's in charge of a whole farm, so her routine is usually on the line of: wake up -> breakfast -> tend to animals -> check on crops -> lunch time -> see some friends if got time -> do some shopping for the farm if needed -> tend to animals again -> dinner time -> book/fic time maybe? -> sleepsie
I don't think she even has any "hero". 😅
Being hopelessly shy means that all of Melly's (first) encounters happened by chance. The most memorable one with some writer by the sea. And one may say that that one in the end has had an unexpected effect. *vague gesture at some pendant*
Not as much as she is a bookworm, but wouldn't mind to play from time to time (videogames).
If Melly were real, she would be like a doppelganger or something :°D
Melly would rather leave being famous to Elliott alone, thank you very much. :°°°D
I would give her the power of teleporting, so she could do her things faster. Melly would give herself the power of invisibility, so she could go around Pelican Town without worrying about stumbling across someone she wouldn't want to meet.
Melly would probably wish she wasn't this shy, while at times very low-key wishing she wasn't so repulsed by sex to the point of feeling slightly nauseous at the thought of it.
She never really considered TTRPGs until Melly herself and Sebastian started to opened up to each other. Now that she has some familiarity with Solarion Chronicles, she would pick a healer.
She would cry a waterfall for days.
Melly believes in planning things out to try and avoid as manys etbacks as possible, but she also knows that sometimes fate can be a pain in the @$$.
The hell will freeze over before Melly would ever try to kill anyone.
Uh... *glances all the way back to question #20* There you ahve it, I guess. 😅
Sometimes she would have a recurring nightmare, but it's too unsettling/triggering to write. 😓
She would try, then probably hand it over to the "Adventurer's Guild". ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Melly absolutely treasures her mistakes.
Oh, y'know... The usual. English, italian, Dwarvish...
Depends on what the source of the stress is.
In no particular order: Elliott, Leah, Abigail, Sebastian, Maru, Evelyn, Linus, Harvey.
She strongly believe in planning out, sooo...
Maybe, but awkwardness caused by interacting would make it hard for Melly to lie efficiently.
Never really pondered this. 🤔
*whispers* Whuddafaq would you even do to set her on a rampage of those proportions? :°°°D
No real troubles with her friends, while would rather avoid any "enemy".
She's out there living her best life in her widdle farm, with no worries about the rest of the world.🥺 #wish-that-were-me
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fahrni · 2 years
Saturday Morning Coffee
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This morning I started putting together the notes from this week prior to writing the intro. I had so much content there’s no way I could share it all.
We have Ukraine, the continued effort by the GOP to destroy our nation, and the continued domination of the news by Elon Musk.
I got my COVID bivalent vaccine earlier in the week. I felt crummy the day after but have been fine since.
Next week I’ll be onsite at WillowTree meeting with my all remote group. Wish me luck. Last time we had this event I got COVID. I told my boss if that happened again I was never attending another one. He was OK with that. 😄
Enjoy your coffee and the links. ☕️
Wired: “A CUP OF coffee in the morning is not just about the caffeine (though that’s certainly important). It’s the ritual that starts the day. There’s the sound of beans grinding, the toasted smell of brewing coffee—even waiting for your brew to finish is a part of the fun. It’s a way to let yourself know that it’s time to start creeping toward wakefulness, like the sun peeking over the horizon in an old-timey Folgers commercial—all fuzzy and warm and full of promise.”
The first link had to be about coffee, right? I had to do it first! Charlottesville own Grit is mentioned. It’s my favorite local shop.
Meson Stars: “A toaster-sized instrument aboard NASA’s Perseverance rover is ‘reliably’ converting carbon dioxide to oxygen on Mars at about the same rate as a small tree on Earth, a new study has revealed.”
I will warn you, this whole terraforming idea can go really sideways.
Six Colors: “I get it. The iPad Pro isn’t ready for a complete hardware redesign, nor did Apple want to redesign the Magic Keyboard this year. But the result is that the leading iPad is missing innovations that the cheap iPad offers. It’s weird.”
I didn’t pay attention to the Apple announcement this week, but I can see how this would be extremely confusing.
What do you mean the low end model is better than the Pro model?
Puck.news: “Where we last left the Twitter saga, our reluctant hero Elon Musk had essentially made the difficult decision that he’d be better off forking over another $20 billion of his own cash rather than continue to fight Twitter in court and still end up paying a fine in the billions of dollars—perhaps double-digit billions—and have only a bunch of lawsuits to show for it.”
This guy. I’ll say it again. For being such a genius this was a dumb move.
Then again, he may make fools of us all. We can only hope. 🤔
I don’t doubt that Twitter might be a bit overstaffed, but this seems more like an intentional act of destroying the company. https://t.co/rJvsdihDnc
— Jeff 🇺🇦 (@Darchmare) October 21, 2022
Engadget: “On one hand, Musk has told prospective investors that he plans to axe 75 percent of the Twitter’s 7,500-member staff upon completion of the deal, a move that would likely cripple the site’s operations and kneecap its ability to moderate content and ensure users’ security.”
Yeah! Let’s buy a company for $54.20 a share — it’s not worth nearly that much — and promptly run it in the ground.
Where is everybody going next? I’m still recommending Mastodon or Micro.blog.
Chris Coyier: _“If you publish stuff on the web, you’re outputting HTML at URLs for people to read. And it’s good form to provide an RSS feed as well (maybe JSON if you’re hip). That’s 2-3 formats for your content out of the gate, which is effort, but hey, that’s the job as a publisher: get your content out to as many people as possible. If syndicating into another format is where people are, it’s likely worth doing.”_
Of course I’m biased but having an RSS or JSON Feed is important to the syndication of your weblog or web site.
Also, dear podcasters large and small, please add an RSS option to the list of places folks can get your podcast and make sure folks know it. Thank you.
Reuters: “Oct 17 (Reuters) - Parlement Technologies, the parent company of social media app Parler, said on Monday that it will be acquired by rapper Kanye West, who legally changed his name to simply Ye last year.”
Not to be outdone by his good buddy Elon Musk, Kanye West has been conned into purchasing white supremacist and conspiracist stronghold, Parler.
How long until it disappears?
Vice: “But either way, 5.7 million is a lot, and one of the elements managing it is an operating system that fell into obscurity a quarter-century ago: IBM’s OS/2.”
This is extremely cool. I know there are a lot of OS/2 fans in the world, lord knows I ran into a lot of them during my time at Visio. They’re rabid! 😄
I need to know more about this now and it’s nice to see a reliable system continue to do what it was intended to do.
If it were written today it would probably be some JavaScript monstrosity.
Musk is dangerous. He has a very potent platform (even without owning Twitter) and is using it actively harm US & Western interests and support those of a brutal war criminal. Should he gain control of Twitter, the consequence for discourse/politics in the US will be v. damaging. https://t.co/fX0dvGAcCK
— David Rothkopf (@djrothkopf) October 17, 2022
Politico: “In the early days of Russia’s war on Ukraine, Hill warned in an interview with POLITICO that what Putin was trying to do was not only seize Ukraine but destroy the current world order. And she recognized from the start that Putin would use the threat of nuclear conflict to try to get his way.”
Ah, yes, more Musk, the fragrance that lingers. Not only is he trying to destroy Twitter he’s trying to bring about the destruction of Ukraine and Democracy and set himself up to be ruler of the world.
Jack Black makes a young man’s day. Jack Black is the best of us… pic.twitter.com/K7svV4XezU
— Rex Chapman🏇🏼 (@RexChapman) October 17, 2022
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jocy-diaries · 2 years
Aah, I missed my DnD session today. I must have been a lot more tired than I thought... Hopefully I cam make the next ones.
You know. I was living in my own little world here in France and Italy. I had zero American news and I was happy. Then I went on the meeting for Work and got the American news and BOOM my depression has returned 😅 Maybe I should buy a house in Canada instead. Or at least like. Oregon.
I feel so tired... I've been laying in bed since I woke up. I think I'll start taking my medication again. And instead of going to Cinque Terre (I don't think I can do those stairs again) I'll just walk around the town, get an ice cream, maybe some souvenirs, and hopefully a pizza. I haven't been taking the best care of myself lately...
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So I got kicked out of my room by house cleaning around 12, and honestly thank goodness for that otherwise I might have remained all day lol After that I went to walk a bit and I realized I could try to get a boat ride. So I saw the Sea again!!! A lot more green than in Cinque Terre, but still wonderful~
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After that I decided to go to a museum and ohmygod it was so nice!! It was such an experience. I took my time, read all of the information, saw all of the pieces, took all the photos and selfies I wanted, and I was all alone in the museum! No crowd, just me and the art~ I loved it.
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And when I was done, one of the museum curators saw me and pointed me to another exhibition. I SAW BAST THERE!!!! I saw the aegis of Bast and the Eye of Ra and low-key freaked out. That was the LAST thing I had expected to see!
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After all that I was super hungry so I decided to finally stop at a restaurant. The salt and pepper certainly add something to the margarita. Not sure if it's something good though lol And the pizza toppings on bread, honestly, wad amazing. Whatever they put in this Mojito is STRONG. I'm already feeling it and yet I want another drink.. Maybe salt and pepper really is the key 🤔 I'm already rather drunk. But ohmygod I can't wait to order my next drink~~~ This is such a bad idea. Cuz I'm a lightweight. And I'm smol. But this time it has ice so that will surely help~ And I have water at the Hotel Hotel I can still get hydrated.
We've been calling eating half of our restaurant food a success, so I think I'm sticking to that.
Mojitos are so fucking good. You can't go wrong with mint and alcohol~ But uh-oh. I think I'm legit drunk now 8) Getting to my hotel will be interesting. I still want ice cream.
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A bridal party just walked by with the bride to be holding a big inflatable penis. What a wonderfully Bacchus event.
The first and only car I've seen driving through the square had been been police car. I guess they're bastards everywhere.
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I don't think I'll be able to finish my whole dinner, but once I'm done, I wanna go back to the hotel, wash my hair, and watch Aggretsuko wile doing my hair. I'm gonna miss La Spezia so much!!!! I want a house here. And in Nanterre. Those are my goals.
I almost feel bad, like the beggars here know how to target people so that last one totally got me. But now I have my earliest on so I'm just straight up ignoring people. I feel bad but like. I'm eating dude. Please.
Oh and I bought my little sister the best freaking gift >:) It likes weird dolls (and I could have gotten an awesome dolls but it was thirty bucks I'm sorry ;^;) But I bought it a cool looking clay mask~ It loves masks and weird doll stuff. It's so easy to shop for.
I gave a pigeon some of my bruschette since I'm kinda full. I'm waiting for it to come back so I van give it more, but it won't :(
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I was only able to walk to my hotel correctly because I was stepping in time with The Fox's Wedding playing in my earphones XD Perfecto~ Oh I am so pleasantly drunk~ I love it~~ I'll wait until I'm a bit more sober before I do my hair.
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high-time265 · 2 years
How to add a favicon to your website
Hello there friend, today we are going to look at how you as a web developer can add a favicon to your website's webpages by editing your HTML files. A favicon refers to an image placed to the left-side of browser top tabs, for example, on a google search tab you will notice that it has a big colored G representing there logo. This only shows that a favicon image is mostly a website or company logo or something that holds a certain meaning to your website or company, so without further do, lets get right into it.
Creating or preparing your favicon image
Favicon images have a recommended format of use, the most recommended are two which include, .png and .ico formats. So for example your company or website logo is in a .jpg or .jpeg format, this can simply be changed to the recommended formats by changing them by simply renaming your image with a .png format at the end, that is after you have already removed or erased or deleted the .jpeg format at the end of the image name when renaming and you must also note that your image should be renamed us favicon. Well, that is all on how you can create or prepare your image to be used as a favicon.
Adding the favicon image to your website's webpages
We have prepared our favicon and we are readyyy to launch it to the tabs😁, well lets get started, time is money right��. In order for you to get the favicon working, you must add a <link> tag in your <head> section of each and every webpage of your website and here is how you'll do that:
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="favicon.jpg"/>
well now to get into the details, the rel attribute specifies what the link tag is linking to, for example, icon value is used to specify that the link is linking to a favicon image.
Note: according to HTML 5, the rel attribute doesnt contain any spaced value hence making "shortcut icon" invalid for use in the rel attribute, use the icon value to describe this. But then why is it that even in this format it still works?🤔 the browser still gets to show the image as it has been saved as favicon.ico or png and even if you never specified a link tag for this but as long as the image is saved as favicon.ico in your websites root folder, then the browser is likely to diplay the favicon in the websites tabs
The type attribute is used to show the format or type of your favicon and in this context it is an image in .png format and if its in .ico format then it would be "image/ico". The href attribute specifies the location of the favicon image for the browser, it might be a file path leading to the favicon or just the name if it's in the same folder and that marks the ending of this essential info.
Favicon images represent a company or website logo which lets your users know that it's your site and not only that as these images also add beauty to your sites. Thanks for reading guys and if you liked the content, you can subscribe and check out more of my posts as i am really loaded.😉
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askthefamous8 · 2 years
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🎈 Happy birthday to us! 🎈
In other words, it's our 6 year anniversary. While I don't have flashy new art, I have something that will hopefully make up for that. Several things, actually!
Short version: significant theme quality of life updates, guest artist program is back, date for hiatus end, and new merch!
Long version below the cut
Updated Redbubble store!
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Some old, some new, but I'm sure you'll find something to your liking! There's some other stuff in there as well, unrelated to AtF8 or TTTE. Shop link here!
Site Update
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Overall, the blog/website should be more accessible to newcomers and easier to navigate in general. Your feedback has been great and I've done my best to implement most of it. The biggest addition of that nature is the Beginner's Guide to Ask the Famous 8. This is a combination of FAQ, general information, and links to additional websites. It also covers whether the series is suitable for children, since I've had at least one for-sure instance where a guardian has reached out to me in lieu of their child. Even if you're an AtF8 veteran, do give it a read.
Easy sorting: Letters • Art • All Posts
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I thought I'd add some common tags to the front page so you don't have to dig to find art or character responses. My hope is that this will make navigating easier for newcomers, and more convenient for long-time fans.
Cosmetic Changes
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The color theme has been adjusted to be slightly lighter. The banner's font has been changed to be more legible. The old font was taken directly from the official Thomas & Friends website, but it wasn't the easiest to read, so I think this is for the best. The stamps on the banner no longer link anywhere and are faded so as not to draw too much attention. I've added the description nest to the official T&F logo to make the site easier to consume. Now it's very clear what this is right from the front page. I think it adds a nice professional touch, too.
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Percy's icon has been changed and is no longer animated. He also no longer links to a page. Trust me, this is for the best, the old one didn't fit the style of the site anymore. Maybe one day I'll make this one animated as well... 🤔
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The little copyright tag is brighter so you know who's running the show.
Updated social media buttons!
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From left to right: Tumblr (I know this seems redundant, shoosh), Twitter, Instagram, Youtube playlist, Redbubble, and Fandom Wiki. Patreon will be coming soon 👀
Guest Artist Program
The guest artist program has returned! You can apply here https://forms.gle/kgKLr2bURX6XSv977. Before the hiatus ends, I'll be reviewing these in the meantime. Once the hiatus is over I'll start reaching out to people. To start off I'm aiming for one guest a month, but if we have enough applicants and I can stay on top of things, this might increase. I'm going to be implementing some new experimental features, hence why I'd like to take things slow rather than dive head in.
Back from the dead: some pages have been updated and returned!
Taglist - Comprehensive list of the tags used on this blog, with a few exceptions Romance - List of couples
Character Pages! The character buttons no longer link to the character's tag, but rather a brief introduction page.
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After some great feedback, they should be much easier to digest, now. They're nice and simple, most of the info there provided by the characters themselves, and if you want something more in-depth you can check the wiki!
Official date for the end of the hiatus
February 1, 2022
I finally have some trips back home lined up for this month and December and I'd like to enjoy those without worrying about this series. When I get back I'll need to start seriously looking for jobs, but also my current visa expires in January and I really gotta get that sorted. However, that doesn't mean I won't be drawing anything! It's more that I want to continue improving non-ask aspects of this series before I resume them since asks take up most of the time I spend here. But if you want to see new content ahead of the curve, you can join my Patreon when it goes live- hopefully by the end of the year.
And that's it! I hope you enjoy these new features and I look forward to seeing you when we return from hiatus! Thanks for 800 followers and thank you for 6 lovely years!!!!
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