#i promise xoxo
Today’s @wolfstarmicrofic prompt is aflame and… I’m so fucking sorry y’all
It’s part of a oneshot I’m writing rn but it fit so here you go - what could have happened if Sirius had made it to Godric’s Hollow in time?
(867 words.)
Remus shoved his way back into the flat, aching all over. The transformations were getting harder and harder, and not having Sirius there…
No, he wasn’t going to think about that. They could talk once he had recovered a little.
If he actually showed up, that was, since the flat was quite clearly empty. Remus frowned, confused, turning and realising that someone had sent an owl. Sluggishly, he freed the note from the owl’s leg, unfurling it and staring at it. It took a moment for lucidity to hit, for his eyes to focus, but the moment he took in the note, his blood froze in his veins.
‘Emergency, come to Order house.’
He apparated without thinking, despite the fact that it took a lot out of him. He stumbled a little as he got to the doorstep, shoving straight through the door. James, Lily and Harry were there, and Remus’ first thought was relief. They were there. It had been too fucking long.
“Hi! Oh my god, you- you’re here!” He went and wrapped his arms around them both, the muscles in his shoulders relaxing just a little at the sight of them, before pulling away quickly. “What’s- what’s going on? I thought you were in hiding!”
“That’s what’s going on.” Remus focused a little more, realising that James looked absolutely distraught, hardly in one piece.
“What happened?” He asked suddenly, voice wavering slightly.
“…Peter. He was the traitor. Came to our house to kill us. Led Voldemort there.” Lily explained quietly, Remus’ heart dropping into his stomach, sinking. Peter.
“Peter?” Lily nodded. “I’m- you’re safe. Thank fuck. How did you get out in time?”
“Remus, it- it was Sirius.” Lily said in a whisper. “He showed up to warn us, and he was there when they arrived.” Remus frowned, looking between them.
“Then- then where is he?”
“I’m so sorry, Remus.” James whispered, as Lily’s eyes welled up with tears, gripping Harry just a little closer to her. He looked at Remus, and it was like he was willing Remus to understand. He did, and everything stopped.
“No.” The word came out of his mouth before he could stop himself, head shaking a little. “No, he’s not- he can’t be- how can you be sure?”
“We found him when we arrived, Remus. He’s gone.” Moody’s voice sounded, steady and truthful enough for Remus’ world to shatter.
“He’s- you mean he’s- fuck, no, Sirius, he- he’s not-“ his eyes snapped to James and Lily. “You said he was there when you were- when Peter came to-“ he couldn’t think, he needed to keep talking. James nodded, eyes avoiding Remus’. “Then why- you let him fight them alone? You- fuck, you let him- you- you let- he just- why the fuck would you- this is your fault!”
“Remus, don’t.” Lily warned, taking a deep shaking breath. “He wouldn’t let us-“
“He stayed, and you left. You left, you- you left, you- I- fuck you!” He stepped closer, James catching him and pulling him into a hug.
“I know.” James said, voice cracking as Remus struggled to escape his grip.
“Fuck you, no, get off me, you- no, James, stop, you- I don’t- he’s gone.” He finished, slumping into James’ hug.
Everything was foggy, shock coursing through him. James tightened his grip, as Remus tried to force himself not to break down. Unsuccessfully. The tears started to pour, James and Remus both falling to the floor as James held a sobbing Remus. It was like someone had drawn all of the oxygen out of the room, taken a lighter and lit his heart aflame, standing back and watching Remus burn from the inside out.
“I know, Moony. I know.” James murmured, voice rough, crying right with him. “I tried to stop him, I’m so fucking sorry, I didn’t want him to, he locked us out.” The words came out in a rush. “I didn’t want to take him away from you, I didn’t want him to go, I’m so sorry.”
Remus couldn’t take it in, couldn’t respond, couldn’t speak, not when he was sobbing so harshly, so heavily, ripping through him so gutturally that he couldn’t do anything but cry. He wanted to scream, break things, go and drag Sirius back, kiss him one more time.
“He said to tell you that he was sorry, and he loves you.” James said, and that was Remus final straw.
Some semblance of a scream, pure anguish, escaped him, James’ grip tightening even more. It was like he couldn’t physically handle the sheer amount of pain in his body, like he was supposed to be dead too, and something was keeping him awake as a cruel punishment. He wanted to disappear, to die in Sirius’ place, because the world dimmed to a complete black and white when he was gone.
Nothing would ever be okay without him.
After what felt like an eternity, Remus had exhausted all of the tears in his body. He was aching from the transformations, and everything in him had just been torn far more than it had before, his heart bleeding Sirius’ name; Sirius, Sirius, Sirius.
How was he supposed to live without him?
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itchingdreams · 1 year
i’m going to make an attempt to write a slow burn story....... wish me luck. cause i feel like i’m gonna fail.
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noxious-fennec · 6 months
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They shouldn't have been made to do governments, these guys were meant to have slumber parties!!
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kindaorangey · 7 months
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they watch death note together one year, rowan develops a crush on misa amane (as is inevitable), halloween that year is a given
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m1d-45 · 2 months
-Pari Anon
Pari!Reader gets sad when their leaf mask gets torn. Whether they were playing too rough or Wei (the cat in the inn lobby) tore it, they lost their mask. They have those sad anime eyes (the cutely exaggerated ones). They want to fix it, but no one else knew about that leaf mask.
They stay gloomy for the rest of the day until Xiao comes back.
The next day, they see a little replica of Xiao’s mask made from wood. It was sitting near their nest. When they tried it in, it was light but sturdy. Who could have gotten it for them? How was it so detailed? Who could have known? Oh well. Time to play, little Pari thinks.
Xiao didn’t have the heart to just leave them after he heard them crying when the leaf mask was ripped. He might have put a charm on this one so it wouldn’t break as easily.
[ previous post ]
xiao was better than this. the last yaksha, conqueror of demons, the bane of all evil himself.. searching the plains of liyue well into the night for a suitable piece of wood to carve. it wasn’t for an offering, it wouldn’t be turned into an incense bowl or statue, it was neither for a critical repair or somehow enchanted to be a danger. no, this wood would be used for a far more frivolous purpose: you.
you, who he’d been watching from the roof as you played on the balcony below. you with your mock spear and wei with his paws, uselessly batting at each other in a play fight. he thought it was ridiculous, really—your thin wings would surely bleed beneath any monster’s claws, better you learn to run away from danger—but had watched. it was harmless fun. you ducked behind the potted bonsai for protection, racing around the trunk and likely making the poor cat dizzy, when a harsh rip echoed into the night. you stopped, looking behind you as the two halves of your ‘mask’ fluttered to the floor, torn by one of the branches of the tree. his only thought was that you weren’t hurt, watching as wei tackled you off the pot and onto the floor, but you squirmed free quickly, floating over to the remains… sadly? wei followed, sniffing the leaves, but you didn’t seem interested in playing anymore. you sat by the leaves for far too long, not even moving when wei curled up beside you.
it was nothing. it was a leaf tied around your head with another’s stem, bound to rot and flake away anyway, but you were sulking the next day. he never thought he’d return to his makeshift room and have you not fly up to him with a cloud of chirps, and he quickly decided he didn’t like it. if you were sad you lost your mask, then he’d just have to get you a new one.
he kicked at the remains of a campfire, stomping out the remaining embers. an abandoned adventurer’s camp of some sort, the air free of any malicious warnings. besides the remains of the campfire were a few stray logs, likely spare firewood. he dug through the measly pile, pulling out a log. there was no rot, water damage, no sign of bugs or anything else that would ruin the wood. without another thought, he tucked it under his arm, turning and vanishing into the wind.
he had left when you were already asleep, so he could go straight to his room, but he made a stop first. yanxiao hardly jumped when he turned from the stove, though he did eye the log in his hands strangely.
“what can i get you?”
“i need to borrow a knife.”
“…” he laughed, propping his hands on the table in front of him, and xiao grit his teeth. an adepti, reduced to this… “what, did you lose your spear?”
“of course i didn’t,” he snapped, “but i’m not foolish enough to think i can use a spear to carve wood.”
yanxiao nodded in understanding, reaching into his pocket for a small flip knife. it was barely as long as one of his fingers, the handle a dark wood. “this should do, i think.” he threw the knife underhand, and xiao caught it with ease. the blade flicked out easily, sharp to the touch. “remember to cut away from you, yeah?”
his grip tightened on the knife, leaving without thanks.
safely in the shadow of his room, xiao finally relaxed. one by one, he removed his guards and charms, quietly setting them in their respective places. you were curled up in your bed as always, none the wiser as he stepped out onto the balcony. he sat facing the moon, setting his mask on the floor beside him. again drawing the small knife, he braced the wood in his lap and began to carve.
yanxiao was many things, but a fool he was not. he had heard from verr about your mask tearing yesterday, about how you sat quietly on xiao’s terrace for the rest of the day in a pout. you were a strange guest, certainly, but you were xiao’s. he kept very limited company, and those he lingered around felt his affections quietly.
when flowers had blown off their tables prior to the reception of an important guest, a mysterious bundle of qingxin had found it’s way onto the reception desk to replace them. when the eccentric xianyun had stopped by for a ‘surprise lunch,’ a small note in familiar writing on his table told him her tastes. when your small, flimsy mask tore in two… well, he couldn’t wait to find out.
he worked as usual, trading guesses with verr as he helped ferry plates back and forth. would he fetch you new leaves in perpetuity? fetch new ones from your home nation of sumeru? find a new toy to distract you? neither of them had ever met a pari before, didn’t know what you wanted or needed to thrive, but they entertained themselves with nonsense speculation nontheless.
xiao showing up in his kitchen without warning was nothing out of the ordinary. yanxiao had learned to pick out the shift in air pressure that signaled his arrival, wiping off his hands and putting the washed vegetables aside. the flat expression on his face was also routine, but the log he held most certainly wasn’t. handcarved offerings weren’t all too uncommon in liyue, especially from an adeptus, but he had a feeling it wasn’t for rex lapis or another adepti.
the next question, of course, was what he would carve. verr suggests a wooden mimic of the leaf mask and he can’t hide the way that makes him laugh, his smile wider than usual as he greets customers.
that night, if you stood just quietly enough beneath the upper balcony and the wind blew the right way, you would hear the quiet scrape of wood and metal. and the next morning, if you were anywhere near the inn, you would likely see a bright pari weaving through the levels, eager to show off their brand new mask carved by the hero of dihua marsh himself.
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fujimousee · 7 months
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usopp doodle b4 i sleep ..... goodnit......
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fizzlehead · 9 months
if i could see all my friends tonight
(an homage to riverdale's many friendships set to one of my favorite songs)
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holocene-sims · 4 months
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next // previous
august 17, 2021 3:00 p.m. yonsei university
[grant] did your dad apologize for being a dick, though?
[henry] of course. he was a good person and realized he was being a bit weird. he just hated noise. i think he'd have been happy to be born with a set of noise-canceling headphones attached to him.
[grant] except maybe he liked your mom’s noise from that day forward!
[henry] he did, but even if he hated it, he was probably glad to have hers back after a while. almost half the time they dated, they didn’t even live in the same country.
[henry] my mom worked at an art shop somewhere in seoul, and my dad had this sweet gig working at a museum in paris while getting a doctorate and doing some traveling, visiting art museums on every continent. he got the doctorate, but gave up the job to come back and marry my mom.
[henry] and she won out, to be honest. him teaching here was a prestigious position, and his family are pretty well off because they're in banking and all, so she got to quit her job after marriage, have me, and just sculpt for fun.
[grant] that’s the dream, right?
[henry] i think so.
[grant] it’s nice to be genuinely in love but also to support each other’s passions, too, whether that's helping them pursue a job or a hobby. i mean, that’s everything. that's the deepest form of connection. oh yeah, definitely the dream.
[henry] for sure. there wasn’t much for my mom to help with because she was never wealthy and her parents weren’t either, but she was a huge moral support. she was my dad’s biggest fan. sometimes getting a doctorate sucked, and he wanted to quit, but it was hard to quit with her on the sidelines cheering.
[henry] that’s like me and soobin. not much i can do on the money front because i'm not rich and i won't take money from my parents, and i couldn’t help with her medical school because i'm a certifiably terrible student, but i can be and am her cheerleader.
[henry] and i may not have been a photographer without her. being an artist is the worst career choice unless someone else has money to throw at the bills. and i make an okay salary! i have solid clientele booking all year long, but i don't charge what i "should" because i feel wrong asking too much money to do wedding photos and all. that shit's expensive - i'll take a small cut off the going rate so they get all they want for the big day.
[henry] besides, the one thing in life that makes me nervous is clients being unhappy. everything else about a wedding goes away except the photos. if they're unhappy, i'd rather the pricing not be an extra issue, you know? at least let it be a cheap mistake.
[grant] but you would have still pursued this, right? i can’t imagine you not at least trying it out. you have always been set on some kind of photography as a career. even when you were having a crisis around college graduation about whether you should pursue high-brow art or something very human and realistic like you do now, you never questioned if photography was your truth.
[henry] i would have. i've always known it was my goal. i just think the financial stress may have worn me down eventually if she wasn’t willing to shoulder an extra share of the burden. like i said, charging people themselves is a strange thing, and you just never know what can happen. sure, i did end up with a good brand through putting myself out there on social media, but that was no guarantee.
[henry] if that hadn't worked out, i'd have been in trouble. and when you don't have a lot of clients or reach, you have to be conservative and sometimes that hurts you on growth. blah blah blah. point is, i owe soobin a lot, both for financial support and her total faith in me.
[grant] well, teamwork makes the dream work and all that!
[henry] hey, you're part of the team, too. there's no one else i'd rather call at 3AM asking to check the red balance on my pictures because everything looks green to me. and as it turns out, having a friend with a massive family who host many events requiring photography is excellent for clientele building.
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peonypyxels · 3 months
but... what if there were FOUR ???
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sun-stardustt · 1 year
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hawkeye + text posts (yelena belova edition)
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astrobei · 1 year
a body in motion - chapter 2
“I– Will?”
Mike doesn’t know why he asked. He would know Will anywhere, even like this– the sunken-eyed corpse he had just watched them pull from the quarry bed. His red vest is still waterlogged, his hair matted to his face, skin still tinged with an undead sort of blue, but unmistakably, undoubtedly Will.
“Will?” Mike tries again, voice coming out shaky and uncertain. A dream, he thinks, curling his hands into fists, digging his nails into the tender meat of his palms. He doesn’t feel it at all. It’s a dream.
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itchingdreams · 2 years
i have story ideas but no idea on how to explain them.
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engagemythrusters · 1 year
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have this two-minute ezra to once again remind you he never got to go to school
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pushing500 · 2 months
Hello! Just popping in to say sorry about the delay in RimWorld posts! The next few pages are taking forever to draw, but I promise I'm working on them!
A lot happened in my game all at once, so there's a lot to draw, lol. In the meantime, enjoy these doodles of Magic Man I did while I was at work!
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I was trying to draw Magic Man's tail because I don't think I draw it very much and it is pretty cool.
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Every time I remember that Magic Man's given name is "Louis" I crack up laughing. He doesn't look like a Louis, but I suppose maybe I'm just too used to "Magic Man", which is an arguably weirder name.
Finally, as a special treat (and as an apology for taking so long with updates), here are the very, very, very first designs for Vasso, Laursen, and Bella that I ever drew! This was drawn while I was waiting for the results of the "Eldritch Cult VS Mechanitor" poll, so there is a special guest appearance from the Mechanitor we'll meet once this current run is over. It's probably considered a spoiler, so I'll pop it under here:
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Don't mind the scribbling; this was a very early draft as I tried to work out what I wanted the characters to be like.
Bella used to be so small T.T
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trivijoy · 11 months
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800 PARTY 😻 | ogs remember this blog theme
I kid you not I literally haven't posted anything for the majority of this week yet somehow I got another hundred 😰 it's a hundred every week like I have no words rn 😭 thank you sosososososososososososo much 💗💗 I think my activity is gonna decrease over these next few weeks but I will still do my very best 🫶🏾 love y'all 🙈
@kelories @yuwrin @webzzo @koosuvi @weiros @haevrrs @wonk1s @avencca @luvlyxgracie @y-ves @ecojinri @baesol @chwepunk @joysite @yeritos @i4sullyoon @ihaerin @chaey2k @111polaris @sulliar
@beoism @yunjidoll @won-ai @w-onki @lorlita @ningrlz @g-aeuls @froopis @ramiyeons @wiotas @sseulr1n @k-yujin @subinelos @sunoofication @haewrin @dewyrka @yeon-n @isamiracle @v6mpcat
@kysbot @hyeism @y-unjins @boos2bies @y-eora @wonwonyoyo @softkiseu @y-ujin @h-ao @fuckici @yoyojoy ++ many more 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
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emblazons · 2 years
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I really like fictional couples that actually enjoy spending time with each other. It seems like such a simple, mundane thing. It feels like such a basic thing, but it’s something that I actually don’t see that often.  insp. (x)
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