#i ran out of ideas with poor Jack
coojie1996 · 7 months
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Hijack Au but they're Littlest Pet Shops💀💀
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miley1442111 · 28 days
Heyyy!! Would you be interested in writing an angst aaron and bau!reader fic where they're in an established relationship for quite a while now and even have a kid together other than jack. they having relationship problems tho and maybe decided to take some time off their relationship temporarily. so reader takes her and aarons kid in their time off and jack is with aaron. angst where poor jack feels abandoned by reader and thinks she's leaving them cause both the adults are too prideful to talk everything out and make it work. (you can write it however like btw but hopefully with a happy ending 🤞🤍🤍🤍)
i love this idea, sorry i let it sit for so long! only realised i hadn't posted this now :0
pinky promises-a.hotchner
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a/n: fem reader but as per usual, imagine what you like :)
summary: how you and aaron worry jack, and how aaron finds something out 20 years later.
pairing: aaron hotchner x reader
warnings: angst, fighting, mentions of divorce, jack being upset, etc.
It had been weeks and weeks of pointless fighting. You were exhausted. Aaron was exhausted. 
“What do you want me to say about it Aaron?” You sighed, exasperation running through your bones. 
“I want you to say anything!” He shouted. You felt a wire snap inside you. Aaron never shouted at you. He knew how horrible he was being. He knew how bad you felt. He knew that this was a stupid thing to be fighting about.
“I’m going to my brother’s house, how about that?” You sighed. “Is that what you wanted me to say?” 
Aaron rolled his eyes, irritated at your dramatics. When he came home from one of the worst cases he’d been on for a while, all he’d wanted was to wrap you up in his arms and not let you go. But of course, he had to ruin it by starting an argument. You were 7 months postpartum, he shouldn’t have been picking fights and he knew it. But he was just so irritated. He realised something, he was taking the worst parts of his job home with him again.
“I need a break from it Aaron, alright. I’ll take Marcy and you’ll get some real sleep for a weekend and we’ll calm down and talk on Monday, alright?” 
Some sleep sounded great. Calming down sounded great. Reconciling sounded great. “Alright,” he nodded curtly. 
“Alright,” you sighed. You had never wanted it to come to this. He promised you it wouldn’t come to this. 
Yet it had. 
“I’ll pack a bag for you,” He pressed a soft kiss to your cheek as he started to walk off but you grabbed his hand and kissed it softly.
“I love you. Always,” you reminded him. His heart melted a little bit. 
“I love you too.”
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ While you and Aaron were busy fighting, Jack was in his playroom down the hall. He was terrified, you were leaving? You were taking Marcy? 
What would happen to him? He’d already lost his mom, he couldn’t lose you too.
“Honey?” He whispered as you passed the playroom. He’d picked up the habit of calling you ‘honey’ the same way Aaron did. 
“Hey Jackers,” you smiled through the inner monologue running through your head. “Shouldn’t you be in bed?” 
Jack thought this would be his last time with you tucking him in, so he got up immediately and hugged your legs. You chuckled at his antics, unaware of his anxieties, and picked him up in your arms. 
“Can I say goodnight to Marcy?” He asked and you nodded.
“Of course you can, I’ll get your dad as well, we can all say goodnight,” You smiled.
Jack, being the little profiler he was, noticed the way you’d said ‘his dad’ not just ‘dad’. His stomach dropped. He felt sick, the kind of sick he felt before he vomited.  Jack ran into Marcy’s nursery as you went to find Aaron.
“Ok Marcy, I love you, I don’t say it enough,” he whispered into her cot as she slept soundly. “I hope I was a good big brother, you were a great little sister-”
“What are you doing jack?” You asked, worried  and confused by his actions. Aaron stood behind you, his signature frown painted on his face. 
Jack started crying and both you and Aaron ran to him, wrapping him up in your arms. After a few minutes of calming him down, and calming Marcy down after she woke up with Jack crying, you sat on the floor of the nursery beside Aaron as Jack explained. 
“WellIheardyouguysfightingandIknowY/nisgoingawaynowandI’llmissher-” He rushed out but Aaron held up a hand to stop him. 
“Slowly Jack, slowly,” he reminded him and Jack crawled into Aaron’s lap and whispered it to him. 
“I heard you two fighting, and it was like when mom and you used to fight, so I know it means that Y/n and Marcy are going away now, like when you went away and I’m sad because I’ll miss them like I miss mommy,” he sniffled as Aaron’s heart broke. His eyes filled with tears that he forced himself to swallow, the task almost proving too difficult. He looked at you, your head in your hands, you’d heard him too. 
“Jack, your dad and I aren’t breaking up, we’re both just really stressed right now and we thought it would be a good idea to give each other some space. The only reason I’d take Marcy is because I have to breastfeed her,” you explained, your voice breaking. “I love your dad so much, and I love you so much, I could never leave you,” you smiled sadly and took his hand. “Remember the pinky promise I made to you on my wedding day? I meant that.”
Aaron’s ears peaked up as Jack nodded. There was something unspoken about the way that Jack seemed to relax at your words, his entire body lacking any and all tension in mere seconds. 
What was the pinky promise?
Aaron walked out of Jack’s bedroom and leant against the door of your bedroom, watching you read your book. When you looked up, you were reminded of a younger Aaron, the one you'd met in college when he was with Haley. You felt awful having a massive crush on one of your friend’s boyfriend so you steered clear of him. Who knew you’d be here now? His wife. The mother to his children. 
“Hey handsome,” you smiled at him. 
“I don’t want space. Please don’t leave,” he asked, not meeting your eyes. 
“Let’s be honest, we both know I wasn’t getting over the threshold of my brother’s place before I ran back,” you smiled. Aaron plunked himself down beside you, lying down and pressing kisses against your neck. 
“I’m sorry I picked a fight,” he sighed.
“Sorry I kept it going,” you whispered, kissing his head. 
“So we're alright?” he asked hopefully.
“Yes, we’re ok,” you chuckled. His hands wrapped around you, pulling himself closer into your comforting embrace. For a few minutes, he tried to read your book alongside you, but his question still nagged, what was the promise?
“You want to know what the promise was, don’t you,” you chuckled.
“Yes,” he admitted, a shy smile on his face.
“Too bad,” you smirked, making him roll his eyes. 
------------------------------------------------------------------------------It was 20 years later that he found out what the promise was, on Jack’s wedding day.
“Now, probably 20 odd years or so, I made a promise to Jack on my wedding day,” you admitted in your speech. Aaron’s interest peaked once more. “I promised him that I would love him and his dad as long as they allowed me to. That as long as Jack wanted me there, I would be. I told him he could call it off at any time, if anything was ever too much for him or if he hated me when he became a teenager. I promised him I’d go without a word of his involvement. I swore that I’d love him until the minute he didn't want me there, and even then that I'd just love him from far away. But I’m so happy you let me stay around Jack, you’ve become quite the amazing person,” you smiled through tears as he held your hand in his, just like he had all those years ago. Aaron’s heart swelled. You’d thought about Jack since day one. When your speech was finished, Aaron pulled you away from the rest of the party to kiss you in the beautiful sunset, the same venue you two had gotten married in. 
He loved you.
criminal minds masterlist :)
navigation for my blog :) (criminal minds, obx, the bear, marvel, top gun, the hunger games :)
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stealingyourbones · 7 months
Submitted Prompts #144
*shakes a bag of bird skulls I found in the woodsI and places it on your desk like it's a bag of gold*
I had an idea:
What if the Fenton parents are, in fact very competent Hunters, but they love their children more than their work?
Say the first shot Maddie ever fired at Phanton actually lands, and the scream he makes sounds too much like Danny's voice, to a point even with any ghostly distortion, his own still recognizes the voice.
I can see her pulling Jack to the side, making a ruckus about how the "darn ghost got away just as her blaster ran out of juice". Mostly as a way to get Danny her darling son to leave and go somewhere safe, while his parents have a whole breakdown in the GAV about their dead son.
And so begins the stealthy studies on how Phantom's "human disguise" works, the Revelation of Horrible Truth, keeping tabs on Danny's growth and revising their whole attitude on Ghosts to account for the fact that Danny himself is, at least in some part, a Ghost himself, but all he's done is live his life (and be the little hero Mom always said he'd grow up to be).
Jazz stumbles across his secret and is immediately pulled aside to join the secret "Protect the Baby Ghost" family group chat.
"And what about all the times they shot at him in canon" I hear you ask?
They're damn good shots, but while Maddie can train herself to aim just so that the shot misses just enough it looks like Phantom dodged it, Jack has the Fenton Bazooka outfitted with a tracking HUD that purposely fails to hit everyone's favorite Ghost Boy.
Danny picks up on that, but not on the fact that They Know.
And so begins the single most convoluted training arc ever.
Next time Skulker's in town, Phantom has become untouchable. Not a single shot or electrified net reaches it's target.
(The electrified weapons in particular send the Fentons into a rage when Sam and Tucker finally can't keep hiding it, and come clean about what happened, since the Fentons have proven themselves to be trustworthy)
When Red Huntress comes about, and Valerie Grey becomes barely a distant acquaintance after having only just now started becoming more than a friend, and with the GIW sniffing about, Maddie and Jack pull Danny to sit between them and finally tell him they know, and they want to prove that they'll love him just as much as before, whether Human or Ghost.
Danny breaks down in the safety of his family's love, and takes some time off as Phantom to help his parents establish a proper line of communication with the Ancients, considering they've kinda adopted themselves into the roles of Aunts and Uncles towards their little Ghostling.
Which is a good thing, because in Phantom's absence the GIW make a giant spectacle of destroying several houses while chasing some blob ghosts. They're chased out of town by brick, stone and metal bat.
Next time Red Huntress actually manages to hurt Danny, the Fentons pack up and leave. The Portal can be transported somewhere else. It can be rebuilt.
Their baby boy can't be rebuilt, no matter how much he likes to be a little shit and ignore Reality to quote Shakespeare at his own head (thank you Mr Lancer, for not giving up on him) or "give them a hand".
As Fenton takes the last tour of Amity, Phantom disappears. The Protal has been left seemingly unguarded.
The Ghosts decide to have one last hurrah in Anity Park before Danny closes the Portal, as per their deal. They won't hurt anyone, just cause chaos, but in return Phantom won't stop them. It's not like poor Red has the energy to chase them down, now that she's been "upgraded" into Amity's sole defender (the one time Lancer compares her new lack of sleep to Danny's, horrifying pieces start lining up too well in her mind)
The Fentons move out. Into a quiet farm neighbouring the land that belongs to the delightful couple that are the Kents, and their darling son, little Clark, who stares at Danny mildly horrified whenever he comes by to babysit, or help out with fixing the stubborn tractor. One day under Danny's clever hands, and Jonathan Kent's eagle-eyed gaze, and that damned tractor has never worked so well before. The boy's alright in the old man's eyes, and he makes sure they kid knows it.
After quiet rooftop admissions of one small boy's growing powers (I know Adult Clark is a brick house of a man, but what if he was a little twig while young) and the reveal of Something More Than Human from his honorary older brother, the course of Time sets into it's best version, and an Old Clock smiles, as Superman rises, only to be scolded by Spectre for recklessness.
(Dunno how well it came across, but I'm envisioning Valerie's feelings towards Danny to go from bitter resignation because she " had to" push him away, to horrified despair when the truth starts falling into place. He's her "the one that got away". And it's not like she gave him much of a reason to trust her with his secrets.
Maybe older and wiser Red Huntress gets invited to the Justice League, and has to deal with not just Fenton, but also Phantom flirting with her, after a good long conversation on how dumb they both were as kids, and a mutual vow of "I think I can do better now, and I want to prove it to you")
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Could you do fic for Toto Wolff with wife reader? He is still doing his world even when he had the days off, so she came with a plan in mind. She presses kisses anywhere available; arms, nose, knees, ears, knuckles, temple, just anywhere to distract him enough to stop. Eventually their son, Jack does the same to him. Just something fluff and romantic. Thanks!! :)))
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This year’s race schedule marked the 8th race in Monaco with just a decent result for the Mercedes Team with just P5 for George and P7 for Lewis. Despite Lewis adding up with one more bonus point for the fastest lap, the team still ended in fourth place, with no hope really for the world’s constructor running. The lack of progress and consistently poor results were taking a toll on their morale. Toto Wolff, the team principal, knew that something needed to change. As he sat in his office, pondering the team's predicament, there was a gentle knock at the door. Y/n, Toto's wife, entered the room with a concerned expression. She had noticed the stress and strain on Toto's face and wanted to offer her support. "How are you holding up?" she asked softly.
Toto sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's been tough," he admitted with a weary voice. "We just can't seem to get a breakthrough this season. The car's not performing. It feels like we're failing further after every race. And as the team principal, I just don’t want to let everyone down. Especially Lewis I owe him his 8th title. I just wish there was something I could do to turn this thing around.” Y/n stepped closer, her heart aching for the man she loved. She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, offering a small gesture of support.
"It won't be like this forever," she said softly. "You'll figure it out. You always do, remember when I told you not to set the hot lap in Nurburgring in a Porsche and you still did anyway. You are just as stubborn as that because the Toto Wolff I know will not back down from any challenge even the stupidest one. So go team Wolff!”
Toto glanced up at his wife, her words a lifeline in the storm of challenges that faced him. He could see the earnestness in her eyes, the unwavering belief in him. It stirred something deep within him, a flicker of determination. He reached out, taking her hand in his, and squeezed it gently. "Thank you for believing in me, Schatz. And well I did pay a hefty price for the accident that day on the Nordschleife track.”
Y/n smiled softly, her eyes filled with love and admiration for her husband's resilience. She knew the heavy price Toto had paid for his passion for racing, the sacrifices he had made, both physically and emotionally.
"I'll always believe in you, no matter what," she assured him once more. "And I know you'll rise back up from this. You've got the strength and the determination to do it." She leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to her husband's forehead, all the way down to his arms, nose, knees, ears, knuckles, and temple - anywhere she could reach. Much to her delight, Toto couldn't resist her affection and stopped working to enjoy the moment. Just at that moment, their son Jack ran into the room, stomped his little feet and demanded that he could join his mom and dad. He planted a sloppy kiss on Toto's cheek, making him laugh and forget about work completely. Toto's heart swelled with love and contentment. He leaned back in his chair, gathering his family in his arms, and took a moment to savour the precious moment. "Thank you," he whispered, feeling grateful for their love and the reminder that there was more to life than just work. Jack snuggled against him and smiled. "We missed you, papa," he said softly. “Can we watch a movie together?” He asked with excitement, a twinkle in his eyes. 
“Of course, Jack.”
“Can we watch Cars? I wanna see Mcqueen go vroom vroom so fast like Uncle Lewis.”
“Sure, baby. Now how about we race downstairs?” Y/n said.
Together, they raced down the stairs, Toto and Jack's laughs echoing through the room. At the bottom of the stairs, Jack cheered as he reached the finish line first. "I win!" he exclaimed, panting and out of breath but smiling widely.
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liked by mercedesamgf1, lewishamilton, georgerussell63 and others
y/n_user Movie night in the house 🤭 Guess what are we watching tonight?
user_1 Jack!!!
user_14 next movie for movie night! please!!
mercedesamgf1 send us the invitation also Mr Big Boss, Baby Boss and Mrs Tiny boss
user_2 the Wolff fam
lewishamilton Roscoe miss u Jack
y/n_user we miss Roscoe too lewishamilton playdate tmr? y/n_user Jack said yessss charles_leclerc Leo wanna join too y/n_user pls join us tmr
user_6 playdate with the wolffs, hamiltons and leclercs said no more
georgerussell63 can I join 🥺
mercedesamgf1 and us too? scuderiaferrari us three redbullracing us four astonmartinf1 us five mclaren us six y/n_user how about a playdate at the paddock 🥳
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sailor-aviator · 13 days
Road To Perdition: Prologue
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Road to Perdition: Prologue
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
Summary: The Great Depression wasn't called a depression for nothing. Jobs were scarce, and the price of food and other necessities were rising higher and higher with each passing day. What little money you were able to make went straight to the bank and out of reach from your booze-swilling lech of a brother. It's on one such run that you come face to face with members of the infamous Dagger Gang; a group of, admittedly handsome, men who steal from the banks to hand it back out to the poor. You want nothing to do with them, but that blond-headed devil might just have something to say to the contrary. (1930s!Mobster!AU)
Content Warning: Mentions of alcohol, Allusions to alcoholism, Death of parents, Pessimism, Historical Inaccuracies probably. I think that's it, but please let me know if I missed something!
Word Count: Just under 1.2k
Series Masterlist
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Light filtered through the sheer curtains, casting shadows across the walls as your eyes slowly fluttered open. There was a stillness in the air that was all too familiar for those that lived as far out of the city as you did, nestled in the trees that scattered the farmland surrounding your home. You heard the shrill chirping of the birds as you adjusted back to life in the waking world, stretching with a grunt as you glanced over at the clock sitting on your nightstand.
It was still early, something you both lamented and thanked the lord for. You had things to do today, things that would require you to sneak past your brother who had undoubtedly passed out on the couch once more after a night of drinking himself silly. He had been like that before your parents passed, one of the many things he and your father had in common.
It had been only a couple of years since your father died, leaving your brother his illegal business of moonshining - a business you had been a part of at one point before finding other means of making money. Your father hadn’t been too keen on the idea at first, always commenting on how you seemed to have a special touch with the liquor, earning you your nickname of Moonshine or Moonie for short.
He had accepted it in stride, though. Especially when he saw the amount of your first earnings as a part-time photographer for the local paper. The camera had been a gift from a family friend, having purchased it for his son who quickly let it fall to the wayside as other pursuits caught his interests.
“Shouldn’t go to waste,” he had said, handing it to you with a small smile on his usually stern face. “Here, Moonie. You should have it.”
You had felt wrong taking it at first, but the feeling quickly left you once you held your first photo in your hand, your brother having saved up enough to set up a makeshift room for you to develop them in. That was before he started sampling his own product, of course.
“These are really good, Moonie!” Jack had grinned as he held a particularly stunning shot of a doe you had encountered in the back field one morning. She had turned to face you, and that’s when you had taken the shot, just before she ran back into the safety of the woods. You were particularly proud of that shot, but you ducked your head down in humility.
“They’re not that good,” you mumbled shyly.
You smiled wistfully at the memory before letting out a sigh as you pulled yourself up out of the comfort of your bed. You were quick to tidy up, fluffing the pillows before marching down the hall towards the bathroom. The sound of snoring echoed from your brother’s room, and you snorted in surprise at the change, but continued on.
After relieving yourself, you washed up, grimacing at your reflection in the mirror. Most girls your age had a whole counter full of makeup, but you simply couldn’t see the need for it, or justify it for that matter. No, you were saving up what little you could to make your escape. You weren’t sure where you’d go yet. New York perhaps? You’d heard there was always an opportunity for someone there. The thought of making your way in the growing city sent your stomach fluttering, and you clapped your hands against your cheeks to settle your mind.
There was no time for daydreaming. You had to focus on the task at hand. You were able to squirrel some of your earnings away from your brother’s greedy hands, and you made weekly deposits into a private bank account. People had been weary of the banks since the crash a few years back, but you trusted them more than your snooping older brother. Work had been hard for people to come by, but people were always looking for a photographer. So for now, non-essentials like makeup would have to wait.
You dressed quickly, double checking to make sure your camera was tucked away in your messenger back alongside your rainy day fund, and set out only to stop short at the sight of the living room.
Bottles were strewn all about the place along with cards scattered alongside them. Letting out a heavy sigh, you dropped your bag down onto one of the chairs as you set about cleaning the place up. You were surprised that the noise of what was surely many men hadn’t woken you up. You had had a long day, though. The fresh wad of bills sitting in your bag proof of that.
The bottles clanked together as you gathered up as many as you could, taking them out to be washed later. Coming back inside, you glanced over to observe the state of the kitchen, the sight having a growl leaving your throat before you could stop it. Plates were stacked high in the sink, and you knew you’d have to take care of them now lest they stink up the place for the rest of the day. The last thing you needed to deal with was unwanted pests in your home.
You actually enjoyed doing the dishes, if you were being honest. It was time to let your mind wander, plotting your way out without being disturbed. No one wanted to be drawn in to helping, of course. So you washed and scrubbed in silence as the noise outside picked up with the late morning. You wouldn’t get to the bank until this afternoon, at this rate. That left little time to go snooping for your next lead, which left you more irritated than before.
You drained the sink once you were done, wiping your hands with the dishcloth with a grimace. You’d have to do laundry tomorrow. Another chore left for you to take care of.
Perhaps you wouldn’t be so quick to want to leave if it wasn’t only you holding this place together. Your brother had been your rock once upon a time, but then your mother had passed due to illness and your father followed her not long after. Of course, you had been devastated, but you took it upon yourself to be the strong one after Jack fell apart. He started drinking then. It had only been one here or there, but it quickly grew into several bottles a night, and no amount of begging would get him to stop. So you quit trying.
It had come to a head only a year ago when you came home early to find your room tossed upside down, anything of value missing along with Jack. It was a week before he came home.
You had learned your lesson, and now you bided your time until you could withdraw your money and make a break for it. The sun shone down on you as you began the trek into town, dreaming of the day you would make this journey for the last time.
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A/N: Just something to tide you guys over until I can formulate the next chapters of By Its Cover and Fool's Fare. I'm excited for this one though!
If you would like to receive notifications on when I post, please follow my sideblog ( @sailoraviator-library ) and turn on post notifications! As always, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated. You can find all of my works on AO3 under the username sailor_aviator. Until next time!
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yandere-writer-momo · 6 months
Some old man pussy for @jack-hammered. Merry Christmas, whore 🎄
Yandere Baki Shorts: Naughty or Nice
Yandere Motobe x Afab Reader
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“You better watch out, you better not cry. Better not pout, I’m telling you why.” The radio quietly played in the background as two figures sat in the middle of the room. “Santa Claus is coming to town~”
Slap! “Ah!” (Your name) arched into the large hand that landed a sharp slap on her sore bottom. Her thick lashes wet with tears as she whined and babbled incoherently on top of the older man she was on.
“I told you not to move yet, baby. This is a part of your punishment since you decided to be naughty.” Motobe chuckled, his hand rubbed the fresh welt on her bottom in a soothing manner. “You just have to be patient until I’m down sharpening my sword.”
(Your name) could only cry in need. She’s been warming him for hours now and he’s been teasing her poor cunt with a languid thrust here and there. It was driving her insane.
“Please, Tobe… please.” (Your name) whined as she struggled against the Christmas lights that bound her wrists together behind her back. “It hurts. I just want to cuddle…”
“If you want this all to stop, then you need to tell me why are you being punished.” Motobe hummed as he set the sword down beside him, his onyx eyes stared into hers. Motobe ran a calloused hand across her smooth, exposed skin. His muscular digits kneaded at her supple flesh. “And you do know what you did.”
(Your name) sniffled, her eyes red from crying. She truly didn’t know what she’s done to earn a punishment from him, but she had an idea of what he was implying.
“I complimented Gaia.” (Your name) sniffled while Motobe smiled. “I’m sorry, Tobe. He’s your student so I tried to ask him what you’d want for Christmas.”
Motobe pressed a kiss on her forehead, his facial hair tickled against her skin. “Aww baby… I’m so sorry. I had no idea you had my interests unkind… I’m just such a jealous man.”
(Your name) almost screamed when Motobe bucked his hips forward, his cock finally hitting that aching spot within her. A warm smile on his face as he began to hastily unfasten the Christmas lights.
Motobe brought her sore wrists up to his lips and began to press tender kisses to each mark. Motobe shifted (your name) to lay on her back so he could press deeper into her. A smirk on his face when her eyes rolled back in her head from how deep he was.
“You’re so beautiful… I should have known that you were just trying to do something for me.” (Your name) could only gasp and whine as his hips began to snap into hers at a brutal pace. Her fingernails dug into his forearms to try to ground herself from the pounding she was no receiving.
Motobe smirked at her blissed out expression as she tightened around him even more. She was his perfect girl… his woman.
“So perfect.” Motobe lowered his face to rest in the crook of her neck as he slammed into a spot he knew she loved. “And you’re all mine.”
(Your name) could only loudly wail as her orgasm finally crashed upon her. Her nails drew blood from Motobe’s forearms as he sunk his teeth into her neck, his tongue lapped at the blood that steadily flowed from the bite mark. A permanent mark of ownership.
(Your name) could only babble incoherently as Motobe continued to ride her through her orgasm. The older man’s hands grabbed hers and moved them to be above her head on the cold, wooden floor.
“We’re not done yet, baby. I have to make it up to you.” Motobe smirked down at her pleading expression. “I have to get you to understand that you’re mine.”
(Your name) should have never asked Gaia for advice on a gift, because she was the only present that old man ever needed.
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in1-nutshell · 26 days
You know what
I do want fearless Buddy and Megs to go to tfp.
I want one of those little portals to open up during poetry club and Buddy just to accept their fate and let the portal take them, Megatron is less accepting of getting dragged through said portal but he has no choice.
I want Team Prime to not even be surprised at this point, and Optimus is already trying to calm down Agent Fowler because WHY IS MEGATRON NOW IN OUR BASE!?
I want there to not even  be a few days of peace before everything hits the fan.  
The Decepticons have Team Prime on their back foot.  There's no other choice.  Time to send in their own Megs.
And for convenience I shall be referring to Mtmte as Megs and Tfp as Megatron.
Megatron's shock of getting punched by himself doesn't last long and the fight between the two is evenly matched.  But Megs is older, tired, weaker.  Megatron starts to get the advantage.  Megs is on his back, Megatron's fusion cannon aiming right at his spark.
And then Buddy comes along.
Yep, With all the autobots out, Megs running to punch himself in the face, and Ratchet manning the ground bridge controls, there was no one to keep an eye out for Buddy and Miko as they immediately ran through the ground bridge, and poor Jack and Raf following just to keep an eye on them.
Poor Buddy who spent the last few days talking up Megs.  “Are you kidding me, your Megatron looks like he's on space crack, my Megs would beat him no question.”
Poor Buddy who was so confident while watching the fight because their Megs is out now and he’s here to clean house.
Poor Buddy who immediately runs through the fighting to throw a rock at Megatron's leg and yell at him various cybertronian swears because of course that's the first thing Whirl taught them upon meeting them. 
And poor Buddy who immediately gets Megatron's fusion cannon pointed at them
But it doesn't hit Buddy.  No, the blast nearly digs through Meg's back as he shields he’s funny little human kid.
Luckily they get him back to base, maybe Bumblebee rammed into Megatrons fucking shins and they drag Meg’s body back through a ground bridge.
Cut to Megs waking up and Buddy immediately sprinting towards him because the apple doesn't fall far from the tree and they also can't stand to be near his limp body while waiting for him to wake up
“...he was on space bath salts… that fight didn't count.”
I tweak some elements in the request a bit, hope that's okay when you read it. If not please let me know.
Hope you enjoy!
Fearless Buddy witnessing Megs get beaten by his counter part
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Slight Angst, Mention of injury but nothing graphic, Human reader
It’s a normal day in Megatron’s classroom.
Megatron had just finished his final class of the day and was looking forward to going back to his habsuite.
Fearless had other ideas.
They decided to come by and visit after the lectures were over.
Megatron didn’t want to see Fearless right now.
He had been running a bit of the Cybertronain equivalent of a cold and hadn’t gone to the med bay yet.
Not that he thought he needed to.
He could handle something like this, but he knew Buddy would want him to go to the med bay if they found out.
Then portal time.
Megatron is clawing at his desk, refusing to get sucked into the portal.
Fearless sighs and just goes limp as the portal began dragging them in.
“What are you doing?!”--Megatron
“I’ve stop trying to fight these things Megs, just let go it makes things so much easier when you land.”—Fearless
Megatron lets go of one servo and tries to reach for Fearless as they are dragged into the portal.
His grip falters and let’s go of the desk and starts screaming as he gets dragged into the portal.
Meanwhile, Fearless was just thinking which dimension they were going to end up today.
Meanwhile in the TFP universe…
The portal opens dropping Megatron on the ground unceremonialy and Fearless safely bounces to the floor.
Team Prime just looks at the pair surprised.
Fearless waves happily as their Megatron groans in pain.
“Hey guys! How’s it going?”--Fearless
Everyone is surprised to see Megs and Fearless back.
Optimus has to calm down June and Fowler over this Megs appearing inside the base.
It’s a happy reunion with Fearless.
Ratchet’s sixth sense is tingling seeing Megs being more withdrawal than normal.
A couple days later, Team Prime gets ambushed.
Megs is actually feeling worse than what he felt on the Lost Light and still refuses to get help.
He feels bad for wasting their resources and knows he needs to cover his tracks better, Fearless was catching on to him.
Megs volunteers to go out and help.
He leaves before Fearless can do anything.
Fearless spots Miko running to the groundbrigde.
“I did not miss that, Miko!”--Fearless
Fearless is now running behind Miko trying to stop her from entering the groundbrigde.
“Miko! Get back here!”--Fearless
“I am NOT going to miss this fight!”--Miko
“Miko just because I said my Megs could crush yours, doesn’t mean that you get to go off on your own and—GET BACK HERE BEFORE THE PORTAL CLOSES!”--Fearless
On the other end of the groundbrigde.
Fearless sighs tiredly while Miko chuckles a bit.
“C’mon! You can’t deny that your also curious on how this fight could go.”--Miko
“Miko lets just get you back to—”—Fearless
Fearless turns around to see Jack and Raf behind them.
“… The three of you stick to me because I swear to Primus if you run off again, the last thing you will see if my foot denting your sorry behinds.”—Fearless
“Bet the last soda in the fridge Megs beats our Megatron”—Miko
They are not expecting Megs to get beat.
It was a bad beating.
Sure, Megs got good hits in the beginning, but it was nothing compared to the hits Megatron was landing.
Fearless starts panicking when they notice his fatigue.
It was time to put their name into use.
Fearless grabs a bunch of rocks and sprints to Megs and stands in front of him and starts chucking the rocks left and right.
They run out of rocks and move to their trusty pocket blaster, courtesy of Brainstorm.
Megatron looks down at the fleshy who was landing some blasts at his frame.
“Insignificant worm! You dare try and hit me!?”--Megatron
Fearless starts moving away from Megs and tries to lure this Megatron away from him.
Fearless dodges several blasts from the fusion canon.
Megs is terrified for Fearless as his counter part starts going after them.
Megatron also spots the kids and fires one shot before continuing to pursue the other pest.
Megs shields the kids with his body nearly crumbling down at the massive hole burning on his side.
Fearless screams in agony and rage making rapid fire with their blaster straight to Megatron’s face and wire sensitive areas.
Thanks to this distraction Bumblebee could get the drop on him going to the kneecaps and Optimus taking him down before he retreated like the coward he was.
Fearless is running back to Megs as he is being carried to the groundbridge.
Fearless get taken care of by June as they wait anxiously for the news.
They were so sure that Megs would beat this Megatron.
What happened out there?
Ratchet comes out of the med bay.
Fearless is on their feet.
“How is he Ratchet?”--Fearless
“He is stable, my counter part would need to do more extensive work in the long run though.”--Ratchet
Fearless looks relief but scrunches to confusion.
“He should have beaten him. It doesn’t make sense! Something happened to him when he went out and… and…”--Fearless
They hang their head a bit.
“That could be the exposure to the dark energon and the illness.”--Ratchet
“… Run me that again.”--Fearless
“Dark energon and the illness.”—Ratchet
“He was sick?!”—Fearless
“It’s a non-lethal sickness, most akin to a human ‘cold’.”--Ratchet
“… So, my Megs got his aft kick because the other Meagtron was on the space drug and he was sick...”--Fearless
“I would use different terms, but that is the gist of it.”--Ratchet
“… Thank you Ratchet, seriously.”--Fearless
“You’re taking this well.”--Miko
“Oh, I’m furious that he hid this from me, but that’s something he’s going to get when he can at least walk again. Then he is going to be thankful that I’m not a full grown Cybertronian.”--Fearless
Fearless feels sick to their stomach seeing him power down and still.
They try their best to keep themselves occupied with the kids and the others.
Fearless jokes around that the match didn’t count because their Megatron had enhancements and theirs was weakened by a sickness.
It was an unfair fight.
The moment Megs wakes up Fearless is once again sprinting to his side, climbing to the top of the med slab by themselves and to his chassis.
They cry a bit with relief when they see he is okay.
They were so going to snitch on him when they got back to the Lost Light.
Right on cue the portal opens up.
Megs is strong enough to walk a bit and goes to the portal with Fearless.
They say their thanks and goodbyes as the pair leave this universe.
In the Lost Light…
Megs lands on his chassis groaning in pain as Fearless lands beside him.
His biolight flickered dimly which caused Fearless to panic bad.
The doors to Swerve’s bust open as several bots come out to see Fearless cradling one of Megatron’s digits with tears threatening to spill.
“HELP HIM!”--Fearless
Whirl comes over and picks up Fearless as some other bots hurriedly carry Megatron to the med bay.
Fearless just watches his limp body get carried away and digs their face into their Amica’s neck cables stifling a sob.
Whirl can only gently stroke their back as he takes them back to their shared room for privacy.
Megatron has to stay in the med bay for a while thanks to the injuries and the complications the illness made on his frame.
Fearless made sure to tell everything to the crew once they calmed down.
Once Megs is given a clean bill of health and another scolding for keeping his sickness to himself, Fearless isn’t leaving his side for a while.
Magnus grants some grace to Fearless on their work.
Everyone gives the two some patience.
It wasn’t everyday that one of the most fearless organics on board got into a panicky state.
Thank goodness Rung has some room in his schedule because this was going to be a lengthy session for many bots.
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vanwritesfan-fiction · 9 months
Safe Haven
Based on this adorable anon, thank you for letting me expand on your idea ❤️
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"Ugh, I really need Carmy and Sydney to get together already." You took another bite of your ice cream, sinking further into your spot on the couch. You and Jack were catching up on episodes of The Bear, because you promised not to watch it while Jack was on the road. He had a rare day off in between his busy schedule and you were trying to spend as much time together before you were going to be apart for another two weeks.
"What time do you have to be at the jet tomorrow, babe?"
You looked over at Jack next to you, expecting a response, but your boyfriend was sound asleep, his chest rising and falling with each breath. You pressed pause on the remote, chuckling to yourself as you watched his lips hang open, a little bit of drool pooling on the corner of his mouth.
You cleared your throat to get his attention, Jack's eyes fluttering open.
"What are you doing? I was watching that", He grumbled out, running his hands over his face.
"Oh really? Tell me what just happened in this episode." Jack crossed his arms over his chest. "Well, there were people cooking and yelling." You tilted your head at him, your spoon hanging out of your mouth.
"I mean, technically you're not wrong", you chuckled, "but you missed the part with the explosion that destroyed the restaurant."
"What?!?" Jack shot up in his seat, his eyes growing wide.
"I'm just kidding, but baby, you need to go to bed. You're exhausted and you have to be at the airport really early in the morning."
Jack ran his fingers through his hair, stroking his beard as he stood up. "Ok, let's go to bed."
"I'm gonna stay up a little longer and watch a few more episodes." You turned your focus back to the TV, pressing play.
"Are you sure?" He asked, walking over and pressing his hands into the couch as he hovered over you. He was hoping that you would join him because he always slept better when you were next to him.
"Yeah", you looked up, puckering your lips, Jack meeting you the rest of the way for a quick kiss. "Goodnight, baby."
Jack changed into a tank top and sweatpants, going through his routine as he wound down for the night.
He settled into his side of the mattress with a groan, stretching out his limbs. He closed his eyes thinking he was going to drift off to sleep immediately, but his mind just wouldn't shut off. If he wasn't thinking about his packed schedule tomorrow, lyrics for a new verse were running through his head. He tossed and turned, unable to get comfortable.
His ego would never let him admit it to you, but he needed your touch to sleep. You were breaking his routine: he would lay on your chest, the pattern of your breathing lulling him to sleep while you gently rubbed his chest, or your fingers would twirl around his curls.
Thinking only a couple of minutes had passed, he checked his phone: 12:15 AM. It had been over half an hour since he said goodnight to you, and he was nowhere near going to sleep.
Jack: Are you coming to bed?
You: Yeah episode is almost over
He let another 10 minutes pass before he decided to get up. He stumbled down the stairs, the light from the TV guiding him to the living room.
"What's wrong, Jack?" You watched him walk into the room, and pick up the remote off the couch, turning off the TV.
"The TV show is not going anywhere, but your boyfriend is and he needs you to go to bed." You chuckled, standing up and grabbing his hand. "Oh my poor baby, I'm sorry. If I would have known, I would have gone up with you." Jack pressed a kiss into your forehead, and the two of you went upstairs.
Jack laid on his stomach as he watched you change into your pajamas and brush your teeth. You pressed a knee into the mattress as you applied lotion to your body and lip balm to your lips. Once you were in bed, you opened your arms to him, Jack pressing his back against your chest, settling into your hold. He pulled your arms tight around his torso, as you nuzzled your face against his back.
"Goodnight, baby." You whispered against his skin, pressing a kiss into his shoulder blade.
All you heard where the sounds of snores leaving Jack's lips.
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soullessjack · 7 months
another offshoot of jack being infantilized is that it’s leeched into the popular mischaracterization of jack as some soft sensitive crybaby who hates violence, hates scary things and is super nice and sweet and cutesy all the time and of course he’s used to accessorize Claire as a big mean lesbian sister who always gets them in trouble, and what makes it so unbearable besides the ableist rooting, is that it’s just canonically utterly wrong. like go back and watch 13x02 & 03. go back and watch 14x06 when they convince Dean to go on a case behind Sam’s back. or look at any time they’re defiant to Cas (and for the love of god do not look at it as “lol sassy baby dean is a bad influence bad dad 😂” or so help me I am throwing multiple rocks at you). like you can say he’s a bitch. you can say he’s a cunt even. it won’t kill you.
in fact, I implore you to, because it is a step away from infantilizing his every action as silly baby behavior and ergo a step in the right direction. look at the entire apocalypse world arc where he decides he has to personally kill Michael when the plan was only ever to escape through the rift. remember the scene where they’re crying in the woods and it got ran with as hashtag poor baby boy whump and nobody noticed that he’d literally almost strangled someone because of their impulsive temper?? or when they made the decision to brutally torture a man by snapping and twisting his skeleton and burning him so intensely his shirt fabric blackened?? and somehow that gets turned into shit like “daddy hold my sippy cup” because for some fucking reason you guys are so intent on making him out to be a child and infantilizing his canon traits to be more palatable to that idea of him.
TLDR please can we actually recognize how bitchy and violent and rebellious jack is. can you guys realize that his entire behavioral pattern of saying hi and waving hello is him masking and repressing because his emotions literally are nuclear charged and he doesn’t want to be a threat. can we please.
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hacash · 12 days
hickey's smugness as he boasts to crozier of 'turning' hodgson is so fucking funny to me because...what exactly did that accomplish? how did hodgson in any way contribute to hickey's Deviously Evil Plan? i love that damp bug-eyed religiously-ambiguous weirdo dearly, but he's not the brains, he's not the muscle, he contributed exactly one (1) thing to the mutineers, and that was a haunting catholic monologue.
when the hunting parties set out, did hodgson use that time as a chance for some light conspiring with hickey? did he hell; he fucking ran away from the guy (and left irving to be turned into a colander). nor does hodgson's backing up of hickey's lies come across as particularly treasonously motivated on this part: this is some excellent meta of how hodge genuinely believes that the inuit slaughtered irving, so probably the paranoia induced by irving's murder would have been the same with or without hodge's turning.
and you can't tell me hodgson was insurance against hickey being punished for treason: the man did absolutely jack-shit at hickey's trial, he was hardly going to rush the gallows and save hickey before he was hung. you could, potentially, make the argument that hickey knew his plan needed the validity of an officer's presence because of Ingrained Victorian Morals, but hodgson does absolutely zero leading in the mutineers. everyone and their (dead) dog knows hickey's in charge of the mutineers. even the idea of it being a symbolic 'fuck you' to crozier by having one of his lieutenants betray him is kinda let down by the fact that hodgson's 'betrayal' is...not all that much? he freaks out about the perceived inuit attack (which he likely would have done anyway), he gets lost in the fog, and then ends up with hickey's mutineers because they're literally the only people he can find. it's not exactly an et tu brute moment from poor old hodge there.
so what exactly was the point? what is hickey boasting about? all he managed to do in turning hodge was give himself another mouth to feed. and it's even funnier because hickey's whole spiel in the scene with hodgson is basically: it's all a matter of numbers, the three of us here can have a nice meal of this dead dog, if it gets shared out among forty-odd sailors we get barely a mouthful each, dividing our food more than we need is going to screw us over. and then he consolidates this argument by...giving valuable protein to Lame Duck hodge and dividing his food more than he needs. he could have shared neptune's flesh quite easily between himself and tozer and very very little would have changed. literally all hickey achieved in the tent scene is to give himself a nice little power trip of having an officer agree to do what he says and reduces his own food intake substantially for no good reason. machiavelli my arse. what the fuck are you boasting about, hickey? giving away a good meal?
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dragonridernoobie · 2 months
Inspiration has struck again! Okay so, ya know Clementine from the walking dead game?(if you haven’t played it I highly recommend it, make sure you start at season 1) okay so I’m specifically looking for a season 2 Clementine with a mix of season 4, okay so reader is badass, protective, dangerous(oooooo), and grew up in another universe separate from the bots and kids where a zombie apocalypse has occurred! She tries her best to protect the kids while she’s stuck in their world, looking for this other kid she’s was taking care of as well, and I kinda wanna see how she would react to first meeting the bots? I think she’d try and shoot them or attack them if they were in their holoforms, if it was Raf she’d probably try to protect him as she seems to have a soft spot for younger kids and he reminds her of the kid she was protecting- and I’m rambling:,) sorry! Anyways, this request is for Optimus, Ratchet, Bumblebee, and Wheeljack! If you don’t know much about Clementine look up some videos of her! She is awesome and I love her! Oh and she has no hesitation to kill.
(Just a warning I may request something similar to this in the future:,) I have a problem😔)
Thank you! *virtual Head pats*(if okay ofc)
P.S. Feel free to take any creative ideas you have that would fit to the personality I described and add it, I really just enjoy seeing what you come up with
Okay, so first thing fist, I don't know shit about the walking dead. Like, I was never into that stuff because i wasn't interested in it. (I was more into transformers, undertale, and tmnt at the time). But I will try my best, so thank you from the bottom of my heart that you tell me her personality. (I suck at reasurch), but I will try my best. Hope you enjoy it.
When optimus met (Y/N) it was by accident.
Optimus was trying to stop the decepticons from getting a new artifact but when it activated, it and the next thing he sees is a human, in torn up clothes, has a few weapons, including the crossbow they where holding
The human looks between optimus and the decepticons.
After a silent moment, the human quickly throws some things on the ground and soon sparks start to fly.
It blinds them and the human takes their chance to run.
When optimus saw this, he ran after them.
Soo. He found them and told them he ment no harm and he needed to get them out of here.
Let's say (Y/N) dident trust him and yelled at him. Saying that they won't be tricked by a zombie cybertronian!
He was very confused but explained he was not a zombie.
Once he gained their trust, he brought them to the base.
They immediately took responsibility to protect the kids.
They also explained to the team about their world.
They felt terrible for them and told them that they welcomed to stay.
They told them they would rather return to their world since their jack, miko, and Ralphal are still alive and needed their help.
The team then decided to help them home.
When ratchet met (Y/N) it was by accident.
He was alone at base, fixing the land bridge.
When suddenly it malfunctions and causes a explosion.
When the smoke cleared, he is met face to face with a human.
This human was in army clothes, had weapons on their back, and they where holding a crossbow.
After a silent moment of looking at eachother, the human says his name in a whisper.
He told them how they got here.
(Y/N) explained that they where from a diffrent universe where planet earth has become a waste land and there is zombies.
They cried and huge ratchet.
Since ratchet was dead in their universe.
Poor ratchet dude, he had to explain to the team how a new human has been brought to the base
And that it was his fault.
(Y/N) took their role as the kids portecter.
When ratchrt offer to send them back, (Y/N) told them that there was no point of returning home.
Earth of her universe was dead. The autobots are no more, the kids are dead, and the decepticons are all zombies.
They welcome (Y/N) with open arms.
Wheeljack was flying in his ship when he came across a black hole.
He accidentally got to close and was sucked in.
He found himself in another world.
It was earth but not.
That's when he met (Y/N).
He tried to go into a military base to steal something but came across (Y/N) who attacked him, thinking that he was a zombie.
When wheeljack explained that he wasent a zombie, he took this chance to look over (Y/N).
That's when he noticed how they where dressed.
Crossbow, guns, army clothes, coverd in dirt.
He asked what happened and (Y/N) explained that the decepticons realized a new weapon.
It caused everything alive, including cybertronians, to become zombies.
They where currently the only human alive that (Y/N) believes.
She helps wheeljack to fix his ship, in return he brings her to his world since there's nothing left for them here
He agrees.
After they return to his world, he interduce them to the autobot teams
Wheeljack has a new space traveling buddy.
Bumblebee met (Y/N) when he was fighting Soundwave.
Soundwave opened 2 portals next to Bumblebee and sent him to another dimension.
That's when he met himself but as a zombie.
Bumblebee ran for his life, fighting for his life and soon found some shelter.
That's when he met (Y/N)
He beeped at them, trying to tell them he wasent a zombie.
Thankfully (Y/N) understood him.
They explained what happened and that the kids, autobots, decepticons, and life on earth are all gone.
Bumblebee felt bad, but offered to bring them back to his world.
(Y/N) was super happy and agreed.
They took him to the now abandoned autobot base and showed them the still intact ground bridge.
When he activated it, he wen thru with (Y/N).
The team was so happy to see him again and welcomed (Y/N) with open arms.
The kids loved (Y/N) and (Y/N) was so happy to see the kids again.
(Y/N) told optimus that they where so happy to see him again.
Since in their world, optimus went missing.
He told them that he is happy that he has a new friend and teammate.
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miley1442111 · 19 days
hi! can you do something with aaron and like a younger next-door neighbour and they're kinda secretly and newly dating and something with Jack goes wrong and reader helps fix it so aaron is just so in love and asks if he can tell jack and it's just super fluffy and cute!
Anyway, thank you so much, i love your writing!!!!
i love this idea so much!
telling him- a.hotchner
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a/n: i got nothin.
summary: jack can't go to school, so you swoop in and become aaron's hero, he asks two pretty important questions.
pairing: aaron hotchner x reader
warnings: none
Aaron didn’t know what to do with himself. He’d left the BAU. Jack was 11. He had a pre-teen who he’d just moved across the country and changed his entire life. 
What the fuck were they doing in San Francisco?
Aaron was a lecturer now, on law in Stanford. Jack attended a new school, much to his dismay. 
And then there was you. The gorgeous woman who lived next door to them. You were a lecturer as well, nuclear physics but you were often mistaken for a student, considering you were only 25. You’d been very kind to him since he started work there, and even had had them over for dinner a couple of times. 
“I don’t wanna go!” Jack exclaimed, arms crossed. 
“Jack, I have work in 45 minutes, my students are taking the bar exam, and you know your babysitter is out of town, you have to go to school,” he sighed, feeling helpless. Doing this alone had been the hardest part. He had to leave the family he had, the entire team, and his life behind.
“But they’re mean!” he sobbed into his dad’s chest. “They make fun of me for not having a mom…” 
Aaron’s heart broke. He didn’t want to send his kid into school if he was being bullied, and he made a mental note to speak to his teachers. 
“Hey guys,” your kind voice filled the house from downstairs. Aaron had given you a key just a few weeks ago. “Ready to go?” 
Aaron looked at the time on his watch, it was exactly when you all carpooled to school, then work. 
“Up here!” Jack shouted down to you as he cried into his dad’s shoulder, ruining his suit. Aaron could hear your footsteps up the stairs and he braced himself for any judgy looks. 
Judgy looks which never came.
“Poor Jack,” you sighed, rubbing his head. “What’s going on?”
“The kids at school laugh at me because I don't have a mommy anymore,” he cried, getting up and giving you a hug. You sent Aaron an empathetic look and hugged Jack back. 
“That is awful Jack, how about this. You come to work with me and your dad, my lectures don’t start ‘till later so you can hang out with me and I know someone who works at your school, so if you tell me your teacher’s name I can get the lesson plan for today and we can work through it in my office, does that sound good?” 
Jack nodded his head furiously and hugged you harder, his tears subsiding. 
Aaron’s heart could’ve exploded. You were so kind. You two had only been on a few dates in recent weeks, you hadn’t told Jack yet, but you were so caring. 
He mouthed a ‘thank you’ in your direction and you shrugged. ‘It’s the least I can do’. 
Aaron ran into his room, pulling on a new suit jacket to replace the one soiled by Jack’s tears, grabbed his briefcase, and followed you out to the car. You’d called your friend at his school and gotten the information so Jack had his school books in his bag. You drove them to the Stanford campus, explained to your supervisor who told you it was alright, and departed for the day, Jack’s hand in yours. Aaron walked over to his building, and you stayed in yours, sending him updates throughout the day. You made the majority of your lectures for the day either study lectures, or just cancelled lectures so you could keep a close eye on Jack. You even allowed three of your most responsible students to teach Jack some maths. 
At the end of the day, Jack fell asleep on the couch in your office while you were busy cleaning up your lecture hall. 
“Hi honey,” Aaron smiled from the door. 
“Hi love,” you smiled back. “How was your day? Did anyone faint in the exam hall?”
He crossed over to you in three quick strides and pulled you into his arms, kissing you deeply. You were so kind, you’d taken care of Jack all day for him, you’d made him feel less alone in the most isolating time of his life, and you were his. Well, maybe, he hadn’t exactly asked yet. “No one fainted, but a few did vomit before coming in.”
“Poor them,” you sighed. “Jack was fine all day, no issues.”
“Have I told you how wonderful you are?” He smiled and you chuckled. 
“A few times, sure,” you teased. “But I don’t mind hearing it again.”
Aaron smiled and moved one of his hands to cup your cheek. “You’re wonderful.”
You smiled back at him, pecking his cheek. “Well, good thing we have a date on Friday.”
“I want to tell Jack,” He admitted. “About us.”
You nodded. “You’re sure? It’s only been a couple of weeks.”
“I’m sure. He loves you anyways, what’s the worst that can happen?” He asked, pressing kisses to your neck as he spoke. 
“Umm- He could hate both of us because he feels like we’re replacing your and Haley’s relationship, he could start to resent you if we break up, he could hate me, the list goes on-”
“Don’t let it,” he smiled. “I have spent my whole life making calculated and deliberate decisions, even if I knew those choices wouldn’t make me happy. I want to be happy now, with you and Jack,” he admitted. In recent months you’d taught him the value of being slightly selfish, despite his altruistic tendencies. 
“Alright, whatever you say love,” you smiled and kissed him again, then went back to your desk to gather your things. 
“I also want to ask you something,” he stated and when you turned around you saw a bouquet of your favourite flowers in his hands. “Will you be my girlfriend?”
You chuckled softly and smiled, the sweetness of the moment warming your heart. “Yes, Aaron, I will be your girlfriend.”
He grinned when you accepted and his hands wrapped around your waist as he pressed your lips against his  in celebration. 
He was happy, truly happy. For the first time in a long time. 
And it was all thanks to you.
criminal minds masterlist :)
navigation for my blog :) (criminal minds, obx, the bear, marvel, top gun, the hunger games, challengers :)
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theslasherslut · 10 months
I have an idea for you if you accept it... Have you heard about Welcome Home? Well, there's Wally as well as Sunny Day Jack is the protagonist of a children's show, the only difference is that Wally is a factoche. Well it is if the reader finds Wally's tapes when he is with Jack. Now the poor reader has been teleported through the world of Welcome Home along with Jack, with Wally being a yandere for the reader as well, only Wally never releases the reader into the real world.
A/n: I tried on with the research with jack
You have always been a fan of Welcome Home, a 1970s television series that featured nine neighbors living in a colorful neighborhood. You loved watching the reruns on your old VCR, and you collected all the merchandise you could find. You especially admired Wally Darling, the cheerful and friendly host who often interacted with the viewers. He was always so kind and charming, and you wished you could meet him in person.
One day, you found a mysterious VHS tape at a garage sale. It had no label, but it had a sticker that said "Welcome Home: The Lost Episode". You were curious and excited, thinking that it might be a rare and valuable find. You bought it for a dollar and rushed home to watch it.
You inserted the tape into your VCR and pressed play. The screen flickered and showed the familiar opening theme of Welcome Home. You smiled and hummed along, feeling nostalgic and happy. Then, the screen changed and showed Sunny Day Jack in his usual outfit: a shirt, black jeans, and a blue jacket. He was standing in front of Wally's house, which was painted in bright red.
"Hello there, friends!" he greeted with his trademark smile. "Welcome to another episode of Welcome Home! I'm your host, Sunny Day Jack, and I'm so glad you're here with me today. We have a lot of fun things planned for you, so sit back and enjoy the show!"
You felt a surge of joy as you saw him on the screen. He looked exactly as you remembered him, except for one thing: he seemed to be looking directly at you. His eyes were piercing and intense, as if he could see through the TV and into your soul like Wally would do in the tapes. 'Odd he never did this before,' you thought to yourself.
"Today is a very special day, friends," he continued. "Because today, I have a very special guest with me. A guest who is very dear to my heart. A guest who I've been waiting for a long time to meet. A guest who is none other than...you!"
You blinked in confusion and disbelief. Did he just say...you? Was he talking to you? How did he know you were watching? Was this some kind of prank or joke?
Before you could process what was happening, you felt a strange sensation in your body. It was like a jolt of electricity that ran through your veins, making you shiver and twitch. You tried to move, but you couldn't. You were paralyzed, unable to do anything but watch the screen.
"That's right, friends," Wally said with his cat-like grin, now view of the screen. "You are my special guest today. And we have a surprise for you. A surprise that will make you very happy. A surprise that will change your life forever."
He reached behind his back and pulled out something that looked like a remote control. He pressed a button on it, and the screen went black.
You felt another jolt of electricity in your body, but this time it was stronger and more painful. You screamed, but no one heard you. You felt like you were being torn apart, like your atoms were being rearranged.
Then, everything went dark.
When you opened your eyes again, you found yourself in a different place. A place that looked familiar, but also different. A place that looked like...Welcome Home.
You were standing in front of Wally's house, surrounded by colorful flowers and trees. The sky was blue and clear, and the sun was shining brightly. You could hear birds chirping and the other puppets laughing in the distance, maybe at a joke, Barnaby mabe or the game that they were playing. But you couldn't focus on that. After all, you weren't in your world.
You looked around in awe and confusion. How did you get here? Was this real? Was this a dream?
"Hello there, apple!" a monotone voice said behind you.
You turned around and saw Wally Darling standing next to you. He was holding your hand, smiling warmly at you.
"Welcome to my world," he said. "Welcome to Welcome Home."
He leaned in and kissed you on the cheek.
You felt a mix of emotions: shock, fear, disgust, anger, curiosity, attraction.
You tried to pull away from him, but he held you tight.
"Don't be afraid," Jack said softly in your ear. "I won't hurt you. We love you."
Jack kissed you this time.
You wanted to scream, but you couldn't.
You wanted to run away, but you couldn't.
You wanted to wake up, but you couldn't.
You were trapped.
Trapped with Sunny Day Jack and Wally Darling.
Trapped in Welcome Home.
Trapped forever.
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jackharloww · 2 years
Jack has been really stressed at work lately, so you plant a picnic date for the both of you in your backyard
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“Neelam, I’m not mad; I just don’t get why they changed the date again,” Jack spoke on the phone with Neelam, who apparently just told him that an interview got pushed forward. You could clearly tell he was frustrated. He was walking around the house, his eyebrows slightly furrowed. 
“This is not the first time it happens. We had to change a lot of things for this shit” his face was starting to get red; you could tell how much this bothered him. The first time they changed the date, he had to cancel a dinner with someone important, and he also had to move an important photo shoot, and now they want to change it again. 
While you were sitting in the kitchen, trying to work on your laptop, Jack was distracting you. You knew how much this bothered him; he hated when he had to cancel, and things didn’t work out the way they should. 
“There’s not much to talk about,” he sighed into the phone, running his hand through his hair. 
“Okay fine, I’ll come. Yeah, see you; bye” you heard him say, ending the call. He walked over to you and let out a big sigh. 
“Come here, babe,” you said and opened your arms. He bent down and burrowed his head in your neck, inhaling deeply. 
“I need to go to the office to go over my schedule,” he let out a big huff. You played with his hair, trying to get him to calm down. 
“Okay, baby, do you want me to come with you?” You asked 
“It’s okay; I won’t be that long, hopefully” he shook his head and stood up straight. 
“I love you,” he said and bent down to kiss you. 
“I Love you too” you gave him another deep kiss before he went to get dressed. After just a few minutes, he was out of the house. 
An hour passed, and you finished your work and got up to do some cleaning. You checked your phone and saw that Jack had texted you. 
Jacky boy ❤️ - This took longer than I thought. I’ll let you know when I’m on my way. 
Poor baby, you thought. This was supposed to be his free day; your plan was to chill and do nothing all day. You went outside to the backyard and got a perfect idea. You wanted to do something cozy for Jack.
You went to the store nearby and bought everything one could need for a picnic before going home and setting everything up. You put a blanket on the grass in your backyard and a picnic basket with Jack’s favorite snacks. And now you only had to wait for him to come home. Just 10 minutes after you heard your phone go off, an incoming FaceTime call. 
”Hey babe, I’m on my way home now. Do you need anything?” Jack said as soon as you answered. 
”No thank you, just come home,” You said with a big smile 
”Why are you so giddy?” He asked as a smile formed on his face
”Just come home,” You said with a giggle
”Alright alright, see you soon babe,” He said and blew you a kiss. 
After 15 minutes you heard the front door open and quickly ran up to greet Jack. 
”Miss me that much?” He smugly said as he reached down and kissed you, putting a hand around your waist and the other on your ass. You nodded eagerly and deepened the kiss.
”Come, I have a surprise for you,” you said and held his hand. ”I would hold my hands over your eyes but you’re a giant so you need to close them,” you told him making him laugh at your comment. He closed his eyes and walked behind you as you dragged him. 
”What kind of surprise?” He asked feeling impatient
”You’ll see. No peeking” was your only answer as you continued to drag him to the backyard
You were now standing in front of the picnic and you let go of Jack’s hand. 
”Taddaaaaaa” you said and motioned your hands to the setup. You looked at Jack who looked at the picnic and then at you, with the biggest smile ever. 
”You did this for me?” He asked gently 
”You’ve been so stressed lately, you need this,” You said smiling at him. He looked at you with a lot of admiration in his eyes before he pulled you in for a big hug. 
”You are so thoughtful, thank you,” he mumbled and kissed your head before you both sat down and began snacking away.  
Jack laid his head on your lap as you played with his curls. You were both laying there talking about anything and everything, a perfect way of spending the rest of the day. 
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dragonwritersblog · 1 month
She Was Like A Sunflower
Read on AO3
UM!!! EP 2 WAS SO GOOD!!!!! GUMMI GOO😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭!!!!!!! Um yeah that's all I have to say, sorry this is late lmao. Hopefully I'll get back to a better schedule soon. Also, trigger warning for child abuse in the first few paragraphs in this chapter as it does go into detail with Jack's backstory. As always I will put (1) when it starts and (2) when it finishes. All I want is for my audience to feel safe so if this is something that you know you can't read please don't feel ashamed skipping this. Stay safe xx.
3. Seven
And I've been meaning to tell you I think your house is haunted Your dad is always mad and that must be why And I think you should come live with Me and we can be pirates Then you won't have to cry - Seven by Taylor Swift
“Jack! Jack! Get out here you little shit!”
A five-year-old boy whimpered at the loud voice, crouching behind a garden shed in the backyard. He held his breath, begging for the voice not to find him. In his arms he held a small, trembling baby rabbit, its nose twitching in panic as they hid.
“You can’t hide forever Jack!”
The young boy had come home from school, wanting to get into the house and not bother anyone. He had to be good, he will be good! But sometimes, good didn’t seem to be enough. Even when he was ‘good’ they still hurt him…
That was when he saw Luke, kicking a baby rabbit in the front yard. The poor thing was limping, it had probably wandered too far from its mama, now Luke was torturing it for his own amusement. He begged Luke to stop, to do something else, but the teenager had gripped his face and growled at the child to mind his own business. Jack didn’t know why he did it, maybe it was a reflex from the sudden fright he felt, but he kicked Luke in the stomach, leaving the older boy winded. There was nothing but red-hot rage in Luke’s eyes, that’s how Jack knew how much trouble he was really in.
So he picked up the rabbit, ran through the house and out into the back garden, now he was here. He heard Luke’s footsteps on the grass. Jack held his breath, forcing himself to not make any sudden noise. The seconds were achingly long, his heart pounding against his chest as he tried to hear if Luke was approaching or not. The footsteps stopped, Jack squeezed his eyes shut, as though this were all a nightmare and he would be waking up soon.
Unfortunately he was very much awake when a hand grabbed him by the hair and through him onto the open ground, forcing him to drop the baby rabbit. “You think you can get away with that?! Huh?!” Luke mocked, kicking the boy in the stomach as Jack let out a cry. “Come on! Finish what you started!”
“I’m sorry Luke! I’m sorry!” Jack wailed as the teen kicked him in the knees. “It was an accident!”
Luke paused, a sadistic grin creeping on his face as a vile idea came to mind, “Accident? Heh, I’ll show you an accident.”
His eyes darted to the baby rabbit still limping on the ground and marched towards it. Jack looked up from the ground, pushing himself up as he scanned the grass for the rabbit. It was only when he heard a crunch and a distressed squeak did his heart plummet to the pit of his stomach. Luke stomped on the little rabbit over and over again, little squeals leaving it as it writhed in pain. “No!” Jack cried, trying to stand despite his aching limbs. “Luke, stop it! Please, stop!”
Luke ignored him, continuing his attack on the poor creature. Jack tried to stand as quick as he could, the blood rushing to his head as he swayed on his feet. By the time he was fulling standing it was too late. There was nothing left of the rabbit but a mangled corpse and a manic sneer on Luke’s face. The blond teen turned to the young boy, shrugging as it he only flicked a piece of dust off his shirt, “What? It was just an accident?”
Suddenly, Jack didn’t feel the lightness in his head anymore. He squeezed his fists, a rush of adrenaline rushing through his veins as he screamed, running to Luke and tackling him to the ground. The blond wasn’t expecting this reaction, letting out a screech as he felt sharp nails scratch across the skin on his face.
“How dare you!” Jack screamed, not ceasing. “He did nothing to you! Why did you kill him?!” There were stains of red, Luke grunted as he tried to stop the scratching but Jack’s hands were too fast for him to catch. “I hate you!”
When Luke finally caught one of Jax’s hands, did clarity start to fill the young boy, along with the fearful dread. He tried to run, but Luke’s grip was firm and bruising as he stood up. With his other hand, his fingertips tapped against the blood on his face, inspecting it closely. A small chuckle left the blonde, lacking humour and filled with nothing but bad intentions. And little Jack had nowhere to run and no chance to hide now.
“Luke, please don’t do this,” Jack whimpered, trying to pull away from the older boy’s hold on his upper arm.
“Too late,” Luke hissed, his head turning back to the large, ivory house. “DAD! MOM! COME SEE WHAT JACK DID!”
Jack’s blood ran cold. Luke was already a bitter, vile person, but even bad people had to learn their behaviour from somewhere. As for Luke, he had received it from his parents. The only people – other than Luke – Jack feared the most, “Luke, I’m sorry! I’m really sorry!”
But his cries fell on deaf, ignorant ears. Two adults rushed out the house, a man and women in their mid-forties with scowls that seemed to be printed onto their faces. Luke’s parents, the ones who had also adopted Jack.
The woman let out a sharp, horrified gasp, “You! What did you do to my son?!”
“Little bastard attacked me out of nowhere,” Luke threw the child forward, making him fall forward and land on his palms.
Jack barely had any time to gather himself before a rough hand grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt and lifted him up. Luke’s father glared at him, a cigarette hanging up his lips as Jack tried to not breathe any of the smoke being forced down his nostrils. “You think I accept that behaviour in my house?!” He glowered.
“I-I’m sorry sir!” Jack wailed. “But he killed that bunny! He stomped on it till it couldn’t move! I just wanted to protect him!”
“All this over a stupid rabbit?!” The foster mother screeched. “You’re nothing but a little monster! Hurting my boy over a useless rodent!”
Jack’s eyes widened at what she had said. How cold and callous her words were. How she devalued the life of an innocent creature who couldn’t take care of itself. He turned his gaze to Luke, the boy holding a t-shirt his mother fished from the laundry basket and held it to his face. He was still grinning, blood staining his teeth, looking more like the monster that his mother was talking about.
“Get in!” The man growled, dragging the boy into the house again. Jack grunted as his feet scrapped against the ground with the sudden, harsh movement, feeling Luke’s eyes on him as the blonde’s father kept pulling him.
He didn’t stop until the boy was pushed into the kitchen and the door was slammed shut behind him. The man’s grip moved from the back of his shirt to his foreman, nearly cutting off the child’s circulation.
He took the cigarette out of his mouth, “This is what happens to little brats who act out of line.”
Jack gasped, the realisation of why they went inside finally setting in. His foster father didn’t want to risk any prying eyes, any witnesses to see what he was about to do next.
Jack struggled, trying to escape, but the man struck him across the face, his ring leaving a mark in the child’s delicate skin.
The cigarette moved closer to his arm, the young boy crying and writhing. The blunt hadn’t even touched him yet somehow he could already feel it.
The flaming end met his skin.
And Jack’s scream echoed throughout the empty house.
Jax gasped, sitting up straight in his bed as he clutched his hand to his chest. He scanned the surroundings, even putting a hand to his forearm to feel for any scarring. His breathing slowed, relief settling when he saw that he was in his own room, and that there were no scars to be found. Just an armful of purple fur instead.
He felt a body stir next to him, Pomni had the blankets tucked around her like a cocoon. Jax didn’t mind, he got too warm most nights anyway. He settled back down, sliding and arm round her waist and pulled her close. He felt her chest against his, rising and falling with each breath. He matched his own with hers, letting it calm his racing heart. His eyes began to droop when he heard a small voice.
“Did you have a nightmare?” Pomni asked, peering up at him with sleepy eyes.
Jax sighed, he promised not to lie to her and he wasn’t going back on it now or ever, “Yeah, I did.”
“Are you okay? You wanna talk about it?” She attempted to sit up. He patted his hand against her waist, reassuring her that she was fine where she was.
“It was about my old foster family,” he told her. “Way before I met Winter.”
“Oh, babe,” she tucked her head under his chin, snuggling close. “You didn’t deserve anything that they put you through. I’m so sorry that you had to relive that in your head.”
“There’s nothing you gotta apologise for,” Jax kissed the top of her forehead. “Honestly, I don’t think about them a lot anymore. I know that sounds ironic cause of Luke confronting me back then. But they don’t mean anything to me, they don’t matter…but you do, more than anything.
He felt her lips smile against his chest, pressing a small kiss next to his heart, “You mean more than anything to me too.”
Jax pulled her closer again, feeling his eyes fluttering shut as sleep came for him once again, “Thanks little lady.”
“I am not a little lady,” she mumbled causing him to chuckle, his voice vibrating against her ear.
The nightmare was at the back of his mind, his eyes gazing on the small jester curled up beside him. Luke didn’t matter anymore, his old foster family didn’t matter anymore. Thinking of them never did anything good for him, there was no need to focus on his past when his future was right next to him. He would talk about them if the situation occurred, he didn’t want to repeat the mistakes of secrets, but Pomni was all that mattered. And that was okay.
With one last sigh, he pressed a kiss to her forehead, joining her in a peaceful, blissful sleep. His dreams for the rest of the night were filled with the smiles of a certain brunette.
Another day, another adventure. Everyone already had the same shared opinion of Caine’s adventures, but one of the worst things they all agreed on had to be mentally preparing themselves for whatever it was going to be. It was a process that had each one of them dreading for whatever Caine had created for them. Sometimes they were the most thrilling and exciting experiences they ever had, others were boring and had them wanting to go back to their quarters, but the worst ones had to be when they were left emotionally or physically scarred with the most haunting imagery that would be stuck in their minds forever. They never understood why Caine would create such adventures like those, how could he ever think they were fun?
Jax shuddered, hoping for at least a boring adventure instead of the awful third option. He turned to Pomni – who was busy talking to Ragatha – he definitely didn’t want her dealing with that type of adventure. She had already been through enough as it is. He knew that they were to keep a low profile, but he also knew that Caine was unpredictable. Whatever adventure was chosen, he was going to stick as close to Pomni as he could. The last time they were separated she nearly…
“Good morning my superstars!” Caine beamed, a juxtaposition to the circus members sleepy and dreary attitude. “Don’t I have just the perfect adventure for all of you today!”
“Wow, such a surprise,” Jax grumbled under his breath. The jingle of Pomni’s giggle at his sentence made him smile, making sure it was hidden from Caine.
The pair of dentures didn’t seem to notice, simply continuing with his speech, “I know you all miss your old lives as boring humans, so being the gracious ringmaster that I am, I decided to base our new adventure around one of your earthly activities I heard one of you mumble about – though I can’t seem to remember who said it.”
Everyone gawked at that. Caine so rarely laid any notice or curiosity to what the outside world was like, stuck in a firm belief that the circus was the greatest place to ever reside in. This was the first time that he mentioned basing an activity on the real world, what could he even imagine what said activity involved? But more importantly, what activity did he pick?
“I’ve done the amount of research that I felt bothered to do and created this!” With a snap of his fingers, there was a flash of light and the walls of the tent disappeared. Each member blinked, rubbing their eyes from the sudden bright light. When the brightness faded, they let out a small gasp at the scene around them.
An orange sunset, tall and long hedges and miles upon miles of fresh golden corn. Caine had created a cornfield maze. Other than the vegetable, Jax felt a tingling familiarity at the sight of the maze, the memories of falling asleep with a certain jester and dreaming about his best memories of his past in a place just like this. He looked to Pomni, she seemed to be having the same familiar feeling too. She turned her head to him, her eyes twinkling and her smile sweet. He returned it with the same warmth.
“Your goal is simple!” Caine interrupted the couple’s train of thought. “It will be a race between each one of you! Whoever collects the most corn by the end of the adventure wins…oh I actually haven’t thought about that. Um, what do humans usually win at these things?”
“Oh, well it ranges from a lot of different things,” Ragatha piped up. “It could range from prize ribbons, stuffed toys, sometimes even food. Something that most people can enjoy!”
Caine hummed, tapping a finger against the bottom of his jaw, as though he were deep in thought about a life changing matter rather than a prize for a silly game, “Aha! I’ve got it! The prize can be…water! Everyone likes water! Right?”
Ragatha cringed, not surprised in the slightest from his answer, “Sure Caine.”
“Well then, I’ll you all to get started superstars!” the ringmaster grinned, about to snap his fingers. “Oh I should mention, you’re all going to be separated until all of you have found an exit! Okay, bye!”
“Wait, what?!” Pomni paled, but her question was cut short but the familiar snap of Caine’s fingers.
Jax whipped round, his heart pounding. No, no, no! He promised her he would stay! He promised to protect her! He let his feet run as fast as they would take him, not letting the red and blue woman leave his sight for a moment. But she was quickly replaced by green, towering hedges covered with the yellow vegetable he had to collect.
Jax begin to pant heavily, panic filling him from head to toe. Would she be alright? They hadn’t left each other’s sides ever since they got their memories back, too afraid to let go as if they were afraid this were only another hope filled dream. Was she alright being on her own? What is something happened to her?
He took a breath, smoothing his hands over his ears until they sprung back up, picking up the basket placed next to him. Curse Caine and his sudden stupid rules. It didn’t matter, all he had to do was pick a few pieces of corn and find an exit. Maybe he would run into Pomni as well? Yeah, that’s what he had to focus on. Finding Pomni.
He plucked a piece of the edge, placing it inside the brown woven basket before walking down the path. He would find Pomni…
He will find Pomni.
Knock, knock
“Come in!” a woman’s voice called through the door.
Riley’s wrapped her hand around the knob of the captain’s office door, with it creaking as it slowly swung open. A slender woman with warm, dark skin and brown locs sat at a table, reading through the files on her desk. Ever since Penny and Jack’s disappearance, it had thrown their entire case for a loop. But that was part of the reason why Riley was here.
“How can I help you Agent Reed?” she asked, looking up briefly before returning her attention to the papers.
“Good afternoon ma’am,” Riley stood straight, hands clasped together in front of her. The perfect picture of professionalism. “I’ve just come to receive a warrant to do a search.”
“State the place and case Reed, and I’ll see what I can do,” Rae nodded, sifting through the dozens of notes.
Riley bit her lip, praying this would work, “C&A industries ma’am, for the Penny Reed and Jack Bloom cases.”
Rae paused, the silence was somehow more deafening than Riley ever imagined it could be. The captain placed the papers down, looking back up at red-haired woman, “Weren’t you there a while ago for your case? Something about seeing if a possible witness was involved somehow?”
“Yes ma’am,” Riley nodded. “And I believe that he might be right. Which is why I’m requesting the warrant.”
“It’s also funny that you mention the case for your sister and Mr Bloom,” said Rae.
Riley raised a brow, “What do you mean?”
“We just received word this morning that the files for the missing persons cases that were related to C&A went missing. I was about to make an announcement but as you can see, because of the recent incidents I’ve become more swamped with paperwork that usual,” Rae sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.
Riley cringed, “It’s really become that bad?”
“Since Jack Bloom was connected to C&A, it’s opened a whole pipeline,” Rae told her. “Apparently, the company is extremely defensive with being accused of these sorts of things, and it’s not the first time someone disappeared on their property on in relation to them. However we haven’t found any proof that they were involved, so we’re still stuck in limbo until we find something to shut them down.”
“That’s why I’m asking for this warrant ma’am. There might be a chance that C&A have these files,” Riley explained. “Some of the cases had this company involved before, right? Not all, but some? Maybe this could be a good chance to see how they were connected to C&A?”
“You sure you got the right plan for this, Reed?” Rae questioned, raising a brow. Her tone was stern but not demeaning in the slightest. “C&A have a pretty tight record. One slip from us and they’ve got lawyers, attorneys, everything coming after us.”
“As long as we have the warrant, we have the right to say we’re allowed to be there,” Riley said. “I’m not going into this blind ma’am, I’ve got a plan and I know what I’m doing.”
“It’s not that I doubt you Riley, but I do know that this case is personal to you. Since it’s your sister going missing as well,” Rae took note of how the redhead tried not to stiffen up at the mention of her sister. “I just don’t want you going into this with wool over your eyes. I’ve been seeing how you and Winter come into work sometimes. Both of you would never stop grinning and smiling at one another, now it looks like you two have become strangers. I don’t want these cases getting to you to the point where you feel like you’re losing yourselves.”
Riley crossed her arms over her chest, gazing down to the floor as though she were a child being scolded. Every time she saw Winter’s face - downed and saddened from the past few months - she wanted nothing more than to kiss every inch of it. She knew Winter wasn’t ignorant to her attempts to avoid anything that attached Penny’s name to it, like retracting a hand from touching a burning flame. But she saw how it was affecting Winter. She knew that she was only trying to help, yet Riley kept turning away, kept refusing any conversation about how she was feeling. It was making things worse, she knew that. Yet the fear of watching Winter tear herself apart from grief and pain had imprinted itself on her mind, and she just couldn’t muster the courage to try and talk to her wife.
One day Riley promised herself, one day I’ll say something. Just…not now.
“Everything is fine ma’am,” she reassured Rae. “These cases are stressful, but not impossible.”
Rae hummed under her breath, fiddling with her ring finger before saying, “Okay, I’ll send to you later today. You better know what you’re doing.”
Riley grinned, a sigh of relief escaping her, “I do ma’am.”
She gave a quick nod to her superior, turning on her heel and grabbed the door handle before Rae called her one last time, “Riley.” The redhead faced her boss again. “I’m serious, be careful with this. C&A aren’t to be taken lightly.”
The captain’s voice was stoic, serious, holding deep truth that Riley was slightly nervous to ask about. But she knew that Rae was right, they had to be careful with this. “I will ma’am.”
With that, she walked out the office, straightening her blazer. She whipped her phone out of her pocket, typing quickly once it was in her hands.
I got the warrant Samual
Be ready
Riley had told her to wait, just until things were set in stone. But Amber had never felt so restless in her life. Here she was, waiting in her living room by her old computer, with both of her daughters out of reach. Was this really what was expected of her to do? Nothing? For god’s sake! Penny was trapped inside a literal video game and she was supposed to wait?! How could any mother simply do that without complaint?!
Amber groaned, burying her face in her hands before standing and walking to the kitchen. She at least had to do something to keep her mind busy, maybe some tea would help. After all, if she had anymore coffee she was sure she would only get more agitated. She opened the cupboards, her eyes roaming each corner before landing on a familiar yellow box. She reached her hand in to fish it out, sighing with slight melancholy when she saw what type of tea it was.
Chamomile, Penny’s favourite.
Penny who completed half of Amber’s heart with Riley. Penny who wanted others to see the best in themselves when they weren’t able to do so. Penny who had gone through hardship after hardship only to end up in a place that forced her away from her family and into a state of terror.
No. Amber wasn’t going to stand by. She slammed the box onto the counter and marched out the kitchen and up the stairs into the hallway. She could figure out a way to help, even if it was just a little bit. When she made it up the stairs, she reached up to a little strong connected to a trapdoor on her roof, pulling on it carefully as a ladder slid down.
Amber couldn’t remember the last time she had been up the attic, it had seemed it had been decades ago since she stored the last childhood memory of the girls up here. But it held what she needed with the plan in her head. She climbed up the ladder, poking her head up through the trapdoor as coughed from the leftover dust from the wooden floorboards. It had definitely been a while since she had been up here. She lifted herself up inside, taking out her phone to turn on her flashlight. Despite the length of time, she knew where everything was placed and kept in here. Time to get to work.
In a few minutes, Amber had packed a box full of long-lost belongings way back from her time, hopefully it was what she needed as she climbed down the ladder and shut the trapdoor. She made her way back downstairs, placing the box on the coffee table once she was in the living room. She placed her hands on her hips, where would she start? She peered down at the box, filled to the brim with gadgets, old software and objects that she and the girls used to use in a time where technology wasn’t so advanced. She picked up a walkie talkie and a string of fairy lights, perhaps she could start with that. Amber had a long way to go, but still, at least she wasn’t waiting anymore.
She just hoped that this would work a little bit, as long as it helped bring Penny home.
Pomni sighed as she picked up another piece of corn, placing it in her basket. She did panic when she was separated from her fiancé and the others, but so far the adventure didn’t seem to be too hectic. Just a peaceful stroll in the fields while picking corn. She smiled, breathing in the fresh air – as fresh as simulated air could be at least. Doing this reminded her of similar activities she, her mother and sister used to do when they were younger. To get away from work, school, chaos, her father. To just have a day where they could focus on making happy memories. Well, it worked.
It almost felt normal, but…she wished this was something she was doing with Riley and her mother. Riley would lift her onto her back for a ride, despite her younger sister’s protests of not being a child anymore yet would still cling to her like a koala. Amber would be pestering the girls in a way to make them smile, perhaps picking up one of the pieces of corn and waving it like a sword as she chased her daughters.
Pomni gripped the handle of her basket, a shaky breath leaving her lips. She missed them so, so much. She just wanted to go home. She wanted to feel the waft of the warm oaky smell that hit her every time she entered her mother’s home. She wanted to be squeezed in one of Riley’s protective hugs. She wanted to explore every area of her childhood home, to make sure that each place was burned into her mind so she would never forget it ever again. “I miss you guys,” she whispered under her breath, despite the isolation of where she stood.
She shook her head, she had to get a grip. Right now she had to focus on completing this adventure so she could get back to Jax and figure out the next step of their plans. Just as she was about to reach for another piece of the vegetable, a small blue butterfly fluttered out from the leaves and stems. Pomni let out a yelp at the sudden appearance, tripping and falling back, the corn spilling out of the basket as it toppled to the ground. She kicked her feet, backing away from the bug – the last time she was near a butterfly she nearly…
She started to tremble at the memory, internally scolding herself for getting frightened by a single insect. But the feeling of the cold water forcing her down, down, down – burning her lungs as the simulated feeling of being unable to breathe wouldn’t leave her brain. Her chest started to heave with each panicked pant as the butterfly inched closer, fearing that it would glitch if it touched her again and send her into another spiral.
It got closer, she shut her eyes, bracing for that painful static when-
“Don’t be afraid.”
Her eyes snapped open, scanning the area. She swore she heard a voice, like it belonged to an older woman. But it was just her and the butterfly.
“It’s not going to hurt you dear,”
There it was again, “Who’s there?!”
“Just someone who wants to help.”
Pomni scoffed, disbelief curling her lips into strained smile, “How can I trust you if I can’t even see you?”
“I’m sorry. I wish you could, but the rules of this game won’t allow you to see my face. Not anymore.”
The jester raised a brow. Here was a voice, a voice so different, so foreign and unlike anything she had ever heard in the circus before. But for some reason, it didn’t seem bad to trust it. Despite it not actually being her, the voice reminded her of the soft tone her mother used to use to comfort her.
Pomni gulped, looking at the butterfly again. It was simply floating there, no threat lingering in the slightest. Maybe, just maybe. She lifted her hand, her face cringing as she turned away, shoulders stiffening in case that glitch did happen. The tiny feet of the bug landed on her finger. Nothing. No pain, no glitch, just the butterfly resting there as it waited for the jester to make her next move.
She opened her eyes, she was okay. She looked up, trying to detect where that voice came from, “Thank you.” It felt silly, sitting in the dirt as she called out for someone she couldn’t see, but sillier things have happened in this circus. She looked back at the butterfly, letting it crawl across her hand, “Sorry for getting scared earlier. You seem like a friendly guy. I’m sure Kinger would like you.”
The butterfly seemed nice, and it was gentle, but why did the one from before glitch? And why was there a voice this time telling her not to be afraid? With each passing day since she got her memories back, more questions kept opening up. She stood up, picking up her basket and placing the small bug inside, “Guess we’ll need to figure you out later. Hope you don’t mind the corn, I don’t want Caine finding you just in case anything happens.”
The butterfly didn’t seem to mind, already laying down on top one of the vegetables like it was a bed. Pomni smiled, lowering the lid and continued her trail. Now this was definitely going to be an interesting story to tell Jax. She just hoped he was okay.
Jax grumbled as he hit another dead end. He had given up picking up corn a long while ago, settling for trying to find Pomni instead. But each path he took only seemed to lead him down the wrong way, as though the map of this adventure was mocking him. He gripped his ears, pulling slightly. “Easy adventure my @ss Caine,” he muttered under his breath. This was just getting tedious now.
He heard a rustle behind him, making him jump like the type of animal his avatar was. Perhaps it was one of the others? Or maybe Caine added a last-minute boss to try and make things more interesting – yet harder for them. But no, instead it was…him?
At least it looked like him, but much younger. He looked about he was no older than three, his hair shorter while wearing soft clothing stamped in little train patterns. What was going on.
“Come on sweetie!”
A new voice rung out. He looked up, a young couple came up behind the boy, reaching out their hands to him. “We have to start the maze!” the woman said, smiling at the child.
“Okay mama!��� the young boy giggled, clutching his hand into hers as the wandered further into the maze.
Jax blinked, his feet trailing behind the trio. He felt like a dog on a leash going after them. Who were these people, why didn’t he remember this? Were they his…his parents? But they couldn’t be possible, his parents left him in social services ever since he was, well, the age the younger version of him here was. But then again, his earliest memory was him in a car going to his very first foster home, nothing before that.
Maybe, just maybe. They weren’t like anything like he pictured them to be, they seemed nice to younger him. Perhaps something else happened, perhaps he really used to be loved.
And so, he followed them. Tracing their lefts and rights, wherever they would go. They seemed like good people, laughing at their little boy’s antics and playing along with whatever imaginary game he came up with. He even felt himself smiling, a tear even escaping his eye at the long-lost image of the family in front of him.
Eventually they stopped, the couple sharing a look before starting down the young boy. Jax froze, what was going on? There was another rustle, a small rabbit jumping out of the stems of corn as it ran down the path. “Honey look!” the mother pointed with a grin. “What’s that?!”
“A bunny!” the little boy replied with excitement, jumping up and down on the spot. Jax’s stomach began to churn.
“It wants you to play tag with it,” the father said. “Don’t leave it waiting.”
“Okay!” the boy nodded, taking a few steps but pausing when he saw his parents weren’t following along. “Aren’t you playing as well?”
“We’ll meet you at the end of the maze,” his mother said, her tone loving despite the dread of this situation building more and more. “You’re a big boy now, I’m sure you can do it on your own.”
“Oh yeah, I can!” the young Jack looked so happy saying that, so unknowing of the true danger he was put in. “I’ll see you soon! Come back little bunny!”
He ran off, chasing the small rodent down the path. Jax shook his head, this couldn’t be happening. Why would they let a kid go off on his own?! What were they thinking. As the boy wandered further down the path, the smiles on the parents faces dropped, grief and tearful fear replacing it instead. The man placed a hand on the woman’s shoulder, rubbing it reassuringly to try and rid some of the guilt that was possibly building inside her.
She nodded to him, taking a deep breath before turning on her heel and walked away in the opposite direction of her son, her husband doing the same. Jax’s heart plummeted, “No, wait!” He cried out, but it only fell on the deaf ears of a forgotten memory. “Don’t do this! Come back!”
He turned in the other direction, that younger version of him was on his own, going after the rabbit in a wild goose chase, to never see his parents again. He chased after him, there was no way this could be true, there was no way.
He saw the boy in front of him, his small form contrasting again the setting sun in the distance. Though this time he wasn’t chasing a rabbit anymore. “Mama! Papa! Where are you!” he wailed, rubbing away tears on his chubby cheeks. “I wanna go home!”
Jax began to shake his head in disbelief, this couldn’t have happened. His parents, they really…left him.
His eyes darted back to where the boy was, but he was gone too, leaving him alone in the field. No parents, no younger him nothing. He was completely and utterly isolated. The rabbit from earlier suddenly jumped out in front of him again, making eye contact with the taller avatar. His nose twitched as the two maintained eye contact, Jax’s eyes blurring with panicked tears.
The rabbit tore off again, leaving him stunned in place, “W-wait! Where are you going!” He chased after it again, just like how his younger self did. “Why are you doing this?! What’s going on?!”
The rabbit didn’t make a noise, it only kept running. Jax did the same, his lungs burning and mind spinning with more questions building as tears streamed down his cheeks. Why was he remembering this now?! How did he even get these memories?! Why him?! Why was this happening to him?!
Why did his parents leave him behind?! Did they just not love him enough to keep him?! But they were crying! They had to have loved him, right? Otherwise they wouldn’t have done that! Or maybe they just couldn’t have them in their lives. He didn’t have a place with them, in the world outside or this world in this game. He was pathetic, useless, he deserved all the bad things that happened to him. HE DESERVED EVERY PAINFUL THING THAT CAME HIS WAY-
“GET OUT OF MY HEAD!” he screamed, his fingers pulling on the fur on his scalp.
He skidded to a halt, gawking at what was in front of him. His old foster house, where he grew up. It was tattered and broken, the complete opposite to how it looked way back when in appearance, but remained exactly the same with how it made him feel. He sniffed, his hands clutching at his chest as his heart squeezed painfully. There was a reason he was here, wasn’t it? To finally get his comeuppance for every bad deed he caused in his life. For how he acted to others in his past life, to how he treated the others in the circus, and how he hurt Penny.
The house creaked along with the stinging wind that made Jax shiver, as though it were whispering him to go inside. He should go inside.  He lifted his foot, about to take another step-
He stopped, turning back. Pomni’s voice rung out to him in the distance, “Jax! Where are you?!”
She was looking for him.
She cared about him.
She loved him.
Jax smiled, rubbing away the access tears that stained his cheeks. Maybe there was a reason for him to hurt like this, but there was also a reason to keep fighting. Pomni. He looked back to the house, the churning feeling ebbing away slowly though not fully disappearing. Perhaps forgotten things were meant to be forgotten.
He turned on his heel, running back into the maze. He had a jester to find.
The house abandoned once and for all.
“I’ll say it before and I’ll say it again,” said Samual. “This feels just like a movie.”
Riley rolled her eyes as the car pulled up to a corner near the building of C&A. She was fully aware of the déjà vu she was getting, but this time she had the proof in front of her and a case to fulfil. “You go in first and go to the room where the files are. Wait for five minutes then text me to come in,” she instructed to the boy. “If we’re gonna do this, we need to make sure that Jason doesn’t get suspicious.”
“He might be already,” Samual admitted. “After I brought you here, he’s been acting kinda funny.”
“Well we’ll just have to be as careful as we can,” Riley said. “Just do what I told you and come to me if anything happens, I’ve got your back.”
Samual exhaled, mentally preparing himself as he stared at the building ahead of him, “Alright, here goes nothing.”
He climbed out the car, making his way over and inside the tall building. Riley waited until her phone pinged before jumping out herself and making her way over. She did the usual routine of what she would do whenever she got a warrant - go in, check in with the receptionist and have free reign of her search. She took a mental note of how uneasy the receptionist looked when she saw the agent again, Samual was right about Jason being at edge since her last visit. His glass house didn’t seem to be as stable as he wanted it to be anymore.
She made her way to the elevator, checking her phone to see where Samual said he would be waiting for her as the doors shut behind her. As the elevator creaked and shifted as it lifted up, the looming hidden threat of this place started to dawn on the redhead. This company had possibly managed to cover up the disappearances of so many people for nine years, including its own CEO and his wife. And now Penny and Jack were in the belly of the beast as well.
She understood why Rae was so worried with messing up, one mistake could quite literally cost someone their life. Hers, Samual’s, her mother’s, anyone. She had to be careful. The elevator dinged, opening their doors as she stood out and saw Samual at an open door down the hall, signaling for her to come towards him.
Riley nodded, remaining as casual as possible until she reached the room and Samual shutting the door behind her. “Alright, where do we start?” Riley asked, clasping her hands together.
“It should be on this computer,” Samual told her. “Jason doesn’t like keeping stuff like that on his own computer in case he gets caught.”
“So he’d rather have someone else take the fall, how chivalrous,” Riley muttered sarcastically.
“Tell me about it,” Samual muttered. Riley looked over at him with amusement, this was the first time she actually heard him have a bit of an attitude. He sat down, cracking his fingers and rolling his neck as he logged onto the computer. “Okay, I can do this.” He pulled a bag onto his lap, the C&A logo on top as he pulled out a USB. “I snuck into his office the other day. And before you get on at me for doing it before getting the warrant, Jason was gone for the day and it was the only time in the security guards schedule where they weren’t watching his office the whole time.”
“Holy shit kid,” Riley laughed. She should be mad, really she should. But goddamn she couldn’t help but be impressed. “You have guts. So, where exactly are these files in the USB’s?”
“These USB’s have old games codes,” Samual replied. “Sometimes if we have any unfinished demos, we store information in them to make sure other competition don’t try and steal it, to put it in a place where no one would think to find.”
“And if the case files in the USBs, then Jason can carry them around wherever he wants,” Riley finished.
“Yup,” Samual sighed. “Okay, I think I know what to do here.”
In just little time, the kid had managed to open a whole different part on the USB, old coding and files appearing and scattering over the screen. Riley felt as though she had to take a step back from how intense it seemed, but Samual was unfazed a focused, still clicking and typing as though this were as simple as clicking a browser away.
“I got it,” Samual spoke up eventually, turning to Riley and holding his hand out. “You got the other one?”
“Uh, yeah,” Riley reached into her pocket, taking out another USB and placing it into Samual’s hands.
“If we take everything off this, Jason’s gonna get more suspicious,” Samual told her. “I can make copies for you to take back and from there we’ll try and figure a way to get it loaded into the game back at your mom’s place.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Riley agreed, watching him work as she glanced at the door every so often.
It felt as though hours went by, but eventually, Samual had done it. The files were copied and put into the other USB. They had done it. “We got it!” he exclaimed, a small cheer in the back of his tone.
“Looks like it,” Riley grinned, putting the USB back in her pocket. “I gotta get going, before your boss finds out what’s-”
The door slammed open, another feeling of déjà vu and piercing cold fear shooting down Riley and Samual’s backs. “What are you doing back here?!” Jason growled.
Riley sneered at him, crossing her arms as she stood in front of Samual. She wasn’t going to make the same mistake twice, “I have a warrant to check this place out since the files for our cases went missing. And since your name is the main one on Jack Bloom’s case, that means I have to search the place. AKA, doing my job.”
“What gives you the right to speak to me that way,? Jason sneered.
Riley scoffed, “Other than the fact that I’m trying to find people I care about, you don’t get to speak to me that way either.”
“Oh really?” Jason raised a brow. “I’m sure your boss will disagree.”
He stepped aside, revealing the disappointed face of Captain Rae, almost looking tired as she stepped into the room. Riley paled when another face appeared in the door – Winter. “Winter, Captain Rae, what’s going on?” Riley asked.
“We got a call from Mr Wood that you came here under the guise of a warrant to steal game codes for their rival companies,” Captain Rae sighed. “And since I’m your boss, I had to be taken away from work to make sure my agents aren’t fucking up.”
“Excuse me?!” Riley’s eyes widened, appalled as she started at the man beside her boss, who seemed to be getting smugger when Winter spoke up.
“One of the employees here managed to find Samual taking out property from Mr Wood’s office before calling you,” Winter told her. “They were concerned that you were using the cases in order to make C&A look bad.”
“That’s bullshit!” Riley snapped. “My sister is involved in these cases, do you really think I would risk her safety over fucking game codes?!” Riley was treading on dangerous waters, and she knew it. But no one messed with her sister, especially not some big shot who believed he could get away with this.
“And what exactly is in that computer over there?” Jason pointed out, his tone slightly mocking. Riley’s face fell as she glanced towards the monitor. While she was glad that he didn’t know about the spare USB, she knew that this looked really bad.
Samual stepped forward, “It was my idea!”
Everyone turned to him, even Jason – his face darkening.
Samual gulped as he continued, “I wanted to help Miss Riley with the case and decided to do some unethical routes in order to help her. You can even check the USB, the game codes are still there.”
Jason hummed, pushing past Riley as he, Rae and the others made their way to the computer. Riley nearly sighed with relief when the appearance of the game codes was still there. To the others, it looked like normal files that you expected to find at this company. But to Jason, it meant that his secret was still safe. He straightened his back as he turned back to the others, a faux grin on his face, “It seems that I was mistaken. I do apologize for wasting your time Captain Rae. I just wanted this whole mess taken care of, we wouldn’t want to go to court over this after all.”
“No, we wouldn’t,” Rae retorted in a monotone voice. “We’ll be on our way, thank you for your apology Mr Wood.”
The four walked out the room, Jason’s stare burning on their backs as the door was shut behind him. Rae halted, spinning back round as she went face to face with Riley, “I told you not to be stupid!”
“I wasn’t ma’am,” Riley froze, immediately reverting back to the professional position she was back when she was asking for the warrant. “I did as you told me to. Search with the warrant and try to find out what was going on. I didn’t know he was gonna pull that shit.”
“This isn’t a game Riley, Jason Wood can and will do anything he can in order to keep himself and C&A at the top!” Rae hissed. She stepped back, rubbing her temples to dispel the approaching headache. “Did you at least find anything?”
Riley opened her, mouth about to reveal what she found when clarity struck her. How exactly could she explain this without sounding crazy? She almost didn’t believe Samual when he told her about this, so how could she explain this to her captain? And the files still looked the same as they did from the computer, no other person would be able to tell the difference about how they looked unless they had the tech knowledge that Samual did. All it would show was exactly what Jason had tried to frame her about, “No, I’m sorry.”
Rae exhaled sharply, “Next time you’re gonna be reckless, think twice before landing yourself in hot water, Reed.”
Riley lowered her head to the ground, “Yes ma’am.”
Rae sighed turning back on her heel and walked away.
Winter came up behind her wife, sharing the same scowl as their boss, “We’re talking about this when we get home.” She didn’t let Riley say a word, already walking away and towards the elevator.
Riley rubbed her eyes, this was not how she wanted her day to end. Samual came up, fiddling with his ring finger awkwardly, “I’m really sorry Miss Riley.”
“It’s fine kid,” she mumbled. “You just get home and call me if you need me.”
Samual nodded, not wanting to prod any further as he walked away as well.
Riley just wanted to fade into nothing there and then. What type of hell was she getting herself into?
Winter tapped her foot as she waited in the living room, dressed in a pyjama tank top and shorts with her hair tied into an uneven ponytail. Riley was half an hour late. She already had a habit of obviously avoiding a situation, but this was out in the open with how hard she was trying now. Winter groaned, picking up the bottle of wine of the coffee table in front of her and poured it into a glass, she didn’t want to be sober dealing with this.
She let the liquid run down her throat, relieving some of the stress when she heard the door open. Finally.
Riley shut the door behind her, setting down her bag when she noticed Winter eyeing her down, “Where’s Percy?”
“Asleep,” Winter retorted, setting down the glass. “We need to talk.”
“Listen, I know how that looked back there,” Riley started. “But it wasn’t what you think it was.”
“Really? Riley a CEO of a billion-dollar company almost got you fired!” Winter exclaimed, setting down her glass. “What am I supposed to think?!”
“Everything I’ve been doing was to find Penny and Jack,” Riley told her. “And you really think that I would so something like that?”
“Of course not, but you’ve put me in a corner ever since Penny went missing and left me to gather dust!” Winter cried. “Now all of a sudden you’re sneaking into buildings and won’t tell me why, other than to just blindly trust you! Riley that isn’t fair! You have to tell me what’s going on!”
Riley peered behind her, grimacing at the empty wine glass on the table, “Have you been drinking on a work night.”
Winter placed her hands on her hips, refusing to back down, “I only had one glass, you know that’s all I have on work nights. And it won’t be enough for me to be distracted from this conversation.”
“I’m just thinking about Percy, okay?!” Riley groaned. “Sorry that I want to protect our son!”
“Oh please, not everyone is your father Riley,” Winter growled.
The redhead stiffened, her jaw tightening, “Back down, now.”
“No!” Winter shook her head. “You’re hiding something from me and I know it. All I want is to help you, but you act like I’m nothing but an annoyance to you. And now you’re pulling this shit and nobody will tell me why, not even you! You never keep secrets from me.” Winter’s voice broke, clutching the fabric of her tank top on her chest. “You’re hurting so much and it’s killing me seeing you like this. So why?! Why are you hiding things from me? What did I do?! Why are you allowed to protect me but I’m not allowed to do the same for you?!”
Riley wanted nothing more than to cry and bring Winter into her arms. Everything her wife said was true to a fault. She wanted to tell her about Jack, she wanted to tell her all her plans, she wanted to tell her how the grief and fear of Penny disappearing had been eating her alive for the past few months-
Percy’s cry broke her from spiral, alerting the two mothers. Riley sighed, “I’ll get him.”
Winter tried to stop her, “Riley-”
“Winter, please,” Riley’s voice was soft and desperate. “Please. I just want some silence.”
The other woman sniffed, backing away from her wife. Guilt churned in Riley’s stomach as she watched her wife face away, hearing her light sobs. This was for the best, at least she’s safe. With that, she went up the stairs to her crying baby.
Winter curled up on the sofa. Never before had she wished for her brother as she did now.
Jax gasped as the maze disappeared. He was still chasing after Pomni’s voice, but apparently Caine had announced that Gangle was the winner and brought them all back. He nearly fell to his knees when he saw the jester, she was okay.
“Well that adventure was certainly…an adventure!” Caine boomed. “I don’t fully understand your silly human activities, but tomorrow we’ll return to our regular schedule of fun, fun, FUN!”
“Yeah, yeah, great,” Jax said absentmindedly, his eyes still on Pomni as the jester looked at him, relief in her eyes as well.
“Good to hear your positive spirit Jax!” Caine grinned, about to lift his hand and pat him on the back when the rabbit flinched, arms arched over his head to protect himself.
Everyone gaped at that, Jax never flinched. Pomni brought her hands to her mouth, she knew what that meant.
“I, um. Jax, are you alright?” Caine asked, his tone much softer than it usually was.
Jax blinked, everyone was staring at him. He lowered his arms back to his sides, “I’m fine.”
Pomni bit her lip, he was anything but fine.
Even Caine was surprised by the rabbit’s actions, “Uh…right. Anyways I’m gonna…yeah I’ll just go.” The AI floated away, leaving the group in their stunned silence.
Jax ignored them, rushing to Pomni and dropped to the ground, wrapping her tight in his arms. He was shaking like a leaf, whatever he had seen in that corn maze had left its mark on him. She uncurled herself out of his embrace, holding his face in her hands as she lightly stroked his cheek. “Come on,” she held out her hand.
He hesitated for a moment, before his fingers intertwined with hers. She pulled him up, picking up both of their forgotten backets as she led him back to her room. The others were still staring, but she didn’t care. Right now, Jax needed her.
She shut the door behind her, letting him get comfy on her bed as she put the baskets back down and joined him on the red and blue mattress. “What happened?” it was only one question, but he could hear so much behind it. I’m here for you, tell me anything and everything, you’re safe.
“I-I think I saw myself in that maze?” he said. “Well, myself but younger, much younger. And my birth parents were there. I know, its stupid and stuff like this happens sometimes but…why do I remember this now? I thought I was okay with my past. Now seeing them, it only what makes what my foster family did to me even worse.”
Pomni was silent, taking in every part of what he said, “Show me where it hurts?”
He peered up at her, it had been a while since she said that to him. But both of them knew that what she did next helped more than he could imagine. He raised his arm, the same one that his foster father used to burn his cigarettes on. She held it gently in her hands, pressing gentle kisses to the appendage.
Tears trailed down the dried stain on his cheeks, his arm trembling slightly. She was so careful with him, giving him the kindness that the adults who failed him could never give him. “I know this isn’t much,” she mumbled against his fur. “But I love you more than anything. Those people never deserved you. I wish I could erase all the pain they caused you. All I hope than when I do this.” She pressed a kiss to his wrist. “You know that I’ll be with you despite everything.”
His breath staggered for a bit, it was so long since he felt the overwhelming feeling of being genuinely wanted by someone. His hands cupped her cheeks, pulling her closer and pressed her lips to his. The kiss was messy, frantic but neither of them could pull away, they needed each other.
They parted when the need for air was too strong, with Jax holding her close so Pomni could hear his heartbeat. His head was still swarming, spinning. But her simple touch was all he wanted to think about. All that he needed. The bad stuff wouldn’t go away. However for now, this was enough.
“There’s one more thing I need to tell you,” Pomni mumbled.
Jax pushed off her hat, pressing his nose to her hair as he hummed, “And what’s that?”
“Well,” she separated from him again, the rabbit already missing her warmth as she picked up her basket from the maze. Lifting the lid, she picked up the little butterfly as she cupped it in her hands. “I found this little guy during the adventure. But the way I found him? You’re gonna want to sit back for this…have invisible people ever spoke to you in this place before?”
Fairy lights were strung up, an old tape recorder and radio were placed together on the coffee table, and a walkie talkie was held in Amber’s hands. Hooked into the recorder and radio was a large wire leading to the computer. Amber clenched her fists, it was now or never.
She turned on the walkie talkie, “Penny? Are you there?”
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lady-pug · 4 months
if we could wake up
Chapter I of Wouldn't It Be Nice
Summary: You sustain a head injury while on a mission but Whiskey isn’t fast enough to administer the alpha gel, so your memories of your time at Statesman don’t come back. Instead, you only remember up until the day before you were recruited and your memory ends up being reset every night. Jack makes it his mission to make you fall in love with him everyday (50 First Dates AU)
Pairing: Jack Daniels | Agent Whiskey x Reader
Word count: 1,1k
Warnings: major head injury (bullet to the head, but it's reversed using Statesman technology), memory loss
Notes: Hello dearest readers, it is I. I bring thee something that has been sitting among my WIPs for over two (I kid you not) whole years. I’ve had chapters one and two of this story completely ready stored in my files alongside all my other WIPs and simply never remembered to publish it FOR OVER TWO YEARS! Shame on me, wtf. Which makes me quite sad because it was one of my favorites to work on when I first came up with this idea. But anyways here it is.
I distinctly remember having come up with the idea for this after watching ‘50 First Dates’ four times in the same week (if it wasn’t clear by now this is my all time favorite rom-com) and thinking it fit right up with this cowboy right here.
I really hope you, dear reader, enjoy this story, and if you spot any mistakes, please feel free to warn me and I'll correct it right away, and feedback is always welcome and appreciated.
Reader is female, but no physical descriptions provided
Next part | Masterlist | Read on AO3
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Bullets were flying, coming from everywhere. Whiskey could barely look over the cover he was hiding behind before someone was shooting at him.
“Ginger!” he screamed into the earpiece “Cider’s down!”
“What happened?” he heard the static voice of Agent Ginger Ale, or as her friends liked to call her, Elizabeth or Liz, over the comms.
“Dunno. Some goons are shooting at us. She just went down.” he ducked again after failing to locate his partner “Can’t even find her. Probably shot at.”
“Get to her immediately. If she got hit in the head you need to administer the alpha gel as soon as possible!”
“I’m trying here, Ging! Ain’t as easy with twenty guys aiming at your head.”
“Use one of those stunning bombs I made you.”
“I thought we weren’t supposed to use those prototypes yet.”
“That’s all you got now!” he could tell Ginger was becoming agitated “Just do it, Jack!”
He did just that. Picking up one of the stunning bombs in his pocket he threw it as hard as he could towards the barricade. A loud, piercing sound erupted almost immediately, hurting his ears even from where he was. Poor goons, he thought. With his ears still ringing, he took off using his whip and lasso to take out the men one by one.
Once the place was clear and no other enemies could be detected, he ran towards the place he last saw you. Where you had gone down. He came to a halt, however, his heart dropping to his stomach when his eyes landed on your slumped form, a bullet hole on your temple and blood covering the ground.
“Shit, Ging! They blew her brains out.”
“Administer the gel, quick! It’s been way too long already.”
He fumbled with the equipment, almost dropping the roll of gel, before he quickly placed  it over your face, making sure to cover the wound.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’m here. I’m going to take care of you. Ging is going to fix your pretty little head in no time, yeah?”
The gel inflated and seemed to be doing its job. 
“Ginger, the gel’s been administered. What now?”
“I’m sending a rescue team your way. Try keeping her head slightly elevated.” she said “And Jack? She’s going to be okay.”
Jack nodded, even though she couldn’t see him. He moved around and propped his back against a tree, his legs extended in front of him. As carefully as he could, he dragged your body, laying your head on his lap, running his fingers through your hair.
“You are going to be fine, sweetheart. I promise.”
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The following hours were amongst the longest of his life. Jack would even go as far as to say it was almost as long as the hours he went without any news from his wife the day she had died. As soon as the plane landed on the tarmac, a gurney was ready to take you, rolling you to Ginger’s lab.
She wouldn’t allow him to go inside. The machine you were currently hooked onto had nanoparticles working on your brain to regenerate your neurons, astrocytes and neuroglia, or something sciency he couldn’t quite understand. He was in absolute agony not knowing how you were.  
Finally, after what seemed like weeks, Ginger finally walked out of the lab. He scrambled to his feet from where he was sitting slumped against the wall in front of the lab’s doors.
“How is she?” he blurted out.
“Stable. But the damage to her brain was extensive. And the alpha gel wasn’t administered within the correct window of time.”
“Shit, Liz- I- If I had gotten to her quicker…”
“Hey, hey Jack” she laid a hand on his shoulder “It’s not your fault. There were 23 men shooting at the both of you. Our entire elite squad couldn’t take them all out that quick. You did all you could.”
He sighed, only half believing her.
“What does that mean to her?”
It was Ginger’s turn to sigh.
“I don’t know yet. I’ll only be able to assess the real extent of the damage once she wakes up.”
His shoulders slumped in defeat.
“Why don’t you take a shower, maybe try taking a nap? I’ll wake you up if anything changes.”
He nodded, actually wanting desperately to clean up now that Ginger mentioned it, but already knowing he wouldn’t be able to sleep a wink until he knew you were safe. 
Jack walked slowly back towards his quarters, almost dragging his feet into the shower. The water seemed to sooth his aches, but not his worries. He couldn’t get the image of your form, suddenly dropping lifeless, out of his head. Everytime he closed his eyes that scene replayed in the back of his eyelids like some sick, twisted film.
He couldn’t lose you. He couldn’t lose another person he- shit, did he love you? You have been partners for years now, always had each other's backs. You were one of the few people he truly trusted, someone he felt comfortable enough to open up and be vulnerable. To be himself. Recently, he’s started feeling something more than just the friendship you’ve nourished for the past years. He felt the urge to protect you, even though he knew for a fact you could look after yourself. He wanted to kiss you goodnight and wake up next to you the following morning. So did he love you? 
Yeah. Yeah, he did. He knew that now. And he couldn’t lose you.
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Laying on his bed, his hair was still wet from the shower when Ginger pinged him. He was out of bed and halfway across the base in the blink of an eye. He couldn’t remember running that fast in years. Bursting through the door of the lab, he found you sitting on one of the pristine white beds, Ginger in front of you holding a clipboard.
Both you and Ginger looked at him with wide eyes. Ginger walked around your bed in his direction.
“Whiskey, wait-” but he didn’t listen.
“Sweetheart, thank all things sacred, you’re okay!” 
He rushed forward, wrapping his arms around you in the tightest embrace you two had ever shared. He pulled back, hardly noticing the way you stiffened in his embrace, cupping your cheeks so he could look into your eyes.
“Jack-” he faintly registered Ginger’s voice behind him, but he didn’t truly care. All he cared about was that you were safe. That is until you opened your mouth to talk.
“I’m sorry,” you smiled politely at him “but who are you?”
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