#i want it to be challenging again!! jeez
skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
think i may go finish y7... oohhh...
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4ln-stay8 · 6 months
Secrets and shadows
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>summary: Lando denies your relationship in order to keep it private but that took a toll on you
>author’s notes: i hope this isn’t too bad… im trying tbh… this is probably bad but anyway… enjoy
>warnings: lying, insecurity, anxiety, crying, teasing, denying, doubt
The evening sun painted Lando's gaming setup with a warm glow as he fired up his Twitch stream. Lando adjusted his headset with a grin, ready to dive into another streaming session with Max and Bankai on his Discord server.
"Alright chat, we're live! What's up, everyone? It's been a while." said Lando starting his stream "Today, Max and Bankai will join us for some gaming, is that okay chat?" He continued
The fans in the chat exploded with excitement as Lando hadn't streamed in a while.
"Chat say hi to the boys!" said Lando with excitement as his friends entered his discord server
"Hey guys, hey chat! Ready for some gaming, Lando?" said Max excited to join his friends.
"Im ready to beat you Max, thats for sure!" said Lando confident in his ability
Lando was reading the chat trying to keep up with his fans when he noticed that something was off. The chat was full of questions about someone passing by in the background.
"Calm down chat, jeez! She's just a friend crashing at my place for a while. Now let's get back to the game so we can beat Max." Lando said chuckling trying to calm them down.
"I'm counting on it. And who knows, maybe your 'friend' in the background will bring you some luck." said Bankai while Lando was reading the chat.
"Not you too man. I've just calmed chat down, don't make them start again. She is just a friend" said Lando trying to hold chat into place
"Yeah, right guys. 'Just a friend." said Max chuckling
"Seriously guys stop it. She is just a friend, nothing more. She is not even my type anyway, plus she is also a friend of Flo so she can confirm my point." said Lando frustrated with the teasing
In the other room, you were watching Lando's stream. You couldn't help but smile as you listened to his voice and watched him play, feeling warmth in your heart. But when you heard him deny your relationship, your heart sank, and a heavy pain formed in your chest.
Insecurity washed over you. You've always known that being with someone as famous and adored as Lando would come with its challenges. But hearing him say you were just a friend made you question if you were truly good enough for him.
He not only denied your relationship but he also denied you. "She is not even my type".... Those words kept playing over and over again in your mind. You didn't expect him to tell everyone about you but you also didn't expect him to deny you like that.
It hurt you more than you wanted to. That mean voice in your mind getting louder and louder and louder with every second passing.
You felt like you interpreted everything wrong. Maybe you weren't in a relationship, maybe it was something else, but yet if you wouldn't have been in a relationship you wouldn't have told each other 'I love you' as much as you did.
You were questioning everything. You knew it was wrong. You took into consideration that you could've been overreacting right now but your insecurities were louder than your rationality.
You changed yourself into some of your clothes, leaving Lando's clothes, that were previously on you, on the bed. You picked up your phone and walked to the living room.
Once you got there, you grabbed a blanket and you opened the door to the balcony and stepped outside. You needed some fresh air and some quiet to try and calm your mind down.
You put the blanket around you and you set in the chair that was placed there. You set there crying quietly. You didn't want to cry but you just couldn't stop.
As as Lando and the boys started another round in the game, the banter continued.
"Focus on the game, guys. Stop trying to stir up drama." said Lando annoyed with his friends
"Drama? Nah, just trying to figure out when you'll finally introduce us to this mysterious 'friend.'" said Bankai teasing him
"Seriously, Lando, you've got some explaining to do. The chat is blowing up with theories." Max warned Lando as he saw the chat going wild once again
"Theories? It's just a friend, I promise. No hidden agenda." said Lando rolling his eyes, trying to concentrate on the game.
The teasing continued throughout the stream, with Lando playing along, trying to keep the focus on the game.
"Alright, enough about my 'friend.' Let's get back to the action, yeah?" said the curly haired brit while his friends kept laughing
"Fine, fine. But you owe us some answers, mate. We won't forget this." said Bankai before focusing back on the game
As the stream ended, the playful banter echoed in the virtual space, leaving Lando with a smile as he signed off, leaving the mystery of his "friend" hanging in the air, much to the amusement of Max and Bankai.
He was happy he managed to get through the stream without spilling something out, but what he didn't know was the effect his words had on you.
He went to find you, wanting to enjoy some time together before calling it a day, but to his surprise he didn't find you.He saw his clothes on the bed, the ones that were on you earlier and he didn't understand why they were there.
He called your name but no one answered. He looked for you all over the apartment but you weren't anywhere to be found. He sent you texts, still no answer. He called your phone a hundred times but he was still unlucky. He started to get worried but then he noticed the blurry figure of his beloved girlfriend and he walked to the balcony confused.
On the dimly lighted balcony, Lando sat down beside you, his curiosity evident. "Hey, I've been looking for you everywhere, I even called you, why didn't you answer?" He asked concerned
"I didn't heard the phone sorry" you said, your words barely above a whisper
"What's going on? You seem off," he asked, his eyes filled with genuine concern.
You hesitated for a moment, then looked up at him with a forced smile. "Just tired, I guess. It was a long day." You replied, avoiding eye contact.
Lando sensed something was amiss. "Come on, you can tell me anything. What's going on baby?" he reassured you, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.
Taking a deep breath, you finally found the courage and opened up. "I... I heard what you said on the stream about me. It just made me wonder if you really meant it" you admitted, vulnerability present in your voice.
Lando's expression softened as he realized the impact of his words. "Y/n baby, you know it's not like that. You mean more to me than anyone else. I just didn't want people prying into our private lives," he explained sincerely.
You nodded, a mixture of relief and lingering insecurity in your eyes. "I get it, but sometimes it's hard to hear those things, even if I know they're not true. I couldn't stop my mind from thinking it's true" you confessed, tears falling down your face
Lando pulled you into a comforting embrace. "I'm sorry if it hurt you. I'll make it up to you, alright? I don't want you doubting how important you are to me, ever! Trust me my love, you are everything I've ever wanted and more! I love you more than anything so please stop doubting yourself and your place in my life!" he promised, planting a soft kiss on her forehead.
As you sat there, the weight lifted off your shoulders. Lando understood the importance of his words and remembered that people can interpretate them differently.
You sat there, looking at the stars, holding each other close. You managed to calm yourself down and let your rationality take over. You looked up to look at Lando's face. As if he got a cue, he looked down at you with wonder in his eyes.
"I love you! And I'm sorry I overreacted" you said quietly avoiding his eyes
"I love you too baby! And I'm sorry for what I said" he whispered leaning in to kiss you.
You sat there, on the cold balcony for a little longer. You fell asleep due to the exhaustion caused by all the crying. Lando noticed and picked you up carrying you to the bedroom. He placed you down on the bed before joining you.
"I love you more than anything my love, never forget that" he whispered kissing your forehead before he pulled you closer falling asleep in your arms.
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b-o-e · 1 year
alone with you, take two
Wally Darling x Reader
Warnings: jealous wally, frustrating neighbours, mwah mwah kissy smooches!!
although it is not necessary, I highly suggest reading my fics in their recommended order for the best experience! here is the link to all my silly lil wally fics in order. this is #11 :)
Jealousy isn’t a frequent feeling for Wally, but sometimes, things get on his nerves.
“Hun, would you mind helping me with these treats please?”
Your attention was drawn away from Wally, once again. 
It was a Friday night, and the neighbourhood was gathered for their weekly get together, of course. Lots of eating, game playing, and mingling going on.
You left Wally’s side, assuring him you would be right back, off to assist Poppy with whatever it was she needed.
Wally blew out an irritated huff.
And this get together seemed to mean he barely got to steal any of you for himself.
Everyone was taking you left and right. ‘Hey, come play a game with us!’ ‘Would you help me set these up?’ ‘Come take a look at this!’ No matter what, it was one thing or another, back to back to back.
Now, despite having quite a way with words, Wally still didn’t know how to use them, at times.
Occasionally, he didn’t know how to ask for things, particularly when it comes to a new challenge he's unsure of how to approach. He just… didn’t. So, what would he do instead?
He would stare.
And he would stare.
And he would stare.
He would stare, until the other person picked up on his silent plea for assistance. Or, until it will have been long enough where he figures it out himself.
This was the predicament you were in now. Although, unfortunately for Wally, you were still yet to notice you were in any sort of predicament at all.
He wasn’t sure how long it had been. He almost couldn’t complain, because it provided an extra good excuse to look at you. At the same time, he was getting frustrated, because how haven’t you realized yet? 
Well, actually, maybe you had. But, whenever it seemed like you were going to inquire, someone stole your attention away, which would irk Wally just a little bit more.
It’s happened multiple times now. By just about everyone. Twice, by most! Were they doing it on purpose, at this point? Wally was beginning to question.
For now, Wally watched and waited. And watched and waited. And watched and waited. Until finally, you were finished helping Poppy and on your way back over to him. So, he seized his opportunity.
“Would you—” he began, only to be cut off.
“Hey pipsqueak! Come play a quick round with Eddie n I!” 
If looks could kill, Barnaby would’ve been dead where he stood.
“Deal me in, too!” Howdy raised a hand, making his way over to the table, stretching his other arms and cracking his knuckles with confidence.
“Do you get one or two hands, with two sets of arms?”
“Actually,” you glanced at Wally, looking over at the group again. “Give him two! He can play for me, I’ll hop in later,” 
“Which hand do you wanna be, kiddo?”
“Uh… top? Cause I’m on top, y’know?”
Howdy sniggered.
“Okay, I’ll give you the bottom hand.”
“Jeez. Ask me for my fancy, just to ignore it,” you clicked your tongue in amusement, looking at Wally. He gazed back at you, eyes hopeful. Was he finally getting your attention? All to himself? “What did you want to say, sorry?”
Wally sighed with relief. Finally!
“Would you li–”
“Starlight! Won’t you come join Julie and I’s game?” Sally called out to you.
Wally had it.
As you opened your mouth to reply, Wally took you by the hand, answering for you.
His tone was sharp and curt as he stormed toward the door, leading you behind him.
No more distractions.
Wally pulled you along, pausing briefly at the exit and looking at you, ensuring you were fine with this. Your eyes met his, and although surprised and confused, you understood the silent question and gave him a nod to go on.
The two of you stepped outside, walking briskly into the cool night. A sigh of relief left Wally, glad to finally be away from his beloved although slightly infuriating neighbours. When he decided the two of you had wandered far enough, he slowed his pace, sucking in a breath of the refreshing air. He looked at you to apologize for being so brash, only to pause.
You were staring at him, a grin growing on your face.
“Is this what I think it is?” you questioned him. His brows furrowed in puzzlement.
“Were you getting jealous in there, Wally?”
He gaped at the accusation. Jealous? Him? He opened his mouth to shut it down, only to hesitate.
Was he jealous?
His cheeks heated as realization hit him. He gaped like a fish, trying to think of a reasonable defense for himself, to no avail.
“... they were doing it on purpose,” he could only claim, deflating. 
“They were being quite rude, weren’t they?” you empathized with a giggle. “I’m sorry,”
“It’s not your fault,” he shook his head, sure of that much. “But they kept pulling you away, this way and that way. I think that I was deserving of a turn,”
“Well, no matter, now we are alone,” you smiled. “No more interruptions. What would you like, Wally?” you asked him.
He blanked.
The reason he wanted your attention in the first place.
Wally’s head dipped down shyly, his fingers gently toying with your own.
How does he say it?
He returned his gaze back to your eyes. You were waiting patiently for him to speak. No rush at all. You never did.
“I wanted to step outside with you,” he said, speaking slow as he took the time to figure out his words.
“I wanted to spend some time away, just you and I,” he continued. “Everyone was demanding your attention, but I wanted some for myself. That sounds quite selfish now that I say it out loud, doesn’t it?” He mumbled.
“I don’t think you’re being selfish at all,” you begged to differ. “I think that you have a right to desire some extra attention from me. We are together, after all. And, that being said, you are my top priority,” 
“As you are mine,” Wally nodded, giving your hand a squeeze.
“So, you just wanted to spend some time together?” You hummed softly, smiling at him. “I always quite like that idea,”
“Well, not quite…” he trailed along sheepishly, looking down at your interlocked hands.
“What would that be, Darling?”
“I wanted to kiss you,” he admitted.
“To kiss me?”
He nodded.
“Well, why don’t you, then?”
He peeked up at you.
“... might I?”
“Of course,” you giggled. 
“… now I’m nervous,” he uttered bashfully, gazing downward as he shyly rubbed the back of his neck. You grinned in amusement, leaning closer to him.
“Do you want me to kiss you?” You whispered, placing your finger under his chin to redirect his attention to you. His eyes widened slightly in surprise, gazing into yours as he licked his dry lips.
“Please?” He murmured out. 
With a smile, you tilted his chin up a bit more, closing the gap between you and pressing your lips to his in a sweet, short kiss. He went a little rigid before he relaxed into it, though he didn’t have quite enough time to reciprocate before you moved to break the kiss. 
As you began to pull away, his hand found the side of your neck, not ready for you to leave just yet. He led you back in before you went too far, his lips met yours once again, bringing you in for another kiss, slow and loving.
Moments later, Wally pulled away, more content this time. He gazed at you, any hint of his prior frustration nowhere to be seen anymore, nothing but a look of fondness left remaining in his eyes. He studied you, from your flushed cheeks to your small smile, meeting your equally love filled eyes.
“Are you satisfied now?” You asked with a light teasing tone, rubbing at your warm cheek as if it would make your embarrassed blush fade away. Wally clicked his tongue, glancing towards the noisy home down the way.
“Mmm, I’m not sure…” he hummed with a playful tone, looking back at you with a glint in his eyes.  “I think that I deserve you for some time more. How does another kiss sound to you? Then, maybe I’ll be satisfied,”
hi! hello! did i scare you? i'm back from the dead to offer you this! i hope that you enjoyed! burnout is real, bahaha! if you are new, i have some other fics along these lines you can read as well!
here is a link to my silly lil wally fics in their recommended order if you would like :) these can also be found on my ao3 B) I also have a ko-fi if you'd like to support me!
also!!! ART!!! people made art based on my fics!!! MIND BLOWING!!! check them out, super duper cool!
@leon-dechino created this one and this one! SO cool, mind boggling, makes me so happy gavhxsah
@sunkyss created this one! AHHH! so wild man, i still can't believe it bahaha! i highly suggest you check both of them out! they have so many cool works on top of these!
alas! 'tis all for now! i hope to see you soon! MWAH! until next time <3
Posted Wednesday, June 7, 2023 at 2:07 PM
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mellowmadds · 1 year
Taste Testing | Ethan Landry
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Ethan Landry/Reader
Summary: slushies and sleepovers don’t mix
Warnings: slight cussing
Word Count: 707
pure fluff (no description of reader so everybody can enjoy!)
..••°°°°••.. °°••....••°°
Sleepovers at the Carpenter house seemed to turn into a weekly thing. However, getting to spend any alone time with your boyfriend felt more like a challenge due to the core four always sticking together. Instead of getting to the Carpenter’s apartment on time Ethan took it upon himself to plan a small date before the scheduled weekly sleepover.
“Red is cherry flavored and blue is raspberry” Ethan read out loud while he stared too intently at the menu above the ice cream counter.
“Are we sure we want slushies instead of ice cream?” you asked while focusing on all of the delicious looking homemade ice cream. Ethan laughed while thinking back to the conversation you guys had earlier that same day.
“You were literally googling to see if any places nearby sold slushies while we were walking back from econ.” he stated before ordering two slushies one red and one blue. You thanked the lady behind the counter while putting some cash into the tip jar while Ethan paid over at the register. You guys walked out of the small ice cream parlor and down the street to the local park where you finished up the slushies and talked about your upcoming assignments in econ.
“Where the hell were you guys we’ve been waiting to start the movie” Tara exclaimed while throwing her hands up in the air pretending to be mad despite the huge smile on her face. As you and Ethan sat in your usual spot on the couch Mindy couldn’t help but notice the slight change in color on both of your lips.
“Why the fuck are your lips purple y/n?” Mindy laughed as she took a sip of her drink.
“Purple? What do you mean?” You asked confused before taking out your phone and opening the camera app.
“Jeez so are yours” Anika said pointing over towards Ethan.
“Pur- wait me too?” Ethan asked before leaning over looking into your small phone camera.
“What kind of weird ass food did you two eat?” Chad laughed while walking into the living room with a bowl of popcorn.
“Nothing weird just slushies” You said, handing your phone over to Ethan who was trying to scrub the purple color off his lips.
“Purple slushies? I didn’t know they made grape flavored slushies” Sam entered the conversation clearly intrigued by what was being said in the other room before placing two boxes of pizza on the coffee table.
“I had the blue one though which was raspberry flavor” You said clearly confused.
“And I had the red one” Ethan chimed back into the conversation before placing your phone back in your backpack.
“What? That doesn’t make any sense” Anika said while grabbing a slice of pizza.
“Oh my god” Mindy said while trying to hold in her laughter.
“Y/n what did you and Ethan do today?” Sam asked, smirking while looking between the both of you.
“We went to the park and then we came here” You said, still clearly confused as to why the core four were so invested in this conversation.
“And what did you do at the park?” Tara spoke once again smiling as she thought to herself just how clueless you two could be.
“We drank our slushies?” Ethan stated but it came out sounding more like a question.
“And then?” Sam asked, laughing before finally sitting down and grabbing herself a slice of pizza. As you come to realize why your lips are actually purple you turned to Ethan giving him an embarrassing look.
“Do you think that’s why our lips are purple?” He whispered before turning to look back at the group.
“Okay now show us what color your tongues are” Chad laughed while throwing popcorn at the two of you.
“Shut up” You said before jokingly sticking your tongue out at Chad. While everyone laughed Tara threw her arms in the air once again before yelling at everyone to be quiet so that she could finally start playing the movie. The rest of the night was filled with laughter and this specific night would later turn into a core memory for the two of you to always look back on and get a good laugh out of.
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new feelings
a/n: i want to scratch behind his ears. he’d love it and i’m right about this. also what was supposed to be a short drabble ended in a mini fic. apologies.
content: nightbringer satan is a force to be reckoned with, until he meets you. featuring mammon being a good brother.
warnings: satan is (somewhat) mad.
slight angst, mostly fluff. hurt/comfort. satan x gen!reader (you/your).
word count: 1.5k.
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after a long day of errands, you returned to the house of lamentation to drop off some food for the seven lords. even if they weren’t the brothers from your original timeline, you knew they caused just as much trouble as the ones you were already accustomed to living with. so, to no one’s surprise, you walked through the front door only to be greeted by a half destroyed hallway. a grimace blanketed your face as you took in your surroundings. you weren’t taken aback by how much damage was done, but rather by the sight of mammon rushing to get everything clean. “mammon,” you called out, placing the bags you were carrying down at your feet. “what happened?”
the second eldest snapped his head around at the sound of his name. you wondered if it was relief that flickered across his face when he made eye contact with you. “jeez, it’s just you. thought lucifer was home early.” he quickly returned to work, throwing pieces of what you assumed was a broken vase into a nearby trash can. “satan got mad, ended up nearly breaking the place.”
“is he okay?” you picked up your bags again, moving to drop them off in the doorway that led to the kitchen.
mammon shrugged to you from the other side of the hall. “dunno. told him that if he went to his room and calmed down, i wouldn’t tell lucifer what happened.”
the pieces clicked inside your head. “ah, that’s why you got worried when i came in.” mammon shot you a nod while he kept cleaning. “and that’s why you’re working so hard for once.”
“what’s that supposed to mean?!” his golden eyes flashed at the remark angrily. “tch, just don’t want lucifer yellin’ at him again. satan ends up worse than he was if lucifer starts with the lectures. now either help me or scram, you’re distracting me.”
you were glad to see that even in this timeline, mammon was still mammon. “i’m gonna go check on satan then.”
suddenly, mammon appeared directly in front of you. “oi, i don’t need ya making him more angry than he is.” you wondered what sort of thoughts the second born was having. “so… if you go, be careful. don’t say anything dumb, you hear me?!”
“i wouldn’t dare,” you replied with a smile. mammon said nothing in return, but instead gave you a huff before going to throw the broken vase away. quietly, you turned on your heel and started making your way over to the blonde's room. a part of you was worried; this satan hadn't completely warmed up to you the same way the one you knew had. of course, you were working on it, but with the way things were, satan proved to be an even harder challenge the second time around. when you arrived at his room, you debated whether to knock or to call for him through the door. satan ended up making the decision for you.
"lucifer, if that's you out there, i am going to throw every single one of my cursed books at you," satan shouted, his voice threatening.
talking through the door it is, you thought. “it’s just me,” you called, keeping your voice light. “can i come in?” you held your breath for a while, waiting and hoping for permission. satan never responded, but you heard the sound of his door unlocking. relieved, you exhaled softly, opening the door just enough to poke your head inside. “satan?” you internally cursed at the way his room was practically pitch black. his figure was barely visible, and your only guiding lights were his glinting green eyes. you shut the door behind you, locking it again so you didn’t risk the brothers (lucifer) walking in. with equal parts memory and guessing, you made your way across the room without knocking a stack of books over. “hi,” you whispered to him, crouching just a bit in front of him.
“hey,” satan whispered back after a few seconds of silence. you ignored the way his voice wavered at the end.
you waited to see if he would keep talking, but you only saw his irises disappear from sight as he closed his eyes. “can i sit next to you?”
the way his eyes fluttered open reminded you of the way you had seen black cats with green eyes in the dark. it was captivating, if you were going to be honest. distracted by how they looked, you almost missed the way his gaze darted between you and the spot next to him. you obliged happily and settled yourself next to him, making sure there was enough distance between the two of you before leaning back onto the bed frame that propped you up.
after some time, satan shifted in his position next to you. “why are you in here?” his voice was rough, almost akin to a snarl.
“i’m your attendant. i’m supposed to make sure everyone is doing okay.” you answered plainly, but satan wasn’t satisfied. you could hear the way his breath sharpened. “plus, you did agree to let me in.”
the avatar of wrath clicked his tongue, the end of his tail tapping the floor repeatedly, “you could have just asked from outside. you shouldn’t come in when i’m… like this.” satan kept his eyes trained on the ground, refusing to meet yours.
“like what, satan?”
satan stood up abruptly, forcing you to shuffle to the side and fall back onto your hands. “like this, MC,” he growled, his face hovering just in front of yours. “while i’m angry, while i barely have any control over what i’m doing or saying. why would you come here knowing that?!”
it took a moment for you to gain your bearings. his breaths were shallow, rapid, and he bared his teeth at you menacingly. slowly, you reached for your d.d.d., pulling it out of your pocket and tapping the screen awake. “you wanna see the cat i found while walking over here?”
the expression on satan’s face morphed into confusion when you pointedly ignored what he asked. “that… that’s not answering my question,” he started mumbling. the demon stared at you, his wrath slowly being replaced by hesitant curiosity. “you’re not afraid of the fact that i might rampage?”
smiling gently, you shook your head. you were still waiting for the question that the satan in your timeline would have asked. “i took some nice pictures of her. she was a really pretty blue-”
satan grabbed your hand in his, pushing it down so your phone wasn’t blocking his line of sight towards you. “you’re not afraid of me?”
there it is. you shook your head again, your free hand tugging on his to pull him down next to you. “of course not.” your hand opened to free his own, but satan only grasped onto you tighter when you tried to let go.
“why not?”
“why would i be?” you watched as the emotions danced through his eyes. hints of confusion, anger, and wonder all took their turns in his gaze. it- no, he was mesmerising. he always has been to you.
relenting, satan finally slumped into the spot next to you, his hand still holding yours tightly. his head hovered above your shoulder, and his other hand reached out, unsure of where his boundaries lay. “all of them have told you i’m dangerous. that i’m just the angry version of lucifer.” you felt him press into your side tentatively. his shaking breaths did well to betray the enraged expression he wore on his face.
“well, i think that you’re satan.” it was like your heart shattered when you heard the blonde choke up. you placed your d.d.d. on the floor, reaching up to guide his head to finally rest on your shoulder. satan flinched at the contact on his head, but soon relaxed into your touch when he felt your fingertips press into all the right spots. “you’re not so dangerous; they just don’t know how to deal with some things yet.”
satan pressed his face into you, his eyelashes tickling the side of your neck. you couldn’t help but remember why you had fallen for your own satan. “some things being me?” his question was accompanied by a light sniffle.
you pretended not to hear it. “yeah, but they’ll come around. i know they will.” you observed the way satan clenched and unclenched his fist; you remembered it as a nervous habit of his. “call it a gut feeling.” murmuring, you touched your cheek to the top of his head, testing the waters that were his emotions. when satan didn’t pull away, you fully rested your head on top of his, praying that he would accept you.
beside you, satan released a sigh that shuddered through his core. you felt him squeeze your hand one more time before he gave in to you, his entire body falling against yours. there were many things that he was feeling, but satan could only focus on the way you made him feel safe. it was new for him. the fourth born didn’t always deal well with new emotions, but maybe just this once, he’d welcome it with an open heart.
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a/n: i love him i love him i lo
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littlemissaddict · 11 days
To Eddie it was a usual Saturday movie night around Steve's until it wasn't. Well there was the usual suspects Robin, Nancy, Jonathan and the kids but there was someone new, someone he'd only heard them talk about in passing but now she was here.
He'd managed to wait until after the first movie when she'd gone to help Nancy in the kitchen after the pizza delivery. "So what's her deal? How come she just shows up out of the blue? I mean it's a small town, everyone knows everyone but I've never heard of her until you all mentioned her" he asks, trying to keep his voice low so she can't hear.
"Jeez calm down, there's more to her than meets the eye in fact you are both probably more alike than you think" Robin reveals which leaves Eddie with even more questions, questions that he doesn’t get to ask as she and Nancy enter the room with the food.
They all make it through another movie before Eddie stands up declaring he needs a smoke break. "Anyone joining me?" He asks to which everyone declines. Shrugging his shoulders, Eddie turns and heads through to the kitchen towards the back door.
"Actually I think I could use a bit of fresh air" she says to no one in particular, pushing up off the couch and stretching her body out.
"But you don't smoke" Nancy pipes up.
"And is it really fresh air if your just inhaling second hand smoke?" Mike adds with a roll of his eyes.
Max clearly sensing what was going on reaches over and smacks Mike upside his head. She shoots the younger girl a grateful smile and follows the way Eddie went just moments earlier.
She cracks the door open as quietly as she can, not wanting to scare Eddie. Though it doesn't seem like it would have mattered anyway, he's sitting on one of the sun loungers over by the pool staring up into the sky at the stars overhead.
"They're so much prettier out here" she says softly as she joins him, taking a seat on the sun lounger next to him. Eddie doesn't flinch, she guesses he heard her coming, only hums in response as he takes another drag from his cigarette. "I used to love coming out here as a kid, life's so much slower than in the big city, you know you wouldn't find anyone just sitting around stargazing but then again there's too much light there so you can't really see the stars" she doesn't know why she's telling him this, her mouth running away with her as she settles back into the seat.
They sit in silence as Eddie finishes his cigarette, dropping it in the ashtray he had the foresight to bring out with him. He eyes her up as he turns, trying to work out what to say next without seeming too prying but when she turns towards him having sensed his gaze he decides to just go for it. "So how did you even become friends with them?"
She blinks at him, processing the question and to be fair the topic had never been discussed and she could see where his curiosity was coming from considering she wasn't even from the town. "Nancy," she says finally, "we'd made friends when I used to visit when I was younger and then the rest of the group just kinda claimed me as one of the the last few years" she explained.
Eddie nodded with a smile as he relaxed back into the sun lounger. "Makes sense, you and Nancy seem very alike" he comments, missing the way her nose scrunches in discontempt that he's already seems to have a made up image of her in his head when he doesn't even know her.
"We are alike but we're also not alike in the slightest" she informs him, not that there was anything wrong with being like Nancy, she was smart, pretty and fiercely protective of those she loves but at the same time she was also her own person, not Nancy.
"Coulda fooled me" he smirks, raising his brows in challenge to her to prove him wrong, "but then again the others seem to think the two of us have a lot in common" he adds, disbelief at the words written across his face.
"And they'd be right" she states, a smirk on her own face.
"Yeah, you take three times to graduate high school? Or are you a secret metalhead or something? Got some hidden tattoos you not showing?" He tries, all things that he doesn’t believe fit her.
"No," she replies without hesitation, causing Eddie to interrupt with a scoff, mumbling an 'I thought so' with a smug smile. "You didn’t let me finish," she huffs in frustration at his interruption, "I passed high school first time round, yes I listen to metal and yes I have tattoos" she finishes, feeling quite smug with herself in the way Eddie's now quiet, mouth hung open in disbelief.
"You-you" Eddie stutters at a loss for words, "can I see" he asks, referring to her tattoos.
"Are you asking me to strip? Jeez take a girl out to dinner first" she teases, just to see Eddie splutter some more. Call it payback for the misconception he had of her.
"Are you serious?" He asks, his face tinted red enough to see even in the fading light of the sun.
"About the tattoos, yes, about taking me out to dinner, no unless that's something you'd be interested in" she winks, enjoying the teasing and more so Eddie's reactions considering the loud and boisterous way he'd been so far tonight.
Eddie just stares at her, seemingly deciding what to say when Steve's voice comes from the back door, "are you too going to stay out there all night or can we put another movie on?" He sounds frustrated with the two of them but one look at his face tells them both that the anger is fake, he's probably just happy they're getting along.
She jumps up from the sun lounger, making her way towards the house without even looking if Eddie is following her but then Steve's question about if she's playing nice tells her that he hasn't. "Always" she promises with a sweet smile as she slides through the door and heads towards the rest of the group.
"Come on man" Steve urges as Eddie finally stands, only stopping when he gets to Steve. "Yeah I know, you'll get used to her" Steve chuckles, seeing the look of confusion and awe mixed into one on his face as he ushers him back inside to where the rest of the group were waiting.
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navstuffs · 7 months
Being Ada Wong's sidekick would include...(GN!Reader)
Proving yourself worthy before you can even start working with her. You have to earn it. Ada never thought about having a sidekick (she doesn't feel like she needs it), and if you want to prove yourself, you better do a perfect job doing it.
When you finally prove yourself, Ada allows you to join a few missions. She is strict, telling you any sign of failure, and you would never go into another mission with her again.
She watches as you take on complex challenges that most would give up, even though you are an inexperienced spy. Ada knows you are trying to impress her; she hasn't met anyone so bravely fool like that, though she finds you silly.
That's why when she works with that cop from Raccoon City, he reminds Ada of you. That's why she helps the rookie during the mission; she can't leave him to simply die, though betrayal is a necessary part of any spy life.
Mission by mission, you start getting as fast and experienced as her. Ada can't help but be proud when you are the one who finds the samples and figures out the clues even before her.
 One night, returning from a mission during a helicopter ride, Ada notes, "You are getting efficient," which was probably Ada's way of saying she is proud of your growth.
Soon, you become closer, though none of you understand the complexity of those feelings yet. Ada tells herself she enjoys having you around because you are useful, and you? You don't know what to call it. Sometimes, you work in the shadows, helping her when only she needs to be seen.
Starting to wear red. It was meant to be eventually. Wearing red as Ada did, not that she obligated you. But you don't notice the small, proud smile she gives you when you first come wearing a red shirt.
Interestingly enough, you notice she starts using small details with your favorite color. It is there, a nod to your presence, like a bracelet or a ring.
As a reminder, you two still have each other's back.
Falling in love won't happen suddenly. Ada needs time to trust you, which will only occur over time. The first signs started showing after Spain. You don't go, and for some reason, you considered Ada didn't want you working with Albert Wesker. Is it absurd to think Ada was trying to protect you?? But she would never admit that. She only mentioned she needed to be focused on that one.
When she gets back, she is strange. Different. Not like from pos- Raccoon City-Ada, but way worse. Like she wants to tell you something, but she doesn't find ways to express it. You want to invite her on a shopping spree (that always seemed to help in the past), but Ada doesn't accept, choosing to take some time off. Distress. 
You invite her for a night out at your house (no pressure) and are delighted when she accepts. Ada appears around 7 p.m., wearing a comfortable red dress and earrings of your favorite color, a factor that doesn't go unnoticed by you.
Though she laughs at your silly jokes and chats, her smile never reaches her eyes. You want to ask what happened in Spain, but Ada would never share weakness, for more than you know each other for a long time.
"Ada, you know I am here for you, right? Whatever you want to talk about. I know we are not friends, like friends, but...I am here. For you."
Jeez, you sound like an idiot. What will Ada Wong think of you?
"Thank you."
Ada's fragile whisper takes you by surprise. She loses her usual calm composure before opening a small smile in your direction, her palm on the table. You slowly move your palm into hers, giving her enough time to pull away if she doesn't want to. She allows you, and you squeeze her hand. This is a start, you think hopeful about what the future could bring.
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thesugarclubs-blog · 4 months
Moonlight - Bucky Barnes x OC
warnings: college au, hockey boy bucky, friends to lovers
word count: 6.2k
WP: https://www.wattpad.com/1418435295-moonlight-luna
Vibe: “I know.” He said with soft furrowed brows. “I’m real sorry Luna.”
She nodded and glanced around the stadium at everyone staring at them. “I forgive you.” She said looking back at him. “Anyone who is crazy enough to come out bare ass on the ice deserves that.” Luna grinned.
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Luna loved her dorm room. It was quiet, strung with vine lights and just enough posters that the beige walls felt normal. The room quickly became her safe space. She loved it here. 
“Luuuuunaaa.” That familiar voice rang behind her door. 
She groaned but couldn’t help the smile that tugged at the corners of her lips. Sitting up in her bed, she waited a moment. “3…2…1–”
“Luna Jackson, I know you’re hiding in that cave, I will break this door down.” Bucky said, his voice muffled against the wood. She laughed knowing that he would probably try. “Is that a laugh I heard? Does the idea of me hurting myself just to see you make you laugh!” By now he was also laughing. 
Luna stood and grabbed the door, tugging it open with her signature frown. “My door isn’t a beer can tower you can just put your head through.” 
“I wore a helmet.” He smirked leaning against the door frame, “once. It really got in the way the second time…. And the third.” 
Luna raised a brow, “that explains so much.” 
He finally glanced down at her, that Barnes smile proving to send a shot of warmth straight to her belly. “You wound me, pretty girl.” 
“You’ll survive.” She grinned and turned on her heel to jump back onto her bed. 
Bucky tugged the back of her shirt shaking his head as she turned to look at him. “You aren’t crawling back into that bed. You promised you’d come to the rink with me.” 
“If I remember correctly you assumed I was coming.” She scowled. “The rink is cold and my bed is warm. Cozy warm. Makes you want hot chocolate and a good book warm.” 
He smirked. “If you come with me I’ll buy you a hot chocolate there.”
"Not the same thing," she pouted. "Not the same thing at all."
"I'll make sure you stay warm," he pressed, bouncing eagerly on the balls of his feet.
"Don't be perverse," Luna warned, screwing her face up in mock disgust.
"I meant that you could wear my jersey, jeez," Bucky huffed but there was a knowing smirk building in the corner of his mouth.
"You should be so lucky," she said but then let out a world-weary sigh. "Fine. Gimme ten minutes to change."
Crossing the room, Luna began pulling clothes from her closet. She knew damn well how cold that rink was when she wasn’t working up a sweat on the ice, usually dragged on by Bucky who’d had enough of running drills and challenged her to races she’d never win. 
She chucked her warmest sweater onto the bed, a pair of thermal leggings to wear under her jeans and the thickest socks she owned and then turned to Bucky who was still leaning in her doorway. He was watching her with that look he gets sometimes, eyes soft and hazy. 
“If you think you’re about to get lucky Barnes, you can think again.” Luna twirled her finger in the air, pointing out into the hall, and Bucky sagged with a dramatic groan as he turned around. “I won’t be long.”
She heard him grumble a quiet "yeah yeah" under his breath before he left, throwing her one sneaky, quick glance over his shoulder as she shut the door to her room, the lingering look setting off butterflies that she'll deny with all her might they exist.
Barnes was probably one of the very few people in her life that could make her give up a warm bed and a book in the calmness of her room in exchange for going out and having fun. Luna felt lucky for knowing him.
After shimying into her jeans, she tugged on her sweater, her warmest one was coincidentally the emerald green one Bucky had once said he loved because it brought out her eyes. Everytime she wore it he gave her a look that was enough to warm her up even if the temperatures were well below zero. She huffed out a breath shaking away the thought as she laced up her docs before grabbing her bag and her current read just in case. 
“I’m gonna open the door Bucky, you might wanna step away from it,” she laughed
“All clear!” His muffled voice murmured from the other side. 
“Everytime,” she whispered, shaking her head. “Alright, let’s go Barnes before I change my mind.” 
“Aw, you wouldn’t do that to me sweets” he smiled as he took her in, “I love that on ya Jackson.” His eyes drifted down to the book tucked under her arm. 
“Everytime,” he laughed.
They walked down the hallway side by side, Bucky hovering his palm over the small of the back like he always did.
His hand never touched her although secretly she wished he would. 
It was a gesture of friendly protection, showing the world that she was under his guard and belonged to him.
Luna would have never thought she'd be close to the star player of the hockey team, the center forward that was probably the center of a lot of college girl's sex dreams. She mentally rolled her eyes by thinking about all the girls that waited for him at every practice and game just to get a puck, a disgustingly sweaty jersey, or his phone number.
Luna took a deep breath as they walked into the rec center, preparing her lungs for the seasonal chill that filled the space when the arena floor was covered with ice. She glanced up at Bucky to see that light in his eyes sparkle. The one he always got when he entered the building. His eyes flicked down to hers and that swarm of butterflies she consistently had to swear off started up again in her chest. "What did you drag me down here for exactly?" 
The grin that spread across his features both terrified her and warmed her at the same time. "Hot chocolate?" He smirked. 
Luna narrowed her eyes at him. "I somehow doubt that." 
"Can't a guy just want to spend time with his Luna whenever he wants?" He leaned forward, tucking his chin down to meet her gaze.
"Your Luna?" She replied indignantly. "Since when?"
"Always," Bucky shrugged, "You got a problem with that?"
Luna huffed and stormed over to her usual seat by the side of the rink and dropped her bag on the floor. There was a package there, wrapped in brown paper, with her name printed on it in block capitals. It was heavy in her hands, and bulky, and the paper had already begun to tear through in one corner as something metallic and sharp poked through. She started there, ripping open the wrappings to reveal a pair of skates. They were white with emerald-green laces and had yellow crescent moons painted along the sides. Gasping in surprise she turned to face Bucky, who approached carrying two hot chocolates and wore a cocky grin.
"What? Your old ones were tattered and shit. I thought I'd give you a fighting chance at beating me in a race at least once," he said.
A familiar warmth spread throughout her, and for a moment Luna let her emotions show on her face. A soft smile tugging at the corners of her lips. She'd never had someone in her life that was so observant to little things the way that he was. From freshman orientation, Bucky had been like a thorn in her side that she couldn't get rid of in the best way possible. He made her smile more times than she'd ever admit and as she examined the new pair of skates in her hand, running her finger over the crescent moons, for a short moment, she let her real feelings creep in. 
"You know I don't need an advantage to beat you in a race," Luna cleared her throat, finally looking over to meet Bucky's sparkling blue eyes. 
With a snorted laugh, Bucky shook his head, "Well you've only won once, so I think you might," he joked, "but if you don't like 'em..." he started, reaching his hand out to take the skate. 
"No!" Luna pulled them away, "You put all this effort in, the least I could do is humor you," she smirked.
Bucky grinned down at her as he handed a hot chocolate over, extra whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles just how she liked it. 
“Oh, it’s on, little moon. Drink your hot chocolate and then lace up.” 
“Aye, aye, Captain.” Luna threw him a lazy two finger salute and took a sip of her drink, instantly feeling cold whipped cream smear across the tip of her nose. 
“You got a little something just…” Bucky murmured as he plopped down in the seat beside her. He reached out, swiping the cream from her nose with his finger and flashed her a lopsided smile. “There.”
She couldn't help the shuddered breath that escaped her as her eyes caught on the sight of Bucky sliding his thumb between his lips and sucking the whipped cream off of it. 
Luna quickly averted her eyes away from his, sitting down on the bench and busying her hands with the new skates while she hoped her hair covered her rosy cheeks.
"Just... just give me a minute to change into them then we can break them in," Luna told him. The flurry of feelings started to swell in her heart making it hard to speak.
She took one more sip of her hot chocolate before setting it beside her to bend over and unlace her boots. 
“You really wanna beat me that much you’re not gonna finish your hot chocolate,” he all but screeched. 
“Hey, I never leave a hot chocolate behind, one. Two, I just wanna get a feel of ‘em before I win, you know stretch my toes in them. That also gives you a chance to prepare for your imminent defeat Barnes,” she declared. 
“Feisty, I like it Jackson.” He mused
"You know it," she winked at him, looking up into his smiling eyes.
"Hiya Buck,"  a group of sophomores chorused as they skated past. Bucky turned his head towards the voices and waved, his eyes reluctant to leave hers.
"Your fanclub's in," she teased, standing up and testing her weight on the new blades.
Bucky rolled his eyes. "How do they feel?"
"Like they were made for me. You really shouldn't have, but I'm glad you did. Thank you." Luna smiled at him again. He really did make her feel warm and fuzzy inside, but in all the time they'd been friends he'd never made her feel that he wanted more, and that she was firmly parked in the friend zone.
"So, you'll abandon that hot chocolate and follow me on the ice, Jackson?"
Luna was so focused on testing the new blades that she hadn't realized that Bucky had changed into his own and was standing in front of her with his hand stretched out toward her. 
"Abandoning hot chocolate means bad luck. Not gonna risk it," she said before emptying the cup with her eyes fixed on him. When she set it back down, she let her tongue slip out, and carefully cleaned the remaining whipped cream around her lips. 
Bucky was still watching her, completely ignoring the same group of girls as they passed by them again with loud giggles and teasing "We need some help with skating. Maybe you can teach us, Buck" shouts. A playful smirk danced around his face before he slightly shook his head in amusement. 
"You're going to be the death of me one day," he mumbled before turning around and making his way to the open door that would let them enter the ice.
"That's too much pressure." Luna scrunched her nose as she set her hot chocolate down and stood up on wobbly legs. She always hated this part, getting from the regular floor to the ice. She felt like a baby deer trying to get there. Bucky, never failing to notice anything about her, reached for her elbow after one unsteady step and smiled warmly at her. 
"I've got you." 
Luna glanced up at him as she steadied herself and stepped onto the ice. "Thanks." She whispered, feeling her cheeks turn pink. 
"Anytime pretty girl."
A chorus of Bucks greeted them as soon as their blades hit the ice. With an apologetic shrug of his shoulders Bucky skated backwards away from her and towards the gaggle of puck bunnies that waited near the center of the rink. Luna clutched the barrier as she let herself become used to the lack of friction, eyeing their short sleeves and furry ear muffs with disdain.
She let out a scoff and pushed herself off, gliding slowly but gracefully towards the group. She’d skated all her life and was more than confident on the ice but her sense of self-preservation had always been stronger than Bucky's. It was the reason he always had her beat.
Ear piercing giggles sounded from the girls as Bucky charmed them, talking about his last game and how “easy” of a win it was. Luna was sure she saw her brain when she rolled her eyes as she finally got up beside Bucky. 
“And then just as the buzzer sounded, I shot the puck into the net right between the goalies knees,” he boasted, a proud smirk on his face as he looked down at Luna. 
With a soft laugh, blond shook her head, “you only made that shot because Wilson was picking a fight and had everyone distracted” 
“A wins a win” he winked with a shrug of his shoulders. 
“I think it was a great shot Bucky, the team couldn’t have done it without you,” a brunette practically sang, placing her hand on Buck’s bicep.
“That’s what they always say,” Bucky replied, beaming proudly as he glanced over at Luna for confirmation. 
Luna’s gaze had drifted to the brunette’s hand on Bucky’s arm, staring at it like she’d somehow developed telekinetic powers and any moment now the other girl would let go.
“Right, pretty girl?” Bucky pressed. 
Luna glanced up, sensing the daggers the girls were sending her for Bucky’s sweet term of endearment. 
“Hmm? Oh yeah, all the time,” she agreed.
Bucky furrowed his brows as if he sensed that she was uncomfortable with the dressed-up girls around them. The brunette was beaming at Bucky, revealing toothbrush-advertisement-white teeth and Luna had to admit that the sophomore was beautiful. She and Bucky would look great on the cover page of the campus' magazine. 
"I'm having trouble finding my balance in these skates. Do you have any tips, Buck?" the brunette asked, blinking with her fake eyelashes in his direction.
"Actually, I was here to help Luna break in her new skates and..."
"I'll be fine, Barnes. Give her a helping hand. She needs it. Even a newborn foal is steadier on its legs than this girl," Luna interrupted him with a shake of her hand. 
Bucky turned his head towards her, raising his brows in a silent 'Are you sure?', but she only gave him a shy smile in return.
The girls wouldn't have stopped harassing them until he finally helped out the brunette. She was looking at him with heart-eyes, giggling at every word he spoke, funny or not. It was always the same with him and the fangirls and she was sure he enjoyed bathing in attention.
"Alright. Let me see you skate and I’ll try to help," Bucky spoke towards the brunette again, watching the girl stumble over the ice with a contorted face.
Luna wasn't needed in the assessment, so she pushed off from where she was currently standing and started skating around the rink to get comfortable with the new skates.
Maybe she should have stayed in her cozy bed with a book. Then she wouldn't have to watch this awkward group date that reminded her a lot of 'The Bachelor'.
Ten minutes later, Luna stepped from the ice onto the rubber matting of the floor. She'd been quite happy skating around on her own, her thoughts back on the times when she'd taken ice dancing at elementary school, but one of the guys in her chem class had started to bug her. He'd been trying to catch her attention as she skated around but she didn't want to hang out with him. She'd come to the rink with Bucky. She looked back over in his direction but he was still basking in the attention of the puck bunnies, what was even more infuriating was that it was obvious that the girls knew what they were doing.
She picked up her hot chocolate and took a sip. It wasn't scalding hot like she had hoped but it was still warm enough that she enjoyed it. She leaned over the edge of the rink, watching everyone skate by. The group of girls and Bucky had migrated closer to her as he laughed with them. They pretended to trip over gouges in the ice, using any excuse they could to hold onto him. It didn't help the little green monster on her back that wanted to drag him away. 
Lost in her thoughts, Luna didn't realize that the girl who had asked for his help in the first place was skating towards her. In a moment, the girl knocked into her, splashing the hot chocolate all over Luna and her emerald sweater. "Hey!" 
The girl shot her a sickly sweet glare and shrugged. "Sorry!" 
Bucky skated over with his brows furrowed. The gaggle of girls following behind him. "I'm just so clumsy. I think I need more lessons, Buck what do you think?" 
Luna glanced down at herself. Her shirt and jeans were soaked. She knew it wasn't an accident just by the daggers coming her way from the girl and her friends. Her eyes flit to Bucky and his fist was covering his mouth. 
"Pretty girl, you gotta be more careful." He said, amusement pure in his voice. The girls burst out laughing and soon he followed, sending a sinking feeling through Luna.
“You’re telling me to be careful?” Luna snapped, her fury rising.
“Well, they’re new skates s’gonna take some time to get used to ‘em,” Bucky said, clueless innocence plastered all over his face.
“Yeah,” the chief bunny chimed in, resting her head against Bucky’s broad shoulder, “we can’t all be as good on the ice as Bucky. Maybe you should watch him for some pointers.”
“Watch him?” Luna fumed, reaching boiling point as she took in Bucky’s banal smile. “Watch him?! Watch this!”
She sank to her knees on the ice and began to unlace her skates.
She tugged at the boots, cursing them as they caught on her heel, not yet worn into the shape of her feet. With one off, it fell to the ice, metal blade clattering before the other boot joined it and Luna huffed, climbing to up from her knees. The ice soaked through her socks, chilling and wet as she clutched the skates in her hands. 
“Luna, what are you—“ 
Bucky’s words died on his tongue as Luna launched a skate at him. 
“You can take your brand new fuckin’ skates, Barnes. And shove them up—” she threw the other skate and it bounced off his thigh before landing at his feet, “your ass.” 
And with that, she stormed off the ice.
Luna could hear the commotion behind her as she grabbed her book and boots and ran towards the door of the rec center. The gasps at her actions and concern that the girls had shown Bucky were quickly covered by him shouting her name after her. She paused, just once, and looked behind her. Bucky had picked up her skates and was making his way off the ice, the girls behind him long forgotten. 
Luna didn't stop running until she was back at the dorm. She was still in just her socks, she hadn't wanted to stop to put on her boots in case he caught up to her. She was so mad she was in tears and she didn't want to let anyone see her cry. She slammed her door shut, locked it and threw herself onto her bed.
Luna laid there for a while. The tears had stopped and were replaced with the knowing feeling that the feelings that secretly laid beneath the surface for Bucky would never come to light. 
A soft knock came across her door and her eyes slid closed. "Luna?" Bucky asked. She heard a soft thud followed by the sound of him sliding down the door. 
"Go away, Bucky." She said softly. 
"You forgot your skates...and left your shoes out." His voice sounded so small compared to his usual boisterous self and she hated the ache it created in her chest. "Please talk to me? I don't...I don't know what I did."
“That’s the problem, Barnes, you never do. I didn’t even want to come to the damn rink in the first place. All I wanted was a quiet day in bed with a good book but there you were, all puppy dog eyes and charming fucking smile…”
“You think my smile’s charming?” He asked, and the hope in his tone sent her apoplectic.
“Just go away! Slide on back to your puck bunnies.”
“But I don’t wanna  go away, pretty girl. I wanna spend the day with you. I don’t know what I did to make you feel bad but I promise I’ll make it better. Just let me…”
“I said no, Bucky,” Luna interrupted him, her voice cracking. “Leave me alone.”
“Little moon,” Bucky whined, and Luna could hear him shuffling on the floor followed by a soft thud of what she assumed was his hand against the wooden door. 
“Don’t call me that, Bucky. Don’t call me ‘little moon’ or ‘pretty girl’—“ 
“Only calling you what you are, Luna.” 
Luna sniffled, hugging the stupid bear Bucky won for her at the fair to her chest. 
“You laughed at me, Buck,” she said softly. “She intentionally knocked into me and you didn’t do anything. Just made shitty comments and laughed. You’ve never made me feel so small.”
"I'm sorry, sweetheart," his tone changed, the whine had disappeared and was replaced by something akin to sorrow. "I'd never do anything to hurt you."
"You just did," she whispered. "I need you to go." Luna felt like her heart was breaking and she did not like it.
She heard Bucky's head thunk on the door before he got up and then it went quiet.
Luna waited a few minutes until she was convinced it was safe to open the door. She found her shoes and skates propped up against it and the sight of the tiny little moons sent her heart cracking. She picked them up and tossed them aside in her room before shutting the door and changing into something comfortable and hiding away in her bed.
Hours later a soft knock sounded on her door and Luna managed to lift her head enough to hear the sad voice that drifted into her room.
“I know you’re mad at me pret- Luna, but please come to the game tonight? Please?” 
Her chest tightened at the plaintive sound of Bucky’s words and she pulled her comforter up over her head. It wasn’t fast enough to block out the dejected apology that he ended with, however, before his heavy footsteps took him away back down the hallway.
Luna flopped restlessly onto her back and threw her forearm over her eyes. There was no way she would be going to the game tonight.
She couldn’t. 
With a huff, she peeled back her comforter and shifted to sit on the edge of her bed, her face drawn into a disgruntled frown.
Stepping into the rink again felt like a mistake the moment she clocked the girls from earlier in the stands, dolled up for the players and still in far less clothing than they should be for an ice rink. 
Luna heaved out a sigh, avoiding eye contact as she slipped into her usual row. Bucky always knew where to look for her, and part of her was dreading seeing him but she still cared about him, still knew he'd find her in the stands as he took his position on the ice and the last thing she wanted to do was throw him off his game. 
The rink was loud, only growing louder as the teams finally skated out and she spotted him straight away. His broad shoulders were made even broader by his uniform, smile laid back and cheeky for the crowd as he fist bumped his team mates and then his eyes were on her, and his stupid, handsome face lit up like she was the best thing he'd ever seen. 
Hi, he mouthed, his lips curving in a grateful smile before he shoved his mouth guard over his teeth and it was game on.
The action out on the ice was brutal, it was always the same when they played these opponents, and they'd been battling it out the whole game. Bucky was outstanding, finding the goal twice and setting up two other players to score as well. Once the final whistle had sounded the bunnies had swarmed down to the ice and Luna noticed that the brunette was now sporting a home jersey with BARNES printed on the back.
That bitch was now making her last nerve tick, she was going to swing for her, no word of a lie... Luna pulled herself up short, what was she thinking?
She scanned the ice for Bucky, he'd been there a minute ago, high fiving and fist bumping his team mates. Well she was damned if she was going to go looking for him, especially with them hanging around, eating up the attention they were getting from the players. She'd just sit here until he came to get her.
The rest of the team had formed a semi-circle in the middle of the rink, throwing their arms around each other and sliding about in celebration. Even as they tore off their helmets there was still no sign of Bucky’s fluffy dark hair.
Luna sat back in her seat, her arms folded huffily across her chest but a hush fell over the crowd and drew her attention. Whistles and hollers began near the players’ entrance that grew into a thunderous riot as Bucky made his appearance back on the ice in nothing but his skates with his helmet clutched protectively over his junk.
Lips formed in a tight line as she tried not to laugh and with a disbelieving shake of her head, Luna’s eyes followed Bucky across the ice as he showed off, spinning and laughing before he stopped dead centre. 
“Really, Bucky?” Luna whispered to no one in particular as Bucky adjusted his helmet over his crotch and inevitably found her again in the crowd. 
Bucky grinned, bright eyed and mischievous, and then he spun on the spot to reveal her name scrawled across his broad shoulders, thick lines of marker pen spelling out ‘Jackson’ between two love hearts.
Luna slid as far down in her seat as she could when a few eyes in the surrounding seats glanced between her flushing face and Bucky's grin on the rink. 
"I'm sorry Luna Jackson! Please forgive me!" The naked brunette hollered across the ice at her while his teammates and the fans sitting around the ice burst in laughter and a few of the girls glared her way.
"You're crazy, Barnes," she muttered under her breath and shook her head at his antics. Her eyes never leaving his form as he skated closer, the butterflies in her chest increasing as Luna saw the sparkle in his eyes. The pleading look in his gaze broke her resolve. 
She wouldn't deny him. Couldn't even if she wanted to.
That same lopsided smile spread over his features as he got closer. The normal cockiness vanished for a moment as he looked at her. “C’mon pretty girl, please forgive me.” 
Luna couldn’t help her own smile at hearing the soft whine in his voice. She knew that being mad at him was only going to last for a few hours anyway. Bucky had a way of turning into the Kool-aid man and bursting through every wall she put up around herself…and her heart. 
Her dorm room? Was still comfy and cozy with her lights and posters but it never felt right without Bucky Barnes curled up at the foot of her bed reading his comics or rambling on about practice. He was her constant. Her person. 
“You hurt me Barnes.” She countered standing up and taking the short few steps to the edge of the rink where he waited. 
“I know.” He said with soft furrowed brows. “I’m real sorry Luna.” 
She nodded and glanced around the stadium at everyone staring at them. “I forgive you.” She said looking back at him. “Anyone who is crazy enough to come out bare ass on ice deserves that.” Luna grinned.
With a triumphant whoop, Bucky threw his arms in the air and spun in a circle, completely forgetting about the helmet protecting his modesty. It skittered across the ice and a collective gasp sounded from the crowd as Bucky slid to a stop, bare-ass naked, with his arms in the air and a broad grin on his face.
It was almost comedic, the way his eyes darted from Luna down to his groin and then back again in quick succession. At least he had the good grace to blush as she rushed to close the distance between them, sliding out onto the ice in her sneakers. She tore off her top layer of clothing and collided with Bucky’s solid frame, wrapping the sleeves around his waist as his arms wrapped around her.
“You wore my jersey,” he stated affectionately.
“Yeah, well one of us had to,” she snarked, but her shy smile took the sting out of her words.
"You really forgive me?" He asked quietly, not caring that he was naked and flashing everyone.
"Yes, you doofus. Now go cover up please?" Luna gritted.
She was flustered. The feel of his skin beneath her palms was sending goosebumps all over her body and her skin was heating up in the middle of the cold rink. She didn't dare move her hands any lower than his waist. Although the jersey she’d swung around his waist hung precariously low covering his groin, the trail of dark hair from his navel and down was hard to miss when her eyes didn't know where to look.
Bucky was grinning madly at her but, before he could say anything else, the angry shout of one Coach Fury sounded across the rink.
"Barnes! You better get your ass off the damn ice right this second!"
“You should, um—“ Luna said softly, giggling as Bucky shivered and fumbled a little on his skates.
“You know, I didn’t really think about how cold this place would be with no clothes on.” 
“No shit, Buck. Go, before you face the wrath of Fury.” 
Bucky nodded, smiling at her so hard his eyes crinkled at the edges and his nose scrunched. Luna turned to leave too, her heart flipping when Bucky suddenly reached out, his fingers wrapping around her wrist.
“Meet me at our spot, pretty girl?”
Luna smiled, that familiar warmth she only got when Bucky called her that spread through her. "After you get some clothes on." She laughed as he let go of her. 
"Fine." He huffed but followed it with a smirk. 
She watched for a moment as he skated away from her before she turned and headed out of the stadium. It was a short walk to the center of campus where a tall oak tree stood. Their tree. Luna settled against the rough bark as she sat in the grass and waited for him. Droves of students and staff alike passed by, all whooping and hollering to celebrate their team's win.
It was the giggles and snickers that first alerted Luna to someone’s approach. Calls of ”Bucky” and offers of phone numbers followed in his wake as he jogged across the green towards her. She scrambled to her feet and stood awkwardly, nerves coursing through her as he drew ever closer. He didn’t slow down, instead barreling into her and sweeping her off her feet with arms wrapped tightly around her.
He nuzzled into the tumble of hair behind her ear muttering apology after apology as he spun them in a circle, completely oblivious to the brunette and her gaggle of hangers-on that loitered at the edge of the grass.
“Put me down you big oaf!” Luna laughed even though she found herself clinging to him tighter, savouring the way Bucky’s body felt simultaneously soft and firm and warm against hers, and the soft brush of his lips over her neck as he whispered his apologies against her skin. 
Eventually, he set her down on the grass, tucking a hair behind her ear as he stared down at her. 
“I’m sorry,” he murmured once more and Luna thwacked him across the arm for it. 
“I already said I forgive you, Barnes. Just don’t do it again.” 
“Cross my heart, little moon,” Bucky smiled, his voice tender as his hand lingered at her jaw, cupping her chin gently. “Luna…”
Her breath hitched as their eyes connected, the blue of his eyes almost navy in the dimly lit campus. He shifted his weight closer to her, the scent of him enveloping her.
He was still caressing her jaw, his thumb slowing down when it reached her bottom lip, tracing it softly. 
"Buck I–" 
"Can I, little moon?" He interrupted. His gaze focused on her lips as he licked his own in anticipation.
Her heart was beating wildly behind her ribcage. This is the moment their friendship had been building toward, the longing for more was all powerful. And looking at him now, Luna knew she couldn't resist the pull any longer. No matter how much she was terrified of ruining what they already had.
Not giving herself anymore time to doubt her decision, she nodded once.
Bucky's lazy smile returned as his eyes met hers briefly before closing the distance between them. Soft lips pressed against her own and she felt his hand slide into her hair, tangling his fingers at the root. Luna let out a soft whimper against his mouth and it only took a moment before her lips parted and his tongue slid against hers.
His answering moan sent a thrill of desire down her spine and she wound her arms around his neck. Tilting his head the other way, he deepened the angle of their kiss even more. His hand splayed out across the middle of her back and he shuffled them backwards a few steps, his lips never leaving hers, until they came to a halt against the wide trunk of the oak.
“You ok, pretty girl?” He murmured, punctuating his words with the featherlight kisses she’d secretly daydreamed about.
“I’m having a hard time believing this is real,” Luna chuckled, “but I’m more than okay.”
Bucky laughed, the sound rich and melodic as he pressed in impossibly close. With one hand braced against the trunk of the tree, he dipped his head and pressed a series of soft, ticklish kisses across Luna’s cheeks. 
“It’s very real— God, Luna, you gotta know how much you mean to me. I’ve been stupid about you since the moment we met. You’re gorgeous—“ He kissed her forehead. “Intelligent—“ Another kiss to her cheek. “Wickedly funny.” Bucky kissed her other cheek, thumb brushing over her bottom lip and tugging it down gently. “And yeah, you’re a bit of a grump but opposites attract, right?” 
“You’re an idiot,” Luna giggled, reaching up and threading her fingers through Bucky’s hair. 
“Well, yeah,” Bucky scoffed. “But I wanna be your idiot if you’ll let me?”
It was hard to believe, not in a million years would she have  thought she'd have a shot with Bucky Barnes. He was handsome, smart, and annoyingly funny and– try all she might, Luna didn't have a chance of resisting him. 
Especially not with how stupidly gorgeous he looked right now, pledging himself to her if she agreed.
Her heart had the decision made before he even asked.
"Yeah," she looked up into his pretty blues, her voice breathless from the onslaught of emotions swirling in them. 
Luna smiled softly, closing the distance between their lips again before whispering, "I guess I'll be your grump then."
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chemicallywrit · 1 month
Happy Audio Drama Sunday!! When I was a non-teacher adult I thought to myself, surely as a child I exaggerated the desperate need for summer break. Now that I am a teacher adult, I can admit that I was. Wrong. I need a break, but luckily I have time for this.
Here's what I listened to this week!
@ourstoriedinsight's season finale was this week and wow. Wow. The way this show so effortlessly dances on ideas of trust, truth, and ethics while telling a story of four (five? Sir George count?) ridiculous and reluctant heroes who have only a dead friend in common is staggering. This episode especially, as you can see how they really drew together against (and then with) Sage. I love them, your honor. And I would also let Rain be my lawyer. Everyone listen to Our Storied Insight.
Jeez louise @camlannpod, can you give a girl a break? I am so glad Gwaine’s okay, and I’m fascinated by the mistrust Peredur has for him, even after they tried to track him over hill and dale. And I am SO worried about what's about to happen next. I wonder what Dai's going to do about it. I wonder if he'll do anything (please, Dai, do something).
This week's episode of Josie’s Lonely Hearts Club had me rolling. Look, I knew the title going in ("It's French for A Horny Party") and I still cackled when the line appeared in the episode. Josie, I hope you continue changing for the better. Also it inspired me to make beans and rice for dinner and that was a wild success.
When Karim Kronfli showed up at the beginning of the season of Among the Stars and Bones, I was excited, but holy heck. The performances in this show. Oh, right, and the twist at the end--you know, I really should have expected things to get a million times worse, based on how last season went, but this is a MILLION times worse. How are they gonna get out of this one folks???
@keepitsteadypod KEEP IT STEADY IS BACK KEEP IT STEADY MY BELOVED. Things are REALLY going places between Zach and Gabe now and neither of them know it. I love high schoolers, they're so dumb. Admit you like each other, dummies. Shoutout to our great good school nurse trying to fight for kids, and I thought the reveal about Zach's past was remarkably done. I love this show.
In relistening news, Life with Althaar again (what's up, @geminicollisionworks!). I rarely relisten to shows, but this one is worth my while every time. Listen to Life with Althaar, a silly space sitcom that gets Not So Silly when the story decides to commit to the bit. Althaar, I would die for you.
Inn Between is truckin right along with 5.9 this week, which I found absolutely delicious to watch the actors bring to life. It’ll be outdone only by the episode next week. In zombie news, boy oh boy, this week we're doing some recording for The Dead that I'm very worried about but ready for the challenge of. It involves directing singers in a language I do not speak! Lol pray for me. If I can make it til school ends, maybe I'll have some other news as well! Keep a weather eye out.
Hey, want to help me satiate my sudden summer cravings for fun drinks? Buy me a ko-fi!
See y'all next week!
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erikahenningsen · 8 days
93. “It’s a real shame nobody asked for your opinion.” + rejanis
Janis watches Regina change dramatically over the summer between their junior and senior years. She’s still intense at times, but she’s gentler—apologizing if she snaps at Gretchen or if she makes a dig at Karen that’s a little too pointed to be passed off as a joke. 
Damian likes to joke that the bus knocked the bitch out of her. (Janis smacks him every time he says that because she could have died, you asshole.)
Janis wonders if it has to do with the bus. It was the first time in Regina’s life that she became an outsider, just another unremarkable person stumbling through the crowded hallways.
Janis asks Regina about it one night when they’ve both maybe had a little bit too much to drink. Regina recounts, staring down into her cup, waking up in the hospital to see her mother, Gretchen, and Karen ready with gifts and flowers. 
“I was so shitty to them but they were still there for me,” Regina says. “I’m trying now to be the friend that would deserve that.”
Regina looks up at Janis. “You know I’m sorry, right?” she asks quietly. “I’m really sorry.”
Janis sighs. “I know. I’m sorry, too.”
“Thanks,” Regina says softly, looking down at her hands. “I can’t fix what I did, but I will make sure it never happens again.” 
Janis nods, not really sure what to say. She doesn’t like feeling vulnerable and she definitely doesn’t like feeling vulnerable around Regina, so she suggests they rejoin the party.
Regina agrees, her eyes flashing for just a moment with what looks like disappointment.
Janis half-stumbles behind Regina into the kitchen, scanning the counters for a bottle of water. All of a sudden, Jason Weems materializes in front of her, looking (and smelling) like he grew up in a parallel universe where toothbrushes hadn’t been invented yet.
“Hey, Janis,” Jason says, much closer than Janis would prefer. “I have a question for you.”
Janis eyes him warily. She’s used to his routine: cornering her wherever he can find her, making some crude “joke” about her sexuality, then bringing whatever she says in response to his equally hygiene-challenged buddies.
Janis just sighs and rolls her eyes. Better to get this over with quickly. 
“Does the carpet match the drapes?” Jason asks.
Janis just stares at him. “Huh?”
Jason looks pointedly between her and Regina, who Janis just realizes now is lingering a few feet away, watching this exchange with a sour expression on her face. 
“I saw you two come back in here,” Jason says, voice low, and Janis is actually grateful for it—the last thing she needs is another nuclear Regina gay meltdown.
“Fuck off, Jason,” Janis mutters, and tries to push past him.
“Hey, come on,” Jason says. “Don’t be like that.”
“She said, fuck off,” someone says, and Janis belatedly realizes it’s Regina. Her acrylic nails are curled into the skin of Jason’s shoulder.
Jason jerks his shoulder, trying to shake her off. “Jeez, relax. We were just talking.”
People are starting to look over at them, and Janis feels her heart rate start to spike.
“Well, conversation’s over,” Regina snaps.
“You’re such bitches,” Jason says, finally shaking Regina off and starting to walk away. “Both of you.”
“It’s a real shame nobody asked for your opinion,” Regina growls at him.
Janis looks nervously around the kitchen, where people are openly staring, then at Regina, who’s breathing hard. Regina seems to come back into herself and catches the stricken look on Janis’s face. Abruptly, she turns and walks away, pushing past people and disappearing out the back door.
Well, Janis certainly isn’t going to stick around to be gawked at like an animal on display at the zoo, and she doesn’t particularly want to be seen chasing after Regina, so she locks herself in the bathroom for a few minutes to calm herself down. 
That was strange. Like, so strange. Since when does Regina George come to her defense?
Janis finds Regina sitting on the steps of the back porch, shivering a little against the night air.
“So that was weird,” Janis comments. 
Regina stares at some point off in the dark woods of the backyard. “I hate him,” she comments quietly. 
“Yeah, everyone does,” Janis agrees. “Probably his mom, too.”
Regina laughs a little at that. “I’m sorry,” she all but whispers. “I heard what he said, and I—”
“It made you uncomfortable,” Janis finishes for her, looking away. 
“No!” Regina says quickly. “Well, yes. Kind of. Because he’s a gross freak. But it was worse because he feels like he can say those things to you... because of me.”
Regina says it more to her feet than to Janis, and the words hang there between them for a moment. Janis kind of hates the devastated look on Regina’s face, feels like she needs to fix it for some reason.
“Tell you what,” Janis offers. “Kill him and make it look like an accident, and it’s water under the bridge.”
Regina doesn’t laugh, exactly—more like an amused exhale—but she smiles a little. It makes Janis feel lighter for some reason.
“Yeah, okay,” Regina says. “Deal.”
She smiles wider, and it’s the best thing Janis has seen all night.
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romanoffsgal · 1 year
Hotcakes and Love.
A/n: i’m back and i would be posting a series soon. I love Nat and this one is soft.
Summary: Mornings and warm hotcakes with Nat.
Warnings: none
Nat x fem!reader fluff
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I always hated mornings, i was not a morning person, worse was the fact that i could not fucking sleep at night thanks to the nightmares that didn’t stop chasing me. But she made it different.
I got up and went to the kitchen, i wanted to make something for her, i hoped i didn’t make a noise, she was a fucking spy. Jeez.
I pulled off some ingredients and made up hotcakes, she liked them, i liked them and i wanted her to have something nice, she was the most beautiful human being on earth she deserved nice things.
I made her coffee and went back to bed with all the food.
When i came in, she was confused, even scared, i could see it on her face, her eyes were looking everywhere, and when they laid on me, she softened.
“Hey” she said with a shy smile and all her hair messed up.”where were you?”
“Nat, i was making you breakfast” you smiled, your heart was beating hard, you could not believe she loved you.
“Oh” that’s what she said, she was not used to this, i wasnt either, it made my head spin around i really didn’t knew what i was doing but it felt nice so i just stopped thinking. “i thought you left” she said.
“Why would i? Do you want me to?” i asked shyly.
“No!” she almost shouted “please don’t leave, stay.” she said and made me come over with all the food in hands. She was not looking at me, and i got worried, this was always a challenge.
“Малыш, ты хорошо?” (Baby you okay?) i asked sitting down in her bed. She didn’t wanted to look at me. I watched her and cupped both of her cheeks “what’s wrong Tash?” she looked at you now, eyes full of tears wanting to leave her beautiful green eyes.
“Nothing, i thought you left, i didn’t saw you when i woke up, and i got worried, i thought that i did something wrong, and-“ you shut her up, kissing her lips, while she grabbed your arms, pulling you closer, ending it putting you foreheads together smiling like freaking childs, again.
“Nat, i’m not him, i would never leave you, not unless you want me to.” she looked at me and her tears streamed down her face “i’m here. And i would always be here.” you cleaned up her tears, kissed her cheeks, and said “come on, you have to eat, i made them the way you like them.”
She just smiled, got comfortable and started eating, you watched her, you could watch her your whole life and never get bored, whoever who left her, was a fucking coward, she is everything to you.
“what are you looking at weirdo?” she said smirking, pulling you closer to her, grabbing a piece of hotcake and guiding to your mouth “eat some too.” she said while she watched you eat too.
You cuddle up closer to her, and left kisses along her face, she acted annoyed and huffed, but you knew it was all acting, she loved it. You knew that if you dare to pull yourself out of her tight embrace, she would chase you and haunt you down like some savage animal wanting her food, it was her, and you loved it.
Life could be so easy this way, in her arms, with a normal day, a normal life, not thinking too much about what could happend, or think about missions, traumas, childhood and life, im her arms and eating hotcakes all was forgotten, all was forgiven, because it was you and her, all alone again.
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renranram · 2 months
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sfw ! ! also very fluffy
quackity simps for their roommate that he shares a " casual " relationship with and any finally confronts her about it
a/n ; a very long ass one shot 1500 words to be exact ( i will probably make a part 2 ) ( w/ smut ) ( haha )
reader and alex had been roommates for a very long time, three years exactly, reader having to suddenly move in due to the pandemic.
but the two got along well, comfortable enough to be ' casual ', the two would have casual sex here and there, ' casual ' kisses, and whatever that they can label as casual.
alex chuckles, as he hits reader back with their cushion's pillow, play fighting with the girl over a banter they share, " you wanna play the game of throwing cushions, princesa? because im down for it. " he states, a devious look on his face
she continues to giggle, " nuh uh " she shakes her head, getting hit by the cushion on her face as she grabs another one to hit him on his face back
alex smirked as he got up from the couch to close the distance between them, challenging the girl more as he smiles, admiration on his face
"you sure you wanna hit me like that after I just called you a princess? " he cocks one of his eyebrow up
" i didn't ask you to call me a princess " reader retorts as alex gasps dramatically, " you're gonna to pay for that! " he states as they continue play fighting with the pillows
she cackles as they continue play fighting until alex accidentally hits her too hard resulting to the girl falling down on the floor
" shit, mami, are you okay? im sorry that i hit you too hard " the man fixes his beanie, he quickly crouched down by her side, dropping the pillow from his hands, as he immediately starts looking for any injuries, worried
" no no no, im fine, it's not that serious but jeez, you're strong " she reassures him with a goofy smile on her face.
alex, of course, was still concerned though. he hated that he was the cause of her pain, even if it was just a minor bump to the head.
" i don't care if it's not that serious, you still got hurt and that's all that matters to me."
he ran the his hand through her hair and smiled at her.
"i just don't wanna hurt you, ya know?"
reader pauses, slowly nodding, " wow, caring, what? do you have a crush on me or something " she taunts him, a shared banter of theirs
"do I have a crush on you?" he asked sarcastically as he tried to look away from her pretty eyes. He didn't want her to see just how much she was making him melt inside.*
"don't be ridiculous. you're just my roommate." he mumbles, looking away, she giggles, standing up, as she yawns, stretching, " alright big q "
"you really think i have a crush on you? come on, how lame would that be, you know?" he continues on rambling, as reader plays along, shutting him up by suddenly pressing a peck to his cheek
alex's eyes went wide in surprise as reader leaned up on her toes to peck his cheek. he had expected her to give in to his teasing, but not like this. he never thought she'd actually do something that could be considered romantic.
he felt his face heat up with a blush as he cleared through his throat "oh uhm, ...hey you should actually come here for a minute..."
" huh? " she blinks, tilting her head, a habit of hers when confused as she slowly approaches him again, as she fixes her hair
alex paused to clear his throat again. was he actually going to do this? he had never actually been the one to take the initiative before. his fans were always the ones that threw themselves at him.
"umm, reader, are we actually just friends, or...something else?" he was being incredibly blunt and to the point, but there was no point in beating around the bush. he just wanted to know where they stood in their relationship.
" ... aren't we casual? " she asks, " we agreed to have casual sex, casual kisses and stuffs " she replies, " no labels? "
a slight frown forms on alex's face at that. he had to resist the urge to roll his eyes at her. they had agreed to have a casual relationship, but it didn't mean he wasn't allowed to start catching feelings for her.
"yeah, yeah, i know that, but..." he frowned again as he tried to find the right words
"what i'm asking is...why haven't we ever tried to make this casual relationship more than just casual? we've...been living together for three years now. "
reader pauses as she rubs her arm, looking away, alex knew about rei's long history of boyfriends, all, ending up shit after shit, " .. you know how i feel about these topics q.. "
"reader, i'm not them,"
" i understand that you've been burned in the past, but that doesn't mean that you can't have faith in me. i mean, we've been living together for three years already. so, i feel like that should be proof enough that i'm not like those other guys. "
" but i dont wanna hurt you- you're the only guy im comfortable enough with, if our relationship fails i dont want to lose you because of that " reader mutters, looking down, avoiding any sort of eye contact
alex paused as he thought over her answer. It made sense for her to feel that way. she has had her share of bad relationships in the past, and he couldn't blame her for trying to protect herself from that pain again.
"well, what if it doesn't fail?" he asked softly
"what if we actually work out together? are you really that worried about losing me if the two of us end up together?"
she nods, as she grabs his hand to cup her own cheek, " you're... the only thing i have.. and you're aware of that, im scared to lose you because you knew you made me, my life and everything better "
alex couldn't help but soften at that. he couldn't help but appreciate that she found him to be her only hope. her only support system. and he didn't plan on leaving her side anytime soon.
"hey look at me."
alex waited until she looked up at him again before continuing,
"even if the worst-case scenario did happen and we broke up... i promise i won't leave you alone. you won't ever have to be scared of that. "
" hm.. what if it gets awkward for the both of us? " she asks, " what if i distance myself? what will you do? you know how i deal... with stuffs like that, what if i say something mean that gets you mad and be so upset at me that you dont wanna face me ever again " she rambles
he couldn't help but chuckle at all her rambling thoughts. he couldn't deny it was a possibility. in fact, he was actually somewhat surprised she was talking about all the worst-case scenarios here
"then, i'll try my best to try looking past my emotions and forgive you." he states, a familiar smile creeping up his face
"and if the worst happens, and we can't fix things, then we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. "
alex squeezed her hand, a comforting gesture, "so stop worrying."
" ... you're being a goody two shoes... and i feel like im the bad guy here " she mumbles, chuckling awkwardly
"i've never had anybody call me a goody two shoes before." he said jokingly as he rubbed her back with his free hand
"but really, you're not the bad guy here. all i'm asking for is a chance. is that so much to ask?" he mutters, smiling softly at her
" i uhm.. ill think about it " she flashes him a small smile, " i think i just.. need a little time "
"sure, of course. i understand... hey..." alex paused as he squeezed her hand and looked into her beautiful eyes
"just one more thing before i let you go."
she pauses before nodding, " yeah? " she looks up at him, " can i do one thing?" he said softly as he brought his free hand up to tuck a soft strand of her hair behind her ear. he was hoping she wasn't going to stop him.
" what one thing? " she asks, mumbling, alex smiled as he gently pulled her closer to him, closing in the gap between them.
"can i..just..." he paused as he waited for her to say yes before finishing his sentence.
reader blinks rapidly, face flushing red before slowly closing her eyes, consenting him, alex didn't have to say anything else as he leaned in closer. he was finally gonna do the one thing that he should've done a lot earlier.
after all the teasing and flirting. after all the years of simply being a close friend and roommate. now was the time.
alex finally kissed reader on her lips. properly, outside of them having sex
user's face flushes red as schlatt breaks the kiss, " ... goodnight! " the girl blurts out before running to her room, flustered
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calx-bdo · 7 months
"do you think suguru gave satoru one last good day before leaving?"
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gojo satoru felt like he was on top of the world today.
and he was! in a way? anyhow, there he was, balancing on geto's shoulder to reach that one pesky little apple that hangs far beyond his reach. suguru's his world, so technically, yeah! he was on top of the world today.
"suguru, suguru, higher, higher! go on your tiptoes or something! i can feel it! i'm touching it! suguru! suguru, go on your tippy toes, please please!" satoru whined and grumbled, his slender fingers only brushing the very bottom of the apple.
"jeez, satoru," suguru purrs his name. "you're adamant on this, aren't you sweet boy?" suguru can practically feel the blush on satoru's cheeks at the pet name.
"shut up! god dammit, im close to the apple! come on, suguru, unleash your curses or something! to boost me up!"
a snake-like curse coils around satoru's arm, its fangs digging into the apple, before dropping it into his hand.
which is extremely sweaty and clammy now, by the way. satoru's face is pale, eyes wide and blatantly staring at the snake.
"satoru, i know my snake is beautiful, but can you not stare at it like that? also, we all know how beautiful and gorgeous your blue eyes are, so stop opening them so wide! you're so high up in the air, a bird might shit in them or something!" suguru teases the hell out of the white haired man.
"shut up! go away!"
"but satoru.." his voice reaches a low octave, a slight pouting (it's definitely mocking, satoru's sure of it!) evident in his tone. "you're on my shoulders!"
suguru bounces satoru up for a few good measures.
satoru, having turned his limitless technique off for suguru, is foreign to this feeling.
so foreign, in fact, that he starts to scramble around to get off suguru's shoulders.
they end up as a laughing heap on the floor. two teens, madly in love with each other, just finding peace. their own little world, their little haven. in the jujutsu world, there can only be so much safety a sorcerer can possess, but why does satoru feel as if his entire safety is with suguru? suguru most definitely held the lock and key to his heart, suguru is satoru's safety. his safe place. home is where suguru is.
so why is it him that gets to have his home ripped away from him? leaving him vulnerable to the world, having to face the challenges without his safety? his safe place, his home, his heart.
only two thoughts plagued his mind that day. that day his heart left him and tore him into pieces. it was unfair. why was he the one that has to suffer the consequences?
was it his fault?
there was whispers, a ghost of a voice lost, surrounding his head, making their stay at the back of his mind. they managed to take on suguru's voice too.
"you'll never be enough for me. i don't want anything to do with you. leave me. go away, and never come back. i never want to see you again. it's your fault, all your fault."
he tries to clear his mind. no avail. satoru huddles further into a ball, arms useless wrapped around his leg. he's so, so small against the bed meant for two, at which the feeling lingers. the familiarity lingers. satoru feels him. his heart and soul is calling out for him, but there's no response.
satoru hugs his legs further.
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cherliin · 9 days
the sims 3: crybaby whims legacy conversion 🧸🩹
note: if you're like me and you've been playing sims 3 but find there's a lack of new challenges, I hope you find this challenge to your liking. you can find the original made by draeyad for sims 4 here. I will be including the original descriptions for generations with very minor changes.
i highly recommend using the family secrets mod!
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⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ 𝐫 𝐮 𝐥 𝐞 𝐬 ⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
— ᡣ𐭩 You must complete every goal for each generation before moving on to the next. This means completing the lifetime wish is optional unless specifically stated in the generation goals. — ᡣ𐭩 Some cheats are allowed to progress the story. I’ll clarify in each generation. — ᡣ𐭩 No money cheats. You may, however, use familyfunds [sims last name] [money wanted] OR freerealestate for your first home in generation 1. — ᡣ𐭩 Lifespan can be kept on normal OR long. Adjust as you see fit. — ᡣ𐭩 You can take sims into CAS by shift-clicking and selecting "Edit in CAS" since you may need to change traits. — ᡣ𐭩 Fill in traits as needed if not all are listed for a sim.
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⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ 𝐃 𝐎 𝐋 𝐋 𝐇 𝐎 𝐔 𝐒 𝐄 ⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅            𝐠 𝐞 𝐧 𝐞 𝐫 𝐚 𝐭 𝐢 𝐨 𝐧  𝟏
lifetime wish: perfect mind, perfect body career: none at first, politics as an adult traits: perfectionist, neurotic, family-oriented, nurturing, neat
colors - yellow and white
— everyone thinks that we’re perfect, please don’t let them look through the curtains —
you grew up with a perfect white picket fence life in a perfect home. perfect parents, perfect siblings, perfect grades. nothing was ever out of place. or was it? your memory is a little jaded, it seems. maybe, you got it all wrong. you were taught father builds the home and mother maintains it. but how was dad making money again? jeez, you can’t remember. did you choose to forget? and like the perfect sim you are, you fell in love in high school with the perfect person. or, you thought they were perfect until you saw them kissing your sibling. and only a few years later, they got married. you weren’t even invited to the wedding. no, this wasn’t how it was supposed to be.
you were perfect. where did it go wrong?
you promised you’d keep to your mother’s beliefs. you married young (18 to be exact) and took care of your spouse and home. but your ex was always hanging around your sibling's house. and you guys may have accidentally hooked up. and now you guys are pregnant, each having a different spouse.
— is it weird to co-parent with your sibling's spouse? should you keep seeing your ex? what about your partner? will they catch you cheating? will you tell them the truth or continue living a lie?
— ᡣ𐭩 have a high school sweetheart you start on bad terms with (you may cheat this or have them yell at each other a lot) — ᡣ𐭩 have a very caring spouse who you’re madly in love with — ᡣ𐭩 have a perfect white picket fence home with your spouse — ᡣ𐭩 slowly rebuild a relationship with your ex — ᡣ𐭩 start hooking up with your ex until one of you gets pregnant — ᡣ𐭩 raise the child under your roof — ᡣ𐭩 have three more children with your spouse — ᡣ𐭩 divorce your spouse as an adult and take all the children — ᡣ𐭩 stop being a stay-at-home parent and join the political career — ᡣ𐭩 fulfill your lifetime wish — ᡣ𐭩 will you continue seeing your ex?
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⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ 𝐁 𝐎 𝐌 𝐁 𝐒  𝐎 𝐍  𝐌 𝐎 𝐍 𝐃 𝐀 𝐘  𝐌 𝐎 𝐑 𝐍 𝐈 𝐍 𝐆 ⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅                             𝐠 𝐞 𝐧 𝐞 𝐫 𝐚 𝐭 𝐢 𝐨 𝐧  𝟐
lifetime wish: the perfect garden career: gardener traits: unflirty, loves the outdoors, excitable, green thumb, shy colors - white and pink
— pinky promise, i’ll still love your garden. even with no flowers. —
love isn’t real. it doesn’t feel real. you’re not even sure who your real other parent is. your parents were always too busy messing around and barely found time for you and your siblings. you basically swore off love, thinking it only caused problems. it’s not like it mattered anyway. you all died in the end. until you met someone at a coffee shop who shared your love for the outdoors. it was rare meeting anyone as passionate as you. at first, you rejected any and all attempts to go on a date with this person. but wow, they kind of insisted on it. so you decided to humor them and despite your unflirty ways, they liked you. it was a strange feeling but it made you fall madly in love for the first time.
and then a cowplant ate them.
see, you knew this would happen. nothing can ever be sunshine and daisies. it’s too much to ask. but after stumbling across some pomegranate seeds, you got an idea. it’s not like there was anyone else for you in this world. was it wrong to bring back a dead person?
— will your relationship be sustainable with someone who is back from the dead? was it cruel to bring them back in the first place? can you continue to love them as they are?
— ᡣ𐭩 have a dead lover with the traits loves the outdoors, loner, vegetarian, good, and friendly — ᡣ𐭩 plant a pomegranate garden in your backyard — ᡣ𐭩 grow a life fruit and catch a death fish — ᡣ𐭩 bring back your dead lover using ambrosia, but replace good and friendly with the grumpy and evil traits (use cheats) — ᡣ𐭩 have children (as many as you want) — ᡣ𐭩 master gardening skill — ᡣ𐭩 have partner join the criminal career after resurrection — ᡣ𐭩 fulfill your lifetime wish — ᡣ𐭩 how will you keep this relationship alive?
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⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ 𝐂 𝐋 𝐀 𝐒 𝐒  𝐅 𝐈 𝐆 𝐇 𝐓 ⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅             𝐠 𝐞 𝐧 𝐞 𝐫 𝐚 𝐭 𝐢 𝐨 𝐧  𝟑
lifetime wish - the emperor of evil career - criminal, evil branch traits: evil, mean spirited, computer whiz, rebellious, light sleeper colors - pink and orange
— no, no, no. don’t you choke. daddy chimed in, go for the throat. —
having an evil parent in the mafia was no joke. and oh, did you admire them for all their hard work. i mean, they literally came back from the dead. how cool is that? you wanted to be like them and would do whatever it took to gain their approval. your grades were awful, your friends were the worst and your parents got weekly phone calls from school about you. it was a nice feeling. you even met a partner just like you and you felt inseparable. kind of like a modern bonnie & clyde minus the bad parts like dying in a hail of bullets. that’s bad.
when you had your first and only child, you didn’t take much interest in them, though.
it wasn’t their fault, you just had a crime organization to run. so your parent, the non-evil one, mostly raised them. and maybe that was for the best. you didn’t have much parental instinct and who knows how messed up they might have turned out if you raised them. all’s well that ends well.
— how long can you keep up this lifestyle before it catches up with you? Are you going to regret ignoring your child? or worse, will you regret not conforming to a normal life?
— ᡣ𐭩 get terrible grades in school — ᡣ𐭩 pull at least 10 pranks on your parents while living with them and sneak out past curfew to party frequently — ᡣ𐭩 meet and fall in love with a sim that has the exact same traits as yours (cheat this if needed) — ᡣ𐭩 have three friends, all with the evil trait — ᡣ𐭩 get pregnant but take no time off (link) — ᡣ𐭩 have your parents move in to help take care of the baby themselves (cheat a longer lifespan if needed) — ᡣ𐭩 maintain a low relationship with your child — ᡣ𐭩 have 3 enemies — ᡣ𐭩 reach top of criminal career — ᡣ𐭩 will you ever have a good relationship with your child?
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⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ 𝐓 𝐑 𝐀 𝐈 𝐍 𝐈 𝐍 𝐆  𝐖 𝐇 𝐄 𝐄 𝐋 𝐒 ⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅                  𝐠 𝐞 𝐧 𝐞 𝐫 𝐚 𝐭 𝐢 𝐨 𝐧  𝟒
lifetime wish: professional author THEN LATER super popular career: writer traits: romantic, genius, bookworm, night owl, cat person colors - orange and red
— fully undressed, no training wheels left for you. and i’ll pull them off for you. —
unlike your grandparent that raised you, you were a believer in love. love at first sight, opposites attract, enemies to lovers. if it was a love trope, you believed in it. you pretty much devoted your life to the idea of love. so when you met the one, just like in all the obscure fanfiction you read, they swept you off your feet. you would do anything in the world to be with them. every hour of every day. you just couldn’t get enough of them. your life felt perfect when you were with them and nothing in this world could make you feel bad again.
until they dumped your ass.
you spent the better half of your breakup keyboard smashing new fanfic titles about loveless relationships while downing a whole tub of ben & jerry’s. and really, who could blame you? that was rough. and thus, the baddies club was created. a club of three pretty best friends, all single, that didn’t need a damn relationship. or did you?
— is this the life you’ve been dreaming of? or are you still a hopeless romantic at heart, waiting on someone to come take you away? but how would your besties feel if they knew?
— ᡣ𐭩 go through a dramatic breakup as a teenager — ᡣ𐭩 write three books with hateful titles about relationships — ᡣ𐭩 switch lifetime wish to super popular — ᡣ𐭩 start a club of singles and get only two pretty best friends to join (link) — ᡣ𐭩 develop an extremely close bond with your two new friends — ᡣ𐭩 go out with your besties every friday night — ᡣ𐭩 host a movie night on saturdays — ᡣ𐭩 max out writing skill — ᡣ𐭩 fulfill the super popular lifetime wish — ᡣ𐭩 move your besties in with you and adopt and raise a child together — ᡣ𐭩 will you ever find love again or are you and your besties true soulmates for life?
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⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ 𝐏 𝐈 𝐓 𝐘  𝐏 𝐀 𝐑 𝐓 𝐘 ⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅           𝐠 𝐞 𝐧 𝐞 𝐫 𝐚 𝐭 𝐢 𝐨 𝐧  𝟓
lifetime wish: heartbreaker career: stylist traits: commitment issues, irresistible, diva, snob, dramatic
colors - red and black
— it’s my party, and i’ll cry if i want to. i’ll cry until the candles burn down this place. —
you’re a brat. it’s as simple as that, really. with so many people watching over you while growing up, it was rare you didn’t get what you wanted. and you were always kinda jealous of how smart your parent was. they were just - so good at everything. and all you really had was beauty. who cares about that crap? beauty fades. well, it was really your only defining attribute so might as well make the best of it while you could. you just wished people liked you for you and not because you were extremely smoking hot.
well, then. if you can’t be happy, no one can. that’s a principle you always lived by.
you became a prolific fashionista and a professional life ruiner. not only did you ruin marriages, you broke the hearts of your own lovers. it just felt so dang good to be in control. until - uh oh. you met a gym rat and now you can’t stop thinking about their perfect eyes. no, this can’t be happening. you don’t fall in love. who the hell do they think they are, walking into your life like that? better make them pay.
— are you really falling in love that easily? or is it just a fluke? will you keep ruining lives forever or do you think it may be time to settle down?
— ᡣ𐭩 do yoga every morning (link) — ᡣ𐭩 be enemies with every sim that you come across that is as gorgeous as your sim — ᡣ𐭩 reach 3 star celebrity level — ᡣ𐭩 meet a super attractive sim at the gym — ᡣ𐭩 make them fall in love with you and break up with them — ᡣ𐭩 fulfill your lifetime wish — ᡣ𐭩 rekindle the old flame with the sim you met at the gym — ᡣ𐭩 max martial arts skill (to be done through yoga) — ᡣ𐭩 have identical same-gender twins with the gym sim (you can cheat this if needed) — ᡣ𐭩 will you put your past behind you and accept love into your life?
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⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ 𝐂 𝐎 𝐏 𝐘  𝐂 𝐀 𝐓 ⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅         𝐠 𝐞 𝐧 𝐞 𝐫 𝐚 𝐭 𝐢 𝐨 𝐧  𝟔
lifetime wish: surrounded by family career: stay-at-home parent (artist freelancer) traits: artistic, avant garde, clumsy, good, loser
colors - black and peach
— you’re a copycat. you take it, then you leave it just like that. —
you were born as a twin to a narcissistic parent and unfortunately, you were the scapegoat while your twin was the golden child. your twin always got the three hundred dollar christmas present and you were lucky to get the book you asked for. if your twin did something wrong, it was actually your fault. you couldn’t wait to break away from the dysfunction in your family. and break away, you did. you moved out the minute you turned 18 and you didn’t look back. mostly, you made money by selling art on simblr. but a sim that you met on the same website offered for you to come stay with them. and eventually, like a movie, the two of you fell in love. you even started talking about a future together. you mentioned wanting children to treat them better than your parents did you.
but, wait. why the hell is your twin showing up at your door suddenly?
without much invitation, your twin is now living with you guys. you’ve explained to your partner that you can’t really say no to your twin. you’d feel like a bad sibling if you did that. however, you twin is acting kinda weird. a streak of jealousy, perhaps? oh, they’re just like your parent! not only does your twin insist on sharing the same roof, you caught them flirting with your partner who thought it was you. and why is your twin wearing your favorite cardigan? and when you guys fall pregnant with your first child, suddenly your twin wants to take the baby. oh, hell no.
— how will you choose to handle your twin trying to steal your life? you still love them so what can you do? do you let this run its course or intervene? could your family be in danger?
— ᡣ𐭩 move in with a sim you met through online dating — ᡣ𐭩 have your twin move in with you — ᡣ𐭩 your twin should have the traits slob, kleptomaniac, couch potato, and inappropriate — ᡣ𐭩 get married to your soulmate, but your twin crashes the wedding by acting inappropriately and upsetting guests — ᡣ𐭩 you take up freelancing art professionally and your twin joins at the same time — ᡣ𐭩 catch your partner cheating on you with your twin — ᡣ𐭩 rebuild your relationship with your partner over time and fall pregnant — ᡣ𐭩 have your twin constantly take over caring for the baby — ᡣ𐭩 have two more children — ᡣ𐭩 move the annoying twin out of town with one of your babies and half your money. they stole your baby! — ᡣ𐭩 switch to that household and dedicate your life to raising the stolen baby as the annoying twin — ᡣ𐭩 will you ever get your sweet baby back?
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⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ 𝐎 𝐑 𝐀 𝐍 𝐆 𝐄  𝐉 𝐔 𝐈 𝐂 𝐄 ⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅              𝐠 𝐞 𝐧 𝐞 𝐫 𝐚 𝐭 𝐢 𝐨 𝐧  𝟕
lifetime wish: jack of all trades career: business, then switch to architectural designer then switch to your choice traits: grumpy, virtuoso, ambitious, workaholic, brooding
colors - peach and brown
— your body is imperfectly perfect, everyone wants what the other one’s working. —
you suffered terribly with your identity. you didn’t know who you were or who you wanted to be. your parent couldn’t provide a birth certificate or photos of you at the hospital when you were born. you didn’t even know who your other parent was. everyone has two parents, right? see, that’s your problem. you want to be like everyone else, unable to find yourself in all the confusion. the confusion of going nowhere. you’ve always been told this or that is the right way. but have you ever considered your own way? maybe it was time to stop comparing to others and just go.
now yours would be a journey of self discovery. you deserved it after all.
after going through some documents at work one day, you saw a missing flyer of yourself. no. it couldn’t be. you were stolen. that explains so much about everything! you’re determined to find your real parents and figure out where you fit in in life. kinda weird you look so much like who you thought was your bio parent. maybe there’s more to this than you realize.
— how will you confront the person who raised you? what path will you choose when you finally have a sense of identity? are your parents everything you thought they would be?
— ᡣ𐭩 get a job in business straight out of graduating high school (aging up to a young adult) — ᡣ𐭩 stay living with your parent to help them cover the cost of your home (you can use cheats if funds are low) — ᡣ𐭩 decide you don’t like business and switch to architecture — ᡣ𐭩 find your birth parents and start building a relationship with them — ᡣ𐭩 go to the park with your real parents every monday and have a barbecue. — ᡣ𐭩 kick your fake parent out once you have reached 100 friendship with both of your real parents. keep all household funds to yourself. — ᡣ𐭩 decide what career you want and stick to it — ᡣ𐭩 max five skills of your choice — ᡣ𐭩 meet your future spouse at work and have children with them that your real parents get to know — ᡣ𐭩 whatever happened to your fake parent that stole you?
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⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ 𝐇 𝐈 𝐆 𝐇  𝐒 𝐂 𝐇 𝐎 𝐎 𝐋  𝐒 𝐖 𝐄 𝐄 𝐓 𝐇 𝐄 𝐀 𝐑 𝐓 𝐒 ⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅                              𝐠 𝐞 𝐧 𝐞 𝐫 𝐚 𝐭 𝐢 𝐨 𝐧  𝟖
lifetime wish: your choice career: education traits: childish, party animal, social butterfly, easily impressed, heavy sleeper
colors - brown and gold
— if you can’t handle a heart like mine, don’t waste your time with me. —
you were a class clown. everyone, and i mean everyone, just adored you to pieces. but of them all, you only adored one back. they were your rock and you truly loved everything about them. their hair, the way they smelled, even the way they talked. but maybe you were a little too friendly and you gave the wrong signals. you were always just the best friend. when they introduced you, you were just the best friend. you wanted to be more. you always hoped for more. but at the same time, you didn’t want to ruin what you had going. all the way through high school and into adulthood.
and then they got married and you realized you were still in love with your high school best friend. your sweetheart.
you confessed your love for them one starry night and they confessed they’ve always felt the same. but now there’s a problem. their spouse. without much time to consider it, your best friend gets a divorce and is all about you now. this is what you wanted, right? is it? uh oh, someone is getting cold feet now.
— is this the life you want or maybe did you just want to prove you could do it? would you be better off with someone who chose you first? or better off alone?
— ᡣ𐭩 accept EVERY party invitation you receive on your days off — ᡣ𐭩 have a total of ten good friends — ᡣ𐭩 complete three wishes every week — ᡣ𐭩 confess your attraction to your best friend at their house during nighttime — ᡣ𐭩 influence them to leave their spouse — ᡣ𐭩 max out charisma skill — ᡣ𐭩 go on a date with your best friend once their divorce is finalized — ᡣ𐭩 get married, but leave them at the altar before the wedding ends — ᡣ𐭩 find out one of you is having the other’s baby — ᡣ𐭩 will you go back to them and work things out for the sake of the child?
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⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ 𝐌 𝐑 𝐒  𝐏 𝐎 𝐓 𝐀 𝐓 𝐎  𝐇 𝐄 𝐀 𝐃 ⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅                   𝐠 𝐞 𝐧 𝐞 𝐫 𝐚 𝐭 𝐢 𝐨 𝐧  𝟗
lifetime wish: living in the lap of luxury career: you’re too gorgeous to work traits: neat, hates children, mean spirited, over-emotional, mooch
colors - gold and silver
— do you swear you’ll stay forever? even if her face don’t stay together? —
when you were little, you had dreams and aspirations of grandeur. you couldn’t imagine an amount of money that would satisfy you. however, you didn’t really wanna work for it like other people. you were kinda hoping it would just fall into your lap. and fall into your lap, it most certainly did. in the form of the wealthiest sim in town. it started with them offering to cover your coffee and as you turned up the charm, they only became more smitten with you. you were gorgeous with youth on your side. they simply couldn’t resist. everything was going so well. all you had to do was keep up your appearance, manage your home, and look stunning while doing so. nothing could bring you down.
nothing except maybe aging.
as you got older, your now spouse seemed bored with you. the children you had together even seemed annoyed with you. you decided to ask your spouse for some money to “fix yourself.” they provided the funds for you to get cosmetic surgery, but they didn’t stay. now you just had a large empty home with screaming children, living on borrowed fortune and big lips. so it’s mostly up to one of your kids to strike big and take care of you. it’s not like you’ll be getting a job ever.
— will you realize beauty is only skin deep? will you ever find love again? could you learn how to be the parent your children need?
— ᡣ𐭩 never work a day in your life — ᡣ𐭩 marry the wealthiest sim in town as a young adult — ᡣ𐭩 max out fitness skill only by jogging/treadmill or reading — ᡣ𐭩 max out charisma skill — ᡣ𐭩 accidentally have two children before becoming an adult — ᡣ𐭩 accidentally have one more child as an adult — ᡣ𐭩 change your sim once a sim week as an adult in CAS by slightly altering lip size and breast OR muscle size. — ᡣ𐭩 divorce your rich spouse and be left with the house, but only half the money — ᡣ𐭩 will you get revenge on your ex-spouse? you thought they’d never leave you.
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⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ 𝐒 𝐇 𝐎 𝐖  &&  𝐓 𝐄 𝐋 𝐋 ⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅              𝐠 𝐞 𝐧 𝐞 𝐫 𝐚 𝐭 𝐢 𝐨 𝐧  𝟏𝟎
lifetime wish: superstar actor career: film, acting branch traits: snob, adventurous, star quality, charismatic, supernatural fan
colors - silver and lilac
— i’m on display for all you f*ckers to see. —
you lived a lavish life in the lap of luxury. you were the child of an elite and pretty much got everything you wanted. your face was already pretty well known so when your recently divorced parent put you into showbiz, it was pretty easy to get in. you knew your parent was only using you so that they didn’t have to work. and as crappy as it is, you still loved your parent very much and wanted to also be able to provide for your siblings. so you couldn’t really say no. as time went on, people loved you. you were charismatic, outgoing and sweet. somewhat. but the pressure to maintain your image started to build and people’s expectations of you grew higher.
it felt like they were always screaming dance, monkey. dance.
to make matters worse, you were becoming a household name and the elite wanted you as part of their organization, promising immortality. they drink blood so you’re pretty sure they are a vampire cult. you can’t get them to leave you the hell alone. but wow, one of them is kinda gorgeous.
— will you join the elite yourself and become an immortal? or maybe it’s best to go into hiding and never be seen literally ever again? this cult stuff sounds pretty serious.
— ᡣ𐭩 reach the top of the film career — ᡣ𐭩 send your parent money every week (min 500 simoleons. cheat this by deducting 500 every week) — ᡣ𐭩 have an eccentric silver(white) & lilac penthouse in the city — ᡣ𐭩 win 3 acting awards — ᡣ𐭩 find an obscure hobby of your choice — ᡣ𐭩 cycle through four different relationships at the same time — ᡣ𐭩 meet some hot vampires who want to turn you into one of them — ᡣ𐭩 fall in love with a vampire and run away with them into seclusion in a different world — ᡣ𐭩 drop your fame and never return to the spotlight, lose all family connections, and live out a secluded life with your vampire lover.
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okay damn that was long but it's done! please let me know if I forgot to change anything!
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fandomfluffandfuck · 9 months
As a smut writer with a vagina, I always struggle a bit to explore the sensations that penis-havers experience during arousal. I know what’s getting hard looks like, but not what it feels like internally.
Combining my research and, echem, other needs, a writing prompt: Steve explaining to a formerly chemically castrated recovering Bucky what getting hard feels like, and how to recognize arousal. What it feels like when he wants him. Reminding Bucky of those feelings and talking him into his first erection in 70 years.
Ah jeeze, I sent that writing request for Steve explaining to Bucky what it feels like to get hard and I just realized how completely invasive and assuming some of that ask was. I really apologize.
You're okay! That's a fair question/request, and this is the place to come with it, lol.
First, though, I do have to say that, coming from my personal experience, the way smut writers without dicks (as far as I'm aware, lol) describe dicks and erections is usually pretty on the money. It's hot [temperature wise]. It's throbbing. It's tight and, well, hard. It's also often annoying when an erection just... happens. Because it happens randomly, too. It's not just a teenage thing, unfortunately, lol. (I mean, it's (usually) not a full erection like it can be in teendom, but it's still a thing as you get older.)
Second, I could've sworn I read a fic where Bucky was castrated surgerically and was struggling with arousal/erections but I can't find it again :/
Okay, onto this prompt:
*trigger warning for off screen, insinuated HYDRA Trash Party/HYDRA typical violence
This would be a fucking challenge for them. Not only because recovery is tough--recovery from anything--but especially recovery from 70 fucking years of brainwashing and torture.
Also, this is challenging because Steve very much is also deprogramming from his own trauma as well as struggling with his Catholic upbringing. That shame runs deep. Steve is very, very good at feeling shame and guilt.
When Bucky presents him with the question of, "what is it like?" As they're discussing the reversal effects, returning libidos, and coming off of the chemical castration drugs, pamphlets spread out messily over the kitchen island counter, Steve is absolutely tongue-tied. He stammers and blushes and squirms in his kitchen bar stool.
Bucky, in contrast, is sitting still. His voice is even. Fine. "Getting an erection," he clarifies without issue, "what does it feel like?" There's a crease between his dark eyebrows. It's the look he gets when he's thinking, specifically, when he's trying to remember something that's fuzzy--just out of reach and slipping from between his fingers more and more by the second.
Steve isn't sure if that tone of voice and the neutrality is Bucky being Bucky--he never had much shame before. Before... all of this. He always was a flirt, a charmer. As soon as he had an experience, when they were old enough, he told Steve things about girls that Steve felt like would cause God to open hell directly underneath them. Earth gaping. Swallowing them whole. He couldn't ever explain why he stuttered out the words to ask again and again and again, though. He knew he didn't care about the gals. He didn't... he doesn't like women that way.
It was about Bucky.
It's always been about Bucky.
Or... if it's maybe something that was burned out of Bucky by them? HYDRA. Steve desperately hopes it's not that. He wants the fact that he's fine discussing such private matters because he's always been that way (maybe with a tiny mix of being too old and seasoned to give a shit).
Right now, Bucky and him are perfect opposites.
Bucky is easily getting the words out, asking for some from Steve in exchange. Meanwhile, Steve can't get say a word, no matter how loud and clear Bucky is.
It's not that Steve doesn't want to have this conversation with Bucky. He wants to give Bucky every tool he needs to help aid him in recovery; he wants to be honest with him; he wants to open himself to Bucky like a book so he can read and glean what he needs from him. It's so fucking difficult, though.
Bucky's doctors warn Steve and Bucky both what coming off of the drugs causing his chemical castration will mean. A surge in sex hormones as his body resumes doing what it should, resulting in a, hopeful, return of his libido and physical sexual functioning along with possible hot flashes, racing heart, and a handful of other assorted side effects. A roll of the dice. They won't totally know until they get there.
Chemical castration isn't permanent, usually. But, usually, people aren't chemically castrated for 70 fucking years. Also, usually, the people in question aren't super soldiers. So, there's things working against Bucky and with him.
Bucky's body should bounce back.
Steve closes his eyes for too long to just be a blink, picturing the scars around Bucky's shoulder. Flesh seared to metal. No choice but to adapt.
Bucky's body should bounce back.
"Good as new," one of the medical students working in tandem with the team of doctors had said. Steve thinks that student could use more bedside manner training.
"Uh--" Steve clears his throat, "yeah. It's..."
"You don't have to."
Steve nods tightly, "I want to. I just." He swallows noisily, he figures he'll just be as honest as he can, "I don't know how to say it," he runs his fingers through his hair, musing it.
Bucky nods back. After a moment he volunteers, "I remember getting them, I just..."
"You just?" Steve prompts, leaning forward to grab his hand and squeeze.
"I don't remember anything else. I got them. Didn't I?" Bucky looks at his wearily.
"You definitely did," Steve's voice is huskier than he intends. He can't help it. A full-body shiver takes over his muscles. He remembers Bucky's erections almost as much as he remembers his own.
Sharing the same tiny, ratty-sheet-covered bed. Bucky pressed up against his back, his breath hot and humid on his neck, an arm thrown around his waist, with his dick regularly hardening in his sleep and pressing even more insistently against his boney ass.
Wrestling on their shitty, creaking wooden floor. Bucky on top of him, laughing brilliantly. Dark hair falling from its careful, swept-up style. Leaning up to kiss him to distract him, the only way he could win. Kissing and kissing until Bucky would melt, groaning, falling onto him, chest to chest, their erections sliding together. Hard. Hot.
Listening to Bucky stumble in drunk and smiling to himself, stifling the expression in the flat pillow under his head, pretending to sleep until Bucky stumbles into their bed. Then, pretending to wake up slowly and prettily as Bucky pawed at him. Sometimes, Bucky'd be hard already. Sometimes, he would get hard deliciously slowly, the alcohol affecting him, making it a challenge. And sometimes he wouldn't get hard if he had too much.
(Steve secretly loved it when he didn't get hard. Soft and vulnerable and perfect for worshipping. Steve would fall to his knees and rub his face against his soft cock and suck and suck until Bucky came without getting hard at all. It still felt good. Steve should know. It's not like his Johnson worked all the time back then, anyway.)
Steve jostles himself from the memories, trying, only half-successfully, to not feel guilty over the fact that he can remember all that with perfect eidetic detail while Bucky can't.
He re-crosses his legs in the other direction.
"Okay," Steve tries to push his energy from memories to words, "okay. It's, like, it... it almost feels like." God, why does he suck so much at this? "Like, it-it's blood rushing into your dick, right?"
Bucky has the gall to roll his eyes.
Steve wants to call him an asshole. And he would if he weren't too busy untangling his words, trying to spit them out no matter how much shame tugs at him. "So it's swollen. It gets hot, too, because, well, your, your blood is hot. Body temperature. Y'know. Whatever. It's... just... swollen and hot and, uh, stiff?"
"It is a stiffy," Bucky says dryly.
Steve dryly laughs, "jerk," he bites his lower lip, clearly that's not enough to satisfy Bucky's curiosity, "you know, so, okay, you know when you finish in the gym and your muscles are just beginning to get sore? Like. It doesn't hurt. But your muscles are tight and pumped and hard because you just used them?"
"I'm familiar." Steve's pretty sure Bucky's being an asshole on purpose now. Just to give him something else to think about. Fucker.
"It's like that," he finishes the thought, "but. It's your dick, not your usual muscles."
"So... does it get sore? Like your muscles?"
"No." Steve answers automatically, then, "it, uh, throbs. Pulses, kinda. I mean, it, it can hurt. If you have it for a long time."
"Right," there's a minute pause. Steve knows without asking that they're both picturing all the goofy pharma ads that're on TV nowadays. Contact your doctor if you have an erection lasting more than 4 hours... "You said it's tight?"
"Yeah. Tight and heavy, too. 'Cause, because it fills with blood. It gets engorged. Swollen."
Bucky nods, but it's clear he wants more.
"Yeah," Steve struggles, his face burning. "Kinda, kinda, like..." he pulls a face just thinking about the way he's about to describe an erection. It's visceral. It makes him want to squirm a little bit. But, it's the only thing he can think of. "If you stuck a balloon under your skin and started to inflate it. It gets tight and hot and stiff as it stretches. And the more the, the, uh, balloon inflates, the more sensitive it gets--"
Bucky makes a considering noise.
"--But then. Then, once you've started, it's hard to stop. It gets fuller, stiffer, and more sensitive. When you touch it, because it's sensitive and tight and you need to do something about it, it gets stiffer and then more sensitive because it's stiffer. So you touch more. Until. Yeah. It's, uh, it's a positive feedback loop."
Suddenly, as happens sometimes, Steve's mouth runs away from him. He's embarrassed, and his brain decides that the only way to fix it is to get all the embarrassing words out. "It throbs. Like. With your pulse. If you get. If you get hard enough, it th-throbs with your pulse. And it feels like it comes from your, like, core. Like. Not just your balls. Inside you."
"Hm?" Bucky interjects, eyebrows drawing together.
"Like, when you get, ah, a-aroused. It comes from your stomach almost. And it goes up your back and down your balls, too. It's, it's not tingling but, more, more like when you really have to pee and you can't help but shiver. A much hot, hotter version of that."
"You-" Bucky's eyebrows come together. "You can't pee when you're erect, right?"
"No, no. It--that does hurt. It kinda burns? If you try to pee with a hard, hard--if you try to pee with an erection. It doesn't work like that."
"No," Bucky agrees softly.
"But it doesn't burn otherwise. It, it when you're really hard, feels like, like you might explode. It gets so tight and, I'm trying to think of anything but hard, but it really just feels hard."
Bucky snorts.
Steve's big mouth keeps motoring, of course, "oh, and, uh, it gets wet." Steve is going to explode, not in the fun my-dick-is-hard way, in the vibrating-with-embarrassment way. Oof.
Bucky just looks intrigued. Not embarrassed.
"I, I, I don't mean," Steve lowers his voice, "cum."
Bucky laughs at his expense.
"I mean... when you're erect. It can leak. It's just pre-cum. It's not. It's nothing to be worried about. Just so you don't--" he bites the inside of his cheek, "I don't want you to worry."
Bucky tips his head from side to side, considering. "What if I--"
"What if you?"
"What if I let you know when it happens? So you know I'm not worried."
Steve flushes the hottest he has yet. He coughs. "Y-yeah, that'd be, that'd be... good."
I hope that's satisfactory for what you had in mind! I didn't really know how to tackle this prompt, lol.
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footballerimaginess · 2 months
Petty Argument
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30 Day Writing Challenge 1. Small petty argument Dusan Vlahovic Word Count: 526 my first time writing for him!! hope you like it x
The house move wasn't going as well as you had hoped. The two of you were bored of unboxing and moving your items into their new home.
It had felt like you had been doing this for days now, especially when Dusan had a game because it was just you doing it. "I feel like we have achieved so little in this room, this is the longest task. I just want to be moved in and completed" you let out a heavy sigh as you glanced through yet another cardboard box. "Well maybe if you stopped stopping to check your phone, we may have actually completed something" Dusan bluntly stated as you put the vase down and stared directly at him. "You are joking right?" you raised your voice slightly, trying your best not to let the comment get to you. "Well you know you can do something, I have done most of this room and you've done nothing" Dusan remarked once again. "I think you'll find I have completed a room actually, so there" you stuck your tongue out as you moved to the kitchen as you sensed Dusan following you. "Well hurry up about it" Dusan groaned. "Huh? What is wrong with you today Dusan? You are in such a huff, I know this is stressful but jeez babe don't need to take it out on me. I have done loads in this house" huffing as you walked away. "There is absolutely nothing wrong with me, I am just wanting to get this done. I don't want to keep putting this all off, I just want to move in and have this as our home" "Well you need to tell your face that then, because you sir are in a foul mood. Yes I too want this house finished, I am bored by this now. It has gone on for too long and it just looks so messy. Come on, please just stop fighting" you sighed, feeling like that is all you have been doing lately. "I don't understand, everything seems to have gone so well and now all we are doing is arguing" you huffed. "I apologise, I think the stress is just getting me. I am so close to moving here just with you and cannot wait for it" you slowly walked over to Dusan and gave him a big cuddle. "I can't wait either, it feels like we have been waiting for so long for our lovely house. Now I feel stupid for arguing with you, maybe I need to have some making up to do" he laughed. "I think we both need to do some making up, we have both let the move get on top of us and well this was just some stupid petty argument over something so minor" you grabbed his arm gently as you pulled him in for a squeeze. "It is" he whispered as you gave him another tight squeeze. "Come on, let's go and get some food and leave the house" you nodded as you knew it was such a good suggestion as you were both so desperate to get out of the house.
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