#idk why everyone always forgets about the interview… like… it was really bad
scoopsgf · 2 years
rory is a super realistic and real character and i feel like that's why a lot of people dislike her, but the most unrealistic part of her character was her college app progress. girl didn't realize she had to do extracurriculars and until basically right before she started applying, applied to only three schools that just so happened to be the best three schools in the country, and got into all three of them while paris who worked her ass off to get into harvard and honestly did more than rory in terms of extracurriculars got rejected????
i mean… this was before media, and prior to chilton rory had gone to a pretty small HS that was probably only pushing ECs like the french club or whatever. i think she knew she had to take electives and stuff, but i don’t think she realized quite the extent of what was required to get into a huge school like harvard. tbh i don’t really find that super unrealistic, but that’s just me. however i do think it would’ve been more realistic for her to find out in s1 from an academic advisor. also the reason paris didn’t get into harvard was explained—she overdid it in the interview and acted like a crazy person. did she deserve to get into the schools? absolutely. but do I kind of understand, based off the clip of the interview that was shown, why she didn’t? yeah.
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kyouka-supremacy · 10 months
Ngl sometimes I feel like Asagiri doesn't know what he's writing. Like in many many interviews I feel like he straight up contradicts what him and harukawa are doing in the manga which often just makes me go ????
Like the way he treats Akutagawa has never been framed in a positive light, he has shown how desperate akutagawa was for his recognition. The cycle of abuse is a constant theme in the manga...
That interview just baffled me so much that I can't help but wonder if asagiri just really sucks at expressing himself or idk because I also feel like if some sentences would've been slightly changed it would've fallen more in line with the manga and it wouldn't have sounded like excusing the abuse Dazai had put Akutagawa through.
... I honestly don't know how to answer to this. I sincerely don't think the author's words contradict what already slipped through the manga? As I said, I think the statement was just a very unfortunate case of intersection between 1) abuse apologism and 2) Dazai idolization... But that's both things bsd ALWAYS had.
Chapter 39 Portrait of a Father is right there; the author's framing of Akutagawa and Dazai's relationship in the interview is precisely the same case of “the abuse you went through actually shaped you to become a better person, and your abuser always acted in your best interests and should even be regarded highly by you, like a father / meaning to your life”. So, nothing new on that front. About Dazai, I guess that's harder to pinpoint, but I do believe bsd has a bad case of Dazai is omniscient / perfect / flawless / can-do-no-wrong syndrome, something someone already made a very interesting elaboration of here. That explains why the author could never admit that Akutagawa was Dazai's failure, because that would be admitting Dazai can fail, and it's evident that the author doesn't agree with that.
I'm not really sure Dazai's treatment of Akutagawa is portrayed as cruel, either. Like, if it was, then why didn't Dazai stop treating Akutagawa that way when he joined the ada and started doing good? That sounds like implying that Dazai didn't stop because he is doing Akutagawa's good. When you think about it, Dazai acts very coldly to Akutagawa in chapters 36 and 51, treating him with condescension and vague contempt; and yet, those scenes are framed as being either endearing or comic, never cruel. Overall, I can hardly find the interview to be inconsistent to the manga when it's basically just expanding on what Akutagawa already told us here:
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and where in the past one could have suspected this was only Akutagawa's biased perspective¹, this new interview simply confirms the author thinks it the same way too.
¹ I'll never forget my sister saying, when I was live reacting chapters 84-88 to her, about this exact passage: “That depressingly sounds like an abused person trying to find a meaning in the pain the abuse caused them, something able to give a sense to the pain and excuse the abuser”
I was extremely surprised by how everyone reacted to the interview, because I found it saddening, yes, but people are acting like it's something new and surprising when... I really don't feel the same way? I always thought bsd was full of problematic stuff and fucked up worldviews I don't agree with, from the moment I was watching the first season for the first time. And like, it kind of sucked initially, but I came to terms with it because there's other aspects I find enjoyable to explore and dwell into! (And also simply because I don't get to pick what I hyperfixate on). Personally, I assumed that people in the fandom either agreed with the author, or turned a more or less conscious blind eye to its issues in favor of more compelling stuff, or did like me and acknowledged its problematic stuff while also believing that doesn't necessarily have to get in the way of your enjoyment of the media (we're all just here to have fun). But I never thought... People just didn't notice? Like, the author's world views are all there and they've always been there, what changed exactly? Again, seeing it put so plainly and with no shame is saddening, but can't be deemed surprising. Yet somehow I've seriously seen people say stuff that sounded worryingly like “the abuse defending manga author is defending abuse in real life, how did this happen” and I'm. ?????????¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿????????? I'm sorry, and forgive me if I'm sounding somehow pretentious, but I swear most sincerely that I just don't get it. When in two years the author is going to make a comment of the kind “no female character will ever be as complex as male characters because women simply don't have it in them”, will everyone suddenly be surprised because the author of the sexist manga revealed themselves to be sexist?
It's just... As someone who as it turns out has done this (deeply disagreeing with bsd's themes, but hyperfixated on it nonetheless) longer, very humbly, allow me some words of advice: you're here for entertainment, you're here to have fun. That means you get to decide what parts of canon are worth focusing on and dissect and enjoy, and that doesn't in any way hold you from acknowledging bsd's problems when they're at and overall having a critical approach to reading the manga. I think that's a good advice for interacting with all kinds of media actually! In the words of another old answer of mine:
I don't know who needs to hear this, but someone definitely does: “I love s/kk!!” “the bsd storytelling has many compelling aspects!!” and “I recognize the bsd writing has flaws some of which actively harm an already disadvantaged part of society” are statements that can and should coexist, and if anything - and I know you hate to hear this, I'm sorry, I'm sorry - it should be kept in mind when deciding to support the franchise by buying its products.
And lastly, but most importantly: bsd stopped giving you joy? Walk out!!! The world is full of beautiful stories. Read The Promised Neverland.
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sillydonutcat09 · 3 months
Ahm- i want to make a Osix (Oswald and Felix) comic (romantic) but i'm not sure if someone would like it? I just had an idea recently and i want to make it a comic! Even if i'm not good makings comics i just doodle comics a lot, i just think that it would be a really good practice and i just enjoy a lot drawing them!.....I'm just really worried bc the idea is a little bit complicated? so i will do my best trying to make this!!!!
Well i would tell more about the history soon hopefully if i don't forget abt it...
The actual idea:
Felix is an actor, a very popular one, he randomly decided one day to go to a interview for a role in something without telling his manager and without really investigating about it, then he discovers that there's no movie just a rabbit that he doesn't know called Oswald ,asking him if he can take care of his children bc they are really young and he needed help bc he was alone and they were a lot, so he would pay him for that. Felix was really confused but ended up accepting bc he felt bad for Oswald and because the full situation was interesting, who was him? Why he would want to hire him for that (yk Félix was known for almost everyone)? Also he wanted to take a time not working in movies and stuff and Oswald was going to pay him....so yep, just Oswald and Felix family fluff+Oswald has a backstory+fame problems..
The beginning in question xd:
(srry it looks kinda bad i I wasn't drawing for a while when i had the idea and when i don't draw in some time my style goes to another planet-)
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(Oswald is not leaving him don't worry, he's just going to shop)
That's all, bye!
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uriekukistan · 7 days
not sure if you’ve been asked this already but, CHOSO HCS PLSSS???? 🥹
omg yess ik i did some hcs for him back in the day, like when i just got into jjk and hadn't read the manga yet, so i'm excited to do this again with a new perspective :3 actually i dug out some of my older choso hcs to see if i changed my mind lol
one thing i said about him before is that i think he would be a really good plant dad and i stand by this. well, actually...i'm not sure sure, i think there's the potential for him to like. forget to water them properly or something, and then he gets super sad about it :(( he does put a lot of effort to take care of them. his plants have names too, and he talks to them sometimes. he loves them all very much.
i don't really agree w some of the choso + technology = grandpa ideas (he may be 150, but he's still smart and i think he's the type to try his best at everything until it works), but i do think the first time he watched a tv show he thought it was real and got kind of confused. once he understands, he's still going to take his favorite shows very seriously. those characters are real To Him.
in an au where everyone is happy and alive :') he'd be the type of older brother to put his little brothers' partners through a rigorous interview to see if they're suitable to date his siblings (especially with yuuji since he's the baby of the family). actually he does this to friends too... yuuji can't have anyone over without choso asking a thousand questions. in terms of itafushi, this just funny, because he's trying to be all intimidating and threatening, and megumi just thinks hes kind of awkward and not scary at all.
idk why i feel like he shouldn't be allowed in the kitchen...i know i wrote him as a good cook twice now but i changed my mind! he's a disaster if yuuji isn't there. he'll probably be able to make basic things like rice, eggs, any instant foods....the problem comes when he tries to make fancy recipes he finds on pinterest that he does not have the skill level for. despite yuuji asking him not to make that stuff when he's not around, he still tries because he just wants to surprise his little brother/feels bad that yuuji always cooks for him because he's the older one, so he should be taking care of him
sorry this wasn't many but i did kinda yap for a while about these slfdkjgk thank u for the ask !!!
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cirixwqnd · 2 years
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it’s bad writing bc everything is literally back to how it was in s1. i wouldn’t be surprised if will goes missing or is targeted by vecna like last time! and e| is codependent on mike again, she needs his words, ‘love’, etc etc to defeat the big bad in the UD. jancy is kinda dead rn, why is jonathan lying to her?? plus i feel like e| needs to have her own storyline where she is fully independent. millie even said in an interview that it’d be great to see e| be independent and “if he doesn’t love her then he doesn’t love her”.
oh and notice all the girls in the show (minus erica, she is far too young to be thinking about her love life/she doesn’t really care) are written to be in a relationship or want to be in a relationship.
robin wants to be with vickie (understandably so), nancy with jonathan (why are they lying to each other again? is this what a perfectly healthy hetero relationship looks like?), max with lucas (but i love their relationship though. because they don’t lie to each other and even if they do it’s always addressed in the series later on) and finally e| with mike.
“but oh, nancy can do things on her own!! why do you think she can lead the hawkins crew without the help of someone?” but in the end though she always falls in the arms of either steve or jonathan.
we need more independent queens like erica sinclair. girls aren’t always looking for a relationship or a boyfriend, suffer brothers. and this isn’t some a feminist post where i want the boys to be codependent now, no, that is not what i’m saying. if you can write steve as an independent character in s3 (well, near the end at least), why can’t you write e| that way? bc she’s a girl? bc her and mike has been together since s1? bullshit. she can still be together with him without needing his ‘love’ to defeat vecna, yk?
imagine how much more powerful the message would be if it was hopper, or just familial love in general! this romantic shit is so cliché and the last thing i expect stranger things is to be is cliché.
“then why do you want mike’s love/words to get will out of a vecna trance? that seems a bit hypocritical.” it really isn’t. it would explain why mike is such a fucking asshole to his best friend since s3.
i kept saying before s4 was even released that the mike i watched in s3 was not the same as the mike i saw in s2 but everyone said that he was just struggling with internalised homophobia which yeah, i see it but now that v2 is out, no i don’t see it anymore. he is just canonically a bad friend to everyone but dustin. he won’t attend lucas’ basketball game (and lucas is being attacked for it which is ??? if lucas was white, let’s be honest, everyone would be on his side 💀), gave will that half-arsed hug, yelling at him for not liking the same things he likes (iT’s nOt mY fAuLt yOu dOn’T LiKe giRLs), kept ditching them (and will) to swap spit with e| and just so many more.
it would explain why he’s like that. he’s trying to forget whatever he’s feeling towards will because he probably thinks it’s wrong to feel that way, but after that ily monologue in v2.. idk.. he went from being the show’s main kid in s1 to being reduced to e|’s love interest in s4.
if mike got together with will, we would finally know why he was written like that. not to mention it would be the best written character struggling with internalised homophobia. so no, milkvans, we aren’t being hypocrites for wanting him to confess his love for will while not wanting him to do the same for e|. like i said before, even as a byler shipper, mike can still say the ily dialogue to e| without being reduced to be someone’s boyfriend and without e| being codependent. and yes, it is bad writing, you just refuse to remove your milkvan lenses for even just a second.
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Rey Gives No F*cks About the Grandfather Paradox
Okay so since nobody’s suggested a fic under these terms, I ended up expanding on this post on discord and things snowballed. We kept to the basics of the entire plot revolving around Rey really hating her grandad and leveraging her blood relation to not be unalived about it.
With contributions by @atagotiak​, @dracothulhu​, @thepallaspalace​, and several others. The title comes from @gelpenss​.
The basic thing I absolutely need is this: Rey gets thrown back to the middle of the clone wars, and the subsequent plot leans in really heavily on her being, genetically-via-clone-dad, the daughter of the guy running the entire galaxy.
Nobody knows what to do with her.
The timing is mid-TCW for the past (because I want Ahsoka there) and vaguely between Episodes 8 and 9 because I... never watched E9 and don’t want to worry about the timeline. The only things that matter is that Luke is dead (he can die as he did in canon) and that Rey knows she’s Palp’s granddaughter (not the way she does in canon).
We'll say Luke found out from Anakin's panicked force-ghost and just went "well, fuck, okay, I should tell her this before she ends up in a situation like mine and finds out mid-battle or something."
Luke, prior to time-travel: Okay, so, now that I'm dead I know some things I didn't before. Like who your parents were. In the interest of full disclosure because I was in a very similar situation and I don't want you learning the way I did, I'm just going to come right out and say that your father was a clone was Sheev Palpatine. Rey: ... Luke: Are you okay? Rey: I don't know who that is.
(She grew up on Jakku, the history education was a little subpar.)
Setting The Scene
Imagine Rey showing up during or immediately before the clone wars. There’s this phenomenally powerful feral teenager from a desert backwater who tells you that if you ran a paternity test, it would probably pop up the Chancellor. She may or may not bring up cloning. She accuses said Chancellor of being a Sith Lord.
Your other phenomenally powerful feral teenager from a desert backwater, who may not be a teenager anymore but only barely, is very offended by this because Palpatine’s a Very Nice Old Grandfather Figure, but also he’s a little full of side-eye because if the blood test comes back as proof, then Palpatine had a kid and didn’t even know about them, or lied to Anakin, and that’s! Bad! Family’s important!!!
Palpatine hears about this daughter he apparently? Has? And is very confused because the timing doesn’t match up with ANYTHING he was doing, so the kid isn’t natural, and he says as much. (There is an explanation! It’s not a correct explanation, but he does come up with one.)
Finn and Poe and BB-8 all get dragged along because why not have the gang there? Nobody that’s already born, because [handwave] conservation of souls or something, IDK, point is the only person dragged along that’s even remotely close to already existing is Luke’s Force Ghost, who mostly hangs around begging Rey to be less impulsive. Finn is good because he is a nice polite boy, but for actual useful information they need Poe. The unfortunate situation is that the three do not land together. They land at the same time, in completely different corners of the galaxy. This means that nobody is there to curb Rey being her most impulsive self.
Time travel Rey knows two things. Luke’s dad ends up evil. Palpatine has always been evil.
She can solve one of these problems by killing the other, yes?
Rey: Ready to Rumble
See, the initial idea was this: Rey tried to break into the senate to kill Palpatine, got arrested, and then used the "he's biologically my father" card to get out of jail free. (Force Ghost Luke follows her like “please take five seconds to think this through.”)
It would be very, very, very funny if The Force just dumps her in a flash of light in the senate building and she just attacks Gramps on sight. Just a shouted "YOU!" and no-hesitation attempted murder.
Palpatine has no idea what's going on.
Rey took maybe two seconds to get identity confirmation and then started swinging.
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[Image Description: An individual in a green metal helmet with an eye slit, holding a pistol. In the upper left, upper right, and lower middle are the phrases “I do not know who I am...” “I don’t know why I’m here” and “All I know is that I must kill.” End description.]
Of course, she gets arrested. There are Master Jedi in the Senate. There are Clone Troopers. Palpatine isn’t the weak old man he pretends to be. Of course she’s stopped.
But she isn’t executed in time for Palpatine to stop her from ruining his entire reputation.
Immediately after Rey fails to kill her Shitty Granddad, Luke's ghost shows up and begs her to not talk about the Sith thing because it will completely undermine everything she's trying to do. Pass off the attempted murder as something else!
Rey, panicking: "that fucker left me on a desert planet for 10 years!" "You owe me 19 years of child support you son of a Hutt!"
The Jedi have to do the investigation, because the girl showed up with a laser sword, and the conversation is, uh... interesting. (“Where did you get that lightsaber?” “I got it from a mysterious old pirate lady I never met before. I don't know, I was being shown around by a smuggler and a Wookie.”)
Interviewer: Why did you try to assassinate the Chancellor? Luke: Say it wasn't assassination. Rey: It wasn't assassination. Int: You weren't trying to kill him? Luke: Assassination has to be politically motivated. Rey: This was, um... not political. Assassination is political, right? Int: You mean this was personally motivated? Rey: Yes. Int: I see. What personal motivation? Luke: Jakku! Rey: He's my grandfather. Int: ... Rey: Possibly father. Nobody was very clear on that. Int: ... Luke: Tell them to run a paternity test. Rey: Oh hey, a blood test would tell us which, right? Int: ............ Rey: I spent ten years as an orphaned scrapdealer on Jakku. He's my father. I'm kind of a little angry. Int: ........... Luke: Good job, kid. You bought yourself some time. Int: I'm going to get a medic to see about that parternity test.
Obviously, it comes back positive. Congratulations, Sheev, you’re the father.
Rey comes with a ready-made built-in excuse for hating Palpatine that nobody can question or fault her for!
Rey, pouring Truth into the Force: I didn't even know I was related to the Chancellor until a few months ago, but it's his fault I grew up the way I did, and he should take some responsibility!
The entire thing is mostly kept hush hush but someone leaks it to the press and Palpatine's ratings tank.
"Chancellor, I think we'll need to waive family visitation until she wants you a little less dead." "I would like to find out why she wants me dead, and indeed, where she came from." "...sir, for your own safety--"
Who would win? A master plan years in the making spanning decades of manipulating and work? or One (1) paternity test
"Okay, so, Rey Palpat--" "Ew, no, I don't want his name." "You--okay. Sure, we can understand that. Is there a name you would prefer to put on the paperwork?" Rey, who would have gone by Skywalker in honor of Luke but can't do that when Anakin is right there and all: "Can I think about it?"
Rey: I don't know what I want my last name to be but I know I don't want his, and most of the people I’d want a name from have famous families like you... Luke's ghost, pointing out the Literal Nobody that she cares about a lot: How about Solo? Rey: ...Solo, then.
(A few months later she runs into Poe again and he offers for Finn and Rey to both take his name because honestly they need SOMETHING but at that point she’s already decided on Smuggler Dad.)
Backtrack a bit. We’ve got a bigger cast.
They all arrive separately. Poe, for one, does better than Rey, who is aiming for a murder, but not quite as well as Finn, who is currently being adopted and hidden like a secret cat by a bunch of Alpha Clones on Kamino. He vibes with the names-or-numbers thing. He doesn’t necessarily tell them where and when he’s from, but he’s very sweet and a great liar and they adopt him wholesale anyway.
The Finn situation is just... "Buir Ti, we need you to hide this man, we've decided he's our little brother but if Nala Se finds out she'll make him leave."
Of course, this leads into Shaak Ti teaching Finn how to Jedi.
Maybe consider Finn needing to almost be tricked into learning Jedi things because he willfully forgets it could apply to him. Finn does not like to think of himself as special, which is super valid, but frustrating for Shaak Ti when it comes to, you know, getting him to acquire knowledge. Finn's training at some point is "here, levitate objects with the Force to entertain the tubies." It’s a lot easier to convince him to practice when it involves the babies.
(Everyone on Kamino looked at Finn and went “oh I love him I’m keeping him and teaching him things.”)
(He’s just very lovable.)
Poe, meanwhile, buys the trust of Anakin Skywalker via R2D2 declaring BB-8 the absolute most baby of droids. R2D2 met BB-8 three hours ago but.
"Hey Obi-Wan this is Poe I met him like five days ago but R2D2 says he checks out because his droid is a baby." "That's nice, Anakin, did you know the Chancellor has a daughter who tried to assassinate him in broad daylight yesterday? Because guess who had to stop the Chancellor from getting assassinated by his daughter in broad daylight yesterday."
A summary so far:
Finn, on Kamino: Hey, um, I don't know where this is, but it's not where I was a few minutes ago. Do you think you could get me a comm? What's your name? Poe, on [dice roll] Denon: Oh, hey, you're General Skywalker? Nice to meet you, I'm so sorry about my droid, she's a little excitable and thought your R2 unit looked like a friend of hers-- Rey, on Coruscant: DIE, GRANDFATHER
Finn: [Peacefully vibing on Kamino, unaware of the chaos and bonding with the clones] Poe: [Trying to explain how he knows someone who tried to kill the chancellor and defend Rey] Rey: [Arrested for trying to kill the chancellor]
Just... just...
Anakin: Some guy ended up lost on base yesterday with his droid, how’s your day going? Obi-Wan: I had to stop someone who claims to be the chancellors daughter from murdering the chancellor after she seemingly blinked into existence in the Senate building. Poe: 😐
(Poe: Oh, so that's where Chaos^2 went.)
Poe: In her defense, she is his... well we don't know if she's his daughter or granddaughter, but she's definitely related to him, and she definitely grew up in a shitty situation that was his fault, so...
(Poe is trying very hard to explain this and not get arrested on the military base.)
As you’ve probably guessed, what's especially funny about all of this for me is the fact that Palpatine is fully aware that this girl shouldn't exist, but can't find a single piece of evidence about where she came from. He didn't start any experiments that could result in a female child, and he didn't have sex in that period of time, so where the hell--
Rey spends so much time in jail... BUT they do eventually assign her a Jedi Master. Possibly before she actually proves her evil grandfather is in fact evil. Most votes went to either Plo Koon or Obi-Wan. Plo, because he’s dad-shaped, and Obi...
"Obi-Wan, you already raised one feral desert child with implausible amounts of power, you handle this." Rey in return is very "Sweet, you vaguely remind me of Master Luke," and nobody knows who the hell she's talking about. Obi-Wan is NOT on board with this plan, she'd really be better off with Plo or like........ Mace.
Reunion Tour
What I need out of this is the eventual Finn and Rey reunion scene that is just excited screaming while someone in the background explains to Shaak Ti that yes this is apparently Palpatine's terrifyingly force-sensitive daughter who hates him.
(Finn senses Rey’s approach and just. Gathers the everyone to wait. He’s just :D REY MY FRIEND REY GUYS MY FRIEND REY IS COMING.)
Anakin shows up with Poe--just a guy who signed on to the military, no big deal--and then Poe and Rey are EXCITED and everyone's just like "Cool, how do you know this literal terrorist child?" And Poe has to scramble and "Uhhhhhhhhhhhh she saved my droid from a scrapheap once and BB-8 is basically my child so I owe her one."
Rey knows that Anakin ends up evil so she’s maybe not actively hostile but definitely very “I’m watching you.” That said, she vibes with him on a lot of things that he maybe doesn’t actively notice.
Rey picks up a snake, snaps off the head for venom avoidance, and starts biting off chunks. Obi-Wan's reaction: [undisguised horror] Anakin and Ahsoka: Ooh, where'd you find that? (Obi-Wan: And now I’m up to three feral children.)
What Does Palpatine Even Do?
OBVIOUSLY at a certain point, Palpatine is just phoning up every ally he has to figure out who broke protocol to synthesize a daughter for him.
So of course, Palpatine blame Plagueis.
She'd have been born five or so years before Naboo, just a few years younger than Anakin. It's such an EASY theory to build a conspiracy around. It is ENTIRELY WRONG, but it’s plausible! And anyone who might have been involved to say otherwise is probably dead!
A random bio-kid shows up you can’t possibly have contributed genes to? Maybe it’s the evil bio spark that did it.
Palpatine tries to placate her with the ‘my genes were stolen for an experiment and I didn’t know’ thing. It doesn’t work because her actual main complaint is he’s evil in her future but he tries.
It'd be a struggle to even get access to her, because of the aforementioned “maybe don’t try to talk to the daughter(?) that hates you” thing, but you know who Palpatine does have access to? The Chosen One.
Rey kind of decides on her favorites early on (she gravitates to Dad Energy and Sad Old Men so Plo and Obi-Wan are on her list, and that means decent time around Anakin and Ahsoka). It's really easy to talk Anakin into helping to some degree because "he'd like to connect to a daughter he never knew" and "a child of her power on a planet like that, you'd know her struggle, my dear boy" and so on. Anakin tries to connect! He tries to play up Sheev’s kind political work and how it can’t have really been his fault! It doesn’t work. Rey does not believe a word of it. Mostly she doesn’t even seem to hear him.
Rey's just like "...oh right, you're the melted mask that Kylo Ren was always ranting about," which means absolutely NOTHING to Anakin, but he mentions it to Palps, who loses his goddamn mind trying to figure out what she's talking about, because it also means absolutely nothing to him.
Here’s the thing: Rey’s already decided that Obi-Wan is cool, because Luke said so, and Plo Koon is dad-shaped, and she also gravitates towards earnest kindness in general, like she made friends with Finn real quick, so Ahsoka? Already getting along great.
She doesn’t dislike Anakin, really, he isn’t evil yet, he’s just... meh. She’s a little suspicious and she likes him less than the others but... Anakin.
Rey, to Anakin: You are my least favorite. Anakin, to Palpatine: YOUR DAUGHTER HATES ME???
And he goes from “she’s a lil standoffish” to “she doesn’t like me” to “she hates me” as is normal for Anakin.
It’s just an escalation of this one time Palpatine wants Anakin to not have rifts and trust issues with a person, at least not until later, because he needs information.
Meanwhile, that very moment, Rey is just like "huh, nobody here is listening to me about how make a sixth-hand carburetor work, where's Luke's dad?"
Anakin is venting to Palpatine about how hard it is to talk to Rey, and she's over in the Temple just like "Hey, that guy was useful last time, I should ask him," but also she only ever thinks of him as Luke's Dad.
(At one point, Obi-Wan is having a bit of a break down, and then Anakin starts having a breakdown about that, meanwhile the clones are (badly) trying to hide Finn behind their backs, Rey is watching Ahsoka practice and being like "I want two lightsabers," and Poe is trying to keep R2 from stealing BB-8 and Force Ghost Luke is just face palming in the background.)
(Rey deserved a saber staff, maybe one that can detach and turn into a jar’kai set. Possibly a pike. Mostly I just wish she got more chances to whack things with a big stick.)
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inoxske · 3 years
a few my hero academia headcanons (mostly kirishima, kiribaku, and bakusquad) (3rd year)
kirishimas laugh is a very wonderful sound that everyone fucking adores, so lots of people think hes flirting because he laughs a lot but he isnt lol
i believe all the bakusquad can sing but their all shy so they pretend to be really bad but theyre all closeted theater kids so when 'the room where it happened' from Hamilton played one night at karaoke night they all sang and hamonized and everyone freaked the fuck out
bakugo and denki cross dress because it makes them feel powerful and they are often seen in fashion magazines and shit
kirishima is best friends with bakugos parents and all of katsukis family adore eijirou
bakugo cries the second any kind of animal or child is hurt in movies
adding onto that ^ bakugo loves kids, more so as he gets older
kirishima will go to interviews for really important people, but because of his adhd he forgets important shit so he has to call bakugo while in the interview and ask and they always keep the clip because he always puts him on speaker
kirishima will put on classical music but like really nice music and dance with people in the dorms. hes danced with all the girls, and was caught slowdancing with katsuki once at like 3am on a saturday (aizawa cried like a little bitch)
all of 1a calls aizawa dadzawa by the time 2nd year rolls around. like, if someone calls him aizawa now he thinks hes in trouble or someone died or some shit.
kirishima can handle any kind of spice because one of his mamas is half latino and so he basically grew up with lots of spice. bakugo challenged him to a spicey wing eating thing and they ended up having to stop because bakugo ran out and threw uP BC HE WASNT GONNA LOSE OKAY
kirishima will escort young ladies home if they feel unsafe, or he will just scare the shit out of men who harass anyone
sero becomes super fucking popular with ladies like everyone thinks hes hot and he doesnt know why but like- BITCH- ..... he is so fine, next
bakugo and midoriya go to therapy together and work shit out. kirishima ends up having to go with bakugo to therapy a lot bc he says he gives him the courage to open up and not feel weak 🤨..... idk sounds kinda gay to me
a majority of class A has a mission near an animal shelter, and damage is done to the shelter and a really dangerous aggressive dog starts running at mina and bro this dog- this dog is fucking BIG like wolf big and out for BLOOD and is so loud and kiri, ya know, grew since first year and is now like a tank like 6"7 and 300 pounds of muscle and so he gets infront of mina and just goes "HEY!" in a really fucking deep like angry as shit voice and makes himself big and the bear of a dog immediately flinches and runs back into its kennel. and everyone kind of freezes and looks at him, and hes like "jeez, i didnt mean to be so loud" and bakugos like "oh no that was the hottest thing ive ever seen in my life" anyways
bakugo can cook, kirishima can bake
bakugo gets super bad sensory overload sometimes when hes had an especially bad experience with a quirk or something and will have meltdowns about his clothing or how sweaty he is, or how loud his quirk is and how bright it is and kirishima will help him. when it first happened everyone handled it really well, and turned off the lights, and momo made him a weighted blanket and noisecancelling shit and kirishima put his head on his chest to help him match his breathing and shit. v wholesome.
kirishima and bakugo got in a super big fight near the beginning of second year when bakugo was in a bad mood and called him weak again and kirishima blew up on him and told him how he wasnt gonna let katsuki walk all over him just because he feels insecure or weak or whatever and kirishima got super fucking pissed because bakugo got defensive and told him he shouldnt take it so seriously and that it was true and he needs to get stronger and kirishima was like fuck you, at least i admit i have some weaknesses to overcome, and some things that need to be fixed, and they were both hurt and shit but bakugo wouldnt apologize so he stopped talking to him for a while. and then kirishima kept teaming up with midoriya and working together and bakugo confronted him and was obviously trying not to cry and apologized and shit
^ adding onto that. kirishima is equals with bakugo, and will always be equals with bakugo. he never ever comes back crying first, and he always leaves bakugo alone until he apologizes. thats called being partners bitch, and bakugo tries his best. they barely ever argue, unless its about mac and cheese or some shit
kirishima loves calling bakugo pet names, and bakugo will absolutely never admit to anyone it makes him feel like the strongest person alive, but he will to kirishima
kirishima called bakugo "puppy" once while he was sleepy and bakugo broke down crying because he didnt know why it made him feel so nice. kirishima felt horrible. they werent even dating yet 💀
when minas bored she'll teach one of the boys a dance and make a tiktok with them. bakugo is surprising good at dancing.
bakugo, kaminari, and kirishima are the absolutely fucking hilarious when left alone together.
bakugo is super innocent so everyone will ask him random questions at the most random times just to see his whole body blush red and he turns into a grandma, like "bakugo how do lesbians have sex" and hes like "WH- WHAT THE- EW!!! GROSS I DONT KNOW! WHY WOULD YOU ASK ME THAT!!! YUCKY!!!"
bakugo has to have braces for a year and then wears a retainer and kirishima likes it alittle too much while everyone else thinks he looks fucking stupid
denki will go wake up aizawa and sleep in his bed when he gets sick or has a nightmere. present mic will make denki breakfast if he comes to the dorms to find his spot taken.
mina and bakugo are barbz, and so is kirishima just much more on the DL.
kirishima and bakugo can talk telepathically by the time they get to 3rd year, so they always make up the best excuses. also they have really weird nicknames that only they get. kirishima did make the mistake of joking around and saying he wants to be called big daddy boss man and bakugo wouldnt cook for him until he had a written apology.
bakugo really loves cuddling but doesnt know how to ask for it so he just acts like a cat and headbuts kiri and sits on him angrily until he gets the message.
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ok if you had to rank your favorite ginger men (lucien, eris, general hux, cal kestis, tharion), what would the ranking be 👀
I love you anon. These are the asks I want, 24/7. This and like, talking shit about these men. DO you want to know why? I'm gonna tell you my reasoning here. Also IDK why I made this sexual, I'm re-reading and realize you didn't ask specifically but I assumed based on the kind of anon asks I routinely get. No shame (maybe some for me)
5. General Hux- I just KNOW this man is too repressed to be a good time in bed. He SEEMS so uptight that you're thinking, MB, this man is a freak but he's swung too close to the sun and has come full circle back to full missionary, weird eye contact, no foreplay because he doesn't want to remove his shirt or get his hands wet.
Also, he would have no time for me. He lives in space WILLINGLY. Man LIKES living on a star destroyer.
Also don't forget all that genocide it was ah...not good and we should condemn it no matter how good his ass looks in black.
4. This is so unfair I'm putting Tharion here. I hated this just so you know. Lives part of his life in water and I am DEEPLY (ha) afraid of water I can't see the bottom of. I also live off a river and my fear is one day crashing my car and drowning in said river.
Tharion also has clam-pouched genitals and I get the ick so easily. I would laugh and it would wound his ego and he'd struggle to perform and we'd kind of fade out.
3. Lucien Vanserra- LOOK. HEAR ME OUT. I love him. But he needs a therapist. He is too easily manipulated and I just learned how to motivational interview someone. I would be using it against him and they make you swear in the the training that you won't.
Lucien has made his way through the Spring Court and I'm laid back but not THAT laid back, you know? I would be jealous every time we went and all the tavern girls were giggling and making eyes. He'd be like, don't mind them but uh, I am minding them a lot, actually?? and I just think it's funny how-
2. Cal Kestis- Husband material. Literal dream husband goals. Would treat you right. Introspective and working on himself. Doing he equivalent of space therapy through the force. Animals love him, he let me adopt a bogling and I didn't even have to beg. AMAZING with children and I am certain he would let me touch his light saber (innuendo???? God I'm hilarious).
Has friends I think I would get along with and KNOWS THE WOOKIES I have always wanted to go to Kashyyyk, he has the in. Can get his hands messy and is a laid back kind of guy. He looks good smeared in droid oil and lets be honest, I want to be BD-1's step mom. Would sacrifice any amount of wild sex nights to live my life with him.
1- YOU KNEW THE ANSWER TO THIS. Eris Vanserra. Would treat me wrong. Always guessing with him. Who is manipulating who? He sees me trying, thinks its really cute. References it in wedding speech, points for trying I guess. Looks really good at all times, has a skin care routine and hey so do I! Makes everyone feel bad about themselves but gives the impression he cares about the working class (so he tips at restaurants, but makes your weird uncle too in love with Elon Musk feel stupid and cry a little at Thanksgiving dinner).
Dick? Big. Knows how to use it? Absolutely. Literally has me by the throat 24/7, I hand over my feminism card, masters degree we don't know her. He's smart and we can talk and debate about stuff. Fiery but not filled with rage. Has made peace with his problems, so he doesn't need therapy like his brother.
I can fix him.
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suzypepper · 2 years
Ok I listened to the whole podcast because unfortunately I always listen to Liam Payne’s podcast interviews tbh and also I was toldddddd there was juicy scathing hurts-to-watch-but-can’t-look-away one direction drama. That not true lol. He kinda made fun of zayn being a shit partner to Gigi (which he is), he gloated about supposedly getting billions of streams on strip that down (🙄), he talked about Simon cowell putting together the band and planning for Liam to be the breakout star, and he said one time he got in a physical scuffle with another of the guys and they put their hands on him and he said “you’ll lose your hands” jfc I don’t know what allergy 1d fans have to actually seeking out the source of the information they feverishly spread but they really never do
My main takeaways are:
-he says he still sees his kid on a very regular basis and is on good terms with the kid’s mom and I am glad to hear it
-he’s not writing and releasing new pop ballads and touring the world like his ex-bandmates are because he obviously doesn’t want to do that. If his fans would actually listen to the words coming out of his mouth for the past several years they would already know this. His career is not being sabotaged by any Big Bad Guy
- millionaire crypto guys are the worst most obnoxious people on the planet I hate investing I hate nfts I hate web 3 I hate “projects and companies in the works” I can’t believe I listened to over an hour of these people
-don’t say a single word about amber heard good god I had to take a break and lie down. Doing a Johnny depp impression and then saying “amber heard is shivering” you aren’t stupid I know you know what you’re implying and you will rot in h e double hockey sticks
-Logan Paul and crew think Liam should fight Justin Bieber men are so fucking stupid
-one direction used to not get along backstage one time somebody put him hands on Liam and Liam said "you’ll never use your hands again" oh my god I don't care
-he made fun of zayn. Specifically about his relationship which… did everyone else just forget that he was arrested for his violent harassment toward Gigi and Yolanda. Both of these guys suck and Liam didn’t even say anything that bad I don’t know why people are desperately defending zayn here
-he was asked about his feelings toward zayn and he implied that he doesn’t want to be too harsh because zayn’s been through a lot; zayn didn’t have the support system that Liam did. Maybe that was an insult, maybe he was airing somebody else’s business when he shouldn’t have, but again, the way that one direction fans have been talking about Gigi and Yolanda since zayn was arrested makes me not care!! Sorry!!
-Liam was meant to be the frontman of one direction yes we knew this, but I didn’t know he was meant to actually breakout and be a solo star and use the boyband feature as a jumping off point like nick + Jonas brothers. If that’s what he was implying idk I think so.
-he said he hopes Justin Bieber is being taken well care of by his team because he’s a good kid. Liam also said that he still needs to fight his “demons.” He was also drinking the whole time and we’ve seen him obviously drunk or high and acting stupid in public in public way too many times Liam is the one who needs to be better taken care of. Why is he talking about physically fighting his managers why are his managers right there off screen drinking right along with him that’s all really not a good sign
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Reki and Langa’s dynamic
It’s speculation at my part and a shameless rant on what i like about sk8 just to get it off my chest I’ve been so fixated help
it’s 5am I’m at uni and i have a shit ton to do, am I really gonna make an essay about sk8 instead? yes abso-fucking-lutely. strap on to your metaphorical skateboards kids. this is going to be long ride
this isn’t to call out anyone lol so in case you get that impression I’m sorry. I understand everyone is out to interpret media in whatever they like and that’s fine, but sometimes i feel like either some missed some points of the story? anyway here are my thoughts tho
alright so what i absolutely love about sk8 is how they didn’t make anyone into a genius.Genius is a mockery of the hardships everyone does to attain that level of skills. And no Langa is not a genius or a prodigy which I will explain later. I’ve seen enough shounen animes back in the day and usually it’s ‘annoying heart of gold beginner vs. calm and collected genius’ they usually hate each other’s guts and bicker all the time though secretly, deep down care for each other but would rather die than admit it dynamic. While I’m glad we’re moving past that, I really thought Reki and Langa would be like that so....
imagine my surprise when Langa was the ‘beginner’ in skating. He has the potential to be a second sasuke here lol. (blue, handsome, cool) but no he isn’t. he’s an adorable idiot, an airhead, head empty only skating dude and i love it. 
Reki as well. He could have been the usual protagonist. (sucks at his sport, loud, hardworking, and by the power of friendship he suddenly beats everyone else which i think is pretty overused at this point, don’t you think?) some people complain how Reki despite being the MC isn’t given screentime and hasn’t won a single beef. (and sure that’s true. he should have won some and langa lose some but we only have 12 eps so lol) but he’s not the usual protagonist you know? and sk8 isn’t about winning. if it was, I think they would have focused on the techniques. the hows and the what to do.
Idk if you noticed, but sports anime with winning in its goal would often explain in detail certain techniques. (see haikyuu) but shows like Free and Yuri on Ice isn’t exactly talking about how to win that seriously as Haikyuu did. It’s more focusing on the feelings and how their lives are affected with their passion for this sport. it’s about the character development!!! and i think SK8 is something like that too. It explores the character’s feelings rather than sport. (like what i tell my sister, they use the sport as a character device if that makes sense?)
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this was literally in the opening lol. it’s really about the feelings you know?
so anyway it’s been pointed out several times that Reki was already feeling insecure about his skills in skating since ep 1 way before Langa came. But he still likes to skate and despite feeling never enough, he still enjoyed it. (some also pointed out that Reki’s reason of going into a beef against Shadow has been because he insulted his way of skating not because he wanted to be the best) so the show from the get go was already hinting at his self esteem issues.
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this also implies that Reki has always been feeling like this in a while, added with his tendencies to bottle things up, it makes sense that he’ll blow up at some point and he’ll need to release all of those feelings. (so yeah i think this is just the right amount of eps for their fall out. i see some people complaining shush. otherwise it would also feel too rushed. this is years weighing him)
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and i guess it’s also implied in here he’s had days like these too in the past! seriously it’s an ongoing problem he’s been carrying. i think 3 eps is pretty good enough pace to internalize it
so point: Reki was already down way before Langa came. langa just added to that. And don’t go blaming Langa cause the boy did nothing wrong.
Consider that Langa just lost his dad (i think we need more backstory on this though. please sdsjkdksl i need little Langa and his dad interactions) he just moved countries, and the only connection to his dad (snowboarding) is gone cause it doesn’t snow in OKinawa
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though one also argues that Langa hasn’t been snowboarding since his dad was gone.
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so for Langa, Reki introducing skating to him was revolutionary. You’re someone grieving over the death of what is probably the most important person in your life, the thing you love the most no longer gives you joy (as was shown in the flashbacks and basically Langa going ‘it’s the same’) and you’re in a new country with a language you barely are fluent. you can’t even read or write, and you barely have friends granted you don’t have much back in the day. it’s horrible.
and then this guy you barely know talks to you, befriends you, helps you get a job, and teaches you something you thought you’ve lost and through that you made more friends??
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yeah you see why Langa likes Reki. You also see why he’s obsessed with skating. It’s kind of like a coping, a fixation. plus he’s bad with social cues i guess? the interview says he’s likely to get dumped for being too inattentive lmao and that’s what makes him interesting!
also the thing that really surprised me when they first interacted was how supportive Reki is to Langa. it also got to me with how much Langa thinks highly of Reki. Again a deviation to the ‘i say i hate you but deep down i care for you’ trope. they’re full on supportive and protective. i like that. it’s fresh to me. I thought Reki was going to the tsundere ‘hmph that’s not a big deal’ route at the start of ep 2 but he’s really amazed. (kinda also says he’s been very desperate for someone to share skating with but that’s another topic)
so Reki teaches Langa how to skate. and Langa sucks. Which was interesting to me because I thought Langa would be some flawless prince-like character. But nah. He trips and faints at his own blood lol. He’s so uncool and i love it.
Some people say Langa is over powered with a thick ass plot armor which gets him to win (which is why i see people saying he should have won against Joe and I actually agree that Langa should lose some beefs but again only 12 eps, so little time)
but I still wanna talk about it anyway so it’s revealed Langa was snowboarding since 2. That’s 15 years. I think that should be around the same time Joe and Cherry should be skating. and i think if you start earlier as a kid, your body develops differently. (should Langa, “an amateur” win against Joe a pro? the question falls more on whether you can classify Langa as an amateur) i think it’s like Langa being very used to motorcycle tricks from age 2 then suddenly he’s using a regular bicycle, and sure the feeling is mostly the same but there’s just something off. Your body doesn’t easily forget what you know, especially if it did it for 15 years. and so Reki customizes a board for Langa so it’ll feel exactly like snowboarding
So Langa has a customized board that he needed to get used to before he went pro. He really sucked the first few eps lmao. but that’s more of him getting used to the new rules. he pretty much told Reki in ep 2 that he can’t do a skateboard ollie, but he can do a snowboard one bec it’s attached to his feet.
(i may just want to add that one thing i also like about sk8 is that it really doesn’t care what you need for accommodation? if that’s how you do it best, then go for it. When Langa says to Reki he can’t do the ollie without the board attached to his feet, Reki immediately goes his way to accommodate him. usually people in real life might say ‘it’s not real skateboarding if you need a modification etc. but look at Cherry with a freaking AI board and people are like yeah whatever do what you want man. whatever rolls your board.)
so anyway Langa vs. Joe with Langa winning despite being an amateur? if you can even call him an amateur that is. Plus all his tricks are snowboarding tricks lol. everything he’s done is testament to his 15 years of snowboarding?? We don’t even know how good Langa is in snowboarding. Someone make a post about how difficult the snowboarding equivalent of those tricks Langa has done just to show people it means he’s pretty pro (I’ll even argue maybe Langa’s real talent is his creative ways of going around things which kind of why Adam is highkey obsessed, and calls Cherry who calculates everything to the last second boring but that’s a different can of worms I’m opening later) plus Langa barely won against Joe so there’s not much difference in level i think. Should Langa have lost though?
I think some have missed the point of that beef in Reki’s pov. and if the Renga reconciliation is done well, it would be worth it.
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that beef got Reki to realize he what he really wants! that it’ll kill him if he can’t skate anymore! that he doesn’t wanna only cheer on for others and be a support! THAT HE WANTS TO SKATE BY LANGA’S SIDE WHICH IS THE REASON FOR ALL THIS INSECURITIES if Langa lost, that cathartic realization might not have happened. He might have gone to Langa and cheered him up, brushed off his insecurities and, made up with Langa halfheartedly without addressing his problems
I’m going to go back to Reki’s insecurities. In ep 6 he’s been afraid of being left behind, and sure Langa came back for him but he still forgot until midway. (will that parallel how Langa got too excited with the idea of skating, the same feeling he thought he lost forever. The same thing that he thinks connects him with his dad, and might have left Reki behind, but later remembers and goes back to chase him? hopefully) in ep 4 it’s obvious he’s afraid of the near death experience Adam gave him, and he’s just realized how different their skills were. in ep 5 he worries about Langa, enough to get nightmares about it. mixed with his friend getting hurt. it’s obvious the feelings are very very muddled there.
So he begs Langa not to skate with Adam.
And what did Langa do? say that he wanted to skate with Adam. (again he’s not the most attentive. he probably thinks he’s just skating with his best friend, all is good then boom. Reki leaves. as a person shit with dealing with other people, i don’t blame him at all) he’s trying to fix it though, but his bond with Reki primarily revolves around skating! how else was he going to warm up with Reki? He also doesn’t know that Reki has self esteem issues that’s always been there since the beginning. He probably doesn’t understand it too because he holds Reki up highly. in ep 6 when Reki was going over his board, Langa thinks he’s pretty cool. he didn’t hear what other said to Reki. He’s earnestly having fun with his friend
We should also note that Reki was never angry at Langa’s skills, he wasn’t resentful that Langa was far ahead. Again he’s been nothing but supportive. He doesn’t want to pull Langa down. He wasn’t like Miya’s friends that lashed out at Miya for being better. in ep 7 he tries his best to follow Langa
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it feels like he’s mostly regretful that he can’t catch up. he doesn’t want Langa to slow down, he wants to go faster and meet him where he was. So it makes the realization that all he wants to do was be in equal with Langa more frustrating because he thinks he can’t keep up. (and this only ever started when he heard he’s like Langa’s plus one. there’s that daunting feeling about being pulled around. not being his equal) 
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if you need further proof, when Langa and Joe were having a beef, he wasn’t aggressively hoping Langa would lose. in fact he encouraged him. He worries deeply He calls him out when he was doing badly. Still very supportive as ever. So really the frustration isn’t to Langa, again, it’s all internal. He wants to be better
so he’s feeling shit and Langa goes to him in the middle of the rain, bless langa for trying, thinking talking about skating (what he thinks Reki loves and would probably cheer him up, not knowing that’s exactly his problem) tells him
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which is probably the worst he could say.
THAT’S what got Reki mad, not really Reki being insecure though that’s part of it, that’s what they’re fighting about, Reki is angry he’s breaking his promise. He thinks Langa doesn’t care about Reki, that he’ll easily break a promise between them that Reki obviously cares about just so he can go skate with Adam who is way better than him. It blows to the self esteem. Reki probably also think that if only he was better, langa wouldn’t bother skating with someone that dangerous. it doesn’t help at all.
but langa doesn’t know this. he doesn’t see all this. Langa might have been too up the high of skating like in ep 6, he sorta left Reki behind again.
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it kinda makes Langa’s mom’s words hit harder though
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and he did just that. he got too engrossed.
It parallels adam, cherry and joe’s friendship then probably tadahsi’s too but who knows? reki and langa, and tadashi and adam might parallel too, the master and the student thingy Adam might have gotten too obsessed. So Joe trying his best to make sure Reki and Langa won’t end up like them hits a little harder in my chest ;’)
but Langa won’t be to engrossed i think
because unlike Adam who’s aggressively looking for his ‘equal’, Langa is just looking for someone who makes his heart beat, to make him feel like he’s skating with his dad again, someone he loves dearly. (there’s a parallel about loves here too between Adam’s and Langa’s. but I can’t write it now) and he probably already thinks Reki is his equal anyway. He just wants to have fun. he doesn’t think much about the skills.
maybe at first he does. that’s why he’s drawn to Adam but from ep 9, it was pretty much shown that skills really doesn’t matter from when he skated against Joe
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if Adam easily discarded his friends because he think they’re boring (which was why the whole skateboard to the face thing with Cherry), langa doesn’t think like that
if anything Reki is important to Langa because he only has fun skating with Reki, who taught him how to skate and made his board. (his board that was customized to fit his style btw, and arguably the only reason he could skate that well. without it, he might as well be a beginner once again.) so without reki, langa is left with nothing. especially with his broken board
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no fun in skating, no way of skating. He’s only manage to get this far because of Reki and he knows that now. All of it would be pointless if he doesn’t have Reki (and either he gets so obsessed in chasing that feeling again, or he stops completely) but in case you haven’t noticed it, Langa’s motivation revolves around having fun with skating no matter the skill or place. And he’s having most fun with Reki.
But Reki obviously doesn't know Langa’s feelings. He thinks Langa was forever looking for someone better. So he’s still caught up in the idea that Langa won’t want to skate with him (even though Langa has never shown this) and he left S entirely, thinking what he wants is impossible. fucking just talk you two motherfucker
(I also wanna point out that Reki has always been shown from episode one to be good at making boards. And that’s amazing? We need some support recognition and appreciation, seriously) I think maybe most who find problem with Reki not winning beefs like the usual shounen protags aren’t used to the nuance and perspective of being someone ‘ordinary’. Reki’s character is relatable because most of us feel ordinary, never enough, surrounded by geniuses, ‘inferior’. And if we’re being realistic since a lot are saying joe should have won because langa winning is unrealistic and you want realism so bad no I’m not salty at all there will always be someone better than you. ALWAYS. but what’s important is for you to have fun in what you love! in what makes you happy! AND even if you’re not good at one thing (in Reki’s part, skating) he’s also good at other things (making boards) so does he need to stop one for the other? no. He’s shown to enjoy skating with Langa, he doesn’t wanna stop it hurts him so much he quit. But he can also hone his skills in making boards as well as skate. He’s equal with Langa in a way he doesn’t even notice when he made that board for Langa, but even Reki’s presence alone makes Langa enjoy skating the way Reki also wants Langa by his side.
So I think the next ep is the best time to confront all these feelings. And how it happens might be what’s tricky. Like romantic or not, i personally can read it both ways though i prefer if they do become canon. (idk if it’s queerbaiting. i guess friends can care as deeply as that but ngl, these shounen bestfriends having deep connections that are written off as friends while also giving us bland af hetero love interests who did nothing but exist and be straight really is messing with my perception of romantic and platonic love irl) anyway their talk better be done really well, or else all those episodes of tension would be for nothing
It’s a nice perspective to give a shounen protagonist this time. It’s new, it’s fresh. How many incarnations of underdog turned the best at their craft can you take? variety is nice! and if you don’t like it, there are always a dozen other animes like that for you to turn to. to conclude, IT ALL GOES BACK TO THE START: WHAT IS YOUR HAPPINESS???! AND FOR THEM IT’S THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP BUT IN A VERY DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE. FRIENDSHIP DOESN’T  SUDDENLY GET YOU TO LEVEL 100000000000 TO DEFEAT THE FINAL BOSS. FRIENDSHIP IS WHAT MAKES DEFEATING THE FINAL BOSS WORTHWHILE
Anyway tldr; maybe the real Eve is the friends we made along the way :D  and idk if I’m making sense but obviously I’m head empty only sk8. Renga needs to talk, i can’t believe they have the audacity to make a recap episode as if i wasn’t head empty only sk8 since february, and if there’s more emotional edging to come, i will burn some of the palm trees outside my house
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lizacstuff · 3 years
Bölüm 45 asks
Plus a few asks from 44, and one about the fragman for 46
Read more under the cut
Anonymous asked: I cannot believe that Ayse revived the "Kemal is Serkan's real father" theory but I think I'm down for it? At least now Kiraz has one decent grandparent and he seems like genuinely nice man. I've been wishing for him to have some scenes with Serkan because the way they set up this S2 plot, they could relate to one another and I was sad to see that he spent 5 years hiding instead
I'm down for this plot! See, now that I know they're doing the long-lost-father plot, it makes all the sense in the world why Serkan doesn't like Kemal and they didn't forge a relationship in the last five years. If they had, then finding out he's his dad would have been a lot less jarring and dramatic. Finding out now and then forging the relationship I think will be a bit more meaty story so it works for me.
To me this story works on a lot of levels, and makes sense with who Serkan is and his very strained relationship with Alptekin. It's like Alptekin sensed it, and resented Serkan his whole life. For those worried that Serkan will no longer have the last name Bolat, I'm not sure where that's coming from. Maybe I'm just not familiar with other cultures, but that is his name, Alptekin raised him, adults don't just up and change their name because of genetics. If you're adopted and you meet your bio dad as an adult, you don't change your name to your bio dad's.
Serkan's name is very much a part of his identity. Which is why this story has so much potential, because it could shake Serkan to his very core to find out who he thought he was, was wrong. He thought he was unlovable, most importantly maybe he'll finally realize there was more at play there and it wasn't at fault.
Anonymous asked: There were a couple things in the last episode that didn't sit well with me. 1. I can't believe Eda made Serkan sleep outside at night and didn't feel bad in the morning when she realized he got sick! 2. The way Seyfi announced Aydan and Kemal's secret relationship. It wasn't his secret to tell, though Aydan did deserve the way everyone reacted. So I got over that pretty quick. 3. Burak!!! He's not the one for Melo. She deserves better and if they end up together in the end, I'm gonna protest.
1. Unless you're going to put the same energy into not believing that Serkan had the gal to remove his bed on the floor as a way to maneuver himself into Eda's bed before she was ready, I really can't relate. It was done for comedy, my advice is to unclench and just giggle along.
2. Or you could look at it as being unfair of Aydan to burden Seyfi with that secret and require he lie to his other employer for five years. I mean I don't disagree that it wasn't his secret to tell, but Aydan had plenty of chances, and it was time for it to come out.
3. This one we are in 100% agreement about. MELO DESERVES BETTER. I will die on this hill.
Anonymous asked: Hi! Do you think Serkan actually believes in Kerem's abilities (he trusts Eda's faith in Kerem) or is this part of his plan to win Eda back? Either way I'm okay, just wondering what you think.
No, I do not think he gained a sudden belief in Kerem's abilities, but I do think he believes in Eda. And if Eda believes in Kerem then when push comes to shove that is enough for Serkan. Of course, he did it as part of his plan to win Eda back. Serkan is taking every opportunity to let Eda know that he respects her and believes in her and I think this was another example of that. There was also an aspect of him trying to win over another person in Eda's circle who was suspicious of him. The fewer people he has working against him, the better! He knows he has no shot with Burak or Ayfer, so this episode he worked on Melo and Kerem. But mostly it was him trying to make Eda's life easier, by smoothing over a personnel problem she was having, thus making working out of Art Life a more attractive option for her. All of those things in one!
Anonymous asked: What do you think about Eda and Piril's friendship? This episode really highlighted how close they've gotten.
Yes, they have gotten close, and I'm happy Eda has a friend, but at the same time I don't trust Piril. This is a woman who discarded Eda and embraced Selin when she was manipulating and abusing a brain-damaged Serkan.
Eda might be able to forget, but I can't. Also as a character she's just boring, rigid and humorless. One of my least favorites on screen.
That being said I do like the triad dynamic of Kiraz/Can, Serkan/Engin, and Eda/Piril, it was fun when they were calling each other at the same time.
Anonymous asked: Idk if they reached out to Maya just because she looked like Hande considering she had no acting experience, but this little girl is like the best casting I've seen. The chemistry with Hande and Kerem is amazing. She's so expressive. I am a Kiraz stan.
She's doing a fantastic job, precious thing! I have no idea how they found her, I know she was an instagram model, but the SCK casting director strikes again. This season doesn't work if we don't fall in love with Kiraz. Thankfully, we did!
Anonymous asked: Hi! Since it seems that we will have 13 episodes, do you think that Edser reconciliation/wedding will be left for the finale, 12-13 ep? Cause Ayse loves to drag and keep them apart.
I think the wedding might be closer to the end, but I think reconciliation will be a bit sooner than that.
However, I have to say that it's really not like they're apart.. is it? I mean this episode we had them living together, sort of casually planning their future together. Next episode we have them pretending to be married and ramping up the sexual tension to white-hot-sun levels, these are all good things. With episodes like this, I don't personally consider the show dragging it out.
In fandom I see a lot of peeps upset because Eda isn't getting immediately back with Serkan and I am feeling inpatient as well, do you think the writers are making a mistake keeping them apart?
Again, I guess my response to you is, by what definition was this episode "keeping them apart?"
Yes, they aren't having sex, but they are living together, working together, raising their daughter together, and I'm a-okay with having a couple of delicious episodes of that while they are still not fully back together romantically. Let's be real, they're still waking up in bed together, flirting, and having a romantic dinner together, so it's not like things aren't moving forward, they are. I'd advise putting aside your impatience, and just sit back, relax, and let the story take its course. There is no need to be anxious with this one. They are going to end up with their happily ever after together, but what we're seeing right now is delightful. It's them in family and domestic situations, them with their child. Most shippers only dream of getting to see this.
This sort of goes back to my stance on episodes 16-24, I know that was a frustrating time for a lot of fans because they were "broken up" but I've always said they may have been officially broken up, but they were in a committed relationship that entire time. And I enjoyed those episodes from that perspective, that tension of them being "apart" but still functioning as a unit and still being emotionally tied together underneath it all. There's kind of a similar situation here, they aren't officially back together, Eda is resisting him, but they are in a committed relationship and I don't understand what the need is to rush through this part? Enjoy the sexual tension of them living together, but not sleeping together. Enjoy the rom com romp of Serkan trying to get in her bed, and Eda taking steps to keep him out. Enjoy their daughter putting them in situations that force them into close proximity, and enjoy them falling into easy compatibility without even trying. Enjoy Serkan planning romantic dinners, and Eda enjoying it despite her every effort to protect her heart.
To me this is very good stuff, and spending this time being impatient and wanting what didn't happen yet, instead of enjoying what did happen is pretty much the recipe for unhappiness not just with this show, but life.
Anonymous asked: i feel like i've seen the exact same frustrations ppl have had with eda right now back around the 20s too after serkan told her about her parents' secret. it was like, now that he's told her the truth, she should automatically forgive him and get back together. same thing happening here, with him accepting his role as kiraz's father. it feels like the same impatience that's put on eda to just forgive him already bc everyone wants happy edser and she's in the way lol.. like girl needs time!
Agreed, and it makes me wonder if these folks have ever watched television before, lmao. Patience! There's a story unfolding and from the first 6 episodes it's clear they have a season long arc planned. All in due time.
Eda spent five years thinking that Serkan stopped loving her, and discarded her for work. The second time he used that excuse to break her heart. My goodness, it's more than okay if she needs a little time to adjust and learn how to trust him again. PLUS that means we get to watch him work on her, try to make inroads, romance her, forge a relationship with his daughter and earn Eda's trust back. What's bad in that?
What did you think of the fragman? It's kind of dumb and unrealistic that they have to dance for a school admission interview.
LMAO. Yes, yes it is, but my question to you is, sana ne?
I mean why do you care if the set up is dumb or not? Or if it's realistic? It's a device to get Serkan and Eda to pretend to be married before they're fully back together and an excuse for us to see Edser smash themselves together in a sensual tangle of limbs while they pretend to be unaffected, while both are being engulfed in USTy flames.
I'm not complaining, why are you?
Come on, this show is silly, it has been from day one, enjoy the fact that we are getting silly plots that force our couple into hilarious and hot situations, because Hande and Kerem are going to give us gold, I guarantee it and I'm going to smile through every second watching it.
These asks are from episode 44, they came in and I didn't have time to answer before 45 aired:
Anonymous asked: Do you think there is a point when there are too many “parallels” and it becomes more like scenes are being recycled? Because I kinda felt that way in the last episode. Like she’s just tossing in as many things as she can from those first 11 episodes but I’ve already watched those and Id rather we focus more character progression. I feel like they regressed from those honest conversations last week and were back to being petty this week.
I guess my answer is... no, I don't think there have been too many parallels. Episode 44 was partly about truth bubbling to the surface, with the biggest truth being that Serkan has been in love with Eda every minute of every day since they parted. That is a very important thing for Eda to understand and know and they really can't move forward until she does, because she felt unloved and forgotten all those years. Most of the parallels were illustrating that by showing that he held on to their history, he remembered their history and he honored it. Okay by me.
Anonymous asked: There were some amazing dialogues in the episode. I have two that tie for top. One was when Kiraz said that Serkan was her wish (when blowing her birthday candles), and the other was when Serkan said Apollo was never going to give up on the woman he loves nor on the cherries! Oh my heart had feels both times. What were your favourite dialogues in the episode?
Oh man my head is in 45 now, but both of those examples of yours were great. I loved both of them.
The other than springs to mind is while fishing, Eda telling Serkan that he didn't need to be perfect for Kiraz to love him, he just had to be himself.
That's so important for Serkan to hear, because he doesn't think he's worthy of love as himself, so hearing that from Eda is impactful.
Anonymous asked: reading your ep review, i think a big reason some people are hanging on to hate the s2 plot no matter what are just bc they hate the writer. of course not everyone, but a lot of people will just hate on anything she writes out of spite, even if objectively the episode is very good. idk why that is or when ppl decided they hated her but it's not warranted at all imo. i can understand not liking the premise of this season, but after watching it so far there has been SUCH an improvement edser-wise.
People can like, dislike, love, hate anything they want. Consuming entertainment doesn't have to be a team sport. That being said, from what I've seen I'd agree with your assessment. Teams have formed (Anti-Ayse, Pro-Ayse, etc) and the former are too invested in hating everything she does, the former possibly too forgiving at times. That's their choice, but I have to say I feel bad for the anti brigade, this is a show they loved, and most of them are still watching, but they've completely sabotaged themselves from finding any joy in any of it and I think they're going to regret it once it's over.
Also season 2 is so much better than I thought it could be. I honestly thought there was no way to get back to the early quality, but it's here. The show is really watchable and fun this season, and it's a shame for those who've let their attitudes get so negative that they can't enjoy it.
Anonymous asked: Ok so I'm aware this would be highly uncharacteristic of a dizi - but if they know there's only 6 eps left, my dream would be no more big bad events and just spend it rebuilding EdSer as a couple and a family. Would that be too much to ask lol. They've jumped from one disaster to another. Since we're at the end & they have the luxury of knowing it, I just want to see them working through things as a real unit. They've dated for like 7 eps out of 45? Can we get that above 10 at least????
Congratulations! Because that's exactly what we've gotten so far in season 2. Once we got past the trauma of the 5 year time jump, all the drama has been internal to Eda and Serkan and their relationship. The whole season so far has been about rebuilding Edser as a couple and a family. And if you're watching without the tauntruming twitter teens in your ear, you'd realize we ARE watching them work through things as a real unit.
I'll say this until I'm blue in the face (apparently) just because they are not currently sexing each other up, does not mean they aren't emotionally doing all the things necessary to reach their full potential as a couple.
They are. It's happening. Enjoy it.
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lokislittlesigyn · 3 years
idk if you’ll be able to relate to this or if I’m bothering you then feel free to ignore, but I always feel this…. pain? when I think about tom bc he’s just so perfect and I would love to simply be his friend and I know the chances of that happening are very close to zero, and why can’t we have perfect people like tom in our life? do i not deserve him and I don’t? then what’s wrong with me? kind of existential crisis and all i feel is this gnawing in my chest
Hi nonny, know that all questions are welcome here. I may not be able to answer them all, but I’ll do my best.
I’m proud of you for asking this, too! It takes a lot of courage to reach out to people when you’re in pain. And if you have a tumblr, you can of course dm me at any time, too. You are never a bother. <3
I think I understand this, or… something like this. So if you don’t mind, I’m going to tell you a story, and maybe that’ll help contextualize my answer.
Apologies for this being so long, I hope it still makes sense. :’D
//putting a tw here for mentions of depression, body image issues, vague suicidal mention
When I was much younger I was very depressed. I can say that for certain now, as I’ve been diagnosed with depression proper, and the feelings are much the same. I had no friends, I wasn’t confident, I loathed my body and I felt wholly and utterly alone. I spent days sitting on my bed, staring out the window because it felt like I had no one to talk to and nothing to do.
Seeing The Avengers that summer really changed my life. It might sound silly, but I saw Loki and I related to his pain, his feelings of inferiority and his anguish over his past, and I recognized the fear in his eyes. I was reminded of all that I liked about him from Thor 1 and sort of fell head-over-heels for him.
But for years, I struggled with not feeling worthy of him. He seemed so strong and perfect and he could go through so much and still make it out alive. On the one hand, he definitely inspired me to keep going. But sometimes I would slip down into that feeling of being unworthy. He was just so beautiful.. so perfect in every way. I loved everything about him. But I was nowhere near as beautiful, or as perfect.
Now, the pain I felt and the tears I cried over him were also about more than just not feeling worthy - it also branched into the fact he was not real, and he never would be, and I would never be able to truly love a “person” I love so much. He is very dear to me. But I have to remember he isn’t real. He is an idea.
Fantasy can be so, so helpful. Fantasy can save your life. I firmly believe Loki was an integral part in saving mine. But we also can’t lose sight of our real, actual lives, and the beauty and potential of them.
Since then, I have adjusted my approach to Loki, and I enjoy him and appreciate him and try to focus on using the idea of him to build up my confidence and happiness, while recognizing (or trying to recognize… I can’t always) I am beautiful in my own way. Just as he is.
Now, my beautiful, darling anon, who is hurting so bad right now: please do not lose sight of the beauty and potential of your life.
Life is painful. Believe me, I know. But whatever your life holds, whoever you are intended to meet and to love will be infinitely better than what Tom could offer, because they will be meant for you.
Tom is a beautiful, charming, devoted man and he has shared his wonderful work with millions. He has done incredible things. He is also not perfect. No single Human on this Earth is perfect, my dear. You must remember we are all of us flawed. We are all equal in that way : flawed, and all the same, beautiful.
What we see of Tom, from his interviews or his work or photo shoots, that is all cherry-picked. In a way, it is a fantasy of its own. We are presented specific words and specific moments. But in reality he doesn’t always look that flawless. He doesn’t always speak that clearly. Rather, he is doing his job. He takes his job seriously, and that’s good.
This is coming from someone who had the honor of meeting Tom. It was brief, but I saw him in person and while I can confirm he was incredibly kind, and he went out of his way to be lovely to his fans, I know he is not perfect: he will have bad days and muddle words and hurt people because everyone does that.
Anon, there is no measure of perfection you are expected to live up to in order to deserve anything. You do not have to be perfect, you have to be you. Whatever you is.
You are loved exactly as you are, intended exactly as you are, for your own sake. Because the world needs a you.
I want to be clear, I think it’s good to have people you enjoy. Role models you look up to. Inspirations. Friends. But we can’t forget, again, those people are people.
But that’s a comforting thought, isn’t it?
We are all of us flawed. We don’t have to worry about being perfect, just doing our best, and recognizing that while we will never be perfect, nobody else is either.
This is not to say we shouldn’t strive to be better. I firmly believe we should. We should all maintain these two ideas; simultaneously imperfect, yet striving for the best. It is the balance of life.
Someday, I hope you find someone who thinks you are the most beautiful person in the world. I hope that longing for someone, whether a friend or a lover or something else, will ebb, and you will feel a peace in yourself. But more, I hope you can look at yourself and recognize the beauty there. The intrinsic value of you, for your own sake, exactly as you are. Because you are you. And you are wonderful.
Onwards and upwards, sweet anon. Keep fighting. And thank you for your question.
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itsnothesameasitwas · 3 years
thank you so much @sryluvidrc for tagging me!!! <3 i really enjoyed read yours twinie haha
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
1. picrew
2. my lockscreen it's an animated photo of harry, specifically of the golden mv bts.
3. the last song i've listened is ribs - lorde
4. my last saved is a zoomed pic of the harry's chest hair and the banana necklace
four songs i’ve heard today
1. girls/girls/boys - panic! at the disco
2. dreams - fleetwood mac
3. montero (call me by your name) - lil nas x
4. twice - catfish and the bottlemen
seven comfort films
1. the little mermaid
2. the proposal
3. raising helen
4. red
5. iron man
6. taken
7. the intern
name/nickname: ana, anny, anita, ana banana etc...
star sign: taurus sun, virgo moon, libra rising
favourite bands/groups: 1D, artic monkeys, the script, fleetwood mac
favourite solo artists: louis tomlinson, harry styles, niall horan, liam payne, zayn malik (yes! im an ot5)... lorde, sam fender, lewis capaldi, benito.
song stuck in my head: soliá - bad bunny
last movie: uhh i think was to all the boys i've loved before
last show: law and order uve (i rewatching it lmaoo)
when did I create this blog: i think was at the end of 2016 (bc someone forgot her password of her old blog) but I leave around july/august of 2017 and then i decided came back for the 10th anniversary
what do I post about: i mostly reblog hl/ot5, but sometimes i answer asks about my larents hehe
last thing I googled: hahaha i googled a tom holland's interview... the one when he forgets he has a translator hahahahah
other blogs: a personal/secret blog and around 2013-2016 i used to have a 1d blog but i forgot my password lmaooo and i think its deactived now (but who knows)
do I get asks: mmm yes, but i'm the worst answering them so my inbox is full all the time (if you sent me something sorry i love u)
why did I choose this url: i explained this a while ago... here
following: +500... srry i follow everyone
followers: the number of happines ;)
average hours of sleep: depends... mon-fri around 8 and the weekends around 12/?
lucky number: 2
instruments: piano and violin
what I am wearing: a pijama ;)
dream job: i don't want to work... i wanna be like the San Petrinas (kind of woman in mexico)
dream trip: trip along europe or south america
favourite food: well i love everything but if you're from the south of mexico you obviously like queso relleno or a ceviche <3 (mexican food always)
nationality: mexican
favourite song: omg idk... but im currently obssesed with stockholm syndrome - 1d and shine on your crazy diamonds - pink floyd
last book I read: omg idk... probably the portrait of dorian gray by oscar wilde
three fictional universes you’d like to live in: mmm i love marvel but im not a super fan, harry potter and a friend wrote a fic based on game of thrones and im in love with the universe ;)
i’m tagging @harrysuits @ialwaysknewyouwerepunk @theymetinthetoihlet @springloveswinter @onlyforthekings @louistomlinboo @lighthouselarrie @hershelsue and anyone else who wants to do it! (when you've done it tag me in yours please i'll be happy to read it <3)
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bills-pokedex · 3 years
Worldbuilding Month: Day 8
{First off, don’t forget that we’ve got a worldbuilding doc going on! Make your mark in the blog’s universe by throwing your hat into here:
That said, today’s entry piggybacks off of yesterday’s (on what pokémon actually are) with one simple question:
Do animals exist? (And also, do humans actually eat pokémon?)
The short answer is ... yes.
The long answer is yes, and furthermore:
1. The reason why we don’t often see them is because we’re following the POV of children who are more interested in pokémon than anything else. This is also why we don’t see any of the things that are also likely there, like grocery stores, bathrooms, schools that aren’t specially for trainers, or, idk, the government.
2. I’ve heard about the mythical interview in which it’s officially stated that there are no animals, but I’ve never seen it on a reliable source. Having lived through the era of pikablu and all of the supposed codes to get Mewthree, Yoshi, and the other Pokégods on your games, not to mention all of the times we’ve gotten supposedly totally for-reals leaked starters, I know better than to believe anything this fandom says without seeing that info on a reliable source. And if you’re asking me for advice, you should too.
Snark aside, yes, animals exist. Obviously, given that humans exist, and we’re animals, but I also mean broadly speaking. They just don’t exist in as high numbers as they do in real life because they have the added competition of organisms made of the literal forces of nature. That goes for humans too, incidentally, which is why you have these huge swaths of land between cities that are really concentrated into one tiny space, combined with a lot of routes that are barely much more than dirt roads. The exception here is Unova, ironically enough, which may be why Team Plasma was able to get such a foothold there.
But let’s stop talking for humans for the time being because you’re probably wondering about things like cats, dogs, birds, and whatever we grind up to make hamburger patties.
The truth is that animals absolutely exist, but they’re often harder to find. Wild ones are more likely to live in deeper parts of the wilderness, where humans don’t often go, sometimes alongside pokémon dens containing their actual young. This is because wild pokémon are extremely protective of their young and more likely to drive off threats caused by humans (you read that correctly—the biggest threat to nature is man, and nature knows this), which means wild animals are more capable of establishing safe territories in the vicinity of these dens. Or, well, within reason. Wild pokémon will chase off wild animals as well if they get too close to their young, especially since hungry apex predators will still attempt to predate pokémon hatchlings if desperate for food. Insert wolves attempting to hunt and eat scorbunny hatchlings here.
For the most part, though, pokémon take care of animals the way humans take care of pokémon. They live symbiotically with their animal neighbors and often protect species they’ve become particularly attached to. For example, deerling? Will absolutely protect actual deer from wolves. (I don’t know why I keep going after wolves here, but there you go.) Raticate might protect insects and rats from birds (while getting a free meal on top of that), and so on.
On the other hand, they also, well, eat each other. Insects absolutely can and will infest grass-type pokémon that don’t move all that often, bird pokémon eat insects and worms (canonically at that), and predators further up the food chain will often compete for the same prey. (That is to say, both mightyena and wolves will hunt deer ... as well as deerling.) Then again, you’ll also have predator pokémon teaming up with predator animals to hunt, prey pokémon and prey animals teaming up to protect each other, and ... just a whole lotta balance going on out there.
When it comes to domesticated animals, yes, humans keep both pokémon and other animals as livestock, and pokémon are used as the exact same way as their animal counterparts. For example, both miltank and actual cows are milked, and both are used for meat. People eat torchic eggs and chicken eggs, and that poultry you’re having for dinner could come from an actual chicken or a combusken. (Torchic don’t have that much meat on them to eat, and blaziken meat is often too tough.) And of course, sushi comes from both actual fish and practically any fish-like pokémon, with the exception of qwilfish (which is completely poisonous and therefore inedible) and magikarp (which canonically possesses scales too tough to get past and an unfortunate lack of edible meat). Then of course there are the animals who are kept for purposes other than for food, including for textile-friendly fur (e.g., sheep are still sheared for wool), for work (work horses still exist and have always existed), and ... for pets.
Let’s talk about pets for a second. You might be thinking, “Why would you get an animal pet if you could have a magic cat?” The answer is ... not everyone can have a pokémon.
In fact, you can see great examples in asks right here on this blog. Even though the PC is perfectly safe and even if storing your pokémon in it indefinitely isn’t a bad thing (and I say this as the mun, not as Bill, who will tell you this because he’s its inventor so of course he would), the problem is if you want a pokémon as a pet, then you probably don’t want to do that. You probably want to have a pokémon partner in your home at all times, right? Well ... pokémon require a lot more than animals. They’re often larger, so they need more space. They need more food because their attacks make them use more energy. Oh, you’ll also need to ensure your home is safe for a creature that can literally summon things like fire, electricity, or ungodly amounts of water at will. As Bill has said, you’ll need to commit at least an hour of your day every day to training them (so they can better learn how to control their powers and because they need more guided exercise than even your pet dog), and to cap it all off, if you don’t give yours an everstone, you could very well come home to a pet that’s many times larger than it had been that morning.
This is not a situation that many people can deal with once they retire from their trainer’s journeys, in other words, which is why a lot of people trim down their teams and keep their beloved pokémon with a relative or friend who has the space, if they don’t just release them or leave them at a shelter. I mean, think about it. If you’re an adult, you probably know what I’m talking about. It’s hard enough to find a place that will let you keep your cat, but imagine living in a tiny apartment with a six-foot-tall winged lizard that can breathe fire.
And that’s just the situation Bill’s told you about. There are other people who just, well, don’t want a pokémon. There are plenty of people who don’t even like pokémon, as well as people who would just prefer a cat, even if given the choice between a cat or a cat that has magic powers. Humans are kinda funny like that.
So yes, for all of these people, cats exist. Dogs exist. Pretty much every animal you could legally keep as a pet exists. Your buddy absolutely has a complex-looking tropical fish tank when they could have a finneon. (Although I guess to be fair, some people keep tropical fish and finneon, but anyway.)
Alternatively, yes, it’s possible to keep animal pets alongside pokémon pets, and oftentimes, they get along quite well. Or, well, sort of. Pets that end up jealous of each other is a thing that absolutely exists too. (Insert mental image of your pet cat absolutely throwing paws with a new clefairy.) But other than that, it’s not unusual for animal pets and pokémon pets to become best friends ... and for pokémon to try to train animals to use attacks because they see animals as unfortunate pokémon that don’t seem to have any powers.
So to wrap up on this one, yes, animals exist, and they have a fascinating relationship with pokémon. They’re often practically equals, living symbiotically with their pokémon counterparts, only often a bit more in hiding than their real-world selves.
Oh, final note: I could get into the evolutionary history of animals and what’s different, but honestly, that gets a bit too involved. Just know that all animals that exist in the real world (and all animals that have ever existed) have Pokémon-world counterparts. Are they slightly different the way humans are (meaning, can they have special powers too)? ... yes. Yes, you can have an aura-bending cat.
I mean. Originally, this answer was gonna be no, but about halfway through writing that last sentence, I realized that I’d be missing one big effing opportunity, so now animals can potentially have the same powers as people. Granted, yes, they’re not as strong as the powers possessed by people (to the point where it’s more likely they won’t manifest), but eff it. Aura guardian cats.}
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callioope · 3 years
Author Interview
tagged by @theputterer -- thank you :) 
Name: Liz
Fandoms: In terms of posted fics, mainly Rogue One and Star Wars (OT). I have at least one fic posted in A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones, Community, and Howl’s Moving Castle (book). But I also like The Clone Wars and Rebels. I’ve been reading mainly ATLA fic for the past couple weeks. 
Where you post: AO3 and sometimes here on tumblr. There are a few drabbles I’ve posted on tumblr that I really ought to crosspost on AO3 for posterity. 
Most popular one-shot: “In Which Sophie is Late, and Howl Noses Around in Her Business” (Howl’s Moving Castle) With 698 kudos. Uh. Wow. I was not expecting that! It’s literally my only HMC fic (although I do technically have other unfinished drafts) and it’s not even a year old, and surpassed my second most popular one-shot which was posted in 2015. Pregnancy trope is popular I guess. It is amusing to me that my most popular one-shot is not in my favorite OTP fandom (rebelcaptain). Howl’s Moving Castle ended up having a wider audience than I anticipated. 
Also as a disclaimer, but popularity is weird to gauge because do you go by hits or kudos or comments? I went with kudos because hits could count people who clicked on my story and then didn’t like it. But it’s hard because hits also include re-reads, so, idk. 
Most popular multi-chapter fic: “The Last Stark” (A Song of Ice and Fire) 815 kudos. This was finished in 2013 so it’s had plenty of time to accumulate the kudos. It’s a Gendrya Anastasia AU (“Aryastasia” was my working title for this one lol). So again, popular trope, in a popular fandom, in a popular ship. This fic is so old when I reread it, I usually find myself wanting to edit it, especially the ending. I was so ready to be done writing this that I think I rushed the ending. Oh well, writing plots is really difficult!
Fic you were nervous to post: Every fic? lol. I’m never not nervous to post a fic. But I’m definitely more nervous posting in a fandom for the first time. So posting “Whatever I Do (I Do It To Protect You)” (Rogue One, rebelcaptain) was pretty nervewracking, especially since it’d been awhile since I posted anything. [OOOH, fun fact, but WID celebrated it’s 4 year anniversary yesterday! Ha, that’s funny.] I was working on this fic for weeks before I posted it. 
I was also super nervous to post my Jeff/Annie Community soulmate AU, “Intro to Neurochemical Compatibility” because (a) first time posting in that fandom, (b) I decided to use script format which I know is not everyone’s jam, and (c) the premise is just so ridiculous! But I had fun with it. 
Also gift exchanges are always nerve-wracking because I worry the giftee won’t like it. My giftee never responded to my 2020 rebelcaptain secret santa fic so I’m actually constantly worrying that they didn’t like it and feeling bad that I failed them. :/ 
How you choose your titles: with so much agonizing. gosh it’s so hard and honestly i have so many titles that i hate. I’ve got a couple song lyric titles. a couple quotes. a couple “how to...” apparently that was a whole phase I went through. Either the titles come to me immediately, or I put off choosing a title until the absolutely moment I need to post it, and then spend hours agonizing over a quote/song lyric/phrase that fits and probably begging others for help.
Do you outline: YES. Possibly overly so. I’ve ran into issues in the past, when I was much younger, where I didn’t resolve problems proposed early in the story. So I need to know where the story is going in order to lay the proper groundwork. Also, if I do not write things down I forget them five minutes later. I also think outlining is a useful trick to jumpstart writing, so if the muse just isn’t present, I’ll try to lure her out by outlining. 
Complete: 19 fics. 
In progress: Oh boy this is so hard to count. As far as what’s posted? Technically only one: “How to Lose a Spy in 10 Days” (Rogue One, rebelcaptain). Despite the fact that I think the deadline was extended multiple time, I procrastinated and ended up rushing chapter one to meet the rebelcaptain rom-com challenge deadline. Didn’t really have a proper outline for this one, even though I knew vaguely what I wanted it to be about. I wrote chapter two but I hated what I wrote so I ... I kinda abandoned it. I mean technically, I never consider a work abandoned, I always intend to get back to it. Some day when I have the inspiration I will. But this idea ended up being a challenge I didn’t feel ready for at the time, and then my interest moved on to other ideas.
I also had a longer story planned for “you must become an island (the horizon is all we have)” but only posted one part of it to finish it on time. Ideally this fic would be part of a series, but again, motivation is needed so we’ll see
Technically I have 22 rebelcaptain ideas alone (including some listed in this post) at various states of completed, plus a handful of Community and HMC ideas. Of the ones I’m most interested in, there’s probably about 14 that I really hope to finish and post some day. 
ETA: omg i totally forgot that i was idly considering trying to finish my rebelcaptain soulmate AU in time for Valentine’s Day, but at this point I haven’t had any motivation to write so I don’t think that’s gonna happen. that fic has been sitting in my drafts since 2018 and in my drafts it will continue to sit.
Coming soon: “soon” is relative but these are currently the ones I’ve focused the most on recently:
Fencing AU (rebelcaptain)
You’ve Got Mail AU (rebelcaptain)
Post-War Fic with @allatariel (rebelcaptain, plus a LOT of other ships, includes Rebels characters, OT characters, and... maybe some others :) )
Palm Springs/time loop AU (Jeff/Annie)
Do you accept prompts: Wellllll here’s the thing. When I’ve asked for prompts, I haven’t been the best at fulfilling them in a timely manner. For that reason, I don’t encourage prompts but I’m not opposed to them. (I suppose technically exchange fics are prompts, and I wrote a bunch of fics in 2017 for rebelcaptainprompts, but I’m not gonna count those because I don’t think that’s what the question here is really going for)
“The Climb (A Lie, A Hero)” (Rogue One, rebelcaptain) was actually a prompt. 
I solicited prompts for my birthday in 2019, which I didn’t end up fulfilling until exactly one year later. 
Technically the You’ve Got Mail AU is a prompt, someone prompted me to write a fic for my favorite go-to comfort movie.
And, uh, the certain someone who tagged me for this meme prompted me in a comment back in October 2017 to do a Luke and Leia swap where Leia grows up on Tatooine, so that is sitting in my WIP list. 
Yeah, this is why I don’t solicit or encourage prompts. The return rate is just not fair for the prompter. 
Upcoming story you are most excited to write: this fluctuates on any given day. the fencing AU is so close to being done (well the first draft anyways) so i really really want to just finish it! But yeah it’d be anything on the coming soon list above.
tagging: @allatariel, @cats-and-metersticks, @lothcatlovesysalamiri, @veritascara, @brynnmclean and anyone who sees this and wants to do it! also ofc per usual no pressure if u don’t want to.
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cytarabi · 4 years
Hey! I've become a huge fan of your fics on ao3. I wanted to know how do you push out so many beautiful chapters so quickly? What's your writing process like? I'm working on a big JB fic, which I'm trying to finish timely, but high quality. Always like to see how other writers do their thang! Thank you!
Hi! I remember your name!! <3 Thank YOU for the question and praise, that’s so sweet!!
I love seeing how other writers do their thang, too! And I’ve found it can be very, very different for each author.
TLDR I write a lot of my fic ahead of time. I outline the entire fic, chapter by chapter before I start writing. I use several tools to speed the process and/or to make it more artsy fartsy.
I’ve found that I’m a “plotter” and not a “pantser” (two main ways of writing, unless you hate being labeled lol.)
Plotter means that I prefer plotting out most of the story before I write the details. Here’s been my process for my multichapter fics:
1) I come up with an idea and let it brew! I think about key scenes or dialogue I love and I jot them down in my phone on Google notes. Write down your ideas, you’ll probably forget them.
2) During this brewing time, (for As Black As Thunder and my next fic) I take the time to read, read, read. I read works and jot more notes! I have an entire Google doc for Rebecca by Daphne de Maurier where I wrote down her tone usage, figurative language and summary of each chapter. I can’t tell you how much this has helped get me in the write TONE for the work. Tone is SO important. Readers reading a thriller will expect thriller beats! Deep Fried Drinks was a rom com, so the verbs, adjectives etc are very different from creepy Gothic. When I started As Black As Thunder (ABAT), wow, it was hard to nail the tone at first. But by the second half of the fic, I’m fully immersed in it and it’s much easier to create the tone naturally. Without using inspiration, I don’t think it would have turned out as well. For ABAT, I think I took two weeks of no writing, when I’m used to writing every day. It was hard not to write, but wow, was I ready when I started!
3) When I’m ready to outline, I do! I open a google doc for the fic and start throwing everything I can think of in there. My ABAT doc was only like three lines for 6 months... lol! I’ve only just started looking into story structure, so my older fics are all wonky. BUT for ABAT and Deep Fried Drinks, I tried to follow story structure for plots. First act, second act, third act, character arcs, etc. My longest fic, Time Stops, dropped a bunch of readers in the middle and I think it’s because my middle SAGGED majorly. I didn’t try to follow a structure, just sort of plotted it out how I wanted to, and it was probably very repetitive and boring. For ABAT, I plotted a mid point turn to spice things up, chose things to make the character more proactive, etc. I highly recommend Ellen Brock on Youtube for any plotting advice. She’s an editor, and I’ve learned so much!
4) Organize plot into chapters, write key notes for chapters and fill out background info. The first two are self explanatory, but the third is my favorite! One thing that speeds my writing (I have no idea if people do this or not) but I have lists. So many lists! For ABAT, I have lists of common outfits for characters (I usually hate writing about outfits but I’m glad I wrote more for this work). I also write the character arc for each main character. For ABAT, I have the following for Brienne:
Symbols: white crocus flower (purity, youthfulness, sensitive to rain), White begonia, Small birch saplings struggling for light
Goal: serve public, be idealistic, honorable
Lie: (hidden for spoilers)
Truth: (hidden for spoilers)
Flaw: stubborn, idealistic, watched her father get fame and respect for his engineering, wants to do the same thing and do it perfectly, doesn’t understand systemic racism 
Motivation: serve people, be accepted by the public, belonging, abandonment
Stakes: public rejection, Tarth name on the line, mockery, insanity, failure
So when I think about a curve ball for Brienne at any point of the story, this character section helps me stay true to character. I have a section for Brienne, Jaime, Cersei and Missandei. Cersei has a larger section because she’s a villain... ;)
In addition to this section, I also write down their personalities and strengths. You know, like if they went to an interview lol. For example, I have Missandei have the following strengths: 
Adaptability: able to adapt
Intellection: introspective and appreciate intellectual discussions
Consistency: all people should be treated the same
Futuristic: fascinated by future
Learner: loves to learn
I ALSO have an emotion worksheet and this is SO USEFUL. They say in writing: show that the character is angry, not tell the reader. WELL, IDK about you but I can’t keep track of all the little quirks characters do and yet, I want them to be consistent. If while writing a scene, I sometimes think, “Hmm what is Jaime doing if he’s in awe right now?” I search for “awe” at the top of my fic, and bam, I have options, more or less. For a lot of emotions, I brainstormed ideas based on character traits, arcs, Gothic tone etc. I fill all of this out before I write the first chapter. 
Here’s an example of some emotions I have for ABAT:
Emotion List (remember to have introspection, unique perspective) 
B: wrinkle deepened between brows, parted lips, fixed gaze, stands still
J: arched brow, open mouth, stare, goes closer
C: lowering chin or raising chin, goes closer
M: adaptable, quick to react
B: looking away, walking away
J: scratching ear
C: smiling, neatly placed hands
M: long blink
B: staring off, quiet, daydreaming
J: staring at object important to him, twisting pencil or object in his hand, squeezing his hand
C: squeezing hand, staring at object she wants to get rid of or improve
M: daydreaming, staring off at her own outfit—it’s foreign
5) Now the fun part: writing! I used to write with scene structure outline, but I think I’ve grown off the training wheels. But it really helped me in Deep Fried Drinks to plot out the chapter scenes ahead of time, and I used Ellen Brock’s proactive and reactive videos to help me out with that. I throw on some music to get me in the mood of the story and I write during my kid’s nap, about two hours every day. Sometimes I’ll write at night, but lately I’ve been too tired to do that. My tip for this part is to try and figure out what you want to improve. What are you good at, and what could you improve as a writer? My first fics had like zero figurative language. Awkward. This takes a level of awareness that’s hard to reach but watching or researching creative writing technique really helps me. For example, I used to NEED to write all five senses out for each chapter ahead of time. Now it comes naturally to me! I would say now my main issue is phrasing? Pacing? And I need to tone down the melodrama for my next work....... lol! I write, write, write--and usually, I write 60-90% of the fic before I start editing!
6) Editing. Fun fun fun. I don’t mind editing, I just don’t think I’m that GOOD at it. I try to read through my chapter twice and edit as I go. I look for things I want to take out or add, look for show vs tell, formatting, etc--do things make sense? Did I miss anything? In ABAT, I’ll write something in chap 20 that I need to start in chap 18, so I’ll go back and make a quick note to “add part about document somewhere in this chapter” so I don’t confuse readers. When I edit chap 18, I’ll add that line or paragraph in. It’s all an intricate web! I also have a list of vague words I try to eliminate or replace with stronger words (I have more words if you want them). I found that I have certain words or phrases that echo a lot, like “while”, “turned around”, “turned” or “did not”--now I search for these phrases/words and try to change them:
Get rid of vague words, fix by explaining more:
Simple verbs: had, was, went
Like with all writing “rules”, they can be broken, but it helps to know why they are rules. I steered away from adverbs, and I think it improves my writing. Other writers have different prose and adverbs work so well--it all depends on your style! If I find these vague words in dialogue, for example, I almost never change them because dialogue is usually freaking vague lol!
7) Beta reader(s)! I honestly think this work is better than my other stuff because I have a newer beta reader, theunpaidcritic!!! *I bow* She’s literally an expert so it’s SO helpful for me in every way--I can’t fangirl about her enough. If you’re struggling to get a beta reader, I recommend joining a JB discord (transformative werk is my favorite discord, and there is a beta read request thread) or post a request on reddit!
8) Post! Once you’ve edited and gone over beta reader notes, it’s time to post! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!
For time reference, I started this process around mid-May for ABAT, and I will be done by early September. Maybe I’m just a fast writer? Compared to angel-deux, ha, I look slow. Everyone is different! Please let me know if you have any other questions, I am ALL about helping out! :) <3 <3 <3
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