#if you have more ideas do send and ill add then
calisources · 7 months
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BOUND   TO   THE   MOON.   all   sentences   and   tropes   actions   are   based   around   the   concept   of   lycantrophy   and   werewolves.   taken   from   different   media   across   literature,   television   and   movies.   you   can   change   the   names,   pronouns   and   locations   as   you   see   fit. beware of warnings regarding body horror, harm and such.
I'm a werewolf trapped in a human body.
When was the last time you shape-shifted?
I was going to fight vampires, and my name wasn't Buffy--I was so screwed.
A fucked-up family's a fucked-up family, whether or not werewolves are involved.
A werewolf is courting me with a dead rabbit. There’s nothing subtle here.
Why go for something cold and dead, when you can have something hot and panting?
No shifting in my car Blake,I don't want to slobber all over my seats.
Once a month, for one evening, we are free to wear our natural skins. We are on the outside as we are internally.
I warned you if you got any closer, I'd devour you.
You're my mate. The distance won't change that. It never has.
When the full moon rises and the wolfsbane blooms, you will be as cursed as I am.
The bite is a gift.
Why do you always have to prove you are the Alpha male?
I don’t need to prove anything, love, I am the Alpha male.
I tried to kill a werewolf, I failed. Now I feel like I'm not living up to the version of my best self.
If it were a choice, it wouldn't be called "a curse"
Werewolves will attack humans, but instinct in centuries of rivalry have hard-wired them to hunt their prey of choice. Vampires.
Hundreds of years ago vampires hunted them to almost to extinction.
Legend has it that a werewolf bite is fatal to vampires.
Werewolves are stronger in groups. That’s why they form packs. 
No one wants to be the Omega of the pack.
I was a small boy when I received the bite. My parents tried everything, but in those days there was no cure.
Well, I'm so sorry that I can't be the right kind of monster for you, Bella.
The truth is if a werewolf behaved like this psychopath it wouldn't be because he was part animal, but because he was still too human. Only humans kill for sport.
You've tasted the power. How can you not want more? What is it you care about so much?
I healed when we were all together again when we were a pack.
Now, you being the first werewolf I’ve come across in many a moon, pun intended.
You're not a monster. You're a werewolf.
It’s fascinating, actually. A werewolf who isn’t beholden to the moon, a vampire who doesn’t burn in the sun. A true hybrid.
You've been bitten. Bitten by a werewolf. Now you will become that which you have hunted so passionately.
The ancients thought pure metals purified the blood.
Tyler has to kill someone to activate his curse. He's not a werewolf yet.
Sorry about your pet wolf. You should have kept him on a tighter leash.
You might be an alpha, but you’re not mine.
Yes you. Glow your eyes at it. Something. Be the Alpha.
He is going around building his pack.
There’s no such thing as werewolves.
It’s wolfsbane. It’s like toxic for werewolves, hurts them.
Did you forgot today is a full moon?
Whoever is bitten by a werewolf and lives becomes a werewolf himself.
Just like us. Werewolves.
Start the car. Or I'm gonna rip your throat out. With my teeth.
Do you want to earn a place in his pack? You want redemption? Find another way to stand and fight.
We have to go. It’s werewolf territory.
You're cooking up werewolves out of every self-esteem deprived adolescent in town.
Do you know why wolves hunt in packs? It's because their favorite prey are too large to be brought down by one wolf alone.
You've been given something that most people would kill for. The bite is a gift!
You're one of mine, aren't you?
What's it like when it comes over you?
Every single bone in your body breaks.
Sometimes the transformaction can take up to hours. Specially the first couple of times.
Are those chains in the wall?
Don't get yourself killed for a human. She is not one of us.
Our packs have...a long history of animosity.
You can't be here! Get out, now!
What did I do?
I found others like me. They are helping me...get better.
I can smell him all over you.
Maybe the wolf was in love with the moon and each month they cried out for a love it would never touch.
Werewolves mate for life. You can't just runaway.
The lone wolf dies but the pack survives.
You are one of us, even when you haven't realized it.
I could recognize that scent everywhere.
You are the next in line. To be the Alpha.
A beta can always challenge an Alpha if they consider them weak.
Most challenges end with one wolf dying.
ACTIONS. add a +reverse if you want the reverse action.
[BITE]: sender bit receiver and now receiver is experiencing the fever of the bite.
[ENEMY PACK]: sender and receiver are from rival packs and get into a fight.
[LYCAN ROMANCE]: form rival packs, sender and receiver begin a forbidden romance.
[DISCOVERY]: sender finds out receiver secret lairer where he turns.
[WARM]: sender is a werewolf and cuddles to receiver side to warm them up.
[ITS YOU]: receiver realized the wolf they found it's sender.
[FOR THE PACK]: sender and receiver get married to join their packs into one.
[NATURE IS AGAINST US]: sender is a vampire and receiver is a werewolf who fall for each other.
[MATES]: sender declares receiver their mate.
[FOCUS ON ME]: receiver helps sender to calm down after they turn.
[ITS A GIFT]: sender bites receiver to save their lives.
[NAKED]: sender is without clothes the morning after turning and needs clothes. they arrive at receiver door for help.
[PROTECTION]: sender protects receiver whole in werewolf form.
[ONE OF US]: sender discovers that receiver didn't attack them because they are also a werewolf.
[ALL OF YOU]: sender witnesses receiver turn into a werewolf .
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reeniecon · 3 months
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-levels of possessiveness-
Include malleus draconia, lilia vanrouge, rook hunt, kalim al asim and Jamil Viper
‼️⚠️ : gn!Reader,I haven't proof read it yet, mentions of chapter 7 npc's names on lilias part, might be come out as yandere tendencies than possessiveness...
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- kalim al asim -
• I know some of you gonna disagree with me, BUT HEAR ME OUT OKAY
• since he was a little kid he always get what he wanted right?
• why wouldn't get this one ?
• hm? Oh u want to go out by urself? No way hahahah, take jamil with you~ or u want me to accompany you?
• Ooooo waitt sweety dont do the chores :(( ur hand will get hurt by that, just let the maid do it for you okayy?? Oh you felt sorry for him?? For working alone? oh dont worry baba(father) will recuit the maids tmr hhe
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- jamil Viper -
• this one are not very surprising
• jamil didn't really get the chance to have something in life that really his on the first place
• so, when he finally did and someone are trying to take it away from him he get really possessive over it
• he can protect kalim all the time so... He faced by almost 0 problem trying to protect you
" Jamil.. What is that?? Can we get that? " You asked him
" I can make more healthier version of it at home, are you okay with that dear? " He speak " And uh...look, dear the cooking oil that there using, it's already black soo that mean they have been using it multiple time without changing it, I wouldn't want you to eat that not-very-healty oil I'm I?" He carefully explains to you
You can sigh to him " Okay... "
" Good, let's head back I'll make it for you" He smiled sweetly to you
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- lilia vanrouge -
• lmao do I need to explain??
• he is a fae
• and already lived a long life
• he knows the pain of losing people he loved dearly mallenoa.. Malleus mother and malleus father...
• so naturally he didn't want to get hurt by that feeling again of course.
• that's why he get very possessive of you
• if you're a long lived creature you might see him be not so possessive towards you because he knows he had a lot of time to spend with you.
• BUT, if you're a human... He *sigh* yeah you know the rest
" My dearie" Lilia calls for you
" Where have youve been?? " He added
" Oh, lilia I just got back from heartslabyul actually, just meet adeuce " You explain while giggling
" Hm, why lying my dear" He glares to you, while flying closer to you
" What.. No what do you mean Lilia! " You panic a little bit because what he just say to you
"Fufu.. My lovely dear... Don't lie to me okay? I know everything going on in your life " He say gently while He stroke your hair
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- malleus draconia -
• dragon are KNOWN to be a possessive creature sooo what makes you think he is any different
• he probably lock u up somewhere if he want to lmao
• not only a normal dragon but he is a dragon with POWERS he is the crowns prince to the Briar valley soooo
• he basically can do whatever he wants lol
• good luck if you catches his eyes lmao he might never let you go until your funeral, keyword MIGHT
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- idia shroud -
• aaa this wired boy
• lacking basic human interaction and affection wwww
• in my eyes he would either be
• no please don't leave me boy or don't leave me or ill kms / destroy all of it
• WOULD STALK U, he probably hack into the campus CCTV just to check what are you doing currently
• asking ortho to follow you and assist you with everything you need
• would probably sends anonymous deaths threats to any guy who are flirting with you
More of my fics
An : I'm kinda ashamed by this lol, but Ill post it anw, I'll add more in the future but this is it for now 😂😂😂
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oneshlut · 7 months
SORRY! i originally asked on the wrong post! My bad!
Hello!!!! I have no idea if this is the right post for requests, but i reqd your overjoyed headcanon and absolutely adored it! I love your writing style already! I originally had two requests, but for now ill go with one, with the Amazing Didgital cricus blowing up, i found favoritizim in the mean purple rabbit, i was wondering for some Jax crush headcanons? I loved your other one, and if its no trouble, id love to read it! Have a lovely day/night!!
A/N: omgomg!! it warms my heart hearing that people are enjoying my writing! thank you so much for the request, i hope you don't mind that i sprinkled in some confessing headcanons in there.. enjoyenjoy!!
Input Feelings (Jax x Reader) [Headcanons]
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Rules For Requesting
Characters I Will Write For
Summary: General Jax crushing and confessing headcanons
Nothing irritates Jax more than someone new. Sure, a new fella to add to the prank list, and yet, another re-do of the theme song. So seeing you spawn into existence, scrambling around fearfully, made him feel both amused and annoyed. Let's just say he started out with mixed feelings for you. Mind you, these are just judgements. He hasn't even met you yet. Rude, I know, but it's Jax.
Meeting you went way better than he thought! You actually didn't find him annoying? That was a change of pace for him. Of course, not like he minded. Not at all! Looks like he'll have a new sucker to prank after all.
Although Jax was amused by you, you sure weren't. Not on the second day, at least. You had been talking with him earlier that day, and he wouldn't shut up about insects. Weird, you'd think of all people to be ranting about insects, it would be Kinger. Until later that night, or at least you thought it was night, you opened your door to find spiders in your bed.
And thus, you became Jax's main target for pranking! Hooray..! Yes, you liked his company--he was actually pretty fun to be around! But, uh, you prefer your outfit to not be soaked from a water bucket by the end of the day.
You two became frenemies. Sometimes, days went by where he wouldn't prank you. Shocking, I know. Jax just didn't wanna be too harsh on you, y'know? Which is weird, because Jax doesn't go easy on folks very often.
On days where he wouldn't prank you, you would sometimes receive notes from him. It was a good spirit lifter to go to your room at the end of a long adventure and see the corniest dad joke ever written on a piece of notepaper with crayon writing, sitting there on your bedside table. And on good days, you'd even write notes back for him!
One day, Jax gets either asked or teased about how he's so fond with you, and so rude to everyone else. He either makes some dumb excuse or tries to raise suspicion on the person asking, like the asshole he is, but it gets him thinking. He doesn't like to think. He's a man of action. But you were a.. different scenario.
Before, he was this complete asshole. And that's it, really. But you did something to him, something that he had no idea what to do with. Caine's gotta be messing with his coding, right? Maybe he input feeings in his code just to be mean. But being mean was his thing! God, what have you done to him..?
You, at the time, had no idea you were stripping away all of his confidence. As far as you knew, he has just been a bit nicer recently. Which was good! Right? Right. The notes would've been obvious proof he was getting better. Well, first, he was sending more notes rather than.. bugs.. but second, the notes started getting nicer and nicer. Some were just straight up compliments. That's when you noticed something was off. Jax never complimented anyone. Though, you didn't mind some of the compliments...
It's not like Jax has never been in love. He knows he had some sort of love life when he was in the real world, but he was left with just wisps of what it actually felt like to love someone. To care for someone. Though, now, he's finally able to remember.
You noticed how his teasing significantly decreased the more you spent time with him. You kinda missed it, but you're not one to complain.
Jax, on the other hand, was on edge all the time around you. He hated that you washed away his confidence facade, he hated how soft he was around you, how vulnerable. But that smug smirk wasn't gone just yet. He had one more "prank" to pull.
Ha, he wishes it was a prank. It really wasn't. This was actually the most serious he's ever been. He stared at the crudely drawn purple heart on a piece of scratch paper, only now doubting everything he's ever done as butterflies arose in his digital stomach. Standing outside your door, he suddenly felt all the nerves coming back to him he never thought he'd have to feel again. Jax swallowed down his nerves, but still couldn't hide the flush look on his face--or the fact that his pretend-guts were being tied into a bow.
Inside the small homemade card was an admittance to something he never thought he had to admit. Something he'd rather admit in person. Instead, since every inch of his confidence was gone at this point, he confessed in horrible handwriting, written with crayola twistables.
Jax took one final breath before sliding the heart under your door.
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the girl next door 5
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as age gap, manipulation, chronic illness, noncon/dubcon, coercion, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: A new neighbour moves in and upends your already disarrayed life.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself.
This lewk but silverfox
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As your mother waits in her chair, watching the window, dolled up in her nicest skirt, with her hair pressed and her eyes lined, you follow the directions on the containers of the premade grocer meals. Roast the potatoes, veggies too, and heat up the chicken. It’s very easy, even for you.
You set the table as the oven warms up and put out the nice plates you never touch. You fold napkins under the cutlery like you’ve seen on television and in restaurants, not that you ever go anywhere by the drive thru. It looks nice. Sort of.
You hear the recliner creak and your mother get up. The doorbell rings and you jump. You rush into the entry way as your mother looms in the front archway. You look at her and she sends back and expression with deadly venom. You go to the door and steady yourself, slowly turning the latch.
You pull it open and muster a smile which must appear closer to a cringe, “hello, uh, hi.”
“Hello,” Steve smiles, a bouquet of sunflowers in his hands. “How are you?”
“Mm, good,” you mumble.
“Great, I brought you ladies some flowers,” he looks between you and your mother as she steps into the hallway. “Something to brighten up the place.”
“Oh my, thank you, Steve,” your mother rushes forward, her left foot thumping a bit heavier than the other, “that is so sweet of you.”
As she snatches the bouquet, a petal flies loose from her tremor. She brings them to her nose, nearly crushing them into her face as her cheek quivers. She’s overexcited and her symptoms more obvious. You step aside as she beckons in your guest.
“You two look nice,” Steve comments as she stops to remove his shoes. His hair is combed tidy back and he wears an oceanic button-up with khakis. He is indiscernible from any other suburban dweller.
“Thank you,” your mother preens and you echo her softly. “Please, come in. I think dinner’s almost ready.”
She glances at you and you nod, “yes, uh, I’ll... go do that.”
You feel Steve watching you. You shrink down and cross your arm over your middle and back away. You turn and shuffle down to the kitchen. You feel how the skirt and sweater let in the breeze around your thighs and reach to tug the hem.
“Grab a vase for the flowers too, honey.”
You let her words trail after you. Honey. The epithet isn’t dripping in her usual poison. You go and open the stove, letting out the aroma of seasoning. It should be almost there.
You search under the sink and find an old mint green vase. You wash it out and fill it with cool water. You bring it out to the dining room and set it on the table. You can hear your mother and Steve in the next room.
She shoves the flowers at you before you can say a word. You take them as she keeps her attention on your guest.
“How’s the house coming along?” She asks in a singsong, “you’ve been doing so much work, I’m surprised you could make the time for us.”
“Of course. Nice to have a few friendly faces around. Not gonna lie though, I do have fridge full of casseroles already.”
You go back to place the stems in the vase. You linger there, safely away from their conversation. You have nothing to add anyway. You’re best to keep an eye on the food.
“Ugh, really? Let me warn you about this place, those bleach blondes aren’t as chipper as they put on,” your mother sneers as you wait for the gravy to simmer.
You don’t think the people around the neighbourhood are bad. They’re just different. Besides, you can’t blame them for their judgment. You might feel the same if you were like them. If you were pretty and perfect and rich.
You hover by the stove and stop the timer before it can buzz. You take out each pan and transfer the contents to thick porcelain serving dishes. You bring them to the table, one at a time.
“Mom, er, Steve?” You peer into the front room, “dinner is ready.”
“Oh, finally, I’m starving,” your mom sighs.
“Smells good. What are we having?” Steve gestures your mom ahead of him, waiting patiently as she moves stiffly. You can see the struggle in the stitch between the brows as how she stops herself from bracing her hip. She’s embarrassed.
“Roast chicken, potatoes, and grilled broccoli,” you explain, watching awkwardly as he pulls out the chair for your mom.
Your mom sits and Steve tucks the chair in. He surprises you as he rounds the table towards you and slides out another chair. You stare at him and your lips part.
“The gravy,” you squeak.
You quickly retreat to the kitchen. You pour the gravy into the spouted dish and balance it by the handle. You carry it carefully through the door and trip on the slightly crooked divider on the floor. The contents slosh and a splatter lands on your white sweater.
You frown and put the grave dish on the table. Steve lingers as he was. You look down at your sweater and he reaches for one of the spare napkins, holding it out to you. You thank him and sit, letting him push the chair in under you. You dab at your sweater but the brown stains remain.
As he sits, just by your mother, she was sure to sit where she would be next to him, you put the crumpled napkin by your plate. Your mother arches her brow at the front of your sweater. You raise your shoulders and give an apologetic look as you slip the cardigan off. You untangle your arms from the fabric and let it droop to the seat.
Steve smiles at you again. Your face is on fire, your chest too. The dress really doesn’t fit right.
“You made all this?” He asks.
“Heh, she bought it and put it in the oven,” your mom tuts. “She’s not the most gifted cook and... and my hands aren’t steady enough for that anymore.”
“Ah, well, food is food,” he shrugs, “regardless, it looks delicious.” He reaches for the plates of chicken and catches the tongs before the can fall, “may I?”
Your mother’s lips curl and she nods, “by all means.”
He puts a piece on her plate, then his own. He sets it back before he grabs the bowl of potatoes and scoops up a heap besides the marinated breast. Finally, he shovels on the broccoli.
You meekly fill your own plate, though you leave it sparse. Just a piece of chicken, a tiny bit of potatoes, and some broccoli. Your stomach is uneasy. You’re not used to company. You poke around with your fork.
“You know, Holly, I finally got all the furniture where I want it but I don’t know,” Steve begins, cutting into his chicken, “I think it needs something... a woman’s touch, maybe?”
“Mmm,” your mother nods and squints.
“I wouldn’t mind picking your brain. Maybe you have some suggestions. I got all these paintings but not really sure where to put them, you know?”
“Right,” she put a sliced potato in her mouth and chews thoughtfully. She swallows and takes her napkin, shakingly blotting around her coloured lips, “well, suppose I could give you a few tips.”
“Really?” He asks, “that would be amazing.”
“Not a problem at all,” she grins, “I could drop by tomorrow.”
“Yeah, that will be nice,” he agrees.
You sit quietly, keeping your face blank. You won’t mention how your mother complained when you tried to hang some of your drawings just in your same room. She always said art was a waste of time. No, you’ll say nothing. You’re better off that way.
“And uh, you’re welcome too,” Steve offers across the table and your eyes flick up to meet his, “if you want. Don’t want to leave you out.”
You glance at your mother. Her eyes narrow and you gulp, nearly choking on the potatoes. You take a breath and push your shoulders up, “actually, I was planning on... uh, I’m busy.”
You can’t even come up with a lie. Not a solid one. Just busy. Busy being alone. Busy hiding.
“Ah, that’s too bad. Well, how about once I get the barbecue fired up, you both come over for a cookout?”
“Lovely,” your mother chimes. “But tomorrow, I’ll swing by,” she squeezes her fork as it tings against the plate. Her tremor is getting bad. “Be nice to get out.”
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lizzieislife94x · 4 months
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Doctor L/N
Requested ❤️ (Kinda requested a requested based on a one shot I done but instead of doctor maximoff it's l/n and a different kinda story idk)
WandaxG!P Reader
Woop woop guys here we are FINALLY a New one shot for yall 🙌 time to start getting all the new one shots worked on as always requests are always open feel free to comment them or message whatever you prefer all I gotta know is lizzie or wanda and a basic idea of a story line and if its G!P or GxG don't be shy with requests I shall do my best to write them to life 😂
Wandas POV:
"Ugggh I hate the doctors don't make me go nat!" I groan to the redhead as she laughs "no you don't hate the doctors wands you don't wanna see doctor L/N because you have a huge crush on her" I frown and throw a cushion at her head "lies natasha lies" the both of us burst out laughing as she throws the cushion back "ugh you're right but dude I can't go to this one it's a smere test I think and I'm not taking my clothes off and spreading my legs infront if her what if I get excited when she's touching down there I just can't go" i argue but she grabs the car keys and my arm "were going and I'm driving so I know you actually go so move it maximoff" I roll my eyes and grab my stuff following her to the car "we should be there in 20 minutes so just try and relax wanda" I buckle my belt as we start our journey to the doctors office.
"I'll be waiting out here now move your ass" nat says practically pushing me out the car door, I frown and close the door as I make my way into the doctors office my hands getting a little clamy "good afternoon can I have your name please" a cheery older receptionist says giving a kind smile "uh hey good afternoon" I smile "I have an appointment at 2.15 with doctor L/N my name is wanda maximoff" as she types away on her computer a few seconds later she looks up and smiles "great that's me notified the doctor you're here and waiting take a seat and she'll be with you as soon as possible" I smile and walk to a seat in the waiting room as I fiddle with my rings getting lost in though "miss maximoff" I'm snapped out of my thoughts by her beautiful voice I look up and give a shy smile as I stand up walking towards doctor L/N "good afternoon miss maximoff it's nice to see you again" she smiles making small talk as we walk to her office.
"So miss maximoff I can see here you're here for a smere test if you put this on you can remove your clothes behind that curtain and give me a shout when you're done" she says handing me a gown type thing as I take it I get behind the curtain and start removing my clothes my heart beating faster at the thought of doctor L/N touching or seeing me so exposed, damn it wanda get your shit together I say inside my head as I clear my throat "I uh I'm ready doctor L/N" I say my voice a little shakey as I open the curtain "great now if you hop up on the table for me and put your feet on the pads at the end of the bed ill be ready in a second, and please don't be nervous alot of women are so just relax it makes it easier to get the exam done" she says with a smile as she turns her back to me sliding on some rubber gloves I quickly jump up on the table and set my feet on the pads as the gown slides up "I'm just going to add a little lubricant to my fingers so I can have a little feel so don't be alarmed at the cold feeling, let's get the gown up a little more" as she says the words she slides the gown higher exposing me more her hands sliding up my thighs sending chills down my spine I can't help but bite my lip to stop the moan leaving my mouth "are you ready you will feel my fingers penetrant but I have to have a little feel around" I take a deep breath and nod "I'm ready" I simply say as I feel her sliding 2 cold fingers inside me casuing me to inhale sharply "fuck" I moan lowly "does that hurt miss maximoff are you ok" she looks up "it definitely doesn't hurt" I smirk biting my lip as she raises an eyebrow "you know you're not supposed to enjoy this" I can see her shifting a little in her seat as she keeps her eyes locked on mine her fingers moving again slowly I close my eyes and moan, I hear her groan slightly as her fingers move faster "if you're going to enjoy it I may as well give you something to enjoy" I open my eyes and look at her "please just do it I want you now" I'm surprised by my own honesty.
Y/ns POV:
"Please just do it I want you now" I bite my lip as her words hit my ear "so fucking naughty miss maximoff" I smirk as I work my fingers faster this was supposed to be a straight forward exam now I have a stunning redhead telling me she wants me what has today become "are you sure you want this" I ask sliding my free hand up her gorgeous toned legs "yes just do it do what you want just make me feel good" she pants I thrust my fingers faster knowing exactly what spot will make her gush all over my hand I can't help but grin as I curl my fingers and thrust against the spot a few times a loud scream leaving her lips as she squrits all over my hand "fu..cc..k" she screams as she tries to close her legs as they shake uncontrollably "no no keep them open honey" I smirk holding them open as leave a gentle kiss on her puffy clit, I stand up between her legs to get a little relief from the throbbing solid member in my pants "wow" she moans as her eyes land on my solid bulge "oh you want this" I smirk rubbing my bulge as she nods I quickly free my solid member as she gasps when it springs free "Holy fucking shit" I can't help but laugh as I gently rub my dick "don't worry sweetheart you'll take it no problem a little lube and that wet pussy of yours we'll have no problems" I bite my lip and pull her down the table so her ass is at the edge as I lube up my dick her eyes watching my every move as I guide it to her dripping entrance I can't help my moan as her little hole stretches for me "ye...ees fuck" she cries as I sink deeper inside her till my length disappears inside her "fuck wanda you have a tight little pussy" I moan as my eyes close her pussy gripping my cock as I start to thrust slowly my hands wrapped around her thighs as her back arches up off the table "mhh fuck you're doing so well honey taking my dick so good" I breath out as I start to thrust harder and faster the only sounds leaving her lips ate moans and cries of pleasure "are you still taking your pill" I groan my thrusts getting harder and harder pounding her pussy raw "n..n..oo don't like.. h...o...ow they make me fe...eel" I groan and close my eyes trying to hold back as her pussy gets tighter with every thrust making her cream all over my cock "shit where will I cum so fucking close tell me quick" she wraps her legs around my waist tightly pulling me deeper inside her "but you arnt protected" I groan my thrusts never stopping as her hold gets tighter "fuck cum inside me" I moan as I feel the knot in my stomach snapping and with a few more pounding thrusts I slam deep inside her holding all movements as I start to shoot my load deep inside her, her pussy getting tighter again as she cums with me both of us panting and moaning I fall forward laying ontop of her gently as she bites her lip "less mess" I can't help but laugh as I stand up and slide out of her as she moans, I grab some tissues to clean us both up as I fix my pants and sit "fuck that has never happened" wanda gets up and ready and grins "I've wanted that for the longest time" I smirk and pull her ontop of me and kiss her gently "you could have asked me on a date after work hours" I whisper against her lips with a grin "this was way more fun than a date but since you mentioned it how about tomorrow after work" I smile and nod "I'd love that leave your number and I'll text you details to come pick you up" she gets up and writes her number handing it to me before leaving a kiss on my cheek and walking out of my office, I lean back in my chair and cover my face with my hands and laugh, what the fuck just happened.
AN: first new one shot! I hope yall enjoy remember I haven't wrote in MONTHS so I apologise If this is terrible all honest feedback welcomed I hope yall have had a great day/night remember drink water and stay hydrated babes 💗  word count 1.7k
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siriusly-parker · 5 days
—parler’s heavenly matches!!
where i match you w/ a jjk character!
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busy work weekend and stressful life for writers and readers alike, so what better moment for a match made in heaven!!! (or tumblr ig)
how it works. you send a request to my inbox (here) where you describe yourself (or your character in jjk) and i answer with which jujutsu kaisen character i’d match you/your persona with!
how do i describe myself? truly, im not picky, ill take what i can get and answer with what i have! but i’d recommend saying things like your age, your looks, hair, height, if you look like jennifer lawrence lol, your gender preference or general preferences in a partner, what you do in life, what you like, hobbies, what kind of person you are, your little quirks, anything you want! don’t add all that tho hahhaha these are just ideas, plz don’t make your requests too long!
exemples. Hi!! My name’s Bea and i’m 5’6. I love to crochet and i spend most of my time reading or watching movies. I’m more of an introvert but i love to make friendd. I’m pretty quiet, but i open up when you know me better!!
exemples. i work as a teacher at tokyo jujutsu high school and i’m pretty outgoing, though i’m also very secretive of my personal life. i always kind of disappear and no one knows where. i’m kinda short and my hair is brown and wavy. (i also have weird obsession with pokemons lol)
you can find the answered posts by searching! -> #—𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫’𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬! ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚💌°❀⋆.ೃ࿔*
i was supposed to post this yesterday night but i got distracted lollll so no cute colored post just normal post at the literal worst engagement time hihi
˖ ᡣ𐭩 likes comment and reblogs are very appreciated!!
UPDATE!! requests are now closed! thank you so much for your support and participation! i may make a new game or open them back up another time, but for now, I can’t possibly answer them all. 𝜗𝜚
— with love, parker ୨ৎ˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩
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corduroyserpent · 8 months
The days blend together beneath Mount Tonglu. Time stretches and bends, one day feeling like a week feeling like a shichen feeling like a year. Nothing changes. Aside from Mei Nianqing’s daily visits, there is only Jun Wu in the dark with his thoughts.
Which is why he notices immediately when something changes.
He does not often sleep, preferring meditation, but he will sometimes slip into unconsciousness without realizing. Only after having jolted awake, reaching fruitlessly for a sword he no longer has, will he remember where he is and why he’s alone. It’s familiar. He’s used to it.
It’s different today. He struggles into wakefulness, eyes refusing to open despite how he wills them to. And he is no stranger to pain—the faces of his old vassals act up often enough, making his head ache and jaw pound—but this is something else entirely. He feels weak. And he can barely breathe through his nose and his blood seems to be boiling. Eyes still closed, he pulls at his collar in an attempt to bare some skin. It’s too hot, he’s too—
“Hold on,” Mei Nianqing says. Cool hands cover his, clinically pushing them aside to help remove heavier-than-usual robes. “There we go. Is that better?”
Jun Wu cracks sore eyes open. “Tell me if I’m dying.”
“No, Your Highness.” Mei Nianqing smiles, patting Jun Wu’s arm. “You have a cold.”
“That’s impossible.” Talking hurts. It’s as if the inside of his throat has been covered in shards of glass. “I have not been sick since—”
“Two thousand years, give or take. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, Your Highness. With your spiritual powers sealed, it was bound to happen sooner or later.”
Jun Wu can’t believe this. It can’t be a mere common illness that causes such suffering. It must be more serious. He pushes up onto his elbows; a sudden wave of vertigo nearly sends him crashing back to the bamboo mat below. His stomach clenches but will not be sick. Besides, he practices inedia. There’s nothing to throw up.
Mei Nianqing clicks his tongue, pushing Jun Wu to lie back down. “Your Highness, what do you think you’re doing?”
“I need to…” Jun Wu tries to clear his throat. Bad idea. “...figure out who cursed me.”
“Nobody has cursed you.”
Jun Wu finds this highly unlikely.
Mei Nianqing reaches for a nearby bowl of water. Jun Wu grabs it. Or he tries to. He thinks about it. His limbs don’t want to respond to his desires. Mei Nianqing takes pity on him and holds the bowl to his cracked lips, tilting a trickle of bitter liquid into his dry mouth. Jun Wu leans away, suspicion clouding his mind.
“Refusing to take your medicine at this age?” Mei Nianqing sighs. “Your Highness, I ground the herbs myself. There is nothing in this mixture that will do you harm.”
Mei Nianqing knows him well. But Jun Wu’s doubts are not assuaged. “You drink it, then.”
“Fine. If that’s what it takes.” Mei Nianqing takes a sip and, holding the medicinal liquid in his mouth, leans down to kiss Jun Wu. Lips part, a reflex, and that awful bitterness coats Jun Wu’s tongue.
He swallows, unable to spit it out.
“There.” Mei Nianqing pulls back, one hand splayed on Jun Wu’s bare chest. His thumb rubs light circles against heated skin. “Was that so difficult?”
Jun Wu holds back the urge to cough. Giving Mei Nianqing a wan look, he asks, “Are you not worried I’m contagious?”
“Not at all.” Mei Nianqing sets the bowl aside in favor of fetching a damp cloth. He blots at Jun Wu’s face, carefully avoiding the remains of their old friends. “Besides, I am far too healthy. Your Highness, how many times have I told you about—”
“Do not mention your special tea.”
“It’s a good blend! I harvest the leaves myself. Two cups a day will keep you strong and in perfect health.”
Jun Wu flicks his eyes up, too tired to manage a full roll. What Mei Nianqing neglects to mention is that, healthy or not, the tea tastes absolutely disgusting. He is already trapped beneath a mountain, cursed shackle binding his powers. Why should he add more to this divine punishment?
“Rest.” Mei Nianqing folds the cloth and drapes it across Jun Wu’s forehead. “I will go brew us a pot.”
Jun Wu grasps his wrist. It takes no effort at all for Mei Nianqing to pull away from Jun Wu’s grip, taking his hand instead. How embarrassing. To be so weak. He hates this. And even more than his physical weakness, he hates how his heart stutters at the idea of being left alone in this state.
“Your Highness…”
“Don’t leave,” Jun Wu says. A quiet order.
Mei Nianqing squeezes his hand gently. “I will be right back.”
Jun Wu grits his teeth, the headache and the fever feel too much like when his vassals act up. For all he knows, they might be contributing to the pain. He can’t exactly see them.
Mei Nianqing looks at him for a long moment, expression softening. His free hand slides up to stroke Jun Wu’s hair. It unearths ancient memories. Those same hands, sliding through a forgotten crown prince’s damp hair, coaxing him with sweets to get him to swallow spoonfuls of medicine.
“Later,” Jun Wu nearly whispers, voice hoarse, “I will drink your terrible tea.”
“You don’t have to.”
“I will.”
Mei Nianqing considers this, a soft smile rising. “Then I suppose I can stay until you fall asleep.”
Good. The exhaustion of illness may be pervasive but Jun Wu is stubborn, and he has difficulty sleeping on a good day. “That may take a while.”
“I know.” Mei Nianqing presses a chaste kiss to Jun Wu’s temple, just shy of the compress. “Rest, Your Highness. I will not go anywhere.”
“Until I fall asleep.”
Mei Nianqing shakes his head. “Not even then. Everything else can wait.”
Jun Wu’s doubt is no small thing but he pushes it aside, looking up through tired eyes at the one man who has chosen to stay.
[also on ao3!]
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netherworldpost · 4 months
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The Netherworld Post Office back office, handling private client work, did not have it's expected slow season. Which is good! Production testing is very expensive!
But also I worked myself ill, which was a bad idea!
I'll be fine in a few days.
Or depending on when you read this soon-to-be-pinned everywhere post, I'm fine now!
Over the last several months, I looked at the hard question "hey why aren't we open on the public side?" and it hit me:
Instead of following through with the plan, I was sneakily trying to re-create Evil Supply Co.
Side note: If that name is familiar, but this doesn't make sense, then the short answer:
@evilsupplyco closed in Summer 2019.
I am Atticus of Evil Supply Co. Hi!
I got into a traffic accident, the ensuing next few years Covid wrecked the world, life has been intense :)
The Netherworld Post crew is the same crew behind Evil Supply Co. and we changed/are changing the name because the new shop is going to be spooky-mail-focused as opposed to experimenting with... spooky... everything.
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In September or so, just before our back office busy season started, I realized I had been saying "I'm going to focus on what we do best -- greeting cards -- and everything else is secondary."
I. Uh. Kept adding things anyway. To the... list. And making. New. Lists.
(learn from me, don't do that)
So in the depths of Intense Client Work and then laying on a couch for several days to allow my drawing arm to heal and my brain to slow down, I realized I had been violating what I set out to do:
Make a really fun, very inexpensive, greeting card company that sells the occasional zine, and has lots of useful downloads. Some pay-if-you-want (free if you don't), some a few dollars.
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...this image... hurts my feelings... because it was this is what was happening to me.
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I've learned a lot in the last several months --
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I'm going to recover fully.
Send all the files lingering to test print one last time.
Then when they come back, the shop opens.
A handful of weeks at most.
I wanted to launch with DOZENS of greeting cards and A HUNDRED downloads and THIRTY ZINES and and and and and and and and --
-- and we're going to launch with about 10 greeting cards, probably 5 or 6 downloads, and zines will wait while we add more greeting cards and downloads etc.
I am admittedly REALLY EMBARRASSED to be preparing a shop launch SO SMALL after SO LONG.
(I'll get over it. We'll add new stuff regularly forever.)
mailing list: netherworldpost.com
Sign up! If you're already on it, the tech witches auto-sort to ensure you're not being bombarded with a million emails.
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(Actual conversation with the crew. I wanted to draw all of this out and my producer Fang was like "hey why don't you instead use that time to work on the actual drawing list instead" and I was like "great idea thank you")
one last time, mailing list: netherworldpost.com
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sundrop-writes · 3 months
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Hey everyone! I'm Sundrop, but you can call me Sunny. I am a fanfic writer, and this is my fanfiction blog where I post all of my newest fics. Right now, my main fandom is DC Titans.
CURRENTLY ON HIATUS - hey everyone! I am on a hiatus from writing because I am moving. I have made a long queue of my previous fics for you guys to enjoy while I'm gone, and my requests will still be open if you wanna send in something while I'm gone. If you wanna chat with me, I might be online on my main @tenpintsof-sundrop when I'm not busy with packing and other things. I should be back around the end of July or the beginning of September, maybe later. I am likely planning on taking a break after the move to rest because I know it will be an exhausting ordeal. Updates about this will be over on my main.
If you want to know about the fandoms I'm interested in generally, check out my Main Masterlist. Requests are currently open. Please read my rules page before sending in a request. If you want to be tagged in future fics of mine, you should read my rules for taglists first, and then you can send me an ask about it (or leave a comment on this post and I will add you to the taglist). If you have a question about my fics or about my blog in general, it might be answered by my FAQ.
About me: I'm a 90s baby (I remember Blockbuster lmao), my pronouns are she/her (but I don't mind being called dude or other masc nicknames), I am autistic, bisexual, and polyamarous (and those things often heavily inspire my writing). I am chronically ill; I have POTS, EDS, and some of my fics may go behind schedule or may be cancelled due to flare-ups of my illness, just so you guys are aware.
All of my fics are subject to The Autism Clause. This means that I could randomly lose interest in a fandom, an idea, a WIP, or a series that I’m writing at any time. If something is victim to this Clause, it means that I will stop working on it before it’s finished, and I will likely never mention it again unless asked about it.
If you are curious about what happened to a fic that was planned or you want to know why I haven't updated in a while, definitely go over to @tenpintsof-sundrop to see updates about my personal life and my creative process and how that affects my fanfiction posts. This is not my main blog. This is just a blog I use for posting fics, so if you wanna know more about my interests and the progress of my fics, then definitely head over to my main.
Please do not follow me if you support using AI to generate fanfiction or fanart, or if you use c.ai. I have worked for many years to cultivate my writing talents and I think it is a huge insult to writers to do these things. If I find anything on your blog that is AI generated, I will block you.
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I would highly recommend downloading the Interactive Fics Extension for Google Chrome - it turns every use of Y/N into a fanfic into your actual name, and it works very well with my fics to turn the reading into an immersive, personalized experience.
If you are looking for more of my older fics, then definitely check out my AO3 - which is the largest living catalogue of my fics in existence with over a million words on it. If you enjoy anything that I have posted here, you can go there to check out more of my work. However, please keep in mind that all of my work over there is archive locked to keep it out of the hands of AI scrapers and bots, so you will need an account to view it. And you need to make sure that you're logged into your account on all browsers before you click the link.
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Most Recent Work: Precious Time Alone - Gar Logan x Fem!Reader (aka the Gar Knot Fic)
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Currently Working On: on hiatus
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Coming Soon:
My fanfiction schedule is very up in the air right now because I will be moving soon, and everything involved with packing, moving, preparing my new room, and unpacking is going to be very tiring. I hope to be posting a lot more fics toward the end of this year, so stick with me. If you have any questions about upcoming fics or WIPs I have mentioned that have not yet been posted, feel free to politely ask me about them! And please be patient about my slowed posting/lack of posting during this time.
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the-way-of-words · 5 months
PolyVerse Cam Boy AU//Jolly
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Joakim "Jolly" Karlsson x Holly(ofc) with mentions of Noah Sebastian x Holly(ofc), Nicholas Ruffilo x Holly(ofc), and Nicholas Ruffilo x Holly(ofc) x Noah Sebastian
Content warnings: partner sharing, exhibitionism, oral (male and female receiving), mentions of fisting, P in V sex, squirting, light choking, mentions of sex work
Contains sexual situations with fictionalized versions of real people. None of this is real, and we should all know this by now, but if it's still not your thing, hit the back button.
For the lovely @throwingmetothelions who has let me play in her Cam Boy HC sandbox not once, but twice now, since Jolly decided he wanted to have a turn. And thank you to @signs-of-ill-portent for being the best fucking cheerleader and beta ever to grace my life.
<This is a sex worker positive blog and if you have a problem with that then this is not the fic for you. Thnx.>
tag team: @cncohshit, @jxstthisonce, @kingdomof-omens, @ladyveronikawrites, @deathblacksmoke
if you would like to be added to a taglist, feel free to comment or send me an ask <3
Jolly doesn't exactly know what the whole situation is with Nick, Noah, and Holly. At the very least, he knows she's fucking both of them. Or maybe they're both fucking her. Although, judging by what he heard last night, he's pretty sure they're all fucking each other. 
Not that it matters all that much, but it's important he has some kinda story straight in his head when he enters the kitchen almost every morning to the sight of her dressed in someone else's shirt and little to nothing else. 
He feels like he's going insane, but who can blame him when he's had to go to sleep almost every night this week, hearing how pretty she sounds when one of them takes her apart? He tries not to listen – he does – but at this point, it almost seems like they're doing it on purpose. 
Add to that the fact that he watched every second of that stream they did a couple of months ago, and he's been a very distracted man indeed. It doesn't matter that they cut it off before any actual fucking took place, because he now knows exactly what she looks like writhing with a head between her legs, and it's beautiful. Jolly's dreamt about it; getting on his knees in front of her, throwing a leg over his shoulder while he eats her out, exactly how Nick said she likes it, only to wake either hard as a rock or sticky in a mess of his own making.
It's fine, he tells himself. He just has to stick it out for a few more days until Nick and Holly return to Virginia. He tells himself that he can handle it. It’s just a few more days, a few more sleepless nights, but it doesn't help. Jolly spends all of his next stream barely speaking, as the fantasy of Holly walking in on him takes hold and cums so hard, he's pretty sure he hears his jaw crack.
"So, this is where the magic happens, huh?" 
He jumps at the sound of her voice, mouth going dry when he turns away from his computer to eye Holly leaning in the doorway because she's dressed in a shirt she must have taken from Noah’s laundry because it's actually his; he swallows, trying to will away the hardness forming in his sweatpants. The garment swims on her frame, and he hopes to God she’s got something on under it. 
"You know," she says conversationally as she kicks away from the door, "I thought about walking in on you while you were doing your stream thing yesterday." His eyes track her as she crosses into the room, cataloging the curves he can’t see, but knows are there. She perches herself on the desk in front of him, staring down at him with interest. "That's your thing, right? You like to be walked in on…watched?" 
He thinks it’d almost be funny if her words weren’t actively trying to break his brain. 
His fingers drum against his thigh, and he sighs. This is a bad idea, a voice in his head murmurs, and yet he answers anyway. “Uh…yeah.” He snorts. “Yeah, it is.” 
Holly nods, humming quietly to herself as her crossed ankles swing softly in the small space that separates them. His mind wanders back to what she said earlier, and he’s curious. 
This is a bad idea, the voice says again, but the question tumbles out of his mouth before he can think to stop it. “And what would you have done?”
“Hm?” Her eyebrow quirks, as if she’s confused, but he knows better. Jolly can see the little spark of mischief in her eyes. The one that reminds him so very much of Noah, and he understands now what Nick meant when he said those two were like two peas in a pod.
“What would you have done? If you had walked in?” He shouldn’t encourage this. Not when Nick and Noah are just on the other side of the wall. But he is so desperate to take back control of the situation, and, maybe if he goes far enough, he’ll be able to. Maybe if he tries hard enough, he’ll scare her off and she’ll go running back to them and stop rattling his cage like this. Jolly tilts his head as he stares at her for a beat longer, fingers pyramided in front of his chest.
She doesn’t move when he suddenly rolls his chair closer, smirking as he settles his hands on her knees. 
“Would you have opened up these pretty legs for me?” He moves his hands up her thighs until his fingers can slide under the hem of her shorts. “Would you have let me bury my face in this sweet pussy of yours until one of them came looking for you?” 
Glee rolls up his spine when Holly’s breath hitches as his fingers crawl higher under her shorts, and he pauses, hands halting until their eyes meet. He raises an eyebrow, wondering if this is all it will take, if now is when she’ll say stop and leave. But she doesn’t. Instead, she meets his gaze head-on, as if daring him to keep going. So he does, his calloused fingers searching until they reach the edge of her underwear. She leans back, spreading her legs wide as he slips beneath the elastic, shock replacing the satisfaction when he finds her folds slick.  
“Is that what you would have wanted, Jolly?” she asks, voice low, almost a breathless purr. “Is that what you thought about when you got yourself off last?”
He was, but it’s not as if he’d tell her that. Not when he’s slowly losing this dubious game of sexual chicken they’ve found themselves in. Jolly clears his throat, trying to focus on his goal instead of how warm she feels underneath his hands, how soft, how she smells like soap and hot water and some kind of strawberry lotion that makes his mouth water. But then she shifts her hips, causing his thumb to brush against her clit, and before Jolly can make sense of what he’s doing, he dips it down and into her wet slit. 
“Something tells me I’m not the only one that’s thought about it,” he counters. “Tell me, Holly, how many times have you thought about me when one of them has been between your thighs, huh?” 
He feels very, very warm all of a sudden, the heat pooling in his gut spreading out to the rest of him, and while he knows he should stop, should take his hands off her and tell her to get out, he can’t. He’s too mesmerized by the feel of her inner walls clutching at his thumb as he slides it in and out of her. 
It’s her whimper, a breathless call of his name, that snaps him out of the haze, that finally pulls his hands off of her as he stands abruptly, and maybe if he had any ability to actually think this through, this would be the end of it. But he’s too far gone now. Can’t do anything but take hold of her face with both his hands and plant his mouth on hers. 
The kiss is messy and desperate, wet, open mouths and tongues and he can’t figure out which one of them has wanted this more. Is it her, with her hands fisted in his t-shirt, trying to tug him closer? Or is it him, with the way he pulls away from her lips to lap up the taste of her from the sticky trail his thumb left on her cheek? He lets go of her face to suck his thumb into his mouth, and as her sweet musk settles on his tongue, he knows he has to have her.
There are no thoughts of the consequences they may encounter as he shoves his hands into the waistband of Holly’s shorts. He follows them down, planting his knees on the carpet, eyes zeroing in on the small patch of fabric a little darker than the rest. 
“Can I?” It’s an out as much as a request, their last chance to stop this before they go too far, and he hopes she takes it. Because he knows once he fully lets himself give in, there will be no going back. But she tangles a hand through his hair instead, nodding to him while she utters a quiet yes. It's all he needs to throw one of her legs over his shoulder and pull her underwear to the side as he licks into her. 
She invades his senses, the smell and taste of her all he knows, all he wants, and he wastes no time putting his stolen knowledge to use; rolling his tongue across her clit lightly before he tucks two fingers back into her. 
“Oh fuck,” he hears her rasp, fingers tightening in his hair. “Someone’s… someone’s been sneaky--” 
Her teasing reproach cuts off with a quiet moan when he crooks his fingers, another following quickly after as a third joins them. He pulls away for a moment, his cock twitching at the sight, and Jolly wonders exactly how many of his fingers she’d let him fit inside her… if she would let him work up to getting his whole fist inside, just to see how she would look stretched around his wrist. 
He doesn’t realize he’s voiced his fantasy until he hears a sharp intake of breath. “You’re kinda a kinky fucker, aren’t you?” 
His eyes slide up to glance at her face, and fuck, isn’t she a pretty sight? Her face flushed, mouth fallen open in pleasure as she watches him fuck her with his fingers.
“Are you saying you wouldn’t let me?” he asks, twisting his head to take a nip of her thigh, “Wouldn’t let me call your boys in here and let them watch me open you up--”
For a split second, he thinks he hears a creak of the floor just outside his bedroom. But then she uses her grip on his hair to guide him back to her cunt and Jolly forgets all about it as he sneaks his tongue down to lick around his fingers, taking pride in the choked gasp of his name right before he sucks her clit into his mouth.
Holly lights up under his touch, pulling him even closer with shaking thighs as she cums. Her release gathers around his knuckles, and he drinks it up; licking and sucking until she’s pulling him away, tugging at him until he rises from his knees…only to plant her hands on his chest and send him stumbling back onto the bed. 
“Take your pants off.” 
He doesn’t need to be told twice, shuffling his sweatpants down his legs and tossing them to the floor while she pulls a condom from god knows where. 
The full weight of the situation, the actual wrongness of what they're doing, doesn't hit him until she kneels between his legs. It only adds fuel to the fire, sparking the heat inside his veins in a way that makes him ache. The floor creaks again; he’s sure of it this time, yet when he turns his head, there’s no one there. But that doesn’t stop his thoughts from running as she takes him into her mouth. 
The wet heat makes his eyes roll back, her tongue pulling bitten-off curses from his mouth as she swirls it around his cock head, and he wonders briefly who it is, standing with their ear to the door, hand on the doorknob, ready to walk in…he groans, squeezing his eyes closed. Or maybe it’s both Nick and Noah, taking turns to creep into the doorway and watch their girl with someone else, and he’s struck with the idea that maybe this has been the plan all along. 
But then Holly’s pulling off and rolling the condom down his length, straddling his lap, causing all coherent thought to cease as he slips inside her. She takes him in slowly, lips parting in a quiet sigh as she lowers herself at a snail’s pace, thighs flexing beneath his hands when she rises, only to sink lower with every pass until she’s fully seated. 
Holly pauses, her eyes fluttering closed as she rocks back and forth minutely. It makes his hips kick up on their own accord because even through the latex he can feel how wet she is, the tight clutch of her cunt pulling him under her spell even further. It’s almost as if he’s adrift, and the weight of her on top of him, the feel of her softness against him is the only thing keeping this from being a dream. 
She gasps, a noise caught somewhere between a laugh and a moan, as she steadies herself on his chest, “Easy, tiger. I need a minute.” 
“I'll try to behave,” Jolly snickers, deciding to let his hands roam as she continues to grind against him.
He grips her thighs, enjoying the way her flesh gives under his fingers when he thumbs at the flowers inked into her skin just below the crease of her hips. His hands trail under her borrowed shirt to caress the skin of her waist and she shivers, goosebumps forming in their wake as his hands slide up her torso to her ribcage, going further still until his thumbs reach the curve of her breasts. The full flesh fills his palms perfectly, and what he wouldn’t give to have her fully naked, to see all of her as she undulates on top of him. But he still doesn’t quite know where the line is, so he settles for teasing the sensitive buds of her nipples, pinching and rolling them until they stiffen. 
He hears the telltale noise of movement outside the door once more just as she begins to rock her hips back and forth, working up to a slow, steady rhythm that has arousal pooling at the base of his spine already; he cuts his gaze to the doorway, where he’s met with Nicholas’s heated stare. But before the panic can fully take root, the other man smirks, nodding in their direction as if telling him to keep going…and that’s when all the pieces start to fall into place.  
There's a reason they haven’t come looking for her. This has been a game all along, and that gives him an idea. 
“Do you think any of your boys are watching, sweet girl? Hmm?” Jolly asks. His hands slip from her chest to her waist, clutching her tightly as her hips twist devilishly.
She smirks, lowering down to her elbows, her breath hot against his ear when she whispers “What makes you think they haven’t been watching since the beginning?” 
He should probably be upset at the idea of being played like this. But instead, all it does is make him want this more, and if they want a show… who’s Jolly to deny them? He holds her steady, thrusting up into her roughly one last time before lifting her off him. 
Confusion colors her face. “Jol--”
“Turn around,” he interrupts and she follows his direction immediately, settling on her hands and knees as she faces the door. 
He’s quick to fit himself against her, eager to find his way back inside her tight heat. One of his hands slips under his t-shirt, caressing the ridges of her spine on its way to rest between her shoulder blades. It only takes the littlest amount of pressure for Holly to get the hint, and she lowers her chest to the bed, arms stretched out in front of her. 
He groans when he pushes inside, the tight clutch of her cunt trying to pull him deeper as she parts for him. He wants to take it slow, savor it, but when he spies Nick outside the door again his hips snap forward sharply, and he buries himself as deep as he can go. It’s almost as if he’s on autopilot, his body chasing the pleasure he knows hers will provide. His hips pull back before rolling forward, setting a satisfying rhythm as he drapes himself over her back.
She was right earlier. He is a kinky fucker, and a kinda nasty one at that, which means he is not above slithering a hand underneath her to cup her throat, using that hold to pull her face up from where it’s buried in his duvet to meet her boyfriend’s gaze. 
He can tell the exact moment the two lock eyes: a sharp gasp falls from her mouth as she throws herself back to meet his thrusts as best as she can. The wet, slick sound of her pussy hurtles him closer to the edge, and fuck, he wishes he could see her face as the pair stare at each other, but watching Nick watch her is a good consolation prize and he takes it willingly. 
He can see the sheer want in his friend's face, his jaw slack as he stares unabashedly, taking in every bit of what's happening in front of him, his inked hands press against his groin, tongue poking out to wet his lips before he swallows. Nick's hands fall to his sides, clenching into fists, and Jolly's curious.
“What about after this, huh?” he pants into the shell of her ear, tightening his grip on her neck until he can feel the flutter of her pulse, “Are you going to crawl back into bed with your boyfriends and let one of them inside you?” 
“Fuck,” Holly curses when he relaxes his hold, “o--only if you don’t make me cum again.” 
Jolly smirks when her inner walls start to quiver around him, even if it makes it harder for him to hold on, and he waits until Nick’s attention is on him before he replies.
“Well, I’d hate,” he gasps, “to send you back to them unsatisfied… shit, Holly--c’mon, touch yourself for me.”
He buries his face in her hair, unable to look at Nicholas any longer once she starts to play with herself, but he can still feel the burning weight of his friend's gaze as he chases his own end. It prickles at his insides, driving him closer and closer until Holly seizes up. Delight joins the ecstasy coursing through him when her release bursts forth, wetting the both of them before it drips onto the bed beneath. 
Light explodes behind his eyes as he digs his teeth into her shoulder, smothering his groan into the freckled skin as he lets go. His hips stutter and jerk as he gives her all he has, rutting into her until he’s spent. He feels fuzzy, a pleasant hum spreading through his bones when he lets himself slump onto the bed. Holly follows, coming to rest on her side, throwing a leg over his and he’s just about to tug her close and pull her into a kiss when Nick appears at the side of his bed. 
Jolly rolls to his back and focuses his eyes on the ceiling as if to give them some sort of privacy, trying to not give in to the awkward feeling settling in his stomach now that it's over. 
“I didn't know you could do that.” To his surprise, there’s not a trace of jealousy in Nick’s voice when he breaks the silence, it almost sounds like awe, if Jolly were to put a name to it. 
“I, uh, did not know that either.” Holly laughs and pride swells in Jolly’s chest.
“Well, Noah's going to be sad he missed it…He had to take a call from Matt just as you were getting started. Something tour-related, I guess, couldn't wait,” Nick says, preoccupied. Jolly sneaks a glance out of the corner of his eye, watching the man’s hand travel up Holly’s thigh to her center. Her legs part without him having to ask, yet she still makes a surprised noise when his fingers delve into her center, “He got you all messy, didn’t he?” 
It makes him feel a certain kind of way, being talked about like he’s not there. “I’m right here, you know.” 
Nick snorts. “You gonna participate in the conversation then, or just stare at the ceiling pretending to not be here?” 
Holly’s hand is warm when it settles on his cheek, pulling his attention from the light fixtures to the two of them instead. They both smile and Jolly finds himself smiling back. 
“So… this isn’t going to be weird then? We’re okay?” he asks.
Holly and Nick trade a glance before the man huffs another laugh. “Wouldn’t have done this if we thought it was going to be weird…” Nick studies his face, “But are you okay with it?”
“Fuck, are you kidding me?” he laughs, “I don’t think I’ve ever cum that hard before.” He means it, and if things aren’t weird for them, then he can’t say that things are weird for him either… especially if it means this is going to happen again.
The next time he streams and Holly’s in town, he makes sure everyone can see how Noah watches before he walks in on them and Jolly doesn’t think he’s ever made that much money for a single session.
 And even though he doesn’t quite understand exactly what the four of them are doing, he’s gonna enjoy it while it lasts.
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phantomsghoulette · 11 months
Kingdom of Heaven STORY IDEA
This post goes out to all the Kingdom of Heaven fans that write ffs, especially about our King - Baldwin IV
Now this idea may not be historically correct but I still need someone to make a story out of it. I'm talking A LONG ASS story with many chapters because I'm somehow a hopeless romantic when it comes to Baldwin.
So here's the story:
(Please use Y/N for Tiberias' daughter and not some name)
We start off long before Baldwin was born, when Tiberias and his wife arrive in the Kingdom of Heaven. Later on they have a daughter together, around the same time Baldwin was born. Tiberias already has a close relationship with the royal family at this time because of his wise knight shit. At some point Tiberias' wife dies and he has to raise their daughter on his own and he starts taking her to the palace where her and young Baldwin would often play together and develope a friendship. At some point Baldwin's illness is discovered. The priests and higher ranked people try to find a wife for him asap in order to keep the bloodline but every woman kindly rejects, scared of the illness so they just accept Baldwin's lonely fate. His illness is slowly taking over his body and Tiberia's daughter decides to take care of him, not being scared of him no matter how disfigured he looks. But when Baldwin notices that he's slowly developing feelings for her and that his face looks more and more sinister and his limbs are slowly becoming useless, he becomes kinda distant because he's scared to confess his feelings.
Remember that scene in the movie when Baldwin asks Balian to marry Sybilla? That's when he confesses his feelings. So let's imagine Tiberias' daughter is there too and when the men are done talking Baldwin sends off Balian and Tiberias but wants Y/N to stay. "No, Y/N. Not you. I need to talk to you. Stay... please." Or something like that. And we all know that Baldwin knew that Jerusalem was doomed because of his sister and that's why his confession goes something like:
"You know there is one more thing I could have done to save Jerusalem and its people... and I'm now regretting that I haven't done this."
Y/N: "And that would be?"
Baldwin: "Making you my wife"
And then he goes on with his cheesy romantic medieval confession. And Y/N confesses too bla bla bla and she then even takes off his mask and kisses him on the corner of his lips (one side of his mouth wasn't that damaged, remember?).
On his death day she takes care of his wounds one last time.
Make their last conversation HEARTWRENCHING. I WANNA CRY.
After his death Y/N seeks comfort in her father. Make it a wholesome daughter - father relationship (idk how to do that because I never had a father lmaoooo)
How the story ends is for you to decide. Maybe Y/N goes to Cyprus with Tiberias because she cannot take it to watch the Kingdom fall that Baldwin created and led with so much love and respect for the people.
You can also add some suggestive themes. For example Baldwin dreaming about getting intimate with Y/N because he's just that touch-deprived.
So yeah if anyone would be willing to take on this idea - you're more than welcome to do so and I'd DEFINITELY read it. I personally am not good at writing GOOD stories because English isn't my first language and I would ruin the story by using "basic" English. And since Kingdom of Heaven takes place during medieval times you need to write such stories in "fancy" English.
Anyways. I had to get this off my semi-autistic mind or else I would have gone CRAZY.
I just hope this post reaches the right people🙏
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whamgram · 2 months
It needs to be said Under My Skin is the best Radiobelle fanfic I have read so far! Everything in it is a 10 for 10 the characterization the plot, the slow burning romance it’s just so good the latest chapter had me somewhere between cackling, with giddy enjoyment and incoherently squealing at everything that happened.
Firstly, let me just say, Alastor’s mini shadow minions cuddling, and loving on Charlie was pure genius. It’s like he can’t be honest with himself so his powers find another way to release those feelings, and once again, it is thrust into his face how he really feels. Then the ending with the delivery with the flowers and him destroying the delivery man’s truck quite possibly killing the delivery man. Clearly, he’s never heard the term don’t shoot the messenger shoot the sender. His jealousy is definitely believable. We see it as clear as day because we’re getting a glimpse into his feelings, but he reacts to it subtly when other characters are around so they don’t take notice.
Now, for Vox’s scheming I like how you didn’t make Charlie, so naive as to believe that they wanted to sponsor the hotel without something in it for the vee’s. It was definitely a nice touch and refreshing to see Charlie being kind but not stupid. I feel like a lot of people don’t understand that just because a person is naïve does not mean that they’re stupid. Meanwhile Vox is trying to be cunning, but he can’t hide his physical reactions towards his animosity with Alastor but at the same time he subtly invades Charlie’s personal space not enough send her running for the hills but enough to give off a false sense of charming not that Charlie is fooled by it she’s obviously weirded out by his attempts. It’s clear that he wants to achieve something, but as what it is at the moment, I’m not entirely too sure he could be planning to put a false story out there of himself charming hell’s princess, in order to get under Alastor’s skin. But that’s just a guess. I feel like that’s not it though because it’s too obvious. I can’t wait to see Lucifer‘s reaction to all this because it seems like he knows something is brewing. He’s just not clear on what it is yet. And I’m all too eager to see Alastor lose his temper again
The sparring oh my God, the sporing was everything I hoped for and more it was just delicious just everything about it the mood, the tone, the teasing the banter that was just right and the the unintentional striptease!!! I had to be revived while reading the striptease! How did Alistair not realize that Charlie bit her lip so hard that she cut it? Alastor I understand you’re a massive emotion and you’re sweating through your feelings but you’ve got to pay attention. Your woman is literally thirsting over you. I also love that he’s training Charlie, because I feel like it adds to him saying what he said before about her having potential that he can guide.
My theory is on the awkward Boner tag is that it’s gonna happen if/ when Charlie loses her shit over something because he already checked her out before when she went into her full demon form over, losing her temper about the whole Gloryhole situation. But that was just her losing her temper for a quick second, if she were to actually harness that anger towards a person I think Alastor will be like Oh. Oh deer I need to excuse myself for a quick moment. All in all the chapter was fantastic. The whole story I could read four times and read it again it’s just so good may you continue to write I can’t wait to see what chapter 13 holds.
Oh my gosh, thank you so much! 🥰 This message has made my entire week!
I’m so glad you liked the cuddly shadowy minions! I just loved the idea of Alastor losing control over parts of himself because of his growing feelings for Charlie. He’s a guy who’s always in control of his emotions but he’s never had to deal with these types of emotions before. And he’s very ill-equipped to do so. That also causes these bouts of anger and jealousy that he also can’t control. It’s all he can manage to at least have these outbursts in private.
I agree about Charlie’s naivety! She’s kind and overly trusting but she’s not stupid. She’s willing to give Vox a chance because she’s willing to give everyone a chance. But she definitely went into the meeting feeling cautious and also picked up on his bad vibes. Plus Vox was very much trying to charm her in the same way Alastor does and she was like “Mmm no, that only works on me when Alastor does it.” 😉
I love the “training together” trope and couldn’t wait to write it for Charlie and Alastor! So much delicious potential for banter and sexual tension. 😏 And Alastor was too busy fuming over the insinuation that he lost to Adam because of his fancy clothes (which of course Charlie doesn’t actually think), that he totally didn’t notice her undressing the rest of him with her eyes.
You are very close about the awkward boner tag. 😉 I’ll just say it’s coming up soon.
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810nd1 · 5 months
Because it’s Christmas and a bitch just tried to put some ill wishes on me (and now I’m pissed)
I’m going to teach you how to do an easy cleanse + reverse spell so they get what they deserve
1. First of all take an egg and cleanse it under water with salt
2. Run the egg all over your body. Focus on the body parts that feel tense, stiff, painful or just in general you feel discomfort
3. This one is optional because I like to meditate with the egg (hold it in your dominant hand) while I imagine being connected to it. Eggs work like sponges, they absorb energy. Imagine negative energy in your body running in your blood, let the egg in your hand absorb it. Kind of like a water filter. Let it filter your energy.
3. Crack the egg into a glass of water. Observe the egg. If there are any impurities, bubbles, spikes forming congratulations. You’re so popular that someone is more interested in your life than they should.
Now it’s time for some cooking
4. We need to ✨spice things up a bit✨, personally I like to use:
Cinnamon - adds energy to spells,
Black pepper - for banishing,
Garlic - so the energy that they sent comes back to them with a nice hiccup (you get what you give 🩷🩷),
Chili - so that their ass hurts twice, once because they decided it’s a good idea of sending you something negative, second time when they watch you happy while they stay butthurt,
Pour the spices into the glass
5. Mix everything well so the bitch’s life get sooo twisted they won’t know where the left or right is
6. Pour the spell into the toilet since they belong with shit
Have fun sweethearts
Ciao 🫰🏻
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tom-is-online · 5 months
Project Sekai x Pokemon AU (base ideas)
i have brainrot heres my scraps i gots whilst i revise for my mock exams, ILL BE BACK POSTING ART SOON I PROMISE when i get more for this cuz i will cuz its living in my head ill post it and when i have enough ill make a big post with em VBS sketches for designs I have in mind for them
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Sketch concepts - im also gonna be real loose with the typing of the teams its more of a theme than a set in stone type
I want VBS to be double battle experts with their partner, they have matching pokemon and everything and build their teams on each other. Trying to surpass the RAD WEEKEND Who are the best trainers in the area
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The main basis for NIIGO is i want them to not be fighting but instead be the other areas of pokemon: Kanade = gen5's music gimmick + pokedex Mafuyu = Pokemon centre nurse (she broke the nurse joy cycle) Ena = pokemon snap and pokemon art academy. do you see the vision. Mizuki = THEYRE THE PROP MAKER FOR SHOWS. they do costumes and make props and will find weird items for you if asked
id also like to add the idea of them making a pokemon anime or mv still honestly not sure what they do as a group but that's the best i have rn :)
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Leo/Need - wants to become the new elite four! they might also find some legendaries along the way
More More Jump - pokemon contests!!!
Wonderland X showtime - POKESTAR STUDIOS. if youre not aware what that is, they make films. they have robots and actors and its awesome. Rui makes the robots btw
i wanna make a ver of this with the finished ones kinda like a pokedex entry i wanna fuck around a bit with them and make ones for the other characters I want the Mikus to all have a cosplay pikachu based on this i made last year - might make my own miku designs based on voltage tho :)
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+ this i made last year
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also. if anyone has ideas for tsukasa tenma. send em my way. i cannot think of anything for that man
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thecouchsofa · 7 months
Trick or Treat!! ☆
Very rough, unedited snippet from a WiP that hasn't been touched in a few months, but I'm hoping to pick up again after the fest fic that I'm currently working on!
Context: Malfoy jokingly declares his feelings for Harry in front of a few portraits of his ancestors and gets locked into courting him or he'll be disowned. Embarrassment, meddling, ill-advised betting, and shenanigans follow.
🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃
By the end of the day, Dean and Seamus had somehow acquired an extensive list of possible courting gifts and were running a betting pool on which ones Malfoy would choose.
“There’s no way the papers won’t be getting wind of this,” Hermione cried, a deep frown etched onto her face. “Honestly, you’d think everyone would have some tact.”
“Do you think you could ask him to send you a family heirloom next?” Ron asked. “I put ten Galleons on it.”
“Ron,” Hermione cried.
“It’s fine,” Harry sighed.
“And I seriously doubt Malfoy will give Harry some kind of priceless heirloom. He gets to keep all the gifts if he rejects the proposal at the end.”
“Do I really?” Harry asked.
“Apparently,” Hermione replied. “Everything seems to be a little different depending on the family, though. Perhaps the Malfoys prefer to have the gifts be temporary?”
“Harry, do you have any idea what you’re getting next?” Ginny asked, flopping down on the couch next to her brother. “Lavender talked me into putting a few Galleons on sweets, but I seriously doubt it’ll be that.”
“If I get some then I’ll share them with you,” Harry replied.
“Oh, brill,” Ginny said with a smile.
“You’ve all gone mad,” Hermione cried.
Harry couldn’t help but agree with her. Surely it was more likely at this point that he’d fallen off his broom and hit his head one day, and he was in some sort of odd Stasis fantasy?
“Guess I may as well put a bloody bet in,” Harry sighed, heaving himself out of the armchair. “If this is a fever dream then I’m guaranteed to win, right?”
“Oh, you’ll win all right,” Seamus called from across the room. “Blaise Zabini’s going around saying Malfoy has a huge cock.”
“He’s quite dreamy, isn’t he?” Parvati said. “You’re a bit lucky, Harry.”
“Merlin,” Harry muttered. “Should I put a few Galleons on his cock being the next gift then, Seamus?”
“If you want. It’s not on the list, but we could add it.”
“Put me down for ‘wood’ then,” Harry muttered, tossing a few Galleons into Dean’s waiting hand.
“Thank you for your business, Mr. Potter,” Dean said cheekily. “Or should we start calling you Mr. Malfoy?”
The common room dissolved into more laughter than Harry thought the joke warranted, personally.
“You’re all bloody mental,” Harry muttered, his cheeks heating.
Hermione placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. “You can always say no at the end,” she said.
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tgcf-fanon-exposed · 5 months
this blog is the tgcf counterpart to @svsss-fanon-exposed and @mdzs-fanon-exposed :3. both those blogs are the inspiration for this one. this blog, like the others, is made to differentiate tgcf fanon from canon. i haven't seen as many fanon things being accepted as canon in the tgcf fandom, but we might as well make the counterpart!
i will post once or twice a week, and i will be citing the seven-seas translations as my source, but i may reference the donghua/manhua at points. a list of topics i have covered is under the cut :3
i am a professionally obsessed with tgcf -- i have read the novels/watched the donghua multiple times -- so send me asks! it can be anything, as long as its related to tgcf. maybe its something you've seen come up a lot but you aren't sure if its canon, or you just want to see how canon your headcanon is.
i speak minimal chinese, so i sadly cannot reference the original novels very often. i cannot talk about chinese culture as well, as i am unfamiliar with it.
please keep in mind that this is for fun! ill try an answer as many asks as possible, however it probably wont be consistent. i will also try my best to keep a neutral standpoint on everything i talk about as well. just because something isn't canon doesn't mean you can't like it!
Edit: Please note that while I try to differentiate canon from fanon, there is no denying I can be wrong! I would be more surprised if I was always right! And I haven't seen it happen with this blog, but please don't think that every single thing from here is correct. I try my best, but do not take what I say as purely correct. Any work of literature is going to have some level of nuance and many different interpretations will exist. Plus, the EN versions are translated, so some meaning will be lost. And I try not to let my biases get in the way, but they are still there. It is nearly impossible to be completely neutral.
The rating system! I'm using the same one as @svsss-fanon-exposed
CANON: this is supported by the text, and most likely explicitly stated. if you're trying to be as canon-compliant as possible, this rating is for you.
FANON – SUPPORTED: not directly stated in canon, but it's a very likely interpretation! most likely was hinted at or a reasonable conclusion to come to from the novel.
FANON – NEUTRAL: who knows if this is canon or not. most likely wasn't covered in the text, or there isn't enough evidence to swing one way or the other.
FANON – UNSUPPORTED: not directly stated in canon, but it's a very unlikely interpretation. most likely was a reasonable conclusion to come to from the novel.
FANON – CONFLICTING: this idea directly contradicts something stated in the text. if you want to stay as canon-compliant as possible, this rating is not for you.
and lastly, please add onto my posts with more evidence! i'll try to find as much as possible but there is always a chance i missed something.
stuff i've talked about:
Qi Rong Has Green Eyes
Mu Qing is a Medic
Xie Lian Doesn't Know His Food is Bad
Quan Yizhen Has Tassel Earrings
Hua Cheng's String, Eyepatch, Braid + Xie Lian's String
What are the Four Different Ghost Ranks?
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