#if you see a bunch of my stuff at odd hours that is why
merrigel · 2 years
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Miss Muir.... Please.... I have naught but one wish....
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70sscifiart · 6 months
The Last-Minute Sci-Fi Gift Guide
There's only one thing worse than procrastinating on getting gifts for your loved ones, and that's procrastinating on putting together a guide to help out everyone else with all those gifts. It's Dec 12, so you can decide for yourself which I'm doing.
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Art book: Worlds Beyond Time, $32
If you follow this blog, you might have heard of this one. I published Worlds Beyond Time: Sci-Fi Art of the 1970s this year after five years of work on it, and I think it's really good! 400+ images, 100+ artists, with lots of fun art history and jokes.
Also, it's just $20 right now if you order through my publisher and use the code SKIPTHELINE! Cheapest it's ever been!
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Card game: Coup, $14
In this "social deduction" card game, you play as a government official in a future dystopia who needs to backstab their way into power. Everyone starts out with just two cards in this bluffing game, so the tide can turn pretty quick when players start assassinating each other's cards. The fast pace makes it a good gift for someone who loves spies but thinks they don't like card games.
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Game to play over Zoom: Bad Spaceships, $3
If a bluffing game stresses you out, try Bad Spaceships: It's a collaborative world-building game in which you roll dice to see what area of your spaceship connects to another, forcing you to spitball exactly why this is the case. As the game puts it, you might fix the hull by playing Tetris, or charge your weapons in the swimming pool. You're basically getting weird prompts to tell a story that can evolve over the course of the game.
It's such an indie game that it comes as PDFs you download from itch.io, but you can play it just as well over Zoom, if you're looking for an excuse to catch up with your old digital nomad college friend.
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Movies/TV: Streaming service gift card
Gift cards are all well and good, but you can personalize them by recommending a few of your favorite shows as well. I suggest:
Hulu: Cowboy Bebop
Apple TV+: Severance
Criterion Channel: Ravenous, Paprika, Strange Days
Paramount+: Yellowjackets
Amazon Prime: The Devil's Hour
But to be honest, this entry is just an excuse to talk about the new Max show Scavenger’s Reign. Inspired by the work of French artist Moebius and with a clear debt to famed 70s animated film Fantastic Planet, this stylish sci-fi show features a bunch of humans trying to survive on a beautiful but hostile alien world. Perfect for lovers of fictional nature.
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Vintage sci-fi
This Etsy shop has some good stuff, like the 1971 Frank Kelly Freas NASA poster above, a bit of history that I even mentioned on page 167 of my art book.
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Penguin science fiction postcards, $28
These postcards have a ton of very cool sci-fi covers I've blogged in the past – great value if you want a lot of art for a low cost.
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Meteorite pendant necklace, $34
I think we all know what kind of rock your loved ones need around their neck: A chunk of meteorite straight out of the 1576 Argentinan meteorite fall.
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Book recs
For astronauts: Packing for Mars by Mary Roach, The New Guys: The Historic Class of Astronauts That Broke Barriers and Changed the Face of Space Travel by Meredith Bagby
For comedians: Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir, Even Greater Mistakes: Short Stories by Charlie Jane Anders 
For sleuths: Six Wakes by Mur Lafferty, Drunk on All Your Strange New Words by Eddie Robson
For crafters: Knits of Tomorrow: Toys and Accessories for your Retro-Future Needs
For the resistance fighters: The Light Brigade by Kameron Hurley, An Unkindness of Ghosts by Rivers Solomon
For slasher movie fans: Clown in a Cornfield by Adam Cesare
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Syd Mead "Biomorph Vehicle" button down shirt, $49
T-shirts aren't classy enough for the world's coolest visual futurist, Syd Mead. I haven't actually bought this incredibly odd shirt, but I really need to.
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Art prints (and more) from 70s sci-fi artists
Artist shops can be surprisingly hard to track down on the internet, but here's a short list of ones I've come across. All of these artists are featured in my book (except one), so you can read up on them before you commit to a print.
Michael Whelan 
John Harris
Syd Mead
Don Maitz
David B Mattingly
Peter Andrew Jones - Jones was one of just a few artists who declined to be included in my art book, but he has a distinct, colorful style that I would have loved to have featured!
Finally, here's one extra bonus, just for everyone who made it to the end of this article: The UK-based educational charity Centre for Computing History sells three big officially licensed John Harris posters featuring these three artworks, famous for their use as covers for Sinclair programming manuals.
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It's a great deal that I've never seen mentioned anywhere, and Harris' work has a timeless quality that makes it great for an unassuming wall decoration. If you're outside the UK, the shipping costs will be a pain, but there's no better deal for a classic sci-fi poster.
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ronearoundblindly · 1 year
Eight-Thirty PM
CEO!Steve Rogers x CEO!Reader (from It Had To Be You series)
Summary: Steve returns after a long business trip.
Warnings for smut. Yeah, it's not rocket science. They bang in the office. Yes, of course, on the desk. Yeah, up against the window, too. And a chair. And the floor. Look, it's just smut (with very light bondage, consensually unprotected sex, hint of marking kink, dirty talk, and the ever-expected fact that I'm going to hell). WC 3k
MINORS DNI, 18+ ONLY. There's plenty for you to read on my Light Masterlist, but this work is not for you!
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“Why are you still here?”
Your head shoots up from your tablet. You didn’t think he’d come back to the office. Steve’s plane landed only an hour ago, and after a grueling two weeks of flying around the world to five different countries, you thought you’d see him tomorrow after he’s slept off the jet lag.
Overnight bag in hand, your co-CEO and boyfriend is still wearing an overcoat and work suit from meetings on the other side of the Atlantic just twelve hours ago.
You’ve been in this office just as long, finishing up the odds and ends from new contracts.
Giving a quick shrug, you answer, “You know damn well I don’t leave until the day is done.”
He sighs dramatically in your doorway, giving a pointed glare to the clear night that has fallen outside. If he’s brought his bag all the way up though, Steve planned to work, too, the hypocrite.
“What’s left?” He drops his bag in the corner, the door automatically swinging shut, and walks to your side, planting one hand by your elbow and one on the back of your chair to peer at your screen.
For the last fifteen minutes, you’ve been scrolling mindlessly through news articles, dreading going to your empty apartment for one more night. You’d hoped Steve would call when he landed, ask you out to dinner, or immediately back to his place, so you waited and zoned out.
“Ah yes, pressing stuff,” he grumbles at your social media feed. “How dare I interrupt this?”
You drop your hands to your lap and spin toward him.
“How else am I supposed to keep you supplied with soothing yet hilarious animal memes?”
Steve hasn’t changed his lean over you, so his face is just there, within reach, but you hold firm.
He lifts the hand from the desk to stroke your cheek, voice like warm honey tea. “Of course. That makes sense.”
Like a magnetic dance of alignment, he shifts and so do you, forcing you to rise from your chair. Words don’t come to mind while Steve crowds your space, hands deftly finding your hips and petting—pushing, rather—you back towards your office window.
“Is this new? I like it.”
 The blouse you bought in Japan, the perfectly tailored pencil skirt is from Italy, and your ability to resist his presence was on loan. Time just expired.
His long fingers bunch the thick fabric of your bottoms higher and higher until your thinly veiled ass presses against the window for the whole world to see. Not that anyway cares; not that anyone can look in when you have an unobstructed view out to the water. You couldn’t care less when Steve is back.
He’s back, back here, back by your side, back against your body, a thin, reinforced pane of glass separating you both from a thirty-story, sheer drop. If you could shift your feet six inches farther, you’d be flying like a superhero above New York City.
That’s ridiculous. There aren’t people who can fly. Superheros don’t exist…but if they did…
Steve Rogers would be a prime specimen. He and his broad, stabilizing hands—the ones anchoring your hips to that precariously invisible wall, the ones suspending you between ecstasy and terror—would definitely classify as hero-level marvelous.
Your skin buzzes, alive and anticipating. Your mind drowns in the wave of rich, comforted by the scent flooding the air around you.
That damn soap.
Those broad hands move up your sides, gripping so firm and hot your blouse wrinkles in their wake until his fingers finally reach the column of your neck. He replaces the grounding effect of pinning you with a deliberate thrust of his hips. His breath rolls between his fingers at your throat. The sensation brings you back from truly floating.
Your leaden eyelids struggle to open. You hadn’t realized they were even closed. When he fills every sense, what’s lack of sight? He’s just so wonderful to feel, and he’s almost too glorious to behold: dark, blown pupils; tongue striping across his bottom lip; pristinely coifed hair slightly out of place in his rush to corner you.
You missed him. You missed this because this is Steve in your space, and he doesn’t invade. No. Steve enlightens the world around you. He lifts your work-weary soul up another thirty stories high and makes you believe that thing he’s always saying to you.
You’re amazing.
You sure as shit feel amazing when the first prickles of his beard scuttle across your jaw, the distance between you so minuscule now that you’re left with a void of all else but him and his oh-so-smooth, plush lips grazing yours.
With a shaky, deep breath and a sensual rasp to his voice, Steve starts, “So about the Cloutman contract…”
You almost laugh, but you almost slap him, too.
He just won’t quit. It really is so marvelously irritating.
“Shut up,” you huff into his mouth before taking hold of his lapels and making him.
You offer your best reciprocation of hot hands all over him, sliding beneath his coat and blazer to wrap his heaving chest and cling while he shrugs the layers off. Your tongues dance and slow. Your mouths suck and nibble. Your lips touch and tease.
You could not go on like this all night. You need each other after this long apart.
“Got any condoms in your office,” you ask during one break for air.
Steve freezes.
You didn’t actually anticipate the answer would be ‘no.’ Somehow, though he’s never dated much, though he’s rarely even touched you in the office these last two months of dating, you expected him to have…some sort of manly stash everywhere.
“Not in your bag?” you try.
Steve looks horrified, huffing, “You weren’t on the trip with me.” Why would he need condoms without you? his look continues silently.
You bite your lip and try not to laugh.
Door to door, the office to his place is over half an hour, the office to your place takes forty-five minutes on the best day, and to a drug store and back here would cost both twenty minutes and your dignity. You would never send a driver on that kind of errand, so you keep mulling over your options
Steve’s so disappointed, in mourning for his last moments before even more travel, running his fingers along the silky fabric of your blouse, the supple leather of your skirt, and the soft cotton of your panties.
“Maybe we should sit,” you suggest, thinking he’ll walk you over to one of the three chairs in the room, but Steve plunks his ass down right on his coat pooled atop the carpet. 
He pulls you into his lap, hands still roaming your clothing. He seems resigned to staring at the sliver of your décolleté beyond your collar, and it’s natural to tease him by starting to unbutton it. Two weeks is too long to go without seeing that slack-jawed look of envy for the fabrics that are allowed to kiss your skin all day. He’s as ravenous as an addict before they fall right back off the wagon.
“Okay,” you say finally.
Steve absently repeats you, but you’re solid in your decision.
Last week was your period, there are no fluctuations in your cycle to concern you, and you even thought that was a lucky break while your new-ish boyfriend was away. Then the word’s meaning seems to dawn on Steve.
“Okay-okay?” He swallows thickly.
Your top is undone, so you start on his, pulling the Windsor knot loose from his neck and moving slowly.
“Oh-kay,” you repeat, button by button.
Steve inhales sharply through his nose. “Like okay we don’t have one?” His face exposes his thoughts tentatively, a spark of something akin to hope here, a flicker of darker desire there. “You want me to…” he puffs out his chest “…and then I’ll just—“
“—come inside me.”
“—pull out,” he finishes. “What?!” It’s the world’s smallest exclamation. All the air rushes out of him. His blue eyes shadow as if dusk hit the harbor in a sudden eclipse.
You push the crisp white shirt over his broad shoulders.
“Precious,” Steve breathes, “are you sure?” Once the sleeves are off his arms, he pets down his beard. “You…”
“Uh-huh.” You nod, sliding off the navy tie.
“You’re sure,” he says again, unconvinced, short-circuiting. “I never…”
You understand his hesitation, you really do, but Steve doesn’t have to become a broken record questioning your choices. It’s a reasonable call in your monogamous relationship, and if he fucking ruins this for you after waiting half a month for his return, you’re gonna…you’re gonna…get ideas.
Ideas like this one.
You take Steve’s hands in yours and start wrapping the tie around his wrists.
He says nothing. He doesn’t even look down. He just stares at your face as you concentrate on tying a couple of knots on the makeshift binding and glance back up at him. He keeps his hands together, suspended between your bodies, unwilling to move yet.
So you keep working.
You undo his belt and unzip his pants, watching his lips fall open and the thoughts racing behind his eyes slow down. It’s a hard reset—one making Steve harder and harder beneath your touch.
“Hey, Captain,” you husk, leaning into his paralyzed hands only to have him recoil in alarm, “whatcha thinking?”
His long fingers grip gently at your face, face close to yours. Steve licks across his lips excruciatingly slow. “Say it again.” 
“Fuck me.”
He growls, sweeping his arms over your head and pinning you to his chest. With ease, Steve rolls onto his knees and rises, carrying you until your ass hits the chilly wood of your desk. He drags his body between your wide legs.
“Say it again.”
He bends forward, forcing you to lay back with his bound hands cradling your head, heat surging down your body when his warm skin sits flush down your torso. 
With his lips latched just below your ear, you whisper in his, “I want you to come inside me.”
You feel his teeth graze your throat as Steve grunts involuntarily, ripping his hands out from under you and shoving down his pants and boxer briefs. He orders you to remove your panties, demands you unhook the front clasp of your bra, and presses his erection to your core. He praises your exposed beauty while shushing your incoherent whimpers. His arms push past your shoulders and settle beneath the small of your back, angling you perfectly for his cock to slide back and forth through your folds, his hips nudging that too-long neglected bundle of nerves.
No more long, solo business trips, you think before your mind blurs in the low lamp light, you won’t survive another absence.
He spreads your arousal between you for an agonizing eternity, swipe after swipe, making you cry out every time the head of him notches in just the right spot. He could be in you right now. He could be fucking your brains out. At least that would give you reason to be this stupidly cock-crazed already.
“Didn’t use to need it like this,” Steve mutters into the valley of your breasts. “Went so long without. Can’t now.” He nips at the swell of you. “Not a day—not a night without…wanting this.”
He’s slow to push the head in, having foregone stretching you on his fingers, but he lavishes your nipples with attention enough to have you mewling for more.
“…wanting you…”
You gasp as his edging progression throbs across your whole body. His thick length and dextrous tongue coax every thrill back to the side of pleasure that curls your toes and shakes your thighs around him. He thrusts shallowly before pressing deeper, bullying a nipple with strong suction as he struggles to control himself.
“Missed you. Missed you so much.”
It makes you soar to hear him so broken, unable to separate his need for your company from his need to bury himself in you, unable to rein in his raw, animalistic desire to fill you in any way.
Steve fights this nature.
He fights to be respectful. He fights to be appreciative. He fights to ensure you always feel seen as more than just a woman, but right at this moment, it is the greatest accomplishment of your career to override the genius mind of Steve Rogers and make him crumble in worship of your pussy.
When he’s fully seated within your walls, you shiver straight into his embrace.
“I love you,” you breathe, pulling your arms out from beneath his to card through his hair.
Steve whines at the intimacy, muttering how good you feel into your neck before finding you for a kiss.
“I love you, too.”
Your spit-slicked nipples graze his rough chest hair with every bounce of Steve’s frantic and increasingly wild thrusts. His excitement fuels yours, his moans turning to groans while your core heats up like a kettle on the cusp of whistling.
“Are you sure?” he asks, but he sounds so wrecked, so incapable of any rational thought that isn’t pure praise of you.
His huge hands cling to your shoulder blades. The bite of short fingernails barely registers on your sweating skin. All you can do is scream in warning.
Your body clamps down, fluttering a strong and desperate rhythm of its own against him.
“Oh fuck, precious,” Steve pants, hustling to move his arms back around to your front, pressing into your tight stomach, imagining the glide of his cock beneath his palms as he holds you still.
He’s lost and lust-drunk, focused on pumping you full of his cum and relishing the new sensation. His eyes shut, lashes kissing his cheeks, and his head lolls back in one last choked shout.
It’s so much wetter combined with you, so much nastier and possessive.
He kneads gently at your belly, still pushed in as deep as he can be, and lets out a breathy chuckle in utter, debauched bliss.
A second later, Steve easily twists out of the looped tie, tossing it in a heap beside you on the desk and petting every inch of you he can reach as he comes down.
His descending calm only sends you reeling.
You watch the corruption of man in 4K high definition as Steve succumbs to this new, greedy delight. You see the very moment it dawns on him that he’s a righteously common man—replete with vice he’s unlikely to recover from. His downfall keeps you floating on shockwaves like you’re in a mosh pit, his every expression pushing you back into the fog of orgasm.
You did this. You did this to him as much as he did this to you.
Eyes glazed and dark, Steve’s fingertips finally trace the joint of your hip.
The tickle makes you buck against him, knocking him back a little, and slowly, Steve does pull out entirely. He never lets go of you though.
His thumb finds your clit and starts up another leisurely pace. He sits his bare ass on your office chair and looks directly at your exposed sex, staring as the stimulation makes you clench.
 You hear the powerful man between your legs roll forward for a better view. 
You feel him leaking out of you and know he’s holding that gaze for a moment longer before yanking out a few tissues from the box in your drawer and wiping up what he can. He’s gentle, but he doesn’t have to be so slow to clean you. 
You expect that to be it.
He’s brought you back down—albeit teasingly,—returned from his trip to some feral, nomad land, and that’s likely the end of your romp at work with straight-laced, kind Steve Rogers. 
But his hot hand finds your calf, lifting your leg to drape over his shoulder. He doesn’t even wait until the other leg is moved into place before his lips lock around that sensitive nub still aching from attention.
He goes to town, particularly ravenous for more noise, pausing for long periods to caress and nuzzle the plush skin of your thighs. He whispers how he likes the smell of you two together, how it’s stronger, maybe because he’s been away, how you smell potent and ready for him, and he didn’t hurt you, did he? He just wanted you so bad. Needed you.
You lean into his new-found obsession, steadily rising high again, body and soul.
Did he like marking you? you ask. Will he keep thinking about it?
Will he want to keep you full and watch it overflow from you? 
Is he ready to fuck you again already?
Your words don’t even shame the golden boy begging to suffocate between your legs; they only encourage him. He has you gushing again in minutes. It takes longer for the sparking electricity of your high to dissipate than it did to build the charge.
He simply watches with a smile on his face and his lips sliding across the tender back of your knee.
Eventually, you sit up, gasping for air, blouse and bra still trapped on your elbows, skirt still hiked up to your waist. No more words pass between you. You hold each other in an adoring gaze, giggling when he has to help you put your feet back on the ground.
You fluff your destroyed hair and step onto wobbly legs. Steve races to help, but you only move to straddle him in the chair, your hand finding his still-slick cock that’s well on its way to hard. His eyes meet yours and never falter, his hands steady beside your arms in case you need his strength but untouching while you jerk and toy with him. He unabashedly shows you the full mess of him you’ve made, like you let him see of you.
You look over to the clock near the door.
The night is still young, and you missed your boyfriend. He’s full of surprises and you want to explore at least one more before breaking to head home.
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@bucky-fricking-barnes-reads @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @fallinallinmendes @deandreamernp @rach2602 @patzammit @royalwritersoftheuniverses @supraveng @1950schick @yiiiikesmish
A/N: Hey gang, so I'm in a phase of this emotional cluster-fuck that I honestly cannot tell if my work reads well? Normally, I have a decent radar for the quality I'm looking for/proud of, but lately, absolutely nothing makes par. I'm kinda relying on you guys to tell me if and when we get to a point that it's bad and maybe I need to take a real break. I PROMISED SINFUL SUNDAY THOUGH, so I do hope it was at least passable as entertainment! 💚💜
[Main Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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rallamajoop · 8 months
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An absurdly detailed analysis of That One Soldat Photo
Hang around wintersberg fandom long enough, and you'll likely run into a popular crack-theory that, since Heisenberg obviously thinks that building a set of huge, yellow-painted signposts is a good way to point Ethan to the Stronghold, maybe it's Heisenberg who's been leaving all those handy, yellow-painted supply crates all over the place for Ethan to find! It's exactly the kind of fun nonsense I'd enjoy if it didn't feel folks are starting to take it a little too literally (by which I mean I have now read multiple fics in which it's played completely straight ‒ and, like, people do get that it's just a crack theory, right? Like, why would Heisenberg have left so many yellow crates around his own damn factory? Look, you don't have to explain every last game mechanic, not everything is lore!)
But as anyone reading my own fic would know, I'm guilty of echoing the idea that Heisenberg-was-leaving-stuff-for-Ethan myself ‒ just not because of any yellow-striped crates. No, I'm way more interested in this one weird soldat-photo you can find in the village ‒ long hours before you'll ever see your first Soldat in the flesh...
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Very creepy. And if you turn it over, you'll find a clue to a puzzle you'll have to solve in order to progress.
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(And of course, when you do look out the window, odds are you'll get jump-scared by a lycan just when you're focused on the numbers, because RE8 loves that sort of misdirection ‒ but I digress.)
Anyway, the code you can see out the window will open a safe containing a jack handle you'll need to move a vehicle in the village, as well as the M1911 pistol (which will very likely be your go-to handgun for the rest of the game). The game is full of conveniently-helpful clues like that (heck, most games are), often with no obvious Watsonian justification. And there are other photos around the village ‒ Luiza has a whole photo album ‒ but photos of experiments created by Miranda and her lords don't generally turn up outside their own territory.
For a player exploring the village for the first time, that photo is a lovely little bit of foreshadowing, hinting at monsters and factory stages to come. But on replaying with full knowledge of Heisenberg's later attempts to get Ethan on his side, that Soldat photo is just enough to make you go, huh... did Heisenberg leave that for Ethan? Like, on purpose?
You can find another copy of that photo later, in Heisenberg's factory, along with his notes on his early series Soldat experiments. Which doesn't really prove anything beyond the fact that assets exist to be reused... but it does at least make it pretty canon that Heisenberg has photos of his Soldats sitting around.
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Possibly also significant: both the clue photo and the factory documents are tagged 'geekmemo' in the game files. Most everything related to Heisenberg in the files is labeled 'geek'-something ‒ it seems to be an early nickname for his character that lasted well into production. Everything in the factory is geek-something, even the model for the passageway from the altar to the bridge is labeled 'pathtogeek'. Considering that so many soldat-related assets are already labeled 'geek', maybe that 'geekmemo' tag doesn't really tell us anything we don't already know ‒ but it certainly doesn't work against the idea that Heisenberg wrote that 'memo' himself.
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Besides, it's not like there isn't precedent for this kind of thing. RE7 had a whole mechanic where you'd have to find 'treasure photos' pointing out the location of a few rare and useful items, all with "I hid something here" written on the back. We're never explicitly told who left those photos lying around, but it's obviously Lucas: he loves playing games, he loves taunting prisoners with the possibility of escape, and who else would it be? The complete population of the Baker mansion is like 6 people and a bunch of semi-sentient mould.
Over in RE8, there are a lot more village resident who might have left that clue lying around. Like it or not though, Heisenberg is very much RE8's equivalent of Lucas: the family's wildcard show-boater who loves making Ethan jump through hoops for his amusement. So how does the game let us know it was Heisenberg who left this particular clue? Well, who else would leave a message on the back of a Soldat photo?
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There's may be additional supporting evidence Heisenberg could be involved ‒ most notably the location, being a locked-off cul-de-sac labeled 'Workshop' on signs and maps. The area is full of metal junk very much like you'll later see lying around the factory.
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The workshop location does have other relevance ‒ it makes sense that you'd find the jack handle in the village workshop, whether Heisenberg was involved or not. But it also stands to reason that if there's anywhere in the village proper where Heisenberg might hang around and leave clues for Ethan, the workshop is it. And you have to admit that leaving Ethan useful stuff in a safe along with an easy clue that will likely get him jumped by a lycan is 100% more in-character for the guy than just leaving useful stuff out in the open, even if it doesn't really prove anything either.
There's one more weird-little does-this-mean-anything detail: there are three dead crows near the safe too.
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It's not the first time in the game you've seen dead crows (there were a bunch outside the village, and I've talked about what that might mean in the context of Miranda's cult before). But I don't remember finding any others around the village itself, other than in this one spot. And instead of being hung from trees like a ritual sacrifice, these ones are just dead ‒ messily, and with blood everywhere.
Now, maybe it doesn't mean anything, but is there anyone in the village more likely to vent his frustrations by violently killing a few of Mother Miranda's avian avatars than Heisenberg? I'd think not.
In conclusion: I still don't think all those yellow crates have anything to do with Heisenberg. And I still don't know for sure whether the RE8 development team wanted me to assume that Heisenberg left Ethan that photo, jack handle and gun. I don't know if we're supposed to read that Heisenberg keeps a workshop in the village and sometimes kills crows out of spite. But the evidence sure does point that way ‒ and it's as valid an interpretation as anything else you might take from this game.
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lavenderbexlatte · 8 months
day 8: seduction
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nct 1.6k words female reader insert Reader x Na Jaemin suggestive/SFW
🖤 warnings: a reader with no game, jaemin turned out a little mean but in a sexy way just trust the process🖤
kinktober masterlist
connect with me! / masterlist
"Oh, you're gonna lose that bet."
You look at Giselle, taking in her unamused face under the weird half-lighting in the corner of the library. She has one side of her over-ear headphones slid off, her phone open in her hand to her messages.
"How d'you figure?"
She raises a brow. "What exactly did Yeri bet you?"
Yeri snitched about the bet. Of course she did.
"That I couldn't seduce one of the guys who always use that study room by the time the library closes." You point across the library floor, to the row of doors along one wall.
"Yeah. At about 12 midnight, you're gonna owe her..."
"A week of meals," you supply helpfully.
Giselle sighs.
"You're doubting my game?" you ask.
"No, I just know-"
"You should be on my side about this, what the hell?"
"Have you ever spoken to any of them?"
The guys who use that study room are a bunch of loud, beautiful performing-arts types. Their hair changes color on the regular, but it's always shitty, like they exclusively do it at home in the bathroom. Usually, you can hear them clear through the walls, but since this floor is almost always empty (hence why you yourself study here), they don't get in trouble. They also seem to know the tall bespectacled student staff who runs the front desk, so you suppose that helps.
"No," you say.
"Then why do you think you'd suddenly be able to pull one?" she asks.
You're resolute. "Don't doubt my game!"
"I'm pretty sure at least two of them are dating each other," Giselle says.
"That's not my fault."
The side-eye is strong. "Sure. But don't blame me when you're starving to death because all of your meal swipes are going to Yeri."
Giselle snaps her headphones back on, and ignores you like she'd been doing all evening.
You have two hours to seduce one of the guys.
Might as well start.
You're thinking maybe the mop-haired one who always wears the Warriors jersey. He's cute, and he's got something desperate about him. Like maybe just the attention would be enough to seal the deal. And if not him, there's the skinny jeans guy who's always hanging around Mark and Jaehyun from the graduate music department.
But when you get to the study room and peer in the tiny window, there's only one guy inside.
It's one of them. But it's the most enigmatic one.
A generic, soft, handsome face, unassuming in a big sweatshirt. You remember seeing him in a tank top earlier in the fall, though, before it got cold, and you know he's got some shoulders and arms under that heavy fabric. You'd watched him for just a little bit too long, that day.
He's not the one you were going to pick, but he might just be the one you secretly wanted most.
You're just kind of staring, and after a moment, he looks up. Suddenly, as if you'd thrown something at him. He furrows a thick brow.
Sheepish, you point, asking wordlessly if you can come in. He nods, still a picture of confusion.
"Hi," you say, as you close the thick wooden door behind you.
These rooms aren't quite soundproof, but they are meant to at least partially muffle the noise from group projects and stuff.
"What's wrong?" he asks.
It's an odd question.
"Nothing," you say. "Um. I just wanted to...say hi."
He tilts his head to one side curiously, kind of puppylike. "Why today?"
You're thoroughly caught off-guard. "I'm sorry?"
"I see you here every day. Why today?"
"Less embarrassing when you're alone," you say, and though that is not the reason, it is true.
He nods once, firm. "Okay."
"What's your name?" you ask.
Jaemin is exceptionally off-putting. Usually, you have game. You weren't lying to Giselle about that. But this dude...you already don't understand him at all.
You tell him your name, too, and he just nods.
He's off-putting, but you might as well get started. You've met college guys before. Usually, the bare minimum of concerted attention is enough to catch their interest. They're easy like that, always desperate for some ass. You smile.
"You're really handsome, Jaemin."
He nods again. "I know."
Most of his attention is still on the textbook open in front of him.
"You know," you repeat.
"Yeah. I own a mirror."
He should be infuriating, what with the things he's saying, but he's speaking so matter-of-factly. Not arrogant, just assured. Rather than making you want to leave, his bizarre manner is making you want to pull up a seat.
"Do you mind?" you ask, gesturing to one of the seats across from him.
Another nod. "Doesn't look like you have anything to study, though."
"That's okay," you say. "What's that?"
"Obviously. For what?"
He's pre-med. Of course he is.
Slowly, so slowly, Jaemin closes the book. He looks across the table at you, gaze even. "What do you actually want?"
He doesn't even seem annoyed, but still, you wilt. "Do you want me to be honest?"
"My friend bet me that I couldn't seduce-"
"Seduce?" he interrupts. "That was you seducing?"
Jaemin smiles. It's incredibly charming, flawless teeth and matching eyesmile, the kind of big childish smile that changes his whole face.
You shrug, helpless. "I mean, kinda."
"No offense, but were you even trying?"
It's hard not to be offended. You scoff. You stand up again, and take a few steps backward toward the door.
"I was trying," you say.
"That's worse, then."
He stands up too. He's taller than he looks seated and slouching. He tilts his head again, looking at you curiously. You could probably duck out right now and then just hope that he never talks to you again, but then he asks you the most ridiculous question.
"Do you want me to show you what it's supposed to be like?"
Your stomach drops. "What?"
Jaemin's smile is so bright and empty, but he has terrifyingly intelligent eyes. Like he's putting on a show, and he knows that it's working.
"Do you need me to show you how to seduce someone?" he asks.
"I...I mean..."
"It's an offer," he says lightly. "You can say no."
You'd be fucking insane to say no.
"Sure. Yeah."
"Yeah." You swallow your nerves. "How do you seduce someone, then?"
His smile drops into a pout. "Easy. Someone just has to want you."
Jaemin has his hands in his jeans pockets as he wanders around the big wooden table toward you. He's slouching again, shapeless in terrycloth, but suddenly, visions of his bare arms fill your mind. He stops short just in front of you, making you look upward to meet his eyes. His tongue pokes out between his teeth, daring.
"I think it's already working," he comments.
He leans down a little, forcing you to bend backward to keep a respectable distance between the two of you.
"Do you want me?" he asks.
Skilled, measured, his gaze drops from your face, down your chest, down and down, and snaps back up to your face. You can tell this is formulaic for him, that he really is just showing you the method to his charisma. But you can't help how it's making you feel.
The bloom of butterflies in your stomach from the close attention, the buzzing under your skin as he checks you out so openly. He's gorgeous. He smells pretty. And he's so close to you.
"You can tell the truth," he adds.
You realize you're still bending your spine awkwardly, so you duck away from him, seeking refuge against the table edge, behind his turned back.
He laughs, full and a little shrill. "Come on, now."
The table is solid against the back of your legs as you catch your breath. Jaemin does turn around, though, and he laughs again at whatever expression he finds on your face.
"Oh, you want me," he says.
"I didn't say that," you answer.
Jaemin's smile twists, just a little, taking on an edge of the cold intelligence in his eyes. "Then tell me you don't."
He gets closer, again.
He walks right up to you. Nearly chest to chest. One of his hands is gentle on your side, a little bit of persuasion, until you're sitting on the tabletop. It makes you a good head shorter than him, perched as you are. Jaemin nudges in to stand between your spread knees.
He's not touching anywhere he shouldn't be, not saying anything. He's just looking at you.
It's good that he's not touching you, and good that you're wearing pants today, too, because you can feel yourself fucking throbbing at his careless attention.
"Tell me you don't want me," Jaemin repeats.
He's playing chicken with you, now, as he leans in close again. His eyes are so brown. The ends of his hair are absolutely fried.
His face is inches from yours when you break.
"I want you."
That tongue pokes back out between his teeth. He's way too pleased. "I knew it."
It occurs to you, then, that as much as he accused you of not doing anything to seduce him, he didn't have to do a goddamn thing to seduce you.
You shiver.
"Tell me," Jaemin says. "What were you going to do with me, once you seduced me?"
"I mean..." You blink at him. "I mean...I just...nothing, I guess."
He taps you on the tip of your nose with one pointer finger. It's fond in a way that sends the butterflies into a frenzy.
"Then that's what I'll do with you," he decides.
Like a switch flipping, Jaemin's smile turns bright and sunny again. He pivots on the spot, and goes to open the door again. He gestures you out.
Dumbfounded, you obey, weak legs taking you right out into the library again.
"Try again next time," he tells you, cheerful.
The door shuts.
Giselle is never going to let you live that down.
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“Are you happy, in this relationship?”
The protagonist’s entire body stilled. “Of course.”
“Really? Because I’m not.”
The two of them were in the most romantic setting the protagonist could think of – a little boat winding lazily down a gentle river, shaded by lush forest on both sides. It was bathed in the soft golds and pinks of early evening.
“I can be better,” the protagonist said.
But their soulmate only smiled. “That’s impossible, dear. You’re already perfect.”
The protagonist’s chest tightened as though boulders were piling atop it.
“You’re smart,” the soulmate went on. “You’re kind. You get my sense of humour. And you have this way of viewing everything . . . [Protagonist], it’s breathtaking to see the world from your eyes.”
“Then why are we having this conversation?”
“You’re my perfect puzzle piece. The matching shoe . . . all that dumb stuff they said about soulmates. But this . . .” They gestured to the romantic scenery. “I wasn’t meant for this.”
The protagonist stared at the slow churning water. “Are you breaking up with me?”
The soulmate gave an infuriating shrug. “I don’t know.”
“Well, alright then.” The protagonist laughed, tight and bitter. “Just tell me when you decide whether or not you’re going to ruin my life.”
“See, this is what I hate about having a soulmate. About being a soulmate. Why do I have to be this wonderful, amazing thing for someone else? The thing you need to live, apparently. Why can’t I just be a person?”
“I never asked you to stop being a person.”
“I’m not making myself clear.” The soulmate sighed. “Just, doesn’t it strike you as odd that they never presented this soulmate thing to us as a choice? Like, of course we were destined to find each other. Of course we’d want to be together forever.”
“Well yeah. That’s what a soulmate is.”
“You’re never just . . . absolutely furious that no one ever told us there were other ways to be happy? That we didn’t have to do this?”
“You’re still not making sense. What could be better than a soulmate?”
“I don’t know. Dinner parties. Family road trips. A bunch of friends sitting around a campfire, getting high together ’til the sun comes up.”
“Those are all things the two of us can do together.”
“But they’re also things we can do with everyone else. Fuck, [Protagonist]. Give me one reason why I have to value one person over literally everybody else in my life. Why do people always insist that I need a soulmate?” Their eyes glistened, and their voice was hitched. Almost pleading. “Sometimes I feel like I’m getting fucking brainwashed.”
“Right. Because loving your own soulmate is brainwashing.”
The soulmate leveled a stare at them. “Do you even love me?”
“Excuse me?”
“You’re good at hiding it. And you never take it out on me. Which, in my own way, I love you for. But I’ll see the dark circles under your eyes. And the moments when you go really quiet. And the mornings where we wake up together, and I can tell that it actually hurts you to talk to me.”
“[Soulmate] . . .”
“Tell me right now that you’re happy, and I’ll believe you.” Their eyes bore into the protagonist. “I’ll never question you on it again.”
The protagonist paused. They had what they wanted, right?
The soulmate seemed to imagine an alternative life for themself full of people and community. But in the protagonist’s darkest hours of the night, they imagined . . .
The mud soft beneath their boots, the invigorating rain splashing their face. The smell of rich, dark soil. The sound of wind in the treeline. Of twittering, of rustling, of life. The budding spring branches, reaching like children’s hands up into the infinite sky.
The protagonist, alone. Just them and the wide-open world. It wasn’t lonely, never lonely. It was a freedom, the likes of which they’d never actually known.
But still.
The protagonist peered steadily at the person they’d always been fated for.
I can’t be the fuckup who couldn’t make it work even with my own soulmate. 
“I’m happy,” the protagonist lied.  
Loosely inspired by this post by @aromantic-spinda
A-spec stories taglist:
@feline17ff , @piept , @doublericenobeans , @vioqueenofmushrooms , @pigeonwhumps , @thelazywitchphotographer 
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So uh... in my last story I sorta implied Pomni was autistic. This is the story that confirms it. I wanted to explore more of her worldview and how she might find ways to pass the time. So this is what came out of it. It's a bit short, but it's personal and sweet and I think you'll like it. Lists T/W: profanity in some of the linked songs? I guess? I hope anyone who reads my stuff has heard the word fuck or shit before...
Pomni paced about her room. Pacing helped her think. She was here indefinitely, and while her boyfriend and girlfriend kept her from slipping too far into existential despair, boredom was a whole different animal. So, after racking her brain for several hours one evening after dinner, she finally settled on the one idea that would offer instant gratification.  
Lists. Lists of what? Well, any kind of list. Chronological lists, best to worst lists and vice-versa, top 100 lists… something about them scratched a hot red itch in her brain. Information could be so overwhelming when it was just flopped in front of you, especially in huge portions. If it was broken up piece by piece based on certain categories, it was far more digestible. You didn’t shove an entire pizza in your mouth, after all, you cut it into slices. Being able to break something down was not only comforting, but satisfying. Maybe that’s why she was so good with numbers…
So, Pomni went to Gangle. She had plenty of paper. Most of her room was covered with drawings of all sorts, done in crayon, colored pencil, watercolors, magic marker, even the odd charcoal. 
“Sure, I can lend you some paper…” Gangle had said with a timid but pleasantly surprised smile. “I didn’t know you liked drawing too, Pomni.” 
Pomni laughed a little. “Um, actually, I was going to make a journal. To keep up with all of the wild stuff that goes on around here, you know…?” 
“Oh, okay! That’s a good idea! I don’t know if I have any regular pencils, but I have some black colored ones. Would that be okay..?” 
Pomni had told her it was perfectly fine, and she went back to her room with ten big sheets of sketchbook paper, three black colored pencils and a red twist sharpener. She made a makeshift desk, the flat side of one of the oversized building blocks in her room and another building block for a chair. No real lumbar support, but eh. Her body was a bunch of pixels anyway. She set her things down tidily, placed one of the sheets in the middle of her desk, and began to write.
She tapped her pencil on her desk. Man, it felt good to have something to fiddle with while she thought… She decided to start with a profile of every other performer in the circus. She began by writing out a quick template, something she could use as a reference so every profile followed the same pattern. After some thinking, she came up with this: 
Name: Their name (duh)
Potential Real Name: Educated guesses on what their real name was before they came here
Likes: Hobbies, favorite foods and candies, favorite people 
Dislikes: Fears, least favorite foods and candies, anything else that bugs them 
Musical Taste: Music I’ve heard them listen to on Layla, or if I’ve asked them. 
*Hobby Related Stuff: See asterisk
Personality: What they’re like. What they’re like to me, others, etc.
*Variable, only if needed for major hobbies
Things like gender or age didn’t matter since she already knew all of those by heart. Personality would be the biggest category obviously… well, the only way to see if it satisfied her was to try it.
So she started with the first person that popped into her head.
Name: Jax 
Potential Real Name(s): Jackson/Jack, John/Jonathan/Johnny, Max/Maxwell, Braxton, First initial J, middle initial A, last initial X, Alexander/Alex, Xavier
Likes: Me, Ragatha, practical jokes, spaghetti and meatballs, lock picking, bowling, Nerds Rope
Dislikes: Corn, bad dreams, condescension, authority, anime, Ayn Rand, black licorice
Musical Taste: Radiohead, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Alice In Chains, Foster the People, Soundgarden, Garbage (the artist), Linkin Park, Flyleaf, whoever wrote that song “Pepper,” Big Black, Bad Brains
Personality: Formerly a bitter, selfish assho-
Pomni stopped to think. She had never tried actually writing down a swear word here before. They were never censored in her head, thankfully, but as soon as they left her mouth they were filtered out. 
She picked up her template sheet and wrote “asshole” in the bottom left corner. A few moments later, a black censor bar appeared over it. Pomni smirked ruefully and went back to Jax’s profile, scribbling out the beginnings of her swear word and continuing. 
Personality: Formerly a bitter, selfish jerk. In fact, in some ways, he still is. One of the first adventures I ever went on with him, he threw me out a window between two moving trucks. He kept putting things like tacks and whoopee cushions on my chair at dinner, hid bugs in my room, he was awful…  A few months later, he let me come into his room and talked to me about the law of entropy… He actually said he was sorry for the way he treated me after that. Then he got me my favorite food (honey-glazed garlic salmon), down to the way I like it cooked. I kissed him. He kissed me back. We kissed a lot. We didn’t really know what we were for a while, but it got made clear pretty quickly that we both loved each other.  
Now he’s… better. Not perfect… no one is perfect, but… he’s grown a lot. I don’t know what changed. He told me once he acted like such a bully so people would forget about this whole purgatory situation and be mad at him instead of at the world. I didn’t believe that then and I still don’t. I could ask him, but I don’t know how he’d react. I guess I’ll wait and see.
Anyway. He’s great, really. Underneath that sandpapery outer shell, he’s just as vulnerable and human as the rest of us. He’s funny, he’s charming, he’s handsome… and most importantly, he’s genuine. I love him. 
Pomni smiled at this completed profile and set it aside. She paused to sharpen her colored pencil, the lead on the end worn down to a nub. After it was sufficiently sharp, she grabbed a fresh sheet of sketchbook paper, cracking her knuckles and fixing her posture before getting back to work. 
Name: Ragatha
Potential Real Name: Agatha, Raquelle, Ann/Anna/Annie, Annabelle, Agnes, Anya, Christie
Likes: All of us here- me included, horses, video games, ballet, hugs, stuffed animals.
Dislikes: Centipedes, circus peanuts, ripping her stitches… she doesn’t have a lot of dislikes.
Musical Taste: Aretha Franklin, Roberta Flack, Smokey Robinson, Tom Petty, Pink Floyd, OutKast, Kendrick Lamar, Joan Jett, Carole King
Video Games She Likes (Heavily Abridged): Dark Souls Trilogy, Final Fantasy VII, Legend of Zelda, Goldeneye, Spyro the Dragon, Bloodborne, Uncharted 2, Assassin’s Creed 2, tons more…
Personality: When I first got here, I thought Ragatha was just being nice to me because I was new. But she just… never stopped being nice. She always had my back, always had something encouraging to say… I left her behind like a coward the first day I was here and she didn’t give up on me. I look up to her.
She’s not perfect. She can be a bit arrogant without meaning to, and she used to let Jax walk all over her, but… well, things are a lot different with Jax now. And I think she helped in some way with that… 
I love her just as much as I love Jax. I couldn’t imagine life without her sweet smile and her cute laugh and her hugs. Oh my god, her hugs! I HATE hugs, but somehow she makes hers incredible. She’s incredible.
Pomni re-read the profile and grinned. Oh, this felt so GOOD. Being able to put her thoughts down and in the form of a neatly organized set of lists. Scraps of order in this world of never ending chaos… She needed to write more.
She sharpened her colored pencil again and started work on Gangle’s profile, breezing straight through it and moving on to the next person. Zooble’s profile wasn’t as complete as the other three so far, since Pomni didn’t know as much about them. She would just have to add more to it the more she found out about Zooble. 
She was a good ways into Kinger’s profile, adding Luna moth to his list of favorite insects, when her eyelids sagged. Pomni grunted and rubbed her eyes. Time must have really gotten away from her. She should ask Caine for a clock. Well… maybe not. Seeing time slowly creep by in this prison would probably do more harm than good. Either way, she must have been writing for an hour or two, it made sense for her to be tired. She went on an adventure that day. 
She decided to take a break, give her brain a chance to wander. She crossed her arms on her desk and laid her head atop them. Sketchbook paper always had a pleasant, ethereal smell to it, like a shaft of sunlight illuminating a shelf of old yellowed scrolls in a castle’s study. She loved that smell. Pomni felt even more at ease. She found something to pass the time, and nobody could stop her. She could write as many lists as she wanted, about anything she wanted. She closed her eyes, the warm, private dark behind her lids the perfect place to imagine what she could write next. 
Within minutes, she was asleep. 
The faint yet insistent song of birds woke Pomni up. She blearily opened her eyes, lifting her head up off of her arms, the spots on them where her head rested warm and flushed. Pomni reached a gloved hand to her right eye and rubbed it, something slipping off of her shoulders and drifting politely to the floor. She turned around to find her comforter rumpled about her chair. It must have been draped over her while she slept at her desk. Did she do that..? She turned back to her desk.
 It took her eyes a moment to defog, but everything on her desk was right where she left it, Kinger’s profile stopping at Luna moth. She stretched, a yawn bubbling up and escaping her mouth. She picked her blanket up and made her bed, tempted to flop right back down onto it and get some more sleep. But she needed to organize her things first. 
She yawned into her palm and picked up the completed profiles, tapping the sheaf of papers on her improvised desk so they fell into order. She blinked and examined the top sheet. It was written in purple colored pencil, not her black one, and it definitely wasn’t her handwriting. She held it a bit closer.
Name: Pomni
Potential Real Name: No idea
Nicknames: Pompom, Poms, New Stuff, Newbie, Shorty, Clownface, Jingles
Likes: Jax and Ragatha, Salmon and rice, number puzzles, swimming, long walks, lemon drops, fudge ripple ice cream, cuddling
Dislikes: Hugs from strangers, snakes, spicy candies, cooking, whoopee cushions
Musical Taste: U2, Coldplay, Snow Patrol, Marina and The Diamonds, Regina Spektor, Keane, Ariana Grande, Corinne Bailey Rae, Duffy
Personality: Pomni shouldn’t have lasted long here. She’s a nervous wreck that’s prone to crying, depression, overstimulation and anxiety attacks. We were all a little worried she would abstract early. 
But she never did. She showed everyone that not only is she tougher than she looks, she’s smart as a whip and one of the most courageous people any of us have ever met. She’s a great friend to everyone, and never gave up on even the people here that seemed beyond help.
We all love you, Pomni. 
Pomni set the piece of paper down on her desk. She rubbed her eyes again, her glove coming away flecked with water. She got everything organized, sliding her paper and pencils under her bed. She took the sheet with purple handwriting, folded it neatly, and tucked it into her pillowcase. She rubbed her eyes again, sighed shakily, and opened the door to her room, ready to meet the sunrise. 
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scaradooche · 3 months
“Oh, hi.” you say not expecting to see him here. Honestly you weren’t expecting to see him at all. When you first found out the he went to this school you wanted to find him and actually have a proper conversation with him but now that you have the opportunity to speak with him you lost all confidence.
He gives you a sincere chuckle. “Hi, you don’t mind if sitting here, right?”
“Ah, no I don’t mind at all.” you say giving him a friendly smile. You can see him return the gesture which only gets you a little flustered. You decide to brush off the feeling. When you finally are able to get over the feeling you notice that he was getting something from his backpack a notebook and a pen.
“Are you actually planning on doing work.” you ask him now feeling a little dumb that you were just drawing instead of doing actual work.
“Hm, no I just brought some stuff out just in case for some reason Ms. Cordez decides to come back in.”
“Oh, gotcha, um can I ask you a question?”
“Go ahead.”
“So like are you perhaps still mad at me for making your little brother cry..” you ask hesitantly.
He laughs at your question which leaves you a little confused. You’re not quite sure why he’s laughing and you’re not quite sure why he’s not responding. It’s genuine question that needs a genuine answer to it. After a while of you just staring at him laughing he finally decides to speak.
“Hm, y’know I’ve actually talked to my brother about what happened after I dmed you. He says he found it quite funny now that he looks back at it. So to answer your question no I’m not mad at you.” He says with what seems like a genuine smile.
“Ah, glad to know that he’s not scared of me.” you say with a awkward smile plastered on your face. You can’t help but feel that this conversation seems stiff, awkward and forced. You can also tell that he feels it to when he’s brings up a question perhaps trying to make small talk with you but honestly that’s just more awkward in your opinion.
“Y’know I never got your full name.”
“Y/n L/n, how bout you?”
He gives you a cheeky grin and answers.
Some how with just one question a whole conversation happens in a blink of an eye. You find out a bunch of things about Ajax. You find out that for some odd reason he goes by three names Ajax, Childe, and Tartaglia. He told you that he favors the name Childe the most but he wouldn’t mind if you called him Ajax. Something else that you found out about Childe was that he was family guy and adored his siblings so much. You also found out that he’s a varsity football player. All of this new found information about him was really interesting to hear. For some reason you wanted learn more about him. So that’s what you did.
Throughout the conversation you let him do most of the talking. You find his voice soothing and relaxing and you can honestly listen to it all day his voice is the type of voice you could never get tired of listening to but you did talk occasionally when he asked you questions. Honestly this conversation was more one sided with him doing all the talking but you don’t think he minded it since the whole time he talking he had huge smile plastered all over his face. It reminded you of a puppy.
Unfortunately for you they are right when they say time does fly by faster when you’re having fun because before you knew it the two hours passed by and the door opened their stood Ms. Cordez. For some odd reason your actually happy you got detention. Getting the chance to talk to Childe was nice and refreshing in a way.
“The two hours are over and all of you may finally leave. I left your phones in a box over there and you may find your phone and leave. Have a great Friday.” and with that she takes off clearly not wanting to be here anymore. Before you can stand up and grab your phone Childe hands you something.
“Hm, what’s this?”
“My number.” he says with a sly grin on his face. He doesn’t let you get another word out before he gets up and just leaves. You look like a idiot just standing there with a dumb grin all over your face but you couldn’t really care less at the moment.
3.0: Jk I love you Ms. Cordick
Fun Facts + A/N:
Said it would probably come out as the same day as the last one I lied srry
Most likely grammar mistakes
Pls check out last chapter I fixed it up
Y/n is more confident online than irl 😓
Only 1 fun fact cus I’m tired af and can’t think of any more 😞😔
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sporesgalaxy · 1 year
Real curious about trigun but I got three questions:
1) what's up with the Christian vibes?
2)the blond guys (plants???) have trans vibes, actual coding or just an accident? (fine either way just curious)
3) what's the plot? Space cowboys?
Anyways Millie is cool, (I once mistook the girl typically next to her for that guy from genshin impact)
1) Christian vibes are why I want to lock myself in a room for a month and emerge with a 3 hour video essay about Trigun very very badly right now.
Trigun spends a lot of time exploring Forgiveness, Mercy, and Redemption, which are famously also the themes of Jesus' wacky adventures in the New Testament.
But. You know how in the old testament there was like a bunch of Divine Wrath and stuff? And it feels really incongruent with the forgiveness in the New Testament sometimes. And also for many centuries Christians have cited God's divine acts of wrath as justification for incredible acts of cruelty against their fellow man? You know how that history of cruelty and punishment is, at this point, just as synonymous with Christianity as the Jesus Forgiveness stuff?
Well Trigun is about how the Jesus Forgiveness stuff is better. Not because Jesus said so but because of the enormous OBSERVABLE positive impact that forgiveness and redemption can have. Positive impact that wrath and retribution rob all parties involved of the chance to witness.
Trigun tells a story which demonstrates this in largely secular situations but underscores both the forgiveness and the wrath with divine imagery. And since both the forgiveness and the wrath are equally visually tied to the divine, symbols of divinity cannot be considered synonymous with perfection, unerring judgement, nor inherent rightness or goodness. Divinity becomes simply a symbol of power, and power is a double-edged sword as well. The power to do good is also the power to cause massive harm, and in many cases people will treat power pessimistically out of an understandable will for self-preservation.
But power is neither inherently good nor bad-- power ultimately reflects the flawed and fallible person weilding it. I could go on but this is really long so I'll stop lol :)
WAIT. Divinity = Power, Angels are the symbol of Divinity, Angels are messengers of God, Communication and connecting with others is emphasized, Communication = Power = Divinity ok I'll stop for real tee hee
2) I don't know if the trans coding was intentional, but HOLY SHIT is it THERE.
Most blatantly, Vash and Knives are Plants, and every other Plant we see is referred to as a woman/has female secondary sex characteristics.
Also Plants visually resemble angels, and it's common belief angels do not have gender like humans do since they are pure and holy beings. I couldn't quickly find a source for that, but I know that Alchemy has some emphasis on hermaphroditism as, like, the holier form. So I guess by that logic you could also say they're intersex but I'm veering off topic.
Thirdly in the 1998 anime they gave the child versions of Vash and Knives long hair that ended up being cut off in ways that symbolized important developments in their identities. Knives example is what I have on hand lol. It just smacks of transgenderism.
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Wacky space cowboy Vash the Stampede roams the space desert planet where humans are barely hanging onto survival using the tech of their spacefaring ancestors! He can shoot with perfect accuracy, and is wanted for DESTROYING AN ENTIRE CITY, but is a staunch pacifist?! How odd!
What's Vash's deal? What happened that made humans unable to go back to space? Why'd they land on this desert planet that sucks to live on? Learn this and much more in TRIGUN!
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captainsophiestark · 8 months
Always Be Prepared
Poe Dameron x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Fictober 2023!
Fandom: Star Wars
Day 21 Prompt: "Just in case this doesn't work."
Summary: Poe and his SO are supposed to be completing a simple, subtle reconnaissance mission, but a complication might make the 'subtle' part challenging.
Word Count: 1,073
Category: Fluff
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"This is... not good."
My boyfriend, Poe Dameron, and I stood shoulder to shoulder, tucked into our hiding spot as we watched First Order troops crawl all over the ship we were supposed to be escaping on. We'd come to this world on an intelligence gathering mission. Unfortunately for us, we apparently hadn't gone completely unnoticed.
Poe shrugged, nudging his shoulder against mine. "I don't know, it could be worse. We could've been in the ship when they swarmed it."
I huffed a laugh. "I guess that's true. So what do we do now?"
"Hmm. Did you see any other ships around here that we could take off with instead?"
"Not unless you count the ships the First Order came in on. And somehow I don't think we're gonna have much luck taking one of those."
"Then we need a distraction. Something big enough to draw them away from our ship, so big that we actually have half a shot at getting past those troopers."
Poe and I hummed in thought, each scanning our surroundings and staring off into space to try to get some inspiration. We'd spent enough time studying maps of this place and actually combing through it in the past few hours that if there was anything to be done, we should've been able to figure it out.
My eyes wandered over the door we'd just come from, leading to the heart of the building, including its power core.
A crazy, stupid, terrible idea hit me like lightning. I turned to Poe and found him staring back, the same spark of insanity I'd fallen in love with glimmering behind his eyes.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" he asked, a manic grin growing slowly on his face. I shook my head.
"I kind of hate to say this, but yeah, I think I am."
"Well then, what are we waiting for?"
A better, less dangerous idea, I thought, but didn't say it out loud. Poe and I had done and survived all kinds of crazy things in our time with the Resistance, both together and apart. If we'd made it this far, then odds were good that we'd keep making it. Right?
As one, we turned and headed in the opposite direction from our ship, back into the heart of the facility we'd stolen information from. With the discovery of our ship, security had surely been tightened, but we still made it to our target.
The building's energy core hummed before us like a giant glowing weak point. If someone were to blow it up, they'd certainly cause a distraction worthy of attention from a bunch of First Order stormtroopers.
"You know, I feel like it's concerning that we're so in sync about stuff like this," I said as Poe and I moved around the room, quickly identifying weak points where we could do the most damage with just a few charges.
"I think we should be more concerned about why you bring explosive charges with you every time we go on a mission."
I shrugged. "It's working out for us so far, isn't it? You never know when a fast and easy sabotage method might come in handy in our line of work."
"I... guess I can't argue with that," said Poe with a chuckle. We worked together to place the charges, then I hooked up a remote detonator while Poe watched the door. Once everything was set, I gave him a thumbs up and went to meet him by the door. We ducked and dodged through the ever-increasing security measures, thankfully, finally making it back to our hiding spot in front of our ship.
It seemed like another group or two of storm troopers had made their way over, and I knew it was only a matter of time until they started expanding their search radius. It wouldn't take them long to find Poe and I if we didn't do something soon.
"Alright, should we go for it?" I asked, holding the detonator up in question to Poe. Suddenly, this plan felt a lot riskier than before we'd actually been ready to implement it.
"Hold on, one more thing first."
With that, he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me to him. He kissed me, hard, and after a second's surprise I melted into him, kissing him back just as hard. After a few long, savored moments, Poe pulled away, leaving me a little breathless as I subconsciously trailed after him. He grinned.
"Just in case this doesn't work," he said by way of explanation. I just smiled and shook my head.
"Get ready to run to the ship and go like hell, Flyboy. Once I press this button, it's mostly on you to get us out of here. I'll watch our backs."
Poe winked at me, and I smiled back at him. I took a deep breath, trying to steel myself as best I could, then pushed the button on the detonator.
A moment later, an explosion rocked the building. All the stormtroopers in front of us dropped what they were doing to look up in shock, and as the chain reaction of the explosion continued, they started shouting and rushing towards the building to try to do something. As a result, our ship was left almost completely unguarded.
In perfect sync, Poe and I took off running. I let him get a bit ahead of me, then turned as I ran, ready to shoot at anyone who tried to stop our escape.
Lucky for us, the distraction had worked even better than planned. With a First Order facility literally going up in smoke, even the few people left on the other ships in the yard were too distracted to notice Poe and I taking off until it was basically too late to stop us.
Once we made it to Hyperspace headed back for Resistance HQ, I let myself relax all the way. I put a hand on Poe's shoulder and kissed him on the cheek, then flopped back in my seat to watch the stars streak by.
"Nice work," I sighed. "We should start giving classes on pulling off insane shit like that."
"I hate to break it to you, but we're not out of the woods yet, sweetheart."
I frowned. "What do you mean?"
"One of us still has to explain the mess we left behind us to General Organa."
"Not it!"
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury
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alphabetboyluvr · 4 months
Hey Holly😬😬😬
So I wanted to ask have you ever come across things like copying stuff and ideas from one book?? I mean if you read a book or you get inspired from a particular scene/dialog that you re-write it but you still get called out because of that??? Do you get bothered by that?? I mean there is this😅 bunch of teenage indian authors on wattpad that every now and then starts blaming and fighting that they copied their stuff,book name,dialogues. What do you think of this??
You probably have seen the viral orange peel theory that is going viral on insta/tiktok. I was talking about that😅😅
heyaaa !!
i've seen a lot of discourse around the concept of copying / plagiarism recently and I do have some thoughts on it.
i assume you mean if i get bothered when i see people have clearly taken inspiration from my work?
i keep my feet firmly out of the fanfic reading space for a variety of reasons and one of those reasons is because i've seen how easy it is to pick up inspiration and sprinkle it into your own work without even realising—not maliciously, or ill-intentioned at all, but undeniable with retrospect.
i don't ever want to find myself in the position of having spent hours writing something only for it to be reduced to nothing because of innocent mistakes (as I've seen happen with other writers) so yeah, i don't read within the fanfic space (which is also why im terrible with recs haha).
NOW in regards to people taking inspiration from my stuff, i'm well aware that it happens. I first noticed it happened with you up? and its never really stopped.
there's a handful of stories i've seen on wattpad from people i know read my work, who write in a very similar way to me. things like plot, narrative voice, character arcs, relationships, even the way i doodle at the start of my chapters—if it can be lifted and reworked, it has, and im sure only seen the tip of the iceberg.
similarly, i've also seen big writers write scenes in their stories with an almost identical play by play to some of my scenes, but i have no way of knowing if they've read my work—but it has made me go back and check the dates of my uploads to make sure i have my 'well actually...' response ready incase any of their fans try and come for me hahaha.
i've had extensive conversations with my writer friends about this and my general thoughts are: i don't care.
i could go on a big old rant about it all, but i know my opinion is a bit odd considering i'm a writer.
writing is a deeply personal craft, but it's also something that we learn and develop through time. if people are inspired by my work, then it must mean I'm doing something right. in time, they'll develop their own style. I encourage them to continue writing until they find their own voice.
history and literature is full of reworking and retellings. Shakespeare was notorious for it!
I'm not gonna get pressed if someone is so moved by my work to the point they wanna create their own version. I'll be honoured to be a part of their creative process. of course there is a limit to this—I know there's at least one story on wattpad floating around with a similar dynamic to BD with origami being used as a crux for fears, which does make me raise my brows a little bit, but at the end of the day, I'm the one who chose to upload my fanfic for free on a website that is known to not be exactly the most original of places.
someone else writing a similar concept to mine doesn't take away from the value of my work. if anything, it just proves that my writing has had an impact.
so yeah if you ever see someone and think huh this reads a lot like hollys work, or anything like that, just leave it be. don't run people off of a site, or force them to stop doing a hobby that likely causes them joy, for my sake.
it's funny because a few people have actually asked me to write an orange peel theory fic haha. we, as writers, don't own concepts and we also write about the same seven men. there will be inevitable overlap. it's all just pixels, at the end of the day.
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rainobrienn · 2 years
I’m yours, only yours - Eddie Munson x reader <3
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Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
warnings: smut, oral (both genders receiving), jealousy, angst-ish, overthinking reader, mentions of cheating, swearing, kissing, ghosting/ignoring ppl
word count: 2.6k
Notes: this is the first smut I’ve written in a long time, so sorry if it’s bad. I’m quite proud of this so idk, but like and reblog if you like it please it helps <3
You were so excited, Eddie finally. Finally was letting you come to one of his gigs, you didn’t know why he never let you before, maybe he was insecure or something.
Either way, you were here now. You stood outside in the cold air, waiting for the familiar white van to show up so he could get you in for free. It was only five bucks, but if you could get in for free, then why pay 5 bucks?
You tapped your foot against the gravel, the leather jacket wrapped around you tightly. The only thing keeping you warm, as your dress flowed in the wind along with your hair.
And after about fifteen minutes of just standing there, Eddie finally showed up. Late of course, but what did you expect, it’s Eddie.
You smiled as you watched him rush out of his van, but instead of going to the back to get his stuff out, he rushed around the other side. Letting someone out of his van. A girl?
You stopped with furrowed eyebrows, trying to see if it was truly a girl or just Gareth. Because Gareth’s hair was getting awfully long now a days.
But no, it was a girl. Specifically it was Robin Buckley, what? Since when were Buckley and Eddie friends? I mean you knew Ed’a was friends with Steve and Robin and Steve were besties. But never once did you see Robin and Eddie hang out.
You hoped with in the next few seconds you would see Steve pop out, but you didn’t. You just saw Robin and Eddie talking a bit, you couldn’t hear what but your mind made up a bunch of things.
You saw her laugh, hitting him lightly. Are they flirting? You were so confused, especially when it looked as if Eddie was flirting back, as he stepped back a bit and laughed.
You watched as they said what seemed was a goodbye, you also watched as Robin leant up and kissed Eddie on the cheek. Walking off into the bar somewhere.
You felt a sting in your chest, like someone stabbed you. You felt sick to your stomach, like something was inside you trying to crawl out. You felt jealous, angry and most of all heartbroken.
You felt your eyes stinging, tears slowly forming in them. You hugged yourself a bit tighter and turned around, walking back to your car and driving home as fast as you could. Not trusting yourself with driving.
You sobbed for hours, your mind racing with a million thoughts. Most of them were bad but some were just trying to comfort you, like the odd “it was just a friendly kiss” but, it was mostly “Eddie and Robin are fucking”, and it made your heart shatter into pieces.
You kept to yourself for the next 3 days, hearing the phone ring, Eddie on the other line asking why you were ignoring him, and if you were okay. He sounded worried, but you didn’t care, you continued to cover your ears with your pillow as it rang.
When he showed up to your house on the second day, he was in a rush. So he didn’t stay for long, but he banged loudly on your door and called out for you. But you continued to ignore him.
“Y/n, are you okay? What happened baby, please don’t ignore me,” was all you could hear, his pleads for you to answer him, but every-time he spoke the thought of Robin kissing him ran through your mind. And then the kissing thought led to thoughts of what else they might’ve been doing.
“Y/n, Sweetheart, what happened?” You heard the phone, Eddie sobbing on the other line. “Did something happen? Or are you just sick of me or something? I need answers princess, please,” he begs, he was sniffling. He felt utterly embarrassed and heartbroken at you ignoring him. “Why didn’t you come to my show sweets,” he said before hanging up, a loud thud was all you heard from the phone being smashed against the handler.
You knew you had to talk to him, you felt horrible but you just couldn’t get the thought out of your mind. The worry of confronting him about him and Robin and him saying something like “you weren’t supposed to find out like this,” or “I’m so sorry, it all happened so fast,”.
But, you picked yourself up. Trying to push the worries away, you put on a skirt since it was hot out. And one of your favourite hoodies. You tried to conceal your puffy and dark under eyes, which it kind of worked. And you put a little bit of lipgloss on. Trying to make yourself seem presentable.
Not like you could compare with Robin, I mean she was quite literally beautiful. Way prettier than you, or atleast that’s what you thought. So maybe showing up to get an explanation in a pretty outfit would make you feel better , or maybe make him change his mind.
You got in your car and drove to his small trailer, which was now all his. Wayne had moved into a seperate trailer next to him, which was good for yours and his privacy. But maybe not so much anymore.
You parked in the same spot you always do, hesitating to get out of the car but getting out anyways. Slowly and carefully stepping towards Eddie’s home.
You lightly knocked on his door, immediately hearing some stuff move around. And Eddie jolting the door open as fast he could.
“Y/n?” He questioned, excitement and happiness in his voice at you actually being here.
“Hi,” you said softly, quietly. To quiet for Eddie’s liking, you seemed way to upset and he didn’t like it. You let yourself in, Eddie closing the door behind him.
“What happened Sweetheart?” He asked, general concern in his voice. He knew when your sister past away, you didn’t talk to anyone for days. So maybe someone close to you died, or maybe he did something. That’s what was racing through Eddie’s mind.
“Seriously?” You question a few moments later, feeling a bit shocked that he was trying to hide it. “What?” He asked, utterly confused.
You paused for a few moments, he stepped closer to you within the silence, but you stepped back a bit “Are you cheating?” You then asked, hesitant.
He half scoffed, half laughed. “What?” He questioned, so shocked that you were asking him that.
“I-“ you paused for a moment, trying to choose your words carefully. “I saw you with Robin,” you said quietly, but loud enough for him to hear it.
“Buckley? Robin Buckley?” He asked, making sure that was the one you meant. Which you just softly nodded to.
“Ok? What exactly did you see?” He asked, softly and gently. Confused and curious as to what you were trying to say.
“That night, she kissed you Ed’s. She flirted with you,” you stated, a small break in your voice as you told him the things you saw.
As to which he laughed a bit, “What’s funny about that Ed’s?” You asked a little firmer.
“Anwser my question!” You repeated yourself, “are you cheating on me?” You asked, anger in your voice. Jealousy washing over you.
“no, god No y/n,” he said, his laughter had stopped. And he seemed offended.
“Then why did she kiss you, Huh? Why were her hands all over you,” ok maybe you were exaggerating a little bit, but your mind kept making up things and you couldn’t help but alter what you saw into something bigger than it was.
“When?” He asked, shouting a bit.
“The other night, at the gig!” You stated, yelling a bit back at him.
“What? When I made a joke and she laughed at it!” He said, questioning you. “She lightly hit me y/n!” He stated. You felt a little bit guilty at your exaggeration.
“What would make you think I would cheat on you? Let alone with Buckley!” He said, scoffing. He wasn’t attracted to Robin, mostly because he knew she was gay.
“She beautiful, that’s why!” You said, you felt mostly insecure as well.
“Ok? And so are you!” He shouted, kind of loudly back at you. Meaning the words he said.
“Y/n, I don’t know what your mind came up with, but I made a joke, and she laughed at it sweetheart, nothing more,” he said softly, “I don’t want Buckley, I want you, ok?” He said stepping closer, this time you didn’t step back.
“I’m yours baby,” he said softly, it comforted you completely. And you felt utterly stupid, for a moment you wanted to apologise. And roll around in embarrassment, but you chose a different way.
“Prove it,” you said, looking at him with utter lust. Everything he just said turned you on tremendously, making your stomach whirl. The lower half of your body filling with need and the upper half with embarrassment.
But you swallowed the embarrassment and turned it around, hoping Eddie would forget about what you said when you said the words ‘prove it’.
He slowly smirked, and then he did something so unexpected. But it would forever be implanted into your mind.
He slowly leaned down, kneeling before you. On both of his knees, looking up at you. “I’m yours princess,” he said in a whisper, something for only you to hear, even though nobody else was around.
You felt your heart skip a beat, you felt your arousal grow (along with guilt from accusing him of something you knew he would never do). You slowly cupped his cheek with your hand, looking down at him with lust.
You learn down kissing him softly, as you pulled away you said “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to jump to conclusions baby,” you did truly feel bad, especially because you made him worry for days.
“I get it, it’s okay sweetness,” he smiled, placing his hand over yours, “Let me apologise to you, please?” You asked, “only if you let me do so first,” he said blinking, “you have nothing to apologise for Ed,” you stated, “Yeah, I made you worry, I should’ve told you I was dropping her off before I did,” he said, you softly smiled at him. You truly loved him so much it hurt.
“Let me apologise first Y/n,” he said, his hands moving up the sides of your legs. “Plus it’s hard to keep myself composed when your dressed so pretty,” he said quietly, with a small chuckle. A small blush forming on your face.
You let his hand go under your skirt, playing with the line of your panties. Slowly pulling the fabric down your legs, letting you step out of them.
You moved back a bit so you were leaning against the wall behind you, Eddie’s hands moving over your hips, as he just started to kiss your thighs, making your wetness drip.
His hand slowly move to your cunt, rubbing through your slit with his fingers. Feeling how wet you are, how wet he made you.
“So wet already, this for me princess?” He asked taking his finger away and looking up at you. As to which you bit your lip and slowly nodded with a small hum, leaving him smirking.
He licked a line through your folds, letting you squirm a bit at his touch. Your hands immediately going to his hair, and his hands go to your hips, helping keeping you still as he placed kissed over your cunt.
The pleasure already started building quickly inside of you, “fuck Ed’s,” you moaned out, gripping onto his hair tighter and tighter as you felt his tongue move around perfectly.
“Beautiful,” he whispered as he kissed over, you kept hearing little praises come from his mouth. Small compliments making you feel better.
You felt yourself come closer, you couldn’t describe the pleasure you were feeling but you knew it was good. A kind of knot in your clit growing and growing, butterflies in your stomach fluttering around.
“F-fuck Ed’s I’m gonna,” you spoke as you came on his mouth, he immediately licked up everything like a puppy dog. You laughed a little as you came down from your climax, running your fingers softly through his hair as you let go.
“You like that Princess?” He asked softly looking up at you, “Yes, yes I do,” you said, your eyes still shut, your sensitive clit still crawling with pleasure.
“I’ll do it more often then,” he said starting to stand up, leaning down and kissing you. Tasting yourself on his lips and tongue, one hand on your hip and the other on your jaw. Bringing you in as close as humanly possible.
You pulled away from the kiss, looking into his eyes. You felt his bulge through his shorts, “Let me apologise now Ed’s,” you said, putting on your puppy dog eyes. Knowing he never ever, has once said no to them.
“How could I say no to such a sweet girl,” he said with a smile, looking down on you. Kissing you again. This time you kissed down his jaw, down his neck. You nibbled a little on the spot you knew he went crazy over, hearing a soft groan coming from him.
Your fingers curled around the hem of his shorts, gently pulling them down. You got down to your knees just as he did, looking up at him with a small smile on your face. He loved them view of you kneeling before him, it made him twice as hard.
You softly moved your hand over his bulge, before taking your hands back to the hem of his shorts and pulling them straight down. His boxers following along with his shorts.
His cock bounced out against his chest, you softly grabbed it and stroked down it a couple times. Gripping it with the perfect amount of pressure.
“Your an angel, you know that?” He chuckled as his hands now brushed through your hair, you smiled at that licking a stripe up his dick, tasting his pre-cum and feeling the large vein on your tongue.
You pushed your head down, further than he expected you to, and a loud moan escaped his lips as you continued to take him further down your throat than he expected. “Oh fuck baby,” he grunted out, helping you move your head at the right pace. Not to fast and never to slow.
You gagged at his length, but still continued to take it. Wanting him to know just how sorry you truly were, your hands reached up to his shirt, going under it to feel his toned abs. Letting your arousal to come back, wetness coming to soak your cunt again.
You heard Eddie’s breath get heavier, and at that you went a little bit faster. Also moving your tongue around a bit when you could, “oh that’s s- so good,” he stuttered out, his breath shaking and his hand gripping tighter on your hair.
“So close princess,” he stated right before he came, deep down in your throat. You couldn’t even taste it, it was that deep down. All you could feel was the warmth of his cum leaking down your throat.
“Fuck,” he sighed, you took a deep breath in. Letting yourself breath normally again, “You like that Ed’s?” You asked, a small gentle smile on your lips. “Uhuh,” he nodded coming down from his high, you stood back up kissing him once again.
“I’m sorry for ghosting,” you said gripping onto his shirt. “I’m sorry for letting you,” he said with a smile and kissing you. Wrapping your up close and tight so you couldn’t escape. You felt so safe in his arms, so secure, like nothing, nobody could ever touch/hurt you.
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foodandfolklore · 6 months
The Boy who found fear at last
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Yesterday, I shared a Celtic Folktale about a man who felt no fear. I used it as an example for why men not showing negative emotions like fear and sadness was glorified. Which is interesting in a way. But the story on it's own is kinda boring. Guy fears nothing, faces a bunch of stuff that would scare a normal person, and is rewarded for his lack of fear with riches.
This Turkish Folktale has a much more interesting plot line. Same premise; a male is born fearing nothing and searches the world for something to scare them. The only difference is in the Turkish version, they find it! Turns out, the most terrifying thing is responsibility. Which is weirdly relatable even today in our modern era. To grow up and start adulting before we feel we are ready is a terrifying sensation, and clearly not a mindset unique to our generation.
The Boy Who Found Fear At Last
Once upon a time there lived a woman who had one son whom she loved dearly. The little cottage in which they dwelt was built on the outskirts of a forest, and as they had no neighbours, the place was very lonely, and the boy was kept at home by his mother to bear her company.
They were sitting together on a winter’s evening, when a storm suddenly sprang up, and the wind blew the door open. The woman started and shivered, and glanced over her shoulder as if she half expected to see some horrible thing behind her. ‘Go and shut the door,’ she said hastily to her son, ‘I feel frightened.’
‘Frightened?’ repeated the boy. ‘What does it feel like to be frightened?’
‘Well—just frightened,’ answered the mother. ‘A fear of something, you hardly know what, takes hold of you.’
‘It must be very odd to feel like that,’ replied the boy. ‘I will go through the world and seek fear till I find it.’ And the next morning, before his mother was out of bed, he had left the forest behind him.
After walking for some hours he reached a mountain, which he began to climb. Near the top, in a wild and rocky spot, he came upon a band of fierce robbers, sitting round a fire. The boy, who was cold and tired, was delighted to see the bright flames, so he went up to them and said, ‘Good greeting to you, sirs,’ and wriggled himself in between the men, till his feet almost touched the burning logs.
The robbers stopped drinking and eyed him curiously, and at last the captain spoke.
‘No caravan of armed men would dare to come here, even the very birds shun our camp, and who are you to venture in so boldly?’
‘Oh, I have left my mother’s house in search of fear. Perhaps you can show it to me?’
‘Fear is wherever we are,’ answered the captain.
‘But where?’ asked the boy, looking round. ‘I see nothing.’
‘Take this pot and some flour and butter and sugar over to the churchyard which lies down there, and bake us a cake for supper,’ replied the robber. And the boy, who was by this time quite warm, jumped up cheerfully, and slinging the pot over his arm, ran down the hill.
When he got to the churchyard he collected some sticks and made a fire; then he filled the pot with water from a little stream close by, and mixing the flour and butter and sugar together, he set the cake on to cook. It was not long before it grew crisp and brown, and then the boy lifted it from the pot and placed it on a stone, while he put out the fire. At that moment a hand was stretched from a grave, and a voice said:
‘Is that cake for me?’
‘Do you think I am going to give to the dead the food of the living?’ replied the boy, with a laugh. And giving the hand a tap with his spoon, and picking up the cake, he went up the mountain side, whistling merrily.
‘Well, have you found fear?’ asked the robbers when he held out the cake to the captain.
‘No; was it there?’ answered the boy. ‘I saw nothing but a hand which came from a grave, and belonged to someone who wanted my cake, but I just rapped the fingers with my spoon, and said it was not for him, and then the hand vanished. Oh, how nice the fire is!’ And he flung himself on his knees before it, and so did not notice the glances of surprise cast by the robbers at each other.
‘There is another chance for you,’ said one at length. ‘On the other side of the mountain lies a deep pool; go to that, and perhaps you may meet fear on the way.’
‘I hope so, indeed,’ answered the boy. And he set out at once.
He soon beheld the waters of the pool gleaming in the moonlight, and as he drew near he saw a tall swing standing just over it, and in the swing a child was seated, weeping bitterly.
‘That is a strange place for a swing,’ thought the boy; ‘but I wonder what he is crying about.’ And he was hurrying on towards the child, when a maiden ran up and spoke to him.
‘I want to lift my little brother from the swing,’ cried she, ‘but it is so high above me, that I cannot reach. If you will get closer to the edge of the pool, and let me mount on your shoulder, I think I can reach him.’
‘Willingly,’ replied the boy, and in an instant the girl had climbed to his shoulders. But instead of lifting the child from the swing, as she could easily have done, she pressed her feet so firmly on either side of the youth’s neck, that he felt that in another minute he would be choked, or else fall into the water beneath him. So gathering up all his strength, he gave a mighty heave, and threw the girl backwards. As she touched the ground a bracelet fell from her arm, and this the youth picked up.
‘I may as well keep it as a remembrance of all the queer things that have happened to me since I left home,’ he said to himself, and turning to look for the child, he saw that both it and the swing had vanished, and that the first streaks of dawn were in the sky.
With the bracelet on his arm, the youth started for a little town which was situated in the plain on the further side of the mountain, and as, hungry and thirsty, he entered its principal street, a Jew stopped him. ‘Where did you get that bracelet?’ asked the Jew. ‘It belongs to me.’
‘No, it is mine,’ replied the boy.
‘It is not. Give it to me at once, or it will be the worse for you!’ cried the Jew.
‘Let us go before a judge, and tell him our stories,’ said the boy. ‘If he decides in your favour, you shall have it; if in mine, I will keep it!’
To this the Jew agreed, and the two went together to the great hall, in which the kadi was administering justice. He listened very carefully to what each had to say, and then pronounced his verdict. Neither of the two claimants had proved his right to the bracelet, therefore it must remain in the possession of the judge till its fellow was brought before him.
When they heard this, the Jew and the boy looked at each other, and their eyes said: ‘Where are we to go to find the other one?’ But as they knew there was no use in disputing the decision, they bowed low and left the hall of audience.
Wandering he knew not whither, the youth found himself on the sea-shore. At a little distance was a ship which had struck on a hidden rock, and was rapidly sinking, while on deck the crew were gathered, with faces white as death, shrieking and wringing their hands.
‘Have you met with fear?’ shouted the boy. And the answer came above the noise of the waves.
‘Oh, help! help! We are drowning!’
Then the boy flung off his clothes, and swam to the ship, where many hands were held out to draw him on board.
‘The ship is tossed hither and thither, and will soon be sucked down,’ cried the crew again. ‘Death is very near, and we are frightened!’
‘Give me a rope,’ said the boy in reply, and he took it, and made it safe round his body at one end, and to the mast at the other, and sprang into the sea. Down he went, down, down, down, till at last his feet touched the bottom, and he stood up and looked about him. There, sure enough, a sea-maiden with a wicked face was tugging hard at a chain which she had fastened to the ship with a grappling iron, and was dragging it bit by bit beneath the waves. Seizing her arms in both his hands, he forced her to drop the chain, and the ship above remaining steady, the sailors were able gently to float her off the rock. Then taking a rusty knife from a heap of seaweed at his feet, he cut the rope round his waist and fastened the sea-maiden firmly to a stone, so that she could do no more mischief, and bidding her farewell, he swam back to the beach, where his clothes were still lying.
The youth dressed himself quickly and walked on till he came to a beautiful shady garden filled with flowers, and with a clear little stream running through. The day was hot, and he was tired, so he entered the gate, and seated himself under a clump of bushes covered with sweet-smelling red blossoms, and it was not long before he fell asleep. Suddenly a rush of wings and a cool breeze awakened him, and raising his head cautiously, he saw three doves plunging into the stream. They splashed joyfully about, and shook themselves, and then dived to the bottom of a deep pool. When they appeared again they were no longer three doves, but three beautiful damsels, bearing between them a table made of mother of pearl. On this they placed drinking cups fashioned from pink and green shells, and one of the maidens filled a cup from a crystal goblet, and was raising it to her mouth, when her sister stopped her.
‘To whose health do you drink?’ asked she.
‘To the youth who prepared the cake, and rapped my hand with the spoon when I stretched it out of the earth,’ answered the maiden, ‘and was never afraid as other men were! But to whose health do you drink?’
‘To the youth on whose shoulders I climbed at the edge of the pool, and who threw me off with such a jerk, that I lay unconscious on the ground for hours,’ replied the second. ‘But you, my sister,’ added she, turning to the third girl, ‘to whom do you drink?’
‘Down in the sea I took hold of a ship and shook it and pulled it till it would soon have been lost,’ said she. And as she spoke she looked quite different from what she had done with the chain in her hands, seeking to work mischief. ‘But a youth came, and freed the ship and bound me to a rock. To his health I drink,’ and they all three lifted their cups and drank silently.
As they put their cups down, the youth appeared before them.
‘Here am I, the youth whose health you have drunk; and now give me the bracelet that matches a jewelled band which of a surety fell from the arm of one of you. A Jew tried to take it from me, but I would not let him have it, and he dragged me before the kadi, who kept my bracelet till I could show him its fellow. And I have been wandering hither and thither in search of it, and that is how I have found myself in such strange places.’
‘Come with us, then,’ said the maidens, and they led him down a passage into a hall, out of which opened many chambers, each one of greater splendour than the last. From a shelf heaped up with gold and jewels the eldest sister took a bracelet, which in every way was exactly like the one which was in the judge’s keeping, and fastened it to the youth’s arm.
‘Go at once and show this to the kadi,’ said she, ‘and he will give you the fellow to it.’
‘I shall never forget you,’ answered the youth, ‘but it may be long before we meet again, for I shall never rest till I have found fear.’ Then he went his way, and won the bracelet from the kadi. After this, he again set forth in his quest of fear.
On and on walked the youth, but fear never crossed his path, and one day he entered a large town, where all the streets and squares were so full of people, he could hardly pass between them.
‘Why are all these crowds gathered together?’ he asked of a man who stood next him.
‘The ruler of this country is dead,’ was the reply, ‘and as he had no children, it is needful to choose a successor. Therefore each morning one of the sacred pigeons is let loose from the tower yonder, and on whomsoever the bird shall perch, that man is our king. In a few minutes the pigeon will fly. Wait and see what happens.’
Every eye was fixed on the tall tower which stood in the centre of the chief square, and the moment that the sun was seen to stand straight over it, a door was opened and a beautiful pigeon, gleaming with pink and grey, blue and green, came rushing through the air. Onward it flew, onward, onward, till at length it rested on the head of the boy. Then a great shout arose:
‘The king! the king!’ but as he listened to the cries, a vision, swifter than lightning, flashed across his brain. He saw himself seated on a throne, spending his life trying, and never succeeding, to make poor people rich; miserable people happy; bad people good; never doing anything he wished to do, not able even to marry the girl that he loved.
‘No! no!’ he shrieked, hiding his face in his hands; but the crowds who heard him thought he was overcome by the grandeur that awaited him, and paid no heed.
‘Well, to make quite sure, let fly more pigeons,’ said they, but each pigeon followed where the first had led, and the cries arose louder than ever:
‘The king! the king!’ And as the young man heard, a cold shiver, that he knew not the meaning of, ran through him.
‘This is fear whom you have so long sought,’ whispered a voice, which seemed to reach his ears alone. And the youth bowed his head as the vision once more flashed before his eyes, and he accepted his doom, and made ready to pass his life with fear beside him.
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maddys-nerd-blog · 9 months
I figured I’d share some more snippets of my AU, this time it’s full of fluff and jokes, but this is the lead up to the more angstier part from last time! The calm before the storm if you will!
Today was the day.
She’d been waiting for weeks. Double checked everything. Saved every scrap of cash she owned. Made sure the reservations were still available. Had packed the car the night before whilst the boys were asleep. If one didn’t know any better they’d assume she was prepping for a getaway.
Well… that wasn’t wrong. But the kids were in for one hell of a surprise.
Leo had to admit: He was a little worried.
Okay, not ‘call an ambulance’ worried, but definitely ‘what’s going on’ worried. The past few days had been cause for suspicion in the studio as their caretaker had started to act strange. And that was saying something because Kat was already weird.
She was being more secretive than usual. Hiding stuff in the false bottom of the floor and forbidding them from peeking inside. When Leo went to check the date on the calendar she’d all but forbade him from looking. Even the closet located in the foyer was off-limits! What was even more odd was the night before, Kat had told them not to wait eat breakfast in the morning and had instructed that everyone be up early.
Needless to say, she was acting sus.
“Okay so, like, are we gonna address the elephant in the room?” Leo finally asked that morning, sitting at the island as he lounged back in his chair far enough to tip it backwards. The four of them were gathered there, still trying to adjust to waking up at this hour. His alarm on his phone had read seven thirty when he’d checked.
Without looking up from the screen of his phone Donnie added. “Like Kat being super weird these last few days?” The colorful blips of light from his game reflected off his glasses, snorting. “I mean, dude, that’s a no brainer.”
Cracking a smirk, Raph cradled his mug of coffee in his hands as he leaned against the counter. “She’s always been crazy. You’re just now realizing it?”
“You know what I mean!” Leo pointed an accusing finger at the hothead, gesturing wildly with his hands. “The hiding stuff, being all sneaky-ninja-stealthy! I tried looking in the closet ONCE two days ago— just to see what the big deal is, but she said I’d be grounded if I opened it!”
“Well that’s normal for you,” Raph snarked, taking a sip of his beverage. “Puttin’ your beak into someone else’s business.”
Pouting, Leo slouched against the counter, clearly unamused. “I bet it’s favoritism. Either that or she’s planning on escaping to the Bahamas.”
“As if!” It was Mondo’s turn to pipe in, rummaging through the fridge to find some orange juice. It was almost comical to see the shortest member of the bunch trying to climb the shelves to grab it. “Mom hasn’t ditched us yet! If she hasn’t now, she never will!”
Donnie finally lifted his head, phone lowered to the table as he cocked his head to the side. “Dude, why do you keep calling her that?”
Mondo, pausing his search, leaned his head back to properly address the bespectacled turtle. “Cuz I do? She doesn’t tell me to stop or nothing, so I guess it’s okay!”
“But you know she isn’t your mom?” Donnie asked. “Like… I don’t get it. I’m not trying to be a jerk! I’m just… surprised.”
“I know!” Mondo retrieved his drink, shutting the fridge door with his tail. “I just call her that cuz she’s basically my mom. I mean, she acts like one. Without her help I’d probably be street pizza.”
“You said you were human before being mutated, yeah? Don’t you have real parents? What happened to them?”
“They threw me out when I came home looking like this.”
That took Donnie by surprise, stunning the genius with guilt. “Dude… I’m so sorry.”
“Why? Not your fault! ‘Sides, I made a ton of friends since then! Mom found me and took me in! It’s not like I’m alone anymore either cuz I’ve got you bros too!”
“I dunno if it’s a good thing or a bad thing that you’ve taken being rejected by your parents surprisingly well.”
Raph’s deep brown eyes sent a silent warning glare in Leo’s direction over the lip of his mug, razor sharp. “Hey. Don’t go there.”
Leo shrugged his shoulders innocently. “What? He’s not bothered by it!”
“Ya don’t make comments like that, regardless if they’re not bothered. Don’t push buttons ya ain’t ready t’ press.”
Leo rolled his eyes, miming the eldest with a hand puppet and an exaggerated expression. “Blah-blah-blah, nag-nag-nag, chill out man! You’re gonna end up turning into Katie 2.0!”
“What about Katie 2.0?” The boys were suddenly surprised to hear the voice of their guardian. Finally they looked over to greet her…
Only to drop their jaws at the recognizable woman standing before them.
It was Katie, but she looked… different. Lighter. Relaxed. She wasn’t wearing the usual baggy clothes, forgoing her sweatshirt, no combat boots, not even a shred of neutral colors. It was bizarre to find the detective wearing an outfit suited more for preppy mothers; the navy blue cardigan draped loosely around her shoulders, a soft pink tank top that contrasted with her normal crimson shirts, bell bottom hippie jeans that flared around her ankles, and white tennis shoes were vastly out of character for her. Her black tresses were pulled back into a ponytail, bangs framing her face to create a kinder appearance. She was wearing makeup— honest to God makeup— not too much of it, but enough to be noticeable.
Katie looked… mundane.
They all balked at the sight before them. Donnie had dropped his phone on the counter from shock. Raph looked bewildered beyond belief. It wasn’t until Leo finally found his voice that the shock evaporated. “I knew it! She’s lost it!”
Katie rolled her eyes, the familiar sound of an exasperated groan rumbling past her lips. “Dios Mio, I’m fine, Leo.”
“No you’re clearly not!” The slider pointed at her outfit, leaping from his stool, ignoring how it clattered uselessly to the floor. “Who are you and what have you done to the REAL Kat?!”
Katie stared at him, expression twisted with blank confusion. “Have you been pulling off all-nighters again?”
“DO NOT CHANGE THE SUBJECT, IMPOSTER!” Leo exclaimed. “If you were the real Katie, then what’s my deepest secret?!”
“You flushed your Dad’s pet fish down the drain.”
“… okay fine, you win.”
“THAT’S your deepest secret?!” Donnie sputtered as Mondo broke into a fit of laughter. Raph facepalmed, muttering something about living with crazy people under his breath.
“My Dad still has no idea that I flushed his pet fish and it’s been a year! If he didn’t find out then, he definitely won’t now.”
Mondo beamed excitedly, heading over to the detective with a giant smile. “Whoa! Cool threads, Mom!”
“Not gonna lie, you look like one of those soccer moms from TV,” Donnie quipped.
“What’s with the new getup?” Raph finally asked, crossing his arms.
Katie smirked. “So… I know you guys probably might be thinking I’ve gone off my rocker. But I have a good reason for it. And I think you’re gonna like it.” She retreated to the closet that had been off limits, rummaging around for a few minutes before pulling out several bags that were filled with things they couldn’t see. They had brand labels they recognized: popular, fancy, and highly expensive.
Which was why it surprised them when she laid them out on the couch like Christmas presents, separating the bags into small piles. And it dawned on them…
These were presents. For THEM.
Katie stepped back, gesturing to the piles with a chipper smile and jazz hands. “Tada!”
The boys had yet to tear their gaze off the bags, quietly in awe at the sight. As though still reeling from the unexpected surprise, nobody moved yet. It was as if the mere fact that Katie had gone through the trouble of going out to buy them gifts, that she’d probably spent a good amount of cash on these things just for them— brand new things, a luxury they’d never been given in their entire lives because of their existence and their isolation from the rest of the world, let alone never having the proper means to fund buying them without April or Casey’s help— how could they begin to wrap their heads around this?
Katie’s bright smile full of pearly teeth faltered, slightly worried. “Do you… like it?” She dared to ask in the quiet.
Beginning to break free from the trance they found themselves in, it was Donnie who started to move forward first. With a shaky finger he spoke, voice thick with barely contained excitement. “Is that Hot Topic bag for me?”
Katie nodded. “Yep.”
This broke the spell. Donnie nearly tripped over his feet as he scrambled to his pile like a kid on Christmas morning. “OHMYGODNOWAY.” Mondo wasn’t too far behind the lanky turtle as he raced towards the couch. Leo cracked a giant grin, hurrying to his selection as Raph fell behind, eyeing the shopping bags with a silent shock that still painted his features. Diving into the gifts like eager puppies the three most excitable teens began to sort their things out and rummage through the bags, eyes lighting up with pure joy at the contents.
Donnie sounded like a balloon being released of its air, squealing aloud, grabbing the first of many pieces of apparel and holding it up for all to see. There were stars in his eyes as he marveled at the forest green hoodie clutched in his hands. “ATTACK ON TITAN!?” He cried. “HOW DID YOU KNOW?!”
“You watch it all the time. I figured you’d like it,” Katie laughed as Donnie continued digging through his items, giggling with delight upon finding similar items among the bags. His smile grew bigger the more he discovered, ecstatic and full of glee over the his presents.
“Jujutsu Kaisen?! Bleach?! Sailor Moon?! Persona 4?!” After sifting through his new clothes the purple masked turtle opened the next bag, mouth dropping. He looked at Katie who leaned against the arm of the couch with a knowing smile.
“You didn’t.”
“I did.”
“What?“ Leo pressed. “What did she do?”
Donnie didn’t respond. He reached into the plastic bag to reveal a small stack of CDs, a Walkman, and portable headphones. Still wrapped in plastic the covers of the CDs showed off the name of the band proudly. “BTS!” The way his voice pitched with happiness, clutching them to his chest like an heirloom. “I’ve never had CDs before!”
Katie dipped her head with pride. “Gonna be honest, I had to look through seven record shops to get my hands on those. Hope they’re the ones you like.”
“Are you kidding?! I LOVE BTS!” Donnie jumped to his feet, rushing the detective in order to wrap his arms around her in an embrace. “Thankyouthankyouthankyou! I can’t believe you got these! You’re the coolest!”
“No problem, hon.” Katie returned the hug with a gracious smile, beaming happily. “That’s all I wanted.”
Emboldened by Donnie’s reaction, Leo started ripping into his own bags with no hesitation. Grabbing the first thing he could find, his own eyes lit up with awe upon fishing out a bomber jacket, thick wool lining the inside and collar. “Shut. Up. You bought me a jacket?!”
“You said you wanted one!“
“I didn’t think you’d actually get it!”
“That’s what a surprise is for! Try it on!”
He didn’t need to be told twice; slipping it on over his shell to better make it fit as he stuck his arms through, Leo beamed with pride as he checked himself out in the pristine leather coat, how comfortable it was, how normal he looked. “Oh my GOD, YES!” He cheered. “I look like Lou Jitsu! This is so cool!”
“There’s another one just like it,” Katie smirked at Leo’s gobsmacked expression. “In black.”
“YOU GOT ME TWO?” Leo gasped, looking ready to faint. “I’M TOTALLY GONNA LOOK LIKE A FABULOUS BADASS!”
“Dude, check it!” Mondo’s voice piped up, hoisting a dark red hockey Jersey in his hands, toting the name of one of his favorite players and an embroidered number one on the back. “Jersey Devils! Wicked, am I right?!”
Raph was deathly silent. He hadn’t spoken a word since the gifts had been displayed. He’d gone through his own bags in silence, eyes taking it all in, absorbing that yes, these were real, these weren’t figments of his imagination. Reaching into one of the heftier looking packages he picked up a finely crafted black leather jacket almost similar to Leo’s, only his was a little bigger, made to fit the build of the brawler better, no fluffy linings but there was a satin layer within the confines of his coat to make it comfortable. The lapels were decked with studded accessories that gave off the ‘loner’ image he’d toted. His fingers gently brushed across the sleeves, as if to remember what owning something as pristine as this was like.
His expression spoke volumes.
“What do you think?” Katie gauged. “Did I do okay?”
“DUDE!” Leo exclaimed. “Are you serious?! This is amazing!”
Donnie hadn’t stopped hugging his CDs, an elated grin plastered to his face. “I am never letting these out of my sight for as long as I’m alive.”
Mondo scuttered towards her at full speed, throwing himself into her arms and holding on tight. “You’re the best Mom ever!” His tail was wagging at an untamable pace, almost with enough force to topple them over.
Katie’s eyes fell to Raph— still frozen where he stood, staring at his new jacket with the same awed expression. “Red? You okay?”
Taken out of his trance the hothead blinked a few times to gather his thoughts. It took him a few minutes to properly collect his composure, jacket clutched close, a true and honest smile appearing on his face. Katie didn’t even think it was possible. “Yeah, uh… this is great.” He nodded to her, genuine. “Thank you.”
Releasing a short breath, Katie seemed relieved that her gifts had gone over swimmingly with the kids. “That’s good!” She brought her hands together in front of her with a clap. “Cuz… what if I told you this was just the beginning?”
There was a pause as the boys let this sink in.
“I’msorrywhat?” Leo gasped.
“There’s MORE?” Donnie gawked.
“What else can there be?!“ Leo dared to question, leaping over the mounds of bags to grab Katie by the shoulders to shake her. “What else?!”
“Easy, easy!” Katie laughed, gently prying his hands off to stop him. “I’ll tell you!” She kept the eager grin on her bright pink lips. “I know you guys have never been able to go on the surface in broad daylight. And it’s been tough on all of you since you’re not with your families. I’m not giving up looking for a way home, but our stay here doesn’t have to be so bleak.”
Leo raised a brow, a coy smirk on his face. “Go on.”
“You never got to experience the outdoors or the city for what it can offer, since you lived in sewers. So… I wanna give you the chance to be teens for a day. I’m taking you guys out on a trip to really enjoy yourselves for a change! Starting with a reservation for breakfast at a diner around the block!”
Silence took hold of the mutants.
A pregnant pause, followed shortly by Leo’s voice chirping from the revelation. “You’re… taking us out?” He slowly spoke. “Into town?”
“Yes!” Katie nodded.
“In broad daylight?”
“Full of hundreds of people who’re bound to ask questions about this,” Leo waved a hand in front of himself. “Whole situation?”
Donnie clutched his CDs tighter, suddenly unsure. “Won’t everyone be scared of us?”
“I don’t give a flying fuck what other people think,” Katie placed her hands on her hips, bold in her declaration. “Why should you have to hide from the world while everyone else gets to have fun? It isn’t fair to any of you. I totally understand your hesitation; if you’re nervous about being seen in public I’ve made up a story to tell the diner owners if they have questions. You’ve lived your whole lives hidden. Why not take the chance to go out there and be kids for a day?” Taking a moment to soften her features she sighed. “I just… want you boys to be happy.”
Then, out of thin air…
“Let’s do it.”
It was Raph who broke the quiet. He’d slipped his leather jacket on, the zipper pulled up halfway to his plastron, looking as though it were made just for him. He was smiling with his eyes, true and fully relaxed— a feat that Katie never thought possible— shoving his hands into his pockets and nodding in her direction. “We only live once, yeah? I say we go.”
Not even Leo was left speechless by the change of heart the red turtle had displayed. “Really.”
“Hell yeah. I’m serious.”
“You? Mister ‘stick up my shell’. Resident turtle going through his emo phase.”
“Okay if ya start actin’ like a jackass I’ll take it back.”
Leo glanced at Donnie and Mondo, both beginning to brighten and beam with delight. Finally, their voices bounced off the walls as they started cheering.
“Dudes this’ll be totally radical!”
“Ohmigosh I’m going to SLAY!”
“Alright!” Katie clapped her hands, motioning for her boys to listen. “Then get dressed and meet back here in ten! Let’s get this day started!”
“Oh just so we’re clear I CALL SHOTGUN.”
“What?! No fair you ALWAYS get shotgun!”
“I wanna pick the songs!”
“HELL NO, your music taste SUCKS—“
As Leo, Mondo and Donnie gathered their things to scurry into their rooms to get ready, Katie looked at Raph with an earnest expression. “You seriously wanna go out there? I don’t wanna make you feel pressured into doing this.”
“Why not?” Raph shrugged. “Haven’t had any fresh air in months. It’ll do us some good t’ get out into th’ city for once, not needing t’ fight crime or beat th’ shit outta Purple Dragons.”
She couldn’t believe it. She honestly thought he was pulling her leg, but the look in his face, that yearning, the desire to get out of the studio and get to see what he’d been missing out… there was a relief within his gaze. And somehow she could sense he, despite his roughened exterior, he wanted to do this.
One would have missed it had they been looking elsewhere, but she caught pure childlike glee hiding behind his smile.
And for the first time since this nightmare began, Katie felt as if it were all worth it.
@queen-with-the-quill @tending-the-hearth @lameboobah @figuringitoutasigoalong
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imagine--if · 2 years
Soft Yandere Eddie comforting a reader who had a bad nightmare about losing him 🥺. He comforts her for an hour straight until she falls back asleep saying stuff like "shhhh everything is alright my sweet angel. Nothing will ever separate us I promise."
A/N: Yep, here it is!! I've gotten a lot of requests for nightmare comfort with Eddie, it's a super cute idea 🥰 enjoy!! I'm working on the next To My Hope chapter and some more matchups for you all too for soon 😄
Pairing: Dano!Riddler x reader (The Batman 2022)
Warnings: Fluff and comfort 💚
Words: 618
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They were horrible taunts, flashing images of the worst-case scenarios your mind just loves to plague you with. Even though he promises you it'll never happen, that you'll always be safe and loved with him... at night, there's always the ugly side of things you can't seem to get out of your head. Like tonight.
Flashing red and blue lights slicing through the calm blues of the sky, cold, firm handcuffs being snapped around Edward's wrists, and the solid bars and dozens of guards whose only purpose seemed to be keeping the two of you apart. You don't know what you'd do without Eddie. He doesn't want to know.
Of course, he's a light sleeper, and as he feels you toss and turn beside him, fists clenched and bunched around the sheets in distress. Edward quickly shuffles closer, grabbing your wrists and pulling you to him, gently shaking you and pressing his forehead against yours. You choke on a gasp as you wake up, your eyes immediately meeting Eddie's worried and sympathetic green gaze. You collapse in his arms and melt in the feeling of his hands stroking up and down your back soothingly, cradling you as if you're the most precious thing in Gotham. He rests his head on yours, kissing your hair and whispering hushes into it.
"Ssh, ssh, shh..."
Your hands trail to his wrists, and it calms you down a little more to feel the absence of imaginary cuffs, just his smooth, warm skin. You try to level out your breathing as your face is pressed up against his top, and Edward pulls away just enough for your eyes to meet again. He looks so upset, almost pained to see you in such a state, his eyes scanning your face in adoration and concern.
"Oh, angel... you're okay, darling, you're safe... sshh..."
You almost cry at how comforting and gentle he's being; Edward seemed to be amazing at affection as soon as you two were together and you made the first little step. All that love and softness hidden inside his quiet, odd self, just waiting for the right person to suffocate with it. You.
"Promise you'll never leave," you breathe shakily, surprising yourself by how desperate you sound, since it's almost always the other way round. Edward frowns slightly in confusion. "You won't, will you?"
"I- of course I won't!" Eddie responds, stating the obvious with wide eyes. "Why would I? Sweetheart, what did you dream about?"
"Them," you reply, wincing at the fading, but harsh, memories of it all. "They took you away because you're The Riddler, and I couldn't do anything, I couldn't-"
Edward sighs in pity, smiling as best as he can as his fingers hook under your chin, making you look up at him properly. "You listen to me, okay? I'll never, never leave you. They," his tone sharpens momentarily in distaste at the thought of the GCPD, "can't find me, see? They only did last time because I let them. But I've got it all under control. You trust me, don't you, baby?"
You nod immediately. "Yes."
"Then don't let yourself torture your mind with the impossible! If you're having nightmares about it, it must be in the back of your head. But it'll never happen, okay? Nothing will ever separate us, my sweet angel."
You finally relax in his embrace, and nod again, burying yourself in his familiar warmth and snug cuddles. Edward keeps on whispering sweet nothings, smiling fondly as he coos the loveliest things you've ever heard, and as you drift off to sleep with a faint smile, him pressing little kisses over your skin, you're almost certain you'll never have that same nightmare again.
.・ Taglist: ・.
@bimboanime @phoenixgurl030 @dangerouslittlefairy @katjourno @yoyoanaria @yaeyuuki @vinxlsketches @beenz-beenz @ghoulsgraveyard @birds-have-teeth @repostingmyfavs @r3ptiliaaa @for3v3rda1sy @glitterycheesecakegladiator @moonwritesblog @lilyevans1 @httpsunflowers @hxney-lemcn @confusedchildsstuff @phantomofthecathedral @sugahbabieexo @bokksieu @skateb0red @wilburrrsworld @philiasoul @darthcringe @felicityofbakerstreet @bloodypantomime @deadlights-darling @tianotfound @mortem-muse @ireadandream @tinyryder @kpopgirlbtssvt @truecobblepot @jessicainhell
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the echo universe: | a werewolf au | (Jake "Hangman" Seresin x OC)
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Summary: Ronnie invites Blue River to a very important ceremony that will determine the fate of Red Sky Pack - and the fate of the pup she carries.
Pairing: Werewolf!Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Human!OC (Ronnie Bradshaw)
Word Count: 5311
Warnings: heavily game of thrones influenced, slight angst, brad kinda being a dick as usual, made-up werewolf lore, ritualistic stuff, pregnancy mention, nick and carole are mentioned, blood, dead animal, an organ is eaten raw
✎……likes are great but comments/reblogs are even better!
✎……masterlist on pinned
✎……this has been sitting in my drafts for literal months and I'm tired of it being there so here we go. don't @ me for using that gif, it's hot. and thank you to my werewolf love @blue-aconite for looking this over for me literally months ago lol
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Ronnie knocked on the door and waited. She really hoped he was home. He used to be home around this time. Back from the yard for his hour-long lunch that he only spent ten minutes actually eating. But who really knew? She certainly didn’t. He very well could have changed everything about his schedule since she moved out.
Her hands wrung themselves red as she waited. She had never waited to come inside that house before. But it wasn’t her home. Not anymore. 
She heard the lock click. The door opened a crack, then it swung back completely to reveal Bradley standing on the other side. 
He looked the same, and she was glad. Still wore those same flannels and still had that mustache he refused to shave.
“What’re you doin’ here, Ronnie?” he asked, looking over her shoulder to see if she was accompanied by anyone else.
“He’s not here. I came alone,” she assured, though she didn’t like that she had to. 
Bradley shifted on his feet, hand still held behind him on the door handle. “Why?”
“Did — Did you get my text?” she asked, her fingers beginning to hurt from her pulling. 
She wanted to say she was sorry for not calling. But she didn’t know how to say it. Didn’t know how to deliver such news if she would have to hear some false joy or his barely restrained hurt. Even now, as she looked up into those so similar brown eyes, as she stood merely a few feet from him — she couldn’t have felt farther away. 
It was odd feeling like a stranger on the porch attached to the house she grew up in. It was odd looking into the eyes of a brother who could barely look back at her. 
“Yeah. I got it.”
He glanced down at her stomach. She was barely showing but it was still there, pressing against the fabric of her shirt. Just the other day Mickey told her that he could smell it — the change in her. The life inside her. Ronnie wondered if Bradley could smell it too. 
Ronnie took a deep breath to calm herself, prying her fingers apart to latch onto the ends of her jacket instead. Jake would worry if she came home with rung red knuckles. 
Then she said, “Full moon’s coming up — we’re doing the Plena Luna Corda.”
Bradley took in a sharp breath through his nose as he put a hand on the doorframe, fingers digging into the wood. He dropped his head as he stared down at the space between their shoes. Then he ticked his jaw to one side with a shake of his head. A classic sign that he wasn’t pleased that made Ronnie swallow something thick. 
“I’d like you to be there. I know it’s — it’s not traditional. But I’d like the pack to be there,” she added.
He scoffed. Rolled his eyes. “Yeah, right.”
Ronnie’s fingers curled around the ends of her jacket, bunched it up as hard as she could to keep herself from hitting him square in the chest. Just two words and she knew all she needed to. Knew exactly what he thought — about everything. About her. Then the tears came. Sudden and overwhelming. She wanted to fight them but she couldn’t with her hormones running wild. They spilled over in an instant, hot and frustrated as they tracked down her cheeks. Bradley had the decency to look surprised by their sudden appearance — eyebrows furrowed as he watched her lip tremble. 
“Is that really what you think of me?” she asked as she wiped furiously at her face. “It hasn’t exactly been a fucking trip, Brad. I’m miserable most of the time. In a town with no connections besides a pack that’s barely accepted me and — and Jake. Who tries, but he doesn’t know what it’s like. Blue River’s my family and now…You all rarely talk to me. And-And I get that Red Sky’s supposed to be my family now but they’re just not. B-Because you’re not there and I fucking miss you.
“So, yes — I drove all the way over here to invite you to my Plena Luna Corda because I want you to be there. I want my family to be there.”
The Bradshaw siblings stared at each other for a moment. One with trembling hands and the other with a slack jaw. And when Ronnie couldn’t take it anymore, she wiped at her eyes one last time and pulled a slip of paper from her pocket. 
“Whatever,” she grumbled, then she took the paper and shoved it into the bronze letter box by the front door. “There’s the location coordinates. It’s this Thursday — midnight. Show up or don’t.”
Then she turned and stepped off the porch attached to the house she grew up in. Leaving behind the brother who could barely look at her.
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“Thank you for doing this, Penny,” Ronnie said quietly, trying to remain as still as possible. 
“Happy to help, sweetheart.” 
Penny smiled, knowing and sympathetic, as she dipped her brush into more of the red paint. With a final stroke, she finished up the design on Ronnie’s face. Thick around her eyes, winged up into her temples and hairline. A line down the bridge of her note. Then three lines started beneath her lips and went down her chin and neck. Next, Penny moved onto Ronnie’s exposed shoulders and chest. 
Ronnie didn’t know who else to ask to help her get ready for the ritual. Traditionally, it would have been her mother. Or another human connected to Red Sky. But her mother was gone, and Red Sky was still too skittish, too careful to bring anyone else into their ranks. Penny easily accepted when Ronnie called, stating she had nothing better to do on a full moon night with Pete gone. It made Ronnie laugh, but it also made her heart ache. Pete was already gone from their house. He was with Blue River. They weren’t coming.
“So this Plena Lunar Coro…” Penny trailed off, knowing she wasn’t saying it right. 
Ronnie corrected her with a laugh. “Plena Luna Corda.”
“Right. What is it, exactly?”
Ronnie thought back for a moment. She supposed Penny wasn’t around the last time Blue River performed a Plena Luna Corda — when her mother was pregnant with Bradley. She and Pete didn’t find each other again until years later. And Ronnie was always sure the next one she witnessed would be for Bradley’s Luna.
Now, she was a Luna. Now, she was participating in one. 
“It’s a pregnancy ritual,” Ronnie explained as she tilted her chin up at Penny’s gentle urging, the paintbrush dragging down her neck to continue the lines from her chin to her collarbone. “When a Luna gets pregnant with her first pup, the full moon after she finds out she gathers with her pack — all painted with their colors, obviously — and she has to eat an entire wolf’s heart.”
“You — You have to eat a wolf’s heart? Like raw? The whole thing?” Penny paused her painting to stare at Ronnie wide-eyed and baffled. 
“Yes,” Ronnie laughed at her friend’s expression, but she felt the nerves rise up in her chest as she talked through it. “I have to eat the whole thing — raw. If I do, without throwing up or spitting anything out, it’s a sign that the baby will be healthy and the pack will be blessed. If I don’t…It’s a bad omen. For the baby and for the pack.” 
“Jesus, that’s a lot of pressure,” Penny muttered, resuming her painting. 
“I know. And Jake’s a new Alpha, this is his first pup, and this pack has been through so much…I just…A lot is riding on this. On me.”
Penny finished painting her chest and arms. The two outer lines on her neck formed V shapes at her collarbones that went up towards her shoulders, trailing down her arms all the way to the backs of her hands. The middle of the three lines stopped just at the top of her chest. Elegant and simple.
The older woman set down the brush and kneeled down in front of Ronnie. She took her trembling hands in her own with a gentle smile. A motherly smile. Ronnie sucked in a deep breath through her nose and out through her mouth as she stared into Penny’s bright blue eyes. She had been with Red Sky for months, but this was her chance to really prove herself. To assert her role as Luna and as a vessel of the Moon Goddess herself. If she didn’t have the strength to do this, it was a sign she didn’t have the goddess’ blessing. Just another thing gone wrong for Red Sky.
She was only eight weeks along but already her stomach turned at just the smell of certain foods. There was a reason the ritual took place the first full moon after a pregnancy was discovered. When it would be the most difficult for the expectant mother. A true test of her strength. God — what if she couldn’t do it?
“I know this doesn’t mean much coming from me,” Penny said, giving her hands a reassuring squeeze. “But you are going to do amazing. You’re Veronica Bradshaw. You are the smartest, most badass woman I have ever met. You are a daughter of wolf kings. You can do anything.” 
Tears blurred Ronnie’s vision but they didn’t fall. Did Penny know? Had she heard Nick Bradshaw say it before? She must have. Anytime he gathered the pack, his rally cry was always we are the children of wolf kings! It always made Ronnie think that she was a princess, destined for a crown. But now, hearing those words from someone she loved when she felt at her weakest, she understood why her father said it so many times. They imbued her with a kind of power she could never muster for herself. 
She was a daughter of wolf kings.
“Thank you,” Ronnie whispered.
Penny smiled before she stood up again. “Come on, let’s finish getting you ready. 
There were no rules about what a Luna should wear for the Plena Luna Corda, but over the years and through the first-hand accounts Ronnie had read, she noticed that there was definitely a pattern. White — and something that exposed her small belly. The only item the traditions called for was a flower crown made of lupine and moonflowers. Ronnie chose to wear a white skirt, ending just past her knees that hugged low around her waist, and a matching tube top. Barely anything in the chilled night air, but it didn’t matter. Not when her nerves were making her so jittery she felt warm and frozen all at the same time.
At the last, standing in front of the full-length mirror, Penny placed the flower crown on her head — the white and purple flowers stood out in stark contrast to her dark curls. As she looked herself over, she cradled her bump in one hand. Never before had she looked like a princess — a daughter of wolf kings. But she did now. This was her first, true moment as a Luna. The Moon Goddess on earth. A sign of fertility and strength within her pack. She could do this. 
The clock in the hall struck midnight. It was time.
Ronnie took one last deep breath. That tight, anxious feeling in her chest remained, even as she thought over all her reassurances. But she would be with Jake soon. She always felt more confident when he was around.
“I’m ready.”
Javy paced around the front yard waiting to take her to the ritual’s location. He really was a beautiful wolf. Fur brindled and smooth, now painted red in streaks down his sides, haunches, and between his large golden eyes. He shook his head, great ears flopping, at the sight of her stepping down from the porch, trotting closer. The air was freezing, her breath fogged and her skin turned to gooseflesh almost instantly. But she could barely feel it. She padded barefoot across the grass, leaving Penny behind. Then, when Javy lowered his belly to the ground, Ronnie climbed on his back and grabbed fist fulls of his fur. 
He stood back up, her knees tight on his sides and grip on his fur locked. Javy looked back over his shoulder at her once to confirm she was good to go. Ronnie nodded in return. And he took off at a gallop into the woods. 
Ronnie pressed herself firmly against his back to hide against the wind and the rogue branches that would try to cut her. The air was biting cold, forcing tears to leak from her eyes as she buried her face in Javy’s fur. It was different than when she would ride on Jake’s back. The connection, that golden thread, was still there. But it wasn’t as strong. She didn’t feel one with Javy and she liked it that way.
The trees moved by in a blur of dark color, like soldiers in procession, watching their queen go by. That low-hanging fog off the mountain clung to the mossy ground. The full moon hung big and beautiful in the starry sky above. The world was silent, paused, except for the sounds of leaves rushing past and Javy’s growling breath.
Ronnie could have been riding on Javy’s back for hours or moments, she wasn’t sure. But it felt like an eternity and only a breath before they arrived in the proper clearing.
All of Red Sky was there, circled in wolf form and painted all in red, around a giant bonfire. There was a table filled with bowls of red paint and Ronnie could just make out in the orange light of the fire a great pile of furs placed just for her. Javy slowed to a stop with a growl, pawing at the soft earth. Ronnie lifted her head and a smile tugged at her lips. Relief and confidence flooded her veins. 
Jake was still in human form. Taming the beast within that longed to change with the full moon. His chest and stomach were painted with a bold red pattern. He kept his face simple — opting for a line on his chin and across his cheekbones and nose. He looked calm, proud, as he helped her from Javy’s back.
Once he was free of his burden, the brindled wolfmoved to fill the gap in the circle at the edge of the clearing. 
Jake pressed a kiss to her forehead, a low noise echoing in his chest, and she felt instilled with that confidence her mate always seemed to carry. He wrapped a large hand around the back of her neck, fingers tangled in the hair at her nape, and he gently forced her to look up at him. The breath was stolen from her lungs. He looked otherworldly in the firelight. His beard freshly trimmed, hair pushed back, eyes glowing red as blood as he fought against the change the full moon brought. 
“You look beautiful,” he whispered over the roar of the flames. 
And she felt it. 
With that hand still gentle on the back of her neck, he led her over to one side of the fire — where the furs were placed. She could see it before they even arrived. The great, giant paws, the grey fur. A wolf. Freshly sacrificed just for this night. 
Once in her place, standing on the pile of furs, Jake knelt down and shoved one clawed hand beneath the wolf’s ribs. He searched for a moment, then he yanked out a massive piece of raw muscle. Drenched in blood. The wolves around them whined and yipped in anxious excitement.
The heart. 
He rose and held it out to Ronnie. She took it without a hint of hesitation. She had to hold the heart in both hands. The blood instantly began to pour between her fingers, down her arms, and drip onto her feet. Jake could say nothing more to her. No words of encouragement or kind phrases. It was all up to her now. He turned and went around to the opposite side of the fire where a great stone waited for him. He took a seat, legs spread and elbows on his thighs. She could still see him through the dancing flames, his gaze intense and powerful. 
Jake nodded his head. It was time. 
The ritual had begun. 
She was a daughter of wolf kings. 
Ronnie looked down at the heart in her hands. It was still warm. A fresh kill. She remembered talking to her mother about this. Sitting with her unfinished book on her knees and holding out her tape recorder in case she missed anything in her frantic note-taking. Her mother had laughed and she got it on tape. She told her daughter that she got the heart down in five bites. Looking down at an actual one now, Ronnie had to scoff. That was easy for her to say — she was a Beta long before she arrived at her Plena Luna Corda. She had sharp fangs and strength to get her through. All Ronnie had was desperation and Jake’s encouraging face from across the fire. 
She had to do this. She could do this. 
Jake’s eyes told her so. Red and intense through the flames. If she looked at him, only him, that was all she could feel. Confident, capable, whole, filled with a pride earned and humble. She didn’t break eye contact as she sunk her teeth into the meaty flesh of the heart. 
Red Sky howled and yapped softly as she began. 
The meat was tough, but her teeth could get through. She ripped the first bite free and began to chew, her eyes never leaving Jake. The taste was…Appalling. Akin to chicken but she didn’t even really know. All she could taste was animal blood and something vaguely meaty. It made her stomach turn instantly. She wretched just as she swallowed and the bite lept back onto her tongue. A noise of protest slipped between her closed lips as she looked down at the rest of the heart in her hands. It somehow looked like it had gotten bigger since the last time she looked at it. There was so much of it. This was only the first bite. How could she ever possibly get through it all?
Then, that bite still laying heavy in her mouth, she looked back at Jake. 
His gaze was empowering, intense — she nearly wanted to look away. His breaths were even, shoulders rising and falling at a soothing pace. He had his elbows pushed down to his knees, fingers threaded together loosely as he leaned as close as he could get to her. She could nearly hear him talking in her head. 
Come on, little one. You got this. Don’t stop. You’re doing so good. 
She swallowed hard with an audible gulp — and a smirk ticked up the corner of his mouth. 
The next few bites went smoothly. Though achingly slow. Her jaw was beginning to hurt from chewing the tough meat. But she knew she had no chance of swallowing any of this whole. At the fifth bite, nearly halfway through, her stomach betrayed her again. What she already swallowed rose in her throat and she groaned — one bloodied hand shooting up to keep her mouth shut. Across the fire, Jake sat up a bit straighter, his every muscle poised like he was about to leap into the crackling flames. With a grimace, she forced it all back down her gullet. 
That was when the tears came. Ronnie didn’t even know she had begun to cry until she tasted the salt on her lips. Her throat ached from the bile, her stomach churned. And there was a fear now. Visceral and constant no matter how hard she tried to fight it. Push it down. Focus only on Jake and his pride and his confidence. A shaking breath tumbled out of her mouth. There was still so much left. Something ugly curled around her heart now. Like tentacles or knotted vines — something meant to cling and drag down to the very depths of some unknown darkness. 
What if she couldn’t do it? What if she became the very thing that she sought to prevent? Just another pain for Red Sky, another bad omen. What if she let Jake down?
Ronnie looked up at him from across the bonfire. His expression hadn’t changed. Still hard, still calm, still unrelenting in its pride. She could even still hear him, like a whisper at the back of her mind. Just a bit more, little one, you can do it. But it was so hard. Her stomach roiled, screamed at her to get it all out and find some relief. She brought the heart back up to her lips and took another bite. More tears slipped out.
Looking out at the wolves that surrounded the clearing, that watched her every move with eyes like shining gold coins, she wished there were some familiar forms among them. Some furry, time-worn faces that she knew like the back of her hand. Red Sky was trying, trying to encourage in the ways that they could. Barking and stamping at her and howling quietly. But it wasn’t the same. She wished her mother was there. She wished her father was there. 
She wished Bradley was there. Or Pete, or Bob, or Natasha. The pack that raised her. That made her into the woman, the Luna, that now stood across the fire from her mate trying to do the impossible.
Swallowing that bite, she took another and was able to work through it quickly. Bile at the back of her throat threatened to ruin everything. Acid burning her tongue and forcing hot drool to accumulate in her mouth. Ronnie pushed it all down with a soft cry. 
Only two more bites left. One if she tried. 
It wasn’t just her poor stomach telling her to stop now. It was everything inside her. To just give up. Her hands, now painted completely in blood, trembled as she readjusted her grip on what remained of the heart. She couldn’t even look up at Jake. Convinced of the disappointment and anguish she would find there. She wasn’t cut out for this. She wasn’t a werewolf, she wasn’t a Luna, she was just some normal girl trying desperately to cling to something she was never meant to have.
The pack began to growl menacingly, their hackles raised as they turned west. Leaves rustled and twigs snapped. Ronnie looked to the source of the noise, fearing that something had now come to attack at one of the pack’s most vulnerable moments. Jake too was on high alert, stood from his seat with his teeth bared — barely restrained from circling the fire to tuck Ronnie away.
But all the agitation seemed to die away when it was revealed just who was coming into their circle.
“Pete,” Ronnie whispered when the wolf stepped into her view, just beyond Jake’s shoulder. 
She would recognize his wolf form anywhere. Jet black and speckled with grey in the face and chest. She had ridden on his back when she was a child. She had patted his great face with her tiny hands. She had cried into his fur. But now, now he stood alone amongst a pack that only a few months ago was prepared to rip his throat out. Now, he stood with blue paint smeared into his fur like it was done last second. 
He came. 
Then, on Jake’s other side, a larger wolf appeared — the growls of Red Sky picked up. There were scars on this wolf’s face, painted blue and the coat was a deep chocolate brown. His eyes glowed red in the light of the fire.
“Bradley,” she wept.
He came. He really came. And if he was here, then the rest of the pack wasn’t far behind. And they did come, filling in the gaps between the Red Sky wolves with their blue-painted fur. 
Ronnie looked to Jake with a hopeful smile, tears flowing freely down her cheeks. Please let them stay. Jake looked at her for a moment, then his gaze fell on his pack and he nodded. Red Sky instantly calmed down at his signal. But they remained restless, shifting quietly and keeping a weary eye on the other wolves. Jake slowly sat back down on the stone, all his focus back on his mate. 
Her family was there. Her pack was there. Jake was there. She was a daughter of wolf kings. She was a Luna, the Moon Goddess incarnate.
Ronnie could do this. 
She shoved the remaining chunk of flesh into her mouth and chewed.
Jake looked like he was about to jump into the fire. Every muscle pulled taut, like a coil under too much pressure. His red eyes shone and were full of power as he watched his Luna eat. And at the last, when it felt soft enough, Ronnie swallowed — all of it. Her hands empty. Everyone watched on bated breath as she swayed on her feet, one hand cradling her belly, fighting against her body to keep everything down. Then she gulped with an audible gasp…
And she knew it was finished. 
Every wolf in the clearing howled up at the moon that cursed and blessed them — Red Sky and Blue River. The pup was going to be strong and healthy, the pack was blessed for it. 
But all Ronnie could focus on was Jake. Proud and steady as he came around the fire to her. A smile quirked the corner of his mouth, his hand dripping with fresh red paint. She wanted to collapse into him, let him be her strength now. But she needed to remain resolute, standing proud as she reunited with her Alpha and her mate. As he claimed their unborn pup for Red Sky. Ronnie gasped at the cold, wet feeling when he pressed his red-dripping hand into her belly. 
“My little Luna,” he spoke in awe.
The howls only grew louder, more consistent, as Jake knelt before her and wrapped his arms around the tops of her thighs. Then he lifted her into the air for every wolf to see. From each pack. This was his mate, his Luna, his love, his queen. Ronnie smiled, happy tears falling down her cheeks now, with her hands in his golden hair. His gaze was locked on her as he walked her around the fire once, twice — the moon shining down on them and wolves from both packs howling in harmony for the first time in centuries. 
When Jake finally set Ronnie back on solid ground, the wolves around the clearing dispersed. Ready to go on their full moon hunt, to fulfill the desire that had been gnawing at them since the moon rose that night. After a moment of pounding feet and calling howls, the clearing was silent. Leaving the Alpha and his Luna with a moment of peace, as was tradition. 
Jake held Ronnie’s face in his painted and bloodied hands, tucked her hair behind her ears as he pulled her flush against him. “You did so good for me, little one.” 
“Yeah?” she questioned quietly, reaching up and gripping his wrists in a loose hold. 
“Yeah,” he chuckled lightly, eyes flicking over the state of her bloodied face. “My little Luna. My moon and stars.” 
Ronnie nodded as her eyes slipped shut, leaning into his firm touch, leaning into his strength. Her fingers slipped from his wrists to touch her bump lightly. Jake pulled her ever closer, breathing in deep as one of his hands cradled the back of her neck — fingers threaded through her hair.
Then she whispered, so soft it would have disappeared on the wind to anyone else, “I don’t think the pup likes wolf’s heart.” 
Jake laughed. One of those deep rumbles that moved his entire body that Ronnie loved. She released her own quiet chuckle as Jake dropped down on one knee before her, her waist in his broad hands. 
“Good thing you only do this once, then, huh?” he looked up at her, his expression soft and full of a powerful sort of love. 
And his gaze dropped to her belly with that same expression. That same soft yet powerful love, that same reverence and awe, as he pressed tender kisses into her flesh. Ronnie sighed, her head thrown back towards the sky, as she threaded her fingers back into his hair. 
“I was so worried,” she confessed, hands trailing over his neck as her mate got back to his feet. 
Jake’s thumb traced over her blood-stained lips, pulled the bottom one down as he dragged the digit down her chin and the column of her throat — where the red paint used to be but was now hidden in blood.
“I never doubted you for a second,” he replied and it made fresh tears blur her vision. 
His kiss was gentle yet commanding as it always was. Soft but powerful. Only now, at this moment, when their kiss tasted like blood and paint and release — there was a certain hunger and pride that rippled in the way he tugged her against him. In the way he urged her lips to part so his tongue could slip inside. 
“Jake,” she panted softly when they parted, an echo of the need that pulsed through her now. 
That need for his strength. His reassurance. His love. 
“I know,” he breathed, almost a growl, as he leaned his forehead heavily against her own. “But we can’t…It’s already getting harder to control.”
Ronnie nodded in understanding. It was a night of the full moon. Jake had already been resisting the beast within for hours now. It was surely clawing at his insides, howling to be released. He was stronger as an Alpha, able to put it off, but if he went any longer it would drive him insane. And he wouldn’t take the risk of hurting Ronnie or the pup. He just wouldn’t. 
So they stood in the clearing for a few more moments. Content to hold and be held. Content to sink into this new feeling now that the Plena Luna Corda was over. Now that there was some assurance from the goddess above that their babe was going to be healthy, that things were finally going to be looking up for Red Sky.
“I love you,” Ronnie whispered.
“I love you, too.” Jake pressed his lips into her hair. “With all of me. With everything.” 
“You should go,” she said, hands smoothing over his bare chest.
He needed to join the hunt, join his pack, lead. He needed to succumb to the curse so he wouldn’t be driven mad when the night was through. Jake gave her one final kiss, soft and full of strength, before he reluctantly pulled away from her. 
“I’ll be back by morning,” he said as he backed away, giving himself some space. 
“We’ll be waiting for you.” Ronnie smiled with a hand on her belly. 
Jake grinned with an unbelieving shake of his head. Then he gave in to the curse. His body was overcome by fur and powerful muscle. In an instant, he was in wolf form. Massive, with his dark gold fur glinting in the firelight. Red paint still visible on his face and chest.
Lowering himself down to the forest floor, Ronnie pulled herself onto his back. Their connection strong and golden as he carried her off into the woods. Back to their cabin. He left her on the porch. Pressing his large, furry head into her middle one last time, Ronnie smiled as she held his massive face in her hands. 
Then he ran off to join his pack.
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