#im the canes fan 100%
cirrussly-drawing · 1 year
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my contribution to the @hockeyartzine ! which hockey fan jersey are you?
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sethjarvy · 2 years
guys... look at the bright side, no more espn
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thedisablednaturalist · 7 months
Office disability culture is so fucked in environmental science and fieldwork. Like the mindset that to do the job you have to be in perfect physical health or you should just quit. Like I'm not talking about something that is 100% physical labor here, everything is mostly achievable with aids and you don't need to be able to do every single thing. But there's this weird like..pride..that my older coworkers have. They work out in the gym and brag about how many reps they did. They tease each other for having medical issues. They don't ask for accommodations because they fear that their legitimacy will be hurt. That it means that they can't do their job anymore. That they won't be TRUSTED to do their jobs anymore. That it will get taken away.
So they FURTHER hurt their bodies by not resting, not taking breaks, not using ergonomic equipment, not using safety equipment. Not drinking enough water. Not using mobility aids when they are so old that it's supposed to be acceptable. They don't use the scooters at the grocery store, they don't use their handicapped placard, they don't use knee pads or compression gloves.
And here I come in, 24 years old, looking perfectly healthy. And I use walking sticks, I sit down a lot, I have my care bag, I have a ton of gadgets for making fieldwork more comfortable, I have boundaries and limits, I wear braces and knee pads and compression gloves. I use my handicapped placard.
They react in one of two ways:
1. How DARE I. I'm so lucky to be young and no one sees THEM having to do all those things (literally nothing is stopping them but pride). Like old man if you need a break take a fucking break. I'm not going to hurt my health to make you feel better about hurting yours. I'm not risking a flare up to spare the 65 year olds feelings. Im gonna take my break and use my equipment cause my boss doesn't care as long as the work gets done. I'm tired of glares from 100 year olds making themselves struggle across the parking lot when they could also be using the fucking scooter. (I never take the last scooter, there's always another available. Also it's not my fault if walmart only provides 2 scooters for the whole store).
2. It shows them its okay. Its okay to need aids. When I first showed up at my job it was very...macho..everyone was afraid of seeming old (theres probably only 3 of us under 30 in the whole department, most people are at least 50, mainly 65 year olds). Then they saw me using my walking sticks, taking my medicine openly, bringing a chair with me when working away from my desk, using my TENS unit. I overheard one lady ask her granddaughter what fibromyalgia was (apparently she had spotted my pain tracking journal).
My older coworker with a bad knee got a walking stick like mine and beamed when she showed me. The grandmother uses a cane and a walker interchangeably and more often. I get asked where I get my little portable fan and pocket heaters and special clothing. Even abled coworkers are doing it. My coworker who's younger than me sets alarms to take breaks now just like I do. People seem more comfortable using things that help them now.
My boss has really struggled. He has a lot of internalized ableism and hates thinking of himself as crippled. He spent his whole life physically active and strong and all these health issues and overexertion are catching up with him. Like he did environmental testing in areas with fucking radon. He did work where they threw asbestos around like snow for fun. He's done a ton of really hard physical work. He grew up with the mentality that pain was just something everyone has to push through. But I think seeing a young person make the choice not to push through is helping him a bit. He wants to make his own walking stick, he goes to the doctor more. We bond over having constant medical issues and I even gave him the name of my surgeon. Yea he still says stuff like "shoot me if I have to use a wheelchair" (not as much anymore since he now knows I use one) but he's getting there.
Yeah so I've had this in my drafts for a bit and I wanted to update that my boss has been walking around with a fucking broken ankle for the past couple of weeks. He thought it was just arthritis pain and eventually couldn't take it anymore and went to the foot doctor. The doctor has no clue how the fuck he's been walking on it. Now he has to wear the boot and he's banned from fieldwork while he heals.
Older people and the elderly need to learn that it's okay to not push through the pain and ask for help. Everyone needs to learn this, and not be like my fucking boss. Go to the doctor, get that sore joint checked out. Get those tests done. Use that aid. Stop walking on a broken ankle just because you can.
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abimee · 1 year
im sorry ill get off this topic i dont usually just directly post these thoughts but its literally something ive thoiught about casually for months now. like once you read a a huge vchunk of a certain ships fanfics you SEE all the patterns and tropes and continous similarities and it just makes me sad that i cannot find a single trans chefant fic (that isnt either grotesque or poor quality) and
theres cats fighting outside my window
okay theyre done. and the fact that theres even less disabled haurchefant content in these fics as well. like i understand to the abled writer of these fics they think that healing medicines that make someone 100% entirely fully recover from something and become ''good as new!" is like, a fantasy trope for them. A happy thing. but its really not at all anything enjoyable to read if youre disabled. and once again i get its just fanfics but even your low grade quickly written fanfic carries your ideas within it. and especially posting it online publicly others will see it, and if you send the message that in a fantastical world where people can be anything, happily disabled isnt one of them, you are telling the audience you either
A) think disabled people wont survive in this fantasy world for any reason
B) think the people in thisa fantasy world wont accomodate for the disabled
C) think in a perfect fantasy nobody is disabled
so after the 1,200th ''chefant survives entirely unscathed besides a little scar to be sad over'' you begin to go ''but what if he didnt?". Is it so scary to think about haurchefant in a wheelchair? using a cane? his own father walks with a cane and supposedly has a bad foot, hes disabled! Arenvald is literally in the game right now in a wheelchair (hes not handles WELL), theres disabled people in this game! Disabled people who are happy and loved and cared for. So why is it so scary to imagine a character close to your heart as disabled, by any masure of that word? Why are wolchefant fans so scared of disabled haurchefant
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intoafandom · 1 year
Ok bruinsblr, it’s been a few weeks and i think im finally ready to say some stuff.....
Firstly, if it wasn’t ABUNDANTLY CLEAR, i was in denial, probably more than ive ever been in my entire life. I’m only NOW starting to feel it as I type this out (which i KNEW would happen and its why i put off making this post).
It doesn’t feel real. It feels like someone took the script and ripped it into a thousand pieces. It feels like it wasn’t supposed to happen that way at all and that there was something evil force flipping the scales. It feels like everything just suddenly disappeared, like all of the sudden everything just freaking stopped and everyone just disappeared. I feel like I haven’t seen the team in YEARS even though its only been a couple weeks. Everything just feels gone.
Yall know ive been posting about oneus (and onewe) waaaay more often lately (and its not just because they came back with new music and ravns been active). Again, ive been in denial and oneus (and onewe) are my helpful distraction. Cuz otherwise ik i would’ve been a total complete mess. 2019 still feels worse to me because, again, I haven’t let myself feel all the emotions tied to the elimination. I haven’t thought about bergy or krech, I haven’t thought about the free agents, or anything else relating to it because if i do ik I’ll probably break aaaand im not ready to go down that road yet.
I’m happy about the regular season, probably more than I’ll ever be about another season ever again. Everything that happened was so surreal. Linus’ goaie goal, the bench clearing for Bergy’s 1000th point (and the fact that i got to go to the game where they honored him). The winter classic at fenway and JD killing it in LITERALLY every way possible. We got pooh bear, we got meth bear, we got everything. There were so many milestones, so many players who had the best seasons of their career.
I kinda feel like im in limbo. Like I don’t really know what to do with myself. Cuz i literally haven’t watched ANY other playoff games and it all just feels so weird. And i guess that’s the word that sums everything up for me. Weird.
I think when the season started, we all could feel that this was the last dance. And now that its over, I don’t know how to feel or what to do. I don’t even know how to post about the bruins rn. Cuz everything just feels so freaking weird and disconnected. I think im just detached from reality. I’m in my own little space where none of the painful emotions have fully hit me yet.
And now i feel like i don’t really know what to do with myself. Because since 2018 this has been a hockey blog (with a few other things randomly thrown in). The past 5 years have been hockey hockey hockey, and ive been posting about the same people for so freaking long.
And like...I don’t really know what to do now because im pretty 100% sure that some of those core people are going to be gone. Dynamics are going to change, and im someone who HATES change.
Honestly, at the beginning of the season/the end of last season, I was almost completely checked out of bruinsblr. That was the height of all the drama (iykyk) and the team got crushed in the playoffs + all the sh!t canes fans did to pasta. I was sick of lb’ing because i just wanted to watch the games in peace without having to see all the hate. I was sick of missing cute cellys just so i could type “BERGY YOU KING” before anyone else. I was exhausted.
But then this season came along and it was like all the joy from 2018-19 (my first year as a hockey fan) all came back. I was lb’ing the way i used to, without focusing on notes or followers. I was just enjoying it. Enjoying the games, enjoying the moments in real time. I didn’t make as many edits, I didn’t force myself to make them when I wasn’t motivated.
I enjoyed the season the way i was supposed to. As a fan rather than...whatever the fvck this account is. And it was amazing.
All this to say, idk what is coming. Idk what this off-season is gunna be like and idk what next season is gunna be like. Will I still lb? Maybe. Will I still edit the bruins? Maybe. Will I still post about the bruins? Maybe. Probably.
But am I going to obsess over the wags anymore? No. Am I going to screenshot things from insta and post them here with the caption “omg player xyz is so funny/cute for this!” No. That’s stuff I feel I’ve grown out of. Don’t get me wrong, i still love jd and cmac and bambi carlo and all the others, but i dont feel like posting about their personal lives anymore, especially when yall can just go to their instas and see it RIGHT THERE.
Here’s what I know though. I still love the bruins. I love their friendships and the team dynamics. I still love hockey, i still love sports. And this is still a fan account (duh its literally called IntoAFandom). I’m still going to post/talk/rant about it all. I’m still going to be a reblog queen and im still going to follow the tags like ive always done.
But I’m also telling you that I’m going to he posting a lot of oneus and onewe now. I feel like im moving into a new stage and they’re a part of it. So if you dont like it, this is your out. I wont get offended, kpop isn’t for everyone (hell, i used to ACTIVELY avoid it the entire time i was in high school and for a couple years after I graduated too).
Basically, I’m going to do what makes me happy now, just as I started doing this season. I’m going to do whatever I’m in the mood to do and I’m not going to force myself to do anything. Im going to watch the bruins and im going to continue to be a fan of them. I still love them and i still love the team. But im also going to love oneus and onewe and im going to stop holding myself back.
Yall know i loved marvel for the last 5 years too, but i think a lot of you probably know that I haven’t been into it lately, but that’s a post for a different time lol.
All this to say im growing. Im exploring new things, finding new loves. And its fun. Im learning korean (why am I lowkey good lol), I’m writing a book, i finally got over my fear of talking to people (yay me).
I feel like im starting to look at the world in a new way, a way I haven’t looked at it in a long time. And it’s making me happy, honestly.
This post took a weird (theres that word again) turn, so I apologize, but i feel like this is all connected somehow. I don’t know what this account is going to look like in a few months, but I guess thats the fun of it all.
Thanks for reading, sorry for the typos (ik there’s gunna be some but I’m too lazy to proof read this oop).
Thank you to all the friends ive made on bruinsblr (Liv and Sarah, thank you❤️). This isn’t a goodbye, because lets be real lol. But I guess its a new beginning? Idk. But yeah.
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yutaslaugh · 2 years
Canes anon here, i agree - hockey to kpop for me too, it's just (and i say this as respectfully as possible) hockey players have the personalities of bricks so beyond just watching the game, that's it for me lol i hated watching even the interval interviews, it was just painful, also all the old men fans trying to gatekeep a bloody sport from younger female fans ain't it
im too smart to be listening to hockey men talk, they are literally the stereotype of dumb jocks 😭✋️ and i 100% agree lol it's such a misogynistic sport and fanbase, there are always mansplainers around 😔
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the-last-human-war · 2 months
GodofWar Punisher WarMachine FutureWinterSoldier MolagBal Sauron
60. Sling Shot - Tranq Pellets (Like Green Hornet's Gas Gun where he ends up in a coma.)
61. Sling Shot - Itchy Poison Pellets
62. Sling Shot - Permanent GLITTER BOMB!!!
63. Sling Shot - Berserker Hallucinogen Neurotoxic Gas
64. Sling Shot - Fear Gas - THE BATMAN!!
65. La Bola
66. Jack Spikes
67. Gogo's Bladed Chain Ball
68. Sheath Aka Scabbard
69. Wooden Sword
70. Iron Sparring Sword
71. Stealth - Cane Sword
72. Spiked Knuckles
73. Acid disguised as Ricen Strips. Or is it Ricen Strips disguised as Acid?
74. Mask obviously
75. Rebreather
76. Gas Mask
77. Demon Mask Lmfao
78. Spray Paint - to Mark your Sign
79. Plated Armor obviously
80. Hoodie obviously
81. Flip-flops obviously
82. Straps and Ropes
83. Black Leather obviously
84. Kimono obviously
85. Enuf with the obviously obviously
86. War Paint not so obvious
87. Helmet
88. Kara Jishi Full Mask
89. Kara Jishi Mouth Mask
90. Long Spear
91. Mandalorian Javelin
92. Harpoon Gun
93. Ninja Fisherman Trident
94. Net
95. Snare Traps
96. Triple Bladed Nunchacku
97. Fiber Wire CQC
98. Laser Cutter
99. Strobe Light
100. Drone
101. Bladed Boomerang
102. Static Stun Boomerang
103. Gas Boomerang
104. Boomerang Drone
105. Sushi just in case there's a Hibachi Steak-Out
106. Pet Scouts
107. House of Flying Axes
108. Combat Knife or Swiss Army Knife - Ima Gut im like a Fish. Engrave & Enamel a Rainbow Koi Fish on the handle.
109. Mind Freak - Splittable Double Bladed Sword
110. Jade Fox Ribbons
111. Jade Fox Undetectable Bounty Mug Shot
112. Calligraphy Paint Brush
113. Chop Sticks
114. Peasant Disguise - Straw Hat, Bandana, Tattered Wool Robes, River Carp Fishing Pole, Master Yoda's Cane
115. Whistle
116. Rice Cakes
117. Bladed Fan
118. Umbrella Shield
119. Half-Shell
120. Shredder Forearm Blades
121. SUPER-SHREDDER Razor Armor Suit
122. Delivery Bag for Boxes of PIZZA
123. Forearm Speed Crossbow or Pellet Shooter
124. Guns Blazing - Blunderbuss - BLAST FROM THE PAST MOTHAFUCKA!!
125. Spy Kite - can Deploy and Disperse all sorts of things
126. Traditional Hair Style
127. Some Yakuza Tats
128. Potion Bombs
129. Buddhist Monk Candy Pouch
130. Sword Oil - cleaning
131. Sword Oil - Poisons
132. Sword Oil - Fire Sword
133. Flamethrower - Dragon Mouth Staff
134. Squash Gourd - Sacred Mountain Dew
135. Squash Gourd - Sake
136. Squash Gourd - Koshu Wine
137. Squash Gourd - Spaghetti Western Whiskey
138. Divine Confetti... In yo Face!!
139. Origami
140. Predator Whistle Calls & Bait Lures
141. Anti-Venoms
142. Lock-Picks
143. El Trompo
144. Sticky Hand Slapper
145. Superball or Skyball
146. Crystal Ball Mallet Staff - Only Hammer a Ninja would ever consider wielding
147. Trippy Yo-Yo
148. Secret Satchel hiding a Russian Nesting Doll for Divine Cookies
Lightsaber & Star Wars Weapons
1. B
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sacredjake · 5 months
Dec 12th
Hello again! 
Omg a Raising Canes is down the street from my place and it’s a battle everyday to resist. It helps that the line inside and drive thru is so long 24/7
Also, supernatural blew my mind when I first decovered that show. The Winchester brothers, I couldn’t choose 😩💛 I met the actor who plays Dean (Jensen Ackles) at a coffee shop by the beach when I was 19 and he was above and beyond nice! My mom noticed him first and I was shocked (trying not to die). He was so sweet! He offered to take a picture with me before I could ask, gave me a big hug and thanked me for being a fan. He chatted with my mom and I for a bit. Mostly my mom because, I could barely talk…embarrassing🤡
Have you met any celebrities? 
What’s 5 things you want for Christmas? (It can be anything in your wildest dreams)
Your Secret Santa🎄
funny enough i worked at raising canes for two years lol even after working there so long i love their food (and i ate it basically every day). i can tell you that everything is 100% fresh and either cooked to order or made fresh that morning (even the lemonade is really hand squeezed every morning)
oh my god. you met jensen ackles?!??! IM SO JEALOUS I LOVE HIM! ALSO SO LUCKY! i wouldn’t be able to talk either i mean omg it’s literally dean freakin winchester! also much much love to supernatural, it’s what sparked my love for classic rock <3
no one like super famous lol. i met one of my favorite players, james, from the tv show Big Brother on my 23rd birthday, that was cool. um i almost met jerry jones (the owner of the dallas cowboys), jimmy kimmel and tony romo when i performed at a cowboys game. i met a few dallas stars players in high school, and my dad is a roadie for this up and coming country artist, ryder grimes and ive gotten to meet him and his band. idk if this one really counts, but during my boston show i got to directly give sam the hat i made for him and ‘met’ him very, very briefly before he left for the b stage (he looked me directly in my eyes with his big dumb baby cow eyes and grabbed my hand.) i’ll link to my posts here and here and let you decide lol
oh geez… anything in my wildest dreams… hmmm- no particular order
a record player, a 2024 bronco raptor in the color cactus grey, a guitar & lessons (i really wanna learn how to play), and the lego succulents set bc i can’t have real plants because my cat seeks out and obliterates any and all plants
until next time santa!!!
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sokka-simp · 3 years
Christmas Headcanons
Bakugo, Deku, Todoroki S. x reader
A/N: so I’m randomly making this because I think my blog needs some Christmas Headcanons and I myself love Bakugo so he’s a given but I know there are some Deku and Todoroki fans that may like my fics somewhere so I added them on for ✨v a r i e t y✨
Bakugo was never one that was super big on Christmas, like don’t get me wrong, he didn’t dislike Christmas he just didn’t really care
The only thing he liked about it was getting presents and bragging about them to his friends
He only ever got presents from his parents and Deku because he never EVER bought people gifts
That was until he went to UA and he met you and the rest of the Bakusquad
Who all LOVE Christmas
His first year there he still refused to buy any of them Christmas gifts but no ho ho the others didn’t think the same
You got him an All Might figure
Kiri got him new gloves cause he kept burning through his
Mina got him a mini Christmas tree, which he acted particularly upset about because ‘I don’t even give a fuck about Christmas Pinky!’ He liked it though which was obvious to everyone else
Denki got him a bra for his ‘bakutitties’, Sero had to tape him to the wall to make sure Denki wasn’t gruesomely murdered
Sero got him a cool black and orange hoodie Bakugo was taped to the wall again just for fun and as an extra gift from Sero
He felt bad, so he went and got everyone something for New Years ‘since it’s a tradition in his family. Tch.’ and not because he didn’t get them anything for Christmas
After that first year, he liked Christmas a lot more
You watch Die Hard multiple times every year because Bakugo thinks it’s the only “Christmas” movie worth watching
You agree but force him to watch other movies too
He only does it so you guys can cuddle, he denies that though
“You pulled me into your side before the intro was finished and you’re gonna say you don’t like cuddles?” “No I didn’t dumbass, shut the fuck up! ....and play another one.” “YOU DONT EVEN LIKE CHRSITMAS MOVIES! YOU JUST LIKE CUDDLES! ADMIT IT.” “NO I FUCKING DONT, SHUT THE FUCK UP AND TURN ON THE GRINCH OR SOME SHIT!” “YOU ARE THE GRINCH! Wait don’t leave 🥺” “tch. Come here.”
You guys cuddle a lot in general because you’re both touch starved, but Christmas time makes it more normal so you guys cuddle a lot more
Like a lot
Not in public though, bakubaby isn’t a fan of PDA except hand holding ‘cause it’s cold’
But if you’re alone or in the 1-A building you guys cuddle all the time. You’re in the common room on a couch, boom cuddling. You’re doing homework together, boom sitting in his lap. You’re watching a movie in his bed, boom spooning.
He makes you special homemade hot chocolate
And regular chocolate
And literally anything you want
You buy him special spicy chocolate cause you can’t cook for shit, or at least not good enough for Bakugo
You tried once and burned chocolate at 3 in the morning, setting off the fire alarm, and causing everyone to have to evacuate. He made fun of you for a good month or 2 after that. He honestly still does
You buy and force him to wear ugly Christmas sweaters every year
You buy some for the bakusquad too
You have epic snow battles, like, I almost broke your nose and had a flu half of break after spending hours in freezing weather snow battles
You’re both competitive though, so you both end up either never winning or having the same amount of wins and it pisses you both off sooooooo much
You both spend days looking for the perfect gift for each other after getting together
Like you have a straight up list for everytime he even slightly hints at liking something because he sure as hell won’t tell you what he wants
You got him new mountain climbing equipment, an All Might poster, and a shirt that said ‘I’m stupid’ so you could wear the ‘im with stupid’ one
You spend Christmas Eve at one of your houses and Christmas Day at the other
You’re parents buy you and Bakugo matching Pajamas for Christmas Day, whether it’s at your house or his
When he opens your gift he’s vibing until the shirt. He glares at you so hard, that if you didn’t know he was whipped for you, you probably would have pissed yourself.
You laughed instead which caused a long string of curses
After opening gifts you guys spend the day cuddling and having snowball fights then going out with the Bakusquad for Christmas desserts
Deku looooooooves Christmas
He’s one of those people who claim to like buying people gifts more than getting gifts
Like he buys gifts for everyone in the class. And the teachers. And principal Nezu. And all his favorite pro-heros. And his mom. And that random homeless dude on the street. And his favorite food place’s employees. And just everyone.
He goes broke every year
He’s a liar though, he loves opening gifts. Sometimes he feels bad, but if it has something to do with All Might, he’ll let himself forget the price
The first year at UA, you suggested secret Santa for the Dekusquad and everyone loved it, especially Deku
Deku got Uraraka
Uraraka got You
You got Todoroki
Todoroki got Iida
Iida got Tsuyu
and Tsuyu got Deku
Deku, Iida and you went alllllll out
Urakaka tried to get something good but she didn’t have a lot to spend
~Baby’s broke 👊🏼😔
Todoroki didn’t really care and just asked Deku what Iida would want
Tsuyu got Deku the first All Might thing she saw above 10 dollars
You and Deku mega bonded while being stressed over gifts and started having gift shopping dates hangouts
You went out on your first date together a few days after Christmas, when Deku realized he couldn’t keep using Christmas shopping as an excuse to hang out
The next year, during Christmas, you did everything together
Decorate your dorms, decorate the common room, go gift shopping, ambush Iida with snowballs, cuddle, watch Christmas movies and so on
You and Deku 100% recreate Hallmark Christmas movies with the Dekusquad. They all vibe, except Todoroki because he thinks it is so stupid
Deku’s mom knits everyone from the Dekusquad ugly Christmas sweaters with their initials on it every year
Your family invites Deku and his mom over to have Christmas dinner with them
You buy him the most limited edition All Might stuff you can find
You stay up all night just so you can order it as soon as you can, you will literally camp outside of stores in snow so you can get it for him
He does the same for your interest though so it’s worth it
And it’s especially worth it when you get to see his eyes light up when he sees what you got him
You both open presents separately with your family in the morning, but you meet up a few hours before dinner to exchange your gifts to each other and get hot chocolate from your favorite cafe
Bonus story: One time you and Deku decided to go to a cat cafe on a whim and saw Aizawa sensei laying on his back in the middle of the cafe with cats all over him. You all stared at each other until you and Deku slowly backed out of the cafe. You 3 never brought it up. But you and Deku laughed about the 32 customer of the month pictures of Aizawa that were on the wall.
Deku has straight up cried opening your gifts before
You love him so much 🥺💕😩
And when you open your gift and get the goofy smile full of love on your face, Deku can’t help but think he’s the luckiest guy on Earth.
It’s just both your favorite time of the year
Todoroki never celebrated Christmas with his family unless it was for plublicity or something
His mom would buy him and his siblings all small gifts but she didn’t have much freedom to go and get anything big or really wanted by the kids
They all appreciated it nonetheless
So when the Dekusquad forced asked him to join the secret santa, he didn’t know what to do at all
So he went to you and to get you to help him find a perfect gift for his secret santa person, which was Uraraka
You agreed to help, being the amazing significant other that you are
You were no help, at all. You could not stop laughing when he pulled up dumb gifts
And when you found out what you were going to get him for Christmas you teased him and gave him hints every 5 minutes just to annoy him
So he ended up going to Deku and Iida because one was serious all the time and the other was so obsessed with Christmas, he changed his comforter to be All Might in a Christmas hat
They helped a lot more
He still enjoyed hanging out with you though
You and todoroki have weekly ‘Make fun of Hallmark Movies’ nights each week, starting at the beginning of December obviously and going until January.
You stay up til like 4 in the morning cuddling and having fights about who’s the most annoying character
You always buy Todoroki candy canes because ‘look sho, they look just like you, and they’re sweet like you too’
Cue the mass amount of blushing everytime you say anything remotely nice to him ever
For Christmas you got him a few things but the best is an Endeavor dart board. You saw it and got it with no hesitation.
Your gift for him consists of his dart board, mini candy canes, a soba place gift card, and a coupon book, hand-made, full of coupons that just say ‘cuddle with Y/N’
One of his gifts for you is an ‘I hate endeavor shirt’ because if he’s the president of the ‘I Hate Endeavor’ club, you’re Vice President.
The amount of times Todoroki has had to stop you from attacking his dad on sight is higher than the amount of people All Might has saved
But the other gifts really depend on what you like, because baby doesn’t wanna disappoint you, not after he has been disappointed every Christmas until you
Todoroki 100% always comes over for Christmas. Your parents would drag Todoroki from his house if they had too
He comes over Christmas Eve and spends the night, then stays for everything. Opening gifts, stockings, Christmas dinner, etc.
He even has his own stocking with his name embroidered on it
When he opened your gift the evil smile he had on his face made you know it was perfect
And the soba place card made him just as happy, he’s so lucky to have you
He loves the giddy face you have as you open the shirt first and put it right on over your pajamas
Wow he loves you
Wow you love him
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rosesvioletshardy · 2 years
because i’m back here are my thoughts on the games i didn’t lb for the time i’ve missed i watched some of the games and was following the others through twitter for the rest
bos/nyi: matinees (derogatory), bruins still suck and all 3 goals were from minnesota men
sens/cats: i don’t go here at all but panthers still suck and would rather kms than be a fan idc if g is there and would rather be a sens fan
flames/oilers: still hate the oilers, mike smith still sucks, johnny i fucking love you hope they re-sign you soon king you keep this team alive, marky i’m sorry you don’t have good defense sometimes and didn’t deserve to get scored on at all also flames own the oilers and the refs sucked the entire game and were oilers fans (nurse was literally holding down mang the last minute of the play and refs didn’t notice, gave matty the penalty when smith punched him in the head while he was in a headlock too and were blind to multiple others that shouldve been oilers penalties)
canes/blues: still love the canes and hate md13 & tda77 thank god for kk and that 7-2 W especially on brady and svech’s birthdays
nyi/tbl: matinees (derogatory), still hate tampa and they don’t deserve any respect at all, a bunch of missed calls,
phi/nsh: watched it after work, i hate roman josi with a burning passion, they always win then i don’t watch + joel is monicaphobic because he always scores when i don’t watch, also stop losing leads challenge and help your goalie out ffs
avs/min: watched some of it and finished listening at work. inconsistent reffing and were so many no call on the the wild but that’s not shocking they always favor them. truly can’t stand the wild idc if tyson is there, i can’t stand them. it was fully refs vs avs that entire game but good job for nate for standing up for mikko, otherwise fuck the wild they don’t deserve any rights at all
leafs/p*nthers: don’t go here but i hate the panthers and them losing makes me happy
canes/c*ps: truly one of their best games. fuck everyone on the caps especially tjo77, ao8, and tw43 as well as le20 for the hit on kk. svech noted goon™️, freddie is still hot. and capitals still suck, tw43 acts like a child, and i will never respect them or anyone on that team ever
isles/cbj: i hope ilya is okay, they actually played decent shocking.
flyers/w*ld: FUCK THE W*LD, as you can tell i still hate the wild and they don’t deserve any happiness, idc if he’s on the team, flyers are still falling apart. happy bday sanny :), i hope the wild don’t have any happiness and choke in playoffs. truly hated the bias towards the w*ld like ???? m*f is on my shitlist, baby flyer noah deserves everything, ref’s were 100% w*ld fans. thank you to bee for drawing a penalty for the frosty goal tho :)
avs/flames: i don’t like it when my teams play against each other. both teams actually played really well. tho i’m still not gonna lb when 2 of them play against each other. refs stop making soft ass calls challenge no wonder no one respects the refs
canes/t*mpa: i still hate tampa and they deserve absolutely no respect, i’m sorry it was national broadcast bc we all know they’re going to be biased towards t🤢l, and they still don’t deserve any rights, canes i’m sorry
isles/cbj: KEEP ZACH/MAT/OLIVER TOGETHER BAROLD! also find it funny both aho’s in the nhl scored at the same time. that old dudes opinion doesn’t matter at that one point in the 1st period like shut up already glad the mute button exists. (i know i’m talking about isles game but still — but avs will get past 1st & 2nd round just be mad they’re one of the best teams and panthers suck i hope they have no happiness). wasn’t shocking they gave up the lead they’re the isles of course. OLIVER MY BELOVED IM SO HAPPY YOU GOT A GOAL IT FEELS LIKE FOREVER 💞💕❤️‍🔥💘💖 PLUS PALMS GOT A GOAL AND IT FINALLY COUNTED
canes/habs: (insert the aho comment above here too). they played really went especially after playing the lightning so there’s. but habs are last in the league so it wasn’t shocking to see the canes win this game but FREDDIE SHUTOUT
avs/sharks: i’m begging the avs to actually score in the first period again im bored but it’s so nice to have nate back NEWY MY BELOVED also sharks were ugly for challenging it like it was clean and no interference y’all are stupid. DILF GOAL HELMS MY BELOVED i love it when helms scores he deserves it MIKKO MY BELOVED !!! NAZ AND EJ 2 POINT NIGHT !! BURKY MY SWEET BOY
h*wks/p*thers: i hate both teams but panthers can choke more and again wish hell upon them and they don’t deserve any happiness and also gudas can fuck right off no wonder i hated him but i hate him even more now on that team they can all fuck off
pens/w*ld: y’all know i hate the pens because i’m a flyers fan BUT THE WILD FINALLY LOST AND THE PENS DID THAT FOR ME
nyi/nyr: (completely forgot to do it during the game so i did it after) MAT BARZAL 300th POINT AND A GOAL ??? I LOVE THAT ! 2 DILF GOALS ??? THEY DID THAT FOR ME ! ALSO ANDERS ??? FIGHTING ??? HELLO ???? how does this team beat the rangers but lose to a team like montreal i’ll never understand
avs/pit: nate vs his bestie </3. nate and geno talking about who sid loves more. darcy kuemper my beloved i’m sorry your team stresses you out and you and frankie both save their asses every game <3. MIKKO MY BELOVED !!! NEWY IS MICD ! the wrong nova scotian scored gross. SINNER BOY MY BELOVED. we got burky curling again. refs hate the avs but what else is new. CONTENT KING MY BELOVED <3. HELMS IS INNOCENT ITS HIS 800th GAME FREE HIM!! avs vs getting an en goal . AVS WIN IN REG MY BELOVED
canes/w*ld: didn’t watch much of the game because i was watching flyers but i still hate minnesota and they don’t deserve any right at all. FREDDIE MY BELOVED <333 m*f still sucks and i hate him wish he was still with the h*wks and suffering gross ugly game i don’t care about tyson anymore so his tag is blocked btw. WHICHEVER WILDS PLAYER MADE TURBO BLEED , IM IN YOUR WALLS 🔪 NO SHUTOUT FOR MAF IKTR TURBO MY BELOVED <333 it’s still fuck the wild i could care less for them and hope they have a first round exit
flyers/l*fs: it’s still fuck the leafs and fuck am34 and everyone on that team. toronto still sucks and i wish them no happiness. idk how some people find am34 attractive. finally yandle gets benched ive been saying it since they acquired him and he should’ve stayed whatever team he came from. BABY FLYERS FIRST NHL GAME <3333 LET ZACK FIGHT 🔪 CARTER THOSE SAVES HOLY SHIT ! KEVIN MY BELOVED !! leafs you suck x2! DRAKES DAD MY BELOVED !!! YOU LET FUCKING 6 HEAD SCORE ??? FUCK OFF
flames/blues: this team vs giving marky another shutout. um if im honest i stopped watch after the first period because i got hella depressed like usual and also logged off twitter but i was still getting notifs so RITCHIE ????JOHNNY MY BELOVED NOAH MY BELOVED DUBEY MY BELOVED blues i still hate you and you suck
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asexualzoro · 4 years
list of reasons i find Brook ridiculous
for brook’s birthday, ive decided to follow up my other two posts of this genre by dragging yet another idiot swordsman. i have everybrook open on my phone next to me. here we go
- first and foremost his most ridiculous crime is existing. as he’s already so ridiculous as a character, im going to talk only about things hes done
- i want to know, did Brook make a conscious effort to change his laugh to sound like his favorite song? how long did it take? what was the in between period like? what did his crew have to say about this? the rumbar pirates were big on playful teasing, did they let Brook live this down? 
- ALTERNATIVELY: was brook’s laugh already like that? is that why bink’s sake is his favorite song? is that why it was York’s favorite-- oh we only made it two bullet points before i made myself sad
- relatedly i cannot make fun of anything Brook did in his backstory it will make me too sad. hes spared for now
- i DO want to say from a writing standpoint its so fucking ridiculous to me that he mentions twice being a convoy captain in the past and it never comes up again. oda?? why even bother to include something that cool if you weren't even going to do anything with it?? you could have said hes just always been a pirate but no. oda?? oda
- there was that bit where a bunch of people thought Brook was satan and addressed him as such (i think Satan-sama in the original, and the translation i read was like... Lord Satan or Lord Demon or something). not only did Brook never correct them, but he also ran with it and later used this case of mistaken identity as a reason to threaten to eat a man’s heart 
- also both men and women were showing him their underwear in that bit. bi rights
- those satanists let Brook get kidnapped while saying they would try to summon him back. do you think they're still at it
- Brook is older than... basically every old man in the series. Garp, Whitebeard, Rayleigh... all of them. something about that is so weird to me and i cannot place why
- Brook has seen and can prove the existence of an afterlife in One Piece canon and its then never addressed again
- Brook missed so many huge events while being dead. im looking at a timeline rn and these include the obvious, like, roger’s execution and subsequent effect on in-world culture and society and whatever. but also things like the destruction of ohara (which was in his home sea), the founding of the world power known as the revolutionary army (which was about 20yrs ago), and the births of every other member of his crew. wack
- he seems to know about stuff related to the pirate king post time skip, and i wonder if thats because someone told him or he’s just playing along now. maybe he just thinks Luffy made up the term pirate king cuz it sounds cool and he wants to support his captain’s interests
- if he DID ask though, like, who did he ask? his managers? did he pull aside some fan asking for an autograph at a concert like “hey, you look like a knowledgable young lad, mind helping me out?”
- i would love to be there when someone takes the time to explain roger, the pirate king, raffle, the One Piece.... and Brook asks them “what is the One Piece?”.... and someone has to look him in the eye (...or not) and tell him “i don't know” 
- Brook has technically died of fright (his soul left his body), like... at least once? it was luffy’s fault
- Brook was an urban legend on the florian triangle and i doubt he even knows that about himself
- when they're heading to fishmen island Brook gets all scared when they encounter a possible ghost ship and Usopp slaps him
- when captured by big mom he sleeps so godamn soundly and securely that he is harder to wake up than she is and this fact nearly gets a bunch of his crew killed
- Brook is the only character i can think of who has ever broken the fourth wall. he only did it once. maybe seeing the afterlife means he now knows hes in a manga. or maybe being isolated for 50 years just made his head be not screwed on right
- speaking of, there’s a bit in WCI at the wedding where Brook is decapitated. i don't know how it goes in the anime, but in the manga like... no one is shown to have decapitated him. his head just pops off. maybe he was just having fun
- also the bit where he rips the fake face off in wci. when someone calls him gross he cries
- there’s a bit in fishmen island where Brook is trying to ask Nami if he can see her panties (disgusting bastard) and he inadvertently protects her from being dehydrated by some guy they were fighting. except the panel setup reminds me a lot of / mimics ace protecting Luffy from Akainu, and it haunts me
- speaking of bits from fishmen island that haunt me, there's a page where it’s strongly implied Brook fucked a mermaid (maybe two). i will of course include the page here
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- yeah. sorry. 
- when Brook first meets the strawhats he invites himself inside because “it’s cold out!” but he later admits in punk hazard that he cant feel cold. he was just lying
- no one introduces himself to Brook except Luffy for the entirety of thriller bark
- half related, Franky cradles Brook in his arms / carries Brook around for like a full scene in thriller bark 
- there's a link two second bit in film gold where the crew is just relaxing while they're planning for how they're going to get Zoro back and they're all shown eating burgers from pirate mcdonalds or whatever. and Brook is eating a burger and hes so messy that hes got burger on his forehead, and Franky is next to him just looking at him
- Brook also wears fake skin in that movie
- Brook has a running gag where he gets upset when things refuse to eat him and i was going to make a joke about it but im wondering if maybe hes just afraid of being left behind........ made myself sad again
- he cries when a dragon won't eat him tho
- Brook admits to reading monster hentai when talking to Sanji and Kin’emon and if i have to be burdened with knowing that so do you
- when hes trying to figure out the weakness of the zombies on thriller bark he overhears one ate a salted fish and lost its shadow and immediately assumes “oh, must have been the fish!” idiot man
- where does his sword cane go when hes not using it. it just appears. where does he store it
- there's a bit where the strawhats all use a combo attack at thriller bark and the first step is firing an electrically charged Brook in a slingshot through oars/oz. he ends up in a wall and no one ever pulls him out. i don't even think the manga shows how he got down
- enemies post time skip regularly assume Brook is dead when they manage to knock the crew out and it makes me wonder how popular of a rock star Brook actually was
- Brook goes on a mini rant to no one while they're descending to fisherman island where he wonders aloud how he sees without eyes and it makes me lose it
- this isn't Brook technically but Nekomamushi is based on a song Brook’s voice actor wrote about his cat.
- Brook literally doesn't have a brain. like i know we all know that but its so fucking funny. we make jokes about other strawhats only having one braincell or whatever but Brook straight up 100% just has a seashell where his brain is supposed to be 
-  why does he have rubber glove looking hands when hes haunting the castle at wano i fucking hate them
- relatedly, there’s a bit where Brook mentions he’s been, at kinemon’s interaction, sitting in a well for like... possibly days? is he okay
- honestly i love everything about Brook’s actions as a ghost in wano bc its so fucking funny but my FAVORITE fact is that Brook is in the wikipedia article about starving skeletons
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im leaving you with that. appreciate ur local skeleton today
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networkpersonal534 · 3 years
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meyhew · 3 years
hiii💞 did you have a good day? and random questions but do you like driving? and cooking? if so then what's your favorite stuff to cook? also did u see Freddy stole kaz's cane from set djgjj that would 100% be me djgjh
hello miss emma i have had a decent day so far. put together a kitchen cart and now im tired sdkhfk. i Don’t like driving actually i much prefer sitting in the backseat with my music on and my eyes closed, possibly asleep. i also.. am not the hugest fan of cooking. i like making food sometimes but generally it’s just so much work esp when it comes to making desi recipes i get overwhelmed so i’d rather just not 🤪 
freddy not only stole the cane but he also traveled with it AND got away with it and has had it ever since filming wrapped sjfhgdk man is insane he’s the perfect kaz 
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angrykpoprants · 5 years
Bts paved the way for kpop idc what anyone says no one cared about kpop until BTS
I beg to differ, maybe for the late 2010′s and performing at award shows but not for kpop as a whole. However, this is always going to be a topic that always going to be two sided. And I full on respect your opinion, because I can see where its coming from. 
I’ve always felt like kpop was just a sub genre like a lot of other music, while its not mainstream and US artist will always have the upperhand in their home country kpop has a large enough following in the US, its just like that time were J-rock and J-pop was huge… btw does anyone remember Puffy AmiYumi?
I think the reason as to why it really looks like they were the ones who paved the way for kpop is because of the social media and fandom culture we have now, from 2005-2014 social media culture wasn’t like what it is today, I’m not even talking about fan interaction either, because I feel like there was way more fan interaction on twitter from the B.A.P members. 
Lets see the timeline of kpop/korean artist making headlines in America 
Rain made headlines for being the first ever Korean artist to perform outside of Asia. He was also the first Korean artist to perform in the US, and let alone do a 2 hour concert. It’s one of the biggest Korean concert that was held in NYC. It even featured Pi Diddy, Omarion, and JoJo Levesque. This was the initial foot print that the hallyu wave had outside of Asia 
Rain made headlines for because Time magazine listed him as one of the 100 most influential people in the world, to that Stephen Colbert invited him on his show and they did a parody of Way to Avoid the sun. 
The year that MTV made a special channel on American TV soley for kpop called MTVk
Rain also again gained more american attention for being listed in People’s most beautiful people in the world
Bi Rain and Joon Park both were in Speed Racer, that was a big achievement for Korean Singers… just simply being able to graze the big screen. Rain more so than Joon got a good amount of attention, he even got some American interviews 
Rain and Lee Joon were in Ninja Assassin. Rain made major headlines for again not only being in an American movie but this time actually staring in the movie and about how much training he did just for the movie. 
This was also the same year Korean actor Lee Byun hyun had his US debut 
GD at the time also got some attention after the alleged plagiarism between Heartbreaker and Right Round when Flo Rida performed with him
Wonder Girls made their American debut 
Wonder Girls were the opening act for the Jonas Brothers making the Jonas brothers one of the first American artist to work with a kpop group
BoA’s eat you up was released and played everywhere 
Rain again made American attention by not only being nominated for an American award show but also winning MTV’s Movie Awards Biggest Badass Star beating Angelina Jolie, Chris Pine, Channing Tatum, and Sam Worthington 
Will.I.Am started to work with 2ne1 
Bigbang gain global attention and celebrity clout after being the first kpop group nominated, attending and winning Best Global act at the MTV EMA’s beating Britney Spears in the process 
Fantastic Baby went viral, reaction videos were popping up left and right. Fantastic Baby even played in some stores and I believe some radio stations 
Fantastic Baby was featured Glee 
SNSD had their American debut 
Wonder Girls made a American movie and JYP was featured in it (i know.. its cheesy)
This is the year of B.A.P’s debut where their debut album made it into the the World Album Chart at number 10 which was extremely rare at the time considering they didn’t even have a kpop section yet. 
Bigbang was on the Grammy’s front page twice 
Bigbang’s Alive world tour was the only full on sold out Kpop concert at the time, selling out not only in NA but SA and Europe, and were forced to add extra dates because the demand was extremely high, not to mention celebrities were showing up left and right to their tour stops 
This year was also Psy’s year which did bring attention to kpop and YG ent… regardless if Gangnam Style is a joke or not
The first Kcon was created 
GD also got international attention by showing up at PFW12
B.A.P and Psy were featured on Grammy’s “Best of 2012″ making B.A.P the only kpop group on that page 
B.A.P’s first world tour for their US dates sold out in about an hour
Little Mix decided to join in on the Hallyu wave by doing a Korean version of Wings 
Will and Jaden smith met up with YG fam and Jay Park which brought attention to kpop beings that Jay wrote a song for their movie 
Will.I.Am and 2ne1′s collab was released
Anna Kendrick also wanted to get in on the Hallyu wave action by meeting up with f(x)
B.A.P performed in time square generating so much attention 
The year that Billboard gave themselves a kpop section because of the major Hallyu wave giving credit to B.A.P, 2ne1, and Bigbang for helping that chart exists 
Justin Bieber asked GD to feature at his concert in Seoul and proceed to tweet and IG about him 
Paris Hilton talked about GD being her favorite Korean artist
Paris Hilton tweeted about hanging out with GD 
Barbara Palvin talked about GD 
Choi Siwon went to the Met Gala 
Super Junior was invited to Oxford to talk about how they helped start the hallyu wave and the kpop attention in the US 
Skrilex released his song featuring CL and GD 
B.A.P did a nickelodeon shout out 
I think this was the year that Exo got a lot of American attention too, but im not sure because im not an Exo-L
GD got attention just for showing up at Coachella 
CL signed with School Boy 
I am the Best was featured in a microsoft commercial 
Emma Stone professed her love for kpop on American TV 
Fantastic Baby was featured in the Pitch Perfect trailer 
I am the Best was featured in a microsoft commercial again
Hyukoh’s Come and Goes gained international attention
Far East Movement worked with Chanyeol and Loco
Jaden Smith tweeted about GD being is inspiration
Baauer released a song featuring GD  
Lil Yachty did his Bigbang tribute and has been know to be a fanboy of bigbang for a while
Epik High was the first Kpop group to perform at Coachella 
CL performed on James Corden 
I am the Best was featured in a microsoft commercial again
Hello Bitches was in a T-Moble commercial 
GD got international attention for being chosen as Channels ambassador 
President Obama talked about the Hallyu wave and gave credit to shinee 
Tablo, Rain, and Kim Taehee were invited to the Grammys 
Jaden Smith tweeted about GD’s album 
Jay Park signed with Roc Nation 
DNCE talked about wanting to work with GD 
GD got international attention for is world tour 
I am the Best was featured in a Kia commercial 
Hyukoh’s Citizen Cane was chosen to be in the Animoji comercial 
Hyukoh x Beats by Dre
Hyukoh was interviewed by Beats1
Taeyang got international attention for just getting married 
I would go more into detail by just tweeting about kpop but thats too much work to look for, kpop is a fad and it comes and goes. I kind of like what Hyukoh said about the whole Hallyu Wave/BTS thing they said “I think it’s really interesting and it’s fun to watch. Because of it, I think in some aspects were are benefitting from it, that’s really great. But nothing is forever, there will be some point when K-pop won’t be as popular. But because we’re not K-pop, I hope we stay popular even when K-pop is not.“
BTS did not start the hallyu wave, nor did they pave they way. They were just the first to walk on that new path which then inspired more to do the same and they were the first to win fandom based awards.
No matter what this will always be a topic is where some OG and new kpop fans clash, so yes, BTS is helping the Hallyu wave but they didn’t create the fad. I think the real Hallyu wave starter is Rain
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acuppellarp · 5 years
Thank you to everyone who signed up to participate! And remember if you missed signing up for this week, you have the option to join in for the final week!
Each character participating in this week’s Secret Santa has (at random) been given a holiday-inspired alias. Below the cut is an alphabetized list of aliases and their respective questionnaire answers.
In just a few moments you should receive via Tumblr IM and a Discord message letting you know which alias your character has been paired with to deliver a Secret Santa gift.
Remember that you have until 11:59PM EST on Friday to submit your gift to the Main or April for your assignee.
On Saturday all gifts and Secret Santa pairs will be revealed via April’s blog.
If there’s any confusion or you have questions, please let us know! Happy gifting!
Where are three places you’d like to travel? Greece, Bali, Amalfi Coast.  No other reason that they all look beautiful and I adore beautiful things.   What’s your go-to drink order? Soy latte.  Red wine.   Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? Jasmine! Is there anything you collect? Criterion collection films.  Vinyl records. Shoes.   Do you have a favorite animal? Anything fuzzy and cute.
Where are three places you’d like to travel? Australia, Ireland or Amsterdam. No particular reason. Maybe to see a kangaroo in Australia, but other than that, they’ve just always intrigued me. Oh, and accents!  What’s your go-to drink order? Water, usually. Coconut preferred. Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? Is Mulan considered a princess? Mulan or Tiana.  Is there anything you collect? Not anymore but I collected seashells when I was younger that I still keep in a display case.  Do you have a favorite animal? I wouldn’t save favorite, that’s kind of mean…I love all animals but I am biased towards monkeys and sloths….just a bit but I LOVE THEM ALL!!
Where are three places you’d like to travel? Oh, gosh. I’ve never really thought about it. I’d love to take a road trip of the United States. There’s so much beauty here that I’d love to see. I’d love to go to Seattle, or the National Parks, or to Disney World. I’ve never been! What’s your go-to drink order? I’m a sucker for a good cup of cocoa. Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? Rapunzel! Is there anything you collect? Knitting needles, vinyls, anything with an owl. Do you have a favorite animal? I’ve been told I’m like a bunny, but I love owls.
Where are three places you’d like to travel? I want to go to every single Disney park in the world What’s your go-to drink order? Long Island Iced Tea, what up. Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? My favorite Disney princess is Loki. Is there anything you collect? Funko pops! I have twenty seven! Do you have a favorite animal? Sloths. They’re so cute. I wanna snuggle them.
Where are three places you’d like to travel? Los Angeles - I’d love to run into a celebrity or two, Grand Canyon - it looks so gorgeous in pictures!, Disney World What’s your go-to drink order? White Chocolate Mocha Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? Ariel, Prince Phillip, Pascal the chameleon Is there anything you collect? Postcards Do you have a favorite animal?  Alpacas are just too cute.
Where are three places you’d like to travel? Greece, France, The Caribbean islands. I like sunning on warm beaches, art, and beautiful architecture.  What’s your go-to drink order? Vodka Martini.  Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? Megera and Lilo.  Is there anything you collect? Old play scripts.  Do you have a favorite animal? Owls.
Where are three places you’d like to travel? Zambia, Paris and Cuba. They’re beautiful places and a couple beautiful stages I’ve always wanted on. What’s your go-to drink order? Horchata with espresso or rum or both Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? Aladdin and Maleficent. If I were Aladdin I’d be all up on Maleficent. Is there anything you collect? I used to collect sexy ladies but now just some good memories or whatever Do you have a favorite animal? All Jungle cats
Where are three places you’d like to travel? Glass Beach in Fort Bragg, California because it has SO MUCH gorgeous sea glass and it just looks like a place of dreams. I’ve always been a fan of the beach. It’s my happy place! What’s your go-to drink order? Tequila shots. It’s a bad vice. Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? Dug from Up! Is there anything you collect? I own WAY too many mugs. Probably pushing to 30 mugs, I’m not sure. But they can’t be just regular mugs. They’re really weird ones. My favorite mug that I own is one where you can stick legos on it! It’s fun on a mug!  Do you have a favorite animal? Llamas. So. Many. Puns.
Where are three places you’d like to travel? Nickelodeon Universe inside Mall of America, Universal Studios, and somewhere in Hawaii. Two places to have fun and one place to look HOT. What’s your go-to drink order? Roscato red wine.  Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? Disney movies don’t come CLOSE to Dreamworks. So I’m gonna bend the rules and give you Dreamworks. Toothless.  Is there anything you collect? Other than my Ninja Turtles EVERYTHING. Does lingerie count? Cuz I got lots.  Do you have a favorite animal? Snakes or turtles.
Where are three places you’d like to travel? Dominican Republic, cause home. France, cause accents. Australia, cause koalas. What’s your go-to drink order? Grande iced caramel macchiato with coconut milk, one pump vanilla. Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? Disney is stupid. Is there anything you collect? Do broken hearts count? Do you have a favorite animal? No.
Where are three places you’d like to travel? Scotland because it is most like Harry Potter, duh. What’s your go-to drink order? Tequila (shots shots shots) Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? Goofy, he’s a clown. You gotta love a clown. Is there anything you collect? Silly strings, just can’t bare to part with them. Do you have a favorite animal? Is all of them an acceptable answer? Though I do love me some small dogs and cats.
Where are three places you’d like to travel? The Maldives, Thailand, Bora Bora. I like anywhere tropical, or anywhere I can be in as little clothing as possible. My soul belongs to the ocean. What’s your go-to drink order? Mojito. Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? Esmeralda or Kida. Is there anything you collect? Magazines, earrings, purses. Do you have a favorite animal? A fox, because I am one.
Where are three places you’d like to travel? Hawaii, California, Europe. I’d like to live somewhere completely different from where I’ve been before, if that makes any sense. I think it would be nice to go somewhere tropical, or somewhere it’s always sunny. I’ve been to Europe twice and I love the energy there. What’s your go-to drink order? Medium drip. Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? Megara or Elsa. Is there anything you collect? Original Cast Recordings of various Broadway shows. I also collect hand wraps for boxing. Do you have a favorite animal? I do! It’s a canary.
Where are three places you’d like to travel? Iceland, Tokyo, Africa. Or Australia, maybe? And I’d love to see the Rocky Mountains. Basically, I want to see it all.  What’s your go-to drink order? Tea. English breakfast if I had to choose one. Or water. But on a night out I enjoy a cider or a nice cold amber beer.  Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? Jane from Tarzan. Or Belle from Beauty and the Beast.  Is there anything you collect? Lots of things. Dice. Funkos. Board games.  Do you have a favorite animal? Hard to choose just one but I love badgers.
Where are three places you’d like to travel? Tbh I always go where I want to travel irl. So I’m going to pick mythical places to go which are for sure: Hogwarts (because it’s a school that’s a castle, how is that NOT 100% fab), Narnia (i’d be able to give them such good fashion tips especially for the snow), and Atlantis (who DOESNT want to see mermaids?!) What’s your go-to drink order? I love to be wined and dined, so duh, wine is a first choice p much always. Also Cosmos. But since it’s winter I also love a good cup of hot cocoa made with MILK (not water), has cinnamon infused, marshmallows properly melted, a NOT stingy amount of whipped cream + sprinkles. Legit the only alway to drink it. Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? Princess: it’s a tie between Jasmine and ariel tbh. Prince: prince phillip bc he fights a dragon for his girl which is such lesbian behavior. Character: minnie, duh. she’s the OG queen of disney bitches!!! Is there anything you collect? movie props are such a major must collect, records, personalized celebrity autographs, followers… Do you have a favorite animal? I love ALL animals, even gross bugs. But if it was legal to own a Sugar Glider, then i’d have one of those because they’re a fave
Where are three places you’d like to travel? This one really good deli in Brooklyn I haven’t been back to in a while. Their sandwiches are awesome.  Washington State because there’s some great camping spots. Hawaii. Going snorkeling would be pretty cool.   What’s your go-to drink order? Hot chocolate, beer, or water.   Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? Hercules.   Is there anything you collect? I have a little record collection, but that’s about it!   Do you have a favorite animal? Every single dog in the world.
Where are three places you’d like to travel? california, for the waves and the legalized activities there, hawaii, for the waves and the babes, and canada I guess, because why not eh? What’s your go-to drink order? i keep it simple— a regular cup of joe is the way to go Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? I don’t know what mulan counts as, but definitely her Is there anything you collect? batfam comics, ducktales comics, some anime funko pops, I might even have a state quarter coin collection but keep that on the DL Do you have a favorite animal? wolves… but also penguins might be a top contender if we’re being honest
Where are three places you’d like to travel? St. Simons, Georgia, Taos Pueblo, New Mexico, and Telluride, Colorado. There are plenty of places I’d like to go but I’ve heard those are some of the most beautiful small towns in America. I like finding the beauty in home. What’s your go-to drink order? Matcha Tea Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? Tiana and Merida and Wall E Is there anything you collect? POPs Do you have a favorite animal? Hippocampus
Where are three places you’d like to travel? Bali. Simply because it looks gorgeous. Paris because who doesn’t want to go to Paris? And of course London, think of all the plays I’d get to see at the West End! What’s your go-to drink order? Chai Latté is my to go most of the time. But I do enjoy a good cocktail or two every now and then. My favorite is the Cosmopolitan. Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? I’m going to have to go with Tiana. Princess and The Frog is one of my absolute favorite Disney movies. The music is superb and I just love how driven Tiana is. She has a dream and she’s following it, no matter at what cost. Is there anything you collect? Playbills. Do you have a favorite animal? I love quite a few animals. I find Alpacas incredibly hilarious. Have you ever heard them make noises? But I’m really also just a classic cat person.
Where are three places you’d like to travel?  would love to visit Spain. I think the culture is beautiful and so romantic! What’s your go-to drink order? Latte, any day, all day, heck I’d even settle with espresso. Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? Rapunzel. I like her hair and she’s headstrong. Is there anything you collect? Coffee mugs, rocks, erasers. Do you have a favorite animal? Dogs, for sure.
Where are three places you’d like to travel? Europe, I guess? Idk, everyone does Europe after college, right? What’s your go-to drink order? Black coffee or vodka soda. Who’s your favorite Disney Princess/Prince/Character? Tinkerbell. Or Marie from Aristocats. Is there anything you collect? Enemies. Do you have a favorite animal? Horses.
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alltomevibes · 2 years
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I posted 300 times in 2021
46 posts created (15%)
254 posts reblogged (85%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 5.5 posts.
I added 142 tags in 2021
#alltomevibes - 22 posts
#the big leap - 16 posts
#fanfic - 15 posts
#911 fox - 14 posts
#eddie diaz - 14 posts
#ao3 link - 13 posts
#ao3fic - 13 posts
#911 on fox - 12 posts
#ao3 - 12 posts
#victorious - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 123 characters
#stop acting butthurt cus ur fav looks miserable while zayn is our here living his life with his baby and his other baby pls
My Top Posts in 2021
me: writing and editing that carlos fic so I fan finally post some new chapters
brain: yo, but what if eddie & buck were in a queer-platonic relationship?
me: ...but the UST-
brain: 👁👄👁 they're in a qpr :)
me: ... *opens new word document*
17 notes • Posted 2021-03-15 07:23:22 GMT
my "the big leap" thoughts (SPOILERS):
- paula, my heart, my darling.
- not the cane
- mike is freaking adorable plssss
- oh wow, gabby is absolutely gonna break reggie's heart
- mr.a 🤮
- the way nick pushed that chinese food tho had me goneeee😭 his "oops"? pls sir-
- mike + friends j loveeee it
- I want more mike & paula neowwww
- more reggie in general pls
- naw, but the homecoming ask scene? we stan/love simon
- gabby's dnce hit different, I feel like she's a better choreographer than dancer 100%
- just everybody. even brittany. chick needs serious therapy but like, all the characters on this TV show make me laugh and they're just real.
- mike's eyes in the bar scene. that's jt. they had me hooked.
18 notes • Posted 2021-10-20 00:18:10 GMT
can I just say that I just recently started watching sense8 for the first time and I'm literally only on episode 4 of season 1 but you can bet that I've read through every ao3 fic that makes sense to me canon wise, have written ideas upon ideas for these characters, and have cried for these characters only to find out it got cancelled in season 2. and now there's a book coming out and you can already bet i'm going to buy it because this story has already had me balling my eyes out AND IM NOT EVEN ON THE FIFTH EPISODE OF THE SHOW YET ! anyways, that's all to say my tumblr is, at some point in the future, going to be a sense8 blog.
27 notes • Posted 2021-05-27 22:52:00 GMT
this is so sick - I really didn't hate the episode, I thought athena's storyline was interesting esp. some of the rapist's lines like "ur a cop who happens to be a mother" I wish more people wrote about that because it's so interesting esp. w/ athena's last & her relationships. . and the Michael + Athena dynamic is literally my favorite. and I didn't think Bobby was out of character?? Harry is literally his child + his traumatic backstory with his other children? of course dude wilded the fuck out. I don't know. this episode got a lot of hate (which I understand because of the copganda) but alot of people j wanted to get back to buddie which is annoying. this show is an ensemble and I haven't seen significant Harry & Michael scenes in a long time.
eddie & ana's scene had me in tears - they had more chemistry in those 3 minutes than they're entire relationship and now I want fics where Ana and Eddie stay friends pls. I really feel like they would be bomb buddies. hate on the actress all you want, but I feel like Chris & Ana was amazing. and while I don't hate the fact that the actress is leaving, I do hate the fact that Ana is not going to be mentioned at all after this. I just wanna hear mentions like (buddie-centric since that's all people care about nowadays) Eddie & Buck going on a date and Chris hanging out with Ana for the day or sum like that. and don't even get me started on Maddie & Chimney. That lowkey traumatized me. my heart was literally hurting and then I had to go eat some comfort food because chimney and maddie had my heart breaking. wish maddie didn't go out like that, like other people have been saying, but j do understand why she did it even that doesn't make what she did right. but yeah.
I'm glad the big leap came on afterwards because I needed a reboot and something to laugh at (even tho that episode was wild !!!)
28 notes • Posted 2021-10-05 02:45:57 GMT
anyways, somebody write me a 5+1 fic on outsiders being confused on the dynamics of the Grant-Nash-Hale household PLEASE and thank you :)
38 notes • Posted 2021-11-16 03:25:36 GMT
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