#image id is in the built in image description
itsdappleagain · 1 month
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jesus no
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today i offer you: them again. tomorrow? who knows
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theartisticpixelbit · 1 month
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It is finally time, after 2 years, Riley once again has a new reference. I am extremely happy with this one. The layout of everything was the hardest part for me... I might keep this sort of style for Yuki's ref as well, just with different elements. »——-«══✿═╡°˖✧✿✧˖°╞═✿══»——-« [Image ID: A detailed digital character reference sheet for a Marvel Spider-Verse OC named Riley Dominique, alias The Prismatic Peacock-Spider. The background features a pink to blue to green gradient with polka dots. Riley's appearance includes orange wavy hair styled with space buns, green and blue eyes a beauty mark under her left eye, a pink choker necklace, a green hairclip, and silver hooped earrings. She wears a pastel rainbow striped sweater over a tank top and a pleated white skirt with a bubble chain with black bike shorts underneath, paired with blue and green striped socks and teal glitter sneakers. Next to her is her Spider-Bot who is roughly soccer ball sized. The Spider-Bot is named Kaleidescope, Kal for short. Kal is pink, black, and white with green and blue lenses for eyes. Riley's spider suit incorporates the colors pink, green, blue, black, and white. It features a built-in hood, with the interior of the hood being pink. The lenses in her mask are blue and green. Additionally, the suit is equipped with four iron spider legs attached to the back. Her shoes are equipped with LEDs emitting blue and green colors. A bust drawing depicts Riley in her suit with her hood lowered, her spider sense activated, manifesting as peacock feathers.]
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yinza · 1 year
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I had a dream the other week about these people fighting back against an assault from another world. Most of them weren’t experienced fighters, but average people who banded together (although Gimli was there because dreams).
This particular woman’s job was to throw a javelin through a dimensional portal, tethering the two worlds together and allowing the defenders to control where the fight happened. They later built a statue of her. In her day-to-day life, I think she owned a fabric shop.
Prints available through Inprnt!
[Image Description: A digital illustration of a woman preparing to throw a javelin through a portal. She is a fat, dark-skinned South Asian woman with long dark hair in a braid. She wears a navy blue crop top and dark reddish dhoti. We see her from behind, her left arm extended towards the portal while her right arm is reared back, holding a glowing white javelin which trails a tether on the ground behind her. The sky is mostly overcast with dark blue-grey clouds, but an intense sunset orange breaks through closer to the horizon. Through the glowing portal, the blue curve of another planet is visible. /end ID]
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schwarzkatje · 1 month
abby x chubby!reader - a very self indulgent scenario
warning: just so you know, this contains obviously mentions of descriptions regarding body parts so if this is a trigger i advise you don't read this.
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i believe abby to be one of those butches who absolutely go feral for fuller, chubbier women.
this goes hand in hand with my previous headcanon/scenario in which i explored abby's breeding kink. because once you gain weight and your breasts gets bigger, your thighs become plushier and your stomach forms that slightly hanging portion of skin adorned in your frilly and feminine dresses, abby is ashamed to admit to even herself the undeniable effect she experiences.
she doubts if what she is doing is really offensive to you because she wonders whether this can fall into the category of objectification. therefore, abby has to mentally remind herself to not be a creep and to divert her gaze from you.
her thoughts are at constant fight as one part of herself blames a morbid perversion that has to be kept on check, but just as the other part sketches the idea of it being nothing but an harmless preference in her partners.
that being said, the semblance of self control that she had built with such an effort completely shatters when you two actually interact with each other. your inclination for shirts and dresses that showed your soft chest in just the perfect way to make abby's head spin is the cherry on top of this insane obsession she has to continuously push back.
it really doesn't take much for abby to have images flashing in her head displaying her taking one of your breasts in her hand and the other under the torturous treatment of her tongue and teeth, responsible for the purple love bites scattered all over your upper body.
following suit, the scenario alone of you on your back as abby spreads your legs and brings them to yourself, bending you in half and thus highlighting the delicious rolls of your stomach causes a wet patch to form in her underwear and an undetectable twitch of her legs, squeezing to maintain the facade of a normal person who doesn't get turned on as easily as an hormonal teenager would.
one day you two are sitting together and it pains abby to not be able to handle looking at you without the need to shy away and focus on anything that isn't you. and if she manages to avoid the sight of you, your laugh and the touches you give her are daggers piercing through her shield. she is aware of how awkward she actually acts and how impossible it would have been for you to not notice at some point.
when you place your smooth hand above her own – which abby had put on her knee – her breath halts and before she can apply some rationality she turns to you, finding you are closer than her senses had detected.
your eyes are so big and innocent and full of joy and... seducing, she observes.
"abby..." despite your firm gaze, her name comes out of your mouth as a whisper capable of making her hand on the knee grip it forcefully, not minding that this is definitely giving her off.
"i've been wanting to ask you this for quite some time," you unforgivably continue "but why do i feel like we're growing apart?" the content your inquiry is that of an unspeakable sorrow and fear of losing a dear person, but the tone in which it is asked exudes a neediness for something beyond simple reassurance. you bite your lips as abby is speechless before your question and your vicinity – what in the hell is happening? is she imagining things like she always does?
her attempt at assembling a sentence proves to be a failure when all you can hear is something along the lines of "no", "of course not", without any addition of the reason behind that.
"i wouldn't be here with you right now were it the case," is the best she manages to say as she tries to laugh it off with a shy grimace feigning a confidence that is long gone the moment you are in her presence.
"but then why are you always so stiff when i hug you? you don't even come up with ideas for what to do together like we used to," your heartbeat quickens, dwelling in an uncertain place between genuine hurt and sinful arousal for abby's shyness and difficulty in approaching you.
"i- i haven't really noticed anything different, maybe it's just that i've been busy but i'm not avoiding you, i mean–" she is cut short by your voice interrupting her and your face inching closer and closer to the point where she can see the shape of your lips with the corner of her eye.
"do i make you uneasy, abby?" and why do you have to lean forward and have your breasts already tightened by your corset invade her visual field. "and to think i've been wearing this for you," now your knee is touching hers, your dress leaving your thighs exposed the more you draw near, "hoping you would take it off," what on earth— "or, even better, you would have fucked me in it..."
what kind of absurd dream is she in?
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bfpnola · 8 months
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ID: An infographic from the Instagram account @letstalkpalestine consisting of 10 slides. Image 1: The title page of the infographic. The text says: "Let's talk Anti-Zionist Jewish History." A smaller subtitle underneath the title says: "Jewish solidarity with Palestine until today." End ID.
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Image 2: The infographic continues to the next panel. The text says, "As long as Zionism has existed, so has Jewish resistance to it. While today the majority of Jewish people and communities worldwide still have a Zionist connection, more and more Jewish people, especially from the younger generation, are unlearning Zionism & speaking out. Swipe to learn more about just part of anti-Zionist Jewish history - since there's more than we can fit in 10 slides." A semi-transparent image is overlayed in the background, of someone holding up a sign that reads: Jews for Palestine! #Free Sheik Jarrah. End ID.
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Image 3: Icon of a location tag next to the words Eastern Europe. In large, blue text is the word "The Bund" and the subtitle describing what it is, "A Jewish Socialist movement, established in 1987." The following paragraph says, "Opposing Zionism from the start, its 50-year tenure saw hundred of thousands of members across Eastern Europe advocate for workers' rights and cultivate a Yiddish culture." Location tag and the title, "North America." The paragraph says, "After mass immigration to the US in the early 20th century, [American Jewish Labor groups] (highlighted in chalky blue and bold white text) criticized Zionism for its colonial, nationalist, and bourgeois nature." Next to this text, is a circle with women protestors holding up signs. End ID.
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Image 4: The title, "Middle East and North Africa." The paragraph states, "In 1945 a group of Iraqi Jews founded the Anti-Zionist League. They recognized Zionism as a form of colonialism linked to Western Interests. They hosted events and published pamphlets throughout the Middle East about the difference between Zionism & Judaism. They warned that Zionism is dangerous to Arab Jews, forcing them to split their Arab and Jewish identities, and urged the UN to create a unified Palestinian state.
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Image 5: The panel is titled, "Anti-Zionist Jewish figures." A faded image of Hannah Arendt's visage is in the background. Overlayed on top, the following paragraphs discuss her. "Before 1948, several prominent Jewish leaders and scholars came out in opposition to political Zionism. Writers like Hannah Arendt turned against the Zionist movement and opposed a Jewish state. They correctly predicted a dark future if Zionism continued on the same path in Palestine. End ID.
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Image 6: The day after the Deir Yassin Massacre in 1948, when Zionist militants wiped out the Deir Yassin village & its inhabitants, Albert Einstein wrote: "When a real and final catastrophe should befall us in Palestine the first responsible for it would be the British and the second responsible for it the Terrorist organizations built up from our own ranks. I am not willing to see anybody associated with those misled and criminal people." The former paragraphs are imposed against a tan, parchment fragment, in typewriter font, and the letter ends with Sincerely yourn, Albert Einstein, both his signature and typed name. End ID.
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Image 7: Titled "Anti Zionism Today." Blue sketchy image of someone's hand gripping jail bars breaks up the following paragraphs which say: Jewish solidarity with Palestinians is growing around the world, including even some Israelis who take the basic step of refusing Israeli military service. As punishment, Israel imprisons these conscientious objectors — but unlike Palestininas, they have a fair trial & often severe relatively short sentences of a few months . This is a first step towards solidarity and has the real consequence of depriving the occupation state of its soldiers. End ID.
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Image 8: Titled "Israel's Crackdown on Jewish Anti-Zionism" Behind this text are a picture of handcuffs. In the corner is a picture of Jonathan Pollak. The following text says: Jonathan Pollak is a Jewish Israeli and long-time anti-Zionist activist. Israel has detained him several times, most recetly in January as he protested with Palestinians in Beita, (a Palestinian village) for allegedly throwing stones. Jonathan has been violently attacked for his activism. In 2018, Jonathan was slashed across the face by settlers who ambushed him outside his workplace. Earlier, in 2005, Israeli soldiers shot a tear gas canister. directly at him, causing internal bleeding in his brain." End ID.
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Image 9: Semi-transparent image of an umbrella behind the title text is "Jewish Anti-Zionism isn’t one ideology. It’s an umbrella movement that encapsulates multiple communities and beliefs towards decolonizing Palestine. Some motivations or Jewish anti-Zionism include: 1. Pursuing millenia of Jewish tradition as a diasporic community 2, Detachibng religious and cultural tradition from political nationalism. 3. Socialist visions of a Jewish Society. 4. Believing in the right to self-determination for Palestinians Standing up to Zionism is: 1. Standing up to apartheid and colonization. 2. Standing up for a liberated, equal, and just Palestine from the river to the sea.
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Image 10: An ending quote, and call to action, by the Anti-Zionist League. It says: "Jewish Men! Jewish Women! Zionism wants to throw us into a dangerous & hopeless adventure. Zionism contributes to making Palestine uninhabitable. Zionism wants to isolate us from the Egyptian people. Zionism is the enemy of the Jewish people. Down with Zionism! Long live the brotherhood of Jews and Arabs!" --The Anti-Zionist League. End ID.
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[Image description: The title, "Fanworks Permission Statement Builder," and black line-drawing-style pictures of a hand holding a pencil and of a microphone with a pop filter, over a background of crumpled paper. End ID.] (credit to @rystonlentil for the image ID)
Hey fanworks creators!
Excited about the idea of someone creating something based on your fan creation (like podfics, fanart, translations, etc)? On the other hand, do you not want people creating stuff based off your fanworks and don't want to have to turn them down? Or do you have a more nuanced idea of what you are and aren't comfortable with people doing based on your fan creations? Don't particularly care one way or the other about what people create based on your stuff?
What is a fanworks permission statement?
A fanworks permission statement (also known as a blanket permission statement or transformative works permission statement) is very simple: it's something you post in a publically-visible place (usually your AO3 profile) that tells other fan creators what you are and aren't okay with in terms of other people making fanworks based off your stuff. It can be as simple as a sentence or two, or as complicated as you want to communicate your preferences clearly.
Who should have a permission statement?
A permission statement is for anyone that creates fanworks! Yes, even if you don't think anyone would ever want to create something based off your fanworks. You never know! It's not egotistical to post a permission statement, it's HELPFUL. Yes, even if you don't want people making something based off your works. It means no one has to reach out to ask you, they can know your preferences right away.
Is it only for fanfic writers?
Absolutely not! It's great for fan creators of ALL kinds to have a fanworks permission statement! Fanartists, someone might want to use your fanart as inspiration for a fanfic or create fanart inspired by your work in a different medium! Podficcers, other people creating in an audible medium might want to insert clips of your podfics into their work, or copy the way you did certain effects! Fanbinders, you might inspire an artist with the way you do your binding! This is really for everyone, because fandom is infinitely creative and who knows how another fan creator might be inspired by your work!
What do I even say in a permission statement?
That's exactly why we built the Fanworks Permission Statement Builder! So you don't have to think about what to say or how to say it. Just spend a few minutes answering questions about your preferences that cover many of the common things people might want to specify, and you'll have a permission statement ready to copy-and-paste into your AO3 profile, or to edit to your heart's content!
Why use the Fanworks Permission Statement Builder?
Don't want to come up with a permission statement on your own? Not sure what should even go into a permission statement? Want someone to at least give you a starting place that you can edit to better reflect your preferences? Want someone to just hand you a ready-to-use permission statement that you can paste into your profile? Spend just a few minutes answering some questions about your preferences, and you'll have a permission statement ready to use or edit!
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airoarts · 2 years
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[Image description: A digital drawing of a character who is a fusion of several different Tumblr Sexymen. He is tall and thin, standing with his hand on his hip, with purple skin, cat ears, and a cat tail, Komaeda-esque wispy white hair, a permanent smile with sharp yellow teeth, and one blue-and-yellow eye with a black sclera. He has red dots on his cheeks and skeleton feet. He is wearing a navy-and-red train conductor cap; large glasses tinted pink on one lens and yellow on the other; a gray suitcoat that splits into two near the end, with a yellow pyramid pattern on the inside; green elbow-length gloves; pinstriped black-and-green pants that are cut at the mid-calf; a white dress shirt that is layered and trimmed with lavender at the bottom, with a thin brown belt visible; a lavender tie; and pink fluffy slippers. He also wears a yellow strap around his shoulder and torso, and has a fluffy pink truffula pin and a badge on his suit that looks like a blue clock. He is holding a red scepter with an eye pattern in the middle. The background is a pale peach-pink color. End ID]
i decided to revisit the idea i had several years ago of a tumblr sexyman fusion, a post that got pretty popular at the time, since there are now different sexymen who are popular and also the concept of tumblr sexyman has been built upon significantly.
this is a fusion of sans, the onceler, reigen, tony the talking clock (based on aishaneko’s classic humanization), bill cipher, raymond, ingo, spamton, purple guy, komaeda, and alastor. can u spot the design elements from each one?
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just-some-guy-joust · 2 months
Just Some Guy OC Tourney - Side A: Round 1
do NOT be mean to anyone or any characters in these polls. you MUST clarify if you are joking/teasing or you will be blocked. if you are someone who entered an oc into this and you are mean to other contestants you will be disqualified
do NOT claim a character doesn't deserve to be here. yes including your own. be nice
if you are posting propaganda you have to tag us, including if your propaganda is in the reblogs. it is difficult to tell when something is or isn't propaganda. anything not tagging us will likely be missed
please don't hesitate to let me know if i messed something up!
have fun, hype each other up <3 thank you
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Evergreen | She/her | @insertsona
shes just kind of chilling tbh . she's technically unemployed (didn't feel like it) and spends most of her time vibing . her ex recently returned to the city after randomly disappearing for years and she was just kind of oh hey glad youre back . her most interesting trait is that she takes part in a fighting tournament once a year and wins it usually . and shes transgender
Promos: evergreen is a character in my oc universe teunia! shes a side character in the main story the tourney and a slightly more main character in the unnamed prequel that i think abt very often (but have yet to develop . bc im too busy thinking abt my dr oc constantly)
teunia's folder -> https://toyhou.se/InsertSona/characters/folder:3849690
Zephyr Fey | He/him | @lord-plague
An averagely built guy who somehow managed to join the military force of his fortress city without a birth certificate, ID, and with dyed hair. Nobody knows where he came from, nobody knows why he is here but there he is. No magic or superhuman abilities or prodigal skills but my god does he make great goo bowls with greater personalities (nobody wants the goo bowls and he does not know why). That one friend that keeps trying to alleviate awkward situations with jokes and random laughter.
Full images and descriptions under the cut!
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EVERGREEN IS LITERALLY SO JUST SOME GUY. despite being a repeat champion for the tourney she lives in a shitty studio apartment . she had a girlfriend that was also her rival and then they broke up and she was just oh ok! her hobbies include vibing, hanging out, etc. shes like those old guys you see watching planes take off or construction occur . nobody knows where she gets her money from . her ex's new partner is a friend of hers. she doesn't even bear any relevance to the first main plotline because she's too busy doing other stuff she just happens to also be in the city while the horrors occur . sometimes shell go to the local coffee shop and just not order anything . i wanna be her friend . i havent actually posted her on tumblr . shes so some guy that most of the facts abt her character i can think abt are so mundane i never even bothered to write them down
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[no extra description provided]
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yinza · 8 months
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@ffviihalloween - Day 1: Ghosts
I don't think we talk enough about how fucked up the entire existence of Gold Saucer is. Making this fun haunted-house-themed hotel and it's literally built on graves.
[Image Description: Greyscale digital artwork of the Ghost Hotel at Gold Saucer. While the rest of the party can be seen indistinctly walking up the steps to the hotel, Barret stands in the middle of the headstones with his fist clenched. The image is animated so that when lightning flashes, the text on the headstones changes from Gold Saucer's locations to the names Corel, Myrna, Eleanor, and Dyne. /end ID]
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dravikso · 7 months
Iterator puppet design trends headcanons
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[Image ID: A drawing with Looks to the Moon standing on the left and Five Pebbles on the right; LTTM is labelled as an early generation iterator and Five Pebbles as a late generation iterator. Neither are wearing clothes. The text to the left of LTTM describing early generation iterators reads: "More realistically proportioned, but still doll-like. Tend to be taller. Often have static (or limited motion), single antennae pairs. Feet privileges." The text to the right of FP describing late generation iterators reads: "Exaggarated, unrealistic proportions, usually with proportionally longer lower arms and legs when compared to their upper counterparts. Tend to be shorter; about the height of an adult slugcat (not including antennae). Often have articulated, double antennae pairs. Tend to have exposed mechanical parts, particularly at the neck. Feet privileges: revoked." End Description.]
I finally got around to finishing that headcanon sketch of what I imagine the differences between Early and Late gen iterators are.
This is obviously not a set rule for every iterator even within the headcanon, there's a lot of variability intra-generationally and it just happens to be more noticeable inter-generationally given the sheer amount of gradual change over a long time involved. A bit like fashion, a lot of iterator puppets were built in line with the stylistic trends at the time but didn't always stick to them.
I like to imagine that mid-generation iterators in particular tended to have a huge amount of variability; late gen iterators I feel came at the point where there was growing disillusionment with the whole iterator concept and tend to be more uniform in design, and early gen iterators came a bit too early for pushing the envelope on designs.
Anyways I'll probably clean these up and whack some clothing on them and put them into my general canon iterator design work at some point, especially now that I have a better grip on how I want to draw iterators from different generations. Speaking of, Is there in game dialogue suggesting around when SRS, NSH, and GW are from? Because I don't. Remember.
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ninoxwof · 2 months
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Rose (Flower) the Human
(I'm not well practiced with drawing humans by any means. I was initially going to hold off on drawing any scavengers until I get to Dragonslayer, but I think Rose is an important character in The Brightest Night that deserves a mention)
[Image Description: A digital drawing depicting Rose from Wings of Fire. She is a middle aged average built black woman, with coily hair that reaches down to her shoulders, thick eye brows, and a wide nose. Her lips are two toned, with her upper lip being darker than her lower. Her lower lip is also slightly thicker. She has slightly muscular sleeveless arms with forearm protectors on her. Her palms and the soles of her feet have a lighter pigment to them. She's wearing a sandy yellow sleeveless robe and green pants that are loose and free flowing. She's also wearing what appears to be sole protectors, likely to keep her feet from burning from the hot desert sand. She is sitting, with one leg bent inward, and an arm touching the floor, supporting her body weight. /.End ID]
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veinsfullofstars · 3 months
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⭐ Memories of friendship ⭐
(ID: Kirby series fanart, Childhood Friends AU, featuring young Dedede, Meta, Para Dee, and Bow Dee hanging out and interacting in various cute and silly scenarios. More detailed descriptions and bonus headcanons under the cut. END ID.)
Just a buncha li’l guys. The littlest of lads. I could literally fill pages with all the wholesome slice-of-life nonsense I have in mind for these kids (and maybe the smallest touch of angst, too, but that’s for later). Also might’ve made DDD’s overalls a little brighter to match his coat in the future. Also made refs for Para and Bow.
UPDATE 03/11/24: Added a few misc. details.
Sketches started btw 11/23 and 12/23, render started 12/13/23, finished 01/07/24. NOTE: This was originally posted on my deleted account on 01/08/23.
Image descriptions
Top-left: Meta carrying DDD by his hands and lifting him (with great difficultly) into the air (probably only a few inches off the ground), the latter laughing happily and kicking his feet, the former grimacing with effort and flapping his little wing as hard as he can.
(HC: Even at a young age, Meta is built more for dexterity than strength, and DDD isn’t exactly as light as the rest of his buddies - not that it stops either of them from doing something dumb in the name of a dare.)
Top-middle: Meta and Para holding open a large book between them (the image of Planet Popstar on the cover), reading and discussing its contents (as indicated by a wall of blue and green “Blah”s behind them), while Bow (slumped on Meta’s side) and Dedede (reclining back on Para’s side) are both fast asleep from boredom.
(HC: Needless to say, Meta and Para are huge nerds, often seen checking out half a dozen books at at time from the local library and finishing them before the week is out. Bow and DDD try to be interested, but they just don’t have the attention spans for huge walls of tech jargon and dusty old history.)
Top-right: Para floating with his parasol (patterned the same green-and-brown plaid as his bowtie), sweating and kicking his feet wildly, looking down in terror; Meta hovers nearby on his wings, looking on in surprise at his panicking friend.
(HC: Despite his proficiency, Para rarely uses his parasol for anything besides keeping himself dry in the rain. He is deathly afraid of heights and has gotten himself stuck in trees more than once thanks to his buddies’ daredevil antics.)
Middle-right: Bow - angered by something off-screen - furiously kicking and flailing about, her face red with rage, as DDD casually holds her up off the ground by the top of her head, looking annoyed and bored.
(HC: It doesn’t take a lot to set Bow off. Despite her tiny size, she can be an absolute terror when she’s upset about something, and the boys know this well. DDD is often the one to hold her back when she gets too rowdy, a role he’s not particularly thrilled to have. Stars help anyone in her line of sight if no one’s around to calm her down.)
Middle: Meta and DDD sitting side-by-side, the former in a rare excitable mood as he fidgets and chatters on about all kinds of things (indicated by several word bubbles with images inside, including ice cream, swords, bats, planets, stars, rockets, and Galacta Knight’s mask); DDD listens with surprising patience, a fond (if somewhat exasperated) smile on his face.
(HC: Meta is usually a very quiet kid, his silence filled by DDD being his typical boisterous self. Sometimes, though, when they’re just hanging out by themselves, Meta will find an opening - usually provided by DDD - and go off on tangents as random and hyper-focused as his more talkative buds. Not many people get to see him this animated or comfortable, and DDD - who’s seen them the most - cherishes these moments, even if it’s embarrassing to admit.)
Bottom-left: DDD dashing to our left, a determined grin on his face, as his friends ride Piggyback on his back - first Meta, wings out and free arm waving in excitement, then Para, clinging desperately to Meta with a look of panic on his face, and finally Bow, hanging off of Para and laughing merrily.
• (HC: DDD is always dragging his friends into one crazy scheme or another, usually at a full-tilt sprint and without much forethought beyond “C’mon, it’ll be fun!” Meta is often swept up in the excitement, too curious and eager to learn to worry much about danger. Para is the embodiment of “I don’t know about this, guys…” but too lenient to really stop them. Bow will literally follow the boys off of a cliff as long as there’s fun to be had.)
Bottom-right: Bow, DDD, and Meta sitting in the grass surrounded by butterflies (their bodies black and wings white with dark edges, save one in the back with yellow wings rimmed in orange and red). One lands on DDD’s beak, and he pokes at it curiously, staring cross-eyed. Bow trembles behind him, staring at the butterfly in watery-eyed terror over his shoulder. Meta tilts his head to look at her with an expression of bemused concern, a butterfly settled on his foot.
(HC: Bow will tell you she isn’t afraid of anything. In many cases, this is true. She will routinely stare down threats ten times her size and promise to beat them up on the spot before someone more rational pulls her out of harm’s way. But, if there is a bug anywhere in her immediate vicinity, she will absolutely run for the hills. DDD used to tease her about this, hiding bugs in his hands to scare her. He stopped as soon as she started panic-smacking him.)
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razzafrazzle · 1 year
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HAPPY PRIDE MONTH ITS TIME FOR MORE MTN DEW LESBIANS!!!!!!!!! they are besties and you can find them in their natural habitat (the mall)
[image description: a reference image for two original characters inspired by flavors of mountain dew. on the left is summer freeze, an average-built dark-skinned woman with a short afro dyed to look like a triple flavored sno-cone. she is wearing yellow sunglasses, earrings shaped like popsicles, a red, yellow, and blue windbreaker with a white crop top underneath, a white choker, red athletic shorts, knee-high white socks, and yellow, red, and blue rollerskates. he also has on blue lipstick and has a blue bellybutton piercing. blurbs next to them say that their pronouns are she/he/they, that they "put the fruit in fruitbooter", and that they are "very chill. haha get it". on the left is supernova, a curvy alien with light pink skin, antennae, black and white compact eyes, a beauty mark, a heart-shaped tattoo on her chest, and wavy blond hair with a pink ombre and pink hair clips. it is wearing a dark jacket with a light fur trim, a hot pink leopard print crop top, a dark miniskirt with a thong underneath, hot pink leopard print thigh high stockings, dark boots with a light fur trim, and a hot pink heart-shaped bag. she also has pink sunglasses in her hand and has on hot pink eyeshadow and lipstick. blurbs around them say that they use any pronouns, that they "landed on earth & the first thing she saw was a bratz doll", and that "nobody suspects a thing". there are doodles of sparkles surrounding the two. end id]
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anonymouspuzzler · 10 months
Do Minnie, Buck, and Davey enjoy any sports (either playing or watching)?
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Minnie's gonna figure some stuff out in like a year.
[Image IDs/descriptions under cut!]
[Image 1: Panel one of a black-and-white digitally inked comic featuring Puzz's OCs Buck (a middle-aged white man with a barrel-chested build, large nose, bushy mustache and balding hairstyle; he is wearing simple slacks and a turtleneck sweater) and Davey (a middle-aged black man with a lanky build, amputated right arm, thin mustache, large ears, large eyes with long lashes, diagonal scar across his face, and curly hair in a ponytail; he is wearing loose sports shorts and a baggy tank top). Buck, arms crossed and looking off to the side with a grimace, says, "Egh. Nope. Not my scene." Davey, looking off to the side with one eyebrow raised in a thoughtful expression, making a "sort of" gesture with his hand, says, "Kind of...? I used to do kickboxing, but like, for exercise, never competitively. I'll watch sports if they're on, but I don't follow any particular teams or anything." End ID.]
[Image 2: Panel two of a black-and-white digitally inked comic featuring Puzz's OCs. Minnie (a thirteen-year-old white girl with a stocky build, freckles, buck teeth and large braided pigtails; she is wearing a short-sleeved sweater blouse and dark overalls) is sitting in the foreground on an old laptop, looking disinterested and saying, "Women's soccer." Buck and Davey in the background, in the same positions as the prior panel, look over with mild bewilderment. End ID.]
[Image 3: Panel three of a black-and-white digitally inked comic featuring Puzz's OCs. Minnie, looking annoyed, gestures with both hands and shouts "What??" Buck, gesturing with one hand and continuing to look bewildered, responds, "Since when??" Minnie retorts, "I don't know! What do you care! You're the weirdo who doesn't watch sports!!" Davey, with one hand in his pocket, watches this exchange with an amused grin. End ID.]
[Image 4: Panel four of a black-and-white digitally inked comic featuring Puzz's OCs. Minnie returns to looking at the old laptop, looking annoyed, with cartoon steam clouds around her. End ID.]
[Image 5: Panel five of a black-and-white digitally inked comic featuring Puzz's OCs. Minnie, still on the old laptop, looks off to the side, looking embarrassed, imagining a group of strongly-built women's soccer players in action with hearts all around them. End ID.]
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butchdarling · 3 months
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[ID: A digital drawing for The World Ends With You. At the center is Neku Sakuraba with his eyes closed and hands held by his headphones. In the foreground is Shiki Misaki in her UG appearance, Joshua Kiryuu, and Beat Bito. Shiki and Beat have their eyes closed, and Joshua has his eyes slightly open with a subtle smile. The background is a blue sky with clouds around Neku and text in front of him that reads "Choose your escape route." In the first image the colors are softer and in the second they're higher contrast. End ID]
insp below cut
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[ID: A printed advertisement from a magazine for General Electric portable music players. At the center is a pair of lightweight headphones backed by a cloudy blue sky. The wire of the headphones has three plugs, each of which connects to a different stereo music player at the bottom of the image. Text in front of the wire reads "Choose your escape route." in all caps. Each music player also has a description:
Stereo Tape Escape / Plan your escape with the Stereo Tape Escape. It's as simple as popping in a tape and putting on the featherweight (2-oz.) headphones. You get tone and channel controls to custom- shape the great stereo sound. And there's an extra jack so you can even escape with a friend. Model 3-5270
Stereo Radio Escape/ Built-in automatic frequency control lets you escape with ease by locking in your favorite FM station. And just like its slightly bigger brothers, the ultra- light AM/FM Stereo Radio Escape has separate left and right channel controls, an extra jack for a friend, and, of course, incredible sound. Model 7-1000
Stereo Great Escape / Turn on a tape or tune into the FM radio. How you choose to escape is entirely up to you when you have the Stereo Great Escape. Separate channel controls, an extra jack for a friend, and two escape routes make this one machine you shouldn't let get away. Model 3-5271
Text along the bottom reads:
We bring good things to life. General Electric
End ID]
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