#in memes my creativity shall go
serendipitous-mage · 8 months
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the absolute SECOND this fucker got onscreen. i Knew.
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agentnico · 3 months
Dune: Part Two (2024) review
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I’m fully aware that the Dune sequel has been hit by acclaim from both critics and audiences, and I shall share my own thoughts in due course, but also whilst presenting itself as a serious and sophisticated piece of artsy science fiction tackling challenging themes of religion and politics, from a marketing standpoint this film has been a major farcical meme. From the popcorn buckets shaped like suggestive sand worms (or more so accurately as deformed buttholes) to the viral TikTok video of an unnamed man riding a makeshift sand worm around a cinema lobby on his way to Arrakis, or more likely to one of the gazillion screenings of Dune: Part Two. But yes, absolutely mad bonkers advertising techniques, and not at all reflective of how seriously and straight faced the actual film plays. Anyway, let’s talk Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuneee…..
Plot: Paul Atreides unites with Chani and the Fremen while seeking revenge against the conspirators who destroyed his family. Facing a choice between the love of his life and the fate of the universe, he must prevent a terrible future only he can foresee.
Controversial opinion - I was not a fan of the first Dune. I thought it was all spectacle and no substance, and even then in regards to said spectacle, it was just sand. Lots of sand and bland dark visuals. I understand that the first movie acts as a massive exposition piece with lots of world building and introductions of all the characters and various political families and the spice trade and all that sweet jazz, but honestly it all felt so dragged out. Also a lot of narrative choices felt really immature and I did not buy it. In fact, the only memorable part for me was that female voice screaming on the music score every time something crazy happened, and my does that woman have some strong vocal pipe work! Like damn, her screams…. I really felt them!
Going into Dune: Part Two, I was very much of two mindsets. One was more so a feeling of obligation to watch it, as I wasted 3 hours of my life watching the first one that I felt I deserved some kind of closure for my efforts. The other being Denis Villeneuve. Aside from the first Dune, he’s a director that has constantly impressed me with his unique vision and style. Simply look at his past filmography! Prisoners. Enemy. Arrival. Sicario. All impressive pieces of genre filmmaking. Then there’s Blade Runner 2049, that took the classic Ridley Scott movie and managed to improve on it and become one of the most thrilling science fiction epics of the last decade. Also the trailers looked appropriately exciting, and it seemed like the second movie was actually gonna deal with some serious shit finally. Again, my problem with the first Dune wasn’t that it was slow. I mean, I can happily watch Paris, Texas any day of the week and be mesmerised by the empty yet beautiful takes of the American desert. It’s more-so that the first Dune felt aimless and messy. As for Dune: Part Two?
Well, if we’re going to use The Lord of the Rings terminology, and boy am I happy to refer to the dear-to-my-heart Middle Earth whenever I have the chance, then Dune: Part Two holds the scale of The Two Towers. I may not agree with all of it, and there are still some moments that drag, though The Two Towers is also guilty of that - I’m looking at you Treebeard! But overall this is one hell of a cinematic experience and achievement. Visually for one this is eye-candy. And yes, yet again there’s lots of sand, but this time around Villeneuve manages to find very creative ways to add/take away colour to make many sequences truly impressive. There’s an early scene where the Fremen are fighting Harkonnen goons in the desert and the entire thing is seeped in this blood orange palette, reminiscent of the Martian Chronicles, and then there’s the part where we are introduced to the Harkonnen home planet where the entire screen is drenched in hardcore intense black-and-white due to their sun only giving out white and black light, and instead of fireworks there are these watercolour stroked exploding in the sky, to of course the much talked about eye-dropping sand worm riding into battle scene that had the feel of the giant elephants appearing in The Return of the King, and yes that was another most delightful reference to Lord of the Rings! As I was saying though, the entire movie visually is certainly something to be in awe of.
Also Hans Zimmer’s score!! Of course the man’s a genius, having composed so many of cinema’s greatest musical compositions. I can recommend his Live in Prague performance! Hit after hit, and I find myself spinning it on my record player a good few times. Hans Zimmer’s Dune: Part Two soundtrack feels like a thunderously bombastic continuation and expansion of the first film’s more quiet and moody opener, and that shift in tone allows for some truly spectacular weaving of the composer’s thematic tapestry for Dune – with the finest new thread being the absolutely gorgeous love theme for Paul and Chani. A truly beautiful piece that echoes the heartbreaking tragic nature of the central romance of the film. Needless to say I’ve already pre-ordered the limited edition coloured vinyl of Dune 2’s soundtrack from Mutant (the new Mondo).
As for the narrative, as that is where I felt the first film faltered the most in my humble opinion (which I share so publicly online). I really do feel like the sequel is a major set up, for since the first one focused more on the endless word building and set-ups, this movie is all about the character developments. The scope is still big with the various political and religious elements that are tackled and explored throughout, however at the same time Dune: Part Two manages to feel more intimate compared to its predecessor, with the unravelling of the romance between Paul and Chani, but more so the inner struggles of Paul Atreides, as he tries to balance his emotions of revenge with the feeling of wanting to belong somewhere, as well as his denial of being called the so-called Messiah to the Fremen people. Look, the idea of the chosen one has been a concept that has been done over and over again, however I felt here they managed to really make it feel unique and different, with Paul choosing not to take this major responsibility due to visions of the future where he sees this choice result in darkness and dread, yet at the same time realising he has no choice but to follow his destiny and calling. It’s powerful stuff.
The cast list is stacked in this one. Timothee Chalamet is a rising star, having previously excelled his dramatic chops in Call Me by Your Name and his charismatic whimsy in last year’s Wonka, but this is by far his most impressive acting feat. You truly feel his character turning from boy to man, and it’s a real and raw performance. Zendaya shares great chemistry with him, but also in her own right gives a strong turn as a warrior Fremen conflicted with what she sees and thinks. Javier Bardem’s Stilgar adds a slice of surprising humour to the mix, being so obsessed with Paul being part of the prophecy that anything he’d do, Stilgar would find that to be part of what has been foretold. Paul Atreides could literally fart and Stilgar would observe in wonder proclaiming “as it was written”. There’s also a tiny No Country for Old Men reunion with Bardem being joined by Josh Brolin, who’s alright by the way, though it’s a typical Brolin brute role. Charlotte Rampling as the Reverend Mother continues being truly despicable and honestly that wench deserves to be put in her place - the movie’s ending is very satisfying in this regard. There’s also some newcomers to the Dune world too. Florence Pugh as the Princess reminded me a lot of Padme from Star Wars, and Christopher Walken I felt was tad miscast as the Emperor. Don’t get me wrong, Walken is a great actor, but his way of speech has been impersonated and overdone so many times that it is difficult to take him seriously in a role like this. Minus a couple of strong deliveries Walken felt really lazy here. You know who wasn’t lazy though? Austin Butler! This guy understood the assignment, playing the psychotic nutter Feyd-Rautha and he’s truly unrecognisable. Even his voice is different. Gone is Elvis and in cometh his Skarsgard impression! He’s brutal and maniacal and was honestly superb, and I wish there was more of him in this movie.
Again, it’s far from a perfect movie. There are parts still that drag, and certain times where things feel surprisingly rushed, but overall this is an experience through and through, and unlike my feelings after the first film, here I find myself really looking forward to the inevitable third part. In fact f*ck it, who am I kidding - this movie is bloody incredible!! Like I can’t even - it’s abso-fricking-lutely spectacular!! And by the way I read a bit about the Frank Herbert Dune books now and the future sequels are gonna be mad, just saying. Paul’s son becomes this half-man half-worm known as the God Emperor! Things are gonna get weird! Anyway, Dune: Part Two - go see it if you haven’t already. And in Austin Butler’s voice: “may thy knife chip and shatter”.
Overall score: 9/10
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madhogthymaster · 28 days
Master Recs: Webcomics (Vol. 1)
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I enjoy webcomics. I like being exposed to accessible art, to witness the evolution of artists and storytellers who bring their individual viewpoints to the table, expressing themselves through the medium of free comic books! I spend an inordinate amount of leisure time perusing the old sequential literature. As a result, I follow a ton of people that would give it to me. Now, I wish to recommend a few of these works from my constantly expanding list. I shall begin with a small taster of five, currently ongoing projects to wet your appetite. Let us go.
Preeny Has to Repeat 6th Grade by Jasmine Coté
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Preeny is a brush-tailed kitty, fluffy both in appearance and personality, and she might just be the Chosen One to save the world from Darkness – as it is often the case. This comic vaunts a peculiar shtick: the setting is populated by adoptable furry OCs the artist has bought from DeviantArt kids, effectively creating a Kingdom Hearts style fictional universe for the Mid-2000's Sparkledog subculture. This works both as a unique selling point and as a clever metatextual conceit that informs the themes of the story, which is an earnest celebration of creativity, childhood and self-expression, untainted by the cynicism of "You Posted Cringe." It's funny, cute, sincere and it hits you right in the feelings.
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The author describes it as "An exploration of the multitudes a person experiences as a response to trauma. Also cartoon animal adventures. I promise it's mostly funny. it's a trauma comedy! a TRAUMEDY!!!!" Indeed, I would say it's an apt summary. The strip began life as a series of Animal Crossing fan comics which would eventually spin into a darkly humorous, twisted yet oddly wholesome deconstruction of kinks and emotional repression. Soon enough, it was rebooted and morphed into the understated, original masterpiece that it is today. Every page oozes with ethereal colours, a delicate yet decisive trait and subtle foreshadowing as a yet unclear narrative starts taking shape behind the surface of "cartoon animal adventures." A rewarding read for those who enjoy to obsess over every detail and pick apart allegories. It's the Thinking Man's TRAUMEDY, if you will.
Haus of Decline: Gay Comics by Haus of Decline
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Sometimes, all you need to create a widely appealing classic is a good set-up, a punchline and impeccable comedic timing, all of which encapsulated into the confines of a traditional 4-panel strip. Actually, now that I have typed it, that is one of the most difficult crafts to master. Haus of Decline is a ubiquitous work that has managed to achieve the coveted "Meme Status", swimming in the immediate periphery of your Internet experience. You might be aware of it thanks to that one Steven Universe joke that stands tall as the most succinct and accurate parody of that show. As of right now, I am yet to encounter a single strip that isn't a comedic slam dunk or at least chuckle worthy. If you enjoy a spoonful of irreverent, queer, scatological, sometimes personal humour in your breakfast bowl than this is the cereal box for you!
Molly's Future Mishaps by Peyton Partyhorn
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It's the year 2000, the Earth has blown up. Right before that, humans managed to send a rocket full of sea slugs to Europa, one of Jupiter's satellites. It is now the year 3000 on Europa. Molly the slug meets Jo, a sea bunny time traveller from the year 4000. After a soda-related debacle, they both wind up at the end of Time itself. The titular mishaps ensue. Molly's Future Mishaps presents an overly complex amalgamation of premises, each more outlandish than the last, that lays the foundation for what is, in essence, a straightforward character-driven piece. It explores a group of people attempting to finagle their way across Life, their feelings, anxieties, societal pressure, self-worth, many "What If's" and "What Could Have Been's", with timey wimey shenanigans serving as the backdrop for their reasonably scoped adventures. Their personal and interpersonal journeys keep the bizarre, somewhat nonsensical nature of the Universe grounded in a familiar space - in a manner not too dissimilar to that of a Douglas Adams' novel. In truth, the initial run of the comic mostly focuses on comedic high jinks, which tend to be hit or miss, but the writing improves dramatically when it starts exploring the characters' psychology and emotional hang ups. For me, personally, the turning point was the (inevitable) Time Loop arc, which I enjoyed for reasons that will become obvious if you know about my feelings for In Stars and Time. In short: this comic has a high-stakes Absurdist/Existential Sci-Fi premise that belies a refreshingly "Down-to-Europa" story about a bunch of 20-something cartoon slugs. It's relatable!
Dolmistaska by AngusBurgers
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In many ways, this one defies description. You should just go read it. Seriously, go read it! It's great! Exceptionally well-drawn too! It looks like an underground Punk comic from thirty years ago. It lures you in with the understated intrigue of its unclear premise, its oppressing atmosphere, environmental storytelling, savvy use of lighting and shading, before dropping everything on you all at once. The protagonist is a cat person with gremlin energy and a knack for vehicle-related heists. Read it. You'll thank me later.
That would be all for now. There might be more webcomic recommendations in the future, whenever inspiration shall strike - or I get in a writing mood. Thanks for reading... and happy further reading!
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A helpful website: https://arab.org/
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mycupofrum · 26 days
Fic writer questions
Thank you for the tag @lovelymasks! Once again I’m really late with my replies but I really enjoyed doing this one. 😊
🍓 How did you get into writing fanfiction?
I was a teenager and started writing HP fics with a friend of mine who first introduced me to fanfiction. We would send fics to each other and commented on each other’s stories and gave each other writing prompts. I think I did that for about a year until I had the courage to post anything online. I started on a Finnish HP forum and returned there after a long break from fandom, though I’m more active on Tumblr/AO3 these days. I think I did post one or two fics in English on ff.net back in the day but they were very short gen fics. I posted One of these days on Tumblr at the end of 2022 and that was the first piece of creative writing in English that I did in a long time and I was shit scared for whatever reason, but people were very nice to me about it. :D
🍇How many fandoms have you written in?
I’ve written for Harry Potter and Star Wars fandoms and a few cringe rpf crack fics about celebrities I shall not name back in the day, but that’s something I’m ready to put behind me.
🍈 How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
Around 7 years with a long break in between.
🍎 Do you read or write more fanfiction?
Lately I’ve been reading more than writing. It goes in phases...sometimes I write more and at other times read more.
🍌 What is one way you've improved as a writer?
I think I’ve learned to be aware of filler words and improved in "show don’t tell", though that one is something I’m still working on.
🍑 Do you have any bad habits as a writer?
I need the stars to align to get into a writing mood. I don’t practise it every day. I know writing is a like exercising a muscle etc. etc. but you know, this is a hobby for me, so I only do it whenever I feel like it (and yet feel guilty for not doing it more. Fun times. 😅).
🍍 What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
The last one has been the Catholic church, just the whole vocabulary of it and anything related to it. I don’t know if it’s weird per se, but I find it so funny I’m researching prayers and the confession process when ultimately I just want the characters to end up having sex. 😄
I’ve also researched train announcements in the UK, business buildings in London in the 1990s, British police ranks, instructions on how to play pool, and shamanism to name a few.
🍉What's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
All comments, short and long! I appreciate a keysmash, emojis or if someone points out their favourite parts from the fic. Sometimes a reader can find foreshadowing or connections to something that I never even realised myself, which is amazing! It’s like someone pointing out your own subconscious thoughts to you. It helps to go back to reading comments if I have a bad day, writing-wise or just in general. <3
🍐What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
I don't really know. I write about whatever pleases me. :)
🥭What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Toxic relationships, emotional abuse. Sometimes I enjoy reading stories like that but I don’t think I have it in me to pull off that kind of dynamic in my writing. At least not easily, but I haven’t really tried it either. I write from the place of "wouldn’t it be really funny if…" That’s legit how most of my fics are born.
🍏What is the easiest type?
Romance with a little bit of humour. And so much tension. All the tension. I want tension. Did I mention tension? Hot and funny. I have accepted that that’s what my brain likes to come up with most often. Occasionally I enjoy dabbling into angst.
🍑Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
On my laptop or mobile phone at home. I usually get my ideas when I’m trying to fall asleep so I’m like the meme of a writer whose brain starts to work out solutions when I should be sleeping, and then it’s just me and the pale light of my phone in the darkness of my bedroom. Also in general I tend to write in the evening. I use both LibreOffice (which allows me to use Word format) and the free online Word because I can access my files on OneDrive on both laptop and phone.
🍋What is something you've been too nervous/ intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
A longfic with a proper plot. I have some longer WIP fics in the making but that’s just the thing...they’re still WIPs. I’m just genuinely terrible at finishing longer fics. So, here’s to improving in that.
🍇What made you choose your username?
At first I kept thinking of mycupoftea and then decided nah that’s too basic, so I came up with mycupofrum because I liked my rum-based drinks. That was 10 years ago and I haven’t changed the username since then. As for Satine which has been my pen name for a longer time, it’s from Moulin Rouge.
Tagging @heartofspells @squintclover @in-flvx @annabtg if you want to do this. And anyone else who is up for this tag game. :)
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saiyanandproud · 2 months
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name — Jenny
pronouns — she/her
preferred comms — Discord or Tumblr, both are good!
name of muse — Mariko Ninjin
experience in RP — LONG. Since 2016 on tumblr, and even longer before that.
best experiences — Damn, hard to tell. I honestly always had a blast on this blog, met so many creative mutuals. I think the award for the most consistently prolific ones (past and current) should go to @viopolis @fyu-ture and @nappainanotherdimension
pet peeves/dealbreakers — poor engagement/communication/plotting effort. I love writing, but I can't do everything on my own, pals. Let's collaborate on that thread, shall we? Also being only considered as a source of reblog for memes and no other interactions. Thanks but no, there are blogs specifically for that, and I ain't one of those.
muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — No preference really, anything can be engaging when it's about developing a relartionship between characters. Angst is good because it leads to fluff, fluff is good because it makes angst hurt more later on. Love-focusses threads are good, friendship-based ones too, family-oriented ones as well... The only thing I struggle with are fight scenes.
plot or memes — I usually prefer to plot, even just a general idea on how the muses interact for the first times. I find out that just 'winding it' leaves massive plot holes and question marks when interactions get deeper and more personal. It's always good to agree on some kind of common ground.
long or short replies — I usually go for medium-long, unless it's crack stuff.
best time to write — Any time really I like writing a lot ok
are you like your muse?: Not really. Maybe I used to share her brashness when I was younger, but I don't think I've ever been as gutsy as she can be!
Tagged by @indomitablepride Tagging @viopolis @risingsouls @synthetixflora @cxldtyrant @athenafire @pzfr @the-demonpr0digyy and whoever else I might have missed
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star-going-supernova · 5 months
Me after reading through your BATIM/BATDR stories:
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(Hope you're doing well! I know I've said it before but your stories really hit me in the feels, it's always fun to go back and re-read them! Can't wait to see more Bendy content from you in the future!)
(picture isn't mine I found it on pinterest)
I love when y'all send me memes about you reading my fics, adskljfak;sdjfsjd ❤️
I'm doing pretty good! Kind of in a creative rut right now, which sucks, but it's also very: *rolls eyes and sighs* here we go again. Y'know? Been there, done that, and this too shall pass.
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indigosabyss · 10 months
kay the last post got like. 23 notes. which is all a bitch w a hyperfixation needs to start infodumping about the nuances and minutia of crossovers and how to build them and what you'll get out of them.
*drumroll pls*
Fandom Fusion Crossovers: A Guide (Part 1)
In the first Breakdown, I touched upon Fandom Fusions as a concept. I realized that I was a bit too brief in retrospect, but that was because unlike the others, I have already worked through my love for these types of crossovers in stories longer than Moby Dick.
But, I'm here to rant into the void so lets give a quick definition, shall we?
Fandom Fusion is the type of crossover where the two stories exist side-by-side, the worlds slotting together with some overlap, but overall not interfering with each other. Until the plot of the fic kicks off.
The most interesting thing about this crossover is its potential for worldbuilding, and the way the power structures of both stories are balanced amongst each other. You need to make them belong together, create common threads, but also a degree of separation, and its not always easy to do that. Takes a lot of creativity.
I'll start with the 'making sure the worlds mesh' aspect first. Then maybe move onto the 'making the characters meet' aspect in another chapter.
Meshing & World-Building
There are a lot of different types of worlds, and genres. A common rule of thumb is that if you want a Fandom Fusion, the worlds should be in similar time periods, and both should exist in the same plane of reality. Generally, this means modern day Earth, but it can change.
With fantasy worlds, its a little tricky. Because all the worlds and continents have different names, which makes it pretty hard to do.
Or, you could simply not care for canon and worldbuilding and just have the characters hanging out together. (I cannot do that, it makes me break out in stress hives) In fact, the fic that started off the MordeTwi ship meme was this type of crossover. There isn't a reason for a humanoid bird to be in a world filled with the talking ponies, but there he was. No one cared. Do that, if you want. Fanfiction is anarchy, my dude.
If you do want to stress about it, here's some examples and vague combinations of genres.
Contemporary w/ Contemporary By 'contemporary' I mean showing people in their regular lives. Going to high school and college and doing regular jobs, with no major worldwide repercussions. The biggest problem w this is the geographical element of your worlds, and how the characters are supposed to meet. I will be going into this later. Otherwise, its easy to believe that these two stories happened at the same time. Don't really have much to add on this from a purely worldbuilding standpoint??
Celebrity w/ Contemporary or Celebrity By 'celebrity', I mean stories about the rich or famous or talented. Everything from athletes to actors are included in this. I personally classify it as a different style because it would require different worldbuilding. Esp if you're meshing together two different high-profile fields. From personal tastes, I will point out Yuri! on ice x Sk8 the Infinity crossovers. The similarities between the two are striking. One is about skateboarding, the other is figure skating. Parallels are drawn, but the characters have yet to meet. The geographical element with such crossovers is slightly lessened, because at least one party has the ability to travel easily.
Fantasy w/ Fantasy Here's where it gets interesting. You need to make the magic systems and lore compatible. They tend to line up alright, but best to keep an open mind. As an example, think of an Artemis Fowl and PJO crossover. The faerie would be considered spirits of folklore like any other. The Mist can be excused as weak around them because of a feud between the faerie and more powerful beings, which is why they are more at risk from being seen. Simple explanations like that which add on to the history of this shared world you've made.
Fantasy w/ Contemporary (or Celebrity?) These are always fun. Not only is there no tricky magic systems to shove together, but you also need to make sure that the normal-world's stakes are felt as heavily as the stakes from the magic-world story. Both of their problems should feel equally real and important to the reader. Depending on the type of fantasy series you're using, the geographic element and communication problem could be easier or harder to navigate, and a close eye should be kept on the interests and themes and motifs connected to each character to draw comparisons of them and have them meet characters from the other world.
There's a lot more I wish I could say. Maybe this would be easier w a graphical element? I can't draw very well but tell me if I should sketch something out if you're a visual learner and are trying to figure out wtf I'm trying to say.
My brain is hardwired to associate things with each other lol so if you want me to connect fandoms together fusion style, just... put the two fandoms in my ask box and I'll give you something back.
I'm only doing the meshing aspect rn, and will move onto how exactly characters are supposed to meet and what plots tend to occur on a basic scale later. If anyone rlly wants to know lol. I just really really like the background creativity that goes into crossovers and I think more people should do them and want to give a jumping off point if you're planning a crossover? Then again, I might just want to talk about things that everyone already intuitively knows and no one even wanted this but whatever
If I get around to it, I will link part two here.
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ninja-muse · 2 years
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So back in July I got an ask about possibly doing another book challenge, and the idea’s been on the back burner for me ever since. Last night I was inspired! So now I present to you …
The Not Your Classics Challenge!
As usual for a book/photo challenge, the goal is to post once for each prompt, and ideally put up one post a day. As is usual for one of my challenges, there are twists!
Do not post about the book of the day (but by all means post about Pride and Prejudice for day 29 if you want to).
You can absolutely use the themes of the books as a starting board, or just the title, or whatever else works for you. Heck, if you want to feature other Austen novels for Day 1, go ahead.
Discussion posts, read-alikes, ask and tag memes, etc. are all encouraged.
Not every book featured needs to be a classic. Use whatever books you want to!
Ideally this is a November challenge (hence the 30, instead of 31), but I’m aware that life is a thing so if you want to start at a different time, need to take longer to finish, etc., go for it! The full list of prompts is below the cut.
Reach out if you have any questions! I shall do my best to answer them. Go forth and be creative!
Hashtag is #notyourclassics. Tag so I can reblog!
Pride and Prejudice
Great Expectations
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Three Musketeers
Midnight’s Children
To the Lighthouse
The Catcher in the Rye
A Single Man
The Color Purple
No Longer Human
The Call of the Wild
The Great Gatsby
Wuthering Heights
Little Women
War and Peace
Things Fall Apart
The Grapes of Wrath
The Lord of the Flies
Brave New World
The Scarlet Letter
Invisible Man
I Am a Cat
The Price of Salt
The Joy Luck Club
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bleue-flora · 1 year
Hello, I don’t know what I’m doing, but I’m here for the c!Dream angst. So, you know there is going to be plenty of good old prison arc and mature content though I’ll try to be mindful of profanity if not in dialogue. Obviously, I’m a c!Dream apologist. And not that you need to know but I am also autistic, as well as an artist and an alliteration addict. ;) I was previously a poet before I very recently started writing fan fiction so I’m a sucker for flowery writing and analysis, even though I’m actually a transportation engineer. My pronouns are she/her, but I’m not offended if you use others.
Spotify — AO3 — Twitter(X)
Hell in a Box - Scrapped lore: c!Dream gets c!Sam to free him and then has a deep chat with c!Punz.
Misery Loves Another Idiot With A Jukebox Where His Soul Should Be (short hand: misery loves an idiot)- c!Quackity gets creative in his daily visits with c!Dream.
Dreamcatcher - c!Punz gets caught in a nightmare c!Dream has.
Good Cop ‘Bad’ Cop - c!Bad is a prison guard who takes pity on a mistreated c!Dream.
If The Crown Fits, Wear It - c!Techno upgrades c!Dream’s look with a crown.
Crow’s Nest - c!Dream haunts c!Techno’s house (co-authored with @error-dream-was-found).
B is for Betrayal - c!Punz helps c!Dream through a medical emergency.
Musical Chairs - Scrapped lore following the events of Crows Nest + c!Punz, c!Techno, c!Dream and a chair... need I say more?
A Gravel Mistake - c!Quackity acts sus so c!Foolish visits the prison
Spotify Playlists
Misery Loves Another Idiot With A Jukebox Where His Soul Should Be - the songs chapters are themed after
Nightmare - c!dream vibes
#sandwich label - graphics for each Good Cop 'Bad' Cop chapter
#flora does art apparently - my dsmp themed digital art
#this is fine - thoughts and stuff that give me brain rot :)
#did someone order an essay? - lengthy analysis and discussions
#on the house - reblog add ons and replies
#dishing up lore - interesting lore discoveries
#leftovers - bloopers/alternate scenes for my fics
#fanfic snack - other people's tumblr fanfics I enjoy
#shall we play a game? - reblog and ask games
#hello there - answers and responses to asks
#dsmp memes - dsmp gifs and memes
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Well now that I've seen that MAG/Go3lm post, it has invoked my affection for Go3lms. Go3lms are just neat and adorable. They talk so politely and whenever they make a remark I just want to give them headpats. -insert headpat meme with regular Go3lm-
While this has been just been me talking about Go3lms, I do have a request in mind. Would you be alright with doing something for the tower guards? They may be annoying to fight, but I respect the dedication to their medival gimmick. God they're such dorks, love these lads. (I really enjoyed the stories with the rowdy duo, Church and Jorge, and the ever passionate burger mascot, Gil. Just wanted to see if I could get some spotlight on some other Go3lms.) You're free to choose which guard to do, to just generalize how they'd all act, or however you'd like to go about it.
So here's a scenario, the reader works for Nexus Core as one of its many combatitive units. They interact with the tower guard now and then due to their patrol routes occasionally intersection. However, they notice it happening more often, bumping into eachother despite being stationed on different floors or in sections that they are quite sure aren't important enough to warrant the attention of the tower guard.
hjfbsdsedf I have to agree with you. They're all just. Funky and i love me some funky big guys +) Also head pats. They deserve ALLL OF THEM!!!
Oh shit! I never actually thought I'd be writing for these guys. but yeah, I'm happy too!! Wouldn't be surprised if they all played d&d together either... ( fuheyusf thank you!!! means a lot to hearrr <3 <3 ) Also hope it's cool but decided to go with the whole idea they are your fan club and went " we like this one. " and now you're being followed by them.
Beautiful scenario tho anon. I adore it. I'm gonna have LOTS of fun with this >+))) !!!!!! But genuinely this is super creative and cool??? You've got a big brain anon !!! <3 <3
I also can't tell if this is longer than my usual writing but it feels like it. nuihu
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Tower Guards - The Point where it went wrong
Trigger Warnings - Manipulation, Intimidation, Abduction, Murder, Gore, Violence, Injury, Character death ( oc ), possible reader death. kinda.
Note - This one has the inclusion of two ocs of mine as your co-workers, Just kinda for the plot to feel more solid. Just really place holders but I promise both of them have a lot more depth than discussed in this story here lmao.
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Many people in your situation would be asking " How did it get to this point ?" and frankly, not even you knew the answer. Maybe you could at least pin point the beginning. Something simple and from then on, they'd stuck with you. It had been a joke: Nothing too serious. You thought the way they talked, resembling that of the medieval ages, was kinda funny. Most were intimidated by them, sure they were skilled but you didn't seem to process that fear. You should have been terrified, And with what has happening now: You are.
" I think I'd make a great tower guard " you joked, puffing out your chest as the other shook their head, clearly unamused by your antics.
" Please don't do anything stupid around those G0l3ms. They will not hesitate to crush you " Theseus spoke, Rubbing the temple in irritation. The two of you were similar in some ways while opposite in others. While Theseus took a more serious approach. He just wanted to get the job done and head home. Most would have sighted this as a horrid combination seeing as you were light hearted. Possibly as juvenile as it gets which caused them immense stress but you two had gone back for years now. It was just... natural. Your shenanigans were unmatched while they balanced you out with their serious tone. To finish it off, Here you both were, working under the same branch in the science tower.
" By my troth, I shall try " You hummed out, elbowing your co-worker as you motioned a hand over your heart. A promise that now come to accidentally break. It caused them to groan but oddly enough, this caught the attention of the black guard, turning and staring back. The two of you jolted as the voice boomed through the room.
" Honourable! What is your name small one? " The blue guard questioned, hunching down to meet your size more. Cracking your head up, you blinked. Taken aback by the fact your simple choice of words had gotten you this much attention, face heating up at the newfound attention.
" Um... I'm (Y/n) " You spoke, rubbing the back of your neck as he let out a cheery laugh. Perhaps he was amused by your antics as much as you were.
" (Y/n)... I shall remember it well. " He hummed your name before letting the two of you go on your way. Youi hadn't paid too much attention to it, instead just snickering about it. While Theseus' eyes hadn't left the figure of the blackguard. It puzzled you, Making you raise a brow.
" You good? " You asked, genuinely concerned but he was clearly pondering his next set of words, choosing them carefully. He turned to face you as he shrugged.
" Dunno. Just got a bad feeling about those things. " he responded as you headed back. From then on, that bad feeling in them would grow and grow for him and no matter how much he protested, You didn't take him seriously. Even so, You never really took it seriously, sighting Theseus as just plain paranoid or just his usual overreacting. There was no away these G0l3m's would dream of harming some of the important Nexus scientists such as yourselves. right? You'd hoped that much. Maybe it was to cover your own tracks, trying to calm your friend down because if you weren't scared, perhaps he wouldn't be either. Perchance, if you had listened to him, things wouldn't have turned so sour.
From then on the guards would pop up at different intervals. It started out small, Just simple route changes you hadn't really payed attention towards since, like everyone else here, you had a job to do. It started happening more frequently though, Guards would stop by your station and ask how you were doing, simple things that... were nice to hear honestly but maybe not during working hours. After all, if you were caught, who knows what punishment you'd face. You weren't sure what to do about them either but soon chalked it up to them seemingly wanting to become acquainted with you after expressing interest, probably.
Some notable incidents were when a red guard had accidentally tripped and crushed what you were working on. You almost had a fit, Months of work down the drain but part of you didn't want to cause a scene with the large guard. You just laughed if off. It meant staying over hours. Apparently the guard had felt so bad, he started to hang around you during those hours on his rounds. Always stopping to check in on your which you found sweet. You were actually happy to have some new dedicated friends, even if it meant Theseus was less than thrilled. One comment made by him was " They planned that shit so you could be around more? " You had just chalked it up to them being clumsy but he still refused: Sighting it strange that the guards, who were already extremely agile, would make such a clumsy mistake. It didn't matter if it was on purpose or not though, You still had to come in to catch up more.
Another involved a yellow guard. You hadn't even properly picked up on it happening until another co-worker, Achilleas had told you. Apparently someone was talking about you behind your back about the red guard. How you had technically put the project on hold until it could be all redone: The guard that overheard this was NOT happy and apparently killed the. However the real reason was according to the report that was handed out to you and your co-workers: He was a spy. Planning on sharing information with others and leaking what you were doing to the public and with that, The yellow guard had taken him out. Theseus remained ambient it was a cover-up, With what you know now. He was most likely right. On the other hand, Achilleas was just glad he was gone: apparently he was a right asshole around the work place. Not that you knew the guy personally.
The worst out of them was meeting the Blackguard. He had an air of authority, more so than the others and he definitely didn't like your friends. You only ever saw it once though, He was so happy with you. As many of the guards were, polite, caring and a good time. A rare combination in Nevada but you were pleasantly surprised to find it home in the leader of the tower guard. Shame it didn't stay that way. He would hardly say anything when your companions were around. The three of you would talk, just minding your own business and he'd show up. Towering over all three of you in size and you knew it intimidated them, no matter how many times you tried to reassure them that it was fine. he'd be so pleasant with you, but when either Achilleas and Theseus tried to talk with him, The tone felt forced... You thought it was nerves maybe. That he wanted to perhaps get in with your little trio and didn't know the way about it. On the other hand. You knew the truth now. Although maybe it was obvious from the start as sometimes he'd drag you away to get you to talk to him alone until the alarm for your break being over sounded off. It soon developed into not just the blackguard doing so, but any guard that saw you chatting with the three in the breakroom. Sometimes they'd then be there, waiting for you. occasionally they'd escort you there and keep you away from the two but again: Maybe they were just shy. Neither of your friends liked this but Achilleas wasn't as bothered, going along with what you said because he trusted you - If you said they were harmless, then they were to him.
The last vague incident you could recall was noted with a blue guard. The same who you had encountered. He insisted that he escort you back to your office while you were on break. Previously, You were talking in the break room with some of your two closest work friends: Theseus and Achilleas. The three of you were talking about how your own individual lives outside your job were going, which relatively uninteresting apart from Achilleas story about a particularly amusing mattress salesmen. Just casual conversations. Only for the guard to stalk up behind the three of you. At first, you payed no mind to it. Only giving them a small wave before you heard the alarm, signalling breaktime was over and began to head back to your designated areas.
" I am here to escort you back to your workplace! " he spoke, filled with pride as the other two stared at the guard then each other. Achilleas looked slightly confused while Theseus' face was riddled with concern.
" Oh yeah sure. See you guys after work? " You replied before turning to the other two. They both nodded before beginning to head away. Theseus kept looking back: Clearly concerned for you but again. He's just a paranoid little man, or so now you wished it had just been his paranoia. You and the guard walked back, heading to the elevator. It was a journey filled with small talk. Nothing too special outside the usual talk you had with the respective guards. A question made you pause though.
" What are those two to you? Are they... Your protectors? " he prompted, tilting his head lightly. This made you laugh lightly, Deciding to play along with that you used to think was just some sort of medieval humour thing.
" Nahhhh. Theseus is like my champion. Achilleas is just one of those...uh, what you call it " You paused to think, looking away as you gathered your thoughts. Turning back when you remembered
" He's like my leech collector. Slimy little fuck sits there and collects them for me " you mused, snickering lightly at the small joke you had made. You wanted to keep up with them, humour and have fun with the whole medieval aesthetic but now. You wished you hadn't. The blue guard let out a small ' ahh ' in acknowledgement before going deadly silent. This... was new. While you were used to small talk, complete silence was unfamiliar.
You couldn't think about it long though as the elevator stopped and you got to your floor. Heading out the blue guard waved goodbye, saying something about a meeting he needed to attend. You brushed it off and just got back to work as usual and for a while. Things were normal besides the guards patrolling around your area getting more and more frequent but you weren't in charge of them. So it was none of your business
Then it came down to the day it all went wrong. Remembering the day in the breakroom once again, gathered with your usual buddies and talking about whatever came to mind at the current moment. Soon it trailed into the tower guards and the usual insistence with Theseus began. You were pretty much tired of it at this point, day in day out: Insisting they were no good. You'd become quite friendly with them so... You saw no problem with them.
" Oh shut up. " You huffed, taking a sip of your drink of choice. Not an office favourite, but it was yours. Theseus seemed to sigh, shaking his head.
" I'm serious, (Y/n). Somethings fucking up with them. They're following you around like a pack of lost puppies " He spoke up, causing Achilleas to gawk. Not at anything in particular. Theseus' eyes followed his, only for him to freeze up: Staring at whatever was behind you. The stare didn't stop, even as you took a quick look behind you, although the shadow that loomed over the three of you should have been very telling. You brushed it off, already accustomed to it only to double turn when you realized it was one of the G0l3m's that Theseus had been complaining about to your group mere moments ago.
This would not end well.
Something about the way the Blackguard loomed spoke volumes. The silence that spread through your group only made the air thicker. he G0l3m stared at your friend, Presumably if looks could kill: He'd be nothing but paste between his fingers.
" I challenge you, For (y/n)'s hand. " The Blackguard spoke up, The cold tone in their voice showed he was extremely serious with every single drop of venom spilling out of the sentence. Theseus stared in horror, just preparing to back up and out of the break room. Clearly intimidated by the larger thing. You didn't blame him because for the first time, The fear Theseus had felt: Infected you. The understanding of your friend's apprehension, made everything spin. Vomit threatened to rise out from your lips still you caught yourself, Swallowing it with your anxiety.
"I'm um. Busy " Theseus called, quickly darting out the room: Leaving the breakroom. It left both you and Achilleas staring up at the G0l3m who only turned to your other friend.
" Coward. What about thou? " You and Achilleas made eye contact, holding it for a moment before he turned to the now empty cup, holding the silence again while spinning his head to gawk at the large figure behind you.
" With all do respect, No thanks chief. " and he began rushing out of there: Not failing to toss his cup into the sink with a clash. Before leaving: A quick ' I'm so sorry ' was mouthed at you and your co-worker vanished beyond the same door as Theseus. The tension rose further, Making you laugh nervously. You had no idea how you were supposed to react, Staring up at the guard made you feel small. A lot smaller than every other time you had encountered the guard previously. The tension made everything just feel generally bigger. While it wasn't outright panic, the anxiety was lingering. He must be... messing around. After all how could someone you considered a friend, along with the other guards who had been nothing short of pleasant, hurt other people you considered friends.
I mean: You hated a few of your co workers but you wouldn't resort to cutting their lives short. You.... weren't like that. While you wanted to believe they wouldn't do the same, The way he looked down at you; No visible emotion, reminded you just what they were made to be. Killing machines that would slaughter anyone who not only defied Phobos, but got caught in places they shouldn't. You nervously played with your cup, looking away from him but you could still feel those eyes burning into the top of your head.
You had been saved by the alarm, signalling that your break was over and you once again laughed nervously. You tried to speak but the words were caught in your throat, Silently opening your mouth for nothing to come out. While you didn't want to believe you were scared, You were shaking now. The liquid in your cup jittering along with you and there was nothing you could do about it. Uncomfortably shifting as you decided instead to just wave: Almost dropping your cup in the process.
He came with you, practically talking to himself as you tried your best to respond but you just felt sick. You weren't sure where to pin point why but you couldn't shake the ever growing feeling that something bad would happen. Like a six sense. Maybe it was because you knew the guards so well, that they wouldn't stand for what Theseus was telling you. He disappeared once you got back to your work space. You remember placing the cup on the desk, no longer interested in it's contents. You weren't thirsty anymore. You thought that would have been the end of it. The strangest thing that happened that day and at this point - You were considering resigning. That look he gave Theseus unsettled you and now you felt like you were catching onto what he meant.
Hours passed, Up until it was the end of you shift. Excited to head home as you and Theseus had promised to spend the evening together watching the latest slaughter time re-run. Both you and he had agreed that the newer episodes lacked that little bit of pizazz the older ones had. So you waited outside for a while. 5 minutes turned into 10 minutes, which soon became half an hour and you were now suspicious. Theseus was never one to not let you know he'd be late. He just wasn't like that. If anything he had to be on time since he acted like being late was enough to get you executed. then again, Maybe you would since you were working for the Director. Wandering the halls once more to his office, Passing every clearance badge scan up until you walked into his small office. You weren't ready for what you saw. You don't think any amount of preparation would have though. For all the horrors you had seen in your time here: This one truly broke your heart.
Your friend Theseus had been alive earlier. You and Achilleas had been in the breakroom only a couple hours ago, trying to push past the incident with the blackguard as much as possible while you worked - A ping of guilt as you briefly remembered that the last words you heard from him were in fear of the blackguard - You should have done something to stop it sooner. However, here his body remained. Soaked in his own plasma. His head was detached from his body, having rolled across the floor at your feet. A plethora of blood having shot upwards out his neck and across the pale white walls. The knees of the body had buckled a while ago, no longer having the brain to hold itself up.
There his killer stood over the body. Holding himself as if he hadn't just killed your best friend of many years. The large G0l3m turned, facing you and laughing. You hadn't realized the trio gathering behind you either.
" I have bested your champion in battle! Thou shall now join our order! " The Blackguard pointed towards you, Causing you to cower away. No. no no no, You turned to run but a group of them lined the hallway. Your heart skipped a beat as you met the faces of more tower guards.
You screamed and kicked as they picked you up, struggling in the larger ones grip. The red guard was relentless and didn't let you go. The Blackguard leading the rest, along with you. Down the hallways with eager strides. At first confused, what did they plan on doing with you? Locking you up in some dingy dungeon? Were you going to become some sort of glorified house pet? The thoughts made you shiver and fight against him all the more. You quickly picked up on their plan though, once you saw the familiar look of the magnification chambers to which you silently screamed in terror. They wouldn't...
" They have volunteered for the process " one spoke, holding you up almost like a cat would a kitten. You didn't stop kicking and yelling: Finally realizing the genuine danger you were in. You knew what entailed you if you were to enter it. You'd be kept in the place for days, possibly weeks. If your body couldn't handle it: You'd die. If you did, then you wouldn't be yourself. You'd only be a shell, Left to fill with whatever the scientists or environment deemed fit - They'd stitch your skin and stretch it over your flesh to make it adapt to your new size. You shook your head " no " hopping that one of your fellow scientists would understand. No empathy was spared as they nodded and gave the guard the go ahead.
You continued to struggle up until you were thrown into the corner, Slamming into the wall with a thud as you slid down. Your eyes already droopy from the ongoing pain in the back of your head. The last glance you got was that of the Blackguard. The same way he was positioned during your first meeting.
" Small one, good luck on your quest. If thou does not make it. We will honour your memory. "
And all light faded as the doors slammed shut. Your body began to subtly ache. It left you to go over the moments that had lead up to this as you tried to figure out, through tears, where did it all go wrong?
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calamitysshatteredson · 10 months
I was tasked with finding this particular thing... last week. But I did it, here it is, mission complete, filled out, and even added the activity bit in case anyone should find this helpful to use for themselves
Knowing your writing partners can potentially make writing together a lot easier. Repost, don’t reblog.
NAME: Orin is fine. I am like a cat, I can still ignore it.
PRONOUNS: They/them for the sake of ease, because “whatever’s funniest at the time“ makes people understandably nervous.
ACTIVITY LEVEL: The slowest. Not lots. Not for lack of interest, I just have the whole limited creative energy thing and being here is technically my downtime. ...Also trying to be careful about using my hands too much when I'm doing big projects. Guess what I always seem to be doing.
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: Tumblr messages for RP things... when they work. Let's see if Tumblr improved upon them randomly lacking alerts, shall we.
NAME OF MUSE(S): Sephiroth.  …No last name.  Usually. "Jones" is still funny to me, what can I say.  (There is also a Prompto and a Noctis from FFXV, and an additional dangerous urge, but I'm sure it'll pass.)
EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG: This blog?  Since 2015.  How long have I been writing Sephiroth?  Haaaaaaaa, oh, much… much longer than that. What's time, even.
BEST EXPERIENCE: Every partner’s magnificently unique.  I really enjoy that I can have ten threads of the same basic scenario and ten completely different paths.  There’s fun and heartrending and “what even was that” and many, many verses that just kind of flashed into being with one dumb “What if…” My favorite things are being legitimately surprised by Seph's responses, but there's no way to tell when that'll happen or why.
RP PET PEEVES: Used to be the folks who’d insist that RP "should" be a structured thing that you must make time for and must keep up with and must treat a certain way, but I noticed the RP community mostly decided to remind each other that this is a hobby.  A beloved one, and one I do enjoy making time for when I can, but just… I don’t even treat my work like "a job", I’m sure as hell not gonna treat my limited free time that way.  You guys do you, though.
MUSE PREFERENCES FOR ANGST / FLUFF / SMUT: Yes.  Generally it’s angst and fluff that rapidly spiral around each other because I am me.  Smut tends to take a lot more effort and energy, and this muse… he gay an emotionally dumb and picky af. I was infamous for smut once, honest.
PLOTS OR MEMES: All of the above and then some.  Sometimes a reply is just a reply, sometimes it… continuously destroys all of us for many months. ...Sometimes it accidentally creates an AU that lasts years and is still going...
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: Whatever works for what’s being written.  I’ll either write something I feel is too short or I’ll write several more paragraphs than I intended, there is no middle ground. Be free.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: Usually night when it’s quiet… and I have energy… and the mental ability to do it… and feel physically okay enough to try… and–  Yeah, “when I can” is the best answer.  Not as often as I’d like, but it does happen. No, really.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE: ...Can I go with the stock answer of we're all a little like the characters we write and leave it at that.
Tagged by: I done stole it. Tagging: Whoever wants to make use of this.
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uraharasandals · 1 year
👀 for the WIP meme!
Ask and ye shall receive, hehehe
Here's some Jugram x my male OC. I'm planning to change the OC to a gender neutral! reader afterwards, but for now enjoy this piece of pure smut. Also I know he has a name, but feel free to insert yours (as in everyone else reading this too lmao) into his place :)
Also if anyone actually knows German feel free to critique it lmao, I used Google Translate
18+ content below, minors DNI!!
“Can you help me?” Ulbrecht asks, fingers prodding at his lips. Wordlessly, Jugram parts his mouth, letting the digits slip onto his tongue while the other kisses his neck, the mere weight of his breath against skin sending shivers down his spine. Once he seems satisfied with how wet his fingers are, Ulbrecht withdraws them, and they soon disappear behind his back.
Jugram watches, fascinated, as the usual sternness the healer composes himself with falls apart under his own skilful ministrations. Though he doesn’t have a view of what he’s doing to himself, the Sternritter knows exactly what’s happening by the slick sounds permeating the air, the pleasure on Ulbrecht’s face leaving little to the imagination – or rather, because of such detail and lack of a clear picture, Jugram’s creativity manages to fill in the crevices himself, conjuring up an image of more lewdness than the truth. It doesn’t help that the other man wasn’t even trying to be quiet, but rather seems to be losing himself to the skilful prodding of his own fingers. Jugram swallows, throat suddenly gone dry at the display. 
“I think that’s good enough,” Ulbrecht announces suddenly, jolting him out of his daze. He knows that Jugram is transfixed and caught up in his thoughts, evident in the tell-tale smirk that he kisses him with. Easing himself up on his knees, the healer holds his cock steady before slowly sinking down, and Jugram feels a delicious shudder run through him, heat coiling at the bottom of his stomach with the overwhelming sense of warmth enveloping his already hardened cock. 
A hand shoots out, trembling, to grip at Ulbrecht's slim hip, the dip of flesh that seems to be made for that action specifically. "M - mein schatz – " 
"Go on," He says softly, hands already working at the part of cock that wasn't fully sheathed within himself, and it was that encouragement that draws a long deep moan out of Jugram as he comes, filling the other man's hole with his seed. 
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sugaaaaaaaar · 1 year
Hello, everyone! Guess what we reached 50 100 followers!!! Sorry I forgot to do the last one but here we are!!! And I have a little 'celebratory' things I would like to announce:
1. I am finishing the art requests I have still have in my inbox and will open art requests somewhere in January (preferably the 1st but don't quote me on that)
2. Hey, remember when I did matchups? Well, guess what? I still have a ton I have been too intimidated by to finish. I am going to finish them (or through most at least), however, I won't be writing a scenario/explanation for it because that quickly burned out my creativity juice (I am still carefully picking matchups and attempting to avoid repeats, so don't worry. Unlike art requests, I am not going to do this event again in a long time.
3. I shall be scavenging for OCs and making holiday/winter fanart for them (be prepared>:3)
4. I am making an art event!! All you have to do to enter is to draw, write, make a meme or anything of the sorts for one (or more) of my OCs and in return, you will then give me an oc and choose whether you would like a headshot or a cookie version of them. (Tag me or use #cookieocsugarevent so I can see it) Remember: No heavy gore, explicit/NSFW, or anything too extreme. (I have a side blog called @mocaw-cookie where you can find more about my OCs if you would like to)
I believe that's all and...
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legendreign-archived · 11 months
( ooc ) Instead of the starry meme, I shall just take the opportunity to expressing my adoration and admiration of your endless creativity and world building, your writing and characterization of your muses are top notch and I love reading it a few times coz I enjoy reading it that much, and ofc I am so thankful and lucky to have you as a good friend and writing partner. I'm slow af but I'm still glad you can endure my snail pace haha. Sending all the love your way, Vanessa!
Inbox Positivity / Accepting! / @ervaurem
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( Shai!! When I received the star meme, you were one of the people I was planning on sending it to but I saw you had locked the ask box!
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So, I shall proceed to give you my love right back here! Thank you so much for the compliments, lady! I am not worthy! If I am not doing something creative like drawing, writing, roleplaying, making oc's then something is horrendously wrong with me. It's just soothing for me and how I do to keep myself occupied.
Well, to start off, I must go back to my favorite quote that you recognize "There is no such thing as coincidence only inevitability" and I must thank @sharedpractice once again for hooking us up and I will proudly namedrop you to other KnB mutuals given the chance. There is definitely no coincidence in how we vibed well off the bat and have so many things in common! Oho Asa could not tell me otherwise, our zodiac signs' compatibility is undeniable! It must surely be meant to be, and I am so very thankful to you for adding Kise and Takao for my KnB boys to ship with.
You are a big inspiration to my crazy crossover world-building. Whereas other Kise's are still being models as he ages, your Kise will be a pilot as he gets older and that's the vision in my personal world as well plus it makes it easier for Kikasa happy ending after they get through their trials! I love the other things you've described about Kise, like his sisters and how he gets their tastes from them. It will be so fun to make his sisters later on for Senshi no Basuke.
Ofc, I too love rereading your replies. At random times I like to go back to your replies and reread it all over again because you are an amazing writer and so fun to plot with! I am super thankful to have you as a rp bestie because I swear we must have some kind of wavelength for giving to each other whether in times of need ( mostly me unintentionally in the dumps but hopefully that'll change with this fresh new blog ) or simply out of a mutual desire to express our platonic love for one another! I will always gladly wait until your social battery is ready so I can be a heathen at you again! I know I'm probably too much like a puppy at times lol. Well to cap this essay expressing my love for you, love you Shai! )
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kirbyofthestars · 2 years
I'm not to late Happy birthday kirb I Shin or Redgrave or at this point to just call me this "†" will give you some good music
Jamiroquai  - Virtual Insanity , Canned Heat, Space Cowboy, (Don't) Give Hate a Chance, really good but underrated
Good Bye Almond Eyes you would never guess where this song comes from
The Clay's A Calling I sadden by how underrated this song is
Убивать I found this song unintentionally but I like it and i guess this goes for any other song by Гражданская оборона · Егор Летов
I Can't Decide You might have heard this once before so here it is
Biting Elbows — Shorten The Longing there this movie called hardcore henry it's awesome and so cool and that's how I found this amazing album and there one other song because I feel like it also needs a spot here
Showdown - Nahu Pyrope I don't like the fact this isn't more popular
most of ANDREW WK music- Ready To Die, It's Time To Party, Party Party Party, Party Hard, I Get Wet Blame hellsing for this
Pendulum  familiar? much much Fasten Your Seatbelts, Witchcraft, not as well known but I still like it Showdown... I'm going to be honest with you I haven't played any of the SOMA games because I keep listening to all of pendulum albums
Cash Cash - Overtime everyone heard it so hear it again
Ken Ashcorp - Absolute Territory it does sound like an anime opening now that think about it, Dunkmaster Yi This Is why i want to learn Guitar and playing WoW or LoL
mafumafu I like how it sounds - SNOBBISM i like it , Role-Playing Game i hear this songs in memes alot, Sacrifice, more clockpunk if you wanted it,
FAKE TYPE - Princess♂ they look like timekeeper, Nightmare Parade 2020s why do so many characters in suits have sharp teeth, Devils Wedding I had a dream about this song where I was forced to fight 100 7 year old's and sans by string gummy cookie,
MF DOOM god this guy was amazing rest in piece man
Spacejam This is going to either give you a slap in the face with how this guitar rift goes or slap you in the face with nostalgia
King Crimson - The Court Of The Crimson King, the whole album could be here but just this one for now
Louis Jordan & His Tympani 5 - Keep A-knockin any time I want to relax I play this because God I love jazz
Lou Reed - Perfect Day, wonderful
there's a lot of video game music I can put here but just this one for now NO MORE HEROES - K-ENT
same goes for siivagunner but for now this, Konga Conga Kappa (King Conga) (Unused Version), Try This
Justice - Cross this is one of my favorite albums ever made not only did it change internet and video game music as a whole but also changed the whole music industry and maybe even more it's to the point I'm sure you heard them before so here's it names so what else to do but D.A.N.C.E.
I started to feel better in myself and more motivated to do things like better myself as a person and get out of old bad habit's, who knowns maybe I will return to drawing, or even make music, but above all I owe it to you, for listen to my vent so again, thank you for just reading and listening to me share my feelings it meant a lot to me so thank you so much.
and most importantly HAPPY BRITHDAY KIRBY and to another year of happiness and fun ;)
that’s really touching to me, thank you!!! i’m glad you’re feeling much better about things, and i wish you the best of luck in all your future creative endeavours, shall you choose to pursue them once again - you have the utmost of my support.
thank you so much!! 🧡🧡🧡
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zjofierose · 2 years
For that ask meme: Till the slow plague shall bring - 1, 7
ooooh interesting choice!
Til the slow plague shall bring
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way? so, horror is not usually my bag, like, at all, but i got invited to be a part of a horror zine, and i wanted to push myself creatively, so i agreed. but i had to go talk it over with folks who know horror better than i do, namely @sequencefairy and @seventhstar. i think it was nuri in particular who suggested the idea of body horror, and what it would be like to entirely lose your sense of self, and then i was able to run with that.
7: Where did the title come from? it's from a poem about consumption, lol, but i thought it lent itself well to the narrative. And they who love thee wait in anxious grief Till the slow plague shall bring the final hour.
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