#julian seymour
endlessly-cursed · 10 months
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fankids appreciation week 23: avengers
aurelia, oriana, virric, nia & kalphenes delgado @hphmmatthewluther
aurora, emmett, theo, christabel & dominique di napoli @mjs-oc-corner
arabella, florence, edward, julian & drusilla seymour @gcldensnitch
lawrence, philip, elizabeth, gia ii & ruby somerset @camillejeaneshphm
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rhaenella · 8 months
Ed Speleers: Filmography 2010-2023 🎥
Deathless (2010) — John Ray
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A Lonely Place to Die (2011) — Ed
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“It was certainly a physical experience, definitely. I think from a stunt element, I try to do as much as producer jurisdiction would allow me to do. But you can’t take any credit away from a fantastic stunt team, and Jamie Edgell was a brilliant stunt coordinator. […] Wherever possible I tried to be as hands-on and do as much as Julian [director] wanted me to do.” [x]
The Ride (2011) — Student
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Metamorphosis: Titian (2012) — Actaeon
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“I was very excited to get involved. I think the initial reaction was to see Luke and Remi [directors] and seeing some of their previous work was what really drew me in at first. And then you start looking at the National Gallery, and then you start realising that Titian is, obviously, a fantastic artist. To be able to recreate one of the great paintings was a fantastic opportunity for me.” [x]
Love Bite (2012) — Jamie
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“My mum told me I was always comfortable with nudity as a kid, but I think as I got older I’ve become rather uncomfortable with it. It’s one of those things where the director just comes up to you ‘right, Ed, today you’re naked, and you will be running through the streets of Glasgow’ – ‘alright, okay, let’s do it, yeah fine’. And the cameras are rolling, and whilst they’re rolling you think nothing of it. But it’s when the cameras go off and cut, you suddenly look around and there’s fifteen men in North Face coats with cigarettes and big, burly beards just staring at you, and you think ‘yeah, I’m definitely naked, alright then, wicked’.” [x]
Turncoat (2013) — Nathan Reece
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Plastic (2014) — Sam
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Downton Abbey (2012-2014) — Jimmy Kent
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“It was a very special time working on the show. But the character himself wasn’t at the forefront. When you’re downstairs, and Julian Fellowes, the writer, his emphasis is on the upstairs – that’s the world he knows very well. And the downstairs characters quite often bridge the gap between upstairs and downstairs, but you’re not always front and centre, which is fine. You’re part of an ensemble, part of the process. And actually, there I had to learn how to be a part of an ensemble, or learn how to be a part of the big scene, maybe not having to say a great deal all the time but learning how to be present. Learning how to be on the ball. Learning how to respond to others, whether it be very subtle looks or whether it be just learning how to play a little bit.” [x]
Wolf Hall (2015) — Edward Seymour
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Howl (2015) — Joe
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Partners in Crime (2015) — Carl Denim
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Interview with Ed for BBC’s Saturday Kitchen hosted by James Martin. James: Your character is like a playboy character, would that be right? Ed: I wouldn’t say playboy… James: Rides a motorbike? Ed: He rides a motorbike, yeah… He rides a motorbike. [Audience laughs] James: I know this cause he [Ed] didn’t ride a motorbike. Ed: No, no… I unfortunately couldn’t ride the motorbike. I’m really rock ‘n roll, clearly. It was a beautiful bike as well, a Triumph Tiger. So, I think, at some point, you will see a shot of me riding off on the bike and then it’ll cut to a slightly wider back. [x]
Remainder (2015) — Greg
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Alice Through the Looking Glass (2016) — James Harcourt
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“Getting to work with some of the people that are involved was a key element, and knowing I was gonna get scenes with Mia Wasikowska was a massive drawcard. I think as a young actor, it’s not just about scripts sometimes, it’s who you might be able to be rubbing shoulders with and in the sense of who you might be able to bounce off with. And also, working with James, it was a real delight to work with James Bobin. I thought he was a wicked director, really in touch with comedy and comedic timing. For me, it was a nice opportunity to get together with some really good people so, it made sense to me to do it.” [x]
Beowulf: Return to the Shieldlands (2016) — Slean
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Interviewer: Slean is very angsty and frustrated when we meet him. Do we discover any new layers to him as well? Ed: I hope so. I suppose that depends on how well I play him, really. But I think characters – good characters always have some sort of light and dark anyway, and I don’t think it’s a clear-cut case of him being a bad guy. Yes, he’s angsty, but he’s got a lot to be angry about. [x]
Breathe (2017) — Colin Campbell
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The House That Jack Built (2018) — Ed
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“It was like being on a stage. There was nothing to worry about. […] We were allowed to do whatever we wanted, and we kind of tore the place apart. You could feel the camera coming in close, you could feel it going wide. It was such a liberating way to work. […] He [von Trier – director] gave me one note: ‘can you get some chewing gum?’ Not because my breath stank by the way, it wasn’t because of that. It was because he just wanted the detail of the chewing gum, he said, ‘try that’. And a mate and I went to go and watch it, because I was curious to see how the whole film had turned out, and he was like ‘mate, you chewing gum, what a great move’, and I was like, ‘yeah, yeah, I thought that’d be good’. [Laughs] No, I did go on to tell him it was Lars von Trier’s idea. But I thought, that tiny detail, I was a small supporting role but to have little ideas like that, they are minute details and behaviour things, I suppose. But it shows someone who’s got great attention to detail to be able to offer that up.” [x]
Zoo/Death Do Us Part (2018) — John
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For Love or Money (2019) — Johnny
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Outlander (2018-2020) — Stephen Bonnet
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“His physicality is immensely important. I looked at a lot of rockstars. Because I think a lot of frontmen and rockstars, don’t quote me, they have sociopathic/psychopathic tendencies. [Laughs] There’s something about a frontman, like Liam Gallagher or Mick Jagger, and all of those… I’m not saying I took directly from them, but I think I did try and play with the notion of Stephen Bonnet being this 18th century rockstar. I mean… I just did. [Laughs] I thought with the piracy thing and everything, but then you intertwine that with the fact he also considers himself a gentleman, that to me just sounds like a modern-day rockstar. That sort of confidence that they exude, that’s where a lot of the swaggering element came from.” [x]
Against the Ice (2022) — Bessel
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You (2023) — Rhys Montrose
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“The difficulty was how to place myself, mentally, in that state of being tortured. What that would be like, what substitutions I could find and what power of imagination I could use. […] But I think we [Penn Badgley and I] had a really strong respect for one another and what one another was trying to do. And actually, we just trusted each other. So, when you get to a scene like that, it all comes down to trust. And he’s so great to act against – it’s not minimum requirement because that’s lazy and I don’t think that’s true. But if you offer yourself over to someone who is going for it inherently, something is gonna work, something is gonna happen.” [x]
Star Trek: Picard (2023) — Jack Crusher
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“I think the time period is one thing, and obviously you have to adapt to that, but I feel that the skillset is still the same. You need to be applying to what’s the script telling me? What’s the character telling me? What am I feeling, what am I thinking? ‘How am I gonna get out of this situation?’ is normally what Jack’s thinking. […] But what I did feel early on in some of those scenes was: I can’t let other people down here. I’m stepping up to the plate with some big heavy hitters who know this inside out and they’re not gonna, even if they’re the nicest people in the world, which they are, they’re not gonna take prisoners or suffer fools gladly. So, you’ve got to match them and you’ve got to surpass that as well, I felt. I relish that because I felt it tuned into Jack as well. So, it was a lovely little way for me to step into something that was like, ‘Okay, come on there, guys. What have you got? I’m gonna bring you this. Let’s see what you guys have got. Let’s have some fun and let’s play.’ And I love that.” [x]
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By: Matt Johnson
Published: Jan 27, 2023
“Christopher Hitchens: From socialist to neocon.” It was an irresistible headline because it’s a story that has been told over and over again. The novelist Julian Barnes called this phenomenon the “ritual shuffle to the right.” Richard Seymour, who wrote a book-length attack on Hitchens, says his subject belongs to a “recognisable type: a left-wing defector with a soft spot for empire.” By presenting Hitchens as a tedious archetype, hobbling away from radicalism and toward some inevitable reactionary terminus, his opponents didn’t have to contend with his arguments or confront the potentially destabilizing fact that some of his principles called their own into question.
Hitchens, who died in 2011, didn’t make it easy on the apostate hunters. To many, he was a “coarser version of [conservative commentator] Norman Podhoretz” when he talked about Iraq, and a radical humanist truth-teller when he went on Fox News to lambaste the Christian right: “If you gave Falwell an enema,” he told Sean Hannity the day after Jerry Falwell’s death, “he could be buried in a matchbox.” Then he gave Islam the same treatment, and he was suddenly a drooling neocon again. He defied easy categorization: a socialist who spurned ideology, an internationalist who became a patriot, a man of the left who was reviled by the left.
The left isn’t a single amorphous entity—it’s a vast constellation of (often conflicting) ideas and principles. Hitchens’s style of left-wing radicalism is now out of fashion, but it has a long and venerable history: George Orwell’s unwavering opposition to totalitarianism and censorship, Bayard Rustin’s advocacy for universal civil rights without appealing to tribalism and identity politics, the post-communist anti-totalitarianism that emerged on the European left in the second half of the twentieth century.
Hitchens described himself as a “First Amendment absolutist,” an echo of historic left-wing struggles for free expression—from Eugene V. Debs’s assertion of his right to dissent during World War I to the Berkeley Free Speech Movement. Hitchens argued that unfettered free speech and inquiry would always make civil society stronger. When he wrote the introduction to his collection of essays For the Sake of Argument in 1993, he had a specific left-wing tradition in mind: the left of Orwell and Victor Serge and C.L.R. James, which simultaneously opposed Stalinism, fascism, and imperialism in the twentieth century, and which stood for “individual and collective emancipation, self-determination and internationalism.”
Hitchens’ most fundamental political and moral conviction was universalism. He loathed nationalism and argued that the international system should be built around a “common standard for justice and ethics”—a standard that should apply to Henry Kissinger just as it should apply to Slobodan Milošević and Saddam Hussein. He believed in the concept of global citizenship, which is why he firmly supported international institutions like the European Union. He didn’t just despise religion because he regarded it as a form of totalitarianism—he also recognized that it’s an infinitely replenishable wellspring of tribal hatred.
He also opposed identity politics, because he didn’t think our social and civic lives should be reduced to rigid categories based on melanin, X chromosomes, and sexuality. He recognized that the Enlightenment values of individual rights, freedom of expression and conscience, humanism, pluralism, and democracy are universal—they provide the most stable, just, and rational foundation for any civil society, whether they’re observed in America or Europe or Iraq.
And yes, he argued that these values are for export. Hitchens believed in universal human rights. This is why, at a time when his comrades were still manning the barricades against the “imperial” West after the Cold War, he argued that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization should intervene to stop a genocidal assault on Bosnia. It’s why he argued that American power could be used to defend human rights and promote democracy. As many on the Western left built their politics around incessant condemnations of their own societies as racist, exploitative, oligarchic, and imperialistic, Hitchens recognized the difference between self-criticism and self-flagellation.
One of the reasons Orwell accumulated many left-wing enemies in his time was the fact that his criticisms of his own “side” were grounded in authentic left-wing principles. When he argued that many socialists had no connection to or understanding of the actual working class in Britain, the observation stung because it was true. Orwell’s arguments continue to sting today. In his 1945 essay “Notes on Nationalism,” he criticized the left-wing intellectuals who enjoy “seeing their own country humiliated” and “follow the principle that any faction backed by Britain must be in the wrong.” Among some of these intellectuals, Orwell wrote: “One finds that they do not by any means express impartial disapproval but are directed almost entirely against Britain and the United States. Moreover they do not as a rule condemn violence as such, but only violence used in defense of the Western countries.”
Hitchens observed that many on today’s left are motivated by the same principle: “Nothing will make us fight against an evil if that fight forces us to go to the same corner as our own government.” This is a predictable manifestation of what the American political theorist Michael Walzer calls the “default position” of the left: a purportedly “anti-imperialist and anti-militarist” position inclined toward the view that “everything that goes wrong in the world is America’s fault.”
Indeed, the tendency to ignore and rationalize even the most egregious violence and authoritarianism abroad in favor of an obsessive emphasis on the crimes and blunders of Western governments has become a reflex. Much of the left has been captured by a strange mix of sectarian and authoritarian impulses: a myopic emphasis on identitarianism and group rights over the individual; an orientation toward subjectivity and tribalism over objectivity and universalism; and demands for political orthodoxy enforced by repressive tactics like the suppression of speech.
These left-wing pathologies are particularly corrosive today because they give right-wing nationalists and populists on both sides of the Atlantic—whose rise over the past several years has been characterized by hostility to democratic norms and institutions, rampant xenophobia, and other forms of illiberalism—an opportunity to claim that those who oppose them are the true authoritarians. Hitchens was prescient about the ascendance of right-wing populism in the West, from the emergence of demagogues who exploit cultural grievances and racial resentments to the bitter parochialism of “America First” nationalism. He understood that the left could only defeat these noxious political forces by rediscovering its best traditions: support for free expression, pluralism, and universalism—the values of the Enlightenment.
Hitchens closes his book Why Orwell Matters with the following observation: “What he [Orwell] illustrates, by his commitment to language as the partner of truth, is that ‘views’ do not really count; that it matters not what you think, but how you think; and that politics are relatively unimportant, while principles have a way of enduring, as do the few irreducible individuals who maintain allegiance to them.” Despite the pervasive idea that Hitchens exchanged one set of convictions for another by the end of his life, his commitment to his core principles never wavered. They are principles that today’s left must rediscover.
Matt Johnson is a journalist and the author of the forthcoming book, How Hitchens Can Save the Left: Rediscovering Fearless Liberalism in an Age of Counter-Enlightenment, from which this piece is excerpted.
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burningvelvet · 2 years
Here are a lot of the biographical sources I’ve used in studying the second generation Romantics (mainly just Byron, Mary and Percy Shelley, and their friends). If anyone else has recommendations, etc., feel free to reply!
Note: the Internet Archive & Project Gutenberg have most of these resources for free, & many can be easily found on other websites or at libraries. I also recommend reading the literary works of these writers first and foremost, since a writer’s work often reveals the most about them!
For biographical research, primary sources are sometimes the best: the letters and journals of Mary & Percy Shelley, Claire Clairmont, John Polidori, Edward Trelawny, Leigh Hunt, Lord Byron, John Hobhouse, Jane & Edward Williams, John Keats, etc. These are always the most entertaining resources as well. It’s amazing to read what they actually wrote and see things from their perspective — it also allows you to formulate your own original opinions. But remember that people are biased and forgetful by nature, and some more than others!
Young Romantics: The Shelleys, Byron and Other Tangled Lives by Daisy Hay — this is basically a condensed biography of all the members of the Byron/Shelley Romantic squad but it does provide a lot of good info, especially on Leigh Hunt & Claire Clairmont who are less talked about. It skips over some important stuff imo but it has a wonderful thesis (that the Romantics should be studied as a whole instead of individually) and offers interesting perspectives, and neatly shows how all the figures were tied by their similar ideas/interests. Perfect as an introduction!!
Byron in Geneva: That Summer of 1816 by David Ellis — all about the gang’s summer of 1816; extremely fascinating and historical! It doesn’t go into Frankenstein because that’s covered in so many other books.
The Making of Mary Shelleys Frankenstein by Daisy Hay — a brilliant companion piece to the above! It may be helpful to have alongside this Charle’s Robinson’s The Frankenstein Notebooks (though the Frankenstein manuscripts are available to be viewed here -> http://shelleygodwinarchive.org/).
History of a Six Weeks' Tour by Mary Shelley and Percy Bysshe Shelley (1817) — travel book; series of letters/journals from their travels with Claire in 1814 and in 1816 when they were with Byron in Geneva; Byron is only referred to as their “companion” since he was extremely famous and didn’t want attention drawn to his private life. For similar reasons I believe Claire is left out a lot too; her affair with Byron was being kept quiet due to his recent separation from his wife, and many people were spreading reputation-ruining rumours that Claire and Percy also had an affair (which was probably true), etc.
Mary Shelley by Miranda Seymour — Seymour has written a lot about the Romantics and this is a pretty decent biography imo.
The Collaborative Literary Relationship of Percy Bysshe Shelley and Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley by Anna Mercer — very important and interesting, fits into Daisy Hay’s thesis above. Anna Mercer is a major figure in Romantic research/work!
Romantic Outlaws: a parallel biography of Mary Shelley and her mother Mary Wollstonecraft by Charlotte Gordon: it explores Mary Shelley alongside her mother Mary Wollstonecraft, who was also a famous writer and pioneered feminism. She and her husband influenced the philosophies of Mary and Percy Shelley and are insanely interesting in their own right.
Works by Mary Shelley’s parents: Mary Wollstonecraft’s works A Vindication of the Rights of Woman and Thoughts on the Education of Daughters; and William Godwin’s works Political Justice, Caleb Williams, and Memoirs of the Author of A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (a biography of Mary Wollstonecraft).
The Life and Letters of Mary Shelley by Mrs. Julian Marshall, two volumes via Project Gutenberg— a treasure trove of letters with writing by Marshall that is never boring imo. I think Mary’s letters and journals after Percy’s death are some of the most haunting I’ve ever read.
Byron: A Portrait by Leslie A Marchand — he’s one of the top Byron scholars and it’s probably one of the most thorough biographies. Marchand also edited the monstrous multi-volume series of Byron’s Letters and Journals, one of the definitive resources in Romanticism, often shortened by academics as “BLJ.” It’s the foundation of Byronic Studies/“Byronalia”. Byron was a prolific and beloved writer and his letters are some of the most studied, and more has been written about him than any other romantic figure by far, so I’ll try not to make this post too Byron-centric, but it is a struggle!
The Journals of Claire Clairmont by Marion Kingston Stocking — one of the best sources for Claire letters, which are sometimes hard to come by. Stocking is wonderfully sympathetic to Claire who is often neglected by historians. Claire was Mary Shelley’s step-sister and lived with Mary & Percy, and she had an affair with Byron which produced one child. Unfortunately, Claire’s diaries from 1814-1818 (when she was living with Mary & Percy + had an affair with Byron) were all destroyed. It is thought they were not destroyed by her but some other relative. This is likely because many people believe that Claire/Percy had an affair, and as blunt as she was, she would have surely written down tons of other reputation-ruining information. But her later journals and letters reveal invaluable insight into her companions lives. She was one of their main muses because she was extremely firey, funny, and fascinating.
The Clairmont Correspondence: Letters of Claire Clairmont, Charles Clairmont, and Fanny Imlay Godwin, 1808-1879. By Professor Marion Kingston Stocking. - on Claire and her siblings. Claire was Mary Shelley’s step-sister so she had her own relatives too.
Shelley, the Pursuit by Richard Holmes — considered the best biography of Percy Shelley. Extremely comprehensive. Holmes also wrote about Coleridge, and several autobiographies on what it’s like to be a Romantic biographer — very interesting!
James Bieri's biography of Percy Bysshe Shelley (two separate volumes; one edition has both volumes together) — this is the other best biography of Percy Shelley and I refer to it along with the Holmes one.
Shelley at Oxford by Thomas Jefferson Hogg — Shelley’s dorm roommate writing about their time at college. Some of his accounts are exagerrated but many are believable — he was Shelley’s best friend (aside from Peacock). Also, The Life of Percy Bysshe Shelley by Thomas Jefferson Hogg (two volumes) — same person as above. This work was boycotted by the family because it portrayed Percy as having flaws (lol) but it may not be totally accurate in other regards.
Thomas Medwin’s Journal of the Conversations of Lord Byron and The Life of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Medwin was Shelley’s cousin. His Byron book was publicly boycotted by basically everyone who knew Byron. Even Byron’s exes and servants were writing scathing reviews of it! This was partly for factual errors. However, Medwin does capture some of Byron’s personality, though the more controversial and tacky sides, which is the primary reason it was boycotted. His biography of Shelley was disliked for similar reasons. Mary wrote to Mrs. Hunt of Medwin’s Byron biography: “Have you heard of Medwin’s book? Notes of conversations which he had with Lord Byron (when tipsy); every one is to be in it; every one will be angry. He wanted me to have a hand in it, but I declined. Years ago, when a man died, the worms ate him; now a new set of worms feed on the carcase of the scandal he leaves behind him, and grow fat upon the world’s love of tittle-tattle. I will not be numbered among them.” This shows how Mary and others viewed tell-all biographies; much the same way they are viewed today.
The Diary of Edward Williams — short diary kept by Williams who drowned with Shelley and lived with him - interesting accounts of their life before death!
The Diary of John Polidori — he was Byron’s doctor and also a writer. He wrote The Vampyre, the first ever vampire novel, which was based on the story Augustus Darvell, an unfinished vampire story Byron began as part of the 1816 Geneva story competition in which Mary wrote Frankenstein. Whew. Any way, Byron’s publisher John Murray wanted to pay Polidori to keep a record of his & Byron’s travels… which he failed to follow through with, but some of his entries remain. However, most of his diaries/journals were burned by his sister for being “indecent” (likely LGBT+) & he took his own life at age 25.
The Lord Byron / John Polidori relationship and the foundation of the early nineteenth-century literary vampire by Matthew Beresford — this is actually someone’s doctoral thesis and can be found here: https://uhra.herts.ac.uk/bitstream/handle/2299/22626/13090610%20BERESFORD%20Matthew%20Final%20Version%20of%20PhD%20Submission.pdf?isAllowed=y&sequence=1&fbclid=IwAR3uN505R2nuvS1mTlUY3MEn5YRUYJn7hgmKXy9FGO0wooh6xwpXfqJTfME
Poor Polidori : a critical biography of the author of The vampyre by David Macdonald — sometimes harsh, bu the writing is truly entertaining and the intro alone is so so so insightful! “The study of a marginal figure like Polidori - indeed, of many marginal figures like Polidori - is necessary if literary studies are to be rescued from the ahistorical canonization in which they have been entrenched since before the days of the New Criticism. Even apart from the unquestionable need for a larger context against which to understand canonical authors, it may be that marginal ones provide clearer examples of certain kinds of intertextual phenomena.” Yes! He gets it.
John Keats: The Making of a Poet by Aileen Ward — one of the best biographies on Keats
Letters of Fanny Brawne to Fanny Keats and Letters of John Keats to Fanny Brawne. Fanny was John’s fiancé & muse.
Lord Byron's Jackal: A Life of Edward John Trelawny by David Crane and the Letters of Edward Trelawny — Trelawny was a brief part of the squad. He’s buried next to Shelley although he only knew him for 6 months. He was a writer, sailor, adventurer, and went into the Greek War with Byron. He kept in touch with Mary and Claire until the end of their lives. He proposed to Claire multiple times and they possibly had an affair.
Recollections of the Last Days of Shelley and Byron by Edward Trelawny — He wrote this decades after he knew them and the details in some of his stories tended to vary. In later years he became biased against some people so it can be taken with a grain of salt. But it’s very interesting and some of it must be true. Gives details of Shelley’s funeral.
Life of Byron by Thomas Moore — very well researched and Mary Shelley contributed a lot to it including accounts of the 1816 Diodati trip. Moore was a famous writer as well and he knew them all. He was one of Byron’s best friends. Biased, of course!
Lord Byron and Some of His Contemporaries: With Recollections of the Author's Life, and of His Visit to Italy by Leigh Hunt — Extremely entertaining if not unbiased. Hunt was a key part of the movement and knew everyone well, including Keats, and especially Shelley. Like all biographies written by people who were involved, it is very biased — especially since Hunt and Byron had a big falling out, which Hunt blames Byron for (which isn’t entirely fair; for example, Byron gave Hunt money which Hunt was ungrateful for, & Byron gave Hunt money to give to Mary when she was living with Hunt because Byron knew she wouldn’t accept it from him out of shyness, but Hunt kept the check for himself source: Young Romantics by Daisy Hay). Many people dislike Hunt because of this book and several things he did, but it is still interesting!
Shelley and His Circle; Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection: a collection of manuscripts with notes and expalanations - best for research!
The Shelley-Byron Conversation by William D. Brewer: explores their influences on each other and literary connections. Several books have been written just on Shelley and Byron. Another one I like is Shelley and Byron: The Snake and Eagle Wreathed in Flight by Charles E. Robinson which examines how for example Shelley plagiarized some of Byron’s work (this isn’t an attack, it’s true, and he did it out of appreciation!)
His Very Self and Voice: Collected Conversations of Lord Byron edited by Ernest J Lovell — basically a compilation of people sharing their memories of Byron and the others— some are biased but some seem super accurate, and you can tell by the details that overlap in everyone’s stories lol!
Lady Blessington's Conversations of Lord Byron edited by Ernest J Lovell — same as above. Taken from diaries she kept.
Byron’s Ravenna Journal — short diary he kept while living in Ravenna, Italy.
Byron’s Correspondence as edited and collected by top scholar Peter Cochran: much of it is available on his website here with notes —> https://petercochran.wordpress.com/byron-2/byron/
The Last Man by Mary Shelley — a fictional book, but the characters are all portraits of people Mary knew so it’s very biographically interesting. She wrote it when she was feeling l lonely after Byron and Shelley died, Claire moved far away, and the whole group was disbanded. It takes place in an apocalyptic/dystopian future. Lord Raymond is Lord Byron, Adrian is Percy, Perdita is Claire — the characters form a group she calls the “Elect.” She wrote in her journal: “The last man! Yes I may well describe that solitary being's feelings, feeling myself as the last relic of a beloved race, my companions extinct before me."
My Recollections of Lord Byron by contessa di Teresa Guiccioli — this is a book by Teresa, Byron’s gf in Italy who he lived with for years; his longest partner. She was madly in love with him and worships him to an insane extent so most of it can be taken with skepticism since it is biased, but it is entertaining.
The Last Attachment by Iris Origo: this is about Byron’s relationship with Teresa. It can be paired with the above. It is one of the only books written about Teresa and is very well researched.
The Secret: The Strange Marriage of Annabella Milbanke and Lord Byron by Ashley Hay and In Byron's Wake: The Turbulent Lives of Lord Byron's Wife and Daughter: Annabella Milbanke and Ada Lovelace by Miranda Seymour — Byron’s daughter Ada is also fascinating. She was a wild rebel like Byron, but she’s considered the mother of computer science, the inventor of coding, and was the first computer programmer ever; her and her mother were both mathematicians. Lord and Lady Byron had a horrible marriage; he was an absent father, and Annabella was a bad mother.
Journals/resources: Other important journals/resources for articles + scholarly study: 1) the Newstead Abbey Byron Society (Newstead Abbey was his ancestral home; now a museum). 2) The Byron Society, which runs The Byron Journal, which is a major resource—there are many offshoots of the Byron Society for different countries (ie Byron Society of America), that make up the overall International Society, and they have fascinating conferences and whatnot for Byron scholars to share research. 3) The Shelley Conference— they have a series of recorded interviews with scholars for the #Shelley200 anniversary celebration (found here: https://theshelleyconference.com/shelley200/). 4) the Keats-Shelley Journal— an amazing resource for all things related to them, their work, and their circles. They post a lot of work about Mary/Byron/Claire/Hunt/etc. and a lot of their past publications can be found online for free! It’s probably my favorite journal tbh.
Notes: I’ve read lots of other books and academic articles, especially if I’m searching for something on a particularly niche topic. The good thing about the Romantics is that they’re all so well-researched and so widely written about, so practically any question has already been asked before—there have been whole essays written about these writers diets, wardrobes, sexualities, health statuses, bills and bank statements, philosophies, sleep schedules, etc.! However, I’ve found a lot of newer biographical books about these writers simply rehash what others have written, and are poorly researched or not researched at all, and a lot of them are published only because it’s an easy topic to profit off of due to how interesting these people were. I ran into this problem a lot when trying to learn more about Lady Caroline Lamb, Byron’s half-sister Augusta Leigh, and his wife Anne Milbanke. There aren’t that many good books written about them because they’re considered secondary figures in the Romantic canon, and most of the books on them read like copies of each other—so individual essays online written by rogue academics are really your best bet for info instead of the books, or to otherwise supplement what the books lack!
Closing notes: I would never tell anyone not to read something, but beware that a lot of authors have written tantalizing, dramatized portraits of these writers to cash in on their scandals without actually fact checking anything. Many people in the circle had disagreements and falling outs, some understandable and some petty. It’s important to remember that everyone is explictly and implicitly biased. Byron started a feud with Keats, Claire and Mary had multiple falling outs, Hobhouse hated Percy, almost everyone hated Hobhouse, etc… so it’s good to keep a relatively open mind and to remember that these are all complex people and we shouldn’t stereotype them; they were human, and they had strengths as well as flaws. They all despised critics, and they would probably be annoyed if they knew how many biographies they all had, so the least we can do today is to appreciate their work as writers and muses, and to be respectful of their individual opinions and experiences.
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tboyswag · 2 years
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Thank you all for the 3822 votes! Here’s how you all voted, with the winners in bold:
Beastie Boys vs. André 3000
Beastie Boys: 63.2%
André 3000: 36.8%
Bootsy Collins vs. Austin Powers
Bootsy Collins: 45.3%
Austin Powers: 54.7%
Fox Mulder (The X-Files) vs. Gus Fring (Breaking Bad)
Fox Mulder: 65.5%
Gus Fring: 34.5%
David Byrne vs. Cameron Frye (Ferris Bueler’s Day Off)
David Byrne: 39.5%
Cameron Frye: 60.5%
Columbo vs. The Narrator (Fight Club)
Columbo: 63.7%
The Narrator: 36.3%
George Costanza (Seinfeld) vs. Yentl/Anshel (Yentl)
George Costanza: 62.3%
Yentl/Anshel: 37.7%
Gomez Addams (The Addams Family) vs. Paul Simon
Gomez Addams: 76.7%
Paul Simon: 23.3%
Troy & Abed (Community) vs. Bob Dylan
Troy & Abed: 61.4%
Bob Dylan: 38.6%
Ash Williams (Evil Dead) vs. Seymour Krelborn (Little Shop of Horrors)
Ash Williams: 52.7%
Seymour Krelborn: 47.3%
Bruno Mars vs. Danny Elfman
Bruno Mars: 54.6%
Danny Elfman: 45.4%
Julian Bashir (Star Trek: DS9) vs. Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)
Julian Bashir: 46.8%
Dale Cooper: 53.2%
Frank Iero vs. Oz Osbourne (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Frank Iero: 44.4%
Oz Osbourne: 55.6%
Bruce Springsteen vs. Peter Tork
Bruce Springsteen: 58%
Peter Tork: 42%
Sammy Davis Jr. vs. TinTin (The Adventures of Tintin)
Sammy Davis Jr: 53%
TinTin: 47%
Soulja Boy vs. Freddie Mercury
Soulja Boy: 56.7%
Freddie Mercury: 43.3%
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Aw sweet so basically:
- Catherine of Aragon/No Way — Asra; this is an au where Lucio & MC are interchangeable, but for this one I feel like it fits Asra more when it's MC ditching him for Lucio or Julian
- Anne Boleyn/Don't Loose Your Head — mostly Lucio but could also be a sassy/bratty MC; the bit at the beginning where she's singing about blitzing through the UK & not caring for any of the politics + the general "sorry not sorry" bratty attitude of the song just screams Lucio. Also him & MC are two of the only ones who died
- Jane Seymour/heart of stone — Muriel; this one's a little iffy since Muriel doesn't actually die & only has children in fanfic but the rest of the song fits him pretty well I think. Just the whole theme of bittersweetness and undying loyalty really fits him
- Haus of Holbein — idk if other people count this as an Anna of Cleves song but I like to think of it as a fun interlude instead; I also lovingly remember the trend where animators would put their favorite blorbos in corsets with this song so yeah that's what this one would be, just MC stuffing the M6 in corsets
- Anna of Cleves/Get Down — Nadia, hands down. This is her song, and also one of the ones that would fit better with Lucio being the Henry character instead of MC. Like; the whole song is just strong independent woman who don't need no man & is also a girlboss queen actually & fits Nadia's vibe to a t
- Katherine Howard/All You Wanna Do — Julian, also hands down. This song fits him so well; he's dramatic & sexy, he's incredibly traumatized, he dies at least once, what more can I say
- Katherine Parr/I don't need your love — Portia; this one's also a little iffy, I kinda imagine that this is another MC as Henry song but in a more meta way like she's had to go through a billion MC's & she's done & doing her own thing now. Also the bit at the beginning where Katherine's writing the goodbye letter could be reworked a little so it's Portia writing a letter to Julian instead
But yeah there you go there's my funky little mashup :D
@themushroomgoesyeet this AU is brilliant and I love it even though I haven't seen the musical and my only knowledge of these figures comes from middle school history lessons!!
Do you think you'll write/draw/create anything with it, or is this a fun setting for you to play around with? I love how you unpack the different character's vibes too ^.^
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alldancersaretalented · 4 months
KAR Nationals Statistics
Amount of Titles won by studios: (Top 10)
Triple Threat Performing Arts (24)
The Element Dance Center (21)
Rising Stars Dance Academy (18)
Yoko's Dance, C&C Dance Co (14)
Cutting Edge Dance Center, WCSA, OCPAA (13)
Soul Shock Dance Company @ PDC (12)
Starz Elite Dance Center, Avi's Dance Project, South Carolina Dance Company (11)
Karen's School of Dance, Creative Dance (10)
Signature Dance Academy (9)
Studio J Dance Company, Gotta Dance Academy, GTB Australia, Studio 84, Dance Deluxe, Acapriccio Dance Company (8)
Most titles won by an individual:
4 Titles:
Nick Farris (Performers Edge Dance Company)
3 Titles:
Alexander Mateo (Rising Stars Dance Academy)
Brooke Shaw (WCSA)
Crystal Huang (Yoko's, The Rock Center For Dance)
Damian Seymour (Nancy's School of Dance)
Diego Gonzales (La Bella Dance Company)
Dylan Rogers (Michelle's Academy)
Jennilee Soares (Rising Stars Dance Academy)
Josh Escover (Lana's Dance Studio)
Justin Renaud (Yoko's)
Lauryn Martin (The Element Dance Center)
Macy Waters (Ashley's Dance Company)
Mia Barone (South Tulsa Dance Company, Creative Dance)
Michelle Cheng (OCPAA)
Olivia Beauchamp (Dance Expressions, Viva Dance Co
2 Titles:
Alex Dominguez (Art In Motion Dance Academy)
Andrew Van Allen (And A 5678 Studio of Dance)
Ansley Hare (Soul Shock Dance Academy @ PDC)
Audrey Stone (Avi's Dance Project)
Avery Wyatt (Ashley's Dance Company)
Berlynn Gonzales (Avi's Dance Project)
Brandy Baker (WCSA)
Brendan Farris (Performers Edge Dance Company)
Brooke Wendel (Cutting Edge Dance Center)
Calvin Biesecker (Starz Elite Dance Center)
Carter Cliff (GTB Australia)
Chris Critelli (TJE Dance Force)
Christian Harmston (Starz Elite Dance Center)
Christina Crocker (Avi's Dance Project)
Coco Backshell (Triple Threat Performing Arts)
Darius Stokes (Candy Apple's Dance Center)
Diego Moreno (Triple Threat Performing Arts)
Easton Kinsey (Acapriccio Dance Company)
Easton Bright (Joni's Dance Centre, BC Dance)
Easton Mahoney (The Dance Connection)
Ellary Day Szyndlar (Yoko's)
Emmy Cheung (WCSA)
Ethan Huang (Yoko's)
Gavin Davis (Dance Deluxe)
Giuliana Damato (The Dream Center Dance Aca.)
Isabel Jones (Triple Threat Performing Arts)
Isabella Rayborn (A Touch of Class Performing Arts)
Jack Schofield (Elite Academy of Dance)
Jacob Piattoni (Cutting Edge Dance Center)
Jayden Marquez (La Bella Dance Company)
Jaylaen Higgins (Yoko's Dance)
Jayse Gillott (Forever Dance Lake Tahoe)
Jessica Sutton (Avi's Dance Project)
Joey Mato (TJE Dance Force)
Jolie Bermas (South Caroline Dance Company)
Julian Bargas (Studio J Dance Company, The Stage Dance Academy)
Justin Pham (The Element Dance Center, Murrieta Dance Project)
Kadin Mestas (Denver Dance Starz)
Kairi Devera (Triple Threat Performing Arts)
Kamryn Smith (Soul Shock Dance Company @ PDC)
Kayla Chan (Triple Threat Performing Arts)
Kelsey Young (The Dance Connection)
Kianna Gachett (Cutting Edge Dance Center)
Kyler Durrence (Centre for Performing Arts)
Lana Baird (Just Dance!)
Lance McDougal (Studio J Dance Company)
Lauren Shaw (WCSA)
Mackenzie Belanger (Karen's School of Dance)
Maddux Ellison (Cutting Edge Dance Center)
Madeline Underwood (Starz Elite Dance Center)
Mariah Humphrey (The Element Dance Center, Signature Dance Academy)
Mary Smith (Prestige DSOD Copped Dance Company)
Morgan Perschy (Triple Threat Dance Company)
Nathan Pringle (Triple Threat Performing Arts)
Pablo Cabrera (Rising Stars Dance Academy)
Paisley French (Tammy Jo's Studio, The Studio of Dance Kentucky)
Rachael Reese (Creative Dance)
Reese Gabran (Jordan Center Dance)
Sabrina Huang (Gravity C Dance LLC, Academy of Ballet Arts)
Sari Thaler (Rising Stars Dance Academy)
Scarlett Adlam (JEM Dance)
Sophia Laufer (The Rage)
Susie Miller (Soul Shock Dance Company @ PDC)
Taylor Valadez (The Element Dance Center, Just Plain Dancin')
Vanessa Soto (Dance Deluxe)
Vaughn Ramirez (360 Dance)
Zeb Hanson (Studio 84)
Zoey Guillette (South Carolina Dance Company)
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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42nd Street (Lloyd Bacon, 1933)
Cast: Warner Baxter, Bebe Daniels, Ruby Keeler, Dick Powell, Guy Kibbee, Una Merkel, Ginger Rogers, George Brent, Ned Sparks. Screenplay: Rian James, James Seymour, based on a novel by Bradford Ropes. Cinematography: Sol Polito. Art direction: Jack Okey. Film editing: Thomas Pratt, Frank Ware. Songs: Al Dubin, Harry Warren. Costume design: Orry-Kelly. Choreography: Busby Berkeley.  42nd Street is only mildly naughty, bawdy, or sporty, as the lyrics of Al Dubin and Harry Warren's title song would have it, but once Busby Berkeley takes over to stage the three production numbers at the movie's end, it is certainly gaudy. What naughtiness and bawdiness it contains would not have been there at all once the Production Code went into effect a year or so later. It's doubtful that Ginger Rogers's character would have been called "Anytime Annie" once the censors clamped down, or that anyone would say of her, "She only said 'no' once and then she didn't hear the question." Or that it would be so clear that Dorothy Brock (Bebe Daniels) is the mistress of foofy old moneybags Abner Dillon (Guy Kibbee). Or that there would be so many crotch shots of the chorus girls, including the famous tracking shot between their legs in Busby Berkeley's "Young and Healthy" number. Although it's often remembered as a Busby Berkeley musical, it's mostly a Lloyd Bacon movie, and while Bacon is not a name to conjure with these days, he does a splendid job of keeping the non-musical part of the film moving along satisfactorily. It helps that he has a strong lead in Warner Baxter as the tough, self-destructive stage director Julian Marsh, balanced by such skillful wisecrackers as Rogers, Una Merkel, and Ned Sparks. But it's a blessing that this archetypal backstage musical became a prime showcase for Berkeley's talents. Dick Powell's sappy tenor has long been out of fashion, and Ruby Keeler keeps anxiously glancing at her feet while she's dancing, but Berkeley's sleight-of-hand keeps our attention away from their faults. Nor does anyone really care that his famous overhead shots that turn dancers into kaleidoscope patterns would not be visible to an audience in a real theater. In the "42nd Street" number, Berkeley also introduces his characteristic dark side: Amid all the song and dance celebrating the street, we witness a near-rape and a murder. It's a dramatic twist that Berkeley would repeat with even greater effect in his masterpiece, the "Lullaby of Broadway" number from Gold Diggers of 1935. Berkeley's serious side, along with the somewhat downbeat ending showing an exhausted Julian Marsh, alone and ignored amid the hoopla, help remind us that the studio that made 42nd Street, Warner Bros., was also known for social problem movies like I Am a Fugitive From a Chain Gang (Mervyn LeRoy, 1932) and the gangster classics of James Cagney, Humphrey Bogart, and Edward G. Robinson.
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potionboy3 · 2 years
hphl: men - I'll Make a Man Out of You
Thank you so much for everyone who took part in this. I tried to get them all to fit. It may not be the most serious song but the video sure turned out even more dramatic than I had anticipated...
Gabriel Sapieha - Colin Firth  Lysander Mercury - Leonardo DiCaprio Frederick Lavigne - Jared Padalecki 
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Oliver Gerard - Darren Criss
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William Devlin - Luke Thompson Grant Kennedy - Jonathan Bailey  Maxwell “Max” Pembroke - Leo Suter  Simon Battersea - William Moseley  Cillian Lynch - Hugh Grant Tadhg Lynch - Rob Lowe
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Jesse Seymour -Toby Regbo  Ernest di Napoli - Aneurin Barnard  Marcellus Thorne - James Norton Phineas Falcon - Tom Hardy  Adonis Demiurgos - Henry Cavill
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Danny Gibson - Chris Pine
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Deaglán Herrity - Calam Lynch
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Varus de Fey - Timothée Chalamet
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Reuben Willows - Hafþór Björnsson Cledwyn Ironwood - Kit Harrington
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Noah Taylor - Freddy Carter  Damian Maccarrick - Callum Turner 
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Lewis Gallach - Johnny Depp Kenneth Jones - Ezra miller
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Galen Stagg - Ethan Hawke Eli Cairncross - Daniel Day-Lewis Rex Brokenshire - Jeremy Irons Teddy Ellison - Robert Sean Leonard Atticus Grimsley - Ben Whishaw
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Atticus doharty - Richard Armitage
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Henry of Alderly - Harrison Osterfield Anthony Hawthorne -  Thomas Doherty Theo Goldcrest - Specner Macpherson Olyvar Yaxley - Diego Luna
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Elian Goldcrest - Gijs Blom Julian Flamel -  Jonah Hauer-King
Mine ❤️
- - - - -
Hope I remembered everyone and enjoy the video! 
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
𝑭𝒍𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝑺𝒆𝒚𝒎𝒐𝒖𝒓
"𝙄'𝙢 𝙖𝙨 𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝙖𝙨 𝙄 𝙖𝙢 𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙮."
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Full Name: Florence Sabrina Seymour 
Age: 20 in 1926 
Birthday: 30th of June, 1906 
Weight: 63kg 
Height: 1.68m 
Faceclaim: Letícia Cain 
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House: Hufflepuff 
Wand: Hazel wood, unicorn hair, 13 inches, mildly flexible 
A sensitive wand, hazel often reflects its owner’s emotional state, and works best for a master who understands and can manage their own feelings. Others should be very careful handling a hazel wand if its owner has recently lost their temper, or suffered a serious disappointment, because the wand will absorb such energy and discharge it unpredictably. The positive aspect of a hazel wand more than makes up for such minor discomforts, however, for it is capable of outstanding magic in the hands of the skillful, and is so devoted to its owner that it often ‘wilts’ (which is to say, it expels all its magic and refuses to perform, often necessitating the extraction of the core and its insertion into another casing, if the wand is still required) at the end of its master’s life (if the core is unicorn hair, however, there is no hope; the wand will almost certainly have ‘died’). Hazel wands also have the unique ability to detect water underground, and will emit silvery, tear-shaped puffs of smoke if passing over concealed springs and wells.
Amortentia (what they smell like): milk, honey, flowers, lavender, clean sheets and freshly baked orange pie 
Best class: Transfiguration 
Worst class: Care of Magical Creatures 
Wanted career: Mazoologist (21-35) Beauxbatons teacher of Transfiguration (38-retirement) 
Quidditch: Chaser 
Extracurriculars: Duelling club, frog choir 
Mother: Nadia Estelle Seymour, neé Erbland ( @gcldensnitch​ ) 
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Nadia is Florence’s nº1 role model and adores her very much, always following her guidance and example, and her most favourite person in the world. Rhey have a close bond and was one of the people she corresponded the most during her travels and because of her, bought a flat in the epicenter of Paris 
Father: Jesse Isaiah Seymour 
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Florence was the one who looked more like Jesse, with sandy blonde hair and bright blue eyes and a sweet demeanour, and he was her most favourite man in the world. He taught her to love the creatures and the stars and always named creatures like them as a tribute. 
Sibling(s): Arabella Primrose Seymour 
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Florence and Ari are the closest in age and she adores her sister, always looking up to her and corresponding very often. 
Brother 1: Edmund Seymour 
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Eddie and Florence get along nicely, always teasing one another and cheering each other up, and Eddie was also Florence’s escort since her beauty attracted all kinds of men. They loved one another greatly 
Brother 2: Julian Seymour 
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Julian is Florence’s baby brother and is overprotective of him, and both love each other and often correspond during her travels and stays in Paris 
Youngest Sister: Drusilla Seymour 
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The youngest in the family, she was the baby of the family and everyone was protective of her. She was her father’s daughter and was often babied by the others. 
Uncle(s): Malcolm Stolberg-Burke ( @gaygryffindorgal​ ) Jim Hexley ( @the-al-chemist​ ) Lyle Astor ( @cursebreakerfarrier​ ) all surrogate 
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Since Jesse didn’t have any living brothers, and neither did Nadia, they all relied in their male friends to be the children’s uncles and she grew up with loving and dedicated men who gladly acted like their uncles 
Aunt(s): Adelaide Seymour, Blanca Seymour, Clementine Seymour, Dana Seymour, Ellen Seymour, Nimueh Seymour (paternal aunts) Primrose Gray, Selina Fawley ( @gcldensnitch​ ), Héloise Perreault ( @the-al-chemist​ ) all surrogate 
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Having six sisters, Florence grew up with abundant examples of how to be a woman in this new society, and both her natural and surrogate aunts helped her become the woman she had always been 
Friends: tbd 
Significant Other: tbd 
Three Qualities: Kind, loving, strong 
Three faults: Painfully shy, quiet and mysterious 
Guilty pleasure: Breaking the books’ spines 
Writing hand: Left 
Zodiac sign/other personality trait: Cancer 
Colour: Yellow, blue and mauve 
Composer/singer: NA 
Food: Apple pie 
Family member: Her mother Nadia 
Location in the world: Athens, Greece 
Holiday: Fall 
Hobbies: Piano, cosmetics, French fashion, baking and reading books 
She is the one who dances most gracefully, like floating on the floor 
She was so shy it cost her to find someone 
She has a delightful singing voice and an expensive taste in clothing, though around animals she’s dressed accordingly 
She loved spending time with her mother rather than girls her age, especially between year one and four, given how cruel they usually were 
She knows ballet and speaks several European languages 
She can’t do math. Her cute brain just won’t work 
She’s the most beautiful of the sisters 
Her godmother is Selina Fawley and her godfather is Jim Hexley 
She had a stutter as a child that was cured a few months before graduation 
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edwardalbee · 4 months
I’m eight years late to this but what’s your secret history fancast
It's so funny you should ask because i was literally just talking about this on twitter a few days ago. tbh i think it would work best if they went with unknowns, this is just kind of a "list of favorite younger actors" type beat so grain of salt.
i think dominic sessa would be really good and is sort of the right age and type for either richard or henry. in the book henry is supposed to be built like a linebacker and sessa is like 115 soaking wet in timbs but i think he has the right sort of Quiet Seething energy.
i also said justice smith as richard but i was being influenced by I Saw The TV Glow promo pics. i don't actually know him that well as an actor but anyone that jane schoenbrun casts i am locked tf in
for camilla i want sophie thatcher (nat from yellowjackets) or bailey bass (claudia on the new IWTV show tho shes been recast.) idgaf about charles. no one's favorite character is charles. i think even donna tartt forgot charles
people always say talented mr. ripley era philip seymour hoffman would have been the best choice for bunny and i agree even though he was way too old even then. but if I had to cast the son of a famous iconic big galoot I would have to go with michael gandolfini as Bunny. he has sort of a guileless quality that i think would be interesting and the same kind of impishness/effortless charisma as his dad which i think is important to the group dynamic.
my friend rob suggested matthew macfadyen "with julian assange hair" for Julian but i think the character is supposed to be in his sixties or seventies. always pictured him as bert cooper in my head. gregg turkington is Dr. Roland.
judy should be the girl who played young judy on the righteous gemstones. i feel really strongly about that
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doubleattitude · 2 years
The Dance Awards, Las Vegas 2022: RESULTS
Best Dancer:
Mini Female
Top 22:
Kendyl Millerd Malia Scott Hannah Bozer Kate Monge Addison Price Dakota Casteel Karyna Majeroni Madisyn Amos Rissa Laguana Neala Murphy
Top 12:
Elsie Sandall Bella Charnstrom Roxie Onellion Alivia Hughes Aria Du Annabella Atkinson Emery Duffin Sylvie Win Szyndlar Harper Anderson
Top 3:
2nd runner-up ($100)
Lilly Anderson (Larkin Dance Studio)
1st runner-up ($200)
Ellary Day Szyndlar (Club Dance Studio)
Winner ($300)
Finley Ashfield (Larkin Dance Studio)
Mini Male:
Top 5:
Morireoluwa Babalola Elias Elkind
Top 3:
2nd runner-up ($100)
Penn Alderman (Rhythm Dance Center)
1st runner-up ($200)
Aiden Ecenbarger (Dance Connection 2)
Winner ($300)
Matthew Conway (Next Step Dance)
Junior Female
Top 22:
Ingrid Wirtz Keelyn Jones Stella Vince Riley Zeitler Siena Paradeau London Campayno Kortlynn Rosenbaugh Malaya DiMonte Sophia Xiao Piper Ruff Faith Crain
Top 11:
Ava Ding Tiara Sherman Tahari Conrad Lilly Allen Isabella Tjoe Kylie Kaminsky Alexis Mayer Fiona Wu
Top 3:
2nd runner-up ($125)
Campbell Castner (Westside Dance Project)
1st runner-up ($250)
Savannah Manzel (Larkin Dance Studio)
Winner ($500)
Taylor Morrison (Dance Connection 2)
Junior Male
Top 14:
Justin Nguyen Landon Indeglia Caleb Tran Cayman Lee Tristan Redly Johnny Gray Joshua Allen Ace Junior Tadeo Kazuma Brailsford Creedyn Crawshaw Kaden Brown
Top 3:
2nd runner-up ($125)
Anthony Juo (Dance Collective)
1st runner-up ($250)
Jakey McCullough (YYC Dance Project)
Winner ($500)
Keenan Mentzos (PULSE Dance Centre)
Teen Female
Top 24:
Sierra Drayton Ashley Choy Cami Redpath Madison Ronquillo Gianna Mojonnier Brielle McCoy Addyson Smith Katie Shinn Ellie Duffin Logan Gallinger
Top 14:
Isabella Lynch Ava Lynn Kaitlyn Tom Addison Leitch Emma Donnelly Mariandrea Villegas Ali Ogle Maliah Howard Isabella Jarvis Sabine Nehls
Top 4:
3rd runner-up
Keira Redpath (Larkin Dance Studio)
2nd runner-up ($250)
Carly Thinfen (Nor Cal Dance Arts)
1st runner-up ($350)
Izzy Howard (The Rock Center for Dance)
Winner ($750)
Avery Hall (Danceology)
Teen Male
Top 21:
Logan Asuncion Christian De Jesus Richie Granese Devon Barna Grayson Skarsvaag Juan Pacheco Noah Ross Angelo Durante Issac Diaz
Top 12:
Skai Llorente William Huguet Kaden Golding Jagger McCloud Madden Zook Kyle Tucker Tristan Gerzon
Top 5:
4th runner-up
Drew Rosen (Bobbie’s School of Performing Arts)
3rd runner-up
Hudson Pletcher (Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre)
2nd runner-up ($250)
Patricio Lopez (Flashdance Studio)
1st runner-up ($350)
Isaiah Villegas (Dance Connection 2)
Winner ($750)
Luke Barrett (Dance Attack!- Los Gatos)
Senior Female
Top 23:
Courtney Chiu Sophia Seymour Jesse Detroy Sydney Ishaug Megan Keenan Kamyle Stamp Michelle Cheng Brianna Haith Phoebe Campbell
Top 14:
Reese Taylor Kennedy Barry Bella Mills Hailey Meyers Brooke Judge Cameron Chong Janiye Burnett Grace Gontarek Stella Wong Ava La France Sofia Benning
Top 3:
2nd runner-up ($300)
Ava Wagner (Larkin Dance Studio)
1st runner-up ($500)
Kiarra Waidelich (The Rock Center for Dance)
Winner ($1000)
Brianna Keingatti (Columbia Performing Arts Centre)
Senior Male:
Top 19:
Kyson Kai Julian Arango Blake Glassow Kai Javier Austin Morillas Ryder Hettick
Top 13:
Davyd Williams Braylon Browner Kellen Leathers Ryan Evans Charlie Head Benjamin Jones Evan Hamilton AJ Storey Brandon Torres
Top 4:
3rd runner-up
Holden Kunowski (Danceology)
2nd runner-up ($300)
Tristan Ianiero (Art & Soul Dance Company)
1st runner-up ($500)
Easton Magliarditi (The Rock Center for Dance)
Winner ($1000)
Moses Rankine (Elite Danceworx)
High Score by Age:
Cash Prizes:
1st: $200
2nd: $100
3rd: $50
Peewee Solo
1st: Sylvie Win Szyndlar- ‘Tears of an Angel’
2nd: Giuliana Shea- ‘Fields of Gold’
3rd: Navy Forrest- ‘Beautiful Dreamer’
4th: Kingston Baker- ‘My Adidas’
5th: Lauren Thorne- ‘The Woods’
6th: Lennon Bailey- ‘Buschel and a Peck’
6th: Soleil Lynch- ‘Smile’
7th: Chase Lang- ‘Make You Feel My Love’
8th: Finley Nielsen- ‘Emerge’
9th: Evelyn McCune-Barrett- ‘Pure Imagination’
9th: Lexie Charnstrom- ‘Snowing’
10th: Savannah Jackson- ‘Prayer of the Children’
Mini Solo
1st: Ellary Day Szyndlar- ‘As It All Orbits’
2nd: Lilly Anderson- ‘Ring Them Bells’
3rd: Emily Polis- ‘House of Keta’
4th: Harper Anderson- ‘Moon River’
4th: Aria Du- ‘Tears In Heaven’
5th: Elsie Sandall- ‘Once Upon Another Time’
6th: Malia Scott- ‘Suspend’
7th: Finley Ashfield- ‘Can’t Take My Eyes Off’
7th: Ruby Kramer- ‘Love Potion No. 9′
7th: Evelyn Lee- ‘Pink Panther’
7th: Kendyl Miller- ‘Say Something’
7th: Hannah Bozer- ‘Used to Be Mine’
8th: Addison Price- ‘Expired Consciousness’
8th: Kennedy Marble- ‘I Don’t Care’
8th: Charlotte Shinnefield- ‘One Step Forward’
8th: Emery Duffin- ‘Respect’
9th: Bella Charnstrom- ‘The Mind’
10th: Zaylee Watson- ‘Bassa Sababa’
10th: Ila Howick- ‘I Wish’
10th: Harper Schwalb- ‘Serenity’
Junior Solo
1st: Victoria Johnson- ‘Insensible’
1st: Kylie Kaminsky- ‘Siren’
2nd: Savannah Manzel- ‘Reimagine’
2nd: Keenan Mentzos- ‘The World in A Grain of Sand’
3rd: Keelyn Jones- ‘Moments Before’
4th: Glee Dang- ‘I’ve Got Rhythm’
4th: Ava Ding- ‘Time’
5th: Kortlynn Rosenbaugh- ‘Arrival’
5th: Lilly Allen- ‘Radiate’
5th: Vivienne Robillard- ‘The Sound of Caves’
6th: Taylor Morrison- ‘Idlewild Blues’
6th: Fiona Wu- ‘Snowing’
7th: Daphnie Braun- ‘A Young Mind’s Thoughts’
7th: Joy Lin- ‘Be Still My Tongue’
7th: Sophia Xiao- ‘Bluebird’
7th: Ingrid Wirtz- ‘It’s About That Walk’
7th: Sophia Cialkowski- ‘Model Behaviour;
7th: Alexis Mayer- ‘Sweet Dreams’
7th: Fiona Sartain- ‘Wave’
8th: Tahari Conrad- ‘Exhale’
8th: Sasha Milstein- ‘Nature Boy’
9th: Braelyn Schaffer- ‘Almost Like Being In Love’
9th: Tiara Sherman- ‘Belly of the Beast’
9th: Sydney Kelly- ‘End of Love’
9th: Tori Chun- ‘Legs’
9th: Siena Paradeau- ‘Praise You’
9th: Sophia DaSalla- ‘Symphony In Sorrow’
9th: Alexis Alvarez- ‘Young At Heart’
10th: Lucy Cavender- ‘C'est Petites Riens’
10th: Harlow Pike- ‘Destinations’
10th: Kate Jarboe- ‘Le Jazz Hot’
10th: Malaya DiMonte- ‘Small’
10th: Faith Crain- ‘Through Crumbling’
Teen Solo
1st: Ava Lynn- ‘Under My Skin’
2nd: Isaiah Villegas- ‘Last Words’
3rd: Izzy Howard- ‘Adveniat’
3rd: Logan Gallinger- ‘All Farewells Are Sudden’
3rd: Hudson Pletcher- ‘Book of Death’
3rd: Isabella Jarvis- ‘How’s That’
3rd: Isabella Lynch- ‘Slipping Apart’
4th: Josie Lutz- ‘After the Rain’
4th: Claire Monge- ‘Atonement’
4th: Avery Hall- ‘Confinement’
5th: Laci Bloss- ‘Once Upon Another Time’
5th: Klaire Simek- ‘Raven’
5th: Amanda Sauceda- ‘Smoke’
5th: Drew Rosen- ‘The Anticipation of Becoming Unfastened’
5th: Kessa Yee- ‘Unravel’
7th: Mia Ibach- ‘Battle Cry’
7th: Gianna Mojonnier- ‘Glitch Repeat’
7th: Tatiana Hagee- ‘Love Me Like a River Does’
8th: Emma Donnelly- ‘Eclat’
8th: Keira Redpath- ‘Fame’
8th: Lyla Lee- ‘I’m Lost’
8th: Lauren Crooks- ‘Liquidity’
8th: Caitlyn Polis- ‘Rapture’
8th: Sierra Drayton- ‘Repose’
8th: Cami Redpath- ‘Superstar’
8th: Ali Ogle- ‘This Woman’s Work’
8th: Ellie Duffin- ‘Voice of God’
9th: Sydney Foertsch- ‘After Midnight’
9th: Alita Kneeland- ‘Bloom’
9th: Kristin Howell- ‘Charge’
9th: Addyson Smith- ‘Ebb + Flow’
9th: Brynn Kostka- ‘First Time’
9th: Ashley Choy- ‘Her Story’
9th: Makaia Roux- ‘Tangled In Truth’
9th: Kinley Bertrand- ‘Try A Little Tenderness’
10th: Jennifer He- ‘A River Runs’
10th: Sadie Grace Bethke- ‘New York, I Love You’
10th: Kieran Holmes- ‘With the Lights Out’
Senior Solo
1st: Brianna Keingatti- ‘Mine’
2nd: Kiarra Waidelich- ‘Exist Without Breath’
3rd: Ava Wagner- ‘I Don’t Trust You Anymore’
3rd: Michelle Cheng- ‘Sinking’
3rd: Cydney Heard- ‘Vast and Unattainable’
4th: Tristan Ianiero- ‘Don’t
4th: Anna Miller- ‘Ode to Dance’
5th: Julia Lowe- ‘Ripples In the Sand’
6th: Holden Kunowski- ‘Slow, Slow’
7th: Sofia Benning- ‘Hurt’
7th: Grace Gontarek- ‘To Resist Conformity’
8th: Kaliyah Williams- ‘Be My Husband’
8th: Brooke Judge- ‘Forever Seeking’
8th: Mercedes Lorentz- ‘Human Frequency’
8th: Ava Geske- ‘I’m Home’
8th: Ellie Weimer- ‘In This Room’
8th: Ryan Evans- ‘Mi Mundo’
8th: Sydney Ishaug- ‘My Performance’
8th: Sara Allen- ‘Vienna’
9th: Kennedy Barry- ‘Bloodline’
9th: Emma Hellenkamp- ‘Empty Promise’
9th: Bella Mills- ‘Oh Me, Oh Life’
9th: Emily Fluker- ‘Time After Time’
9th: Courtney Chiu- ‘We Fall’
10th: Mady Justin- ‘Easy Does It’
10th: Victoria Paggiossi- ‘Routine Unisil’
10th: Adare Hass- ‘Sleep’
Peewee Duet/Trio
1st: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Lullaby’
2nd: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Can’t Smile Without You’
2nd: Danceology- ‘You’re The One That I Want’
3rd: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘Sea Cruise’
4th: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘Shake Your Groove Thing’
5th: Elite Feet Artists Company- ‘Nobody But Me’
Mini Duet/Trio
1st: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Silence’
1st: Danceology- ‘Three Blind Mice’
2nd: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Sound of Silence’
3rd: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘When We Remember’
4th: Danceplex- ‘Evening Rise’
4th: The Company Space- ‘Visnaga’
5th: PULSE Dance Centre- ‘Get Happy’
5th: Yoko’s Dance and Performing Arts Academy- ‘Table for Two’
Junior Duet/Trio
1st: Bobbie’s School of Performing Arts- ‘How Do You Turn Your Eyes’
1st: PULSE Dance Centre- ‘Icarus’
2nd: Bunker Dance Center- ‘Hit That Jive, Jack’
3rd: PULSE Dance Centre- ‘Either Me or You’
3rd: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Nostalgia’
3rd: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Weight to Carry’
4th: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre- ‘Because You Gotta Have’
4th: The Vision Dance Alliance- ‘Come Get Us’
4th: Prestige Dance Academy- ‘Meliorism’
5th: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘I Got to Groove’
5th: Danceology- ‘Seven Nation Army’
Teen Duet/Trio
1st: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Surrender’
2nd: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Crazy’
3rd: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Fading Soul’
3rd: Danceology- ‘Shattered Expectations’
4th: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Inside Out’
4th: Bobbie’s School of Performing Arts- ‘Unfound’
5th: Bobbie’s School of Performing Arts- ‘Etched In Grief’
5th: The Dance Kollective- ‘Me, You, Us’
5th: The Dance Kollective- ‘Stay’
Senior Duet/Trio
1st: Columbia Performing Arts Centre- ‘I’ve Got A Suitcase Full of Memories’
2nd: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘Don’t Give Up’
3rd: Columbia Performing Arts Centre- ‘Gone’
4th: Bunker Dance Center- ‘Plan & Elevation’
4th: The Company Space- ‘Say Less’
5th: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre- ‘Prelude of Friendship’
5th: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘Say You Will’
Open Duet/Trio
1st: Diamond Dance Project- ‘Hand Crafted’
Peewee Group
1st: Club Dance Studio- ‘Pure Imagination’
1st: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Unchained Melody’
2nd: Dance Connection 2- ‘Let Yourself Go’
3rd: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Let it Be’
3rd: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Ponytail’
4th: NorthPointe Dance Academy- ‘Rainbow Connection’
5th: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Yakety Yak’
Mini Group
1st: Danceology- ‘Rhythm Is Our Business’
2nd: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘She Didn’t Look Back’
3rd: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Size’
4th: Dance Connection 2- ‘Barrio’
5th: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Ave Maria’
5th: Dance Connection 2- ‘Black Betty’
Junior Group
1st: Dance Connection 2- ‘Man’
2nd: Kim Massay Dance Productions- ‘Kill the Lights’
3rd: Kim Massay Dance Productions- ‘For What It’s Worth’
3rd: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Love Me Tender’
3rd: Expressenz Dance Center- ‘This Will Be’
4th: Elite Danceworx- ‘Through and Foreward’
5th: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘What I Am’
Teen Group
1st: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Leave Me Hollow’
1st: Downtown Dance Factory- ‘Today’
1st: Downtown Dance Factory- ‘Undecided’
2nd: Columbia Performing Arts Centre- ‘Nobody Love A Rattlesnake’
3rd: Studio Fusion- ‘Arrival’
3rd: Kim Massay Dance Productions- ‘Pressure’
3rd: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘Reflection’
3rd: The Dance Kollective- ‘We Are the Music’
4th: The Vision Dance Alliance- ‘Interrogation’
4th: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre- ‘Lisztomania’
4th: Expressenz- ‘Play That Funky Music’
4th: The Dance Kollective- ‘Suffering Jukebox’
4th: D’ansa Jazz Stage- ‘Trio in D’
5th: Kim Massay Dance Productions- ‘Is The End of Me’
Senior Group
1st: Danceology- ‘The Missing’
2nd: Elite Danceworx- ‘Manifesto’
3rd: Columbia Performing Arts Centre- ‘BPG’
4th: Elite Danceworx- ‘Partitia for Four’
5th: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘I Deserve to go to Prison?’
5th: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre- ‘Misty’
5th: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Protect Thee’
Open Group
1st: Diamond Dance Project- ‘Rated F L’
2nd: Diamond Dance Project- ‘E Ala E Kakou’
Peewee Line
1st: Dance Connection 2- ‘You’ll Be In My Heart’
2nd: Bobbie’s School of Performing Arts- ‘Bop!’
3rd: Expressenz Dance Center- ‘Imagine’
4th: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre- ‘Petites in Paris’
5th: Expressenz Dance Center- ‘Lil Bitz’
Mini Line
1st: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘My Way’
2nd: Club Dance Studio- ‘Begin’
2nd: Expressenz Dance Center- ‘Papa Can You Hear Me’
3rd: Dance Connection 2- ‘Love Shack’
3rd: The Dynamic Dance Academy- ‘The Tourist’
3rd: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Walking on the Sun’
4th: Dance Connection 2- ‘Every Season’
5th: NorthPointe Dance Academy- ‘Breathe’
Junior Line
1st: Danceology- ‘All Shadows’
1st: Dance Connection 2- ‘Bongo’
1st: Expressenz Dance Center- ‘Sisu’
2nd: Elite Danceworx- ‘Piano Man’
2nd: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Tribal Beauties’
3rd: Dance Connection 2- ‘Harvest’
4th: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Stop, Format It!’
5th: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre- ‘One Way’
Teen Line
1st: Elite Danceworx- ‘Caronte’
1st: Elite Danceworx- ‘Come Darkness’
1st: Danceology- ‘You Don’t Fool Me’
2nd: Elite Danceworx- ‘What If?’
3rd: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘At the Apex’
3rd: Danceology- ‘Hive’
4th: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Cinema (Act II)
4th: Expressenz Dance Center- ‘Easy Street’
4th: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Welcome to the Internet’
5th: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Disco Pop’
Senior Line
1st: Dance Connection 2- ‘Be Italian’
2nd: Bunker Dance Center- ‘It’s My Parade’
2nd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre- ‘Out of These Ashes’
3rd: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘An Evening With Silk Sonic’
4th: Bunker Dance Center- ‘I Get Along With You’
5th: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘And On...’
5th: Bunker Dance Center- ‘Testing Patience’
Open Line
1st: B-Dance Company- ‘Hands of Life’
2nd: Diamond Dance Project- ‘Diamonds Don’t Break 2.2′
Peewee Extended Line
1st: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Cover Girl’
1st: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Yacht Club Swing’
2nd: Dance Connection 2- ‘Shake’
3rd: Expressenz Dance Center- ‘Peppermint Twist’
3rd: Dance Connection 2- ‘Rockin Robin’
4th: Bobbie’s School of Performing Arts- ‘My Way’
5th: Dance Connection 2- ‘Little Shop’
Mini Extended Line
1st: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Cinema (Act 1)’
2nd: Dance Connection 2- ‘Hot Lunch’
2nd: Rhythm Dance Center- ‘Lil Einsteins’
3rd: Danceology- ‘Blindsided’
3rd: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Control’
4th: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Habanera’
5th: Dance Connection 2- ‘I Believe’
Junior Extended Line
1st: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘That’s Life’
2nd: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Mazurka’
3rd: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘Colour Me In’
3rd: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Relax’
3rd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre- ‘Scooby Do Pa Pa’
4th: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Redlight’
4th: The Dynamic Dance Academy- ‘The Piano’
5th: Expressenz Dance Center- ‘Unchained Melody’
Teen Extended Line
1st: Dance Connection 2- ‘The Final Act’
2nd: Danceology- ‘Weight of Expectation’
3rd: Elite Danceworx- ‘Hey’
3rd: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘Lazarus’
3rd: Expressenz Dance Center- ‘Strength in Numbers’
4th: Studio Fusion- ‘Aftermath’
4th: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘People’s Faces’
5th: Elite Danceworx- ‘Do You Hear It Too?’
5th: The Dance Kollective- ‘Make Me Move’
5th: Bunker Dance Center- ‘Smooth Operator’
Senior Extended Line
1st: Elite Danceworx- ‘Thunder Comes Resounding’
2nd: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘I Get By’
3rd: Rhythm Dance Center- ‘Buckle Up’
4th: Columbia Performing Arts Centre- ‘An Evening I Will Not Forget’
4th: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Ya’
5th: Columbia Performing Arts Centre- ‘APLand’
5th: Rhythm Dance Center- ‘Escape’
5th: Columbia Performing Arts Centre- ‘In Living Color’
5th: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre- ‘Superbad’
Open Extended Line
1st: B-Dance Company- ‘The Legacy’
Mini Production
1st: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘Little Birds’
2nd: Danceology- ‘Fun’
2nd: The Dynamic Dance Academy- ‘Singing In the Rain’
3rd: Danceology- ‘Transylvania’
4th: NorthPointe Dance Academy- ‘It Don’t Mean A Thing’
5th: Dance Connection 2- ‘Oh Yeah’
Junior Production
1st: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Baby I’m A Star’
2nd: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Billy’
3rd: Dance Connection 2- ‘Let’s Go’
4th: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Get Busy’
5th: Danceology- ‘Brick Squad’
5th: Expressenz Dance Center- ‘Flipmode’
5th: Danceology- ‘Leave None Behind’
5th: Expressenz Dance Center- ‘Trip A Little Light Fantastic’
Teen Production
1st: Columbia Performing Arts Centre- ‘The Truth Will Set You Free’
2nd: Dance Connection 2- ‘Swing Kids’
2nd: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘What’s Left’
3rd: Rhythm Dance Center- ‘Slime’
4th: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Billion Dollar Baby’
4th: Danceology- ‘Pigeons on Broadway’
5th: Expressenz Dance Center- ‘Chromatica’
Senior Production
1st: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Jive Bunny 2022′
2nd: Dance Connection 2- ‘Glory’
High Score by Performance Division:
Cash Prizes:
1st: $200
2nd: $100
3rd: $50
Peewee Jazz
1st: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Cover Girl’
2nd: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Ponytail’
3rd: Dance Connection 2- ‘Shake’
4th: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Yakety Yak’
5th: Bobbie’s School of Performing Arts- ‘Bop!’
5th: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Hit the Road Jack’
Peewee Hip Hop
1st: Expressenz Dance Center- ‘Lil Bitz’
2nd: Bobbie’s School of Performing Arts- ‘Let’s Go’
3rd: The Company Space- ‘We Go Back’
4th: Rios Dance- ‘Girls Gang’
Peewee Tap
1st: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Yacht Club Swing’
2nd: Expressenz Dance Center- ‘Peppermint Twist’
2nd: Dance Connection 2- ‘Rockin Robin’
3rd: Bobbie’s School of Performing Arts- ‘My Way’
4th: Danceology- ‘Grease’
4th: Prodigy Dance and Performing Art Centre- ‘Safari Party’
5th: The Company Space- ‘Let’s Get Loud’
Peewee Lyrical
1st: Dance Connection 2- ‘You’ll Be In My Heart’
2nd: NorthPointe Dance Academy- ‘Rainbow Connection’
3rd: Expressenz Dance Center- ‘Imagine’
4th: Bobbie’s School of Performing Arts- ‘Rock Your Soul’
5th: Danceology- ‘Greatest Love’
Peewee Musical Theatre
1st: Dance Connection 2- ‘Let Yourself Go’
2nd: Dance Connection 2- ‘Little Shop’
3rd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre- ‘Petites in Paris’
4th: Danceology- ‘Hard Knock Life’
Peewee Contemporary
1st: Club Dance Studio- ‘Pure Imagination’
1st: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Unchained Melody’
2nd: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Let it Be’
3rd: Danceology- ‘Rainbow’
4th: Academy of Nevada Ballet Theatre- ‘One Less’
5th: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre- ‘For You’
Peewee Specialty
1st: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Football Hero’
Mini Jazz
1st: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Size’
2nd: Dance Connection 2- ‘Hot Lunch’
3rd: Dance Connection 2- ‘Love Shack’
3rd: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Walking on the Sun’
4th: Dance Connection 2- ‘Black Betty’
4th: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Control’
5th: Danceology- ‘Fun’
Mini Ballet
1st: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Habanera’
1st: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre- ‘Spanish Roses’
2nd: Pas De Deux Hawaii- ‘Romeo & Juliet’
3rd: Noretta Dunworth School of Dance- ‘Doll Dance’
4th: The Dynamic Dance Academy- ‘Childhood Memories’
Mini Hip Hop
1st: Rhythm Dance Center- ‘Lil Einsteins’
2nd: Pas De Deux Hawaii- ‘M.I.B’
3rd: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘Mimez’
4th: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘M.I.B’
5th: Danceology- ‘The Tea Party’
5th: Expressenz Dance Center- ‘Stand Up’
Mini Tap
1st: Danceology- ‘Rhythm Is Our Business’
2nd: The Dynamic Dance Academy- ‘The Tourist’
3rd: The Dynamic Dance Academy- ‘Save the Last Dance’
3rd: Bobbie’s School of Performing Arts- ‘Home’
4th: The Dynamic Dance Academy- ‘Singing In the Rain’
5th: The Dance Kollective- ‘Puttin’ On the Ritz’
5th: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘The Big Bang’
5th: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre- ‘Airmail Special’
Mini Lyrical
1st: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘My Way’
2nd Danceology- ‘Blindsided’
2nd: Dance Connection 2- ‘Every Season’
3rd: NorthPointe Dance Academy- ‘Breathe’
4th: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Turning Page’
5th: Dance Connection 2- ‘I Believe’
Mini Musical Theatre
1st: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Cinema (Act 1)’
2nd: Dance Connection 2- ‘Barrio’
3rd: The Dynamic Dance Academy- ‘Spanish Rose’
3rd: Danceology- ‘Transylvania’
4th: Dance Connection 2- ‘Puttin’ On the Ritz’
5th: NorthPointe Dance Academy- ‘Big Time’
Mini Contemporary
1st: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘She Didn’t Look Back’
2nd: Expressenz Dance Center- ‘Papa Can You Hear Me’
2nd: Club Dance Studio- ‘Begin’
3rd: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Ave Maria’
4th: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Escape Artist’
5th: The Company Space- ‘Hear the Bells’
Mini Ballroom
1st: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre- ‘Ain’t No Other’
2nd: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Pretty Woman’
3rd: Bunker Dance Center- ‘Sax’
Mini Specialty
1st: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘Little Birds’
2nd: Legacy Dance Company- ‘Could’
Mini Acro
1st: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘Move It’
2nd: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘Girls Just Wanna Have Fun’
Junior Jazz
1st: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Baby I’m A Star’
2nd: Dance Connection 2- ‘Let’s Go’
3rd: Kim Massay Dance Productions- ‘Kill the Lights’
4th: Danceology- ‘We’ve Been Burning’
4th: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Redlight’
5th: Expressenz Dance Center- ‘This Will Be’
Junior Ballet
1st: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Tribal Beauties’
2nd: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Mazurka’
3rd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre- ‘Fugue In D Minor’
4th: Danceology- ‘Infinite Strings’
5th: Dance Connection 2- ‘La Corsaire’
Junior Hip Hop
1st: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Get Busy’
2nd: Danceology- ‘Brick Squad’
2nd: Expressenz Dance Center- ‘Flipmode’
3rd: Dance Connection 2- ‘Titans’
4th: Rhythm Dance Center- ‘Fearless’
4th: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘What Is Hip?’
5th: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre- ‘The Militia’
Junior Tap
1st: The Dynamic Dance Academy- ‘The Piano’
2nd: Danceology- ‘I Need You’
2nd: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Wild, Wild Party’
3rd: Expressenz Dance Center- ‘Mr Sandman’
4th: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘Ballroom Blitz’
4th: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre- ‘Goodbye Yellow Brick Road’
5th: The Dynamic Dance Academy- ‘Keep Your Head Up’
5th: The Dynamic Dance Academy- ‘Cadence’
Junior Lyrical
1st: Expressenz Dance Center- ‘Unchained Melody’
1st: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Love Me Tender’
2nd: Danceology- ‘Ascending’
2nd: Bobbie’s School of Performing Arts- ‘Retrospect’
3rd: Bobbie’s School of Performing Arts- ‘Walk Away Again’
3rd: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Yellow’
4th: PULSE Dance Centre- ‘Hanging By A Thread’
4th: Dance Connection 2- ‘Wonder’
5th: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘The Middle Place’
Junior Musical Theatre
1st: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Billy’
2nd: Expressenz Dance Center- ‘Trip A Little Light Fantastic’
3rd: Danceology- ‘Strongest Suit’
4th: Studio Fusion- ‘Money’
4th: Bunker Dance Center- ‘Princess & the Frog’
4th: Rhythm Dance Center- ‘Shrek!’
5th: The Company Space- ‘Money’
Junior Contemporary
1st: Danceology- ‘All Shadows’
1st: Expressenz Dance Center- ‘Sisu’
2nd: Elite Danceworx- ‘Piano Man’
2nd: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘That’s Life’
3rd: Dance Connection 2- ‘Man’
3rd: Dance Connection 2- ‘Harvest’
4th: Danceology- ‘Leave None Behind’
4th: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘Colour Me In’
5th: Kim Massay Dance Productions- ‘For What It’s Worth’
5th: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Stop, Format It!’
Junior Ballroom
1st: Dance Connection 2- ‘Bongo’
2nd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre- ‘Scooby Do Pa Pa’
3rd: Danceology- ‘Get Loud’
4th: Bunker Dance Center- ‘Crowd Control’
5th: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre- ‘The Look’
Junior Specialty
1st: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Relax’
2nd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre- ‘Together’
3rd: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘Falling For You’
4th: Academy of Nevada Ballet Theatre- ‘Prism’
Junior Acro
1st: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘Reasons’
Teen Groups:
Teen Jazz
1st: Downtown Dance Factory- ‘Today’
2nd: Kim Massay Dance Productions- ‘Pressure’
3rd: Bobbie’s School of Performing Arts- ‘Unheard’
4th: Prestige Dance Academy- ‘Boots’
4th: The Dance Kollective- ‘Dare You Not To Dance’
4th: Downton Dance Factory- ‘Move Dance Be Born’
4th: Noretta Dunworth School of Dance- ‘I Feel Love’
5th:NorthPointe Dance Academy- ‘Dance With Me’
Teen Ballet
1st: Pas De Deux- ‘Hawaii’
2nd: Dance Connection 2- ‘Love Story’
3rd: Elite Dance and Performing Arts Center- ‘Schramm’
4th: Academy of Nevada Ballet Theatre- ‘Six Breaths’
5th:The Company Space- ‘Homeland’
Teen Hip Hop
1st: D’ansa Jazz Stage- ‘Trio in D’
2nd: Pas De Deux- ‘Hawaii’
3rd: Honolulu Dance Studio- ‘Joker’
4th: Desert Eagle Productions Dance Studio- ‘Moshpit’
5th: The Company Space- ‘Shake the Room’
5th: O’Brien Center of the Arts- ‘The Sideshow’
Teen Tap
1st: The Dance Kollective- ‘We Are the Music’
2nd: Expressenz- ‘Play That Funky Music’
3rd: NorthPointe Dance Academy- ‘Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood’
4th: The Dance Kollective- ‘Everything In Its Place’
4th: D’ansa Jazz Stage- ‘Gimmie Gimmie’
5th: NorthPointe Dance Academy- ‘Coming Home’
Teen Lyrical
1st: Dance Connection 2- ‘The Hill’
2nd: Downtown Dance Factory- ‘Keep Breathing’
3rd: The Dance Kollective- ‘Heavenly Bodies’
4th: Studio Fusion- ‘Falling Up’
5th: The Dynamic Dance Academy- ‘Old Days’
5th: NorthPointe Dance Academy- ‘Ain’t No Sunshine’
5th: Bobbie’s School of Performing Arts- ‘What If I Say I Love You’
Teen Musical Theatre
1st: Downtown Dance Factory- ‘Undecided’
2nd: Trilogy Dance Co.- ‘LE Jazz Hot’
Teen Contemporary
1st: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Leave Me Hollow’
2nd: Studio Fusion- ‘Arrival’
2nd Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘Reflection’
3rd: The Vision Dance Alliance- ‘Interrogation’
4th: Kim Massay Dance Productions- ‘Is The End of Me’
5th: Expressenz- ‘First Light’
5th: Club Dance Studio- ‘No Solace’
5th: Elite Danceworx- ‘When We’re Older’
Teen Specialty
1st: Columbia Performing Arts Centre- ‘Nobody Love A Rattlesnake’
2nd: The Dance Kollective- ‘Suffering Jukebox’
2nd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre- ‘Lisztomania’
3rd: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘To Know A Man’
4th: Kim Massay Dance Productions- ‘Mad World’
5th: NorthPointe Dance Academy- ‘Nemesis’
Teen Lines, Extended Lines, Productions:
Teen Jazz
1st: Elite Danceworx- ‘Hey’
2nd: Expressenz Dance Center- ‘Chromatica’
3rd: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Disco Pop’
4th: The Dance Kollective- ‘Make Me Move’
5th: Danceology- ‘Out Of the Crypt’
5th: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Baseline’
Teen Ballet
1st: Danceology- ‘Hive’
1st: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘At the Apex’
2nd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre- ‘La Fete’
3rd: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Carmen’
4th: Elite Danceworx- ‘Emerald Waltz’
5th: Elite Danceworx- ‘Carmen’
Teen Hip Hop
1st: Rhythm Dance Center- ‘Slime’
1st: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘Lazarus’
2nd: Expressenz Dance Center- ‘X-NZ”
3rd: Danceology- ‘Another One’
4th: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Duality’
4th: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre- ‘Coming in Hot’
5th: Kim Massay Dance Productions- ‘Walk’
5th: D’ansa Jazz Stage- ‘Feedback’
5th: Elite Danceworx- ‘Lights Up’
Teen Tap
1st: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre- ‘Viva La Vida’
2nd: Danceology- ‘Faster Stronger’
3rd: The Dynamic Dance Academy- ‘Dear Evan Hansen’
3rd: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Rich Man’s Frug’
3rd: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Dancing Queen’
4th: Bunker Dance Center- ‘Monster’
5th: Expressenz Dance Center- ‘This Land’
Teen Lyrical
1st: Expressenz Dance Center- ‘I Want You to Need Me’
2nd: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Memory’
3rd: Expressenz Dance Center- ‘Over the Love’
4th: Dance Connection 2- ‘Foolish Games’
4th: Bobbie’s School of Performing Arts- ‘I Want to Hold Your Hand’
5th: Elite Dance and Performing Arts Center- ‘Piano Man’
Teen Musical Theatre
1st: Danceology- ‘Pigeons on Broadway’
1st: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Billion Dollar Baby’
2nd: Expressenz Dance Center- ‘Easy Street’
2nd: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Welcome to the Internet’
3rd: Dance Connection 2- ‘Coffee’
4th: Bunker Dance Center- ‘Cut Loose’
5th: Rhythm Dance Center- ‘The Mask’
Teen Contemporary
1st: Dance Connection 2- ‘The Final Act’
2nd: Danceology- ‘Weight of Expectation’
2nd: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘What’s Left’
3rd: Expressenz Dance Center- ‘Strength in Numbers’
4th: Danceology- ‘You Don’t Fool Me’
4th: Elite Danceworx- ‘Come Darkness’
4th: Elite Danceworx- ‘Caronte’
5th: Elite Danceworx- ‘What If?’
Teen Ballroom
1st: Dance Connection 2- ‘Swing Kids’
2nd: Bunker Dance Center- ‘Smooth Operator’
3rd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre- ‘Calabria’
4th: Dance Connection 2- ‘In the Closet’
5th: Danceology- ‘Endangered Species’
5th: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Red Handed’
Teen Specialty
1st: Columbia Performing Arts Centre- ‘The Truth Will Set You Free’
2nd: The Dance Kollective- ‘Lessons Learned’
3rd: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Let’s Play’
4th: Rhythm Dance Center- ‘Rhythm Story- to inFUNinty and Beyond!’
5th: Expressenz Dance Center- ‘Bosorkanya’
Senior Jazz
1st: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘And On...’
2nd: Dance Connection 2- ‘VIP’
3rd: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Jive Bunny 2022′
4th: Kim Massay Dance Productions- ‘What’s the Tea’
5th: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘Fashion’
5th: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre- ‘Play’
Senior Ballet
1st: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre- ‘Concerto No 2′
2nd: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘Chronos’
3rd: Expressenz Dance Center- ‘Le Corsaire’
3rd: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘Summer’
4th: Bunker Dance Center- ‘Sixth Breath, the Last Breath’
5th: Rhythm Dance Center- ‘Vite-Fait’
Senior Hip Hop
1st: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘An Evening With Silk Sonic’
2nd: Rhythm Dance Center- ‘Buckle Up’
3rd: Noretta Dunworth School of Dance- ‘Options’
4th: Sandra’s School of Dance- ‘Swizzy’
5th: Sandra’s School of Dance- ‘It Go Down’
Senior Tap
1st: Columbia Performing Arts Centre- ‘BPG’
2nd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre- ‘Misty’
3rd: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘Taces n Sixes’
3rd: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘Freedom’
4th: The Dynamic Dance Academy- ‘Redemption’
5th: Rhythm Dance Center- ‘Escape’
Senior Lyrical
1st: Bunker Dance Center- ‘I Get Along With You’
2nd: Danceology- ‘All Will Be Gone’
2nd: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘When We’re Older’
3rd: Columbia Performing Arts Centre- ‘Unrequited but Unwavering’
4th: Columbia Performing Arts Centre- ‘An Evening I Will Not Forget’
4th: Dance Connection 2- ‘Woman’s Work’
5th: Expressenz Dance Center- ‘I Dreamed A Dream’
5th: NorthPointe Dance Academy- ‘One of Us’
Senior Musical Theatre
1st: Bunker Dance Center- ‘It’s My Parade’
2nd: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘For Once In My Life’
3rd: Trilogy Dance Co.- ‘When the Chips Go Down’
Senior Contemporary
1st: Danceology- ‘The Missing’
2nd: Elite Danceworx- ‘Manifesto’
3rd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre- ‘Out of These Ashes’
3rd: Elite Danceworx- ‘Thunder Comes Resounding’
4th: Elite Danceworx- ‘Partitia for Four’
5th: Bunker Dance Center- ‘Testing Patience’
5th: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Protect Thee’
5th: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘I Deserve to go to Prison?’
Senior Ballroom
1st: Dance Connection 2- ‘Be Italian’
2nd: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre- ‘Superbad’
Senior Specialty
1st: Columbia Performing Arts Centre- ‘Example #22′
2nd: Studio Fusion- ‘Work It’
2nd: Columbia Performing Arts Centre- ‘Flies and Vermin’
3rd: Studio Fusion- ‘Coconut’
4th: Columbia Performing Arts Centre- ‘Anywhere Out of this World’
4th: Bunker Dance Center- ‘A Charmed Life’
4th: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Ya’
4th: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre- ‘The Pieces We Keep Hidden’
5th: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘It Looms’
Senior Acro
1st: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘Broken’
Open Contemporary
1st: B-Dance Company- ‘Hands of Life’
Open Hip-Hop
1st: B-Dance Company- ‘The Legacy’
2nd: Diamond Dance Project- ‘Rated F L’
3rd: Diamond Dance Project- ‘Diamonds Don’t Break 2.2′
Open Specialty
1st: Diamond Dance Project- ‘E Ala E Kakou’
Best Performance:
Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Unchained Melody’ Club Dance Studio- ‘Pure Imagination’
Winner: Danceology- ‘Rhythm Is Our Business’
1st runner-up: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘She Didn’t Look Back’
2nd runner-up: Expressenz Dance Center- ‘Papa Can You Hear Me’
3rd runner-up: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Cinema (Act 1)’
4th runner-up: Club Dance Studio- ‘Begin’
5th runner-up: Dance Connection 2- ‘Barrio’
6th runner-up: Rhythm Dance Center- ‘Lil Einsteins’
Winner: Danceology- ‘All Shadows’
1st runner-up: The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Tribal Beauties’
2nd runner-up: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Baby I’m A Star’
3rd runner-up: Expressenz Dance Center- ‘Sisu’
4th runner-up: Elite Danceworx- ‘Piano Man’
5th runner-up: Dance Connection 2- ‘Bongo’
Winner: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Leave Me Hollow’
1st runner-up: The Dance Kollective- ‘We Are the Music’
2nd runner-up: Kim Massay Dance Productions- ‘Pressure’
3rd runner-up: Columbia Performing Arts Centre- ‘Nobody Love A Rattlesnake’
4th runner-up: Studio Fusion- ‘Arrival’
5th runner-up: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘Reflection’
6th runner-up: Downtown Dance Factory- ‘Today’
Line, Extended Line, Production:
Winner: Columbia Performing Arts Centre- ‘The Truth Will Set You Free’
1st runner-up: Danceology- ‘Weight of Expectation’
2nd runner-up: Dance Connection 2- ‘The Final Act’
3rd runner-up: Larkin Dance Studio- ‘What’s Left’
4th runner-up: Elite Danceworx- ‘Hey’
5th runner-up: Expressenz Dance Center- ‘Strength in Numbers’
6th runner-up: Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘Lazarus’
7th runner-up: Rhythm Dance Center- ‘Slime’
Winner: Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre- ‘Out of These Ashes’
1st runner-up: Dance Connection 2- ‘Be Italian’
2nd runner-up: Danceology- ‘The Missing’
3rd runner-up: Elite Danceworx- ‘Manifesto’
4th runner-up: Columbia Performing Arts Centre- ‘BPG’
5th runner-up: Bunker Dance Center- ‘It’s My Parade’
B-Dance Company- ‘The Legacy’
Larkin Dance Studio- ‘She Didn’t Look Back’
Expressenz Dance Center- ‘Sisu’
Danceology- ‘All Shadows’
Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Leave Me Hollow’
Dance Connection 2- ‘The Final Act’
Danceology- ‘The Missing’
Larkin Dance Studio- ‘My Way’
Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Love Me Tender’
Expressenz Dance Center- ‘Unchained Melody’
Dance Connection 2- ‘The Hill’
Bunker Dance Center- ‘I Get Along Without You’
Expressenz Dance Center- ‘I Want You to Need Me’
Musical Theatre
The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Cinema (Act I)
Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Billy’
Downtown Dance Factory- ‘Undecided’
Danceology- ‘Pigeons on Broadway’
Bunker Dance Center- ‘It’s My Parade’
Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Billion Dollar Baby’
Hip Hop
Rhythm Dance Center- ‘Lil Einsteins’
Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Get Busy’
D’Ansa Jazz Stage- ‘Trio In D’
Rhythm Dance Center- ‘Slime’
Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘An Evening With Silk Sonic’
Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘Lazarus’
Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘Move It’
Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘Reasons’
Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘Broken’
Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘Little Birds’
Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Relax’
Columbia Performing Arts Centre- ‘Nobody Love A Rattlesnake’
Columbia Performing Arts Centre- ‘Example #22′
Columbia Performing Arts Centre- ‘The Truth Will Set You Free’
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre -’Spanish Roses’
The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Habanera’
The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Tribal Beauties’
Pas de Deux Hawaii- ‘The Journey’
Danceology- ‘Hive’
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre- ‘Concerto No 2′
The Rock Center for Dance- ‘At the Apex’
Danceology- ‘Rhythm Is Our Business’
The Dynamic Dance Academy- ‘The Piano’
The Dance Kollective- ‘We Are the Music’
Columbia Performing Arts Centre- ‘BPG’
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre- ‘Viva La Vida’
Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Size’
Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Baby I’m A Star’
Downtown Dance Factory- ‘Today’
Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘And On...’
Elite Danceworx- ‘Hey’
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre- ‘Ain’t No Other’
Dance Connection 2- ‘Bongo’
Dance Connection 2- ‘Swing Kids’
Dance Connection 2- ‘Be Italian’
Special Awards:
Noretta Dunworth School of Dance
Best Production
Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘Little Birds’
Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Baby I’m A Star’
Columbia Performing Arts Centre- ‘The Truth Will Set You Free’
Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Jive Bunny 2022′
Outstanding Achievement:
Mini Technical
Rhythm Dance Center- ‘Lil Einsteins’
Danceology- ‘Rhythm Is Our Business’
NorthPointe Dance Academy- ‘Breathe’
Expressenz Dance Center- ‘Papa Can Your Hear Me’
Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘Little Birds’
Larkin Dance Studio- ‘My Way’
Junior Technical
Danceology- ‘All Shadows’
Expressenz Dance Center- ‘Sisu’
Elite Danceworx- ‘Piano Man’
Dance Connection 2- ‘Man’
Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Mazurka’
The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Tribal Beauties’
Teen Technical
Danceology- ‘Hive’
Columbia Performing Arts Centre- ‘The Truth Will Set You Free’
Expressenz Dance Center- ‘Strength in Numbers’
Rhythm Dance Center- ‘Slime’
The Rock Center for Dance- ‘At the Apex’
Elite Danceworx- ‘Hey’
Senior Technical
Danceology- ‘The Missing’
Studio Fusion- ‘Work It’
Bunker Dance Center- ‘Testing Patience’
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre- ‘Misty’
Columbia Performing Arts Centre- ‘Flies And Vermin’
The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Bloodline’
Elite Danceworx- ‘Thunder Comes Resounding’
Mini/Junior Choreography
Larkin Dance Studio- ‘Billy’ (Larkin Staff)
The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Cinema (Act I)’ (Quinn Callahan)
Dance Connection 2- ‘Let’s Go’ (Chelsea Foster)
Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘Color Me In’ (Stephanie Rutherford)
Expressenz Dance Center- ‘Sisu’ (Brooke Napier)
Teen/Senior Choreography
Danceology- ‘Hive’ (Julie Friedrich)
Larkin Dance Studio- ‘People’s Faces’ (Chelsea Jennings)
Art & Soul Dance Company- ‘An Evening with Silk Sonic’ (Shanna Cipressi and Sabrina Porco)
Studio Fusion- ‘Work It’ (Lauren Slack and Aaron Williams)
The Rock Center for Dance- ‘Cinema (Act II)’ (Quinn Callahan)
Costume Design
Kim Massay Dance Productions- ‘Is The End of Me’
Best in Studio ($2500 per style):
Art & Soul Dance Company
Prodigy Dance and Performing Arts Centre
Larkin Dance Studio
Dance Connection 2
Musical Theatre
Bunker Dance Center
The Rock Center for Dance
Expressenz Dance Center
Studio of the Year:
Finalists ($5000)
Dance Connection 2
Larkin Dance Studio
The Rock Center for Dance
Expressenz Dance Center
Winner: $25,000
People’s Choice ($250):
Rhythm Dance Center- ‘Rhythm Story To inFUNity and Beyond!’
71 notes · View notes
lena-after-dark · 2 years
Who I write for is listed below:
Individual masterlists will be linked as they are created. Don't see a character you like? Send me an ask! I may be willing to add them.
American Horror Story
The Countess Dandy Mott Misty Day
Bates Motel/Psycho
Norma Bates Norman Bates
Deacon Frost Eric Brooks/Blade Mercury
Byakuya Kuchiki Findorr Calius Gin Ichimaru Jin Kariya Kenpachi Zaraki Kensei Muguruma Mayuri Kurotsuchi Retsu Unohana Ryo Utagawa Sosuke Aizen Szayelaporro Granz Yoshi
Cabinet of Curiosities
Jenkins Brown (possessing Walter) Richard Pickman Walter Gilman
Cobra Kai/The Karate Kid
Da-Eun Kim Daniel LaRusso John Kreese Terry Silver
Courage the Cowardly Dog
Black Puddle Queen Freaky Fred
The Crow
Eric Draven Myca Top Dollar
Bruce Wayne/Batman (Bale) Edward Nashton/The Riddler (Dano) Edward Nygma/The Riddler (Carrey + Smith) Fish Mooney Harley Quinn (Robbie) Jervis Tetch/ Hatter Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow (Murphy) Joker (Ledger + Phoenix) Orm Marius Oswald Cobblepot (Taylor) Victor Zsasz (Carrigan)
Dead to Me
Jen Harding Judy Hale
Disney (* denotes live action only)
Claude Frollo Cruella DeVil* (2021) Diaval* Maleficent* King Stefan*
Evil Dead Rise
The Faculty
Edward Furlong Elizabeth Burke Joe Willis
Firefly Trilogy
Baby Firefly Otis B Driftwood Foxy Coltraine
Final Fantasy
Cid Bunansa/Dr. Cid Kadaj Loz Lulu Rufus Shinra Sephiroth Seymour Guado Vayne Solidor Vincent Valentine Yazoo
Funny Games
Paul Peter
Game of Thrones
Brienne of Tarth Cersei Lannister Jaqen H'Ghar Margaery Tyrell Melisandre Petyr Baelish Ramsay Bolton
House of the Dragon
Aemond Targaryen Daemon Targaryen Larys Strong
Hunter x Hunter
Chrollo Lucifer Hisoka Morou Illumi Zoldyck Uvogin
Josh Lambert + Parker Crane possessing Josh Steven "Specs" Fisher
Jujutsu Kaisen
Choso Kamo Geto Suguru (+ Kenjaku) Mahito Mei Mei Nanami Kento Ryomen Sukuna Toji Fushiguro
The Legend of Zelda
Ganondorf (Twilight Princess) Ghirahim Midna Sidon Zant
The Letter for the King
Jaro Viridian
Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit
Beorn Grima Wormtongue Thranduil
Agatha Harkness Heimdall Hela M'Baku Melina Vostokoff Namor/K’uk’ulkan Natasha Romanoff Norman Osborn/Green Goblin Okoye Olivia Octavius/Doc Ock Otto Octavius/Doc Ock Peter Parker (Maguire) Ultron Wanda Maximoff
My Hero Academa
Enji Todoroki/Endeavor Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead
Deidara Hidan Kakazu Kisame Orochimaru
One Piece (Live Action ONLY)
Buggy Garp Kuro Sanji
Repo! The Genetic Opera
Amber Sweet Luigi Largo Nathan Wallace Pavi Largo
Adam Faulkner-Stanheight Amanda Young John Kramer
Silent Hill
Pyramid Head Vincent Smith
Stranger Things
001/Henry Creel Dmitri "Enzo" Antonov Joyce Byers
Thirteen Ghosts:
Dana Newman/The Angry Princess Dennis Rafkin Horace Mahoney/The Juggernaut Royce Clayton/The Torn Prince Ryan Kuhn/The Jackal
Abraham Tex
Larissa Weems Marilyn Thornhill
Would You Rather
Julian Lambrick Shepard Lambrick
Cecil L'ively Dana Scully Fox Mulder Luther Lee Boggs
Misc. Characters
Adrian Tepes/Alucard (Castlevania) Albert Shaw/The Grabber (The Black Phone) Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls) Bo Sinclair (House of Wax) Cesaire (Red Riding Hood) Commodus (Gladiator) Creepy Thin Man (Charlie's Angels) Daniel Robitaille/Candyman (1992) Doug Davis (Cooties) Dracula (Lugosi + Bang) Ellie (Evil Dead Rise) Habit (EverymanHYBRID) John Ryder (The Hitcher) John Wick Kruger (Elysium) Kusuriuri/Medicine Seller (Mononoke) L Lawliet (Death Note) The Man (Hush) Moira (The Princess) Quentin Shermer/The Blissfield Butcher (Freaky) Rachel Summers (The Uninvited) Ransom Drysdale (Knives Out) Ross Humboldt (In the Tall Grass)
Celebrities* (see request rules)
Angela Bassett Idris Elba Jeffrey Dean Morgan Kathryn Hahn Patrick Wilson Sigourney Weaver Vera Farmiga
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Self-Indulgent Series December: Granite Hills
It's December, and that means I get to be self-indulgent and give myself gifts, mainly the gift of looking at actors I like.
I give you my series of self-indulgence, Granite Hills (1990):
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Set in 1980 in the fictional town of Mudslide, Wisconsin, mainly at the Granite Hills university. This cast will be a mix of actors who would and wouldn't be available at the time.
The Show's Cast Includes:
Alfred Molina as Angel Ramon Vega [Age: 24]
Anjelica Huston as Sandy Cherry Lawson [Age: 26]
Billy Connolly as Professor Darwin Derryl Rigby [Age: 40]
Billy Crystal as Jethro Mephisto Butcher [Age: 25]
Brendan Fraser as Dallas Nathaniel Gray [Age: 23]
Carrie Fisher as Veronica Beverly Chambers [Age: 21]
Cary Elwes as Easton Markos White [Age: 27]
Chris Barrie as Douglass Wilfred Bernard [Age: 20]
Christina Applegate as Storm Hekla Jóhannsson [Age: 18]
Christopher Walken as Professor Karl Cai Lowell [Age: 40]
Craig Charles as Chuck Vance Sheppard [Age: 21]
Dan Aykroyd as Cesar Clay Leon [Age: 23]
Danny John-Jules as Quentin Kingston Hollister [Age: 21]
Daryl Hannah as Bernadette Daphne Jordan [Age: 24]
Diane Lane as Saffron Elouise Mason [Age: 19]
Fran Drescher as Monique Joanne Curtis [Age: 22]
Geena Davis as Erin Kermit Cantrell [Age: 28]
Gunnar Hansen as Thor Hjörtur Jóhannsson [Age: 48]
Harold Ramis as Edmund Morgan Blackburn [Age: 29]
Jack Black as Odin Hrafn Jóhannsson [Age: 21]
Jeff Bridges as Professor Kennedy Troy Gill [Age: 40]
Joe Pesci as Professor Jeremiah Emmit Jekyll [Age: 40]
John Belushi as Julian Noel Hood [Age: 25]
John Candy as Dale Randall Newman [Age: 26]
John Cusack as Andrew Simon Garfield [Age: 23]
John Goodman as Cyrus Lars Nielsen [Age: 27]
John Leguizamo as Alijah Mrlon Cross [Age: 29}
Judd Nelson as Colton Kenelm Coy [Age: 19]
Katey Sagal as Ramona Adrienne Dunn [Age: 25]
Kevin Bacon as Brad Nathan Hardy [Age: 25]
Kiefer Sutherland as Trenton Homer Abbey [Age: 21]
Luis Guzmán as Jaxxon Garrett Flores [Age: 29]
Mandy Patinkin as Elishua Saul Zebedaios [Age: 28]
Matt Dillon as Dennis Waylon Marley [Age: 20]
Matthew Lillard as Alexander Buddy Jones [Age: 19]
Oliver Platt as Ruben Manuel Valdez [Age: 22]
O'Shea Jackson (Sr.) as Tyrese Jordan Maxwell [Age: 18]
Philip Seymour Hoffman as Parris Hayes Grant [Age: 19]
Raul Julia as Professor Marcel Gomez Agua [Age: 40]
Ray Winstone as Holden Montgomery Lynn [Age: 27]
River Phoenix as Kent Horace Woodward [Age: 18]
Robin Williams as Jaycee Aramis Ellis [Age: 26]
Sean Young as Maxine Jade Upton [Age: 26]
Stanley Tucci as Luke Robin Flynn [Age: 22]
Steve Buscemi as Hugh Chester Sweeney [Age: 25]
Tom Hanks as Mark Everett Shaw [Age: 20]
Tony Shalhoub as Orlando Jaime Guerrero [Age: 25]
Val Kilmer as Earl Blue Dior [Age: 29]
Wayne Knight as Osborne Finnegan Jarvis [Age: 28]
William Baldwin as Theodore Joshua Ball [Age: 20]
Willem Dafoe as Terry Roosevelt Jepson [Age: 27]
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bloodydayshq · 1 year
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Bloody Days ‘A Rose With Thorns’
𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟓𝟓𝟗: The English court must wage a war for the soul of their nation on two fronts.
The King, Queen Dowager, and Princess Elizabeth have not been seen by their subjects for over a week, driven from the heady epicenter of Hampton Court by highly secreted and contentious negotiations between England and Spain that leave the English court in frightful limbo. As rumours rage across the palace, attempting to rationalize the King’s absence – some suggesting that William and his sister had fallen ill of plague – the King and his council make swift preparations for travel. With only a small delegation of courtiers William and his Lady Mother ride fiercely out to Dover, bound by restraints of privacy and, all the while, facing a tide of betrayal, opposition, and distrust from within and without their inner sanctum …
On the sixth day of the King’s exile, however, the rains that have been driving relentlessly over England come to a sudden halt and, like a bolt from the blue, a merry messenger arrives from Calais. The King, so the courier reports, has received his sister, Queen Mary of Spain, in a great show of pomp, ceremony, and national accord. Mary and her husband, Philip of Spain, have agreed to spend the autumn with the King and his court, ostensibly holding an olive branch out to her half-brother, though tongues wag the Queen has her eyes on much more than merely diffusing tensions – perhaps intending to bestow favour upon England’s Catholic subjects, promoting the case of the Greys, and pressing the suit of her sister-in-law, Joanna of Spain – a task for which she has been intimately primed by the Emperor.
Amid nearly a week of feasting, tourneys, and private political summits held at Dover, the royal family must contend with bitter familial feuds whilst staving off the enmity of Mary’s Spanish retinue, many of which cast overt doubts upon the King’s legitimacy…
Whilst only a small group of courtiers were employed by the Boleyns to travel to Dover, those who remain in London have themselves a game of cat-and-mouse – or, for some, life-and-death – to play. Soon after the merry messenger departs for Calais, another cloudburst arrives at the court’s doorstep, and this time, the news is far from auspicious. The de’ Medici family in Florence announces that a certain Edward Seymour – presumed, for over two decades, dead – has turned up, seeking favour and aid. If England’s troops will not assist in warding off Papal encroachment into Florence, Edward Seymour – the illegitimate son of Henry VIII’s Catholic mistress – will be given the funds and mercenary necessary to muster a coup upon William’s yet fragile kingdom, returning England to the holy Catholic fold.
Immediately dispatched to Florence are James Cecil, Thomas Walsingham, and Julian de Vere to determine incognito if this imposter is truly the ‘lost’ Edward Seymour, or a mere pretender to the throne. At home, however, courtiers must face the mission of a lifetime in snuffing out juicy intel from those who knew the Seymours. And for recusant Catholics in particular, hiding their delight at news that Catholic hope may thrive again in sodden England will be no easy task…
Will the feuds between brothers threaten to cleave England at its core?
NOTE TO MEMBERS: This plot drop will be accompanied by over a dozen unique new Bloody Days muses that will be released in the coming days/hours/weeks/years (we prefer to spring it on you, so beware!). Mary Tudor will also be making an appearance here at Bloody Days, played by our own Bonnie (more details to be announced). Lastly, this event marks the end of the month of September.
OOC Details:
Welcome to our second plot drop / third event! This event will last from Saturday (noon EST) until Sunday the 23rd; however, if you so choose, by Thursday you may begin posting non-event related threads. 'ARWT’ will take place, in character, at two separate locations: Hampton Court and Dover Castle, Kent, the 'Key to England'. Four characters (Walsingham, de Vere, Cecil, and Sibella Percy) will be absent while undertaking espionage in Florence. All characters have been asked to participate – so please be sure to join us! Tag all threads and starters with #bd.event003.
Characters dispatched to Dover:
William Tudor
Thomas Wyatt
Anne Boleyn
Edmund Percy
Isobel Percy
Nicholas Sutton
Elinor Fitzroy
Robert Dudley
Amy Dudley
Bridget Parr
Richard Boleyn
Francisco de Guzman
Catherine of Spain
Annemarie Devereux
George Boleyn
Characters remaining at Hampton Court:
Amelia Grey
Aysun Dudley
Jane Boleyn
Elizabeth Tudor
Kismet Dudley
Maria de Mendoza
Meg Welles
Margery Holland
Elisabeth of Valois
Eleanor Grey
Katharine Grey
Philippa Grey
John Seymour
Alice Seymour
Penelope Walsingham
Gabriel Montgomery
Characters dispatched to Florence:
Julian de Vere
James Cecil
Thomas Walsingham
Sibella Percy (translator)
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