#just a couple self-destructive idiots....
enchantedbarnes · 1 year
Uncle Buck • Part 4
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Single Aunt!Reader
Summary: Your nephew Benji overhears a conversation. Not liking what he's hearing, he takes matters into his own hands.
Word Count: 3.9k
Masterlist: One | Two | Three | Four | Five
A/N: Sheeeeeesh. This one's longer than the other parts. Take this as my Happy New Years! treat I guess haha. Pt 1 just passed 4k notes and my mind is absolutely blown.
Everybody thank @kilikina34512 for our latest Benji hijinx 😏 Enjoy! and thanks again for all the love 🫶🥰
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Bucky joined both of you at "The Screamery" that following day. A themed ice cream shop you and Benji both love that is decked out in classic horror movies.
Benji ate what seemed like his weight in ice cream. You caved and bought him a banana split sundae which Dracula dropped off at your table in a sundae boat the size of Benji's head. Strawberry syrup was drizzled on top to look like blood and a fake candy eyeball took the place of the cherry on top. You knew it would be too much for him to eat all of it, but figured you can always bring the leftovers home.
Benji pointed out all the memorabilia around to Bucky, filling him in on both his personal favorites and yours.
After arriving back at the house, Bucky stuck around for a cup of coffee and this was the point where you royally fucked up.
It's now a few days after, reaching midweek.
"We've decided we're just going to be friends," you explained to Nora as you sat on your bed.
"What?? Why? Was this his decision or yours?" Nora stood in front of you with her hands on her hips.
"Well, both..? I think…"
"You think??"
"He didn't disagree."
"Y/N! Of course he didn't disagree if you decided you didn't want to be with him."
"It's not that I don't want to be with him. I do really like him. He has been nothing but super sweet and kind with our insanity."
"Yeah, it's always a real bummer when a super hot guy brings you flowers and enjoys hanging out with you and your family," Nora rolls her eyes.
"Yeah, I get it. I'm an idiot, okay?"
"Why are you self-destructing? I've seen the smile he gives you, are you kidding me? Smitten. Same goes for you."
"I don't know! I panicked. Holidays are coming up soon. I didn't want to drag him into more nonsense than we already have. We've probably been way over the top and too much for him to want to deal with. We practically kidnapped the guy over the weekend," you ramble on, "Plus what you said with the whole super hot thing. Like come on, how are those cheekbones and that jawline-"
"The eyes."
"The eyes! How is he even real? It's ridiculous."
"No, you're ridiculous. Please explain how the conversation happened, did he tell you this was too much?"
"Well, no…not exactly. We were just talking and my brain kind of went into this red alert mode and I started rambling like an idiot about how nice it has been hanging out and I vaguely remember saying something along the lines that we make a great couple of friends."
"Couple of friends?! Are you for real right now? Did you hit your head and not tell us? What the hell is wrong with you!"
"UGH!" you shout while slamming a pillow over your face.
Benji overhears the conversation from the hallway and shakes his head. Making sure both his mom and aunt were distracted with their conversation he grabs his hat and gloves, putting them on and then grabbing his jacket and tossing that on as well.
He does one more look back when he gets to the front door and quietly makes his way out, closing the door at a glacial speed so no noise would be detected.
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Bucky was seated next to Sam at a local bar, beer in hand. Bucky explains what happened last with Y/n.
"I don't blame her for not being interested in me."
"C'mon man, that can't be it. You couldn't shut up about the great time you had bowling with her and how awesome her family and friends were. I was expecting a wedding invitation in the mail by now."
"Now you sound like the small one."
"Love that kid. He really is something else. I hope there's a video out there of him asking you to marry Y/n at that event. That was the best thing I've seen in years. Oh! Maybe I should give him my address so he knows where to mail my invitation," he grins, "We could also play the clip at your wedding."
Bucky glares over at him.
"Who am I kidding, your glare is right. He probably already knows my address. Y'think the kids gonna take this news of you just being friends well?" Sam asks.
Bucky's phone buzzes in his pocket. Pulling it out the screen lights up alerting a new call, listing an incoming call from NYPD.
What could the NYPD want? "Um, I'll be right back, I'm just gonna go-" he holds the phone up slightly and points towards the exit.
He answers as he walks to a quieter area, "Hello?"
"Hello, is this Sergeant Barnes?"
"Yes, is there something I can help with…?"
"We have a Benjamin Barnes here, he was found at Chestnut Park when he approached one of our officers. He said he got separated in a crowd and asked us to call you. Is this your nephew?"
"Yup," Bucky sighs, "That's my nephew, alright. Is his mom or aunt not with him?"
"No, sir. We checked the surrounding area but he wasn't able to spot them. Your phone number was the only one he could remember. Are you nearby to come collect him, or do you have an address we can bring him to? He wasn't sure what his address was either."
How convenient he didn't know his address or mom's phone number, but could probably rattle off all 50 states with their capitals if you asked him.
"I can come and get him."
"Officer Mills is with him now, they are near the east entrance of the park."
"Thanks." Bucky shook his head as he disconnected the call. Walking back over to the bar quickly to close his tab, "I gotta go," he tells Sam as he places cash on the bar.
"What's up? You need some help?"
"Small ones at it again, he must have heard something. Just got a call that my nephew, Benjamin Barnes, is at the park right now. He conveniently got separated from his mom and my phone number was the only one he knows," he answers with a knowing look.
"This kid deserves an award. Please can I come? I'm begging. I need to see this for myself."
"No." Bucky rolls his eyes, starting to walk out without another word. He holds his arm up to flag a cab.
Sam quickly tosses his own cash down and grabs his jacket, running to catch up with the super soldier.
"Are you going to call Y/n?" Sam asks as he finishes adjusting his jacket after he finally catches up.
"No, Sam. I thought I'd collect the kid and take him in as my own," he answers sarcastically, opening the door to the cab as it stopped in front of him.
"Well, he would probably be an excellent member of the team."
"We are not a team."
"Whatever you say, blue steel," Sam quickly opens the other side and slips in.
Once they're close enough Bucky spots Benji next to a hot dog vendor, chatting with the officer. Benji looks over and spots the two approaching through the crowd.
"Uncle Bucky!" He grins, looking over at the officer that was waiting with him, "My uncle is here, Officer Mills," he announces while pointing over at Bucky.
"Sorry for any trouble this might have caused. Thanks for having someone call and waiting with him," Bucky shakes the officer's hand.
"No problem, Sergeant Barnes. Glad to help. I was surprised when he said you were his uncle. Maybe you guys should start workin' on teachin' this guy his address and stickin' with his guardians in a crowd," Officer Mills instructs, looking down at Benji at the last part.
"Absolutely, I'm certain his parents will have a lot to say," Bucky answers, also giving Benji a pointed look.
After the officer walks away wishing them a good evening Bucky pulls out his phone.
"Alright, nephew, where is your mom?"
"She's at home…"
"And why are you not at home with her?"
"I thought it was a nice day for a walk…"
"Uh huh. Does she know you're out for a casual stroll on your own right now?"
"...Not so much…"
Bucky shakes his head and starts to open the contacts in his phone.
"Does anyone know you're out here?"
It was Benji's turn to shake his head.
Sam sits down against the ledge of the wall next to Benji. "You can't be out here walking by yourself, little man."
Bucky goes to tap on your contact, his eyebrow raising when he notices your name now seems to be under "Future Y/n Barnes 💌" with a photo of you laughing while eating ice cream he doesn't recall taking. He looks up at Benji with an eyebrow still raised.
Holding the phone up to his ear, it rings a few times before going to voicemail.
Bucky glares at the phone. He's about to start a text when the phone starts buzzing, "Future Y/n Barnes 💌" pops up on the screen with the ice cream shop photo on full display now.
"Hello, Y/n."
"Hey, Bucky…Sorry I just missed your call. What's up?"
"Do you happen to know where Benji is at the moment?"
"He's been in his room for a while, why do you ask?"
"You sure about that?" He questions while looking over at the roughly 4'2" boy in front of him that is currently in an animated conversation with Sam.
"Well, I was until you asked me that…his room has been blasting Party Rock Anthem for maybe half an hour now, but as far as I know he was in th-" Bucky hears loud music suddenly playing from your end and Y/n mutters a Benjamin under her breath, "Please tell me you have him."
"Well, not sure if he's achieved a cloning system, but I certainly have a close look-alike standing in front of me right now."
"That little punk... I'm so sorry, Bucky. Where are you? I'll come get him," he can hear you starting to rush around as the music shuts off.
"We can come to you, we're not far. We should be there in a few minutes."
"Thank you so much, Bucky. I really really appreciate it. I should probably go tell Nora her spawn escaped. Damnit, she's going to flip her lid… I'll see you soon."
"Tell her he's fine. Sam is with us too, we'll see you soon."
Bucky hangs up and joins the pair, "Alright, pal. We're dropping you back home. Your Aunt Y/n is expecting us now, and she's telling your mom about your Houdini act."
Benji's shoulders slump, "Do we have to?"
"Well, you kind of live there, and you're 8 years old. You can't be walking around by yourself. Especially without telling anyone. It's too dangerous out here by yourself, bud."
"I know, but I really needed to talk to you."
"What was so important you had to pull this stunt? You know my phone number," Bucky fixes another look at him while crossing his arms which sparks a small giggle from the boy.
"My tablet was charging and I didn't have a phone available.. I heard Aunt Y/n talking to my mom," he starts to explain looking ahead of them as they start their walk back.
"Please don't give up on, Aunt Y/n."
"Not sure what you heard, pal? But we're still friends?"
"Friends is so lame! She didn't mean it. She said she panicked, but she really likes you. Even mentioned how um, handsome you were," he adjusts his answer with a side eye, "Also, she was worried we were too much for you. You don't think we're too much, do you?" He looks up at Bucky with a pout fully engaged.
"Well, Benjamin Barnes," he jokes, "I can't say you've been flying low under the radar here, pal. You certainly know how to make a statement," he ruffles his hair and puts his arm around his shoulders as they continue their walk.
Sam laughs and offers a fist bump to Benji.
Bucky continues, "But no, I wouldn't say you've all been too much. Just an adjustment. A nice one," he adds.
"You've managed to make robo-buck over here smile more than I've seen since I've known him," Sam comments. "Did you know when I met him, he ripped the steering wheel right out my car from my hands? Punched right through the windshield," Sam makes hand gestures to go along with the story. He and Bucky both glare at each other, Sam's has a smirk to his however.
"Whoa!" Benji shouts, "Can we try that with the car over there?! I wanna see!!"
Bucky huffs and pulls Benji along.
"Ignore everything Samuel says. Pretend he's not even here. I know I certainly do," Bucky mutters at the end.
"I was talking to.." Benji pauses, "Prudence.. about reincarnation. She says you knew Y/n in another life, but you never got together in that life, so your hearts are like puzzles with missing pieces and when you get together the puzzle will be complete. I know this because I'm younger and pure, so I'm more in touch with cosmic forces."
"Wait, puzzles, cosmic forces… Why does that sound familiar?" Sam asks, squinting ahead in thought.
"Dang, full government name. Nice knowing you kid," Sam lets out a low whistle.
They were still about 5 houses back, the front steps to their destination visible up ahead. Nora stood outside their doorway with her arms crossed.
"Get your scrawny butt in here, right now!" Nora points to the door.
"Farewell fellas, it was nice knowin' ya," Benji sends a salute and a wave to the pair as he slowly walks the rest of the way ahead of them.
"Inside, let's go," Nora instructs, "Straight to your room. You'll notice your speakers are no longer in there and the door is left open, keep it that way."
"But mom!"
"Nope, I don't want to hear it right now. Inside, move it."
Benji disappears inside and up the stairs.
"Thank you so much for bringing him home," Nora greets Bucky with a tight hug.
"Hi, I'm Nora," she introduces herself to Sam, "Thank you so much, truly I appreciate it," she pulls Sam into a hug as well.
"Great meeting you, big fan of your kid. Probably not what you want to hear right now though."
"Ha. Yeah, never a dull moment around here. Please come in and join us for dinner. We have some lasagna that's about to come out of the oven. It's the absolute least I can do to thank you both. You can fill me in on what scheme he pulled this time."
"Oh, we wouldn'–"
Sam cuts Bucky off, "We would love to!" He slaps Bucky on the back and then gives him a slight shove forward towards the doorway.
Y/n hears more voices and walks into the living room from the kitchen to join them as they file in through the front door. Following the same steps Nora had done previously, you greet Bucky and Sam with a hug while thanking them.
"Food should be ready in about 10 minutes. You guys wanna grab a seat in the kitchen? I'll grab some drinks. Theo should be here any second, you can fill us in on the latest shenanigan," Nora sighs walking over towards the fridge.
"I need more stories on this kid. Has he always been like this? I'm a little offended he didn't ask me to be his uncle," Sam jokes following Nora into the kitchen.
Bucky looks over at you.
"Hi…" you offer a small wave.
"Hi," he smirks back.
"Should I be worried about what has come out of his mouth this time?"
His smirk stays as he places a quick kiss to your cheek and walks into the kitchen without further comment.
Your eyes widen, "Wait, where are you going?? Bucky! What did he say??"
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The adults all sat at the kitchen table.
Theo arrived home right as Bucky started his explanation of getting a call from the NYPD to collect his nephew.
"I spoke to him quickly before I went to talk to Y/n earlier. I should have known something was up after the 5th Party Rock loop. It just kept going. I assumed he was working on a dance routine or something," Nora looked over to Theo.
"Never trust Party Rock Anthem," Theo shook his head solemnly.
"Party Rock was not in the house tonight," she answers with a deadpan tone.
"Everybody just wants a good time," Theo continues while standing up, "but he's definitely gon' make us lose our minds.."
"We just wanna see you - shake that," Nora points over at him.
"Ev'ry day I'm shuff-shufflin'." Theo dances over to the staircase, "Prisoner number 6-2-4, your gruel is ready!" He shouts up the stairway.
Benji speeds his way down, "Hiya Dad, how was your day? You're looking great today. New shirt?"
"Wow, only butt-kissing level 5? You've done better than that. Let's go, menace." He walks back into the kitchen
"It's wild here and I love it. Hey Buck, we could be brother-husbands! …Misterwives? Co-husbands??" Bucky glares at him, "We can workshop it later," Sam sends him a wink with a nudge.
Nora laughs while your cheeks heat up across from them.
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"Can I show Bucky something upstairs?" Benji asks as everyone cleans up from dinner.
"In your room?" Nora asks, suspicious of more shenanigans.
"Uh, yeah…? Please! It'll be quick."
Benji grabs Bucky's hand and leads him up the stairs.
"This is my room," he points towards the open doorway leading to his room as they walk by, "but this is what I wanted to show you," he opens a door at the end of the hallway that leads to another set of stairs going up to the attic space.
"Ta-daaa!" Benji flips the switch at the top of the stairs, turning on the soft string lights set up around the room. A blanket fort with lights was set up surrounding the large plush sofa, various pillows and piles of soft and fluffy blankets scattered along both the sofa and the floor in front of it. Fake candles and lanterns dotted around the area. A large stack of movies rests on the floor next to an empty bowl labeled "popcorn" and a dusty bottle of wine.
A large projector screen was set up across from the sofa fort with lights also surrounding it, and in the middle was a projector on top of a tripod facing the screen.
"This is our movie hang out room. I made some additions to it. You and Aunt Y/n should have a movie night!" He grins up at the stunned brunette.
"Pal, this is… wow.. This is a really cool setup you have here..."
Two sets of footsteps joining them can be heard, "Benjamin if I come up here and you have Bucky locked up or something, I swear- whoa," you stop short and look around, "What's all this??"
"A movie night for you and Bucky!" Benji bounces up and down, arms out wide.
"What the shiiii-zz," Sam corrects himself in present company, "This is incredible. Now I'm really doubling down on misterwives. Does that popcorn machine over in the corner work??"
After a heavy back and forth debate, Benji somehow convinced Bucky to stay for a movie and Sam to come back another night for the next family movie marathon.
Benji had grabbed Sam's sleeve and tugged him to follow back downstairs.
"Will you sign my Captain America car Bucky got me? What's your favorite kind of car? Do you have a car or do you just use your wings? Can I see redwing next time??"
"Good luck, Sam!" You called down to him.
"Night lovebirds!"
You look over at Bucky, "I'm sorry for self-destructing the other night… I didn't want to overload you. There's been a lot of schemes by an 8 year old going on," you motion around you.
"Well, friend," he gives you a cheeky look, "with how hard Benji has been working on his schemes, your avoidance skills have been understandable. I don't blame you for not wanting to be with some well past his time grump like me that has a questionable history an-"
"That's not what I meant. I just wanted you to have your own choice in all of this. I know how persuasive that little punk can be. I feel bad we've essentially kidnapped you multiple times now."
"Not exactly kidnapping if I've been willingly showing up. I'll let you in on a secret though. When we walked out at the start of that event, I noticed both of you before Benji even walked up to ask his question. Benji was fidgeting, tugging at your sleeve and you- and your hair," he chuckles, tugging at a rogue brightly colored curl, "caught my attention almost immediately. Something was already pulling me to both of you before the schemes even began and I'm honored for whatever crazy reason it brought me here."
You hold your pinky up, "Promise you'll tell us if the crazy gets to be too much?"
He hooks his pinky around yours and tugs you in, his lips brushing against yours. You eagerly return his kiss, pushing up on your toes slightly to better reach.
Bucky pulls back and smirks, "Do your worst."
"Don't let him hear you say that," you laugh pulling him back in.
You both moved to the sofa as you looked over the stack of movies Benji set aside, "Of course…such a punk."
"What?" Bucky asks, trying to see the titles you were looking at.
"I really should have seen this one coming. There seems to be a theme going on here with his selections for us," you turn the stack towards him.
The Princess Bride,
Arsenic and Old Lace,
The Wedding Singer,
Corpse Bride,
My Big Fat Greek Wedding,
The Proposal,
Just Married,
The Wedding Planner,
27 Dresses,
Bride of Chucky,
and Shrek.
"Arsenic and Old Lace? Is this a wedding movie too?"
"Kind of? It starts with a couple from Brooklyn eloping at city hall. Mostly it's about two older aunts poisoning men and shoving them in their window seat…Fun times. The back says it's from 1944, have you heard of it?"
He shakes his head, "I shipped out in '43."
"Right. Well, one of my favorite lines from it is highly relatable. He goes I probably should have told you this before, but insanity runs in my family…it practically gallops. I should print that on a custom welcome mat for our front door," you laugh.
He holds up Shrek next, "and this one with the green guy…?"
"I actually think you'll enjoy the friendship between Shrek and Donkey in that one. Their banter reminds me of another pair you may know," you give him a side eye glance.
"He's friends with a donkey? What is the green guy supposed to be? He doesn't marry the donkey, right?"
"Yup, we're watching this one. Pass the popcorn bowl, pleease. I'll go fill it." You grin as you kiss his cheek.
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(😉🧩❤️ did you catch the reference? ☝️)
If you have any diabolical ideas, my asks are open. If it sparks an idea you just might get lucky to see more 😏
Thanks again for your submission @kilikina34512 🥰
"I’m so in love already with Benji! I could see this boy somehow getting lost at the park and telling a police officer, “Can you call my Uncle instead of my mom? He’s the Winter Soldier!” and having Bucky come get him just to keep from getting in trouble with his mom! 😂"
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Next: Part 5 Meddlingpunkitis
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Star Wars Omegaverse Recs
Here's a couple solid omegaverse fics. This list is shorter than most of the ones I write but Meh.
Stars are for my favorites.
⭐ The Rain Fell Already by @loosingmoreletters: variation on Jedi Indentured AU containing omegaverse. Xanatos is omega Qui-Gon's bio kid but nothing changes, depressing but poignant
House Call by @elthadriel: two idiots knot while on medication that requires no knotting because it can get stuck for literal hours. Kix has to help and he is very annoyed about it
Status Quo by @captainkirkk: (G-rated) Anakin responds to Obi-Wan in a "you are my dad" way and the clones are surprised pikachu about it
⭐ Temporary Like Achilles by @intermundia: standard-ish fuck-or-die scenario where both sides are like "I can't take advantage of you/I just took advantage of you" because of course they are. (This author has a lot of solid Obikin, but they have me blocked (no I don't know why) so I can't tag them.)
⭐ He Said Yes by @threebea: (G-rated) B!Quinlan and O!Obi-Wan get mated for Obi-Wan's safety, the nature of their relationship is unclear to basically everyone (romantic? qp? other? unclear)
venus flytrap by IntoThineHands: Sith!Obi, role reversal of trope standard (omega deliberately takes advantage of an alpha)
Bite of Caramel by @thewriterowl: A!Jango needs a date to the family reunion, asks O!Obi-Wan to accompany him
⭐ good things in threes by @galateagalvanized: Codywan accidental pregnancy after O!Obi-Wan's implant gets nullified by an overpowered EMP (along with Cody's brain chip)
all my roads lead back to you by @tennessoui: idiots to lovers comedy (modern au, Obi-Wan got pregnant in a one-night stand across the country with a bartender who kind of looked like Anakin, because he's in love with his roommate but can't come clean and so hooks up with guys who look like him, and Anakin is in love with Obi-Wan enough that he's decided to be the Dad Who Stepped Up to this kid because anything Obi-Wan makes is part of Obi-Wan and obviously deserving of adoration)
The Theory of Letting Go by @ifonlyweknewwhatiwasdoing: never a Jedi!Anakin, Padme dead of uterine rupture, Obi-Wan hormonally addled and insistent on taking care of the twins like they're his own
The Swan Serenade by @shatouto: heavily AU, Mando!Anakin and Jedi-but-more-like-real-world-monks!Obi. (Has the most adorable art in the end of chapter notes, btw)
For Safekeeping by @glimmerglanger: Sith O!Obi-Wan feels safe because of the army of clones, which is the first time he's felt safe enough to have a heat, ends up fucked by his army of betas
when the snow falls we will wrap ourselves in furs by @hornet394: the fic I reread that had me going "I want Rex with O!Anakin but being in character" because this is one of the few omegaverse Rexwalkers that hits that button for me (though it's technically Anakin/501st poly stuff)
⭐ Find a little stranger by @obimanletkenobi: Villain!Obidala, both alphas, find Anakin at an omega auction, decide to ask him to play surrogate for their child since they can't do it themselves (with the offer to drop him off on a random planet with a wiped memory and enough cash to start a new life as a free man if he doesn't want to get pregnant), followed by smut
Belonging by IronCannon: this is the OTHER solid omegaverse Rexwalker
⭐ Conceal Me by @himboskywalker: longfic that is VERY good imo and builds the tension incredibly. Anakin is an omega pretending to be an alpha (literally the only people alive that know he's omega are his mother and the midwife). Senator Obi-Wan is an alpha pretending to be a beta (for weird reasons relating to his parents being kind of insane). They get married for politics, suggested by Palpatine because he found out about Obi-Wan being an alpha but not about Anakin, and decided a forced alpha/alpha marriage was going to self-destruct and help destabilize the Republic further.
Both by @obimanletkenobi: Anakin is the omegaverse equivalent of intersex and this explores the ways he's fetishized and discriminated against by the culture around him.
Peachy the Series by @the-writing-mill: IDK what to say, if you want 15k of O!Obi-Wan getting absolutely railed by two alphas, this is the fic for you
⭐ Packed Together Like Test Tubes also by @the-writing-mill: Jangobi, forced on both sides. Neither of them wants to mate, but the Kaminoans are forcing the issue with synthetic pheromones. It takes several weeks to get to that point and they are both fighting it with every ounce of willpower they have.
⭐ [Only] Think of Me by @inferior-fairy: Empress Amidala and Emperor Kenobi need Anakin to not go off the rails again, but they need a reason for him to want to stay because they love him too much to force the issue (and make him hate them) with chains or the like. So they give him Babies.
⭐ unfortunately it seems I have written more by @gaily-daily: Look at me. LOOK at me. This is fucked up and ugly and horrible and awful and messy and triggering and so incredibly well written as a dawning horror situation. Dead Dove at its finest. It is incredibly good as a story, but it is also really bad, and you need to go in accepting that. Without details, it's messy/triggering in the GoT sense.
⭐ terribly inconvenient and incredibly terrific by @tennessoui: A classic "Anakin wants to do something he is in no way qualified for and then suffers the consequences for his idiocy" plot, very fun.
I can fill those places in your heart no else can by @pontah: modern au post-breakup revenge sex I guess???
Ba’jurir by @mockingjay34: Rex/Fives, explores the intersection of anti-clone bigotry and anti-omega sexism.
Out in the Corner of the Dark with You by kazmir: a 5+1 fic about Anakin giving Obi-Wan a bunch of soft things as courting gifts
instincts by amidnightlove: just some fun and funky 'cycles make people go a little feral' stuff
EDIT: I missed a bunch so there's a Part Two!
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gffa · 1 year
I’ve been playing GENSHIN IMPACT for over a year now and reading a bit of fic here and there, mostly of the Tartali and Zhongli&Venti variety, but then Sumeru hit and oh hey Alhaitham is an amazing unit in a quickbloom team and then Kaveh hurricaned his way into my heart and oh no suddenly I was in love and absolutely tearing my way through every bit of Haikaveh I could get my hands on because christ there’s no way Hoyoverse isn’t writing them that way on purpose. I mean, I’m already a sucker for Old Married Couple type bickering, but then you give me the undercurrent of how much they genuinely mean to each other? How much Alhaitham is genuinely caring about how self-destructive Kaveh is? How Kaveh just absolutely will not shut up about Alhaitham, even the other characters are like “You talk about him so much that it’s like he’s been here with us all night.”? Yeah, of course I fell in love. So, here, cry about a gacha game having beautifully designed characters with just the right types of personality and funny banter that know how to knock me the fuck out with both delight and genuine feelings about idiots in love. Or just old elemental grandpas who annoy the shit out of each other because they’re both several millennia old and nobody else understands their weird friendship. I’m having a great time and I’m going to make that everyone else’s problem. GENSHIN IMPACT - CHILDE IS 10000% CASUALLY UNHINGED OF COURSE HE WANTS TO NOT JUST FIGHT A GOD, HE WANTS TO FUCK A GOD: ✦ Set in Stone by seredemia, childe/zhongli & childe’s family, 115.4k wip      What do you do when you write about a certain six thousand year old consultant so much in your letters that it somehow convinces your entire family you’re not only dating each other, but that you’re also engaged? In Childe’s case, the answer is plain and simple: he goes along with it, of course. Absolutely nothing can go wrong if he makes a contract with the God of Contracts, vowing that the two of them will pretend to be lovers for the duration of his family’s stay in Liyue. Afterwards, they’ll return as normal and speak no more of this mess. No feelings or complications involved whatsoever. ✦ the wind through the mountain tops by glassdrachma, childe/zhongli & venti, 25.5k      Boredom brings Barbatos of Mondstadt to bother a certain ex-Archon of the Earth. ✦ my faceless self, alone by recursion, childe/zhongli & guizhong, 7.2k      There is one lone glaze lily left, shining brilliant blue in the depths of Dihua Marsh. Zhongli kneels over it as Xiao looks on. “The contract is fulfilled,” he whispers. He takes his mask off with trembling fingers and sets it aside. The blood that stains it seeps into the ground, turning it rust-red. “That which thou seeketh is now bestowed unto thee, for my promise is solid as stone.” (Zhongli, in the before and after.) ✦ more espresso, less depresso by birdsofpassage, childe/zhongli & ningguang & xingqiu & chongyun, coffeeshop au, 5.3k      There’s a quaint little coffee shop that catches Childe’s eye as soon as soon as he arrives into town. The man that works inside is more exhilarating than any drink Childe has ever tasted. ✦ passing afternoon by bearbearer, childe/zhongli, NSFW, 1.3k      Zhongli just came, really. He just broke into his office with a white loose robe hanging from his shoulders, skin exposed like a gift, and two glasses of fine wine in his hands. There was a smile on his lovely red lips, while they moved around cloying words. “Are you amenable for a rest?” And everything was warm as he approached, because how could Zhongli not— He wouldn’t have a rest at all. ✦ the consultant’s kidnapping by glassdrachma, childe/zhongli & hu tao & cloud retainer & xiao & ganyu & keqing & cast, 19.2k      The Traveller isn’t able to stop Cloud Retainer from seeking revenge on Liyue Harbor. Zhongli is, however. Sort of. ✦ if i choose not to see it, it does not exist by inareese, childe/zhongli, 5.1k      Zhongli might as well have just straight up told Childe. He absolutely refuses to think too hard about it. or Tartaglia’s accidental guide to why Zhongli is most definitely a hundred percent not Rex Lapis. There is nothing suspicious to see here. ✦ A New Mission by Kuranoa, childe/zhongli, NSFW, 2.8k      “Sensei, have you ever bedded anyone?” Childe asks, chin resting on his hand while he observes the flawlessly elegant way Zhongli drinks from his teacup. “I have not.” The Archon answers just as frankly, not even batting a lash. “Would you like to?” ✦ Trial And Success by woahiohioh, childe/zhongli, NSFW, read the tags, 6.7k      Or: Childe asks Zhongli if he can tie him up and they both discover they’re into some things they didn’t know about beforehand. ✦ C.P.R. by silverid, childe/zhongli, NSFW, read the tags, 3.3k      It’s something straight out of Childe’s fantasies. “Don’t worry, xiansheng.” he chokes out. “I’ll show you.” Zhongli’s eyes go half-lidded. “Well then. Direct me.” GENSHIN IMPACT - LET ROCK GRANDPA’S FRIENDS BULLY HIM IT’LL BE SO FUNNY: ✦ rex lapis is totally undeniably dead! by arataka, zhongli & hu tao, 1.7k      when zhongli comes into her office and tells her, “rex lapis is dead” paired with the most serious face she’s ever seen him wear, hu tao laughs at him. GENSHIN IMPACT - YOU EVER LOVE SOMEONE SO MUCH YOU WANT TO PUNCH THEM IN THE FACE? YEAH THAT’S HAIKAVEH: ✦ handle with care by smallghosts, alhaitham/kaveh, 2.4k      Kaveh may be a thorn in Alhaitham’s side, but he’s his favorite one. ✦ Slip of the Tongue by LONEMOON, alhaitham/kaveh & cyno, NSFW, 9.6k      Kaveh is inflicted by a curse that makes him only able to tell the truth. For someone who’s fairly honest and wears his heart on his sleeve, this shouldn’t be a big deal, right? Unfortunately, he has some feelings he’d like to keep hidden… ✦ theory and practice by alcyonenight, alhaitham/kaveh, 3.9k      Kaveh falls ill. Alhaitham works through some things. ✦ too many nights by effervescentskies, alhaitham/kaveh, 4.8k      Kaveh keeps coming back home drunk in the middle of the night. Alhaitham is not pleased. ✦ itni khafa nahin by solarclimes, alhaitham/kaveh, 2.4k      Rtawahist scholars have a curious theory about parallel worlds, where the stars of a person’s constellation are weaved in slightly different ways, creating an infinite number of universes where they make different choices, lead different lives. He had told Al-Haitham about it once, who had declared it outlandish and based on pure conjecture, but Kaveh had found the idea interesting. Perhaps, then, there exists a world, where Kaveh’s life isn’t so at odds with him. Where Kaveh can reach out in this moment and pull Al-Haitham into his arms. ✦ inertia by smallghosts, alhaitham/kaveh, 3.6k      A drunken confession is all it takes to set the inertia of their non-relationship into motion. ✦ Opposites Attract by LavastormSW, alhaitham/kaveh, NSFW, 3k      Alhaitham returns home after a long day commentating on and wrapping up the Akademiya Extravaganza, only to find Kaveh waiting for him… ✦ truck, barter, and trade by Seungshi03, alhaitham/kaveh & wanderer & nahida, 13.3k      Or: Al-Haitham is, without a doubt, the most annoying person Kaveh knows. Maybe the world’s second-most annoying person can help Kaveh figure him out. ✦ I’ll keep your brittle heart warm by clouds_hide, alhaitham/kaveh & nilou & traveler, 3.2k      Or: The Inter-Darshan Championship brings out the problems they don’t talk about. They really need to talk. ✦ i’ve been loving you for quite some time, time, time by creativedisaster, alhaitham/haikaveh, NSFW, 4.7k      After spending the week talking about his plans to move out, Kaveh’s not entirely sure he can face dealing with Alhaitham now he’s staying. But the bad thing about living together - he has to go home sometime. - OR - Alhaitham has some truth for Kaveh that he might not be ready for. ✦ knocking is a wonderous invention by dearwormwood, alhaitham/kaveh & cyno/tighnari, 2.8k      Four times Tighnari and Cyno think they walk in on Alhaitham and Kaveh in compromising positions, and one time they actually do. ✦ sunbird by caniculeo, alhaitham/kaveh & cyno & tighnari & nilou & kaveh’s mother & cast, 19.1k      This is how Kaveh grows up—well-loved and loving, with a pencil in his hand and starlight in his eyes. This is how he grows up, until his father leaves for the desert one day, and never comes back. ✦ you put the ‘fun’ into dysfunction by emigmatic, alhaitham/kaveh, NSFW, 3.7k      His dream was not a dream. It was real. “Oh.” “Is that all you have to say? Oh?” Kaveh presses, but he relents after studying his junior for a moment. His eyebrows draw together and a slight frown takes up residence on his face. “You…why do you look so surprised that I want to talk about how we just had sex?” ✦ diesel is desire (you were playing with fire) by clouds_hide, alhaitham/kaveh & cyno, NSFW, 6.7k      Kaveh on his back, his blonde hair splayed across the white sheets, his entire chest flushed from arousal, is the most beautiful sight in the world. Even if Alhaitham lives through a thousand samsaras, he will never forget this. ✦ modus vivendi by katraa, alhaitham/kaveh, NSFW, 3.5k      Kaveh has a sprained wrist, his roommate is insufferable, and said roommate knows how to take someone’s mind off the pain. Or, they finally stop dancing around the subject and bang. ✦ That’s The Way I Loved You by rewmariewrites, alhaitham/kaveh & cyno & tighnari & cast, NSFW, 16.9k      Tighnari rolls his eyes and turns back to Kaveh. “You didn’t answer my question,” Tighnari says, like he thinks Kaveh is an idiot. Kaveh rolls his eyes right back. “No, we’re not dating.” ✦ argumentative, antithetical dream girl by clouds_hide, alhaitham/kaveh & cyno & tighnari, NSFW, 6.8k      Or: Kaveh attempts to have no-strings-attached sex with his roommate. There are so many strings attached, he might as well be a marionette. GENSHIN IMPACT - THAT ONE SCENE OF VENTI BEING AN ANNOYING BASTARD AT XIAO WAS ENOUGH TO CONVERT ME TO SHIPPING THEM: ✦ carried by the wind by underfallingflowerpetals, venti/xiao, 1.7k      Or: Xiao isn’t used to being taken care of, but Venti is nothing if not persistent.
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Not Again
Past -.- Next
Author's note: Hura is So Normal TM.
Summary: Hura is so Normal about his brother almost dying.
Warnings:... Unhealthy coping mechanisums, Death Guard TM, Let me know if I need to add anything.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams
Tagged: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k
Hura had been hissing orders at Darsas as he swam away from the budding Blight Garden, sending messages and barking orders at their brothers to get the proper sacrifices to the Blight Garden's heart, the Rot Rose while he was using his abilities as an Apothecary and Focusing on Grandfathers Blessings to keep Darsas from fading. With the help of a couple more Apothecary brothers they are able to stabilize Darsas and keeping him from rejoining Grandfather the hard way.
Once everything is done, and the crisis is over, his other brother Apothecaries he has sent out in force to go make sure no one else has done something so impressive and stupid without the proper supervision while he monitors Darsas keeps a tight hold on the other's hand as he leans into one of his oldest brothers and keeps his eyes closed as he monitor's the other's breathing with his ears as he pretends not to feel the tears falling from his eyes and floating in the water. As an Apothecary, he'd gotten a hard job, and duties of care to keep his brothers living as best as he can.
He hadn't cared much about politics, or if they are loyalist, renegade or Chaos. Having suffered the way the rest of the Death Guard had when Typhus had led them into a trap and they had not-died and suffered torturously at the hands of Grandfather's servants until they realized the truth that they had been blind to and had chosen to accept Grandfather's gifts rather than rejecting them.
It had taken the Apothecary brothers of the Death Guard the longest to accept, to not be stubborn and to see and understand the truth that Grandfather offered, his mercy. His kindness. Hura has to relax the grip that he has on Darsas, not realizing that he'd gripped the other so tight that it had almost broken the other's hand. He takes in a couple of shake breaths. He should be out there trying to hunt down more well-meaning, but idiotic brothers and cousins, but- but he wants to, needs to make sure that Darsas will live, that he will survive this...
Foolish and impressive gesture. Part of him had been tempted to... send an 'accidental' message to one of the Loyalist about the garden in a fit of madness. He hadn't. If the loyalist didn't know about the budding blight garden, then that's on them for being blind idiots. If they knew about it... Of course, if Hura is at the garden, he will protect it from Loyalist predations, but if he isn't there. It would be such a tragic pity that it was destroyed by their over-zealousness.
He also needs to figure out how to make sure Darsas doesn't do something like this on his own ever again. He has some ideas, and is going to be speaking with some of their other brothers, particularly the officer types. They and the battle brothers need to notice when their fellow brothers and cousins are withdrawing sooner and to warn and/or flag down an Apothecary much sooner, while he'd just barely, managed to save Darsas, who's to say that something like this might not happen again?
Or that someone else isn't doing something equally self-destructive that they don't know about, but others are seeing the signs of but haven't spoken up for some Grandfather- forsaken reason. He's going to bludgeon ignorance out of some fools with knowledge until their ears bleed from the knowledge he imparts on them. When Darsas wakes up, not if, he's going to make sure that he knows that he is well loved and go over the details and reminders and the rules about the sort of working that he was doing and how he should not do such a thing alone, and should always, always check in with Hura, or one of the other Apothecary brothers and have, at least two other Rot-weavers as part of such an undertaking.
While he does occasionally watch his lovely human through the Pearl, which sooths something in his hearts. He's not going to leave his brother's side until the other is fully well and the idiots that Darsas has surrounded himself with are properly educated in the proper care of their more Psyker-sensitive brothers.
If they let someone die, or die themselves from something preventable, or at least something that could be managed, or manageable with a larger grouping of brothers and cousins his reaction is going to be entirely proportional and understandable. And no he hadn't been tempted to take a heavy flamer and torch that fucking heart and slay those insolent Nurglings that had tried to have his brother killed for their own amusement.
Normally he adored Nurglings, little ones, delightful in their mischief, but he could be quite stern and firm if they pulled even a fraction of what they had pulled with Darsas. He hadn't killed the Nurglings, but that was only just- he had his brother to care for, rather than the temporary death of something that would come back again, and remember his actions against them. Despite how well deserved it had been. He closed his eyes and took in a couple of deep breaths as he closed his wings. As all Death Guard given the Blessings of Nurgle, he had Chaso Mutations. He was fused to his armor, like almost all Chaos Marines are, as well as has Moth wings that he can use to fly or swim, usually he kept them folded and hidden in his armor.
He liked that his claws are flexible and retractable, also has one of Grandfather's blessed sicknesses that he could use on others as he wills it to be. He also has horns, as nearly all Chaos marines do in one form or another. He has a pair of horns that curl and twist near his ears that curl and twist back. He's got multiple sets of eyes that curl up his horns. Which is useful as he a larger field of vision and can see more that way.
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wisteria-beach · 10 months
uhhhm maybe some headcanons on damon (or stefan idc tbh i’d love both) falling in love with mikaelson reader 😭 also hi i live ur new blog it’s prettyyyy
thank you sm love! Im so happy to see you here :)
I looove this idea!!!
Damon is way more dramatic than he lets on (I mean the fact he promises Stefan an eternity of misery is proof enough of this) he definitely sees the world as out to get him
So when he falls in love with a Mikaelson? He just knows this is fates next cruel joke
You meet when Klaus is pretty much enemy number one and while there’s immediate tension you both know nothing can happen
But Damon can’t help himself, he’s always looked towards danger instead of away from it and he finds himself being more and more intrigued by you with every spat you have. He’s drawn to you in confrontations with the Mikaelson’s because verbally sparring with you is the highlight of his day
When the family eventually makes up with everyone and they form a tentative friendship Klaus approaches Damon and informs him that if he breaks his sisters heart he’ll make sure to rip his clean out
That’s the first time that Damon gets even an inkling that you’re attracted to him too
He knows it’s a bad idea to pursue you, you have dangerous family connections and he’s seen what happened to Stefan after he broke Rebekah’s heart
But he’s Damon Salvatore and he can’t help but run towards all bad ideas
The next time you run into each other it of course begins with arguments and ends with you in his bed releasing some of that sexual tension that’s been obvious between you two since day one
What Damon doesn’t expect is to fall in love with you and that’s when he starts to think fate really does have it out for him
Somewhere Inbetween the partying and sex and “no strings” fun he’d gotten to know you and he’d found a person unlike anyone he’d known before
A kindred spirit of sorts who understands the torment of being a vampire whilst also revelling in the fun of it
He’s completely whipped but too self destructive to do anything about it because he knows if you don’t feel the same it would kill him a thousand times more than Katherine’s betrayal did.
In the end it’s the most unlikely duo that gets you and Damon together. Klaus and Stefan teaming up for a 20s esque adventure to get you two to stop being idiots and admit your feelings.
When you finally do your love is naturally “more epic than Stefan and Elena’s” as Damon puts it
Damon can’t believe he fell in love with a Mikealson but you joke that he’s unstable and unpredictable enough to fit right in.
You might be a couple of centuries older than him but Damon asserts that he’s been waiting for you forever
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(this post assumes that Kazui is gay, or some flavor of LGBTQ)
The thing is, I think Kazui's depiction of himself in Cat as a monstrous murderer is exaggerated by his self-loathing, but I also think it was probably a very abrasive conversation when he came out to Hinako. (tbh I actually kind of think he didn't intend to come out to her, and it just kinda happened in the heat of the moment*? But I don't have concrete evidence of this theory beyond his inability to talk about what's going on with him without several layers of indirect inferences + begging Es to claw past his lies/free him from them, and his overwhelming shame at the immutable truth about himself that he's hiding.)
*That said, his distorted line for T1 is "I'm such an idiot, why did I have to dream?" so that could imply he told the truth (dreamed of being accepted as his true self?) of his own volition
I interpreted the sequence of events in his MVs as him asking for a divorce without actually telling her why, which leads to her trying to save their marriage:
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Coupled with the lyrics in half, I think at this point Hinako doesn't know Kazui's truth, so she's trying to comfort him without knowing what the underlying issue is. She is depicted as supportive in half, so I think she might be saying stuff like "tell me what's bothering you honey; we can fix this together as husband and wife, I'll always love you" without knowing that it's actually NOT something that could be 'fixed' despite Kazui's efforts all these years. The apple (a symbol of Kazui being someone/wanting something "outside of the norm"**) is in the spotlight because it's the looming specter in this conversation that Kazui cannot escape from—he's asking for a divorce because he's a green apple (or desires a green apple) instead of a red apple; it's the underlying cause of why they're having this conversation in the first place, even if Hinako isn't aware of it yet.
**while green apples certainly exist, most people think of red apples as the default
If Hinako tried to console her husband without understanding the root of his turmoil, imo it's not unlikely that she might've inadvertently said something that set Kazui off. She either said something that he perceived as naively optimistic/innocently cruel in her attempts at consolation (e.g. "whatever it is, we can fix it together as loving husband and wife"), or something that made him feel even guiltier (e.g. "I'm not doing enough to share your burdens, I'm sorry" or "I'll always love you")—most likely both. At this point Kazui had been lying for the vast majority of his life; he is excruciatingly aware that he cannot change his nature, even though he's ashamed of it and desperately wished he could change and "be normal". The fact that he's asking for a divorce now despite the aforementioned factors means he's been pushed to a point that he cannot abide by maintaining the lie anymore. So Hinako's empty reassurances would be aggravating, because it's something Kazui already KNOWS he cannot change, and they cannot overcome his sexuality (that he already hates himself for) "as husband and wife."
Hence lashing out, both to be self-destructive (he's so torn up about being "not normal" that he hates himself for it and feels like he's a villain) and also to express his frustration at the situation/at her. "Oh, you said you'll always love me no matter what? Well guess what, I never actually loved you! You said we can 'fix' this as 'husband and wife'? I tried to 'fix' myself for YEARS and I still can't make myself love you; in fact, I'm in so much pain being in this farce of a marriage and playing the role of a Good Husband for you that I need to leave. I am not attracted to you—never had been, never will be—so spare me the empty platitudes of us 'overcoming this as a couple' when you don't know ANYTHING about how I feel" etc.
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The combined shock of 1) the ideal husband she loves had been lying the entire time during their courtship and marriage, 2) the ideal husband she loves seemingly*** being so hurt by her love and so contemptuously dismissive of the life they have together, and 3) that she's oblivious to all of this even though she thought she knew him better than anyone would've been devastating. And they might very well have been drinking (in celebration???) before this conversation, since they had the same clothes they wore in the champagne scene (though I think it's also possible that these are just their 'default' domestic clothing). If they had been drinking and/or celebrating beforehand, it's plausible that impulsive decisions that would've never been made sober were acted upon—Hinako might not have committed suicide**** (i think it was very spontaneous/not premeditated), and maybe Kazui wouldn't have came out (or would've been more in control of his emotions and/or circumstances when doing so).
***only seemingly, because we do see that he cares about her, just not as a romantic partner
****heavily implied that's how she died, though there is speculation that it was an accident, or that Kazui had pushed her (I personally don't find the pushing theory convincing/plausible with the evidence we have so far)
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anyway. brb crying about the mukuharas forever.
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 3 months
My Guardian Angel ~Broken!Rita Calhoun xFem Younger!Investigator!Reader (Liz Donnelly x Alex Cabot) feat. Rafael Barba & Olivia Benson
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Summary— AU where Rita has an abusive husband, and one night, after he storms out, Rita calls Reader. Reader brings Rita to the person who helped her with her own haunted past, Elizabeth Donnelly. Alex, Barba, and Liv makes appearances. What does the night have in store for Rita and Reader…?
Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: angst, a little fluff, dead dove: do not eat, implied abuse, implied sexual assault, implied abusive husband, comforting, crying, alcohol consumption, anxiety attacks, a little self destructive behavior, mentions to prostitution, SVU things, Elizabeth Donnelly, Alex Cabot, Rafael Barba, Olivia Benson, Liz and Alex are a bit of a power couple, gray ending, etc.
Enjoy (;
You didn’t know Rita Calhoun well. At least not originally. From the moment you did meet, you both couldn’t deny the connection between the two of you. You had always lived in coinciding worlds, she was a New York defense attorney, and you were an investigator for 1PP, occasionally lended out to SVU.
Originally, she was the lawyer whom you had hired for your idiot of a brother when he had been caught and charged with soliciting a prostitute. You had met with the high class woman on a couple of occasions, to discuss your brothers bail, probation, trial, payment, and anything else pertaining to his case.
You saw yourself intrigued by her elegant manner, high end fashion, and confidence. Soon you saw yourself get hooked to the tiny smiles and chuckles you managed to pull from her when in private. You found yourself fighting to make the woman laugh as much as you could, her laugh always seemed to make your day. And during the trial, your eyes were on her the entire time. You lived off those days outfits that Rita would strut into court in.
So when you checked your phone late Friday night, the last thing you expected to see what a very many handfuls of missed calls from Rita Calhoun. You saw that she had left a voicemail in the last call, so you pressed play.
“Heyyyy Y/N… S-sorry to be bothering you so I know it’s^^late… I… I just… I don’t know what to do, call me back k bye”
It was Rita alright, but something was very wrong. She had been stammering and hiccuping throughout the entire voicemail, and had broken into sobs by the end. She sounded like she’d been crying and drinking for far too long… Her sounds triggered memories of your own life, memories that you had gone to great lengths to bury.
You immediately called the woman back. The dial rang for a couple tones, then it shut off. You hit call again. The second time, she picked up. You heard a sniffle and then a choke sob.
“H-hey…” she practically whispered.
“Rita, Hi, is everything alright?”
“I…” She stammered, before the call went silent.
“Rita?” You asked, your concern growing.
“N-no” She whispered, then letting out another choked sob.
You took a deep breath and your instincts kicked in once more. You got Rita to give you her address and told her that you would be over as soon as possible. That night you broke the made the most traffic violations in your entire life.
You entered the house, the front door having been unlocked which was mildly concerning to you. You walked through the lavish, lofty apartment, until you found Rita curled up facing away from you in the living room on the floor with a full bottle of wine in her hand. Your heart sank and a lump came into your throat. You hated how normal and used to this sight you were. Because not too long ago, this had been you…
You dropped to the floor, immediately going to comfort the woman. You carefully removed the alcohol, setting it aside. Rita let out a choke sob, immediately curling up into your lap. As she turned to face you, you saw the massive black eye that she had. Your eyes scanned her entire body, finding more red, raw skin marks along her arms and some blue bruising on her neck. Your heart nearly broke as Rita sobbed into your lap.
“I—im s-sorry… I didn’t-didn’t know who t-to call…! It’s it’s stupid, nothing really—” Rita choked out, muffled as she cried into your chest.
You knew this behavior. You knew it all too well.
“Hey hey, it’s okay. I’m here Rita… It’s all going to be okay. Can I touch you, honey…? Would that be alright…?” You very gently asked the woman, coming a little closer to her, trying to show that you were no threat.
Rita nodded as her cries were muffled by her face being in the crook of your neck. She clung onto you like her life depended on it.
“Ok, good… you are doing so good for me, Rita. Take some deep breaths for me? Can you try to do that?” You comforted the woman, bringing your hands around to hold the woman in your lap.
You could hear Rita trying to take some deep breaths as she nodded, although her hiccups made it more difficult.
“Good, very good, Rita.” You praised, then bringing your hands to cup the woman’s cheeks and direct her scattered gaze to you.
“Now Rita this is important… I need you to come back to me and think, okay?”
A slow nod.
“Is he going to come back anytime soon…?” You softly asked.
Rita’s eyes widened and she began to panic at your question. Your hold on the woman only tightened and you insisted on her answer.
“I know you don’t want to think about it, but I need to know if you’re safe staying here Rita.” You explained firmly yet lovingly.
Rita took some more deep breaths before stammering,
“I… he he’s gone out… drinking…” she gulped, “Be back late…”
Her eyes were red and glossy, and they only panicked more at the idea of her husband returning. You rubbed her back and caressed her check in comfort.
“Ok. We need to get you to a hospital, Rita…” you gently said, knowing the possible outlast that your words might cause.
Rita practically jumped out of your lap and was quick to stand up and start pacing in the living room. Her fingers were red and raw and fidgeting. Her gaze scattered everywhere. You slowly stood up and tried to corner the woman into your embrace.
“No no no hospitals… hospitals means cops and that means court and no no—” Rita rambled, her thoughts spiraling more and more.
You grabbed the woman’s hands, clasping them in your own to ground the woman. Her sobbing gaze finally met yours once more.
“Okay. That’s okay. Rita, listen to me, is there anywhere you can go to stay for the time being…?” You softly asked.
Rita’s lip began to tremble and her knees buckled, her body falling into yours. Luckily, you managed to gently catch and carry the weight of the woman while she regained partial strength.
“N-not RAF—Rafael… he can’t know, no no no one…” Rita choked out in gasps.
When she wasn’t able to come up with any other options, your mind went to the person who had helped you.
“Okay okay, that’s okay, Rita. How about Elizabeth? You know Judge Donnelly? She’s a close friend and I know she can help…” you spoke with understanding and reassurance.
Rita looked up to you from collapsing in your arms and nodded slowly. But her eyes told you that she had sunken too far into her thoughts, that you would have to start making the decisions in her best interest until she came back to you.
You gently placed Rita back on the couch, quickly going to the kitchen to grab her a water, while you then ran around the place, trying to pack her a weekend back. After about 15 minutes, you had the bag in hand and you were leading the woman out of the house and into a cab. The entire cab ride, Rita was snuffling and silently sobbing in your shoulder.
Once you reached Liz’s brownstone, you violently knocked on the door, Rita protected being you and holding your hand. The door flew open but it wasn’t Liz, it was a blonde. Your eyes went wide and you gulped, suddenly regretting not having double checked with Liz beforehand.
“You’re Y/N, right…? I’m Alex.” The tall blonde spoke slowly yet confidently.
“Yes, um is Liz home?” You said, quickly getting to the point while trying to hide Rita behind you to the best of your ability.
But Liz had told you about Alex, she was sharp, didn’t miss a thing.
“Yea, she’s in the kitchen… Is that Calhoun…?” Alex hummed, leaning against the doorway.
You took a deep breath and brought Rita to stand next to you. Alex’s jaw dropped and she took a step back in shock.
“I just… we needed a safe place to go for the night and Liz always said her door was always open and I’m sorry if we intruded, I just can’t handle this, I mean I know Liz can handle it, and so I thought—” you rambled.
Before you could say another word, the blonde was pulling you and Rita into the brownstone, closing the door behind her and marching straight up to Liz in the kitchen.
“Is that our take-out, bunny…?” Liz hummed, while sipping some wine before her gaze met yours and then Rita’s disheveled state.
“Oh my god.” Liz immediately put her glass doing and rushed over to Rita, her hands wandering all over the woman, her gaze scouring the woman’s injuries, “Rita, Darling, what happened…??”
Rita’s lip trembled before more violent sobs came out. No coherent words were possible for the woman at this point, all she could do was embrace Liz and sob into her chest. Liz happily consoled the poor woman before her gaze meet yours along with the go bag.
“I’m sorry…” you mouthed, referring to breaking up her and Alex’s obvious night together.
“Hush now, you did the right thing, take Rita’s things to the first bedroom on the second floor.” Liz told you, waving off your unneeded apology.
You immediately nodded and went to go up the stairs. Then Luz turned to Alex.
“Go run a bath, warm not too hot.” Liz spoke firmly.
Alex was off to the master bathroom after a quick nod. When you both returned, you found Rita clung around Liz like a Koala, clinging on for dear life and continuing to sob in her chest. The sight brought flashbacks of the night you had stumbled up on Liz’s doorstep, in an eerily same condition as Rita…
Liz soothed Rita while guiding her to the master bathroom. The older blonde sent you a comforting gaze with a nod, telling you that she had it. You placed a hand on your heart and took a shattered breath, nodding slowly.
It was then that you noticed Alex coming up beside you. You turned your head to her slightly.
“I… I just didn’t know where else to go… I’m sorry if I ruined your night…” you breathed out.
Alex brought a hand to your shoulder and reassuringly squeezed your skin lightly. Her eyes twinkled with sympathy and care.
“Hey, it’s okay. You made the right call. And hey, I’m glad to finally meet you.” Alex sighed, “Can I get you anything…?”
You nodded and then sighed yourself.
“Tea maybe…? Or fuck some scotch now that I think about it…”
A deep chuckle reverberated throughout Alex’s chest as she nodded in agreement, going to the kitchen and pulling a bottle out of the liquor cabinet. She poured two glasses and handed you one of them.
“Thanks” you muttered.
Alex hummed an of course in response, before going to sit down in the classy living room. You sat across from her, sipping your scotch lightly. The blonde looked you dead in the eye, as she sighed.
“Liz told me a bit about you and that night.”
You gulped and struggled to maintain the intense eye contact. You knew that Liz and Alex were close, really close, however it still was hard to reconcile another person knowing something so vulnerable about you. But if Liz trusted Alex with it, so did you.
“Yea… I was and am still so grateful to Lizzie for all that she did for me…” you confessed.
“Lizzie…?” Alex chuckled dryly with a cock of an eyebrow.
“Yea…” you breathily chuckled, “Her and my dad worked together…”
Alex smiled lightly in understanding, nodding along, waving her hand in the air and prompting you to continue, knowing from what Liz had said that that wasn’t the whole story.
“Yeah they were colleagues, and so I saw Lizzie at events and she’d been at my childhood home a couple times… I’d always been pretty independent, both my parents working all the time, and me being the oldest led to me getting used to being on my own. And then my parents divorced, and I got even more alone…” you sighed.
Another wave of sympathy washed over Alex’s face, as she sipped her scotch and listened intently.
“I’m sorry. I definitely know the pains of divorced parents…” Alex sighed.
You smiled lightly and nodded, before continuing you tawdry tale,
“Anyways, Lizzie was one of the only people who reached out to me, to y’know check on me and stuff. She’s always been in my corner, and she’s practically filled the role of a mother ever since the divorce…” you spoke out softly.
You could tell that Alex knew most of this, and that she was waiting for the part about how this all connected to Rita, so you cut to the chase.
“Anyways, about two years ago, I meet and started to see this guy… Looking back, he was a lot like my father, and I should have recognized the warning signs earlier… But I didn’t. And I let it go on for an entire year… Until…” you sucked in a breath, “I wound up on Lizzie’s doorstep, heart broken and bruised…”
You saw Alex’s audible gulp at your last sentence. You saw how her hand tightly clutched her glass, her knuckles almost white. With a deep breath, she nodded and prompted you to continue with her hand once more.
“Anywho, Lizzie helped me get my shit together and throw him out of my place and my life. I’d taken his abuse for a whole year, and I’m still recovering to this day from the number he did on me…” You concluded your story.
Alex then stood up and came to sit next to you on the couch you inhabited. Her hand came to squeeze your shoulder reassuringly.
“I’m so sorry that you had to go through all of that…” Alex sighed, “I hear you, recovery takes time.”
You took a breathy, deep breath with a shaky nod, all the memories of your past coming up as you talked about it all. But her touch was soothing. It was then that Liz emerged from the hallway and came into the living room with a sigh. The older woman sat down next to you, a hand running up and down your thigh in reassurance.
“She’s okay, Rita is going to be fine.” Liz hummed, before stealing your glass of scotch and sipping away at it.
You didn’t mind the cheeky gesture, lord knows she needed the relaxation, merely humming and nodding in response.
“She’s in the bath, and she’s asking for you…” Liz spoke once more.
You sucked in a breath and nodded, starting to stand up. As you went to leave and find Rita in the master bath, you turned back towards Liz and Alex, who were now snuggling lovingly on the couch.
“Thank you Lizzie… Really, thank you.” You breathed out shakily.
Liz met your gaze, her eyes filled with love and care, and the older woman nodded.
“Anytime, sweetheart.”
You nodded lightly with a small smile, before turning around and making your way to find Rita. By the time you reached the bath, you found Rita passed out in the warm water, snoring lightly and peacefully. You noted how graceful and content Rita looked asleep. Coming up to the tub, you sat down next to the rim, and proceeded to tuck a stray hair behind Rita’s ear.
She must be exhausted… you thought. And your suspicions were confirmed as the woman continued to sleep until the water in the tub threatened to go cold. It was then that you gently nudged the brunette out from her slumber. She snorted lightly as her eyes fluttered open. Her gaze still looked shattered and sad, and her lip was still lightly trembling.
“Fuck I’m mm sorry, I must have fallen asleep—” Rita rambled in a quiet mumble.
“Hush, none of that. It’s completely alright…” you comforted the woman, raising your hand for her to stop.
Rita shut her mouth and blushed a little, then shivering in the now cold bath water.
“Thanks…” she whispered.
“Of course. Now let’s get you out and into something warm…” you hummed, grabbing a fluffy towel from the bathroom cabinet and then reaching your hand out towards Rita.
Rita happily took your hand, then climbing out of the tub, then you proceeded to wrap the woman up in the warm towel.
“M-my clothes…” Rita murmured, looking to the ground as fear lurched in the pit of her stomache at the idea of having to wear her bloodied clothing.
You gently rubbed her towel wrapped shoulders with a light smile.
“I grabbed some things before we left your place, the bag is on the toilet. It will have to do for now, until we figure out what to do…” you cooed caringly.
Rita blushed lightly and muttered a thank you. You told her it’s was the least that you could do, before giving her a kiss on the forehead and leaving her in the bathroom to go through the bag and change.
As you exited the room and walked back into the living room, you found Liz and Alex right where you had left them, with Alex curled up in Liz’s arms. Liz’s head popped up from her gaze on Alex back to you as you came into the living room and took a seat on an opposing couch, with a pondering look on your face.
“I know that look…” Liz hummed cheekily, taking another sip of your scotch, “What’s on your mind, kiddo?”
You bit your lip, pulling out your phone, before looking over to Liz.
“I was thinking about maybe calling Barba…” you mused aloud, your mind questioning on what to do next.
At this, Alex perked up to. Liz’s eyes widened and her expression was a knowing one, one that quickly understood your line of thought.
“I see… What did Rita say?” Liz hummed, placing the scotch back on the table and much to Alex’s delight starting to massage the young blonde’s shoulders.
You looked away from Liz at her words, and back to your phone.
“When I asked where she could go, she said not Rafael… I know that their friends, she’s mentioned him before… But he could help…” you sighed, inwardly conflicted.
Liz sighed at your admission. And she seemed to be in deep thought for a moment before she spoke,
“When you came to me, did I call anyone…?” The older woman asked you.
You bit your lip and sighed.
“Exactly. Even though I wanted to… Probably would have called Liv, but I didn’t. Because you didn’t want me to.” Liz spoke,
You once again looked to the ground instead of meeting the older woman’s gaze.
“I’m not saying that Barba is a bad idea…” she slowly explained, “I think that it would be best if we ask Rita first.”
“Ask me what?” Rita’s timid voice echoed through the expansive living room and kitchen.
All three of your heads swiveled with extreme speed to the end of the hallway where the brunette stood. She padded her way through part of the kitchen and then into the living room. You immediately scooted over and lightly waved her over to come and sit. Rita did exactly that before repeating her question, more vocal this time.
“What did you want to ask me first?” The woman spoke.
Liz and Alex immediately eyed you, quirking their eyebrows and very clearly telling you that since this was your idea, you were the one who was going to say something. You gulped, turning your body more towards the group. Your gaze met Rita’s and you reached your hands out to grasp her left available hand and reassuringly squeeze it.
“I… We were talking about maybe calling Liv… or Barba…” you shakily breathed out, squeezing her hand lovingly while speaking to comfort the woman.
The same panic from earlier this night came rushing back to the woman’s gaze. But she was a little more collected now, and she seemed to handle the surge of emotions better this time around.
“I…” Rita stammered, “I don’t know…”
She slumped forward a bit and closed her eyes, a singular tear escaping her eyes. You immediately extended your arm and brought the brunette into your soft embrace.
“That’s okay. We can deal with all that later… How are you feeling…?” You gently spoke.
“Exhausted…” Rita choked out, “and stupid… like it’s all my fault…!”
The broken defense lawyer turned completely towards you, clinging to your frame as she began to cry into your shoulder. You gently caressed her back and shoulders reassuringly.
“That’s it, it’s going to be ok, Rita… It’s all going to be okay…” you soothed the woman.
“B-but how do you know that…?”
You sighed.
“Because… I’ve been through something eerily similar…”
At this, Rita pulled back and looked at you with eyes full of empathy.
“I’m so sorry…” she uttered, fully processing the words you had just spoken.
You smiled lightly and cupped Rita’s face.
“It’s okay… I’m past that now. Now I’m here for you… Now how about bed…?” You hummed caringly.
Rita nodded and hummed a soft thank you, before you guided the woman up and to one of Liz’s many guest bedrooms. You stayed with her until she was asleep, which didn’t take too long, but you stayed nonetheless, before then turning in for the night yourself in another guest room, which Liz had so kindly offered you.
Rita spent the rest of the weekend at Liz’s. Liz and Alex were more than happy to host, and they graciously let you stay as well to keep an eye on the broken brunette.
Then come Monday morning, you were walking into the SVU squad room with Rita anxiously by your side. You grabbed her shaky hand and squeezed it reassuringly, as your other hand rapped on Captain Liv Benson’s office door. Neither of you expected Barba to swing the door open, and he sure as hell didn’t expect to see Rita.
Liv ushered you in, and Rafael could immediately sense something was wrong. Rafael simply closed the door behind you, not bothering to leave.
“Rita, Y/N, how can I help you?” Liv spoke.
Rita shuffled her feet and looked to the ground. You squeezed her hand again and whispered that it was going to be okay.
“Wait what is going on…?” Rafael cut in.
Liv sent Barba a warning glance for him to be quiet to let you or Rita speak. You gently looked towards the brunette, whose lip was now trembling.
“I… I was raped…” Rita shakily breathed out, as a small tear rolled down her left cheek.
Part 2 with a happy ending…? Or maybe something more angsty…? 😏
Alex Cabot Masterlist
Olivia Benson Masterlist
Rita Calhoun Masterlist ~Coming Soon (;
Elizabeth Donnelly Masterlist ~Coming Soon (;
Rafael Barba Masterlist ~Coming Soon (;
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ashleyh713fanfics · 3 months
Dazai X Odasaku!Sister Ch8
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Chapter 8: "I'll Be Here To Welcome You"
Summary: Oda's sister finds herself at Dazai's port mafia apartment after he offered to let her stay the night. He tries to get a reaction out of her but fails miserably, or does he? (Part 1 of 2, this one is more fluff and the next part will be very angst.)
Warning: pm! fifteen year old dazai, Dazai self destructing, Odasaku death mentions, Dazai is rough but for a purpose, manipulative behavior from both sides, underage drinking, talks of suicide. I gave Oda's sister a name but you can imagine it as y/n.
(This is chapter eight of my fanfic "Timeless" which is now on A03. It carries on from the three part intro I posted a couple days ago. I'll link it below to fully understand the story. Asagao's ability is to stop time for up to six seconds.)
Three Part Intro Here: (just cause the first chapter is so long)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
A03 Version Here:
Word count: 5k total
As the two kids made their way through the city streets of Yokohama, Dazai’s fingers tightened onto Odasaku’s sister’s wrist in order to drag her to their next destination.
He had tried to walk in front of her but after a couple blocks it was clear that Asagao’s blurry eyesight along with her drunken giggles betrayed her with each step, bumping into nearby strangers and random walls. And though it was quite funny to watch, the boy also didn’t really wanna treat a concussion tonight. 
But Dazai also didn’t really like the connotation that hand holding had either, the touch far too personal and intimate for his liking. So, he settled on her wrist, pulling her behind him like some sort of puppy on a leash. It wasn’t like Asa seemed to mind though. 
No, in fact it was like the girl was in her own world, smiling like an idiot the entire time as they turned another corner only for her to finally speak since their time at the bar. “Hey, Osu. Not that I’m not happy about your offer or anything but now that I think about it, isn’t it gonna seem suspicious for me to go to your house like this?” 
Dazai only shook his head though, pausing his steps for a moment in order to pull his arm towards him so the Asagao would stumble forward and meet him halfway. “Don’t worry your pretty little head about it. I do this all the time.” 
And stumble she did, the girl gasping at the sudden move only to place her hands onto his forearms for support so she didn’t completely fall on her face. “You do?” 
Nodding back, he hummed, not minding the touch as it wasn’t gentle or intimate in any way. “Mhm. Does that make you jealous?” 
Asa only turned her head though, clearly confused by what he was trying to say. “Why would I be jealous of that?” 
Lifting his fingers up, Dazai’s thumb and forefinger moved toward her cheeks before forcing her head forward in order for him to give a low mischievous smirk.  “Because of the things I do with those women.” 
He was messing with her obviously but there was also some truth in his statement, because he did play around with women, he did take them to his port mafia based apartment and then leave them on the street once he was done like nothing had happened. 
Dazai used them, he took the attributes that benefited him and then he threw them away without so much of a thank you or a call afterwards. 
And now he was doing the same thing to Oda’s sister..well in a way.
He was using her for her ties to his best friend, and the only difference was that Asa was fully aware of it. That didn’t make it right though. Even Dazai could understand that much. 
But all that self awareness didn’t stop him from halting his evil ways. What could he say? Bad habits died hard. This was all the boy knew how to do anyways and it was Asa’s fault for ever agreeing to such a toxic relationship to begin with. 
Asagao only frowned though, her icy blue eyes batting in pure innocence between his fingers as she replied softly. “Why would that make me jealous though?” 
Then all at once, she watched the feared port mafia executive gasp in order to reel back before slumping over in a childish pout. “Ah! Asa-chan, you’re so mean! Girlfriends are supposed to be mad and cry and throw things when boyfriends talk about other women! It’s like you don’t care about me at all!” 
The girl only blinked in surprise though, her drunk haze not allowing her to connect the upset in her brain. She thought their relationship was already pretty clear. “But we aren’t really boyfriend and girlfriend though, we are just using each other..” 
Yet that’s when Dazai gasped once more before dramatically falling to his hands and knees in order to look up at her and point to his bandaged face. “That doesn’t matter! It’s the principle of the thing. I am an attractive man so it’s only natural you’d be jealous of my history of sleeping with other women and taking them to my place like I'm doing right now with you.” 
Didn’t she get it, didn’t she understand that he was treating her just like any other slut and whore that crossed his path? She wasn’t special to him, he had basically told her that to her face and she still wasn’t jealous? He thought she said that she fell for him. 
Asa only crouched down to meet him though, her hands wrapping around her knees before giving him that same candy coated sweet smile she always did. “Oh! I couldn’t do that though. What you’ve done in the past and even the present doesn’t bother me. I already know where we stand so you don’t gotta worry about that, Osu!”
Narrowing his eyes in skepticism, Dazai then watched in real time as his insults and mockery dissolved before it hit her face causing the boy to sigh heavily. 
She should’ve been mad at him, it would’ve been so much easier than whatever this was. 
She had already let him get away with so many things. Why couldn’t she be normal for once and threaten him with the disgust like he deserved? Why was she instead always staring at him with the cute innocent little smile, the one that made his heart twist and turn with self disgust?
Lifting his hands up once more, Dazai than pinched the blind happiness from her lips, pushing her cheeks together in a goofy fashion in order to drop his act with a grumble. “Boo, you’re no fun Asa-chan. What kind of reaction is that? I wanted to see your cheeks get all puffy and your face get all red!
Asagao seemed to think about his sentence for a moment before her own fingers moved to her cheeks in order to puff them out in a fake pout to try and simulate what he was looking for only for Dazai to snort and shake his head in exasperation. 
Ah damn it, she was such a cute little drunk. Wasn’t she? Wanting to please him like this even though he was just messing with her. What a loser. 
So much so, Dazai then closed his eyes pushing her head down with his hand, rubbing the top of her hair in a messy fashion before standing back up. “Don’t push yourself, darling. You’re gonna pass out like that and I’m not gonna carry you.  Besides, we are here already.” 
Reaching his hand out, he then reattached his possessive hold around her wrist before pulling her back off the ground in order to walk up to the massive glass building in front of them. 
Asagao felt her head spin at the motion before her blurry eyes couldn’t help but focus on the sight before her. And even with half of the view and alcohol in her system, the girl could tell that the place was intimidating, the building looming over her in silent wait. 
She didn’t have much time to process it though as Dazai’s body pushed her past the entrance and into the lobby only for the two kids to be met by a row of lined up black suited men, their heads immediately bowing to the sight of the executive. “Welcome back, sir.”
Dazai completely ignored them though, his posture stiff and ever watchful as Asa gave them a polite smile and bow of her head in return with a small greeting of her own. “Oh, hello. Nice to meet you. I’m..” 
Yet that’s then the boy simply tugged her arm forward in order to practically push the girl into the nearest elevator as fast as possible, her unsteady legs stumbling into the wall with a squeak of surprise.
It was rough, yes. But this was how he treated all the other girls that he brought back and it couldn't look any different. No, nothing could raise suspicion that this was more than a typical one night stand. Otherwise their escapade would be reported to Mori. 
And that was a headache he didn’t want to deal with, knowing that her existence would cause Mori to dig his claws into the poor innocent Asagao without hesitation.
Hell, she probably shouldn’t have even been here in the first place. Ango would've definitely killed him for it, and not in a fun way.
But living on the edge of danger was an exciting thrill Dazai couldn’t pass up. He knew he could be smarter than Mori. He knew he could fool him, and that enough was reason to test his little theory and win. 
But in order to do that, he had to make this little act believable. That’s why he didn’t bat an eye at his rough demeanor, simply stepping into the elevator only to watch his idiot lackey subordinates try to follow. 
Oh no, he couldn’t have that. Seems like they were already suspicious of his intentions. Asagao wasn’t normally the type of girl he would’ve brought back after all. She was dorky and naive, usually the sluts he picked were stupid but but clearly experienced. 
Turning his head back to the men, Dazai spoke, his voice chilling and final. “That won’t be necessary.” 
And for a moment, the men hesitated, their steps pausing before glancing back to the red haired female and then back to their boss in reply. “But sir..” 
Realizing he needed to prove his intentions, Dazai then turned back to Oda’s sister before closing his eyes with conflict. He had a plan, he knew how to get them off his back but he also knew that Odasaku wouldn’t have approved. 
But desperate times caused for desperate measures. 
And to make matters worse, his silent stare seemed to cause Asagao to sense the tension as well, her head turning in drunken confusion before lifting her hand out in concern. “Osam..”
Yet before she could finish his name, Dazai’s hand grasped onto hers forcefully in order to push his body into hers as Asagao’s back slammed against the wall of the elevator before he shifted his head to obstruct the view of the subordinates. 
Then he slapped his hand over her surprised mouth before pressing his lips roughly to his own hand, the distance practically nonexistent as Dazai’s handmade barrier became the only thing keeping the two from skin to skin contact. 
But from the way his head was turned, the men only saw the executives body and hair in order for them to make the connection in their mind that Dazai had ravaged her lips in a possessive claim of ownership. 
The move only lasted for a second before the executive allowed his hand to drop from her lips in order to place one shushing motion in its place and turn around towards the watchful eyes with cold resolve. “I said, I wanted to be alone. Or do I need to repeat myself?” 
All at once, the men jumped in clear fear before immediately bowing in apology in order to click the elevator button with a gasp. “Sorry sir, please enjoy your night.” 
Then the door closed, leaving Dazai and Asagao alone as the cocky victorious boy turned towards her with a teasing smirk. “Now don’t get carried away, Asa-chan. You know why I did that right?” 
Yet the moment he turned to her, it seemed like Asa was frozen in place, her entire body as still as a statue, almost like she was in some sort of state of shock. “Y-Yeah no. I get it. They were suspicious so you had to…” 
Nodding back in confirmation, Dazai then lowered his eyes before deciding to mock her even more, his hands resting on the wall a couple inches from her head. “Of course, that’s just a little sample. If you wanted, once we get to my place I could remove my hand and we could continue where we left off?” 
Yet a second later, the boy simply freed her from his prison in order to give her a goofy defensive stance. “Just kidding! I know better than to expect that kind of reaction from you.” 
She hadn’t given him anything when he played the jealousy card so Dazai was sure that it would be the same here. It seemed like the girl had no self awareness that he was a man at all. She didn’t see him that way apparently, which was annoying in itself. 
Was he not handsome enough to make her heart race? Surely any other woman would’ve swooned over the chance to kiss him. So why wasn’t she the same?
Giving up completely, Dazai then shrugged his shoulders before the elevator dinged as the boy made his way out without a care. “Ah well, now that’s over, let’s go.” 
Yet the boy got halfway across the floor before turning around in order to realize that Asagao was still standing in the elevator, her body just as stone still as before.
Well, that was weird, even for her. 
Backtracking back to the place, Dazai then turned his head in confusion, “Asa-chan?”
At the sound of her name, Asa seemed to jump back to life, her speech stuttered and small with every approaching step. “O-Oh yeah, sorry. Just give me a second. My legs feel like jelly for some reason.” 
Feeling himself stop right in front of her, Dazai then frowned before poking his finger straight into the forehead only for the girl to immediately collapse like a tower of cards, her legs giving out from underneath her before she giggled pathetically on the floor. “H-Ha ha sorry...I don’t know what’s gotten into me. You can just leave me here, I’ll catch up..” 
The boy only watched in stunned silence though, seeing the seemingly unchanging Oda Asagao crumble to her knees by a simple fake kiss in order for his lips to twist into a smug smile.
So she does see me as a man after all. 
And this time it was Dazai that crouched down to meet her, his lips letting out a small airy chuckle of pure amusement and relief before placing his hands onto his knees in reply. “Aww, Asa-chan. You’re so cute. I didn’t know you could be so flustered by me.” 
Finally finding use of her muscles, Asa then frowned before covering her entire face with her hands as Dazai saw the very bright pink hue of her entire face. “I-It was just a surprise, that’s all. That and the alcohol mixed together are making me weird.” 
The boy knew it was more than that though. Sure, she probably was more aware of him because of the alcohol but that blush on her cheeks was definitely because of their almost kiss. Ah, Asa-chan was always amusing him in the best ways. 
He couldn’t get sick of this even if he tried. 
Because of that, Dazai only rolled his eyes, not taking her words at face value before reaching his arms forward in order to hook them under her armpits. “Sure sure, whatever you wanna call it. Now come on, up you go!” 
Lifting his arms up, Asagao’s body then followed him, hosting her upwards until she was back on her feet before she stumbled into his chest. Wow, he really did a number on her, didn’t he? Poor princess couldn’t pull herself together, 
Dazai laughed in response, placing his hand to the back of her head in order to ground her to reality “So needy, love.” 
The girl only shook her head though, muttering a reply into his jacket. “Smmorry..” 
The words were muttered but he knew she was apologizing in some sort of way. Ah, damn it. Just when he thought Oda’s sister couldn’t get any more adorable she surpassed it. 
Thinking about his spontaneous kiss, Dazai felt his own eyes lower. This was kind of his fault in the first place. He didn’t give her any warning about what he was going to do. And though it was obvious that Asa didn’t hate his plan, she was certainly stunned by it. 
And normally his response would’ve been to step back and let her fall on her face but after their night at Bar Lupin and the blind words of faith he uttered about him, Dazai tried something different. 
This was his fault after all. “Ah well, I guess I’ll take responsibility this once.” 
Then the boy simply reached down before hoisting Asa up by her legs in order to push her over his shoulder, much to her surprise. “O-Osamu, what are you..” 
Dazai only cut her off though, voice smug. “Not another word, love or I’ll drop you.” 
That seemed to be enough to get her to pause before Dazai simply walked around the corner and opened the door to his apartment, not even bothering to flick on the light and throw the poor red haired girl face first onto the sofa and rid himself of the overly out of character act. 
Asagao only groaned at the impact though, feeling the soft cotton assault her face.
Yet that’s when his phone started to sound inside his pocket only for the boy to pull the object and read the text with a frown as Asa looked up from the cushions. “Who is that?” 
Sighing heavily, Dazai then shoved the object back in his jacket before replying shortly. “Mori. He probably wants to know why I missed the scheduled raid today.” 
At that, Asagao turned her head, anxiety in her eyes as she tried to process the sentence in her drunken brain. “What? Why did you miss it? Oh no, it’s not because I fell asleep on you, right? I told you you should’ve pushed me off. I didn’t wanna get you in trouble with your boss.” 
Dazai only shook his head though, unbothered by her stress. “Relax, love. I skip boring things all the time. Besides, it was worth it to hear the anger in my dog's voice! You did me a favor.” 
He then chuckled to himself, still pleased with the trouble he caused Chuuya only for Asa to speak out of his psychotic glee. “You should go smooth things out then.” 
Frowning at her words, Dazai then leaned forward in order to teasingly run a couple fingers through her messy crimson locks. “And leave my favorite girl all alone on our first night together?”
Asagao only shook her head though. “I don’t wanna keep you from your job. Plus it would be bad if they came looking for you, right? I’m not supposed to be here.” 
She was making him see logic, something that Dazai didn’t really want to face. The last thing he wanted to do was go see Mori and listen to his old man nagging, but she was right. If he didn’t show up then the boss would probably come to him, and that’s what he was trying to avoid. 
Looks like he had no choice. Just great. 
Humming in distaste for the truth, Dazai then leaned forward, his voice slightly threatening and low. “Then will you promise me you’ll be a good girl and wait for me here?” 
Asa didn’t seem shaken at all, her eyes playing in confusion under her large framed glasses. “What do you think I’m gonna do?” 
At that, Dazai couldn’t help but smile, telling her the absolute and honest truth. “I don’t know, and that’s the best thing about you, Asa-chan. I can’t predict you. You’re an enigma in the most interesting ways.” 
And she was, she really was. To Dazai, Oda’s sister was the most unpredictable force he had ever met. Sure, there were moments he could guess, there were circumstances where he could control her in the way he wanted, but there were others that left him completely and utterly speechless. 
When she said that he was a good man, when she called him precious, when she confessed that she would’ve joined the port mafia for him, they played on a strange complicated repeat inside his brain, the boy still unable to process them in any sense. She was dangerous in all the best and worst ways possible. 
But the most dangerous part of it all was that Asagao was completely oblivious to it all. She had no idea what kind of impact, what kind of unraveling her seemingly insignificant words had on the port mafia executive. 
And to prove his point, Asagao only smiled in response, the gentle and kind nature in itself absolutely earth shattering as she hummed back. “I’ll be here to welcome you home..” 
Not wanting to get uncomfortable by the proximity of her light, Dazai then quickly took a step back before immediately heading from the door before he changed his mind. 
How foolish of her, the audacity to say such a thing. This place wasn’t his home. 
He didn’t even have one of those. 
Shaking the thought from his mind, Dazai then looked back at the unmoving girl before speaking back threateningly, knowing it wouldn’t shake her in any way. “You better keep to that, love. Breaking a promise with the devil is a fate worse than death..” 
And just like that the mafioso disappeared from the apartment completely. 
After a couple minutes, Asagao finally started to gain feeling back in her legs in order to sit up from the darkened sofa with a sigh. What was wrong with her? Why did she have to act so stupid in front of Osamu? Stupid alcohol, usually she was cooler than that. 
And more she thought about it, the more she felt her hands run over her face in an embarrassingly flustered groan. Osu kept having to look after her, first with her mistake of falling asleep on his shoulder and now when he carried her because she couldn’t stand.
Just great, Asagao, you keep inconveniencing him.
And to be honest, the fact that he was still sticking around was a complete mystery to her. Usually people got sick of her by now. It was probably because of their deal, that had been the only reason he was tolerating her this much. 
So much so, Asagao wanted to do something for him. Either for an apology or in some sort of appreciation for him showing her that wonderful bar and dealing with her this long. But what? What could make a scary mafia executive happy? 
Thinking about the idea, the girl then scrambled over to the light switch on the wall in order to flick the object and be greeted by Osamu’s apartment for the first time. 
Then without meaning to, Asagao’s eyes widened at the sight before her. 
And even without her full vision, the girl could feel the cold and empty nature of his place, like no one had ever actually occupied it. The walls were bare simple white, each room massive and yet just as lonely as the last. 
Sure, in theory this place was a dream, a playboy's penthouse, an expensive luxury, dripping with rare future/views of Yokohama, but in actuality it just felt like an empty shell. Did Osamu even sleep here half the time, or did he choose somewhere else?
Because to her, it seemed like the latter. 
Wanting to see if she was right, Asagao then gripped the ends of her glasses before slowly taking them off only for her to quickly slap them back on with a horrified gasp. No, she was right. This place was just as sad as she thought it was. 
It really was a reflection of who he was on the inside, a depressed, struggling, suicidal boy that was crying for help only to be met with ear chilling silence. 
The very sight caused Asagao to dip her head before an idea flashed inside her head. What if he came home to something different this time, what if she could change this empty sad feeling into something else? Would that make him smile? 
Would that give him the same happiness she felt tonight at Bar Lupin?
Quickly thinking back to conversations she overheard back home, Asa's eyes then filled with determination before moving outside of the apartment and down the elevator in order to reach the main lobby they had walked through before. 
Yet her thoughts were quickly stopped when she came face to face with those very same subordinates from earlier, their eyes looking at the girl with cautious confusion as she beamed. “Oh, hello! Remember me? We’ve met before, well kinda...anyways don’t mind me! I’m just gonna..” 
Although that’s when the men seemingly stepped into her path before speaking roughly. “Dazai has ordered that you go back to his apartment and wait for him to return. I suggest you listen before things get bad for you.”
He was threatening her, but Asa hardly cared, the girl was more interested in the first part of his sentence. Ah, Osamu knew she wouldn’t stay put. Smart boy. “Oh, did he? And what were his exact orders?” 
The man’s voice was straightforward. “To not let you out of our sight.” 
Humming in response, Asa then rocked her back on her heels before answering sweetly.  “And if I don’t listen?” 
At that, she watched the port mafia men take another step closer to her, something that didn’t cause her to shift at all. “Then tonight will be the last night you’re alive..” 
His fingers then brushed towards the gun on his side as Asagao resisted the urge to snort at his piss poor attempt of a threat. How unoriginal. “And how would your executive feel about you ending the life of his girl?” 
This time it was the subordinates turn to laugh, their voices laced with venom. “He doesn’t care about some no-named slut. You’re only here for one reason and then you will be disposed of like all the others.” 
Asa only placed a finger to her lips though, thinking about the insult before answering a second later. “Right, but are you really sure about that? Because if you are wrong I can imagine the punishment from Dazai won’t be very pretty, once he finds out you killed his favorite toy after being ordered to keep an eye on me.” 
And then she watched as the man’s muscles started to tense, his next steps hesitant as Asagao resisted the urge to sadistically smirk under her breath. Got him. 
She hated this manipulative part of her but in situations like this it made things quite useful. Besides, these guys had it coming with that insult. 
This was for Osamu after all. Because of that she knew she couldn't let these rude men get in her way. 
Pushing even further, Asagao then guided her hand down towards the gun on his waist before throwing his own threat back into his face. “But if you truly think you’re right then go ahead and shoot me, mister scary subordinate. Just know you might be skinned alive for it later...” 
Then she waited, she waited for her words to sink into his stupid little brain. It was foolish on his part to assume such things about Osamu after all. She knew this guy didn’t have the confidence to put a bullet in her brain without consequence.
It was a huge risk, one that very few would make. 
And a moment later, she watched him cave, the subordinates' stance shrinking back only for Asagao to clap her hands in a victorious fake cutesy laughter. “Ah, I knew we could come to an understanding! Now, chop chop, I could use some extra hands for this and since you need to keep an eye on me anyways this is the perfect opportunity!” 
And just like that, step one for Osamu was complete. 
Don't worry Osu, I'll make you happy for sure.
(Like I said, this is more of a part 1 cause the next chapter connects to it. It will have a different tonal shift though and deal a lot with Dazai's character so I split it up. )
( Also don't worry, Dazai and Asa are fifteen currently in this story and though it's implied about his past with women, being in the mafia and all, I'm not gonna write any of those things cause he's a minor. Them staying the night at his place is more of a subversion type thing which will make more sense in the next chapter)
Thanks for the love on this! This is my first bsd story and you've all made me feel so welcome! It hasn't even been a month and we are almost at 500 readers on A03. I'm gonna cry. <3
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amphiptere-art · 4 months
AA Eclipse recreating Moon’s portal tech and accidentally sending himself to the support group
(Accidental Attunement is the one where Eclipse is self-destructing because nobody realizes the Star was actually attuned to Monty before he got it. So he’s in Solar Flare’s body, covered in cracks and burns from the Star rejecting him)
(Read's description a couple times to make sure I understand it. So it's technically Monty's star. But nobody knows. And so Eclipse is getting hurt by Montys Star. But he's still utilizing the star. Because no one's figured out it's Montys star.)
Well other than surprise of just the fact that, oh there's a guy in here. Antares It's probably the first to notice that their stars killing them. Asking what type of idiot steals a star from another star holder. Cygnus would probably remark that he doesn't look any better than he does. Rigel looks at them like they personally interrupted nap time. Black Star is probably the first to actually ask them if they are all right. They look like shit. Also how did they get here. This doesn't exactly look like a planned to teleportation.
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atmilliways · 10 months
Wrong On The Money (28)
part 28 of ?? | 862 words | Teen+
Blackmail fic on Ao3 | on tumblr
The next time Dustin visits, Eddie goes out of his way to agree that, okay, sure, Steve is pretty great. Dustin is ecstatic, bragging about how he knew they would be friends if they gave each other a chance. Steve himself dozes through the start of the conversation, but Eddie is pretty sure he wakes up with a smile, so who knows.
Happy Monday, have some idiots. (affectionate)
And with that, the floodgates have broken.
The next time Dustin visits, Eddie goes out of his way to agree that, okay, sure, Steve is pretty great. Dustin is ecstatic, bragging about how he knew they would be friends if they gave each other a chance. Steve himself dozes through the start of the conversation, but Eddie is pretty sure he wakes up with a smile, so who knows.
When Robin stops by, Eddie name drops a possible mutual friend. Her eyes go big and her mouth drops into an O before she rounds on Steve and hisses, “Dingus, I know you’re on medication but did you tell him?”
“What? No,” Steve yelps, eyes flashing back and forth between them in sudden confusion. “I mean—” and oh god, his poker face is laughable, whoever dubbed this guy Mr. Cool was hilariously wrong “—uh, no? Told him what? I don’t know anything.”
Eddie smirks and cuts in with a smooth, “Nah, he’s innocent as a little baby. It just takes one to know one, Bucks.” (He’ll come clean to her about the blackmail some day, but. . . not without the ability to book it out of there in the event of nuclear rage.)
They bond over laughing at Steve for sputtering that he is not a little baby, he was a whole nine pounds at birth—
Lucas stops in again, between visits with Max, and Eddie clears the air about the end of the last Hellfire campaign.
“But look,” he concludes, after apologizing for cutting him out, “if it ever comes up again, don’t have your friends try to make the reschedule happen for you, ‘kay? Being there to plead your case is a much better look, and shows a lot more respect for everybody else’s time. Catch me, or . . . whoever runs the club next year, between classes or something.”
The kid nods, saying he will, and after he’s gone Steve peers over at him.
“Are you finally going to graduate this year, Munson?” A little coil of hurt starts to form in Eddie’s chest, only to be immediately unwound when Steve beams at him. “That’s great, man, congratulations! Maybe ‘86 is your year after all.”
“It's not,” Eddie mumbles, face reddening—except for where a livid scar already crawls up the side of his cheek. The stitches only came out of it yesterday. “I missed finals, so it depends whether good ol’ Hawkins High decides to send me off in victory or disgrace, which. . . .” He sighs. “Let’s just say that there’s already a precedent, and it ain’t the good option.”
“Oh come on, if they let me graduate they can let you graduate too,” Steve argues. “I racked up two concussions and a shit-ton of missed days in senior year because of migraines.” (And yeah, Eddie remembers his comment about how he’d helped Wayne and ‘didn't even get another concussion doing it.’ Jesus H. Christ.) “You nearly died, and as far as this town knows it’s because a mob came at you with torches and pitchforks! They can cut you some slack.”
“They won’t.”
“I can call my parents,” Steve offers, and holy shit he looks serious. “My mom’s super respected by the school board. If I promise to move out so they can sell the house, I’m sure she’d do me a favor.”
Eddie winces. “Steve. Where would you live if you did that?”
“With you and Wayne,” he replies, as though it’s the most obvious thing in the world and totally not causing Eddie’s brain to self-destruct. “The government’s giving you guys a house, and I’ve spent the past couple months pre-paying on rent.”
“I. . . .” Eddie blinks. A pretty boy is asking to live with him. A pretty boy he threatened for money, for months, is asking to live with him, even knowing what he did and that he’s a flaming homosexual. “Are you sure you don’t have another concussion?”
“Yeah, nothing got me in the head this time. Why?”
Why. Jesus H. Christ, this guy. “Steve,” Eddie says gravely, “You might be insane. Sweet . . . but insane.”
Steve smiles. “You think I’m sweet?”
“Oh my god.”
The thing is, Eddie knows Steve is sweet. In kind of a bitchy way—he’s half convinced the guy plays it a little dumber than necessary sometimes just to wind him up. But that, Eddie's embarrassed to admit to himself, is part of the appeal. Steve keeps him on his toes, which is generally where Eddie likes to be anyway. It’s fun.
So, he might be falling for Steve Harrington. 
He just can’t see how Steve could ever feel the same. And it’s fine, they can be friends. Shit, with how much half the town still probably hates his guts, Eddie needs all the friends he can get—and he’s got a lot now.
Helping save the world will do that, it seems. 
So Eddie has to kill this crush before it gets any more off the ground than it already has. Kill it with fire, because he doesn’t need an actual rejection (that Steve would be sweet about, fuck) to know that Eddie Munson doesn’t get the guy. Not like that. 
Being friends is fine.
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sarahowritesostucky · 5 months
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Rated: Explicit
Pairing: Steve x Bucky
Tags: ptsd, trauma recovery, kink negotiations, fetishes, fantasies, body modification, objectification, degradation, self-harm, destructive sexual urges, heavy bdsm, bondage, 24/7 D/s, dom Steve, sub Bucky, sadism, masochism, castration fantasy, dark comedy, oddly sweet relationship dynamics (idiots in love)
Summary: Steve and Bucky reach a compromise, but Bucky's got "some work to do" to prove to Steve that he deserves his treat.
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🖤Disclaimer: Nobody gets castrated or otherwise body-modified in this fic, okay? It's Steve and Bucky, kink negotiating and sceneing w/ regards to Bucky's very strange fantasies.
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Wait! I haven't read Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 yet!
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Part 4 - Back to that Morning, Months and Months Later, When Steve Finds Out What Bucky Wants to do to His Dick:
Bucky sits on the floor and chews his lip with big eyes, staring down at Steve’s phone. The options he’s currently salivating over are all piercings. Specifically, genital piercings—something he’s gone googly eyed over for a long time, now. Steve’s finally worked up the nerve to consider it, and he’s giving Bucky options because:
1. He really does adore him and just wants to make him happy in every possible way. 2. He needs to positively reinforce Bucky’s streak of expressing his wants and asking permission for things. 3. He knows that Bucky getting in a car crash and losing his dick isn’t a realistic fear. 4. He’ll be forever–ever–ever grateful that Bucky did not sneak off and get his nuts removed, way back when.
Bucky grips Steve’s phone and swipes back and forth between all the pictures, looking like Christmas is about to come early.
“Jesus,” he mutters, and Bucky’s eyes flick up to him, amused, before returning to the phone. Steve fights not to fidget. “So … Which one do you like?” he asks, anxious about it. In the seventy or so years since he went into the ice, humanity has devoted—in Steve’s opinion—far too many of its collective brain cells to inventing a myriad of ways in which to stick needles in dicks. Human beings are remarkably creative, remarkably fucked up creatures. Steve’s in love with exhibit A.
He sits there and watches Bucky’s reactions, wary of the fact that he’s probably going to choose the most extreme option. Suddenly, Steve wishes he hadn’t given him all the choices. “Um,” he clears his throat nervously. “I like the fourth one. In terms of, ah, aesthetics.” Bucky looks up at him, and Steve nods. “Yeah. That one’s … that one’s my favorite” (‘favorite’ is a loose term here — it doesn’t involve sticking a needle through the head of one’s dick, so: ‘favorite’).
Bucky surprises him by agreeing right away, but then he gets a devious look on his face and amends, “Oh, but maybe I could do a couple of ‘em.”
“Yeah! Like number one and number four,” that’d be fun. Bucky grins and snickers about it. “Shit. I’ve never been so glad my ma kicked the mohel out.”
Steve cringes as he’s hit with an odd combination of mental images—freshly circumcised babies and Bucky’s grown-ass dick, pierced to smithereens. “We can talk about it,” he says, voice coming out a little weak.
You look like you’re gonna throw up,” Bucky observes dryly.
“Yeah well. What can I say? I don’t feel the urge to go poking holes in myself.” Steve shakes his head as Bucky just continues to smile placidly. What has he gotten himself into? he wonders, amused. Oh well, at least he’s gotten Bucky off the idea of stuffing freaking pearls into his dick. He holds his hand out for Bucky to give him the phone back, then slides it into his pocket with a sigh when he does. “Get up,” he orders, loving and long-suffering. “Go pick out a pighole and lie face down on the bed. You’ve got a lot of work to do if you want me to take you out this weekend for any one of those god awful—”
“This weekend!?!” Bucky all but shrieks. He jumps to his feet and shouts, “Steve! I love you!” then scampers away to go get his pighole.
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About an hour later:
Steve pulls back with a gasp, too close to the edge to risk staying inside, and wanting to stave it off. He kneels back in the sheets and looks down to where he just had his cock buried. The obscene gape that greets him makes him groan and curse lowly. “Fuuck. Look at that.” He can actually see his previous two loads, pooled deep up in Bucky’s ass, because Bucky’s got the pighole in and it’s holding him open and making him into the easiest, most useful fuck-object Steve could ever want to put his dick in. “Such a good cocksleeve, honey,” he praises, because he knows Bucky loves to hear shit like that (and, okay, maybe Steve doesn’t exactly hate saying it either).
True to form, Bucky groans and squirms, not moving from where Steve’s got him ass up and face down on the bed.
Steve grips himself hard, staring into that filthy abyss. “God.” He taps the length of his dick against the rubber rim of the plug, where it’s all but turning Bucky into a fleshlight for his enjoyment. “Wish you could see this, Baby. Fuck. Mmm.” He squeezes his dick, presses the head hard against the lip of the plug and watches as precum oozes out over black rubber. The sight takes his breath away. “Jesus,” he curses quietly, licking his dry lips. “I don’t think I’m even gonna put it back inside, you know that? M’ just gonna jerk off right here, like this.” He works his hand in a tight ring underneath the head of his cock. “Put it in you that way. Won’t even have to aim much, will I? Mm mn. You’re so fuckin’ open.”
He jerks off a little more while staring at Bucky’s wide open asshole, only pausing when his balls give another dangerous spasm, threatening to end his fun. He gathers saliva in his mouth while he waits it out, aims and lets it drip down to join the white of his cum. “Holy shit,” he whispers, watching it hit the pighole and slide in. “Oof, buddy, you’re killin’ me.”
“M’not even doin’ anything,” Bucky rasps, in something that might’ve been sass, if he wasn’t so far gone already.
Steve scoffs and grips an asscheek while he jerks himself, fingers digging into the fat and muscle, then lets go and watches his fingermarks fade from white, to pink, to nothing. He can’t stop himself from smacking it, then, swatting his entire handprint onto one cheek and watching it jiggle. “Best ass in the western hemisphere,” he murmurs. “Should smack it cherry red.” Not that it would last, but he knows Bucky would appreciate it.
He says as much, making a dumb, happy noise into the bed where he’s bent over in front of him. Steve smiles. He grabs the bulge of Bucky’s balls and his caged cock, drawing the handful back between his thick thighs. “And how’re we doin’?” he asks cheerfully, giving Bucky’s collective junk a shake. With his dick kept soft (or mostly soft, anyways) inside the cage, Steve can’t gauge it as well as he otherwise could. All he has to go on are Bucky’s moans and shivers and how fucked out he’s acting. With the plug in, Steve doesn’t even have the feedback of his asshole clenching and fluttering around him—sex toys don’t squeeze back, after all.
A glance down shows that his balls are pulled up tight, but Bucky’s always super responsive like that. Steve swats them harshly a few times while he gives himself another slow, tight stroke. “Fuck,” he whispers, eyes sliding covetously over the gorgeous slope of Bucky’s back. He wants to run his hands all over that smooth, tanned skin; wants to savour it and drag his lips everywhere he goes. He wants to dig his fingers into those fat hips and fuck in and in and in, until the backs of his eyelids go technicolored and he’s emptied of everything he has to give.
But he’s already done that twice in the past hour, so he’s trying to stave it off.
“Sir,” Bucky croaks, voice muffled from where his head is turned on the mattress, metal fist clenched and pulling the bedsheets into his face. Unlike Steve, he hasn’t come yet. Because he’s “earning” it. He squirms restlessly, back muscles shifting under the skin. “Please, please, c’mon.”
Steve slaps his ass again, though it isn’t harsh by any means. For Bucky it’s practically a love tap. “Please what?” he goads. He spits into his asshole again, just so that Bucky can hear him doing it, and in counterpoint he speaks gently, “‘Please’ what, baby? Hm?” He waits, but Bucky doesn’t seem capable of much more than little sniveling, fucked-out sounds; ‘Sir’s, and the occasional grunt or gasp when Steve hits him. Steve smiles at the dark mop of his hair that’s covering his face, in love. “‘Please’ … what?” He sticks one finger into his hole, not touching. There’s actually enough room that he can hold it there, inside, and still not have it be touching anything. And that in itself is obscene, like he’s touching a wound, like he’s reaching into someplace that isn’t meant to ever be exposed. He can feel the heat of Bucky’s body all around. “Come on,” he coaxes, mock–sweetly. “You can tell me.”
“What’s this nasty hole need?” he purrs. “Mm?
Bucky seems to realize that Steve’s actually waiting for an answer, and responds with a slurred string of begging: “Please … Ss-sir. You, you. I need you. I do, oh, please, I … I need—”
“I?” Steve mocks, letting go of his cock to grab both asscheeks and pull them apart. He lets another fat wad of spit drip from his mouth down to its target. “What’s ‘I’? I’m not fucking an ‘I’.”
“Oh. I … ” Bucky’s breath stutters out of him in a broken moan. “Oh, Ss-teve,”
“Aw, Sweetheart, you’re confused,” Steve coos, chuckling, voice like velvet over top of razor wire. He leans over Bucky fully—hips to ass, chest to back, forearms braced to either side of those broad and mismatched shoulders—so that he can be intimately close when he purrs, “You think I’m fucking ‘you’, Baby?”
“Mmn, ooh … nno,” he moans.
>Steve kisses the shell of his ear, then whispers, “Tell me what I’m fuckin’.”
Bucky is hazy by this point—strung out on whatever it is that fills up those nooks and crannies in his mind, those fucked-up spaces that can only be intoxicated when he’s in pain or when Steve treats him like this—so it takes him a minute. Steve can’t see his face, but he can hear him licking his lips and swallowing a couple of times, can hear him struggling as he wades through the thick soup of his own thoughts before he manages to rasp, “This hole.” He sounds high, like he’s in love, like he’s about to wither and die, or come.
Steve hums in approval and kisses the spot just in front of his ear, where he can feel the emerging dampness of sweat. Even though he’s doing most of the work, it has been a while of this: teasing and taunting, slipping in and holding still, fucking Bucky just enough to make him really start to want it, then pulling out. Steve’s balls feel like they’ve been beat up in a back alley, and he just wants to come again. He pushes back to kneeling and reaches for the lube. “Exactly right,” he praises, flicking the cap open. He proceeds to squirt a disgusting amount directly into Bucky’s ass, squeezing the bottle hard on purpose to make sure it squelches loudly. “So,” he coos, mockingly sweet and patient, “What do you think this hole needs?” He guides his cock back home, pushing in slow, the seal of the pighole creating luxurious suction and filthy noises as he buries himself in Bucky again. “Oh baby,” he groans. “Fuck. You hear that? You hear the sounds it’s making?”
“fuck”—Another one of those tiny, tight little ‘fucks’ that Steve relishes so much. Bucky’s the most gorgeous thing he’s ever seen, face down and ass up on the bed, dark hair all over the pillow, floating in snot and subspace, whining and crying every time Steve isn’t actively inside his body (and even sometimes when he is). “S’it good?” he slurs, the words mashed into the bedding. Other than Steve’s name and nonsensical gobbledygook, it’s the only real unprompted thing he’s been capable of saying for the past ten minutes at least; asking Steve if he’s good, begging and pleading to be good. “Please, Steve … I’m good, m’good, ff-feels so good—”
“Shhhh.” Steve fucks in all the way and grinds his hips against the meat of Bucky’s ass. “Yes, Honey. It’s so fucking good. S’the fucking best. Best thing I’ve ever had.” He pets a soothing hand down the center of Bucky’s back as he rolls his hips in deep, hard strokes, fucking him steady again. “You’re so good at this, such a good hole for me. Doin’ exactly what you’re s’posed to do. Lettin’ me feel your insides, takin’ it all.”
Bucky sobs. “I am, I am,”
Steve hushes him. “You are, baby. Doing so well. Just gotta hold still. Just gotta be a hole n’ let me jerk it right in there. A nice, sloppy place ta’ put my cum.”
Steve changes his angle minutely and Bucky sobs and jerks in place, then he starts pushing his hips back frantically. “Oh, ohn shit … oh shit, Steve, yes, pleasepleaseplease, oh—oh! I’m gonna cum I’m gonna cum, ohmygod I’m gonna cum! Fuck, fuckfuckfuck!
Steve reaches around and cups his caged genitals, jostling them. “Yeah?” he goads, snapping his hips harder. “This gonna make you cum, honey? Just this? You sure? Just bein’ my good little thing? Getting used like a little cum dump?” Steve can feel his orgasm coalescing, gathering like a stormcloud—deep in his gut, in the base of his dick, the root of his balls. His hips slam harder as the pleasure spikes and goes molten inside him. “Ugghn!”
A high, inelegant noise sounds from Bucky’s throat, and then he’s crying and writhing, sobbing out strings of “I’m good, I’m good, I’m good!” as he falls apart.
Steve can only feel the fluttering of his orgasm deeper in, past the rubber grip of the pighole. He shoves all the way in so he can feel it ripple on half his dick, grinding furiously in–in–in and reaching his peak. He clenches his teeth and roars, hips pumping nonstop as he unloads inside Bucky for the third time in ninety minutes.
Just like always, it feels like it lasts forever and not at all. “Holy … fuck,” he eventually pants, when he’s ridden it out and is left slumped over Bucky’s back. He’s still got one hand between Bucky’s legs, holding his caged cock and balls. Bucky came while soft in the cage; Steve can feel the ejaculate wetting up his hand. He gives him another jostle, eliciting an overstimulated whine from the other man. It makes Steve smile breathlessly, and he releases him. He pats his hip. “Stay down for a minute.” Bucky makes a weak noise of no-contest as Steve pulls back and starts to clean them up.
Steve removes the pighole. He feels his dick make a valiant attempt at a fourth salute, at the sight of Bucky’s asshole winking itself closed. “Jesus. Next time I really am jerking it into you.” Next time, he wants to yank the plug out and shoot his load on Bucky’s wrecked asshole when it’s still trying to close back up like it’s doing right now. He reaches down and swipes his thumb over the stretched-out pucker, whispering “Shit.” Bucky grunts softly and then Steve’s cum is being pushed out, bubbling white and hot out around his thumb. Steve groans. He smacks him on the butt. “Stop that. You’re filthy.”
“Sure am,” Bucky purrs, smiling with his eyes closed and stretching out to lay prone on the bed.
Steve lies up against his side and lazily fingers between his cheeks, at the still-lax hole as it continues to twitch and push out cum. He lets his eyes slip closed. “You realize you just came just from being fucked, right?”
There’s a smile in Bucky's voice when he hums, “Mmhm. Sure did.”
Steve wishes he had the energy to demand anything of Bucky right now. He’d tell him to roll over so that he could inspect the cage. Instead, he just asks. “Did it feel like you got hard?”
“No,” Bucky says dreamily. “No. It kept trying and failing, and then I just stopped thinking about it and focused on you.”
Steve plays with Bucky’s hair. “Did that help you feel less …”
“Yes.” Bucky peeks over at him. “I just came from freaking sex, Steve. I didn’t think I—” his voice breaks with emotion, and he takes a steadying breath. “I didn’t think I’d ever be able to do that again in my life.” He sniffles, tearfully happy. “I worked right.”
Steve’s old junker of a heart gets another ding in it. He pulls Bucky in close to be the little spoon, and lies there kissing at the back of his neck for a long, long time. “You always work right, Buck. You’re always perfect. I love you.” He traces the edges of the star that’s carved into the nape of his neck, and eventually he whispers, “We’ll go to the piercing shop tomorrow.”
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For those curious about the cock sheathes and pigholes that Steve and Bucky play with in this fic: Oxballs products
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sitp-recs · 1 year
Ok based on your post, do you have an “oh. Oh.” rec list???? Absolutely love that trope (if it counts as a trope hahahah)
Hello anon! Gosh, I wish my memory was good enough to remember fics that actually include the italicized oh 🤌🏼 the best I can do is rec fics with feels epiphany/moment of realization, I hope that’s ok? I’m probably forgetting a bunch but these came to mind:
Still Life, orphaned (M, 3k)
Hourglass Heart by @bixgirl1 (E, 5k)
It only happened once — depending on how Harry counted.
Closer by @pennygalleon (M, 5k)
All who know them are convinced that Harry and Draco are a couple. But that's just ridiculous.
the keys to your kingdom by thistle_verse (E, 7.5k)
It was nothing so elegant as fucking, the first time they came together. It was teeth just a little too sharp— against a collarbone, on the right-side curve of a jaw, drawing blood from the plushest part of a bottom lip.
Clear As Mud by scoradh (M, 10k)
Set post-war and post-Harry's-conscience...
Take the Moon by @tackytigerfic (M, 15k)
Harry Potter has always wanted a family of his own, and when a deadly blood curse forces him into a marriage bond with his best friend Draco Malfoy, it looks like he might just have found one.
Five Weddings and a Potions Accident by lauren3210 (E, 19k) - this one actually has the oh!!!
In which Harry thinks he’s a playboy, everyone else knows better, and Hermione will kill Seamus if Ron tries to collect on that bet.
Around You Moves by ignatiustrout (M, 29k)
Harry knew Draco was gay when he invited him to move in. He’s never had a problem with this. So why does he feel so weird about Draco bringing men home all of a sudden?
Friends? Is That What We Are? by @l0vegl0wsinthedark (E, 33k)
What the hell is Harry even supposed to do when he finally realises that he loves Draco? He's an idiot and it takes him a while but he gets there. They get there.
Clouds That Veil the Midnight Moon by @drarrytrash (E, 36k)
According to Harry’s personal narrative regarding the incident, he’d hooked up with Draco Malfoy for purely self-destructive reasons, or out of convenience, or by some unlucky accident. Looking at him, sprawled in the moonlight, Harry is devastated to recall that he’d hooked up with Draco Malfoy because he’s hot.
Follow the Water by @xanthippe74 (T, 38k)
Harry Potter’s life is fine. Maybe a little dull and predictable, but he shouldn’t complain about that, right? When he unexpectedly finds himself at Luna’s house one afternoon, Harry gets invited to join the secret wonderland that she’s creating with a surprising group of friends.
Here's The Pencil, Make It Work by ignatiustrout (M, 49k)
Harry thinks "Why is Malfoy working in a coffee shop in muggle London?" is a much simpler question than, "Are you going to accept that auror offer and, if you don't, what will you do?"
Modern Love by @tackytigerfic (E, 61k)
Harry Potter, of all people, knows that life isn’t always fair. And no one gets to be happy all of the time. But surely there’s something more—something better—than a rubbish Ministry job, and a lonely old house, and that feeling that everyone out there is doing a better job of living than Harry is.
We Are Young (I'll Carry You Home Tonight) by Femme (E, 68k)
Harry and Draco have been falling into bed on and off again since the last election five years ago, much to the amusement--and financial gain--of their circle of friends.
Little Deaths and How to Avoid Them by nerakrose (T, 96k)
Malfoy is way too interested in coroner reports for somebody who's definitely not looking for ways to die, Harry wants to be friends with him, and Ginny wants to break up with Harry.
Grounds for Divorce by Tepre (E, 122k)
Malfoy finds a coin. Harry finds a letter.
What We Pretend We Can't See by gyzym (M, 131k)
Seven years out from the war, Harry learns the hard truth of old history: it’s never quite as far behind you as you thought.
By the Grace by lettered (T, 140k)
Harry is an Auror instructor. Malfoy wants to be an Auror.
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shiguangism · 7 months
Link Click Fic Rec - by me!
It's time because I love this fandom, and I want to share all my appreciation for these stories and writers 🥰
I'm going through my AO3 bookmarks!
Between a Rock and an Idiot - by SmileOrGrimace
Lu Guang should have realized that he wouldn’t be greeted by normalcy when he returned home, but he didn’t. He's not nearly as affected by the stab wound as he is by Xiaoshi's reaction to it all. There's something acutely painful about watching someone self-destruct in front of you, and Lu Guang, frankly, doesn't know what he's supposed to do about it. It would help if the world could let him chill for long enough to figure it out. –- Two emotionally stunted young men navigate trauma, subtext, and the misery of trying to feed yourself like a competent adult, all while solving other people’s problems. In for a penny in for a pound, as they say.
姻緣紅線 ~Red String of Fate~ - by TRANScendtheBInary
(MWI) is an interpretation of quantum mechanics that asserts that the universal wave-function is objectively real, and that there is no wave function collapse. This implies that all possible outcomes of quantum measurements are physically realized in some "world" or universe. The many-worlds interpretation implies that there are most likely an uncountably infinite number of universes, time is merely a many-branched tree, wherein every possible quantum outcome is realized." ~Cheng Xiaoshi Possesses a young Lu Guang, Learns About Science, And Gets Tortured~ Lu Guang Backstory because we were lacking. Mind the tags, not explicit but still present.
resistance is futile anyway - by animegoil
To find a misplaced document, Cheng Xiaoshi dives into a photo Lu Guang took. It's easy - all he has to do is wait around for a while... and shower while in Lu Guang's body. He brushes the tip of his fingernail experimentally against Lu Guang’s nipple, only to feel that spark run through him again. “Fuck, you really are that sensitive.” You already know this, Lu Guang deadpans. Now can you move on with it? Cheng Xiaoshi smirks. “C’mon, Lu Guang. What’s a little shower fun going to do to the past, hmm?” The responding silence is all he needs as an answer.
Wouldn't Mind Being Yours - by UrsaMajorStories
The link between them was only supposed to be present during dives. But when Lu Guang goes quiet for a little too long, and Cheng Xiaoshi panics, they find that their powers are able to do more than they originally thought. (Or in other words, their powers literally telling them to just kiss already, at the very least, if not bang).
11th Hour - by miyasjacket
Cheng Xiaoshi’s heart bursts at the seams like a dam, heavy and threatening to drown everyone in its wake. Lu Guang does not flinch. He continues to swim despite it. Three (3) different perspectives on two (2) idiots messing around together and learning the ups and downs of falling in love.
The Hardest Thing About Love (Is Noodles) - by NoomiShroomy
The first time Lu Guang slips up, he chalks it up to forgetfulness. The second time he does, it catches him off guard. The third time he does, he’s almost fully convinced that it’s become a bad habit. And its name is Cheng Xiaoshi.
The person who can't fall in love (And the gay couple that acompanny her) - by AlissZ
Qiao Ling lives in a world of Alphas, Betas and Omegas. Qiao Ling is an Omega. Qiao Ling is supposed to have someone for her. Someone unique and made for her. Someone she is made for. It's a terrifying thought rather than a comforting one. Or; Qiao Ling can't fall in love and a gay couple helps her to understand that that's not bad.
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Someone tell me which WIP I should work on instead of studying for my finals
You Have the Wrong Guy - in which everyone is giving Jake the shovel talk when it was Bradley who broke off their first relationship - Exs to Lovers, ft. dagger squad and class of 86’
Unpacking - how each of the daggers (and Mav) find out about trans!Jake - not romance centered but has the development and destruction and ultimately getting back together of Hangster, Javy is the best friend ever and deserves all the love, this is very self indulgent
Running - Jake has ran his whole life. If no one can catch up to him no one can leave him. Then he meets Javy. The man seemingly has unlimited  patience and always seems to be a step ahead of Jake. - character study, Macheresin, Jake has an absent father and issuesTM
Ballett AU (unnamed) - In which Ice is a Ballet instructor and Mav takes care of Amelia for Penny when he’s not test piloting the military’s newest planes. - plenty of misunderstandings, Icemav endgame but mistaken Mav/Penny, Penny&Sarah friendship
Dinner for Three - when Beau gets an invite to the Mitchell-Kazansky household he figures it’s something to do with the dagger squad, after all the first (and only other time) he was invited over was to celebrate the success of the dagger mission, what he was not expecting was a fancy dinner cooked by the handsome couple that are blatantly flirting with him. This is some cosmic joke, right? - Cyclone/Maverick/Iceman, might end up being smut but won’t promise anything, ft. Cyclone having a massive crush on Ice and reluctant feelings (ew) for Mav, surprise they like him too, Bradley shows up in here for some reason
Dadmral - the obligatory fic in which the dagger squad finds out Mav is married to the COMPACFLT - Pov Phoenix which is different for me lol, some texting, dagger squad and class 86’, Icemav, Ice is alive, Rooster gets smothered by his uncles who have missed him
Coming Home - Rooster fixes his relationship with Mav while working on the Mustang and getting awful (and some good) relationship advice - Icemav, Hangster, Mavdad, Icepops
Goose Been Knew - in which Goose has to deal with idiot pilots who clearly love each other (twice), don’t worry he has a lovely wife and partner to go complain to. - Goose lives, Icemav, Hangster, Slooserole, really just short bits of Goose putting up with Mav and then Rooster
Guitar - Bradley owns a guitar for reasons completely unrelated to his ex who he’s definitely not still in love with. That would be crazy. They’ve been apart for years. - Hangster Exs to Lovers, bitter Hangman, Phoenix and Javy are DONE, the rest of the dagger squad are confused
A Series of Weddings - Tom and Pete get married for the first time in 91’ despite what the world tells them they can do, they talk about it in 2011, they get married legally in 2013 when Ice is diagnosed with Cancer, talk about redoing vows and throwing an actual celebration in 2015 (they don’t), redo their vows in the spring of 2021. In 2023 they attend the Bradley’s wedding. - this is honestly one of my favs, inspired by this post, Icemav, no relapse of cancer, lots of weddings, love, and fluff, Hangster at the end, class of 86’
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seagramrat · 2 months
Ok I’m on chapter 81 of HOFAS and here are my thoughts so far!
- literally am so beyond tired of hearing Ithan and Tharion whining about their choices in life. We get it, you’re idiots, you don’t make logical decisions. Great self-awareness, can we talk about something else now?
- went into this expecting to hate Bryce for how she apparently treats Hunt in this book… but damn if I don’t get where she is coming from!! Like, Hunts got some sort of over inflated sense of self to think he’s personally responsible for all the death and destruction caused by the Asteri… like sir you are thousands (hundreds??) of years old or something, have your critical thinking skills really not surpassed a woman who’s still literally in her 20s???
- soooooooooo mannnyyyyyyyyyy info-dump monologues!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Ruhn and Lidia. Are the couple. The only one. They are the romance. They are the moment. I do not want to hear about anyone else’s mushy gushy feelings. Just those two.
- LIDIA!!! Just, her. I love her more than words can even express. She deserves the HAPPIEST ending. Bless her soul.
- Sigrid. The most ANNOYING subplot ever to exist. Like, why?
- Hunt lowkey a badass for that whole destroy the black crown/halo thing. The timing was pretty immaculate. One of the few moments where I was like “oh fuck yeah”
- Ithan needs to stop finding reasons to be in the Bone Quarter. Honestly, he just needs to stop in general.
- Why did Bryce and Hunt think sending tharion to the river queen was the best option? Like, that was purely for the plot. There was no logical reason for that. “Who should we send??? Hmmm, maybe the ONLY person in our little collective that the river queen ACTIVELY wants dead. Yes. Him.”
- loved that the weak ass fae kings died gruesomely. Ruhn beheading his abusive father? Peak content.
That’s all I can think of for now! Love/hate relationship for sure…
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rainbowsky · 2 years
About the Video
I have gotten so many asks (and messages from antis 🙄) about this video. Rather than turn my blog into a "video Q & A", I'll just give my thoughts on it here in one post.
Fake, fan fiction, CPN.
I'm going to start by saying that the very best response to negative buzz or attacks on GG and/or DD (which this video definitely is), is always to simply ignore, keep quiet and let it blow over. The more engaged we get with the subject, the more buzz we are helping to build around it. In situations like this, it is not in GGDD's best interests for people to freak out. Often the entire purpose of an attack like this is to upset people and stoke up fan wars.
I say this all the time and you'll hear me repeating it again and again and again - block and ignore (and report when appropriate).
If something comes up and you don't see me talking about it, this is why. I don't like giving more oxygen to garbage like this.
Being a (happy) turtle requires critical thinking, media literacy skills and a high degree of fortitude. This is all basic self-care and intellectual self-defense. I've been saying this kind of thing a lot and hopefully it's getting through to some people. If you have a heart of glass, if you are gullible and easily swayed, if you are easily thrown into fits of anxiety and self-doubt, and if you aren't willing to change your self-destructive social media habits, this might not be the right fandom for you.
As turtles we are often outnumbered by enemies who are trying to harm us, debunk our CPN, harm GG and DD, stoke up fan wars, push their own heterocentric agendas, spew homophobia, fandom-phobia and RP/CP-phobia, spread hate against one or both of the boys, make BXG cry, etc. etc. etc.
This fandom is not for the faint of heart.
Heteronormativity plays a key role, here
We've seen countless interactions and sweet moments between GG and DD that make this idiotic video look like a passerby patting a stray dog in the street, and yet there are STILL turtles who are shaken by it.
We have seen a ton of evidence of BJYXSZD, and candies and CPN coming at a regular pace, yet turtles freak out over a 2 year old sibling-ish video clip that has clearly been maliciously edited.
If this video makes you feel shaken about GG and DD it might be time to self-reflect on your attitude toward queer relationships.
Heteronormativity and 'burden of proof' is a huge part of how things get skewed in the fandom. The (often unconscious) assumption among most people is that heterosexuality is the default, and queer relationships don't happen. People need a PHD thesis and a grand jury to believe that GG and DD's relationship is even remotely possible, yet they need nothing more than a rumor and a badly edited video to believe GG or DD is dating a woman. It's insane.
GG and DD could have their tongues down each other's throats and people will still scratch their heads and hmm and haw about them, but the second either of them talks to or interacts with a woman, the immediate assumption is that they're going to marry her.
This is just the way everyone is socialized in our homophobic world, and it plays somewhat of a protective role for GGDD. They wouldn't be able to be as open about their relationship as they are if they were a heterosexual couple. Heteronormativity means that evidence of their being a couple is easily dismissed by most people and they're able to fly under the radar this way.
But as turtles we should know better. We should be able to recognize this dynamic at work and not be thrown by it.
This is not a 'cute moment'
If you are viewing this incident as 'the leaking of a cute moment between friends', or if you are worried about the implications for GG and DD's relationship, you are missing the entire point of the video.
This video has nothing to do with GG and DD. It has nothing to do with friendship. Quite the contrary. It's a targeted attack.
Make no mistake about it - the filming of this video was not an accident. The release of this video was not an accident. The timing of both the filming and the release of it were not accidents. The editing and removal of context were not accidents. This was an intentional attack on GG, aimed at hurting him.
I'm not going to go into all the details of it here. It's an unsavory topic that is best kept private. But if you see something causing a negative stir around either GG or DD, that's probably the entire intent of the situation. To cause a negative stir, stoke up fan wars, and ultimately to harm them.
Context is everything
I want to remind everyone of the context here. GG had earlier that night just enjoyed a major 'comeback' moment after 2/27, when his fans greeted him with a sea of red. If you weren't around back then, you might not understand the significance of what happened.
We had just spent several months watching GG get trashed and attacked and negatively discussed in the media. He had been lying low for months and months. Many of us wondered whether he'd ever recover. As we all know - in C-ent, artists are routinely canceled and blacklisted, often for apparently minor 'infractions'. We had no reason to believe GG would be able to bounce back.
Then Tencent Starlight Awards comes along, and here's GG on the red carpet and then onstage, singing in front of a huge audience, and there was a sea of red light banners that fans had smuggled in to show their love and support. And GG was clearly deeply moved by it all, to where he got choked up toward the end.
I don't think I was the only person bawling my eyes out at that moment. I STILL can't watch that video without getting choked up. It was such an important moment in GG's career.
And GG was visibly relieved. I can only imagine how elated he must have been after the event, to see that his career was going to survive.
I have no doubt he went to that party in high spirits, happy to be able to go out and enjoy an evening celebrating among other stars. His guard would have been down in this closed 'backstage' environment where cameras were not supposed to be. And some utter dirtbag decides to film his interactions, with their own agenda in mind.
The filming and editing and release of this clip, the timing of it, the hot search, everything about it is intended to harm GG and benefit others. This isn't the first time such an incident has happened, and GG isn't the first victim (and likely won't be the last).
It was an egregious violation of his privacy and of his trust, and as people who love him we should be addressing it for what it is instead of having our own self-serving anxiety about what it means for GGDD. You know what it means for GGDD?
Sweet FA.
It means less than nothing. Anyone who thinks DD is jealous about this moment has their head in a moist, dark place. Let me guarantee you, DD is as pissed as I am about what was done to GG, and isn't harboring some ridiculous insecurity about GG's interactions. DD knows GG's real feelings.
Any doubts turtles feel are their own, and have absolutely nothing to do with GG and DD.
Anyone who knows GG knows he's casual and affectionate with others. He had shared a stage with the other subject earlier in the evening, so it's not surprising he had a friendly exchange with her. He is that way with co-stars, with colleagues and with anyone he works with. He's a genuine, down-to-earth, funny, sweet guy.
Those tendencies in him were taken advantage of in some pretty unforgivable ways, here, and THAT'S the real story. Someone is attempting to benefit at his expense, and that's the real story.
This will blow over. Let it. Let's all stop giving this BS story oxygen, and instead focus on loving and supporting GG and DD.
EDIT: More on this here.
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