#just gotta get organised for the real thing
sentient-carrot · 3 months
I feel like we maybe need to start reblogging those breathing exercise posts again because people are so... Chronically online angry.
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earthstellar · 4 months
Brave Bang Bravern!: A Review for Transformers Fans
I've seen so much about this on my dash that I had to give it a try, and I gotta say, as someone who hasn't watched any new anime series since around 2008 at the most recent and I also hate the fucking military, this is a pretty good show.
THERE WILL BE SOME MILD SPOILERS. Nothing major. I'm not gonna spoil anything critical or mention characters that are introduced later etc. At of time of writing, only 6 episodes have been released.
Understanding Genre: The Trailer is A Lie
Now, while there is a trailer here, I want you to largely disregard it.
Why is that? Well, we need to talk about the "big two" robot show genres in Japan, which are as follows:
Real Robot -- This refers to a typically military setting or other serious setting, in which robots are handled as realistically as possible in terms of how they work and how they are applied. There tend to be less individual/sentient robots and more "suit" type mechs right along side human-made, more realistic machinery and mech designs, although that isn't entirely unique to this genre. Usually this stuff is labelled as sci-fi/action outside of Japan.
Super Robot (THIS IS THE SHIT TRANSFORMERS FANS GENERALLY WANT) --Essentially borderline seemingly magical robots with their own rules and in universe backstory for how they work, which isn't necessarily tied to realism. Usually this stuff is labelled as sci-fi/fantasy or space fantasy outside of Japan, since a lot of these tend to be space robots. They can be "driven" by pilots or just straight up sentient robots who are vibing with some human companions, although it's not exclusively that. It can be both, it can be neither, but no matter what, Super Robot shows are less about strict realism and more about really cool shit with robots that are basically their own people and exist according to their own rules.
Now, the trailer for BBBB (the acronym for the show is based on the Japanese title, which is Bang Brave Bang Bravern) is a COMPLETE FUCKING LIE.
It wants you to think this is going to be some dumbass GI Joe shit.
While there are elements of dumbass GI Joe shit, this is largely just to set up the premise for why shit is happening in the first place, and to help introduce the main threat (alien space creatures with fucking light beam lasers) as well as bring in our main characters under the premise of everyone having to work together to address this alien threat to Earth.
What we care about here amongst Transformers freaks is gay space robots, and this show delivers.
Getting Into Bravern: First Episode, Mild Plot Spoiler Summary
It wants you to think this is a Real Robot show.
The first episode sets things up as though it will be a Real Robot show.
There is a threat to Earth, a mystery space alien mechanical enemy, and nobody knows what the fuck to do. A military exercise between multiple nations using Titanostriders (which look very much like Shiro Masamune Appleseed-style mechs, human made in nature) to practice battle drills who are now instructed to swap over to real ammunition and go to fucking town.
Nobody knows how to do that.
They're skilled with the Titanostriders, sure, but it turns into a shit show. The alien mechanical enemies are using fucking space laser shit, it's a disaster---
--And then Bravern drops in from the fucking sky and it IMMEDIATELY TURNS INTO A SUPER ROBOT SHOW.
There's a "get in the robot, Shiji" moment where one of the Titanostrider operators, Isami Ao, is encouraged by Bravern to get inside of him.
He does. And immediately has no idea what the fuck is going on, Bravern is largely in control, and starts to blast his own theme song inside his cockpit as diegetic music while Isami is generally losing his shit, as one might do.
Humanity's reaction to Bravern is Real Robot genre type, where it is handled seriously by all the characters and organisations involved in universe, however Bravern is very much a Super Robot genre character who brings more of a Super Robot energy to the show at large.
The serious elements are mostly balanced by how fucking silly Bravern is, and there are some excellent moments in this show (currently only 6 episodes have been released) which make it entirely worth a watch.
Fun Things About Bravern Himself
Braven is very, very, very gay for his pilot.
Chances are, you've seen the screenshots of some of these moments on Tumblr already, but the delivery of these lines is magnificent.
Bravern sings his own theme song. It's the voice actor for Bravern doing the vocals, and the song itself is reminiscent of 1970s orchestrated big band energy mecha themes. For Transformers fans, it has a very Transformers Victory theme kind of vibe to it.
You gotta hear it, it fucking rules. The album cover shows Bravern holding a giant microphone.
Bravern is generally light hearted, doing his best to motivate his pilot while not hesitating to enter the action and try to defend humanity.
Now, why does Bravern care about humans so much? We don't know, but we'll talk about some mysteries in a later section below.
He is surprisingly insightful at times, while also fucking around and enjoying himself. (You may have seen screenshots going around Tumblr of Bravern with a loop of hot dogs strung around one of his chevron points on his forehead. This follows a scene in which he wants his pilot to take a break and associate with his peers for once, as a way to relieve stress. So they go to a bar, it turns out reception is positive and someone even brings weenies out for Bravern since he's too big to fit inside, lol.)
Generally, he's a very interesting mech, because we have so little information about him. He's fun, and clearly vibing, but he's also borderline if not outright obsessed with his pilot and has unknown origins, which has lead to some darker interpretations and audience discussion.
A lot of people have compared Bravern's energy to Rodimus, and generally I would agree with that. He has his high-energy silly moments, and his more serious personal moments (primarily with Isami, but also with Smith), and I think these aspects of his character work well to create a fun mech with the potential to be deep in a believable and effective way, with an equal capacity for being a doofus.
Bravern is obviously the number one reason to watch the show for most people, and I would say that if you're purely here for a giant gay space robot, then this is going to be a decent watch.
The Military Sucks: There Are Militaries Involved Yet Somehow This Is Still Watchable
I hate the fucking military, so at least the military here is depicted in an acceptable way (so far, at least). In episode 2, they waterboard Isami to interrogate him for information he doesn't have regarding Bravern, which is a realistically shitty and awful thing for the military to do-- They don't sugarcoat how fucked up the military is. These people very much have the capacity to harm their own staff, and they will do so if it means they might get an edge over the enemy.
At the same time, the actual characters in the military are depicted as primarily doing this shit out of a genuine personal desire to defeat these horrendously destructive space entities, which have attacked at least some of their home towns and home countries, so it's more personal rather than purely being a military directive that people are being forced to follow.
In this way, it's not really realistic, but everyone is on board for their own largely humanitarian aid type of reasons (there is a mission which is basically just locating survivors of an attack and then getting the fuck out) which makes the military context feel less oppressive and shitty.
Part of why this is more OK than other military depictions is because the military forces involved here are international (collaborating to defeat a global threat rather than kill each other's civilians) and because the military is clearly losing this war.
Because it's an international effort, this brings more diversity to the show-- There's a surprising amount of English interspersed between dialogue in Japanese here and there, and the military board consists of representatives from multiple nations, including some Germans who at first believe Bravern is some kind of secret American operation, lmao.
Bravern calls the military out on its shit, and essentially tells the military board to stop with the suspicious infighting bullshit and drop the internal tension because otherwise they'll all die to this mechanical nightmare creature threat.
They actually listen, which means this is an unrealistic portrayal of the military, lmao. I think they struck a good balance so far between showing that the military sucks and has problems, while also making sure that you're not really cheering for any given military force, but rather, you cheer for individual characters who just happen to be stuck doing this military shit as a premise for anything to be going on in the show at all.
So it's not the worst when it comes to the military shit; At least so far, it's watchable, which as someone who passionately hates the fucking military, is surprising to me.
It's less GI Joe and more "we just needed a reason for these characters to be involved in this situation".
Of course, your mileage may vary, but personally I found it easy to tune out or just skip through any military shit that got grating and I didn't miss anything important by doing so. At the very least, you can skip around and ignore a lot of this stuff and get right to the gay robot if that's all you want to do. It becomes clear pretty quickly what's going on if you skip around a bit, so no worries there.
Fun Speculation: What is Bravern?
Only 6 episodes are out at the moment, so there's tons of shit we don't know yet.
Bravern has a notable resemblance to a type of enemy in the show, called a Death-Drive.
Death-Drives are mecha who are distinct from the "minion" type enemies (which almost resemble flying saucers with laser gun arms and light shields), and have their own unique character designs and names.
Why these things are here, how they are here, why they are interested in Earth, and everything else is currently unknown.
Bravern looks like he could possibly be of the same mechanical species, although we don't know if that's true (yet). He has abilities that the other mecha don't seem to have, but how far this goes and what it might mean is not yet clear.
Bravern also seems to have knowledge of human media (he references The Abyss at one point and he likes 3D printing figures of sentai show characters lmao), and was immediately able to speak to the humans using language they would understand, so it's unclear if Bravern may have been studying Earth for some time before his arrival or why.
He is obsessed with his pilot and cares for him so much that he extends some care towards others purely based on their relation to Isami as co-workers; Why? What makes Isami special?
How does Bravern know seemingly every human language? How does his piloting system work? How similar is he to the Death-Drives-- Are organic beings critical to them in some way? If so, why are the other mechs killing so many of us? (These are big questions especially by the end of episode 6, due to some spoilers and a spoiler character who shows up later.)
We know little to nothing about a lot of the key elements of the show, including any motivations for the Death-Drives or what they are, what's up with the fucking UFO looking laser things, etc.
There's more to speculate on, but that would be getting into deeper spoiler territory so I'm gonna hold back on that for now.
Summary: It's Gay and Cool and Has Interesting Ideas
Bravern's not the sole source of gay vibes in this show, but it's fun that he is also a source of gay vibes in this show.
The designs are great, the Titanostriders remind me of Appleseed style mechanical suit designs which is nice, the Death-Drives are super interesting, Bravern is fucking fabulous but he's not too goofy to take seriously, and the military is unfortunately present but it's clear that they suck and are generally losing (and since the conflict is not between different groups of humans but rather is about human collaboration to defeat a non-human shared threat to our entire planet, this goes a long way to make the military shit tolerable).
It pretends to be a Real Robot show but has so much Super Robot show sprinkled in that you might as well consider it a little bit of both which the show balances pretty well.
I haven't watched an anime since around 2008 at the very latest, so I don't know how this might compare to any other robot animes since then and I am certainly not an anime expert by any means LOL, but this has been a fun show to watch so far.
It does have its problems, of course, but if you can get past the setup for the first episode (when it's still pretending to be a Real Robot show), from the moment Bravern arrives towards the end of that first episode, the show gains momentum and starts to get interesting very quickly.
It has some issues. But we're only 6 episodes in, so at the moment, they have plenty of time to potentially address those issues and we'll see where things go.
I'd recommend it if you want to give it a try!
I think there's enough here to appeal to the usual Transformers crowd and you might end up liking it, or at least having fun while watching it in the background.
If you end up wanting to to tap out then no worries-- I think it's worth giving it a shot and if it's not your thing, no problem.
Each episode is around 25 - 30 minutes, so while the first episode might feel like a slog to get through because fuck the military, once Bravern shows up the show actually gets started and I wouldn't blame anyone for just skipping to that point in the first episode and going from there, because there's nothing in that opening that you won't be reminded of or be able to figure out. It mostly just sets up the intro to the human characters and the collaboration training session, introduces the Titanostriders as a thing, and you can always go back and watch that part later if you want to.
All in all, pretty decent! Obviously we're Transformers people so we're here for the robots, and the robots are interesting and fun, and that's all I need to have a good time.
Hopefully this was a useful summary if you're interested or have seen Bravern stuff on your dash! :)
Thanks for reading!
BONUS: I forgot to mention this somehow, but there's a lot of overlap between Transformers and other Brave shows involving actual Transformers re-used in Japan for these shows; There's a good video about it here on YouTube which explains some of this, but if anyone's wondering, yes Bravern has a grounder alt-mode and it's pretty cool. Will we get a transforming Bravern figure??? We can hope!
There's another video here which mentions some of the Transformers elements in other Brave shows/Yuusha, which might be interesting for those of you who are unaware. :)
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eshithepetty · 2 years
I love terumob. They're so funny. Name another dynamic in which:
They start off by one of them beating the shit out of the other and strangling them to unconciousness. Despite this, the one who wins, by wide margin even, is actually the one who got strangled, because it just so happens that he has an all powerful eldritch entity locked inside him that tears everything to pieces and flings the other into the stratosphere in response. Y'know, as one does
The next time they meet, they acknowledge none of this, and instead immediately act buddy buddy to save the strangled kid's emo brother from a terrorist organisation.
And oh yeah, the terrorist organisation is a thing now. Apparently the one who got flung to the stratosphere, the blond one, knows them because they've been targetting him? And he just lives alone?? At 14??? Where are his parents
Which is to say, not surprising that this middle schooler is perfectly ready to torture a grown man, actually. If you think about it a little bit.
And its funny because the one who got strangled, bowl cut guy, is like, real moral right? Like thats his whole thing - he just really wants to be a good person, and he wants others to be good people as well. And yet, here he is, perfectly content to hang out with someone who doesnt even blink at potentially murdering a guy.
The murdering torturing middle schooler is also a delinquent leader and a popular kid btw, did you know. Well, he was at least, until he went dramatic in the opposite direction and now dresses like if a claires waste bin and a haystack had a baby. And bowl cut is decidedly, Not any of that. He's the most normal guy ever actually.
They literally couldn't be further from each other in personality.
How are they friends.
They make no sense <3
And yet maybe they make sense after all because bowlcut wants to be better, and because of him, haystack also wants to be better. Maybe they both see each other for what they could never be. Maybe they both see in each other the best versions of them. Maybe it's the self recognition through the horribly, extremely other. Maybe it's the easy acceptance. Maybe it's the self growth.
Maybe they make sense after all.
But in the end, over all this mushy shit, it's just extremely funny, that the world's most arrogant, immoral and prideful middle schooler, with fancy hair and neat clothes and many girlfriends and flourishing prospects can get literally sent through the clouds One time by an autistic kid in a bowlcut and immediately decide to turn his whole life around, centering on the axis of this one average, not-average boy - adopting his philosophy, ruining his wardrobe, abandoning his heterosexuality, while underneath it remaining still the boy with no parents and no intrinsic morals and no real humble bone in his body. Because if he's not the best, he's gotta be the best at aknowledging he's not the best. And he's so funny.
They're silly.
And i love them.
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texasdreamer01 · 1 month
Atlantis Expedition: Science Division Departments
"Many of the scientists on Atlantis are organised into departments, each with their own department head. Dr. Rodney McKay was head of the Science and Research Division which most likely meant he was in charge of all of the science departments. Dr. Radek Zelenka was also the head of his own department. The various science departments on Atlantis are:
> Physics
 » Astrophysics
> Biology
 » Microbiology
 » Astrobiology
> Oceanography
> Botany
> Medicine
> Anthropology
(SGA: "Remnants", "Grace Under Pressure", "Suspicion")"
From <https://stargate.fandom.com/wiki/Atlantis_expedition#Departments>
As I'm working my way through worldbuilding headcanons on the expedition, I figured I ought to start with the science division first. Above is my starting point: the canonical information at hand, to flesh out and give it some real-world reliability.
When I looked at it again, I realized it was, to put it politely, ill-thought-out crap that was only looked upon when the writers needed some random scientist around for episode material.
So, what considerations would an expedition like this actually need to take into account when hiring people?
At the very bare bones of it is "how many people can I fit through a wormhole in twenty or twenty-five minutes, plus supplies?". I went back and forth, prevaricated for a bit, and settled on 200 people if you really want to hoof it.
(Why 20-25 minutes? It's SGC's first stable-ish wormhole to another galaxy that's powered by a ZPM. They don't even know how much of a success that would be, or if they're just shoving people into a glorified shredder. Gotta pick and choose who you're maybe putting through the billion-dollar shredder. Y'know. Just in case.)
My initial rough estimations were about an even split between scientific and military personnel, which I kept on hand as napkin math to sanity check myself. This would be approximately 150 scientists.
What departments would there be, and how would it be divided? Who makes the priorities, and why?
The canon data is a mess, and as I worked through things, canon kept getting folded and refolded into different configurations because there's two competing priorities: the IOA/SGC, and Rodney's approach to pragmatism.
What was everyone expecting to see on the other side of that wormhole? Definitely not a city ship sunk into the ground of an ocean, and definitely not isolated from others (the Athosians were an unexpected godsend that kicked off the reason to have a plot in the first place). Whatever the IOA or SGC had in mind will quickly get thrown out the window, but needs must, and the departments were likely arranged long before the shipping manifest was decided.
I poked around the uniforms, because everyone is colour-coded, and there's five sections:
> Red (civilian, leader) - Worn by Dr. Elizabeth Weir, Teyla Emmagan, Colonel Samantha Carter and Richard Woolsey.
> Blue/dark blue or purple (scientist) - Worn by Dr. Meredith Rodney McKay and Dr. Radek Zelenka.
> Yellow (medical) - Worn by Dr. Carson Beckett and Dr. Jennifer Keller.
> Black (military) - Worn by Lt. Colonel John Sheppard and Major Evan Lorne.
> Green (technician) - Worn by Chuck and Amelia Banks.
This information is listed in both the "List of Atlantis personnel" and "Atlantis expedition uniform" pages on SGCommand.
Thus far that gets me two and a half departments in my hand: Scientist, Medical, and Technician (that's the half).
What would the SGC and IOA want the expedition to prioritize? Technology, and lots of it. This means that, probably, there's going to be more engineers than you can shake a stick at, and not a lot of pure sciences. Remember, it cost money to fire up the gate, and flinging people into another galaxy is an unfathomable amount of (international, at this point) taxpayer funds. You're going to want as much applied science as possible, and as much overlap in disciplines as possible.
(Unfortunately this does leave little room for error, so anyone that dies is capable of leaving a hole in potential research.)
Therefore, how would a top-down order of technological research look like? My assumption was this:
> Engineering of the city of Atlantis itself
 » ZPMs, auxiliary and/or complementary power sources
 » Materials and material manufacturing
 » Design specs of different technologies (jumpers, yes, but also anti-grav, shields, climate controls)
> Biological sciences
 » ATA gene therapies
 » Whatever the Ancients were working on regarding ascension
  ⇛ Helpful with the Ori once Atlantis is informed of that issue
To wit, neither addendum on the biological sciences bullet point is pertinent at the time of department formation, as Carson invented the ATA gene therapy after arriving in Atlantis, and the Ori weren't an issue for a similar reason.
Ergo, all non-biological engineering fields would have had higher billing, and thus more of them hired. The only exception would be medical, and I'm sure the SGC had the forethought to bully the IOA into its relevancy and make sure that department was as fully-stocked as they could manage.
Now what about practical considerations? Plans are nice and all, but rarely survive contact with reality, so some adjustment might be needed. This, I believe, the SGC considered, given their own history of needing to rapidly adjust on the fly.
Rodney, as Chief Science Officer (CSO), would be the one to not only make these kinds of decisions, but also to listen to the head of the expedition as to what needed to be prioritized. As the show has demonstrated, there can be a significant amount of shuffling around of employees based on the needs of a minute, and hour, a week, a month - for an indefinite amount of time? Basics are what gets the job done.
So what things would Rodney need to consider, or be directed to consider by Elizabeth?
> Oh shit this can sink
 » Rodney's main work - keeping the ZPM working and get as many new ones as possible
> Oh shit everything's so far away
 » Rodney's other main work - making sure the gate works as ordered
> Oh shit we're in another galaxy
 » Food
  ⇛ Getting, keeping, preserving, maybe the occasional growing
 » Utilities
  ⇛ Luckily they don't have to pay for it lol
  ⇛ But also oh shit lighting, water, sewage, air filtration, general life support
   ⟹ Rodney's third main work
   ⟹ This poor guy
 » Medicine
  ⇛ Rodney delegates the hell out of this
  ⇛ Good luck making potions, guys!
 » Bullets
  ⇛ Also other things the military needs
  ⇛ Fun times re-inventing the wheel I mean gunpowder
  ⇛ Good work for bored soldiers, and possibly also any scientist Rodney puts in time-out
 » Clothes
  ⇛ Ha, thread
  ⇛ Also needles
  ⇛ Experiments in sewing machine making
   ⟹ Watch the fingers
  ⇛ How to replace fabric?
  ⇛ Off-duty clothes
  ⇛ Also medical clothing (scrubs for staff, patients)
 » Miscellaneous
  ⇛ Entertainment, I guess
Internal monologue included because I think it's funny.
While Rodney's spending his days with Benny Hill music playing in the background trying to get all of those priorities done on top of actually delegating work and doing whatever else Elizabeth (and John) want him to do, other people actually need to have some work to get done. So what are they doing?
It depends on who already does what, frankly. So in the above combined interests (amount of people that can fit through an intergalactic wormhole, competing IOA/SGC interests, realities of living in Atlantis), I'm proposing this set-up (commentary included):
Medical Sciences Department
Head: Carson Beckett (later, Jennifer Keller, later, whomever)
Contains: Surgery, psychiatry, physical therapy
Function: Maintaining health of expedition members
Examples of function: surgeries, medical prescriptions, recuperation from injuries, mental stability
Personnel quantity: 1 (Head) + 10 (surgical team) + 5 (nurses) + 1 (psych) + 1 (phys. therapy) + 1 (anesthesiologist) = 19 total
A/N: Nurses have training in medications and physical therapy, surgical team also doubles as general practitioners.
Life Sciences Department
Head: OC
Contains: Earth biologists, bio- & biochemical engineers, astro/xeno-biologists, botany, environmental chemistry, zoology, microbiology
Function: Auxiliary to Medical Department needs
Examples of function: pharmaceutical synthesis, analysis of unknown species, biological database creation, gene therapies (pharmaceutical adjacent)
Personnel quantity: 1 (Head) + 2 (Earth biologists) + 2 (bioE & biochemE) + 1 (astro/xenobio) + 1 (botany) + 1 (envchem) + 1 (zoo) + 2 (microbio) = 11
A/N: Both biologists also have training/specialization in genetics/gene mapping (assists both Carson and Katie), some input in requesting gate missions based on in-house needs.
Field Sciences Department
Head: OC
Contains: Linguistics, historical geography, cartography, ethnography, sociology, oceanography, hydrology, atmospheric physics, planetary physics
Function: Research pool for gate teams and any assigned missions
Examples of function: Preservation of refugee cultures, scouting for trade planets, analysis of back-up sites for establishment
Personnel quantity: 1 (Head) + 3 (linguistics) + 1 (histgeo) + 1 (cart) + 1 (ethno) + 1 (socio) + 1 (oceano) + 1 (hydro) + 1 (atmophys) + 1 (planphys) = 12
A/N: SGC duplicate all shoved into one department, mostly ignored in-house but their brains are picked for background dossiers when it comes to mission planning. Linguists trained in xenolinguistics, from the SGC, can cover the various anthro fields if necessary, also various training in structural linguistics. Main scientist pulls for gate team assignments, if something critical isn't needed (i.e. Ancient technology).
Applied Sciences Department
Head: Rodney McKay (or perhaps Radek Zelenka?)
Contains: Electrical/technical engineering, nuclear physics, civil engineering, astrophysics, laser/optical, chemical engineering
Function: Study, synthesis, and adaptations of Ancient technology
Examples of function: ZPM analysis with intent to duplicate, experimental duplications of Ancient technology materials, study of gate physics and construction with intent to duplicate, study and experimental duplication of other Ancient technologies (i.e. hyperdrives, cloaks, weapons, etc)
Personnel quantity: 1 (Head) + 3 (electreng) + 6 (techeng/gate techs) + 1 (nucphys) + 1 (astrophy) + 1 (LZ/opt) +  3 (chemeng) = 16
A/N: The people Rodney are yelling at most often, because mistakes mean kablooey. Also a lot of the people running around in an emergency. 1 nuclear physicist because Rodney pulls a lot of intellectual weight, and same with the astrophysicist and laser/optical person (mostly they're there as on-paper hires and back-ups/assistants for him for his own research).
Gate Technicians
Head: ??? Joint custody
Contains: Gate technicians
Functions: Auxiliary to Applied Sciences Department, interacts with the gate and the gate only
Examples of function: dialing, searching database for addresses, maintaining mission logs and planets visited, basic repair and maintenance of the gate, technical drawings as required by others
Personnel quantity: Chuck, idk +5 for full shift overlaps = 6 total (listed in Applied Sciences department as techeng/gate techs)
A/N: Technically nerds but are active duty, probably loans from SGC (maybe also Russia because of the DHD debacle?).
Gate technicians are, although folded into the Applied Sciences department, listed separately in order to better articulate their duties (and the fact that they get the green shirts). Shout-out to @spurious for enabling the idea that gate techs would do technical drawings 😁
Sum Total of Science Division Personnel
Medical: 19
Life Sciences: 11
Field Sciences: 12
Applied Sciences: 16
Total total: 19 + 11 + 12 + 16 = 58
This isn't anywhere close to my initial estimate of 150, but I think it adequately covers all the preconceived and actual responsibilities that the science division would need to handle in the expedition. Possibly I might update these numbers as I develop this headcanon further, but that would end up in a new post.
Further elaboration on headcanons about each department will be in their own posts, with links updated here as they're posted for ease of reference.
Science Department Breakdown Posts
Medical Department (posted 14 May 2024)
Life Sciences Department (posted 29 May 2024)
Field Sciences Department (posted 30 May 2024)
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starpirateee · 4 months
Could you maybe write something Holloweane? They are my world 🤍
Of course I can, anon! I could've made this maybe the angstiest thing ever, because god only knows the two of them have potential for it,,, but let's save that for Holloweane week, shall we?
Tumblr media
"Duke, good god, you need to rest."
Miss Holloway was starting to get the impression that Duke Keane didn't believe in sleep. He was the undisputed king of working himself to the bone, with the excuse that there was always something else to do, or someone else to help. He was in her diner for coffee every morning, and not only because he wanted a good chat with the famous Miss Retro... Because he'd come in groggy and lacking any of the energy he needed for the day, and she'd started insisting on giving him coffee to tide him over.
She was sure he'd forgotten about it, but there was one occasion she caught him sleeping in the backseat of his station wagon between hasty stacks of manila envelopes. After asking him about it, he'd admitted that he just crashed, and that was it for a good hour or more.
At the moment, he was sitting on one of the barstools at the corner of the counter, scribbling hurriedly into a case file and trying to update his notes on something that had clearly gotten his interest. She'd managed a glimpse at his notes, and they were just as haphazard as she would've come to expect from him. Clearly nobody else looked at these files, because his way of organising the notes and data within the file seemed to be... Unique to just him. If it wasn't, she'd be genuinely surprised.
He looked up at her, seemingly registering her presence for the first time, though she'd been standing there on the other side of the counter the whole time, for a lack of anything better to do. "I'm good, I'm on my way to finishing this stack."
She rolled her eyes. "That's not the point... If you keep going now these aren't going to make any sense to you when you next read em!" Somehow, she was going to play into a part of his mind where it made sense to take a break, because she was frankly worried that one of these days, he was going to work himself to death.
"I've gotta write this up again anyway, someone complained they couldn't read my writing, so eventually I've gotta go through this again and type it." he shrugged, looking back towards the paper. Her eyes followed his, like she hadn't already tried to decipher what he was trying to write. Was he seriously using a college notation method to write up official cases? Did she really recognise it as a college notation method?
Maybe this was on her.
"Isn't that all the more reason why you should save it? C'mon, Duke, when was the last time you got a good night in?"
"Why are you so bothered how much I sleep?" the question wasn't malicious in any way, merely Duke playing into his curiosities without looking up from the page he was scribbling on.
"Because it's been the same routine for months now? You come in here every morning before work, and I'm lucky if I actually get to see you alert and well rested before you order the coffee. don't you think there's even a chance you're working yourself too hard?"
His pen stopped. She hadn't realised how much she'd been relying on it as background noise until it stopped scratching against the page.
He was more than aware that she paid attention to him. The two of them had some rather interesting conversations first thing on a morning, but come to think of it, most of those had been fuelled by her absolutely heavenly coffee. At this point, it was a subconscious effort to keep himself going for as long as possible, because that meant he got more done. And if he got more done, then he had more of a chance to get to the conclusion of a case, to reach the point where he could stop and say... Yeah. He finally made a difference. A real difference.
"Y'know, maybe I am..."
Holloway's shoulders dropped with relief; she hadn't even realised there had been a tension there in the first place. Duke's eyes flitted between her, the notes, and an empty space on the desk next to him.
"Just let me-"
Her hand fell on top of his, stopping him from witing another word (and bringing a sudden flush to his cheeks, but he elected to ignore that one). She gently shifted his hand out of the way, closing the file over the written notes with her other hand. He stared at the glossy sheen on her brightly painted nails until he snapped himself out of his working trance, at least for the time being.
"I'm gonna hold this file hostage if you're not careful, least that'll be one way to actually get you to sleep for once..."
After thinking about this, and coming to the realisation that he was likely going to be back in the morning anyway, he figured that there was only one way to keep him distracted from work long enough to get him to do anything else. "... Could you?"
"Keep the file. I'll be back for it tomorrow morning, but you want me to sleep, and there's a bit of me that wants me to sleep too... So-"
She slipped the file under the counter without another word, a smile resting on her lips. "It'd be my pleasure. Now... I swear to god, if you don't sleep tonight I'm burning this."
A laugh escaped him, genuine as it was weary. "Fine, fine, I can take a hint." He stood up from his barstool and took a moment to grin over at her before he turned on his heel and headed towards the door. Before he could leave, he shot a final glance back. "Please don't burn it... That's a week's worth of work..."
"Get some rest, then," she teased, folding her arms.
"G'night, Miss Holloway."
"Goodnight, Duke."
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alpaca-clouds · 5 months
Urban Fantasy Worldbuilding and the USA
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You know what? I am talking a bit about Urban Fantasy. Because, you know, I originally mostly wrote Urban Fantasy stuff and did write in my old blog about it. And there is just something about the genre that tends to bug me a lot. Specifically about the world building.
Most of the time Urban Fantasy is very US-centric, or at least western-centric. Of course, there is Urban Fantasy fiction existing in other cultures and those are at times (though the US is still overrepresented) set in the country where they are written.
But... Let me talk about why the US-centric or western-centric worldbuilding irks me so much: It kinda ignores the rest of the world EXISTING. With maybe the one exception of putting some creatures from exotic mythologies in there, a lot of writers tend to ignore that other countries have different ways of organizing things.
This starts bugging me in different ways, depending of the kind of worldbuilding. In Urban Fantasy worlds, where magic is secret, the reason for magic being secret is often bound very much to western history. In Urban Fantasy worlds where magic is no longer secret, it just shows with assuming that both world organisation - and the way people interact with magic.
Let me talk about the "secret" magic first. Yes, in some Urban Fantasy worlds magic is secret by default. This is stuff like the Mist in the Rick Riordan stuff. Where humans can somehow not or not always perceive magic. That is... fine. But often enough it goes more like: "Oh, yes, we keep magic secret because of the witch hunts." In which case I will go and ask: "Okay, sure, fine for North America and Europe, but... what about the rest of the world?" Like, sure, there were some witch hunts in other colonial areas - but in general... witch hunts were very much a western thing. So I have to wonder: Why would people in the rest of the world align with the entire idea of "keeping magic secret"?
Even in worlds where the reason for the secrecy is bound to a fictional event... It often is something that has happened in the west that often ignores the relationship that other cultures might have with magic.
In worlds where the magic is out in the open the problems are still similar. For the most part, we only get to know what the magic creatures are doing in the USA (or whatever European country the story takes place). Any big organisations for the magical world - even international ones - are in western countries. And generally speaking any characters from a not western background tend to be token.
And... You know... That is just horrible worldbuilding? Like, if you do Urban Fantasy, I am sorry, but you gotta learn a bit about how the real world works and how people of different cultures interact with the idea of magic.
It is one of the big things that stops me from enjoying a lot of Urban Fantasy.
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some-beans · 1 year
I’m in a mood babe. I gotta write, but I’d be hella inspired if you wrote like a hot MHA pro hero teacher Y/n (if its not too much both male and female, its okay if you only do one, no pressure!)
Just the pros thirsting 🧘🏾‍♀️
— Love you ⛹️🏾‍♀️
you got it babe 💃💃 imma do both
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✎...pairing: pro heroes x pro hero!teacher!reader ✎...themes: chaos, pro heroes are down bad, seen as romantic ✎...notes: i want reader, reader is thick for both male and female bc i can, reader's quirk is up to your imagination, though reader teaches health, can you tell which characters are easier to write ✎...enjoy !!
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gonna be real with y'all
a hot mess
like he's a highschooler giggling and kicking his feet
blushing and shit
i feel like it starts off as a crush from respect and slowly turns southwards when he manages to find you beaten to hell and back with your costume wrecked to shit
bc just like megan said, body-ody-ody-ody-ody-ody-ody-ody
but also
women with muscles 💕💕
but besides that, i feel like due to how he constantly trained, all might legit has rizz ー with that ass ー but has no idea how to use it
also, with his skinny form, self-conscious baby 🥺
now, it takes him a lot longer to develop these feelings bc i kinda see all might as a ❛traditional man❜ but not in a religious way
like, in a sense he would do old fashion things to woo someone
like earlier, all might would have to be sat down by someone and have it told to his face that he finds the health teacher attractive
cuz god DAYUM you're yummy
your costume hugs and accentuates all of your muscles
especially your tiddies
definitely uses the excuse to work out with you just to see those muscles move
same goes when you help him out with his classes
that ass is muy caliente
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the only chance he'd see you would be out on patrol or if it had something to do with shoto
however, after his divorce and now trying to rebuild his connection with his family, he does end up talking to you
this is bc shoto won't shut up about you to fuyumi or natsuo ー yes, he was eavesdropping
manages to catch you while on patrol
it was very awkward
manages to watch how you easily interact with kids
and how caring you are to shoto ー caring enough to make the boy smile
. . . why did his heart flutter??
same with the female reader, the only chance he'd see you would be out on patrol or if it had something to do with shoto
i feel like for a male reader, endeavour would have to build up respect for you before feelings ever get involved
but when you got hit with a quirk that made your costume melt
. . .
he can get behind the gay agender
totally doesn't use his power to ask for you to work on cases with him
totally not
if your costume happens to have a boobbie window, he will be staring
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this man right here, closeted simp
hands down
does all the small things that make your teacher workload easier
like he would organise your desk, make sure you have pens, coffee/tea/energy drink at the ready etc
present mic brought this up
he lost his loud noise privileges
as i said he will do anything for
like a n y t h i n g
. . . a tad bit yandere if you ask me, guys
definitely acts like a grumpy cat when you first meet
tends to be wearier of male pro heroes as they don't really have the best representation in the media and in his eyes
eyes you off whenever you're around
that broke when sneaked in the new kitten you got into work and let's just say aizawa is very interested
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bashful, blushy and stumbling mess
may or may not have accidentally activated his quirk when he's around you
god, is just like when first got it
folds like an omelette when you smile or call him ❛honey❜
well, it could be any pet name, but that one just
*internal screaming ensues*
man is open to anything
look me in the eye and tell me this man hasn't drabbled in the fruit salad
tries to act suave and confident, but folds like origami whenever you smirk at him
y'all he turns into a puddle when you give him any attention
like, even a crumb
laps that shit up
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yum yum
loves a strong, independent woman
thighs thighs thighs
wants them to be wrapped around her head
earmuffs forever
very vocal about you just destroying her life
and stepping on her
very big fan
yum yum part two: the electric boogaloo
sure, she's got all might's and vlad king's muscles to look at, but yours??
dear GOD
she just wants to
when his dick slaps when he walks, i shall listen when he talks™
epitome of that^^
ceo actually
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down bad horrendously
mummy issues who??
now, considering how he grew up, has zero ideas of how to woo you besides using his natural bird instincts
which is very cute
especially if you're taller than him and he tries to make himself look bigger by puffing up his wings
swoons and almost cries when you show him gentle affection
that was a surprise and a half
down bad horrendously part two: the electric boogaloo
daddy issues who??
typically does the whole bromance thing that board line has everyone assuming you two are actually dating
he may have friend zoned himself for that in the beginning and does the arthur fist whenever he remembers that time in his life
has one of his feathers following you when you're on patrol just to make sure you're safe
even tho you kick ass and will most likely be fine
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fruit salad 🎵 yummy yummy 🎵 [ iyk where that's from, i love you ❤️ ]
flirting is 100% on
maximum rizz game
mirko is going make it known you're a tall of water and she's thirsty
will 100% be staring at your tiddies and thighs
also very much keeping her hands on you whenever she can
looked you up and down, and said ❛aight❜
she can get behind it, but don't expect her to be a shy blushing mess
will be coming in strong and she will be jazzed you return the same energy
lowkey digs the height difference *cough cough size kink cough cough*
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coltrainbat · 2 years
No One Disrespects Chris’s Girl
Summary: Your Chris’s girlfriend and an interviewer talks smack about you.
WARNINGS: Swearing, big mad Chrissy, little angst, protective Chris
A/N: Something about Chris in protective mode makes me... hmmm... you’ll see. 
DISCLAIMER: All characters and events written, even those based on real people are entirely fictional and are no representation or comment of said characters in real life. 
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Chris settled himself into the director’s chair as an assistant came over to adjust his mic. 
He was doing press rounds his new movie, and it was his last interview for the day. So far, he had really appreciated some of the questions asked about the movie and his future projects and enjoyed catching up with journalists he had worked with before. But he was eager to get home into bed with you. 
 You preferred your privacy so besides the casual question as to how you were doing, journalists were warned to not venture into asking about your life or your relationship with Chris well before the interview began.
 Chris was getting the run down from Meg, this was a new journalist who Chris hadn’t worked with previously, an online gossip blog called GoFlow, that presented their interviews in video form via YouTube....  blah… blah... Seemed sound enough, nothing Chris hadn’t done before. He was expecting the 20 minutes interview block to go by smoothly, answer some of the questions he had already received with a slight variation, get a photo for their blog, maybe even sign a t-shirt for someone’s nephew and what not. These things were usually very straight forward. 
 It was 10 minutes after 4 and the new guy was already late. It isn’t a great look, but Chris was patient and was happy to go overschedule to get the blog what they needed. 
 In came, came the journalist, talking obnoxiously on the phone in the corner of the room.
 “Yeah bro, I’m interviewing Captain America… its sick! I bet I could get him to come to boys’ night. Holy shit imagines the chicks we’d pull... alright yeah bro I gotta go do this interview I’ll call you back.” 
 Chris looked over to Megan, mouthing ‘what the fuck’ she just shook her head in disappointment making a mental note to blacklist them if this gets any worse. 
 Chris was a little taken back by the brashness of not only taking a phone call from your buddy when you’re 10 minutes late to your job but also to talk so loudly about going for drinks with a guy you haven’t met and using him to pick up chicks? 
 Fuck me. 
 He realised then and there that this guy was not gonna be easy to work with even if it was just for the next 20 minutes. 
 “Hey Chris! Buddy, big fan of your work, I’m Miles, let’s get this started shall we.” 
 Chris offered him a polite handshake “Nice to meet you, Miles.” Not. 
 The red dot on the camera facing the two across from each other, started blinking, signaling it was rolling.
 It started off ok, yeah, he asked the basic questions about filming with said co-star and what training Chris had to go for to pull of stunts etc. But Chris, being the professional he is, hid his tiredness, putting on a smile for the camera, and answered the questions charmingly and honestly. 
 “So, Chris, you’ve been with your girlfriend y/n for 2 years now, correct?”
 “Yeah, I have she’s amazing, couldn’t ask for anyone better to have by my side.”
 Hoping that was the end of it. 
 “From the little info you two have shared with the public it seems she has a regular job that’s got to be kind of different from yours huh?”
 Chris was getting a little agitated about the questions regarding you. Not because he didn’t like talking about you just the fact, he referred to your job as “regular”. Sure, you worked a 9-5 but the work you did for the community was far from ordinary and inspired him daily. 
 “I wouldn’t say she has a regular job per say, yes our jobs are different but she’s just as a passionate and hardworking in her incredible role at (insert organisation) as I am about acting, she does amazing work and I’m incredibly proud of her.”
 “Do you ever question her intentions? I mean it seems like she doesn’t earn a lot of money and it’s probably very convenient for someone like her to shack up with a moneybag like yourself? It’s also interesting you chose her compared to some of the models you have dated in the past. I don’t know about you, but I’d take the model over the chubby normie any day ya know? ha ha.”
 Chris saw red. 
 How dare this guy shows up late and then insult the women he loves to not only suggest she’s using him for money but to call his beautiful partner, “chubby”? How you looked was none of this guy’s fucking business, to compare you to his exes who were exes for a reason was unreasonable. Any suggestion you were a gold-digger was also absolutely ridiculous since you hated Chris spending money on you without reason. You worked hard day in, day out for the things you have and never asked Chris for a dime. 
 “Go fuck yourself.”
 “Ummm excuse me?”
 “You heard me, go fuck yourself. How fucking dare, you show up late, regurgitate basic ass questions and then go onto insult the woman I love.” 
 Chris got up from his seat, ripping off the mic and looming over Miles, a member of his team came forwards lousily placing an arm in between Chris and the douchebag journalist.
 “Ya know its assholes like you I’d take a lot of pleasure in beating the fuck up.” His thick Boston accent prominent in every word he spat. His finger firmly pointed towards the journalist’s throat. 
 The journalist went mute in his seat holding his hands up in defence, practically shivering with fear as to what the 6ft jacked actor was going to do to him. 
 Chris quickly exited the room before he caught a felony for laying his hands on the guy.  
 Chris didn’t tell you what happened in the interview. But he didn’t need to because shortly after someone leaked the clip. 
 The internet went nuts in Chris’s favour. 
 “Chris Evans defends partner against arrogant journalist”   “SWOON ALERT: Chris Evans gets BIG MAD”   “Miles Darcy FIRED after Chris Evans interview stunt”   “101 Reasons Chris Evans is every woman’s dream man staring with his infamous interview in which he defends his girlfriend”   “Don’t F*ck with Chris Evans”   “Chris Evans calls out sexist remarks made against girlfriend”
 While press was good, your main concern was how this reflected on Chris’s image.
 Sat in your shared living room, looking up from your phone as you scrolled through the endless articles on the interview. You looked up at your boyfriend who was pacing the room. Still furious at the comments. 
 “You didn’t have to defend me you know.”
 “I didn’t have to DEFEND you!? Y/N when an asshole says shit about you TO MY FACE, there’s no way in fucking hell, I’m going to sit there and treat em with kindness.”
 “Yeah, I know baby, but you threatened him… on camera!”
 “And you know what? I’d do it again. Nothing and I mean nothing is more important to me then you and my family. You are my family. And no one, especially not some scummy asshole journalist is going to get away with saying that shit about you. It is my job… you get me? MY JOB to protect you.”
 You sighed. He was right. Maybe his approach was extreme, but Chris was stubborn and this time he was stubborn for good reason. The guy was a fucking asshole. 
 You walked towards him, closing the space between you both. Wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him down towards your chest. He instantly tightened his grip around you and you could feel him ease into your hug with a heavy sigh.
 “Thank you for defending me.” You whispered into his head. 
 “I’m sorry for yelling but yeah, I don’t regret doing it. And if I ever saw that asshole again, I swear to-”
 “I know.” Pressing your finger to his lips to silence him. You moved him to look at you.  “I know.” Nodding your head for emphasis.
 “I love that about you… the way you’d drop anything to save me, or in this case go absolutely ape shit to defend my honour. And that’s why you’re my real-life superhero, baby.” Your fingers now cupping his jaw.
  And… it was pretty hot watching you get mad at him with your ole boston accent.” You smiled at your protector.
 “God, I love you.” He shook his head leaning down to kiss you. 
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eleni-cherie · 10 months
a thief's end ✨ || bts • myg - chapter 0.9
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"so eager to be in a headlock again?" "only if it's by you."
he thought he was done with the criminal life and ready for some peace and quiet. but his plans collapsed in the form of a strange girl who was in trouble.
© 2023 | eleni_cherie
masterlist: here
— genre: thief au, gangster comedy, adventure, romcom, humour, angst, fluff, sexual tensiON, slowburn, mutual pining, strangers to lovers s2l
Interpol branch office
Seoul, South Korea
Jungkook's head almost slipped from his fist when he heard Skylar call out for him and he jumped up. Blinking rapidly seeing the blonde standing in front of his desk with folded arms and a knowing look.
"What time did you get to sleep again?"
He stretched his arms in front of him, flexing his muscles when a yawn escaped his lips. "Not sure. Couldn't sleep so I just cooked and zapped."
Skylar sighed, shaking her head knowing too well how often that happened, having experienced it first-hand. And she bit her tongue to prevent herself giving him another one of her lectures. Although she was worried for this becoming a regular thing. She placed a task file in front of him then, changing the subject matter. "I need you to check these names. Run them down the data base."
He simply nodded and pivoted, getting to his PC when he saw a new notification popping up on the screen. 
A red notice: Location of persons wanted for arrest, prosecution or to serve a sentence.
They hadn't had one of those in quite some time.
Without wasting a second he read through the information and looked through the photos. His brown eyes going round. They were slightly pixelated due to them being zoomed and in lower resolution, but the system had caught onto something. Or rather someone. 
"Sky? Sky!" he quickly called out for her. His voice surprisingly holding excitement, "You should see this!"
Frowning, Skylar spun around and made her way back to her colleague when hearing his erratic tone. Curiosity filling her of what could've possibly caused it early in the morning. She went behind him and bent over his shoulder to take a look on the screen he was pointing at. Her eyes widening in shock as well.
"W-where's this from?"
His eyes quickly scimmed over the information. "Munich International Airport."
"Munich?" she repeated. "Germany?"
He nodded.
"What are they doing there?"
"No clue. Why would they risk getting caught if they retired?" Jungkook also wondered out loud. The two exchanging a puzzled glance.
"It's indeed unlogical."
The guy leaned back, his forehead ceasing as he glanced up at his supervisor. "Remember last time they intentionally showed their real faces at an airport?"
Skylar paused, trying recalling which incident he meant. Her lips forming a small 'o' when remembering. "It was back then in Casablanca, right?" Back then when some mysterious organisation had been after them so they had lured interpol there to take care of it for them. "You think they're in trouble again and that's why.."
He shrugged. "They might."
Skylar exhaled deeply, taking her phone out of her backpocket. "Either way, we gotta inform agent Kim." She began dialing while walking to the direction of her desk. Glancing over her shoulder then. "And find out where they were heading to!"
Florence, Italy
"All you've got to do is go up there and admit that your family member was the thief and that I, Felipe Rossi, was the one finding you and the stolen necklace. That's it." The man stopped pacing around the narrow room, coming to an halt to look at her with an almost excited smile. "Easy, isn't it?"
Soyeon's brows furrowed, not quite buying it. Feeling the rope digging deeper into her wrists. "That's it? And then I can leave?"
"Hm, not sure police would allow that," he smirked, making her instantly frown. Her eyes filling with panic.
"But I wasn't the one stealing it. And I gave it back."
The man hummed, seemingly deep in thoughts. "Yeah, but see.. someone has to pay for all these decades of loss and humiliation. And I could always easily frame you for another theft. Clearly my friends at the police wouldn't even question my word. Especially since you come from a family of thieves. And the fact you're here without any papers.." he shook his head. "Police won't like that either."
Her blood began to boil while listening to his monologue. She didn't know where that newfound courage came from and it was most likely useless considering the circumstances, but she just couldn't help but retort something. "That's only because I got kidnapped!"
He shrugged, unimpressed. "Yeah, but will they believe that?"
"So I don't gain anything by doing what you want," she mumbled scoffing, having enough with this unlogical prattle. She should probably shut her mouth considering she was in a clear disadvantage right now, but she simply couldn't. Perhaps it was the tiredness, perhaps the endorphines. "Why should I do it then? You can say all that on your own after all.."
His smirk grew devilishly larger as he brushed over his white linen suit. "Good question. Excelent question. And the answer is, I want you and your family to get humiliated just like mine was. And for that I need you to step on that stage and admit everything in front of everyone. And if you refuse giving me this satisfaction.. an italian prison would be the least of your problems."
Her eyes widened, an anxious feeling spreading inside her as she watched him pounding around the small room again, sighing dramatically. "I don't like getting my hands dirty. I don't. But I know people. People I do business with occasionally, who don't mind a bit dirt on their hands. I think you met some of their employees already. See, I'd ask them to take care of you again. And you don't want that, believe me."
And with that he gestured for his assistant, the one she'd unfortunately already met before, to open the door and both men left.
The room falling in complete silence. And Soyeon sat there. A lump forming in the pit of her stomach.
He had tried warning her of her naive idea. If she had only listened to him.
It was too late for that realisation now, however. What was done was done. And he wouldn't just magically appear to bail her out of her own mess again. He had already done so enough times anyway. And frankly, neither did she want him to do it. She stood by what she had said, she didn't want him to get any further involved. So whatever was about to happen to her was okay, she'd accept it.
Taking a deep breath, she threw her head back then. An almost cartoonishly wide grin appearing on her lips. And she laughed when all she really wanted to do was cry.
"Ah, isn't that nice?" Jimin smiled excitedly, pushing his sunglasses up to have a better look at his surroundings. The setting evening sun almost blocked by one of the Renaissance buildings casted a long shadow on the square.
Taehyung slurped on his ice tea, pushing his own glasses further up the bridge of his nose as they had slid down.
"It's alright. Not as nice as Monaco though.. Remember Monaco?" His voice holding a dreamy tone when reminiscing their trip there a few years ago. Jimin huffing a laugh.
"You can't possibly compare these two," he argued, taking a sip from his espresso. "One is by the sea the other isn't."
Taehyung shrugged unimpressed. "See, that's already reason enough why Monaco's better," he grinned. Their little banter was interrupted by Yoongi clearing his throat, slowly getting impatient.
He was forever grateful the two came along on this journey to help him save Soyeon, a girl he barely knew and still held dear. And he couldn't deny having been a bit nostalgic and reminiscing their old advantures in that past year while leading a normal life. But nostalgia had also made him forget how exhausting these two could become sometimes when losing focus.
"I'm sorry to cut this argument short, but shouldn't we begin doing some research on the subject matter?"
"Ah!" Jimin exclaimed upholding a finger as if he just had a great epiphany. He grabbed his phone out then, unlocking it. "No need for that, we already got all the info we need."
The other two exchanged a questioning look. "Since when do you come prepared?"
"Well, Bella did all the work. You know how good she's with getting background info. And she speaks Italian, which is a plus," he smiled fondly while swiping over the screen. Clicking on the link his girlfriend had sent him.
"Letting her do all the work, huh? How mean, she's already carrying your child around," Taehyung tutted jokingly, earning an eye roll from him.
"It was so she felt included in this mission. Poor Bella felt a little left out since I wouldn't let her join us." He put the device down and spun it towards the other two's direction. "Here's what she gathered," he said then, pointing on the screen, "This is the plane that arrived from Tainan at Florence two days ago. It's registered to Emilio Rossi -"
"Is that the guy Seokjin mentioned?" Yoongi asked. His expression collected, yet there was a lingering agitation in his eyes as he stared at the photo. The man looked quite older than he'd expected, but nevertheless sleezy.
"The rich heir who's into art smuggling? No, Emilio is his dad. Our guy's name is.." His finger swiped to the next photo, pointing at a younger but equally as sleezy man. "Felipe Rossi. He's the one."
"But the plane was his dad's, how'd we know it wasn't the dad ordering Soyeon's abduction?" Taehyung asked, pointing with his straw at the photo. A droplet of ice tea hitting the tabletop.
"Great question," Jimin nodded, swiping to the next bit of information. A photo of a man in a suit and a platin watch. 
Yoongi's eyes widened. It was him.
"I know him," he stated plainly, "He was there. He was the one holding her captive."
Jimin nodded, giving him a brief look of empathy as he could tell that specific day was still nagging on his friend's mind. He went to the next picture. It was of a group of people. Felipe was standing straight and tall with a wide grin and right next behind him the same man. "That's Tony Sollozzo. According to Bella's notes, he's Felipe's right hand and closest employee. So it's save to say it was indeed Felipe's call."
An invisible weight laid on Yoongi's chest as he folded his hands in front of his face. Processing everything. "Alright, what else?"
"His mansion," Jimin said, drinking the last bit of his espresso at a draught. "It's located in the south-west, outside the city. It's most likely that they brought her there. At least we should check it out as it's our biggest clue.."
"And if she's not there?"
Taehyung shot Jimin a glance before both looked at Yoongi with concern.
"We'll find her, don't worry," Taehyung said then with a small smile, patting his shoulder, "It's not our first rescue mission after all."
It was true, but that didn't really comfort him in this moment. Still, he appreciated their words and nodded. "So we're heading there tonight?"
Jimin nodded. "Yeah, just let me get another coffee real quick."
"You just had an espresso," Yoongi frowned amused, "That's not healthy."
"If you want me to stay awake all night to save your girl, let me have my coffee," Jimin whined and made a hand gesture to the waitress. Not noticing the deeper tint on Yoongi's cheeks as he looked down, silently.
Soyeon wasn't his girl. He didn't know what she was. She was someone to him, clearly. Someone special. Someone who didn't deserve going through what she did because of the fault of someone like them. A thief. Her own grandfather on top of it.
But she wasn't his girl. And he didn't know if she'd ever be.
"Jimin.." Yoongi spoke up then, his eyes slowly lifting, "Arabella didn't happen to do some research on the necklace and it's theft, right? I know pops already found out a lot.. but.."
Jimin smirked lopsidedly. "Nothing against pops, but he doesn't have access to as many sources as Bella."
"That's because pops can't just enter databases without any permit, contrary to her who just accesses them illegally," Taehyung mumbled, faking innocence by letting his eyes wander around.
"You're not wrong," Jimin laughed out and took the phone back to search through the files, "It was stolen in 1983 during a gala held by Felipe's grandparents. It was stolen right from the secured vitrine without any clue. She cross-checked if her grandpa was on the list of guests and he was as a specialist of east-asian art."
"But weren't all guests checked by security or police after the theft?" Taehyung wondered out loud, finishing his ice tea, "Wouldn't they have caught him with the necklace?"
Jimin shook his head though. "You forget something. If her grandpa was indeed my grandpa's friend, then he was one of the best. I wouldn't say better than me.." A smug chuckle escaped his lips. "..but surely close. He certainly found a way to smuggle it out. But that's not the only thing Bella found out. Apparently our guy will throw the annual gala this time. Tonight. The same one his family has been throwing every year. Like the one fourty years ago."
"I bet that's why he wanted the necklace back now," Taehyung sighed.
"Perhaps. But that's better for us, this way it'll be easier to sneak in."
"I get the necklace, but why her as well?" Yoongi eventually spoke up again. His brows furrowed, agonising what they needed her for if they got the object of interest already. Fearing his assumptions of revenge having been right.
"Well, that, not even Bella was able to find out. But we're gonna when getting there."
The waitress came with Jimin's new order, placing it down in front of him with a smile to which he simply nodded, adding a small "grazie". Earning confused looks from his friends as soon as she left. And he rose a brow at them. "W-what?"
"You didn't flirt with her," Yoongi pointed out. "You always flirt with waitresses."
"And she looks pretty and smiled a bit too long at you. So how comes you didn't even smile back?" Taehyung asked with narrowed eyes, finding his behaviour quite suspicious, "That's unlike you."
Annoyed, Jimin rolled his eyes and took a sip from his new drink. "Guys, calm down. I'm about to become a dad, I can't flirt around with random women anymore and besides.. I promised Bella I wouldn't. So I don't."
"Wow, the day has come that I see Jimin finally growing up."
"Yeah, he's finally become an adult."
"Can you two just shut up?" he groaned anew, placing the cup back down rather harshly. "Focus on all the info I just gave you instead."
The cathedral's bells suddenly echoed from further away, behind the buildings of the Piazza Della Repubblica. Signalising it was six o'clock now.
And they simultaneously pushed their chairs back, standing up.
It was time to go.
next chapter: 1.0 here
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backtothefanfiction · 9 months
The Angel In The Garden of Evil | Chapter Six: He's Got A Soul As Sweet As Blood Red Jam
Summary: Peter may seem like a big tough gangster to the rest of the world but he's still that soft boy from Queens underneath it all.
Warnings: 18+ Only, eventual smut (like real soon), slight fluff and jokes, this is mostly plot, character and world building
Word Count: 4.4K
A/N: This is basically just world building and further character development but still does a lot to bridge the gap between our lovers with their one to one dinner date. Expect some more name dropping and greater universe references and a lot of links back to our initial prologue and Peter's origins of friendly neighbourhood super hero to mob boss. Also title comes from the second verse of Lana Del Rey's Off To The Races, wanted to use both lines but it would have been too long. Anyway enjoy!
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Peter had organised Miguel to drop the two of them off at F.E.A.S.T an hour later. The acronym stood for food, emergency, aid, shelter, training. It was a community outreach hub for the homeless or those in need. They had set multiple buildings up across the city under the banner when Peter first switched from being the friendly neighbourhood crime fighting vigilante to being a criminal in his own right. He still wasn’t like all those other guys though. Guys like her Father, Dr Octavious or even Quentin Beck. Whereas all those guys were solely out for themselves, Peter had never forgotten his roots or his mission to help his community. No, he was more like a Robin Hood figure. At least 50% of his annual profit always went back to the people.
And she had been there with him to set the whole thing up. After that first conversation they’d had all those years ago in the darkness of her college dorm room, they went back and forth for hours about what the people really need. Thus F.E.A.S.T was born.
They climbed out of the car and Miles quickly went round to open the trunk, to a mass of pink cake boxes. They quickly began to unload them from the car. Miles held out his arms and Angel stacked one box on top of the other until they were up to his eyeline. She took the final box out of the trunk before closing the boot. She shot a quick look of thanks Miguel’s way before her and Mile’s made their way to the door.
Her fingers quickly rooted around in her blazer pocket for the set of keys Peter had given her, her fingers holding a fob up to the side door of the building. There was a low buzz as the door unlocked and they shuffled their way inside with the boxes.
“Hey Karen.” Angel said, greeting a strawberry blonde woman as she made her way towards the same door her and Mile’s had just come through.
“Hey!” Karen beamed upon seeing her, an arm quickly raising to wrap around Angel’s shoulder. “Where have you been? I haven’t seen you in ages.”
“It’s complicated.” Angel briefly responded. “How’s Matt?” 
“Oh, you know how he is, always takes on too many clients and never leaves himself enough time.”
“We’ll have to catch up properly soon.” Angel beamed.
“Yes. We definitely will. Look I’ve gotta run, I’ve gotta get some paperwork over to city hall before they close, but it was great seeing you.” Karen spoke joyfully as she wrapped Angel into her arms once more.
“Yeah, and you.” Angel concluded their conversation as Karen began to make her way to the door, buzzing herself out.
“Okay… so where are we putting these?” Miles asked, motioning to the boxes he was beginning to get frustrated with holding, after all, pink was not his colour.
She rolled her eyes before saying, “This way.” as she began to walk through the familiar halls. 
Not much had changed since the last time she had been there. Maybe some of the faces, but she was still surprised to see so many familiar ones. Particular Nurses who saw patients with doctors in special designated consultation rooms, all paid for by the Benjamin Parker foundation, little kids who enjoy coming and hanging out in the rec rooms recognising her, smiling and waving as she passed them.
“Hi, Angel.”
“Hi.” she’d say back.
“Hi, Angel.”
“Hi!” It was like that all the way down to the food hall. A large canteen that served regular hot meals for anyone in need, whether you were living on the streets, struggling for money or simply had no idea how to cook. It was a bustling hub of life and community. Mothers talking over cups of coffee as their kids bonded and played together. Newly divorced men looking for someone to talk to and sharing a table with those who called the streets their home as they swapped life stories. It was her favourite place in the world and her proudest achievement in life.
They set the boxes down on a free table along the back wall, opening them up to display the fresh goods. There was a sudden thud to her side as a small girl collided with her thigh, her small arms reaching to wrap around her waist. 
“Angel!” the girl beamed, “You came back.”
Angel recognised the young girl immediately. She had grown a fair bit since she had last seen her at the shelter. “Of course I did.” Angel beamed as her arms instinctively wrapped around her. “Look how much you’ve grown.” Angel commented.
“Look, I’ve got a loose tooth.” The girl said proudly as she used her fingers to pull down her lower lip and show it off.
“Oh wow. You make sure you take good care of it and that it gets to the tooth fairy okay, yeah?”
“I will.” she beamed before she ran off back towards her mother who politely smiled and waved in her direction from her seat at one of the tables.
“Wow, you really know everyone here.” Miles interjected as she continued to watch the young girl as she joined another little girl at a smaller coloring table.
“Believe it or not Miles, this used to be my livelihood. I used to come down and spend so many of my days here helping out. Veronica was actually born here.” She said motioning to the little girl who kept looking back and smiling at her.
“You don’t say.” Miles said with a smile as he finally began to relax.
“It’s my favourite place in the world.” she said fondly. “Come on, I’ll give you the proper tour.”
They walked around the halls together as she gave him the grand tour of all three floors. As well as the already mentioned doctor’s rooms, cafeteria, common rooms and childrens playrooms, there were counselling suites and consultation rooms for legal advice. The second floor had a community hall with regular classes from toddler groups to self defence lessons. The whole top floor was dedicated to the homeless project that provided emergency beds for those rough sleeping whether on site there at the hub or being relocated to one of the apartment buildings they had bought out as temporary accommodation until they could get their feet back on the ground.
They sat and talked to people in the communities, helped out staff where they could and overall tried to inject some light into people's lives amongst the darkness.
“Hey.” a familiar voice said behind her as Veronica, who had just come and given her a picture she had drawn for her, ran back to the coloring table.
“Heeyy!” she beamed softly as she turned around to find her husband.
His hand tenderly braced itself against her lower back and she couldn’t help but melt into his warm touch. She had become so wrapped up in what she was doing, she had almost completely forgotten everything else that had come to pass. The way that everyone had opened their arms to her made her feel like the last three years had never happened, let alone the last 4 hours she had spent there.
“I went back to May’s apartment but you weren’t there.”
“No.” she smiled fondly.
The whole moment felt so domestic, reminding him of days gone by where he would pick her up on Friday afternoons, a moment for him to show his own face and see all of the hard work that was continuing to be carried out with his money. He turned his head around the room looking for Miles, only to find him sitting on a tiny chair next to a little boy on a purple bean bag, playing with the new playstation that had recently been acquired.
“I’m assuming all of the baked goods are gone?” he asked, attempting to keep civil conversation and find good ground between them.
“Actually I think there might be a cupcake or two still in there if you want one.”
They smiled fondly at one another. He had to admit, despite all of the shit he ended up being involved with on a day to day basis, whenever he came back here, seeing families and communities thrive, it made it all worth it,
“You ready to get out of here and go for that dinner?” He asked softly.
She silently nodded as she found herself suddenly drowning in his honey brown eyes. Those soft eyes. The ones he used to look at her with back when they first met. Back when he would sneak into her dorm room. His gaze would soften like molten honey, a sickly sweet sensation always pulling her in as he told her how beautiful she was, his Angel. “Yes.” she finally said slowly, finding her voice. It was barely audible above the noise of the room, but she knew he heard it.
“Yo, Miles!” Peter hollered across the room to him, causing the younger gentleman’s ears to prick up, his head turning slightly, but his eyes never left the screen. “You’re free, man, go home.”
“Yeah, okay, just a minute!” he called back, “I just gotta win this race.”
“Nu uh.” the young boy next to him replied before Miles playfully bumped the kids shoulder with his own.
Angel couldn’t help but let out a small giggle at the exchange as she grabbed her blazer off the back of a chair as they left.
When they got out onto the street Angel had expected to find Miguel outside waiting for them, but instead her eyes came to rest on a black Maserati she recognised from her quick glance across the garage in their rush the night before. “Where’s Miguel?” she asked as Peter began to make his way towards the car, opening the passenger door for her. 
“I’ve got him out running an errand with Harry.” he replied as she stepped past him to slide herself into the passenger seat. “Plus, I want tonight to be just about us.” He said, his head bending down to look at her through the door frame.
“Okay, duly noted.” she replied with a curt smile before he closed the door on her. “So does that mean we’re gonna get through a whole evening without interruptions?” She asked when he climbed into the driver's seat on the other side.
He shuffled slightly in his seat before reaching into the inside pocket of his blazer for his phone making a show of putting it on aeroplane mode before handing it to her for safe keeping. She pursed her lips, attempting to keep a straight face as she looked down at the phone now turning around in her fingertips, trying not to let on how big of a deal that was for the two of them.
“So where are we going?” she asked as he clicked his seatbelt into place before starting the car up with a loud rev of the engine for good measure. She had no doubt he was showboating, trying to impress.
“Oh, now that would ruin the surprise.” he said as he quickly revved the car and sped away.
They arrived 10 minutes later outside a restaurant on the upper east side called the Lemon Grove. The whole front of the building was lit with fairy lights and vines filled with fake lemons. They got out of the car and Peter tossed his keys to a waiting valet before his now free hand rested comfortably at the small of her back as he guided her to the restaurant door.
“Hi, good evening, welcome to the Lemon Grove, do you have a booking with us this evening?” a gentleman, who looked to be nearing his forties asked.
“Yes, there should be a table for two under Parker.” Peter said.
The maître d' scanned his list before saying “ahh yes, here it is. If you’d like to follow me this way.” he encouraged them as he held out a hand for them to follow him.
He led them through the bustling restaurant and over to a table tucked away to the back. He moved to pull out a chair for Angel but Peter quickly cut him off, “It’s okay, I’ve got it.” he said, wanting to make a show of putting in the effort with her after their fight earlier on he was still trying to make up for.
“Okay.” the maître d' said as he took a step back.
When Peter had stepped back around to the other side of the table and began taking his seat the maître d' stepped forward again to place the menus on either side of the table in front of them.
“Thank you.” Angel smiled, as Peter tucked his chair in.
“Can I get either of you a drink? Or would you like to take a moment to look at the wine list?” The maître d' asked, motioning to the smaller menu already on the table.
Before she had had a chance to say anything Peter hastily grabbed the wine list, scanning it over, before ordering them a bottle of an Italian Cabernet from Tuscany. 
“Coming right up, sir.” The maître d' said before walking away and leaving them to their table.
“You still love Italian food right?” Peter asked her as they both reached for their menus to start gazing over the cuisine. 
“Would you hate me if I actually said I’d gone off it.” she deadpanned from behind her menu, causing him to freeze. “I mean, living in Italy for just over two years…” she continued, seeing how far she could push him and make him squirm. She watched over the top of her menu as he swallowed uneasily. “I’m kidding Pete.” she quickly said as he met her eyes, a smile creeping across her face.
“Don’t do that.” he quickly shook his head at her, but he couldn’t hide from her the small quirk in the corner of his lip at realising he’d been had. “No.” he continued, trying to brush it off. 
“What? Spider boy can’t take a joke anymore?” she teased as she fought with the grin that wanted to take over her whole face.
“Oh no, I can take a joke.” he quickly interjects, looking to cover himself.
“Yes, of course.” she mockingly nods as he continues to get a hold of himself.
“It’s just, not often that I am the victim to them.”
“Okay.” she smirked as she continued to nod, her eyes turning back to the menu in front of her as she scanned the list of foods.
It was at that point she realised she hadn’t really eaten since their breakfast meeting this morning.
“What is it?” he quickly asked, noticing the sudden furrow to her brow, an air of concern taking over his whole body.
“Nothing, it’s nothing.” She hastily responded, not wanting him to stress or feel like matters were worse than they were, as if either of them still weren’t somewhat on alert after the events of the past 24 hours, an unconscious paranoia just waiting to take over. “I just realised I haven’t eaten since breakfast.”
“Oh.” he interjected quietly as he began to settle again.
They sat in silence for a moment as they continued to scan the menu, that unspoken paranoia sitting heavily in the middle of the table between them after his reaction that neither was sure how to shift.
“So do you know what you want?” he asked, clearing his throat slightly and breaking up the silence between them.
He watched for a moment as she flicked back and forth between pages. “Yes… no… maybe?” He can’t help but be warmed by the small questioning look on her face, one eyebrow twitching higher than the other, her head tipping slightly as she muddled over the different options in her head. It was the same look she used to get when he would watch her study for a test or when she was struggling to work something out for her thesis, back when she was still at college.
A waiter came over with their drinks and it made Peter smile when she didn’t even look up from the menu, but still reached for the glass the moment it had been sat down, swiftly bringing it to her lips and taking a sip. 
“Do we know what we’d like to order this evening?” The waiter asked as he stood patiently next to the table. 
Peter was about to ask for him to give them another moment when she closed the menu and sat it down in front of her. There was a pause as if to check she really was ready, when she said. “Off you go.” tipping her head to encourage Peter to place his order, as she once again brought her wine glass coily to her lips.
“Are we doing starters?” Peter quickly questioned her, an old habit suddenly popping into his head.
“Peter, just order.” she replied, but he could see the quirk of her lip and recognised the sudden dark gaze to her eye and knew she was up to something.
“Okay…” he hesitantly said, his head turning towards the waiter. “We’ll take the calamari and a portion of arancini to share for starters.” he began, his eyes quickly glancing back to his date for confirmation she was okay with this. She merely raised her eyebrows as she sank back in her seat, wine glass still poised in her hand, the tiniest tilt to her head encouraging him on. “Then for mains, I’ll take the sea bass…” he paused, flashing her another glance and her eyebrows rose higher still, encouraging him to surprise her and order for her. He quickly scanned back over the menu before him, re-familiarising himself with it. He smiled to himself. “She’ll have the parmigiana di melanzane, a portion of bruschetta and a small caprese salad on the side.” He said with perfect pronunciation as he ordered her a selection of their starters for her to pick and choose from like an Italian version of tapas. Once she had laid down the gauntlet he had felt her tense slightly, worrying whether or not he’d order the right thing, but upon making the order, he could feel her energy begin to relax, a smile forming on her lips again.
“Is that everything, sir?” the waiter asked.
“Yes, I think it is.” Peter said with a smile dismissing the waiter who quickly took their menus from them before heading to the kitchen with their order.
There was a pause between them as Peter took a sip of his wine and they tried to work out what to talk about. 
“How’s your shoulder?” Peter asked her as she folded her hands into her lap.
“It’s okay. A little tender but, it’s fine.” Her fingers automatically reached for the shoulder in question but quickly lowered her hand back into her lap.
“How bad was the house?” she asked. Peter noticed there was a slight hesitancy to her question, as if it pained her to think about.
“It’s gonna take a bit of work but-”
“Do you think we’ll be able to go back there, or will we need to sell it?”
Her question seemed to answer her previous hesitancy. It had been their house, their home. The place they had picked out together, decorated together. Lived in together. They’d always seen it as their forever home. The place to raise kids one day. Maybe get a dog. Hold large family events in the backyard. They’d tried so hard to keep it separate from everything else and now that privacy had been violated.
He was silent for a moment as he considered his response. “I won’t lie… it might have to be a possibility.” He watched her closely as she exhaled the breath she had been holding, the usual twinkle in her eye fading as the reality of their situation took over once more. “But until-”
“I know.” she said, not needing him to finish his sentence, her own mind already completing it for her. ‘Until the Vulture had been taken care of, they wouldn’t even be able to consider the house safe enough to go home.’
“So what do we do?” she asked. “I mean we can’t very well keep staying at May’s.” she noted.
Peter was silent for a moment as he looked down at the table in front of him. He had that face on him, she noted, the one where he had something planned but didn’t want to let on that he in fact had a plan.
He was saved by the arrival of their starters, the food being placed down in the middle of the table for them both to pick at.
“Thank you.” Angel said politely to the waiter as he quickly made his retreat, leaving them alone once more.
“Oh my god.” she sighed as she took a bite out of one of the arancini balls with a groan of satisfaction. “That’s amazing.”
Peter’s face changed to one of pleasant surprise as he placed one into his mouth and confirmed his wife's reaction by having a similar one, his own humm of satisfaction vibrating his lips as he chewed.
“So is it as good as the stuff in the actual country or…?” he asked as they moved on to the calamari.
“Not bad.” she confirmed as she finished her mouthful. “I made friends with this lovely old woman who lived down the road from the house and she used to make the best meatballs I have ever tasted. She had just that right ratio of tomato and garlic and she’d slow cook them so they just melted in your mouth.” Angel gushed.
“Now I’m glad I didn’t order the meatballs.” Peter smiled. “With a description like that I don’t think they could have compared and I would have spent the whole meal feeling disappointed with my food, dreaming about these mouthwatering, slow cooked-”
She giggled, a blush forming on her cheeks as she took another sip of wine as he jokingly continued to use as many adjectives as he knew to describe a plate of meatballs he would never ultimately have.
“Oh no, I’m serious.” he continued with a smirk, “I’m gonna call Miguel right now, get him to tell them to get a jet ready so we can fly to Italy to this mysterious magical Nona who cooks the best meatballs and we will do nothing else until-”
“How are you gonna do that, when I have your phone?” she teased back.
“Fine then, you call Miguel.”
“Peter.” she giggled and chastised. He loved it when he could make her blush. Make her forget about everything else. Take them back to their youth. Quiet rainy afternoons, wrapped up in each other's arms on that small single bed.
“Okay, okay.” he conceded with a smile.
“What do you wanna do about your Father’s house?” he asked her as their main courses arrived, her three smaller plates being laid out strategically in front of her by the waiter. Peter watched as she quietly thanked him before switching the order of the plates once the waiter's back was turned. It made Peter’s stomach turn, a sickly sweet feeling that sent tingles to the joins of his jaw that made him quickly turn his head to his own plate before him, inner conflict returning as his brain remembered the question he’d just asked and all of their recent history began to drive a wedge between them once more.
“Sell it.” 
“You sure?” he questioned. It had been the home she had grown up in.
“There’s nothing left for me there.” she said as she lifted a fork full of salad into her mouth.
“Did you wanna go back and sort through anything?”
“No.” she adamantly shook her head.
“Okay.” he silently nodded and agreed. “We can put all the money back into the foundation if you want. Maybe set up another hub in the city?” he asked, trying to chip away at the wall she seemed to just put up at the mention of her Father.
She paused as she lowered her cutlery. “Peter, can I ask you something?” Peter’s own hands froze either side of his plate as he gave her his full attention. “Do you ever wonder if you made the right choice?”
“What do you-”
“I mean all this.” she gestured with her hand between them. “If you hadn’t given up the suit and the mask… do you think things would have been different?”
“I think…” he paused as he tried to comprehend her question. To think of the life they would have had if he had continued to be the Spider-Man, not whatever he was today, “I think we wouldn’t have much money. I think we’d have ended up living in a shoe box apartment somewhere in Queens, still sneaking around behind your father’s back.” She quietly sipped on her wine as she listened to his thoughts. “I think a lot of people's lives would be harder because they wouldn’t have the hubs to go to when they are in need.”
“That’s not what I mean.” she quietly said as her arms came to rest on the table, her fingers reaching out to him.
“You mean, do you think he would have let you stay?”
There was silence between them. Peter watched as she slowly removed her hand from where it had reached out across the table towards him. Reached out for him, to bridge that gap that had grown between them. But he couldn’t do it. Couldn’t touch her. Couldn’t be reminded what it felt like to feel her soft skin against his.
The two of them remained silent, unable to finish their food. The weight of everything that had been or even could have been already enough for their brains to process, let alone the last of their food in front of them.
When the waiter asked if they’d like to look at the dessert menu, Peter waved him off. He instead quickly settled the bill with a generous tip and they both left.
They waited quietly side by side at the edge of the street for the car to be brought around.
“I’m sorry.” she finally blurted out as her arms closed tightly around her with the evening chill. “I shouldn’t have said anything.” she added more quietly as the car revved to a stop in front of them.
The driver quickly got out, handing Peter the keys before stepping towards the passenger door to open it.
“Get in the car.” Peter instructed softer than she expected. “There’s something I want to show you.”
New chapters go live on Wednesdays and Fridays! If you want to be added to the tag list make sure you put it in writing for me. Also if you are enjoying the story don’t forget to tip me like you would your waiter by reblogging and leaving feedback and letting me know what you think!
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anomalyhqs · 5 months
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are you ready to ruuumble ?! that’s right, folks ; it’s time for the long awaited WINTER RALLY ! ( ah, i’m so excited, i can barely contain myself ! ) time to shelve those winter blues for another day, ‘cause your team’s countin’ on you to dish out your best cheer ! who’re you bettin’ on ? er… hypothetically, of course ! if me and my trusty scarf have anythin’ to say about this, it’s samjoko who’s gonna take the lead — i hope ! gotta admit that things seem to be burnin’ up in gangcheori and haetae, though — between them, it’s enough to melt this frigid cold ! or maybe we’re all just wastin’ our breath talkin’, ‘cause if the historians are right about history repeatin’ itself, then maybe pulgasari’s gonna sneak their way to the top… again ! ( hey — anyone got any intel of them cheatin’ yet ? ) ahem… anyway ! time to put on your house gear and get out there on the streets, folks — let’s see your house pride ! ready, set — rumble !
that’s all, folks ! see you on the next episode of ANOMALEAKS !
come one, come all, to the opening ceremony held on monday of the pre-rally week! the ceremony’s the only thing that’s university-run — other than the rallies themselves — so you know it’s gonna be grand! students will be gathered in the arena where the games are hosted, and the ceremony will kick off with a medium-length speech by sua’s verbose vice-chancellor! don’t worry about snoozing, because the speech will be followed by a live orchestra delivered by the talented students of sua’s music department — y’know, to wake you up! for the grand finale, the house players will finally be introduced and each captain will deliver a rallying speech to their loyal supporters in the crowd. the ceremony will then come to a close — not to worry though, you’ll see them again next week, same spot!
throughout the week, students can decorate their room windows with their house colours — green for gangcheori, blue for haetae, red for samjoko, and yellow for pulgasari! no decorations are off limits — the only crime is to not capture the attention of passersby and, importantly, the anonymous student judges from t4d! the best dressed window for each house will be crowned on friday of the pre-rally week and the four lucky students will win free meals from sua’s cafeteria for a whole month!
lost your fan gear? not to worry! there’ll be house merch sold by student-run vendors set up in the university’s hub! anything’s up for sale — from beanies, scarves, briefs, cups, keychains — you name it, they’ve probably got it! short on cash? there are other ways to show off your house pride, like participating in organised morning drills paired with booming cadence calls! their paths are typically a couple of big circles around each residential hall, supposedly to make sure the competition’s not slacking! if waking up early’s not your thing, you could also go for the organised flash mobs happening all over campus! rumour has it that they often start up when they see opposing house players, but we can’t be sure! don’t worry if nothing suits — participation is optional, after all! oh, except for those childish pranks going around! toilet clogged with yellow-painted sanitary products? real mature, pulgasari! shampoo replaced with blue glitter? darn it, haetae!
wanna test your luck? head on down to sua’s extravagant library! in the rows of books between the economics and history sections, you might find some familiar evo faces carrying around that one doctoral thesis from evo’s founder and first president! here’s a hint: recite the words ‘i don’t know but i’ve been told, my team’s gonna win the gold’ military style and they’ll let you wager in their super secret betting ring! just make sure you don’t let that prissy librarian catch wind of it, or evo will make you pay! 
didn’t make it back in time for the rallies and worried you’re gonna miss out on all the fun? don’t worry — the curious currents have got you covered! featuring exclusive behind-the-scenes interviews with the house players, gnarly on-the-ground footage of scuffles between rival fans, and probably out-of-budget highlight reels of the games themselves — the curious currents have vowed to deliver their best, most extensive coverage of the rallies yet, from pre-rally week all the way to the grand finale!
each round begins at 2.00pm on the day listed. students will flock the audience and the house players will take centre stage. the prompt for the round will be broadcasted on the big screens, and the teams will enter a ten-minute discussion period before each captain submits their house representative(s) to participate in the game. each round, we say goodbye to one team! the team that survives the third round will be crowned winner of the 2024 winter rally!
ROUND ONE. details to be revealed at a later date. HOUSE REPRESENTATIVES. to be determined by each house. KNOCKED OUT. to be determined.
ROUND TWO. details to be revealed at a later date. HOUSE REPRESENTATIVES. to be determined by each house. KNOCKED OUT. to be determined.
ROUND THREE. details to be revealed at a later date. HOUSE REPRESENTATIVES. to be determined by each house. WINNER OF THE 2024 WINTER RALLY. to be determined.
welcome to the 2024 winter rally! we’re starting off with pre-rally activities which will be available for all characters of the directory to participate in! please feel free to interact with any part of this event, but participation is completely optional as always. for your ease, we’ve also italicised sections of the text that your muses can take part in ( or be victim to! ). given that this is a large event, we suggest dropping a short headcanon / plot call for the part(s) of the event that your muse will be participating in! you are free to start threads about this event from now ( 7 january ) to the end of the rally! if you are planning on writing for this event, please tag it with #nm:24winterrally! thank you for your continued interest in anomalyhqs — we hope this event is to your liking! without further ado, happy plotting!
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 5 months
Carrie watches: Not All Who Wanda Are Lost
gonna keep a running list of episode highlights again because nobody i know irl watches Fantasy High ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
Riz and his folders :( he made one for Adaine for fun! That just says Hey Adaine! And Adaine is so delighted with the organisation <3
Murph getting a 30 trying to put his character's friends through school is so incredibly on brand
that school for lone adventurers did break my heart a little actually (as per the AP that one's on Murph and I am the opposite of surprised)
but their one-man bloodrush team was a hilarious bit
Ally going "no she can try to persuade me and in fact I will give her the help action because Kristen actually does know she should go to class" is incredible and speaks to me so deeply rn
"fluffier than my shirt?!"
Brennan immediately improvising a pseudo-deep health podcast when Kristen plugs the AUX in
Gorgug's humunculus. Just. Zac. It's molting because he ran out of time to add feathers?? and then it has the stupidest name?? and it's both impressive and also probably not as smart as it could be? and it can fly but like. barely? and it has super sharp claws but tries to sit on his head??
I went to school with some rich-ish boys and them nearly starving in front of a fully stocked kitchen is a joke I've made about them so many times, Fabian is On Brand as hell
the manic glint in Murph's eyes when Riz and Adaine start aggressively reverse-psychology-ing Fig out of her self-sabotage makes me wonder if that's not an approach he has at least considered many a time irl
(In response to the name Kipperlilly Copperkettle) "What are you, like, four different dogs? Just a white family's fleet of dogs?" SAVAGE. no survivors.
Riz noticing and cringing at people hyping up Gilear as a bit instead of out of genuine affection is so tragic and also so tragically what high school is *like* for people like him (cf: me).
obsessed with the whole student government storyline, they were MADE for this
the Axmurph household solidarity between Fig supporting Riz in his hyper cringe attempt to rebrand the Bad Kids to the PhotosyntheKids and Riz getting immediately so offended on Fig's behalf because another bard at school got famous for their music. Like. You know. That thing bards do.
Ah Brennan, I see what you're doing with Gorgug. It hurts me but I get it. Poor kid.
That whole interaction between Riz and Jawbone. Incredible. "I wouldn't." "Okay, I put it back."
"do we maybe see something of ourselves and don't like it or...?"
Brennan just metaphorically grabbing both Riz and Murph by the shoulders and shaking them. Hey buddy. Can we think about this. And Riz and Murph so deliberately going. No. No we can't. Because everything is truly so fine. Stress is good and we're doing so good thank you byeee! And Emily cackling in the background.
Riz as Kristen's campaign manager?? yes please and thank you
Kristen and her family. EEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Oh no. Oh no no no.
"We tried to tell the postman to bring your mail to Mordred Manor, 'cause you don't live here no more, and he told us we were bigots and fascists and that our reign would crumble so I don't know what that meant -" gotta love Bud Cubby. A real one.
Kristen doing something so out of pocket that Brennan imposes disadvantage on insight for her parents permanently, incredible
Adaine... no no nooo too real too real this is so sad. My poor girl :(
"No I guess I just... Wanda'd in" yeah this is a solid part two to Hilda Hilda. Brownie points for the weirdly aggro secret service agent with the missing persons case from 22 Hilda Blvd. (I do so love it when you can *hear* the DM yelling ENDING THE BIT THIS IS THE END OF THE BIT without actually saying that, it's so funny everytime)
The combined exasperation from Ally and Murph at Fig's school skipping antics is so funny. Like Siobhan is invested in this as Adaine, but Ally and Murph seem so personally invested, it's hilarious.
Incredible pull on the title pun by Zac as always, I can't believe this didn't get Brennan more.
The reactions around the table to Kristen awkwardly describing Tracker are impeccable.
oooh. oooh the bitch is back. I love that actually.
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kpchrs · 8 months
What's your favorite characterisation decision in LiS?
Do I even have one
Hello, Anon! ... Whoever you are 😏 I don't really have the energy to compose very detailed and organised writing right now but I hope you can still enjoy it. Btw, people might not know this but I actually... never played beyond S1 LOL I want to, but buying games is not my priority right now. So, Sean? Alex? Who? xD
Well, what I thought of first is Chloe, as a whole. The fact that she is so... flawed. She's hardly my favourite character, but I will always defend her characterisation. (But her biggest fans do it faster than me so I'm never needed. And, also they are better than me at that anyway lol)
It's okay that people don't like her, but I still want people to understand her and know where she comes from. That her attitude comes from the place of trauma. People want other people to process trauma perfectly, but that's not a realistic expectation of ALL individuals with trauma. People who love and hate Chloe are people who understand that and dismiss that respectively.
My favourite characterisation of Chloe - people may be surprised - is when she says this: "I gotta blame somebody. Otherwise it’s all my fault. Fuck that."
Yes, yes, it's an awful thing to say. Some people hate her for that and that's valid.
But I just nodded along when I first encountered that in my first gameplay. Well, it's partly because I was in a very head-empty state when I first played. I only realised it wasn't okay to say when I searched for people's opinions. But I also nodded along because I understand her somewhat (but I won't elaborate on why because I don't really understand the reason much either, but it's related to her immaturity and brattiness lol)
In her context though, it's more that she's so angry and hurt by life; she directs it outwards, not inwards, so it will suck less. Piling it up inside is heavy and stuffy and painful. Everyone needs catharsis. It's easier to let out your anger at something concrete, something you can see, something clear. Which is why she blames everyone. I think that's very realistic.
One of my two top favourite characters in LiS is Victoria. She's a total Queen Bitch archetype, you know the drill. The first thing I thought of was when Max found her anime figurine, it made me laugh so hard until now. I love Nerd Victoria. But that's the silly fav.
My ACTUAL favourite is in the alternate universe and she said this to Max:
"You're not pissed at me, right? Right?" and "Max, if you’re mad, just tell me, k?"
As we know, Victoria really "hates" Max. She is also very insecure. Makes you wonder, hm, what makes her scared + reverent of AU Max that way? It gives you the other side of Victoria that is really fun to think about. The root, I'm sure, is still her insecurity.
I have a belief that that's not how Victoria acts around Nathan, her closest best friend. With Nathan, Victoria gets to be her real self. That Victoria is Victoria who half kisses ass and half wants to be liked by this... AU Max. Kinda similar to her attitude towards Jefferson, I guess.
She seems like a lot less opportunistic and manipulative with Max though. I think this is because Jefferson is the road to her ambition and Victoria did everything she can to achieve that.
Max doesn't/can't give her that so why does she kiss ass? I think in this alternate universe, Victoria likes her genuinely, not just because Max is the new Queen Bee or something so she bows to her. AU Max is distant and seems to be a master of push and pull (unconsciously?), that's why Victoria looks like she's walking on eggshells lol
Honorary mention is Maxine. Max is the most realistic character in LiS, in my opinion. Other characters are such archetypes that some people thought Max was just a self-insert character. If you dig deep into her character you will realise that... Max is just a normal girl. Do you know how hard it is to write someone like her?
Max is not an extreme character, she's in the middle, but she still has a distinct voice. She's grey and realistic. I don't have the energy to elaborate more though lmao
Some people hate it, but I really LOVE that in the AU, Max is so different, but somewhat the same. She's only more blunt, doesn't take bullshit from anyone, and more bitchy too. And this should be because of her self-confidence or when it becomes negative, it becomes borderline arrogance. This is the Max who is not dampened by guilt and grief. How very interesting.
Now everyone knows that I'm obsessed with the alternate universe. I don't really make it a secret though.
And wait, what's up with me and bitchy characters? lol
(Nathan's characterisation is the shittiest decision the devs ever did.)
Thank you for the ask!
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nethertrolls · 3 months
#3, #6, #7 Under the oak tree
#3 Who kissed who first?
Gonna be real with you here Yomi and say that my instant thought was Chiryu. Woodsman would have been too ‘I’ve did things that I’m not proud of, I can’t drag her down with me. What if my past returns.’
Of course afterwards he would have kissed back. Grouchy characters are fickle in their ways like that.
#6 Who cleans the most? Contrary to that, who is the messiest?
Woodsman is not messy necessarily but that’s because he doesn’t own a lot, just some clothes and living necessities because he was always ready to leave moments notice so in that regard I believe it would be Chiryu (although that’s not saying she’s messy compared to the average).
When his settled down, he does still keep things organised like his shed where he does woodwork or other wood related things. Given Chiryu owns plants, it’s probs still her.
I think Chiryu cleans the most but that’s mostly because Woodsman works a lot, but I say that he cleans a lot himself too. Gotta split responsibilities in a happy marriage u’know?
(note this is based on an outside perspective : they are both messiest and cleanest)
#7 Who usually cooks?
Chiryu and Woodsman both seem like they’d have their own different type of foods they’d be good at preparing so I’d say it would depend on what they’re in the mood for at the time or maybe even who gets hungry first?
I suppose when they have children, it also depends on who Rye and Remy go to first lol. But also I feel like they are highkey in sync so if one knows the other is low energy that day, they’ll do the cooking.
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monacobasedgirldad · 2 months
15 questions
ahh thank you so much for tagging me @readingbythestreetlights 💖💖
ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE?: my middle name yeah, after captain kirk. it was my own choice and i stand by it
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED?: when i saw this! i'm such a baby for real, i cry a lot
DO YOU HAVE KIDS?: no i do not
WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED?: i have never played a single sport willingly, and now i have that sweet sweet chronic pain so i'm simply not built for sports
DO YOU USE SARCASM?: literally all the time but i don't know how well it comes across
WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE?: i dunno, probably how tall they are compared to me? gotta register that so i know exactly where to look to avoid looking at faces and making eye contact
WHAT'S YOUR EYE COLOUR?: dark brown, like a cow
SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS?: both? i love scary movies and i don't generally want them to end happy, but i also love stories getting the happy endings they deserve. i really don't think i prefer one over the other generally, just depends on the day
ANY TALENTS?: i wouldn't say so? being the funniest person alive to two (2) of my besties is the closest i've got
WHERE WERE YOU BORN?: derbyshire, england babey
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES?: beading, reading (mostly sci-fi), drawing (fuckin furries), watching hockey, f1, motogp, and other various motorsports
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS?: i have 3 cats, mia (the mama), swag (she's actually called magneto but nobody ever calls her that), and bucky (typical orange dumbass), and a dog, peggy (newfoundland/german shepherd mix)
HOW TALL ARE YOU?: 4'11", usually puts me at tit height on most people
FAVOURITE SUBJECT AT SCHOOL?: i enjoyed gcse maths specifically, quadratic formula my beloved~
DREAM JOB?: i'm not sure i have one? unrealistically i wanna count and organise small objects and get paid for it (if you know a job like that where i don't have to interact with people hit me up)
tagging @n-ico-ando @colors-of-feeling @superion-artworks @estiebestieban @sunshinesebby @protocolseben @sauber-sharl @skitskatdacat63 @river-ocean no pressure of course 💖💖
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gammaliminal · 11 months
I would like to hear more about Project Strangelove, because it seems very interesting
hihi!!! id love to explain :3
so!!! in Project Strangelove (which may be known as How to Stop Worrying) you are, essentially, managing your own little conspiracy towards any goal ranging from small-time nuisances all the way to like global government scheme level conspiracy organisation. a silly lil spoof on spy thrillers if you will!!
explanation of da concept below!!! topics of paranoia n stuffs are mentioned here btw !!
you'll have to manage your employees and your home base of operations, and you'll have to manage it well because depending on what you do, it could either spell your own doom as an organisation OR shoot you into the stratosphere!! for example if you choose to build your base in a shoddy location or you dont really give it enough support if its like an underground base, you could get a game over purely because your base either got tracked down or it just caved in fhdjfks
another thing is that you'll be competing with other smaller or larger conspiracies, national powers etc!! (note that this is not other players - these would be in-game, preset conspiracies)
you could possibly lose employees and resources to these other conspiracy groups, you could game over to them etc etc. but a little detail we decided would be cool to add is that when you die or game over, the ending certificate that slides in will be themed around whichever conspiracy you had the most rivalry with (aka how much trouble they've caused you, how much you two have interacted, the tension between groups etc.)
oh and!!! you also gotta treat your employees right :3 or the employees of your group may unionize and fight against you for control over the conspiracy, for their rights etc. and it would be Very Detrimental so,,,, make sure to treat ur workers right!! definitely not a projection of real world occurrences
this game wants to play off of the paranoia of the player as well!!! while PARANOIA isn't inherently a mechanic that would be in the game - it would definitely be an internal value that changes things in game (more specifically, the wording!!! to make things sound more/less risky to make the player more likely to make bad decisions teehee)
the more paranoid and locked-in, no risks allowed someone plays, the slower they'll progress and the more they risk potentially having employees leave or change their minds and unionize etc. but on the opposite side, if you play TOO care-free and takes a lotta risks, then it makes it very highly likely that the players base of operations is found, theyre taken under custody by the national powers, stuff like that. ideally a player will want to be just paranoid enough but still not worrying over EVERYTHING to actually make some good progress and stuffs (eh? eh? perhaps they... learn How To Stop Worrying? ehhhh?) but yeah. summary of that is just, player needs to be paranoid but not too paranoid in order to progress at a productive pace
and ik all of this sounds suuper duper serious(ish) but in-game it kinda takes the piss at itself and doesnt take itself THAT seriously - its silly but still semi-serious kinda
i apologise if this whole write-up is all over the place!! i am extremely sleep deprived n kinda gremlin mode rn fhdjfsk tysm for the ask tho !!!
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