#just-me764 writes
avis-writeshq · 5 years
Bat Bois x Reader: Ideal Bae
So… I haven’t been posting for a while (oops) so I have some head cannons to make up for it! I’ll post the commemorative posts ASAP so take this while I deal with flipping exams. Enjoy! xoxo
 Requested: No
Bruce Wayne:
·         Okay but like, he’s a literal player, so he needs someone who can handle all… that
 ·         Innocence is sweet though, but who in this world is iNnOceNt?
 ·         All of them don’t care about outward appearance so don’t stress fam
 ·         They need to have a good logical side to them
 ·         Bonus marks if they’re into business
 ·         Might have met his s/o at a job interview as they probably wanted a job there
 ·         He needs someone he can be real with
 ·         Not the ‘Bruce Wayne, play boy, billionaire, lady’s man’, but just Bruce
 ·         They need to be OPEN
 ·         Bruce would definitely feel awkward if they aren’t talkative or is really shy or has low self-esteem
 ·         But they can’t complain a lot (which kinda contradicts but eh)
 ·         Yeah, he needs an s/o who’s compliant and doesn’t complain. Whether it be work or something, complaining is a sign of weakness and discomfort. He doesn’t like seeing his s/o uncomfortable
 ·         Ideal occupation: business woman, teacher
 Dick Grayson:
·         We gotta admit it. He’s a goddamn ladies’ man.
 ·         He clearly has a type for ‘TOUGH… but will break your heart’
 ·         So for once he needs a proper steady relationship where he can trust that you won’t hurt him
 ·         Honestly feeling a friends-before-bae vibe with him
 ·         That way he knows that he can trust you with his very broken heart
 ·         So in other words, you gotta be good at keeping a secret
 ·         Tough is a must with all the bat bois. They have to know that they can handle them self if they are ever in any danger
 ·         He needs an s/o who has a literal heart of gold or he ain’t interested
 ·         Definitely needs a supportive bae or he’d be sO LosT
 ·         Ideal Occupation: Anything creative or in the legal/police area
 Jason Todd:
·         Let’s be real: this guy just came back from the dead. Having and s/o is the last thing on his mind
…but he wouldn’t be opposed to having one
 ·         I feel like Jason would probably like an s/o who is bad ass enough to stand on their own, but smart enough to not get beaten up
 ·         Jason hates the idea of his s/o getting hurt, so she has to have some common sense
 ·         Even though he likes having a tough s/o, he doesn’t want them to be violent or too independent
 ·         He likes it when people rely on him
 ·         Admit it, he’s not right in the head (which is probably why people like him so freaking much)
 ·         If they talk too much or is just really loud, it’s not gonna happen
 ·         Brownie points if they play a really soothing instrument or have a nice voice to soothe this baby’s anxiety
 ·         Anyway, if they’re not nice at heart, he ain’t interested
 ·         Ideal occupation: Something musically related or maybe in the film and arts area?
  Tim Drake:
·         They gotta have a brain.
 ·         They don’t have to be super-human smart, they just have to be logistical and be able to nerd out with him
 ·         COFFEE LOVER
 ·         This boi is around caffeine 24/7, so if his s/o doesn’t like coffee, it’ll hurt this babe’s soul
 ·         Would probably say that he probably would have met his s/o through school or at one of Bruce’s Galas
 ·         Okay, but this is the TV show checklist: Brooklyn 99, The Office and Friends
 ·         He needs a geek to fangirl/boy with
 ·         OH and, let’s be real, he’s a Disney nerd
 ·         Honestly, if he wasn’t a hacker, he would be part of the animating crew
 ·         They have to be pretty determined and stubborn
 ·         I mean, who else is going to force them to sleep?
 ·         Ideal Occupation: artist, public image/YouTuber  
 Damian Wayne (Age up 18):
·         *deep breaths* bOi.
 ·         Damian is a very reserved person, so his s/o has to be VERY persistent
 ·         But they have to know where the boundaries are
 ·         Like Jason, his s/o has to be witty and tough enough to deal with the crap people who exist in the world
 ·         God knows how narcissistic he is, so he needs a freaking boulder to knock some sense into him
 ·         If they aren’t humble or is equally (or even more) egotistical, it will probably irk him
 ·         Like his father, if they have literally no self-esteem, it will kind of annoy him as well tbh
 ·         They have to be open-minded or he would be sooooo confused where to go with them (he’s new to the dating thing so if they’re closed minded, the sTreSS)
 ·         His pets gotta approve thankyouverymuch
 ·         And of course, vegetarian is a bonus
 ·         Ideal occupation: vet, anything to do with animals, idk
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briswriting · 4 years
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⋆⊹ What’s an IBFF ⊹⋆
epilogue previous || the end ! masterlist

a/n: and that’s it! what’s an ibff is offically over and i will now go cry in the corner for the rest of my life because this smau is my baby. i just wanted to say thank you all so much for reading whether you were here since the beginning, when i was uploading, or if you just found this smau! every reader counts and i just wanted to say thanks to every who has read this smau because this was my first ever smau, it was the reason why i made my writing blog back in january, and i’m pretty sure a lot of my followers were because of this smau so thank you so so so much from the bottom of my heart for even taking some time to read waibff! i hope you guys stick around for my next smau that will be going up soon! the synopsis can be found here if you’re interested! anyways i hope this epilogue was fluffy enough and had the hints of clownery that waibff as a whole had ahaha wanted it to end off with fluff but also their cracktivities :)))) edit: kuroo spin off series here!!
waibff taglist: @lapofthegodss @peachiis @boopybunny @kal-emm @starryrevelations @hitoshi-s-stupid-bitch @shawni-h @vanderaliwaal @lunardrabbles @miyulovestowrite @leiasfanaccount648 @flcwerrs @insomnia-cashews @ladyinmoon @idfk6676 @kagelama-tobiyolo @allywritesimagines @kenmamazing @nishigo @loevbot @azgucci @softfor-svtptg @lovely-crow @koibitodrawz @milk-bulb @cmllnc @downlowhoee @zombiesandpenguins @dragonchildyuki @shinsousama @sneezy-s @yeehawnana @ihavewhiplashbecauseofnct @akaashisbih @letmeshouyou @saintlygore @uwu-toiletpaper-uwu @lovecharmsxx @renaxwrites @nekohebii @writing-in-monotone @edgy-bunny @patterned-flannel @sarcasticsweater @rewriting-those-stars  @the-broken-halo-writer @yogurtkink @jdkook @90s-belladonna @forever-skz @thoebe-fly @soccersarah01 @unknown-jpg @deadlordsupreme @yeet-yeet-yall @nialeesato @l0ngtimen0spooning @imconfusedanditsok @prdleia @amrinie @kaithehero @herre-gud-nej @hellite @bokutosbabe @kiracat13 @walmartjesus-trademark @arcadian-caim @marmol4d4 @chanssoon @tobiodel-ay-ee-hoo @babiebun @imtheseventhchicken @mikkasquare @t-rexmoreliket-flex @senkuwu-chan @unhappyraspberry @krxstynnn @asweetpotato1 @shinsvu-talks @m1lky2 @eboyhitoshi @kamemenari @svtbitch @kpopfanticscenarios @min-kags @dontdieagain @just-me764 @franphie @kageyama-in-distress @verysadsimp @shyrean @benklausonebraincell @alyssasteaparty @theshypsycho @soumynonasstuff @opulentix @adoring-obi-wan @spudiarts @bringmelily @fait-de-fleurs @tommykinkssss @too-many-fandoms666 @moon-390 @watevermelon @zoppzoop @frostedvixen @crazymofobro @animefan7420 @babypol @ghilanarevas @widowspeakprincess @akaasemitodoroki
taglist closed because the series is over :((((
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lyz-fics · 4 years
Mirio Togota X FEM! Reader: Be My Valentine
Hey Guys! Lyz Here!
AHHHHH!!!!!!!! More requests for my Valentine’s Day writing!!! I know I said I would write a FIC for this one but I had finished the HC and I know my Gurrl, @just-me764 loves some fluffy Mirio so I decided to post it early just for her <3
Summary: Spending Valentine’s Day with Mirio
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·       Valentine’s Day with Mirio usually starts early in the morning. Before you even wake up actually.
·       While you are still asleep he likes to cuddle you to wake you up. Using his quirk to lift you on top of himself so you are resting on his chest he likes so sit himself up so you are cuddled in his lap. He throws a blanket over you and wraps his arms around you to hold you close to him.
·       Then he starts to patter small butterfly kisses all across your forehead and cheeks to slowly wake you up. Often these kisses are quick and feel like they can be in multiple places at once but when he finds a spot to kiss that can make you hum in your sleep he likes to spend more of his time kissing that area.
·       These areas often include your cheekbones, your hairline, and his personal favorite your jawline. Only then once you are awake he greets you good morning with a soft and tender kiss on the lips.
·       Once you are awake he leaves you wrapped in his blanket to get himself ready for the day as you slowly tell your body it is time to wake up. He then returns wearing some sort of hoodie that is too many sizes too big even for him as well as some shorts for you and a warm sweater and a singlet top. After putting on your clothes you meet him in the kitchen.
·       There you see he has gotten out some things to make you crepes. After helping with getting out toppings you waited for the crepes to be done and while you waited you found yourself taking off your sweater and crawling up into Mirio’s hoodie, pushing your arms up to your chest but still not poking your head out the hole.
·       You stayed wrapped in his arms under his hoodie for a while before you both sat down in the living room and ate breakfast. Sitting next to each other you would lean into him after every bite and wait for him to finish his bite before he would pick something up on his fork and he would feed you part of his breakfast too.
·       After breakfast, you took the dishes to the sink where you rinsed them off slightly and put them to the side to be washed better later. Then you met Mirio back in your room where he had gotten towels for you and you could hear the sound of running water as he came out of the bathroom.
·       You greeted him with a kiss as he took your hand in his and led you to the bathroom where he was starting to run a bath for both of you with bubbles. You cuddled with him as you watched the water rise together.
·       Once the water was high enough you let go of each other and he went to turn the water off as you slowly undressed and climbed into the bathtub. Undressing himself now, he climbed in behind you and brought water up to your shoulders as he started to massage them.
·       Leaning back into his massage, you could almost fall asleep again as you felt his rough fingers scratching at your scalp now, giving you another massage while he washed your hair for you. After the massage was done you could feel his arms wrap around you and you brought your hands up to wrap over your head and around his neck.
·       There you ran your wet hands through his hair as you gave him the massage this time and washed his hair. You both stayed this way, taking turns to wash each other and give each other massages until the bubbles washed away.
·       After getting out of the bath he helped to wrap you in your towel and pick out some clothes for you to wear before he helped brush your hair out as you sat on the bed together again. You waited while brought out the brush and brushed through your long hair as he dried it with the blow drier as well.
·       After your hair was dry he sat behind you like he did in the bathtub and started to play with your hair, bringing it into different shapes as he played with it. When he was done he brought a little hand mirror out and you were shocked to see that he had put your hair in a cute little braid for you.
·       “When did you learn to braid hair?”
·       “Nejire taught me and let me practice on her.”
·       You gave him a thank-you kiss as you wrapped your arms around his neck and waited for him to pick you up to take you back to the couch where you laid on top of his chest as you flipped through the channels to watch something together.
·       Overall, Valentine’s Day was always a very relaxing day for both you. Especially for you since you knew Mirio did everything he could to make this day all about you because he loved you to the ends of the earth and he would do anything for you to show it. But he didn’t have to show it, being with him was enough for you to be happy but you would never stop him from doing it because you knew he loved to do it for you anyway.
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kiroh4918 · 5 years
The Terms of Writing Fanfics, Reading Stories and Watching Movies… According to a Lazy Teenager.
Fellow Humans and non-Humans from Fandoms Near and Far,… I welcome you to read a document I basically just made. This is:…
“The Terms of Writing Fanfics, Reading Stories and Watching Movies… According to a Lazy Teenager.”
Firstly, I would like to address The Different Types of Ships…
Now, this isn’t about how different relationships interact, that will be discussed later in The Hogwarts Guide to Relationships. This is discussing what happens to the ships.
Firstly, we have a sailing ship – obviously, this means a ship that is canon. Examples: literally everywhere mate. Most ships are sailing ships.  (This is the un-original term).
The Sunk Ship (The other un-original term). A ship that doesn’t work out. They move on. The ship starts to sink, and they get on little dinghiess and sail to shore for a bit, before preparing to start sailing again. Sometimes the ruins of these ships are found and excavated (they become friends), sometimes they can even sail again (They get back together).
Then we have our Battle Ships. This is the canon ship that is a constant battle with non-canon ships, I like to call Pirate ships. These are the two ships we get major shipping wars with. Fans are fighting all day and all night to prove their ship is superior. It’s nasty stuff man. Examples of these kinda ships are Romione (Ron x Hermione) vs Dramione (Draco x Hermione) or Kataang (Katara x Aang) vs Zutara (Zuko x Katara.)  There is nothing wrong with the pirate ship, it’s just not canon, and that’s fine.
Also, who else is back on the Avatar train because Netflix is releasing a live-action.
Next, we have the ghost ship: both characters have or will die during or before the story. Permission to cry about these kinda ships – granted. Examples include Jyn and Cassian, from Rouge One.
Now we come to the greatest and most painful ships of all. The Titanic. These are the ships with heartbreak. These are the ships where the characters love each other, but one has to leave. The ships where they just don’t work, but they still love each other. And these are the ships, where one character dies, and the other is left broken. They never move on. Or should I say, their heart will go on? Obviously, an example of this is Titanic, but other examples are The Hunch Back of Notre Dame but not the Disney version, the Victor Hugo one where Esmeralda hangs. And Captain America, the first one, where he dies and wakes up like 70 years later.
Secondly, The Worthy Death…
Okay, so we have all cried watching a character die before. It’s just hard man. But have you ever watched a show where a really cool, strong character that’s gonna save the day, just chokes on a cashew and dies? No, you probably haven’t, why? Because it's dumb. But, have you watched a movie where they ride into battle on their white stallion and save the day, but they end up dying after they have won the battle? Yes, most probably. Because they are worthy of a good death. Maybe, they have been living in boundaries and they finally break free. Or the figure out how to win and then die in the arms of their first love, (I’m still in mourning over the second last episode of Teen Wolf season 3). Or maybe this character dies saving their child, and then the child goes on to save the day. RIP Stoic.
Now most writers will always give their characters appropriate endings, because well. We authors love our characters. Only a few authors don’t do this, and even fewer don’t do and the story is still pretty good. So, I’m here to tell you that if a character that is really cool and strong, that dies too quickly and it just doesn’t seem right, then it probably isn’t. Okay. That character just might show up again. Especially if this is in a supernatural world and the character that died is supernatural.
This is also relevant to villains. Because they come back sometimes too.
 Thirdly the Spark…
Killing off a character is hard, especially when we have put so much effort into shaping and developing the character, giving them some of our own traits. It hurts authors a lot more than it may hurt you. Trust. But sometimes, we can’t do anything about it. Why? because of the spark! The spark is the original idea. It’s the thing that makes you write the story. If this means that a character has to die, or the ship doesn’t work. Then that means it’s gonna be a sad story. Changing the spark is like changing the constitution. You need to really think hard about it.
Now here is a warning, playlists are useful as well as dangerous. I am the kind of person who likes to make a playlist for every story (and sometimes every chapter) I write and listen to it while writing. Playlists have gotten through many a writing block, and they are great for inspiration. However, if you add the wrong song, all hell can break loose. Let me give you an example where I almost killed a character. We all have a sad Viking funeral song, right? Well, I was listening to mine, (The Sun in the Stream, Enya) and, well, the ship almost hit an iceberg. Luckily, I was saved by a happy love song, (Dreams, The Cranberries).
You could kill or save characters, going completely against the spark. You could add fluff where there is supposed to be a fight scene. You could add angst in a perfectly good and healthy relationship. Music is a powerful influence, so I beg all of you, be wise with your Spotify playlists. And consult a friend before changing a spark.
 Moving on, I bring you the Hogwarts Guide to Relationships…
Each relationship can be categorized into Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. And please don’t be offended by this. If you are a Gryffindor in a Slytherin relationship than good on you. I’m not the sorting hat.
Let’s start off with a good ol’ Gryffindor relationship. This is usually canon. It is the main character and the main character. They’re high-school enemies. They hate each other because they are rivals, they are both exceedingly attractive. Then they are put in a difficult situation and they have to work their way out… together. And they fall in love and yeah. It's cliché. They are the super-heroes. They both are really nice bubbly people. They cannot be bad guys, they just can’t. Okay, it’s not in the job description. They will go through at least one difficult situation, but they will come out on top.
Moving on, Ravenclaw relationship. It’s simple, it can be canon or not. They like each other. They are the main character’s older sibling and their partner. Either that or they are the bad guy. They are kinda great because they are genuine with each other. They are also goals. They may break up once, but they got back together so it’s fine. Not many people ship them, but that’s only because they want to be in the place of one of them. They have a strong trust and are very close. They have some kind of telepathy, and it’s not even creepy. You’re not sure if you can trust them, but you know they would die for each other. They are oddly wise and are constantly giving good advice. They can get you out of any situation, cos they know people. If they are good, then they kind of live in the grey area. They play cards and both have a good polka face. They could be evil, but they are evil together. I ship this, this is my OTP, leave me alone, pls.
Hufflepuff relationships: cute, fluffy, friendly, cute. They are happy, they love each other. These are two content individuals who are on their first and only relationship because they are hardcore canon and they will be married. One bought the other a dog for their birthday. Either a dog a cat or a turtle. Everyone ships them, even though they can be kind of annoying because they are so cute. You want the best for them. One does medieval sword fighting and the other does every martial-arts and you are impressed…. and very surprised. They are all the love languages, and teasing isn’t a love language, so it’s forbidden in their cute Christmas log cabin. This should not be taken as an offence to any Hufflepuffs, I am a Hufflepuff, and TBH I would never be able to sustain a relationship like this without losing my mind.
I’m sorry I lied, there are two more. Endo-Slytherin and Exo-Slytherin.
Endo-Slytherin is basically where they are only together because it benefits them. And both know it. That’s it, they are just there for the ship name, and the milkshake they get from winning the dare. They may learn to love each other, it is possible. But for that to happen they have to develop something called feelings and love and they don’t know what that is yet.
Exo-Slytherin, the world is thrown at them and they are trying to stay strong. This is more the crap Slytherins first years throw at Gryffindor first years. Their parents hate each other, their friends hate each other. One of them is forced to leave but they hold it up long distance. Then one of them is drugged and the other one sees a picture of them cheating, but they actually aren’t, and their strong trust is tested, but they get through. This ship could sail or hit an iceberg its really up to the writer. But I feel sorry for them, they just wanna be a Hufflepuff relationship, it is really not their fault.
 That’s it.
Please note, most of these points are completely original. Some of them I have discussed with my friends, @just-me764​, @nana-akishima, @strawbeari2​, and @dest-ai-ni. And some are just known to all. But otherwise, I put an amount of effort into writing this and I would appreciate if you used any of the terms to credit me. 
Thank you for reading this!
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avis-writeshq · 5 years
Hi, I saw crush on your character list and I'm super glad I finally found someone who takes requests for crushes! May I ask for a drummer 'bad boy' crush with a shy reader?
Drummer!Crush x Reader: Cliche kinda things
Requested: Yes, by anon
Pairing: Male!Crush x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, fluff, and trash writing
Other: Thank you very much for requesting! Also, I will get to a few requests this week because school holidays have started (thank you, Southern Hemisphere).
Word count: 1,166                                                                                            
 Things you probably wanna know, for all you ‘x reader’ illiterates:
(Y/N): Your Name
(H/C): Hair Colour / Color
(E/C): Eye Colour / Color
(N/N): Nickname
(C/N): Crush’s Name
(C/H/C): Crush’s Hair Colour
(C/E/C): Crush’s Eye Colour
(Y/B/F): Your Best Friend
(C/B/F): Crush’s Best Friend
Bands were a pain. You should have known that before you auditioned for the school band. They were looking for a singer – backup, mind you – and you were ready to go all out. Or so you thought. In all reality, there were more people in the band than you expected. There was Esher who was the lead singer, Katrina, another backup singer, Lily, the pianist, (C/B/F) who was on bass, Danny on Electric guitar and, of course, (C/N). He was the main drummer and school’s bad boy. 2 years older than you, he knew how to get anyone to like him. Well, anyone other than the teachers.
 In reality, though, he was a pain. He had no self-control, no common sense (which isn’t very common anymore, I admit), and absolutely no sense of empathy.  If it were your choice, you would have kicked him out as soon as possible. Unfortunately, you had no say in the matter. Besides, being in the band was the only way for (C/N) to not get expelled, and if he was kicked out, all his friends would be out to get whoever kicked him out. You did not want to die young.
 2 weeks after the audition, you found yourself sitting in the band room, awkwardly listening to conversations. (C/B/F) was tuning his bass. Well, trying to, anyway. (C/N) was playing his drums like a madman, basically bashing his sticks against the smooth skin of the drums. You flinched each time the drumsticks hit the cymbals, moving further away from him. As of now, you were pressed against the wall, your anxiety shooting through the roof. Then it was quiet. Did you go deaf?
 “Hey, who’s the newbie?” You froze at his voice. His eyes met yours, glaring into your soul. “I was talking to you.”
 You blinked, breaking the eye contact as you shuffled in your seat. “I’m (Y/N)…”
 “(C/N), are you bullying (Y/N)?” A voice cut in. Katrina stared the drummer down. “You know it was your fault we lost Dahlia.”
 “Tch, maybe she just wasn’t good enough,” (C/N) muttered. “Besides, all she did was flirt.” He winked at you. “I won’t scare her, though. She doesn’t look threatening at all.”
 You felt heat rush up to your cheeks and you hastily looked away. “Thanks, I guess…”
3 week later, you and (C/N) were somehow joined to the hip. Well, you against your will. He would stick with you during lunchtimes and pester you to accompany him to the music room so he could practice his drums. You would begrudgingly bid adieu to (Y/B/F) and sit in the band room, listening to his deafening drums.
 Still, there were some good things that came out of the whole ordeal. You were the only person other than (C/B/F) he could stand in the school, and you could tell him to do things without him blowing a fuse. In all honesty, though, a lot of the band members were quite annoying and were pretty rude to him as well as other people. Most of them were arrogant in their words and actions, which were the main reason (C/N) didn’t enjoy their company.
 “You’re the only one who I can stand here,” he said one day, swinging on his chair.
 You raised an eyebrow at him, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips, “Oh?”
 He nodded, rolling his eyes as he picked up his sticks. “Wanna go to the next room? I can teach you to play.”
 “Only if you tell me why you like me so much.”
 He laughed quietly, as to not annoy Katrina and Lily who were busy practising their harmonies and chords. “Deal. I think you’re nice.”
 You snickered, “is that it?”
 “Well…” he stopped for a moment, looking you up and down. “You have good fashion sense. You also are not as irritating as the others.”
 You laughed, “How does my fashion sense have anything to do with it?”
 “The others wear stupid branded clothes as if it’s cheap shit. News flash, bitches, not everyone in this world has a rich ass.”
 Rolling your eyes, you tugged him up, revealing his branded shoes. “Care to explain, mister ‘Leader of the Free World’?”
 “They’re shoes. They don’t count.” He placed a hand on your head. “You wouldn’t understand because you’re so naïve.”
 Laughing, you pulled him towards you with his drumsticks, “Alright, Leader of the Free World. Teach me the ways of the drums.”
 That was on his good days, last week, specifically. On this particular day, he was called to the principal’s office, leaving you to wait outside for him. You were awkwardly seated outside during your lunchtime, nibbling on your sandwich.
 “(Y/N), would you come in, please?” Principal Mullens (anyone gets the reference?) called your name, and your head shot up.
 “Sure?” Brushing the crumbs off your (skirt/pants), you got up. Walking into the little office, your eyes met (C/N)’s.
 “Are you okay?”
 You saw him flinch, “Yeah.” He looked up at the principal. “Why is she here?” His voice was cold, threatening the man who scowled.
 “(C/N),” you began gently, touching his arm, “what did you do?”
 His jaw clenched while Mullens told the story. “Mr. (C/L/N) got into a fight earlier today. Nothing too serious to the victim, but (C/L/N) refuses to apologise. Usually we would call the parents; however, it has come to my attention that they are away on a business trip. That is where you come in.” He looked at you from his glasses.
 “Come on, (C/N), please apologise.” You looked up at him, your face pleading. “You can tell me what really happened afterwards.”
 “Fine,” he muttered, “I’ll apologise.”
 You saw Mullens visibly relax, and he quickly dismissed both of you. (C/N) swiftly took your hand and led you out of the office. When you were well away from any students of teachers, you stopped. “(C/N).”
 You sighed as you saw him flinch at your tone. He bit his lip, letting go of your hand. “He was talking about you.” Cocking your head to the side, you looked up at him, confused. He caught your gaze and continued. “Tristan. He was talking shit about you like you were an animal. I told him to shut up at first. He threw the first punch.”
 “What did he say?”
 “He called you a slut and an attention seeker.” He shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets.
 “Well,” you offered him a smile, “thank you.”
 A light pink dusted across his cheeks and he looked away. “Can I… can I tell you something?”
 “Sure. What’s up?”
 He bit his lip. “I- well, the thing is…” he trailed off and you let out a laugh.
 “What?” You grinned up at him. “Come on, spit it out!” He was still quiet. In a softer tone, you said, “You know you could tell me.”
 “Okay, well…” he let out a shaky breath before resting his hands on your shoulders. “I really like you.”
 ~End, no part 2~
 If you like my work, please reblog!
 Until my next fic!
~ Avis ~
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avis-writeshq · 5 years
Damian Wayne x Reader: Bully Part 3
Thank you @strawbeari2 and anon for requesting! This series is going quite a long way >.<… this is probably gonna be the longest and the last part! Oh, I forgot to mention, this is also the first fic of the Christmas in July series. I haven’t gotten the prompt list out yet, but feel free to request something with that theme! xoxo
 Requested: Yes
Warnings: crap writing… and a lot of fluff *cough*
Pairing: Damian Wayne x Fem!Reader
Word count: 2,664
 Things you probably wanna know, for all you ‘x reader’ illiterates:
(Y/N): Your Name
(H/C): Hair Colour / Color
(E/C): Eye Colour / Color
(B/F/N): Best Friend’s Name
“I didn’t know you were into art,” you said as you walked around the art gallery. Each painting either had a strange burst of colour or was black and white in a depressing way. Maybe that’s why Damian liked art so much…
“It’s a way to express my… non-existent feelings,” Damian shrugged in a poor attempt to make a joke. To his surprise, you let out a giggle.
“Was that supposed to be a joke?”
You let out a laugh, covering your mouth when a man gave you an irritated look. “What’s gotten into you today? Calling me nicknames, taking me to an art gallery, telling jokes… are you sure you’re not sick, Dami?”
“Why would I be sick?” He raised an eyebrow. “I am me, aren’t I?”
“Yeah… but you’ve never really seemed to enjoy talking to me,” you shrugged, offering a slanted smile. “I didn’t think we were friends.”
Damian could feel the guilt beginning to eat the insides of him. It was true; he didn’t want to enjoy the way you spent time with him. But you slowly began to grow on him. “Why wouldn’t we be friends?”
You looked up at him, biting your lip. “You’re right. It’s silly. Hey, why don’t we go check out the Christmas art edition?”
“Of course,” Damian nodded, gently holding onto your wrist. “Let’s go.”
Ever since the incident with the bullies 3 years ago, Damian promised himself that he was never going to go to his brothers for help. That was definitely a promise he could get behind… or so he thought. Truthfully, Damian had no idea about love or what a ‘crush’ even was. But there was no way he was going to be able to talk about it without another finding out. So, he decided to ask them all at the same time.
It was a peaceful evening at Wayne Manor, and for once they were all present for Christmas break. Well, Dick was in another room playing with Batcow. They sat at the dining table, all talking heartily amongst themselves. Well, Jason was on his phone while Tim and Bruce talked about statistics and whatnot. Just as Alfred was about to hand out the entrees, Damian decided to speak.
“How do you know if you’re in love?”
Silence. The whole room was filled with silence. They all gaped at him like he had two heads while Damian just raised an eyebrow at them. It was only when there was a loud ‘crash’ from the room Dick was in and a huge, “WHAT?!” did they start to freak out.
Dick came running from the next room, holding onto Damian’s shoulders while shaking him rapidly. “YOU’RE IN LOVE?!”
Damian scoffed, pulling away from his older brother’s grasp. “Who knows? Clearly not you, Grayson, considering the mountain of girls you brought home over the years. I don’t expect you to know.”
The older man pouted, shooting a glare at him. “I have fallen in love before…”
“Damian, what brought this along?” His father prompted, taking a sip from his wine. “Is everything okay at school?”
The green-eyed boy shrugged. “School is fine, Father. It was merely a question that I would like to be addressed. Surely you have felt it with Selina Kyle. Or Drake with Stephanie.”
“Well, Stephanie and I are definitely in the ‘in love’ stage by now,” Tim snickered from behind his hand. “But how do you know? I guess you just… feel it.”
Oh, Damian definitely felt it. Every single time you walked into the room, it felt as if his heart skipped a beat. And your smile? Dear god, he needed help. You were one of the most amazing things he has ever encountered. You were persistent, and it almost annoyed him in a weirdly adorable way.
“I’ve never been in love,” Jason boasted, a proud smirk on his face.
“Oh, really? What about Ari?” Dick raised an eyebrow, a teasing tone in his voice.
The gun enthusiast scowled, scooping pumpkin soup from his bowl.
“Right…” Damian said slowly. “Well, if I may be excused, I’m going to train.”
“You haven’t finished dinner yet,” Bruce pointed out, putting down his napkin. “Are you hungry?”
“I’m fine.” And with that, Damian left the dining room.
“Yeah, he’s totally in love,” Tim said, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“But with who?”
The following weekend, Damian invited you over to the manor. Dick had just come back to Gotham a few days prior, and you definitely wanted to see the whole Wayne family in one go. You clearly didn’t know about their ‘nightly activities’, and Damian was perfectly fine with it. After all, there was no way he could risk your safety.
“How many times have I been to your mansion again?” You giggled, rolling your eyes as Damian listed off possible things that could happen during your stay.
“Too many to count,” he sighed, grip tightening on the bag of presents you brought. “But you know what they’re like when they’re all together.”
“Yeah, I do not want to re-live that,” you said, faking a shudder.
Last year when the whole family was back together, you decided to visit them during the Easter Holidays. Jason had come back from his holiday in Arizona (truthfully, it was nothing close to a holiday) and Dick was visiting from Bludhaven. It was the first time you’ve seen them all together, and it was much livelier than you expected. They all practically trampled you before you could even take a step into the household, and you were sure Tim was scared for life when he accidentally walked into the bathroom when you were doing your business. At least now you were slightly more prepared to see them all. Always bring three extra locks to the bathroom.
“Just be prepared, okay, (N/N)?” He sighed.
“When have I not?” A smirk played at your lips as you looked up at him innocently.
It was getting colder and colder, so you were relieved when you finally saw the familiar evergreen trees that were in front of Wayne Manor. Quickening your pace, you arrived at their doorstep, Damian right behind you. Pressing on the doorbell, you waited. It wasn’t even 5 seconds later when there was a loud ‘screech!’ and a loud crash. You were sure you heard Mr. Pennyworth let out a yowl as well.
“(Y/N)! We were… expecting someone else!” Jason said in a very straightforward way.
You raised an eyebrow, turning to Damian whose cheeks became very pink. And you weren’t sure if it was from the cold. “As much as I am curious to know who you were expecting, can you please let me inside? I have presents, and unless you want to miss out on them, I suggest stepping to the side.”
Almost immediately, all 3 of them took a step to the left and formed a straight line. “You’re the only one who can get them to do that,” Damian said, eyes glistening in admiration. “I’ll take your bags upstairs if you would like.”
“I can take them up,” you said softly. “But I am definitely taking the presents. Strangely enough, I don’t trust you.”
“That wounds me, (N/N),” the boy said, rolling his eyes and placing a hand on his heart.
You let out a laugh, poking him on the nose before snatching the plastic bag out of his hands. “Au revoir, humans!” You yelled, before climbing up the stairs, Damian watching you go.
Meanwhile, Tim, Jason, and Dick were watching your interactions, sly smirks growing on their faces. Tim was the first to speak up, “Oh, I see it now. You’re in love with (Y/N).”
Damian scoffed at him, crossing his arms over his chest. “TT, you really do surprise me with your idiocy, Drake. I assure you, (Y/N) and I are just friends.”
“So why do you call her (N/N)?” Dick asked cheekily.
“And why did you offer to take her bags?” Jason smirked.
“I thought you wanted me to have a better connection with (L/N),” Damian grumbled. “There’s just no pleasing you.”
 Later that night, you were seated in the dining room of Wayne Manor. From the corner of your eye, you saw Tim whisper something to Bruce who nodded. “Apologies, (Y/N), but we must leave for the night. There’s been an emergency at Wayne Enterprises.”
You frowned at these words. “On Christmas Week?”
“Unfortunately,” Jason said with mock sympathy. “We’ll be back before you know it, kid. Besides, Damian will be there.”
At that, the said boy almost dropped his fork, shooting a not-so-subtle glare at his older brother. “Of course I will be.”
“Oh…” you nodded in understanding, “well, have fun!”
 Before long, you and Damian agreed to watch a movie after he took a shower and got everything ready. While you waited, you scrolled through the news on your laptop. So far, nothing was interesting until your gaze fell at one particular article. ‘Batman and his Associates Spotted While Fighting Poison Ivy’. Curiosity overtook you and you scanned through the article.
‘At 7:48 on the 21st of December, Batman and his associates, Red Robin, Red Hood, and Nightwing were spotted fighting the famed villain Poison Ivy’. You furrowed your eyebrows as you read the first sentence. 7:48 at night? That was 10 minutes after Bruce and the others excused themselves this evening. And, hold on a minute, Nightwing was meant to be in Bludhaven, not Gotham. So what was he doing here? And where in tarnation was Robin, the vigilante who saved you months prior?
A salty feeling was left in your mouth. There was no way Bruce Wayne could be Batman, could there? And, if he was Batman, that meant Dick was Nightwing, Red Robin was Tim and Red Hood was Jason. But that meant… a chill ran down your spine. Damian, your Damian, was Robin? The vigilante known for fighting and putting himself in danger? No, that was impossible! Or… was it?
Your stomach lurched at the thought. Wait. You had to find some solid proof that they were the masked vigilantes everyone knew and (probably?) loved. The most questionable thing was: where was the Bat Cave? In their basement? You snickered at the thought. No, that was a little out of the ordinary. You would have seen it at some point. Unless…
Out of all the books in Bruce’s study, there was only one that didn’t have any dust on it. Curiously, you pulled the book towards you and in almost an instant, the wall opened up. You gaped at the hole in the wall, looking around to see if Damian was anywhere. He didn’t seem to be following you… using the flash on your phone as a torch, you slowly walked down the stairs. When your feet met even ground, you were met with a swarm of bats. Waving your arms around like a mad man, you ran around the bat cave multiple times, only to run into a very tall sturdy thing. Oh, wait. This isn’t good.
“What are you doing here?” Damian asked, looking down on you. You flinched. Now you were definitely scared.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were Robin?” Your voice was nothing but a mere whisper and you could hear the blood pounding in your ears.
“How did you find out?”
“I connected the dots,” you said coldly, regretting it almost instantly, “I know that Tim is Red Robin, Jay is Red Hood and Dick is Nightwing. And I know that Bruce is Batman.”
Damian shut his eyes tightly, wishing that this was all a bad dream. “You weren’t supposed to know.”
“Why not?” You countered, frowning at him. “I would have found out sooner or later. Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I wanted to keep you safe.” The way he said it… your heart thundered in your chest as you looked up at his emerald green eyes. “I didn’t want to make you into a target.”
“You don’t have to worry about me,” you muttered before letting out a dry laugh. “How do you think I feel? You’re the one running around putting yourself in danger.”
“I didn’t want you to worry about me, (N/N). You’re always putting people in front of yourself and it scares me sometimes.” His mind wandered back to the time he saved you, and from the look in your eyes, he could tell that you were, too.
“Well, you do that too, don’t you?” You gave a lopsided smile. “I’m sorry.”
“For finding out?” Damian shook his head, “don’t be. Now, come on, I prepared your favourite movie.”
“The Nutcracker?” You giggled. “I thought you forgot.”
“I never forget.” He offered you a hand which you gratefully took.
“Damian,” you said softly, looking up at him, “why do you care so much?”
Why did he care so much? “Because… because you didn’t give up on me.”
You smiled up at him, squeezing his hand a little tighter as you walked up the stairs from the Bat Cave. “I’ll never give up on you, Dami. You mean too much to me.”
“Likewise, (N/N).”
The movie soon became forgotten as you sat cross-legged on the couch, Damian sitting lazily in front of you. He was telling you about the latest heist at the harbour, when Bruce, Tim, Dick and Jason walked casually into the room.
“Hey, guys,” you said from the couch, pulling your attention from Damian for a few moments. “How was the mission?”
“Oh, it was good- wait, you knew?!” Dick gaped at you. “Damian, did you tell her?”
At that, the said boy let out a scoff. “You have no faith in me, Grayson. Of course, I didn’t tell her. She figured it out herself.”
You grinned in triumph at them, letting out a guffaw at their bemused faces. “I’m not that stupid, you know.”
“Right…” Jason eyes you wearily while Bruce was still wondering if he should scold you or congratulate you for the find. “I’m just going to pretend this never happened and leave…”
“For once, I’m going to agree with you,” Tim said, following him out the room.
You shrugged before turning back to Damian. “So, what happened to Two-Face?”
“He’s still in the Asylum, obviously. He’s going mad there, I presume.”
“Wait… I never got to ask.” At this point, Bruce had left the room in search of Alfred. “If you’re Bruce’s biological son, who’s your mother?”
The green eyed boy stiffened, shifting uncomfortably.
Your eyes widened in realisation. “Oh, I didn’t mean to pry…”
“No, it’s fine. I wasn’t expecting the question,” Damian dismissed. “My mother is Talia Al Ghul, a leader in the League of Assassins. I was born from an artificial womb and trained to kill innocent people.” At that, he cringed. “It’s a lot worse than it sounds. When Father took me in, he taught me his customs. He taught me not to kill. But I don’t think he was the real reason I stopped.”
You frowned at him, cocking your head to the side. “Then who is?”
“You,” Damian admitted truthfully. “You never gave up on me and you were… pure.”
You let out a small chuckle, rolling your eyes. “I’m not that pure, Dami.”
The two of you were sitting closer together, and you never noticed how… beautiful Damian’s eyes were. They were an enticing shade of emerald green with soft blue accents. You bit your lip at each thought that popped through your head after.
“(Y/N)…”  Damian’s voice was a whisper and his soft minty breath fanned your face. “I think I’m in love with you.”
You smiled at him, (E/C) eyes twinkling. “I love you too.”
“May I kiss you?”
In your response, you hesitantly pressed your lips against his, smiling as you did.
In that moment, Damian learned what it really meant to love. And he vowed to himself that he was never going to let anything happen to you. Never.
Part 1 here Part 2 here
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@nana-akishima @strawbeari2 @ it-is-burnt-sienna @dest-ai-ni (idk why these tags aren’t working ;-;)
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avis-writeshq · 5 years
Adrien Agreste x Reader: Sticky Situation
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Thanks, anon for the request! And apologies for not getting this up sooner!
 Requested: Yes
Warnings: She’s just a friend
Other: BEFORE the reveal, Reader has the Blue Jay Miraculous. Adrien and Reader are 16-17 years of age
Word count: 1,054
 Things you probably wanna know, for all you ‘x reader’ illiterates:
(Y/N): Your Name
(H/C): Hair Colour / Color
(E/C): Eye Colour / Color
“As much as I love pulling pranks on people, I don’t understand why today is so special,” Jade said, perching on top of your lamp. The blue kwamii fiddled with one of her tail feathers, smirking at you cheekily.
You giggle at the creature, rolling your eyes. It’s been a few months since you received the Blue Jay Miraculous and you couldn’t be happier. As Veder, you had the ability to turn invisible for 2 short minutes, allowing you to sneak up on the akumatized villain. It gave you a sense of freedom from your strict studies, and it gave you a chance to be yourself. “I forgot you didn’t have much human contact.”
At this, Jade scoffed, flying off the lamp to sit at your shoulder. “You act as if you’re not stuck in a house 24/7.”
“Shut it, Jade,” you flung your back pack over your other shoulder, walking out of your room. “Anyway, today is April Fool’s Day. People usually jokes on each other and pranks.”
“Then why Adrien?”
You snickered, walking out of your home. “Adrien is my best friend. He has been since we were little. Besides, his father is really strict on him, so I figured I could cheer him up a little. As friends do. And it gives me an excuse to try this sticky-paper.”
“You are aware that you could be using your inventions for other things, right?”
“Who knows?” You shrugged, putting your shoes on. “It’s not like I can make smoke-bombs for battles.”
“And Adrien is you best friend?”
You paused, huffing in frustration. “He’s just a friend.”
“Really, Plagg? Did you have to put camembert in my socks again?” Adrien grumbled at his cat kwamii, shaking his head. “There’s a thing called a plate, you know.”
“Well, I was trying to age them, but you wouldn’t let me do that, now, could you?” Was Plagg’s response as he took another bite of his cheese. “I’m not the one who’s confused about his love life.”
“I am not confused about my love life,” the golden haired boy said through gritted teeth.
“Sure. That totally explains why you were staring at the picture of (Y/N),” The black kwamii hummed, flying to his friend.
Adrien rolled his eyes, fishing for a new pair of socks from his drawer. He didn’t need to get relationship advice from his kwamii. But then again, Plagg is more than 5000 years old. Maybe he did have good advice. At the thought, Adrien scoffed. Plagg? Good advice? Yeah, never. Besides, he didn’t need another love interest, especially after what happened with Ladybug.
He gave up chasing after her about a year ago. He just couldn’t do it. The constant rejection was just too much. And with his mother gone and his father never listening to a word he says? Who was he even supposed to talk to without revealing his identity? He may have gotten over Ladybug romantically, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t stay loyal to her. After all, he, Ladybug and Veder were a trio. So, he talked to Veder about his problems. They were partners, right? It didn’t really break the rules.
Naturally, Veder listened. Her miraculous did represent a mischievous as well as an intelligent mind after all. She knew when to talk and when to stay silent. She was wise, that’s for sure.
Adrien shook his head. No. He was not falling for his partner, not again. Fixing up his jacket, he slipped his shoes on. “Come on, Plagg. We’re going to be late to meet (Y/N).”
“Yeah, yeah, Lover Boy, I get it.”
“Shut up, Plagg.”
“Okay, I’m pretty sure it’s going to work.” You said, looking at your invention. It blended in perfectly with the concrete so that any suspecting stranger could stick to the ground.
“What if you get stuck?” Jade asked, frowning.
“That’s what these are for,” you said proudly, pulling out a pair of yellow glasses from your pocket. “They can see the invisible stickers I used to set it up. Am I a genius, or am I a genius?”
“Yeah, genius, you’re stuck in your own prank.”
You paused before looking down at your feet. Sure enough, they couldn’t move. You glanced at your bag that was sitting on a bench, just out of arms’ reach. “Oh, come on!” You looked at Jade, pouting. “Jade, I have a reactor in my bag that can un-stick me.”
“Sorry, (Y/N), but it’s too heavy for me. I can’t lift it!” She exclaimed, frowning.
“It’s okay. We’ll just wait for Adrien. He should be here in about 3…2…”
“Hey, (N/N)!” You turned your head to see Adrien walking towards you, a bright smile on his face. “Sorry I’m late- what are you doing?”
“I’m stuck.” You said truthfully, trying to ignore the growing blush on your face.
“To the floor?”
“Something like that. Do you mind? There’s a bottle in my bag. Throw it here, will you?” You bit your lip as he raised an eyebrow. “Please.”
He rolled his eyes, but he didn’t ignore the smile that was playing at his lips. Grabbing the spray bottle, he began to walk towards you. “This one?”
“Yes, but don’t-” too late. Adrien stepped right into your unsuspecting trap. “Great. Now we’re both stuck. Pass me the reactor, will you?”
The golden-haired boy raised an eyebrow before letting out a laugh but he passed the bottle to you anyway. “Were you trying to prank me?”
You scoff at him, rolling your eyes. “You wish. Now hold on…” you carefully placed one drop onto the invisible sticky-mat and in a burst of yellow bubbles, it slowly began fizzing away. Glancing at Adrien’s tense body, you giggled. “You’re not going to die. It only breaks up the particles in the mat to let us out. Like a fast disintegrator.”
As soon as you were un-stuck, you and Adrien sat at the bench in the park. You were packing away your things into your backpack when you had accidentally dropped your pencil case. “Dammit!” You swore as both you and Adrien went to pick it up. Your foreheads collided and he offered a sheepish grin. It was then where you managed to take a good look at him. But there was something familiar…
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avis-writeshq · 5 years
Shawn Mendes x Reader: Like To Be You
Here’s a fic to make up for not posting recently ;-;... eh, it’s... long?
Requested: No
Warnings: Angst and crude language I suppose.
Pairing: Shawn Mendes x Fem!Reader
Other: Based on the song “Like to be you” by Mr. Mendes >.< Y’all, I ain’t saying Shawn is that big a Baka that he wouldn’t help his s/o with her stuff… Imma just put that out there.
Word count: 2,489
 Things you probably wanna know, for all you ‘x reader’ illiterates:
(Y/N): Your Name
(H/C): Hair Colour / Color
(E/C): Eye Colour / Color
(N/N): Nickname
(B/F/N): Best Friend’s Name
B/F/N/N): Best Friend’s Nickname
Two years. You and Shawn have been dating for two years. You would have thought that sometime during those two years he would have taken some time off to spend time with you. You would have thought that he would have taken some time off from the tours, took some time to relax, and just do nothing for a few weeks. Heck, even a few days would have been enough for you. But for almost the entirety of those two years, he was either at the studio, partying, or touring the globe.
You were proud of him. Of course, you were! You were proud that he found something he loved as well as millions of people. But sometimes you felt as if he didn’t even care about you. The first year he would apologise and make it up to you the next day, just spending a few minutes to talk to you, take you to a coffee shop for lunch, go to the movies to snack off the popcorn... He would take the time to kiss you goodnight and even that was enough. But lately, things weren’t up to par.
He spent 4 months on tour. Four freaking months without seeing him. Sure, you called each other, but every time your conversation was cut short.
“I’m really sorry, but the soundcheck is happening in five.”
“I’m sorry, baby, but the makeup crew needs me.”
“Sorry, honey, but I have to go.”
“Can we talk in the morning? The concert was draining.”
No more apologies. No more ‘making things right’. It was all ‘I have an excuse to leave’. You pinched the bridge of your nose as you stared at your phone. Without Shawn, the condo felt emptier than usual and you couldn’t take it. More than often, you would leave the apartment by 7 in the morning to go to work and return at 9, just so you can avoid it.
The café you were in wasn’t very busy, and for that you were thankful. You didn’t need people asking questions as to why you weren’t with Shawn or some random crap like that. You bit your bottom lip in agitation. You didn’t need this right now. With the stress of work and keeping food on the table, you didn’t need more stress in your life.
Shawn came back to the condo at the end of the tour, exhausted beyond his mind. After all, how could you expect him to not be with his partying until 2am and greeting his fans all the time? But that was 2 weeks ago. Surely he had time to get used to being home. His living standards were definitely up to par; he didn’t put away his dishes, turn off lights after he leaves the room, he doesn’t even pick up his socks! But you promised yourself to be patient. He has always had it harder than you, so you might as well try to be understanding.
“Hey Shawn,” you smiled as he came out of the bedroom, 7 o’clock in the morning. You were wearing your usual work clothes and was already packing your lunch and breakfast in your bag. Shawn stayed up late that night at Brian’s house, despite the fact he had work the next day. “You okay?”
“I’m fine, (Y/N), just really tired.” He let out a yawn, “I might take the day off today.”
At those words, you perked up. “Really?”
“I’ll try. I’m going to call Andrew. I’ll be right back, hun.”
You nodded as he retreated back into the bedroom, phone in his hands. Maybe now you could spend time together. Maybe go to the movies. He was always a Marvel fan, wasn’t he? Far From Home was released a few days ago, why don’t you go watch that? Before you could even think twice about the option, Shawn emerged from the room, letting out a huge sigh.
“How’d it go?”
“He said I could stay home,” he said, running a hand through his curls.
“Great!” You grinned. “Do you mind helping me with the dishes?”
“Why can’t you do them?”
Your smile faltered for a split second before you let out a breath. “I have to call my boss so I can have a day off, to spend more time with you. Besides, I’ve been living alone for the past few months and you barely did anything to help…” you trailed off, biting your lip.
“I’ve been touring the world, remember?” Shawn rolled his eyes. “I need a break.”
“It’s just a few dishes,” you mutter under your breath, “helping out isn’t going to kill you.”
“Then why don’t you do it? You’re making a big deal out of this!” His voice was starting to rise and you flinched slightly.
“Shawn, I was just asking you to help out,” you closed your eyes tightly. Why didn’t you just put the dishes away yourself?
“I’ve been away for 4 months and you’re mad at me for not helping out?” You could hear the agitation in his voice. “You don’t understand what I do!”
“Shawn-” You pleaded, tears prickling your eyes.
“I’m fucking tired, (Y/N)! You could at least help me!”
“I don’t want to fight about this…” you mumbled, looking away. Your attention was drawn to the clock that was already pointing at 7:15. “Crap, I’m going to be late!”
“Wait, (Y/N)-”
“I have to go; my boss is going to kill me.” And with that, you picked up your bag and bolted, thankful for the quick escape.
“(Y/N)-” But you were already gone.
Shawn let out a deep sigh, putting away the dishes that you left in the sink. He was an idiot. The plate on the counter had breakfast all ready to go; an apple cinnamon muffin with a cup of coffee. A small note beside it caught his eye and when he read it, guilt was pouring out.
‘Don’t work too hard! With love, (Y/N)’
The 24-year-old groaned, tugging at his hair. This wasn’t how he intended this morning to go! Why didn’t he just help you out? He wasn’t going to do anything, anyway. He was on tour for 4 months with minimal contact with you. He should be helping and loving you with every fibre of his being! Not making a mountain out of a molehill!
He grit his teeth in frustration. When you get home tonight, he was going to apologise and do everything in his power to fix things. But you never returned home.
“Thanks for letting me stay over, (B/F/N),” you smiled, tugging your work bag.
“What are friends for?” She grinned back, carrying a pillow for you. “What happened between you and Shawn?”
You groaned at the thought, plopping yourself down on the couch. “We had a fight. You know how he’s been on tour lately?”
Your best friend nodded thoughtfully, “to Europe, right? I thought he would have called you.”
“Yeah,” you roll your (E/C) eyes, “for five minutes. But now that he’s back, he wouldn’t even help me put away dishes.”
“Well, that sucks,” she sighed, sitting next to you.
“But it’s my fault, anyway. I should have just done them myself. He’s been on tour for 4 months. He’s tired. I should understand,” shaking your head, you hug the pillow. “Sometimes I feel like I’m not enough for him, (B/F/N/N).”
“(Y/N) (L/N), don’t ever say that about yourself. It isn’t your fault for expecting him to pick up some slack and it definitely isn’t your fault for causing the fight. And you are more than enough for Shawn. You’re kind, sometimes too kind, smart, beautiful… need I go on? You coped for months without him. If anything, he’s a trash boyfriend,” she shrugged, hugging you by the shoulders. “He didn’t even ask about your day when he called?”
“Not exactly…” you trailed off, and, seeing (B/F/N) disapproving stare, you quickly covered your comment up. “But he was really busy! Andrew kept calling him to fix something up… it’s really not a big deal…”
(B/F/N) let out a sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Brian called, though. Shawn’s worried about you. You missed 4 of his calls.”
Your eyes widened in realisation, “really? I didn’t know.” Rummaging through your bag, there really were 4 phone calls as well as 8 text messages, 5 of which were apologies. You sighed, putting the phone down onto the couch.
“You aren’t going to call him back?”
“What if he’s still mad at me?” You bit your lip. “What if he just wants to finish the argument?”
“Why would he still be mad at you? (Y/N), if he’s still mad at you, he wouldn’t have called.”
Clenching your fists, you avoided any possible eye-contact, your anxiety shooting through the roof. “You know how long Shawn holds a grudge for…”
“And you know how much he loves you,” (B/F/N) pointed out. “(Y/N), you have him wrapped around your finger. He’s completely smitten with you!”
“I don’t know… he seemed really mad…” you frowned, leaning into the couch, flashing back to his frustration.
“Look. If you need space, you got it. Just… call him when you’re ready, okay? Don’t leave him hanging.”
“Yeah… okay.”
“Shit, Bri, I messed up big time,” Shawn groaned, collapsing on the couch. “I should have called her! I should have just done the stupid dishes for fuck’s sakes.”
“Mmhm,” Brian nodded, rolling his eyes. “I’m not going to pretend that you didn’t mess up, because you did, Shawn.”
“But she doesn’t know how hard it is to be… me!” He scoffed, “I’m the one touring the world all the damn time!”
“And she’s the one you’re leaving behind every year to tour the world. She had to work, sleep alone, and all the while you didn’t call her,” the man huffed. “Why can’t you get it into your thick skull that she’s got it harder than you?”
“Because she doesn’t! You don’t know how much I missed her, how much I wished to be back here instead of thousands of miles/kilometres away from her!”
“Then tell her that, Shawn!” Brian let out another frustrated sigh. “You love her, don’t you?”
“More than anything.”
“Then talk to her, but maybe not right now. She’s probably still upset.”
“Right, yeah, of course. I’ll go tomorrow.” With that, Brian left him to his wallowing.
Shawn tugged at his hair, guilt clawing at his heart. He should have helped you. He loved you more than anything, and he made you run away. He shouldn’t have complained, but he did it anyway. He was so used to having people do things for him that he never even bothered to do things himself! He rubbed his face to calm himself down. He needs to apologise to you before he messes things up even more for both of you.
“Sometimes I’m kinda grateful that Shawn is such a huge rock star,” you admitted as you stirred the pot of soup. You were helping (B/F/N) with dinner as a thank you for letting you stay over. Your phone was in your pocket, earbuds blasting out a song.
“Why’s that?” She asked, looking up from her book.
You shrug, turning your attention back to the soup, “I can listen to his voice whenever I want.”
The woman burst into laughter, rolling her eyes. “You really are smitten, (N/N). I can’t believe Shawn would pick a fight with you. You’re so precious.”
At those words, you scoff, turning down the heat of the stove and moving to wash your hands. “I am not precious, and I am certainly not innocent. I’ve done more things with Shawn than you have in your entire life.”
(B/F/N) let out a mocking gasp, a small notepad flying your way. You snickered, dodging it with ease. “(Y/N), you’re such a freak!”
“You love me, really!”
A few hours later when you were sitting on the couch, your phone buzzed with another notification. (B/F/N) was already asleep, but you were reading a chapter of your book. Picking up the phone, a small smile made its way onto your face as you read the text.
Shawn <3: Goodnight, baby
Shawn <3: I love you
You rolled your eyes, typing back a quick response.
You: ILY 2
Chuckling to yourself, you put your book down, “what a sap.”
By 7 o’clock in the morning, you were awake, a fresh plate of pancakes and strawberries on the counter. You weren’t very tired, even though you stayed past midnight reading your book. You were strangely energetic, having woken up at 6:30. You were just about to call (B/F/N) out for breakfast when the doorbell rang.
“Were you expecting someone?”
“No…” she groaned, rubbing her eyes. “Who in their right mind would be here at 7 o’clock in the damn morning?”
“I don’t know,” you shrugged.
The doorbell rang again, followed by a knock.
“WHO’S AWAKE AT THIS UNGODLY HOUR?!” (B/F/N) demanded, glaring at you.
Raising your arms in surrender, you went to open the door, only to be met with a familiar pair of brown eyes. Only, instead of the usual cheekiness, they were red from tears. “Shawn?”
“(Y/N)! I thought you weren’t going to open!” He sniffed, rubbing at his eyes with the sleeve of his jumper. He wasn’t wearing his usual black jeans and t-shirt. Instead, he was wearing sweatpants and his Harvard jumper.
You frowned before opening the door wider to let him inside. “Shawn, what’s wrong?”
“Everything! Dammit, (Y/N), you leave without saying anything, barely responding to my text and sh-” he quickly caught himself before looking you in the eyes. “You were right. (Y/N), you’re always right. I should have just helped you out. You were living alone, and I barely called! I should have done something!”
“What? No, you’re right! I have no idea what you do or how you do it. You‘re exhausted beyond your mind and I should have helped you out. I should have known that you were tired and I should have done something about it.” You squeezed your eyes shut. “You’re touring the world, Shawn! I should be more supportive.”
“No, baby, you are supportive. You’re always so good to me. You do everything back home. If you weren’t there, I would have no clothes for months and the only food I’ll be eating is cereal.”
You manage a small giggle through your tears, “you really are hopeless when it comes to food.”
“What I’m trying to say is… I’m sorry. I’ve been a trash boyfriend and I should have helped you out more.” He offered a small smile and he barely had any time to react when you wrapped your arms around his waist. The curly-haired man let out a sigh of relief, pressing his cheek against the top of your head. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too, Shawnie.”
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avis-writeshq · 5 years
Crush x Oblivious!Reader: Through the Years
Requested: Nope
Pairing: Male!Crush x Fem!Oblivious!Reader
Summary: A friendship that began when you were only kids can turn into so much more if you give it time, love and a lotta joy.
Warnings: Swearing, very much fluff, and trash writing
Other: There is a gay couple in here because PRIDE, so if you are not comfortable with that, you can either read with an open mind or read something else. If you do not agree with my choice, please do not DM me or hate on me. Thank you very much xoxo
Word count: 3,116                                                                                            
 Things you probably wanna know, for all you ‘x reader’ illiterates:
(Y/N): Your Name
(H/C): Hair Colour / Color
(E/C): Eye Colour / Color
(N/N): Nickname
(C/N): Crush’s Name
(C/H/C): Crush’s Hair Colour
(C/E/C): Crush’s Eye Colour
(B/F/N): Best Friend’s Name
[Age 5]
You pouted from behind your mother’s legs, clinging onto her skirt for dear life. You didn’t want to meet your new neighbours. You didn’t want to meet their son. You didn’t want to be outside. You wanted to be inside, helping your dad make cookies. You should be inside, adding extra chocolate chips to the cookies. Not talking to a bunch of strangers.
 “This is my daughter, (Y/N).” Your mother said, and you scrunched up your face in distaste. “Come on, hun, don’t be shy…”
 You shook your head, holding onto her legs tighter. And that’s when you saw him. A boy your age with sparkling (C/E/C) eyes and a bright grin on his face. “I’m (C/N)!” He says immediately, holding a hand out for you. “Are you (Y/N)?”
 You nodded, taking a step backwards. No, no, no, you didn’t want to make friends! Making friends was… scary! But you didn’t want to be rude. That’s what your mother taught you, isn’t it? “Hi…”
 You awkwardly shook his hand and his smile widened. It stretched across his face and you felt as if his face was going to split in 2. “Do you wanna be my friend?”
 What was the worst that could happen? “Okay.”
 Ever since that day, (C/N) came over to your house to play with you. The both of you were outside in your garden, playing in your garden when he wandered up to you, his usual smile on his face. You blinked at him, confused when he took you by the shoulders.
 “You’re pretty.”
 Pretty? No one has ever called you that before. Well, other than your parents, but they don’t count. “Huh?”
 “Well, my daddy tells that to my mommy all the time, and he said that you tell girls you love that they look pretty.” He grinned at you. “And you’re a girl I love.”
 [Age 10, in 5th Grade]
“Hey, (Y/N), over here!”
 You blinked, hearing your name. You had been sitting on a bench, alone, as per usual, as you drew. Your little scrapbook was almost out of pages, meaning you had to get another one. You snapped the book closed, turning to the direction of the voice. It was (C/N), your best friend since you were a little girl. Well, your only friend.
 Packing up your stuff, you went over to where he was. “Hi, (C/N).”
 “(Y/N), this is Alphie, he’s in my class!” He smiled at you with the same eyes that looked into yours all those years ago; glistening with excitement as he met another person.
 “Hiya,” the boy said, effortlessly brushing his blonde hair out of his eyes.
 You raised an eyebrow at him but smiled nonetheless. “Hello.”
 (C/N) quickly spoke for you. “(Y/N) is a little shy… but don’t worry! She’s a good friend of mine. We’re neighbours.”
 “It’s nice to meet you,” you said, trying your best to be friendly. From what the girls in your class had said, you were apparently ‘intimidating’ because of your quietness.
 “You as well,” he said, smirking.
 You didn’t say anything after that because of the lack of conversation starters. You didn’t really want to be the first to ask a question about him, either. What if (C/N) and Alphie thought you were annoying? You didn’t want either of them to leave you. (C/N) must have sensed your unease and bumped his knee with yours.
 “You okay?” He asked, smiling his usual charming smile.
 Nodding, you tried your best to reassure him. “I’m okay. I stayed up all night trying to finish my maths homework.”
 He snickered, “why do you have to be so bad at maths?”
 Rolling your eyes, you stuck your tongue out at him. “Hey, I’m not the one who got a C on his Science Assignment.”
 (C/N) pouted at you, “Biology is hard, okay? Not my fault. Maths is just adding numbers together.”
 “And times tables, and division, and we still have to learn about brackets!” You let out a groan, clapping the palm of your hand with your forehead.
 From across from you, Alphie scoffed. “You think that’s hard? English is the absolute worst.”
 “English is easy!” You and (C/N) exclaimed at the same time. The three of you burst into giggles.
 “Hey, (C/N), you’re right. She is really pretty,” Alphie remarked, thinking.
 “See, I told you!” He said, pointing a finger at him. “You didn’t believe the fact that I know a girl.”
 Alphie rolled his eyes. “Yeah, well, I’m not the one who tried to impress everyone by balancing a pencil on his nose.”
 “I balanced it for 5 seconds!”
 You watched as the two boys laughed together and you couldn’t help but smile. (C/N) talks about you? Is that what friends do when they care about each other? Questions whirled in your head but you decided to ignore them. You might as well cherish the time right now. Pretty… were you really pretty to him?
 [13 years old, 8th Grade]
You had been lucky enough to be in the same class as Alphie and (C/N). The three of you were glued together ever since 5th grade, and you were known as the Silver Trio, mainly because all of you claimed that there was no better trio than the Golden Trio of Harry Potter. Of course, now you weren’t as shy, and after talking to a few more people, you seemed to be much more comfortable at school.
 “Hey, (Y/N)!” You looked up from your book to be met with a brunette, her bright blue eyes staring at you.
 You smiled, “Good morning, (B/F/N).”
 “Isn’t today wonderful?” She asked, smiling at you. “The cherry blossoms are in full bloom, too! Do you think sensei would let us out early for lunch?”
 “I doubt it. We have a maths test, remember?”
 Her once happy-go-lucky smile morphed into a horrified one. “Ah, damn it! I completely forgot that! I thought it was next week!”
 “Sensei said it was this Wednesday, ergo, today is the day of the test.”
 She pouted at you, “Can you at least lend me your notes?”
 You nodded, fishing for your notes when you felt two hands wrap around your eyes. “Guess who!”
 You tapped your chin, grinning at his childishness. “It’s (C/N), isn’t it?”
 “Right you are, (Y/N)! Ready for that maths test this afternoon?”
 “I was just getting my notes to help (B/F/N) study.” You offer him a cheery smile. “Your notes helped me a lot. Thanks for letting me study at your house yesterday.”
 “No problem! You can let me know if there is anything else you need help with, okay? I’m gonna go find Alphie. Bye!”
 You waved him goodbye and turned to look at (B/F/N), who was smirking at you cheekily. “Is something wrong?” You ask her, slightly confused.
 “You cannot be serious.” She let out a huff, frustrated at your obliviousness. “When are you and (C/N) gonna date?!”
 “Yell it out to the world, why don’t you?” You roll your eyes, teasing her. “And what are you even talking about? (C/N) and I are best friends; we’re not dating.”
 “But don’t you think he’s cute?”
 “I never really thought about it…” you thought for a minute before shaking your head. You can’t like him. “The worst thing you could ever do is date a neighbour. What if we break up? We’re going to have to see each other every day. And he’s my best friend. I don’t anything to change.”
 (B/F/N) shook her head, “there you go being all-wise and stuff. This is life, (Y/N). Live in it!”
 You blinked. “Live in it?”
The maths test came and went, and you found yourself feeling particularly confident. Maybe you didn’t do so badly this time. It was a nice thought to have. You were sitting on one of the benches underneath a bright cherry blossom, waiting for (C/N) and Alphie. They both wanted to get lunch from the canteen (or cafeteria) today, so you decided to save a table for them. Then you felt someone slide into the seat beside you.
 You looked up at this mystery person. You recognised him to be one of the boys in your grade. From what you remember, he was one of the more… mischievous boys and he tended to be quite irritating to be around.
 “You’re (Y/N) right?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
 You nodded, “yeah, that’s me. Is there something you need?”
 He smirked, shaking his head. “(C/N) talked about you today in art. Wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Ya know, if you took a little more time to get your hair done and nice and splash on a little makeup, you could get into the popular group.”
 Ah, yes, the popular group. It contained not only the richest people but the best looking. They all had something to offer. Most of the time they only talked about fashion ideas and what you should wear regarding the latest trends. You, however, didn’t really care about fashion. Yes, you took pride in what you looked like and had a lot of self-care regimes, but you weren’t really one to follow trends. Not only that but what was the point of getting new clothes every month when you could wear the same clothes from the month before? And besides, nowadays the trends were things that you weren’t comfortable wearing, such as crop tops and miniskirts.
  You were just about to answer when you heard a familiar voice come from around the corner. “Hey, (Y/N)! This is Kaden; he’s in my art class. Dude, what’s up?” (C/N) high-fived Kaden, who smirked and clapped him on the back.
 Kaden looked at Alphie who grinned and ruffled his hair. “Hey, man, wish you were back in our class. Damn, teachers love to torment kids, huh?”
 Alphie rolled his eyes but nodded. “Hey, (Y/N), how did you go on your maths test? All good?”
 You shrug, smiling still. “It was fine. I think I did alright. Thanks, (C/N) for helping me out yesterday. Algebra is trash.”
 “Oh, guys, guess what I heard?” Kaden leaned in to whisper his little secret. “I was walking around the popular table, and guess who was talking about (C/N)?”
 You raised an eyebrow. You were never really one for gossip, but this piqued your interest. “Who?”
 “Gertrude! You know, the leader of the populars? Dude, she’s totally into you!” Kaden sAlphieered, shoving (C/N)’s head fondly.
 You leaned back, suddenly feeling a little disappointed. Was (C/N) going to leave you for them? The bratty and the idiotic? You swallowed thickly looking at your sandwich. He wouldn’t… right?
You and (C/N) walked home together, as per usual. It was a nice day today; the sun was shining, the birds were singing, and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. But even while you felt the sunlight on your face, you couldn’t help but feel a little down.
 “Hey,” you felt (C/N)’s shoulder bump with yours, “you okay?”
 You offered a smile, trying your best to reassure him. “Yeah, I’m okay.”
 “That might have fooled me before, but I’m not a kid, ya know. I know when you’re lying.” He sighed, stopping you from walking by standing in front of you, looking at you in the eye. “Is this about what Kaden said at lunch today?”
 You couldn’t help but nod. “I don’t want you to go with them. You can’t just leave!”
 “Hey, you’ve been my best friend for 8 years. I’m not gonna leave you. I care about you too much to do that,” he placed a hand on your hand, smiling at you. “Remember when we were little and we played in your garden?”
 You nodded, “We played there every day.”
 “Well, one time, I told you something. You remember, right?”
 You did remember. But you wanted to hear it from him. With a cheeky smile, you looked up at him. “What did you say? I need reminding.”
 He laughed taking your hair out of your ponytail. “You had your hair out, I remember. It was a little shorter than what it is now, but it was kind of flowing in the wind. I was supposed to be looking for a stick to pick up the ladybug you found. Then I told you that you looked pretty.”
 He grinned at you as you looked at him curiously, continuing to speak. “You had the same expression of your face. You remember what I said afterwards? I told you I loved you. You got mad at me, though, because the ladybug flew away. But we don’t abandon people we love, right? So I’m not going to abandon you.”
 [15 years old, 10th Grade]
True to his word, (C/N) didn’t leave to go with the populars; no matter how much they begged and pressured him to be. Since that day in 8th Grade, he stood out to you in a completely different light. You didn’t know how to explain it but he was more… attractive? He stood by your side through thick and thin, so you were glad to know that he was there. Of course, you had Kaden, Alphie, and (B/F/N), but you always had a connection with (C/N).
 You were definitely a lot closer to him now than you were before. A lot of people mistook you as a couple, even when you made it blatantly clear that you weren’t, no matter how much you wanted to be. However, you and (C/N) did the most platonic things known to man. This included hugs from behind, forehead kisses, late-night calls… but you were not dating. At least, that’s what you told everyone.
 You didn’t want to be needy, of course, so if (C/N) didn’t want to hang out with you, you would never pressure him to. And he never pressured you into anything, either. It was all strictly platonic.
 “Hey, (Y/N)!” You heard him say from behind you, wrapping his arms loosely around your neck.
 It was the school holidays, thank god, and you were waiting for the group to wander into the café. You were always early to meet-ups because you had the irrational fear that they were going to leave you behind if you were the slightest bit late.
 You smile upon hearing his voice. “Hi, (C/N). Why are you early? You’re almost never on time.”
 You heard him chuckle, kissing your hair. “I knew you’d be here at least half-an-hour early, and I didn’t want to leave you alone all by yourself. There are terrible things happening, you know?”
 With a small scoff, you pulled him down to sit at the table. “You act as if you weren’t there for my karate lessons.”
 “Actually, that was impressive.” He grinned at you. “You flipped 3 guys in 5 minutes and they were both 2 years older than you?”
 You smirked proudly, nodded. “Yes, I did. I was awesome back then, huh?”
 “You’re still awesome now,” he smiled at you, lifting your knuckles to his lips.
 At that moment, a face gag was heard from behind you. “You guys are disgusting!” Alphie exclaimed an arm around (B/F/N) waist.
 At the sight, you couldn’t help but smirk. (B/F/N)’s cheeks were dusted pink and she caught your gaze. “Alphie, (Y/N) is bullying me.”
 You giggled, shaking your head. “I didn’t do anything. Besides, what could your man do to hurt me?”
 “Are you calling me weak?” Alphie demanded, faking a gasp at the insult. “Hey, I’m not the one who still hasn’t confessed to the girl that he likes, (C/N).”
 The said boy rolled his eyes, but a blush was still painted on his cheeks. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he said as (B/F/N) and Alphie took their seats.
 “Sure you don’t,” he smirked, “go on, why don’t you tell her now?”
 You cocked your head to the side, oblivious as always. “(C/N) likes someone.”
 Alphie gaped at you, stammering over his words. “You don’t… you don’t fucking know?!”
 “He may be my best friend, but he doesn’t have to tell me everything…” you shrugged, grinning at the (C/H/C) boy. “We don’t really talk about that stuff.”
 “Please tell me she’s joking,” you heard (B/F/N) mumble to her boyfriend, who nodded in agreement.
 “Joking about what?”
 “YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!” Alphie exclaimed, slapping his palm to his forehead. “I can’t… this – I can’t even.”
 Before he could get up to leave, another voice sounded from behind you. “Hey guys, you’re all early, huh?”
 “Hey, Kaden!” You smiled, “You even brought your boyfriend! I’m (Y/N).”
 “I’m Danny,” the boy greeted, a small smile on his face.
 “We’ve heard a lot about you, Danny. I’m (C/N), and this beetroot-” he gestured to Alphie, “is Alphie, and this is his girlfriend, (B/F/N). Great to finally meet you.”
 “Oh, so you’re (C/N). From what I’ve heard, you’re not man enough to tell the girl you like that you likeher, even when there is so much sexual tension around you.”
 “Why does everyone keep saying that?” (C/N) muttered, rolling his eyes, “and it is strictly platonic. We’re not like that. Besides, she’s an oblivious piece of work, so no matter what I do, she never sees it.”
 “Ey, (C/N), you should tell me!” You frowned, feeling suddenly deflated. “Everyone else knows but me…”
 “Well, that’s because,” Danny began, but Kaden quickly slapped a hand over his boyfriend’s mouth.
 “We are going to order, right love? We’ll be right back…”
 At that, Alphie and (B/F/N) nodded as well. “Yep, we’re going to order something too. Gotta go!”
 You blinked, watching the 4 of them leave before turning back to (C/N). “Come on, who is it? I won’t tease you, I promise.”
 “You really are a dummy,” he rolled his eyes before tapping your nose. “Why do you think I give you hugs from behind? And why do you think I kiss your forehead every time I see you in the morning on our way to school? (Y/N), why do I tell you that I love you every night before you go to sleep?”
 “…because you’re a friendly person who doesn’t want me to feel alone with (B/F/N) and Alphie’s, as well as Danny and Kaden?” You ask innocently.
 (C/N) sighed, shaking his head. “No, it’s because I like you. More than a best friend.”
 “Oh.” You grin up at him. “I know.”
 “You what?!”
 “Well, if I said that I knew, I never would have heard it from you, right? And the others already make it stupidly obvious, but I want you to say it to me when you’re ready.” You smile, kissing his cheek. “I already knew, (C/N). And by the way,” you take his hands in yours, “I love you, too.”
If you like my work, please like and reblog! xoxo
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briswriting · 4 years
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⋆⊹ What’s an IBFF ⊹⋆
part twenty six - open the door  previous || epilogue masterlist

a/n: and here it is !!!! THE LAST PART OF WAIBFF IM GONNA GO CRY IN A CORNER NOW IT REALLY DO BE OVER AHHH BUT DONT YALL WORRY I HAVE AN EPILOGUE IN THE WORKS SO ITS NOT OVER OVER JUST YET!!! i also have a new smau idea in the works so be on the look out for that!! 
waibff taglist: @lapofthegodss @peachiis @boopybunny @kal-emm @starryrevelations @hitoshi-s-stupid-bitch @shawni-h @vanderaliwaal @lunardrabbles @miyulovestowrite @leiasfanaccount648 @flcwerrs @insomnia-cashews @ladyinmoon @idfk6676 @kagelama-tobiyolo @allywritesimagines @kenmamazing @nishigo @loevbot @azgucci @softfor-svtptg @lovely-crow @koibitodrawz @milk-bulb @cmllnc @downlowhoee @zombiesandpenguins @dragonchildyuki @shinsousama @sneezy-s @yeehawnana @ihavewhiplashbecauseofnct @akaashisbih @letmeshouyou @saintlygore @uwu-toiletpaper-uwu @lovecharmsxx @renaxwrites @nekohebii @writing-in-monotone @edgy-bunny @patterned-flannel @sarcasticsweater @rewriting-those-stars  @the-broken-halo-writer @yogurtkink @jdkook @90s-belladonna @forever-skz @thoebe-fly @soccersarah01 @unknown-jpg @deadlordsupreme @yeet-yeet-yall @nialeesato @l0ngtimen0spooning @imconfusedanditsok @prdleia @amrinie @kaithehero @herre-gud-nej @hellite @bokutosbabe @kiracat13 @walmartjesus-trademark @arcadian-caim @marmol4d4 @chanssoon @tobiodel-ay-ee-hoo @babiebun @imtheseventhchicken @mikkasquare @t-rexmoreliket-flex @senkuwu-chan @unhappyraspberry @krxstynnn @asweetpotato1 @shinsvu-talks @m1lky2 @eboyhitoshi @kamemenari @svtbitch @kpopfanticscenarios @min-kags @dontdieagain @just-me764 @franphie @kageyama-in-distress @verysadsimp @shyrean @benklausonebraincell @alyssasteaparty @theshypsycho @soumynonasstuff @opulentix @adoring-obi-wan @spudiarts @bringmelily @fait-de-fleurs @tommykinkssss @too-many-fandoms666 @moon-390 @watevermelon @zoppzoop @frostedvixen @crazymofobro @animefan7420 @babypol @ghilanarevas @widowspeakprincess @akaasemitodoroki
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briswriting · 4 years
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⋆⊹ What’s an IBFF ⊹⋆
part twenty five - wait previous || next masterlist

waibff taglist: @lapofthegodss @peachiis @boopybunny @kal-emm @starryrevelations @hitoshi-s-stupid-bitch @shawni-h @vanderaliwaal @lunardrabbles @miyulovestowrite @leiasfanaccount648 @flcwerrs @insomnia-cashews @ladyinmoon @idfk6676 @kagelama-tobiyolo @allywritesimagines @holophil @nishigo @loevbot @azgucci @softfor-svtptg @lovely-crow @koibitodrawz @milk-bulb @cmllnc @downlowhoee @zombiesandpenguins @dragonchildyuki @shinsousama @sneezy-s @yeehawnana @ihavewhiplashbecauseofnct @akaashisbih @letmeshouyou @saintlygore @uwu-toiletpaper-uwu @lovecharmsxx @renaxwrites @nekohebii @writing-in-monotone @edgy-bunny @patterned-flannel @sarcasticsweater @rewriting-those-stars  @the-broken-halo-writer @yogurtkink @jdkook @90s-belladonna @forever-skz @thoebe-fly @soccersarah01 @unknown-jpg @deadlordsupreme @yeet-yeet-yall @nialeesato @l0ngtimen0spooning @imconfusedanditsok @prdleia @amrinie @kaithehero @herre-gud-nej @hellite @bokutosbabe @kiracat13 @walmartjesus-trademark @arcadian-caim @marmol4d4 @chanssoon @tobiodel-ay-ee-hoo @babiebun @imtheseventhchicken @mikkasquare @t-rexmoreliket-flex @senkuwu-chan @unhappyraspberry @krxstynnn @asweetpotato1 @shinsvu-talks @m1lky2 @eboyhitoshi @kamemenari @svtbitch @kpopfanticscenarios @min-kags @dontdieagain @just-me764 @franphie @kageyama-in-distress @verysadsimp @shyrean @benklausonebraincell @alyssasteaparty @theshypsycho @soumynonasstuff @opulentix @adoring-obi-wan @spudiarts @bringmelily @fait-de-fleurs @tommykinkssss @too-many-fandoms666 @moon-390 @watevermelon @zoppzoop @frostedvixen @crazymofobro @animefan7420 @babypol @ghilanarevas @widowspeakprincess @akaasemitodoroki
the taglist is no longer opened since this series will be ending soon im sorry!!
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briswriting · 4 years
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⋆⊹ What’s an IBFF ⊹⋆
part twenty four - what if? previous || next masterlist

a/n: YAY NEXT PART !!! but omg omg omg whats gonna happen? will y/n forgive him???? did she respond to the gc with hinata and the rest of the boys or is noya just a hungry lil gremlin ????
waibff taglist: @lapofthegodss @peachiis @boopybunny @kal-emm @starryrevelations @hitoshi-s-stupid-bitch @shawni-h @vanderaliwaal @lunardrabbles @miyulovestowrite @leiasfanaccount648 @flcwerrs @insomnia-cashews @ladyinmoon @idfk6676 @kagelama-tobiyolo @allywritesimagines @holophil @nishigo @loevbot @azgucci @softfor-svtptg @lovely-crow @koibitodrawz @milk-bulb @cmllnc @downlowhoee @zombiesandpenguins @dragonchildyuki @shinsousama @sneezy-s @yeehawnana @ihavewhiplashbecauseofnct @akaashisbih @letmeshouyou @saintlygore @uwu-toiletpaper-uwu @lovecharmsxx @renaxwrites @nekohebii @writing-in-monotone @edgy-bunny @patterned-flannel @sarcasticsweater @rewriting-those-stars  @the-broken-halo-writer @yogurtkink @jdkook @90s-belladonna @forever-skz @thoebe-fly @soccersarah01 @unknown-jpg @deadlordsupreme @yeet-yeet-yall @nialeesato @l0ngtimen0spooning @imconfusedanditsok @prdleia @amrinie @kaithehero @herre-gud-nej @hellite @bokutosbabe @kiracat13 @walmartjesus-trademark @arcadian-caim @marmol4d4 @chanssoon @tobiodel-ay-ee-hoo @babiebun @imtheseventhchicken @mikkasquare @t-rexmoreliket-flex @senkuwu-chan @unhappyraspberry @krxstynnn @asweetpotato1 @shinsvu-talks @m1lky2 @eboyhitoshi @kamemenari @svtbitch @kpopfanticscenarios @min-kags @dontdieagain @just-me764 @franphie @kageyama-in-distress @verysadsimp @shyrean @benklausonebraincell @alyssasteaparty @theshypsycho @soumynonasstuff @opulentix @adoring-obi-wan @spudiarts @bringmelily @fait-de-fleurs @tommykinkssss @too-many-fandoms666 @moon-390 @watevermelon @zoppzoop @frostedvixen @crazymofobro
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lyz-fics · 5 years
Lowell Tracey X FEM! Reader - Keys and Chords.
Hey Guys! Lyz Here!
First of all, I would like to say that I got most of my inspiration for this fic from @just-me764​​‘s  DRUMMER! Crush X FEM! Reader: Cliche Kinda Things. Go give her a visit and make sure you show her lots and lots of love. Also... We are sooooooo sooo so close to 50 followers…I absolutely love you all sooooo much my babies!!!!! <3
Word Count: 1,517 Words
Warning: Age down – reader and Lowell are both 16 ish, Pure fLoOfF, and really trash writing.
Summary: After some arguments about who should be able to use the recording room to practice their music it doesn’t end exactly as you would have expected. Is learning guitar really as easy as you think it is? Or do you think you will need some help? 
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You walked through the hallway of the creative music department of your school, your sheet music clutched between your arms, a pencil stuck in between your messy bun, humming to yourself as you approached the recording department. Softly, you knocked on the coordinator's office door and opened it a small crack once you heard his muffled voice give you permission to come in.
“Good afternoon Monsieur DuPayne,” you said cheerily, “I was wondering if I was going to able to use the recording room for my free period today.”
“Of course, (Y/N),” he smiled at you, “I think Lowell got in there by himself but the key is on that windowsill there and you can just tell him that I told him he needs to leave now. Will you be recording for the school’s track?” he asked.
“Yes Sir,” you smiled at him one last time before you reached for the key and took it off the ledge. Closing the door once again you waited a few seconds after it had shut completely to let out a loud sigh as you rolled your eyes.
‘Lowell? Really? Why did it have to be him in the recording booth? Literally, you could handle anyone else.’
Notes clutched tighter in your arms now you stormed over to the recording room and pushed the key into the lock. Without even asking if you could come in you barged in, placing your notes on the recording desk before reaching for the wires that connected to the keyboard.
“Monsieur DuPayne said it’s time for you to leave.”
Turning around quickly you saw the shocked look on the boys face as he stared you up and down. He rolled his eyes and started packing up his electric guitar. Suddenly he stopped and you watched as a giant shit-eating grin started to crawl across his face.
‘Why should I have to listen to this nerd,’ he thought to himself.
He sighed as he finished packing up his guitar and stood up and took two long strides over towards you, evidently pushing you back to the recording desk.
“I'll leave if you can play me ONE song,” he smirked.
You wouldn't dare let this pompous music start wannabe show you up. How dare he.
“Easy,” you batted your eyes at him as you walked over to where you were finishing plugging in your keyboard.
“Ah,” he blurted out, snatching one of the cords right from under you, “not on the piano.” He watched a shocked expression wandered across your face and you wiped it off quickly with a grimace thinking he didn’t already see it but he most definitely did. “Everyone knows you can play the piano.” You rolled your eyes at him. “I want you to play the guitar for me. If you can play me a song on my guitar I’ll leave the recording room and you can do your work.”
You scoffed, how hard can playing the guitar actually be anyway?
You sat down in the chair next to where he had placed his guitar and opened the case. Who were you kidding? You didn’t even know the first thing about holding a guitar properly, let alone playing it. At this rate, you wouldn’t even get to play the guitar you were so stuck thinking of ways to procrastinate.
You picked up his guitar, trying to imitate how Lowell would hold it as closely as possible, as to not make any mistakes so you could get him out of here as fast as possible. Eager to finish you started rushing your fingers against the string but something didn’t seem right. These strings were far too wobbly, and there wasn’t even any sound coming from the guitar. Maybe you needed to push a little bit harder? You tried that but dared not do it again as you feared you would break Lowell’s guitar. You looked up at him finally, defeated.
“You might want to start by plugging the guitar into the amp so you actually get some sound,” Lowell tried to play it cool and act all smart but deep down he was desperately trying to contain his laughter.
You made an ‘oh’ face and then reached for the cord that lay towards the base of his guitar case. Plugging it into the amp and then the guitar, you pushed against one of the strings again with force and jumped sky-high as you heard a blast come from the amp and what seemed like straight into your ears. That was definitely too harsh, now you knew you needed to play softer.
At this point, Lowell could not contain his laughter for the life of himself. He had had to take a seat now because he was out of breath because he was holding in his laughter for so long.
“Well,” you snapped at him, “I would like to see you try and play an instrument you know nothing about.”
“How ‘bout I just teach you some of the basics on my guitar and then I’ll leave you to your work. Since you haven’t actually played a song for me yet.”
“I think that might help,” you smiled.
“You think? Hmm, maybe just a bit though.”
You laughed at his remark as you watched him push another chair towards you and sit down in front of you. You handed him his guitar and watched him show off a little before he actually started to teach you how to play.
♥     ♥     ♥     ♥     ♥
You spent your whole free period with this boy, this boy you knew nothing about but still, he seemed to interest you so much more than you would have thought.
Finally being able to play something on the guitar now you kept your eyes on the strings as you moved your fingers from one ‘simple position’ to the next slowly – extremely slowly. You were finally started to get the hang of this instrument. Laughing with Lowell one more time you took a breath and started strumming the chords again.
Slowly you noticed you were starting to get better and better, maybe the guitar might be your instrument after all?
Right after you said that, you had completely forgotten what the next position was and you were now in a rush to place your fingers somewhere. Placing then haphazardly on the string you strummed again and winced as the note came up dead.
“Here let me,” Lowell said softly as he got out of his chair slowly and walked around behind you to get a proper view of the chords so he knew where to place his fingers. Wrapping his arm over your shoulders he strummed the chords of the guitar slowly. Then placing his other arm over your other shoulder he placed his fingers in the position you had them and strummed again. The same terrible note came up and you both winced even harder this time.
“Here,” he said as he moved his arm out of the way for you to see properly, “Give me your hand and I’ll position your fingers for you.”
You placed your hand in his gently and followed with ease as he placed your fingers onto the correct strings.  He strummed the guitar again and this time a beautiful sounding note resonated within the chamber of the guitar.
You looked to your right and smiled as you locked eyes with the beautiful deep brown orbs, your glistening (E/C) orbs staring right back at him. You closed your mouth suddenly, it was extremely dry so you licked your lips without even thinking. Lowell traced your tongue as it circled your lips and he snapped back up to your eyes once you were done. He nudged closer but backed away the tiniest bit. Was this really the right thing to do? He didn’t care at that moment, and to be honest, neither did you. You both moved forward but you practically jumped out of your seat as you heard the bell go and footsteps approaching the recording room.
Monsieur Dupayne came in and the room was silent. He walked in without a word and collected his keys that were on the desk and then left. You let out a sigh as you started to pack up your things without a word.
You wanted to be mad at Lowell but how could you? You lied through your teeth as you pretended to be angry at him. “You owe me another free period in the recording room, Mr. Tracey.”
He scoffed, and at this you laughed. You gathered your things then started to walk out of the room leaving Lowell to clean up and pack up all the cords. Stopping in the hallway for a quick moment of contemplation you ran back into the recording room.
Bouncing up onto your tiptoes you placed a small peck onto the brunette’s cheek and started walking away for the final time. Stopping at the door you spoke up, “Another free period and another guitar lesson.”
Walking out of the music department you skipped your way back to your next class and enjoyed the rest of your day.
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lyz-fics · 4 years
hellooo Lyz!! just a question ~I know the Tamaki fic is one of yours in progress but whats the other one? 🖤
Its actually meant to be a birthday suprise for one of my friends ( @just-me764 if you must know) that turned out harder to write and therefore took longer. She knows about this now and doesn’t actually mind it taking an extra bit of time but I still like to show that I am working on it. 
The FIC will be a Damian Wayne X Reader | Choose Your Story beacause I was absolutely inspired by @bakugotrashpanda and her choose your story for Kirishima {HERE} and I wanted to start writing one for my guurrrl right away. 
Never the less, even though I have these FICS In progress, requets remain open and you can send a request in for a FIC for Valentine’s Day or even just a normal FIC. Thanks for asking though, Anon
     ~ Lyz
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