#legend of zelda bre
rastro-writes · 2 months
If you could pick one Zelda food to eat, any game, what would it be and why?
Pumpkin Pie, or Egg pudding. I’m a sucker for a good pumpkin pie, and the egg pudding looks so delicious.
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bliindingfaith · 6 months
Chapter two of part two of my fic, Threads of fate, is up!
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princesspoll · 1 year
Honorable Mentions:
I thought it would be fun to reveal the nominations throughout the night, ending with anime and video game nominations as those are the categories with our tiebreaker poll.
First up, is our ALMOST MADE IT princesses. These princesses were all one vote away from making the bracket, so we can call them honorable mentions, but sorry, they will not be in the competition.
Elza Forte (Aikatsu Stars!)
Odette (Barbie: Swan Lake)
Annika (Barbie: The Magic of Pegasus)
Brietta (Barbie: The Magic of Pegasus)
Genevieve (Barbie: The Twelve Dancing Princesses)
Eilonwy (Disney's The Black Cauldron)
Princess Carolyn (Bojack Horseman)
Gwen (Cursed Princess Club)
Belle (Disney's Beauty and the Beast)
Marie Ange (DokiDoki Precure)
Cimorene (Enchanted Forest Chronicles)
Danielle de Barbarac (Ever After)
Camila of Nohr (Fire Emblem: Fates)
Elincia Ridell Crimea (Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn)
Midna (Legend of Zelda)
Mipha (Legend of Zelda: Bre ath of the Wild)
Linh Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles)
Emeraude (Magic Knight Rayearth)
Rosalina (Mario)
Lucia Nanami (Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch)
Cleo de Nile (Monster High)
Cadence (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Nausicaä (Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind)
Nausicaa (Homer's Odyssey)
Perfuma (She-ra: Princesses of Power)
The Princess (Slay the Princess)
Mindy (The Spongebob Movie)
Kaguya-hime (The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter)
Koriand'r/Starfire (DC/Teen Titans)
Stella (Winx Club)
Melia Antiqua (Xenoblade)
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sunlitriddle · 2 years
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Fierce deity
I got this idea in my head that maybe the “mask” is the face paint, not something of wood, and the transformation would be into the Hero, so for Link, it’s himself as an adult. Something something behind a child in an adult’s body, an adult in a child’s body, the frustration either way, but Fierce Deity is just Link being the Hero he’d pretend to be if he was actually able to be a child. I had a whole essay back in August, but it’s gone now.
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kazumi404 · 2 years
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I made for a contest made from Mety333
I won but unfortunately I didn’t had a twitter (yet)
now... I cant claim the prize anymore </3
but was really fun to make this piece lol
based on this video
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umberowl · 4 years
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nobodytheelf · 5 years
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it truly is pride for this lesbian 
Instaram/ Redbubble/ Youtube
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vividfanart · 7 years
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a work in progress!
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legend of zelda breath of the wild related pronouns? currently hyperfixating on it haha
Enjoy the pronouns!
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kermakatti · 4 years
I got tagged by @honestlyvan to name 10 of my favourite characters from 10 different things. I’ll be putting this under a Read More so that it doesn’t clutter my followers’ feeds, here we go:
1. Miles Tails Prower (Sonic the Hedgehog)
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I have loved this two-tailed fox dude ever since I first played the Sonic & Knuckles Collection on PC as a kid. He baby. And also super intelligent, skillful and cute.
I also wish he got portrayed as more independent and capable sometime in the future since in a lot of later Sonic games he’s been reduced to being either a dude in distress or a reconnaissance staff member in cutscenes... Please give me a full playable Tails campaign again Sonic Team please I’m starving
2. K.K. Slider (Animal Crossing)
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Dude’s mad talented, prolific and also very cute. Also basically a fursona for Kazumi Totaka who has done a ton of great and memorable music for Nintendo games and services like the Wii Shop Channel. 
I was always eagerly waiting for the next Saturday evening to hear him perform again back when I played Wild World on the Nintendo DS as a teen and that feeling has now returned to me through his appearance in New Horizons 💜
3. Kass (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
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Another furry Nintendo musician character? I might have a type. I’ve loved Kass ever since I first saw him in some pre-release video clip that showcased Breath of the Wild’s NPCs (and changing weather types too I think?) and once I got the game myself I always became overjoyed when I heard him playing his accordion in the distance 🎵
But yeah, he is very talented, very handsome, very top-heavy and also a loving father of five little bird children
4. Xena (Xena: Warrior Princess)
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I haven’t seen any episodes of Xena in ages but the show and the character both left a long-lasting impression on me as a child. She kicks ass, looks gorgeous and is gay. A role model or sorts I guess
5. Donald Duck (Disney comics and cartoons)
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This man has issues but he is very relatable. Also mad cute at times. I read a ton of Finnish Donald Duck comics as a kid and I still enjoy them from time to time :3
Also The Three Caballeros OT3 5ever
6. Throttle (Biker Mice from Mars)
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I sure wonder if watching this Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-esque 90s cartoon show with topless muscular anthropomorphic alien mice wearing studded leather and shit as a kid had some kind of effect on me. Maybe it’s just pure coincidence that I’m a huge gay furry now. Who knows!
But yeah, I like Vinnie and Modo too but there was something about Throttle that really resonated with me. Maybe because he seemed like he was the wisest and the most reliable/dependable of the bunch?
7. Bowser (Super Mario)
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Ah yes, the big bad turtle dad 💜 I like his portrayal in the main series but I REALLY like him in the RPGs where he appears as more of a goofball and joins Mario and the crew in order to defeat someone even more villainous than him. 
A good father. Handsome. Muscular. Chunky. Monstrous. Powerful.
8. Skeletor (He-Man)
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Nyeehehehe! Here’s another beefy goofball villain that I really like! I’m super into his portrayal in the first animated series and how he gets more and more ridiculous until he’s a complete wuss in the infamous He-Man and She-Ra Christmas Special
Though I do like some of the more sinister takes on him too, like the one in the early 2000s animated series!
9. Wolfrun (Smile PreCure!)
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I think I just have a thing for villains who are useless goofballs but also charismatic and lovable as all hell. And who also make for good furbait
10. Scar (The Lion King)
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Scar is a fascist asshole but I’ve had a crush on this gay goth lion uncle probably like since I first saw the movie as a kid in 1995 or whenever it came out on VHS
Also Jukka-Pekka Palo’s (who voices him in the Finnish dub of the movie) take on Elton John’s and Tim Rice’s Be Prepared still gives me the chills whenever I hear it
And that’s all! 
Honourable mentions go to Robin Hood from the 1973 Disney film and Wolf O’Donnell from Star Fox
And uhhhh does tagging people still work if the at symbols are all hidden under a Read More link version of the post?? Let’s try anyway. I tag @korppuhiiri and @rrosyan​
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lepetitpudu · 7 years
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speedofazure · 6 years
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Rules: Answer 20 questions then tag 20 (give or take) followers you wanna get to know better! Stolen from: @terminalvelocityau​ Tagging 20 people: Steal it go ahead
Name: Breanna
Nickname: Olra, Wolfry, or Bre, take your pick
Height: Short (5′2″)
Nationality: American
Favorite Fruit: Honeydew
Favorite Season: Fall, all the festivals happen over here in the fall and there’s not too many bugs.
Favorite Smell: I really like rustic smells. The smell of bread cooking on the oven, the nice smell of wood, the smell of trees radiating in through the cracks...
Favorite Animal: Cats, cheetahs, etc.
Tea, Coffee, Hot Cocoa: Hot Cocoa, I hate hot tea and I hate frozen coffee, and i’m neutral to the other way around.
Average Hours of Sleep: I think I sleep for 8-10 hours usually???
Dogs or Cats: Either is fine by me
Dream Trip: I wanna go to either Greece, Germany, or Japan.
When my blog was created: WAAAAAAY back in 2013 this muse started, I think the first URL was bioprojectsonic...? Otherwise I think this blog in particular was created last year.
# of Followers: 157
I have both sectoral and central heterochromia (brown dot in the left eye, which are otherwise Hazel, and the rims of my irises are a steely blue.)
I’m autistic and get overly attached to stuff.
I am going to help run a group i’ve been in for 4 years.
I am a middle child.
My favorite time of day is at dusk.
I have familial tremors but that’s not gonna stop me from drawing.
Favorite Food: Pizza and Burritos, surprisingly i’m not fat.
Favorite TV show: That’s hard to say because I don’t watch. I like early 2000s Cartoon Network so--
Favorite Movie: THAT’S. Hard to say. I have a lot.
Favorite Vine: This one literally made me squeal (Loud Volume Warning)
Sexuality: Asexual? I haven’t figured it out yet but I don’t see myself settling with someone.
Gender: Female
Favorite Book Series: What’s Reading? (jk I really like Redwall but I never read it in a long while)
Favorite Video Game(s):
Kirby: Planet Robobot, it’s the best Kirby game fite me on this
A GOOD CHUNK OF THE SONIC GAMES. Especially Sonic and the Black Knight
Super Smash Bros. Give me a game and i’ll play it just fine.
Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
A Hat in Time (I haven’t completed it yet dont tell anyone--)
Favorite Subject(s): I found myself acing in certain ones in high school, but talk to me about video games and i’ll gush.
Favorite Fandom(s): 
Sonic, specifically the RPC here you all chill
Favorite Superhero: Dr. Strange and the recent Spider Man. The former applies to my love of illusions (and also our hands both shake so I connect with him) and Spider Man is a precious bean that didn’t deserve to die.
Guys or Girls: I don’t know.
Celebrity crush: No
Last time I cried: A few days ago
Hair Color: A darkish brown
Eye Color: Hazel
What Should I Be Doing: Drawing and/or going to sleep
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foolplayed-blog · 7 years
tagged by: @lcfou tagging: @vainhunter, @ofvanity, @jcligarcon, @roseruin, and idk whoever else wants to do it ?
NAME: bre GENDER: female EYE COLOR: green HAIR COLOR: brown RELATIONSHIP STATUS: taken by @vainhunter ZODIAC: pisces FAVORITE COLOR: purple FAVORITE SEASON: summer FAVORITE PLACE: new york city FAVORITE HOLIDAY: christmas FAVORITE VIDEO GAME: fire emblem, the legend of zelda, any of the arkham games LAST SHOW YOU WATCHED: i’m watching bob’s burgers right now WHAT’S YOUR HONEST OPINION ABOUT YOUR MUSE?: lefou is my pure cinnamon roll son and i woud fight a man for him  WOULD YOU DATE YOUR MUSE?: we are both hella gay so not unless it was a sitcom style pretend-to-be-dating style scenario  WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE KINDS OF THREADS?: i love cutesy fluff but i also love causing people pain ARE YOU A SELECTIVE ROLEPLAYER?: i’m somewhat selective but i mostly just care that muses and writing styles mesh DO YOU HAVE A FAVORITE MUSE?: my favorite muse is whichever one i’m actively playing at the time WHAT MADE YOU DECIDE TO JOIN THE FANDOM?: i have seen the movie way too many times and i needed an outlet for my feelings DO YOU SEE YOURSELF STAYING WITH THE FANDOM FOR A LONG TIME?: i hope so! 
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sunlitriddle · 7 years
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Link and Navi
2 hours and change, light study, Paint Tool Sai
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movieseffecto · 7 years
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umberowl · 4 years
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