#lesbian heist
foldingfittedsheets · 6 months
The Seventh Score
Part One || Part 2 (current)
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The Seventh Score: Part 1 || Part 2
Rival thieves compete to steal scores before the other can get to it- but the real score is the love they find along the way!
I hope you enjoyed reading! If this made you smile please consider tipping over at my Ko-fi! Tips really help me out, and comics are a huge labor or love.
You can find a directory of my other queer comics here, but don't forget to reblog this one!
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elainiisms · 1 year
hate looking a canon harry potter lore like wtf do you mean dorcas meadowes and marlene mckinnon weren't in love???
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terymlxyrstdus · 8 months
i read a lot of angst. I read crimson rivers, I read atyd fuck I read choices for normal people I read they both die at the end, the perks of being a wallflower, dead poets society, call me by your name so i thought in my experience there really isn’t book that would totally emotionaly kill me…well i started the Book thief yesterday. I literally read 30 pages and oh man that book is something else
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beebeelooloo · 2 months
Almost missed lesbian visibility week. Oops.
Decided to draw one of my favourite gals from Steamworld Heist
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"Love my country!"
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novacomics · 6 months
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nairokio shotgunshipping au
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m00ncrab · 8 months
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magicalgrimm · 7 months
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Villainous au where they interact and become extremely chaotic frenemies that highlight each other’s flaws and strengths.
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otrtbs · 9 months
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SOBBING needing this version asap
( it also has a pdf on the website and idk if you’re okay with that so here’s the link in case you’re not <3 )
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henry-fox-biggest-stan · 11 months
We need more angry gay people on media
Gay people fueled by the power of queer rage, a primitive need to continue, to fight, to survive. Gay people fighting for themselves and for those like them, throwing punches and breaking noses.
And gay people with a different kind of anger. Gay killers and shooters in fantasy, burning with rage and kissing women/men. Where being gay is a secondary thing, but still part of them, still important, still there. They murder people while being trans and one thing has nothing to do with the other.
I’m tired of gay people being only portrayed as nice even when they’re hurting us. If we’re nice we’re easier to swallow, easier to support, “not showing it on everybody’s face” while they show homophobia on ours. I want characters to fight back, even if it makes them “unlikeable”, even if they take it “too far”.
I want queer people to be able to exist outside of society’s morals, just like every cishet character can.
Nice queer characters, those who just take it because otherwise “you’re just as bad as they are”, who are nice and scared because that way is easier for straight people to see us as people on the same level as them, because that way we become an easier pill to swallow, those are not bad characters, but when all the characters we have are a copy paste of each other, all like that, and specially all white gay men, I hate it.
Give me dykes, give me faggots, give me butches, give me transsexuals, give me queers, give me drag queens and kings, give me femmes, give me gay people of colour, and keep your gay rich white skinny guy.
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biboomerangboi · 5 months
i MUST know about hot kyoshi girl summer and toph's lesbian heist....
Hi Rana my lovely thanks so much for the ask and for tagging me in the game✨
Out of all my WIPS this one’s the closest to posting I think but basically Hot Kyoshi Girl Summer is essentially Sokka is like my two favourite people my best friend and my girlfriend get to hang out all the time without me so I’m getting a job as a kyoshi warrior bodyguard to look out for the Firelord. Which is great for him but it means Zuko gets to spend everyday being followed about by two very buff people in nice makeup who are essentially soft domming him at all times to take better care of himself and he is struggling because they are both so gorgeous and dangerous and TOGETHER and it SUCKS cause he wants his friends to be happy and not a homewrecker he just wants to make out with both of them. Meanwhile Sokka and Suki are in the corner being like he’s so pretty and look how cute he is when we tell him nice things but like it would be bad for our reputation if we fucked our boss! There’s already uproar about foreigners doing imperial guards jobs and Suki is constantly under scrutiny anyway and trying to get her island recognised as a free state and Sokka is having an identity crisis about his place in the south now that all the men are back but oh look shirtless morning Zuko what’s political consequences? and the hijinks and pining essentially continue until they fuck it out.
Meanwhile is Lesbian Toph Heist is nothing rn it came to me in a fever dream when I realised Smellerbee and Toph were a ship (while I literally had covid) and my actual notes from my notes app are as follows:
They meet again post canon in prison Smellerbee at a protest Toph doing Toph shit
Smellerbee is protesting the fire nation keeping earth kingdom art especially things from her home village which no longer exists thanks to the war
Toph breaks them out of prison and they go to rob a museum
Trans Woman Yuri
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wondereads · 4 months
Review of The Absinthe Underground by Jamie Pacton
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Sybil and Esme are best friends, roommates, and maybe a little bit more. They are also poster thieves, though Esme only reluctantly plays lookout. One night, they are caught by Maeve, the owner of the Absinthe Underground, the premier nightclub in the 1920s-inspired city of Severon, and she offers them a deal; the funds to do anything they want with their lives in exchange for stealing the jewels of the Moonshadow Queen, Mab. And who could resist such an offer?
Plot 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Unfortunately, the plot of this book, while it boasts an intriguing presence and beautiful setting, is very rushed and never really takes the time to build tension. Throughout the book, Sybil and Esme must steal three items to then help them steal Mab's jewels. There's a lot of potential for each of these heists to be a clever, hair-raising scenes, but each of them lasts maybe five pages each. While Sybil is portrayed as a daredevil poster thief, she definitely doesn't have the skill set for these high security heists, and Esme absolutely doesn't. They get through these situations far too easily, and it causes the tension to fall flat.
The worlds of Severon and Fae are very aesthetically pleasing, and there's nothing really major excluded in terms of worldbuilding. However, there are some questions I just generally wish were answered, like some things concerning Sybil's family and what the actual power of the jewels is; if there is anything.
Characters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The characters are definitely the saving grace of this story. Esme and Sybil have greatly distinctive personalities and pretty decent development. Esme in particular learns to stand up for herself, and their relationship, even just platonically, grows a lot. Despite the lack of plot tension, there is good romantic tension, and the romance is very cute. It was probably the most enjoyable part of the book for me.
There is also a good side romance and some good side characters, but I will say that there are some side characters that really aren't well developed. Their personalities are flat, and their motivations seem to be curated just for the main characters to have aid in their quest.
Writing Style 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
I'd say the writing for this book is pretty average for a YA novel. The descriptions of Severon really hit that 1920s, art noveau aesthetic, and, like I mentioned, there are quite a few scenes with some good romantic tension. Unfortunately, there is a general issue with telling instead of showing, especially concerning the main characters' thought process. There are many times when the characters explicitly explain why they think something or their reasoning for doing something instead of trusting the reader to draw their own conclusions.
Also, as I discussed in the plot section, the pacing is way too fast in this book. I don't often say this about a book, but it needs an extra 100 pages or so. The story would benefit so much from being taken more slowly, getting more spread out, especially the individual heists.
Overall 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Unfortunately, I was a little disappointed by this book. It has a great premise, the aesthetics really come through, and it's got a cute sapphic romance. The execution falls short with just the lack of space for the story. Things happen far too quickly when there are many scenes that really need space to breathe. It affects the tension and doesn't give much room for the side characters to show their personalities. The writing tends to tell instead of show, which may contribute to the rushed nature of this book. This book could have been quite good, but it ends up being somewhat mediocre.
The Author
Jamie Pacton: American, also wrote The Vermilion Emporium and The Life and (Medieval) Times of Kit Sweetly
The Reviewer
Hi, I'm Rose, this is my blog, Wondereads, and I review, discuss, and recommend books! You can check out my pinned post for more info :)
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chayscribbles · 1 year
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i can fix her (she's a cyborg and i'm her mechanic) 🛠
anyways the FrancLi brainrot is real
gemini heist wip intro | art tag | instagram
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ramenwithbroccoli · 1 year
Listening to steamworld heist version of "on top of the universe" like huh. Maybe love is real after all.
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archergrid · 2 months
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SUBSCRIBE to read GIRL WITH NO NAME, a serial sapphic heist novel. NEW CHAPTER EVERY WEDNESDAY. Support women's wrongs--subscribe today!
👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 Butch/femme 💰 Steal from the rich 👾 Latina hacker main character 🌹 Asian lesbian love interest 🌶️ spicy love scenes
When her former boss is acquitted of the crime she gave up everything to expose, a reclusive hacker organizes a heist to get revenge. But when a sexy but reckless ex-yakuza joins the crew, the hacker’s plans begin to unravel. "Portrait of a Thief" meets "Delilah Green Doesn’t Care" in this snappy sapphic heist full of colorful criminals ripping off a megalomaniacal tech CEO in the South American port city of Valparaíso.
Check it out if you like: "Bound," Portrait of a Thief, Six of Crows, "Shadow and Bone," "Mr. Robot," Delilah Green Doesn’t Care, or lesbian smut lol
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alienscumbag · 8 months
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They are really out there calling anyone "the most masc"
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m00ncrab · 8 months
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