#like bulbasaur but never really liked venusaur... sorry
vaugarde · 3 months
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classic "im bored but dont have the energy to do a whole lot so i'm making tierlists" emery moment. i wanna do tierlists per gen again so heres all the kanto mons (including alt forms)
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Shared Custody
Words: 2,000
Pokemon AU: Bulbasaur
Characters: Hatake Kakashi & Yamato
Once in a while Kakashi was lucky enough to visit Yamato at his Gym in Celadon City just in time for one of the eggs to hatch. Eggs that had either not been given to a trainer yet, or which had been created by one of Yamato’s prized Pokemon and were thus immediately relegated into the ‘only friends’ section of gifting because no matter how much Kakashi or anyone else tried to convince him otherwise, Yamato refused to believe that any other trainer was worthy of receiving such a special egg.
Today was one of those lucky days. 
Kakashi had popped into the Gym for a quick lunch before continuing on his way to Fuchsia city for the annual Pokemon beauty competition which Iruka had convinced him to judge alongside side him, Tsunade-sama, and Kurenai. There was nothing exciting scheduled for the day, but apparently, life had other plans.
Yamato and he had just sat down for lunch after a quick spar, which his newest batch of students had stuck around to watch regardless of Kakashi’s protests when an alert rang out on Yamato’s phone.
“Oh,” he jumped to his feet and motioned for Kakashi to follow him. “An egg.”
“An egg?” Not wasting a single moment, Kakashi stood up once more and quickly followed Yamato out of the room. “Which one?”
“Not sure yet,” opening up the security footage, Yamato examined it as they left the back garden in which they’d decided to have their lunch and returned to the main gym. “It looks like it’s from Venusaur’s batch.”
“Venusaur?” a jolt of excitement surged through Kakashi’s veins. “You mean, my Venusaur?”
“My Venusaur,” Yamato corrected him. “You gave him to me remember?”
“I do, but he’s still sort of shared custody.” it was true that Yamato trained, fed, groomed, and generally took care of Venusaur, but none of that took away from the bond that Kakashi had formed with the grass Pokemon before giving it to Yamato. Venusaur was the first Pokemon he had ever caught on his own. The Pokemon he’d walked out of the Professaur’s lab with at his side and begun his first real adventure with. Even after all the years he’d spent at Yamato’s side as his Pokemon, he was still Kakashi’s Pokemon as well. 
“Shared custody requires shared responsibility, Senpai.”
“I bring treats every time I visit,” Kakashi argued. “And can you really say he’s not equally mine when he still doesn’t let you read any of your books to him?” A sharp glare was his reward for daring to speak the truth. “I’m just saying. As soon as I walked in today he was at my side nudging my pouch where he knows I keep my book. Does he do that with you?”
Yamato grumbled out an answer, keeping his voice low so that Kakashi couldn’t hear him.
“Sorry,” He quickened his pace so that he was walking by Yamato’s side instead of trailing behind him. “what was that?”
“I said ‘No’,” Yamato answered with an exasperated sigh. “He doesn’t let me read to him. He’s never going to let me read to him, Senpai. That’s your thing.”
“Because…we have shared custody,” he finally admitted, rolling his eyes when Kakashi chuckled. “Shut up.”
“Well, as long as you admit it,” stretching his arms over his head, he rested his hands behind his head and looked straight ahead. “So, if it’s Venusaur’s that means…wait, was it with a different Pokemon?”
“No, it was with another Venusaur,” Yamato answered. “Actually, the egg usually would have stayed with the other trainer since it was her Venusaur that had it, but she said she wasn’t interested in having another one on her team and said she trusted me to get the egg to someone who would take good care of it.”
Listening to his friend's explanation, Kakashi couldn’t help but frown as the words sank in. “So… this was an accident?”
“Very much so,” Yamato admitted with a sigh. “I took Venusaur to a Pokemon daycare for a day while I was stuck in meetings for the league. You remember the one I’m sure,” thinking back to the three-day conference they’d had with all of the Gym leaders, the Elite four, the Pokemon League organizers, and the Champian, Kakashi cringed. He’d known he would have to commit to some boring events when he first accepted the position as a Gym leader, he’d just never realized how boring the commitments could get until that conference happened. “I didn’t want to force him to sit around all day doing nothing. At least at the daycare, he could walk around.”
“You could have just left him at the gym.” He argued. “He would have been fine for a few days.”
“I could have,” the two of them entered into the hallway and immediately turned the corner. “But I thought the trip would do him some good. He’d been sulking for a while and seeing you always seems to perk him up.”
At moments like this Kakashi wished he had his book out in front of him so he could hide the smile that spread across his face. Although the mask hid most of it, it did nothing to cover the way his eyes crinkled at the edges, putting his joy on full display for Yamato. 
“So, you left him in the daycare and he just-”
“With another Venusaur that just happened to be there?”
“Unfortunately,” he confirmed. “I got a call a week later from a very frantic trainer begging me to meet up. As soon as I walked into the cafe we’d agreed to meet at she shoved the egg into my hands and told me she couldn’t take care of it.”
“She’s a trainer, though,” Kakashi argued. “Taking care of eggs is sometimes part of the deal.”
“It is,” coming to a stop in front of the small hatchery, Yamato punched his code into the little display beside the door and waited until he heard the door’s lock unlatching before reaching for the handle. “She told me that she was hoping to build up a team of fire-type Pokemon and that as much as she loved her Venusaur she wasn’t interested in having another one.”
“So, she had a grass-type Pokemon-”
“But wants a team of fire types, yes. I was confused about that too,” pushing the door open, Yamato stepped into the room and immediately moved to the side so that Kakashi could follow him in. Once Kakashi was safely in the room, he released his grip on the door handle and allowed it to swing shut. “I wasn’t really going to argue with her. I only have five other eggs at the moment and those are all for trainers who can manage to win against me.”
“And how many had that been this month?”
“Two,” He admitted with a slight shrug of his shoulders. “But unlike some people, I’m not trying to crush every trainer's dream of reaching the Pokemon league.”
Placing a hand over his chest, Kakashi gasped. “I would never.”
“You do it all the time, Senpai,” Yamato fired back. “When was the last time someone even beat you.”
“Well,” thinking back, he cringed. “Does Itachi count?”
“That was three years ago.”
“Ah,” no longer enjoying this conversation, Kakashi turned his attention to the shelves where Yamato kept all of his Pokemon eggs. There were a few Pokemon eggs sitting in their warmers, each of them grouped into sections based on which Pokemon they had come from and whether they were going to be gifts to trainers who beat the gym, or Pokemon that Yamato kept for himself. 
There was only one Egg on the shelf Yamato had reserved for himself and close friends, and it was already glowing so bright that Kakashi was certain it would hatch at any second.
Not wanting to waste a moment, he left Yamato standing beside the door and made a beeline straight for the egg. 
“Hey!” Yamato called after him, but it was too late. As soon as he’d reached the egg he reached out and gently lifted it out of its heater. “Senpai, that’s mine.”
“Ours,” he corrected his friend with a wink. “Remember, shared custody.”
“That’s not how this…put it down!” Storming toward Kakashi, he reached out to take the egg from him only to have him pull away just before he could grab it. “Senpai!”
“It’s not like I’m going to steal the Pokemon from you,” glancing down at the egg, he couldn’t help but grin when it began to glow a little bit brighter. He’d seen countless eggs hatching over the years but the excitement never changed. Even when he knew exactly what was going to appear in his hands he still felt that rush of adrenaline.
A new life was being formed. 
A new Pokemon was arriving into the world, and he was the lucky one who got to greet them. There were few experiences that could match up to seeing a Pokemon beginning to take shape from its egg and opening its eyes to see him before anything else. 
“You know, the world would never believe me if I told them.” Yamato teased, a playful grin spread across his face when Kakashi looked back at him.
“Believe what, exactly?”
“That Hatake Kakashi, the most difficult Gym leader and the man known for being harsh with his words, was actually a big softie.”
Kakashi gasped. “Yamato, how dare you.”
“What, you think I’m wrong?”
Thinking it over, he huffed. “Not at all,” he admitted. “You just don’t need to be going and telling me about it. Keep it to yourself.”
“Sorry,” Yamato snorted. “I forgot you were allergic to kindness.”
“Very allergic. I would like to avoid breaking out in hives if you would be so kind as to keep all of that,” removing a hand from the egg, he pointed toward Yamato’s chest. “To yourself.”
“I will if you give me back my egg.” 
“Mmmm, no.”
“Of course not,” sighing, Yamato slipped his hands into his pant pockets and leaned in close to the egg. “It should hatch soon.”
“Any moment,” Kakashi confirmed as the light of the egg's glow began to fill the room. “How long have you had it for?”
“Three weeks?”
“A short amount of time. Someone’s excited to see what the world outside of that egg looks like.”
“Maybe,” bumping his shoulder against Kakashi’s, he gave the older man a sweet little smile. “Or maybe they’re just excited to meet you.”
“Been talking about me to the eggs again, Tenzo?”
“Don’t call me ‘Tenzo’ he protested. “And so what if I have? Is that a crime?”
“No, but it is embarrassing,” he admitted. “You always put me on such a high pedestal. All of these Pokemon are going to come into the world thinking that I’m some sort of great man when I’m really, really not.”
A hand came down on his shoulder, squeezing just as the glow of the egg began to fill the room. For a moment Kakashi couldn’t see anything except bright, white light, and then it was gone and in place of the egg there was now a Bulbasaur. A bright green-eyed, curious little Bulbasaur stared up at him as if there was nothing else in the room. 
“You are,” Yamato answered his previous words while reaching out to pat Bulbasaur’s head. “And I have no doubt this little one will agree with me when they get to know you. Don’t you agree little one?”
Without taking its eyes off Kakashi, Bulbasaur opened its mouth and produced the first sound of its little life. “Bul!”
“See?” Yamato grinned. “Bulbasaur agrees with me.”
“Well, if you think it’s true,” lowering his head, he pressed his forehead against Bulbasaur’s and felt his heart melt when the tiny green Pokemon responded by closing its eyes and stretching itself up to return the gesture. “Who am I to argue?”
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cerise-moon · 1 month
12, 13, 14 for the rejuv asks YUHH
i was originally gonna copypaste the whole list of rejuv lgbt hcs here but that should be its own post bc it would be too long for an ask oops.
-> Alexandra is Also good at painting! She just, never has enough time to settle down and do it much. Nim would be good at specifically sculptures; the irony.
-> V has a fierce one sided rivalry with Risa for no reason other than it's Funny. They've actually done a couple musical performances in the underground before but it's Very different from the Pop stuff Risa does. Usually like stuff w electric guitar and rap, and ok sometimes emo pop or smth.
-> Off-screen, Kanon and Crescent have made a raspberry cheesecake together. It was Very good. This is for no reason other than they deserve to be friends again, Crescent loves cheese, and I love raspberry cheesecake so it's my turn to project.
-> Aero and Alain are transmasc and transfemme respectively. They came out to one another at the same time and transitioned at the same time lol (with everyone's support of course)
-> Amber, Saki, and Venam got their Torchic (Blaziken), Piplup, and Bulbasaur (Venusaur) from Jenner the morning of Amber's birthday, just before the fire. The Piplup was injured trying to help put out the fire enough to get everyone a few more seconds of time, so it doesn't battle and is instead an emotional support mon for Saki in a way. Sometimes featuring on the streams (sits in her chair when she has to brb and just trills at the mic)
13. My lawyer has a gun to my head im sorry
14. Hmmmh i feel. Like Alexandra falls into this category. Same w Nim. Like i liked them before but it wasn't like. Close to as insane as it suddenly became LOL
And regrettably, Vitus. Not as a person tho. As a character. Lmao
Cant really think of anyone else significant off the top of my head tho.
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expfcultragreen · 2 years
I mean like honestly sableye is my favorite but i dont know what that says about me because gq got lazy
My favorites from the first 151 and what gq says that says about me, im going to cross out the ones that are offvibe:
Bulbasaur — You’re accessible, reliable, and don’t like to be challenged. If you did like a challenge, you wouldn’t have chosen the starter that can steamroll the first two gyms.
Ivysaur — You’re starting to be a “real adult,” so you pay your own cell-phone bill.
Venusaur — You’ve had to deal with several rounds of layoffs and all sorts of bullshit, and your body hurts and you’re just goddamn tired and full of resentment.
Wartortle — You’re a little upset when people don’t comment on your new haircut, even though you totally did not get it for the attention.
Beedrill — You have forgotten about at least one of your tattoos.
Rattata — You’re a tattletale.
Raichu — You think that those rentable scooter start-ups are good, actually.
Nidorino — Inexplicably, you are super, super into soccer, or, as you call it, “football.”
Vulpix — You have dabbled in crystals.
Wigglytuff — You are deeply invested in the Royal Family.
Zubat — You are extremely annoying, and everyone wishes you would stop bothering them!!!! Christ, I’m just trying to walk through this cave in peace!!!
Golbat — You nasty.
Oddish — You have fallen prey to a multilevel-marketing scheme you learned about on Instagram, and you just don’t know it yet.
Gloom — You forgot to put on deodorant, and even though you smell fine (it’s really not a big deal), you are mortified and want to die.
Vileplume — You’ve uploaded multiple YouTube videos that begin with “Hey guys, sorry it’s been so long since my last video!”
Paras — You’re just trying to get by, man.
Parasect — You are Too Online, and it has poisoned your brain.
Persian — You do not have any student loans.
Golduck — You deleted your Facebook account, but you can keep tabs on your friends with both of your Instagram accounts, so it’s pretty much the same.
Mankey — You have punched an authority figure at least once.
Bellsprout — You are in way over your head.
Farfetch'd — You host a podcast about bad movies that you started with your buddy. Weekly downloads average in the dozens.
Muk — You’re trashy as hell, but not in a cute or kitschy way.
Gastly — You shitpost online.
Haunter — You are an online troll.
Gengar — You steal people’s jokes and post them on your own viral Instagram account.
Marowak — Your emo phase resulted in you getting a face tattoo.
Koffing — Vape influencer.
Weezing — Can smoking weed give you black lung disease? You’re determined to find out.
Goldeen — You have the Sweetgreen app downloaded to your phone, and you use it pretty much every day.
Gyarados — You’re overcompensating.
Eevee — You can get away with a lot, and nobody will really get mad at you. This won’t last.
Vaporeon — You’re a brunch aficionado.
Jolteon — You love a good 5K and taking your company softball team very seriously.
Flareon — You would never buy something off the rack.
Porygon — You have an idea for an app that’ll really disrupt things.
Kabuto — You prefer subs, not dubs.
Kabutops — Your Super Smash Bros. pick is Fox, and you will only play Final Destination with no items.
Articuno — It takes you a long time to figure out what outfit you’re going to wear, but once you’ve finally picked something from your closet, you always look good.
Mew — You’re baby.
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mylordshesacactus · 4 years
RWBYmon: Happy Huntresses
(Literally no one thought that.)
Here we go.
Ninetales, Fletchinder, shiny Espeon.
I will not be taking constructive criticism.
LISTEN she may or may not ACTUALLY be a fox faunus, that’s really just a headcanon I personally like to play around with, but the fox ALLUSIONS are there. And not just because of the obvious Disney Robin Hood connection. I’ve talked about this at length in the Daemon AU posts so go look at those. She’s getting a damn fox Pokemon.
The Ninetales has actually kinda shitty stats; this was a dirty, hungry Vulpix that Robyn made friends with as a kid, they were not the cream of the crop. They had to fight harder to get where they are.
The Fletchinder is very high-level and could evolve, and probably will someday; they’d both quite like it to be a Talonflame. But Talonflame is big and dangerous-looking and grabs attention. Fletchinder is small and unassuming, kids smile at it, it can get into narrow spaces and go unseen. For now, this is what it needs to be.
Besides. A Talonflame couldn’t sit on Robyn’s shoulder 100% of the time without hurting her. They’ll both miss that, when it evolves.
Shiny Espeon. It’s PSYCHIC it’s GREEN what do you WANT from me.
May is kind of a Water-type girl by accident. 
Her “starter,” much like Qrow’s, almost doesn’t....count. It was given to her by her parents as a tenth birthday present when what she’d actually asked for was to be taken to the Pokecenter so she could pick out her own.
Metaphors? in MY Pokemon?
However, unlike Qrow, May and her freaked-out little Eevee bonded almost instantly, primarily over hating her family. It evolved pretty fast, and she instantly taught her new Vaporeon Acid Armor.
Before long, both of them would learn to turn invisible; but like any good trainer, May looked to her Pokemon first.
The Vaporeon was her “starter” but it also wasn’t.
May’s actual first Pokemon was a Magikarp.
She knew it was a terrible idea. She did.
But she couldn’t leave it, okay? She had to do something. There was a Magikarp being mistreated or in danger of being hurt and she just kind of...took it. She hastily made up a cover story about wanting a Gyarados someday for her parents and kind of passed the whole thing off as a joke, haha, yeah you know, my MAGIKARP lol like that’s even a thing but hey, I want to be a Huntsman so, you know, maybe a Gyarados will come in handy...
She never actually intended to evolve it. She just wanted to--help. Her parents getting her an Eevee for her next birthday was portrayed as a sort of...jocular amusement of the “haha look how eager the kid is to start training, here, have a real pokemon”
It takes a long time to evolve.
It comes very close a few times. May basically does the real-life equivalent of frantically mashing the B button to force it to stay a Magikarp because you can’t evolve right now, you can’t fight back for me right now, if you stop being a harmless afterthought they will take you away.
There will come a day when she stops asking her oldest friend to hold back this way, when it will finally be safe for them both to be angry, but--
Not yet. Not yet. Not now. Please, not now.
She repeats this process with a Feebas after leaving Atlas; the Feebas, encouraged by her long-term protective friendship with a Gyarados who clearly loves her more than life itself, risks allowing itself to be caught. This time there’s nothing to hide. The Milotic evolves when it’s ready.
Somewhere in this process, after leaving for Mantle, she picked up another Eevee. She didn’t actually plan to evolve it, at least not for a while, and had vague thoughts of maybe going for something unexpected, to trip up anyone who designed their team to beat a Water-type specialist.
The Eevee evolved on its own damn schedule
May has a Sylveon now because trans rights.
[Fiona voice] Hey, so you know how I’m filled with rage?
Fiona has a pair of extremely high-level Lopunny and The Single Angriest Wooloo On The Face Of The Earth.
The Wooloo is the powerhouse. She’s had that Wooloo her whole damn life and it will bite your face off.
The Lopunny were selected over a pair of female Machamp specifically because Fiona is a bottomless pit of socialist rage, and Buneary upon capture is filled with the boiling hatred of imprisoned gods.
Don’t fight Fiona.
You will lose and it will hurt.
Joanna I’m so sorry
Literally I don’t even know where to start, we need v8, I need to know you better--
I think Joanna DOES have a female Machamp. It’s particularly sweet-natured, especially for a fighting type.
I can actually see Joanna having an absolute TANK of a Venusaur. She went with a very common, unexciting, traditional starter--before the Happy Huntresses she didn’t...have much, not just financially but like. In terms of a sense of purpose, of drive. She went with the starter she was offered and that it was a bulbasaur was just a one-in-three chance.
But it’s still HER starter, and she stands by her Pokemon. She put in the work and the time and when they did find their passion and drive they did it together, and now they’re unstoppable.
I’m gonna leave that third slot open for when we know her Semblance.
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kbmercer · 4 years
Ch.1, Pt.1/2: Long Time, No See
[Life’s A Journey]
A lot had happened after they parted ways. Nevertheless, the threads that tie them together remained. From children to adults, a reunion that’s long overdue leads the trio to embark on another journey.
Just like old times.
Word Count: 3k+
The screeching of the rail pulls (Y/n) from their slumber. The train they sat in was slowly coming to a halt. An announcer broadcasts their location while bleary (e/c) eyes work to regain clarity. A yawn releases from the trainer’s throat as a (s/c) hand moves to massage their neck from the soreness of lying back throughout the ride. In a half-conscious state they manage to grasp their luggage, rolling it along the thin rug of the transport and lifting it pass the gap between the train car door and the station floor. The cool air-conditioned atmosphere of the station works to rouse them as they take a moment to stretching in the center of the terminal. With a hum of satisfaction, (Y/n) swiftly checks the time on their Rotom Phone before quickly exiting the building. It’s been a long time since they’d been here…A long, long time.
The dim light of the evening sun illuminates the cobblestone streets of Wedgehurst. The sounds of banter from townsfolk and the chirping of Rookidee bring back memories, some insignificant but heartwarming all the same. The sparse lighting of the overhead lamps speckled the town in white and the fluorescent glow of open businesses show just how much the place has grown. It was very interesting to see how much change Galar had been through since the time they had moved away. Though, what (Y/n) wondered most was how their friends were doing. How much had they changed? Soon enough they would know, for stopping by Wedgehurst for a surprise visit is their way of finding out. They just hoped it wasn’t too late to pop in today.
With renewed pep in their step, (Y/n) walks straight ahead until she is met with a tall structure of brown, white, and violet. The pokéball sign over the entrance indicated that it was indeed the Pokémon Lab. It hasn’t changed a bit save for the vines that grew out and over the windowsills. Giving a tentative knock on the door, the veteran trainer walks through and takes a good look. The outside may not have appeared too different, but wow! The inside had some work done. New technology was a given considering the occupation of science and research, though there was so much more greenery and literature that there was now a second floor. The place could pass for a recreational library if it really wanted to.
“Why, hello there. Is there anything I can assist you with?” (Y/n) turns their head to view a rather plain looking lady. A woman of average height with blue-black hair and glasses stands patiently for an answer.
“Hey-ya. I was looking to see if Sonia or Professor Magnolia were here?” The woman shakes her head.
“I’m sorry. They have left for the day. I stayed behind to organize my work, so I’ll be the one closing for tonight.” A small sigh leaves them in response.
“I did arrive too late, then. That’s not a problem. I’ll just visit them when they’re in tomorrow.” Giving a nod of thanks (Y/n) turns to exit, yet upon opening the door they are met with a familiar face. A teen boy with amber eyes and a head of purple hair. He had a stack of annotated papers in hand; the fluffy figure of a Dubwool stood by his side as it bleated at them in greeting. (Y/n) would have greeted the pokémon back if they and the boy weren’t having a borderline staring contest, both shocked at seeing each other once again. Apparently, the boy was at a loss for words so (Y/n) breaks the silence.
“How’s it hangin’ Hopscotch? You haven’t forgotten about me have ya?” A proud smile graces their face. He’s grown so much from the last time they saw him.
In a split second, the weight of his person clings to them in a tight hug. His shoulders shake with quiet sobs as (Y/n) reciprocates, letting tears of their own slip down their cheeks. It was one thing to talk through a phone screen but seeing each other in-person goes unmatched. It has been years.
(Y/n) was like a second sibling to Hop; a wayward soul with a sharp wit and open mind. Someone who, despite being rather blithe was also fully capable of giving their 110% percent. Both they and Lee played a part in making who he is as a person, more than they’d ever know. So, when (Y/n) had made the decision to “go on a new adventure”, he didn’t know how to feel. To be in their presence after over half a decade has him floored. When Hop pulls away to dry the remainder of his tears, (Y/n) takes their hands to playfully cup his face.
“Say it ain’t so! I swear it was just yesterday when I had to crouch to look at you.” The boy huffs swatting their hands away.
“Yeah. Time will do that to a person.”
“I swear it was just yesterday when you weren’t as cheeky either.” Hop laughs.
“What are you doing here?! Just a few days ago you said you were in Hoenn!?”
“Well I was, but I also had a flight soon after our call.”
“So what? You just weren’t going to tell anyone that you’d be in Galar.”
“Nope. I wanted to surprise you all. You should have seen the look on your face.”
“Can you blame me? It’s been so long.”
“Nah. If anything, I’m just as excited about this as you are.”
The subtle sound of the lab assistant clearing her throat pulls the two from their conversation. Having witnessed all that occurred she was happy for the two, but she needed to head home and they were blocking the doorway. With a swift apology and the scratch of a cheek, (Y/n) sidesteps as Hop walks into the facility.
             “Sorry about that. I forgot to turn in a report, so I’ll take over and lock-up.” The woman concedes the lab keys to the teen before taking her leave.
             The young researcher swiftly moves around the area. The older leaves him to it as they take a seat at the table. A hefty nudge of the leg gains their undivided attention as (e/c) hues meet the shining eyes of Dubwool. The pokémon bleats loudly and happily in recognition. (Y/n) does not hesitate to stroke his head and horns.
“So you’ve evolved, eh? Last time I saw you, you were just a small as Hopscotch.”
The sound of a drawer sliding shut is followed by the kid rounding the counter he had walked behind. (Y/n) notices the small bounce in his step as he beams at them. If there was anything that hadn’t changed about Hop it was his abundant energy. Aside from his uptick in enthusiasm at their return, the teen had always been a lively person in general.
“Oh, man. I have so many questions, but first, I really wanna see your pokémon. Can I? Please? This is the perfect place!” His exaggerated gesturing elicits a soft chuckle from them. Taking grasp of a pure black crossbody laid atop their luggage, (Y/n) opens a side compartment to reveal an entire team of six. Taking each capsule to fit between their fingers, the veteran tosses them out, summoning the creatures they held dear.
Calls of different volumes and pitches echo across the laboratory as (Y/n)’s pokémon party take in their surroundings. The team consisted of creatures of various heights and statures—two tall, two moderates, and two smalls; 4 bipedal, and 2 quadrupedal. Venusaur, Quagsire, Aggron, Lopunny, Scrafty, and Sylveon. Amber eyes widen in admiration as he identifies the team. Scrambling to retrieve his Rotom Phone and log the pokémon, he begins to feel a soft texture along the back of his non-dominant hand. Removing his eyes from the device, Hop follows the touch. Pink ribbon-like feelers languidly caress the skin skimming over his fingers, down the palm, and to the wrist before unraveling. Sylveon to whom the feelers belonged let out a noise of approval before moving to Dubwool. The teen raised an eyebrow at what had occurred.
“That was Babe. You’ve seen him nose around on video call before. He knows who you are but has never been the sort to outright trust anybody without deciding that for himself.”
Now that the violet-haired teen thought about it, he does recall reading that Sylveon use their appendages to distinguish emotion. It’s to be expected he supposed.
Following Babe to see him sit by Dubwool, the sheep was conversating with Lopunny. The rabbit pokémon appears to be very talkative and attentive, giving Hop’s partner some much-needed social interaction. Bright eyes shift to (Y/n) once more.
“Her name’s Lulu. She’s definitely the most welcoming of the bunch. Not to say the others aren’t. She’s just warms up to people quicker.” With a nod of understanding, Hop turns his head to observe Aggron and Scrafty. The former stood shyly looking to her trainer for reassurance while the latter practically burned holes into Hop with an intense leer. Giving a soft smile to the two pokémon, (Y/n) pats the boy on the shoulder. He had turned stiff from the dark-fighting type’s intimidation.
“Those two are Gina and Scout. Don’t be fooled by Gina’s stature; she’s just the sweetest. As for Scout, she’s quite tenacious but I assure you it’s just because she’s very protective of the crew.”
“If you say so…” he laughs nervously.
Last but not least, the young researcher shifts to view (Y/n)’s Venusaur and Quagsire. Both were simply relaxing, the grass-poison type comfortably lay next to the terrarium eyeing the boy with warmth and familiarity. Quagsire sat close by with an ever-so lackadaisical look on his face. The water fish pokémon makes eye contact with both trainers and waves at them. Of course they both wave back touched by such a simple gesture.
“You remember those two?”
“Never forgot. You’ve had Poppy and Briggs since the very beginning.”
“Yeah… You’d hang with them all the time back when they were just a Bulbasaur and Wooper.”
             Hop would always recollect the day Leon, Sonia, and (Y/n received their starters. He was five years old around that time. Professor Magnolia had recently returned from a meeting in Kanto and bought their regional starters to Galar. Lee, Sonia, and (Y/n) were set to begin their trainer journeys by choosing from the three. Big brother chose Charmander, Sonia took Squirtle, and (Y/n) adopted Bulbasaur. The grass starter’s personality was mellow—a stark foil to a rambunctious young (Y/n). Even so, they were a match bound by Arceus. When they weren’t busy climbing the ranks, the two would drop by Postwick and entertain his antics. Sometimes they’d even go on capers much to his mother’s worry.
It was at one point that an attempt at lake fishing almost yanked him into the water. If it weren’t for (Y/n) and Poppy’s assistance, Hop couldn’t help but to think the situation would’ve taken a turn for the worse. That encounter was when they had met Briggs, an odd little Wooper who had gotten tangled in the line. The battle that ensued and the capture that followed made an impression on his kid self. It was when the League began to get more challenging that Poppy and Briggs evolved. They had grown stronger and the conscious fear of hurting the boy wasn’t a risk (Y/n) was willing to take.
The memory was bittersweet; a nice glimpse back in time when life was simpler, but it was also a reminder of restriction—something Hop was all too happy to have less of.
“Hey, d’you know if they still like feather toys?” (Y/n) guffaws at the inquiry.
“Seriously, Hop?”
“Yeah! What of it, mate? I’m trying to relive the good times, here!”
                The sky was blackened by night and the two remained in the lab. (Y/n) had since returned their pokémon to their pokéballs and continued to talk with Hop, telling him about their time outside of Galar. Despite often speaking about their excursions on call, the teen would always want to hear more. Today was no exception.
“I’ve been traveling between Hoenn and Kalos for the past few months.”
“Sounds rough. I guess it must be important for you to go through that.”
“Yeah…” (Y/n) drawls before a hefty yawn rips from their throat. “I’ve been helping both Professor Birch and Sycamore conduct research about this phenomenon called Mega Evolution.”
The terminology appears to enliven Hop, a contrast to how weary he looked previously. He had only ever heard about Mega Evolution in passing, so any chance of learning more was a plus. Reclined in the seat across from them, curious amber eyes urge (Y/n) to continue.
“Not a lot is known about the subject aside from whatever sparse records we have. However, what we do know is that a pokémon’s bond with their trainer is very integral to their development—so much so that they are capable of evolving further than we originally thought.”
“Woah! That sounds awesome! Have you guys found out anything else?”
“Unfortunately not. We’ve explored different ruins and studied many relics, but there just doesn’t seem to be enough information to make anything concrete.” He responds with a sympathetic hum.
“That’s just by case of piecing together a substantial timeline, though. We know of almost 50 pokémon that can Mega Evolve.” They say it like it’s no big deal but Hop begs to differ.
“W-huh?! That’s great news! Who cares about the timeline??” (Y/n) couldn’t help but to chortle.
“Hey now. Give timelines a little more credit. If we knew more about the origin of this drastic change then maybe we’d know of more than 50.”
A moment of silence passes and another yawn leaves (Y/n). Perhaps yawns were contagious because Hop lets out his own seconds later. Maybe it was time to wrap up this reunion for now. Still, they had a request to make before they called it a day.
“Alright, kiddo. I think I’m gonna hit the hay, but I have a question I’ve yet to ask.”
“Hmm? What’s up?”
“How’s your brother?”
“Lee? He’s alright. Why?”
“Haven’t really heard from him in a while.”
“Really? He’s usually on top of things, but I guess he’s busy. If I’ll be honest, I haven’t seen him much lately either. Lately, he’s been going to work early and coming home late. Maybe something important is keeping him up?”
“I’d say that that’s not healthy, but who am I to say that. I can’t even take my own advice.” (Y/n) shakes their head.
“Anyway, the reason why I ask is because Charizard happens to be one of the known pokémon capable of Mega Evolving. It actually have two different forms surprisingly enough.”
“No way.”
“Yeah dude.”
(Y/n) swiftly reaches into a different compartment of their trainer bag to pull out what appeared to be a golden brooch. The prominent jewel in the center of the accessory glistened with the colors of the rainbow its luster shining brightly underneath the light. (Y/n) moves to pull out another jewel, but this one’s attached to a golden necklace. The colors are also different, taking on the colors of black and blue.
“These are a Key Stone and Charizardite X, items worn to trigger Mega Evolution.” They carefully hand the items over to Hop to which he takes in kind, as if he were scared he’d break them.
“When you see him, just hand ‘em off. If he doesn’t already know what they are then don’t tell him. And if he asks who they’re from don’t tell him that either.”
“(Y/n), you’re scaring me. What is this, some kind of back ally deal? Why can’t I tell him that they’re from you?”
“It’s too late. If Leon knew that I was here, I don’t think he’d hesitate to track me down and I want to sleep.” Hop wanted to argue but they both knew they were right.
“You don’t have to tell him today. Tell him tomorrow,” (Y/n) drowsily checks their Rotom Phone. “Or rather later in the morning. It’s past midnight.” Hop gasps.
“We’ve been here too long! I have to get home!” The teen secures the stones in his jacket before grabbing the lab door keys. (Y/n) follows him out the door as he turns off the overhead lights and fixes the door tight. He turns to the older once again.
“Where are you staying?”
“I’m gonna kick it at the pokémon center down the road. I still have yet to give Sonia and Prof. Mags a visit. I’ll likely be over at their pad bright n’ early.”
“Cool. Send me a notif and I’ll be there. Let’s make this a reunion a good one.”
“Ha. If your reaction was anything to go by, it won’t just be a good reunion. It’ll be a great one.” Giving Hop a hearty pat on the back, they nod down Route One from where they currently stood.
“You go get some shut eye. I don’t want to hear you complaining about being tired tomorrow. Tell your mom I said hi.”
“Will do. See you tomorrow then.” With a quick goodbye hug, the teen turns to leave and (Y/n) assumes their destination to the pokémon center.
                The road to Postwick from Wedgehurst is a short one, so Hop makes it home in no time at all. Entering his abode, he takes a deep breath and exhales as he removes his shoes at the door. His bright eyes look over the living room. To his relief, no one was downstairs. Though luck is not on his side when he moves to make his way upstairs, to which he is effectively blocked.
“Hop, it’s super late! Where were you?” The mix of worry and relief was evident in Leon’s voice, but the look on his face showed that he was evidently peeved.
“At the lab. I got held up, it’s not like I was going places I wasn’t supposed to.” He rolls his eyes. The younger understood why the older would worry, but he could take care of himself fine. Leon scrutinizes Hop. The answer wasn’t good enough for him, but he’d give his little bro the benefit of the doubt. He sighs.
“Hey, it’s fine. Just say something next time so you won’t give mum and I a heart attack. Alright?”
“Yeah. My bad…” Hop half-heartedly apologizes. Nevertheless, it seems enough for Leon as he moves for Hop to pass and ascend the steps.
“Oh. I almost forgot.” Hop stops before he reaches the top. He reaches in his pocket and pulls out the Key Stone and Charizardite passing them to Leon. The former champ gingerly takes them in his hands before briefly inspecting them. They looked oddy familiar, but he just couldn’t remember where he had seen them before.
“It’s a little gift for you and Charizard. Take good care of ‘em.” Turning to reach the end of the stairs, Leon gives him pause with a question.
“A gift from who?” Hop smirks, a small puff of laughter leaves his lips. Looking over his shoulder to give his sibling a knowing smile he answers.
“I’ll tell you tomorrow.”
Leon was left to guess as his eyes followed Hop retreat to his room. Just what exactly had he been up to?
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hwkhs · 4 years
BNHA students in Pokémon
summary: Some BNHA students and their Pokemon team and status if they were in that world. (part one, i want to make a mini series out of this so it’s heavily self-indulgent)
warnings: none
style & genre: bulleted; au
notes: a self-indulgent thing for me b/c this au has to happen. Thank you for reading. also i am in the midst of writers block but the last requests will be out soon!
most of the bullets will be in relation to the main character izuku because why not
*teams inspired by this because i had trouble figuring out who would fit with who and honestly bakugo’s team looks like him aHA
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Main Traveling Group:
Midoriya Izuku
Starting Aventure: bulbasaur, aipom
Completed Team: venusaur, lucario, ambipom, floatzel, butterfree, garchomp
I was gonna say he gives off main character vibes then I remembered he was actually a main character already good job ness
but yes izuku here is on his way to become a pokemon champion!
i’m thinking he’d be pretty well-rounded with his team but his starter is definitely a grass type
his pokemon are so concerned whenever they go check out some cave or ancient ruin
izuku’s like “let’s explore!”
and his pokemon look at each other and then at him like “but please don’t try to move and jump on stuff alone pLeAsE bE cAREFUL”
they have venusaur keep him in vines sometimes
literally everyone loves him (all the gym leaders, all the recovery girls, etc.)
he manages to have todoroki and shinsou as travel buddies like how 
they’re all like “i didn’t start training to make friends” and boom they’re a close knit group
very very ambitious and headstrong in his goals
he did get noticed by the champion after all  *cough* all might *cough*
Todoroki Shouto
Starting Adventure: eevee, eevee, milotic
Completed Team: glaceon, flareon, ninetails, alolan ninetails, milotic, volcarona
he’s izuku’s first travelling companion
his father wanted him to become the strongest trainer to carry on his family tradition but he just wanted to see the rest of the world, considering he’s been couped up training for most of his life
he was sent off on his own trainer journey and was unknowledgeable about a lot of real world things
when he met izuku, he was cold towards him but warmed up after seeing how dedicated and kind the other was to pokemon and people alike
“it’s your destiny, todoroki!” ahaha get it
like i said, everyone loves izuku even shouto
todo is cold to strangers but is kind to them after becoming friends
trainers like battling with him because he’s offers their pokemon the eXPENSIVE full restores after battle
and their pokemon swoon over how nice and pretty he is while he tends to their wounds
speaking of pokemon, his are hot and cold as expected
sometimes they clash but he’s always there to be the mediator
he’s unfamiliar with “common” things because he grew up in a closed off environment
likes travelling around, experiencing new things and meeting new people along the way
Shinsou Hitoshi
Starting Adventure: gengar, purrloin
Team: gengar, liepard, espeon, skitty, weaville, crobat, meinshao
the people around him, mainly his classmates, were afraid of him because of the pokemon he attracts
he also had gengar since he was young, the pokemon being a gift from his parents
every time he tries to make friends they run off because his pokemon’s looks make the other ppl scared
that’s why he now rejects anyone trying to get close to him because the last time it happened they just used him
he couldn’t reject izuku though aha so yeah he’s part of the group now
he is a pretty laidback trainer and is more focused on techniques rather than pure strength
mentor aizawa
took shinsou under his wing when he was young and shinsou always calls him for guidance or just for a chat
has a weakness for cat-like pokemon
the main reason he actually joined izuku’s group is because the green haired male saved a skitty
she’s is the newest addition to his team and he loves her aww
he’s the voice of reason for the group but sometimes he just holds back when he wants something interesting to start especially when bakugo challenges izuku or todoroki to a battle
Challengers & Rivals: 
Bakugou Katsuki
Starting Adventure: cyndaquil
Completed Team: typhlosion, electrode, magmortor, arcanine, houndoom, primeape
all pokemon stories have rivals okay bakugou is pERFECT for this
he and izuku met when they were little and because he was more into battling and training, he got annoyed when izuku was recognized by the champion
all his pokemon are as fiery as he is aHA
they love training and can keep up with their trainer’s outbursts and all that we love supportive teammates
he scares every single person he goes up against EXCEPT for izuku & co.
todoroki 's unbothered, shinsou calls bluff on his intimidation, and izuku sees him as a role model as well as rival
gets really annoyed with the trio because he just can’t fULLY beat them
the win ratios are pretty even but this boy wants to win all of his battles with a large power gap because that’s how he rolls
he LOVES using power and intimidation when battling and it’s actually pretty cool to watch his matches
they always have some type of flare to them and never get boring
overall, he’s a strong and resilient trainer who worked hard to get to the top
Kirishima Ejirou
Position: Fighting-Type Gym Leader
Team: blaziken, infernape, hariyama, machamp, medicham, hitmonchan
i’ll just make all their ages ambiguious k thanks
i feel like he’d be a really good gym leader
he’s so uplifting and motivational, it doesn’t affect the self-esteem of anyone who loses to him because he’s there complimenting their strengths and giving them pointers on what they and their team can work better on
man i wish he was in game now he’d be my favorite
he kind of reminds me of island kahuna hala in a way
trains with bakugo a lot because, though the blond won’t admit it, he actually likes training with him kiribaku
when he meets the main group, they all lost their first battle with him because this guy just knows
he’s so in-tune with his pokemon, all that strength and in their bond is so strong
after giving them their fair share of praise and advice, their second battles were won and they received their fighting badges :)
Kaminari Denki
Position: that pikachu guy Electric-Type Gym Leader
Team: pikachu (ik ik but it fits ok), girafig, ampharos, plusle, minun
so hype much wow very exciting
every single battle he does is so flashy with all these effects and whatnot but it fits his aesthetic
think nimbasa city and the runway elesa has before she battles someone
that’s all him
now, his team isn’t really built on defense but they do have a lot of special power, mostly seen in their use of thunderbolt they all know how to use thunderbolt what the heck denki
at one point in his life he thought about owning a farm where pikachu could hang out
he just really likes pikachus and everywhere there’s one they follow him because he looks like them
he’s kind of more bark than bite and might accidentally electrocute himself during battle
concerned izuku when he walked right into a thunderbolt
todoroki was about to ask if he wanted a full restore before the boy realized that it was only for pokemon
he’s in it for the fun of the battle and doesn’t really care if he loses or not unless the trainers are all talk much like he is but ily denki
Iida Tenya
Positon: that trainer they meet on a mountain i’m sorry iida
Team: skamory, straptor, bisharp, gallade
he reminds me of all the trainers that stand there and are like “LeT’s BaTtLe” when you walk in their line of vision
much love iida but that’s who you remind me of haha
he’s the guy that goes by the rules ofc and is a v good sport after losing a battle
when he encounters the main group, he’s training with his pokemon
they were building up and reinforcing their speed and he saw this as a perfect opportunity to learn by battle new people
lost to all three of them
but as mentioned he’s a good sport and the four of them set up camp for the night on the mountain and talk about strtegies and the like
when they part ways he’s telling them that he’ll see them and battle them again
guy wasn’t kidding they fought him like fifteen times total during their journey
i chose his pokemon based on how they look in comparison to him and laughed when i realized there was gallade
because you know gallade’s arms are like blades it reminds me of how iida does that hand thing
it was funnier in my head
Uraraka Ochaco
Position: works at the Pokemon Center, training buddies with the main travelling group
Team: gardevoir, togekiss, musharna, clefairy, jigglypuff
she works at the pokemon center for recovery girl
pink is all i see and it fits her aesthetic really
that rhymed
anyways she is super super sweet and loves working at the center, all the people who come in enjoy seeing her
she actually sees the main trio a lot b/c they and their pokemon do a lot of stuff and end up injured
izuku went to the pokemon center five times in a day and his pokemon weren’t even hurt it was jUST hIM
after that she insisted on coming with them to get some experience outside of the building as well as make sure that they mostly izuku and their pokemon would be alright
half of her pokemon are mature and very, what’s the word, elegant (gardevoir and musharna) and the others are playful yet competitive (togekiss, jigglypuff, & clefairy)
her pokemon know the moves that have to do with teleportation and flying/floating and they enjoy using it even when their trainer is gets motion sickness easily
overall, she joins the group when she can/sees them and they are gratefull to hang out with her
-- more characters to be added soon! --
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ianmrid · 3 years
Another pokémon generation, another great set of pokémon to choose from for my top ten. I really don't think that there are any pokémon that I think are awful - they all range from average to fantastic. Additionally, in Sinnoh, I loved the big expansion on the new evolutions to old pokémon concept - and I think this Top 10 reflects that. As is always the case, I have included both the original Gen4 sprite as well as the shiny sprite, with all sprites taken from Platinum for the sake of consistency. Gen4 also marked my first first shiny since Gen2, and although Bibarel didn't sneak into my list, I really just wanted to mention it again!
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10. Roserade
The last slot on the list is always tricky as it edges out all your honourable mentions, but I couldn't have a list without Roserade. The first of several on this list that is a new evolved form of a previously establised pokémon, Roserade is a perfect example of how this can breathe new life into a pokémon family. I can't imagine ever bothering with Gen3's Roselia which was fine, but nothing too special. But with it evolving into the masquerade ball-inspired Roserade, it was always on my list. I trained one on my Pokémon Pearl team and I think it is now my favourite Grass/Poison type - sorry Venusaur! Also, the shiny is lovely; the blue and red rose-hands change to black and purple and it looks so good. If this was a top ten list of shinies, Roserade would be even higher up!
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09. Honchkrow
Honchkrow gets into this list head of the regional bird of Sinnoh, Staraptor (which I also think is great), for a couple of reasons. I think Staraptor is great, but the type combination Normal/Flying just isn't as interesting as the cool Dark/Flying type of Honchkrow. Additionally, as with Roserade, I love how it takes the previously average Murkrow from trickster crows to a group of lackeys who surround the Mafia Boss that is Honckrow. It's a great evolution concept. I also enjoyed training my Honchkrow (again on my Pokémon Pearl team) to combine it's Super Luck ability, the Scope Lens held item, and the high critical hit chance move, Night Slash, to dish out a crit every three attacks or so. I don't hate the shiny either, although I wish it was a bit of a deeper purple as it does stray dangerously close to hot pink. Still at least it isn't yet another blue pokémon turning to this colour!
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08. Lopunny
I feel like Lopunny isn't a pokémon that would be on many people list of favourites, and I totally see why. It is weirdly sexualised - not too surprising given it seems to be based on a Playboy bunny - with the way it hold it's arms in front of it's chest to give the impression of cleavage (which it thankfully doesn;t actually have) and the 'wolf whistle' cry that cannot just be a coincidence. I never planned to use one but I needed a male Lopunny to help hunt for a female Combee, and he ended up sticking around on my Pokémon Diamond team. A big part of this was the headcannon I had that given it is a pokémon with such a feminine design, my Lopunny was a bad-ass pokémon drag queen! I also really like the shiny with the (thankfully not hot) pink highlights. YAAASSS!
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07. Floatzel
I'm not even sure exactly why I like Floatzel so much - but it really appeals to me all the same. I like the animal it is based on - the Weasel presumably, although it could easily be a stoat, ferret, or otter - and think the design with the dual tails acting as a propeller is really cool. I also like how the rubber tubing element of it's design doesn't make look clumsey or inept like a Water-type pokémon, with what is essentially a flotation device, could easiy end up. Floatzel is another pokémon that I trained on my Pokémon Diamond team and it is both quick and relatively hard hitting on both the Attack and Special Attack sides, which makes it nice and versatile, especially when playing through and requiring it to learn both Special and Physical HM moves. The shiny is nothing to write home about though, essentially a more washed out orange. Maybe they were going for a gold colour, but if so it just looks kinda off. I'll stick with the original, thanks!
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06. Mismagius
After two original pokémon lines, I'm back to new evolutions to old pokémon, and also my second drag queen pokémon! Another feminine-styled pokémon, my Mismagius is male earning it the nickname Ru Pol (because Ru Poltergeist was just a little too long). Evolving from the very overlooked Misdreavus, I always planned to use Mismagius on a team and he becomes the third member of my Pokémon Pearl team to get into the Top Ten. Really great Speed, Special Attack, and Special Defence, combined with a really good movepool for great type coverage makes Mismagius an excellent pokémon that I was a big fan of before even playing through the Sinnoh games. I'm also a fan of te mustard-coloured shiny, but if I had to choose between the colour options, I think the original is slightly better suited to a spooky Ghost-type.
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05. Hippowdon
This is the first pokémon in my top ten that I didn't actually train in Gen4. This is odd because if I had produced the list without playing the games and the chance to bond with various other pokémon, then I think Hippowdon would have been in the top three. Part of the issue here is how difficult/late in the game you can get one. To catch it's pre-evolved form, Hippopotas, you need to capture a certain number of Unown in order to get into the tunnel where it lives. Since I had all the Unown forms in Emerald, I was never going to do this again, so I never caught it. The fully evolved for is available in the post-game, but this is far too late. Even so, I still love it as a pokémon. I really like the design of a scary looking, Ground-type hippo with sand pouring out of it and I think the sexual diamorphism in colour between the male and female forms helps make up for the fact the male form's shiny is rather lackluster, being just a more washed out beige. One day I will definitely train a Hippowdon of my own!
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04. Mamoswine
Sinnoh certainy introduced some cool (Ice-type pun not intended) Ground-types, as this is the second of three in this top ten, as well as the fourth out of five that evolve previously established pokémon. Interestingly, after Swinub appeared in my Gen2 top ten, this is the first time two members of the same evolution line have been in a list of my favourites! Mammoswine was a key member of my Pokémon HeartGold team and is such a great addition to the Swinub/Piloswine family. According to in-game cannon, it is essentially a pre-historic evolution that only happens in certain circumstances in the modern day which makes it feel like a fossil pokémon, but without the need to saddle it with the Rock-typing. Unfortunately, on the shiny side it draws the short straw of the family as it just looks a bit weird compared to Swinub's aquamarine or Piloswine's lovely golden coulouration.
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03. Vespiquen
Moving into the top three, Vespiquen is another pokémon that I liked before I ever played through Sinnoh and was very keen to use on a team. It's not hard to see why I like it; it is a fearsome-looking Queen Bee with a great honeycomb design, and the fact it can be a bit of effort to obtain since it only evolves from female Combees makes it feel like a prize when you finally get one. I had earmarked Vespiquen for my Pokémon Platinum team but it ended up missing out as, despite being part Flying-type, it can't learn the HM Fly. This caused me to drop it out for Drifblim in the end, but it is another pokémon I would love to train someday. Although I definitely prefer the original colouration, the more angry-looking orangey-red of the shiny is still a great look, but the idea of shiny hunting a female Combee doesn't sound like fun at all!
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02. Yanmega
Yanmega was a late choice for my Pokémon SoulSilver team, but using it there rocketed it into the top ten, as I hadn't really ever considered it muc before using it on that team. It actualy combines everything I like about my previous two entries; it is a bad-ass looking Bug-type with an amazing design, and it is also a pre-historic evolution, based on the huge dragonflies that lived back then and evolving in the same way as Mamoswine. Since it is a new evolution to Johto's Yanma, it made sense to use it in the Gen2 remakes over and above Vespiquen, which share the same typing but only really has ties to Sinnoh. Finally, Yanmega has a realy excellent shiny with the blue version looking so good and it right up their with Roserade for best Sinnoh shiny!
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01. Torterra
As we reach the number one slot, it shouldn't come as much surprise to see a member of a starter pokémon line here. The starter lines are always among the best designed pokémon of any region and my favourite from Sinnoh is easily Torterra. It has an excellent design concept; a Grass/Ground-type tortoise with an entire eco-system on it's back, my Torterra was an integral part of my Pokémon Diamond team. Given how much I like a lot of starters families, it is interesting that this marks the first time a fully-evolved starter has made the list, although the first-stage evolutions have been well represented with Bulbasaur, Cyndaquil, and Mudkip all previously representing their various regions. The only downside to Torterra is that I don't love it's shiny. It certainly isn't bad, but the variation of green used just can't hold a candle to the original.
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Wow, I can't believe that I am finally at the end of Generation 4. As always I will be posting all the lovely art that I had commissioned of my Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, and SoulSilver teams before I move onto Gen5. I know these upcoming games are often considered rather devicive within the pokémon fanbase, but I also think this view has softened over time so it might actually be more of a case of fans of the franchise not enjoying new things. Eiter way, I'm excited to see how I fare with Pokémon Black and White!
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aughtpunk · 5 years
The Evils of Truth and Love
Crowley had always been secretly glad his Bulbasaur had never wanted to evolve, if only because there was no way he could fit a Venusaur into the Bentley. Sure, his friends at the time (and his coworkers in the present) gave him a hard time for having a weak Pokémon. The way Crowley saw it is if Bulby was happy, then he was happy. That and it was always hilarious when he switched Bulby out for his Zoroark at the start of a battle. 
“Okay kid, what are the rules?”
Crowley glanced over at the passenger seat, not too shocked to see that Warlock was playing on his phone instead of paying attention. He still wasn’t sure if getting him that phone was the best or the worst thing that’s happened in his years of Nanny-ing. Babysitting? Being paid to raise a kid because his parents got bored after they found out they had to change diapers? Crowley liked to think of himself as a Godparent. He had no idea what a Godparent actually did, but the title was pretty cool. 
One of Bulby’s vines shot out from the back seat and yanked Warlock’s phone right out of his hands. Warlock twisted in his seat, trying to grab his phone back only for Bulby to hold it right out of his reach. God, Crowley loved his little plant bastard. He cleared his throat and tried again. “The rules, kid. I need to hear them.”
Warlock let out the best preteen groan he could muster. “Don’t touch anything.”
“Really, don’t touch anything.”
“Don’t pick a fight with anyone who has Pokémon stronger than me ‘cause no one wants a repeat of what happened to Ligur at last year’s Halloween party.” Warlock said in a bored drone. Which was fake. Crowley knew Warlock loved that story with all of it’s gooey details. His favorite part was the sound Ligur’s shoulder made when the nurse popped it back into its socket. 
“Mmm-hmm. Last rule?”
“If anyone asks why I’m taking pictures I say they’re for my dumb Pokémon-crazy Nanny.” 
“Haha.” Crowley didn’t bother to tell Warlock to stop calling him that. He gave up fighting that nickname years ago. “Surprise bonus rule GO!”
“Seriously do not touch anything.” Warlock crossed his arms. “Can I have my phone back?”
Here it comes. The best part of being Warlock’s caretaker. Crowley tried to bite back a smile as he said, “I don’t know Warlock--”
“Oh no--”
“CAN you?”
Warlock threw back his head and let out the best guttural scream Crowley had heard since the last time he sprung that on the kid. “May I have my phone back? Please?”
“Dunno. What do you think Bulby?”
“Bububububub!” Bulby cackled as she dropped the phone back on Warlock’s lap. As far as Crowley knew she was the only Bulbsaur that could cackle. An impressive feat considering she only used soft bub sounds to do so. At least he had his Bulbasaur to co-parent raising the kid. God. That was a depressing thought. He’s going to need an extra drink tonight just to ease that self-blow.
After carefully illegally parking his Bentley at the perfect angle to ensure the cars in front and in back of him couldn’t get out, Crowley, Warlock, and Bulby stepped out in front of a building that looked far more like a library than a proper lab. Crowley fished out his own phone to double-check the address. “Yeah, this is the place.”
“Really?” Warlock made a face. “Looks dumb.”
“Bulba.” Bulbsaur said, agreeing. 
The three of them stared up at the building in silence together, the spell only broken when Crowley nudged Warlock in the side. “Now, what are we here for?”
Warlock rolled his eyes. “For my starter Pokémon ‘cause you won’t let me catch a wild one, even though I could totally do it--”
“Cause my Granddad would totally kill you, your Pokémon, and everything else you love and hold dear if I get hurt.” Warlock droned, already looking at his phone again.
“You know, most kids are excited to get their starter.”
Warlock shrugged. “Starters are dumb. They’re all like, soft baby Pokémon you have to use ‘til you can get a cool one. Like an Ekans!”
“You’re not getting an Ekans.” Crowley said for roughly the millionth time in his life. “And don’t let Bulby hear you call her a soft baby. She’ll never forgive you.”
“Buuuuuub.” Bulby threatened. 
“Ugh, fine. But I’m totally trading whatever I’m getting for something cooler.”
“Just stick to the plan, kid.” Warlock was going to that trip as annoying as he possible, wasn’t he? Well, Crowley thought, this couldn’t be worse than the day when he got his starter. Nothing like accidentally sleeping in late and running to the lab just to get your ass kicked by an eleven-year-old with a Charmander. 
With a shrug, Crowley walked in with Bulby and Warlock trailing behind. The inside was almost pitch-black, and had an odd musty smell Crowley couldn’t place. He could vaguely make out shelving and a few machines here or there, but nothing that screamed ‘lab’. Or occupied. Crowley walked over to a desk by the lab’s only window. Someone had left a still-steaming cup of coffee on top of what he was pretty sure looked like important paperwork. He pushed the cup ever-so-slightly aside to get a better look. 
--Unknown Pokémon, mysterious sightings, psychic Pokémon reporting headaches, doomsday cult, reports of Magikarp falling out of the sky--
“Hello! I’m sorry, I didn’t realize someone was here! Let me get the light!” 
A soft buzz filled the lab before the halogen lights above clicked on. They were old enough to have that odd second of weak-flickering light before it turned on properly. In that dim in-between Crowley caught sight of the man he assumed was the lab’s professor wreathed in a halo of light. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting, but it wasn’t this.
An angel, Crowley thought, a God damned angel. 
“Bub.” Bulby nudged Crowley’s arm with her vine. It didn’t seem to do anything. 
“Hello there!” The professor said as he walked over to Crowley. Oh no, oh no, he was even cuter up close. He was wearing a bowtie. A tartan bowtie. Between that and the blonde curls, Crowley was already long gone. 
“My name is Professor Fell, is there anything I can help you with?”
“Mwuaph.” Crowley answered, sounding a lot like Warlock. He tried again. “My uh, my Godson is here for his starter. Warlock. His name is Warlock and my name is Crowley.”
“And this is Bulby.”
Professor Fell’s eyes lit right up as he caught sight of the Bulbasaur doing its best to look intimidating. “My heavens! Look at you! Aren’t you a beauty? Goodness, that leaf pattern! Is she from the Kanto region? Oh, and those markings on her feet! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Bulbasaur this old! Not that there’s anything wrong with that, my dear, none of us are getting any younger are we? And in such good shape too! Your trainer must love you a lot!”
Bubly narrowed her eyes at Crowley and somehow put on a shit-eating grin. “Bububububub.”
“Oh no.” Crowley stepped between Bulby and the Professor. “Do not compliment her! She’s already full of herself as is! Bulby, you’re a terrible Pokémon and your leaves are covered in brown spots. Keep up the poor foliage and you’ll be on a one way trip to the garbage disposal.”
“Goodness,” Professor Fell said with raised eyebrows, “I’ve never seen a Bulbasaur rudely gesture with their vines before, either.” 
“Hey, where are the Pokémon?”
Warlock’s voice was enough to remind Crowley that he was there to do more than gawk at the Professor. That, and his ward had a point. What he thought were shelves in the darkness were computer servers and he couldn’t see a single pokéball anywhere. No free roaming Pokémon either. Back in the day it was unheard of, but these days more and more people walked side-by-side with their companions. 
(At least the people who had reasonably sized ones did. Maybe Professor Fall was the type to have a Wailord as a companion? Or, Crowley thought, the Professor had recently visited Lavender Town, as it were.) 
“Hmm?” Professor Fell said, as if he too just only now remembered Warlock’s existence. “Oh! Yes, I do apologize. Normally I would have some pre-selected Pokémon set out, but, well, my own Godson turned eleven today, you see. He and his friends caused bit of a ruckus so I had to put all of the Pokémon back in The Garden to calm them down. Should be alright now. I think.”
“The Garden?” Both Crowley and Warlock asked, along with a “Bub?” from Bulby.
That was apparently The Right Question as Professor Fell’s eyes lit up. “A little experiment of mine!” He shoved his hand deep into his lab coat’s pocket and pulled out a pokéball with a tartan pattern on the top half. One that matched his bowtie. Crowley might have to lay down to recover from how cute this man was. “A new type of inter-connected storage space for Pokémon! Instead of them being individually stored in a ball this allows them interact with each other while not in active use! Although it is still very early in the project life I have already seen a dramatic increase in not only the well-being of each Pokémon but in friendlier moods as well! Why, just last week I found my Grimer and Jigglypuff playing with each other! Before The Garden they refused to be out of their balls at the same time! Not to mention it's a lot easier to carry one pokéball than six.”
Crowley looked from the pokéball, to the Professor’s glowing smile, back to the pokéball, quick stop at the bowtie, only to land on Professor Fell’s face. “Are you saying all of your Pokémon are in a single ball?”
“Not exactly. But also yes. Would you like to see?”
The Lab was far bigger than it looked on the outside. If Crowley hadn’t been preoccupied with Professor Fell he might have noticed that the lab was too big. Bulby had noticed, but her attempts to get her human’s attention off the soft sparkly man leading the way had been futile. She didn’t even know why she was bothering. The entire place could be on fire and he wouldn’t have noticed. Crowley’s crushes were annoying at worst and potentially dangerous at best. 
(Bulby was already dreading Warlock’s first crush. Though he and Crowley weren’t related by blood she just knew deep down he’d act the exact same way. Trying to play cool, fail at being cool, accidentally flood the Rock Gym while also somehow setting it on fire, rinse and repeat.)
Warlock at least had enough sense to keep his head down and his phone out. He didn’t notice the unusual size of the lab, but he was just a little bit sharper than Crowley to catch that something about the place was off. Shadows kept moving in the corner of his eye. He’d hear skittering behind him only to turn around and see nothing. But seeing he was an eleven year old boy (and thus too mature or cool to admit he was scared) Warlock kept his mouth shut instead of alerting the adults. In his defense neither man wouldn’t have been able to hear Warlock over the sound of their bad flirting anyway. 
“--all ‘cept his Magikarp!” 
“No!” Professor Fell replied.
“It’s true! Let them all go! I told him he was a nutter! You’re so damn close to beating the four so why stop now? You know what he did? He laughed at me! Told me not to worry about it.”
“What happened to the poor thing?”
“He won.”
“God honest truth! He showed up a week later with a Gyarados and kicked all of their asses! Must have been a one-in-a-million chance of working and the bastard pulled it off. He’s still got his Pokémon Master certificate framed up in his office. The worst part is the League's done everything to forget that little bit of history. Thinks it’s embarrassing.”
“Well! I suppose that’s not a shock. The League is always a bit miffed with non-traditional winners. Remember all the nasty business with that Helix Cult a few years back?”
“Oh yeah. Think I still got my false prophet t-shirt somewhere.”
Professor Fell turned a corner, leading Crowley, Warlock and Bulby to a door with a single round hole in the middle. He smiled at the odd family before taking the tartan ball out of his pocket, popping it into the hole, and pushing the door open. The rush of fresh air slipping in through the doorway was enough to grab everyone’s attention, even Warlock’s. There, on the other side of the door, was a garden. The Garden.
Brilliant sunlight poured down into a small slice of paradise. Through the doorway Crowley could see a waterfall and pond nestled into the forest of strange trees he couldn’t recognize. Nothing on the other side of the door was familiar, yet his soul cried out in the beauty of it. Flowers, berries, music in the air, his brain could barely catch up with what he was seeing. He hadn’t realized he stepped forward until Professor Fell touched his arm to stop him. 
“Steady on, dear, it’s far too dangerous for humans. We’re not meant to go inside pokéballs for a reason.” 
Crowley’s head snapped in Professor Fell’s direction. “That’s what’s inside your pokéball? An entire bloody Safari Zone?!”
“Nonsense! The Safari Zone isn’t nearly as diverse as Eden!”
“Eden?” Warlock asked, looking up from his phone for the first time since they got there.
“The Edenball! It starts for Expanded Dimension Enclosed Nurturing technology!”
Warlock made a face. “Shouldn’t that be Edent?”
“Oh. Right.” The Professor’s smile faded. “Need to work on that last word I suppose. Edent sounds terrible.”
“Bubub.” Bulby agreed.
Professor Fell closed the door and plucked the tartan pokéball out from the hole. “Now, I do believe someone here needs their starter Pokémon?”
“Yes!” Warlock shouted as he pushed his way in front of Crowley. “Yes yes yes! I want something cool!” Like, wicked badass! Something that shoots fire, and is covered in spikes, and and spits poison and is smart enough to do my homework for me and, and--”
Professor Fell cut Warlock off by placing the tartan pokéball in his hand. He gave Warlock a little ‘go on’ nod and smiled. “Just press the button and think about what you truly want in a Pokémon starter.”
Warlock looked to Crowley, who shrugged, then to Bulby, who had stolen his phone and was currently taking a selfie. Considering he was currently surrounded by three adults Warlock felt oddly alone. He pressed the button on the front of the ball and weakly said, “I choose you? Cool Pokémon?”
The pokéball lit up in Warlock’s hands. 
The world held its breath. 
A trainer getting their first Pokémon is Important. Not only as a right of passage, but as a starting point for the long journey ahead. That first Pokémon sticks with you, in a way none of the others do. You could collect every Pokémon in the world-- from a pile of trash to the Gods themselves--but none of them will ever be as important as your starter. The Pokémon you looked at and said yes, yes this one is mine. Crowley had felt that way when he first saw Bulby in Professor Oak’s lab years ago. And at that moment Warlock felt the exact same way as light shot out from the ball and solidified in front of him. 
It was blue. Small. Kind of weak looking. And--
“Is it crying?” Crowley asked, finally breaking the silence. 
“A Sobble!” Professor Fell beamed, “A recently discovered water type! Be very careful, my dear boy, this one is only a few weeks old and might be a little fragile. Pick her, wait let me check, yes pick her up like this. Support her head. There we go!”
Crowley shifted uneasily as he watched Warlock stare down at the crying soft lizard-thing in his arms. His own eyes were beginning to water. Not for the first time he was glad about his always-wearing-dark-glasses habit. That being said he felt like Professor Fell was the type to not judge someone for crying at all. “Kid? You okay?” 
 Warlock lifted his head, his face already covered in tears, with the largest smile Crowley had ever seen on the boy in his entire life. “She’s perfect.”
The ride home was thankfully free of any Sobble-related crying. It had taken all four of them to calm the poor thing down. The Sobble had been snuggled up to Warlock’s chest ever since, refusing to move an inch away from her new trainer. Crowley couldn’t help but think back to his first day with Bulby. They had spent most of that first day in the Pokécenter curled up on the floor eating snacks and plotting revenge against that stupid Charmander-owning kid. At least Warlock and his Sobble had a home with a nice warm bed to eat their snacks in. 
“Think of a name yet?” Crowley asked, “one better than Bulby I hope?”
Bulby let out a grunt from the back seat. One that said hey, I like my name! My stupid, stupid name. 
“I was thinking of Sobby.”
Crowley winced. “I said better than Bulby. Better.”
“Sobby’s a good name!” Warlock lifted the Sobble up enough to look her in the eye. “What do you think, Sobby?”
“Sob!” Sobby said, the yellow fin on her head perking up. 
“See! She likes it!”
“No accounting for taste.” Crowley muttered as he parked the Bentley in front of their apartment building. “You got the pictures, right?”
Warlock shifted his arms enough to pull his phone out of his pocket and handed it over to Crowley. “Yup. Didn’t see any cameras. Maybe he’s dumb enough not to have any?”
“Or he’s smart enough to hide them.” Crowley said as he flicked through the pictures. He really needed to talk to Warlock about a future in photography. For a kid he took some dynamite pictures even if they were mostly of doors and ventilation shafts. “Tonight’s too soon. I’ll give it a few days--”
“We’ll give it a few days.”
Crowley lifted his head to meet Warlock’s stony gaze. “Kid--”
“Don't you kid me! You said I could team up with you once I got my first Pokémon!” Warlock said, a hairline crack spreading through his words. “You promised!” 
Crowley sighed. He wanted to respond ‘I meant when you got a useful Pokémon’, but the last thing he wanted to do was set Sobby and Warlock off. Deep down he didn’t want to drag the kid into this. Not because of the whole ‘if he gets hurt I’m dead’ thing, but because he honestly liked Warlock. Loved him like the weird nephew he’d always wanted. He had spent the past year hoping Warlock would want to run around the world chasing dangerous monsters like the other kids his age. Or somehow end up too much of a goody-goody to walk down Crowley’s path. But he knew he had been fooling himself. Warlock was born a snake, raised a snake, and was going to fall like the rest of them. And there was nothing Crowley could do to stop it. He looked back over at Warlock only to be greeted by tears pricking the corner of the kid’s eyes. 
Warlock’s family was going to kill him. 
Seeing Warlock get hurt was going to kill him. 
Yet Crowley knew he only had himself to blame. 
Never should have agreed to take care of Giovanni’s grandson.
“Fine.” Crowley said, forcing the worry out of his voice. “But only because this is going to be an easy heist. If everything goes pear-shaped you need to get the hell out of there, understand? And no touching anything! We’re just going there for the Edenball and nothing else!”
“Hell yeah!” Warlock said as he wiped the tears from his eyes. “One pokéball? That’s like, nothing! We totally got this! You, me, Bulby and Sobby! We’re going to be awesome!” He raised his hand up for a fist-bump. “Prepare for trouble?”
Crowley smiled and fist-bumped Warlock back. “And make it double.”
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tsukishima44 · 5 years
The Other Side of The Storm
Warnings : child abuse, starvation, self-harm
The day after Green's failure, Daisy almost never saw her brother in their home. She only knew that Prof. Oak locked Green in his room and there was nothing she could do other than placing a tray of food outside. After a week, she knew Green was never allowed to go outside ever again.
Daisy saw it all. She was afterall, Green's (the shortest champion ever) sister and also one of the famous Prof. Oak's grandchildren. So she knew the immediate change in what remained of her family.
The day after Green's failure, Daisy almost never saw her brother in their home. She only knew that Prof. Oak locked Green in his room and there was nothing she could do other than placing a tray of food outside. After a week, she knew Green was never allowed to go outside ever again.
In the night, she couldn't help hearing the muttering from the wall beside her where Green's room was. Even when she was awoken at three a.m, Green's incessant murmur still continued. It lasted until 6 a.m and Prof. Oak awoke her at 7 o'clock, Green at 6.15.
The next time she saw her brother was when the Professor went to an event in Unova, two months after Green's "study" started. She bravely asked a neighbourhood's ferrow to fly her to Green's window. Daisy gasped a loud when she saw how thin Green was. She saw black bags under his dimmed green orbs, Green's ginger spike was depleted like he didn't care much about appearance anymore, and the purple shirt he loved so much looked baggy on his stature. Daisy knew it was his favourite shirt because she had bought it for him on his 8th birthday. It was supposed to fit his brother's body. But now it hang loosely on one shoulder. The little fat Green had had disappeared, like he hadn't eaten anything while she always refilled the empty tray with new food everyday.
Did he vomit it? Or throw it away?
Daisy felt tears rolling her cheeks when she saw Green's wrists. The lavender sleeves was rolled up, so she could see the aftermath of Green's decreasing mental status.
He was not only went into starvation, he had depression. A deep one as the suicidal tendency was on sight.
She knew she had to do something.
The next day, she went to their neighborhood's house. Daisy was greeted with Red's mother cheery smile but her own lips could only lifted itself a bit before they turned into a frown again. It might be her mother instinct, but Daisy was immediately ushered to the small house cozy living room. Andrea didn't bother to offer Daisy a drink. She sat on the sofa opposite her and gently asked
"What happened Daisy and how can I help?"
She broke down there.
She told her everything, about their family's circumstances, the dynamic changes, Prof. Oak cold attitude, Green's well-being, anything she had withold for 7 years long. Andrea had embraced her and softly rubbing her back, patient when she went into another outburst when describing her brother's physic and mental.
When her crying had subdued, Andrea gave Daisy a box of tissue and a glass of water before sitting back beside her.
"I-I really am sorry for my earlier crying"
Daisy felt the warm arms enveloping her being again
"Oh, honey. You should never apologize for it. I should have met you and Green since a long time but I never had the courage" then Andrea's arms migrated to her shoulder "I will help you filling a complain to the police about this and I will be there to see him went into jail"
Daisy was taken a back by her determined and protective side.
She shook her head.
"Thank you for the offer. However-" Daisy stopped for a breath "I just n-need one thing"
"What is it?"
"I need Red's contact"
-chapter break-
Mt. Silver, the living place for many wild pokemon, has never been a place for human. Many trainer had tried to capture some strong pokemon in the snowy mountain. Until now, only few of them survived. Red, the current Kanto region champion, has been living in Mt. Silver for two months. He had told her mother, Andrea, about him leaving once again because he couldn't handle the sudden attention upon him. He was never an extrovert since his child phase and he will never be one. Red had felt guilty for leaving his mother once again, but Andrea had understood him. She gave him a hug and made her only child promised her to call whenever he could. Due to her DNA, she couldn't stay long in the cold area. So she prepared a pidgeotto to deliver food and supplies once a week. Sometimes a letter because they were one of those family who saw the effort and aesthetic behind a handwriting. His mother never once told anybody about his current living nor cracked under journalists who went to their house for his location. All they knew was the pokemon champion had disappeared and nobody knew about it. Red was happy and glad for his mother.
Currently he was training a lapras he found injured a week ago near a small lake. He had addressed the small gash and gave her potions. In a night she was good as new. Today he had released her from his pokeball, but the lapras kept trailing him to his cave. Red smiled at the increase companion on his team. Snorlax had let Lapras leaned on his side, Charizard and Venusaur played cautiously, Pikachu helped her hunt some berries, and Blastoise often helped her learning a move or sparring. All of Red's pokemon had learned that he was selectively mute and steadily saw his small quirks in commands. This not only gave them advantage in battles as their opponent didn't know what his move, but also enhanced their instinct to small movement. They lived in wildness, they must always on their guard.
As he gave the sign 'waterfall', he felt vibration coming from his cell phone. Red took the small device from his pants pocket and saw her mother's number. What's wrong? They had just exhanged letter two days ago.
With an eyebrow lifted, he took the call.
"Mom?" He asked
"Red, this is Daisy"
Red's memory immediately recognized her voice. It was his best friend's sister name and voice.
"Is something wrong?"
Red was sitting in the snow as he heard Daisy's story. Lapras had went to his side as soon as she realized her trainer was busy with something. When she felt her trainer's hand tensed, she immediately surged into defensive position. Her trainer realized and quickly petting her neck, his arm slung on top of her. Several minutes later, Red stood. His hand made a signal to come back to their home. The moment Red stepped through the small cavern, his pokemons attention was on him. He only spoke one word, one word and everyone understood.
-chapter break-
Green didn't know what had he done to deserve it. He had been a good boy since his parents died in an accident and they were placed under his grandfather, Prof. Oak,'s care. He had learned everything about pokemon the morning after the funeral. He was the next successor in line. He had limited his friend to one, the neighborhood kid who has selective mute. The three of them, Red and Green and Daisy, had been friends. Green realized early that his grandfather had preferred Red more than him. He was jealous and angry at Red. So he went to become a pokemon champion. Unfortunately for him, Red also went to a journey. They had clashed again and again and Green always asked for a match. Never once had he came out as the winner. Even when he had chosen Charmander to Red's Bulbasaur. Speaking of Charmander, he wondered what had happened to his Charizard after Red beaten him at Indigo League. He really hoped he didn't died in his grandpa's hand, just like his raticate.
Ever since he had lose his title in a matter of minutes, Prof. Oak demeanor had changed even colder. The next day, he had been locked up to his room. At 6.15 he would be awoken, 8 a.m to eat breakfast, 1 p.m for lunch, 7 p.m for dinner. The rest of the hours were spent on studying. Each day he would be given one book to read and understand for a whole day. At 10 p.m Prof. Oak would come to give him 20 questions from the inside of the book. Each false answer meant a strike, and if he had 10 mistakes, he wouldn't had breakfast until he could answer all questions perfectly. However, the lack of food meant lack in focus and lack of studying. Green forgot the last time he touched the rice Daisy had prepared for him because his stomach had stopped grumbling after two days. At first he had tried to whisper while studying as not to disturbed his sister. After a while, he didn't bother anymore. The reading and his own voice kept him from falling asleep. When he had received his 238 hits, Green was tired. His back had lacerations, fresh and old, littered and still he had to read the same book, which meant no dinner, again. He had cried of course, but his tearducts had dried after his first week. He never wanted to look into the mirror ever again, afraid to see a human failure as his reflection. When he saw a small swiss army under his sink, he was happy. He could finally ended his torture. But suddenly he heard the laughter from outside. His eyes glanced at his sister lithe body playing in the grass with other neighbors he didn't bother to know. His sister. Daisy. He must live for Daisy. If he leave her alone, he was afraid his burden would transferred to her shoulder and Daisy, his beautiful sister, should never felt this. He would do his best to protect her smile, even if he needed to sacrifice his own happiness. That day, he tucked away the device and bandaged his wrist. When he almost lost hope, he would placed several slits, never to deep, redressed the wound, and hidden everything again.
Yesterday, Prof. Oak had told him that he was going into a conference in Unova and will be back in three days. He had placed 6 books on top of his unread books (3 books; 2 thick 1 thin) to a total of 9 books, his current book excluded. He wondered what would happen if he didn't finish everything. Would it be more belt strikes? Maybe no more food for a week? He wondered when will he died out of starvation? If he die, would Daisy cry for him? Would anybody cry for him? A piece of human garbage chosen to be the genius Prof. Oak's successor. No wonder he couldn't do anything. He would never surpassed Red, he was afterall just a trash.
When the moonlight shone upon his bedside, he was on his third book. When he opened the next page, he remembered the last page was about the weakness of a pokemon...which pokemon was it?...he heard a knock on his window. He looked to see a blurry figure on top of....a flying pokemon. The pokemon looked familiar, but he had forgotten what its name. Green tried to rub his eyes, it might clear the fog in his sight. But to no avail, he still needed to squint. Then he saw the red hat. Oh he knew that. It was Red's hat. Years of growing up with his friend had made him easily distinguished Red's signature hat from the others. What was he doing here? Wasn't he gone? It also seemed like he tried to open the glass window.
So Green had tried to stand, only to fall to the floor. His head hurt and everything spinning, even if he closed his eyes. He knew that Red had frantically knocked on the glass now. But Green had no more strength to walk, not even to sit. All he could do was lying on the floor and seeing Red's figure hitting his window and slowly slipped into darkness.
-chapter break-
Red was shaken when Green just lied there unconscious after trying to stand. He could see how little energy left upon Green's battered body. Daisy had been right about everything. Green had been suffering and he knew nothing about it. As he was helplessly calling for Green from outside, Prof. Oak had left with Green's room key, he realized that Pikachu had poked his shoulder again and again. He looked to his precious pokemon to see him pointing to a small opening of Green's other window. Red understood and without directing, Charizard had moved them. Red helped Pikachu slipped to the small space and the mouse pokemon managed to open the window latched. Red came in through the medium window space to Green's side. He placed a finger to his friend's neck to find a weak force pushing into his finger. He gave a relief sigh. Then Red took Green's old sling bag and stuffed several clothes inside it. He ran to the toilet for a first aid box beneath the sink. Some bandage and medicines he deemed worthy was placed inside the bag's pockets while the box was left behind. Red slung the bag on his body before taking Green's fluffiest blanket on the cupboard to cover its owner's body. Red easily lifted Green's body to his arms, realizing how thin the man was. After everything was ready, he climbed back, this time slowly as not to lose his hold on Green, into Charizard's back. The fire pokemon descended them to the ground. Daisy had been waiting for them there and hugged her pale brother for awhile. Then she kissed his cold cheek before Red moved him back to his earlier position, head on his shoulder.
Daisy then handed him things, another bag and pokeballs. The bag turned out containing light foods and the pokeballs, as Red predicted, was Green's pokemons that had been kept in Prof. Oak's room. Red gave her a sad smile and Charizard lowered his neck so Daisy could placed the bag on his neck while Pikachu holding the pokeballs which placed in another bag. His mother was also there, giving both boys hug and then Charizard flew back to their home in Mt. Silver.
Red exhaled as he felt the usual snow on his skin. He was adapted to Mt. Silver's extreme weather. But the figure on his arms trembled and curled itself in attempt to chase the cold. Red murmured an apologize. His hold on Green's body tighten as they neared the cavern.
-chapter break-
Green felt warm. His mind still loading from the overwhelming warmth which was enveloping his body. He slowly recognized the soft material of his blanket. His eyes glanced down to see green clothe surrounding him. Did he fall asleep? He still had 7 more books to read and the Professor was going home tomorrow! He didn't have enough time to sleep!!
His body caught up with his brain and he managed to twitch his hands. But his body. Wouldn't. Move. At all! What-What happened? His body wouldn't cooperate at all and he was afraid he couldn't even sit. Why didn't he fallen sleep on his desk, preferably on top of his book. That way he could still read it. Maybe, maybe the answer would come from there. He might be able to eat! But no! His treacherous body had decided to stop working. He felt tears pooling before they poured to the clothe in front of him. His body shuddered from his fear and he curled, trying to hide his tears.
Green's silent cry stopped. That was Red's voice. What?
"Green, are you awake?"
Then a hand cupped his hollowed cheek and lifted his face to stare into a familiar face.
"Red?" He called.
Was he dreaming? Or dead? Because Red had been missing for two months and nobody knew where he was. Was he finally kicked the bucket?
Green felt a thumb swiped his tears away.
"I'm sorry"
Then Green was embraced, the warmth was from his favourite blanket and Red's body covering him. Green could only laid there while Red rubbed his back through the flannel.
After a while, Red helped him sat in front of him, Red's leg on each side, his head tucked on Red's neck crook, and his back could lean on Red's warm body. Green sighed contentedly.
Then he saw a yellow figure stumbling to them from the corner of his eyes. Green felt Red took something from the pokemon, he guessed pikachu, fumbling with it, and Green's nose smelt Daisy's miso soup. It smell heavenly. Unbeknownst to him, his stomach gave a pitiful sound at the stimulate. His cheek immediately redden in reply but Red just gave him a smile, pecked his forehead, and spooned some of it. Green saw the plastic spoon moved to the front of his mouth and continued up away from him. Atop him, Red blew for a bit then lower it down to Green's lips. Green opened his mouth and the liquid poured gently into his parched throat. It felt good. Before he knew it, another spoonful of miso had arrived again. Green obediently closed his lips on the spoon and let Red's deft fingers took it again. It continued until half of it was gone. Even though it was a small portion, it had been awhile since his stomach had food inside. He still ate pieces of crackers and small cup of water Red offered. Feeling content, Green slipped into another sleep.
Their routine continued for a month before Green's mind finally cleared enough to work. That day, Red retold Daisy's story while Green laid beside Red on Snorlax stomach.
"Since then, you have been asleep and woke up to eat for 28 days. Prof. Oak had went into custody  two weeks ago and jailed after his trial two days later. Daisy had moved into my house. We had been keeping in touch"
Green nodded slowly.
Does that mean Green was free? He didn't have to study anymore? He was allowed to eat when he was hungry? Did he have to go back to the 'house' after he was healthy?
"Daisy told me-" Green halted his mind "-to take care of you. Whether you want to be here or in my house in Pallet Town is up to you, I will still take care of you whichever you choose"
Green thought for a bit. If they went back to Pallet Town, he would finally be able to meet his sister and give his gratitude to Red's mother. Yet his body still trembled thinking he would be near Prof. Oak's house once again. It was quite obvious.
"A-Am I allowed to be here?"
He could see Red frowned at him. Did he ask wrong? Was he tricked? Afterall this time and Red didn't want him to add his burden. Oh, how wrong he was to think everything Red did was because he care. Red himself should've realized how big their difference. Red DID beat him along their journey and-
Red pulled his body to him
"I want you here"
It was the second time Green breakdown in front of Red.
The days after, Green slowly build back his physic, he still loved to make Red fed him, and mental (Red praising him when he learned new things when they were sparring). His pokemons had hugged him the second they were released from pokeballs. Charizard followed his original trainer since day one. Each day, Red taught him how to live in the cave. Unexpectedly, the place was quite homey. You need fire? They have Charizard. Water to drink or bath? Blastoise to the rescue, and lately they found a hot water source on the deeper side of the cave. Some earth type pokemon had helped them build a pool after Red healed their injuries from other trainers. Food was readied by Pikachu, Venusaur, and others to pick near the forest when their supply had diminished. Not to mention they have a weekly parcel of food and potions and two pieces of letters both eagerly wrote back. Their bed was several rugged clothes on Snorlax side to protect them from the wind near Charizard and whoever pokemon wanted to gather near. Green had shared his blanket for they both use. Red had refused at first, saying Green hadn't adapted yet. But the previous champion was stubborn and Red reluctantly use it. Each day their body had migrated to each other and Green often found himself spooned by Red. Sometimes his eyes opened to see Red's black shirt in front of him and Red's arm slung over his waist. When he realized the condition he was in, he couldn't help the blood rushing to his cheeks and even more when Red awoke to kiss his nose, muttering a 'good morning, Green'.
He doesn't have to study excessively anymore, he eats and sleeps regularly, his sister safely living with someone he can trust, and he is always near his Red, his champion, and his partner. He is free. Green has never been this happy in his entire life and he is proud of who he is.
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crystalelemental · 6 years
You know, talking even briefly about how I don’t care much for the Gen 5 starters has resulted in me wanting to share my opinions about starter Pokemon as a whole.  Like, what I think of each of their evolutionary lines.  So let’s do that.  Not really a ranking or anything, just my opinions on each.
BULBASAUR LINE Bulbasaur’s evolution line is great, fight me.  They’re little dinosaur creatures with a giant flower that blooms on its back as it evolves, how is that not cool?  Grass/Poison was super redundant in Gen 1, putting it into conflict with every other grass type bar Tangela, but nowadays it’s...slightly less common of a typing?  Okay, it’s pretty standard.  But I really like the concept behind them.  Also, I can’t remember where I saw this, but someone insulted Venusaur’s design and I want you to know I’m judging.
CHARMANDER LINE Okay, Charmander?  Super cute, love the little lizard creature.  Charmeleon?  Okay, bigger and angrier, kind of a thing with Pokemon as they evolve.  Charizard?  The most stock-standard “dragon” you can imagine.  It’s literally just a Dragon.  Had they not been cowards about the typing back then, it probably would be Fire/Dragon.  But no, Fire/Flying.  I really don’t like Charizard.  It’s so standard and yet it’s held up as one of the best Pokemon designs, and for what?  For being a standard, boring-ass dragon.  Listen kids, dragons are boring, and we need to get over them.
SQUIRTLE LINE Squirtle itself is just adorable.  I love this thing so much, it’s honestly becoming my favorite of the gen 1 starters, even over Bulbasaur who I adore.  I’ve heard others mention that Wartortle is kinda underwhelming, but really, it’s not worse than Charmeleon or Ivysaur, and they’re just fine, so I think those people are just mean.  As for Blastoise itself, it’s a cool concept, though you do have to wonder how it got metallic cannons coming out of its shell.  Really doesn’t make much biological sense at all, which proves once again that anything that genwunners complain about Gen 5 being stupid for, Gen 1 did it too.  Overall great, probably turning into my favorite of the evolution lines.
CHIKORITA LINE Okay, I really like this evolution line, but for contrarian reasons.  Chikorita is not the cutest of the starters in Gen 2.  Cyndaquil is.  Its concept of having a giant flower around its neck isn’t bad, but Venusaur’s just a little more interesting in concept.  But ultimately, I still really like this line.  Because it’s the worst starter line from a competitive standpoint.  It’s so bad it’s hard to use even in the main game.  This poor thing deserves love, and if you hate on them, you are a bad person.
CYNDAQUIL LINE Okay, real talk: Cyndaquil was my go-to as a kid.  It’s so cute!  It’s such a cool concept, too.  The evolution line is a little stale, though?  I know the other starters aren’t exactly much better, but it really feels like it’s just slowly elongating with no substantial differences between the forms.  Also, mono-Fire feels like a huge waste on such a cool concept.  Like, imagine if this thing got a secondary Electric or Ground type or something.  Yes, horrific 4x weaknesses, I understand that, but counterpoint: it’d be cool.  And that’s really what matters.  Not like Typhlosion’s exact copy of Charizard’s stats did it any favors to begin with.  Still, this line is probably my favorite of the generation for one, singular reason.  It’s not a reptile.  Every other starter up to this point was some kind of reptile!  Gen 1 had this whole dinosaur motif going on, and Chikorita’s basically a dinosaur thing while Totodile is an alligator...crocodile...thing.  Thank you, Cyndaquil, for being the most unique animal type of the starters.  Even if your evolution path is kinda boring.
TOTODILE LINE Totodile’s line is...interesting.  It starts out as a cute little critter, and as many evolutions do, becomes a huge hulking monstrosity in its final form.  Feraligatr is pretty cool, and I do think it’s interesting how it’s the lowest level for final evolution of all starters.  That was a neat trade-off.  But man, Croconaw’s design just looks...odd.  It’s probably supposed to be like an egg pattern, but it really looks like a weird caveman cloth print, and it doesn’t look great.  It’s like an awkward teen years before getting to be a fairly cool adult.
TREECKO LINE Treecko was always my least favorite of the Gen 3 starter lines, and I never really knew quite why I was so lukewarm about it.  Spoilers, I adore the other two, but Treecko never really stood out.  I think my comments on Cyndaquil gave me a realization as to why: it’s another reptile creature.  It’s a cool-looking evolution line, but it’s still a reptile.  And I’m about reptiled out.  Still, we have to admit that Grovyle is super cool, both because of its sleek design, and its role in Explorers of Sky.
TORCHIC LINE Prior to Gen 6 producing the greatest starter of all time, Torchic was my stated favorite.  Listen, Fire/Fighting was a cool typing back when it happened the first time.  It wasn’t until it kept happening that everyone got sick of it forever.  A kickboxing chicken is also just about the funniest way to go with the typing, too.  You can’t deny how imaginative this line is.  Plus, the first form is super adorable.  Tiny little chicken, doing its best.  I love it so...  And its final form looks nice, too.  Really, the designs of Gen 3 were all spectacular.
MUDKIP LINE Mudkip was the one that gave Torchic a run for its money.  Mudkip itself is super adorable and precious, and while it and all its evolutions can look a little dopey, they have a lot of charm in their design.  Plus, Water/Ground is an awesome typing.  Quagsire did it first, yes, but that didn’t make it any less cool.
TURTWIG LINE Believe it or not, I don’t have very strong opinions about most of the Gen 4 starters.  Like Gen 5, I feel like none of them stuck with me that strongly, and any playthrough of the game, I’m perfectly fine dumping the starter.  That said, if I had to pick a favorite of them, it’s Turtwig.  I guess I just like turtles.  It’s mostly the concept behind its final form that I love.  It carries a giant tree on its back, and packs a fairly unique Grass/Ground typing.
CHIMCHAR LINE And now the exact opposite.  From day 1, I never liked Chimchar.  First off, I do not like monkeys.  I just don’t.  Secondly, Infernape stole the exact same typing as Blaziken, which is not only shitty, but also really boring.  Every other starter so far has been fairly unique in typing choices, and this asshole is gonna just do the exact same thing as last gen?  Oh, I’m sorry, it gets to be way faster but a bit less strong but still really strong.  Fuck Infernape.
PIPLUP LINE Piplup is cute, though.  And having its final form be some emperor penguin that’s apparently made of steel is awesome.  Torterra is the favorite from this gen, but man, Empoleon had such a cool typing it was hard to not consider it the most interesting.
SNIVY LINE Snivy’s alright.  It had a solid design, and I can understand why Smugleaf caught on as the fan favorite.  That said, that’s kinda all it’s got.  Serperior is plain boring, and it’s the only Grass starter not to get Earthquake for coverage at any point.  The only thing to its name is Contrary, and somehow it’s on its way to being the highest competitively ranked Grass starter, even above Mega Venusaur.  Which just goes to show that competitive Pokemon is broken beyond all repair and we should probably torch it all and start over.
TEPIG LINE I can’t believe they gave us three Fire/Fighting types in a row.  I’m gonna say it: if Emboar had gotten literally any other typing, it’d be my favorite of this gen.  Not even a contest, really.  Emboar looks cool, and Tepig is adorable.  Sure, Pignite is...a little awkward of a design, but that’s fine, it stood up.  It’s not lying to me unlike some middle stage fire starters I could mention.  But the fact that it’s part Fighting means it’s a huge disappointment.
OSHAWOTT LINE Oh wait, except Oshawott is also a huge disappointment.  An adorable little otter to a cool samurai otter, to whatever the hell is going on with Samurott.  “Steve, it can stand on its back legs and has the sword thing so-” no.  No it does not.  You know why?  Because it’s not drawn like that.  If you wanted to keep the samurai thing going, it’d be drawn and displayed as bipedal.  Instead, you gave us water horse, whose special attack is higher than its physical attack.  This should’ve been the favorite of the generation, but that final form does not look good, does not make sense for the line, and is mono-Water.  Not even a dual typing to keep things interesting?  Sad.  So I guess I don’t have a favorite of Gen 5 starters.  Because none of them are consistently good.
CHESPIN LINE Gen 6 did many things wrong.  Starters were not one of them.  Chespin is adorable and wonderful.  People made fun of Quilladin, but really, it’s the same deal as Pignite: it looks a little awkward but ends on a high note.  Chesnaught looks great, and the paladin concept is great, giving it a lot of good support moves and a Grass/Fighting type that is never really good but is interesting.  I like it a lot, but it’s massively overshadowed by...
FENNEKIN LINE Behold, the greatest starter line ever made.  They gave me a fox!  A Fire/Psychic fox!  Do you know how long I had waited?  Literally since Ninetales.  Fennekin is adorable, Braixen is the sassiest thing ever I love it, and Delphox is still an excellent witch design.  If there is any flaw this line could possibly have, it’s that Braixen should have the Psychic typing and access to some of the tech Delphox does.  Oh, and that the evolution line is competitive trash and has gotten literally nothing of value while a certain bastard-ass frog gets like 12 different favors over nothing.
FROAKIE LINE This is the worst starter line of all time.  Froakie itself was fine.  The idea of going ninja-theme on the frogs?  Fine.  I don’t care about ninjas at all, but fine.  That should’ve been the end of it.  But no.  It could’ve been just as simple as “not my preference” and move on.  And it should be.  But instead, they give it Protean, one of the most broken abilities in the series, on top of its blistering speed.  Hell, in ORAS, they gave it Gunk Shot, which rounded its coverage so perfectly it got banned to fucking Ubers.  So obviously, we went too far, right?  Time to dial it back.  Haha, idiot.  In the change to Gen 7, they give its multi-hit priority move a special designation instead of physical, because god forbid this bougie-ass frog have to work for anything in its goddamned life.  Oh, and we gave it a special snowflake form based on the anime, that gets like 50 more base stat points than a goddamned mega evolution.  Because, again, god forbid this bougie frog have to work for a damned thing in its life.  I thought it was blatant favoritism that Charizard got two megas.  I thought it couldn’t get any more obvious who their favorite starter was.  I was a goddamned idiot.  They could’ve gone way harder, and they did.  Greninja deserves nothing but getting its ass nerfed into the ground where it belongs.
ROWLET LINE You know, I actually wish the Rowlet line was better than it is.  Rowlet itself is cute, and while the final form’s design isn’t really my thing, the concept of it being an extinct bird and thus being part Ghost is...morbidly hilarious.  It’s also an archer!  That’s really neat!  But...it’s not very good.  I blame the speed.  Why did they want to make everything so bulky offensive this gen?  It didn’t work.  Whatever their reason, it’s a nice enough evolution line that just doesn’t quite hit the mark for me.
LITTEN LINE Ooooh boy, okay.  Look.  Litten’s super cute.  Torracat?  I can work with that.  But Incineroar...  Oh my god it looks so weird.  I don’t know what it is.  I think it’s similar to Bewear, in that it really just looks like someone’s fursona, only instead of being a really bad and lazy fursona with no personality, it’s a surprisingly high-quality one with a backstory about being a wrestler that’s simultaneously endearing but also concerning how much effort was put into it.  I know it’s a fire-type thing to stand up in the final form, but maybe...you shouldn’t have.  Maybe you should’ve been like Samurott.  Actually, maybe the two of you should trade places!  Samurott should stand its ass up, and you should sits yours down.  Then everything would be fixed.  Forever.
POPPLIO LINE Were it not for Fennekin being an adorable fox with the best typing, this would be my favorite evolution line.  Popplio was cute.  Maybe a little odd looking, but still cute.  Brionne was one of the prettiest middle evolutions in starter history, and it ends on the most elegant thing in the world.  Primarina is gorgeous, and I adore it.  Much like Fennekin, if there’s any real detriment, it’s that the middle stage doesn’t get the secondary Fairy typing.  Then it would truly be perfect.
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atrainernamedradish · 6 years
Starter Tier List
This concept was done by a Poketuber by the name of Aura Guardian. I liked the idea of it so much that I did my own version of a few weeks ago while I was “watching” the video.
While most tier lists are based off of skill this one is based off of pure opinion. It will be ranked like your typical American grading system of A-F while adding in SSS Rank like you find in a lot of Japanese games using rank.
Rank F - Sceptile
This is the weakest Gen 3 starter for me. There is nothing I like about it., well maybe except its shiny. I don’t find Treeko cute/cool, despite my fondness for The Mystery Dungeon series I don’t like Grovyle’s design, and Sceptile (nor Mega Sceptile) appeals to me. There are better grass starters.
Tepig is cute. That’s the ONLY reason this line is higher than the previous one.
(I am about to get SO much backlash for this!)
I am going to have to go with Ace Trainer Liam here and say that Frogadier looks so much better than Greninja. Not only is Greninja so awkward looking but I hate its level up moveset! Originally I thought it had no business being a dark type, but honestly I’m feeling this way towards its water typing. You can argue this for its dark typing, but the ONLY reason it’s a water type is because it’s a frog (and maybe it being blue...). And unless you’re running a Protean ability Greninja than the damn thing is not that good! In my playthrough of Y with Greninja (I like to play with a starter to give it a chance) it was the weakest member on my team! My Aromatisse was far more viable and it’s not even on a competitive radar!
Charmander is cute. I have fond memories of the anime with the entire line. I can understand why Charizard is a fan favorite. But I don’t like the way Charmeleon looks, and there are better fire starters. Sorry Charizard. Nice shiny though!
Rank D - Chesnaught
Generation 6 had some of the weakest starter designs I’ve ever seen. While Chesnaught appeals to me... the rest of the line not so much. Ironically Chespin was my reluctant pick for Gen 6, and I say this because the first evolutions are underwhelming, but a certain unnamed starter from this trio took its place.
This starter line is okay. That’s the only reason why it is where it is on the list. I have nothing bad nor good to say about it. It’s not my favorite or despised either.
Infernape looks pretty badass. It’s pre-evolutions I honestly don’t care for. Plus it has better competition in this trio.
Rank C - Feraligatr
Totodile is cute. Feraligatr is pretty badass. Croconaw... dear God that thing is ugly lol! It’s resonates better than the Meganium line and that;s why it’s higher on the list.
It has a solid design and typing. It’s am automatic secondary pick for the trio it’s in.
This starter has come a loooong way! I initially despised this entire line! But after bonding with it I have a new found perspective of it. Unfortunately Litten is still unappealing to me, but I blame the 3D model. I though Torrecat was pretty damn ugly upon its reveal, but Pokemon Refresher showed how cute it was~ I also adore its sassy personality~ Incineroar grew on me as well. I used to find its design horrendous but then I figured out what about it I loathed, and that my friends... is its hands! They look cartoony being way too big on the Pokemon and it looks like it had all fingers instead of fingers and a thumb. Other than that... it has great charisma and I’m glad I gave the line a chance~!
There are not enough good middle stage evolutions for starters, and by God Wartortle is sooo adorable~! The ears just slay me~ But aside from my gushing Blastoise has a well designed water starter line. It;s not my favorite but I have nothing bad to say about it.
Rank B - Samurott
Oshawott was an easy choice for me among the Gen 5 starters. It was adorable and it won my heart instantaneously~! The final evolution in the form of Samurott wasn’t my favorite at first, but it’s grown on me~ Just wish the move pool was a little better... (Also! It should have had fighting not Goddamn Emboar! D<)
Sassy and cute things are my weakness and Snivy was no exception to that rule. While I’m not a big fan of the middle evolution in this line, it doesn’t waver its place on this list. At some point I will use a Serperior to better appreciate this Pokemon.
While I have not officially used one in the official Pokemon games I never realized how badly I needed the dual typing of grass and ground. Grotle was a God send in Pokemon Glazed for that stupidly overpowered first gym! (The game was great but for fuck sake the beginning of it was a pain in the ass for no reason other than that dumb idea that harder = challenging!) Torterra is a beast and one day I will finally add it to an official playthrough~
While I love the unique typing this final evolution has... sonavabitch do I hate the fact that it’s weak to a type it should be able to take out...! To be honest I’m not a fan of the middle evolution. It looks super awkward and doesn’t fit in with the cuteness of Piplup and the regalness of Empoleon. But in generation 4 there isn’t a contest for starters when you have such an adorable little starter who becomes something that classy and badass!
Rank A - Delphox
Fennekin was my least favorite of the first evolutions for the Gen 6 trio. While it’s still not my favorite in design, in fact, all the Gen 6 starters are unappealing to me, I adore what it becomes. Just like Torterra the unique typing of fire and psychic is desirable combination I didn’t realize I wanted (I know Victini has it but I don’t use legendaries)~ While I have used one in Pokemon X my official introduction to this Pokemon was in a fanmade game called Pokemon Insurgence (it is an amazing game which I highly recommend to any Pokemon fan), which may it and the other Delphox R.I.P. since they both perished in my egglocke 3;= While Braixen is the best designed out of the line Delphox isn’t half-bad~ That model cry though... *shudders*
Popplio was kinda cute when first revealed. When Primarina was leaked I instantly fell in love with it~ ...Brionne... well... I hate it initially. I thought it was goofy looking upon its reveal. HOWEVER, Pokemon Refresher changed my mind so fast on that! Brionne is still awkward looking but in an adorable way now. It makes my heart melt~ I simply love Primarina and he was the star of my Ultra Moon playthrough~!
That’s right ya’ll, I’m a Bulbasaur fan! I chose easy mode and ain’t lookin’ back! What can I say about this dinosaur plant thing...? It’s just so cute~! And grass types are in my top 5 favorite types. While Ivysaur is a bit meh for me I can tolerate it better than other middle starter evolutions. Venusaur is just a huge more mature Bulbasaur with a big of toad in him now and sometimes all you need is for the little guy to just get a bit bigger, ya know?
SSS Rank - Blaziken
There’s no competition when it comes to playing Hoenn for your’s truly. I picked Torchic in my first playthrough of Ruby and I did the same when I picked up Omega Ruby. The only reason this starter choice is on the low end of the top is because of Combusken. I don’t hate the design but I don’t love it. To be honest I prefer Mega Blaziken’s design to normal Blaziken, but Blaziken is love none the less~<3
It took me FOREVER to pronounce this little shits name! But despite that lol, I simply adore this entire line~! I was Team Rowlet the moment I saw the little guy~<3! It is just so insidiously adorable, and the anime has not helped (need to actually watch it, but thanks to screen shots/GIFs none the less lol)! I don’t care what anyone says I love Dartrix~! He’s so cute and sassy and oh my God his freaking out over his hair just... *bemoans*! I love it...! Decidueye was the other starter leak I fell in love with. It’s just so cool looking and it fits with the rest of the line~ The entire line is just cute and cool and Gen 7 really had some good starter designs~ But even something so cute and cool as the Rowlet line was still beaten in the end...
Cyndaquil is my favorite starter of all times. Pokemon Silver to this day, and that includes awesome remakes, is my favorite Pokemon game! And when I initially got the game as a pre-teen up to when the games were ported to the virtual console Cyndaquil was always my choice for a starter in Johto. Sadly I had fallen out of Pokemon for a brief time so I missed out on Heart Gold & Soul Silver (ROMs don’t count dammit lol!)... Cyndaquil is just the cutest thing while Quilava is both cute and cool with Typhlosion just being such a BAMF! The entire line proves that you can be simplistic and still have a good design. All Cyndaquil did was get bigger and meaner and it works~! And that’s why it’s on the top~! ^v^
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muses14 · 3 years
Original 151 Poke’mon
And what it says about you! By: James Grebey This is a fun read! :D Bulbasaur — You’re accessible, reliable, and don’t like to be challenged. If you did like a challenge, you wouldn’t have chosen the starter that can steamroll the first two gyms. Ivysaur — You’re starting to be a “real adult,” so you pay your own cell-phone bill. Venusaur — You’ve had to deal with several rounds of layoffs and all sorts of bullshit, and your body hurts and you’re just goddamn tired and full of resentment. Charmander — You’ve fooled everyone—maybe even yourself—into thinking that you’re all cute and sweet, but there is a fire inside you and you are ready to let folks know that they’ve wronged you. Charmeleon — Your favorite soda is Diet Mountain Dew. Charizard —  You think of yourself as a scrappy underdog, despite being undeniably popular and powerful. Ninety percent chance you’re a Boston sports fan. Squirtle — You’re sweet and innocent and are blessed with the ability to rock any pair of sunglasses. Wartortle — You’re a little upset when people don’t comment on your new haircut, even though you totally did not get it for the attention. Blastoise — Your favorite genre of movie is military documentary. Caterpie — You have low expectations for yourself, but the key is finding joy in the ordinary. Metapod — You would eat undercooked chicken when you ordered a salad rather than tell the waiter that they got your order wrong. Butterfree — You’re still deeply scarred by that episode of Pokémon where Ash says goodbye to his Butterfree, and that emotional trauma is the only reason why you haven’t picked a better Pokémon to be your favorite. Weedle — Contrary to the saying, you do not know when you’ve been insulted. Kakuna — You remember every single slight that’s ever been leveled against you, real and perceived. Beedrill — You have forgotten about at least one of your tattoos. Pidgey — People wrongly assume that you can’t keep a secret, but you’re actually extremely trustworthy, and it’s a little hurtful, actually, that people think they can’t confide in you. Pidgeotto — You attempted to start going by your middle name when you went off to college, but it didn’t stick. Pidgeot — You don’t participate in the group text thread much, but whenever you do chime in, it’s a knockout. Rattata —  You’re a tattletale. Raticate — There’s a pizza box somewhere in your bedroom, right now. Spearow — You push away people who are only trying to help. Fearow — You have stabbed somebody, or at least seriously, seriously considered it. Ekans — Deep in your heart, you know that you’re a Slytherin. Arbok — You proudly self-identify as a Slytherin. Pikachu — Ya basic. Raichu — You think that those rentable scooter start-ups are good, actually. Sandshrew — You have a rich inner life, and you’re secure enough that you don’t feel the need to always be a part of every conversation. Sandslash — Nobody ever really knows what you’re thinking, and it keeps people on edge. Nidoran♀ — You’re deeply upset about what’s happened to Tumblr. Nidorina — You would be onboard a “Hillary 2020” campaign. Nidoqueen — You listen to Lemonade once a day. Nidoran♂ — You probably have some personal biases that you should really address. Nidorino — Inexplicably, you are super, super into soccer, or, as you call it, “football.” Nidoking — In lieu of a personality, you are really into bourbon and craft beer. Clefairy — You would die for Carly Rae Jepsen. Clefable — You can utterly destroy somebody’s sense of self-worth and self-confidence with just the briefest of withering looks. Vulpix — You have dabbled in crystals. Ninetales — You’ve tried running the way they do in Naruto at least once because, well, what if it really is faster that way? Jigglypuff — You want to be the center of attention, yet you cannot handle even the mildest criticism. Wigglytuff — You are deeply invested in the Royal Family. Zubat — You are extremely annoying, and everyone wishes you would stop bothering them!!!! Christ, I’m just trying to walk through this cave in peace!!! Golbat — You nasty. Oddish — You have fallen prey to a multilevel-marketing scheme you learned about on Instagram, and you just don’t know it yet. Gloom — You forgot to put on deodorant, and even though you smell fine (it’s really not a big deal), you are mortified and want to die. Vileplume — You’ve uploaded multiple YouTube videos that begin with “Hey guys, sorry it’s been so long since my last video!” Paras — You’re just trying to get by, man. Parasect — You are Too Online, and it has poisoned your brain. Venonat — Bernie Bro. Venomoth — You’re a Warren G. Diglett — First dates always go well for you, but the person you’re dating will soon discover that you have a lot of stuff going on under the surface. Dugtrio — You’re almost never seen without the company of your best friends in the whole world, and you are terrified about what will happen if anybody moves away. Meowth — You were the class clown in high school, and in retrospect you probably deserved all those suspensions. Persian — You do not have any student loans. Psyduck — You use Tweetdeck to view Twitter, and you’re constantly confused and upset. Golduck — You deleted your Facebook account, but you can keep tabs on your friends with both of your Instagram accounts, so it’s pretty much the same. Mankey — You have punched an authority figure at least once. Primeape — You have punched an authority figure at least once...and won. Growlithe — You don’t love it when people don’t follow rules, but you’re extremely loyal, so you’d never make a big deal of it. Arcanine — You would like to speak to the manager. Poliwag — You go along with the flow out of necessity. Poliwhirl — You are Jason E. Christian, and you live at 23rd East Walnut Lane in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Yes, Jason, we know where you live, and we know what you’ve done. Don’t try to deny it, and don’t try to hide. Poliwrath — You knew multiple yo-yo tricks when you were a kid, and could probably still walk the dog if somebody gave you a yo-yo, even though you’ve largely put such childish things behind you. Abra — You have made important life decisions based on astrology. Kadabra — You took an online IQ test, and because you were happy with the result, you take it as gospel. Alakazam — You’re a mod for several important subreddits. Machop — You’re excited for the tub of protein powder you ordered from Amazon to get here already. Machoke — Machoke me, daddy. Machamp — Remember Big Dick Energy? You have the opposite of that. Bellsprout — You are in way over your head. Weepinbell — You were recently ghosted. Victreebel — You recently ghosted somebody. Tentacool — You think it’s funny to call sports “sportsball.” Tentacruel — You are lurking behind the scenes, waiting for your moment. Geodude — You’re a 14-year-old Men’s Rights Activist. Graveler — MAGA. Golem — You’re a dad who drinks exclusively Milwaukee's Best. IPAs have too much flavor. Ponyta — You’re a horse girl (or horse guy, but you for sure were an enthusiastic junior equestrian). Rapidash — You have never taken a public bus, and you don’t ever plan to. Slowpoke — The people who make fun of you secretly envy you. Slowbro — You just want to relax and not worry about things, but somebody is always riding your ass. Magnemite — You never miss trivia night at your favorite bar, and you take the competition super seriously. Magneton — You never miss trivia night at your favorite bar, but because your friends carry most of the weight, you view it as a weekly opportunity to get sloshed. Farfetch'd — You host a podcast about bad movies that you started with your buddy. Weekly downloads average in the dozens. Doduo — You are paralyzed by even the most minor decisions. Dodrio — After weighing all the options, you then just say “fuck it” and go with your gut. Results have been mixed. Seel — Just happy to be here. Dewgong — You follow multiple National Geographic and wildlife accounts on Instagram, and those commercials about abused animals make you cry every time. Grimer — You’re trashy as hell, but you own it. Muk — You’re trashy as hell, but not in a cute or kitschy way. Shellder — Ariana Grande would hate you. Cloyster — Everything you do is vaguely sexual. Gastly — You shitpost online. Haunter — You are an online troll. Gengar — You steal people’s jokes and post them on your own viral Instagram account. Onix — You have a lot of opinions about “kids these days.” Drowzee — Your allergy medicine is really slowing down your roll. Hypno — You have serious “creepy uncle” vibes. You are not actually an uncle. Krabby — Honestly, given all the stress you’re under, you’re pretty goddamn calm, all things considered. Kingler — You’re always inviting yourself to have a taste of someone’s meal or split a dessert with them, even though they maybe wanted a whole dessert, Kingler — You can order your own instead of stealing half of mine. Voltorb — You’re keeping your mouth good and shut, and it is the only reason you haven’t been fired. Electrode — Premature ejaculation : ( Exeggcute — Part of you is broken. Exeggutor — The funniest movie you’ve ever seen is Billy Madison, and The Waterboy is a close second. Cubone — You own a Corpse Bride T-shirt you bought at Hot Topic because it’s goth. Marowak — Your emo phase resulted in you getting a face tattoo. Hitmonlee — Your least favorite day of the entire year is January 1, because you can’t deal with all of these poseurs ruining your workout because their New Year’s resolution was to go to the gym. Hitmonchan — Given how much you pay for the membership and for all the fancy workout clothes and equipment, you should really go to the gym more. You look the part, though. Lickitung — You are a generous lover, yet somehow unnervingly so. Koffing — Vape influencer. Weezing — Can smoking weed give you black lung disease? You’re determined to find out. Rhyhorn — You’re very goal-oriented but don’t really do “outside-the-box” thinking. Rhydon — You are always ready to rumble. Chansey — You live a very sheltered life. Tangela — Your online browsing history is an absolute nightmare, and your greatest fear is somebody seeing what kind of weird stuff you’re doing on the web. Kangaskhan — Wine mom. Horsea — You’ve never done anything wrong in your entire life. Seadra — You own multiple leather jackets. Goldeen —  You have the Sweetgreen app downloaded to your phone, and you use it pretty much every day. Seaking — Everybody is lying to you, and you had no idea until just now. Staryu — You delete posts when they don’t get enough likes. Starmie — You claim to have famous friends. Mr. Mime — You have a humiliation fetish. Scyther — When everyone was busy partying, you studied the blade. Jynx — You have been canceled due to old tweets. Electabuzz — You still mourn the demise of Four Loko. Magmar — You have unironically worn a fedora and don’t have any friends who are close enough with you that they’ll tell you the truth. Pinsir — You want DC to #ReleaseTheSnyderCut. Tauros — You’re sorry, you thought this was America! Magikarp — You’re just going through a rough patch, it’ll be okay. Probably. Gyarados — You’re overcompensating. Lapras — Your friends love you for being “Team Mom” and making sure everyone gets home when someone has a little too much to drink, but deep down you wish they could just be a little more responsible so that you wouldn’t have to make sure they don’t drown in a pond every single time you go to the bars. Ditto — You’re adaptable but have chronic imposter syndrome. Eevee — You can get away with a lot, and nobody will really get mad at you. This won’t last. Vaporeon — You’re a brunch aficionado. Jolteon — You love a good 5K and taking your company softball team very seriously. Flareon — You would never buy something off the rack. Porygon — You have an idea for an app that’ll really disrupt things. Omanyte — You are sitting on an incredibly hot take that you’re kind of nervous about sharing. Omastar — You have a lot of opinions about how bad Daenerys’s military tactics are on Game of Thrones. Kabuto — You prefer subs, not dubs. Kabutops — Your Super Smash Bros. pick is Fox, and you will only play Final Destination with no items. Aerodactyl — You’ve been single for a long time and it’s a little hard to get back in the dating game, but you’re trying and that’s what matters. Snorlax — Honestly, happier and more content than any other Pokémon on this entire list. God, I envy it. Articuno — It takes you a long time to figure out what outfit you’re going to wear, but once you’ve finally picked something from your closet, you always look good. Zapdos — Your mother really wishes you wouldn’t swear so much. Moltres — Your life is constantly a flaming mess and you’re always teetering on the edge of collapse, but somehow you’ve tricked everyone into thinking that you’re doing great and are always in control. Dratini — Your “I want to be a marine biologist" phase lasted longer than most. Dragonair — You were the editor of your high school newspaper, and you served on student council. Dragonite — You’re not like regular bosses, you’re a cool boss (until somebody fucks up). Mewtwo — You’re overpowered. This is bullshit, you shouldn’t be able to pick Mewtwo as your favorite Pokémon. Stop being a jerk and pick another. This isn’t fair. Mew — You’re baby.
0 notes
mudsdale-fr · 7 years
Past Catches Up
(What’s this?) Rhys held up a third box of breakfast cereal. Ivory grimaced from the basket at the bright and obnoxious colors advertising their diabetic contents.
“Maple Puffy Nubs.” He said, not even bothering to hide his distaste. Thankfully Rhys seemed to agree with him, as he scowled and replaced the box. Unfortunately that just meant he was immediately shown a fourth box, one he knew was his favorite.
“Chocolate Mallow Surprise.”
Sure enough, Rhys grinned and dropped it in the basket. Ivory groaned.
“I can’t believe you eat that crap. It’s all sugar, corn syrup and paper clippings.” he turned to Lily the Blissey at Rhy’s hip. “You indulge him too much, you know that?”
Rhys huffed, wrapping a petulant arm around the pokemon’s body. (Don’t blame Lily, she’s perfect. It’s not her fault you have bad taste.) he signed, body language full of sass. (Now hurry up and find your high-in-fiber box of sadness so we can pick up dinner. I’m feeling into thai tonight.)
“For your information,” Ivory pushed the cart down the aisle, Rhys holding Lily’s hand. Paw? Extremity? as a guide.  “I married you, so that makes you one of my bad choices. And I still have half a box of sadness at home. So there.” He totally won that argument. Whatever it was about.
Their next stop was the snack foods since tonight was a movie night and they planned to make the most of it. Popcorn, chips, soda, the works. Ivory’s lips tugged into a half grin as he fantasized about the possibilities of how tonight would end. Maybe it would end in the bedroom, and he could try to fuck Rhys’s new-found voice to life. Or maybe it would be better on the couch, Rhys sprawled on top of him, his hands going everywhere until finally they closed around his-
“Oh my god. Ophrys? Is that you?” came a voice, yanking him from his fantasy. Rhys froze so suddenly Ivory almost ran into him. He opened his mouth to speak just as a man approached him, all smiles.
“It really is you, Rhysie! Wow, you look great!”
Ivory arched an eyebrow. Rhysie? Since when do any of his friends call him by anything other than his full name?
Rhys signed a response, his face deceptively blank. To Ivory’s surprise the ‘friend’ understood him, another red flag. Well, maybe not red flag. A point of interest. His gaze swept over the man, sizing him up. He was thin, but not unhealthily so. More toned than anything. He had sandy colored hair and a splattering of freckles on his face. Rather unassuming looking, if he was so asked. He had delicate hands (something he never noticed until he met Rhys) that he used to gesture enthusiastically with while talking.
As he read Rhys’s body language, that point of interest slid back into being a red flag. Though he was politely conversing with the man, he was also edging backwards up the basket towards himself, and Lily was maneuvering herself between the two, something she only did when he was distressed. Her feathered frills raised, an instinctual signifier of her parent’s battle heritage.
Ivory suddenly understood. This was an ex, and judging by the nickname and Rhys’s reaction…. a particularly nasty one. His blood immediately began to boil and his grip tightened around the basket handle. Rhys slotted in beside him and put a calming hand over his, stroking his fingers gently. It’s okay.
The Ex seemed to only just notice him, and though his smile brightened Ivory saw it go wooden.
“Ah, a friend of yours! You must be…”
“Ivory,” he responded, a slight clip in his tone. He flashed a winning smile and extended his hand. “His husband. Great to meet you!”
The Ex’s brow reached his hairline as he accepted the offered hand, his grip pointedly tight. Oh. Is that how you want to play it? Ivory’s lips twitched and he tightened his own hold. I’ll play.
“Ymir.” the man gritted, refusing to back down. That was all too fine with Ivory, because he wasn’t backing down either. Both men stood stock still, trying to out-grin and out-handshake the other.
He was jerked from the contest however when a gentling hand gripped his shoulder. His gaze shifted, meeting Rhys’s unseeing one.
(May I..) he paused, his hands slightly shaking. (May I have a minute alone please?)
“Yes my friend, might we have a moment-” Ex was interrupted by Rhys snapping his fingers in the man’s face and pointing. Ivory felt a swell of pride amongst his concern.
“Is everything alright?” he whispered, stroking Rhys’s face. Ignoring how Ex was rolling his eyes while trying to sidestep away from an increasingly irritable Lily.  Rhys nodded.
(Everything is fine. I just… I have things to say. I swear, I’ll answer any questions you ask later, just let me have this.)
Ivory frowned. Everything about his husband’s demeanor told him that this was the very last situation to leave him alone in, he should stay.
(Please, I love you. Please trust me.)
Godammit. He really didn’t want to do this, everything in his gut was telling him not to. But fuck, he couldn’t do this to Rhys.
“Okay. I’ll go get the snacks for tonight. Chipotle or Cheddar?”
The smile he received almost relieved his fears. Almost.
(Go ahead and pick, just this once. Take Lily with you?)
He let out a great breath, communicating to Rhys just how much he didn’t like that. The hand gripping the cart handle flexed in his irritation. But fine. “Okay. I’ll check in in around ten minutes, fair?”
(Thank you, yes.)
He shot Ex another smile and half-spat at him, “It was a pleasure,” before calling Lily to his side and stomping away. She was only too eager to vocalize her distaste in leaving him alone. He stroked her head.
“I know, I know. I don’t like him either.”
He hoped Ex heard it.
“Well,” Ymir remarked as soon as Ivory’s footsteps faded out of earshot “he’s pleasant.”
He didn’t know how to answer that, so he just stayed quiet. It didn’t quite matter though, as he continued to speak.
“So, husband huh? When did that happen?”
(Four and a half months ago. It was beautiful.)
“Aw, that’s really sweet. I’ll be honest, I never figured you for the type.”
Fair enough, Rhys shrugged. (I didn’t either. But here we are.)
“Does he make you happy?” his voice was soft, with a kindness to it that he had forgotten existed. His lips pulled into a smile
(Yes, he does.)
“Ahhh, Rhysie. Be honest with me. Does he really?” there was a slight shift in tone then, the softness laced with something akin to playfulness. It was a shame Rhys had no interest in playing.
(Yes. He really does.)
“Okay, okay. Have it your way then, you’re happy. I know something else that would make you happy.”
“Romaine evolved. He’s a venusaur now.”
A bubble of warmth swelled in Rhys’s chest at that. Romaine was a bulbasaur that they had hatched on his farm back when they were together. He remembered the day it happened, how Ymir had woken him up in the wee hours of the morning when the first cracks began to appear. He’d gotten to hold the egg in his hands, felt the infant moving and squawking inside. He remembered the both of them crying when the newborn plopped out of his shell onto the bed, ruining the comforter.
(That’s fantastic! May I see him?)
“Of course, you’re his daddy too! But maybe not here, he’s a bit too big for a crowded grocery store.”
Right, of course. How silly of him to get so ahead of himself. (We’re going to go pick up dinner after this, maybe you’d like to come with us?)
“Hmmm, I’m not so sure. I don’t think your husband likes me much.”
(Oh, Ivory? He’s fine, he’s just a little protective is all. He’d understand if I just told him what’s up-)
“Oh no, of course he is. As he should be. But… I’d feel more comfortable if he weren’t around. He makes me nervous.”
Rhys let out an uneasy chuckle. (Well I’m sorry, but I don’t know what you want me to do.)
“How about I come by the house one day? I can bring Romaine, and you two can catch up. We can...talk.”
That warm feeling began to fade.
(I’m assuming you mean when Ivory isn’t there.)
“He’s a trainer, isn’t he? I bet he spends a lot of time away from home. Away from you.”
He fucking knew it.
(That may be true, but I don’t think you should be there without Ivory around.)
“Why?” Ymir’s voice sounded closer, lower, and he could distinctly feel his personal bubble being invaded. “You don’t trust yourself?” He could feel the other man’s breath tickle his face, smelled his toothpaste.
(Don’t.) he managed, his hands trembling.
“He doesn’t need to know.”
At the first touch of Ymir’s lips Rhys jolted backwards, colliding with the shelves and knocking a few boxes to the floor. White hot embarrassment and shame flooded him, coloring his cheeks.
‘Now really, was that necessary? God no wonder why you never leave the house.”
(I’m sorry.)
“Look, I’m going to give it to you plain. Let me come to the house and you can see Romaine. Otherwise don’t bother.”
(Are you serious?)
(Then no.)
“Just that easy, huh? You’re just going to abandon him? He misses you so much you know. Stopped eating for weeks after we broke up.”
Don’t cry Rhys. This is what he does. Don’t. Cry.
“You don’t feel the slightest bit remorse for what you did to him? What you did to me?”
(....why would I? It was over seven years ago. You never called, you never checked in. I moved on without you. I’m happy.)
“I made you happy once.” He pleaded, resting a hand on Rhys’s arm.
Rhys scoffed. (Yes, amoung other things.)
(You made me miserable.)
There was a laugh, bitter and sardonic, the fingers on his arm descending to his wrist, stroking at a pulsepoint in a way he had once enjoyed from him, and still does from Ivory. Not so right now, though he stood rooted and unable to move away.
“Don’t we all? I could say the same for you…” he murmured almost piteously. It was then that Rhys was able to tear himself away from Ymir’s grip, disgust apparent on his face.
(No. It’s not the same. You fucking broke me Ymir.)
There was a huff, and when Rhys next heard the other man’s voice he heard nothing but venom.
“Please. You were always so dramatic-”
(I tried to kill myself after you left.)
It physically hurt him to admit it, the secret that only he and Prae knew. It was why he had sent Ivory away, because even now he couldn’t bear for him to know.
“I don’t believe you.”
Rhys froze, struck cold. This… this was the man he almost lost everything for?
(No. I don’t know why I thought you would.)
“See, even you admit you were a damn liar. Typical, you lie to him too? Sleep around on him?”
(Of course not, just like I never lied or slept around on you.)
“Bullshit, you’ve slept with half the town, admit it.”
Two aisles over, Ivory was still choosing which chips went best with cola and extra buttery popcorn. He tapped his chin as he stared at the selection, absorbing absolutely none of what he was seeing.
“Eight minutes Lily,” he said, checking his phone for the twelfth time. “What do you think, should I go?”
Lily scowled at him, just as uncomfortable and restless as he was.
‘I know how you feel,” he continued. “What do you think they’re talking about? He looked so scared.”
“BliiiiSEE.” She muttered back, petulantly poking at a package of pretzels.
“I want to check on him so bad… but I’m supposed to trust him. He can fight his own battles. Right?” he picked up some jerky, only to put it back down again. She didn’t answer, not that he expected her to.
“What if Rhys still loves him? He married me, yeah… but maybe there’s some doubts? What do you think Lily?” he glanced down at her. The blissey swelled before snatching up a box of some heart shaped snack cakes and shoving them at him. Ivory sighed.
“You would take his side. It’s like you forget I raised you too.”
“Bliss bliiiiiss,” she pouted at him, shaking the box in his hands. She pressed her hands over his, ensuring he held the heart cakes tightly. ‘BLISS.”
“Okay okay, you win. I’m being dumb.”
“Bliss!” she nodded.
Ivory checked his phone again.
“Okay ten minutes. A deal’s a deal right? Let’s go kick some ass.”
Lily pounded her hands together. “BLISSSS.”
(I’m done talking to you. I was hoping we could come to terms with what happened, maybe get some closure but I see that you’re still the same person I kicked out of my house.)
“Rhysie, please, I’m sorry I said that, just-”
He grabbed a handful of the other man’s shirt, yanked him close and drew a breath. “Listen closely,” he hissed, praying that his voice stayed true and he didn’t stutter, “I. DETEST. You.”
“Oh my god you can talk?!”
“I never want. Never see you again.” His heart was pounding and though he could already feel his words fading he refused to back down.
“Since when can you talk??” Rhys ignored him and continued on.
“You come to my home, Aggron with destroy you. I won’t stop him.”
“I… I can beat an Aggron.”
The both of them jumped when a third voice sounded.
“Yes well I have an entire team of dragons. Can you beat them too?”
Ymir let out a frightened yelp and ripped himself out of Rhys’s grip.
“Fucking Christ, fuck the both of you.”
He heard footsteps, followed by a slap of flesh and a collision. “Whoops, watch where you’re going buddy, my fist was right there! Nice meeting you!”
Rhys trembled, giddy from an adrenaline high that he was only just realizing he was under.
“That… that was fucking hot babe holy shit” Ivory laughed, grappling him into a one armed hug.
“Sh-shut up.” he stuttered, visibly shaking. He was given a suprised ‘eh?’ before something in him snapped. He held Ivory’s face firmly between his hands and crushed their lips together, claiming him as his. This is who I want. Nothing else mattered, not Ymir, not his past, or even what flavor of chips they were having tonight.
What mattered was they pay quickly and get home as soon as humanly possible so that he could throw Ivory against the closest surface and consume him.
Ivory grasped his hand, which he gripped tight. (Let’s go home babe.)
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